Zoloft legs


2013.05.09 23:26 GuruMeditationError Zoloft/sertraline

A community for people taking Zoloft (sertraline) to discuss questions, concerns, and success stories. Zoloft is an antidepressant and anti-anxiety medication in the pharmaceutical class SSRI.

2024.06.02 07:09 briarcrose unsure of what to do and i feel lost

i've previously been on lexapro and prozac, neither of which helped but i was recently on sertraline(zoloft) which actually made my brain not suck for once. things actually felt like they were looking up. however the physical side effects have kicked my ass and made it feel not worth it.
i've been on it since february but i've had long bouts of really dry mouth, i can't wake up constantly though the night and can't sleep consistently, even during naps, and when i sleep, i have intense leg spasms. also the excessive sweating and decreased libido is really stressing me out as well. all of these issues really outweigh the positives of the medication. i've talked to my therapist, my np and ill be talking to my psychiatrist about it in a couple weeks, but i just feel so helpless. i feel like i finally found something that helps and it still just doesn't help me. i'm scared to try something new because ive never had side effects so bad but i just gave up on it. i still can't sleep through the night. i haven't seen anyone else with these side effects and im not sure what else to do. my depression is really getting to me. if anyone has advice on how to cope or get through this besides seeing a doctor (trust me i am, it's just really hard to get in touch with them) please let me know. i'm really just suffering and i feel more unlike myself than usual. (edit to make paragraph breaks sorry)
submitted by briarcrose to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:19 insitnctz Muscle spasms/twitches

I am on 5mg citalopram for 12 days and just today increased to 10mg. It's my second ssri, my first was zoloft but I stopped after 3 days as I was extremely agitated and couldn't sleep.
I have to say I'm also hypochondriac, and even though it might be irrational I'm afraid of either serotonin syndrome or developing epilepsy. I had muscle spasms and twitches almost whole my life but they were very very subtle. Since day 5 of celexa my muscle spasms/twitches and subtle jerks have became a lot more frequent and annoying. I involuntary move my head to one side, or sharply but very subtly move my arm or leg. It gets to my torso and back too, like a jolt strikes me and the muscle contracts and have a subtle uncontrollable movement.
At night this feeling is even worse. I usually sleep for 3 hours then, boom, my leg kicks and I wake up. Then when I'm about to sleep either the arm or the leg or the torse jerks and gets me jumpy. 2 days ago I had something like a mini seizure when I went to bed. It was like a jolt was fired at me, phone dropped and the hands were start moving uncontrollably. Lasted 4-5 seconds and had me shit scared. I had taken buspar prior to this so I thought that could be the reason.
I feel waves of extreme agitation often, and sometimes a jumpy type feeling, similar to when you are asleep and feel like you fall on a cliff? Yes this but when I'm awake and fully aware.
So I wanted to ask if these are common side effects that will go away after sometime or something more sinister. I haven't told my doc about the mini seizure yet or the trouble sleeping. Sorry for the long read.
submitted by insitnctz to citalopram_celexa [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:42 PINKSPlDER I am pretty sure I quit Zoloft too fast and I regret it so bad. Still feeling physical withdrawals 4 months later.

So, I had been taking Zoloft since 2017 because I developed super bad agoraphobia, and around 2021 I started to get really bad migraines above my right eye, I'm talking like 2 migraines a week and sometimes 3 if it was really bad. I put up with these migraines for years, trying to find the root cause, eye tests, blood tests, tried changing stuff about my diet, and nothing worked. Eventually in early 2024 I had an epiphany and I was like, what if it's caused by Zoloft?
Because my Zoloft taking was pretty much useless at this point - I only did it out of routine and I had propranolol to actually tackle my real problems with anxiety (the physical symptoms), I decided to taper off. But I did it way too fast and I am posting this to not only vent but to remind people to not play with your physical health like this no matter how eager you are.
I started tapering in Decembeearly January, going from 200mg to 150mg. I spaced it out between 2 weeks each when lowering the doses. So after 2 weeks, I went to 100mg, and after another 2 weeks then 50mg. After those 2 weeks I fully quit them and then the main side effects started, the brain zaps, shaking, cold sweats, anxiety, hard to sleep, anger etc. I am happy to say all of those subsided after 2 weeks at most. So I quit fully in February with little bouts of panic where I would take a 50mg randomly to calm myself down out of pure desperation. In the end of February and becoming very apparent in the end of March, I started to get a weird feeling in my left leg where it felt as if I was wearing a sock. I'm not new to leg or feet issues, like I said I'm agoraphobic, don't exercise or go out, so it's bound to make my legs weak and sore.
Over the past 3 months, I've now started experiencing weakness in the shoulders (which could be caused by physical anxiety too) but it extends to my left arm, and once again feels like I'm wearing a glove on my arm, just like my leg. My leg is by far the worst uncomfortable feeling. No pain at all, just weird and strange like I cannot put my finger on what this is, a nerve issue maybe? I even started developing tingles in the left side of my face. LUCKILY, the migraines did go away after I quit Zoloft, which answered my question this whole time, thankfully. But now I am starting to wonder if I would take these migraines over whatever I'm going through now with the left side of my body basically losing it's mind and being so tingly and weird. My ankle and wrist also feels sore sometimes, and quitting Zoloft definitely also threw my period off and made my pains worse the first few months, but it is thankfully improving this period I am having now.
I went to the doctor (well she came to me because I'm agoraphobic) and I had blood tests taken, cognitive tests, heart examinations, and she said my heart is perfect, no deficiencies, and my cognitive strength is fine. I even tried vitamins and magnesium spray. This is just so confusing, anxiety inducing, and uncomfortable to sit with. I assume it was caused by me quitting so fast, so please don't make my mistake and work through it with your doctor instead of just doing it on your own terms because you hate people telling you what to do LOL
submitted by PINKSPlDER to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:14 JennaMarie161993 Bruising on legs

I’ve been on Zoloft for about 3 months, about a month on 100mg and I’ve just noticed bruising on my legs, all over. They’re small bruising, but it seems I bruise more easily now.
Should I see my doctor about this? Before I go on google and scare myself, I just wanted to see if anybody else has experienced this on Zoloft.
submitted by JennaMarie161993 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:25 c00kiesd00m i might have to skip a couple of med doses because my psychiatrist sucks

i’m on five prescriptions. two doses of seropquel (long and short release), lamictal, zoloft, and ambien.
my psychiatrist “doesn’t believe in” sleep meds. apparently sedatives don’t sedate according to him. so he didn’t wanna prescribe ambien in the first place, despite me having insomnia so bad that i naturally get 3 hours of sleep every three days. i’ve had massive success with ambien in the past, but he doesn’t ~believe me~. also he insists egg whites have no protein! uh they’re 100% protein but sure. eta: he put me on 7.5 mg ambien when i said 10 fixed my insomnia. he only did this bc i promised to quit drinking, which i did for 9 months. i started again bc with just ambien and weed i’m up for about five hours after i take it (and smoke constantly) but if i drink i can sleep after an hour or two. obviously i shouldnt drink, which i did less, but insomnia is the worse thing ive ever dealt with. i start audibly hallucinating after about 18 hrs and visually start hard after maybe 23. i cant fucking take not sleeping, and i dealt with CRPS at ten, nearly losing my fucking leg. was medically addicted to narcotics, went through withdrawal at TEN. and insomnia is worse.
today i refilled my meds and i had refills for everything but the ambien. i had the pharmacy fax for a refill, and, as always, they suggested contacting his office to make it happen quicker. he regularly takes over a week to reply.
but i can’t get in contact with his office! i haven’t been able to since fucking 2021!!! i had a phone appt for october 2021. it was set up six months ahead, but i had an unexpected trip to my sister’s scheduled a couple of months after i made the appt. i called multiple times to reschedule, left voice messages, never got a fucking response!
i was literally getting an impromptu tattoo when they called (a super cute unicorn on my ankle that my nephew named Max) and i called five minutes later… hello automated message! i made at least five more attempts at contacting his office and NOTHING. they haven’t contacted me back so i gave up.
my pharmacy faxes him for refills about every six months. again, he takes 5+ days to reply. today i asked for an emergency ambien refill and they couldn’t give me one. so unless he refills it tomorrow, i won’t have enough ambien.
and i can’t just switch doctors. psychiatrists are so overloaded that there’s an 8+ month waiting period. he’s the only one that could take more patients. my therapist has emailed him many times. my GP has emailed him multiple times. he didn’t reply to any of them. i fucking hate him but just don’t have other options.
also i wanna say that even tho i drink too much, i have literally never in 6 years had a hangover and had zero withdrawal symptoms. probably due to the fact that im a massive lightweight and maybe lucky genetics re hangovers. but like, surely it accounts for something that i never got hungover and didn’t go thru fucking withdrawal.
submitted by c00kiesd00m to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:01 FeralMossGoblin Clonidine- Ineffective or Emergency??

Clonidine- Ineffective or Emergency??
Some history, I (32f) have been diagnosed with CPTSD, ADHD, Anxiety (unspecified type), Depression, PCOS, TBI in 2011. Strong suspicion/pursuing diagnosis of: POTS, autism, OCPD.
Current meds: Spironolactone 200mg, Buspirone, 30mg, Vyvanse 30mg, Clonidine .2mg
I have been on just about every psychiatrict medication I have heard of atomoxetine, duloxetine, fluoxetine, methylphenidate, propranolol, concerta, celexa, Klonopin, Wellbutrin, lamictal, Zoloft, paxil, Ativan. All of them either didn't help, made things worse, or had severe side effects (I've gotten violently ill off just about every SSRI I've tried).
Had been on 90mg of propranolol for several months with very little results. Needed to taper off to be do allergy shots (which I turned out not to need -_-) so doc prescribed me clonidine. I started on 5/9, tapered up to the prescribed dose of 0.1mg over the course of about 1.5 weeks. Aside from pretty hefty dry mouth, I didn't really notice any issues during this time.
Last Monday (5/20) I had a really bad meltdown- severe panic attack and SI that resulted in my partner calling the crisis line. My therapist was able to talk me down, and I've been stable, albeit a little drained, since. I struggle to eat on a good day, but since the episode I know I'm not eating enough. Only started logging food today, so I don't have estimates, but I'm sure it's not enough.
Anyway, since the episode, I've been having increasingly distressing side effects. Started to get incredibly dizzy when id stand up or bend over, regardless of time of day or how slowly I did it. Haven't passed out but I've definitely gotten tunnel vision and felt vaguely like being drunk. Started getting really woozy in the shower, and noticing that my heart feels like it's pounding out of my chest, even when my bpm is normal. I've been tracking HRV and have actually seen improvements since starting it. But my already constantly cold hands and feet feel like iscicles, my legs/feet keep swelling (have compression sleeves) and I've started experiencing these awful charlie horse like cramps in the shower that bring me to the ground.
At first, I really felt a little lighter, like this was helping the anxiety. I've noticed more good days and my highs are more high. But lately my ruminating feels like it's worse, like it's not just my head spinning out on things but my body feels all wound up now too. Have also started having nightmares regarding my abusers again (which propranolol at least kept away) I feel like I've had two energy drinks on an empty stomach. I'm shaky, irritable, and frankly, scared...
Does this go away? Do I just need to adjust the dose? I'm so scared to talk to my psych about it Tuesday because if she wants to take me off... I don't really know what's left to try?! She had recommended Seroquel but I've only heard bad things about it. I'm just feeling so overwhelmed and hopeless. I'm constantly having to lie down and take deep breaths and I can't even walk across the apartment without feeling lightheaded and out of breath, let alone up our three flights of stairs.
I had similar issues with exertion on Propranolol, but more only with stairs or working out. When I tried weightlifting (once) on clonidine, my heart rate skyrocketed to 162 and I felt like I was going to black out. I wasn't even doing HIIT?!
Any advice is appreciated. I apologize if this is lengthy, I'm just so confused and scared and hopeless feeling. I read such good things about clonidine, I really wanted this to be the one... 😩
submitted by FeralMossGoblin to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:59 FeralMossGoblin Clonidine- Side Effects or Emergency?

Some history, I (32f) have been diagnosed with CPTSD, ADHD, Anxiety (unspecified type), Depression, PCOS, TBI in 2011. Strong suspicion/pursuing diagnosis of: POTS, autism, OCPD.
Current meds: Spironolactone 200mg, Buspirone, 30mg, Vyvanse 30mg, Clonidine .2mg
I have been on just about every psychiatrict medication I have heard of atomoxetine, duloxetine, fluoxetine, methylphenidate, propranolol, concerta, celexa, Klonopin, Wellbutrin, lamictal, Zoloft, paxil, Ativan. All of them either didn't help, made things worse, or had severe side effects (I've gotten violently ill off just about every SSRI I've tried).
Had been on 90mg of propranolol for several months with very little results. Needed to taper off to be do allergy shots (which I turned out not to need -_-) so doc prescribed me clonidine. I started on 5/9, tapered up to the prescribed dose of 0.1mg over the course of about 1.5 weeks. Aside from pretty hefty dry mouth, I didn't really notice any issues during this time.
Last Monday (5/20) I had a really bad meltdown- severe panic attack and SI that resulted in my partner calling the crisis line. My therapist was able to talk me down, and I've been stable, albeit a little drained, since. I struggle to eat on a good day, but since the episode I know I'm not eating enough. Only started logging food today, so I don't have estimates, but I'm sure it's not enough.
Anyway, since the episode, I've been having increasingly distressing side effects. Started to get incredibly dizzy when id stand up or bend over, regardless of time of day or how slowly I did it. Haven't passed out but I've definitely gotten tunnel vision and felt vaguely like being drunk. Started getting really woozy in the shower, and noticing that my heart feels like it's pounding out of my chest, even when my bpm is normal. I've been tracking HRV and have actually seen improvements since starting it. But my already constantly cold hands and feet feel like iscicles, my legs/feet keep swelling (have compression sleeves) and I've started experiencing these awful charlie horse like cramps in the shower that bring me to the ground.
At first, I really felt a little lighter, like this was helping the anxiety. I've noticed more good days and my highs are more high. But lately my ruminating feels like it's worse, like it's not just my head spinning out on things but my body feels all wound up now too. Have also started having nightmares regarding my abusers again (which propranolol at least kept away) I feel like I've had two energy drinks on an empty stomach. I'm shaky, irritable, and frankly, scared...
Does this go away? Do I just need to adjust the dose? I'm so scared to talk to my psych about it Tuesday because if she wants to take me off... I don't really know what's left to try?! She had recommended Seroquel but I've only heard bad things about it. I'm just feeling so overwhelmed and hopeless. I'm constantly having to lie down and take deep breaths and I can't even walk across the apartment without feeling lightheaded and out of breath, let alone up our three flights of stairs.
I had similar issues with exertion on Propranolol, but more only with stairs or working out. When I tried weightlifting (once) on clonidine, my heart rate skyrocketed to 162 and I felt like I was going to black out. I wasn't even doing HIIT?!
Any advice is appreciated. I apologize if this is lengthy, I'm just so confused and scared and hopeless feeling. I read such good things about clonidine, I really wanted this to be the one... 😩
submitted by FeralMossGoblin to MedicationQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:58 FeralMossGoblin Clonidine- Ineffective or Emergency?

Some history, I (32f) have been diagnosed with CPTSD, ADHD, Anxiety (unspecified type), Depression, PCOS, TBI in 2011. Strong suspicion/pursuing diagnosis of: POTS, autism, OCPD.
Current meds: Spironolactone 200mg, Buspirone, 30mg, Vyvanse 30mg, Clonidine .2mg
I have been on just about every psychiatrict medication I have heard of atomoxetine, duloxetine, fluoxetine, methylphenidate, propranolol, concerta, celexa, Klonopin, Wellbutrin, lamictal, Zoloft, paxil, Ativan. All of them either didn't help, made things worse, or had severe side effects (I've gotten violently ill off just about every SSRI I've tried).
Had been on 90mg of propranolol for several months with very little results. Needed to taper off to be do allergy shots (which I turned out not to need -_-) so doc prescribed me clonidine. I started on 5/9, tapered up to the prescribed dose of 0.1mg over the course of about 1.5 weeks. Aside from pretty hefty dry mouth, I didn't really notice any issues during this time.
Last Monday (5/20) I had a really bad meltdown- severe panic attack and SI that resulted in my partner calling the crisis line. My therapist was able to talk me down, and I've been stable, albeit a little drained, since. I struggle to eat on a good day, but since the episode I know I'm not eating enough. Only started logging food today, so I don't have estimates, but I'm sure it's not enough.
Anyway, since the episode, I've been having increasingly distressing side effects. Started to get incredibly dizzy when id stand up or bend over, regardless of time of day or how slowly I did it. Haven't passed out but I've definitely gotten tunnel vision and felt vaguely like being drunk. Started getting really woozy in the shower, and noticing that my heart feels like it's pounding out of my chest, even when my bpm is normal. I've been tracking HRV and have actually seen improvements since starting it. But my already constantly cold hands and feet feel like iscicles, my legs/feet keep swelling (have compression sleeves) and I've started experiencing these awful charlie horse like cramps in the shower that bring me to the ground.
At first, I really felt a little lighter, like this was helping the anxiety. I've noticed more good days and my highs are more high. But lately my ruminating feels like it's worse, like it's not just my head spinning out on things but my body feels all wound up now too. Have also started having nightmares regarding my abusers again (which propranolol at least kept away) I feel like I've had two energy drinks on an empty stomach. I'm shaky, irritable, and frankly, scared...
Does this go away? Do I just need to adjust the dose? I'm so scared to talk to my psych about it Tuesday because if she wants to take me off... I don't really know what's left to try?! She had recommended Seroquel but I've only heard bad things about it. I'm just feeling so overwhelmed and hopeless. I'm constantly having to lie down and take deep breaths and I can't even walk across the apartment without feeling lightheaded and out of breath, let alone up our three flights of stairs.
I had similar issues with exertion on Propranolol, but more only with stairs or working out. When I tried weightlifting (once) on clonidine, my heart rate skyrocketed to 162 and I felt like I was going to black out. I wasn't even doing HIIT?!
Any advice is appreciated. I apologize if this is lengthy, I'm just so confused and scared and hopeless feeling. I read such good things about clonidine, I really wanted this to be the one... 😩
submitted by FeralMossGoblin to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:11 brookec31 Poison Ivy 10 days later

Age 32
Sex F
Height 5’6
Weight 158
Race caucasian
Duration of complaint 10 days
Location legs, neck, arm
Any existing relevant medical issues no
Current medications Zoloft
Include a photo if relevant
Has already been treated with steroid pack and topical steroids, finish those two days ago and it is progressively getting worse than it was to begin with. Thoughts? Is it worth getting the steroid shot?
submitted by brookec31 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:13 katiefra Restless legs/ can’t sleep in

Hi Zoloft gang! I’ve been taking 100mg for a few months now and it seems to be working overall. The only main issue I’ve been having for the past couple of months is I find myself waking up around 6am with VERY restless legs. I’m usually someone who sleeps in until at least 9am so this is very odd for me.
Is this happening to anyone else?? If yes has anyone found a solution?
TY in advance 🙃
submitted by katiefra to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 00:45 Just_poetry_1731 Guys im an attention seeker

That's what people been saying lately.....my symptoms have been severe inability to walk properly/fast, slurred speech, vocal cord problems that's causing breathing and extreme chest and throat tightness 24/7, inability to physically talk at times, burning sensations, feeling like I can't swallow at times, feeling like it's super hard to move arms or legs at times, intense shaking episodes, jerking, weird facial gestures espically my lip and sound like a baby when i talk etc I not gonna lie to you guys my experience recently has been beyond heartbreak I lost friends cuz they accused me of attention seeking cuz my symptoms would get better sometimes and then get bad again, and not having a clear diagnosis makes people assume the worse about you been shunned by over 10 hospitals, at risk of being homeless, cuz I don't have strong support system, and can't work and hard to get on disability, this gonna sound cringe but I sware if people experienced what I experienced recently with people betraying me, abandonment, etc they would turn their heart cold and be like a horrible person or something, or maybe not but like what I experiencing I wouldn't wish on anyone....people treat you like a burden once they see your not getting answers from the one place that's suppose to be able to help you....a hospital....I been to hospital over 10 times within 2 weeks and nothing one hospital, did literally nothing not even vitals just did some kneee taps and discharged me, been extremely dehumanizing and makes me feel like a joke....especially when I come from a background and childhood of being treated that way....I won't lie guys I need help....I'm in California a state that already has high rate of homelessness, but at same time where else gonna go? Don't matter where I go I don't have much people to rely on and the few friends I do have, stay with family and not in position to help and are in different states....and I also explained how sometimes my symptoms get better but now it's feeling like it's gonna be like this for awhile cuz it's so severe than it's ever been. And I get this pain in the middle of my spine in my upper back area between shoulder blades, sometimes it feels super sensitive or ache when touched (may not be related) but something I noticed about myself. Been times I went to hospital when my symptoms was at a 10 and doctor did the whole putting hand on chest or back to test breathing and when they put their hand near that area feels like they digging in my nerves, but that area doesn't always feel that sensitive. But it's always in the same spot. Anyways this has benefits traumatizing experience. Any thing yall could do to encourage or support me would be helpful 🙏 I not even sure if FND is the right diagnoses cuz I had involuntary giggling spells but I also took zoloft around time that started happening so could be that but idk....
submitted by Just_poetry_1731 to FND [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 16:39 justlikethoseladies Hands and feet gone numb after strenuous activity

21M 210lb Zoloft 75mg, Levocetirizine 5mg, Vitamin D. Social drinker, no weed, vaper for 2 years.
Yesterday I was helping my boss load some semi tires onto a trailer, it was fairly hot outside and I was breathing pretty heavy. When we finished and started driving back, after about 10-15 minutes my hand started tingling. Then both my hands were and eventually my feet. It was like the feeling when your leg or arm fall asleep, and when I touched my arm I could feel the nerve pain from my arm to my hands. It lasted about an hour before it went away. This has never happened to me before, should I see a doctor?
submitted by justlikethoseladies to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:54 MadMafu Experience taking Abilify for 6 years

Hello people,
Just wanted to express my experience while taking this medication. My dosages have ranged from 2mg to 15 mg. I’ll explain why.
I am diagnosed bipolar II, although various drs have expressed that I am BPD, last time I got tested for it, the psychiatrist just said I had anger issues and not BPD 🤷🏻‍♀️. I also been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and ADHD, and some other stuff but it all has condensed to bipolar.
It started when I got my Zoloft dosage increased to 100mg and I became hypomanic. My psychiatrist prescribed me risperdal at first but got a side effect (lactating lol). I then started on the lowest dose of abilify and increased to 7.5 mg or 10 mg in the span of a year.
Unrelated but abilify will not make you trip while on shrooms or acid. Spent too much money on psychedelics to find out that it blocks the receptors or something.
Then the pandemic happened, I stopped taking my meds and became unwell. As a stupid precaution, I asked my primary physician to increase my dosage of abilify from like 7.5mg to 15 mg and got akathisia. Fun. Once my body got accustomed to the dosage I was stable.
Life got lifey and my anxiety got worse, but it wasn’t because of my meds. Just external factors. I had an attempt on my life and got prescribed 300mg seroquel which gave me pain in my legs and migraines then quit it cold turkey and suffered withdrawals. Got put on lithium, reacted well but made me lose my hair. Then got put on lamictal but got a rash lol.
Finally went back abilify 5mg and the only side effect was 30 lbs weight gain. Yay.
But im grateful im stable since. That was 2 years ago.
Feel free to ask any questions!
submitted by MadMafu to Abilify_Aripiprazole [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 16:43 thedarlingbear Any good stories to share? Just started. So far, so good, but scared of jinxing it (5 days in)

Hey all, I am on my 5th day of taking this. Online forums tend to attract those who are in a panic and having a really bad time and go online to talk to others, but this has made me a bit nervous.
I guess I’m just for some encouragement and success stories?
I’ve tried Sertraline (was on it for a year when I was like, 22) and Prozac before (couldn’t make it thru a week because I was SO dizzy and deranged feeling).
I am now 31 and have never known what it is like to be not depressed for a long time. A doctor put me on Pristiq.
My first night was ROUGH. My OCD slammed into me with the force of a train and I spent the entire night with heart palpitations, sweating, intrusive thoughts, and restless leg syndrome acting up like crazy. It was absolutely awful and I was like well I definitely can’t do this.
But I decided like… fuck it, let’s try again, and tried again and the next few days have been okay! I haven’t felt AMAZING but I’ve cleaned my apartment for the first time in 5 months.
I know coming off antidepressants sucks (back in the day I once went cold Turkey off Zoloft because I was an idiot) so I remember that, and I know coming off these bad boys will suck too.
Has Pristiq helped you?
submitted by thedarlingbear to Pristiq [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 20:31 Bitter-Register-6929 I SMOKED THE EVIL BLUNT(k2)(it was a vape)

So i’ve been wanting to write this for a long time. I’m 17 and About 7 months ago i had a very bad experience in italy with a vape a friend gave me. After i took four puffs and holding it in for 10 seconds after each puff i started to not feel my legs and like i’m floating and i thought that that was all that’s gonna happen. Suddenly everything turned green and my vision started shaking violently, like taking a screen and moving it all over the place. After that i blacked out and the 2 minutes before i did started repeating in my head an infinite amount of times. I couldn’t stand up and i started feeling every pain i’ve ever felt in my life and a loop started which came with an infinite thought loop. I thought i was gonna be stuck like this forever and that i was in a comma and god was punishing me for trying something like that(it was my first time ever smoking). After for what seemed like days they took me to the hospital and i woke up super confused looking at the patients next to me like they were museum artifacts. From then it took me about three days to relax and stop shaking from the intense trauma. About half a month later while i was at school i had a really bad panick attack because i got very strong feelings of dp and dr and my vision turned all grey (that’s when my visual snow started). From that point on it was constant thought loops, fears, panick attacks and insomnia. I thought i was going crazy and that the vape had destroyed my brain. That was until 2 months after i met my psychiatrist who told me that this is a form of ocd that occurs after a traumatic event and when you have a lot of anxiety. I started taking zoloft for the ocd and risperidal on low doses for the anxiety. After about a month the anxiety started fading and my thought where getting clearer. That was when i started realizing that it’s all just thoughts and fears and not FEELINGS these “feelings” are not real they are your fears and obsessive thoughts about having these feelings. My doctor told me that if you are under the age of 25 that it’s completely normal to believe those thoughts because the brain hasn’t developed yet. That’s why you have the intense panick attacks and stress. An adult can deal with it much better that a child. So, the point is that alllll the thoughts , “feelings” and fears you are having, every little one, is just anxiety and obsessive thoughts because of the ocd.Dp and dr is a subtype of existential ocd and it’s nothing to be afraid of. As the dp manual says it’s just a fear response from your brain. Fuck all that bull they say about your brain being altered and all a that. That’s another obsessive thought you are having because of ocd. Fear of depersonalization Fear of derealization Fear of schizophrenia Fear of going out Crazy existential intrusive thoughts Generally intrusive thoughts Fear of not being yourself Fear of not being the same anymore Fear that you died when you had the bad experience and that you are imagining everything that is happening etc etc…… All this stuff and much much more are some of my sypmptoms.(not even 10% of all of them) I’m not here to describe how this condition was for me but just to inform you of how stupid it is. If you follow ocd recovery strategies and take the right meds and guidance you’ll be ok. Read more about ocd and how it works and how to get rid of it or deal with it and you’ll understand that they have A LOT of similarities. That’s because it is just ocd. Once i realized that all of that stuff is just thoughts in my brain it was much easier to ignore it and move on with my life. Now 6 months after it started i can say that i am fully recovered and that i barely even think about it . The only thing that’s stressing me out is my gf. Feel free to ask me anything you want. I would be really happy to help you because i know what you are going through.
submitted by Bitter-Register-6929 to dpdr [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 17:15 Icy-Ostrich-7730 Skin hot to the touch

Hey friends –– curious if anyone here experiences super hot skin to the touch.
My sleeping partner has mentioned that I'm a bit like a space heater at night, but even just sitting here in the middle of the day (and in an air conditioned room), my torso, neck, and leg skin is just HOT.
I don't have a fever, but I do take tecfidera and zoloft, so I'm unsure if it's a medication thing or a MS thing (or both). Thanks!
submitted by Icy-Ostrich-7730 to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 06:16 JewEater1957 15 yrs old 20mg prozac

I can’t stop laughing my body feels like it’s buzzing my legs and arms r keep moving my jaw is locking I won’t stop laughing something simmilar was happening when I was on Zoloft what do I do I haven’t done any drugs Ina few days that would make me feel this way what do I do??
submitted by JewEater1957 to prozac [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 22:29 justlikethoseladies Frequent headaches, chest pains, and abdominal issues: anxiety or something more?

21M 210lb Zoloft 75mg, Levocetirizine 5mg, Vitamin D. History of acid reflux, generalized anxiety and panic disorder. Social drinker, no weed, vaper for 2 years now on nicotine patches.
Hey all, so lately I’ve been feeling like my body and brain are falling apart and would like some insight as to whether its my anxiety or if theres a potential for something more serious.
I did my bloodwork earlier this month, everything was normal except I was Vitamin D deficient (now on a weekly supplement), high white blood cell count (i had an infection from a root canal, was on amox for a week), and high tryglicerides. I dont have the exact numbers bc my doctor doesnt have mychart or a way to access my information.
Onto the symptoms: its hard for me to even remember when each of them was starting, but I’ll try to remember. The first thing I noticed was about 2-3 weeks ago my throat felt like it was swelling up, or perhaps it was just the lump in the throat feeling: it lasted 2 days coming and going. During that time I also noticed the back of my throat was really red (I will attach pictures). I went to the doctor and tested negative for strep and covid, and they told me it was probably just allergies so then I started taking the Levo. Since then my throat hasnt done felt swollen but it is still red and sometimes itchy. A couple days ago I went back to test for mono and was also negative. They drew blood in 2 places, and now both of those spots are bruised which has never happened to me before from drawing blood. I will also attach pics for that. Ive also been having dry mouth randomly throughout the days, and my lymphnodes were swelling a couple times.
Stomach issues: For the past 2 weeks Ive been having bloating, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. For loss of appetite, Ive still been eating but not as much as I normally would. My guess would be around 1200 calories a day. For diarrhea, Ive been having it about every other day ranging on how bad it is that day. Ive been taking probiotics the past couple days which has helped. The bloating has been the worst. After eating eating a small meal I feel really full and if I eat a normal amount I feel very bloated. About a week ago it was around 11pm when I felt so bloated I was having shortness of breath because I could feel my stomach pushing against my chest. So Ive just been eating a small amount at a time. I have diarrhea from time to time normally but Ive never really struggled with bloating, especially to that extent.
Headaches and other head stuff. Ive been having random headaches throughout the day. They dont hurt that bad but theyre on and off all day. I get pain generally on the sides of my head, the back of my head, behind my eyes. Where the pain is seems very random. Ive been taking advil to help with this and it helps a little but I still get them. Ive also been experiencing light sensitivity and a sort of “motion blur”. Sometimes lights seem very bright and cause the headaches, its also been hard for my eyes to focus. Sometimes they feel normal but other times it takes a couple seconds for them to focus after shifting my gaze, and when I’m moving my eyes it seems blurry, like a motion blur. I have noticed about a month ago that in lower lightings my pupils are different sizes. I figured it may be a side effect from Zoloft but Ive been on it for 3 years and haven’t experienced that. I did get an office job about 1.5 months ago so I have been looking at computer monitors more often. Besides that oftentimes I just feel like my brain has slowed down. It takes me longer than it should to process things, make decisions, and sometimes when someones talking I’ll realize I have no clue what they just said. My memory also seems terrible as I cant even remember when I started experiencing some of these symptoms, and my hand-eye coordination has been terrible. I play Xbox on my free time and have been struggling to play games Ive been playing for years.
Other pain: Ive been having random abdominal pain, usually in the top left under my lung but its not constant. Ive also been having chest pain on my left pec and the center of my chest- not both at the same time though. I get chest pains normally sometimes but the past couple days theyve been much more frequent. Ive had other muscle pains as well, my neck hurts frequently and I’ll get other random muscle pains. Yesterday after work my legs hurt so bad and even when I woke up this morning my right leg was still in pain. I work at a gas station on the weekends so Im basically standing for 9 hours straight but Ive never had leg pain like that, and ive been working here for 3 years.
Other notes: I switched to nicotine patches a week ago from vaping, so some symptoms may have been made worse from withdrawal, but none of them are new since switching. I started an office job 1.5 months ago, so ive been sitting and using computers much more often.
Are any of these worries justified or is it more likely to all be anxiety? Please help and thank you.
first pic is from a week ago, other 2 pics are from today.
submitted by justlikethoseladies to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 20:47 quietlifeintheforest I am looking for general advice on what to do with the combination of an anxious German Shepherd mix and an anxious human (me).

Please be gentle, I'm trying to figure out how to help both my dog and I have good lives.
I'm just going to throw a bunch of info out here and hope someone can help.
I had a female boxer mix from 2008-16, and she was my constant companion. Very reactive to other dogs when we lived in the city, but once we moved to the country with just her and I everything was fantastic.
I am a veteran and dealt with a lot of PTSD issues at the time, and she was a lovey, cuddly, face licking, wrestling, best ever adventure buddy who went everywhere with me, slept in any bed or tent with me, and was just the little four legged love of my life who cared for me as much as I cared for her.
She left the world in 2016 and I was devastated for a bit. I took some time to myself and in 2018 met this guy (GSD mix) while visiting an out of state friend. He was around three years old at the time. He rescued by his then elderly caretaker while tied up and emaciated outside someone's trailer, spent a year with that fellow living outside in a dog house, then came home with me to live inside.
It was then that I learned was that all dogs are different, and my expectations based on my first dog were not applicable to my new situation.
Right now I'm on the couch and he is sitting looking out the front door. This is when he is settled. If I get up, he gets up. If I'm sleeping - and this is a VERY big issue - he seems unable to relax and paces around my house most of the night, plopping down loudly next to my bed, then in the front room, then back next to my bed. I tried keeping him out of the bedroom, but he scratches loudly at the door until I let him in, plops down on his cushion (he has one in the bed and one in the front room), and gives me the saddest eyes ever.
I will admit that the first few years were VERY rough for me/us, and while I NEVER HIT MY DOG EVER, I got frustrated once or thrice and raised my voice when he would not stay out of my way when I was trying to work on projects around the house. I have since done my own therapy and am more able to control that frustration, but it's still there inside me when I'm trying to get things done and he is pacing, whining, and underfoot.
We (my fiancee and I) have tried everything from 'comfort vests' to Prozac, Zoloft, and Trazodone, on top of trying to create a regular routine and a quiet house and rewarding patient behavior. Pharmaceuticals seem to make things worse for him, and while training is great and he really loves learning and being rewarded.... like, how do you train anxiety out of a dog?
We are not wealthy and cannot afford a personal dog trainer to come in and help us, his anxiety is getting SO much worse as he gets older, and my work is picking up lately as my partner and I are trying to buy a house soon and I have less time to just sit with him.
I have absolutely no idea what to do, want to honor the duty and commitment I entered when I decided to bring him home, and DO love this boy despite his anxiety and independence, and want to give him EVERYTHING I can to both give him a good life and keep myself sane and able to sleep.
Anything would be so helpful, and again - I'm just a guy trying to do good things for a dog I saw needed a home - please be gentle. I'm trying.
submitted by quietlifeintheforest to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 00:08 Just_poetry_1731 My life is a living hell and debilitating please guys based off my symptoms any specific tests I should shoot for?

I was diagnosed with fnd when I was 15 which was around time my symptoms started along with vocal cord dysfunction which came before the FND diagnosis, my symptoms was just involuntary jerking, now fast-forward to me being 22 I get problems speaking almost 24/7 voice hoarseness, sound like a baby trying to talk, issues walking I walk like I drunk or something but legs feel strong, I get extreme confusion at times, burning and needle sensations, hypersensivity/paresthesia feeling at times, sometimes I get weird fuzzy feeling in back of middle spine to my head and when I feel it I start grunting uncontrollably and I start staring off in space, lately my vocal cords are I a constant spasm which makes my breaths feel shallow even though it doesn't show on oxygen tests, been times where I had involuntary giggling episodes. And moments of perceived weakness and like I can't swallow that happens at same time, sometimes I say gibberish uncontrollably, and nausea at times. These episodes can happen whether I happy or anxious I really don't buy that this is FND because my symptoms ALWAYS comes back when I start to seem like I getting "better" but even then I can still "feel" my symptoms. I also have this tender spot on my upper spine if I touch feels like a bruise or something, and when my symptoms are at its peak it's even more sensitive to touch that area and if someone puts there hand there feel like their digging in my nerves, but so far people seem to think this is psychological or somatic. Also breathing excercises aren't helping with the vocal problems I been having recently or any of my issues. My mri for spine and brain came back normal so far I'm admitted at hospital I feel so fucking discouraged year after year they try to insist its psychological if these people could just hop in my body for a sec they'll see how these symptoms are taking over my body and I don't even have a fighting chance, I do meditation, my zoloft eases my mind greatly, I still having issues with my body. You can't fake a hoarse voice there's obviously physical stuff happening that's causing these symptoms to appear in my body. I done therapy, etc
submitted by Just_poetry_1731 to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 23:22 Just_poetry_1731 This sound like FND to you guys?

I was diagnosed with fnd when I was 15 which was around time my symptoms started along with vocal cord dysfunction which came before the FND diagnosis, my symptoms was just involuntary jerking, now fast-forward to me being 22 I get problems speaking almost 24/7 voice hoarseness, sound like a baby trying to talk, issues walking I walk like I drunk or something but legs feel strong, I get extreme confusion at times, burning and needle sensations, hypersensivity/paresthesia feeling at times, sometimes I get weird fuzzy feeling in back of middle spine to my head and when I feel it I start grunting uncontrollably and I start staring off in space, lately my vocal cords are I a constant spasm which makes my breaths feel shallow even though it doesn't show on oxygen tests, been times where I had involuntary giggling episodes. And moments of perceived weakness and like I can't swallow that happens at same time, sometimes I say gibberish uncontrollably, and nausea at times. These episodes can happen whether I happy or anxious I really don't buy that this is FND because my symptoms ALWAYS comes back when I start to seem like I getting "better" but even then I can still "feel" my symptoms. I also have this tender spot on my upper spine if I touch feels like a bruise or something, and when my symptoms are at its peak it's even more sensitive to touch that area and if someone puts there hand there feel like their digging in my nerves, but so far people seem to think this is psychological or somatic. Also breathing excercises aren't helping with the vocal problems I been having recently or any of my issues. My mri for spine and brain came back normal so far I'm admitted at hospital I feel so fucking discouraged year after year they try to insist its psychological if these people could just hop in my body for a sec they'll see how these symptoms are taking over my body and I don't even have a fighting chance, I do meditation, my zoloft eases my mind greatly, I still having issues with my body. You can't fake a hoarse voice there's obviously physical stuff happening that's causing these symptoms to appear in my body. I done therapy, etc
submitted by Just_poetry_1731 to FND [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 17:04 OhLordHeBompin My reaction to a knock on my apartment door

It's Saturday morning on Memorial Day Weekend. Gorgeous weather. I live pretty near a "beach town." I've seen about 10 people walk past my place since last night, which is unusual, as I usually see maybe 2 people per week walk by.
It's about 10AM. I'm in my pajamas, got my cats asleep on my legs, reading some stories over in True Crime, and I start to nod off. Keeps happening while I'm working out a new medicine dose. So I decide to just turn over and nap for a little on the couch.
Next thing I know, I hear a knocking on my door. It's "shave and a haircut" rhythm. It's what my uncle and dad usually use when they knock.
I wake up maybe 10%, listen, hear nothing else, and I'm back to sleep.
However, I then dreamed 3 times that I went to the peephole and looked. The first time, it was like War of the Worlds outside. The second time, the peephole became the peephole of the house (my dad's) I grew up in. And the third time, it looked pretty normal...
And finally I woke up, and wondered: Did that actually happen?
My first thought is "Hey it's a holiday weekend, I bet some kids went to the wrong door, if they needed you they would've called your name or something!"
But quick on its heels is "Remember, Saturday morning is when the local cops serve papers. What if it's a warrant?"
(At that point, my nap was totally over.)
I sit here and have to rationalize with myself that 1. I might've dreamed it, 2. Kids on holiday weekend, 3. Why would I have a warrant???
Then I start to wonder... It's been almost a year since I went no-contact with my dad. What if he's found me? Or what if my family is mad I'm ignoring their texts? Maybe a neighbor is tired of me and came to teach me a lesson. What did I do? I did watch TV with the speakers on for a few minutes yesterday afternoon... And my cats do meow a lot.... I forgot to pay my car insurance recently so then I went into maybe they towed my car and now I'm carless and trapped (paid now, 52 extra for missing it!)... The cats have a nightlight, maybe it was too bright and it was keeping a neighbor up... Maybe I've offended someone and I don't even know it, should I turn off all the lights and hide?
Then I rolled my eyes at myself and was like, would any of this have involved a shave and a haircut knock? That's a playful knock. Tons of people in my building have kids even though we're singles apartments, so I imagine a lot are having their kids as guests this weekend so they can go to the pool and the beach, and someone just went to the wrong door. Oops. I've certainly done it! Embarrassing. I always hoped I hadn't disturbed the person inside...
And finally I'm like what am I doing, convinced my sleeping cats to budge, and went to look out my peephole. Nothing. Okay then, I'm going to open the door...
Still nothing. It's hot. I hear birds, some distant kids. Cars on the road. No note on my door, no packages at my door, nothing.
I assume someone without anxiety would've just been "ugh, who's knocking... gotta love holiday weekends..." and then checked the door whenever they'd gotten up a while later. Finding nothing, they'd shrug and go back to their day.
But I'm sitting here still trying to figure out if it happened. (I take Zoloft in the mornings, and it already gives me insanely real dreams, so there's a chance it didn't happen and I dreamed it. I'm able to read and do math in my dreams. It's... Something.) Who it might've been. Should I close my blinds completely? Should I leave? Like, I'm still feeling this anxiety, even though I've wrestled with it logically and clearly "won."
I'm now going to take a few minutes to meditate and calm myself about this, I just wanted to post this first. I have a hard time understanding my own anxiety when I'm doing well so writing stuff out like this helps.
TLDR: Anxiety is a tiring condition. 0/10.
submitted by OhLordHeBompin to Anxiety [link] [comments]
