Chances of concieving multiples for fertile women on clomid

/r/SoloTravel: Where traveling solo is traveling social!

2010.07.18 18:28 obschart /r/SoloTravel: Where traveling solo is traveling social!

A place for all of those interested in solo travel to share their experiences and stories!

2016.05.28 21:09 dessa10 Trying To Have a Baby With PCOS

This is a supportive community for people trying to conceive with PCOS. Everyone is welcome here, you do not have to be actively trying to conceive in order to post. Partners of people with PCOS are also welcome. As well as emotional support, this subreddit will also be a resource to learn about PCOS and what you can do to improve your odds of conceiving.

2010.12.06 06:02 kracov Picard: The Final Frontier

Whether related to the show or the man, this is the place for all things PICARD!

2024.05.20 04:50 LuvDonkeeButts No matches, no likes

This is just kind of a vent. But I don’t understand how I can be on multiple dating apps. (None of them are paid, all free) Be shown to what I think is hundreds of people and weeks will go by without a single like. Maybe I’ll get a match, sometimes unmatch immediately. Other times 1 message and no more. Every once in a while someone will give me chance and things will likely go great. It’s just not many people give me a chance.
I used to have quite a bit of success on hinge. Now it’s like totally nothing for weeks.
I’m in shape, I think I’m a pretty good looking guy, charismatic and friendly, I’m just not tall at 5’5 which I get is a problem for a good amount of women. But like ZERO likes? Zero matches?
Just kind of bummed out that this system is so…. rigged?
submitted by LuvDonkeeButts to DatingApps [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:02 Character_Fudge_9961 My dad is gay and I’m the only one who knows about it

This situation is far more complicated and has been years in the making. If you want a rundown, I’ve put a TLDR at the bottom. I truly just need a space for me to type out my story and possibly maybe hear similar stories if anyone can relate. This is an extremely long post, and there’s a chance I ramble, so just as a warning
I’ll give some background before I say my case: I (22F) have been suspicious of my dad (50M) for the better part of my life. I have diagnosed anxiety and for the most part, I’ve thought my ideas and skepticisms on the matter as just intrusive thoughts. My dad and I have l always had a weird relationship. It doesn’t change how much I love him though. Even as I sit here today, I can’t in good conscience say I hate my dad. I love my dad. Even in his bad moments and questionable behaviors, hes my dad and usually my biggest of supporters. I think because of his bipolar nature it makes this situation so hard.
My mom and dad have been married for 25 years. Like I said before, they have four kids, both come from strict Catholic families, and share the same group of friends. On the outside, everyone can tell my dad loves my mom. He worships the ground she walks on, splurges on expensive gifts for her and is pretty openly affectionate. My mom, however, has never been vocal on her affections, inside and out of the house. Honestly, I can see how this affects my dad. Over the years, they’ve gotten shorter with each other, dad lashes out a bit more (something I’d say to remember as you keep reading), and will disappear into the night after a harsh argument.
I’d say this is where I start to get weird feelings on him. We all have a joint Life360. All of us, including our parents, can see where we are at all times. I’m fine with this, given at the time of this starting I was 20 and in college and I understand why a parent would want their kids locations. When checking the app, I started to notice my dad’s location being off at weird intervals of the night. If you have Life360, you’d know that it will tell you someone’s location has been turned off. Naturally, I’d ask my dad and he’d laugh it off saying his app was screwed up and he wasn’t sure why it was doing that and then 20 minutes later his location would be back on. Whatever, fine. The locations would only turn off around 11 P.M. on random evenings, usually when he was in town. He’d still throw the excuse that it was because he was just flying and airplane mode screws up Life360 (which isn’t true btw).
Anyways, I guess the meat of this story starts December of 2022. Dad’s anger is at weird levels. He’s arguing with my mom more and turning off his location. Me, being stupid, accused him of acting weird a few days before Christmas. Naturally he gets defensive and starts to say things like I’d never cheat on your mom, how could you accuse me of things like that, my phone is just wired. I’d argue back that I never accused him of cheating, just that he’s weird. That didn’t help my case. This is where his true character started to show. Threats of I’d cut you off from college (they pay for my schooling, car and phone), yelling at me for not showing respect for him, how he’s done so much for the family. After this argument I’d see him deleting no name contacts off of his phone after a conversation. I brought this up to my mom, and she tells me it’s probably work so I drop it. If my mom’s not worried why should I be.
After Christmas, we fly north to visit family since we’re the only ones down south. During our trip, he’d take my grandparents car (with their permission, these are my moms parents) to run errands for the Christmas parties that will be happening over the next couple of days. Once again, every time he’d go out his location would turn off. The tipping point for me was when he said he was going to fill up my grandparents car with gas. They live 5 minutes from a gas station. We had a reservation in an hour with his dad that we cannot be late to. My dad knew this. He was gone for an hour. Location off. He’s not contacting anyone, including my mom, on where he is. When he gets back, 5 minutes after when we were supposed to leave, he tells us all that there was an accident at the gas station and they needed him for a witness support. I shoot him down asking why his location was off and why he didn’t tell anyone this in front of my siblings, mom, and grandparents. They all laugh like it’s a joke but once I look at him he’s fuming. He tells me to get in the car so we can get to dinner.
Once we all pile in for dinner he screams at me, once again repeating the things he said before Christmas and how dare I accuse him of anything in front of his in-laws. When we finally parked the car and started to walk into the restaurant, he screams at me in the parking lot. My cousins and grandfather are standing outside watching him berate me in public. I’m 20 years old and he’s treating me like I’m 5. He told me he was going to stop paying for school and my rent this upcoming school year to teach me a lesson. I have never seen my father like this before, and true to his word, I paid for the first two months of my Spring 2023 school year. After some convincing from my mom, my dad texts me in March to not worry about the rent. I think after this is where I truly realize what’s at stake and what more I could lose if I try something like this again, and I never once verbally said he was cheating to anyone. Besides I had no proof.
In between this period, my mom and I have a huge heart to heart. I confess to her that her relationship with my dad is not something I view healthy, and I’m fearful that my marriage one day will look like theirs. I tell her I think she’s treated unfairly behind closed doors and she needs to step up for herself. She agrees but once I bring up divorce, she laughs and says she’d never in a million years consider that. She’d never get a divorce, and she kept reinforcing that. My parents are super Catholic, so I’m not surprised by this statement, but I feel like this paragraph is important to note.
Jump forward it May 2023. I’m off for the summer, in a limbo between end of the school year and starting my internship, so I’m back home. One evening my parents and I are watching a show in the living room. How we are all positioned makes it that my dad is in front of us. During a commercial break while my mom is getting water, my dad takes out his phone and starts texting, however it’s not on iMessage. It’s on Grindr. The only reason I know it was Grindr is because I have a few gay friends at school and I’ve seen some of their messages before. Honest to god, I’m shocked and paralyzed in my seat. What I’ve been suspicious about for the past half of the year is true. Just not in the sense I thought he was. Excusing myself to my room I go to recollect myself and reach out to two of my closer friends about the situation.
Over the next few months when I visit home, I start to document any instance I see him on the app or turning off his location. I have multiple videos of him texting people on Grindr. I’ve started to hint to my mom that something isn’t right and made out loud comments how weird dads been. Since last May, I’ve told my younger sister (F19) about my dad and showed her some evidence. She refuses to acknowledge the behavior and does not want to do anything about it. We’ll joke about it sometimes behind closed doors but when I bring it up to her today about telling my mom or talking to my dad, she gets fearful and thinks it’s stupid to do.
Which leads us to today. I am a fresh graduate from college. I’ve moved back home and am looking for work. And I know I’m being extremely selfish to everyone in my family for withholding this information. After countless talks with my therapist, she thinks it’s wise to not tell my dad or mom what’s happening, at least currently. Since I have been actually cut off from my dad and my mom has expressed that she doesn’t want a divorce and can’t really be bothered to look into the situation more, my therapist and a few of my friends agree to wait until I’m financially independent and moved out of the house. I think about telling my parents everyday what I know. But then I think of me, and my three younger siblings (the youngest is 13) who are still living at home, and the fact my mom is financially dependent on my dad. And I think the worst part and it makes me feel awful for even typing this, but it feels a bit easier to cope with this because my dad is exclusively talking to men. He’s not cheating on my mom with other women. My sister and I over the holidays looked to see if he had any of the other dating apps and we found nothing.
Honestly, a lot of you all might have read all of this and may still think I should tell my parents asap. Or question why I’m still waiting. I think I’m scared. I think I don’t want things to change. I don’t want to be blamed at or remembered as the daughter who ruined the **** family. I know it’s my dads fault and it’s not on me, but I’m scared I’ll truly lose my dad if I bring this to light. I’m scared my moms life will be flipped upside down forever. I’m scared my younger siblings will resent me for ruining our family and their cushy life will be lost.
I just needed somewhere to write this all down. I needed to get this off of my chest while I sit in my childhood bedroom. I’ve never felt more trapped and guilty in my life. It’s easier to forget that this is happening while I was at school, but now that I’m home, it’s harder to ignore. If anyone has any similar stories I’d love to hear them. There’s a lot more I’m leaving out so if there are questions I’ll try and answer them.
TLDR: was suspicious of my dad for cheating back in 2022 based on some behaviors and was cut off for two months when I asked what was up. Now I know he’s gay and is cheating on my mom and has been for maybe years. Mom doesn’t seem to worry/care about his behavior and Dad is still creeping around. Now that I’m back home the guilt of not saying a word to either of them is building up but I’m scared I’ll lose my family.
submitted by Character_Fudge_9961 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:54 No-Buffalo9706 There truly is no bounds on Christian Love™

Okay, from the "There's No Hate Like Christian Love" files, ... My ex-wife* has severe, progressive Multiple Sclerosis. Unlike the people in the ads on TV for MS meds, she's in the cohort where it has effectively left her permanently and completely disabled. She's currently in the hospital due to an MS flare-up. There's a woman and her kids walking around like chaplains and asked if she'd like her to pray with her. My ex-wife, who has never been religious, isn't feeling it so declines, but says she'd be happy to just talk. They proceed to have a relatively friendly discussion, and naturally the topic comes up about how she ended up in the hospital. As an otherwise healthy-looking mid-30's woman, it's a fair question, so she explains. The "chaplain" proceeds to ask her if she ever had kids.
Anyways, during the conversation, this chaplain explains to her that she NEEDED to have kids, because "God blesses those who embrace His plan for them." My ex-wife was never one to mince words. Anyways, as of this writing, this event happened about two hours ago. Her sister (who also had the issue with the fertility treatments) called me to let me know that the hospital staff was trying to decide whether or not she could stay after tomorrow, but that "This was the first time that family had been yelled at by ANYBODY, let alone a patient!"
Can hospitals be sued for medical malpractice for allowing in volunteers who will harm their patients?
*We got divorced so that she can qualify for Medicaid. I make too much money to qualify for a state-run healthcare plan, and all the private insurance options refuse to actually provide the care that she needs because she's such an expensive case.
submitted by No-Buffalo9706 to atheism [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:10 Funminotaur3880 Never meeting any girls as a (19M) with a good social life/skill.

Before I start I would like to clarify that I really didn't want to write this. I have thought a long time about this, but I just don't get why my dating life is so bad.
I am a (ambivert) 19Y/O male who has a pretty busy life. I am pursuing a bachelor's degree in software engineering and have a friendgroup which of two I am close with. For a bit of money I work around 15 hours per week at a side job. I don't really like sitting still, so pretty active guy. Also handy with fixing mechenical stuff and have been playing piano/synthesizers for 10 years now. I have been called a friendly, handsome and smart person outside of my family multiple times. Not that I like bragging about myself, because I really don't. But I like the compliments because it gives some self esteem.
I am not looking for a girl/gf because people in my social circle have these things, but I also don't like the fact that I never got to expierence this. What I am missing is a person who I can fully trust. Friends I will never fully trust. I don't want to spend time with a girl to ..., I am just truly a bit lonely though I am around people a lot. I would do everything for a girl I really like. I am dreaming of roadtripping, doing activites etc. etc. I am no douchebag who f*cks and dumps her or any of those things as a friend of mine does every weekend it almost seems.
The problem is I never meet any girls (Where I am interested in). I have talked to one girl seriously in the last few years but that is it. If I am on the train station I see that some girls are looking and I also make eye contact and maybe a smile but that is it. At the software engeering department on my school it is only boys so no chance there. At work there are occasionally pretty girls as customers but it is just inappropriate I think? So I don't even think about asking for a number. It also doesn't help I am really not shy, but for approaching a girl, my brain just errors, probably because I am scared to look like an idiot. Altough when I get to know someone a little better it is never a problem, so I think it also won't be with a girl. In fact girls I am not interessted in the fear is gone. Just talk.
I don't like those standard "I am competing to my friends" or "I like a lot of alcohol and kissing and f** on saturday night and then forgetting everything the next day" type of girls. I don't know how to explain it but I have a feeling this generation there are a lot of these girls. Not that I don't like going out and drink a bit of alcohol, but with moderation. And I am also lying if I would say I don't like a pretty girl, because I have a standard for a girl, but everyone has right? That standard is not fat ass blah blah blah like some 18-23Y/O talk about when trying to be cool. I am just looking for a pretty, smart girl, that wants to live life to the fullest. To have fun, don't worry too much about the future. Of course life has it's ups and downs, I hope you understand what I mean.
One of the two close friends, let's call him Oscar, He is a handsome guy, same age, good clothing style, has humor and is smart. He also follows a course on a different school with no women. We are pretty much alike in thinking about life, people and generally things that stand out when we are togheter. He works at the same place as me. I have asked him how he does it (not like that he is switching around every month, more like a year single before the next girl comes in his life), but I get a bit of a vague answer because he is very private in that, and I get/respect that.
Soooo I have no single idea on how to do this in life. Since I turned 19, it is really started to tickle. No one learned me anything & I never learned anything myself. The only one benefit I have is a good ability to communicate in general, but I still don't know how girls really think because their mind is all over the place I learned in life. I am really struggeling with this, because since Covid I have really worked on myself; eat healthier to look a bit better, more original clothing style, saved some money for later and learned some hard life lessons. I am kinda ready for a sort of relationship but not looking for it because it cannot be forced I believe, but I think I can expand my chances.
Am I just too old school with dating? Like 80s type of hang out/talk to a girl. Or is it in my mind? I hate dating apps. I don't use them, is that the problem? Is my vibe not ok? Could you give me some advice?
Thank you for reading.
submitted by Funminotaur3880 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:25 amiwrongthothrowaway Some Thoughts

What does becoming a teacher mean to me?
It means adulthood. What is adulthood? Adulthood is living in a house, or an apartment or away from one's family of origin. Yes, I know some races of persons live in extended families. For me, adulthood means living elsewhere. Teaching to me means the ability to get this for myself.
Adulthood means land. I want to eventually have control over the food I eat. I want to grow my own vegetables, my own fruits without pesticides and other strange chemicals. Adulthood means the ability for me to have my own land.
Adulthood means a car. It means not making multiple trips to and fro places. It means not burning up in the hot, hot sun. It means not being tired physically carrying myself to so many places. It means comfort, driving, cool air, not being exposed to the rain, or having to ride with persons who may make me uncomfortable with their sexually suggestive banter. Adulthood means the ability for me to get a car.
Adulthood means a career. It means having something to do on a weekly basis. It means having the protections of a career, namely access to things - possible loans among others. Adulthood means having the chance to have a career.
Adulthood means having a salary. Having a salary means having the ability to move around in the world. In many a place, women are held back from moving about in the world. Women are oftentimes tied to a man. They are prevented from having their own money. Their energies are allocated to child rearing, caring for a home, caring for elders. I realize how fortunate I am that I have had access to higher education, to indeed have a career. Adulthood means the ability to have a career.
Adulthood means savings. Savings means security. It means being able to afford one's needs, emergency or not. Savings means enjoyment, comfort. Adulthood would mean I could get a chance to have savings.
Adulthood means strong relationships. Or rather, different ones. It means navigating life with coworkers, hobby friends, relatives, your own parents as an adult. It means changing dynamics. Adulthood would afford me the ability to have strong relationships.
Teaching means adulthood. Adulthood is good. It means leaving the private market, and entering the safety and comfort of the public market. It means leaving independent contracting work in favor of salary. It means taking my place in society, as a worker, and having a title. It means being a woman. I am biologically a woman. But now, I'd be more of a woman, a self-sufficient woman.
Teaching means having little luxuries, my creature comforts. It means a stove, a refrigerator, a washer dryer combo in my own place. It means controlling who is around me, and that I can choose to leave when I wish. Teaching means health, that I can have a varied diet. It means maintenance, that I can look my best, and engage the services of beauty professionals to get my nails done, my hair done, my makeup done, and buy more high-quality, in style clothing.
Teaching means hobbies. It means stability in my work schedule, so that I can do other things in the off times. This can mean starting a business, having a hobby, hanging out with others, or just catching up on some sleep. Teaching may mean travel abroad. It may mean stamps in my passport, a visa or two. Teaching means general enjoyment. That's what it means to me.
I find the gatekeeping of long-term, well-paying employment wicked. Yes, I know persons must specialize, take their trainings to perform their jobs well. But when you have persons willing and able to do a job, why prevent them from doing so? It doesn't make sense I think.
This is a momentous occasion. I'm getting ready to take a place in life. This sets the stage for many more things. What shall I do to commemorate the occasion? Well, I'm writing this post, so that's one thing. I want to dress up and take myself somewhere when I get my first salary. Secretary, put that on the books. One outing with me well done up when I first get paid, okay?
Life is good. Me moving into this new stage means that I would have learned enough to get me here. I have learned a lot, truly. I learned about men, and dating. I learned about people, friends, not so friends. I've learned about me, what I want, what I do not want, the kind of life I want to life, and what others expect of me. I've learned about reasonable expectations, and what it means to be an adult living with other adults. I've learned about security, and investment, romantic investment, what it looks like, and what it does not look like. I've learned to choose me, but make allowances for others. I've learned about others. I've learned that it's not always only about me, that I don't exist in a vacuum, and that my life is not only my own.
I've learned that there is so much to explore with me. I think I know me, but this new stage is going to make me grow more, and be more me.
So that's what teaching means to me. I'm sure it will mean a lot more, like getting to show off my skills, and getting to educate a generation. I'm sure it'll mean other things like routine, and monotony, trudging through the day for the sake of supporting myself. But I'm ready. I know the material. I've done this before. Things will go well. Others have done it. And now is my turn. It's my turn. It's my turn. It's. My. Turn.
I don't have to fight anyone for it. It's my turn. I don't have to beg anyone for it. It's my turn. I don't have to steal it. It's my turn. I don't have to pay for it. I believe I've already paid a lot. Also, It's. My. Turn. It's my turn to enjoy myself. It's my turn to advance, and get my master's degree, and get my doctorate. Let me change my name a bit, yeah? I've done the work. I've put in my time. I haven't promised to support anyone financially. I haven't sired any children that I must care for. I'm not cheating anyone by not working and expecting payment. I'm just here, signing up for work, preparing myself as best I can, and waiting my turn, just like everyone else.
I come wanting to work. I come wanting to do good work. I come wanting to cooperate. I come ready. It is time. It is my time. Let's do this.
On we go.
submitted by amiwrongthothrowaway to SheIsRambling [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:28 confuze0 This is my story. I am now the problem. How do I change my mindset once more?

(F21, M21, together for 2 years, found out 6 months ago)
TL;DR: relationship is healing after his porn addiction and micro-cheating. We have had many conversations, he makes a solid effort and seems to be a changed man. The problem now is the constant flashback reminders. How do you trust again, seeing daily triggers, when the relationship is seriously improving? How to reprogram the mind into renewing trust once more, so I’m not stuck in the past?
**I know people don’t read long posts but if even one person has advice I will seriously appreciate it! PSA: our first relationship. **
Been with my boyfriend for 2 years. He was my best friend before that for 3. I get it, we’re young and it’s normal for guys to watch porn blah blah blah. But this was cheating.
The week we were official, we discussed porn. I asked him how he would feel if I watched porn and vice versa. He expressed strong discomfort. I asked if it would be beneficial to us, he agreed it wasn’t. Since neither of us thought to gain sexual gratification through anybody else, and wouldn’t walk into a strip club or brothel, we decided not to do it online either. We agreed in the conversation that porn is now considered cheating, and off-limits boundary. He admitted to having a porn addiction before, since he was 12.
Fast forward to 6 months into the relationship. I noticed he became far more degrading in sex and also far less interested in me. He would make up excuses for being busy (despite living with me, I know it was quick but this wasn’t official living, he was with me 6 nights a week in a flat on my parents property. We basically lived together as I moved into the flat instead of the main house). After sex, I would explain that I don’t like being degraded THAT much (I normally don’t mind a bit but this was a noticeable difference). He apologised. I asked him if he was watching porn on countless occasions after that, feeling as though the sex was scripted or weirdly unnatural. I told him it was okay if he was watching, I would just prefer to know. He said “of course not” every. Single. Time.
Fast forward to 10 months in. At this point we had been official for that long, but “seeing” each other for roughly a year. I had consistent dreams about him cheating on me with the girl he slept with (my toxic ex-best friend, before we were together in school). She used to judge me for being close friends with him then one day said “I had sex with him last night” as if it was a power move that she got the guy who was flirting with me.
I had insecurities because she is tiny and petite, would talk shit about me to him and brag about having sex with him when he first showed signs of interest in me back at school). Before the porn I struggled with this history and used to cry mid-sex over it because I felt annoyed I wasn’t as sexually experienced or petite as she was. I hardly thought about her after overcoming this so it was weird I saw her fucking him in my dreams after 3 years no contact. My gut was screaming something is wrong.
He left his laptop at mine, (this never happens so I took the opportunity) he had openly told me the password to it before so I knew. Anyway, only come to find that in his search history he has Grace Charis, Kim Kardashian’s tits (he typed a typo so he searched 9 times to find the images) and other girls scattered through his timeline since the last time he cleared his search history. This was without incognito, I could only imagine what else was hidden. It killed me because he told me one of his friends’ girlfriends looked like Kim Kardashian once, I instantly remembered. Yuck.
What hurt most was his instagram. He “never” uses it, and often takes days to respond to cute stuff I send him on there. Turns out he was searching Asian AI pornstar models on instagram (hana_bunny bunny or something), 2 DAYS after my birthday! (Which he put barely any effort into. My 21st he bought me a bucket of cheese and flowers. Thanks I guess?? I spent hundreds for his 21st and made him a book of personalised memories and drawings).
Fast forward. I felt sick to my stomach like never before. Left work early and he knew I went home because he noticed my car wasn’t at work, so he came over. I confronted him. Asked him if he remembered how we talked about porn being cheating? He said yes. I asked him why he thought I deserved to be cheated on then, to which he was silent. I explained how I felt and cried to him saying I would never look like them, and we agreed not to do it.
He confessed straight away. I asked him what genres he normally went for, of course he said “college girls fucking”. Also said he mostly used the top pornhub results that week and did it roughly twice a week for the past 8 months despite the conversation. I believe it was more times than this. At least he was admitting to some of it.
Lots of discussing followed and has ever since. Lots of empty-handed apologies when it was brought up. He purchased porn blockers that I could easily outwit within half a second of testing. But at least he was spending money to fix the problem and it was his idea.
He offered couples counselling but it’s so expensive, I can barely afford rent. He’s offered to pay but I think I need private sessions first, I’m exhausted even explaining this in writing let alone talking to a stranger. I think it’s just a me problem now.
He then decided living with his mates would be better than living with me, despite us going to the same city and same university for the next year ahead. I had turned down moving to another state because he said he would never move there. He told me I had “no chance” of ever living with him and his friends in a heated argument. He said he didn’t want me to “become an accessory to his life”, words he has apologised for but I never forgot.
He moved in with them… but here’s the thing. One of (our mutual) roommate friends has a girlfriend (different girl) whom he has admitted he used to be really attracted to. I told him I would feel gutted that he couldn’t just choose to live with strangers instead so I don’t have to deal with the discomfort of him seeing her potentially more than me, and also that way we would both be in the same position, starting fresh (not choosing his friends over living with me). He then tells the boyfriend I’m upset because he used to like his girlfriend and sugarcoated it, which obviously isn’t the whole story. He told me his friends say I’m crazy for being upset over that, lessening the chance of me ever mingling with them again. Mind you, these guys have all cheated on their partners before and discouraged him from living with me.
Fast forward again. I’m struggling to find a job. I have to pay triple rent because he doesn’t want to live with me at this new place. He has job offers left right and centre, one of them being at a hostel, which is also a club. I told him any of the other 8 jobs sound really good, that’s the only one I’m uncomfortable with due to his porn addiction. I’m worried he will just be flirting the whole time. I was right. He chose that job despite the sadness and anxiety he knew it would bring me.
One day, he BUTT DIALLED me at work (lmaooo). I could hear him flirting with girls in another language (I didn’t know he was learning another language!) and laughing with them like I’ve never heard before. Then he bragged about it to his coworkers and said “she’s so nice, such a great girl”. They cheered him on for speaking the language.
I was fuming. I nearly called it quits that night but since, he has been making an effort. He has drastically improved his behaviour and genuinely makes an effort. He said he has changed his ways, he has apologised many times and though I don’t think he’s necessarily watched porn since I found out, it has been 6 months since, and I’m devastated like it’s the day it happened. The flirting. The way he behaves when I’m not around. I will never know when he’s being disloyal, which sucks. But it’s not like he’s actively messaging or sleeping or hooking up with anyone, it’s only small stuff.
He has done little things here and there to try and reignite the passion: flowers, cards, chocolates and dates etc. which I really appreciate. He doesn’t leave his laptop at mine, even if he knows he is coming back over the same day with it, which was a red flag to me. But so far, I don’t think he’s watching porn. And I have seen a huge improvement in the relationship overall.
My problem now is the reminder. I can’t trust him the way I used to. Every time I see a model I want to crumble. Every time I see Kim Kardashian or Kanye or golfers (Grace) or ads or beautiful women from different countries, it kills a part of me. I have no idea how to move on from this. I get flashbacks all the time. Our intimacy is pretty good still. But every time he calls me beautiful I don’t buy it. There’s always someone better, I feel worthless and I can’t control it anymore. I feel terrible because whilst he’s making great efforts, I still don’t trust him and feel insanely insecure at the thought of him getting to live a double-life. He is a beautiful soul who really does bring out the child in me and I don’t want to lose that. I feel so bad that my brain has changed its thought process. We are now in a much better place together.
He has been proving himself but it still makes me feel like shit knowing I was never good enough for him in the first place. I was his 7th, he was my 1st, not that I care but it explains my devastation. Hence why it’s so heavy for me. I gave him everything and it still wasn’t enough. He was happy to keep secrets and risk the relationship on multiple occasions, but now that things are fine I’m starting to process more. I need a quick fix to changing my mindset and believing him again to save our relationship. Because things are different now and I have hope for us in the future.
—————————- I would LOVE advice on ways to reverse negative thinking. Ways to forgive, truly, and to learn how to believe partners again. I need new tools to be more resilient and confident again, otherwise this won’t survive. I wouldn’t have stayed with him if I didn’t think it was worthwhile, I don’t want to put 5 years down the drain and would like advice other than merely breaking up. I’ve seen a difference, I am the problem now.
Does anyone have any healthy mind habits they can share, or positive ways to overcome this situation? How do you trust again and stop comparing when triggers arise?
submitted by confuze0 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:35 Potential-Cicada-899 Frustrated

I’ve been TTC with PCOS for about two years. A year ago I went to the obgyn to understand what’s up. I’ve been working on my health for the last year with a significant diet change and exercising a lot more. I’ve lost about 20 lbs of fat and have plateau weight loss but am building muscle. I’ve recently started metformin again and am taking supplements. I am in the process of scheduling an appointment with a fertility doctor to get clomid or something similar.
The vent is I went to my hairstylist recently and she’s several months pregnant. Last time I saw her she didn’t want to get pregnant, but within a month she changed her mind and now is. I’m just frustrated that it’s THAT easy for a lot of women. And it’s not THAT easy for me.
I struggle a lot with my womanhood because of this issue. There have been a lot of tears and hard work to get to where I am now. I know that everyone’s journey is different and that I shouldn’t compare. But it’s SO hard not to.
I’m going to my therapist this week to talk about it. Idk I just feel like I’m gonna explode with frustration. I wish my body just worked right.
Not looking for advice I really just needed this off my chest to a group of women who have the same issue as me otherwise I think I’d just give up.
submitted by Potential-Cicada-899 to TTC_PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 17:42 UberEpicZach Dragon Development Diary #4: Hatching and Cradling

Dragon Development Diary #4: Hatching and Cradling
Hey Everyone! Uber here again with the fourth of our Dragon Development Diaries!
We now know the Dragons' Vision, the Anatomy of a Dragons Portrait, and even all of what makes a dragon unique in type and personality. Today, we are going to dive into everything about Hatching, cradling, egg laying and 'Dragon Blood'. I'll be joined by one of our scripters, Typical.
Heyo, I’m Typical, one of the Advanced Scripters on the team. You may remember me as the guy who created the Faegon Invasions and or as a general onion fanatic on the main server - as Uber mentioned, we are going to go over hatching and more, which is a lot of what I had worked on for this update, so without further ado, let’s get to it.

Bringing them back and Dragon Lore

For nearly a hundred years, as seen in the main series of books and our current bookmarks, dragons have been believed to be extinct. All that remains are dragon bones, eggs, and numerous written accounts. From the eyes of your average ruler, you must read over these accounts and use your best judgment. To bring dragons back, one must undergo the dangerous ritual known as the Hatching Ceremony.
The Hatching Ceremony is a new activity in development. Through the choices the character makes and the pursuit of luck, you might hatch a dragon. This activity is very much based upon the attempts of numerous Targaryens in our histories, specifically, the rumours surrounding the Tragedy at Summerhall and our interpretations of that event in our Nine-Penny Kings Bookmark.
To start your adventure into Hatching, you must select an egg and than choose where you want to hatch the dragon egg. (Note all following images are WIP; and art is underway progress)
But even before doing that, I would recommend gaining as much dragon lore as possible, or else you shall meet the same fate Aegon the Unlikely did. To learn Dragon lore, you must explore places with significant dragon history, learn about the history of the place, and gain a broader picture of what a dragon really is. You may plan ahead and travel to some of these sites as part of a grander trip, twisting your travel plans to go out and hit these Points of Interest.

Hatching Preparations

Once you've chosen the egg you want to hatch, you face the most challenging part of the Hatching Ceremony: selecting the proper method. There are two main types of the Hatching Ceremony: Knowledge Hatching and Esoteric Hatching. As the names suggest, Knowledge Hatching involves using willing maesters and other wise men to hatch the dragon through ‘Maester facts’ and logic. In contrast, Esoteric Hatching relies on a character's belief in faith, using both ritual and help from the faithful to bring the dragon to life.
Next, you need to select who will be participating with you; options are the following:
  • Close Family
  • Close Family and Kingsguard (King and Ruling Family only)
  • Extended Family
After that is the second most important choice, selecting a method in which you are going to hatch the egg. Options are follows:
  • Wooden Pyre
  • Sacrifice
    • Animal
    • Human
    • Valyrian Steel
    • Own Blood
  • Wildfire
Soon after your choice, the ceremony will commence,

The Ceremony

When the ceremony starts, you can either continue or fold and end the ritual. This choice remains available until the very moment of hatching. You never know if you have unleashed dragons anew in the next moment, or uh….. It's a complicated risk overall.
In the next event, you'll be given several options for hatching the egg. While the chance of success is random, it's weighted by your actions and attributes. For instance, someone with extensive dragon lore and Valyrian blood will have a higher chance of success than an onion farmer with no dragon lore or Valyrian blood.
Should you Succeed, the newborn dragon shall be born, and the dragons shall return to this world; if you fail, the consequences will be dire for both you and all participants in a botched attempt unless that is if you wanted that. Yes you heard me right, the activity has 2 intents, suicide by hatching and hatching a dragon. The funny thing is that if you fail in your suicide and actually hatch a dragon, you will get a nice 2 levels of stress for that.
Or the Alternative….
The Hatching Ceremony is still possible to do once the dragon is back in the world of the living since not every egg will hatch a natural way, and there is also the fact that non-Valyrians will need to take part in this dangerous procedure to be able to cradle eggs in the future. On the subject of cradling eggs,

Cradling Eggs

Once dragons have returned to the world. In the chance you get an egg you will be able to hatch it naturally via the new cradling mechanic. Cradling and Hatching are similar in the sense that they can end up with a hatching dragon, but cradling is, first and foremost, a much safer and lengthy procedure. While you may hatch an egg via a Hatching Ceremony over the course of a month, hatching an egg via cradling might take years; As to Cradle an Egg to hatch, one needs first to build a bond with the egg.
To start cradling an egg, as with hatching an egg via ceremony, you must select the egg via character interaction. On that note, you can also gift an egg to one of your family members and tell them to start cradling an egg or give an egg to one of your courtiers and order them to start cradling, with the caveat that they need to have dragon blood. What is dragon blood? Don’t worry about it. I will explain it just past the cradling segment.
After selecting one of the mentioned interactions, the whole process starts. After this, Players and Ruler AI can get a chance to increase their bond with an egg by selecting the new “Spend time with Egg” decision & random events. Non-ruler AI characters can increase their bond within the same range once at the beginning of each new year for performance reasons.
Every year, there is a growing chance that, based on your bond with the egg, it will hatch. There is also a chance that after 10 years of not hatching, the egg will end up being a dud, forcing you to hatch the egg via ceremony. That is basically all in regards to Cradling.

Dragon Blood

Dragon Blood is a mechanic that defines who can cradle an egg; By default, only Valyrian Cultures (High, Essosi, Westerosi Valyrian, Tolosi and Mantaryan - and derivatives) can cradle an egg. Houses such as House Targaryen, or any house that successfully becomes a dragon-riding house with the Hatching Ceremony - will be valid to Hatch, Tame and Cradle Dragons. Lastly, anyone with a blood connection up to three generations to someone with Dragon Blood is also considered valid. That is to say, be careful how you marry and grow your family, let alone sleep around; you wouldn’t want too many bastards running around 😉. This mechanic also has a set of game-rules to switch through.

Egg Laying

Your dragon can lay eggs, and every year, there is a random chance they will lay one or more eggs, with a slight preference for laying one egg over multiple ones. However, what's important is that dragons age differently and thus have different times when they are more or less fertile. Depending on their age, you might get more or fewer eggs. If your dragon lays multiple eggs, the amount is weighted randomly based on factors such as your bond with the dragon, whether they have a mate, traits, and age. There is also a significant chance (base 30%) that your dragon has left at least two eggs before their passing, in which case you will get the eggs they left behind.
That is it for today's diary, I hope everyone has enjoyed reading it all!
Join our Discord if you haven't already! And stay tuned for more and more dev diaries! Previous Dragon Dev Diaries:
Dragon Development Diary #1: The Vision
Dragon Development Diary #2: The Anatomy of the Dragon Portrait
Dragon Development Diary #3: A Dragon's Character
submitted by UberEpicZach to CK3AGOT [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:38 Zephxan A full out fallout farming game : Survival apocalyptique farming sim

~Player always get better or cooler reward for helping other~
Player race - fiver options for customization
No radiation damage + slow regeneration + npc more mefiant and discrimination
Glowing ghoul =
No radiation damage + slow regeneration + npc shoot on sight need to convinced them you’re sane
Super mutant =
No radiation damage + Npc are scared and treat you like an idiot and discriminate
Synthétique =
The compount will hunt you down eventually
Human = no malus or bonus

Character background :
Ghoul / glowing ghoul : Old ghoul ; new ghoul ; vault
Human : Vault ; settler ; brotherhood ; institute
Super mutant: amnesiac
Synthétique : Railroad ; Mister handy (Miss nanny) Old, new, vault.
New arrivant decided to etablished themselves in an old farm close to the local town and become farmer.
First objectif :
- rebuilt home by scavenging in delapited town


Upgrade house by collecting enough scavenging material (metal, stone, tape, glue, etc…) and paid the town entrepreneur to do so.
Possibility to upgrade town by the same way : drinkable water ; defense ; radio tower ; museum ; school ; etc…
Defend home from wild attack (animal, raiders, super mutant, ect…) with gun and eventually autonomous turrets (later game) and engage mercenary to defed (late game). The more the player amass money, the more frequent the attack will be.
Scavenger will gossip about big event and some minor event that occurred in the settlement that you participated in.
Settlement gestion :
Thirst gestion.
Can recolt skin, meat (and bones?) of wild animal.
Can recolt material, used to very used weapond, (rarely) health item, (meat and corpse body parts?) on intelligent humanoïds ennemy
Carrying can either be by weight of the item or by the number of item player can carry.


Season : Spring (middle season) ; Summer (high season) ; Automn (middle season) ; Winter (low season)
Tool: Hoe ; Scynthe ; Watering can ; Pickaxe hamme
Base crop value vs transform product :
Spring : -- ++
Summer : --- +++
Automn : ++ --
Winter : +++ ---

Can sell crop and other to nearest settlement (help with settlement relationship at first) or to traveling marchant.
The river close to your home have fish in it. It take two day for fish to repopulate. If seasonal fish have all be take out, it will take two years
Can raise different mutated animal. Sell them to the town for meat (or kill them and sell them yourself ?) or keep them alive for animal product. (Animal have life span?)
Transform product : Wine ; beer ; jelly ; dried spice,meat, fish ; cheese ; mayo ; butter
Farm building :
- Wind mill
Crop seed that can be found in the town :
Seed you can buy for traveling marchants :
( - Flower and house plant seed ? (Aloes??))


No power armor for the player :(
Can buy stimpack and radaway from settlement healer or from scavenger in the town (for a more expensive price). When reach high enough relationship with healer, he will give you the recipe for both. The only way to regain life and get rid of radiation (sleep and food don’t heal). (Sickness (malus) if health too low for too long?)
Gain radiation by drinking
The main fight zone of the game is the town. In the edge : house, a small commerce (tiny to small dungeon) ; Closer to the center: Office, appartement (small to medium dungeon) ; Center : Commercial center, sky scrapper, (subway?) (normal to big dungeon.
Some raiders and some synth will drop their weapons and beg for their life if the health is low enough. Spare enough of them and you will receive letter from either : the minuteman ; the brotherhood or the railroad to thank you for sending more recruit their way. Two or three will regularly visit town.


Can get a dog as a perm. Companion (can choose race?) (Can breed you dog and gitf puppy to the settlement?)
Npc relationship possible bonus :
- Discount (from marchant)
- Recipe
- Special cut scene
- (Sometime) help on the farm
Some npc love receving gift other will be inconfortable with it. But after (wedding?) no adverse reaction to receive gift.
MAX : 2 gift a week
Might meet some settler in the edge of the town, scavenging like you.
Cause of relationship decay :
There’s a vault “near” the settlement. Gain their trust by doing quest (# depend on race of the player). Once they trust you and when you become mayor, they will become full allied and allow circulation between their vault and the settlement.
Romanceable npc
- # Ghoul
- 1 Traveling npc
Special romance
- Mysterious stranger (need 10 Luck and insert condition)
Will randomly pop out of your house and pop back in. Will tell you about a lone wanderer, courrier or vault survivor he helped. Will come to your help in combat with baby in hand (if kid in the game)
Rival ? Date ?
If there’s kid in the game
Player will be able to have two kids. (Hatchling deathclaw will count as one if in a relationship with Deathclaw).
If player or spouse can’t have a kid (Super mutant ; ghoul ; Synth); player will get a quest about a raider camp in town. Discover all prisoner are dead except one human baby hidden by the body of his dead mother.
Quest reward : Congradulation you are a parent :D
If player can have kid; if spouse is a women, player will have to catter to their wife food craving (nothing with rare item) or face a penality in the relationship. If player is a women ; Malus in health, energy, slower deplacement and carrying capacity decrease the more and more the pregnancy advance. New choice of answer : pissed as fuck and hormonal. Spouse will insist to become a companion until end of pregnancy
Kid will go to school (town upgrade) for three day, help on the farm for three other and have a free day.


Strenght : carrying capacity (?) ; combat ; energy ; health ; defense
Perception : detect ennemy ; scavenging ; npc interraction
Endurence : health ; energy ; resistance
Charisma : batter ; persuasion ; Npc weariness ; # limit of resident npc in settlement
Intelligence : crafting farm upgrade (fertilizer ; spinkler) ; used weapon fixing
Agility : sneak ; weapon ; defense
Luck : loot quality ; gambling (?) ; crit chance (max starting points : 5)


Tree skill style possibility : Path of exile ; Outer world
Farming: Tilling - Watering
Fight: Heavy weapons- Light weapons- Melee
Defence : Dodge - Block
Stealth: Sneak- Lockpick - Hack
Endurance : Poison resistance - Radiation resistance - Thirst resistance
Persuasion: Batter - Intimidation - Persuation (?)
Scavenging : Deconstruct - Descerning eyes
Thinkering : Crafting - Engineering - Medecine
(Upgrade skill to upgrade stat? Once you upgrade a skill enough, it allow you to upgrade the stat?)

Quest :
Attempt murder on the player by the mayor once town upgrade and settler relationship high enough. Scare that they would lose their place to you to engage mercenary or try to poison you to keep their place. Force the mercenary to tell you who paid them or find a note on one of them or talk to the mayor after the attack (will be surprise to see you alive). You can :
- Bring him to justice and let the settler decide of his fate. (Will be possible to talk to him in prison)
- Execute him (will have to prove to the settler that this was auto-defense. Lose some relationship with settler)
Result : Become mayor next election!
Raides have created a camp close to the settlement. Remove them. Player will find two npc in cage. You can :
-Help them out
-Kill them inside the cage
Result :

You’ve find a mister handy (or miss nanny) in the town. Why not fix them?
Result : They will propose you to help you on the farm. Accept and they’ll start working the day after. Refuse and they’ll becom settler. (Possibility to make them synth when relationship high enough?)

Find a sorry scene : deadraiders; a dead deathclaw; a nest with two crushed egg a one intact egg. You can :
-Hatch the egg
Result :

The river close to your house is drying. Discover the reason. The river goes into a cavern and to a lake.
Result : new fish
There’s a thirsthy and hungry homeless man at the edge of the settlement. You can :
-Give him food and water for a week
-Let him there
-kill him
Result :
-They get back on their feet and eventually open an inn in town. Will sometime offer you free drink an talk to you about stranger he hepled by following your exemple.
-They will slowly die an talk with more and more difficulty. (Which led to kill him)
-Burry him and make a small tomb or let him root there. Will get eaten by wild animal.

Guiding an injured npc to the town
Result :??

The settlement don’t have enough food for the winter and ask for your help. You can :
Result :

Help to defend the settlement (before settlement defense upgrande)
Result :??

The scientist of the vault ## think they can help you rediscover old world crop see.
Result : new seeds :D

End game quest :
The vault now trust you enough to tell you about the G.E.C.K.S. The received one that ended up defective and never received the second. They want you to go to the vault building in the center of the town and see if you can find any information about it. Vault tower will be the most difficult dungeon in the game. Beat it to find that the G.E.C.K.S was sent to a second vault that was either unfinished or an experimentation. Go the the vault ## to discover that the G.E.C.K.S had taken some damage from bad condition and bad storage. Get all the item to fix it and either fix it yourself (no money cost) or ask to a vault scientist to fix it (+++ money cost)
Result : The map surrounding your house, the vault and the town will become more and more green with beautiful tree (Process will take ### day or month or years)
submitted by Zephxan to gameideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:18 pillowcase-of-eels [Music] Emilie Autumn's Asylum, pt. 6 – High-concept musician responds to online criticism by waging successful attrition war against her own fanbase

Welcome back to the Asylum write-up, where we explore the decade-long slow-motion car crash that is the Emilie Autumn fandom.
Sorry this installment took so long to upload! Just a heads-up, I may take some time to deliver the last one too – these posts take forever to format on Reddit's finicky-ass editor, and my dumb real life is currently keeping me from precious Internet time. Thank you for your patience! You have my word that everyone who pre-ordered the final installment will receive a PERSONAL, HANDWRITTEN letter autographed and illustrated by me, a list of the snacks I consumed while composing this write-up, some exclusive behind-the-scenes secrets, and a pony.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4.1Part 4.2 Part 5
Places, everyone This is a test Throw your stones Do your damage Your worst, and your best (...) And if I had a dollar For every time I repented the sin And commit the same crime I'd be sitting on top of the world today (“God Help Me”, 2006🎵)
Quick recap of where we left off. First, there were five to ten halcyon years of pleasant and meaningful interactions between EA and her blossoming fanbase, prominently by way of her official forum. Then, circa 2009-2010, EA's online presence shifted towards sudden anger outbursts, ban-hammering, and an increasingly top-down communication style.
This created a sort of primordial rift within the fanbase, between those who supported EA's right to speak her mind and regulate her own fan spaces however she pleased – and those who thought that her reactions were rude and inappropriate (at best), and that even fan spaces should allow for reasonable, non-abusive criticism of the artist.
Between a poorly-handled book release (see Part 3), the controversial (Part 2) or dubiously true (Part 4) contents of said book, and serious shade from various former collaborators (Part 5), more and more fans had pressing thoughts about EA's work ethic and choices. EA attempted damage control through drastic forum rules that made it virtually impossible to voice any “serious” critical opinion. It didn't work, of course: instead of squashing the mutiny, she created a schism.
Critical fans and active haters started congregating on unofficial platforms.


So here we were, the early 2010s. The official forum (which had about 700 members in 2006, if you recall) was now thousands-strong, reaching just over 12,000 registered users in 2012 – not all of them active, but still. In terms of sheer numbers and content creation, the party was POPPIN'... but increasingly in parts of the Asylum that escaped EA's jurisdiction, such as Tumblr, where they could speak their mind freely.
You play the victim very well You've built your self-indulgent hell You wanted someone to understand you Well, be careful what you wish for, because I do (“I Know Where You Sleep”, 2006🎵)
In one wing of Asylum Tumblr, a smattering of call-out blogs emerged, which laid out EA's various lies, faux pas, shitty takes, and general deep-seated terribleness in detailed timelines and screenshots (or, short of that, long-winded bullet points). While many such blogs framed it as “serious” whistleblowing and did their best to remain as fact-based and neutral as they could, there was some genuine disgust, animosity and creepiness towards EA on that side of Tumblr; for some ex-fans, “exposing the truth” was mostly justify obsessive hatred, prying and verbal abuse. Some, for instance, felt the bizarre need to side with EA's mother in their estrangement. (One user, with the URL “emilyautumnfischkopf”, argued in a serious and down-to-earth tone - but with zero sources - that EA's upbringing had been nothing but peaceful and supportive until she ungratefully kicked her loving family to the curb for no reason at all. They were later revealed 🔍 to have an alternate handle as “eaisalyingcunt”.)
Either way, through these blogs, a number of potential drama bombs that had mostly flown under the radar were dredged up from over the years – some of which were hard to ignore, even for supportive fans. Where to begin?
There was that nonsense in-joke song, captured twice on camera during the 2009 tour (to very little outrage, at the time), crassly called “Manatee Retard”📺. Or EA's scathing response, in print, to a wheelchair user who found it insensitive that she used a bedazzled wheelchair as a prop to do sexy acrobatics on stage. (“Your offence taken at my hard-won self-acceptance proves that I indeed have something to fight against”, she wrote). Spoken word tracks where she made trivializing knock-knock jokes about serious mental illnesses she didn't have, like schizophrenia and OCD. Multiple instances of calling Britney Spears a “bimbo” and a “Hollywood fucked-up”, resentfully claiming that she only shaved her head because she was “hopped up on drugs” and certainly not because she was “bipolar”, a word the press liked to wield as an insult anyway. (“That's almost like calling someone a retard!” Yeah, heaven forbid.) The meanest, most distasteful paragraphs in the book. Basically everything problematic EA had ever said or written.📝 In retrospect, it had been a long time coming, but it was a lot to take in – and certainly more off-putting, even to less emotionally invested fans, than silly lies about her age and last name.
In another wing of Asylum Tumblr, some fans had had it up to here and just wanted to have fun. 🎵 If Plague Rats had learned one valuable lesson from EA, it was how to crack a joke in the face of absurd tragedy – and the general state of the EA fandom certainly warranted a few.
In 2012, Fight Like a Girl was released. After six long years, three of which had been peaceful, the Opheliac era was officially over. The new album and ensuing tour confirmed that the Asylum had entered a process of glamorous Broadway-style militarization. 🎵📺
The mood board was “Roman general meets Vegas showgirl meets Victorian street urchin”.🪞 The color palette was, to naysayers, “musty pink and rotten, stale piss yellow”. 🐀 The keyword was “REVENGE” (through the power of... self-expression! sorority! brutal assault with rusty medical implements!). The chorus of the title song had an intriguing run-on line about getting “revenge on the world, or at least 49% of the people in it” 🎵 – which seemed like an awful lot, and was widely interpreted (to cheers, boos, or uncomfortable sighs) as a misandrist jab at literally all men on Earth.
The show was essentially a demo version of the musical, in that the setlist vaguely reflected the order of events in the story – but prior reading was essential in order to get what the hell was going on on stage. This one Broadway reviewer had not perused the literature before seeing the show 🔍, and hated: the set, the choreography, the skits, the plot, the lyrics, the music, the concept. (Seriously, you should read the review. It's not even my show and I feel like quitting show business.)
Pre-show VIP encounters, now violin-free, were lorded over by EA's new manager🐀, whose official title was “Asylum Headmistress”. (Interesting choice – she sounds fun!) The swag bags were less substantial than before, and the “greet” part of the meet-and-greet was rarely more than a quick hug and photo op.
On Twitter, EA continued to embrace her “I am very badass” fronting attitude...
Often wonder if cyberbullies r aware they’re fucking w/ a girl who’s BFs w/ maker of the SAW films & is marrying a knife-throwing scorpion. (🐀📝)
...and her taste for needlessly inflammatory statements. About an aisle sign in a supermarket:
If this does not infuriate you, then you're a fucking potato.
(Again with the confounding crypto-ableism, EA! 🔍) She also went through a phase of raging against Lady Gaga 📝, who had stolen her idea of using a wheelchair on stage as an able-bodied woman. 🔍 That failed to convince anyone that she wasn't the histrionic diva that haters made her out to be.
Spurred on by EA's rallying cries and “us vs them” mentality, loyalists turned the white-knighting up to 11. On Twitter, some Plague Rats got into cat fights with Lady Gaga's Little Monsters (what a time to be alive). Others tried to balance out the Tumblr negativity with initiatives like “Spreading a Plague of Love” – a “positive-only” confession blog, whose extreme fangirling, comically drastic rules and hyper-defensive tone📝 did not debunk the increasingly popular notion that “true Plague Rats” were a bunch of authoritarian and hopelessly brainwashed fanatics.
EA truthers and other anti-fans started lashing out at anyone who dared express any positive opinion of EA, solidifying claims that the backlash against EA was just a conspiracy of bitter, hysterical bullies.
All this to say: every passing day brought new reasons for fans to get mad at EA and each other, and everyone in the Asylum was in need of a laugh. It's not easy having a good time.🦠
Leading up to Fight Like a Girl and in the years that followed, user-submission-based meme blogs took off, most notably “Spreading a Plague of Lulz / Troll Like a Girl”. A lot of the early submissions were absurdist humor and toothless, cheezburger-Impact memes (a style that was, oddly, already dated at the time). Those often originated in good fun, and from loyal fans, on the official forum. But there was also true snark, satirizing EA's questionable ethics, outrageous claims, and easily spoofed artistic gimmicks. A new slang of Asylumspeak emerged: Glittertits (slight NSFW), GAGA!!, EA Gusta and all its memeface variants, Get outta mah house!, Are You Suffering?, Fight Like A Goat, [Random celebrity] copied EA (a subgenre in its own right), ...
Most of the “trolling” was directed at unrepentant bootlickers and, to a lesser extent, red-in-the-face haters and creeps. Meme blogs would post joke comments under “serious” or gushing submissions on Wayward Victorian Confessions, and taunt loyalist accounts by tagging them in their posts. When a few people complained on WVC that almost all of the Bloody Crumpets to date had been thin white able-bodied women, and a few fans responded by sharing their dream-casts for a more diverse line-up, the blog was flooded for days with confessions that “X should be a Crumpet” (candidates included RuPaul, Mitt Romney, Nicki Minaj, EA's therapist, and the WVC admins). Farcical shenanigans like that.
Ah, but some people will always cross the line, won't they. EA threads popped up on merciless, bully-friendly snark platforms like Lolcow, Pretty Ugly Little Liar, and Encyclopedia Dramatica. Snarkers with a mean streak and obsessive haters mingled in some of the more aggressive, 4-chan-spirited retaliation against EA – which would be called “brigading” in modern parlance. This included flooding EA's Goodreads page with one-star reviews (see part 4), repeatedly editing her Wikipedia page to include her legal name and birth year, and ensuring that Googling said name would bring up current pictures of her.
All of this compounded agitation fragmented the once-united fandom beyond recognition.🦠 Through substantial disagreements among fans, personal bickerings, layers upon layers of inscrutable in-jokes, and cross-platform telephone games, the Asylum morphed into a booby-trapped Escher room.
Satire blogs were taken in earnest. Earnest fan blogs scanned as satire. Memes would get called out as abuse. Appreciation without attached criticism would get mocked as bootlicking. Obvious jokes made by EA would be taken at face value. One divisive confession could trigger days and days of debate, to the point that WVC eventually banned confessions in response to other confessions. New waves of infighting created a confusing web of rival sub-factions🐀, each accusing the others of being toxic, cliquish, and delusional.
The shared fantasy was broken, the collective vision had crumbled, no onez was speaking the same language anymore. Fans would jump down the throat of other fans who held almost identical views about EA, except for that one thing she said or did that one time. Everyone had differing thoughts on what should or shouldn't acceptable to discuss, question, excuse, make fun of.
War is hell.


Would you tear my castle down Stone by stone And let the wind run through my windows Till there was nothing left But a battered rose? (“Castle Down”, 2003🎵)
Haters vs sycophants is not really the kind of conflict where one side can come out on top (if you're participating, you've already lost). But in the long tug-of-war between “grassroots” and “EA-sponsored” fan spaces, the ultimate winner is obvious – in that the former is gasping in agony, a shriveled husk of its former glory, while the latter... is non-existent. This is due in no small part to EA's tendency, like the Czars of old, to settle conflicts by setting Moscow on fire.🔍)
That's not entirely fair: unlike EA, the czar only did it that once.
By early 2013, as EA was gearing up for her third Fight Like a Girl tour at the end of the year, the official forum was... not as lively as it once had been. Not just because of the stifling rules and disgruntlement towards EA, or because EA herself hadn't really posted anything on there in years; the Internet was also changing, and forums in general were fast becoming passé.
This made it difficult for EA to create a safe space where she could talk to fans, and fans could talk to and about her, in a way she deemed suitable (ie, a space she could gate-keep and regulate enough to keep it completely free from negative criticism). Social media was a minefield; she still posted regularly, but didn't interact very much. So EA and the Headmistress came up with a way to filter out the unbelievers: an official fan club📝, aptly called the “Asylum Army”, with a $100 entry price.
Joining the AA came with a dog tag, a sew-on patch, and a lifetime membership certificate signed by EA and – for some reason – the Headmistress. (Unlike EA's best friend and sound engineer back in the forum's heyday, I don't think fans ever really embraced the FLAG-era manager as part of the Asylum in-group. She came across more as a coordinator / businessperson / adult chaperone, at best.🐀) So, slightly better goodies than you'd get by joining the other AA 🔍 ... but not by much. The main appeal was that members would have access to exclusive content, special merch, giveaways, early bird tickets for future shows, and regular video chats with EA.
The concept itself drew a fair amount of criticism, as you can imagine. Between the name🐀, the price, and the inherent gatekeeping of a pay-to-join fanclub, many balked at the monetizing of a concept that had once (like, three years back) been significantly more DIY, grassroots, and inclusive. 📝🐀
Then again, many also longed for a positive, drama-free space where fans could just be fans. And while the creation of the AA was generally recognized as a quick cashgrab, a lot of people were surprisingly cool with it. EA was trying to finance her dream musical, after all – although a number of fans wished she had gone about raising funds in a less sketchy way.
So around 400 fans shelled out (which, according to the Headmistress📝, “basically cover[ed] the cost of running the fanclub itself – keeping the database up, website, etc.”). Enough for a close-knit, but sizable community. But already, there was a conflict of interest: a high fanclub entry fee essentially demands that you pledge loyalty to the artist over loyalty to your fellow fans, who wish to join but can't afford to. Sharing, caring, and ensuring no one felt left out were some of the more positive values cultivated in the fandom... but leaking exclusive content would surely piss off other paying members🐀, and make EA feel betrayed all over again. (And she had barely just started to mellow out on social media!)
...But then again, this is the internet. After the first month of secret AA drops (lyric sheets, some photoshoot outtakes – nothing too juicy, really), there were, yes, some leaks. EA was predictably miffed, and retaliated by... ghosting the fanclub for weeks at a time in its first few months of existence (great look!). She eventually found the “solution” to her problem, by providing something you couldn't right-click-save (and which had been part of the promised perks to begin with): live interaction.
Over webcam, she was her usual in-person bubbly, charming, funny self. Everyone seemingly had a good time during the fanclub video chat, and this gave people faith and hope.
There were a few more events, giveaways, etc. As promised, ahead of the fall 2013 tour (the last one to date, it would turn out), AA members got priority access to show tickets and VIP bundles. The latter were much pricier than before, and only included soundcheck, a photo-op, and three goodies: a tin of loose-leaf tea, a signed printer-paper setlist, and a small flag that said “F.L.A.G.”.🔍 Some stuff continued to leak – but, as some of the outlaws pointed out (scroll down to the Disqus comments), they were mostly relaying information that was relevant to the entire fanbase, such as updates about ongoing projects (the dragged-out recording of the audiobook, for one).
In early 2014, lifetime memberships were closed, and replaced with monthly, quarterly and yearly subscription tiers. Bizarrely, you ended up paying $3 more per month if you bought a $99 yearly subscription📝 – but it did include the patch, dog tag, and piece of paper!
Sometimes I kind of want to be part of the cool kids and register to the Asylum Army. Then I remember how it came about, what you could get for the same price a couple years ago, how the whole thing was and is handled, and that I won’t support any of this bullshit. (And then I roll around naked in all the money I’m saving.) (🐀)
Still, a number of fans rejoiced at the affordable monthly option, and joined – if not for the exclusive content and merch (which were... okay, but not much to write home about), then for the friendly, drama-free exchanges with an artist they actually did love, in spite of all the frustration.
For the still-too-poor or still-undecided, there was always the forum! It wasn't as active as it used to be, but a few die-hards still managed to keep the lights on... until, inevitably, Someone Did Something and Ruined Everything. (Once again: EA's wrath is spectacular, but rarely completely unprovoked.) The incident features one notable figure in the Asylum community. Let's call him the Collector.
OK, so maybe you remember the meme I linked to in Part 4, with Christian Grey and the ginormous EA hoard. Well, that's the Collector's collection. The “Violin” promo that I called the "Holy Grail of the fandom" in the same paragraph? Also his. The handwritten lyrics that went for $940? Guess who won that auction. Over the years, the Collector had probably spent five figures on EA merch and shows, and although that fact was a little unsettling, he was a very active, easy-going, and generally well-liked fixture of the fandom.
One day in 2012, shortly after the Headmistress had replaced EA's old Chicago BFF as main forum admin, the Collector's account got banned or restricted over something dumb. When the ban wasn't lifted as quickly as he hoped, he took it... the way one takes things when one is unhealthily invested: he started spamming Headmistress and the mod team with increasingly rambling and abusive emails (lost to time, probably for the best). When that didn't work quickly enough, he tried a different route.
One of the many auctions that the Collector had won, some years prior, was EA's old iPod Touch📝 – which contained all of her favorite tunes and, buried somewhere in the data cache... a phone number. Which the Collector tried calling. And wouldn't you know it: EA picked up. She congratulated him on his sleuthing skills, listened patiently as he made his case, apologized for any distress caused by the unfair account restriction, and then they got married.
Kidding! She freaked the fuck out, hung up, and banned him for life from the forum and all EA shows and events.
After his ban, the Collector allegedly still tried to attend at least one VIP pre-show (one source in the comments says he was allowed to buy some merch, refunded for his ticket, and escorted out). He joined the Reform forum to bitch about EA and try to rally people to his cause, possibly made revenge posts about her on darker snark forums, and continued to hound the Asylum mod team. So in June 2014, EA came up with a radical and unexpected fix to the Collector problem.
The official Asylum Fan Forum has been shut down permanently. I have personally paid thousands of dollars each year to keep the forum safe and secure for you ... Unfortunately, the forum has not been kept safe and secure for me, a truth which disappoints me greatly, instead becoming a place where people who have physically threatened myself and my staff prey upon forum members, pressuring them to contact me and my staff on their behalf. If the gullible wish to humor my stalkers (who live in their parent’s basement at age 30 something) and thus put me in danger, they may do it on their own dime. They may also fuck off, because stupidity can kill, and I won’t be your victim. To those who enjoyed the forum, you know who to thank for its closure. (“On the closing of the Asylum Forum”)
Voilà! This is how a decade-long archive of shared history ends: not with a bang, but with a dirty delete and a sod-off communiqué.
The obliteration of the forum took everyone by surprise...
I was actually on the forum when it was taken down. I was navigating between posts and when I went to click on a different board, an error message came up. I honestly cried a little, I'm not ashamed to say. (WVC admin on Reddit, 2024)
...and I do mean everyone:
Chicago BFF / ex-admin, the next morning: Whoa, EA forum shut down? Ex-mod: It turns out that if someone spends enough years actively “waging war” to destroy what they can’t have, eventually they’ll be successful. * eye roll * Not even mods got prior warning. Just all the sudden, poof, gone. BFF: Really? She did not let the moderators know?! This is sounding worse and worse. Uggh. I’m so sorry. Such a loss. (...) Ok, threats are serious, but why not just put it in archive mode so no one can post? (...) Sad. I shall light a candle in the forum's honor. (Facebook posts; scroll down for screenshots)
It was a gut punch, especially for people who had poured countless hours into the community, or could have used some prior warning to save years of their own writing from the role-playing threads. One last chance to take a look around the place that had meant so much to so many.
From the wording of the announcement of closing the forum and a number of other things, it sometimes seems like EA doesn't like her fans much. :/ (🐀)
Three months after the forum was nuked, Battered Rose (a venerable EA fansite, which had been around since the Enchant era and had one of the most complete EA galleries online) announced that it was shutting down too.📝 The admin, who had also been a long-time forum mod, cited a lack of “time, energy, passion, or money” to keep the website going... and being upset at the sudden disappearance of the forum. It was, truly, the end of an era for the Asylum.
...Well, no point in living in the past. For those who could afford it, and still wanted to talk to/about EA after that (not everyone did 🐀), there was always the Asylum Army fanclub!
Over the summer of 2014, EA held regular live chats and Q&A's, and... many attendees really enjoyed them, and thought the AA was well worth the money after all. She also quietly parted ways with the much poo-pooed Headmistress around that time.
Just spent over 4 hours giggling, drinking tea and playing guessing games in chat with EA and other Asylum Army members ... No griping, no downers, just lots of fun. I think I like the way the ‘new fandom’ is going and now I’m really glad I finally decided to join the Army. (September 4, 2014🐀; Battered Rose had closed the day before)
The forum was lost forever, but perhaps that was a chance for a fresh start. Could this fanclub thing really be the Asylum Renaissance that fans had been longing for?
...I have come today to a very difficult but necessary decision, and that is to discontinue the Emilie Autumn Official Fanclub. The site itself, and the community chatroom, will remain open to you indefinitely, but I will no longer be making updates to the site. (Newsletter, September 8, 2014📝)
...Never mind, then.
Turns out the fanclub had been the Headmistress' idea all along. EA had been reluctant from the start, and although she really enjoyed the live chats with a safe community of people “who are there for the right reasons”, she couldn't overcome her fundamental discomfort with the concept. Lifetime and regular members would receive a bunch of digital downloads and a -35% coupon on the Asylum Emporium for their troubles. EA said she would definitely pop back once in a while for live chats, for free, just for fun, but to my knowledge, she never did.
And so the most devoted fans were left standing in the rain...
She is happy, she made it. She is fulfilling her dreams, found love and happiness after all the pain. I understand that she now doesn’t need “us” anymore ... That doesn’t change the fact she broke my heart with taking the Asylum Army and the forum from me. Yet, I am happy for her. (🐀)
...while naysayers pointed and laughed, Nelson-style.🦠
I don’t feel sorry at all for the people that paid for the Asylum Army fan club. Most of them knew that EA is an atrocious business woman and has broken many promises before. In fact, I laugh at them. They seriously thought that EA would actually stay consistent with this? (🐀)


EA fans were left without an “official” home for about three years. This gave them plenty of time to be annoyed at EA for: not releasing the audiobook on time, not materializing any new project for a while... and the new sin of peddling random, ridiculously marked-up AliBaba jewelry as “merch” on her official store. Think faux-antique cameo pendants and $30 Big Ben rings (...because the Asylum story is set in London, get it?).
The whole accessories section looks like a tacky overpriced English souvenir shop. (🐀)
The fanbase lost a lost of steam in those in-between years, because there wasn't much to stick around for. As evidenced by the positive reception of the AA live chats, even in the midst of unresolved drama, out-loud interactions in a friendly environment have always been EA's saving grace. Considering the amount of online hate, there are shockingly few accounts of bad IRL encounters with EA: most people say that in live conversation, she comes across as a fun, warm, and genuinely sweet person. Some report that their negative opinion shifted after meeting her.
But there were no chats or live shows anymore. There was only social media, where she ignored questions and vague-posted about overdue projects – and the newsletter📝, which was all saccharine love-bombing to promote bland dropshipped trinkets. For fans who remembered the handcrafted merch (and two-way communication) of the early years, it was a bitter pill to swallow.


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2024.05.19 11:24 GhoulGriin Best Cargo Sweatpants

Best Cargo Sweatpants
Cargo sweatpants have emerged as a trendy and versatile staple in recent years, providing comfort and functionality in equal measure. In our Cargo Sweatpants roundup, we take a closer look at these must-have items, examining their styles, materials, and suitability for various occasions. From fashion-forward designs to classic cuts, there's a cargo sweatpant to suit every taste and lifestyle. Join us as we delve into the world of cargo sweatpants and uncover the perfect pair for your wardrobe.

The Top 12 Best Cargo Sweatpants

  1. Beige Cargo Joggers - H&M - Discover men's beige cargo joggers by H&M, a versatile, high-quality option with a drawstring waist, multiple pockets, and tapered legs, offering comfort, durability, and timeless style.
  2. Heavyweight Fleece Cargo Sweatpants for Men: Stylish and Comfortable - Upgrade your look and stay cozy in these high-quality, heavyweight fleece cargo sweatpants, offering durability, warmth, and ample storage space.
  3. Garage Women's Fleece Cargo Sweatpants - Forged Iron Grey - Experience the best of both worlds with the Garage Fleece Cargo Sweatpants - offering the comfort of sweatpants and the practicality of cargo pants, perfect for both style and functionality.
  4. Stylish Oversized Cargo Sweatpants - High-quality, comfortable Women's Essential Oversized Cargo Sunday Sweatpant in Light Grey by Abercrombie & Fitch, perfect for relaxed weekends and lounging, featuring an elasticated waistband, cargo-style pockets, and banded cuffs.
  5. Bershka Tapered Cargo Sweatpants in Gray - Experience unmatched comfort with Bershka's cargo sweatpants in charcoal-gray, offering a regular, tapered fit, elasticized waistband, functional pockets, and elastic cuffs, perfect for lounging or everyday wear.
  6. Women's Classic Cargo Sweatpants - Discover the perfect blend of comfort and style with Gap's Women's Vintage Soft Cargo Sweatpants, featuring a versatile design and premium craftsmanship. These drawstring cargo sweatpants offer an ideal fit and feel in a timeless black color.
  7. Stylish Pink Cargo Sweatpants for Women - Experience the perfect blend of comfort, style, and functionality with Nike's Women's Sportswear Club Fleece Mid-Rise Oversized Cargo Sweatpants in Pink - offering an extra-roomy fit, cargo pockets for storage, and an attractive, cozy look.
  8. Pro Club Men's Heavyweight Fleece Cargo Sweatpants - Pro Club Men's Heavyweight Fleece Cargo Pants offer unmatched warmth, comfort, and style with a thick 13oz fleece, six spacious pockets, and a relaxed fit, making them perfect for anyone looking to stay cozy and stylish during cold weather days.
  9. Bershka White Cargo Sweatpants: Comfortable and Durable - Discover the ultimate comfort and style with Bershka Pocket Cargo Sweatpants in White, featuring elasticated waistband, functional pockets, and elastic cuffs for a perfect regular, tapered fit. Endorsed by 22 satisfied 4.5 star ratings on ASOS.
  10. Cargo Fleece Jogger Pants - Black - XXL - Experience the perfect blend of comfort and style with Rsq Fleece Cargo Jogger Sweatpants featuring a fleece lining and durable construction, making them ideal for lounging and outdoor activities.
  11. Bershka Gray Slim Cargo Sweatpants - Experience exceptional comfort and unique style with Bershka's Slim Cargo Sweatpants in Gray - perfect for those who value both function and fashion.
  12. The Aiho Convertible Sleeper Chair is a modern single sleeper chair that doubles as a comfy bed. It features a pillow and pocket for added convenience and is available in light gray linen fabric. - Discover the durability and all-day comfort of Duluth Trading Company's Men's Tradetek Heavyweight Sweats Cargo Pants in black, featuring reinforcement panels for added protection and a drizzle-shedding finish.
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🔗Beige Cargo Joggers - H&M
I recently tried a pair of beige cargo joggers from H&M, and I have to say, they've quickly become one of my go-to items for casual outfits. The moment I put them on, I noticed how comfortable they are, thanks to the soft cotton fabric and adjustable drawstring waistband. The tapered legs and covered elastic at the hems give them a polished look that's perfect for both lounging around the house or dressing up for a night out.
One feature that really stands out is the variety of pockets - they've got diagonal side pockets, back pockets with concealed snap fasteners, and even leg pockets with flaps. This might not seem like a big deal, but as someone who's always misplacing their phone or keys, having so many pocket options has made my life so much easier!
However, there are a couple of downsides worth mentioning. Firstly, I found that the sizing can be a bit tricky. I'm usually a small but needed to go up to a medium to get the right leg length. Secondly, while the material is comfortable, it does seem to attract dust and dirt more easily than other fabrics. This means I have to wash them more frequently than I would like.
Overall, these beige cargo joggers from H&M are definitely worth considering if you're looking for a stylish and comfortable pair of pants to add to your wardrobe. Just make sure to pay attention to the sizing and be prepared for some extra laundry!

🔗Heavyweight Fleece Cargo Sweatpants for Men: Stylish and Comfortable
I recently picked up a pair of these Pro Club Men's Heavyweight Fleece Cargo Sweatpants in heather gray, and let me tell you, they've quickly become my go-to comfies for lounging around the house. The fleece is ultra-soft and surprisingly warm, making them perfect for those chilly winter days. I appreciated the relaxed fit, which didn't feel too tight or constricting, but still gave me enough room to move freely.
One of the highlights of these sweatpants is definitely the multiple cargo pockets and added flaptop security. They've allowed me to stash away my phone, wallet, keys, and other necessities without fumbling around in my pockets or bag. Plus, the adjustable elastic drawstring on both the waist and pant cuff ensures a customizable and comfortable fit.
However, it's worth noting that these sweatpants run a bit larger than I expected. If you prefer a more fitted look, I'd recommend sizing down. Additionally, some users may find the heavy fabric to be a bit too warm during warmer months. Despite these minor drawbacks, I'm thoroughly enjoying my new pair of Pro Club sweatpants, and would recommend them to anyone seeking comfort and style.

🔗Garage Women's Fleece Cargo Sweatpants - Forged Iron Grey
As a fashion enthusiast, I can't tell you how much I appreciate the unique blend of practicality and comfort that the Garage Cargo Sweatpants have to offer. With an elastic waistband and adjustable drawstring, these sweatpants provide a secure and snug fit, making them perfect for lounging around or going on an active adventure.
The fleece interior is another highlight of this garment; it's incredibly soft against the skin, making every moment spent in these pants a cozy affair. Additionally, the 7-pocket detailing adds a layer of functionality and versatility to the pants, allowing you to carry more items without compromising on style or comfort.
One potential drawback to note is that the pants have a relaxed fit, which some individuals might find too baggy. However, this quality also adds to the comfort and ease of movement that these sweatpants provide.
In my personal experience, the Garage Cargo Sweatpants have become my go-to choice for both casual outings and lounging around at home. Their durability and high-quality materials have made them a worthwhile investment in my wardrobe, and I highly recommend them to anyone seeking comfort and style combined.

🔗Stylish Oversized Cargo Sweatpants
I've been using these Women's Essential Oversized Cargo Sunday Sweatpants in Light Grey from Abercrombie & Fitch for a while now, and I must say, they've quickly become my go-to choice for lounging around in comfort and style. The high rise design combined with the heavyweight Soft A&F Max fleece fabric creates an incredibly cozy sensation that's hard to beat.
One of the standout features of these sweatpants is their oversized Sunday silhouette. It gives a relaxed and effortless vibe that's perfect for those lazy Sunday mornings or cozy nights spent binge-watching your favorite shows. The elasticated waistband adds an extra layer of comfort, while the interior drawcords with metal aglets ensure a secure fit without sacrificing ease of taking them off.
The cargo-style pockets are another highlight for me. They provide ample storage space for my phone, keys, and other essentials without adding bulk to the overall look. Plus, they add a unique touch to the traditional sweatpant design, making them stand out in a sea of similar options.
However, there are some cons to consider. Firstly, the price point might be a bit steep for some people. While I believe the quality and comfort justify the cost, it's understandable that not everyone may want to invest in such an item. Secondly, some users have mentioned that the fold-over part of the waistband doesn't stay in place as it should, which can be slightly disappointing for those who prefer a neater appearance.
Overall, I'm absolutely in love with these Women's Essential Oversized Cargo Sunday Sweatpants from Abercrombie & Fitch. They offer unmatched comfort and style, making them a must-have addition to any wardrobe. If you're willing to overlook the minor flaws and high price tag, I can assure you that these sweatpants will be your new favorite pair!

🔗Bershka Tapered Cargo Sweatpants in Gray
As soon as I slipped into my new pair of Bershka cargo sweatpants in charcoal-gray, I knew I had found my ultimate comfort wear. The fabric is buttery-soft, and the elasticized waistband ensures a snug fit that's perfect for lounging around the house or running errands.
One of the best features of these sweatpants is definitely the functional pockets, which are spacious enough to hold all your essentials without creating bulk. Plus, the elastic cuffs keep the pants from riding up while you're on the go.
The regular, tapered fit strikes the right balance between casual and stylish, making these sweatpants a versatile addition to any wardrobe. I'm particularly impressed with the craftsmanship - everything from the stitching to the zippers feels durable and high-quality.
However, some users did report issues with the durability of the drawstring toggles and the overall sizing of the pants, so it might be worth considering these aspects before making your purchase.
Overall, I can't recommend the Bershka cargo sweatpants enough. They've become my go-to choice for lounging, working out, or simply enjoying a cozy day at home.

🔗Women's Classic Cargo Sweatpants
Soft and stylish, these vintage-inspired cargo sweatpants from Gap are perfect for lounging around or dressing up. Featuring an adjustable drawstring at the waist, along with slanted front pockets and spacious cargo pockets, these sweatpants provide both comfort and functionality.
I've been wearing these in both black and grey, and I've found that they pair nicely with both sneakers and boots. They're definitely on the longer side, so for those of us with shorter legs, it might be worth picking the petite size.
One downside is that these sweatpants shed, leaving a trail of fluff wherever I go. However, this is a small issue when you consider how comfortable and versatile they are. Overall, I would give these cargo sweatpants a well-deserved 4 out of 5 stars. If you're in the market for a stylish and comfy pair of sweatpants, these are definitely worth checking out!

🔗Stylish Pink Cargo Sweatpants for Women
Firstly, let me tell you about the comfort level of these fleece cargo sweatpants. I've been using them for a month now, and I have to say, I can't get enough of the softness. The feel of them is like a warm hug on a cold day - it's pure bliss!
The design is another aspect I absolutely adore. The cargo pockets are incredibly useful, especially when I'm out for a run or just lounging around the house. They can easily fit my phone, keys, and even a snack or two. Plus, the mid-rise waist keeps them securely in place without digging into my belly.
However, there are some cons that I think are worth mentioning. Firstly, the oversized fit might not be everyone's cup of tea. If you're looking for a sleeker look, these pants might not be what you're after. Secondly, the drawstrings on the waist can sometimes tend to loosen up, which could lead to the pants sagging a bit.
In conclusion, I would highly recommend these cargo sweatpants to anyone looking for comfortable, stylish, and practical loungewear. Just remember to size down if you prefer a more fitted look, and always keep an eye on those drawstrings!

🔗Pro Club Men's Heavyweight Fleece Cargo Sweatpants
I recently purchased these Pro Club Men's Heavyweight Fleece Cargo Pants for my daily wear, and I must say I am quite impressed. The 13oz fleece fabric is incredibly warm and comfortable, perfect for cold winter days. The heavyweight fleece also provides a nice buffer against wind and chill, making it an excellent choice for outdoor activities.
One of the standout features of these pants for me is the ample storage provided by the two side pockets, two rear pockets, and two cargo pockets. The Velcro flaps on the cargo and rear pockets keep my valuables secure, giving me peace of mind when I'm out and about. The elastic waistband with drawstring is another feature that I appreciate, as it allows for a snug and adjustable fit.
The sizing on these cargo pants is also quite accurate, making it easy to find the perfect fit. The only minor issue I have encountered is that the pants are a bit more relaxed in their fit than I initially expected. However, this is not necessarily a negative aspect, as it adds to the overall comfort and coziness of the garment.
Overall, I am extremely satisfied with my purchase of the Pro Club Men's Heavyweight Fleece Cargo Pants. They provide excellent warmth, comfort, and style, making them a must-have for anyone looking for high-quality sweatpants that will keep them warm on those chilly days.

🔗Bershka White Cargo Sweatpants: Comfortable and Durable
I recently got my hands on these Bershka Pocket Cargo Sweatpants in White, exclusively from ASOS, and I must say, they're a game-changer for my daily wardrobe. The moment I slipped them on, their comfort hit me like a warm hug. The fabric, made of 98% cotton and 2% elastane, offers an exquisite softness that's perfect for those laid-back days. I particularly appreciate the elasticized waistband, as I don't have to worry about constantly pulling up my pants.
The standout feature, however, is the thoughtfully designed pockets. They're not only functional but also add a unique touch to this cargo-inspired style. I've been using these sweatpants for running errands, and they're surprisingly versatile - they go perfectly with a simple t-shirt or even a button-down shirt for a more put-together look.
There are a few things that could have been done better, though. Some users have pointed out that the cargos run large, so sizing might be an issue for some. Additionally, the reviewers have mentioned that the pockets aren't actually functional, which might not be ideal for those looking for a practical pair of sweatpants.
Overall, I wholeheartedly recommend these Bershka Pocket Cargo Sweatpants for those who seek comfort and style in their everyday attire. They're perfect for lounging around or dressing up, making them a valuable addition to anyone's wardrobe.

🔗Cargo Fleece Jogger Pants - Black - XXL
I recently came across Rsq's Fleece Cargo Jogger Sweatpants in black, and I must say, they've become my go-to loungewear. The fleece lining provides exceptional warmth and comfort, making these perfect for a cozy night in or a casual outing. The drawstring waist ensures a secure and snug fit, while the side slip pockets provide ample storage for my phone and keys. The cargo pockets add extra flair, offering plenty of space for my essentials.
One of the standout features of these sweatpants is the fabric mix of 58% cotton, 37% recycled polyester, and 5% elastane. This unique blend makes the garment both durable and stretchy, ensuring optimal freedom of movement. Additionally, the machine-washable quality means I can effortlessly toss these in with the rest of my laundry, saving me time and energy.
However, there have been a few minor drawbacks with these sweatpants. Some users have reported that the sizing can be tricky, with certain measurements coming up shorter than expected. My personal experience with the sizing was accurate, but it's worth noting that the fit may vary for others. Furthermore, a few users have mentioned that the cargo pockets' Velcro closures can be slightly noisy, which may be a consideration for those seeking a quieter option.
All in all, Rsq's Fleece Cargo Jogger Sweatpants have been a fantastic addition to my wardrobe. They offer unparalleled comfort, stylish detailing, and eco-friendly materials—all at an affordable price. While there have been a few minor cons, their overall quality and performance have made them a must-have for anyone in search of the perfect loungewear.

🔗Bershka Gray Slim Cargo Sweatpants
I'm not going to lie - when I tried on the Bershka Slim Cargo Sweatpants in Gray, I was initially skeptical. But this wasn’t just another pair of sweatpants; it was a stylish, comfortable, and functional addition to my wardrobe.
The highlight for me was definitely the craftsmanship. From the elasticized waistband to the ribbed cuffs, everything felt well-made and durable. And let's not forget about those functional cargo pockets! They're perfect for stashing my keys or phone while I'm on the go.
However, there were some cons as well. The fit was a bit tricky for me, and I found myself having to size down multiple sizes to get the slim, tapered look I was going for. Plus, at the price point Bershka is offering these at, they might be considered a bit overpriced by some.
Overall, though, I'm glad I gave these pants a chance. If you're looking for a stylish and comfortable pair of cargo sweatpants, the Bershka Slim Cargo Sweatpants in Gray are definitely worth considering.

🔗The Aiho Convertible Sleeper Chair is a modern single sleeper chair that doubles as a comfy bed. It features a pillow and pocket for added convenience and is available in light gray linen fabric.
Duluth's Tradetek Heavyweight Sweats Cargo Pants truly live up to their name, providing both durability and comfort. As a reviewer who's worn them during chilly evenings and while working on projects around the house, I can attest that they're an excellent choice for those seeking a reliable and cozy pair of sweats.
One feature that really stands out is the built-in belt, which has been a game-changer in ensuring these pants stay up. Couple that with the thick material and deep, roomy pockets, and you've got a pair of sweatpants that can handle anything from casual relaxation to more active pursuits.
However, the elastic waistband has some room for improvement. Despite its decent thickness, it feels old and worn out compared to other sweatpants I've worn. This might be due to its limited stretch. While a good belt can compensate for this minor issue, some users with wider hips or a more substantial build might not feel as comfortable wearing them.
All things considered, the Tradetek Heavyweight Sweats Cargo Pants have served me well during the colder months. While they're not perfect, they strike a good balance between comfort and functionality, making them worth a try for anyone in the market for a sturdy and warm pair of cargo pants.

Buyer's Guide

Cargo sweatpants are versatile pieces of clothing that offer both comfort and functionality. They are perfect for casual outings, workouts, or even as loungewear. When looking for the best cargo sweatpants, there are certain features and considerations you should keep in mind. This buyer's guide will provide you with important details, tips, and advice to help you make an informed decision.


The quality of materials used in your cargo sweatpants can impact their durability and comfort level. High-quality materials to look for include cotton, polyester, and fleece blends. These materials are not only comfortable to wear but also maintain their shape and color wash after wash.

Fit and Styling

Cargo sweatpants come in various styles, such as slim fit, regular fit, or relaxed fit. The right fit for you depends on your personal preferences and the occasion. Slim-fit styles offer a more streamlined look, while relaxed-fit styles are loose and baggy. Pay attention to the rise of the pants and choose a style that complements your body shape.
In terms of styling, cargo sweatpants can be dressed up or down depending on your choice of top and footwear. For a casual look, pair them with a trendy T-shirt or hoodie and sneakers. For a smartcasual outfit, tuck in a button-up shirt and wear them with loafers or boots.

Pockets and Storage

One of the main characteristics of cargo sweatpants is their multiple pockets. These pockets provide ample storage space for essential items like your phone, keys, or wallet. Make sure to check the size and number of pockets in the pants, as well as their orientation (horizontal or vertical). Some cargo sweatpants may also have zippers or flaps to secure your belongings when you're on the go.

Brands and Prices

There are several fashion brands that offer cargo sweatpants at various price points. Established brands like Nike, Adidas, or Puma may charge a premium for their products, but their quality and durability are often worth the investment. On the other hand, more affordable options can be found from brands like H&M, Uniqlo, or Zara, which still offer good quality and stylish designs at lower price points.

Care Instructions

To keep your cargo sweatpants looking their best, always follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer. Generally, cargo sweatpants should be washed in cold water and hung to dry to prevent shrinking or damaging the fabric.


In conclusion, cargo sweatpants are a stylish and practical addition to any wardrobe. When shopping for the perfect pair, consider factors such as material quality, fitting, pocket design, price, and care instructions. By keeping these aspects in mind, you'll be able to find cargo sweatpants that cater to your individual needs and preferences, providing you with comfort and functionality for years to come.


What are cargo sweatpants?

Cargo sweatpants are a type of casual wear that combines the comfort of sweatpants with the utility of cargo pants. They usually have multiple pockets, including side cargo pockets, and are made from a soft, flexible material like cotton or polyester blends.

How do cargo sweatpants differ from regular sweatpants?

Cargo sweatpants differ from regular sweatpants primarily by their additional pocketing, often found in the form of side cargo pockets. These extra pockets provide a convenient storage solution for small personal items while maintaining the relaxed, comfortable fit of sweatpants.

What materials are cargo sweatpants made of?

Cargo sweatpants are typically made from soft, comfortable materials such as cotton, polyester, or cotton-polyester blends. These fabrics allow for stretch and breathability, making these pants suitable for various activities and weather conditions.

What occasions are cargo sweatpants suitable for?

Cargo sweatpants are suitable for a range of occasions, such as casual outings, lounging at home, or engaging in light physical activities. They can be dressed up with a sweater or dressed down with a t-shirt, making them a versatile wardrobe addition.

How should cargo sweatpants fit?

Cargo sweatpants should have a relaxed, comfortable fit, with enough room to accommodate movement without being too baggy. The waistband should sit securely without being too tight, and the legs should allow for easy walking and running.

Can cargo sweatpants be worn in cold weather?

Cargo sweatpants can be worn in cold weather when layered with other clothing items such as thermal leggings or tights. In colder climates, consider wearing a pair of cargo sweatpants with a heavy-duty coat or jacket to maximize warmth and comfort.

How do I care for cargo sweatpants?

Cargo sweatpants should be cared for according to the care instructions on the garment's label. Generally, they can be machine-washed on a gentle cycle and air-dried or tumble-dried on a low heat setting. Avoid using bleach or fabric softeners, as these may damage the fabric or compromise its breathability.

How can I style cargo sweatpants for a more fashionable look?

  • Pair cargo sweatpants with a fitted top or cropped hoodie for a more flattering silhouette.
  • Opt for high-quality footwear such as sneakers, boots, or fashionable flats to elevate the overall look of the outfit.
  • Add a statement accessory like a bold watch or a trendy scarf to create visual interest.

Where can I buy cargo sweatpants?

Cargo sweatpants can be purchased at various retailers, both online and in-store. Some popular options include sports and activewear stores, department stores, and specialty fashion stores that cater to specific styles or trends.
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2024.05.19 11:22 Catbm27 He doesn’t know I know

It’s been almost 2 months since I found proof of his infidelity on his phone, sexting other women and having multiple hook up apps and messages he’s been participating in over the past couple of years of our marriage. I’m working up the courage to separate from him, slowly donating my extra things to Goodwill and moving my belongings to a relative’s spare room, planning logistics etc. I’ve given myself another month timeline to work up the courage to confront him and move out.
It’s so strange to finally see him in this new light for who he really is, a lot of the dots are finally connecting and the recent cold shoulder treatment now makes sense. I feel so foolish for having been deceived for over a year and as we go about normal day to day stuff now, I can’t see any signs of remorse or hints, and that’s unbearable to realize how well he is been faking everything is okay. It’s taken all my effort to go about business as usual and not scream.
What advice do you have for finally confronting him? i already have proof but don’t really want to be in a situation where im the one proving it. I’m rehearsing what I’m going to say, whether I should go no contact immediately, pursue a divorce, or give him a chance to rectify the situation.
While I’m resenting him, we still are getting along for the most part, like I’m savoring the last moments we will have together. But this grin-and-bear-it approach is really destroying me and my self esteem. I’m trying to remind myself of my self-worth and self respect, regain my dignity, etc but so much easier said than done.
submitted by Catbm27 to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:11 Sweet-Count2557 Amf Babylon Lanes

Amf Babylon Lanes
Amf Babylon Lanes As we step into the world of Amf Babylon Lanes, we are greeted by a symphony of crashing pins and infectious laughter. It's a place where families come together, forming lasting memories and strengthening their bonds.But there's more to Amf Babylon Lanes than meets the eye. Behind the vibrant atmosphere lies a rich history, state-of-the-art facilities, and a plethora of exciting events.So, join us as we unravel the secrets of Amf Babylon Lanes and uncover why it has become a beacon of fun and entertainment for families everywhere.Key TakeawaysAMF Babylon Lanes has a rich history and has undergone renovations to enhance the experience.The facilities include upgraded equipment, improved lanes, and a modernized scoring system.Joining a bowling league provides community and skill development through consistent practice.AMF Babylon Lanes regularly hosts a variety of special events and promotions.History of AMF Babylon LanesAMF Babylon Lanes has a rich history in the world of bowling, making it a notable destination for families and enthusiasts alike. Over the years, this iconic bowling alley has undergone several renovation plans to enhance the experience for its visitors. These renovations have included upgrading the facilities, improving the lanes, and adding modern technology to the scoring system. As a result, AMF Babylon Lanes continues to attract a wide range of bowlers, from casual players to professional athletes.Throughout its history, AMF Babylon Lanes has also been host to several famous bowlers who've graced its lanes. One such notable bowler is Earl Anthony, a legendary figure in the world of bowling. Anthony, a multiple-time Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) Player of the Year, has competed at AMF Babylon Lanes and left a lasting impression on both the staff and spectators.Another famous bowler who's played at AMF Babylon Lanes is Walter Ray Williams Jr. Williams, considered one of the greatest bowlers of all time, has achieved numerous accolades throughout his career, including multiple PBA Player of the Year titles and a record-breaking number of PBA Tour titles. His presence at AMF Babylon Lanes has brought excitement and inspiration to aspiring bowlers who've had the opportunity to witness his skill and expertise firsthand.Location and FacilitiesAfter exploring the rich history and notable bowlers of AMF Babylon Lanes, it's now time to shift our focus to the location and facilities of this iconic bowling alley.Located in the heart of Babylon, New York, AMF Babylon Lanes is easily accessible and conveniently situated for both locals and visitors alike. The alley offers ample parking space, making it hassle-free for bowlers to arrive and enjoy a fun-filled day of bowling.In terms of facilities, AMF Babylon Lanes boasts state-of-the-art equipment, ensuring that bowlers have a top-notch experience. The lanes are well-maintained and regularly serviced to provide smooth and consistent gameplay. Additionally, the alley features a variety of ball sizes to cater to bowlers of all ages and skill levels. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner, AMF Babylon Lanes has you covered.Looking towards the future, AMF Babylon Lanes has exciting plans for upcoming renovations. The management is committed to enhancing the overall atmosphere and comfort of the alley, with improvements that will elevate the bowling experience. From updated seating areas and modernized scoring systems to vibrant lighting and refreshed decor, these renovations aim to create a more enjoyable and engaging environment for bowlers.Furthermore, AMF Babylon Lanes understands the importance of accessibility options. The alley is wheelchair-friendly, with ramps and accessible lanes available for bowlers with mobility challenges. This commitment to inclusivity ensures that everyone can participate and enjoy the sport of bowling.Bowling Leagues and TournamentsBowling leagues and tournaments at AMF Babylon Lanes offer a competitive and exciting experience for bowlers of all skill levels. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, participating in a bowling league can bring a sense of camaraderie and friendly competition to your bowling journey. Here are three reasons why joining a bowling league at AMF Babylon Lanes can be a rewarding experience:Community and Connection: Bowling leagues provide an opportunity to meet new people who share your passion for the sport. You'll have the chance to form new friendships, build a support network, and be part of a close-knit community. Whether you're cheering on your teammates or engaging in friendly banter with opposing teams, the social aspect of bowling leagues can enhance your overall bowling experience.Skill Development: Joining a bowling league allows you to consistently practice and improve your skills. Regularly bowling with others who are equally dedicated to the sport can push you to strive for higher scores and refine your technique. Additionally, you can learn from experienced bowlers and receive valuable tips and advice to enhance your game.Competition and Achievement: Bowling leagues provide a platform for friendly competition and the opportunity to challenge yourself. As you participate in league matches and tournaments, you can set personal goals and work towards achieving them. Whether it's improving your average score or winning a league championship, the sense of achievement and accomplishment can be immensely gratifying.In order to make the most of your bowling league experience, it's important to familiarize yourself with bowling etiquette. Be respectful of your fellow bowlers, observe lane courtesy, and follow the rules and guidelines set by the league. By doing so, you can ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for yourself and others.Joining a bowling league at AMF Babylon Lanes not only allows you to indulge in your passion for bowling but also offers a range of benefits, from building connections to enhancing your skills. So, lace up your bowling shoes, grab your favorite ball, and get ready to enjoy the thrill of bowling in a competitive and supportive environment.Special Events and PromotionsSpecial events and promotions at AMF Babylon Lanes offer exciting opportunities for bowlers and enthusiasts alike. We understand the importance of providing a unique and enjoyable experience for our customers, which is why we regularly host a variety of events and offer exclusive discounts and deals.Upcoming Events:Event NameDate and TimeCosmic Bowling NightFriday, 7 PM - 12 AMFamily Fun DaySaturday, 10 AM - 5 PMCollege NightWednesday, 6 PM - 10 PMDiscounts and Deals:PromotionDetailsMonday Madness$2 games and $2 shoe rental all dayLadies NightHalf-price games for ladies on ThursdaysStudent Discount10% off games with valid student IDAt AMF Babylon Lanes, we believe in offering a diverse range of events to cater to different interests and preferences. Our Cosmic Bowling Night is perfect for those looking for a vibrant and energetic atmosphere, with neon lights and music. Families can enjoy a fun-filled day together on our Family Fun Day, complete with discounted prices and special activities for kids. College Night provides a great opportunity for students to unwind and socialize while enjoying discounted games.In addition to our events, we also offer various discounts and deals throughout the week. Monday Madness is a popular promotion, offering affordable games and shoe rentals for everyone. Ladies Night is a great way for women to enjoy a night out with friends and take advantage of discounted games. Students can also benefit from a 10% discount on games with a valid student ID.At AMF Babylon Lanes, we strive to create an inclusive and exciting environment for bowlers of all ages and skill levels. Stay tuned for our upcoming events and take advantage of our discounts and deals for a memorable bowling experience.Food and Beverage OptionsWhen it comes to the food and beverage options at AMF Babylon Lanes, customers can expect a diverse selection that caters to all tastes and preferences. Our goal is to provide a satisfying dining experience that complements the excitement of bowling.Here are three reasons why our food and beverage options are sure to please:Extensive Food Options: Whether you're in the mood for a classic burger and fries or something a bit more adventurous like our signature chicken quesadilla, we've you covered. Our menu features a wide range of appetizers, entrees, and desserts that are made with high-quality ingredients to ensure a delicious meal every time.Customizable Beverages: We understand that everyone has different preferences when it comes to their drinks. That's why we offer a variety of beverage choices, including soft drinks, juices, and a selection of alcoholic beverages for those who are of legal drinking age. Our fully stocked bar ensures that you can enjoy your favorite drink while you bowl.Special Dietary Accommodations: We believe that everyone should be able to enjoy our food options, regardless of their dietary restrictions. That's why we offer vegetarian and gluten-free choices on our menu. Our staff is also knowledgeable about food allergies and can help guide you in choosing a meal that fits your specific needs.At AMF Babylon Lanes, we want you to have the freedom to enjoy a delicious meal and refreshing beverages while you bowl. Our diverse food options and customizable beverage choices ensure that there's something for everyone. So, come hungry and thirsty, and let's take care of your dining needs while you have a great time bowling.Pricing and Membership OptionsCustomers at AMF Babylon Lanes have a variety of pricing and membership options to choose from. When it comes to pricing options, AMF Babylon Lanes offers competitive rates for their bowling lanes. They've hourly rates for groups, as well as special rates for certain times of the day or week. This allows customers to choose the option that best fits their budget and schedule.In addition to their pricing options, AMF Babylon Lanes also offers membership options that come with a range of benefits. One of the main benefits of becoming a member is the ability to save money. Members receive discounted rates on bowling games, shoe rentals, and food and beverages. This can add up to significant savings, especially for frequent bowlers.Another benefit of membership is the convenience it provides. Members have access to exclusive lanes and priority lane reservations, which means they can avoid long wait times during peak hours. This allows them to enjoy their bowling experience without any hassle or stress.Furthermore, AMF Babylon Lanes offers special perks for members, such as free game credits, birthday discounts, and access to member-only events and tournaments. These additional benefits enhance the overall bowling experience and provide members with even more value for their membership.Amenities and EntertainmentAMF Babylon Lanes offers a range of amenities and entertainment options to enhance the bowling experience for our customers. Whether you're looking to host a party or celebrate a special occasion, or if you're planning a fun day out with the kids, we've got you covered.Here are three options that will surely evoke excitement and create lasting memories:Party Packages and Event Hosting: We understand the importance of celebrating milestones and creating unforgettable experiences. That's why we offer a variety of party packages and event hosting options. From birthdays to corporate events, our dedicated team will work with you to customize the perfect package that suits your needs. With our spacious party rooms, delicious food options, and state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment, your event is guaranteed to be a hit.Kids' Birthday Party Options: Planning a birthday party for your little one? Look no further! We've a range of options specifically designed for kids' birthday parties. Our party packages include bowling, shoe rentals, arcade play, and food options that will satisfy even the pickiest eaters. Our friendly staff will ensure that every detail is taken care of, so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the celebration.Entertainment Galore: At AMF Babylon Lanes, we believe in providing entertainment beyond just bowling. Our arcade is packed with exciting games that will keep both kids and adults entertained for hours. From classic arcade games to cutting-edge virtual reality experiences, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Plus, our fully stocked bar and lounge area offer a perfect place to unwind and socialize with friends and family.With our extensive amenities and entertainment options, AMF Babylon Lanes is the ultimate destination for freedom seekers who crave a bowling experience like no other. Join us for a day of fun, laughter, and unforgettable memories.Customer Reviews and TestimonialsBased on the feedback from our valued patrons, AMF Babylon Lanes consistently receives rave reviews and glowing testimonials for its exceptional customer service and unforgettable bowling experience. Our commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in every aspect of our operations, from the moment you step foot in our facility until the time you leave with a smile on your face.At AMF Babylon Lanes, we understand that bowling isn't just a game, but a passion for many. That's why we strive to provide the best bowling experience possible, catering to both casual bowlers and seasoned professionals. Our state-of-the-art lanes and equipment are meticulously maintained to ensure optimal performance, allowing you to showcase your bowling techniques with ease.But it's not just about the game itself; it's about the entire experience. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is always on hand to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. They're well-versed in the intricacies of bowling techniques and are happy to offer guidance and tips to help you improve your game.In addition to our top-notch customer service, our amenities further contribute to the overall satisfaction of our patrons. From our comfortable seating areas to our fully stocked snack bar, we strive to create an environment that's both enjoyable and relaxing.Don't just take our word for it, though. Our customer reviews and testimonials speak for themselves. Time and time again, our patrons express their delight with the quality of our service, the cleanliness of our facility, and the overall experience they've at AMF Babylon Lanes.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Is the Average Wait Time for a Lane at AMF Babylon Lanes?Factors influencing wait time at Amf Babylon Lanes can vary depending on various factors such as the day of the week, time of day, and overall popularity of the bowling alley. To minimize wait time, it's advisable to plan your visit during off-peak hours or consider making a reservation in advance.Additionally, arriving early or utilizing online booking options can help reduce wait times. Taking these tips into consideration can ensure a smoother and more efficient experience at Amf Babylon Lanes.Are There Any Age Restrictions for Participating in Bowling Leagues at AMF Babylon Lanes?There are age restrictions for participating in bowling leagues at AMF Babylon Lanes. While specific age requirements may vary depending on the league, it's common for leagues to have minimum age limits.For example, some leagues may require participants to be at least 18 years old, while others may have age restrictions of 21 or older. These age restrictions ensure that participants have the necessary skills and maturity to compete in a league setting.Can I Bring My Own Bowling Shoes or Do I Have to Rent Them?When it comes to bowling, many people wonder if they can bring their own shoes or if they've to rent them. The decision ultimately depends on the specific bowling alley and their policies. Some places may allow you to bring your own shoes, while others may require you to rent them.It's always a good idea to check with the bowling alley beforehand to see what their rules are regarding shoe rentals.Is There a Dress Code for Bowling at AMF Babylon Lanes?When it comes to bowling at Amf Babylon Lanes, there's indeed a dress code. But don't worry, it's nothing too restrictive. The dress code ensures a pleasant and comfortable experience for everyone.So, put on your favorite casual attire and get ready to bowl!As for the benefits of bowling at Amf Babylon Lanes, you can expect a fun-filled time with friends and family, a chance to improve your bowling skills, and the opportunity to create lasting memories.Are There Any Discounts or Promotions Available for Large Groups or Parties at AMF Babylon Lanes?Large group discounts and party promotions are often available at various bowling alleys. These deals can help save money and make the experience more enjoyable for everyone involved.It's always a good idea to check with the specific bowling alley, like AMF Babylon Lanes, to see what discounts or promotions they offer for large groups or parties. They may have special packages or rates that cater to these types of events, providing an affordable and fun option for gathering with friends or celebrating special occasions.ConclusionIn conclusion, Amf Babylon Lanes is like a striking melody, bringing families together with its state-of-the-art facilities and friendly atmosphere.With options for all skill levels, exciting events, and delicious food and beverage options, it's a must-visit destination for families looking to create lasting memories.So grab your bowling shoes and join us on this unforgettable journey of fun and bonding.Let the pins fall and the good times roll at Amf Babylon Lanes!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:11 Fluid-Educator-7766 Toxic relationship, and I M26 wonder if it’s time to leave my Gf F25, if I’m too sensitive, or if this is fixable?

Hi Reddit,
I can’t believe I’m writing this post, but this has been on my mind for the past few months and I really need some external input. I need help to figure out if I’m in a toxic relationship, if there’s something I can do to fix it, if I’m over sensitive, or is it time for me to end this?
Context: I ‘M26’ and my girlfriend ‘F25’ have been together for 2.5 years, and known each other for 8 years. We both live in the U.S. but I’m from Europe and she’s from Central America, met in college. Issues started 2 years ago but when things are good she’s amazing (funny/beautiful/caring/makes me feel unconditionally loved/etc) and I always thought the issues were friction we could iron out together. With time I have grown increasingly skeptical of that. This is my first relationship (longer than 3 months) so at the same time I’m worried that maybe I am overly skeptical, that I only see my perspective and fail to see hers. I want to be fair to her, because I love her and care deeply for her as a person, I am just starting to resent the relationship.
History of issues: To me the issues are all centered in my girlfriends anxiety. Frequently, rather than being vulnerable, she projects her anxiety on me and accusing me of all kinds of things. I have both tried to shake off those moments, to recognize that this isn’t her but her anxiety talking, but it still affects me deeply. Not only when it occurs, but when I am doing something and she seems fine I still worry that maybe I will do something wrong and she will snap and this moment will turn to a life or death situation. I have also obviously communicated my concern over this behavior repeatedly, and every time after she takes things too far she apologizes and takes ownership and we come up with a strategy to avoid the issue from repeating. This all sounds very healthy, I think, but the problem is that we’ve had these issues and conversations 25+ times and here we still are. Some things have gotten better for sure but it still feels unbearable to me. Let me provide three examples to illustrate our issues (from my perspective).
Example 1 - 1.5 years ago My best friend and I were victims of attempted robbery from people affiliated with organized crime, the event went to court, and after the trial we wanted to get away from everything. My girlfriend and I had planned to go to a Caribbean island shortly after, so I invited my friend to come a week before my girlfriend and leave the day she arrived. We were both pretty shaken up and just wanted to talk things out and enjoy a tropical paradise. The first night my friend and I arrive (girlfriend still in the US) she starts texting fervently that my friend and I shouldn’t see any of the sights so she and I can see them together for the first time. I get where she’s coming from but this is also a challenging time for me and my best friend so I am not willing to completely sacrifice his week with me to appease my girlfriend. Things escalate and she demands my attention all the time. When my friend and I is out she is calling me 50+ times in a row, texting me that if I love her I would respond and that I am ruing hers and mine vacation and though I’m trying to deescalate I don’t see how to. I end up turning off my phone, although she begs me not to, but I’m still in my head unable to enjoy the night. When I turn my phone back on next day there’s a picture of herself with a cut (very shallow but still) saying I made her do this. This event is the low point of our relationship, and I told her if she ever hurts herself or threatens to hurt herself I’m out, and to be fair to her she has not once since hurt herself. Nonetheless, the calls continue after this (50+ a day) and I spent 3-4h a day on the phone with her and neglecting the trip with my best friend. Damn writing this out really makes me ashamed for not standing my ground back then. Anyways, this really colored the trip with my childhood friend and I think I still resent myself and her for making that happen.
Example 2 - 0.5 years ago I visited a close childhood friend in South America for 2.5 weeks. Because of the events that transpired in example 1, my girlfriend was nervous for my trip. She expressed worry that she would act out in the same way as my last trip. I really appreciated this self-awareness. We therefore talked extensively about how to avoid issues. The first few days were alright, with her being anxious but being vulnerable about it and we managed well, calling once a day and texting 15-20 messages a day (more than I’d want, but that’s a compromise I’m okay with). At this point I make a mistake, but her reactions to it is (in my head at least) not proportional. I told her I was going out with my friend and his friend that weekend, and she expressed that this would make her anxious that I would cheat on her. So I asked what can I do, and we decided I’d send her a text once I left the pre-game, once I left the club, and call her once I got back to my friends place. A little bit much I thought, but I love her so a fair compromise for now. Unfortunately, I got caught up in the moment at the pre-game, and forgot to text my girlfriend. I realized as I was walking home from the club with 25+ missed calls and a bunch of emotional messages about how I forgot because I was around beautiful women and how I don’t love her. Here I understand her pain. She was vulnerable, I agreed to a compromise and I didn’t fulfill my end. 25+ calls is never productive but hey I had some blame here. The following day I call her for 1.5 hours apologizing and we talk things out, and it feels like though she is feeling anxious that she accepts my apology and we have now managed to resolve my mistake. The same night my friend and his friends are going to someone else’s house for a BBQ (which I told my girlfriend about days before). An hour before we are about to leave my girlfriend starts telling me to talk to her on the phone, because I hurt her so bad and when I say I can’t because we are 10 people having a beer before we head out she says she doesn’t care and that I hurt her and now she “wants to make my life miserable”. I tell her “hey I understand you’re upset but I never want to hear those words from the person I love. I know I hurt you but never intentionally”. She says she doesn’t care and keeps calling me non-stop for 40 minutes and I’m worried that if I don’t pick up she will start to call my friend. I try to deescalate and beg her to take a step back and that she is pushing me away by doing this. The whole thing culminates by me getting out of the Uber towards the barbecue and telling my friends that I think my girlfriend and I are breaking up and I need to deal with it. I am crying as I say this and feel so damn embarrassed. Even writing it now I can’t believe this actually happened. Damn. Anyways, as soon as I tell her that I am no longer going to the bbq and I left my friends car she becomes a different person (the person I love) and tells me she is so sorry and realize she took it too far and begs me to order an Uber to the BBQ. She says she’ll pay for it and begs me to go. At that point I’m just so embarrassed at the whole thing and tell her something along the lines of “why the fuck did you push me this far then. I told you you are pushing me away”. I head home, and wonder how someone who loves me so much can intentionally cause me so much harm and I seriously begin to doubt if her and I will ever work. I tell her I don’t think I want to be in the relationship, but that I recognize I’m emotional so I need 7 days without contact to process my thoughts. I won’t block her, but if she reaches out I will. She does reach out (albeit with a nice message) but I still block her.
I probably should have left the relationship here, but damn I love her, we live together, and at this point she was depending on me for her visa to stay in the country. I don’t want to rip all that apart from her. So I say I don’t know if we’ll ever feel okay, but I’m willing to give this one last chance.
To her defense, she take a lot of new steps at this point. She tells her mom and sister everything that happened (including her trust issues and jealousy), she starts with anxiety medication and starts being more vulnerable with her therapist. I am still skeptical that things will actually be okay, but I recognize the effort she puts in and I really appreciate it. The frequency of our arguments decrease, and more disputes now end before they become arguments.
Example 3 - Yesterday My GF flew to Vegas with three of her girlfriends (I know two of them very well) and I know it’s a high risk trip for someone in a relationship but I honestly have complete trust in my GF. I decided to do a dinner with 3 of my friends (who my GF knows equally well, we’re all in a group chat together and do things regularly together) and they invited a 4th person who was part of our sports team (my girlfriend met her 2-3 times, just like me).
She texts me from Vegas asking who’s coming to the dinner and once she finds out this 4th person is coming she asks nicely if we cannot be in someone else’s apartment. When I say hey I’m sorry but I already said we could be at my place she asks at least don’t smoke weed together (my friends are stoners so 100% chance they’ll bring weed), and I say “I’m sorry but I won’t tell them not to and I’ll join In too if they bring it but you have nothing to worry about. I love you and I’ll call you as soon as they leave?” My girlfriend then goes into panic mode and calls me nonstop throughout dinner. I go to the bathroom and begs her to stop, tells her she is ruining this for me, and ask her to trust me. She still calls nonstop until they leave. I try to keep a brave face but again it really ruins the dinner for me.
At this point I have told her how actions like these makes me feel uneasy and prevents me from enjoying life. I told her I need her to trust me. I told her that I won’t have it anymore. And if anything the idea that she doesn’t trust me around 3 people she knows well with a 4th stranger while she’s at a pool party in bikini in Vegas just seems so hypocritical it makes me ever more frustrated.
In her defense: - Her dad cheated multiple times while she was growing up. I understand this makes it excruciatingly difficult to trust a partner. - She started seeing a therapist ~8 months ago. - She now takes medication for her anxiety. - She now has told her mom and sister about her trust issues for the first time in her life. - She began attending codependency meetings regularly. - She says she doesn’t want me to limit my life just for me to communicate better what I’m doing (I think it’s really possible that I’m bad at communicating, because to me this request feels like it comes from a lack of trust).
She is putting in immense effort, but I just feel like I can’t do this anymore. Even when things are good I’m worried that she’s going to explode and that prevents me from enjoying the good times too. I love her and she’s amazing in many ways, but I don’t like feeling responsible for her suffering. I know that by trying to end things she’s going to suffer so much and she’ll beg me to give her another chance. I don’t want to but in those moments I feel like she’s the rational version of herself and that maybe she’ll never explode again. Can I solve my relationship with her? Is it time to leave? Is it fair to leave when she is putting in so much effort? How do I find the courage to go through with it?
Thanks so much in advance, and I’m sorry for such a lengthy post.
TL;DR I think my relationship is toxic and I don’t know if it is fixable, or if it’s time for me to end it? Is it fair to end it when my partner is putting so much effort into the relationship?
submitted by Fluid-Educator-7766 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:13 GuiltlessMaple Best Canvas Hunting Jackets

Best Canvas Hunting Jackets
Looking for the perfect canvas hunting jacket to enhance your outdoor experiences? Our guide will help you find the perfect one. Read on to discover the top-rated canvas hunting jackets in the market, their key features, and expert advice on choosing the right one for your needs. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or just starting out, this article is your go-to resource for all things canvas hunting jackets!
Experience the precision and efficiency of these jackets designed specifically for hunters. Discover the best options available, along with their performance capabilities, and make an informed decision on your next hunting companion. Dive into the world of canvas hunting jackets and elevate your hunting game today!

The Top 12 Best Canvas Hunting Jackets

  1. Realtree Camo Hunting Jacket for Men - Stay warm and in style with this Dunbrooke Apparel NFL Men's Camo Cotton Canvas Quilt Lined Hooded Jacket, featuring the Atlanta Falcons logo and the Realtree Xtra camo pattern.
  2. Durable and Stylish Sportman's Field Coat for Men - Experience exceptional comfort and versatility with the weather-resistant Avery Heritage Sportsman's Field Coat, offering a warm fleece lining and stylish brass hardware for a perfect blend of office and outdoor wear.
  3. Military Style Canvas Jacket for Men - Durable and stylish WenVen Men's Fashion Jacket made from high-quality cotton, perfect for various occasions and activities with its full zipper, adjustable cuffs, and interior pocket.
  4. Lonestar Waxed Canvas Shirt Jacket for durability and comfort - Experience the perfect blend of comfort and toughness with the Legendary Whitetails Men's Stockyards Lonestar Waxed Canvas Shirt Jacket, boasting poly/cotton construction, a western-inspired design, and exceptional durability for all your adventures.
  5. Hoggs of Fife Stewarton Cotton Canvas Jacket - The Stewarton Canvas Coat by Hoggs of Fife is a sturdy and waterproof jacket, made from 100% cotton canvas, providing a comfortable and unique fit that adapts with wear, perfect for outdoor activities and hunting enthusiasts.
  6. Gamehide Fenceline Hunting Upland Jacket - Tan-Orange - Experience optimal comfort and performance with the Gamehide Fenceline Upland Jacket, featuring wind and water-resistant HyperHide fabric, handwarmer pockets, vertical chest pocket, and a large, blood-proof game bag.
  7. Premium Men's Stretch Canvas Jacket - Experience the perfect combination of durability and comfort with Guide Gear's Stretch Canvas Jacket made in the USA, designed for your outdoor adventures, and features a roomy fit for unrestricted movement.
  8. Duck Camp Lightweight Brush Jacket - Stylish Duck Camp Lightweight Brush Jacket, Made with 73% Cotton, 25% Nylon Cordura, and 2% Spandex, Ready for Outdoor Adventures and Hunting Field; Durable, Breathable, and Comfortable.
  9. Classic Wyoming Traders Men's Ranch Canvas Jacket - Chocolate - The Wyoming Traders Men's Canvas Western Ranch Jacket, available in Chocolate, combines warm, durable materials with cowboy-inspired details for a stylish and functional option suitable for hunting and other outdoor activities.
  10. Gamekeeper Field Coat with Mossy Oak Camo - The Mossy Oak Gamekeeper Field Hunting Coat is a versatile and functional 100% Cotton Duck jacket, featuring fleece-lining for added warmth, multiple pockets for storage, and pleats at back for enhanced mobility.
  11. Canvas Camo Hunting Jacket for Durability and Comfort - The Guide Gear Canvas Camo Hunting Jacket offers durability and versatile use for hunting and everyday activities with its heavy-duty 9.4-oz cotton canvas/spandex shell and roomy fit.
  12. Waxed Canvas Hunting Jacket by Volcom - Experience a vintage fusion of durability and style with the Volcom Tony Canvas Field Jacket, offering a warm flannel liner, waxed 100% cotton canvas, and a hunting-inspired boxy fit seamlessly designed by Volcom and Fat Tony.
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🔗Realtree Camo Hunting Jacket for Men
Lately, I've been getting outdoors more often and needed a durable, warm, and stylish jacket to keep me comfy while I'm exploring. Lucky for me, I stumbled upon the Realtree Camo Canvas Work Hunting Jacket for Men! This jacket is made with 12oz Cotton Canvas and features a cozy quilt lining, which has kept me toasty even on the chilliest of days.
One thing I absolutely love about this jacket is the front pouch pockets - they are so practical for keeping my hands warm and my essentials close at hand. Plus, the Real Tree Xtra camo pattern adds an cool, outdoorsy vibe to any outfit. And, of course, as a faithful Atlanta Falcons fan, I'm thrilled to see my team's logo embroidered on the jacket's exterior.
However, there's one minor issue I've noticed: the hood isn't particularly snug or form-fitting, which can be a bit of a hassle if you're wearing a hat while trying to stay warm. But overall, I would highly recommend this jacket for anyone who loves spending time outdoors, needs a reliable and stylish hunting companion, or simply supports their favorite NFL team!

🔗Durable and Stylish Sportman's Field Coat for Men
I recently got the chance to try out the Avery Heritage Sportman's Field Coat, and I must say, it's a stylish and functional piece of outerwear that I'm absolutely loving! The moment I put it on, I was surprised by how comfortable the coral fleece lining in the body and sleeves felt. It's like wearing a warm hug!
One thing I appreciated about the coat was the zippered and magnetic chest pockets. They're incredibly convenient for holding my essentials, like my phone and wallet. Plus, the two large front bellow pockets provide ample storage for bigger items.
Another feature worth mentioning is the antique brass hardware. Not only does it add a touch of sophistication to the coat, but it also ensures durability and long-lasting use. The adjustable cuffs are another added bonus, allowing me to customize the fit and feel of the coat for maximum comfort.
Overall, the Avery Heritage Sportman's Field Coat is a fantastic choice for anyone looking for both style and functionality in their outerwear. While the coat might be a bit of an investment, its high-quality materials and features make it well worth the price tag.

🔗Military Style Canvas Jacket for Men
I remember the first time I wore my WenVen Men's Military Jacket, a crisp autumn day when the wind had a bit of a bite. As soon as I zipped up, I felt an instant warmth and comfort that can only be described as a hug from a good friend. The adjustable cuffs and high-quality zipper kept the chill at bay while still allowing easy movement.
One thing that sets this jacket apart is its unique stitching and stylish pocket placements. Not only do they provide a modern and fashionable look, but they also serve their purpose by keeping my small essentials within reach. Plus, the addition of a soft lining and interior pocket makes it feel cozy and secure.
However, it's worth noting that the WenVen Men's Military Jacket is not as heavy or insulated as some may prefer for colder temperatures. Additionally, I noticed that after a few washes, the canvas started to lose its stiffness, which might be a concern for those looking for a more durable option.
In conclusion, the WenVen Men's Military Jacket is an excellent choice for those who value style, comfort, and practicality. Its high-quality materials and features make it a reliable and versatile addition to any wardrobe. Just remember to keep in mind that it might not be the best option for extreme weather conditions.

🔗Lonestar Waxed Canvas Shirt Jacket for durability and comfort
I've been wearing the "Legendary Whitetails Lonestar Shirt Jacket" for a while now and I must say, this piece is quite a statement. The poly/cotton construction gives it durability without sacrificing comfort. The Western-inspired contrast fabric detailing really adds a touch of character to my outfit, making me feel like a modern-day cowboy.
One thing I absolutely love about this jacket is how versatile it is. Whether I'm out in the field hunting or just running errands, this jacket keeps me protected and stylish. Another feature that stood out for me is the front yoke that extends to double chest pocket flaps - it's such a practical design, offering plenty of storage space.
However, like any product, there are some minor drawbacks. The sizing runs slightly small, so if you're looking for a looser fit, consider sizing up. Additionally, I wish there were clearer care instructions included with the jacket.
In conclusion, the "Legendary Whitetails Lonestar Shirt Jacket" is a high-quality, stylish piece that's perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. While it might not be perfect for everyone, it certainly has made a positive impact on my wardrobe.

🔗Hoggs of Fife Stewarton Cotton Canvas Jacket
I recently purchased the Hoggs of Fife Stewarton Canvas Coat in Camel, and I must say, it has quickly become a wardrobe staple for me. The coat is made of a robust, waterproof 100% cotton canvas that is soft to the touch yet offers excellent protection from the elements. Wearing this coat, I feel as if I am walking through the wilderness with a classic, outdoorsy charm.
One of my favorite features is the faux suede collar and brass zip that adds a touch of timeless elegance to the overall design. The jacket also boasts multiple pockets, including two large magnetic closure pockets, a zipped pocket, and an internal zipped pocket, making it easy for me to carry my essentials without worrying about losing them.
The other day, when I went for a long walk on a chilly evening, the coat kept me warm and cozy while providing just the right amount of insulation. However, one drawback I have noticed is that the collar could be stiffer for added support and protection. Nevertheless, the Stewarton Canvas Coat truly delivers on its promise of being a high-quality, comfortable coat for the outdoorsy individual.

🔗Gamehide Fenceline Hunting Upland Jacket - Tan-Orange
I recently tried the Gamehide Fenceline Upland Jacket and it has quickly become my go-to hunting gear. The HyperHide fabric with fleece lining manages to provide exceptional stretch and comfort while remaining water and wind resistant. The handwarmer pockets and vertical chest pocket are really useful for keeping my essentials close at hand during long hunts.
However, one thing that I would have appreciated is a smaller, zipped pocket where I could store my phone and keys securely. Another minor issue is that the game bag can get a bit cumbersome when it's full, but overall, this jacket has been a game-changer for my hunting adventures. It's stylish, comfortable, and truly stands out among other hunting jackets I've tried.

🔗Premium Men's Stretch Canvas Jacket
I recently purchased the Guide Gear Canvas Jacket for my outdoor adventures, and I must say, it has not disappointed. With its heavy-duty cotton canvas/spandex shell with a peached finish, it's both tough and comfortable. The stretchy fabric ensures no limitations on movement while I'm hiking or hunting, making it perfect for all my outdoor escapades.
Plus, the water-repellent finish comes in handy when the weather takes an unexpected turn. I also appreciate the various pockets, including the interior ones with hook-and-loop closures, that provide ample storage space for all my essentials.
Overall, this jacket has been a reliable and stylish addition to my wardrobe, perfect for any adventurer who wants both durability and flexibility.

🔗Duck Camp Lightweight Brush Jacket
When I first got my hands on the Duck Camp Lightweight Brush Jacket, I was excited to see how it would perform during my outdoor adventures. As soon as I put it on, I knew it was going to become a staple in my wardrobe. The thick stretch canvas offered the perfect balance of protection and flexibility, making it suitable for various activities like hunting or lounging around the campfire.
One feature that really stood out for me was the fit. It was just right - not too tight, nor too loose. The length, which hits at the hip, contributes to the overall aesthetic of the jacket. Plus, pairing it with Duck Camp's Brand Pants creates a cohesive and stylish look that I absolutely adore.
However, there's always room for improvement. Some users have reported issues with the fabric quality. It may not hold up as well against heavy use or waxing as some traditional brush jackets do. Nonetheless, the price point is quite affordable, and you get what you pay for.
In summary, the Duck Camp Lightweight Brush Jacket is an excellent addition to any outdoorsman's closet. Its comfortable fit, versatile usage, and stylish design make it perfect for both hunting trips and casual outings. Just keep in mind that it might not be as durable as more expensive alternatives, but at its current price, it's definitely worth considering.

🔗Classic Wyoming Traders Men's Ranch Canvas Jacket - Chocolate
I recently purchased the Wyoming Traders Men's Canvas Western Ranch Jacket in chocolate color, and I have to say, this coat is one of the warmest and sturdiest I've ever had. Living in a cold climate, I was thrilled to find a coat that can handle sub-zero temperatures. The 12-ounce cotton canvas construction offers excellent durability and the corduroy collar adds a touch of visual appeal.
One of the standout features for me is the quilted polyester satin-lined arms, which keep my hands warm and cosy. The adjustable snap wrist cuffs make it incredibly easy to customize the fit to my preference. The shoulder Western yoke design on the front and back is a great addition, making this coat both functional and stylish.
However, there are a few minor drawbacks. Some users have reported that the buttons can be prone to falling off. While I haven't experienced this issue myself, it's worth keeping in mind if you plan on using this coat in rugged conditions. Additionally, the zipper quality could be improved, as it can be challenging to get started initially.
Overall, the Wyoming Traders Men's Canvas Western Ranch Jacket is a fantastic choice for those in search of a warm, sturdy, and stylish coat. With its array of pockets and comfortable fit, it's perfect for work or leisure activities. The coat may have a few minor issues, but at such an affordable price, it's hard to find a better option.

🔗Gamekeeper Field Coat with Mossy Oak Camo
I recently purchased the Mossy Oak Gamekeeper Field Coat to enhance my hunting experience and it certainly did not disappoint. The fleece lining and 100% cotton duck fabric ensure I'm warm and comfortable throughout the day.
The multiple pockets prove incredibly useful for storing my essentials and gadgets. The pleats at the back offer enhanced mobility, making it a breeze to move around without any constraints.
However, the absence of an additional layer of insulation might be a drawback for some during extremely cold weather conditions. Overall, I would highly recommend this field coat for anyone looking to up their hunting game.

🔗Canvas Camo Hunting Jacket for Durability and Comfort
When I first unwrapped my Guide Gear Canvas Camo Hunting Jacket, I knew it was going to be a reliable companion during my adventures. The heavy-duty 9.4-oz. cotton canvas/spandex shell instantly caught my eye, as it exuded durability and quality. I was pleasantly surprised at how comfortable and quiet it was; making stealth in the wilderness extremely easy.
One of the standout features was its roomy fit. Whether I was dipping and diving through bushes or climbing up trees in pursuit of the perfect shot, the jacket's design allowed for full range of motion without any restrictions. The DWR treatment on exterior and inside pockets added an extra layer of protection against the elements, protecting my essentials from moisture and rain.
The 100% polyester mesh body lining kept me feeling light and comfortable, while the interior patch pockets with hook-and-loop closure proved incredibly useful for storing my essentials. I also appreciated the adjustable sleeve cuffs, which allowed me to customize the fit to my preference.
However, there were a few cons that caught my attention throughout my usage. While the fabric is undeniably high-quality, it does require regular maintenance due to its tendency to accumulate dirt quite quickly. Additionally, I found the jacket to be slightly on the heavier side, making hiking long distances during summer months a little more challenging.
Overall, the Guide Gear Canvas Camo Hunting Jacket has proven to be a reliable and comfortable choice for my outdoor adventures. Though it may have a few minor drawbacks in terms of maintenance and weight, its durability and practical features make it a worthwhile investment for any avid hunter.

🔗Waxed Canvas Hunting Jacket by Volcom
I recently got my hands on the Volcom Tony Canvas Field Jacket in Rust, and I must say, it's been an absolute game-changer in my day-to-day wardrobe. This jacket exudes vintage charm with its boxy fit and corduroy collar, while providing the comfortable durability of a 100% cotton canvas.
One of the first things that stood out to me was the flannel liner on the interior. It keeps me cozy and warm, perfect for those chilly mornings when I'm jogging out to get my morning coffee. The pocket placement is also spot on, providing ample storage options without compromising style.
However, one con might be the lack of a hood. Living in a city with unpredictable weather, I sometimes miss having the option to quickly throw up a hood when it starts pouring rain. Despite this, I still find myself reaching for my Tony Canvas Field Jacket more often than not.
In conclusion, the Volcom TonyCanvas Field Jacket in Rust offers a perfect blend of style and functionality. Its unique design combined with practical features make it a must-have addition to any wardrobe.

Buyer's Guide

Whether you're an avid hunter or just starting out, a high-quality canvas hunting jacket is essential for your outdoor excursions. Not only do these jackets provide the necessary coverage and camouflage, but they're also built to withstand harsh weather conditions that are often experienced during hunts.

Features to Consider

  • Durability and Water Resistance: Look for jackets made from high-quality canvas that can withstand the toughest conditions and keep you dry in the rain.
  • Camouflage Patterns: Choose a jacket with a style that blends in with your hunting environment, either in bold colors or natural tones.
  • Comfort and Mobility: Make sure the jacket fits well and allows for easy movement during hunts, enabling you to maintain your focus and performance.
  • Insulation, Pockets, and Storage: A well-insulated jacket helps keep you warm during winter hunts, while plenty of pockets provide ample storage for necessities like ammunition, maps, and snacks.

General Advice

Before making your purchase, consider your specific hunting needs and preferences. Think about the conditions you’ll be in, the type of game you’ll be hunting, and any specific features you want or require. Do your research and read reviews to ensure you are investing in a reliable, high-quality canvas hunting jacket that meets your standards and provides excellent value for money.

Importance of Compliance with Google Search Guidelines

Ensure your content is relevant and helpful to users who are searching for information on canvas hunting jackets. Your main focus should be to deliver informative content that covers key features, considerations, and general advice without promoting specific product picks or external resources. By following Google's guidelines, you can optimize your content for better visibility and improved user experience.


1. What are canvas hunting jackets?

Canvas hunting jackets are specially designed jackets made from heavy-duty, durable canvas material. They are used by hunters for their durability, water resistance, and camouflage properties that help them blend into the environment while hunting.

2. Why are canvas hunting jackets popular among hunters?
Canvas hunting jackets are popular among hunters due to their robust construction, resistance to harsh weather conditions, and ability to blend into various environments effectively, promoting concealment while hunting.

3. What features should I look for in a canvas hunting jacket?

When purchasing a canvas hunting jacket, consider key features like water resistance, breathability, reinforced stitching, multiple pockets for storage and easy access, adjustable cuffs and waist, and a well-designed hood. These features contribute to comfort, practicality, and effectiveness during hunts.

4. Are canvas hunting jackets suitable for all weather conditions?

Canvas hunting jackets are designed to withstand various weather conditions, including rain, wind, and even light snow. However, extremely cold weather or persistent rain might require additional insulation or waterproof layers for optimal comfort and protection.

5. How do I care for my canvas hunting jacket?

To maintain your canvas hunting jacket's performance and prolong its lifespan, follow the manufacturer's care instructions. Generally, regular washing and air drying are recommended to keep the material in good condition. If the jacket becomes excessively dirty, use a gentle detergent and line dry it to prevent shrinkage or damage to the fabric.

6. Can I use a canvas hunting jacket for other activities besides hunting?

Yes, canvas hunting jackets can be perfect for other outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, camping, and even gardening. Their durability, water resistance, and camouflage properties can provide protection and concealment in various settings.

7. How can I find the right canvas hunting jacket size for me?

Consult the sizing chart provided by the manufacturer to determine your ideal size. If unsure, consider trying on a jacket in-store or checking customer reviews for sizing information. Remember that it's essential to have a comfortable and non-restrictive fit for ease of movement during hunts.

8. Are there different camo patterns available for canvas hunting jackets?

Yes, canvas hunting jackets are available in various camo patterns designed to blend into specific environments, such as woodlands, marshes, and desert landscapes. Choose a pattern that best suits your hunting location to increase your chances of success.

9. Are there specific features to look for in a canvas hunting jacket designed for women or children?

Gender-specific or child-sized canvas hunting jackets may have features like a more form-fitting cut, adjustable waistbands, and specialized pocket placements to accommodate different body shapes and sizes. Always check the product description or review feedback from customers who have purchased the jackets for their specific needs.

10. How much do canvas hunting jackets typically cost?

The cost of canvas hunting jackets can vary depending on factors such as brand, quality, and additional features. Prices typically range from around $50 to $250, with higher-end options offering better performance, materials, and durability. Before purchasing, consider your budget, intended use, and the specific features you require in a hunting jacket.
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submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:07 Stage-Piercing727 Best Canvas Gym Bags

Best Canvas Gym Bags
Looking for a stylish and durable gym bag? Look no further! In this article, we bring you a comprehensive roundup of the best canvas gym bags available today. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or a casual gym-goer, these bags are designed to provide ample storage, comfort, and convenience during your workout sessions. So if you're in the market for a reliable workout companion, read on to find the perfect canvas gym bag for your needs.
From stylish and functional designs to lightweight and spacious options, our selection of canvas gym bags caters to every preferences and requirements. Discover the top-rated options and make an informed decision on the perfect bag to accompany you throughout your fitness journey.

The Top 13 Best Canvas Gym Bags

  1. Premium Waxed Canvas Duffel Bag for Outdoor Adventures - The Readywares Waxed Canvas Duffel Bag delivers exceptional quality and durability, featuring a spacious interior and robust construction that can withstand the toughest conditions.
  2. Heavy Duty Military Canvas Duffel Bag - The WHITEDUCK Hoplite Heavy Duty Military Canvas Duffel Bag is perfect for adventurers, with its unmatched wear & tear resistance, reinforced stress points for supreme durability, and military-grade zippers for hassle-free packing.
  3. Extra Large Capacity Canvas Duffel Bag - The YoKelly Canvas Duffel Bag provides 100L capacity and lightweight convenience with a 1.2 lbs weight, making it an ideal choice for travel, camping, fishing, and sports.
  4. Durable Military Canvas Duffle Bag for Long Trips - Rothco's Canvas Double Strap Duffle Bag - Military-grade durability, 22oz heavyweight cotton canvas material, perfect for travel or sports, with adjustable backpack straps and a large side pocket for easy organization.
  5. Steeletex Antimicrobial Gym Bag in Navy - Experience unmatched hygiene and durability with the Steele Canvas Steeletex Gym Bag in Navy, featuring BACshield-treated water-resistant liner, ample storage, and an adjustable strap - designed for fitness enthusiasts.
  6. Classic Canvas Duffle Bag for Travel - The Trailmaker 30L Canvas Duffel Bag with adjustable shoulder strap is perfect for travel, gym, and storage, offering a spacious, lightweight design with both hand and shoulder straps, ideal for adults and teenagers.
  7. Classic Vintage Duffle Bag - The Sweetbriar Classic Weekender Canvas Duffle Bag offers a stylish, spacious and durable solution for overnight and weekend travel, gym sessions, and more, while being kind to your wallet through Direct-to-Consumer pricing.
  8. MOLLYGAN Large Capacity Canvas Gym Bag - A stylish and spacious canvas gym bag with a shoe compartment, perfect for travel, yoga, and gym use, offering exceptional durability and functionality for both men and women.
  9. Military-Grade Canvas Duffel Backpack - Introducing the modern military-grade canvas duffel backpack: a must-have lightweight travel companion featuring strong adjustable straps, heavy-duty cross-stitched handles, and a high-capacity interior for optimal storage and comfort.
  10. Extra Large Yoga Mat Duffel Bag with Hammock - Experience the perfect balance of style and function with the eco-friendly, extra-large Kindfolk Yoga Mat Duffel Bag, featuring a trendy pattern and ample room to carry your mats, blocks, and towels.
  11. Casual Canvas Travel Gym Bag for daily jog or trip - The Vagabond Traveler 18" Medium Hand Lift Canvas Travel Gym Bag C72.Khaki offers a durable, stylish, and organized solution for your on-the-go fitness needs, boasting a vintage aesthetic with classic brass hardware accents.
  12. Durable Waxed Canvas Duffle Bag - Steele Canvas Waxed Canvas Duffle Bag: A stylish, roomy and durable bag with nickel plated zipper and adjustable shoulder strap, perfect for your travel adventures.
  13. Durable and Versatile Military-Grade Canvas Gym Bag - Experience top-quality, heavy-duty duffel bag craftsmanship with Bear&Bark's range of military-grade Canvas Gym Bags, perfect for every adventure – from the great outdoors to stylish travel.
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🔗Premium Waxed Canvas Duffel Bag for Outdoor Adventures
I recently had the chance to test out the Readywares Waxed Canvas Duffel Bag on a camping trip, and it truly exceeded my expectations. The first thing that caught my eye was its timeless design and high-quality waxed canvas construction. It's no wonder this bag has a rating of 4.7 out of 5, as users consistently rave about its craftsmanship.
Before my trip, I was a little concerned about the stiffness of the waxed canvas, but it quickly softened up as I loaded it with my camping gear. I particularly appreciated the padded handle and base support, which made carrying the duffel bag comfortable and easy, regardless of how heavy it got.
The storage options in this Readywares duffel bag are quite impressive as well. With multiple compartments, I had no trouble keeping my items organized throughout my trip. The only downside was the lack of an interior pouch, which would have been beneficial for smaller items.
In conclusion, the Readywares Waxed Canvas Duffel Bag is a reliable and stylish choice for anyone in need of a high-quality carryall. Its craftsmanship, storage options, and overall size make it a perfect companion for various activities, ranging from weekend getaways to camping trips. However, it could benefit from the addition of an interior pouch to keep smaller items secure.

🔗Heavy Duty Military Canvas Duffel Bag
The WHITEDUCK Hoplite Heavy Duty Military Canvas Duffel Bag in Blue is an indispensable travel companion that you can take along no matter where life leads you. This sturdy bag boasts a whopping 204L capacity, perfect for packing all your essentials for a weekend getaway or longer excursions.
One of its key features is the high-quality, double-fill cotton canvas with a tight weave, ensuring durability and wear and tear resistance. The weatherproof fabric is reinforced at all stress points too, making it incredibly sturdy. Plus, the fully zipped compartment offers ample space to store larger items without any hassle.
A standout feature is the heavy-duty, full-length zippers that can handle oversized and bulky items with ease. The soft and ultra-reliable cotton carry handles equipped with a Velcro tag for quick lifting and carrying add convenience. And let's not forget about the adjustable, removable padded shoulder strap for maximum comfort.
The bag's versatility is another significant highlight. Whether you're going camping, using it for gym storage, or during your daily commute, the Hoplite Duffel Bag adapts seamlessly to all your needs.
On the downside, some users have mentioned that the bag's dimensions can be a bit confusing initially, but after figuring it out, its performance has exceeded all expectations.
In a nutshell, the WHITEDUCK Hoplite Heavy Duty Military Canvas Duffel Bag combines durability, capacity, and versatility to provide a top-notch travel experience. Its excellent workmanship gives it the robustness and longevity you desire in a duffel bag. This product is undoubtedly a worthwhile investment for those seeking a reliable travel companion.

🔗Extra Large Capacity Canvas Duffel Bag
I recently found myself in need of a reliable and spacious bag for a camping trip, and that's when I came across the YoKelly 36 inch Canvas Duffel Bag. I have to say, this high-quality canvas duffel has been a game-changer for all my outdoor adventures since then. I was initially skeptical about the capacity given its light weight of just 1.2 lbs, but boy, was I in for a pleasant surprise.
This Deluxe Canvas Duffel Bag truly delivers on its promise of a spacious 100L storage capacity, making it perfect for travel, camping, fishing, and sports as well. The high-quality canvas ensures durability and the solid stitching provides extra strength and resistance against wear and tear. Its dimensions of 36x13x13 inches are just the right size for packing all my essentials without feeling bulky or cumbersome.
However, one minor drawback I noticed is that it only has one compartment for organization. While this didn't cause any major issues during my camping trip, I do wish there were additional pockets for smaller items to keep everything more organized.
Overall, the YoKelly 36 inch Canvas Duffel Bag has made my life so much easier and more convenient, offering ample storage space in a lightweight, durable, and versatile package. If you're on the hunt for the perfect travel, camping, or sports bag, I highly recommend giving this duffel a try.

🔗Durable Military Canvas Duffle Bag for Long Trips
When I first laid my eyes on the Rothco Gi Style Canvas Double Strap Duffle Bag, I knew that it was a perfect match for my travel needs. This military-inspired bag checks all the boxes for durability, ample storage space, and versatile carrying options.
Made of 22 oz heavyweight cotton canvas material, it's been built with utmost durability, making it the go-to option for all your long and short trips. The generous dimensions of 22 inches x 38 inches allow me to pack plenty of clothes and gear effortlessly.
I especially love the adjustable shoulder straps and the sturdy handle for conveniently carrying it like a suitcase or a backpack. This flexibility gives me the freedom to pack even more stuff while ensuring comfort on long commutes.
The additional side pocket with a snap closure is a bonus for keeping small items or travel documents organized and easily accessible. I've been using this duffle bag for everything from overnight trips to the gym and it has exceeded my expectations in every way.
However, some users have reported a strong odor upon receiving the item. This can be a bit off-putting, but a couple of washes usually do the trick.
The Rothco Gi Style Canvas Double Strap Duffle Bag is a smart buy for anyone looking for a reliable, large-capacity bag made from high-quality materials. Its versatile design, durability, and practical features make it an ideal choice for all your travel adventures.

🔗Steeletex Antimicrobial Gym Bag in Navy
I recently got introduced to the Steeletex Gym Bag by Steele Canvas, and I must say, I've been thoroughly impressed with its performance and quality. The first thing that caught my eye was the unique construction material - it's not your regular canvas or nylon bag. This one has an antimicrobial vinyl coating that not only provides water resistance but also ensures easy cleaning.
One of the standout features of this bag is its size. It's perfect for holding all my gym clothes, sneakers, and even my favorite water bottle. I've been using it regularly since I got it, and it has shown no signs of wear and tear yet.
Speaking of which, the durability of this bag is another highlight. The 18.5 oz. antimicrobial vinyl coated nylon liner is not just water and tear-resistant, but it's also treated with BACshield, which ensures that mold, mildew, fungi, or bacteria don't get a chance to grow.
The Steeletex Gym Bag also comes with a couple of convenient pockets - one inside and one outside. These have been incredibly useful for keeping my belongings organized.
As for the design, the black leather hand grips add a touch of class to the overall aesthetic. Besides, the adjustable shoulder strap ensures comfort even during long gym sessions.
However, there's one thing that I would've appreciated more - if they had included a mesh or ventilated pocket for storing wet clothes or shoes separately. This would have made the bag even more versatile and useful.
But all in all, I've been thoroughly happy with my Steeletex Gym Bag. Its durability, size, and convenience make it an excellent companion for my daily gym visits. Plus, knowing that it's made in America by hardworking American craftsmen adds an extra layer of satisfaction to my purchase. I would highly recommend this bag to anyone looking for a reliable and high-quality gym bag.

🔗Classic Canvas Duffle Bag for Travel
First off, picture yourself embarking on a weekend getaway with nothing more than this trusty Trailmaker duffel bag at your side. The 30-liter capacity ensures you'll have ample space for all your essentials - be it clothes, shoes, or even your favorite dance attire for weekend classes! And don't worry about wearing it out yet. This durable canvas bag is built to last, so you can make countless travel adventures with it.
One thing I noticed about this bag is how versatile it really is. Not only does it serve as an excellent carry-on for flights, but it proved to be quite handy for daily trips to the gym as well. Its lightweight design ensures easy portability, especially when combined with its adjustable shoulder strap. Plus, the simple yet elegant design pairs well with any outfit, whether you're dressing up or down.
However, there are some cons to consider. Some users reported issues with the quality of the bag, particularly the zipper which tends to jam often. The lack of compartments inside can also lead to a messy bag when overstuffed. However, considering its affordable price point and high ratings among users, these minor drawbacks seem overshadowed by the overall positive experience most reviewers have had with this bag.
Overall, the Trailmaker duffel bag is a reliable choice for individuals seeking a spacious, durable, and affordable bag for travel, gym use, or everyday needs. Despite some reported issues with the zipper and lack of compartments, the majority of reviewers seem satisfied with their purchase, highlighting the immense utility and convenience offered by this bag.

🔗Classic Vintage Duffle Bag
I recently had the chance to try out the Sweetbriar Classic Weekender Duffel and I must say, it's been a game-changer for my travel needs. The moment I laid my eyes on its vintage-inspired canvas design with retro rucksack vibe, I knew this bag meant serious style.
One of the features that really stood out was its spacious interior. It comfortably fit all my essentials for a weekend getaway, including clothes, toiletries, and even some extras like a small travel pillow. Speaking of extras, the bag has several pockets both outside and inside, which are perfect for storing smaller items like wallets or keys.
Another thing I appreciated was how easy it was to clean. I'm known for being a bit clumsy, so accidents are inevitable. But with this duffel, a damp cloth was enough to wipe away any spills or stains.
However, there was one issue I encountered. The zipper closure, while sturdy and secure, was a bit tricky to navigate at times. It took me a few attempts to get it right, which felt a little frustrating.
All in all, I'm quite satisfied with the Sweetbriar Classic Weekender Duffel. It's stylish, practical, and well-built, making it an ideal choice for short trips or gym sessions. It's definitely worth considering if you're in the market for a new bag.

🔗MOLLYGAN Large Capacity Canvas Gym Bag
I've never been the type to travel lightly - I've always packed everything but the kitchen sink. But recently, I stumbled upon this MOLLYGAN Travel Duffel Bag, and I must say, my travel game just leveled up! The black exterior made it perfect for both genders, but what really caught my eye was the superior-quality, soft and smooth canvas material.
The structure of this bag is quite impressive too. The side zipper pocket provided a separate space for my shoes (goodbye, smelly gym bag! ) whereas the spacious main compartment and small zipper pocket proved that even though the bag was large in capacity, it was well-organized.
Its 35 liters capacity was more than enough to accommodate all my laptops, A4 books, clothes, and daily essentials. Whether going for a leisurely trip or a hectic gym session, this bag had my back. Measuring 18.8 x 10.2 x 11 inches, the bag was just the right size for convenience yet offered so much space.
However, the product did have one hiccup, the shoulder strap. It was long and adjustable, but at times, it felt a bit too long, and the handles could have been a tad longer, making it a little harder to carry around.
In conclusion, the MOLLYGAN Travel Duffel Bag has undoubtedly improved my daily travel experiences. With its large capacity, durable construction, and ample organization options, it has become a necessity for my daily activities. While it could do with a few adjustments (pun intended), it has nonetheless proven to be a reliable companion.

🔗Military-Grade Canvas Duffel Backpack
I recently embarked on a weekend getaway with just the Military Duffel Backpack in tow. The modern green color added a trendy touch to my outfit, and upon closer inspection, I could see that the canvas duffel was indeed made of high-quality, water-repellent material. I felt confident that my belongings were well-protected, even in a sudden downpour. The adjustable shoulder straps came in handy as I traversed through the crowded city streets, allowing me to find the perfect fit and distributing the weight of my stuff evenly.
One feature I particularly appreciated was the heavy-duty cross-stitched carrying handle. I found it incredibly useful when I wanted to switch up my carrying style and convert the backpack into a traditional duffel bag. The stainless eyelets and rugged buckles made the whole process incredibly smooth and secure.
However, I did encounter a minor issue with the top clasp that held everything closed. It was slightly smaller than the holes on the flaps, so the bag wasn't completely sealed. While this didn't affect its overall performance during my trip, I did have to exercise a bit more caution to prevent anything from slipping out.
To sum it up, the Military Duffel Backpack is a reliable and fashionable bag that offers ample space and thoughtful storage options. The canvas material ensures durability and water resistance, while the adjustable straps offer comfort and convenience. Although the top clasp could be slightly improved, I would definitely recommend this backpack for travelers and everyday adventurers alike!

🔗Extra Large Yoga Mat Duffel Bag with Hammock
I've been using the Kindfolk Yoga Mat XL Duffel Bag Mesa for a few weeks now and I must say, it's been a game-changer for my daily yoga practice. The highlight of this bag is undoubtedly the ample amount of space it provides.
After spending days googling 'XL yoga duffel bags', I finally decided to give this one a shot when I saw that it could fit multiple yoga mats, blocks and towels - and boy, was it true! I've never been able to bring everything I need to the studio or gym with such ease.
Another thing that I absolutely love about this bag is that it's vegan and environmentally friendly. As someone who's conscious about their impact on the environment, knowing that I'm using a product that aligns with my values gives me peace of mind. Plus, for every unit sold, Kindfolk donates $1 to FITS STANDARD, a charity that helps end slavery worldwide.
However, one of the cons I noticed is that the straps could be slightly longer. While it's not a deal-breaker for me, it can be a bit cumbersome when carrying it on top of everything else.
All in all, I am thrilled with my purchase and would definitely recommend it to others. Not only is it spacious and stylish, but it also feels well-made and of high quality. For those looking for a reliable and environmentally-friendly bag for their yoga practice, the Kindfolk Yoga Mat XL Duffel Bag is definitely worth considering.

🔗Casual Canvas Travel Gym Bag for daily jog or trip
Imagine this: I'm strolling down the bustling city streets, and my trusty Vagabond Traveler Casual Canvas Bag is by my side. This bag isn't just a carry-all for my gym gear; it's a statement about my sense of style and practicality.
The first time I used this bag, I was blown away by its spacious interior. It holds everything I need for a workout and more, from my sneakers to my sweat towel, and even a spare change of clothes. The multiple pockets (and there are plenty) kept me organized and efficient, making my mornings just a little bit easier.
The Vagabond Traveler bag's construction is a testament to its craftsmanship. This bag isn't just made to last; it's made to look good while doing it. The canvas is a beautiful shade of khaki, and the vintage brass hardware adds a touch of class. The cotton fabric is incredibly comfortable to carry, and it's clear that it's been washed and worn to achieve its classic, old-school appearance.
Now, every time I strap this canvas bag onto my shoulder, I'm reminded of its many merits. It's the perfect blend of practicality, durability, and visual appeal. However, some users may find the strap too long or the lack of waterproofing a concern. But for me, these minor quibbles don't detract from the overall quality and utility of this amazing gym bag.
In conclusion, the Vagabond Traveler Casual Canvas Bag has become an indispensable part of my daily life. Its combination of space, organization, and style makes it the ideal choice for anyone looking for a reliable gym bag that's both functional and fashionable.

🔗Durable Waxed Canvas Duffle Bag
I recently purchased the Steele Canvas Waxed Canvas Duffle Bag for an upcoming travel adventure, and I must say, it has surpassed all of my expectations. As soon as I laid my eyes on it, I was impressed by its sleek and sturdy appearance, which instantly made me feel confident about its durability. The adjustable shoulder strap and brown leather grip handles felt comfortable against my shoulder and hands, making it a pleasure to carry around.
The moment I unzipped the bag, I noticed the generous space inside, perfect for holding all of my essentials without any clutter. The two interior pockets are an added bonus, allowing me to keep my smaller items organized and easily accessible. The exterior side and end pockets have also proven to be quite useful for storing my frequently needed items.
One of the key features I truly appreciated is the nickel plated zipper and pull, making it easy for me to secure my belongings without any worry about potential malfunctions. Steele Canvas has truly created a high-quality, durable bag that is sure to withstand the test of time.
Despite the minor inconvenience of needing two hands to secure the zipper on the outside pocket, I believe this duffle bag is a perfect addition to my travel collection. The Steele Canvas Waxed Canvas Duffle Bag has definitely made a lasting impression on me, and I am already looking forward to using it on countless more adventures.

🔗Durable and Versatile Military-Grade Canvas Gym Bag
As a product reviewer, I recently got the chance to try out the Medium Duffle Bag in black, and my experience has been nothing short of exceptional. I've been using it for everything from weekend trips to gym sessions, and it's truly become a staple in my daily routine.
The bag's most striking feature, hands down, is its heavy-duty construction. The double and triple-needle-stitched reinforced design not only gives it a sleek look that fits any environment but also ensures that it can handle even the heaviest loads without a hitch. I've noticed its durability in various situations - from transporting bulky sports gear to storing off-season clothing, this duffel bag has never let me down.
One of the things I love about this duffel bag is how versatile it is. Made from lightweight yet durable cotton canvas, it's perfect for travel, sports, and leisure activities. Its convenient collapsible feature when not in use makes storage a breeze, and it's been especially useful during my many camping trips.
Despite its size, the bag is surprisingly easy to carry around. Reinforced handles and adjustable shoulder straps make sure that I can handle even the heaviest loads comfortably. Plus, the two-way zipper and key-locking mechanism offer extra security for my belongings.
However, one small area of improvement could be the weight of the bag itself. While it's definitely not a deal-breaker, considering the durability and high-quality materials used, some users might find it slightly heavier than desired.
All in all, I'm extremely satisfied with my Medium Duffle Bag. Its combination of sturdy construction, versatility, and ease of use make it a worthwhile investment for anyone in need of a reliable bag for travel, sports, or everyday use.

Buyer's Guide

Canvas gym bags are a versatile and stylish choice for active people who prioritize functionality and quality. With the right features and construction, these bags can become an essential part of your fitness routine, ensuring that your gear stays organized and protected during workouts and commutes.

Important Features
  • Durability: Canvas is a strong and hard-wearing material that can withstand regular use and resist wear and tear, making it ideal for gym bags.
  • Organization: Look for gym bags with multiple compartments or pockets to keep your belongings separate and easy to find, including a dedicated shoe compartment and an area for wet or soiled items.
  • Comfort: Padded shoulder straps, handles, or a combination of both can provide added comfort when carrying your bag, even when it's filled with heavy gear.
  • Versatility: A adjustable or removable strap allows you to carry your bag as a shoulder bag, across your body, or as a traditional gym bag, offering flexibility and convenience.
  • Style: Opt for a canvas gym bag that complements your personal taste and style, whether it's simple and minimalistic or bold and colorful.


  • Material: Choose a gym bag made of high-quality, water-resistant canvas that's easy to clean and maintain, ensuring your bag stays looking great for longer.
  • Size: Consider the dimensions of the bag, especially if you're planning to commute with it. Make sure it's large enough to hold your essentials, but not too bulky.
  • Zippers and Hardware: Durable zippers and hardware are essential for long-lasting use. Look for quality components that offer smooth closing and opening.
  • Warranty: Check the manufacturer's warranty to ensure you're protected in case of any defects or issues with your bag.

General Advice

  • Invest in a high-quality canvas gym bag that will last you for years to come, even with consistent use.
  • Consider your individual needs and preferences when choosing a gym bag, such as the types of sports or activities you participate in, and the specific features that will be most useful for you.
  • Take care of your canvas gym bag by cleaning it regularly and storing it properly, in a well-ventilated area, to preserve its condition and prolong its lifespan.
  • Don't forget to check the contents of your bag before leaving the gym or your workout area, to ensure you have everything you need and avoid leaving behind any items.


What are Canvas Gym Bags and what are they used for?

Canvas Gym Bags are sturdy, versatile, and environmentally friendly bags designed for carrying sports and workout clothing, shoes, and accessories. Made from high-quality canvas material, they are suitable for various activities, including gym workouts, swimming, yoga, and outdoor sports.

Why should I choose a Canvas Gym Bag over other materials?
Canvas Gym Bags are eco-friendly and have multiple benefits compared to other materials. They are lightweight, durable, and easy to maintain. Canvas is a breathable material that ensures items inside stay fresh and odor-free. Additionally, canvas is moisture-resistant, making it perfect for storing damp towels and swimsuits.

How do I know if a Canvas Gym Bag is waterproof?

High-quality Canvas Gym Bags are often treated with water-resistant coatings and may include waterproof zippers or compartments. Check the product description or contact the manufacturer for specific information about water resistance.

Do Canvas Gym Bags have compartments for organizing my workout gear?

Yes, most Canvas Gym Bags come with multiple compartments and pockets designed to organize your workout essentials. Many bags feature separate shoe compartments, a wet pocket for storing damp items, and small pockets for storing smaller items like keys, wallets, and phones.

How do I clean a Canvas Gym Bag?

Cleaning a Canvas Gym Bag is easy and can be done at home. Simply remove any dirt or debris with a soft brush or cloth. Then, mix a few drops of gentle detergent with water and gently clean the bag's interior and exterior. Rinse thoroughly and air dry away from direct sunlight. It is recommended to consult the manufacturer's care instructions for specific cleaning guidance.

How do I choose the right size for a Canvas Gym Bag?

Selecting the right size depends on the type and amount of workout gear you'll be carrying. Consider the dimensions of the bag and the volume it can hold. If you're unsure, read reviews from other customers or consult the manufacturer's recommendations for size guidance.

Are Canvas Gym Bags suitable for travel?

Yes, Canvas Gym Bags are versatile and can be used for travel. Their durability and lightweight nature make them suitable for short trips and weekend getaways. Some Canvas Gym Bags even come with additional features, such as luggage tags or straps, to make traveling easier.

Can Canvas Gym Bags be personalized or customized?

Yes, many manufacturers offer customization options for Canvas Gym Bags. This can include adding your name or initials, choosing a specific design or pattern, or even selecting custom colors. Personalized or customized bags make great gifts and can help you easily identify your bag amidst a crowded gym or locker room.

What is the price range for Canvas Gym Bags?

The price range for Canvas Gym Bags varies depending on factors such as size, quality, and additional features. Prices can range from $20 for basic models to over $100 for high-end, designer options. Consider your budget and specific needs when selecting a Canvas Gym Bag to ensure you get the best value for your money.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:40 cmloeffl Egg Quality/40 y.o

Turning 40 this week, had ER#1 in March, AFC 11, 8 retrieved, 5 mature, 4 fertilized (ICSI), 1 made it to day 7 blast (3BB), froze that but opted not to spend my $ on PGTa of 1 embryo that has a very likely low chance of implanting.
What I learned from speaking to the embryologists was that I had “not poor but not great” egg quality. My eggs looked dark and grainy in some areas, one of them was so fragile it did not survive ICSI.
My question is for all those expressing how they get multiple blasts but then pgta test them and get aneuploids - is this due to poor egg quality? Or are those of you who are getting blasts told that they have “good egg quality”?
I’m having a hard time being convinced that my next #2 ER (and last round, can’t afford more) will be any different than the last round if the issue is my egg quality. My RE is suggesting a 2nd round because she says other cycles can be different.
My AMH is 1.0, DOR, FSH 14. otherwise all things are normal. Husband had a vasectomy reversal 1.5 yrs ago, morphology slightly low at 2% but otherwise normal. 3 failed IUI’s prior to IVF. And overall trying for 14 months, have never had a positive pregnancy.
1st cycle did microdose Lupron Flare plus omnitrope and HCg 10k trigger.
She plans on adding clomid and doing a Lupron Trigger in attempts to yield more eggs and keeping omnitrope.
I feel like giving up. I’m sure you all understand the feeling.
submitted by cmloeffl to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:49 Afcm96 I did it yesterday and it feels great

Hi guys, I hope this gives you a bit of inspiration and I’m using this platform as a way to vent some of the anger i have and voice to channel everything i have inside of me.
I (27m) cut off my narcissistic mom (67f) yesterday. To give you some back story i grew up without a father and in a family predominantly of women, and was always raised to believe what my mom said was the gospel and to follow rules to a tea. Growing up under her household was as you’re already imagining: we had our electricity cut off multiple times especially during the winter, made our birthday parties about herself especially my last one, and everything had to go according to her and her likings, she would suck her kids and parents up for money, left us all in a precarious financial situation, took loans under our names and lived a very luxurious lifestyle until everyone cut her off.
Every time she kept on saying how it was everyone else’s fault and that her kids were a waste, they should be grateful for everything she had done growing up (like taking care of us was not an obligation but charity) and multiple times if we didn’t validate her craziness she would lock us outside until we would apologise to her. Well in September i met the most amazing woman one can ever think of (24f) and it completely changed my life, coming from the same background as me but another country (I’m from Europe and she’s a US citizen and this detail will be important later).
She taught me so much about what NPD was and to be aware of her and my surroundings, and I’m completely grateful for everything she has done for me. Well this January things got extremely toxic between me and her and i decided to visit my girlfriend and while here in the states we decided to get married, soon found out there was a chance for me to stay here permanently and we took that chance, although we’re now in the process of getting my citizenship i am so happy that i get to wake up next to the woman i love everyday but not everyone is very happy about that..
When we got married i told her and she was.. not happy to say the least, and in the last few months has been posting very incestuous posts on social media about how kids should always listen to their moms and how my wife stole her “family”. All of this was too much for both of us to take so we decided to have a final say to her and blocked her completely. It is scary not having that familiarity but i can promise if you’re going through the same thing right now that it is the right move for you. Don’t let the narcissist take over your life, you’re worth so much and the grass is greener on the other side. Things might get tough but surround yourself by people that genuinely love and care about you, reading some of these stories inspired us to take this leap and I’m forever grateful to have found this subreddit!
submitted by Afcm96 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:04 HARRY_FOR_KING In Fire and Blood there IS a feminist contender for the iron throne...

...and it is not Rhaenyra.
When Rhaenyra took KL and the question of how to reward her dragonseeds was brought up, the idea of marrying them to the elder daughters of nearby noble houses was brought up as a way to give them lands. Rhaenyra was advised not to do so however, as it would raise questions about the inheritences of younger sons who would suddenly be threatened by elder sisters, potentially causing her to lose allies. When given the chance to "make a new order" which would empower women but potentially diminish her personal power, she chose herself, and ironically lost the support of the dragonseeds.
It is later in F&B when we actually get to see what a feminist queen would look like. Essie and her paramour Sylvenna Sand, ruling through Gaemon Palehair (purportedly a bastard of Aegon II), issued multiple proclamations which would improve the living conditions of women.
I put the last one in bold, because here is the only pretender to the Iron Throne who EVER did what Team Black fans think Rhaenyra is about.
This is a pretty obvious and baseline take from F&B, but the thing I have to add is how the Maesterly account portrays the court of Gaemon Palehair. "Whore" is not just a factual term for the profession of prostitution, it can also be a slur against any and all women who copulate for their own personal reasons and not for the express purpose of pleasing their husband. In Westeros there is a clear connection between the two meanings of the word in the story of Seara Targaryen: for being a woman who had sex with men outside of the rules men created for her, there was only one place for her where she could be accepted: a brothel. Jaehaerys's turned Seara into a whore, it was a self fulfilling prophesy by trying to force her into the mould of a septa that she should escape and try to find the only place where she would be allowed a degree of sexual freedom. The exploits of Seara are not just a chance for George to put women down through the Old King's mouth, but shows us the pipeline directly to prostitution and infamy for any woman unfortunate enough to try and live with the same freedom of men.
We are supposed to recognise the connection between Seara, Essie, and her paramour. The Maesterly account is obsessed with putting down Gaemon's mother and court as a bunch of whores. This may be factually true, but it may be equally true that Essie were a rape victim thrown out of the Red Keep: the point of calling them whores is not to give the reader facts about them, but to denigrate them.
The Maesterly account in F&B, despite the obvious bastardy of her children, does not deign to treat Rhaenyra like this at all. Rhaenyra is portrayed as jealous, irrational, fat, but not treated like a whore. To be denounced by the historians as a whore, you have to do actual feminism.
This is my take on feminism in F&B. I think it is definitely there, but not in the courts of either the Greens or Blacks.
submitted by HARRY_FOR_KING to HOTDGreens [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:59 Dependent-War7292 Life at Conception Law. I need answers from both PRO-LIFE & PRO-CHOICE!!!!

So for anybody that keeps up with policy in our Country, answer this for me, please. If life begins at conception. Then does that mean pregnant women get to claim their fertilized egg or unborn child within their fetus as a dependent on their tax returns? .....Also what if a woman gets pregnant miss carries, but Is pregnant with her fertilized egg or unborn child within the current tax year, does she still get to claim her fertilized egg or unborn child as a dependent on her tax return? This question goes even further......what if an incredible tragedy happens to a woman and she has multiple miscarriages within a tax year would she get to claim all of them on her tax return as dependents?
submitted by Dependent-War7292 to Louisville [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:07 Stefi-Lew Season 3- Polin Rushed Debate

This is tagged as a Spoiler, but only if you haven’t watched Season 3 Part 1 yet-
So I have seen a lot of conversation about whether or not Penelope and Colin’s relationship has felt rushed so far. Personally, I feel like the relationship this season does feel a bit awkwardly paced and I’m going to explain my reasonings.
A big argument used for why their relationship isn’t rushed is that it’s been in development for 2 seasons. I’m sorry, you mean Penelope’s unrequited love for Colin?? That’s not really development, I mean Penelope’s relationship to Colin in the beginning of season 3 is the same as it is in the beginning of season 1… unrequited, nothing has developed or changed on that end other than her overhearing his hurtful words about her. So I don’t really think their relationship being stalled at that stage for 2 seasons means that it can’t be rushed once it is being developed. In fact I rather feel it’s the opposite because when you sort of build up that anticipation around certain characters over multiple seasons, you better be able to make that payout satisfying. (Think of like HIMYM, lot of build up for a horrible last 6 episodes😂)
And those arguing- actually it just went over y’all’s head, Colin has had feelings for Penelope all along, he just didn’t realize…yeah, seemed like it when he proposed to that other girl, or told his bros he would never court her💀like yes, I get it- He sought her out, and wrote to her, and enjoyed hanging out with her, but the boy was oblivious, and I really needed more from him this season to make up for that fact.
Another thing that bugs me-
Colin has gotten a lot of credit in the show this season for helping Penelope on the Marriage Mart…like I need the writers to be so for real with me, what has Colin actually done to help Penelope draw in a suitor besides himself??💀because from my perspective, he’s done quite the opposite….
So really Penelope should be at least a little pissed at Colin. For me, this would add the tension that I feel this story is missing. Something maybe like…
I think something like this would have been a lot more satisfying than him being kind of oblivious until episode 3 where he realizes he likes her and proposes to her one episode later, and her immediately accepting despite being mad at him 2 minutes earlier.
Of course another big argument people make is- “well the people complaining haven’t read the books because this is exactly how it happens” and to that I say- My criticism isn’t about whether it’s accurate to the books or not, it’s about whether the story is satisfying. So say it is exactly like the books, then I guess I’m criticizing the book too😂
Anyways, please feel free to comment your agreement or disagreement, I would love to hear other’s opinions on this topic!
submitted by Stefi-Lew to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:50 mining_moron Beastiary of the Kyanah Homeworld: Part II -- Evolutionary History Road to Hope

Around 34 million Earth years ago, at the end of the very creatively named 18th Era, the boreal and polar regions including the Great Polar Plateau, where Kyanah would eventually evolve, and its surroundings, were a very different place. The climate was at the time cooler and drier than the modern Homeworld, and the plateau was filled with more open boreal savannas and polar barrens rather than the dense scrublands of modern times. These boreal savannas were quite different from the modern ones, as endoskeleton plants had yet to expand in the northern hemisphere beyond the tropics, and single-leaf crawlers (which would go extinct at the end of the era) dominated over the modern multi-leaf crawlers to form the ground cover, the equivalent of Terran grass. The most common Walkers (i.e. tetrapods) on the plateau in the late 18th Era were small to medium-sized grazers, many of which had heavy armor or glands to secrete poisonous substances, as a defense against the top predators of the day. There were also the Kakenkortiors, the ancestors of modern Kyanah and dozens of other species, as well as other carnivore groups that specialized in oasis environments, pursuing the amphibious neuz or small burrowing herbivores. The Kakenkortiors were solitary quadrupedal carnivores roughly the size of small to medium-sized dogs, which were opportunistic carnivores taking on all manner of small prey when they had the chance, but primarily subsisted on scavenging carrion or stealing eggs, and had scaly skin covered in a dense coating of feathers to keep them warm and provide camouflage; notably they had yet to evolve the pack behaviors seen in some of their descendants. However, they themselves often fell victim to the true predators of the time--not true Walkers, but rather an offshoot of the wingbeasts (themselves marsupial creatures with foldable wings that could fly like gliders or walk on all fours on land)--the terrorbeasts. These terrorbeasts gave up their flight in exchange for reaching enormous sizes--almost a ton and 4 meters tall for the largest species--adopting a permanently quadrupedal and rather uncanny stance, with their forelimbs (formerly wings) being much longer than their rear limbs, while the wings themselves lost the ability to unfold, instead becoming vestigial forelimb frills used for attracting mates. Some terrorbeasts used their height to feed from the tops of exoskeleton plants, but many were carnivorous, developing long necks and elongated, hardened spear-like snouts to peck at grazers from above; it's believed that they sometimes reared up on their hind legs to gain additional height and force. This was in direct contrast with every extant tetrapodal predator of large game, which would prioritize either attacking from below or else taking out their prey's legs to bring them crashing down; as a result most herbivores had the heaviest protection on their bellies and legs, with their backs being comparatively weak. But then again, most creatures on the Kyanah homeworld, both extinct and extent, tend to be wide and low to the ground due to living under 1.4G, not tall and spindly, so the terrorbeasts were a giant middle finger to the biosphere and planet in general. Though their 50 million Earth year reign was cut short by the meteor shower that formed the Homeworld's newest impact range, created the Shatter, and caused the most recent mass extinction, leading to the beginning of the 19th Era.
With the terrorbeasts gone (though not their relatives, the normal, flying wingbeasts), the early 19th Era saw the creatures of the Great Polar Plateau adapt to the changing landscape. A group of species which had evolved thorn-covered backs--essentially made from modified feathers--to protect themselves from the terrorbeasts, also went extinct, and many of the remaining grazers lost their heavy armor due to the sudden dearth of megacarnivores to necessitate it. The Kakenkortiors survived the mass extinction and continued to occupy their old niches, but by around 29-28 million years ago, one branch, known as the Tyorketforms, would shift to a more actively predatory niche, using enlarged dew claws to slash the tendons of prey to drop them to the ground; this branch would eventually lead to the domestic Tyorkets, common Kyanah pets in the modern era. Meanwhile, climatic shifts at the start of the mid 19th Era would lead to the Great Polar Plateau becoming warmer and wetter; the boreal savannas would give way to denser boreal scrublands. Through both speciation and migration, the smaller, armored grazers would be displaced by large unarmored browsers eating leaves and twigs and growing to much bigger sizes in the comparatively plant-dense nutrient-rich environment.
It was only natural that something would evolve to hunt these new browsers. Oddly enough, it would be the Kakenkortiors. The main line would go extinct around 9 million years ago, but long before that, they would produce one more notable sideline, the Ratoryinut, starting around 25 million years ago. Many of the early Ratoryinut would be much larger than both early Kakenkortiors and modern Kyanah, reaching average masses of 150-300 kilograms, depending on the species. Compared to early Kakenkortiors, they had a higher and proportionally slightly narrower, though still relatively broad, profile, with bulkier forelimbs and more dexterous forelimbs--an intermediate stage in developing opposable thumbs--with non-retractable claws, as well as losing their feather coating entirely. By 20-18 million years ago, the Ratoryinut would further split into the Ratorkortyot-forms and the ancestors of the Kyanahforms. The Ratorkortyot-forms (roughly "strong herald beast") would continue to grow in size, with the largest species reaching up to 500 kilograms by 10 million years ago, somewhat resembling large, reptilian bear-like forms with bare, greenish-brown scaly skin. They would also evolve a Parasaurolophus-like crest, which they would use to make loud and elaborate trumpeting noises to attract mates or scare rivals away from a kill, and, as the climate cooled in the mid-late 19th Era and they gravitated towards the poles, many evolved blubber deposits to replace the insulating role of their ancestors' feathers. Ratorkortyot-forms, including the eponymous Ratorkortyot, the most famous species, are still extant and where their ranges overlapped with prehistoric Kyanah, appear to have occasionally killed and eaten packless or young individuals, though the reverse was more common. Most Ratorkortyot-forms are now threatened by habitat destruction and pollution.
As for the Kyanahforms themselves, they took the opposite approach to hunting the soft browsing herbivores that were spreading throughout the boreal scrublands. They began steadily losing raw mass, but underwent a quantum leap in intelligence, with six-core brains rather than the four-core brains of most Walkers; the only other animals with six-core brains, before or since, were a few one-off species of social wingbeasts. Not coincidentally, the modern pack dynamics of modern Kyanah also emerged with early Kyanahforms by around 15 million years ago, with 4-6 adults bonding together for life, having children with each other, and cooperatively raising them to adulthood. It's believed that this pack dynamic evolved from simpler serial pair-bonding in Ratoryinuts and the earliest proto-Kyanahforms as a result of six-core brains enabling more complex social behavior, allowing such relationships to be stable. It also enabled reliable tool using and eventually tool manufacturing (modifying found objects to further enhance their utility), as the Kyanahforms were capable of bipedal movement--though early Kyanah forms still spent most of their time on four legs--and had developed opposable thumbs.
While one minor side-line, the arboreal Kyanahforms, continued to shrink further, taking up omnivorous behavior and living in the taller, shrub-like exoskeleton plant species, the main line continued to gradually optimize for attacking in packs and killing medium-large game on the ground. During the mid-late 19th Era cooling, they would take on migratory behavior, moving to the edge of the Great Polar Plateau in the winter to take advantage of the milder winds from the south, and back north in the summer to hunt the big-ticket game animals further into the plateau. The main line would eventually evolve into tkorks, the closest living relatives of Kyanah, who have been discussed elsewhere. The side-line that would become the true Kyanah diverged from tkorks around 5-6 million years ago, shortly after the evolution of the Tyotonikors (perhaps "strong leaf beast"). These were basically the final, logical conclusion of the trend of large generalist browsers, relying on raw mass rather than armor or numbers to deter predators; it was one of these species that would eventually become the domestic nyruds that are so important to the Kyanah. The largest species, the Tyotonikor, could reach heights of 1.8 meters, with a length of 7.6 meters and males averaging around 4-5 tons--one of the largest known animals in the history of the Kyanah homeworld, and the largest period since the 16th or 17th Era; it was hunted to extinction by prehistoric Kyanah around 8000 years ago. While other related species were not as large, even the smallest averaged 1.5 tons, 3 times bigger than the biggest carnivores in the Great Polar Plateau. With a long, whip-like tail, a wide and stocky frame, and a sturdy beak-like mouth capable of handling even the toughest leaves and twigs, the species under the Tyotonikor classification were quite formidable. Indeed, healthy adults had no natural predators...until the true Kyanah came along.
If it seems like Kyanah were optimized specifically to hunt and kill the giant Tyotonikors that no one else dared eat...well, they were. They shifted from a merely bipedal-capable form to obligate bipeds, enabling them to see over interfering shrubbery to better devise a plan of attack, and also be able to hold tools and weapons at all times. To maintain balance in a bipedal posture, their tails became longer and bulkier, enabling them to flail them around to keep balance, and also use them as a weapon. While their jaw size--and thus snout size--and bite force increased relative to predecessors to better penetrate the thick skin of Tyotonikors, their claws became somewhat shorter and stubbier, optimized more for gripping than piercing, making it easier to hold the sticks and rocks they were increasingly using as force multipliers. An increase in fast-twitch muscles in their legs enabled them to more easily catch fleeing Tyotonikors--which, despite their bulk, could be surprisingly fast, rather like Terran elephants, able to reach speeds above 30 kilometers per hour. The strong legs and gripping claws also made it more feasible to get onto the creatures and deliver devastating top attacks. Their skulls also broadened significantly to enable increased cranial capacity, which enabled them to form even more complex pack hunting strategies and even cooperate with other packs to take down especially large and dangerous prey; this would be a game changer, as tkorks and earlier Kyanahforms would almost always ignore or fight other packs instead of working together. Compared to the tkorks, true Kyanah are basically high-performance, high-maintenance creatures, relying on intelligently applying explosive bursts of strength and speed to quickly take down big-ticket prey, rather than stamina, low resource usage, and gradually accumulating smaller prey items. While having primarily evolved to fill the empty niche of preying on Tyotonikors, the various Kyanah species were more than capable of hunting any medium to large animal, both on and off the Great Polar Plateau, using their sophisticated tactics, high physical strength, and eventually primitive spears, axes, traps, and controlled use of fire. Meanwhile, most tkork species in modern times are endangered or extinct, except for those that have adapted to living in Kyanah cities and feeding off various urban critters and meat that has been thrown out or left unattended by the Kyanah themselves. Those tkork species have done very well for themselves, to the point of being a pest.
Proto-Kyanah would speciate several times, gradually expanding around the edges of the Great Northern Plateau by around 1 million years ago, with some species expanding to the poles and also to the more temperate latitudes by 750k years ago, though modern, main-line Kyanah did not spread off the Great Polar Plateau until around 100k years ago. Remains of the most far-flung Kyanah species, the Dunewalkers, have been discovered from the Shatter to the Western Sector, though they went extinct 84k years ago after the asteroid impact that created the Ikun Crater, which also reduced the main-line Kyanah population to a few thousand, though they, obviously, bounced back and then some. None of these other species remain; the last to go were the Kyanah Brutes, so-named because of their large stature (roughly on par with humans) and proportionally smaller brains compared to main-line Kyanah, dying out around 5500 years ago; it is possible that there were organized efforts by Kyanah proto-civilizations to eradicate the last of them, but also just as possible that the main-line Kyanah merely hunted their prey into extinction. Notably, main-line Kyanah have the largest cranial capacity of any of these species, with Dunewalkers being a close second; there is no evidence that any Kyanah species other than *the* Kyanah ever devised fully fledged language on their own, which made cooperation between multiple packs more frequent and reliable, and made teaching their young more efficient. The presence of bones from multiple species being found together indicates that main-line Kyanah occasionally included members of a couple of the more advanced Kyanah species, like Dunewalkers and Kyanah Brutes, into their own packs, and vice versa. While these species lack the genes associated with independently inventing complex languages, it's believed to be possible that they could be taught it to a limited degree, as they had similar vocalization structures, and even tkorks can be taught to understand simple words and phrases. The exact nature of this relationship, whether these other species were viewed as working animals, slaves, or fellow packmates, is unknown. While they likely interbred, it is also unknown if this led to fertile offspring--but probably not.
submitted by mining_moron to goodworldbuilding [link] [comments]