What does a termite look like

Is it a meteorite, or is it slag?

2013.01.29 00:24 aelendel Is it a meteorite, or is it slag?

Dedicated to identifying mysterious rocks and minerals.

2009.07.25 20:50 viper565 antijokes

Jokes that aren’t jokes

2011.12.07 04:00 blinkergoesleft Expectation Vs. Reality

Expectation vs. Reality images.

2024.05.19 22:18 77ok Is there any advice I (18f) can have with my (19ftm) boyfriend that isn’t breaking up?

Me and my partner have been together for four, almost five years and we are long distance. we have never met.
this will be a very long read but it honestly doesn’t even sum up everything. there’s been so much more stuff with terrible abusive details and so much emotion that I cannot capture in this post. I also could not explain everything to detail and left out a lot about this girl im eventually going to mention in this post and have left out a lot about other stuff my bf has done and said to me.
to preface, me and my bf both are not in therapy. He is going to therapy in a few months. He is in college and has friends, while I have no friends.
I have a lot of jealousy issues and insecurities. my boyfriend has messed up countless times with his friends. he’s broken a million boundaries over and over throughout this whole relationship. he says he can’t get better. he says he needs me to be more appreciative of the good things he does and to stop getting so mad when he hurts me. any time I talk to him about the bad stuff, he victimizes himself, brings up things I did in the past that I no longer do, gaslights me, manipulates me and tries to break up with me. when he breaks boundaries with people, he just breaks up with me and gets super mad. every boundary broken has been with girls.
he’s emotionally cheated, lied a billion times, hid things a billion times, done things I tell him make me uncomfortable with other people, ranted (talked shit) about me to his friends a billion times but left out all the things he’s done to provoke me and abuse me..and through all of that he has yelled at me and cried and blamed me. I am always very up front about my boundaries and try to be stern every single time.
so through all of that, I have horrible trust issues and insecurities. now we are having issues with this girl in his hometown at his work. he did substances with her, hid it, lied about it, and since then he has made her a HUGE deal. I told him one of my boundaries is not hanging out with people nor being their friend if you’ve messed up boundaries with them intentionally. all of the boundaries I have placed are ones that I follow as well by the way.
he told me he can’t get rid of her because she works with him and can’t find another job and doesn’t want to find another job (it’s a summer job). he wanted to hang out and explore abandoned places with her like the last time they hung out for six hours and also did substances and other stuff at her place. he cried and complained and started about 6 different big fights with most of them resulting in him trying to break up with me or breaking up with me for a few hours to a day.
this girl has a boyfriend but I have this gut feeling she likes him but I could be totally wrong! Like I said, I have really bad jealousy and insecurities but with that comes paranoia. I don’t think every girl likes my bf but there has to be signs and I guess my mind has convinced me there are “signs”.
the signs are: she followed him on Facebook, added him on snapchat, has him on discord and instagram.
she only followed my boyfriend despite knowing I exist.
she only follows my boyfriend and three other people (who are famous). she does not follow her boyfriend on that account.
she friended me on Facebook so I asked her why she friended me on facebook and not instagram (where she always talks to my bf) because she knows I exist on instagram but she said she didn’t notice she wasn’t following me which just feels complete lie. I asked then was asking why she only followed him , (a few famous people), and did not have her bf on this account. she said she has multiple accounts but she was snappy and rude when she responded to me saying stuff like “can’t I follow who I want to what’s the problem here lol” and stuff. I asked a simple question, I wasn’t rude or anything. she apologized for being rude a few minutes later and then went to my boyfriend while he was working (she was in to grab some food) and she told him she thinks I hate her because she was rude to me and didn’t want me thinking she’s a “fucking bitch”. her words told from him to me.
Since my boyfriend said he cannot leave or distance since they work together and it would be too awkward he tried breaking up with me multiple times and said this summer would be miserable with him because all ill do is complain and cry about being anxious with what he has caused. I told him to just be distant and he agreed to.
he had ended up telling her im uncomfortable with them hanging out because she kept begging him to hang out again and he didn’t think it was fair to not explain why he keeps saying no to her. he told her he slipped up on a boundary with her and that I don’t allow it. it made me sound so shitty and he refused to explain my side of why im uncomfortable in more details like I begged and then when I tried to explain it to her (I ended up just not sending it) he kept telling me to cut out parts that make him look bad and that she “doesn’t need to know everything about our relationship”. so I know she thinks im a shitty partner now and I know she does not like me but she doesn’t know anything he’s done.
the day before yesterday was his first day back to work for summer break and they only worked together for about an hour and thirty minutes but still managed to talk quite a bit. she also came up to him and said she wishes they could still hang out and that she’s sad or something about it despite knowing im uncomfortable and that we’ve already made it clear that wouldn’t be happening. She also asked him if they were still good (she was definitely asking because there’s tension between me and her even though her and I like don’t really talk, I’ve also tried inviting her to play games with me and my bf online before he messed up with her and she refused every time and wouldn’t reschedule but then she wants to play games alone with him.) then he asked her if he could get his cigarettes back that he gave her. he says he can’t help talking to her at work because he doesn’t want to be rude and that it’s hard to avoid her.
Today they are currently working together and it’s only been a few hours yet so far she’s come up to his register behind him and looked at his phone, talked a bit and told him she could try and get him a free electric guitar, gave him a piece of gum without asking, showed him pictures of her and her boyfriend at a prom event, talked about working out, etc. Doesn’t sound like much maybe but it hurts when you’ve asked him to distance himself and it was barely half of his first shift and all that has already been done. and not to mention she was stocking while my bf was on register so she kept coming out of her way to talk to him.
if I complain, he just wants to break up. I wish she knew why I don’t want them hanging out. he made me sound like im just a toxic girlfriend. I can’t explain anything to her without him threatening to like cut and kill himself and break up with me.
if I break up with him they’re just gonna hang out all summer and he do god knows what and talk shit about me for sure. he would never explain what he’s done. I’ll look even worse. I just want peace but my heart is breaking. I don’t want to victimize myself but I have such a big heart, i believe in and love god, I love with my whole heart, I try to see good in people, I gave him everything I had and im still trying to pull more out of me. it feels like it’ll never be enough. I know he will forget about me because last summer we were on break and he said he let himself “slip” up and looked at a girl who came into the store with lust and full attraction because he was trying to imagine his life without me. he didn’t even tell me because he didn’t think he needed to since we were on break. He recently told me maybe a month ago. the break lasted like two days and it was because our relationship was so bad and he did not love me anymore. there have been multiple times he has not loved me but it was always because of my reactions to his abuse.
I’ve never not once stopped loving him and I’ve never once found anybody else attractive while I’ve been with him, not even celebrities. I’ve tried to warn him a thousand times that if he breaks boundaries again or hurts me some other way, I’ll be done. he just does it like he breathes. he says he feels remorse but he just always does it again. he said he feels better without me because im always hurting him. I “hurt” him by reacting to his abuse, asking him questions about things he’s done, asking him if he’s broke boundaries with his friends when he’s with them, etc. His first day of work this summer I was asking him questions about the girl and he was so defensive. I still feel like something else happened like he ranted about me or she said something about me that he doesn’t wanna tell me. it was not a normal reaction to a simple question.
is there any way I can get over this without having to break up? It feels like my world is ending. he is my only friend. he is doing great in life. he can move on easily and will move on easily when I am gone. he said before he would just put himself more into work, friends and school and would just forget about me. I have nothing really. I do nothing all day as I don’t even have access to a job.
I just need advice on how to go about controlling my emotions when he’s around this girl and other potential friends.
submitted by 77ok to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:18 laciguapa13 Question about vac features

I've been doing research on robot vacuum and I think I've pretty much settled on Roborock as the brand to go with. I took the quiz on the website and it recommended the S8+, which seems pretty within my budget, but I was comparing models on the site and wondered if I should pay extra for more features. I have a few questions on what daily use looks like. If these are answered anywhere else, please feel free to point me in that direction!
  1. Are you able to set the frequency of each function within the app? Like, could I set it to vacuum daily and mop every 2-3 days if needed?
  2. What does daily/weekly maintenance look like? I know the S8 MaxV Ulta has "auto mop cleaning" and "Auto detergent dispensing" and "auto tank refilling". Is this something worth paying extra for, or is the manual aspect of it not too bad?
  3. Relating to the above, are there any models with less features that are cheaper and still work well? I like the idea of automating dust emptying and things that make daily use less involved, but I'm worried I'm focusing on the "shiny new" stuff rather than what actually makes my life easier.
  4. A review site I read said that yearly maintenance was expensive (replacing filters and the like). How does this compare to other models? It seems like most vacuums need filters replaced and such.
I'll stop there since those are my main questions. I appreciate any help!
submitted by laciguapa13 to Roborock [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:18 PureReaperOfSouls Maximum TQQQ investment

Kind of a stupid question, but what is the theoretical maximum one could invest in TQQQ? Let's say you're considering a one to two month timeline. So if it takes multiple days to fulfill your order, that would be ok.
A quick Google search says that the daily volume can be anywhere from 45 million to 100 million. Does this mean if you want to buy $300 Million worth of TQQQ, it would take 3 days for all of the buying to go through? Looks like TQQQ has something like 19 Billion in net assets.
Is there a limit? If I'm not mistaken, single stocks will limit the amount of open shares a single person or company can buy, is there something similar that can happen with TQQQ?
If Elon Musk were to submit a $20 Billion buy order on Monday, would it even be possible?
Just trying to better understand how this works, thanks!
submitted by PureReaperOfSouls to TQQQ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:17 MannnOfHammm Trip Report [Dorney Park]

Trip Report [Dorney Park]
Went to Dorney Park today after not going since I was a kid to celebrate my brother’s birthday and college graduation and man this is an epic park! We got there at opening and I surprised us with fast passes which were worth it for Iron Menace, Wild Mouse and Thunderhawk, everything else was pretty much a station wait despite a good weather day! I also loved how each coaster is in its own little area and they do a good job of hiding coasters from view across the park!
  • Iron Menace x3: WOW! For a long ignored park this really stood out as the best dive I’ve been on (only other one I’ve done is valravn). It’s fast, mostly smooth (jank at the end of the turnaround into the breaks, feels like they pressed autocomplete on planet coaster) but a beast, the forces are very strong and the elements flow so well into each other. Now the theming, this is some of the best theming outside of Disney World or Universal level parks, it’s not a lot but there’s a ton of little details and while the queue could use some more theming outside of the station building itself for what its worth they did an amazing job! The voiceover is too loud for me but adds a lot and I love the whistle as you drop (like barons bell) overall a great new area and a really big improvement that was much needed for the park! I can’t wait for Halloween for the haunted house to expand the lore.
  • Steel Force x3: This was better than magnum for me, it’s just out and back straight hills and airtime, especially since they’ve turned down or turned off the midcourse and especially on the double up into the turns before the breaks that launches you, it also has a forceful helix and turn into the midcourse, overall a really powerful hyper that absolutely hauls when warmed up.
  • Thunderhawk x1: ow. Happy 100 but man this hurt, it needs a lot of TLC, not much to say but I love the color of the wood.
  • Wild Mouse x1: ow. Standard compact mouse.
  • Possessed x1: What a fun coaster! I love impulses and this was better than wicked twister for me, it’s not as tall or fast but sitting in the back row and feeling the backwards launch all the way up the straight spike was an incredible experience, I wonder if they plan on retheming this to the steel yard and maybe fixing the hold brake.
  • Hydra: The Revenge x1: So glad to have gotten on this absolutely wacky floorless, the initial jojo roll is such a weird feeling and the cobra roll has some great forces. I loved how it plays with the terrain and just doesn’t feel normal but is still so fun, it also barely has any rattle or notice of its age, not smooth smooth but by no means showing its nearly 20 years of age. It doesn’t make much sense as a coaster when you look at it but boy does it deliver a fun ride!
  • Talon x1: Another older B&M that doesn’t show its age, rides smooth and has that nice intensity inverts have, the back half with the corkscrew and low turns really lets you feel the forces! I don’t have much to say about it but it’s one of the better inverts I’ve done.
submitted by MannnOfHammm to rollercoasters [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:17 LegendsNeverDie1213 Replacement legs on a Paul McCobb piece

Replacement legs on a Paul McCobb piece
I scored an original Paul McCobb for free. Unfortunately some ass hat took the legs off or replaced them with wood blocks. I was to restore The piece back to the original but I’m having a hard time finding the new replacement legs. Does anyone know where I could find the correct ones or a place that is capable of making identical ones? I’ve posted the piece I got and what it’s technically suppose to look like. (Quick side note, this will probably get cross posted, I apologize in advance if you see it more than once ✌🏻😂❤️)
submitted by LegendsNeverDie1213 to Mid_Century [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:16 TennisUnusual8882 Is he gaslighting me?

I (35F) need help with figuring out if I’m the issue. My boyfriend (42M) and I have been together for 2 years and live together. At the beginning of our relationship I of course felt amazing, sexy, hott, so wanted by him. We would fool around and attempt to have sex but he would always go “soft” on me. I’ve never had this issue with anyone I’ve been intimate with. At first he told be because he has been single for so long he’s “a little rusty” and asked for me to be patient with him. I completely understand and was so willing to do that. I actually really loved it because we were building our connection not based on sex but who we were as a couple. So fast forward and months go by and I noticed there wasn’t even attempts to be intimate. When I would bring it up it would always seem to turn into a fight and I was to blame and the reason for us not having sex. Months keep rolling by and I would do everything to fix whatever the “problem” I was causing. I was getting so sexually frustrated and my self esteem was really taking a hit. A year goes by and we decide to move in together and about 2 months of living together I find this massive amount of porn. Multiple thumb drives full. With the thumb drives I was able to see the dates and even times when the videos were downloaded. Once I confronted him about it, it’s been a ME problem. He claims all guys have this much and watch as much as he does. He tells me it’s just a tool and it means nothing. I’ve even tried sending him pictures of me naked and he tucks them away in the hidden folder. He watches videos and gets pictures of other women (like bloggers or actresses) and uses that. Never does he use my photos again claiming the porn and whatnot is separate from me. Now my self esteem has taken a huge huge hit. He’s lied a bunch to me about it and now is where he sneaks off and I sit in another room knowing what’s going on and he could clearly care less.
The catch with this is he really is a very kind person and does outside of this treat me exactly how I’ve ever wanted to be treated. I was in a crazy abusive marriage that I got out of years ago. But it’s like he become two different people. We never have sex and in the two years of being together, I’ve not once made him orgasm. It’s not because I suck, because he can’t stay hard and then quits after I get off. But even those moments is less than 10. He has now been telling me that I have no self esteem anymore and that I’m not confident. He is so focused on “getting me better” than even addressing his issue. I’m so so frustrated I want to cry because I feel like I’m crazy but I know I’m not.
Looking basically for advice on what I should do here and/or if anyone else experienced anything like this. Thanks guys
submitted by TennisUnusual8882 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:15 Radiant_Alchemist Can se wee memories of past lives?

Guys I'm just super confused. I'd never thought of past lives as a concept. I'd never bothered thinking of death actually. So, I'm saying you here my experience exactly in the way I felt. You may call me crazy, I don't mind. It's better to say it here than someone I actually know. But if someone has any ehn explanation.. please provide me some
I'm from Greece. I'm just another boring person. But for many reasons I've visited Italy way too many times. My parents always liked Italy. We've been to Italy endless times. Maybe more than 15. Then I found a job (I'm a physician) that had a collab with some Italians and we would go to Italy again. My bf (ex bf) wanted to go to Italy because he'd never visited. I said okay let's go (despite that I'd been endless times). I know Florence like the back of my hand. I always made fun of how many times "fate" had brought me to Italy (and especially Florence).
I never took Italian lessons but I could understand some Italian without actually trying. And one day as we were walking around I remember seeing a particular monument and as I was looking it it felt as my head was shaking. I collapsed (a friend of mine told me). I had a weird dream. I was seeing clearly images from many centuries ago (renaissance?). I was yelling very angry at someone and it had to do with that monument. I felt betrayed and hurt.
A doctor was around and came to help me (I've been told that). When I recovered he asked me if I was okay and they said I was totally lost. All my answers where wrong (what day is it etc) but he asked in italian and I would reply in italian. He asked me my name and I replied him with a name that wasn't mine but was Italian. I don't recall any of these questions/answers but my friend told me.
Since then I'm researching. I found the name, I found a connection with the monument (that I didn't know those involved in that).
So I was just like to ask, does this make sense? Was I saying stupid things because I was dizzy by the sun or something? Any insight would be more than welcome. Could this be a past life memory? Can I get more of it?
submitted by Radiant_Alchemist to pastlives [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:15 Billy_Da_Frog What is this part for

What is this part for
Hey everyone just got my first OTF knife does anyone know what this part of the knife is or what it does? It looks like a window breaker but I’m not really sure
submitted by Billy_Da_Frog to knives [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:15 PadamPadamMyHeart I made the decision to turn my back on two nieces and cutting them out of my life?

I am a 58-year-old male - culturally Greek, raised in Australia, migrated to the U.S. and have lived in NYC for over 20 years now. My parents raised my two older sisters – 9.5 years older with 3 children and 4 years older with two daughters, and myself, the only son and youngest of three, Down Under. I left my family in Australia upon moving to NYC in 2004 with my partner. It was tough leaving them behind because as dysfunctional as we were, we all loved each other.
Unfortunately, in the 8 year lead up to the pandemic – first, I lost my father to colon cancer; 2 years later my beautiful mother to vascular dementia; 2 years after that my 14 year marriage dissolved after my partner admitted he had been having an affair with a work colleague for several months; 1.5 years after that my middle sister and dear friend died from a brain aneurysm; followed by my eldest sister who died of lung cancer the following year.
I fell so ill from stress that I developed severe IBS and had to have emergency surgery. I thought I was going to die. If that wasn’t enough, I hadn’t even healed when I caught COVID; lost my job a few weeks later; and, then I managed to survived a home invasion during which I was assaulted and threatened with a knife but, somehow, I managed to get the two criminals out of my space in 7.5 minutes, without a single item stolen. I’ve been through a lot but I’ve always battled through.
My middle sister had two daughters, M1 aged 40, and M2 aged 38. Until my sister passed away in early 2018, I had a great relationship with M1. I was always there to support as she tended toward “unlucky in love” and was also diagnosed with lupus over a decade ago. Her mother and I were always solid support for her, and she would speak to me about any personal problem.
Her younger sister M2 is a very different character and was I was unable to build as strong a relationship – it was not purposeful nor deliberate. I made attempts and managed to get closer to her after she was married but she always tended to be more distant. As hard as I tried, M1 & I sensed that she somewhat resented my relationship with her older sister.
After my sister passed away suddenly aged only 56, we were all devastated. I flew in from NYC and was in Australia for 9 days for the funeral. I spent 7 of the 9 days with my brother-in-law (BIL) - a good man – and my two nieces M1 & M2. It was an emotionally draining stay, with a relentless stream of visitors to pay their respects.
I spent the other 2 days house-sitting for a dear friend which I gladly accepted to secure some peace and solitude. I slept at least 16-18 hours on each day. Upon returning to my BIL’s home for my final two days, M1 approached me and asked to speak to me outside in their back yard. She proceeded to tell me how very disappointed she was in me; that she felt I was an “absent mourner" and not supporting her in her grief in the way she expected; I was also not grieving "appropriately," and that her mother /my sister would be disappointed.
I had travelled 24 hours, in a blur, halfway across the globe to bury my sister and was now receiving bereavement advice from my niece. I told her to quit with the nonsense and that she should mourn her mother any way she likes, but she is not to tell me how I should conduct myself when I’m grieving.
Her voice quickly escalated, and she proceeded to then scream at the top of her voice about how disgusting I was that I wasn’t “there” to respect her mother; and be there for her. I reminded M1 that her mother, was also my sister and I knew her for a whole lot longer than she did. I also reminded her that staying for 7 of 9 days with her, does not constitute “being absent” in anybody’s language.
It was midnight, she continued to scream, yell, abuse me with neighbors being woken up on all sides. I stood up and decided to leave and not put up with her bullshit any longer. I walked inside and caught her sister, M2, ears to the door, listening to everything … and it made me realize they were bothin on this effort to publicly “dress me down”.
M2 proceeded to "stand with her sister" and yell at me, too. I was seriously flabbergasted by their accusations. My BIL certainly did not feel the same way and he told the girls to explain to him what their problem was!?! If there was a real problem – he should be the first to be complaining about me. Their anger and resentment was shocking, inexplicable and totally unfounded. I flew home to NYC two days later devastated not just at losing my beautiful sister - but at my nieces’ disgraceful performance.
In November 2020, I flew back to Australia to visit family for the holiday season as COVID enveloped the globe. I struggled to feel fully comfortable with my nieces, and one thing is for sure: they never apologized to me for their outburst at me less than two years prior. This time it was the festive season and I decided to stay some of the time at BIL's house. Upon arriving, I was shocked - the house was spotlessly clean, as my sister liked to keep it, and everything in the house was unchanged - everything was in the exact same spot, as the day my sister died. I was concerned, M1 was clearly struggling, not dealing with her mother’s death. Even her father, my BIL had started casually dating another woman, and I threw support behind him which he appreciated. M1, on the other hand, was vehemently against this, and refused to give her father’s new relationship her blessing.
Eventually, the inevitable happened – M1 starts to relay a story that I recognized as my own, and after a few erroneous details, I reminded her of the facts that she was actually deviating from. She literally exploded for not allowing her to relay my story… incorrectly.
Yet again, her screams and anger were so loud, that I actually saw neighbors peering over their fencing. She screamed at me to leave "her house" and that I was the devil. (I need to add here that both nieces became born again Evangelical Christians.) I reminded her that the house belonged to my sister & BIL, and she had no authority over whether I stay or not.
Her screams & verbal attack, (the second one now), was so loud, aggressive, and her enraged face so red, that she looked unhinged. I went to grab a mug to make a coffee and get as far away from her as I could. As my hand reached into the cupboard for a mug, she used the cupboard door to p.a. me I saw stars.I stared at her in shock and said: "You just p.a. your mother's brother," at which she just screamed even louder
My BIL arrived shortly after and I told him that I needed to leave. I gave him the facts and then told him: "She doesn't support your new relationship - not because its "too soon" - but because she's miserable and unhappy… and she begrudges anyone their happiness - it eats away at her." She screamed at him to throw me out until he yelled "Shut up!" at her. She then called us both devils and stormed into her room.
Now, a brief focus on M2. It was summer 2017, and M2 was due in November with her second child. Her husband is American and M2 moved here from Australia and were living in the Midwest. I attempted to build a closeness with her since she was living in the US. During a call to her in July 2017, she invited me for Thanksgiving that year to be with her family, as well as see her mothemy sister and BIL who were spending several weeks there to welcome their new grandchild.
I was so excited. I even told M2 that I would stay at a nearby hotel, so as not to burden them with a newborn at home. A few weeks prior to Thanksgiving, I called to confirm my dates, etc., and without missing a beat, she proceeds to tell me that it is now all too much for her and she retracted her invitation …I was dis-invited. I sat there in silence, in shock.
I had discretely asked my sister several weeks prior, whether she would consider visiting NYC with my BIL, even for a weekend, as they were going to be with M2 for over 6 weeks and were so close!
She said to me, "Do you think we haven't thought of that? We'd love to come to come to NYC and see you. But we'll never hear the end of it from ‘you-know-who’."
So, I spent Thanksgiving on my own, with no family in NYC, less than 1.5 hours flying time away from a warm, festive house that contained M2, her family, my BIL and my dear sister.
Less than 3 months later … my sister was dead. And I never got a chance to see her one last time.
That opportunity was taken from me without so much as an "I'm sorry that I did that to you." In fact, I never received an apology from either M1 nor M2 for all the things they did to me.
When I got back to NYC from the disastrous Aussie trip, M2 refused to communicate with me any further, so I knew M1 had been in her ear about our fallout and likely never even mentioned the p.a. I contacted her and mentioned that minimally, I expected her to at least hear me out.
Her response???
"In my experience, I would describe you the same way my sister would, so I tend to believe her, and my role now is to protect my family."
I replied, "What, so your family is in danger now? From me?!"
She curtly wrote: "I wish to focus on my family, my sister, and the Lord." ...or something to that effect.
I can genuinely, authentically state that I still have no idea why they turned so viciously nasty, so vindictive, and without sounding too dramatic – so evil towards me. I have my other nieces, family, friends to back me up wholeheartedly. It was ironic to me that the two evangelicals ended up being so mean-spirited, and emotionally abusive.
I knew I had to make a big decision, so I sought the counsel of some wonderful loved ones in my inner circle, and their guidance was unanimous: walk away from the toxicity. I knew I had no other choice. I have not spoken to my two nieces for four years now.
I posted this to see if others had similar experiences, and to gather feedback as to whether I *am* the a-hole for cutting my two nieces out of my life. AITA?
submitted by PadamPadamMyHeart to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:14 madrew233 Lost wax casting with resin 3D prints (Aluminium)

Lost wax casting with resin 3D prints (Aluminium)
Hello, what level of detail can be achieved in a lost wax process with a 3D printed mold (e.g. SirayaTech cast resin) and the casting of aluminum? The level of detail of the master model is the goal. However, I often see cast metal models in photos (also here) that have a porous, uneven surface with air pockets and do not fully reproduce fine details. Maybe it‘s because of the process or other materials like gold or so.
Is it unrealistic to achieve the same level of detail as the printed resin master model? Means that you can see every layer line from the print on the casted aluminium piece. Provided that the plaster is correctly vacuumed, fired in the oven according to the manufacturer's instructions and the casting takes also place under vacuum.
-Which aluminum is best for casting fine details and at what temperature? -Is a closed mold (as is usual in the lost wax process) better? For example, I would like to cast a face. The back is flat and doesn't matter, means it could be open. Or does the aluminum harden too quickly or is it not possible to create a reasonable vacuum in this kind of open mold?
I look forward to your tips! 🙂
submitted by madrew233 to MetalCasting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:14 MiserableAd5716 Temporary housing for dog with sick owner

Hello, my uncle is currently in the ICU. He’s had cancer twice in the last two years, and the radiation has done a number on his throat. Last week he was admitted to the hospital because he could no longer swallow anything. Then Friday night he had a stroke and they had to do surgery twice with the second one putting a stent on his brain to prevent further clotting. The doctors say he will most likely be wheelchair bound for sometime after he’s out of the hospital and into rehab. We are still not sure about what the future looks like for him, but he currently has a house that is absolutely not hospitable. We are looking to sell the house and figure out a solution for his dog. He has no children, just me (his niece) and his sister (my aunt) and her husband. He is in his late 60s, and his dog who is currently at his house is 8 I believe. I live in an apartment so I cannot take him no matter how much I want to, and my aunt has told me she cannot handle her brothers affairs and take care of her own stuff on top of a dog. With this brief backstory, I am wondering if anybody at all has experienced a similar situation and would have any advice on what to do about his dog. I am looking for some kind soul to temporarily home this poor dog that has had experience doing so in the past. He is a very regimented and spoiled mix (bulldog, boxer, bully mix) He is very set in his ways since my uncle lets him do whatever he wants. I am afraid at the potential of him being aggressive if he’s left with someone he doesn’t know but I never know what to expect from him. His name is Rux and he is as unique as his name lol. He does not do well around other dogs since he was not socialized around other dogs. My uncle did have an old pitbull when he got Rux as a pup. Rux just doesn’t know when to leave other dogs alone and never seems to learn his lesson. (He expects to get his way always lol) I have more insight into his temperament and typical lazy and sweet demeanor if anyone has more questions. Thank you in advance <3
submitted by MiserableAd5716 to Connecticut [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:13 Unable_Victory5580 Anyone else feel "no end house" was either on par or worse than jeff the killer in terms of writing quality

I'm sorry but this is by far my least favourite episode. The story seemed too focused on just throwing random spooky stuff at the reader. First of all I have no idea what the main character is like physically or personality wise. He arrives at the house..... what does the house look like? Is it big? Is it small?. He goes into the house with no receptionist and reads a note....okay? Isn't he weirded out? Doesn't he question his surroundings?. What does the first room actually look like? Yes Halloween decorations but that's just as vague as saying "house" for the exterior. He isn't scared the first 2 rooms but immediately is like "this is the scariest thing I've ever done" trying to open the 3rd door???!!
submitted by Unable_Victory5580 to creepcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:13 wheresmylife-gone222 Star Wars Episode 1:The Beginning- A TPM rewrite heavily based on the 1994 draft (through not a carbon copy)

I think its common knowledge in these circles that the first draft of TPM from 1994 (originally called The Beginning) is much better. Still very flawed, but a good baseline for a better movie.
For some reason, Lucas added many things in the final draft that made the movie a lot worse. It's fascinated me for a while now about how things could have been if the original script was built upon.
I have been watching videos summing up the original draft for a while now and I discovered something. Apparently Lucas gave his final TPM draft to Lawrence Kasdan a week before shooting started and asked for him to take a look at it. However, Kasdan refused because he though he wouldn't have enough time to make revisions.
I want to imagine how TPM would look if Kasdan or some other hypothetical collaborator got to see the first draft in 1994 and fixed it up. This isn't my preferred PT rewrite. This is just what I would have done if Lucas had dropped his first draft in my lap and told me to revise it.
Here are the videos I got the information from:
The movie starts with an opening crawl talking about how it is a time of weakness in the Republic. The Outer Rim controlled by megacorporation's has seceded backed by droid armies. War has not broken out yet, but the galaxy is on the brink. They are now blockading the peaceful planet of Utapau to gain its rich plasma mines as well as its newly discovered Cloning formula. The Supreme Chancellor Valorum has dispatched two Jedi to investigate and/or negotiate if they can.
We then cut to a republic starship coming to land just like in the finished film. Only the Jedi are wearing samurai esqe uniforms (like the concept art), one black and one white. The black uniformed Jedi is Obi Wan Kenobi who is about 30, trained by Yoda and is already a full Jedi Knight. Very strict and by the book. The white uniformed Jedi is his brother Ben Kenobi who just became a full jedi. This is Ben's first mission without his master Oui Gon.
Ben Kenobi is very reckless and wonders why the Republic doesn't just declare war on the Confederacy already. Obi Wan argues with him while they wait in the conference room. Meanwhile Nute Gunray and the rest of the Nemoidians look more like how they do in early concept art. Much less humanoid and they speak in an alien language with subtitles.
They call Palpatine on the hologram and he is enraged that they let the Jedi land. He chokes Nute Gunray through the hologram, cowing him. They agree to kill the Jedi and things go similarly as in the finished movie. The ship is blown up, and poison gas is pumped into the conference room. Ben and Obi Wan cut their way through the battle droids and get to the hanger. They decide to stow away on the landing craft.
On the surface of Utapau they run into Jar Jar. In this version though, Jar Jar while emotional and still comic relief speaks in a normal voice and is a bit more mature. He's more of the everyman character. Ben persuades Jar Jar to take them to the Gungan city with a mind trick, this is something Obi Wan disapproves of. Ben is more unorthodox.
They get there and are captured just like the real film. The only difference is that all the Gungans have regular voices. They are taken to Governor Nass and we learn that Jar Jar was banished because he was a trouble maker who argued for more cooperation between the Gungans and Humans. As he rants, fish continuously fall through the bubble and a young gungan gathers them up and puts them outside again.
The two Jedi still convince him to call the humans and the whole bubble is engulfed in static. It is clear that communications have been cut off. The two Jedi are then given a submarine and told to try to navigate the planet core. Nobody has been able to do it in generations and it is clear Nass thinks its a suicide mission, a convenient way to get rid of three nuisances. They then travel through the planet core being attacked by various creatures while Jar Jar is kept calm through mind tricks.
We then cut to the city of Oxon (what later became Theed) where Queen Amidala who is 40 and her daughter Princess Padme around 14 are being briefed by captain Panaka and Sio Bibble. The Queen is complacent while Padme thinks they should take the fight to the Confederacy. Suddenly the droid army attacks the city and we see building being blown up and city guards killed.
The Queen, Padme, Panaka and all the other dignitaries are captured. Nute and the rest of the Nemodians show up as well to gloat like in the final movie and give some more exposition about how they want Utapaus cloning formula. We then see the Gungan submarine surfacing and the Jedi and Jar Jar sneak into the city.
They find the prisoners being walked down an alley and save them like in the real movie. Ben uses some flashy moves to finish the droids off and is almost killed by another droid while his back is turned. Obi Wan cuts the droid down and admonishes Ben for his recklessness. The Queen and co are pleased to see two Jedi knights but they are very hostile towards Jar Jar. Which the Jedi are displeased over.
They run to the hanger like the finished film and free the Pilots, however a stray blaster shot kills the Queen with Padme screaming in horror as they board the ship. The humans also try to prevent Jar Jar getting on board but the two Jedi insist upon it.
The ship gets attacked by the blockade and Naboo guards man gun positions while astromech droids finish the repair. After they get into hyperspace there is only one droid left. R2D2 who is thanked by a still in grieving Padme. She goes off down into the droid bay to be alone and runs into Jar Jar who consoles her. This starts Padmes turn towards liking the Gungans instead of being bigoted towards them.
Meanwhile Ben and Obi Wan look through the planets accessible through their damaged hyperdrive and only find one inhabited world. Tatooine, which most of the royal guards/pilots are horrified about. Still they have no choice so they land. Padme goes with the Jedi despite protests. She wants to see another planet and get some fresh air after what just happened. Panaka lets her go reluctantly because she has two Jedi to guard her. Jar Jar also goes with them because the Utapau humans say he's "stinking the ship up".
We then cut to Utapau again where Nute Gunray and the Nemoidians are talking to captured scientists about their cloning program. They look at something in a cloning tank and look impressed. Then a hologram droid walks in projecting Darth Sidious. He castigates them for their failure in letting the princess get away and they grovel before him again. Darth Sidious says its no matter, as he will send his apprentice, Darth Maul. The Sith warrior himself looks even scarier than in the film we got with him looking like the concept art, he also has blood red robes.
We cut to a balcony on Coruscant where master and apprentice talk. Maul speaks more than in TPM and says how eager he is to get revenge on the jedi, they are no match for me yada yada.
Back on Tatooine in Mos Espa we see our heroes trying to get the part they need. It is a rowdy place and a leering slimy alien (Sebulba but we don't know that yet) tries to touch Padme arm but she elbows him and after that the crowd gives them a wide berth. Obi Wan and Ben sense something, an overpowering aura of the force. They follow it and find themselves in front of Wattos junk shop.
They meet Anakin who is 14 the same age as Padme. He is mature for his age and has a bit of a chip on his shoulder from being a slave. We also meet Watto but he resists the mind tricks because of his strong will, not because of his species. Things go similarly, though the dialogue would be much better, no "are you an angel" in this version. Jar Jar still clumsily breaks a few things but it is more toned down. Watto also hits Anakin and tells him to get back to work. Ben grabs Wattos arms as he is about to hit him again while Obi Wan helps him to his feet.
The heroes get nowhere with Watto especially after stopping Wattos abuse and a sandstorm starts to blow in so Anakin offers to take them to his place. We meet Anakin's adopted mother Shmi Lars and her son Owen Lars who is older (19) and very protective of his little brother. At the dinner scene we learn about Anakin's Podracing (how he's nicknamed Skywalker) and how many people gamble on it for huge sums of money. Ben gets an Idea while we also see just how rare Jedi actually are in most of the galaxy with Owen calling them wizards.
We then see Anakin working on his Pod while talking to Padme. They both share their own struggle going up. Padme says she's never met anyone like Anakin while Anakin says he's never met anyone like her either. He then kisses her on the cheek while Jar Jar (who was watching out of boredom) jumps in surprise. Meanwhile we see the Jedi helping Shmi and Owen with the dishes.
The topic of Anakin's father comes up. We learn that Shmi's sister left Tatooine when she was young in search of adventure. Years later she came back and gave Shmi baby Anakin begging her to take care of him before leaving. She had a lightsaber on her belt same as the two Jedi now. She also tell them how Anakin is special and can see things before they happen, just like her sister.
Ben says Anakin needs to be trained as a Jedi while Obi Wan resists the idea saying he's too old. He's all about giving the family their freedom but not taking along Anakin. Owen is Obi Wans side, saying Anakin's head is already off in the clouds as it is. Being a Jedi won't help him, he needs to be grounded and down to earth. His idealism is going to get him killed. Shmi isn't sure which side to take in the argument and defers judgement until after Anakin hopefully wins the podrace tomorrow.
Ben goes out and talks to Anakin and tells him about the Jedi and the Sith. We get a whole spiel about how strong Anakin is and how he would be a great asset to the order. Meanwhile, Darth Mauls ship lands on Tatooine at dusk and he sets out different probes to find the Jedi and the Princess. He smiles evilly to himself, showing rotting teeth.
The pod racing stuff is basically the same, only Padme is outraged when Sebulba threatens Anakin and Ben/Obi Wan manage to get the freedom of Owen and Shmi as well by trickery (not sure how). There is no two headed announcer and no Jabba cameo either. At the end, in desperation, Anakin uses his force powers to crash Sebulbas pod killing him. Nobody notices that Anakin used the force except the two jedi who look on in concern
While everyone else gathers around Anakin's pod to celebrate Ben and Obi Wan have a heated argument in the shadows of the bleachers. Obi Wan takes this as a reason why Anakin shouldn't be trained while Ben thinks that it would be better to teach Anakin before he falls down the path of evil. Eventually they agree to let Anakin decide, Obi Wan saying he'll probably want to stay with his family.
However Anakin decides to go. His mother respects his decision and is proud of him while Owen is furious, but accepts the decision as well but telling Anakin that one day he'll regret his choice and when he does he's always welcome to come live with them again. The family hugs while everyone else just kind stands around.
They walk back through the desert when they encounter a probe droid. Obi Wan slashes it with his lightsaber and tells everyone to run. Everyone runs inside while Maul approaches in his speeder bike. The fight goes differently as it is a two one one fight. They all exhibit powers never seen in the original trilogy like levitating objects swirling around them, going super fact, and slow motion. Basically a Matrix fight with lightsabers before they both jump onto the ship.
The scenes as they travel to Coruscant are similar. Anakin and Padme miss their parents etc. They then arrive at Coruscant and it is basically like the finished movie in design. They land and meet Chancellor Valorem, Senator Palpatine, and Qui Gon Jinn. Qui Gon hugs Ben like a son while Palpatine talks to Padme. Padme then talks to Jar Jar about how she doesn't understand the rift between the Gungans and the Humans. We then learn that the Gungans have a large army. Padme has an idea and decides to go back to Utapau.
The senate scenes are cut down dramatically. Its more of a montage showing Padme's increasing frustration before she finally calls for a vote of no confidence while Palpatine smiles sinisterly. The Jedi Council meanwhile consists of three members. Qui Gon who is a very unorthodox Jedi mindful of the living force (wanting the jedi to go and help the common people more), Mace Windu a bastion of militaristic conservatism (wanting the Jedi to take their rightful place as generals/leaders, and Yoda who wants to stay the course on isolationism and study of the force.
We don't see the Jedi trials, Anakin just talks about them to Ben, Obi Wan and Qui Gon. He says he didn't understand them, and Qui Gon who has taken a liking to this upstart kid says he wasn't supposed to. They are all called in and Mace says Anakin shall not be trained. He is too old and there is much anger in him. Anakin is heartbroken while Obi Wan nods grimly in acceptance. Ben Kenobi however is not having it. He says he shall train Anakin with or without the councils permission. Mace denounces this as Heresy while Qui Gon smiles. Yoda sighs and says the matter will be decided after this current crisis has ended.
Ben, Obi Wan, and Qui Gon all decide to go with Padme, but Anakin is told to stay behind. There is also the discussion about how Anakin is dangerous which Anakin overhears. Being told by Ben and Qui Gon that he's not a problem and how he will be a Jedi. Anakin gets an idea and sneaks aboard the ship with the help of R2. He is quickly discovered to Obi Wans rage and Bens laughter.
They get back to Utapau and have to go through the blockade. Anakin is able to hyperspace jump between the ships and the planet with motivation from Ben. Our heroes then try to find the Gungans at their city but it has been completely blown up. We actually see this though, as well as Jar Jars sorrow before he remembers the Gungans sacred place.
They go there and like the movie Padme makes a big speech about overcoming difference, with Jar Jar intelligently backing her up. We then get ready for the battle. Anakin tinkers with a disabled battle droid and finds out there is a second droid control hidden somewhere in the palace. So the plan is set. The Gungans will distract the droids, while the humans will infiltrate the palace, one team disabling the backup control systems and the others capturing Nute or stealing starfighters that will be used to take out the droid control ship.
The plan goes into action and things are kind of similar to the finished film, though Jar Jar shows intentional heroism instead of the goofy antics in TPM. When the starfighters are launched though, Padme goes into the fighter with Anakin. Him being the pilot and Padme being the gunner. The rest of the human teams make short work of the battle droids. However when they reach Nute a surprise is awaiting them, clones.
These clones look kind of like Dark Troopers and a Super Battle droid had a kid. They decimate the Utapau soldiers while Nute flees. Meanwhile with the Jedis they disable the secondary control system but are then met with Darth Maul. It is a brutal and awe inspiring fight. 3v1 and yet Maul still comes out on top. He knocks out Qui Gon who falls of the bridge (the duel setting is the same) while taunting the other two. "This is the end of the jedi" you get the drill.
The remaining soldiers manage to kill the clones but there are not enough left to fend of the droids. They are captured same as the Gungans. Ben gets riled up, makes a mistake and is killed. Obi Wan screams and charges getting knocked into the pit, hanging on by a thread. Meanwhile Anakin and Padme manage to destroy the flagship at the same time that Obi Wan takes Ben's lightsaber and cuts Maul in half. He then says "learn not live not as my master says" and then rushes to Bens side.
Ben begs him to train Anakin and he agrees. Meanwhile the humans and Gungans are celebrating. We cut to Qui Gon and Queen Amidala's funeral. Qui Gon throws away his lightsaber and walks off. He is done with the jedi after the death of what was effectively his son. Palpatine looks at him go intrigued. Meanwhile Yoda and Obi Wan argue over Anakin's training. Obi Wan says he will train him even without the will of the council like Ben said. Yoda gives in but warns Obi Wan of his arrogance.
We then get the celebration the end.
submitted by wheresmylife-gone222 to RewritingThePrequels [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:11 Solignox My idea for a Nuxia rework

Nuxia is a problematic character, she can feel extremely unfair to fight and is overall a good duellist, but her 4vs4 abilities are some of the worse in the game. She is also a very unique character, she has barely been touched by Ubisoft since her release, and also has a truely one of a kind mechanic in her traps. As such, a rework of Nuxia is a tall order, it must manage to buff her in 4s without making her broken in duels and while keeping the character unique. Here is how I propose we go about it.

~I-Nuxia’s damage~
If there is one thing that is said to be strong about Nuxia it’s her damage, she can absolutely delete someone if she gets an opening. As such, before we buff her in other ways, we must adress her damage. Her dps is high because of two things : her base damage, and her two damage feats.
Regarding her base damage it’s actually not that high, her lights deal 9-12 damage and her heavies 24-30. This is on par with a lot of assassins, with Orochi being 10-13 on his lights and 22-32 on his heavies. Berserker is also 9-12 on his lights and 24-32 on his heavies. Her damage overall is a bit lower but more consistent, with less of a gap based on the direction of her heavies and their place in the chain.
Her damage is boosted by her two feats, Deadly Duet gives her a passive 20% damage increase when close to a lone ennemy, and Slip Through gives her a 30% damage boost to her next attack after a dodge. Are those feat too strong ? Not really in my opinion, Deadly Duet isn’t active a lot of the time in 4s as people tend to stick together, and Slip Through boost one attack with no garantee of landing it while being a tier 3. They are a lot of stronger feats, and I think they play into her unique identiy, you should be rewarded for roaming the battlefield and hunting lone targets.
As such I don’t think a damage nerf is needed even with those buffs, but if something had to be nerf I would nerf the base damage instead of the feat. Nuxia is a better duellist than teamfighter, as such I doubt such buffs would risk making her broken in dominion, only in duels where the feats are a non issue. This way she gets to keep her unique feats, while reigning in her damage if it proves to be too high after those buffs (even though as of now it is not above the average of assassins).

~II-« Quality of life » buffs~
Those are a few things that don’t make a huge impact but would still help her. First I would give her something similar to Shinobi and Shugoki’s run, if she is meant to be a roamer she needs to be able to move across the map fast. I would make it not as good as Shinobi’s so he keeps his own identity, but better than Shugoki. In addition, I would give her hyperarmor on Mirror Raid, her unique parry counter. The move itself deals 15 damage, but is made useless in teamfights due to interrupts, it would give her a bit more anti gank viability. Finally traps should beat any attack thrown in their direction, including non crushing counter lights and light parry attempts, so that ennemies don’t randomly beat traps by messing up parry timings, while still giving them the ability to counter the trap on a good read by lighting Nuxia in another direction.

This might be a controversial take but as of right now Nuxia lacks a reliable opener. Most people will tell you her trap mix up is, and it is an opener, just not a reliable one. The idea is to heavy, so that your opponent as to decide if you are going to either let it fly, trap, hard feint to gb, or just feint. However, this opener heavily favors the opponent. For once it is extremely slow, and a lot of the time your opponent while just do their opener at the same time or even slightly after you and you will just eat it. For example wether or not you are feinting or trap your heavy, a forward dodge bash will beat you, or even a simple light. It also is not stamina efficient, costing 22 to 24 stam based on if you trap or hardfeint. There is a reason why characters with bash openers rarely open by feinting heavies in the air.
Even in a best case scenario where you don’t get interrupted, the defender is still massively favored, and that’s because the defenders options beats several of Nuxia’s own. For example :
-Dodging and dodge attacking beat both traping and letting the heavy fly, with empty dodges beating hard feints and dodge attack beating feint to gb. This is the biggest culprit, by alternating between empty and dodge attack the defender can beat ¾ of Nuxia’s options reliably.
-Lighting in any direction (except the heavy direction if your hero has crushing counter lights) beats the trap, feint to gb, and for most player hard feinting if they can’t react to the light in time to parry it. They can block it but they are then back to neutral.
-Parrying beats the heavy, and has a chance to beat the trap if the defender messes up his parry timing, it’s also neutral to hard feinting to nothing. So even if the defender doesn’t dodge, he still has a lot of options, making so banking on him dodging or dodge attacking as Nuxia isn’t a reliable option either.
Compare this to your regular bash opener and it’s simply a two options mind game of predicting if you your opponent thinks you are going to empty dodge or dodge bash and you will see that Nuxia’s opener is fairly unnremarkable. Put it this way, imagine two sets of two duelling bots. One duo is Nuxia vs another hero, the other is JJ vs another hero. The Nuxia bot is programmed to open by selecting randomly an option from her heavy opener, while the JJ bot does the same thing with his forward dodge bash opener mix up. Their opposing bot randomly picks an answer to counter it, mathematically Nuxia’s opponent will win the trade more often than her, while JJ and is opponent would be fairly even.
So should we just give Nuxia a bash opener ? No, one of the goal of this rework proposal is to keep her uniqueness. So here is my proposal, in addition to her trap make her able to soft feint an opener heavy into a weaker, undodgeable light which always come from the same side as the heavy. My reasoning is simple, this change makes her opponer closer to a bash opponer as it reduces the imbalance between the defender and attacker, dodging and dodge attacking doesn’t beat 3/4 or Nuxia’s options anymore. The defender can still dodge and dodge attack if he makes a correct read, but Nuxia has a reliable way to beat both. As such the opponent must now make a real decision if dodging is the right answer, and if not actually has to interract with the trap mix up. The soft feint light would both deal less damage and be 600ms lights (like Zhanhu unblockable lights), the damage nerf is to make them less oppressive, and being slower they allow the opponent an easier light parry on a correct read since they also always come from the same direction as the heavy.
In conclusion, the oppenents options would now be :
-Dodge and dodge attack still beats trap and heavy, with them additionnaly beating hard feint heavy and feint to gb respectively, but they can be punished by the soft feint light if they abuse it
-Light interrupt a trap by lighting on a different side
-Parrying either the heavy or the feinted light (which again is slower and always come from the same side as the heavy).

~IV-Recovery cancels, or why Nuxia should have an all guard~

If you look at the top heroes in 4s, most of them have access to some form of recovery cancel, typically dodge recovery cancels. Those are extremely powerful tools, especially in teamfights. During ganks it makes babysitting harder since the baby sitter as to interrupt you during your attack, instead of during your recoveries. And during brawls they allow you to quickly switch target and reposition. This is one of Nuxia’s biggest weaknesses in 4s. She is a sitting duck in ganks, unable to get any damage in before getting revenge and even when she does get it there is nothing stopping the ennemy to wail on you while you are trying to attack their teammate. But giving her dodge recovery cancel is just making more like other heroes, and we don’t want that. That’s where my idea of an all guard comes in.
Let’s describe what it would look like first. It would be more similar to Musha’s guard, she cannot hold it and has to go into it at the right timing. Additionnaly, hers would be weaker than Musha’s to not make him redundant. She wouldn’t be able to access while in hitstun, only after a block and to cancel the recovery of her attacks except her traps. If the ennemy hits her all guard she has three options, she can do a weaker version of mirror raid, doing less damage while still having hyperarmor, she can do a weaker hyperarmored zone or she can immediatly follow up with a non garanteed heavy or zone to go back into her trap mix up. In addition just like Musha she can go back into her all guard after blocking with it, and she is ofc gb vulnerable on the same timing. Notice that all of her options are weaker version of Mushas, she gets a weaker garanteed damage and a weaker zoning tool (though unlike Musha’s this one is not garanteed and can be blocked or parried, finally she can use it to go back into her bread and butter mix up.
This solution has several benefits. It solves her lack of recovery cancels without giving her dodge recovery cancels, it makes her a bit stronger in teamfights by being able to defend herself better when ganked with the block recovery cancel and allows her to get some damage in by punishing people just wailing on her when she is in revenge. At the same time it’s still a weak all guard, the only garanteed damage she would get out of it would be around 10, as her only other offensive options out of it is her trap mix up with both the heavy and zone, which the opponent can beats on a proper read. It also fits her lorewise, she doesn’t have a shield so having her hold an all guard wouldn’t make sense, but hookswords are meant to trap the opponents weapon. Currently they do when she is on the offense with her traps, but they should also be able to do it while she is on the defensive.
This concludes my proposed Nuxia rework, let me know what you think.
submitted by Solignox to forhonor [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:11 Ganache-Embarrassed Kidrobot Godzilla Chase Figure?

Hey this migth be an odd question. But ive been looking for i think over a year now. Has anyone ever bought the godzilla kidrobbot mini vinyl figures and seent he godzilla chase figure? I try and google it or find out what it looked like or was but only ever see the metalic godzilla larva chase. Does the godzilla chase figure even exist?
submitted by Ganache-Embarrassed to GODZILLA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:11 77ok Is there any advice I (18f) can have with my (19ftm) boyfriend that isn’t breaking up?

Me and my partner have been together for four, almost five years and we are long distance. we have never met.
this will be a very long read but it honestly doesn’t even sum up everything. there’s been so much more stuff with terrible abusive details and so much emotion that I cannot capture in this post. I also could not explain everything to detail and left out a lot about this girl im eventually going to mention in this post and have left out a lot about other stuff my bf has done and said to me.
to preface, me and my bf both are not in therapy. He is going to therapy in a few months. He is in college and has friends, while I have no friends.
I have a lot of jealousy issues and insecurities. my boyfriend has messed up countless times with his friends. he’s broken a million boundaries over and over throughout this whole relationship. he says he can’t get better. he says he needs me to be more appreciative of the good things he does and to stop getting so mad when he hurts me. any time I talk to him about the bad stuff, he victimizes himself, brings up things I did in the past that I no longer do, gaslights me, manipulates me and tries to break up with me. when he breaks boundaries with people, he just breaks up with me and gets super mad. every boundary broken has been with girls.
he’s emotionally cheated, lied a billion times, hid things a billion times, done things I tell him make me uncomfortable with other people, ranted (talked shit) about me to his friends a billion times but left out all the things he’s done to provoke me and abuse me..and through all of that he has yelled at me and cried and blamed me. I am always very up front about my boundaries and try to be stern every single time.
so through all of that, I have horrible trust issues and insecurities. now we are having issues with this girl in his hometown at his work. he did substances with her, hid it, lied about it, and since then he has made her a HUGE deal. I told him one of my boundaries is not hanging out with people nor being their friend if you’ve messed up boundaries with them intentionally. all of the boundaries I have placed are ones that I follow as well by the way.
he told me he can’t get rid of her because she works with him and can’t find another job and doesn’t want to find another job (it’s a summer job). he wanted to hang out and explore abandoned places with her like the last time they hung out for six hours and also did substances and other stuff at her place. he cried and complained and started about 6 different big fights with most of them resulting in him trying to break up with me or breaking up with me for a few hours to a day.
this girl has a boyfriend but I have this gut feeling she likes him but I could be totally wrong! Like I said, I have really bad jealousy and insecurities but with that comes paranoia. I don’t think every girl likes my bf but there has to be signs and I guess my mind has convinced me there are “signs”.
the signs are: she followed him on Facebook, added him on snapchat, has him on discord and instagram.
she only followed my boyfriend despite knowing I exist.
she only follows my boyfriend and three other people (who are famous). she does not follow her boyfriend on that account.
she friended me on Facebook so I asked her why she friended me on facebook and not instagram (where she always talks to my bf) because she knows I exist on instagram but she said she didn’t notice she wasn’t following me which just feels complete lie. I asked then was asking why she only followed him , (a few famous people), and did not have her bf on this account. she said she has multiple accounts but she was snappy and rude when she responded to me saying stuff like “can’t I follow who I want to what’s the problem here lol” and stuff. I asked a simple question, I wasn’t rude or anything. she apologized for being rude a few minutes later and then went to my boyfriend while he was working (she was in to grab some food) and she told him she thinks I hate her because she was rude to me and didn’t want me thinking she’s a “fucking bitch”. her words told from him to me.
Since my boyfriend said he cannot leave or distance since they work together and it would be too awkward he tried breaking up with me multiple times and said this summer would be miserable with him because all ill do is complain and cry about being anxious with what he has caused. I told him to just be distant and he agreed to.
he had ended up telling her im uncomfortable with them hanging out because she kept begging him to hang out again and he didn’t think it was fair to not explain why he keeps saying no to her. he told her he slipped up on a boundary with her and that I don’t allow it. it made me sound so shitty and he refused to explain my side of why im uncomfortable in more details like I begged and then when I tried to explain it to her (I ended up just not sending it) he kept telling me to cut out parts that make him look bad and that she “doesn’t need to know everything about our relationship”. so I know she thinks im a shitty partner now and I know she does not like me but she doesn’t know anything he’s done.
the day before yesterday was his first day back to work for summer break and they only worked together for about an hour and thirty minutes but still managed to talk quite a bit. she also came up to him and said she wishes they could still hang out and that she’s sad or something about it despite knowing im uncomfortable and that we’ve already made it clear that wouldn’t be happening. She also asked him if they were still good (she was definitely asking because there’s tension between me and her even though her and I like don’t really talk, I’ve also tried inviting her to play games with me and my bf online before he messed up with her and she refused every time and wouldn’t reschedule but then she wants to play games alone with him.) then he asked her if he could get his cigarettes back that he gave her. he says he can’t help talking to her at work because he doesn’t want to be rude and that it’s hard to avoid her.
Today they are currently working together and it’s only been a few hours yet so far she’s come up to his register behind him and looked at his phone, talked a bit and told him she could try and get him a free electric guitar, gave him a piece of gum without asking, showed him pictures of her and her boyfriend at a prom event, talked about working out, etc. Doesn’t sound like much maybe but it hurts when you’ve asked him to distance himself and it was barely half of his first shift and all that has already been done. and not to mention she was stocking while my bf was on register so she kept coming out of her way to talk to him.
if I complain, he just wants to break up. I wish she knew why I don’t want them hanging out. he made me sound like im just a toxic girlfriend. I can’t explain anything to her without him threatening to like cut and kill himself and break up with me.
if I break up with him they’re just gonna hang out all summer and he do god knows what and talk shit about me for sure. he would never explain what he’s done. I’ll look even worse. I just want peace but my heart is breaking. I don’t want to victimize myself but I have such a big heart, i believe in and love god, I love with my whole heart, I try to see good in people, I gave him everything I had and im still trying to pull more out of me. it feels like it’ll never be enough. I know he will forget about me because last summer we were on break and he said he let himself “slip” up and looked at a girl who came into the store with lust and full attraction because he was trying to imagine his life without me. he didn’t even tell me because he didn’t think he needed to since we were on break. He recently told me maybe a month ago. the break lasted like two days and it was because our relationship was so bad and he did not love me anymore. there have been multiple times he has not loved me but it was always because of my reactions to his abuse.
I’ve never not once stopped loving him and I’ve never once found anybody else attractive while I’ve been with him, not even celebrities. I’ve tried to warn him a thousand times that if he breaks boundaries again or hurts me some other way, I’ll be done. he just does it like he breathes. he says he feels remorse but he just always does it again. he said he feels better without me because im always hurting him. I “hurt” him by reacting to his abuse, asking him questions about things he’s done, asking him if he’s broke boundaries with his friends when he’s with them, etc. His first day of work this summer I was asking him questions about the girl and he was so defensive. I still feel like something else happened like he ranted about me or she said something about me that he doesn’t wanna tell me. it was not a normal reaction to a simple question.
is there any way I can get over this without having to break up? It feels like my world is ending. he is my only friend. he is doing great in life. he can move on easily and will move on easily when I am gone. he said before he would just put himself more into work, friends and school and would just forget about me. I have nothing really. I do nothing all day as I don’t even have access to a job.
I just need advice on how to go about controlling my emotions when he’s around this girl and other potential friends.
submitted by 77ok to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:11 craigrostan Security from Tunnel vision or no security as it stands

I'm an Arch Linux user who subscribes to Nordvpn and Nordpass and I read recently about the Tunnelvision issue and asked Nord support what the story was. What I was told was that's not a problem if you are using their official app to connect. So get some clarity I asked does that mean that if I am using the command line on Arch to connect I take the chance of not being secure and basically was told yes that's the way it is. So it looks like they are prepared to take your money but not give you what you pay for. I'll be looking for another provider when my subscription runs out.
submitted by craigrostan to nordvpn [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:10 Derekg15 GME + Teddy = Only Up

GME + Teddy = Only Up
I initially tried to post this on SS but automod removed due to mention of baby stock, not sure if allowed here either, but hopefully it is ok since the main focus of my post is GME, here goes. Apologies in advance, I'm a babbling ape and I don't really know how to write speculative DD, but I wanted to share. Now I don't want to take credit for this because everything I've learned I've found from what others have shared recently and in the past, but I will provide links. I wanted to share it with y'all since I haven't seen anything about it on Reddit yet and I'd like to provide some additional context and input I have as well.
First some background. I've been in this play for over 3.5 years I've read more DD on this play than probably anything else I've read in my life. Bear with me as I've never wrote a DD so this is probably very sloppy and almost certainly just as dumb. Last night I couldn't sleep, I was scouring X and Reddit looking for some hopium and/or juicy DD to inject straight into my veins after seeing so many good theories throughout the week, the freshest in my mind was the resurrection/acquisition of baby stock. Now let me note here, I remember the big hoopla about baby stock 2 years ago or whatever it was, I never paid it too much attention because I just never had any evidence or anything really pointing me to believe that it was directly or indirectly related with my GME investment. Even as recently as yesterday seeing all the talks about acquisition of baby, I was thinking "yeah, so what?" Sure we could acquire baby, but what does that do for the long-term health of my favorite company and/or what does that do for the short-term likelihood of the biggest short squeeze the world has ever seen? I was feening for something fresh or new that could hopefully help me answer one or both of these questions so I kept scrolling when I stumbled across this post on X. I will also transcribe it below:
"...Ignore stock price. Look at company valuation. BBY is double the valuation of GME. Rite Aid is double BBY, but I am ignoring Rite Aid in this post. So in a merger between BBY and GME you would get a valuation of 2:1. We don't know how many BBY shares actually exist, it could be as low as 90M and GME has 304M. BBY is worth twice as much as a company. So doing the math we would get a 7:1 ratio. Where 7 GME = 1 BBY.
How do you squeeze the system to death? Take a bankrupt stock that is naked shorted by billions of shares. Remove it from the DTC where it can no longer naked short it. Create a holding company from the shell of BBY, Teddy. Teddy then acquires all the cellar boxed companies and places all of those companies into a UNIT.
BBY emerges from bankruptcy as Teddy and it can't be naked shorted as it emerges on a blockchain, tzero.
Teddy acquires GME. GME shorts have to deliver 7 GME shares for 1 share of Teddy, but Teddy contains multiple shorted stocks.
Now the shorts have to buy 7 GME shares to be able to deliver 1 share of Teddy. The issue for the shorts? Neither BBY or GME holders want to sell.
Do you see it yet?
Infinite squeeze. Just up."
After reading this, I'm thinking ok that's great I'm actually pretty stoked now, but are we really going to the blockchain? Is that really something that's in the cards here? Idk just sounds so outlandish and crazy to be the first major company to really make that jump and on top of that how is that even possible to do?? I dismissed it mostly and just kept it in the back of my mind as I continued to scroll.
Then I stumbled into something else that someone else figured out 3 years ago!!! But it wasn't until now with the whole baby thing that I could actually see it coming together. I was sharing GME knowledge with a buddy last night and he asked me something about 741 and I couldn't remember its exact origin, so I looked it up on SS search, which lead me to a post from 2 years ago asking the same question How did 741 come to be? This refreshed my memory and I scrolled through some comments where someone had linked another DD from 3 years ago as well that somehow I had never read. The only reason I noticed it was because the comment linking the DD had a response comment on it from just 3 days ago saying "Little did you know how important this comment will be!", this piqued my curiosity enough to open that DD and see exactly what it was.
This is a MASSIVE DD, I'll break down what I got from it and why it mattered to me and link it for anyone who wants to read the whole thing (you should 100% read the whole thing) A Castle of Glass - Game On, Anon. This DD goes from explaining how the whole market is shorted through ETFs and that our entire market is fraudulent, which we kind of already knew, but then he goes into his little tin foily theory of how "game on, anon" the popular quote from GMEs late nft website and in the source code on the Ethereum contracts is related to the Index Cooperative which can be thought about essentially as the new blockchain stock market. Here's exactly how the author broke it down:
  1. At the very top, you have the largest basket: the Index Cooperative (think of this as the new blockchain stock market)
  2. Within this large basket, you have multiple medium-sized baskets: The Metaverse Index, Defi-Pulse index, etc. (Think of this like the SP.Y)
  3. And within individual medium-sized baskets, you’ve got NFT’s (think a jet-fueled gaming company ran by a fuckin 69D chess master)
All of this appears to be already discussed heavily in other communities and folks that have a knowledge of defi and metaverse stuff which I have little to no knowledge of. I'll be honest with you, I kind of threw all this stuff to the wayside after it seemed that the NFT marketplace was a failure, but now in reality I don't think it was a failure, I think GME/loopring was just building the framework for what they knew way back then was the solution to our problem. Remember when Gamestop added to their filing and went through all the proper steps that ensured they had the right to issue and hold securities? Remember when we were talking about GME being a bank and all kinds of crazy other stuff that never came to fruition?...or so we thought. Well now all that makes more sense if you ask me. These weren't failures, these weren't nothing burgers, these were articulate preparatory steps.
From GMEs most recent filings:
"The Depository Trust Company is expected to serve as depository. Unless and until it is exchanged in whole or in part for the individual securities represented thereby, a global security may not be transferred except as a whole by the depository for the global security to a nominee of such depository or by a nominee of such depository to such depository or another nominee of such depository or by the depository or any nominee of such depository to a successor depository or a nominee of such successor. Global securities may be issued in either registered or bearer form and in either temporary or permanent form. The specific terms of the depositary arrangement with respect to a class or series of securities that differ from the terms described here will be described in the applicable prospectus supplement."
"If a depository for a series of securities is at any time unwilling, unable or ineligible to continue as depository and a successor depository is not appointed by us within 90 days, we will issue individual securities of such series in exchange for the global security representing such series of securities. In addition, we may, at any time and in our sole discretion, subject to any limitations described in the applicable prospectus supplement relating to such securities, determine not to have any securities of such series represented by one or more global securities and, in such event, will issue individual securities of such series in exchange for the global security or securities representing such series of securities."
Long story short, many things GME has been doing all of these years that have come and gone and theories and/or business ideas/strategies many of which I had completely dismissed I don't think were necessarily wrong, but we were just too early in the process and too far away from the finish line for me personally to truly understand their purpose or how they fit into the overall plan.
TLDR: Reading each of these posts from 2 other great contributors to this saga shored up a lot of gaps for me that I was struggling with for answers and actually shored up some things that I had completely forgotten about as well.
  1. How and why is baby stock involved and how does it affect GME? Answer: this post
  2. If we truly are moving the stock to a block chain due to a short squeeze and/or to rid our beloved company of the parasitic shorts, how is it possible and how is it done legally? Answer: Teddy, a holdings company, completely forgot about Teddy already, but of course RC was 10 steps ahead with that.
  3. How can RoaringKitty be so confident in his latest memes and not think Wall St will continue to screw us as they have for years? Answer: You leave Wall St and take all the shares to the block chain as described in part 3 of this terrific DD from 3 years ago.
Anyways, these are my findings through others great DD new and old. I just wanted to share with others as I hadn't seen a lot of it talked about here and how these two posts made a lot of things click for me. Maybe you guys already knew this stuff and I'm just dumb ape, or maybe it will be helpful for you as well. Please provide critiques, corrections, and anything else you'd like to add! Probably not enough pictures, but hopefully it makes sense. Cheers.
Larry Cheng - GME board member, venture capitalist
submitted by Derekg15 to GME [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:09 Far_Veterinarian5349 B had those poor monkeys in their sleep cage the other day for 2.5 hours cause they were sooo sleeeepyyy🙄

I screen recorded how long they were locked in that tiny sleep cage but my phone was on the fritz. They stayed in there for over an hour with the camera on them and Lando didn’t sleep at all. Luca dozed for a bit. She came back in cause the comments were getting out of control as to why they were locked up. But then said she was going to leave them in there because she could tell Oliver was still so very sleepy. Then she took the camera out of the room and sat in the kitchen for over an hour while they supposedly slept. However, I could still hear the monkeys making noise every once in a while. Then it was diaper changes and playing in a bedroom with zero toys and enrichment . I guarantee they were then shoved in the play cage , aka, little bird cage. The day before that they spent the majority of the day locked in the car and the day before that they spent the majority of the day locked up in east texas while she and stormy were live for hours. We all know this is their normal daily life. Oliver is showing signs of zoo psychosis. When he’s locked in a small space he’s starting to throw his head back and pace. I’ll post videos of what it looks like. Stormy’s monkey does it also. We all know how bad lox is . Oliver is right behind her now that he’s getting older and needs more space and enrichment. Monkeys are never meant to live like this!!! They must get their energy out everyday!! They would never live even close to it in the wild. In the wild they spend their days in trees, playing and grooming their troop mates, loving on and clinging to the safety of their mothers for two years, foraging, often covering many acres in a day. My heart absolutely breaks for monkeys who are humanized, made to take “naps” and kept in small spaces (including a home) no outdoor time all of their lives. Oh and in all of those hours on live Lulu wasn’t tended to, not even one time😔 the poor thing is diapered too. I HATE seeing the precious WILD animals live this way. It’s absolutely heartbreaking 😤😖
submitted by Far_Veterinarian5349 to loxandollie1_0 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:08 dirpypenguin Jake Bowen hoodie

Jake Bowen hoodie
Does anyone know what hoodie he is wearing in this? Im not looking for the exact model, I just wanna know what to look for to find a hoodie that is thin like this one.
submitted by dirpypenguin to Peripheryband [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:07 Donodonodon Post-surgery recovery questions after sudden onset severe symptoms

Hello, my dad is 78 and just got diagnosed with a brain tumor due to overnight onset of severe symptoms of hydrocephalus due to a brain tumor blocking the draining of his fluids. He got a shunt yesterday, 8 days after showing the first severe symptoms.
I will get information from the doctors the earliest on Tuesday, so I was trying to gather whatever information I can. I am wondering if somebody has been in a similar situation with rapid onset and can tell me at least a bit how recovery will look like and if I should get my hopes up or expect him to stay as bad as he was the last week.
  1. I found the information that if it is caught early, then the symptoms will may likely recede after the shunt. However what does early mean? The tumor has been growing for over a year probably, blocking a little, but the dangerous blockage of his fluids probably only occurred a week ago. He only had intermittent light-medium severe symptoms since a month ago where he fell and became more unstable in his walk.
I wonder about BP and brain damage, I don‘t know the time-frames. Are a few hours to days enough time to leave permanent damage? He has been at least half a day with very high pressure in his head (I only know general BP of 20, only going down to 17 shortly with medication), probably happening intermittently for the whole week with a BP of 14.5.
2) How did the recovery process look for you? This morning my dad was speaking, he wanted to talk on the phone with me, but he could not remember that I visited him daily, nor did most of what he asked me make a lot of sense and he lost focus quickly.
This evening during visiting hours he could not speak and barely move and i had to feed him his food.
Bouncing between both behaviors is also how he was the whole week he was in the hospital. Before he was totally normal and showed barely any signs of forgetfulness and managed his daily life on his own.
Are such up and downs normal?
3) Leaving the tumor aside, which will be operated on the earliest in a week, what timeline of recovery can I expect after such severe symptoms? Should I expect changes in days, weeks or even months? Knowing this would help me a lot to ration my efforts and also manage my expectations and be less surprised.
4) Next Wednesday I have a business trip for 5 days outside of the country, I wonder if I should cancel it in fear of sudden changes or can I expect things to progress slowly and if no complications have shown in the first 4 days it will probably be fine? That matters even more as I am the only relative and the decision maker and only really close person he has left. Although there would be neighbors that would probably visit him.
I could use most of these days also to relax at the seaside and recover a bit and gather energy for what is to come.
5) What should I expect will be coming?
Thank you so much for any comments, any piece of information will help me a lot already.
edit: clarifying that I am the only family and therefore the lone decision taker.
submitted by Donodonodon to Hydrocephalus [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:07 LittleMouseHat Need some advice about a boy

I (21NB) have been talking to this guy (26M) for about two and a half weeks. We met at a show in my hometown (he was the guitarist for the opening band) and pretty much immediately hit it off. He stood so close to me his hair was brushing up against the side of my head and he got so excited talking about guitars I couldn't help but immediately develop a crush on him (I'm a guitarist too). We talked for a bit, I went back and watched the headliner perform, and then when I ran into him later, he gave me the guitar pick he'd performed with that night and called me by name.
I pretty much immediately left afterwards, super nervous and giddy about the whole thing, and a few hours later ended up finding his band (and by extent, him) on social media. As soon as I followed him (literally less than a minute is not an exaggeration) he followed me back and sent me a text telling me to have a good night and that it was great talking to me. He even spelled my unusual name correctly, which means he looked at my page.
We've been chatting for a few weeks. He asks me about myself, seems really happy to talk to me, and sends me videos of his band sometimes. He's talked about what he does for work, the music he listens to, etc. I know him way better than I ever expected to. It takes him a while to respond (he's got a lot going on), but he texts me at least once a day and sends me lots of :) and :0 emojis. Lots of omggggggs and lolllllls. He also seems to be interested in my hobbies and what I'm up to, even asking me to send him pictures of my art and helping me with my guitar playing.
But... there's kind of a big problem. He's in a completely different state from me. At least a two hour flight. And, yeah... I'm lucky enough to have flight benefits so I could feasibly see him if I wanted to, but I've also never been in a relationship. He definitely seems more comfortable talking to me than before, even sometimes bringing up stuff that could easily lead to more personal, private topics, but I've been kind of nervous to get into that stuff I guess.
I'm about 95% certain based on context clues that he's single, and it really seemed like he was interested in me at the show, but I just don't know how much I should let myself get invested in this. I also have no frame of reference to determine if he's even interested in me or if he just wants to be my friend because I've never been IN a relationship before.
The more I talk to him, the more I like him. He's really cute, he works with kids and he's genuinely just one of the sweetest, silliest people I've ever known. I'm REALLY, really starting to fall for this guy, and I'm just not sure how well I'd be able to handle another rejection if/when it comes to that.
I had some really traumatic shit happen to me last year involving me being SAed by a coworker who I had developed feelings for, and who did everything in his power to ruin my life after getting me to trust him. This has led me to be super cautious and I have some trust issues that developed as a result.
I just don't know what to do. Everyone keeps telling me to just enjoy it, but I just want so badly to know how he feels and I just don't really know what to do. I'd love to see him again but I don't know how I would bring that up without seeming too forward. I don't know what kind of timeline to expect either-- like, at what point would it be okay to ask to video chat? At what point could I bring up visiting him? How would I even go about presenting the idea of being in a relationship with this guy? I'm so lost.
submitted by LittleMouseHat to dating_advice [link] [comments]
