Census midget down syndrome

Tinkers, Hobdays. Polly ???, Myths, folklore, illness, trauma, and the end of the branch that makes me, me.

2024.05.18 02:05 PeskieBrucelle Tinkers, Hobdays. Polly ???, Myths, folklore, illness, trauma, and the end of the branch that makes me, me.

For a decade online there's been debate about a census record of a person named polly with 3 question marks beside her name. The confusion of Abraham Tinker, and Edward Tinker. And the confusion of who Polly Hobday was.
Or the letters, written by Edward to an Elizabeth during the murder trial in which he was hanged.
Or the existence of William.
Or the existence of eastern Cherokee tribe ties.
Or the existence of tinkers with the Osage tribe
Or the influences of missionaries, adoptions, kidnapping, enslavement. Enslaved.
The wheel that turns by Louis f burns and the valuable influence to the Osage history of his tinker ancestors, and the struggle to find a copy to confirm
Interracial marriages, trail of tears, land stolen, and wars.
Confusing indigenous influence, confusing oral histories.
A bad game of telephone. Sparked by generations of identity complexes, greed, confusion, and romantization of small traces of shared blood.
Blood, that carries the DNA, and the genes that make my family. Sick.
Generations of cancer. Multiple kinds. Neurological disorders. Mental disorders. My spinal disorder.
Which led me to getting sterilized, to end the cycle with me. I'm the final leaf in the branch.
Why I'm posting about all of this,I recently made a post about the oral history of the "Cherokee princess" myth in my family.
It's led me down a weird journey, one that I'm having to sort out information, and complex triggers I didn't really reconize till now.
In doing so I've looked at my dad's DNA matches with skepticism and I will also be doing mine too.
I've been reading very valuable information from "Tink" Tinker who is a theology professor and has written such important journals about the nuanced, complex, dark, and most of all important histories of the colonization of indigenous culture and how they influenced indigenous people as well.
I don't beleive I'm in relation to him whats so ever, however the vast research and critical eye to so many events and things have been extremely helpful in my goal of looking at my own family.
Unlike the Cherokee syndrome that took off during the time my dad was a kid, one thing kind of confused me.
My dad, grandmother, aunts, all talk about how my great grandmother whom I seen a few times when young actually could speak some "cherokee". I found out as well when my dad was very young my great great grandmother was very much alive and in his life as well in his early years.
The problem is this. I'm my father's only child. My dad, married my step mom and most of my life my interactions with my dad's side of the family, at most happened during the times I was 5-8 years old. Every time I went to my great grandmother's, my grandmother's, and even growing up my own father has always had indigenous inspired decor. He still does.
I have adopted Lakota family, so as a kid this concept of indigenous identity became unfortunately this obsession to try to deal with trauma going on around me. I had two issues. I was trying to understand the Cherokee family history, and the "gypsy" history that also was told to me on my mother's side. I know... I know...
All of this, is alot. It sparked old issues. Old wounds.
I would often fall into my own imagination as a child. The problems I had as a kid had to do with my lack of self identity due to parentification put onto me when I turned 6. Then the complex trauma of having step siblings, family, and my dad remarriage behind my back. I had an autistic step sister who was very violent and a step brother that would get away with things, and I'd be punished for them. From one dysfunctional family, to the other.
When I moved when I was 8, I didn't even see my grandmother until I was 16, and again for a suprise Thanksgiving visit in 2018. In which she and my step grandmother who was one of the few of the step family that made me feel like actual family became fast friends.
These small, short parts of my life connecting to my actual biological family has been so limited, but all I've had. It was a greif I never was able to explore because when I'd say "real family" I was punished. Identity became difficult. I had to be a mom, when I was supposed to be a sister. I had to be a sister, before I could be a friend. I had to be complacent, when adults spoke to me. I had to be seen. Not heard.
When I talked to much, I was called "moter mouth". I became so used to being ignored, that I began ignoring myself too. Now the moter goes off when somthing ignites a trauma response in me.
Any shred of identity I had, was a fabrication. One that I thankfully, grew out of.
My adopted indigenous aunt, and my cousins were the closest thing to family. So indigenous culture I learned was through my aunt whom began trying to reconnect with hers due to never having her own culture in her life. She taught me alot and when I grew out of believing in myths, I beleive her influence on that helped me look at it all with respect.
I wanted to understand, and as I got older I realized the Cherokee princess myth was not real I let it go. The gypsy thing fizzled out fast when I realized it was a slur and It made me feel so icky, it still does, that I quickly put an end to it.
If there happens to be anyone related to Tink Tinker reading this. I'd really like to extend my thanks for his very important influence in the field of understanding various researches into topics. He has provided a complete stranger far more awnsers, and impacted them. I can see why he is such a well respected teacher. If you get the chance, please read his works.
Similar to my aunts influence when I was a confused child, his informative teachings helped me as a confused adult make sure I keep trying to look at all of this coming back up with much more respect.
It reaffirms my own philosophy, you can learn valuable and life changing lessons from anyone. Anywhere. From any walk of life.
The problem that led me to finding his work, was due to a trauma response. The cycle continued, without me realizing it.
What sparked this search was because I had just gotten out of the hospital, for somthing that I neglected to have handled soon enough. Purely, because my family has always treated health issues. Spacifically cancers with one philosophy. "Were all just fleas on a dog's back"
To show an example of this,
My dad went to my graduation with a screw in his foot, before he sought any form of medical treatment. It caused an infection. It caused me to realize a habit, a family habit.
We don't do anything, until somthing festers.
I didn't do anything about my gallbladder, dispite many serious issues. Until it was literally, festering. Putting it off, because I was too focused on my step family and the trauma going on right now. The dysfunction that led to my worsened health, and the dysfunctional family system connected to my step family being the real roots, that are intertwined in me.
In ways, Strangling, me.
History repeated itself.
Once out of the hospital, I turned back into that kid.
I wanted, my family. Or, mabye that version of family I've unconsciously still held onto. Looked for. Longed for.
I'm in a complex situation with my step family, and my father is mixed in with it. My step brother told me I'm not family, because ive been trying to stand up for things i never used to. I went to a family event, and only my dad treated me like a daughter. Dispite me getting into it with him.
My step mom, treated me like a threat. It opened up very Old wounds. All of this was mere weeks before I got hospitalized. In which my step mother and brother visited me separately from my father and my adopted siblings whom are step cousins. It sparked that inner child infront of the computer all over again.
Looking through book, articles, newspapers, photos. Hoping she reconized, her family. Or moreso her "Cherokee princess" ancestor.
So much so, I fell into obsession again. Family. Where we come from. What was told to me, that was a lie?
My post I asked. How far back does the white washing go?
I think I really needed to ask how far back, does the trauma go?
In my weeks of intensive researching i decided to take a break, come back slower. More critical, and solid evidence.
Ive learned, Identity is a fickle thing. When you don't understand it, yourself, or even what helped create you today, things become dysmorphic.
I have problems since I was a child seeing myself in a mirror. I see the scary parts of my parents. I see my face morph into something I'm not. I still can't reconize my face.
I always look away from eyes because when I was 4 I got in trouble for looking into my step mother's eyes, and her being so mad at me I guess I told her she has snakes in her eyes when she pulled my face up to hers.
It's a story that's retold and joked about but, I often wonder if I said that because I had problems as a child understanding extreme childhood trauma that had happened to me a year prior. Anger behind the eyes was my earliest trigger, before I ever knew it.
2 weeks ago, I looked into her eyes. I didn't get bit by the snake. Or, I thought.
After the hospital I been experiencing myoclonic spasms. I have Neurological issues that are diagnosed so I got scared. The spasms i usually get are below the waist or one limb due to the spine damage. I've always had night terrors, spasms, screams, and shaking in my sleep. Ever since I was 4.
Waking up to my entire body and head shaking, then unable to sleep because once I drifted again, it happened.
Its explainable, so somthing unexplainable to me scared me. Later I realized it's probably from the medications. Sadly panicked before I could be rational in which I feel emberessed as I try to be rational as much as possible.
My step mother. Sister, and brother have seizures. I've helped them through them. So i knew what one looked like.
I didn't think it was a seizure like that but I couldn't sleep. For 4 days. I was a mess. When I was told they are harmless, I began adjusting to them. So much so their frequency has lessened.
Then 2 weeks ago, they came back.
1 week ago. They came more Persistant. I think, it's obvious now it's caused by trauma. The body does such strange things when it's triggered. My life I've always been so disconnected from my body due to medical trauma, neglect, and trauma. Things like that still suprise me when I realize the source of it.
Right after having them though, guess what I did?
Ancestors. History. Archeology. Searching. Searching. Searching..
Today, im supposed to interact with them again.
Guess what I did when I first got up?
Searching. A mystery. Of who polly was.
Those 3 question marks. Staring at me. A name, unknown. Identity, forgotten, erased.
Who was she?
Where did she come from?
What was her life like?
3 questions. 3 distractions.
Who are the tinkers?
Was the indigenous ancestors in my life real?
Who was polly?
3 questions. 3 distractions.
We're they Irish?
We're they Osage?
We're they Cherokee?
3 questions. 3 distractions.
You get the point.
Identity, can be so easily erased.
Blood can be traced, every detail about them can't.
Influence, you leave behind on others are what carries through history. Documents, stories, cultures, and traditions.
People argue about how you should and shouldn't treat family. They express some unspoken oath, when you're family to never defy them. Never turn your back on them. Mine, does all the time. Even though they're step.
Trauma, is what divides family though. People get torn from their family, their cultures, traditions, and have go build themselves adapted to what enviorment they were born into.
It's almost like, everyone is Searching for family. Identity. Validation of what makes them, them.
How much of that is sparked by generational trauma?
How far back, do I need to search to finally see myself in the mirror?
The awnser is there. In 3 questions.
Who am I?
How do I impact people?
Who has impacted me?
Patterns, repeat for a reason.
I hope, my story can help influence those with complex trauma explore the ties of searching for their ancestors, and the influences of people not from the same tree. It's hard. Alot, and likely confusing but I'm ambitious as much as I'm neurotic. I'd like to come back, with a more critical eye, and learn. Not with the goal of finding myself, but the goal, of helping others.
That's why I'm having brick walls. Im building on uneven foundation.
Thank you everyone who's helped me on this path. The resources. The stories, and relatablility you've found in my past post.
I appreciate all of it.
submitted by PeskieBrucelle to Genealogy [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 01:12 phuckee Just finished the series for the first time and I feel so happy/satisfied/empty/never want to read anything different ever again

As the title said, I just finished the Wheel of Time for the first time and I feel such an insane amount of conflicting emotions.
I enjoyed the ride like I never did in any other series I've read in my life, and this series definitely takes the joint top spot in my favorite fantasy books of all time. I enjoyed every single book in some way or another (even CoT, the one I liked the least) and now that the ride's over I can really look back and appreciate it all so much more.
I read the books fairly quickly without big intervals between them (i started around early March if i remember correctly and didn't pause for more than like 3 days between entries in the series) so this took up quite a lot of my time in the last two months, given I didn't read anything else during the time.
I'm planning on a reread, at least of my favorite bits, soon, because I don't think I'm ready to bench this characters just yet. They all grew on me, and some of them did really get to mean a lot to me personally, so I'd like to spend some more time with them before moving on.
My Top Favorite Characters are probably Perrin, Egwene, Gaul, Siuan, Gareth Bryne and Leane (want to guess my favorite plotlines?) and I love them all so much it's kind of concerning. Perrin in particular has such a special place in my heart, he kept it from his first line in EotW up to his last in AMoL without interruption, he really is my best boy.
During this two months of non-stop Wheel of Time full immersion I joked with the people I conversed with about how I must have been experiencing some kind of Stockholm Syndrome with the books/falling in the sunken cost fallacy, because there were some things that infuriated me to no end, and bored me, and annoyed me quite a lot, yet I couldn't keep my hands off these books for some reason.
Now that I finished I get it, I completely get it, I understand why I wanted to keep going no matter what, it really is one of the greatest stories I've ever read and I don't know what I would give to read it again for the first time. It's just such an experience.
I came to love even the characters I find annoying, or just boring (Mat, Elayne, Tuon or Caddy for example) and I genuinely feel sad about "losing" them too.
I would also like to add a final praise to this series, for making me change my mind about things so many times (quite the hard task, since I'm pretty woolheaded and stubborn). The main ones that come to mind are:
1.Nynaeve: absolutely hated her for a lot of the series, and always loved Egwene, so seeing the discourse online putting down Egwene to raise Nyn up, paired with the absolute myriad of post saying "you'll love Nynaeve by the end trust me", made me pretty deadset on hating her all throughout the books. Couldn't do it, begrudginly love her now and rank her as S tier no doubt so fuck you to anyone that said this would happen, I hate being wrong.
  1. Sexism: in the first books I really felt like some things in WoT were just not-intentionally sexist, but I now see that they weren't, they were just a bit dated/ slightly off compared to my world view and I would now never say this books are sexist and I would defend this opinion fiercely.
3.Slog Bad: I come into the Slog prepared to trudge my way through thousands of pages but I just didn't, I found myself enjoyng and loving reading every book of it despite entering with a much more critical and prejudiced view compared to the other entries in WoT,except MAYBE CoT, in which I did kind of struggle at times to go ob.
Only one thing didn't change from the start: I don't get the hype around Mat, his plotlines and chapters are just the least fun or interesting to me, though after 12k pages I love the guy (just as you love that annoying midget of a little cousin though).
TL;DR: WoT good.
submitted by phuckee to WoT [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 00:00 FeudalNinja Google

Google submitted by FeudalNinja to KingCobraJFSmemes [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 00:28 Unable_Clerk1301 Depression is depressing

I have struggled with depression my entire life. I think I first realized that I was depressed at the age of 14. I remember the day I called mom at work and told her that it would be better off if I wasn’t alive. Why I was surprised when she showed up home early from work?! I don’t 100% remember the circumstances behind that whole situation. At that age, I felt like I was being rebellious and just starving for attention. I’m starting to realize that, the older I get, there was something to that. Fast forward 31 years later. I am a grown adult. I have pulled off some pretty impressive stuff throughout my life, if I do say so myself. I am a helicopter pilot, a class A CDL driver with a class D and motorcycle endorsement. I have flipped burgers, built houses and have managed inmates. I have provided security and drilled water wells. Some may say I’ve done and seen it all. The one thing I have neglected and failed to maintain is my mental health. I was raised to be a man. I was born in 1978. The last of the what traditional American knows as a man. Don’t get me wrong. I am proud to be a man and proud to be who I am and where I’m from. We men don’t get help. Well guess what? This man got help and am glad I did. I waited too long, but too long is better than never. I am on the tail-end of the generation that doesn’t get help because they don’t want to be labeled as a “mental midget.” I, as well thousands of people across the world have dealt with the loss of a friend or family through the thoughtlessness of suicide. Thoughtlessness you say?! Yes, suicide is thoughtless and selfish. On a side note: if you have not dealt with depression, then you cannot know the dark and heavy burden it can be. It is a feeling that is not compromised by outside thoughts. It isn’t just a case of the sads. It is a burden and cold wet blanket that is the only thing you think of. You never consider how it will affect your friends or family. Your only concern is the relief it will bring when it ends. Why do we feel this way? Unbalanced chemicals in the brain they say. I wasn’t poor, and I wasn’t rich. I had an amazing family that loves me with all they can love with. I can’t explain it. I too have been on the other end of the criticism that suicide will bring. Luckily and unfortunately enough I have had to deal with friends and family on the tail end of a suicide. I have seen the devastation and travesty that decision brings. It’s a lot easier to take that action, than to deal with the the complications in life. Unknowingly, you may tear family’s apart, cause additional deaths or change the course of your children’s lives by them becoming alcohol/drug dependent or ending up ruining their lives because they can’t deal with the loss of yours. I have seen those kids. I work in a prison. The picture is bigger than just you. It might feel like it’s not, but it is. Throughout the past few years I was taking meds for anxiety, depression and OCD among other things for addiction. I have self medicated my entire life. Luckily I never got into the “hard” stuff. I “just” stuck with alcohol and weed. Of course I experimented as a kid but nothing stuck. Even the alcohol. I just drank because my buddies wanted to down a fifth of Jack with a 30 pack of Bud as a chaser. Later in life I turned to alcohol because it was socially acceptable and I was going to be receiving drug screening on the regular. This just went from a major depression to an alcoholics page. Let’s get back to the isssue on hand. I took meds for mostly anxiety but covered the depression and ocd thing as well. That medication in turn gave me RLS (restless leg syndrome). I ended up having to take Gabapenten to counteract the rls. Also, I have a hard time sleeping and am a hardcore alcoholic at this point. So I’m also taking ambien, noloxone (sp?) and hypertension meds. I quit my job, lost my insurance and quit all my meds cold turkey about six months ago. Now I’m getting these waves of super sadness. I’ll see a stupid commercial or a song and start to feel the tears well up and I’ll have to say “what the fuck” and shake it off. There are overwhelming waves of sadness that keep overcoming me. FYI I’m in the process of getting an appointment with my therapist and I’m really getting tired of these feelings. I want them to stop before they start to get too dark. Again. I just wish help was more widely available and there wasn’t such a stigmatism attached to mental health. I’m sure there are plenty of people that feel this way. I just wrote it down. I have so much more to say but can’t put it all down in a chronological order. It would sound like ramblings of a madman. Please share your thoughts or stories. And above all, get some help. It may feel hopeless but there are so many things that YOU can do that will help. It’s just taking that initiative.
Much love to all that need it.
submitted by Unable_Clerk1301 to major_depression [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 14:02 ConsciousRun6137 Hitler; The Asset - Part 1

Hitler; The Asset - Part 1
TLDR; By now, it should be no surprise that some of the most seemingly venomous enemies we read about in history were only actors, following a script. Hitler being just another midget freak & WWII a bankers war, like WW1.
There have been many different takes on the World Wars, most people would see them as dark spots in history, & they were indeed. When one digs into the details of just “why” they occurred, just how they were choreographed and managed for the Equity Owners to extract their “Pound of Flesh” out of every living human being by the price of Death; the view becomes even more stark than just a ‘dark spot.’
It can be argued that there has not been a TRUE ORGANIC war between Nation States for at least 200 years.
All Wars are Bankers Wars.
So, if Wars are of course not happening unless they are really being managed, the question could be: “How do they ‘Manage’ Wars?” The following information from Firestarter’s research is a good example of just how it may have happened in WW2 and Hitler’s Germany. Keep in mind, I’m NOT trying to diminish any of the real sacrifices that were made by either side, they were real lives that should always be remembered & honered; to that end, it makes for all the more importance to see the truth.

In Recent News:

There is one Parasitic Pedophile who just died, he had been a “Manager of Wars” for quite some time; Henry Kissinger finally took a dirt nap. There are many individual managers like Henry Kissinger unfortunately, some are current and former politicians. Hitler was likely in a similar position, although he seemed to have had such a populist following, he may very well have been working WITH interests located in the City of London & AGAINST the interest of Germany.

Hitler sabotages German army - USSR, Dunkirk, Normandy

According to mainstream history falsifiers, the German Nazis, including Adolf Hitler, made an awful lot of mistakes.
But to me it looks like they intentionally sabotaged the German army... Russia – Moscow and Stalingrad – 1941, 1942 By common consensus the beginning of the defeat of Nazi Germany was the mistake to invade the Soviet Union. Starting in 1942, Adolf Hitler took full control of all important decisions for the army and regularly brushed aside the advice of his military experts. Most days, Hitler stayed up till 4 a.m. or so, and slept till noon, when he would hold his first military conference of the day... Hitler also regularly told his staff that they weren’t allowed to wake him under any circumstance. Madness
Mistake #1 During the winter of 1941-42, the Wehrmacht in Russia around Moscow suffered over a million casualties after they were “surprised” when a division of well-equipped Russians materialized “seemingly out of nowhere” and attacked. Mistake #2 In the late spring of 1942, Hitler left Moscow & steered the German Army to the Caucasus. Traveling huge distances will defeat any army.
Mistake #3 His new “strategy” was to grab the oil fields in the Caucasus and seize Stalingrad. To add to the confusion, Hitler added 52 non-German divisions with questionable training & skills.
Mistake #4 Hitler first directed the Fourth Panzer Army away from Stalingrad to aid the First Panzer Army which was already approaching the oil fields. Then the Führer decided to turn the Fourth Panzer Army completely around & send it back toward Stalingrad.
Mistake #5 Then suddenly Hitler ordered the attack on Stalingrad & at the same time take the oil fields. Senior strategists urged Hitler to take Stalingrad first using all available resources, & then go for the oil fields. Instead Hitler pushed for an impossible strategy…
Mistake #6 German’s Blitzkrieg strategy relied on heavy tanks & motorized infantry that needed room to move. To make their mission impossible, Hitler used artillery bombardments to create blocked streets & broken cement in Stalingrad. This not only blocked the heavy infantry but was also used for cover by thousands of Russian infantrymen.
Mistake #7 With German casualties piling up at 20,000 men a day, Hitler pulled divisions from his outer defenses & sent them in one-by-one (to make it easier to defeat them). By sending so many rear units into Stalingrad, Hitler eroded his outer sectors, leaving the defense to the 52 non-German divisions with questionable training & skills. Then the German army was taken in a “surprise” Russian attack. In just 3 days, Russian troops blasted their way through the crumbling lines and encircled & trapped the entire Sixth Army inside Stalingrad. Thousands of wounded, starving German infantrymen in Stalingrad froze to death amid subzero temperatures.
Mistake #8 Erich von Manstein’s troops were first sent to help, but when they were within 30 miles of Stalingrad were ordered to pull back. Mistake #9 Hitler ordered the Luftwaffe to provide the Sixth Army with supplies, but Russian anti-aircraft guns and fighter planes blasted them out of the sky (possibly they had advance knowledge...). Mistake #10 General Kurt Zeitzler now pleaded with Hitler to let (the remnants of) the Sixth Army attempt a breakout to the south to link up with Manstein. Hitler blatantly refused. On 8 January 1943, the Russians presented surrender terms. These were reluctantly turned down by General Paulus, on Hitler's direct order. Two days later, the Russians blasted the remaining Germans with 5000 artillery guns, followed a week later by a massive infantry assault. Out of the original 285,000 Sixth Army soldiers, 165,000 died, while some 29,000 wounded had been air lifted out. The remaining 91,000 spent years of captivity in Russian POW camps: http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/d ... ingrad.htm (archived here: http://archive.is/xOPL1) Dunkirk – May 1940
Mistake #11 In May 1940, General Paul von Kleist's panzers were only 18 miles from Dunkirk, in an operation that could have scooped up the entire northern Allied force. Then on 24 May 1940, Hitler issued the infamous ''Halt Order'' that countermanded the order by the Wehrmacht's Commander-in-Chief, General Walther von Brauchitsch, & that the line of Lens–Bethune–Saint-Omer–Gravelines "'will not be passed''. Kleist afterwards recalled: I must say that the English managed to escape that trap in Dunkirk which I had so carefully laid, only with the personal help of Hitler. There was a channel from Arras to Dunkirk. I had already crossed this channel and my troops occupied the heights which jutted out over Flanders. Therefore, my panzer group had complete control of Dunkirk & the area in which the British were trapped. The fact of the matter is that the English would have been unable to get into Dunkirk because I had them covered. Then Hitler personally ordered that I should withdraw my troops from these heights. We could have wiped out the British Army completely if it weren't for the stupid order of Hitler. General Gerd von Rundstedt (more on Von Rundstedt below) was given the blame for the “Halt Order”. Von Rundstedt vehemently denied: If I had had my way the English would not have got off so lightly at Dunkirk. But my hands were tied by direct orders from Hitler. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/5902 ... f-war.html (archived here: http://archive.is/WVBak) Sabotaging D-day – 6/6/’44 You may have heard about the cardboard army that completely fooled the Nazi command or about spies being sent out with information on the fake invasion. In reality there was no way that the 6 June 1944 could have been a success ,except for the sabotage of Hitler & his close associates. It’s impossible that a defence strategy would have been chosen that would single out any place for the possible landing of the Allied invasion. There are also stories that the resistance destroyed the radar, of course this would have been a warning sign for the Germans...
Mistake #12 Adolf Hitler issued a directive that Germany’s armored forces, which were kept back from the beaches, could only be deployed upon his personal order. Mistake #13 A number of key German commanders were absent from their posts during the critical hours of 6 June 1944. General Friedrich Dollmann (commander of the Seventh Army in Normandy), Lt. Gen. Heinz Hellmich (commander of the 243rd Division), and Maj. Gen. Wilhelm Falley had all left the Normandy coast for war-games exercise at Rennes. Admiral Theodor Krancke (naval commander in the west) was on his way to Bordeaux. Maj. Gen. Edgar Feuchtinger (commander of the 21st Panzer Division) was heading to Paris for a rendezvous with his mistress. Field Marshal Erwin Rommel had left Normandy for his wife’s 50th birthday in Germany: http://warfarehistorynetwork.com/daily/ ... -mistakes/ (archived here: http://archive.is/DPc7l) Mistake #14 The only German high-command officer, who responded correctly to the coming invasion, was Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt. Two hours before the landings began, Von Rundstedt ordered the 2 available reserve panzer divisions, the 12th SS Panzer and Panzer Lehr, to move to Caen. He judged that the airborne landings were on such a large scale that they weren’t a mere deception. The only place the landings could come in lower Normandy was on the Calvados & Cotentin coasts. Hitler had given orders that he wasn’t to be awakened for any reason. At 07:30, Jodi informed Von Rundstedt that the divisions could not be committed until Hitler gave the order, & Hitler was still sleeping. Hitler slept until noon.
Mistake #15 It was 16:00 when Hitler finally gave his approval. By then the Allied fighters and bombers were ready for them (we can’t rule out advance knowledge…). The panzers had to take shelter in the woods & wait for darkness before continuing their march. Hitler didn’t even try to hide his joy over the coming destruction of Germany and exclaimed: "It's begun at last". He confided to Hermann Göring: They are landing here, & here: just where we expected them! Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels said: "Thank God, at last. This is the final round". Mistake #16 On the afternoon of June 6, Hitler ordered the V-1 attacks on London. It took 6 days to bring the heavy steel catapult rigs that were in hiding to prevent them from being used immediately. When it started on June 12, the only attainable result could be to prove to the world what scumbags the Nazis were. If the beaches and artificial harbours of Normandy, jammed with men, had been bombed they possibly could have still stopped the Allied forces: http://www.worldwar2history.info/D-Day/Hitler.html (archived here: http://archive.is/QEg9Z) The Devon beach massacre – 27 April 1944 In a “friendly fire” disaster during training exercises for D-day, scores of US soldiers died in a mock invasion at Slapton Sands and their corpses were secretly buried. This incident was covered-up: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2004/may/16/military.usa (archived here: http://archive.is/Ie416) This is important, because it is improbable that the German Nazis didn’t know about this, & - as the Devon beaches are similar to Normandy - it shows that German intelligence could have known that Normandy would be the spot for the Allied invasion.

Hitler - Nero Decree, Morgenthau plan, General Patton

A lot of people know that the Allied forces murdered hundreds of thousands innocent civilians by bombing German & Japanese cities, but refuse to see that the “good guys” didn’t win WW II...
Nero decree
By March 1945, the Third Reich had already been decimated to Germany, some territory in central Europe, northern Italy, Denmark, Norway & part of Holland. On 19 March 1945, Adolf Hitler once again showed himself the enemy of Germany, by ordering the complete destruction of German infrastructure. Hitler was reported to have died only 6 weeks later - on 30 April 1945. It was officially titled “Befehl betreffend Zerstörungsmaßnahmen im Reichsgebiet (Destructive Measures on Reich Territory Order) and was subsequently nicknamed the Nero Decree. See (translated) sections from the Order: 1. All military transport and communication facilities, industrial establishments and supply depots, as well as anything else of value within Reich territory, which could in any way be used by the enemy immediately or within the foreseeable future for the prosecution of the war, will be destroyed. 2. It is the responsibility of the military command posts to execute this order to destroy all military objects, including traffic & communications installations. The Gauleiters and Commissioners for Reich Defense are responsible for destroying the industrial and supply installations, as well as of other objects of valuable; the troops must give the Gauleiters & Commissioners for Reich Defense the assistance they need to carry out this task.
According to history falsifiers the plan was sabotaged by German Minister Albert Speer (1905-1981), who after expressing his fundamental opposition, requested Hitler to give him full responsibility for the execution of the Order. The order had local Gauleiters (district Nazi Party leaders) and Reich defence commissioners destroying: factories, farms, power plants, railroad lines, bridges, dams, & military and supply installations. Some Gauleiters followed their orders, including Dusseldorf's Friedrich Karl Florian, but others supposedly refused. The needed explosives weren’t available to carry out the complete destruction: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/8656 ... tml?pg=all (archived here: http://archive.is/uaKe0)

Morgenthau plan

Basically Hitler’s 1945 Nero Decree was following the 1944 Morgenthau plan, devised by US secretary of the treasury Henry C. Morgenthau Jr. (written by Harry Dexter White). Again according to history falsifiers not implemented, but I don’t know a single difference with JCS 1067... Some have estimated that from 1945 till 1950 Germany some 9 million Germans died from starvation. The plan to dismantle German industrial capacity was first discussed in August 1944 at the British headquarters of General Dwight Eisenhower. Morgenthau & Eisenhower agreed that Germany needed a "good & hard" treatment. According to history falsifiers, when US President Roosevelt, British PM Winston Churchill, British foreign secretary Anthony Eden, US secretary of state Cordell Hull and US secretary for war Henry L. Stimson first heard of the plan in September 1944, they all protested vigorously, because it would prevent Germany from feeding itself. Hull argued that 40% of the German population would die. That sounds almost philanthropic… In the 24 November 1947 New York Post Morgenthau himself wrote:
The Morgenthau Plan for Germany became part of the Potsdam Agreement, a solemn declaration of policy & undertaking for action, signed by the United States of America, Great Britain & the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Besides dividing Germany in a West and East part, in July and August 1945 the occupying armies took 25% of Germany's most fertile land & placed it under Russian & Polish control, forcibly expelling about 16 million people, according to British writer Victor Gollancz "with the very maximum of brutality". The Allies forbade emigration (except to Israel?) and kept millions of prisoners in forced-labour camps (some Nazi concentration camps remained to be used). Some 4,160,000 Germans were forced to slave labour outside Germany: 3,000,000 in Russia, 750,000 in France, 400,000 in Britain and 10,000 in Belgium. General Dwight D. Eisenhower labelled them Disarmed Enemy Forces to violate the Geneva Convention. Some 1.4 million died in the Allied concentration camps, of which according to the Soviets 450,600 in their camps. The production of oil, tractors, steel & other products that were essential to food production was stopped. They cut fertilizer production by 82%. They under-valued German exports, depriving Germans of cash needed to import food. During the first 6 months after the “end” of the war, Germany's industrial production fell by 75%. Captain Albert Behnke compared German and Dutch starvation: in much of Germany the ration set by the occupying Allies was around 1,000 calories per day & for more than 2 years never more than 1,550. The Dutch in the “Hongerwinter” of 1944, 1945 always got more than 1,394 calories per day. In 1947, a paper from the US State Department by Robert Murphy showed that the US statistical projection of births, immigration and officially reported deaths over the next 3 years the German population should be 71 million, but "to be conservative and in view of the present high death rate in Germany, a figure of 69 million will be used". This not only showed that millions died since the “liberation” in 1945, but also that the official number were falsified to hide what was going on. The 1950 census showed 5.7 million people less than there should have been according to the number of people recorded in the 1946 census. Canadian writer and TV producer Robert Allen, described the scene in a Berlin railway station as the refugees arrived in late 1945:
They were all exhausted, starved, & miserable. A child only half alive; A woman in the most terrible picture of despair I've seen. Even when you see it, it's impossible to believe, God it was terrible.
http://library.flawlesslogic.com/bacque_1.htm (archived here: http://archive.is/lam95) Have you seen the pictures of the starved concentration camp prisoners (after the Allied forces bombed food transports)? See some severely malnourished German children, starved by the Allied “heroes”:

Some extracts from the Morgenthau plan:

  1. The Ruhr Area. Here lies the heart of German industrial power, the cauldron of wars. This area should not only be stripped of all presently existing industries but so weakened & controlled that it can not in the foreseeable future become an industrial area. The following steps will accomplish this: (a) Within a short period, if possible not longer than 6 months after the cessation of hostilities, all industrial plants & equipment not destroyed by military action shall either be completely dismantled & removed from the area or completely destroyed. All equipment shall be removed from the mines & the mines shall be thoroughly wrecked. It is anticipated that the stripping of this area would be accomplished in three stages: (i) The military forces immediately upon entry into the area shall destroy all plants & equipment which cannot be removed. (ii) Removal of plants and equipment by members of the United Nations as restitution & reparation. (iii) All plants and equipment not removed within a stated period of time, say 6 months, will be completely destroyed or reduced to scrap and allocated to the United Nations. (…) (d) by forced German labor outside Germany; & (e) by confiscation of all German assets of any character whatsoever outside of Germany.
On 10 May 1945, President Truman approved JCS 1067 which directed the US forces of occupation in Germany to:
Take no steps looking toward the economic rehabilitation of Germany [nor steps] designed to maintain or strengthen the German economy.
The net effect was that Germany couldn’t produce or import enough food; 1947 was the worst year. William Clayton reported to Washington that "millions of people are slowly starving". The occupation directive remained secret. It was made public on 17 October 1945, after much of it had been incorporated in the Potsdam Agreement. Dwight D. Eisenhower "loaned" US Treasury officials to the Army of occupation - "Morgenthau boys", to ensure that the JCS 1067 was interpreted as strictly as possible. They continued their activities for more than 2 years after the resignation of Morgenthau in mid-1945. Germany was to be reduced to the standard of life it had known in 1932. The occupation forces ensured that German standards of living wouldn’t exceed the average level of European neighbors. In 1946, the first "level of industry" plan stated that German heavy industry must be lowered to 50% of its 1938 levels by the closing of 1,500 manufacturing plants. The production of oil, rubber, merchant ships, & aircraft were prohibited. No new locomotives were built until 1949, most industries had their production halved, automobile production was 10% of its 1936 level, etc. The amount of loans to Germany through the Marshall Plan (about $1.4 billion in total) was far overshadowed by the amount the Germans had to pay back as war reparations & the about $2.4 billion per year to the Allies for the ongoing cost of occupation. In July 1947, after more than 2 years of effective starvation of the Germans, President Harry S. Truman rescinded JCS 1067 and replaced it with JCS 1779. JCS 1779 wasn’t nearly as brutal as the previous 2 years under JCS 1067, but it included breaking up the relationships between German banks. By limiting them to short-term financing only, they prevented the rehabilitation of German industry.
The following official 26 February 1947 paper shows that the Allied “heroes” knew very well that they were effectively starving Germany to death; see from page 275.
(C) Over half of the 6,595,000 children and adolescents, especially in the lower-income groups, are in a deplorable condition. Their situation is better in limited localities where school feeding has been undertaken but outside these limits stunted growth and delayed development is widespread. In some areas famine edema (actual starvation) is appearing in the children. A study of groups of boys between the ages 9 and 16 years showed 5.5 lbs. under minimum standard weights, with girls 5.1 lbs. below such standard. Other groups studied showed even worse conditions. (D) A considerable part of the "normal consumer" group of 17,910,000 is likewise in deplorable condition.
https://hoover.archives.gov/sites/defau ... 5_full.pdf (http://web.archive.org/web/201909301457 ... 5_full.pdf) In late March or early April 1945, an eye witness was sent to guard a POW camp near Andernach along the Rhine. About 50,000 prisoners of all ages were held in an open field surrounded by barbed wire. The women were kept in a separate enclosure. The men had no shelter or blankets; many had no coats; they slept in the wet and cold mud, with inadequate slit trenches for excrement. Their misery from exposure alone was evident. Dysentery raged, and soon they were sleeping in their own excrement, too weak and crowded to reach the slit trenches. Many were begging for food, sickening and dying. Most of the guards didn’t help them at all. Famine was also spreading among the German population. It was a common sight to see German women look in the garbage cans for something to eat.
submitted by ConsciousRun6137 to conspiracy_commons [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 19:18 Tmz411 2hr Show with timestamps

NJ Show
34:40 wack your orphan no set WWE promo
37:06 trolling has a expiration date IE wack100
39:20 Bricc breaks down how wack is police.
46:00 Sharp incident
49:15 how to stand up for your kids
52:10 Indian guy parent at school thinks Adam is the leader of shady Melrose people
52:55 Bricc gave people something to talk about. How this gonna be handled
56:20 DW flame and Adam only DW dont have internet brain yet.
58:03 DE has koolaid jammer
1:00:00 Adam’s shows ICP to
DW and NJ needs a host cypher Briccbaby gunna executive produce his album
1:05:00 Bricc and AdamDiscuss bot views
01:06:00 Adam says Bricc gotPerk & lean in his drink during the big sad interview
01:08:49 DW cleans up after Adam tipping cup
01:09:00 Bricc and DW talk about cult followings like NBA young boy has
01:14:00 baddies been having a good run on NJ
1:15:42 we gotta start making our own slang
1:16:12 you gotta be a joint making slang not unc slang
1:16:34 Adam says he gonna make bowl of dicks product
1:17:34 Adam and Bricc explain doing gay shit together
1:18:51 Tony Willrich back to Openly Gay Cripping
1:19:55 DW I don’t know if he serious or podcasting.
1:20:54 Adam thrusts at Bricc Adam discussed his trans masturbation incident
1:23:11 Bricc folds when speaking on the “gay community”
1:24:07 how to Not go To unc status and stay in joint status
1:26:00 Adam talks about his time in long beach and handicap people.
1:29:42 DW had handicap store runner
1:30:54 sexy Down syndrome
1:33:33 DC youngfly need his bag back DW pleads to LA.(nobody bringing it back)
1:36:00 hosts lying about wait Flakko and Dejon catching smoke
Incriminating people. (Dejon how??)
1:39:37 Flakko got interview almost
Shut down by guests homies for being too federal
1:42:40 Bricc goes into story time on female doing some racist play on him taking a blade to him
1:48:50 why girls can’t be in single mom households
1:51:00 women exposing dudes as gay for get back.
1:53:29 Adam says you hit me
With high heel you are a man now
1:54:00 Bricc baby has one ball squeezed and popped
1:58:14 Bricc explains Crip Mac is the retarded homie. He been treating him delicate but no more.
2:01:44 go in on using words
2:03:01 DW locked up in Feds insane Crip.
2:07:46 Bricc explains it’s not intentional disrespect how they take the situation of people feeling the disrespect serious
2:09:03 Adam waiting for people to pull up outside.Hosts get shook thinking someone outside NJ studio
2:12:46 we not crashing out on internet
2:15:00 we dont do politics at NJ studio
2:17:00 we ain’t getting twisted out are seats
2:17:30 The Bricc mentions snoopy badazz
2:18:00 NJ is a place where all neighborhoods can co exist and do business together
2:20:00 Nappy Gilmore gets a shoutout
2:24:00 Nat turner interview dropping. Brian Pumper rises again.
2:24:24 DW request more pay
2:26:36 Adam Glazes DW
2:28:14 Bricc Baby shades wack 100 and spending time with family
2:34:00 nobody can say or question us we ain’t gonna please miserable people. This kid shit
2:36:00 NJ is not the spot forFuck shit dont meet up here
2:37:25 Bricc says don’t talkAbout something and tells Adam Make sure Bricc don’t cross paths at the studio
2:40:23 Bricc got the burger guy on melrose and wack got the sex tape guy
2:44:44 DW talks about Midgets and Adam walks
submitted by Tmz411 to NoJumper [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 23:16 Human-Cauliflower-85 Non Degree Careers With a Specific Population?

The population I want to work with is adults with intellectual disabilities.
I worked with that population for 4 years, and my hours total up to 2 years of full time experience. I'm currently working in mental health and I only enjoy it when we get intellectually disabled adults. I know how to communicate and work with them, but I struggle with all of our other clients.
It's impossible for me to get a degree right now and those jobs seem to cap out at $15/hour. The only positions I've been able to find are in group homes and then we have one service in town that does occupational training. I didn't like working with them at job sites; I was in the day service part where we helped them build janitorial skills, basic math and reading, sometimes budgeting, etc. And a lot of work with behaviors. A big part of my job was just helping them learn to be around people they don't like and just generally engaging with them.
Is there a job that exists that pays a decent wage? I currently make about $35,000/year before taxes. I'm not too ambitious money wise, so I'm just looking to get up to maybe $50,000-$60,000 within the next few years.
I'm also open to ideas on jobs that would provide mental health services to that particular population, but I'd need to find a way to explain the need for it to my company and pretty much just find a way to get that service incorporated into the company. It's a nonprofit so funding is a concern, but they have been expanding the services.
When I say 'adults with intellectual disabilities', I mean some of the diagnoses listed below. These are just ones that I have previously worked with. I feel that it doesn't sound good to call them "adults with intellectual disabilities"; does anyone have advice on how to word that in a more professional manner? Both jobs I had used that wording, but I feel like my current bosses and coworkers judge me for saying it that way.
•Autism Spectrum Disorder (specifically Asperger's)
•Cerebal Palsy
•Traumatic brain injuries were pretty common, but most of my clients had an "unspecified developmental disorder" from birth
•Downs syndrome
The town I live in is rural and pretty small (2010 census was 6,000 and 2020 census was 5,000 but I do think a lot of people refuse to participate in the census if they can.)
We're pretty limited on companies and services. The options that I'm currently aware of are 2 different group home companies, the Occupational center, the counseling center I currently work at, and the county. I haven't seen either of the clinics or the hospital list any positions that lean towards human services. The county is an option, but I don't like the lack of compassion they show.
submitted by Human-Cauliflower-85 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.01.26 21:53 thumpbachwhale Ghost Populations

TL;DR — At least 50% of the world's population exists only in a spreadsheet. They are Ghosts, fake people created by evil governments to grab power, mess with our heads, and hide the human genocide agenda. The creation process is perfectly legal and there is no downside to it. Every country I checked does it, from tiny specks of dirt in the Pacific to Afghanistan, China, India, and USA.


We do it wrong, being so majestical,To offer it the show of violence,For it is as the air, invulnerable,And our vain blows malicious mockery.-"Hamlet", Act I, Scene I
A conspiracy theorist doubts government data. Chemtrails? Flat Earth? Fake Moon landings? They mean doubt in air pollution, topography, and space exploration data. This post presents and explains the Ghost Population Conspiracy (GPC), meaning doubt in national and global population numbers.
GPC states that a government derives power from the supporting population. A good government guarantees freedom and safety for the population, which leads to increased population, increasing the government's power.
An evil government makes life a living hell, driving its people away or killing them off, which leads to a population decline that leads to an economic collapse and a revolution. By creating Ghosts, an evil government can stay in power despite the dwindling population.
Those illusory people that exist only in spreadsheets are Ghosts. They count in millions but you can't see them. They don't need shelter yet their presence causes real estate prices to go up. They don't need work yet they suppress wage growth. Most importantly, they were never born yet they vote for the evil government.
The implications of GPC are far-reaching and this post can only scratch the surface of it, focusing on:

How does an evil government benefit from Ghosts?

It gets bigger, richer, and more divisive.
A government can only grow as big as the population. By claiming the population is 100 times larger than it is, an evil government can grow 100 times the size it should. That would bankrupt the country but that’s where international banks come in.
A bigger population lets the government take out bigger loans. International banks give loans based on population size and demand new taxes and policies to guarantee repayment. The evil government takes out loans and hires micromanagers at 100 times the rate they should be to enforce policies and oversee tax collection.
The evil government creates a burgeoning apparatus to divide the population. Hiring one half of the population to micromanage the other creates an "US vs THEM" mentality on both sides. Instead of cooperating, the two abuse each other, causing a rift that prevents people from reforming or overthrowing the government.
GPC is the linchpin of the elite’s global power structure. Expose the real population numbers and you’ve revealed the wizard behind the curtain. It’s the living who create prosperity and have all the bargaining power, but evil governments use Ghosts to make the living feel powerless and insignificant. Those who become aware of GPC reclaim their ability to prosper, become less materialistic and focus on genuine, wholesome relationships, which leads to strong communities and families.
I shudder in awe when I realize the kind of genius that thought of GPC and put it in action without anyone noticing. It took me 3 years to find the name for it — psychopath.

What kind of genius is creating Ghosts?

Soldiers! Don’t give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you, enslave you, who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel! Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder! Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural men, machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men!-"The Great Dictator", Charlie Chaplin, 1940
The word "psychopath" comes from an 1885 criminal case involving a woman that killed a little girl. An expert witness for the defense testified that she was unable to resist her murderous impulses that placed her outside social norms. That argument led to her acquittal and widespread use of the word. Psychopaths regularly use that same excuse but you’ll rarely hear the word, let alone its definition, because the modern society is so psychopathic that we’d be always using it.
Stories involving the devil are actually talking about psychopaths who toy with others and twist their perception of reality. The devil can change shape, exploit emotions, and is crafty with words to the point of weaseling out of any promise, just like a psychopath. He or she promises benefits in exchange for obedience but never fully delivers, again like a psychopath. A human psychopath can’t shapeshift but can use different personas to recruit others as allies and henchmen.
Modern entertainment presents psychopaths in movies such as "The Silence of the Lambs" (1993), with Hannibal Lecter a suave doctor capable of dissecting his targets to find and press their weaknesses before brutally assaulting and eating them. Another example is Anton Chigurh from "No Country for Old Men" (2007) who literally treats his victims like cattle, runs them around in circular conversations, and toys with them.
My favorite is Jigsaw from "Saw" movies, who kidnaps people and puts them in contraptions that loosely correlate with their wrongdoings, taunting them with "live or die, the choice is yours" (most traps are inescapable).
The most fascinating part of Saw movies is when there’s multiple people in Jigsaw’s scenarios. Pitted against each other, people break and hurt other victims to save themselves. They "win" the game and become Jigsaw’s accomplices. That is a real phenomenon called "Stockholm syndrome" that occurs after abuse and explains why normal people become enforcers for evil.
The above should also prebunk a common conspiracy-debunking argument, "You think a government can run GPC without someone blowing the whistle?"
Government employees don’t have to be aware of an agenda to enforce it because governments select for obedience. Those who disobey are disciplined until they fall in line or leave; whistleblowers end up like Manning, Assange, or Snowden. All governments eventually become filled with enforcers that go by, "Live on my terms or die on yours".
Charlie Chaplin’s description fits a psychopath to a T — powerful people with machine minds and machine hearts who use and dispose of others like a bored child of its playthings. Successful psychopaths build a facade of benevolence, behind which they create a soul-crushing system that dehumanizes everyone it touches. Their ideal world is shown on the March 2020 cover of The Economist.
GPC makes perfect sense when you understand how a psychopath thinks. To a psychopath, empathy is the ultimate weakness that has to be corrected by promoting greed and consumerism. The easiest way to promote those "strengths" on a mass scale is to create a lie that the planet is overcrowded and its resources are not enough for us all.
Eat or be eaten, trounce everyone for scraps and baubles or be left in the dust — that’s the psychopath’s mindset and we’re all supposed to think and feel the same. The purpose of Ghosts is to make us all psychopathic, meaning predictable, self-destructive, and easily controllable. It’s by nurturing our empathy that we overcome the psychopathic programming and by caring for others that we become alive and aware of the moment.
Still, all the examples I listed can be dismissed as exaggerations. My attempts to describe psychopathy in real terms were hampered by the lack of real-world references until I read Michel Foucault’s "History of Madness", an excellent overview of how governments build segregation structures that remain in place for centuries, with the justification for their existence shifting from leprosy to venereal diseases to madness and so on.
The book states that governments cyclically undergo periods of madness when they declare large swaths of their population filthy or undesirable and start killing them off. Those periods appear to be caused by psychopaths and their enforcers reaching critical mass in the government. The COVID-19 mania is a global example of that madness, with some indications it happened before.
One example of government madness comes courtesy of 1930s Germany that had health passes that served the same purpose as COVID-19 vaccination certificates, primarily allowing free travel and unfettered access of "clean" people to "civilized" society. I also found indications that the cannabis and alcohol scares are two modern examples of the same madness, but those deserve their own posts.
In any case, it took me until I discovered a certain quote by a certain Georgian that it all clicked into place and I found out how Ghosts are made and how come all evil governments use the same blueprint for tyranny.

Stalin, a psychopath's role model

A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.-Stalin, 1947
A compelling story needs a compelling villain, so here he is — Josif Visarionovich Stalin, a hardcore criminal that rose to the top of the political food chain in USSR in the early 20th century.
Stalin was the most successful psychopath of the 20th century, creating millions of Ghosts by decree and building a government that turns the governed into psychopaths through abuse and desensitization. His methods are in widespread use to this day.
Stalin realized that people have basic needs, and if those needs aren’t met, they will leave or die, causing a population reduction, which reflects poorly on his reputation and undermines his government. The above quote tells you the solution he thought of — ship people to remote areas of the country and kill them there.
If you don’t personally know anyone who’s died, why does that bother you. Are you a traitor? Off to a gulag with you! That method works in the other direction too — if you're told the population is growing, who are you to challenge it?
Stalin’s methods are described in detail in two books:
In short, he used constant propaganda to deify himself and his system, overwhelming surveillance and intrusions to humiliate and micromanage, and a network of prisons where people were held for no reason, dehumanized, and used as slave labor.
"1984" is a thought experiment on what would happen if the entire world used Stalin’s methods. In Chapter 17, there is an explanation why the world is constantly at war (emphasis added):
In any case each of the three super-states is so vast that it can obtain almost all the materials that it needs within its own boundaries. In so far as the war has a direct economic purpose, it is a war for labour power.
Between the frontiers of the super-states, and not permanently in the possession of any of them, there lies a rough quadrilateral with its corners at Tangier, Brazzaville, Darwin, and Hong Kong, containing within it about a fifth of the population of the earth. It is for the possession of these thickly-populated regions, and of the northern ice-cap, that the three powers are constantly struggling.
In practice no one power ever controls the whole of the disputed area. Portions of it are constantly changing hands, and it is the chance of seizing this or that fragment by a sudden stroke of treachery that dictates the endless changes of alignment. All of the disputed territories contain valuable minerals, and some of them yield important vegetable products such as rubber which in colder climates it is necessary to synthesize by comparatively expensive methods. But above all they contain a bottomless reserve of cheap labour.
If you’re wondering how come Bumfuck Nowhere, US, gets thousands of Somali, Syrian, or Pakistani immigrants bused in on the taxpayer dime or why Puerto Rican airports have billboards advertising a move to the US, now you know the answer — the US government has created so many Ghosts that it has to desperately import immigrants or the ruse will be discovered. In Canada, maintaining GPC includes importing millions of Indian immigrants who are accustomed to living 50 to a hovel and working for a bowl of slop to prop up its real estate market. Local history will later be rewritten to enshrine their population as native and censor anyone saying otherwise as racist.

All the wars and turmoil in the Middle East have a simple explanation, which is that they are created to collapse those countries and absorb their populations, just like in "1984". At times, psychopathic politicians will let their mask slip, admitting they want as much destruction as possible outside their borders.
You can ponder any of Stalin’s statements and actions and find a parallel with today’s politicians. The COVID-19 madness showed all countries in the world readily use Stalin's methods under the flimsiest of excuses. "Take the jab or be ostracized, the choice is yours". Three years later, all governments that enforced COVID-19 measures pretend that never happened, which is another Stalin's tactic described in "1984" as memoryholing.
So, how did Stalin create Ghosts? With the stroke of a pen.

How Stalin created 8 million Ghosts

In 1935, he gave a speech) (emphasis added):
The birth rate is higher, the death rate is lower and the pure population growth is far stronger. It is of course good and we welcome it. [Jolly murmurs in the auditorium.] Now every year we have a population growth of three million souls. It means that every year we grow as much as the whole of Finland. [Everybody laughs.]
In 1937, Stalin ordered a national census and announced it will show 170 million people. When it came in at 162 million, he executed the census takers, appointed new ones, and ordered a new census, which showed 170 million.
A 5% population drop would be a devastating blow to Stalin’s carefully groomed image and a cold shower for his zealots; you can imagine his reaction by how a modern politician reacts to a 2% population drop. It’s sheer panic and despair because nobody knows how to stop or reverse population decline, as China is now experiencing after ending its decades-long one-child policy.
Stalin created Ghosts by decree, but surely today we use science, don’t we? Not at all. Every country in the world uses population estimates, which actually makes sense if you think about how census bureaus work.
Counting the population takes money, time, and people. The bigger the population, the more money, time, and people it takes to count them, and the number is still not accurate because people shift around. So, census bureaus came up with an elegant solution — estimates.

How do modern governments create Ghosts?

Estimate (noun): a tentative evaluation or rough calculation, a judgment based on one’s impressions; an opinion.-TheFreeDictionary.com
Faced with pressure to provide correct population numbers to set government policy, census bureaus resort to a Solomonic solution — put out an imaginary number and tag it as an estimate. You will find population estimates everywhere, and they direct every aspect of our lives. This excerpt from a March 2022 article talking about St. Louis shows it in action:
As of July 1, the Census Bureau estimated that just 293,310 people resided in the region’s core city of St. Louis, down from the 301,578 people counted in the 2020 census.
Can you see it? Are your awake to the ruse? In 2020, the US Census Bureau counted and in 2021 it estimated, with both numbers presented with equal weight, which indicates both numbers are opinion rather than fact. As a result of the population drop, there’s a federal financial injection to try to right the ship (emphasis added):
St. Louis Mayor Tishaura O. Jones said “once-in-a-lifetime opportunities” like the almost $500 million in federal money the city received from the federal government will allow it to invest in affordable housing and neighborhood amenities.
“These steps are necessary to reverse decades of disinvestment that has led to St. Louisans leaving our city — especially north of Delmar,” Jones said in a statement.
A 2.7% drop in population, mere 8,000 people, resulted in $500mm going to St. Louis politicians. I think the situation is worse than that but publishing a more realistic estimate would open the Census Bureau to scouring claims of racism since 95% of St. Louis population is black. When I tried to see the raw St. Louis data for myself, I discovered the US Census Bureau website blocks foreign traffic, which I’m sure is just a coincidence.
That’s fine, because people went for a drive through St. Louis, Missouri, the most dangerous city in the US, and it already looks like a ghost city. That video is filled with stats, such as that the 2022 population of St. Louis is estimated at 286,578, a further 2.4% drop from 293,562 estimated to live there in 2021.
You can find many more videos like that one and more estimates to piece together the true scale of GPC. In short, many places in the US are already a ghost city but local governments are using Ghosts to drain as much money out of the GPC before it is discovered and the entire system collapses.
Money doesn’t help reverse the population decline and may even accelerate it, because it fuels the growth of the parasitic bureaucracy. By the time that $500mm filters down through the sieve of corruption to the ordinary people, there will only be drops left. People will get their welfare pittance to birth more kids and pad the population numbers, but without a functioning society those kids can only move out, become psychopaths themselves, or die a violent death.
Once you understand psychopathic politicians see us all as cattle to be bred, managed, milked, and slain as needed, you’ll hopefully understand GPC is the perfect way to keep the cattle docile before slaughter. It’s like that everywhere on the planet, but some places have pushed GPC to its limits, leading to a crack in the narrative and potentially revealing the entire scam.

Ghost cities in China

There are certain things you don’t talk about in China because if you do it’s a fast track out of there. You’re gonna get into a lot of trouble, you’ll be silenced, it’s just proven fact, it happens. (...) Even the very mildest criticism of very basic things in China (...), minor criticism will also land you in a lot of trouble.-Serpentza, "How China Forced me to Criticise China – I have no choice"
China is so alien to the Western audience that it might as well be the surface of Jupiter. There are three causes for it:
Put all three together and you’ve got total media blackout regarding trouble in China, leaving us with Westerners such as Serpentza to explain China’s ghost cities. In rare cases, the Western media runs negative stories on China and that's when you should pay attention. We don’t get any bad mainstream news from China unless there’s an agenda behind it.
When The Guardian reports that China used to spend half the world's concrete for construction, you should realize it means a massive real estate boom in China. When MSN reports on China's ghost cities, it means there’s not enough people for that real estate. When Bloomberg handwaves those same ghost cities as "well, they’re just waiting for people to move in", you should start connecting the dots — there’s so many Ghosts in China that CCP built sprawling cities that will never be populated.
There need not be any malice behind Ghost creation in China. Local politicians come into office and see a certain population number in their area, say, 200 million. They don’t know if it’s true but there’s no incentive for them to check, and especially not to report a lower number.
So, they report a higher number, which makes them look good and is what CCP expects to hear while making them eligible for land development funds. Repeat across China and you’ll get a huge population on paper but sprawling desolate cities in reality, which is what we’re seeing.
One researcher, Yi Fuxian, checked the Chinese newborn vaccination data and concluded there’s 140 million Ghosts in China. In my opinion, that’s a conservative estimate and I think the number is closer to 400 million, with the 140 million being controlled disclosure. Sensitive information does not randomly leak from government offices, and that applies doubly to China, a country obsessed with projecting a strong image abroad.
I don’t have a grudge against China, it’s just the most dramatic example of GPC. Check any country in the world and you’ll find Ghosts.

Ghosts around the world

Anatol Lieven of Georgetown University in Qatar wrote in 2021 that "it may be noted that in the whole of modern Afghan history there has never been a census that could be regarded as remotely reliable."-Wikipedia, "Demographics of Afghanistan"
In Afghanistan, the last census was in 1979, reporting 15.5 million. After 5 million people left the country, the Afghan government estimated the population number at 15.96 million. It is currently estimated at 37 million, which curiously includes a 3-million-strong diaspora in Iran and Pakistan.
US spent $2.2T in the Afghanistan war theater) blowing up random caves and mountains over two decades. Any whistleblower who exposes the real purpose of the Afghanistan occupation will get Assange'd or Hillary'd but I can say it out loud — psychopaths in the US government shipped domestic patriots to a remote battlefield under a false pretense (chasing the Bin Laden ghost) and let them get killed.
In India, there hasn’t been a national census since 2011 and even that was a provisional (read: superficial) census that allegedly found 1.2 billion people. World Bank states it is currently at 1.4 billion and cites, among other sources, the US Census Bureau (??). India and China have experienced similar growth trajectories of their populations in the past few decades. I have a simple explanation — they are belligerents and presumably use Ghosts to prevent the other from claiming desolate areas across the border.
In Germany, the last full population census was in 1987. Recent population numbers are based on the 2011 EU housing census, showing (what else?) constant growth and estimating the current number at 84 million. However, Germany has an enormous worker shortage, with the education sector alone missing some 450 thousand workers. Nobody knows where all those millions of people are but we can be quite sure they aren’t in the workforce. Germany is the economic fulcrum of the European Union; if investors lose confidence in Germany, the Euro currency goes belly up and with it the entire EU.
In Nigeria, the 2006 census allegedly found 140 million people. The current estimate is 213 million despite no reliable system in place to record births and deaths, with many Nigerians having no documents. The main problem with censuses in Africa is the sheer size of it and the lack of infrastructure in vast swaths of the continent. Africa is so big that it could easily house 5 billion people, it’s just that there’s no way to count them. In the meantime, African countries create Ghosts to receive more charity, which is distributed based on population size.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), which is where I live, the last population census was in 2013, finding 3.6 million people, with current estimates ranging from 3.2 million (World Bank) to 3.8 million (CIA Factbook). The government adamantly claims the number is exactly the same but the number of pupils enrolled in basic education dropped by 13% and the number of college students fell by about 30% since.
In Kingdom of Tonga, the estimated population across 171 islands with a combined surface area of 717 square kilometers is 105,000. On January 15, 2022, an underwater volcano exploded 60 kilometers (38 miles) north of Tonga, cutting it off from the rest of the world. Tens of thousands of lightning strikes hit ground zero. The blast, estimated at 10 megatons, cooled the Earth's atmosphere by 0.01 °C.
Dubbed "the loudest moment of the century", the sound of it circled the planet twice and could be heard in Alaska. The resulting wave killed 2 people in Peru but the confirmed death toll in Tonga was 4. Digging a bit deeper revealed passport fraud is a motive for creating Ghosts — Tongan king was selling citizenship to Hong Kong residents.

How Ghosts enable voter fraud

I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.-Stalin, 1923
Election night. The establishment darling is losing. The counting stops. A few hours later the votes pour in and the darling is ahead. People look at each other, "Who voted for him? The country is lost." The loser appeals to courts about voter fraud, but all motions are denied and the election is rubber-stamped.
I described the 2022 regional election in B&H. We have Gotham-tier criminals in politics, such as a drug dealer with the campaign slogan, "With me, a gram has always been a gram". Thanks to them I discovered voter fraud is an art form.
Each hijacked polling station specializes in one way of vote tampering. Some use special pens to edit ballots, others print fake ones with the "correct" vote, third ones use goons to keep the wrong voters out etc. Any investigation can only find a fraction of it.
The fraudsters coordinate through party liaisons who give the true vote count and the desired vote count. Hijacked polling stations drip-feed fake votes into the system to narrowly win. That happened in the 2020 US presidential election as well.
But, voter fraud is done in a hurry and sloppily. Without Ghosts, the fraudsters have no safety margin; each fake vote could land them in jail. With Ghosts, there's so many votes that nobody cares to investigate, which is what happened in the B&H and the US elections.
Strong voter systems may take decades to subvert in this way. Once in power, the chief psychopath promotes agendas that kill or intimidate the population, which leads to a sharp population decline and the lack of genuine political opposition. The missing population is replaced by Ghosts that hide the disastrous consequences of those agendas and allow for easier vote fraud. The more evil the regime, the more votes the psychopath gets.


And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.-John 8:32
The human brain is a reality-decoding organ that is highly susceptible to suggestion. If it’s fed enough lies, it will see a wretched reality. But if it’s given the tools to discover the truth, it’s going to manifest paradise. That’s what happened to me and proved GPC is true.
I started research for this text in 2020, with writing proper starting in June 2023. It was a transformative experience. I started consuming and spending less, enjoying small things in life. I hope reading this text will have a similar effect on you.
We matter and our voices matter. The only way anyone can ever convince us otherwise is by making us believe the planet is overcrowded and that we need to desperately consume to give meaning to our life, that we’re filthy useless eaters that need to be on a short leash, shamed, muzzled, and disciplined until we’re proper house-broken slaves.
Wherever you are, whatever your station in life, now you know how to improve things. Evil governments are out of control. There’s no running from them but you can expose Ghosts and thus destroy the reputation of psychopaths. Good governments won't be negatively affected by that.
Here’s a handy summary of tools and methods for exposing GPC:
If you need more details or want to send money my way please send a DM. I wish you all the best.
submitted by thumpbachwhale to conspiracywhatever [link] [comments]

2024.01.20 21:11 Own_Gift_6695 Types of r/shortguys outsiders:

TallKing34 (6'5, Height Enthusiast, tall citizen)
Yo dudes, what the fuck is wrong with y'all? Why are you so obsessed with height? Literally seek therapy bros.

HaroldSoysteinTheXI (5'4, in a marvelous open relationship with my queen, pegging lover <3)
Guys seriously. Calm down. You just gotta have a good personality guys, trust me. I got my mistress loving partner by being a nice person! You can do it too!!

RichDaddyfivefive (seven figure salary, livin' da life with my wife(s)!)
Jesus christ you guys are insane. Just work on yourselves guys. My wife loves me for my character and values. We just have so much in common guys. She finds me very attractive. There's hope guys!

SadFuck3844 (standing at a pathetic 5'11.75, brooooootal)
Guys, I'm only 5'11.75, is it over for me? I'll never be 6ft. I'm basically just like you guys. My dick is only 7 inches and my face is only a 7/10. Just my fucking luck man... We're like two peas in a pod, I literally CANNOT tell the difference guys!!

GrowingPain4 (middle school is absolutely cruel...)
Guys I'm only 5'8 at 12, is it over???? How do I grow??? If I don't get to 5'10 at least then I'm gonna lose it!! >:(((

LuckyN777 (it's all hard work, I swear)
Guys I'm 5'5 and I managed to score a 5'6 girl! She's taller than me!!! See, it's possible!! It's possible guys!! It was really easy actually, only took me like 25 years!! Everyone's experiences proving otherwise are now invalidated because the world revolves exclusively around me and only my anecdotal story should be taken into account!

Brad_G (6'6, Handsome, Hung, 6 pack, from a wealthy family)
As a 6'6, handsome, hung, rich guy, I feel qualified enough to give my opinion on your situation and how you should act and respond to your difficulties. You should just suck it up guys. We're supposed to be stoic. I faced many difficulties along the way too! You think I got to where I am by being a pussy? Hell no!! If people disrespect you, make sure to confidently make fun of yourself and entertain them like a jester too! It's all because of your mindset, guys.

5'5 woman (Certified debater, degree in redditology)
As a woman, I feel qualified enough to give my opinion on your situation and how you should act and respond to your difficulties. If people disrespect you, make sure to confidently make fun of yourself and entertain them like a jester while lifting weights in front of a therapist WHILE doing your hobbies. Remember, women can sniff insecurity and low confidence but not their abusive bf's violent intentions! Also you guys are pathetic, stop generalizing. Didn't you know that only WE can generalize? My boyfriend is 6'1 btw but that has nothing to do with anything. If you actually went outside, you'd see many couples (60+ years old) where the man is short! Women aren't a monolith. (I will keep repeating the same phrases taken from my limited dictionary)

5'1 woman (teehee I'm so cute and petite btw)
As a short woman, I feel qualified enough to give my opinion on your situation and how you should act and respond to your difficulties because I'm also short and it's totally the same bro. If people disrespect you make sure to confidently make fun of yourself and entertain them like a jester. Remember, women can sniff insecurity but not their abusive bf's violent intentions! Also you guys are pathetic, stop generalizing. Didn't you know that only WE can generalize? (my well structured argument is completely original)
Also, we short women face great difficulties too. For example, we cannot reach the top shelf and/or see ourselves fully in the mirror. This greatly affects us, please understand. My boyfriend is 6'3 btw teehee! But I luv short guys!! Not all women like tall guys, remember. I don't have the studies to prove it but it's just... true, OK? A LOT of us love a shorter man.

5'11 woman (loves intimidating short weak men who dare stand in her presence)
As a tall woman, I just wanted to inform you that my boyfriend is 6'5. That's it. I know it doesn't contribute to the conversation at all and makes you feel like shit but I just wanted to mention it. Bye freaks. Not all women like tall guys btw. It's probably your repulsive personality pushing women away. We are omnipotent and we have a sixth sense that allows us to see a guys personality without even speaking to him. I'm not missing out by not dating someone with a short man syndrome. You're all so insecure and don't wanna date us anyways!!

ShortMan_Lover (I luv short guys!! I luv them so much!!)
I love short guys btw. I'm a woman. Stay strong guys! My boyfriend is EXTREMELY short, standing at a height of 5'7 but I still love him regardless. Oh! ALSO! He's a 9/10 facially and hung and plays 7 different instruments but that has nothing to do with it, I swear!
Wait, did I say boyfriend? I meant ex-boyfriend. Yeah, I dumped him cause he had napoleon complex and was insecure about his height. My new boyfriend is 6ft, but THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!! Stay strong kings!!

DelusionMAX10 (living my tiny life comfortably! :))
Guys, what is this discrimination that you keep talking about? I'm short myself and I've never faced any of that stuff. Sure, I've been disrespected all my life, shoved into quite a few lockers and toilets at school, not taken seriously at work, been called a midget, and kicked like a sick dog but that's not because I'm short, I swear. It's all in your head guys. This made up issue of yours.

IcannotFUCKING_read33 (please bear with me, I'm slightly mentally handicapped)
Guys, you're literally making shit up. This issue of yours doesn't exist. You literally have 0 proof that it does. No studies, no nothing. How can you even back up your claims? You can't! You're just imagining things!
What's a megathread btw?

Did I miss any? If you're one of the people above, I wish you a very pleasant evening :)
submitted by Own_Gift_6695 to shortguys [link] [comments]

2023.12.30 00:00 yoghurtangel Old solo episodes with timestamps of favourite parts!

(Here is a list of my favourite parts in most of the old solo/family-style TigerBelly episodes. Updated over the years with timestamps for rewatching whenever I needed a laugh. I don't know what to do with this anymore as I've stopped catching up ages ago so I thought I'd post it for others who may find enjoyment in it. Sorry for the format, it's literally copied & pasted from the Notes app. Peace.)
edit: more timestamps.
30 george has a pink dick — 21:41 fat gilb eating spree with khalyla. "are you crying?" "i'm gonna get fat again dude."
31 good morning sweetie — 22:40 “i used to take a bbgun and there was a guy that was a paraplegic—“ gilbert: “cmon man, you better not have shot him.” bobby: “forget it then.”, 24:38 gilbert: “i’m taking meetings.” khalyla: "that's the grossest thing you could've ever texted me back."
33 flower shielding — 31:04 “138 people stabbed at a train station. what’s up with the 138th guy? no warning?”, 1:01:31 mike ward makes fun of a 19 year old kid who has Treacher-Collins syndrome and looks like a bird. bobby and gilbert laughing silently. bobby: "let me ask you a question. does he look like a bird?" yes. "then that's it." case closed.
39 ring and sweats — 9:50 “if a cobra bit me on the dick would you suck the venom out?” “it depends on the dick.” “on the stem.” “well it’s called a “shaft”..."
40 man up — 3:25 "i will fuck you... up!"
41 second in the family — 52:30 bobby’s dad has a bigger dick.
43 so punk rock - 3:13 bobby's weapon. "you want panty treatment?!"
46 giraffe bear - 13:40 erik griffin v ahmed ahmed drink throwing. bobby loves altercations. bobby talking about george lopez strangling carlos mencia in the lobby of the laugh factory. "he took his little bean fingers and gouged it into carlos mencia's throat. i would've done a little karate chop on his bean hands.", 14:21 bobby: "whoa whoa whoa whoa",
49 tip toeing - 15:20 prince got fentanyl from the doctor. "i'm sorry, but um. it's. fucking. PRINCE. if i was a doctor and PRINCE said hey can you get me heroin i'd be like YOU'RE PRINCE and i'm gonna get you fucking heroin." / bobby as michael jackson: "hee hee, doctor, hee hee, can you get me propopopong?", 27:50 bobby complaoning about giving khalyla massages in order to play video games. another 10 minutes on this thigh. "what the fuck, bitch? we have to fight fucking... there's a war going on, bitch!" "i tried to pick the most boring movie so she could fall asleep. it's just a bunch of people talking about science and she's RIVETED by it. it backfired.",
51 make it spread 2016 — 14:10 tell me gilbert died in an accident. “gabriel died? and then what happened?”, 34:10 gilbert has a special lady in his life. bobby wants to see a picture and gilbert doesn't want to show a picture - bobby gets dramatic and wants to end the podcast lol.,
52 god's toe - 1:00 gratitude seance., 8:28 story of seeing danny lee in terry's mexican restaurant. "hey my girlfriend's here i want you to meet her." khalyla had the dog.,
53 blood feet — 46:50 gilbert in a sketch show waiting to get noticed.. gross lol.
58 mr. magoo and leaky lee — 34:02 incest. mom divorced own son and married daughter in oklahoma., 35:17 bobby: "i think tapping it (your cousin) maybe once in a party is ok." "don't tell your mom!" "see you at christmas :)"
59 fun facts — 2:17 fun facts, 13:42 "hula hoop your fucking ass off!"
60 off the wall — 1:00 bobby accuses george of hooking up with jessica ("DO you want to kiss jessica?"), 20:40 (bob and gilb roleplay cops phone call, "who is this? "i dont care" "okay we're the police but alright", 22:13 accent: "your photo your upstairs", 28:15 "did you finger her in the water" gilb and bob laugh., 30:00 because you know what? i'm crafty. "let the man speak. let the fucking man speak!"
61 the good friend — 46:00 gilb to his mum: "you are such a fatso!", 49:20 "the whole family would be in your leash... where is she...."
62 david so and the language of love — 16:40 bobby prayed his dad would get a stroke. “dear god” “you have an asian accent?! a vietnamese accent?”, 20:10 different love languages “you wanna be held like a baby???? i got SHIT TO DO!!!”, 32:13 “there was a comic called freddie soto.” “R.I.P.” khalyla throws a kiss to the sky and bobby imitates, 52:22 david’s dad was a pastor for free. bobby's high voice: “WHAT” -- 'that's his character in Gook.',
64 hearsay theirsay — 0:35 jesus loves me yes i know for the bible tells me so., 23:34 “i think the notebook is one of the scariest movies i’ve ever seen in my life.” FUCK YOU. YOU DIE, I’M FREE., 1:06:03 "i've never done Dat... i neba don dat...", 1:10:10 bobby apologising to khaly while george is speaking. sweet moment.,
65 hi papaps — 12:29 bobby dancing in flo rida music video. "how do i grow?..." "as a dancer?", 27:47 “hi papaps” on the mirror., 46:25 gilbert makes a 'v' with his legs and pick out his butt hairs while he's watching netflix. only netflix. not hulu, fuck hulu. netflix.,
67 hey everybody hello — 11:00 bobby on the phone to danny garcia. it was like he was your master. bobby: why does that hurt?, 32:00 urban bobby talks disney - urban bobby on beauty and the beast, "so why the fuck do i need to fucking see it, dawg?!": "nah dawg, ain't no fuckin maurice motherfucker!", "fuck chip, that white motherfucker he owes me money, bitch!", “lumiere man, that’s my cousin!”,
70 tricknuts and chips — 14:31 “no i didn’t feel fucking butterflies DAWG. brap brap brap.”, 18:00 bobby explains how an abortion works., 20:19 the fetus says why. brap brap., 23:10 bobby: "if we get pregnant again, we're keeping it." khaly: "you always do this trick-nutting in me!" (george & gilb: what's trick-nutting?) bobby & k: "you don't know what trick-nutting is?!" bobby: "it's an old technique from my ancestors.", 44:17 steve as shelly. “ALRIGHT. SHELLY.” “i don’t care, ste— uh, shelly!”, 55:18 gilb: i used to hold my poo until i’m sweating... i never knew why i did it. bobby: BECAUSE YOU’RE GAY.
71 emperor error — 27:12 timothy delaghetto thinks bobby is weird and george says "cos you go all out for your comedy." & "i miss the early days of maker when you were like eating dude's ass cheeks and stuff." everyone in the room is like WHAT??? george said it took him two months to see bobby's dick. and bobby replied, "i don't show my dick to people that i think are gonna want it.", 28:43 talking about who they get mistaken for. george says, "you're never gonna believe this but i was mistaken for brad pitt and they actually asked for my autograph." bobby: nobody believes you.
73 steve lee is mr. pringles — 13:29 “but anyway, we did that while my dad was downstairs dying.”
77 the slept king — 20:00 bobby about miss universe saying something as the slept king "how can you vote without seeing the vagina?" "SLEPT KING... you can't say that SLEPT KING.", 23:44 miss universe. bobby and gilbert laughing at the filipino translator. "alright. go ahead. it's a beautiful language.", 25:00 bobby answers miss universe question.,
78 twenty five percent — 10:10 “y’know what i’m gonna do? i’m gonna fuck him back.” he fucked me, i’m gonna fuck you. (twerking, power bottom, bobby turning into a “ghost”, khalyla’s “move”.)
81 moth in a jar — 0:10 khalyla singing filipino song. bobby: “wtf is a kungpusoo?”, 14:10 "just before this i was on a tinder date." "oh really george? still lying huh?" you were sucking bryce's dick!, 53:26 unhelpful advice about someone wanting to become a hipster. is george a hipster? george: "no i'm an intellectual redneck, that's my branding..." bobby: "oh my god if i could vomit out of my asshole. and stick it back into his fucking asshole."
83 snickers trickers — 19:47 donkey video: you gonna make the donkey do all the work? steve: let me see it one more time. if it's my donkey you’re fucking then i’m allowed to tape you... riiiight... what???...
84 david so, the human grenade — 9:40 “young black girl.” "yum yum.", 16:50 erik griffin started singing beauty & the beast songs on stage. and we all got up and we left. it was UNCOMFORTABLE. “i think you made it uncomfortable cos all you guys walked away.” no cos that was him coming out the closet.., 18:00 bobby talking about what he thinks beauty and the beast is about. “there’s a salt shaker.” 35:36 belly poke. FATTY. 53:48 STRIPPER BIT, gay dads, “obcorsu”.
87 up in da club — 8:45 "two years ago, i helped a retard cross the street. it was a midget. they're physically retarded.", 48:00 bobby's cult. you'll be reincarnated -- but in the past. gilbert’s going to be reincarnated as a hole.
90 swallow for swallow — 17:00 bobby’s animal impressions. water buffalo.
91 lemonade, lemonide — 58:20 bob and gilbert talking about death. bobby sad about parents dying soon. and gilbert gets sad that his grandparents are gonna die soon too. bobby laughs.
95 bob bunyan and the nest of bees — 00:20 guess what gilbert? alright alright. doovodooovodooov. alright alright. 10:00 harry’s razors ad read song., 18:00 george saying “gook”.
112 teddy talk & riverside cafe — 6:37 bobby & khalyla talking about bobby being a diva when people don't make a fuss about him. gilbert lying about khalyla "i'm on FUCKING tigerbelly!" and khalyla's like, "imagine i was that way." bobby responds, "you ARE THAT way. what do you mean IMAGINE? just record yourself, bitch.", 12:00 brooklinen advert song: brooklinen, brooklinen.... brooklinen, brooklineee-een...
113 the constantine — 59:08 depressive episode date bobby and gilbert improv; “do you have a 2-dimensional face?”
115 two truths and a lie — 18:00 george saying he never had a prom. "we would bust into some..." bobby: "roast beef."
118 eureka, science alert! — 11:30 bobby explaining menstruation, Gilbert: “what’s an embryo? what do YOU think? what do YOU think it is?!” 45:00 “by the time i’m 80…” ba-dah-tahm...
120 angel with no wings — 17:26 to george: what was your discipline for talking back? ... bobby: "i want details. because i got my dick pulled..." "as punishment?" "no, i pulled my own dick."
124 jean-bob — 24:52 monkey sex. beastiality. bobby: "and the monkey was like ooh? and i was like hi. he's like ooh? yeah... right? and then he's laying on his back. him, no, a girl i mean, a woman." gilbert: "nope, it's a him. nope, sorry, it's too late, you said him.", 34:15 comic accused of sexual harassment/assault? "justice will prevail" improv scenario.
128 conduit of love — talking about their holiday to tulum mexico, 24:47 stardew valley talk with george. "i'm too busy making money." "what kind of sword do you have? i have the galaxy sword. year two i got the galaxy sword.", 30:49 bad smells and poop, "i'm sorry that you have that, and i'm sorry for my bathroom because i went in there like an hour ago and oh my god... it was just deep... the smells.", 33:10 bobby doing the mouth smelling technique and khalyla saying he looks ugly lol.
138 toes on the table — 6:50 “Everyone knows the Slept King. Everyone knows “Nosotros Papaya”. Everyone knows the science of life and alerts. And the things we talk about here: The dream weaving, the connections. The spiritual laws between our souls. Upper, lower case. Energy. Dementia. Marvellous reactions within each other despite interactions without yourself. And these are things that I believe, these are things that I’m gonna put down in a book one day. But multi-tasking within each cell creates an upper hemisphere of life components that we, in itself, cannot understand… and yet they exist.”
140 independence day — 22:20 khalyla talking about her dad's funeral ceremony and woman singing "brother edgar, we miss you -- ahhh-MAAAAY--" bobby condescendingly saying: look at khalyla, look how far she's come. she's getting laughs on her own. do you think i should go on auditions? maybe? i go maybe?... 44:28 who do you love more gilbert? do you love khalyla more than me? bob says no. lol.
142 moshi the nugget — 57:05 bob and gilbert improv unhelpful advice of guy whose friend's dad wants to appreciate his naked body., 55:20 unhelpful advice bobby making little remarks to the guy asking the question & "now, liam..."
147 bend it like bobo — 22:45 bob and gilbert roleplay prison visit to son who ran over people., 44:00 bobby gets suspected for khalyla's death. bob and gilbert improv.
149 a demon god? — 47:15 everyone does the unhelpful advice voice.
151 a horse named sizzler — 47:00 "khalyla's the love of my life." "boom." “lol he said bOOM.”
154 (don't) hold your breath — 55:00 khalyla gets emotional.
156 cricket & a bat wing — 55:10 “everyone in the room imagine george’s penis erect.” bobby’s speech about george’s sex life.
158 the wrong yearbook — 1:11 gilbert starts the podcast by singing “coo cooo coooo cooodooocooo” and bobby’s like wtf are you doing dude? “i panicked cos you didn’t say anything.”
165 conduits & connectors — (the episode where julio humps george’s leg the entire time.) 35:50 bobby’s benefit ball ‘baby ball’ story where he wears a hawaiian shirt and auctions off tickets to the comedy store.
166 steebee weebee & monotone bob — 13:46 bobby shit in the backseat of his car, “you’re just like father.”, 1:07:58 bobby and steve improv on creepy roommate with a boner.
171 pumpkin pie master — 32:30 “i’ve fucking went to pumpkin pie to the fucking pumpkin master!”, 43:30 church conversion camps are just fuck fests -- george. bobby: i'm not even gay and i wanna go. gilbert: "father, i don't wanna be gay anymore, send me to the camp!", 53:49 unhelpful advice bobby, gilbert, khalyla and george improv. sibling died improv. "sorry to interrupt, brownie a la mode?"
187 the great juice battle — 5:59 bobby being a brat with khalyla. burrito blanket.
191 sweet beef — 9:40 bobby talking about wanting tits. asked gilbert about tits instead of khalyla lol. asking if you can suck milk out of breasts. 11:47 bobby’s science question: “if khalyla’s breastfeeding the baby, but right before the baby latches on to the breast, i slip in my dick in front of the baby’s mouth. is that illegal?”, 30:16 little stock-responses in restaurants. “that was my nickname in high school.” “can i eat here? is this a place you can eat?” “do you guys take these? and it’s regular dollar bills.”, 35:30 bobby’s fake laugh.
201 no one is calling papa — 55:25 bobby making gilbert change the unhelpful advice voice. southern, mexican, nerd.
205 a time of love, hate & betrayal — 25:40 bobby describing the question types for the tigerbelly fans. bobby: should we make it, the bubbles, the four… sometimes the question and then the line… gilbert: scantron? khalyla: you mean, multiple choice? you guys never been to school?, 26:55 star trek multiple choice questions with khalyla and gilbert., 54:40 UNHELPFUL ADVICE. guy nuts in a hole. gilbert and bob improv.
209 go get ‘em gob! — 31:10 khalyla: “do you ever wonder how your parents fuck?” bobby: “alright… what???? my dad just died. WHAT? oh he was like a rabbit!!”, 55:38 bobby makes gilbert change the unhelpful advice voice. (garbage truck at 5 in the morning, a fruit bat, ants rustling to get into their hole.), 1:00:15 unhelpful advice -- friendship group gangbangs mom. bobby: "hey guys, just wondering... why is your name, your name and your name above my mom's fucking bush?" gilbert: "first of all, dude, why were you looking at your mom's bush?" bobby: "she showed me."
210 andrew santino is in the shallow — 7:38 & 14:30 george talking about indian school girl. 19:45 ladies and gentlemen…. THE PULIS. 27:16 andrew being “maarte” about towels. “and you know what? proud to be.” this whole episode.
212 two fake mustaches — 6:39 Jewwy - khalyla's pet ramen noodle/pancit noodle.
235 poway hall of fame — 57:09 top 10 game. “whatchu talking about?” “i’m talking about…” we talking about barracudas…
submitted by yoghurtangel to TigerBelly [link] [comments]

2023.12.17 16:54 SgtBrutalisk Ghost Population Conspiracy

Ghost Population Conspiracy
TL;DR — At least 50% of the world's population exists only in a spreadsheet. They are Ghosts, fake people created by evil governments to grab power, mess with our heads, and hide the human genocide agenda. The creation process is perfectly legal and there is no downside to it. Every country I checked does it, from tiny specks of dirt in the Pacific to Afghanistan, China, India, and USA.


We do it wrong, being so majestical,To offer it the show of violence,For it is as the air, invulnerable,And our vain blows malicious mockery.-"Hamlet", Act I, Scene I
A conspiracy theorist doubts government data. Chemtrails? Flat Earth? Fake Moon landings? They mean doubt in air pollution, topography, and space exploration data. This post presents and explains the Ghost Population Conspiracy (GPC), meaning doubt in national and global population numbers.
GPC states that a government derives power from the supporting population. A good government guarantees freedom and safety for the population, which leads to increased population, increasing the government's power.
An evil government makes life a living hell, driving its people away or killing them off, which leads to a population decline that leads to an economic collapse and a revolution. By creating Ghosts, an evil government can stay in power despite the dwindling population.
Those illusory people that exist only in spreadsheets are Ghosts. They count in millions but you can't see them. They don't need shelter yet their presence causes real estate prices to go up. They don't need work yet they suppress wage growth. Most importantly, they were never born yet they vote for the evil government.
The implications of GPC are far-reaching and this post can only scratch the surface of it, focusing on:
  • why Ghosts are made
  • what China's ghost cities have to do with it
  • examples of countries with many Ghosts
  • how Ghosts help elections get stolen

How does an evil government benefit from Ghosts?

It gets bigger, richer, and more divisive.
A government can only grow as big as the population. By claiming the population is 100 times larger than it is, an evil government can grow 100 times the size it should. That would bankrupt the country but that’s where international banks come in.
A bigger population lets the government take out bigger loans. International banks give loans based on population size and demand new taxes and policies to guarantee repayment. The evil government takes out loans and hires micromanagers at 100 times the rate they should be to enforce policies and oversee tax collection.
The evil government creates a burgeoning apparatus to divide the population. Hiring one half of the population to micromanage the other creates an "US vs THEM" mentality on both sides. Instead of cooperating, the two abuse each other, causing a rift that prevents people from reforming or overthrowing the government.
GPC is the linchpin of the elite’s global power structure. Expose the real population numbers and you’ve revealed the wizard behind the curtain. It’s the living who create prosperity and have all the bargaining power, but evil governments use Ghosts to make the living feel powerless and insignificant. Those who become aware of GPC reclaim their ability to prosper, become less materialistic and focus on genuine, wholesome relationships, which leads to strong communities and families.
I shudder in awe when I realize the kind of genius that thought of GPC and put it in action without anyone noticing. It took me 3 years to find the name for it — psychopath.

What kind of genius is creating Ghosts?

Soldiers! Don’t give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you, enslave you, who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel! Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder! Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural men, machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men!-"The Great Dictator", Charlie Chaplin, 1940
The word "psychopath" comes from an 1885 criminal case involving a woman that killed a little girl. An expert witness for the defense testified that she was unable to resist her murderous impulses that placed her outside social norms. That argument led to her acquittal and widespread use of the word. Psychopaths regularly use that same excuse but you’ll rarely hear the word, let alone its definition, because the modern society is so psychopathic that we’d be always using it.
Stories involving the devil are actually talking about psychopaths who toy with others and twist their perception of reality. The devil can change shape, exploit emotions, and is crafty with words to the point of weaseling out of any promise, just like a psychopath. He or she promises benefits in exchange for obedience but never fully delivers, again like a psychopath. A human psychopath can’t shapeshift but can use different personas to recruit others as allies and henchmen.
Modern entertainment presents psychopaths in movies such as "The Silence of the Lambs" (1993), with Hannibal Lecter a suave doctor capable of dissecting his targets to find and press their weaknesses before brutally assaulting and eating them. Another example is Anton Chigurh from "No Country for Old Men" (2007) who literally treats his victims like cattle, runs them around in circular conversations, and toys with them.
My favorite is Jigsaw from "Saw" movies, who kidnaps people and puts them in contraptions that loosely correlate with their wrongdoings, taunting them with "live or die, the choice is yours" (most traps are inescapable).
The most fascinating part of Saw movies is when there’s multiple people in Jigsaw’s scenarios. Pitted against each other, people break and hurt other victims to save themselves. They "win" the game and become Jigsaw’s accomplices. That is a real phenomenon called "Stockholm syndrome" that occurs after abuse and explains why normal people become enforcers for evil.
The above should also prebunk a common conspiracy-debunking argument, "You think a government can run GPC without someone blowing the whistle?"
Government employees don’t have to be aware of an agenda to enforce it because governments select for obedience. Those who disobey are disciplined until they fall in line or leave; whistleblowers end up like Manning, Assange, or Snowden. All governments eventually become filled with enforcers that go by, "Live on my terms or die on yours".
Charlie Chaplin’s description fits a psychopath to a T — powerful people with machine minds and machine hearts who use and dispose of others like a bored child of its playthings. Successful psychopaths build a facade of benevolence, behind which they create a soul-crushing system that dehumanizes everyone it touches. Their ideal world is shown on the March 2020 cover of The Economist.
GPC makes perfect sense when you understand how a psychopath thinks. To a psychopath, empathy is the ultimate weakness that has to be corrected by promoting greed and consumerism. The easiest way to promote those "strengths" on a mass scale is to create a lie that the planet is overcrowded and its resources are not enough for us all.
Eat or be eaten, trounce everyone for scraps and baubles or be left in the dust — that’s the psychopath’s mindset and we’re all supposed to think and feel the same. The purpose of Ghosts is to make us all psychopathic, meaning predictable, self-destructive, and easily controllable. It’s by nurturing our empathy that we overcome the psychopathic programming and by caring for others that we become alive and aware of the moment.
Still, all the examples I listed can be dismissed as exaggerations. My attempts to describe psychopathy in real terms were hampered by the lack of real-world references until I read Michel Foucault’s "History of Madness", an excellent overview of how governments build segregation structures that remain in place for centuries, with the justification for their existence shifting from leprosy to venereal diseases to madness and so on.
The book states that governments cyclically undergo periods of madness when they declare large swaths of their population filthy or undesirable and start killing them off. Those periods appear to be caused by psychopaths and their enforcers reaching critical mass in the government. The COVID-19 mania is a global example of that madness, with some indications it happened before.
One example of government madness comes courtesy of 1930s Germany that had health passes that served the same purpose as COVID-19 vaccination certificates, primarily allowing free travel and unfettered access of "clean" people to "civilized" society. I also found indications that the cannabis and alcohol scares are two modern examples of the same madness, but those deserve their own posts.
In any case, it took me until I discovered a certain quote by a certain Georgian that it all clicked into place and I found out how Ghosts are made and how come all evil governments use the same blueprint for tyranny.

Stalin, a psychopath's role model

A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.-Stalin, 1947
A compelling story needs a compelling villain, so here he is — Josif Visarionovich Stalin, a hardcore criminal that rose to the top of the political food chain in USSR in the early 20th century.
Stalin was the most successful psychopath of the 20th century, creating millions of Ghosts by decree and building a government that turns the governed into psychopaths through abuse and desensitization. His methods are in widespread use to this day.
Stalin realized that people have basic needs, and if those needs aren’t met, they will leave or die, causing a population reduction, which reflects poorly on his reputation and undermines his government. The above quote tells you the solution he thought of — ship people to remote areas of the country and kill them there.
If you don’t personally know anyone who’s died, why does that bother you. Are you a traitor? Off to a gulag with you! That method works in the other direction too — if you're told the population is growing, who are you to challenge it?
Stalin’s methods are described in detail in two books:
  • "Gulag Archipelago" by Solzhenitsyn
  • "1984" by Orwell
In short, he used constant propaganda to deify himself and his system, overwhelming surveillance and intrusions to humiliate and micromanage, and a network of prisons where people were held for no reason, dehumanized, and used as slave labor.
"1984" is a thought experiment on what would happen if the entire world used Stalin’s methods. In Chapter 17, there is an explanation why the world is constantly at war (emphasis added):
In any case each of the three super-states is so vast that it can obtain almost all the materials that it needs within its own boundaries. In so far as the war has a direct economic purpose, it is a war for labour power.
Between the frontiers of the super-states, and not permanently in the possession of any of them, there lies a rough quadrilateral with its corners at Tangier, Brazzaville, Darwin, and Hong Kong, containing within it about a fifth of the population of the earth. It is for the possession of these thickly-populated regions, and of the northern ice-cap, that the three powers are constantly struggling.
In practice no one power ever controls the whole of the disputed area. Portions of it are constantly changing hands, and it is the chance of seizing this or that fragment by a sudden stroke of treachery that dictates the endless changes of alignment. All of the disputed territories contain valuable minerals, and some of them yield important vegetable products such as rubber which in colder climates it is necessary to synthesize by comparatively expensive methods. But above all they contain a bottomless reserve of cheap labour.
If you’re wondering how come Bumfuck Nowhere, US, gets thousands of Somali, Syrian, or Pakistani immigrants bused in on the taxpayer dime or why Puerto Rican airports have billboards advertising a move to the US, now you know the answer — the US government has created so many Ghosts that it has to desperately import immigrants or the ruse will be discovered. In Canada, maintaining GPC includes importing millions of Indian immigrants who are accustomed to living 50 to a hovel and working for a bowl of slop to prop up its real estate market. Local history will later be rewritten to enshrine their population as native and censor anyone saying otherwise as racist.

All the wars and turmoil in the Middle East have a simple explanation, which is that they are created to collapse those countries and absorb their populations, just like in "1984". At times, psychopathic politicians will let their mask slip, admitting they want as much destruction as possible outside their borders.
You can ponder any of Stalin’s statements and actions and find a parallel with today’s politicians. The COVID-19 madness showed all countries in the world readily use Stalin's methods under the flimsiest of excuses. "Take the jab or be ostracized, the choice is yours". Three years later, all governments that enforced COVID-19 measures pretend that never happened, which is another Stalin's tactic described in "1984" as memoryholing.
So, how did Stalin create Ghosts? With the stroke of a pen.

How Stalin created 8 million Ghosts

In 1935, he gave a speech) (emphasis added):
The birth rate is higher, the death rate is lower and the pure population growth is far stronger. It is of course good and we welcome it. [Jolly murmurs in the auditorium.] Now every year we have a population growth of three million souls. It means that every year we grow as much as the whole of Finland. [Everybody laughs.]
In 1937, Stalin ordered a national census and announced it will show 170 million people. When it came in at 162 million, he executed the census takers, appointed new ones, and ordered a new census, which showed 170 million.
A 5% population drop would be a devastating blow to Stalin’s carefully groomed image and a cold shower for his zealots; you can imagine his reaction by how a modern politician reacts to a 2% population drop. It’s sheer panic and despair because nobody knows how to stop or reverse population decline, as China is now experiencing after ending its decades-long one-child policy.
Stalin created Ghosts by decree, but surely today we use science, don’t we? Not at all. Every country in the world uses population estimates, which actually makes sense if you think about how census bureaus work.
Counting the population takes money, time, and people. The bigger the population, the more money, time, and people it takes to count them, and the number is still not accurate because people shift around. So, census bureaus came up with an elegant solution — estimates.

How do modern governments create Ghosts?

Estimate (noun): a tentative evaluation or rough calculation, a judgment based on one’s impressions; an opinion.-TheFreeDictionary.com
Faced with pressure to provide correct population numbers to set government policy, census bureaus resort to a Solomonic solution — put out an imaginary number and tag it as an estimate. You will find population estimates everywhere, and they direct every aspect of our lives. This excerpt from a March 2022 article talking about St. Louis shows it in action:
As of July 1, the Census Bureau estimated that just 293,310 people resided in the region’s core city of St. Louis, down from the 301,578 people counted in the 2020 census.
Can you see it? Are your awake to the ruse? In 2020, the US Census Bureau counted and in 2021 it estimated, with both numbers presented with equal weight, which indicates both numbers are opinion rather than fact. As a result of the population drop, there’s a federal financial injection to try to right the ship (emphasis added):
St. Louis Mayor Tishaura O. Jones said “once-in-a-lifetime opportunities” like the almost $500 million in federal money the city received from the federal government will allow it to invest in affordable housing and neighborhood amenities.
“These steps are necessary to reverse decades of disinvestment that has led to St. Louisans leaving our city — especially north of Delmar,” Jones said in a statement.
A 2.7% drop in population, mere 8,000 people, resulted in $500mm going to St. Louis politicians. I think the situation is worse than that but publishing a more realistic estimate would open the Census Bureau to scouring claims of racism since 95% of St. Louis population is black. When I tried to see the raw St. Louis data for myself, I discovered the US Census Bureau website blocks foreign traffic, which I’m sure is just a coincidence.
That’s fine, because people went for a drive through St. Louis, Missouri, the most dangerous city in the US, and it already looks like a ghost city. That video is filled with stats, such as that the 2022 population of St. Louis is estimated at 286,578, a further 2.4% drop from 293,562 estimated to live there in 2021.
You can find many more videos like that one and more estimates to piece together the true scale of GPC. In short, many places in the US are already a ghost city but local governments are using Ghosts to drain as much money out of the GPC before it is discovered and the entire system collapses.
Money doesn’t help reverse the population decline and may even accelerate it, because it fuels the growth of the parasitic bureaucracy. By the time that $500mm filters down through the sieve of corruption to the ordinary people, there will only be drops left. People will get their welfare pittance to birth more kids and pad the population numbers, but without a functioning society those kids can only move out, become psychopaths themselves, or die a violent death.
Once you understand psychopathic politicians see us all as cattle to be bred, managed, milked, and slain as needed, you’ll hopefully understand GPC is the perfect way to keep the cattle docile before slaughter. It’s like that everywhere on the planet, but some places have pushed GPC to its limits, leading to a crack in the narrative and potentially revealing the entire scam.

Ghost cities in China

There are certain things you don’t talk about in China because if you do it’s a fast track out of there. You’re gonna get into a lot of trouble, you’ll be silenced, it’s just proven fact, it happens. (...) Even the very mildest criticism of very basic things in China (...), minor criticism will also land you in a lot of trouble.-Serpentza, "How China Forced me to Criticise China – I have no choice"
China is so alien to the Western audience that it might as well be the surface of Jupiter. There are three causes for it:
  • the Western media is English-centric
  • Chinese culture of "fake it till you make it" and "shoot the messenger of bad news"
  • Chinese Communist Party (CCP) obsession with micromanaging the population
Put all three together and you’ve got total media blackout regarding trouble in China, leaving us with Westerners such as Serpentza to explain China’s ghost cities. In rare cases, the Western media runs negative stories on China and that's when you should pay attention. We don’t get any bad mainstream news from China unless there’s an agenda behind it.
When The Guardian reports that China used to spend half the world's concrete for construction, you should realize it means a massive real estate boom in China. When MSN reports on China's ghost cities, it means there’s not enough people for that real estate. When Bloomberg handwaves those same ghost cities as "well, they’re just waiting for people to move in", you should start connecting the dots — there’s so many Ghosts in China that CCP built sprawling cities that will never be populated.
There need not be any malice behind Ghost creation in China. Local politicians come into office and see a certain population number in their area, say, 200 million. They don’t know if it’s true but there’s no incentive for them to check, and especially not to report a lower number.
So, they report a higher number, which makes them look good and is what CCP expects to hear while making them eligible for land development funds. Repeat across China and you’ll get a huge population on paper but sprawling desolate cities in reality, which is what we’re seeing.
One researcher, Yi Fuxian, checked the Chinese newborn vaccination data and concluded there’s 140 million Ghosts in China. In my opinion, that’s a conservative estimate and I think the number is closer to 400 million, with the 140 million being controlled disclosure. Sensitive information does not randomly leak from government offices, and that applies doubly to China, a country obsessed with projecting a strong image abroad.
I don’t have a grudge against China, it’s just the most dramatic example of GPC. Check any country in the world and you’ll find Ghosts.

Ghosts around the world

Anatol Lieven of Georgetown University in Qatar wrote in 2021 that "it may be noted that in the whole of modern Afghan history there has never been a census that could be regarded as remotely reliable."-Wikipedia, "Demographics of Afghanistan"
In Afghanistan, the last census was in 1979, reporting 15.5 million. After 5 million people left the country, the Afghan government estimated the population number at 15.96 million. It is currently estimated at 37 million, which curiously includes a 3-million-strong diaspora in Iran and Pakistan.
US spent $2.2T in the Afghanistan war theater) blowing up random caves and mountains over two decades. Any whistleblower who exposes the real purpose of the Afghanistan occupation will get Assange'd or Hillary'd but I can say it out loud — psychopaths in the US government shipped domestic patriots to a remote battlefield under a false pretense (chasing the Bin Laden ghost) and let them get killed.
In India, there hasn’t been a national census since 2011 and even that was a provisional (read: superficial) census that allegedly found 1.2 billion people. World Bank states it is currently at 1.4 billion and cites, among other sources, the US Census Bureau (??). India and China have experienced similar growth trajectories of their populations in the past few decades. I have a simple explanation — they are belligerents and presumably use Ghosts to prevent the other from claiming desolate areas across the border.
In Germany, the last full population census was in 1987. Recent population numbers are based on the 2011 EU housing census, showing (what else?) constant growth and estimating the current number at 84 million. However, Germany has an enormous worker shortage, with the education sector alone missing some 450 thousand workers. Nobody knows where all those millions of people are but we can be quite sure they aren’t in the workforce. Germany is the economic fulcrum of the European Union; if investors lose confidence in Germany, the Euro currency goes belly up and with it the entire EU.
In Nigeria, the 2006 census allegedly found 140 million people. The current estimate is 213 million despite no reliable system in place to record births and deaths, with many Nigerians having no documents. The main problem with censuses in Africa is the sheer size of it and the lack of infrastructure in vast swaths of the continent. Africa is so big that it could easily house 5 billion people, it’s just that there’s no way to count them. In the meantime, African countries create Ghosts to receive more charity, which is distributed based on population size.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), which is where I live, the last population census was in 2013, finding 3.6 million people, with current estimates ranging from 3.2 million (World Bank) to 3.8 million (CIA Factbook). The government adamantly claims the number is exactly the same but the number of pupils enrolled in basic education dropped by 13% and the number of college students fell by about 30% since.
In Kingdom of Tonga, the estimated population across 171 islands with a combined surface area of 717 square kilometers is 105,000. On January 15, 2022, an underwater volcano exploded 60 kilometers (38 miles) north of Tonga, cutting it off from the rest of the world. Tens of thousands of lightning strikes hit ground zero. The blast, estimated at 10 megatons, cooled the Earth's atmosphere by 0.01 °C.
Dubbed "the loudest moment of the century", the sound of it circled the planet twice and could be heard in Alaska. The resulting wave killed 2 people in Peru but the confirmed death toll in Tonga was 4. Digging a bit deeper revealed passport fraud is a motive for creating Ghosts — Tongan king was selling citizenship to Hong Kong residents.

How Ghosts enable voter fraud

I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.-Stalin, 1923
Election night. The establishment darling is losing. The counting stops. A few hours later the votes pour in and the darling is ahead. People look at each other, "Who voted for him? The country is lost." The loser appeals to courts about voter fraud, but all motions are denied and the election is rubber-stamped.
I described the 2022 regional election in B&H. We have Gotham-tier criminals in politics, such as a drug dealer with the campaign slogan, "With me, a gram has always been a gram". Thanks to them I discovered voter fraud is an art form.
Each hijacked polling station specializes in one way of vote tampering. Some use special pens to edit ballots, others print fake ones with the "correct" vote, third ones use goons to keep the wrong voters out etc. Any investigation can only find a fraction of it.
The fraudsters coordinate through party liaisons who give the true vote count and the desired vote count. Hijacked polling stations drip-feed fake votes into the system to narrowly win. That happened in the 2020 US presidential election as well.
But, voter fraud is done in a hurry and sloppily. Without Ghosts, the fraudsters have no safety margin; each fake vote could land them in jail. With Ghosts, there's so many votes that nobody cares to investigate, which is what happened in the B&H and the US elections.
Strong voter systems may take decades to subvert in this way. Once in power, the chief psychopath promotes agendas that kill or intimidate the population, which leads to a sharp population decline and the lack of genuine political opposition. The missing population is replaced by Ghosts that hide the disastrous consequences of those agendas and allow for easier vote fraud. The more evil the regime, the more votes the psychopath gets.


And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.-John 8:32
The human brain is a reality-decoding organ that is highly susceptible to suggestion. If it’s fed enough lies, it will see a wretched reality. But if it’s given the tools to discover the truth, it’s going to manifest paradise. That’s what happened to me and proved GPC is true.
I started research for this text in 2020, with writing proper starting in June 2023. It was a transformative experience. I started consuming and spending less, enjoying small things in life. I hope reading this text will have a similar effect on you.
We matter and our voices matter. The only way anyone can ever convince us otherwise is by making us believe the planet is overcrowded and that we need to desperately consume to give meaning to our life, that we’re filthy useless eaters that need to be on a short leash, shamed, muzzled, and disciplined until we’re proper house-broken slaves.
Wherever you are, whatever your station in life, now you know how to improve things. Evil governments are out of control. There’s no running from them but you can expose Ghosts and thus destroy the reputation of psychopaths. Good governments won't be negatively affected by that.
Here’s a handy summary of tools and methods for exposing GPC:
  • Look at pupil numbers
  • Take a tour around your neighborhood
  • Look at disaster reports
  • Track local sports event attendance
  • Look for population estimates in your region/country
If you need more details or want to send money my way please send a DM. I wish you all the best.
submitted by SgtBrutalisk to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2023.12.04 18:55 Mother-Tumbleweed158 Atp bib ain’t dropping

Worthless sack of shit can’t even drop for his bday I hope he gets gang banged my a Down syndrome midget
submitted by Mother-Tumbleweed158 to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]

2023.11.12 03:21 Gallionella ALLS19I

California pharmacies are making millions of mistakes. They’re fighting to keep that secret https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-09-05/california-pharmacies-prescription-errors-cvs-walgreens
said that like the body diverts blood to the skin to help release heat, it would make sense for energy to be diverted from the brain.
“Anything away from homeostasis, the brain is going to not be happy and react in some way,” she said. With heat stroke, for example, one symptom is central nervous system dysfunction, “which just means the person is not making good decisions.”
Heat also makes the body sweat and lose nutrients, which play a role in self-regulation and mental health. “It’s like we’re trying to run the machine using the wrong fuel, or at least using an improper balance of fuel,” Taliercio said. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/05/health/heat-anger-wellness/index.html
“In Asian countries like South Korea, the tendency to drink carbonated drinks instead of water is increasing along with westernization. This can cause a variety of health problems. Obesity and diabetes are just some of them. We investigated the effects of sugar-sweetened carbonated beverage consumption on mental health.” https://www.psypost.org/2023/09/large-study-links-sugary-carbonated-drinks-to-increased-risk-of-depression-183602
Ever wonder how your body turns food into fuel? We tracked atoms to find out
Published: September 4, 2023 9.29pm EDT
James Carter, Brian Fry, Kaitlyn O'Mara, Griffith University https://theconversation.com/ever-wonder-how-your-body-turns-food-into-fuel-we-tracked-atoms-to-find-out-211047
— though some theories suggest that the impact may have "tumbled" Dimorphos' orbit, or unlocked it from Didymos' tidal forces.
"We tried our best to find the crack in what we had done," Swift expounded, "but we couldn’t find anything."
NASA will also be releasing a report soon on the DART mission's latest update, a spokesperson told New Scientist — but the agency will have to compete with Swift and his students, whose findings were shared this summer with the American Astronomical Society, which is publishing their paper soon. https://futurism.com/the-byte/dart-nasa-asteroid-orbit
"But the system is broken. Audiences are dumber. Normal people don't go through reviews like they used to," he added. "Rotten Tomatoes is something the studios can game. So they do."
Beyond gaming Rotten Tomatoes, the movie industry has also outright bought it. It's now owned by the parent company of Universal Pictures, after changing hands from Warner Bros. https://futurism.com/film-studios-manipulate-rotten-tomatoes
All of this is relatively new knowledge.
In a January paper, neurologists from McGill University, Montreal, for the first time found that obesity-related neurodegeneration mimics damage found in Alzheimer’s disease. In other words, the same parts of the brain were losing neurons.
The good news: losing weight might reverse this damage. https://thenewdaily.com.au/life/2023/09/09/why-some-people-just-keep-eating/
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced that, thanks to a new funding boost, it’s launching a “sweeping, historic” tax enforcement initiative using artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies to catch tax evaders more effectively.
“There is a sea change taking place at the IRS in every aspect of our operations,” IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel said in a Sept. 8 statement, which notes that the tax agency has completed a top-to-bottom review of its enforcement efforts and is girding to catch people “abusing the nation’s tax laws,” thanks in part to cutting-edge tech. https://www.ntd.com/irs-launches-sweeping-historic-tax-enforcement-crackdown-using-ai_940908.html
Researchers have shown that table salt outperforms other expensive catalysts being explored for the chemical recycling of polyolefin polymers, which account for 60% of plastic waste. The research shows that sodium chloride could provide a safe, inexpensive and reusable way to make plastics more recyclable. The team also showed that table salt and other catalysts could be used in the recycling of metallized plastic films -- like those used in potato chip bags -- which are currently not recyclable. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/09/230908170858.htm
Lack of evidence hampers progress on corporate-led ecosystem restoration A 'near total' lack of transparency is making it impossible to assess the quality of corporate-led ecosystem restoration projects https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/09/230907141939.htm
In a lecture available on YouTube, behavioral ecologist Michael Pardo from Colorado State says his team's findings potentially "blur the line" between "what we think is unique to human language versus what is found in other animal communication systems."
Elephants are known for their loud, trumpet-like vocalizations, but the vast majority of their communication can't actually be heard by humans.
Instead, these large mammals mostly produce low-frequency rumbles, which can deliver messages to the feet of other elephants as far as six kilometers away.
Elephants spend the vast majority of their day in search of food, and it's not uncommon for the herd to lose sight of each other in that endeavor. Calling each other by names would be a useful way to keep tabs on the herd.
To explore that possibility, Pardo and his colleagues spent hours recording elephant rumbles in the wild, at two separate locations in Kenya. https://www.sciencealert.com/amazing-discovery-claims-elephants-have-specific-names-for-each-other
"These findings contradict the notion that individuals who have experienced upward mobility will be sympathetic to more equal income distributions given their humble beginnings," he said. https://phys.org/news/2023-09-wealthy-fair-equal.html
Pyrolysis involves heating a material to high temperatures — in this case, 662 to 932 degrees Fahrenheit (350 to 500 degrees Celsius) — to chemically break down the molecules into smaller pieces. This heat treatment boosted the stability of the coffee grounds and prevented them from releasing chemicals that sabotaged the hydration reactions.
But coffee biochar also has a few important structural advantages.
"The coffee biochar retains the memory of the original waste material — its porosity and permeability," Savastano said. "These properties play a key role in the mechanical performance, and consequently the durability of cement-based materials like concrete. https://www.livescience.com/chemistry/used-coffee-grounds-make-concrete-30-stronger
A press release by the European Federation of Periodontology made the claim that vaping was as harmful for oral health as smoking.
Dr Richard Holliday, Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and Specialist in Periodontics at Newcastle University, said:
“This press release is completely out of step with the research base and expert opinion in this area. I am not aware of any research that shows e-cigarettes are as harmful for oral health as smoking. No studies are cited in this press release to support the bold statements made.
“The very best peer-reviewed research summaries in this area conclude that the impact on periodontal health of e-cigarette use is fairly minimal – and certainly not as damaging as smoking. Of course, further research is needed in this area. https://www.sciencemediacentre.org/expert-reaction-to-claim-that-vaping-is-as-bad-for-oral-health-as-smoking/
The evolution of fever is a classic conundrum because fever’s effects seem so harmful. Besides making you feel uncomfortable, you may also worry you’ll dangerously overheat. It is also metabolically costly to generate that much heat.
In our research and review, we propose that since fever occurs throughout much of the animal kingdom, this costly response must have benefits or it never would have evolved or been retained across species over time. We highlight several important but rarely considered points that help explain how the heat of fever helps your body fight infections. https://theconversation.com/how-does-fever-help-fight-infections-theres-more-to-it-than-even-some-scientists-realize-210240
Food Can Be Literally Addictive, New Evidence Suggests
Highly processed foods resemble drugs of misuse in a number of disturbing ways https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/food-can-be-literally-addictive-new-evidence-suggests/
“I think there are two different ways to think about the intersection of poverty and nutrition promotion,” Bauer said. “The first is that in addition to having proven positive effects on child nutrition, food assistance programs—like school meals—reduce poverty generally, which has widespread benefits for families. The second is that poverty reduction programs—like the child tax credit—have direct positive influences on children’s nutrition. It’s been shown that when low-income families are provided more cash assistance, they use it to buy healthier foods for their kids.” https://news.umich.edu/us-census-bureau-poverty-statistics-u-m-experts-can-discuss/
“Despite the smaller degree of systolic blood pressure variation in comparison to previous studies on seasonality in blood pressure, we were surprised to observe a large degree of change in blood pressure control between winter and summer months,” said lead study author Robert B. Barrett, a software engineer at the American Medical Association in Greenville, South Carolina. “Individuals with hypertension or values near the range of hypertension may benefit from periodic blood pressure monitoring and improvements in physical activity and nutritional patterns during winter months to offset adverse effects from seasonal blood pressure changes.” https://newsroom.heart.org/news/cold-weather-may-pose-challenges-to-treating-high-blood-pressure?preview=7636
He said: "In Chernobyl contaminated areas in Russia and Ukraine, people can get a few millisieverts of dose each year from consuming forest products.
"This is higher than natural radiation (2.7 mSv per year in the UK), but some people in high natural radiation areas like Cornwall can get up to 10 mSv per year."
Above average levels of radon in Cornwall remain a silent and invisible killer across the county with some people dwelling in homes that pose a greater risk of radiation absorption than if they were working in a nuclear plant. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/expert-reveals-what-happens-you-30887845
No longer. One of the best new iOS 17 features is offline maps for Apple Maps. You can now select areas to download to your phone, allowing you to use turn-by-turn navigation and even search without an internet connection.
Note that iOS 17 is currently a public beta. You can sign up for it to test the latest features, but you should know that signing up for any beta program is not without risk. https://www.popsci.com/diy/apple-maps-offline/
“It has been shown that people who are in late middle age and cognitively normal who get low and high amounts of sleep decline faster than who get the middle ranges of sleep,” he said. “This suggests that there is an optimal range of sleep for each person that is associated with better performance over time.”
Sleep is Necessary to Clean the Brain, Reduce Risk of Neurological Disorders
The glymphatic system – which cleans the brain of waste products that increase the risk of neurological disorders – only works during sleep, which is why sleep is so important, according to a presentation at the symposium. https://www.newswise.com/articles/sleep-plays-a-major-role-in-neurological-disorders-getting-good-sleep-may-help-reduce-risk
A classic study published in PNAS found that the affluent were more likely (compared to people of a lower social standing) to act unethically. Based on the study, here are some ways wealthier people may inadvertently alienate themselves in close relationships: https://www.forbes.com/sites/traversmark/2023/09/10/why-the-rich-succeed-in-life-but-fail-in-love---a-psychologist-explains/?sh=5ef0123d7d09
Around 380,000 years after the Big Bang the process stopped as the universe cooled down, freezing the shape of the bubbles.
The bubbles then grew larger as the universe expanded, similar to other fossilized remnants from the time after the Big Bang.
Astronomers previously detected signals of BAOs in 2005 when looking at data from nearby galaxies.
But the newly discovered bubble is the first known single baryon acoustic oscillation, according to the researchers. https://phys.org/news/2023-09-billion-light-year-wide-galaxies.html
A Psychologist Teaches You How To See Beyond The Media’s ‘Illusory Truth’ Problem https://www.forbes.com/sites/traversmark/2023/09/10/a-psychologist-teaches-you-how-to-see-beyond-the-medias-illusory-truth-problem/?sh=843d03b71e83
WASHINGTON (AP) — The leading decongestant used by millions of Americans looking for relief from a stuffy nose is no better than a dummy pill, according to government experts who reviewed the latest research on the long-questioned drug ingredient.
Advisers to the Food and Drug Administration voted unanimously on Tuesday against the effectiveness of the key drug found in popular versions of Sudafed, Dayquil and other medications stocked on store shelves. https://www.thegazette.com/health-care-medicine/popular-nasal-decongestant-doesnt-actually-relieve-congestion-fda-advisers-say/
While protected areas have undoubtedly contributed to slowing the overall biodiversity loss, it is unclear how well they work across multiple species concurrently. To explore this, researchers at the University of Helsinki examined changes in the occurrence of hundreds of species within and outside of protected areas.
Researchers found mixed effects, highlighting that protected areas do not fully meet the expectations set for them. Rather than reversing the trend in biodiversity loss, current protected areas will, at best, help decelerate the species decline rate. https://phys.org/news/2023-09-nature-reserves-insufficient-reversing-biodiversity.html
Overall, the study findings showed a significantly positive association between the duration of sedentary behavior and incident dementia in older adult individuals. The associations between increased levels of sedentary behavior and new-onset dementia remained strong post-adjustment for the duration of device-measured moderate to vigorous physical exercise.
The study findings are in line with previous studies and indicate that increased time spent sedentary is linked to lower cognitive performance. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230913/Could-your-daily-routine-lead-to-dementia-New-research-points-to-sedentary-lifestyle-as-potential-risk-factor.aspx
A Long and Unhealthy Life?A new mouse model shows that the Myc protein has complex effects on aging and cancer. https://www.the-scientist.com/news/a-long-and-unhealthy-life-71366
Why humans can’t trust AI: You don’t know how it works, what it’s going to do or whether it’ll serve your interests https://theconversation.com/why-humans-cant-trust-ai-you-dont-know-how-it-works-what-its-going-to-do-or-whether-itll-serve-your-interests-213115
Despite the limitations, yoga practice positively influenced the immune-modulatory system, alleviating RA severity. A significant reduction in pro-inflammatory markers (IL-6 and IL-17) levels and transcripts linked to pro-inflammatory cytokines was observed. Future research must use a larger sample size with a long-term follow-up period to support the study outcome. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230913/Can-yoga-alleviate-rheumatoid-arthritis-severity.aspx
A peer-reviewed study by Environmental Working Group scientists has found unsettling details about the potential health risks of common household cleaning products.
The study, published today in Chemosphere
, analyzed 30 cleaning products, including multipurpose and glass cleaners, air fresheners and more. The study revealed that these everyday products may release hundreds of hazardous volatile organic compounds, known as VOCs. https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news-release/2023/09/cleaning-products-emit-hundreds-hazardous-chemicals-new-study
It's a distinction that explains why it's so important to try and lose weight slowly, sustainably, and healthily. While restrictive diets, otherwise known as 'crash diets', may offer results in the short-term, it's not going to be fat loss. It's going to be weight from water and muscle, which will come right back when you return to eating and exercising as you were - with the potential of an upset metabolism along with it if you do it too often. https://www.womanandhome.com/health-wellbeing/how-much-weight-can-i-lose-in-a-month-in-a-healthy-way/
More about Dai’s studies on natural bioremediation
The current study using fungus to remove microplastics is compatible with Dai’s previous research using fungus to remediate PFAS or “forever chemicals” in the environment.
“Fungi have unique environmental applications due to their diversity and robustness,” Dai said. “They have also been useful in our ability to develop a novel bioremediation technology for these chemicals, which can threaten human health and ecosystem sustainability.”
PFAS are used in many applications ranging from food wrappers and packaging, to dental floss, fire-fighting foam, nonstick cookware, textiles and electronics.
Dai’s new technology uses a plant-derived material to absorb the PFAS and dispose of them by means of microbial fungi that literally eat them. https://www.newswise.com/articles/a-novel-approach-for-removing-microplastics-from-water
Natural compound in turmeric may be as effective as omeprazole for treating indigestion https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230912/Natural-compound-in-turmeric-may-be-as-effective-as-omeprazole-for-treating-indigestion.aspx
-- Low-carb diets may be all the rage, but they're not for kids with diabetes, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
In a new report, the AAP says that low-carbohydrate diets cannot be recommended for children or teenagers with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. That's because there's little evidence they're helpful, but there are concerns about restricting kids' diets to that degree. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2023-09-18/pediatricians-group-warns-against-keto-diet-for-kids-with-diabetes
As students across the U.S. begin the school year, many will find their classrooms changed by politics. More than 19 states, from Idaho to North Carolina, have embraced “educational intimidation” laws or policies. They target discussions on race, gender and sexuality, and will influence all disciplines, including the sciences.
In Florida, presidential contender Governor Ron DeSantis has embraced such educational coercion as an extension of his antiscience agenda. From scrapping with the College Board over the Advanced Placement Psychology course’s gender and sexuality unit to approving antiscience revisionist resources like PragerU for classroom use, Florida has led a nationwide battle against accurate and socially conscious education. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/floridas-attacks-on-education-threaten-science/
Numerous independent sources have documented how prevalent dishonest and hateful speech has become on platform formerly known as Twitter since Musk purchased it last year. Just last week, the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) reported finding that X “continues to host nearly 86% of a set of 300 hateful posts after a week since we reported them.”
Researcher Abbie Richards found that “between December 2021 and July 2022, there were an average 30,000 climate denial tweets per week. After July 2022, that figure nearly tripled to 110,000 tweets per week.” A researcher from the University of Southern California found that the “average daily hate speech of hateful users nearly doubled” in the first six months of Musk’s ownership. https://blog.ucsusa.org/kate-cell/for-online-disinformation-and-hate-x-marks-the-spot/
But we have discovered that déjà vu is actually a window into the workings of our memory system.
Our research found that the phenomenon arises when the part of the brain which detects familiarity de-synchronises with reality. Déjà vu is the signal which alerts you to this weirdness: it is a type of "fact checking" for the memory system.
But repetition can do something even more uncanny and unusual.
The opposite of déjà vu is "jamais vu", when something you know to be familiar feels unreal or novel in some way https://www.sciencealert.com/the-opposite-of-dj-vu-exists-and-its-even-more-uncanny
Now, in collaboration with astronomers at Western University in London, Ont., Dr. Scott has a prototype camera system that can be reproduced and deployed to monitor satellites in the night skies across Canada.
“On some nights, we’ve had dozens of satellites visible at a given instant and we’ve had more than one thousand separate satellites tracked in a given night from just one location,” said Peter Brown, a professor with the university’s Institute for Earth and Space Exploration. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-researchers-have-created-a-camera-system-to-track-the-ever-increasing/
Facebook’s design makes it unable to control misinformation
September 17, 2023 George Washington University https://scienceblog.com/539659/facebooks-design-makes-it-unable-to-control-misinformation/
The market is filled with a wide range of options at varying prices, so choosing a solution for you can be confusing. The EWG has a list with several point-of-use filters, which takes into consideration their ability to remove PFAS, and their associated costs. There are also offerings such as Cyclopure’s $45 filter cartridges, which have been certified by the National Sanitation Foundation.
But any filter is better than nothing, says Jahl, and even traditional, lower-end countertop filters can remove some PFAS from drinking water. She personally opts for the ubiquitous Brita pitcher filter, which relies on activated carbon to filter a broad spectrum of contaminants, including PFAS. https://www.popsci.com/diy/pfas-in-drinking-water-how-to-know/
"If you imagine taking the Large Hadron Collider at CERN and scaling it up by a factor of a trillion or a trillion trillions, this is the sort of particle collider that you actually have operating in the early Universe," Oliver Philcox, told Live Science. "And anything weird that happens, it's going to affect the distribution of matter."
Detecting where matter just after the Big Bang can reveal early particle interactions that occurred during the inflation that followed, a moment when the universe expanded exponentially fast for a mere fraction of a second. If we view the galaxies as the petrified remains of these earliest moments, we can search for hints of particle physics in the super early universe, Philcox said. https://www.livescience.com/space/cosmology/universes-cosmological-collider-lands-3-scientists-dollar100000-physics-prize
"The problem is that gravity is very weak — it's the weakest of all forces," Lupsasca said. "So to have a chance of understanding quantum gravity, we have to look where gravity is strongest. And nowhere is gravity stronger than around a black hole."
Searching for a cosmic laundromat
Supermassive black holes are enormous, measuring roughly the width of the solar system, so it can take a photon around six days travelling at the speed of light to make an orbit. At the end of these six days, photons can either perform a U-turn to make another orbit, or fly into or away from the black hole. The photons that slip a black hole's gravity emerge in the form of an ultrathin halo around the pure black chasm: a photon sphere. https://www.livescience.com/space/black-holes/new-horizon-prize-physics-awarded-scientists-chasing-mysterious-black-hole-photon-spheres
Natural compound in turmeric may be as effective as omeprazole for treating indigestion https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230912/Natural-compound-in-turmeric-may-be-as-effective-as-omeprazole-for-treating-indigestion.aspx
When these two things happen, the brain cells produce a molecule called MEG3. The researchers attempted to block MEG3 and that said that when they were able to block it, the brain cells survived.
To do this, the researchers transplanted human brain cells into the brains of genetically modified mice, which produced a large amount of amyloid.
One of the researchers, Bart De Strooper of the Dementia Research Institute in the UK, said it was the first time — after 30-40 years of speculation — that scientists had found a possible explanation for cell death in Alzheimer's patients. https://www.dw.com/en/alzheimer-mystery-of-dying-brain-cells-solved/a-66882542
In a world where AI algorithms can already analyze real-time financial information and make high-stakes trading decisions with little or no human oversight, our financial regulations are failing to keep up.
Michael Wellman, the Richard H. Orenstein Division Chair and Lynn A. Conway Collegiate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, testified this week in front of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs to alert lawmakers to the potential dangers to security, safety and equity posed by AI’s use in financial systems. https://news.umich.edu/senate-testimony-ai-risks-to-the-financial-secto
How the AI revolution is different: It threatens white-collar workers https://www.cbsnews.com/news/what-is-generative-ai-job-exposure/
Vaccine specialist Peter Hotez: scientists are ‘under attack for someone else’s political gain’
The physician-researcher who spoke out against misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic says attacks against science are formidable — and getting worse. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-02981-z
Brain imaging study finds obesity is linked to heightened neural sensitivity to reward https://www.psypost.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/brain-750x375.jpg
The amino acid creatine is essential for muscle and brain health, and people commonly use creatine supplements to improve exercise performance and increase muscle mass. Results from a recent clinical trial published in Food Science & Nutrition indicate that dietary creatine may also benefit individuals experiencing post-COVID-19 fatigue syndrome (also known as long COVID). https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1001659
Thailand's ancient town of Si Thep added to world heritage list https://phys.org/news/2023-09-thailand-ancient-town-si-thep.html
Researchers tested the garlic deodorizing capacity of yogurt and its individual components of water, fat and protein to see how each stood up to the stink. Both fat and protein were effective at trapping garlic odors, leading the scientists to suggest high-protein foods may one day be formulated specifically to fight garlic breath. https://www.newswise.com/articles/yogurt-may-be-the-next-go-to-garlic-breath-remedy
How well are you sleeping? Are you eating foods that nourish you? Did you make time for a favorite hobby and exercise? Did you gather with friends or loved ones?
Your answers to these questions may help explain your mood — and your risk of depression too. In fact, a new study finds that people who maintain a broad range of healthy habits, from good sleep to physical activity to strong social connections, are significantly less likely to experience episodes of depression. https://www.mprnews.org/story/2023/09/19/npr-depression-anxiety-prevention-mental-health-healthy-habits
while psychedelics have been used for centuries in various cultural and spiritual contexts, they fell out of favor in the mid-20th century due to legal restrictions and societal concerns.
But in recent years, researchers have reignited the interest in these substances, exploring their potential to treat a wide range of neuropsychiatric and behavioral health conditions. While traditional antidepressant medications can take weeks to produce noticeable improvements and need to be taken daily, early-phase trials suggested that psilocybin‐"magic mushroom"-assisted psychotherapy might offer rapid and long-lasting therapeutic effects after just one or two doses. https://www.psypost.org/2023/09/a-single-dose-of-psilocybin-boosts-neuroplasticity-and-reduces-depression-symptoms-207654
Strikingly, fs8.1 was absent in fresh market varieties. Compared to the fruit of processing tomato, the fruit of fresh market tomato is of higher quality in terms of nutrition and flavor. However, fresh market tomato fruit may experience severe soft-fruit-related deterioration during harvest, transportation and storage. Natural ripening-related mutations have been used to improve fruit firmness. However, they often adversely affect color, flavor and nutritional quality. fs8.1 does not affect fruit ripening. Thus, cloning of FS8.1 offers a potential way to redesign fresh market tomatoes for mechanized production without compromising quality. https://www.technologynetworks.com/analysis/news/designer-tomatoes-can-be-mechanically-harvested-379081
"What we really need are standards, so that it's clear what constitutes misleading information, and transparency, so that consumers and voters can tell the greenwash from the genuine efforts for change." https://phys.org/news/2023-09-greenwashing-threat-nature-positive-world.html
Why were the results unique?
The discovery of trilobites at such a time and place is not too surprising. However, what was unexpected was the diversity and abundance within this core.
Normally, cored rocks only have a small area for fossils to be captured so usually there's little chance of hitting a fossil, let alone something useful for identification. Yet, in this sequence trilobites were so abundant that almost every single layer of rock contained a fragment. In fact, the rock is entirely made of trilobites in places, stacked one on top of each other, like a pack of playing cards! https://phys.org/news/2023-09-species-western-australian-trilobites.html
Riddle of varying warm water inflow in the Arctic now solved https://phys.org/news/2023-09-riddle-varying-inflow-arctic.html
The sources of these emissions have changed over recent decades. Emissions of NOx and VOCs from vehicles have fallen significantly, however consumer and industrial volatile chemical products (VCPs) are an increasing source of VOC emissions.
VCPs include a number every-day products, such as paint, domestic cleaning agents and perfume, and are a large source of VOC emissions in densely populated urban areas.
Every product releases a different set of VOCs into the air, leaving behind a kind of ‘chemical fingerprint’. These chemicals then interact with one another in the air, sometimes creating new pollutants in a process known as ‘secondary formation’. https://ncas.ac.uk/international-team-of-scientists-probe-the-causes-of-air-pollution-in-north-america/
“We're seeing just a tremendous sense of urgency from young people who want to get into the business of helping build that more sustainable future,” Ali Zaidi, the White House national climate adviser, tells WIRED. “Our goal is both to recruit from a diverse set of backgrounds—nobody left out, everybody welcome—but also to field a full team against the broad set of climate solutions that we know are available.”
The American Climate Corps is a rebirth of the Civilian Conservation Corps, or CCC, which put 3 million people to work during the Great Depression developing the national parks, building roads and trails, and managing forests. Now the idea is to prepare communities and the landscape for the ravages of climate change while creating jobs and stimulating local economies. https://www.wired.com/story/the-us-is-mobilizing-an-army-to-fight-the-climate-crisis/
Mapping methane emissions from rivers around globe reveals surprising sources https://new.nsf.gov/news/mapping-methane-emissions-rivers-around-globe
In a sign that exposure to certain endocrine-disrupting chemicals may be playing a role in cancers of the breast, ovary, skin and uterus, researchers have found that people who developed those cancers have significantly higher levels of these chemicals in their bodies.
While it does not prove that exposure to chemicals like PFAS (per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances) and phenols (including BPA) led to these cancer diagnoses, it is a strong signal that they may be playing a role and should be studied further. https://ecancer.org/en/news/23732-study-finds-significant-chemical-exposures-in-women-with-cancer
Late last year, Caltech researchers revealed that they had developed a new fabrication technique for printing microsized metal parts containing features about as thick as three or four sheets of paper.
Now, the team has reinvented the technique to allow for printing objects a thousand times smaller: 150 nanometers, which is comparable to the size of a flu virus. In doing so, the team also discovered that the atomic arrangements within these objects are disordered, which would, at large scale, make these materials unusable because they would be considered weak and "low quality." In the case of nanosized metal objects, however, this atomic-level mess has the opposite effect: these parts can be three-to-five-times stronger than similarly sized structures with more orderly atomic arrangements. https://phys.org/news/2023-09-technique-3d-metals-nanoscale-reveals.html
We Can't See the First Stars Yet, but We Can See Their Direct Descendants
If you take a Universe worth of hydrogen and helium, and let it stew for about 13 billion years, you get us. We are the descendants of the primeval elements. We are the cast-off dust of the first stars, and many generations of stars after that. https://www.universetoday.com/163315/we-cant-see-the-first-stars-yet-but-we-can-see-their-direct-descendants/
Researchers have uncovered a simple structure from the Stone Age that may be the oldest evidence yet of early humans building with wood.
The construction is basic: a pair of overlapping logs, fitted together with a notch. It's nearly half a million years old and provides a rare look at how ancient human relatives were working with wood and changing their environments, authors wrote in a study published Wednesday in Nature. https://phys.org/news/2023-09-simple-oldest-early-humans-wood.html
The disease dates back centuries, but researchers say the booming popularity of countertops made of engineered stone, which has much higher concentrations of silica than many kinds of natural stone, has driven a new epidemic of an accelerated form of the suffocating illness. As the dangerous dust builds up and scars the lungs, the disease can leave workers short of breath, weakened and ultimately suffering from lung failure. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-09-24/silicosis-countertop-workers-engineered-stone
Dopamine Might Have An Unexpected Function That Could Reshape Our Understanding Of Brain Conditions
Dopamine is a brain chemical famously linked to mood and pleasure − but researchers have found multiple types of dopamine neurons with different functions https://www.inverse.com/health/dopamine-brain-chemical-mood-pleasure-new-functions
Einstein’s theory of gravity — general relativity — has been very successful for more than a century. However, it has theoretical shortcomings. This is not surprising: the theory predicts its own failure at spacetime singularities inside black holes — and the Big Bang itself. https://theconversation.com/why-einstein-must-be-wrong-in-search-of-the-theory-of-gravity-211067
Do you panic when you get a text message or call from a number you don't recognize?
Forget having to send that awkward 'sorry, who is this' text or Googling the phone number - there are several ways to track down the caller. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12524399/Unknown-caller-secret-trick-payment-apps.html
Scientists report that a relative abundance of certain gut microbes may be related to skeletal health. If confirmed by additional research, the findings could provide the opportunity to alter gut microbiomes to achieve better bone health, as more is learned about “osteomicrobiology,” a new term recently used to characterize this relationship. https://www.genengnews.com/news/gut-microbiome-and-bone-density-connection-found/
People eat healthy meals and then ruin them with naughty snacks, scientists have discovered. A quarter of the participants in the King’s College London study ate unhealthy snacks between their nutritious meals.
Despite choosing healthy options for main meals, bad snacks left participants hungry and with poorer health markers. Picking at sweet treats, crisps and cakes was linked with a higher risk of obesity, strokes and cardiovascular disease. https://www.nottinghampost.com/news/health/doctors-unearth-things-really-ruining-8776288
In a new study published in the journal Nature Communications, a team of Australia-based researchers said the pink diamonds were brought to the Earth's surface by the break up of the first supercontinent around 1.3 billion years ago. https://phys.org/news/2023-09-scientists-ingredient-pink-diamonds.html
any finite number of neurons becomes independent and has the same probability distribution in the mean-field limit, a phenomenon called propagation of chaos. This probability distribution is a solution to a Vlasov–Fokker–Planck type equation, which can be obtained from the stochastic particle model. We study, using the macroscopic description, how the interaction between external noise and intercellular coupling affects the dynamics of the collective rhythm, and https://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/22M147788X
Jellyfish shown to learn from past experience for the first time https://phys.org/news/2023-09-jellyfish-shown.html
ChatGPT just got chattier.
Users can now talk out loud to the AI chatbot and it will answer back with its own synthesised voice.
The feature is part of an upgrade to the mobile app and follows in the footsteps of voice assistants such as Amazon's Alexa and Apple's Siri.
ChatGPT has been given five different voices – both male and female - that were trained on actors hired by OpenAI, the US company behind the technology. The firm claims they are far more realistic than rival voice assistants – and is looking at allowing users to create their own in the future. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12560205/ChatGPT-answer-loud-five-different-synthesised-voices-users-talk-AI-chatbot.html
"The study is important both in terms of how we understand voter behavior and the discussion about how the Swedish election system is designed," notes Axel Cronert, Docent in Political Science and one of the researchers behind the study.
There is a lack of studies into how queues affect turnout in countries like Sweden, which traditionally have very high voter turnout. A few studies in other countries have shown that long queues at the polling stations can frighten away voters looking to cast a ballot. In Sweden, long queues have historically been unusual, but during the general elections in 2022 reports came in of significant queues. https://phys.org/news/2023-09-negatively-impact-voter-turnout-sweden.html
"There are a lot of diseases where neutrophils are abnormally overactive," senior co-author Dr. Kristen Demoruelle, associate professor of medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, said in a university news release. "We found that ginger can help to restrain NETosis, and this is important because it is a natural supplement that may be helpful to treat inflammation and symptoms for people with several different autoimmune diseases." https://www.upi.com/Health_News/2023/09/25/5571695648069/
submitted by Gallionella to zmarter [link] [comments]

2023.11.09 04:09 Georgia-Peache I finally figured it out.

I just had an epiphany about our sales director, JS, as I strolled by his oversized office this week! It's as if Napoleon and Lord Farquaad from Shrek had a secret love child, and now he's a director.
JS struts around with his 5'2" stature like he owns the place. His tiny hands flail around as he walks, making it look like he's trying to take flight. When he sips bourbon from shot glasses, his hands are so small that the shot glasses appear to be oversized pint glasses.
I was in the bathroom one time and saw legs dangling in a stall and I thought it was a little kid...nope...just JS taking a shit and tiny feet didn't even hit the floor. I bet he's the only one in Macon that asks for phone books every year so he can sit on them to make him look taller. He has little man syndrome for sure and he leads with intimidation. I'm sorry to say JS, no one is intimidated by a tiny handed overgrown midget.
I will never forget the day you wrote me up when you were a sup. Your tiny little hands pecking at the keyboard all over petty shit. You didn't even try to fight for me. I left sales because of you but I still have to walk by your office on occasion. Try to lead with compassion. You are exactly what GEICO wants as a leader...a yes man. You act all tough but deep down inside you know you have no authority. You're like a little boy with a title. You are a puppet and will just do what your told. You are like most other managers at GEICO....a yes man with no authority.
submitted by Georgia-Peache to Geico [link] [comments]

2023.09.01 14:27 ColinMakin Things you don’t see.

Recently someone posted about that you never see someone with Down syndrome in a wheelchair. At the time I thought, the terrible thing is Steve, is he’s right.
However, yesterday I came upon one while in France for work. I thought to take a picture but that’s a bit out of order innit.
Anyway, made me think of another thing you don’t see. A whatchacallit little person/dwarf/midget swimming. Beach, pool anywhere.
submitted by ColinMakin to rickygervais [link] [comments]

2023.08.26 23:06 Wimpykidj666 Coherent

Lately I've always been jealous of our kin that have both parents in their life. Jealous that most (not all) of then don't have identity issues. They don't have imposter syndrome or anything like that. I wish we all didn't have these sick and disturbing thoughts of ourselves. A good majority still believe we're an abomination. Every music video I see, I see an unhealthy amount of our women half naked. Thats the most unfortunate visuals I see. On one hand I'm glad to see our women as prizes, but on one hand it comes with alot of hate and resentment from black women. We are always the first to breakdown racial barriers, but never get acknowledged for it. Our men in every media made to be weak, unless they act like stereotypes, but still when they do they get made fun of, rightfully so its cringe. I remember seeing the U.S census and it said we were 700,000+ strong. I saw that and I shooked my head and said its vastly under reported. I want us to have a moment like the March on Washington MLK did. Look at all these new countries/ currently trying to gain independence in the world; South Sudan, Kosovo, Catalonia, Kurdistan. We need to drop our ethnicities and what i mean by that is to stop referring to yourselves by the countries your parents and grandparents come from. If you don't understand that look at Rihanna's bio/wiki. You're just black and white, no need to differentiate. I understand the need to be special, but please cast down those titles for now. We need to be coherent. Thank you for listening.
submitted by Wimpykidj666 to Mulatto [link] [comments]

2023.08.20 00:21 EngineeringTinker The algorithm is whack~~~~~~!

So, I registered about 3 years ago to post a few photos for my friends (I do ambient photography of nature, cities, etc.).
I was enjoying IG thus far, but then I started using reels - which I enjoyed by default too. They were serving me some landscape photos, beautiful black and white photos of cities and so on - really climatic.
Eventually I started seeing dogs, lots of videos of cute dogs - especially golden retrievers, bernandese and so forth - this was cool too.
Nowadays, everything IG feeds my reel is: - midgets dressing up or doing casual things - gymbros giving "tips" completely pulled out of their asses and not backed by actual peer-reviewed science - gym "babes" showing their asses - e-thots and thots giving relationship advice - finance bros who own nothing, but tell you how to become a millionaire or get a passive income - employment scams - financial pyramid scams - women breastfeeding - people with down syndrome cooking or doing flat-out nasty stuff (e.g.: farting into a cup and smelling it, repeatedly) - people from India eating from floor - dying dogs - literally a video of dog vomiting blood and then some dude talks that the dog wasn't taken care of anyone from the church under which the dog was always sleeping, and that the dog was malnourished, cold etc. - monkeys killing other monkeys - mountain lions and pumas killing monkeys
I'm afraid what Instagram will toss my way tomorrow, so I deleted my account.
Cheers, just needed to vent.
submitted by EngineeringTinker to Instagram [link] [comments]

2023.07.14 13:53 Demfer Hyperion, Down syndrome midgets and the diddler priest?

So this one came highly recommended. Got to part where the priest is in a village with Down syndrome alien humans and he is obsessed with inspecting their genitalia. This is really weird and kind of exhausting to read through, should I stop now or continue? Will there be a payoff or will I need to take a cold shower at some point?
submitted by Demfer to scifi [link] [comments]

2023.06.28 09:34 MicroTatertots Sick and tired of being 180cm in Southeast Asia

Dear Southeast Asian builders and market people, please make everything higher so that other people can fit in. Younger generation kids in your country are getting taller and many are around my height, but you still have to make everything painfully tiny even for skinny people who are not 6 ft tall!
It's a very literal pain in the neck being 180cm tall in Thailand and Indonesia and Vietnam, and everywhere else in SE Asia. That's 5'11", which is the statistically average male height of many northern European countries.
I'm Asian myself but grew up in the West and am stuck here for family reasons. I constantly have to deal with these annoying problems even as a skinny guy.
  1. I cannot stand up straight under many market tents, resting sheds, outdoor pavilion, and even people's houses. My knees and neck have to be constantly bent. I am not kidding.
  2. I have to crouch down at least 10 times a day when walking around streets, temples, people's houses, buildings, markets, and what not. Bathroom doors are the worst.
  3. I am constantly looking up to see if another tarp, awning, sign, umbrella, or wire is going to hit my head.
  4. Everyone tries to rip you off because they think you're a foreigner, just because you're taller than them. That's even if your parents were both from the same country as them. What makes you think that taller people deserve to be ripped off even if their facial features are the same as yours?
  5. Getting asked "Why are you so tall" a million times and getting stared at. I repeat, I'm completely average in other parts of the world. I'm not even 6 ft tall!
  6. Benches everywhere are so low that I feel like I'm squatting. My legs can never rest at a 90 degree angle unlike everyone else's legs.
  7. You have to spend a ton of money replacing doors (raising from 178cm to 2m), kitchen counters (raising from 80cm to 95cm), and raising this and that.
  8. Constantly walking around a sea of people with their heads all at my shoulder level (women) and neck level (men) means it's just harder to see what's going on underneath you or blend in when it's crowded. Everyone is in the 140cm-170cm height range. They think that 175cm is an uncommonly tall height. I can't understand why there is so little height variation. And it's certainly not due to malnutrition since they pig out on street food and little snacks everyday, all the time especially in Thailand.
  9. Everyone has small man syndrome. The little people all feel and act like they are superior to the big guy. The men are as tall as the women in Europe and the women, well, like 10-12 year old schoolchildren, but that doesn't matter. Local elves are culturally superior to the big dumb foreigners who deserve to be ripped off. Everyone thinks you're an abnormally big freak. There is no advantage to being tall at all, except to grab things off high shelves at stores since none of the local elves can reach them.
  10. Food portions everywhere are meant for tiny people. You always have to eat 2-3 tiny people meals just to have a single normal meal.
I don't care if you are all short, but I do care if you act like tall people do not even exist and make life hard for people who are taller than 170cm.
Your umbrellas and tents all go up to 2m or more, so why can't you make them higher because not everyone is a 150cm midget? I've used those things before and they all go up to 2m. Stop acting like 180cm people don't exist.
Whenever I see a really low umbrella and no one's around, I adjust it up to 2m for them. The next day I come back and it's put back down to 170cm again!
I want to walk around normally with a good posture. Why does everyday life have to become a cave spelunking challenge?

Sometimes I am actually thinking of going to a doctor who can chop 10-15 cm off my legs so that I don't have to crouch around everyday like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
submitted by MicroTatertots to rant [link] [comments]

2023.06.28 09:13 MicroTatertots Sick and tired of being 180cm in Southeast Asia

Dear Southeast Asian builders and market people, please make everything higher so that other people can fit in. Younger generation kids in your country are getting taller and many are around my height, but you still have to make everything painfully tiny even for skinny people who are not 6 ft tall!
It's a very literal pain in the neck being 180cm tall in Thailand and Indonesia and Vietnam, and everywhere else in SE Asia. That's 5'11", which is the statistically average male height of many northern European countries.
I'm Asian myself but grew up in the West, and I constantly have to deal with these annoying problems even as a skinny guy.
  1. I cannot stand up straight under many market tents, resting sheds, outdoor pavilion, and even people's houses. My knees and neck have to be constantly bent. I am not kidding.
  2. I have to crouch down at least 10 times a day when walking around streets, temples, people's houses, buildings, markets, and what not. Bathroom doors are the worst.
  3. I am constantly looking up to see if another tarp, awning, sign, umbrella, or wire is going to hit my head.
  4. Everyone tries to rip you off because they think you're a foreigner, just because you're taller than them. That's even if your parents were both from the same country as them. What makes you think that taller people deserve to be ripped off even if their facial features are the same as yours?
  5. Getting asked "Why are you so tall" a million times and getting stared at. I repeat, I'm completely average in other parts of the world. I'm not even 6 ft tall!
  6. Benches everywhere are so low that I feel like I'm squatting. My legs can never rest at a 90 degree angle unlike everyone else's legs.
  7. You have to spend a ton of money replacing doors (raising from 178cm to 2m), kitchen counters (raising from 80cm to 95cm), and raising this and that.
  8. Constantly walking around a sea of people with their heads all at my shoulder level (women) and neck level (men) means it's just harder to see what's going on underneath you or blend in when it's crowded. Everyone is in the 140cm-170cm height range. They think that 175cm is an uncommonly tall height. I can't understand why there is so little height variation. And it's certainly not due to malnutrition since they pig out on street food and little snacks everyday, all the time especially in Thailand.
  9. Everyone has small man syndrome. The little people all feel and act like they are superior to the big guy. The men are as tall as the women in Europe and the women, well, like 10-12 year old schoolchildren, but that doesn't matter. Local elves are culturally superior to the big dumb foreigners who deserve to be ripped off. Everyone thinks you're an abnormally big freak. There is no advantage to being tall at all, except to grab things off high shelves at stores since none of the local elves can reach them.
  10. Food portions everywhere are meant for tiny people. You always have to eat 2-3 tiny people meals just to have a single normal meal.
I don't care if you are all short, but I do care if you act like tall people do not even exist and make life hard for people who are taller than 170cm.
Your umbrellas and tents all go up to 2m or more, so why can't you make them higher because not everyone is a 150cm midget? I've used those things before and they all go up to 2m. Stop acting like 180cm people don't exist.
Whenever I see a really low umbrella and no one's around, I adjust it up to 2m for them. The next day I come back and it's put back down to 170cm again!
I want to walk around normally with a good posture. Why does everyday life have to become a cave spelunking challenge?

Sometimes I am actually thinking of going to a doctor who can chop 10-15 cm off my legs so that I don't have to crouch around everyday like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

submitted by MicroTatertots to Rants [link] [comments]

2023.05.24 04:56 Easy_Blackberry4786 Sexy time in the Celestial kingdom

So last night I was a bit tipsy, and got to thinking. Hold on now ... things are gonna get bumpy.
Am I gonna have a dick in the next life? Obviously god has a dick, he impregnated his daughter Mary to create Jesus, right? So he has and obviously uses his dick right? Do we all have the same heavenly mother? He is a polygamist God according to the new and everlasting covenant, so there is a chance that we could have different mommies right? Anyways back to the dicks... I am not going to need my dick. No baby making in the lower kingdoms, and I don't need pee anymore ya? So I'm guessing that we won't have em. Does God use his dick to make new spirit babies woth our heavenly mommies? Do heavenly mommies need celestial boobs to suckle celestial spirit babies? What size are these celestial boobies and schlongs? Are we going to all look the same, or different? We know that we will all be "in our primes as resurrected beings". So do genetics have a play in our celestial bodies? If so, being a midget, giant, fat, skinny, down syndrome, hair lip, skin color or brain size have a play in what our celestial bodies will look like? If you are a moron in this life, are you doomed to be a moron for eternity? I heard that people with mental and physichal issues were perfect spirits before birth, and only have bodies to "check it off the list of the road to being a god." So genetics play into intelligence right? So if genetics have a say in your next body.... you could be a moron. If not, then we will all look the same. Height, skin color, facial features etc. So it's safe to assume then that there are NO black, Asian, Hispanic, Pacific etc people? Just white people ya? All the same size, with the same size celestial dicks and celestial boobies? Is God's celestial fick bigger than new gods? Only Mormons are going to have theor privates I think. I also realized that you will NOT be with your family forever, despite what you have been told growing up. Families will NOT be together forever through heavenly fathers plan. Only ONE family. As a child when your are told that, you picture being with your parents and siblings. As a married adult with kids, I always assumed that it would be my wife and children forever. But they will have their own kids and spouse(s), as their own families units. And then their kids etc etc. So it will only be you and your spouse(s).... right? Your kids, siblings and parents will all be the same age as you since they are jn their primes as well. The "family unit" as we see it on earth is ONLY for earth. Your parents won't be your parents. Your kids won't be your kids. You will all be equals. Period. So instead of individual families..... we will have 1 BIG family as siblings. Brothers and sisters. Just like the pre existence. Not like I thought it was. If my wife is in the celestial kingdom and I broke my covenants..... can we still shack up since she can visit the lower kingdoms(even though I can go visit her). Also, love/lust won't exist in the next life. If I left but my spouse stayed, then when the veil is lifted, she would(as taught by the church a long time ago) hook up woth a righteous priesthood covenant keeper as his plural wife to become a godess and ditch me. The concept of love doesn't exist in the celestial kingdom as it does here. It would be a no brainer that you would want to be a goddess instead of alone in the celestial kingdom FOREVER. Also, if you enjoy anal........ do it as much as you can in this life. Cause you won't have a butthole in the next one. Just saying(unless you have to eat to be a god and that's not just an earthly thing.
Anyways sorry for my rambling. But this is the stuff we should be discussing guys!!!!! If I was told I would have my dick removed.... I might have kept my covenants
submitted by Easy_Blackberry4786 to exmormon [link] [comments]

2023.05.09 16:38 Razor_Whale I'm a non-binary black chinese cowboy autistic midget quadriplegic with down syndrome. AMA

and sunburned
submitted by Razor_Whale to AMA [link] [comments]
