Quilt patterns - split rail fence


2024.05.19 22:51 Emrecof Barrowlands

The barrowlands were a vast expanse, unforgiving and empty. Hills undulated and rolled, carved by the winds and time and the hands of the First Men. Dust that had once been kings’ bones sat in the thousands of slopes that defined the landscape, their blatant artificiality only occasionally marred by collapses and uncontrolled treelines.
It was in one of these barrows that the Locke party had taken shelter. The edges of a spring storm had reached them, darkening the sky before its time and blanketing the land with misty rain.
The barrow was unmarked to their eyes, any runes long since worn away by time. Even Valena did not know to whom the tomb had belonged, and to Harwin’s mind, that meant nobody knew. Now, night had fallen in truth, and a small cookfire crackled fitfully, smoke curling out of the doorframe to be lost in the mist. Their meal was strips of salted venison, the finest gift of the Manderlys’ court, and a small celebration that they had set out on their way.
They had spent two weeks in White Harbour, in the end, and the memory left him glad to be free. Bella Woolfield was a busy woman, distracted and superior in equal measures. Harwin had felt exposed, especially when their hosts toasted the memory of Lord Barthogan and Marlon Locke.
Sylas sat against the far side of the dark barrow, eyes straining at that book he had brought from Oldcastle. He’d so far evaded any questions about it, and the well-worn leather binding gave little clue. The space was crowded by the rest of their retinue, quiet men intent on their food, tired from a day’s travel and disheartened by the weather. Only Valena seemed energised, scanning the roof of the barrow, a sketchbook open on her knees, charcoal staining her fingers as she scraped it across the pages.
“What are you drawing?” Harwin asked, finding her easiest to engage with. The question drew several pairs of eyes. Only three of their number weren’t present. Frenken was out checking on the horses, Jorah had insisted on standing guard, and Benjicot had not yet returned.
“Ceiling,” Valena said, pointing. “See how the way the stones are stacked makes an alternating pattern? Sort of back and forth here by the entrance? Spiralling in the burial chamber?”
Harwin nodded, though in truth it took him a moment to parse what she meant.
“That allows them to stack into an arch without mortar. The weight of the soil on top keeps everything tight, and it’ll more or less stand forever.”
“Why not build castles like that?”
“Because–” Valena flicked the stick of charcoal in that way that meant she had caught herself before giving an inadequate answer. She took a moment.
“They did build fortifications. I guess you wouldn’t call them castles, and honestly this all depends on which maester you read. In any case, though, it doesn’t scale. You couldn’t build something the size of the Wolf’s Den or Oldcastle like this.”
Harwin nodded. There was a fragility in expansion, he knew. He had seen some small glimpse of it in the pulls on Bella Woolfield’s time. So many things that could go wrong. It didn’t discourage him as much as it probably should have.
“Who goes there?” came a voice. In the muffling of the wind and the barrow, it took a moment for Harwin to identify Jorah. The voice that answered was too far away for Harwin to make out the words, but he knew its sound. He was on his feet before he knew it, striding out of the ancient tomb.
“Benji!” he called, grinning unexpectedly. The soaked knight smiled in return. One hand held the reins of his horse, the other rose in greeting. Harwin ran in, clasping a hand to Ser Benjicot’s shoulder.
“My lord, it’s good to see you again,” Benji said.
“And you - I was worried you would pass us by, in truth.” Harwin took the reins from him, and Benjicot hesitated only slightly at the unexpected courtesy.
“I did,” he admitted. “I passed by here, oh, four hours ago, when the storm was worse. I figured I must’ve missed you and turned back.”
“Glad you did, ser.” Harwin brought the horse over to the others, and thanked Frenken when he took a blanket from one of the carriages, throwing it over Benji’s steed and tying it down.
“How was your visit to White Harbour?” Benjicot asked, wiping the rain from his brow uselessly.
“Uneventful, in truth. We didn’t mean to stay so long, but the Woolfield-Manderlys were having a feast to celebrate a nameday. Insisted we stay.”
“Sounds luxurious, my lord.”
Harwin shrugged. “If I ever eat another lamprey pie, it will be too soon.”
Benjicot chuckled, and then made a little oh noise at the back of his throat, and fumbled for the saddlebags of his horse. “That reminds me, my lord. I have something you may enjoy, hold one moment-” Whatever he sought had been packed low, but eventually Benjicot pulled out a small satchel, opening it to reveal what initially seemed like so many mottled bones.
“King crab legs. Salted, from Sweetsister. Care to try one?”
He handed the leg over, and Harwin followed his lead as he split the shell with a press of his thumbs, pulling the pale meat out from within with his teeth. The meat was softer than he expected, sweetness mixing with the salt of its preservation. He made a satisfied grunt as he swallowed.
“Gods, that is good. Sweetsister, you said?”
“Aye, my lord.”
“I must visit some day. Is everything there that delicious?”
Benji chuckled. “I couldn’t say, honestly.”
“And this,” Harwin gestured to the food as Benjicot stowed it again, “should I take it as an indication your visit also went well?”
“I believe so, my lord.” Benjicot pulled a different, familiar satchel from the saddlebag, and gestured ahead of them in a question, shall we step out of earshot for this part? Harwin nodded, and they began walking in a wide orbit around the barrow. Harwin blinked into the mist, trying to clear the rain from his lashes to no avail. Benjicot took a moment before he spoke again.
“I wasn’t perfectly successful, my lord. The captains I spoke to were – I think understandably – mistrustful of an unproven town like Shackleton. Not to say there was no interest, mind. There was one captain from Widow’s Watch who seemed to take pleasure in the idea of undermining the Manderlys.”
Harwin couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Well, it’s one way to make an ally.”
“Indeed, my lord. Once I realised I should emphasise that Shackleton is a lumber town, I got some more interest. The Sisters have a great demand for wood these days, as I understand, and Braavos’ Arsenal is always hungry. In all, I think I convinced seven captains to make some trade, with another four or so on the fence.”
He handed over the satchel, and Harwin opened it. He didn’t bother counting the coins within, merely shifting them from side to side to get an impression. A bit over half remained from the allowance that Harwin had given.
“Thank you,” Harwin said. “I hope you didn’t run into any trouble?”
“Thankfully not. I met a man I had known as a squire, but he did not think to suspect me of anything.”
The near miss sent a small stab of fear through Harwin’s heart, but he tried to put it aside. It was days or weeks past now, and not worth worrying about, especially if Benjicot was discussing it so offhandedly.
“No other news from the New Castle?” Benji asked. “I know you had some concerns about the possibility of a marriage being suggested.”
Harwin laughed. “No, it never came up. Sylas tried to flirt with Bella’s cousin, but I don’t think it went well. He’s been unusually quiet since, though he was quite happy to spend my money to distract himself at the time.”
“My sympathies to him,” Benji grinned. “And your sister?”
“Oh, she spent much of the trip in the Wolf’s Den. I went with her a few times, stopped by the weirwood there. She took notes on the construction of the Den, I’m sure she’ll tell you everything you might want to know about Eyronic columns.”
“I have no doubt, my lord.”
Harwin stopped walking for a moment, looking out into the darkness of the barrowlands. The shadows were impenetrable, the rain oppressive. And yet he felt warmer than he had in weeks.
“I have missed you,” he said, turning to his knight. “More than I had expected to.”
Benjicot’s hair was windswept, auburn darkened to almost brown with the damp, and his beard was growing in stronger than he had let it before. It did not hide the smile that crept up his cheeks.
“And I you, my lord.”
“Thank you, again, for everything. We should probably go inside, get you warm.”
“I would appreciate that, my lord.”
They completed their lap of the barrow, returning to the small room with too many people, and the warmth of their greeting was greater than that of their fire. A plate of venison was pressed into Benjicot’s hands, and an energy filled the space anew as everyone asked after the knight’s health and of his news. Sylas retrieved wine from one of the carriages, and laughter rang through the tomb. The secrecy of Benjicot’s purpose in White Harbour was maintained, but gently mocked by all involved.
Harwin watched them all, trying not to focus too much on Benjicot. One would not think to look at the knight that he had risked his honour and freedom for Harwin. The merchants that he bribed would, Harwin hoped, prove profitable to Shackleton and Oldcastle for years to come. It was impossible to know just yet.
He was just glad to have Benjicot back amongst them. He had almost forgotten how close he had come to rely on the man in their weeks apart. Now, his household felt complete again. And it was his household, after all. The thought warmed him more than it once might have.
Sylas’ voice cut through the din of conversation. “Harwin, what’s our next stop?”
It took Harwin a moment to understand the context of the question, and so he barely avoided stammering when he answered, “Greywater Watch. Wanted to meet with the Reeds.”
Sylas nodded, curiosity satisfied, and returned to his conversation with Frenken. Their destination seemed to be helping him prove some point in a friendly argument. Benjicot was speaking with Jorah and his men, laughing over some dockside tale, pushing crab legs into the protesting guardsmen’s hands. Finally, Valena caught Harwin’s eye, smiling knowingly.
“Are we making friends all over the North?” she asked, half-mocking and half-sincere.
Harwin laughed, and didn’t answer.
Gods, he hoped so.
submitted by Emrecof to GameofThronesRP [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:02 AppalachiaAstronaut (WTS/WTT) Misc Parts: stocks (luth, shock, mil), punisher grip, rail covers, mil/offset safeties, offset picatinny mounts, barrel mounts, handguard +

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/HsdLicz
Up for sale is all of this misc stuff for $205 $199 shipped. WILLING TO SPLIT into groups of stuff for offers.
Trade interests (can always do cash on top one way or another too):
submitted by AppalachiaAstronaut to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:42 HumanSupremacyFan Empire of Statues

--⧼ BEGIN Broadcast Message ⧽--
Priority Level: Urgent
:: From ::
Center Arm of the Emperor, Planet Laran
:: To ::
All Survivors of Fellow Royal Cast Broods
:: Message ::
The Emperor has graciously permitted the use of his Excellency's summer home on Planet Laran, located in the Empire's Center Arm, as a temporary refuge during the unprecedented violent Terran offences against His Holiness and the holiness of the Omni-brood of Ix.
:: Attachments ::
Coordinates and Flight Key
:: Royal Cryptographic Signature ::
Lord La'Ix, The Emperor's Right-Center Arm
--⧼ END Broadcast Message ⧽--


"CURSE THEM! The great houses are going to have my bloody head for this! There is no way this should've happened and under my command too! The Golden Emperor's own exotic holiday world has gone to ash and the only one to blame is going to be me. Well it was basically my watch anyways. Curse. Them. All"
Those were the only legible sounds one could hear among the frantic stamping of one particular Ixian lord as he hurried away through the underbrush of the royal reserve just outside the centre palace. The same Ixian lord that, only hours earlier, was delighting in his typical cooked boar while enjoying his evening's entertainment of a young Terran girl running for her life from a loose Laran tiger. Something about the way those bipeds run always makes him laugh. Some similarly caste Ixian would call this form of entertainment childish, lowbrow, and immature. He would tend to agree. But sometimes he just wanted cheap slapstick humour. The day to day life of the royal caste tends to get dull with all the fine arts an Ixian of his caste is meant to enjoy.
"How did it all go to shit!?! I was always attentive, and there hasn't been an uprising since those terrans were tamed for the palace. I mean we mostly neuter the problematic ones anyways, so why all the sudden aggression?", he shouted in agitation at the emptiness in front of him.
Speeding through the royal garden which in actuality is a repurposed Savannah of the island the palace is on. The Ixian was a beast of speed. Perfectly honed and trained over decades, and genetically maintained over eons, he always proudly held that he was the fasted in his brood of 16. Making a name for himself among the other broodkin for being the most genetically suited for the rank of high general (not that there was any need for generals, there hasn't been need for war in so long). Of course the Ixians always pride themselves in having no excess potential, and adapting your environment to suit your biology, but it never hurts to have perfect biology. That's the true pride of an Ixian.
That innate need to change the universe rather than changing themselves is what led to their vast interstellar empire. One that reached from constellation to constellation and then eventually to the arms of entire galaxies, terraforming worlds to the same environment they were already adapted to. Since forcing nature into one's bidding was the most sacred duty of any that shared a lick of Ix biology.
Which was why the Ix was confident in themselves. This Ixian in particular surely felt surprised, but mainly he was only moderately upset at the sudden change of situation, from being comfortable in the royal dining hall to sudden exercise.
"Everything can be changed back. Everything can be changed back." It repeated the mantra to itself. As it began to relax and turn its snarled sharp mouth into a toothy grin.
"Yes, there is nothing to worry about at all. Then let's make a game plan. Just need to make it to the space port at the harbour. Grab a ride out and find someone else to take the fall. That old royal butler is as ancient as the dirt of the broodworld. Hell, he probably was there when it vanished in the shadow of the holy empire's long past." chuckling to himself at the quite witty remark, but saddened that no one else was there to hear it.
Should be realistic enough for the others to believe. But first things first, I need to reach the harbour-master. It thought while its dense muscles powered the beastly lizard-like form on its journey, as it bound in the direction of its destination at top speed on all fours.
The blood red sun was already kissing the horizon by the time the Ixian went to nearly collapse under exhaustion of the extended sprint. He hasn't ran this far and fast than when he a young broodling that won competitions and competitions in the royal sports. I think I might have overdid it. He thought while massaging the oncoming threat of a sneaky cramp in his hind leg.
The Ixian were well known for speed. But their stamina was another thing. There bodies simply didn't have the evolved features for long distance travel. There was never truly any need in the past, as their very steady and controlled climate and sparsely diverse ecosystem on Ix never truly required much challenge.
It turned its panting head to face the way it came, gazing proudly at the great distance it made in such a short while.
But something was off by that view. Something different to what he was expecting. The view itself was mostly fine. Well, as fine as a smoking mark in the distance, presumably from the summer palace being engulfed in flame and spitting great plumes of black smoke. But no, something about this view chilled him to this spine. Craning his neck from his vantage point he could swear there was a small speck in the distance.
What on great Ix is that?
All of a sudden realisation hit like a rock on a peaceful pond. Something was following him. Something unknown and cold was making its way to his location. He was certain it wasn't any of his guards, all guards permitted to serve under the royal summer home were Ixian of course. Physically bred for their strength and speed, and placed into roles of importance like protecting the higher caste such as himself. (Whereas this day being the only exception). It did look like he was the only Ixian that actually made it out of the palace so far. Ixians are able to cover short distances in phenomenal speed, akin to a scaly 4 legged beast of the hunt.
No this was something else.
Feeling a very small panic build up inside, but veiling that cold, unwanted terror as impatience at how far he still needs to travel yet. Lord La'Ix flexed his anterior legs and sped on leaving behind a red-yellow cloud of dust in his wake.
He frowned. Feeling strange at a never before felt sensation. Like something in the back of his perfectly designed brain was screaming a silent, but terrifyingly familiar warning.
"Ix itself is an ancient world. Temperate in climate, while abundant in vegetation and small game. It is unknown how the Ixian was formed on paradise.
The old priest can drum into your heads that I'Ix made us into being by indenting his form in the sand of the first beach and filling the shape with his life. Moulding us into being.
The heretic would counter and say we evolved from a previous species akin to ourselves over the course of untold lengths of time.
The philosopher would suggest that only on paradise would the sentient universe fill in the space for the perfect beings to enjoy the fruits of existence.
Lastly, even the lowest caste Ixian would point and laugh at the rest and say 'why talk about antiquity, when we can make more paradise to fill the heavens'."
-A popular Ixian parable
Lord La'Ix bolted up all of a sudden from his resting spot. Heart suddenly beating frantically. The stars had barely enough time to shift positions when last rested his weary body, only a couple hours must have passed since dusk fell and the world plunged into night.
The silence of the Savannah made sound from afar travel better. Aside from the quiet rustling of the wind he wasn't so sure what he heard. Assuming his bored ears were playing tricks on him.
Calming down, curling up on the flat cool rock he found he started to drift to the shadowless lands where all Ixian go when they dream...
Drums, no, not drums. Some sort of mechanical tool? Not that I ever heard of a tool that just beat the ground senseless. A strange beating sound could be heard, pounding into the ground. As he stayed frozen and very awake, he could have sworn it was getting louder. Closer.
Suddenly the entire valley echoed the sounds of a few broken sticks.
La'Ix jumped up, whirling around, and came to face something approaching fast that could only be described as a cold predator, not that there were any predators on the homeworld's recorded history. But every cell in his aching body reacted the same. DANGER, DANGER, RUN, RUN.
The silver light of the planet's 3 moons barely lit the valley but what that light bounced off of was a figure in motion. Front Legs pumping up and down, nostrils flaring, eyes too close together, and pupils so large it was like staring at darkness itself.
Hold on there are only 2 legs right? Sudden familiarity hit him hard, memories of last night's entertainment stained his mind. In the name of Ix is that a Terran?!?
La'Ix didn't realise it then, but it was looking at a Terran, despite the Terrans characteristics looking different to the standard slave he was used to seeing. The pumping body of the runner was made for such long distances. Sweat acting as a cooling mechanism, making the man glisten in the harsh moonlight, the enlarged nostrils taking in all the air the body needs for this type of strenuous activity. And the enlarged pupils, made for adjusting to low light environments.
Down on the plains of the Savannah were two creatures. One a perfect evolutionary miracle, practically evolution's first try gone right, Perfectly made for its environment and was never truly exposed to varying climates and environments. And the other, having crawled through the primordial ooze, and struggled and fought its way through dangers, diseases, and competition on its own horrifying world. Where deadly heat in deserts can dry out any living thing, and such freezing poles that can turn anything that enters it in pure ice.
The man's lean and sweat-slicken form was steadily making its way towards the frozen statue of La'Ix. Just as he got within 50 paces did La'Ix sprint away scattering pebbles in its path the echoes of which bounced back from the valley's sharp walls. Undeterred, the chaser kept steadily running. Jaws grit. Eyes locked on afar.
And afar was its prey. Sprinting away.
HOW IN IX'S NAME DID THAT THING KNOW WHERE I AM? The La'Ix in a fit of sudden excitement mixed with a heavy dose of panic, began its high octane sprint from the sudden looming threat of being found. Hind Legs propelling the creature's body forward, while its front arms, which were historically also for four legged locomotion, pulled the terrain closer with each stride. Increasing its momentum until it reached max speed.
"Broodling La'Ix!" said a stern but educated voice.
"Huh? Oh! Yessir!" a young Ix jumped to attention still thinking about more enjoyable things specifically outside of the classroom walls.
"Well? Can you please answer my question or will you make your other broodkin wait until Ix falls to ash first", the tutor said expectantly, prompting several muffles giggles in the room.
"Sorry sir. What makes the Ixian race its place in eternity is the attention we put in perfection. After our home-world of Ix's climate and terrain began to change, the leaders from antiquity decreed we carry on the spirit of the home-world in maintaining a consistent biological and genetic profile that will always be suited to Ix's surface. As we change worlds to be more like Ix, we can spread the spirit of Ix to them. As such, Change is- uh, change is..."
"Change is the poison of perfection, Remaining unchanged for Ix enable us to carry its spirit to other planets in the heavens", continued the tutor. "Well you certainly paid some attention to today's lesson at the very least. But remember that final part. It's the last of the core tenants you will need to remember."
A good half night passed on the surface of the Savanna. Where a previously noble and alert Ixian who took great care in appearances and status was no longer to be seen. Instead of that proud domineering alien representative of ix was a dishevelled, dusty, ragged creature, dehydrated, hungry, and exhausted from the various sprints it forced itself to endure to stay ahead of fate's ever closing hand.
Is this the sword of Damocles that was mentioned in the ancient Terran records? Always hanging down on those who hold power and seek more? Fate's sharp blade? But why me? I was never in any real power. All I wanted out of this life was a comfortable posting with no dirt and grime from the lower worlds. Why me? Why now? Why do I-
La'Ix snapped himself out of a daze. Is he here- No, no I should be far far away from that Terran now. Maybe I can find some-
A dim glow interrupted its train of thought. Much too early to be the Sunrise on the Emperor's summer planet, and much to low to be the light from one of it's 2 moons. It was a light from a town.
"That's right!" The Ixian barely managed to rasp in between haggard breaths. Its body barely able to continue the amount of self inflicted abuse it has suddenly been put in.
A lot more hunched over than the Ixian was earlier. It made its way towards a small town it knew was in between the palace and the harbour. The emperor loved his royal rustic towns and villages. It is said that his royal emperor would sometimes tour around them marvelling at the romantic theme of a simple rustic life. Although getting a personal town full of Ixians required a lot of lower caste be forced into long and expensive work contracts as background entertainers for the king's planet, all this excessive show of wealth was partially for peackocking the emperor's reputation, and partially for his own personal enjoyment. The Emperor is almost culturally required to flaunt his royal wealth in all forms in order to keep connections with all the royal houses. An emperor that doesn't shower their supporting aides and houses with grand gifts is fated to eventually be found cold on the floor of the royal banquet due to 'suicide from accidentally ingesting poison', as was the previous emperor.
To avoid such an unfortunate passing, the Higher Royals would trade vast resources, delicacies, and even exotic slaves to court 'royal favours'. Slaves of the Terran variety especially are considered to be the most unique of gifts the empire has ever acquired.
Terrans weren't necessarily large and bulky. Fighters were assigned to the Slave Obniraks. Powerful creatures used to fill the fields on tougher worlds where mechanical services would be deemed to expensive. The growth of a Obnirak into full working adulthood is only a few cycles. Meaning mass producing a workforce is quite an easy feat.
Terrans instead would take vast cycles to mature from a childling to an average adult. Meaning growing a slave force would take vast quantities of resources, immense patience, and strict guidance from their owners as to not create faulty creatures. All of which increases the general standing on any house that manages to keep a vast amount of Terran slaves in the best quality.
Terrans weren't necessarily docile and obedient. That role was perhaps given to the oldest slave race the Ix ever controlled. The Iralisa. It was known that they were made remarkably docile due to generations upon generations of select breeding, and pruning off the 'aggressive traits' from the gene pool. However, that led to the adverse effect of physically weakening them to a point where such docility and lack of a frame to keep up with their workload led to a general lack of Ixian interest and were subsequently purified.
Terrans are notoriously independent and herd-minded in larger quantities. Similar to growing a very stubborn Terulian Rose Vine. Which only looks impressive when great care have been given. Terrans need to be given an illusion of being ever so slightly free. Which typically involves owning vast amounts of land and nature to let them roam and graze. Of course, the only ones that can accommodate grand work forces of Terrans are the larger houses with the appropriate territory for humans, as is studied in the Ixian art of Servitude.
One can only guess which species is the Emperor's favourite.
The following town should indeed have both, low caste Ixians, and possibly none of the Emperor's favourite slaves.
The Ixian approached the glowing town. As it reached closer it straightened its back, upright on its hindlegs in the royal fashion. And proclaimed. "It is I! La'Ix, royal courtier. Lend me aid imme-"
Something is off. Not a single shadow in the town, I can see lights but no movement, where is every-
After turning the corner to the center of the small town, the dustied and weary creature froze in its tracks when it saw it. A pit nearly as wide as an Ixian land cruiser and who knows how deep filled with a stench so powerful it watered his eyes. Despite the Ixian's lack of a proper sense of smell. It knew the foul fetor of death.
The crudely dug pit was nearly overflowing when he approached it. Large, smoking, smouldering pyres cast that eerie light that had drawn him in.
"H-how? Wha-What the..." he trailed off when a local species of Laran boar growled and squealed as it tore a dead Ixian limb from the mountain of corpses.
"Who could've..."
He stopped. The shock of seeing his own kind laid like broken dolls in a bleeding pit slowly faded, replaced by a numbness. The Ixian had just noticed they were of Ix. Only of Ix.
Not a single terran colour was visible in the black and spotted pit of bodies. Not a single slave body was visible.
His legs gave way, either from the strain of the entire nights run, the horror facing him, or the threat from behind. He just dropped.
Minutes passed, or hours. It was hard to tell. But the Ixian lay slumped. Body unwilling to move further. Battered flesh unwilling to be propelled by a shattered spirit.
Mind slowly spinning up again. Thoughts began whirring to life in its mind. Could the rumours actually have been true? It had read the sparse reports of odd activity from certain Ixian-controlled worlds on the outer arms of the empire. Small uprisings of unknown origin. Hardly anything of note. If it had no affect on the greater houses then it was of no real concern to Ix and its emperor.
Could this threat have made its way to the centre arm already? Impossible. But what else could have done this to us?
Something caught the Ixian's eyes. In the middle of the pit it stood. A large stake, wet with deep Ixian crimson, dripping ever so slowly. Towering over the pit like a battlefield flag was a head of an Ixian rammed onto the tip of the spike. But the particular detail that caught the Ixian's eyes was a symbol cut into the flesh of the large forehead.
Looking from the outward-in. Eight concentric rings, which proceeded to get smaller and smaller in size until it reached a dark mass at the centre of the symbol. The Ixian never forgot the symbol and the affect it had on it.
Eight concentric rings, and a centre mass. Eight rings, and a mass. Eight- Eight what? Eight planets? And a star? ...
A growing pool of cold dread rose in its guts that made it shiver despite the fair night. This dread reflected the sharp reality on its frigid surface.
This Ixian was well-bred, well-trained, and well-educated. Although anyone with a basic education would know of such a pattern.
Terra and her sisters. THEIR star system...
Thump, thump, thump, thump.
It's not possible!-
Knowing what that sound meant, the Ixian tried to whirl around, its body barely being able to heed its masters commands. Just when it was starting to move again it felt it.
Sudden sharp agony. Sudden sharp, raging agony. The Ixian looked at it's hind leg. A sharpened wooden stake was jutting out of it.
It loud out a tight lipped scream, as it grasped the pulsating wound as one does immediately after an injury. It barely had enough time to look up at its attacker when the Terran bolted forward, shortening the distance between hunter and prey from metres to mere paces. The Ixian barely had enough time to block the hand grasping the knife as the arm flew forward at the last minute with a crash.
What phenomenal force!
Using the momentum from that sprint plus the wind up of his arm. The Terran was able to impart a phenomal show of force for a creature its size. That's when La'Ix for the first time saw a human in its raw unchanged form. Great beads of sweat collecting dust on its brow, to prevent it from entering the eyes. The constant release of sweat from the countless pores on its soft fleshy skin. Constant cooling? Even the visible veins and capillaries visible from the fire light.
What a beast of endurance-
Suddenly the horizon fell before the Ixian only to reveal the inky black sky dotted with pigments from stars like a painters masterpiece. When did I look up? Then a crash and blunt force from the ground.
The Ixian had been toppled over by that ferocious exchange of force.
Barely able to get up due to the wind being knocked out of its single large lung, the searing pain in its hind leg, and the exhaustion from the chase. It was too late. The terran was already on top of it. Taking up the entire view of the sky as the terran stepped forward into its field of vision.
The sudden perspective change made a once small and frail looking slave look grander than life, grander than all the legends told to Ixian broodlings.
The punches rained down. Repeatedly. A constant bombardment of beating rained like the drops of rain before the first dew. The previous pain in its leg forgotten, to invite a new visitor in the form of blunt force trauma. So ferocious were the raw blows to its carapace that the Ixian felt the exoskeleton crack under the increasing pressure and strain.
Something cracked, another thing snapped. The amount of pain too much to comprehend. The neurons firing in its second brain just assumed it was everywhere. Its half-working eye glimpsed the fist as it came down for the nth time. Red and split knuckles, revealing pure white bone beneath—a reinforced weapon. The perfect natural offence. All the muscles moved to propel it downwards where something else cracked and split.
Is this where I die?
As if understanding its fate the Ixian's form slumped over. Its body barely holding onto the natural exoskeleton shielding that covered its chest and facial area. Fluids leaking from the cracks that went too deep, and who knows how many internal ribs are shattered.
Its body, knowing that that more movement will cause more injuries, and further stimuli would confuse it further. It simply shut down.
The last moments it had as it fell backwards on its side. Was a small running figure. Hand clutching wooden spears. But the truly petrifying sight was behind it. A vast shadow flickering from the light of the lit pyres from the hunter in front of it. A shadow cast so large, jagged, and menacing it appeared to swallow the town whole.
And into a hole did the Ixian fall. A vacuum with no sensation or thought. Just darkness.
How... did we never notice such a... monster... in their... shadow...
All Ixians were taught about 'violence' and 'conflict' at an early age. As a sort of rite of passage that any of them would go through as they survive their early broodling days. As Ix have no natural predators, they had begun to instil a serving of some necessary conflict to keep their generations fresh and somewhat physically strong. As a precaution, only rudimentary forms of civil sports, races, shows of strength and courage were ever really explored. But always in a controlled and calm settings, as there would never be any true need for actual conflict.
As there was always a need to maintain ones own environment. The need never arose for the development of fighting techniques and schools of training. That was one of the best parts of being an Ix that many thought. Having supreme control over the worlds you inhabit means setting gravity, atmospheric pressure, humidity, and temperatures to the perfect levels for comfort replaced any need for biological change. Why grow when you can keep everything the same way, how you like it.
They were a vast empire. An empire of statues.
-Excerpt from the history of extra-solarian species, Author unknown
It awoke to a burning radiating heat from in front. The large sun was already starting to set on the horizon when it awoke. Had a whole day passed? Or two?
Trying to block the setting sun from its eyes it couldn't. "What?...", barely made out in a whisper.
I'm tied up.
And indeed the Ixian was right. Tied up next to a small brook, with a scorching fire in front of it. The monster nowhere to be seen.
"No good... it's too tight", it grunted in an attempt to escape its bindings.
Going slack in defeat it avoided any additional movement. Not having the energy to spare to move. It was lucky to have always been lazy at shedding its carapace - a frequent nag from its broodmother - might just have become its salvation in this case.
Thank Ix.
So there it stayed.
Hours passed. The Sun fully set and the stars awake in this dark world barely lit up the wildlands. Only the prisoner in this cone of firelight existed out here.
A rustling up ahead caught the prisoner's attention disturbing the eerily still silence of the Savannah night. And ungodly horror of a squeal ruptured the air invoking a deep visceral terror within the bound prisoner. Something. Something close but just outside the firelight was eyeing it, glinting from beyond the light. Those dark predatory eyes stabbed the prisoner with a sudden coldness. All while the squealing suddenly halted. SNAP. SQUELCH.
Now it came, emerging into the light. A beast. Holding a knife in one bloodied hand, dripping on the dirt. And dragging by the leg, a massive adult Laran boar grotesquely smearing thick blood still warm from the cut in the neck on the dirt.
The prisoner watched, barely moving, barely breathing. Frozen with the horror in front of it as the bloodied carcass was skinned; fur sliced away with harsh, scraping sounds with the crude knife. Spurting remaining blood all over the site.
The pink naked flesh then washed in the brook, leaving a distinct smell of oxidised blood in the air, before being skewered and roasted over the roaring flames. Fat popping violently in the heat.
In this gruesome display, the beast revealed not just a fate for the boar, but a dark hint of what might come. The realisation struck deep—this could be more than just a demonstration; it was a terrifying preview of its own potential end.
It passed out again.
Only to be awoken by the haunting echoes of a wild, desperate squeal that once thrummed through the savannah's eerie silence. Dare it open its eyes?
After a great heavy effort -utilizing its every last drop of courage- one eye cracked open. And what it saw. Made it regret ever having done so.
Right across from it, the hunter was a grotesque silhouette against the flickering fire. Grasping a severed boar leg was a mouth viciously biting, ripping, tearing into the flesh with primal ferocity. Each bite was deliberate, each tear of sinew was a clear, calculated demonstration of supreme savagery. Its jaw muscles bulged with the force of a bite.
All the while, the eyes—deep, abyssal pits—fixed intently on the prisoner. Deepest black pits stared back at it. Watching. Observing. Calculating, with a dark intelligence. it was calculating. It was relishing the terror it inspired and the control it exerted. Or planning its next meal.
The sounds of ripping flesh filled the thick, blood-soaked air. Deep into the night. Deep into this never-ending nightmare.
Never once did the prisoner move. Not an iota. Frozen in abject horror.
The night passed quietly. After the feast the human had, or the desecration of life that the prisoner saw, whichever way you look at it. The human nodded off to sleep. Content in the success of his mission. But the tied up creature had no such rest. Sending silent pleas to the stars that it might be saved. But not daring to make a sound, less it awaken that sleeping horror. Or was it sleeping? Dear Ix, it might be watching me. Feigning sleep to keep an eye on its meal. Dear Ix I'm next...
All through the night, the demons plagued its mind. Until the warmth of the morning rose, and with it the sound of an Ixian cruiser.
Elation could not be an understatement for the tired, tied, beat, and bruised thing. Craning its neck to the direction of the sound about to bellow out an Ixian warning to the demon resting next it.
"BE CAREFUL! THERE'S ONE HERE-". It stopped speaking. That previous elation it felt at a saviour arriving to rescue it from the demons grasp, fizzled out like a drop of water in a drought.
That all so familiar cold remained. And the dryness of despair. As pairs of dark pupils shot back at it.
On the cruiser were tall adult Terrans. Clean cut, well fed, well dressed Terrans. Four, no Six, no eight of them. All hanging onto the side of cruiser while it made its way to their location. Compared to the demon waking up beside it, these creatures were organised. A savageness neatly packaged in a uniform with a symbol. The prisoners eyes grew wide in its sunken sockets. 8 rings, and a centre mass. They must be the cause of, well all this.
Accepting fate, its head fell in part defiance, in part to avoid the stinging eyes of these others. It felt their gaze burn through—cold, cruel, calculating. There is nothing I can do any longer.
"You're finally here. What took you so long?" The runner said to his approaching comrades, "Took all night to catch up to him."
"Hey Jan, great work", the tall militant woman shot back. With a playful punch to his arm. "Guess all that cardio really paid off, didn't I tell you it would!" She let out a playful guffaw.
"Thanks Chel", replied Jan.
"Ok chop chop people, we're on a schedule. We need to reach the port ASAP remember? Come on Jan, rest up all you like, you're still on the clock."
"Aye sir." Jan shot back in a mock salute, gaining a sneer from the commandant, then a sneaky smile.
"Don't forget your trash. And make sure its breathing still."
It creaked open its eyes, seeing pairs of boots moving towards it and standing in front. In silence. Then all of a sudden, felt pairs and pairs of hands pull and tug. and lift it up The thing let out a pathetic silent sob. While it was loaded in the back of the cruiser, face up. Staring at eyes, piercing black dots peering back. It could never understand what was being felt by those eyes and those faces.
Ixians wear their emotions on their carapace; spots and stripes would slowly appear in certain parts, representing emotions and feeling that their bodies felt in a general sense. But the most private thoughts were of course, still kept private.
But this. This was just too foreign. The eyes never stopped. Even in the swaying movement of the cruiser the pupils never broke contact. Those eyes. As if it was peering into it, envelops your entire mind. There was no way to hide, even hiding in his inner self would do no good. Those eyes. Those predator eyes can find me anywhere I try to escape to. Inside and out.
Some times passes.
"You know. I lost good friends to the royal caste. Especially to this one's brood clan or whatever they like to call it." One of them was looking right at it when they said it. It turned its eyes over to the source. A short one, with a slave scar on the neck said it. A scar that shot through his memories. A scar inflicted to property owned by, his brood. This one is dangerous..., it thought.
Jan, and the others didn't look but felt it. The cold darkness in that tone made it clear what it intended to do.
The female militant, Chel, I think her name was. Slowly reached to the side arm on her holster. Sensing the oncoming problem.
"You still understand me don't you? I've had to watch good people die. Damn good people." The scarred one one stood, grabbing the upper rail of the cruiser to steady themselves. "I hear that even if you get ill, you become the entertainment for the night. What was it now?" She paused for a brief second. "Oh I remember".
"Stil" Chel said slowly. "Cool it". Hand still on the butt of the sidearm.
Not hearing or not wanting to reply. Stil continued. "Torn apart by those raptor pets. Hands or feet cut off as souvenirs for those fucked-up parties and those fucked-up guests. Oh yea, and the 'toy play' or whatever they call it. Can't have Ken and Barbie fight back now, can we?"
Stil leaned closer to the now cowering, shaking thing, "I wonder which one was your favourite." The words cut through La'Ix like an icicle. This was the first time these demons actually spoke to it directly. And it didn't like it. It could sense the venom from the words.
"Stil..." Chel slowly got up, hand still at the ready. "I said cool it." The line had a steely warning to it. Chel wouldn't risk the mission. Even if it meant doing what must be done.
Agonizing seconds passed. The cowering, shaking thing seemed to grow whiter and whiter by the second, It's spots clearly showing what it felt. Staring up, Not willing to move but being unable to hide. It felt the absolute crushing weight of the present. Grinding it down to a paste.
Everyone stayed still. The two militants didn't move. The rest didn't seem to even have paid attention to the converstation, still looked away.
Longer passed.
Stil smiled, "Oh come on Chel, you know I wouldn't do anything to our friend here? You know I was just playing around." Stil laughed. Chel didn't react.
Stil immediately crouched, faced the shaking prisoner inches apart eye to eye, and in a whisper said "Right friend?"
She wants me to reply? Dear Ix I can't even think with those eyes in front of me What do I do?! What do I say?!
"Right. Friend?" Stil repeated slower and colder. Like the blade of a surgeon hovering over skin, ready to plunge.
The gears of its Ixian brain grinded to a screeching halt. In utter desperation to find a reply it simply gave up. Instead, it felt a warmth slowly spread. Slowly spread between its hind legs. It had released its bladder.
"BAHAHAHAHA LOOK AT IT" Stil roared in laughter. The sound of it rattling the prisoners brain with the sound. Disorienting its senses. "NOW THAT'S CLASSIC TIMING IF I'VE EVER SEEN IT!" She plopped back down face red and still laughing.
The Ixian didn't know what to do but tremble and sob silently on the cold surface of the cruiser surrounded by laughter. and the warmth of its piss. It tried to plug its ears. But the sound still came. Laughter. Laughter. Laughter. Dear Ix, what are these demons... where are they taking me? To hell?...
The cruiser kept cruising. Towards the port across the island. Trailing laughter behind. Or to the sobbing wreck of a thing, demonic cackling.
The scent of familiarity wafted into the senses of the prisoner as the cruiser started to slow. The smell of the salt, the chirping of familiar aviaries. Sound of the crash of sea. The port.
Braving a sentence for the first time in for what seems eternity. It let out a question "...w..w..where ... why... are... ... we ...h... here?" It managed to say shakily, eyes downcast.
As if in response, a sharp shove greeted it from the back and a hard hit on the ground was as much of an answer it was getting.
"Move it", Jan said gruffly.
They walked. the ixian still bound but free to walk in the middle of the group of humans. Towards a destination still not known. The walk twisted, and turned, and twisted again. One thing struck out to the prisoner. It was too clean, especially for what it was expecting, it's last experience being in the previous blood-soaked town laden with bodies and carrion eaters.
The port town was completely silent, free from the regular hustle and bustle it usually had even when the emperor was not present. And superbly clean. Not a single piece of dirt to be seen. Not a single Ixian either. Where did everyone go? Did they make it out somehow when these invaders came?
In the background, the surf broke relentlessly.
Piercing eyes caught the prisoners glance, as it wandered curiously around the town. Realising its mistake La'Ix tried to look away but the burning gaze gripped his own.
As if reading its soul. The human answered the hidden question bubbling up in La'Ix. "You should've seen them your royal majesty". The one called Stil said while bending in mocking courtesy.
The surf pounded the shore even more loudly now.
"They don't swim well. Especially the young ones. They dropped like stones. Turning all white by the time they stopped moving."
Louder now. The sea roared.
Nothing came. Not a thought in La'Ix's mind. Its mind struggled to comprehend the depth of what was said by Stil, the scarred human.
The waves boomed louder now. Louder than the sun, echoing louder than the screams of all the Ixians that must have perished.
It saw the lips of the standing-devil in front of it. But all the came from its blood red lips were obscured by the sound of the pounding of the waves. The echoes of drowned kin, thudding and slapping against the shore, merged with the relentless surf in La'Ix's mind.
This is for our sins.
Wave after wave, the relentless surge continued, each one a haunting reminder of the souls lost to the sea, each crash a ghostly thud of bodies hitting the shore.
Very slowly did some exhausted neuron in the Ixian's head come to a conclusion as to how these creatures in front of it can be so relentless, so cruel, and so evil. When pushed to beyond its breaking point, did their true carnivorous instincts rear their ugly head.
Oh dear Ix. What sort of environment could breed such demons?
La'Ix didn't remember what happened next. The memories feel like a distant dream now as he sits watching the port sky now.
The aching brand on his forehead of the 8 ringed system, pulsed in pain—a departing gift from his newly made friends, stung from the salty sea air.
He barely recalls the staggered walk from the empty inter-arm transmission office and the inputting of his biometric royal seal. He barely even remembers the message that was sent under his name and signature
And even less does he remember what he heard what will happen next.
All alone now, he stares at the sky of the empty port town. As he watches more royal ships enter the atmosphere.
He gazes upward, thoughtlessly, statue-like Knowing fate will come for them all. Fate in the form of piercing black eyes and a monster so large it can fit in a shadow.
A single thought, carried its way from above the despair to the surface. Slowly. Like a bubble in a pool of tar.
What was I meant to tell the emperor again?
submitted by HumanSupremacyFan to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:36 Much_Turn7013 Future predictions

The ending of TWOC gives us much clearer hints at where the story will go next than the end of LAOK did. I’d go as far as to say the hints at future conflicts are more like outright promises, especially Rikke’s visions.
The easiest storyline to predict is the one that’s basically summarized through Rikke’s vision in the last chapter. I’ll give my interpretation of the imagery we’re given, but there’s really not that much up for debate:
The bald weaver’s loom is in ruins, but he’s patiently stitching things back together. This is Bayaz, rebuilding after the damage Rikke and Glokta caused to his schemes.
At Bayaz’s side is a black-haired boy and a blond-haired girl. The girl is Hindi, and the boy is Calder’s secret son who we were officially introduced to at the end of TWOC. I will be referring to him as Skarling Jr. In the future, they’ll work as a Two-Man Con to destroy the North and Rikke along with it.
Hildi grows up and the top hat she wears belches smoke. When she blows a kiss, coins fall and turn to chains. When she offers her hand, its fingers become iron rails. These rails stretch forth across the sea to imprison the North. From this vision, we can interpret that Hildi will become an even more powerful and merciless version of what Savine was before the Great Change. I believe she will take her revenge on Rikke for selling out Orso, and she will do this by gentrifying, polluting, and strangling the North to death through industry, novelties, and countless debts. Everything unique and beautiful about the land will be melted away, leaving it a dejected shell of itself.
Skarling Jr sits atop a flaming hill of bones with the Maker’s sword. In the future, he has become the conqueror Stour failed to be, and it can also be implied that he killed Caul Shivers. When he speaks, blood flows out of his mouth which crashes upon the shores of the North and drowns the country. He will cause almost or just as much damage to Rikke’s home that Hildi will through her more insidious attacks on it.
The Crinna will be polluted by Hildi. Rikke’s home, Uffrith, will be once again burned, this time by Skarling Jr. Hildi is softening the country so Skarling Jr can more easily take it, but it’s also the other way around. Skarling Jr is playing the part of the relentless monster biting at Rikke’s heels, which will pressure her to take Hildi’s offers to advance the North’s tech out of desperation. Shivers’ death could serve as the push that leads her to make this choice.
I think Skarling Jr will operate from the shadows for a long time, striking small but impossible not to notice slights against Rikke’s authority. The presence of a faceless enemy will drive Rikke into paranoia, and this will allow little miss oil baron Hildi to step in and sell her snake oil.
Rikke is now aware of them, though. She might not know their names, but she does know vaguely who they are and what they’re going to do. Whether or not Rikke will prepare I don’t know.
Given his role in the story now, I think Jonas Clover will act as the head caretaker of the Northern Library whenever Bayaz is away. He will also act as a father figure to both Skarling Jr and Hildi, planting doubts in their head as to whether or not Bayaz is a man they want to take orders from.
Compared to the previous visions that were much more overt in their symbolism, the last vision of the weaver (Bayaz) is harder to pin down. One of his eyes holds a stone on fire. On the stone is a circle of runes, and in the center of those runes is a black door. From the black door, a white figure emerges from an ocean. Could this burning stone be The Seed? The black door could be the gate to the Other Side, which, when opened, will bring back Euz. I don’t know who else the white figure could be, let alone how events will lead Bayaz to this.
Other predictions are harder to make, but I’ll take a shot in the dark.
Savine and Leo’s bickering will evolve into outright hostility toward each other. The Union now essentially has two gov’t bodies, each trying to pull the country in opposing directions. The Closed Council is split between the two. Half of it stands with Savine, the other half with Leo. By the start of the next trilogy, I think the Union will be inching toward civil war. The only reason the two bother with each other now is, as Savine said, for the sake of their children.
By the next trilogy, I think Savine’s children will be somewhere in their mid-teens. How they end up by that time is anyone’s guess, but we can make assumptions based on how they’re loosely characterized in TWOC. Ardee is described by Savine as fierce and overbearing, whereas Harod is meek and submissive. Leo, being the petty jealous bitch he is, resents his infant son. We can already tell that Harod is going to have a strained and difficult relationship with his father. I think over the years, Harod will attempt to mold himself into a mini Leo to gain his father’s approval. This will only remind Leo of what he lost all those years ago, however, so he will grow even more hostile and distant toward his son. Savine will dote on him, but he will show veiled resentment toward her because he believes that’s what Leo would expect of him. Ardee will grow up to be something of a paradox between old Savine and new Savine. Leo doesn’t even try to hide his favoritism toward her, but she doesn’t reciprocate that affection. Leo believes Savine has poisoned Ardee against him, which only increases Leo’s hatred for his wife. Ardee instead tries to impress her mother, but because of her personality Savine can only see her as a bad reminder of her past. Savine becomes just as distant toward her daughter as her own mother was toward her. If a civil war does break out later in the trilogy, I think Harod will eventually side with his mother whereas Savine will shift her affection toward her father.
Gunnar Broad will become a general in the Angland’s army. If - or when - war breaks out in Styria, he will be sent back to the frontlines. Thankfully for him, not as a bridgeman this time. In the event of a civil war, he will side with Leo instead of Savine.
I don’t believe we’re ever going to see Vick again. At least not in any substantial way. Maybe she’ll momentarily return as in Friendly-style cameo, but other than that I like the way her story ended in TWOC.
After she revealed herself as an Eater, Zuri will no longer work as Savine’s companion. May Broad has assumed this role in her place. This doesn’t mean Savine has entirely cut off Zuri, though. She’s still in Savine’s circle, but she now works as an emissary and informant. And occasional assassin, when the need arises. Considering her dreams for peace and progress between the Union and Gurkhul, I believe she will be sent South as an emissary to make friends with a terrifying new Gurkish emperor.
May Broad will be sent North to tend to Savine’s business ventures there, where she will unknowingly aid in Hildi’s plan to corrupt the country. When she does realize Hildi’s intentions, she will serve as one of the few obstacles between the woman and utter annihilation of the North. I don’t believe May will succeed in this.
Jurand and Leo are now open lovers, meaning Leo and Savine are spouses in name only. Lord Marshall Glaward has been sent to Styria to maintain a foothold in the country should things get ugly.
Caul Shivers has hung up his sword, and now controls Ollensand (or Carleon) in Rikke’s name. In his place as an advisor is The Nail, alongside Isern. The two of them clash far more than Isern and Shivers did.
After having been made an informant, Corleth proved her worth and was made master of an organization that functions similarly to Styria’s spies.
The two characters I’m most interested in at this point besides Hildi and Skarling Jr are Carlot and Cathil. How are they going to respond to their brother’s death? Where is that grief going to take them? Leo will of course want to tie up loose ends, placing both sisters near the top of his hit list. If either Carlot or Cathil took after their mother in any way, I doubt they’ll take such a huge blow to their family sitting down.
We know a little about Carlot dan Luthar from her appearance in TTWP. She’s similar to her brother in personality, and seems to have a more strained relationship with her mother. We know absolutely nothing about Cathil other than that she’s married to Lord Governor Skald of Starikland. If I had to guess, I think Carlot will react in a more visceral way to Oreo’s death than Cathil will. She will crave vengeance, as will her mother, but her mother will prioritize her relationship with Shalere more. This woman has been uprooted from her home twice now. She lost it once when Monza killed her father, and again when the Peoples’ Army took Adua. Should she go to war with Leo, she will risk losing her home again. This inaction on Terez’ part will drive a wedge between her and her daughter, which will only sink Carlot deeper into her whirlwind of emotions. To spite her mother, Carlot will turn to a person in Styria who knows all about revenge. Monza Murcatto. I think Monza will groom Carlot to take her place as Styria’s brutal protector. Although Carlot can’t strike a blow against Leo directly, she can emotionally wound him via targeting Lord Marshall Glaward. If we get a standalone, I think it will revolve around an assassination plot against Glaward and other members of the Closed Council (Isher, maybe). If the plot succeeds, Carlot will incite a fourth war between the Union and Styria. That, or she will cause a civil war between Leo and Savine because they can’t agree on whether to go to war.
How Cathil dan Luthar’s story will unravel is anyone’s guess, but I have a feeling the Old Empire is going to take Starikland. The last time they were prevalent in the story was BTAH, and it would be great to see them make a big return.
submitted by Much_Turn7013 to TheFirstLaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:09 Dralorica Trespassing on an Easement/Hit & run with no damages?

My parents share a driveway with their neighbor, since the houses are too close together to have separate driveways. The house in question is owned by a Chinese investor (along with most of the rest of the block) who has never stepped foot in Canada. However, one of the guys who lives a few doors down is the 'property manager' and basically acts as landlord to rent out the houses on the street. This guy has attempted to buy my parent's house on behalf of the investor many times, but has never given an amount that would be enough for them to move.
Anyways, the guy hates my parents. Probably because if they agreed to sell the house then he'd get some kinda kickback from the investor. And causes all kinds of problems. He called bylaw when my parents had my RV parked in their driveway for a bit, he complains about the state of their grass, etc. typical shitty neighbor stuff but not really crossing the line into harassment.
Our driveway is shaped like a Y, but my parents 'part' is actually straight, and the easement legally goes all the way down the entire length of the property. So my parents driveway is entirely on the easement (and so is quite a portion of the backyard and entire fence) but my neighbors have a split that goes fully onto their property.
Well a few days ago the neighbors house had a leak, and so some roofers were in the driveway fixing it up. That's all fine, except Mr. Shitty neighbor for some reason drove his truck over (it's like a 50 meter walk) so that he could watch I guess? - and in the process of that he pulled into my neighbor's section of the driveway. However when he went to leave, he managed to back into: - A 'car shelter' we have setup temporarily (on the easement) - A roof rack for my car which was leaning against our fence (on our side of the property) - Our deck and fence - Ran over a piece of siding which was laying on our side of the easement (which fell off the house and was needed to be put back) - Ran over our concrete step and moved it - Backed into our garbage bins & bikes - knocking them over
We have it on video, and my god it is a hilarious watch. He just backs into the fence, drives forward into the car shelter and backwards into the deck, and forward into the car shelter, and backwards into the garbage bins, and does that like 5 times before pulling over to the other side again and trying again. Some how failing again. This goes on for over 5 MINUTES.
If course he did not mention to my parents that he had hit anything and my parents only found out after noticing the step was moved and checking their cameras. There's probably less than $150 in damage overall but still some light damage and it's a pain in the ass you know?
Furthermore, our gas meter is on the side of the house and right next to the concrete step. We are very concerned if he can't back out without hitting our fence and deck and porch 10x that he's gonna hit the gas meter and rip it off the wall. Or hit the house. Or hit one of our cars. We want to ban him from the property.
What steps can we take to make sure he doesn't park in the driveway? Like I said he lives literally 2 houses down so I really don't know why he even drives over. But can we tresspass him or would he still be allowed to park legally because of the easement? Should we report the hit & run to the police? Is there any way to recoup the cost of damages?
Note: he is not the property owner. As far as I'm aware he's only unofficially the 'property manager'. Can we ban him from the easement?
submitted by Dralorica to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:55 jp_swift [WTS] MK18 Upper, MI & Troy BUIS, Streamlight, and more

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/82jqa3O
MK18: Brownells stripped, bought on GAFS. Includes both sets of rail panels and a Rearden R2S which is rocksetted and torqued to spec (will not split, I don’t own a vice). 100 rounds down the pipe. I probably will regret selling this but it doesn’t make sense for me to keep. $650 🚢
Troy FDE HK Flip up front - $55 🚢
MI Combat Rear flip up - $55 🚢
MI Combat Fixed Front - $50 🚢
Streamlight Protac Rail Mount 2.0 with switch and clicky cap. Pretty sure it’s the 650 lumen version, works great - $85 🚢
BCM Kag Picatinny - $15 🚢
RSA QD - $20🚢
Bundles get discounts. Only thing I’m really interested in is a rein or modlite set up
Venmo or PayPal f&f only
submitted by jp_swift to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:39 thegingerpig Second quilt, first time doing big stitch hand sewing and turned-edge appliqué

Second quilt, first time doing big stitch hand sewing and turned-edge appliqué
I’ve been sewing garments for a few years and I’ve recently got into quilting and I LOVE it. Here’s my second quilt. I machine stitched the pink, cream and brown panels together and then used turned-edge appliqué to create the shapes, and then hand stitched them to the quilt top using a blind stitch. Finished up with some big stitch quilting, done by hand. It took ages but it was really satisfying, and gives the quilt a really nice finish I think. No pattern, but I based it loosely on a photo my partner took on a trip to Japan a few years ago - my fave holiday ever (added here, second pic).
I posted in this sub a few months back after I’d found House of Quinn on Instagram and loved the organic shapes and focus on hand sewing - and the responses were so helpful, so thank you to this lovely community 💘
submitted by thegingerpig to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:27 kofabrics An oldie but a goodie: My first quilt pattern

An oldie but a goodie: My first quilt pattern submitted by kofabrics to QuiltPatterns [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:21 AlphaTM01 What are your experiences with robot mowers?

Our electric push mower just broke and we’re looking for something to replace it.
Now we’re looking into some robot mowers but I have a few concerns. Our yard is about 500m2 split up into a 450m2 back yard and a 50m2 front yard which are split with a fence. We also have a few paths crossing the backyard. The path has like a border stone each side so the path itself drops down a little.
My concerns are as followed: - how will a robot hold up in the unpredictable weather we get in Belgium? - the robot getting stuck on the path I described or getting stuck in other places? - since the back and frontyard aren’t connected will that mean having to pick up the robot every now and then? - the price - what does the maintenance look like for a robot mower?
We used to have a gasoline mower before we got an electric battery powered one. Both had their issues. For example the noise, the batteries running out before the whole yard was mowed, forgetting to recharge the batteries, … because of that were kind of stuck between a robot or a simple reel push mower.
submitted by AlphaTM01 to belgium [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:56 Stage-Piercing727 Best Carhartt Hunting Jackets

Best Carhartt Hunting Jackets

Welcome to our Carhartt Hunting Jacket roundup. Whether you're an avid hunter or just starting out, finding the perfect jacket to keep you warm and comfortable during your hunting trips is crucial. Today, we bring to you a selection of top-quality Carhartt Hunting Jackets that are not only stylish but also designed for durability and peak performance. Read on to find the perfect jacket that suits your hunting preferences and style.
In this article, we'll explore the key features, performance benefits, and customer reviews of the best Carhartt Hunting Jackets available in the market today. As you delve deeper into our review, you'll discover the perfect jacket that not only complements your hunting outfits but also enhances your overall hunting experience. Stay tuned to uncover the best Carhartt Hunting Jackets and make the most of your hunting adventures!

The Top 19 Best Carhartt Hunting Jackets

  1. Camo Insulated Rugged Flex Men's Jacket: Comfort, Durability & Mossy Oak Pattern - Stay comfortable and blend effortlessly with the Carhartt Men's Rugged Flex Duck Camo Active Jacket, featuring excellent water resistance, a high-quality zipper, and superior craftsmanship.
  2. Carhartt Classic Brown Duck Coat with Corduroy Collar - The Carhartt Firm Duck Chore Coat for men strikes a perfect balance between modern design and timeless heritage, offering warmth, weather resistance, and a stylish look that's sure to make a statement.
  3. Carhartt Rain Defender Fleece Shirt Jacket - This Carhartt Men's Rain Defender Relaxed Fit Heavyweight Hooded Shirt Jacket, in black heather, combines comfort, durability, and water resistance into one stylish package, making it a must-have for all your outdoor adventures.
  4. Carhartt Men's Lightweight Hooded Jacket - Carhartt's Men's Super Dux Jacket delivers exceptional performance with its lightweight, wind-resistant design, offering you comfort and flexibility on the go while keeping you protected from the elements.
  5. Carhartt Realtreed Xtra Camo Sherpa Lined Active Jacket - The Carhartt Men's Super Dux Relaxed Fit Sherpa-Lined Camo Active Jacket offers superior warmth, wind resistance, and durability, making it an ideal choice for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts.
  6. Carhartt Washed Duck Insulated Active Jacket - Discover the exceptional warmth and durability of Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Active Jacket in Black - a perfect companion for those cooler days.
  7. Carhartt Super Dux Insulated Jacket for Men - Experience exceptional comfort and warmth in the Carhartt Super Dux Insulated Jacket, equipped with advanced Rain Defender, Wind Fighter, and Rugged Flex technologies for unparalleled protection and flexibility during your most demanding outings.
  8. Carhartt Men's Yukon Extremes Insulated Active Jacket - Black - Experience comfort, warmth, and protection in the great outdoors with Carhartt's Yukon Extremes Insulated Active Jacket - the perfect blend of abrasion resistance, insulation, reflective detailing, and multiple pockets.
  9. Carhartt Youth Canvas Insulated Hooded Jacket - Mossy Oak Country DNA - Experience exceptional warmth, comfort, and hunting camouflage with the Carhartt Canvas Insulated Hooded Jacket, offering excellent durability, insulated pockets, and easy maintenance for your boy's next outdoor adventure.
  10. Carhartt Gilliam Insulated Jacket - Introducing the Carhartt Gilliam Jacket - a reliable and durable work companion, designed with insulated warmth, water-repellent protection, multiple pockets, and a comfortable fit to keep you focused and productive on the job.
  11. Carhartt Men's Full Swing Steel Jacket in Black - Experience ultimate comfort and durability with the Carhartt Men's Full Swing Steel Jacket - a quilt-lined, CORDURA-reinforced insulated jacket designed to keep you warm, dry, and easy to move in any weather.
  12. Carhartt Men's Super Dux Traditional Insulated Coat (Black) - Relaxed Fit, Machine Wash - Carhartt's Super Dux Relaxed Insulated Traditional Coat delivers exceptional warmth, durability, and protection against harsh weather conditions, making it an ideal choice for both work and play in cold climates.
  13. Black Men's Rough Cut Jacket by Carhartt - TheCarhartt Hooded Rough Cut Jacket, Men's Black, offers exceptional wind protection and comfort with its Wind Fighter technology, Rugged Flex stretch for movement, and thick, warm fleece lining.
  14. Carhartt Durable Fleece-Lined Camo Jacket - Discover the Carhartt Men's Super Dux Relaxed Fit Sherpa-Lined Active Jacket, perfect for outdoor excursions. Experience water resistance, warmth from the Sherpa lining, and a stylish fit in this high-quality, well-made hunting jacket.
  15. Carhartt Men's Stormy Woods Waterproof Hunting Jacket - Hunt with confidence in the 100% polyester Carhartt Stormy Woods Jacket, boasting Storm Defender waterproof breathable technology, fully taped seams, and adjustable closure for optimal protection and comfort during wet weather conditions.
  16. Carhartt Men's Water-Repellent Jacket for Casual & On-The-Job Wear - Carhartt men's Rain Defender Relaxed Fit Jacket in black offers excellent water repellency, comfort, and breathability, while maintaining a durable and stylish design, making it ideal for activities in between seasons.
  17. Carhartt Men's Armstrong Jacket in Brown - The Carhartt Men's Full Swing Armstrong Jacket in Brown - a warm, stylish, and highly functional piece designed to keep you comfortable and protected during outdoor activities and work assignments.
  18. Carhartt Duck Detroit Jacket in Brown - Carhartt Duck Detroit Jacket Brown XL: A high-quality, meticulously designed, and well-built hunting jacket that offers exceptional warmth, durability, and comfort, with numerous pockets and adjustable features for a customized fit.
  19. Carhartt Active Quilted Jacket, Warm and Durable for Outdoor Work - The Carhartt J140 Duck Active Jacket is a warm and durable pick for active work, featuring a quilted flannel lining, water-repellent design, and a comfortable, adjustable hood.
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🔗Camo Insulated Rugged Flex Men's Jacket: Comfort, Durability & Mossy Oak Pattern

My Carhartt Men's Rugged Flex Duck Camo Active Jacket has been a game-changer in my hunting adventures. I've been using it for the past three hunting seasons, and it's been nothing short of amazing. The first thing that caught my attention was its durability; it's held up against some harsh weather conditions. The Rugged Flex stretch technology and elbow pleats allow for easy movement, which is crucial when I'm tracking down my prey.
One of the most impressive features is the DWR finish that provides excellent water resistance. It's kept me dry even during unexpected downpours. The Mossy Oak Bottomland camo pattern truly helps me blend in with my surroundings, making it easier to stay hidden from my quarry.
However, there are few things that could use some improvement. The loose fit means I sometimes experience a bit of wind coming up, but it's not too much of an issue. Additionally, while the zipper quality is solid, it could be slightly longer, as suggested by other reviewers.
Overall, the Carhartt Men's Rugged Flex Duck Camo Active Jacket has been a reliable companion on my hunts, protecting me from the elements and enabling me to focus on the task at hand. If you're in the market for a well-constructed and comfortable hunting jacket, this one should definitely be on your radar.

🔗Carhartt Classic Brown Duck Coat with Corduroy Collar

A couple of years ago, I purchased the Carhartt Men's Firm Duck Chore Coat for myself when I was gearing up for a cold and windy construction project. The first thing that stood out to me about this coat was its heritage-inspired design, reminiscent of the pocket watch era. As time went on, I had the opportunity to test its claims of being water-repellent and wind-resistant, and I can confirm that it lived up to my expectations, even in harsh conditions.
One significant highlight of the Carhartt Chore Coat is its corduroy collar, which has been in use since the late 1930s and has that classic, timeless look. Additionally, the rugged firm-hand duck fabric not only gives it a sturdy feel but also becomes more comfortable with time, making it a reliable piece of outerwear.
As much as I love this coat, it does have a couple of drawbacks. Firstly, the length of the sleeves can be a bit too long for some users, with some having to size down to ensure a comfortable fit. Secondly, the coat's collar could be slightly wider to provide better protection against the wind.
In conclusion, the Carhartt Firm Duck Chore Coat is the perfect choice for those who prioritize comfort, warmth, and durability in their outerwear. Its timeless design and high-quality materials make it a worthwhile investment for anyone looking for a reliable coat that will stand the test of time.

🔗Carhartt Rain Defender Fleece Shirt Jacket

I recently got my hands on the Carhartt Rain Defender Relaxed Fit Hooded Shirt Jacket in Black Heather and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer in my daily life. As an avid outdoorsman, I appreciate the flexibility of this jacket - it's suitable for various weather conditions.
One thing that really stood out for me was the adjustable hood, which ensures good visibility even during a downpour. The high collar also provides additional protection against the elements.
Another highlight is its durability. The Windfighter fleece, combined with the Rain Defender finish, makes it wind and water-resistant, while its triple-stitched main seams add extra strength. Notably, there are ample pockets for all my essentials.
However, there's one issue I encountered with the hood design. It can feel awkward if worn with a cap, though a beanie or hard hat doesn't pose the same problem.
In terms of sizing, I found that the medium size fits perfectly, providing enough room for layering without compromising on comfort. The length of this jacket is another praiseworthy feature - it's just right, even without the 'tall' version.
Lastly, while it's not technically a winter jacket, I believe that with some insulation, it could be the perfect companion in winter. Overall, the Carhartt Rain Defender is a reliable go-to for various weather conditions, offering comfort, durability, and functionality.

🔗Carhartt Men's Lightweight Hooded Jacket

I recently got my hands on the Carhartt Super Dux Relaxed Fit Lightweight Mock-Neck Jacket and I must say, I'm quite impressed. The jacket provides excellent protection against wind and light rain, making it perfect for those chilly days when you're outdoors. It's a great piece to layer up with during mild winters.
One of the standout features of this jacket is its flexibility. Thanks to the Rugged Flex stretch technology, I can move freely without any hindrance - whether I'm running errands or engaging in some physical activity. The wind-resistant fabric ensures that my body stays warm even when there's a chill in the air.
However, there's one drawback that I've noticed - the collar. It feels a bit too large and tends to get in the way while turning my head. It would be great if Carhartt could address this issue in future models.
In terms of pocket storage, this jacket delivers as well. There are several secure zipper pockets both inside and outside, allowing me to safely stow away my essentials like tools or supplies.
Overall, the Carhartt Super Dux Relaxed Fit Lightweight Mock-Neck Jacket has become a staple in my daily outdoor wear. Its lightweight design, coupled with its wind and water resistance, make it a practical choice for anyone who spends time outdoors. Despite the minor issue with the collar, I'm highly satisfied with this jacket.

🔗Carhartt Realtreed Xtra Camo Sherpa Lined Active Jacket

Carhartt's Men's Super Dux Relaxed Fit Sherpa-Lined Camo Active Jacket is a warm and durable piece of outerwear that's perfect for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts alike. I recently purchased one in Mossy Oak Bottomland Camo, and I must say, it has quickly become my go-to jacket for all my outdoor adventures.
The first thing that struck me was the quality of this jacket. The 18.1-ounce, 97% nylon/3% elastane fabric feels sturdy and well-made, offering excellent wind resistance and a sprinkle of light rain protection. The Sherpa lining inside is incredibly soft and cozy, keeping me warm even on the chilliest days.
One aspect I particularly love about this jacket is its spacious interior pocket. It comfortably holds my essentials without weighing me down or restricting my movement. The secure zipper left chest pocket is another useful feature, providing an easy-to-access spot for my phone and keys while I'm out and about.
However, there are a few minor drawbacks to the Carhartt Men's Super Dux Jacket that I think are worth mentioning. Firstly, the adjustable hood with a hidden drawcord and cord lock is a nice touch for safety, but I've found that it can be a bit difficult to adjust while wearing gloves. Secondly, the lack of elbow or armpit gussets means that the jacket doesn't always move with me as smoothly as I'd like, especially when reaching or lifting objects.
Despite these small issues, I'm overall very satisfied with my Carhartt Men's Super Dux Relaxed Fit Sherpa-Lined Camo Active Jacket. Its comfort, durability, and practical features make it a standout choice for anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors.

🔗Carhartt Washed Duck Insulated Active Jacket

As someone who spends a lot of time outdoors, I have to say that the Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Active Jacket has been a game-changer for me. I've had this jacket for several months now and it has held up incredibly well.
What stands out the most to me about this jacket is the heavyweight cotton duck fabric. It's not only warm and durable, but it also has a nice, broken-in feel to it that makes it super comfortable to wear. The 3M Thinsulate insulation adds an extra layer of warmth without making the jacket too bulky or heavy.
One feature I really appreciate is the attached hood with low profile adjustment. On windy days, this hood helps keep me protected and warm. Plus, the cord locks make it easy to adjust the fit without having to deal with annoying drawstrings.
Another positive aspect of this jacket is the updated lower front pockets. They're now lined with brushed tricot, which makes them feel much softer and more comfortable against my skin. And when I'm out working in the cold, I love how the pen stall in the right, lower front pocket lets me keep all my essentials close at hand.
However, there is one aspect of this jacket that could use some improvement - the side pockets. They could definitely be deeper, as they don't provide enough room for storing larger items like smartphones or wallets when you're on the move.
Overall, the Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Active Jacket is a fantastic choice for anyone looking for a reliable, comfortable, and stylish cold weather jacket. The durability and thoughtful design features make it well worth the investment, and I can't recommend it highly enough.

🔗Carhartt Super Dux Insulated Jacket for Men

The Carhartt Men's Super Dux Relaxed Fit Insulated Jacket was my go-to for those chilly days. On my latest project in the backyard, the wind was relentless and the rain was coming down hard, but this jacket held its own. The 100-gram Thinsulate insulation kept me toasty and the Rain Defender technology ensured I stayed dry.
One of my favorite features was the Rugged Flex technology that allowed for unrestricted movement. The bi-swing shoulders and flexible elbows made reaching up high or bending over a much easier task. I never felt trapped in the jacket, even when I was getting really active. The hood was also a game-changer, able to protect my head not only from the rain but also from the wind. Plus, the detachable feature was super convenient - I could remove it on warmer days or when I needed to interact with someone face-to-face.
However, I noticed that the interior storm cuffs were loose and didn't keep out the draft as well as I'd like. And while the length was perfect for my needs, it might not suit everyone. Despite these issues, the jacket's high-quality construction, impressive warmth, and rugged design made it a reliable addition to my wardrobe for those harsh conditions.

🔗Carhartt Men's Yukon Extremes Insulated Active Jacket - Black

Recently, I purchased the Carhartt Men's Yukon Extremes Insulated Active Jacket, and I'm quite satisfied with its performance. As someone who spends a lot of time outdoors, it's important for me to have a jacket that's not only durable but also well-insulated and wind-resistant. This active jacket did not disappoint.
The first thing that caught my attention when I received the jacket was the 3M Thinsulate insulation, which provides excellent warmth without feeling too bulky. I'm particularly fond of the hood design, featuring a drawcord and reflective Carhartt patch. The hood not only keeps me protected from rain and snow but also ensures visibility during nighttime activities.
However, one area where the jacket could be improved is its zipper quality. While the plastic zipper works fine, I'm more accustomed to metal zippers, which are generally more reliable and durable. In addition, the jacket can be somewhat noisy when walking due to the swishy fabric sound - not ideal for hunting purposes.
Despite these minor drawbacks, I believe the Carhartt Men's Yukon Extremes Insulated Active Jacket is a fantastic choice for anyone looking for a reliable and well-insulated winter coat. Its attractive design, variety of pockets, and comfortable fit make it a versatile option for both recreational activities and daily life. Overall, I'm pleased with my purchase and believe many others will be too.

🔗Carhartt Youth Canvas Insulated Hooded Jacket - Mossy Oak Country DNA

I don't know about you, but I'm a big fan of Carhartt - especially their Camo line. That's why I decided to get this Canvas Insulated Hooded Jacket for my son. Let me tell you, it has been a game changer this hunting season!
First off, the quality is top-notch. This jacket is made with heavy-duty canvas and features triple-stitched seams. Even after several washes, it still looks brand new. The quilted flannel lining on the inside also ensures that my boy stays warm and comfortable no matter how cold it is outside.
One of my favorite features of this jacket is the hidden rib-knit cuffs. They keep his wrists toasty and make sure no wind or sleet sneaks in. Plus, the insulated front pockets are perfect for storing his hands or keeping small gear close at hand while he's out in the field.
Now, let's talk about the hood. It's full zip, so it provides ample protection against rain, snow, or even those pesky mosquitoes during summer months. And speaking of zipping, the main zipper is high quality and doesn't get stuck or catch on the fabric.
While the jacket isn't water-resistant, it does dry relatively quickly when hung up, making it easy to clean and maintain. The only downside I've noticed is that the sleeve length could be a bit longer, especially if your child is taller than average.
Overall, I'm extremely satisfied with this Camo Canvas Insulated Hooded Jacket from Carhartt. It has everything a young hunter could want - durability, comfort, and style. If you're looking for a reliable and well-made jacket for your little outdoorsman (or outdoorswoman), look no further than this one.

🔗Carhartt Gilliam Insulated Jacket

I recently got my hands on the Carhartt Men's Black Gilliam Jacket and oh boy, it's been a game-changer for my daily life! This insulated jacket is not just about keeping you warm during winter, but also about providing you with some real protection from unwanted dampness. The DWR finish ensures that you stay dry and comfortable even when the weather takes a turn.
One thing I truly appreciate is the zipper closure feature. It's a small detail, yet it does an excellent job of keeping out the cold winds. Speaking of features, it comes with heaps of pockets - some even have protective closures. This means you can carry all your small work essentials without worrying about losing them.
Now, let's talk about the cons. Though I'm not usually bothered by minor issues, I must say the length of the sleeves could be a bit longer. It may not be a problem for everyone, but it did catch my eye.
All in all, the Gilliam Jacket has definitely earned a place in my wardrobe. Its water-repellent capabilities, the myriad of pockets, and the overall comfort it provides make it the perfect companion for these colder days. So if you're looking for a reliable work jacket that doesn't compromise on style or functionality, this one's a solid choice!

🔗Carhartt Men's Full Swing Steel Jacket in Black

I've been using this Carhartt Men's Full Swing Steel Jacket for a while now, and I must say, it's been a reliable companion through the colder months. Its 3M Thinsulate insulation keeps me warm and cozy even during the harshest winters, and the DWR finish makes sure I stay dry even when caught in a rainstorm.
One of my favorite features is the detachable hood. It gives me personalized styling options depending on my mood or weather conditions. The jacket's rugged construction is also worth highlighting, as it's made of stretch ripstop for extra flexibility and freedom of movement.
However, I've experienced some issues with the zipper quality. It can sometimes get stuck or hang at every little wrinkle, which can be quite frustrating. Another minor issue is the sizing, as the jacket tends to run on the smaller side, but that's easily fixed by choosing a size larger than usual.
All in all, I'm quite satisfied with the Carhartt Men's Full Swing Steel Jacket. Its combination of style, comfort, and functionality makes it an excellent choice for anyone looking for a versatile and reliable winter jacket.

🔗Carhartt Men's Super Dux Traditional Insulated Coat (Black) - Relaxed Fit, Machine Wash

I recently purchased the Carhartt Super Dux Relaxed Fit Insulated Traditional Coat to stay warm during those chilly winter days. The coat's 7.75-ounce nylon fabric is treated with Rain Defender durable water-repellent finish, ensuring that I stay dry even in heavy rain. Additionally, the Wind Fighter technology effectively blocks the wind, keeping me cozy and comfortable.
One of my favorite features of this coat is the quilt-lined insulation with 100g of 3M Thinsulate, providing excellent warmth. The secure hook-and-loop right chest pocket and zipper left chest pocket are perfect for storing my essentials, while the two snap front lower pockets with side entry hand warmers keep my hands toasty. The interior hook-and-look pocket on the wearer's left side offers additional storage space.
I also appreciate the drop-tail hem, which provides extra coverage, and the adjustable hood with chin guard and hidden drawstrings, which protect me from harsh weather conditions. The rib-knit storm cuffs effectively seal out the cold, and the center-front zipper with kissing welt makes it easy for me to put on and take off the coat.
However, there are a few downsides to this coat. The side seam zippers, while providing added movement, can be a bit challenging to use at times. Additionally, the double-stitched main seam, although durable, can feel a bit stiff and may require some breaking in.
In conclusion, the Carhartt Super Dux Relaxed Fit Insulated Traditional Coat is an excellent choice for those looking for a reliable and warm coat for winter. Its unique combination of features, such as the 7.75-ounce nylon fabric with Rain Defender technology, Wind Fighter technology, and 100g of 3M Thinsulate insulation, ensures that you stay dry and warm in even the harshest weather conditions.
Although there are a few minor drawbacks, such as the stiffness of the double-stitched main seam and the occasional difficulty in using the side seam zippers, these issues do not significantly detract from the overall quality and performance of the coat. Overall, I am highly satisfied with my purchase and would recommend this coat to anyone looking for a high-quality winter garment.

🔗Black Men's Rough Cut Jacket by Carhartt

Carhartt's men's Rough Cut Jacket, in black, is perfect for those chilly autumn days. This heavyweight flannel piece, with a sherpa fleece lining in its body and a quilted lining on the sleeves, offers both warmth and style. The original-fit shirt-jac features handwarmer pockets and zippered ones ideal for storing your wallet or keys. If you're an outdoor enthusiast, this jacket can withstand the elements, and after years of use, you'd be hard pressed to find any significant wear and tear on it. Although it's designed primarily for breathability and not as a standalone layer for keeping warm, it pairs beautifully with fleece or down mid-layers.
However, despite its high rating, the jacket does have a few minor drawbacks. The first is that the zipper tends to get stuck, particularly near the neck area, often requiring fiddling for a few minutes. Some users also mentioned they found the arms to be slightly short, as well as the jacket being slightly stiff when new. But these issues seem to be more common with the first batch, with newer models appearing to have resolved these concerns.
In conclusion, the Carhartt men's Rough Cut Jacket is a high-quality, stylish option that provides warmth and comfort while maintaining a sleek appearance. Its wind resistance and pairing ability with other layers make it an ideal choice for fall and winter outings. And although the stiffness and the issue with the zipper might be present initially, they seem to resolve with time and use. Therefore, I would recommend this jacket to anyone seeking a reliable, durable option for their outdoor activities.

Buyer's Guide

Carhartt Hunting Jackets are designed to provide durability, comfort, and functionality during hunting trips. In this guide, we'll cover important features, considerations, and advice for choosing the right Carhartt Hunting Jacket to suit your specific needs.

Important Features

  1. Durable Materials: Look for jackets made with heavy-duty materials such as cotton duck or polyester, ensuring they can withstand harsh hunting environments and regular wear.
  2. Insulation: Insulation is crucial for maintaining warmth and comfort in cold weather. Consider water-repellent insulation like Thinsulate™ or Quick Dry technology, which dries faster than traditional materials.
  3. Pockets and Storage: Pockets are essential for storing gear and easy access during hunts. Choose a jacket with multiple pockets (including interior and exterior), preferably with zippers or toggle closures to secure items.
  4. Ventilation: Proper ventilation helps regulate body temperature and prevent overheating. Look for jackets with vents, mesh panels, or breathable materials that allow airflow.


  1. Weather Conditions: Consider the typical weather conditions of your hunting location. If it's usually cold and wet, opt for a waterproof and insulated jacket. For milder conditions, a lightweight jacket with good ventilation might be sufficient.
  2. Camouflage Patterns: Choose a camo pattern that blends well with the environment where you'll be hunting. Some popular options include RealTree AP, Mossy Oak, and Carhartt's proprietary camo designs.
  3. Fit and Comfort: Ensure the jacket fits well without restricting movement. Consider adjustable features such as cuffs, waistbands, and collar for added comfort and customizability.
  4. Safety Features: High visibility elements like reflective trims and bright colors can enhance your visibility and safety in low light conditions or near roads and highways.

General Advice

  1. Read Customer Reviews: Read reviews from other hunters to get valuable insights about the performance and reliability of specific Carhartt Hunting Jacket models.
  2. Invest in Quality: Although high-quality Carhartt Hunting Jackets may have a higher price tag, their durability and performance make them a worthwhile investment for serious hunters.
  3. Regular Maintenance: Clean and dry your jacket according to the manufacturer's instructions to maintain its water-repellent properties and extend its lifespan.
By considering important features, weighing relevant considerations, and following general advice, you can make an informed decision when choosing the perfect Carhartt Hunting Jacket for your unique needs and preferences.



Which Carhartt hunting jacket is the most popular?

The Carhartt Quilted Flannel Lined Jacket is one of the most popular and highly-rated hunting jackets due to its comfort, durability, and warmth.

How do I choose the right size for a Carhartt hunting jacket?

To find the perfect fit, consult Carhartt's sizing chart on their website. Measure your chest, waist, and hips, and choose a jacket that matches your measurements. It's also advisable to read customer reviews for specific size recommendations.

What features make Carhartt hunting jackets stand out?

  • Rugged construction for durability
  • Warmth and comfort in harsh weather
  • Several pocket options for ammunition, calls, and other gear
  • Breathable materials to keep you dry

Can I wash my Carhartt hunting jacket in a washing machine?

Yes, most Carhartt hunting jackets are designed for machine washing. Use cold water and mild detergent, then hang to dry or tumble dry low. Be sure to check the care instructions included with your specific jacket for more detailed guidance.


How waterproof are Carhartt hunting jackets?

Many Carhartt hunting jackets are water-resistant, which means they can withstand light rain or snow. If you need a more waterproof option, look for jackets with waterproof membranes or coatings, such as the Carhartt Rain Defender Jacket.

Do Carhartt hunting jackets come with a warranty?

Carhartt offers a one-year limited warranty against defects in materials and workmanship for most of their products, including hunting jackets. To make a claim, contact their customer service team with the details of your issue and the product's model/Serial Number.

How can I tell if a Carhartt hunting jacket is genuine?

Look for the Carhartt label and logo on the jacket, as well as the product tag with the style number indicating the specific model and color. Be cautious when purchasing second-hand, as counterfeit jackets may be sold online. If in doubt, contact Carhartt's customer service for assistance.

How do I care for my Carhartt hunting jacket to extend its longevity?

  • Follow the care instructions included with your jacket
  • Store it in a cool, dry place when not in use
  • Periodically clean and waterproof the jacket using specialized products
  • Inspect it for damage before each use, and repair or replace damaged parts as needed

Are there specific models of Carhartt hunting jackets suitable for women?

Yes, Carhartt offers hunting jackets designed specifically for women, like the Carhartt Women's Big & Tall Quilted Flannel Lined Jacket. These jackets feature a tailored fit and adjustability options to ensure a comfortable and flattering fit for women wearing these jackets while hunting.

How can I find discounted Carhartt hunting jackets?

Keep an eye on Carhartt's official website and authorized retailers for seasonal sales and promotions. Additionally, you may find discounted hunting jackets on sites like eBay or Amazon, but make sure to verify the authenticity of the product before purchasing.
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2024.05.19 11:31 Significant-Tower146 Best Carhartt Balaclava

Best Carhartt Balaclava

Welcome to our roundup of the best Carhartt Balaclava options available in the market. It's time to get warm and cozy with this versatile piece of outdoor gear. In this roundup, we'll be exploring the top choices for balaclavas to help you find the perfect fit for your needs.

The Top 14 Best Carhartt Balaclava

  1. Carhartt WIP Storm Chunky-Knit Balaclava - Black - Stay warm and stylish in Carhartt WIP's jet black Storm chunky-knit Balaclava, featuring a signature box logo and perfect for outdoor activities.
  2. Carhartt Black Cotton Face Gaiter with Filter Pocket - Experience ultimate breathability and comfort with the Carhartt Black Cotton Gaiter with Filter Pocket, an ideal face-protection solution for extreme weather conditions.
  3. Carhartt Force Mask: Fast-Dry Winter Balaclava - The Carhartt Men's Force Helmet Liner Mask offers ultimate protection against harsh weather, providing a fast-dry, comfortable, and anti-odor solution for your next outdoor adventure.
  4. Carhartt WIP Black Mission Balaclava - Stay warm and stylish with the Carhartt Balaclava, featuring a military-inspired label and coverage for your head, face, and neck amidst the elements.
  5. Carhartt Flame-Resistant Force Balaclava for Comfort and Protection - Carhartt's Flame-Resistant Force Balaclava offers full facial protection and moisture-wicking comfort with its built-in FastDry technology and NFPA 70E compliance.
  6. Stay Warm in Extreme Conditions with Carhartt's Fast-Dry Helmet Liner Mask - Say goodbye to the harsh winter elements with the Carhartt Men's Force Helmet Liner Mask, providing ultimate comfort and protection from cold winds and dust, all while looking stylish.
  7. Cozy Carhartt Balaclava for Outdoor Adventures - Experience the ultimate warmth and style with Carhartt WIP's Remi Hood Balaclava, featuring 100% Acrylic for insulation, minimalistic design, and a distinct script logo.
  8. Carhartt Balaclava: Durable Rib-Knit Insulated Face Mask - Stay cozy and protected with Carhartt's Black Knit Insulated Face Mask - perfect for winter sports or outdoor activities.
  9. Carhartt WIP Brown Balaclava for All Seasons - Stay cozy and stylish this winter with the Carhartt WIP Storm Mask, featuring a comfortable fit and a charming logo for the perfect blend of warmth and fashion.
  10. Off-White Remi Balaclava by Carhartt WIP - Rib Knit, 100% Acrylic, 5 Gauge - Warm up and stand out with the Carhartt Work in Progress Off-White Remi Balaclava, featuring a 5-gauge acrylic knit and a stylish script logo, perfect for the colder months.
  11. Carhartt WIP Storm Mask: Winter Gear for Full-Face Protection - Experience the ultimate warmth and protection with Carhartt WIP Storm Mask's 100% acrylic, 4-gauge rib-knit fabric in black, perfect for harsh winter conditions.
  12. Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Hood: Adjustable Balaclava with Quilted Nylon Lining - Stay warm and stylish with the Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Hood, featuring quilted-nylon lining, a weather-resistant design, and an adjustable drawcord for the perfect fit.
  13. Carhartt Camo Balaclava with FastDry Technology - Experience the perfect blend of style and functionality with the Carhartt Camo Fleece 2-in-1 Headwear, designed for ultimate warmth and protection with its versatile pull-down face mask and premium FastDry technology.
  14. Carhartt Fleece 2-in-1 Winter Protection Balaclava - Keep your head warm and dry in cold conditions with Carhartt's 2-in-1 Fleece Headwear, featuring a moisture-wicking front mask and one size fits all.
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🔗Carhartt WIP Storm Chunky-Knit Balaclava - Black

Wearing the Carhartt WIP Storm chunky-knit balaclava in black made me feel like a cool-weather, street-smart daredevil. I'd step out into the frost, ready to conquer the biting cold with this stylish companion on my face.
The chunky knit felt soft, keeping me cozy as I braved the winter's icy winds. But what made this balaclava really stand out was the signature box logo on the front. It added a touch of edginess to my everyday look, turning heads wherever I went.
But, there was one minor downside - the face opening was slightly more generous than I would have liked. When the wind picked up, or I took a sharp turn, some cold air still found its way in.
Overall, though, this balaclava kept me toasty while adding a bit of panache to my style, making it worth the investment.

🔗Carhartt Black Cotton Face Gaiter with Filter Pocket

I've been using the Carhartt Black Cotton Gaiter with Filter Pocket for a few weeks now, and I must say, it has been a lifesaver during these pandemic times. As someone who needs to wear a mask at work, I was initially apprehensive about how comfortable the gaiter would be, but boy, was I pleasantly surprised!
First off, the fit is just right. It's adjustable, so it's easy to pull it tighter or looser depending on how you want to wear it. The one size fits most, so it's a great option for those who want a gaiter that can adapt to different head sizes without sacrificing comfort.
But what really stood out to me is the filter pocket. It's designed to accommodate a filter, and I found that it actually works quite well. With just a small piece of filter, the gaiter provides a great level of protection without feeling too claustrophobic or uncomfortable.
However, there were a couple of things that I wasn't particularly fond of. First, the stitching seemed a bit flimsy at times. I had to be extra careful when washing it to avoid any unraveling, which was a bit of a bummer. Overall, though, it held up pretty well despite its slightly weak stitching.
The other downside was that it wasn't as easy to get on and off as some other gaiters I've tried. It took a bit of fumbling around to get the elastic cord to secure itself properly, which was a bit of a hassle.
Despite these minor issues, I still highly recommend the Carhartt Black Cotton Gaiter with Filter Pocket. It's comfortable, effective, and a great option for anyone looking for a reliable mask alternative during these challenging times.

🔗Carhartt Force Mask: Fast-Dry Winter Balaclava

I've been using the Carhartt Men's Force Helmet Liner Mask for a while now, and it has been a game-changer during my outdoor adventures. The full-face protection that extends below the neckline is a fantastic feature, as it shields me from the biting cold and howling winds. I particularly love the face mask, which can be tucked under the chin when not in use.
One of the highlights is the Carhartt Force fabric with Fast Dry technology, which wicks away sweat for added comfort, even during heavy activity. This is perfect for someone like me who tends to sweat a lot during my adventures. The interior of the mask feels incredibly soft and cozy, thanks to the fleeced material.
However, there are a few cons to this product as well. First, the mask can get a bit rank due to my persistent breathing through it. I've ended up washing it a hundred times or more and it still shows very little wear.
Another feature that could be improved is the neckline. If it were two inches longer, it would provide better coverage and feel even more comfortable.
Overall, the Carhartt Men's Force Helmet Liner Mask has been a crucial addition to my wardrobe for those cold outdoor days. It strikes a perfect balance between comfort and functionality, although there is always room for improvement.

🔗Carhartt WIP Black Mission Balaclava

Ever find yourself shivering in the chilly outdoors, needing something to keep your face warm without blocking your view of the world? That's where the Carhartt WIP Mission Mask comes in. Made of 100% polyester with a thickness of 220g/m², this mask effortlessly covers your head, face, and neck. The best part? It lets you see the world around you without obstruction.
Now, let's talk about the pros. The polyester material is durable and comfortable, perfect for a range of activities from hiking to city exploration. The mask itself is a solid black, giving it a sleek and modern look, which can blend in most outdoor settings. The military label adds an element of ruggedness, perfect for those outdoor enthusiasts.
However, there are a few cons to mention. While the mask effectively keeps the chill at bay, the 39 cm height might not be enough for those with a taller stature. Also, some users might find it slightly heavy on the face over extended periods.
Overall, the Carhartt WIP Mission Mask is a reliable and fashionable solution for those looking to withstand the cold without compromising their view. Just remember, it's primarily designed for cooler weather, so you might want to opt for another solution in extreme-cold situations.

🔗Carhartt Flame-Resistant Force Balaclava for Comfort and Protection

The Carhartt Flame-Resistant Balaclava proved to be a reliable companion on chilly days at work. I loved the full face coverage that extended below the neck. The FastDry technology kept me comfortable throughout the day as the sweat was wicked away, and I felt cool despite the heavy tasks on hand.
I appreciated the force technology that pulled the mask down below my chin when needed. However, the drawback of this balaclava was its thickness - it was not as ample warmth on my face as my expectations.
Despite this, I would recommend it for those who prioritize comfort and functionality while working in risky environments.

🔗Stay Warm in Extreme Conditions with Carhartt's Fast-Dry Helmet Liner Mask

The Carhartt Men's Force Helmet Liner Mask is a reliable companion for those harsh, freezing days. Just like the name suggests, it really does force out the chill. It's a bit like a superhero cape for your neck - you can tuck it into your clothing or wear it loose, and it's always ready to deploy when the winds come howling.
The face mask has a nice feature that pulls down under the chin when not in use. It's a little bit like a superhero who can change shapes - it turns from a full-facial protection into a handy scarf for your winter stroll. When it comes to comfort, it uses technology that's akin to a superhero's invisibility cloak. The material wicks away sweat, keeping you dry and cozy.
The mask is made from a blend of fabric that's more like a superhero's suit than a simple piece of cloth. It's made from 88% polyester and 12% spandex. This strong blend ensures the mask fits snugly without feeling too tight, and it makes it durable enough to last through many winters.
There's a thing about this mask which reminds me of Batman's utility belt - it's full of surprises. It has a full-facial protection that extends below the neckline, which ensures that no icy wind will catch you off guard. And for those times when a little extra chin protection is needed, it has a nifty feature that can pull the front end up, but it still allows enough breathing room.
The material is quite breathable but remember, it’s not designed or medically certified to stop airborne disease or protect from viruses. However, it does a commendable job of keeping out dust during winter, which is a relief when you're working in an environment that's full of dusty snow drifts.
The design of the mask is simple yet effective. Its quick-dry technology, the antimicrobial finish, and its flat-seam construction all make it an excellent choice in a pinch. Just like a trusty sidekick or a sleek racecar, its one size fits most, and it can be easily washed. The face mask will fit perfectly snug under a helmet, providing extra warmth.
The material is quite breathable, but it can get a bit rank from your own breathing, especially after a long workday. But, it shows very little wear after many washes.
However, one thing to note is that you won't be stopping an actual criminal with this mask, it’s not designed or medically rated to provide protection from viruses or airborne disease. So, while it may not be a James Bond-style gadget, it's still a pretty decent investment for a warmer, comfier winter experience.
This Carhartt Balaclava isn’t just a protective gear; it’s like a superhero's secret weapon that you can tuck under your shirt during those cold and harsh winter days. It’s like wearing a little bit of warmth right under your nose while you go about your day.

🔗Cozy Carhartt Balaclava for Outdoor Adventures

I recently had the opportunity to test out the Carhartt WIP Remi Hood Balaclava, and I'm excited to share my experience with all of you. I decided to give it a try as a versatile piece of clothing to keep me warm during those chilly outdoor activities.
The very first thing I noticed when I opened the package was the high-quality materials used to create this hood. At 100% acrylic and 5-gauge, it certainly felt luxurious to the touch. It's a great choice for those cold days and nights out.
In terms of its design, the Remi Hood delivers a minimalist, yet sleek look. I particularly loved the script logo on the hood, which added a touch of elegance without being too overpowering. The soft acrylic backdrop made it incredibly comfortable to wear, and it fit perfectly despite only having one size.
Despite being so comfortable, I couldn't help but notice the occasional itchiness from the acrylic material. However, this trade-off was well worth the overall warmth and comfort the Remi Hood provided.
Overall, I highly recommend the Carhartt WIP Remi Hood Balaclava for anyone looking for a practical, stylish, and comfortable way to stay warm during those chilly outdoor adventures.

🔗Carhartt Balaclava: Durable Rib-Knit Insulated Face Mask

I recently had the chance to try out the Carhartt Black Knit Insulated Face Mask, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer when it comes to staying warm in cold weather. The highlight of this face mask is its long neck, which provides not only enhanced protection from chilly winds but also a greater sense of comfort and security.
One of the things I appreciated most about this face mask is its acrylic rib-knit fabric. It offers just the right amount of insulation, keeping you cozy during those frigid winter days. The softness of the material also ensures that it's comfortable to wear, even for extended periods.
However, there were a couple of drawbacks I noticed while using the mask. Firstly, the overlock stitching, which is designed to resist abrasion, can sometimes be a bit annoying as it tends to catch on clothing and other surfaces. Secondly, the mask can become quite wrinkled after washing, which may affect its overall appearance and effectiveness.
Overall, the Carhartt Black Knit Insulated Face Mask is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable, warm, and comfortable winter accessory. Its unique features and high-quality materials make it a standout option in the market, even if there are a few minor drawbacks to consider.

🔗Carhartt WIP Brown Balaclava for All Seasons

I recently gave the Carhartt WIP Storm Mask a try, and I must say, it's been a game-changer for me during these chilly months. Made of a cozy, warm acrylic fabric, its comfort is unparalleled. The stretchy rib knit construction makes it fit like a glove, and the Carhartt WIP logo on the cuff gives it that classic touch.
One downside I noticed was the color of the mask appearing more reddish-brown in the picture than what I received, but that didn't affect my overall experience. Overall, it's a great tool to protect against the winter's harshness and make my commutes more enjoyable.

🔗Off-White Remi Balaclava by Carhartt WIP - Rib Knit, 100% Acrylic, 5 Gauge

The Carhartt Work in Progress Off-White Remi Balaclava was a game-changer for my daily routine. As someone who's always on the go, the height of 36.5 cm was a perfect fit, allowing me to stay comfortable and protected. The 100% acrylic and 5-gauge material proved to be both durable and cozy.
The label with the script logo added a touch of class to the overall design. However, the one downside was the balaclava's trim, which felt somewhat too tight and constricting. Despite that minor hiccup, the Remi Balaclava has undoubtedly become a staple in my wardrobe.

🔗Carhartt WIP Storm Mask: Winter Gear for Full-Face Protection

I recently tried the Carhartt WIP Storm Mask in black - a snug little warm-up you might want to explore this winter. Made of a stretchy, four-gauge rib-knit acrylic fabric, it feels soft and cozy against your skin. The one-size-fits-all approach means it's perfect for all genders and head sizes. Although it covers the entire face, it still has a subtle see-through pattern over the eyes.
If you live in a chilly area, this might be the right piece for you. It's perfect for keeping your face warm, shielding you from the harsh winter cold. However, be aware that it may get a bit itchy after a long time of use. Overall, it's a pretty handy, comfortable and stylish bit of winter attire. So far, so good!

🔗Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Hood: Adjustable Balaclava with Quilted Nylon Lining

I recently purchased the Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Hood for my coat, and I must say I am quite impressed. The quilted-nylon lining provides warmth and comfort, while the three-piece hood construction and draw cord adjustable with cord lock allow for a perfect fit. Although I have faced some difficulty with the triple-stitched main seams coming undone after a few months, overall, I am satisfied with my purchase.
The hood has come in handy during those windy days, providing adequate coverage on the sides and top. However, the snaps on the hood may not align perfectly with the coat, causing a minor inconvenience.
In summary, the Carhartt Men's Washed Duck Insulated Hood offers a decent fit and warmth, but the snaps may require a little tweaking to work correctly.

🔗Carhartt Camo Balaclava with FastDry Technology

As a seasoned outdoor enthusiast, I recently tried the Carhartt Camo Fleece 2 in 1 Headwear, and I was thoroughly impressed. The headwear not only provides adequate warmth but also offers excellent protection from the elements. The 2 in 1 design, with a pull-down face mask, truly makes this product stand out.
One of the most noteworthy aspects of the Carhartt Camo Fleece Headwear is its FastDry technology. This feature really comes in handy when I'm out in the cold for extended periods, as it ensures my face mask dries promptly after use, maintaining its effectiveness. The fact that the mask can be tucked up into the hat when not in use is a simple yet effective design that adds convenience.
The Carhartt leatherette label sewn on the front is a thoughtful touch that adds a certain elegance and authenticity to the headwear. It makes the product stand out from others in the market, giving it a unique identity.
However, there are a couple of minor drawbacks with this product. While I appreciated the face mask, it could have been slightly longer to ensure better coverage and tuck-in capabilities. Additionally, I found that the fit around the ears could be slightly better, as I experienced some slippage with my current headwear size.
Overall, the Carhartt Camo Fleece 2 in 1 Headwear combines comfort and protection in one convenient package. It's perfect for those who spend time outdoors, hunting, or simply need to keep their face and ears warm in cold weather. With its unique 2 in 1 design and FastDry technology, this headwear is definitely a worthwhile investment.

🔗Carhartt Fleece 2-in-1 Winter Protection Balaclava

When I was using the Carhartt Fleece 2-in-1 Headwear, I noticed how versatile it was. With the ear flaps and pull-down face mask, I felt like I had complete control over my level of warmth. As one reviewer mentioned, the hat really delivers warmth during the coldest of winter days, and it's perfect for when you need that extra protection.
However, there were a couple of cons that I came across during my experience. Firstly, the size seemed to be a bit small, especially for those with larger heads or those who wear glasses, as mentioned by some users. While it was a small issue for some, others reported having cold necks when using the headwear.
Lastly, the face mask was not detachable, even though it's very useful in cold weather. This made it a bit inconvenient for wearing while engaged in lighter activities, like working around the house.
Overall, I found this product to be a really useful tool for the unpredictable winter weather. It offers both warmth and comfort, and the moisture-wicking backing helps keep any moisture away from your skin. Despite the minor cons, I would definitely recommend the Carhartt Fleece 2-in-1 Headwear to others looking for all-weather protection.

Buyer's Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive buyer's guide for Carhartt Balaclavas. In this section, we'll provide you with essential information to help you make an informed decision when purchasing one of these versatile headwear pieces. The Carhartt brand is renowned for its durable and high-quality products, and their Balaclavas are no exception. Without further ado, let's dive into the details.


What is a Carhartt Balaclava?

A Carhartt Balaclava is a multi-functional head covering that's designed to protect the wearer from cold weather and harsh conditions. Balaclavas are typically made of a warm insulated material, and their unique design allows the wearer to expose only the face or mouth while covering the entire head and neck. Due to their adaptability and versatility, they are a popular choice among outdoor enthusiasts, athletes, and workers.

Material and Insulation

The quality of the material and insulation is a crucial factor when considering a Carhartt Balaclava. Make sure to choose a model that made of a durable, moisture-wicking, and insulated material. Common materials used in Carhartt Balaclavas include polyester, fleece, and acrylic knits. Look for proper insulation in the form of fillers or lining to help maintain body heat and prevent cold temperatures from affecting your comfort.


Fit and Comfort

When shopping for a Carhartt Balaclava, ensure that it fits well and is comfortable. A snug, yet not too tight, fit will provide optimal heat retention and protection from wind and snow. The Balaclava should be easy to adjust and wear, with minimal bulkiness around the face.


While styling may not be the first priority when choosing a Carhartt Balaclava, it's still worth considering. Look for designs that match your personal style or the needs of a specific activity or occasion. Some Carhartt Balaclavas come with adjustable necklines and face openings, allowing you to customize the look to your preference.


Brand Reliability and Reputation

Carhartt is a reputable brand known for their high-quality, durable, and practical designs. By choosing a Carhartt Balaclava, you can rest assured that you're investing in a product that's built to last and will provide you with excellent protection from harsh weather conditions.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

Before making a purchase, take a look at customer reviews and ratings for the Carhartt Balaclava you're considering. This will help you gain insight into the product's performance, durability, and fit from real-world users.
A Carhartt Balaclava is an essential item for those who love spending time outdoors in cold and windy conditions. By considering the features, materials, fit, and style, you can find the perfect Balaclava to meet your specific needs. Remember to always read product descriptions, reviews, and ratings before making a purchase to ensure satisfaction.



What is a Carhartt Balaclava?

A Carhartt Balaclava is a type of face mask designed to provide both warmth and protection from harsh cold weather conditions. It is typically made of durable materials, like Carhartt's signature rugged fabric, making it suitable for outdoor activities.

Why should I choose a Carhartt Balaclava over other brands?

Carhartt is known for its high-quality products that are built to withstand the toughest conditions. When you choose a Carhartt Balaclava, you can expect it to be both comfortable to wear and resistant to wear and tear. Additionally, the brand has a long-standing reputation for crafting reliable and durable workwear, making it a trusted choice for many consumers.

How do I choose the right Carhartt Balaclava for me?

  • Consider the climate you'll be wearing the balaclava in and choose a material that is suitable for the conditions. For extreme cold, a thicker material may be more suitable, while for slightly colder temperatures, a thinner material could be more comfortable.
  • Take note of the balaclava's coverage, some offer full face and neck coverage while others only cover the face, nose, and mouth. Choose one that best suits your needs.
  • Consider the balaclava's features, such as adjustable straps or ventilation ports, which can enhance your comfort while wearing the mask.

Are Carhartt Balaclavas suitable for various activities?

Yes, Carhartt Balaclavas are versatile and suitable for a variety of activities, including outdoor sports, winter hiking, skiing, and snowboarding. The choice of balaclava will depend on the specific activity and weather conditions you expect to encounter.

How do I care for and store my Carhartt Balaclava?

  • Do not wash your Carhartt Balaclava in a washing machine, instead hand wash it using mild detergent and lukewarm water.
  • Air dry your balaclava away from direct sunlight to prevent damage to the material.
  • Store your balaclava in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
  • To maintain its shape, consider folding it and storing it in a protective pouch or cloth.
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2024.05.19 07:33 OldManWarhammer FotD - The Seventh Orion War - Part 12 - 1330 Fleet Time

1330 Terran Front Fleet Time
On the Turinika homeworld, the first signs of unrest began to manifest like a wave, The broadcast of the most esteemed Tizikikoonazikiakakiatkata, Taratanti of the roost Kazatalak, openly performing the act of Kavsa had been met with shock. The last Taratanti who had voluntarily performed Kavsa had done so in protest of the treatment of the Kulorn caste, nearly two thousand years prior. It was an ancient rite, one that signified rejection of the greatest shame. Even more shocking than the act itself was the evidence that had followed it. Visuals of species, brought into the Conclave, not as migrant workers as had been believed, but as slaves, was met with an almost immediate attempt at censorship. This attempt failed spectacularly, mostly due to those who had been tasked to censor the information not only refusing to follow the command, but openly declaring that they had been ordered to do so. A situation that was already, as the humans would say, out of hand, spiraled completely out of control. Within only twenty minutes of the ending of Tizikikoonazikiakakiatkata’s broadcast entire cities entered a state of absolute anarchy. Two planetary capitals were stormed and taken by the furious civilian population, demanding the location of those who had been enslaved. The Turinika Armada, which even then was in the middle of a training session meant to prepare the fleet to withstand the Terran Front’s assault, began to cease operations. Within the hour, the entire armada would be recalled to the turnika homeworld. Those who did not take to the streets simply stopped whatever work they were doing and went to their homes to be around their brood. Images of Tizikikoonazikiakakiatkata with his stripped wings spread wide in front of the human fleet commander were on every news fed of the Conclave, as was the sound of his thunderous voice, and the wails of despair from a turinika female that couldn’t be seen. Close ups of the human fleet commander’s face were shown, with analysts remarking on the shock, horror, and sympathy. Since the outbreak of the Seventh Orion War, the female human known as Simmons had been reported to have made several threats towards the turinika, she had quickly become seen as a warmonger, ready to take revenge against the turinika for refusing to go to war and violate their principles of pacifism. Now the images of her lunging forward to stop the violation of Tizikikoonazikiakakiatkata’s plumage, the agonized expression of her face, and the true reason for her threats against the turinika were rapidly reversing her image. On far flung deep core mining stations and agricultural stations, on deep space stations dedicated to material processing, and in other areas hidden from the sight of the normal turinikan population, overseers and taskmasters felt their hearts run cold at the knowledge that very soon, their part to play in the willful enslavement of another species would be known to the wider Conclave. As the data package transmitted alongside the broadcast were fully decompressed and the scale of the Conclave’s government’s involvement was revealed, the entirety of the Conclave itself was teetering on the verge of absolute pandemonium. The image of a member of the kolra species, from the look of it barely a hatchling, quickly was becoming the face of the entire incident. The picture was absolutely damning, and the sight of the image had sent any who saw it instantly into contorting and painful displays of shame. The young kolra was sprawled on it’s stomach, looking to the one taking it’s picture with eyes that had no life in them. It’s shell covered it’s back, and despite the age of the kolra it was already dulled and scuffed. The foot pressing down on the shell was unmistakably familiar to those who saw it, the clawed feet of a turinika. Within the hour, billions of winged figures stood in streets, the normally soft spoken and passive species demanding action, demanding justice, on the hundred worlds of the Turinika Conclave. The bulk of the Taratanti caste, most of whom had been left in the dark of the truth of the situation, quickly went public with their own declaration of outrage, and the eyes of the entire species turned inwards to the mountainous homeworld of their species.
Hakuri Watanabe looked down at his helmet before putting it on his bed, the stylized SEVEN seeming to stare at him. He sat down in his chair and picked up a small cloth from his buffing kit. No one knocked on his door, in fact, mostly he and the rest of his squad were left alone before a major operation. They were just given their time, time to mentally prepare. Some of his squad would go over their mission briefing, some, like him, would spend their time doing something to relax themselves. Hakuri always found that taking care of his suit calmed him considerably. Granted he could simply turn it over to the squads armorers to be tended to and they would do as good of a job as he could, but he preferred it to be done by his own hand. The symbol of a triangle was on his form fitting shirt, the symbol of his special operations command unit. He was known as a Myrmidon, but the official title of his unit was Section Three. He knew this, his superiors knew this, and as far as Hakuri knew, most of the Terran Front was aware of his unit’s existence, but past that, they knew very little about what he actually did. As far as his mother knew, Hakuri was a pencil pusher onboard the TFS Berlin, the troop mothership that all of his letters were sent from. He thought about writing her, but then again, he only liked to do that when he returned from a mission, not when he was expecting to go to one. If he tried to write her when he was waiting, he would just get anxious, and homesick. That wouldn’t do when he was dropping into a combat zone. That wouldn’t do at all. Hakuri instead started to buff his helmet, waiting for the word to come down which meant they were prepared to jump. A glance at the clock made him pause in his circular rotations. The clock said 1330. Operation Naked Sun was about to begin.
Tika was on his side, Kzia standing at the end of the medical bed that had been adjusted for his turinikan physiology. He felt cold in more ways than one. For his people, clothing was more of a decoration than a necessity, but without his protective plumage he felt the cold stabbing him through to his hollow bones. His diplomatic access was already gone, his privilege access revoked. He heard the broadcast for a preparation to jump, but he wasn’t truly listening. There was no question in his mind he had made the right decision. There was no question at all. One of the humans, a nurse, came to his side and gently laid a heavy blanket over him. The human’s hand lingered on his trembling body for a few moments before it was removed, and Tika glanced in their direction. The female was one of the ones who had responded first to the call for medical service for him, had heard what had happened and why. Tika had gotten very used to being glared at on this ship. He was hated, and he knew it. He knew he had deserved it. He was a party to the vral’s enslavement of the humans, the chua, and far too many others. When he had come to Thermopylae station, he had not even given that fact a single thought. He was born into power, being of the Taratanti. He belonged to the most powerful species and government in the entire quadrant of the galaxy. His people, while mighty, did not seek to use it. To him, they had simply been above it all. When the vral had approached him with the offer to sell captured species at first TIka had wanted to reject it out of hand, but a few had told him to go through with the sale. Such was the nature of this galaxy, or so he had believed. The weak were at the whims of the strong, and one’s place in the galaxy was determined only by the power they could wield. The turinika were not nearly the first to have taken a species and used it for slave labor, and while Tika did not approve of the deal, he had not fought it either. As he looked back to the wall, he remembered what the humans had taught him these last days. When he had arrived in Thermopylae he had assumed he would find the chua species to have been at the very least regulated to a subservient role, if not outright enslaved. Finding them sharing power was a curiosity. He had expected to be treated with all the honor and dignity that his station demanded, that the power of his government demanded. Fleet Marshal Simmons had disabused him of that, and had left him humiliated and shamed. As he had laid in the dark as Simmons had declared the Seventh Orion War, covered in his own filth, feeling as if at any moment he was going to be killed he knew true fear and horrific uncertainty for the first time in his life. He had never faced these emotions, these sensations before. He had always been in power. He had stood with the full might of the Turinika Conclave behind him. He had never known anything other than the superior position. Now, as he lay in the hospital bed, staring at the wall, he was ashamed of how arrogant, how blind, and how short sighted he had been. After he had risen from his own filth, he had desperately tried to convince his leadership of the strength of the Terran Front, how it matched or eclipsed their own. The Conclave was not the unchallenged power in the quadrant anymore. The terrans, the human and chua, had somehow defied fate. They had not fallen to the vral after ninety years of near constant conflict, and now if Tika was right they had come out of it nightmarishly stronger than before. Tika had actually begged to be heard by his superiors, and he had never come close to that once in his life. The chua homeworld however, had fully broken him. If he had not been on the Antares, had not been humbled beforehand, he knew that he would have just clapped his hands together and said that it was delightful. As the transmission from the chua homeworld had come in, and the rescue effort had begun, he could only wallow in his own shame. He had profited directly from the chua’s suffering, the human’s suffering. Again he had tried, and failed, to convince his people, and again he had failed. Being on the Antares, for him, was torture. The lights were too dim, every human and chua looked at him with nothing more than loathing and contempt, his entire worldview had been shattered from the way he viewed the galaxy to his own place in it. Every time he closed his eyes he saw the shadow of Simmons standing over him, her voice cold with a lethal rage, hearing her voice echo in his mind, seeing the glint from flashes of light shining in her eyes. ‘We Know.’ echoed in his mind in his sleep, the voice of the terrifying Fleet Marshal transforming into the sound of a vengeful god demanding compliance and promising retribution. Then he had watched the humans and chua, who he knew were preparing to go to war with his people, celebrating the return of the shesvie. Once more he had expected them to be integrated into the Terran Front, but as soon as he learned Simmons offer to them, and what it had entailed, he had been called to his room to answer the latest message from his people. Once again, his people had doubled down, the knowledge of the enslavement of the humans had been suppressed, and once more Tika found himself, and his people, standing against a Terran Front that had every justification to declare war, to right the wrongs that had been done to them. All the while, he knew something else. He knew that, after everything he had seen, that his people would lose. The turinika had not been to war for nearly two thousand years. His people were not ready for what the Terran Front could do, and after seeing what they had done to the vral so far, he knew his people were not ready for what the Terran Front would do. He was afraid of the dark. Tika was absolutely terrified of it now, because now he knew the monsters were real. Simmons had shown him that, but the humans, the chua, they were not the monsters. He was. He had refused to be one any more. He had announced his intentions to his staff, who had squalled in rejection, all but three. Kzia was the first to step to his side, Kikumot and Tziki had stepped forward as well. Never, in his most nightmarish dreams, did he ever think that he would stand in front of Simmons and voluntarily have his plumage stripped from him, performing the act of Kasva. He never thought that his staff would have ever compiled and transmitted the data package they had sent. He had never thought that he would betray his people, if only to save them. Simmons had changed that, the humans had changed that. He knew the terror of the dark, he knew fear for his people’s safety, he understood the horror of war, and for the first time in his long life he could truly look back at every interaction he had had, with every species, that had asked for help in their struggle for survival against the vral and truly understand their fear and desperation. Now he lay, his plumage stripped from him, his station revoked, his status removed, surrounded by a people who despised him. He wouldn’t have it any other way now. He knew that they would listen now, if not to him, then to the civilian masses of the Conclave that would not stand for what they had done. He prayed to the Great Mother often now, shivering in the dim light, hoping that it would be enough. He had been wrong, and in his error he had sullied his own people. He had made them complicit. Even now, he did not know how they would ever be forgiven, because right now he wasn’t quite sure he could ever forgive himself. As he heard the broadcast calling out on the ship, announcing one minute to jump, he felt a hand on his side, and looked up to the human nurse. She was smiling at him. Not a smile born of malice, or anger, but a genuine smile. She patted his side lightly, then turned to walk out of the room. For not even the twentieth time since he had come onboard Thermopylae, he was mystified by these people.
The bridge of the Dhampir was thrumming with music and the vibrations of the reactor and Conrad leaned forward in his chair mount, his eyes almost feral as he looked at the empty space that was the mandeville point. He was positively chomping at the bit. Batz was positively roaring the lyrics to the song that was blaring over the ships speakers. Rev and Dev sat side by side in their mounts, throwing their hands up in time with the pounding bass beat of the sound. Towns was the only one besides Conrad that was quiet, both of them looking towards the mandeville point with complete impatience. Conrad felt like jumping from his skin. Fidget, well, fidgetted, holding his hands over his headset and listening as if he were trying to hear secret messages in the music. They were ready, their pulses were racing. The crew of the Dhampir was positively vibrating. Conrad looked to the shipboard clock, seeing 1330 displayed, and his head snapped to Fidget, waiting for the word. They were going to run, they were going to chase, they were going to hunt.
Vicky sat back, looking towards Jess and Kukat as they slept. Jess was in her chair, Kukat in her medical bed. Vicky glanced back at the block print on the paper and read it for the fifth time. She read the individual lines, one at a time, cursing their existence. After reading through the message printed she let her hand hang again. Kukat would be released from medical tomorrow, and both her and Jess still thought they would be boarding the Thumper to join the Vellacore once more. Jess had talked non-stop about her quarters on the Vellacore the past few days, how she just wanted to be back in her room. Kukat was equally excited. Only Vicky didn’t share their excitement. They didn’t know yet. They didn’t know about their battlefield promotions, they didn’t know about their reassignments, they didn’t know the days of them working together were functionally over. Vicky looked down at her hand holding the paper again, and felt like crumpling it. She had lost her crew. She had lost them not due to negligence, or time, she had lost them to fame. Kukat was to be promoted to ensign, and was to be the sensor officer on the destroyer Hadrian, Jess was getting the same promotion, her station on the cruiser Victorious. Vicky? She was the sparkling new commanding officer of a destroyer that was arriving at Thermopylae in two days, the Quarrel. She never wanted this. She had turned down promotion after promotion that would take her from the cockpit of the Thumper, away from Kukat, away from Jess. She wanted to serve in this war in her own way, as a pilot, with the two who had made her life so enjoyable. Now though, they were to be split up, and there was nothing she could do about it. These promotions hadn’t come from simple seniority, they had come from High Command, as had the orders. Tomorrow, when Kukat was released, they would be ushered into the hanger bay of the Barrowmore. They would all three be awarded the Star of Terra, then they would be reassigned. Tonight was the last night they would all be together. Vicky wanted to wake them up, she wanted to tell them, to give them a chance to process it. As she looked to Kukat and Jess she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She held up the letter again, reading the first few lines, then she felt the sting of tears in the corners of her eyes. She looked away, her heart panging with sadness, and stared at the wall. The clock read 1330.
Corporal Brandy was sitting on the small rack, with Janet Shippen sitting between his legs using his thighs as armrests. They were both dressed for the first time in the last few hours, both of them staring at the clock. This close to the reactors they could feel them beginning to spool up for the trip through hyperspace. When the news of the operation had come down they had elected to spend as much time together as possible, which Brandy had enjoyed to no end, and he had made sure Janet had as well. Brandy had even taken some time to reach out to his sister Victoria, a rarity for them both, as since they were children they were often barely able to speak to each other simply due to schedules. He had even told her about Janet, and although he hadn’t gotten a response from his sister yet he already knew what she would say. Janet nestled back against him, but he could feel her body was stiff. Neither of them knew what the next few months were going to hold. Their time together might be constricted, in fact, this might be the last few moments they were together for quite awhile. Brandy’s Ghouls were specialists, ship boarders. Chances are he was going to be extremely busy, as was she. He didn’t quite know how he felt about Janet, but he did know that beyond a shadow of a doubt he didn’t want to be away from her. Judging from how she was acting, she felt the same as him, conflicted about her relationship with him, but not wanting to be apart. He knew what he needed to tell her, that he had to get up, that he had to leave. The Ghouls were going to be assembled at 1345, ready to board. Her unit was going to be prepared at the same time, to begin taking on salvage. Her hands were like clamps on his legs, and from how tense she was, he wasn’t going to get up until she was good and ready. The clock on the wall switched to 1330. He stared at the clock, feeling like the clock was mocking him, when suddenly Janet leaned up and turned. Her hands took hold of his shoulders and she threw her body against his, her lips finding his own. Her arms wrapped around her frame and he tightened his grasp on her.
Simmons spread her hands over the panel in front of her, looking at the table. Seven points connected the recently reclaimed chua space to what was former Shesvie territory, and beyond that, the heart of the Vral Empire. Her lip curled in a wicked smile, On the digital display of the table the hyperspace lanes, and more importantly, the avenues of attack her fleet was preparing to take. She held out her hand, all five fingers splayed over the lanes, envisioning the war as it stood now. The war to come. Seven hyperspace lanes, seven systems, branching out into sixteen, branching out again to another twenty. The Antares herself was going to link up with the Barraki, and was set to simply plough through the next five systems to do so. Slowly she tightened her hand into a fist as she looked along the hyperspace lanes, seeing task forces lined up and ready to jump. Drones had already been sent through. The vral had forces along the border, but nothing that could withstand what was to come. Her fleet was ready. She was ready. The Seventh Orion War was at the end of it’s first month, and had taken back six systems. The first moves of Operation Naked Sun would double that and exceed it, then double it again. She had already given her speech, her task force commanders were ready. High Command had taken it’s time making this decision, and while she had railed against the delay that didn’t matter now. All along the front, individual task forces were joined into larger fleets, ready to jump into the next system and eliminate any vral defenses, but unlike now, they simply would not wait. Naked Sun was to be a lightning strike to cut off as much of the Vral Empire as possible, to deny them their own space, to imprison them on their own worlds. Task Forces were designed around three types of vessels combinations, Lighthammer Task Forces were comprised of corvettes and fast destroyers, the fastest vessels in the fleet, meant to take systems quickly, to devastate unprotected infrastructure, and to eliminate light resistance. Simply put, they were going to swarm into vral space, determine pockets of resistance, and move on. They were going to rip entire sections of vral space from them, calling in other task groups if needed. Thunder task groups were the primary capital fleets, meant to be sent into those pockets of resistance, and neutralizing them, joining with the Lighthammer groups if needed. The cruisers, carriers, battleships, they all belonged to these task forces. Her own task force was called the Nova task force, and it comprised only the Antares and it’s sizable fleet escort. Simmons glanced up at the clock, the time was 1329. She breathed in slowly, then unbidden the thought came to her head and she looked to the report from the two habitable planets that had been scanned by the drone cutters, the information having been relayed to her almost twenty minutes prior. She was not worried about the ground campaign, in fact a reserve fleet from Thermopylae would be the ones to escort the landing ships from planet to planet that her fleet left behind in it’s wake, isolated and defenseless from the wider Vral Empire. Fleet escorting was no longer her job, protecting ground invasions were no longer her job. Simmons was positively growling now, as her only job was to take her fleet and use it to rip the vral out of the stars. Still, the thought nagged at her. On both of the planets that her fleet was set to overrun, there were Vral ships in orbit. On the first, there was evidence that the Vral had been bombarding a small area of the surface, extremely similar in size to the hole that now existed on Zvitia, the planet that even now was being integrated into the Terran Front. In the second system it showed Vral ships in orbit, but whatever they were doing during the time they had taken the scans, whatever they were covering up, they didn’t seem to have gotten to it yet. On the radiological scan of the planet a massive bloom of electromagnetic energy painted a broad region of the planet blistering white. She had sent the images back to Earth, back to High Command, but no one seemed to know what was happening. The one thing that every analyst agreed on so far that was that whatever the blooms represented, it meant nothing good. She took another long look at the radiological scan, seeing the intensity of the radiation, and her lip curled in a snarl. She couldn’t think about that right now, but orders had already been given to notify her the moment that they had taken a planet that still bore the radiation signal. The vral were being damned fastidious about it though. She pulled her thoughts away from it, looking back to the hyperspace lanes. The slow grin entered her features again. She glanced at the clock. 1330. Her hand took hold of the receiver next to her station and she pressed the transmission stud, knowing that Hazard had already opened a channel to the wider fleet.
submitted by OldManWarhammer to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:20 Significant-Tower146 Best Canvas Shotgun Case

Best Canvas Shotgun Case

If you're an avid shotgun enthusiast, you understand the importance of keeping your gun safe and secure. In this article, we'll be reviewing the Canvas Shotgun Case, a sleek and practical solution to all your shotgun storage needs. From its high-quality materials to its sturdy design, we'll explore what sets this case apart from the competition. So, whether you're a weekend warrior or a serious collector, get ready to discover the perfect fit for your shotgun.

The Top 15 Best Canvas Shotgun Case

  1. Tough Vault Takedown Rifle & Shotgun Case by Pelican - The Pelican V700 Vault Takedown Rifle and Shotgun Case is a top-rated, crushproof, and weather-resistant gun case with high-impact polymer, ergonomic handles, secure push-button latches, and five foam layers, designed explicitly for takedown firearms.
  2. Evolution Outdoor Waxed Canvas Rifle Case for 1 Scoped Rifle with Zippered Pocket - Experience exceptional firearm protection with the Evolution Outdoor Rawhide Rifle Case, featuring a waxed canvas outer shell, iconic red plaid flannel lining, heavy gauge foam padding, antique-brass zippers, and a front zippered pocket for accessories.
  3. Drake Waterfowl Side-Opening Gun Case - The Drake Waterfowl Side-Opening Gun Case offers unparalleled access and protection for your firearms, featuring a patented side flap, HD2 material, and water-resistant nylon interior liner for durability and convenience.
  4. Avery Floating Gun Case for Waterfowl Hunting - The Avery Floating 2.0 Gun Case in Max5 camo provides optimal protection and durability for waterfowl hunters, offering a secure storage solution to ensure your gun remains unharmed during your next hunting expedition.
  5. Stylish Modern Sleeper Chair with Pillow and Pocket - The Allen Ranch Canvas 52 Shotgun Case offers secure, weather-resistant storage for your shotgun and accessories, with an exterior zippered pocket, plush padded interior for added protection, and padded handles for easy carrying.
  6. Durable Cotton Duck Canvas Rifle Case with Abrasion Resistance - The Allen Ranch Canvas 46 Rifle Case, Tan, provides safe and secure storage for your firearm with its lockable zippers and metal D-ring, making it convenient and weather-resistant.
  7. Durable Waterfowl Floater Shotgun Case - The Browning Waterfowl Floater Shotgun Case is a well-built, lightweight protective case with high-density foam that ensure your shotgun floats if dropped overboard, offering effective durability and storage, along with a stylish camo design.
  8. Browning Waterfowl Floating Shotgun Case for 54" Shotgun - The Browning Waterfowl Floater Shotgun Case offers exceptional protection and buoyancy for your shotgun, featuring high-density foam to keep it dry and secure on and off the water, with a rugged fabric design for reliable, long-lasting use.
  9. Premium Shotgun Case for Ultimate Protection and Convenience - Uncle Mike's Padded Long Gun Case in Forest Green offers superior protection and style, accommodating most large shotguns and providing durability for gun enthusiasts.
  10. Durable Floating Gun Carry Bag with Adjustable Shoulder Strap - Protect and carry your shotgun with the Rig 'em Right Sure Shot Floating Gun Case, featuring a durable design and plenty of storage space for your ammo and other essentials.
  11. Ultra-Dense Shotgun Case for Ultimate Protection - Allen Company Leadville 52" Shotgun Case with Realtree Edge - Durable, Convenient, and Safe, Designed to Hold Shotguns up to 52 inches Long.
  12. Ultra-Compact Beretta Victory Shotgun Breakdown Case - Protect your prized shotgun with the ultra-compact Beretta Victory Shotgun Case, featuring a padded interior, separate barrel compartment, and 3 combination locks for added security, all within a TSA-approved design.
  13. Lakewood Padded Canvas Shotgun Case with Lockable Design - Protect your shotgun with traditional style and modern convenience in the Allen 52 Heritage Lakewood Shotgun Case, featuring a lockable design, plaid canvas exterior, and secure padding.
  14. Dense Foam Padded 52" Dual Color Shotgun Case - Protect and transport your shotgun with ease using the Allen Powell 52 Dual Color Shotgun Case, featuring dense foam padding, a durable 600D polyester exterior, and a large exterior accessory pocket.
  15. High-Quality Canvas Shotgun Case for Outdoor Tactical Gear - The EVODS Mesquite Shotgun CS 52" Black by Evolution Outdoor Design offers a durable and versatile tactical gun storage solution, winning high praise for its top-notch quality and craftsmanship.
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🔗Tough Vault Takedown Rifle & Shotgun Case by Pelican

I recently discovered the Pelican V700 Vault Takedown Rifle and Shotgun Case, and it's truly a game changer for transportation of your beloved firearms. As an avid hunter, I appreciate that this case provides a high level of security, offering crushproof, dustproof, and weather resistant protection. The sturdy handles ensure your rifles or shotguns can withstand even the toughest conditions on your hunting trips.
One feature I particularly love is the presence of six push button latches that offer secure closure with easy-open access. This ensures your weapons are safe and secure while also making it convenient for you to access them when needed. The case also comes with specific foam designed to fit takedown firearms and related accessories, providing your gear with excellent protection during transportation.
However, like any product, there are some cons as well. The case is quite bulky and heavy, making it less ideal for those looking for a lightweight solution. Additionally, cutting and shaping the foam to fit your specific equipment can be time-consuming. Overall, despite its drawbacks, I would highly recommend this gun case to anyone in need of a reliable and resilient transportation solution for their takedown firearms.

🔗Evolution Outdoor Waxed Canvas Rifle Case for 1 Scoped Rifle with Zippered Pocket

I recently got an opportunity to use the Evolution Outdoor Rawhide Rifle Case for my shooting practice. I was really impressed with the choice of materials and craftsmanship involved in creating this piece. The waxed canvas outer shell is not just stylish but also robust enough to stand up to regular usage without showing signs of wear.
One feature that caught my eye was the interior flannel lining, which not only provides a classic touch to the overall design but also offers excellent protection for my firearm. The heavy gauge foam padding and 24 oz. cotton duck canvas provide an extra layer of security and handling ease.
Despite these high points, it did come with some minor drawbacks. The full-length, antique-brass zippers are reliable, but they may require some extra care during closing to prevent them from jamming. The front storage pocket could be slightly more spacious to accommodate more gear.
Overall, I find the Evolution Outdoor Rawhide Rifle Case to be an excellent choice. Its classic design appeals to the vintage lover in me, while its superior build quality ensures my rifle is safe and secure, ready for action at any time.

🔗Drake Waterfowl Side-Opening Gun Case

Experience the innovation of the Drake Waterfowl Side-Opening Gun Case! This ground-breaking design revolutionizes how we store and maintain our firearms. The patented side flap allows for seamless access to your gun, while its HD2 material and water-resistant nylon interior liner provide top-notch protection. The adjustable shoulder strap, outer pocket for choke tubes, and sturdy snap fastenings make it the perfect companion for keeping your firearms safe, dry, and ready for action.
I've been using this case for some time now and I can't sing its praises enough. The side-flap feature is a game-changer; it made it incredibly easy to clean and dry my shotgun after a hunting trip. The interior is made of synthetic materials that don't absorb water or dirt, which is a lifesaver when your gear gets splashed with mud and water.
A small drawback I've noticed is that the exterior pocket can be a bit challenging to close if you're storing choke tubes. However, I suppose this is a minor concern given the case's overall performance and quality. The durability has been impressive; I've taken this case out in all conditions and it's held up beautifully.
In summary, the Drake Waterfowl Side-Opening Gun Case is a brilliant and practical solution for storing and maintaining your firearms. Its innovative design, durable construction, and water resistance make it a must-have for hunters and shooting enthusiasts alike. Despite the minor issue with the exterior pocket, I wholeheartedly recommend this case for its performance and value.

🔗Avery Floating Gun Case for Waterfowl Hunting

As an avid waterfowl hunter, I can safely say that the Avery Floating 2.0 Gun Case in Max5 camo has completely changed my game. I remember one chilly morning when my shotgun took an unexpected dip in the water. Thanks to the water-resistant DuraMax material of this case, I didn't have to worry about my trusty companion being ruined by the moisture.
What I especially love about this case is how it ensures protection in water with its floating design. It's like having a personal bodyguard for my precious shotgun! And let's not forget the adjustable shoulder strap which makes carrying this beast of a case incredibly comfortable.
However, there are two downsides to this otherwise fantastic gun case. Firstly, it tends to run on the smaller side, causing some issues when it comes to fitting in larger shotguns with extended chokes. Secondly, even though the material is strong and reliable, it does lack a little in terms of water resistance.
Overall, if you're looking for a solid and reliable gun case that will protect your shotgun from unexpected mishaps while you're out hunting, then the Avery Floating 2.0 Gun Case in Max5 camo is definitely worth considering. Just remember to check its compatibility with your specific shotgun first!

🔗Stylish Modern Sleeper Chair with Pillow and Pocket

I recently took the Allen Ranch Canvas 52 Shotgun Case out on a hunting trip, and I must say, it surpassed my expectations. The exterior zippered pocket provides quick access to essentials like ammunition and other accessories, while the plush padded interior ensures my dear shotgun is safe from dings and scratches.
The weight of 363 grams felt comfortably light in my hands, thanks to its padded handles. Despite its compact size, there was ample storage space for both my shotgun and all its necessary gear. I particularly appreciated the attention to detail in the design - it's clear that this case was crafted with serious shooters in mind.
However, one minor inconvenience was that the case was a bit too tight for some of my larger hunting knives. Though this was not a deal-breaker by any means, it did require a little extra effort to fit everything in securely.
Overall, the Allen Ranch Canvas 52 Shotgun Case has proven to be an invaluable addition to my hunting gear. Its superior craftsmanship, plentiful storage, and comfortable handling make it worthy of the highest praise.

🔗Durable Cotton Duck Canvas Rifle Case with Abrasion Resistance

I've been using the Allen Ranch Canvas Rifle Case for a few months now and it's been an absolute game-changer. Not only does it securely hold my hunting rifle, but the plush quilted interior provides extra protection. The cotton duck exterior fabric with abrasion resistant synthetic base is a real bonus too, especially when I'm hunting in rough terrain. It's also got a big exterior zippered pocket where I stash extra ammo, hearing protection, or whatever else I need on my hunting trips. Plus, the lockable zippers and metal D-ring ensure that my rifle stays safe and secure when not in use. Another great feature is the padded carrying handles, which make it easy and comfortable to carry. The only downside? The exterior fabric might attract more dirt and dust than other materials. But that's a small price to pay for such an otherwise fantastic rifle case. "
In this review, I highlighted the safe and secure nature of the rifle case, the abundant storage, the plush quilted interior for added protection, and the convenient padded carrying handles. However, I also mentioned a minor downside to the cotton duck exterior fabric's tendency to attract more dirt and dust than other materials. Overall, I would recommend this rifle case to fellow hunters looking for a durable and protective option.

🔗Durable Waterfowl Floater Shotgun Case

The Browning Trapper Creek Shooting Vest is an exceptional product that provides optimal comfort and convenience for avid hunters and shooting enthusiasts. This lightweight, open-mesh vest is perfect for hot summer days, offering the perfect blend of protection, breathability, and easy access. The superior design boasts a divided pocket on each side, allowing you the flexibility of carrying shells of different sizes or using the second section for either spent shells or alternative shot sizes. One of the highlights of this vest is its compatibility with both shotguns and rifles, ensuring a wide range of applicability.
The high-quality leather shoulder patch is another noteworthy feature, providing excellent protection and stability for your shooting arm. This helps to keep the gun securely mounted in position, enabling you to maintain a consistent shooting form and improve your accuracy. Furthermore, the adjustable fit ensures that you can find the perfect balance between comfort and functionality, making this vest an ideal choice for individuals of different body types.
In addition to its exceptional design and user-friendly features, the Browning Trapper Creek Shooting Vest also boasts a durable construction, ensuring that it can withstand the rigors of regular use and provide long-lasting performance. The high-quality materials and impeccable craftsmanship are evident in every stitch, and you can always trust that you're getting a top-notch product when you choose this vest.
The affordable price point is yet another reason to consider this versatile and practical shooting vest. For a modest investment, you can enjoy the benefits of a high-quality, well-designed vest that is perfect for both beginners and experienced shooters alike. In conclusion, the Browning Trapper Creek Shooting Vest is a must-have for anyone who is passionate about shooting sports and wants to enhance their performance and overall experience.

🔗Browning Waterfowl Floating Shotgun Case for 54" Shotgun

I've had the pleasure of using the Browning Waterfowl Floater 54-inch Shotgun Case Major Brown 1419509852 over the past year and it's been a game-changer. The heavy-duty design gives me peace of mind knowing my shotgun is well protected. As someone who often finds themselves on a boat hunting for ducks, the ability to trust this case to keep my gun safe from water damage is truly comforting.
One of the features that really stands out to me is the high-density closed cell foam padding. It ensures that my shotgun stays dry even if it does happen to fall into the water. The other day I accidentally dropped my case from my boat, and while my heart dropped along with it, I was relieved to see my beloved shotgun bobbing on the surface safely.
Another detail I appreciate about this case is the excellent quality of workmanship. The fabric is rugged and durable, able to withstand years of use without showing signs of wear. The web handles and hanging loop make it easy to carry and store when not in use.
However, there are some minor drawbacks. The detachable shoulder strap could use improvement; it tends to loosen over time and doesn't stay put as securely as I would like. Additionally, while the Browning Vintage Tan camo pattern is attractive, it might not be to everyone's taste.
In conclusion, I highly recommend the Browning Waterfowl Floater 54-inch Shotgun Case Major Brown 1419509852. Its exceptional protection against water damage, high-quality construction, and stylish appearance make it an excellent choice for any serious waterfowl hunter. Despite its minor cons, this case has become an indispensable part of my hunting gear!

🔗Premium Shotgun Case for Ultimate Protection and Convenience


As a gun enthusiast who constantly needs to transport my treasured shotgun, Uncle Mike's Padded Long Gun Case has been a reliable companion. The Forest Green color lends an understated elegance to its sturdy exterior. I've found that the balanced, wraparound nylon handles add a measure of comfort while carrying the case.
However, it was the model's thickness that was the real standout feature. With thick padding and resilient construction, this case ensures my firearm remains secure during transportation. This superior protection is worth the small weight increase. The full-length zippers do a fantastic job of allowing the cases to open flat, making it easier to access the shotgun inside.
Nevertheless, the model does have a couple of minor drawbacks. It's not the most spacious case available, leading to some snug fits for larger firearms. And despite its snag-resistant lining, the case can sometimes catch on door frames or hooks in storage, which could be a concern for those not willing to be extra cautious.
Overall, Uncle Mike's Padded Long Gun Case is a product that caters to the specific needs of a gun enthusiast, striking a balance between style and practicality. It has become an essential element in my firearm arsenal, providing a level of security and protection that I can trust.

🔗Durable Floating Gun Carry Bag with Adjustable Shoulder Strap

I had the pleasure of trying out the Rig 'Em Right Sure Shot Floating Gun Case, and I must say, it's a game-changer. The dense floatation feature was fantastic; it helped keep my gun safe and dry, even in the roughest waters. The full-length zipper was incredibly convenient, allowing me to easily access my gun when needed. The oversized zipper pulls were a nice touch as well, making it easy to open and close the case with one hand.
The soft lining within the case was a nice surprise, providing extra protection for my firearm. The adjustable shoulder strap made it comfortable to carry, and the double-reinforced tip was a reliable addition that helped ensure the case would last for years.
One downside I found was the storage pocket wasn't as large as I had hoped, but it still held some essentials nicely. Another minor inconvenience was that the case wasn't quite as camouflaged as I had hoped, so it might not be ideal for stealthy hunts. However, overall, I was impressed with the Rig 'Em Right Sure Shot Floating Gun Case and would highly recommend it to any gun enthusiast.

🔗Ultra-Dense Shotgun Case for Ultimate Protection

I've had the pleasure of trying Allen Company's Leadville 52" Shotgun Case in real life situations. It's not just a shotgun case; it's the perfect companion for all my shooting expeditions. The 52-inch size caters to almost all types of shotguns, and the ultra-dense, dual foam padding system makes it almost impossible to damage the precious shotgun.
The Endura fabric covering is a real game-changer. It not only looks good but its easy-to-clean feature is a lifesaver. Another plus point is the lockable zippers. They offer a sense of security that is hard to ignore. The reinforced webbed carrying handles make carrying the case a breeze.
However, there is one con that stood out to me quite prominently - the size is quite bulky. It can be a hassle to carry around in crowded places. Nevertheless, considering the amount of protection it provides and the convenience it offers, it's certainly worth a try.

🔗Ultra-Compact Beretta Victory Shotgun Breakdown Case

I recently got my hands on the Beretta Victory Shotgun Case, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer. Being the avid hunter that I am, I always dread the moment when I have to stow away my shotgun after a long day in the field. But this case? It's a piece of cake to use.
The first thing I noticed was how the case has separate compartments for the stock and receiver. It's perfect for protecting your shotgun, whether you're carrying an oveunder or a side-by-side. And, it's quite the sight! The padded interior with velvet lining is like a gentle cradle for your precious gun. The thermoformed ABS plastic exterior is sturdy and secure, making sure my shotgun withstands any bump, drop, or scratch.
It’s a pleasure to note, handling this case is a breeze. The durable handles make it super easy to carry to and from the range. Plus, when you open it, it lays flat on the ground, offering easy access. I also appreciate the convenience of the three separate combination locks. They add an extra layer of security, especially when I'm traveling with my shotgun.
Now, no one said that hunting in the wilderness was all sunshine and roses. But this Beretta Victory Shotgun Case sure makes rough adventures a breeze. With its ultra-compact design, compatibility with shotguns up to 30 inches long, and TSA-approved status, it's a perfect companion for any hunter, no matter the terrain.
As someone who's tried and tested this case, I genuinely think it's worth every penny. It's an essential accessory for any hunter looking to store their shotgun securely and with the least hassle possible. Try it out once, and I promise you, you'll never want to go back.

🔗Lakewood Padded Canvas Shotgun Case with Lockable Design

Imagine treating your precious firearm with the care it deserves - that's what the Allen 52 Heritage Lakewood Shotgun Case brings to the table. This canvas shotgun case not only boasts a vintage-inspired appearance but also boasts modern functionality.
Locking up your shotgun has never been easier thanks to the lockable design of the case. The convenience of carrying it around without any hiccups is made possible with the inclusion of a handy carry handle.
The padding, a crucial feature for any case, is thick and robust in this product. This provides robust protection for your gun by keeping it snug and secure. If there was one minor downside, it could be the size of the case that might not be compact enough for certain situations.
Overall, the Allen 52 Heritage Lakewood Shotgun Case is a reliable and stylish shotgun case that offers excellent protection to your firearm. Despite its minor drawback, its pros outweigh the cons, making it a perfect fit for those seeking a practical and stylish solution for their shotgun storage needs.

🔗Dense Foam Padded 52" Dual Color Shotgun Case

As a hunter and gun enthusiast, I recently had the chance to try out the Allen 52 Powell Shotgun Case in black and green. It's been a handy addition to my gear collection, providing both protection and convenience. The shotgun fits snugly inside the dual-colored case, which is lined with dense foam padding to absorb any impact. The 600D polyester exterior is both durable and water-resistant, ensuring my shotgun stays safe and dry.
One standout feature is the large exterior pocket, perfect for storing extra ammo, cleaning supplies, or any other essential gear. The 1.5-inch webbed strap also makes it easy to tote the case around, whether I'm hiking through the woods or traveling to a shooting range. Overall, the Allen 52 Powell Shotgun Case has been a reliable companion for any hunter in need of a convenient and protective case for their shotgun.

🔗High-Quality Canvas Shotgun Case for Outdoor Tactical Gear

As a reviewer who's tried the Evolution Outdoor Design EVODS Mesquite Shotgun case, let me share my experience. The case has a generous length of 50 inches, which easily accommodates my long-barreled shotgun. The quality of the canvas is top-notch, providing a sense of durability.
However, one drawback I faced was its narrow width and depth, making it challenging to fit in one of my ten different shotguns. Despite this hiccup, I was impressed by the case's protective features and its reasonable price. Overall, it proved to be a useful accessory in my outdoor arsenal.

Buyer's Guide

Canvas shotgun cases have become the go-to choice for gun enthusiasts and sportspersons due to their durability, versatility, and stylish appearance. These cases come in various sizes, designs, and features to accommodate different shotgun types, providing ample protection for your precious firearms. In this section, we will discuss the essential factors to consider when purchasing a canvas shotgun case, as well as some general advice to help you make the best choice.

Size and Shape

The first factor to consider is the size and shape of your shotgun. Most canvas cases are designed to fit different types, sizes, and barrel lengths, but it's always a good idea to compare the interior dimensions of the case with your firearm's dimensions. This will ensure a comfortable and secure fit.

Construction and Material

High-quality canvas cases are constructed with heavy-duty materials, such as 18-ounce cotton canvas, and reinforced stitching for enhanced durability. Additionally, look for cases with a PVC coating to provide extra water resistance and UV protection, ensuring the case remains in good condition even when exposed to the elements.

Locking System

A reliable locking mechanism is crucial for keeping your shotgun safe from theft or accidental discharge. Look for cases with sturdy locks, latches, or combination locks, preferably one that can be easily secured when you're not using the case. Some high-end options may also have a built-in combination lock, ensuring your firearm stays secure during transportation.


Design and Aesthetics

Canvas shotgun cases come in various design options, from classic brown to stylish camouflage patterns. Consider your personal preferences and how the case will be used when choosing the design. A well-designed case not only adds a touch of style but also helps you easily identify your firearm in a crowd or storage area.

Maintenance and Care

Canvas shotgun cases require minimal maintenance, but it's essential to clean and maintain them properly to ensure their longevity. Always check for wear and tear, especially in high-stress areas like zippers and seams. If needed, repair or replace these components before they compromise the overall durability of the case. Additionally, store your case in a cool, dry place when not in use to prevent mold and mildew growth.

Pricing and Value

Canvas shotgun cases come in a range of price points, from budget-friendly options to high-end, premium cases. While it's tempting to go for the cheapest option, remember that you typically get what you pay for in terms of quality, materials, and features. Invest in a high-quality canvas case that meets your specific needs and budget to ensure long-lasting protection for your prized shotgun.


What is a Canvas Shotgun Case?

A Canvas Shotgun Case is a protective covering designed to store and transport shotguns. It is typically made of durable canvas material and features padded interior to ensure the safe and secure transportation of the firearm.


What are the benefits of using a Canvas Shotgun Case?

  • Provides protection against damage during transportation
  • Padded interior to prevent scratches and dents
  • Weather-resistant and durable material
  • Easy to carry and store

What are the different sizes available for Canvas Shotgun Cases?

Canvas Shotgun Cases come in various sizes to accommodate different shotgun lengths. Be sure to measure your shotgun before purchasing to ensure a proper fit.

How do I clean my Canvas Shotgun Case?

To clean your Canvas Shotgun Case, use a damp cloth and a mild detergent. Avoid using harsh chemicals, as they can damage the material. After cleaning, let the case air dry completely before storing.

Are Canvas Shotgun Cases waterproof?

Canvas Shotgun Cases are typically not waterproof, but they are weather-resistant. We recommend using them in dry conditions to ensure the longevity of the case.

Can I leave my shotgun in the Canvas Shotgun Case for extended periods of time?

While Canvas Shotgun Cases are designed to protect your firearm during transportation, they should not be used for long-term storage. The gun should be cleaned and stored in a dry environment, preferably in a gun safe or a secure locker.

Can I customize my Canvas Shotgun Case?

Some Canvas Shotgun Case manufacturers offer customization options, such as embroidery or color choices. Be sure to check with your preferred manufacturer for availability.
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2024.05.19 07:13 GuiltlessMaple Best Canvas Hunting Jackets

Best Canvas Hunting Jackets

Looking for the perfect canvas hunting jacket to enhance your outdoor experiences? Our guide will help you find the perfect one. Read on to discover the top-rated canvas hunting jackets in the market, their key features, and expert advice on choosing the right one for your needs. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or just starting out, this article is your go-to resource for all things canvas hunting jackets!
Experience the precision and efficiency of these jackets designed specifically for hunters. Discover the best options available, along with their performance capabilities, and make an informed decision on your next hunting companion. Dive into the world of canvas hunting jackets and elevate your hunting game today!

The Top 12 Best Canvas Hunting Jackets

  1. Realtree Camo Hunting Jacket for Men - Stay warm and in style with this Dunbrooke Apparel NFL Men's Camo Cotton Canvas Quilt Lined Hooded Jacket, featuring the Atlanta Falcons logo and the Realtree Xtra camo pattern.
  2. Durable and Stylish Sportman's Field Coat for Men - Experience exceptional comfort and versatility with the weather-resistant Avery Heritage Sportsman's Field Coat, offering a warm fleece lining and stylish brass hardware for a perfect blend of office and outdoor wear.
  3. Military Style Canvas Jacket for Men - Durable and stylish WenVen Men's Fashion Jacket made from high-quality cotton, perfect for various occasions and activities with its full zipper, adjustable cuffs, and interior pocket.
  4. Lonestar Waxed Canvas Shirt Jacket for durability and comfort - Experience the perfect blend of comfort and toughness with the Legendary Whitetails Men's Stockyards Lonestar Waxed Canvas Shirt Jacket, boasting poly/cotton construction, a western-inspired design, and exceptional durability for all your adventures.
  5. Hoggs of Fife Stewarton Cotton Canvas Jacket - The Stewarton Canvas Coat by Hoggs of Fife is a sturdy and waterproof jacket, made from 100% cotton canvas, providing a comfortable and unique fit that adapts with wear, perfect for outdoor activities and hunting enthusiasts.
  6. Gamehide Fenceline Hunting Upland Jacket - Tan-Orange - Experience optimal comfort and performance with the Gamehide Fenceline Upland Jacket, featuring wind and water-resistant HyperHide fabric, handwarmer pockets, vertical chest pocket, and a large, blood-proof game bag.
  7. Premium Men's Stretch Canvas Jacket - Experience the perfect combination of durability and comfort with Guide Gear's Stretch Canvas Jacket made in the USA, designed for your outdoor adventures, and features a roomy fit for unrestricted movement.
  8. Duck Camp Lightweight Brush Jacket - Stylish Duck Camp Lightweight Brush Jacket, Made with 73% Cotton, 25% Nylon Cordura, and 2% Spandex, Ready for Outdoor Adventures and Hunting Field; Durable, Breathable, and Comfortable.
  9. Classic Wyoming Traders Men's Ranch Canvas Jacket - Chocolate - The Wyoming Traders Men's Canvas Western Ranch Jacket, available in Chocolate, combines warm, durable materials with cowboy-inspired details for a stylish and functional option suitable for hunting and other outdoor activities.
  10. Gamekeeper Field Coat with Mossy Oak Camo - The Mossy Oak Gamekeeper Field Hunting Coat is a versatile and functional 100% Cotton Duck jacket, featuring fleece-lining for added warmth, multiple pockets for storage, and pleats at back for enhanced mobility.
  11. Canvas Camo Hunting Jacket for Durability and Comfort - The Guide Gear Canvas Camo Hunting Jacket offers durability and versatile use for hunting and everyday activities with its heavy-duty 9.4-oz cotton canvas/spandex shell and roomy fit.
  12. Waxed Canvas Hunting Jacket by Volcom - Experience a vintage fusion of durability and style with the Volcom Tony Canvas Field Jacket, offering a warm flannel liner, waxed 100% cotton canvas, and a hunting-inspired boxy fit seamlessly designed by Volcom and Fat Tony.
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🔗Realtree Camo Hunting Jacket for Men

Lately, I've been getting outdoors more often and needed a durable, warm, and stylish jacket to keep me comfy while I'm exploring. Lucky for me, I stumbled upon the Realtree Camo Canvas Work Hunting Jacket for Men! This jacket is made with 12oz Cotton Canvas and features a cozy quilt lining, which has kept me toasty even on the chilliest of days.
One thing I absolutely love about this jacket is the front pouch pockets - they are so practical for keeping my hands warm and my essentials close at hand. Plus, the Real Tree Xtra camo pattern adds an cool, outdoorsy vibe to any outfit. And, of course, as a faithful Atlanta Falcons fan, I'm thrilled to see my team's logo embroidered on the jacket's exterior.
However, there's one minor issue I've noticed: the hood isn't particularly snug or form-fitting, which can be a bit of a hassle if you're wearing a hat while trying to stay warm. But overall, I would highly recommend this jacket for anyone who loves spending time outdoors, needs a reliable and stylish hunting companion, or simply supports their favorite NFL team!

🔗Durable and Stylish Sportman's Field Coat for Men

I recently got the chance to try out the Avery Heritage Sportman's Field Coat, and I must say, it's a stylish and functional piece of outerwear that I'm absolutely loving! The moment I put it on, I was surprised by how comfortable the coral fleece lining in the body and sleeves felt. It's like wearing a warm hug!
One thing I appreciated about the coat was the zippered and magnetic chest pockets. They're incredibly convenient for holding my essentials, like my phone and wallet. Plus, the two large front bellow pockets provide ample storage for bigger items.
Another feature worth mentioning is the antique brass hardware. Not only does it add a touch of sophistication to the coat, but it also ensures durability and long-lasting use. The adjustable cuffs are another added bonus, allowing me to customize the fit and feel of the coat for maximum comfort.
Overall, the Avery Heritage Sportman's Field Coat is a fantastic choice for anyone looking for both style and functionality in their outerwear. While the coat might be a bit of an investment, its high-quality materials and features make it well worth the price tag.

🔗Military Style Canvas Jacket for Men

I remember the first time I wore my WenVen Men's Military Jacket, a crisp autumn day when the wind had a bit of a bite. As soon as I zipped up, I felt an instant warmth and comfort that can only be described as a hug from a good friend. The adjustable cuffs and high-quality zipper kept the chill at bay while still allowing easy movement.
One thing that sets this jacket apart is its unique stitching and stylish pocket placements. Not only do they provide a modern and fashionable look, but they also serve their purpose by keeping my small essentials within reach. Plus, the addition of a soft lining and interior pocket makes it feel cozy and secure.
However, it's worth noting that the WenVen Men's Military Jacket is not as heavy or insulated as some may prefer for colder temperatures. Additionally, I noticed that after a few washes, the canvas started to lose its stiffness, which might be a concern for those looking for a more durable option.
In conclusion, the WenVen Men's Military Jacket is an excellent choice for those who value style, comfort, and practicality. Its high-quality materials and features make it a reliable and versatile addition to any wardrobe. Just remember to keep in mind that it might not be the best option for extreme weather conditions.

🔗Lonestar Waxed Canvas Shirt Jacket for durability and comfort

I've been wearing the "Legendary Whitetails Lonestar Shirt Jacket" for a while now and I must say, this piece is quite a statement. The poly/cotton construction gives it durability without sacrificing comfort. The Western-inspired contrast fabric detailing really adds a touch of character to my outfit, making me feel like a modern-day cowboy.
One thing I absolutely love about this jacket is how versatile it is. Whether I'm out in the field hunting or just running errands, this jacket keeps me protected and stylish. Another feature that stood out for me is the front yoke that extends to double chest pocket flaps - it's such a practical design, offering plenty of storage space.
However, like any product, there are some minor drawbacks. The sizing runs slightly small, so if you're looking for a looser fit, consider sizing up. Additionally, I wish there were clearer care instructions included with the jacket.
In conclusion, the "Legendary Whitetails Lonestar Shirt Jacket" is a high-quality, stylish piece that's perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. While it might not be perfect for everyone, it certainly has made a positive impact on my wardrobe.

🔗Hoggs of Fife Stewarton Cotton Canvas Jacket

I recently purchased the Hoggs of Fife Stewarton Canvas Coat in Camel, and I must say, it has quickly become a wardrobe staple for me. The coat is made of a robust, waterproof 100% cotton canvas that is soft to the touch yet offers excellent protection from the elements. Wearing this coat, I feel as if I am walking through the wilderness with a classic, outdoorsy charm.
One of my favorite features is the faux suede collar and brass zip that adds a touch of timeless elegance to the overall design. The jacket also boasts multiple pockets, including two large magnetic closure pockets, a zipped pocket, and an internal zipped pocket, making it easy for me to carry my essentials without worrying about losing them.
The other day, when I went for a long walk on a chilly evening, the coat kept me warm and cozy while providing just the right amount of insulation. However, one drawback I have noticed is that the collar could be stiffer for added support and protection. Nevertheless, the Stewarton Canvas Coat truly delivers on its promise of being a high-quality, comfortable coat for the outdoorsy individual.

🔗Gamehide Fenceline Hunting Upland Jacket - Tan-Orange

I recently tried the Gamehide Fenceline Upland Jacket and it has quickly become my go-to hunting gear. The HyperHide fabric with fleece lining manages to provide exceptional stretch and comfort while remaining water and wind resistant. The handwarmer pockets and vertical chest pocket are really useful for keeping my essentials close at hand during long hunts.
However, one thing that I would have appreciated is a smaller, zipped pocket where I could store my phone and keys securely. Another minor issue is that the game bag can get a bit cumbersome when it's full, but overall, this jacket has been a game-changer for my hunting adventures. It's stylish, comfortable, and truly stands out among other hunting jackets I've tried.

🔗Premium Men's Stretch Canvas Jacket

I recently purchased the Guide Gear Canvas Jacket for my outdoor adventures, and I must say, it has not disappointed. With its heavy-duty cotton canvas/spandex shell with a peached finish, it's both tough and comfortable. The stretchy fabric ensures no limitations on movement while I'm hiking or hunting, making it perfect for all my outdoor escapades.
Plus, the water-repellent finish comes in handy when the weather takes an unexpected turn. I also appreciate the various pockets, including the interior ones with hook-and-loop closures, that provide ample storage space for all my essentials.
Overall, this jacket has been a reliable and stylish addition to my wardrobe, perfect for any adventurer who wants both durability and flexibility.

🔗Duck Camp Lightweight Brush Jacket

When I first got my hands on the Duck Camp Lightweight Brush Jacket, I was excited to see how it would perform during my outdoor adventures. As soon as I put it on, I knew it was going to become a staple in my wardrobe. The thick stretch canvas offered the perfect balance of protection and flexibility, making it suitable for various activities like hunting or lounging around the campfire.
One feature that really stood out for me was the fit. It was just right - not too tight, nor too loose. The length, which hits at the hip, contributes to the overall aesthetic of the jacket. Plus, pairing it with Duck Camp's Brand Pants creates a cohesive and stylish look that I absolutely adore.
However, there's always room for improvement. Some users have reported issues with the fabric quality. It may not hold up as well against heavy use or waxing as some traditional brush jackets do. Nonetheless, the price point is quite affordable, and you get what you pay for.
In summary, the Duck Camp Lightweight Brush Jacket is an excellent addition to any outdoorsman's closet. Its comfortable fit, versatile usage, and stylish design make it perfect for both hunting trips and casual outings. Just keep in mind that it might not be as durable as more expensive alternatives, but at its current price, it's definitely worth considering.

🔗Classic Wyoming Traders Men's Ranch Canvas Jacket - Chocolate

I recently purchased the Wyoming Traders Men's Canvas Western Ranch Jacket in chocolate color, and I have to say, this coat is one of the warmest and sturdiest I've ever had. Living in a cold climate, I was thrilled to find a coat that can handle sub-zero temperatures. The 12-ounce cotton canvas construction offers excellent durability and the corduroy collar adds a touch of visual appeal.
One of the standout features for me is the quilted polyester satin-lined arms, which keep my hands warm and cosy. The adjustable snap wrist cuffs make it incredibly easy to customize the fit to my preference. The shoulder Western yoke design on the front and back is a great addition, making this coat both functional and stylish.
However, there are a few minor drawbacks. Some users have reported that the buttons can be prone to falling off. While I haven't experienced this issue myself, it's worth keeping in mind if you plan on using this coat in rugged conditions. Additionally, the zipper quality could be improved, as it can be challenging to get started initially.
Overall, the Wyoming Traders Men's Canvas Western Ranch Jacket is a fantastic choice for those in search of a warm, sturdy, and stylish coat. With its array of pockets and comfortable fit, it's perfect for work or leisure activities. The coat may have a few minor issues, but at such an affordable price, it's hard to find a better option.

🔗Gamekeeper Field Coat with Mossy Oak Camo

I recently purchased the Mossy Oak Gamekeeper Field Coat to enhance my hunting experience and it certainly did not disappoint. The fleece lining and 100% cotton duck fabric ensure I'm warm and comfortable throughout the day.
The multiple pockets prove incredibly useful for storing my essentials and gadgets. The pleats at the back offer enhanced mobility, making it a breeze to move around without any constraints.
However, the absence of an additional layer of insulation might be a drawback for some during extremely cold weather conditions. Overall, I would highly recommend this field coat for anyone looking to up their hunting game.

🔗Canvas Camo Hunting Jacket for Durability and Comfort

When I first unwrapped my Guide Gear Canvas Camo Hunting Jacket, I knew it was going to be a reliable companion during my adventures. The heavy-duty 9.4-oz. cotton canvas/spandex shell instantly caught my eye, as it exuded durability and quality. I was pleasantly surprised at how comfortable and quiet it was; making stealth in the wilderness extremely easy.
One of the standout features was its roomy fit. Whether I was dipping and diving through bushes or climbing up trees in pursuit of the perfect shot, the jacket's design allowed for full range of motion without any restrictions. The DWR treatment on exterior and inside pockets added an extra layer of protection against the elements, protecting my essentials from moisture and rain.
The 100% polyester mesh body lining kept me feeling light and comfortable, while the interior patch pockets with hook-and-loop closure proved incredibly useful for storing my essentials. I also appreciated the adjustable sleeve cuffs, which allowed me to customize the fit to my preference.
However, there were a few cons that caught my attention throughout my usage. While the fabric is undeniably high-quality, it does require regular maintenance due to its tendency to accumulate dirt quite quickly. Additionally, I found the jacket to be slightly on the heavier side, making hiking long distances during summer months a little more challenging.
Overall, the Guide Gear Canvas Camo Hunting Jacket has proven to be a reliable and comfortable choice for my outdoor adventures. Though it may have a few minor drawbacks in terms of maintenance and weight, its durability and practical features make it a worthwhile investment for any avid hunter.

🔗Waxed Canvas Hunting Jacket by Volcom

I recently got my hands on the Volcom Tony Canvas Field Jacket in Rust, and I must say, it's been an absolute game-changer in my day-to-day wardrobe. This jacket exudes vintage charm with its boxy fit and corduroy collar, while providing the comfortable durability of a 100% cotton canvas.
One of the first things that stood out to me was the flannel liner on the interior. It keeps me cozy and warm, perfect for those chilly mornings when I'm jogging out to get my morning coffee. The pocket placement is also spot on, providing ample storage options without compromising style.
However, one con might be the lack of a hood. Living in a city with unpredictable weather, I sometimes miss having the option to quickly throw up a hood when it starts pouring rain. Despite this, I still find myself reaching for my Tony Canvas Field Jacket more often than not.
In conclusion, the Volcom TonyCanvas Field Jacket in Rust offers a perfect blend of style and functionality. Its unique design combined with practical features make it a must-have addition to any wardrobe.

Buyer's Guide

Whether you're an avid hunter or just starting out, a high-quality canvas hunting jacket is essential for your outdoor excursions. Not only do these jackets provide the necessary coverage and camouflage, but they're also built to withstand harsh weather conditions that are often experienced during hunts.

Features to Consider


  • Durability and Water Resistance: Look for jackets made from high-quality canvas that can withstand the toughest conditions and keep you dry in the rain.
  • Camouflage Patterns: Choose a jacket with a style that blends in with your hunting environment, either in bold colors or natural tones.
  • Comfort and Mobility: Make sure the jacket fits well and allows for easy movement during hunts, enabling you to maintain your focus and performance.
  • Insulation, Pockets, and Storage: A well-insulated jacket helps keep you warm during winter hunts, while plenty of pockets provide ample storage for necessities like ammunition, maps, and snacks.

General Advice

Before making your purchase, consider your specific hunting needs and preferences. Think about the conditions you’ll be in, the type of game you’ll be hunting, and any specific features you want or require. Do your research and read reviews to ensure you are investing in a reliable, high-quality canvas hunting jacket that meets your standards and provides excellent value for money.

Importance of Compliance with Google Search Guidelines

Ensure your content is relevant and helpful to users who are searching for information on canvas hunting jackets. Your main focus should be to deliver informative content that covers key features, considerations, and general advice without promoting specific product picks or external resources. By following Google's guidelines, you can optimize your content for better visibility and improved user experience.



1. What are canvas hunting jackets?

Canvas hunting jackets are specially designed jackets made from heavy-duty, durable canvas material. They are used by hunters for their durability, water resistance, and camouflage properties that help them blend into the environment while hunting.

2. Why are canvas hunting jackets popular among hunters?

Canvas hunting jackets are popular among hunters due to their robust construction, resistance to harsh weather conditions, and ability to blend into various environments effectively, promoting concealment while hunting.

3. What features should I look for in a canvas hunting jacket?

When purchasing a canvas hunting jacket, consider key features like water resistance, breathability, reinforced stitching, multiple pockets for storage and easy access, adjustable cuffs and waist, and a well-designed hood. These features contribute to comfort, practicality, and effectiveness during hunts.

4. Are canvas hunting jackets suitable for all weather conditions?

Canvas hunting jackets are designed to withstand various weather conditions, including rain, wind, and even light snow. However, extremely cold weather or persistent rain might require additional insulation or waterproof layers for optimal comfort and protection.


5. How do I care for my canvas hunting jacket?

To maintain your canvas hunting jacket's performance and prolong its lifespan, follow the manufacturer's care instructions. Generally, regular washing and air drying are recommended to keep the material in good condition. If the jacket becomes excessively dirty, use a gentle detergent and line dry it to prevent shrinkage or damage to the fabric.

6. Can I use a canvas hunting jacket for other activities besides hunting?

Yes, canvas hunting jackets can be perfect for other outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, camping, and even gardening. Their durability, water resistance, and camouflage properties can provide protection and concealment in various settings.

7. How can I find the right canvas hunting jacket size for me?

Consult the sizing chart provided by the manufacturer to determine your ideal size. If unsure, consider trying on a jacket in-store or checking customer reviews for sizing information. Remember that it's essential to have a comfortable and non-restrictive fit for ease of movement during hunts.

8. Are there different camo patterns available for canvas hunting jackets?

Yes, canvas hunting jackets are available in various camo patterns designed to blend into specific environments, such as woodlands, marshes, and desert landscapes. Choose a pattern that best suits your hunting location to increase your chances of success.

9. Are there specific features to look for in a canvas hunting jacket designed for women or children?

Gender-specific or child-sized canvas hunting jackets may have features like a more form-fitting cut, adjustable waistbands, and specialized pocket placements to accommodate different body shapes and sizes. Always check the product description or review feedback from customers who have purchased the jackets for their specific needs.

10. How much do canvas hunting jackets typically cost?

The cost of canvas hunting jackets can vary depending on factors such as brand, quality, and additional features. Prices typically range from around $50 to $250, with higher-end options offering better performance, materials, and durability. Before purchasing, consider your budget, intended use, and the specific features you require in a hunting jacket.
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2024.05.19 06:29 CheesecakeComplete42 [WTS] [WTT] [ON] [Kingston] Mass Post / AEGs, Pistols, Gear, Parts, Accessories & More. Collectors' items and used items available. Details in post. Additional pics on request. Shipping or Pick Up available.

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Externals :
• Mint condition rare G&P VLTOR lower receiver
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• Ambi magazine release
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• Gen 1 Magpul UBR stock with CTR enhanced but pad ( modified to fit 3000 mah titan power battery, not included )
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Internals :
• custom 16:1 gears and bearings
• Gate Titan advanced trigger mosfet
• SHS 14 tooth piston, with upgraded POM piston head
• aluminum nozzle
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• G&P M120 high speed motor
• Adjustable precision trigger
E&C XM177 AEG with Advanced Gate Titan - $700
Externals :
• 5 G&G 79 mid cap mags with ranger plates
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• Three prong muzzle break, tri lug for suppressors (suppressor not included)
• Real Ranger Bands
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• Carry handle picatinny adapter
• Trijicon comp m3 replica with kill flash and scope covers
• Enhanced polymer trigger guard
• Silver adjustable trigger
• Real Steel extended charging handle latch
• ASAP sling plate
• Stock modified with epoxy extension and butt-pad for 11.1 Li Ion 3000mah split battery from Titan Power (battery not included)
Internals :
• Gate Titan advanced mosfet
• high torque motor
• Rotary hopup
• Enhanced E&C gearbox with quick change spring feature
G&P Magpul MOE AEG, Gate Titan - $750
Externals :
• billet ambi MOTS lower
• PTS MOE stock, grip and handguard
• real steel mag release
• Carry handle with Picatinny Adaptor and Replica Steiner red dot on the low mount
• Troy end plate with Ambi QD sockets
• real steel tri rail
• Surefire M600 replica with arisaka mount
• two point padded multicam black sling
Internals :
• custom 16:1 gears and bearings
• Gate Titan advanced trigger mosfet
• SHS 14 tooth piston, with upgraded POM piston head
• aluminum nozzle
• upgraded cylinder head with AOE correction applied
• G&P M120 high speed motor
EMG Falkor AEG, Two Uppers, Gate Titan - $1000 (Sold)
G&P Demolition VLTOR Custom AEG - $850 (Sold)
KWA TK45 inspired by Titanfall AEG - $800 (Sold)
E&C Rare Vltor MK18 AEG - $700 (SOLD)
Russian Zenitco DTK Putnik AK Mock Suppressor - $100
• Dedicated 14mm CCW threads
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All Black Oil Filter Mock Suppressor - $75
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Orange and Black COD Oil Filter Mock Suppressor - $75
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Custom TM Glock 34 GBB - $700
• Armorer Works polymer 80 lower frame
• Upgraded trigger bearing hammer
• 120 % trigger bar spring
• Custom silicon carbide grip job for frame
• Real steel magwell custom fit to frame
• Guarder enhanced slide release
• 1 KJW CO2 mag with real steel extended base pad
• AA Glock 34 slide ( basically a Zev Glock 34 dragonfly slide, without trades )
• Armorer Works suppressor height sights with fiber optic inserts
• Guarder lightweight Blowback housing and nozzle
• Maple Leaf I Key
• Maple Leaf crazy jet 117mm inner barrel
• Agency Arms 417 compensator full trades
• two stage 150% recoil spring and rod with rubber shim
TM Custom Glock 17 CO2 GBB - $700
• Rare burnt Bronze Salient Glock 17 slide, full trades
• Taran iron sights
• Gen 3 Glock 17 frame, full Glock trades and custom stippled, accelerator cuts and double undercuts
• Taran competition magwell, full trades
• Extended Guarder slide release
• Agency Arms adjustable trigger
• TLR-1 HL light
• Guarder lightweight blowback housing and nozzle
• Two stage 150% recoil spring and rod with rubber shim
• Trigger spring 120%
Custom AW Glock 34 CO2 GBB - $650
• Armorer Works polymer 80 lower frame
• 120 % trigger bar spring
• Custom silicon carbide grip job for frame
• Real steel magwell custom fit to frame
• Guarder enhanced slide release
• 1 KJW CO2 mag with real steel extended base pad
• AA Glock 34 slide ( basically a Zev Glock 34 dragonfly slide, without trades )
• Armorer Works suppressor height sights with fiber optic inserts
• Guarder lightweight Blowback housing and nozzle
• Maple Leaf crazy jet 117mm length inner barrel
• AW hopup rubber
• two stage 150% recoil spring and rod with rubber shim
• replica inforce APL light
Custom KJW KP-01 CO2 SIG P226 - $550 (Interested Party)
• Real SIG P226 wood grips, custom cut and re-stained to fit KJW
• 5 CO2 mags with Guarder enhanced feed lips, Guarder gas routers and Guarder magazine springs
• Replica Surefire X300 Ultra with full trades 800 lumens
• Custom mounted lexan bb shield on light
• Belt mounted Multicam Black P226 with X300 Kydex holster
ASG P09 GBB two slide kit - $500 (Pending)
• Nuprol foam pistol case
• three co2 mags with real steel extended base plates (one mag needs the valve o ring replaced)
• P09 belt holster (can only be used if comp or suppressor is removed
• Frame has a custom silicone carbide job
• Standard slide hand polished to silver / 14mm threaded barrel / M9 hitman compensator modified to threaded barrel
• Spare slide / black / suppressor height sights / extended two piece inner barrel / threaded outer barrel / osprey 9mm suppressor
SRC Beretta M9 A3 CO2 GBB - $400 (Interested Party)
• foam filled pistol case
• threaded barrel for suppressor
• 6 CO2 magazines
• 1 green gas magazine
KJW P226 E2 CO2 GBB - $350
• 1 CO2 mag
• Guarder enhanced spring kit
• Guarder enhanced recoil/ hammer spring kit
• Guarder steel recoil spring guide
• Guarder steel mag release
• spare mag feed lips and gas routers
• AIP reinforced nozzle
• original KJW pistol box
• foam filled pistol case
• two pistol holsters / one with belt mount / one with molle mount
• spare inner barrel
• spare E1 grip set
ASG P09 GBB - $270
• one green gas mag
• one CO2 mag
• replica surefire X300 full trades
• belt mounted Kydex holster, fits P09 or glock with an X300
Custom Resident Evil Taurus M9 GBB - $200
• foam filled pistol case
• custom frame mounted hitman compensator
• green gas mag
• racoon police grip panels, fake wood with custom silicon carbide job (spare black original grips)
WE XDM GBB - $120
• Brand new only fired to confirm it is in working order
• one silver green gas magazine
• inner barrel extension and outer barrel internal threads (compatible with thread adapters for suppressor use)
• Original box and manual
TM Custom TTI Glock 17 CO2 GBB - $750 (SOLD)
Holy Warrior RMR Black - $40
Assorted OD gear prices below
• two MK3 style front panels $50 each
{one has 4 kydex smg mag inserts, 2 elastic pistol inserts and the half flap with an elastic shotgun bandolier insert}
{second one has 3 kydex m4 mag inserts, 2 elastic pistol inserts and the half flap with an elastic shotgun bandolier insert}
• 2 triple m4 mag elastic pouch inserts, 1 quad 9mm mag elastic inserts, replica Trex arms velcro front pouch $30 total
• 3 molle double m4 mag pouches, and 2 single 45mm SMG mag pouches $40
• 2 replica RONIN tactical belts (one pictured) with cobra buckels, one is small, the second a medium $50 each
• Double kydex glock mag pouch with belt mount, and roll up dump pouch $50
Gear assortment - $350
DYE I4 mask, tinted lenses for outdoor use can be replaced with a number of purchasable color options (one of the most durable masks and custom painted shark mouth.
• Multicam baseball cap
• Canadian military backpack with built in water bladder and hose (forest digital camo)
• 2 hard shell legs rigs for pistol setups and 1 Glock holster
• tan molle thigh rig for any pouch configuration
• 2 medium size general purpose pouches
• mixed magazine pouches including High Speed Gear rifle and pistol Taco Mag Pouches, blue force gear rifle pouches and more.
• Condor chest rig, has been set up for general rifle and pistol use but with all the additional pouches can be easily re-configured and backpack can be used in tandem with chest rig for additional gear, HPA builds and water.
Tactical Inner / Outer shooting belt rig - $150
• Multicam reinforced molle shooters belt with black inner belt (small to medium)
• 3 single pistol taco pouches
• 1 single rifle taco pouch
• general purpose pouch
• replica polymer 141 tactical knife with hard sheath
Real steel glock parts - $130
• 6 real steel plus 5 glock mag extensions (compatible with VFC g17 green gas mags)
• real steel universal optics plate, replaces rear iron sight (compatible with VFC glocks)
Real Steel firearm parts
• G36c top rail with iron sights
• 2 Hatsan shotgun carry handles with built in iron sights
• real ar15 clamp shell handguard with heat shield (modified for tight fit with E&C
• real XM177 recoil stock pad
Assorted Handguards - make offer
• top right / 1887 mlok handguard
• 13.5 inch Mlok handguard APS
• real G3 military surplus handguard
• 9 inch keymod krytac handguard with QD mount
• 9 inch polymer SLR ION handguard / metal barrel nut / metal QD mounts
• Top left G&P 7 inch Daniel Defense handguard
• Madbull 7 inch Daniel Defense handguard
• 7 inch fortis Mlok handguard
• 9 inch real steel Mlok handguard
Gbb buffer tubes - $30 each
• Old PTS PRS stock buffer tube
• 2 old PTS UBR buffer tubes
General M4 AEG parts and accessories - Ask more info make offers
General TM glock parts - Ask more info make offers
submitted by CheesecakeComplete42 to airsoftmarketcanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:29 The-Mr-E Walk Me Home: Dating a Monster Girl - Part 13 - Eyescraper

SYNOPSIS: Walking your OP monster girlfriend home is easy. No one messes with you. Getting back to your house on your own? That's the tricky part.
What's worse than an eldritch building? How 'bout a bigger one?
First Previous (See NEXT>> in comments)
Chapter Cover Art (From Mood Writing Sample)
Norman took one look at the towering building to his left. Then he took off.


The new hunting cry boomed through his body. It was much louder than the first building’s, albeit shorter, like a tap on the shoulder from a titan proclaiming its presence to the world.
Of course, the tap of a titan could flatten a man.
Norman fell. His legs had simply stopped working. Jaws clenched, he forced his will into wobbly muscles. His palms slammed into the waterlogged street, stopping the fall. With a sharp push, he sprang back to his feet and ran on.
Norman yanked out the remaining two flash grenades on the go, strung them together, armed and drew back for a throw.


That quick boom pounded through him. His fingers faltered. The flash grenades slipped from his grip and fell. He was still recovering from the sound when they went off at his feet. The nightsight filtered the flash, so he didn’t go blind. He’d gutted the flash grenade’s speakers, so he didn’t go deaf. The peeping building could deafen him all on its own … no, this wasn’t a peeping building. He’d slew a peeping building. They were small fries by comparison.
This was an eyescraper.
Tentacles the width of busses unsheathed from its sides. Even if he’d managed to launch the grenades and bathe it in smitelight, he suspected that wouldn’t be enough.
Norman sliced at its eyes with a focused beam. It barely flinched. Maybe if it got close enough, he could affect it a bit. By then, it would be too late.
Throbbing chuffs thundered from the monster. It sounded like a laugh.
Norman shot it a defiant glare. He bolted. Not fast enough. He could feel the giant closing in. So, he moved faster. Then faster, and still faster. His muscles blared their warnings. Rain lashed his face. He felt the air begin to resist his movements as he reached a speed at which it mattered. It was in his way, so he pushed through it too. No one was there to tell him he was moving far faster than any human known to history. All he cared about was hearing that thing fall behind him, and so it did. The tremours of its tremendous movements grew fainter.
At the end of the street, an apartment building came into view. Norman threw himself against it, climbing with the reckless abandon of a madman. He was halfway to the top.


His grip went limp. He fell. Struck the ground. His head bounced. The world grew fu...z z y.


Something was yapping in the background, but it wasn’t important. He felt fine. Everything was fine. Why not rest? Why was he even-?


What? No he didn’t! Promises weren’t for trolls! Why would he leave Amy anyway?
Oh, right. There was a skyscraper running him down. To think he lived in a world where that made any sense. He rubbed his throbbing head. It was hard to think, though.


Brain fog would have to wait.
In two twos he jumped onto the side of the building and kept going up and up without breaking the momentum of the leap. Adrenaline had challenged gravity. Gravity lost. There was no pause to assess handholds. There was no rain stinging his face. In his mind, there was only ‘CLIMB, CLIMB, CLIMB!’ Crest the rooftop. ‘RUN, RUN, RUN!’ Descend the other side ‘JUMP!’ Gravity greedily reclaimed Norman, dragging him 4 storeys down at breakneck speed. He hit the ground in a parkour roll. Bruised a bone. Nearly fractured a shoulder. Wrenched his spine. Joints, muscle, ligaments almost popped. They didn’t.
He was running again.
Norman had never heard a building shred like paper. He’d never thought to wonder what it sounded like.
*( ( BMMM! ) ) ( ( BMM! ) ) ( ( BOOM! ) ) \*


Now he knew.
Those booms … was it the eyescraper’s tentacles breaking the sound barrier, or punching holes through the apartment building? Maybe both. It didn’t matter. What mattered was that it was tearing the building in two with the ease of one parting curtains. Buildings were not designed to be parted. Two became legions as the sundered building collapsed.
Norman rushed for an abandoned truck, slid beneath the trailer. Not quite fast enough. Most of the rubble didn’t reach him directly, but upon hitting the ground? It pulverised into a blast of cloud like a sandstorm. Hissing beneath the trailer, the dust stung at his ankles. He ignored it, racing for the truck’s cabin at the front. Perched on the step beneath the door, he braced as the dust raced beneath, around and above him. The cabin was his shield. He flinched to a duck when its windows shattered as the dust cloud blasted straight through them. The truck rocked and slid slightly, bombarded by wind and dust. It lurched as a chunk of debris finally reached it, crumpling the trailer like cheap foil.
Time to move.
Particles prickled Norman’s eyes, finding their way through the nightsight. He took a fresh glimpse of the path ahead before clouds of grey engulfed it all.
He dashed on. A split second later, the cabin was levelled under a larger slab of concrete. More sporadically thundered down around him. His eyes were squeezed shut, denying entry to any more particles. He scrambled through the street, dodging obstacles from memory. As for the concrete rainfall that couldn’t be seen? He had some prayers about that, but it probably came out like half-baked gibberish.
Norman chanced opening his eyes. They watered like crazy. At least most of the dust was gone. Behind him, the eyescraper’s menacing silhouette was picking through the rubble. Finally, an unblocked street was in sight. He rounded the corner.
Another peeping building, rumbling in from the new street. Alright. Straight it was.
Maybe not. A third building emerged from the rainfall ahead. All streets blocked. He glanced about. All alleys still blocked. This really was a hunting net, but this much energy for a tiny human? Predators weren’t usually like this.
He ran for the nearest building that wasn’t occupied by eldritch calamari.

( ( BOOMM! ) )

The eyescraper’s tentacle crossed his path. Its supersonic shockwave sent him flying.
Norman came to. Rain poured against his face as he lay on his back. How long was he out? Why was it so cold? The atmosphere didn’t quite feel right. It didn’t look right either. Something about the colours, or subtle lack thereof. Everything seemed a bit desaturated. Norman sat up and coughed his lungs out, evicting a mix of dust and rain water collected in his slackly gaping mouth. Buildings towered above him on every side, a bit too close for comfort.


Oh, right, those weren’t just buildings.
Norman raised a finger, gesturing to wait. “Could you *kaff!* quit subwoofin’ at me for, like, ten seconds!”
“Plucky.̵͚͐͝ for all seasons I .̵̦̺͐̅see,” came a skin-crawling voice from behind him.
Norman swung back his smitelight. It barely moved half a foot, then it stopped. Rather, something stopped it. That ‘something’ was cold. So cold. His wrist felt the chill without even touching it.
Norman turned, slowly, so as not to trigger further attacks. He found himself looking up.
Eight feet tall. Dark grey skin. A grin that went a little too wide. Dagger teeth. An open-chested jacket, revealing sinewy muscles with luminous markings like tattoos. His ebony eyes bore penetrating white pupils. Of all his traits, the dreadlocks stood out most. They belonged in a nightmare, dancing through the air with a life of their own. Somehow, they looked blacker than black, absorbing every ray of light or heat that came their way. That icy chill in the air shifted with the movements of his dreadlocks. They seemed to drink life from the air itself. Norman almost found it hard to breathe. One dreadlock clutched Norman’s smitelight, only by the tip, but its grip was iron.
Norman stared the tall man down.
The nyctal’s grin grew by a smidgeon.
Taking a calculated risk, Norman released the smitelight. Perhaps a peace offering would do good.
“Good.̷̧͋͌̎̿ boy,” the tall man nodded, admiring the smitelight as the dreadlock rotated it. “Clever.̴̧̤̩͈͓̖͂ͅ toy.”
Norman noted an understated Jamaican accent in his voice.
More dreadlocks slithered across the smitelight, as if tasting its every nook and cranny.
Norman did his best to look casual as he scanned for an escape route. The eyescraper’s tentacles had wrapped around the street, fencing him in.


Norman looked at the tall nyctal again.


The nyctal’s eyes shifted to Norman inquisitively. He frowned, raising an eyebrow as the comments piled up. Finally, he smirked mischievously.
“Your fanbase has peculiar tastes,” purred the tall man.


The tall man handed Norman his smitelight.
Norman’s suspicious gaze flicked between the nyctal and the weapon. Finally, he reached out and took hold of the smitelight.
It crumbled in his fingers like ice-cold ashes. If not for the insulation gloves, he might have gotten frostbite.
The nyctal laughed.
Norman didn’t find it particularly amusing.
The tall man sauntered towards the eyescraper. Beyond it was a darkness even the nightsight had difficulty piercing. He beckoned Norman as if it were an afterthought.
“Please come in, .̵̭̻͌̓̂Norman.̶̲͕͇̅̑̚,” the nyctal instructed.
Norman stared stubbornly, hands in his pockets as he rocked on his heels. He felt for his smartphone. It wasn’t there. When had he lost it?
Without looking back, the nyctal held up Norman’s phone. It disintegrated between his fingers as he rubbed them together.
Norman glared. At least the guy hadn’t pickpocketed deeply enough to find other things.
“Hey. To whom do I owe the … pleasure?” Norman almost had to push the last word through his teeth.
The nyctal stopped in the eyescraper’s doorframe. Shrouded in shadow, little could be seen of him, save the piercing white pupils peering out. Then the glint of his Cheshire grin.
“.̴̜͓̭̻̤̍̈́̆͑͑John Crow.̸̻̮̓̈́̏̓͘,” he answered, before receding into the darkness.
The eyescraper’s tentacles dragged in across the street, corralling Norman towards the building. With an exasperated groan, he trudged towards the main entrance.
“I want my bed,” grumbled Norman.
Become a free member on Patreon to read Part 14, 'Sleeping Giant', early! It will be released there today or tomorrow. For the visual 'mood writing' version (previously called 'artitext') and more Caribbean sci-fi, become a paid member for only $3! See links in comments.
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submitted by The-Mr-E to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:55 Majestic-Shop5182 Top 50 Questions Answered: PVC Fencing Explained by Value Fencing

Top 50 Questions Answered: PVC Fencing Explained by Value Fencing
Top 50 Questions Answered: PVC Fencing Explained by Value Fencing
Author: Willie Labuschagne - Value Fencing Date: 2023-05-20
PVC fencing has gained immense popularity in South Africa due to its durability, low maintenance, and aesthetic appeal. Whether you're considering PVC fencing for your residential or commercial property, it's essential to have all your questions answered. In this comprehensive guide, Value Fencing provides answers to the top 50 questions about PVC fencing, ensuring you have all the information you need to make an informed decision.
  1. What is PVC fencing? PVC fencing, also known as vinyl fencing, is made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a synthetic plastic polymer. It offers numerous advantages over traditional fencing materials.
  2. How much does PVC fencing cost in South Africa? PVC fencing costs in South Africa vary based on height, style, length, and installation complexity. Prices range from R980 to R1690 per square meter installed, with a DIY range also available.
  3. Is PVC fencing durable? Yes, PVC fencing is highly durable, resistant to rot, decay, warping, and cracking, making it an excellent long-term investment.
  4. What are the advantages of PVC fencing? Durability and long lifespan Low maintenance requirements Resistance to rot, decay, and pests Versatility in design and style Cost-effectiveness in the long run
  5. Are PVC fences easy to install? Yes, PVC fences are relatively easy to install. Pre-assembled panels in the DIY Range simplify the process, but professional installation is recommended for the best results.
  6. Can PVC fences withstand harsh weather conditions? Yes, PVC fences are designed to withstand harsh weather, including strong winds, heavy rain, and extreme temperatures, without fading, warping, or discoloration.
  7. Are PVC fences maintenance-free? Yes, PVC fences require minimal upkeep. No painting, staining, or sealing is needed—just periodic cleaning with mild soap and water.
  8. Can PVC fences be painted? PVC fences in South Africa are available in white only. For a color change, sanding down and applying three coats of acrylic roof paint is possible.
  9. Are PVC fences resistant to termites? Yes, PVC fences are not susceptible to termite damage, unlike wooden fences.
  10. Are PVC fences eco-friendly? Yes, PVC fences are recyclable, reducing waste and environmental impact. Their durability also minimizes the need for frequent replacements.
  11. What colors are available for PVC fencing? In South Africa, PVC fences are available in white. While other colors are explored, they are not UV resistant like white.
  12. Can PVC fences be customized? Yes, PVC fences can be customized in height, style, and decorative accents to match your preferences.
  13. Are PVC fences safe for pets? Yes, PVC fences provide a secure enclosure for pets, preventing escapes and protecting them from external threats.
  14. How long does a PVC fence last? With proper installation and maintenance, a PVC fence can last 30 to 40 years or more.
  15. Can PVC fences be recycled? Yes, PVC fences can be recycled, contributing to a sustainable future.
  16. Do PVC fences fade over time? PVC fences are designed to resist fading, with UV inhibitors protecting against sun damage.
  17. Are PVC fences suitable for residential properties? Yes, they provide privacy, security, and enhance the curb appeal of homes.
  18. Are PVC fences suitable for commercial properties? Yes, they offer security, durability, and customization options for commercial applications.
  19. Can PVC fences be used for privacy? Yes, PVC fences are ideal for privacy with solid panels and customizable heights.
  20. What is the height limitation for PVC fences? The maximum allowable height for residential fences in South Africa is typically 1.8 to 2.1 meters, depending on local regulations.
  21. Are PVC fences resistant to UV rays? Yes, they are formulated with UV inhibitors to protect against sun damage.
  22. Are PVC fences easy to clean? Yes, regular cleaning with mild soap and water keeps them looking pristine.
  23. Can PVC fences be installed on sloped ground? Yes, specialized techniques and hardware ensure secure and visually appealing installations on uneven terrain.
  24. Do PVC fences require any special maintenance? No, they require no special maintenance beyond occasional cleaning.
  25. Can PVC fences be used for pool enclosures? Yes, they provide safety and privacy for pool areas with water-resistant properties.
  26. Are PVC fences prone to cracking or splitting? No, they are designed to withstand impacts without cracking or splitting.
  27. Are PVC fences fire-resistant? Yes, they have high fire resistance compared to other materials.
  28. Do PVC fences come with a warranty? Yes, most come with a manufacturer’s warranty—check specific terms before purchasing.
  29. Are PVC fences noisy in windy conditions? No, their solid construction prevents excessive rattling or noise.
  30. Can PVC fences be installed in sandy soil? Yes, with proper anchoring techniques, PVC fences can be securely installed in sandy soil.
  31. Can PVC fences be installed on concrete? Yes, using specialized hardware and installation methods.
  32. Are PVC fences resistant to graffiti? Yes, they are resistant to graffiti and can be easily cleaned if necessary.
  33. How do PVC fences compare to wooden fences? PVC fences are more durable, require less maintenance, and offer more design options, often being more cost-effective in the long run.
  34. Can PVC fences be installed in coastal areas? Yes, they resist saltwater corrosion and withstand harsh coastal environments.
  35. Are PVC fences easy to repair? Yes, individual sections or components can be replaced if damaged.
  36. Can PVC fences be used as horse fencing? Yes, they are safe and sturdy, reducing the risk of injury to horses.
  37. Are PVC fences suitable for high-traffic areas? Yes, they are designed to withstand frequent use.
  38. Are PVC fences resistant to rust or corrosion? Yes, they do not rust, ensuring long-lasting pristine condition.
  39. Can PVC fences be installed on uneven ground? Yes, installation techniques like stepping or racking accommodate uneven terrain.
  40. Can PVC fences be used for decorative purposes? Yes, available in various styles and designs to complement any property.
  41. Are PVC fences resistant to chemicals? Yes, they resist most household chemicals, including pool chemicals.
  42. Can PVC fences be installed with gates? Yes, with various styles and sizes available for both functionality and security.
  43. Are PVC fences approved by building codes in South Africa? Yes, but always check local regulations and obtain necessary permits.
  44. Can PVC fences be installed by homeowners themselves? Yes, but professional installation is recommended for the best results.
  45. Are PVC fences available in different styles? Yes, from traditional picket fences to privacy fences and contemporary designs.
  46. Can PVC fences be installed on top of walls? Yes, providing additional security and privacy without extensive groundwork.
  47. Are PVC fences resistant to mold or mildew? Yes, the non-porous surface prevents mold and mildew growth.
  48. Can PVC fences be used as noise barriers? They can help reduce noise but may require additional measures for maximum sound insulation.
  49. Are PVC fences resistant to fading? Yes, with UV inhibitors protecting against color fading from sun exposure.
  50. Can PVC fences be installed in cold climates? Yes, they perform well in cold weather, withstanding freezing temperatures without cracking.
Conclusion: PVC fencing offers a durable, low-maintenance, and versatile solution for both residential and commercial properties. With its numerous advantages, PVC fencing has become a popular choice in South Africa. By addressing the top 50 questions regarding PVC fencing, Value Fencing aims to provide you with the knowledge and insights necessary to make an informed decision about installing PVC fencing on your property.

PVCFencing #HomeImprovement #OutdoorLiving #ValueFencing #SustainableSolutions #EcoFriendlyDesign #ResidentialFencing #CommercialFencing

submitted by Majestic-Shop5182 to pvcfencing [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:46 Majestic-Shop5182 What are the Top 10 FAQs About Value Fencing's PVC Fencing, Gates, Pergolas, Balustrades, and Privacy Screening

What are the Top 10 FAQs About Value Fencing's PVC Fencing, Gates, Pergolas, Balustrades, and Privacy Screening
Top 10 FAQs About Value Fencing's PVC Fencing, Gates, Pergolas, Balustrades, and Privacy Screening:
Author: Willie Labuschagne - MD, Value Fencing PVC Franchise Group Date: 2024-03-02
Want to know the top 10 most frequently asked questions and informative answers regarding PVC fencing, gates, pergolas, balustrades, and privacy screening? Your ultimate guide to outdoor solutions is here!
  1. What are the advantages of PVC fencing over traditional materials like wood? Answer: PVC fencing by Value Fencing boasts several advantages over traditional materials like wood. It's durable, low-maintenance, and resistant to rot, decay, and pests. Available in a variety of styles, PVC fencing is perfect for homeowners seeking long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing solutions.
  2. How does PVC fencing hold up against weather and UV exposure? Answer: Value Fencing's PVC fencing is engineered to withstand harsh weather and UV exposure. Unlike wood, which can warp, crack, or fade, PVC maintains its integrity and color, ensuring long-term performance and aesthetics.
  3. Are PVC gates as durable as metal gates? Answer: Value Fencing's PVC gates offer durability comparable to metal gates without rust or corrosion issues. High-quality PVC construction ensures strength and stability, making them reliable for residential and commercial properties.
  4. Can PVC pergolas support the weight of vines or other climbing plants? Answer: Yes, Value Fencing's PVC pergolas are designed to support climbing plants and vines. Their sturdy construction ensures they can safely accommodate vegetation without sagging or buckling.
  5. Are PVC balustrades suitable for both indoor and outdoor use? Answer: Absolutely. Value Fencing's PVC balustrades are versatile for both indoor and outdoor use. They enhance the architectural appeal of balconies, decks, and staircases while ensuring safety and compliance with SANS 10400 D & E building codes.
  6. How do you clean and maintain PVC fencing and other structures? Answer: Cleaning Value Fencing's PVC products is simple. A solution of Domestos and water can remove dirt and dust, while our PVC Polishing Cream, Clean Pro, handles stubborn stains and scratches. No need for staining, sealing, or painting.
  7. Are PVC privacy screens effective at blocking noise and wind? Answer: Yes, Value Fencing's PVC privacy screens effectively block noise and wind, offering privacy and security. Their solid construction ensures maximum coverage, creating a secluded and comfortable outdoor environment.
  8. Can PVC fencing and structures be painted or customized? Answer: Value Fencing offers extensive customization options, including different heights, slat spacing, capping styles, and decorative accents. Our PVC products can be tailored to match your preferences and complement your home's aesthetic.
  9. What are the environmental benefits of using PVC materials? Answer: Value Fencing's PVC materials are environmentally friendly and sustainable. PVC is recyclable, reducing waste and environmental impact. Its durability also minimizes the need for frequent replacements, conserving resources.
  10. Are PVC products recyclable at the end of their lifespan? Answer: Yes, Value Fencing's PVC products are fully recyclable. Old or damaged PVC fencing, gates, pergolas, balustrades, and privacy screens can be recycled into new materials, supporting a sustainable and eco-friendly future.
Discover the benefits of Value Fencing's PVC solutions today! Visit Value Fencing for more information.
submitted by Majestic-Shop5182 to pvcfencing [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:26 AppalachiaAstronaut (WTS/WTT) Misc Parts: stocks (luth, shock, mil), punisher grip, rail covers, mil/offset safeties, offset picatinny mounts, barrel mounts, handguard +

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/dsAXMbT
Up for sale is all of this misc stuff for $205 shipped. Willing to split into groups of stuff for offers.
Trade interests (can always do cash on top one way or another too):
submitted by AppalachiaAstronaut to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:16 vitamin_r Rummage sales continue to pay off

Rummage sales continue to pay off
Quilted pattern ceramic geese kitchen set (14-pc) hand painted - $16
Behringer X2442 USB 24 channel mixer with effects, working and great condition with shabby box -$25
Peavey PV8 8 channel mixer with shabby box -$20
Kawaii Super 3D X50-D with stand and m-audio sustain pedal- $30
Super excited...gonna keep the Peavey and the keyboard for my own music but thinking about flipping the other two. Glad to have hit such great prices for everything.
submitted by vitamin_r to ThriftStoreHauls [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:47 filmdude1517 (SELLING) $2.00 - $2.50 4K movies and $0.75 HD movies

PayPal F&F
Assume all codes are split; Only redeem what you pay for
Please avoid redeeming on mobile platforms for iTunes as errors have arisen in the past
I have multiple of some of them so if it is not crossed out, then I have it
If you have a question about redemption please feel free to ask!
John Wick 3 4K code included for free in every purchase (please remind me in chat if I forget)
4K UHD - $2.00 unless noted
"(iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)" = iTunes is required to redeem initially, but the movies will be 4K in Vudu and MA if connected and eligible
Aladdin (2019) (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Alien: Covenant (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Ant-Man (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K) $2.50
Assassin's Creed (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Avengers: Endgame (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K) $2.25
Big Hero 6 (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K) $2.25
Captain Marvel (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Cars 3 (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K) $2.25
Cinderella (2015) (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Coco (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K) $2.25
Deadpool (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Doctor Strange (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K) $2.25
Dracula Untold (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Fast and Furious 6 (Extended) (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Fences (iTunes 4K ONLY)
Finding Dory (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Frozen (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Frozen 2 (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K) $2.25
Furious 7 (Extended) (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 1 (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K) $2.50
Hidden Figures (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Independence Day: Resurgence (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Inside Out (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Iron Man 3 (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
John Wick 3 (Vudu 4K or iTunes 4K) $1.00
Jurassic World (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Kingsman: The Secret Service (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K) $2.25
Logan (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K) $2.25
Maleficent (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Minions (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Moana (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K) $2.25
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Pitch Perfect (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Pitch Perfect 2 (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Rogue One (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Sing (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Star Wars Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
The Bourne Legacy (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
The Fault in Our Stars (Theatrical) (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
The Good Dinosaur (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K) $2.25
The Jungle Book (2016) (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K) $2.25
The Lion King (2019) (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
The Longest Ride (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
The Mountain Between Us (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
The Revenant (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K) $2.50
The Secret Life of Pets (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Thor: The Dark World (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K) $2.50
Toy Story 4 (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K) $2.25
X-Men: Days of Future Past (Theatrical) (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K) $2.25
X-Men: Apocalypse (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K)
Zootopia (iTunes 4K ports MA 4K and Vudu 4K) $2.50
HD - $0.75 unless noted
Aladdin (2019) (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Avengers: Endgame (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Avengers: Infinity War (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Beauty and the Beast (1991) (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Big Hero 6 (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Black Panther (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Captain Marvel (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Cinderella (2015) (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Doctor Strange (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Fast and Furious 6 (Extended) (MA)
Finding Dory (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Frozen (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Frozen 2 (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Furious 7 (Extended) (MA)
Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 2 (MA) $1.25
Incredibles 2 (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Inside Out (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Iron Man 3 (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Jason Bourne (2016) (MA)
John Wick (Vudu)
John Wick 3 (Google Play ONLY) $0.50
Jurassic World (MA)
Maleficent (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (Vudu)
Moana (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Oz: The Great and Powerful (MA)
Ralph Breaks the Internet (MA) $1.25
Rogue One (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Star Trek: Into Darkness (Vudu)
Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Star Wars Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker (GP ports MA/Vudu)
The Hunger Games (Vudu)
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 (Vudu)
The Jungle Book (2016) (GP ports MA/Vudu)
The Lion King (2019) (GP ports MA/Vudu)
The Secret Life of Pets (MA)
Thor: Ragnarok (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Toy Story 4 (GP ports MA/Vudu)
Zootopia (GP ports MA/Vudu)
submitted by filmdude1517 to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:12 Xials I made some elevated garden beds with a design optimized for minimal waste. Mostly because I am a cheapskate.

I made some elevated garden beds with a design optimized for minimal waste. Mostly because I am a cheapskate.
Our property is aligned in a way that our best sun is in our front/side yard, with the house running parallel the south-west to north-east line. Then there are trees to the south-west that shade much of the backyard. We tried making a garden in the front side yard, but found it difficult to keep up with, partly because it’s the leashed used side of the house, but also because we needed to fence around it to keep out the deer.
I’ve convinced my wife that we should move the garden to the deck, in elevated raised beds. I designed these beds, which hold roughly 8 cu feet of soil each.
I took some ideas from a few YouTube videos but tried to go even cheaper with materials.
To make 3 beds: 18 Dogeared Cedar fence slats 4, 4x4x8ft Common Ground Contract treated posts 6 2x4x8ft Common Ground Contract treaded boards One roll of 1/2in x 24in x 50ft galvanized hardware cloth - there will be leftovers One roll of Heavy Duty Weed Paper, 48” wide. - there will be leftovers Staples, 3in Construction Screws, and 1 5/8 coated deck screws (and for speed, I used 18 gauge brad nails to tack things together)
The fence slats you cut so you have rough 48” board and 24” board, I put the dog eared side always on the short ends. 18 of each 48” and 24” Split evenly the 4x4’s into 3 pieces - 12 total pieces Split 3 of the 2x4’s in half - 6 length wise crossmembers Split the other 3 in 24” - 12 width wise cross members
There is no waste on the lumber, all divisible into 3 lumber sets Filled with Mel’s Mix
submitted by Xials to gardening [link] [comments]
