How to get back husband

How To Get There (Philippines)

2018.04.11 17:14 epikotaku How To Get There (Philippines)

Ask the community and get the right directions wherever you like to go: Jeepneys, buses, tricycles, trains, UVs, and more!

2019.12.19 18:13 Liapp_07 HowToGetAGirlfriend

I started this sub randomly whilst learning reddit an this sub gave me conformation; reddit is full of loosers.

2009.06.15 01:12 buu700 Relationship Advice

Need help with your relationship? Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help!

2024.05.19 21:50 ayayafishie Want to find more people who love decorating their kingdom on pure vanilla server!

Hey everyone, I made an account on here since I'm not sure how else I could interact with the community of this game. I've started playing this game around 4 weeks ago and I'm loving it so far!
There is one aspect of the game I like the most: decorating my kingdom. I've went all-out and my current objective in the game is making a kingdom that is as beautiful as it is "functional" (every building being accessible, the layout making sense etc). And eventually, I would love to have multiple kingdoms that are totally different from each other, but still tick all the check marks.
And here comes the purpose of my post: I want to find more people that are as enthusiastic as I am about decorating their kingdoms!
Whenever I'm stuck waiting, for example for an arena refresh, I find myself visiting kingdoms. Whether it's people in my friends list or people that get recommended to me, I love admiring and analysing different decorated kingdoms. Their approach, stylistic choices and building placements, the list goes on! I'd love visiting towns like that more than once, but many of them have their friends list full or another reason to not add me back (I can imagine some people prefer to add people they know, or people that can speak their language)
I'd rather not mention my in-game name in this post, so dm me if you'd like to be friends! I'm very active, send gifts daily and occasionally send prestige gifts to my current friends as well!
submitted by ayayafishie to CookierunKingdom [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:49 LSvia22 Experience taking Straterra and Adderall together?

I'm currently on 10mg of Adderall XR, which helps but I notice it goes down in efficacy over the week (even with taking two day weekend breaks). My psych said this is "unusual" and instead of increasing the dose for Adderall she suggested doing the combo of 40mg Straterra and 10mg Adderall. I have been on straterra before and found it helpful for some things, like consistent energy throughout the day and calmer mood, but didn't help with focus at all. I'm also kind of worried about serotonin syndrome, my psych mentioned this and debated starting me on 25mg Straterra but decided to go for the 40mg. I think I'm planning to start the Straterra on my first weekend Adderall break day to acclimate back to it, before adding the Adderall back in on Monday. So I want to know: 1. Is anyone on a combo like this, how has it helped you? 2. Do you take the Straterra and Adderall at the same time or different times throughout the day? 3. Did you get serotonin syndrome?
submitted by LSvia22 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:49 whatnext2024 Advice please

Hoping I can get some good advice from the group. I’m a later-in-career PhD researcher who landed in a position where I’ve been asked to do some computer things- managing websites, etc. don’t ask how this happened because I don’t know. I’m strong at using SPSS, R, and SQL but for actual analysis, I don’t know anything about programming or coding. Since the duties were forced upon me (I realize website development is not coding, but it’s still “scary computer stuff” to me), I decided I might as well go all in and try to learn something totally new that could be interesting and financially beneficial. I did order a basic coding for beginners book for Python and have been working through that. I thought about cyber security and also AI. The problem is I don’t really know where to start as far as education goes. There’s an associate degree program at the local community college for cyber security, and another community college has a programming boot camp. Would it be better to do a general programming boot camp or a cyber security associates? Which one will more naturally lead to learning and working with AI? Am I even smart enough to handle any of that? Literally the only coding I’ve ever done was in middle school in the 80s on DOS. It was a required course in the gifted track I was in and it was horrid. Typing out pages only to hit run and nothing happened. Then going back through all the typing to find my errors. I was turned off forever- until now. Thanks for any info you can offer!
submitted by whatnext2024 to ComputerEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:48 faranwkh Araujo being shown the way out

just one rough patch and you are going to sell this beast of world-class defender. lad has got elite fighter mentality. Proper captain material. One of the fastest and strongest CBs in the market. One of the best ball duellers in 1 on 1. yeah cubarsi can defend and pass well and you have got kounde who was atrocious as CBs and Barca had to switch back him to RB. Barca team has got only part portion of squad as elite and that is defense(ter stegan should be sold yesterday). How lucky we are to have araujo, kounde, christensen and cubarsi. midfield is too injury-riddled and incomplete to be considered world-class. don't get me started about attack, it's just decent. why mess up the only perfect thing you have got in your squad.
Where is that attitude with ter stegan and Roberto and de jong(sadly he is a misfit here and probably will leave in 2026 for free)
submitted by faranwkh to Barca [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:48 faranwkh Araujo being shown the way out

just one rough patch and you are going to sell this beast of world-class defender. lad has got elite fighter mentality. Proper captain material. One of the fastest and strongest CBs in the market. One of the best ball duellers in 1 on 1. yeah cubarsi can defend and pass well and you have got kounde who was atrocious as CBs and Barca had to switch back him to RB. Barca team has got only part portion of squad as elite and that is defense(ter stegan should be sold yesterday). How lucky we are to have araujo, kounde, christensen and cubarsi. midfield is too injury-riddled and incomplete to be considered world-class. don't get me started about attack, it's just decent. why mess up the only perfect thing you have got in your squad.
Where is that attitude with ter stegan and Roberto and de jong(sadly he is a misfit here and probably will leave in 2026 for free)
submitted by faranwkh to Barca [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:48 InternationalBunch71 Is it pneumonia again?

So I've had asthma all my life , and I've gotten severe pneumonia once well it was pneumothorax , my left lung collapsed it was so painful I had back pain I really dont remember all I remember was having really bad sharp back pain everytime I took a deep breath I was ,15 I'm 24 now, so 2 weeks ago I had a really bad asthma flare up but I thought it was only that nothing else, and I went to the emergency room and unfortunately it was some form of bacteria in my lung(lower lobe) I got prescribed Prednisolone and Antibiotics. I went to my Primary doctor 3 days later to see how I was doing and she did an X-ray but I haven't got the Results yet. I felt better tho. 3 days ago I started feeling asthma symptoms again wheezing, Inflammation in the airways, no cough or any symptoms of pneumonia though, yesterday I was force huffing and coughing to clear all the mucus from the lungs which actually freaking helped I was amazed. I was already thinking damn Im ganna have to go back to the ER and get more steroids. Which I don't want to because recently I had bad side effects with my vision it was crazy. But my point/concern is I feel better today I have mild Wheezing and no cough or nothing. But I do have pain in my upper back and my ribs occasionally, it comes and goes. I don't know if it's the pneumonia that came back or if it's because I was doing labored breathing yesterday all day and forcefully coughing and huffing to expand my airways and clear mucus. Are my muscles just sore and I get spasms here and there ? Or should I be concerned that the bacteria is still in my left lower lobe in my lung? Idk. I don't want to go to the emergency room because they just shoot me up with steroids and antibiotics. Obviously it helps but I feel good right now. I want to think it's just my body tired from yesterday, also I was taking duo nebulizers every 4 hours and with each of them I was taking deep breaths every single hit. Maybe it's just my body sore right? No pneumonia? I know the only way to find out is to get an X-ray.. what do y'all think?
submitted by InternationalBunch71 to Asthma [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:47 Kowalski911 Lenovo Thinkpad 10 - battery issues

Hello Community,
as mentioned in the title, I have a Lenovo Thinkpad 10 tablet (TP00064A) and it looks like since a few days ago it isn't charging its battery anymore.
Even when I keep the tablet connected to the charger for one or two days it still says '2301: Built-in Battery needs to recharge' when I turn it on.
What happens is also, when connecting the charger, on the back side of the tablet a red led flashes three times (which as far I understood says that the charging is in progress).
I disconnected the battery and plugged in the charger and I could start the tablet and work with it. But as soon I connect the battery I get the error.
I read the service manual but there are no hints regarding this. I also searched for schematics, but I only found block diagrams and no schematics that show what part of the circuit board is for what - I just wanted to check with my measuring tool if the battery has any voltage or if anything reaches the battery.
Just before I order a new battery I wanted to ask if anybody had similar issues and how you solved it, or if you can give me any hints regarding my diagnosis - if I am right or if I overlooked something.
Thanks in advance Kowalski911
submitted by Kowalski911 to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:47 jaydelarclay-1 Does this sound like narcissism?, I am beginning to think that it is.

Hi M20 here
Me and my Mother have always had a very unstable relationship throughout my childhood and teenage years.
When I was very young me and my mother had a good relationship until I turned around 8 years old and then something changed, I am not sure what but she become this increasingly volatile individual.
As a kid, my mother would never let me leave her side, and this sounds like goof parenting but my mother took this to the extreme, she never let me have a sleepover and never let me go to a friends for tea. In the same way she never let me invite anyone around as she didn't want to let people into our house.
This continued throughout my teenage years also, I never had friends around was never allowed to go and meet up with friends and so I become a recluse during my secondary school years. My mother would control who I was friends with and so when I finally made some friends she forced me to drop them when she suspected that some of them were gay and that they might be influencing me (which is absolutely bizarre as I am not sure why she was bothered about 13/14 year old's sexualities ). I didn't drop them as they were amazing friends and she eventually found out about this at parents evening as one of my teachers mentioned one of the students names and she was ranting and raving about how they were a bad influence on me and I disrespected her.
Then I had struggles with my sexuality around this age regardless of my friendship with these people and then she made disgusting accusations against me which permanently effected my relationship with her, when I told my dad, he was absolutely disgusted and shouted at her and then she cried and said she was a terrible mother, I don't want to go to into depth on this part of the matter due to the fact that It is very upsetting for me to talk about. However wanted it to be mentioned as I felt that it was relevant to my mothers actions
She kind of chilled out for a few years and then she ramped it back up again when I went into sixth form, mainly as when I was in sixth form I was allowed to leave the school site during free periods and lunch and break time, I called her one time and told her that I was on my way down to meet my friend in a town by my school (like a five minute walk give or take) and she lost her shit down the phone saying that I was disrespectful and 'naughty' for not telling her that I was walking down to the park with my friend and that I could be kidnapped and killed and she would never know where I was if the school went on fire.
I then one evening went down to the beach with my friends at the end of the summer term and she then forced me to put my location on my phone so she knows where I was - she knew where I was as she dropped me there ? and she then forced me to keep it on but then she started getting far to controlling with it, for example when I was sat in a classroom examination she started repeatedly activating the lost mode on the phone and playing sounds on it as my location was not updating, and she was texting me saying put your location on now where are you? IN A LESSON ? ? ?
This then chilled out until I was applying for Universities and she wanted me to apply for the universities within a 30 minute drive to where we live, however due to me feeling so depressed at this time and wanting to leave home I applied for a University 1hr 20 min away and she blew her lid at me and said why would I do this when I can stay at home with her and that she didn't want me to move away and that she did not want to let me move away as I never asked her if this was something that I would be allowed to do, bear in mind I was 18 years old at this point and she was still treating me as if I was 8 years old.
She then forced me to transfer to one of the universities closer home due to manipulating me over the summer, I was diagnosed with a long term health condition and due to pain I gained some weight and a few years earlier I had started vaping (bad I know however I was trying to fit in, weak mindset core I just wanted some friends) she was also being very strict with what I was allowed to eat during this time and not allowing me to leave the house in an attempt to not let me vape - I was 19 at this point and yet again I can make my own decisions. This carried on for a while and due to her constant comments about my weight (she made comments like 'you are developing a shelf and a pouch) and the fact that I was s*xually assaulted at University I developed Bulimia as I felt inadequate due to her constant comments as as I was already mentally so low I coped in an unhealthy way and still to this day have an extremely unhealthy relationship with food (bingeing, purging ect ect) and this took a toll on my mental health as I found myself becoming dysregulated emotionally quite frequently and so I was trying to go on medication but she tried to convince me to not take them
My mother now is equally just as nasty, she comments about my weight frequently (I am not overweight for one and two I have told her I have a eating disorder but she said to my face that she doesn't believe me or in them). I got given money for support with my condition and have student finance for money and she keeps forcing me to pay off her overdraft amounts I have given her around 6k this year as she is not financially stable, she has paid me part back so that not an issue but I feel like its so inappropriate to be asking your child for so much money and being nasty and abusive as a means to get it (throwing me out screaming in my face ect ect )
Can anyone give advice on what to do because I am at the end of my tether with this woman, I say woman as I no longer see her as a parent but purely someone who lives in my house who likes to have an extreme amount of control over me
submitted by jaydelarclay-1 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:47 FailedDaughter_ I‘m Stuck. I hate it here but there’s nowhere to go

Today I slept in and woke up to a voice message from my mother telling me to come downstairs and iron my clothes. This ruined my day before I even got up… like had she asked me to iron my clothes it would be something different, but I’m a mid 30yo woman who had to move back home after failing out of uni and being unemployed during the pandemic. Now I’m doing trade school and obviously have not enough to move out.
So maybe I was a bit mopey while ironing my clothes, so whatever. It’s not like I had planned to clean up upstairs because my bedroom is a depression den and I hate it here and I was actually motivated to get some cleaning up done. But no, she had to ask what’s wrong and I told her it’s nothing but she kept bugging me until I said something and she blew up in my face about how if I had any control of my life she wouldn’t have to tell me how to live my life and how amazing other people‘s daughters are because they don’t leave a mess everywhere.
I‘m 36yo, barely getting my life back in control, I know I’m a loser, I have nothing. All my friends from uni are pregnant, having kids, starting families and I have nothing.
Why am I even trying to get my life back? What’s the point? I have no home, I am a guest in my childhood room and nothing I do is good enough and I still can’t control how I spend my time. Is it too much to ask for me to get to decide how I spend my weekends?
All motivation I had has vanished once she threw all these sad facts at me and I’ve been in my bed watching YouTube trying to numb me feelings but now here I am crying and hating myself and my life. I’m too much of a coward to ever do something, but it’s fine. I have nothing and tomorrow I’ll go back to being the numb person who just obeys. So what if I never get to move out. At least I do have a roof above my head. Our cat hates me too, my friends all live their life. I am stuck here and will be miserable forever. That’s on me for being too depressed to finish uni and getting a proper job. Maybe I shouldn’t have quit therapy, but my parents kept bugging me about how long until I’m “normal” again and I couldn’t take it, and the therapist hinting that maybe I need to move out. With what resources?
Just one more year I tell myself. But what I don’t get a job after that one year? What if all my trade school efforts are for nothing?
submitted by FailedDaughter_ to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:47 flip6threeh0le How bad is water damaged stucco in garage?

Not super handy guy here.
Bought my house ~2 years ago. Has a 2 car garage in an attached structure. Obviously added after the fact. The interior wall the garage shares with the house is stucco. So this was at one point an exterior wall.
Converting 1/2 of the 2 car garage into a gym. Slowly.
I'm removing built-in cabinets in the garage. A little shoddy. VERY dirty. They're wood, enclosed, and mostly empty. Black widow heaven.
Pulled out some drawers in the lower today and noticed the stucco looks water damaged. Discoloration and warping. There are some cracks and the outer layer of the stucco is falling away. When I swept some of the debris out, I knocked the back wall and some sand poured out of the wall. Assuming that's degraded stucco or concrete?
Right now I'm continuing removal as planned. Figure getting weight bearing structure un-attached from the wall is a good idea. But everything seems solid. The cabinets hang fine. They are holding plenty of stuff.
My question is, generally, how bad is this? I realize that's vague. But when it comes to house stuff I have a lot of unknown unknowns.
We planned to redo all the garage drywall anyway. Can I remove this stucco for drywall when that time comes?Or is this a hair on fire kind of emergency of a type I'm not even aware of?
EDIT: Some details.
submitted by flip6threeh0le to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:46 JflowTheGoat94 Why did my score drop so much?!

So I have been paying my 2 credit builders and 2 credit cards ON TIME every month even early too , I just got approved for a credit card thru the self app where I been paying my credit builder every month. And for some reason my credit score dropped like 80 points just by opening a card. Can anyone help me with some tips on how to get my credit back into the 600s?! Went from 630 to like 540. Been working hard on fixing my credit. It was around 415 in December and got it back up to 600s now down to 540 like I took 3 steps forward and 120 steps back. Any tips suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated thanks so much in advance yall ❗️❗️❗️💪💪💪🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🐐
submitted by JflowTheGoat94 to CRedit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:46 bright_cookie24 Manifested my success and failure at the same time

Hey everyone! I just wanted to share my success with y'all I have been into manifestion since 2 years now and after alot of failure here's what worked for me and what didn't
I finally move out and started my college at a new place and at a new state it was near to impossible because months ago I was financially struggling I had no motivation and felt like I can't get selected by any college because of my grades, My mom and dad didn't even had the money for me to study further and I kinda accepted it but something in me still wanted to try so I tried attracting my dream college which is one of the top buisness university in my country rn I felt anxious and scared and yeah... You guessed it right my online test for that particular University went great but I f-ked up in my university interview still after the interview I clammed myself somehow and forgot that it ever happened I listened to a random subliminal after that lol but somehow with low score and everything I got into that university
After everything I totally forgot about this top University and I prepared for other colleges and kept myself occupied with tests and work (and to my shock I got in all of them) fast forward to the next month I got my results which were very important for my university and bank loan, My exams went really bad because of family problems and I lost my motivation to study even knowing it was important still I couldn't focus but somehow without any prior studying or guidance I manage to pass in all my subject (which was still good cz I thought I'll fail) but I had failed in an additional subject which doesn't gets counted while calculating my overall percentage as it was additional so I was saved by an inch one thing I realised is I had put all my attention, thoughts, listening to subliminal and scripting while desiring my perfect grades but back of my mind it always hit me they my exams weren't good I had a 44 subliminals in my exam success playlist which idk is the reason that I got lesser than what I desired my marks to be. At the end everything worked out anyway and the bank nor the university stopped me due to my marks lol
Now here comes my another problem after receiving my offer letter I saw the fees and no way I could afford that but I always went to sleep thinking it happened and I'm in front of my dream university standing there admiring it and soon after a month a distinct relative of mine called my dad and told him he will fund my living expenses and everything I was over the moon to hear that (we aren't really close but that relative of mine still wanted to help to his own willingness) and after that I applied for a loan to cover my college fees and here you would need connections with the bank employees to get your process done fast or it would take upto a month to get approved (I had already emailed the university admission council to extend my fees deadline so I needed that money badly) but idk how an old friend of my mom got in contact with her and told us he could help me with that he had alot of connections in the bank which made the process fast. Also in my college process I just listened to one subliminal and that too I haven't consistently give it a thought or attention Maybe that's the reason why I got into that prestigious university.
I still don't exactly know what I did wrong while manifesting my exam desired marks a little guidance on this would be helpful for me to work on what really went bad from my side.
Currently I'm still in my hometown just waiting for my bank to approve my loan this week and then I'll be moving to my new appartment at a new place next month :)
submitted by bright_cookie24 to Subliminal [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:46 Salty_Celebration_93 I don’t even know to feel

My mother had the great idea to embezzle all the money from the travel company she managed in the 90’s.
She ran away to hide her self without any call, or message for the 10 years that she had ongoing issues with the justice and with the Interpol.
She eventually tried to came back onto our life after the law restrictions were lifted. And, somehow that worked in the family too as could effort very expensive lawyers.
Unfortunately, as a way to cope the has created an imaginary world since she left. In which she pretends to be me the some sort of the Dalia Lama secret sister or something like that. But in which, she has never accepted nor of the things that she did. It does not matter what the Interpol said, nor the newspaper, the legal papers, she continues defends her innocence.
At this point, I am old enough to realise she is sick. But, it is not something that takes away the burden nor the pain.
She oficially, came back 20 years ago. As you can imagine her mental state after getting off such a thing enabled her to believe she’s the smartest person alive…… Unfortunately, she has not learnt anything from her past mistakes, and she keeps making undoubtable profits from her new business partners( as well as being the fiduciary of her rich friend with dementia)
To make things clear, she already tried to change her friend’s will, as she thought that it was uniquely distributed. Once again, I had to sit her down and explain to her that about the consequences. Mostly, because her rich friend also comes from a powerful family……
After a lot of struggles, and successfully ran away from her, and all the shit that came behind due the fact that I ran away. Every now and then she just send some money hoping that I will forget her.
This time, she sold a massive house and the check is quite huge. However, even if I know that the biggest trauma of my life is linked to it, and I am not just to forgive because she tries to buy my love. I cannot stop feeling like shit. Feeling mortified because I am know that this money comes from the broken dreams of a lots of families, but also because I know that she is using this a way to prove to our family how much she loves me.
I already told her, that I don’t want to give her the wrong impression. That if she is giving me money as a way to buy my forgiveness, she is once again pursuing the wrong route.
I cannot stop feeling bad for the money. I have a good job. But, I am far from being rich, but luckily a simple life is more that enough for me.
I don’t know own anything, and this might be the only way to effort a house based the latest economy. But, I cannot stop feeling like the broken brat that is taking the money that a lot of families that to work really hard to get.
Therefore, I find myself lost. Trying to figure out what’s the best approach in here
submitted by Salty_Celebration_93 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:46 Wonderful_Might_3236 How do I stop obsessively thinking about my breakup and move on?

Hey everyone,
I (M 26) recently went through a tough breakup and I’m struggling to move on. I’m hoping to get some advice on how to stop obsessively thinking about it and start healing.
I started dating my ex (M 28) when I was 19, back in October of 2016. We were together for almost 8 years and lived together for the last 7 years. Our relationship had its ups and downs, but we were inseparable and shared everything, including a sphinx cat and mutual friends. I came out of the closet for him and built a life around our relationship.
Despite the love I had for him, our relationship had many challenges. He came from a very religious Muslim family and couldn't come out to them. He often treated me poorly, didn’t initiate “I love you”s, and would talk down to me. Our sex life was almost non-existent, and over time, we became more like roommates than lovers. But I stayed because I saw his sweet sides and believed we were soulmates.
Things started getting worse once we moved into our own place in February 2023. The animosity grew, and I suggested we take a break in December. When I left for a work trip, I returned to find him hanging out with a new guy every single day. Our cat’s health deteriorated, and despite my pleas for him to stay and help, he was adamant about moving on with this new guy.
It’s been almost 5 months since we broke up, and he seems happier than ever with his new boyfriend. He’s finally coming out to his family and posting about his new relationship on social media—something he never did with me. It’s killing me inside to see him give everything I wanted to someone else so quickly.
Meanwhile, I’m struggling every day. I feel like my life has fallen apart. I lost our cat, my car was totaled, and I had to move in with my sister. I still feel like he’s my soulmate and I can’t stop thinking about him. I want to check in on him, share my wins and losses, and it’s incredibly hard to accept that he’s moved on.
How do I move forward? How do I stop obsessively thinking about him and start living my life again? Any advice or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. <3
submitted by Wonderful_Might_3236 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:46 lithiumkat I don't know if this is the right place for me.

In my 20's my first serious relationship was with an Alcoholic and he became abusive when he drank. We dated for 3 years. It has basically left me with some degree of PTSD about the situation. I still occasionally have nightmares. It's been like 20 years since that ended. I'm in my 40's now.
I'm married and have 2 children. All of a sudden after being together for like 10 years and being married for at least 3 or 4 years my husband decided to become a heavy drinker. (I looked up the amounts and he is qualified as heavy drinker) he has not been abusive as of yet but it sends me into fight or flight mode. My anxiety is through the roof. I feel like at any moment my whole world will be upended.
I tried a few times to tell him how I felt about it and that I wanted him to stop. He basically said I was overreacting and that because of my past I was afraid but that didn't necessarily mean that anything was wrong. We had a couple disagreements about it. After one he said he was gonna quit but then got mouthy and resentful and I told him I didn't want that either so the big box of beer returned.
I finally had the realization that I can't control what someone else does. It didn't work with the alcoholic bf and likely won't work with the husband either. That being said I feel trapped if things get bad. I don't work I stay home and homeschool our kids one of which has special needs. I rely on him financially and otherwise to help me take care of the kids. I'm afraid if this snowballs out of control what will I do?!?
I also have realized that I have been projecting some of my past trauma onto the current situation and I feel like I can't trust my instinct on this topic anymore because I automatically leap into fight or flight mode and feeling like the whole world is ending or something really bad is going to happen. I'm making myself crazy like I go pee at night and look in the trashcan to see how many empty beer cans there are then I lay back down and can't go to sleep for laying there worrying to death over the situation.
I don't know what to do here.
I've decided to work on ME and MY REACTIONS. Try to manage my stress and anxiety and health and ignore the situation as best I can until/unless someone is put in a potentially dangerous situation. As long as he is doing work okay, taking care of kids okay, not being abusive, etc. I guess I'm just gonna sit and wait it out.
I wish he would tell my why this SUDDEN decision to go from hardly drinking at all, occasional beer or two to just up and becoming a heavy drinker seemingly out of nowhere. But I can't control that.
submitted by lithiumkat to AlAnon [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:45 ThrowRA2475_ [US] Multiple FaceTimes a day, Last minute visits

Ex and I just split up a month ago, no court order as of now, but I already explained to him that I will not let our daughter (2) go alone with him until we get a court order in place. He is on the birth certificate so if he decides to not bring her back, there is nothing I can do. We have never lived together, I take care of everything financially (aside from diapers/wipes every other month), and even when we were together, he was barely around (he has full custody of his other child). This wasn’t a problem for me because I really only stuck around for our daughter.
Now that we are broken up, he insists on FaceTiming every morning, every night, and multiple times a day randomly whenever he texts that he wants to. I have been trying to do it, but if I can’t answer for some reason, he starts texting non stop. He rarely comes to see our daughter, but when he wants to, he thinks that I need to do it whenever he wants even if it is late notice. For example, last weekend, he texts me in the morning that he would like to come after work, so I ask what time and if he can let me know ahead of time next time. He can’t give me a time, just “can I let you know when it is closer” and crap about how he didn’t know it would be so hard to schedule in time to see his daughter. The weekend before that, he asked for nothing. I don’t ever deny him time, he just doesn’t ask for it. It’s really when it’s convenient for him (when he’s not working/does not have his other kid). It was even like this when we were together and I started to feel bad for my daughter that she always got the shitty end of the stick. Then I got tired of being in a “relationship” with someone who tries to control everything I do, constantly accuses me of cheating, and pretty much saw me as a “glorified babysitter”.
I know everyone is going to tell me to get a court order, but I’m leaving that for him to do because I know he will be dragging his feet to avoid child support. I’m okay dealing with this if I can push off court a little longer because I know he will be hell to deal with at that point. I’m okay either way though. I would much rather prefer to have a court order, but knowing him, I’d have to hire an attorney and it would be no easy task coming up with a parenting plan.
TL;DR: Do I have to be so available for FaceTimes all the time? Am I being too difficult asking for a time that he wants to see his daughter, and asking to know ahead of time? Ex claims I am being too difficult and standing in the way of him and his daughter.
submitted by ThrowRA2475_ to Custody [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:45 Strong_Hat7508 Saw my ex-friend w/ BPD after 1.5 years. So interesting...

You can see my post history for more info about the story of my friend/female coworker who split on me, reported me to HR, then refused to work with me (how she didn't get in trouble is beyond me). We work remotely so I haven't seen her in 1.5 years.
Over a year ago she got a promotion when she was clearly not ready for it. She's causing chaos, people are finding new roles without thanking her and jumping ship, etc. Finally, so many people have told me "she clearly has borderline personality disorder" that I can't believe I missed it. I have healed to a point that I'm not bothered by things anymore, thankfully. But I was nervous to think about crossing paths again.
A few weeks ago I attended a work conference. My attendance was last minute and she did not expect me to be there. We were taking seats for the first meeting and she literally jumped when she saw me then beelined for a different area of the room. I almost didn't recognize her--hair bleached blonde and gained weight. Mirroring her most recent boss to a degree.
After the meeting, we had a dinner and drinks/networking deal. About 100 people were there and she was bouncing around like crazy from person to person (not sure if this was due to my presence, or else). It looked exhausting. I also didn't recognize her personality from afar--drinking pretty quickly/heavily, acting like a super cool person, etc. different from what I remember (although I think she has possibly slipped into drinking, or more open about it). Again, any time she would get close to me, she beelined a different direction. Amusing. Many times though I had a sense that someone was staring at me--and when I looked up, it was her. I decided to keep an eye out a bit closer, only to respect her actions and make sure I was able to avoid her.
However, as she drank more that evening I noticed a change. Once, she went over to a mutual from a prior role that neither of us had cared for and we, in the past, joked was my "arch nemesis". At one point, he was by himself and she went over to talk to him--all while looking directly at me from across room the whole time. She was sending me a message. Later, I was off to the side next to a group of people, and she looked right at me, then waltzed over to the other side of the group, sending another message. (There is one person that knows we were close and aren't anymore, so knows there was some major falling out--but doesn't know the details. She picked up on what happened with that last move right away).
The next day our paths crossed ways very few times--one exception coming to mind is that I was walking down a long hall into an open area where people were. I was scanning the crowd and happened to see her. She saw me, dropped her head and looked away and immediately left the room. Later that evening at an off-site event, she continued to avoid. Yet I would walk into a room and she would immediately be making eye contact with me before I realized who I was looking at. A few more times I had that "sense" of someone looking at me--and I would look over and she would immediately drop her head and furiously text on her phone. Finally, due to a crowded space, I ended up next to someone who was next to her. I saw her slowly take two steps back and then shuffle away.
The final day, I only saw her when people were departing for the airport. She looked at me again and steered clear. I coincidentally passed her on the way to my car and she completely ignored me.
That was the last time I saw her. No words were exchanged. And yet, the non-verbal communication spoke volumes.
I am basically healed and my wife and I have developed some compassion for her. I thought about saying hello, etc. or otherwise just being a polite human being, mature, etc. But then I had to continue to remind myself that she has BPD, and would not receive it like someone who did not have it. I essentially continued to grey rock/stay NC. After the interactions, I realized it was absolutely the right call to continue to do so. Who knows what would have happened if I had tried to be cordial. My simple presence clearly triggered a lot of things within her.
I do wonder what she was thinking and feeling. Was she feeling shame/regret, then it turned into anger and impulsivity by trying to demonstrate that she was "doing ok"? Did she still see me as some terrible person as part of splitting? Did I bring back bad memories of a major professional/personal mistake in her life? Regardless, it was really an interesting experience. Again, staying no contact in the situation was the right move, for sure.
submitted by Strong_Hat7508 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:45 Hopedarkened Overpowered, The Delinquent Girl who Fell in Love, and Only With You… I Miss these so much

So I was blind for a long time {3+ years} and could read these WEBTOONs, I finally got sight back and idk how to feel. It was my favorite art style, I loved the stories, and I just want them back I really missed reading these stories when I was blind. The webtoons didn’t look like most other webtoons, instead the art style is vibrant, beautiful, and interesting. I can’t get over how pretty and beautiful it was and it allowed characters so much facial expression, the webtoons art was just perfect and a truly a unique style compared to others. The story was cute and whole some and made me giggle all the time. Your romance and premise was heart warming, I never got to read delinquent girl except for a few remaining chapters, but what I did read I loved. Point is if you see this please at least post back all the chapters that were previously written I would love just to read what I missed for all your webtoons.o Riaru X Usagi ❤️I heard rumors Usagi passed and I just wanted to say as readers we love the authors. Please don’t take away the thing that helped us get to know Usagi. I’m not asking for you to write new ones just return what was already created Riaru! From a dear fan whom loves you both
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2024.05.19 21:45 ptyredditor Do tall guys talk/date several women no matter how they look like?

Hello tall dudes and dudettes. I am a 29 year old girl from Panama for context. My height is 5 ft 9 (5 ft 10 or more if I use heels). I just got ghosted by a 6 ft 5 guy who was playing games with me and he is not even that handsome facially wise at least. He did tell me when he was on Tinder he had more than 1 woman get excited bcus of how tall he was so apparently he didn't have issues getting women to be attracted to him. We went on 2 dates together and even though his face is not very attractive (he has a big nose and he is kinda chubby) he still had the audacity to stop replying to my texts so I am wondering if this is a tall guy thing no matter how ugly they are?
The problem is I need my bf/husband to be taller than me because I am already tall in general and it just feels so nice to be hugged and loved by a man who towers over you. I dated a guy the same height as me for like 3 months and I couldn't even bring myself to be sexually attracted to him so we never had sex even though I met his family and friends. With my tall ex boyfriends I did go all the way though 🙈
So my question to the tall guys in this sub is: Do you guys find it easy to get women? Even if you are not that physically attractive? Please be honest.
Thanks guys
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2024.05.19 21:45 Randomjojofan475 Mavs disrespect

Wherever I go wether it’s Instagram or Reddit or any social media it ain’t matter all I see is how “Mavs had it easy” and how “they are getting swept by Denver or Minnesota” and I can’t help but crack a little smile. Don’t people understand by now this team has proven it has all the pieces to go all the way? Luka has shown he can bounce back and control himself even while injured, Kai can get it going and move up a gear when he’s needed, the roleplayers are playing great and each night someone new shows up! All of our wins have been great team wins and it’s really soothing to watch. Also can’t forget to give JKidd his flowers, being a Kidd sceptic I seriously doubted his ability to coach but I was wrong and I am glad I was.
I think we can go all the way, it won’t be easy but at the end of the day, IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE then you DAM WELL SHOULDN’T BE HERE! #MFFL
submitted by Randomjojofan475 to Mavericks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:45 HeadBitch_InCharge13 I just finished watching all 5 seasons of Prison Break!

It’s my first time posting here and ohmygod. I just wanna say that I love this show so much. I started watching during its peak back in covid season, I think at around 2020-2021 I guess, then only stopped mid-season 4 bc I was getting so bored when the plot took a turn and suddenly they were all “working for the company” and tbh the whole Scylla plotline is just meh. Then I only picked up right where I left off JUST THIS YEAR, exactly this month, and I have never been so happy coming back to a show I’ve abandoned. The love I have for the show, the characters, the plot, the actors and everything else was relived. It was SOOO good. I miss(ed) having a 10/10 show to look forward to 🥲
Anyway, this is just the list of thoughts and questions I have bc I personally think there are some stuff that went unanswered and/or was never given a proper ending to (?). So here goes:
  1. Whatever happened to the recurrence of Michael’s “being sick” plot and the return of his nosebleeds in the season finale of s04? I feel like that subplot just suddenly disappeared with no explanation cause suddenly he was battling it out in Yemen. YEMEN ffs 💀 one day he was having symptoms again and then poof! Suddenly he’s alive and stronger than he’s ever been. I wanted answers cause that was such a huge factor !!
  2. What happened with Gretchen? Lol I get that she stayed in prison but is that really it? I was also hoping Sara would somehow have a scene wherein she took the wood keychain to Emily.
  3. The Ending aka the very last episode. Omg. Had such HUGE potential. It was lacking. Where is LJ in the ending? And really? I don’t like that they wrote off Lincoln’s old girlfriend (forgot her name but she was Whistler’s gf) JUST LIKE THAT. They even had a scene in the surf shop. They seemed like a good team. She was there with him post-Michael’s death. The sheba-lincoln loveteam feels forced. And what even were they looking at in the park?!?? Honestly, it feels like it’s just another episode mid-season. PB fans and the characters deserved a better ending. The montage of the s04 finale, for example. That’s the standard. Made me cry and gave me chills.
  4. T-Bag deserved a better ending. Not having his son killed and him ending up in Fox River. AGAIN.
  5. Speaking of t-bag, I wanna know what was the reasoning behind the subplot of him getting his prosthetic hand fixed??? Like I was expecting to get answers at the end but was it really necessary??? It feels disconnected tbh. When the prosthetics came to light I even thought that it was a hint to michael faking his own death. But I got zero. Nada 💀 it was so unnecessary.
  6. Michael’s picture in Sanaa. Who took the damn picture and how??? Just another case of Left Unexplained 😭 I wanted to know the story behind it so bad. All of it.
  7. I don’t like the subplot that Sara remarried. Lol. So off-brand. That was the love of her life! The way I knew her the entire series, that’s something that she wouldn’t do idk. Feels forced.
  8. Speaking of, I had a bad gut feeling abt sara’s husband all along 😂💀
  9. The acting was lacking. I am speaking only in terms of the scenes wherein Sara was told that Michael might be alive, to the scene where it’s finally confirmed. I don’t know. I expected there to be heavy-drama, I wanted her to wail, to really go all out. I wanted her to be humanized for god’s sake! 7 years later u find out the dead love of your life whom you’ve never gotten to spend a lot of time with even before, COULD BE ALIVE??? Idk I wanted her to go nuts! I ROOTED for her to go crazy! As one should. Both of them actually, esp. when they finally reunited. Cry us a river! This feels like a dream but it isn’t! Where’s the tears of joy and confusion and also anger (esp. for Sara’s part)???
  10. The Explanation. I wanted the whole explanation to the whole faking the death and Kaniel Outis thing to be told at the end of the ep. Idk it’s just a huge bomb to be dropped on such a mid scene. But I do get lincoln’s sense of urgency though.
Might add more to the list when I remember it 😭 want answers to these sooo bad. But hey. PB still one of my fave tv shows of all time. GOATED 🤝🔥💯 pls suggest a tv show like this so I could cure my hangover 🥺
submitted by HeadBitch_InCharge13 to PrisonBreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:44 Big_Bid1830 What's the 'complex' explanation for the difference between sex and gender?

So I often see people explaining that sex and gender are different, and that the 'simple' explanation is that sex is due to how we are assigned at birth and our primary and secondary sex characteristics, while gender is how we identify. (If any of that was slightly wrong though please do correct me!)
And while this makes perfect sense to me (I'm ftm, I understand how it feels to me to just know my gender identity), I was wondering how to explain this to someone who won't accept this 'simple' explanation?
// Superfluous beyond this point but feel free to read on for more context :)
Unfortunately my dad has a bloody fantastic way with words and even though I try and stay calm and always explain logically to the best of my ability, he always tends to talk circles around me and I'd like to be able to back myself a bit more instead of just giving different versions of the same thing.
The main points I guess I would like to feel completely secure on are these: - how are sex and race different (or rather I assume when he says this he means gender but you get the idea) - does anyone have any links to articles about how trans people's brains align more closely with the cis counterparts of their aligned gender? - apparently "trans ideology is not a cult [you moron]" is not a valid rebuttal (from me), so any extras on this I guess?
Sorry for the waffle but thanks if anyone read this far :) I just want to be able to combat idiotic transphobia in as polite a way as possible and I am hoping some of you may be able to help out!
submitted by Big_Bid1830 to ftm [link] [comments]