Unblock verizon caller id

Unable to set call Forwarding on Warp

2024.05.19 03:14 Code-Monkey13 Unable to set call Forwarding on Warp

Why am I unable to set any of these settings on Warp? When I have just the Warp by itself, I'm unable to even get to these settings.
submitted by Code-Monkey13 to USMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:38 Physical_Paint_8958 My gf 21 F, might break up with me 21 M over my child’s mom abusive behavior towards me. What do I do to make it better?

I have a child from a previous relationship and her mother can be to put it nicely, demanding and manipulative. I met my gf 6 months ago. She the greatest thing since my child was born. But over these 6months my child's mother has, continuously called (up to 350 times in 2 hours), treated my gf, threatened me, told me she'll text her to say I cheated on her and many many more. And today was too for her. She called me one and I answered to tell her about our child night since she slept over last night. And she proceeded to ask about breakfast I said she had a pancake at a diner and she didn't finish it so l put it in a box. I told her she left it in my car but l'll bring it over later. She then yelled at the top of her lungs how she can't eat it now and that l'm a horrible human being for suggesting that. I hang up I can see my gf getting mad. So I don't answer the following 7. After our outing to the science center she told me she was done. She said she though she was blocked and that she can't take this back and fourth any more. I told her that I'm sorry forever and that she is blocked but she called from a NO CALLER ID so I can't block that. She asked me to pull over in the raid and she'll walk home. I told her no let me bring you to the house. She opened the door while I was driving and after that I relented. I asked her to talk and she said no don't talk to me. She went inside right after me before I could talk her down, l've been In the most of rain for three hours now. I left and bought her flowers. And her favorite candy but she won't come to the door or even unblock me. I know it takes time and whatn I need to show her how sorry I am. Idk what to an. spinning out of control.
Edit: she broke up with me. Or at least for now my baby mama sent gay pictures to her acting like it was me. So that’s that. I’m sorry I wasted your time. And I’m sorry that I’m a horrible person who doesn’t understand love. Thank you
submitted by Physical_Paint_8958 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:05 swixter Is there an app that shows the person or organization's name on caller ID (like what Asurion) does?

I had the Asurion cell phone insurance plan but recently cancelled, and was wondering if there is an app or other service from Verizon that will show the caller's name or organization on caller ID?
submitted by swixter to verizon [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:36 000088fun What is the scam for this “Verizon” call?

I just got a call from a “case manager from Verizon” stating that someone tried to place an order on my account for a phone. First they called 4 times. Caller ID said potential spam so I ignored it the first three times. I answered on the 4th. The person asked if I was “my parent” (the primary account holder). I said no and he said, “okay, well the reason we are calling is because there was a phone ordered from this account that we suspect is fraudulent…being sent to Newport, OR…does this sound familiar?”
I was immediately skeptical because of the lack of identity verification but I said no, maybe gave him my name here, and said it wasn’t us. He said it’s what they expected and that he’d cancel the order and to protect my phone’s data, I would need to go to my settings and turn off Find My iPhone and it would need to stay off for 5 business days. He’d be handling my case and to expect his call. He said he could see I didn’t turn off find my phone and asked if I could please do it. I did but I had to enter my iCloud password. I said it’s off and he reiterated the 5 day thing. I asked his name and title. He gave him first name, badge number and said he was a case manager. We got off the phone and I immediately turned my find my iPhone back on.
Next, I called Verizon, the security verification was obviously more thorough as expected, I told the rep the story and said “oh and they called 4 times.” She said there were few things that led her to believe it was fraudulent/phishing. One being that Verizon doesn’t have a dept where they call the client because they have millions of customers and that would be impossible. It’s usually up to the customer to report fraudulent activity on the account. Also, that Verizon has a two call policy. Anything more than two is considered harassment. She advised me to contact Apple and see if there’s anything I should do regarding this and interaction, which I’m doing now.
I only gave him my name. I use a VPN and I already changed my iCloud password. I’m wondering what the scam is here. Is anyone familiar with this?
submitted by 000088fun to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:41 GoDziLLa714 AT&T to USMobile (Soon)

Hello everyone,
Ive been looking onto moving into US Mobile for a while as currently on AT&T the bill just keeps on rising to the point where its expensive for a single line even with my work discount. I had sole questions before considering the switch.
  1. If i were to try the free trial with a new number and end up liking it. Would i be able to port in with the current number from at&t or would i need to make another account?
  2. When it comes to the priority data does that match with what tmobile and verizon speeds are for their post payed customers?
  3. I hear US Mobile will soon offer a AT&T plan on June 1st. If possible to know how close will that plan be to the at&t plans when it comes to the international? Reason ive been sticking with att is the great ability to have unlimited everything when in mexico and canada.
  4. Does US Mobile have caller ID and show uour name when calling others 😅
Thanks in advance to the questions answered.
submitted by GoDziLLa714 to USMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 05:37 Fabulous_Income9153 Half sisters/ Absent father

This is a long story. I'll try to make this as short as possible. Long story short. My parents divorced shortly after I was born. My father was a cheater and a known pathological LIAR. My mom found out he was cheating on her and lying about EVERYTHING. His job, where his family lived, not having kids etc. It's crazy. Even my own family members KNOWS he lies. They never liked him just based off the fact he never been there for me and disrespected my mom.
He left my mom completely broke. Took out all the money out both joint and her bank account. Right after I was born and left.
He has NEVER tried to spend time with me. Reach out to me. Locate, Call, text, email, letters, video call. Nothing. Even tried to get child support reduced because he claimed he couldn't afford it. My mom and had to go downtown to fight her case.
So, I grew up with a single mother working long hours. Trying to pay for everything. Trying to give us the things she never had. I Also grew up knowing my father had one other child. Another girl. But, didn't know her name, or where she was located. An older sister by just a few months. He was sleeping with her while married to my mom. The woman knew but slept with him and had his baby.
Fast forward I am in elementary school on the school playground and I have my half sister come up to me and says "Hey my name is M and I'm your sister". Me being lost, confused and nervous I run up to my mom and tell her. She goes to her mom and they talk about my dad and how much he is a liar. I guess we lost contact. I was only like around 8-10 years old. Fast forward again. I am a junior in high school. Preparing for my senior year. Stressed, trying to pass all my classes, soon to graduate, my great grandmother passed. I'm in my room and I get a knock at the door. It's my OTHER sister. Come to find out she is older than myself and the other sister "M". She is the oldest. She lived right around the corner from me and my mom all this time. My mom bought the house in 2004, but moved out 2012. I have no idea how long they lived around the corner from us but I'm assuming longer. But we went to two different schools. Because, I went to the public high school at the time and she went to a private Catholic high school. She claimed the neighborhood kids would be mistaken calling her my name and said I looked just like her. She asked them who were they talking about. Her and her mother went to the school and opened the school book and saw a class photo of me, and the kids told her where I lived. Still doesn't quiet make sense to me. Idk who told her how I was her sister. But whatever. Anyway, her and her mother comes in my mom house she talks to me. We exchange numbers. Her mom talks to my mom. Talk about DNA tests and all that. I tell her about "M". Her and her mother didn't even know about "M". Because once again my dad lied to her mom about not having kids. Not surprised. So, a few months go by. Myself, older sister and "M" are trying to hangout. But conflict comes. Because we are all 3 different women, raised by 3 different women in 3 different households. To be honest "M" has always rubbed me the wrong way. By her demeanor. I could never really bond with them based off their lifestyles and personalities. Unfortunately. My sister's had to learn do I don't like conflict and since I was trying to get to know them as was trying to look up to them. I took a step back and focus on my mom side of family and get my own personal priorities straight.
My younger brother (by my mom) and I grew up together. We would argue sometimes but we always love and respect each other. But, we always been mature. Anyways, one day my other sister. The oldest goes off on me through text. Because I wasn't really responding to her text or hanging out with her a much as "M". Something along the lines of "if you don't want a relationship with me then don't contact me. blah blah blah" I was so confused. I honestly didn't know how to respond. I was so annoyed as well. Because just because Im not as engaging doesn't mean I don't want a relationship. Sigh. So I text her back telling her. This is not how to start a sisterhood, to not yell at me and all. I ignore her. Go off to college. Transfer to another college. Run into her while waiting in line for financial aid. She sees me. Sits next to me, GOES OFF on me in public. I was shocked, embarrassed, angry and I wanted to cry. Everyone was looking at me. I left and walked on foot to visit my uncle who just had a stroke at the time and tell my granny. She recommended I leave both my sister's alone. I take her advice. Around 2 or 3 years later, my oldest sister knocks on my mom door. My mom lets her and "M" in. They wanted to talk to me and apologize. A few years later for their behavior. I was too uncomfortable to come outside. I felt they broke my heart and pushed me up against the wall. The oldest sister tell my mom "if she wants to talk she is going to have to REACH OUT TO ME". I didn't. I felt my heart will be broken again.
Another few years later and I'm sitting in my room watching a YouTube gameplay on my phone and I get a phone call around 7pm. I answer it. Claiming to be "M" my sister. She says my old landlord gave her my number. She been looking for me. She throws out so much info to me. How our older sister is getting married and had a baby, and wants me in her wedding. I was surprised. How herself "M" has kids. Was engaged and didn't work out. They both got in contact with our father and has his number. I'm surprised. Also, if I wanted his number I could have it. I mostly didn't respond as I am taking all this information in and trying to process all this. She brushed how they first treated me as "well we were young. We didn't know any better". So, she starting pressing me for information. Information I did not feel comfortable disclosing to her. As in 1. Why contact me years later? 2. Did you guys reach out to our dad? Because he never claimed or wanted us. Plus he is a known liar. 3. The caller ID confused me. So many questions I had. Plus as I stated before they broke my heart and I don't trust them. I was trying to guard myself and my heart. Once she asked me where I lived I told her I didn't quite feel comfortable giving all that information out and she SNAPS, GOES ballistic on me. Saying I am just like my mom. Once she starts disrespecting my mom. I tuned out. I didn't listen anymore and says nothing. She says for me to have a nice life. Hung up and blocked me. Unblocked me. Sent me a screenshot of her messaging my dad saying I was nothing but mean to her and I didn't want to meet their kids. My dad says Which is a lie! When I barely said a word. As I was trying to process what she was even talking about. Once again I was hurt. Message me and says I'm going to "forever be alone android" and blocks me again. Sigh. I cry. Heartbroken again and feeling no matter what I do or say is used against me.
Years later again. Here we are: today. My mom works at a mental hospital and calls me. Says remember you told me what happened between you and your sisters? My oldest sister is in the mental hospital. Facing 2 charges and her aunt lied on her and may lose custody of her son. She may have to give custody to her mother.(She is still in contact with our father)Also, that she wants her sisters, and wants me call her.
I come from a huge family and grew up with a younger brother. I've made peace with my family I grew up with. But also learned about self respect, boundaries, healthy relationships and just overall growth as a woman. Learning to use my voice, to speak my mind and truth and not tolerate disrespect from anyone. I love everyone. I don't hate anyone. Even the ones that wronged me. I learned to pray. Let go and let God.
Honestly at this point. Idk what to do. I feel like on this rollercoaster ride and forced to be the little big sister all over again. I don't want to be hurt and pushed up against the wall. Again. I'm tired and this is a lot. A lot to take in. Once again.
submitted by Fabulous_Income9153 to FamilyProblems [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 05:31 Fabulous_Income9153 Half sisters/ Absent father

This is a long story. I'll try to make this as short as possible. Long story short. My parents divorced shortly after I was born. My father was a cheater and a known pathological LIAR. My mom found out he was cheating on her and lying about EVERYTHING. His job, where his family lived, not having kids etc. It's crazy. Even my own family members KNOWS he lies. They never liked him just based off the fact he never been there for me and disrespected my mom.
He left my mom completely broke. Took out all the money out both joint and her bank account. Right after I was born and left.
He has NEVER tried to spend time with me. Reach out to me. Locate, Call, text, email, letters, video call. Nothing. Even tried to get child support reduced because he claimed he couldn't afford it. My mom and had to go downtown to fight her case.
So, I grew up with a single mother working long hours. Trying to pay for everything. Trying to give us the things she never had. I Also grew up knowing my father had one other child. Another girl. But, didn't know her name, or where she was located. An older sister by just a few months. He was sleeping with her while married to my mom. The woman knew but slept with him and had his baby.
Fast forward I am in elementary school on the school playground and I have my half sister come up to me and says "Hey my name is M and I'm your sister". Me being lost, confused and nervous I run up to my mom and tell her. She goes to her mom and they talk about my dad and how much he is a liar. I guess we lost contact. I was only like around 8-10 years old. Fast forward again. I am a junior in high school. Preparing for my senior year. Stressed, trying to pass all my classes, soon to graduate, my great grandmother passed. I'm in my room and I get a knock at the door. It's my OTHER sister. Come to find out she is older than myself and the other sister "M". She is the oldest. She lived right around the corner from me and my mom all this time. My mom bought the house in 2004, but moved out 2012. I have no idea how long they lived around the corner from us but I'm assuming longer. But we went to two different schools. Because, I went to the public high school at the time and she went to a private Catholic high school. She claimed the neighborhood kids would be mistaken calling her my name and said I looked just like her. She asked them who were they talking about. Her and her mother went to the school and opened the school book and saw a class photo of me, and the kids told her where I lived. Still doesn't quiet make sense to me. Idk who told her how I was her sister. But whatever. Anyway, her and her mother comes in my mom house she talks to me. We exchange numbers. Her mom talks to my mom. Talk about DNA tests and all that. I tell her about "M". Her and her mother didn't even know about "M". Because once again my dad lied to her mom about not having kids. Not surprised. So, a few months go by. Myself, older sister and "M" are trying to hangout. But conflict comes. Because we are all 3 different women, raised by 3 different women in 3 different households. To be honest "M" has always rubbed me the wrong way. By her demeanor. I could never really bond with them based off their lifestyles and personalities. Unfortunately. My sister's had to learn do I don't like conflict and since I was trying to get to know them as was trying to look up to them. I took a step back and focus on my mom side of family and get my own personal priorities straight.
My younger brother (by my mom) and I grew up together. We would argue sometimes but we always love and respect each other. But, we always been mature. Anyways, one day my other sister. The oldest goes off on me through text. Because I wasn't really responding to her text or hanging out with her a much as "M". Something along the lines of "if you don't want a relationship with me then don't contact me. blah blah blah" I was so confused. I honestly didn't know how to respond. I was so annoyed as well. Because just because Im not as engaging doesn't mean I don't want a relationship. Sigh. So I text her back telling her. This is not how to start a sisterhood, to not yell at me and all. I ignore her. Go off to college. Transfer to another college. Run into her while waiting in line for financial aid. She sees me. Sits next to me, GOES OFF on me in public. I was shocked, embarrassed, angry and I wanted to cry. Everyone was looking at me. I left and walked on foot to visit my uncle who just had a stroke at the time and tell my granny. She recommended I leave both my sister's alone. I take her advice. Around 2 or 3 years later, my oldest sister knocks on my mom door. My mom lets her and "M" in. They wanted to talk to me and apologize. A few years later for their behavior. I was too uncomfortable to come outside. I felt they broke my heart and pushed me up against the wall. The oldest sister tell my mom "if she wants to talk she is going to have to REACH OUT TO ME". I didn't. I felt my heart will be broken again.
Another few years later and I'm sitting in my room watching a YouTube gameplay on my phone and I get a phone call around 7pm. I answer it. Claiming to be "M" my sister. She says my old landlord gave her my number. She been looking for me. She throws out so much info to me. How our older sister is getting married and had a baby, and wants me in her wedding. I was surprised. How herself "M" has kids. Was engaged and didn't work out. They both got in contact with our father and has his number. I'm surprised. Also, if I wanted his number I could have it. I mostly didn't respond as I am taking all this information in and trying to process all this. She brushed how they first treated me as "well we were young. We didn't know any better". So, she starting pressing me for information. Information I did not feel comfortable disclosing to her. As in 1. Why contact me years later? 2. Did you guys reach out to our dad? Because he never claimed or wanted us. Plus he is a known liar. 3. The caller ID confused me. So many questions I had. Plus as I stated before they broke my heart and I don't trust them. I was trying to guard myself and my heart. Once she asked me where I lived I told her I didn't quite feel comfortable giving all that information out and she SNAPS, GOES ballistic on me. Saying I am just like my mom. Once she starts disrespecting my mom. I tuned out. I didn't listen anymore and says nothing. She says for me to have a nice life. Hung up and blocked me. Unblocked me. Sent me a screenshot of her messaging my dad saying I was nothing but mean to her and I didn't want to meet their kids. My dad says Which is a lie! When I barely said a word. As I was trying to process what she was even talking about. Once again I was hurt. Message me and says I'm going to "forever be alone android" and blocks me again. Sigh. I cry. Heartbroken again and feeling no matter what I do or say is used against me.
Years later again. Here we are: today. My mom works at a mental hospital and calls me. Says remember you told me what happened between you and your sisters? My oldest sister is in the mental hospital. Facing 2 charges and her aunt lied on her and may lose custody of her son. She may have to give custody to her mother.(She is still in contact with our father)Also, that she wants her sisters, and wants me call her.
I come from a huge family and grew up with a younger brother. I've made peace with my family I grew up with. But also learned about self respect, boundaries, healthy relationships and just overall growth as a woman. Learning to use my voice, to speak my mind and truth and not tolerate disrespect from anyone. I love everyone. I don't hate anyone. Even the ones that wronged me. I learned to pray. Let go and let God.
Honestly at this point. Idk what to do. I feel like on this rollercoaster ride and forced to be the little big sister all over again. I don't want to be hurt and pushed up against the wall. Again. I'm tired and this is a lot. A lot to take in. Once again.
submitted by Fabulous_Income9153 to u/Fabulous_Income9153 [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 10:36 Alexthegp1 Break up

My and my gf have been broken up for nearly 2 weeks now and she really didn’t leave me alone for most of that. It was continuous calls and no caller ID calls after I blocked her and she made lots of different Snapchat accounts to contact me but I had to threaten the police to get her to stop. Finally she said look I just want a few answers then I’ll leave you alone and sure enough after I gave them she wouldn’t leave me alone and asked to be friends with benefits and didn’t respect my decision. Ultimately I was very direct and said we aren’t getting back together and blocked her and she started leaving me voicemails making fun of my hair which I’m insecure about and said during our sex she thought of another man who she had a thing with before me and messaged during one of our breaks. I just said she’s a horrible human and blocked her and haven’t heard back since. But I know she is just angry and sad and wanted to hurt me but I’m really struggling with wanting to unblock her and say something hurtful back. I know it’s wrong and I shouldn’t as it’s just childish but I just don’t see how it was fair to pick on my insecurities like that and I’ve never once said anything personal to her like that during the break up. I just think she’s got a sad life and I was helping her out of it and now she realises she will be stuck in it for a long time. Idk.
submitted by Alexthegp1 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 03:47 RayDaMan1 Caller ID Name Change

I’ve been looking at US Mobile and I see they allow caller ID name change on their Warp/Verizon plans. I know for a fact Verizon allowed you to do this anytime on their post paid accounts. Does anyone know if Visible can do this?
submitted by RayDaMan1 to Visible [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 23:01 redheadCO44 Cell phones unable to connect to home phone

I currently have Xfinity Voice, and have for the past 5 or 6 years. Recently (within the past month), cell phone users have been unable to connect to my home phone when calling. The phone rings, the caller ID shows correctly, but when I answer the phone, the call does not connect, and the caller is told the "call cannot be completed". The message varies depending on the cell phone carrier.
This happens with people on different cell phone networks (Verizon & T-Mobile).
I've reset the modem, removed my storm ready wi-fi, and removed the pods, and still have the issue. Any ideas?
submitted by redheadCO44 to Comcast_Xfinity [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 19:47 NotoriousFreak Help switching Providers

Hey all I need some sort of clarification and feedback from users experiences to help along with switching providers.
Current Plan: - unlimited/ 50gb before slow downs data - don't use Hotspot really ever - general phone use along with YouTube and streaming platforms, etc - Spotify for podcasts at least 40hr a week (working background noise) plus maybe like 10hr of general data use. Usually never really go above 15gb on a good month as rest of the time is on wifi. - paying extra for caller ID to see caller names and numbers
Recently got the pixel 8 pro and thinking of switching to either Visible or Mint. - Heard both have fairly spotty Customer service but I never really need to contact ever personally. - Both similar price as I'd get the year long subscription for both and I'd get Visible + version - Haven't traveled out of the country nor no immediate future plans to. - Do travel at least a state over from time to time but never really more than a day or so.
I've seen concerns over coverage where if you have Verizon just stick with Visible as it uses the same network but also heard Mint just works better for general uses when it comes to not dropping calls or internet access? Also some talk regarding roaming and international what not. I know the absolute bare bones just in my days research into it but still vaguely understand if it applies to me specifically or will in the future? Even heard if you can get physical Sims that they will work better than esims for both mint and visible+ even if my pixel 8 pro supports esim.
Could someone explain which would be better suited for general use and maybe slightly tailored to my general uses listed above? In addition I am on a family plan where I am not the primary account holder and using a physical sim Samsung Galaxy S20 Fe 5g phone on the plan.
I called and requested my phone to be unlocked now it's been paid off for about a year now and said it should be unlocked in 48hr to start accepting other carriers and international. Idk if this needed to be done but heard it was a good idea to detach whatever you can from your carrier before switching to keep your phone number which is what I want to do.
Thank you for anyone that can help and I'd be happy to give additional info as needed. Just not too sure what other info may be needed to help out.
submitted by NotoriousFreak to verizon [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:48 BargeCptn Voice phone calls are now exclusively telemarketers, bill collectors, and scammers domain. Prove me wrong.

Verizon customer since 2007, had same number since days of Ameritech and early cellular carriers since 1997. I get an average of 12 to 18 unsolicited inbound calls per day. I used to report them, block them, nothing works. With foreign telemarketers calling using spoofed caller ids it’s all useless. So basically if it’s unknown number it’s silenced and not even showing a banner.
This year switched the phone number after 28 years and now I’m getting 8-9 inbound calls and bill collectors for someone else. Sigh…
submitted by BargeCptn to verizon [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 05:09 lgats 800.922.0204 - Scam or Real Call?

The phone number 800.922.0204 is officially associated with Verizon Wireless, one of the largest telecommunications companies in the United States. This number is designated for customer service, providing support for queries related to wireless services, billing, technical issues, and account management.
Purpose of 800.922.0204:
  1. Customer Support: Assists with account-related inquiries and service troubleshooting.
  2. Billing Issues: Handles questions about charges, payments, and billing adjustments.
  3. Technical Assistance: Offers technical support for service disruptions or device issues.
Caution: Prevalence of Caller ID Spoofing
Unfortunately, the legitimacy of this number has also made it a target for scammers who use Caller ID spoofing to deceive people into believing they are speaking with a Verizon representative. Such deceptive practices can lead to unauthorized sharing of personal information and potential fraud.
Tips to Safeguard Against Fake Calls:
For anyone receiving calls from 800.922.0204, remember that while it is a legitimate Verizon number, it is crucial to ensure that the call is authentic to protect yourself from potential scams. Always verify the source before sharing any personal information.
submitted by lgats to CallerID [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 18:49 ankole_watusi Got wrong-number call checking on a patient. Scam? Impossible to reach anyone.

I received a voicemail message from 800-290-5000 checking on a patient by first name, and I do not know anybody by that name. I am assuming either wrong phone number on file or given by patient, or a scam caller.
I do not take calls from numbers I do not recognize.
Caller ID said "Kaiser Permanen", but Verizon Call Filter simply says "Healthcare", and doesn't indicate it as a suspicious number.
However, searching on the web indicates many people have received suspicious calls from this number.
Trying to do a good deed (which went punished by wasting 45 minutes of my time), I researched and found the calling number goes with Kaiser facility on Zion Road in San Diego.
I have been unable to reach anyone to notify them of this. I suffered the telephone wall and finally reached a person after a several minute wait. Of course, my call did not fit into any of the proscribed categories, so it was voice response system hell, and no "00" etc. available.
I finally reached a person. I explained the sitution. He said "please wait".
He put me back into the same telephone queue.
I attempted to call the corporate office and got the same wall of automation.
I attempted to call a random press contact listed on the website. They are "out till September".
I wanted to give them a heads-up before contacting national and San Diego press contacts. But, alas, that's impossible.
Is there a number where I can reach a person to see if this was a legit call, and notify somebody they have an incorrect phone number for a patient.
Marco (or Marcos): Along with your health care provider (or possibly "health care provider") I, too, hope you are doing well and drinking plenty of liquids!
I have to say, Kaiser has certainly built one of the most effective telephone Wall Of Deflection I have ever encountered!
submitted by ankole_watusi to KaiserPermanente [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:29 Blazah S21+ 5g Call quality is terrible on 25/month visible plan

I have used the same phone on mint mobile and there are 0 problems. This is a verizon phone.
Of course the call quality problems dont exist on the 45 a month plan... the problem is the callers can hear me just fine, but I can not hear them sometimes.. I'd say 40% of the time I can't hear a damn word they are saying.
Is this expected with the 25/month plan?
submitted by Blazah to Visible [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 17:06 joemiken 1st round mock, no trades

No trades, although I think there will be a LOT of movement tonight and Friday.
1 (CHI) QB Caleb Williams-USC
Break out the nail polish, this is pretty much a forgone conclusion. The Bears grab one of the most highly touted QBs in recent years.
2 (WAS) QB Jayden Daniels-LSU
Kliff Kingsbury gets an electric playmaker to mold into Washington's next signal caller. I think Maye is the better prospect, but Daniels and Kingsbury are an appealing duo in DC.
3 (NE) QB Drake Maye-North Carolina
It's a new era in Foxboro and the Pats start off with a new QB. They'll get a lot of calls from teams looking to move up, but ultimately start the rebuilding process with my QB2. Maye struggled at times in 2023, but his 2022 tape with a far more talented Tar Heels supporting cast is really impressive.
4 (AZ) WR Marvin Harrison Jr.-Ohio State
The cupboard at WR is pretty bare in Phoenix. There's a lot of smoke around them taking Malik Nabers, but I can't see them passing on Harrison. Ultimately, I don't think it matters as they'll likely move this pick for a team who will pay a king's ransom to take J.J. McCarthy.
5 (LAC) OT JC Latham-Alabama
Despite having very few weapons for Justin Herbert to throw to, new HC Jim Harbaugh goes OL at 5. Joe Alt is the premier OT prospect, but he's a career LT. The Bolts aren't moving Rashawn Slater to RT, so they target a true RT. The Chargers OL coach worked out Latham extensively at the Bama Pro Day. Harbaugh should be familiar with him as well, as Latham was J.J. McCarthy's LT at IMG Academy.
6 (NYG) WR Malik Nabers-LSU
The Giatns are a candidate to move up into the top 5 for Maye or McCarthy. With no trades in this mock, they go with a major need at WR. Nabers has explosive potential and is great after the catch. Odunze will get some looks as well.
7 (TEN) OT Joe Alt-Notre Dame
The Titans to Peter Skoronski last year and he was great for them at LG. They continue rebuilding their OL and get a replacement for Taylor Lewan at LT in Alt. Alt and Skoronski will solidify the blocking on Will Levis's blindside.
8 (ATL) WR Rome Odunze-Washington
An EDGE or CB are probably bigger needs, but the Falcons tend to draft BPA. Kyle Pitts, Drake London, Bijan Robinson. They added Darnell Mooney and Rondale Moore, but Moore is a free agent next year and Mooney is more of a slot receiver. Odunze and London would be two big targets for new QB Kirk Cousins. Don't be surprised if there's a trade here for a team looking to grab the last of the three elite WRs.
9 (CHI) DL Byron Murphy II-Texas
The Bears get their QB and now turn to the defensive side of the ball at 9. The Bears resigned Andrew Billings and drafted Grevon Dexter and Zacch Pickens last year, but they're more space eaters than pass rushers. The three combined for just 3 sacks and 6 hurries in 2023. Murphy gives them a pass rushing threat up the middle the other three don't have. The Bears would also love to move down a bit to add more picks, as they only have 4 picks this year, but don't be surprised if they make a move with the Chargers if Harrison is still available at 5.
10 (NYJ) TE Brock Bowers-Georgia
The Jets are another team that would love to trade down to potentially recoup the 2nd they sent to Green Bay for Aaron Rodgers. They are 100% in a win-now situation, so whoever they take will need to contribute from Day 1. Bowers is a tremendous offensive weapon and should see a healthy amount of targets from Rodgers next season.
11 (MIN) QB J.J. McCarthy-Michigan
With Kirk Cousins gone, the Vikings are not ready to start the Sam Darnold era. McCarthy has the tools to be a great QB, but his production was hampered by the Michigan offensive scheme. I feel pretty confident that Minnesota will not be making this pick at 11. I see them moving up with Arizona and taking McCarthy there.
12 (DEN) QB Bo Nix-Oregon
The Broncos are said to have significant interest in Nix. Is he a reach at 12? Sure. But after releasing Russell Wilson, they have a dire need at QB. I think he's ultimately a better fit in a a Payton offense than Penix. It'd be nice to trade down a few spots, but if he's your guy, you have to make the pick here.
13 (LV) QB Michael Penix Jr.-Washington
I'd be shocked if the Raiders don't leapfrog Denver to ensure they get their guy. They have last year's spot starter in Aidan O'Connell and QB mercenary Gardner Minshew, but their are long-term solutions. New coach Antonio Pierce get his franchise signal caller here.
14 (NO) OT Taliese Fuaga-Oregon State
In the Sean Payton era, the Saints OL was a strength for the Saints. Cap issues led to Terron Armstead leaving for South Beach and Ryan Ramczyk has major injury concerns. They drafted Trevor Penning, who has struggled, but if Ramczyk can't return this year, they have no one at RT. Fuaga is a mauler that can help rebuild the Saints OL. Watch for them to make a deal with Chicago to leap frog OT-needy teams like New York and Vegas.
15 (IND) CB Quinyon Mitchell-Toledo
The Colts really struggled in pass coverage last season. With Trevor Lawrence in the division and the emergence of CJ Stroud in Houston, they need to improve there if they want to challenge for the AFC South title. Mitchell gets to nod over Arnold based off his testing and Senior Bowl performance.
16 (SEA) CB Cooper DeJean-Iowa
OL is a popular choice here and I really like what Troy Fautanu could bring to the Seahawks OL. They brought DeJean in for a Top 30 visit and he tested extremely well after a broken leg sidelined him in 2023. He can play at safety or corner, allowing them to play Tariq Woolen or Coby Bryant at safety.
17 (JAX) CB Terrion Arnold-Alabama
With all the EDGE rushers still on the board, the Jags may be tempted to add another pass rusher alongside Jsoh Allen. Ultimately, they fill a major need at CB with the Alabama CB. Arnold will need to mature, but he's got the talent to match up with Diggs, Hopkins and Pittman.
18 (CIN) WR Brian Thomas Jr.-LSU
Tee Higgins wants a trade and with Tyler Boyd gone, the Bengals are sorely lacking a solid WR3. Even if they don't trade Higgins this weekend, he's likely gone after next season. Thomas can slide into the WR2 role with fellow Bayou Bengals Burrow and Chase.
19 (LAR) EDGE Jared Verse-Florida State
An edge rusher finally comes off the board. The Rams got a pair of gems in the draft last year in DL Kobie Turner and EDGE Byron Young. With Aaron Donald gone, all the double teams he drew will now fall on these two sophomores. Verse has two years of great production in Tallahassee and gives the Rams a pair of good edge rushers.
20 (PIT) IOL Jackson Powers-Johnson-Oregon
This may be a little high for JPJ, but the Steelers have been linked to him going all the way back to January. He has the versatility to play guard as well, but likely starts the season as the starting center for Russell Wilson.
21 (MIA) OT Troy Fautanu-Washington
Fautanu was the Huskies' LT, but could play inside as well. With Terron Armstead and Austin Jackson likely locked in at OT for at least the next season, Fautanu becomes a starter inside and helps protect Tua.
22 (PHI) CB Nate Wiggins-Clemson
The Eagles are a strong candidate to move up in the draft. CB is a big hole for a team that is still very much a Super Bowl contender. Staying at 22, they address that hole with Clemson speedster, Nate Wiggins.
23 (MIN) EDGE Laiatu Latu-UCLA
Just like their pick at 11, I don't see the Vikings holding onto this pick. Keeping this pick, they grab a guy with great production, but a troubling injury record. The Vikings added Andrew Van Ginkel and Jon Greenard in free agency to offset the loss of Danielle Hunter, but Van Ginkel is only on a two year deal and is coming off a career year in a contract season.
24 (DAL) OT Tyler Guyton-Oklahoma
With Tyron Smith off the the Big Apple, the big debate in big D is whether Tyler Smith will stay at guard or kick out to LT. Guyton could slot in at LT or push RT Terrance Steele.
25 (GB) OT Olu Fashanu-Penn State
Quite a fall for a guy that may have been a top 10 pick last year. With David Bahktiari retiring, the Packers are left with Rasheed Wallace and Zach Tom at OT. Tom was a bright spot in 2023 and could move inside to center. Fashanu can slot in as Jordan Love's blindside protector.
26 (TB) EDGE Dallas Turner-Alabama
The Bucs have to address the pass rush in this draft. Rookie YaYa Diaby led the team with 6 sacks. After that, it was safety Antoine Winfield at 6. Turner is a physical specimen, as seen during his stellar combine workout. He needs to work on developing his technique though.
27 (AZ) DL Darius Robinson-Missouri
After JJ Watt retired, the Cardinals top pass rush threat was Dennis Gardeck. As much as they need a WR, pass rush is just as big of a need on the other side of the ball. Robinson can contribute inside or out on the defensive line and looked unblockable at times during the Senior Bowl.
28 (BUF) WR Adonai Mitchell-Texas
With Stefon Diggs now in Houston and Gabe Davis in Jacksonville, WR is a major need for the Bills. They could go a variety of directions whether it's Ladd McConkey, Keon Coleman or Troy Franklin. Mitchell is more of a vertical threat than the others. Don't be surprised if the Bills trade up for Brian Thomas or go really big to get Odunze or Nabers. The Bills are in their Super Bowl window, but need a Diggs replacement to make that happen.
29 (DET) IOL Graham Barton-Duke
EDGE rusher, DL and CB are all areas of need for the Lions, but if last draft was any indication, the Lions won't follow the conventional route. Barton gives the Lions a replacement when Frank Ragnow retires and would give them depth at all five spots in 2024. Watch out of a Washington trade here, as they apparently really like Arizona OT Jordan Morgan.
30 (BAL) OT Amarius Mims-Georgia
Mims has tons of raw talent, but lacks experience. Ideally, he would sit for most of 2024, but could push RT Daniel Faalele for starting time.
31 (SF) OT Jordan Morgan-Arizona
Morgan was a LT at Arizona, but I think his future is inside at guard. The Niners could also try him out at RT in place of Colton McKivitz or as Trent Williams' eventual successor at LT. I would not be surprised to see Washington move up ahead of the Niners to take Morgan.
32 (KC) CB Kool-Aid McKinstry-Alabama
The Chiefs sent L'Jarius Sneed to Tennessee, so there's a hole in the Chiefs' secondary. McKinstry should get drafted higher, but medicals may hurt his stock. He has good length and is a capable tackler and would make a solid young tandem in the defensive backfield alongside Trent McDuffie.
submitted by joemiken to NFL_Draft [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 12:02 ExtremeMassive6800 My ex knows where Iive and had been spam calling me. I’m extremely stressed and don’t know what to do

Hi. I’m writing this as I’m scared of my ex and what he could possibly do to me and my close friends and family. We met each other online when we’re 18 years old. Now we’re both 19. We e-dated for only 6 months and broke up as we were constantly fighting and I felt miserable staying in the relationship. When we broke up, he shit talked the whole time then ask me to pay him back for the ring he got me. Even though we both bought each other rings and the one I bought him was more expensive. And the amount of times I bought him food, it’ll make sense that he’ll owe me money. However, I didn’t care about getting money back as I just wanted him out of my life. I ended the call abruptly telling him best of luck to him and talk to him never. I then proceeded to block him on every social media and game. 5 hours later he messaged me on Duolingo through the feed. It was very unexpected and didn’t think he would go to that lengths. Saying he had things he wanted to say something important and begged for me to unblock him on Instagram as he wanted to make things right. I only unblocked him so he can say the things he needed to say and move on. I however didn’t respond to any texts he sent me during the time of the unblock and declined every call. I told him that he would be reblocked at the end of the day and that’s what I did. Right before I blocked him I told him that I wish for him to find a nice girl and wish nothing but the best for him. Then blocked him on Duolingo and Instagram and that was that for no contact. However a week later he made another account on instagram begging me to talk and catch up with him on life. I however how no intentions of ever talking with him again so I blocked him again on his new account. Then my sister saw that he also found her Instagram and begged for her to let him to talk to me. She also instantly blocked him as she believes giving him any attention is bad. 2 weeks later (today), I got a call and two texts from an unknown number. The two texts were a picture of my Amazon gift list and that the person bought it for me and that it arrived today. Then the text said did it arrive yet. This brought me chills as that gift list was so old and I immediately deleted all of my gift lists. The number called again, I declined it. Then there was a voicemail of my ex who says he wants to talk again. Then I sent the a text telling him I want nothing to do with and I just want to be left alone. I did all the stuff for the package to be returned as I want nothing from him. He then uses another number to call me and I blocked that one too. Then he starts using no caller id phone numbers which I can’t block. I told my sister and best friend this as they’re the ones that advise me to break up with him in the first place which I’m thankful for as I couldn’t see the red flags when I was in love with him. I gave one of the unknown numbers to my best friend which she called and cussed him out to leave me alone. He then sent large paragraphs of texts saying that I’m a bad person and that he was a good person as he saved money from his work for our future. At this point we both know each others address as we both bought rings for each other. My best friend warned him that even though he knows my address she knows his and that he should watch his back. Then he started bragging about how he has guns and how he’s used to death and being covered in blood. She then instantly blocked him as he’s fucking crazy. Two hours later. She gets a text from an unknown number and it’s him again. This time he sent a paragraph of all info, from her full name to address. I’m unsure whether to take this to the police if it’ll do anything since he hasn’t threatened anything. Only bragged, and persistently pester me and low key kind of stalking me. He also sent me another text from another number about how he wants to send me the ring he has and for me to send him the ring he bought me. I don’t want to do this as I don’t want anything to do with him or any exchanges with him. I already planned on giving away the ring and he can sell his or give it away. He then ended the text with goodbye and never talk to you again. However he sent a second text saying the same thing from the first text but deleted the goodbye and never talk to you again part. I saw the text and blocked him again. I just want him out of my life. I’ll sleep on this and give any updates if he contacts me again. I’ll also copy and paste texts if you guys want them to better help with context.
submitted by ExtremeMassive6800 to helpme [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 11:44 ExtremeMassive6800 Is there anything I can legally do in this situation about my crazy ex

Hi. I’m writing this as I’m scared of my ex and what he could possibly do to me and my close friends and family. We met each other online when we’re 18 years old. Now we’re both 19. We e-dated for only 6 months and broke up as we were constantly fighting and I felt miserable staying in the relationship. When we broke up, he shit talked the whole time then ask me to pay him back for the ring he got me. Even though we both bought each other rings and the one I bought him was more expensive. And the amount of times I bought him food, it’ll make sense that he’ll owe me money. However, I didn’t care about getting money back as I just wanted him out of my life. I ended the call abruptly telling him best of luck to him and talk to him never. I then proceeded to block him on every social media and game. 5 hours later he messaged me on Duolingo through the feed. It was very unexpected and didn’t think he would go to that lengths. Saying he had things he wanted to say something important and begged for me to unblock him on Instagram as he wanted to make things right. I only unblocked him so he can say the things he needed to say and move on. I however didn’t respond to any texts he sent me during the time of the unblock and declined every call. I told him that he would be reblocked at the end of the day and that’s what I did. Right before I blocked him I told him that I wish for him to find a nice girl and wish nothing but the best for him. Then blocked him on Duolingo and Instagram and that was that for no contact. However a week later he made another account on instagram begging me to talk and catch up with him on life. I however how no intentions of ever talking with him again so I blocked him again on his new account. Then my sister saw that he also found her Instagram and begged for her to let him to talk to me. She also instantly blocked him as she believes giving him any attention is bad. 2 weeks later (today), I got a call and two texts from an unknown number. The two texts were a picture of my Amazon gift list and that the person bought it for me and that it arrived today. Then the text said did it arrive yet. This brought me chills as that gift list was so old and I immediately deleted all of my gift lists. The number called again, I declined it. Then there was a voicemail of my ex who says he wants to talk again. Then I sent the a text telling him I want nothing to do with and I just want to be left alone. I did all the stuff for the package to be returned as I want nothing from him. He then uses another number to call me and I blocked that one too. Then he starts using no caller id phone numbers which I can’t block. I told my sister and best friend this as they’re the ones that advise me to break up with him in the first place which I’m thankful for as I couldn’t see the red flags when I was in love with him. I gave one of the unknown numbers to my best friend which she called and cussed him out to leave me alone. He then sent large paragraphs of texts saying that I’m a bad person and that he was a good person as he saved money from his work for our future. At this point we both know each others address as we both bought rings for each other. My best friend warned him that even though he knows my address she knows his and that he should watch his back. Then he started bragging about how he has guns and how he’s used to death and being covered in blood. She then instantly blocked him as he’s fucking crazy. Two hours later. She gets a text from an unknown number and it’s him again. This time he sent a paragraph of all info, from her full name to address. I’m unsure whether to take this to the police if it’ll do anything since he hasn’t threatened anything. Only bragged, and persistently pester me and low key kind of stalking me. He also sent me another text from another number about how he wants to send me the ring he has and for me to send him the ring he bought me. I don’t want to do this as I don’t want anything to do with him or any exchanges with him. I already planned on giving away the ring and he can sell his or give it away. He then ended the text with goodbye and never talk to you again. However he sent a second text saying the same thing from the first text but deleted the goodbye and never talk to you again part. I saw the text and blocked him again. I just want him out of my life. I’ll sleep on this and give any updates if he contacts me again. I’ll also copy and paste texts if you guys want them to better help with context.
submitted by ExtremeMassive6800 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 03:55 Life_Material4507 The industry needs a Spam Call Database lookup platform.

I'm looking for a service that functions like the MX Toolbox Blacklist Checker that will reach out and check the various spam call reputation databases like First Orion, TNS Call Guardian, Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Robokiller, Hiya, Truecaller, NoMoRobo and all the other less popular 3rd party apps. Currently on some apps you need to have a number with the carrier to lookup on the Verizon and T-Mobile apps, or have a subscription to some of the other platforms to do a lookup.
Right now the spam call blocking is the wild west. I'm constantly dealing with customer phone numbers that are miscategorized (maybe sometimes legitimately) by these apps as spam. I'm willing to go through the process of proving our calls are legitimate. But with so many different platforms out there its difficult to figure out which one has our numbers categorized as spam.
I've experimenting with Google Dorking, which has not been very helpful in this scenario. Does anyone have any good tips for navigating this issue? Do you have any links i can add to my list?
Lookup Tools:
Truecaller Lookup
YouMail Lookup
RoboKiller Lookup
Nomorobo Lookup
Hiya (Use Mobile App Its Free)
File a Dispute/Register:
Free Caller Registry
Dispute Verizon
Dispute T-Mobile & Sprint
Dispute Hiya
Dispute Nomorobo
Dispute YouMail
Dispute Robokiller
Dispute Truecaller
submitted by Life_Material4507 to VOIP [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 21:43 LivingProfessional59 I need to know if this is a scam, basically a number showing caller ID rang me and said I had been sleeping with her man

I need to know if this is a scam, basically a number showing caller ID rang me and said I had been sleeping with her man (my boyfriend)
Yesterday I got a call from a number that looked legitimate, a UK number that wasn't normally associated with call centres or scam callers.
She started calling me a 'black cunt' and that I had been sleeping with her man who is currently my boyfriend. She sounded drunk and high, older whereas I am younger.
I kept on asking her how did she get my number and she kept going 'ask your man.' and 'ask him to unblock me' and then she kept making sex noises which was seriously disturbing.
My boyfriend's sister kept saying that it was a scam. This, I may be clutching at straws, coincides simultaneously with a couple of days ago where my boyfriend's sister friends were saying that my boyfriend could do 'better than me.'
I for;
  1. Don't know how they got my number and were able to link it to my name (they kept asking if (my name) was speaking, and is this me?
  2. I've been in this situation before where I was close to my exams and someone has tried to ruin and deter my progress (my end of year exams that get me into university are 30 days away and I am having trouble focusing)
  3. the person still keeps picking up the phone. She called with a caller ID and if this was a sophisticated scammer, I don't think they would leave a trail.
I told my sister and dad about what had happened and they think my boyfriend's family is involved someway somehow. We are an interracial couple, and it's still early days. I think I could share this but we've been together for 6-7 months so it's still early days. I'm not sure if his family fully accepts me. But I am so sure but unsure at the same time that this is a scam.
My boyfriend's sister said that she used to get calls like this all the time, and this is how scammers tap into your phone and steal money. First of all my critical thinking skills are going through the roof because how is that possible? How can scammers have access to my phone unless I give them access first?
She told me to put my instagram accounts on private, which I was hesitant to do because I have a YouTube channel and I want to connect with viewers. But I still did it anyway because I care about the welfare of my boyfriend and I don't want to put him in danger. I don't think this was a scam long story short because, how on earth did they get my number and link it to my social media account and name? My number isn't available on any of my social media accounts btw.
Edit - the reason I picked up the phone in the first place was because my shower has been broken for a month and I'm expecting a call from the shower company who are supposed to fix it.
submitted by LivingProfessional59 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 23:12 Hot_Classic_9648 Scam? 😬

Before you even read this, my hunch is already leaning toward scam.
I applied for a job on ZipRecruiter. Something in the realm of Sales/Marketing for a company named CH Promotions.
Within 24 hours of applying I got a call from California with the caller ID "Jennifer Lopez." That was a recruiter for the Rochester based company scheduling an interview for as soon as the next day. At that point I'm already apprehensive.
But I go to the virtual interview anyway, for the plot. There's three other people in there and I prepare to just leave, but the plot.
The interviewer immediately requests my camera on which I always do after joining a meeting. She then jumps right into acknowledging that it's a group interview so we'd break the ice. If I had known that alone, I definitely wouldn't have come. The candidates ranged from no experience to about 5 years of experience. The interviewer almost rejected one candidate because of a miscommunication about his ability to commute to the office.
By the end of the interview, I had no idea what exactly the company does or what the role requires. She said that their biggest clients are Frontier and DirectTV but the website only lists Verizon.
Hours would be something like 11:30 AM until 8:30 PM with optional weekend hours available.
It did not sound salaried, but she disclosed the growth track and pay.
  1. Entry Level for 2-6 Weeks ($700 to $1100/Week)
  2. Management/Leadership Role for 2-3 Months ($1100 to $1700/Week)
  3. Branch Management after about 8-10 Months ($70,000)
I got a voicemail the next day and it was the interviewer wanting to discuss next steps. I didn't respond. The number on the website doesn't match either number they called me with and the address on the website seems like an event space.
I'll trust my gut but I'm curious on if anyone else knows more about that.
submitted by Hot_Classic_9648 to Rochester [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 06:18 SwingingTassels Verizon to Spectrum possibly

Got an offer from Spectrum Unlimited Plus tier 2 lines 1 year at $50. That is a damn good deal! Paying $138 on Verizon with 2 lines and a watch. That is with a bunch of discounts as well. I have 2 perks Apple Music family/Xbox Ultimate, caller id plus, voicemail to text, BYOD discount, and military discount. What do you think? I am more or less worried about priority with Spectrum? I am on Unlimited Plus with Verizon.
submitted by SwingingTassels to verizon [link] [comments]
