J train girl key


2015.01.19 16:48 cabview Cabview

A subreddit for cabview videos from trains, trams, and planes. But mostly trains.

2013.07.21 19:17 thisisnotmyfault RAoApress


2013.06.14 21:08 ortizme 20,000 Leagues Under the Selig

Here is our Fantasy Baseball League subreddit!

2024.05.20 08:43 Then_Building_7622 Key Components of Successful Process Safety Management Systems

Process Safety Management (PSM) is essential for industries dealing with hazardous chemicals and complex operations. This paper outlines the key components of successful PSM systems, highlighting the importance of process safety, operational safety, and the utilization of Hazard Identification (HAZID) studies.
Key Components of Successful Process Safety Management Systems:
Strong Leadership and Safety Culture:
Leadership commitment is the cornerstone of an effective PSM system. Senior management must prioritize safety and demonstrate a genuine commitment to PSM principles. This commitment should be reflected in policies, resource allocation, and daily operations. A strong safety culture encourages employees at all levels to take ownership of safety, actively participate in safety programs, and communicate potential hazards without fear of retribution. Continuous reinforcement of safety values and open communication are vital for sustaining a robust safety culture.
Comprehensive Process Hazard Analysis (PHA):
Process Hazard Analysis is a systematic approach to identifying and evaluating potential hazards in industrial processes. A comprehensive PHA includes techniques such as HAZID studies, which help identify risks associated with processes, equipment, and operational procedures. Regularly updating PHAs to account for changes in processes, technology, or regulations is essential for maintaining effectiveness.
Detailed Operating Procedures:
Clear, detailed operating procedures are crucial for ensuring safe operations. These procedures should cover all phases of process operations, including start-up, normal operations, shutdown, and emergencies. Well-documented procedures help ensure consistency, reduce the likelihood of human error, and provide a reference for training new employees. Regular reviews and updates of these procedures ensure they remain relevant and compliant with current standards and regulations.
Management of Change (MOC):
An effective MOC program involves evaluating the potential safety impacts of proposed changes, implementing necessary controls, and ensuring that all affected personnel are informed and trained on the changes. Thorough documentation and tracking of changes help maintain process integrity and prevent unintended consequences.
Emergency Response Planning:
Developing and practicing emergency response plans is critical for minimizing the impact of incidents. These plans should outline the actions in various emergency scenarios, including evacuations, spill containment, firefighting, and medical response. Regular drills and evaluations help ensure that response teams are prepared and effective. Coordination with local emergency services and regulatory authorities enhances the robustness of emergency response strategies.
Incident Investigation and Analysis:
Investigating incidents and near-misses provides valuable insights into potential weaknesses in the PSM system. A thorough investigation involves identifying root causes, contributing factors, and underlying issues. Lessons learned from incidents should be used to improve safety practices, update procedures, and prevent recurrence. Transparency and a non-punitive approach encourage the reporting of incidents and near-misses, facilitating continuous improvement.
Continuous Improvement and Auditing:
Continuous improvement is a fundamental principle of successful PSM systems. Regular audits and inspections help identify areas for improvement and ensure compliance with safety standards and regulations. Performance metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) can be used to track safety performance and identify trends. Organizations should foster a culture of continuous learning, where feedback and new information are used to enhance safety practices and processes.
A successful Process Safety Management system is built on strong leadership, a safety-oriented culture, comprehensive hazard analysis, detailed operating procedures, and continuous training. Effective Management of Change procedures, robust emergency response planning, thorough incident investigations, and a commitment to continuous improvement are also crucial. By integrating these key components, organizations can enhance process safety, operational safety, and overall risk management. Utilizing tools like HAZID studies ensures a proactive approach to identifying and mitigating hazards, ultimately protecting personnel, assets, and the environment. Embracing these components fosters a resilient and safety-conscious organization, capable of sustaining safe and efficient operations.
submitted by Then_Building_7622 to u/Then_Building_7622 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:43 Stories-that-reddit Orphan officer won't stop safe 2 telling me ?/R 5/19/24, 11:31pm

Ok so were gonna call this officer orphan and you see i tried to attempt suicide like 1 month ago ago and i already went to the hospital for the time being and i kept getting safe 2 telled (if you don’t know what that is it’s like anonymous reports to the school or police) and ive kept getting safe 2 telled by this girl well call tree and she doesn’t like me and we used to be besties but after a while it stopped for like 2 weeks and i thought it was over untill I was in my room at 11:31pm on a call with my friend turtle and we were just talking then it was 1 hour past my bedtime and my mom came in and I thought she was gonna yell but then she said “why the hell did i get a call from the ****** police department?!” And I who was just on call witr turtle was confused and so I said “what do you mean why what happened?” And apparently I got safe 2 telled again ✨for like the 8th time we don’t know who but I think it might be my ex girlfriend who doesn’t like me anymore. But I got safe 2 telled for something I said as a joke months ago and thankfully my mom lied out of it. So she was upset and just told me to stop making jokes and shit and I said okay even though it’s my main personality and me and turtle came to the conclusion, when I was 12 I was walking with my parents in the park and the guy he was around 24 and he was he was riding a bike and me being a around a teenager and I liked his outfit so I tried to wave for his attention and I had a broken middle finger and it was wrapped up so I looked like I flipped him off and he was very upset about it, so you see as a kid he was born in Hawaii and you see his parents were good to him and his dad was in the army and had to move to idaho (where I live) and the dad was stationed in idaho for 5 years and then the mom was cooking dinner for orphan and then got a phone call so she left the stove un attended then the house burnt down and the mom dying orphan still had his dad so they sent orphan to idaho then as he got dropped off in the morning there orphan decided to explore and was in the park and saw a bush so he went to the bush and saw this dead man and after it getting reported it was his dad who was in the army so he had to get foster parents and then nothing much happened after accept his dream of being a first responder officer and a time skip to 12 years later he’s now 24 after he got flipped off by me, accidentally the flamed his dream of being an officer and he spent years and years training to be a officer and finally at the age of 32 and me being a college student at 21 completely forgot about that years later but orphan didn’t. Orphan found my university and my name and address and to get back at me after he found out about my attempt he safe 2 telled me over and over to make my life miserable but soon it stopped. But later orphan got a promotion so he decided to go to the bar with the boys and they were drinking and orphan got drunk and as he was driving back he hit a power line and blew up his car. Killing 7 bystanders in the process.
(I just found out he’s actually still alive, just paralyzed from the waist down xoxo And alot more shit went down. Some is untrue most is real Part 2?)
submitted by Stories-that-reddit to u/Stories-that-reddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:40 Jafroboy I'm genuinely concerned for Stark. (Manga Spoilers).

The way he's been getting repeatedly bodied recently, the way things have gotten so dangerous, and just seem to get moreso the further north they go... The manga seems to be getting darker lately, and while once I'd never have thought they'd kill off a main character, I'm actually worried.
Lets think about how it's gone for him. After the First class test arc, in which he didnt get to do anything at all pretty much, we got that bit with the antimagic crystals. Which I thought was a nice touch that would have him be the main focus, or show how reliable he was, when Frieren said they'd be depending on him as they were normal girls for now. But the first monster that shows up Frieren just straight up states that Stark will die if he fights it, and they have to run away. No chance for him to get spotlight, hes completely outmatched straight away apparently. OK, maybe just cos it was a bad matchup, whats next?
In the El Dorado arc, the only time he gets to fight in the whole thing I think, he and Fern get instad by Macht. And I think only Fern managed to do any damage to the girl. However when they're unfrozen Fern can pull off the wombo combo to save Frieren, while Stark Cant do anything except catch her. Which was great though.
Then there's the part with Methode and the 1st Proctor. Frieren just casually states that this dead guy here is much stronger than Stark, and that he was instantly killed by the Demons. Jesus Christ! WTF is our boy doing in this horrible place?! They need to take him back! Thank god the Demons had Leto Atreides levels of tactics, and despite knowing it was smart to wait for the humans to split up, also split up themselves, or he'd have died right there probably! Despite the current arc hammering in how Mages are weak in close combat to warriors, Stark suffered much worse injuries than the mage fighting in close quarters alongside him.
But hey I thought, he's the Tank, the Vanguard, its his job to get beaten up and stop the monsters getting to his backline so they can deal with them right? Then he gets absolutely... Irrelevanced by the shadow assassin, despite Frieren warning him, and the guy not sneaking or anything, just walking up. It's not just that Stark would have died there if the guy felt like it, it's that he let him get completely past him, to his mages, and if the assassin actually had been willing to die to kill his target, Stark recovering and jumping through the window would have been... Irrelevant.
The guy is clearly out of his league up here, and I really think the gang needs to stop somewhere and get him some serious training (not the running joke old man) or I feel he's going to either be killed by one of the more and more horrifically powerful threats they meet the further north they go, or just be rendered useless.
My hope was that Frieren was underestimating him, since he did better against that 4-armed demon than I'd expect of someone who was weaker than the guy it instad. But after seeing him get trounced by the Assassin, (twice) and Frieren still pointing out how Stark could kill them from a few meters away with a surprise attack, I dont think so anymore.
submitted by Jafroboy to Frieren [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:34 Professional_Cap350 Boost Your Production Efficiency with Cutting-Edge Estic DC Tools

Boost Your Production Efficiency with Cutting-Edge Estic DC Tools


In today's fast-paced manufacturing world, efficiency is key. The tools you use can make or break your production line's productivity. Enter Estic DC tools—a game-changer in the realm of industrial equipment. These advanced tools are designed to boost your production efficiency, ensuring your operations run smoothly and effectively.

Understanding Estic DC Tools

What are Estic DC Tools?

Estic DC tools are state-of-the-art, direct current (DC) tools used in various manufacturing processes. They are renowned for their precision, reliability, and versatility, making them an essential component in industries that demand high standards of accuracy and performance.
Estic DC tools are high-precision, reliable tools used in manufacturing to boost efficiency and accuracy. With advanced torque control, ergonomic designs, and real-time monitoring, they're perfect for industries like automotive, electronics, and aerospace. These tools reduce errors, improve quality, and enhance safety, making them essential for modern production lines and estic dc tools

Key Features of Estic DC Tools

Estic DC tools come packed with features that set them apart from conventional tools. These include advanced torque control, ergonomic designs, real-time data monitoring, and customizable settings to cater to specific production needs. Their brushless motors ensure longevity and minimal maintenance, which are crucial for maintaining consistent production efficiency.

The Importance of Efficiency in Production

Impact on Profit Margins

Efficiency directly impacts profit margins. Streamlined operations reduce waste, minimize downtime, and optimize resource use. Estic DC tools contribute significantly to this by ensuring tasks are completed accurately and swiftly, reducing the time and resources spent on rework.

Competitive Advantage

In a competitive market, efficiency can be the differentiator that sets you apart. Companies that utilize Estic DC tools often enjoy a competitive edge due to faster turnaround times and superior product quality, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How Estic DC Tools Enhance Efficiency

Precision and Accuracy

One of the standout benefits of Estic DC tools is their precision. These tools provide unparalleled torque accuracy, which is critical in applications where even the slightest deviation can lead to product failure. This precision helps in maintaining high quality standards consistently.

Reducing Human Error

Human error is inevitable in manual processes. However, Estic DC tools are designed to mitigate this risk. With features like automatic shut-off when the desired torque is achieved, these tools ensure that each task is performed correctly, reducing the likelihood of errors.

Speed and Productivity

Speed is another area where Estic DC tools shine. They are engineered to operate at high speeds without compromising on accuracy, which significantly boosts productivity.

Faster Assembly Times

The faster you can assemble your products, the more you can produce. Estic DC tools are optimized for quick operations, allowing assembly lines to move faster while maintaining precision, leading to higher output rates.

Key Benefits of Using Estic DC Tools

Improved Quality Control

Quality control is paramount in manufacturing. Estic DC tools contribute to better quality control by ensuring consistent performance and precision. This leads to fewer defects and higher overall product quality.

Cost Savings

By reducing errors and rework, Estic DC tools help save on material costs. Additionally, their durability and low maintenance requirements mean less downtime and fewer replacements, further contributing to cost savings.

Enhanced Worker Safety

Safety is a critical concern in any manufacturing environment. Estic DC tools are designed with safety features such as ergonomic grips and automatic shut-off mechanisms, which help protect workers from injuries and fatigue.

Applications of Estic DC Tools

Automotive Industry

In the automotive industry, where precision and reliability are crucial, Estic DC tools are invaluable. They are used for tasks like engine assembly, where accurate torque is essential for performance and safety.

Electronics Manufacturing

Electronics manufacturing demands meticulous attention to detail. Estic DC tools provide the precision required for assembling delicate components, ensuring product integrity and functionality.

Aerospace Sector

The aerospace sector has zero tolerance for errors. Estic DC tools are trusted in this industry for their exceptional accuracy and reliability, crucial for assembling aircraft components.

Real-World Success Stories

Case Study: Automotive Manufacturer

An automotive manufacturer implemented Estic DC tools in their assembly line and saw a 20% increase in production efficiency. The precision and speed of these tools reduced assembly times and improved overall product quality.

Case Study: Electronics Assembly Line

An electronics company integrated Estic DC tools into their production process. This resulted in a significant reduction in product defects and rework, leading to cost savings and improved customer satisfaction.

Choosing the Right Estic DC Tools for Your Needs

Factors to Consider

When selecting Estic DC tools, consider factors such as the specific requirements of your production process, the types of tasks the tools will perform, and the desired level of precision and control.

Customization Options

Estic offers a range of customization options to tailor their tools to your specific needs. This ensures you get the best possible performance for your particular application.

Maintenance and Support for Estic DC Tools

Regular Maintenance Tips

To keep your Estic DC tools in top condition, follow regular maintenance protocols such as cleaning, lubrication, and periodic calibration checks. This ensures longevity and consistent performance.

Manufacturer Support and Resources

Estic provides robust support and resources to help you get the most out of their tools. This includes technical support, user manuals, and training programs to ensure your team can operate the tools effectively.

Future Trends in DC Tool Technology

Integration with IoT

The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technology with DC tools is a growing trend. This allows for real-time monitoring and data analysis, leading to smarter and more efficient production processes.

Advancements in Automation

Advancements in automation are continuously evolving. Estic DC tools are at the forefront of this, incorporating cutting-edge technologies to further enhance production efficiency and accuracy.
Yokota air tools are high-quality pneumatic tools designed for industrial use. Renowned for their durability, power, and precision, these tools are ideal for heavy-duty applications in manufacturing and automotive industries. Yokota air tools feature ergonomic designs and advanced technology to enhance performance, reduce worker fatigue, and increase productivity. Their robust construction ensures long-lasting reliability, making them a trusted choice for professionals and yokota air tools.


Boosting production efficiency is essential for staying competitive in today's market. Estic DC tools offer a reliable and effective solution to achieve this. With their precision, speed, and advanced features, these tools are a valuable asset for any manufacturing operation. By integrating Estic DC tools into your production line, you can expect improved quality, reduced costs, and enhanced safety, ultimately leading to greater success and profitability.
submitted by Professional_Cap350 to u/Professional_Cap350 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:31 Medical_Importance42 Is there any cheat sheet for psychology?

Hello, everyone.
I'd like to know whether there are any psychology cheatsheets where I can get a basic and factual overview of the psychologicql study.
As someone without a psychological background, I want a verified proper cheatsheet from which I don't have to cross-check any foundations of psychology.
I'm creating a simple project game for my computer science degree in which I want to convey a building block (only the fundamentals of psychology) to train for psychology as a common user. The key the idea is this: Create a scenario a person or persons. Generate qualities of persons (you can create your own defined traits for them). Have a conversation based on choice.
Now, back to why I'm looking for a cheatsheet, since I don't have deeper understanding in the psychology, I want factual structured information about this study, based on which I can make some fundamental rules for it. article, blog or any type of information are welcome.
Thank you
submitted by Medical_Importance42 to AcademicPsychology [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:28 phoenixsuns2001 Relationship help.

Been in a relationship for 2 months now with F20, and I’m a M23. Things have been weird recently. Am I overthinking this situation or is it strange?
I have been dating this girl for 2 months now. We’ll call her Sarah. Known Sarah for a while now, started dating in March, everything seemed to be going great. Hung out quite a few times now and she’s been awesome. Hasn’t been rude, mean or anything of nature.
About a couple weeks ago, we were just talking about normal stuff. She then decides to bring up plans and things like Christmas and my birthday (which is in january). And I genuinely NEVER plan that far ahead. She responded by saying “I noticed you dodged the question about Christmas, which is okay! I wasn’t aware you didn’t like to talk about the future as much. To which I replied that I never really think that far ahead. I’ll work on that more.
My grandmother also had a heart attack recently, she had open heart surgery and suffered a stroke during it unfortunately. So I haven’t been able to see my gf as much as I want to, only because I am my grandmothers caregiver and I’ve been constantly just worried about her. And my gf has never had a problem with it either which is good. I told her that I won’t be able to see her as much but I will always try my best to. I also work 2 jobs and started to get my Personal Training license this summer. So my schedule has been really hectic.
Nonetheless, We hung out this past Saturday, it was awesome! Sunday, she asked if I wanted to come over and I said not today I really just wanted some alone time to myself, she didn’t seem to like it but said it was okay anyways. (Would also like to preface I am a huge homebody guy, and love my alone time to myself). Then later on in the day, everything was good and then Sunday night, Sarah texted me saying “would you be down for a ER trip” I said what??? And she goes I think I broke my elbow. Like I can’t move it well or move my fingers. And I said you need to go now to the hospital. She asked me if I can go with her and I said yes but I couldn’t stay long because no one is home with my pets. (For further clarification, my mom has been staying with my grandmother at the hospital while I stay home with our pets) Since I’m home alone, the dog won’t sleep and she’ll tweak if I’m gone throughout the night, same thing with my cat. They just need someone to sleep with them. And she switches up and basically says it’s alright I’m leaning towards staying home anyways. Then I went dude you just said you think it’s broken and it hurts really bad so go. Then she went on about the insurance and paying the bill and I said I understand that 1000%, but I still think you should go get this checked out. And reiterated that I can go but I won’t stay long because of the pets at home. So she just decided to stay home instead.
I understand I am her boyfriend, and I will always be here for her no matter what. But recently it’s just becoming a lot for me to handle. She just been really super clingy and I’m just not used to it at all. And it’s mostly all on me, I’ve never really liked the clinginess and I’m trying to work on things to bring a better boyfriend. But recently it’s just been so overwhelming with work, my grandmother, my personal training classes, and now my girlfriend.
Am I over thinking this whole situation? I’m planing on speaking to my girlfriend about all of this tomorrow but I really don’t know how to go about having this conversation. I really like her a lot and she’s been amazing! But recently it’s just been becoming overwhelming and a lot to handle unfortunately.
submitted by phoenixsuns2001 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:27 Moonlight63 Training a LoRa for a specific facial feature or concept

I suppose its time to engage the hive mind to research this idea. I want to try and train a model or lora for a specific feature or concept that a base model probably doesn't already have and that is difficult to describe with basic prompting. I have seen others do something similar with training for specific clothing or specific wheels/hub caps on cars. I want to try and do something about facial features. Pretty much every face generated is going to have the same ears and nose with little to no control over making more fantastical looks, other than making the ears 'pointy'. If I wanted to make a character with drastically different shaped ears or nose, or even no ears or nose at all (obligatory cat girl with extra ears mention here), you really just can't do it without additional work, such as inpainting or good ol' photoshop.
My first thought was "I need to build a dataset of images with the facial feature I want." There are some logistical challenges with this that I am trying really hard to avoid. I am not trying to train a specific character, but rather just one feature. This mean that if I want to only train on a nose concept, I would have to put a completely fantastical nose feature on a bunch of different images of a bunch of different people wearing a bunch of different clothes on a bunch of different backgrounds at a bunch of different distances from the camera, all just to ensure that the only feature that remains consistent is the nose. This isn't really very feasible since I would like to train on concepts that don't naturally exist.
What I really felt like I needed was a way to train a LoRa on the difference between two images. That way I can create an image, modify it, and teach the model what I did. Well, turn out I am not the first person to think of that. I had used LECO training before to create sliders, but it was purely prompt base. Then I found this: https://github.com/rohitgandikota/sliders
This project shows creating a visual based slider using image pairs. PERFECT! Or so I thought. I created a few image pairs just to see if I could get something that works. The problem is, after following the exact procedure outlined in the readme and in several open issues, applying my trained LoRa to SDXL results in literally zero change to the produced image. I have opened an issue detailing that on the project here, complete with example images: https://github.com/rohitgandikota/sliders/issues/95
Community! What are your thoughts? How can we gain finer control over something very specific? I feel like the visual sliders approach is exactly what I am looking for, but it isn't working for me (like, literally not producing anything that changes an image at all). Perhaps I am doing something wrong with it.
submitted by Moonlight63 to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:19 Karishma2004 2BHK Flats in Greater Noida West

2BHK Flats in Greater Noida West


Finding the perfect 2BHK flat in Greater Noida West can be a transformative experience. Greater Noida West, also known as Noida Extension, has emerged as a prime residential destination due to its strategic location, excellent infrastructure, and vibrant community. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or looking to invest in real estate, a 2BHK flat in this burgeoning area offers a blend of affordability, modern amenities, and connectivity that is hard to match. In this article, we delve into the main aspects that make 2BHK flats in Greater Noida West a compelling choice for prospective homeowners.

Why Choose Greater Noida West for Your 2BHK Flat?

Strategic Location and Connectivity

Greater Noida West is strategically located, offering excellent connectivity to Delhi, Noida, and Ghaziabad. The upcoming metro lines and the presence of major expressways such as the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway and the Yamuna Expressway enhance accessibility, making daily commutes hassle-free. This area is ideal for professionals working in nearby IT hubs, educational institutions, and corporate offices.

Affordable Housing Options

One of the key attractions of Greater Noida West is the affordability of housing options compared to other regions in the National Capital Region (NCR). The cost of a 2BHK flat in Greater Noida West is significantly lower than similar properties in Delhi or central Noida, making it an attractive proposition for middle-class families and young professionals.

Modern Infrastructure and Amenities

Greater Noida West boasts modern infrastructure with well-planned roads, ample green spaces, and state-of-the-art facilities. The region is home to numerous residential complexes offering amenities like swimming pools, gyms, clubhouses, playgrounds, and 24/7 security. These features contribute to a comfortable and secure lifestyle for residents.

Educational and Healthcare Facilities

The area is equipped with top-notch educational institutions ranging from schools to colleges and professional training centers. Notable schools like DPS and Ryan International, and higher education institutions like Galgotias University and Sharda University, provide quality education options for families. Additionally, renowned healthcare facilities such as Fortis Hospital and Kailash Hospital ensure that residents have access to excellent medical care.

Vibrant Community and Lifestyle

Living in Greater Noida West means being part of a vibrant and diverse community. The area hosts various cultural events, sports activities, and community gatherings, fostering a sense of belonging among residents. Shopping malls, multiplexes, restaurants, and entertainment zones provide ample opportunities for leisure and recreation.

Key Considerations When Buying a 2BHK Flat in Greater Noida West

Builder Reputation and Project Quality

When investing in a 2BHK flat, it is crucial to choose a reputable builder known for quality construction and timely delivery. Researching the developer's past projects, customer reviews, and financial stability can help you make an informed decision.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Ensure that the property you are interested in complies with all legal and regulatory requirements. Check for necessary approvals from local authorities, clear land titles, and adherence to RERA (Real Estate Regulatory Authority) guidelines to avoid any legal hassles in the future.

Financial Planning and Loan Options

Assess your financial situation and explore various loan options to finance your purchase. Many banks and financial institutions offer home loans with attractive interest rates and flexible repayment options. It is advisable to compare loan offers and choose one that best suits your financial capabilities.

Resale Value and Future Growth Prospects

Consider the potential resale value and future growth prospects of the property. Greater Noida West is expected to witness significant infrastructural developments and economic growth in the coming years, which could positively impact property values. Investing in a well-located and well-constructed 2BHK flat can yield substantial returns in the long run.


In conclusion, buying a 2BHK flat in Greater Noida West is a wise investment decision that offers numerous benefits, from affordability and modern amenities to excellent connectivity and vibrant community life. The region's rapid development and promising future growth prospects make it an ideal choice for homebuyers and investors alike. By considering factors such as the builder's reputation, legal compliance, financial planning, and potential resale value, you can ensure a secure and rewarding real estate investment.
submitted by Karishma2004 to u/Karishma2004 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:18 No-Dragonfly-9647 How do I tell this “friend” to fuck off and give me my shit in a politically sensitive way

A girl (24f) I (23f) consider a “friend” very loosely(because she always does things to sabotage the path to friendship) made plans to go out tomorrow afternoon since she is leaving the country back home. All was good until I get a few phone calls and a text asking me to meet her earlier so she could take her cloths to the donation center and needs a car. I contemplated it because she lives quite far from me and in an area that you pay for parking where I would just take the train. As I was contemplating it I received a follow up text telling me more assertively that if we couldn’t do it tomorrow morning then take her cloths to the donation center the day after. No where in that message was the fact that we were hanging out as friends addressed it felt straight up like she was taking the time we had put aside to be in each others company as an opportunity to get something from me. I later texted her that I had a shift in the morning but would be free to hang out at our designated time. She then called me 10 min later asking what time I would be working and what time I would get out. I told her it was 2 hour shift and that I would be done at 11 but would take time to get ready and drive to her would take an hour. She then asked couldn’t I just get ready before my shift 🤨. I then proceeded to explain to her that I would need to eat and take the time to drive to her🙃. She then took a min to think about it and said “oh yea… ok then what time would you get to me” I said 12, she then took another long pause and said “ok it’s just that I have this lunch thing at 2…” HUH?? Why agree to hang out with for 12 if you can’t stay longer than an hour especially when someone is driving quite far to see you. SMH This is the predicaments I have put myself in where I have now agreed to help her move her bags of cloth and then she goes to have lunch with other friends who’s time she actually respects enough not to use as time to run errands. How should I handle telling her “fuck off, find your own ride” in a politically peaceful way. Also did I mention SHE HAS MY JEANS THAT I LOVE AND WANTED TO GET BACK TOMORROW!
submitted by No-Dragonfly-9647 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:18 FancyInvestment397 Best Online Casinos in Ireland

Best Online Casinos in Ireland
To find the best online casinos in Ireland, you need to consider key factors such as license status, variety of games, convenience of payment methods, attractive bonuses, reputation for fair play, and reliability. If choosing a casino seems like a hassle, our extensive list of Irish online casinos is here to assist you on your safe gambling journey. Our casino list is updated every month, hand-picked from hundreds of online casinos available in Ireland, and each is reviewed and rated according to our rating guidelines.

TonyBet Casino

TonyBet Casino is the only online casino fronted by Tony G, one of the world’s top poker players. As a NetEnt, Quickspin, NYX Interactive and Microgaming casino, TonyBet Casino features an impressive line-up of video slots, table games, and other casino favourites. Players here will also find several unique live dealer games from both Microgaming and Evolution Gaming, along with poker and sports betting. The site is completely instant-play and compatible with both desktop and mobile devices. TonyBet Casino is licensed by the Estonia Tax and Customs Board and Kahnawake Gaming Commission.
Restricted Countries and Territories
Unfortunately, TonyBet Casino is unable to offer any gaming services to players who live in France, Spain, Denmark, Australia, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Slovenia and the United States. All other players are welcome as long as online gambling is not prohibited by their government.
Virtual Games
Players will find all the best Microgaming slots at TonyBet Casino. These include long-standing favourites like Break da Bank Again Slot, Irish Eyes slot, and 5 Reel Drive slot to some of the most cutting-edge bonus video slots on the web like Game of Thrones Slot, Dragon’s Myth slot, and Rabbit in the Hat slot. Players will also find a surprisingly diverse selection of classic slots, with titles like Jurassic Jackpot slot and Triple Magic slot.
In addition, to live table games, TonyBet Casino features an abundant range of virtual table game favourites. Roulette players can go for a spin with French, European, and Multi Wheel variants of the game. Blackjack enthusiasts can hit, split, and double down to big wins with games like Classic Blackjack, Atlantic City Blackjack, and Premier Blackjack High Streak. Other games include Baccarat, Cyberstud Poker, Craps, and Poker Pursuit.
Video poker is also a popular game at TonyBet Casino. Players will find single-hand and multi-hand Power Poker denominations of many favourites, including Jacks or Better, Aces & Faces, Tens or Better, Joker Poker, Deuces Wild, All Aces, Bonus Poker, Deuces & Joker, and more.
Those looking for something a little off-the-wall will find it in the “Other” section. These include numerous scratch cards and other instant-win favourites like Foamy Fortunes, Bunny Boiler Gold, and Beer Fest, as well as totally unique games like Triangulation and Space Evader.
Live Games
TonyBet Casino is home to two sets of live dealer games. The first is “Live Casino”, a conventional Microgaming live casino with four different games: Live Blackjack, Live Baccarat, Live Roulette, and Live Casino Hold’em. These games are all dealt with professional standards and offer interactive features with the dealers and the other players.
The second is under the “Live Games” header. This section is powered by Betgames and offers players the chance to win with unique live draws: Lucky 7, Lucky 5, Dice, Wheel of Fortune, Bet on Poker, and Baccarat. Timers are available so players can know how quickly they need to get their bets in before the next draws.
Mobile Gaming
TonyBet Casino is compatible with the majority of smartphones and tablets. Players can access many of the games just by loading the casino’s site on most HTML5-compatible mobile browsers. Those with iOS and Android devices can opt for the TonyBet app instead.
TonyBet Casino offer live chat support to players, but unfortunately, it is only available from 8 AM to 7 PM. In order to get in contact with a live chat, representative players need to be logged in. Additionally, players can contact the support via the online contact form and receive email replies or use the site’s international phone number, but this may be subject to international calling fees.
Security and Fairness
The entire TonyBet Casino website is protected with the industry standard of online safety, SSL encryption. This technology prevents anyone from being able to read or decode sensitive information sent to the casino for banking and registration purposes, such as account numbers and passwords.
All of the games at TonyBet Casino have been tested and approved by NMi, a leading independent auditing organisation who have years of experience in ensuring the integrity of online casino games.

Betinia Casino

Betinia Casino is an online casino which brings players together to enjoy their favourite games which include video slots, table games, live casino games and sports. The casino is also home to a number of award winning software providers which include NetEnt, Microgaming, Play’n GO, Pragmatic Play, Quickspin and Betsoft. The site supports multiple languages and can be played instantly through a web browser or on the go. Betinia Casino is licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority.
Restricted Countries and Territories
Unfortunately, there are some country restrictions here which means some players will be excluded from registering an account at Betinia. These countries include Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, France, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the United Kingdom and the United States. This list could also include more restrictions so please see ‘more casino details’ for the full list of restricted countries and territories.
Virtual Games
The games lobby is packed with hundreds of the best video slots for everyone to enjoy. Players can easily select their software vendor so they can browse their favourite quickly and efficiently. Alternatively, users who know exactly which games they want to play can try the search function which can find any game in seconds. Titles here include the Starburst Slot, Mega Moolah Slot, Moon Princess Slot, Money Train 2 Slot and Legacy of Egypt Slot.
There are some table games here too which include popular variations of Blackjack and Roulette. Some of these games will be suited to low rollers however users who like placing high bets will also be able to find tables to suit them.
Live Casino
In the live casino there are yet more games and they are similar to the tables we just mentioned however these are hosted by real life croupiers. They take place in a live studio so players can enjoy a fully immersive experience and can play against the dealer or other real players. They include games like Live Dream Catcher, Live Monopoly and Live Baccarat.
Mobile Gaming
Betinia Casino is also available on the go through most mobile devices on operating systems like iOS and Android. There is no app as such, all players have to do is load the casino through a compatible mobile browser to gain instant access to hundreds of games, just like on the web version. Players can enjoy the mobile experience from the comfort of their home or when they are constantly on the move.
Anyone who needs help and assistance can contact the casino's customer support team using their live chat facility which is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Additional support can also be reached through email or over the phone with fast response times.
Security and Fairness
When it comes to security the casino takes this seriously which is why they use encryption methods to ensure players confidential information is always kept safe. Financial security is also important to the casino and they will always make sure data is encrypted before being sent over the internet.
Games are monitored for fairness using an industry standard random number generator. This means that games will produce fair and random results that have not been manipulated.

Crazy Fox Casino

Crazy Fox
Crazy Fox Casino features a large number of games and provides players with the opportunity to join ongoing tournaments and compete for a wide range of prizes. The colourful casino will keep your spirits up, but let’s not forget about your host, the tough-looking fox.
The fox does all kinds of things—spins the wheel, plays guitar and bass, and rides a motorcycle. The casino's unique layout only enhances its easy navigation and excellent player experience.
General Information About Crazy Fox Casino
Crazy Fox Casino is an online casino featuring thousands of games sorted into different categories. It is owned and operated by N1 Interactive Ltd. and boasts a Malta Gaming Authority licence.
With a valid international licence and AskGamblers’ Certificate of Trust, Crazy Fox proves to be a reliable hub for players worldwide. Players can access the gambling website through almost any web browser. If you prefer mobile casinos, you can download the app directly from their casino site and enjoy your favourite titles during your commute.
Select one of the 15+ languages and sign in by adding some basic personal information. The entire process is effortless, and once you’re in, you’ll be eligible for the daily cashback. Before you join Crazy Fox, read our detailed casino review to find out more about the casino.
Payment Information and Options at Crazy Fox Casino
Crazy Fox Casino offers multiple payment methods, from credit cards to e-wallets such as Skrill, Neteller and Trustly to voucher cards and bank transfers. The minimum deposit is €20 for all options.
Deposits and withdrawals are processed instantly for all payment methods except for credit card and bank transfer withdrawals, which can take up to 3 days. Players have not had any negative experiences in this regard, and account verification before the first payout is also smooth and quick.
Withdrawals can be made up to €10,000 per day or €60,000 per month, which we rate very positively. The downside is that you must wager your deposit at least three times before withdrawing. Furthermore, at least 2.5% processing fees apply for ecoPayz, WebMoney and bank transfers on withdrawals and ecoPayz and Debit on deposits.
Customer Support at Crazy Fox Casino
The customer support at Crazy Fox Casino is one of the website's highlights, and the casino itself is proud of it. The best way to contact support is via live chat. You must enter your email address and name to start the chat.
At first, you will be connected to a chatbot that offers some quick answers, but you can immediately ask to be transferred to an agent. We were connected after just a few seconds and had a pleasant exchange, and our questions were answered. Crazy Fox requests that you notify customer service immediately if you have any problems.
The live chat support is available 24/7, but if you prefer, you can contact the casino via email, contact form, or a phone number. These forms of communication may be slightly slower, but whatever you choose, you’ll be in touch with a friendly agent who will help you solve your problem quickly.
Games at Crazy Fox Casino
At Crazy Fox Casino, popular titles such as Legacy of Dead, Merge Up, and Elvis Frog in Vegas are offered as top games, with all of the casino's new releases directly below. You do need a player account to test them in demo mode.
If you decide to register, you get access to all Crazy Fox online slots, but you can also take part in numerous tournaments or test your luck in jackpot games if you're looking to score big! In addition to the jackpot section, there is also a selection of bonus buy games with the best online slots from Pragmatic Play, Wazdan, Spinomenal, or Endorphina, which can also be found via the provider menu.
The casino's portfolio has various table games and a live casino that offers games from Evolution, Quickfire, and Tomhornnative. And with the addition of regular tournaments, the fun never ends. Crazy Fox Casino does everything to provide its players with the best games in the industry.
Crazy Fox Casino’s Commitment to Responsible Gambling
Crazy Fox Casino offers players a quiz to identify signs of gambling addiction. As for the features in the casino, players can set personal limits regarding deposits, losses, stakes and session times. You can set the limits within your account and change them at any point.
If you want to take a break from gambling, you can cool off. The cooling-off limit allows you to access your account only to withdraw money but prevents you from depositing or receiving promotional materials from the casino. The next step is temporary or permanent self-exclusion that entirely blocks you from the casino.
When you play at Crazy Fox Casino, you will receive hourly notifications to help you keep track of your online time. You can stop or continue playing, but getting reminders throughout your sessions is a positive thing.
Final Verdict on Crazy Fox Casino
Crazy Fox Casino offers all their players daily cashback of up to 20%. The cashback rate increases with the size of your losses for the day, starting from 5% for players who lose at least €30 and gradually going up all the way to 20%.
With access to slot games such as Golden Dragon Inferno and Reactoonz, you’re guaranteed hours of fun, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Different types of games are available, including a wide selection of table and live dealer games.

Evospin Casino

Evospin Casino is a modern online casino packed with many of the industries finest software providers offering the games which range from the newest video slots to the most traditional games. The site supports numerous languages and can be enjoyed through virtually any mobile or web device. Players will be able to enjoy games from household names like NetEnt, Play’n GO, Pragmatic Play, Thunderkick, Wazdan and Relax Gaming. Evospin Casino is licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority.
Restricted Countries and Territories
Unfortunately, there are some country restrictions which are standard for most online casinos. At Evospin Casino these countries include Australia, Belgium, Israel, France, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom. There are other restrictions so players should see below for the full list and also check that online gambling is legal in their jurisdiction before opening an account.
Virtual Games
When players open the casino lobby they will be greeted with non stop action and hundreds of video slots, the choice is almost endless. There is a huge variety of software vendors so players should find games that have themes, variance and features to their liking. Since there is so much variety here the lobby also has some filtering options which includes a drop down menu to sort games by their providers. Players who may want to save time may particularly find this feature useful. Titles here include the Book of Dead Slot, Sakura Fortune Slot, Age of the Gods Slot, Wild Toro Slot and Money Train 2 Slot.
There are some table games to choose from too which include Blackjack, Roulette and Poker. These games come from providers around the world and will have different betting limits and table rules.
Players will also find some video poker games which will be suited to those who like card games. These games combine poker with slots so it’s definitely something different to try if players are looking for more variety.
Live Casino
If players like table games then they may enjoy the live casino that they have here too, these games are hosted by the likes of Pragmatic Play Live and Evolution Gaming. These are leading names in the live industry who are known for their immersive tables. These games are hosted by real life croupiers and are played in a live studio so players can bet against other real players and not just a computer.
Mobile Gaming
Evospin Casino is now available on virtually any mobile device so this means anything from a tablet to a smartphone. Operating systems like iOS and Android are supported and players don’t have to look for an app, most of the games can be played through a mobile browser and will play just as seamlessly as the web version. Features like the web version are also included so players never have to switch devices, unless they want to.
Anyone who needs help and assistance can contact the casino's customer support agents who are available through their live chat facility who are working around the clock, 24/7 . Alternatively, players can also email the casino at any time or to send verification documents. Either way, customer services are always on hand, should players need them.
Security and Fairness
Evospin Casino has the safety of their players at the top of their priority list which is why they have high levels of security in place. These include the latest firewalls and encryption methods. Sensitive information and any financial transactions will always be stored securely and encrypted before being transmitted over the internet.
Games are also fair and will never be rigged in the casinos favour. They use an industry standard random number generator to ensure every game result is fair and random , without manipulation.

Responsible Gambling

Responsible gambling refers to safe and mindful participation in betting and gaming activities while avoiding excessive or harmful behaviors. If online casinos and individuals both prioritize responsible gambling, it fosters a safer and more enjoyable gaming environment for everyone involved. At Irishluck, we strongly support responsible gambling practices and we are here to equip you with all the information you need to know.

How To Check If an Online Casino Has Responsible Gambling Measures

  1. Deposit and Spending Limits: Check if the casino allows you to set deposit and spending limits, helping you stay within your budget.
  2. Time Limits: Ensure the casino offers options for setting time limits on your gaming sessions to prevent excessive play.
  3. Self-Exclusion: Look for the self-exclusion feature, which lets you take a break from gambling if needed.
  4. Cooling-Off Periods: Verify if the casino offers cooling-off periods during which you can suspend your account temporarily.
  5. Reality Checks: Check for regular pop-up notifications reminding you of your gaming duration to stay mindful of your habits.
  6. Access to Gambling History: Ensure you have access to your gambling history, including spending and playtime data.
  7. Age Verification (KYC): Confirm that the casino performs rigorous age verification checks (KYC) to prevent minors from accessing the platform.
  8. Transparent Terms and Conditions: Verify that the casino's terms and conditions are clear and easily understandable to avoid misunderstandings.

How to Make Sure You're Safe While Gambling Online

  1. Set Limits: Establish personal limits on time and money spent gambling.
  2. Budget Management: Create a dedicated gambling budget separate from essential expenses.
  3. Self-Exclusion: Use self-exclusion tools provided by casinos if a break from gambling is needed.
  4. Time Management: Set time limits for gambling sessions to prevent excessive play.
  5. Take Breaks: Regularly take breaks during gaming to maintain perspective.
  6. Reality Checks: Use reality check reminders to track time spent gambling.
  7. Avoid Chasing Losses: Refrain from attempting to recover losses by increasing bets.
  8. Avoid Alcohol and Drugs: Avoid gambling under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  9. Seek Support: Reach out to support networks or professionals if gambling becomes problematic.
  10. Stay Informed: Stay informed about responsible gambling practices and resources.
  11. Access Self-Help Tools: Utilize self-help materials and resources available online.
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to OnlineCasinoWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:18 eveacrae I think we are wrong about LingLing

Sorry I just tried to do a clickbaity title lol. I don't think anyone is wrong for not liking someone. But today I was going back and watching fancams and I think shes better than a lot of us have the perception of her being, me included.
Her dance and expressions are quite good, I think the bad boy performance really shows it. I also think her vocals aren't nearly as bad as people make them out to be, the main reason I thought this was because of the signal song test but in sweet venom we get to hear her deeper voice in the right tone and she sounds quite good. She only sounds worse in the higher pitched parts, i would like to hear more of her in a lower pitch. (Tbh this is true of a lot of the girls and kpop in general..) Also signal song test had me thinking nobody was talented on the show, that song is just hard as hell
The only thing I think is that she lacks a natural draw/stage presence, she seems to fall in the background easily unlike someone like Mai. In her introduction short (which is cute btw!!) she also mentions she prefers time alone which makes me think she is shy and introverted, and just needs a bit more confidence.
A lot of people are worried she will bring down the group if she debuts but I think itll be just fine. Shes not one of my picks and it would be sad for my pick to not make it. But especially with a bit of training and the confidence of debut, I think she could end up like wonhee and seem totally different. I think every trainee deserves their fair chance and LingLing has been a bit unfairly judged, probably also influenced by the severe lack of screentime
(also while we're here how do you get a flair on mobile)
submitted by eveacrae to mnetiland2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:15 courzeorg 100 Free Certified Courses on Udemy and Coursera

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submitted by courzeorg to Udemy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:11 No-Dragonfly-9647 A “friend” asked me to help them move old cloths for the last 2 hours I’m ever gonna see them.

A girl (24f) I (23f) consider a “friend” very loosely(because she always does things to sabotage the path to friendship) made plans to go out tomorrow afternoon since she is leaving the country back home. All was good until I get a few phone calls and a text asking me to meet her earlier so she could take her cloths to the donation center and needs a car. I contemplated it because she lives quite far from me and in an area that you pay for parking where I would just take the train. As I was contemplating it I received a follow up text telling me more assertively that if we couldn’t do it tomorrow morning then take her cloths to the donation center the day after. No where in that message was the fact that we were hanging out as friends addressed it felt straight up like she was taking the time we had put aside to be in each others company as an opportunity to get something from me. I later texted her that I had a shift in the morning but would be free to hang out at our designated time. She then called me 10 min later asking what time I would be working and what time I would get out. I told her it was 2 hour shift and that I would be done at 11 but would take time to get ready and drive to her would take an hour. She then asked couldn’t I just get ready before my shift 🤨. I then proceeded to explain to her that I would need to eat and take the time to drive to her🙃. She then took a min to think about it and said “oh yea… ok then what time would you get to me” I said 12, she then took another long pause and said “ok it’s just that I have this lunch thing at 2…” HUH?? Why agree to hang out with for 12 if you can’t stay longer than an hour especially when someone is driving quite far to see you. SMH This is the predicaments I have put myself in where I have now agreed to help her move her bags of cloth and then she goes to have lunch with other friends who’s time she actually respects enough not to use as time to run errands. How should I handle telling her “fuck off, find your own ride” in a politically peaceful way. Also did I mention SHE HAS MY JEANS THAT I LOVE AND WANTED TO GET BACK TOMORROW!
submitted by No-Dragonfly-9647 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:09 _AquarianAvacados VENT IT OUT// I really can't make this ish up. I (slipped-up) messaged my once "friend"/ex of 11 yrs new gf exposing my conartist-esque ex after I had had enough of his games. And not even 2 weeks later....every single thing I attempted to expose - he is working on covering back up far quicker.

There is SO much through those horrible 11 years. But the last 2.5 have truly been the hardest, mostly because I am just EXHAUSTED to the point....I don't even usually bother fighting against a single thing/become comfortable as the door matt.
What did me in, is he owes my grandmother $3k for HIS HALF of unpaid debt to her. They are currently (under my dumb stupid blessing) are letting him rent what is my family's home they are leaving to me when they die for a whooping $600 a month. S I X HUNDRED. 3br 1bth huge fenced back and front yard. 3 porches. Huge attached garage. $600.......
He knew it was only a 6 month agreement. And that either I would be retaking my home, or the rent would be raised to $1000, as i would be taking $600 of it monthly and planned to use it towards a rental of my own. (My family and i truly helped him willingly, so he at least had 6 months to get on his feet.) I on the other hand, was fortunate enough to have my recently divorced bff of 25 years with an open room in her home, badabingbadaboom.
Truthfully, I was basically forced out of my house before I had a say. It wasn't my first choice to leave every bit if furniture/my daughter's bedroom set/ect...THAT I ALONE have purchased throughout the years, to my floppy meatsuit of an ex manchild who's idea of "hard labor" is mowing a lawn..but it was my ONLY choice. (That's another story for another day, lol. This one's long enough)
Anyways the 6 months is up, and it had come time to go forward with what was already previously understood as to happen...I should have seen it coming, given that he suddenly started to attempt far more communication (our child being his perfect excuse to disguise what was really going on....
.....and then THIS MF-ER...MAN.... My grandmother tells me on my way out after stopping by for breakfast, that my ex had told her unless they lower the rent for him, he won't pay the 3k debt from TWO years ago now (he promised as soon as he got his tax return, he would pay it) but now he'd need it to find another rental property......this 33 year old man....telling this to My sweet and kind grandmother, who is the a matriarch to my family mind you, she has basically RAISED this 33 year old brat since his infanthood (since he was 22 years old!). ~His parents were 2.5 hours away, his dad is an attorney in some podunk hillbilly town, and his mom is all the worst parts of the gossipy church women put together. They only cared about his younger sister and her two children, lol. So.~
I was floored. I told her something along the lines of "uhhhh I'm pretty sure that's a form of extortion????"
Anyways. I slept on it, and woke up to choosing violence. By violence, I mean I messaged the only thing I knew he "CARED" about, at least for now, until there's nothing for him to gain. I just wanted to make sure he knew where i stood really, and how careful he should tread with me now after hearing that.
...this girl was the other former bff of MY bff. She HATED me for at least a decade. "Frienmies" if yiu will. I had been told SEVERAL times around 6 years ago (ish) that she told our mutual bestie how she was going to "fuck my boyfriend, and get him to leave me. That he was her dream guy" LOFL ...and had witnessed/heard her myself FLIRT with him heavy and totally disrespectfully in front of me. Up until the day they boinked in secret, this girl followed all my social accounts religiously for allll these years....
You can imagine, I had some STUFF I was dying to let out, but I will say, I refrained from being an absolute c-word. I basically in the most passive aggressive tone, EXPOSED what my exs current game was with my family home and the mistreatment of my grandparents.
I told her to ask about his stomach illness he faked so well, had me so SO sympathetic towards him that I asked if he would just instead making basically double pay for the summer months (school district employee) and not taking off....to take off, an I would just work ot graves or whatever extra I could/did...and then how the DAY BEFORE our child started 1st grade, he pulled the rug out from under by creating a literally pointless 4 hours screaming match.....and leaving me, the house, the dogs, and the bills high and dry. No tummy ache to ever come about again...
Or how he had a disguised app with nudes and texts from women he cheated on me with or had fucked when we were in a slump/split. And how she's also in it.
And to ask the father of the year what his 7 year olds doctors name was...we used her since the 2day infant visit lol.
Or to ask him who's been the provider for our child's education since 3 years of age. Her insurance. Dental. Ect. (Hint: it's not him).
I asked her to ask him why he told me that she "owned her own home and was so independent and worked so hard to be where she is now" as a means to rub salt in my wounds while he forced me out if my/OUR old home in the worst mental depression I'd ever dealt with.....when that is not true because she cheated on her husband with multiple men while he was deployed and lost her Marital home in divorce. She lives with her parents and two younger brothers.
Why he was still.texting me and sending me his unsolicited or answered selfies to me.
I wrapped it up with my point of the information being that for my exs sake, I pleaded she encouraged him to don"the right thing".
I mean....I knew he was putting on a dog and pony show for her from day 1. He's a fraud, I learned that over and over. He will lie/manipulative/step on whatever and whoever without a care in the world, all while making whoever they choose to feel as if they're to blame if any sort of conflicts or grievance against them rose.
So I knew in my exes false reality he was painting for this chick was no doubt of how amazing a father he is, and how shitty of a parent and person I am in turn....
side note: ffs he even lowered his own vocal tone forcefully when j met him 11 yrs ago to disguise his godawful nasal screach
WITHIN 10 DAYS. NOT EVEN 2 WEEKS Of me sending her all this...
First text - him asking for our childs doctor's information for the first time in 5 years. Evidently they had a sore throat in the middle of the night. (Mmmmok)
4 days later - he is asking if we could discuss getting her needed dental work finished up as we've put it off for a while (he literally never cared the first phase lol)
That same day - he is pandering sympathy and attention because he's suddenly having stomach attacks again and he's got a colonoscopy scheduled and blahblahblahhhhhh.
I mean....literally the list of the shit I exposed directly goes on and on.....and he made sure to cover up each one down the line. Like. If that isn't "master manipulation".....what is? There has got to be a word for this oh so insanely predictable behavior lol.
Certainly. I'd hope the chick truly SEES what is happening? That the dude is literally whether subconsciously/uncontrollably covering up his actions because he knows deep down, what was done was wrong all around...or just creating and perfecting his own stage right before our eyes? Lol RIGHT?!
I just have to laugh at it all now. It's just a RL sitcom of disaster at this point. 😑
submitted by _AquarianAvacados to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:06 St_Pain Well this fucking sucks

I think I hold the record for the fastest crush in all the Wild West. I get to work and start ranting about whatever bullshit I had happen to me the night before. Then I turned around because my coworker kept looking past me. The prettiest girl I’ve ever met is standing right behind me and everything just goes blank. I swear I forgot everything before that moment.
I tried to get to know her the best I can for a week because we’re just training her for another location. I stumble and fall in every conversation we have. With each one I try to circumvent the rules I placed for myself about dating coworkers. And on that last day I ask her out.
I don’t know what got into me that thought yeah let’s send a good morning text every fucking day. I already know I’m not her type and I still chose to do the dumbest things. We were both going through some stressful situations and I fucked it up.
I was heart broken before and I thought nothing would be able to fix me. Then I met this girl and I thought maybe I’m not as broken as I thought. But how do I feel this strongly about a person I barely even knew.
This shit happened months ago and I still feel the pain so fresh in me. Everyday that I go to work is a reminder of how I fucked up what could’ve been. How am I this pathetic, constantly being haunted by someone I didn’t even spend a full hour on. I didn’t even know how to apologize to her properly. Because how do you apologize to someone that gave you hope simply by being.
submitted by St_Pain to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 08:02 Capnchunk95 I accidentally ate my best friends Jizz out of a girls pussy once…

I used to be in the Marine Corps from age 18-23. I was a virgin when I joined and didn’t lose my V card until I was 20. Shortly after losing it, I went on a man whore rampage. After being gone at training for a few months, me and my two best friends decided to hang out with these two girls I had met on Tinder. We had all hung out previously and I wasn’t really into the girl from tinder so my buddy I’ll refer to as A started talking to her. They hadn’t hooked up but were talking for a bit. We’ll refer to her as Thick girl. Thick girl and her cousin N were 20 and had fake IDs. Me, A, and another friend SH went out to go meet thick girl and N for a night of drinking. The three of us guys and the two girls went out to a club and got FUCKED UP. I started making out with N and my boy SH was also making out with her. A and thick girl started making out at the bar but at one point thick girl told me she found out that A was talking to other girls and she was pissed at him. As the night was ending, we all took a cab back to the house they were staying at. Thick girl and A decided to stay downstairs in the living room. N was pretty fucked up so me and SH took her upstairs to her room and laid on either side of her in bed to make sure she was ok. We didn’t plan on fucking because we were all pretty drunk. A few minutes into laying in the dark, N starts chewing on my chest and playing with my dick. I hear her begin to moan and I look down and SH had pulled her panties aside and was entering her from the big spoon position. Shit started getting pretty heavy and soon I was spit roasting N with my boy from the barracks. We took turns fucking her and it was pretty fun. She was making A LOT of noise. About 20 mins into the devils threesome, thick girl enters the room. She’s completely naked and says to me “A is a fucking piece of shit, I want to fuck you to get back at him. Knowing that none of us really have a shit about these girls, I decided to go for it. I started off by going down on her and then all of a sudden I got hit with the whiskey dick. I couldn’t finish the job. I had some white crusty shit on my chin and I figured it was just pussy juice. Keep in mind, this is the second sexual experience I have ever had. SH ends up smashing thick girl and N infront of me. Meanwhile, I’m in the corner like a cuck jacking off and trying to get captain winky to wake the fuck up. After a little bit, we start to come to the realization that we don’t want to be here anymore. We had to leave. So me and SH run down the stairs as fast as we could, grab A from the living room, and book it to the car. We get into the car and tell A what happened. He tells us that right before thick girl went upstairs, he nutted inside her and she told him she wasn’t on birth control. He then looks at me, sees the white stuff on my face and it all comes together. I (not knowing that my friend had just banged thick girl) had eaten his baby gravy out of thick girls vagina. I immediately begin dry heaving and threw up in a dell taco drive through down the road. We still refer to this night as the snowball incident.
TLDR: Me and two friends fucked two girls that were cousins. I ate one of them out not knowing my buddy nutted in her and I got my best friends cum all over my face.
submitted by Capnchunk95 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:59 cindrella12 How to Choose the Right Career Path: A Step-by-Step Guide

Choosing the right career path is one of the most significant decisions you’ll make in your life. It can shape your future, influence your personal happiness, and determine your financial stability. However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to figure out which path is best for you. Fortunately, there are several tools and assessments that can help you identify your strengths, interests, and values, making the decision process more manageable. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate this important journey.
Step 1: Self-Assessment
Understanding Your Strengths
The first step in choosing the right career is understanding what you are good at. StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Gallup is a popular tool that helps identify your top strengths. By focusing on your natural talents, you can find careers that will allow you to excel and feel fulfilled.
Exploring Your Interests
Your interests can give you clues about the types of activities and environments you might enjoy in a career. The Strong Interest Inventory is a widely-used assessment that matches your interests with potential career options. By aligning your career with your passions, you’re more likely to find long-term satisfaction.
Clarifying Your Values
Knowing what you value in a job is crucial for long-term happiness. The Work Values Inventory helps you identify what is most important to you in a workplace, such as job security, work-life balance, or opportunities for advancement. Matching your career to your core values can lead to greater job satisfaction and personal fulfillment.
Step 2: Research and Exploration
Industry Research
Once you have a better understanding of your strengths, interests, and values, start researching industries that align with them. Websites like the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook provide detailed information on various professions, including job outlook, required education, and average salaries.
Informational Interviews
Talking to professionals in fields you are interested in can provide valuable insights. Informational interviews allow you to ask questions about day-to-day responsibilities, career progression, and the industry’s future. This firsthand information can be instrumental in narrowing down your options.
Job Shadowing
Job shadowing involves observing a professional on the job to get a better sense of what their work involves. This experience can help you understand the realities of a job that may not be evident from reading job descriptions or talking to people. It’s a great way to test the waters before making a commitment.

Step 3: Setting Goals and Making a Plan
Short-Term and Long-Term Goals
Once you have a clearer idea of potential career paths, set both short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals might include completing a specific course or gaining a certain type of experience, while long-term goals could involve achieving a particular job title or salary range.
Creating an Action Plan
Develop a step-by-step action plan to achieve your career goals. This plan should include acquiring the necessary education or training, building relevant skills, and gaining experience through internships, volunteer work, or entry-level positions. Regularly review and adjust your plan as needed to stay on track.
Step 4: Seeking Guidance and Support
Career Counselling
Consider working with a career counsellor who can provide professional advice and resources tailored to your needs. Career counsellors can help you interpret assessment results, explore career options, and develop a strategic career plan.
Building a professional network can open doors to new opportunities and provide support throughout your career journey. Attend industry events, join professional associations, and connect with alumni or mentors who can offer guidance and introductions.
Step 5: Continuous Evaluation and Adjustment
Reflecting on Your Progress
Regularly reflect on your career journey to ensure you are on the right path. Ask yourself if you are satisfied with your current role, if your job aligns with your values, and if you are progressing towards your long-term goals.
Being Open to Change
Your interests and circumstances may change over time, and that’s okay. Be open to reevaluating your career path and making adjustments as needed. Flexibility and a willingness to adapt are key to long-term career satisfaction.
Choosing the right career path is a dynamic and ongoing process. By using the best career counselling tools and assessments to understand yourself better, conducting thorough research, setting clear goals, and seeking support, you can make informed decisions that lead to a fulfilling and successful career. Remember, it’s a journey, not a destination—embrace the process and stay open to new possibilities.
For more detailed information and guidance visit: https://www.merementor.com/best-career-counselling-in-chennai

submitted by cindrella12 to u/cindrella12 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:51 Bright_Cranberry_273 Maximize Your Workforce Potential with Professional Recruitment Consultancy

In today's fast-paced business environment, having a strong and capable workforce is essential for any organization aiming to stay competitive and innovative. However, finding the right talent is often a daunting and time-consuming task. This is where professional recruitment consultancies come into play, offering their expertise to help businesses maximize their workforce potential. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of utilizing a recruitment consultancy, how they operate, and the impact they can have on your organization.

The Role of Recruitment Consultancies

Recruitment consultancies act as intermediaries between employers and job seekers, leveraging their extensive networks, industry knowledge, and specialized tools to match the right candidates with the right roles. These consultancies offer a range of services, from identifying and attracting talent to screening and interviewing candidates, and even providing onboarding support.

Expertise and Industry Knowledge

One of the primary advantages of working with a recruitment consultancy is their expertise and deep understanding of the job market. Recruitment consultants are well-versed in the latest industry trends, salary benchmarks, and skill requirements. This knowledge enables them to provide valuable insights and advice to employers, ensuring that the hiring process is aligned with current market conditions and organizational needs.

Extensive Networks

Recruitment consultancies have extensive networks of professionals across various industries. These networks allow them to tap into a vast pool of passive candidates—those who are not actively seeking new opportunities but may be open to the right offer. This access to a broader talent pool increases the chances of finding the perfect match for your organization.

Time and Cost Efficiency

Hiring the right talent can be a lengthy and costly process. Recruitment consultancies streamline this process by handling the initial stages of recruitment, such as sourcing, screening, and shortlisting candidates. This allows employers to focus on their core business activities while the consultancy takes care of the time-consuming aspects of recruitment. Moreover, the cost associated with a bad hire can be significant, making the investment in a professional recruitment consultancy a cost-effective choice in the long run.

How Recruitment Consultancies Operate

Understanding how recruitment consultancies operate can help businesses make the most of their services. Here is an overview of the typical recruitment process:

Initial Consultation

The recruitment process begins with an initial consultation between the consultancy and the employer. During this meeting, the consultancy gains a comprehensive understanding of the employer's needs, including job requirements, company culture, and long-term goals. This information forms the basis for creating a tailored recruitment strategy.

Sourcing and Attraction

Once the requirements are clear, the consultancy uses various methods to source potential candidates. This may include advertising job openings on relevant platforms, reaching out to their network, and utilizing social media channels. Additionally, consultancies often have access to specialized databases and recruitment software that help identify and attract top talent.

Screening and Shortlisting

After sourcing potential candidates, the consultancy conducts thorough screenings to assess their qualifications, experience, and cultural fit. This process may involve phone interviews, video interviews, and assessments. The consultancy then presents a shortlist of the most suitable candidates to the employer, along with detailed profiles and recommendations.

Interview and Selection

The employer conducts interviews with the shortlisted candidates, often with the support of the recruitment consultancy. The consultancy can provide interview guidance, suggest questions, and assist in evaluating candidates. This collaborative approach ensures a thorough and objective selection process.

Onboarding Support

Some recruitment consultancies offer onboarding support to help new hires integrate smoothly into the organization. This may include orientation sessions, training programs, and ongoing support during the initial months of employment. Effective onboarding enhances employee retention and productivity, ensuring a successful start for the new hire.

The Impact of Recruitment Consultancies on Your Organization

Partnering with a professional recruitment consultancy can have a profound impact on your organization. Here are some key benefits:

Improved Quality of Hire

By leveraging their expertise, networks, and resources, recruitment consultancies can significantly improve the quality of hire. They identify candidates who not only possess the required skills but also align with the company's culture and values. This alignment leads to higher job satisfaction, better performance, and reduced turnover rates.

Enhanced Employer Brand

A positive hiring experience contributes to a strong employer brand. Recruitment consultancies help create a professional and efficient hiring process, leaving a positive impression on candidates. This reputation can attract top talent and position your organization as an employer of choice in the industry.

Focus on Core Business Activities

Outsourcing the recruitment process allows your internal team to focus on strategic initiatives and core business activities. This increased focus can drive innovation, improve operational efficiency, and ultimately contribute to the growth and success of your organization.

Access to Specialized Talent

In some industries, finding specialized talent can be challenging. Recruitment consultancies often specialize in specific sectors, giving them a deep understanding of the skills and qualifications required. This specialization enables them to identify and attract niche talent that may be difficult to find through traditional recruitment methods.

Flexibility and Scalability

Recruitment needs can fluctuate based on business cycles, projects, and expansions. Recruitment consultancies offer flexibility and scalability to meet these changing demands. Whether you need to fill a single position or build an entire team, consultancies can adjust their services accordingly, ensuring that you have the right talent at the right time.


Maximizing your workforce potential is crucial for achieving business success, and partnering with a professional recruitment consultancy can make a significant difference. From their expertise and industry knowledge to their extensive networks and time-efficient processes, recruitment consultancies provide invaluable support in finding and retaining top talent. By improving the quality of hire, enhancing your employer brand, and allowing you to focus on core business activities, they contribute to the overall growth and competitiveness of your organization.
Investing in a professional recruitment consultancy is not just about filling positions; it's about building a strong, capable, and dynamic workforce that can drive your organization forward. Whether you are a small business looking to expand or a large corporation seeking specialized talent, a recruitment consultancy can help you achieve your hiring goals and maximize your workforce potential.
come into play, offering their expertise to help businesses maximize their workforce potential. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of utilizing a recruitment consultancy, how they operate, and the impact they can have on your organization.

The Role of Recruitment Consultancies

Recruitment consultancies act as intermediaries between employers and job seekers, leveraging their extensive networks, industry knowledge, and specialized tools to match the right candidates with the right roles. These consultancies offer a range of services, from identifying and attracting talent to screening and interviewing candidates, and even providing onboarding support.

Expertise and Industry Knowledge

One of the primary advantages of working with a recruitment consultancy is their expertise and deep understanding of the job market. Recruitment consultants are well-versed in the latest industry trends, salary benchmarks, and skill requirements. This knowledge enables them to provide valuable insights and advice to employers, ensuring that the hiring process is aligned with current market conditions and organizational needs.

Extensive Networks

Recruitment consultancies have extensive networks of professionals across various industries. These networks allow them to tap into a vast pool of passive candidates—those who are not actively seeking new opportunities but may be open to the right offer. This access to a broader talent pool increases the chances of finding the perfect match for your organization.

Time and Cost Efficiency

Hiring the right talent can be a lengthy and costly process. Recruitment consultancies streamline this process by handling the initial stages of recruitment, such as sourcing, screening, and shortlisting candidates. This allows employers to focus on their core business activities while the consultancy takes care of the time-consuming aspects of recruitment. Moreover, the cost associated with a bad hire can be significant, making the investment in a professional recruitment consultancy a cost-effective choice in the long run.

How Recruitment Consultancies Operate

Understanding how recruitment consultancies operate can help businesses make the most of their services. Here is an overview of the typical recruitment process:

Initial Consultation

The recruitment process begins with an initial consultation between the consultancy and the employer. During this meeting, the consultancy gains a comprehensive understanding of the employer's needs, including job requirements, company culture, and long-term goals. This information forms the basis for creating a tailored recruitment strategy.

Sourcing and Attraction

Once the requirements are clear, the consultancy uses various methods to source potential candidates. This may include advertising job openings on relevant platforms, reaching out to their network, and utilizing social media channels. Additionally, consultancies often have access to specialized databases and recruitment software that help identify and attract top talent.

Screening and Shortlisting

After sourcing potential candidates, the consultancy conducts thorough screenings to assess their qualifications, experience, and cultural fit. This process may involve phone interviews, video interviews, and assessments. The consultancy then presents a shortlist of the most suitable candidates to the employer, along with detailed profiles and recommendations.

Interview and Selection

The employer conducts interviews with the shortlisted candidates, often with the support of the recruitment consultancy. The consultancy can provide interview guidance, suggest questions, and assist in evaluating candidates. This collaborative approach ensures a thorough and objective selection process.

Onboarding Support

Some recruitment consultancies offer onboarding support to help new hires integrate smoothly into the organization. This may include orientation sessions, training programs, and ongoing support during the initial months of employment. Effective onboarding enhances employee retention and productivity, ensuring a successful start for the new hire.

The Impact of Recruitment Consultancies on Your Organization

Partnering with a professional recruitment consultancy can have a profound impact on your organization. Here are some key benefits:

Improved Quality of Hire

By leveraging their expertise, networks, and resources, recruitment consultancies can significantly improve the quality of hire. They identify candidates who not only possess the required skills but also align with the company's culture and values. This alignment leads to higher job satisfaction, better performance, and reduced turnover rates.

Enhanced Employer Brand

A positive hiring experience contributes to a strong employer brand. Recruitment consultancies help create a professional and efficient hiring process, leaving a positive impression on candidates. This reputation can attract top talent and position your organization as an employer of choice in the industry.

Focus on Core Business Activities

Outsourcing the recruitment process allows your internal team to focus on strategic initiatives and core business activities. This increased focus can drive innovation, improve operational efficiency, and ultimately contribute to the growth and success of your organization.

Access to Specialized Talent

In some industries, finding specialized talent can be challenging. Recruitment consultancies often specialize in specific sectors, giving them a deep understanding of the skills and qualifications required. This specialization enables them to identify and attract niche talent that may be difficult to find through traditional recruitment methods.

Flexibility and Scalability

Recruitment needs can fluctuate based on business cycles, projects, and expansions. Recruitment consultancies offer flexibility and scalability to meet these changing demands. Whether you need to fill a single position or build an entire team, consultancies can adjust their services accordingly, ensuring that you have the right talent at the right time.


Maximizing your workforce potential is crucial for achieving business success, and partnering with a professional recruitment consultancy can make a significant difference. From their expertise and industry knowledge to their extensive networks and time-efficient processes, recruitment consultancies provide invaluable support in finding and retaining top talent. By improving the quality of hire, enhancing your employer brand, and allowing you to focus on core business activities, they contribute to the overall growth and competitiveness of your organization.
Investing in a professional recruitment consultancy is not just about filling positions; it's about building a strong, capable, and dynamic workforce that can drive your organization forward. Whether you are a small business looking to expand or a large corporation seeking specialized talent, a recruitment consultancy can help you achieve your hiring goals and maximize your workforce potential.
submitted by Bright_Cranberry_273 to u/Bright_Cranberry_273 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:50 DreamingFive Shop floor best practices, please advise, multiple questions

Please let me know what best practices you've seen.
Out of the 5 questions, few might sound weird or uneducated. Please be patient with me :]
I'm assisting a small precision metal milling owner with processes / IT systems updates. The factory has ~100 employees, operating various vertical CNC machines, mostly German Optimum Maschinen.
Production is usually small batches of all kinds of precision metalwork, German automotive, etc.
The company is paying salaries at ~10% above the regional average, thus, wages and motivation should not be the main issues for the challenges listed below.
So, analyzing the current situation there are unclear things for me:
a) production time estimates. Right now, there is a senior (both in work experience and age) guy looking at the order CAD and estimating required work hours based on their experience, aka "well, this part will take 10 hours to make". Problem: overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), there is a big mismatch between planned and actual manufacturing time. The machines end up standing still for a large portion of the day. Q: are there any sort of software that could do automatic estimates from uploaded CAD? CNC programs guys use MasterCAM. They also hand-write most of the GCode.
b) work progress step-by-step monitoring. One of the key issues is blanks not being loaded into the machine after a piece has finished milling due to the operator being away from the work center. Q: Have you seen any software/solutions to track red/yellow/green operational times effectively? Does it require significant re-wiring/adding sensors/etc?
c) overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) In our case, the OEE is ~30-40%, which makes shareholders very anxious. Q: do you calculate it? what is a good OEE % for a CNC manufacturing shop?
d) making a decision on which order to "take in" and fulfill. So currently, our head of manufacturing is rejecting quite a few potential orders based on "can't do; won't do; I don't like it; we need easy, simple to make, but very, very profitable orders". At the moment manufacturing is passionately and constantly blaming the sales dep for "shitty orders" ("lots of hassle, not enough pay"). Thus, the shop is loosing ~75% of potential orders. Q: what does a good coop between sales & manufacturing look like?
e) Employee motivation Some operators overperform (and are paid accordingly) on 3 work centers at the same time. There are those barely able to service 1 no matter the amount of training. The shop owner wants to grow revenue and is willing to share the profits fairly. Q: what motivates you at the workplace?

submitted by DreamingFive to manufacturing [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:48 TrueMetalSmiths Color Accuracy in Anodizing

Color Accuracy in Anodizing
Anodizing is a popular surface treatment option in manufacturing that improves the durability, corrosion resistance, and aesthetic appeal of metal parts. A lot of CNC machining and sheet metal fabrication service providers choose it as their top-list surface finish option.
However, achieving color accuracy in anodizing can be challenging. In this post, we will explore the FAQs related to color inaccuracy in anodizing and provide advice for achieving color accuracy in the anodizing process.

Basics of Anodizing

Anodizing is a process that involves creating an oxide layer on the surface of a metal part. This layer is created through using an electrolyte solution and a direct current. The resulting oxide layer is typically thicker, more durable, and more corrosion-resistant than the natural oxide layer that forms on metal surfaces. We can apply it on a variety of metals like aluminum, titanium, and magnesium.
There are three types of anodizing: Type I, Type II, and Type III. Type I anodizing, also known as chromic acid anodizing, is the most basic type of anodizing and is used primarily for decorative purposes. Type II anodizing, also known as sulfuric acid anodizing, is the most common type of anodizing and is used for both decorative and functional purposes. Type III anodizing, also known as hardcoat anodizing, creates a thicker and more durable oxide layer and is used primarily for functional purposes.


Causes of Color Inaccuracy in Anodizing

There are several factors contributing to color inaccuracy in anodizing process.
Surface finish: The surface finish of the metal can affect how it absorbs the dye during anodizing which may lead to color inaccuracy. A rougher surface may have more variation in color than a smoother one, and the direction of polishing can also influence the way the anodized surface reflects light and appears in color.
Anodizing process variations: The anodizing process is complex, and variations in the parameters used can lead to color inaccuracy. For example, changes in the electrolyte composition or temperature can impact the rate of oxidation and the thickness of the oxide layer, which can in turn affect the color produced by the dye.
Variations in the voltage, current, or time used during the process can also affect the thickness and uniformity of the oxide layer and therefore impact the final color.
Dye absorption variability: The dye used during the anodizing process may not be absorbed uniformly into the oxide layer. The temperature of the dye bath, the concentration of the dye, and the amount of time the material spends in the bath can all affect the degree of dye absorption and the resulting color.
Material composition: The composition of the metal being anodized can affect the color produced during the anodizing process. For example, different aluminum alloys will form oxide layers with varying thicknesses and pore sizes, leading to differences in color.
Contamination: Contamination of the anodizing solution or the surface of the material being anodized will cause color inaccuracy. Even small amounts of impurities in the anodizing solution can cause color variations, and dirt or other debris on the surface of the metal can also impact the uniformity of the oxide layer and dye absorption. It requires that every part needs to be cleaned fully before anodizing.

How to Prevent Color Inaccuracy in Anodizing

Surface preparation: Proper surface preparation is critical to achieving consistent color in anodized parts. The surface of the metal should be thoroughly cleaned and polished to the desired finish before anodizing.
This can involve removing any oils, grease, or other contaminants from the surface, as well as removing any surface defects or scratches that could impact the absorption of dye.
Process controls: Consistency is key in the anodizing process, and implementing process controls can help ensure that parts are anodized consistently from batch to batch. It includes measuring and controlling parameters such as voltage, current, temperature, and time, as well as monitoring the quality of the anodizing solution and performing regular maintenance and calibration of equipment.
Communication with customers: Clear communication with customers is important to ensure that their color expectations are met during the anodizing process. This may involve discussing color samples or swatches before beginning production, or providing regular updates on the progress of anodizing to ensure that any issues are identified and addressed promptly.
Dye selection: The selection of the dye used in the anodizing process can impact the color accuracy of the finished parts. Different dyes may have different absorption properties or produce different shades of a given color, so selecting the right dye for the application is important. It may also be necessary to adjust the concentration of the dye or the time spent in the dye bath to achieve the desired color.
Proper racking: The way in which parts are racked can have an impact on color consistency during the anodizing process. Parts should be racked in a way that ensures even anodizing coverage and prevents contact between parts that could cause scratches or other surface defects. Additionally, the way in which the parts are attached to the rack can impact the way in which they are anodized, so attention to detail during this process is critical.
Quality control: Regular quality control measures can help identify any color inaccuracy issues early in the anodizing process. This can include using color measurement tools to quantify and monitor the color of anodized parts, as well as performing visual inspections to identify any surface defects or color variations. Any issues should be documented and addressed promptly to prevent the problem from recurring.
Equipment calibration: The equipment used in the anodizing process should be calibrated regularly to ensure that it is performing correctly and that parts are being anodized consistently. This can involve calibration of measurement tools such as thermometers, pH meters, and conductivity meters, as well as ensuring that any timing or voltage controls are functioning properly.
Training and expertise: The personnel responsible for anodizing parts should be properly trained and have the necessary expertise to ensure that the process is being carried out correctly.
It involves regular training on anodizing best practices, as well as having personnel with expertise in troubleshooting any issues that may arise during the anodizing process.

Beska’s Customs Machining Service

Beska specializes in providing CNC machining and anodizing services to meet a wide range of manufacturing needs. With our state-of-the-art equipment and experienced team, we can deliver high-quality anodized parts that meet the most stringent color accuracy requirements.
Whether you get prototyping or manufacturing projects, we can help you achieve your goals efficiently and cost-effectively. Contact us today to learn more about our CNC machining and anodizing capabilities and how we can help you with your next project.
submitted by TrueMetalSmiths to BeskaMold [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:47 MathurSakshi Empowering Women in the Face of Climate Change: Perspectives from Bengaluru and Mumbai

Climate change is no longer a distant threat; its impacts are being felt in communities worldwide. In India, cities like Bengaluru and Mumbai are grappling with the consequences of a changing climate, from extreme weather events to water scarcity and biodiversity loss. Amidst these challenges, women are often disproportionately affected, yet they also possess unique strengths and insights that can contribute to climate resilience and sustainability efforts.
Bengaluru: Women at the Forefront of Climate Action
In Bengaluru, known as the Silicon Valley of India, rapid urbanization has led to environmental degradation and increased vulnerability to climate risks. Women in this bustling metropolis are not only bearing the brunt of these changes but are also emerging as leaders in climate action.
From grassroots initiatives to corporate boardrooms, women are driving innovative solutions to mitigate and adapt to climate changein Bengaluru. Whether it's advocating for sustainable transportation, promoting waste management practices, or championing renewable energy projects, women are at the forefront of building a more resilient and sustainable future for their city.
Mumbai: Navigating Climate Challenges with Resilience
India's financial capital, the impacts of climate change in Mumbai are starkly evident, particularly in vulnerable coastal communities. Rising sea levels, intense rainfall, and heatwaves pose significant threats to the city's infrastructure, economy, and public health. Amidst these challenges, women in Mumbai are demonstrating remarkable resilience and resourcefulness.
From community-based adaptation projects to advocacy for climate justice, women in Mumbai are playing a pivotal role in addressing the city's climate vulnerabilities. Whether it's mobilizing resources for disaster preparedness, promoting sustainable livelihoods, or advocating for inclusive climate policies, women are leading the charge for a more equitable and sustainable future for Mumbai.
Outdoor School for Girls: Empowering the Next Generation of Climate Leaders
Amidst the climate challenges facing cities like Bengaluru and Mumbai, initiatives like the Outdoor School for Girls (OSG) are empowering young women with the skills and knowledge to tackle.
climate change Mumbai head-on. OSG goes beyond traditional education models by combining sports, sustainability, and life skills training to empower girls to become agents of change in their communities.
About Outdoor School For Girls
The Outdoor School for Girls brings together football and sustainable skills education, providing girls in India with a unique platform to learn, grow, and lead. Taking place outdoors on government school pitches during school hours, OSG aims to equip 2.7 million girls by 2027 with the skills and confidence to address climate change Bengaluruand other pressing issues.
Through partnerships with state and city governments, as well as committed long-term supporters, OSG is paving the way for a future where girls are not only players on the pitch but also champions for climate action. By harnessing the power of sports and education, OSG is nurturing the next generation of climate leaders who will play a vital role in shaping a more sustainable and resilient future for Bengaluru, Mumbai, and beyond.
Join the Movement: Play for Girls, Skills, and Climate Change
As we confront the challenges of climate change, it is essential to harness the potential of women and girls as agents of change. Initiatives like the Outdoor School for Girls offer a blueprint for empowering young women to become leaders in climate action, driving positive change in their communities and beyond. So let's come together, play for girls, skills, and climate change, and build a future where everyone can thrive in harmony with nature.

submitted by MathurSakshi to u/MathurSakshi [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:46 Ok_University_9665 Can't Stop Thinking About This Girl I Met at a Pub

I can't seem to get my mind off this one girl I met recently, and I could really use some advice or encouragement.
So, I was at this pub, waiting in line for the loo, when this girl in front of me complimented my hair. We started talking and discovered that not only are we from the same country, but also from the same city. It felt amazing to speak in our native language with someone in a foreign place – it was an instant connection.
We introduced ourselves, but I only managed to catch her first name, which started with a Z or J. Before we could exchange more details, our conversation got cut short because it was finally our turn for the loo.
Now, I can't stop thinking about her and wishing I'd asked for her contact information. It feels like such a missed opportunity.
submitted by Ok_University_9665 to u/Ok_University_9665 [link] [comments]
