Vitamin herb college

Pacific Northwest

2008.10.22 04:26 Pacific Northwest

From B.C. to NorCal, from the Pacific to Idaho, welcome to the Pacific Northwest.

2024.05.19 22:28 LionelVonCastle Externalized attention/validation and problem with social paranoia, extreme contempt for myself and no motivation to make things better.

I am 23 years old, I'm still not yet graduated from college as I changed my major 5 years deep, and these past 6-7 years have been some of the most detrimental years of my life for my mental health, self esteem, and social anxiety. I won't go over the full story since there is a lot to cover but I'll just breeze through it so there is some context.
Ever since my senior year of highschool, the year which I was ostracized from my friend group, losing pretty much every friend I had, that I totalled my first car which was my only other outlet, life has pretty spiraled downward from there. COVID happened and I suffered the worst level of clinical depression that my doctor said 'of all my years of practice, I've never seen it this bad.' I was extremely Vitamin D deficient. So I was clinically diagnosed with depression.
I tried to make a comeback one of the years and for a good time it did work, but the motivation was not myself; it was a girl. I joined a frat and I got to meet a ton of people. And I also got to make out with (still a virgin) a couple of girls but overall that experience only introduced my social paranoia; which was like feeling that everyone was always being fake about liking me and that they were just being nice, but they truly do not like me. I have this social paranoia to this day. This also introduced my attention externalizing, where I constantly need others to feel whole, otherwise it made my life miserable. An example would be like, this girl I was talking to that was my friend, I gained feelings for her and then fantasized a whole life with her, and now whenever I see her not talking to me or snapping me when I see her Snapscore go up, I have a physical reaction, like I'm about to pass out. This is an example of what's happening to me right now.
My academics were terrible, my single mother would constantly pressure me and yell at me to do better (she was just trying her best). I tried for years to switch out of engineering school that my mom wanted me to do but I never got the permission to until recently (I didn't switch because I was afraid of loans, now I am on them anyway so I made the switch).
And so overall, my experience with people was terrible, my experience with academics was terrible, I made no progress on my life and I continue to go day to day wasting it away. Trying to fix things now but I've tried for years to get back into working out and eating right but all this time, my mental has just been shot down. The negative self talk doesnt leave, I feel that I am undeserving of love, while being so touch starved, my dreams are not something I can achieve anymore, my future is looking bleak with minimal job prospects and I have no friends I can rely on or talk to.
I've also tried therapy before but all they want to do is sell me ADHD medicine. I've had to resort to using ChatGPT as a therapist for my problems. I can't even rely on myself to fix things anymore.
I feel like I've ruined this recent friendship with this girl because she doesn't want to really talk to me anymore, I feel like I can't fix the things in my life because I don't care for myself at all. So it's really difficult...
I just hope that, I can find a way to like myself again, to know I'm not the only one suffering like this. To not care about seeking external validation, and just be happy by myself.
submitted by LionelVonCastle to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:55 WordsofHoney Hair Fall Stopped: Was it because of Carnivore?

I cannot for sure say it was because of carnivore
(because I have been in the diet for a very short time maybe 2 months almost 3 aaaaaaand, I have cheated)
but my hair stopped falling. It was falling like crazy. Every morning, bed full of hairs. Floor, full of hairs. When I was getting ready to wash my hair, hair falling all over the floor, when It was wet, lots of hair in my hands, when conditioning, BALLS of hair in my hands. You get the picture. At the end of my hair wash day I was terrified.
I never took any photos because when you are in this traumatic phase, you are not thinking that things are going to be better. I was depressed and crying almost every single day.
I am a survivor of DV (for about 7 years I was in an abusive relationship) and when it all ended, my hair started to fall out. Kind of when you finish the semester in college that you get the cold/flue because of how long your body was in fight or flight.
I tried expensive creams and shampoos, and everything was getting worse. I could see the bald spaces already.
Last thing I did before carnivore, was cutting down carbs, sugar in general, started doing exercise and bough some cheap hair vitamins at the drugstore. Later after I got discharged from the hospital, I found about carnivore and started the next day. Thing is that my hair is now falling just the normal amount. A few strands in the shower and that is it. No more massive hair balls all over the bed/floobrush. I have lots of little hairs growing in my crown, bald spots are almost gone. My hair volume is so so much better. Like now I can feel my pony tail. This is so emotional because I know that for many of us women and also men, hair falling out can be very hard.
Meats I have been eating:
Steak, beef, ground beef, chicken, bacon, chops, lamb.
Lots of egg with turkey curated ham (oh so goooooood darn it)
From the sea:
Fish also, octopus with lots of garlic and lemon.
When cooking, I use a lot of organic butter.
I say yes, carnivore def helped. I believe carnivore gave that last kick to my body start improving.
submitted by WordsofHoney to carnivorediet [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:39 PuttEgg0202 Welcome! Read my journey here:

Hey everyone! I created this group after struggling with DE for over 2 years. In those two years, my condition would fade and come back and was very mild. Until about February 2023, then it really ramped up and never went away. It only seemed to get worse and worse and was spreading very rapidly from the tip of my right ring finger to eventually my right palm and spreading far in attempts to affect other fingers.
During this time, I was doing constant research and looking for any form of relief. I turned myself into a human guinea pig and would go on to try countless things I had read online. Although it is important to note: I never used any topical steroid creams or pill forms such a prednisone, triamcinolone, etc.
When my condition was at its worst, I came across this website . I followed the protocol twice (along with an extremely strict diet). I was unable to get the Itraconazole medication in my country and I also altered the vitamin A dosing after doing my own research on the potentially dangerous affects. After doing the protocol, I saw a lot of improvements but the condition would relapse whenever I ate something "wrong" or sometimes just for an unknown reason it would come back worse. If I stopped taking the Nystatin, it would come back. It was clear to me that this protocol helped me a lot, has worked for several others, but was not fully curing me. It could have been the missing Itraconazole and/or the lower vitamin A dosing but those were two things I personally was not willing to compromise on after doing my own research on both.
I ended up finally deciding to try and find a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor near me. I had done a lot of research on Chinese Medicine and its ability to cure eczema, including DE. I found this website and decided I would commit to giving it a try. I booked an appointment for Oct. 20, 2023. When I went, she was so knowledgable and kind. She gave me extremely easy and practical steps to follow but did inform me that because I had dyshidrosis for 2 years or more, the condition is considered chronic and will take longer to heal.
I decided to give it a try and after just 14 days of taking the herbs she gave me, I had seen significant improvements in my hand. I continued with the herbs in 2 week treatments, I would go in for a follow-up, she would assess the progress and then adjust the herbal blend accordingly. I did this for about 3 months. My hand was improving extremely quickly and I am still experiencing last effects to this day (5/19/2024). As of today, my hand is about 98% healed. I can still tell where the affected areas are because I have seen them for 2 years straight but at first glance, my hand actually looks to be a completely normal, healed hand. I can still experience flares if I expose my hand to chemicals, too much hot water, or if I consume too much spicy food but aside from that, my hand does great! I highly recommend anyone with this condition, normal eczema, or any skin condition to seek out a TCM doctor as soon as possible and get treatment right away. The sooner, the better!
Be sure to scroll through the reddit page as I have posted updates throughout this journey periodically. I was documenting every single day in my personal journal from August 2023 to February 2024 and it is truly amazing what had been accomplished in just a few months between the two protocols that I did.
As always, if you have any questions, please post in the group and ask. I will do my best to help you based on my own experiences and the research I have done on this condition.
Most importantly, please know that this condition is curable!!! I don't care what a "normal" doctor or another reddit group tells you. This condition does in fact have a cure and can in fact be healed!
submitted by PuttEgg0202 to dyshidrosiseczema [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:06 saintgeorgette Revenge Never Smelled So Sweet

I apologize, the reason this is so long is because 1.) I suck at summarizing 2.) backstory of some sort is needed to understand this excuse of a man and/or human being. 3.) I’m not a good storyteller, but you are, Charlotte, and I know you can take this mess of info and turn it into a beautiful, long-time-coming, petty revenge story for your channel. Because what is more petty than an herbal, flowery Trojan horse no one knows about?
Cast: OP-me Swister- my older sister Mom - mine and my sister’s mom, grandmother to Trish/Patty BIL- exactly who it says, and a huge butthole. Patty/Trish - the same person, a four year old little girl, product of union between BIL and Swister.
Some (bit rambling to explain some stuff) backstory:
Last winter, to get out of the horrible, freezing, painfully striking sleet (it would not pass over our town, was just there, stuck in a vortex, for what seemed like eternity) of January in our hometown (we were always just a couple degrees away from it being snow, and quite a few times we got lots of hail, some as big as softballs, and could damage cars and punch through windshields, etc. I know this sounds like ‘The Long Winter’ by Laura Ingalls Wilder, but both me and my mom (I’m disabled and have to live with someone to help in every day life, I’m not a high school dropout living in mommy’s basement playing fortnight or assassin’s creed and have memorized cheat codes. The only video games I’ve ever played were duck hunt, which my grandpa actually got for himself bc he loved to hunt, so I only got to play it in turns with my five other cousins when we visited him); and N64’s Zelda:Ocarina of Time. I hope those titles illustrate for you the last time I played a video game. Oh! And the Oregon Trail, but I always died of some disease that doesn’t happen today or is curable with fluids, rest, and maybe some penicillin. But I digress.) but both me and my mom and my older sister (who was pregnant at the time) and BIL moved about 15 minutes down a little used two lane highway. And when my niece was born late 2019, we named her Patricia after my grandmother. (Patty or Trish for short).
My BIL claims he can smell everything ten times better than any other human, ‘probably because I’m an Alpha Male, and I need heightened senses to protect my pack, my family.’ Okay, I won’t deny he is sensitive to scent, but if his food doesn’t come out smelling right (almost always made special order bc of his ‘allergies’ (that’s what he tells the waitress; in reality, he just doesn’t want stuff he doesn’t like on his plate, and is too fucking lazy to just take the single pickle chip off the McDonald’s cheeseburger. If half of America can do it, why not him? ‘I might smell and taste it with my superhuman olfactory senses.’ He said with a very sincere, serious tone and face, like I was in special education and couldn’t understand it was 1,2,3, not 1,3,2. He is an arrogant misogynistic asshole. My sister could have done sooooooo much better. Idk y she chose him to marry (for a general idea of all what he looks like, speaks like, and sounds like (minus the slight lisp) is the video of the ‘dating coach’ who took the video in his car, opening it with ‘you do not have to accept her rejection, say things like I’m the best, why wouldn’t you want me, you should see my basement with ropes and pulleys and hooks, and do you know what a did with her that night? Well, it’s not appropriate to talk about on this platform”… yeah, that guy, except for the lisp, could be my BIL IDENTICAL twin. Anyway, now you know BIL is a creepy, asshole, bastard with no sense of boundaries or personal space, who think women are lesser than him. Moving on.
I also suffer from anxiety, insomnia, and a few other things that require me to take meds that can slow down your breathing, so if I can take care of my pain, anxiety, and insomnia without having to take a narcotic or benzo, and it works, I choose that path first. Some of these ways are ice packs, heating pads, a special herbal tea, aromatherapy, yoga, sleeping surrounded by pillows like I were in a nest, making sure to do a little bit of some exercise and always taking my daily walks (I don’t want the pain to get so bad from being sedentary I will require a wheelchair before I absolutely have to) and don’t always want to be popping clonapen or oxy or morphine all day and falling asleep, especially around my niece. I don’t want her to ever believe pills fix problems.
So to escape the horrible winter in our new home environment, my mom decided to use her saved-up reward points and book us all a ten day trip to Disney Aulani Hawaii, specifically Disney bc of my niece. My mom and I had been there before, in 2020, right when resorts opened back up at much less than capacity because of COVID rules, and we had gone for a week, so I knew they had an awesome spa I could spend my saved vacation money on.
The minute we step into our two bedroom, two full bath (each with both a shower and separate tubs!), an ok sized but capable kitchen, and a nice, big, comfy furniture filled common room/living room. All of my stuff I put in the room I’d be sharing with my mom, then took my niece to go and get her first Shirley Temple (they are a virgin cocktail I have loved as a kid, still do, that are super easy to make the ghetto way - diet 7up (diet taste better in the cocktail, idk why, it just the way the Gods have decreed it so), grenadine, and maraschino cherries (as many as you want, but kids usually get two and adults one. I think this is unfair) and tada! You have a Shirley Temple.
So I’m walking back to the room, both of us holding our reusable drink cups for our stay (if you bring the cup with you, you get any non alcoholic drink for free during your stay. Coolcool.) And I open the door and hear my mom and sister begging BIL to just stop it, let it go, just enjoy the ten days here. BIL is in MY room, going through MY things, yelling at mom and sis to leave him alone, he has to find it, it reeks, etc. I’m like, GTFO of my stuff, this is extremely violating, sister, are you not concerned and pissed he is pawing through my bra and panties right now, ‘looking for hidden pockets’?
Finally, he grabs this 15 or 20 mL vial I have, a pain relieving roll on I use for my migraines and tension headaches, about $55 after tax, not including S&H. I had left my almost empty one at home, and this was a brand new vial, safety wrapping still on. He blames me, said I was trying to ruin ‘his hard earned vacation’ (he has no job, only looks after my niece enough to feed her (most of the time) and my sister had to find a high -enough paying job so she could work from home so she could do every job like she were a single mother. The only chore he does, and only like 65% of the time (they love to eat out and/or order in) is cooking, and as much as I hate him, sometimes his dishes are good. Not phenomenal, like he practically requires everyone to praise it as, even if he just added sage basil and oregano to a frozen pizza.
So I ask, “how the hell can you smell that? There is the outer plastic seal and the inner lid seal?” And he goes off on being an Alpha Males and olfactory nonsense. Then he takes the vial and runs out of the room with it. He takes it to a housekeeping services cart several doors down and spikes I into her trash can, which by the thunk sound the vial made told me not only was her trash nearly or almost nearly empty, and that he had broken and wasted a valuable medical tool because he is batshit crazy and doesn’t see me as a person outside of how I interact with his everyday life, like I’m a NPC who doesn’t exist or say anything until a real person player comes into my field of awareness. He pawed through every item I owned, including underwear and opening my tampons one to sniff (I especially bought no scented for this trip, and he went and ruined a whole box of them (I’m not putting a previously opened and practically stuck up my BIL’s nose tampons! It’s not just unsanitary, it’s gross on so many levels! I also save up what little money I have leftover from my SSDI monthly checks, so over several months, I had saved up to buy that, bc it worked where others just smelled good but didn’t take the tension headache or migraine away. He has never had to pay for things with his own money, so has no concept of it, of saving money, of worth.
I stewed and stewed and I knew I had to be as petty as possible and still not get caught. I was still thinking these thoughts on our third to last day while I got an unusual massage at the Aulani spa. First is usual deep tissue massage, but then they rub your back and skin with tingly oils and take what looks like the contents of a bag of tea (very heady and fragrant in that small room) and rub it all over you, wrap you up for 15 min, scrape it off you, also taking excess body oil and dead skin cells with it as it goes. And then, smelling all those wonderful scents, I had a genius thought. As she scraped the herbs and stuff off my skin into a bowl, I asked for a to go bag for the herbs, and pretended I wanted to put them in a foot bath I was giving myself tonight in my room. Shockingly, they agreed, and gave me all the scrapings, herbs, essential &body oils, and dead skin cells, in a linen drawstring bag they said I could just toss the whole bag into the hot water.
Now, when I travel, I always pack duct tape in my checked baggage. To make sure shampoo, conditioner, lotion, stuff like that, wet and messy? So it will stay in the bottle with the top duct taped both on shut and to the top of the bottle. Nobody was in the room; they were taking a hike my physical disabilities made very challenging (like an 7-8/10 for me, and a 3.4.5/10 for them) over broken terrain and off trail a bit to climb to a waterfall, so I had said ‘I’m going to the spa. Peace!’ So nobody was back from the hike yet, but I had no idea when they would be, so I acted fast. I grabbed my duct tape and went into sister and BIL’s room and squished and squiggled my way as far under the bed as I could, an duct taped the linen bag of herbs and scrapings right under where he would lay his head to rest at night (according to his ‘Alpha Wolf’ status, he was always on the side of the bed between the door and the rest of his collectables in his room.
We had that day, two more days, and three nights left. BIL did not sleep a wink during that entire time - he had housekeeping change the bedding (including duvets and their covers) several times in that small frame of time, and demanded of my mom to rent him (on my moms dime, not this 40 y o mans money, the mooching leach, but her carefully budgeted money and visa card points hoarded over years.) his own, just perfectly sanitized room, obviously something had been left here by a former guest that was rotting. Finally, FINALLY my mom and sister had HAD IT. He whined and moaned more than my four yo niece. They finally ripped him a new one, saying he had been acting like an entitled baby man with delusions he is more important than he is, that we as women should fawn over him, and that he had already ruined all of ours, but especially my vacation by tossing my personal property and screaming at me for wearing perfume when I didn't even pack any. At one point I even piped up, ‘I didn’t put up with my father treating me like this, what makes you think I’m gonna take it from you?’ (AN/OP: my father abused me and mom and sister our whole lives. Lots of verbal, emotional, psychological abuse. Sister had it pretty literally; mom had it worst. But when my dad had 100% custody of me at beginning of divorce, my sister went away to college and moved out within the following two weeks, and I was his sole remaining target. For three years straight. Other, even more horrible disgusting things he did to me I’ve only just started to talk about, and don’t want my whole life blasted online while I deal.
So i got my silent, sweet-smelling revenge. For those 3 days and 3 nights, he didn't sleep a wink, which meant he couldn't keep his 'good guy' image up, and everyone saw how he treats me, and I'm no longer a liaexaggerating. I hope some act of God, or him driving around while completely wasted, as he does every single freaking day. He a waste of space, a waste of oxygen.
Again, the reason this is so long is because 1.) I suck at summarizing 2.) backstory of some sort was needed 3.) I’m not a good storyteller, but you are, Charlotte, and I know you can take this mess of info and turn it into a beautiful, long-time-coming, petty revenge story for your channel. Because what is more petty than an herbal, flowery Trojan horse type thing?
PS: he never did repay me for the OVER $300 worth of MY STUFF he upped and just tossed, or first broke then tossed, because it either offended his nose or him, personally, even though he begrudgingly promised to do so, and my sister promised he would. I only had like a 10% belief he would, but he has no money of his own, how was he gonna do that? Yes, I admit, I keep a record of anything I hear about him doing something negative, so one day if my sister even starts to consider divorce, I can whip out journal/notebook and show her his patterns, and he has always been this way, and he won’t ever change.
submitted by saintgeorgette to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:47 missSodabb Does anyone have any tips for concentrating?

I have very bad executive dysfunction and I need to study for an exam that is mandatory, but I hate the subject. Yesterday went well, but today I’m back to square one, where if I sit at the desk with the material I start literally feeling itchy everyone and crying. I took vitamin supplements, usually those can shut off my bad thoughts, but today they didn’t work. I’m also taking concentration supplements, because part of my family said they worked when they were in college.
So far what hasn’t helped is organising, I can organise however much I want, but when I’m sitting down in front of the material my mind doesn’t process stuff. Everyone suggests therapy, but right now I don’t have the time for a session, and even then she never replied to my text. I can’t give myself “rewards”, I was literally sick from stress eating. My phone isn’t the problem, I don’t use it while studying.
The real problem is I can’t concentrate and process stuff. I immediately start panicking.
submitted by missSodabb to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:30 MarvSee Batana Oil Review

Have you heard of Batana Oil and its amazing benefits for hair?
In this article, we will explore what Batana Oil is, how it is made, and the numerous advantages it offers for hair care.
From promoting hair growth to reducing dandruff, Batana Oil has become a popular choice for those seeking healthier and stronger hair.
We will also discuss any potential side effects, how to use Batana Oil effectively, and where you can purchase this miracle oil.
Let's dive into the world of Batana Oil and discover why it has garnered so much attention in the beauty industry.

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Key Takeaways:

What is Batana Oil?

Batana Oil, also known as Miskito Oil, is a natural oil derived from the nuts of the American palm tree, Elaeis Oleifera, native to Central America, particularly Honduras. It has been traditionally used by the Miskito people for its therapeutic properties in promoting hair and skin health.
For centuries, the Miskito people have treasured Batana Oil for its deeply rooted cultural significance. This ancestral knowledge and tradition have been passed down through generations, highlighting the deep connection between the people and this natural remedy. The process of extracting the oil is a meticulous craft, involving traditional methods that honor the palm tree's natural gifts. The rich nutrients present in Batana Oil make it a versatile elixir for skin rejuvenation and hair nourishment. Its moisturizing properties are renowned for promoting healthy hair growth and providing a radiant complexion.

How is Batana Oil Made?

Batana Oil is extracted through a cold pressing technique from the nuts of the American palm tree, Elaeis Oleifera, to preserve its nutrients and natural properties. This traditional method of oil extraction ensures the oil retains its therapeutic benefits.
The process of making Batana Oil through cold pressing involves carefully selecting ripe Elaeis Oleifera nuts, which are then cracked open to reveal the kernels inside. These kernels are sun-dried before being cold pressed to extract the precious oil, ensuring that the nutrients and therapeutic properties are well-preserved. This method, commonly practiced in Central America, where the American palm tree is prevalent, is known for producing high-quality oil rich in nutrients essential for nourishing and rejuvenating the skin and hair.

What are the Benefits of Batana Oil?

Batana Oil offers numerous benefits for hair and scalp health, including promoting hair growth, nourishing the scalp with essential fatty acids like omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9, providing antioxidants for hair health, and adding shine to hair affected by environmental influences.
Originating from the lush Mediterranean region, Batana Oil has been used for centuries as a holistic solution for maintaining healthy and vibrant hair. Its natural composition not only accelerates hair growth but also aids in deeply penetrating the scalp to nourish and rejuvenate hair follicles.

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Promotes Hair Growth

Batana Oil stimulates hair growth by nourishing the follicles and roots with essential nutrients, promoting stronger and healthier hair growth.
One of the key factors that make Batana Oil effective for hair growth is its ability to deeply penetrate the hair follicles and strengthen the roots. This process not only encourages faster hair growth but also helps prevent hair breakage and split ends. By delivering essential nutrients such as Vitamin E, Omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants directly to the hair follicles, Batana Oil revitalizes the scalp, creating an optimal environment for hair growth to thrive.

Moisturizes and Nourishes Hair

Batana Oil serves as an excellent moisturizer that deeply nourishes the hair, providing essential hydration and combating frizziness. It acts as a natural conditioning oil for smoother and healthier hair.
The unique composition of Batana Oil allows it to penetrate deeply into the hair shaft, delivering nutrients that strengthen and repair damaged strands. This botanical oil is rich in antioxidants and fatty acids, which help to restore the hair's natural shine and vitality.
Regular use of Batana Oil can improve the overall health of your hair, making it more manageable and less prone to breakage. Whether you have dry, brittle hair or just need a boost of moisture, this oil is a versatile solution for all your hair care needs.

Reduces Dandruff and Scalp Irritation

Batana Oil aids in reducing dandruff and scalp irritation by restoring the scalp's microbial balance, offering therapeutic benefits for scalp health.
When the scalp's natural microbial balance is disrupted, issues like dandruff and irritation can arise. Batana Oil's unique properties help in rebalancing these microorganisms, thus calming the scalp and reducing discomfort. Its therapeutic uses extend beyond mere symptom relief, as the oil's nourishing components penetrate deep into the skin, enriching it with essential nutrients for long-lasting health. By incorporating Batana Oil into your hair care routine, you are not just tackling the visible signs of scalp issues but also nurturing and maintaining a harmonious environment on your scalp.

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Strengthens and Repairs Damaged Hair

Batana Oil strengthens and repairs damaged hair by addressing issues like split ends caused by environmental pollution, restoring hair fibres to their natural health and vitality.
The rich nutrients and essential fatty acids present in Batana Oil deeply penetrate the hair shaft, nourishing and hydrating from within. This helps in sealing the damaged cuticles, preventing further breakage and split ends. The oil's antioxidant properties combat the harmful effects of free radicals present in the environment, which often lead to hair damage. Regular use of Batana Oil can help in revitalizing and rejuvenating hair, making it stronger, healthier, and more resilient to external aggressors.

What are the Side Effects of Batana Oil?

While Batana Oil offers numerous benefits, some individuals may experience side effects such as allergic reactions, particularly those with hereditary hair loss concerns. Proper skin care is essential when using this oil.
Allergic reactions to Batana Oil can manifest as skin redness, itching, or swelling. It is important to conduct a patch test before applying the oil liberally to avoid adverse skin reactions.
Individuals with hereditary hair loss should consult their dermatologist before incorporating Batana Oil into their hair care routine.
Side effects can vary depending on individual skin sensitivity, so monitoring any changes is crucial for maintaining healthy skin. Taking precautions in skin care routines, such as using sunscreen and gentle cleansers, can help mitigate potential side effects of using Batana Oil.

Allergic Reactions

Some users may experience allergic reactions to Batana Oil due to its potent therapeutic properties. It is essential to conduct a patch test before applying it to the scalp or skin.
Allergic reactions to Batana Oil can manifest as redness, itching, swelling, or even hives on the skin. These reactions are typically more common in individuals with sensitive skin or existing allergies. The patch test helps in identifying any adverse responses before widespread application, ensuring safety.
While Batana Oil is known for its nourishing and hydrating properties, some individuals may experience side effects such as scalp irritation or mild rashes. It is recommended to discontinue use immediately if any discomfort occurs and seek medical advice.

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Despite the potential for allergic reactions, Batana Oil also offers numerous therapeutic benefits, including promoting hair growth, reducing inflammation, and improving overall scalp health.

Greasiness and Build-up

Excessive use of Batana Oil may lead to greasiness and build-up on the scalp, potentially causing irritation and other hair problems. It is advisable to use the oil in moderation.
While Batana Oil holds numerous benefits for hair, including nourishment and hydration, excessive application can have adverse effects. The build-up of oil on the scalp can clog pores, leading to scalp irritation and even hair loss over time. This greasiness not only makes the hair appear unwashed but also attracts dirt and pollutants, further exacerbating the situation.
To prevent these issues, it is crucial to strike a balance in the usage of Batana Oil, ensuring that it benefits the hair without causing any harm.

How to Use Batana Oil?

Batana Oil can be used in various ways for optimal results. It can be applied as a nourishing hair mask, a leave-in treatment for added hydration, or as a pre-shampoo treatment to protect the hair's natural nutrients.
When using Batana Oil as a hair mask, it provides deep conditioning benefits, revitalizing dry and damaged hair, leaving it soft and manageable. As a leave-in treatment, Batana Oil helps to lock in moisture, tame frizz, and promote healthy shine. Alternatively, incorporating Batana Oil into your hair care routine as a pre-shampoo treatment creates a protective barrier against the harsh effects of shampooing, ensuring that the hair retains its essential nutrients.

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As a Hair Mask

Using Batana Oil as a hair mask provides deep nourishment to the hair, enriching it with essential nutrients and offering therapeutic benefits for overall hair care.
Applying Batana Oil as a hair mask involves a simple yet effective process. Begin by sectioning your hair and warming up a small amount of Batana Oil in your hands. Then, gently massage the oil into your scalp and hair, ensuring even distribution from roots to ends.
After application, leave the oil on for at least 30 minutes to allow it to penetrate the hair shaft and nourish deeply. For enhanced effectiveness, you can wrap your hair in a warm towel or use a shower cap to create heat and enhance absorption.
Rinsing off the Batana Oil hair mask with a gentle shampoo and conditioner will leave your hair feeling soft, silky, and deeply moisturized.

As a Leave-in Treatment

Using Batana Oil as a leave-in treatment enhances hair health by providing continuous nourishment, promoting shine, and protecting hair from environmental influences.
One of the key benefits of incorporating Batana Oil into your hair care routine is its ability to deeply nourish the hair follicles, resulting in stronger and healthier locks over time. The continuous nourishment provided by this natural oil helps repair damage, reduce breakage, and improve overall hair quality. Batana Oil's rich composition of essential fatty acids and antioxidants contributes to boosting hair shine, leaving your tresses looking smooth, lustrous, and radiant.

As a Pre-shampoo Treatment

Utilizing Batana Oil as a pre-shampoo treatment helps combat dryness, strengthen hair fibres, and serve as a conditioning oil for smoother and healthier hair texture.
One of the key benefits of incorporating Batana Oil into your hair care routine is its remarkable ability to deeply moisturize and nourish the scalp, effectively addressing issues of dryness and itchiness. The oil's rich composition provides essential nutrients that penetrate the hair shaft, strengthening it from within and reducing breakage. Its conditioning properties help in detangling hair, making it more manageable and reducing frizz for a lustrous finish. Whether you have dry, damaged hair or simply want to maintain a healthy mane, this versatile oil can work wonders in revitalizing your locks.

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What are People Saying About Batana Oil?

Reviews of Batana Oil are varied, with many users expressing satisfaction with its effects on common hair problems. The oil has gained popularity, particularly in the USA, for its potential benefits.
Customers have lauded the oil's ability to nourish and strengthen hair, with positive reviews highlighting its effectiveness in reducing frizz and improving overall hair health. Many have reported that Batana Oil has helped address issues like dryness, breakage, and lackluster hair.
Notably, users in the USA have particularly embraced this product, with numerous testimonials praising its ability to provide a solution to their hair concerns. The oil is known for its natural ingredients and the visible results it delivers, making it a go-to choice for individuals seeking effective and gentle hair care solutions.

Positive Reviews

Positive reviews of Batana Oil often mention its effectiveness in promoting hair growth, enhancing shine, and its affordability with fair trade prices.
Customers have raved about how Batana Oil has transformed their hair, making it stronger and healthier with regular use. Many users have highlighted the noticeable difference in their hair texture, noting a significant reduction in breakage and split ends.
One of the most common themes in the positive reviews is how versatile the oil is - suitable for all hair types and ethnicities. Users across the board appreciate the natural ingredients and fair trade prices that make this product not only effective but also ethical.

Negative Reviews

Negative reviews of Batana Oil often cite potential side effects, concerns about fragrance in some products, or issues related to changes in hair density.
Some users have reported experiencing allergic reactions like itching, redness, or breakouts after using Batana Oil, contributing to its negative feedback. The strong fragrance present in some variations of the product has been a major turn-off for those with sensitivities or preferences for fragrance-free products. Critics also claim that inconsistent results in terms of hair density improvement have left them disillusioned with the effectiveness of the oil.

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Where to Buy Batana Oil?

Batana Oil is available for purchase through various channels, including online retailers and local stores.
  1. Consumers in the USA can easily find a range of options to buy this beneficial oil. Online retailers such as Amazon, Walmart, and iHerb offer a convenient way to order Batana Oil from the comfort of your home, with quick delivery options available.
  2. For those who prefer shopping at local stores, specialty beauty shops and health stores across the country often carry Batana Oil on their shelves. Check with stores like Whole Foods, Ulta Beauty, or local natural health stores to see if they have this sought-after oil in stock.

Online Retailers

Batana Oil can be conveniently purchased from online retailers, offering a wide selection and ensuring customer satisfaction with the oil's therapeutic properties.
When you buy Batana Oil from online retailers, you not only save time but also have the convenience of doorstep delivery without the hassle of visiting physical stores. Online retailers often provide detailed product descriptions, reviews, and usage tips, allowing you to make an informed purchase decision. The satisfaction of finding the perfect Batana Oil variant for your specific needs is unparalleled when shopping online. The therapeutic properties of Batana Oil can be fully enjoyed when sourced from reputable online retailers who prioritize quality and authenticity.

Local Stores

Consumers can also find Batana Oil in local stores, supporting fair trade practices and access to quality products that combat environmental influences while delivering essential nutrients for hair and skin care.
This unique oil is not only beneficial for personal care but also contributes to supporting the livelihoods of local communities through fair trade prices. By purchasing locally, customers can help reduce carbon emissions associated with long-distance transportation, aligning with environmental consciousness. In addition, the high levels of vitamin E and fatty acids in Batana Oil provide exceptional moisturizing and anti-aging properties, making it a versatile and nourishing choice for holistic skincare routines.

Final Thoughts on Batana Oil

Batana Oil presents itself as a promising natural remedy with researched benefits and unique properties. Its extraction through the cold pressed technique ensures the preservation of essential nutrients.
Research indicates that Batana Oil contains high levels of Vitamin E, Omega-6, and Omega-9 fatty acids, essential for skin and hair health. The unique properties of Batana Oil, such as its ability to deeply moisturize and nourish, make it a popular choice for dry and damaged skin. The cold pressed extraction technique used to obtain Batana Oil is crucial as it helps maintain the integrity of the oil's natural components, ensuring maximum effectiveness.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Batana Oil Review?

Batana Oil Review is a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the popular hair and skin care product, Batana Oil. It provides an in-depth look at the product's ingredients, benefits, and effectiveness based on personal experiences and customer reviews.

What are the key ingredients in Batana Oil?

The main ingredient in Batana Oil is Ojon oil, a natural oil derived from the nut of the American palm tree. Other key ingredients include coconut oil, avocado oil, and essential oils such as lavender and rosemary.

What are the benefits of using Batana Oil?

Batana Oil is known for its ability to nourish and moisturize both hair and skin. It helps to repair damage, add shine, and promote overall health. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe scalp and skin irritation.

How do I use Batana Oil?

For hair, apply a small amount of Batana Oil to damp hair, focusing on the ends. For skin, massage a small amount onto clean, dry skin. Leave on for at least 30 minutes before washing off. For best results, use 2-3 times a week.

Is Batana Oil suitable for all hair and skin types?

Yes, Batana Oil is suitable for all hair and skin types. Its natural and gentle formula makes it safe for use on sensitive skin and can help improve overall condition for all hair types, including curly, straight, and chemically treated hair.

Are there any potential side effects of using Batana Oil?

There are no known side effects of using Batana Oil. However, as with any new product, it is recommended to do a patch test before use to check for any allergic reactions. If irritation occurs, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.

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submitted by MarvSee to ReviewsAndTools [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:52 ProfessionalFuture25 Those who are in a relationship with someone you met while having CFS… what’s your story?

I’m largely convinced that I’ll just never be in a relationship again and I’m kinda looking for some hope or encouragement.
I just turned 20, have had CFS since 18 though I theorize I might’ve been very mild since 17. The last relationship I had was easily the most stable and loving one. It ended when I was 18, and a big contributor to that was me getting sick (and not know it was CFS until much later) and suddenly not having the energy or mental fortitude to be as attentive as my partner needed and deserved. I also kept having to negotiate shorter dates and sometimes cancel, which caused a lot of tension because they interpreted it as me not wanting to hang out with them, losing interest, etc. Before then I truly thought we’d be in this together for the long run. That feels silly looking back since we were so young, but the idea of what could have been, as idyllic as it was, still hurts.
It’s not necessarily that I feel like I don’t “deserve” someone, as I think all humans have inherent value and should have the opportunity to experience relationships (platonic or otherwise). It’s more of a logistical problem for me. As it stands, I swing between moderate and moderate-severe. I’m mostly housebound and most of my excursion energy is taken up by appointments/treatments. I can’t cook (besides microwaving pre-made food lol) and can only do the bare minimum in terms of cleaning myself and my space, and sometimes not even that. During crashes I’m 80-95% bedbound and can’t feed myself or even get myself a glass of water. I have a license but can’t drive more than a few minutes without being a danger to myself and everyone on the road, let alone manage errands. I live with my parents and am almost completely dependent on them. I can’t make a living; the money I have I get by selling crochet items and art commissions, just enough to pay for my personal care items like toiletries, vitamins/supplements, a sweet treat now and then, but if they weren’t kind enough to share their food I’d starve.
If I were to have a partner and they were serious about me, they’d eventually have to become my caretaker and take care of almost all the bills. No person in their 20s wants to be a partner and caretaker at the same time, and they have every right not to be tied down by that. And how would I even meet someone? I’m not exactly going to a bunch of parties or college classes at the moment.
It just feels like the perfect time to be exploring relationships right now, what with gaining new independence and for a lot of people slowly becoming self-sufficient, and I feel like I’m losing out. Hell, some of my friends are already engaged!
Anyone have any positive relationship stories? Especially those of you who are moderate or further down the severity spectrum?
submitted by ProfessionalFuture25 to cfs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:02 karenvideoeditor The Zoo [Part 8]

First / Previous
Suzanne thought it was absolutely brilliant of me to put books on a flash drive for Sun. She explained that Sun wasn’t as sophont (her word, not mine) as she might seem, more of a repository of information, but she was fairly intelligent. It was how she was able to connect Andrew being in pain to the fact that I was friends with Andrew, and that I would want to know that he was in trouble. Apparently some of Sun’s species had given some ‘wisdom’ to others in the past and it had made its way into mythology.
The key fact was that she was not smart enough to protect herself and her kind from the clever, organized poachers. With that information in mind, it was fascinating for me to think of how Sun took in and organized what she learned. It was almost as if she was a walking, talking library.
On the topic of tours, my first one went wonderfully, and I’m almost hoping Suzanne lets me do more of them. I know not all the tourists are going to be as awesome as these people were, but Suzanne gave me a lot of slack when it comes to dealing with them. She actually said that being a smartass is not grounds for dismissal, and that if I’m sarcastic or facetious to guests who are being ‘daft’ and they complain, she really doesn’t care. Is this the perfect job for me or what?
There were four guests in this party, two adults who were sisters and two children of one of the women, brothers aged thirteen and seventeen. The tour was a birthday gift for the older of the boys from his aunt, since apparently he was passionate about animal protection and conservation.
When they arrived at the front gate, I was sitting at Andrew’s desk, going over the booklet of information one last time. When the visitors pressed the button that sounded the alert buzzer, I tucked away in a drawer and let them in. I did have a cheat sheet with information about the animals on my phone just in case, a brief notation of each of them and which enclosure they were in, but I really didn’t need to use it.
Exiting through the front door, I saw them walk up the path toward me. “Hi, I’m Ripley,” I said, holding out a hand toward the woman closest to me.
She shook it firmly. “I’m Denise. This is my sister Carla and my nephews, Wesley and Jason,” she said, motioning to each of them in turn.
“I heard it’s your birthday,” I said to Wesley, giving him a smile. “You’re interested in animal conservation?”
“Back where we live, yeah,” he said, nodding. “The animals that you’ve got here are incredible. I can’t wait to see them.”
“Well, I can’t wait to show them to you,” I said. “Right this way.”
I led them on the path around the building, toward enclosure one. Despite the horrific memories of the animal killing Stanley’s friends, I knew it was just an animal, and I had to push past my feelings on what had happened. Keeping a small smile on my face, I motioned to the enclosure. “Fiercely territorial and amazing hunters, despite their large size, they’re arboreal and known to dart from tree to tree with barely a sound. This is one of only about two thousand left in existence.”
“Two thousand, three hundred and fifty six at last count,” spoke Wesley, his eyes on the trees.
I blinked, surprised and impressed. “Well that was fantastic. Do you plan on stealing my job when you graduate?”
Wesley looked at me with a grin. “Nah, everyone knows Suzanne only offers humans this gig. And I want to help animals like this one get off the endangered species list. The zoos are great for awareness and fundraising, but then the money has to go somewhere. I want to be doing the real work.”
“That’s really great,” I told him. “I wish you all the best in that career path.” At that, we saw the animal climb down from the tree, wandering a few yards from the tree line. This was because 90% of the time, when humans were at their enclosure and making noise, whether it was speaking to each other or calling out to the animal, it was someone bringing them prey to eat. Or, in my case, enrichment toys to play with.
“Whoa,” Wesley whispered.
“How close can we get?” spoke up Jason.
“The warding starts at the fence,” I told him with a small gesture. “So, just there.”
Both boys wandered closer and I glanced at their parents. It seemed that Suzanne’s zoo had a serious reputation for high quality invisible walls, because they didn’t look worried in the slightest about the boys being hurt or killed.
“They prefer dense forest as their home and have been known to make their nests in trees up to twenty meter in the air,” I continued. “And when hunting, they’ve been seen dropping eight meters straight down. They have incredibly dense yet flexible musculature, which allows them to tackle their prey without injuring themselves.”
There was more information about the animal that I continued to rattle off, though Wesley chimed in at certain points with the info I was about to convey. That was highly entertaining and very cool. When I’d been in school, I’d never met anyone who had my level of passion about endangered animals. I wondered if things were better where these folks came from, but realized that considering there were so few of these animals left, I guessed not.
The animal paced a little bit, seemingly waiting to see if we were the kind of humans that came bearing food, before deciding we weren’t and climbing back up into the trees as easily as I would climb some stairs.
As we moved onto enclosure two, Jason spoke up. “Are there any animals here we can touch or feed or something?”
I sighed inwardly before slowing to a stop. “Well, can you show me your hands?” Jason looked bemused, holding out his hands. “I mean…they both look like they’re in great shape. You can stand to lose one.”
The two women chuckled and Wesley smirked as Jason shoved his hands into his pockets. “Very funny.”
Grinning, I started walking again. “The animals here are all carnivores and all predators. You get to see them, but that’s it.”
When we reached enclosure two, I started on my next spiel. “We’ve got three reanimated dead in this enclosure,” I spoke. They were just coming out from the trees as we arrived, presumably having heard our approach. “Marissa, Connor, and Bradley. They were donated by families who knew where they would be exhibited. Their next of kin, whoever they are, can’t stand the idea of putting them down. But we need to make sure they don’t have access to corpses, because one of them plus one corpse equals two of them.”
“They eat flesh though, don’t they?” Wesley asked.
I nodded. “Oh, yeah, but it’s from bodies that have already been dismembered. There’s no chance of them being affected by the transformation because it’s all parts.”
“Oh, got it.”
The creatures with blueish-white skin had superhuman strength, which is why they qualified for the security of Suzanne’s zoo. They also were likely the source of any Earth tales of people being brought back to life as zombies, specifically draugr, according to my research. They smelled like rotting flesh, so even as I kept talking about them and giving a background to the people they used to be, we were quick to move on once Wesley had gotten a good, long look at them.
“Enclosure four’s animal is a vampiric spirit. He’s a small, hairy humanoid creature with pointed ears. He wears a hat, and if he somehow loses it, he freaks out,” I said.
“They eat horses,” Wesley noted. “Also anything that gives them the chance to sit on it, usually catching them by surprise while they’re sleeping.”
The creature came out from the brush, giving us a suspicious look. He wasn’t in his humanoid form though; for some reason, he’d chosen to shapeshift to a dog.
I nodded. “Yep, indeed. Once the prey is dead, then he’ll eat it, and he has a voracious appetite. We have two wolves and two bears in the forest, which is one of the reasons I’ve got some self-defense items,” I said, patting my belt where my pepper spray (rated for bear) and my taser. “But the wards keep them out of this area of the zoo, so it’s really not much of a worry. It’s also a known shapeshifter, preferring the form of a dog, as you can see, as well as a cat, a snake, or even white butterflies, though the last one is rare.”
“The white butterflies are supposed to be a sign of good luck,” Wesley said, glancing to me. “Too bad we got the dog.”
“Yeah, otherwise you might be able to talk your mom into getting scratch-offs on your way home, huh?”
Wesley smirked at me.
The next enclosure was Spike, and he was waiting for us, dripping wet from having just emerged from the lake. I gave the introductory information about him, which included his propensity for eating animal eyes, nails, and teeth. “Recently, I’ve given him some enrichment activities, and I learned he likes artichokes, pecans, and hazelnuts,” I said, taking a bag out from my cargo shorts. “Wesley, do you want to toss this bag into the enclosure?”
The boy’s eyes widened and he nodded excitedly. He took a look into the paper bag before wrapping down the top to make sure nothing would fly out. Then he chucked it underhand past the fence. It landed a few yards from Spike, who waddled over to it quickly and tearing the bag open, spilling out the prizes inside. As the animal ate the pecans and hazelnuts, Wesley asked, “How’d you figure out he likes those?”
“It’s not all about taste,” I told him. “It’s mainly the difficulty of getting them out of the shells. He’s used to having to work for the parts of his prey he likes the most, so this mimics that activity, and he enjoys the process. I tried a bunch of different foods to find a few he liked.”
“Cool,” Wesley murmured, staring at him.
We watched Spike eat until he’d finished and then he went back into the woods, leaving us to move onto enclosure five. Japanese camellia were plentiful here, a type of pink flower, and that was because they grew anywhere near one of his species made their den. “This girl spends most of her time in the lake also,” I said, as the creature made its way toward the fence separating us from it. “But as you can see, she’s just as curious as the rest about what we’re doing here and whether we have food for her. She eats fish mostly, but she also regularly gets live prey.”
This creature was a spider-like monster, having six legs with long claws on each, and the head of an ox with two sharp horns. She was capable of shapeshifting to look like a human, but I guessed that she wasn’t fond of it, since I hadn’t yet seen her in that form.
“She prefers the easy way of catching prey, so to speak, by hiding in the lake and pouncing when something comes for a drink of water,” I explained. “Apparently humans are some of her favorite prey. She has an advantage of being able to spit poison, which often hits her prey in the eyes. But it’s usually used in defense rather than offense, since she secretes a limited amount.”
“What kind of animal would even go after something like this?” Jason asked, staring at her.
“Never discount one of its own species when you’re thinking about what might attack an animal,” I replied. “There are places that are breeding all of the animals here, but competition for mates is common. That means an advantage in a fight, like poison or venom, can make or break who the winner is.”
“Ah, gotcha.”
“It can’t spit past the warding, right?” Carla suddenly asked.
“Oh, no,” I assured her. “We’re fine. The wards wouldn’t let anything cross over.” She nodded, appeased.
The animal in enclosure six was the ginormous seal-hippo, Fiona, and she was looking at us as if she was imagining sprinkling us with herbs and spices and stuffing us in an oven. “This girl is one animal I’m going to work on enrichment activities for next,” I told them. “She prefers to feed on crayfish, though she’s happy to eat any humans that wander into her territory. She’ll even make a sound like a baby crying to reel us in. I’ve heard it a bunch of times.”
“Can you get her to make the sound?” Jason asked, perking up.
I grinned. “Not on command, sorry.”
“What enrichment are you thinking of trying?” Wesley asked.
“Possibly food placed in puzzle feeders,” I told him, “since she has claws that are pretty dexterous. Maybe a piñata made out of newspaper with flour inside, or a scarecrow that mimics a human.”
“Awesome,” he muttered.
After a little more educational tidbits, we moved onto Yui’s enclosure. “What is that?” Wesley asked, smiling.
“I got Yui the closest thing I could to a ping-pong ball,” I replied. “She quite likes it.”
“That’s so funny,” he said as she came out of the trees in her spider form. “I mean, the idea of her being a bloodthirsty hunter who seduces men to their deaths and eats them alive, but then on the other hand, she likes playing with something like this.”
“It is a little funny,” I agreed. “But when it comes down to it, all the animals here enjoy activities besides hunting.”
“She can shapeshift to look human, right?” asked Jason, trying to be casual about knowing something factual like his nerdy brother.
I nodded. “She looks like a woman from a region of Earth called Japan. And she’ll use strategies like holding out a hand to shake to get you closer. She tried that on me when I first got here but, as you can see,” I said, holding up my hands and waving them, “I didn’t fall for it.”
The boys both laughed as they got closer to the fence, watching her slowly pace near the trees.
Next was Sun, but she didn’t make an appearance as I spoke about her species. “Well…unfortunately we can’t guarantee that every animal comes out to say hi,” I sighed. “But…oh wait, here she is.”
The green lion with several horns and many eyes along her flank came out from the forest. “Hello,” she spoke.
“Hi, Sun,” I replied. “We have visitors.”
“What’s that?” Wesley asked suddenly, pointing at the small plastic bag that was still where I’d left it.
“Oh! That is Sun’s enrichment,” I said with a smile. “I put dozens of books on a flash drive and found that she can read them just like she’d read a shelf of books.”
Wesley’s eyes widened. “Wow. I don’t think I’ve read about anyone trying that before. That’s really cool.”
“The books are new and interesting,” Sun spoke, drawing our attention. “I’m grateful for them.”
I nodded to her. “You’re quite welcome.”
The next animal, unfortunately, wasn’t there, and we waited around for ten minutes as we discussed him. He was large and reptile-like with red eyes, with its hind legs and tail making him look vaguely like a kangaroo. Then, enclosure ten was a terrifyingly disturbing creature, the not-a-centaur with no skin, that I’d only seen a few times while walking my route. It gave a good demonstration of its ferocity, showing its sharp teeth and snapping at us a few times.
“I’m thinking of trying salt licks and other horse enrichment like a big bouncy ball,” I told Wesley, whose eyebrows went up at that. “Maybe give him more things to forage like scattered grains or a box filled with pinecones and seeds. Foraging is a huge part of a horse’s life in the wild, and humans have to do a lot of activities like that to keep pet horses busy. Of course, he also loves the little salt-water lake that was built for him.”
We spent some time looking at the animal before moving past our last stop, the empty enclosure of the animal was stolen. Carla glanced at me with a sad smile, knowing what had happened, it seemed. I gave her a nod as we continued on our way, walking into the office. “So, I hope everyone enjoyed themselves!” I said with a smile.
“That was the coolest birthday present I’ve ever gotten,” Wesley said, looking to Denise. “Thanks so much, seriously.”
“It was my pleasure,” she said with a nod. “I’d never been here before, and knew I’d find it fascinating. Thank you for the educational aspect,” Denise said, glancing at me. “I learned quite a lot.”
“Happy to hear it,” I said, returning the nod.
As I escorted the guests out of the zoo and locked the door behind them, I reflected on how much I’d changed. The first time I’d seen Yui’s tarantula form, I’d nearly passed out from fear. Now here I was, walking tourists around like it was no big deal. Humans really can adapt to anything, it seems.
That afternoon, Suzanne had texted me that she was coming by after my shift, and I met her in Andrew’s office, shutting the door to the security room behind me. “How’s Andrew?” I asked first thing.
“He’s doing well,” she said with a wide smile. “Back on non-hospital food. He’s allowed to order food on his phone, and to hear it from him, that’s the best news he’d received in a long time.”
I chuckled. “I guess some clichés are true for a reason.”
“Indeed.” She took a breath. “All right. Ripley…I would like to discuss something with you.”
My face went slack at the serious tone in her voice. “I’m not… Am I being fired?”
“What? No!” she exclaimed. Then she chuckled softly. “No, it’s nothing like that. Just, here, let’s have a seat.” Suzanne walked over to the couch and sat at one end, and I took the other. “There’s something I need to tell you. Something I’ve kept from you, that I wanted to keep from you until you found your sea legs here.”
“Well…I have,” I said with a nod. “So, what is it?”
Suzanne took a breath. “I knew your mother.”
The words hung in the air for a moment before making their way to my ears. It was a perfectly logical sentence, and yet it didn’t make any sense. “What?” I finally managed.
“When you graduated college, I decided to move the zoo from Italy to within driving distance of your home,” she said softly. “Near enough to your town that you’d see the advert. We ignored any other applicants and I hoped you’d apply. Actually, I expected you’d apply. Not just for the money, but considering the field you wanted to go into. As soon as I’d found out your major, I knew.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” I said, holding up a hand. I pinched the bridge of my nose. “How do you know Patricia?”
“She owned the zoo before I did,” Susan explained. “Fourteen years ago…she was working to track an injured animal that we could bring into the zoo and she was killed by poachers.”
My heart calcified in my chest and a lump lodged in my throat. As my breaths became shaky, I stared at her in shock. “She…she’s really dead?”
“You suspected?” she asked softly.
“It…” I swallowed hard. “We had her declared legally dead after…I don’t know, seven years I think. My dad wanted to go after her for child support, but the police said…they said they couldn’t find…” Tears came to my eyes and I blinked them back before I met Suzanne’s gaze. “She owned the zoo?”
Suzanne nodded. “It was her baby, you’d say. When Patricia passed, I inherited it, which we’d discussed beforehand, a legal just-in-case that I never expected her to need. I’m under the impression that you were told she went to Africa for her photography career, but she was in fact going to remote areas back in my home world almost every time.”
“But I-I saw the photos,” I said, my eyes narrowing. “You’re telling me she put on a show of getting pictures that someone else took for us to see every time she visited? Did my dad even know?”
“I suppose that’s an accurate way to put it, putting on a show. And no, your father was never told. It’s not the way of things to tell humans unless it’s necessary. I won’t bore you with the details, but us and humans, we’re distant relatives, so we can still have children. But it wasn’t planned. Your mother fell in love with your father despite herself; she hadn’t meant to find love. Then she became pregnant with you and…well, the rest is history.”
“I think she had a different definition of love than the one I have,” I said tightly. “You’d think she’d have put her survival as more of a priority. Put being with the man she ‘loved’ as a priority. Her kids needed her. I needed her. She signed up when she became a mom. She could’ve screwed up all the time but she couldn’t even manage that one job: be there. When I was in the hospital, I kept thinking, ‘Where is she?’ and now you’re telling me that she put these animals above being there for her kids, and this whole time she’s been dead.”
“The hospital?” she asked, furrowing her brows.
“Never mind,” I said tersely, averting my gaze.
Suzanne hesitated before she nodded slowly. “I’m sorry for your loss, and not just for her death, Ripley,” she told me. “Patricia was…well, a ‘free spirit’ would be putting it gently. She always assumed the world would be there for her whenever she needed it.”
Staring at her for a long moment, I shook my head. “Why? Why come here and hire me?”
“I thought that would be obvious,” she said, smiling. “Your mother was so passionate about this place and once I found out your college major, I figured you would be as well.”
“Did you know that I hate her?” At that, Suzanne’s expression froze on the edge of shock. “She…she left us,” I whispered. “Didn’t tell us who she was or what she really did for a living and gave us no closure. And even when she was here, it was just visiting. Her real home was her work. She could give me all the presents she wanted, but even when she was here, half the time she was still on her computer doing work. It’s not like that stereotype of never making it to my tennis practice or something; it’s that it always felt like she was only partially here, even when I was sitting next to her. I don’t even know if I appreciate her turning me into a wildlife fanatic because it…it…makes me feel like I’m close to her in a way that’s just infuriating. She loved the animals more than she loved us.”
“Oh, Ripley-”
“Don’t,” I said, shoving myself to my feet. “Don’t try to convince me otherwise.”
“I wasn’t going to,” she said quietly. I pursed my lips. “I was going to say that I’m sorry that was the case. Your mother was…flawed, just like any other person. She had two loves in this world: her family and her work. And often, her work overcame her, her zeal for environmentalism getting in the way of being a good mum. She left your father trying to fill the role of two parents, holding your family together. You and your brother and your father, you all deserved better than that.”
My lower lip quivered but I bit down on it hard. It would’ve been a lot easier for me if she’d been speaking from a place of clueless reassurance about all this. But everything she said was making sense and that meant I didn’t have someone in front of me to be angry with.
“Why didn’t you tell me when Andrew hired me?” I sighed, sitting back down on the couch.
“Well, like I said, I wanted you to find your sea legs,” she said with a small smile. “I didn’t want the truth affecting whether or not you wanted to work here, whether you wanted to stay here after finding out about what the animals are. It would’ve complicated things, the emotions you’ll have to work through now that you know the truth. Whether or not you decide to give another tour, you also know what they’re like. That’s the benchmark I wanted you to reach before you found out about who you are.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Who I-” My face went slack. “Wait.”
Suzanne nodded slowly. “You’re only half human. Your brother too.”
The room seemed to tilt on an axis for a moment. “That means I’m also half…what?”
“We call ourselves Eldritch, these days,” she replied.
My eyes bugged out. “What?” I exclaimed. “So you’re all, like, gods or something?”
Suzanne burst out laughing. “Oh no, goodness, no,” she chuckled. “It’s just a word. We live in a very different world from this one, and a few generations ago we discovered the word and it made its way into our lexicon. But it does mean you can see all the animals. Indeed you did, on the tour you gave.”
“Wait, no, I had the glasses that…” I stopped. “Did those glasses do anything?”
She gave a sly smile and shook her head. “Not a thing. You made incredibly quick progress, and then when it came time for the tour, all you needed was to expect to see the animals, and you did.”
Genetics. That’s what Andrew had said during our interview, that part of how many animals you could see was determined by genetics. I guess having a mother who was originally from the other dimension gave me all the genes I needed to see everything here. “Could I…visit your world?” I asked tentatively. “You said that my mom took photos of the animals there. Could I…” My voice trailed off, not even sure if or how I wanted to finish that sentence.
“Those who are half human, especially those who are raised on Earth, don’t come visit,” she said gently. “I could show you some photos of other animals, and I could loan you as many books as you’d like, but it’s simply not a place where you’d be safe.”
“Oh,” I said, leaning into the couch cushion as I pictured the animals in the zoo. “Yeah, actually that…makes sense.” I paused. “So, what now?”
“It’s up to you,” she said. “I wanted to wait until I was sure you were comfortable with your position here, and then put the ball in your court. And so it is. What do you want to do now?”
What did I want to do? It wasn’t that difficult a question, just a deep, serious one.
I wanted to thrive, as the animals did. This is my enrichment now, working at an incredible, wonderful, terrifying zoo. The experience so far hasn’t been perfect, and I know there are risks, but life isn’t about staying safe. It’s about learning new things and making a difference in the world. And, if you’re lucky, having a job that’s something really special.
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submitted by karenvideoeditor to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:38 LeroLeroLeo Im turning 18 and have no direction in life

I turned 18 just a few minutes ago, and I'm thinking I really have no will to live
Ever since I was a child I wanted to off myself, but that was mostly because of bullying, a (very) likely anxiety disorder and thinking that it'd never get better
But even then, I had some hope that one day things would change. I wanted to be a polyglot by 18, but I never learned any languges other than the two I already knew by then. I wanted to be a great artist, but since my vision is always blurry and my hands shake so much I lost a lot of the skill I used to have. I wanted to go to college, now I'm going to a great college but fucking hate my major so much I cant even bring myself to study and even skip a bunch of my classes
Now that Im 18, the only thing I achieved is that I now have friends. I love them a lot and but it often feels so demanding that I prefer to be by myself. I dont know how to be sociable. I've never had anything romantic, or sexual, never had a first kiss. Even my friends who were in the same situation as me when I first met them, now have been on dates or are dating someone. And all of them are a little younger than me
When I was in school I could just focus on getting a C and move on. Now I try to focus on doing the bare minimum to pass my semester, but even that feels like too much. It's a lot more empty and uncertain than before. Plus, if I'm already hating my first semester, what will be of me when I get a shitty job?
I never feel like doing anything. I wish I'd just spend all day sleeping or playing games, but only to fill a void. Actually I wish I'd just be asleep all day, so I wouldnt exist. I do take antidepressants now, which help a little. Before them i'd spend all day in bed and barely eat
If i've always had OCD and have had depression since childhood, i dont think i'll ever be truly happy. These things are always in the back of my head stopping me from living my life
My life is meaningless, I'm just trying to take it until i fully lose hope and give up. Probably now that i'm an adult i'll try to make some money to buy cigarettes and drown out this sadness, even though I promised myself i'd never smoke since i know people who do and i''ve seen how destructive it is to them
I don't wanna live, i dont wanna do shit. I wish I could be happy but theres really no way i can do it. Congrats to me who's now 18, cant do anything useful, doesnt study, doest work, doesnt even help with home chores. I cant even feel like playing games, i dont want to do anything
My first step now that i'm an adult is to cry thinking about how i never wanted to be one. But now, other than knowing that adult life is shit because everyone always complains about it, my mind condemns me to always be useless and meaningless until i get hit by some car
I've taken a few different meds, vitamins, tried therapy. Only the meds helped me gain a bit of a will to live, but the side affects are always holding me back too
submitted by LeroLeroLeo to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:15 phaedrus369 For the bio hacker drinkers out there

I’m probably missing a couple items here, but what helps me function and drink like I do
submitted by phaedrus369 to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:12 eat_my_shorts12 Has anyone used Ru58841, Minoxidil, and Finasteride (1mg oral) at the same time?

(Hopefully this is now the correct thread to post this in?)
So I’ve been losing hair for the past few years, every since the beginning of college unfortunately. It runs in the family, not much I can do about it. But I’m a 23 year old male, and I’ve been on Ru58841 (standard dose) for about a year and half, and minoxidil for about eight months so far. I know the risks of taking RU, but I decided to take the risk, and I’ve had pretty great results so far. But I’m still unhappy with the progress, which is why I started taking minoxidil. Luckily, I’ve had no serious side effects from taking the RU (heart palpitations, shortness of breathe, etc etc). But, my acne has worsened over time ever since taking the RU. At first, I thought the RU was ticking me acne due to it rubbing on my pillows at night, then onto my face. So every night for the past year or so, I put on a silk cap with a beanie (yes, it’s a pain in the ass to sleep with). But at this point, I think it’s just my body reacting to the RU. I’ve even started a serious skin regime in order to counter it (retinol, vitamin c, etc), but it’s still no use. I have pictures of me before starting the RU, and I hardly had any acne, so it’s definitely the RU. In addition to the acne issue, I do have postural tachycardia so the long term effects of RU are slightly concerning. So my question is, am I able to take all three “medications” at the same time? Because what I’d like to do is stay on the minoxidil, and slowly replace the RU with finasteride. I know finasteride (1mg a day) takes around 6-12 months to effectively kick in, so that’s why I’m wanting to slowly implement it into my regime, and then drop off the RU. I also like to thing that the RU will halt the finasteride shedding, if I even have it. Has anyone else done this? I’ll also happily answer anyone’s questions regarding RU. Thanks!
submitted by eat_my_shorts12 to tressless [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:00 Vegetable-Tone-5523 Best vitamins to prevent breast cancer ?

High risk female here.. aside from exercise, fruits & veggies.. anyone know of any good vitamins or herbs one can take to decrease chances of getting breast cancer in the future ?
submitted by Vegetable-Tone-5523 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:53 B_rosexo DIY nail oil infusion help/question

Hello, does or has anyone here made dried herb/flower oil infusions at home for nail oil?
I made a dried herb oil infusion with dried herbs and flowers (didn't use any wet/water containing ingredients) using castor oil and grape seed oil as the carrier oils and I added a small amount of vitamin E oil..
I then used a heat method to infuse them because I needed an oil right away..
I need/want something right away that would be moisturizing but also anti fungal and anti bacterial that's why I thought an oil infusion would be great because of the state of my nails right now.. I really wanted to use something natural and not those nail strengthening slash anti fungal/bacterial nail products that smell like polishes an are mainly just chemicals because my nails need a break from them..
So l put the herbs/flowers in an air tight jar and used a crockpot on warm for 4 and a half hours to infuse it.. I then strained it, which i didn’t strain it the best there was still some tinyy pieces left but I didn’t think it would be a big deal so I left it, then last night I saw a video saying you don’t want to leave any plant matter at all?
But so I put it in amber bottle with a dropper because I read that’s the best way to store it.. I made it 7 days ago and last night I was just looking at the oil in the bottle and I noticed it's a little hazy, had something gathered on the bottom and has some hazy looking piece thing in there (idk how to describe it😭) that I'm now a bit stressed wondering is this oil bad?? Does it need to just be shaken up? Does that happen where it just needs to be shaken??
I didn’t use it yesterday at all because I don’t wanna be rubbing bad oil on my nails but now I’m a little stressed and upset.
How does it go bad that fast? Is that possible? I wish I knew what I did wrong because I wanna make more now.. and so I’ve been trying to find somewhere to maybe get some answers on how do you preserve an oil like this so it doesn’t go bad in 7 days and you’re just wasting oil?? Are there some tips/tricks on how to preserve and overall avoid oil becoming bad or growing bacteria?
When I try to google this stuff it’s a little confusing. A lot of my searches get results of google thinking I’m talking about oil infusions you’d be eating which I’m not. Plus some things say infusions last a week others say up to a year and so I’m confused.
I apologize for the length of this. I’ve tried posting in a few places on Reddit and had no luck getting an answer. So if anyone could help it’d be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by B_rosexo to DIYBeauty [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:36 homebody_mouse Thankful for the good people in my life and for my parents for teaching me things you just don't learn in school.

I'm feeling really blessed. I have a good father. You know, there's just something special about seeing him fix small machines. One man's trash becomes something functional and brand new again and he showed me the problem and explained what the issue was and the resolution. I learn from watching him. I think life would be easier for me if I had his skillset. I think automotive/technical college is really important. Being able to fix machines, small to big machines like excavators. If you can fix and do everything, not only do you save money but it's rewarding to watch the magic happen. I may have a college degree, but I'm not the kind of smart I want to be. I'm working on it. I'd like to can some vegetables this fall from the garden to save money on food and vegetables and golly, I'm thankful for the good people in my life who continually amaze me with their knowledge and for sharing it. There are so many intelligent people in my life who can just build things with their hands, and it amazes me. I learned how to make soap from a neighbor, lotion and bodycreams. I learned how to find medicinal herbs from another neighbor. I'm thankful that we're all different and contribute to society with our skillset. I'm not sure why I got my bachelor's in stem. I kind of wish I went to technical school and learned how to be like my dad. I wish I was stronger, I'm not sure why my arm strength is so weak. If I had that kind of education, maybe I would be stronger. Sitting at a desk and typing, while important too, I feel like, isn't as enriching as these sort of hard skills. You can build a home if you understand carpentry, plumbing, electrical. You can't build a home by typing.
submitted by homebody_mouse to gratitude [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:04 Elninhorm Hsv2 getting worse

Hi everyone, I got HSV2 on October first time. Then I had an outbreak on December, then another on February and I went to a dermatologist who gave me Valacyclovir for 7 days. After 2 months at the end of April I had an outbreak but I didn’t take any antiviral pill just ice on the skin around penis. This week after 3 weeks since the last outbreak I got another one and I started taking immediately valacyclovir. I’m getting depressed because I’m 29 years old, I follow a straight diet, I workout 5/week and I take as supplements vitamin C,D, multivitamin and lysine. I don’t know what to do! Can’t have a girl with this frequent outbreaks, I don’t even want to take everyday for life an antiviral considering all possible side effects. Doing research on Reddit I saw many things from doing a VZV vaccine to using an AHCC supplement, or even using some herbs like oregano oil. What’s the truth? What’s the advice from someone here in the community that reduce all OBs without using antiviral? Help me please
submitted by Elninhorm to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:01 Elninhorm Getting depressed with Hsv

Hi everyone, I got HSV2 on October first time. Then I had an outbreak on December, then another on February and I went to a dermatologist who gave me Valacyclovir for 7 days. After 2 months at the end of April I had an outbreak but I didn’t take any antiviral pill just ice on the skin around penis. This week after 3 weeks since the last outbreak I got another one and I started taking immediately valacyclovir. I’m getting depressed because I’m 29 years old, I follow a straight diet, I workout 5/week and I take as supplements vitamin C,D, multivitamin and lysine. I don’t know what to do! Can’t have a girl with this frequent outbreaks, I don’t even want to take everyday for life an antiviral considering all possible side effects. Doing research on Reddit I saw many things from doing a VZV vaccine to using an AHCC supplement, or even using some herbs like oregano oil. What’s the truth? What’s the advice from someone here in the community that reduce all OBs without using antiviral? Help me please because if I go to a dermatologist he will just tell me to take antiviral for life
submitted by Elninhorm to HSVpositive [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:50 Ok-Letterhead-4856 Boost Your Immune System Naturally: Foods and Supplements for Wellness

Boost Your Immune System Naturally: Foods and Supplements for Wellness

Welcome to the ultimate hub for all things (Our YouTube Channel: Wellness, Healthy Habits, and Wellbeing)! On this channel, you can expect to find a treasure trove of tips, tricks, and insights to help you live a vibrant and fulfilling life. From practical advice on maintaining a healthy lifestyle to strategies for improving your mental health, we cover it all. Our mission is to empower you to take control of your wellbeing and cultivate a sense of balance and joy in your life. By subscribing to our channel, you are not just gaining access to valuable information, but also joining a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to living best lives. So, join us on this journey to wellness, and let's navigate the path to a happier and healthier you together!
Incorporating these useful products into your daily Wellness, Healthy Habits, and Wellbeing routine can enhance your overall experience, improve your physical and mental well-being, and deepen your connection to mindfulness and movement. Try out these products and watch as your practice evolves to new levels of harmony and balance.
  1. Elderberry Gummies: Elderberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins that can help the immune system. Elderberry gummies are a tasty and convenient way to incorporate this powerful ingredient into your daily routine. Studies have shown that elderberry can reduce the duration and severity of cold and flu symptoms.
  2. Vitamin C Supplements: Vitamin C is essential for a healthy immune system as helps boost the production of white blood cells that fight infections. Taking a daily vitamin C supplement can help support overall wellness and reduce the risk of getting sick.
3. Zinc Lozenges: Zinc is known to play a crucial role in immune function and can help reduce the severity and duration of cold symptoms when taken at the first sign of illness. Zinc lozenges are a convenient way to get this important nutrient into your system quickly.
4. Probiotics: A healthy gut is essential for a strong immune system, and probiotics help support the balance of good bacteria in the digestive tract. Taking a daily probiotic supplement can help strengthen immunity and improve overall health.
  1. Turmeric Supplements: Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help boost immunity and reduce inflammation in the body. Taking a turmeric supplement can help support overall wellness and fight off infections.
  2. Echinacea Tea: Echinacea is a popular herb known for its immune-boosting properties. Echinacea tea can help support the immune system and reduce the severity of cold symptoms. Drinking a cup of echinacea tea daily can help keep your immune system strong.
  3. Garlic Supplements: Garlic is known for its immune-boosting and antimicrobial properties. Taking a garlic supplement can help support immune function and reduce the risk of getting sick. Garlic supplements are a convenient way to incorporate this powerful ingredient into your daily routine.
  4. Astragalus Root Powder: Astragalus is an herb that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to boost immunity and increase energy levels. Adding astragalus root powder to your daily routine can help support overall wellness and protect against infections.
  5. Vitamin D3 Supplements: Vitamin D plays a crucial role in immune function and can help reduce the risk of infections. Taking a daily vitamin D3 supplement can help support overall health and strengthen the immune system, especially during the winter months when sunlight exposure is limited. str
  6. Mushroom Complex Supplement: Certain mushrooms, such as reishi, shiitake, and maitake, contain immune-boosting properties that can help support overall wellness. Taking a mushroom complex supplement can help strengthen the immune system and improve immune function.
Prioritizing immune system health is crucial for overall wellness, and these natural products can help support a strong immune system to protect against infections and promote optimal health. Consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplements to your routine to ensure they are safe and effective for your individual needs.
submitted by Ok-Letterhead-4856 to HealthyHabbits [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:40 Significant_Wolf_544 No EWCM This Cycle, But There Was A Temp Shift. Can I Say I'm Out Of The Fertile Phase? Did Ovulation Occur?

I have had a stressful week that I believe is the the cause of this odd charge. The problem is that it's my first chart! I know in the past before I started charting I've had EWCM. I was on the copper iud before this and it's been 2-3 years since I was on HBC. The start of this cycle my iud was removed.
This cycle I did not observe any EWCM and barely and CM in general. Less the normal amount for most women including me. The most I found was a tiny streak of CM on my underwear but not nearly enough to pick any up. I was only able to get a most a pea sized amount off toilet paper on the two days I observed the most CM this cycle.
But I did observe a temperature shift.
Would you say I'm out of the fertile phase? Did Ovulation Occur? If you need help reading some writing let me know. I am TTA and am using protection. Please let me know what you think!
submitted by Significant_Wolf_544 to FAMnNFP [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:41 Majestic_Dig1654 Herbs and benefits

Herbs and benefits
1- If you want to sleep, soak a lettuce leaf in hot water until it cools down and drink it, as it is a mild sedative and hypnotic. If you want something stronger than that, then you should take the saintly herb. If you want to sleep without medication, ask forgiveness more, as the devil will hasten your sleep so that you will not reap more good deeds.
2- You suffer from a general failure in the body that you do not know the cause of. You should drink rosemary tea and do not drink too much of it
You have general weakness caused by a lack of vitamins, so you should use molokhiya, as it is very rich in vitamins and minerals and does not lose its properties with excessive boiling. Sesame is also a tonic, and sesame and moringa are a good nutritional supplement, even for pregnant women.
3- If you suffer from anemia, do not eat lentils without drops of lemon in them. The iron in lentils does not benefit the body without acid. Molokhiya is also rich in minerals, and palmetto and spinach are also useful.
4- If you suffer from gases, you should use chamomile, anise, black lemon, or mint of all kinds, but do not eat them in large quantities, as these types reduce blood pressure.
5- If you suffer from constipation, you should eat peeled apples or senna, but do not eat too much of them. Dates are also beneficial, and green tea is beneficial.
6- If you suffer from fatty liver, you should use pumpkin juice to find results in less than a month
7- Jaundice or mullein. Sprinkle the juice of the tamarisk herb in the nose, which will remove it in two days. Or eat goat meat or pigeons smoked on the leaves of the tar tree.
If he is an infant, spread a thin melissa leaf (Yemeni Sidr) leaf under his bed and let him sleep on the bed, and it will usually go away in three days. This is what is proven in herbal medicine.
7- If your husband suffers from weakness and is embarrassed, if your blood pressure is moderate, then you should take whey herb and ginseng mixed with honey, with onion, pumpkin and carrot seeds added, and if you want it to be stronger, add royal jelly.
As for the diabetic patient, he should take zinc, which will benefit him in this, or dates, which are a tonic, and the sugar fructose generates the necessary energy without the need for insulin, as explained by Dr. Abdel Basit Al-Sayed in his book Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine, Part 2.
8- As for the woman, she should take anise or soybean tea, as they raise the estrogen hormone, and fenugreek is also a stimulant. If she does not feel any feelings for her husband at all, this is due to a lack of iodine, and her cycle is often disturbed, accompanied by headaches.
9- If you suffer from severe depression, anxiety, and sadness, you should recite the Prophet’s Talbinah, as its results are amazing. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: (It calms the heart and removes some sadness.)
It is also beneficial for the beauty of the face, and for permanent facial beauty, you should use the mate herb (Levantine Map), as it stimulates collagen in the skin.
submitted by Majestic_Dig1654 to physica1l [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:01 anjali2711 Google pay coupons available for pilgrim, foxtale, dot and key, minimalist, just herbs, giva and many more

Google pay coupons available for pilgrim, foxtale, dot and key, minimalist, just herbs, giva and many more
Please let me know if anyone of you needs this coupons
submitted by anjali2711 to IndianBeautyDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:47 FrancoSosa56 What's going on in my body?

Hey guys! Based on my symptoms, could anyone help me figure out what's wrong with my body and maybe help me find my root cause? Sorry in advance, English is not my mother tongue.
I've had annoying symptoms since I was 16, now I'm 29. It started one morning for no apparent reason, except that it was a few weeks after a trip to Tunisia. But I didn't get sick there.
My symptoms are manageable in the sense that I have a normal life from the outside (nice job and a girlfriend), but the daily stomachaches and especially the gas are a pain. No constipation, diarrhea 2 or 3 times a month, no matter what I eat.
I'm fine in the mornings, but it gets worse in the evenings - let's say the first half of the day I have few digestive symptoms, but I'm often lethargic when I wake up. The type of food I eat doesn't seem to affect my symptoms: I can eat sugar and it doesn't have to be horrible, but if I only eat carnivorous food overall my symptoms are the same: gas, stomach ache (no bloating). I usually have reflux in the evening, and taking ACV and lemon don't seem to help much.
I've taken Rifaximin, I've taken antimicrobial herbs, I take different vitamins (D, B1, B12...) and even with biofilms I have no improvement or die off symptoms during treatments... Each time, my SIBO tests come back positive, especially for hydrogen (about 90 each time, about 15 for methane).
In fact, I have the impression that whatever the treatment or vitamins, my symptoms persist, without getting worse either.
On the extra digestive level, I lack energy and find it hard to be super happy in my life. My stomach makes watery noises in the evening when I lie down for a few minutes. The quality of my sleep is quite bad. Also, I often have spasms in my calves, which are a bit painful. Absolutely no idea why. I was often injured when I played football/soccer as a teenager. My blood tests are “normal” and the doctors (I live in Germany) don't really seem to want to help me.
So... yeah, I don't know.
Would anyone have any idea what's really going on in my body?
submitted by FrancoSosa56 to SIBO [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:51 B_rosexo I have a question

I have a question, the reason I’m asking is due to my nail health and trying to get them in to a healthier state.. I apologize for the length of this.
Does or has anyone here made dried herb/flower oil infusions at home for nail oil?
I made a dried herb oil infusion with dried herbs and flowers (didn’t use any wet/water containing ingredients) using castor oil, vitamin E oil and a small amount of grape seed + olive oil as the carrier oils and i used a heat method to infuse them because I needed an oil right away.
I needed something right away that would be moisturizing but also anti fungal and anti bacterial that’s why I wanted to add dried herbs + flowers because of the state of my nails right now I really wanted to use something natural and not those nail strengthening slash anti bacterial nail polishes that are just chemicals..
So I put it in an air tight jar and used a crockpot on warm for 4 and a half hours then strained it and put it in a brown bottle with a dropper. I made it not even a week ago, and I didn’t strain it perfectly I had to use a wire kitchen strainer so some tinyy pieces got through idk if that matters?
.. but so I was just looking at the oil and I noticed it’s a little hazy and has some hazy looking piece thing in there idk how to describe it, that I’m now a bit stressed wondering like can these oils go bad super fast?? It’s only beeen a week..
Or could they just separate and need to be shaken? If these type of oils do go bad how fast does that happen and is there anyway to preserve them??
I’m nervous now I don’t want to use it I don’t wanna be rubbing bad oil or bacteria on my nails you know. Idek if anyone here can help but I wanted to ask.. when I try to look this stuff up it’s a bit confusing google seems to always think I’m referring to oil infusions that you’d be consuming not ones you’d be putting on your nails.
submitted by B_rosexo to longnaturalnails [link] [comments]