Cupcake shaped kitchen timer

A Witch at Midnight - Chapter 31

2024.06.02 20:32 OrlonDogger A Witch at Midnight - Chapter 31

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The forbidding feeling of something approaching didn’t leave Giovanni even after an entire day. He had gone through the motions of his work, keeping guard in the Seal of Palien while, at the same time, taking care of the many needs of its populace. He was technically a mere deacon, another assistant of the many performing duties before their formal education in the Seminary of the Saints, but he had been calling the shots in Palien’s church for a while now, a little advantage of being a friend of the local family of priests for several generations.

He instructed the older priests on how to properly perform the sacraments, he oversaw the renewal and maintenance of the Seal underneath the church, and he listened to the woes and problems of the general populace with a smile and the wisdom of many lives behind his back.

It was a tiresome duty, but one that Giovanni performed with a satisfied smile on his face… except for today. Today, he couldn’t shake away the bad feelings, the unnerving sensation of something being deadly wrong in the world.

The dread would follow him even as he finished his occupations and climbed the stairs of one of the church’s towers, right up to his bedroom.

“This climb will kill me one day.” He said, shaking his head slowly. He knew the degenerating process of his body better than most, and he knew for a fact he wouldn’t be able to make that climb once he grew older. “I guess it’s best that I enjoy the view now that I can.”

He was just a pessimistic mess that day! But he was confident that this was nothing that a nice cup of sleepytime tea couldn’t fix.

Once in his bedroom at the top of the tower, Giovanni looked around the place with a smile. There was an electric kettle, an old laptop, some bookshelves, the door to his bathroom and his comfortable, cushy bed. The sight brought a smile to the young man’s face, this had always been the peaceful kind of life he had craved for so long… Why couldn’t he simply enjoy it?

He carefully sat by the laptop after filling and getting his kettle to work. Checking on the latest news, the world continued to spin in the same way he always knew. News of war in the West brought pain to his heart, especially knowing that he, as a mage, couldn’t really do a thing about it beyond donations and general sympathy. Capitalism was still rampant in most of the world, corruption was even worse, the news of the Sleeper World had always been kind of… depressing.

But maybe it was better than the absolute lack of motion in the Mage World. The Eclipse was coming soon, an event that would connect the different Layers of Reality far more intensely than ever before in some portions of the world, and that was concerning; the mages of the great Empire of Bisontia were involved in some heated conversations and the word ‘Revolution’ had been thrown out several times.

Alright, so maybe it wasn’t a ‘lack of news’ as much as a ‘lack of GOOD news’.

And then there was Mustafá.

Giovanni sighed, rubbing his temples softly while watching the recordings Blanco had sent him. Mustafá was already showing Tav some powerful magic, so he could only assume the woman was serious about training her. But why? After forsaking the magical world and the Brotherhood, why did she suddenly decide to act?

What did she know that he didn’t…?

The answer would come to him in the form of a call. Just as the young mage got ready to prepare his tea, his phone started vibrating to the tune of an old poppy, happy song. He wasn’t used to getting calls at this time of the day, but he had promised himself to always be open to help anyone, no matter the time of the day. Big was his surprise to see Mustafá’s name on the caller ID.

He tried to temper his excitement, but he couldn’t help getting a bit giddy. The old alchemist never had anything good to say to him, for the days where they could collaborate and speak to each other on friendly terms were far gone… and yet he always had a feeling of relief when hearing her voice.

Knowing that she was still out there, doing her thing, was a confidence booster to Giovanni.

Eventually he stopped dilly dallying and finally answered.

“Well hello ther—”

“Be quiet. I don’t have much time.” Mustafá immediately stopped his attempts to make conversation. “The Second Sacrifice is upon us.”

Giovanni paused. Now that was bad news… he didn’t even bother doubting the woman’s words, mostly because: a) She never made jokes, and b) She must have been real desperate to share this with him.

“...How long do we have?” He finally said. He could have complained, demanded to know for how long she had known and why hadn’t she said anything sooner. But, this wasn’t the time to bicker.

“Months. Not sure how many, but it won’t be beyond this year.” Mustafá was speaking fast. Clearly, she wanted to keep this brief.

“So this is what this feeling was about…” Giovanni closed his eyes. “Starting point? Dobrand again?”

“The North Pole.” She stated, simply.

“Why there of all places?” The young mage sighed, shaking his head slowly. “Fine, I will start investigating this at once.”

“Keep me informed. I have to go.” The alchemist didn’t give time for a retort, she immediately hung up.

With a sigh, the man of the tower looked out his window for a moment, shaking his head. He couldn’t just take a trip to the North Pole all of a sudden, the Seal would be left unguarded and insecure, and he had made a promise that he would never allow such a thing to happen again. It was what he owed the Blair Clan, after all, at least until they reached a breakthrough in their investigation.

And he knew that wouldn’t come for at least two or three more generations.

So, instead of dwelling on possibilities that may never come to fruition, Giovanni decided to do the best he could and simply start moving the pieces he did have at his disposition. He started serving himself a cup of tea, while tapping the numbers on his phone and calling Blanco again.

He knew the old vampire despised phone calls and vastly preferred messaging, but for things this important, Giovanni felt like they had to talk.

Eventually, the call connected.

“Hi G, is this about the whole ‘Second Sacrifice’ thing?” Of course, the vampire had heard everything. Giovanni smiled bitterly, thinking that this at least made explanations easier.

“Yes Blanco. I need you to divert some of the time I commissioned from you into investigating the North Pole, and any North Pole-related stories that you find.” The young priest sighed. “I am sorry I keep loading you with work.”

“It is a little boring but I can do it, no problem.” Blanco sounded upbeat about the whole thing. “So… the end is nigh?“

“We are actively trying to stop it.” Giovanni frowned.

“Well, not to be a downer, but you don’t exactly have a good record doing that.” The vampire snickered. “Should I start renewing the security in my bunker?”

“As if you weren’t going to do that regardless of the situation!” With another sigh, the priest took a sip from his tea. “Just, please inform me if anything changes… I have to go to sleep.”

“Have pleasant dreams! As long as you keep paying, I’ll keep you informed of everything!” That was the closest thing the monster had to a code of morals.

“Thanks, Blanco.”


The young man sighed, he sighed like a man several times his own age. Despite the immortality of his soul, Giovanni could feel the years accumulating on his shoulders, weighing him down no matter how young his body was. Maybe he was an old man, as Mustafá said so often.

With the arrival of the night in Palien, the young mage took a seat on his bed, finished his tea, and got ready for a full night of sleep. His speciality was magic of the soul, after all, and there is no point where our souls are more free than during sleep…

He had many questions to ask, and very little time… he could only beg that the visions would be less cryptic this time.

I take fifteen minutes or so cleaning my face, and my thoughts. The feeling of cold water on my face is refreshing and honestly really nice, even if it kind of makes the hairs sticking out more obvious. Maybe I should invest in a better razor or something.

Shaving is good!

It’s kind of useless though, no matter how much you shave, it will just pop out again.

Not a reason to not do it though!

With a sigh, still thinking about so many things at the same time, I walk back into the living room. Mustafá is not here, I assume she must be in the kitchen or something… so I just shrug and check on my backpack to pull out my meds. Even if this whole ‘trans’ business doesn’t pan out, I really should talk about my psychiatrist about the dosage.

You should talk to him about many things, like getting you in contact with a therapist…

I flinch a little there. I really don’t feel like asking another therapist for help, considering how badly my last session went, but… maybe you’re right. Maybe I should give it another whirl. I smile a little bit to myself, feeling proud of actually reaching this conclusion, when Mustafá walks out of the kitchen. Her lips are doing that thing again, the high-speed casting, as she guides a line of octarine light from the kitchen and around the living room. I stare as she walks on top of my furniture, tracing the edges of the room.

Soon enough, she walks to the hallway, leaving behind that line of light which, I assume, is a spell. I walk a little closer, squinting, just to see that indeed, the line of light is actually several runes forming a repeating phrase. I don’t see any shapes I recognize there… so I sigh. This is going to be a hard task, translating things, right?

Mustafá returns from the hallway and then, ignoring me completely, she goes back into the kitchen. I hear a strange sound, like a bell ringing… and the line of light disappears completely. I assume the spell is now in place.

“The spell is now in place.” The woman confirms, walking out of the kitchen. “Are you ready to go out? We have one final task to take care of before we can actually start your instruction."

“Are we going to the Elysium?” I tentatively ask, tilting my head as my teacher (oh how weird it feels to call her that) walks over to the door and opens it.

“No. You’re taking me to the Department of Motor Vehicles.” She says. “Take Gato’s book too, you will continue to read while we go.”

“... To the DMV.” My old arch nemesis. I still remember when I had to get my driver’s license… “Why?”

“Page 24.” She mentioned, walking off.

With another sigh, I pull the book to read it carefully after I exit and close the door behind me. I really despise having to read while I walk, but fortunately Gato’s book isn’t especially heavy or hard to understand, besides, I can just check it out while we enter the elevator!

I have to wonder though, wouldn’t it be easier to just tell me, instead of ordering me to read the information in a book? I am starting to think Mustafá is quite lazy…
submitted by OrlonDogger to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:31 blueghost87 WTS - Kershaw, CJRB and old junkers bundle

Hello all,
Cleaning out my closest and looking to get rid of some of these. Original owner of the Kershaw and CJRB but inherited the old traditional knives from vintage stores and garage sales.
Timestamp and Videos
Kershaw XCOM - Black 8cr blade with black handle and hardware. Action is firm but smooth, centering slightly to the show side but lock up solid with no stick. Never carried or used to cut.
CJRB Pyrite Bowie - AR-RPM9 full stonewashed. Center with no play and a great action. There is some button stick but that may or may not wear in with time. Never carried or used to cut.
Best info I have on these old traditional ones
Kutmaster USA Utica NY definitely rusty crusty and horribly sharpened.
Old Timer made by Schrade in USA. Crusty and horribly sharpened.
Craftsman USA decent shape, not over sharpened and has a smooth action. The craftsman logo looks scratched out but it’s a USA made one.
Calimus little baby back lock made in USA. Decent condition, locks up well and smooth action.
Unknown little trapper. Bit rusty and crusty possibly sharpened and oozing some oil.
$55 obo shipped for all of them. Not looking to split up.
PayPal F&F, thanks!
submitted by blueghost87 to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:00 goldeneagle888 Balance

For years I tried doing what the old timers said.
“A meeting a day!!” “Get rid of your friends!” “Your life HAS to be this!”
A couple years ago I had an epiphany. I was at a meeting. I went 6-7times a week then. It’s what I saw the old dudes doing. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks-
“These guys/gals don’t have anywhere else to be!”
Lots of them had lost their families, were retired, didn’t have any friends left, etc.
I took a step back and looked at my life. It was time for a change.
Since October, I have cut back to 3 meetings a week. NO more than that. No less. I pray and meditate most days. But if I miss? I don’t beat myself up. I have two sponsees. I have a good network.
But also, I have a thriving career, I am dating, I am in great shape, I have tons of interests outside of “the program” including non alcoholic friends that I spend time with.
AA must be the most important thing in my life. There’s no option, I MUST do certain disciplines. But at the same time I don’t have to live my life in an AA meeting.
If you are living your life in a church basement, try what I suggested. I am the most balanced and happy I have been in my life.
submitted by goldeneagle888 to alcoholicsanonymous [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:25 Past_Independence217 The Ultimate Ranked Gameplay and Legend Guide from a Top Apex Pred

A lot of folks come to me asking how they can get good at ranked and get that precious dive trail. Well, I'm here to tell you exactly what to do in order to do well in this game. These ideas, bullet points, and explanations are fool proof and unassailable. I've lived (and very rarely ever die) by these guidelines for years and find myself atop the pile of ranked very consistently. Follow them closely, and you too can be an Apex Predator like me.
Behavior: If you see or hear any kind of homophobia, sexism, bullying, or any kind of behavior like this, DO report them using the system. Fire and foremost the best thing that can be done for the Apex community is reporting and removing those toxic elements from the community so that its a welcoming place for everyone, regardless of skill level or dedication. It starts with you, the player, to call this out and shape the community.
Inputs: First, the gulf between controller and KB+M is at this point too large to ignore, especially at the higher level of play. Sometimes you're just going to get clipped at close range and it will have less to do with your ability to hit your shots and more to do with the very prevalent aim assist the enemy has. Keep engagements a bit further away if you can to prevent this. Report anyone that gets close with a shotgun or R99 in order to maintain a better player pool in these scenarios, Gameplay Sabotage. If they are on console using a controller in a PC lobby, also take the above appropriate action. Furthermore, if anyone is using a controller or console player and critiques any other players aim in or out of game, do the needful as well. Many players only have ever played on controller and have no concept of un-assisted aim and thus should be removed from that kind of consideration.
Classes: Mix up the classes at legend select screen. Doubling up the classes simply needlessly reduces the amout of EVO you can gain and can be the difference between life or death in a close fight. If you see someone has picked a class you were going to go, do your duty and change over to something else useful, even if its just the passive like scanning crates or being able to craft banners. Report anyone that doesn't do this for Gameplay Sabotage, there is a class and EVO system for a reason.
Dropping: Hot dropping is incredibly stupid in ranked. So many games are lost immediately upon the drop from an unfocused jump master its not even funny. Even if you're the best shot in the world, you're essentially putting your team on a roullette wheel in terms of the aforementioned close-range controller roller, but also whether you'll even get a gun or not. Why do this? Why potentially waste your team mates' time by dropping them in between other people like that? 100% 360 no scope accuracy counts for absolutely nothing if you don't have a gun, and the 2 other enemy teams are meleeing you to death, or you DO get a gun and its not something useful for that situation. Hot dropping takes the choice of winning the game out of your teams hand and into RNG. Save that for non ranked games or private lobbies.
If you DO find yourself in a hot drop because others peel in, STAY TOGETHER. Running off as a wraith or octane or revenant is essentially throwing when even your mere presence can stop your team from being focus fired. Remember, 2 melee's from two of you is 120 damage if you never get a gun. Thats way better than dashing off, getting that sweet gun, turning around and ope, your team mates are down because they had to fight alone, then YOU get melted cuz there are more of them than you. Peeling off is a lot less important on a drop if it means staying together with crappy guns than splitting off and throwing the dice on a separate 1v1's or 1v2's. If someone hot drops intentionally and rages that someone didn't split off when there are 9 enemies around, report them. Gameplay Sabotage. You came to play Ranked, not gamble on the gun obtaining roulette wheel.
Equipment: Similar to above, if you see a piece of gear, even if you hate the guts of your team mates, dislike their class selection, whatever: You're there to win a ranked game. Share the equipment. If your team mate has no gun, and you have two, and you're in a fight, drop one for them. If they are rolling snipper or marksman, give them the scope, its far better for them to have a useable long range gun than a fancy 3x on your Havoc. If you have a support class and you see a gold knockdown shield, ping it, don't even pick it up unless its specifically to bring to a team mate. Its a waste of everyones time if you do withhold items and can earn a report for Gameplay Sabotage and selfish play.
Also in relation to this point and the below point: remember if you ping an item and then take off, your team mate now has to run all the way over or back, often alone, if you keep moving on. Thats a great way to split up a party and get yourself down a person out of selfish play. See above actions that should be taken for selfish play. Pick it up and bring it or stay back to provide overwatch as they loot the item.
Movement: Loba, Revenant, Pathfinder, etc. Remember: Not everyone else can zip up a wall in a few seconds like you can. If you're in a firefight or chasing a team or some such, you are literally splitting up your team if you hop up to different areas that others can't reach. At high level play, people notice this. They see you bracelet over to chase that battery-poppin Bangalore and will immediately pounce the rest of your team. Use these abilities in conjuction with your team, not to secure yourself some extra goodies or loot that bin just a little bit faster. I have lost track of the number of times a Loba was just gonna scoot up and get those bins first with her bracelet and ope, another team was there and no one can help you. Its worth it to move a bit slower as a team than to move faster as an individual in many instances in ranked. If a team mate or two insists on face tanking everything and hard charging in, leaving team mates behind, there are fewer text book examples of Gameplay Sabotage.
The Ring, looting, and POI's: Don't ignore the ring. Saying its "only ring 1" is some absolute rookie behavior and is ripe for a Gameplay Sabotage charge. It isn't about how much damage the ring does, its about where it places you for the next fight. What good is your team for the next fight if all of you are breathlessly popping syringes to ensure you can get to the next ring before it moves?
Half the game is about positioning and being able to take on a fight before aiming and quick movement enters the equation. Its often better to disengage from a fight or even miss out on some loot if it means you can be into position for the next ring sooner and shoot those folks trying to hustle in after you. It may not feel good to leave behind those team wipes or death boxes, but when they are in a much worse position and likely eliminatd themselves, you'll be glad as your RP value tics slowly upward as the ring gets smaller. Similarly, do not push teams into a closing ring, you never know who is lurking waiting to take on a bone headed move like that. You might get that team wipe, but now you gotta hustle back to your buddies alone and fully dependant on a medkit now, sabotaging your teams chances.
Lastly, going to different POI's late in a ring cycle can also set you up for failure. You may have picked your prime drop point clean and need more loot, but pushing away out of the ring will let more savvy teams take over where you just came from and shoot you as you return, thanking you for all the extra loot you brough them. Loot TOWARDS the ring, not out of it, otherwise be prepared to get ambushed or find yourself constantly playing a game of catch-up because you wanted go get that last bin at the cost of an extra 800 meters of running. This is often fatal on maps like Broken Moon and absolutely gameplay sabotage of your team. Get inside the ring with mid loot and let the deparate players bring YOU the high tier loot they went for. If you played it right, you'll have some time to pick their boxes clean at the inside edge of the just-closed ring rather than hustling in and having to move again without a chance to lot.
Abilities and Legends: Use them to help your team, not just for yourself. Badly placed or used abilities are the epitome of Gameplay Sabotage and reduces everyones enjoyment and competativeness of Apex. For all of these COMMUNICATION is going to be the best underlying application when considering them.
Here is a quick and easy run down:
Alter: Put down your ult where its safe and remember your tactical goes BOTH ways. Trying to chase that kill alone can put you inside a building ALONE, getting you knocked and the ability for the enemy to come out and ambush YOUR team. Thats a fine way to sabotage your team. You can use Alter's ult while downed, so do it.
Ash: Your ult charges faster than you think, put it in places your entire team can use it. Not just you and the nearby person. Otherwise your'e just splitting - and sabotaging - your team.
Ballistic: Your ult charges faster than you think and can be a life saver for your team mates. Any engagement that goes down without your ult active is essentially sabotaging the team.
Bangalore: Smoke is useful for running away, approaching through open areas, repositioning, or obsuring recovery. Smoking an enemy so THEY can approach under cover or reposition is actively helping the enemy team. Thats Gameplay Sabotage if I've ever heard it. Use your smoke tactically, not as a fun whimsical thing to fire at enemies for fun. Your ult slows down your team too, use it to make space, not to make noise.
Bloodhound: Scanning and not getting enemy teams gives away your position and class. Absolutely sabotage, so keep it tight with those tac uses.
Catalyst: Your wall is extremely powerful for crossing open area and charges relatively quickly. Your team should never struggle to get through an area without your assistance in some way. Your wall reinforcement can be key as well to the succes of a team. A Catalyst in a fight with abilities off cooldown is a Catalyst Sabotaging Gameplay. Don't let that be you.
Caustic: Use your traps to not necessarily block doors but to allow enemies to come inside and BREATHE IT IN while blocking their movement forward. This will do more to disrupt their ability to pressure you than blocking a door your team may need to use. Remember if you see your teams gas, you know the enemy isn't there. Go get in it and pressure the enemy more. If its enemy gas, just hold your breath, no problem. Caustic is the best boy though, and is actually incapable of sabotaging his team.
Conduit: Point your face at your team and boost their shields in a fight. Do not just use it for yourself or before anyone takes any damage, thats just wasting a very powerful ability and is actively sabotaging your team. The Jammers are KEY but have a long wind up and wind down, so get them out early if you see an enemy go down to prevent enemy movement to flank you or pick them up. A passive Conduit is an empty battery, so lock it in.
Crypto: Use the drone to get intel, scan antennae, res your teamies, and cover your flanks. Your drone doesn't have to be fancifully placed, just available to EMP the enemy and cover areas. EMPing a bunch of equipment can be more useful than hitting an enemy team with it, so remember that. If a Crypto dies with an active undeployed drone, that is necessarly a Gameplay Sabotage moment and you should take appropriate action.
Fuse: Your ult is almost always up. Use it early, use it often. Its less about melting the enemy, and more about controlling where they can and can't go. Your team mates, if they are paying attention, will recognize this and use it as a No-Go zone so they can flank effectively. Use your knuckl to hit downed enemies, it the best way to press the assault. Free grenades are strong, but remember, your teamies can body block your shots, causing them to bounce into your face or away from the enemy. If this happens, call it out for the sabotage it is and take the right steps.
Gibralter: Your dome shield is extremely powerful, but remember it also functions as a No-Go zone. Putting it down so only you can hit a syringe is a waste. Use it for your team or to res your buddies as you res faster in the dome than outside of it. If you find the shield is blocking your team from shooting the enemy and is only a hindrance, be sure to get the reports going for gameplay sabotage on the offending Gibby.
Horizon: Remember your tactical is extremely useful, but entire fights can be done around it. Using it just to boost yourself is a great way to split your team and sabotage a victory. Be mindful of how it can help you reposition or block door ways from enemies. Your ult destroys doors, remember that too and be sure to shout it out to teamies.
Lifeline: IMMEDIATELY as soon as a teamie goes down, res them. No question. Its better to res a teamie and take a shot, than to avoid all shots and have the teamie die. Ressing the teamie creates a timer on the fight against the enemy as your team cannot be eliminated as long as someone is being res'd.Trying to be a hero and wipe everyone yourself is sabotage.
Loba: Selecting this character is inherently considered Gameplay Sabotage unless a few criteria are met. The bracelet is an ESCAPE ability, not an engagement one. Treat it as such, not as a toy. Your shop can be used by enemies and is intended to be used by your entire team. Not just you. Closing up shop immediately upon everyone buying is mandatory, and putting it down split away from others is just putting that shop up for the enemy. Seeing as most do not do this, selecting this character is inherently reportable in ranked at this time.
Mad Maggie: Don't be afraid to use your ball to charge into the enemy, its a great way to engage a fight or in bad cases,run away. Not using the drill on the enemy is sabotage though, so make sure you're constantly pressing the attack.
Mirage: Similar to lifeline, you need to be ressing as soon as possible and bamboozlin' to the max. Not properly disengaging and crafting your teammates is considered to be gameplay sabotage, so keep your head on a swivel when playing this legend.
Newcastle: Same as lifeline with the added caveate that his ult moves you way way further than you think. If anyone on your team has a shield break, you should be putting that wall up on them immediately if you're not ressing someone else. Do not sabotage your team by not pulling them out of harms way as soon as possible. Don't forget, your tactical can be moved too!
Octane: Put your pad down for teamies to use them to engage or disengage, not to get to a bin first or for you to get to a new POI alone. Octane has the ability to be an extremely powerful flanker and team mobility player. However, too many are in Sabotage mode where they themselve want to go fast and chide the others for not having that stim pack or have the first crack at loot. Don't let that Octane be you.
Pathfinder: Look where you're putting your ult before firing it. In ranked folks will just wait for your ult to set up then shoot you off of it. Often you're the key to getting out of a ring, so use your abilities as such, not to get a cheap piece of loot or for self serving means. Its actively gameplay sabotage to zip line only yourself up with a tactical and forcing the rest of the team to use stairs in a time sensitive situation.
Rampart: Cover up, cover often. Excellent way to buy time for your team to set up or reposition if necessary. If you're ever in a fight near doors and you have Sheila available, there should be no doors in that area as a good Rampart controlls the battlefield and a bad one is actively sabotaging by not using their abilities.
Revenant: Similar to Pathfinder, with the further caveat that choosing this legend is in itself an act of Sabotage that needs to be worked out of rather than into. Use rarely.
Seer: Your ult is off cooldown so use it often. Even if the enemy isn't in it, it can be a useful visual guide to where they are NOT and you can move appropriately. Generally its considered a minimum among us high level players for a Seer to hit 80% of their tactical charges. Missing too many tac charges can be a form of sabotage as you give away your teams position and should be treated as such. Lead your shots.
Valkyrie: Same as Revenent and Pathfinder, though this is doubled if you hurt yourself with the missile swarm. Thats some rookie gameplay and as such, toxic and sabotage. Further caveat: Valk can see where folks are dropping straight off the jump, any hot drop with this legend is sabotage. Use rarely.
Vantage: Don't be afraid to use your snipper riffle often, though it does give away YOUR position. Its a great way to pressure a team as the rest of your squad gets into position. Call out the shield and squad status as often as you can, remember you can do this without anything equipped! Same for Echo, use that lil guy often to change position! Her ult is very strong and has such a huge hit box and aim-assit that its often considered intentional to miss shots with it. If you see a Vantage missing ult snipper shots, that is sure sign of sabotage.
Wattson: Get that ult early, get it up often in a fight. This can be the make or break for an entire fight! Your walls can be great ways to slow down an enemy, but remember, they won't STOP them. Don't treat them as foolproof barriers the way a Catalyst or even Caustic defended area may be. If a Wattson ever goes down without deploying her ult, that is a clear sign of sabotage though, and should be acted upon by the community.
Wraith: Just don't choose this legend. Similar to Revenant, inherently a gameplay sabotage pick and often provides no utility to their team. Report on sight.
There is your Ranked guide, feel free to leave any questions or concerns in the comments below or reach out to me directly if you want to learn more ways to become an Apex Predator and show this community the best way forward!
submitted by Past_Independence217 to apexlegends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:01 IntelligentAd5000 Sleep Deprivation is causing me to do something extremely odd

Hello, I can't sleep and Im getting pills for it. I have been awake for 48 hours now. And things are a bit of blur. But I have realised that I have picked up and extreme urge to write. I dont know how or why, but I crank out amazing short horror stories in 20minutes, and cant remember why. i realise that there are symptoms regarding sleep deprevation but whats happening doesnt match anything I've seeh. So yea the compulsion to write is weird and I have developed an obession of posting them to reddit (this I swear is not one), lying and not knowing why to commenters. I had posted a list about of game I like but not that much, the list was a thousand words, and I spent an hour of time doing nothing else making this list, all of knowledge I'd forgotten about. You can find the rest of the messy mesy story, and I lied and said I was high in one post, and took down countless others. I dont even use reddit that much, always that it was a bit weird, and though. I was mostly wrong, I thought I would come here. I have ADHD and focusing is hard for me, and i have never been so hyperifxated on something like that in my life. And then i started a little log to see where im at during my sleepless night. Each hour. I logged. And Logged And logged. I didnt realise how much i was hallicinating, but I think I was in REM sleep and I somehow retained perfect ability to type on keyboard without seeing and look. I thought that everything I was typing made sense, but after kinda snapping out of it, I realised in horror kind of. So i took my photo booth opened, it and ran a video of me. I was in REM sleep for sure, and i was typing unbelievbly fast. I remember everything, I could think and then my hands would type it. I know it sounds weird, but like my imagination, my subconscious thoughts were being projected somehow. Heres all 3000 words and counting of it. the last couple where I do the test make it unclear, but unless someone actually replies to this, I will save images and photos for later. I am currently still hallucinating but not as badly so pardon my misspellings.
Now I Swear on My Life this is real, none of my friends believe me, my sister does though. please help me
Here it is
-1am feeling tired didn’t get to sleep until three last night, so this sucks
-3am haven’t done any work went don’t disturbing internet mystery rabbit hole. Also what will my screen time look like? Not good.
-5am- That’s when it hits you, the birds and the light, worst feeling ever. Microsleep hit, and I hallucinate myself watching a video. WTF.
-8am-I have been writing a short story for the past 3 hours, wtf is wrong with me. I get out of my room at 8:30, and something shocking, happened, I looked in the mirror and I have a six pack? At first I thought hallucination and dismissed it, went and had nothing for breakfast apart from some ice cream. I am scared.
-9am-taken medication feel fine. I have not eaten much and I am aware it is taking a toll on my weight. I have six pack and look shredded. This is not a good thing.
-10am- all my 2500 word essay got deleted. I notice sleep deprivation and medication, has a weird affect. It masks the affects of sleepiness. I feel fine, no fatigue, could work for ever. I have a 1 hour tutor session, let’s see how that goes.
12pm- Finished tutoring session - felt easy speedy and fine. Am heavily addicted to reddit. I feel like the dexiamphetamine is having an affect on my body which makes me entrenctched into whatever I am doing.
2pm- Got to get ready for kickboxing class junior leadership thing. My face is riddled with pimples. This is caused by a lack of sleep and water and proper nutrients.
5pm- I got home, feel fine, it was really cold though. No signs of cognitive decline like I usually show. Actually I take that back, things have become to become distorted, my eyes are messing with me as a result of the micro-hallucinations I am experiencing. I took 2 more dexiamphetamines, probably a bad idea.
8pm-I feel amazing, but at the same time little work as been done on rave. I am completely and utterly obsessed with writing stories, I spent and hour and a half texting my adventure to London, and I begun to get really descriptive. I am not in a good mental state(Not as in depressed, as in I can’t judge if what im doing is weird, it has to be right?).
9pm- Symptoms are really starting to show now. I have been listening to sad songs whilst I write my English, it is a story so it’s going well.
9:30pm- I have spent too long over many hours compiling a list of things I’d like to see in fallout 5. What the fuck, I am at the point in which I can’t take a step back. Computer screen distorted at time. When I am typing, I keep thinking about how to do the hashing technique using curved lines with a ball point pen. I have wrote probably over 800 words disputing claims about my fallout 5 post.
10pm- I have possibly written an amazing English assignment. My dread in which consumes me, about this assignment is keeping me motivated whilst I listen to music(mainly sad music.) I love the start of the song violent crimes by Kanye west, I had that on repeat for a while until I moved onto other sad songs, because I didn’t want it to burn out (its a great song)
10:30 in bed now feeling weird. I was wondering around and yep im hallucinating, and it sucks ass. Minor ones at the moment, which are good, but it’s more like my mind will think something is there that is not. Does that make sense? But then in the hall way, it was dark and as I turned on the light I saw some fucked up face. Alright now im scaring myself jeez.
10:50 So right now typing this the visual hallucinations have definitly set in, it’s weird that I am conscious enough to witness it happen in real time. This doesn’t feel real. How to describe what I’m seeing, like waves silk-like distortions of everything. Right now I look up and I see like silky distortions of the corner of the roof distort and move. It is significantly worse in the dark, as brain has to make up for a lack of what is there. I turned the light on and yes it is better. They are still there but are minor and less apparent. Legitimately everything scares me, my body is jumping, I guess as my brain is focusing as much maybe, and then when I do hear something out of the ordinary it spooks me. I don’t know why but I feel like all of sudden im just gonna go crazy and it’s like a race against time, but it will be slow and I will see how long I can last. Typing has become significantly harder as I loose control of my motor skill which has happened in a short time of 30 minutes. Wow creepy peripherals make up visuals, idk why that is
-11:20- Taken videos as updates. I feel like this is the quiet before the storm. My brain is making things up and it’s pissing me off. It has revoked my right to type, and everything that is not in my direct peripheral now is some sort of the thing. Like bro every key I type my fucking brain slows down, it’s taken me song long to write this one thing. I can’t think of what I want to say to next, that’s a big one. The changes come on so rapidly and everchanging
-11:40-Brain is sending in backups. My typing speed has increased but my ability to spell words correctly is failing. Right now it’s just not fun. No major hallucinations, just a feeling of dread mixed with a nice side of a painful ass headache and a need to go to the toilet. I find it weird however that when writing, usually a mundane task, my brain kind of goes on autopilot, and I have some sort of visual hallunciaiont, this is weird for the reasons stated, and that my hands seem to be moving themselves, and I am watching them, similar to that somen in black mirror, with the museum. BTW black mirror is NOT something you would want to watch like this. I had dream about white Christmas once, and I felt like I was stuck in there for a million years. #existential crisis right. Ok weird, so it seems like when I disassociate my brain keeps typing, I am having a bit of neural input it seems, but my brain fog which was so present all but 2 minutes ago gone. Ok yea noises are starting to appear a bit. Butt cheeks were clenched. I feel like a lifeless dummy rn. Waiting for next phase. (Prayer emoticon). Also why does my fingers just magically know where all the buttons
12am- And the clock hits twelve. Half way there. At the end of this I will have successfully completed 42 hours. Its not a flex or anything I am aware, its just what choice do I have, try and sleep and be constantly reminded of the overbearing weight of the assignments all due this week?? I don’t want to think about that, no-one does. My fucking bad I managed my time wrong im a fucking kid after all. I am going Canberra college next year and this week has been a step in the wrong direction for me. After mum left everything went to shit. I cannot control myself, I am addicted to gadgets. I need to watch my computer to go to sleep or the google home. I have a compulsion to reddit, and I eat like shit. Chicken in some sort, lie about having vegetables. If I even tried to make a food diary of some sort for these last few days, I would be put on fucking trial for the murder of any chance of bitches. I treated my body like shit. The best word I can describe this week in is - Grunge. Like fucking living in your own shit. That’s how I feel. Everyrnight same routine, go on computer, watch videos until 12, watch google home go to bed. But not really.. Instead I would appear to stay up to 2am or 3am and go to bed, eat some food or something I don’t fucking know. I know I am sleep deprived. It is showing in my works. Weird addiction to writing, my adhd hyperfocuses on something. Drawing and Writing. As I write this my brain tries to seduce me into its gaze. The room or just the essence of living is moving, right to left, like im in a slide, and then left to right, and then so on and so forth. I am afraid this is what happens when you eat nothing but sugar and sugar and sugar, don’t sleep and drug your self on drugs. Skin is just a warning, my body brain will be infected I need to stop. I cannot live unregulated.
12:13am- My eyes heart, everything’s shadow is big and I don’t know how much more of this I can take. It is hell, and Im not even at the micro sleeps. They sound low-key cool. I am waiting to go out, make myself a wrap with butter, and get around the computer as I mindlessly do nothing. I don’t watch YouTube want, other way round, and thoughts of my intentional original purpose, to do work for school, left the window a long time ago. I close my eyes for a split second and I ee a teddy bear. They keep appearing, things are melting, this is it baby, as Jeff Kinney would say, we in for the long haul. I want to keep typing and I don’t know why, partly because it is cool that I have kept typing this long, and partly because what else do I do. Wait for it to consume me. If I had a pen and paper, I could have drawn the images I see on my computer screen, vague but the all have cross hatchings, a term I am learning. And what happen to monkey type, I swear I searched it. Is it the micro sleep? Is it coming. Yea. Maybe not.
12:30am- Writing these becomes a scapegoat for my mind to kinda control me and I don’t like it, so Im going to keep it short. No differences, Battery low I will have to brave it out of room soon. Hallucinations minimal, and chicken in peripheral which is toy and bedsheet, but I can’t see it as anything else. Cute little reference my brains making, but I have two finder files, and my brain this its two cookie monsters lol. Also eyes are still heavy. I have gained complete and even I would go as far to say enhanced motor control, I feel like I can type fast, and I hear every single click on the key and It freaks me out. I intentionally leave errors in here, not many but some, and my stupid ass thinks im going to read this and think it’s all mysterious. Upon further reflection, I may have been having depth perception hallucinations. What is weird is no vivid hallucinations but everything is something if that makes an inkling of sense. Im not really all there any more. Weird how that works. Time perception is completely altered and distorted. I could have sworn twelve o’clock was ten seconds or 1 hour ago. I cannot swear on either, but ten seconds ago? I could have sworn on one, I cannot remember which one anymore. Speaking my thoughts does not make cohesive notes on my problem and predicament, I should refrain, but sometimes my brain naturally does this. Yea saw souls of the damned again when I blinked, weird, and now liminal shit im seeing, because my brain is like ooh scary I should scream now, and then it pumps out all this shit. It has been 6 minutes since I started writing, that sounds about right, but at the same times that was long, very long, marcy long. (Kill her long). I chicken which is a building waves a hammer at my building. It is the side bar on the right side of my MacBook.
12:37: wanted to wait until 12:40 but time sucks ass and is an illusion. You many know by now that my posts have ramblings of random topic and will veer off. This was not my intention, if I write for longer than a minute I loose my grip on my brain, it starts writing what It pleases. I have to think really hard about what I want to write, even then it just autofilled it. Lucky it’s right. Computer percentage critically low. 9%, yet I am filled with joy and dread right now. I think this could be caused by the effect of my dexi’s that I took, like a long term effect, or rather just the lack of sleep. I am deeply disturebed but interested by myself. I now have real hallucinations now. Files are quickly changed to name. And a beigeish green blood phases through my door fast. If I look at my hands wrong they look like they are encrusted in dry blood. I had to think if blood was the gang or Blud was the gang, that is how you know sjits gone down the drain.
1:00: It is officially one-ocklock and I let my brain take the rails once again(don’t let me down). So right now Im feeling fine, but sometimes I will have clear clarity and feel fine, no hallucinations, no nothing, and this will be followed by an intense one that will not be scary just like kind of convincing. One instance I don’t want to forget is me looking through my old video from a couple hours ago. One of them my arms look weird and photoshopped linked down bellow, and I have like a led type trip. I think it could be inspired by those weird ass instagram reels I watch, but Idk, It was me and that pose, changing shape a bit and material. I was real glossy and like twisted and moulded and back to normal it was weird. I couldn’t see my arms, especially my forearms the same after that. One phenomena which is uniquely odd is the compulsion to write here. I can understand a lack of time knowledge and perception, as it is natural of one when under these conditions, but have loose your sanity to a point where you are able to mindlessly drone on about things happening to you, is weird, weird. It initially started off as an idea, one sentence or maximum short paragraph talking about each hour and how the where different to the next. Also just got jumped scared by the image thanks bitch. Whilst righting this I am aware I made a mistake (writing), I feel like I have some consciousness left, but if I don’t blink it really hit me. So I keep blinking to report back to base. Yea the head is tilting sideways turned into like a fucking dragon praying mantis thing for a sec. Right now I feel alright, the dream is supposed to get to me but it is hard for it to pass, I know that I am supposed to feel creeped out but I don’t, I like it when for a second my brain will just think of something and loose it. One truly weird thing is me being able to hallucinate pictures through the writing. Always cartoons, depicted silly and offbeat. I don’t know why though. Yea Ididnt wright that by the way what the hell. The good ole noggin did. My head stopped hurting, and my neck has softened the blow a bit, and takes a bit of pain not much, and the my neck is also is cricitacl condition, after seeing Moby at the fucking side bar again. This time it wasn’t a chicken this was Moby from fucking Moby and ted. Ok now its ahicken peeking its head out back to straight what the fuck am id doing llama fr fr fr
1:13-computer is low, very low, at 4%. I am back by the way, I got sucked in again but got out and read it really quickly. The fr frfr is from the Tyler the creator song fr fr fr this time. Ya know. Ok so not this time but next time iwirite a paragraph or a time, I am going to record myself, and then when I regain my sanity, I will watch the video to see what I look like, when I am truly not with it. I don’t know if the same thing will happen with this paragraph but I hope not. This notice was just a short one but stay safe. One last thing that is not helping me, I am now scared again, I heard stomping in the kitchen , and I know it could be fake but everything there is stomping in the kitchen I am able to know because if there is at this Time of night I feel my heart drop, and I did which helps add to the case. I don’t eellike investigating but igueess if that is my best option then I will but now is not really there right time. When is ithe right time officers saying gtyring to gain media attention from the main. Never get the fuckout of my house.
1-18am(the test?) So this is the test but I obviously need something to talk about and I have a topic. So basically I think I have cracked the case to the nonsense rambling in which I don’t understand myself. It is a literal projection of what is going on inside my mind. You know how sometimes people will take things literally and then you’re like no I didn’t mean it like that, well it’s kinda the same thing. I say something insidede my head but it comes out through my fingers. And it’s odd because it come with such swiftness and such durability. Right now I a doing it it yes made a spelling mistake whilst looking at my green gamer screen. I don’t know how or why this done. I am back to realign. And yea this is odd, not quite the feeling that I get when I completely disassociate. I am starting to think that maybe I am begging to miceslepe these series of events and include e the within the paragraph, it happen a little bit there, and unlike try to be the bait for other final charges, this on has no backing against it. There it is again, little less than the first time, but my mind wonders and my hand followed. What if I thought some truly despicable stuff, something that would surely get me banned from ever participating in it agin. Now no I have to read this later I don’t really want to hut then again, i if it fits thehe description then we have t o. Brain disrupted my train of thought, I think I had important breakthrough, Never imind I id, the breakthrough was that when I am looking or blurring my eyes, the top of my head the curtain and y alien arms along with the righting combnined to create some sort of card with a circle in the middle in which I can only presume is a play ng car. I am currently doing right now let’s describe. So I hastily have the some sort go grounding I am loosening it,. It is a hashing draw g clear as dal, with I big leak on the right side and spills over, probably
1.28am- the big move. Just kidding I just have to get out of bed. Let’s see who wins me our bed.GUESS FUCKING WHAT BABY I WON. So I should probably start with the obvious what the fuck Is actually happening. Yea will I thought I was fully conscious, dogs barking keeping me in there. So my subconscious is a weird weird weird thing. Yea fuck it’s happening again, I didn’t mean to type that. Ok so talk about more later, but if I can spit it out in time, I enter a state of REM sleep when I start typing, and my brain doesn’t understand what is imaginary and what’s not so it fills in gaps, and whilst doing this, inadvertentltly transposes your visual in real life, and your imagination, until it creates a weird state in which nothing is quite real and nothing is fake. God that sounds so pretentiously ominous. In the video my eyelids flicker, which is why this is my main theory, but what amazes me, is 2 distinct things. The first is my ability to type whilst looking away from my computer or with my eyes closed. I don’t misspell words, which is confusing as when testing this to the best of my ability whilst in this state, I don’t get very good results at all. The second is the fact that I am fully aware of what is happening. I am able to translate what is happening in my mind to the document, with a little bit of brain fog mixed in, which is obvoiusly going to happen in things like this.
submitted by IntelligentAd5000 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:57 teabagmoustache Any advice on how to best use this space?

I'll be getting a new laminate floor put in soon and was planning on adding a breakfast bar to make a U shaped kitchen area.
I feel like the living area would be better if it was facing away from the kitchen, but not sure if it would be too cramped if I had the back of the sofa flush with the bay window.
Any advice at all welcome. I'll be buying new furniture and redecorating and have added a possible floor plan.
The space is 5.5m x 5 so it's a pretty small space to fit living, dining and a kitchen.
submitted by teabagmoustache to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:47 Happy_Canary2794 cupcakes for a gender reveal

cupcakes for a gender reveal
First time piping cupcake tops and doing a 2 color swirl! Used preppy kitchens recipe for vanilla cupcakes and Swiss meringue buttercream 😋
submitted by Happy_Canary2794 to Baking [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:46 Accurate_Artichoke86 AITA for accidentally killing my sisters dog

(got removed from AITA)
I (23M) was asked by sister (29F) to housesit for her while she was in hospital (nothing major, just an appendectomy). She asked me to water her houseplants, walk her dog a few times a day and just make sure the house was in generally good shape. Obviously I agreed because she's just been through a tough divorce so she has no one else to turn to.
The first day I was looking after the house there was no trouble, I didn't have to do much since all her plants only need watering every other day so I just took the dog (8 months chihuahua) on a little walk then headed back home. The second day was when it all went wrong. I let myself into the house and got on with watering the plants.
Bear in mind here that I've never so much heard of half of the plants she has, let alone watered any before, and she gave me no instructions so I just started moving them through into the kitchen to do some mass watering out of her tap (she has one of those taps that pull out into a hose). I figured it would be better to overwater them than to let them die of thirst, so I put the tap on blast for a few minutes and sprayed them all down like a firefighter. Probably should've expected this but her small kitchen started flooding almost immediately but, not paying attention, I just let the tap keep running. Once I decided they'd been watered enough I looked up from my laptop and saw a borderline swimming pool forming across the room and ran to the bathroom to grab some towels to mop up with.
I'd say I was gone for max 5 minutes getting the towels, but when I got back to the kitchen that little dog had started scranning up half the plants. I tried to pull her off them but she was insistent of chewing down on some spikey leafed thing (apparently its called a snake plant?) and I thought "what harm could it do" and tried to sort out the small ocean spreading across the tiles. I finished tidying up after a solid 30 minutes of sweat and tears and left to go back home, leaving the dog with the plant since she loved it so much.
My sister got back from the hospital the day after the flooding incident, and I woke up to 15 missed calls and near on 20 messages from her screaming at me for letting her dog eat a plant that's apparently toxic to young dogs as she found the thing unconscious in a pile of sick when she arrived home. She rushed it to the vets but the closest clinic was an hour away and by the time she got there, the dog had died and she blamed me 100%.
She's now uninvited me from her daughter (7F) birthday party because she "can't bear to look at me" and has turned my whole family against me, telling them I intentionally flooded her kitchen and killed her dog. Her ex husband is the only person on my side and no one else will hear me out that it was a genuine accident.
Am I the asshole?
submitted by Accurate_Artichoke86 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:23 sirgeneralcliche Ficnapping: An Introduction to Terran Zoology - The Ocean Episode

In which this ficnapping first-timer tackles An Introduction to Terran Zoology by u/Still_Performance_39. I'm still a newbie author, so imagine my surprise when I'm handed one of the most popular stories on the sub. One that's received the rare honor of being approved by the fifteenth holy knight of space himself. No pressure I guess lol.
I knew what I wanted to write about, at least. I've been waiting for this series to cover the ocean, so this was the perfect opportunity to do it myself! I had to think hard about what to include; the ocean is a big place after all. See if you can guess the secret (really obvious) theme I went with! Fingers crossed I did this story justice! (Shoutout to Wikipedia btw)
Memory transcription subject: Rysel, Venlil Environmental Researcher
Date [standardized human time]: Idk sometime after Cilany’s broadcast
Brahk, brahk, brahk!
I tore across the campus, sprinting for the Terran Zoology lecture hall as fast as my legs could carry me.
I can’t believe I overslept! Of all days, it had to be today.
Dr. Bernard had teased today’s topic last time. “By now we’ve learned about animals from all over Earth, and through our simulation exercises you’ve seen for yourselves how intricate Terran ecosystems can be.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at that. Everybody’s simulated ecosystems had failed catastrophically on their first attempts. It’d taken a herd of paws for everyone to accept how necessary predators were to maintain balance in Earth’s ecosystems.
“With what we’ve learned so far, we are ready to finally tackle one of if not the most complex and vibrant ecosystems on Earth: the coral reef. This lesson even has some direct relevance to us here on Venlil Prime. You might have heard the recent news about those biologists exploring Venlil Prime’s oceans not far from here. Well, the region they’ve been studying shares many things in common with Terran coral reefs. Learning about reefs on Earth could be a useful reference point for uncovering the secrets of your own oceans. I hope to see you all tomorrow!”
I’d been so excited I could barely fall asleep. I’d also completely forgotten that Milam was away visiting family. Why did that matter? Well, without the raucous squawking of her alarm, I’d overslept, and now I was about to be late!
My lungs and legs burned, but I pressed forward. There, the lecture hall’s door was still open! I dashed inside and scrambled to my seat, gasping and wheezing as I tried to still my beating heart. I’d made it.
“Wow, Rysel, you’re right on time. That’s the latest you’ve been yet!”
I glanced to my right and saw Sandi chuckling heartily at my expense.
“I -hrrf- over -hrrf- slept,” I wheezed, “didn’t -huff- want to -huff- miss this -huff- though.”
“Hmph. Rysel, of all Venlil, oversleeping for one of the Doctor’s lessons. Never thought I’d see the day,” Kailo scoffed from my left, snuggled deep into his duvet. I supposed it was technically an insult, but there was no hostility in his tone. I knew what real anger and hostility sounded like from him, and he hadn’t done or said anything like that for some time. No, this was just Kailo being Kailo.
I flicked my tail at him in a friendly greeting. “Good paw to you too, Kailo.”
He huffed and turned away, but I didn’t miss his tail swishing under his seat.
Kailo’s changed so much since our first day. It’s like he’s a different person. Honestly, I sometimes feel like a different person too.
I’d come a long way from being scared of humans and enrolling in the exchange program for money. Now, these classes were the highlight of every paw, and I couldn’t imagine wanting to do anything else.
My reminiscing was cut short by a familiar series of sharp knocks on the doorframe. My tail whirled with glee at the sight of the familiar figure.
“Good morning everyone! How’re we all doing on this very fine paw?” Dr. Bernard greeted us with a beaming smile.
Most of us beeped out a cheery hello in response. I glanced around the room, warm contentment welling in my chest. We were no longer the nervous, skeptical, and borderline hostile class Dr. Bernard had to put up with on the first day. Now, even the shyest participants flicked a friendly greeting in his direction.
“Excellent! I’m always delighted to hear your enthusiasm. Now, just to remind you, today we’ll be taking our first proper look at one of the most beautiful biomes Earth’s oceans have to offer. I always enjoy chatting with you all, but we do have a lot to get through today. Would anyone object if we skipped the banter this time and dive straight into the material?”
Yes, I’m ready! Let’s go!
The rest of the class echoed my sentiment, beeping with varying levels of excitement and curiosity. Bernard smiled as he glanced over everyone, his gaze lingering on me. “I’m happy to see that everyone’s excited for today’s lesson.”
It was at this point that I noticed that in my excitement, I’d jumped out of my seat and lunged onto the table. Sandi was chuckling merrily, and I heard a cough from Kailo underneath his blanket cocoon. Did I say that out loud? I slowly slid back into my seat, my ears blooming hot orange from embarrassment. I knew at this point that Bernard wouldn’t take offense to my outburst, but that didn’t make it any less embarrassing for a grown man to be jumping up and down like a pup.
“Since everyone seems to be on board,” Bernard said, graciously distracting everyone from my faux pas, “let’s dive right into our ocean lesson, shall we?”
His pun was met with scattered beeps and groans, though most of the class let out merry bleats to express their excitement for the lesson. The classroom’s monitor flickered to life, and gasps echoed throughout the room. The image showed a rocky seabed covered with what looked like strangely shaped rocks in a wide array of bright colors. The fish swimming among the rocks, many of them as colorful as their environment, stood out against the deep blue background of the ocean water. Of all the gorgeous pictures of life on Earth I’d seen, none had ever been this vibrant, this full of color. It almost felt like I was looking at an art exhibit.
Wow… this develops naturally_? It’s so pretty! I wonder how the rocks form those bright colors._
“There’s really only one way to start a lecture about coral reefs, and that’s with the animals that give them their name. Coral!”
Bernard changed the screen to a close-up of the weird rocks.
“Now, at first glance, these may just look like a bunch of weird rocks.” Wait, they’re not? “But they are actually colonies of living creatures.”
Confused beeps and whispers broke out in the audience, as people tried to wrap their heads around how the objects on the screen could possibly be animals. My mind went back to our first day, when we classified a bunch of Earth creatures as prey or predator. There had been quite a few aquatic animals, and several of them hadn’t looked anything like animals. Maybe this was something like that?
It seemed my seat neighbors had come to similar conclusions, as both of them looked relatively unfazed by Bernard’s reveal, Milam instead flicking her ear in thought while Kailo leaned forward with intense focus.
“Each of these colorful formations is made up of hundreds of tiny, genetically identical individuals called polyps.”
The screen changed to a close-up shot of what at first glance looked like a fleshy plant that had grown roots into the rock, but the diagram next to it had labels that read things like “tentacle,” “mouth,” and “stomach.” Animal parts, not plant parts.
“This is an individual polyp. They are very small, typically only a few millimeters in diameter and a few centimeters in height. They anchor themselves in one place by secreting an exoskeleton of calcium carbonate from their base. From their anchored spot, they catch and eat any food that drifts by with the tentacles by their mouth. The exoskeleton they make gets left behind, allowing new generations of the colony to build on top of it. Thus, over many generations, the colony can build a skeleton like the ones you saw in the previous photo, up to several meters in size.”
So that was how it worked! It made sense once he explained it. Colonial organisms were an uncommon but familiar concept in the Federation, though they mostly consisted of various small insects. The idea of invertebrates secreting an exoskeleton was also a known concept. This was the first time I’d seen both traits in a single creature, though.
“These skeletons are the structure upon which the reef ecosystem grows, providing shelter for thousands of different species. Even though they occupy less than 0.1% of the world's ocean area, they provide a home for at least 25% of all marine species, making them one of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet.”
With the truly staggering variety of species on Earth, 25% was no small number. My ears tilted back in awe at the pictures of the reefs on screen. They were like… underwater cities! Living cities that built themselves and teemed with all kinds of wonderfully fascinating creatures.
Bernard glanced around the room, wearing his “I’m about to ask a question” smile. The question arrived soon after. “Would anyone like to guess what corals’ diet consists of?”
Let’s see… they grab things with their tentacles, but they don’t move, meaning that they have to subsist on whatever floats by. Hmmm, why does that sound familiar…
The images from our first day still floated around in my mind. Wait! That’s it! I raised my paw.
“Yes, Rysel?”
“Is it like the jellyfish from our first day? Snagging small creatures in their tentacles and pulling them into their mouths?”
Bernard grinned widely. “Excellent conclusion, Rysel. You are right, coral polyps do indeed have similar feeding habits to those of jellyfish. Both coral and jellyfish belong to the phylum Cnidaria, so you were correct to draw parallels between the two. Obviously, due to their size, any prey they catch must also be microscopic.”
My tail wagged proudly at his praise. The feeding behaviors of jellyfish had horrified me back then, but now I could take it in stride. The fact that I could even remotely navigate the humans’ complicated classification system gave me even more satisfaction. I glanced around the room. A few classmates seemed a bit uncomfortable at the mention of coral’s predatory nature, but most remained fascinated and engaged. It’d taken months, but we were finally beginning to appreciate predators as something more than monsters, even if they had to be predators that didn’t even look like animals.
“However, while corals do feed with their tentacles, that isn’t actually where most of their energy comes from. You see, most corals have evolved a symbiotic relationship with certain types of algae that live in their tissues, which they acquire from the surrounding environment. The algae produce energy through photosynthesis, which the coral can then use. Algae also aid the coral in calcification for the coral skeleton and waste removal. The algae, in turn, benefit by having a safe place to live, and by consuming the coral’s carbon dioxide and waste products as nutrients. Truly an excellent example of two species coming together for the mutual benefit of one another.”
I knew what symbiosis was, of course. Traditional Federation classes loved to highlight how different prey species united together to benefit one another. It was considered a major part of the innate empathy in prey species that predators lacked. Not only was Bernard showing us a symbiotic relationship involving what would traditionally be considered a predator, but said predator was allied with a plant, of all things!
Was this phenomenon unique to Earth, or was this yet another thing the Federation hid from all of us?
“The coral reef is filled with mutually beneficial relationships like this. Take, for example, one of the most iconic reef creatures, the sea anemone.”
With the push of a button, the screen changed to show a creature that loosely resembled a coral polyp, only bigger, more colorful, and with longer tentacles.
“Now, sea anemones are close relatives of coral, and they share many similarities. They feed in much the same way as coral, snaring prey with their stinging tentacles and drawing it into the mouth. Their diet mainly consists of small fish, crustaceans, and other appropriately sized organisms. Despite its predatory nature, the sea anemone is often considered the poster child of mutualism in the ocean.”
Bernard’s words prompted hushed murmuring throughout the classroom. I was a bit unsettled by the anemone’s predator status, but those feelings were overwhelmed by my sensation of curiosity. What was it about anemones that made their relationships so notable? I just had to know!
I turned my ears to the conversations around me. Some classmates were saying that any mutualistic relationships an anemone could have must be predatory in nature: a union with other predators to hunt and kill more efficiently. Others argued it could be something else, like the coral and algae from before. Someone suggested that the humans were wrong about them, but that notion was quickly shot down.
Everyone’s reactions made me realize just how desensitized we’d all become to “predatory” things. While the term was still uncomfortable, Bernard had, through his lessons, patiently instilled in us the idea that predators were more than wanton bloodlust and violence. There existed predators like that, of course, but with such a broad and diverse class of animals, one would expect some horrible ones due to sheer statistics. Likewise, there would be plenty of good ones.
Sea anemones are predators, yet they’re famous for their mutually beneficial relationships with other lifeforms. If someone said something like that to me months ago, I’d never have believed them. I was so certain that I knew the fundamental mechanisms of ecosystems like the back of my paw. I chuckled to myself. Stars, so much has changed since then.
“First of all, many sea anemones form symbiotic relationships with algae in the same way corals do, benefiting from their photosynthesis while offering shelter and protection in return. But that’s hardly the only relationship they’re known for.”
Bernard changed the screen to a video of an anemone. Bright orange fish with white stripes swam around its tentacles. My heart skipped a beat as one brushed up against the tentacles, but the fish seemed unaffected by the anemone’s venom, much to my relief.
“This right here is one of the most famous symbiotic relationships on Earth: the sea anemone and the clownfish. These small, colorful fish have adapted to the anemone’s stinging tentacles, allowing them to nestle among them. The anemone protects the clownfish from predators, functions as a safe nesting site, and provides food from the leftover scraps of the anemone’s meals. The clownfish, in turn, defend the anemone from its predators, provide nutrients through their excrement, and circulate the water around the anemone, improving its respiration.”
As Bernard talked, the fish on the screen frolicked around their tentacled friend, the adorable sight eliciting pleased mewls from several audience members.
They protect each other, they feed each other, and they play together too! Who knew that two wildly different species could have such a beautiful friendship, even when one of them doesn’t have a brain!
Vlek spoke up, his voice skeptical. “Excuse me Doctor. You said that clownfish feed off of anemones’ meals. They are predators as well, then?”
“One could make that argument,” Bernard replied, “clownfish are omnivorous, and primarily feed on ambient zooplankton, with their diets supplemented by their anemone’s scraps and algae. The microscopic organisms they eat are so abundant that they don’t really need to hunt; they can just munch on whatever happens to drift by.”
“Like their anemone friends!”
“Yes, Rova, like their anemone friends!”
The class seemed to have mixed feelings about the clownfish’s diet. Zooplankton being tiny, simple creatures made it easier, but some still squirmed at the thought. Personally, I didn’t think it took away from how fascinating this duo was. As I’d come to learn with most predators, their diets weren’t what defined them; they were just one of many facets of their nature.
Bernard changed the slide to a photo of a different fish. “While clownfish are the most famous species to form mutualistic relationships with sea anemones, they are hardly the only ones. Take this cardinalfish, for example…”
Bernard went on to highlight several more species with special relationships with sea anemones, each one fascinating in its own way. Fish that laid their eggs among their tentacles. Snails that used them as shelter from predators. Crabs that mounted them on their shells for defense. One type of crab even attached anemones to its claws, using them as living weapons!
Such a simplistic creature, yet it’s evolved a rich network of relationships with so many different species. No wonder Bernard called them iconic.
Kailo fidgeted next to me. Something was obviously bugging him, but he seemed hesitant to speak up.
“Before we move on, does anybody have questions?” Bernard asked smoothly. He probably noticed Kailo’s uncertainty too. He had a teacher’s eye for that sort of thing.
Kailo huffed with determination and raised his paw. “Yes, Kailo?”
“Um, all the animals you’ve talked about so far have been pred– carnivores and omnivores. Where are all the pre– herbivorous fish?”
Bernard grinned. “That’s an excellent question, Kailo. There are herbivorous fish that graze on the algae of the coral, such as the parrotfish and the rabbitfish. That said, true herbivores are relatively uncommon in the ocean. After all, there aren’t many plants around besides algae and seaweed, and a lot of the algae that is there is integrated into the bodies of coral polyps. Thus, thanks to natural selection, most underwater species consume flesh in some form.”
A few months ago Kailo would’ve exploded in anger and denial at that response, but now his ears just tilted in confusion. “But… how can that work?? How can an ecosystem with so many pred– meat eaters sustain any sort of population, let alone the vast numbers you told us?”
Several sets of ears flicked in agreement at Kailo’s question.
“Of course, given what we know about land ecosystems, it makes sense to assume that the base of the food chain would be mostly herbivores. Under the sea, however, plants are much less abundant, so that role is filled by other animals. Some creatures derive nutrition by filtering food from the water or sand, much like a plant would pull sustenance from the air and ground. Many species, especially smaller ones, reproduce frequently and in large quantities, allowing them to sustain significant populations even when predators regularly hunt them. Finally, and this is a good transition into our next section, not all carnivores are predators.”
Wait. Huh? How does that even work? Isn’t that an oxymoron?
“Well, technically they are predators to the microscopic organisms they feed on, but they certainly aren’t predators in the traditional sense.”
A new set of images appeared on the monitor, showing off a handful of small fish and crustaceans.
“Now, as I’m sure you all have noticed, most fish don’t have hands or paws.” My brain conjured an image of a fish with furry Venlil arms. I stifled a whistle at the silly thought.
“This means that they can’t groom themselves. Dead skin, infected tissue, and nasty parasites can just accumulate on their bodies, and there’s nothing they can do about it. What’s a poor fish to do? Well, that’s where these guys come in. These are cleaner fish and cleaner shrimp. They are carnivores whose diet consists of dead or infected skin and parasites from the bodies of bigger fish, like so.”
He switched the screen to two photos: the left showed a fish (the parrotfish he mentioned just now?) floating by some coral with two cleaner fish picking at it. One was nipping at its scales, the other nestled all up in its gills. On the right, a cleaner shrimp mounted the back of a different fish, presumably using its claws to pluck things off its skin.
“These cleaners congregate in areas called cleaning stations, and animals from all over the reef swim to them to get cleaned. The cleaners remove parasites and dead skin from all the hard-to-reach places, like their gills and even inside their mouths!”
The monitor now showed a video, the contents of which elicited several gasps from the audience. The spotty fish in the video had its mouth open, revealing rows of sharp, mean-looking teeth. Side-facing eyes notwithstanding, this was definitely a predator. And a cleaner fish was swimming into its mouth. On purpose. And the predator just let it. We watched for a tense moment, waiting for those jaws to clamp down, but the cleaner swam out of the mouth with no issue, and the predator fish just… left, revealing a surprisingly long body to the camera as it did.
“That was a moray eel, considered an apex predator of the coral reef. Despite that, it allowed that cleaner wrasse to clean its mouth safely, and the wrasse clearly wasn’t concerned about being eaten. Would anyone care to guess why?”
Silence filled the room as everyone thought, until Sandi raised her paw. “Well, the eel wanted to be cleaned, and it couldn’t be cleaned if it ate the cleaner, so it resisted the temptation.”
As usual, Bernard paused to allow us to digest the answer before replying. “You pretty much got it! Even predators like the moray need cleaning, and eating the cleaners is a good way to get refused service from the rest of their kin. One minor correction, though. The average customer is not tempted to eat the cleaners, even when it’s a predator. There are exceptions, of course, but customers generally aren’t hungry when they show up for cleaning, or else they’d be out hunting instead. Moreover, the cleaner’s size makes for a poor meal; hardly worth the cost of being refused service at the cleaning station in the future.”
A chatter of discussion erupted after Bernard finished his explanation. It made sense, but it was still so… odd, to think about. I listened to the scattered conversations around me.
“How could a predator ever not be hungry? Sure, humans aren’t like that, but they’re sapient! An animal couldn’t possibly control…”
“...such a beautiful relationship. To think these cleaners get their food by helping others…”
“...wonder if there are others like them?”
The chatter hadn’t yet died down when the break bell rang.
“Ah, looks like we’ll have to end our conversation here for now,” Bernard chuckled. “Not to worry, though! Part 2 of this presentation will be after lunch, in which I will talk about humanity’s relationship with reefs and highlight some more of the amazing features of reef creatures. See you in a claw!”
Aw come on, you can’t just tease us like that! I have so many questions!
Coral reefs were so cool! I’d always thought the ocean was a dark, scary place where incomprehensible terrors lurked in the depths. Who knew the seas could be so lively, colorful, and fascinating?
I can’t wait to learn more!
submitted by sirgeneralcliche to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:16 thatseriouslyoddguy A World in the Palm of my Hands Chapter 4: Laugh

First Previous Patreon Royal Road is up to chapter 30!
“FUCK YOU BOAR” Mark said triumphantly as he raised his arms up above his head in the shape of a V “Did you see that, Noah?” Mark looked to his cousin and noticed that he was struggling to prop himself up off the ground “Oh crap sorry, I got a bit too carried away there.”
“It’s fine, you did a great job. Now, let’s get out of here before the other two boars show up and decide to avenge their fallen comrade.” Noah began limping in the direction of the boar and put it away in his artifact. He couldn’t help but notice that he didn’t get a kill notification for that boar… “Hmmm?” in the corner of his vision, a bell icon suddenly materialized. It shook and enlarged as if it was ringing. He mentally pressed the ringing bell and out came a cascade of notifications.
Spell [Waterball] has leveled up!
Skill [Water Manipulation] has leveled up!
**Spell [Waterball] has leveled up!**
**Skill [Air Manipulation] has leveled up!**
**Skill [Mana Sense] has leveled up!**
**Skill [Analyze] has leveled up!**
**Spell [Fireball] has leveled up!**
**Spell [Air Bullet] has leveled up!**
**Spell [Air Bullet] has leveled up!**
You have killed Boar – lvl 3
**You have leveled up! You have 9 status points to spend!**
It was dizzying to see so many notifications so he swiped them all away intending to manage it all when they got back to their base. He started walking lamely towards the direction of the apartment building when Mark came and helped him walk.
“I can heal you while we trek through the forest.” Mark activated his skills, first, he cast his innate skill [Diagnosis] which halved all mana cost for healing skills while also identifying the specific problem, which in this case was a hairline fracture across the tibia, he then cast [Mend Wounds] and [Heal] in quick succession. Mark repeatedly cast his three skills over and over while they were walking until, a half hour later when Noah could finally walk well enough on his own
“Magic truly is miraculous. A fracture that should’ve taken a few weeks to heal on its own in the old world, healed in just half an hour.” Noah said admiringly “I told you you’d save my life one day, I just didn’t expect it to be this soon.”
“Yeah, yeah, you were right again mister right all the time. Now shush, I don’t want another random beast coming out of the tall grass while I’m almost out of mana.”
With that, Noah and Mark proceeded silently towards their destination. As they trudged along across the forest they heard a cacophony of animal noises, it was honestly kind of soothing but, just as they were relaxing, everything turned quiet. Wing flaps could be heard in the distance and they were just getting louder by the second. Noah looked up and he saw a small bird slowly getting larger and larger as his pupils dilated in distress and focus as he cast [Analyze] on the thing flying towards them with an extra 15 mana put into it to see its level.
**Wyvern - lvl ??**
“Crap” was all he could say as he heard and saw the Wyvern screech and swoop down.
“Noah, what are you doing?! Get down!” Mark hurriedly tackled Noah down to the ground and narrowly evaded the Wyvern’s sharp talons. That was when another, much louder screech was heard coming closer. They looked up again and couldn’t believe their eyes, a much larger bird-like beast the size of a commercial airplane dove down and ate the Wyvern in one gulp.
Noah and Mark curled themselves up into balls hoping, praying, that the massive bird-beast would hopefully think of them as too small and too insignificant to even count as a snack for it. Then, as if to mock them the beast flapped its wings toward them summoning strong gusts of wind enough to make them roll around, suddenly, the massive bird spoke but, not out loud, it was as if it was speaking straight into their minds.
The massive bird landed on the ground and proceeded to preen itself while speaking to them. Noah abruptly stood up and said “Um, hello Mr. Bird sir…” but before he could finish speaking, the bird screeched and laughed in their minds.
Roc – lvl 9
Noah couldn’t believe his eyes. Didn’t Rocs only exist in mythology? How was there one standing and preening itself right in front of him?
“Ummm, Mr. Roc sir, thank you for saving us but, what can we do to repay the favor? Surely a Roc as majestic as you has everything it needs and whatever we could offer you, you could probably get with a simple snap of a finger, uhhh, a snap of a talon in your case”
Suddenly, the preening roc visibly shrunk then morphed into the shape of a human with a multicolored robe around him
“Oh, you are indeed right, you cannot do anything for me. I am only here because I find your little building here quite satisfactory for my new nest.”
“So, you’re telling us to get out of here?” Noah asked as his face turned white
“Oh no no no, this majestic me would not resort to taking the house of someone as insignificant like you. I am just saying hi to my new neighbors! I am moving into one of the rooms, and I am not asking you, I’m telling you.” The roc said threateningly
This was when Mark finally calmed down enough to say “So Mr. Roc sir, you’re telling us that you, someone who is leagues above us in strength and most probably level too…”
“Level? Oh, no, I’m still under level 10 actually but, yes, I am definitely way above you in strength thanks to my heritage as one of the mythological races. You see, all those myths and legends in your history have some truth in them, we’ve just been hiding among you because honestly speaking, humans make some really cool shit. I was an avid gamer myself so color me surprised when game like blue screens suddenly appeared in my vision.”
“I know right?! It’s all so exciting!” Noah beamed at the Roc turned human and asked “So Mr. Roc do you guys have classes too?”
“Please, just call me Talal and no, we don’t. I confirmed it with my fellow Rocs and other mythological creatures but we all only have race and levels as far as we know but, we do get massive increases to our stats per level. Unfortunately, we can’t pick where we put our stats unlike you humans. Anyway, enough talk, I’ll take the top floor and rooftop, you guys get all the other floors, but I will only say this once, since I am taking something from you, you will get one favor from me, otherwise I will not protect you nor will I involve myself with your lives”
Noah and Mark looked at each other and nodded. They were obviously the ones who came out on top of this deal with no obvious downsides, except maybe, living with someone that can pretty much just kill them with a sneeze, but that wasn’t going to happen right?... right?
While they were thinking of the potential downsides to this deal, Talal turned around and started heading towards the building. Noah and Mark hurriedly caught up to him and said “We were previously living on the top floor so it might be a little messy… Want us to clean it up for you?”
“You would do that for me? Oh, but I don’t like it when people are in my nest, I’ll do it myself.” Talal abruptly disappeared from where he was standing. At first, they thought that he could teleport but then they saw a colorful ball flying across the sky towards the apartment. They started running in order to catch up and a few minutes later arrived at the building just in time to see full on concrete slabs flying out of the top floor windows and falling onto the parking lot.
“Guess he’s renovating.” Noah said trying to lighten the mood as he noticed that Mark wasn’t really into the whole idea of living with a mythological creature “Come on Mark, look at the bright side, if he lives here, we probably won’t have to worry about waking up to random beasts knocking on our doors.”
“How’s that?”
“Don’t animals have territories and stuff? Like how wolves and dogs pee on their territory to mark it. Maybe he has something similar.”
“Yeah, maybe you’re right”
“Of course I’m right! Now let’s go set up on one of the lower floors. I am tired after having almost died so many times today. We also need to strategize how we’re gonna use all our abilities in order to survive, we can’t rely on that one favor from our new neighbor.”
With that, they started heading towards the building and went up the stairs to the ninth floor which they picked because it was only logical to live close to the powerful neighbor they found themselves with.
Noah filled a couple buckets with [Waterball] which they used to drink and wash themselves with, then, they went out to the parking lot and Noah took the boar carcass out of his artifact and said “So what do we do with this thing?”
“If memory serves me right, we need to bleed it out first. It makes the meat taste better and last longer.”
Noah looked at the 5 feet tall furry boar with the bald spot from when he threw a fireball at it and said “So do I just burn off the rest of the fur?”
“Yeah, that should be fine”
Noah went ahead and summoned a fireball and proceeded to carefully burn off every bit of fur. It took a few minutes and a bit of elbow grease to flip the whole boar around and burn the fur on the other side but they managed to do it. Then they took a kitchen knife and slit its throat, but there was one problem. “Where do we hang it?” Noah asked after unsummoning his fireball.
Mark looked at the now bald boar and said “We could get some rope and tie it to a ladder? No, the ladder probably can’t take that much weight.
Noah began thinking and then had an idea. “I know! I’ll just make something like an arch with earth manipulation and hang it from there!”
Noah walked a few meters away from the concrete floor of the parking lot and began manipulating the earth. It took all of his mana to just make it half way up his planned arch then he suddenly fell down panting.
“Noah! You okay?” Mark asked worriedly
“Uh, yeah. I think I just found out what happens when you use up all your mana.” Noah just laid there on the ground panting and holding his aching head. “I’m definitely not doing that ever again, I feel like shit.”
“You look like shit” they looked at each other and just laughed. They were not laughing because it was funny mind you, they were laughing at the absurdity of the situation. They were building an arch from which they’d hang a boar twice the size of old-world boars, all this they did with magic, real fucking magic. Not to mention that Mark healed an injury that would’ve taken weeks of healing.
Truly absurd indeed.
But all they could do was laugh and accept the situation because otherwise, they’d die and they'd die horribly.
submitted by thatseriouslyoddguy to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:05 MisterNiiiceGuy Need Some Help with Lighting!!

I have the Newer 660 studio lights and a couple LumeCube-type Wireless block lights.
My kitchen is fairly small, and the counter space is set up like an L shape. All the action happens in the corner of that L.
I set up the 660s but the really get in the way with my small kitchen and produce a shadow. I can make it work but I have to dance around them. The LumeCubes help reduce the shadow in the confined space but they’re finicky to get right.
Does anyone have any suggestions on lighting to reduce the shadows that are wireless or slim enough to fit between counters/cabinets in a tight corner? Maybe I should just suck it up and make it work.
I was thinking of maybe getting some adjustable LED under-cabinet lights. Would this work? I could still use the 660s or maybe a smart, dimmable bulb for the ceiling fan light?
submitted by MisterNiiiceGuy to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:43 Reasonable_Injury121 Chivalry Is On Life Support, Chapter Thirty-Five (part one)

This chapter was too long to post as one, so I’m dividing into two parts. Apologies for it being a bit disjointed.
On Thursday morning, after Luke left early for work and Brooke went for a run, I removed from Brooke’s closet the the gossamer jacket I had worn to the Ren fair and put it into the trunk of my Prius along with the canvas shoes and white tights that had completed my humiliating “Little Foot Page” costume. I dared not disappoint Anna a second time.
Fortunately, I didn’t have any punishment writing lines to complete after I cleaned her and Paul’s apartment on Tuesday. Brooke didn’t force me to wear any new feminine accessory that day. She was so fond of the choker that it had become an almost regular part of my daily attire.
As she kissed me goodbye that morning before I left for campus, she fingered the choker and my neck, saying, “I like this on you. Maybe I’ll order another one with a subtle little ring on it.”
I often couldn’t tell when Brooke was joking or not.
“You mean something where someone could attach a leash? Like a slave collar? Please, Brooke. This is bad enough.”
“No, it wouldn’t have to stick out like that. I said ‘subtle,’ didn’t I? The ring could be flat against your neck. That style is very common. It’s sexy. But I do think we can get you a proper collar to wear at home. I’m thinking leather with silver studs and a nice ring in the front. That one will definitely stick out. Luke and I will look for something on-line.”
Again, was she joking or not? She gave me her full, dimpled smile as she spoke, but that didn’t tell me conclusively one way or another. Nevertheless, her smile, her touch and the nature of the conversation all conspired to cause my liberated cock to grow hard in the lace panties I was wearing under my khakis. I was hoping she wouldn’t notice, so she wouldn’t lock me back up; several hours later, I was wishing that she had noticed.
Except for regular cleanings, and one or two supervised, humiliating releases, I had been locked up pretty consistently over the previous 2 1/2 months. Therefore, I truly enjoyed my freedom most of that Thursday. I had an almost incessant erection, fortunately mostly concealed by my khakis (which were looser than most of the pants I was permitted to wear), even while waiting in line to get Neil’s coffee and while walking across campus in a light snow to bring it to his office. The phrase “microaggressions” had become trendy on college campuses such as mine, referring to insensitive comments people make that are discriminatory or insulting, often even without intending to be. As I knocked on the door to Neil’s office, I thought to myself how I was being subjected not to microaggesions at my college, but rather to microhumiliations. Such as fetching Neil’s coffee.
“Come in,” said Neil, through the door.
Remarkably, seated in the one chair across from Neil’s desk was Paul Betz. Yet again! Alarming and suspicious. Or was I simply being paranoid? Neither of them made any effort to get up from their seats.
I was holding the cup of coffee in a paper bag. Feeling like an idiot, I placed the bag on Neil’s desk.
“Thanks for the coffee, pal,” Neil said, as he removed the cup from the bag. “It’s a bit cold.”
“Sorry, it’s snowing out there,” I replied, absurdly, as if it was even remotely somehow my fault that his coffee wasn’t hot.
“No worries. I’ll warm it up in my microwave. Paul and I were just discussing some swimming techniques. Paul’s team has a big meet this weekend. Is it okay if I catch up with you later?”
Paul looked up at me with an arrogant smirk. I thought to myself: how much strategy could there possibly be to discuss? You jump in the pool and you swim.
“Of course,” I said. “I’ll talk to you later.”
And just like that, I was dismissed. The coffee boy had delivered the coffee and was no longer needed. Why should I care about suffering this microhumiliation in front of Paul, who a few hours later would be subjecting me to any number of macro humiliations? Simply because he was gaining even greater knowledge about me, the nature of my relationships with others in my social circle and the breadth of my submission. Knowledge is power. More knowledge about me, more power over me. Nothing good could possibly come of it.
Paul was his usual arrogant self in class that afternoon, and it was clear that he, Anna and Kelly were all in exaggeratedly good moods, no doubt savoring the thought of interacting with me under radically different circumstances only a few hours later.
Anna was wearing black tights, a short, plaid skirt and black ankle boots. She propped her feet up on the desk in front of her next to Paul’s and said, “Oh, look how dirty my boots are from all the puddles of slush.”
Paul added, “Mine too. Fortunately, our shoeshine boy will be visiting later.”
Kelly sitting two seats to their left, giggled and said, “The cold weather makes me ravenous. What’s for dinner tonight, Anna?”
Anna grinned and answered, “Beef stroganoff. Our shoeshine boy is also an excellent cook, supposedly. A real Renaissance boy.”
“Not a Medieval boy?”, said Kelly. She and Anna both laughed.
Scanning the room, I didn’t believe the other students were picking up on all of the innuendo (or, if they were, I didn’t think they understood what it meant). Nevertheless, one serious female student, not part of Kelly’s clique, looked at me as if to say, “Why are you letting these clowns do and say whatever they want? Why don’t you take control of your classroom?” How I longed to do just that, to put the three of them in their place with some witty remark, as I would have done in the past. The pain of Paul’s spanking on Tuesday still fresh in my mind (if not on my bottom), however, I bit my tongue and timidly began my lecture.
After class, I went to the grocery store to purchase all of the ingredients for Anna’s prescribed menu of beef stroganoff, Italian green beans, and a starter spinach salad with warm bacon dressing (she had even directed me to her preferred recipes on-line — I had tested the salad and dressing on Brooke, with positive reviews). I also purchased the two bottles of not inexpensive red wine specified by Paul.
When I arrived at their condo, holding multiple grocery bags, my nemesis doorman was lying in wait for me, like a snarky Cerberus dressed as a bellhop. My underworld was eleven flights up, however.
“I’m going to apartment 11B. Paul Betz.”
“I have to announce you. Who should I say is calling?”
“The cook. Please tell him the cook is here.”
He spoke into the intercom phone, smirking at me, “Mr. Betz. Someone calling himself the cook is here to visit you. Although I’m pretty sure it’s the same guy who announced himself as the maid on Tuesday. May I send him up?”
Still holding the phone, he then addressed me: “Mr. Betz said they are expecting the maid, not the cook. What should I tell him?”
I sighed. “Please tell him the maid is here.”
“Mr. Betz. He is now no longer pretending to be a cook, but has announced himself as the maid. Very good, sir, I’ll send him right up then.” He put down the phone, his expression more smug by the second, and said, “You may now go up. The elevator…”
I interrupted him. “I know perfectly well where the elevator is, thank you.”
He stopped smirking to glare at me with annoyance for a moment, before resuming his smirk as I entered the elevator with my shopping bags.
When I got to their door, I got down on my knees and waited. Behind the door, I heard talking and sporadic laughter. They only kept me waiting about five minutes that day, and fortunately I was spared any encounters with Paul’s and Anna’s neighbors. It was during those five minutes on my knees, staring down at my cock pushing out my khakis, that I came to the belated realization that it probably wasn’t a good thing to be free of my chastity cage in the circumstances in which I then found myself. As I continued to wait, a sense of panic began to set in, which paradoxically only increased my arousal.
When the door finally opened, I was greeted by Kelly. I was eye level with her short, blue skirt. I looked down at her sheer stocking-encased legs and black, strap-on heels before looking up at her grinning face. She had been wearing jeans in class, but had obviously dressed up for the exciting occasion of being served dinner by her submissive professor. I have not really described Kelly’s appearance much before now, other than to say that she is attractive. Kelly has shoulder length, thick, brown hair and sort of a button nose. She is slender, but not as tall as Anna or Brooke. I would describe her more as cute than truly beautiful like the other two. However, by “cute,“ I don’t want to suggest that Kelly isn’t sexy. She is, but more in a teasing, playful way than the regal Anna. Sometimes it’s those cute, playful ones that you really have to watch out for, I was to learn.
Generally speaking, it occurred to me that, on the cusp of turning 40, I was surrounded by – and subservient to – a number of meaningfully younger people, most of whom were well above average in the looks department. There are a lot of overweight Americans – more in Ohio than in the Northeast, I thought (I’m sure Neil would have said that observation was still further evidence of my elitism) – including a lot of overweight students on my campus. For whatever reason, however, I was this bookish, unathletic guy now surrounded by athletes (Luke, Paul, Anna, Kevin, and even my one contemporary in terms of age, Neil), or fitness freaks (Brooke) or the generally attractive people who they chose to associate with (like Kelly, Laura, and Brooke’s estranged friend, Michelle). Growing up, my social circle tended to consist of the less attractive – the geeks, the nerds, the social outcasts. So, being surrounded by the cool, beautiful people was new for me, and exciting. So much toned, taut young flesh. Of course, I was not, nor am not now, their equal. Not even close. I’m their servant, their lackey, their toy. But that’s part of what makes the dynamic so exciting, so arousing. For me, certainly. But also for most of them, I believe (Brooke excepted; I am confident that there is a lot more depth to our relationship with each other, than to our relationships with all the others).
As I looked up at Kelly, these thoughts running through my head, I consoled myself that at least I wasn’t being subjugated, teased and tormented by physically repulsive people. Remembering Brooke’s advice to go with the flow, I tried to tell myself to be grateful for small favors.
“Hi, Professor Rollins!“, said Kelly, brightly.
“Hi, Kelly,” I sheepishly replied.
“Oh, come now, professor. We’re not in class now. I think the proper way to address me here is Miss Kelly, don’t you agree?”
“Yes, Miss Kelly, of course.”
“You may enter,” she said. Seeing Paul behind her, I remembered to shuffle on my knees into the apartment, bags in either hand.
Paul said, ”What time do you need to be home tonight, Rollins? Where are Luke and Brooke?”
“Thursday night they almost always go out, sir. If you recall, that’s why we picked Thursday evenings for me to…to come here. Luke is taking Brooke out to dinner tonight at a restaurant near his house. The earliest they’ll be home, I think, is around 10:30, unless they decide to spend the night at Luke’s. I’d like to be home by 10, just to be on the safe side, sir, if possible,” I replied.
Kelly said to Paul, “I like the ‘sirs.’ I see that you’ve been training him well.“
“You may leave at 10. That means we have you for 5 hours. Put the food away and then get dressed,” ordered Paul. Anna and Kelly’s boyfriend, Archer, were sitting on the couch in the living room.
“Wait a minute,” said Anna. “Did you bring your Ren fair costume this time?”
“Yes, Princess Anna.”
“‘Princess?’ I really like that. Call me ‘Princess,’ too,” Kelly said to me, giggling.
“Yes, Princess Kelly,” I replied.
Smiling with delight, Kelly asked Archer, “Do you wish him to address you as Prince Archer?”
Archer, who I later learned was Paul’s teammate on the college swimming team, said, “No, he can just call me ‘sir’.”
“You’re no fun,” said Kelly.
“Put on your Little Foot Page costume, professor,” said Anna.
“Hold on,” said Paul. “If he’s serving us dinner, shouldn’t he be dressed as a waitress? Or as a maid? What about the pink uniform Chrissy wears? That’s sort of a waitress maid hybrid,” Paul explained to Archer.
“Or what about the Hooters uniform?”, asked Archer.
“But the Little Foot Page uniform is so cute!”, said Kelly.
Anna said, “Well, everybody seems to have an opinion. The only way to settle this democratically is through a vote. Let’s all write down our top choice on a scrap of paper and toss it into my baseball cap. There are three options and four votes, so there will be a clear winner.”
“I think he should model each uniform first, so we can make an informed decision,” said Archer.
“Great idea, Archer! Who doesn’t love a little, impromptu fashion show? Kelly, please tear up four pieces of paper and get a pen while I show our dear professor where we keep Chrissy’s uniforms,” said Anna.
I listened to this rather extraordinary conversation while still kneeling in the entrance hall. I had managed to will my erection down, at least partially, so had escaped detection for the moment. Obviously, this was only a temporary victory, however.
After being permitted to stand, I first put away the food and then followed Anna upstairs into the dungeon. She opened a closet and pulled out two plastic bags that she draped over the spanking bench.
“Here are the other two uniforms you will model for us. I want you to start with the waitress uniform. Make sure you wear the black stockings and the heels with the dress. And the cap. There are hairpins in the bag you can use to make sure that it doesn’t fall off your head. Once you’re dressed, we’ll be waiting for you in the living room. I expect you to walk the length of the living room, stand before us, curtsy, do a slow 360, face us again and curtsy a second time. Then walk back up here, put on the Hooter’s uniform, and repeat the same steps. Remember to put on the flesh colored pantyhose; they’re what really make the Hooters uniform, don’t you think?”
I had never darkened the doors of a Hooters before, but nodded my ascent.
“Well, the pantyhose along with the white socks and sneakers. You didn’t bring those, did you?”
“No, princess. Besides the shoes I’m wearing, I only brought the canvas shoes I wore to the Ren fair. As you commanded, princess.”
“All the more reason the Hooters uniform just won’t cut it tonight. But we have to humor Archer, don’t we? So, wear your canvas shoes with it. You’ll look preposterous, but that’s the point, I suppose. Right?”
“Yes, princess.”
“You’ll finish with your Little Foot Page uniform. The same steps. That’s my top choice, so make sure that you really sell that one. I’ll be watching closely. If you fail to do any of the steps I just told you, or don’t do any of them satisfactorily, I’ll ask Paul and/or Archer to take you over their knees and spank you, hard, 10 times for each mistake. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Princess Anna.”
She left me in the dungeon to change. Paul’s description of the first uniform was accurate. Imagine a pink maid’s uniform, with a V-neck, black collar, black buttons and a black apron. It came with a matching cap, pink with black trim. After putting on the dress, I rolled the sheer, black stockings up my legs and smoothed out the skirt, my fully erect cock still concealed for the time being beneath it. The short skirt only came down to my mid thigh. I then put on the heels and the cap, fumbling with the hairpins, and regarded myself in the mirror. I was dressed like a fetishized waitress in a retro diner. Could I look any more ridiculous? As I practiced curtsying a few times in front of the mirror, I answered my own rhetorical question.
Worried about keeping my students and Archer waiting, I descended the stairs and followed Anna’s instructions, listening to the strange sound of my heels clicking on the hardwood floor of the living room.
As I curtsied before the four of them relaxing on the couch, Kelly giggled with glee and Paul said, “Now that’s an appropriate uniform for dinner service.”
“It is, yes, but we see Chrissy in it all the time. A little variety is nice,” Anna replied.
As I went through my steps, I watched Anna hold the same little book they had used to record my shortcomings in cleaning – my demerits as they called them – and make notes in it with a pen. That couldn’t be a good thing, I thought to myself, although I was quite certain that I was following her instructions to a T.
After I did my 360° turn, I did a brief second curtsy, as Anna had ordered, but she stopped me as I was turning around to go back upstairs.
“Wait, professor maid. Curtsy to us again, but this time make it a deep curtsy. I want to make sure that you’ve been practicing.“
I did as she commanded, bending my legs, one behind the other, lifting my skirt with my hands and holding the dipped, bowed position for a few seconds before straightening back up.
“What do you think?”, Anna asked Kelly.
“Not too bad for a relative novice, I suppose, although his technique could definitely use some work,” said Kelly.
“Do you hear that, professor maid? You need to spend a lot more time practicing your curtsying. Also, you’re walking in the heels better than on Tuesday, but you’re still pretty unsteady. We expect our servants to be graceful,” said Anna, imperiously, as she made additional notations in her little notebook. “You need to practice walking in heels somewhere besides your time here with us. We do not tolerate on-the-job training here. Got it?”
“Yes, Princess Anna. I understand.”
“Good. Move along now. We need to decide on your uniform so you can start serving us cocktails and hors d’oeuvres.”
I hurried back upstairs as quickly and gracefully as was within my power and changed into the Hooters uniform. I put on the nude pantyhose first, my cock distressingly hard beneath the transparent nylon. So much for further concealing my liberation from chastity! Freedom can be a dangerous thing, I was to soon learn. I next put on the U-shaped, white T-shirt with the big orange letters, the two ‘Os’ doubling as eyes for the owl. The shirt was tight against even my flat chest; I could only imagine what it must’ve felt like to the well endowed women for whom the shirt was designed. Next, I pulled up the skimpy, bright orange shorts, hoping like hell that they might hide my erection. They did quite the opposite, in fact. Made of some synthetic fabric, they were incredibly snug and almost looked like a bikini the way they rode up the side of my legs next to my crotch. The shorts hugged my small balls, the outline of which was readily apparent through the fabric, my cock making a small, but unmistakable protrusion above them. As humiliating as the waitress uniform was, this was worse, I felt. I groaned as I observed myself in the mirror. I then put on my canvas shoes and descended the stairs to begin another degrading catwalk.
Archer laughed and clapped. “Thats fucking hilarious. Look at the loser!”
“Ha ha, look our professor has a little stiffie,” said Kelly, pointing at my crotch and snickering.
Anna said, “Oh, my God. Paul. She’s right. Look! They must’ve taken off his chastity cage.”
Paul said, “Well, this opens up all kinds of new possibilities, doesn’t it?”
“It most certainly does!”, agreed Anna.
This conversation, so intensely humiliating, resulted in my already hard cock twitching beneath the tight orange shorts, growing harder still.
Kelly said, “But he doesn’t have any boobs. What kind of Hooters waitress is that? At least Chrissy is growing boobs, thanks to the hormones.”
As I was curtsying, Paul asked, “What happened to Chrissy’s breast forms?”
Anna answered, “We let her throw them out after she started growing her own tits.“
“Too bad,” Archer replied.
Anna added, “And the whole outfit just doesn’t work without the white tennis shoes and socks. Also, our Hooters girl forgot to do her second curtsy.” As I turned back around to comply, Anna added, “No, no professor pantywaist, it’s too late now. That’s another demerit, I’m afraid. Now hurry along and model your last outfit for us.”
I scampered up the stairs and quickly changed into my Little Foot Page costume from the Ren fair, the one inspired by the Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale’s painting, a favorite of Brooke’s. How I wished at that moment that it was her I was dressing for instead! The short, nearly transparent jacket barely concealed my cock, jutting out shamefully through my white tights.
Remembering Anna’s insistence that I really “sell” this outfit, I took special care to complete each step to the best of my abilities. I held my back straight and practically pranced into the room and across the living room floor. I held my curtsy longer than usual, somewhere between the duration of a regular curtsy and a deep curtsy.
Both of the girls applauded, gleefully.
“See. The foot page costume is adorable. And it’s unique,” said Kelly.
“But pages don’t serve dinner. Pages do all kinds of other things for their masters, like clean their clothes and shoes, help them get dressed, deliver messages, and so forth,” said Paul.
“Oh you’re such a stickler for authenticity. I’m sure plenty of pages served their masters and mistresses meals as well. They were utility servants, and I’m sure did whatever was required of them,“ said Anna. “Besides, with this uniform, we have the best view of his hard, little cock. Look, it’s fun size!“, she added, pointing.
“With equipment like that, it’s no wonder that his wife cuckolded him,” chuckled Archer.
“From the look of him and his attitude, I’ll bet Luke is hung like a horse. Is that true, professor baby cock?”, asked Anna.
“Yes, Princess Anna,” I answered meekly.
“Look how red his face is!,” said Kelly. “We’re not embarrassing you, are we, professor?”
“Yes…I mean no, Miss…I mean Princess Kelly.”
“Okay, it’s time to vote,” said Anna.
“Why bother. We all know which one will win. Archer will vote for Hooters, I will vote for sissy waitress, and you and Kelly will vote for this silly page costume, inappropriate as it may be,” said Paul, sulkily. “So, the foot page it is.”
“Oh, goody!”, said Kelly, clapping her hands together with delight.
“Time for cocktails! Take everyone’s order,” Paul said to me sternly, seemingly still annoyed that he didn’t get his way.
Paul and Anna had a well equipped bar, so making the drinks was relatively easy. Anna insisted that I curtsy after serving each person. I, of course, would’ve felt ridiculous curtsying under any circumstances, but felt particularly so dressed in my page costume. Paul had a point; there was something incongruous about it. After serving them, I began prepping for dinner in what was truly a chef’s kitchen. The meat needed to simmer for a while to be sufficiently tender.
Anna had shown me a little brass bell that they would use to summon me for drink refills or anything else they desired. I heard it jingling about 20 minutes into my prep work and hurried back into the living room.
Paul said, “Archer and I are ready for refills.”
“Yes, sir.”
“From now on, curtsy every time you enter or leave a room any of us are in, and every time any of us gives you an order,” Anna interjected.
“Yes, princess,” I said, curtsying as I took their glasses.
By the time I returned a few minutes later with Paul’s and Archer’s fresh old fashioneds, curtsying again, Anna was also ready to for new martini. Of course, by the time I returned with her martini, Kelly was finally ready for her second cosmopolitan. Would this ever end?, I wondered. How would I ever have time to prepare the rest of dinner?
Fortunately, rather than request a third old-fashioned Paul said to the others, “Let’s go for a swim.” I was back in the kitchen working when the four of them left the apartment to take the elevator down to the building’s large indoor pool. Things got more interesting about an hour later when my young superiors returned to the apartment in their bathing suits.
submitted by Reasonable_Injury121 to cuck_femdom_tales [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:33 TimelyQuality8769 Recipe needed for carved cake

I am looking to make a number 2 cake for my sons birthday and I’d like it to be a vanilla cake. I practiced a recipe today from Preppy Kitchen ( and while it tasted good and would pair nicely with my strawberry filling, it feels a little too soft and delicate to cut and shape my #2 in. I’m looking for a vanilla cake that is a bit more robust and would hold up to being carved. I plan to bake ahead of time and freeze before carving, so maybe I just need to stick with this recipe and plan to do that, but wanted to consult this sub for recipes or advice.
submitted by TimelyQuality8769 to cakedecorating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:01 Phildog28 Another week, another quizventure! See rules, questions and rewards below!

Another week, another quizventure! See rules, questions and rewards below!
Disclaimer: Can't edit the post so will comment once all questions are answered! Please read the rules before commenting! Want this to be fun but fair!
Welcome to The Naturally Unknown Quizventure!
The prize pool will stay as it is because over in TNU we want to maintain as much of our resources as possible for our token NUTS. If any questions remain unanswered then the Cone will be added into the next prize pool!
Only ONE question per person and you can only have ONE attempt.
Make sure you put the number of the question you are guessing in your comment.
Each question is first come first serve with the correct answer.
Each question is worth 12663 Cones.
Check out the crosspost in TheNaturallyUnknown for a surprise!
The Quiz.
Good luck!
  1. The first person to propose the theory that the earth rotated around the sun was Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd century BC. Who successfully revived this theory on his deathbed in 1543?
  2. What was the Manhattan Project?
  3. At what speed does light travel?
  4. Charles Darwin is remembered for his theory of evolution the data of which he gathered whilst on a 5 year expadition aboard which ship?
  5. Known as 'the father of genetics' this Austrian monk discovered the basic principles of hereditary. What was his name?
  6. Double Nobel prize winning scientist and famous for her work on radioactivity. What is her name?
  7. What is the largest moon of Saturn called?
  8. Ascorbic acid is a form of which vitamin?
  9. The molecule DNA is described as having which shape?
  10. Percy Spencer invented which time saving kitchen appliance?
submitted by Phildog28 to ConeHeads [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:58 Griffon-Knight The Adventures of Warrior Omega Part 3

Meanwhile, at the Base of the Barbarian Tribe, the King, Clint Orons had talked to the Messenger. "I shall consider the proposal." said Clint. "Sire." said Deronix, "we should be watching for the so-called 'Heroes'.". "so be it." said Clint. That was where one of the Council Members came towards Clint. "King Orons." said The Council Member. "Yes." said Clint. "With all due respect, we don't really know what the heroes are all about." said the Council Member. Meanwhile, at the crash site of the Kor'Drakk Cruiser, Alan had informed Joseph about the situation that had happened so far. "Where is the Undead Keep?" asked Kar'Gorto. "I'm not certain." said Kalzortus, "Perhaps we could ask the Orcs.". "I can't believe this." said Broktar, "of all the possible situations, you suggest asking the Orcs. Even when you said that you found them to be brutish in nature.".
At that moment, a Orc Warrior had approached the ship. "Sir." said Helmsman Mecator, "There's a Orc warrior at the side of the ship.". "Patch the Transmission to the Ready Room." said Captain Zordash. That was where Helmsman Mecator had patched the transmission to the ready room. "Captain Zordash." said the Orc. "yes, Comrade." said Captain Zordash, "What is it that you want?". "Xeintox has suggested that i come and help the Heroes." said the Orc, "i can help, by leading you to the Undead Keep.". At that moment, Tirus, Rotusor, and Officer Morgan had arrived at the area. "So." said Officer Morgan, "This is the object that had been sighted.". "I wonder where Alan And Broktar are located?" said Tirus.
That was where the Orc Warrior had turned to face Tirus, Rotusor, and Officer Morgan. "I should have figured." said the Orc, as he went for his axe. Tirus had gone for her bow and arrows. "wait a minute." said Rotusor. "What do you mean?" asked Tirus. "The Orc may actually be trying to help the crew of the ship." said Rotusor. "You may be right." said Officer Morgan, "i say we let him have a chance.". "if you insist." said Tirus. That was where the Orc had approached Tirus, Rotusor, and Officer Morgan. "I'm quite surprised." said the Orc, "i thought you would have fired on me, without a second thought.". "state the reason you have approached the ship." said Rotusor. "It is because my boss, Xeintox had sent me to lead a group of warriors to the Undead Keep." said the Orc. "Is that so." said Rotusor.
At that moment, Alan and Broktar had exited the cruiser. That was where Broktar had noticed Rotusor. "By the Moons of Artiox." said Broktar. "What do you mean by that?" asked Alan. "It's a figure of speech." said Broktar. That was where the Orc warrior had approached Alan and Broktar. "Well, Comrade." said Broktar, "Let's get a move on.". "What about our mission of finding allies to help fight the Master Of Zombies and the Undead Forces?" Asked Alan. "You are Right." said Broktar. As soon as Broktar said that, he went back to the ship, and accessed the comm-link. Meanwhile, at the Undead Keep, Ghoultor, Quotor, and the Battle Knight had entered the main room of the Keep. The Master Of Zombies And Necro-Oracle were waiting in the room for them. "Master, it is good to see you." said the Battle Knight, "Even after all these years.". That was where an undead soldier had arrived in the room."Sir." said the Undead Soldier, "we have captured several outlying towns, that surround the Plains of the Kordoz.". "What about the search for the Tomb of the Knight Lord Joseph Barker?" asked The Master Of Zombies. "Well, Sir." said the Undead Soldier, "They still haven't found the tomb yet.". "What!!!" the Master Of Zombies Roars, "This is unbelievable. They still haven't found the tomb.". "On the Bright side." said the Soldier, "when we captured the towns, we had transformed a good deal of the population into zombies.".
"Is that so." said the Master Of Zombies. Just then, K'Dartok and Captain Ghoulax had entered the room. "About time the two of you have arrived." said Quotor. "Yeah, That was wise." said The Battle Knight, "sending in a couple of shambling corpses to do a warrior's job.". "we may be reanimated corpses." said Captain Ghoulax, "but we actually had managed to do some damage to the heroes.". "Bah!" Said the Battle Knight, "You have battled only two of an entire group of Heroes.". "An Entire Group?" Said Captain Ghoulax. "yes, apparently there was a clan of Orcs and a crew of Aliens in the area, when i tried to contact the Battle Knight." said Quotor. "How do you know of such things?" asked Captain Ghoulax. "yeah." Said K'Dartok, "Neither of us were at the site.". "You're not helping matters." said Captain Ghoulax. "Oh, Really Now." said K'Dartok, "And i suppose that tactic of charging at the human with the two guns was effective.". “Oh." said Captain Ghoulax, "And i suppose that letting yourself be seen was any better.". "In case you two didn't notice." said Quotor, "We're on the same side.". "Oh, Right." said Captain Ghoulax. "in case any of you haven't noticed." said Necro-Oracle, "The plans must proceed, if we are to cover this Realm in darkness.". Meanwhile, At the Kor'Drakk Cruiser, Broktar, Tirus, Rotusor, Officer Morgan, Alan, and the Orc Warrior had started on the Way to the Undead Keep.
Just then, Kalzortus had caught up with them. "Kalzortus." said Broktar, "i'm surprised that you are coming with us.". "Captain Zordash figured that i would make a great representative on this mission." said Kalzortus, "Even though he doesn't really trust humans.". "Why does Captain Zordash distrust humans?" Asked Alan. "I'm Not sure." said Kalzortus, "but he did mention something that happened several hundred years ago, between him and a human.". "Several hundred years." Alan Said Curiously. "Yes." said Kalzortus, "i guess you don't really know too much about our people.". "Indeed." said Broktar, "The Kor'Drakk can live for hundreds of years. Kalzortus here, is one thousand years old.". "One thousand years." said Tirus. "I'm surprised the Kor'Drakk live that long." said Officer Morgan.
"Guys." said Rotusor, "it looks like these hills are about to curve over to the other side.". "it's not far now." said the Orc. "just what does this Undead Keep Look Like?" asked Officer Morgan. "last time i was in the area." said the Orc, "the place had been falling apart.". "Falling apart?" said Rotusor. "but when i had seen some undead creatures around the place." said The Orc, "upgrading the place. They had also placed some pieces of weaponry outside the gates.". "pieces of weaponry." said Broktar, "it should be no problem.". As soon as Broktar said that, he shifted his weapon mount to long range cannon mode. "What kind of weaponry?" asked Kalzortus. "I have only seen the two guns placed outside the Undead Keep." said the Orc, “It looked like they're long range rifles. Both of the guns are operated by a team of two zombies each.". At that moment, Joseph had contacted Alan. "Alan." Said Joseph, "What is your status?".
"i'm headed towards the Undead Keep." said Alan, "Officer Morgan is here as well. So are some of our new allies.". "Is that so." said Joseph, "Who are they, if you don't mind me asking.". "First of all." said Alan, "We have Broktar the Cyborg Lizardman, Tirus the Ranger, Rotusor the Warrior, Kalzortus, and, Wait a minute, We didn't ask the Orc Warrior what his name is.". "Yeah, That's Right." said Officer Morgan. "My name is Optotorix." said Optortorix. "Is that so." said Kalzortus. “Yes." said Optotorix, "and the Undead Keep is straight ahead.". As soon as Optotorix said that, He aimed at the Keep. "Well, i'll be." said Officer Morgan. "Hmm." said Joseph, "Apparently, Optotorix wasn't kidding.". Joseph had checked the database for any records on the weaponry. "I say we take it on directly." said Broktar. "Hold it, Broktar." said Kalzortus. "What do you mean?" asked Broktar. "there might be a weakness in the weaponry we may be able to exploit." said Kalzortus. "You may be right." said Officer Morgan. Just then, one of the zombies had seen the heroes. "Oh great." said Tirus, "they spotted us.". At that moment, Optotorix had charged at the guns. "For the Glory of the clans." Optotorix exclaimed as he charged at the guns. "Hold position." said Kalzortus. All of a sudden, a mysterious force had taken out both of the teams of zombies. "What in the Realms was that?" said Rotusor. "I haven't the slightest." said Tirus, "but whoever, Or whatever, had caused this, it sure helped us.".
"yeah." said Broktar, "And to think, i had shifted my weapon mount to long range cannon mode. Now i don't need to use it, for the time being.". "Just what doesn't your cyber-arm come attached with?" said Officer Morgan. "The kitchen sink, for one thing." said Broktar. "I should have figured." said Officer Morgan. "you must have learned that expression while you were on Earth." said Alan. "You mean to tell us, that Broktar was on Earth." Said Officer Morgan. "Of Course." said Broktar, "it was in the late 19th century, that i have been on Earth. The Location was England.". That was where Tirus had noticed a message near the Remains of the Gun emplacements. "i wonder what's on the message." said Tirus. That was where Tirus went over and picked up the message. "Hey, Tirus." said Officer Morgan, "what's on the message you have there?". "Apparently, it's in a Elven Language." said Tirus. "Are you able to Translate it?" asked Kalzortus. "I'll see what i can do." said Tirus. As soon as Tirus said that, she started to translate the message. Meanwhile, In Xerdas, The "Fire Griffens" had just started on their way. Little did they realize that there was someone watching them from a distance. "Hmm, this looks like the gang is headed towards the Undead Keep." said the Person, "if my instincts prove correct, They're going to be in danger.".
As soon as the Person said that, he opened a Portal. Meanwhile, back at the Undead Keep, Tirus had just finished translating the message. "What does it say?" asked Broktar. "Apparently." said Tirus, "it says that, to stop the Master Of Zombies, one needs The Sword of the Knight Lord Joseph Barker.". "What else does it say?" asked Officer Morgan. "it says that the Master Of Zombies has already placed the parts in the Battleship." said Tirus, "Not only that, it seems that the person had left several pieces of equipment.". "any idea on the identity of our mystery ally." said Alan. "as a matter of Fact." said Tirus, "it says the person's name is Zektus Skystar.". "Zektus." said Kalzortus, "that sounds like a word we Kor'Drakk use.". "Oh, Really Now." said Broktar, "Could we get on with this mission.". Just then, Zektus Skystar had appeared, via a portal. "Greetings, Heroes." said Zektus. "Hold it right there." said Officer Morgan. "Wait." said Tirus, "allow him to explain himself.". "thank you." said Zektus, "as i was saying, i am the warrior known as Zektus Skystar.". "If you don't mind me asking." said Alan, "But Kalzortus had mentioned that your first name is a word in Kor'Drakk. What does it mean in english?". "Ah, an inquisitive person." said Zektus, "Zektus means Warrior in Kor'Drakk.". As soon as Zektus said that, he went over and picked up the pieces of equipment he left for the heroes.
"You may need these." said Zektus. That was where Zektus handed Officer Morgan several clips of ammo. "Good thing you arrived with these clips." said Officer Morgan, "i was about to run out of ammo.". "indeed." said Zektus, "I had a feeling that you will be needing them. After all, i had witnessed your fight with the zombies.”. After Zektus said that, he turned to face Alan. "Alan." said Zektus, "I know that you intend on completing the mission. But i must warn you, The Master Of Zombies knows that you are headed to his base.". "What do you mean?" Asked Alan. "I mean that the Master Of Zombies has laid traps in advance." Said Zektus, "Not only that, but the Battleship that the Undead Forces have constructed, is not here.". "What do you mean the Battleship isn't here." said Officer Morgan. "You mean to tell us that this search was in vain." Said Alan. "All is not lost." said Zektus, “I know where the Battleship is being held in.". At that moment, an Zombie had spotted the heroes outside the Keep. That was where the zombie signalled for reinforcements. "Oh, Great." said Officer Morgan, "We must get going.". "Understood." said Zektus, "But before we go, Alan, Here's your equipment.". As soon as Zektus said that, he handed Alan a shotgun, a chainsaw, and a piece of Metal Plate Armor.
"Interesting pieces of equipment." said Alan. "Now can we get on with the mission." said Broktar. "Hey, what about Rotusor, Broktar, and Me?" said Tirus. "Yeah, She's Right." said Optotorix, "What about us?". "I hadn't expected to be with more than two heroes." Said Zektus. "I couldn't really blame you." said Kalzortus, "I mean, That you must have learned of the legend of the heroes.". "If that is true." said Tirus, "Than you must know of the sword 'Omnolight', and its role in this battle.". "Indeed." Said Zektus, "but the legend said that there is a group of only 2 heroes.". "Could we just get on with the mission." said Broktar. "Broktar seems to have a point." said Kalzortus, "After all, We're here to stop the Master Of Zombies.".
"He's Right." said Optotorix, "let's get going, before we're swarmed by shambling corpses.". "Good idea." Said Alan. That was where the heroes had entered the Undead Keep. Meanwhile, in the Mountain Town Of Ormrus, The townspeople were preparing the defences. That was where a messenger had arrived at the main building. "Sir." said one of the warriors, "There's a messenger for you.". That was where the warrior had escorted the Messenger to the leader. The Leader of the town, is Mayor Reinhart Jackson. "So, This is the messenger you mentioned." said Reinhart, "What is it that you have to say?". "First of all." said the messenger, "King Anderson requests that you would help him and his forces in the battle against the Armies of the Undead.". "Is that so." said Reinhart, "Then prepare a reply, saying that i will provide assistance.".
Just then, a Drwarven Warrior had entered the area. "Sir." The warrior said in a gruff voice, "the defensive perimeter is set up.". "Excellent work." said Reinhart, "is the Tomb of The Knight Lord Joseph Barker secured?". "Aye, Sir." said The Warrior. Little did the warriors know that there was a undead Scout spying on them. Meanwhile, Back at the Undead Keep, The heroes have already passed by several corridors. All the while, Necro-Oracle was watching the situation. Necro-Oracle was in the Observation room. That was where Quotor had entered the Room. "Necro-Oracle." said Quotor, "I just wanted to...". That was where Quotor had seen Necro-Oracle without his hood over his head. "By the Gods." said Quotor, "It cannot be possible.". "Then you know who i truly am." said Necro-Oracle, "That i am, in fact, an Dark Elf named Arkos Darkblade.". "That couldn't be possible." said Quotor, "Arkos was killed 7000 years ago.". "indeed i was." said Necro-Oracle, "However, i was resurrected by Dark Powers, that even i don't understand completely.". "Is that so." said Quotor. "Look, Quotor." Said Necro-Oracle, "Let's settle this when we're out of the way.". "What For?" Asked Quotor, "For What Reason?". "I have a plan." said Necro-Oracle, "I have set up a explosive for levelling this base. Not Only that, i had managed to hire a giant Cyclops to help in the plan to stop the Heroes.".
"This should be interesting." said Quotor. "Yes, indeed." said Necro-Oracle, As he was putting his hood over his head."Now, then." said Necro-Oracle, "Let's Get going.". Meanwhile, in another part of the Undead Keep, The heroes had managed to come across a room with three doors. "Which Way now?" said Officer Morgan. "I haven't the slightest." said Tirus, "What do you say, Broktar?". "I find it odd that you would ask me." Said Broktar, "Even though Zektus might be better at this than i.". "I'm surprised you would say that." said Zektus. "What do you mean?" asked Rotusor. "I mean that you would be the ones to trust me completely." said Zektus, "Even though you guys don't really know much about me.". “Indeed." said Kalzortus. "Let's just choose a path and keep going." said Officer Morgan. "Alright then." said Optotorix, "let's choose the middle path.". As soon as Optotorix said that, the heroes entered through the middle door. Little did the heroes realize that the doorway leading to the right, leads to a secret passageway leading outside of the Keep. Meanwhile, in the main room of the keep, the Giant Cyclops was waiting for the heroes to arrive in the area. "I wonder when they will arrive." said the Cyclops. That was where Quotor had contacted the Cyclops. "General Quotor." said the Cyclops, "i didn't expect you to call.".
"yes, indeed." said Quotor, "There is one thing i want you to do.". "What would that be?" Asked the Cyclops. "I want you to set the explosives to explode in 60 minutes." said Quotor, "Also, make sure the heroes don't make out of the keep.". "Anything else?" Asked the Cyclops. "That is all." Said Quotor. That was where the Cyclops had heard some footsteps in the distance. "Hmm." said the Cyclops, "The heroes must be nearby.". That was where the heroes had arrived in the room. "What on Earth?!" Said Alan, As soon as he seen the Cyclops. “Ah, Humans." said the Cyclops, “What's this, Non-human creatures?". "There seems to be a Rat-Man, An Orc, Two Half-Elves, A Lizardman, and a Alien there." said Quotor, "Along With the humans.".
"I shall make sure they don't make it out." said the Cyclops. As soon as the Cyclops said that, he had set the explosives for 60 minutes. "Oh, Great." Said Broktar, "There's a bomb.". "I thought you would have experience in that." said Tirus. "You think you're wise, with your comments." Said Broktar, "You just wait and see.". "Guys." said Kalzortus, "It looks like we only have less than an hour to deal with both the bomb and the Cyclops.". "Kalzortus is right." said Optotorix, "I say i will do the bomb defusing. You guys try to hold off the Cyclops.". "That sounds risky." said Officer Morgan. "I say we let him have a chance." said Rotusor, "I'll help Optotorix.". That was where Rotusor and Optotorix went to defuse the bomb.
All the While, The Cyclops was chasing after Alan, Broktar, Tirus, Kalzortus, Officer Morgan, and Zektus. At that moment, Joseph had contacted Alan. "Alan, What's your status?" Asked Joseph. "I'm inside the Undead Keep." said Alan, "The allies are here as well. There is one setback.". "One setback?" said Joseph. "Two, in fact." said Alan, "One, a bomb that is apparently set for 60 minutes, and Two, a Giant Cyclops.". "Is that so." said Joseph. "I just thought of something." said Kalzortus. "What's That?" asked Alan."What if we were able to convince the Cyclops to help us?" said Kalzortus. "That might be crazy enough to work." said Rotusor, "Although i doubt if it will work.". "Then i shall be the person to attempt that plan." Said Zektus. That was where Zektus had started to talk to the Cyclops. "Comrade." said Zektus, "Why is it that you serve the Forces of Darkness?". "I was hired to do so." said The Cyclops, "And i shall not fail in my mission.". "Even if it means that you will go down with this Keep." said Zektus. "What do you mean?" asked the Cyclops. "I mean that you will go down." said Zektus, "when the bomb explodes.". "Yes." said Kalzortus, "In other words, you'll be sacrificing yourself to help the enemy.".
"If what you say is true." said the Cyclops, "Then i shall help you.". That was where the Cyclops had gone over to the bomb and attempted to deactivate the bomb. At that moment, the bomb started up again. "Foolish Heroes." said a voice from the comm-link next to the bomb, "You think you can stop us.". "By the Gods." said Zektus, "It can't possibly be whom i think it is.". "What do you mean, Zektus?" Asked Broktar. "It is none other than Necro-Oracle." said Zektus. "Indeed, It is i, Necro-Oracle." said Necro-Oracle. "Who's Necro-Oracle?" Asked Alan. “Necro-Oracle is a Dark Oracle." said Zektus, "He has lived for centuries. It is rumoured that he feeds on the lifeforce of others.". "Also." said Rotusor, "It is rumoured that no-one has ever seen him without his hood.". "Indeed." said Necro-Oracle, "As for you, Comrade, you are no longer needed.". As soon as Necro-Oracle said that, he activated a remote, which controlled the bomb. The countdown timer went from 35 minutes to 15 minutes. "Oh Great." said Officer Morgan, "What are we going to do now?". "I have a idea." said the Cyclops. "What's that?" asked Officer Morgan. "There's a passage that exists under this Keep." said the Cyclops, "I'm not sure where it leads to, but it may be our way out of here.". "It sounds like a good idea." said Zektus, "let's get going.".
As soon as Zektus said that, the heroes went out of the main room, and headed towards the room with the three passageways. "Which Way Now?" Asked Officer Morgan. "It's this way." said the Cyclops, as he pointed to the door on the right.". "Excellent." said Kalzortus, "Let's go.". "Right." said Broktar, "Alan and i should take up the front.". As soon as Broktar said that, he shifted his cybernetic optic sensor to infra-red sight. "This should be good." said Alan. As he was talking, Alan had put a couple of shells in the shotgun. All the while, Necro-Oracle had warped in some troops to stop the heroes. "Captain Abomtus." said Necro-Oracle, "See to it that the heroes don't make it out of here.". "Yes, Master." said Captain Abomtus. That was where Captain Abomtus had moved into towards the location of the heroes. Meanwhile, At Castle Diroctor, An Orc Warrior had arrived at the Castle. There was a Barbarian Warrior at the Castle. "Greetings, Comrade." said the Barbarian Warrior. "You must be here to form an alliance with the Humans." said The Orc Warrior. "Indeed i am." said the Barbarian Warrior, "You must be here for the same reason as well.". "Of Course." said the Orc Warrior.
At that moment, King Anderson had Arrived in the Courtyard. "Ah, Greetings Comrades." said King Anderson, “How have you been?". "We've been Great." Said the Barbarian Warrior, "Wouldn't you agree with that?". "Indeed." said the Orc Warrior. Just then, Ortonk had appeared. "Sire, i was thinking." said Ortonk, "There might be a possible plan.". "What would that be, Ortonk?" asked King Anderson. "The Citizens of Chior might be able to help." said Ortonk. "Anyways." said the Orc Warrior, "Both the Barbarian and I are here on behalf of our respective peoples to usher in an alliance.". "Aye." said the Barbarian Warrior, "Even though i suspect Telzor and his clan would be reluctant in joining.". "I would Think so." said King Anderson.
"Yeah." said the Barbarian Warrior, "Telzor's brother was killed by a Knight.". "How did you know about it?" asked the Orc Warrior. "I heard it from Tlowtox Ironhammer." said the Barbarian Warrior, "He said he heard it from a friend of his.". At that moment, Princess Anderson had arrived in the Courtyard. "Jesse." said Princess Anderson, "Is that you.". "Heather." said Jesse, "I didn't expect to see you here. I thought you were with your Uncle and Cousin.". "I was." said Princess Anderson. "Why are you here?" Asked Jesse. "Yeah." said the Orc Warrior, "He's Right.". "Uncle Arthur wanted to make sure i was safe." said Princess Anderson. Meanwhile, in the Tunnels under the Undead Keep, The Heroes had ventured into the lower levels. That was where Kalzortus had attempted to contact the crew of the Cruiser "Dragon Fire". "Comrades." said Kalortus, "This is Kalzortus reporting in. I just...". That was where Kalzortus noticed the comm-link had shorted out. "Bah!" said Kalzortus, "This Thing must be low on energy.". "Either that." said Broktar, "Or these Tunnels have an Communications Interference Device in them.". That was where Broktar turned to face Alan.
"Hey, Alan." Said Broktar, "see if your Communications device works.". That was where Alan had attempted to contact Joseph. "What The..." Said Alan, as soon as he seen the Comm-Link short out. "What Heppened?" asked Rotusor. "Apparently my Comm-Link is inoperative." said Alan, "For the Time Being.". "Well, That's just Great." said Officer Morgan, "what are we going to do now?". "Not to worry, Comrades." said Zektus, "I have a plan.". "What would that be?" asked Broktar. "You guys forget about my abilities." said Zektus, "Including Telepathy.". "Oh, Really now." said Broktar.. While the Heroes were in the Tunnels, The "Fire Griffens" gang had arrived at the Undead Keep, only to find it was about to blow up. That was where one of the Bikers had started to approach the Keep.
"Hold it, comrade." said Greg, "I have a feeling that something is about to happen.". At that moment, the Keep blew up. "All Bikers, head for cover." Said Greg. Fortunately, all 20 of the bikers had hidden behind the rocks. "Is everyone alright?" asked Greg. “All present and accounted for." said Caleb, "All are in one piece.". "then let's get going." said Greg. “Shouldn't we at least call Aizortun." David said. "Of Course." said Greg. As soon as he said that, he called Aizortun. Meanwhile, in the Tunnels under the Undead Keep, the Heroes had progressed through the tunnels. "So, Zektus." said Rotusor, "You haven't told us much about yourself.". "Indeed." said Broktar. "Then i shall tell you about my history." said Zektus.
As soon as Zektus said that, he had seen something in the distance. "What in the Realms was that?" said Rotusor. "Scans show a humanoid creature." said Broktar, "The closest i could figure, it is a Troll.". "Wait a minute." said the Cyclops, "The only Trolls in the Undead Forces i know of, are Fortox the Undead Troll, and Zoutoxas the Dark Troll.". "Fortox." said Rotusor, "that name sounds familiar.". "That's because Fortox was, at one time, a friend of Gretack the Ogre." said Tirus. At that moment, the creature showed itself. "By the Gods!" said Optotorix. "Mua-ha-ha." said the Creature, "so you have figured out who i am.". "indeed." said Tirus, "You are, in fact, Fortox.". "indeed." said Fortox, "But your quest ends here.". As soon as Fortox said that, he went right for Alan, With both Handaxes. "Alan, Duck out of the way!" said Tirus. Alan had managed to duck out of the way, also managing to fire off a couple of shots. one shot had hit Fortox in the Shoulder. "Arg!!" Fortox exclaimed in pain, as he clinched his left arm. "You shall pay for this, Human." said Fortox, As he charged at Alan. Fortox had taken a swipe at Alan with one of his axes.
"Alan, Watch out!!" said Tirus. That was where Alan had managed to move the metal plates of the armor in the path of the axe. That resulted in one of the axes being broken. "You shall pay for this, human." Said Fortox. "I wouldn't be so sure." said the Cyclops. At that moment, Fortox was surrounded by the Heroes. "You heroes shall not defeat me." said Fortox. "Care to try." said Officer Morgan. "You shall not stop the Master Of Zombies." said Fortox. "How could you fall so far from the light?" said Tirus, "You were once a noble warrior, Fighting along side your old friend, Gretack the Ogre.". "Bah!" said Fortox, “Do you really think i would willingly betray my friend.". "You mean to tell us, you're not a traitor." said Alan. "I say we deal with him immediately." said Broktar. "I wouldn't be so certain." said Zektus, "i have a plan.". "What would that be?" asked Alan. "We have a leader of the Undead Forces here." said Rotusor. "Exactly my point." said Zektus. "Where are you going with this?" asked Broktar. "We will try to interrogate Fortox to get the whereabouts of the Master Of Zombies." said Zektus. "Yeah, That's an excellent idea." said Alan, "with that data, we could find the two parts that had been stolen from the Military base From Earth.".
"I would have to agree with Alan." said Officer Morgan, "This could be advantageous.". All the while, above the Tunnels, and outside the remains of the Undead Keep, The "Fire Griffens" had gotten their new instructions. "Alright, boys." said Greg, "Let's Get going.". "Hey Greg, Where are we headed to now?" asked David. "Aizortun says the Location lies up to the North." said Greg, "It's a place called the Fort of the Dead.". "Then why did you have that confused look on your face?" asked David. "That's because Aizortun had first said the name of the location in another language." said Greg, "The Language he used, was a dialect of Troll.". “What was the place called in Troll?" asked Caleb. "That would be 'Nertos Dox Fareous'." said Greg. "Anyways." said David, "Let's get going.". As soon as David said that, the gang started on their way to the Fort of the Dead. Meanwhile, in the Tunnels, the heroes had managed to get the information they needed. At that moment, Captain Abomtos and the Troops had arrived. "Oh Great!" Said Officer Morgan. "Finally." said Fortox, "The odds are now stacked against you.". "I wouldn't be so sure." said Broktar.
As soon as Broktar said that, he grabbed ahold of Fortox. "Troops, Hold your fire." said Captain Abomtos. All of a sudden, Fortox had hit Broktar right in the mid-section. That resulted in Broktar loosening his grip, long enough for Fortox to escape. "We shall meet each other soon." said Fortox, as he was running towards the exit. "You won't be going too far." said Zektus, as he tossed a homing device on Fortox. At that moment, the Undead Troops in the Tunnel attacked the Heroes. "Heroes, Defensive Position." Said Tirus. At that moment, the Cyclops had hit the Wall. "What was that for?" asked Officer Morgan. "Just clear out of here." said the Cyclops, "i'll hold them off.". "If you insist." said Broktar. "We shall go." said Kalzortus. That was where all of the heroes, except for the Cyclops had started on their way out of the tunnels. "Your efforts shall not be in vain." said Kalzortus. "C'mon, Let's get going." said Broktar. "i shall stay here with the Cyclops." said Optotorix. "You go along with the others." said the Cyclops, "i shall catch up with you later.". "Alright then." said Rotusor. That was where the heroes went after Fortox. "How far is it now?" asked Alan.
"I haven't the slightest." said Officer Morgan, "But we'll find out soon enough.". All the while, Fortox was activating the mechanism for the exit. "I shall be out of here, finally." Fortox said to himself, "and i don't have to deal with these so called 'Heroes'.". Meanwhile, outside of the tunnels, The "Fire Griffens" had reached the outskirts of the towns surrounding the Plains of the Kordoz. "How far is it to the Fort of the Dead?" asked David. "Aizortun says it's only 3 days ride from here." said Greg, "Whatever that means.". That was where a Ogre had appeared. "Oh great!" said Duane. "Let me handle him." said Caleb. That was where Caleb stepped forward to deal with the Ogre. "we come in peace." said Celeb, "We are here on a mission to stop the Master Of Zombies.". "Tell him about the Location we are headed to, Caleb." said David. "Right." said Caleb, "we are headed to a place called the Fort of the Dead.". "is that so?" said The Ogre, "i know of someone who can help.". "Who is this person of which you speak of?" Asked Caleb. "you'll find out soon enough." said the Ogre. Meanwhile, under the tunnels, all of the heroes, except for the Cyclops, had made it in time to see Fortox enter the Mechanism to leave the tunnels. That was where Fortox turned to face the Heroes. "If you plan on getting those parts." said Fortox, "You're Too late.".
"Not if we can help it." said Officer Morgan. As soon as Officer Morgan said that, he charged at Fortox. At that moment, Fortox's comrades had arrived. "Commander Fortox." said the Captain of the Transport, "get a move on, sir.". That was where Fortox headed to the transport. "Until next time, heroes." said Fortox, as he boarded the Transport. "Officer Morgan, Hold position." said Kalzortus. But Officer Morgan didn't listen. He grabbed ahold of Fortox, just when Fortox stepped into the Transport. "By the Gods!" Said Kalzortus, "This cannot be!". At that moment, The Transport started to head to the Fort Of The Dead. "Oh, Great." said Rotusor, "They're getting away.". "Not if i can help it." said Broktar. As Soon as he said that, he targeted the Transport.
"Hold your fire." said Tirus, "Officer Morgan's in the ship.". "Oh, Right." said Broktar. At that moment, Optotorix had arrived. "Optortorix." said Broktar, "What Happened?". "I have some bad news." said Optotorix, "The Cyclops had Died.". "By the Gods!" said Kalzortus, "This is a dark day, indeed.". "What shall we do now?" asked Broktar. "I have a idea." said Rotusor. "What would that be, Rotusor?" asked Tirus. "I know of someone who can help us." said Rotusor, "He is Tlowtox Ironhammer, a Goblin.". "where does he reside?" Asked Tirus. "He resides in a area to the east of here." said Rotusor. "Let's get a move on." said Optotorix. "I just hope Officer Morgan is alright." said Tirus. "Of Course he'll be alright." said Alan, "i knew him for years.". "If you say so." said Tirus. That was where the heroes went to Tlowtox Ironhammer's base. All the while, on the Transport, Officer Morgan had been surrounded by several Ghouls. "Alright, you rotting pieces of flesh." said Officer Morgan, "You and your masters shall not conquer this realm.". All of a sudden, Officer Morgan was hit in the back of the head by a zombie. "That ought to keep him quiet." said the Zombie. Meanwhile, the Heroes made it to Tlowtox Ironhammer's Base. At that moment, Aizortun and Scaltokas had appeared. That was where the Heroes were taken off guard by their appearance. "Aizortun!" said Tirus, "I might have figured you would be around.". "However did you know, young Tirus." said Aizortun.
"I could sense your dark energy." said Tirus. "You must know of my history, and my role as it involves the Territory Wars." said Aizortun. "Yeah, i've heard the news." said Tirus, "You betrayed the Humans to the Orcs.". "Hey, do you mind." said Optotorix. "Right, Optortorix." said Tirus, "i have also heard the news that you had helped the 'Shock Rangers' clan get some new weapons.". "indeed, i have done so." said Aizortun, "And now your quest ends here.". "yeah, like he said." said Scaltokas. As soon as Scaltokas said that, he raised his battle-axe. At that moment, Tlowtox Ironhammer had appeared. "Tlowtox." said Aizortun, as he turned to face Tlowtox, "i didn't expect to see you here.".
"Nor i." said Tlowtox, "Now begone from here.". "Not likely." said Aizortun. All of a sudden, Aizortun had tossed an energy ball at Tlowtox. Fortunately, Tlowtox had managed to dodge the attack. "Now It's time to teach you a lesson." said Tlowtox. As soon as Tlowtox said that, he pressed a button on his wrist-mounted computer system. "What's happening now?" asked Alan. "Tlowtox is armoring up." said Rotusor. "Armoring up?" Alan said, curiously. "Indeed." said Rotusor. That was where Tlowtox had completed the Armoring up sequence. In his armored mode, Tlowtox stood over 8 feet in height. There are weapons systems over most of the robotic Armor.
"I shall not ask you this." said Tlowtox, "You two must leave here, and never return.". "Make us." said Scaltokas. "Stubborn Minotaur." said Aizortun. That was where Scaltokas charged at Tlowtox. All of a sudden, Tlowtox lifted Scaltokas off of the ground. Tlowtox then tossed Scaltokas out of the area. "By the Gods!" Exclaimed Aizortun, "You shall not beat Me.". As soon as Aizortun said that, he launched another energy ball. The energy ball hit Tlowtox directly in the armor. Tlowtox retaliated by using his grappling hook mechanism. Tlowtox had tossed Aizortun to the ground. "What do we do?" asked Alan.
"I suggest we try to find a mode of transportation." said Rotusor. "If you are looking for a mode of Transportation." said Tlowtox, "there's one on the launch pad.". "That does it!" said Aizortun, "i shall use my ultimate attack.". As soon as Aizortun said that, he raised his staff in preparation for his ultimate attack. The ultimate attack is "Omega Storm". "Now you shall fall." said Aizortun. "Boom!", a shot rang out, and Aizortun's staff was broken in two. Everyone looked over directly at Alan. Alan was holding the Double-Barrelled Shotgun, which was smoking.
That was where Alan Cleared the Smoke from the Barrels. "You know." said Alan, "You should listen to the Goblin.". "You Foolish weakling!" said Aizortun, as he planted his staff in the ground, "Don't you know how long it took to create this very staff with the best type of wood and a special type of crystal, which was available.". "Your Point?" said Alan. "You shall pay for this!" said Aizortun. "I don't think so." said Tlowtox. As soon as Tlowtox said that, he went for Aizortun. "You think that i could be beaten so easily." said Aizortun, "We shall meet again.". As soon as Aizortun said that, he summoned a Griffen. The Griffen swooped down to pick up Scaltokas. "This isn't the last time you'll see me." said Aizortun, As he was riding off. "Shouldn't we chase after him?" said Alan. "Not to worry, human." said Broktar, "i have a feeling he'll be facing a larger threat.". Meanwhile, in another dimension, The Gate Master was watching the events. "Most impressive." said the Gate Master. That was where the Gate Master noticed some of the events on another one of the View screens. "i have a bad feeling about this." said the Gate Master.
The situation that the Gate Master is referring to, was the "Fire Griffens" had made it within the Borders of the Undead Territory. "I have better tell the heroes about this." said The Gate Master. That was where the Gate Master went over to the communications console. Meanwhile, at Tlowtox's base, the heroes had met Tlowtox. At that moment, a call came over the communications console. "i'll be right back." said Tlowtox. That was where Tlowtox went over to the Communications Console. "I'm Surprised that you did that." said Broktar. "Yeah." said Optotorix, "i thought that Broktar would be the one to try something like that.". "Do you Mind?" said Broktar.
"The most unusual things happen in this dimension." said Kalzortus. At that moment, Joseph had contacted Alan. "Alan." said Joseph, "where on Earth have you been? the Troops were getting concerned. even the President had contacted this base.". "The President?" Asked Alan, "Well, the allies and i were in the tunnels under the Keep.". "Yeah, There was some sort of device that blocked communications." said Broktar. "Yeah." said Optotorix, "Not only that. we had a new ally join our side for a while, until his death.". "you mean that the Cyclops helped you." said Joseph. "yes, indeed." said Optotorix, "he sacrificed himself to help us.". "yes." said Kalzortus, "he died honourably.". That was where Tlowtox had come back from being inside the base. "guys." said Tlowtox, "There's someone you should meet.". "Alright." said Alan, “We're coming.". That was where the heroes had entered Tlowtox's base. "Alright, who is it you are referring to?" asked Broktar. "It is none other than the Gate Master." said Tlowtox. "Gate Master?" said Broktar, "i didn't expect to see you.". "Indeed." said The Gate Master, "So, you must be Alan Stukov.". “Indeed i am." said Alan. "So." said Kalzortus, "You are the Gate Master.".
submitted by Griffon-Knight to WarriorOmega [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:16 meowcats734 [Soulmage] You've been diagnosed with cancer. It's too late to treat it. The doctor has given you months to live if you don't undergo chemotherapy. You refuse. Soon you start to see family members who've passed before you, and you're not so afraid of dying.


The stars watched me carefully as I trekked along the grassy, rolling hills. It wasn't at all how geography worked, but setting foot on the rough terrain felt like it was getting me one step closer to the mountains I was born in. As if I would climb mounds and steppes and peaks in an ever-increasing line until I could grab the stars themselves and hurl them down from their celestial thrones.
Meloai would have pointed out that even if I had the physical power to interfere with the heavens, I would probably irreparably break the world if I cast the stars from their fixed positions. It felt like there was a lesson in there somewhere, but I'd had enough of education for a lifetime. Not that I had much of one to look forward to, thanks to the sickness swimming through my soul.
I had a plan for dealing with that, but I needed to wait until sunset. Not because there was any significance of sunset to my magic—the only possible influence would be if dusk had any emotional meaning to me, and of the things I cared about, the beauty of the natural world mattered only if it brought happiness and wonder to the people I'd left behind. No, sunset was just a convenient natural timer for the daily routine I'd have to endure.
I'd gotten far away enough from Knwharfhelm that it was unlikely anyone would investigate the noise if I started casting. So I reached into my soul, found the swirling vortex of snow-dusted feathers born of the mortal freedom that came with having but a handful of months to live, and gathered them into a spell. Shaped into a memory of one of Knwharfhelm's sailing-ships, the magic channeled itself into a nearly-solid boat of wind, lifting me off the ground with a deafening howl. So long as I held that memory firm in my mind, I would keep sailing across the skies until that nihilistic freedom drained from my soul.
So I had plenty of time.
Zhytln may have been an unassailable horror lurking beneath Knwharfhelm, but she put a surprising amount of genuine effort into keeping us placated, and unless I went digging into her personal affairs, she had been willing to answer some questions about the nature of magic. Continuing and broadening the education I'd gotten at the hands of the Silent Academy. One of these days I'd find a teacher that wasn't trying to fuck with free will, but until every would-be bully and tyrant dropped dead of spontaneous combustion, I'd steal what insights I could.
And wow, did Zhytln have insights. Magic was emotion, attunement was isomorphism, souls reflected reality and reality reflected souls. I couldn't claim to understand half of it, but by stacking attunements ("composing" them, as Zhytln had said), I could try to pull off a shadow of Zhytln's treatment of Cienne.
Every element of reality had its echo in soulspace. If I could find the analogue of my cancer in my soul, I could rip it from my body to alleviate the symptoms.
The problem with this kind of direct reality manipulation was that being able to even touch the images of realspace that projected into soulspace required attunement—and mortal minds could only obtain attunement to emotions. Terrible, terrible things happened to the body and soul when one reached too far beyond the scope of emotions a human mind could feel. But terrible things were happening to my body and soul anyway, so I was willing to risk it.
I knew what to look for: Zhytln had identified it in Cienne. Little swimming-hatching things in the slime-seas of my soul, courtesy of Iola's last spell. I couldn't perceive them, not directly, but they were surely somewhere in the span of attunements I'd collected. It would have been simpler to start with water, but I had precious little joy left in me.
So I started with blood. My vision of soulspace snapped into focus, my crawling, trickling fears visible as veins and rivers and ghostly walking circulatory systems. Filtering fear through spite gave me spidery, anxious hemolymph. I tried encasing it in regret, to show me the mud-caked bodies of the infinitesimal parasites infesting me, but the attunement I was trying to craft slipped from my mind, spinning wildly and rotating my vision of soulspace through uncountable flickering shadows. I grasped frantically at one of them, tiny specks burning in the void, but it was no use. I hadn't even come close to the attunement I'd wanted.
Fine. There was another way.
Attunements weren't monolithic. "Blood" was not a rigorously defined category, and it smeared and stained at the edges. I knew the soul-parasites that represented my sickness lived in the mud, wallowed in my regrets and used them as space to breed. I could relate, honestly. And I knew how to staunch that wound, if only for a moment.
I simply had to run out of regrets.
So I whispered a word and cast a spell, and willed the swamps of my soul to run dry. Infected, fetid mud swirled out of existence, the isomorphism inverting as I forced it into realspace. I knew little of the magics of regret, but Cienne had used it once to knit together a dying soul. Corrupted as it was, its effect would be different, unpredictable—which was why I'd flown off before trying this.
There was nobody but me who would be hurt if this spell backfired.
"You're wrong, you know."
My eyes snapped open, and I reflexively cursed and held out a hand to protect myself from the wind before remembering that I was a soulmage now, and I could strike back at problems instead of letting them strike at me. From the depths of my marrow I hewed coal-black exhaustion, and the resulting weight caused the wind to slump and plummet into a downdraft, letting me squint into the diminished headwind.
I tried to speak a question, but even reduced, the howling gale drowned out my words. The voice, therefore, must have been solely in my mind.
Which explained why it sounded like Sansen.
Hello? I thought.
No response. Tentatively, I willed more of the sickly pus in my soul to drain.
"I'm happy for you, Lucet. He'll be a better partner than I could have been."
I was ready for it, this time, and I caught a glimpse of the spell's mechanisms as it unspooled in soulspace. Tendrils of muck expanded and caught in thoughtspace, snagging on soul shards of those who were close to me and dragging them in. The echoes of Kiton—I hadn't thought of her since that day in the graveyard, and I'd never talked about her, even to Cienne—were just that. Echoes. I pushed further, and this time, the floodgates tore open—
"They'll take care of you," I said, ushering my daughter towards the bespectacled witch. My little Lucet took two toddling, uncertain steps forwards, looking up and up and up at me, and I raised my chin in pride. "Do well in school, won't you? And maybe we'll meet agai—"
My focus shattered, the memory unravelling, and with it, the memory of wind and sails I stood on.
The old me, the unsteady, wobbling child, she would have flailed and fell and dashed herself across the hills. But she had died thrice over on the road to where I stood today, and my only regret was that two of those responsible still drew breath.
Black bile spewed forth from my soul, sheer repulsive force propelling me away from the earth, the recoil as vivid and sharp as a riftmaw's bite. Callous, freezing freedom locked back into place around me, and I set my sights on the horizon once more.
It was hard to tell if the feverish strength in my emaciated limbs was from the cancer I'd excised or the regrets I'd left behind. But either way, both would cease to be an issue once I reached the Silent Peaks.
Tentatively aiming for "updates on some Sundays." Not every Sunday, since I can't maintain that output, but... some of them.
Table of Contents
A Book I Wrote
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submitted by meowcats734 to bubblewriters [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:15 Pyro979 Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)

[PWYW] Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)
This is my favorite thing I've written so far. My players who play-tested the adventure had a blast so I hope you all will enjoy it as well.
Upon entering a seemingly innocuous tavern, players quickly realize it’s not the refuge they expected. The innkeeper and his ‘daughter,’ the serving girl, are not what they seem. Beneath their facades lie malevolent beings with a taste for their guests. Facing both mental and physical trials, the players must outwit these monsters before they become the evening’s special.
The players will start their ordeal facing terrifying nightmares. Upon awakening, they must navigate a series of horror-themed rooms intended to weaken them before the ultimate showdown with the “hosts.” Victory over them will not be the end, as they must then escape the crumbling pocket dimension in which they’re trapped.
This module can serve as a standalone one-shot adventure or seamlessly integrate into an ongoing campaign. It’s adaptable to any location or setting and offers scalability for various levels. While the default tone leans toward the darker side, feel free to adjust it to suit your campaign’s ambiance.
This adventure may last between 3 to 6 hours, varying based on the extent to which you utilize the module’s content and your players’ decisions.
  • 10 nightmares for your PCs
  • 10 horrifying rooms
  • An epic showdown with an action-oriented final boss "Red Mask" as well as his companion "The Hunger".
  • Instructions for scaling the adventure.
  • Helpful DM tips that will make prep and running a breeze
  • 3 battle maps created in Inkarnate
  • Custom Monster stat blocks and tokens
Art attribution:
Created in homebrewery

Previous Work:

What other DM's have said:

  • Tossed this lil adventure in our D&D world and the players had a blast with all the twists and turns. As a DM I enjoyed the fact that it was well written and easy to run, I didn't have to flip through a lot of mess to run it like I've had to do on some other adventures. Highly recommended. -Jason T via DMsGuild
  • Incorporated this last night into our campaign and had a blast. Biggest hits were the dream sequences, the library lore, bar potions, and the dynamic of having a family of commoners to protect. Players were also impressed with the lair and villain actions. I would recommend this to other DMs as it was easy to prep for, fairly simple to run, and the party had fun! -Ty R via DMsGuild
  • I gave my party trauma and trust issues with this one! It was great time! Chibi_Disaster


Adding what I could fit into this post - had to cut some info to fit into the limit:


  • Redd Traskin - At first glance: The welcoming face behind the bar, always ready with a drink and a story about his culinary adventures. Lurking beneath is a creature known as Red Mask: a malevolent being who ensnares victims with harrowing dreams, rendering them helpless before he claims and cooks them.
  • Nara Traskin - On the surface a seemingly aloof barmaid, introduced as Redd's "daughter", with a penchant for keeping to herself and often notably reserved. But beneath that exterior she is The Hunger, a fearsome entity with a singular, overpowering mission: to satiate her eternal appetite.
  • (Optional) Other guests - a young couple with a child
    • Brent Haskill (26) - Husband of the young couple, blacksmith, friendly, introverted
    • Raida Haskill (25) - Wife of the young couple, leatherworker, gregarious, warm
    • Breeni Haskill (7) - Daughter

Scaling the Adventure

Effect & Trap Damage

Level Light Damage Medium Damage Serious Damage
1 1d4+1 (3) 1d6+2 (5) 1d10+2 (7)
2 1d6+2 (5) 1d8+3 (7) 2d6+3 (10)
3 1d8+2 (6) 2d6+3 (10) 2d8+4 (13)
4 1d10+2 (7) 2d8+3 (12) 3d6+5 (16)
5 1d10+3 (8) 2d10+3 (14) 3d8+5 (19)
6 2d6+3 (10) 3d6+4 (17) 4d6+6 (20)
7 2d6+4 (11) 3d8+4 (18) 4d8+6 (24)
8 2d8+4 (13) 3d10+4 (20) 5d6+7 (27)
9 2d10+4 (15) 4d6+5 (19) 5d8+7 (31)
10 3d6+5 (16) 4d8+5 (23) 6d8+8 (35)


Level Easy Medium Hard
1-3 10 14 18
4-6 12 16 20
7-10 14 18 22

The Inn at the Cross Roads

At the crossroads, a quaint inn catches your eye. Its simple two-story structure, with walls of weathered wood and a stone base, exudes a rustic charm. A single horse is tethered to a wagon nearby, hinting at the presence of other travelers.
A wooden sign, hand-carved and swinging in the evening breeze, reads "Red Mask Inn" in neatly scrolled letters. Below the name are two theatrical masks, the smiling Comedy and crying Tragedy.
DM Notes
For a one-shot adventure, consider giving the one-shot a different name than "Red Mask Inn" to serve as a red herring. Whether you're running a campaign or a one-shot, you can utilize the classic trope of the characters either meeting at the inn or using it as a place to rest and gather information.
Describe the inn as an unassuming, typical roadside establishment, creating an atmosphere of a routine stop for travelers. In a campaign, it's ideal to introduce this inn after the group has already faced some encounters in the days before. This timing helps to set the stage for what follows, making the inn seem like a normal, much-needed, resting point in their journey.

Inside the inn

As you push open the creaky door of the Red Mask Inn, you're greeted by the comforting warmth of a crackling fireplace and the rich aroma of hearty stew. The inn's interior is cozy, with wooden beams and a few round tables scattered across the room.
Behind the bar stands Redd Traskin, the owner and bartender of the inn. He's a robust man with a warm smile, busy polishing glasses but always ready to strike up a conversation. As you approach, he greets you with a jovial voice, "Welcome, travelers! You must be famished. Our stew today is particularly good, made with fresh herbs from the garden!"
Moving between the tables with a tray in hand is Nara, Redd’s daughter. She seems to be in her own world, efficiently serving patrons but with a distant look in her eyes. If players attempt to interact with her, she responds politely but briefly, maintaining a professional distance.
Seated at a corner table is a young couple with their child. The man, Brent Haskill, has the sturdy build of a blacksmith, while his wife, Raida, radiates warmth and friendliness. Their daughter, Breeni, is a bundle of energy, her eyes wide with curiosity as she looks around the inn. Breeni seems particularly interested in the adventurers, especially if there's a female-presenting member or someone who looks like a seasoned adventurer in the group. This presents a great opportunity for roleplaying and helps to engage the players with these NPCs.

Going to bed

Each room costs 3 sp per night. If your players are cautious, they may decide to set a watch. Ask for the watch order. For the first person on watch: if they ate or drank at the inn, they must make a CON saving throw against the HARD DC ___. Failure results in them falling asleep during their watch.
After some time if a player is not asleep because they (1) did not eat or drink at the inn, (2) succeeded on their Constitution saving throw, or (3) are immune to magical sleep (e.g. due to a feature like Fey Ancestry), they notice something peculiar. The lights in the tavern, if any were lit, suddenly dim, and the normal nighttime sounds from outside the tavern abruptly stop.
This player may try to help wake up the other players as they have their nightmares (see next section). This gives the players advantage on their saving throws.

Dreadful Reveries

Party members who fall asleep will experience nightmares. You can create unique nightmares (plumb your player's back stories or campaign events for ideas) or use the provided list for inspiration. Each dream culminates in a save attempt, allowing players to choose between a WIS, INT, or CHA saving throw, depending on their character's mental strengths. End each nightmare description with "Roll a mental save using your preferred stat." If they fail to wake up, they suffer LIGHT, or MEDIUM if they fail the check by more than 5, non-lethal psychic damage. If they roll a Natural 1 on their save, they gain one level of exhaustion. Either way on a failed save they slip into another dream. The initial save DC is set at HARD and should decrease by one level for each subsequent attempt. It is recommended to do not more than 3 nightmares. If another character is attempting to wake them or if they have abilities that aid in resisting mental effects, they may make the save with advantage.


  1. It's night. You are running through the woods. Brambles and thorns rip at your skin. Something is chasing you, and it's gaining. You hear it coming closer and closer. You stumble, fall, and it's on your back, ready to strike…
  2. You are on a ledge of a narrow cliff. The wind howls, and the rain buffets you. Lightning briefly illuminates the world, revealing jagged rocks hundreds of feet below. Your foot slips, your fingers lose their grip. You begin to fall…
  3. [Not for characters with water breathing] You are underwater. Seaweed tangles around your legs and feet as you try to orient yourself. There is no up, no down. Your lungs burn, and when you can no longer hold your breath, brackish, dirty water rushes down your throat…
  4. You are in a coffin. You don't know how long you've been here. You push up on the lid but the weight of the dirt above renders your effort futile. Your fingers bleed as you scratch through the wood, trying to reach the freshly dug earth. The air grows heavier, and you feel yourself slipping away…
  5. The stars above are beautiful. You try to keep fear at bay, hoping your ship will return. But deep down, you know they won't find you in the vast, uncaring ocean. As you hear a splash to your right, you turn to glimpse a notched fin that was heading in your direction submerge under the water...
  6. The reflection in the mirror isn't you. You chant this mantra, yet the creature in the glass tilts its head mockingly and whispers, “No, not you. Not yet!” Its gnarled hands creep forward, attempting to breach the barrier of the silvered glass...
  7. The cave-in is a minor setback. You've found an exit after an hour. A set of hand-holds lead up towards the surface. In your haste, you squeeze through a narrow ledge. Suddenly, you're stuck, the pressure on your chest blurring your vision and clouding your mind, fresh air just out of reach…
  8. You walk through city streets, unnoticed by the teeming crowd. A growing sense of wrongness intensifies as the figures turn toward you. You only have a moment to dread as you see their faceless heads, when they all then converge on you as one…
  9. After leaving the warm tent, the cold seemed bearable. But a stinging wind and swirling snow soon disorient you. It feels warmer; you shed layers, mistaking deadly cold for heat. You stumble into the soft snow, deciding to rest, just for a minute…
  10. It's twilight in the woods. A dead tree in a clearing, covered in birds, crows or ravens, hard to tell. More cawing, flapping wings, and suddenly, the birds take flight, sharp beaks and claws going for your eyes…

Players Awaken

Once all the players awaken, they will likely attempt to figure out their situation. Should they look out the window, they will see the outside world; however, this view is merely an illusion. Efforts to break through walls, floors, and ceilings will prove futile. Furthermore, utilizing teleportation magic, such as dimension door and plane shift, appears ineffective, except for local effects like misty step or dimension door to a visible location.
Upon opening the door, the players will discover themselves in a long corridor, extending hundreds of feet. The only doors in this corridor are those leading to the PCs' rooms, the room of a young couple, and a black door at the far end of the hallway. Horrified moans and screams emanate from the young couple’s room. If the players choose to intervene and break in, they will find the couple and their daughter inside, all of whom are also experiencing nightmares and can be awakened by the players.
As the PCs make their way down the hallway, they come across a collection of strikingly realistic portraits. Each one captures a different being - humans, dragonborn, gnomes, and more - from a wide spectrum of ages, genders, and races. The subjects are dressed in everything from opulent clothes to plain rags, and some are even armored, weapons in hand. But there's one unsettling similarity across all these portraits: every face is frozen in an expression of sheer terror.
At the end of the hallway, they find the black door, which is unlocked.


Upon entering, the PCs have a series of rooms you will guide them through. You can either craft your own rooms or use those included in this adventure. Players might attempt to take a Short Rest in some rooms, and it's up to you whether to allow it or not. You want the PCs battered, but not spent for the final confrontation. If you choose to deny them the rest, narrate psychic pressure to move out of the room - leading to psychic damage on refusal.
The Library
As the party steps into a dimly lit room, they're surrounded by towering bookshelves. The books around them seem to be whispering secrets of forbidden knowledge. Each player needs to make a MEDIUM WIS saving throw to avoid taking MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage from the eldritch knowledge trying to worm into their brain, with the damage halved if they succeed. Those players naturally drawn to knowledge, like Wizards and Bards, will find this more challenging and must make the throw at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, those less inclined towards books, like Barbarians or Fighters, will have advantage. It's up to you as the DM to decide these advantages and disadvantages based on your characters' proclivities.
DM Notes
  • Use this section as a chance to weave in some of your world's lore. It's a perfect opportunity for players to uncover hidden aspects of your campaign's universe.
  • While the books in this room can be physically taken, to avoid players hoarding countless volumes, consider describing how some books disintegrate into ash as soon as they're opened.
The Memory Gallery
In this sparsely furnished room, the walls are adorned with striking paintings of landscapes, ranging from mountain vistas to sunsets over the ocean, and serene forest clearings. As the PCs explore these paintings, focus on one PC and bring a distressing memory from their backstory to life, using the painting they are viewing as the backdrop. This scene then animates before the players. The PC at the center of this memory is faced with a HARD WIS saving throw, with the risk of taking SERIOUS non-lethal psychic damage upon failure, or half the damage if they succeed. Meanwhile, other PCs witnessing this scene must make an EASY WIS save to avoid LIGHT non-lethal psychic damage, suffering no damage on a successful save. Breeni’s past interactions with the affected PC could play a role here. Breeni may hug the PC, granting them advantage on their saving throw.
The Mirror Chamber
In the mirror chamber, walls lined with ornate, grimy mirrors reflect distorted and grotesque images of the adventurers. The air is thick, filled with the unsettling scent of iron and decay. Suddenly, their reflections lunge out of the glass, materializing into tangible, malevolent doppelgängers that attack, forcing the party to confront twisted versions of themselves.
Choose a character's favorite or iconic attack or spell and use it against each player. A single hit on the mirror version or the mirror itself is enough to destroy it.
The Dining Hall
The long wooden table is laden with rotting food: fruit covered in mold, meat moving with maggots, and bread so stale it looks fossilized, all set among goblets filled with a murky, clotting liquid that might have once been wine. Nearby, a platter holds what appears to be a human hand, its skin cooked to a crisp and its fingernails garnished with sprigs of wilted herbs. The foul stench of decay and spoiled meat permeates the room, mingling with the unsettling, almost palpable aura of dread. Players must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw. On a failure, gain the poisoned condition, lasting for 1d4 rooms.
The Hospital Room
Several linen-covered beds on the far side of the room are splattered with dried blood. Bone saws with jagged teeth and other cruel implements are neatly arranged on a side table, gleaming ominously in the torchlight. Drawers with various medical supplies are left half-closed. Several vials labeled as "Healing Potions" sit on a nearby shelf. A MEDIUM Arcana or Medicine check will determine these are actually poison (1d4+1 poison damage). The party may choose to remain here and use some of the supplies to heal up - can be used as a Short Rest opportunity.
The Bathroom
A decrepit wooden bathtub sits in the corner, filled with a stagnant, dark liquid that occasionally bubbles as if something lurks beneath the surface. Next to the bathtub, a stone toilet fixture stands as if hewn directly from the chamber's walls, its bowl filled with an unidentifiable, viscous substance that seems to churn of its own accord. Faint, grotesque sketches are etched into the stone around the toilet, depicting unsettling scenes that make you question the sanity of previous occupants. Blood spatters mar the cracked tiles, leading to a cracked tarnished mirror that reflects a distorted image of anyone who dares to look.
If anyone gets within 5 ft of the bathtub, tentacles will try to grapple them (MEDIUM Escape DC). The tentacles will also deal MEDIUM amount of bludgeoning damage on a successful grapple. Any damage to the tentacles (AC 12) will release the PC.
The Greenhouse
The greenhouse is a labyrinth of overgrown, twisted plants, their leaves unnaturally dark and thorns menacingly sharp. A misty, almost phosphorescent fog hangs low, casting a sickly green glow over everything, and making it hard to see what lurks in the corners. Amongst the flora, the party can spot several cages containing withered remains of animals and, disturbingly, a few humanoid shapes — all twisted in expressions of agony, as if the plants themselves had consumed them.
Monster encounter, balance for your party:
Level Range Monster
1-3 Twig Blight (MM 32)
Needle Blight (MM 32)
Vine Blight (MM 32)
4-6 Shambling Mound (MM 270)
Wood Woad (VGtM 198)
Yellow Musk Creeper (TftYP 248)
Animated Tree (VGtM 207)
Assassin Vine (MM 22)
7-10 Corpse Flower (MToF 127)
Tree Blight (CoS 230)
To make things more difficult for the players, you can also add an additional MEDIUM CON saving throw against the fog's effects, with the players taking LIGHT poison damage on failure. Altering the number of monsters is another effective method for adjusting the challenge level. Additionally, if you're looking to incorporate different types of monsters, don't hesitate to use homebrew or reflavored monsters.
The Bar
The barroom is dimly lit by tarnished chandeliers that cast ghostly flickers across worn wooden floorboards. A long, decaying bar counter dominates one side of the room. Its surface is stained and pockmarked, lined with bottles containing strange, discolored liquids. The stools around the bar are unsteady, emitting ominous creaks under the slightest pressure. Notably, one stool bears an unsettling stain, reminiscent of dried blood.
If players choose to consume any of the bottles, roll on the table below to determine the effects. Generally, it's not recommended to allow more than one potion per player (drinking more than one results in vomiting). If an effect doesn't apply to a character, or another player already drank the potion rolled, roll again. The effects last until the end of the adventure. A MEDIUM DC Alchemist Tools, Herbalist Kit or Arcana Check will reveal the properties of the potions. An EASY DC check may reveal partial properties.
# Name Liquid Description Effect Description
1 Reckless Fury A swirling red potion with fiery sparks. [Primary Melee Classes] Every melee attack is treated as reckless (attack is rolled with Advantage, but any attack against the player is rolled with Advantage as well until their turn).
2 Luck be a lady tonight A two-layered liquid, gold over silver. Grants inspiration to the player, and GM gets to force disadvantage at a time of their choosing.
3 Unstable Teleport A misty, shifting blue and gray potion. Gain the ability to cast the Misty Step spell at will. Roll 1d20 for uncertain destination, appearing in a location of DM's choice on 1-10.
4 Size Shift A violet fluid with bubbles. Changes creature size from Medium to Small. No effect on Small creatures.
5 Spell Rejuvenation A glowing, pulsating emerald drink. [Primary Spellcaster Classes] Restores one highest level spent spell slot but causes causes one level of exhaustion.
6 Speed Surge A quicksilver potion with streaks of lightning. Doubles speed but causes jitteriness, disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saves.
7 Painful Retaliation A dark crimson liquid with a thorny vine motif. As a bonus action you can choose to harm a creature at will, causing MEDIUM psychic damage, but take half the damage yourself.
8 Statue Defense A solid gray potion with flecks of stone. As a reaction to taking damage, you can choose to become an invulnerable statue to negate the triggering damage. You are invulnerable and petrified until the end of your next turn.
9 Charge of the Bull A red potion with a swirling vortex. Gain a powerful charge attack: If you can move at least 10ft in a straight line, you can make an attack. If the attack hits, it is treated as a critical hit, and the target is knocked prone. If the attack misses, the player takes MEDIUM bludgeoning damage, is knocked prone, and lands 10 feet past the target.
10 Clumsy Might A creamy potion with bubbles. Advantage on Strength checks and saves but disadvantage on Dexterity-based tasks.
The Stalking Statues
The room is a vast, dimly-lit chamber with four stone statues positioned in various states of distress; their faces contorted in silent screams or buried in their hands as if weeping. The flickering light from a dying chandelier dances across their features, casting ominous shadows that seem to move. Describe the chandelier as flickering in and out. In the darkness, the statues seem to move closer and closer.
You can treat this room narratively to unsettle the players, or turn it into an encounter. For an encounter, roll initiative (the statues always act at the end of the initiative order, and only on rounds when the lights are out). Every other round, either cover the map if playing in person, switch to a blank map on a VTT, or, if using theater of the mind, simply narrate the lights going out. The statues can only move in darkness, which is magical. Some players may have the ability to see through magical darkness. In such cases, the movement of the statues is visible to those players. Players who cannot see in the darkness can move but must declare their directions and distances. The door at the end of the room is unlocked when all statues are destroyed or by using the Knock spell.

Stalking Statues

Medium Construct, neutral evil
Armor Class :: 18 (natural armor) Hit Points :: 3 MEDIUM hits Speed :: 20 ft (can move only in darkness)
14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 1 (-5)
Damage Immunities :: poison, psychic Condition Immunities :: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Senses :: Blindsight 60 ft. Languages :: None
Antimagic Susceptibility. The statue is incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the statue must succeed on a CON saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute. : False Appearance. While the statue remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal statue. : Dark Step. The statue can only move in darkness. It moves silently. It may not take the dash action. All attacks automatically hit.


Multiattack. The statue makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM bludgeoning damage. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM piercing damage. : Grapple. Roll Contested Athletics vs Atheltics or Acrobatics. The statue rolls with Advantage. Reach 5ft., one target. MEDIUM escape DC to break free.

Final Confrontation

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone: : You walk through the door to find yourself in a vast, open kitchen. The air is heavy with the scent of pots boiling over low flames, their contents a mystery. Shadows flicker and stretch across the walls, animated by the dim firelight.
Above, cured meats hang from hooks, swaying slightly in the draft. The countertops are littered with a variety of sinister-looking knives and butchery tools, their edges catching the light with an ominous glint.
At the center of this daunting scene stand Redd and Nara. Redd greets you with a malicious smile. “Now that you’ve been properly tenderized, it’s time for the main course!” he says. In a chilling display, he reaches for his face and peels it away as if it were a mask, revealing the ghastly sight of raw muscles, pulsing veins, and exposed nerves.
Next to him, Nara stands with an unsettling calm. Her hands begin to unnaturally stretch and contort, transforming into deadly claws. As she grins, her mouth widens unnervingly, unveiling a row of sharp, predatory teeth.

Monstrous Hosts

Redd Traskin, also known as Red Mask, and Nara Traskin, known as The Hunger, have hidden their monstrous nature for years by disguising themselves as the friendly innkeepers of the Red Mask Inn. They lure travelers with warmth and hospitality, only to ensnare them in a nightmarish trap. Through their powers of perception and emotion manipulation, they torment their victims in an alternate dimension, relishing the fear and suffering they create. All the while, they maintain their facade as ordinary innkeepers, continuing their sinister feast on unsuspecting guests.

Lair Actions

Initiative :: At initiative order 20, use one of the lair action options
Scalding Water: Boiling water erupts from pots in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Slippery Floors: The floor becomes slick with oil and grease. For the next round, any creature moving across the floor must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw or fall prone. You can avoid this by moving at half speed, but you must declare this before moving. : Whirling Blades: Blades whirl in a line 50 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Flour Explosion: A cloud of flour ignites in a 30-foot radius centered on a point within the lair. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
DM Notes
HP: The HP listed in the stat blocks are simply a guideline. Balance to your party, making sure that the combat lasts some time, but doesn't drag on too long. : Villain Actions: Red Mask utilizes villain actions. This is an action he can take at any point after a PCs action, but limited to one per round.

Red Mask

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 30 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: fire, acid, poison, necrotic Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Terrifying Unmasking. When the mask comes off, each creature within sight must make a WIS or CHA saving throw against an EASY DC. On a failed save, the creature becomes frightened for 1 minute. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. : Magic Resistance. Red Mask has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. :


I think not! (3/day) As a reaction, Red Mask can choose to succeed on a failed check. However, this requires mental fortitude, so he takes MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage to do so.


Multiattack. The Red Mask makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Misty Step. Red Mask can cast Misty Step at will as a bonus action. : Butcher’s Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target.
APL to hit bonus damage
1-3 +4 LIGHT
4-6 +6 MEDIUM
7-10 +8 MEDIUM

Villain Actions

How's My Cooking? Any creature that ate food in the tavern must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw or be incapacitated with retching as rotten, maggoty food comes back up. The effect lasts until the end of the affected creature's turn. : Time to Eat! Nara can move up to her speed towards a target and make a bite attack as part of the same action. : See What Awaits You! Red Mask unleashes a wave of mental horror, showing the victims horrific images of previous guests being butchered and eaten. Each creature within sight must succeed on an EASY WIS saving throw or take MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage.
The Hunger prefers hit-and-run tactics, targeting the least armored or most injured characters. If the characters try to focus fire on Red Mask, narrate The Hunger turning it's attention to the Haskill family.
She will try to Bite as at least one of her attacks to keep regenerating hit points.

Nara, The Hunger

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 50 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: necrotic, piercing, bludgeoning, slashing Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Voracious Perception. Once The Hunger has tasted the flesh of a creature, it can track the creature by smell, effectively gaining blindsight with a range 30 feet for that creature. : Wall Crawler. With spider-like agility, The Hunger adheres to terrain, crawling along walls and ceilings to approach its victims. : Fleet-footed The Hunger's rapid movements give it a speed of 50 feet, and enemies trying to make opportunity attacks do so with a disadvantage.


Bloodthirsty Pursuit. If a creature within 30 feet of The Hunger uses a teleportation ability or spell to escape, The Hunger can use its reaction to immediately teleport to a space adjacent to the escaping creature.


Multiattack. The The Hunger makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 10ft., one target. If target not armored, or on a critical hit, add bleed damage for 1d3 rounds. This damage does not stack on multiple hits, instead use the highest rolled value for damage and rounds rolled. This effect can only be removed by magical healing. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target. On a successful hit, deal damage as normal, and The Hunger regenerates half of the damage dealt as hit points.
APL to hit bonus damage bleed from claws
1-3 +4 LIGHT 1d2
4-6 +6 MEDIUM 1d4
7-10 +8 MEDIUM 1d6

The Collapse

With the death of its hosts, the reality of this pocket dimension begins to unravel. This is a perfect time to deploy a Skill Challenge. Choose any of the following room descriptions, and let the players decide which skills they want to employ to navigate through the room. The focus here is on the Rule of Cool.
Ideally, these should be rooms the party have already encountered, but you can also introduce new rooms they haven't seen yet. The players can to select any Skill for their roll, as long as it fits the narrative context. Set the DC based on what they're attempting to achieve and its level of feasibility. Spells and other actions taken by the players should also have an impact, provided they logically align with the situation at hand.
Achieving one or two successful outcomes should be sufficient to pass through a room. In case of failure, introduce a complication, such as a character sustaining an injury, acquiring a level of exhaustion, or suffering a temporary condition like being frightened, poisoned, or even blinded. In such scenarios, other party members may need to assist the affected player.
DM Notes
Here you should aim to instill a sense of urgency and desperation. Monitor your players closely. As they approach their limits, consider making that room the final challenge. Remember, they don't need to complete every room you've planned.

Time to Run

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone:
As you land the final blow, a momentary stillness ensues, briefly allowing you to reflect on your victory. But there's no time for celebration. A low hum begins to resonate through the space, growing louder with each passing second. Around you, the walls and ceiling start to crack and splinter. Suddenly, a wall in front of you collapses, revealing one of the rooms you passed through earlier. Behind you, the ceiling is collapsing. The way forward is through...
[Note, I had to cut the descriptions of rooms on the way back to fit into char limit - see PDF]


As you burst through the door, you're back in the long corridor you first encountered as you woke up. At the far end, you glimpse the outside world. You sprint towards freedom as the corridor crumbles behind you, the destruction nipping at your heels. In a desperate leap at the last possible moment, you escape... and the sudden tranquility of the night envelops you. The quiet, so starkly contrasted with the preceding chaos, strikes you with its intensity. Surrounded by the serene sounds of the forest, the peace feels almost otherworldly, a surreal end to your harrowing journey.
You stand at a crossroads, where an old structure looms, clearly long abandoned. It leans precariously, a silhouette against the night sky. Moonlight filters through its collapsed roof, casting ghostly shadows across the crumbling walls. The scene, bathed in a silver glow, is both haunting and strangely serene.


Tucked away behind the inn, the adventurers might notice something peculiar about the compost heap — it seems to occasionally sparkle with the glint of metal and the shimmer of gemstones. Upon closer inspection and a bit of rummaging, they'll discover that this isn't just any old pile of refuse; it's a resting place for treasures that once belonged to the inn's unfortunate previous visitors.
You can use the rules for Treasure Hoard Tables from DMG p133 to see what the players can find.
submitted by Pyro979 to DungeonMasters [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:14 Pyro979 Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)

[PWYW] Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)
This is my favorite thing I've written so far. My players who play-tested the adventure had a blast so I hope you all will enjoy it as well.
Upon entering a seemingly innocuous tavern, players quickly realize it’s not the refuge they expected. The innkeeper and his ‘daughter,’ the serving girl, are not what they seem. Beneath their facades lie malevolent beings with a taste for their guests. Facing both mental and physical trials, the players must outwit these monsters before they become the evening’s special.
The players will start their ordeal facing terrifying nightmares. Upon awakening, they must navigate a series of horror-themed rooms intended to weaken them before the ultimate showdown with the “hosts.” Victory over them will not be the end, as they must then escape the crumbling pocket dimension in which they’re trapped.
This module can serve as a standalone one-shot adventure or seamlessly integrate into an ongoing campaign. It’s adaptable to any location or setting and offers scalability for various levels. While the default tone leans toward the darker side, feel free to adjust it to suit your campaign’s ambiance.
This adventure may last between 3 to 6 hours, varying based on the extent to which you utilize the module’s content and your players’ decisions.
  • 10 nightmares for your PCs
  • 10 horrifying rooms
  • An epic showdown with an action-oriented final boss "Red Mask" as well as his companion "The Hunger".
  • Instructions for scaling the adventure.
  • Helpful DM tips that will make prep and running a breeze
  • 3 battle maps created in Inkarnate
  • Custom Monster stat blocks and tokens
Art attribution:
Created in homebrewery

Previous Work:

What other DM's have said:

  • Tossed this lil adventure in our D&D world and the players had a blast with all the twists and turns. As a DM I enjoyed the fact that it was well written and easy to run, I didn't have to flip through a lot of mess to run it like I've had to do on some other adventures. Highly recommended. -Jason T via DMsGuild
  • Incorporated this last night into our campaign and had a blast. Biggest hits were the dream sequences, the library lore, bar potions, and the dynamic of having a family of commoners to protect. Players were also impressed with the lair and villain actions. I would recommend this to other DMs as it was easy to prep for, fairly simple to run, and the party had fun! -Ty R via DMsGuild
  • I gave my party trauma and trust issues with this one! It was great time! Chibi_Disaster


Adding what I could fit into this post - had to cut some info to fit into the limit:


  • Redd Traskin - At first glance: The welcoming face behind the bar, always ready with a drink and a story about his culinary adventures. Lurking beneath is a creature known as Red Mask: a malevolent being who ensnares victims with harrowing dreams, rendering them helpless before he claims and cooks them.
  • Nara Traskin - On the surface a seemingly aloof barmaid, introduced as Redd's "daughter", with a penchant for keeping to herself and often notably reserved. But beneath that exterior she is The Hunger, a fearsome entity with a singular, overpowering mission: to satiate her eternal appetite.
  • (Optional) Other guests - a young couple with a child
    • Brent Haskill (26) - Husband of the young couple, blacksmith, friendly, introverted
    • Raida Haskill (25) - Wife of the young couple, leatherworker, gregarious, warm
    • Breeni Haskill (7) - Daughter

Scaling the Adventure

Effect & Trap Damage

Level Light Damage Medium Damage Serious Damage
1 1d4+1 (3) 1d6+2 (5) 1d10+2 (7)
2 1d6+2 (5) 1d8+3 (7) 2d6+3 (10)
3 1d8+2 (6) 2d6+3 (10) 2d8+4 (13)
4 1d10+2 (7) 2d8+3 (12) 3d6+5 (16)
5 1d10+3 (8) 2d10+3 (14) 3d8+5 (19)
6 2d6+3 (10) 3d6+4 (17) 4d6+6 (20)
7 2d6+4 (11) 3d8+4 (18) 4d8+6 (24)
8 2d8+4 (13) 3d10+4 (20) 5d6+7 (27)
9 2d10+4 (15) 4d6+5 (19) 5d8+7 (31)
10 3d6+5 (16) 4d8+5 (23) 6d8+8 (35)


Level Easy Medium Hard
1-3 10 14 18
4-6 12 16 20
7-10 14 18 22

The Inn at the Cross Roads

At the crossroads, a quaint inn catches your eye. Its simple two-story structure, with walls of weathered wood and a stone base, exudes a rustic charm. A single horse is tethered to a wagon nearby, hinting at the presence of other travelers.
A wooden sign, hand-carved and swinging in the evening breeze, reads "Red Mask Inn" in neatly scrolled letters. Below the name are two theatrical masks, the smiling Comedy and crying Tragedy.
DM Notes
For a one-shot adventure, consider giving the one-shot a different name than "Red Mask Inn" to serve as a red herring. Whether you're running a campaign or a one-shot, you can utilize the classic trope of the characters either meeting at the inn or using it as a place to rest and gather information.
Describe the inn as an unassuming, typical roadside establishment, creating an atmosphere of a routine stop for travelers. In a campaign, it's ideal to introduce this inn after the group has already faced some encounters in the days before. This timing helps to set the stage for what follows, making the inn seem like a normal, much-needed, resting point in their journey.

Inside the inn

As you push open the creaky door of the Red Mask Inn, you're greeted by the comforting warmth of a crackling fireplace and the rich aroma of hearty stew. The inn's interior is cozy, with wooden beams and a few round tables scattered across the room.
Behind the bar stands Redd Traskin, the owner and bartender of the inn. He's a robust man with a warm smile, busy polishing glasses but always ready to strike up a conversation. As you approach, he greets you with a jovial voice, "Welcome, travelers! You must be famished. Our stew today is particularly good, made with fresh herbs from the garden!"
Moving between the tables with a tray in hand is Nara, Redd’s daughter. She seems to be in her own world, efficiently serving patrons but with a distant look in her eyes. If players attempt to interact with her, she responds politely but briefly, maintaining a professional distance.
Seated at a corner table is a young couple with their child. The man, Brent Haskill, has the sturdy build of a blacksmith, while his wife, Raida, radiates warmth and friendliness. Their daughter, Breeni, is a bundle of energy, her eyes wide with curiosity as she looks around the inn. Breeni seems particularly interested in the adventurers, especially if there's a female-presenting member or someone who looks like a seasoned adventurer in the group. This presents a great opportunity for roleplaying and helps to engage the players with these NPCs.

Going to bed

Each room costs 3 sp per night. If your players are cautious, they may decide to set a watch. Ask for the watch order. For the first person on watch: if they ate or drank at the inn, they must make a CON saving throw against the HARD DC ___. Failure results in them falling asleep during their watch.
After some time if a player is not asleep because they (1) did not eat or drink at the inn, (2) succeeded on their Constitution saving throw, or (3) are immune to magical sleep (e.g. due to a feature like Fey Ancestry), they notice something peculiar. The lights in the tavern, if any were lit, suddenly dim, and the normal nighttime sounds from outside the tavern abruptly stop.
This player may try to help wake up the other players as they have their nightmares (see next section). This gives the players advantage on their saving throws.

Dreadful Reveries

Party members who fall asleep will experience nightmares. You can create unique nightmares (plumb your player's back stories or campaign events for ideas) or use the provided list for inspiration. Each dream culminates in a save attempt, allowing players to choose between a WIS, INT, or CHA saving throw, depending on their character's mental strengths. End each nightmare description with "Roll a mental save using your preferred stat." If they fail to wake up, they suffer LIGHT, or MEDIUM if they fail the check by more than 5, non-lethal psychic damage. If they roll a Natural 1 on their save, they gain one level of exhaustion. Either way on a failed save they slip into another dream. The initial save DC is set at HARD and should decrease by one level for each subsequent attempt. It is recommended to do not more than 3 nightmares. If another character is attempting to wake them or if they have abilities that aid in resisting mental effects, they may make the save with advantage.


  1. It's night. You are running through the woods. Brambles and thorns rip at your skin. Something is chasing you, and it's gaining. You hear it coming closer and closer. You stumble, fall, and it's on your back, ready to strike…
  2. You are on a ledge of a narrow cliff. The wind howls, and the rain buffets you. Lightning briefly illuminates the world, revealing jagged rocks hundreds of feet below. Your foot slips, your fingers lose their grip. You begin to fall…
  3. [Not for characters with water breathing] You are underwater. Seaweed tangles around your legs and feet as you try to orient yourself. There is no up, no down. Your lungs burn, and when you can no longer hold your breath, brackish, dirty water rushes down your throat…
  4. You are in a coffin. You don't know how long you've been here. You push up on the lid but the weight of the dirt above renders your effort futile. Your fingers bleed as you scratch through the wood, trying to reach the freshly dug earth. The air grows heavier, and you feel yourself slipping away…
  5. The stars above are beautiful. You try to keep fear at bay, hoping your ship will return. But deep down, you know they won't find you in the vast, uncaring ocean. As you hear a splash to your right, you turn to glimpse a notched fin that was heading in your direction submerge under the water...
  6. The reflection in the mirror isn't you. You chant this mantra, yet the creature in the glass tilts its head mockingly and whispers, “No, not you. Not yet!” Its gnarled hands creep forward, attempting to breach the barrier of the silvered glass...
  7. The cave-in is a minor setback. You've found an exit after an hour. A set of hand-holds lead up towards the surface. In your haste, you squeeze through a narrow ledge. Suddenly, you're stuck, the pressure on your chest blurring your vision and clouding your mind, fresh air just out of reach…
  8. You walk through city streets, unnoticed by the teeming crowd. A growing sense of wrongness intensifies as the figures turn toward you. You only have a moment to dread as you see their faceless heads, when they all then converge on you as one…
  9. After leaving the warm tent, the cold seemed bearable. But a stinging wind and swirling snow soon disorient you. It feels warmer; you shed layers, mistaking deadly cold for heat. You stumble into the soft snow, deciding to rest, just for a minute…
  10. It's twilight in the woods. A dead tree in a clearing, covered in birds, crows or ravens, hard to tell. More cawing, flapping wings, and suddenly, the birds take flight, sharp beaks and claws going for your eyes…

Players Awaken

Once all the players awaken, they will likely attempt to figure out their situation. Should they look out the window, they will see the outside world; however, this view is merely an illusion. Efforts to break through walls, floors, and ceilings will prove futile. Furthermore, utilizing teleportation magic, such as dimension door and plane shift, appears ineffective, except for local effects like misty step or dimension door to a visible location.
Upon opening the door, the players will discover themselves in a long corridor, extending hundreds of feet. The only doors in this corridor are those leading to the PCs' rooms, the room of a young couple, and a black door at the far end of the hallway. Horrified moans and screams emanate from the young couple’s room. If the players choose to intervene and break in, they will find the couple and their daughter inside, all of whom are also experiencing nightmares and can be awakened by the players.
As the PCs make their way down the hallway, they come across a collection of strikingly realistic portraits. Each one captures a different being - humans, dragonborn, gnomes, and more - from a wide spectrum of ages, genders, and races. The subjects are dressed in everything from opulent clothes to plain rags, and some are even armored, weapons in hand. But there's one unsettling similarity across all these portraits: every face is frozen in an expression of sheer terror.
At the end of the hallway, they find the black door, which is unlocked.


Upon entering, the PCs have a series of rooms you will guide them through. You can either craft your own rooms or use those included in this adventure. Players might attempt to take a Short Rest in some rooms, and it's up to you whether to allow it or not. You want the PCs battered, but not spent for the final confrontation. If you choose to deny them the rest, narrate psychic pressure to move out of the room - leading to psychic damage on refusal.
The Library
As the party steps into a dimly lit room, they're surrounded by towering bookshelves. The books around them seem to be whispering secrets of forbidden knowledge. Each player needs to make a MEDIUM WIS saving throw to avoid taking MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage from the eldritch knowledge trying to worm into their brain, with the damage halved if they succeed. Those players naturally drawn to knowledge, like Wizards and Bards, will find this more challenging and must make the throw at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, those less inclined towards books, like Barbarians or Fighters, will have advantage. It's up to you as the DM to decide these advantages and disadvantages based on your characters' proclivities.
DM Notes
  • Use this section as a chance to weave in some of your world's lore. It's a perfect opportunity for players to uncover hidden aspects of your campaign's universe.
  • While the books in this room can be physically taken, to avoid players hoarding countless volumes, consider describing how some books disintegrate into ash as soon as they're opened.
The Memory Gallery
In this sparsely furnished room, the walls are adorned with striking paintings of landscapes, ranging from mountain vistas to sunsets over the ocean, and serene forest clearings. As the PCs explore these paintings, focus on one PC and bring a distressing memory from their backstory to life, using the painting they are viewing as the backdrop. This scene then animates before the players. The PC at the center of this memory is faced with a HARD WIS saving throw, with the risk of taking SERIOUS non-lethal psychic damage upon failure, or half the damage if they succeed. Meanwhile, other PCs witnessing this scene must make an EASY WIS save to avoid LIGHT non-lethal psychic damage, suffering no damage on a successful save. Breeni’s past interactions with the affected PC could play a role here. Breeni may hug the PC, granting them advantage on their saving throw.
The Mirror Chamber
In the mirror chamber, walls lined with ornate, grimy mirrors reflect distorted and grotesque images of the adventurers. The air is thick, filled with the unsettling scent of iron and decay. Suddenly, their reflections lunge out of the glass, materializing into tangible, malevolent doppelgängers that attack, forcing the party to confront twisted versions of themselves.
Choose a character's favorite or iconic attack or spell and use it against each player. A single hit on the mirror version or the mirror itself is enough to destroy it.
The Dining Hall
The long wooden table is laden with rotting food: fruit covered in mold, meat moving with maggots, and bread so stale it looks fossilized, all set among goblets filled with a murky, clotting liquid that might have once been wine. Nearby, a platter holds what appears to be a human hand, its skin cooked to a crisp and its fingernails garnished with sprigs of wilted herbs. The foul stench of decay and spoiled meat permeates the room, mingling with the unsettling, almost palpable aura of dread. Players must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw. On a failure, gain the poisoned condition, lasting for 1d4 rooms.
The Hospital Room
Several linen-covered beds on the far side of the room are splattered with dried blood. Bone saws with jagged teeth and other cruel implements are neatly arranged on a side table, gleaming ominously in the torchlight. Drawers with various medical supplies are left half-closed. Several vials labeled as "Healing Potions" sit on a nearby shelf. A MEDIUM Arcana or Medicine check will determine these are actually poison (1d4+1 poison damage). The party may choose to remain here and use some of the supplies to heal up - can be used as a Short Rest opportunity.
The Bathroom
A decrepit wooden bathtub sits in the corner, filled with a stagnant, dark liquid that occasionally bubbles as if something lurks beneath the surface. Next to the bathtub, a stone toilet fixture stands as if hewn directly from the chamber's walls, its bowl filled with an unidentifiable, viscous substance that seems to churn of its own accord. Faint, grotesque sketches are etched into the stone around the toilet, depicting unsettling scenes that make you question the sanity of previous occupants. Blood spatters mar the cracked tiles, leading to a cracked tarnished mirror that reflects a distorted image of anyone who dares to look.
If anyone gets within 5 ft of the bathtub, tentacles will try to grapple them (MEDIUM Escape DC). The tentacles will also deal MEDIUM amount of bludgeoning damage on a successful grapple. Any damage to the tentacles (AC 12) will release the PC.
The Greenhouse
The greenhouse is a labyrinth of overgrown, twisted plants, their leaves unnaturally dark and thorns menacingly sharp. A misty, almost phosphorescent fog hangs low, casting a sickly green glow over everything, and making it hard to see what lurks in the corners. Amongst the flora, the party can spot several cages containing withered remains of animals and, disturbingly, a few humanoid shapes — all twisted in expressions of agony, as if the plants themselves had consumed them.
Monster encounter, balance for your party:
Level Range Monster
1-3 Twig Blight (MM 32)
Needle Blight (MM 32)
Vine Blight (MM 32)
4-6 Shambling Mound (MM 270)
Wood Woad (VGtM 198)
Yellow Musk Creeper (TftYP 248)
Animated Tree (VGtM 207)
Assassin Vine (MM 22)
7-10 Corpse Flower (MToF 127)
Tree Blight (CoS 230)
To make things more difficult for the players, you can also add an additional MEDIUM CON saving throw against the fog's effects, with the players taking LIGHT poison damage on failure. Altering the number of monsters is another effective method for adjusting the challenge level. Additionally, if you're looking to incorporate different types of monsters, don't hesitate to use homebrew or reflavored monsters.
The Bar
The barroom is dimly lit by tarnished chandeliers that cast ghostly flickers across worn wooden floorboards. A long, decaying bar counter dominates one side of the room. Its surface is stained and pockmarked, lined with bottles containing strange, discolored liquids. The stools around the bar are unsteady, emitting ominous creaks under the slightest pressure. Notably, one stool bears an unsettling stain, reminiscent of dried blood.
If players choose to consume any of the bottles, roll on the table below to determine the effects. Generally, it's not recommended to allow more than one potion per player (drinking more than one results in vomiting). If an effect doesn't apply to a character, or another player already drank the potion rolled, roll again. The effects last until the end of the adventure. A MEDIUM DC Alchemist Tools, Herbalist Kit or Arcana Check will reveal the properties of the potions. An EASY DC check may reveal partial properties.
# Name Liquid Description Effect Description
1 Reckless Fury A swirling red potion with fiery sparks. [Primary Melee Classes] Every melee attack is treated as reckless (attack is rolled with Advantage, but any attack against the player is rolled with Advantage as well until their turn).
2 Luck be a lady tonight A two-layered liquid, gold over silver. Grants inspiration to the player, and GM gets to force disadvantage at a time of their choosing.
3 Unstable Teleport A misty, shifting blue and gray potion. Gain the ability to cast the Misty Step spell at will. Roll 1d20 for uncertain destination, appearing in a location of DM's choice on 1-10.
4 Size Shift A violet fluid with bubbles. Changes creature size from Medium to Small. No effect on Small creatures.
5 Spell Rejuvenation A glowing, pulsating emerald drink. [Primary Spellcaster Classes] Restores one highest level spent spell slot but causes causes one level of exhaustion.
6 Speed Surge A quicksilver potion with streaks of lightning. Doubles speed but causes jitteriness, disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saves.
7 Painful Retaliation A dark crimson liquid with a thorny vine motif. As a bonus action you can choose to harm a creature at will, causing MEDIUM psychic damage, but take half the damage yourself.
8 Statue Defense A solid gray potion with flecks of stone. As a reaction to taking damage, you can choose to become an invulnerable statue to negate the triggering damage. You are invulnerable and petrified until the end of your next turn.
9 Charge of the Bull A red potion with a swirling vortex. Gain a powerful charge attack: If you can move at least 10ft in a straight line, you can make an attack. If the attack hits, it is treated as a critical hit, and the target is knocked prone. If the attack misses, the player takes MEDIUM bludgeoning damage, is knocked prone, and lands 10 feet past the target.
10 Clumsy Might A creamy potion with bubbles. Advantage on Strength checks and saves but disadvantage on Dexterity-based tasks.
The Stalking Statues
The room is a vast, dimly-lit chamber with four stone statues positioned in various states of distress; their faces contorted in silent screams or buried in their hands as if weeping. The flickering light from a dying chandelier dances across their features, casting ominous shadows that seem to move. Describe the chandelier as flickering in and out. In the darkness, the statues seem to move closer and closer.
You can treat this room narratively to unsettle the players, or turn it into an encounter. For an encounter, roll initiative (the statues always act at the end of the initiative order, and only on rounds when the lights are out). Every other round, either cover the map if playing in person, switch to a blank map on a VTT, or, if using theater of the mind, simply narrate the lights going out. The statues can only move in darkness, which is magical. Some players may have the ability to see through magical darkness. In such cases, the movement of the statues is visible to those players. Players who cannot see in the darkness can move but must declare their directions and distances. The door at the end of the room is unlocked when all statues are destroyed or by using the Knock spell.

Stalking Statues

Medium Construct, neutral evil
Armor Class :: 18 (natural armor) Hit Points :: 3 MEDIUM hits Speed :: 20 ft (can move only in darkness)
14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 1 (-5)
Damage Immunities :: poison, psychic Condition Immunities :: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Senses :: Blindsight 60 ft. Languages :: None
Antimagic Susceptibility. The statue is incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the statue must succeed on a CON saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute. : False Appearance. While the statue remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal statue. : Dark Step. The statue can only move in darkness. It moves silently. It may not take the dash action. All attacks automatically hit.


Multiattack. The statue makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM bludgeoning damage. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM piercing damage. : Grapple. Roll Contested Athletics vs Atheltics or Acrobatics. The statue rolls with Advantage. Reach 5ft., one target. MEDIUM escape DC to break free.

Final Confrontation

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone: : You walk through the door to find yourself in a vast, open kitchen. The air is heavy with the scent of pots boiling over low flames, their contents a mystery. Shadows flicker and stretch across the walls, animated by the dim firelight.
Above, cured meats hang from hooks, swaying slightly in the draft. The countertops are littered with a variety of sinister-looking knives and butchery tools, their edges catching the light with an ominous glint.
At the center of this daunting scene stand Redd and Nara. Redd greets you with a malicious smile. “Now that you’ve been properly tenderized, it’s time for the main course!” he says. In a chilling display, he reaches for his face and peels it away as if it were a mask, revealing the ghastly sight of raw muscles, pulsing veins, and exposed nerves.
Next to him, Nara stands with an unsettling calm. Her hands begin to unnaturally stretch and contort, transforming into deadly claws. As she grins, her mouth widens unnervingly, unveiling a row of sharp, predatory teeth.

Monstrous Hosts

Redd Traskin, also known as Red Mask, and Nara Traskin, known as The Hunger, have hidden their monstrous nature for years by disguising themselves as the friendly innkeepers of the Red Mask Inn. They lure travelers with warmth and hospitality, only to ensnare them in a nightmarish trap. Through their powers of perception and emotion manipulation, they torment their victims in an alternate dimension, relishing the fear and suffering they create. All the while, they maintain their facade as ordinary innkeepers, continuing their sinister feast on unsuspecting guests.

Lair Actions

Initiative :: At initiative order 20, use one of the lair action options
Scalding Water: Boiling water erupts from pots in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Slippery Floors: The floor becomes slick with oil and grease. For the next round, any creature moving across the floor must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw or fall prone. You can avoid this by moving at half speed, but you must declare this before moving. : Whirling Blades: Blades whirl in a line 50 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Flour Explosion: A cloud of flour ignites in a 30-foot radius centered on a point within the lair. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
DM Notes
HP: The HP listed in the stat blocks are simply a guideline. Balance to your party, making sure that the combat lasts some time, but doesn't drag on too long. : Villain Actions: Red Mask utilizes villain actions. This is an action he can take at any point after a PCs action, but limited to one per round.

Red Mask

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 30 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: fire, acid, poison, necrotic Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Terrifying Unmasking. When the mask comes off, each creature within sight must make a WIS or CHA saving throw against an EASY DC. On a failed save, the creature becomes frightened for 1 minute. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. : Magic Resistance. Red Mask has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. :


I think not! (3/day) As a reaction, Red Mask can choose to succeed on a failed check. However, this requires mental fortitude, so he takes MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage to do so.


Multiattack. The Red Mask makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Misty Step. Red Mask can cast Misty Step at will as a bonus action. : Butcher’s Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target.
APL to hit bonus damage
1-3 +4 LIGHT
4-6 +6 MEDIUM
7-10 +8 MEDIUM

Villain Actions

How's My Cooking? Any creature that ate food in the tavern must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw or be incapacitated with retching as rotten, maggoty food comes back up. The effect lasts until the end of the affected creature's turn. : Time to Eat! Nara can move up to her speed towards a target and make a bite attack as part of the same action. : See What Awaits You! Red Mask unleashes a wave of mental horror, showing the victims horrific images of previous guests being butchered and eaten. Each creature within sight must succeed on an EASY WIS saving throw or take MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage.
The Hunger prefers hit-and-run tactics, targeting the least armored or most injured characters. If the characters try to focus fire on Red Mask, narrate The Hunger turning it's attention to the Haskill family.
She will try to Bite as at least one of her attacks to keep regenerating hit points.

Nara, The Hunger

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 50 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: necrotic, piercing, bludgeoning, slashing Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Voracious Perception. Once The Hunger has tasted the flesh of a creature, it can track the creature by smell, effectively gaining blindsight with a range 30 feet for that creature. : Wall Crawler. With spider-like agility, The Hunger adheres to terrain, crawling along walls and ceilings to approach its victims. : Fleet-footed The Hunger's rapid movements give it a speed of 50 feet, and enemies trying to make opportunity attacks do so with a disadvantage.


Bloodthirsty Pursuit. If a creature within 30 feet of The Hunger uses a teleportation ability or spell to escape, The Hunger can use its reaction to immediately teleport to a space adjacent to the escaping creature.


Multiattack. The The Hunger makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 10ft., one target. If target not armored, or on a critical hit, add bleed damage for 1d3 rounds. This damage does not stack on multiple hits, instead use the highest rolled value for damage and rounds rolled. This effect can only be removed by magical healing. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target. On a successful hit, deal damage as normal, and The Hunger regenerates half of the damage dealt as hit points.
APL to hit bonus damage bleed from claws
1-3 +4 LIGHT 1d2
4-6 +6 MEDIUM 1d4
7-10 +8 MEDIUM 1d6

The Collapse

With the death of its hosts, the reality of this pocket dimension begins to unravel. This is a perfect time to deploy a Skill Challenge. Choose any of the following room descriptions, and let the players decide which skills they want to employ to navigate through the room. The focus here is on the Rule of Cool.
Ideally, these should be rooms the party have already encountered, but you can also introduce new rooms they haven't seen yet. The players can to select any Skill for their roll, as long as it fits the narrative context. Set the DC based on what they're attempting to achieve and its level of feasibility. Spells and other actions taken by the players should also have an impact, provided they logically align with the situation at hand.
Achieving one or two successful outcomes should be sufficient to pass through a room. In case of failure, introduce a complication, such as a character sustaining an injury, acquiring a level of exhaustion, or suffering a temporary condition like being frightened, poisoned, or even blinded. In such scenarios, other party members may need to assist the affected player.
DM Notes
Here you should aim to instill a sense of urgency and desperation. Monitor your players closely. As they approach their limits, consider making that room the final challenge. Remember, they don't need to complete every room you've planned.

Time to Run

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone:
As you land the final blow, a momentary stillness ensues, briefly allowing you to reflect on your victory. But there's no time for celebration. A low hum begins to resonate through the space, growing louder with each passing second. Around you, the walls and ceiling start to crack and splinter. Suddenly, a wall in front of you collapses, revealing one of the rooms you passed through earlier. Behind you, the ceiling is collapsing. The way forward is through...
[Note, I had to cut the descriptions of rooms on the way back to fit into char limit - see PDF]


As you burst through the door, you're back in the long corridor you first encountered as you woke up. At the far end, you glimpse the outside world. You sprint towards freedom as the corridor crumbles behind you, the destruction nipping at your heels. In a desperate leap at the last possible moment, you escape... and the sudden tranquility of the night envelops you. The quiet, so starkly contrasted with the preceding chaos, strikes you with its intensity. Surrounded by the serene sounds of the forest, the peace feels almost otherworldly, a surreal end to your harrowing journey.
You stand at a crossroads, where an old structure looms, clearly long abandoned. It leans precariously, a silhouette against the night sky. Moonlight filters through its collapsed roof, casting ghostly shadows across the crumbling walls. The scene, bathed in a silver glow, is both haunting and strangely serene.


Tucked away behind the inn, the adventurers might notice something peculiar about the compost heap — it seems to occasionally sparkle with the glint of metal and the shimmer of gemstones. Upon closer inspection and a bit of rummaging, they'll discover that this isn't just any old pile of refuse; it's a resting place for treasures that once belonged to the inn's unfortunate previous visitors.
You can use the rules for Treasure Hoard Tables from DMG p133 to see what the players can find.
submitted by Pyro979 to DMToolkit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:14 Pyro979 Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)

[PWYW] Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)
This is my favorite thing I've written so far. My players who play-tested the adventure had a blast so I hope you all will enjoy it as well.
Upon entering a seemingly innocuous tavern, players quickly realize it’s not the refuge they expected. The innkeeper and his ‘daughter,’ the serving girl, are not what they seem. Beneath their facades lie malevolent beings with a taste for their guests. Facing both mental and physical trials, the players must outwit these monsters before they become the evening’s special.
The players will start their ordeal facing terrifying nightmares. Upon awakening, they must navigate a series of horror-themed rooms intended to weaken them before the ultimate showdown with the “hosts.” Victory over them will not be the end, as they must then escape the crumbling pocket dimension in which they’re trapped.
This module can serve as a standalone one-shot adventure or seamlessly integrate into an ongoing campaign. It’s adaptable to any location or setting and offers scalability for various levels. While the default tone leans toward the darker side, feel free to adjust it to suit your campaign’s ambiance.
This adventure may last between 3 to 6 hours, varying based on the extent to which you utilize the module’s content and your players’ decisions.
  • 10 nightmares for your PCs
  • 10 horrifying rooms
  • An epic showdown with an action-oriented final boss "Red Mask" as well as his companion "The Hunger".
  • Instructions for scaling the adventure.
  • Helpful DM tips that will make prep and running a breeze
  • 3 battle maps created in Inkarnate
  • Custom Monster stat blocks and tokens
Art attribution:
Created in homebrewery

Previous Work:

What other DM's have said:

  • Tossed this lil adventure in our D&D world and the players had a blast with all the twists and turns. As a DM I enjoyed the fact that it was well written and easy to run, I didn't have to flip through a lot of mess to run it like I've had to do on some other adventures. Highly recommended. -Jason T via DMsGuild
  • Incorporated this last night into our campaign and had a blast. Biggest hits were the dream sequences, the library lore, bar potions, and the dynamic of having a family of commoners to protect. Players were also impressed with the lair and villain actions. I would recommend this to other DMs as it was easy to prep for, fairly simple to run, and the party had fun! -Ty R via DMsGuild
  • I gave my party trauma and trust issues with this one! It was great time! Chibi_Disaster


Adding what I could fit into this post - had to cut some info to fit into the limit:


  • Redd Traskin - At first glance: The welcoming face behind the bar, always ready with a drink and a story about his culinary adventures. Lurking beneath is a creature known as Red Mask: a malevolent being who ensnares victims with harrowing dreams, rendering them helpless before he claims and cooks them.
  • Nara Traskin - On the surface a seemingly aloof barmaid, introduced as Redd's "daughter", with a penchant for keeping to herself and often notably reserved. But beneath that exterior she is The Hunger, a fearsome entity with a singular, overpowering mission: to satiate her eternal appetite.
  • (Optional) Other guests - a young couple with a child
    • Brent Haskill (26) - Husband of the young couple, blacksmith, friendly, introverted
    • Raida Haskill (25) - Wife of the young couple, leatherworker, gregarious, warm
    • Breeni Haskill (7) - Daughter

Scaling the Adventure

Effect & Trap Damage

Level Light Damage Medium Damage Serious Damage
1 1d4+1 (3) 1d6+2 (5) 1d10+2 (7)
2 1d6+2 (5) 1d8+3 (7) 2d6+3 (10)
3 1d8+2 (6) 2d6+3 (10) 2d8+4 (13)
4 1d10+2 (7) 2d8+3 (12) 3d6+5 (16)
5 1d10+3 (8) 2d10+3 (14) 3d8+5 (19)
6 2d6+3 (10) 3d6+4 (17) 4d6+6 (20)
7 2d6+4 (11) 3d8+4 (18) 4d8+6 (24)
8 2d8+4 (13) 3d10+4 (20) 5d6+7 (27)
9 2d10+4 (15) 4d6+5 (19) 5d8+7 (31)
10 3d6+5 (16) 4d8+5 (23) 6d8+8 (35)


Level Easy Medium Hard
1-3 10 14 18
4-6 12 16 20
7-10 14 18 22

The Inn at the Cross Roads

At the crossroads, a quaint inn catches your eye. Its simple two-story structure, with walls of weathered wood and a stone base, exudes a rustic charm. A single horse is tethered to a wagon nearby, hinting at the presence of other travelers.
A wooden sign, hand-carved and swinging in the evening breeze, reads "Red Mask Inn" in neatly scrolled letters. Below the name are two theatrical masks, the smiling Comedy and crying Tragedy.
DM Notes
For a one-shot adventure, consider giving the one-shot a different name than "Red Mask Inn" to serve as a red herring. Whether you're running a campaign or a one-shot, you can utilize the classic trope of the characters either meeting at the inn or using it as a place to rest and gather information.
Describe the inn as an unassuming, typical roadside establishment, creating an atmosphere of a routine stop for travelers. In a campaign, it's ideal to introduce this inn after the group has already faced some encounters in the days before. This timing helps to set the stage for what follows, making the inn seem like a normal, much-needed, resting point in their journey.

Inside the inn

As you push open the creaky door of the Red Mask Inn, you're greeted by the comforting warmth of a crackling fireplace and the rich aroma of hearty stew. The inn's interior is cozy, with wooden beams and a few round tables scattered across the room.
Behind the bar stands Redd Traskin, the owner and bartender of the inn. He's a robust man with a warm smile, busy polishing glasses but always ready to strike up a conversation. As you approach, he greets you with a jovial voice, "Welcome, travelers! You must be famished. Our stew today is particularly good, made with fresh herbs from the garden!"
Moving between the tables with a tray in hand is Nara, Redd’s daughter. She seems to be in her own world, efficiently serving patrons but with a distant look in her eyes. If players attempt to interact with her, she responds politely but briefly, maintaining a professional distance.
Seated at a corner table is a young couple with their child. The man, Brent Haskill, has the sturdy build of a blacksmith, while his wife, Raida, radiates warmth and friendliness. Their daughter, Breeni, is a bundle of energy, her eyes wide with curiosity as she looks around the inn. Breeni seems particularly interested in the adventurers, especially if there's a female-presenting member or someone who looks like a seasoned adventurer in the group. This presents a great opportunity for roleplaying and helps to engage the players with these NPCs.

Going to bed

Each room costs 3 sp per night. If your players are cautious, they may decide to set a watch. Ask for the watch order. For the first person on watch: if they ate or drank at the inn, they must make a CON saving throw against the HARD DC ___. Failure results in them falling asleep during their watch.
After some time if a player is not asleep because they (1) did not eat or drink at the inn, (2) succeeded on their Constitution saving throw, or (3) are immune to magical sleep (e.g. due to a feature like Fey Ancestry), they notice something peculiar. The lights in the tavern, if any were lit, suddenly dim, and the normal nighttime sounds from outside the tavern abruptly stop.
This player may try to help wake up the other players as they have their nightmares (see next section). This gives the players advantage on their saving throws.

Dreadful Reveries

Party members who fall asleep will experience nightmares. You can create unique nightmares (plumb your player's back stories or campaign events for ideas) or use the provided list for inspiration. Each dream culminates in a save attempt, allowing players to choose between a WIS, INT, or CHA saving throw, depending on their character's mental strengths. End each nightmare description with "Roll a mental save using your preferred stat." If they fail to wake up, they suffer LIGHT, or MEDIUM if they fail the check by more than 5, non-lethal psychic damage. If they roll a Natural 1 on their save, they gain one level of exhaustion. Either way on a failed save they slip into another dream. The initial save DC is set at HARD and should decrease by one level for each subsequent attempt. It is recommended to do not more than 3 nightmares. If another character is attempting to wake them or if they have abilities that aid in resisting mental effects, they may make the save with advantage.


  1. It's night. You are running through the woods. Brambles and thorns rip at your skin. Something is chasing you, and it's gaining. You hear it coming closer and closer. You stumble, fall, and it's on your back, ready to strike…
  2. You are on a ledge of a narrow cliff. The wind howls, and the rain buffets you. Lightning briefly illuminates the world, revealing jagged rocks hundreds of feet below. Your foot slips, your fingers lose their grip. You begin to fall…
  3. [Not for characters with water breathing] You are underwater. Seaweed tangles around your legs and feet as you try to orient yourself. There is no up, no down. Your lungs burn, and when you can no longer hold your breath, brackish, dirty water rushes down your throat…
  4. You are in a coffin. You don't know how long you've been here. You push up on the lid but the weight of the dirt above renders your effort futile. Your fingers bleed as you scratch through the wood, trying to reach the freshly dug earth. The air grows heavier, and you feel yourself slipping away…
  5. The stars above are beautiful. You try to keep fear at bay, hoping your ship will return. But deep down, you know they won't find you in the vast, uncaring ocean. As you hear a splash to your right, you turn to glimpse a notched fin that was heading in your direction submerge under the water...
  6. The reflection in the mirror isn't you. You chant this mantra, yet the creature in the glass tilts its head mockingly and whispers, “No, not you. Not yet!” Its gnarled hands creep forward, attempting to breach the barrier of the silvered glass...
  7. The cave-in is a minor setback. You've found an exit after an hour. A set of hand-holds lead up towards the surface. In your haste, you squeeze through a narrow ledge. Suddenly, you're stuck, the pressure on your chest blurring your vision and clouding your mind, fresh air just out of reach…
  8. You walk through city streets, unnoticed by the teeming crowd. A growing sense of wrongness intensifies as the figures turn toward you. You only have a moment to dread as you see their faceless heads, when they all then converge on you as one…
  9. After leaving the warm tent, the cold seemed bearable. But a stinging wind and swirling snow soon disorient you. It feels warmer; you shed layers, mistaking deadly cold for heat. You stumble into the soft snow, deciding to rest, just for a minute…
  10. It's twilight in the woods. A dead tree in a clearing, covered in birds, crows or ravens, hard to tell. More cawing, flapping wings, and suddenly, the birds take flight, sharp beaks and claws going for your eyes…

Players Awaken

Once all the players awaken, they will likely attempt to figure out their situation. Should they look out the window, they will see the outside world; however, this view is merely an illusion. Efforts to break through walls, floors, and ceilings will prove futile. Furthermore, utilizing teleportation magic, such as dimension door and plane shift, appears ineffective, except for local effects like misty step or dimension door to a visible location.
Upon opening the door, the players will discover themselves in a long corridor, extending hundreds of feet. The only doors in this corridor are those leading to the PCs' rooms, the room of a young couple, and a black door at the far end of the hallway. Horrified moans and screams emanate from the young couple’s room. If the players choose to intervene and break in, they will find the couple and their daughter inside, all of whom are also experiencing nightmares and can be awakened by the players.
As the PCs make their way down the hallway, they come across a collection of strikingly realistic portraits. Each one captures a different being - humans, dragonborn, gnomes, and more - from a wide spectrum of ages, genders, and races. The subjects are dressed in everything from opulent clothes to plain rags, and some are even armored, weapons in hand. But there's one unsettling similarity across all these portraits: every face is frozen in an expression of sheer terror.
At the end of the hallway, they find the black door, which is unlocked.


Upon entering, the PCs have a series of rooms you will guide them through. You can either craft your own rooms or use those included in this adventure. Players might attempt to take a Short Rest in some rooms, and it's up to you whether to allow it or not. You want the PCs battered, but not spent for the final confrontation. If you choose to deny them the rest, narrate psychic pressure to move out of the room - leading to psychic damage on refusal.
The Library
As the party steps into a dimly lit room, they're surrounded by towering bookshelves. The books around them seem to be whispering secrets of forbidden knowledge. Each player needs to make a MEDIUM WIS saving throw to avoid taking MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage from the eldritch knowledge trying to worm into their brain, with the damage halved if they succeed. Those players naturally drawn to knowledge, like Wizards and Bards, will find this more challenging and must make the throw at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, those less inclined towards books, like Barbarians or Fighters, will have advantage. It's up to you as the DM to decide these advantages and disadvantages based on your characters' proclivities.
DM Notes
  • Use this section as a chance to weave in some of your world's lore. It's a perfect opportunity for players to uncover hidden aspects of your campaign's universe.
  • While the books in this room can be physically taken, to avoid players hoarding countless volumes, consider describing how some books disintegrate into ash as soon as they're opened.
The Memory Gallery
In this sparsely furnished room, the walls are adorned with striking paintings of landscapes, ranging from mountain vistas to sunsets over the ocean, and serene forest clearings. As the PCs explore these paintings, focus on one PC and bring a distressing memory from their backstory to life, using the painting they are viewing as the backdrop. This scene then animates before the players. The PC at the center of this memory is faced with a HARD WIS saving throw, with the risk of taking SERIOUS non-lethal psychic damage upon failure, or half the damage if they succeed. Meanwhile, other PCs witnessing this scene must make an EASY WIS save to avoid LIGHT non-lethal psychic damage, suffering no damage on a successful save. Breeni’s past interactions with the affected PC could play a role here. Breeni may hug the PC, granting them advantage on their saving throw.
The Mirror Chamber
In the mirror chamber, walls lined with ornate, grimy mirrors reflect distorted and grotesque images of the adventurers. The air is thick, filled with the unsettling scent of iron and decay. Suddenly, their reflections lunge out of the glass, materializing into tangible, malevolent doppelgängers that attack, forcing the party to confront twisted versions of themselves.
Choose a character's favorite or iconic attack or spell and use it against each player. A single hit on the mirror version or the mirror itself is enough to destroy it.
The Dining Hall
The long wooden table is laden with rotting food: fruit covered in mold, meat moving with maggots, and bread so stale it looks fossilized, all set among goblets filled with a murky, clotting liquid that might have once been wine. Nearby, a platter holds what appears to be a human hand, its skin cooked to a crisp and its fingernails garnished with sprigs of wilted herbs. The foul stench of decay and spoiled meat permeates the room, mingling with the unsettling, almost palpable aura of dread. Players must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw. On a failure, gain the poisoned condition, lasting for 1d4 rooms.
The Hospital Room
Several linen-covered beds on the far side of the room are splattered with dried blood. Bone saws with jagged teeth and other cruel implements are neatly arranged on a side table, gleaming ominously in the torchlight. Drawers with various medical supplies are left half-closed. Several vials labeled as "Healing Potions" sit on a nearby shelf. A MEDIUM Arcana or Medicine check will determine these are actually poison (1d4+1 poison damage). The party may choose to remain here and use some of the supplies to heal up - can be used as a Short Rest opportunity.
The Bathroom
A decrepit wooden bathtub sits in the corner, filled with a stagnant, dark liquid that occasionally bubbles as if something lurks beneath the surface. Next to the bathtub, a stone toilet fixture stands as if hewn directly from the chamber's walls, its bowl filled with an unidentifiable, viscous substance that seems to churn of its own accord. Faint, grotesque sketches are etched into the stone around the toilet, depicting unsettling scenes that make you question the sanity of previous occupants. Blood spatters mar the cracked tiles, leading to a cracked tarnished mirror that reflects a distorted image of anyone who dares to look.
If anyone gets within 5 ft of the bathtub, tentacles will try to grapple them (MEDIUM Escape DC). The tentacles will also deal MEDIUM amount of bludgeoning damage on a successful grapple. Any damage to the tentacles (AC 12) will release the PC.
The Greenhouse
The greenhouse is a labyrinth of overgrown, twisted plants, their leaves unnaturally dark and thorns menacingly sharp. A misty, almost phosphorescent fog hangs low, casting a sickly green glow over everything, and making it hard to see what lurks in the corners. Amongst the flora, the party can spot several cages containing withered remains of animals and, disturbingly, a few humanoid shapes — all twisted in expressions of agony, as if the plants themselves had consumed them.
Monster encounter, balance for your party:
Level Range Monster
1-3 Twig Blight (MM 32)
Needle Blight (MM 32)
Vine Blight (MM 32)
4-6 Shambling Mound (MM 270)
Wood Woad (VGtM 198)
Yellow Musk Creeper (TftYP 248)
Animated Tree (VGtM 207)
Assassin Vine (MM 22)
7-10 Corpse Flower (MToF 127)
Tree Blight (CoS 230)
To make things more difficult for the players, you can also add an additional MEDIUM CON saving throw against the fog's effects, with the players taking LIGHT poison damage on failure. Altering the number of monsters is another effective method for adjusting the challenge level. Additionally, if you're looking to incorporate different types of monsters, don't hesitate to use homebrew or reflavored monsters.
The Bar
The barroom is dimly lit by tarnished chandeliers that cast ghostly flickers across worn wooden floorboards. A long, decaying bar counter dominates one side of the room. Its surface is stained and pockmarked, lined with bottles containing strange, discolored liquids. The stools around the bar are unsteady, emitting ominous creaks under the slightest pressure. Notably, one stool bears an unsettling stain, reminiscent of dried blood.
If players choose to consume any of the bottles, roll on the table below to determine the effects. Generally, it's not recommended to allow more than one potion per player (drinking more than one results in vomiting). If an effect doesn't apply to a character, or another player already drank the potion rolled, roll again. The effects last until the end of the adventure. A MEDIUM DC Alchemist Tools, Herbalist Kit or Arcana Check will reveal the properties of the potions. An EASY DC check may reveal partial properties.
# Name Liquid Description Effect Description
1 Reckless Fury A swirling red potion with fiery sparks. [Primary Melee Classes] Every melee attack is treated as reckless (attack is rolled with Advantage, but any attack against the player is rolled with Advantage as well until their turn).
2 Luck be a lady tonight A two-layered liquid, gold over silver. Grants inspiration to the player, and GM gets to force disadvantage at a time of their choosing.
3 Unstable Teleport A misty, shifting blue and gray potion. Gain the ability to cast the Misty Step spell at will. Roll 1d20 for uncertain destination, appearing in a location of DM's choice on 1-10.
4 Size Shift A violet fluid with bubbles. Changes creature size from Medium to Small. No effect on Small creatures.
5 Spell Rejuvenation A glowing, pulsating emerald drink. [Primary Spellcaster Classes] Restores one highest level spent spell slot but causes causes one level of exhaustion.
6 Speed Surge A quicksilver potion with streaks of lightning. Doubles speed but causes jitteriness, disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saves.
7 Painful Retaliation A dark crimson liquid with a thorny vine motif. As a bonus action you can choose to harm a creature at will, causing MEDIUM psychic damage, but take half the damage yourself.
8 Statue Defense A solid gray potion with flecks of stone. As a reaction to taking damage, you can choose to become an invulnerable statue to negate the triggering damage. You are invulnerable and petrified until the end of your next turn.
9 Charge of the Bull A red potion with a swirling vortex. Gain a powerful charge attack: If you can move at least 10ft in a straight line, you can make an attack. If the attack hits, it is treated as a critical hit, and the target is knocked prone. If the attack misses, the player takes MEDIUM bludgeoning damage, is knocked prone, and lands 10 feet past the target.
10 Clumsy Might A creamy potion with bubbles. Advantage on Strength checks and saves but disadvantage on Dexterity-based tasks.
The Stalking Statues
The room is a vast, dimly-lit chamber with four stone statues positioned in various states of distress; their faces contorted in silent screams or buried in their hands as if weeping. The flickering light from a dying chandelier dances across their features, casting ominous shadows that seem to move. Describe the chandelier as flickering in and out. In the darkness, the statues seem to move closer and closer.
You can treat this room narratively to unsettle the players, or turn it into an encounter. For an encounter, roll initiative (the statues always act at the end of the initiative order, and only on rounds when the lights are out). Every other round, either cover the map if playing in person, switch to a blank map on a VTT, or, if using theater of the mind, simply narrate the lights going out. The statues can only move in darkness, which is magical. Some players may have the ability to see through magical darkness. In such cases, the movement of the statues is visible to those players. Players who cannot see in the darkness can move but must declare their directions and distances. The door at the end of the room is unlocked when all statues are destroyed or by using the Knock spell.

Stalking Statues

Medium Construct, neutral evil
Armor Class :: 18 (natural armor) Hit Points :: 3 MEDIUM hits Speed :: 20 ft (can move only in darkness)
14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 1 (-5)
Damage Immunities :: poison, psychic Condition Immunities :: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Senses :: Blindsight 60 ft. Languages :: None
Antimagic Susceptibility. The statue is incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the statue must succeed on a CON saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute. : False Appearance. While the statue remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal statue. : Dark Step. The statue can only move in darkness. It moves silently. It may not take the dash action. All attacks automatically hit.


Multiattack. The statue makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM bludgeoning damage. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM piercing damage. : Grapple. Roll Contested Athletics vs Atheltics or Acrobatics. The statue rolls with Advantage. Reach 5ft., one target. MEDIUM escape DC to break free.

Final Confrontation

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone: : You walk through the door to find yourself in a vast, open kitchen. The air is heavy with the scent of pots boiling over low flames, their contents a mystery. Shadows flicker and stretch across the walls, animated by the dim firelight.
Above, cured meats hang from hooks, swaying slightly in the draft. The countertops are littered with a variety of sinister-looking knives and butchery tools, their edges catching the light with an ominous glint.
At the center of this daunting scene stand Redd and Nara. Redd greets you with a malicious smile. “Now that you’ve been properly tenderized, it’s time for the main course!” he says. In a chilling display, he reaches for his face and peels it away as if it were a mask, revealing the ghastly sight of raw muscles, pulsing veins, and exposed nerves.
Next to him, Nara stands with an unsettling calm. Her hands begin to unnaturally stretch and contort, transforming into deadly claws. As she grins, her mouth widens unnervingly, unveiling a row of sharp, predatory teeth.

Monstrous Hosts

Redd Traskin, also known as Red Mask, and Nara Traskin, known as The Hunger, have hidden their monstrous nature for years by disguising themselves as the friendly innkeepers of the Red Mask Inn. They lure travelers with warmth and hospitality, only to ensnare them in a nightmarish trap. Through their powers of perception and emotion manipulation, they torment their victims in an alternate dimension, relishing the fear and suffering they create. All the while, they maintain their facade as ordinary innkeepers, continuing their sinister feast on unsuspecting guests.

Lair Actions

Initiative :: At initiative order 20, use one of the lair action options
Scalding Water: Boiling water erupts from pots in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Slippery Floors: The floor becomes slick with oil and grease. For the next round, any creature moving across the floor must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw or fall prone. You can avoid this by moving at half speed, but you must declare this before moving. : Whirling Blades: Blades whirl in a line 50 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Flour Explosion: A cloud of flour ignites in a 30-foot radius centered on a point within the lair. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
DM Notes
HP: The HP listed in the stat blocks are simply a guideline. Balance to your party, making sure that the combat lasts some time, but doesn't drag on too long. : Villain Actions: Red Mask utilizes villain actions. This is an action he can take at any point after a PCs action, but limited to one per round.

Red Mask

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 30 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: fire, acid, poison, necrotic Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Terrifying Unmasking. When the mask comes off, each creature within sight must make a WIS or CHA saving throw against an EASY DC. On a failed save, the creature becomes frightened for 1 minute. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. : Magic Resistance. Red Mask has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. :


I think not! (3/day) As a reaction, Red Mask can choose to succeed on a failed check. However, this requires mental fortitude, so he takes MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage to do so.


Multiattack. The Red Mask makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Misty Step. Red Mask can cast Misty Step at will as a bonus action. : Butcher’s Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target.
APL to hit bonus damage
1-3 +4 LIGHT
4-6 +6 MEDIUM
7-10 +8 MEDIUM

Villain Actions

How's My Cooking? Any creature that ate food in the tavern must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw or be incapacitated with retching as rotten, maggoty food comes back up. The effect lasts until the end of the affected creature's turn. : Time to Eat! Nara can move up to her speed towards a target and make a bite attack as part of the same action. : See What Awaits You! Red Mask unleashes a wave of mental horror, showing the victims horrific images of previous guests being butchered and eaten. Each creature within sight must succeed on an EASY WIS saving throw or take MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage.
The Hunger prefers hit-and-run tactics, targeting the least armored or most injured characters. If the characters try to focus fire on Red Mask, narrate The Hunger turning it's attention to the Haskill family.
She will try to Bite as at least one of her attacks to keep regenerating hit points.

Nara, The Hunger

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 50 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: necrotic, piercing, bludgeoning, slashing Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Voracious Perception. Once The Hunger has tasted the flesh of a creature, it can track the creature by smell, effectively gaining blindsight with a range 30 feet for that creature. : Wall Crawler. With spider-like agility, The Hunger adheres to terrain, crawling along walls and ceilings to approach its victims. : Fleet-footed The Hunger's rapid movements give it a speed of 50 feet, and enemies trying to make opportunity attacks do so with a disadvantage.


Bloodthirsty Pursuit. If a creature within 30 feet of The Hunger uses a teleportation ability or spell to escape, The Hunger can use its reaction to immediately teleport to a space adjacent to the escaping creature.


Multiattack. The The Hunger makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 10ft., one target. If target not armored, or on a critical hit, add bleed damage for 1d3 rounds. This damage does not stack on multiple hits, instead use the highest rolled value for damage and rounds rolled. This effect can only be removed by magical healing. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target. On a successful hit, deal damage as normal, and The Hunger regenerates half of the damage dealt as hit points.
APL to hit bonus damage bleed from claws
1-3 +4 LIGHT 1d2
4-6 +6 MEDIUM 1d4
7-10 +8 MEDIUM 1d6

The Collapse

With the death of its hosts, the reality of this pocket dimension begins to unravel. This is a perfect time to deploy a Skill Challenge. Choose any of the following room descriptions, and let the players decide which skills they want to employ to navigate through the room. The focus here is on the Rule of Cool.
Ideally, these should be rooms the party have already encountered, but you can also introduce new rooms they haven't seen yet. The players can to select any Skill for their roll, as long as it fits the narrative context. Set the DC based on what they're attempting to achieve and its level of feasibility. Spells and other actions taken by the players should also have an impact, provided they logically align with the situation at hand.
Achieving one or two successful outcomes should be sufficient to pass through a room. In case of failure, introduce a complication, such as a character sustaining an injury, acquiring a level of exhaustion, or suffering a temporary condition like being frightened, poisoned, or even blinded. In such scenarios, other party members may need to assist the affected player.
DM Notes
Here you should aim to instill a sense of urgency and desperation. Monitor your players closely. As they approach their limits, consider making that room the final challenge. Remember, they don't need to complete every room you've planned.

Time to Run

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone:
As you land the final blow, a momentary stillness ensues, briefly allowing you to reflect on your victory. But there's no time for celebration. A low hum begins to resonate through the space, growing louder with each passing second. Around you, the walls and ceiling start to crack and splinter. Suddenly, a wall in front of you collapses, revealing one of the rooms you passed through earlier. Behind you, the ceiling is collapsing. The way forward is through...
[Note, I had to cut the descriptions of rooms on the way back to fit into char limit - see PDF]


As you burst through the door, you're back in the long corridor you first encountered as you woke up. At the far end, you glimpse the outside world. You sprint towards freedom as the corridor crumbles behind you, the destruction nipping at your heels. In a desperate leap at the last possible moment, you escape... and the sudden tranquility of the night envelops you. The quiet, so starkly contrasted with the preceding chaos, strikes you with its intensity. Surrounded by the serene sounds of the forest, the peace feels almost otherworldly, a surreal end to your harrowing journey.
You stand at a crossroads, where an old structure looms, clearly long abandoned. It leans precariously, a silhouette against the night sky. Moonlight filters through its collapsed roof, casting ghostly shadows across the crumbling walls. The scene, bathed in a silver glow, is both haunting and strangely serene.


Tucked away behind the inn, the adventurers might notice something peculiar about the compost heap — it seems to occasionally sparkle with the glint of metal and the shimmer of gemstones. Upon closer inspection and a bit of rummaging, they'll discover that this isn't just any old pile of refuse; it's a resting place for treasures that once belonged to the inn's unfortunate previous visitors.
You can use the rules for Treasure Hoard Tables from DMG p133 to see what the players can find.
submitted by Pyro979 to DungeonsAndDragons [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:13 Pyro979 Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)

[PWYW] Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)
This is my favorite thing I've written so far. My players who play-tested the adventure had a blast so I hope you all will enjoy it as well.
Upon entering a seemingly innocuous tavern, players quickly realize it’s not the refuge they expected. The innkeeper and his ‘daughter,’ the serving girl, are not what they seem. Beneath their facades lie malevolent beings with a taste for their guests. Facing both mental and physical trials, the players must outwit these monsters before they become the evening’s special.
The players will start their ordeal facing terrifying nightmares. Upon awakening, they must navigate a series of horror-themed rooms intended to weaken them before the ultimate showdown with the “hosts.” Victory over them will not be the end, as they must then escape the crumbling pocket dimension in which they’re trapped.
This module can serve as a standalone one-shot adventure or seamlessly integrate into an ongoing campaign. It’s adaptable to any location or setting and offers scalability for various levels. While the default tone leans toward the darker side, feel free to adjust it to suit your campaign’s ambiance.
This adventure may last between 3 to 6 hours, varying based on the extent to which you utilize the module’s content and your players’ decisions.
  • 10 nightmares for your PCs
  • 10 horrifying rooms
  • An epic showdown with an action-oriented final boss "Red Mask" as well as his companion "The Hunger".
  • Instructions for scaling the adventure.
  • Helpful DM tips that will make prep and running a breeze
  • 3 battle maps created in Inkarnate
  • Custom Monster stat blocks and tokens
Art attribution:
Created in homebrewery

Previous Work:

What other DM's have said:

  • Tossed this lil adventure in our D&D world and the players had a blast with all the twists and turns. As a DM I enjoyed the fact that it was well written and easy to run, I didn't have to flip through a lot of mess to run it like I've had to do on some other adventures. Highly recommended. -Jason T via DMsGuild
  • Incorporated this last night into our campaign and had a blast. Biggest hits were the dream sequences, the library lore, bar potions, and the dynamic of having a family of commoners to protect. Players were also impressed with the lair and villain actions. I would recommend this to other DMs as it was easy to prep for, fairly simple to run, and the party had fun! -Ty R via DMsGuild
  • I gave my party trauma and trust issues with this one! It was great time! Chibi_Disaster


Adding what I could fit into this post - had to cut some info to fit into the limit:


  • Redd Traskin - At first glance: The welcoming face behind the bar, always ready with a drink and a story about his culinary adventures. Lurking beneath is a creature known as Red Mask: a malevolent being who ensnares victims with harrowing dreams, rendering them helpless before he claims and cooks them.
  • Nara Traskin - On the surface a seemingly aloof barmaid, introduced as Redd's "daughter", with a penchant for keeping to herself and often notably reserved. But beneath that exterior she is The Hunger, a fearsome entity with a singular, overpowering mission: to satiate her eternal appetite.
  • (Optional) Other guests - a young couple with a child
    • Brent Haskill (26) - Husband of the young couple, blacksmith, friendly, introverted
    • Raida Haskill (25) - Wife of the young couple, leatherworker, gregarious, warm
    • Breeni Haskill (7) - Daughter

Scaling the Adventure

Effect & Trap Damage

Level Light Damage Medium Damage Serious Damage
1 1d4+1 (3) 1d6+2 (5) 1d10+2 (7)
2 1d6+2 (5) 1d8+3 (7) 2d6+3 (10)
3 1d8+2 (6) 2d6+3 (10) 2d8+4 (13)
4 1d10+2 (7) 2d8+3 (12) 3d6+5 (16)
5 1d10+3 (8) 2d10+3 (14) 3d8+5 (19)
6 2d6+3 (10) 3d6+4 (17) 4d6+6 (20)
7 2d6+4 (11) 3d8+4 (18) 4d8+6 (24)
8 2d8+4 (13) 3d10+4 (20) 5d6+7 (27)
9 2d10+4 (15) 4d6+5 (19) 5d8+7 (31)
10 3d6+5 (16) 4d8+5 (23) 6d8+8 (35)


Level Easy Medium Hard
1-3 10 14 18
4-6 12 16 20
7-10 14 18 22

The Inn at the Cross Roads

At the crossroads, a quaint inn catches your eye. Its simple two-story structure, with walls of weathered wood and a stone base, exudes a rustic charm. A single horse is tethered to a wagon nearby, hinting at the presence of other travelers.
A wooden sign, hand-carved and swinging in the evening breeze, reads "Red Mask Inn" in neatly scrolled letters. Below the name are two theatrical masks, the smiling Comedy and crying Tragedy.
DM Notes
For a one-shot adventure, consider giving the one-shot a different name than "Red Mask Inn" to serve as a red herring. Whether you're running a campaign or a one-shot, you can utilize the classic trope of the characters either meeting at the inn or using it as a place to rest and gather information.
Describe the inn as an unassuming, typical roadside establishment, creating an atmosphere of a routine stop for travelers. In a campaign, it's ideal to introduce this inn after the group has already faced some encounters in the days before. This timing helps to set the stage for what follows, making the inn seem like a normal, much-needed, resting point in their journey.

Inside the inn

As you push open the creaky door of the Red Mask Inn, you're greeted by the comforting warmth of a crackling fireplace and the rich aroma of hearty stew. The inn's interior is cozy, with wooden beams and a few round tables scattered across the room.
Behind the bar stands Redd Traskin, the owner and bartender of the inn. He's a robust man with a warm smile, busy polishing glasses but always ready to strike up a conversation. As you approach, he greets you with a jovial voice, "Welcome, travelers! You must be famished. Our stew today is particularly good, made with fresh herbs from the garden!"
Moving between the tables with a tray in hand is Nara, Redd’s daughter. She seems to be in her own world, efficiently serving patrons but with a distant look in her eyes. If players attempt to interact with her, she responds politely but briefly, maintaining a professional distance.
Seated at a corner table is a young couple with their child. The man, Brent Haskill, has the sturdy build of a blacksmith, while his wife, Raida, radiates warmth and friendliness. Their daughter, Breeni, is a bundle of energy, her eyes wide with curiosity as she looks around the inn. Breeni seems particularly interested in the adventurers, especially if there's a female-presenting member or someone who looks like a seasoned adventurer in the group. This presents a great opportunity for roleplaying and helps to engage the players with these NPCs.

Going to bed

Each room costs 3 sp per night. If your players are cautious, they may decide to set a watch. Ask for the watch order. For the first person on watch: if they ate or drank at the inn, they must make a CON saving throw against the HARD DC ___. Failure results in them falling asleep during their watch.
After some time if a player is not asleep because they (1) did not eat or drink at the inn, (2) succeeded on their Constitution saving throw, or (3) are immune to magical sleep (e.g. due to a feature like Fey Ancestry), they notice something peculiar. The lights in the tavern, if any were lit, suddenly dim, and the normal nighttime sounds from outside the tavern abruptly stop.
This player may try to help wake up the other players as they have their nightmares (see next section). This gives the players advantage on their saving throws.

Dreadful Reveries

Party members who fall asleep will experience nightmares. You can create unique nightmares (plumb your player's back stories or campaign events for ideas) or use the provided list for inspiration. Each dream culminates in a save attempt, allowing players to choose between a WIS, INT, or CHA saving throw, depending on their character's mental strengths. End each nightmare description with "Roll a mental save using your preferred stat." If they fail to wake up, they suffer LIGHT, or MEDIUM if they fail the check by more than 5, non-lethal psychic damage. If they roll a Natural 1 on their save, they gain one level of exhaustion. Either way on a failed save they slip into another dream. The initial save DC is set at HARD and should decrease by one level for each subsequent attempt. It is recommended to do not more than 3 nightmares. If another character is attempting to wake them or if they have abilities that aid in resisting mental effects, they may make the save with advantage.


  1. It's night. You are running through the woods. Brambles and thorns rip at your skin. Something is chasing you, and it's gaining. You hear it coming closer and closer. You stumble, fall, and it's on your back, ready to strike…
  2. You are on a ledge of a narrow cliff. The wind howls, and the rain buffets you. Lightning briefly illuminates the world, revealing jagged rocks hundreds of feet below. Your foot slips, your fingers lose their grip. You begin to fall…
  3. [Not for characters with water breathing] You are underwater. Seaweed tangles around your legs and feet as you try to orient yourself. There is no up, no down. Your lungs burn, and when you can no longer hold your breath, brackish, dirty water rushes down your throat…
  4. You are in a coffin. You don't know how long you've been here. You push up on the lid but the weight of the dirt above renders your effort futile. Your fingers bleed as you scratch through the wood, trying to reach the freshly dug earth. The air grows heavier, and you feel yourself slipping away…
  5. The stars above are beautiful. You try to keep fear at bay, hoping your ship will return. But deep down, you know they won't find you in the vast, uncaring ocean. As you hear a splash to your right, you turn to glimpse a notched fin that was heading in your direction submerge under the water...
  6. The reflection in the mirror isn't you. You chant this mantra, yet the creature in the glass tilts its head mockingly and whispers, “No, not you. Not yet!” Its gnarled hands creep forward, attempting to breach the barrier of the silvered glass...
  7. The cave-in is a minor setback. You've found an exit after an hour. A set of hand-holds lead up towards the surface. In your haste, you squeeze through a narrow ledge. Suddenly, you're stuck, the pressure on your chest blurring your vision and clouding your mind, fresh air just out of reach…
  8. You walk through city streets, unnoticed by the teeming crowd. A growing sense of wrongness intensifies as the figures turn toward you. You only have a moment to dread as you see their faceless heads, when they all then converge on you as one…
  9. After leaving the warm tent, the cold seemed bearable. But a stinging wind and swirling snow soon disorient you. It feels warmer; you shed layers, mistaking deadly cold for heat. You stumble into the soft snow, deciding to rest, just for a minute…
  10. It's twilight in the woods. A dead tree in a clearing, covered in birds, crows or ravens, hard to tell. More cawing, flapping wings, and suddenly, the birds take flight, sharp beaks and claws going for your eyes…

Players Awaken

Once all the players awaken, they will likely attempt to figure out their situation. Should they look out the window, they will see the outside world; however, this view is merely an illusion. Efforts to break through walls, floors, and ceilings will prove futile. Furthermore, utilizing teleportation magic, such as dimension door and plane shift, appears ineffective, except for local effects like misty step or dimension door to a visible location.
Upon opening the door, the players will discover themselves in a long corridor, extending hundreds of feet. The only doors in this corridor are those leading to the PCs' rooms, the room of a young couple, and a black door at the far end of the hallway. Horrified moans and screams emanate from the young couple’s room. If the players choose to intervene and break in, they will find the couple and their daughter inside, all of whom are also experiencing nightmares and can be awakened by the players.
As the PCs make their way down the hallway, they come across a collection of strikingly realistic portraits. Each one captures a different being - humans, dragonborn, gnomes, and more - from a wide spectrum of ages, genders, and races. The subjects are dressed in everything from opulent clothes to plain rags, and some are even armored, weapons in hand. But there's one unsettling similarity across all these portraits: every face is frozen in an expression of sheer terror.
At the end of the hallway, they find the black door, which is unlocked.


Upon entering, the PCs have a series of rooms you will guide them through. You can either craft your own rooms or use those included in this adventure. Players might attempt to take a Short Rest in some rooms, and it's up to you whether to allow it or not. You want the PCs battered, but not spent for the final confrontation. If you choose to deny them the rest, narrate psychic pressure to move out of the room - leading to psychic damage on refusal.
The Library
As the party steps into a dimly lit room, they're surrounded by towering bookshelves. The books around them seem to be whispering secrets of forbidden knowledge. Each player needs to make a MEDIUM WIS saving throw to avoid taking MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage from the eldritch knowledge trying to worm into their brain, with the damage halved if they succeed. Those players naturally drawn to knowledge, like Wizards and Bards, will find this more challenging and must make the throw at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, those less inclined towards books, like Barbarians or Fighters, will have advantage. It's up to you as the DM to decide these advantages and disadvantages based on your characters' proclivities.
DM Notes
  • Use this section as a chance to weave in some of your world's lore. It's a perfect opportunity for players to uncover hidden aspects of your campaign's universe.
  • While the books in this room can be physically taken, to avoid players hoarding countless volumes, consider describing how some books disintegrate into ash as soon as they're opened.
The Memory Gallery
In this sparsely furnished room, the walls are adorned with striking paintings of landscapes, ranging from mountain vistas to sunsets over the ocean, and serene forest clearings. As the PCs explore these paintings, focus on one PC and bring a distressing memory from their backstory to life, using the painting they are viewing as the backdrop. This scene then animates before the players. The PC at the center of this memory is faced with a HARD WIS saving throw, with the risk of taking SERIOUS non-lethal psychic damage upon failure, or half the damage if they succeed. Meanwhile, other PCs witnessing this scene must make an EASY WIS save to avoid LIGHT non-lethal psychic damage, suffering no damage on a successful save. Breeni’s past interactions with the affected PC could play a role here. Breeni may hug the PC, granting them advantage on their saving throw.
The Mirror Chamber
In the mirror chamber, walls lined with ornate, grimy mirrors reflect distorted and grotesque images of the adventurers. The air is thick, filled with the unsettling scent of iron and decay. Suddenly, their reflections lunge out of the glass, materializing into tangible, malevolent doppelgängers that attack, forcing the party to confront twisted versions of themselves.
Choose a character's favorite or iconic attack or spell and use it against each player. A single hit on the mirror version or the mirror itself is enough to destroy it.
The Dining Hall
The long wooden table is laden with rotting food: fruit covered in mold, meat moving with maggots, and bread so stale it looks fossilized, all set among goblets filled with a murky, clotting liquid that might have once been wine. Nearby, a platter holds what appears to be a human hand, its skin cooked to a crisp and its fingernails garnished with sprigs of wilted herbs. The foul stench of decay and spoiled meat permeates the room, mingling with the unsettling, almost palpable aura of dread. Players must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw. On a failure, gain the poisoned condition, lasting for 1d4 rooms.
The Hospital Room
Several linen-covered beds on the far side of the room are splattered with dried blood. Bone saws with jagged teeth and other cruel implements are neatly arranged on a side table, gleaming ominously in the torchlight. Drawers with various medical supplies are left half-closed. Several vials labeled as "Healing Potions" sit on a nearby shelf. A MEDIUM Arcana or Medicine check will determine these are actually poison (1d4+1 poison damage). The party may choose to remain here and use some of the supplies to heal up - can be used as a Short Rest opportunity.
The Bathroom
A decrepit wooden bathtub sits in the corner, filled with a stagnant, dark liquid that occasionally bubbles as if something lurks beneath the surface. Next to the bathtub, a stone toilet fixture stands as if hewn directly from the chamber's walls, its bowl filled with an unidentifiable, viscous substance that seems to churn of its own accord. Faint, grotesque sketches are etched into the stone around the toilet, depicting unsettling scenes that make you question the sanity of previous occupants. Blood spatters mar the cracked tiles, leading to a cracked tarnished mirror that reflects a distorted image of anyone who dares to look.
If anyone gets within 5 ft of the bathtub, tentacles will try to grapple them (MEDIUM Escape DC). The tentacles will also deal MEDIUM amount of bludgeoning damage on a successful grapple. Any damage to the tentacles (AC 12) will release the PC.
The Greenhouse
The greenhouse is a labyrinth of overgrown, twisted plants, their leaves unnaturally dark and thorns menacingly sharp. A misty, almost phosphorescent fog hangs low, casting a sickly green glow over everything, and making it hard to see what lurks in the corners. Amongst the flora, the party can spot several cages containing withered remains of animals and, disturbingly, a few humanoid shapes — all twisted in expressions of agony, as if the plants themselves had consumed them.
Monster encounter, balance for your party:
Level Range Monster
1-3 Twig Blight (MM 32)
Needle Blight (MM 32)
Vine Blight (MM 32)
4-6 Shambling Mound (MM 270)
Wood Woad (VGtM 198)
Yellow Musk Creeper (TftYP 248)
Animated Tree (VGtM 207)
Assassin Vine (MM 22)
7-10 Corpse Flower (MToF 127)
Tree Blight (CoS 230)
To make things more difficult for the players, you can also add an additional MEDIUM CON saving throw against the fog's effects, with the players taking LIGHT poison damage on failure. Altering the number of monsters is another effective method for adjusting the challenge level. Additionally, if you're looking to incorporate different types of monsters, don't hesitate to use homebrew or reflavored monsters.
The Bar
The barroom is dimly lit by tarnished chandeliers that cast ghostly flickers across worn wooden floorboards. A long, decaying bar counter dominates one side of the room. Its surface is stained and pockmarked, lined with bottles containing strange, discolored liquids. The stools around the bar are unsteady, emitting ominous creaks under the slightest pressure. Notably, one stool bears an unsettling stain, reminiscent of dried blood.
If players choose to consume any of the bottles, roll on the table below to determine the effects. Generally, it's not recommended to allow more than one potion per player (drinking more than one results in vomiting). If an effect doesn't apply to a character, or another player already drank the potion rolled, roll again. The effects last until the end of the adventure. A MEDIUM DC Alchemist Tools, Herbalist Kit or Arcana Check will reveal the properties of the potions. An EASY DC check may reveal partial properties.
# Name Liquid Description Effect Description
1 Reckless Fury A swirling red potion with fiery sparks. [Primary Melee Classes] Every melee attack is treated as reckless (attack is rolled with Advantage, but any attack against the player is rolled with Advantage as well until their turn).
2 Luck be a lady tonight A two-layered liquid, gold over silver. Grants inspiration to the player, and GM gets to force disadvantage at a time of their choosing.
3 Unstable Teleport A misty, shifting blue and gray potion. Gain the ability to cast the Misty Step spell at will. Roll 1d20 for uncertain destination, appearing in a location of DM's choice on 1-10.
4 Size Shift A violet fluid with bubbles. Changes creature size from Medium to Small. No effect on Small creatures.
5 Spell Rejuvenation A glowing, pulsating emerald drink. [Primary Spellcaster Classes] Restores one highest level spent spell slot but causes causes one level of exhaustion.
6 Speed Surge A quicksilver potion with streaks of lightning. Doubles speed but causes jitteriness, disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saves.
7 Painful Retaliation A dark crimson liquid with a thorny vine motif. As a bonus action you can choose to harm a creature at will, causing MEDIUM psychic damage, but take half the damage yourself.
8 Statue Defense A solid gray potion with flecks of stone. As a reaction to taking damage, you can choose to become an invulnerable statue to negate the triggering damage. You are invulnerable and petrified until the end of your next turn.
9 Charge of the Bull A red potion with a swirling vortex. Gain a powerful charge attack: If you can move at least 10ft in a straight line, you can make an attack. If the attack hits, it is treated as a critical hit, and the target is knocked prone. If the attack misses, the player takes MEDIUM bludgeoning damage, is knocked prone, and lands 10 feet past the target.
10 Clumsy Might A creamy potion with bubbles. Advantage on Strength checks and saves but disadvantage on Dexterity-based tasks.
The Stalking Statues
The room is a vast, dimly-lit chamber with four stone statues positioned in various states of distress; their faces contorted in silent screams or buried in their hands as if weeping. The flickering light from a dying chandelier dances across their features, casting ominous shadows that seem to move. Describe the chandelier as flickering in and out. In the darkness, the statues seem to move closer and closer.
You can treat this room narratively to unsettle the players, or turn it into an encounter. For an encounter, roll initiative (the statues always act at the end of the initiative order, and only on rounds when the lights are out). Every other round, either cover the map if playing in person, switch to a blank map on a VTT, or, if using theater of the mind, simply narrate the lights going out. The statues can only move in darkness, which is magical. Some players may have the ability to see through magical darkness. In such cases, the movement of the statues is visible to those players. Players who cannot see in the darkness can move but must declare their directions and distances. The door at the end of the room is unlocked when all statues are destroyed or by using the Knock spell.

Stalking Statues

Medium Construct, neutral evil
Armor Class :: 18 (natural armor) Hit Points :: 3 MEDIUM hits Speed :: 20 ft (can move only in darkness)
14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 1 (-5)
Damage Immunities :: poison, psychic Condition Immunities :: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Senses :: Blindsight 60 ft. Languages :: None
Antimagic Susceptibility. The statue is incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the statue must succeed on a CON saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute. : False Appearance. While the statue remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal statue. : Dark Step. The statue can only move in darkness. It moves silently. It may not take the dash action. All attacks automatically hit.


Multiattack. The statue makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM bludgeoning damage. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM piercing damage. : Grapple. Roll Contested Athletics vs Atheltics or Acrobatics. The statue rolls with Advantage. Reach 5ft., one target. MEDIUM escape DC to break free.

Final Confrontation

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone: : You walk through the door to find yourself in a vast, open kitchen. The air is heavy with the scent of pots boiling over low flames, their contents a mystery. Shadows flicker and stretch across the walls, animated by the dim firelight.
Above, cured meats hang from hooks, swaying slightly in the draft. The countertops are littered with a variety of sinister-looking knives and butchery tools, their edges catching the light with an ominous glint.
At the center of this daunting scene stand Redd and Nara. Redd greets you with a malicious smile. “Now that you’ve been properly tenderized, it’s time for the main course!” he says. In a chilling display, he reaches for his face and peels it away as if it were a mask, revealing the ghastly sight of raw muscles, pulsing veins, and exposed nerves.
Next to him, Nara stands with an unsettling calm. Her hands begin to unnaturally stretch and contort, transforming into deadly claws. As she grins, her mouth widens unnervingly, unveiling a row of sharp, predatory teeth.

Monstrous Hosts

Redd Traskin, also known as Red Mask, and Nara Traskin, known as The Hunger, have hidden their monstrous nature for years by disguising themselves as the friendly innkeepers of the Red Mask Inn. They lure travelers with warmth and hospitality, only to ensnare them in a nightmarish trap. Through their powers of perception and emotion manipulation, they torment their victims in an alternate dimension, relishing the fear and suffering they create. All the while, they maintain their facade as ordinary innkeepers, continuing their sinister feast on unsuspecting guests.

Lair Actions

Initiative :: At initiative order 20, use one of the lair action options
Scalding Water: Boiling water erupts from pots in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Slippery Floors: The floor becomes slick with oil and grease. For the next round, any creature moving across the floor must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw or fall prone. You can avoid this by moving at half speed, but you must declare this before moving. : Whirling Blades: Blades whirl in a line 50 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Flour Explosion: A cloud of flour ignites in a 30-foot radius centered on a point within the lair. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
DM Notes
HP: The HP listed in the stat blocks are simply a guideline. Balance to your party, making sure that the combat lasts some time, but doesn't drag on too long. : Villain Actions: Red Mask utilizes villain actions. This is an action he can take at any point after a PCs action, but limited to one per round.

Red Mask

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 30 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: fire, acid, poison, necrotic Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Terrifying Unmasking. When the mask comes off, each creature within sight must make a WIS or CHA saving throw against an EASY DC. On a failed save, the creature becomes frightened for 1 minute. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. : Magic Resistance. Red Mask has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. :


I think not! (3/day) As a reaction, Red Mask can choose to succeed on a failed check. However, this requires mental fortitude, so he takes MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage to do so.


Multiattack. The Red Mask makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Misty Step. Red Mask can cast Misty Step at will as a bonus action. : Butcher’s Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target.
APL to hit bonus damage
1-3 +4 LIGHT
4-6 +6 MEDIUM
7-10 +8 MEDIUM

Villain Actions

How's My Cooking? Any creature that ate food in the tavern must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw or be incapacitated with retching as rotten, maggoty food comes back up. The effect lasts until the end of the affected creature's turn. : Time to Eat! Nara can move up to her speed towards a target and make a bite attack as part of the same action. : See What Awaits You! Red Mask unleashes a wave of mental horror, showing the victims horrific images of previous guests being butchered and eaten. Each creature within sight must succeed on an EASY WIS saving throw or take MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage.
The Hunger prefers hit-and-run tactics, targeting the least armored or most injured characters. If the characters try to focus fire on Red Mask, narrate The Hunger turning it's attention to the Haskill family.
She will try to Bite as at least one of her attacks to keep regenerating hit points.

Nara, The Hunger

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 50 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: necrotic, piercing, bludgeoning, slashing Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Voracious Perception. Once The Hunger has tasted the flesh of a creature, it can track the creature by smell, effectively gaining blindsight with a range 30 feet for that creature. : Wall Crawler. With spider-like agility, The Hunger adheres to terrain, crawling along walls and ceilings to approach its victims. : Fleet-footed The Hunger's rapid movements give it a speed of 50 feet, and enemies trying to make opportunity attacks do so with a disadvantage.


Bloodthirsty Pursuit. If a creature within 30 feet of The Hunger uses a teleportation ability or spell to escape, The Hunger can use its reaction to immediately teleport to a space adjacent to the escaping creature.


Multiattack. The The Hunger makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 10ft., one target. If target not armored, or on a critical hit, add bleed damage for 1d3 rounds. This damage does not stack on multiple hits, instead use the highest rolled value for damage and rounds rolled. This effect can only be removed by magical healing. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target. On a successful hit, deal damage as normal, and The Hunger regenerates half of the damage dealt as hit points.
APL to hit bonus damage bleed from claws
1-3 +4 LIGHT 1d2
4-6 +6 MEDIUM 1d4
7-10 +8 MEDIUM 1d6

The Collapse

With the death of its hosts, the reality of this pocket dimension begins to unravel. This is a perfect time to deploy a Skill Challenge. Choose any of the following room descriptions, and let the players decide which skills they want to employ to navigate through the room. The focus here is on the Rule of Cool.
Ideally, these should be rooms the party have already encountered, but you can also introduce new rooms they haven't seen yet. The players can to select any Skill for their roll, as long as it fits the narrative context. Set the DC based on what they're attempting to achieve and its level of feasibility. Spells and other actions taken by the players should also have an impact, provided they logically align with the situation at hand.
Achieving one or two successful outcomes should be sufficient to pass through a room. In case of failure, introduce a complication, such as a character sustaining an injury, acquiring a level of exhaustion, or suffering a temporary condition like being frightened, poisoned, or even blinded. In such scenarios, other party members may need to assist the affected player.
DM Notes
Here you should aim to instill a sense of urgency and desperation. Monitor your players closely. As they approach their limits, consider making that room the final challenge. Remember, they don't need to complete every room you've planned.

Time to Run

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone:
As you land the final blow, a momentary stillness ensues, briefly allowing you to reflect on your victory. But there's no time for celebration. A low hum begins to resonate through the space, growing louder with each passing second. Around you, the walls and ceiling start to crack and splinter. Suddenly, a wall in front of you collapses, revealing one of the rooms you passed through earlier. Behind you, the ceiling is collapsing. The way forward is through...
[Note, I had to cut the descriptions of rooms on the way back to fit into char limit - see PDF]


As you burst through the door, you're back in the long corridor you first encountered as you woke up. At the far end, you glimpse the outside world. You sprint towards freedom as the corridor crumbles behind you, the destruction nipping at your heels. In a desperate leap at the last possible moment, you escape... and the sudden tranquility of the night envelops you. The quiet, so starkly contrasted with the preceding chaos, strikes you with its intensity. Surrounded by the serene sounds of the forest, the peace feels almost otherworldly, a surreal end to your harrowing journey.
You stand at a crossroads, where an old structure looms, clearly long abandoned. It leans precariously, a silhouette against the night sky. Moonlight filters through its collapsed roof, casting ghostly shadows across the crumbling walls. The scene, bathed in a silver glow, is both haunting and strangely serene.


Tucked away behind the inn, the adventurers might notice something peculiar about the compost heap — it seems to occasionally sparkle with the glint of metal and the shimmer of gemstones. Upon closer inspection and a bit of rummaging, they'll discover that this isn't just any old pile of refuse; it's a resting place for treasures that once belonged to the inn's unfortunate previous visitors.
You can use the rules for Treasure Hoard Tables from DMG p133 to see what the players can find.
submitted by Pyro979 to DnD5e [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:11 Pyro979 Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)

[PWYW] Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)
This is my favorite thing I've written so far. My players who play-tested the adventure had a blast so I hope you all will enjoy it as well.
Upon entering a seemingly innocuous tavern, players quickly realize it’s not the refuge they expected. The innkeeper and his ‘daughter,’ the serving girl, are not what they seem. Beneath their facades lie malevolent beings with a taste for their guests. Facing both mental and physical trials, the players must outwit these monsters before they become the evening’s special.
The players will start their ordeal facing terrifying nightmares. Upon awakening, they must navigate a series of horror-themed rooms intended to weaken them before the ultimate showdown with the “hosts.” Victory over them will not be the end, as they must then escape the crumbling pocket dimension in which they’re trapped.
This module can serve as a standalone one-shot adventure or seamlessly integrate into an ongoing campaign. It’s adaptable to any location or setting and offers scalability for various levels. While the default tone leans toward the darker side, feel free to adjust it to suit your campaign’s ambiance.
This adventure may last between 3 to 6 hours, varying based on the extent to which you utilize the module’s content and your players’ decisions.
  • 10 nightmares for your PCs
  • 10 horrifying rooms
  • An epic showdown with an action-oriented final boss "Red Mask" as well as his companion "The Hunger".
  • Instructions for scaling the adventure.
  • Helpful DM tips that will make prep and running a breeze
  • 3 battle maps created in Inkarnate
  • Custom Monster stat blocks and tokens
Art attribution:
Created in homebrewery

Previous Work:

What other DM's have said:

  • Tossed this lil adventure in our D&D world and the players had a blast with all the twists and turns. As a DM I enjoyed the fact that it was well written and easy to run, I didn't have to flip through a lot of mess to run it like I've had to do on some other adventures. Highly recommended. -Jason T via DMsGuild
  • Incorporated this last night into our campaign and had a blast. Biggest hits were the dream sequences, the library lore, bar potions, and the dynamic of having a family of commoners to protect. Players were also impressed with the lair and villain actions. I would recommend this to other DMs as it was easy to prep for, fairly simple to run, and the party had fun! -Ty R via DMsGuild
  • I gave my party trauma and trust issues with this one! It was great time! Chibi_Disaster


Adding what I could fit into this post - had to cut some info to fit into the limit:


  • Redd Traskin - At first glance: The welcoming face behind the bar, always ready with a drink and a story about his culinary adventures. Lurking beneath is a creature known as Red Mask: a malevolent being who ensnares victims with harrowing dreams, rendering them helpless before he claims and cooks them.
  • Nara Traskin - On the surface a seemingly aloof barmaid, introduced as Redd's "daughter", with a penchant for keeping to herself and often notably reserved. But beneath that exterior she is The Hunger, a fearsome entity with a singular, overpowering mission: to satiate her eternal appetite.
  • (Optional) Other guests - a young couple with a child
    • Brent Haskill (26) - Husband of the young couple, blacksmith, friendly, introverted
    • Raida Haskill (25) - Wife of the young couple, leatherworker, gregarious, warm
    • Breeni Haskill (7) - Daughter

Scaling the Adventure

Effect & Trap Damage

Level Light Damage Medium Damage Serious Damage
1 1d4+1 (3) 1d6+2 (5) 1d10+2 (7)
2 1d6+2 (5) 1d8+3 (7) 2d6+3 (10)
3 1d8+2 (6) 2d6+3 (10) 2d8+4 (13)
4 1d10+2 (7) 2d8+3 (12) 3d6+5 (16)
5 1d10+3 (8) 2d10+3 (14) 3d8+5 (19)
6 2d6+3 (10) 3d6+4 (17) 4d6+6 (20)
7 2d6+4 (11) 3d8+4 (18) 4d8+6 (24)
8 2d8+4 (13) 3d10+4 (20) 5d6+7 (27)
9 2d10+4 (15) 4d6+5 (19) 5d8+7 (31)
10 3d6+5 (16) 4d8+5 (23) 6d8+8 (35)


Level Easy Medium Hard
1-3 10 14 18
4-6 12 16 20
7-10 14 18 22

The Inn at the Cross Roads

At the crossroads, a quaint inn catches your eye. Its simple two-story structure, with walls of weathered wood and a stone base, exudes a rustic charm. A single horse is tethered to a wagon nearby, hinting at the presence of other travelers.
A wooden sign, hand-carved and swinging in the evening breeze, reads "Red Mask Inn" in neatly scrolled letters. Below the name are two theatrical masks, the smiling Comedy and crying Tragedy.
DM Notes
For a one-shot adventure, consider giving the one-shot a different name than "Red Mask Inn" to serve as a red herring. Whether you're running a campaign or a one-shot, you can utilize the classic trope of the characters either meeting at the inn or using it as a place to rest and gather information.
Describe the inn as an unassuming, typical roadside establishment, creating an atmosphere of a routine stop for travelers. In a campaign, it's ideal to introduce this inn after the group has already faced some encounters in the days before. This timing helps to set the stage for what follows, making the inn seem like a normal, much-needed, resting point in their journey.

Inside the inn

As you push open the creaky door of the Red Mask Inn, you're greeted by the comforting warmth of a crackling fireplace and the rich aroma of hearty stew. The inn's interior is cozy, with wooden beams and a few round tables scattered across the room.
Behind the bar stands Redd Traskin, the owner and bartender of the inn. He's a robust man with a warm smile, busy polishing glasses but always ready to strike up a conversation. As you approach, he greets you with a jovial voice, "Welcome, travelers! You must be famished. Our stew today is particularly good, made with fresh herbs from the garden!"
Moving between the tables with a tray in hand is Nara, Redd’s daughter. She seems to be in her own world, efficiently serving patrons but with a distant look in her eyes. If players attempt to interact with her, she responds politely but briefly, maintaining a professional distance.
Seated at a corner table is a young couple with their child. The man, Brent Haskill, has the sturdy build of a blacksmith, while his wife, Raida, radiates warmth and friendliness. Their daughter, Breeni, is a bundle of energy, her eyes wide with curiosity as she looks around the inn. Breeni seems particularly interested in the adventurers, especially if there's a female-presenting member or someone who looks like a seasoned adventurer in the group. This presents a great opportunity for roleplaying and helps to engage the players with these NPCs.

Going to bed

Each room costs 3 sp per night. If your players are cautious, they may decide to set a watch. Ask for the watch order. For the first person on watch: if they ate or drank at the inn, they must make a CON saving throw against the HARD DC ___. Failure results in them falling asleep during their watch.
After some time if a player is not asleep because they (1) did not eat or drink at the inn, (2) succeeded on their Constitution saving throw, or (3) are immune to magical sleep (e.g. due to a feature like Fey Ancestry), they notice something peculiar. The lights in the tavern, if any were lit, suddenly dim, and the normal nighttime sounds from outside the tavern abruptly stop.
This player may try to help wake up the other players as they have their nightmares (see next section). This gives the players advantage on their saving throws.

Dreadful Reveries

Party members who fall asleep will experience nightmares. You can create unique nightmares (plumb your player's back stories or campaign events for ideas) or use the provided list for inspiration. Each dream culminates in a save attempt, allowing players to choose between a WIS, INT, or CHA saving throw, depending on their character's mental strengths. End each nightmare description with "Roll a mental save using your preferred stat." If they fail to wake up, they suffer LIGHT, or MEDIUM if they fail the check by more than 5, non-lethal psychic damage. If they roll a Natural 1 on their save, they gain one level of exhaustion. Either way on a failed save they slip into another dream. The initial save DC is set at HARD and should decrease by one level for each subsequent attempt. It is recommended to do not more than 3 nightmares. If another character is attempting to wake them or if they have abilities that aid in resisting mental effects, they may make the save with advantage.


  1. It's night. You are running through the woods. Brambles and thorns rip at your skin. Something is chasing you, and it's gaining. You hear it coming closer and closer. You stumble, fall, and it's on your back, ready to strike…
  2. You are on a ledge of a narrow cliff. The wind howls, and the rain buffets you. Lightning briefly illuminates the world, revealing jagged rocks hundreds of feet below. Your foot slips, your fingers lose their grip. You begin to fall…
  3. [Not for characters with water breathing] You are underwater. Seaweed tangles around your legs and feet as you try to orient yourself. There is no up, no down. Your lungs burn, and when you can no longer hold your breath, brackish, dirty water rushes down your throat…
  4. You are in a coffin. You don't know how long you've been here. You push up on the lid but the weight of the dirt above renders your effort futile. Your fingers bleed as you scratch through the wood, trying to reach the freshly dug earth. The air grows heavier, and you feel yourself slipping away…
  5. The stars above are beautiful. You try to keep fear at bay, hoping your ship will return. But deep down, you know they won't find you in the vast, uncaring ocean. As you hear a splash to your right, you turn to glimpse a notched fin that was heading in your direction submerge under the water...
  6. The reflection in the mirror isn't you. You chant this mantra, yet the creature in the glass tilts its head mockingly and whispers, “No, not you. Not yet!” Its gnarled hands creep forward, attempting to breach the barrier of the silvered glass...
  7. The cave-in is a minor setback. You've found an exit after an hour. A set of hand-holds lead up towards the surface. In your haste, you squeeze through a narrow ledge. Suddenly, you're stuck, the pressure on your chest blurring your vision and clouding your mind, fresh air just out of reach…
  8. You walk through city streets, unnoticed by the teeming crowd. A growing sense of wrongness intensifies as the figures turn toward you. You only have a moment to dread as you see their faceless heads, when they all then converge on you as one…
  9. After leaving the warm tent, the cold seemed bearable. But a stinging wind and swirling snow soon disorient you. It feels warmer; you shed layers, mistaking deadly cold for heat. You stumble into the soft snow, deciding to rest, just for a minute…
  10. It's twilight in the woods. A dead tree in a clearing, covered in birds, crows or ravens, hard to tell. More cawing, flapping wings, and suddenly, the birds take flight, sharp beaks and claws going for your eyes…

Players Awaken

Once all the players awaken, they will likely attempt to figure out their situation. Should they look out the window, they will see the outside world; however, this view is merely an illusion. Efforts to break through walls, floors, and ceilings will prove futile. Furthermore, utilizing teleportation magic, such as dimension door and plane shift, appears ineffective, except for local effects like misty step or dimension door to a visible location.
Upon opening the door, the players will discover themselves in a long corridor, extending hundreds of feet. The only doors in this corridor are those leading to the PCs' rooms, the room of a young couple, and a black door at the far end of the hallway. Horrified moans and screams emanate from the young couple’s room. If the players choose to intervene and break in, they will find the couple and their daughter inside, all of whom are also experiencing nightmares and can be awakened by the players.
As the PCs make their way down the hallway, they come across a collection of strikingly realistic portraits. Each one captures a different being - humans, dragonborn, gnomes, and more - from a wide spectrum of ages, genders, and races. The subjects are dressed in everything from opulent clothes to plain rags, and some are even armored, weapons in hand. But there's one unsettling similarity across all these portraits: every face is frozen in an expression of sheer terror.
At the end of the hallway, they find the black door, which is unlocked.


Upon entering, the PCs have a series of rooms you will guide them through. You can either craft your own rooms or use those included in this adventure. Players might attempt to take a Short Rest in some rooms, and it's up to you whether to allow it or not. You want the PCs battered, but not spent for the final confrontation. If you choose to deny them the rest, narrate psychic pressure to move out of the room - leading to psychic damage on refusal.
The Library
As the party steps into a dimly lit room, they're surrounded by towering bookshelves. The books around them seem to be whispering secrets of forbidden knowledge. Each player needs to make a MEDIUM WIS saving throw to avoid taking MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage from the eldritch knowledge trying to worm into their brain, with the damage halved if they succeed. Those players naturally drawn to knowledge, like Wizards and Bards, will find this more challenging and must make the throw at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, those less inclined towards books, like Barbarians or Fighters, will have advantage. It's up to you as the DM to decide these advantages and disadvantages based on your characters' proclivities.
DM Notes
  • Use this section as a chance to weave in some of your world's lore. It's a perfect opportunity for players to uncover hidden aspects of your campaign's universe.
  • While the books in this room can be physically taken, to avoid players hoarding countless volumes, consider describing how some books disintegrate into ash as soon as they're opened.
The Memory Gallery
In this sparsely furnished room, the walls are adorned with striking paintings of landscapes, ranging from mountain vistas to sunsets over the ocean, and serene forest clearings. As the PCs explore these paintings, focus on one PC and bring a distressing memory from their backstory to life, using the painting they are viewing as the backdrop. This scene then animates before the players. The PC at the center of this memory is faced with a HARD WIS saving throw, with the risk of taking SERIOUS non-lethal psychic damage upon failure, or half the damage if they succeed. Meanwhile, other PCs witnessing this scene must make an EASY WIS save to avoid LIGHT non-lethal psychic damage, suffering no damage on a successful save. Breeni’s past interactions with the affected PC could play a role here. Breeni may hug the PC, granting them advantage on their saving throw.
The Mirror Chamber
In the mirror chamber, walls lined with ornate, grimy mirrors reflect distorted and grotesque images of the adventurers. The air is thick, filled with the unsettling scent of iron and decay. Suddenly, their reflections lunge out of the glass, materializing into tangible, malevolent doppelgängers that attack, forcing the party to confront twisted versions of themselves.
Choose a character's favorite or iconic attack or spell and use it against each player. A single hit on the mirror version or the mirror itself is enough to destroy it.
The Dining Hall
The long wooden table is laden with rotting food: fruit covered in mold, meat moving with maggots, and bread so stale it looks fossilized, all set among goblets filled with a murky, clotting liquid that might have once been wine. Nearby, a platter holds what appears to be a human hand, its skin cooked to a crisp and its fingernails garnished with sprigs of wilted herbs. The foul stench of decay and spoiled meat permeates the room, mingling with the unsettling, almost palpable aura of dread. Players must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw. On a failure, gain the poisoned condition, lasting for 1d4 rooms.
The Hospital Room
Several linen-covered beds on the far side of the room are splattered with dried blood. Bone saws with jagged teeth and other cruel implements are neatly arranged on a side table, gleaming ominously in the torchlight. Drawers with various medical supplies are left half-closed. Several vials labeled as "Healing Potions" sit on a nearby shelf. A MEDIUM Arcana or Medicine check will determine these are actually poison (1d4+1 poison damage). The party may choose to remain here and use some of the supplies to heal up - can be used as a Short Rest opportunity.
The Bathroom
A decrepit wooden bathtub sits in the corner, filled with a stagnant, dark liquid that occasionally bubbles as if something lurks beneath the surface. Next to the bathtub, a stone toilet fixture stands as if hewn directly from the chamber's walls, its bowl filled with an unidentifiable, viscous substance that seems to churn of its own accord. Faint, grotesque sketches are etched into the stone around the toilet, depicting unsettling scenes that make you question the sanity of previous occupants. Blood spatters mar the cracked tiles, leading to a cracked tarnished mirror that reflects a distorted image of anyone who dares to look.
If anyone gets within 5 ft of the bathtub, tentacles will try to grapple them (MEDIUM Escape DC). The tentacles will also deal MEDIUM amount of bludgeoning damage on a successful grapple. Any damage to the tentacles (AC 12) will release the PC.
The Greenhouse
The greenhouse is a labyrinth of overgrown, twisted plants, their leaves unnaturally dark and thorns menacingly sharp. A misty, almost phosphorescent fog hangs low, casting a sickly green glow over everything, and making it hard to see what lurks in the corners. Amongst the flora, the party can spot several cages containing withered remains of animals and, disturbingly, a few humanoid shapes — all twisted in expressions of agony, as if the plants themselves had consumed them.
Monster encounter, balance for your party:
Level Range Monster
1-3 Twig Blight (MM 32)
Needle Blight (MM 32)
Vine Blight (MM 32)
4-6 Shambling Mound (MM 270)
Wood Woad (VGtM 198)
Yellow Musk Creeper (TftYP 248)
Animated Tree (VGtM 207)
Assassin Vine (MM 22)
7-10 Corpse Flower (MToF 127)
Tree Blight (CoS 230)
To make things more difficult for the players, you can also add an additional MEDIUM CON saving throw against the fog's effects, with the players taking LIGHT poison damage on failure. Altering the number of monsters is another effective method for adjusting the challenge level. Additionally, if you're looking to incorporate different types of monsters, don't hesitate to use homebrew or reflavored monsters.
The Bar
The barroom is dimly lit by tarnished chandeliers that cast ghostly flickers across worn wooden floorboards. A long, decaying bar counter dominates one side of the room. Its surface is stained and pockmarked, lined with bottles containing strange, discolored liquids. The stools around the bar are unsteady, emitting ominous creaks under the slightest pressure. Notably, one stool bears an unsettling stain, reminiscent of dried blood.
If players choose to consume any of the bottles, roll on the table below to determine the effects. Generally, it's not recommended to allow more than one potion per player (drinking more than one results in vomiting). If an effect doesn't apply to a character, or another player already drank the potion rolled, roll again. The effects last until the end of the adventure. A MEDIUM DC Alchemist Tools, Herbalist Kit or Arcana Check will reveal the properties of the potions. An EASY DC check may reveal partial properties.
# Name Liquid Description Effect Description
1 Reckless Fury A swirling red potion with fiery sparks. [Primary Melee Classes] Every melee attack is treated as reckless (attack is rolled with Advantage, but any attack against the player is rolled with Advantage as well until their turn).
2 Luck be a lady tonight A two-layered liquid, gold over silver. Grants inspiration to the player, and GM gets to force disadvantage at a time of their choosing.
3 Unstable Teleport A misty, shifting blue and gray potion. Gain the ability to cast the Misty Step spell at will. Roll 1d20 for uncertain destination, appearing in a location of DM's choice on 1-10.
4 Size Shift A violet fluid with bubbles. Changes creature size from Medium to Small. No effect on Small creatures.
5 Spell Rejuvenation A glowing, pulsating emerald drink. [Primary Spellcaster Classes] Restores one highest level spent spell slot but causes causes one level of exhaustion.
6 Speed Surge A quicksilver potion with streaks of lightning. Doubles speed but causes jitteriness, disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saves.
7 Painful Retaliation A dark crimson liquid with a thorny vine motif. As a bonus action you can choose to harm a creature at will, causing MEDIUM psychic damage, but take half the damage yourself.
8 Statue Defense A solid gray potion with flecks of stone. As a reaction to taking damage, you can choose to become an invulnerable statue to negate the triggering damage. You are invulnerable and petrified until the end of your next turn.
9 Charge of the Bull A red potion with a swirling vortex. Gain a powerful charge attack: If you can move at least 10ft in a straight line, you can make an attack. If the attack hits, it is treated as a critical hit, and the target is knocked prone. If the attack misses, the player takes MEDIUM bludgeoning damage, is knocked prone, and lands 10 feet past the target.
10 Clumsy Might A creamy potion with bubbles. Advantage on Strength checks and saves but disadvantage on Dexterity-based tasks.
The Stalking Statues
The room is a vast, dimly-lit chamber with four stone statues positioned in various states of distress; their faces contorted in silent screams or buried in their hands as if weeping. The flickering light from a dying chandelier dances across their features, casting ominous shadows that seem to move. Describe the chandelier as flickering in and out. In the darkness, the statues seem to move closer and closer.
You can treat this room narratively to unsettle the players, or turn it into an encounter. For an encounter, roll initiative (the statues always act at the end of the initiative order, and only on rounds when the lights are out). Every other round, either cover the map if playing in person, switch to a blank map on a VTT, or, if using theater of the mind, simply narrate the lights going out. The statues can only move in darkness, which is magical. Some players may have the ability to see through magical darkness. In such cases, the movement of the statues is visible to those players. Players who cannot see in the darkness can move but must declare their directions and distances. The door at the end of the room is unlocked when all statues are destroyed or by using the Knock spell.

Stalking Statues

Medium Construct, neutral evil
Armor Class :: 18 (natural armor) Hit Points :: 3 MEDIUM hits Speed :: 20 ft (can move only in darkness)
14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 1 (-5)
Damage Immunities :: poison, psychic Condition Immunities :: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Senses :: Blindsight 60 ft. Languages :: None
Antimagic Susceptibility. The statue is incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the statue must succeed on a CON saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute. : False Appearance. While the statue remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal statue. : Dark Step. The statue can only move in darkness. It moves silently. It may not take the dash action. All attacks automatically hit.


Multiattack. The statue makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM bludgeoning damage. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM piercing damage. : Grapple. Roll Contested Athletics vs Atheltics or Acrobatics. The statue rolls with Advantage. Reach 5ft., one target. MEDIUM escape DC to break free.

Final Confrontation

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone: : You walk through the door to find yourself in a vast, open kitchen. The air is heavy with the scent of pots boiling over low flames, their contents a mystery. Shadows flicker and stretch across the walls, animated by the dim firelight.
Above, cured meats hang from hooks, swaying slightly in the draft. The countertops are littered with a variety of sinister-looking knives and butchery tools, their edges catching the light with an ominous glint.
At the center of this daunting scene stand Redd and Nara. Redd greets you with a malicious smile. “Now that you’ve been properly tenderized, it’s time for the main course!” he says. In a chilling display, he reaches for his face and peels it away as if it were a mask, revealing the ghastly sight of raw muscles, pulsing veins, and exposed nerves.
Next to him, Nara stands with an unsettling calm. Her hands begin to unnaturally stretch and contort, transforming into deadly claws. As she grins, her mouth widens unnervingly, unveiling a row of sharp, predatory teeth.

Monstrous Hosts

Redd Traskin, also known as Red Mask, and Nara Traskin, known as The Hunger, have hidden their monstrous nature for years by disguising themselves as the friendly innkeepers of the Red Mask Inn. They lure travelers with warmth and hospitality, only to ensnare them in a nightmarish trap. Through their powers of perception and emotion manipulation, they torment their victims in an alternate dimension, relishing the fear and suffering they create. All the while, they maintain their facade as ordinary innkeepers, continuing their sinister feast on unsuspecting guests.

Lair Actions

Initiative :: At initiative order 20, use one of the lair action options
Scalding Water: Boiling water erupts from pots in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Slippery Floors: The floor becomes slick with oil and grease. For the next round, any creature moving across the floor must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw or fall prone. You can avoid this by moving at half speed, but you must declare this before moving. : Whirling Blades: Blades whirl in a line 50 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Flour Explosion: A cloud of flour ignites in a 30-foot radius centered on a point within the lair. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
DM Notes
HP: The HP listed in the stat blocks are simply a guideline. Balance to your party, making sure that the combat lasts some time, but doesn't drag on too long. : Villain Actions: Red Mask utilizes villain actions. This is an action he can take at any point after a PCs action, but limited to one per round.

Red Mask

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 30 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: fire, acid, poison, necrotic Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Terrifying Unmasking. When the mask comes off, each creature within sight must make a WIS or CHA saving throw against an EASY DC. On a failed save, the creature becomes frightened for 1 minute. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. : Magic Resistance. Red Mask has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. :


I think not! (3/day) As a reaction, Red Mask can choose to succeed on a failed check. However, this requires mental fortitude, so he takes MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage to do so.


Multiattack. The Red Mask makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Misty Step. Red Mask can cast Misty Step at will as a bonus action. : Butcher’s Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target.
APL to hit bonus damage
1-3 +4 LIGHT
4-6 +6 MEDIUM
7-10 +8 MEDIUM

Villain Actions

How's My Cooking? Any creature that ate food in the tavern must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw or be incapacitated with retching as rotten, maggoty food comes back up. The effect lasts until the end of the affected creature's turn. : Time to Eat! Nara can move up to her speed towards a target and make a bite attack as part of the same action. : See What Awaits You! Red Mask unleashes a wave of mental horror, showing the victims horrific images of previous guests being butchered and eaten. Each creature within sight must succeed on an EASY WIS saving throw or take MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage.
The Hunger prefers hit-and-run tactics, targeting the least armored or most injured characters. If the characters try to focus fire on Red Mask, narrate The Hunger turning it's attention to the Haskill family.
She will try to Bite as at least one of her attacks to keep regenerating hit points.

Nara, The Hunger

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 50 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: necrotic, piercing, bludgeoning, slashing Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Voracious Perception. Once The Hunger has tasted the flesh of a creature, it can track the creature by smell, effectively gaining blindsight with a range 30 feet for that creature. : Wall Crawler. With spider-like agility, The Hunger adheres to terrain, crawling along walls and ceilings to approach its victims. : Fleet-footed The Hunger's rapid movements give it a speed of 50 feet, and enemies trying to make opportunity attacks do so with a disadvantage.


Bloodthirsty Pursuit. If a creature within 30 feet of The Hunger uses a teleportation ability or spell to escape, The Hunger can use its reaction to immediately teleport to a space adjacent to the escaping creature.


Multiattack. The The Hunger makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 10ft., one target. If target not armored, or on a critical hit, add bleed damage for 1d3 rounds. This damage does not stack on multiple hits, instead use the highest rolled value for damage and rounds rolled. This effect can only be removed by magical healing. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target. On a successful hit, deal damage as normal, and The Hunger regenerates half of the damage dealt as hit points.
APL to hit bonus damage bleed from claws
1-3 +4 LIGHT 1d2
4-6 +6 MEDIUM 1d4
7-10 +8 MEDIUM 1d6

The Collapse

With the death of its hosts, the reality of this pocket dimension begins to unravel. This is a perfect time to deploy a Skill Challenge. Choose any of the following room descriptions, and let the players decide which skills they want to employ to navigate through the room. The focus here is on the Rule of Cool.
Ideally, these should be rooms the party have already encountered, but you can also introduce new rooms they haven't seen yet. The players can to select any Skill for their roll, as long as it fits the narrative context. Set the DC based on what they're attempting to achieve and its level of feasibility. Spells and other actions taken by the players should also have an impact, provided they logically align with the situation at hand.
Achieving one or two successful outcomes should be sufficient to pass through a room. In case of failure, introduce a complication, such as a character sustaining an injury, acquiring a level of exhaustion, or suffering a temporary condition like being frightened, poisoned, or even blinded. In such scenarios, other party members may need to assist the affected player.
DM Notes
Here you should aim to instill a sense of urgency and desperation. Monitor your players closely. As they approach their limits, consider making that room the final challenge. Remember, they don't need to complete every room you've planned.

Time to Run

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone:
As you land the final blow, a momentary stillness ensues, briefly allowing you to reflect on your victory. But there's no time for celebration. A low hum begins to resonate through the space, growing louder with each passing second. Around you, the walls and ceiling start to crack and splinter. Suddenly, a wall in front of you collapses, revealing one of the rooms you passed through earlier. Behind you, the ceiling is collapsing. The way forward is through...
[Note, I had to cut the descriptions of rooms on the way back to fit into char limit - see PDF]


As you burst through the door, you're back in the long corridor you first encountered as you woke up. At the far end, you glimpse the outside world. You sprint towards freedom as the corridor crumbles behind you, the destruction nipping at your heels. In a desperate leap at the last possible moment, you escape... and the sudden tranquility of the night envelops you. The quiet, so starkly contrasted with the preceding chaos, strikes you with its intensity. Surrounded by the serene sounds of the forest, the peace feels almost otherworldly, a surreal end to your harrowing journey.
You stand at a crossroads, where an old structure looms, clearly long abandoned. It leans precariously, a silhouette against the night sky. Moonlight filters through its collapsed roof, casting ghostly shadows across the crumbling walls. The scene, bathed in a silver glow, is both haunting and strangely serene.


Tucked away behind the inn, the adventurers might notice something peculiar about the compost heap — it seems to occasionally sparkle with the glint of metal and the shimmer of gemstones. Upon closer inspection and a bit of rummaging, they'll discover that this isn't just any old pile of refuse; it's a resting place for treasures that once belonged to the inn's unfortunate previous visitors.
You can use the rules for Treasure Hoard Tables from DMG p133 to see what the players can find.
submitted by Pyro979 to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:10 Pyro979 Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)

[PWYW] Red Mask Inn: a scalable horror one-shot (levels 1-10)
This is my favorite thing I've written so far. My players who play-tested the adventure had a blast so I hope you all will enjoy it as well.
Upon entering a seemingly innocuous tavern, players quickly realize it’s not the refuge they expected. The innkeeper and his ‘daughter,’ the serving girl, are not what they seem. Beneath their facades lie malevolent beings with a taste for their guests. Facing both mental and physical trials, the players must outwit these monsters before they become the evening’s special.
The players will start their ordeal facing terrifying nightmares. Upon awakening, they must navigate a series of horror-themed rooms intended to weaken them before the ultimate showdown with the “hosts.” Victory over them will not be the end, as they must then escape the crumbling pocket dimension in which they’re trapped.
This module can serve as a standalone one-shot adventure or seamlessly integrate into an ongoing campaign. It’s adaptable to any location or setting and offers scalability for various levels. While the default tone leans toward the darker side, feel free to adjust it to suit your campaign’s ambiance.
This adventure may last between 3 to 6 hours, varying based on the extent to which you utilize the module’s content and your players’ decisions.
  • 10 nightmares for your PCs
  • 10 horrifying rooms
  • An epic showdown with an action-oriented final boss "Red Mask" as well as his companion "The Hunger".
  • Instructions for scaling the adventure.
  • Helpful DM tips that will make prep and running a breeze
  • 3 battle maps created in Inkarnate
  • Custom Monster stat blocks and tokens
Art attribution:
Created in homebrewery

Previous Work:

What other DM's have said:

  • Tossed this lil adventure in our D&D world and the players had a blast with all the twists and turns. As a DM I enjoyed the fact that it was well written and easy to run, I didn't have to flip through a lot of mess to run it like I've had to do on some other adventures. Highly recommended. -Jason T via DMsGuild
  • Incorporated this last night into our campaign and had a blast. Biggest hits were the dream sequences, the library lore, bar potions, and the dynamic of having a family of commoners to protect. Players were also impressed with the lair and villain actions. I would recommend this to other DMs as it was easy to prep for, fairly simple to run, and the party had fun! -Ty R via DMsGuild
  • I gave my party trauma and trust issues with this one! It was great time! Chibi_Disaster


Adding what I could fit into this post - had to cut some info to fit into the limit:


  • Redd Traskin - At first glance: The welcoming face behind the bar, always ready with a drink and a story about his culinary adventures. Lurking beneath is a creature known as Red Mask: a malevolent being who ensnares victims with harrowing dreams, rendering them helpless before he claims and cooks them.
  • Nara Traskin - On the surface a seemingly aloof barmaid, introduced as Redd's "daughter", with a penchant for keeping to herself and often notably reserved. But beneath that exterior she is The Hunger, a fearsome entity with a singular, overpowering mission: to satiate her eternal appetite.
  • (Optional) Other guests - a young couple with a child
    • Brent Haskill (26) - Husband of the young couple, blacksmith, friendly, introverted
    • Raida Haskill (25) - Wife of the young couple, leatherworker, gregarious, warm
    • Breeni Haskill (7) - Daughter

Scaling the Adventure

Effect & Trap Damage

Level Light Damage Medium Damage Serious Damage
1 1d4+1 (3) 1d6+2 (5) 1d10+2 (7)
2 1d6+2 (5) 1d8+3 (7) 2d6+3 (10)
3 1d8+2 (6) 2d6+3 (10) 2d8+4 (13)
4 1d10+2 (7) 2d8+3 (12) 3d6+5 (16)
5 1d10+3 (8) 2d10+3 (14) 3d8+5 (19)
6 2d6+3 (10) 3d6+4 (17) 4d6+6 (20)
7 2d6+4 (11) 3d8+4 (18) 4d8+6 (24)
8 2d8+4 (13) 3d10+4 (20) 5d6+7 (27)
9 2d10+4 (15) 4d6+5 (19) 5d8+7 (31)
10 3d6+5 (16) 4d8+5 (23) 6d8+8 (35)


Level Easy Medium Hard
1-3 10 14 18
4-6 12 16 20
7-10 14 18 22

The Inn at the Cross Roads

At the crossroads, a quaint inn catches your eye. Its simple two-story structure, with walls of weathered wood and a stone base, exudes a rustic charm. A single horse is tethered to a wagon nearby, hinting at the presence of other travelers.
A wooden sign, hand-carved and swinging in the evening breeze, reads "Red Mask Inn" in neatly scrolled letters. Below the name are two theatrical masks, the smiling Comedy and crying Tragedy.
DM Notes
For a one-shot adventure, consider giving the one-shot a different name than "Red Mask Inn" to serve as a red herring. Whether you're running a campaign or a one-shot, you can utilize the classic trope of the characters either meeting at the inn or using it as a place to rest and gather information.
Describe the inn as an unassuming, typical roadside establishment, creating an atmosphere of a routine stop for travelers. In a campaign, it's ideal to introduce this inn after the group has already faced some encounters in the days before. This timing helps to set the stage for what follows, making the inn seem like a normal, much-needed, resting point in their journey.

Inside the inn

As you push open the creaky door of the Red Mask Inn, you're greeted by the comforting warmth of a crackling fireplace and the rich aroma of hearty stew. The inn's interior is cozy, with wooden beams and a few round tables scattered across the room.
Behind the bar stands Redd Traskin, the owner and bartender of the inn. He's a robust man with a warm smile, busy polishing glasses but always ready to strike up a conversation. As you approach, he greets you with a jovial voice, "Welcome, travelers! You must be famished. Our stew today is particularly good, made with fresh herbs from the garden!"
Moving between the tables with a tray in hand is Nara, Redd’s daughter. She seems to be in her own world, efficiently serving patrons but with a distant look in her eyes. If players attempt to interact with her, she responds politely but briefly, maintaining a professional distance.
Seated at a corner table is a young couple with their child. The man, Brent Haskill, has the sturdy build of a blacksmith, while his wife, Raida, radiates warmth and friendliness. Their daughter, Breeni, is a bundle of energy, her eyes wide with curiosity as she looks around the inn. Breeni seems particularly interested in the adventurers, especially if there's a female-presenting member or someone who looks like a seasoned adventurer in the group. This presents a great opportunity for roleplaying and helps to engage the players with these NPCs.

Going to bed

Each room costs 3 sp per night. If your players are cautious, they may decide to set a watch. Ask for the watch order. For the first person on watch: if they ate or drank at the inn, they must make a CON saving throw against the HARD DC ___. Failure results in them falling asleep during their watch.
After some time if a player is not asleep because they (1) did not eat or drink at the inn, (2) succeeded on their Constitution saving throw, or (3) are immune to magical sleep (e.g. due to a feature like Fey Ancestry), they notice something peculiar. The lights in the tavern, if any were lit, suddenly dim, and the normal nighttime sounds from outside the tavern abruptly stop.
This player may try to help wake up the other players as they have their nightmares (see next section). This gives the players advantage on their saving throws.

Dreadful Reveries

Party members who fall asleep will experience nightmares. You can create unique nightmares (plumb your player's back stories or campaign events for ideas) or use the provided list for inspiration. Each dream culminates in a save attempt, allowing players to choose between a WIS, INT, or CHA saving throw, depending on their character's mental strengths. End each nightmare description with "Roll a mental save using your preferred stat." If they fail to wake up, they suffer LIGHT, or MEDIUM if they fail the check by more than 5, non-lethal psychic damage. If they roll a Natural 1 on their save, they gain one level of exhaustion. Either way on a failed save they slip into another dream. The initial save DC is set at HARD and should decrease by one level for each subsequent attempt. It is recommended to do not more than 3 nightmares. If another character is attempting to wake them or if they have abilities that aid in resisting mental effects, they may make the save with advantage.


  1. It's night. You are running through the woods. Brambles and thorns rip at your skin. Something is chasing you, and it's gaining. You hear it coming closer and closer. You stumble, fall, and it's on your back, ready to strike…
  2. You are on a ledge of a narrow cliff. The wind howls, and the rain buffets you. Lightning briefly illuminates the world, revealing jagged rocks hundreds of feet below. Your foot slips, your fingers lose their grip. You begin to fall…
  3. [Not for characters with water breathing] You are underwater. Seaweed tangles around your legs and feet as you try to orient yourself. There is no up, no down. Your lungs burn, and when you can no longer hold your breath, brackish, dirty water rushes down your throat…
  4. You are in a coffin. You don't know how long you've been here. You push up on the lid but the weight of the dirt above renders your effort futile. Your fingers bleed as you scratch through the wood, trying to reach the freshly dug earth. The air grows heavier, and you feel yourself slipping away…
  5. The stars above are beautiful. You try to keep fear at bay, hoping your ship will return. But deep down, you know they won't find you in the vast, uncaring ocean. As you hear a splash to your right, you turn to glimpse a notched fin that was heading in your direction submerge under the water...
  6. The reflection in the mirror isn't you. You chant this mantra, yet the creature in the glass tilts its head mockingly and whispers, “No, not you. Not yet!” Its gnarled hands creep forward, attempting to breach the barrier of the silvered glass...
  7. The cave-in is a minor setback. You've found an exit after an hour. A set of hand-holds lead up towards the surface. In your haste, you squeeze through a narrow ledge. Suddenly, you're stuck, the pressure on your chest blurring your vision and clouding your mind, fresh air just out of reach…
  8. You walk through city streets, unnoticed by the teeming crowd. A growing sense of wrongness intensifies as the figures turn toward you. You only have a moment to dread as you see their faceless heads, when they all then converge on you as one…
  9. After leaving the warm tent, the cold seemed bearable. But a stinging wind and swirling snow soon disorient you. It feels warmer; you shed layers, mistaking deadly cold for heat. You stumble into the soft snow, deciding to rest, just for a minute…
  10. It's twilight in the woods. A dead tree in a clearing, covered in birds, crows or ravens, hard to tell. More cawing, flapping wings, and suddenly, the birds take flight, sharp beaks and claws going for your eyes…

Players Awaken

Once all the players awaken, they will likely attempt to figure out their situation. Should they look out the window, they will see the outside world; however, this view is merely an illusion. Efforts to break through walls, floors, and ceilings will prove futile. Furthermore, utilizing teleportation magic, such as dimension door and plane shift, appears ineffective, except for local effects like misty step or dimension door to a visible location.
Upon opening the door, the players will discover themselves in a long corridor, extending hundreds of feet. The only doors in this corridor are those leading to the PCs' rooms, the room of a young couple, and a black door at the far end of the hallway. Horrified moans and screams emanate from the young couple’s room. If the players choose to intervene and break in, they will find the couple and their daughter inside, all of whom are also experiencing nightmares and can be awakened by the players.
As the PCs make their way down the hallway, they come across a collection of strikingly realistic portraits. Each one captures a different being - humans, dragonborn, gnomes, and more - from a wide spectrum of ages, genders, and races. The subjects are dressed in everything from opulent clothes to plain rags, and some are even armored, weapons in hand. But there's one unsettling similarity across all these portraits: every face is frozen in an expression of sheer terror.
At the end of the hallway, they find the black door, which is unlocked.


Upon entering, the PCs have a series of rooms you will guide them through. You can either craft your own rooms or use those included in this adventure. Players might attempt to take a Short Rest in some rooms, and it's up to you whether to allow it or not. You want the PCs battered, but not spent for the final confrontation. If you choose to deny them the rest, narrate psychic pressure to move out of the room - leading to psychic damage on refusal.
The Library
As the party steps into a dimly lit room, they're surrounded by towering bookshelves. The books around them seem to be whispering secrets of forbidden knowledge. Each player needs to make a MEDIUM WIS saving throw to avoid taking MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage from the eldritch knowledge trying to worm into their brain, with the damage halved if they succeed. Those players naturally drawn to knowledge, like Wizards and Bards, will find this more challenging and must make the throw at a disadvantage. Meanwhile, those less inclined towards books, like Barbarians or Fighters, will have advantage. It's up to you as the DM to decide these advantages and disadvantages based on your characters' proclivities.
DM Notes
  • Use this section as a chance to weave in some of your world's lore. It's a perfect opportunity for players to uncover hidden aspects of your campaign's universe.
  • While the books in this room can be physically taken, to avoid players hoarding countless volumes, consider describing how some books disintegrate into ash as soon as they're opened.
The Memory Gallery
In this sparsely furnished room, the walls are adorned with striking paintings of landscapes, ranging from mountain vistas to sunsets over the ocean, and serene forest clearings. As the PCs explore these paintings, focus on one PC and bring a distressing memory from their backstory to life, using the painting they are viewing as the backdrop. This scene then animates before the players. The PC at the center of this memory is faced with a HARD WIS saving throw, with the risk of taking SERIOUS non-lethal psychic damage upon failure, or half the damage if they succeed. Meanwhile, other PCs witnessing this scene must make an EASY WIS save to avoid LIGHT non-lethal psychic damage, suffering no damage on a successful save. Breeni’s past interactions with the affected PC could play a role here. Breeni may hug the PC, granting them advantage on their saving throw.
The Mirror Chamber
In the mirror chamber, walls lined with ornate, grimy mirrors reflect distorted and grotesque images of the adventurers. The air is thick, filled with the unsettling scent of iron and decay. Suddenly, their reflections lunge out of the glass, materializing into tangible, malevolent doppelgängers that attack, forcing the party to confront twisted versions of themselves.
Choose a character's favorite or iconic attack or spell and use it against each player. A single hit on the mirror version or the mirror itself is enough to destroy it.
The Dining Hall
The long wooden table is laden with rotting food: fruit covered in mold, meat moving with maggots, and bread so stale it looks fossilized, all set among goblets filled with a murky, clotting liquid that might have once been wine. Nearby, a platter holds what appears to be a human hand, its skin cooked to a crisp and its fingernails garnished with sprigs of wilted herbs. The foul stench of decay and spoiled meat permeates the room, mingling with the unsettling, almost palpable aura of dread. Players must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw. On a failure, gain the poisoned condition, lasting for 1d4 rooms.
The Hospital Room
Several linen-covered beds on the far side of the room are splattered with dried blood. Bone saws with jagged teeth and other cruel implements are neatly arranged on a side table, gleaming ominously in the torchlight. Drawers with various medical supplies are left half-closed. Several vials labeled as "Healing Potions" sit on a nearby shelf. A MEDIUM Arcana or Medicine check will determine these are actually poison (1d4+1 poison damage). The party may choose to remain here and use some of the supplies to heal up - can be used as a Short Rest opportunity.
The Bathroom
A decrepit wooden bathtub sits in the corner, filled with a stagnant, dark liquid that occasionally bubbles as if something lurks beneath the surface. Next to the bathtub, a stone toilet fixture stands as if hewn directly from the chamber's walls, its bowl filled with an unidentifiable, viscous substance that seems to churn of its own accord. Faint, grotesque sketches are etched into the stone around the toilet, depicting unsettling scenes that make you question the sanity of previous occupants. Blood spatters mar the cracked tiles, leading to a cracked tarnished mirror that reflects a distorted image of anyone who dares to look.
If anyone gets within 5 ft of the bathtub, tentacles will try to grapple them (MEDIUM Escape DC). The tentacles will also deal MEDIUM amount of bludgeoning damage on a successful grapple. Any damage to the tentacles (AC 12) will release the PC.
The Greenhouse
The greenhouse is a labyrinth of overgrown, twisted plants, their leaves unnaturally dark and thorns menacingly sharp. A misty, almost phosphorescent fog hangs low, casting a sickly green glow over everything, and making it hard to see what lurks in the corners. Amongst the flora, the party can spot several cages containing withered remains of animals and, disturbingly, a few humanoid shapes — all twisted in expressions of agony, as if the plants themselves had consumed them.
Monster encounter, balance for your party:
Level Range Monster
1-3 Twig Blight (MM 32)
Needle Blight (MM 32)
Vine Blight (MM 32)
4-6 Shambling Mound (MM 270)
Wood Woad (VGtM 198)
Yellow Musk Creeper (TftYP 248)
Animated Tree (VGtM 207)
Assassin Vine (MM 22)
7-10 Corpse Flower (MToF 127)
Tree Blight (CoS 230)
To make things more difficult for the players, you can also add an additional MEDIUM CON saving throw against the fog's effects, with the players taking LIGHT poison damage on failure. Altering the number of monsters is another effective method for adjusting the challenge level. Additionally, if you're looking to incorporate different types of monsters, don't hesitate to use homebrew or reflavored monsters.
The Bar
The barroom is dimly lit by tarnished chandeliers that cast ghostly flickers across worn wooden floorboards. A long, decaying bar counter dominates one side of the room. Its surface is stained and pockmarked, lined with bottles containing strange, discolored liquids. The stools around the bar are unsteady, emitting ominous creaks under the slightest pressure. Notably, one stool bears an unsettling stain, reminiscent of dried blood.
If players choose to consume any of the bottles, roll on the table below to determine the effects. Generally, it's not recommended to allow more than one potion per player (drinking more than one results in vomiting). If an effect doesn't apply to a character, or another player already drank the potion rolled, roll again. The effects last until the end of the adventure. A MEDIUM DC Alchemist Tools, Herbalist Kit or Arcana Check will reveal the properties of the potions. An EASY DC check may reveal partial properties.
# Name Liquid Description Effect Description
1 Reckless Fury A swirling red potion with fiery sparks. [Primary Melee Classes] Every melee attack is treated as reckless (attack is rolled with Advantage, but any attack against the player is rolled with Advantage as well until their turn).
2 Luck be a lady tonight A two-layered liquid, gold over silver. Grants inspiration to the player, and GM gets to force disadvantage at a time of their choosing.
3 Unstable Teleport A misty, shifting blue and gray potion. Gain the ability to cast the Misty Step spell at will. Roll 1d20 for uncertain destination, appearing in a location of DM's choice on 1-10.
4 Size Shift A violet fluid with bubbles. Changes creature size from Medium to Small. No effect on Small creatures.
5 Spell Rejuvenation A glowing, pulsating emerald drink. [Primary Spellcaster Classes] Restores one highest level spent spell slot but causes causes one level of exhaustion.
6 Speed Surge A quicksilver potion with streaks of lightning. Doubles speed but causes jitteriness, disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saves.
7 Painful Retaliation A dark crimson liquid with a thorny vine motif. As a bonus action you can choose to harm a creature at will, causing MEDIUM psychic damage, but take half the damage yourself.
8 Statue Defense A solid gray potion with flecks of stone. As a reaction to taking damage, you can choose to become an invulnerable statue to negate the triggering damage. You are invulnerable and petrified until the end of your next turn.
9 Charge of the Bull A red potion with a swirling vortex. Gain a powerful charge attack: If you can move at least 10ft in a straight line, you can make an attack. If the attack hits, it is treated as a critical hit, and the target is knocked prone. If the attack misses, the player takes MEDIUM bludgeoning damage, is knocked prone, and lands 10 feet past the target.
10 Clumsy Might A creamy potion with bubbles. Advantage on Strength checks and saves but disadvantage on Dexterity-based tasks.
The Stalking Statues
The room is a vast, dimly-lit chamber with four stone statues positioned in various states of distress; their faces contorted in silent screams or buried in their hands as if weeping. The flickering light from a dying chandelier dances across their features, casting ominous shadows that seem to move. Describe the chandelier as flickering in and out. In the darkness, the statues seem to move closer and closer.
You can treat this room narratively to unsettle the players, or turn it into an encounter. For an encounter, roll initiative (the statues always act at the end of the initiative order, and only on rounds when the lights are out). Every other round, either cover the map if playing in person, switch to a blank map on a VTT, or, if using theater of the mind, simply narrate the lights going out. The statues can only move in darkness, which is magical. Some players may have the ability to see through magical darkness. In such cases, the movement of the statues is visible to those players. Players who cannot see in the darkness can move but must declare their directions and distances. The door at the end of the room is unlocked when all statues are destroyed or by using the Knock spell.

Stalking Statues

Medium Construct, neutral evil
Armor Class :: 18 (natural armor) Hit Points :: 3 MEDIUM hits Speed :: 20 ft (can move only in darkness)
14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 1 (-5)
Damage Immunities :: poison, psychic Condition Immunities :: blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Senses :: Blindsight 60 ft. Languages :: None
Antimagic Susceptibility. The statue is incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the statue must succeed on a CON saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute. : False Appearance. While the statue remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal statue. : Dark Step. The statue can only move in darkness. It moves silently. It may not take the dash action. All attacks automatically hit.


Multiattack. The statue makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM bludgeoning damage. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: automatically hits, reach 5ft., one target. Hit MEDIUM piercing damage. : Grapple. Roll Contested Athletics vs Atheltics or Acrobatics. The statue rolls with Advantage. Reach 5ft., one target. MEDIUM escape DC to break free.

Final Confrontation

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone: : You walk through the door to find yourself in a vast, open kitchen. The air is heavy with the scent of pots boiling over low flames, their contents a mystery. Shadows flicker and stretch across the walls, animated by the dim firelight.
Above, cured meats hang from hooks, swaying slightly in the draft. The countertops are littered with a variety of sinister-looking knives and butchery tools, their edges catching the light with an ominous glint.
At the center of this daunting scene stand Redd and Nara. Redd greets you with a malicious smile. “Now that you’ve been properly tenderized, it’s time for the main course!” he says. In a chilling display, he reaches for his face and peels it away as if it were a mask, revealing the ghastly sight of raw muscles, pulsing veins, and exposed nerves.
Next to him, Nara stands with an unsettling calm. Her hands begin to unnaturally stretch and contort, transforming into deadly claws. As she grins, her mouth widens unnervingly, unveiling a row of sharp, predatory teeth.

Monstrous Hosts

Redd Traskin, also known as Red Mask, and Nara Traskin, known as The Hunger, have hidden their monstrous nature for years by disguising themselves as the friendly innkeepers of the Red Mask Inn. They lure travelers with warmth and hospitality, only to ensnare them in a nightmarish trap. Through their powers of perception and emotion manipulation, they torment their victims in an alternate dimension, relishing the fear and suffering they create. All the while, they maintain their facade as ordinary innkeepers, continuing their sinister feast on unsuspecting guests.

Lair Actions

Initiative :: At initiative order 20, use one of the lair action options
Scalding Water: Boiling water erupts from pots in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Slippery Floors: The floor becomes slick with oil and grease. For the next round, any creature moving across the floor must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw or fall prone. You can avoid this by moving at half speed, but you must declare this before moving. : Whirling Blades: Blades whirl in a line 50 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. : Flour Explosion: A cloud of flour ignites in a 30-foot radius centered on a point within the lair. Each creature in that area must make a MEDIUM DEX saving throw, taking MEDIUM fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
DM Notes
HP: The HP listed in the stat blocks are simply a guideline. Balance to your party, making sure that the combat lasts some time, but doesn't drag on too long. : Villain Actions: Red Mask utilizes villain actions. This is an action he can take at any point after a PCs action, but limited to one per round.

Red Mask

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 30 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: fire, acid, poison, necrotic Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Terrifying Unmasking. When the mask comes off, each creature within sight must make a WIS or CHA saving throw against an EASY DC. On a failed save, the creature becomes frightened for 1 minute. A frightened creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. : Magic Resistance. Red Mask has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. :


I think not! (3/day) As a reaction, Red Mask can choose to succeed on a failed check. However, this requires mental fortitude, so he takes MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage to do so.


Multiattack. The Red Mask makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Misty Step. Red Mask can cast Misty Step at will as a bonus action. : Butcher’s Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target.
APL to hit bonus damage
1-3 +4 LIGHT
4-6 +6 MEDIUM
7-10 +8 MEDIUM

Villain Actions

How's My Cooking? Any creature that ate food in the tavern must make a MEDIUM CON saving throw or be incapacitated with retching as rotten, maggoty food comes back up. The effect lasts until the end of the affected creature's turn. : Time to Eat! Nara can move up to her speed towards a target and make a bite attack as part of the same action. : See What Awaits You! Red Mask unleashes a wave of mental horror, showing the victims horrific images of previous guests being butchered and eaten. Each creature within sight must succeed on an EASY WIS saving throw or take MEDIUM non-lethal psychic damage.
The Hunger prefers hit-and-run tactics, targeting the least armored or most injured characters. If the characters try to focus fire on Red Mask, narrate The Hunger turning it's attention to the Haskill family.
She will try to Bite as at least one of her attacks to keep regenerating hit points.

Nara, The Hunger

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
1-3 14 30±10
4-6 16 60±10
7-10 18 90±10
Speed :: 50 ft
1-3 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
4-6 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
7-10 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
Condition Immunities :: frightened, charmed Damage Resistances :: necrotic, piercing, bludgeoning, slashing Senses :: darkvision 60 ft. Languages :: Common, Deep Speech
Voracious Perception. Once The Hunger has tasted the flesh of a creature, it can track the creature by smell, effectively gaining blindsight with a range 30 feet for that creature. : Wall Crawler. With spider-like agility, The Hunger adheres to terrain, crawling along walls and ceilings to approach its victims. : Fleet-footed The Hunger's rapid movements give it a speed of 50 feet, and enemies trying to make opportunity attacks do so with a disadvantage.


Bloodthirsty Pursuit. If a creature within 30 feet of The Hunger uses a teleportation ability or spell to escape, The Hunger can use its reaction to immediately teleport to a space adjacent to the escaping creature.


Multiattack. The The Hunger makes two melee attacks if the APL is 4+, and three melee attacks if the APL is 7+. : Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 10ft., one target. If target not armored, or on a critical hit, add bleed damage for 1d3 rounds. This damage does not stack on multiple hits, instead use the highest rolled value for damage and rounds rolled. This effect can only be removed by magical healing. : Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: reach 5ft., one target. On a successful hit, deal damage as normal, and The Hunger regenerates half of the damage dealt as hit points.
APL to hit bonus damage bleed from claws
1-3 +4 LIGHT 1d2
4-6 +6 MEDIUM 1d4
7-10 +8 MEDIUM 1d6

The Collapse

With the death of its hosts, the reality of this pocket dimension begins to unravel. This is a perfect time to deploy a Skill Challenge. Choose any of the following room descriptions, and let the players decide which skills they want to employ to navigate through the room. The focus here is on the Rule of Cool.
Ideally, these should be rooms the party have already encountered, but you can also introduce new rooms they haven't seen yet. The players can to select any Skill for their roll, as long as it fits the narrative context. Set the DC based on what they're attempting to achieve and its level of feasibility. Spells and other actions taken by the players should also have an impact, provided they logically align with the situation at hand.
Achieving one or two successful outcomes should be sufficient to pass through a room. In case of failure, introduce a complication, such as a character sustaining an injury, acquiring a level of exhaustion, or suffering a temporary condition like being frightened, poisoned, or even blinded. In such scenarios, other party members may need to assist the affected player.
DM Notes
Here you should aim to instill a sense of urgency and desperation. Monitor your players closely. As they approach their limits, consider making that room the final challenge. Remember, they don't need to complete every room you've planned.

Time to Run

Suggested flavor text - read in your own voice / tone:
As you land the final blow, a momentary stillness ensues, briefly allowing you to reflect on your victory. But there's no time for celebration. A low hum begins to resonate through the space, growing louder with each passing second. Around you, the walls and ceiling start to crack and splinter. Suddenly, a wall in front of you collapses, revealing one of the rooms you passed through earlier. Behind you, the ceiling is collapsing. The way forward is through...
[Note, I had to cut the descriptions of rooms on the way back to fit into char limit - see PDF]


As you burst through the door, you're back in the long corridor you first encountered as you woke up. At the far end, you glimpse the outside world. You sprint towards freedom as the corridor crumbles behind you, the destruction nipping at your heels. In a desperate leap at the last possible moment, you escape... and the sudden tranquility of the night envelops you. The quiet, so starkly contrasted with the preceding chaos, strikes you with its intensity. Surrounded by the serene sounds of the forest, the peace feels almost otherworldly, a surreal end to your harrowing journey.
You stand at a crossroads, where an old structure looms, clearly long abandoned. It leans precariously, a silhouette against the night sky. Moonlight filters through its collapsed roof, casting ghostly shadows across the crumbling walls. The scene, bathed in a silver glow, is both haunting and strangely serene.


Tucked away behind the inn, the adventurers might notice something peculiar about the compost heap — it seems to occasionally sparkle with the glint of metal and the shimmer of gemstones. Upon closer inspection and a bit of rummaging, they'll discover that this isn't just any old pile of refuse; it's a resting place for treasures that once belonged to the inn's unfortunate previous visitors.
You can use the rules for Treasure Hoard Tables from DMG p133 to see what the players can find.
submitted by Pyro979 to DnDHomebrew [link] [comments]