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2024.05.19 21:49 Short-Sea3891 My Prayer of Repentance

Hey all. It’s been a rough season and was having a faith crisis this week. The Lord worked tangibly to protect me from the spiritual warfare Satan and demons were speaking to my mind these past few months. He blessed me with noticable healing to my mind, spirit, and is helping me cope with the evil in this world. I spent time talking with God last night, and this is what I typed out, I hope it can encourage somebody.
5/19 @ 3:00AM.
The Lord can be trusted to MAKE YOU STRONG and PROTECT YOU from harm (2 Thes 3:3)
I repented to God 5/18/24 for speaking about things I have no business speaking about (theological speculations), for doubting God’s goodness, and God’s love for me. Holy God, Most High, Alpha and Omega, forgive me for my sins of idolatry, lust, backsliding, for hardening my heart, loosing sight of the Gospel because of doctrines/theology’s/fallen man. I asked God to forgive me for seeking truth and power from psilocybin mushrooms. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and NOBODY comes to Father God except through Him. I need to study God’s word more. I need to trust my Father who is GOOD and has NEVER let me down. I constantly let myself and the Lord down, but He NEVER lets me down.
I may not be able to hear His voice audibly or face to face now, but His love is incredible in that He laid down His life and loved us BEFORE we loved Him, while we were His enemies and hated him. I am beyond grateful for the Lord’s life death and resurrection and need to understand my place as a human being before a Holy God. I seek answers for the things I have witnessed in the spiritual realm and I trust one day I will find those answers from God but that will be in His timing and authority.
Thank you God for not forsaking me after all I have done, for allowing my heart to stray away from You, to numb my mind, and drown out everything, including You Lord.
Forgive me for being mentally weak and struggling immensely to cope with the evil, horrific things that take place on this Earth. Forgive me for committing evil deeds and contributing to the evil of humanity. Cleanse my heart God. Keep me humble. Keep me pure and free from sexual immorality. Keep me free from blasphemy. Keep me free from foolish talk.
Help me overcome my ego Lord Jesus Christ, enable me to decrease willingly and joyfully, making myself smaller and you larger. Help me love more. Help me love You more. My family. My animals. My neighbors. My city. My state. My country. This planet and all alive within.
Thank you for your patience and grace that is sufficient for me. I crave and yearn Your presence my Lord, to be with You and to know You deeper, to be satisfied in all of You. You created this amazing world from nothing and I believe that you are all powerful able to do anything, making the impossible possible with You.
No matter my mental health, the lows, the valleys of death, pain and sorrow that comes with this life, I was NEVER meant to carry that on my own. Come to the cross and lay it at the feet of Jesus, He can heal me as He has proven to me in 09/2020 and today 05/2024.
I will strive to seek you my God for the things I need and not seek the things of this world. Lord, I want to be dead to the world and my flesh. Please help me accomplish this, to glorify Your name and be the best person I can be for the good of my self and those around me.
To be a Godly Husband, Son, Brother, and Neighbor to all around me. I humble myself before you God, and am deeply remorseful for my sexual sin, overindulgence, idolization of mushrooms and divination, and my apathy towards You.
You are my God and I am Your child. Help me Jesus to see You, Your cross, Your words, in light of who I am, and to walk accordingly knowing that the things You are preparing are more amazing then my mind could ever fathom. Help me love your creation and people within it. Help me connect to You, and other people on a human level. Enable me to show love to everybody Lord.
In Jesus Christ’s mighty name, amen.
submitted by Short-Sea3891 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:49 peanutbear007 Passed! FULL writeup and tips

Hey everyone! Found out I passed this past Wednesday, and figured I'd do a writeup now that I have some time. Hope you all find some of this helpful!
Background: USMD, about to be MS3 this summer, 2yr preclinical. Used Anking all throughout preclinical and matured about 75% of it, but tbh slacked on reviews starting January of this year. Decided to take 5 weeks of dedicated.
Dedicated Study: Saturdays were my NBME days + review, Sunday off. Rest of the week was studying weaknesses based on the previous exam.
Scores: I want to emphasize first and foremost, you DO NOT need to have scores like mine to pass! It is nice to have a buffer, but don't be intimidated by mine nor other people's scores on Reddit when they're 70+. There's a reason why around 65 is the goal -- trust the NBMEs and the fact that you'd have a very high chance of passing by then.
UWorld: 70% correct with 69% (nice) used NBME 25: 68% NBME 27: 70% NBME 28: 72% NBME 29: 74% NBME 30: 79% NBME 31: 81% Free 120 (2024): 80%
Test Day: Honestly, I was more anxious the night before than the day of. Morning of the exam, I literally was just listening to music on the drive there, and after a few of questions of the first block was able to fully chill out. Just definitely be confident in your preparation and in your scores! Real exam is definitely most similar to the Free 120 -- stems are slightly longer than most of the NBMEs, but I didn't really find them EXTREMELY long or an issue; typically finished blocks with 10-15 minutes left unless it was a harder block for me. In general though, it genuinely is a reasonable exam. You'll get a couple questions where you'll have no idea what the answer is, but otherwise most of the exam will be things you have seen. When I finished, I felt pretty neutral about the exam and how it went, but if you feel bad afterwards -- that is completely normal!
General Tips:
  1. You don't need to know everything, you only need to know enough. Really though, don't get bogged down on tiny details that *may* pop up on the exam -- focus on patterns you see in NBMEs, recognizing clinical presentations for HY pathology, and hone in on being able to figure out an answer even if you only know part of what it's talking about.
  2. Force yourself to study your weaknesses. If it's hard for you, then you're studying the right thing. Studying your weaknesses is the biggest key in making increases in your score, and is probably the main reason why I was able to consistently increase my score each week. I would look at your previous NBME, identify the 2-3 areas that you had the lowest scores in, and split up your time throughout the week to focus on those areas. Be flexible and readjust each week. Don't bother with studying things that you're already doing well with -- for instance, I was consistently doing well with neuro and didn't review it at all until my last week of studying.
  3. Carefully review UWorld explanations and NBMEs. This is how you learn! With UWorld, I would read the explanations for incorrects fully + make 1-2 anki cards on it, and for those I got correct, I'd make sure my reasoning was right and only read the learning objective at the end. For NBMEs, the explanations are very frustrating to learn from, but still read them, and if I was still confused, I'd just make a list of topics to revisit in FA later.
  4. Analyze NBME (or even UWorld) stems. Something I found myself doing is getting down to a 50/50, and then choosing the wrong answer. But there is ALWAYS something in the stem that the question writer wants you to pick up on to choose the correct answer. I found that while I was reviewing NBMEs, taking a few seconds to look at the stem again and basically ask "What is the key piece of info that I missed?" is super helpful in pattern recognition and learning how NBME tends to test certain topics.
  5. Take care of yourself! It's so easy to get wrapped up in studying and feel like there are a billion things that you still haven't reviewed. Of course don't take this too far, but be sure to take at least one day off each week, and if you're really not feeling it, take an extra day off. There were a few weeks where my brain really wasn't into studying, and I'd only be able to get 40 UWorld questions done, if even that. And that's ok! Breaks are needed.
Anyways, hope this is all helpful. Feel free to comment or pm me any questions, and best of luck to you all and your studies!
submitted by peanutbear007 to step1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:46 WrennyByrd Is this legal?

I do a live work exchange. I was acting as a companion for the homeowners wife with ALZ for several hours a day in exchange for free rent and utilities. I live on site in a 2 bdrm granny unit on the property. I signed the lease in November. From November to March, I was the only caregiver and put in hours on a daily basis 7 days a week.
There was a roommate who did not help out with the wife when I moved in but she is gone now. A NEW roommate was hired by the landlord 2 months ago, as a second worker, which led to me giving my notice. 2 weeks after I gave my notice he gave me a 30 day notice.
This new hire is toxic, hostile and causing all kinds of problems. She insisted I get rid of my ESA (cat) and the landlord agreed. I reminded him she is an ESA and he said "well, if you need an ESA then you shouldn't be doing this job".
Then she told me I cannot have my 14 year old son here on occasional weekends because she is anti-kid, even though he is on the lease. Her mouth and attitude have led me to rent hotel rooms on weekends when I have my kid because I am not bringing him around this vile person and telling him he cannot take a shower here or be in the common areas.
The landlord claimed my lease was a joke and would not hold up in court. This new person refuses to allow me to use the ONLY shower in the house because I have a toilet and sink next attached to my room & she claims the bathroom downstairs is HER BATHROOM. She has cussed at me, called me names, like F B and the C word, slams doors, accused me of stealing her towels, peanut butter, forks and using one of her glasses. I accidentally did use one because I have the same kind of glasses-but I did apologize ;-L
Last weekend I was gone, and upon my return she has gone so far as packed and moved a bunch of my stuff to the living room. The landlord is saying I MUST GO BY THE 1st but did not mail me a 30 day notice and says my move out notice is irrelevant compared to his.... It is my understanding that this is illegal.
submitted by WrennyByrd to Tenant [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:45 Spirited-Intention61 Help need advice

What can I do legally if my wife and her mom kicked me out of the house because we all got into it. But I was living there everyday. With my wife and kid. And we all get into it one day and my mother in law kicks me out and her and my wife refused to let me take my son to my brothers house where I would stay. They refused to let me use our car. They wanted me to walk in freezing cold. To my brothers house. Which was 25 miles away. I did have my own car key. But I told them I was gonna take the car. Her mom shut me in the house and refused to let me out. And kept getting in my face. She has put her hands on me. But her and my wife think it’s nothing. She walked over to where I was sitting. And grabbed my shirt and got in my face and asked if I wanted to go. And they keep acting like it was nothing. And my wife has proven she will lie for her mom. I’m currently homeless lost my job. She has everything. And we haven’t filed anything for court. I don’t know if we will try marriage counseling or she’s just stringing me along.
submitted by Spirited-Intention61 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:44 caliberry1991 Divorce feels inevitable

I (32F) have been married to my husband (34M) for 6 years. We have 3 kids (oldest son from a prior relationship was 2 when my husband and I reconnected).
We’ve always had horrible, horrible arguments. It’s never gotten better. We get along and care for each other pretty well for the most part but the bad arguments have been a constant. We’ve tried therapy numerous times and still have never been able to ignore the toxic arguments.
The thing that has shifted is I’ve finally become pretty lonely. It feels like we’re two passing ships. It feels like my husband doesn’t care to do anything as a family or even as a couple. We’ll watch half a movie together here or there after I put our youngest to bed but for the most part, free time he gets he games and free time I get I clean or meal prep or do chores.
I’m resentful about how much I’ve always done. All the typical cleaning, the bathrooms, the kitchen (besides dishes by my husband sometimes), the floors, the shopping, the meal planning, the bills, the school stuff, etc etc. I’ve always had a full time job even when he was a stay at home dad.
I’m just so burned out. I feel like the romanticism has died down so much although we still care about each other so much. I feel like he can be committed in certain aspects but kind of thoughtless in lots of ways. I stopped giving him gifts because he never was a gift giver. The ring he proposed to me with never fit me and despite me asking him to ask the seller if he could get it replaced, he never did.
This mixed with the arguing has just become too much. My 5 year old is so afraid of us breaking up but I think we would all just be happier.
This is the closest I’ve felt to wanting it to just end and it makes me so sad. Mainly because my mom still says to this day she wish she would have made things work with my dad despite falling out of love to keep my brother and I happy. I’m so scared of hurting my kids. I’m afraid of what it will do to my oldest son’s relationship with him. But I want to be alone.
TLDR: married for 6 years with 3 kids but constant toxic arguing despite caring for and loving each other. I’m not happy but I’m afraid to hurt my kids. How do you know when to give up?
submitted by caliberry1991 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:44 ChristLover10 The Last Child (Part 3)

Part 3 of my short story. 1 and 2 got decent receptions. If this one does well Ill keep it goin.
I started looking around the room for anything useful. Checked a few lockers pretty quickly. I was looking for something specific. Pictures of family, lab coats, the entire collection helldivers trading cards, and your typical personal belongings. Damn. Youd have figured at least one... HERE it is! I reached into the second to last locker on a wall of ten and found a loaded Peacemaker. I stapped the holster over one shoulder and under another across my chest for ease of access. Can never have to many weapons. I took the extra mags and stored them in my left thigh pouch.
3 just watched as I completely gutted the room for anything useful. They sort of shuffled behind me after a couple minutes. Following behind me like a domesticated pet.
I search the cupboards above one of the desks and found some typical workplace memos. "No fraternization without a signed C0-1 permit," toss, "Make sure to enjoy at least one 30 second break every day," useless. I closed the cupboard and looked under the desk. There was a safe with a pretty decent lock on it. Well, decent for civilians. It was a digital combination lock with a biometric finger scan and eye scan. Whatever was in here had to be good. I pulled the retractable cord out of my wristpad and plugged into the input in the safe. Turned the whole 3 point security system into a series of directional inputs. Up, down, left, left, right, down, done. The safe Clicked and popped open slightly.
Inside was just a keycard labelled "Master". It was a hefty card made of metal about a quarter of an inch thick and 3 inches by 2 inches on its face. I tucked it under my wristpad in a small pouch between it and my wrist. 3 was just standing behind me holding Mr. Ears.
They just wore a gown. No socks, no pants or anything to keep them warm. Alright, add that to the list. Clothes shopping for the lab experiment. Other than what i'd already searched there wasnt anything else in this building that I could see. I put my hands on my hips and sort of paced for a moment.
"Do you want to see my room?" 3 said. I stopped pacing and looked back at 3. Of course! I thought. This kid would have had to sleep somewhere and as far as I could see there wasnt a bed in here. How did 3 end up in here anyway? Did they walk out in the cold from another building? Tough kid. Maybe one of the doctors carried em over and just... left them here. The thought angered me. I started towards the door when a small hand pulled on my cape. The cape itself had red trim with a black and white design on it. A simple red skull sat smack dab in the middle. A cape to remember those lost at the Creek.
I turned around to see 3 point towards a wall at the backside of the building some 30 ft. Away. "Its this way mister." 3 ran towards the wall and gently pushed in a hidden button. The wall sunk inwards and moved down to reveal a stairwell going down. Flickering lights barely illuminating the stairwell. I slowly approached the stairwell as 3 just stood next to the button looking up at me, their face devoid of emotion. They walked through the doorway and started climbing down the stairs with a bit of effort. They held the hand rail and carefully descended.
I kept my flashlight on and pointed down and ahead, letting 3 lead by a couple feet. My right hand dangled next to my senator instinctively. No need to draw it just yet. It was a winding stairway that continued down for 3 floors. At the bottom there was another automatic doorway. It was a double door that opened from the middle but one side was jammed and the other just sort of bounced between being fully open and slightly ajar. The lights continued to flicker. 3 walked through the opening without hesitation, their little feet making pat, pat sounds on the cold metal floor.
Checks out I thought. Distant planet, secret experiments, gotta have a secret labratory underground. I sidestepped through the door way and into a security checkpoint. All the consoles were on emergency backup and the barricade that an armed guard would have stood behind was empty. I checked it for ammo but no luck. 3 kept going deeper down the hall. We passed about 10-15 seperate typical offices where I assume the scientist here would have kept notes and done paperwork. The end of the hall was marked by a T intersection. On the wall in front there was a directory. To the right was "Labratory", "Mess Hall", and "Transit Station". Transit Station? I thought. Better check that out. The left side was labelled "Security", and "Subject Chambers". Makes sense I guess. I bet all these scientists slept in a seperate building, meanwhile they probably kept 3 here under lock and key. We took a left at the end of the hall and ended up at another door. 3 gently pushed the console next to the door and the light swapped from red to green as the door sssssked open.
We passed security on our way through the hall and I could see a weapons cage inside the security office. Hell yeah I thought. I wanted to turn and start stocking up on supplies but 3 gently pulled my hand towards the end of the hall. Alright kid. Maybe you've got some extra clothes in here huh? Well need em. 3 opened the door to another area labelled "Subject Chambers." I entered inside and inhaled somewhat sharply.
There were 4 cryochambers, 2 on each wall, that immediately flanked the doorway as you entered. All of them were vacant and non operational. 3 walked past the cryotubes and up a small two stair incline onto a small play area. It had some simple blocks, a couple bits of paper and threee or four boxes of crayons. 3 seemed to try to ignore the cryotubes but couldnt.
"Whenever we would be bad," she gently gestured to the cryo tubes "the doctors would put us in there". She walked over to one of the 4 beds and sat down on it. It was simple with white lined and a typical medical blanket. "This is my bed" 3 said. "That one was 2's and those ones were "1, and 4". 3 gestured towards the other beds laid out in similar fashion to the cryochambers.
I tried to compose myself for a moment. How could this happen? Theres no way this was sanctioned by the Ministry. No way in hell. These had to be rogues scientists, and wed helped evacuate them. Dammit. I knelt down beside 3, "Did they give you any clothes 3? Any jackets or pants or anything?"
3 shook their head. "We never needed em. The doctors gave us medicine that made us warm." 3's eyes dropped and they tried to sound out a word. "The did some eggs-spear-ear-ants and then to test them they put us outside. 1 and 4 didnt get cold, like me, but 2..." 3 looked over at 2's bed. "2 got cold."
End part 3. Im not good at picking where to stop so I just base it off of word count sorta. Feel free to suggest names for 3!
submitted by ChristLover10 to helldivers2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:43 Spirited-Intention61 Need legal advice

What can I do legally if my wife and her mom kicked me out of the house because we all got into it. But I was living there everyday. With my wife and kid. And we all get into it one day and my mother in law kicks me out and her and my wife refused to let me take my son to my brothers house where I would stay. They refused to let me use our car. They wanted me to walk in freezing cold. To my brothers house. Which was 25 miles away. I did have my own car key. But I told them I was gonna take the car. Her mom shut me in the house and refused to let me out. And kept getting in my face. She has put her hands on me. But her and my wife think it’s nothing. She walked over to where I was sitting. And grabbed my shirt and got in my face and asked if I wanted to go. And they keep acting like it was nothing. And my wife has proven she will lie for her mom. I’m currently homeless lost my job. She has everything. And we haven’t filed anything for court. I don’t know if we will try marriage counseling or she’s just stringing me along.
submitted by Spirited-Intention61 to legal [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:43 imtheonlyprettyone $43.76 USD Gift Card

Could someone please take this off my hands? I bought a dress from dollskill with overnight shipping multiple days ahead of when I needed it and it came on the right day but at the wrong time :( while in normal circumstances I would use the gift card for myself, my friend’s birthday is coming up and I want to use the money to buy her something nice from a different store. If anybody wants it, I’ll take cashapp and $43, not the exact $43.76. DM me if interested!
submitted by imtheonlyprettyone to dollskill [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:42 chimmugg Isn't life so spectacular?

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!
Hiiii :D
So, it is exactly 7:53pm right now, and for the first time in ages, it's a very quiet Sunday evening over here.
And also I'm not sure what the point of this post is tbh, sorry 🤷‍♀️
My Ustada cancelled our lesson, so I have some unexpected free time.
The house is clean, my mum is taking a nap and my little sister is studying for her gcses, and the house is silent because my big sister went back to her in-laws this morning, so her baby isn't filling the house with screams for the first time in two weeks lol.
I am quite sad, I miss the both of them a lot, but I'm seeing them again next month so I'm not crying this time 🤣
But it's strange not having access to a cuddly bean every hour of the day 🥲
Anyways, I just have this feeling of tranquility right now, and it just has me feeling very grateful for everything, because Palestine is everything BUT tranquil.
May Allah save them all, ameen.
I mean, of course I have million worries. Like, A LOT. TONS. I have a lot of serous concerns about a lot of things and I should probably do something about them.
But. BUT. I don't think any worry is worrisome enough to ingore the view from your bedroom window and NOT say SubhanAllah, because even a fraction of the sky is worthy of an infinite amount of SubhanAllahs.
What is my point? Idk 🤣, I told you, my Ustada cancelled the lesson so now I'm stuck staring at the sky.
Anways, I feel like everyone is so... Hasty?
Like, people are always rushing, breathing quickly, impatient, tapping pens, running, eyebrows scrunching, fumbling, overthinking.
Some people forget to take a breath through their nose, crouch to the pavement, and say hello to the ant which been been separated from his friends.
Appreciate that blade of grass growing from the crack in the road. Appreciate the chlorophyll in leaves that make them so green. Appreciate the fallen flowers on the soil that will soon decompose and return it's nutrients to the earth. Appreciate those spiderwebs that are catching all those annoying flies.
Look at your hands, aren't you just so, extremely grateful for your nails? Without them, you wouldn't be able to scratch those itches to your satisfaction.
I am deffo grateful for them rn.
ANWAYS, idk what the heck I'm on about 🤣🤣
Maybe it's easy for me to say all of this because my worries aren't as worrisome as other people's worries. It is probably a bit rude of me to just tell you guys to stop fumbling and rushing, you might have the habit of waking up late for work lol.
You probably have a hectic life, but if you're here, it mustn't be ALL that hectic 😆.
So! Take every opportunity you have to walk two paces slower and say hello to any little organism you find.
Don't overthink so much about your future spouse or your current spouse or future children or your future grades or future career or future weight or future hair or future skin or future house or future money.
Worry about all that loose change you have that you should probably make use of. Worry about that old sock you need to throw away. Worry about using floss. Worry about the fact you haven't given your mother some flowers just for the sake of giving her flowers.
It's now 8:36 and almost maghrib 🤣. If I keep yapping, I'll be yapping till fajr.
I don't know you, but I love you, and I am soooo proud of you!!
Allahummabarikkkkk to all of you!!!!!! <333
submitted by chimmugg to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:41 SpareDifficult5353 SAT Test Helper Reddit SAT Test help- SAT Exam Help!! Reddit Pay someone to take my sat test Reddit Pay someone to do my SAT Exam Reddit Online Helper Hire Reddit Exam Taker for Help in SAT, ACT CAE, FRM, GED, NCLEX, NREMT, PRAXIS, PSAT, TEAS, USMLE Reddit Praxis Exam Help Online Reddit

Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
  1. Team of U.S. Academic Experts: I and my team of dedicated academic experts complete all types of academic coursework for students in most math, English, science, business, humanities, social Sciences, computer programming, and foreign language classes on a 24/7/365 full-time round-the-clock basis. This is not some part-time gig for me. It’s literally my primary source of income. I can regularly make myself available to help students with last-minute & same-day academic requests.
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  6. Option 1 - WhatsApp: I use WhatsApp to have the student discreetly text me photos of the exam questions outside of the webcam’s view and I text them the correct solutions to the exam questions.
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Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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submitted by SpareDifficult5353 to Studentcorner [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:41 Wade_The_Heathen Coaches Corner with WadeTheHeathen. Building and Working on Completing your Collection Part 2

Hello and greetings once again my fellow CUEnthusiasts!
I’m going to cap off this series with Part 2 of Building your Collection and working towards Completion. This time I’m going to go over some tips and strategies for cards you already have at your disposal in your collection. Again, much of what I cover will pertain to many types of collectors and their goals. I’ll elaborate and differentiate as needed.
Some of what I’ll cover in this post I may have gone over in greater detail in a previous post, so I won’t go much further into it so it’s not redundant. Previous Coaches Corners can be found in this sub, or my post history :)
The first thing I would like to go over, is what you’re working towards (your goals for your collection) and how to approach trading cards in your collection to help achieve these goals.
I would also like to take a second to add and emphasize that having access to or being on a platform like discord or here etc, will be integral for a good amount of what I cover today. It’s the most efficient way to leverage and get the most out of cards you already own for what you’re looking for.
Now there’s many different types of collectors in the game. I’m going to narrow this down and focus on a couple of key ones in regard to today’s topic. Again, some of what I’ll go over will be applicable to a wider range of collectors, so it may be worth a read regardless.
A completionist is someone who is typically trying to get at least 1 of every card. They tend not to trade their singles. I’m a completionist first and foremost so I lock(protect) every card I only have 1 of. To me, there would be nothing worse than trading a card I already had, and need to chase it again. Especially if the card is scarce. The main goal for a completionist should always be to fill holes in your collection, not create one to fill one, regardless of the offer.
Someone who’s just working on decks to play tend to trade singles and look mainly for cards to play. The benefit here is they have singles at their disposal to leverage for cards they’re after. Collecting cards they need is usually secondary, or not applicable at all except for ones they want to use/play.
Now, how do we use what we already have to get the cards we’re looking for outside of the obvious posting in game?
And this is where it’s paramount to leverage a platform. Because there’s certain traders/collectors that you’ll be looking to deal with, as it can be of great benefit to your end goal. And, as I’ve discussed before and this is where it’ll be most applicable. This is where you’ll work out a trade before a card is ever sent. It’s the most streamlined way to trade if you know values and how to navigate trades. (Hopefully my past posts will have helped a bit with this).
What you stand to gain out of being on a platform is the ability to see clearly, offers and what people are wanting and have to offer. Watch for offers and collectors/traders that can help you work towards your goals while trading with them for mutually beneficial trades. And I’ll detail a couple to keep an eye out for.
The Heavy Traders and Veterans: These folks spend a lot of time moving cards and trading. They tend to have larger, and most of the time, complete collections and many duplicates. They’re usually very easy to deal with if you have some knowledge of card values(because trust me, they do). They also post offers on their platform of choice detailing exactly what they offer and what they’re wanting. Pretty straight forward if you’re looking to do a trade that aligns with them too. I will add, some also will pull extras of new cards or packs in general to add to their catalogue of tradable cards, so again, it’s good to check in from time to time. Again, they are usually very easy to deal with as long as values are spot on, especially when taking them up on an offer or making one yourself. And once more, to drive it home lol. It’s very important to learn the value system as best as you can on your platform of choice.
One Card Collectors/Hoarders:
Quick Disclaimer: I’m doing my best to write this without bias as I am a one card collector. However I was, and still am, a completionist first. Even before I started hoarding on this app. And the reality is, these folks are some of the easiest people to deal with on any card app. Most of my dealings, as I’ve mentioned before, have been with them, just because of the ease in obtaining cards you want if they have.
It’s worth while to find out exactly what they offer and trade them the cards they collect, because they will typically trade exactly what they say they will, and it makes obtaining cards you need very easy. The catch is, and this isn’t always the case as I’ve mentioned before when I went into detail about one card collectors/hoarders, you’re going to want to trade them the cards they collect for best results. Same as heavy traders, but these folks usually make solid offers for their cards, and when you’re sticking to what they offer in their post, it’s most likely to result in an accepted trade.
Some will even pull so they can trade for their cards too. I, and many others who have experience with hoarders, spent time tracking down their cards to fill our own card needs and wants. They also tend to pay well for quantities of their cards for a quality card, and this is the only time I feel quantity for quality applies lol. This is a good opportunity to use low value dupes that may not move to get good cards you need.
Typically they don’t trade singles, but there are some who do, as they only play to collect numbers of their cards, but what cards they do offer for their collect cards are usually some of the easiest to obtain.
There many types of players of all levels on a platform, and trades are relatively easy to work out. Other than the couple of collectors I’ve mentioned to keep an eye out for, here’s some other benefits and things to watch out for on the platform of your choice that you can leverage to work towards your goals.
There will always be players trading dupes for needs, working together towards their collection goals. These are usually straight forward, especially if values are known by both players or a value system is leveraged to balance values. Typically the cards traded are what I call filler cards, ones that don’t have demand or playability but are wanted just to round out your collection. It’s usually straight forward 1:1 card for card, matching both rarity and type. Pretty basic stuff but on a platform, can be highly efficient filling out your collection as you can typically put through multi card trades.
Many players chasing completion or filling needs tend to want to knock off the high value ones asap, because this is also a tcg, and they may want to use them to play right away. When they have most or all the higher value stuff and they end up with dupes of them, they’ll sometimes post to break down a value card for quantity of equal value cards they need. This can be paramount to how you get good/value cards for a very reasonable price. Again watch for it to be offered and don’t just send lol.
While a bit less prevalent on this app, there are a few people who run some kind of swap shop(all they do is trade cards, usually of same rarity and type for the same in return). They usually have their own system in place and some don’t use any values for cards other than rarity and type and I’ll provide a couple of examples I’ve seen and done myself (I formally ran swap shops on most card apps I’ve been on). Some will and do trade singles, again, it helps to read and understand their post prior to sending a trade. Adhering to what they post can make obtaining cards from them extremely easy.
Some may offer to give 1 of any card for 2 cards of the same rarity/type as the one you took in return. Some will trade a card of same rarity/type they have over a set amount of dupes of for ones they need or have under a set number of dupes of a card. There’s a few different ones and they’re typically good to leverage for a hassle free trade as they tend to adhere to what they post.
The importance of a platform, even though the player base on them is small compared to the overall population on the app, is the fact that most veteran players and heavy traders/collectors tend to be on them. The ability to work out trades and obtain the cards you want is far more effective than just posting in game. And again, the capability to work out a trade without ever sending a card first is amazing. And the ability to do so with cards you already own is the most economical way to build and/or fill out your collection.
I’m going to wrap up with a few tips for those focused on completing their collection.
I want to stress this point again, as I feel it’s important for a completionist. I did this on any app I tried to complete. Do not trade your singles. While offers may seem, and can be very generous, unless you know you can replace a single with ease, the risk of it being very tough to find again, I’ve found, isn’t worth it. I’ve experienced myself and seen many times a single was traded and the regret afterwards in doing so, not to mention the time investment that may be needed to get it back. And logically speaking, you’ve already found the card once and have it, why would you want to chase it again just to not chase a card being offered? It’s not really progressing towards your goal of completion, it’s just keeping your cards collected at the same number when your goal is to increase that number until you have everything.
What to target to complete first?
This is completely up to you. What I will offer is some brief insight into each limited rarity, mythics and all basics/fusions, I’ll work my way from lowest rarity to highest.
Fusion/Basics: These are so abundant, have no value and are always available. Dupes for needs, rarity for rarity, type for type these are some of the most basic and straight forward trades possible as basics/fusions have no value. The only exception is maybe a new one, but even then, its value is just because it’s new and typically won’t fetch anything of value.
One point I’d like to make and it’s most people’s preference, trade type for same type, so fusion for other fusion, basic for other basic. It’s only because fusion will be used to obviously make a red or ultra fusion. Again it’s more preference. Also consider, as new red fusions are released, some basics become fusion cards to make a new red. So no real damage can be done if you don’t care too much.
In my opinion, basics and fusions (legendary rarity and below) shouldn’t be a focus. Not many are playable, you’ll always get them from almost every pack, and they’re very easy to obtain and complete. I’d say if you’re down to a few left you may as well wrap it up, but you’ll naturally fill out most of them as time goes.
From time to time it can be normal for someone to offer a limited you need for basic/fusion cards. This is ok. I would caution not to send basics/fusion to someone for a limited card unless it was discussed pre trade. There’s an in game decline response that relates to this for a reason xD
Limited Common and Rare- I lumped these 2 together because they’re both relatively similar at least from a completion standpoint. As I’ve said before, these 2 rarities are relatively easy to complete, there’s maybe a handful of meta/playable cards amongst them but they don’t hold a high value. These are usually good to start the journey with as completing them allows the opportunity to use dupes of these rarities to trade to keep them complete and/or to roll up for higher rarity needs sometimes.
Limited Epic and Legendary: These are 2 of the hardest to complete. The reason again being, the majority of value/meta/playable/scarce cards are of these rarities. These would be my last focus simply because with time your collection will grow and that will help to make completing them easier.
My advice when trading your dupes of high value is to get a like value card you need for it. Breaking them down and diluting their value into lesser value needs can actually make the higher needs harder to get if most of your dupes are lower in value. Nothing wrong with it, but just my take. I mention this because as you near completion, you don’t want to be stuck only needing high value cards and having mainly low value dupes for trade for them. It’ll take a while to find someone wanting a breakdown, especially if what you need is scarce. This just helps ensure you have and get value cards knocked off your need list as you go. And always keep an eye out for someone wanting to break down a high value card too. The more value dupes you can retain for high value cards you need is in your best interest to complete efficiently.
Mythics- Again a harder one to complete but not usually as hard as epic and legendary. The majority of Mythics have been around for a long while, mainly the newer ones are harder to get. Now the reason I consider these a bit easier than epic/legendary is because mythics are always being traded. And lots of people on platforms are wanting to break down higher value ones into multiple lower value ones.
Mythics are obtained with time just pulling so I wouldn’t focus too much on them early, as you close out low rarity needs and start getting dupe mythics or rolling up limited cards into Mythics, they’re relatively easy to transact with and fill out. Newer ones are the slight exception as they may be scarce, but again, with time will be more available and as well tend to get cheaper.
Again, preference plays a part and many people just trade Mythics for other Mythics, and I’d urge you to do the same with your mythic dupes until they’re complete or just missing a couple of new ones. Once they’re done or close to it, you can use your dupe mythics to pick off the higher value limited cards you need.
One last completionist note I’d like to make as it relates to mythics.
Mythics cannot be target pulled, meaning, unlike new limiteds/basics, mythics are random and don’t have a fixed pull rate. When you do get one, it’s could be any 1 that’s currently available. They are the main chase when people are trying to stay complete for this reason.
Typically, as I mentioned in another post, it’s not uncommon to see an Anubis, or multiple high value stable Mythics be traded for a new mythic in the early days after its release. If you’re wanting to be complete again asap, you’re going want to manage your Mythic dupes in preparation for a new one. You’ll want to look into rolling up lesser value Mythic dupes into a high value stable one a few times if not more, just so you have a competitive offer early on. If it’s no big deal and you can wait, over time, more copies of a new mythic become available and the price tends to drop until it’s stable.
This, I hope, in combination with what I went over in Part 1, will help you expedite getting the cards you’re wanting/looking for and hit your goals!
As always, thank you for your support and taking the time stop in. Always feel free to comment below if there’s any questions or if there’s any Trading or Collecting topics you’d like me to cover. I’ll do my best to respond. You can find me on the main discord server, link is in the sub description. Happy Trading and keep it Cue, see you in game!
I’m going to be taking a brief break while I try to come up with more talking points or trading/collecting topics to discuss as I seem to have tapped myself out lol. I’ve been working diligently to get all these out asap so they may be used to help you out or at least have a better understanding of this aspect of the game.
I’ve covered most of what’s come to mind and I hope these at least provide a solid foundation that will help you to be successful trading/collecting and get more enjoyment out of this wonderful app!
submitted by Wade_The_Heathen to cuecardgameAvid [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:40 Letronika [US,US] [H] PSA 8 CoroCoro Mew, Giratina Vstar GG, Alt Arts! (Espeon Vmax, ADP, SWSH), Crown Zenith Hits! [W] Paypal, Trades & PSA 8 BS Holos!

Happy Sunday pkmntcgtrades!
Prioritizing trades but cards are also for sale this time around.
I’m looking to trade for things in my wishlist and also the following:
Here's what I have. Trade only link is reserved for add ons to trades or trading up for a grail/big want.
Pricing is based on an average of TCGPlayer, Ebay, 130 point, & pricecharting market/recently solds.
I’ll ship free pwe on small orders. $5 BMWT otherwise. Free BMWT over $100
Have a great day and thanks for looking!
submitted by Letronika to pkmntcgtrades [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:36 Fantastic_Stuff_7917 Advice on mother-in-law conflict

My husband, my teenage son and I moved to my husband‘s hometown fairly recently. Prior to this we would visit once a year for 10 days by the end of our trip I was exhausted from the dynamic in my in-laws household. Now that we live here and has gotten even worse. Our electricity went out for an entire week during the spring, and my husband was off on a trip. My teenage son and I had to stay at my in law house. She treated me like I was five years old, telling me what I needed to do, exactly how I needed to go about doing it, and what I wasn’t doing right. she is a clean freak and everything has to be done just right. every dish put away on the spot, every towel folded just right ect… you get the picture. she even told me that if I lost weight, I would get rid of most of my health problems. I had just had back surgery and I total knee replacement six months prior and waiting on another new replacement. I may have been 30 to 40 pounds overweight at the time. It’s hard to lose weight when you’re in so much pain! I also was diagnosed with an immune disorder about three years ago . When we first moved, they wanted us to meet them out for dinner 3 to 4 times a week at eighty to $100 each time. I told my husband that we had to put the brakes on going out to dinner so much unfortunately that was the only thing that brought us together. They hardly ever come over to our place and when they do they want to leave within half an hour unless it’s for a holiday dinner. They don’t have us to their house very much unless it’s to watch hockey, which I don’t like. My husband and son usually go. She waited till we were alone in the kitchen a few months ago and scolded me for not working full-time while I was raising my son. I couldn’t take it any longer, and I firmly told her that I wanted to be there for my son when he was growing up. He wouldn’t be the kid he is if I wasn’t there for him. I got married late in life and have my son when I was 40. after college I worked a corporate career all the way up until I had my son. Almost 2O years! I Had a 401(k) saved up. 2008 my husband poorly managed our finances and we lost our house and our cars and our credit and all of MY money and then had his parents help us out. It was a horrible time. My husband became very verbally abusive with me and started acting and treating me just like his mom. When his mom started in on me, I realized that my husband learned all of his mean tactics from her!!!!! the lightbulb went off, the mean and cruel and constant judging I endured from my husband throughout our marriage, was exactly how his mother was to him. This made me resent her that much more. She told me that SHE herself worked, why couldn’t I? she didn’t go to college, she didn’t work while the kids were small. after the kids were grown she worked as a receptionist at an old folks home for a couple of years. she’s never had to earn her own money and they live in a beautiful home because of my father-in-law and she spends money like it’s going out of style. when I’m around her, I feel like I’m being judged sometime. She’ll even look me up and down, and I can feel her judging eyes thinking I look fat or my outfit is not what she would wear. She’s very quick to tell me what I need to do. I’ve lost a lot of weight since my surgeries and got a real estate license. We are selling our home and I am doing the majority of the work. She told me a couple of days ago that it’s very important that the house is spotless, clean and that make sure the beds are made and the dishes and the sink are put away. Really really!!!
submitted by Fantastic_Stuff_7917 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:34 Divistii Why is every game like this

Why cant I play a normal game of DD without playing on a 5280 Elevation field or play a team of all switch hitters.
Every year I enjoy grinding for cards and the early part of the game but it always devolves into one of the most toxic experiences in all of gaming.
This game has no interest in pitching meaning anything in its game play every rank from 0-690 has to play on all-star or lower making it insanely easy to hit the ball, all the pitch speeds before the 700's might as well be soft toss. All of that allows for bad players to be able to compete in games they shouldn't be competing in.
For the only quality baseball game on the market to funnel all of its players into one mode and make that mode the biggest piece of arcade baseball I've ever seen is a travesty.
Every single sports game has been monopolized and turned into the worst sludge of bad gameplay and micro transactions and the show was supposed to be different with tons of free to play options in DD however even if you have and okay team now all of that doesn't matter because every game is the same torturous sludge max elevation all switch hitters cheese tiny left and right field walls.
submitted by Divistii to MLBTheShow [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:33 DragonSpirit78 Ark Minima Help

I played my 1st game of Ark Minima today and throughly enjoyed it. I would however like some assistance on some of the cards and their sponsor action.
With Grizzly Bear (Take a 5 build action. You may split the 5 to build 2 enclosures … ) Do you still need to pay money for the enclosures (10) as per the build action or are they “free” (I.e. paid in the Sponsorvation Action)
With African Bush Elephant / Crested Porcupine when you play the animal from the Sponsor Action, do you still need to play the money cost or is it “free”. I am assuming other conditions still need to be met where applicable.
submitted by DragonSpirit78 to printandplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:31 AppleWatchingyou My kids broke the TV again!!!

Things haven’t been great financially. We live off of one income and with everything going up in price we have been really struggling.
In December our oldest kid (10m) was playing with this bouncy ball some kid at school gave away for their birthday and bounced it into our TV breaking it. We ended up going to the store and getting another one as we use the tv a decent amount. My husband and I had to use our reward points from our credit cards to pay for it because we don’t have money for luxuries anymore. Now a few months later my middle child decides to purposely through a toy at it while I was cleaning the fridge to see if it’s strong enough (it wasn’t). I feel so upset and sad and don’t know how to tell my husband. He’s going to be upset as well! Ughhh
submitted by AppleWatchingyou to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:30 KrysM0ris I'm at my mental limit.

Im close to my mental limit.
These past 3 years have been the worst years of my [20M] life.
First I've totalled my car a few months after getting my license. I almost killed myself and one of my ex-friends (I wish that I died there) But in the end both of us got out without a scratch with the only damage being my car and a tree.
Next a group of friends I was a part of for close to 6 years broke up, with most people hating each other now... I still talk with most of them and know how much everyone hates each other... so much fun.
After that I tried dating for the first time, with disastrous outcomes. Every girl I talked to showed interest at first and just when I showed it back a switch was flipped. Suddenly they weren't ready... and found a boyfriend shortly after.
Then I failed my first try of high school graduation tests, in maths... didnt make it by 1 point. Thanks to that my mum told me that I'm a huge disappointment, no sugar coating, with a straight face... never apologised or mentioned it since. In the end I did it with a grade equivalent to C.
In the meantime I stopped canoeing, which made my parents visibly disappointed, but people in that sport were really making my mental health terrible.
After graduating high school (on second try) I started college, enterd formula student team and everything seemed fine. I knew that maths and physics would be my weak spots but due to my dumbness and time management I didn't manage to study it enough... So i failed my first two exams. But got trough to second semester.
Second semester has been anything but easy, we're behind the schedule in formula student in everything, so i spent most of my free time in the workshop helping with building the car... that proved useless since huge part failed without clear fault of anyone. Now I'm behind in school, and exams are coming next week.
One of my close friends died in april, in a motorcycle accident, a week before reaching 20th birthday... that helped my mood (/s) and left me questioning why it couldn't have been me.
On top of that I recently asked out a long time friend on a date and she stopped talking to me even though she said that we had a great date. Next I met a cute girl on a party, we went out 4 times and she just ghosted me after our first kiss. It was the best 3 weeks of my life and she just threw it all away like that....
I'm really getting to the limit of my mental capacity, with no end in sight.
submitted by KrysM0ris to Vent [link] [comments]

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submitted by Next_Research_186 to Studentcorner [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:27 KrysM0ris Im close to my mental limit.

These past 3 years have been the worst years of my [20M] life.
First I've totalled my car a few months after getting my license. I almost killed myself and one of my ex-friends (I wish that I died there) But in the end both of us got out without a scratch with the only damage being my car and a tree.
Next a group of friends I was a part of for close to 6 years broke up, with most people hating each other now... I still talk with most of them and know how much everyone hates each other... so much fun.
After that I tried dating for the first time, with disastrous outcomes. Every girl I talked to showed interest at first and just when I showed it back a switch was flipped. Suddenly they weren't ready... and found a boyfriend shortly after.
Then I failed my first try of high school graduation tests, in maths... didnt make it by 1 point. Thanks to that my mum told me that I'm a huge disappointment, no sugar coating, with a straight face... never apologised or mentioned it since. In the end I did it with a grade equivalent to C.
In the meantime I stopped canoeing, which made my parents visibly disappointed, but people in that sport were really making my mental health terrible.
After graduating high school (on second try) I started college, enterd formula student team and everything seemed fine. I knew that maths and physics would be my weak spots but due to my dumbness and time management I didn't manage to study it enough... So i failed my first two exams. But got trough to second semester.
Second semester has been anything but easy, we're behind the schedule in formula student in everything, so i spent most of my free time in the workshop helping with building the car... that proved useless since huge part failed without clear fault of anyone. Now I'm behind in school, and exams are coming next week.
One of my close friends died in april, in a motorcycle accident, a week before reaching 20th birthday... that helped my mood (/s) and left me questioning why it couldn't have been me.
On top of that I recently asked out a long time friend on a date and she stopped talking to me even though she said that we had a great date. Next I met a cute girl on a party, we went out 4 times and she just ghosted me after our first kiss. It was the best 3 weeks of my life and she just threw it all away like that....
I'm really getting to the limit of my mental capacity, with no end in sight.
submitted by KrysM0ris to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:27 GPSTrackerShop1 Dementia GPS Tracker Canada

Dementia GPS Tracker Canada

Dementia GPS Tracker Canada: Helping Families With Senior Safety

Dementia, a degenerative and debilitating disease, presents a significant challenge to countless Canadian families, impacting not only those who suffer from the disease but also their caretakers. As they endure this day-to-day struggle, with the disease's unpredictability creating an oscillation between good and bad days, the necessity for supportive tools becomes increasingly apparent. With a person diagnosed with dementia every seven seconds globally, there's an urgent call for solutions that can alleviate the pressures this disease presents. This article explores one such solution—the Dementia GPS Tracker in Canada. Offering a small semblance of peace amidst the turmoil, this tool has emerged as a critical ally in managing the profound impact of dementia on Canadian families

Best Dementia GPS Tracker For Canadian Seniors - Konnect

Visit Website:
Alzheimer Societies' Pick For GPS Device
  • Allow Caregivers To Locate Seniors
  • GPS Locator For People With Dementia
  • Mini GPS Tracker With SIM Card
  • Intuitive Smartphone App
  • Personal GPS For Home Care
  • Top Locator Devices For People With Alzheimer's Dementia
One of the top-rated GPS location devices by the Alzheimer Society of Canada, this real time GPS is one of the best ways to improve dementia care. Aging loved ones can wander, intentionally leave care facilities, or require the assistance of emergency responders. Alberta health officials have stated that any individual with dementia or showing late stages of dementia should be equipped with a tracker watch or personal GPS. The reason? Location devices can help families find a missing person or aging loved one battling Alzheimer's disease.
Locations where dementia GPS trackers are frequently used in Canada:
  1. Toronto, Ontario.
  2. Montreal, Quebec.
  3. Vancouver, British Columbia.
  4. Calgary, Alberta.
  5. Edmonton, Alberta.
  6. Ottawa, Ontario.
  7. Quebec City, Quebec.
  8. Hamilton, Ontario.
Learn more about what to do if an elderly parent gets lost while driving.

10 Tips for Protecting Seniors With Dementia In Canada

Caring for seniors with dementia in Canada requires special attention to ensure their safety and security. Wandering and getting lost are significant concerns, but you can take proactive measures to protect your loved ones. Follow these essential tips to enhance their safety and provide peace of mind.
  1. Establish Safe Zones.Create designated areas where your loved one can move freely without the risk of wandering.
  2. Utilize GPS Tracking Devices. Consider using GPS trackers, such as Angelsense, or wearable GPS devices to monitor their location and receive real-time updates.
  3. Secure the Environment. Install locks, alarms, and door sensors to prevent unauthorized exits and receive alerts when doors are opened.
  4. Maintain a Consistent Routine.Establish a structured daily routine to minimize confusion and restlessness.
  5. Engage in Meaningful Activities.Provide stimulating hobbies and activities to reduce the urge to wander.
  6. Enhance Communication.Stay in touch with healthcare providers, support groups, and community organizations for guidance and resources.
  7. Consider MedicAlert Systems. Enroll your loved one in a MedicAlert program for quick identification and assistance during emergencies. In fact, many senior safety products offer SOS buttons.
  8. Ensure Proper Supervision. Provide companionship and supervision, especially in unfamiliar environments.
  9. Educate and Inform Others.Share information about your loved one's condition to increase awareness and create a supportive network.
  10. Regularly Assess Home Safety. Conduct safety assessments, remove hazards, and make necessary modifications. Why? A person who lives with dementia requires additional safety and security.
Remember to adapt these tips to suit your loved one's specific needs. By implementing these measures, you can create a safe and supportive environment for your loved one to thrive despite the challenges of dementia.
Related Video: Prize-Winning Short Film On Dementia Awareness

Protecting Canadian Families: The Fear of Wandering and Loss in Dementia Care

Canadian families caring for a loved one with dementia often face the terrifying prospect of their family member wandering off or getting lost. As illustrated in the accompanying video, an elderly woman shopping for her granddaughter swiftly transitions from seeming in control to confusion and disorientation. This sudden shift leaves her begging strangers for assistance to return home. As day turns to night, her family realizes her absence, sparking a frantic search. While the family in the video successfully locates their lost loved one, in reality, the search can extend to hours, days, or even weeks for some families. Despite the absence of a cure for this daunting disease, we are fortunate to have technological advancements like personal GPS trackers. These innovations, while not a remedy, provide an invaluable tool in locating wandering individuals suffering from dementia, offering a lifeline to distressed families.
The dread and distress triggered by a missing loved one are almost too intense to bear, a sentiment the video articulately conveys. This fear has driven many to seek out real-time tracking devices equipped with GPS-enabled panic buttons. These devices quickly and securely locate a missing elderly loved one. For those aware that their elderly family members are demonstrating signs of dementia or other memory-related illnesses, installing a live GPS tracking unit permanently to the senior's vehicle can be an effective strategy. This dementia GPS tracker transmits alerts and location-based data, which is accessible via a web-based application or smartphone, simplifying the process of locating a wandering individual with dementia. Additionally, these GPS tracking systems can function as portable devices, which elderly individuals suffering from dementia can conveniently carry in their pockets.

Dementia GPS Tracker Canada: Ensure Senior Safety and Independence with Innovative GPS Technology

When it comes to caring for a loved one with dementia in Canada, their safety and independence are of utmost importance. Thankfully, advancements in GPS technology have provided innovative solutions tailored to their unique needs. By incorporating a Dementia GPS Tracker, you can take proactive measures to enhance their well-being. Here's how:
  • GPS Smart Devices with Low Energy Consumption. These devices utilize GPS technology while conserving battery life, ensuring accurate location tracking without frequent recharging.
  • Versatile Wearing Options. Choose from a range of wearing options such as GPS watches or discreet wearable trackers. These devices are designed with seniors in mind, offering comfort and convenience while ensuring safety.
  • Assisted Living and Independent Living Projects. Implementing locator device projects in assisted living or independent living facilities can significantly enhance senior safety. These projects involve equipping individuals with dementia with GPS trackers, enabling real-time monitoring and swift response in case of wandering incidents.
  • Alert Systems for Added Safety. Many GPS trackers come equipped with additional features like fall detection and SOS buttons.
By integrating GPS tracking technology into dementia care, you can experience several benefits, including:
  • Peace of mind knowing you can easily monitor your loved one's location and quickly respond if they wander or become lost.
  • Enhanced safety with features like fall detection and SOS buttons, providing immediate assistance when needed.
  • Wide-ranging options available from reputable brands such as AngelSense GPS Tracker or iTraq Nano, offering affordable pricing and various subscription plans.
  • Improved quality of life for your loved one, as they can maintain their independence while you have the reassurance of their safety.
By utilizing the latest Dementia GPS Tracker in Canadatechnology, you can provide the necessary support while allowing them to live life to the fullest.

Dementia GPS Tracker Canada - Frequently Asked Questions

What are some GPS tracking options for seniors with dementia in Canada?

In Canada, there are several GPS tracking options for seniors with dementia. You can consider GPS smartwatches, GPS shoe inserts, or discreet GPS devices designed to meet the unique needs of individuals with dementia.

Are there any initiatives in Canada providing locator devices for people with dementia?

Yes, there are initiatives in Canada that provide locator devices for people with dementia. Project Lifesaver, for instance, offers locator devices and training to law enforcement agencies to aid in the search and rescue of individuals who wander due to dementia.

How can GPS tracking devices help ensure the safety of seniors with dementia in Canada?

GPS tracking devices can greatly enhance the safety of seniors with dementia in Canada. By enabling real-time location tracking, these devices assist in quickly locating individuals who may wander and reducing the risk of harm. Some devices also offer features such as safe zones and alerts.

Where can families in Canada find resources and support for seniors with dementia?

Families in Canada can find resources and support for seniors with dementia through organizations like the Alzheimer Society of Canada. They provide information, support, and education for individuals and families affected by Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.
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submitted by Maggie_Jennings to beermoneyUSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:21 throwRA_DirectorFar My (20m) partner (22m) went to a concert without me and I'm upset about it.

So for background, my partner had to go back to his home country for citizenship reasons & we decided I'd go too. We've been married a year now. He went two months before me, to set everything up. I'd just finished school for the year and didn't want to waste a semester's fees on two months, so I was looking for a job during that time. Couldn't find one due to the time constraints, so was doing odd jobs and taking short courses. Basically, I had almost no money and didn't want to touch my savings until I'd moved. I'd been saving for the move for a year already and had never lived alone before, so wanted to be safe.
My partner found out about a concert for a band we both liked happening where he was, scheduled for after I'd moved. Problem was: concert tickets are expensive and I was already living off instant ramen. Couldn't afford a ticket without being incredibly irresponsible about it.
However, because it was close to my partner's birthday, his mother bought him a ticket as a present. By the time I'd moved to the new country and sorted out my expenses, the tickets were all sold out. I could've been able to afford one if they were still selling by then, but no chance.
I've also befriended my partner's group of childhood friends who are also all going to this concert, and it was a bit awkward when they found out I couldn't go. I did talk to my partner about how I was disappointed, but I didn't say too much because I didn't want him to feel bad. Literally everyone I know in this country is going to this thing, while I stay home because I had no money a few months ago.
Selfishly, I wish he'd sell his ticket and not go. I know that the concert was free for him & we don't lose anything by him going, but I feel irrationally betrayed by it. I put my studies on hold and moved because he had to, and while I'm okay with doing that, I'm frustrated that I feel like I'm stuck missing out on things because he has a support network here and I don't.
Right now, I feel like I don't want him to even acknowledge the concert around me. I keep thinking that he should have tried to pay for me to get a ticket, go halves on the cost or something. He didn't want to do that when I originally brought it up, which felt fair-ish because he was also broke then. It was just bad timing and he got lucky.
There'll be other stuff we can do together in the future, but there's also going to be opportunities he gets that I miss out on. I don't want to feel like a jealous jerk whenever that happens. But, I don't know how to approach the topic without my partner getting defensive and I'm worried this is going to build resentment in future if I don't talk to him about it.
TL;DR, my partner got an opportunity I wanted and I'm upset about it because it feels unfair, but don't want to hurt his feelings or ruin his own happiness over it. How do I navigate dealing with my partner having better opportunities than me without getting bitter?
submitted by throwRA_DirectorFar to relationships [link] [comments]