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2016.03.27 07:28 How to Properly Cook Food

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2011.10.18 23:25 cjb6714001 Showerthoughts

A subreddit for sharing those miniature epiphanies you have that highlight the oddities within the familiar.

2024.05.20 04:29 NarrownessOfTheJibs Post-D&C: Libido, Shame, and Fear

Hi everyone, the title of the post sounds like a title for a scholarly article or novel, but I really just couldn’t think of how else to put it.
For some context, I’m fairly new to this community. I underwent an emergency D&C this past Wednesday after having an incomplete MA which unfortunately, led to me hemorrhaging. It was terrifying and traumatic. I lost a lot of blood. Apparently I made it into the “rare complications” club where this happens to less than 1% of people who have an abortion, per the nurse who put me under sedation. This was not only my first abortion, but it was also my first pregnancy. I was 7 weeks, with a supportive and loving partner, making a decision as difficult as you all very well know.
Since the D&C, I thankfully am feeling much better and have been able to process everything more in terms of my emotions. It was hard to do that after the MA when I was still feeling all the pregnancy symptoms but unsure as to why. The day after the D&C I felt like myself again. The nausea, heart burn, food aversions - every single symptom I had was gone. Even my breasts weren’t as tender as they had unbearably been.
This experience, thankfully, made myself and my partner of 4 years even closer than we ever have been. I’m very grateful for that. He’s been incredible throughout this entire process and has held my hand every step of the way. So, yesterday, as I’m feeling relatively back to my normal self minus some fatigue - I look at my partner, feel those butterfly feelings, and my immediate thought was, How in the fuck can you be horny after what you just went through? What is wrong with you?
I immediately felt confusion, guilt, shame, and an uncontrollable desire to feel close to him. I started googling: “sex drive after abortion” “is it normal to be horny after an abortion?” “Why do I have such a high libido after an abortion?” I really didn’t find much in the topic beyond a few Reddit posts and some old forums. It made me feel even more guilty, that clearly MOST women don’t want to be touched at all after something like that, but I couldn’t control what was going on with my body.
For me, my libido was fairly average prior to all of this, but for some reason yesterday I could not control my sex drive. It was driving me crazy for hours. I didn’t want to tell my partner because I was ashamed and embarrassed to be feeling how I was. I also know he’s been processing everything too and I felt like if I made a move he would be upset by it because why wouldn’t he be? That’s the normal response. I’m the odd one here and I’m the one who went through the damn thing, right?
Easy fix! I’ll just have some sexy self-care time, right? As long as nothing goes in and I just keep it external, I should be all good right? Come to think of it, the nurses and doctors didn’t mention anything about it. What does goggle say? Nothing, really. Mostly just websites and forums saying no PIV for a week or two. Nothing about masturbation. Will I be okay? Will my uterus fall out? What if I start bleeding even heavier? Will it hurt? Will it slow down healing or speed it up? Why am I even thinking about any of this at all?
Just more guilt. More self-shaming. More anxiety, more fear, and at this point - I’m STILL horny. Screw it. I didn’t read anything saying don’t do it, so let’s just do this, but wait until my partner takes a shower so he doesn’t know. And that’s what I did. I waited until he was in the shower so I could do it in secret because I felt that much shame and that much guilt. I was worried, but my sex drive was so high I truly didn’t care in the moment. That is, up until the moment where I hit the big O and there was some cramping. It scared the shit out of me. But. It was mild, barely anything, and the big O was probably the biggest I’ve had in a long time.
Immediately after I felt relaxed, relieved. Then I went to the bathroom and after having mostly spotted since the D&C, my stomach dropped when I saw bright red on the toilet paper. Look at what you did. What’s wrong with you. You’re going to bleed out again because you were horny? It will be your fault, again.
I spent most of last night scared, worried, scrolling google for answers, and feeling horribly guilty. However, I woke up this morning alive and well, back to the super light barely noticeable spotting. Then about half way through the day, the butterfly feelings returned. IM HORNY AGAIN?! WHY?!?
Without going through all the details, I went through the whole entire cycle I did yesterday again today. Now, I’m here typing this extremely long post. If you’re still here reading, I really appreciate that. I doubt I’m alone in my experience and feelings as it’s far more rare to have a singular, independent thought or feeling that no one else on the planet has ever had. However, I don’t see this experience talked about much and I’m not sure the reasons, or maybe I just wasn’t looking in the right places to begin with. But, I want you to know if you have felt this or are feeling this way after your abortion - it’s okay.
I know my hormones are raging. I know I just went through something horribly traumatic and it’s normal to have anxiety after going through something like that, along with the complications. I also know that everyone’s libido after this experience will drastically vary from person to person. I’m trying to remind myself not to feel guilty after that and if what I went through isn’t a shameful thing, then why am I shaming myself for any feeling I have afterwards or if I want my body and mind to feel good again with a little sexy time self-care?
Anyways, that’s it. Stay strong out there. You got this. Feel what you feel and don’t be ashamed for it either way.
submitted by NarrownessOfTheJibs to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:28 pwa09 When my husband is upset with me he does absolutely nothing, all day

So my “punishment” or payback whatever you want to call it, when we have a disagreement or when we’re not doing well my husband will literally give me the cold shoulder and not do anything all day. And I do mean, nothing. He will alternate between sitting on the couch or in the bed and watch sports on his phone, literally all day. He won’t feed the kids, he won’t help with lunch/dinner, he won’t clean, he won’t help me with anything even though I’ll be doing 3-4 things at once. He will just sit there and watch me do anything and everything then have the nerve to serve himself the food I cooked and won’t say thank you or anything. He rarely does this shit but when he does it really, truly, gets under my skin. I can’t go all day like him without doing nothing at all because I’m not like that, children have to be tended to, food has to be cooked, house cleaned I only have the weekends off and I can’t let shit get backed up.
What would you do in this situation? He has zero emotional intelligence, does not know how to communicate properly, will never apologize first unless I force it out of him, and does not know how to show me any appreciation. Please don’t ask me why I deal with this because I really don’t know. We have 3 kids and been married for 4 years.
submitted by pwa09 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:27 Regular-Chocolate-37 Have I Been Exploited for My Labor?

Hi all, this is sort of a cross post, and I am not sure I chose the right flair so forgive me and let me know if not so I can fix it! It’s quite an add situation, which is why I was not sure which flair to choose…
Against what I now know as better judgement, I accepted a pretty odd job with who is my current roommate/landlord, which is how I ended up moving here.
The original terms were that rent and food would be covered in exchange for basically being their personal assistant, while also leaving me time to pick up part time work so I had cash inflow.
Took a little longer than I liked, but I found outside part time work toward the end of February, and by the end of March I was told we didn't have time for me to be able to have another job, and was forced to quit my other job on the spot (for fear of losing my housing).
Once again, I'm cooking and cleaning for this person, as well as helping them with anything they needed for their fairly successful online business, including shipping, customer service, and odd jobs similar to research and data entry relating to the industry (sorry to be vague here, but in the off chance they see this, I would really like to do my best to protect my identity because it is a fairly small and close knit industry).
I was told I can't be actually paid, but as an amendment to our agreement, they said they could let me use their credit card for whatever I needed (which honestly ended up not being super true in the end).
I am essentially in a position where I have to ask someone else to do ANYTHING at all at this point, and I asked to take an entire day off (which would be literally my first day off since I got here in January) to spend it with someone I met here, since given the conditions the last month and a half have been a lot, and incredibly suffocating.
They said yes, then about 8pm on the day I was told I was allowed to be off, they texted me and informed me they didn't believe our arrangement was working for them and they have packed my things and will leave them outside and have changed the locks.
I asked if this would include the things that were purchased for me in lieu of actual payment, and was told they would "reimburse" me for the things instead. I told them simply I am not able to come at the moment, because I am not able to get back there.
I have only been paid monetarily sporadically or have had tips they collected in my name from their customers dispersed only at their discretion, and every time I have tried to leave the house for even a few hours before this there have been issues.
As far as I am seeing it, though, I was fired/locked out on a day I received approval to be off from work, for not being at work (we work from the house). I have plans to speak with local legal aid first thing in the morning, but have been trying to do research independently and am becoming increasingly more confused.
Which laws has this person broken? I’ve been researching this tirelessly since I received the message and just need some advice/guidance about what I need to have and know to be prepared to deal with this situation legally.
I feel like the internet is leading me in 17 different directions here.
Any help appreciated!
submitted by Regular-Chocolate-37 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:26 DeatonationgGrenade Anastasius Chapter 4

When Quicktalon finally woke up, his heart leaped to his throat as he noticed that the sun was beginning to set. A gruff voice chuckled to his alarm before he could act on his sudden panic, “Sit down, you crazy ostrich. You’re fine. Achira has been taken care of, the fire lit, and your dinner is near the fire to keep warm.” Quicktalon froze at the new voice, slowly turning towards the owner of this new visitor, but his eyes seemed to have been playing tricks on him. His brother Fleet was nearby and changing his sister’s bandages.
“Fleet?” he asked softly, his eyes still wide at seeing his battle-scarred brother. “H-how are you here?! The search party for the missing Drakes and Dragons left months ago!” he exclaimed, a grin growing as happy tears began to warm his eyes. It had been far too long since he had last seen his brother. “Well, we were on our way back from the most northern searches, and we found a few traces of what could have happened, but we need to send out another search party after we Rest and replenish our supplies. But I have heard the great news!” Fleet said as he hugged his brother, “ I’m so proud of you!” He exclaimed, pulling his brother into a hug, “I can’t believe you’ve grown so much from that little drake who never left our grandmother's side and always got into scrapes from running too fast.” He laughed softly.
Quicktalon chuckled at his brother’s lighthearted jesting, “ Grandmother always made healing fun and exciting, and I wanted to be able to follow in her talon steps and help those who helped us when we were little drakelings.” He said with a smile, “But now, I have a chance to truly save dragonkind from this dangerous threat, hopefully with getting this information out to the world and traveling to Scholar’s Whispering Peak, I can also get more information on what happened to our Grandmother and hopefully what had happened to our parents all those years ago.”
A smile ghosted Fleet's lips. He knew that something had happened to his grandmother; they had the signs and were Grandmother her. But the more his troop searched, and the more evidence was uncovered, the more serious this strange tail became. He hadn’t mentioned it yet to their pack leader. Still, Drakes across the savanna were going missing, some dragons and even the notoriously hidden Arctic dragons.
Dozens of Dragons of all kinds were going missing. The Sea Orcs were the only ones who witnessed this strange occurrence. They were too big for anything to happen to them, but the cause of the disappearing dragons needed to be uncovered and solved before the giant sea dragons began to disappear. But Fleet couldn’t ruin his brother’s excitement and joy over this. So, for now, he kept quiet and continued praising his brother for his magnificent discovery.
“I need to start getting ready. I’ve got a big trip ahead of me. I need to pack plenty of supplies and ensure I have enough to trade for a thick fur cover to protect me from the freezing temperatures at the summit of the Scholars Whispering Peak.” Quicktalon said, “I can’t wait to be able to spend more time with you and Achira as soon as she fully recovers from the effects of the viper.” He explained with a soft chuckle, “ but I will be back soon, hopefully before winter settles over the lands, which, with it being the middle of New Life, I should have time to make it to the coast and get assistance through the ocean and onto the nearest coastline on the other side.”
Fleet looked concerned at the plan his brother had just explained. " Are you sure that is safe? I’ve met traveling Sea Orcs and been told how long and perilous a journey across the sea can be for Drakes and Dragons of our size!” Fleet explained fear etched deep into his face as he couldn’t imagine his little brother in the middle of a raging and violent sea. “ It would be better to travel on land. You’d get there much safer and without the risk of your research getting ruined from the sea's moisture.”
Quicktalon took a moment to consider. Is a trip like that more manageable? Would it be safer to traverse land rather than sea? “Are there any maps I can get? Can you help me figure out a quick and safe journey from our home to the Scholars Whispering Peak? If the sea is too dangerous, I will need to figure out a different way to get to the scholars and hopefully get there before the snow season starts.” He said, “Do you know if the pack to our North sells maps of the continent and trade routes I could follow?” He asked while moving to a chest with chunks of gold and jewels he could trade for a map. He even wrote quick instructions for effectively healing and removing the venom from the bite of an Orid Viper. Fleet watched as his brother gathered enough items for trade; each pack had different trade requirements depending on the situation and status.
“Do you remember what they ask for trade?” Quicktalon asked as he set his collected gems and precious metals into a small side pouch strapped to his front right upper forearm. Fleet thought momentarily and tried to remember when his troop had last passed through the pack to the North. “ I believe they take both jewels and food, so we might want to stop and catch something for them to eat on our way over to the North Pack,” Fleet said as he sharpened his dull talons on a nearby rock, “ a water buffalo perhaps would be a good trade-off.” He said, “with the upcoming heat wave, they might appreciate more food for their youngins.”
“Then it's settled. Let's head to the North Pack and trade for a map for a trade route to Scholars Whispering Peak.” Quicktalon said, ensuring his research was set somewhere safe and out of the way of any potential spills or papyrus-eating worms. “Let’s go. The hottest part of the day is over for now, and the animals should be coming back from mid-day hibernation so we can snag a water buffalo on the way to them,” Quicktalon said while moving to give his sister healing wound a quick check-over. Once everything was in good shape, Quicktalon and Fleet left the medical hut. They began their journey to the North Pack and hopefully snagged a water buffalo on the way toward their destination.
Both brothers carefully left the medical hut and began looking around Earthquake to tell him where they were heading and their plan for QuickTalon to get to the Scholars Whispering peaks before winter hit. It wasn’t too hard to find the elder drake, as he was once again leading the younger drakes in battle practice for the potential war that seemed to be whispering on the horizon. “WATCH YOUR TALONS! FOR MOTHER DRAKE’S SAKE HEATSTROKE, DUCK! USE YOUR FIRE!” Earthquake shouted, drilling the almost grown drakes in new and much faster battle techniques. “Things must be getting worse if Earthquake is so worried about what’s been happening. It worries me.” Fleet murmured to QuickTalon, fear and worry evident on his face as he watched the young drakes practice their battle maneuvers as if they were currently fighting the actual enemy.
The mock battle went on for what felt like an eternity before Earthquake called for the young drakes to take a break and get a drink of water. “ Freshen up! Get a drink and take a moment to breathe! You must keep practicing if we ever need to go to war against this new and unknown enemy!” He commanded while walking over to see what QuickTalon and Fleet wanted to discuss. “ Welcome back, Fleet, and I’m happy to see that your search troop all came back with no casualties.” He said in greeting, “But what can I do for you both? I can see that there is something you both wish to tell me.” He said while peering down his snout at the younger of the group, “We plan to head to the northern pack and trade something of value for a trade route map to the Scholars Whispering Peaks. The initial route is dangerous, and the humid air could ruin my research.” QuickTalon explained, “With the scorching season rolling in, we thought bringing a water buffalo to trade for a map would be helpful.”
Earthquake seemed impressed by the current plan, “ while that is a good idea, the Northern Pack have been plagued recently by attacks from humans, or at least what seems to be left of that species; if you want to help, I’m sure food, water and medical attention will benefit them most.” He explained, “ but you both have my permission to go to the Northern Pack, just come back here, and I’ll help get you an assistant to stand in your place as a healer until your return.” Earthquake said, a smile gently ghosting across his snout, “now go on little ones, the sun is getting ready to set, and the water buffalo will be out to graze and drink at the nearby watering holes.” “Yes, sir, we will be back within three days,” QuickTalon said with a nod as he and his brother were dismissed and permitted to head off toward the Northern Pack.
With the dry dirt and plants crunching under their talons, QuickTalon turned and followed Fleet toward the Northern pack. “If humans are attacking them, what should we do if we see one?” QuickTalon asked after a long pause in the conversation, “Well,” Fleet started as if trying to recall a memory, “ my commander said that if you see a human, to kill on sight. While most humans are not dangerous to us as adults, they still threaten our young and elderly.” He explained, “Although I have yet to see a human, I have heard conflicting reports and statements about humans. Some are nice and have been seen helping others and the environment we live in, and some are on constant paths of destruction, burning, and taking like the worst of us dragons. Filled with greed and the never-ending satisfaction that they will never have enough stuff to put into their horde, they kill everything on their path to get what they want.”
QuickTalon’s eyes widened in both fascination and absolute horror at what he was hearing, and he had never realized that something so small and without fire or claws or just something to defend itself could be so destructive. “ But, is there a way to tell which ones are good and bad? Surely all of them can’t be rotten, can they?” He asked, jumping in fright when a breaking twig cracked nearby. “I’m sure there is, but for now, we’ve been told to just kill on sight.” He said softly, “ I know you want to help save the world, but you must remember, QuickTalon, that not everyone can or wants to be saved. You will need to know when to save yourself, and don’t let those who want to drown pull you under with them.” He said, eyes staring off into the distance, seeming to be looking at or hearing something out in the distance that only he could see. Quicktalon wasn’t sure how to respond to his brother’s worries. He was worried that his brother might know something more about this dangerous situation than he did, but he knew that he needed to keep his head clear and his eyes forward during this difficult time. “Brother, I know you are worried and want to find Grandmother, but spiraling off into the unknowns and the shadows will not help us find her. I believe in you and the others, but you need to take a breath and remind yourself where you are and your focus.” Quicktalon said, listening intensely to his surroundings while following his brother North. “ We will find Grandmother and the other missing Drakes, but for now, we need to rest our worried minds to start with a clean slate in the morning. If we let our brains become muddled, we could miss important details. So for now, let's just rest our heads and worry about finding a water buffalo and getting a map.”
Fleet sighed deeply, “You’re right, brother. Worrying about all the what-ifs has been muddling my mind. I’ve been so stressed over all of the potential possibilities I have lost the main focus of my mission. To bring the lost and the missing home.” He said, shaking his head ever so slightly as if trying to clear his head from the dark thoughts that had muddled his brain for many years. “ But I agree, let us get that water buffalo and trade for the map. Once we return and rest, my troop and I will follow you to the first trading post and head toward the North. Perhaps we might meet again on your journey.” Fleet hummed softly before snapping his gaze towards the direction of something he had heard. “Shh, I hear something!” He whispered while dropping into a low crouch and moving almost silently through the tall brush and grass toward the sound he had heard.
Quicktalon did the same and followed his brothers' movements. The grass hissed and crunched softly under their talons as they approached the top of a small hill. With careful movements, the brothers peered over the hill. The water buffalo migration had begun, and thousands of bison were resting around the large pond. “ The migration.” Quicktalon murmured, “Would it hurt if we managed to grab a few bison for the Northern pack?” He asked, “ I don’t know how many drakes are in the Northern Pack, but with the hot season approaching, maybe it would help to bring them a few bison to preserve before the migration leaves?” He asked if he knew they needed to preserve the circle of life, but he had no idea what the status of this other pack could be since it had been at least forty years since he had last seen the pack at the semi-annual Drake packs meet-up.
“Perhaps, although I don’t want to end up overwhelming the Northern pack with food. But I agree, with the scorching season approaching, packs will need as much food as possible.” Fleet murmured while slowly dropping into a hunter's crouch, “ I will go for the two deep in the water. You grab the one heading out.” He instructed, to which Quicktalon agreed. He adjusted his satchel and ensured his research was safe before waiting for his brother's signal. With a hiss, Fleet shot over the hill, running as fast as he found towards the two water buffalo in the water. Grunts, groans, and high-pitched bellows filled the air as the water buffalo panicked and ran away from the large drakes.
Thunderous hooves and cries filled the air as the buffalo pushed and shoved into each other while fighting to escape the predators. Quicktalon narrowed his eyes, planted all four talons to the ground, and lunged at the water buffalo. The bison bellowed in fear and swung its head, trying to gore Quicktalon with its horns, but with a sharp turn of his body, he narrowly managed to avoid the deadly horn and sink his teeth into the back of the buffalo’s neck. The buffalo’s wails increased before being silenced with a loud crack, its body falling limp in Quicktalon’s jaws and its head rolling loosely. Loud splashing drew the younger drakes' attention; the second water buffalo ganged up on his brother. With a roar of anger, Quicktalon dropped his fresh kill and thundered through the water toward the second buffalo. The second buffalo barely had time to react before Quicktalon threw himself on the bison’s back and began pulling on its horns to steer it away from his brother.
The bison bellowed angrily and bucked as hard as possible, trying to throw the younger drake off. But Quicktalon held on tight, and with an angry snarl, he gripped the horns tightly in his talons, and with a harsh twist and a loud snap, the bison’s neck was broken. The bison collapsed into the water with a splash. Quicktalon was breathing hard as he tried to catch his breath after such a stressful moment. Fleet growled as he finally managed to take down his water buffalo, “ Fleet, are you okay?” Quicktalon asked, moving through the water, the muddled water sloshing around his talons.
“ I—I’m okay, I just… need to catch my breath.” Fleet panted as he caught his breath. I don’t know why that was so difficult. It shouldn’t have been.” He panted while pushing himself up and moving to collect the two limp water bison. “Let’s get these to the North Pack. We are almost there.” He said while letting Quicktalon assist him with lifting the two freshly killed bison onto his back. “Alright, but as soon as you need to take a break, let me know,” Quicktalon said as he walked over to the water buffalo he killed and hoisted it onto his back.
Fleet nodded in agreement, and the two began the final leg of their trek toward the Northern pack. Crickets began to chirp and sing as the sun set, lighting the sky in a brilliant mixture of pinks, reds, and oranges. Quicktalon smiled, stared at the beautiful sky, and grew even more excited when the fireflies lit up and danced around the land. “ You’ve always enjoyed this time of year, haven’t you?” Fleet asked with a smile, “ I do. The beautiful sunsets, the lightning bugs, and the soft songs of crickets. It always brings me joy.” Quicktalon replied with a happy smile in return. “Whenever I am scared, I think of nights like this to help calm me down.” He explained with a soft chuckle, “Grandmother even painted me a painting of one of these nights. I still treasure that painting the most.” He said, reminiscing about when his grandmother gifted him the painting of his favorite sunset.
“We will find her, Quicktalon, I promise,” Fleet said as he gently shouldered his brother with a soft sigh. “ I know, Fleet, but I’m still worried. She vanished without a trace.” He said softly, shifting the weight of water buffalo on his back to accommodate for the extra weight. “ I believe you brother, but, I still cant’t believe that someone or something like this could have happened.” He murmured, “although I do hope that we can figure out what has happened and we can bring our grandmother home.” Quicktalon said as he tried to enjoy his favorite evening.
Fleet nodded, “ well, we are almost to the Northern Pack, hopefully they have something that can help.” He said, nodding his head towards the approaching lights in the distance, “ good, hopefully they can help.” Quicktalon sighed before a set of drakes in heavy armor thundered towards them, anger written on their faces. “HALT!” One of the guards roared. “W-whats going on?” Quicktalons asked, unsure of why the guards were so angry. “ Your grandmother and her pack of drakes destroyed our village!”
submitted by DeatonationgGrenade to WyrmWorks [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:24 hocake6962 Left my SDE job in India to do something in Dubai.

Background: 26 years of age Married Muslim Lived in the Saudi Arabia for 20 years Know the Arab culture very well
Hey, I am a backend developer with experience in Devops in India. I have around 3.5 years of experience and I just a promotion as well. I am doing good at my job now but I really want to explore Dubai.
Current: Resigned from my job as I will be moving to Dubai soon. I have been to Dubai couple of times and just loved it.
Plans: My brother runs a cloud kitchen in Dubai and I will be joining that soon. As of now there’s a team looking after it and no family is there in Dubai. I will be going as an employee to scale the business and look for other opportunities as well.
These are my plans to execute in Dubai
  1. Joining the kitchen
  2. Starting a Real Estate agency
  3. Have plans for a startup software based
  4. I used to do food blogging, will be starting that again.
  5. Car rental business.
My main aim is to try something different in life and not look for a job at least for a period of 6 months.
I will be paid 4K AED and I am planning to start it from a renting a bed space. My food is sorted and I only have to take care of my accommodation phone bill and transport.
Planning to call my wife and 2 year old kid after 6 months. I have to look for a 1 bed room apartment and want to know on expenses. Please help here.
I am seeking some help or advice on how I can do the above things or any other suggestions or advices. Mainly in managing the expenses.
Worst case scenario if my plans doesn’t work out I will be hunting for a job then. My wife is a Data Engineer
submitted by hocake6962 to dubai [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:23 IkutoTsukiyomi Leaves for fungal prevention

Leaves for fungal prevention
Hello Betta creators, this one and my first post ... I come to share some things we do in Brazil to avoid and treat some problems in creating Bettas. Something we use a lot and a leaf of a tree called (Terminalia Catappa) that can have different names in different places. It serves as a natural fungicide and can put the leaf inside the aquarium or just the tea it produces. For Bettas with hydrops problems; The tea is made with salt leaves and sometimes garlic. Garlic can also be added to the foods (I will post how to make natural food for Bettas using garlic) Leaves, a spoonful of salt and cook for a few minutes and enough to make a tea for fungal treatment. You can put it directly on the aquarium or if Betta has a fungal problem, separating it into a smaller aquarium for treatment.
TIPs; °Garlic and Completely Harmless, if you put the Piece of Garlic inside the aquarium the Snails Will Eat.
° Betas can live normally in brackish water (a mixture of sea water with rain or rivers). In some places the sea water meets with rivers and makes a kind of water slightly salty ... does not affect the bettas because salt is diluted.
°We can swim in the sea with eyes open too ... but we are not fish, our eyes start to get bothered because of the large amount of salt ... but in an aquarium we can dose this amount, salt also helps with open wounds that may appear because of the fungi.
°shrimps and snails devour the leaves in a few days.
°Water will change color ... But it does not affect water being something completely natural, it also avoids a lot of brightness.
Sorry if I wrote strangely, most of the time I'm not sure to write the right way. :c
Leaves can serve to make nests underneath
Shrimp food
submitted by IkutoTsukiyomi to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:22 TheTashinator Mistakes were made

So I’m not sure how familiar everyone is when it comes to wegovy, but if you don’t know, wegovy is a weight loss injection that suppresses appetite and slows down digestion so you feel fuller for longer, which is grand. However it comes with side effects, most common being n/v.
So I’ve been on it for about 3-4 months, I knew there was a chance it would set me off, but honestly I hated being overweight so much, I wanted to try anything (have done everything else, it never sticks)
Now I noticed that on my current dose, if I’m not careful, and eat too much/too close to bedtime, the food in my stomach takes forever to digest and leaves me feeling nauseous all night.
I managed to avoid doing that, until today. Today was my cheat day and I got it in my head that I have to eat as much of the junk I bought as possible. Normally I stop eating by 5-6pm, NOPE, I was bloated and full but just had to keep nibbling my snacks until 10pm, because I can’t help myself.
So I just woke up (it’s 3am) and yep, my stomach feels awful, I can feel the food weighing it down still, and it aches and I feel n*.
I do think the n* is mostly anxiety, but unfortunately the anxiety won’t go away until the annoying still full sensation does.
Which again is my own damn fault. Sometimes I wish I had more self preservation, like why did I do this to myself?
I have been managing to fart some of the discomfort away (tmi sorry, I don’t know if anyone else does this or is this just me?)
But yeah if anyone is awake and able to talk to distract me, id be very grateful.
submitted by TheTashinator to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:17 MagentaPencil Being followed and radiation sickness

Throwaway because of the subject. I'm being followed and observed everywhere I go for most of the past year. They seem to be using my cellphone as a tracking device. I notice strange things happenings to my phone, like old emails suddenly changing permissions to my photos and recorded phone activity. When I leave home my security camaras start gliching out and they stop sending notifications. Old facebook accounts which I lost access to start sending email notification of activity but I have no idea what's going on so I close the email accounts.
This same thing happend to my sister a few years ago as well, she ended up hospitalized. They really fucked her up. It all started shortly after a close realtive contracted a local equivalent of a lawyer from the CIA. At first I thought it was a political persecution as I engage online in a local forum and dating sites and sometimes have disagreements with dense people of other wings.
Things get personal quick when people start coming in too close for comfort as if I'm some kind of jihad terrorist. I start recording them as evidence and the motherfuckers start coming with kids to make it look I'm recording them. They are always step ahead of me, I trip on all their sticks.
I start having an STD and get checked out by doctors and treatment. This particular std is known to be related as intel ops to give people cancer. I'm having a wild ride while dealing with a challenging std and these people after me. I start confiding to doctors there's strange people following me. After telling a doc. says she's going to use the phone flashlight to check something out but instead she takes a pic of me. Shit goes south from there, they start doing ops where I eat and buy my food and then feel sick to my stomach, falling ill for a few days at a time.
It gets worse the more people I tell. It's a nightmare. Some days it's an all feminist group, some mixed like there are different groups, no doubt there is a medical group involved fucking up my health. I go to a lawyer to see if there is something the state is involved because it's ridiculous the amount of resources that are being employed on me, it comes out blank.
My family thinks I'm going crazy, they only do it while I'm alone. I see a psychiatrist and change meds, nothings changes things just get wilder. They start doing ops at the fucking pharmacy where I get my drugs like they are tampering with my meds.
Its been at least 3 months I have low-grade fever, fatigue, short of breath and chest pain. Then things get serious when ever I go out to pay bills and while in line people with bags start getting uncomfortable close to me, when I get home I feel absolutely wrecked. I start googling my symptoms and they match with radiation sickness. These people are doing some kind of radiotherapy to me, rendering useless my groin area, I can't even pee properly, can't eat for long periods because of the nausea.
There's also news a iodine 131 sample goes missing from a local med department the same week my house show signs of being broken into. I start having a mirradid of other health problems all linked to radiation poisoning, my house looks like is compromised. I go to my physician and he basically laughs off all of it as if he knew what the fuck is going on. Doesn't give me anything for the pain or symptoms. I get a blood analysis done and my sample get fucking stolen, wtf.
There is some kind of intel group that's summoning other groups to attack my health. Somebody fabricated something on me but they have absolutely no evidence, its seems to be all speculation. They are getting really dense now and I feel they are now trying to kill me with radiation or give me lifelong health complications. On different occasions I reached out to the police and they did nothing since no evidence, then to the municipality and then to a private investigator that basically postponed the meeting several times and ghosted me. My phone is tapped so any action I do there is a countermeasure being done by some other group.
Shit it too much and don't know for how long I can take it. Advice is welcomed if you have anything of value to add, save it if you have shitty whitty comments, enough damage is being done. Heads up, this is a third world country with equally shitty laws.
submitted by MagentaPencil to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:16 NoPepper7284 I don't feel like a whole person

I don't feel like a whole whole person, like actually. I don't know how to speak to people to the point that I can barely hold a conversation with my own sister. She calls me boring and I'm always quiet becuase I genuinely don't know how to talk to people. I'm only interested on 1 thing, nothing else interests me. I never know what to say. I have no dreams or desires in life. I'm in university and I'm choosing a random degree cus time is running out. I have no friends, never been in a relationship. I feel distant from everyone in my life. I'm constantly suicidal. I do practically nothing with my time. I'm slacking in school, I'm unemployed and 1k in debt over useless things I bought and food. Im autistic, and i cant find anything good about my disability to make life worth living. Nothing satisfies me anymore. Nothing feels worth living. I wish I was dead
submitted by NoPepper7284 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:13 LandscapeDue7107 My new cat has been acting a bit weird

My new cat has been acting a bit weird
So, me and my family have adopted a cat, kind of, it was my counsin's cat, but it ran away and it just stays here, my cousin dosn't mind tho, she released the cat because she didn't liked him. Anyways, 2 days ago he was sick with diarrhea, we already took him to the vet and he's already fine, but he's acting weird since. He is alot more quiet now and haven't been eating that much, it still does, but less, it dosn't seem very interested in the food we give him, and it isn't as playfull, he's basically more reserved now. idk if something is upseting him (my brother dosn't carry him well) or if i give him too much attention. I don't have any cat toys so i am trying to be creative and i just hope he still likes me. Just now he just just jumped into my bed and is sleepy. I am just concerned he isn't having fun or if he's still recovering from the diarrhea, does anybody know how can i make him have a little more fun?
submitted by LandscapeDue7107 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:08 Creative_Heart_11 Techne's Creative Genius, the One and Only Taylor Armstrong!

“True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Name: Taylor Bennett Armstrong Date of Birth: 04/03/2024
Age: 15 years old Gender: Demiboy
Sexual Orientation: Nationality: Canadian
Ethnicity: Irish-Jewish Languages: English, French, Japanese
Hometown: Toronto, Canada Demigod Conundrums: ADHD


Name Relation Age Occupation Relationship ------------
Benjamin Armstrong Father 42 years old Artist Taylor shares a special bond with his father, Benjamin Armstrong. Despite being a single parent for much of Taylor's life, Benjamin always made sure to provide a loving and nurturing environment for his son. He recognized Taylor's unique talents from a young age and encouraged him to explore his creativity without limitations. Benjamin's own passion for art and innovation served as an inspiration for Taylor, shaping his worldview and igniting his love for invention. Benjamin supports Taylor's dreams and ambitions wholeheartedly, even if he doesn't always understand the mechanics behind his son's creations.
Eliza Armstrong Stepmother 43 years old Graphic Designer She brings a different perspective to Taylor's life. As a graphic designer, she values precision and order, which sometimes clashes with Taylor's more spontaneous and chaotic approach to creativity. However, despite their differences, Eliza cares deeply for Taylor and wants what's best for him. She worries about Taylor's safety and well-being, especially when his inventions go awry and cause unintended chaos. She often finds herself playing the role of the voice of reason, urging Taylor to think things through more carefully before diving headfirst into his next project. Despite their occasional disagreements, Eliza recognizes Taylor's potential and admires his boundless imagination and ingenuity.
Rachel Armstrong Half-sister 10 years old Student Rachel Armstrong, Taylor's half-sister, adores her older brother and looks up to him with wide-eyed admiration. From a young age, she was fascinated by Taylor's inventions and artistic talents, often trailing after him like a curious puppy, eager to learn and explore alongside him. Taylor sees Rachel as the most precious angel in the world and is very protective of her. He takes great joy in teaching her how to sketch, build, and code, fostering her own love for art and invention. Rachel, in turn, idolizes her big brother and cherishes their time together.


Faceclaim: this Picrew Voiceclaim Walter from Spies in Disguise
Features Description
Height 5’8 feet
Weight 157 lbs
Hair Ginger
Eyes Blue
Skin Tan
Build Lean, slim
Scent Ink, paint, oil
Attire Gamer Aesthetic
Overview: Ginger Hair: One of Taylor's most noticeable features is his vibrant ginger hair, which seems to have a life of its own. His locks cascade in untamed waves around his head, framing his face in a fiery halo. Despite occasional attempts to tame it, Taylor's hair always manages to retain its wild, rebellious spirit, reflecting his own untamed nature. Taylor's eyes are a mesmerizing shade of blue. They sparkle with curiosity and intelligence, constantly darting from one point of interest to the next. Across Taylor's nose and cheeks are scattered a constellation of freckles, like tiny stars dotting the canvas of his face. Despite his intelligence beyond his years, Taylor's face retains a youthful charm and innocence. His features are soft and rounded, with a hint of boyish mischief lurking behind his bright smile. There is a sense of wonder and curiosity in his expression, as if he is forever on the brink of discovering something new and exciting. Taylor's fashion sense is a reflection of his personality, blending comfort with a hint of geeky flair. He favors graphic t-shirts adorned with characters from his favorite video games, showcasing his love for gaming and pop culture. His hoodies are oversized and well-worn, providing both warmth and a sense of familiarity. Taylor's cargo pants are practical and utilitarian, offering plenty of pockets to store his tools and gadgets for tinkering. His sneakers are his constant companions, scuffed and worn from countless adventures and late-night gaming marathons.


“Creativity is a wild mind and a disciplined eye.” Dorothy Parker
Quality Traits Positive Optimistic, Creative, Kind-hearted, Spontaneous, Resilient Neutral Naive, Chaotic, Impulsive, Eccentric, Idealistic Negative Gullible, Overbearing, Impatient, Inattentive, Stubborn
Overview: Taylor radiates an infectious positivity that lights up any room he enters. He greets each day with boundless enthusiasm, seeing every challenge as an opportunity for adventure and growth. His optimism is unwavering, even in the face of adversity, and he has a knack for finding the silver lining in the darkest of situations. Taylor's sunny disposition makes him a joy to be around, and his genuine smile can brighten even the gloomiest of days. Taylor marches to the beat of his own drum, embracing his individuality with gusto. He has never been one to conform to societal norms or expectations, preferring to chart his own course through life. Taylor's free-spirited nature is reflected in everything he does, from his spontaneous inventions to his unconventional approach to problem-solving. He thrives on the freedom to express himself creatively, unbound by rules or conventions. Taylor's energy is boundless, and he approaches everything he does with an infectious sense of excitement and wonder. He is easily captivated by new ideas and experiences, often bouncing from one project to the next with the fervor of a child in a candy store. Taylor's excitable nature fuels his insatiable curiosity, driving him to constantly seek out new challenges and adventures. Despite his youthful exuberance, Taylor possesses a keen intellect far beyond his years. He is a natural problem-solver, able to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to even the most daunting of challenges. Taylor's mind is a whirlwind of ideas and possibilities, constantly buzzing with new inventions and artistic endeavors. His creativity knows no bounds, and he revels in the thrill of bringing his imagination to life. Taylor's intelligence and creativity have instilled in him a healthy dose of confidence, bordering on cockiness at times. He knows his worth and isn't afraid to show it, often speaking his mind with a brashness that can catch others off guard. However, Taylor's confidence is tempered by his humility and genuine humility. He is quick to acknowledge his mistakes and learn from them, never allowing his ego to overshadow his humanity. At the core of Taylor's personality is a deep well of kindness and empathy for others. He genuinely cares about the people around him and goes out of his way to help those in need. Taylor's compassion knows no bounds, and he often puts the needs of others before his own. He is quick to offer a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on, and his unwavering support has endeared him to many. Beneath Taylor's cheerful exterior lies a vulnerability that he often tries to conceal. He is sensitive to the opinions of others and fears being rejected or misunderstood. Taylor's insecurities stem from a desire to be accepted and valued for who he truly is, flaws and all. Despite his outward confidence, he struggles with feelings of loneliness and self-doubt, yearning for genuine connections and validation. Taylor's drive for excellence can sometimes border on perfectionism, leading him to be overly critical of himself and his work. He sets high standards for himself and is often disappointed when he falls short of his own expectations. However, Taylor's perfectionism is tempered by his resilience and determination to persevere in the face of failure. He sees each setback as an opportunity to learn and grow, refusing to let obstacles dampen his spirit. Taylor has a gift for communication, able to express his thoughts and feelings with clarity and sincerity. He is a natural storyteller, captivating audiences with his animated anecdotes and infectious enthusiasm. Taylor's ability to connect with others on a deep emotional level makes him a trusted confidant and valued friend. He listens intently to others, offering words of encouragement and wisdom when needed. Taylor approaches life with a sense of adventure, always eager to explore new horizons and push the boundaries of what is possible. He thrives on the thrill of discovery, relishing in the excitement of unknown possibilities. Taylor's insatiable curiosity drives him to seek out new experiences and embrace the unknown with open arms. Whether embarking on a daring quest or simply trying out a new recipe, he approaches each adventure with the same sense of wonder and excitement. Taylor has a playful sense of humor that often borders on mischievousness. He loves to joke and laugh, finding joy in the absurdities of life. Taylor's playful nature brings levity to even the most serious of situations, helping to ease tension and lift spirits. He delights in pulling harmless pranks and sharing witty banter with friends, always with a twinkle in his eye and a grin on his face. Taylor is incredibly adaptable, able to thrive in any environment or situation. He approaches change with a sense of curiosity and excitement, eager to embrace new challenges and opportunities. Taylor's ability to adapt to different circumstances has served him well throughout his life, allowing him to navigate the complexities of both the mortal world and the realm of the gods with ease.
Favourite... Item Food Macaroni and cheese, mango milkshake Colour Electric Blue Season Summer Weather Sunny, warm, clear skies Music Pop, rock, orchestral, jazz, celtic Animals Bunnies and Cats Book/Movie Genre Fantasy, Sci-fi, Romance, Slice-of-life, Adventure, Action Media Avatar: The Last Airbender, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, Kingdom Hearts, Legend of Zelda, Genshin Impact, Honkai Impact 3rd, Honkai: Star Rail, Pokémon, a scary amount of anime, etc…
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Crafting
  • Sewing
  • Video Games
  • Cosplay

Demigod Info

Name Type Description
Psychometry Domain The ability to glean information from a particular object relevant to the parent's domain, especially its material make-up and method of creation. (Crafts, Mechanics and Art)
Enhanced Skill Proficiency Domain A trait where one is naturally adept in the skills lorded over by their parent. (Crafts, Mechanics and Art)
Summon Tool Domain The ability to summon any small tool. (Once every 5 minutes or per turn.) (Duct Tape or Superglue)
Machine Communication Minor A trait where one is able to understand and communicate with automatons and machinery (includes code).
Electrical Resistance Minor A trait where one is able to resist electricity to a such degree that they are able to withstand badly interacting with small appliances.
Machine Manipulation (Technokinesis) Minor The ability to directly control mechanisms, machines and automatons.
Basic Enchantment Major The ability to imbue weapons, crafts, machinery and automatons with magical properties (modmail for specific enchantments). Options: Weapon Transformation—into a mundane item; Monster Hunting Proficiency for a) Fleshy Monsters—Sharpness, b) Armored Monsters—Bludgeoning, c) Ghosty Monsters—Absorption
Weapon of Choice: Bastard Sword
Fatal Flaw: Naivety Taylor's fatal flaw lies in his inherent naivety, stemming from his trusting and optimistic nature. Despite his intelligence and creativity, Taylor often lacks the worldly wisdom and discernment needed to navigate the complexities of the world around him. His naivety makes him vulnerable to manipulation and deception, as he struggles to see the darker intentions lurking behind the smiles of others.

Items and Equipment

Name Age Description
Sketchbook 7 years old Taylor always carries a sketchbook with him, filled with doodles, sketches, and designs inspired by his vivid imagination.
Art Supplies 3 years old As someone who enjoys art, Taylor keeps a collection of art supplies like pencils, markers, and colored pencils, allowing him to bring his creative visions to life wherever he goes.
Tool Kit 5 years old As a budding inventor and tinkerer, Taylor carries a compact tool kit with him at all times. It contains essential tools like screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches, and a mini soldering iron, allowing him to repair gadgets, fix mechanical issues, and work on DIY projects on the fly.
Nintendo Switch 2 years old Taylor never leaves home without Nintendo Switch. He keeps a selection of his favorite games in his backpack, ready to play whenever he has a spare moment to indulge in his love of gaming.
Music Player 3 years old Music is a constant source of inspiration and motivation for Taylor, so he always carries a portable music player loaded with his favorite tunes.
Cat Headphones 1 year old High-quality headphones that allow him to escape into his own world of music whenever he needs a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. They are cat-themed for no reason other than Taylor felt like it.


  • Zodiac Sign: Pisces
  • MBTI: ESTP-T (The Entrepreneur)
  • Enneagram: Type 7 (The Enthusiast)
  • Love Languages: Words of Affirmation (receive); Acts of service (give)
  • Quirk: Doodling on almost every surface he sees when bored.
  • Fears: Hurting People, Big Animals


“There is no innovation and creativity without failure.” ***Brené Brown*
Taylor Bennett Armstrong was born into a creatively vibrant family. His father, Benjamin Armstrong, was a dedicated artist who often spent hours in his studio, painting and sculpting. Benjamin's work was deeply inspired by classical art, and his studio was filled with references to mythological themes and ancient techniques. This environment planted the seeds of creativity in Taylor from a very young age.
Taylor’s biological mother was Techne, the goddess of art, craft, and invention, but he had no knowledge of her divine heritage. His mother left shortly after his birth, leaving Benjamin to raise Taylor on his own. Despite the absence of his mother, Taylor's early childhood was filled with love and encouragement from his father.
When Taylor was five, Benjamin met Eliza, a talented graphic designer, at an art exhibit. They quickly bonded over their shared love for art and soon married. Eliza embraced Taylor as her own, though she struggled to understand his unique, often chaotic way of thinking and creating.
Even as a young child, Taylor showed remarkable intelligence and creativity. By the age of six, he was building simple machines and drawing intricate designs. His father was both amazed and slightly concerned when Taylor began to take apart household appliances to understand how they worked. While Benjamin encouraged his son's curiosity, Eliza worried about the constant mess and occasional accidents that resulted from Taylor's experiments.
Taylor’s half-sister, Rachel, was born when he was five. She looked up to her big brother with admiration, often following him around and watching as he created his various inventions. Despite the occasional mishap, Taylor and Rachel shared a close bond, with Taylor frequently making small toys and gadgets to entertain her.
School was both a blessing and a curse for Taylor. His intelligence allowed him to excel academically, but his unique way of thinking and his constant tinkering often got him into trouble. Teachers labeled him a "problem child" due to his inability to sit still and follow conventional methods. Taylor's inventions occasionally caused disruptions, further cementing his reputation.
Socially, Taylor found it hard to connect with his peers. His enthusiasm and intelligence often intimidated other children, and he was frequently taken advantage of by classmates who used him to boost their own grades. These experiences left Taylor feeling lonely and self-conscious about his naivety, although he never let it dampen his cheerful spirit.
Taylor's life took a dramatic turn when he was 15 years old. One day, while working on a particularly ambitious project in his makeshift workshop, he was visited by Oleander, a satyr sent by Camp Half-Blood. Oleander had been observing Taylor for some time, noting his extraordinary abilities and his connection to the divine.
Oleander revealed to Taylor the truth about his mother, Techne, and his demigod heritage. At first, Taylor was skeptical, thinking it was some sort of elaborate joke or fantasy. However, Oleander's ability to demonstrate his satyr powers and his deep knowledge of Taylor's unexplained talents eventually convinced him.
Explaining the situation to his family was a challenge. Benjamin, who had always suspected that there was something special about Taylor, took the news in stride. Eliza, though worried and confused, ultimately supported the decision, understanding that Camp Half-Blood could provide Taylor with the guidance he needed. Rachel was both excited and scared for her brother, worried about the dangers he might face and she would miss him.
Thankfully, despite the huge distance he and Oleander had to travel from Toronto to Long Island went calmly, for the most part, with not many delays or monsters attacking them.
Well, at least until they reached New York. After that, the whole “calm journey” was out the window. It almost seemed like all the monsters decided to wait until they were close to their destination to suddenly appear one after the other. First they had to somehow avoid a cyclops. Then they were attacked by dracanaea. And finally, they were chased by harpies until they crossed the border of Camp Half-Blood.
By some miracle, they were still alive.
What a way to be introduced to demigod life.

Present Day

“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun” Mary Lou Cook
Taylor's arrival at Campbell Half-Blood was… something, alright.
You know, being chased by monsters from New York to Long Island, passing out in between attacks and then waking up in the Medic Cabin feeling like you've been hit by a truck and maimed by a cat at the same time was, in short, not fun. It also didn't help the fact that he had to stay in bed to get treated for what, hours. Which, for someone like Taylor, was absolute torture. Good for him then that demigods, apparently, had magic healing and he didn't have to stay for days instead. At least Oleander was around to explain every detail about the world he's been thrust into now that he was out of danger. And as a plus, he was also claimed, so yay! He had no clue who Techne was, but he was sure he would learn soon enough.
So, what does Taylor do after getting patched up? Does he wait and rest for a bit just to make sure everything is okay with him? Does he stop for a moment to process everything that has happened to him in the last 24 hours?
No! Of course not! This is Taylor, after all. Him staying put for more than 10 minutes would be a miracle already.
Instead, he just went off on his own to see what this Camp Half-Blood was all about. He just had to get to his cabin first, which would be relatively easy with Oleander's instructions, and then he could explore this place to his heart's content!
Hopefully, Camp Half-Blood would be ready for the chaotic force Taylor would prove to be.
[OOC: Hello, everyone! Say hello to my new character, Taylor! Feel free to interact with him literally anywhere at Camp, he's probably going to be there at some point anyway lmao. Thanks for reading;)]
submitted by Creative_Heart_11 to CampHalfBloodRP [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:05 PistachioHotsauce Glad I did the extractions (worried for nothing)

I am on day 14 after my removal, and wanted to share my story for those who may be scared. There is nothing to fear.
I had intense anxiety prior to the surgery and on the day of. I kept thinking of all that could go wrong, and was afraid of the operating equipment, and drills. Especially since I was going to do local anesthetic.
I was worried for NOTHING!
The dentist who did my extraction was really patient, and kind. He numbed me up really good, and always asked if I was okay while he was working on my teeth, stopping sometimes if I was scared.
I felt no pain, and when he got the first tooth out, I was really surprised how fast it was and my anxiety was gone after that.
Over all the surgery was only 15-20 min in total, for four wisdom teeth to be removed (one impacted)
I had little to no pain after the surgery and healing process.
I am back to eating solid foods, and all my previous pain from the teeth are all gone.
Please do the surgery if you can, it will save you grief later on. There is nothing to be scared about, fear sometimes is an illusion.
submitted by PistachioHotsauce to wisdomteeth [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:05 lessadessa Is it more about what you eat or exercise?

sorry if this has been asked before, but I promise I tried to look for this answer and couldn’t find what I was looking for. I genuinely do not understand how this works. Two years ago, my mom passed away and after being the same healthy weight for most of my adult life, I went on an antidepressant and quickly gained 15 pounds in less than three months. Ever since then I have been trying so hard to get my head back on straight and also get back to my pre-antidepressant weight. I can safely admit that I have not been restricting myself too much on calorie intake because I told myself that I did not want to punish myself in this process. I have been exercising much more and counting my calories which I have been keeping below what my supposed maintenance is according to this app and some other websites I have checked for my height and weight. Along with walking 2.5 miles three or four days a week and hitting the gym for about 30 to 45 minutes a few days every week as well, I feel like I should have lost a few pounds since January. But no, not a single pound has come off. My clothes are still fitting tight, I had some clothes that were a little bit tight before and I can’t fit into them at all anymore. I refuse to throw them away because I like my clothes and I don’t want to give up. it would feel like defeat if i did that. So I really just want to know should I be restricting my food way more than I am? Because all this extra exercise isn’t doing Jack shit for me. I’m very frustrated and growing tired of holding myself to this standard and seeing absolutely no results. It feels like we seriously need almost no food at all to survive if this is the case. Like, if I eat one bowl of pasta a week it’s like I have undone everything and it feels so bad. So do I really have to change my mindset to reducing my calories to the point where I am basically eating what feels like next to nothing every day to actually make any progress? I would appreciate some kind honesty here. thanks.
submitted by lessadessa to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:04 festi57 i struggle so much with taking my meds consistently

i’ve been on a mood stabilizer and anxiety meds for years that have proven to work, but i go through periods where i dont take them for weeks or months, then am reminded of why i need them in the first place and realize i just need to take them. the biggest issue is how they upset my stomach if i dont have them with food. this seems like such a dumb post cuz the solution seems simple “oh just have breakfast” but im a superrrrr picky breakfast eater and go thru phases with my food. i was having a bagel consistently every day for breakfast these last few months and was rly good about taking my meds bc of it, then i got sick of the bagel and got out of my routine and taking the meds went with it. sometimes i’ll take them after lunch but i get it in my mind that if its after a certain time of a day im completely off routine and i might as well just not take them that day. then that day turns into weeks.
then all i want to do is rant and cry to my friends when i get upset over something (currently trying to control intense anger in the car with my family as im writing this) but like I KNOW ITS BC I DONT TAKE MY MEDS and i just feel so guilty and annoying bc of it cuz then ofc they just tell me over and over “u need to take ur meds” and yeah they’re right. they currently dont know that i havent taken them for a few weeks tho but i just ugh its like im my own worst enemy.
another reason this is bad is bc one of my medications is lamictal, which my psychiatrist always tells me is SOOOO important that i take consistently bc ig bad stuff can happen if u just stop it suddenly. nothing bad has ever happened but idk one day it could and its literally my fault.
does anyone else struggle with something similar??? bc i rly gotta get this figured out, its been a problem for years. my therapist has suggested keeping protein bars in my car but sometimes protein bars literally make me nauseous if im not in the mood for them. like i just cant force myself to eat breakfast that i dont want, it makes me feel sick. also i already have a daily reminder on my phone that says “take your meds or you’re going to cry today” but that doesnt seem to work anymore lol. and i have them all in a pill organizer in my counter so i see them every morning when getting ready but i just dont take them. please tell me someone has advice other than “just take them”
submitted by festi57 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:01 ducky-mal Whats wrong with my jumping spider?

I found i really cute jumping spider out in the forest a few days ago and decided to take it home. I already know how to take care of jumping spiders so i knew it would be safe. Anywho, I've been mostly catching random furit flys i see and ive been putting it in the enclosure. I havent seen it eat it mysely howevery. i found a big juicy caterpillar for it today, but it dosent even go close to it. Im worred that it hasent been eating anything for alomost a week now. I know they can survise pretty long without food but shouldnt it still go for the food anyway?
submitted by ducky-mal to spiders [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:00 ValuableTailor2755 Why is it that the American FDA will approve of foods and ingredients for Americans that are literally illegal in other countries? It comes as no surprise that they would sign off on an experimental vaccine as well. How can we as Americans continue to say that the FDA ever had our best interest

Why is it that the American FDA will approve of foods and ingredients for Americans that are literally illegal in other countries? It comes as no surprise that they would sign off on an experimental vaccine as well. How can we as Americans continue to say that the FDA ever had our best interest submitted by ValuableTailor2755 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:57 Beneficial_Hair3649 10 hours “i think i can manage it”

Maybe im completely disconnected from the joys of being an influencer because I am not one, but how does 10 hours a week for school seem questionable to her?! She only vlogs and nothing else!!! 90% of her content is her shopping, cleaning, eating, getting food or catering to jordy?! Like you can maybe cut down on the shopping trips every other day and not cater to a man child so much and then the 10 hours a week for culinary school are manageable!!! I mean she has an editor, a gardener and she pays people to wash her clothes by the pound. I just dont get how “busy” michel could be. Her content is so boring, has no uniqueness or intrigue to it. Its just so infuriating how out of touch she is with reality and how to her number one concern is the 10 hours a week and not 30k+ cost for an unaccredited cooking school…
submitted by Beneficial_Hair3649 to micheljanseYT [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:56 DrCaboose96 Returned from a break, completed sections have changed.

I took several months off from learning Italian. I was learning regular verbs, clothes, animals, food. Logging back into the app, I was doing some review and the vocab words from completed sections (and overall the themes) are all new to me and seem much more advance in general. Was there an overhaul of curriculum or did my level get reset? I understand I lost some knowledge but I can confidently say that never learned how to say where I worked or lived before.
submitted by DrCaboose96 to duolingo [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:56 dookiehed Tonsillectomy Experience (38m)

Hey, figured I'd share my tonsillectomy experience because this sub was a great resource for me leading up and after my surgery.
I had surgery on May 2, after quite a bizarre experience with my tonsils. I've had tonsil stones for as long as I can remember, but as everyone here can attest to, ENTs and doctors don't really treat stones. Also, at about the base of my left tonsil, the tissue had hardened a bit, and I suspected that I had a tonsil stone wedged deep that I could feel. After seeing about four ENTs and two oral surgeons, they all gave me the same recommendation: get those suckers yanked out.
I still wasn't convinced so I asked about getting some imaging done (I'm in the US with good private insurance, so relatively easy to schedule, but still decent $$$). I got an MRI and it didn't show anything nefarious, but interestingly enough the tech noted a "lesion" on my right tonsil, the one that felt perfectly fine. Given this new information my ENT suggested a tonsillectomy because it was really the only option I had left and every other doctor suggested the same.
I scheduled my surgery and soon enough the day came. I've had surgeries before (2x ACL, 1x meniscus over a 30 year soccer 'career') so I knew what to expect. I didn't anticipate being in the surgery center with 6 year olds as I was the only adult getting the procedure that day!!
Day 1: They wheeled me back and knocked me out, and when I woke up I remember being surprised that the pain I was in was probably a 9/10. My second ACL surgery was like an 11/10 when I woke up (interestingly enough my first ACL surgery was like 3/10) so I was initially surprised how uncomfortable I was.
They fed me ice pops and gave me ice water and tried talking to me, but before I knew it, I was on my way home. In the US, if you go to a private surgery facility, they generally wheel you out within 10 mins of waking up.
The rest of the day was pretty brutal as swallowing was uncomfortable, but my mouth kept filling with saliva so I essentially had to keep drinking water and swallowing, which wasn't great. Eating was completely out of the question, but I had stocked up on some ready to drink protein drinks that kept me relatively satiated. I kept to a pretty strict medicinal schedule which helped me sleep a bit.
Day 2: Still uncomfortable but the pain was significantly less, maybe a 5-6/10. I took about 5ml every 4-5 hours of liquid oxycodone and caught up on Vanderpump Rules. I kept a large cooler by my bed stocked with ice from Sonic, Alo Water, protein drinks, a million water bottles and ice packs. I had a couple of ice pops, but honestly, I just didn't have any appetite for ice cream or ice pops or the like. Ice cold water and the Alo Water were great.
Day 3-4: Pain was about a 4/10 and getting better. I kept to the same schedule for medicine, trash TV shows, and water + ready to drink protein. My wife made me some pastina pasta with butter and although it took me 45 mins to eat a couple of spoonfuls, it did a lot for my mind. I also ate one scrambled egg, but it took me a while. I also had my bowel movement! This is very important after surgery!! Please take some stool softener!!!
However, on Day 4 right before bed around midnight, I "spit" (aka let drool fall out of my mouth) and noticed blood in my saliva. My doctor just said to call if you see any bright blood in your saliva and I noticed it more and more, but not a lot of volume. Of course I freaked out and called at 1am, but my understanding is that a little blood is ok and should resolve itself with ice water and ice gargling. It's really only if your mouth is filling with blood rapidly that you should head to the hospital.
Day 5: I woke up out of a decent sleep at 4am not in pain, but seriously uncomfortable, like my throat and mouth were incredibly sore. The painkillers really helped and I felt like I had taken a step back in the recovery. I could start to talk a little bit more, but nothing more than a couple of whispered sentences at a time.
Day 6: Still sore, but I remember feeling like I turned a corner finally.
Day 7: Back to work! I work hybrid so I was home to recover and didn't have any problems concentrating or typing or anything. I had only been taking the painkillers maybe once a day, usually at night.
I'm a little over 2 weeks now and I feel as though I'm completely back to eating normally and speaking normally, though I can't talk too loud or for too long. After living with tonsil stones for so long, my mouth feels a lot cleaner if that makes sense.
No regrets on the surgery. Looking back, spending time in front of a mirror pushing calcified food particles out of crevices in your mouth is a wild way to spend your time. The recovery was tough I'm not gonna lie, but it is relatively short.
I found myself just like drooling saliva out of my mouth over a sink because I didn't want to swallow anymore. Ice cold water makes swallowing way more tolerable so try to always have ice cold water on hand at all times. I drink water like a psychopath so I was super hydrated, to the point where I was peeing every 45 mins the first two days. I couldn't imagine being dehydrated and trying to recover.
If I could do it over again, I would brew more tea with plenty of honey and let it cool down and then drink it cold. Honey is basically a wonder drug but I didn't utilize it enough in the beginning.
I found and downloaded a text to speech app, which was pretty handy. My kids loved it.
Here are some essentials that other people have mentioned here but I'll list them below. Good luck!!
Pillow Wedge for elevated sleep - I actually still use this as I enjoy sleeping a bit elevated now
Alo Water with Honey - I didn't realize there are clear pieces of aloe vera "pulp" in the drink, which was a super weird experience. I wound up straining the pulp out. Also, try to cut this with water, there's an insane amount of sugar in the huge bottles and you don't want any unnecessary discomfort while you're trying to recover.
Warm and Cool Mist Humidifier - I already owned this and I had it running basically 24/7. I still woke up with a dry mouth which is kind of miserable, but I think it would've been worse if I didn't have this.
Fairlife Core Power Protein Drinks - 26 or 42 grams of protein is amazing when you're recovering. They are a bit expensive, so I picked up a case of the Fairlife Nutrition Plan from my local Costco.
Sonic Pebble Ice - Pebble ice is so much better than regular ice from a freezer or if you're freezing a tray. I don't know why. It's so much easier to chew and it's so much more satisfying to put in your water, especially recovering from a tonsillectomy. If you don't leave near a Sonic, try to find pebble ice somewhere!
Miralax, 7 Once Daily Doses - You NEED a stool softener. The opioids will back you up. The worst part of my ACL recovery was that first bowel movement. I didn't stay on top of my stool softener game. You gotta get that first BM out of the way ideally within like 2-3 days.
RTIC 52 QT Cooler - It's not necessary to have a $200 cooler next to your bed, but if you already have a nice one like a Yeti or RTIC, I'd definitely recommend keeping it near where you are recovering.
Tongue Scraper - I didn't brush my teeth for like 3 days and I felt awful about it. I'd recommend at least a tongue scraper to keep up on the hygiene.
Ice Pack Head Wrap - I thought I would use this more, but it came in handy on days 5-6. I didn't need it, but I'm glad it was around.
submitted by dookiehed to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:52 Idream_of_jeani AITA for expecting the apartment to be cleaner?

(Apologies in advance for the lengthiness)
My fiancé(m32) and I (f32) have been together 4 years. We have lived together half of that time. When we met and the first year we lived together we both worked full time, except for a few months of him being unemployed. He got a new job which pays well but is often long hours. I quit and incredibly toxic job and went to working part-time. As that’s what we agreed upon and he actually encouraged that choice.
I have always been the one to take care of most of the household things (grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, etc). So when I was working full time I was incredibly stressed all the time because if I didn’t do things then they didn’t get done. Now, that I work less I have much more time to keep up on things. And it generally works out pretty well. That is until I am sick or otherwise unable.
Recently, I had oral surgery which ended up with complications. I was in the ER then at home, in bed for the last week. I was barely eating or anything. Mostly I’d wake up to take pain meds and go back to sleep. He would bring me meds and food/water when needed. My mom also came to help, sometimes it was when he was at work and sometimes they were both here.
Yesterday, I was finally well enough to get up and start to move around our apartment. And everything was dirty. The counters were covered in food, the floor was covered in crumbs, nothing was put away, the dishes were piled up (even though I know my mom had washed them twice when she was here). I noticed the dishwasher hadn’t been used so I loaded it and cleaned to the best of my abilities, but I’m still pretty tired and sore. I texted him that I was disappointed about all the mess.
After dinner, I was putting our dinner dishes in the dishwasher. Me: I noticed you didn’t use the dishwasher while I was recovering. Why not? Him: I don’t know. I was just handwashing so we didn’t run out of bowls and spoons. It was working better. Me: Was it though? The dishes were really piled up. Him: clearly aggravated I don’t know. But it’s over now so I don’t need your critique on how I did the dishes!
I was bothered by that response, but walked away. A few minutes, later he tried to kiss me and I was clearly upset. He asked why. I explained that I didn’t like his response. He went off, yelling at me about how I am starting a fight at 10:30pm and how ungrateful I am. He kept saying he didn’t give a shit about my opinions on the dishes and if I wanted something done to do it myself.
Eventually, I yelled back for a few minutes (barely because I have stitches in my mouth). I kept trying to calm myself down and respond to his questions rationally. I told him he was being crazy and irrational because I just wanted to talk. He continued to yell. I said we should sit down so we can stop yelling and have a conversation. He told me I couldn’t force him to have a conversation then left the apartment. He came back about 10 minutes later and just slept on the couch. I told him he was being dramatic then went to bed. Around 1am I came out and woke him to come sleep in the bed because his back always hurts when he sleeps on the couch.
This morning, he woke up and just started acting like everything was fine. This afternoon, I asked him if we were going to address what happened last night. And he lost it again. Yelling at me again. He carried on for 30 minutes with hardly any response from me and I didn’t yell back at all. I tried to acknowledge his feelings. And tried to calmly explain my point. He told me I was extremely selfish for expecting the apartment to be clean when I recovered just so that I didn’t have to do anything when I got up. And that I was victimizing myself by saying that his lack of cleaning made extra work for me.
Meanwhile all week he’s been complaining to me how his coworkers don’t clean up after themselves or put away any equipment. And how much time he spends just cleaning up things that other people didn’t take care of. I tried to explain how our home situation and his work situation are similar. He said they’re not the same at all because work is work. I explained that everything I do at home is work, and he and I are coworkers in managing our life. He refused to hear that.
Am I wrong in this situation?
submitted by Idream_of_jeani to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:52 Math_nerd415 Photo to Sunday GA ticket post $125

Photo to Sunday GA ticket post $125 submitted by Math_nerd415 to bottlerock [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:51 who_cares2468 First spider, first egg sac!

First spider, first egg sac!
Hello! My sis in law recently caught a jumping spider and I have it in a tarantula crib/ enclosure. Well, about 2-3 weeks later, we had a hammock(yesterday), and then next day (this morning) an egg sac! I am pretty sure, since wild caught, this is a fertile sac. I am going to use panty hose on outside of enclosure to hold babies inside safely. My question is this!!! The hammock/egg sac is on the top, where the lid is at! How can I offer food/water, without disrupting her, and stressing her out, or destroying her hammock and sac?! We are going to do a homeschool lesson during this time, later release since they’re native, and keep 1 baby for my son!
submitted by who_cares2468 to jumpingspiders [link] [comments]