Persian escort

Asking for guidance on Primary and Secondary for filing next week

2024.06.01 14:17 taowandering Asking for guidance on Primary and Secondary for filing next week

Looking for guidance on filing Claim (1st) next week. TIA!!
In Persian Gulf 02Aug90 - 30SEP90 - TERA, Reported Sarin use while ONSTA
Filed intent to file, June 2023
I have Dx and meds.
Do I need to specify primary and secondary?
I have VHA and Civi doc confirming.
Do I also file for Raynauds with pics or wait for Dx?
My list of Diagnoses - most confirmed within a year or so, almost all 5+ to 20 years.
Sorry, the timeline, as best as I can recall.
Nothing prior to service. IN Service: 1990 - Stress-induced asthma 1991 - 6 mos LIMDU s/p fall on ship, LBP, MRI findings. PhysTherapy found bilateral chondromalacia patella, deficit of leg strength Two Psych evals after chewing out CAPT DOC re: heal my back 1992 - 1993 A lot of inhalers and NSAIDS for back pain.
After Honorable: 1997 - VA - albuterol Asthma 2000 - Chronic Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Sleep Apnea Symptoms, Weight gain 2001 - Ride for 9/11 - SD to NYC, Police Escort, Tour Ground Zero still on fire, Numb + Avoidance 2002 - Gout, kidney stones 2004, 2005 - VA - Cardioversions x 2 + OSA CPAP + Hypertension + Borderline A1C @ 6.4, GERD 2006 - CIVI - Anxiety, Asthma, LBP, neck pain, TN, Paroxysmal Afib, CHF 2007 - Pain increased, MDD, Anxiety, Nasal Polyps, common sinus infections, persistent cough 2011 - VA - TIA, Gout+, Hypertension, Kidney Stones, Morbid Obesity 2012 - Divorce w/ profound anger, Isolation begins, Depression +, Lungs feel swollen, SOB 2014 - A1C ~7.0, weight gain, LBP worsens, OSA+CSA BIPAP 2016 - Restless Leg Syndrome, severe asthma, unable to perform job, 50% work 2017 - Nasal Polyps confirmed on MRI, IBS Sx, Shut in, Lost Engagement, Isolation, Max Singulair, Kenalog shot for allergic reactions and worsening breathing. 2020 Back and Neck Pain now CHRONIC, Anxiety Increased, Insomnia, Fatigue, SI, PTSD anger and guilt 2022 - Elevated BNP (confirms CHF), Angiogram for two artery 50% occlusion, PTSD and Insomnia go through the roof as I reduced Percocet from 40 mg/day to 20 mg/day. Psych confirms "compensating behaviors lost during 7 years of consistent Percocet use, Lyrica and Gabapentin both failed as I lost motor control and balance. Lost EOD training buddy to Lung Cancer. Effexor Maxed. Multiuse for rescue inhaler. 2023 - IBS worsens, GERD returns, SI, PTSD rated to 49, Unable to work regularly, physical labor only for 3-5 minutes, walking more than 100 years leads to breathlessness. Add steroid inhaler. 2024 - Afib to Chronic, Start PTSD and MDD counseling with VA
CAD - Coronary artery disease (SCT 53741008) DBQ + Angiogram + Stress tests
Chronic diastolic heart failure (SCT 441530006) DBQ + echo + Stress tests + Confirmed
Transient Ischemic Attack Apr 9,2011@11:44
I48.20 Chronic atrial fibrillation R79.89- Elevated brain natrluretic peptide (BNP) level 8/2/22
Depression (SCT 35489007)
Anxiety (SCT 48694002)
PTSD Rated 49, Psychiatrist stated anxiety valid for life risk in Gulf Attack
G47.00- Insomnia Ongoing, Part of PTSD
Trigeminal neuralgia (SCT 31681005)
G89.4- Chronic pain syndrome
M79.2 - Neuralgia Part Back Pain
R10.9- Abdominal cramping IBS - Dicyclomine
K21.9- GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) after meds jumped again
R11.0- Nausea Zofran
K59.00 - Constipation Part of IBS
M54.5 - Low back pain - CHRONIC 3-8 Naprosyn + 2 Aspirin 325 Daily
M542 Neck pain - CHRONIC 3-8 Naprosyn + 2 Aspirin 325 Daily
Obstructive Sleep Apnea of Adult (SCT 1101000119103) Twice confirmed OSA + CSA
J01.01- Acute recurrent maxilary sinusits Twice Daily flushes, 4-6 infections each year
R53.83- Fatigue
G25.81 - Restless leg syndrome confirmed in latest Sleep Study this month
R09.81 - Congestion of nasal sinus Twice Daily flushes, 4-6 infections each year
J309.- Allergic rhinitis - Chronic Twice Daily flushes, 4-6 infections each year
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 (SCT 44054006) Hyperlipidemia (SCT 55822004)
Gout (SCT 90560007)
Morbid obesity (SCT 238136002) Met with Nutrition team and lost weight
Last PCP noted from my Civilian records:
"These records - Dr. Nichols, MD - Show drug compliance, Constant Pain from Back, Recurring Gout and kidney stones, Development of severe lung issues, Rx History."
submitted by taowandering to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 11:14 Commercial_Cicada910 What do you think about this Navy job? Going enlisted or officer route?

TLDR: I am getting in the Italian Navy with a Master's. With my Master's I can only do a specific officer role, it' similar to a logistics / finance officer. I have pasted the full description of the role below, in detail. Can you please tell me based on the info below what you think about this job? Is it exciting or boring? How do you think it compares with going the enlisted route (Warrant Officer position) based on what I wrote?
I (25M) am finishing a Master's Degree in Business from a top school, and I am going into the Italian Navy (yes I know this is a US centred sub, but it does not matter, just pretend the rules and organizations are the same and then I'll just filter the info from your answers by myself). There are only 2 relevant differences to keep in mind:
1) In my situation I can become a Warrant Officer (it's a NCO role) through a Navy School that provides me with a Bachelor's Degree (in my case, I'd choose Engineering) and then you're basically middle management between enlisted and officers. It's got its pros in my opinion, I really like it and it keeps my options unlimited (I get an engineering degree, I can go T1 special ops, I can do any MOS I want, I can deploy, I am not limited by my previous Degree). I just don't love the huge pay gap obviously
2) The main difference between officers in the Italian Navy and the US Navy is that you can't major in anything you want and then be commissioned in any role as an officer... you're bound to what you majored in. I majored in Business Econ + Law so I can only be commissioned in the role described below.


" The Italian Navy Commissariat Corps is a technical Corp composed only of officers of the Italian Navy.
Like all the Italian Navy corps, it is made up only of officers coming for the most part from the Law degree of the Naval Academy or, in some cases, selected from direct appointment competitions within the civilian population, or from the Special Role (NCOs becoming officers due to seniority).
The Maritime Military Commissariat Corps was established in 1876. The officers of the Commissariat Corps provide the Navy with an important contribution in the financial, legal, administrative and logistical fields, perpetuating in peace as in war the glorious maritime traditions of the Armed Force. The Commissariats of the Navy were created in the 16th century by Cosimo I de Medici, who provided the galleys and galleons of the Tuscan navy with officers in charge of ensuring the enforcement of laws and trade agreements in the ports where the ships sailed. The figure quickly spread to European navies.
The Corps' tasks includes logistical/administrative management, fund management, inspection of accounts, legal advice and litigation management.
They are also sent to the Commands ashore - including the Navy High Command - to further broaden their professional background and experience, also by attending numerous specialised courses (internship at the Attorney General's Office, courses in naval escort management or for helicopter specialists, etc.).
After achieving the rank of Lieutenant, they are sent back on board for a period of about two years with the position of Head of Logistics Service.
On board of naval units, this commissioned officer is entrusted with numerous tasks and responsibilities in various areas, including administrative, financial and logistical management, procurement and management of materials and equipment for the maintenance of the ship and the embarked air component, advice on legal and disciplinary matters, as well as any other task, including external relations, specifically entrusted to him by the ship's command.
Career development sees Commissary officers employed at the Commands/Entities ashore in a variety of employment sectors and with increasing levels of responsibility. These include, in particular, administrative/logistical management and control activities, financial planning in coordination with the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, and policy-making in the areas of personnel management and justice and discipline.
Moreover, following the Navy's growing involvement in international law enforcement, humanitarian and peace-keeping activities, in near and far seas (Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, Lebanon, humanitarian emergencies in Indonesia and Haiti, etc.), some Commissary officers are temporarily assigned to ships and operational headquarters deployed in crisis areas with duties of legal advice on international and humanitarian law and the application of the rules of engagement during the mission;
To this end, they receive specialised professional training centred on courses in humanitarian law, dedicated university executive degrees, internships at foreign Navies, etc.
At the top of their career ladder, they may hold the position of Director-General of a commissariat or Central Director of the Ministry of Defence. "
Based on what you read, what do you guys think of this job? I'm trying to comparing it to the enlisted route
thank you very much for any suggestion or comment!
submitted by Commercial_Cicada910 to newtothenavy [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:59 Southern-Ad-9105_4 Remnants of the battle between the "son of god" and his adversary – in various myths from around the globe.

The story of Perseus killing Acrisius accidentally during a game is the same as that of Athena who kills Pallas (daughter of Triton) accidentally during a game.
The fact that Athena corresponds to Perseus is apparent in the fact that the Gorgon was claimed to have been killed by her in some versions of the story. This is because Perseus refers yet again to the same figure of the "son of god" (due to be killed since his evil grandfather Acrisius had received a prophecy in which he would be dethroned by a male heir so he tried to drown Perseus and abandoned him on the banks of a sea). And the "son of god" was also claimed to have been born a hermaphrodite so most of the times he was worshipped as male but sometimes also as female (which is where the version of Athena killing the Gorgon comes from). When Athena is depicted alongside Perseus escorting him or while aiding him in the battle – this refers of course to a different Perseus who was helped by the same Athena i.e. the male Athena – which then became herself equivalent with a version of Perseus that killed the Gorgon. As stated in previous posts there were various doublets or even triplets throughout mythology (and as explained also by Cicero in his "De Natura Deorum" – when he claims that there was more than one Jupiter, more than one Minerva, more than one Apollo etc. and he extends the same concept also to the heroes of Greek mythology; claiming that "Heracles" for example was a title attributed to multiple figures; not just one. The same thing being valid for the other heroes of Greek mythology as well who also have at least one or two other versions of themselves which are different and distinct individuals from the main one; but they were all called with the same name since "Heracles", "Perseus", "Achilles" are not personal names but they’re epithets/titles; and thus because they were all called by the same epithets/titles they were thus believed to be one and the same individual when in fact they weren’t. This way there was also more than one "Perseus"; and one of these Perseuses corresponds to the figure of the "son of god" who killed the monstrous devil/Gorgon and was then credited with the victory still – also when he came to be worshipped as female in the form of Athena/Minerva).
The Indo-European version of this myth alternates between a projectile weapon being the cause of the death of the enemy or a rock-like object. In the Perseus story Perseus throws an Olympic disc accidentally hitting Acrisius and killing him. The discus being a substitute for a rock-like object that’s flat and smooth on its surface.
The same story is told for the Irish god Lugh who killed the evil Balor of the Evil Eye with a sling-shot throwing a rock at him which killed him; but alternatively the Irish god Lugh is said to have thrown a spear instead – that killed Balor. This is where the alternative version where Athena throws a spear to kill Pallas comes from.
The same concept is told in the Book of Revelation where "the Beast" is claimed to have a wound in the center of its forehead – the wound being the one that the "son of god" i.e. Jesus had previously inflicted on the Serpent by hitting him with the so-called "sling shot" of Indo-European mythology (and as we’ve seen it’s either a sling shot or a throw of a spear according to the version). The Indo-European god who kills with a sling also refers to King David and Goliath naturally.
Now, the reason why they’re both regarded as female this time in the Greek myth (Athena and Pallas who are sparring together) is because both the "son of god" and the one called "Lucifer" (referring to the evil Lucifer who was first worshipped as the Antichrist since Satan and Lucifer were originally two distinct entities and Satan was the one whom mythology traditionally refers to as The Serpent; and he held power and control over Lucifer and the so-called "demons" – but later Lucifer came to hold control over the Serpent instead; making the Serpent his beast of burden essentially so Lucifer became the new Satan replacing the older one) they are both claimed to have been born as hermaphrodites. So because of this they’re addressed as both male and female in other cultures which worship equivalents of them. (The same in Egypt with Horus who displays very feminine hips as a child: and with Set who is sexually ambiguous by nature – or also with Thor and Loki in the Norse myth where Thor was dressed with female clothes by the goddess Freyja and he’s indistinguishable from Freyja while wearing feminine clothes to the point that they fooled a giant with this trick; while Loki gives birth by himself – or also with Attis and Agdistis in the Phrygian cult).
This is what it means in theology when it’s stated that one of the names of Christ is "Sophia" (i.e. the male Sophia; because there was a female Sophia as well who was considered the Bride of Christ instead). But at the same time it’s also spelled out quite literally i.e. – that Sophia who’s a female principle – became incarnated into Christ. So according to Gnostic views when Sophia incarnated she incarnated as Christ. Now all of this symbolic speaking means nothing more than the fact that Jesus inherited feminine traits as well as masculine ones at his birth; and this refers back to what’s been stated in other posts as well – that the figure of the "son of god" was born a hermaphrodite because of an outside intervention that was done on the fetus – which made him develop female genitals as well as male ones. When talking about the Wisdom of God or the Holy Spirit or even the Word of God and generally speaking; someone who acts on behalf of God executing his will and represents wisdom/knowledge – this female principle is said to be incarnated by Christ despite being a female principle. Thus as one can see – through metaphors what pagan mythology claims for the "son of god" (i.e. that he was born a hermaphrodite) – Christianity itself also claims as well; though everything is camouflaged with metaphors and spiritual words instead in the Christian version (and also in all cultures derived from Christianity; like Gnosticism etc.).
Although there was also another Sophia as mentioned – who is either represented as the "Theotokos" (Mother of God) or as the Bride of Christ herself – and in that case this is the "other" Sophia who’s instead female in gender. So there are two Sophias – Christ and the Magdalene or Christ and Mary the Mother of Jesus (who’s sometimes substituted for the Magdalene interchangeably).
The fact that Christ is the feminine Sophia himself once again confirms how he corresponds to the figure of the male Minerva (Minerva being "knowledge") that sits at the right hand of the Throne of Power (the Throne of God – "Zeus" in the case of Minerva) and also to the pagan figure of "Vohu Manah" (the Indo-European god of intellect) who sits at the right hand of Ahura Mazda (the supreme Persian god). The name "Minerva" was derived from the one of Vohu Manah who’s in turn equivalent with the Moon-god "Mēn" from which the name (Menerva) came from and who’s equivalent with Christ himself. (The moon-god Mēn was equated with the Phrygian Attis and with all subsequent figures mentioned in the other posts). The name "Men" – "Mene" – "Manah" etc. only belonged to the male-god and that’s precisely where the name "Minerva" came from.
submitted by Southern-Ad-9105_4 to EsotericOccult [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:40 JDean_WAfricaStories The frantic voice of his house girl pierced the night's silence [2]

Initially, the towering foreigner from the northeast stood firm. His stern expression and yellowish eyes hinted at a stubbornness that caught Ailemu off guard. “$5,000,” Saadou said in a thick northeast accent. For a moment, Ailemu’s heart leaped with joy: for a moment. “For…25 cows,” Saadou continued. “Where is the other man? I am not selling the rest 50 until I see how much the other man wants to buy.” He had already heard of both the “fat man” and “short man with no neck” from his fellow countrymen who conducted businesses in the northern province. He knew all about their messengers and scouts of boys and could easily spot them as they got nearer and nearer to the river. “My brother,” Ailemu said, taking off his kufi and scratching his shiny bald head. “$5,000 is too big a price for 25 cows. $2,500 is better.” “$5,000. $5,000 is the price. 25 cows, $5,000.” Ailemu put his kufi back on and smiled. He assessed the situation with a shrewd glint in his eyes. He knew the delicate dance of negotiating with hardened cattle herders from the backcountry. A dance that required finesse and one that he had done many times over, far before hiring Abu. Leaning in, he adopted a congenial tone, as if sharing a secret with an old friend. "Saadou, my brother," Ailemu began, gesturing towards the bushy landscape around them, "you've traveled a long way, and I can see these cows are strong. But you see, brother, $5,000 is much much for 25 cows. Let's not rush this. Just see clear my deal, eh." Saadou's stern facade remained intact, but there was a flicker of curiosity in his eyes. Ailemu seized the opportunity, continuing his dance. "Now, I know the price of your cows, and I respect much much my brother," Ailemu said, feigning a contemplative look. "But, let me make my deal sweet. I have a big house, not far from here, with big big bedrooms and big beds for a king. Look at this, eh. With the 25 cows, I'll provide you and your two children with a enjoyable stay at my place. No extra price. You rest, relax, and we finish the deal. No rush." Saadou's eyes, which had been fixed on Ailemu, shifted to his two travel companions. His gaze softened as he observed the five-year-old and ten-year-old. Tegedantay's once-vibrant eyes, now dulled by exhaustion, looked up at him, silently pleading for respite. Sulieman, trying to put on a brave front, couldn't conceal the weariness etched into his young face. Dust-covered and with drooping shoulders, they clung to each other for support, their eyes reflecting the fatigue of almost 30 days on the road. A widening smile tugged at the corner of Ailemu’s mouth, sensing the shift in Saadou's resolve. This negotiation wasn't just about cows and money. "Brother Saadou," Ailemu pressed on, his voice filled with understanding, "I see the journey is hard on your little ones. Let them rest, and enjoy the comfort of my home. There's no rush in the deal, eh. Let’s talk over a warm meal and finish everything when you are ready." Nestled in the heart of the northern province, Ailemu's two-story residence stood as a testament to opulence by local standards. The second floor sheltered his family, while the first floor welcomed esteemed guests, particularly significant (qualifying at minimum 10 cows) cattle sellers. Six spacious bedrooms on this level, graced with king-sized beds, offered a haven for the wayfarer. The first floor also featured a dining room, a kitchen area, and a living room adorned with the softest Persian rug. Beyond its architectural charm, Ailemu's house boasted a dedicated staff—houseboys, housegirls, and cooks—all diligently trained to cater to the whims and desires of residents and guests alike. The house served as a strategic asset in negotiations, where comfort and hospitality played pivotal roles in sealing deals. "Shaiku may have the mountains, but I have the house!" Ailemu often quipped to his inner circle and Abu. Thus, the resolution was reached that day, sealed with complimentary lodging. Ailemu, flanked by his four houseboys, guided Saadou, his "little ones," and their cattle toward the grandeur of his two-story residence. The cattle found refuge in a dedicated enclosure within Ailemu's expansive compound, strategically positioned for scrutiny. Separated yet close to the house, the enclosure allowed for easy observation and peace of mind for the house guests. Saadou, Tegedantay, and Sulieman were ushered into snug bedrooms, designed for their comfort. One bedroom with its king size bed accommodated the adult and the other for the two children. Once settled, Ailemu extended an invitation for dinner, an opportunity for the guests to share a meal with him and his family. The evening's culinary delight consisted of chicken stew accompanied by fluffy white rice: its aroma enveloping the room and teasing taste buds. As appetites were sated from the main course, Ailemu unveiled a mouth-watering treat—round, fried donuts generously filled with jam from freshly picked blueberries. Post-dinner, the men excused themselves, leaving the wife and children to enjoy each other’s company. In the living room, a silver teapot brimming with mint tea and two delicate glass cups arranged on a silver tray awaited the two. Nestled on the plush Persian rug, they indulged in a soothing ritual that was the essence of welcoming hospitality in their region. In each other's company, the two men delved into their shared backgrounds, uncovering tales of harsh fathers, distant mothers, and the early shouldering of familial responsibilities. Amidst the complexities of family dynamics, including sibling rivalry and occasional hostility, Ailemu learned that Tegedantay was Saadou's daughter, and Sulieman, his nephew. As the night wore on, Ailemu and Saadou became engrossed in conversation. Ailemu, always the master of levity, cracked a well-timed joke that brought an unexpected smile to the stern-faced cattle herder. The tension had eased, replaced by genuine camaraderie as the two men shared stories, both humorous and poignant. The living room’s grandfather clock struck midnight and neither man showed no signs of weariness. It was just before the clock struck an hour past midnight, Ailemu introduced a sleek black briefcase into the conversation. He opened it to unveil a meticulous arrangement of bills—$100s, $50s, $20s, $10s, 5s, and singles, neatly packed. With practiced hands, Ailemu counted out $2,500, presenting the amount to Saadou. "This is the agreed price for the 25 cows, eh?" Saadou nodded in satisfaction, accepting the stacked bills with a sense of finality. The night concluded with an agreement to reconvene negotiations for the remaining 50 cows on the morrow. Ailemu, true to his reputation for hospitality, extended an offer for Saadou and his family to stay another night. However, should negotiations falter, he made it clear that his houseboys would personally escort them to Shaiku for a potentially better offer. The two men bidded each other good night, each looking forward to the next day’s transacting. Startled from his deep slumber, Ailemu was abruptly woken by rapid knocks on his bedroom door. (However, his wife, a heavy sleeper, remained undisturbed.) The frantic voice of his house girl pierced the night's silence. "Bossman, bossman!" Wiping away the remnants of sleep, Ailemu groggily swung his legs over the side of the bed and followed the girl's voice. He opened the bedroom door to find the house girl, who was wide-eyed and clearly distressed. “He’s not well,” she said urgently. “He’s not well. Come.” Ailemu stumbled through the stairway and the dimly lit corridor, guided only by the faint moonlight seeping through the windows. Upon reaching the guest room, the house girl flung open the door, revealing the huddled shapes of two small bodies. Panicking, Ailemu fumbled in the darkness, urgently calling for a flashlight. He was startled when the house girl's hands unexpectedly placed a cold metal object against his stomach. "Oh," he mumbled, grabbing the flashlight from her. As the light revealed the room's inhabitants, Ailemu's gaze shifted from the terror-stricken faces of Tegedantay and Sulieman to the sweating and pulsating chest of Saadou. He moved his flashlight further up to the man’s face and then saw the look. A chilling recognition washed over as he recalled seeing the same look afflicting other family members in the past. Saadou, the strong and stoic herder from the northeast, now lay helpless, his face yellowing as he struggled to speak, blood seeping from his mouth. A doctor was summoned immediately, and upon arrival in the morning, delivered a prognosis that did not surprise Ailemu. The medical jargon notwithstanding, the plain truth was that Saadou's chances of survival were slim, rendering a long trip to the hospital futile. As the day unfolded, Saadou's condition rapidly deteriorated—vomiting blood, high fever, dark bloody diarrhea, and seizures followed. By nightfall, he succumbed to his ailment, leaving behind $2,500, 50 cows, and two orphaned children. Following the province's religion and culture, an immediate burial was imperative within 24 hours. Keen to spare the children from witnessing their guardian's interment, Ailemu directed his houseboys to take Tegedantay and Sulieman on a tour of his compound and all his cattle, while the community laid Saadou to rest. Post-burial, discussions with the community elders ensued regarding the fate of Saadou's possessions and the young children. A consensus emerged that the eldest child, Sulieman, should be escorted back to the northeast to inform his family of the tragic news. On a Friday, two days after Saadou's passing, 10-year-old Suleiman, accompanied by Abu, embarked on a journey to the river to return to his homeland. /The Business of Cow. A 3-Part Series Short Story about the life of early cattle traders in West Africa. By West African writer Josephine Dean/
submitted by JDean_WAfricaStories to stories [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:36 JDean_WAfricaStories [RF] The frantic voice of his house girl pierced the night's silence - Part 2

Initially, the towering foreigner from the northeast stood firm. His stern expression and yellowish eyes hinted at a stubbornness that caught Ailemu off guard. “$5,000,” Saadou said in a thick northeast accent. For a moment, Ailemu’s heart leaped with joy: for a moment. “For…25 cows,” Saadou continued. “Where is the other man? I am not selling the rest 50 until I see how much the other man wants to buy.” He had already heard of both the “fat man” and “short man with no neck” from his fellow countrymen who conducted businesses in the northern province. He knew all about their messengers and scouts of boys and could easily spot them as they got nearer and nearer to the river. “My brother,” Ailemu said, taking off his kufi and scratching his shiny bald head. “$5,000 is too big a price for 25 cows. $2,500 is better.” “$5,000. $5,000 is the price. 25 cows, $5,000.” Ailemu put his kufi back on and smiled. He assessed the situation with a shrewd glint in his eyes. He knew the delicate dance of negotiating with hardened cattle herders from the backcountry. A dance that required finesse and one that he had done many times over, far before hiring Abu. Leaning in, he adopted a congenial tone, as if sharing a secret with an old friend. "Saadou, my brother," Ailemu began, gesturing towards the bushy landscape around them, "you've traveled a long way, and I can see these cows are strong. But you see, brother, $5,000 is much much for 25 cows. Let's not rush this. Just see clear my deal, eh." Saadou's stern facade remained intact, but there was a flicker of curiosity in his eyes. Ailemu seized the opportunity, continuing his dance. "Now, I know the price of your cows, and I respect much much my brother," Ailemu said, feigning a contemplative look. "But, let me make my deal sweet. I have a big house, not far from here, with big big bedrooms and big beds for a king. Look at this, eh. With the 25 cows, I'll provide you and your two children with a enjoyable stay at my place. No extra price. You rest, relax, and we finish the deal. No rush." Saadou's eyes, which had been fixed on Ailemu, shifted to his two travel companions. His gaze softened as he observed the five-year-old and ten-year-old. Tegedantay's once-vibrant eyes, now dulled by exhaustion, looked up at him, silently pleading for respite. Sulieman, trying to put on a brave front, couldn't conceal the weariness etched into his young face. Dust-covered and with drooping shoulders, they clung to each other for support, their eyes reflecting the fatigue of almost 30 days on the road. A widening smile tugged at the corner of Ailemu’s mouth, sensing the shift in Saadou's resolve. This negotiation wasn't just about cows and money. "Brother Saadou," Ailemu pressed on, his voice filled with understanding, "I see the journey is hard on your little ones. Let them rest, and enjoy the comfort of my home. There's no rush in the deal, eh. Let’s talk over a warm meal and finish everything when you are ready." Nestled in the heart of the northern province, Ailemu's two-story residence stood as a testament to opulence by local standards. The second floor sheltered his family, while the first floor welcomed esteemed guests, particularly significant (qualifying at minimum 10 cows) cattle sellers. Six spacious bedrooms on this level, graced with king-sized beds, offered a haven for the wayfarer. The first floor also featured a dining room, a kitchen area, and a living room adorned with the softest Persian rug. Beyond its architectural charm, Ailemu's house boasted a dedicated staff—houseboys, housegirls, and cooks—all diligently trained to cater to the whims and desires of residents and guests alike. The house served as a strategic asset in negotiations, where comfort and hospitality played pivotal roles in sealing deals. "Shaiku may have the mountains, but I have the house!" Ailemu often quipped to his inner circle and Abu. Thus, the resolution was reached that day, sealed with complimentary lodging. Ailemu, flanked by his four houseboys, guided Saadou, his "little ones," and their cattle toward the grandeur of his two-story residence. The cattle found refuge in a dedicated enclosure within Ailemu's expansive compound, strategically positioned for scrutiny. Separated yet close to the house, the enclosure allowed for easy observation and peace of mind for the house guests. Saadou, Tegedantay, and Sulieman were ushered into snug bedrooms, designed for their comfort. One bedroom with its king size bed accommodated the adult and the other for the two children. Once settled, Ailemu extended an invitation for dinner, an opportunity for the guests to share a meal with him and his family. The evening's culinary delight consisted of chicken stew accompanied by fluffy white rice: its aroma enveloping the room and teasing taste buds. As appetites were sated from the main course, Ailemu unveiled a mouth-watering treat—round, fried donuts generously filled with jam from freshly picked blueberries. Post-dinner, the men excused themselves, leaving the wife and children to enjoy each other’s company. In the living room, a silver teapot brimming with mint tea and two delicate glass cups arranged on a silver tray awaited the two. Nestled on the plush Persian rug, they indulged in a soothing ritual that was the essence of welcoming hospitality in their region. In each other's company, the two men delved into their shared backgrounds, uncovering tales of harsh fathers, distant mothers, and the early shouldering of familial responsibilities. Amidst the complexities of family dynamics, including sibling rivalry and occasional hostility, Ailemu learned that Tegedantay was Saadou's daughter, and Sulieman, his nephew. As the night wore on, Ailemu and Saadou became engrossed in conversation. Ailemu, always the master of levity, cracked a well-timed joke that brought an unexpected smile to the stern-faced cattle herder. The tension had eased, replaced by genuine camaraderie as the two men shared stories, both humorous and poignant. The living room’s grandfather clock struck midnight and neither man showed no signs of weariness. It was just before the clock struck an hour past midnight, Ailemu introduced a sleek black briefcase into the conversation. He opened it to unveil a meticulous arrangement of bills—$100s, $50s, $20s, $10s, 5s, and singles, neatly packed. With practiced hands, Ailemu counted out $2,500, presenting the amount to Saadou. "This is the agreed price for the 25 cows, eh?" Saadou nodded in satisfaction, accepting the stacked bills with a sense of finality. The night concluded with an agreement to reconvene negotiations for the remaining 50 cows on the morrow. Ailemu, true to his reputation for hospitality, extended an offer for Saadou and his family to stay another night. However, should negotiations falter, he made it clear that his houseboys would personally escort them to Shaiku for a potentially better offer. The two men bidded each other good night, each looking forward to the next day’s transacting. Startled from his deep slumber, Ailemu was abruptly woken by rapid knocks on his bedroom door. (However, his wife, a heavy sleeper, remained undisturbed.) The frantic voice of his house girl pierced the night's silence. "Bossman, bossman!" Wiping away the remnants of sleep, Ailemu groggily swung his legs over the side of the bed and followed the girl's voice. He opened the bedroom door to find the house girl, who was wide-eyed and clearly distressed. “He’s not well,” she said urgently. “He’s not well. Come.” Ailemu stumbled through the stairway and the dimly lit corridor, guided only by the faint moonlight seeping through the windows. Upon reaching the guest room, the house girl flung open the door, revealing the huddled shapes of two small bodies. Panicking, Ailemu fumbled in the darkness, urgently calling for a flashlight. He was startled when the house girl's hands unexpectedly placed a cold metal object against his stomach. "Oh," he mumbled, grabbing the flashlight from her. As the light revealed the room's inhabitants, Ailemu's gaze shifted from the terror-stricken faces of Tegedantay and Sulieman to the sweating and pulsating chest of Saadou. He moved his flashlight further up to the man’s face and then saw the look. A chilling recognition washed over as he recalled seeing the same look afflicting other family members in the past. Saadou, the strong and stoic herder from the northeast, now lay helpless, his face yellowing as he struggled to speak, blood seeping from his mouth. A doctor was summoned immediately, and upon arrival in the morning, delivered a prognosis that did not surprise Ailemu. The medical jargon notwithstanding, the plain truth was that Saadou's chances of survival were slim, rendering a long trip to the hospital futile. As the day unfolded, Saadou's condition rapidly deteriorated—vomiting blood, high fever, dark bloody diarrhea, and seizures followed. By nightfall, he succumbed to his ailment, leaving behind $2,500, 50 cows, and two orphaned children. Following the province's religion and culture, an immediate burial was imperative within 24 hours. Keen to spare the children from witnessing their guardian's interment, Ailemu directed his houseboys to take Tegedantay and Sulieman on a tour of his compound and all his cattle, while the community laid Saadou to rest. Post-burial, discussions with the community elders ensued regarding the fate of Saadou's possessions and the young children. A consensus emerged that the eldest child, Sulieman, should be escorted back to the northeast to inform his family of the tragic news. On a Friday, two days after Saadou's passing, 10-year-old Suleiman, accompanied by Abu, embarked on a journey to the river to return to his homeland. /The Business of Cow. A 3-Part Series Short Story about the life of early cattle traders in West Africa. By West African writer Josephine Dean/
submitted by JDean_WAfricaStories to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:32 JDean_WAfricaStories The frantic voice of his house girl pierced the night's silence [2]

Initially, the towering foreigner from the northeast stood firm. His stern expression and yellowish eyes hinted at a stubbornness that caught Ailemu off guard.
“$5,000,” Saadou said in a thick northeast accent.
For a moment, Ailemu’s heart leaped with joy: for a moment.
“For…25 cows,” Saadou continued. “Where is the other man? I am not selling the rest 50 until I see how much the other man wants to buy.” He had already heard of both the “fat man” and “short man with no neck” from his fellow countrymen who conducted businesses in the northern province. He knew all about their messengers and scouts of boys and could easily spot them as they got nearer and nearer to the river.
“My brother,” Ailemu said, taking off his kufi and scratching his shiny bald head. “$5,000 is too big a price for 25 cows. $2,500 is better.”
“$5,000. $5,000 is the price. 25 cows, $5,000.”
Ailemu put his kufi back on and smiled. He assessed the situation with a shrewd glint in his eyes. He knew the delicate dance of negotiating with hardened cattle herders from the backcountry. A dance that required finesse and one that he had done many times over, far before hiring Abu. Leaning in, he adopted a congenial tone, as if sharing a secret with an old friend.
"Saadou, my brother," Ailemu began, gesturing towards the bushy landscape around them, "you've traveled a long way, and I can see these cows are strong. But you see, brother, $5,000 is much much for 25 cows. Let's not rush this. Just see clear my deal, eh."
Saadou's stern facade remained intact, but there was a flicker of curiosity in his eyes. Ailemu seized the opportunity, continuing his dance.
"Now, I know the price of your cows, and I respect much much my brother," Ailemu said, feigning a contemplative look. "But, let me make my deal sweet. I have a big house, not far from here, with big big bedrooms and big beds for a king. Look at this, eh. With the 25 cows, I'll provide you and your two children with a enjoyable stay at my place. No extra price. You rest, relax, and we finish the deal. No rush."
Saadou's eyes, which had been fixed on Ailemu, shifted to his two travel companions. His gaze softened as he observed the five-year-old and ten-year-old. Tegedantay's once-vibrant eyes, now dulled by exhaustion, looked up at him, silently pleading for respite. Sulieman, trying to put on a brave front, couldn't conceal the weariness etched into his young face. Dust-covered and with drooping shoulders, they clung to each other for support, their eyes reflecting the fatigue of almost 30 days on the road.
A widening smile tugged at the corner of Ailemu’s mouth, sensing the shift in Saadou's resolve. This negotiation wasn't just about cows and money.
"Brother Saadou," Ailemu pressed on, his voice filled with understanding, "I see the journey is hard on your little ones. Let them rest, and enjoy the comfort of my home. There's no rush in the deal, eh. Let’s talk over a warm meal and finish everything when you are ready."
Nestled in the heart of the northern province, Ailemu's two-story residence stood as a testament to opulence by local standards. The second floor sheltered his family, while the first floor welcomed esteemed guests, particularly significant (qualifying at minimum 10 cows) cattle sellers. Six spacious bedrooms on this level, graced with king-sized beds, offered a haven for the wayfarer. The first floor also featured a dining room, a kitchen area, and a living room adorned with the softest Persian rug.
Beyond its architectural charm, Ailemu's house boasted a dedicated staff—houseboys, housegirls, and cooks—all diligently trained to cater to the whims and desires of residents and guests alike. The house served as a strategic asset in negotiations, where comfort and hospitality played pivotal roles in sealing deals.
"Shaiku may have the mountains, but I have the house!" Ailemu often quipped to his inner circle and Abu.
Thus, the resolution was reached that day, sealed with complimentary lodging. Ailemu, flanked by his four houseboys, guided Saadou, his "little ones," and their cattle toward the grandeur of his two-story residence. The cattle found refuge in a dedicated enclosure within Ailemu's expansive compound, strategically positioned for scrutiny. Separated yet close to the house, the enclosure allowed for easy observation and peace of mind for the house guests.
Saadou, Tegedantay, and Sulieman were ushered into snug bedrooms, designed for their comfort. One bedroom with its king size bed accommodated the adult and the other for the two children.
Once settled, Ailemu extended an invitation for dinner, an opportunity for the guests to share a meal with him and his family. The evening's culinary delight consisted of chicken stew accompanied by fluffy white rice: its aroma enveloping the room and teasing taste buds. As appetites were sated from the main course, Ailemu unveiled a mouth-watering treat—round, fried donuts generously filled with jam from freshly picked blueberries.
Post-dinner, the men excused themselves, leaving the wife and children to enjoy each other’s company. In the living room, a silver teapot brimming with mint tea and two delicate glass cups arranged on a silver tray awaited the two. Nestled on the plush Persian rug, they indulged in a soothing ritual that was the essence of welcoming hospitality in their region.
In each other's company, the two men delved into their shared backgrounds, uncovering tales of harsh fathers, distant mothers, and the early shouldering of familial responsibilities. Amidst the complexities of family dynamics, including sibling rivalry and occasional hostility, Ailemu learned that Tegedantay was Saadou's daughter, and Sulieman, his nephew.
As the night wore on, Ailemu and Saadou became engrossed in conversation. Ailemu, always the master of levity, cracked a well-timed joke that brought an unexpected smile to the stern-faced cattle herder. The tension had eased, replaced by genuine camaraderie as the two men shared stories, both humorous and poignant. The living room’s grandfather clock struck midnight and neither man showed no signs of weariness.
It was just before the clock struck an hour past midnight, Ailemu introduced a sleek black briefcase into the conversation. He opened it to unveil a meticulous arrangement of bills—$100s, $50s, $20s, $10s, 5s, and singles, neatly packed. With practiced hands, Ailemu counted out $2,500, presenting the amount to Saadou. "This is the agreed price for the 25 cows, eh?" Saadou nodded in satisfaction, accepting the stacked bills with a sense of finality.
The night concluded with an agreement to reconvene negotiations for the remaining 50 cows on the morrow. Ailemu, true to his reputation for hospitality, extended an offer for Saadou and his family to stay another night. However, should negotiations falter, he made it clear that his houseboys would personally escort them to Shaiku for a potentially better offer. The two men bidded each other good night, each looking forward to the next day’s transacting.
Startled from his deep slumber, Ailemu was abruptly woken by rapid knocks on his bedroom door. (However, his wife, a heavy sleeper, remained undisturbed.) The frantic voice of his house girl pierced the night's silence. "Bossman, bossman!"
Wiping away the remnants of sleep, Ailemu groggily swung his legs over the side of the bed and followed the girl's voice. He opened the bedroom door to find the house girl, who was wide-eyed and clearly distressed. “He’s not well,” she said urgently. “He’s not well. Come.” Ailemu stumbled through the stairway and the dimly lit corridor, guided only by the faint moonlight seeping through the windows.
Upon reaching the guest room, the house girl flung open the door, revealing the huddled shapes of two small bodies. Panicking, Ailemu fumbled in the darkness, urgently calling for a flashlight. He was startled when the house girl's hands unexpectedly placed a cold metal object against his stomach. "Oh," he mumbled, grabbing the flashlight from her.
As the light revealed the room's inhabitants, Ailemu's gaze shifted from the terror-stricken faces of Tegedantay and Sulieman to the sweating and pulsating chest of Saadou. He moved his flashlight further up to the man’s face and then saw the look. A chilling recognition washed over as he recalled seeing the same look afflicting other family members in the past. Saadou, the strong and stoic herder from the northeast, now lay helpless, his face yellowing as he struggled to speak, blood seeping from his mouth.
A doctor was summoned immediately, and upon arrival in the morning, delivered a prognosis that did not surprise Ailemu. The medical jargon notwithstanding, the plain truth was that Saadou's chances of survival were slim, rendering a long trip to the hospital futile.
As the day unfolded, Saadou's condition rapidly deteriorated—vomiting blood, high fever, dark bloody diarrhea, and seizures followed. By nightfall, he succumbed to his ailment, leaving behind $2,500, 50 cows, and two orphaned children.
Following the province's religion and culture, an immediate burial was imperative within 24 hours. Keen to spare the children from witnessing their guardian's interment, Ailemu directed his houseboys to take Tegedantay and Sulieman on a tour of his compound and all his cattle, while the community laid Saadou to rest.
Post-burial, discussions with the community elders ensued regarding the fate of Saadou's possessions and the young children. A consensus emerged that the eldest child, Sulieman, should be escorted back to the northeast to inform his family of the tragic news. On a Friday, two days after Saadou's passing, 10-year-old Suleiman, accompanied by Abu, embarked on a journey to the river to return to his homeland.
/The Business of Cow. A 3-Part Series Short Story about the life of early cattle traders in West Africa. By West African writer Josephine Dean/
submitted by JDean_WAfricaStories to Odd_directions [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 07:22 Quick_Essay_5508 The Fontainebleau strategy seems to be "anything goes". Open drug dealing outside every bathroom and I've never seen more hookers at any casino in 10 years.

First off, I've been in Vegas for about a decade. I go to the strip and downtown a lot, so I'm familiar with how things work in the town. I didn't just fly in for the weekend.
Anyway, decided to go the FB last night around 1 a.m after hanging out at another casino.
Place is pretty nice looking, very open design. However, nobody was gambling at any tables and 95% of the slots were empty.
But the center bar was packed so I walked in. Every female was a hooker. If you hang out on the strip enough, it's easy to tell. But I kid you not, every girl at the bar was a hooker, and it was packed.
Most strip properties have actually been chasing out the hookers for the last few months. But not The bar was 100% prostitutes and horny dudes, mostly foreigners and a few American white dudes mixed in.
Then I went to the bathroom and a guy straight out of Narcos casting was standing at the entrance with mirrored sunglasses and a huge belt
I assumed he was the attendant or something and as I walked by, he casually and loudly said "need any cocaine?".
Mind you, this was on the outside of the bathroom entrance in plain view. Guy was there for over an hour, so clearly security or management allows it.
Same thing at the other bathroom across the casino floor.
I know sketchy dudes hang out in strip bathrooms and whipser "need any coke" and all that stuff. But this guy was on the outside of the entrance and was obviously allowed to be there.
Between the hookers and the coke dealers at both bathrooms operating in plain view, I assume that's their business strategy.
Not sure if it's working though. Like I said, the tables were 100% empty and only one or two slots were being played.
Anyway, like I said, I'm familiar with working girls in the casino, but as a long-time casino visitor, I've never seen a situation so blatant as the FB.
If you want hookers and coke, I guess it's a good place, although those girls looked like hustlers and I'm sure plenty of young Persian dudes woke up broke If you want to gamble, don't bother. You'll be the only one in there.
Edit: If you're curious how to spot an escort at a casino, this page has some tips.
submitted by Quick_Essay_5508 to vegas [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 17:25 MarcOxenstierna Runaway

It was that time again, sometime around midnight, I think. ‪
The ‬outside is silent, save for the sound of a passing train in the distance, it’s whistle sounding like a lonesome cry in the dark.
I live alone now, in a house far too large for myself (and my cat) on an acre and a half of forest in suburban Connecticut.
The other residents of the neighbourhood are also on similarly sized parcels of land. It makes for just enough distance away from each other so I don’t have to hear or see them, and more importantly; interact with them.
I like my quiet.
I like my solitude.
I wasn’t always such an introvert.
I sat there in my bed, startled awake by some nameless horror conjured by my mind that I couldn’t immediately recall, the sweat from my brow mixing with something else on my face… tears? They were stinging my eyes before running down my face. ‘Damn it’ I thought to myself.
I must have dreamt about him again, glancing over at his side of the bed as I absentmindedly reached for the prescription bottles of Klonopin & Seroquel on my nightstand. Those, as well as weekly visits to my psychiatrist; were part of this thing called ‘grief therapy’.
I’m not sure it’s actually helping though.
His side of the bed was empty. Why wouldn’t it be? He had been dead and gone over a year now. I hadn’t washed his pillowcases since the incident. I didn’t want to lose his scent from them. Usually that was a small comfort for me, however; I believe that to be why the memories of him were exponentially more vivid and painful tonight.
At times; more often than not I swear I can feel him, his presence near me, seeming to ebb and flow during the day. Every so often, I swear I catch glimpses of him in my periphery; only to vanish as soon as try to take a good look.
Seeing him in various places around the home should have been comforting. I mean, I think it was- but it was more unnerving than anything to me now. The sightings brought me unease to say the least.
All at once, I felt the need to get out of there; out of that house.
I made a decision.
I cleaned myself up quickly, dressing in my favourite Iron Heart jeans, a green Momotaro t-shirt and boots. Hastily, I threw t-shirt, flannel, some toiletries, my meds and a clean pair of undies and socks into a backpack and headed out the door.
As I was about to shut the front door behind me, I heard a little meow. Sasha- tortoiseshell cat we had adopted from the Humane Society was looking at me quizzically. Sighing, I went back inside, put down my backpack and began to get her travel kit and carrier ready- I could actually use her company tonight.
I headed north on I-95 towards Maine. I really didn’t have a clue as to where I was going, but the drive and the sound of Sasha’s purr-snores underscoring Chris Rea’s “Looking For Summer” put my mind at ease.
Until I the memories began replaying themselves in the back of my mind,
The fights, the yelling, my tears, his unfaithfulness, MY unfaithfulness… where did the good memories go?
My stomach growled as though it were empty, which- it might be; I don’t recall if I ate at all this evening. I know I fed Sasha. She was awake now, regarding me with her “What’s up, papa” look on her face. It growled again with surprising intensity- I needed to find a place to stop, have a rest and perhaps a bite to eat.
Come to think of it, I had no idea where I was- my iPhone was getting no service- even on its LTE network, and the onboard GPS was...frozen?
The road was approaching a bend. When did I exit the highway? Slowing down, I saw an imposing structure slowly become visible- in the midst of trees and fog, it reminded me of the huge seemingly haunted manors one would see in horror films- but this building was beautifully maintained and nicely lit- even at this hour.
In bold, timeless lettering the building introduced itself: Whispering Willows Inn.
After parking- and taking a moment to take a deep breath; I grabbed my backpack, lured Sasha into her carrier with some treats and with both in tow, made my way to the entrance. I recall wondering whether this place would have an issue with pets; when the huge oak doors opened and a man… or, teenager stepped outside to smile warmly at me.
It was hard to guess at his age, he seemed neither young nor old.
“Good, morning” I said to him attempting a smile.
He said nothing in response- but nodded and smiled back- it wasn’t one of those false, polite smiles though, this smile was warm and reached his eyes- instantly putting me at ease.
I made my way through the deceptively large lobby, stepping on lightly coloured hardwood floors to the reception desk taking note of the Hotel’s decor: was it Art Deco? Belle Époque? Or perhaps something else entirely....Björn would have known.
He knew so much.
‘Back in 8 minutes’, read the hastily scrawled sign at the reception desk- its haphazard appearance at odds with the immaculate appearance of the rest of the lobby. After waiting about 10 minutes, I pushed the button to try and speak to someone. Surprisingly, Sasha was still snoozing; I could hear her snoozing away.
The sound of a staticky kind of crackle from a speaker startled me.
“Umm..hello?” I ventured tentatively.
“Good evening, sir.” came a woman’s voice from the speaker- an accent I couldn’t quite place.
“I think...I mean, I’d like a room for the night please. I may extend my stay in the morning for a day or two more; I don’t know yet. Oh, also, I have my cat with me- she’s really well trained and won’t be a bother...” I found myself rambling at that point, flustered and unsure as to why.
“Very good, Mr. Oxenstierna.” the speaker woman said. “We have you in Room 222 on the second floor. Sasha is more than welcome here. Please don’t hesitate to contact the concierge should you need anything, and enjoy your stay with us.”
The late hour and lack of food was getting to me. I didn’t notice the voice pronounced my Swedish surname flawlessly.
“Wait- did I tell you my name? Or my cat’s? Don’t you need my ID and a credit card or something?” I asked- somewhat confused. I don’t recall giving any info at all and how did the speaker lady know about Sasha? And why was I so rattled?
“It’s quite alright Mr. Oxenstierna. It’s late. Please come down to the lobby later on this morning and we can tend to business then.” crackle
That was odd I thought to myself. The gentleman who greeted me when I arrived had approached and escorted me to the elevator. When it arrived, he handed me what I presumed was my room key- heavy, old-fashioned and made of iron, the number “222” etched elegantly at its base.
Room 222 was surprisingly perfect- not too big or small, dark, hardwood floors, a nicely sized Persian rug a double bed and a dressing table. “Ok, Sashers- let’s get you situated.” I said to my cat. As I busied myself getting her travel litterbox and food/water dishes ready, she happily left her carrier and made herself comfortable at the foot of the bed. While sitting at the edge of the bed and kicking off my boots, a voice right next to my ear snarled; “What the Hell are you doing here?”
I literally almost fell off the bed. Also- it wasn’t just a voice. His voice. “Fuck- I’m losing it,” I thought to myself. Reaching for my backpack I fished out my meds.
2 bottles.
In one bottle was an anti-psychotic medication (Seroquel) prescribed to me by my Ivy League trained shrink as part of my ‘Grief Management’; in the other one was Klonopin for my anxiety. Both were part of ‘The Programme’. He said it would help with my ‘issues’, my grief and anger at the world- at happy couples (fuck those guys) that passed me on the way to and from my job, at everybody and their perfect, happy fucking lives with each other.
One 100mg tablet of the Seroquel was supposed to be more than enough help me sleep. The Klonopin was to help with my angeanxiety during the day. It wasn’t really supposed to be used in conjunction with the Seroquel before bed, but fuck it. Again- the 100mg of Seroquel should have been enough to knock me out cold.
Except this time it wasn’t.
“Are you really doing this?” his voice again- right in front of me.
“Fuck you,” I said swallowing both pills down dry. And then some more.
I seemed to only get me even more agitated with my Dr.’s prescribed dosage; and after the first night I began to gradually increase it by one, then two, pills. I really wanted to numb myself, numb my mind so I could rest.
Soon, even that wasn’t enough to help me calm down enough to sleep. I started adding the Klonopin that I was able to obtain from some offshore online “pharmacy” without telling my doctor. I knew he would only insist I stop, and blending the two actually helped me find some sleep here and there.
My stomach felt like it was doing back flips as I swallowed down the last few pills in those bottles. Instead of feeling numb and sleepy like I usually did; I began to feel disoriented and a little bit dizzy. I tried to fight back the nausea rapidly progressing in my stomach, also seeming to have lost control of my motor functions. I may have thrown up, I don’t remember. The next thing I could recall was that I was face-down on my hotel room floor, Sasha circling me, voicing her concern. I felt like were so many things going on with me right then. I felt as if I were being pulled underwater; above the water being consciousness. I may have shit myself. I felt like I was walking a tightrope- staying alive on one side- succumbing to the Klonopin/Seroquel induced ‘sleep’ on the other.It was taking everything I had to keep balanced, while it was becoming so tempting to just give in and let go. I was just so, so tired.
Something in my gut told me if I were to succumb to the ‘sleep’ I was being pulled into, I wouldn’t wake again. Not this time. I was beyond exhausted. Every inch of my body, mind and spirit felt numb and became chilled as I decided to stop fighting and let myself drift away into a dreamy, swirling darkness.
There were no sounds. There was no light. There was nothing.
“Am I dead?” I thought. “Is this what purgatory was like?” My body felt suspended in that place the living should not visit. The only things that seemed to permeate above all else was the cold and the silence. That bitter kind of cold that cuts deep into your bones, and settles right into the marrow.
All I could feel was that cold.
And in that silence, I heard him again.
“Why are you even here?” he asked, his voice becoming angrier.
“I’m imagining this, you’re not real,” I said out loud, although more to myself than in response to his voice.
“You always ran away.” he said. God- his’s like he was right there in the room.
“I...I couldn’t be around you, after the cheating. You… you didn’t even bother trying to hide it.” I replied, finding the strength to stand.
“You ran away.” he repeated. “I needed you, and you ran away.”
I don’t know of it was the meds, lack of food, sheer exhaustion or a combination of all three, but I could see him starting to coalesce into view.
“What the...” I stammered, getting off the bed and slowly backing away from the apparition.
“You ran away”... he was solidifying, appearing as I remembered him: tall, blond, handsome.
“No...” I whispered, continuing to back away as my husband- my DECEASED husband continued to advance towards me. “That’s not... that isn’t...” I buried my hands in my face as he reached for me-
“Even now, you’re running away”, he said enveloping me in his strong arms that I knew so well.
As he held me, that cold dissipated, replaced by a feeling of warmth and...something I hadn’t felt in a long time: I felt ‘loved’.
After a little while of just being held my mind was at peace, devoid of the fear, anger and anxiety I had been feeling for over a year- even before he died. It was a welcome respite from all than and the unrelenting grief that seemed to adhere to me every waking moment since Björn was taken from me.
They called it an ‘aneurysm’. I called it the universe deciding to be a cunt that day. I couldn’t take it, seeing him in the hospital like that. To me he was so big and strong, my rock; my foothold in life.
He was right.
I ran.
At that moment (or through many moments) I was adrift in a pure vast nothingness. It was so cold. It was warm. To me it felt as though it stretched on endlessly. I wasn’t able to form coherent thoughts in this state. I felt like I didn’t exist but was somehow still there, still aware.
In the periphery of my hearing it came, so quietly:
“Wake up.”
Startled, I could feel my senses beginning to regain their function.
Again, louder:
“Wake up.”
Feeling strength and coherence return to me, I realised It was his voice. The room was definitely colder. It was mid-August and i was shivering.
“Wake up!”
I opened my eyes. Groggy, semi-functional and fully aware. My head was throbbing.I sat up cross legged on floor. My God it was cold. Despite the chill, sweat darkened my shirt and made it stick to my body.
I could see my breath like smoke in front of me. And standing over me- him. My Björn, smiling at me, his image dissipating as my cat came trotting over, while voicing her concern- looking me up and down before she decided to make my lap a bed and looked up at me.
Do any of you own a cat? If you do, then you know what I mean when I say she was looking at me with a mixture of worry, relief and comfort on her fuzzy visage.
While picking Sasha up and putting her on the bed, I caught myself smiling. Stripping off my sweat soaked shirt, I burrowed deep into the blankets.
I’d take a shower later.
I could still feel his embrace- warm, safe and comforting. And I could feel forgiveness.
I wasn’t afraid, and I wasn’t going to run anymore.
submitted by MarcOxenstierna to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 23:32 spectre73 GTFO of the way!

Persian unit escorted a merchant that set up a trade. Now it's sitting there, blocking a road. Any way of nicely saying "gtfo"?
submitted by spectre73 to millennia [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 18:15 Cool_State_3846 General Questions about PACT Act eligibility time frame window changes

Has there been any discussion regarding the Pact Act and changing the eligibility timeframe to earlier than what it is now? I was involved with Operation Ernest Will in the Persian Gulf, escorting Kuwaiti oil tankers, and got off active duty in May 1989. Then, in 1990, the Gulf War "started." I Wonder because many presumptive conditions exist, but those of us who were there just a little earlier do not qualify.
submitted by Cool_State_3846 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 17:09 Turbulent_One_5771 Persian diplomatic missions to Europe during the reign of Abbas the Great

We all have surely heard of Francisc I rather unconventional alliance to the Ottoman sultan Soleiman the Magnificient; an alliance which lasted from 1536 till the Napoleonic invasion of Egypt in 1798, accounting for a total of 252, almost as long as the Auld Alliance. Those two unexpected allies, which had nothing more in common than their hatred for the Habsburgs, even ended up fighting side by side in Corsica in 1553, agains the gifted Andrea Doria.
What most folks don't know, however, is that Persia also tried forming a similar alliance, albeit with less succes. After the humiliating defeat in the Ottoman-Safavid War of 1578-90, which caused Iran to lose most of its domains in the Caucasus and Mespotomania, Shah Abbas I the Great (r. 1587-1629) searched for an ally in Western Europe.
Shah Abbas wasn't the first one to come up with this idea. His great-grandfather, Shah Ismail I (r. 1501-1524), the founder of the modern Persian state, also tried reaching to the Europeans for help, specifically to Charles V, but all the prospects vanished after Ismail's death, and his efforts lead nowhere. Another embassy, this time from England to Persia, was sent by Queen Elizabeth I in 1562, under Anthony Jenkinson, during the reign of Shah Tahmasp I, Ismail's son, but again no diplomatic relationships were established.
In 1599, Abbas the first sent an embassy to Europe, led by Hussein Ali Beg, an Azerbaijani nobleman, and by Sir Anthony Shirley, an English adventurer, accompanied by four secretaries. The embassy left in July and arrived in Moscow in November; a special embassy remained there, at the court of Boris Godunov, and the rest continued their voyage. They visited Rudolf II in Prague in the autumn 1600, then met with Vicenzo I, the Duke of Mantua, who was the cousin of Rudolf. The Doge of Venice refused to see them, however, and they skipped France for obvious reason. They had a long audience with Pope Clement VII, though. Finally, they visited King Philip III in Madrid, and although the King welcomed them kindly, their stay in Spain was by far the most unfortunate and unpleasant one, as one member of the embassy was stabbed to death by a Spaniard in Mérida. After negotiacions, the embassy left for Lisbon and the Portuguese Navy escorted them back to Persia, where they returned at the beginning of 1602.
In the meantime, Sir Anthony Shirley came home earlier, with his brother, Robert, and 5,000 horses, with the aim of modernising the Persian army and to keep it up-to-date to British militia.
In 1603, seeing that the Ottomans have been engaged in a war with Austria that was already lasting for 10 years (and shall last for three more, thus gaining the nickname 'The 13 Years War'), Shah Abbas decided to attack and after one month of fighting he already captured Tabriz, one of Persia's most important city. The new Ottoman-Persian War lasted for eight years and Shah Abbas managed to regain all of the territories lost in 1590, under the Treaty of Constantinople.
In 1609, Abbas sent another embassy to Europe, this time led by Robert Shirley. He also visited Krakow (the first embassy missed Poland), Prague (where Robert was knighted by Rudolf II), Rome (where he received an audience with the Pope) and London. Robert returned to Persia through India in 1615 and managed to obtain trade agreements between Shah Abbas and the East India Company, which ended up having a monopoly over the Persian Gulf after the expulsion of the Spanish and the Portuguese in 1622. Shirley travelled back to England in 1624, obtaining even more trade agreements.
Abbas' diplomatic efforts were a huge steps and rised Persia's importance on the international scene. By contrast, his grandfather, Shah Tahmasp, expedieted Anthony Jenkinson from his court upon hearing he was a Christian, but Abbas prefered the dust on the foot of the lowest Christian over the highest Ottoman personage and even permitted Christian missionaries into Iran. He initially sought an alliace with Spain, who held the port of Hormuz after 1580, but it didn't last - neither did Abbas' alliance with the Habsburgs. England remained the only option, and the fact that the Shirley brothers were English certainly helped.
Abbas died in 1629, and with him, the glory of the Persian state.
submitted by Turbulent_One_5771 to ModerateMonarchism [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 18:01 ohmage_resistance Another hard mode bingo card wrap up

I finished my non-themed hard mode card!* I decided to post these reviews in case anyone finds them helpful. I also decided to add sections reflecting on how well they fit the prompt and sometimes books/media that were somewhat similar (similar being really loosely defined, ymmv).
*I actually finished a while ago, I just wanted to post my ace/aro themed card wrap up first.
Title with a Title: The First Sister by Linden A. Lewis
Superheroes: Dreadnought by April Daniels
Bottom of TBR: Kindred by Octavia Butler
Magical Realism: Lakelore by Anna-Marie McLemore
Young Adult; Siege of Rage and Ruin by Django Wexler
Mudane Jobs: The Redoubtable Pali Avramapul by Victoria Goddard
Published in the 00s: Perdido Street Station by China Miéville
Angels/Demons: When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb
Short stories: Africa Risen: a New Era of Speculative Fiction edited by Sheree Renée Thomas, Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki, and Zelda Knight
Horror: The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins
Self Published: The Last Fang of God by Ryan Kirk
Middle East: We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal
2023: Godkiller by Hannah Kaner
Multiverse: The Space Between Worlds by Micaiah Johnson
POC Author: Goliath by Tochi Onyebuchi
Bookclub/readalong: The Justice of Kings by Richard Swan
Novella: The Deep by Rivers Solomon
Mythical Beasts: The Black Gryphon by Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon:
Elemental Magic: Fire Logic by Laurie J Marks
Myths and Retellings: Deerskin by Robin McKinley
Queernorm setting: Witch King by Martha Wells
Coast or Island Setting: A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin
Druids: Dreaming the Eagle by Manda Scott
Featuring Robots: Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro
Sequel: The Last Echo of the Lord of Bells
Stats and stuff:
If you actually made it through all of this, thanks for reading!
submitted by ohmage_resistance to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 05:15 TangentalBounce This one goes out to Agag the Amalekite, we Jews don't fear you, we fear G-d.

There are types of people that get hung up on Purim.
These people, and I should know I may have been one for a short time, will say that the Name of G-d is not even mentioned in the book of Esther.
They could point to Persia being a hedonistic place, full of corruption and idolatry. Then say, how does any of this give glory to G-d?
I will tell you some ways.
The Jewish people are still here today. (And it wasn't by chance!)
G-d states that "If My people who are called by My Name, will humble themselves, repent from their wicked ways, and call upon Me, I will hear from heaven and heal."
King Shlomo entreated G-d that if His people should face that city, and that House which is Named with His Name, that He would hear and be well disposed to them.

Mordecai was a righteous Jew, a tzadik. He worked as many bureaucrats do, toiling without recognition and putting in honest work for the government and the people it governed, both Persians and subjugated.
To such an empire there was no individuality. There was Persia and if you didn't agree that she is the best, prepare to be second class or worse.
Well, as Daniel would say, Oh king, may you live forever. Such must have been Mordecai's view because he placed his own life on the line and helped to foil a coup attempt, a plot to assassinate the king.
Ahoshverosh went about his royal duties and Mordecai went about his clerical duties, their paths may not have crossed again for years and it was forgotten about by the cabinet and its halls.
That is, until perchance, one fateful night the king was restless.
Now in my youth I too had nights of insomnia. I might be found watching mind-numbingly boring infomercials till way into the morning to lull me to sleep. This king? He had his aides read him the minute notes of his kingdom.
Perhaps he thought them as equally engaging as an infomercial or the shopping network? But it had the opposite effect. His interest was piqued.
He re-discovered the plot to assassinate him and how it was foiled. He asked a question that shows that it is G-d who turns the hearts of kings on their beds. It is G-d who appoints them to power, and unless you're not paying attention to the whole rest of the book,
you may miss it too. Everything that happens in the book of Esther, the whole Megilla, and the entire Word of G-d and His universe goes through Him, first.

So the king asks, whose out there still? And lo and behold it was the boo-man. He likely was searching for just how to get it in on his foes like those who attempted the same for Hananiah, Azariah, and Mishael along with Daniel.
(Yeah, it didn't go so well for any of those suckers.) And the king asked an innocent question, "What should be done for someone who has really pleased the king?"
Oy, the torrent that followed was as pretentious as it was self-aggrandizing. I want to ride a pony, I want the most known and highest members of your court to lead me while I ride it, I want them to call out, this is he who pleases the king,
bow and bend the knee to such a one as this. Maybe people could throw candy, or at least their cloaks on the cracks and puddles and wave palm branches!
(Sounds like a false messiah wanting heaps of attention.) And then came the, watch the boo-man die inside moment.
Sounds cool! Why don't you do all that for Mordecai, and oh, by the way, it's not a request. Set that up, pronto.
That's gotta hurt.
It's like Yeshua said, you go on and sit in the lowest seat until the Master comes and says, "here, friend, what do you sitting in that spot? Come up higher! Sit by me."
Well, it was on after that. Boo-man and his henchmen began a plottin'.
Hadassah had married the king by being equally humble like her cousin/uncle/father figure and the humble subtle beauty caught his eye.
The king was "out to lunch" mentally when the Boo-man slipped in a memo amidst a stack of rubber-stamped laws just like those in Daniel's time.
The proclamation went out. 13 of Adar, or was it the 7th of October, or the 9th of Av? They all read the same. They want death to our people.
For the heathen, the pagan, the nations, it isn't enough to take out the man you've got beef with--his whole family must go.
And so in all the lands of the mega-empire, all our people hoped for a deliverance, for a deliverer.
A fast was proclaimed, and protocol broken in more than one way.
Hadassah stepped out from being the anonymous queen from one of many subjugated peoples to take her place among the great female matriarchs of Israel
and after her fast no less, she stepped out with a humble fierceness that didn't take no for an answer.
No we won't be quiet, no we won't sit back and be trampled underfoot, no we won't call evil good and good, evil.
Because of Hadassah's purity and unshakeable standards, the king was always left with a mystery, a yerning for more, for intimacy
and it was different than what Vashti brought to the table, this withholding wasn't about a power struggle or ego, or making a stand for gender rights
Esther asked the king to attend a private dinner party, along with his closest advisor
Finally, the boo-man must have thought, contemplated and schemed, my ship has sailed in and my day has come!
I can get that stain of having had to escort that cantankerous Mordecai through the royal city while singing his praises! Now I can put that whole nasty affair behind me,
as I am the most favored of the court, of the inner circle of not just the king but the queen, the royal couple! Maybe they will adopt me to rule if anything should befall them!
One could only imagine the tiny hamster wheels turning in that evil head.
While the world lauds the "might makes right" mentality and survival of the fittest, G-d is working behind the scenes.
Hadassah was told, speak up. For who knows if you weren't brought to the throne for just such a time as this?
Brought by whom? And he went on, make no mistake, if you stay silent thinking to preserve only yourself through your inaction, mark my words, deliverance will come through another hand
but you and your family will pay a terrible price (by a higher power).
That fast, who were they fasting to? It was to G-d. It was to the G-d of the Hebrews. The fast was to the G-d of Heaven and Earth, the Just Judge who does not turn a blind eye to the suffering of the innocent or the
slaughter of His people. He took notice from Heaven, and came down in a mighty way and set the affairs of men right.

With that whisper of that cruel man and his cruel plans the king was in disbelief, but when he exited to collect his thoughts, the boo-man begging for mercy looked like the opportunist he was
and the king was enraged like Potiphar seeing his wife ravished in her own mind, her the boo-man had lept on his wife's couch
Now he would pay, and his sons, his whole house
What a role reversal!
And Esther and Mordecai proclaimed that the Jews in every quadrant of the empire would have the right of self defense.

May that right be granted to our people today. That they would shut their mouths for shame at the thought Jews should just roll over and allow themselves to be slaughtered without a word or without a shield.
Blessed be the G-d of Israel who defends His people, the apple of His eye.

Nothing is by chance, and even though G-d's Name may not be directly in the pages, His Name is all over His people and their plight.
submitted by TangentalBounce to Yeshua [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 16:13 Xbox-Moderator Dragon's Dogma 2 - Review Thread

Game Title: Dragon's Dogma 2
Developer: CAPCOM Co., Ltd.
Publisher: Capcom U.S.A., Inc.
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 91 average - 94% recommended - 35 reviews

Critic Reviews

Boomstick Gaming - 5 / 5

Video Review - Quote not available

Dexerto - 5 / 5
Dragon’s Dogma 2 boldly stands as a giant of the open-world genre that dares to defy existing conventions and expectations. It’s a courageous effort that is as rewarding as it is deep. 80 hours in, I still feel as though I have barely scratched the surface of what’s on offer. Its abrasive player experience demands you abide by its rules of engagement. Comply, and you will be rewarded with one of the most engaging fantasy RPGs ever created. Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a masterpiece. It is an unmissable title that not only asks for your respect, but demands it.
GamingBolt - 10 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is a landmark release for open world action RPGs. From its thoroughly immersive world and its stellar combat to the incredible emergent gameplay its bevy of systems enable, Capcom's long-anticipated sequel delivers spectacularly in more ways than one. By definition, it's going to turn some people off with its many eccentricities, but it's those eccentricities exactly that make it such an utterly unique and unforgettable experience.
TheSixthAxis - 10 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is a triumph of a game that wants you to just take your time and see everything you possibly can. You'll be constantly pulled from your path by a new cave, a random quest, a chest one of your Pawns has found, random fights, and it's all part of the experience. I adore this game, and while it has some aspects I think some will find too clunky, it's a masterpiece.
VG247 - 5 / 5
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is wickedly clever, tightly designed, self-aware in all the right ways, and refreshingly unconcerned with whatever the latest trends are.
BaziCenter - Persian - 9.5 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 not only meets but exceeds expectations with its captivating storyline, engaging players until the very end. The deep gameplay mechanics and diverse choices ensure that every moment feels fresh and exciting, eliminating any sense of repetitiveness. With its eye-catching artistic graphics and epic soundtrack, the game delivers a truly unique and immersive experience. As a high-quality RPG, it promises to provide countless hours of entertainment for players seeking an unforgettable adventure.
GameSpace - 9.5 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is a worthy successor to the phenomenal Dark Arisen. Capcom managed to improve the game on every front while preserving the spirit of a classic fantasy RPG adventure set in a living open world.
GamingTrend - 95 / 100
Dragon's Dogma II is a masterfully refined take on the original game. It's easy to get lost in its massive world for hours on end and truly immerse yourself into the role of the Arisen. There are a ton of technical problems and oddities throughout the game, but somehow those didn't stop us from having a blast. In an age where the limitations of video games are a known quantity, Dragon's Dogma II transcends them to become a game that truly feels real.
Multiplayer First - 9.5 / 10
While I know it’s not the perfect game, and certainly not one for everyone, I do know that it’ll be a title that I’ll find myself returning to year after year until Dragon’s Dogma 3 is made. Let’s hope that’s not another 12 years, but if it is, at least we’ll have a sequel to keep us busy for the years to come. Dragon’s Dogma 2 is an instant classic, the ultimate RPG adventure that fans have been dreaming about, making that long wait well worth it.
Nexus Hub - 9.5 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 makes bold creative decisions that pay off big time - highly ambitious, demanding and rewarding in equal measure, it's the kind of masterful action-RPG that rewrites the rule books.
PlayStation Universe - 9.5 / 10
A fantasy adventure for the ages. Dragon's Dogma 2 takes everything that made the first game good and expands on it in everyway. The combat is visceral and engaging l. With a massive world to explore you can loose yourself for days exploring and battling all your favorite fantasy monstrosities. Dragon's Dogma 2 is an incredible adventure no one should miss.
Twisted Voxel - 9.5 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is an impressive sequel to the cult classic game. It features an ambitious open-world and a more engaging storyline that combines nostalgia with innovation. Although the game has a few design quirks and occasional performance issues, especially on PC, it compensates with a rich narrative, an expansive world, and an engaging combat system. Players who are willing to dive deep into its universe will find it a rewarding experience. While it does not redefine the action RPG genre, it successfully captures the essence of adventure and exploration, making it appealing to both veteran and newcomer players.
GGRecon - 4.5 / 5
Despite my reservations about the late game, Dragon's Dogma 2 remains an exceptional experience on almost all fronts and an adventure that you unequivocally won't want to miss.
GameSpot - 9 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is an excellent sequel that builds upon the first game's core concepts to create a thrilling open-world adventure.
Gaming Nexus - 9 / 10
If action role-playing games are something you are into, then Dragon's Dogma 2 is your next big game. It's that simple. You may have been thrown off by talk of the lack of fast travel. But the game's director Hideaki Itsuno, is right: a good game doesn't need it. Dragon's Dogma 2's world is covered with experiences to have. It could be a hidden cave, a simple treasure chest, or even a giant griffin that just wants to create chaos for you and your party of pawns. Combat is easy to understand, and different enough from vocation to vocation that when I get bored with one class, I can easily switch to try something different. It's not about the destination, but rather the journey. As silly as it sounds, Dragon's Dogma 2 is all about the friends we made along the way.
Glitched Africa - 9 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is a vast RPG filled with a rich world to explore and a dense combat system to master. It is marred down by some dated mechanics and performance issues which at least can be improved down the line.
Hey Poor Player - 4.5 / 5
Dragon’s Dogma II is an instant classic. Capcom hasn’t reinvented the wheel here, opting instead to deliver the same blend of exploration and monster slaying that they established in 2012 while turning it into a full-on adventure simulator via a sandbox that is capable of generating jaw-dropping moments at every turn. It may not be polished to the degree that I’d like, but I find it impossible to be angry at Capcom when what they’ve delivered carries a level of ambition and seamlessness that needs to be seen to be believed. In a year stacked to the rafters with game-of-the-year-worthy RPGs already, Dragon’s Dogma II is another fantastic addition to what is already becoming a complicated discussion and should not be overlooked.
PSX Brasil - Portuguese - 90 / 100
Quote not yet available
Shacknews - 9 / 10
Quote not yet available
Try Hard Guides - 9 / 10
Though PC players may face some optimization issues, Dragon’s Dogma 2 impresses with stellar monster-slaying action, incredible immersion, and satisfying adventures with NPCs you can’t help but call your friends. You’re sure to get sucked into the world with an incredible character of your own making as you claim your throne and face off against the intimidating beasts of Dragon’s Dogma 2.
Worth Playing - 9 / 10
Dragon's Dogma II doesn't feel like anything else on the market. Despite fantasy action-RPG being one of the most common genres, Dragon's Dogma II manages to stand out from the crowd. The unusual atmosphere, excellent combat, and general sense of place and weight make it feel distinct in a world full of Soulslikes or Skyrim clones. It's a boatload of fun to play, and it manages to make what could be a tiring genre feel fresh and full of life. If you're looking to hunt some monsters and cast some spells, Dragon's Dogma II is easily one of the best titles on the market.
XboxEra - 9 / 10
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a fantastic video game. It improves on every facet of the first title. An excellent main quest is paired with Capcom’s best English VO and some incredible emergent combat. It’s fully approachable if you’ve never given the first one a go, and any Action RPG fan owes it to themselves to learn just what the Dragon’s Dogma truly is.
PC Gamer - 89 / 100
A magnificent adventure with impressive fights and some very rough edges.
COGconnected - 88 / 100
Quote not yet available
Fextralife - 8.8 / 10
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a fantastic adventure of exploration, discovery and learning that truly engages the player with a rewarding and nuanced combat system that carries well outside of combat. Brought down by small but impactful design choices and unfortunate poor performance on all platforms, this is the game of the year that should have been, but will likely never be…
Cultured Vultures - 8.5 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is a kitchen sink sequel to the original sleeper hit from 2012, building on what worked about the first game to create an RPG experience that's still unlike any other.
TechRaptor - 8.5 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 features a rich world filled with plenty of old-school RPG stylings that remain a fun adventure despite some technical difficulties.
Spaziogames - Italian - 8.3 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is a rare beast, and one we would gladly save from extinction, thanks to its unparalleled sense of freedom and discovery and fast paced combat system. It's a courageous game too, with divisive game design that not every player will appreciate. But believe us when we say the travel is well worth it.
Gamefa - Persian - 8.2 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is one of the most enjoyable RPG games in recent years. Combat is amazing, variety and depth of Vocations is impressive and boss battles are breathtaking. That being said, it suffers from some technical and structural issues. Story is shallow, side quests are somewhat underwhelming and frame rate drop is frequent. Nevertheless, Dragon's Dogma 2 is a must play for die hard fans of classic RPGs. - Slovak - 8 / 10
Arisen is back with a unique escort. The continuation of the interesting RPG once again relied on intelligent companions who stand by your side. And they are still great. However, some other aspects of the game could have been better.
Tom's Hardware Italia - Italian - 8 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is an experience that entertained and engaged us, perhaps one of the most original and satisfying RPGs you will play this year. However, the differences from the first episode are really minimal and the reduced fluidity on consoles disappointed us a bit. However, it should be specified that this is primarily designed to bring in a large number of new players.
MonsterVine - 3 / 5
In a lot of ways, there’s a great game buried under the surface of Dragon’s Dogma 2. All of the components should work together. I’ve never played a game I was so frustrated with, but equally wanted to keep playing. For someone out there, I can guarantee this will be their favorite game ever. I’m sure it checks a lot of boxes for a lot of people looking for something different. I was looking for something different too, but I just feel like there was too much in the way for me to truly enjoy it. I’m still going to give it more time, I’m willing to be wrong, but for now I can’t help but feel disappointed.
Console Creatures - Recommended
I can see why the original Dragon's Dogma was such a cult hit. Over a decade later, though, with the technology finally capable of providing the horsepower to deliver Itsuno's vision, stepping into the world of Dragon's Dogma 2 leaves a lasting impression far more positive than I expected.
Push Square - Unscored
Dragon's Dogma 2 is an absolute masterpiece in terms of offering a true sense of adventure.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Unscored
A grand action RPG adventure where you'll make travel plans and have them disrupted by a vengeful griffin whose wing you'd whacked two hours earlier.
submitted by Xbox-Moderator to XboxSeriesX [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 16:00 Sydius Dragon's Dogma 2 - Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Dragon's Dogma 2
Developer: CAPCOM Co., Ltd.
Publisher: Capcom U.S.A., Inc.
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 89 average - 96% recommended - 90 reviews

Critic Reviews

ACG - Jeremy Penter - Buy

Video Review - Quote not available

AnaitGames - Víctor Manuel Martínez García - Spanish - 9 / 10
Capcom returns to one of its most special worlds with an action role-playing game that demonstrates a truly prodigious sense of immersion.
Areajugones - Urko Miguel Galparsoro - Spanish - 9.2 / 10
Dragon's Dogma returns with a sequel that lives up to expectations, which invites us to fully immerse ourselves in a universe that we can enjoy in the way we like thanks to the different vocations available. A sequel that is quite continuous with respect to the original installment and Dark Arisen, in the good, but also in the bad. After enjoying Capcom's new gem, we can't overlook some mechanizations that seem a bit old and that perhaps could have been polished and modernized a little more. Despite this, this is an outstanding RPG title that will delight all fans of the genre
Attack of the Fanboy - Diego Perez - 8 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 doubles down on what made the original game so great while streamlining just enough to make the experience more accessible to a general audience.
BaziCenter - Javad Mohseni - Persian - 9.5 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 not only meets but exceeds expectations with its captivating storyline, engaging players until the very end. The deep gameplay mechanics and diverse choices ensure that every moment feels fresh and exciting, eliminating any sense of repetitiveness. With its eye-catching artistic graphics and epic soundtrack, the game delivers a truly unique and immersive experience. As a high-quality RPG, it promises to provide countless hours of entertainment for players seeking an unforgettable adventure.
Bazimag - Hamidreza Ghaneei - Persian - 8 / 10
Overall, Dragon's Dogma II is a unique title that targets certain types of players. If you are interested in exploring large environments and frequent battles with repeated enemies, do not miss the experience of this title. Apart from this, the breadth of the customization system and the game's combat mechanics will keep you entertained for a long time.
Boomstick Gaming - Boomstick Alex - 5 / 5

Video Review - Quote not available

CGMagazine - Philip Watson - 8.5 / 10
Dragon’s Dogma 2 improves upon the original in exceptional ways and is a must-play RPG for fans of the genre.
COGconnected - Mark Steighner - 88 / 100
From character creation on, Dragon’s Dogma 2 asks to be approached with patience, understanding, and above all, ownership of choices. You get one save at a time.
Chicas Gamers - Álvaro Bustío - Spanish - Unscored
It has taken 12 years to arrive, but the wait has been worth it. Capcom has made us enjoy like dwarfs traveling through the immense and vast world that Dragon's Dogma II offers us. A game that, it is true, can overwhelm anyone who wants to delve into all its ins and outs and things to discover thanks to everything it can offer, but which, without a doubt, will not leave anyone unmoved. Dragon's Dogma II offers us a very lively world in which I have been immersed in the most varied situations such as starting a fight against a cyclops in one area and during the heat of the battle it ends up moving to another. part where I have forced other bystander NPCs to enter the fight and lend their support, which has greatly facilitated the confrontation; or making certain decisions of dubious ethics but that, against all odds, end in a happy ending for everyone (especially for my pockets), or... And so I could continue with a multitude of anecdotal situations in a game in which it is seen that The details have been greatly cared for. On the other hand, I have to say that I was disappointed by the lack of a performance mode that has deprived me of the possibility of enjoying the experience at 60 FPS, which would have been amazing during the enormous number of hours of play that it has to do. offer. Because, let's be honest, Dragon's Dogma II invites you to get lost, making it almost impossible to stick to its main campaign: Secondary missions, errands, brothels/romances, epic confrontations, and a long etcetera are to blame and believe me when I tell you that they will not disappoint nobody.
Console Creatures - Bobby Pashalidis - Recommended
I can see why the original Dragon's Dogma was such a cult hit. Over a decade later, though, with the technology finally capable of providing the horsepower to deliver Itsuno's vision, stepping into the world of Dragon's Dogma 2 leaves a lasting impression far more positive than I expected.
Cultured Vultures - Ashley Bates - 8.5 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is a kitchen sink sequel to the original sleeper hit from 2012, building on what worked about the first game to create an RPG experience that's still unlike any other.
Destructoid - Steven Mills - Unscored
Even though I have plenty of Dragon’s Dogma 2 to experience, I’m already incredibly immersed in the journey. If you’ve played the original, you know exactly what you’re getting here. If you haven’t—why haven’t you?!—you can expect a massive living open-world RPG with rewarding combat and an intriguing storyline. It’s not a seamless experience, but in my 40 hours of play it’s certainly been a worthwhile one.
Dexerto - Sayem Ahmed - 5 / 5
Dragon’s Dogma 2 boldly stands as a giant of the open-world genre that dares to defy existing conventions and expectations. It’s a courageous effort that is as rewarding as it is deep. 80 hours in, I still feel as though I have barely scratched the surface of what’s on offer. Its abrasive player experience demands you abide by its rules of engagement. Comply, and you will be rewarded with one of the most engaging fantasy RPGs ever created. Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a masterpiece. It is an unmissable title that not only asks for your respect, but demands it.
Digital Spy - Joe Draper - 4 / 5
Dragon's Dogma 2 is just so damn interesting. It walks a tightrope of intrigue that balances quirky systems, fun combat and obscure secrets with frustrating circumstances, weird world-building and curious design choices, and somehow manages to make it across, and if you embrace all it has to offer, you might too.
Digital Trends - Tomas Franzese - 3.5 / 5
Dragon's Dogma 2 is an exhilarating, if occasionally frustrating, RPG full of dynamic player-driven moments.
DualShockers - Jeffrey David Brooks - Unscored
Dragon's Dogma 2 offers an incredible Fantasy adventure with some of the most engaging open-world exploration I've experienced. DualShockers was provided with a copy of the game for review purposes.
Entertainment Geekly - Luis Alvaro - 4 / 5
"Dragon's Dogma 2" is a triumphant return for the series, a sequel that exceeds expectations while pushing what an open-world RPG can achieve. It's a game that deserves to be experienced firsthand and savored versus rushing through it.
Eurogamer - Lewis Parker - 5 / 5
A huge improvement over the original, and a captivating journey from beginning to end. - Antonello Gaeta - Italian - 8.5 / 10
However, the latest arrival from Capcom remains a very high level product: the important thing is to know that it is not suitable for every type of user.
Fextralife - Fexelea - 8.8 / 10
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a fantastic adventure of exploration, discovery and learning that truly engages the player with a rewarding and nuanced combat system that carries well outside of combat. Brought down by small but impactful design choices and unfortunate poor performance on all platforms, this is the game of the year that should have been, but will likely never be…
GAMES.CH - Sönke Siemens - German - 84%
With Dragon’s Dogma 2 Capcom is offering a mammoth action role-playing game that will delight fans of classic fantasy RPG genre. Driven by missions that can often be solved in a variety of ways, sometimes even pleasingly puzzle-heavy, and an atomically staged game world made up of very varied biomes, you will experience a story full of twists and turns and challenging fights against huge monsters. Sadly, performance-wise 30 fps is the limit here on consoles. Also, sometimes you encounter smaller logical errors and minor visual bugs, but overall it’s a very entertaining title.
GGRecon - Harry Boulton - 4.5 / 5
Despite my reservations about the late game, Dragon's Dogma 2 remains an exceptional experience on almost all fronts and an adventure that you unequivocally won't want to miss.
Game Informer - Jesse Vitelli - 9 / 10
Dragon’s Dogma 2 captures the spirit of the original without sanding down the edges of what made it excellent. Its insistence on player exploration and discovery, coupled with an ending I will think about for the rest of the year, makes Dragon’s Dogma 2 a standout game and a worthy successor.
Game Rant - Adrian Morales - 4.5 / 5
After a whirlwind 40 hours with Dragon's Dogma 2, it is clear that Capcom has created a flawed masterpiece that might not be for everyone. However, for those that this game speaks to, they will love it to pieces. So, in a way, it is the perfect sequel to Dragon's Dogma. From its unique twist on the RPG party system to its laissez-faire gameplay mechanics that reward players who are willing to think outside the box and dig into every corner of the game, there is nothing quite like Dragon's Dogma 2, and there probably won't be for a long time.
GamePro - Dennis Michel - German - 88 / 100
Dragon's Dogma 2 is one of the best RPGs of recent years thanks to its combat system and deep role-playing mechanics.
GameSpace - Taoshi - 9.5 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is a worthy successor to the phenomenal Dark Arisen. Capcom managed to improve the game on every front while preserving the spirit of a classic fantasy RPG adventure set in a living open world.
GameSpew - Richard Seagrave - 9 / 10
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a huge upgrade over its predecessor, offering a grander adventure that’s full of choice, consequence and discovery. Every journey you make, big or small, has the chance to be full of wonder, whether it’s due to finding valuable loot or encountering a fearsome enemy that’s rewarding to combat. Its lack of hand-holding in some regards still might deter some players, but for those who value a sense of adventure, Dragon’s Dogma 2 might just end up being the highlight of 2024.
GameSpot - Richard Wakeling - 9 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is an excellent sequel that builds upon the first game's core concepts to create a thrilling open-world adventure.
Gameblog - Geralt de Reeves - French - 10 / 10
The first Dragon's Dogma was already a very unique game in its own right, that sadly did not shine as bright as it should have. With Dragon's Dogma 2, Capcom went above and beyond everything we could have hoped for. From its gigantic and beautifully well crafted open world we excitedly want to explore in its every nook and cranny to its brilliantly epic gameplay and the oh so genius Pawn system, this sequel is a masterpiece that majestically gives justice to that franchise very close to Capcom's heart.
Gamefa - Mostafa Zahedi - Persian - 8.2 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is one of the most enjoyable RPG games in recent years. Combat is amazing, variety and depth of Vocations is impressive and boss battles are breathtaking. That being said, it suffers from some technical and structural issues. Story is shallow, side quests are somewhat underwhelming and frame rate drop is frequent. Nevertheless, Dragon's Dogma 2 is a must play for die hard fans of classic RPGs.
Gamepressure - Zbigniew Woźnicki - 7.5 / 10
Dragon’s Dogma 2 will belong to a fairly specific audience. The game requires a significant amount of time to truly enjoy it. You can't simply play it for a moment because you'll feel like you haven't made any progress. At the same time, it's great that such a title appeared – in times when AAA titles are bland and safe a different approach is needed. We needed a game to demonstrate that things can be done differently.
Gamer Guides - Chris Moyse - 94 / 100
With Dragon’s Dogma 2, Capcom continues to solidify its reputation as one of the industry’s premier developers. The sequel delivers an incredible, continent-spanning odyssey filled with monsters to battle and mysteries to explore - rewarding player discovery and backing up its captivating sense of adventure with refined, enjoyable combat. Dragon’s Dogma 2 is one of the best fantasy RPGs of the modern age and will no doubt prove a strong contender for game of the year.
Gamers Heroes - Blaine Smith - 95 / 100
Dragon’s Dogma 2 feels like the first proper RPG I’ve played in years. Its world is captivating, filled with stories both told and waiting to be found. This is a must-play for RPG fans who’ve grown tired of the hand-holding nature of modern games and just want to get lost somewhere magical and quite frankly, brutal as hell.
Gaming Nexus - Elliot Hilderbrand - 9 / 10
If action role-playing games are something you are into, then Dragon's Dogma 2 is your next big game. It's that simple. You may have been thrown off by talk of the lack of fast travel. But the game's director Hideaki Itsuno, is right: a good game doesn't need it. Dragon's Dogma 2's world is covered with experiences to have. It could be a hidden cave, a simple treasure chest, or even a giant griffin that just wants to create chaos for you and your party of pawns. Combat is easy to understand, and different enough from vocation to vocation that when I get bored with one class, I can easily switch to try something different. It's not about the destination, but rather the journey. As silly as it sounds, Dragon's Dogma 2 is all about the friends we made along the way.
GamingBolt - Shubhankar Parijat - 10 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is a landmark release for open world action RPGs. From its thoroughly immersive world and its stellar combat to the incredible emergent gameplay its bevy of systems enable, Capcom's long-anticipated sequel delivers spectacularly in more ways than one. By definition, it's going to turn some people off with its many eccentricities, but it's those eccentricities exactly that make it such an utterly unique and unforgettable experience.
GamingTrend - Jack Zustiak - 95 / 100
Dragon's Dogma II is a masterfully refined take on the original game. It's easy to get lost in its massive world for hours on end and truly immerse yourself into the role of the Arisen. There are a ton of technical problems and oddities throughout the game, but somehow those didn't stop us from having a blast. In an age where the limitations of video games are a known quantity, Dragon's Dogma II transcends them to become a game that truly feels real.
Generación Xbox - Adrian Fuentes Berna - Spanish - 9 / 10
Continuing somewhat along the lines of the analysis, you can expect a sequel from Dragon's Dogma 2 that surpasses its first installment.
Glitched Africa - Marco Cocomello - 9 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is a vast RPG filled with a rich world to explore and a dense combat system to master. It is marred down by some dated mechanics and performance issues which at least can be improved down the line.
God is a Geek - Mick Fraser - 9 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is exactly what veterans will be expecting, as double-edged as that may be, but there's simply no other action RPG experience like it.
Guardian - Keza MacDonald - 4 / 5
This gloriously messy, medieval-flavoured silliness will give you the best adventure you've had in years. There's nothing quite like it
Hardcore Gamer - Adam Beck - 4 / 5
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is majestic, marvelous and magnificent. It’s an experience that’s like no other that will have you immersed for every second of play. Unfortunately, there are certain elements that hold it back from greatness. For starters, retreading already-explored areas for side quests and materials is a pain. Getting from point A to point B is a hassle that requires a great deal of time or coin because of the lack of a competent traversal system. On top of that, this could have immensely benefited from cooperative play. It already has multiplayer functions, so it’s disappointing we only got asynchronous gameplay, especially considering a pawn’s AI can be lacking outside of combat and their mouths do not stop moving. With that said, combat is highly engaging, the structure of the open world encourages exploration like nothing else and lack of hand holding is the best choice Capcom could have made. Dragon’s Dogma 2 has all the right to be the Elden Ring of 2024, but unfortunately, it’s held back by technical limitations and bizarre design choices. Despite this, there’s still so much brilliance to be found.
Hey Poor Player - Shane Boyle - 4.5 / 5
Dragon’s Dogma II is an instant classic. Capcom hasn’t reinvented the wheel here, opting instead to deliver the same blend of exploration and monster slaying that they established in 2012 while turning it into a full-on adventure simulator via a sandbox that is capable of generating jaw-dropping moments at every turn. It may not be polished to the degree that I’d like, but I find it impossible to be angry at Capcom when what they’ve delivered carries a level of ambition and seamlessness that needs to be seen to be believed. In a year stacked to the rafters with game-of-the-year-worthy RPGs already, Dragon’s Dogma II is another fantastic addition to what is already becoming a complicated discussion and should not be overlooked.
Hobby Consolas - Álvaro Alonso - Spanish - 94 / 100
If you miss the days when playing video games was about sharing experiences and secrets with your friends and games where every step was a discovery, then look no further: Dragon's Dogma 2 is the game with the most heart you'll find.
IGN - Jarrett Green - 8 / 10
More of a redo than a sequel, Dragon's Dogma 2 is a strange and wonderful action-RPG that bolsters the original’s strengths without addressing its weaknesses.
IGN Italy - Alessandra Borgonovo - Italian - 8.5 / 10
Dragon's Dogma II is both a blessing and a curse for fans of the genre and the series itself. A game that, even more, reflects Hideaki Itsuno's desire to keep players from breathing space or advantages.
Kotaku - Cole Kronman - Unscored
Watching Dragon’s Dogma 2 spin its web is immensely rewarding. I won’t pretend all of its systems are novel, but its greatest strength is its resolute belief that every decision it’s making is the correct one. It is a shockingly confident, personal work. I’d call it a contender for game of the generation, but what would be the point? Dragon’s Dogma 2 doesn’t demand comparison. It merely shows up, works its magic, and takes a bow. - Garrick D. Raley - 9.5 / 10
After spending over 90 hours in the world of Dragon’s Dogma 2 I find it be a masterful example of how exploration and adventure should feel, offering a vast and immersive world to explore and conquer. With its rich lore, engaging gameplay, and expansive world, this sequel has captivated and immersed me in a world of fantasy and intrigue that only a few cult fans experienced in its predecessor. Whether battling fearsome monsters or unraveling the mysteries of Gransys, I found myself drawn into a journey of epic proportions — one that I expect will leave a lasting impression long after the final credits roll. So gather your party, sharpen your blades, and prepare to embark on the adventure of a lifetime in the world of Dragon’s Dogma 2.
Merlin'in Kazanı - Samet Basri Taşlı - Turkish - 90 / 100
Dragon's Dogma 2 is a must-have game for RPG players who want to experience a real exciting adventure. Capcom has managed to bring us the sequel the series deserves, in all its glory.
Metro GameCentral - Nick Gillett - 7 / 10
An entertaining open world action role-player, with an interesting approach to AI-controlled companions, but which proves disappointingly similar to the 2012 original.
MonsterVine - Joe Bariso - 3 / 5
In a lot of ways, there’s a great game buried under the surface of Dragon’s Dogma 2. All of the components should work together. I’ve never played a game I was so frustrated with, but equally wanted to keep playing. For someone out there, I can guarantee this will be their favorite game ever. I’m sure it checks a lot of boxes for a lot of people looking for something different. I was looking for something different too, but I just feel like there was too much in the way for me to truly enjoy it. I’m still going to give it more time, I’m willing to be wrong, but for now I can’t help but feel disappointed.
Multiplayer First - James Lara - 9.5 / 10
While I know it’s not the perfect game, and certainly not one for everyone, I do know that it’ll be a title that I’ll find myself returning to year after year until Dragon’s Dogma 3 is made. Let’s hope that’s not another 12 years, but if it is, at least we’ll have a sequel to keep us busy for the years to come. Dragon’s Dogma 2 is an instant classic, the ultimate RPG adventure that fans have been dreaming about, making that long wait well worth it.
Nexus Hub - Sam Aberdeen - 9.5 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 makes bold creative decisions that pay off big time - highly ambitious, demanding and rewarding in equal measure, it's the kind of masterful action-RPG that rewrites the rule books.
NoobFeed - Azfar Rayan - 100 / 100
Dragon's Dogma 2 is simply an unending, beautiful, open-world fantasy RPG, possibly one of this generation's most dynamic and extensive open-world RPGs. It's jam-packed with side quests and dynamic events, and the game's many locations provide ample opportunity for exploration and discovery of the new lore. If you are looking for a high-adrenaline, gratifying action role-playing game with a concentration on the battle, Dragon's Dogma 2 is just what you are looking for.
PC Gamer - Fraser Brown - 89 / 100
A magnificent adventure with impressive fights and some very rough edges.
PCGamesN - Nat Smith - 7 / 10
For better and for worse, Dragon's Dogma 2 is a faithful reimagining of Hideaki Itsuno's flawed yet ambitious action-RPG. Those who rise to the challenge of meeting it on its own terms are suitably rewarded, but a deluge of trash mobs, restrictive fast travel, and endemic hardware issues will be a dealbreaker for many.
PSX Brasil - Marco Aurélio Couto - Portuguese - 90 / 100
Dragon's Dogma 2 puts us back in the shoes of Nascen on a journey through a world full of dangers and exciting moments. With an exploration encouraged by an excellent combat system based on the best mechanics of some of its most famous games, Capcom consolidates Dragon's Dogma as one of its great franchises. Dragon's Dogma 2 is one of the best action RPGs ever released and a must-play title for fans of the genre.
Pixel Arts - Sina Farahani - Persian - 8.5 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 delivers a sequel that honors its decade-old legacy. It captures the spirit of the original while offering a fresh experience. Fans will love the familiar world and gameplay, while newcomers can enjoy a unique RPG adventure without comparisons.
This condenses the original text while keeping the core message: Dragon's Dogma 2 is a worthy sequel that caters to both fans and newcomers.
PlayStation Universe - Garri Bagdasarov - 9.5 / 10
A fantasy adventure for the ages. Dragon's Dogma 2 takes everything that made the first game good and expands on it in everyway. The combat is visceral and engaging l. With a massive world to explore you can loose yourself for days exploring and battling all your favorite fantasy monstrosities. Dragon's Dogma 2 is an incredible adventure no one should miss.
Press Start - James Mitchell - 9 / 10
Dragon's Dogma II embodies the essence of what the original should have been. With its expansive open world teeming with dangerous but delightful encounters, enjoyable combat, and versatile vocations, it's an enchanting experience from beginning to end.
Prima Games - Priscilla Wells - 9.5 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 took what made the original title special and elevated it to such great heights that the game is a must-play for longtime series fans and newcomers alike. A standout of its genre that offers a unique and compelling experience that one ought not to miss out on.
Pure Xbox - 10 / 10
Dragon's Dogma fans rejoice! This second entry in the series, as much a remake as it is a sequel, absolutely nails everything it sets out to achieve. You can feel the desire to perfect every aspect of the game that we got in 2012 here, with slicker combat, a more engaging pawn system, an incredible world stuffed full of amazing beasties and a general vibe that just begs you to slow down, take your time, and enjoy the majestic adventure ahead. If you're in the market for a fantastic RPG with the power to fully transport you to a world of gritty fantasy and magical friends, we reckon this might just be right up your street.
Push Square - Robert Ramsey - Unscored
Dragon's Dogma 2 is an absolute masterpiece in terms of offering a true sense of adventure.
RPG Site - James Galizio - 10 / 10
The first Dragon's Dogma was ahead of its time. With Dragon's Dogma 2, its vision is fully realized. The result is one of the best RPGs of the last decade.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Ed Thorn - Unscored
A grand action RPG adventure where you'll make travel plans and have them disrupted by a vengeful griffin whose wing you'd whacked two hours earlier. - Branislav Kohút - Slovak - 8 / 10
Arisen is back with a unique escort. The continuation of the interesting RPG once again relied on intelligent companions who stand by your side. And they are still great. However, some other aspects of the game could have been better.
Edit: I had to remove the last few reviews from the text exported from OpenCritic, as it was too long for a reddit post. I'm sorry.
submitted by Sydius to Games [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 15:59 IcePopsicleDragon Dragon's Dogma 2 Official Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Dragon's Dogma 2
Developer: CAPCOM Co., Ltd.
Release Date: March 22, 2024
Publisher: Capcom U.S.A., Inc.
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 90/100 - 91% Recommended
MetaCritic - 87/100 - PlayStation 5 Version
MetaCritic PC Version - 91/100
MetaCritic - Xbox Series X Version - 88/100

Critic Reviews

BaziCenter - Javad Mohseni - Persian - 9.5 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 not only meets but exceeds expectations with its captivating storyline, engaging players until the very end. The deep gameplay mechanics and diverse choices ensure that every moment feels fresh and exciting, eliminating any sense of repetitiveness. With its eye-catching artistic graphics and epic soundtrack, the game delivers a truly unique and immersive experience. As a high-quality RPG, it promises to provide countless hours of entertainment for players seeking an unforgettable adventure.
Boomstick Gaming - Boomstick Alex - 5 / 5

Video Review - Quote not available

COGconnected - Mark Steighner - 88 / 100
Quote not yet available
Console Creatures - Bobby Pashalidis - Recommended
I can see why the original Dragon's Dogma was such a cult hit. Over a decade later, though, with the technology finally capable of providing the horsepower to deliver Itsuno's vision, stepping into the world of Dragon's Dogma 2 leaves a lasting impression far more positive than I expected.
Cultured Vultures - Ash Bates - 8.5 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is a kitchen sink sequel to the original sleeper hit from 2012, building on what worked about the first game to create an RPG experience that's still unlike any other.
Dexerto - Sayem Ahmed - 5 / 5
Dragon’s Dogma 2 boldly stands as a giant of the open-world genre that dares to defy existing conventions and expectations. It’s a courageous effort that is as rewarding as it is deep. 80 hours in, I still feel as though I have barely scratched the surface of what’s on offer. Its abrasive player experience demands you abide by its rules of engagement. Comply, and you will be rewarded with one of the most engaging fantasy RPGs ever created. Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a masterpiece. It is an unmissable title that not only asks for your respect, but demands it.
GGRecon - Harry Boulton - 4.5 / 5
Despite my reservations about the late game, Dragon's Dogma 2 remains an exceptional experience on almost all fronts and an adventure that you unequivocally won't want to miss.
GameSpot - Richard Wakeling - 9 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is an excellent sequel that builds upon the first game's core concepts to create a thrilling open-world adventure.
Gaming Nexus - Elliot Hilderbrand - 9 / 10
If action role-playing games are something you are into, then Dragon's Dogma 2 is your next big game. It's that simple. You may have been thrown off by talk of the lack of fast travel. But the game's director Hideaki Itsuno, is right: a good game doesn't need it. Dragon's Dogma 2's world is covered with experiences to have. It could be a hidden cave, a simple treasure chest, or even a giant griffin that just wants to create chaos for you and your party of pawns. Combat is easy to understand, and different enough from vocation to vocation that when I get bored with one class, I can easily switch to try something different. It's not about the destination, but rather the journey. As silly as it sounds, Dragon's Dogma 2 is all about the friends we made along the way.
GamingBolt - Shubhankar Parijat - 10 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is a landmark release for open world action RPGs. From its thoroughly immersive world and its stellar combat to the incredible emergent gameplay its bevy of systems enable, Capcom's long-anticipated sequel delivers spectacularly in more ways than one. By definition, it's going to turn some people off with its many eccentricities, but it's those eccentricities exactly that make it such an utterly unique and unforgettable experience.
GamingTrend - Jack Zustiak - 95 / 100
Dragon's Dogma II is a masterfully refined take on the original game. It's easy to get lost in its massive world for hours on end and truly immerse yourself into the role of the Arisen. There are a ton of technical problems and oddities throughout the game, but somehow those didn't stop us from having a blast. In an age where the limitations of video games are a known quantity, Dragon's Dogma II transcends them to become a game that truly feels real.
Hey Poor Player - Shane Boyle - 4.5 / 5
Dragon’s Dogma II is an instant classic. Capcom hasn’t reinvented the wheel here, opting instead to deliver the same blend of exploration and monster slaying that they established in 2012 while turning it into a full-on adventure simulator via a sandbox that is capable of generating jaw-dropping moments at every turn. It may not be polished to the degree that I’d like, but I find it impossible to be angry at Capcom when what they’ve delivered carries a level of ambition and seamlessness that needs to be seen to be believed. In a year stacked to the rafters with game-of-the-year-worthy RPGs already, Dragon’s Dogma II is another fantastic addition to what is already becoming a complicated discussion and should not be overlooked.
MonsterVine - Joe Bariso - 3 / 5
In a lot of ways, there’s a great game buried under the surface of Dragon’s Dogma 2. All of the components should work together. I’ve never played a game I was so frustrated with, but equally wanted to keep playing. For someone out there, I can guarantee this will be their favorite game ever. I’m sure it checks a lot of boxes for a lot of people looking for something different. I was looking for something different too, but I just feel like there was too much in the way for me to truly enjoy it. I’m still going to give it more time, I’m willing to be wrong, but for now I can’t help but feel disappointed.
Multiplayer First - James Lara - 9.5 / 10
While I know it’s not the perfect game, and certainly not one for everyone, I do know that it’ll be a title that I’ll find myself returning to year after year until Dragon’s Dogma 3 is made. Let’s hope that’s not another 12 years, but if it is, at least we’ll have a sequel to keep us busy for the years to come. Dragon’s Dogma 2 is an instant classic, the ultimate RPG adventure that fans have been dreaming about, making that long wait well worth it.
Nexus Hub - Sam Aberdeen - 9.5 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 makes bold creative decisions that pay off big time - highly ambitious, demanding and rewarding in equal measure, it's the kind of masterful action-RPG that rewrites the rule books.
PSX Brasil - Portuguese - 90 / 100
Quote not yet available
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Unscored
A grand action RPG adventure where you'll make travel plans and have them disrupted by a vengeful griffin whose wing you'd whacked two hours earlier. - Branislav Koh�t - Slovak - 8 / 10
Arisen is back with a unique escort. The continuation of the interesting RPG once again relied on intelligent companions who stand by your side. And they are still great. However, some other aspects of the game could have been better.
Shacknews - Donovan Erskine - 9 / 10
Quote not yet available
Spaziogames - Italian - 8.3 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is a rare beast, and one we would gladly save from extinction, thanks to its unparalleled sense of freedom and discovery and fast paced combat system. It's a courageous game too, with divisive game design that not every player will appreciate. But believe us when we say the travel is well worth it.
TechRaptor - Erren Van Duine - 8.5 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 features a rich world filled with plenty of old-school RPG stylings that remain a fun adventure despite some technical difficulties.
TheSixthAxis - Jason Coles - 10 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is a triumph of a game that wants you to just take your time and see everything you possibly can. You'll be constantly pulled from your path by a new cave, a random quest, a chest one of your Pawns has found, random fights, and it's all part of the experience. I adore this game, and while it has some aspects I think some will find too clunky, it's a masterpiece.
Tom's Hardware Italia - Andrea Riviera - Italian - 8 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is an experience that entertained and engaged us, perhaps one of the most original and satisfying RPGs you will play this year. However, the differences from the first episode are really minimal and the reduced fluidity on consoles disappointed us a bit. However, it should be specified that this is primarily designed to bring in a large number of new players.
Try Hard Guides - Erik Hodges - 9 / 10
Though PC players may face some optimization issues, Dragon’s Dogma 2 impresses with stellar monster-slaying action, incredible immersion, and satisfying adventures with NPCs you can’t help but call your friends. You’re sure to get sucked into the world with an incredible character of your own making as you claim your throne and face off against the intimidating beasts of Dragon’s Dogma 2.
Twisted Voxel - Salal Awan - 9.5 / 10
Dragon's Dogma 2 is an impressive sequel to the cult classic game. It features an ambitious open-world and a more engaging storyline that combines nostalgia with innovation. Although the game has a few design quirks and occasional performance issues, especially on PC, it compensates with a rich narrative, an expansive world, and an engaging combat system. Players who are willing to dive deep into its universe will find it a rewarding experience. While it does not redefine the action RPG genre, it successfully captures the essence of adventure and exploration, making it appealing to both veteran and newcomer players.
Worth Playing - Chris "Atom" DeAngelus - 9 / 10
Dragon's Dogma II doesn't feel like anything else on the market. Despite fantasy action-RPG being one of the most common genres, Dragon's Dogma II manages to stand out from the crowd. The unusual atmosphere, excellent combat, and general sense of place and weight make it feel distinct in a world full of Soulslikes or Skyrim clones. It's a boatload of fun to play, and it manages to make what could be a tiring genre feel fresh and full of life. If you're looking to hunt some monsters and cast some spells, Dragon's Dogma II is easily one of the best titles on the market.
XboxEra - Jesse Norris - 9 / 10
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a fantastic video game. It improves on every facet of the first title. An excellent main quest is paired with Capcom’s best English VO and some incredible emergent combat. It’s fully approachable if you’ve never given the first one a go, and any Action RPG fan owes it to themselves to learn just what the Dragon’s Dogma truly is.
submitted by IcePopsicleDragon to DragonsDogma [link] [comments]

2024.03.14 20:32 chamrockblarneystone What was the best liberty port you ever hit?

I was a sea duty marine. After 3 months in the Persian Gulf escorting oil tankers Capt says “Here’s a treat. Were going to Perth.” God bless the navy. Perth had never had a carrier pull in so the whole town went nuts for us. They sent out yachts loaded with strippers to escort us in. Its as close as ill ever get to that scene in The Pacific when the survivors of one of the island campaigns got to hit Australia. Every club was packed. Bars rolled out the red carpet. There were too many squids downtown so my buddy and I with some navy friends headed to the beach about an hour or two away. Even better reception because there was so little military around to ruin it.
Hit the bars and clubs there with pockets full of money. Australian men dont dance, so the women thought it was adorable when we did. Beachside hotels. Locals flocking to us in the mcdonalds. One of the best times of my entire life.
submitted by chamrockblarneystone to USMC [link] [comments]

2024.03.03 17:12 infinitemind000 Playing Gods Advocate : Quran Arguments & Objections

In a previous post I posted 16 objections in my study of Islam. Here I mention pro islam arguments alongside some objections. These points assume that God exists and arent relying on being empirical evidence.
1 Scientific Phenomena
A Round earth Reference It is argued that the ffg verse of the Quran is implying that the earth is roundish.
Khalaqas samaawaati wal arda bilhaqq; yukawwirul laila 'alan nahaari wa yukawwirun nahaara 'alaal laili wa sakhkharash shamsa walqamara kulluny yajree li ajalim musammaa; alaa Huwal 'Azeezul Ghaffaar He created the heavens and earth in truth. He wraps the night over the day and wraps the day over the night and has subjected the sun and the moon, each running its course for a specified term. Unquestionably, He is the Exalted in Might, the Perpetual Forgiver. Quran 39:5
The root word kura and verbs yukawwirul translated to wraps is usually used in the context of wrapping/coiling a turban on a head. In this sense the verse would imply the day and night wrap onto a circular object.
Objection : We have Quran verses suggesting that God has spread the earth, comparing the earth to a carpet etc. Doesnt this then suggest that the Quran is confused on the shape of the earth at best ?
B Mountain Anchors & Shaking Earth This is a very strange verse that seems to be interpreted in multiple ways with many claiming it is a scientific error. Most translators translate it as the ffg Wa ja'alnaa fil ardi rawaasiya an tameeda bihim wa ja'alnaa feehaa fijaajan subulal la'allahum yahtadoon
And We placed within the earth firmly set mountains, lest it should shift with them, and We made therein mountain passes as roads that they might be guided. Quran 21:31 According to this interpretation we get the ffg impression
Ironically though we find new evidence that mountains may act as a stabilising force that helps to reduce the impact of earthquake severity. In some cases like ocean mountains there is some new data to suggest that they may cause a quake but dampen its effects at the same time.
I believe this interpretation might be incorrect since the verse may be translated incorrectly. The keyword being an translated as lest being a negation. However if we look at other quran verses and quranic dictionaries we find an is used in an affirmative action and would translate best to so that x. Another issue here is the word rawaasiya translated as mountain. Usually Jibal is translated as mountains whereas we see the root word of rawaasiya in other quran verses and arabic dictionaries supports the translation of rawasiya as anchors. Thus the verse should then translate to the ffg
And We placed within the earth anchors, so that it should shift with them. According to this interpretation we get the impression that this verse is referring to tectonic plates which act as anchors and cause quakes. But some may say rawasiya and jibal are simply synonyms for mountains whilst others may say they refer to different types of mountains. If we assume the verse does refer to mountains then we translate the verse as
And we placed within the earth mountains so that it should shift with them. This would also be interesting claim as geology tells us that earthquakes may occur around mountainous areas alot as mountains may amplify earthquake effects in mountainous areas.
Objection : The verse is too vague and difficult to tell what it refers to. Why could it not simply be specific. Instead we have a verse with possible interpretations that might be scientific but nothing specific.
C Folding of Cosmos On the day when We will roll up heaven like the rolling up of the scroll for writings, as We originated the first creation, so We shall reproduce it; a promise binding on Us; surely We will bring it about. Quran 21:104 This verse is an intriguing one as it brings up an issue in the view that the Quranic sky/cosmos is a tiered solid layered object. This verse seems to confirm the opposite that is not a solid object. Another interesting concept the verse suggests is that the Quranic universe is able to be rolled up like a scroll/book suggesting the shape of the Quranic universe must be flat or curved fitting two of the three possible theories on the shape of the cosmos.
D Evolution References A few of the qurans verses may appear to when taken together suggest that previous humans/humanoids existed on the earth prior to Adam & Eve. For example in the ffg
And when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority. They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we exalt You with praise and declare Your perfection?" He said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know." This has lead some to question why these angels would be cynical of this successor and accusing God of placing a violent being on the planet. Simply put the argument is that this verse implies the angels have been witness to other beings who have been violent. Now it would be strange if this verse was simply referring to animals as causing corruption and bloodshed when it is not used anywhere else in the quran in reference to animals. So this begs the question as to who the angels were referring to.
While He has created you in stages? Quran 71:14 Now this verse is quite vague by itself and could be simply referring to the stages in the womb. However when we pair it with Quran 71:17 it fits the concept of humans evolving better And Allah has caused you to grow from the earth a progressive growth.
In another passage which i find to be interesting yet the weakest of the 4 passages listed is Q 32:7-9.
Who has perfected everything He created. And He originated the creation of humankind from clay, Then He made his descendants from an extract of a humble fluid, Then He moulded him; He breathed from His Spirit into him; He gave you hearing, sight, and minds. How seldom you are grateful!
The problem though in this verse is that Thumma translated as Then may suggest a linear sequence but it may also be used in other contexts to mean Furthermore/Additionally. This ambiguity weakens these verses from possible references to pre Adamic beings.
Objection : Why is the Quran so vague once again. If it wanted to talk about evolution why not simply state that Adam was born from a less intelligent beings ?
2 Correlations with Near Death Experiences (This point is useless for those who think ndes can only be hallucinations and nothing more)
A Out of Body Experience The OBE is the most common feature in nde reports with many reporting floating above the room, seeing their body on the floobed and seeing/hearing. They are unable to communicate with the living even though they try. In the quran we have an interesting verse Allaahu yatawaffal anfusa heena mawtihaa wallatee lam tamut fee manaamihaa fa yumsikul latee qadaa 'alaihal mawta wa yursilul ukhraaa ilaaa ajalim musammaa; inna fee zaalika la Aayaatil liqawmai yatafakkarroon
Allah takes the souls at the time of their death, and those that do not die He takes during their sleep. Then He keeps those for which He has decreed death and releases the others for a specified term. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought. Quran 39:42 The problem with this verse is that it refers to taking the soul during sleep (manaamihaa) and the nde is not an event that occurs during sleep. This lead some to believe this refers to astral projection. Interestingly the verse mentions two different things referring to death. Yatawaffal and its root waffa is always used in the Quran to refer to taking the soul away and is also used in other verses to refer to angels escorting the soul of a person. Whereas death is referred to as mawt. This gives us the impression that the verse may refer to biological brain death in the first part and may also be seen as referring to ones soul leaving the body and able to return ie clinical death. Interesting that the verse ends by considering this verses concept as signs for people to reflect on. Could it be referring to the NDE phenomenon ? It is possible.
B Self Judged Life Review The life review is a major feature in a large amount of ndes. Many of which will say that it did not feel like judgement. Rather it was like self evaluation of yourself. This is echoed in the Quran when referring to the concept of judgement. And it will be said,˺ "Read your record. You ˹alone˺ are sufficient this Day to take account of yourself." Quran 17:14 In fact, people will testify against their own souls Quran 75:14 So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it. And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it. Quran 99:7-8
C Sentient Cosmos/Earth In a portion of ndes some may report sensing the emotion and aliveness of the environment they are in ie feeling positive emotion from the grass, water etc. In the Quran we find some passages which give of the impression that the earth, mountains, cosmos, paradise and hell are imbibed with sentience. And there is not a single thing but glorifies Him with His praise, but you do not understand their glorification Quran 17:44 Then He turned to the heaven while it was all smoke. He said to the heaven and the earth: "Come into being willingly or unwillingly." They said: we come into being willingly Quran 41:11
D Choice to incarnate In a small number of ndes they may claim that they were reminded of their choice to incarnate into this world for some sort of higher purpose. This is an interesting claim one i find verses unique to the quran corresponding with this nde feature. Indeed, We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they ˹all˺ declined to bear it, being fearful of it. But humanity assumed it, ˹for˺ they are truly wrongful ˹to themselves˺ and ignorant ˹of the consequences˺, Quran 33:72
E Barrier In many nde studies collected a common feature is coming to a border of no return in which the person knows or is told that they cannot return to their body if they go beyond this point. This verse reminds us of this concept. When death comes to one of them, he cries, ‘My Lord, let me returnThat I might do righteousness in that which I left behind."1 No! It is only a word he is saying; and behind them is a barrier until the Day they are resurrected. Quran 23:100
F Pleasure/Love of God In majority of ndes they may say that they felt such peace and love that is beyond indescribable, that it is greater than having the best things you could have all at once. This verse below suggests that the greatest joy of heaven is the joy & satisfaction that God gives to people. God has promised the believers, both men and women, Gardens graced with flowing streams where they will remain; good, peaceful homes in Gardens of lasting bliss; and- greatest of all- God’s good pleasure. That is the supreme triumph. Quran 9:72
G Pluralism The overall message given across ndes is that religious creeds are not important. Rather the deeds and lessons you learn you develop are important. We find some similiar passages in the quran suggesting that heavenly entry is through righteous deeds. See Quran 2:62, 5:48, 7:8, 30:30 49 :13 2:80-82 22:40 2:111-112 39:55-58 29:7 32:12 101:6-7 30:44 45:22 49:13 2:81 7:8 30:30 2:111-112 16:30-32 51:16 46:14 2:94-96 68:34-35 77:41-44 83:18-36 69:19-37 20:74-75
3 Alien Life Reference And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and all living beings He dispersed throughout both. And He is Most Capable of bringing all together whenever He wills. Quran 42:29 The ffg verse specifically uses the wording dabbatin which is always used for humans or animal life. This gives of the impression that this verse is referring to alien life or possibly alien civilisation out in the cosmos. Its also interesting that this is mentioned as one of Gods signs. Could such a discovery of alien life (believed to be very likely out there given current understanding of the universe & possibly from UFO content) be an evidence for the Qurans claim. This remains to be seen.
4 Fabrication Verses Who does more wrong than the one who fabricates lies against Allah or claims, "I have received revelations!"—although nothing was revealed to them—or the one who says, "I can reveal the like of Allah’s revelations!"? If you ˹O Prophet˺ could only see the wrongdoers in the throes of death while the angels are stretching out their hands ˹saying˺, "Give up your souls! Today you will be rewarded with the torment of disgrace for telling lies about Allah and for being arrogant towards His revelations Quran 6:93
Had the Messenger made up something in Our Name, We would have certainly seized him by his right hand,then severed his aorta,and none of you could have shielded him ˹from Us˺! Quran 69:44-47 Based on these verses we now have a binary picture of Muhammad. If we assume Muhammad believed he was a prophet or was a liar then these verses prove that he must be a narcissistic psychopath who didnt really believe or fear the God he preached about as he was willing to fabricate such verses to support his claims. But the overall message of the quran emphasizes altruistic behaviour to orphans, widows, captives, needy and promotes lofty ideals of justice, against defrauding & cheating, being truthful etc. If the traditional narrative is true then Muhammad was known for being reliable and truthful in his youth. So this presents a problem. Not to mention the fact that other prophets existed at the same time such as Musaylima, Tulaiha, Sajda who also claimed to be prophets and receive revelation yet none of these were struck down proving these verses. Muhammad would have to be foolish to fabricate these verses or many followers would realise that since nothing is happening to the false prophets Muhammads criteria that he is not false as he isnt being struck down by God is wrong and thus prove his verses are wrong.
Objection : This arguments gives us a binary choice where we must assume he had to be truthful or we must assume he had to be a narcissist willing to say anything for power and control. Perhaps he simply needed people to believe he was prophet for his cause to reform society ?
5 Fallibility of Prophets The Quran seems to be more subtle and tries to sugarcoat the faults of the previous prophets avoiding or disregarding major flaws attributed to them in the Bible such as Noahs drunkenness, Lot & incest, David & adultery, Solomon as Pagan & practising dark magic. When the quran does mention a fault of a prophet it appears to sugarcoat the prophet as being repentant and one of the righteous. Thus prophets even with their possible flaws if any are seen as saintly. This then begs the question as to what Muhammad hoped to gain by praising and elevating these prophets instead of using their biblical flaws which Jews/Christians may already have believed in to his own advantage to elevate himself.
Objection : One could simply say that Muhammad simply praised previous prophets in attempt to gather more followers.
6 Evolution of Jesus Divinity The academic Biblical study of the New Testament particularly the Gospels displays an evolution in the theological qualities of Jesus and sayings attributed to Jesus. In other words the earliest Gospels dated to 20 years after Jesus death portray Jesus more as a man, a teacher or prophetic figure performing miracles but as the Gospels develop to the Gospel of John dated 90 years after Jesus he appears to be much more of a demi god synonymous with the Father. This would of course support the Islamic interpretation of Jesus.
Objection : Historical critical method lining up with Islam may simply be coincidental & not evidence of the Qurans divinity.
7 Admittance of Ignorance & Self Attack Muhammad doesnt pretend to know everything, as the quran vouches for him to say that he doesnt know the secrets of the unseen, that hes limited as a man and is only a divine messenger, not a god. Other verses in the Quran give of the impression that Muhammad had doubts and is told to refer to the people of the Bible to verify things. In a few other verses the Quran attacks Muhammad for ignoring the blind man, for following his wives or being tempted to follow the society. These things may increase Muhammads popularity but also weaken it with others seeing him as confused, delusional or lacking confidence in his own prophethood .
Objection : Its possible that he simply used reverse psychology in portraying himself as humble to gain more followers.
8 Argument from Pluralism According to the Quran it offers and can be interpreted such that it offers a pluralistic understanding of mumin (believer) and muslim (submitter) in contrast to the organised religion clergy understanding of muslim and mumin. Furthermore numerous verses can be cited suggesting that there is universality in the qurans verses such that a typical belief in Muhammad as a prophet or the Quran as word of God is not necessary for salvation. Rather a belief in righteous deeds such as acts of justice, altruism, character development etc and positive balance of karma are strong indicators of salvation.
Objection 1 : This concept of pluralism is not new to the Quran. The teachings of the Persian prophet Zoroaster support salvation through righteous deeds. The teachings of Lao Tzu in the Tao Te Ching & the teachings in the Bhagwad Gita support righteous deeds as markers of success. Verses in the Old Testament as well as teachings of Jesus in the Gospels promote a universalistic attitude.
Objection 2 : The quran cant be pluralistic as it has many harsh verses attacking disbelievers, is against the trinity, God having a son etc
9 Multilayered Logic of Afterlife Humans across cultures have universal transcendental desires and intuitions of love, peace, beauty, goodness, truth, justice, creativity, achievement, dignity, status etc. These desires manifest themselves in a plethora of opposing forms and modes across cultures and individuals. Thus if any concept of ultimate happiness or paradise exists it logically would entail a multilayered concept of fulfilling ideals including sensual, intellectual, moral, emotional, psychological & spiritual. Islamic concept of paradise is unique such that it offers a holistic version of infinite possibility providing sensual delights, higher order pleasures and spiritual joys which are seen as the greatest. This is seen through these verses.
Enter this Paradise in peace. That will be the Day of Eternity Therein they shall get whatever they desire; and with Us there is even more. Quran 50:35
No soul knows what joy is kept hidden in store for them as a reward for what they have done. Quran 32:17
We are your supporters in this worldly life and in the Hereafter. There you will have whatever your souls desire, and there you will have whatever you ask for: Quran 41:31
God will say, ‘This is a Day when the truthful will benefit from their truthfulness. They will have Gardens graced with flowing streams, there to remain for ever. God is pleased with them and they with Him: that is the supreme triumph.’ Quran 5:119
Objection 1 : The argument relies on an appeal to fantasy thinking.
10 Tawhid of Quranic God
Something which the Quran goes out of its way to emphasise is that God of the Quran is God of the Heavens & Earth, Lord of the worlds, Lord of Mankind etc. This seems to directly contrast the Old Testament which mostly speaks of the God of Israel. The Quran puts an emphasis on presenting the attributes of God as an omni being who is the first cause of reality and the only true reality. The Quran also uses switching between 3rd person 2nd person and 1st person to prevent the reader finding it monotonous. There is also some hints of mystic insight which one would liken to concepts similar in Taoism, Hindu Philosophy of Advaita Vedanta & panentheism. It would seem therefore that the Quran attempts to combine the deistic god of philosophy, the mystic consciousness of the East & the God of the Bible together.
Objection : Why does the God of the Quran appear so angry & anthropomorphic ?
Other arguments which I have not dissected much and so wont list
1 Preservation of the Qurans message
2 Possible Prophecies in Quran & Hadith
3 Historical Corrections to Bible
submitted by infinitemind000 to exatheist [link] [comments]

2024.03.03 17:10 infinitemind000 Playing Gods Advocate : Quran Arguments & Objections

In a previous post I posted 16 objections in my study of Islam. Here I mention pro islam arguments alongside some objections. These points assume that God exists and arent relying on being empirical evidence.
1 Scientific Phenomena
A Round earth Reference It is argued that the ffg verse of the Quran is implying that the earth is roundish.
Khalaqas samaawaati wal arda bilhaqq; yukawwirul laila 'alan nahaari wa yukawwirun nahaara 'alaal laili wa sakhkharash shamsa walqamara kulluny yajree li ajalim musammaa; alaa Huwal 'Azeezul Ghaffaar He created the heavens and earth in truth. He wraps the night over the day and wraps the day over the night and has subjected the sun and the moon, each running its course for a specified term. Unquestionably, He is the Exalted in Might, the Perpetual Forgiver. Quran 39:5
The root word kura and verbs yukawwirul translated to wraps is usually used in the context of wrapping/coiling a turban on a head. In this sense the verse would imply the day and night wrap onto a circular object.
Objection : We have Quran verses suggesting that God has spread the earth, comparing the earth to a carpet etc. Doesnt this then suggest that the Quran is confused on the shape of the earth at best ?
B Mountain Anchors & Shaking Earth This is a very strange verse that seems to be interpreted in multiple ways with many claiming it is a scientific error. Most translators translate it as the ffg Wa ja'alnaa fil ardi rawaasiya an tameeda bihim wa ja'alnaa feehaa fijaajan subulal la'allahum yahtadoon
And We placed within the earth firmly set mountains, lest it should shift with them, and We made therein mountain passes as roads that they might be guided. Quran 21:31 According to this interpretation we get the ffg impression
Ironically though we find new evidence that mountains may act as a stabilising force that helps to reduce the impact of earthquake severity. In some cases like ocean mountains there is some new data to suggest that they may cause a quake but dampen its effects at the same time.
I believe this interpretation might be incorrect since the verse may be translated incorrectly. The keyword being an translated as lest being a negation. However if we look at other quran verses and quranic dictionaries we find an is used in an affirmative action and would translate best to so that x. Another issue here is the word rawaasiya translated as mountain. Usually Jibal is translated as mountains whereas we see the root word of rawaasiya in other quran verses and arabic dictionaries supports the translation of rawasiya as anchors. Thus the verse should then translate to the ffg
And We placed within the earth anchors, so that it should shift with them. According to this interpretation we get the impression that this verse is referring to tectonic plates which act as anchors and cause quakes. But some may say rawasiya and jibal are simply synonyms for mountains whilst others may say they refer to different types of mountains. If we assume the verse does refer to mountains then we translate the verse as
And we placed within the earth mountains so that it should shift with them. This would also be interesting claim as geology tells us that earthquakes may occur around mountainous areas alot as mountains may amplify earthquake effects in mountainous areas.
Objection : The verse is too vague and difficult to tell what it refers to. Why could it not simply be specific. Instead we have a verse with possible interpretations that might be scientific but nothing specific.
C Folding of Cosmos On the day when We will roll up heaven like the rolling up of the scroll for writings, as We originated the first creation, so We shall reproduce it; a promise binding on Us; surely We will bring it about. Quran 21:104 This verse is an intriguing one as it brings up an issue in the view that the Quranic sky/cosmos is a tiered solid layered object. This verse seems to confirm the opposite that is not a solid object. Another interesting concept the verse suggests is that the Quranic universe is able to be rolled up like a scroll/book suggesting the shape of the Quranic universe must be flat or curved fitting two of the three possible theories on the shape of the cosmos.
D Evolution References A few of the qurans verses may appear to when taken together suggest that previous humans/humanoids existed on the earth prior to Adam & Eve. For example in the ffg
And when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority. They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we exalt You with praise and declare Your perfection?" He said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know." This has lead some to question why these angels would be cynical of this successor and accusing God of placing a violent being on the planet. Simply put the argument is that this verse implies the angels have been witness to other beings who have been violent. Now it would be strange if this verse was simply referring to animals as causing corruption and bloodshed when it is not used anywhere else in the quran in reference to animals. So this begs the question as to who the angels were referring to.
While He has created you in stages? Quran 71:14 Now this verse is quite vague by itself and could be simply referring to the stages in the womb. However when we pair it with Quran 71:17 it fits the concept of humans evolving better And Allah has caused you to grow from the earth a progressive growth.
In another passage which i find to be interesting yet the weakest of the 4 passages listed is Q 32:7-9.
Who has perfected everything He created. And He originated the creation of humankind from clay, Then He made his descendants from an extract of a humble fluid, Then He moulded him; He breathed from His Spirit into him; He gave you hearing, sight, and minds. How seldom you are grateful!
The problem though in this verse is that Thumma translated as Then may suggest a linear sequence but it may also be used in other contexts to mean Furthermore/Additionally. This ambiguity weakens these verses from possible references to pre Adamic beings.
Objection : Why is the Quran so vague once again. If it wanted to talk about evolution why not simply state that Adam was born from a less intelligent beings ?
2 Correlations with Near Death Experiences (This point is useless for those who think ndes can only be hallucinations and nothing more)
A Out of Body Experience The OBE is the most common feature in nde reports with many reporting floating above the room, seeing their body on the floobed and seeing/hearing. They are unable to communicate with the living even though they try. In the quran we have an interesting verse Allaahu yatawaffal anfusa heena mawtihaa wallatee lam tamut fee manaamihaa fa yumsikul latee qadaa 'alaihal mawta wa yursilul ukhraaa ilaaa ajalim musammaa; inna fee zaalika la Aayaatil liqawmai yatafakkarroon
Allah takes the souls at the time of their death, and those that do not die He takes during their sleep. Then He keeps those for which He has decreed death and releases the others for a specified term. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought. Quran 39:42 The problem with this verse is that it refers to taking the soul during sleep (manaamihaa) and the nde is not an event that occurs during sleep. This lead some to believe this refers to astral projection. Interestingly the verse mentions two different things referring to death. Yatawaffal and its root waffa is always used in the Quran to refer to taking the soul away and is also used in other verses to refer to angels escorting the soul of a person. Whereas death is referred to as mawt. This gives us the impression that the verse may refer to biological brain death in the first part and may also be seen as referring to ones soul leaving the body and able to return ie clinical death. Interesting that the verse ends by considering this verses concept as signs for people to reflect on. Could it be referring to the NDE phenomenon ? It is possible.
B Self Judged Life Review The life review is a major feature in a large amount of ndes. Many of which will say that it did not feel like judgement. Rather it was like self evaluation of yourself. This is echoed in the Quran when referring to the concept of judgement. And it will be said,˺ "Read your record. You ˹alone˺ are sufficient this Day to take account of yourself." Quran 17:14 In fact, people will testify against their own souls Quran 75:14 So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it. And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it. Quran 99:7-8
C Sentient Cosmos/Earth In a portion of ndes some may report sensing the emotion and aliveness of the environment they are in ie feeling positive emotion from the grass, water etc. In the Quran we find some passages which give of the impression that the earth, mountains, cosmos, paradise and hell are imbibed with sentience. And there is not a single thing but glorifies Him with His praise, but you do not understand their glorification Quran 17:44 Then He turned to the heaven while it was all smoke. He said to the heaven and the earth: "Come into being willingly or unwillingly." They said: we come into being willingly Quran 41:11
D Choice to incarnate In a small number of ndes they may claim that they were reminded of their choice to incarnate into this world for some sort of higher purpose. This is an interesting claim one i find verses unique to the quran corresponding with this nde feature. Indeed, We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they ˹all˺ declined to bear it, being fearful of it. But humanity assumed it, ˹for˺ they are truly wrongful ˹to themselves˺ and ignorant ˹of the consequences˺, Quran 33:72
E Barrier In many nde studies collected a common feature is coming to a border of no return in which the person knows or is told that they cannot return to their body if they go beyond this point. This verse reminds us of this concept. When death comes to one of them, he cries, ‘My Lord, let me returnThat I might do righteousness in that which I left behind."1 No! It is only a word he is saying; and behind them is a barrier until the Day they are resurrected. Quran 23:100
F Pleasure/Love of God In majority of ndes they may say that they felt such peace and love that is beyond indescribable, that it is greater than having the best things you could have all at once. This verse below suggests that the greatest joy of heaven is the joy & satisfaction that God gives to people. God has promised the believers, both men and women, Gardens graced with flowing streams where they will remain; good, peaceful homes in Gardens of lasting bliss; and- greatest of all- God’s good pleasure. That is the supreme triumph. Quran 9:72
G Pluralism The overall message given across ndes is that religious creeds are not important. Rather the deeds and lessons you learn you develop are important. We find some similiar passages in the quran suggesting that heavenly entry is through righteous deeds. See Quran 2:62, 5:48, 7:8, 30:30 49 :13 2:80-82 22:40 2:111-112 39:55-58 29:7 32:12 101:6-7 30:44 45:22 49:13 2:81 7:8 30:30 2:111-112 16:30-32 51:16 46:14 2:94-96 68:34-35 77:41-44 83:18-36 69:19-37 20:74-75
3 Alien Life Reference And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and all living beings He dispersed throughout both. And He is Most Capable of bringing all together whenever He wills. Quran 42:29 The ffg verse specifically uses the wording dabbatin which is always used for humans or animal life. This gives of the impression that this verse is referring to alien life or possibly alien civilisation out in the cosmos. Its also interesting that this is mentioned as one of Gods signs. Could such a discovery of alien life (believed to be very likely out there given current understanding of the universe & possibly from UFO content) be an evidence for the Qurans claim. This remains to be seen.
4 Fabrication Verses Who does more wrong than the one who fabricates lies against Allah or claims, "I have received revelations!"—although nothing was revealed to them—or the one who says, "I can reveal the like of Allah’s revelations!"? If you ˹O Prophet˺ could only see the wrongdoers in the throes of death while the angels are stretching out their hands ˹saying˺, "Give up your souls! Today you will be rewarded with the torment of disgrace for telling lies about Allah and for being arrogant towards His revelations Quran 6:93
Had the Messenger made up something in Our Name, We would have certainly seized him by his right hand,then severed his aorta,and none of you could have shielded him ˹from Us˺! Quran 69:44-47 Based on these verses we now have a binary picture of Muhammad. If we assume Muhammad believed he was a prophet or was a liar then these verses prove that he must be a narcissistic psychopath who didnt really believe or fear the God he preached about as he was willing to fabricate such verses to support his claims. But the overall message of the quran emphasizes altruistic behaviour to orphans, widows, captives, needy and promotes lofty ideals of justice, against defrauding & cheating, being truthful etc. If the traditional narrative is true then Muhammad was known for being reliable and truthful in his youth. So this presents a problem. Not to mention the fact that other prophets existed at the same time such as Musaylima, Tulaiha, Sajda who also claimed to be prophets and receive revelation yet none of these were struck down proving these verses. Muhammad would have to be foolish to fabricate these verses or many followers would realise that since nothing is happening to the false prophets Muhammads criteria that he is not false as he isnt being struck down by God is wrong and thus prove his verses are wrong.
Objection : This arguments gives us a binary choice where we must assume he had to be truthful or we must assume he had to be a narcissist willing to say anything for power and control. Perhaps he simply needed people to believe he was prophet for his cause to reform society ?
5 Fallibility of Prophets The Quran seems to be more subtle and tries to sugarcoat the faults of the previous prophets avoiding or disregarding major flaws attributed to them in the Bible such as Noahs drunkenness, Lot & incest, David & adultery, Solomon as Pagan & practising dark magic. When the quran does mention a fault of a prophet it appears to sugarcoat the prophet as being repentant and one of the righteous. Thus prophets even with their possible flaws if any are seen as saintly. This then begs the question as to what Muhammad hoped to gain by praising and elevating these prophets instead of using their biblical flaws which Jews/Christians may already have believed in to his own advantage to elevate himself.
Objection : One could simply say that Muhammad simply praised previous prophets in attempt to gather more followers.
6 Evolution of Jesus Divinity The academic Biblical study of the New Testament particularly the Gospels displays an evolution in the theological qualities of Jesus and sayings attributed to Jesus. In other words the earliest Gospels dated to 20 years after Jesus death portray Jesus more as a man, a teacher or prophetic figure performing miracles but as the Gospels develop to the Gospel of John dated 90 years after Jesus he appears to be much more of a demi god synonymous with the Father. This would of course support the Islamic interpretation of Jesus.
Objection : Historical critical method lining up with Islam may simply be coincidental & not evidence of the Qurans divinity.
7 Admittance of Ignorance & Self Attack Muhammad doesnt pretend to know everything, as the quran vouches for him to say that he doesnt know the secrets of the unseen, that hes limited as a man and is only a divine messenger, not a god. Other verses in the Quran give of the impression that Muhammad had doubts and is told to refer to the people of the Bible to verify things. In a few other verses the Quran attacks Muhammad for ignoring the blind man, for following his wives or being tempted to follow the society. These things may increase Muhammads popularity but also weaken it with others seeing him as confused, delusional or lacking confidence in his own prophethood .
Objection : Its possible that he simply used reverse psychology in portraying himself as humble to gain more followers.
8 Argument from Pluralism According to the Quran it offers and can be interpreted such that it offers a pluralistic understanding of mumin (believer) and muslim (submitter) in contrast to the organised religion clergy understanding of muslim and mumin. Furthermore numerous verses can be cited suggesting that there is universality in the qurans verses such that a typical belief in Muhammad as a prophet or the Quran as word of God is not necessary for salvation. Rather a belief in righteous deeds such as acts of justice, altruism, character development etc and positive balance of karma are strong indicators of salvation.
Objection 1 : This concept of pluralism is not new to the Quran. The teachings of the Persian prophet Zoroaster support salvation through righteous deeds. The teachings of Lao Tzu in the Tao Te Ching & the teachings in the Bhagwad Gita support righteous deeds as markers of success. Verses in the Old Testament as well as teachings of Jesus in the Gospels promote a universalistic attitude.
Objection 2 : The quran cant be pluralistic as it has many harsh verses attacking disbelievers, is against the trinity, God having a son etc
9 Multilayered Logic of Afterlife Humans across cultures have universal transcendental desires and intuitions of love, peace, beauty, goodness, truth, justice, creativity, achievement, dignity, status etc. These desires manifest themselves in a plethora of opposing forms and modes across cultures and individuals. Thus if any concept of ultimate happiness or paradise exists it logically would entail a multilayered concept of fulfilling ideals including sensual, intellectual, moral, emotional, psychological & spiritual. Islamic concept of paradise is unique such that it offers a holistic version of infinite possibility providing sensual delights, higher order pleasures and spiritual joys which are seen as the greatest. This is seen through these verses.
Enter this Paradise in peace. That will be the Day of Eternity Therein they shall get whatever they desire; and with Us there is even more. Quran 50:35
No soul knows what joy is kept hidden in store for them as a reward for what they have done. Quran 32:17
We are your supporters in this worldly life and in the Hereafter. There you will have whatever your souls desire, and there you will have whatever you ask for: Quran 41:31
God will say, ‘This is a Day when the truthful will benefit from their truthfulness. They will have Gardens graced with flowing streams, there to remain for ever. God is pleased with them and they with Him: that is the supreme triumph.’ Quran 5:119
Objection 1 : The argument relies on an appeal to fantasy thinking.
10 Tawhid of Quranic God
Something which the Quran goes out of its way to emphasise is that God of the Quran is God of the Heavens & Earth, Lord of the worlds, Lord of Mankind etc. This seems to directly contrast the Old Testament which mostly speaks of the God of Israel. The Quran puts an emphasis on presenting the attributes of God as an omni being who is the first cause of reality and the only true reality. The Quran also uses switching between 3rd person 2nd person and 1st person to prevent the reader finding it monotonous. There is also some hints of mystic insight which one would liken to concepts similar in Taoism, Hindu Philosophy of Advaita Vedanta & panentheism. It would seem therefore that the Quran attempts to combine the deistic god of philosophy, the mystic consciousness of the East & the God of the Bible together.
Objection : Why does the God of the Quran appear so angry & anthropomorphic ?
Other arguments which I have not dissected much and so wont list
1 Preservation of the Qurans message
2 Possible Prophecies in Quran & Hadith
3 Historical Corrections to Bible
submitted by infinitemind000 to CritiqueIslam [link] [comments]

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2024.02.16 14:57 kishmishtoot My mother just came back from North Afghanistan. Here are her observations.

She went to Afghanistan to visit my grandmother because she is nearing the end of her life.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
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submitted by zfallonz to victoria3 [link] [comments]