Sore jaw splotchy face

How do I report a massage business? I feel disrespected and violated.

2024.06.01 16:26 LogicalFix4093 How do I report a massage business? I feel disrespected and violated.

So my partner (M) and I (F) got a couples massage 2 days ago. I’m really unsure of what to do and if this is the wrong subreddit my apologies. I’ve tried searching Reddit for any similar situations but I couldn’t find any so I’m just going to make my own post. Sorry this is gonna be a long one.
The place had great reviews on all platforms. We booked the couples massage that cost $190 for both of us. The first red flag was the massage place was situated in a rented office building. Definitely not a spa at all. We should’ve left at that point but decided to trust the good reviews and trust the process. They seemed very nice and professional. There was a male and female therapist. We assumed the male would be working on my male partner and the female would be working on me (F) as they did not ask us what we would be most comfortable with. The only thing they asked us is medium or strong pressure and we said medium.
Onto the massage. They told us to undress and lay face down on the tables, so we did not know who was massaging us. The massage was was painful. My partner has a very high pain tolerance and even he said it hurt. They were digging into our spines with their elbows. I was actually worried I was going to get a spine injury. The entire time it felt like we were getting pinched and elbowed. They would go over the same spots for 5+ minutes to the point of it just straight up hurting. At one point i genuinely questioned if they knew what they were doing. I will admit we should have spoken up. But personally i have anxiety when it comes to speaking up and my partner thought I was enjoying the massage so he did not say anything.
When the second half of the massage came around and I flip over, I see the man working on me. I felt frozen and didn’t even know what to do. Uncomfortable is truly an understatement. This MAN had been running his hands all over my body, at one point when I was face down he even tucked the sheet into my underwear and was massaging my butt. I truly felt disgusted. I look over and the female therapist is literally WALKING on my partner. Finally it’s over and we pay. I swear the man was looking and smirking at me, but I just thought my discomfort was making me read into it. Maybe it was just a friendly smile. Idk. We tried to shake it off and chalk it up to just be a bad massage therapist match or something, because no way 100+ people had amazing experiences and we did not.
The next morning my spine felt sore reminding me of the awful experience we had. So I wrote reviews on yelp and Google. Shortly after I posted them they reached out very kindly and apologized that it wasn’t up to par and offered a partial refund. I thought oh that’s nice. And then they said they will partially refund us $40 if we take down our reviews. That’s when everything made sense. They pay people to take down bad reviews. I looked closer and the handful of 1 star reviews said the same exact thing we experienced. One couple was lucky enough to get out before it really even begun.
This is when their messages began to get more hostile. They tried to make everything our fault. They claimed half way through the massage they asked my partner (not me) if it’s ok that the man is working on me and he supposedly didn’t answer because he was “sleeping”. He was not sleeping because there is no way anyone could sleep through that excuse of a massage. Basically just excuses. I really hated that they weren’t taking accountability and were trying to blame us for their awful service. Again they only asked us one question and that was medium or strong pressure. They became less apologetic and more hostile, pointing fingers at us.
We were going to take the $40 and just repost the review but we weren’t sure if that violates any terms of use and didn’t want to get banned from any platform. So we just decided to leave the reviews up. After expressing this, they threatened to report our conversation to google and yelp. We were confused because if anything they would expose themselves for trying to coerce us into removing our bad review. So now we don’t know what to do. I’ve looked all over to try and figure out how to report these people. They claim they are licensed but I don’t think they are. Everything about this massage and this business makes me feel so icky and if I can save just one person from feeling the way I do as a result of going to them, I want to do it. Our reviews only brought them down to a 4.7 rating. I need to do more. I fully plan on seeing this through. If I’m being honest I would love to get them shut down, but I don’t know if I can single handedly do that. Please help!
submitted by LogicalFix4093 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:08 Monarch357 Ficnapped: A Warm Gift

Memory transcription subject: Sare, Yotul Rebuilder Date [standardized human time]: January 31st, 2136
I pulled the hoodie tighter around myself. It had only gotten colder over the past few days; I’d taken multiple chances to thank Gavin for his gift. Every time I passed the human, I saw a grin spread across his face, and I felt something flutter in my stomach. I managed to keep myself composed enough as he joined me in the vegan line once again.
“You actually like this stuff?” I asked. I gestured to the rest of the extraterrestrials in the line. “I don’t think any of us do.”
He shrugged. “It’s different, at least. Two months of ham and cheese sandwiches does something to a man.”
I stared at him for a moment. He looked at me with a soft gaze and a slight smile, and I found myself admiring his eyes and the way his beanie-formed hair draped over them. His expression morphed to confusion, however, and he waved his hand at me.
“Earth to Sare? Are you… looking for something?”
I realized I’d just been standing there staring for a solid twenty seconds and I flushed deep green, pulling my scarf over my face. “I- uh, I’m alright, yeah! I’m just-” I wove my paws around futilely as if I could speak with them. I gestured for Gavin to move ahead of me in the line, and he let out a small laugh as he walked past to pick up his meal. I followed shortly behind him, my face burning.
Today’s meal was some emulation of venlil cuisine. It was… alright, for something made by non-venlil chefs, but I’d had better in Earth’s vegan food. Gavin, however, seemed pretty excited by it.
“As long as I’ve worked here, I haven’t had much alien food.” He took a bite from his meal and continued speaking as he chewed. “Not bad. I think I prefer yotul food, though,” he said, musing as he looked off into the distance.
I piped up excitedly at that. “I could make you something!”
“You can?” he asked, genuine intrigue in his voice. “What could you do?”
There really wasn’t a lot of even human food available to cook with, let alone imports from Leirn that I was familiar with, but I felt like I needed to repay Gavin with something, at least.
“Uh-, well, there’s a type of salad back home I might be able to make with stuff here. Um… I don’t think it’d be very good, but-”
“Ah, don’t worry about that. Anything handmade is great if you put your heart into it,” he said, his tone reassuring and a smile on his face. I absentmindedly fiddled with the drawstrings of my hoodie as he took a few more bites from his lunch; a few moments passed before he looked at me and flushed a bit, then quickly finished his meal. I stared off into the distance, nothing in particular on my mind as I ate, but I saw Gavin hurry off to the administrator’s office. I downed my food and followed him with a brisk walk.
“What’s the rush?”
He looked me over for a moment before letting out a breath I couldn’t tell he was holding. “There’s still a lot of work to do today, y’know? It’s going to be cold tonight, and besides, it’s New Year’s Eve. I gotta get my work done quick so I have tonight free.”
We both paused for a moment. “What do humans do for the new year?” I asked.
“Normally, the tradition is to set off a bunch of fireworks- oh, those are like little explosive things-”
“There’s some great firework shows on Leirn,” I explained. “We’ve got ‘em too.” I could show you some hung on the tip of my tongue, something I deeply wanted to say but held myself back on.
“Oh, sweet! Anyway, yeah, that’s the usual thing, plus some typical family gathering and partying, but, uh… I don’t think anybody here could handle fireworks right now,” he continued, his expression trailing into something morose I couldn’t quite read. “But really, first and foremost, it’s about spending time with people you care about.”
“Guess we got that in common, then,” I added. “Where I’m from, it’s summer during the new year, so during the day, we spend time at beaches, usually, sometimes going on trips to somewhere cooler the day before. I’m not religious myself, but followers of Ralchi have a sort of traditional bonfire past sundown for the new year that most people recreate.”
“That’d be nice.”
“Yeah…” I mused. “Haven’t done anything like it in a while, and it’d be nice to spend a night around people I care about again…”
Gavin just looked at me.
“Nothing,” he said, quickly perking up. “C’mon. We’ve got stuff to do today.”
I nodded, and he led us off down the road to the suburbia we’d been cleaning up the past few weeks. Some other workers from the camp had tagged along; from chats between them, the peacekeepers in charge had directed anyone wanting a lighter day for the new year down this road.
I jogged a bit forward to catch up to Gavin ahead, only slowing my pace as I stepped to his side. He glanced at me for only a moment before offering a hand to hold, which I took. I felt my tail beat against the asphalt below us a few times before I got my heart under control.
“What’re we doing today?” I asked after a comfortable silence.
“Cleanup, mostly. UN wants this place cleared of debris for rebuilding.”
“That sounds… impossible, honestly. There’s just so much wreckage,” I said, a sense of exhaustion already creeping into my voice before we even got to work. I sighed. “I’m not sure I can do this.”
He shrugged. “Even if it’s impossible, why not? Maybe we won’t clean out everything, but we’re still cleaning out something, and that’s better than nothing.”
“I just… I don’t know. How’s it better than nothing if we can barely make a dent in all the garbage?”
“Well, look at it this way. A hundred thousand people used to live here-” he waved his hand in a wide arc over the townscape around us- “-and maybe we’ll never see more than ten grand again. But so what? Even if we only get five thousand people back in these houses, that’s still infinitely better than zero. You know?”
“...Yeah. Yeah, I guess I know.”
Gavin smiled. It was a warm grin, an expression I never wanted to see end, and a smile spread across my own face. “You feeling better?”
He put his arm around my shoulder in a quick hug that I reciprocated. “Let’s get going, then.”
Some of the group hung back to direct the debris-moving vehicles down into the deeper wreckage, but most of us, Gavin and myself included, focused on the smaller things; as inconsequential as it was, the light labor and simple repetition of shoveling up garbage felt rather therapeutic.
It didn’t take too long before a sort of pessimism started again. By the time a few hours had passed, my arms ached, my legs felt sore, and while seeing what we’d cleaned was encouraging, it felt dwarfed in the face of the mountains of concrete dust and shattered debris that still coated the town. I sighed, taking a seat on some of the more solid debris, feeling my tail sweep up loose dust. Gavin glanced back at me before setting down his own tools and taking a seat as well.
“This sucks,” he said after a few seconds of odd, semi-comfortable-semi-awkward silence.
The human nodded as if we’d just made some as yet unknown revelation, then let out a short laugh. I did, too, my laugh lasting perhaps a bit too long before I felt something crumple and a few tears slipped out of my eyes.
“Still gotta do it, though, y’know?”
I glanced back at him. Afternoon light glinted off the tears forming in his own eyes as he looked at me with a small smile of his own; despite the wetness accumulating on his cheeks, he took the chance to wipe my eyes with warm, gentle hands. I pressed at the tears on his own face and he flinched back, muttering watch the fur under his breath. I snickered a bit at his reaction.
“Still gotta do it,” I said. He nodded in response.
“But you don’t gotta do everything.”
“Yeah. Something’s enough,” he said, his voice trailing off as he looked over the areas we’d cleaned from a tiny portion of the city sprawl. The sound of machinery and the occasional working song echoed off the concrete and asphalt as we watched our comrades work in silence.
Even under the cold of the late day, the something had kept me warm, and before long, we’d reconvened at the headquarters for dinner. Unlike the morning, however, Gavin went for the human food line, and I opted to follow him.
“...Can you even eat this stuff?” he asked, pointing at the (at this point, comedically predictable) ham-and-cheese sandwiches that the cooks were handing out. One of them mirrored his sentiment, cocking their head and looking at me with a raised eyebrow.
“I… think? We weren’t cured, so it won’t kill me. Probably.”
He shrugged. Two sandwiches came, and he rifled through the bag at his side for an anti-allergy injector. “Don’t be stupid,” he said, tucking it into his pocket for quick access.
“This whole idea is pretty stupid,” I commented.
“Be… only a little bit stupid.”
We laughed as we sat down. I set my sandwich down and watched Gavin pick up his and take a bite, staring at him in fascination before realizing that this probably wasn’t something to be particularly fascinated by. Still, it was a pretty novel experience, nonetheless; I didn’t eat meat, and for the majority of my time on Earth, any meal time was separated between those who did and those who didn’t.
I took a tentative bite of the sandwich, which, thinking about it in a vacuum, is a rather strange way to think about one’s dinner, but I was certainly nervous in the moment.
“It’s… interesting,” I said, both meat and dairy decidedly unfamiliar tastes to me. The most familiar part was the saltiness, but this felt less like the mild flavor of roasted root vegetables and more like shoving seawater into my mouth. The texture was perhaps the most familiar part, albeit still strange; it reminded me most of Rinsan fiberfruit, but its taste made it surprisingly hard to swallow.
“‘Interesting’ as in… ‘good’?” Gavin asked. “‘Interesting’ as in ‘you’re not experiencing anaphylactic shock right now’?”
“I wouldn’t say good, but I don’t think I’d say bad or trying to kill me either,” I commented after forcing down another bite.
“You don’t have to finish that, you know.”
“I’m committed," I retorted. It wasn’t inedible, at least, and the newness of the experience alone made it worth it.
After washing the flavor down with a copious amount of water, Gavin and I decided to get some rest a bit early; the winter sun had already crept low to the horizon and the work of the day set in. We could squeeze in a few hours of rest before seeing whatever festivities had been set up for the new year. My quarters weren’t too far from the canteen; if nothing else, the UN at least had the resources for all of us to get individual rooms, albeit small ones. I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Some indistinct time passed before a small snore woke me up. This wasn’t uncommon, given the thin walls of the pre-fab shacks we slept in, but I craned my head up to a lump on the floor, rather than a particularly loud sleeper elsewhere waking me. It took me a second to resolve it in the dark, but their large stature and ruffled hair meant they were a human, and the guess came naturally: Gavin.
He’d brought his own blankets and made himself a nest on my floor. My half-asleep head thought it wouldn’t be too bad; I bundled up the pillows and blankets from my own bed and tossed them on the floor in a disorganized heap, even worse than Gavin’s pile, and dropped onto it. He shuffled, grunted a bit, and turned over on his side, putting a reassuring arm over my shoulders. We both fell back asleep in that comfort almost instantly.
What finally woke us was the sound outside. A general din of activity grew loud enough to make it into my room, and Gavin rose before me, shaking my shoulder to wake me up in turn.
“Think it’s almost time,” he said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He stretched, standing on his feet and reaching the ceiling before offering his hand to pick me up. I took it and he led me by that hand forward, out to the people gathered.
The gathering wasn’t too big, but it was a hearty one, nonetheless. It was a mixture of humans, venlil, yotul, and the occasional other species assisting in the city, gathered in circles around campfires dotting the street and camp we lived in. I pointed one of the fires out; it was ringed by predominantly yotul, and I recognized the new year flame structure familiar to Leirn. One of the yotul there noticed us and waved us over to take seats with them.
Gavin sat near the fire, and I laid over him, my head resting in his lap as the small campfire burned in front of us. A quick glance around showed that we weren’t the only ones inching this close to the fire; my mind flashed back to memories of Leirn, of watching ceremonial bonfires burn and singing songs of home and history, even after the Federation arrived, and I felt myself start to tear up.
I don’t know if Gavin saw, or felt, or even knew at all, but I felt a strong hand rub the side of my head, scratch a bit behind my ears. I flinched a bit on instinct.
Gavin stammered a bit. “Uh- you- um, that alright?”
He resumed, and I felt my eyes gradually flutter closed to the sound of the fire crackling and a breeze blowing, his other arm wrapping around me. The night should’ve been freezing, but I felt the warmth of something stronger than cold wind and a dark night.
There was a brief bit of pressure on the top of my head. I picked myself up and planted a kiss in return on his cheek, laying back in his lap, his arm tightening closer around me. Three short words were all that remained.
“I love you.”
submitted by Monarch357 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:01 tadiub [Match Thread] Chicago Fire vs LA Galaxy

The Galaxy are set to off to face the Chicago Fire in their 17th game of the MLS regular season
Availability (as of 5/27/24)

Broadcast: Apple TV - MLS Season Pass, Galaxy Discord

Caution Accumulation

Current Form:

Date and Time: Saturday, June 1st, 5:30 PM

Venue: Soldier Field, Chicago, IL

Preview: The Galaxy are coming off an exciting win at home against Dallas, and look to finish this long stretch of games before the summer break with a win as they head to Chicago. Although Chicago is 14th in the East, this will not be an easy game as the Fire still have quality players, but have had difficulties getting results this season.

Xherdan Shaquiri, their star DP isn't having a great start to the season, but their homegrown U22, Brian Guitierrez has shown he has a bright future with his play and box score stats (3 G+A). Not to mention, Hugo Cuyphers has been playing well for them. Former LAFC, and USMNT box to box midfielder Kellyn Acosta is also someone to look out for. Carlos Teran, their centerback is the anchor of their defense. The Fire are looking to break their two game draw streak with a win at home.

The Galaxy are looking to win three in a row for the first time in coach Greg Vanney's tenure as the Galaxy's head coach and gawd of possession. Riqui, Dejan, and Pec are coming in hot either scoring a goal or assist in the last couple of games. Unfortunately, Gaston Brugman is a question mark, and although Paintsil is feeling better, it's uncertain whether or not he will play. The overall record betweent he two teams is 23-15-8 (W-L-D) in 46 games. At Chicago, the Galaxy are 10-9-8 (W-L-D).

What are you looking forward to? Gz Up!
submitted by tadiub to LAGalaxy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:56 Appropriate-Juice209 I don’t deserve to live anymore

I put down my dog of 6.5 years, my beloved first dog who I adopted when I was 22, back in April. The circumstances could not have been worse and I was not in my right state of mind. I didn’t think of all the other options and I never imagined something like this could happen.
I adopted her when she was 8 weeks old. For the first 18 months it was just the two of us. When all the trainings up to canine good citizen, she did dog daycare every day because I worked long hours. After work we’d always go on trail runs and she was perfect and never even pulled on her leash as she had no concern for other dogs or people. When I’d travel she’d always be watched by rover sitters with other dogs and kids. I’d often watch friends dogs and vice versa. She was the smartest and best dog.
When she was 18 months, I got married and we moved due to the military. My husband and I then go our second dog, a female vizsla at 8 weeks old. They instantly got along perfectly, always playing and chasing eachother. For 5 years it was bliss. They did everything together. They even lived with my family and 5 siblings and their two dogs for a year while we deployed. Never any issues, and again I’d often watch friends dogs and vice versa. My life revolved around them and they always got runs and fetch and hikes every day. I loved it.
Then when she turned 6 and my other dog was 4.5, she started to change. In November, I took her to the vet because she has been reclusing herself and acting uncharacteristically aggressive, attacking my other dog twice and growling, snapping, and barking at me. She had never done anything like this towards another person or dog, let alone towards me and her buddy of almost 5 years. It was very erratic but it seemed like she must have not been feeling well because she would always be with me, it was very odd she’d go in her crate by herself for such long periods of time. But she wouldn’t always act aggressively so it made no sense.
The vet did blood work and said it was normal so she was prescribed fluoxetine and trazodone. I should have pushed that something much more serious was going on, but I figured if the meds wouldn’t help I would’ve seen that quickly. But the meds seemed to help, she was back to hanging out with me and playing with my other dog and no more weird aggressive outbursts. I stupidly let my guard down. It was all perfect again for 4 months. I attributed her lethargy, slower mentation, and laying in weird places to the meds. She went back to the vet twice once for weird leg swelling that went away and again for vaccines. No issues were noted and she was again her sweet self so I thought everything was good.
Then at the end of March, she suddenly attacked my other dog again. We were heading out the gate for our daily , drawing blood this time from my other dog’s ear. I went to check on her a little while later and again she was barking and growling at me. I called my vet who didn’t have any appointments available that day. I should have immediately taken her to the ER vet or somewhere else but I stupidly didn’t. We were going out of town the next day for my friend’s wedding and then I had a work trip right after. When we picked up the dogs from their kennel, she was totally her usual self. We thought it was maybe a fluke. We kept them separate and then while he as gone just husband brought them back and said they seemed fine so we just separated them when we were not home.
Then a few days later, she attacked my other dog again out of nowhere. The dogs had been sitting on the couch all morning while I was in my office. I walked into the room and my other dog got up to go to the back door. She followed and stood next to her. All of a sudden she launched right for her neck. My other dog was just screaming. I tried everything to get her to let go without getting my hands in there and nothing would work so I was afraid she’d kill my other dog so I used my heads to separate her jaws from my other dogs neck. I was somehow able to hold her down and open the back door for my other dog to run out. She was still frenzied for a few seconds then when she calmed down I put her in my room and went to check on my other dog. She was in the back corner of the yard shaking and had cuts to her face, neck, and ears and I received a bite that needed stitches to my hand while trying to get her off of her. My parents and my husband told me I had to put her to sleep that I couldn’t take the risk anymore before she kills my other dog or hurts me or someone in our neighborhood. That I could never trust her again and something was wrong with her.
In my state of panic I made the vet appointment while at the ER. When i got home we took her to the vet and without even doing other tests or offering a solution, our vet just said she felt putting her to sleep was the right decision and this was likely in her brain and not fixable and in my state of trauma and shock I somehow let that happen. Ever since I have been wanting to throw up. I hate myself I don’t know how I did that to her and I feel like my husband and my parents betrayed me for telling me this was the only way when I was obviously not in my right state of mind and I was the only one who saw it happen. I wasn’t thinking straight. It never even occurred to me go see a behaviorist or a neurologist and that was never suggested.
She was my first dog, I had her from 8 weeks and she was always perfect and trustworthy. I can’t believe I threw that all away. I feel like an idiot for taking her to this vet and trusting her and for making it seem so hopeless. I should have gotten multiple opinions before ever doing something as big and irreversible as this. Something must have been going on with her and I didn’t help her. I feel just emptiness and regret and can’t believe she is gone or that I killed her. Maybe I could have rehomed my other dog and everything would have been okay and they could both still be alive.
I’ll never forgive myself. I want to die so the pain will go away and I can be with her again. I totally failed her and succumbed in a moment of panic to what everyone told me I needed to do but not what I wanted to do and I hate myself.
submitted by Appropriate-Juice209 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:39 Dragonbarry22 I can't tell if maybe my fever is from black mold

Every once and awhile id always get sore throats, It's likely because I drink soda a lot then water, but my house water tastes really really bad, it also makes my throat sore.
I'll get my support worker to get a covid test anyway as well, but I basically feel super warm I found sore throat medication did help get some relief
Though my face feels kinda dry from watery eyes as well
submitted by Dragonbarry22 to ToxicMoldExposure [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:35 0YGIZG991 I hate my dad for giving me such shit genetics

About the only good thing I got from him is my hair, but my mums grandad was balding so chances are I’m probably gonna be bald too. Apart from that it seems his genetics completely outcompeted any of my mums, who is objectively conventionally attractive - Im short, have an oval face, wide as fuck jaw, huge forehead, crowded teeth (got braces, but my palate is still narrow so my smile looks like shit), flat cheekbones, droopy tired looking eyes, no jawline, scraggly eyebrows, and my mum doenst have any of these. I have to put so much effort into my appearance just to look slightly normal, and honestly would consider not having kids so they don’t get the same dogshit genes I have.
submitted by 0YGIZG991 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:34 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 423

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 423


The moment I hurled the Arch Lich to the ground with a resounding crash, I coiled my energy and kicked the air.


A thunderous explosion of compressed air echoed as I hurtled toward his descending form with fearsome velocity.

The Skeleton Warlord let out a scream or cheer — it was hard to tell which.

- That's it, human! Finish him!

Finish what, exactly?

His judgment was unfortunately wrong. I knew this better than anyone, especially as I drove my fist into the Arch Lich's jaw.

'Did he cast a defensive spell in that brief moment...?'

Before my fully-powered Flame-Extinguishing Divine Fist could make contact, he conjured a Bone Shield across his face, warding off the brunt of the blow.

Though the strike wasn’t wholly futile, he was no easy foe to vanquish.

And my prediction proved accurate. The Arch Lich, whose body had been plummeting earthward like a comet, abruptly stopped mid-descent, as potent magic filled the air.

- Darkness Hold.


From the void, two colossal hands materialized. At first glance, they appeared as mere Dark Hands, but Darkness Hold was designed exclusively to ensnare its target, as the name suggested.

I dived headlong toward the encroaching hands, my spear poised for battle.

'I see it.'

Everything possesses an 'essence' — living creatures, the wind, even invisible forces.

With my middle dantian now open, I could discern and understand the core and essence of all things.

Just like in this moment.


Flames burst forth, cleaving through the darkness. The writhing black hands dissipated into a mist, while the Arch Lich’s eyes glinted with malice.

The next instant, his spectral bony hand sliced through the air.

- Dark Claw!

Swoosh, swish!

The evaporating black mist morphed into the savage claws of a beast, descending in a furious onslaught.

The attacks came from every direction, each with a unique path. Deflecting them would be manageable if I concentrated, but that meant losing ground on the Arch Lich just after having narrowed the gap.

'I must make a choice.'

It's impossible to catch both rabbits, especially when the opponent is more of a tiger than a rabbit.

In an instant, I made my decision and unleashed White Flames — not at the encircling magic, but directly at the Arch Lich.


The searing blue blaze of White Flames tore through the air like a bolt of lightning.

From the Arch Lich's mouth came a voice, tinged with unprecedented desperation.

- Bone Shie—!

It's already too late, you bastard.


The blue blaze enveloped the Arch Lich completely.

The nascent bone shield disintegrated into dust under the blistering assault.


The White Flames' blade speared through the Arch Lich’s chest, skewering him like meat over a fire. His scream was like none I had ever heard before.

Suddenly, a biting chill sliced through the air from every direction.

- Human, danger...!

Even without the Skeleton Warlord's cry, I already knew.

Yet, I did it anyway. In order to take bones, you have to sacrifice flesh. Fully aware of the impending harm, I still believed in my choice.

As magical claws descended from all around, I mulled over my decision.

'...Maybe I should have just blocked it.'

But regret was a luxury I could no longer afford.


A wind swept over my entire form, chilling to the bone.

It was no illusion like a Bone Spear, nor slow enough to block. I contorted my body, bolstering my Qi, but the onslaught was relentless.

Shiing, slash, screee! Swoosh!

Shoulders, flanks, thighs, arms...

Countless magical claws lacerated my flesh. Blood gushed from the wounds, and agony surged through me.

'Damn it.'

It hurts enough to make me wish for death.

No matter how often one experiences it, pain is something one never gets used to.

My vision blurred, my limbs grew heavy and succumbed.

It was a brief lapse, yet it stretched into an agonizing eternity.

When my eyes fluttered open again, the first thing I saw was an imposing mass of concrete that had materialized seemingly out of nowhere.

- Wake up, human!


The urgent command of the Skeleton Warlord jolted me back to awareness.

I funneled Qi into my stiff limbs, the pain from ruptured meridians reigniting my dulled senses.


With no time to waste, I hurled myself over.

Bang! A cloud of dust billowed as I crash-landed onto the concrete debris. Sharp tremors and pain shot through my legs.


The Skeleton Warlord spoke to me as I grit my teeth against the pain,

- Human, you don't look… okay.

I drew a ragged breath and shot back,

"Huff. If you know that, then shut up. My head is throbbing."

It was no exaggeration; even the System notifications were enough to make my stomach churn.


- Status abnormality, [Serious Injury] has been inflicted!

- Status abnormality, [Excessive Bleeding] has been inflicted!

- Due to severe injuries, your physical stats have drastically decreased!

- [Strength], [Agility], [Stamina] have each decreased by 200 points!

- You have sustained severe injuries! Immediate medical attention is required!

Yep, that sounds about right.

Whether from the blood loss or the relentless pain, my vision swam, and my thoughts muddled.

Yet, through the haze, one thought remained clear.

"The Arch Lich. Where is the Arch Lich?"

At my hoarse voice, the Skeleton Warlord shouted.

- You crazy human! Get treated first!

"The kill notification hasn't popped up yet. He's still alive..."

- Notification or not, get treated now!


I told you to shut up.

Leaning heavily against the rubble, I felt dizzy. Blood seeped from my drenched clothing, and my limbs shook uncontrollably like trembling leaves.


This time, I took a serious beating.

The only small comfort was that the Arch Lich must be just as badly off, if not worse.

- You foolish human!

I know. I know already.

While the echoes of reprimand rang in my skull, I spread my palm and whispered to myself.

'Inventory open. Summon.'


Everything happened simultaneously.

From a subspace pocket, once belonging to Lee Jeong-Ryong, I retrieved an item now mine to command.

'Top-grade potion.'

Could Lee Jeong-Ryong have ever imagined that the two emergency potions he'd packed would both end up in my hands?

My fingers shook as I uncorked the Top-grade potion, desperate to drink it like it was the very elixir of life.

But just as I raised it to my lips.

Thud, swoosh!


It all happened in an instant.

A black vine shot up from the concrete debris, lashed at my wrist, and sent the potion arcing through the air, disappearing into the fog.

As I watched a few droplets disperse into the dusty air and sink into the earth, I muttered,

"Dark Vine."

A spell all too familiar.

The Skeleton Warlord groaned.

- It's him.

I lifted my gaze. A red light flickered through the dense fog like a distant flame.

Approaching was a figure, three meters tall with a sinister black gleam. It resembled a human, yet bore an essence that defied such a simple label as it emerged from the fog with heavy, deliberate steps.

- You, human.

The voice was low, heavy with unmistakable rage.

The Skeleton Warlord trembled within my Inventory, and a faint smile crossed my lips.

"You damn bastard. I was drinking that."

- Your struggle ends here.

Shriek, snap!

I had no chance to react — when the Arch Lich flicked his fingers, Lee Jeong-Ryong’s ordinary-looking subspace pocket was swept into the distance by the Dark Vine.

- Your shallow tricks will no longer work.

With each word he spoke, the magic encircling the Arch Lich stirred to life.

Yet, just as I bore grave injuries, his power too seemed diminished.

My White Flames spear that had scorched through his chest was unmistakably the cause.

'I can do this.'

Summoning my strength, I pushed myself upright. Extending my hand, I summoned a spear from my Inventory, clasping it firmly.

"The spear stuck in your chest really suits you. Should I add another so you're symmetric?"

- Do you think you will have the chance?

"Of course. Seeing your state, it seems quite possible."

- Human, you always fail to distinguish between bravery and recklessness. Foolish, truly foolish.

The Arch Lich, with a booming laugh, spread his arms wide.

Instead of his robe, now reduced to cinders by my previous assault, pitch-black magic surged from his form, taking shape.

'That's a...'

A menacing vortex of magic, its presence alone ominous.

Instinctively, I grasped the Arch Lich’s intentions.


It appeared volatile, on the verge of eruption, yet it was unmistakably shaping into a gate.

The next words from the Arch Lich confirmed my suspicions.

- It's not complete yet... but if I can defeat you, I can complete it.

Suddenly, a deep voice, as if echoing from the heavens, caused the air itself to quiver.

- Come forth. Gate Open.


I had to intervene somehow. But the pain hindered my movements, and the transformation had already begun.

I watched, eyes wide, as the next moment unfolded.


The sparse rays of sunlight, which had been meekly filtering through the ashen clouds, vanished entirely.

As the sky split with a deafening roar, a tempest raged around us, and the ensuing darkness rose like a primordial giant.


The flickering darkness ballooned from the heart of the ruined cityscape.

Rising as tall as a skyscraper and spanning wider than a football field, it dwarfed any Gate I had ever encountered, stirring a primal fear deep within my bones.

- Ah, aah.

Even the undead monster, the Skeleton Warlord, trembled at the sight.

As I stared transfixed at the Gate, a critical reminder flashed through my mind.

'I must stop it. No matter what.'

Though it wasn't fully formed, leaving it unchecked could unleash an unimaginable catastrophe.

Millions, possibly tens of millions, could perish.

And... among them might be those dear to me.

Mr. Choi, steadfast on the battlefield, and Shao Shen, to whom I had unexpectedly grown close.

Should the Arch Lich extend his reach beyond China to the peninsula... even the members of the Peace Guild and my cherished family would face dire peril.

'I must go.'

Pain and terror had seized my body, but it was sheer determination that propelled me forward.

Drawing on every reserve of strength, I rallied my Qi as my wounded meridians protested sharply, spurring fresh blood to seep from my wounds.

But I could not falter. I only had this one shot, this one opportunity.

'Brilliant Path of Fire.'

With each agonizing step, my battered legs drove me forward, leaving a blazing trail in my wake.

At its end awaited the catalyst of this chaos.

The one whose death could also end this.


One Strike.

Time seemed to slow as I drove my spear forward with all my strength.

The tornado I unleashed barreled toward him.


And amidst the sea of blue flames that enveloped the world, his mocking laughter and his words sliced through the inferno.

- Blink.

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submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:33 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 422

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 422

Ding. Ding. Ding.

- Opportunity arises within crisis. You have gained new enlightenment amidst a life-and-death battle!

- [Middle Dantian] has been opened!

- With the opening of the [Middle Dantian], all stats have increased by 20!

- The effects of [Qi Cultivation] have greatly improved!

- Your ability to understand and manipulate the flow of Qi has been greatly enhanced!

- Your internal and external states have been strengthened!




The relentless System notifications echoed in my ears, their cadence like a persistent hammer.

A sudden gust of wind swept through, playing with my sweat-drenched hair as a newfound vigor suffused my body.

A clear, resonant bell chimed, marking the culmination of my transformation.


- As a reward for your enlightenment, you have gained a large amount of experience points!

- As a reward for your enlightenment, you have gained 50 bonus points!

- Level up!

- As a result of leveling up, all status effects, fatigue, and some injuries are recovered!

- The status abnormality, [Curse], has been lifted!

- Temporarily reduced stats have been restored to their original state!

I wasn't the only one who felt such changes.

No hand moves unseen by its master. The Arch Lich, sensing the dissolution of his curse, voiced his disbelief in a tone thick with suspicion.

- How did you...?!

His words, laden with myriad unspoken queries, met only my nonchalant shrug.


- Well?

"Yes, well."

- Do you think that explains it?

"Obviously not. But do I really need to explain myself to you?"

From the flickering light in his eyes, incredulity was unmistakable.

- You're not a mage, are you?

"I did want to be a mage. They get paid more, you know. But I just don't have the talent for it. Nor the brains."

- Even those you call Grand Mages couldn't easily dispel my magic like this.

"There's nothing to it, really."

- This makes no sense!

I conceded silently.

The Arch Lich's mastery was undeniably beyond mine.

Even I, having long surpassed the ordinary bounds of a Hunter, struggled against his curses and the perilous illusions crafted from bone spears.

Without my recent enlightenment, I might not have stood here at all.


"So what are you going to do about it?"

- ...!

The System was on my side; I had simply utilized the strength and resources it provided to navigate through the crisis.

If he thinks that's unfair, he can use the System himself.

"That's just how the world works. It's annoying and frustrating, but you just have to bear with it and move on. It's already happened. Right?"

The Skeleton Warlord, previously howling in rage until a moment ago, now murmured under his breath.

- Wow, you really do speak well.

That's just how I am.

- You wicked human. It doesn't look like he's going to just let it go and move on.

The Skeleton Warlord was right.

Suddenly, a chilling voice cut through the air, followed by a tempest of formidable magical energy.

- Unleash Sonic Buster.


Whoosh, boom!

A blast of densely compressed air erupted.

Its sheer velocity turned concrete to dust and twisted steel rebars like twigs.

The shockwave shattered the windows of a nearby skyscraper, sweeping up a storm of glass shards.

In an instant, before I could even blink, the devastating wind was mere inches from my face.

- Human!

The scream of the Skeleton Warlord resounded from my inventory.

Was it concern for his own fate, or anxiety over mine?

Regardless, the reason held little weight.

I was no longer the same person I had been mere moments ago.


A warmth blossomed in my chest. The spot known to martial artists as the Middle Dantian had fully opened.

Suddenly, I understood everything around me. I felt it on my skin and saw it with acute clarity.

'So that's how it is.'

Time seemed to stretch, the world slowing to a crawl around me, rendering everything sharply defined and vivid.

A colossal orb of wind, launched like a slicing blade, and the intricate flow of magic that propelled it.


Everything has a core, magic included. With the opening of my middle dantian, I could discern that core.


In this decelerated reality, I thrust my spear forward. The formidable orb of wind, previously unstoppable, cleaved neatly in two by the blade of White Flames.

The split fragments of the wind, once a unified force, now dispersed into hundreds, then thousands of smaller currents. Stripped of their magical command, they cascaded to the earth in a chaotic ballet.

Swoosh, crash!

The winds whipped around, tousling my clothes and hair. I raised my head to face the Arch Lich, my expression tinged with a slight smile.

"Come down here. My neck hurts."

- You...!

"Fine, I'll come up."

Crack, boom!

A single step.

The ground beneath me shattered, and I propelled myself toward the grey expanse above.

* * *


As Jin Tae-Kyung launched into the air, the Arch Lich grasped the gravity of the situation.

'I can't let this human approach.'

Avoiding melee combat was a basic rule for any mage, yet it held a new significance for the Arch Lich now.

'To think this body feels threatened by a mere human.'

He prided himself on having reached the pinnacle of black magic.

Despite the considerable drain on his power during his resurrection, the Arch Lich still wielded more magical might than any Grand Mage.

Yet, the human confronting him now... posed a genuine threat.

'Yes, just like that one back then.'

It was a memory he desperately wanted to forget. Gritting his teeth, the Arch Lich summoned his magic.

- Gravity!

This time, his command wasn't just a shout but a formidable wave of power, unleashing an invisible, formless force that crushed everything within its vast reach.

Even an S-rank Hunter like Jin Tae-Kyung could hardly withstand the overwhelming pressure closing in on him.


A burst of compressed air shot from beneath Jin Tae-Kyung's feet as he executed the Void-Trampling Step, his body darting out of the gravity's lethal embrace.

His movements, sharp and swift as a hawk's, far surpassed those of any ordinary flyer.

'What the hell.'

The Arch Lich's eyes darkened as he watched Jin Tae-Kyung slice through the air, rapidly closing the distance.

It was clear now; Jin Tae-Kyung had not only accurately determined the range of the gravity spell but evaded it with uncanny skill.

'It wasn't mere luck that he dispelled the illusion magic. Then...'


Magic surged from the Arch Lich, vibrating the very air around him.

- Gravity. Gravity. Gravity.

He cast the high-level spell repeatedly, a feat beyond even the most adept mages. With this, the Arch Lich believed he would overpower Jin Tae-Kyung this time.

'Fall, human.'

Instead of increasing the force, he had expanded the spell's reach, creating a gravitational field vast enough to ensnare any within its grip...


Doubt flickered in the Arch Lich's gaze.

Simultaneously, the crushing spell around Jin Tae-Kyung unraveled, its magical link severed as if sliced by an unseen blade.

Caught off-guard, the Arch Lich watched as Jin Tae-Kyung propelled himself forward, stepping into the void and rocketing upwards like a cannonball.

Boom! Sssshhhh!

With a deafening sonic boom, Jin Tae-Kyung soared, not merely in front but rising above the Arch Lich, and he brought down the White Flames with devastating force.

Whoosh, a streak of blue flames surged towards the Arch Lich.


In the slowed-down reality, an invisible shield around the Arch Lich shattered like glass.

In that moment, the flames of Protective Qi, fueled by three gapjas of Scorching Yang Qi, penetrated the multitude of defensive spells cloaking the Arch Lich.

- Great Bone Wall!

With a grim command, a barrier of black bones erupted from the void.

This top-tier defensive magic, materializing merely a meter away, met the spear blade wreathed in flames.

In the ashen sky, a massive shockwave boomed and thunder roared around the two foes divided by the Bone Wall.


The air burst with intensity, dispersing clouds that had roamed the high skies. Buildings teetering on collapse crumbled, and half-decayed bodies were whisked away by the winds.

Yet, the two beings responsible for this chaos faced each other across the barrier, their gazes steady.

"It was a waste, wasn't it?"

- Yes, indeed. No, wait...

The Arch Lich paused, his eyes fixated on the mystical spear blade that had penetrated the center of the wall.

- It was dangerous.

The length of the spear blade that passed through the Bone Wall was only about the length of a finger, and the burst of Protective Qi had not even grazed his nose.

It was fortunate for the Arch Lich and regrettable for Jin Tae-Kyung.

"You're lucky, you."

- Arrogant human, I must admit.


Jin Tae-Kyung, taken aback, listened as the Arch Lich spoke more deliberately.

- You would be worthy of this win, if you truly are the Adversary.

"...The Adversary?"

- Yes. The King's Adversary. The eternal rival entangled by the whims of the gods. I cannot be certain yet... but perhaps that's why I was able to rise again from the River of Death.

Jin Tae-Kyung’s brow furrowed. What does the King's Adversary mean, and what was this talk of the whims of the gods?

"Are you a second-year middle school student? Clear away these bones and show me your right hand. Let's see if you have a Black Flame Dragon." [Note: this reference is a bit intricate. The "Black Flame Dragon" part originates from the YuYu Hakusho anime/manga, in which one of the characters has a Black Flame Dragon living in his right arm. The "second year middle school" part references a concept called "chuunibyou", which comes from the light novel "Even with Chuunibyou, I Want to Fall in Love!", which heavily references "YuYu Hakusho". The concept of "chuunibyou" describes a particular stage in adolescence where individuals might hold delusional beliefs of grandeur, pretending to have secret knowledge or hidden powers. It's typically characterized by dramatic, over-the-top behavior, which is often a source of embarrassment later in life. This concept was vastly popularized by the anime, "Love, Chunibyo, and Other Delusions!"]

The Arch Lich shook his head.

- This is something neither you nor I can understand. But one thing is certain.

His eyes, previously dimly glowing red, now blazed with intensity.

Initially, he had merely thought of him as a powerful, albeit strange, human. Now, his perception had shifted.

Memories from decades ago flooded back, when he had roamed the planet in service to the King.

And the face of that human he had encountered on the day he fell into the River of Death.

'The Adversary.'

The human who had not only slain him but had also assassinated the King.

The Arch Lich tried to halt him but failed; he attempted to close the distance but could not bridge it. This human was the only one the Arch Lich had ever truly feared.

Amidst the tumult of battle with Jin Tae-Kyung, memories of that fearful day surfaced.

- You... will surely die here.

His voice, grim yet resolute, reverberated through the air.

Jin Tae-Kyung’s reply was dismissive and direct.

"What are you talking about, idiot?"

Then, in the blink of an eye,

"Eat this."

Whoosh. Boom!

With calm defiance, Jin Tae-Kyung unleashed a fist wreathed in blue flames, obliterating everything before it.

It met the barrier of black bones head-on.

Flame-Extinguishing Divine Fist.


The seemingly impenetrable Bone Wall shattered.

Through the cloud of bone shards, Jin Tae-Kyung, his face impassive, declared,

"It's much better this way. No more neck pain."

- ...!

"Down, boy."


Like a streak of lightning, his fist shot forward, connecting squarely with the Arch Lich’s jaw.

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submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:18 Adhdgirlygirlnurse Cystic acne related to MAC or Charlotte Tilbury?

I’ve never had acne in my LIFE but over the past few months I’ve been wearing CT Flawless Filter under MAC Studio Radiance foundation. I’ve been getting cystic acne on my chin and jaw line, and overall acne all over my face. I stopped wearing CT since, and I’ve always worn MAC, just never their liquid foundations. I wore their studio fix powdered foundation since high school until transitioning to liquid due to my dry face in my 30s.
Have any of these 2 products caused cystic acne for you?!? I feel like my face is clearing up since stopping CT, but I’m also in my follicular phase so my skin already glows during this cycle, so it’s hard to tell! Someone said the talc in MAC causes their cystic acne, but I use Huda setting powder and I’m pretty sure there’s talc in that?? And I’ve been a MAC girly my whole life without any issues. So idk the source. Help a sister out! ✨
Edited to add: I double cleanse my face nightly with the Dermalogica pre cleanse oil cleanser followed by a face wash. So my face washing/skincare is top notch when it comes to removing my makeup!
submitted by Adhdgirlygirlnurse to Makeup [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:37 rxtnjsmk Does ocular herpes always cause vision problems, or can it just be painful w no vision issues

So, I am diagnosed HSV-1, and the actual sores that I can see usually occur on my gumline (weird, I know.)
Twice now, though, I’ve had pain on the whole side of my face that the physical outbreak that I could see was on. Like, the skin on my face felt sensitive and my eye felt like there was something in it and kind of sore.
The first time this happened, I went to the optometrist and she looked, and even put a dye in my eye to check and didn’t see anything.
I’ve just finished up having a physical outbreak on my gums that coincided with pain on the same side of my face and eye. Just, like…soreness and like there’s something in it.
I don’t experience any blurriness or vision issues, though. So, I guess I’m just curious if anyone with confirmed ocular herpes also gets just pain, but no vision problems? Or am I just dealing with allergies (it’s spring where I am) and they happen to coincidentally be affecting the eye on the same side of my face as the outbreak, heh.
submitted by rxtnjsmk to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:33 MountainSkald [A Valkyrie's Saga] - Part 112

Prequel (Chapters 1 to 16)
1. Rise of a Valkyrie
First ¦ Previous ¦ Royal Road ¦ Patreon
When Kayla awoke, she found herself curled up on a couch in the Banshee’s infirmary. In the nearest bed, Thandi appeared to be sleeping peacefully. Across from her, Yak was hooked up to several scary looking tubes, but her vitals looked stable. Most of the rest of the beds were also filled. Another successful Valkyrie operation, Kayla thought, bitterly.
She didn’t remember the trip back from the planet. She did remember being told that nobody had found any sign of Rayker, and that memory kindled a little of the rage that never burned out. They had been through a nightmare for nothing.
“I wondered how long you would be asleep,” a voice said.
Kayla turned to see Christie sat on the end of her couch. Her friend seemed to be weighed down by sadness as she put aside the tablet she was typing on and smiled back at her.
“Wha— uh…” Kayla managed, as her stiff tongue flapped helplessly. She yawned and stretched.
“Twenty-three wounded in total,” Christie said. “Thandi will walk again in a week. Yak’s going to be in a coma for the next month. Fortunately, nothing struck her vital organs. And, by the way, one of the Raider squads was also involved in a friendly fire incident.”
Kayla focused on her, then looked away. “Jesus,” she said to herself. “God dammit.”
“Thandi wouldn’t like that,” Christie scolded. “Heathen.”
Kayla stood up and began to pace slowly as she wrapped her arms around herself. “I can’t believe I—”
“I’m going to stop you right there,” Christie said, “because you’ve been asleep for about ten hours. In the interim, I was able to speak with several Rangers about what happened. It was not your fault. Not entirely.”
Kayla shook her head. “Yes, it was. Oh, God, yes it was. I should have seen them, I should have had a stronger optic, I should have—”
“Corporal Rudaski misread her map. So did the leader of second squad. You were both actually in hall hotel-four. The base was constructed in a circular pattern of radially linked zones, orbiting a central facility. It’s a highly abstract layout that we have never seen before. Most Ranger battalions have spent the last several centuries clearing logical, grid-like layouts in ships and bunkers. Under fire, it is easy to see how confusion caused units to lose track of their positions as they advanced. Most of the platoons did, actually, at one point or another. And, in my opinion, we did not have anything like the troop numbers needed to comfortably secure that site. A consequence, no doubt, of Valkyrie’s failure to prepare and train for large scale deployments, for which there has been no requirement in at least a millennia, so they tell me.”
Kayla turned to her with a puzzled expression. “You figured all that out already?”
“I’m drafting a report on the matter. I can’t sleep, you see, because the flaws of this operation stem entirely from the task force’s desire to follow Rayker until she discovered the tracker. We found it in the central command chamber. It was sealed in a wrapping of fat and muscle tissue, which she obviously cut out of herself hours before the tamper alarm sensed the toxins of cell decay. She left it there for us to find. To taunt us, no doubt.”
Christie yawned deeply, stood up and brushed her sweater off. “Do you see, Kayla, that the intelligence team were making decisions based off of my actions on Ambrosia, when I planted that device?” She smiled bitterly. “And I had the arrogance to think I was outwitting the woman. So, in a way, it’s my fault.”
Kayla swallowed and slowly shook her head. Then she grabbed her friend and held her in a tight hug. “War sucks,” she said. “Everything about it is awful.”
“I agree. Nevertheless, we are drawn to it, like moths to a flame perhaps?”
Kayla released her and collapsed into the couch. “When I slept, I had a dream. I was in Plato’s cave, but I got free. Outside there was a dragon, burning everything in sight. The world was covered in ash, and the puppets casting shadows were dead bodies,” She wiped moisture out of her eye. “He said, ‘come out and play, little girl’.”
Christie nodded. “We were lucky nobody was killed today. Rayker will certainly cost us more blood before we manage to catch her. She could have set up a much stronger defense than a battalion of light combat drones, but she didn’t.”
Kayla reached into her pocket and found her necklace. She placed it over her head and ran a thumb over the engraved name.
She looked back at Christie. “Why not?”
“The freighter the Sirène caught was carrying several large combat walkers, produced by that plant. A deep space survey revealed that a second freighter had jumped away earlier. No doubt Rayker’s escape—she seems to have plotted a course opposite the star from where we stopped at the minefield. There seems to be no question that she had the main force of those machines with her.”
“Any idea where they went?”
Christie turned away to retrieve her tablet. “Not yet, unfortunately.”
“May the saints have mercy,” said a voice, “if a shot up woman cannot get a wink of sleep with all the talking in here.”
Kayla whirled around to see Thandi, sitting up in her bed. She darted over and grabbed her into a bearhug.
“I’m really sorry I got you shot,” she said.
“Yeah,” Thandi said looking pleased with herself. “And to apologize, you’ll be fetching me chocolate cake from the mess until I get out of here.” She lowered her voice. “Seriously though, Kayla, I need you. The food is terrible.”
Kayla chuckled. “You can count on me.”
“How are you feeling, wonder woman?”
“Oh, uh… not that wonderful to be honest.”
“Leaping tall structures in a single bound?” Thandi grinned admiringly at her. “You had a bit of a superhero moment.”
Kayla raised her eyebrows. “I tore half the muscles in my body. It was definitely not awesome.”
“Sure looked like it. I don’t even know how you do stuff like that. The Lord moved you.”
Christie cleared her throat and gave Thandi a significant look.
Thandi rolled her eyes. “It’s a compliment—I’m not diminishing what you did.”
Kayla returned her cheerful gaze with a flat expression. She had felt like everyone she cared about was about to die. Like her soul had been lit on fire, and the only way to put it out had been to move like a lightning bolt. It was not something she ever wanted to experience again.
“I was on probation for the incident on Ambrosia,” she reminded Thandi. “I will definitely be dropped back to private from now on.”
“Oh,” Thandi’s sparkling eyes darkened. “Well, that sucks. I hope they don’t. You straight up saved us all from an ambush at the start of that firefight. And the illume drone—you made lots of good calls down there.”
Kayla shook her head. “I shouldn’t be a team leader. I keep losing control. I can’t let… I don’t respond well when any of you are in danger.”
Thandi grabbed her hand, and squeezed it. “What happens to us is not up to you, my dear. It’s in God’s hands alone.”
Kayla didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t sure if she could accept that.
“How’s the pain?” Christie asked.
“Oh,” Thandi said and waved her hand. “Nothing too severe. I think of how Rose would be responding, and I know I can handle anything.”
Christie nodded silently.
“She speaks to me, in my dreams. She tells me how proud she is of us.” Thandi glanced at Kayla. “She says you are a true leader.”
Kayla turned away, unable to keep her eyes from tearing up.
“Will you be up in time for the merger?” Christie asked.
“On crutches maybe,” Thandi said. “But I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I can’t imagine anything more glorious.”
“What’s that?” Kayla asked before slowly turning back.
“The Banshee is returning to Tyr,” Christie explained. “On the way back, we have been tasked with collecting a probe that was observing a binary star merger. We will have the opportunity to observe the event live.”
“Whatever,” Kayla said with an eye roll. She was a little offended that their task force had been assigned a science project after what had happened. “Nerd stuff, right?”
Christie laughed, and met Thandi’s eyes with a smirk. “If you say so.”
Thandi shifted against her pillows. “How is the mood of the ship?” she said to Christie. “Are people still angry?”
“What do you mean?” Kayla cut in.
Thandi glanced back and forth between them. “You didn’t tell her?”
Christie waved a dismissive hand. “Oh, but with all that’s happening I didn’t think it pertinent. Why add to our already substantial burdens?”
“What’s going on?” Kayla demanded, and felt her hair stand on end.
Christie smiled tightly. “ODT Four seized the freighter and searched it thoroughly. No evidence of Rayker, as I said.”
“Yeah? And?”
“Well, they found a false compartment in one of the holds. And there were a pair of young teenagers inside. A boy and a girl.”
“In rags, and chained up,” Thandi added.
Kayla realized her jaw had clenched. She felt her skin crawl with a new kind of horror. “Oh my God,” she said, then glanced at Thandi. “Sorry.”
“In this case you get a dispensation.”
“Obviously,” Christie continued, “the pour souls will be returned to their families. A terrible situation.”
Kayla’s mind buzzed with questions. “What is—uh… where was it from? The ship?”
“Intaba,” Thandi said sullenly. “A VennZech registered vessel. Justice cannot come swiftly enough for the demon scum who perpetrated this evil on my homeworld…” she frowned as she lost her words, and clenched her fists together.
“Do you think Valkyrie will start interdicting their ships?” Kayla asked.
“No,” Christie said. “Hence the angry mood. It is a problem the organization has faced since humanity took to the stars. The chieftains have resolutely refused to address it. Our mission statement is to protect humanity, not interfere with their conduct. Frankly I have to agree with them, though I appear to be in the minority.”
Kayla stared at her incredulously. “But that’s bullshit,” she said. “How can you be okay with letting something like that go?”
Christie arched an eyebrow. “A secret army of super soldiers, with access to civilization destroying technology, and who answer—as far as we know—to nobody but themselves? The very thought of interfering gives me an existential crisis. However tragic the situation, it seems obvious that we must maintain our distance.”
Kayla shook her head. She already felt hot anger driving her to act. How could such monsters be allowed to walk freely in a just galaxy?
“All that it takes for evil to succeed—” Thandi began.
“Please can we not continue this conversation?” Christie snapped. “I’ve had enough of being insulted by some of my colleagues. I don’t want it from my friends too.”
Kayla exchanged looks with Thandi, but she owed her best friend the space she wanted.
“I promise, I won’t bring it up again, Chris,” she said.
Kayla ate in the ship’s mess then returned to her bunk, where the rest of the squad were waiting. They were talking in somber tones, but fell silent when she approached.
Kes stood up and beckoned to her. “Platoon ready room, this way.”
Once shut away in privacy, Kes sat her down and they retraced every event that had occurred inside the base. Every decision was picked apart minutely, with no judgement or grievance allowed.
“I needed us to go through this as soon as possible,” she explained. “This will sit with you for the rest of your life. We all made mistakes, but nobody should feel incriminated. I have been through five blue on blue incidents. This shit just happens, and I guarantee it will happen to you again in the future.”
Kayla felt a little relief as she spoke with her squad leader and found that she was neither alone, nor justified in hating herself. They had been moving quickly through a confusing environment, making a deadly situation much more likely.
“One last thing, though,” Kes added somberly. “Private Voigt from second squad fired the burst that hit Yak and Thandi. She is being removed from the battalion. By her own account, she returned Yak’s fire without any kind of communication with her team leader, or any attempt to check the position of friendlies. That was a major SOP violation when she knew they were expecting to move in our direction.”
Kayla absorbed this with shock. She couldn’t argue with it; after all, what good was a Ranger who couldn’t do her job? And didn’t that mean that the same punishment should apply to her?
She cleared her throat. Terror gnawed at her insides as Kes stared at her expectantly.
“I lost control again,” Kayla said.
“Yup,” Kes said, and rubbed her eyes with obvious frustration. “And this time, your actions swiftly ended a dangerous firefight following a terrible accident. Yak got immediate medical attention because of that. On the other hand, you put yourself in a position to be killed or wounded where no-one could help you.”
There was a long pause while the corporal appeared to search a distant horizon. “You don’t need a lecture, and Akane can’t make a decision on you. Yak was my next choice for Lance Corporal, but she’s out of action, along with a bunch of others. Together with this Rayker shitshow, it is not the time to be shuffling people around.”
Kayla’s brow furrowed “What about Ray?”
“Oh,” Kes ran a hand through her hair. “Every time I’ve offered it, she’s refused. Anyway, we’ve already been told by Captain Aguilar to expect a new private out of Ranger school once we return to Tyr.”
“Yes, Corporal,” Kayla said, unsure what to think about the decision.
“I’ve seen you make good decisions in the field. But I will push to replace you when the opportunity comes up again.” Kes narrowed her eyes. “Unless you can show me I’m wrong before that happens.”
Kayla left the room with her head spinning. She was keeping her job, even though she obviously didn’t have what it took to lead Rangers in combat.
First ¦ Previous ¦ Royal Road ¦ Patreon
Prequel (Chapters 1 to 16)
1. Rise of a Valkyrie
submitted by MountainSkald to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:30 MountainSkald A Valkyrie's Saga - Part 112

Prequel (Parts 1 to 16)
1. Rise of a Valkyrie
First ¦ Previous ¦ Royal Road ¦ Patreon
When Kayla awoke, she found herself curled up on a couch in the Banshee’s infirmary. In the nearest bed, Thandi appeared to be sleeping peacefully. Across from her, Yak was hooked up to several scary looking tubes, but her vitals looked stable. Most of the rest of the beds were also filled. Another successful Valkyrie operation, Kayla thought, bitterly.
She didn’t remember the trip back from the planet. She did remember being told that nobody had found any sign of Rayker, and that memory kindled a little of the rage that never burned out. They had been through a nightmare for nothing.
“I wondered how long you would be asleep,” a voice said.
Kayla turned to see Christie sat on the end of her couch. Her friend seemed to be weighed down by sadness as she put aside the tablet she was typing on and smiled back at her.
“Wha— uh…” Kayla managed, as her stiff tongue flapped helplessly. She yawned and stretched.
“Twenty-three wounded in total,” Christie said. “Thandi will walk again in a week. Yak’s going to be in a coma for the next month. Fortunately, nothing struck her vital organs. And, by the way, one of the Raider squads was also involved in a friendly fire incident.”
Kayla focused on her, then looked away. “Jesus,” she said to herself. “God dammit.”
“Thandi wouldn’t like that,” Christie scolded. “Heathen.”
Kayla stood up and began to pace slowly as she wrapped her arms around herself. “I can’t believe I—”
“I’m going to stop you right there,” Christie said, “because you’ve been asleep for about ten hours. In the interim, I was able to speak with several Rangers about what happened. It was not your fault. Not entirely.”
Kayla shook her head. “Yes, it was. Oh, God, yes it was. I should have seen them, I should have had a stronger optic, I should have—”
“Corporal Rudaski misread her map. So did the leader of second squad. You were both actually in hall hotel-four. The base was constructed in a circular pattern of radially linked zones, orbiting a central facility. It’s a highly abstract layout that we have never seen before. Most Ranger battalions have spent the last several centuries clearing logical, grid-like layouts in ships and bunkers. Under fire, it is easy to see how confusion caused units to lose track of their positions as they advanced. Most of the platoons did, actually, at one point or another. And, in my opinion, we did not have anything like the troop numbers needed to comfortably secure that site. A consequence, no doubt, of Valkyrie’s failure to prepare and train for large scale deployments, for which there has been no requirement in at least a millennia, so they tell me.”
Kayla turned to her with a puzzled expression. “You figured all that out already?”
“I’m drafting a report on the matter. I can’t sleep, you see, because the flaws of this operation stem entirely from the task force’s desire to follow Rayker until she discovered the tracker. We found it in the central command chamber. It was sealed in a wrapping of fat and muscle tissue, which she obviously cut out of herself hours before the tamper alarm sensed the toxins of cell decay. She left it there for us to find. To taunt us, no doubt.”
Christie yawned deeply, stood up and brushed her sweater off. “Do you see, Kayla, that the intelligence team were making decisions based off of my actions on Ambrosia, when I planted that device?” She smiled bitterly. “And I had the arrogance to think I was outwitting the woman. So, in a way, it’s my fault.”
Kayla swallowed and slowly shook her head. Then she grabbed her friend and held her in a tight hug. “War sucks,” she said. “Everything about it is awful.”
“I agree. Nevertheless, we are drawn to it, like moths to a flame perhaps?”
Kayla released her and collapsed into the couch. “When I slept, I had a dream. I was in Plato’s cave, but I got free. Outside there was a dragon, burning everything in sight. The world was covered in ash, and the puppets casting shadows were dead bodies,” She wiped moisture out of her eye. “He said, ‘come out and play, little girl’.”
Christie nodded. “We were lucky nobody was killed today. Rayker will certainly cost us more blood before we manage to catch her. She could have set up a much stronger defense than a battalion of light combat drones, but she didn’t.”
Kayla reached into her pocket and found her necklace. She placed it over her head and ran a thumb over the engraved name.
She looked back at Christie. “Why not?”
“The freighter the Sirène caught was carrying several large combat walkers, produced by that plant. A deep space survey revealed that a second freighter had jumped away earlier. No doubt Rayker’s escape—she seems to have plotted a course opposite the star from where we stopped at the minefield. There seems to be no question that she had the main force of those machines with her.”
“Any idea where they went?”
Christie turned away to retrieve her tablet. “Not yet, unfortunately.”
“May the saints have mercy,” said a voice, “if a shot up woman cannot get a wink of sleep with all the talking in here.”
Kayla whirled around to see Thandi, sitting up in her bed. She darted over and grabbed her into a bearhug.
“I’m really sorry I got you shot,” she said.
“Yeah,” Thandi said looking pleased with herself. “And to apologize, you’ll be fetching me chocolate cake from the mess until I get out of here.” She lowered her voice. “Seriously though, Kayla, I need you. The food is terrible.”
Kayla chuckled. “You can count on me.”
“How are you feeling, wonder woman?”
“Oh, uh… not that wonderful to be honest.”
“Leaping tall structures in a single bound?” Thandi grinned admiringly at her. “You had a bit of a superhero moment.”
Kayla raised her eyebrows. “I tore half the muscles in my body. It was definitely not awesome.”
“Sure looked like it. I don’t even know how you do stuff like that. The Lord moved you.”
Christie cleared her throat and gave Thandi a significant look.
Thandi rolled her eyes. “It’s a compliment—I’m not diminishing what you did.”
Kayla returned her cheerful gaze with a flat expression. She had felt like everyone she cared about was about to die. Like her soul had been lit on fire, and the only way to put it out had been to move like a lightning bolt. It was not something she ever wanted to experience again.
“I was on probation for the incident on Ambrosia,” she reminded Thandi. “I will definitely be dropped back to private from now on.”
“Oh,” Thandi’s sparkling eyes darkened. “Well, that sucks. I hope they don’t. You straight up saved us all from an ambush at the start of that firefight. And the illume drone—you made lots of good calls down there.”
Kayla shook her head. “I shouldn’t be a team leader. I keep losing control. I can’t let… I don’t respond well when any of you are in danger.”
Thandi grabbed her hand, and squeezed it. “What happens to us is not up to you, my dear. It’s in God’s hands alone.”
Kayla didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t sure if she could accept that.
“How’s the pain?” Christie asked.
“Oh,” Thandi said and waved her hand. “Nothing too severe. I think of how Rose would be responding, and I know I can handle anything.”
Christie nodded silently.
“She speaks to me, in my dreams. She tells me how proud she is of us.” Thandi glanced at Kayla. “She says you are a true leader.”
Kayla turned away, unable to keep her eyes from tearing up.
“Will you be up in time for the merger?” Christie asked.
“On crutches maybe,” Thandi said. “But I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I can’t imagine anything more glorious.”
“What’s that?” Kayla asked before slowly turning back.
“The Banshee is returning to Tyr,” Christie explained. “On the way back, we have been tasked with collecting a probe that was observing a binary star merger. We will have the opportunity to observe the event live.”
“Whatever,” Kayla said with an eye roll. She was a little offended that their task force had been assigned a science project after what had happened. “Nerd stuff, right?”
Christie laughed, and met Thandi’s eyes with a smirk. “If you say so.”
Thandi shifted against her pillows. “How is the mood of the ship?” she said to Christie. “Are people still angry?”
“What do you mean?” Kayla cut in.
Thandi glanced back and forth between them. “You didn’t tell her?”
Christie waved a dismissive hand. “Oh, but with all that’s happening I didn’t think it pertinent. Why add to our already substantial burdens?”
“What’s going on?” Kayla demanded, and felt her hair stand on end.
Christie smiled tightly. “ODT Four seized the freighter and searched it thoroughly. No evidence of Rayker, as I said.”
“Yeah? And?”
“Well, they found a false compartment in one of the holds. And there were a pair of young teenagers inside. A boy and a girl.”
“In rags, and chained up,” Thandi added.
Kayla realized her jaw had clenched. She felt her skin crawl with a new kind of horror. “Oh my God,” she said, then glanced at Thandi. “Sorry.”
“In this case you get a dispensation.”
“Obviously,” Christie continued, “the pour souls will be returned to their families. A terrible situation.”
Kayla’s mind buzzed with questions. “What is—uh… where was it from? The ship?”
“Intaba,” Thandi said sullenly. “A VennZech registered vessel. Justice cannot come swiftly enough for the demon scum who perpetrated this evil on my homeworld…” she frowned as she lost her words, and clenched her fists together.
“Do you think Valkyrie will start interdicting their ships?” Kayla asked.
“No,” Christie said. “Hence the angry mood. It is a problem the organization has faced since humanity took to the stars. The chieftains have resolutely refused to address it. Our mission statement is to protect humanity, not interfere with their conduct. Frankly I have to agree with them, though I appear to be in the minority.”
Kayla stared at her incredulously. “But that’s bullshit,” she said. “How can you be okay with letting something like that go?”
Christie arched an eyebrow. “A secret army of super soldiers, with access to civilization destroying technology, and who answer—as far as we know—to nobody but themselves? The very thought of interfering gives me an existential crisis. However tragic the situation, it seems obvious that we must maintain our distance.”
Kayla shook her head. She already felt hot anger driving her to act. How could such monsters be allowed to walk freely in a just galaxy?
“All that it takes for evil to succeed—” Thandi began.
“Please can we not continue this conversation?” Christie snapped. “I’ve had enough of being insulted by some of my colleagues. I don’t want it from my friends too.”
Kayla exchanged looks with Thandi, but she owed her best friend the space she wanted.
“I promise, I won’t bring it up again, Chris,” she said.
Kayla ate in the ship’s mess then returned to her bunk, where the rest of the squad were waiting. They were talking in somber tones, but fell silent when she approached.
Kes stood up and beckoned to her. “Platoon ready room, this way.”
Once shut away in privacy, Kes sat her down and they retraced every event that had occurred inside the base. Every decision was picked apart minutely, with no judgement or grievance allowed.
“I needed us to go through this as soon as possible,” she explained. “This will sit with you for the rest of your life. We all made mistakes, but nobody should feel incriminated. I have been through five blue on blue incidents. This shit just happens, and I guarantee it will happen to you again in the future.”
Kayla felt a little relief as she spoke with her squad leader and found that she was neither alone, nor justified in hating herself. They had been moving quickly through a confusing environment, making a deadly situation much more likely.
“One last thing, though,” Kes added somberly. “Private Voigt from second squad fired the burst that hit Yak and Thandi. She is being removed from the battalion. By her own account, she returned Yak’s fire without any kind of communication with her team leader, or any attempt to check the position of friendlies. That was a major SOP violation when she knew they were expecting to move in our direction.”
Kayla absorbed this with shock. She couldn’t argue with it; after all, what good was a Ranger who couldn’t do her job? And didn’t that mean that the same punishment should apply to her?
She cleared her throat. Terror gnawed at her insides as Kes stared at her expectantly.
“I lost control again,” Kayla said.
“Yup,” Kes said, and rubbed her eyes with obvious frustration. “And this time, your actions swiftly ended a dangerous firefight following a terrible accident. Yak got immediate medical attention because of that. On the other hand, you put yourself in a position to be killed or wounded where no-one could help you.”
There was a long pause while the corporal appeared to search a distant horizon. “You don’t need a lecture, and Akane can’t make a decision on you. Yak was my next choice for Lance Corporal, but she’s out of action, along with a bunch of others. Together with this Rayker shitshow, it is not the time to be shuffling people around.”
Kayla’s brow furrowed “What about Ray?”
“Oh,” Kes ran a hand through her hair. “Every time I’ve offered it, she’s refused. Anyway, we’ve already been told by Captain Aguilar to expect a new private out of Ranger school once we return to Tyr.”
“Yes, Corporal,” Kayla said, unsure what to think about the decision.
“I’ve seen you make good decisions in the field. But I will push to replace you when the opportunity comes up again.” Kes narrowed her eyes. “Unless you can show me I’m wrong before that happens.”
Kayla left the room with her head spinning. She was keeping her job, even though she obviously didn’t have what it took to lead Rangers in combat.
First ¦ Previous ¦ Royal Road ¦ Patreon
Prequel (Parts 1 to 16)
1. Rise of a Valkyrie
submitted by MountainSkald to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:02 guiltyofnothing “DEI is the new fascism” “Just so you know, I read most of post modernism general theories.” /r/silenthill reacts to a redesigned female character model in the Silent Hill 2 remake

The Context:

Silent Hill 2 is a 2001 psychological horror video game from Konami. A trailer was recently revealed for a remake of the game, with updated graphics and gameplay.
Angela Orosco is a character in Silent Hill 2. She is 19 years old, suicidal, and implied to be the victim of sexual assault by her father.
With the release of the trailer for the remake, some have noted changes to character designs and models — specially Angela’s.
Our drama begins when a user posts a screenshot of a reply to a tweet. The original tweet includes Angela’s redesigned model and a “non-woke” edited version. The reply tweet points out that the character is a 19 year-old sexual abuse victim.
Our drama spans over two threads as the new trailer and changes have sparked debate in the sub.

The Drama, Pt. 1

One user objects that the character isn’t real:
She's not real
so ?
So that's not a picture of a 19 year old abuse victim. The outrage isn't based on reality
it IS the picture of a 19 year old abuse victim FROM silent hill, just because she isn’t real doesn’t mean she doesn’t signify or carry a message from the real world
Silent Hill isn't real. The events in Silent Hill 2 never happened
u really are close minded.. sexual abuse and people dying from diseases, depression, etc does happen irl
I never said that doesn't happen in real life. I said angela sn't real, silent Hill isn't real, and all the events that take place in silent hill 2 are a work of fiction, it's made up, it never happened.
Sure, but that's no reason to justify people reacting like they are. One cannot argue 'None of it's real' while also arguing 'these characters are important to me' or 'I want to invest in this series/game' because the point of the game is for you to immerse and invest in it. You're meant to care about the characters intrinsically, and not about 'what they do for you'. It's absolutely fine to be upset if some 15 year old idiot 'consoomer' whose first thought when he becomes upset about how a female in the game looks responds with "You want my money~! I am your demographic!" makes such an ignorant, room-temperature IQ take like this, and it's fine to let them know why.
I didn't say these characters are important to me. Real people who exist are important to me. People who get emotional about other people having opinions on made up characters must have some deeper issues. This is a subreddit for discussing a video game series, it's not Doctor Phil.
You don't seem to understand the concept of context very well
The context is that you and some others don't like anything I've said because it hurt your feelings. I understand the context that you are implying, but I want you to find a way to say it before I go on
It's story telling, dude.
I say this with relief, but most people have not expirienced sexual abuse. Obviously, this is a good thing. However, it's pretty clear these days that empathy for people who have isn't wide-spread. The point of storytelling is broadening horizons, through different perspectives. It should not just be about catering to the audience.
Storytelling is that means of spreading empathy. There is value to the experience it has to share, and regardless of if Angela is real, the experiences she's there to portray are not without inspiration sourced in reality. If your argument is "She's not real. It's not real. Why care?" then you don't get the point of the whole of storytelling. Not just games, like, all of storytelling.
I just want to draw you attention to the OP's post, the original commenter in the image said nothing about SA, it's not mentioned instead the OP brings it up as a shield to prevent any criticism of the characters redesign. That's manipulation, and only an idiot wouldn't see it.
But what about word choice?
Calling someone a “fucking worm” is just as childish as the post they’re criticizing
if someone doesn't want to be called a worm they shouldn't act like a worm. even the engagement bait excuse doesn't work, it's gross behavior.
I would never call someone a disgusting worm but that’s just me 👌
lol ok snowflake
Boo hoo
it's very noble of you to come to the defense of some insane misogynist on twitter
No calling someone a worm is objectively hilarious tbh
”Vulnerable beauty”:
She was still the poster girl for the original SH2. Yes she was a sexual abuse victim but there was a certain vulnerable beauty to her that Team Silent/Konami wanted to convey in that iconic knife closeup shot as well as using her face for the actual cover art of the game.
"abuse victim"
"certain vulnerable beauty"
You actually wrote those two things together mate. Get therapy.
a lot of people who apparently have played and think they like silent hill 2 completely lack the maturity to handle any of the themes of the game apparently. angela's attractiveness should not be part of the discourse around her character at all.
A base level of attractiveness is relevant for almost all characters except Eddie. Thats the uncomfortable truth of human nature.
Attractiveness enhances a character’s charm. It enhances melancholic and profound musical performances, it enhances melancholic and profound movies. See Mazzy Star. See 500 Days of Summer. It wouldn’t have been the same if those musical artists and actors had unappealing annoying faces.
just because you are too shallow to empathize with people you don’t find attractive doesn’t mean everyone’s brain is broken in the same way man.
This isn’t about me. This is about human nature. Look at the top YouTube comments on a Mazzy Star performance. They are praising her visual beauty. And we all know it feeds into the tenderness of the song. Nobody goes “Wtf is wrong with you- her face has nothing to do with the artistic value of the song!!!” You might call it shallow but it’s nothing to be faulted for. We are human.
Angela’s story is melancholic and profound. But Konami wouldn’t have made her the cover art had she been morbidly obese with a pudgy unappealing face. Nor would we SH2 fans hang the game poster of her on our walls if she was morbidly obese with a pudgy unappealing face. That knife pose shot wouldn’t have been nearly as iconic.
Saying all this stuff is very not PC. But there’s a difference between being bothered by the truth and refusing to accept it as the truth.
You misunderstand the term “vulnerable beauty”. You’re thinking about it negatively in terms of being taken advantage of. It’s not that. Im talking about tenderness and sorrow that is enhanced by natural beauty- and vice versa.
Go on YouTube and look at all the musical performances of songs about melancholy/ vulnerability/tenderness played by legendary artists. Like “fade into you” by Mazzy Star. The top YouTube comments are full of praises on her natural beauty. We know that aesthetic beauty enhances the artistry and vice versa.
Human nature tends to gravitate toward certain types of faces. It wouldn’t be the same if she had a derpy face. There is a reason why Konami decided to use Angela’s face as the cover art for the original SH2 game. Because her vulnerable beauty is a key component of her character. And her character is a key component of the game.
Even for James. The artistic value would be diminished if James had an ugly douchey and generally unlikeable face.

The Drama, Pt. 2

In a second thread, it is confirmed that this is the character’s final design.
DEI is blamed:
i vision apparently given by a DEI consultancy group named Hit Detection.
Holy shit you people treat DEI like it’s the fucking boogeyman. You realize that most games hire DEI consultancy, and they’re not some evil org pulling the strings changing the game, they almost always just check the game to ensure there isn’t any content that will unintentionally offend people?
It’s not some crazy scheme, it’s literally just checking that the writing has the intended response. It’s proofreading.
Because it is. Go actually read the ideology they are based of. DEI is the new fascism
Jesus, you have no idea what fascism means.
Just use pornhub man, this isn't something to go to war for lmao
You know, I was gonna debate you and use logic and sense, but the moment you threw out “facism” because it’s the buzzword of the day, I knew I’d be trying to debate someone with the IQ of a single cell amoeba
Insult to the single-cell amoebas tbh
Sure. Insult the person and not the argument.
Just so you know, I read most of post modernism general theories. It is amazing how it resembles fascism but just much better worded.
So, if you feel so insulted maybe go actually read the texts about DEI,instead of going hating on people.
They insulted your argument too though. It's just the same basic rhetoric that everyone who thinks this way speaks. It's like you all subscribe to the same newsletter and read the weekly approved script. It's tiring and a waste of everyone's time, including yours.
Dudes never had an original thought in his life, if he didn't just parrot what the other incels say he wouldn't speak at all and the world would be all the better for it.
Or you could stop being incel
You didn't make an argumeny. You basically said "DEI is fascist go look it up". I looked it up ages ago when all these gamer dudes started scaremongering and it was the biggest non-issue I've ever seen. Like the whole SBI thing that got debunked fucking instantly. Outrage youtubers just found their new target to farm clicks, that's all.
User from kotakuinaction probably gonna link Jordan Petterson video if you ask for links
Just say the n word, man. We all know what you mean
Yup. People can stick their heads in the dirt and pretend these firms don't affect character designs but it is what it is.
Oh boy. Fuck DEI. Those people came to ruin games. The same way they ruined the other media.
There are allegations of gaslighting:
I cant with so many people gaslighting themselves into liking this design, OR the horrendous voice acting. So many of you guys are in pure copium mode right now, Just like with the trainwreck that is SH short message. This game looks worse and worse every time they show more of it, and everyone sticking up for the hideous character design and pretending the game looks good only because some of you compare it to the miniscule ps2 era gameplay of the OG isn't going to change how crap this remake's vision is. As someone who encourages people to take risks when it comes to remakes and reboots, I will be open minded. But it’s not looking good.
This sub is deleting any comments or posts that even slightly suggest there is something weird with how she looks. Her face does not look like a normal 19 year old girls and if you think it does your on some of that high dose copium.
People on the sub won't take any form of criticism, they'll just downvote you to doom. Her face is rather uncanny imo. I feel like they could've done it better
I don't mind being down voted. I've expressed my opinion and anyone who disagrees is welcome to express theres. What I do find amusing is the "you're just an incel" cope. These are supposed to be people against sexualization but make fun of other people's sex lives. But this is Reddit, so I'm not expecting anything better.
Comparisons are made:
I agree. If they feel inspired by Quagmire from Family Guy, then they should stick to their vision.
Bait used to be believable
I swear Silent Hill “fans” have to be the most obnoxious, I kinda see why we got nothing for such a long time.
Make Genshin fans look almost sane.
Denial used to be believable. Hit Detection worked on this game and that explains a lot.
She looks hideous. Can't believe this is what Blooper is doing.
Trust me brother you absolutely look worse than her
Yet you don't know what he or she looks like.
Stand on business and post yourself then lil bro
Sad to see people lack the critical thinking to critique this game. Blooper gave this woman a man jaw and it looks downright ugly. How does a character model from 2001 look better than one from 2024? Goes to show how much team silent cared about their game while blooper is just trying to make a quick buck.

The Flairs:

submitted by guiltyofnothing to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:34 blueandgreypretty Before/after of a full face-neck lift and chin lipo

Had dealt with excess skin on my face from major weight loss (~50kg) Finally had it fixed! Had my surgery in Jan 2024 and here’s my most recent changes 😀
What other procedures should I do next?
(Looking to get a smaller face and more v-lined jaw)
submitted by blueandgreypretty to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:18 Simonistan_for_real Is my dialogue too jumbled to read?

Amahahn was seated at an oval table, a velvety dark green cape with golden hems and patterns draped over his shoulders. Three bowls of Shamal stew were placed on the table, vegetables and fine cut pieces of meat floating in the simmering Kahnjari milk.
“Three bowls. Are we expecting company besides our own, Amahahn?” Emma raised a brow as she plucked the visor cap off her head. Amahahn’s response was a chuckle, low and dry.
“Oh, you must be terribly informed. I’m married to a daughter of one of the noble houses on Kouvajilo”
Emma clenched her jaw and fists, slipping into one of the chairs. She placed her cap on the table, glancing over her shoulder as a door opened.
A young woman with olive skin in a white dress stood in the door, hands clutched at her front. A golden belt sat tight around her slender waist, her sleeves large and loose on her arms.
“Laudjehne, love. Come dine with me and our guest” The Prince Regent motioned to the empty seat at his side.
The girl dipped her head, the white dress floating behind her as she moved. She glided to Amahahn's side, fingers tracing his shoulder as she seated herself.
"It's an honor for me to share the same table as you, Empress. I've read your grandfather's books quite actively"
Emma blinked at the sleek face talking to her.
"Oh, yes. My grandfather's books..." Emma mumbled, picking up the wooden paddle-shaped spoon. She lifted her eyes to met Laudjehne's gaze.
"I've just read 'On the Building of the State' and 'The Laws of Steel and Soil' Laudjehne said, stirring her Shamal. Amahahn scoffed with the ghost of a smirk spread across his lips. Laudjehne's rich blue eyes fell upon her husband, her thin throat bobbing.
Amahahn drew a finger along one of his pale cheeks, his vicious smile persisting. The Prince Regent cast his dark eyes on a steward concealed in the shadows of a corner, the man striding forwards with a clay bottle of sweet wine.
Emma nodded her thanks to the steward, plucking her cup from the table and stirred the orange liquid.
"There's something too that interests me about your grandfather, Your Majesty" Laudjehne said, swallowing a spoonful of the beige stew.
Emma hummed her approval of the inquiry as she drank, the sweet finish of the wine dancing over the taste buds on her tunge.
"It puzzles me greatly how your grandfather persistently denies Goudanja and Kouvajilo's request to be annexed into Simonistan. Why would an empire ever turn another state's request for be anexed into it?"
Emma lowered her spoon, swallowing down her rambling thoughts as well as a spoonful Shamal.
"The Constitution of Simonistan does not permit acts of imperialism. Even if the other party willing approves of annexation into Simonistan, we cannot legally carry out such a request within the boundaries of our legal code"
At that, the Prince Regent chuckled. Emma felt heat flare across her cheek, yet she jutted out her chin to disapprovve of Amahahn's taunt. Already, she knew what was to come.
But Amahahn never dared bring up the topic.
"Oh...that's lofty principles to stand by" Laudjehn murmured, batting her blue eyes. Emma sensed her confusion but chose not to clarify. After all, she could not not clarify her grandfather's mindset.
Perhaps, if only she hadn’t taken so much after him; safe for his openly revolutionary rethoric and lingering autocratic aura, she would have annexed the union of Goudanja and Kouvajilo in a heartbeat.
That very popular man who it pained Emma to know, still considered himself an unrighteous dictator, yet cheered her on as empress.
Her grandfatheer the abdicated emperor, who she honored by making him Speaker of Parliament just so he might keep an eye on and help her during Parliament sessions.
“You wish for your home world to be annexed by Simonistan, Laudjehne?” Emma asked, swallowing down a spoonful Shamal
submitted by Simonistan_for_real to writers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:11 Lion-This Did anyone have these symptoms

So I tested today positive for HPylori. I got it probabbly from bad food poisoning. Did anyone else have muscle spasms in face( forehead jaws) and all around body (legs upper body and so on) generaly….. Also I get easily tired really easily and feel fatigue
submitted by Lion-This to HPylori [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:08 Background_Skin7428 advice (do i have to give up?)

ok so, for as much as i love them, i have a pretty bad history with piercings. i have 3 in each lobe (had 4, but the first pair closed) that never really healed after several years, a double nostril that needed to get repierced, snake bites that were so poorly done i had to remove them, and a crooked bridge. now, i really don't like my plain face, and i would like to get more piercings, but it looks like no matter how reputable my piercer is (my last one is even insta verified) and how flawless their portfolio may be, i have the misfortune of always ending up being the one with crooked piercings. i do address them after getting them done, but they always say it's swelling and then it's not. i have yet to decide whether or not to get my snake bites repierced because i have to ponder if my anatomy allows me to have them in a way that doesn't cause me discomfort, but i am still unsure about this bridge of mine. the thing is, upon the terrible luck with piercing execution, i as well have pretty problematic healing processes. i get extremely swollen and sore, much more than the average, and it takes me so many months to ALMOST heal. i have had my bridge since last december, and despite it not being swollen anymore, it's clearly still crooked and irritated (i do take care of it), and i really don't know what to do. i just want to take it out, but the scarring would annoy me and idk if i could get it repierced better. i am a strict perfectionist unluckily and wrong visual imput (especially on my own body) causes me physical discomfort, reason why i struggle so much with crooked piercings. i don't wanna give up body mods, i really love how they look on me and they help me significantly with self esteem, but it's so stressful and complicated to get them right. i try getting fake piercings where i can, but not everything can be "faked" and i am honestly at a dead end with motivation. i have considered going back to the piercer to ask him if he could fix it somehow, but my social anxiety tells me there's no use and it will just be awkward because i am in fact unhappy with his job. i had already told him i had bad experience with every single piercing i had gotten and i hoped he could do a good gob, he was understanding, he spent an hour taking the precise measurements (that looked perfect) only to evidently miss the exit spot by a good 2 millimeters and also go too deep. i don't wanna pay another 80 euros to spend another 6 months with a sore bridge while being unsure of how it will turn out, but i don't want an empty face filled with scars, i am just really done with all this.
submitted by Background_Skin7428 to piercing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:02 rangernumberx Respect Gold (Pokemon Adventures)

"I wanted to nab the thief while Exbo here wanted to get his buddy back. Although it was our first meeting, we fought together. That guy may have escaped, but we've decided to battle together from now on. Even if I meet new Pokemon along the way, I will still treat them the same way, because to me...Pokemon are my partners! We work alongside for the same goals, because...we are partners!"
Gold was raised around Pokemon, his home having so many it was known as the Poké House to those in the community. But after a chance encounter leads to his Pokemon being stolen and being the sole witness to a boy stealing Professor Elm's Totodile, Gold gives the police a false description of the thief before setting out with a Pokedex and a Cyndaquil to hunt him down himself. Along the way, Gold demonstrates a deceptive fighting style, often using his cue to send Pokeballs in strange directions and using other members of his team to hide the key play another Pokemon is performing, as well as an ability to nurture the full potential out of any Pokemon from as early as them being in an egg, earning him the moniker of 'the Hatcher'. With these skills, Gold would prove a key player as he faced off against the likes of a revived Team Rocket, a masked man seeking to rewrite time, and even Arceus themselves.
All feats are tagged with the chapter they appear in.



Durability - Blunt Force
Durability - Other


Cue Shots - Regular
Cue Shots - Ricochet






Aibo the Ambipom

As An Aipom


As An Ambipom


Exbo the Typhlosion

As A Cyndaquil


As A Quilava


As A Typhlosion


Sunbo the Sunflora

As A Sunkern


As A Sunflora


Polibo the Politoed

As A Poliwag


As A Politoed


Sudobo the Sudowoodo


Togebo the Togekiss

As A Togepi


As a Togekiss


Tibo the Mantine and 20 Remoraid


Pibu the Pichu

submitted by rangernumberx to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:51 wander__well No Longer Chronic After Treating Medication Adaption Headaches AMA

Over a year ago, I was going through a particularly stressful time and went to my neurologist concerned that I was possibly having Medication Adaption Headaches (MAH aka Medication Overuse Headaches aka Rebound Headaches) or would develop them.
I was having a migraine or headache almost daily. I had been cycling through pain meds to avoid using too much of the same thing and too many triptans mistakenly thinking that this would keep me safe.
My neurologist didn't take any time to discuss why I thought I might be having MAH or what should be done if I was already having them. He did give me the prescription for Aimovig that I asked for, but also a recommendation and prescription for Panadol migraine (same as Excedrin migraine) which I had never taken before. The prescription wasn’t needed to get the Panadol migraine, but it was needed to have it reimbursed by my insurance. I thought because it is OTC in the US (which is where I'm from) that it would be better (again mistakenly) than taking so many triptans.
The aimovig was like putting a bandaid on a gash that needed stitches. I made it another year before I had an absolutely horrible flare-up about 60 days ago that led me to do my own research because my neurologist had failed me horribly and I decided it was most definitely MAH and I needed to detox.
The Detox
I quit taking all pain OTC pain meds and triptans for 60 days (as is recommended in most treatment guides). It took me roughly 9 days to have a noticeable drop in my migraines back to episodic. My migraines have lessened in severity and length over the last 60 days. Though the first week or so was the most challenging to get through, I also had hormonal migraines that were tough. The few other non-hormonal migraines I had later in the 60 days, I was able to clearly identify triggers for. This hadn’t been the case for me in the past. I've also now been able to abort a hormonal migraine with other methods listed here.
Other Options for Pain Relief
(for any meds or supplements always consult your doctor)
Ginger is a great natural painkiller. There is some BS study that says it is as effective as sumatriptan, it most definitely isn't and I'm not going to try to sell it as that, but I would say it is probably as effective as an NSAID. Unfortunately, I’m unable to get GCRP inhibitors where I am so I didn’t have other migraine abortive options, just this.
Benadryl (note: this is the brand name in US & CA, it’s different in Europe) helps me with migraine pain during an attack (sometimes even helps avoid an attack).
A TENS unit was very helpful with migraine pain, but also with cramps during my 60 day detox and I’ll definitely continue using it going forward.
Migraine Cap was especially helpful after the migraine to help with the residual soreness.
Migraine Relief Nasal Inhaler, hot showers, decongestant meds, and decongestant nasal spray* help me because nasal congestion is a major symptom for me. When the congestion is worse, the pain is worse. If I can relieve some congestion, I can also relieve some pain. So I use these as needed depending on the severity of the congestion.
*It is important to note that decongestant nasal sprays can cause rebound congestion if used frequently, follow dosage and warnings on the label.
Myofascial Release & dry needling - this isn’t so much for migraine pain, but it helps me manage back and neck pain that contributes to my migraines and helps me with pain management overall.
The Pain Relief Options That I Wish I Could Have Used or Tried
Balms and patches that you put on your forehead- personally my skin is too sensitive for it, I have tried in the past and it just makes my skin burn (but so does most sunscreen when applied to my face). I’m mentioning these because I think they are a great option for some people and as I was looking through this sub for more ideas of what I could use, they are something that I saw repeatedly that I wish my skin would allow me to use.
Celafy, Nerivio, and Relivion all looked like interesting devices, but sadly aren’t available where I am.
Heated eye massager also looked very appealing and should have been available, but the wrong item was delivered when I tried ordering it and I didn’t feel like trying my luck again. I will definitely get one when I go to the US.
GCRP-inhibitors - these aren’t available where I am so I didn’t have the option to use these as abortives while detoxing from pain meds. I definitely would like the option to be able to use these as abortives for migraines. One study did note they could cause MAH (this is listed below and linked) but there's no good research regarding this as they are so new. I just feel obligated to mention this.
About MAH
Please educate yourself. I have included links to sources. Consult your doctor if you think you might have MAH and advocate for treatment.
1 You have to add up your pain med use!!!
2 OTC Pain Meds+ Triptans + Rx Pain Meds* = 10 Days Maximum Per Month
*Opioids and butalbital may lead to MAH in about 5 days
3 Approximately 50% of patients with chronic migraine have MAH that may revert to episodic headache after drug withdrawal.
Chronic migraine is classified as 15 or more headache days w/ 8 migraine days a month.
Episodic Migraine is classified as 14 or fewer headache and migraine days a month.
4 The name for MAH changed a few times and the one I chose to use is focused on the mechanism that causes the condition rather than the name that sounds like it is blaming the patient (Medication Overuse Headaches). Here’s an article regarding the name dispute.
5 One article even listed GCRP inhibitors as possibly contributing to MAH. But as these medications are new, the research isn't there yet to say if they really do contribute. I just had found it surprising to see and felt obligated to note it.
6 Risk Factors
8 Withdrawal treatment does not only reduce the headache attacks, but also improves responsiveness to acute or prophylactic drugs. Withdrawal symptoms normally last between 2 to 10 days, and do not persist longer than 4 weeks.
Going Forward
I have a number of MAH risk factors including migraines, other chronic pain, anxiety, family history of substance-related disorders, being less physical activity (especially during the time that the stressful situation was happening), and cutaneous allodynia. Had I known about all of these risk factors and that alternating meds would not protect me from MAH, I would have done things very differently. I’ll have to be very careful to not develop MAH again, and actually am thinking of extending my detox because of my risk factors and some concerning statistics regarding allodynia in particular. For now I'm going to try to continue managing my pain with other methods while I can comfortably. Actually just last night I had a hormonal migraine that I managed to abort with a combination of things I listed here that just 2 months ago it would have been at least a level 4 with triptans.
When I do start using pain meds again, I’ll definitely be tracking meds more carefully and adhering to a strict 10 day max per month for OTCs plus triptans. I’ve made an annual tracker that you can print with the maximum days noted for reference.
To the Mods - I’ve noticed many posts with discussion related to MAH being removed. I’ve instructed others to consult their doctor thereby trying to adhere to the sub rules, please let me know if there is something else that might need to be adjusted in order to adhere to the rules.
submitted by wander__well to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:32 Turb0Pl4ys How do I lose my head/face fat? It makes me look ugly because it makes my jaw flat

It makes me ugly cuz it makes my head look like a Minecraft player ;-;. I want to become a cute femboi
submitted by Turb0Pl4ys to feminineboys [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:24 okcool19 How would you feel to get a message from an ex after 10 years?

I want to send a message to an ex after 10 years. How would you feel to get one after that amount of time?
I am a female in my earlier thirties and dated this person for maybe a year in my early 20s. We were so young, dumb, crazy and happy. I felt very loved, cared for and seen in a way I was too immature to appreciate. At that age we had chemistry and couldn't keep our hand off each other. He wanted to build a future with me and was in a rush but I wasn't. I wanted to enjoy the last of my youth before growing up and adulting. I felt we really connected on our aspirations and world view and I would have happily continued to date him, I was crazy about him.
However as mentioned he was in a hurry in a way I didn't understand. He had a lot more family, social and financial responsibilities and wanted to start building his life. I was still living at home while he was working multiple jobs to support himself while trying to appease his parents who were encouraging him to marry and settle down. He was a great boyfriend in every way, physically, mentally, emotionally, kind, caring, funny, smart. He did ask me to take steps with him to further our relationship eg moving out together but I just wasn't ready. People always tell you that you have so much time when you are young to figure things out, but when you get older you realize how special it is when you do actually connect with someone deeply.
So he eventually withdrew and I had that feeling something was off. Things fully ended after a wild weekend away where he was with someone else. At the end he also expressed how he no longer felt like he could be who he wanted to be in our relationship and how he had tried to wait for me but I hadn't reciprocated or taken any steps to further our relationship. We had different levels of ambition. He had a job opportunity in another city, moved and I never saw him again. I didn't take any of this well and was very emotional. I asked him to reconsider but he had to go. He wanted to keep in touch and that was a big NO from me.
Well I never heard from him again which was truly unbelievable to me after how he had pursued me and how I thought we felt about each other. So much so I doubted if our relationship was even real or maybe or if i had been had by a narcissist. When I finally picked up jaw up from off the floor, my ego decided I wouldn't reach out either. I am sure I was dramatic during this time as well. I am sure I would have blocked him, changed my number and cursed him out
As far as I know he moved on pretty quick to someone else and that was that.
And then out of nowhere a couple years later he sent me a well wishing short message and said I was he best he ever had. But again, as much as that was a compliment to me I just couldn't take it as face value.
As you can imagine that ripped my heart right out of my chest and I never replied. I told a mutual friend to tell him to pound salt.
Well, him leaving was probably the best thing he ever did for me because I wasn't able to be what he needed. As time has unfolded I realize just how much his presence taught me about life and myself. I am sure we both moved on.
I came across an old message from him recently ( about a book not about his feelings ) I felt the desire to send him a message. I am not unhappy in my life and I don't want to reconcile. I have had a partner for many years I am happy with. Just reflecting on life as a journey.
I don't want anything from him, I am not after a reply and I don't want to reconnect. After ending on such a bad note where I told him how shitty he was, I just simply wished he knew how powerful his presence was in my life during that time, some of the things/concepts he introduced me to still remain with me today. He touched my life deeply for the better and how thankful I am for things I learned out of that, and I hope he is somewhere out there living his best life.
Maybe this is for me and my story more than it is for him. Should I write the message and never send it?
Update : I truly don't want anything to come of it. I just regret telling the person who taught me many things I am grateful for how terrible they were because I was angry. Maybe it would be nice for them to know that as well. IDK
How would you feel to get a message like this years later?
submitted by okcool19 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:04 research-account2424 am i going to have a heart attack?

this is my first reddit post ever so sorry if i’m doing this wrong. i only use this app to find people with similar problems, anyway.
i’m a 19 (almost 20) y/o F, i weigh 106 and im 5’1.
i like to start off by saying i have anxiety (mainly health anxiety) and tachycardia (due to anxiety probably) so this could just be a misunderstanding.
but as of now i feel bloated, like a balloon. i feel like i need to burp but i cant. i feel like i cant take a full proper breath. my middle/upper back hurts, (my spine is slightly curved to the right so maybe thats why, but i think thats lower) under my left breast feels uncomfortable and my left arm near my armpit feels odd (basically lots of slight pressure) i have a weird sensation in my left arm and hand, kind of like a numbness but not at the same time. the left side of my face (cheek/jaw and ear area) feels weird and my throat feels like there’s a lot of mucus clogging it. everytime i lay down after awhile i feel like i get out of breath and my heart spikes up. i have a cheap heart watch on but it said it went up to about 113, (i constantly check my heart rate and blood oxygen.) as of now its in the mid 80s, but its going up still. anyway, i’ve been feeling very imbalanced lately, like the floor is moving, not standing on solid d ground. i’ve been feeling dizzy and very fake, like derealization. and it’s super scary considering i feel like i’m not in my head / body most of the time. maybe this is because my iron is mildly low (55) and i’ve been staying up until 7am and waking up at 4pm and haven’t been eating right, constantly have stomach pain. but in my mind all this stress, bad sleeping habits and and eating habits could lead to a heart attack. my episodes usually start at night when i want to go to sleep. it’s scary. i always have a feeling that once i fall asleep i wont wake up which keeps me up at night. i usually fall asleep once my boyfriend wakes up because i like the feeling of being monitored i guess, its comforting to know that someone is there just in case.
but are these signs of a possible cardiac arrest or heart attack or is it just anxiety ? i’m trying to avoid going to the ER since i went 11 times JUST in may and had multiple CT scans and x-rays done and everything seems to be fine (except my $2k hospital bill) my mom always told me growing up that stress can kill you and that information stresses me out more every time i’m stressed and lately i’ve been constantly stressed.
submitted by research-account2424 to Anxiety [link] [comments]