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Please for the love of all that is holy, a group of regularly MA-players need to make a website with dueling guides to raise the game knowledge of people on the global servers, and specifically for global servers because the CN meta is different and has a lot more echoes and cards. Maybe someone with a lot of pull in the community like Kang/Bayonetta/etc. who can also promote it via Youtube to make the playerbase smarter.
We're 7 seasons into a game and people STILL do not know how to play in duels.
Every season on my road to MA I see:
  1. Lunas who do not know how to hard counter Thunderstorm spam decks and who save for Thestral while getting killed by 10 million thunder strikes because they're too dumb to start using their echo ability to spam locomotor, crab, troll, whomping willow, and anything with high HP or an additional transformation phase like suitcase/yeti to soak up the thunder damage - meanwhile me in cover safely with nebulus and protego watching them die cringing internally since I know it's pointless and they'll die 3x without me being able to stop it because they don't know how to play Luna and if I throw my nebulus or protego on them and join them then it's an easy obscurus/whizbang/expulso/glacius etc. event. which would only set the team back even further as I would start taking damage too
  2. Summon players who immediately start tossing out summons without checking to see if the enemy team drops Kevin and waiting it out to kill Kevin first to ensure enemy Snape can't do anything - if a Hagrid player is smart they don't even have to ban Snape past 8.1k since they can just tech in Accio, wait for kevin to drop, Accio kevin, kill kevin, and then GG as the Snape loses 80% of his damage since his echo is so ridiculously reliant on one companion. Accio can also hard counter Cassandra stalling but so many Hagrids I see bring no tech card for Cassandra or Kevin which is another sign of the playerbase being stupid and not understanding counters.
  3. Players who have Protego in their decks but who save it for themselves solely and never drop it on their important companions (Cassandra, Daniel, Harry) or partners. If you have a vital companion like Daniel, Cass, Harry and have protego in hand, wait for 5 mana first so you can IMMEDIATELY RESPOND to any damage anyone tries to throw at your companion - but nope they just drop it and forget and then act surprised when their companion gets insta killed
  4. People trolling with their decks and "testing" new or off meta cards when we all knew from the beginning that they're utterly worthless (ex. players unironically using Crystal Ball or Diabolica, or as I just witnessed yesterday, a stupid Neville in GM who was using KELPIE and BLUDGER instead of a standard dragon/crab/tree/etc. heal sustain deck - obviously my team beat the crap out of her and won in 2 mins and she did barely any healing to her partner and then I reported her afterwards for being stupid and not using meta Neville decks because I felt so bad for her partner who was expecting heals and sustain). Another way of trolling are the summon Bella players who have Bomb Box in their deck but only 1 or 2 summon targets (ex. monster book and manticore) which is an absolute waste of a card slot and absolutely ridiculous.
  5. People trolling with their decks period and playing it as if it's another echo (ex. Luna players using both Snowball and Stupefy and then Pikachu facing when they find out they can't do anything against summon players - do you think you're playing Harry echo with the +50% extra damage to 3 cost spells you idiot?)
  6. People who are so stuck in trying to make their decks "work" that they never try to adapt (ex. Hermione players who for 6 freaking seasons in a row still somehow think that 1 Sectumsempra in their deck is enough summon clear even though virtually every season adds new powerful summons to the game that further buff summon players (lol) like suitcase and mooncalf, and then who get really mad and blame others when it turns out that their lightning or whizbang spam can't kill Neville healers or Hagrid/Bella/Newt/Twin summon spam teams).
Even after reaching MA I STILL see people doing this. I'm starting to think Potions of Peace should only protect people up to Diamond because I'm sick of every season's climbing process watching all this cringe from the side as I rank up seeing decks that obviously have a negative win rate or can only go 50/50. It doesn't matter whether I face teams like this and get ez wins or have a partner like this and lose against a team playing meta; it's not fun either way because they don't deserve to rank up and legitimately do not understand the fundamentals.
The game knowledge is ABYSMAL still. I laugh when I see global players complain about the dreaded "Asian players" who they can't fight back against. In my experience, an asian name still in GM in mid/late season is a sign of a hardstuck GM idiot with negative win rate who has no idea how to play and no idea what echoes to ban according to his play-style, but who bought an account with high level cards. I 100% trust the people on global servers with Western/Anglo names more because in my experience 90% of the Asian players are brain dead and Luna players are easily the worst offenders for people who have no idea how to use their echo because 80% of them have no strategy other than "save for thestral; launch thestral, start saving for thestral again" even though summon spam with her echo ability is the reason Luna is a good echo since she can hard counter Hermione/Harry/Dobby/Bella by simply flooding the field nonstop with meta summons. And yet I can probably count on one hand the amount of Lunas who know how their echo works - when was the last time you saw, for instance, a partner Luna drop Pixies when she sees 3 incoming death eaters from Bella? 3 dead pixies and 3 useless crucios for 2 mana is an excellent trade but oh wait it turns out my partner Luna would rather the Death Eaters crucio her limited health and then try to frantically kill 3 death eaters with a snowball or stupefy (lol) so she can continue saving for thestral which she will inevitably miss against the enemy team anyways since they have broom/side along/obscurus/protego/etc.
submitted by FUCKWRAITHMAINS to HPMagicAwakened [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:03 Significant-Tower146 Best 1911 Bushing Compensator

Best 1911 Bushing Compensator

Welcome to our roundup of the best 1911 Bushing Compensators on the market! In this article, we'll be showcasing top-rated products designed to enhance the performance and reliability of your 1911 pistol. Prepare to discover the ultimate accessory to elevate your shooting experience. Stay tuned!

The Top 6 Best 1911 Bushing Compensator

  1. CNC 7-Port 5-Chamber Comp Cone for 1911 Handguns - The EGW 11830 CNC 7-Port 5-Chamber Comp Cone is a high-quality compensator made from heat-treated stress-proof Carbon Steel, perfect for use with standard-length barrels and custom hybrid or bull barrels with the proper threading.
  2. Compact 9mm Bushing Compensator for 1911 Pistols - Experience enhanced accuracy with the Griffin Armament Micro Carry Comp-Lok 9mm, a premium 1911 Bushing Compensator designed for seamless CAM-LOK Barrel Adapter compatibility.
  3. Stainless Steel Commander Bushing for 1911 - Improve the performance and durability of your 1911 with a robust Oversized Stainless Steel Commander Bushing - perfect for firearms enthusiasts seeking top-notch precision and long-lasting reliability.
  4. Innovative and Compact 1911 Bushing Wrench - Revolutionize your 1911 experience with Real Avid's Bushing Wrench - a compact, innovative, and scratch-resistant solution that makes dismantling and reassembling your firearm effortless and worry-free.
  5. 1911 Bushing Compensator: Tighten Your Nock Tolerances for Enhanced Arrow Accuracy - TenPoint HP Aluminum Bushing .300 - Accurately eliminates loose nock issues and enhances arrow precision through tighter tolerances.
  6. Samson Pocket Comp 1911 Bushing Compensator for M&P Shield - The Samson Pocket Comp for M&P Shield models offers fast and easy installation, while delivering top-notch recoil reduction and protection with its durable billet aluminum design.
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🔗CNC 7-Port 5-Chamber Comp Cone for 1911 Handguns

I've had the chance to use the EGW 11830 CNC 7-Port 5-Chamber Comp Cone in my 1911 pistol, and I must say it's made quite a difference in its performance. It's built with heat-treated, stress-proof Carbon Steel, which adds to its durability and reliability. One of the most noticeable things about this cone is its unique 10-degree angle, designed to control muzzle flip and keep the gun steady even during intense shooting sessions.
However, one downside I noticed was that installing it required a bit of extra effort, as it required a reverse plug due to its lack of a bushing to hold the recoil spring. Nonetheless, once in place, it lined up perfectly with the barrel bore and provided a smooth, precise shooting experience.

🔗Compact 9mm Bushing Compensator for 1911 Pistols

I've been using the Griffin Micro Carry Comp for quite some time now, and I must say, it's quite an impressive little tool. As a gun enthusiast, I always look for ways to enhance my shooting experience, and this 9mm compensator has undoubtedly made a significant difference.
One of the most notable features is how it seamlessly fits the Griffin Armament CAM-LOK barrel adapters. It's this precise alignment that allows for better accuracy, something I've been searching for. However, just like any other product, it does come with its share of positives and negatives.
On the brighter side, the design's sleekness and overall compatibility with a variety of grips have been a welcome change, allowing me to enjoy my 1911 Bushing Compensator even more.
Despite its strengths, though, it does have certain drawbacks. The occasional mishap with the micro-adjusting screw and the need for a certain level of hand strength to fully secure it can be a bit discouraging.
But all in all, the Griffin Armament Micro Carry Comp has been a steady companion in my shooting range, proving itself as both a reliable and efficient tool. Even with its shortcomings, it certainly outweighs the plus sides in my eyes - a true testament to the effectiveness of the product.

🔗Stainless Steel Commander Bushing for 1911

Having used the Commander Bushing in my daily life, I have to say it's a game changer for enthusiasts of the 1911 model. The stainless steel finish adds a touch of elegance to this already impressive make, and the oversized style is both bold and practical. However, it does come with a drawback - while it's a great addition for those who want to enhance their 1911, it might not be ideal for those using larger caliber firearms.
Despite this minor drawback, the Commander Bushing provides a much-needed upgrade to the classic 1911, making it a worthwhile investment for discerning shooters.

🔗Innovative and Compact 1911 Bushing Wrench

As someone who enjoys the finer details in a gun, I find the Real Avid 1911 Smart Wrench to be an absolute game-changer. The compact design of this tool, along with its engineering resin that's not only tough but also won't scratch the muzzle, is a fantastic addition to my 1911 disassembly tool kit.
One of the key aspects that stood out to me is the innovative design that catches the recoil spring plug, making it easy and safe to remove the bushing. Moreover, it fits both Government and Officer models, making it a versatile choice for anyone with a 1911 handgun.
However, there is a slight downside to mention. I found some difficulty when it came to assembling the handgun. It seems that the Smart Wrench does a great job at disassembly but falls short when it comes to assembly due to the captive spring pocket interfering. This minor setback, although frustrating, was nothing that couldn't be overcome with some extra effort and precision.
Overall, the Real Avid 1911 Smart Wrench is a great tool to have in any gun enthusiast's arsenal. With its convenient features and compact design, it proves to be a worthy addition for any disassembly tasks while offering a bit of a challenge during assembly.

🔗1911 Bushing Compensator: Tighten Your Nock Tolerances for Enhanced Arrow Accuracy

This TenPoint HP Aluminum Bushing quickly became my go-to solution for all my crossbow-related adventures. It's a breeze to install, and the snug fit it provides eliminates wobbly nocks and loose arrows. Say goodbye to the days of gluing nocks and dealing with messy adhesives.
The bushing's lightweight construction adds a touch of elegance to my crossbow bolts while still maintaining accuracy. I've even noticed improved performance over time. However, the bushing is specifically made for TenPoint bolts, so it's not suitable for those who use other brands.
Overall, it's a game-changer for anyone seeking an upgrade to their crossbow accessories. The TenPoint HP Aluminum Bushing is a reliable, easy-to-use product that deserves a place in your arsenal.

🔗Samson Pocket Comp 1911 Bushing Compensator for M&P Shield


As a fellow gun enthusiast, I recently put the Samson Pocket Comp for M&P Shield to the test. I was impressed by how quickly and easily it installed - no need for gunsmithing! The design of the Samson Pocket Comp certainly made a difference; it protects the barrel threads and reduces felt recoil and muzzle rise. With its 7075 billet aluminum construction, it not only looks sleek but also provides exceptional performance.
One feature that stood out was the compatibility with both 1911 and M&P Shields, allowing me to use it seamlessly with different firearms. However, I did notice that the screws can be quite tight, which made removing them somewhat challenging.
Overall, the Samson Pocket Comp for M&P Shield is a reliable and effective tool for improving your shooting experience. Its lightweight design and excellent fit make it a worthwhile investment for any gun lover looking to enhance their performance.

Buyer's Guide

The 1911 Bushing Compensator, often referred to as a 'bushing', is an essential accessory for those owning a 1911 pistol. It serves to improve the pistol's performance, primarily by enhancing recoil management and providing better control. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned shooter, understanding the bushing's features and how it operates is crucial before delving into the market.

Important Features

  • Material: The bushing is typically made from high-quality materials like stainless steel or aluminum, ensuring durability and resistance to wear.
  • Design: Bushes usually come in various designs, such as full-length or short-frame, each catering to specific pistol models and intended usage.



  • Compatibility: Ensure that the bushing you choose is compatible with your 1911 pistol's specific model and frame length. Mismatching can lead to poor performance and even safety issues.
  • Recoil Management: A well-designed bushing should effectively manage the pistol's recoil, reducing felt recoil and allowing for faster follow-up shots. Inspect reviews and testimonials to gauge its performance in this aspect.

Advice for First-Time Buyers

As a first-time buyer, it's essential to research and understand the differences between various brands and models. Additionally, consider factors like ease of installation and long-term reliability, as changing bushes frequently can be tedious and expensive.
The 1911 Bushing Compensator is a vital accessory to enhance the performance of your 1911 pistol. By understanding its features, considering the right options, and following the advice above, you'll be well-equipped to make the best purchase for your needs. Happy shopping!



What is a 1911 Bushing Compensator?

A 1911 Bushing Compensator is a part used in 1911 handguns to reduce recoil and improve accuracy. It is a spring-loaded component that acts as a buffer against the forces generated during firing, thus reducing the impact on the shooter's hand and improving shot consistency.

How does a 1911 Bushing Compensator work?

A 1911 Bushing Compensator works by absorbing the energy generated during recoil. When the shot is fired, the recoil force is absorbed by the bushing, which is made of a material with high energy-absorbing properties. This helps to reduce the impact on the shooter's hand, resulting in a more comfortable shooting experience. Additionally, the bushing acts as a stabilizing component, helping to maintain the gun's accuracy over time.

What are the benefits of using a 1911 Bushing Compensator?

  • Reduces recoil, resulting in a more comfortable shooting experience
  • Improves accuracy by stabilizing the gun during firing
  • Increases shot consistency

Which 1911 Bushing Compensators are recommended for use in competition?

Several top-rated 1911 Bushing Compensators are recommended for use in competition shooting. Some of the most popular options include the Wilson Combat Compensator, the Ed Brown Bushing Compensator, and the Nighthawk Bushing Compensator. These bushing compensators are known for their high-quality construction, superior performance, and durability.

How much do 1911 Bushing Compensators typically cost?

The cost of a 1911 Bushing Compensator can vary depending on the brand, materials, and additional features. High-quality bushing compensators can range from $150 to $300 or more, while budget options may be available for under $100. It's essential to consider your specific needs and preferences when selecting a 1911 Bushing Compensator.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

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2024.06.01 07:45 Livfuture12 Why Choose Livfuture for Your Automation Products?

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submitted by Livfuture12 to u/Livfuture12 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:18 Rajing_ how to play vs rumble?

basically i tried to not int into him and rushed negatron cloak. But other than that i didnt know how to fight him, i thought i was being smart by waiting for him to use his flame thrower than jumping on him and trading, but by the time my E goes off, his flame thrower is up again and he walks me back to my turret and there goes half my hp bar.
should i consider going Conq/fleet over grasp and going absorb life rune? how should i trade with him? at which point CAN i trade with him? do i match him and go ignite? any other tips are appreciated. thank you.
submitted by Rajing_ to Jaxmains [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:31 Chemical_Training_92 Please help

Please help
When I do this level and enter the oozaru stage my game crashes. I think it is an error with the oozaru sprite but I don’t know how to solve it. Already tried the download all button and just says I already downloaded everything.
submitted by Chemical_Training_92 to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:10 JRE47 From Dusk 'Til Dawn: A JRE Analysis on the Necrozma Fusions

Pardon my tardiness, as Necrozma is already here! The first GOFest is underway, and players have already begun playing around with the new Fuse mechanic and getting themselves the new Dawn Wings and Dusk Mane forms of Necrozma, the Prism Pokémon. I won't insult your intelligence, dear readers... everybody already knows these things look great in GO, so I'm just here today to break down what exactly separates them from their unfused forms. How good ARE they for it? Let's begin with our customary Bottom Line Up Front and then see if we can answer your questions....


Alright, on to the details!


DUSK MANE: Psychic/Steel Type
DAWN WINGS: Psychic/Ghost Type
Attack: 179 (178 High Stat Product)
Defense: 149 (147 High Stat Product)
HP: 131 (134 High Stat Product)
(Highest Stat Product IVs {Best Friend Trade}: 7-15-14, 2500 CP, Level 22)
Attack: 245
Defense: 197
HP: 180
(Assuming 15-15-15 IVs; 4634 CP at Level 50)
The typing is, of course, different, with Dusk Mane tacking on Steel and Dawn Wings instead coming with Ghost. But both Fused forms have the exact same stats. This shouldn't be too surprising though, as the "base form" SOLGALEO and LUNALA have the the same stats as each other as well. What is more notable is that the Fused forms of Solgaleo (Dusk Mane) and Lunala (Dawn Wings) both have worse stats overall. Yes, the max CP is higher (though only by a mere 64 CP), but that's because the stat balance is pushed more into Attack, which rises by about 20 in Master League. Defense also rises by about 25, which is good, but all of that has to come from somewhere, and in this case that means HP/Stamina. The unfused forms top out at 234 HP, but the Fused forms only reach 180. That is a big drop, which drives the unfused forms reaching an overall stat product of 9190 (well within the Top 10 in all of Master League), and the Fused forms getting to only 8722 (still good, but now sitting at #20 overall).
In the end, though, that matters little, as the moves for the Fused forms are far more impactful overall....
Fast Moves
Yep, those both have the exact same fast moves. I was half-expecting Niantic to do something with that just before release but they let it be, so here we are.
Psycho Cut isn't a bad move, it really isn't. You like Mud Shot? Fairy Wind? Thunder Shock? Psycho Cut is an underused clone of those.
But I mean, when you have Shadow Claw, you run Shadow Claw. It generates nearly as much energy as Psycho Cut and literally DOUBLE the damage. It's also a better fit in PvP in general, and Master League especially where there are a number of prominent Steel and Psychic types that resist Psychic damage, but not Ghost, which is resisted only by Normal types and Dark (which also resists Psycho Cut anyway).
And uh... we don't talk about Bruno fast moves with DPT and EPT adding up to less than 6. That means you, Metal Claw.
ᴱ - Exclusive Move
Charge Moves
And again, other than the all-new exclusive moves, both Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings share the same charge moves as well. And at least in terms of pure win/loss numbers, they both seem to be at their peak without needing their exclusive moves at all, running well with Dark Pulse as its best 50-energy move, and STAB Future Sight as their best closer.
Dusk Mane can actually beat a few big names with Future Sight that it cannot with Sunsteel Strike, namely Kyogre, Reshiram, and Zekrom, and the reason is simple: they all resist Steel damage, but not Psychic damage. Conversely, Sunsteel Strike DOES overcome Rhyperior and Zarude, the former being weak to Steel but taking neutral from Psychic, and the latter resisting Psychic damage but taking neutral from Steel.
With Dawn Wings, we're in more of a sidegrade situation, with the new Moongeist Beam beating Origin Dialga, and Future Sight instead overcoming Ghost-resistant Ursaluna. No notable differences in 2v2 shielding, though there is a BIG jump for Moongeist with shields down, taking down Ho-Oh, Garchomp, Altered Giratina, and both forms of Dialga, while Ursaluna remaisn the only unique win for Future Sight.
But I'm getting a little ahead of myself! The main purpose of this analysis was not just to show that both Fusions are good (everybody already knows that!), but what makes them better than the base forms from which they originate. So let's back up a little and do that.


Starting from the top down, because let's be honest... no matter how good Necrozma may or may not be in other Leagues, Master League is the one everybody has circled to try it out in.
Let's set our barometers by looking at the base forms. We of course have the base form of NECROZMA itself, which is basically just a worse form of both of its Fusions. Necrozma comes in with 16 more HP, but also over 20 less Attack and Defense, as well as now subtyping... it's a mono-Psychic type. In the end, it just doesn't do enough, losing to things its Fusion forms can handle like Dialga, Palkia, Zekrom, Garchomp, Dragonite, Kyogre, and several others. When it comes to PvP, Necrozma's primary purpose is just to fuse.
As we've discussed before, Lunala broke our hearts when we saw the moves Niantic chose to gave it... or more appropriately, NOT give it. Lunala's biggest issue is being stuck with Confusion as its best fast move, rather than the far more interesting Shadow Claw. Yes yes, maybe that seems a little overpowered... but then you consider the fused version of Lunala, Dawn Wings Necrozma, which DOES get Shadow Claw and does a lot with it! A theoretical Shadow Claw Lunala would give Dawn Wings a real run for its money, but as is, it's no contest. The only thing Confusion Lunala can beat that Dawn Wings Necrozma cannot is Ursaluna (when Dawn Wings has Moongeist Beam, at least, as mentioned earlier), whereas Dawn Wings is able to beat a ton of things that Lunala is incapable of keeping up with like (in order) Dialga, Dragonite, Excadrill, Garchomp, Groudon, Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Landorus-T, Lugia, Mamoswine, Melmetal, Metagross, Palkia, Reshiram, Rhyperior, Zekrom and, as Niantic would say, "and more!" And that lopsided difference is just as extreme in 0v0 shielding and 2v2 shielding as well.
No contest here, folks: Dawn Wings Necrozma is (almost) strictly better than both Necrozma base form and Lunala.
Now with Solgaleo, while Dawn Wings is still clearly better (and with mulitple closing options, as discused earlier), there's a little more to discuss. Lunala and Dawn Wings Necrozma operate rather similarly overall, with similar coverage but just a massive disparity between quality of moves. In the case of Solgaleo vs Dusk Mane we have some fundamental differences. Solgaleo, of course, runs a Fire-type fast move, which gives it some wins that Dusk Mane cannot consistently replicate like Mamoswine, Excadrill, and Zarude. It also doesn't rely on long-drawn out charge moves, with Psychic Fangs and even Iron Head being as fast (or often faster) than anything Necrozma of any form can bring to bear. But of course, that's not considering the amazing Shadow Claw and its 4.0 EPT, so in the end, it's still a relative blowout for Dawn Wings, with its own unique wins like Palkia (both forms), Mewtwo, the Giratinas, and then Kyogre, Reshiram, and Zekrom (with Future Sight) or Rhyperior (with Sunsteel Strike), as well as beating Solgaleo in the head-to-head. Many of those carry over into the 0shield matchups as well, though if there's a bright spot for Solgaleo wearing things down with Psychic Fangs, it is found in 2v2 shielding, where Solgaleo turns the tables in putting Dusk Mane now to shame with special wins like Excadrill, Ursaluna, Snorlax, Yveltal, Dragonite, and Therian Landorus, whereas Dusk Mane can only manage Reshiram and Altered Giratina instead.
Overall, I think Solgaleo still has a place in Master League, but Dawn Mane Necrozma is clearly more powerful overall in a conclusion that surely surprises nobody. You're all smart already, dear readers!


Any reason to save a Necrozma for Ultra League and NOT level them up for Master? Well, put simply, no, not really. None of them exceed even a 25% winrate against the established meta. Here their made-for-Master-League stats betray them, and their comparative bulk now puts them in ScizoLuxray/Jolteon territory, which is a baaaaaaaad place to be. There's a reason that big Legendaries like Dialga and Reshiram (both of whom have overall bulk almost identical to the Necrozma Fusions) do so well in Master League but struggle mightily in Ultra, and the Necrozmas suffer the same fate. They're built for one thing and one thing only in PvP: Master League. Anything else is just trying to get too cute.


Same conslusion that you likely came in with: both fused forms of Necrozma enter the game as top notch Master League options that leave little (if any) reason to hold onto your existing Solgaleos or especially Lunalas, and they're both superior to unfused Necrozma too. But now, hopefully it's a little clearer as to WHY.
The other interesting conclusion: you do NOT necessarily need the exclusive moves! If I had to pick one, I think Dawn Wings with Moongeist Beam has more going for it, but Steel moves are not that great in Master League, so there's ample room for Future Sight instead of Sunsteel Strike on Dusk Mane. If I had to pick one to get with its exclusive move, it's Dawn Wings as the clear winner for me.
Thanks for reading! Until next time, you can always find me on Twitter with regular Pokémon GO analysis nuggets, or Patreon, if you're feeling extra generous.
Happy raiding for those able to go after Necrozma during these initial GOFestivities! Stay safe out there, and catch you next time, Pokéfriends!
submitted by JRE47 to PokemonGOBattleLeague [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:09 JRE47 Under The Lights: Necrozma Fusions in PvP

Pardon my tardiness, as Necrozma is already here! The first GOFest is underway, and players have already begun playing around with the new Fuse mechanic and getting themselves the new Dawn Wings and Dusk Mane forms of Necrozma, the Prism Pokémon. I won't insult your intelligence, dear readers... everybody already knows these things look great in GO, so I'm just here today to break down what exactly separates them from their unfused forms. How good ARE they for it? Let's begin with our customary Bottom Line Up Front and then see if we can answer your questions....


Alright, on to the details!


DUSK MANE: Psychic/Steel Type
DAWN WINGS: Psychic/Ghost Type
Attack: 179 (178 High Stat Product)
Defense: 149 (147 High Stat Product)
HP: 131 (134 High Stat Product)
(Highest Stat Product IVs {Best Friend Trade}: 7-15-14, 2500 CP, Level 22)
Attack: 245
Defense: 197
HP: 180
(Assuming 15-15-15 IVs; 4634 CP at Level 50)
The typing is, of course, different, with Dusk Mane tacking on Steel and Dawn Wings instead coming with Ghost. But both Fused forms have the exact same stats. This shouldn't be too surprising though, as the "base form" SOLGALEO and LUNALA have the the same stats as each other as well. What is more notable is that the Fused forms of Solgaleo (Dusk Mane) and Lunala (Dawn Wings) both have worse stats overall. Yes, the max CP is higher (though only by a mere 64 CP), but that's because the stat balance is pushed more into Attack, which rises by about 20 in Master League. Defense also rises by about 25, which is good, but all of that has to come from somewhere, and in this case that means HP/Stamina. The unfused forms top out at 234 HP, but the Fused forms only reach 180. That is a big drop, which drives the unfused forms reaching an overall stat product of 9190 (well within the Top 10 in all of Master League), and the Fused forms getting to only 8722 (still good, but now sitting at #20 overall).
In the end, though, that matters little, as the moves for the Fused forms are far more impactful overall....
Fast Moves
Yep, those both have the exact same fast moves. I was half-expecting Niantic to do something with that just before release but they let it be, so here we are.
Psycho Cut isn't a bad move, it really isn't. You like Mud Shot? Fairy Wind? Thunder Shock? Psycho Cut is an underused clone of those.
But I mean, when you have Shadow Claw, you run Shadow Claw. It generates nearly as much energy as Psycho Cut and literally DOUBLE the damage. It's also a better fit in PvP in general, and Master League especially where there are a number of prominent Steel and Psychic types that resist Psychic damage, but not Ghost, which is resisted only by Normal types and Dark (which also resists Psycho Cut anyway).
And uh... we don't talk about Bruno fast moves with DPT and EPT adding up to less than 6. That means you, Metal Claw.
ᴱ - Exclusive Move
Charge Moves
And again, other than the all-new exclusive moves, both Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings share the same charge moves as well. And at least in terms of pure win/loss numbers, they both seem to be at their peak without needing their exclusive moves at all, running well with Dark Pulse as its best 50-energy move, and STAB Future Sight as their best closer.
Dusk Mane can actually beat a few big names with Future Sight that it cannot with Sunsteel Strike, namely Kyogre, Reshiram, and Zekrom, and the reason is simple: they all resist Steel damage, but not Psychic damage. Conversely, Sunsteel Strike DOES overcome Rhyperior and Zarude, the former being weak to Steel but taking neutral from Psychic, and the latter resisting Psychic damage but taking neutral from Steel.
With Dawn Wings, we're in more of a sidegrade situation, with the new Moongeist Beam beating Origin Dialga, and Future Sight instead overcoming Ghost-resistant Ursaluna. No notable differences in 2v2 shielding, though there is a BIG jump for Moongeist with shields down, taking down Ho-Oh, Garchomp, Altered Giratina, and both forms of Dialga, while Ursaluna remaisn the only unique win for Future Sight.
But I'm getting a little ahead of myself! The main purpose of this analysis was not just to show that both Fusions are good (everybody already knows that!), but what makes them better than the base forms from which they originate. So let's back up a little and do that.


Starting from the top down, because let's be honest... no matter how good Necrozma may or may not be in other Leagues, Master League is the one everybody has circled to try it out in.
Let's set our barometers by looking at the base forms. We of course have the base form of NECROZMA itself, which is basically just a worse form of both of its Fusions. Necrozma comes in with 16 more HP, but also over 20 less Attack and Defense, as well as now subtyping... it's a mono-Psychic type. In the end, it just doesn't do enough, losing to things its Fusion forms can handle like Dialga, Palkia, Zekrom, Garchomp, Dragonite, Kyogre, and several others. When it comes to PvP, Necrozma's primary purpose is just to fuse.
As we've discussed before, Lunala broke our hearts when we saw the moves Niantic chose to gave it... or more appropriately, NOT give it. Lunala's biggest issue is being stuck with Confusion as its best fast move, rather than the far more interesting Shadow Claw. Yes yes, maybe that seems a little overpowered... but then you consider the fused version of Lunala, Dawn Wings Necrozma, which DOES get Shadow Claw and does a lot with it! A theoretical Shadow Claw Lunala would give Dawn Wings a real run for its money, but as is, it's no contest. The only thing Confusion Lunala can beat that Dawn Wings Necrozma cannot is Ursaluna (when Dawn Wings has Moongeist Beam, at least, as mentioned earlier), whereas Dawn Wings is able to beat a ton of things that Lunala is incapable of keeping up with like (in order) Dialga, Dragonite, Excadrill, Garchomp, Groudon, Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Landorus-T, Lugia, Mamoswine, Melmetal, Metagross, Palkia, Reshiram, Rhyperior, Zekrom and, as Niantic would say, "and more!" And that lopsided difference is just as extreme in 0v0 shielding and 2v2 shielding as well.
No contest here, folks: Dawn Wings Necrozma is (almost) strictly better than both Necrozma base form and Lunala.
Now with Solgaleo, while Dawn Wings is still clearly better (and with mulitple closing options, as discused earlier), there's a little more to discuss. Lunala and Dawn Wings Necrozma operate rather similarly overall, with similar coverage but just a massive disparity between quality of moves. In the case of Solgaleo vs Dusk Mane we have some fundamental differences. Solgaleo, of course, runs a Fire-type fast move, which gives it some wins that Dusk Mane cannot consistently replicate like Mamoswine, Excadrill, and Zarude. It also doesn't rely on long-drawn out charge moves, with Psychic Fangs and even Iron Head being as fast (or often faster) than anything Necrozma of any form can bring to bear. But of course, that's not considering the amazing Shadow Claw and its 4.0 EPT, so in the end, it's still a relative blowout for Dawn Wings, with its own unique wins like Palkia (both forms), Mewtwo, the Giratinas, and then Kyogre, Reshiram, and Zekrom (with Future Sight) or Rhyperior (with Sunsteel Strike), as well as beating Solgaleo in the head-to-head. Many of those carry over into the 0shield matchups as well, though if there's a bright spot for Solgaleo wearing things down with Psychic Fangs, it is found in 2v2 shielding, where Solgaleo turns the tables in putting Dusk Mane now to shame with special wins like Excadrill, Ursaluna, Snorlax, Yveltal, Dragonite, and Therian Landorus, whereas Dusk Mane can only manage Reshiram and Altered Giratina instead.
Overall, I think Solgaleo still has a place in Master League, but Dawn Mane Necrozma is clearly more powerful overall in a conclusion that surely surprises nobody. You're all smart already, dear readers!


Any reason to save a Necrozma for Ultra League and NOT level them up for Master? Well, put simply, no, not really. None of them exceed even a 25% winrate against the established meta. Here their made-for-Master-League stats betray them, and their comparative bulk now puts them in ScizoLuxray/Jolteon territory, which is a baaaaaaaad place to be. There's a reason that big Legendaries like Dialga and Reshiram (both of whom have overall bulk almost identical to the Necrozma Fusions) do so well in Master League but struggle mightily in Ultra, and the Necrozmas suffer the same fate. They're built for one thing and one thing only in PvP: Master League. Anything else is just trying to get too cute.


Same conslusion that you likely came in with: both fused forms of Necrozma enter the game as top notch Master League options that leave little (if any) reason to hold onto your existing Solgaleos or especially Lunalas, and they're both superior to unfused Necrozma too. But now, hopefully it's a little clearer as to WHY.
The other interesting conclusion: you do NOT necessarily need the exclusive moves! If I had to pick one, I think Dawn Wings with Moongeist Beam has more going for it, but Steel moves are not that great in Master League, so there's ample room for Future Sight instead of Sunsteel Strike on Dusk Mane. If I had to pick one to get with its exclusive move, it's Dawn Wings as the clear winner for me.
Thanks for reading! Until next time, you can always find me on Twitter with regular Pokémon GO analysis nuggets, or Patreon, if you're feeling extra generous.
Happy raiding for those able to go after Necrozma during these initial GOFestivities! Stay safe out there, and catch you next time, Pokéfriends!
submitted by JRE47 to TheSilphArena [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:09 JRE47 From Dusk 'Til Dawn: A PvP Analysis on Dawn Wings and Dusk Mane Necrozma

Pardon my tardiness, as Necrozma is already here! The first GOFest is underway, and players have already begun playing around with the new Fuse mechanic and getting themselves the new Dawn Wings and Dusk Mane forms of Necrozma, the Prism Pokémon. I won't insult your intelligence, dear readers... everybody already knows these things look great in GO, so I'm just here today to break down what exactly separates them from their unfused forms. How good ARE they for it? Let's begin with our customary Bottom Line Up Front and then see if we can answer your questions....


Alright, on to the details!


DUSK MANE: Psychic/Steel Type
DAWN WINGS: Psychic/Ghost Type
Attack: 179 (178 High Stat Product)
Defense: 149 (147 High Stat Product)
HP: 131 (134 High Stat Product)
(Highest Stat Product IVs {Best Friend Trade}: 7-15-14, 2500 CP, Level 22)
Attack: 245
Defense: 197
HP: 180
(Assuming 15-15-15 IVs; 4634 CP at Level 50)
The typing is, of course, different, with Dusk Mane tacking on Steel and Dawn Wings instead coming with Ghost. But both Fused forms have the exact same stats. This shouldn't be too surprising though, as the "base form" SOLGALEO and LUNALA have the the same stats as each other as well. What is more notable is that the Fused forms of Solgaleo (Dusk Mane) and Lunala (Dawn Wings) both have worse stats overall. Yes, the max CP is higher (though only by a mere 64 CP), but that's because the stat balance is pushed more into Attack, which rises by about 20 in Master League. Defense also rises by about 25, which is good, but all of that has to come from somewhere, and in this case that means HP/Stamina. The unfused forms top out at 234 HP, but the Fused forms only reach 180. That is a big drop, which drives the unfused forms reaching an overall stat product of 9190 (well within the Top 10 in all of Master League), and the Fused forms getting to only 8722 (still good, but now sitting at #20 overall).
In the end, though, that matters little, as the moves for the Fused forms are far more impactful overall....
Fast Moves
Yep, those both have the exact same fast moves. I was half-expecting Niantic to do something with that just before release but they let it be, so here we are.
Psycho Cut isn't a bad move, it really isn't. You like Mud Shot? Fairy Wind? Thunder Shock? Psycho Cut is an underused clone of those.
But I mean, when you have Shadow Claw, you run Shadow Claw. It generates nearly as much energy as Psycho Cut and literally DOUBLE the damage. It's also a better fit in PvP in general, and Master League especially where there are a number of prominent Steel and Psychic types that resist Psychic damage, but not Ghost, which is resisted only by Normal types and Dark (which also resists Psycho Cut anyway).
And uh... we don't talk about Bruno fast moves with DPT and EPT adding up to less than 6. That means you, Metal Claw.
ᴱ - Exclusive Move
Charge Moves
And again, other than the all-new exclusive moves, both Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings share the same charge moves as well. And at least in terms of pure win/loss numbers, they both seem to be at their peak without needing their exclusive moves at all, running well with Dark Pulse as its best 50-energy move, and STAB Future Sight as their best closer.
Dusk Mane can actually beat a few big names with Future Sight that it cannot with Sunsteel Strike, namely Kyogre, Reshiram, and Zekrom, and the reason is simple: they all resist Steel damage, but not Psychic damage. Conversely, Sunsteel Strike DOES overcome Rhyperior and Zarude, the former being weak to Steel but taking neutral from Psychic, and the latter resisting Psychic damage but taking neutral from Steel.
With Dawn Wings, we're in more of a sidegrade situation, with the new Moongeist Beam beating Origin Dialga, and Future Sight instead overcoming Ghost-resistant Ursaluna. No notable differences in 2v2 shielding, though there is a BIG jump for Moongeist with shields down, taking down Ho-Oh, Garchomp, Altered Giratina, and both forms of Dialga, while Ursaluna remaisn the only unique win for Future Sight.
But I'm getting a little ahead of myself! The main purpose of this analysis was not just to show that both Fusions are good (everybody already knows that!), but what makes them better than the base forms from which they originate. So let's back up a little and do that.


Starting from the top down, because let's be honest... no matter how good Necrozma may or may not be in other Leagues, Master League is the one everybody has circled to try it out in.
Let's set our barometers by looking at the base forms. We of course have the base form of NECROZMA itself, which is basically just a worse form of both of its Fusions. Necrozma comes in with 16 more HP, but also over 20 less Attack and Defense, as well as now subtyping... it's a mono-Psychic type. In the end, it just doesn't do enough, losing to things its Fusion forms can handle like Dialga, Palkia, Zekrom, Garchomp, Dragonite, Kyogre, and several others. When it comes to PvP, Necrozma's primary purpose is just to fuse.
As we've discussed before, Lunala broke our hearts when we saw the moves Niantic chose to gave it... or more appropriately, NOT give it. Lunala's biggest issue is being stuck with Confusion as its best fast move, rather than the far more interesting Shadow Claw. Yes yes, maybe that seems a little overpowered... but then you consider the fused version of Lunala, Dawn Wings Necrozma, which DOES get Shadow Claw and does a lot with it! A theoretical Shadow Claw Lunala would give Dawn Wings a real run for its money, but as is, it's no contest. The only thing Confusion Lunala can beat that Dawn Wings Necrozma cannot is Ursaluna (when Dawn Wings has Moongeist Beam, at least, as mentioned earlier), whereas Dawn Wings is able to beat a ton of things that Lunala is incapable of keeping up with like (in order) Dialga, Dragonite, Excadrill, Garchomp, Groudon, Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Landorus-T, Lugia, Mamoswine, Melmetal, Metagross, Palkia, Reshiram, Rhyperior, Zekrom and, as Niantic would say, "and more!" And that lopsided difference is just as extreme in 0v0 shielding and 2v2 shielding as well.
No contest here, folks: Dawn Wings Necrozma is (almost) strictly better than both Necrozma base form and Lunala.
Now with Solgaleo, while Dawn Wings is still clearly better (and with mulitple closing options, as discused earlier), there's a little more to discuss. Lunala and Dawn Wings Necrozma operate rather similarly overall, with similar coverage but just a massive disparity between quality of moves. In the case of Solgaleo vs Dusk Mane we have some fundamental differences. Solgaleo, of course, runs a Fire-type fast move, which gives it some wins that Dusk Mane cannot consistently replicate like Mamoswine, Excadrill, and Zarude. It also doesn't rely on long-drawn out charge moves, with Psychic Fangs and even Iron Head being as fast (or often faster) than anything Necrozma of any form can bring to bear. But of course, that's not considering the amazing Shadow Claw and its 4.0 EPT, so in the end, it's still a relative blowout for Dawn Wings, with its own unique wins like Palkia (both forms), Mewtwo, the Giratinas, and then Kyogre, Reshiram, and Zekrom (with Future Sight) or Rhyperior (with Sunsteel Strike), as well as beating Solgaleo in the head-to-head. Many of those carry over into the 0shield matchups as well, though if there's a bright spot for Solgaleo wearing things down with Psychic Fangs, it is found in 2v2 shielding, where Solgaleo turns the tables in putting Dusk Mane now to shame with special wins like Excadrill, Ursaluna, Snorlax, Yveltal, Dragonite, and Therian Landorus, whereas Dusk Mane can only manage Reshiram and Altered Giratina instead.
Overall, I think Solgaleo still has a place in Master League, but Dawn Mane Necrozma is clearly more powerful overall in a conclusion that surely surprises nobody. You're all smart already, dear readers!


Any reason to save a Necrozma for Ultra League and NOT level them up for Master? Well, put simply, no, not really. None of them exceed even a 25% winrate against the established meta. Here their made-for-Master-League stats betray them, and their comparative bulk now puts them in ScizoLuxray/Jolteon territory, which is a baaaaaaaad place to be. There's a reason that big Legendaries like Dialga and Reshiram (both of whom have overall bulk almost identical to the Necrozma Fusions) do so well in Master League but struggle mightily in Ultra, and the Necrozmas suffer the same fate. They're built for one thing and one thing only in PvP: Master League. Anything else is just trying to get too cute.


Same conslusion that you likely came in with: both fused forms of Necrozma enter the game as top notch Master League options that leave little (if any) reason to hold onto your existing Solgaleos or especially Lunalas, and they're both superior to unfused Necrozma too. But now, hopefully it's a little clearer as to WHY.
The other interesting conclusion: you do NOT necessarily need the exclusive moves! If I had to pick one, I think Dawn Wings with Moongeist Beam has more going for it, but Steel moves are not that great in Master League, so there's ample room for Future Sight instead of Sunsteel Strike on Dusk Mane. If I had to pick one to get with its exclusive move, it's Dawn Wings as the clear winner for me.
Thanks for reading! Until next time, you can always find me on Twitter with regular Pokémon GO analysis nuggets, or Patreon, if you're feeling extra generous.
Happy raiding for those able to go after Necrozma during these initial GOFestivities! Stay safe out there, and catch you next time, Pokéfriends!
submitted by JRE47 to TheSilphRoad [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:54 Sky_Hound No contrast or brightness options on HP M234dw?

So I recently purchased a HP M234dw bw laserjet, and managed to set it up through windows using the EWS while avoiding the various vomit inducing HP apps.
However, in the printer preferences/settings I cannot find an option to adjust the brightness or contrast of my prints. This is a feature on my older HP 107w bw laser printer, and it's located in the Graphics tab under advanced alongside options for clear text and edge enhancement.
This is absolutely infuriating since the new printer is now useless for printing anything that isn't a pure black on white text document, images and documents with a light gray background coming out extremely dark. I've even tried using their awful smart app to see whether it would provide additional options, to no avail.
Is there perhaps some mistake I made during setup that means the feature isn't available? Is there perhaps a workaround someone knows?
If not I'll definitely be returning this thing.
submitted by Sky_Hound to printers [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:27 Hokusai2 Childhood badges

Childhood badges
I thought you might find this random selection of badges from an 80s childhood interesting. 😊
submitted by Hokusai2 to badges [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:00 LabB0T Weekly r/homelabsales Summary - 2024-05-31

The last weeks [For Sale] posts in homelabsales
Posts that have not met the rules of HLS or have completed are not shown.
Bot Feedback? - Checkout the pinned post in my profile





submitted by LabB0T to homelab [link] [comments]

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2024.05.31 17:47 Jimbobsticle Press Release Article

New Toyota RAV4 GR SPORT
The RAV4 is the latest Toyota model to be made available in a GR SPORT version
Sporty and sophisticated styling and equipment specification inspired by TOYOTA GAZOO Racing, Toyota’s multi-World Championship-winning competition arm
RAV4 GR SPORT suspension retuned for focussed handling performance
Available with a choice of powerful and efficient 2.5-litre hybrid electric or plug-in hybrid electric powertrains
Featuring fully digital driver’s instrument panel and more powerful multimedia system
The Toyota RAV4 has always been at the cutting edge of the car market since it originated the concept of the easy-to-drive, highly versatile recreational SUV almost 30 years ago. Today, it consistently ranks not just as the world’s best-selling SUV, but also as one of the best-selling cars across all types and genres.
Year after year, Toyota has made sure the RAV4 keeps ahead of the game where customers’ tastes and preferences are concerned, adopting new technologies and design thinking to keep the car’s appeal and its capabilities up to the moment. The latest chapter in the RAV4 story is the new RAV4 GR SPORT, an addition to the range that comes with styling and equipment features that express sportiness and sophistication that are inspired by TOYOTA GAZOO Racing – the cradle of Toyota’s mission to create ever-better cars through motorsport.
The GR SPORT theme has already been successfully applied to a wide range of other Toyota models, ranging from Yaris, Yaris Cross, C-HR and Corolla to the mighty Hilux pick-up. The RAV4 now picks up the baton in its own inimitable style.
Exterior Design
A series of exterior design details distinguishes the new RAV4 GR SPORT, broadcasting its sportier character.
The car’s front end makes a statement with the prominent grille finished in the GR-exclusive G-mesh pattern, which creates a deeper 3D-effect. The same pattern is applied to the enlarged fog light bezels, which also have distinctive boomerang-shaped frames, giving added prominence to the vehicle’s strong stance. Adding to this effect, the lower bumper has a dark grey metallic finish, in place of the silver featured on other RAV4 models.
At the rear, the back window’s appearance has been thrown into sharper relief by a gloss black garnish that extends the width of the vehicle, between the glass and the licence plate. The G-mesh pattern appears again in the rear bumper, which also has air-bleeding openings to improve aerodynamic performance. Further emphasising the RAV4’s purposeful look, the lower bumper has a dark grey metallic moulding across its bottom edge.
Discreet GR logo badging on the front grille and back door also signifies the grade.
The exclusive GR SPORT 19-inch alloy wheels are engineered for reduced weight and higher rigidity. Their robust, five-double-spoke design stands out with a gloss black finish and a fine line-cutting technique, applied for the first time which creates eye-catching pinstripe detailing around the spokes’ margins.
Colour Choices
The principal paintwork options for the RAV4 GR SPORT follow the famous white, red and black livery of TOYOTA GAZOO Racing’s competition stable. In the case of this road-going model, the options are Platinum White Pearl, Flame Red and Attitude Black. Customers can also opt for Silver and Grey metallic and Dark Blue mica.
The same colours – apart from Attitude Black – are available in a bi-tone finish, combined with a gloss black roof, front and centre pillars and rear spoiler.
Interior Design
The GR SPORT’s interior likewise features styling details exclusive to its status.
The principal colour theme for the upholstery and lining is black, creating an atmosphere that puts the focus firmly on driving. The seats are upholstered in a combination of a grippy, body-holding suede-like materials for the shoulder, back rest and cushion sections and synthetic leather for the bolsters. Silver grey stitching adds a smart contrast on the seats, steering wheel and shift lever. The front seat head rests are embossed with the GR logo in black-on-black.
The sophisticated cabin look is enhanced by dark grey metallic trim details on the steering wheel, air vent bezels and the centre console frame around the shift lever. The GR logo is also applied to the steering wheel and the carpet mats.
The GR SPORT’s high equipment specification includes power adjustment for the front seats and a new version of Toyota’s Panoramic View Monitor, which includes an underfloor view to help the driver check the terrain surface and precisely locate the wheels when manoeuvring at low speed. Further assistance is provided by a new digital reversing camera that provides higher quality real-time images compared to the previous analogue system.
Digital Driver’s Instrument Display
The 12.3-inch driver’s instrument display is fully digital with pin-sharp graphics and the option to customise content to suit the driver’s mood or the journey through four themes: Casual, Smart, Tough and Sporty. The options include three different layouts for the principal meters, while each version keeps a central digital speedometer and shift indicator. The background illumination automatically changes with the selected drive mode.
The display has three distinct multi-information zones. The central section presents the most frequently used information, such as indicators of the car’s advanced safety systems. Those to the left and right provide details of fuel consumption, audio selection and other data; the driver can also personalise the display with a widget highlighting their preferred information.
The RAV4 GR SPORT is fitted with the latest Toyota Smart Connect multimedia system operated using a 10.5-inch touchscreen display. Mounted centrally on the dashboard and shaped to harmonise with the angles of the car’s interior design, the monitor has a seamless black surface and presents graphics in high definition for sharpness and clarity in all lighting conditions.
A permanent, icon-based menu is presented on the driver’s side of the display. Users can also connect their smartphone or tablet to the system – both wired and wirelessly if using Apple CarPlay® or with a wired link for Android Auto®.
The multimedia package includes access to cloud-based journey navigation, which uses constantly updated real-time traffic event information for accurate and efficient route planning. There is also an embedded navigation system that can be used when no data connection to the cloud is available. This has additional functions including highway sign recognition, local weather information and driver alerts when the vehicle is approaching restricted low emission zones (LEZs).
Using voice commands has been made easier with a new “Hey Toyota” on-board voice agent. This will respond to spoken requests to adjust the climate control, choose multimedia options, make a phone call, or open and close the windows. “Hey Toyota” is designed to understand conversational speech, so if you say “I’m cold” it will respond by closing the windows or raising the cabin temperature. With two microphones installed in the instrument panel, the system will recognise and respond to commands from both the driver and front seat passenger. It will also recognise commands amid background noise, so there is no need to turn off the audio.
There is further convenience with any future software tweaks or upgrades delivered seamlessly over the air, via the car’s data communications module (DCM). This means there is no need for the car to be taken to a workshop for a system update. Likewise, the system can be used to update software in the Toyota T-Mate/Toyota Safety Sense.
Remote Services via the MyT App
The driver can access a number of useful functions remotely, via the MyT smartphone app. The familiar worries about whether you have left a window open, the doors unlocked or the lights on after you’ve walked away from your car are addressed with remote notifications to confirm the vehicle is secure. This feature is standard on all RAV4 models.
You can also lock and unlock the doors – a handy feature if someone without a key needs access, for example to drop off a parcel or to clean the car. The hazard lights can also be flashed, making the vehicle easier to spot in a big or busy car park. These features are newly standard on mid-grade models, together with remote operation of the climate control to warm up or cool the cabin before making a journey.
Vehicle status can be checked, including the fuel level and cruising range, health warnings and details of the latest vehicle health check.
The RAV4 GR SPORT goes beyond styling and equipment features to deliver an enhanced driving experience with a more handling-tuned suspension.
The front and rear coil springs have been stiffened to put the focus on agility and responsiveness. Changes to the spring coefficient are matched by appropriate adjustment of the shock absorbers’ damping force. On the plug-in hybrid electric model, the spring rates have increased from 30 to 36 N/mm at the front and 49 to 55 N/mm at the rear; on the hybrid electric GR SPORT the respective increases are 28 to 30 and 40 to 46 N/mm.
The well-proven suspension set-up on the RAV4 uses front MacPherson struts with rear double wishbones – both with anti-roll bars.
Hybrid Electric
The hybrid electric RAV4 GR SPORT features Toyota’s well-proven fourth generation full hybrid technology, engineered with lighter and more compact components to help deliver sharper performance and higher efficiency. Full system output is 222 DIN hp/163 kW, enabling 0-100 km/h acceleration in 8.1 seconds.
The powertrain marked the introduction of a 2.5-litre Hybrid Dynamic Force four-cylinder petrol engine. Achieving world-class thermal efficiency, this Atkinson cycle unit delivers a strong balance of fuel economy and power. In the new RAV4 GR SPORT, WLTP combined cycle fuel consumption is 5.8 l/100 km with CO2 emissions of 132 g/km.
Plug-in Hybrid Electric
Toyota delivered the most powerful RAV4 yet with the introduction of a plug-in hybrid electric system that produces a maximum 306 DIN hp/225 kW. This level of power enables acceleration from rest to 100 km/h in 6.0 seconds; raw speed apart, the powertrain is engineered for driveability, with 50% more power available at 60 km/h. Even when driving in all-electric EV mode, performance is brisk, with acceleration comparable to a 2.0-litre petrol vehicle.
Its efficiency is maximised by the car running in EV mode by default, then switching to self-charging hybrid electric running when the charge in the lithium-ion battery is depleted. On a full charge, the RAV4 Plug-in Hybrid GR SPORT can cover up to 75 km (WLTP combined cycle) and reach speeds of up to 135 km/h.
Intelligent, Electric All-Wheel Drive
The RAV4 GR SPORT models are equipped as standard with an intelligent, electric all-wheel drive system – AWD-i. This returns better fuel economy in urban driving, quieter performance at high speeds and improved traction in slippery conditions. It is also more compact and lighter in weight than mechanical AWD systems, so fuel consumption and space inside the cabin and load compartment are not compromised.
AWD-i efficiently generates drive torque using power from the vehicle’s hybrid system and an additional electric motor on the rear axle. This format reduces energy losses, saves weight and optimises all-wheel drive performance in different driving conditions.
Toyota’s development of the technology delivers more torque to the rear wheels, to a maximum 1,300 Nm – matching or surpassing the typical torque achieved with a mechanical system and giving the RAV4 more sure-footed performance, for example when pulling away on loose, slippery surfaces. The front/rear drive torque split can vary from 100:0 to up to 20:80, according to the driving conditions. The ratio is automatically optimised to give improved handling, stability and off-road performance. In particular, the driver will notice more faithful line-tracing through bends in slippery conditions.
AWD Integrated Management
All-wheel drive performance is further improved with AWD Integrated Management (AIM), a unique feature in the RAV4’s class. This automatically adjusts different vehicle systems – steering assist, brake and throttle control, shift pattern and drive torque distribution – according to the drive mode selected, NORMAL, ECO or SPORT. In SPORT mode, AIM modifies the steering assist, throttle control shift schedule and drive torque distribution to gain better on-road performance.
“Escape” Capability with Trail Mode
First introduced with the current generation RAV4, the RAV4 GR SPORT with AWD-i has the added benefit of automatic limited-slip differential control – Trail Mode. This ensures the best possible grip and control on slippery surfaces. It can also provide valuable assistance when tackling challenging off-road conditions.
This counters the risk of the vehicle becoming stranded if a driven wheel loses contact with the ground on very uneven terrain. In this scenario, the driver can engage Trail Mode using a button on the centre console, braking the free rotating wheel and directing drive torque to the grounded wheel. Throttle control and the transmission shift pattern are also adapted to help the driver keep the vehicle moving.
Advanced Safety and Driver Assistance
The new GR SPORT benefits from the enhanced Toyota T-Mate package of safety and driver assistance features introduced across the model range for 2023. This includes additional functions that can warn the driver and help avoid a wider range of common road accident risks.
The Toyota Safety Sense’s Pre-Collision System (PCS) gains intersection support that can help with safer turns at junctions. Provided on both the hybrid electric and plug-in hybrid electric models, this will detect if the car is about to cross the path of any oncoming traffic, and if there are any pedestrians crossing the road into which the vehicle is moving, alerting the driver and, if necessary, initiating braking control to help avoid an impact.
Emergency Steering Assist (ESA) is also newly provided, helping the driver avoid a pedestrian who has stepped into the road, while keeping the car under control and within its traffic lane. On the plug-in model, ESA can additionally detect and respond to a cyclist or a stationary or preceding vehicle,. On the RAV4 Plug-in Hybrid, the system will also recognise and react to bicycles and parked vehicles. The RAV4 Plug-in Hybrid’s PCS also gains the ability to detect oncoming vehicles in the car’s traffic lane in daytime driving and reduce the risk of a head-to-head collision.
submitted by Jimbobsticle to RAV4GRSport [link] [comments]

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eBay: eBay, known for its auction-style listings, allows consumers to bid on HP products, potentially securing items at lower prices than retail. eBay also features “Buy It Now” options, often at discounted rates. Additionally, eBay hosts regular promotions and coupon events that can further reduce prices.
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eBay: eBay is a treasure trove for refurbished and open-box HP products. Many reputable sellers specialize in selling refurbished electronics, offering significant savings. eBay's Money-Back Guarantee ensures that consumers can buy with confidence, knowing they can return items if they don't meet expectations.
Seller Competition and Reviews
Amazon: Amazon's marketplace features multiple sellers offering the same HP products. This competition often leads to lower prices as sellers vie for buyers' attention. Additionally, Amazon's review system allows consumers to make informed decisions based on the experiences of other buyers. Verified purchase reviews provide insights into product performance and seller reliability.
eBay: eBay's seller ratings and feedback system is integral to its platform. Buyers can evaluate sellers based on their ratings and read reviews from previous customers. High-rated sellers with positive feedback are often reliable, and their competitive pricing can be more attractive than traditional retail.
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eBay: eBay offers a straightforward buying process with various payment options, including PayPal, which provides additional buyer protection. eBay's customer service and resolution center ensure that any issues with purchases are promptly addressed, offering peace of mind to buyers.
Access to a Wide Range of Products Amazon: Amazon's extensive inventory means that consumers can find almost any HP product they need, from the latest models to older versions. This variety ensures that buyers can choose products that fit their specific needs and budget.
eBay: eBay's global reach and diverse seller base mean that buyers can find a wide array of HP products, including rare or discontinued items. This variety can be particularly beneficial for consumers looking for specific models or configurations.
Buying HP consumer electronics from eBay and Amazon can offer substantial benefits, from competitive pricing and access to refurbished items to extensive product variety and robust buyer protection. By leveraging the strengths of these platforms, consumers can secure high-quality HP products at better deals than traditional retail, making their purchases both financially savvy and reliable.
Whether you are in the market for a new HP laptop, printer, or accessory, exploring options on eBay and Amazon can lead to significant savings and a satisfying shopping experience.
submitted by Rare-Group-4364 to u/Rare-Group-4364 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:58 TerribleDress3303 Two fighting problem players ruins dnd for new players, and gets group disbanded

So hi, this is going to be a long post like very very long cause I got a lot to say, so yeah. I have been playing DnD for about 4 years, and funnily enough this new campaign I joined was the second campaign I’d ever played in. Because the one I’ve been in four years ago has been going on for so long. This game was 6 sessions every session happening on a Saturday for 6 weeks straight.
So basically one of my friends decided that she wanted to try being a DM for a change, and invited me and another members of our campaign. And then she also invited 5 new players. Who I will just say I didn’t know at all going into this. Due to the fact they were her online friends, (no clue how they met). And they had never even touched the game before. Besides one of them who said his brother played. And another guy who isn’t really relevant to the story, who was super into the whole dnd thing just he’d never touched it. And the entire 6 weeks of sessions he meta gamed and critiqued how she did things. So basically a new DM, running a game with 7 players, 5 of which have never even played the game, also we are online cause most of these people were not in our state. So basically from what I’ve heard not the best scenario to start.
The only people really relevant are the problem player 1 who was playing a Barbarian, and the player that said that his brother had played who I’d say also was a problem player who was playing a Paladin but to make it less confusing I’ll just refer to them as they’re classes. So Barbarian, and Paladin, and then the DM. So straight off the bat, I met these people and they all seemed pretty nice. But then the bad stuff started happening as soon as the game started. My friend the DM started giving us context to what was happening, and she was actually doing a pretty solid job, very descriptive. But the Barbarian got bored and started watching basketball for some reason. And now this was during March. So March madness and stuff. And I get it I am a basketball girly, but I mean he could’ve atleast muted. So like not even five minutes into her talking we just hear basketball. Which was kinda funny. But I could tell she was kinda distracted from this. So me and another girl that I had met that day both told him to mute. And he did.
This whole thing wasn’t that big of a deal, but it was the start of much bigger thing. Also I would just like to add throughout the entire first session he was watching basketball, and whenever he would have to talk he would unmute and then not mute up again so we would hear the basketball, and then we’d have to tell him to mute. I guess dude just wasn’t focused. Now that wasn’t the annoying part the annoying part was the fact because we went into combat and it wasn’t his turn yet he started just talking over the entire session about super smash bros with the DM, so she was having two conversations. And just it was very hard to focus on the actual game.
Now this session in the grand scheme of things isn’t that bad but it will go from 0-100 very quick. So by the way at this point things were already starting to go downhill. One of the girls who I had just met before this session (she was playing a Sorcerer and was actually super nice) decided that the day before the second session she was gonna quit and said that she felt DnD just wasn’t her thing.
So now we were down a player, which I feel is cause of just the fact nobody was really invested due to the constant distractions from the Barbarian. But I have no evidence to back that.
Then the next day we played and this is where it went pretty downhill. So something I didn’t know before going into this session and was told afterwards. Is even though they were in the same group. The players playing Barbarian, and Paladin hated eachother. And I mean hated like they fight whenever they’re talking to eachother, but for some reason they were fine session one idk why. So like halfway through session two I have no clue how it started but I think Barbarian was critiquing a decision that the Paladin did and saying that his character decision was dumb. And that it’s not how a Paladin would actually act. And they just full on started arguing. Until eventually it ended the Barbarian said that he is autistic and it wasn’t his fault. Which I just want to say I know nothing about Autism, and while I do wish I was more versed in the subject so I could understand it more and how the people who have it are affected. I do feel it’s pretty messed up for a guy to straight up be a dick to somebody with autism and then laugh when he makes him rage quit. Which is exactly what the Paladin does in this situation instead of trying to make him feel better. I don’t feel the Barbarian is in the wrong here at all, but I am going to say that this is a bad position for the DM to be in cause I also would have literally no clue what to do here.
That session was rapped up soon after that, as we got to a town. My DM friend said she wanted to do more but thought it’d be best if they just stopped for the day and try to take the week to recover. We told the Paladin he was being a jerk. And he said that him and the Barbarian always fight and that being autistic was always his excuse to get out of the fight. And that he was sick of it. And then over that week the DM told me a major reason the two fought so much was due to the fact the Paladin and Barbarians beliefs are so different. The Paladin in real life is an atheist, and a democrat. While the Barbarian is very very Roman Catholic and republican. And their beliefs usually cause fights between the two of them. Also the paladins character I would just like to say’s whole thing he made to be a mock on religion. His character is this crude paladin who is always drunk and this has caused a rift between him and his god, but he feels that the drunkenness is what his god is telling him to do and doesn’t understand it’s his own self conscious. And this is why the Barbarian had a lot of problems with his character.
So then the next week the DM decided to do a twist I feel was actually pretty smart she thought about it and decided it’d be better to split the party. And have two plots going on in the same universe. Which I think is an amazing idea. So me, and my friend and the Barbarian were a group. And the other group was the other three characters.
And this was fine for two weeks. The Barbarian went back to his session one ways of doing other things unmuted while waiting for his turn but it was fine. But I do know it really pissed off my DM friend but she still said nothing to him cause she was afraid of making him angry. And this ended up leading her to become very unmotivated and by the end she just wanted the story to end. And I could tell she really didn’t want to be a DM anymore.
Also this is kind of off topic, but at the same time three players from this Saturday campaign were still playing the other Friday four year long campaign and seeing the difference between a group actually invested that understand the game and love eachother, and then seeing this horrible group was actually very interesting
So going into the final session, we have two problem players that are going to have to interact to wrap up the plot, a meta gamer that is getting on the DM last nerve, and a DM that doesn’t want to DM anymore and has lost all motivation going forward. Also there is me and 2 other players who are alright.
The final session even with all of this for the most part was surprisingly boring, instead of being a place where all plots were wrapped up nicely and it felt rewarding it felt kind of rushed just to get this thing over with as quickly as possible. And for a while the Barbarian, and Paladin were actually doing okay. Bickering slightly but I mean knowing how far it could go with them full on verbally fighting this wasn’t that bad But this would come to a head at the end of the session.
So we were about to go into the final battle and defeat the villain and then the Paladin made yet again another jab at the Barbarian (the two had been making jabs at each other all night) and Barbarian decided he’d had enough. And attempted to kill three Paladin. I was kinda shocked that the DM let them actually fight and waste all there HP pre us even fight the BBEG. But I guess she was so over their shit and she knew they’d complain and end up verbally fighting if she didn’t let them fight so she just did. The two got into a fight and the Paladin actually pretty easily took down the Barbarian somehow. Also the Rogue in our party helped the Paladin a lot.
And then the unthinkable happened. It genuinely disgusts me that he’d even think this is a joke, and I’m gonna try to keep this not NSFW. But let’s just say he was going to do something really bad stuff to the Barbarians corpse as a joke. And he kept talking about it. the DM obviously told him no, and I was obviously disgusted. The Barbarians player quit because the healer refused to heal him. And then the Paladin, Rogue, Cleric (all guys by the way) kept complaining about how the DM didn’t let him do the funny thing. And I will be honest I lost my cool and yelled at them about how they were disgusting for thinking that doing stuff like that is a joke and that after they were told no they’d throw a tantrum and act like children.
For the rest of the night the Paladin acted like a kid who got his hand caught in a cookie jar to me, and I could tell he thought I was a bitch. When I was totally in the right for yelling, but I digress. So anyways Cleric healed the Paladin, we fight and beat the BBEG and go our separate ways
And let me tell you I could not be more happy to never speak to those people again. I went back to my good campaign that has still been going on for four years. And from what I heard the Paladin, Cleric, and Rogue all said they weren’t going to play DnD ever again and just didn’t think it was for them. Also the Barbarian blocked all of them including my DM friend and honestly I think that’s for the best for his mental health good for him.
But yeah that was about almost two weeks ago, and I can honestly say this horrible experience has really tainted my views of DMing I don’t think after this I will ever DM, and I can honestly say my friend will definitely not be trying it again. And even though they were jerks it’s sad that campaign will be those guys one and only experience with the game, so yeah that’s the end. No real ending I kinda lowkey just wanted to get it off my chest but if you made it this far in this very very long post thank you. And have a nice day.
submitted by TerribleDress3303 to dndhorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:16 Blueverrii SOLO (7-Star Event): Swampert vs. Espathra

SOLO (7-Star Event): Swampert vs. Espathra
7-Star POISON Tera Battles ft. Swampert~
vs. Espathra (Psychic)
Item: Leftovers (or Twisted Spoon, to boost Psychic-type moves for faster raid but you have to manage smartly your HP stats with cheer-heal)
Turns 1-4: Lumina Crash (or turns 1-3 if you're lucky to terastalize w/o getting your Tera Orb charge lowered)
Turns 5-7: Calm Mind (for Sp Attk & Sp Def +3 stacks, or you could do more for higher damage, faster raid)
Turns 8+: Store Power (spam use as needed, or alternate with Lumina Crash to harshly lower Swampert's Sp Def stats for more damage)
— ><> ><> ><> —
PS. These are the mon, builds & items that worked for me during my (first) attempt vs. Swampert tera battle event.🙂
submitted by Blueverrii to PokemonScarletViolet [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:02 Hazzula Correct unli promo for smart rocket sim and B818 modem

Recently got a smart bro rocket sim (6gb + 2gb daily for 7 days version). It was working fine until the data was used up and i bought an unli data plan for 999. When i did this, my B818 could no longer connect to the internet.
Doing my research, it seems like i bought the wrong unli data plan and should have bought the unli fam for 1299 instead. Is this correct?
If i buy the unli fam for 1299, will that allow my sim to work with the B818 again?
Other options would be to buy another rocket sim. Or to wait for the current unli data plan to expire and then purchase the unli fam plan.
submitted by Hazzula to InternetPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:19 Gullible_Swordfish_9 Refilling hp 305 Cartridges E0 Error

Attempting to refill hp 305 cartidges with off brand ink. Using in hp 6430e. Has never been exposed to hp+. Cartridge protection is turned off.
They will work for a short while after clicking "no" as usual when asked if they are genuine in hp smart but then I will get E0 for "incompatible cartidge" after 10 pages or so. I suspect the printer is counting pages printed and using this to brick a cartridge with ink in.
I have cleaned contacts and power cycled etc.
After some research I found which contact pin it uses to "count" and covered it with tape. This worked for a while but after another few pages E0. If i try this on a new cartridge to stop it ever counting I get E0 immediately.
In an attempt to find the chip in the cartridge I took apart one of the bricked ones. I can't see where it would be all the traces seem to run to the print head. Could it be in the printer? How do the cartridges identify themselves? Im assuming the memory in the printer will be too large to override by inserting lots of different cartridges like the good old days. I have 8 that all throw E0 errors.
I would be interested in how anyone else has navigated this as it appears many people have been able to - There is alwayd a way around hp bs but I am struggling to find it in this instance.
Appreciate any help, thanks.
submitted by Gullible_Swordfish_9 to printers [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:14 Imxpertgamer_YT First Time PC Build. Suggestions and Recommendations Welcome.

Part Item Price
CPU Intel Core i5-12600K 3.7 GHz 10-Core Processor $175.73 @ Amazon
CPU Cooler Thermalright Peerless Assassin 66.17 CFM CPU Cooler $32.90 @ Amazon
Motherboard ASRock Z690 Pro RS ATX LGA1700 Motherboard $119.99 @ Amazon
Memory Silicon Power GAMING 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory $50.97 @ Amazon
Storage HP EX900 Plus 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 3.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive $85.00
Storage Seagate BarraCuda 4 TB 3.5" 5400 RPM Internal Hard Drive $35.00
Video Card MSI VENTUS 2X BLACK OC GeForce RTX 4060 Ti 8 GB Video Card $350.00
Case Fractal Design Meshify C ATX Mid Tower Case $35.00
Power Supply Thermaltake Smart 700 W 80+ Certified ATX Power Supply $50.00
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
Total $934.59
Some parts I was able to find for a lower cost on Facebook Marketplace. My preferred budget is under $1,000.
Does this build look solid enough to where I wouldn't need an upgrade for at least 5+ Years? I plan to use it for heavy gaming and video editing. Also a side question I have because I have little to no knowledge about CPU's. Someone is selling an AMD Ryzen 5 5600X on Facebook Marketplace for $100. According to pcgamebenchmark.com that CPU isn't too bad in comparison to the i5-12600K I originally planned on buying. Here's the results it gave me and how it would look paired with my GPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X. My question is, should I buy the 5600X and have to change my motherboard aswell? Or should I stick with the 12600K? I want something that's a bang for my buck. Thank You all in advance 🙏
submitted by Imxpertgamer_YT to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 11:11 Archdave63 Optimized Network Diagram utilizing both 2.5Gbps and 1Gbps Connections

Optimized Network Diagram utilizing both 2.5Gbps and 1Gbps Connections

Network Design Plan

  1. Internet Connection and Router:
    • High-speed internet connection from the ISP.
    • A router with both 1G and 2.5G WAN/LAN ports.
  2. Switches:
    • 1G switches for general devices (e.g., smart TVs, IoT devices).
    • 2.5G switches for high-demand devices (e.g., PCs used for web surfing and backups).
  3. Central File Server:
    • Equipped with a 2.5G NIC to handle large data transfers efficiently.
  4. PCs and Devices:
    • PCs used for web surfing and backups equipped with 2.5G NICs.
    • Other devices (e.g., printers, secondary PCs) connected via 1G NICs.

Network Diagram

Below is a description of the network diagram:
  1. Internet Connection:
    • High-speed modem connected to the router's WAN port.
  2. Router:
    • Router with dual WAN/LAN capability (1G and 2.5G ports).
  3. 2.5G Network Segment:
    • Router to 2.5G Switch: A 2.5G connection from the router's LAN port to a 2.5G switch.
    • 2.5G Switch: Connected to high-demand PCs and the central file server via 2.5G connections.
  4. 1G Network Segment:
    • Router to 1G Switch: A 1G connection from the router's LAN port to a 1G switch.
    • 1G Switch: Connected to secondary PCs, smart TVs, printers, and IoT devices via 1G connections.


  • Router: Acts as the central hub, managing traffic between the internet and internal network.
  • 2.5G Switch: Connects devices requiring higher bandwidth for tasks like web surfing and backups.
  • 1G Switch: Connects other devices that do not need high-speed connections, optimizing overall network performance.
By segmenting the network into 1G and 2.5G segments, high-demand tasks can take advantage of faster speeds, while less critical devices use the 1G network. This setup ensures efficient utilization of available bandwidth, leading to improved performance for both web surfing and data backups.
submitted by Archdave63 to homelab [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 09:05 Stanley232323 Daily Community Tiering Post Day 43: Stop, Samur time! It's Unovan-Samurott!

Hello again everybody!
Before we get started on today's post the current voting for Emboar is another extremely close vote with votes for B tier and votes for C tier almost tied, still way too close to call with the amount of time left on the vote. (Reminder if you haven't voted on that one yet there is still plenty of time and you can find it by going to the link below and going to the comments or by sorting the Sub by the "Daily Tiering/Voting Posts" flair.) I'll continue to check the numbers and update on tomorrow's post!
However, the previous day's vote time for Serperior has officially ended and while it was extremely close between A tier and B tier votes, B tier did end up winning out! (By a margin of exactly 2 votes!) So with that being said Serperior will become the newest member of the B tier!
(Please note that this voting/tiering is centered around Classic as after a certain point in Endless only about 5 Pokemon and 2 abilities are truly viable.)
So current tiers are:
S tier - Garganacl, Cloyster, Skeledirge, Gholdengo, Tinkaton
A tier - Gyarados/Mega, VenusauMega/Dyna, Aegislash, Corviknight/Dyna, Excadrill, GardevoiMega, Toxapex, ScizoMega, GengaMega/Dyna, Delphox, Blastoise/Mega/Dyna, Blaziken/Mega, Swampert/Mega, Empoleon
B tier - Kanto-Persian/Dynamax Kanto-Meowth, Weavile, Starmie, Rhyperior, Quagsire, Mamoswine, Whimsicott, Aggron/Mega, Infernape, Alolan-Decidueye, Johto-Typhlosion, Torterra, Serperior
C tier - Linoone, Meganium
F tier - Dustox
With that being said let's get to today's vote!
Today is day 43 of tier voting and we are on to the last of the generation 5 starters with the Water type, Samurott! (Remember this is for Unovan-Samurott the pure Water type one, Hisuian-Samurott will be voted on separately in a vote in the coming days along with the other 2 Hisui starters). Unovan-Samurott is a pure Water type which of course means it only has 2 weaknesses which is in itself pretty solid. Unovan-Samurott is fairly bulky, moreso on the Physical side and moreso than its Hisuian counterpart, and has decent attacking stats. However, its Speed stat is somewhat underwhelming, and lower than that of its Hisuian counterpart. Unovan-Samurott also has a slightly higher Special Attack than Physical Attack stat even though its moveset leans more into physical attacks (especially when considering its Passive Ability and most of its Egg moves definitely seem to have been chosen with the Hisuian version in mind). Its Hidden Ability also isn't the greatest as protecting it from Critical Hits is a bit of a niche ability when compared with some other starters' who seem to have been tailor-made for them. However, its Physical Attack is still decent allowing it to make use of its Passive Ability, Intrepid Sword and its Rare Egg Move is Shell Smash which means some interesting mixed attacker sets are highly possible. Its natural movepool does have some solid damage options and access to Swords Dance by level up but it only has a few utility options to work with (it does get Soak by level up however which allows you to Toxic poison Eternatus so that's something).
(Please note that Pokemon with Mega/Dynamax evolutions will be tiered as one Pokemon and not tiered separately for their Mega/Dynamax form. Different variants such as Alolan Persian vs. Kanto Persian will be tiered separately however.)
(Also here is the post with rules for voting/tiering posts and a little more explanation about them in general: https://www.reddit.com/pokerogue/s/0LNZhPPzR9 Links to past votes can all be found here as well in comments added to the OP with each new vote)
And here is a quick reminder of what each tier generally means:
S tier: Top tier, can make or break your entire run, essentially the cream of the crop
A tier: really strong but not quite top tier, maybe slightly outclassed or has a slight weakness holding it back
B tier: solid choices that can make it to your endgame team, might be reliant on team composition to truly function well or might just be outclassed as well
C tier: usually early-mid game Mons, ones you don't really want to take to end game if you can avoid it, usually pretty decently glaring weakness but something redeeming enough to keep from F tier
F tier: no reason to use in end game unless you're doing it for a meme/joke
Abstain/No Opinion: this will be a voting option mostly just for Pokemon people haven't unlocked/used to their full potential yet. If Abstaining votes outvote each individual tier then the Pokemon will be tabled for the time being and another vote will open up for it later (can mostly see this happening with Legendaries).
Type: Water
Mega: No
Dynamax: No
Starter cost {Oshawott}: 3
Possible Egg moves: Ice Spinner, Shell Side Arm, Sacred Sword, Shell Smash
Biomes: Lake
Abilities: Torrent
Hidden Ability: Shell Armor
Passive Ability: Intrepid Sword - boosts this Pokemon's Attack stat by one stage the first time it enters battle
Evolution: Oshawott evolves into Dewott at level 17. Dewott evolves into Unovan-Samurott at level 36 during the Dawn or Day time (in-game)
Base stats:
HP - 95
Attack - 100
Defense - 85
Sp. Attack - 108
Sp. Defense - 70
Speed - 70
Learnset by level up: Megahorn, Soak, Tackle, Tail Whip, Water Gun, Focus Energy, Razor Shell, Fury Cutter, Water Pulse, Aerial Ace, Aqua Jet, Encore, Aqua Tail, Retaliate, Swords Dance, Hydro Pump, Slash
Notable TMs: Protect, Thief, Chilling Water, Facade, Bulldoze, Avalanche, Rain Dance, Snowscape, Hail, Smart Strike, Dig, False Swipe, Brick Break, Air Slash, Body Slam, Waterfall, Rest, Sleep Talk, Grass Knot, X-Scissor, Drill Run, Liquidation, Surf, Helping Hand, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Double Team, Scald, Dragon Tail, Work Up, Swagger
Tomorrow's vote: Chesnaught!
Pokemon on the radar for voting very soon: Flygon, Leavanny, Wormadam-Trash, Gastrodon, Clodsire, Staraptor, Klefki, Kanto-Raichu, Gallade/Mega, Comfey, Araquanid, Crobat, Malamar, Ferrothorn, Walrein, Gliscor, Roserade, Vileplume, Minior, Hitmonchan, Bibarel, Chandelure, Archaludon/Dynamax Duraludon, Alakazam/Mega, Flamigo, Volcarona, Barbaracle, Butterfree/Dyna, Beedrill/Mega, Mawile/Mega, Drednaw/Dyna, Annihilape, Cramorant, Aerodactyl/Mega, Glimmora, Heatran, Phione, Ogerpon, Tapu Koko, Dialga/Primal, Galarian-Zapdos, Regieleki, Regidrago, Zacian, Zamazenta, Rayquaza/Mega, Latias/Mega, Latios/Mega, Ho-Oh, Volcanion, Toxtricity/Dyna, Carbink, Porygon-Z, Cinccino, Snorlax/Dyna, Wishiwashi
(Other requests will be added to this list and this list is not necessarily in order)
Happy voting!
View Poll
submitted by Stanley232323 to pokerogue [link] [comments]
