Stacy keibler gallery

For all things Stacy Keibler

2012.02.29 22:49 Rosetti For all things Stacy Keibler

Stacy Ann-Marie Keibler is an American actress, dancer and model, as well as a former cheerleader and retired professional wrestler, specifically known for her work with World Championship Wrestling and World Wrestling Entertainment.

2024.06.01 03:47 Ok-Willow3886 The World Of Playboy 1999/2000

The World Of Playboy 1999/2000
Why did the girls idolize Playboy? I am 1 year older than Holly and I will try to explain it for the younger people on the sub.
There is the magazine and the mansion. I will try to explain the mansion. Before social media, there were barely any pictures out there of the mansion and the parties. For the most part, the only pictures we would see would be published once a month in the magazine under "World of Playboy". That was it. That's all we saw.
The appeal was that it was wrapped in mystery. A private club where only beautiful people and celebrities were allowed to go. They pulled the curtain now but before GND and social media, it was glamourous, mysterious, very exclusive and fancy. I know it is hard to believe now that it looked like such a fun and unique place.
It was intensified by the fact that Hef had been married for 10 years and away from the spotlight But in the late 90s, Kimberly and Hef separated and there was a lot of publicity regarding his coming back on the scene. Like he had slept for 10 years and now he was ready to party. It was a happening.
submitted by Ok-Willow3886 to GirlsNextLevelSnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 04:05 Djf47021 Stacy Keibler WWF Debut (July 14, 2001)

Stacy Keibler WWF Debut (July 14, 2001) submitted by Djf47021 to WCW [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 16:24 graywolt Total Flipped World Tour - Hawaiian Style & Planes, Trains, and Hot Air Mobiles

Total Flipped World Tour - Hawaiian Style & Planes, Trains, and Hot Air Mobiles
Dawn is eliminated in a 7-1 vote, while Anne Maria is finale-bound in a 4-4-2 vote.
Scott & Topher have made it back to the plane, where they see Dawn and Anne Maria, who simply look happy with each other. Scott glares at Topher, saying that he just had to jinx it. In the confessional, Topher says that while Dawn and Anne Maria making up is a slight roadblock, he still has an idea on how to betray Scott.
Later in the day, Dawn and Anne Maria are in first class, and Dawn is wondering how either of them would win a tiebreaker against Topher or Scott, as it’ll likely be physical. As they think about this, Topher bursts into first class, scaring the two. Topher sees this, telling them not to worry, as it’s only about Scott. They ask what Topher means, and Topher huddles with them.
The Jumbo Jet is still on the ground in Drumheller, where the elimination ceremony is happening. Chris holds it outside and gives marshmallows to the ones who are safe, as to call back to Total Drama Island. Chris gives Topher a marshmallow which he is giddy at. Chris then tosses a marshmallow underhand to Dawn, and said marshmallow picks up an ember from the campfire.
Dawn yelps when she grabs it, which causes her to bounce it into the spilled puddle of oil. Everyone clamors for Dawn to pick up the marshmallow before it’s too late, but she doesn’t realize what happened. When Dawn finally sees it, the animals and Clone Max are running out of the plane, and at that moment the Jumbo Jet is consumed in a giant explosive fireball.
The plane is now in smithereens, and Dawn looks char-broiled now. Topher asks if Dawn’s alright, and Dawn angrily snaps back at him. Chris now declares Dawn out of the game, which angers Anne Maria. Anne Maria says that she saw how Chris threw the marshmallow, which makes this whole ordeal Chris’s fault. Chris tells her to shut it before he disqualifies her, which she begrudgingly does.
Scott rushes to high-five Topher, which he worriedly does. Topher then runs to do something important, and he goes to burn the votes. Scott is behind a totem and pulls the votes out of the fire, revealing 3 votes for Scott, and one vote for Anne Maria. Scott realizes that this means Topher voted for him, meaning he’d be gone had Chris not blew up the Jumbo Jet. Scott crushes the papers in his anger, giving him slight burns and a paper cut, which Scott screams at. Scott then says that Topher is going down, before walking away in anger.
We then cut to Chris, who is in front of the campfire, and is on the brink of tears before signing off.
Hawaiian Style
Geoff welcomes the audience to another Total Drama Aftermath episode, this time in beautiful Hawaii. Geoff then simultaneously introduces Zoey, Sugar, Staci, Cameron, and Max, as there isn’t enough time to introduce them all. Sugar is annoyed at this, and claims that she deserves to have an introduction, unlike the rest of the “sorry losers”. Sugar asks if she can sing a new song she just made up, but Geoff immediately shoots the idea down.
Zoey asks where Blaineley is, and Geoff explains that because of her kidnapping of Katie and her attempted assault of Geoff, she’s behind bars now. Harold says that’s a relief, to which Geoff and Cameron agree.
Geoff then introduces Katie, who’s made it back to the studio via boat using the passport Blaineley gave her. Bruno the Bear is behind her, which makes everyone think that he’s going after Katie, until Katie explains that Bruno became attached to her when she fixed his hurt paw. Sadie says that’s cute, and Bruno roars at her, scaring everyone. Katie then comes closer to Geoff, but whenever Geoff gets closer, Bruno roars at him, making Katie scold Bruno.
Katie then recaps the final three contestants, going over their qualities, weaknesses, and biggest moments, including the duet “Who You Gonna Root For?”, which gets interrupted by Harold and Sugar. Geoff adds commentary and draws on their pictures in an attempt at humor. The peanut gallery splits off into teams, based on which final contestant they support.
Team Anne Maria: Ella, Sadie, Brick, Izzy, Harold, Owen, Jasmine, Zoey, Staci, Cameron, Max, Trent, Sky, Beardo
Team Topher: Alejandro, Sugar
Team Scott: Sierra
Sugar says that Topher barely stands a chance against Scott, and Anne Maria would fare even worse. Sierra says that Sugar’s got a point, but Harold claims that Anne Maria has to win, as she’s the only good person left in the game. Meanwhile, Bruno roars at Staci, and she asks Jasmine if the Chamomile tea is ready, and Jasmine goes over to Bruno, forces his jaw open, making the bear drink the tea, calming him down.
Katie then announces that one supporter from each team will partake in a challenge to give their chosen person immunity, which is to have the contestant run up the hill, grab a lei, and surf back down the mountain past an actively erupting volcano. Jasmine volunteers for Team Anne Maria, Sierra for Team Scott, and Sugar for Team Topher.
Each contestant is then asked to choose a spirit animal for their person, with Jasmine choosing a wolverine, Sierra choosing a pig, and Sugar choosing a peacock. Geoff then reveals that for the final part of the challenge, they must put the lei on their spirit animal.
Jasmine gets to the top first, but Sierra cleverly nabs the lei from her. Sugar is further behind, getting up the hill about 5 seconds later. Right now, Geoff reveals that the contestants must sing “I’m Winning This”, courtesy of Chris. Sierra is the first one to surf, with Jasmine and Sugar right behind her.
Jasmine and Sierra fly off at the bottom of the river at the same time, and Sierra rams Jasmine getting her to drop her lei. Sugar is the last one to fly off the river, but she overshoots the platform, plunging into the water. Sierra successfully gets her lei onto the pig, successfully completing the challenge. Katie tells Geoff to get help for Sugar, so Geoff begrudgingly calls for a lifeguard. Bruno shows up instead, dragging Sugar in his mouth like a chew toy. They get back to the shore when Sugar calls Bruno a mangy furball, getting the bear to chase after Sugar.
Sierra asks what the prize is for Scott, and Geoff explains that Scott will have a wheelbarrow for first place, while Anne Maria will have a baby carriage for Jasmine’s second place finish. Topher gets nil, and Geoff & Katie use this moment to finally embrace each other. They realize that they're still on camera, so Geoff signs off, saying that you'll see him and the cast again quite soon.
Planes, Trains, and Hot Air Mobiles
We open with Chris and Chef in the recently destroyed Jumbo Jet cockpit, with the latter recapping the events of the last episode, especially when the plane blew up, to which Anne Maria shouts it was Chris’s fault. He ignores this and starts to mourn over all the expensive items and trinkets in the jet, including his Jacuzzi made from Italian tiles, along with his giant flat screen TV. Topher and Scott tell him to get on with the show, but Chris is having none of it, believing that the loss of the Jumbo Jet is more important than the competition.
Anne Maria is asking everyone to help Dawn get out of the debris, but no one hears this. Anne Maria then does it herself, and the Jersey girl asks if she’s mostly alright. Dawn says that about half of her body throbs in pain when she tries to move, but she can manage. Topher feels bad about what happened to Dawn, so he finds a wheelchair for her so she can sit down. Anne Maria then offers her some of her hairspray, which Dawn passes on.
Chef then finds a giant crate that holds a two-seated helicopter, convincing Chris that he and Chef are saved. Scott asks about he and the contestants, and Chris says that he’s come up with a new challenge, which is to make it to Tijuana Beach in Tijuana, Mexico, and then catch a speedboat to Hawaii, where the final challenge will commence. Chris then says that the last one to the Big Island will be eliminated. Anne Maria asks about Dawn, and Chris treats her just like a normal eliminated contestant, telling her to find her own way back. Chris gives everyone a GPS and tells everyone to get going as he starts to fly away.
Topher offers to team up with Scott, so they can eliminate Anne Maria, to which Scott angrily refuses. Topher wonders why, until Scott pulls out the charred votes from last night. Scott says that he knows what Topher tried to do, meaning he won’t team up with him. Topher then brushes this off, saying that he never needed Scott’s help anyway.
Meanwhile, Dawn and Anne Maria are on the wrecked plane, trying to find anything to help them get to Hawaii. Anne Maria finds a metal lunch tray, seat belt, and parachute, and Dawn gets an idea, thanking Cameron out loud. Back outside, Scott hops onto a Total Drama production truck, along with various animals on contract. With Topher, he’s simply wandering around until he trips onto train tracks, seeing a train station in the distance. In the truck, Scott falls into a crate with Sasquatchanakwa, getting immediately tossed out. He then sees Clone Max in a cage and promises to release him if he can behave.
In his helicopter, Chris says that Topher is currently in first place, with Scott right behind him in second. Chris then notes that Anne Maria hasn’t left Drumheller yet, confusing him. Back at Drumheller though, Anne Maria and Dawn’s hot air balloon is nearly ready, with Anne Maria’s vast amount of hairspray being the main catalyst, with their lack of basket being the only problem. Anne Maria then points out Dawn’s wheelchair, which would be a suitable replacement. Anne Maria then gets onto Dawn’s lap, igniting the hairspray, and making them airborne.
The Total Drama production truck unloads onto the train that Topher is on, which will be going nonstop to Mexico. Topher cheers at this until Scott bursts into his cabin, with Clone Max on a leash, telling the conductor that the clone is simply Scott’s foreign cousin from Russia. Scott then unleashes him, siccing him on Topher, who is chased out and forced onto the roof, where Scott’s at. We hear a thunderclap, and inexplicably, hailstones start to pour down. They end up on two different parts of the train, and Scott nearly succeeds in splitting Topher’s car away from the rest of the train, but Topher jumps onto Scott’s car just in time.
With Anne Maria and Dawn, they both are fearful of dying in the hailstorm. Because of this, along with Scott and Topher’s debacle, Chris sounds the song chime, garnering many complaints, but they do end up singing “I’m Gonna Make It”, as they’re moving towards Mexico.
During the song though, Scott shoves Topher off the train, while Dawn and Anne Maria’s hot air balloon runs out of gas, leaving Scott as the only person still moving towards Mexico. Thankfully for Topher though, a herd of wild horses is running right next to the train, and Topher roughly lands on one, getting back on track. Scott also gets shoved out of the plane, also landing on a horse, making it a two-horse race. (ba-dum-tsss)
With Anne Maria and Dawn, Anne Maria feels that her chances of winning are hopeless, with the fact that their balloon ran out of gas. Dawn tells her to not lose faith, and soon after she says that, a black limousine drives by, and the voice of a teenage girl tells the driver to stop. The girl goes to check out the grounded balloon, but when she sees Dawn and Anne Maria, she’s shocked.
Anne Maria asks if the girl is the Dakota Milton, and Dakota asks if this is the real Anne Maria, which Anne Maria proves with her signature can of hairspray. Dakota asks what they’re doing with a grounded hot air balloon, and Dawn then chimes in, explaining that Anne Maria is in the final three of Total Drama World Tour, going against Topher and Scott, where they must get to Tijuana Beach before Anne Maria is eliminated. Dakota tells them to say no more, ushering them into her limo, and telling the driver to change course to Tijuana Beach, and to step on it. She then calls her father, explaining her detour.
Scott and Topher reach Tijuana Beach simultaneously, crashing into each other. In their tie-up, they hear the sudden stop of a car, and the emergence of Dawn and Anne Maria, with Dakota saying that it was amazing to meet them, before telling Anne Maria to win the million. Dawn and Anne Maria take a boat before Scott and Topher, who are right behind her. In Hawaii, Chris, Chef, and the peanut gallery are gobsmacked at the turn of events. Jasmine says that she knew Anne Maria and Dawn could do it, while Sierra is asking if that was the real Dakota Milton.
Back with the competitors, Anne Maria is barely holding first place, with Scott right behind her. Topher starts to ram into Scott’s boat, which is slowing the farm boy down. They then start to fight with swordfish, fully letting Anne Maria and Dawn take the lead. They avoid the naval mines littered all through the ocean, making it to Hawaii first. Nearly everyone is cheering for the girls, and Cameron runs up to Dawn, simply glad that she’s safe, and praising both Dawn and Anne Maria’s ingenuity.
Topher and Scott are still in their fishy duel for 2nd, and Scott brags about how he’ll win, but ends up hitting a naval mine. The peanut gallery is laughing at Scott’s predicament, and Chris says that the Americans must’ve not dealt with all of their mines. Topher cheers for his basically guaranteed spot in the finale, but inches away from the island, his boat runs out of gas. Topher starts to paddle with oars, but Scott’s boat crashes into Topher’s boat, launching them onto the beach simultaneously.
Chris says that it looks to be a tie, and while he could go to slow-motion to determine the 2nd place contestant, he purposely drags out the remaining 30 seconds of the episode to reach the end, where Topher and Scott are still tied for 2nd.
Vote for one of Scott or Topher to face Anne Maria in the finale, and feel free to come up with any plot points for future episodes!
submitted by graywolt to Totaldrama [link] [comments]


This is RA 2004 db. At WM Cena has beaten Brock and Steve Austin(My user character) and became WWE champion. He was already on 91 at some areas before that match. But since then his pop isn't increasing. I head that star quality and charisma has high importance in peak pop one can get. In this case his pop is less than both. What could be the reason for this? Is there any other thing that influences the pop.
submitted by Responsible_Star5366 to FantasyBookers [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 10:47 Realreckless9090 Stacy Keibler

Stacy Keibler submitted by Realreckless9090 to LadiesOfWrestling [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:05 moonesmoon Naming Each Current WWE Women's Best Years of their career

This list will include only Main Roster girls who have had some kind of accomplishments and not girls like Elektra, Maxine, Valhalla, Ivy etc.
1. ALBA FYRE - 2019
Won the first ever NXT UK Women's Battle Royal
Undefeated for months in singles action
Won the NXT UK Women's Championship at NXT UK Takeover Cardiff
Competed in the first ever Women's War Games Match
2. ALEXA BLISS - 2017
Entered the year as SmackDown Women's Champion
Won the first ever Women's Steel Cage match on SmackDown
Won the SmackDown Women's Championship for the second time
Entered WrestleMania 33 as Champion
Won the RAW Women's Championship at Payback
First Woman to win both the RAW & SmackDown Women's Championship
Won the RAW Women's Championship for the second time against Sasha Banks
Competed & won the first ever Women's Match in Abu Dhabi against Sasha Banks
3. ASUKA - 2020
Entered the year as WWE Women's Tag Team Champion with Kairi Sane
Won the Women's Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Won the RAW Women's Championship on the RAW after Money in the Bank
Won the RAW Women's Championship for the second time against Sasha Banks at SummerSlam
Won the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships with Charlotte Flair at TLC
4. BAYLEY - 2020
Entered the year as SmackDown Women's Champion
Won the first ever Women's Championship Match in Saudi Arabia
Won at WrestleMania 36
Won the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships with Sasha Banks on SmackDown
Defended the title inside Hell in a Cell against Sasha Banks
Captain of Team SmackDown at Survivor Series
5. BECKY LYNCH - 2019
Won the Women's Royal Rumble Match
Won the first ever Women's WrestleMania Main Event
Won the RAW & SmackDown Women's Championship at the same time at WrestleMania 35
First Woman to pin Ronda Rousey in WWE
Retained the title against Sasha Banks inside Hell in a Cell
Competed in a TLC match for the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships
Won the Women's Royal Rumble Match
Main Evented & won the SmackDown Women's Championship against Sasha Banks at WrestleMania Day 1
Retained the title inside Hell in a Cell against Bayley
Sole Survivor for Team RAW at Survivor Series
Competed in the inaugural NXT Women's Dusty Cup Tag Team Classic
Won the NXT Women's Tag Team Championships with Indi Hartwell
8. CARMELLA - 2018
Won the SmackDown Women's Championship after successfully cashing in on Charlotte on the SmackDown after WrestleMania 34
Retained the title over Asuka several times
Won the second ever Mixed Match Challenge
Entered the year as Divas Champion
Last ever WWE Divas Champion
First ever WWE RAW Women's Champion crowned at WrestleMania 32
Won the RAW Women's Championship for the second time against Sasha Banks at SummerSlam
Won the first ever Women's Hell in a Cell Match & won her second RAW Women's Championship at the event
Won the first ever Women's PPV Main Event
Sole Survivor for Team Raw at Survivor Series alongside Bayley
Won her third RAW Women's Championship in the first ever Women's Iron Man Match on the main roster
10. CHELSEA GREEN - 2023
Returned at Royal Rumble & broke a record for the shortest time spent at 5 seconds
Competed at WrestleMania 39
Won the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships with Sonya Deville on RAW
Became 2x Tag Team Champion after Sonya Deville suffered an injury and Piper Niven replaced her
11. DAKOTA KAI - 2022
Won the NXT Women's Tag Team Championships with Raquel Gonzalez at Stand & Deliver
Made her Debut at SummerSlam
Won at Clash at the Castle
Won the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships on RAW against Aliyah & Raquel Rodriguez
Won the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships for the second time at Crown Jewel against Alexa Bliss & Asuka
Competed at War Games
12. INDI HARTWELL - 2023
Competed at Royal Rumble
Won the NXT Women's Championship at Stand & Deliver in a Ladder Match
Got drafted to RAW while still being champion
Made her RAW debut alongside Candice Lerae
Challenged Becky Lynch for the NXT Women's Championship on RAW
13. ISLA DAWN - 2023
Won the NXT Women's Tag Team Championships with Alba Fyre at Stand & Deliver
Got drafted to SmackDown as Champion
Competed in a unification match for both sets of the Women's Tag Titles
14. IYO SKY - 2023
Entered the year as WWE Women's Tag Team Champion
Competed at her first ever WrestleMania against two HOF'ers
Won the Women's Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Won the WWE Women's Championship at SummerSlam against Bianca Belair
Defeated Charlotte Flair & Asuka at Fastlane
Defeated Bianca Belair at Crown Jewel
15. KAIRI SANE - 2019
Won her SmackDown debut
Won the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships with Asuka at Hell in a Cell
Retained the titles in a TLC match against Charlotte Flair & Becky Lynch
Won the NXT Women's Tag Team Championships against 3 other tag teams
Defended the titles at Worlds Collide
Retained the tag titles over teams such as Toxic Attraction, Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley, Nikitta Lyons & Zoey Stark, Nikki Cross & Piper Niven.
17. KIANA JAMES - 2023
Won the NXT Women's Tag Team Championships with Fallon Henley at Vengeance Day
Challenged Tiffany Stratton for the NXT Women's Championship
Defeated Roxanne Perez at Deadline in a Steel Cage Match
18. LIV MORGAN - 2022
Competed at WrestleMania 38 for the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships with Rhea Ripley
Won the Women's Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Won the SmackDown Women's Championship from Ronda Rousey after cashing in
First Woman to pin Ronda Rousey twice
Retained the title against Shayna Baszler at Clash at the Castle in Wales
Defeated Sonya Deville in a No Disqualification match on SmackDown
19. LYRA VALKYRIA - 2023
Competed at Stand & Deliver in a Ladder Match for the NXT Women's Championship
Was in the finals of the vacant NXT Women's Championship tournament against Tiffany Stratton at Battleground
Won the NXT Women's Championship from Becky Lynch at Halloween Havoc
Retained the title against Xia Li on NXT
20. MARYSE - 2010
Won the WWE Divas Championship for the second time on RAW
Won the first ever Divas Championship Tournament Finals
Won at WrestleMania 26 in a 10-diva tag team match
Challenged for the Divas Championship multiple times
21. NAOMI - 2017
Won at Royal Rumble kick-off
Won the SmackDown Women's Championship at Elimination Chamber
Won the SmackDown Women's Championship at WrestleMania 33
Defeated Lana at Money in the Bank
Competed at Survivor Series as part of Team SmackDown
22. NATALYA - 2021
Won a Tag Team Turmoil Match at WrestleMania 37
Won the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships with Tamina on SmackDown
Retained the tag titles against Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler multiple times
Defeated Mandy Rose at Hell in a Cell
Competed in the first ever Queen's Crown Tournament
Competed at Survivor Series as part of Team SmackDown
23. NIA JAX - 2018
Won the RAW Women's Championship at WrestleMania 34
Defeated Alexa Bliss at Backlash to retain the title
Won the Battle Royal at the first ever WWE All Women's PPV
Sole Survivor at Survivor Series as part of Team RAW
Challenged Ronda Rousey at TLC for the RAW Women's Championship
24. NIKKI CROSS - 2021
Won the Women's Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Won the RAW Women's Championship against Charlotte Flair on the RAW after MITB
Won the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships with Rhea Ripley on RAW
25. PIPER NIVEN - 2023
Returned at the Royal Rumble
Became Tag Team Champion with Chelsea Green after replacing an injured Sonya Deville
Retained the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships twice
Defeated Rhea Ripley in a Last Woman Standing Match at New Years Evil
Won the first ever Women's Dusty Cup Tag Team Classic
Became the first ever NXT Women's Tag Team Champions with Dakota Kai
Won the NXT Women's Championship against Io Shirai at Stand & Deliver
Defeated Dakota Kai at NXT Takeover 36
Won a War Games Match
Defeated Dakota Kai in a street fight match
27. RHEA RIPLEY - 2023
Won the Women's Royal Rumble Match
Defeated Charlotte Flair at WrestleMania 39 for the SmackDown Women's Championship
Won at Backlash, Night of Champions, Payback, Crown Jewel, Survivor Series
Undefeated at singles matches throughout the year
Won the NXT Women's Championship against Ember Moon at NXT Takeover New Orleans
Retained the title against Dakota Kai, Nikki Cross & Toni Storm
Won the NXT Women's Championship for the second time at Evolution against Kairi Sane
Defeated Kairi Sane at NXT Takeover War Games in a 2-out-of-3 falls match
29. SHOTZI - 2021
Competed at the inaugural NXT Women's Dusty Cup Tag Team Classic
Won the NXT Women's Tag Team Championships with Ember Moon
Won her official SmackDown debut match
Competed at Survivor Series as part of Team SmackDown
30. SONYA DEVILLE - 2023
Challenged for the SmackDown Women's Championship multiple times
Competed at WrestleMania 39
Won the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships with Chelsea Green on RAW
31. TAMINA - 2021
Undefeated on SmackDown for months
Won a Tag Team Turmoil match with Natalya at WrestleMania 37
First Woman alongside Natalya to compete both nights at WrestleMania
Won the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships on SmackDown with Natalya
Competed in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Challenged for the NXT Women's Championship in a Ladder Match at Stand & Deliver
Won the NXT Women's Championship against Lyra Valkyria at Battleground
Defeated Thea Hail at NXT Great American Bash in a Submission Match
Main Evented NXT No Mercy with Becky Lynch in an Extreme Rules Match
Competed at NXT Deadline in an Iron Survivor Challenge Match
33. TRISH STRATUS - 2002
Entered the year as WWE Women's Champion
Defeated Jazz to retain the title at the Royal Rumble
Won her second Women's Championship in a mixed tag team match on RAW
Defeated Stacy Keibler, Jacqueline, Molly Holly, Terri in her first reign
Won her third Women's Championship against Molly Holly at King of the Ring
Defeated Victoria at No Mercy
34. ZELINA VEGA - 2021
Returned on SmackDown
Competed in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Won the first ever Queen of the Ring Tournament
Won the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships with Carmella on RAW
Won a Survivor Series Traditional Tag Team Match
35. ZOEY STARK - 2021
Made her WWE debut in the Dusty Cup Tag Team Classic Tournament
Defeated Toni Storm at NXT Takeover Stand & Deliver
Defeated Aliyah & Jessie Kamea at NXT Takeover in Your House alongside Sarray
Won the NXT Women's Tag Team Championships with Io Shirai at NXT GAB
Defeated Toxic Attraction & Katana Chance/Kayden Carter to retain the titles
submitted by moonesmoon to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 03:30 ControlCAD Stacy Keibler

Stacy Keibler submitted by ControlCAD to FamousFaces [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 16:49 TFSX81 Stacy Keibler

Stacy Keibler submitted by TFSX81 to WWEUpscaled [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 02:59 sorakone Ashes can't be separated but the body parts of saints are commonly separated from the body to distribute.

Does anyone else find this extremely hypocritical? I recently learned about incorrupt bodies because of Carlo Acutis and the articles with his body on display. His heart was removed from his body and turned into a relic.
I've put a few links below I came across in my internet rabbit hole.
The ashes may not be divided among various family members and due respect must be maintained regarding the circumstances of such a conservation..... it is not permitted to scatter the ashes of the faithful..... nor may they be preserved in mementos, pieces of jewelry or other objects.
When a body is exhumed like St. Paula’s was, it’s usually because sainthood seems likely and the church wants to move the body to a more prominent place. During the move, clergy members inspect the remains to make sure they have the right person and maybe cut off a few piece to use as portable relics.
  • Saint Catherine of Siena: her head's in Siena and her body's in Rome.
  • Saint John of the Cross, Counter-Reformation intellectual and friar: his arms and legs were removed after his death, with a hand and leg still on show in Ubeda, Andalucia, Spain, the other arm in Madrid, and the rest of him in Segovia, central Spain.
Some saints' bodies are incorrupt (meaning they did not decay), and they are kept whole, but it was common practice to dismember the bodies of other saints so that their relics could be taken many places for the inspiration of Catholics across the world.
↑ This link also provides a list of various dismembered bodies.
submitted by sorakone to excatholic [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 19:19 Alternative_Ad1481 Stacy Keibler

Stacy Keibler submitted by Alternative_Ad1481 to DivasKnockoutsVixens [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 15:35 CelebBattleVoteBot Stacy Keibler vs Michelle Mccool

View Poll
submitted by CelebBattleVoteBot to CelebbattlePolls [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 03:12 arrowoodgabriel Stacy Keibler, 44

Stacy Keibler, 44 submitted by arrowoodgabriel to PrettyOlderWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 23:03 AccomplishedTart2054 Stacy Keibler

Stacy Keibler submitted by AccomplishedTart2054 to WWEandUFCwomensfeet [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 19:33 GoAheadAndBan78 Stacy Keibler

Stacy Keibler submitted by GoAheadAndBan78 to FamousArmpits [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 18:25 WrestlingAndMMABabes Stacy Keibler

Stacy Keibler submitted by WrestlingAndMMABabes to WrestlingAndMMABabes [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 08:52 Unhappy-Newt-8717 Soft "Reboot" Idea: Peter Parker decides to leave the 616

Marvel has posted Spider-Gwen will be relocating to the 616, so she'll joining another immigrant Miles Morales. Along with Kaine, Chasm, Spider-Boy, Silk, Spider-Woman, Night Crawler, 616 NYC getting crowded with Spider-People.
So how about doing the opposite with Peter Parker? He decides to leave the 616 for another Earth:
Aunt May finally dies in peace. Peter Parker has nothing and no one left on the 616, he builds his own Spider Symbol Multiverse Device, discovers an Earth where he was never born, similar to our own "real world" -none of his Rogues Gallery exist, no FF, no Avengers, no Daredevil, no X-Men, Superheroes don't exist; no Superhumans at all, no mutants- at least not in the open. His cast of characters don't exist either, no Uncle Ben, no Aunt May, no Betty Brant, no Flash Thompson, no Harry Osborn, no Norman Osborn, no J. Jonah Jameson, no Daily Bugle, no Gwen Stacy, no Mary-Jane Watson - no one he knows in the 616 has a counterpart in this Earth.
Similar to "No Way Home" but no spell to wipe out people's memory of Peter Parker because Peter Parker never existed in this world. Peter sees the lay of the land and decides to make a fresh start on this world, no past, no emotional baggage. He sets himself up with money he stole from the 616 gangs, opens bank account, SSN, birth certificate, education credentials, etc.- he's "creating" Peter Parker in this world. Peter gets a job as Research Assistant, enrolls in PhD program to finally earn his Doctorate in Physics. He's happy, content and not going out as Spider-Man, doesn't feel the need HOWEVER after a mugging attempt on riders on the Subway, Peter uses his powers and makes the news, but he's not identified. Peter realizes he can't just stay a civilian, although there are no Super-Villains, still plenty of crime and mayhem in this world, he has still has his powers, which means he can't escape "With Great Power comes Great Responsibility." Spider-Man makes his presence known in this world- will he be hailed as a hero to the populace with no concept of Superheroes or will he be hunted by the authorities? And are there really no other Superhumans in this world or are they hiding, waiting for others to reveal themselves? Has Spider-Man's appearance in the world as its "1st Superhero" open a Pandora's Box? And last, did Peter really have no one left on the 616 that cared about him...will Mary Jane try to look for him?
submitted by Unhappy-Newt-8717 to u/Unhappy-Newt-8717 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 18:56 herelieswcw Dave Penzer on the REAL Mike Tenay (from his new book Sitting Ringside)

Excerpted from David Penzer's book, 'Sitting Ringside, Volume 1' Available on Amazon and
Mike Tenay was often referred to as ‘The Professor’ - and that’s how I got to know him as well. He seemingly knew every fact there was to know about every wrestler, including, most notably, the luchas coming in from Mexico, in addition to the performers we brought in from all over the world (he also gets major props for hatching the idea for Goldberg’s undefeated streak). By virtue of his professionalism, knowledge and insight, Mike added a lot of credibility to our program.
When you first meet Mike, he comes off as a really nice guy – and he is, truly – but he’s really a wise ass.
A big-time wise ass.
Mike liked to stir the shit - in a major way - but in a funny way at the same time. It was never meant to be mean or anything, and, in fact, Mike usually delivered his zingers with a smile on his face. That’s just how it was with Mike, but you’d never think that from the outside looking in. He didn’t grow up in the business - unlike some of the other guys in the announcer’s trailer - but he could hang with those guys (and the comedic timing of someone like Bobby) without any problem.
Mike basically came to WCW in his forties, and therefore, I always wondered if he picked up the wrestling-style of humor really fucking quick – or, alternatively, whether it had secretly always been there, lurking under the shadows. I know this for sure, though: once you saw the real Mike Tenay, it was a totally different person than what you would see on television.
None of what I just said should be construed as a negative, as for the record, there’s not one bad thing I could say about Mike. It’s just funny because sometimes you see someone on television, and you develop an idea of what they would be like in real life. Sometimes your idea of that person is accurate, and sometimes it isn’t – at all. Mike Tenay was in the latter category.
That man was devious.
You know what? Do yourself a favor and pull up Mike’s interview with Stacy Keibler. It aired on the September 20th, 2000 edition of WCW Thunder, and the clip tends to make the rounds every now and again on social media. In storyline, Stacy was pregnant at the time, and there was a mystery surrounding who the father was. From the outset of the interview, Mike went off on Stacy in ruthless fashion!
Now, don’t get it confused - Mike was never that malicious in reality! Nevertheless, when it comes to that tone…that delivery…
That was the real Mike Tenay.
Just with a smile on his face.
submitted by herelieswcw to WCW [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 15:39 HWKD65 Stacy Keibler 2003

Stacy Keibler 2003 submitted by HWKD65 to OldSchoolCelebs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:19 TFSX81 Stacy Keibler

Stacy Keibler submitted by TFSX81 to WWEUpscaled [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 17:43 Kelson64 Tell us about your best experience when you met a wrestler/wrestling personality

Mine was probably when I met Stacy Keibler and Teri Byrne when they were both Nitro Girls in WCW (as Skye and Fyre respectively).
Teri Byrne was extremely nice, and she actually pulled me aside to have a more private chat. We exchanged email addresses and actually emailed each other a few times over several months.
She pulled me aside because she asked about something I was wearing, which led to us discovering we were basically from the same town. She struck me as being a bit homesick.
submitted by Kelson64 to AEWFanHub [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 15:12 Bright-Expression950 「WCW 」"BOARD PAPERS" September - December

EXECUTIVE NOTE: I posted June-August in the wrong sub.
Week 1, September 2001
◆Business Notes
Due to forced cost cutting measures, Production values have been dropped to High Quality a saving of $25k. Live Event Experience has also been dropped to Large. Broadcast Quality has dropped from Industry Standard to In House at a saving of $37,500.
[Macon, Georgia] Who will be crowned WCW World Heavyweight Champion
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Macon City Auditorium, GA, in front of 2,445
Overall Rating 64
Scott Steiner beats Diamond Dallas Page to become the new Untied States Heavyweight Champion, (Dallas falls in his 4thdefence). Steiner will now be included in the Wrestle War main event.
Vampiro & Kronik (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark) beat Billy Funn, Curt Hennig and Buff Bagwell.
Nash and Goldberg trade insults in the ring hyping their match at Wrestle War
Goldberg beat Rick Steiner
Rob Van Dam bumps into Scott Steiner backstage. Steiner promises he'll be in the World Title match at Wrestle War.
A video plays hyping Goldberg v Kevin Nash III at Wrestle War
Sting wishes DDP luck, he defends his US title against Scott Steiner in the main event
Konnan beat Mark Jindrak
Bam Bam Bigelow beat Chavo Guerroro Jr
Ric Flair & Dustin Rhodes - the Legacy are backstage, disappointed they are not getting a shot at Wrestle War for the WCW World Title. They want a Tag Title match next week
Kevin Nash beat Hugh Morrus
Eric Bischoff is with Tajiri & James Mitchell confirming he will be in the World Title match at Wrestle War, but he will defend the WCW Cruiserweight title against Super Crazy next week, if Crazy becomes champion he will be in the Wrestle War match.
Rob Van Dam & Sabu beat Shane Douglas & Jeff Jarrett to retain the WCW World Tag Team Championships (second defence)
La Parka & Damien 666 beat Tommy Dreamer & Shane Helms
WCW President Eric Bischoff and the Championship Committee (Roddy Piper, Arn Anderson, Ricky Steamboat, Terry Funk) and Director of Talent Acquisition Dusty Rhodes announce that Booker T has suffered. Serious injury and the WCW World Heavyweight Title is vacant. A new champion will be crowned at Wrestle War in a five way match featuring all the current WCW Champions.
◆Show Notes
Volador Jr was again fined for poor behaviour backstage
Brian Adams phoned in his performance in the six man tag match
◆Business Notes
WCW Nitro was shown with a 0.11 TV Rating with 86,762 viewers and 1,421,978 viewers overall.
Fit Finlay v Sabu v Rob Van Dam v Yoshihiro Tajiri v Scott Steiner - For vacant WCW World Heavyweight Title
Goldberg v Kevin Nash - The Final Encounter
*Current WCW Champions will be in the match, match subject to change based on title matches
◆Business Notes
Due to forced cost cutting measures, Production values have been dropped to High Quality a saving of $25k. Live Event Experience has also been dropped to Large. Broadcast Quality has dropped from Industry Standard to In House at a saving of $37,500.
[Sacremento, California] Three title matches on the line
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Sacremento Community Center, CA in front of 2,175
Overall Rating 65
Rob Van Dam & Sabu beat The Legacy (Ric Flair & Dustin Rhodes) to retainn the WCW Tag Team Titles (defence three). Damien 666 & La Parka attacked The Legacy during the match
A video plays hyping Goldberg v Nash III
Fit Finlay beats Bam Bam Bigelow to retain the WCW World Television Title (fourth defence)
Diamond Dallas Page & Sting beat Totally Buff (Lex Luger & Buff Bagwell)
Goldberg and Kevin Nash cut promos in the ring ahead of their match at Wrestle War
Goldberg destroys Evan Karagias
Sting and Diamond Dallas Page attack Lance Storm and Mike Awesome
Rick Steiner & Scott Steiner attack Rob Van Dam backstage
Vampiro & Kevin Nash beat EZ Money & Vilano V
Yoshihiro Tajiri beat Super Crazy to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Title (defence number one)
Jeff Jarrett beat Silver King
Mike Awesome beat Brian Adams
Lance Storm and Reno Mero get in the face of Sting backstage
The announcers run down three title matches, all could have implications for the Wrestle War main event where WCW Champions compete to crown the new WCW World Champion. The matches are Tajiri v Super Crazy (WCW Cruiserweight), Fit Finlay v Bam Bam Bigelow (WCW TV) and Ric Flair & Dustin Rhodes v Rob Van Dam & Sabu (WCW Tag)
◆Business Notes
WCW Nitro was shown to a TV rating of 0.12 with 90,530 viewers with 1,460,037 viewers overall.
Week 3, September 2001
[9.14 WCW NITRO!]
[Birmingham, Alabama]
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
BJCC Hall, AL in front of 2,667
Overall Rating 64
Sting & Diamond Dallas Page confronted Lance Storm & Mike Awesome to close the show
Ric Flair beat Billy Gunn
Kevin Nash beat Buff Bagwell
Kevin Nash and Goldberg went toe to toe with the microphone
Jeff Jarrett beat Konnan
Rob Van Dam beat Hugh Morrus
Lance Storm & Mike Awesome beat Kronik (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark)
Rob Van Dam and Scott Steiner brawled backstage
Shane Douglas, Steiner Brothers beat Kaz Hayashi, Yang and Lash Leroux
WCW President Eric Bischoff spoke with Ric Flair, Dustin Rhodes, Damien 666 and La Parka ahead of their match at Wrestle War
Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr (defence number two) for the WCW Cruiserweight title
Diamond Dallas Page beat Lex Luger
◆Business Notes
WCW Nitro was shown with a rating of 0.11 86,384 viewers with 1,441,142 viewers overall
[Greenville, North Carolina]
◆”Wrestle War” Pay Per View
Williams Arena, NC in front of 13,430
Overall Rating 67
Goldberg beat Kevin Nash
Goldberg is seen leaving his locker room and heading to the ring
Rob Van Dam celebrates his title in the ring
Rob Van Dam beats Sabu, Fit Finlay, Scott Steiner, and Yoshihiro Tajiri to become the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion
Nash is getting ready backstage
Rich Flair and Dustin Rhodes beat La Parka & Damien 666
A video hypes Goldberg v Nash III
Sting & Diamond Dallas Page beat Lance Storm & Mike Awesome
Dusty Rhodes beat Terry Funk
Gene Okerlund interviews Don Callis, La Parka and Damien 666
A music video hypes the team of Sting and DDP
Curt Hennig and Billy Gunn beat Kronik (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark)
Rob Van Dam and Sabu get into a confrontation with the Steiner Brothers
Rey Misterio Jr beat Buff Bagwell
Bam Bam Bigelow, Tommy Dreamer and Vampiro beat Shane Douglas, Jeff Jarrett and Lex Luger
Bill Alfonso, Sabu and RVD cut a promo on the Steiner Brothers
TAKA Michinoku, Chavo Guerrero Jr, EZ Money and Vilano V beat Shane Helms, Jamie Knoble, Lizmark Jr and Super Crazy
Roddy Piper tries to talk Dusty Rhodes and Terry Funk out of fighting
Announcers plug the two main events Fit Finlay v Sabu v Rob Van Dam v Scott Steiner v Tajiri for the vacant World Title and Goldberg v Nash III
◆Show Notes
Hugh Morrus was fined due to a behavioural incident
◆Business Notes
WCW Wrestle War got a pay per view buy rate of 0.13 with 67,575 buys
WCW Wrestle War was shown to an international TV audience with a rating of 0.12 with 91,555 viewers with 172,392 viewers overall
Week 4, September 2001
[9.26 WCW NITRO!]
[Geenville, Mississippi]
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Washington County Center, MP in front of 2,588
Overall Rating 59
Sting & Goldberg beat Fit Finlay and Ultimo Dragon
Diamond Dallas Page beat Billy Gunn
Goldberg is getting ready backstage
Dustin Rhodes beat Kanyon
Fit Finlay attacked Vampiro backstage
Rob Van Dam beat Lance Storm in a non-title match
Ric Flair, Dustin Rhodes had a confrontation backstage.
Rey Misterio Junior and Kevin Nash exchanged words backstage
Totally Buff (Leg Luger & Buff Bagwell) beat Norman Smiley & Jamie Knoble
Rey Misterio Jr beat Rick Steiner
Jeff Jarrett beat Sabu
Goldberg and Sting cut a promo about how they were teaming tonight
Rob Van Dam and Scott Steiner faced off in the ring
Mike Awesome beat Konnan
◆Business Notes
WCW Nitro was shown to a rating of 0.11 with 86,566 viewers with 1,3879,551 viewers overall
Week 1, October 2001
◆Company Info
Size Small, second in the world
Next Event Halloween Havoc (pay per view)
TV Shows: WCW Nitro (Monday)
◆Financial Summary
Revenue 1.8m
Wages ($2,3m)
Of Which Are Terminations (0k) ⬇️ $13k
Loss ($2.6m) ⬇️600k
Performance ($855k) ⬆️ 445k
Reserves $3.8m
Alex Wright
Bam Bam Bigelow
Billy Kidman w/Tygress
Booker T
Brazo de Platino
Diamond Dallas Page
Great Sasuke
Hugh Morris
James Mitchell
Jamie Knoble
Kevin Nash
Konnan w/Tygress
Lash Leroux
Lizmark Jr
Norman Smiley
Rey Misterio Jr w/Tygress
Rob Van Dam - WCW World Heavyweight Champion, WCW World Tag Team Champion
Sabu w/Bill Alfonso - WCW World Tag Team Champion
Shane Helms -
Silver King
Super Crazy
Tommy Dreamer
Volador Jr
Yoshiro Tajiri - WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Tag Teams
Air Raid (AJ Styles & Air Paris)
Kronik (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark)
Legacy (Dustin Rhodes & Ric Flair)
Jung Dragons (Yang & Kaz Hayashi)
Buff Bagwell
Chavo Guerrero Jr
Christopher Daniels
Curt Hennig
Damien 666 w/Don Callis
Elix Skipper
EZ Money
Fit Finlay - WCW World Television Champion
James Storm
Kanyon w/Bobby Henan
Kid Romeo
La Parka
Lex Luger
Mark Jindrak
Mike Sanders
Rick Steiner
Scott Steiner w/Midajah - WCW United States Heavyweight Champion
Shane Douglas
TAKA Michinoku
Ultimo Dragon
Vilano V w/Stacy Keibler
Tag Teams
Team Canada (Lance Storm w/Rena Mero & Mike Awesome)
3 Count (Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore)
Sid Vicious - Leg Break 7 Months, 2 weeks
Booker T - Frontal Bone Fracture - 11 months, 2 weeks
Lizmark Jr - Staph Infection - 25 days
Arn Anderson - Member of the Championship Committee
Eric Bischoff - OwnePresident
Dusty Rhodes - Director Talent Acquisition
Roddy Piper - Member of the Championship Committee
Ricky Steamboat - Member of the Championship Committee
Terry Funk - Member of the Championship Committee / Part Time Wrestler
Larry Zbyszko
Mike Tenay
Stevie Ray
Tony Schiavone
Gene Okerlund
No signings
Week 1, October 2001
◆Talent Relations
Kevin Nash has one month remaining on his 2 year, $130,000 contract. He has indicated he does not wish to extend his contract.
◆Roster Changes:
Alex Wright has been released from his contract at a cost of $76,200 to the 2001 budget
Hugh Morrus has been released from his contract at a cost of $91,200 to the 2001 budget
Mike Sanders was released from his contract at a cost of $65,400 to the 2001 budget
Evan Karagias was released from his contract at a cost of $36,000 to the 2001 budget
[9.26 WCW NITRO!]
[Natchitoches, Louisiana]
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Prather Coliseum, LA in front of 2,487
Overall Rating 64
Tensions also rise between Lance Storm and Mike Awesome
Goldberg and Sting are unhappy with each others performance in their six man tag
La Parka and Diamond Dallas Page are backstage; an argument breaks out, and they start brawling with each other.
Diamond Dallas Page, Goldberg and Sting defeated Scott Steiner and Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome)
Gene Okerlund interviews WCW TV Champion Fit Finlay and Vampiro
Rob Van Dam & Sabu beat Legacy (Ric Flair & Dustin Rhodes) to retain the WCW Tag Team Titles (fourth defence)
Legacy (Ric Flair & Dustin Rhodes) have a backstage confrontation with Jeff Jarrett, Vilano V and Stacy Keilber
Vampiro beats Kanyon, Rick Steiner, Lex Luger and Bam Bam Bigelow in a WCW TV Title No.1 Contenders Match
La Parka beats Konnan
WCW President Eric Bischoff and Championship Committee Member Terry Funk speak with RVD and Scott Steiner
Rey Misterio Jr beats Cash
Kronik (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark) beat James Storm & Mark Jindrak
Yoshihiro Tajiri beats Damien 666 to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Title (third defence)
Jeff Jarrett beats Super Crazy
Rob Van Dam and Scott Steiner open the show, they'll meet for the World Title at Halloween Havoc
◆Show Notes
WCW Nitro was shown with a rating of 0.11, with 86,629 viewers with 1,442,029 viewers overall.
Goldberg suffered a pronator trees syndrome at last nights show, he'll work through the injury for the next 1 year and 1 month.
◆Business Notes
NBCSN has agreed to terminate their partnership to broadcast events at no cost.
Viewer's Choice Canada has signed a twelve month agreement to broadcast events, 30% revenue will go to WCW.
Azteca 7 has agreed to terminate their partnership to broadcast events at no cost.
MVS Multivisionh as signed a twelve month agreement to broadcast events, 30% revenue will go to WCW.
J Sports 1 has agreed to terminate their partnership to broadcast events at no cost.
Samurai! TV as signed a twelve month agreement to broadcast events, 35% revenue will go to WCW.
Kevin Nash has signed a contract with WWF, he will depart WCW after five years at the end of October. He rejected a per show agreement from WCW for considerably reduced terms.
◆[Halloween Havoc] "CARD SO FAR!"
Rob Van Dam v Scott Steiner - WCW World Heavyweight Title
Fit Finaly v Vampiro - WCW World Television Title
Jeff Jarrett v Dustin Rhodes
Week 2, October 2001
[10.7 WCW NITRO!]
[Charlotte, North Carolina]
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Grady Cole Center, NC in front of 2,709
Overall Rating 56
The announcers confirm Sting will face Goldberg at Halloween Havoc
Billy Gunn beat Air Paris
Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Goldberg & Rey Misterio Jr beat Fit Finlay, Jeff Jarrett, Mike Awesome and Lance Storm. Storm and Awesome struggled to get along.
Sting & Yoshihiro Tajiri beat Curt Hennig & Kanyon
Vampiro beats Rick Steiner
Scott Steiner beats Bryan Clark in a non-title match
Scott Steiner attacks Rob Van Dam
Ric Flair gets into an argument with Vilano V and his manager Don Callis
Diamond Dallas Page beat Shannon Moore
Totally Buff (Buff Bagwell & Lex Luger) beat Lash Leroux and Volador Jr
Diamond Dallas Page and La Parka get into a confrontation backstage
Jeff Jarrett and Dustin Rhodes trade insults on the microphone, ahead of their match at Halloween Havoc
Sting and Goldberg argue backstage,
EZ Money beat AJ Styles
La Parka, Ultimo Dragon and TAKA Michinoku beat Super Crazy, Yang and Kaz Hayashi
Rey Misterio Jr and Kevin Nash open the show, a match is agreed for Halloween Havoc
◆Show Notes
Kanyon suffered an abdominal muscle contusion and will be out for 3 days.
◆[Halloween Havoc] "CARD SO FAR!"
Rob Van Dam v Scott Steiner - WCW World Heavyweight Title
Sting v Goldberg
Ric Flair v Vilano V
La Parka v Diamond Dallas Page
Fit Finaly v Vampiro - WCW World Television Title
Jeff Jarrett v Dustin Rhodes
◆Business Notes
WCW Nitro was shown with a TV rating of 0.11 with 86,486 viewers with 1,382,843 viewers overall.
◆Roster Changes
Randy Savage has agreed a one year, per show handshake agreement with no downside.
Road Dogg has agreed a one year, per show handshake agreement with no downside.
Week 3, October 2001
[Daytona Beach, Florida]
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Peabody Auditorium, FL in front of 2,520
Overall Rating 64
Closing the show Scott Steiner and Rob Van Dam confronted each other in the ring
New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn & Road Dogg) beat Kevin Nash & Vampiro
DDP, Sting and Rey Misterio Jr beat Curt Hennig, Chavo Guerrero Jr and Shane Douglas
Sabu beat Mr Aquila
Diamond Dallas Page and La Parka had a confrontation backstage
WCW Control Center: Confirmed for Halloween Havoc - Kevin Nash v Rey Misterio Jr, Sting v Goldberg and Ric Flair v Vilano V
Rick Steiner beat Lash Leroux
WCW TV Champion Fit Finlay attacks Vampiro backstage
Yoshihiro Tajiri & Tommy Dreamer beat Cash & EZ Money
Totally Buff (Buff Bagwell & Lex Luger) beat Volador Jr and Brazo de Platino
Gene Okerlund interviews Jeff Jarrett and Dustin Rhodes ahead of their match at Halloween Havoc, the match is now a Bull Rope Match
Mike Awesome beat Jamie Knoble
Announcers plug the main event Kevin Nash & Vampiro v New Age Outlaws
Jeff Jarrett beat Bam Bam Bigelow
Kanyon beats Billy Kidman
Billy Gunn introduces Road Dog, the New Age Outlaws are in WCW. Kevin Nash and Vampiro appear and our main event is set.
[DARK] Lance Storm beat Kaz Hayashi
◆[Halloween Havoc] "CARD SO FAR!"
Rob Van Dam v Scott Steiner - WCW World Heavyweight Title
Kevin Nash v Rey Misterio Jr
Sting v Goldberg
Ric Flair v Vilano V
La Parka v Diamond Dallas Page
Fit Finaly v Vampiro - WCW World Television Title
Jeff Jarrett v Dustin Rhodes - Bull Rope Match
◆Business Notes
WCW Nitro was shown with a TV audience of 0.11 with 87,069 viewers with 1,458,166 viewers overall
Week 4, October 2001
[10.17 Halloween Havoc!] "BILLY FUN HAS AN ANNOUNCEMENT"
[Auburn, Alabama]
◆”Halloween Havoc" Pay Per View
Autozone Park, TN in front of 12,497
Overall Rating 70
After the show Randy Savage hit the ring and went toe to toe with Rob Van Dam
Rob Van Dam beat Scott Steiner to retain the WCW World Heavyweight Title (first defence)
Goldberg beat Sting
Goldberg leaves the locker room and heads to the ring
Rey Misterio Jr beat Kevin Nash
Scott Steiner spoke to WCW President Eric Bischoff ahead of the World Title match
Dustin Rhodes beat Jeff Jarrett in a bull rope match
WCW President Eric Bischoff meet with a disgruntled Lance Storm and Mike Awesome
Kevin Nash is seen getting ready backstage
Diamond Dallas Page beat La Parka
New Age Outlaws beat Team Canada (Mike Awesome & Lance Storm)
Diamond Dallas Page and La Parka got into it backstage
Vampiro beat Fit Finlay for the WCW World Television Title
Gene Oklerund interviews Jeff Jarrett and Dustin Rhodes ahead of their Bullrope match
Ric Flair beat Vilano V
Jamie Knoble, Sabu, Tommy Dreamer beat Chavo Guerrero Jr, Mr Aquilar and TAKA Michinoku
Yohihiro Taijir beats Ultimo Dragon to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Title (fourth defence)
The announcers preview our three main matches, Rey Misterio Jr v Kevin Nash, Goldberg v Sting and Scott Steiner v Rob Van Dam for the WCW World Title
◆Show Notes
Stevie Ray was fined for poor backstage behaviour
◆Business Notes
Halloween Havoc was shown on international TV and was rated 0.56 with 420,226 viewers with 614,274 viewers overall
Halloween Havoc received a pay per view buy rate of 0.35 (179,541 buys)
[Daytona Beach, Florida]
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Harborside Events Center, FL in front of 2,715
Overall Rating 71
Rob Van Dam and Randy Savage closed the show in the ring
Randy Savage beat Diamond Dallas Page and Rey Misteiro Jr to become the new No.1 contender
Sting beat Kanyon
Jeff Jarrett beat Kevin Nash
Vampiro and Vilano V /Stacey Keilber had a confrontation backstage
Mike Awesome and Lance Storm fought in the ring post match, turning Storm babyface
Ric Flair & Goldberg beat Mike Awesome and Lance Storm
Rob Van Dam and Sabu beat Totally Buff (Buff Bagwell & Lex Luger) to retain the WCW Tag Titles (fifth defence)
Shane Douglas beat Konnan
In ring segment with Goldberg and Sting, this feud isn't over yet
Vampiro beat La Parka to retain the WCW World TV title (first defence)
Fit Finlay beat Brazo de Platino
Ric Flair cuts a promo, he challenges Ultimo Dragon to match in the near future
◆Show Notes
WCW Nitro was broadcast to a rating of 0.12 with 96,977 viewers with 1,581,063 viewers overall.
Week 1, November 2001
◆Company Info
Size Medium ⬆️, second in the world
Next Event World War 3 (pay per view)
TV Shows: WCW Nitro (Monday)
◆Financial Summary
Revenue 2.1m ⬆️ 300k
Wages ($2.6m) ⬆️ $300k
Of Which Are Terminations (268k) ⬆️ $268k
Loss $2.9m) ⬆️ $300k
Performance ($894k) ⬇️39k
Reserves $2.9m
Bam Bam Bigelow
Billy Kidman w/Tygress
Booker T
Brazo de Platino
Diamond Dallas Page
Great Sasuke
James Mitchell
Jamie Knoble
Konnan w/Tygress
Lance Storm w/Rena Mero
Lash Leroux
Lizmark Jr
Norman Smiley
Rey Misterio Jr w/Tygress
Rob Van Dam - WCW World Heavyweight Champion, WCW World Tag Team Champion
Sabu w/Bill Alfonso - WCW World Tag Team Champion
Shane Helms -
Silver King
Super Crazy
Tommy Dreamer
Vampiro - WCW World Television Champion
Volador Jr
Yoshiro Tajiri - WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Tag Teams
Air Raid (AJ Styles & Air Paris)
Kronik (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark)
Legacy (Dustin Rhodes & Ric Flair)
Jung Dragons (Yang & Kaz Hayashi)
Buff Bagwell
Chavo Guerrero Jr
Christopher Daniels
Curt Hennig
Damien 666 w/Don Callis
Elix Skipper
EZ Money
Fit Finlay
James Storm
Kanyon w/Bobby Henan
Kid Romeo
La Parka
Lex Luger
Mark Jindrak
Mike Awesome
Rick Steiner
Randy Savage
Scott Steiner w/Midajah - WCW United States Heavyweight Champion
Shane Douglas
Shannon Moore
Ultimo Dragon
Vilano V w/Stacy Keibler
Sid Vicious - Leg Break 6 Months, 2 weeks
Booker T - Frontal Bone Fracture - 10 months, 2 weeks
Norman Smiley - Intracerebral Hematoma - 1 year, 3 months, 1 week
Stevie Ray - At home
Arn Anderson - Member of the Championship Committee
Eric Bischoff - OwnePresident
Dusty Rhodes - Director Talent Acquisition
Roddy Piper - Member of the Championship Committee
Ricky Steamboat - Member of the Championship Committee
Terry Funk - Member of the Championship Committee / Part Time Wrestler
Larry Zbyszko
Mike Tenay
Tony Schiavone
Gene Okerlund
Randy Savage
Road Dogg
Alex Wright
Hugh Morrus
Mike Sanders
Evan Karagias
Kevin Nash
TAKA Michinoku
Two signings and six departures
[Las Vegas, Nevada]
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Las Vegas Hotel & Casino, NV in front of 2,418
Overall Rating 72
Savage and Rob Van Dam went at it after the match.
Randy Savage & Fit Finlay beat Rob Van Dam & Sabu in a non-title match
Randy Savage was getting ready backstage
Rey Misterio Jr beat Rick Steiner
Gene Okerlund was joined by former tag partners Lance Storm & Rena Mero and Mike Awesome
New Age Outlaws beat Kronik
Ric Flair cut a promo on Ultimo Dragon
Legacy (Dusting Rhodes & Ric Flair)
Jeff Jarrett and Dustin Rhodes face off backstage, they'll do battle next in tag action
Lance Storm beats Kaz Hayashi
Goldberg beats Chavo Guerrero Jr
Scott Steiner beats Silver King
Sting beats Lex Luger
Goldberg and Sting cut in ring promos at each other
Announcers reveal Rob Van Dam & Sabu will face Randy Savage & Fit Finlay in a non-title match in the main event
◆Business Notes
WCW Nitro was shown with a TV rating of 0.12 with 97,088 viewers with 1,586,785 viewers overall.
◆Roster Changes
Jinsei Shinzaki has a greed a five appearance handshake deal with no downside
Barry Windham has agreed a one month, per appearance handshake deal with no downside
Mr Aquila has left WCW following the conclusion of his contract.
Chris Candido has agreed a five appearance/3 month handshake agreement with no downside
NOSAWA has agreed a one month handshake agreement with no downside
Jake Roberts has agreed a one month handshake agreement with no downside
Sandman has agreed a one month per show agreement with no downside
Shinya Hashimoto has agreed a one month, per show, handshake agreement with no downside.
Week 2, November 2001
[Tampa, Florida]
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Bob Martinez Sports Center, FL in front of 3,050
Overall Rating 70
Dustin Rhodes, Ric Flair, Rob Van Dam & Sabu beat Curt Hennig, Randy Savage, Jeff Jarrett and Ulmto Dragon
Lance Storm bear Buff Bagwell
New Age Outlaws beeat Jung Dragons, Billy Kidman & Konnan and Air Raid
From the Control Center we preview Lance Storm v Mike Awesome, Jeff Jarrett v Dustin Rhodes and Rey Misteiro Jr v Scott Steiner at World War 3
Diamond Dallas Page beats Chris Candido
Ric Flair cuts a promo on Ultimo Dragon
Goldberg beats Christopher Daniels
Randy Savage and Rob Van Dam have an in-ring confrontation.
A video plays hyping up the New Age Outlaws
Sting beat Super Crazy
Vilano V beat Jamie Knoble
Steiner Brothers beat Silver King & Volador Jr
Director of Talent Acquisition Dusty Rhodes sits down with Sid Vicious to provide an injury update he'll be back in 6 months following his devastating leg break
Scott Steiner attacks Rey Misterio Jr after the match
Rey Misterio Jr beat Damien 666
Sting and Goldberg are joined in the ring by Championship Committee members Terry Funk and Arn Anderson, told if they win World War 3, they'll become No.1 Contenders at Starcade
◆Roster Changes
Vilano III has agreed a six month handshake agreement, per show fee with no downside.
El Pantera has agreed a one month, per appearance, no downside handshake agreement
Shinjiro Otani has agreed a one month, per show handshake agreement with no downside
◆Business Notes
WCW Nitro was shown last night to a 0.12 TV rating with 96,490 viewers with 1,590,844 views overall.
WCW Worldwide will return, taping Wednesday's and being shown on Sunday mornings.
Week 3, November 2001
[Chicago, Illinois]
◆”WCW Niro” TV Show
Congress Theatre, IL in front of2,333
Overall Rating 71
Goldberg, Dustin Rhodes & Ric Flair beat Jeff Jarrett, Kanyon and Randy Savage
Rey Misterio Jr bat Fit Finlay, La Parka and Diamond Dallas Page
Sting beat Curt Hennig
The announcers plugged Rob Van Dam v Randy Savage for the World Title at World War 3
Lance Storm and Rena Mero confronted Mike Awesome backstage
Goldberg and Sting argued backstage
Rob Van Dam beat Damien 666
Scott Steiner cut a backstage promo on Rey Misterio Jr
A video recapped the Sting v Goldberg feud
Mike Awesome & The Steiner Brothers beat Bam Bam Bigelow and Kronik (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark)
Sabu beat Shannon Moore
Scott Steiner and Rey Misterio cut promos on each other in the ring
Chavo Guerrero Jr & Mark Jindrak beat Kaz Hayashi & Yang
Ultimo Dragon and Jeff Jarrett confront Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes backstage
A video played hyping Rob Van Dam v Randy Savage for the World Title at World War 3
Shane Douglas beat Shane Helms
◆Show Notes
Kaz Hayashi broke his wrist in his match
◆Business Notes
WCW Nitro was shown with a TV rating of 0.12 with 96,901 viewers with 1,625,803 viewers overall
◆"World War 3!" [CARD]
Rob Van Dam v Randy Savage - World Heavyweight Title
World War 3 - 60 Man, 3 Ring, Battle Royal
Jeff Jarrett v Dustin Rhodes
Ric Flair v Ultimo Dragon
Scott Steiner v Rey Misterio Jr
Goldberg v Sting
Lance Storm v Mike Awesome
[11.19 WCW WORLD WAR 3] "60 Warriors, 3 Rings, 1 Survivor. You Do The Math"
[Raleigh, North Carolina]
◆”WCW World War 3” Pay per View
PNC Arena, NC in front of 17,017
Overall Rating 77
Rob Van Dam beat Randy Savage to retain the WCW World Heavyweight Title (second defence)
Randy Savage makes an elaborate entrance ahead of the main event
Goldberg attacked Sting backstage
Rey Misterio Jr won World War 3. The final four were Goldberg, Sting and Scott Steiner
Goldberg and Sting go to a double count out
Jake Roberts appears backstage, he'll be in the World War 3 match
Ric Flair beat Ultimo Dragon
Scott Steiner is with Eric Bischoff, he draws which number ring he'll be in for the World War 3 match
A video is shown hyping up Randy Savage
Jeff Jarrett beat Dustin Rhodes
Goldberg is getting ready backstage
Ric Flair cut a promo on Ultimo Dragon
Scott Steiner beat Rey Misterio Jr
Mike Awesome beat Lance Storm
Scott Steiner cuts a promo on Rey Misterio Jr
New Age Outlaws beat Great Sasuke & Super Crazy
Announcers preview Ric Flair v Ultimo Dragon & Goldberg v Sting and Randy Savage v Rob Van Dam
◆Business Notes
WCW World War 3 was shown on pay per view with a buy rate of 0.37 with 189,403 buys.
WCW World War 3 was shown on international TV with a rating of 0.62 with 466,414 viewers and 670,230 viewers overall
Week 4, November 2001
WCW Worldwide returns! Taping monthly the 1 hour show is set to debut on ESPN2 in the US, ESPN Classic Canada (Canada), JP Sport 1 (Japan) and E4 (UK). Worldwide originally aired from October 8, 1975, to March 31, 2001. At the time of its cancellation, WorldWide was the longest-running, uninterrupted weekly syndicated show of any kind on the air in the United States.
[11.25 WCW NITRO]
[Bessemer, Alabama]
◆”WCW Nitro!” TV Show
Jackson County Fairgrounds, AL in front of 3,307
Overall Rating 69
Sting beat Randy Savage
Steiner Brothers beat Kronik
WCW Control Center confirmed for Starcade: Ric Flair v Rob Van Dam, Jeff Jarrett v Dustin Rhodes in a cage, Rey Misterio Jr v Scott Steiner
Goldberg beat Chavo Gurrero Jr
Goldberg and Sting then had an in-ring confrontation
Rob Van Dam and Scott Steiner bumped into each other backstage
La Parka beat Billy Kidman
Ric Flair signed the contract for Starcade with WCW President Eric Bischoff
Fit Finlay, New Age Outlaws went to a no contest with Rey Misterio, Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes after Jeff Jarrett got involved
DDP was backstage following his victory early in the evening
Lance Storm beat Vilano III
Mike Awesome beat Jamie Knoble
Sting cut a promo on Goldberg
Diamond Dallas Page, Vampiro, Yoshihiro Tajiri beat EZ Money, Shannon Moore and Cash
Ric Flair cut a promo on Rob Van Dam who he will challenge for the WCW World Title at Starcade
Announcers plugged the main event Sting v Randy Savage
◆Show Notes
Bam Bam Bigelow was fined for poor backstage behaviour
◆Business Notes
WCW Nitro was shown last night with a 0.12 TV rating with 93,497 viewers with 1,538,201 viewers overall.
[Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina]
◆”WCW Worldwide!” TV Taping 1
Royal Palace Theater, NC in front of 928
Overall Rating 51
Vampiro beat Kanyon to retain the WCW World Television Title (second defence)
A video recapped the Goldberg v Sting feud
Lash Leroux beat James Storm
Scott Steiner cut a promo on Rey Misterio Jr
EZ Money beat Bobby Eaton
Tommy Dreamer & Yoshihiro Tajiri challenged New Age Outlaws to a match at Starcade
Tommy Dreamer & Yoshihiro Tajiri beat Elix Skipper & Kid Romeo
Jamie Knoble beat Jimmy Valiant
Ric Flair and Rob Van Dam cut promos on each other
◆”WCW Worldwide!” TV Taping 2
Royal Palace Theater, NC in front of 928
Overall Rating 48
Ric Steiner beat Konnan
A video recaps the Rob Van Dam v Ric Flair feud
Lizmark Jr, Volador Jr and Super Crazy beat Chavo Guerrero Jr, Damien 666 and Vilano V
Jeff Jarrett cuts a promo on Dustin Rhodes
Silver King beat Shannon Moore
Air Raid (Air Paris & AJ Styles) beat The Barbarian & KC Thunder
Rey Misterio Jr cuts a promo on Scott Steiner ahead of their match at Starcade
Mark Jinfrak beat CW Anderson
Announcers plug Konnan v Ric Steiner in the main event
◆”WCW Worldwide!” TV Taping 3
Royal Palace Theater, NC in front of 928
Overall Rating 53
Curt Hennig beat Bam Bam Bigelow
Rena Mero and Lance Storm cut a promo on Mike Awesome
Mike Awesome beat BRazo de Platino
Dustin Rhodes cut a promo on Jeff Jarrett
Great Sasuke beat El Pantera
Ric Flair cut a promo on Rob Van Dam
Kronik beat Jimmy Valiant & KC Thunder
Buff Bagwell beat Romeo Valentino
◆”WCW Worldwide!” TV Taping 4
Royal Palace Theater, NC in front of 928
Overall Rating 51
Lex Luger beat Billy Kidman
New Age Outlaws beat Bobby Eaton & CW Anderson
Sting cut a promo on Goldberg
Sabu beat Christopher Daniels
WCW World Champion Rob Van Dam cut a promo on Ric Flair
Fit Finlay and DDP fought backstage
A video recapped Rey Misterio Jr v Scott Steiner feud
Shane Helms beat Chris Candido
Yang beat JR Ryder
◆Taping Notes
Bobby Orton, Jimmy Valiant, The Barbarian, KC Thunder, CW Anderson, JR Ryder and Romeo Valentino agreed one night deals to work the taping
Lex Luger sustained a Superocondylar Fracture, following survey he will be out for 11 days
◆Business Notes
WCW Worldwide was shown with 0.7 TV rating 54,475 viewers with 119,150 viewers overall
Week 1, November 2001
◆Company Info
Size Medium ⬆️, second in the world
Next Event Starcade (pay per view)
TV Shows: WCW Nitro (Monday)
◆Financial Summary
Revenue 2.1m ⬆️ 300k
Wages ($2.4m) ⬇️ $200k
Of Which Are Terminations (0k) ⬇️ $268k
Loss $2.8m) ⬇️ $100k
Performance ($534k) ⬇️360k
Reserves $2.3m
Bam Bam Bigelow
Barry Windham
Billy Kidman w/Tygress
Booker T
Brazo de Platino
Diamond Dallas Page
Great Sasuke
James Mitchell
Jamie Knoble
Konnan w/Tygress
Lance Storm w/Rena Mero
Lash Leroux
Lizmark Jr
Norman Smiley
Rey Misterio Jr w/Tygress
Rob Van Dam - WCW World Heavyweight Champion, WCW World Tag Team Champion
Sabu w/Bill Alfonso - WCW World Tag Team Champion
Shane Helms
Shinjiro Otani
Silver King
Super Crazy
Tommy Dreamer
Vampiro - WCW World Television Champion
Volador Jr
Yoshiro Tajiri - WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Tag Teams
Air Raid (AJ Styles & Air Paris)
Kronik (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark)
Legacy (Dustin Rhodes & Ric Flair)
Jung Dragons (Yang & Kaz Hayashi)
Buff Bagwell
Chavo Guerrero Jr
Christopher Daniels
Chris Candido
Curt Hennig
Damien 666 w/Don Callis
El Pantera
Elix Skipper
EZ Money
Fit Finlay
Jinsei Shinzaki
James Storm
Jake Roberts
Kanyon w/Bobby Henan
Kid Romeo
La Parka
Lex Luger
Mark Jindrak
Mike Awesome
Rick Steiner
Randy Savage
Scott Steiner w/Midajah - WCW United States Heavyweight Champion
Shane Douglas
Shannon Moore
Shinya Hashimoto
Ultimo Dragon
Vilano III
Vilano V w/Stacy Keibler
Sid Vicious - Leg Break 5 Months, 2 weeks
Booker T - Frontal Bone Fracture - 11 Months
Norman Smiley - Intracerebral Hematoma - 1 year, 2 months, 1 week
Stevie Ray - At home
Kaz Hayashi - Broken Wrist - 9 days
Lex Luger - Supracondylar Fracture - 13 days
NOSAWA 0 Lateral Collateral Ligament - 25 days
Arn Anderson - Member of the Championship Committee
Eric Bischoff - OwnePresident
Dusty Rhodes - Director Talent Acquisition
Roddy Piper - Member of the Championship Committee
Ricky Steamboat - Member of the Championship Committee
Terry Funk - Member of the Championship Committee / Part Time Wrestler
Larry Zbyszko
Mike Tenay
Tony Schiavone
Gene Okerlund
Jinsei Shinzaki
Barry Windham
Chris Candido
Jake Roberts
Shinya Hashimoto
Vilano III
El Pantera
Shinjiro Otani
Mr Aquila
10 signings and one departure
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