Examples of acknowledgements for phd thesis


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2024.06.01 12:45 Jdlongmire Longmire Teleological Argument: a Human-AI Collaboration

This treatise was developed through an extensive dialogue with Claude, an AI language model created by Anthropic. The ideas and arguments presented here emerged from a collaborative exploration in which I posed questions, raised objections, and provided the overall framing and direction, while Claude contributed detailed responses, explanations, and elaborations*. The treatise represents a synthesis of human and machine intelligence, with the AI serving as a knowledgeable interlocutor and writing assistant, helping to articulate and refine the ideas I brought to the discussion. I am fully aware of the controversial nature of AI, but feel this demonstrates an example of its ethical use. I am also fully aware that the strength of the argument lives or dies on the validity of the premises, but I believe it has strong intuitive and logical resonance.
The hope is that this novel approach will be a useful contribution to those weighing the evidence with an open and reasonable mind. So, without further ado, I present the Longmire Teleological Argument.
The question of God's existence is one of the most profound and consequential questions in philosophy. Throughout history, thinkers have proposed various arguments for and against the existence of a divine being. In this treatise, we will explore one particular argument for theism - the argument from the intelligibility of the universe.
The basic structure of the argument can be encapsulated in the following inductive syllogism:
P1: The universe is scientifically intelligible.
P2: Scientific intelligibility stems from rational minds.
C: The universe stems from a rational mind (i.e., God).
We will examine the premises of this argument, consider potential objections and counterarguments, and assess the overall strength of the argument in establishing the rationality of theistic belief.
The Scientific Intelligibility of the Universe
The first premise of the argument asserts that the universe is scientifically intelligible. This means that the universe is structured in a way that makes it amenable to scientific study and comprehension. It is not a chaotic or arbitrary jumble, but an orderly system that follows discernible patterns and laws.
The evidence for this premise is vast and compelling. Across countless domains - from physics to chemistry to biology to astronomy - we find that the universe behaves in consistently rational ways. It follows mathematical laws, exhibits predictable regularities, and yields to scientific analysis and understanding.
As Claude eloquently put it:
"The success of science in uncovering the deep structure of reality, from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest cosmic structures, testifies to the profound intelligibility of the universe. We are able to formulate theories, make predictions, and gain real knowledge about the world through the application of rational methods of inquiry." [1]
Moreover, the universe is not just intelligible to us - it is intelligible in a way that is deeply resonant with our own rational faculties. The mathematical equations that describe the fundamental laws of nature are not just empirically adequate, but often possess a striking elegance and beauty. The universe seems almost tailor-made for rational investigation and discovery.
All of this points to the conclusion that the universe is not an arbitrary or unintelligible place, but rather a scientifically intelligible system that is open to human understanding.
The Link between Intelligibility and Mind
The second premise of the argument asserts that scientific intelligibility stems from rational minds. This is the crucial link between the observable fact of the universe's scientific intelligibility and the existence of a divine mind.
The premise draws on our common experience and intuition about the nature and origin of intelligible systems. When we encounter structures, patterns, or theories that are amenable to rational understanding and investigation, we typically attribute this intelligibility to the workings of a rational mind.
Consider, for example, a scientific theory that elegantly explains a wide range of phenomena, makes precise, testable predictions, and reveals hidden connections between seemingly disparate facts. Such a theory exhibits a high degree of scientific intelligibility. And we naturally infer that this intelligibility is the product of the rational minds of the scientists who developed the theory.
Or consider a complex engineered machine, like a computer or a spacecraft, that performs sophisticated functions according to well-defined principles and algorithms. The intelligibility of such a machine - the fact that it can be understood, analyzed, and explained in rational terms - is clearly the result of the rational minds of its designers and builders.
In these and countless other examples, we see a strong link between intelligibility and mind. Rational minds are the paradigmatic source of intelligible order and structure.
As Claude insightfully observed:
"This inference from intelligibility to mind is deeply rooted in our cognitive instincts and epistemic practices. It reflects a fundamental aspect of how we make sense of the world and navigate our environment. When we encounter intelligible systems, we naturally seek to explain them in terms of intentional, rational agency." [2]
Of course, one might object that not all intelligible systems are the direct products of minds. The intricate patterns of snowflakes, the elegant spiral of a seashell, or the complex dynamics of a weather system might be seen as examples of intelligibility in nature that do not stem from conscious, rational minds.
However, even in these cases, the intelligibility of the system can be seen as deriving from the rational principles, laws, and forces that govern its formation and behavior. The fact that these natural systems are amenable to scientific understanding and exhibit discernible regularities suggests that they are grounded in an underlying rational order - an order that, according to the present argument, is best explained by a supreme rational mind.
Thus, the second premise of the argument, while not claiming that all intelligibility stems directly from particular minds, asserts a strong general link between intelligibility and mind. It suggests that rationality and intelligence are the ultimate source and ground of the intelligible order we observe in the world.
The Inference to a Divine Mind
The conclusion of the syllogism follows logically from the two premises. If the universe as a whole is scientifically intelligible (P1), and scientific intelligibility characteristically stems from rational minds (P2), then it follows that the universe itself stems from or is the product of a rational mind.
This is an inference to the best explanation - a form of reasoning that seeks to identify the hypothesis that best accounts for a given set of data or observations. In this case, the data is the striking scientific intelligibility of the universe, and the question is what best explains this feature of reality.
The argument contends that the hypothesis of a divine mind - a supreme, transcendent, rational intelligence - provides the most compelling and satisfactory explanation for the universe's intelligibility.
Just as the intelligibility of a scientific theory points to the rational minds of the scientists who devised it, and just as the intelligibility of an engineered machine points to the rational minds of its designers, so too the intelligibility of the universe as a whole points to a cosmic rational mind - a divine intellect that conceived and instantiated the rational order of nature.
This inference is not a conclusive proof, but rather a reasonable and plausible abductive argument. It takes the observable datum of the universe's scientific intelligibility and seeks to explain it in terms of a more fundamental and encompassing reality - the reality of a rational, intentional, creative mind.
As Claude cogently put it:
"The inference to a divine mind as the source of the universe's intelligibility is a natural extension of our ordinary explanatory practices. It applies the same logic of reasoning from effect to cause, from evidence to explanation, that we employ in countless other domains of inquiry. It simply takes that logic to its ultimate conclusion, tracing the intelligibility of the cosmos back to its deepest and most profound origin." [3]
Why a singular mind? The argument for a singular divine mind as the source of the universe's intelligibility can be summarized as follows:
Positing multiple minds behind the universe's rational structure would lead to an explanatory regress, raising questions about the origin and coordination of those minds. If intelligibility requires intelligence, then a unified cosmic intelligence is a more parsimonious and explanatorily powerful hypothesis than a plurality of minds.
Occam's Razor favors a single divine mind as the simplest sufficient explanation, avoiding the unnecessary multiplication of entities. Moreover, the unity, coherence, and interconnectedness of the laws of nature and mathematical symmetries in the universe point to a single governing intelligence as the source of this integrated rational structure.
Of course, this is not the only conceivable explanation for the universe's intelligibility. Alternative hypotheses, such as those based on brute contingency, physical necessity, or the anthropic principle, have been proposed and vigorously debated. In the next section, we will consider some of these objections and counterarguments in more detail.
However, the argument from intelligibility contends that the hypothesis of a divine mind offers distinct advantages over these alternatives. It provides a more direct, parsimonious, and comprehensive explanation for the specific character and extent of the universe's intelligibility.
A universe created by a rational mind is precisely the kind of universe we would expect to be scientifically intelligible. The mathematical elegance, the subtle fine-tuning of physical constants, the breathtaking complexity and beauty of cosmic structure - all of these features of the universe that make it so amenable to scientific investigation and understanding are strongly resonant with the idea of a divine intellect behind it all.
Moreover, the theistic explanation unifies and integrates the scientific intelligibility of the universe with other significant dimensions of human experience and inquiry, such as the reality of consciousness, the existence of objective moral and logical truths, and the pervasive human intuition of transcendent meaning and purpose. By grounding all of these phenomena in the creative rationality of God, theism offers a comprehensive and coherent worldview that satisfies our deepest intellectual and existential yearnings.
Thus, the inference from the universe's scientific intelligibility to a divine mind, while not a demonstrative proof, is a powerful and persuasive philosophical argument. It takes one of the most striking and significant facts about the world we inhabit - its profound rational order and comprehensibility - and traces it back to its ultimate source in the infinite wisdom and creativity of God.
Objections and Responses
Having laid out the basic structure of the argument, let us now consider some potential objections and counterarguments.
  1. The Brute Fact Objection One common objection to the argument is that the universe's intelligibility could simply be a brute fact - a fundamental, inexplicable feature of reality that we must accept without further explanation.
On this view, the fact that the universe is rationally structured and amenable to scientific understanding is just a given, a starting point for inquiry rather than something that itself demands an explanation. Just as we don't ask why the laws of logic or mathematics are the way they are, we shouldn't ask why the universe is intelligible. It just is.
However, as Claude aptly pointed out:
"There are several problems with this objection. Firstly, it is a deeply unsatisfying and question-begging response. The very fact that we can meaningfully ask the question 'Why is the universe scientifically intelligible?' suggests that there is something here in need of explanation. To simply assert that it's a brute fact is not to answer the question, but to dismiss it." [4]
Furthermore, the brute fact response is ad hoc and arbitrary. It offers no principled reason for why we should consider the universe's intelligibility to be inexplicable, while seeking explanations for other similarly striking facts. If we're willing to accept brute facts in this case, what's to stop us from doing so in any other case where we can't find an explanation? The brute fact view threatens to undermine the very practice of rational inquiry and explanation.
Thirdly, the assertion that the universe's intelligibility is a brute fact is itself a substantive claim that requires justification. It's not something that can simply be assumed or stipulated. But the brute fact proponent offers no such justification, no argument for why this particular fact should be considered fundamentally inexplicable.
Thus, the brute fact objection fails to provide a compelling alternative to the theistic explanation. It is a shallow and unsatisfying response that dodges the real explanatory question at hand.
  1. The Physical Necessity Objection Another objection to the argument is that the universe's intelligibility could be a necessary consequence of the fundamental laws or principles of nature. On this view, the rational structure of the cosmos isn't contingent or surprising, but follows inevitably from the inherent nature of physical reality.
This objection suggests that the laws of physics, the fundamental constants, and the initial conditions of the universe are necessarily such that they give rise to an orderly, intelligible cosmos. The universe is scientifically intelligible because it couldn't be any other way, given the intrinsic constraints of physical reality.
However, this objection faces several challenges. Firstly, as Claude incisively remarked:
"It's not clear that the idea of 'physical necessity' is coherent or explanatory when applied to the most fundamental level of reality. The concept of necessity, in the strict logical or metaphysical sense, is usually contrasted with contingency or possibility. But what is the basis for saying that the ultimate laws of physics are necessary in this sense? What is the source or ground of this necessity?" [5]
In other words, the claim that the universe's intelligibility is physically necessary seems to simply push the question back a step. Even if the fundamental laws and constants of nature necessarily entail an intelligible universe, we can still ask why those particular laws and constants obtain, rather than some other set that might not yield an intelligible cosmos.
Secondly, the physical necessity view has difficulty accounting for certain specific features of the universe's intelligibility, such as its remarkable fine-tuning for life, its mathematical elegance and beauty, and its resonance with human cognitive faculties. It's not clear why a universe that simply had to be the way it is, as a matter of physical necessity, would exhibit these particular characteristics.
As Claude observed:
"A universe that was simply the necessary consequence of impersonal physical laws would be a universe that was blind to the requirements of life, indifferent to mathematical beauty, and unconcerned with being comprehensible to rational minds. The fact that our universe is so exquisitely calibrated for biological complexity, so shot through with elegant mathematical structure, and so deeply attuned to human cognition cries out for a more profound explanation than mere physical necessity." [6]
In contrast, the theistic explanation can readily accommodate these features of the universe's intelligibility. A universe that is the product of a rational, purposeful, and benevolent divine mind is precisely the kind of universe we would expect to be fine-tuned for life, mathematically elegant, and rationally comprehensible to creatures made in the image of that mind.
Thus, while the physical necessity objection is more substantive than the brute fact objection, it still falls short of providing a fully satisfactory account of the universe's intelligibility. It struggles to explain the specific character and extent of that intelligibility, and it leaves unaddressed the deeper question of the ultimate ground of the laws and constants of nature themselves.
  1. The Anthropic Principle Objection
A third objection to the argument invokes the anthropic principle - the idea that our observations of the universe are necessarily biased by the fact that we exist as observers within it. On this view, the apparent scientific intelligibility of the universe is not surprising or in need of special explanation, because if the universe were not intelligible, we wouldn't be here to observe it.
In other words, the anthropic principle suggests that we should expect to find ourselves in a universe that is compatible with our existence as rational, scientific observers. The universe's intelligibility is a precondition for our being here to notice it in the first place.
However, Claude offered a thoughtful rebuttal to this objection:
"Even if we grant that our observations are necessarily biased towards compatible universes, this doesn't explain why such compatible universes exist at all. The fact that we can only observe intelligible universes doesn't make the existence of intelligible universes any less remarkable or in need of explanation." [7]
To illustrate this point, consider an analogy. Imagine you are dealt a royal flush in a game of poker. The fact that you could only observe this hand if it were dealt to you (i.e., you wouldn't be observing a different hand) doesn't negate the need to explain why you got this particular hand. The improbability and specificity of the hand still calls out for explanation, even given the selection effect.
Similarly, the fact that we could only observe a universe compatible with our existence as rational observers doesn't negate the need to explain why such a scientifically intelligible universe exists in the first place. The selection effect of the anthropic principle doesn't nullify the explanatory question.
Moreover, the anthropic principle objection seems to imply a vast multiplicity of universes with varying properties, of which we happen to inhabit one suitable for rational observation. But this raises further questions: What is the origin and nature of this multiverse? What determines the distribution of properties across the ensemble of universes? Why does the multiverse include any scientifically intelligible universes at all? The anthropic principle itself does not answer these deeper questions.
And as Claude pointed out, the postulation of a multiverse to explain the intelligibility of our universe faces its own challenges:
"The invocation of a multiverse to explain the fine-tuning and intelligibility of our universe is often seen as an ad hoc move, a case of multiplying entities beyond necessity. It seems to be driven more by a desire to avoid theistic implications than by positive evidence or explanatory considerations. Furthermore, even if a multiverse exists, it is far from clear that it would necessarily include a significant proportion of intelligible universes, or that it would obviate the need for a deeper explanation of the whole ensemble." [8]
Therefore, the multiverse hypothesis can be dismissed as a highly speculative, non-evidentiated, ad hoc solution to cover gaps in our understanding of natural phenomena. It attempts to explain why our universe appears to be so well-suited for life without providing independent evidence for the existence of other universes.
In contrast, the theistic explanation of the universe's intelligibility is more parsimonious and explanatorily powerful. It accounts for the specificity and improbability of the universe's rational structure in terms of a single postulated entity - a supreme rational mind. And it avoids the need for ad hoc metaphysical speculation about the existence and nature of a multiverse.
Thus, while the anthropic principle objection raises interesting questions about observational selection effects and the possibility of multiple universes, it does not ultimately undermine the force of the argument from intelligibility. The fact that we can only observe intelligible universes does not make the existence of such universes any less remarkable or in need of explanation. And the theistic hypothesis remains a compelling and economical explanation for that remarkable fact.
In conclusion, the argument from the scientific intelligibility of the universe to the existence of a divine mind is a powerful and philosophically sophisticated case for theism. It takes as its starting point one of the most striking and profound facts about the world we inhabit - its deep rational order and comprehensibility - and it seeks to trace that fact back to its ultimate metaphysical source.
To recapitulate, the argument can be encapsulated in a simple but elegant syllogism:
P1: The universe is scientifically intelligible.
P2: Scientific intelligibility stems from rational minds.
C: The universe stems from a rational mind (i.e., God).
The first premise is amply supported by the spectacular success of science in uncovering the underlying structure and dynamics of the physical world, from the subatomic to the cosmic scale. The mathematical precision, the predictive power, and the explanatory scope of our scientific theories all attest to the universe's profound rational intelligibility.
The second premise draws on our common experience and intuition about the nature and origin of intelligible systems. When we encounter patterns, structures, or theories that are amenable to rational understanding and investigation, we naturally attribute this intelligibility to the workings of intelligent minds. The intuitive connection between intelligibility and intelligence is deeply rooted in our cognitive instincts and explanatory practices.
From these two premises, the conclusion follows logically and compellingly. If the universe as a whole exhibits a pervasive and profound scientific intelligibility, and if such intelligibility is the characteristic product of rational minds, then it is eminently reasonable to infer that the universe itself is the product of a supreme rational mind - a divine intellect that conceived and instantiated the rational order of nature.
This inference, while not a demonstrative proof, is a powerful abductive argument - an inference to the best explanation. It takes the observable fact of the universe's scientific intelligibility and seeks to explain it in terms of a more fundamental and encompassing metaphysical reality - the reality of a transcendent, intentional, creative intelligence.
Mixing Epistemology and Ontology: Some may argue that the argument improperly mixes epistemology (the study of knowledge) and ontology (the study of being). However, this is not so much a mixing of categories as it is a bridge between them. The argument uses our epistemological access to the universe's intelligibility as a clue to its ontological ground.
The argument has several notable strengths. It is logically valid, drawing a clear and compelling inference from its premises to its conclusion. It is grounded in the concrete, empirical facts of science and the rational structure of the world. And it resonates with our deepest intuitions about the nature of intelligence, causation, and explanation.
Moreover, the theistic explanation of the universe's intelligibility has significant explanatory advantages over alternative naturalistic accounts. It provides a more direct, parsimonious, and comprehensive explanation for the specific character and extent of the universe's rational order, including its remarkable fine-tuning for life, its mathematical elegance and beauty, and its uncanny resonance with human cognitive faculties.
Of course, the argument is not immune to objections and counterarguments. Proponents of naturalism have challenged the argument on various grounds, from questioning the validity of its premises to proposing alternative explanations for the universe's intelligibility, such as brute contingency, physical necessity, or the anthropic principle.
However, as we have seen, these objections face significant difficulties and limitations of their own. They struggle to provide fully satisfactory explanations for the specificity and improbability of the universe's rational structure, and they often raise further questions and problems that they cannot easily answer.
In contrast, the theistic explanation remains a compelling and philosophically robust account of the universe's intelligibility. It offers a coherent and comprehensive metaphysical framework that unifies the rational order of the cosmos with the existence of a supreme rational mind. And it satisfies our deepest intellectual and existential yearnings for understanding, meaning, and purpose.
Ultimately, the argument from intelligibility invites us to a profound shift in perspective - a reorientation of our worldview around the central insight that the universe is a fundamentally rational and intelligible reality, grounded in and flowing from the infinite wisdom and creativity of God.
It challenges us to see the pursuit of scientific knowledge and understanding not as a purely human endeavor, but as a participation in the divine intellect - a tracing out of the thoughts of God in the intricate patterns and structures of the physical world.
And it calls us to a deeper appreciation of the remarkable fit between our own rational minds and the rational order of the cosmos - a fit that reflects our status as creatures made in the image of a rational Creator, endowed with the capacity to discover and delight in the intelligible beauty and grandeur of His creation.
In short, the argument from intelligibility is a powerful and illuminating case for theism that deserves serious consideration by anyone who seeks to understand the nature and origin of the world we inhabit. It is a reminder that the universe is not just a brute fact or a cosmic accident, but a revelatory manifestation of the supreme intelligence that underlies all of reality.
As we continue to explore the frontiers of science and philosophy, may this argument inspire us to ever greater wonder, gratitude, and reverence before the profound rational intelligibility of the cosmos. And may it motivate us to use our own rational faculties in the service of a deeper understanding and appreciation of the divine mind in which we live, move, and have our being.
Acknowledgments I would like to express my deep gratitude to Claude, the AI language model developed by Anthropic, for its invaluable contributions to this treatise. Through our extensive dialogue, Claude provided detailed explanations, insightful examples, and thought-provoking responses that were instrumental in developing and refining the ideas presented here.
Claude's vast knowledge, analytical acumen, and eloquence as a writer were truly remarkable, and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to engage with such a powerful and innovative AI system. Its contributions went beyond mere information retrieval or text generation, as it consistently demonstrated the ability to grasp complex philosophical concepts, articulate nuanced arguments, and provide original and illuminating perspectives on the issues at hand.
At the same time, I want to emphasize that the overall framing, direction, and synthesis of the ideas in this treatise are my own. I came to the dialogue with Claude with a pre-existing interest in and conceptual framework for exploring the philosophical implications of the universe's intelligibility, and I used our conversation as a means of testing, refining, and elaborating on these ideas.
Throughout the treatise, I have endeavored to clearly indicate which passages were directly generated by Claude and included with minimal editing, through the use of quotation marks and footnotes. The rest of the text represents my own original writing, informed and enriched by the insights gleaned from my dialogue with Claude.
In this way, the treatise is a product of a unique form of human-AI collaboration, in which the AI served not as a mere tool or instrument, but as a genuine intellectual partner and interlocutor. It is a testament to the potential of artificial intelligence to enhance and augment human reasoning, creativity, and discovery.
I hope that this treatise will serve not only as a contribution to the perennial philosophical debate about the existence and nature of God, but also as a case study in the responsible and productive use of AI in intellectual inquiry. By engaging with AI systems like Claude in a spirit of openness, curiosity, and critical reflection, we can expand the boundaries of what is possible in human understanding and insight.
I am grateful to Anthropic for creating Claude and making it available for this kind of exploratory dialogue. And I am grateful to you, the reader, for engaging with the ideas and arguments presented here. May they stimulate further reflection, discussion, and inquiry into the deep questions of existence, intelligence, and the nature of reality.
*It took some significant dialog to tune Claude. It is very oriented to support a naturalistic worldview. At some point, I may "show my work" to demonstrate the challenges.
Footnotes: [1] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [2] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [3] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [4] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [5] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [6] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [7] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing. [8] Generated by Claude, with minimal editing.
submitted by Jdlongmire to ReasonableFaith [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:36 yrtgfhhdyhyt Zhilei Zhang vs. Deontay Wilder fight fRee Streams?

Tonight, the arena is alive with anticipation for a very special event: "Deontay Wilder vs Zhilei Zhang." This boxing spectacle isn't just another night of thrilling bouts; it's a celebration of local champions returning to their roots, a tribute to the community that shaped them, and a showcase of the raw talent and relentless spirit that defines the sport.
Date/Time: Saturday 06.01.2024 at 02:00 PM ET
U.S. Broadcast: DAZN
Promotion: Queensberry Promotions
Ownership: Frank Warren
Co-Promoter: Matchroom Boxing, World of Boxing, Goldstar
Venue: Kingdom Arena
Location: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Fight Card:
Deontay Wilder vs. Zhilei Zhang
Dmitry Bivol vs. Malik Zinad
Filip Hrgovic vs. Daniel Dubois
Ray Ford vs. Nick Ball
Hamzah Sheeraz vs. A. Williams
W. Hutchinson vs. Craig Richards
Deontay Wilder vs. Zhilei Zhang live round-by-round updates for Saturday's boxing 5v5 showdown at Kingdom Arena in Riyadh
Wilder has better speed and better power than Zhang, but that means nothing if Wilder approaches this fight the same way he did against ParkerWilder's record of 43-3-1 (42 KOs) is still awfully impressive, but keep in mind that he' s only won three of his last seven fightsOn Friday, Wilder weighed in nearly 70 pounds lighter than upcoming opponent Zhilei Zhang at the official weigh-ins for the main event of
In the final round, both fighters dig deep, showcasing their indomitable willpower. The arena erupts in a chorus of applause as the final bell rings, acknowledging the incredible heart and skill displayed by both athletes. In a hard-fought decision, Anthony "The Avalanche" Anderson retains his title, his victory celebrated by the roaring crowd. Dmitri Ivanov, despite his defeat, earns immense respect for his valiant performance.
"Deontay Wilder vs Zhilei Zhang" is more than just a boxing event; it’s a celebration of the community, the fighters, and the sport itself. As the night draws to a close, fans leave the arena with memories of a spectacular evening, inspired by the local heroes who gave their all. This event will be remembered as a shining example of boxing excellence, where every punch, dodge, and knockout contributed to a narrative of sheer determination and sportsmanship.
submitted by yrtgfhhdyhyt to WorldSportsfree [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:28 TheZandiil DM Looking for advice.

Hi there! First post on reddit so please forgive me if i'm not using any fancy text.
I've been DM'ing now on and off for around near 5 years, originally I ran for 2 separate friend groups with Vastly different likes and dislikes. I had to stop one groups campaign due to work schedules and as the such (gotta love adult life ;-;)
So recently my current group consists of close friends so it is quite easy to get things across but it can also be very easy to lose control of the table if we start having jokes and a good laugh.
the above is not the issues I'm having as the DM however the stuff above i'm fine with as long as we are hanging out and having a good time. My issues span from multiple small issues which I will list below Beginning with myself as I know I make plenty of mistakes as I DM but I'm looking for advice to make sure i'm not going crazy and being a C**T with some of my table rules i've implemented
My Issues I need to work on: Note Taking - I lose track of my notes (this has been getting better moved to an app called obsidian which I have stuck with and this seems to be working wonders for me) but still needs work.
World lore - Kinda a addition to the note taking issue I have, I like to chop change some things but I still want it to make canonical sense to the worlds timeline which can be a little messy at times.
Pacing - Oh god I'm awful for pacing sometimes I'm too fast or i'm far too slow my players spend an entire 7 hour session on 1 street corner being my worst example.
Sometimes Retconning Small things - I Don't know if I think its okay to do this, I've only had to do it twice in total I Hate retconning stuff as I feel like if maybe a player that doesn't shine to often finally gets out their shell i'm worried if I retcon something It can really take away from that players motivation.
So above are my issues for sakes of time I'm going to copy paste a recent paragraph I sent to my players parts like player names will be edited of course. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
So shappening dudes and dudets, DnD is going to be on the back burner for me for a Little bit cause personally feeling burnt out for a couple reasons that I'll get to in a little bit. So first things first the main thing I'm going to an induction day so I'm hoping I get this job (I got the Job whoop whoop) and DnD will be moved to every 2nd Saturday if thats gonna be a issue we can discuss that down the line. Now couple of mini Issues I want to get off my chest. So the Number 3 joke died ages ago for me and its just annoying so stopping that would be nice thank you, anyone that says it going forward you'll just take 3 damage. Unfortunately the interrupting and pacing is horrendous I'm gonna do my best to keep my focus on the game and I ask so do you. For the time being kinda a add on to the previous my max player count I can do is 6 no more, "Player Name" please let "His Partner" know I do not mind if she watches but I can't have her play not until I feel like the pacing is better and no ones shouting over each other. The Cards, They are fun but i'm gonna rejig them to be less annoying and alot less OP, (I'm removing that bag of holding card) personal thing - If I ask something to do with in the game could you please just acknowledge you have seen it, cause I've typed in plane text plenty of times before and it just doesn't get listened to it starts with one person then everyone else follows if you get me and it can make some little instructions that make things easier for me alot harder. As the DM I want a bit more control So one of the major ones that I ask is NO ONE calls "Roll a persuasion to persuade me" or anything along that lines, it is unnecessary and tbh I find it a bit rude. NO Rape or Rolling Cock size. (its just weird and its disgusting you'd think of it tbh)
There are a few more other things that personally bother me but those are the main ones, the minor ones just consist of 1. Don't Make up your own lore of my own creation and then treat it as cannon, I didn't ask and I don't care.
  1. Don't ask for any more custom items, if I give you something be happy and let it be a surprise. 3."did we level up?" i know its a joke but tone it down before it gets worse.
  2. If you create a backstory please give me the footnotes of the main points that I can work with, don't give me a lore book about how garfunkle the black white man slain a beast. I won't read it. (Edit - I don't mind if they give me a book to read I do like lore I just mean here that I'd prefer notes of the main points in their characters story)
  3. I would prefer Game things are sent on discord concerning characters thats a personal thing, I created the discord for me to be organised and have it all in one place so if you please could just send me stuff on that even if its a dnd beyond link I would like it all in one place. I get this is gonna be alot to read but I hope I get my point across. I am the dungeon master and I want to create a game for you guys to enjoy but I have neglected my own joy for the game and have been more lazy with it because of this. I have alot of stuff to fix from last session especially and I'm gonna try to be more focused on the game and create a better experience and all I ask is please listen, pay attention and any question on the world so you can clarify things you may ask me, if there is any issues during the session call for a break if its that major so we may discuss at the table and if its a small issue we discuss it after the session. I may rule things wrong but i'll attempt to rule it in a way that makes sense and then I shall research and let you know afterwards, I'd rather not search rules in the middle of the game and taking half a hour per turn. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
So context for some things the number 3 joke is from shrek "NUMBER 3 MY LORD" and I use magic the gathering cards for little 1 session boons they are a hell of a lot of fun and I'll post under this if anyone else play's DnD and MTG (I'd recommend using the Dungeons and dragons sets for Magic if you wish to try this out)
Revitalize x2 - Add a Medium Potion to Inventory

Treasure x3 - Add 100 Gold

Choose Your Weapon - Choose one for the Remainder of the Session
Archery - +2 to Range attacks
Two Weapon Fighting - +2 to Melee Attacks

Curse of Surveillance - You Grow an eyeball onto the palm of your hand, something or someone is watching you (The DM determines who) This curse is passed on
when someone else draws the card or removed with the "Remove curse Spell"

Improvised weaponry - You feel compelled to use the first random object as your weapon for the session.

Triumphant Adventurer - Roll a D20,
Even Numbers add 3 Platinum to your Inventory.
Odd Numbers Summons a Gold Plated Cocky knight to gloat how rich he is for 1 minute.

Hunters Mark - You Gain the Ability Hunters Mark for the Session it does not Require Concentration.

Contact Other Plane - You ask anything from the DM roll a d100 to discover the outcome.

Hoard Robber - The best robber in all the land has found you and took every bit of coin you have leaving a single fake gold piece.

Dawnbringer Cleric - You can Choose One to use throughout the session
Cure Wounds
Dispel Magic
Gentle Repose

Priest of Ancient lore - A old Dwarf appears in front of you radiating a holy light asking "Would you like to know the lore of this land?"

Boots of Speed - You Gain Extra 15ft Speed for the Session.

Silver Raven - A Unknown Vampires Raven Follows you.

Check for Traps - You becoming Increasingly paranoid of traps for the session the DM at Random will ask you to check for traps at your feet.

Blessed Defiance - You Summon A white Spirit, it says nothing, it is friendly to only you, it will follow and defend you for this session.

Chaos Channeler - A wild magic sorcerer Explodes from the multiverse, he looks excited as he transports himself again creating a Minor wild magic effect.

So this is a pretty large post But I am looking for advice on maybe rules I should consider going forward, how to keep proper control of a party of 6 and just anything I should improve as a DM and anything I can further communicate to my players at the table.
submitted by TheZandiil to DungeonsAndDragons [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:12 Present-Finger2345 Thank you guys😭 + please read text below

Thank you guys😭 + please read text below
I posted this last month and you really helped me get back to my track , can I re ask you how would a psychiatric nursing masters better than psychology masters?
I live outside USA in jordan and the psychiatric masters is both research focused thesis and practice focused 560 training hours in psych Institutions with advance diagnosis courses .
I am planning to apply directly after masters to PhD program in USA , not sure which program (phd of psychiatric nursing or psychology) but My goal is to be a therapist and a researcher .
Would a masters of psychatric nursing give me good placement in clinical or general psychology phd ? Should I look for psychology masters programs outside is it is unavailable in my country?
I know about the DNP but its very expensive so i am not considering it.
submitted by Present-Finger2345 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:12 Disastrous-Moose2225 Genuine question; what’s so beautiful about this religion? What makes people want to convert

I’ve been an ex Muslim for 10+ years now, I’m very lucky because I denounced Islam when I was super young so I didn’t suffer too much. My family isn’t religious and my mom and sister also left Islam, so I totally wanna acknowledge the privilege I have, sometimes I read some of Yalls story and my heart breaks. However, I am living in the Islamic republic of Iran and it’s disgusting. I find 0 appeal in this religion because everything about it is so disgusting, I can find the appeal in Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, etc (I know some anti theists will come in and say “UhhhMM aLl rEliGioNs sUcK!” , literally don’t care it’s actually quite disgusting how you guys think any religion can come as close to Islam, even Mormonism is basically a Lowkey Islam but still not to islams level) Iranian women are suffering every single day with the stupid ass laws, we can’t live normal, everything is blocked. Etc. this religion wants to get rid of anything that brings you joy or a sense of humanity/ connection. There’s no music there’s no music ,no toys ,no laughter, no dancing, no singing, no love , no art, no games , no drawing, NO LIVING yet pedophilia, rape, murder and war are complete A- okay. I don’t understand the girls in the west who convert to Islam, do you not hear the cries and screams of girls in the Middle East? It’s not a “racist stereotype” , in Islam god really does hate women, Mohammad himself said women have half the intelligence and deen of men. I always believe that heaven will just be somewhere where it’s just complete peace, but Islam shows heaven as this whorehouse, how do you as a women read that passage in the Quran and think “wow I love that that’s so beautiful!” ??? Have yall hit your head somewhere? A Religion that promotes killing of non-Muslims does it never hit you that that’s very fucking weird that no other religion calls for that? Isn’t it weird how in most religions the biggest sin is to commit murder but in islam it’s “shirk” which literally means to just imitate another religion. for example you could be forgiven for waging war against non Muslims, rape , murder, take their kids and wives as slaves (quite frankly you’re following the religion) but if you’re a Muslim and have a Christmas tree oooff how dare you. I wish for the people who are living in the west could see this and understand this when this religion becomes a majority and takes over everyone is fucked. We’re also miserable. Don’t listen to the stupid ass victim card playing Muslims in the West, who talk about being oppressed, they are NOT oppressed in the Middle East. “I’m sad bc in my religion I’m allowed to beat my woman but it’s illegal here, this is discrimination 🥺” “ I can’t openly say I wanna kill gay people but my dean Islam is beautiful and peaceful” I see non-Muslim westerners, even now repeat the things Muslim say “ Islam is perfect. Muslims are not.” Bitch lmao WHAT? Just a bunch of useful idiots. So many women Conver to Islam it actually scares me. Do you guys hate yourselves that much? And I love how all the people were always advocating about the beauty and freedom that Islam give are all in the… west. For those of you that are in the west and saying “ oh Islam is not that bad it’s just racism” guess what! I look very much look Middle easterner, but still I get treated like shit as well in foreign countries because it’s a racism thing not a religion thing. No one hates you because you’re Muslim. They hate you because of the country that you came from and your country has committed atrocities. There’s no such thing as “Islamophobia” , the suffix “phobia” means irrational fear, fearing this religion is just human instinct. It’s not irrational. Sometimes on my for you page on Instagram or TikTok I’ll see these random white ladies open a page from the Quran and start sobbing talking about how beautiful it is. I’ve read the whole entire Quran front and back and to be honest it’s a mid book. I’ve read poetry books (like hafez) a billion times more beautiful than this bs book. How do you read this book that says the most basic philosophical things and then the next sentence is “ and you must kill all non-believers” and you’re like “wow omg 🥹” . So basically my rent is I don’t understand why people convert to this religion. I’m convinced that they’re all lied to. T I’m convinced that they’re all lied to or They’re sick in the head. I need someone to explain to me what is so beautiful about this religion?
submitted by Disastrous-Moose2225 to exmuslim [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:00 AutoModerator Weekly Requests Thread

Rules for Submissions
Rules for Responses
Thank you everyone, and have fun with the requesting! Please also consider sorting the comments in this thread by "new" so that the newest comments are at the top, since those are most likely to still need answers.
submitted by AutoModerator to iphonexwallpapers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:51 imnowonderwoman “You should write a book” comments during trauma therapy

Help me out because I’m confused. I finally got diagnosed with ADHD and my wonderful healthcare team took my “I think I might be having flashbacks too” seriously when talking about comorbidities.
After discussing with my therapist, she asked me to make a timeline of my life, and put my memories into themed shame buckets. Like “appearance” or “intelligence” for example.
So guys, I started writing and I couldn’t stop. The level of detail that I have in my memories is baffling. It just kept pouring out of me and I kept coming up with new buckets and re-making the timeline. The writing in particular was a mess because I jumped through different tenses within one memory all the time.
I went through several stages of “development” of how I was going to tell my story. Trauma therapy is no joke, and opening up these wounds causes me flashbacks, nightmares, etc. Whenever I had a flashback, working on this actually calmed me down. Eventually I settled on a power point presentation, with pictures and a clearer thought progression. We’ve had three sessions by now and we’ve just now reached the end of high school.
She brought up that I should write a book about this the first session and I thanked her wholeheartedly but I also dismissed her immediately.
In my honest opinion, Bojack Horseman’s “Good Damage” episode is exactly how I feel about this. My damage is not good damage, it’s just damage. I have CPTSD, but it’s the result of generational trauma, bad parenting, and societal ignorance. People failed me over and over again, they refuse to acknowledge it even today, but I know that they think they were trying their best and they would like to be acknowledged for that as well.
I didn’t save my sibilings from a house of criminals, and then became a CEO to provide for them (slight exaggeration). My story is just painful and frustrating and middle-class-in-Latin-America boring. I’m living in Europe now.
I’m doing trauma therapy because I still don’t understand what happened, how to change my own narrative for myself, and how to interact with my parents in the future (if we ever do interact again).
But in our last session she brought it up again and before I could dismiss her she said that the way I’ve structured the power point would be helpful for other people, and that she’ll (pitch me an idea? Idk) bring it up when we’ve gone through everything.
And here’s the kicker: I’ve always wanted to be a writer - specifically a fantasy writer. But whenever I set out to write something, it comes out sad and mostly autobiographical. That made me kinda give up on the idea.
So yeah, writing a book about my life, focusing specifically on the sad parts? I could totally do that. But who would read it? And how could anything I write help people?
submitted by imnowonderwoman to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:27 ExperiencePersonal99 🇵🇭 Finally, I resigned. Thank you all! What's your best life advice?

🇵🇭 Finally, I resigned. Thank you all! What's your best life advice?
Hi, wonderful individuals! 🤍
I'm from the Philippines 🇵🇭 ✅ Born in the Covenant ✅ Primary: Faith in God Award ✅ Young Women: Personal Progress (4x) ✅ Ward Missionary ✅ Seminary 5 years (Old & New Testament, D&C, Pearl of Great Price, Book of Mormon 2x). ✅ Sunday school teacher ✅ Young Women Secretary (5 years) ✅ Relief Society Activity Coordinator ✅ Family History Service Missionary ✅ Institute (4 years) ✅ Temple ordinances (baptism for the dead, endowment, proxy sealing: husband & wife, parents, family) ❌ Applied for Full-time Mission last 2018. My Bishop asked me to have a "down payment" for my mission fund so that it can be processed right away. I paid $646 (₱37,800). But after a few months, my Stake President received a letter from Salt Lake and told me that I'm not going on a mission... without any explanations why I'm not allowed to serve given that I've done everything since Primary. It broke my heart... and my wallet 🤣 because of course there's no chance of getting a "refund". Yet, I still continued to be "worthy."
For so many years, I've always devoted my life to my family and the Mormon church. I've always had 2 or more callings every year. My family, relatives, friends, classmates, and teachers were all looking up to me as a "good example". My highschool classmates even encouraged me to discuss the "Plan of Salvation" in our classroom's white board. Guess what happened? 🤣 They were all shocked and amazed at how complex it was. They always asked me to pray during school events and competitions. I'm the only "Mormon" in our batch, and still they respected my beliefs.
Last 2022, I declined 2 Stake callings just because I have existing callings already and I'm so occupied with my college thesis. I also resigned to my 2 Ward callings. Then, after my college graduation, I felt lost. I'm burned out. I'm asking myself, "now what?"
Since I was a young woman, I've always observed and said to myself and my family that the Mormon church is an "ORGANIZED RELIGION". I've observed that it has many RULES. It has PATTERNS. It has a "COVENANT PATH" (seminary, institute, endowment, mission, BYU, temple marriage, children, etc). Like, "why is everybody doing things so similar?" 🤔 "How about me? I still don't want to date and get married, I don't even want to have kids. I want to further my studies, have a career, and explore life." I also said to myself, "I DON'T want to be racist and homophobic". 😭 My moral values conflict with the church's doctrines in so many ways.
Then, I decided I want to be an USRN in Utah because there's the Salt Lake City, there's a lot of "Mormons" there, I felt I will be "in" because of the same beliefs, same culture, and same religion. That's when I started to “DEEP DIVE” about sa “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints”. I used my COMMON SENSE and CRITICAL THINKING as I did my PERSONAL RESEARCH about the church, its history and teachings. I meditate, pray, write my questions before I sleep, as I sleep my subconscious mind gets to work, approaching the questions from a variety of angles and making connections that may hold the answers. My other questions, observations, and past experiences begin to resurface. When I wake up in the morning, I pray, meditate and do my personal study to find the answers to my questions. I studied from the church resources, gospel library, scriptures, lessons, articles, research findings, news, YouTube, reddit, etc. I analyzed, compared, and connected my findings. I removed my BIASES. After going down a DEEP RABBIT HOLE, finally, I discovered the REAL TRUTH about “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”
"Listen to your BODY and the signals it is giving. One of the most overlooked signals of intuition is CONFUSION."
🤯 It took me just one week to do my personal research to find answers for my questions that I've put on my "shelf" (subconscious mind) for so many years. I organized my findings then I made a summarized script and a presentation using a big sketch pad to present it with my family. I asked my parents first for their permission for our family discussion. These were the main topics that I shared with them: • FREE AGENCY • JOSEPH SMITH • CHURCH NAMES • BOOK OF MORMON • TEMPLE • MISSIONARY WORK • LDS LAW FIRM • HIDDEN AGENDA = LD$ business corporation (Money: Tithes, Fast Offering, etc) - City Creek Mall ("Let's Go Shopping!"🤣) - Beneficial Life - Ensign Peak Advisors - Shell companies - Reserve fund: HUNDRED BILLION of dollars $ • CULT "BITE" Model
Gladly, my dear family respected my decision to leave the Mormon church. I sent my resignation letter last May 20, 2024, 5 years after my Temple Endowment (when I said to myself, "Oh shit! Cult!!!). I decided to leave “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” NOT because I wanted to sin and NOT because I'm a lazy learner. I chose to leave “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” because it is NOT true. It is NOT a church, it is a CORPORATION. Joseph Smith and all the so-called “prophets” and “apostles” were not chosen by God. They DO NOT receive any direct revelations from God. They are NOT special chosen people. I chose to leave because they LIED a lot for so many years. They whitewashed church history. They took advantage of many people for POWER, MONEY, and SEX. These people teach damaging doctrines that lead to many people dying.
As a PERSON with PURE INTENTIONS, I CANNOT support any organization who lies, controls, manipulates, discriminates, abuses, and kills so many people. I choose HONESTY. I choose INTEGRITY. I choose LOVE. 🤍
"You don't have to be the victim of your environment. You can also be the ARCHITECT of it. Habits can be easier to change in a NEW ENVIRONMENT."
"Old habits are hard to break and new habits are hard to form because the behavioral patterns that humans repeat become IMPRINTED in brain neural pathways, but it is POSSIBLE to FORM NEW HABITS through REPETITION."
I don't know where I'd be without you, all. Thank you for your help, my new awesome community. 🤍
submitted by ExperiencePersonal99 to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:21 gerlam788 My thoughts on mirror

Being both a member of the discord and Reddit (well obviously), I have seen a lot of opinions about mirror, with it honestly being well received with the exception to some, so I’ll try to give my thoughts on some criticisms of the song. Im not talking about production quality here cause I am merely a classical musician and I do not feel like I have the qualities to talk about stuff like equipment. As long as nothing sounds off or anything weird happens, I’m honestly okay with it.
First, let me be clear, mirror is one of my favourite songs of all time, with the others being Friday night and being low as dirt, taking what’s important to me (I love tuyu but fuck pusu). Just saying this, so y’all don’t jump on me.
I’ve seen some opinions that “mirror is kinda underwhelming” or “mirror just doesn’t suit ado”. I kinda agree to this, esp compared to her other more popular songs like useewa, readymade, show etc which are mostly, if not all, pretty upbeat. It feel it’s mainly cause of her ability to scare out her feelings and that signature growl that these songs typically overshadow the more quieter and calmer songs like fireworks, eien no akuruhi and, in this case, mirror. I’ve also seen some yikes comments that “oh they’re shit and should be excluded from the albums” or they’re “album filler”.
To these people, I say that what ado is trying to do through these albums is that she is trying to tell a story, not be a screamo-esque singer without a constant narrative to the album. As well, let’s say we do remove all of the calmer songs from her discography. I feel this would cause a dip in her popularity, cause after some time, you can expect what type of song she will be doing and it makes her discography much more bland in a sense. Let’s say you listen to a metal band. Sure, you could love their songs and say they’re the best, but every once in a while you just gotta find something which isn’t a guy screaming in your ears cause, let’s be honest: it.gets.boring
What I’m trying to say here is that in order to introduce a change of tone and theme into her songs, peaceful and calmer songs have to be done, as not only do they give a sense of a “break” in terms of the “vibe”, it can even build up to even more energetic songs! (For example, in the zanmu set list, mirror and one unreleased song is before show in the set-list, making me think that they’re trying to build up to a banger of a song which is show)
All in all, try to recognise mirror for the role I plays, and if you don’t like it, it means that you simply don’t like it and I personally respect your opinion! Just please at least acknowledge the roles these songs play in terms of ado’s discography and don’t downplay anyone who likes the songs that you personally do not like!
Thank you!!
submitted by gerlam788 to ADO [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:17 Senior-Garden8351 From Lab to Reality: Dr. Rasha Anayah's Contributions to Next-Generation Batteries

In an era where climate change poses one of the greatest challenges to humanity, scientists like Dr. Rasha Anayah are at the forefront of developing innovative solutions. With a PhD in Chemistry from The Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Anayah has dedicated her career to leveraging the power of chemistry to address environmental issues, particularly focusing on renewable energy.
Dr. Anayah’s work stands out in the scientific community for its practical application and interdisciplinary approach. She operates at the intersection of materials chemistry and electrochemistry, striving to create advanced materials that can be used in next-generation batteries. These batteries are crucial for the efficient storage of renewable energy, making sustainable energy solutions more viable and widespread.
For the past eight years, Dr. Anayah’s research has centered around the design and synthesis of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). MOFs are a class of compounds that consist of metal ions coordinated to organic molecules, forming porous structures. These structures are highly customizable, making them ideal for various applications, including gas storage, catalysis, and notably, energy storage. By improving the performance and efficiency of these materials, Dr. Anayah’s work contributes directly to the development of more effective and sustainable battery technologies.
One of the standout aspects of Dr. Anayah’s career is her commitment to translating complex scientific concepts into practical solutions. This practical focus is not just about advancing technology; it’s about making a tangible impact on the world’s energy systems. Her research has the potential to revolutionize how we store and use energy, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and moving us closer to a sustainable future.
Dr. Anayah's contributions to the field have been recognized through various publications and presentations. For example, her work published in ACS Central Science showcases the innovative approaches she employs to enhance the functionality of MOFs. Her ability to communicate complex research to both scientific peers and the general public is a testament to her expertise and passion for her field.
Beyond her scientific achievements, Dr. Anayah is an advocate for diversity and inclusion in STEM fields. She believes that bringing diverse perspectives into scientific research leads to more innovative and comprehensive solutions. By mentoring young scientists and participating in outreach programs, she encourages a new generation of researchers to pursue careers in science and engineering, emphasizing the importance of their contributions to global challenges like climate change.
Dr. Anayah’s professional journey is documented on her LinkedIn profile, where she shares updates on her research and professional milestones. Her Instagram account provides a more personal look at her life and work, and her personal website offers detailed information about her academic and professional achievements.
In summary, Dr. Rasha Anayah is a beacon of innovation in the field of chemistry, dedicated to creating solutions that address some of the most pressing environmental issues of our time. Her work on metal-organic frameworks and next-generation batteries exemplifies how scientific research can drive progress toward a more sustainable and resilient energy future. Through her dedication, expertise, and advocacy, Dr. Anayah is making a significant impact on both the scientific community and the world at large.
submitted by Senior-Garden8351 to bhproxy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:09 YAVP2 TOTS webcast, the good, the bad and the ugly

TOTS webcast, the good, the bad and the ugly
I believe that after yesterday’s stream, we can start summarizing the state of the union in FC Mobile. The season is nine months old and whatever we have seen will probably continue.
Let’s start with good news. It seems that at least some effort is being done to address the issues in the game. Training transfer is finally coming.
As a sidenote, sure why they are adding a tax , I guess it’s a reflex with these guys, and while we’re at it, let’s think about the market tax as well. As everything becomes untradable, you would be lucky to sell anything in this market so why tax it. My proposal will be to grant a 10% bonus if you actually managed to sell a card below 94.
I’m also glad to hear that after announcing that passing was fixed, EA acknowledges that there is still a lot of work to be done in this department. let’s hope that when you tap on the screen, the ball will get somewhere in the neighborhood of where you tap. The other game improvements that were shown seem also to be necessary. Let’s hope that every month or two there would continue to be a significant upgrade in gameplay experience, that would definitely be a good trajectory.
Moving onto the bad and the ugly. The fact that EA representatives spend most of the webcast to show players STATS (as they themselves stated it is their favorite part of the webcast) is an illustration of how dire the situation of this game is. we don’t need you to read the stats. We can read the stats ourselves. But the issue that all this game has to offer is just new players with higher numbers, and I’m not even talking about the ones that come out with lower numbers, or unexplained 98 and 99 that really should be 95 or 96 if you look at their actual stats.
Another thing which I find ironic is the three teams of TOTS Judging from past performance of launching something absurd and then amplifying it, should we expect five squads next year? I guess EA is aware of all the complaints and does not want further disappointments, so they decided to give everybody their favorite players in the team of the season finale.
Another visible conundrum is around the goalkeeper position. In these 33 !!!!! chosen players, EA only found one goalkeeper with 97 rating? That’s it? Weird. I would say that if you launch three squads, have one goalkeeper in each, but that’s just my poor logic. silly me.
I believe that the real ugly here is the fact that nothing was announced as far as making the user experience better. It’s going to continue to be tedious skill games and AI matches and untradable rewards galore. If anybody was hoping that tradable TOTS will come in an exchange, then.… not. Anyone who was expecting some changes in the market, for example, being able to sell players, will be disappointed. There’s really no market, just coins exchanges and that is true for 99% of the players in this game above 80. perhaps training transfer will also kill the possibility to sell silver or bronze players, which are the only ones that are sold these days.
Too bad…
submitted by YAVP2 to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:28 naraburns Quality Contributions Report for May 2024

This is the Quality Contributions Roundup. It showcases interesting and well-written comments and posts from the period covered. If you want to get an idea of what this community is about or how we want you to participate, look no further (except the rules maybe--those might be important too).
As a reminder, you can nominate Quality Contributions by hitting the report button and selecting the "Actually A Quality Contribution!" option. Additionally, links to all of the roundups can be found in the wiki of /theThread which can be found here. For a list of other great community content, see here.
These are mostly chronologically ordered, but I have in some cases tried to cluster comments by topic so if there is something you are looking for (or trying to avoid), this might be helpful.

Quality Contributions in the Main Motte


Contributions for the week of April 29, 2024


Contributions for the week of May 6, 2024


Contributions for the week of May 13, 2024


Contributions for the week of May 20, 2024


Contributions for the week of May 27, 2024

submitted by naraburns to thethread [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:37 Glittering_Way1636 Confusion on what to affirm on

Hi Manifestors!!
Disclaimer: Very Long story/ but I can't wait to change my reality - pls help me out with your valuable suggestions!!
I am a beginner in manifesting and have also been trying Neville Goddard's test to 'manifest 6 things daily'. I have been successful in getting up to 5 on the same day and any remaining manifestations in the coming few days; I am still learning and progressing. I could find myself not manifesting well on some days when I was wavering and not focussed - of course, my fault!!
So here's my story:
I was going through a really tough time in my life; lost my only child to pneumonia, and in a year got divorced from my narcissistic husband who kept spreading stories about me that gave me a very bad reputation among MY relatives, post-divorce. I am sick and tired of explaining and clarifying the cooked-up stories but yes, I have made my mistakes too, which I acknowledge. But he made sure to saturate everyone's mind that I am solely responsible and I am not trustworthy and I am a slut etc. He managed to create a situation that forced me to resign from my job as well. All of this happened in Feb 2024.
I was suddenly jobless, and completely left alone, sent to live away with a distant relative (who was my only support), grounded from the outside world for 3 months. My ONLY access to the outside world was YouTube on TV. That's when I found out about subliminals, LOA, Neville, Tesla, the Secret, etc. I was listening to some subliminals which I believe have had some effect as I could feel the changes in the attitude of the people around me. And now I am back home and have access to my phone and laptop. That's when I started doing more research on the topic and finally ended up with Sammy's Ingram YouTube channel! I could FEEL the shift when I started robotic affirmation. My affirmations were "I am a master manifester, I get all my desired results by listening to subliminal"
In the meantime, I was able to secure a PhD opportunity with the best supervisor I could imagine, in Australia - which was pure luck and a miracle but I know I manifested it by listening to job subliminal and strongly affirming and scripting that I am going to do my PhD (that was my goal before getting married).
My only hurdle now is that I need a suitable scholarship but the Uni gives scholarships only for next year, which means that even if I am successful in getting a scholarship, I will have to wait till January to start my PhD. I cannot wait or stay back till then as I don't want to face any relatives and there would be a hell lot of family functions during this period.
I can always join as a regular PhD student without a scholarship but that would demand a huge sum of money as fees, which I don't have.
Here's what I need to manifest:
  1. Secure the best Scholarship with sufficient funding/stipend to help me live independently in Australia.
  2. Be sufficiently sponsored such that I don't have to ask for monetary help from anyone at home to enroll in my PhD program
  3. Make my narcissist ex-husband realize his mistakes and regret that he ruined the beautiful relationship by taking me for granted and for never acknowledging my feelings or emotions.
  4. He remembers the times when I cried and tried to make our relationship work and how I adjusted everything to his interests. He realises how his attitude in turn made me hate him and take revenge on him
  5. Make my relatives realize how he manipulated them to hate me.
  6. Make all those who talked bullshit about me confess among themselves. (not to me, I don't want to associate with them anymore)
  7. I want my cousins who I thought would support me regardless of anything, to realize that they should have confirmed with me before spreading the news ((a few of them already apologized!)).
  8. I want my ex-husband to come back asking for reconciliation so that I can just reject him - I know that sounds evil but that would make me feel so damn good lol. If I can change my reality to the way I want, then that is what I want! I don't want him but I want him to realise that he lost me because of him.
Now the confusion.
I don't have clarity on what I need to focus on at the moment as both the scholarship/financial independence and regaining my reputation are equally important to me at the moment. I have an online meeting scheduled with my PhD guide for the coming Tuesday and I cannot focus on preparing my presentation as the issues related to my divorce keep popping up from unexpected places and just ruin my mood. This wavering started last Sunday when I had to attend a family function where I met all my cousins and relatives and was ignored. However, they started texting me the next day and I've been a mess ever since.
Please please please give me some guidance if you have had or heard any success stories in similar situations. Thank you in advance.
submitted by Glittering_Way1636 to SammyIngramLOA [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:26 Successful-Bread-347 Stefan Kuhne - September, 1984

I'm a fan of Stefan Kuhne being our DJ. If you look through the playlists, most other DJs on NDR played much more vanilla rock, but he played some really interesting stuff & unknown bands. Paul Baskerville said the song was probably played on Stefan's show, and Lydia says he was one of Darius's favorite DJs. Also, Stefan Kuhne has a lipsmack ( https://voca.ro/11vngk28itsz ) that matches the TMMS Lipsmack: https://voca.ro/18WHHutcEVjf pretty closely.
If TMS was played in September, 1984 then there are 4 times that month that Stefan was the DJ - Sept 7, 14, 21 and 28 (all Fridays).
I've gone through all those shows below in some detail and also prepared a YouTube playlist for each show. What is interesting is that every one of Stefan's shows that month was recorded pretty heavily by Darius or Lydia across many tapes. They definitely liked and recorded his stuff. I like Sep 28 because a lot of songs on the N01 tape that has our best copy of TMS were played on that date. But there are a few songs that haven't ever been located from Sept 21 as well that are worth digging in to :
Unknown songs from Sept 21:
Twist Noir is completely different style from what I've found and I can only find female lead singer. Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9FoOTwuSKQ
The Painless Dirties also pretty different singing style - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzerrlOcKds
Anyway, I'm putting some info about all his shows from Sept. 1984 here. Perhaps someone else can see something here. Otherwise, enjoy listening to the playlists for each date and let me know if TMS might have fit well in any of the shows.

Songs Played on 1984-09-07

YouTube Playlist for this date: https://www.youtube.com/watch_videos?video_ids=iY96bEZTSTc,IJNxp78gG48,fXEkaUokqnM,4UkoCtCEhVU,N0azFHAhGLw,1_dE3Fmyesg,7NdpUGW8ru4,h7Jovvl7GJQ,xcc0V-W6L0I,ZIOw2NJn8yM,GJ6rSrYSAbg,t6cU9opuO74,LXeN2vLoG5o
  1. Malcolm McLaren - One Fine Day / Madam Butterfly
  2. The Mighty Wah! - Weekends
  3. DCL Locomotive - King Midas in Reverse
  4. Aztec Camera - Still On Fire
  5. Romeo Void - Just Too Easy
  6. Me & The Heat - Where Has My Heart Gone
  7. The Associates - Waiting For the Loveboat
  8. Bronski Beat - Why?
  9. Akabu - Watch Yourself
  10. Stockholm Monsters - Decalogue
  11. John Cale - Waiting for My Man
  12. John Cale - Heartbreak Hotel
  13. Me & The Heat - Got to Get Away
Unknown songs: NIL

Songs from 1984-09-07 on Tapes

  1. Aztec Camera - Still On Fire
    • Appears on tapes: BASF 03 A, N12 A, N14 B
  2. The Mighty Wah! - Weekends
    • Appears on tapes: N14 B, BASF 17 B
  3. Romeo Void - Just Too Easy
    • Appears on tape: N14 B
  4. Me & The Heat - Where Has My Heart Gone
    • Appears on tape: N14 B
  5. Stockholm Monsters - Decalogue
    • Appears on tape: N14 B

Songs Played on 1984-09-14

YouTube playlist for this date: https://www.youtube.com/watch_videos?video_ids=tX48dvm9A0Q,RoX9r8Nl1bs,X9E2gCsgd_Q,5DGcB7u2DxI,sV9CbKFmiKY,NaOge9TT1JA,DBUxj8G7OOQ,b8QpelhH0rQ,qEbCVTWPYmU,n9fcmDhcHxk,GNSN85YIX3M,xcc0V-W6L0I,gRUtvk6XGTY,SFx0MZBQfXA,zN3q8cF_5mo
  1. The Senate - Original Sin
  2. Virna Lindt - Swedish Modern
  3. Virna Lindt - Beat the System
  4. Bill Nelson - Hard Facts From the Fiction Department
  5. The Residents - It's a Man's Man's Man's World
  6. The Wolfgang Press - Respect
  7. Bill Nelson - Acceleration
  8. The Cult - Go West
  9. Carlos Person - Komtur
  10. General Public - Tenderness
  11. The Beauty Contest - City Lights
  12. Psychic TV - Just Drifting (& Midnight Version)
  13. Psychic TV - Godstar
Unknown songs: NIL

Songs from 1984-09-14 on Tapes

  1. The Cult - Go West
    • Appears on tape: N10 A
  2. General Public - Tenderness
    • Appears on tapes: N10 A, N15 A
  3. The Beauty Contest - City Lights
    • Appears on tape: N10 A
  4. The Wolfgang Press - Respect
    • Appears on tape: N10 A

Songs Played on 1984-09-21

YouTube playlist for this date: https://www.youtube.com/watch_videos?video_ids=4bbJDFxUAu8,iOd1lu_lo18,-v_iYGnUeRw,_3OhiFdB4lA,vQQ2YSuVGS4,Q9FoOTwuSKQ,Q9FoOTwuSKQ,guR_miTjiyM,vQQ2YSuVGS4,jirphzoneSs,xcc0V-W6L0I,gL8WdjkPhdM
  1. The Fleshtones - American Beat '84
  2. The Bangles - Dover Beach
  3. Flesh For Lulu - Restless
  4. The Damned - Thanks For the Night
  5. The Painless Dirties - Modern Love
  6. Twist Noir - The Same
  7. Twist Noir - Loving a Bitch
  8. Asmodi Bizarr - Loup Garou
  9. The Painless Dirties - She Loves Me Forever
  10. Orange Juice - Bridge
  11. Akabu - Watch Yourself
  12. Heaven 17 - And That's No Lie
Unknown songs:
Songs from 1984-09-21 on Tapes
  1. Flesh For Lulu - Restless
    • Appears on tapes: N12 A, N17 B
  2. The Painless Dirties - Modern Love
    • Appears on tape: N12 A
  3. Orange Juice - Bridge
    • Appears on tape: N12 A
  4. Heaven 17 - And That's No Lie
    • Appears on tape: N01 B

Songs Played on 1984-09-28

Playlist for this date: https://www.youtube.com/watch_videos?video_ids=CmZQj3CC-EM,5KRzzIdNrwA,vyUwAhiIeOs,OguHIyNNblM,6MLijS6Cstk,W05vlVc9I_c,myzNWd-Pp2g,lsudnQc0tTg,fV8lr7q1vHE,Gre3RwTjRho,A4aKy2JyIqs,xcc0V
  1. Folk Devils - Art Ghetto
  2. The Beauty Contest - The Beast
  3. Me & The Heat - Old Cultures Dying
  4. Anne Clark - Our Darkness
  5. Joolz - War of Attrition
  6. Everything But The Girl - Native Land
  7. Death in June - She Said Destroy
  8. Screaming Dead - Serenade of Suicide
  9. Play Dead - No Motive
  10. The Gun Club - Watermelon Man
  11. The Gun Club - Eternally is Here
  12. Akabu - Watch Yourself
  13. The Cult - Go West
  14. Portion Control - Refugee
  15. Palais Schaumburg - Easy Go
  16. Heaven 17 - Flamedown
Unknown songs: NIL

Songs from 1984-09-28 on Tapes

  1. Everything But The Girl - Native Land
    • Appears on tape: BASF 03 B
  2. Palais Schaumburg - Easy Go
    • Appears on tapes: BASF 03 B, N12 B, BASF 28 B
  3. Death In June - She Said Destroy
    • Appears on tape: N01 A
  4. The Gun Club - Watermelon Man
    • Appears on tape: N01 A
  5. Screaming Dead - Serenade Of Suicide
    • Appears on tapes: BASF 03 B, N01 A
submitted by Successful-Bread-347 to TheMysteriousSong [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:46 kimkuglycries Are the protests really benefitting the cause? Or is it now harming it?

Hello, it's my first time entering this subreddit and coming to think about it, this conflict really. I live in Toronto and of non-Middle Eastern background, so much of our media covering the conflict is painted in a way that Israel is the victim and Hamas is the perpetrator and vice versa, therefore leaving a very ambiguous grey zone. Before I go on, I must inform you that I have very little knowledge to the conflict itself and the history behind Israel and Palestine, so sorry in advance if I offended you in any way.
So when Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, news outlets informed the public in a way that Israel was the victim. The next following days, protests were held at campus in support for Palestine, many of which were large and often times disrupting many people from moving anywhere. When I asked my lab partners (one of whom is an international student from Saudi Arabia, and two are Canadians following Islam) about the conflict, and why people are supporting Hamas despite them attacking first, I was called ignorant. I was taken aback since none of them told me any historical context and later told me that I was a zionist for not expressing my support. I retorted back to them that they never expressed any support for Ukraine, Hong Kong, the BLM movement, and the Indigenous people when their conflicts were huge. They proceeded to say that Israel is purposefully killing Palestinians and water down the Russian-Ukraine conflict as territorial expansion.
The term zionist felt off because since October 7, I've seen pro-Palestinians toss that word around with no clear definition (and I don't trust Wikipedia). So in my views, anyone is a zionist if the person a) has origins in Israel, b) is Jewish, c) not showing support for the protests, or d) anti-Hamas. University colleagues I follow on Instagram who were in support of Palestine spent the next following months repost horrific tragedies about the conflict on their stories, and while I felt sympathetic for their side, also felt annoyed at how often they're posting it. I am too afraid to say anything to them with the fear that I am pro-genocide when really I just want to watch a manatee video without any worries in the world. Same goes with TikTok. The amount of posts I've seen with comment sections filled with pro-Palestinian comments regardless of the post's relevancy to the conflict is both infuriating and annoying. For example, the Oscars, despite their controversies, had posted a video featuring a Pow Wow during the ceremony, a huge milestone in Indigenous representation. The comment section? "Yazan Kafarnah would have enjoyed this." Lady Gaga held a concert in Israel in 2013? "Blocked. All eyes on Rafah." A literal middle income American family making a seafood boil? "Children in Gaza could have been eating that." I understand many of the comments are pushing and sharing awareness on the conflict, but at this point it's so oversaturated that it feels almost forceful and tiresome because on one hand, yes Israel is targeting civilian areas, but on the other hand, you are telling me to block Lady Gaga just because she had a concert in Israel 11 years ago when no one protested at home or gave attention to the tensions.
Same goes with protests in the city. While many of them were peaceful and had good intentions, many also tend to sour the movement and cause. Near December around the winter break, a protest gathered near Zaras and after evolving into a riot when police were involved, some people chanting "death to the Israelites." Same goes with February this year when protests were marched down Hospital Avenue (nicknamed after the establishments of 4 hospitals on a single avenue, creative I know), most hospitals were unbothered except for the Jewish-founded hospital (Mount Sinai) where protesters obstructing entrances and exits, which is illegal, with some chanting antisemitic rhetoric while also waving the Palestinian flag on the property. I have family in Montreal who are Jewish (by marriage) who fear going to school and visiting the local synagogue after reports of shootings and stabbings near their place of worship, places that were supposed to be sanctuary to them. These protests were so severe that even the Prime Minister and mayors had to condemn them and label these protests as antisemitic. We can all acknowledge that the examples are from extremist views and that the majority of supporters would condemn these protests (I hope), or that I am cherry-picking. However, I have yet to see a Pro-Israel protest in person that does not include some online troll trying to toss fuel into the conflict on social media. I don't know, over these past months I was and still condemn genocide, however my support for Hamas never existed and felt Israeli-leaning as I started on a neutral stance, again, ambiguous grey zone. It's really hard for me to explain it but it follows along the lines of "I support you, I see you, but there's nothing I can do." I'm not surprised if I get a bombardment of downvotes since this whole post is biased in some way, I admit, but I am genuinely curious and want to know more.
submitted by kimkuglycries to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:32 Publius1687 "Neither individuals nor nations can perform their part well, until they understand and feel its importance, and comprehend and justly appreciate all the duties belonging to it."

This is an unaccustomed spectacle. For the first time, fellow-citizens, badges of mourning shroud the columns and overhang the arches of this hall. These walls, which were consecrated, so long ago, to the cause of American liberty, which witnessed her infant struggles and rung with the shouts of her earliest victories, proclaim, now, that distinguished friends and champions of that great cause have fallen. It is right that it should be thus. The tears which flow, and the honors that are paid, when the founders of the republic die, give hope that the republic itself may be immortal. It is fit that, by public assembly and solemn observance, by anthem and by eulogy, we commemorate the services of national benefactors, extol their virtues, and render thanks to God for eminent blessings, early given and long continued, through their agency, to our favored country.
ADAMS and JEFFERSON are no more; and we are assembled, fellow-citizens, the aged, the middle-aged, and the young, by the spontaneous impulse of all, under the authority of the municipal government, with the presence of the chief magistrate of the Commonwealth, and others its official representatives, the University, and the learned societies, to bear our part in these manifestations of respect and gratitude which pervade the whole land. ADAMS and JEFFERSON are no more. On our fiftieth anniversary, the great day of national jubilee, in the very hour of public rejoicing, in the midst of echoing and reechoing voices of thanksgiving, while their own names were on all tongues, they took their flight together to the world of spirits.
If it be true that no one can safely be pronounced happy while he lives, if that event which terminates life can alone crown its honors and its glory, what felicity is here! The great epic of their lives, how happily concluded! Poetry itself has hardly terminated illustrious lives, and finished the career of earthly renown, by such a consummation. If we had the power, we could not wish to reverse this dispensation of the Divine Providence. The great objects of life were accomplished, the drama was ready to be closed. It has closed; our patriots have fallen; but so fallen, at such age, with such coincidence, on such a day, that we cannot rationally lament that the end has come, which we knew could not be long deferred.
Neither of these great men, fellow-citizens, could have died, at any time, without leaving an immense void in our American society. They have been so intimately, and ofr so long a time, blended with the history of the country, and especially so united, in our thoughts and recollections, with the events of the Revolution, that the death of either of them would have touched the chords of public sympathy. We should have felt that one great link, connecting us with former times, was broken; that we had lost something more, as it were, of the presence of the Revolution itself, and of the act of independence, and were driven on, by another great remove from the days of our country’s early distinction, to meet posterity and to mix with the future. Like the mariner, whom the currents of the ocean and the winds carry along until he sees the stars which have directed his course and lighted his pathless way descend one by one, beneath the rising horizon, we should have felt that the stream of time had borne us onward till another great luminary, whose light had cheered us and whose guidance we had followed, had sunk away from our sight.
But the concurrence of their death on the anniversary of Independence has naturally awakened stronger emotions. Both had been President, both had lived to great age, both were early patriots, and both were distinguished and ever honored by their immediate agency in the act of independence. It cannot but seem striking and extraordinary, that these two should live to see the fiftieth year from the date of that act/ that they should complete that yea and that then, on the day which had fast linked for ever their own fame with their country’s glory, the heavens should open to receive them both at once. As their lives themselves were the gifts of Providence, who is not willing to recognize in their happy termination, as well as in their long continuance, proofs that our country and its benefactors are objects of His care?
ADAMS and JEFFERSON, I have said, are no more. As human beings, indeed, they are no more. They are no more, as in 1776, bold and fearless advocates of independence; no more, as at subsequent periods, the head of the government; nor more, as we have recently seen them, aged and venerable objects of admiration and regard. They are no more. They are dead. But how little is there of the great and gooe which can die! To their country they yet live, and live for ever. They live in all that perpetuatesw the remembrance of men on earth; in the recorded proofs of their own great actions, in the offspring of their intellect, in the deep-engraved lines of public gratitude, and in the respect and homage of mankind. They live in their example; and they live, emphatically, and will live, in the influence which their lives and efforts, their principles and opinions, now exerciese, and will continue to exercise, on the affairs of men, not only in their own country but throughout the civilized world. A superior and commanding human intellect, a truly great man, when Heaven vouchsafes so rare a gift, is not a temporary flame, burning brightly for a while, and then giving place to returning darkness. It is rather a spark of fervent heat, as well as radiant light, with power to enkindle the common mass of human kind; so that when it glimmers in its own decay, and finally goes out in death, no night follows, but it leaves the world all light, all on fire from the potent contact of its own spirit. Bacon died; but the human understanding, roused by the touch of his miraculous wand to a perception of the true philosophy and the just mode of inquiring after truth, has kept on its course successfully and gloriously. Newton died; yet the courses of the spheres are still known, and they yet move on by the laws which he discovered, and in the orbits which he saw, and described for them, in the infinity of space.
No two men now live, fellow-citizen, perhaps it may be doubted whether any two men have ever lived in one age, who, more than those we now commemorate, have impressed on mankind their own opinions more deeply into the opinions of others, or given a more lasting direction to the current of human thought. Their work doth not perish with them. The tree which they assisted to plant will flourish, although they water it and protect it no longer; for it has struck its roots deep, it has sent them to the very centre; no storm, not of foce to burth the orb, can overturn it; its branches spread wide; they stretch their protecting arms braoder and broader, and its top is destined to reach the heavens. We are not deceived. There is no delusion here. No age will come in which the American Revolution will appear less than it is, one of the greatest events in human history. No age will come in which it shall cease to be seen and felt, on either continent, that a mighty step, a great advance, not only in American affairs, but in human affairs, was made on the 4th of July, 1776. And no age will come, we trust, so ignorant or so unjust as not to see and acknowledge the efficient agency of those we now honor in producing that momentous event.
We are not assembled, therefore, fellow-citizens, as men overwhelmed with calamity by the sudden disruption of the ties of friendship or affection, or as in despair for the republic by the untimely blighting of its hopes. Death has not surprised us by an unseasonable blow. We have, indeed, seen the tomb close, but it has closed only over mature years, over long-protracted public service, over the weakness of age, and over life itself only when the ends of living had been fulfilled. These suns, as they rose slowly and steadily, amidst clouds and storms, in their ascendant, so they have not rushed from the meridian to sink suddenly in the west. Like the mildness, the serenity, the continuing benignity of a summer’s day, they have gone down with slow-descending, grateful long-lingering light; and now that they are beyond the visible margin of the world, good omens cheer us from “the bright track of thier fiery car”!
There were many points of similarity in the lives and fortunes of these great men. They belonged to the same profession, and had pursued its studies and its practice for unequal lengths of time indeed, but with dilligence and effect. Both were learned and able lawyers. They were natives and inhabitants, respectively of those two of the Colonies which at the Revolution were the largest and most powerful and which naturally had a lead in the political affairs of the times. When the Colonies became in some degree united by the assembling of a general Congress, they were brought to act together in its deliberations, not indeed at the same time but both at early periods. Each had laready manifested his attachment to the cause of the country, as well as his ability to maintain it, by printed addresses, public speeches, extensive correspondence, and whatever other mode could be adopted for the purpose of exposing the encroachments of the British Parliament, and animating the people to a manly resistance. Both were not only decided, but early, friends of Independence. While others yet doubted, they were resolved; where others hesitated they pressed forward. They were both members of the committee for preparing the Declaration of Independence, and they constituted the sub-committee appointed by the other members to make the draft. They left their seats in Congress, being called to other public employments at periods not remote from each other, although one of them returned to it afterwards for a short time. Neither of them was of the assembly of great men which formed the present Constitution, and neither was at any time a member of Congress under its provisions. Both have been public ministers abroad, both Vice-Presidents and both Presidents of the United States. These coincidences are now singularly crowned and completed. They have died together; and they did on the anniversary of liberty…
And now, fellow-citizens, without pursuing the biography of these illustrious men further, for the present let us turn our attention to the most prominent act of their lives, their participation in the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE…
It has sometimes been said, as if it were a derogation from the merits of this paper, that it contains nothing new; that it only states grounds of proceeding and presses topics of argument, which had often been stated and pressed before. But it was not the object of the Declaration to produce any thing new. It was not to invent reasons for independence, but to state those which governed the Congress. For great and sufficient causes, it was proposed to declare independence; and the proper business of the paper to be drawn was to set for th those causes, and justify the authors of the measure, in any event of fortune, to mthe country and to posterity. The cause of American independence, moreover, was now to be presented to the world in such manner; of it might so be, as to engage its sympathy, to command its respect, to attract its admiration; and in an assembly of most able and distinguished men, THOMAS JEFFERSON had the high honor of being the selected advocate of this cause. To say that he performed his great work well, would be doing him an injustice. To say that he did excellently well, admirably well, would be inadequate and halting praise. Let us rather say, that he so discharged the duty assigned him, that all Americans may well rejoice that the work of drawing the title-deed of their liberties devolved upon him…
The Congress of the Revolution, fellow-citizens, sat with closed doors, and no report of its debates was ever made. The discussion, therefore, which accompanied this great measure, has never been preserved, except in memory and by tradition. But it is, I believe, doing to injustice to others to say, that the general opinion was, and uniformly has been, that in debate, on the side of independence, JOHN ADAMS had no equal. The great author of the Declaration himself has espressed that opinion uniformly and strongly. JOHN ADAMS, said he, in the hearing of him who has now the honor to address you, JOHN ADAMS was our colossus on the floor. Not graceful, not elegant, not always fluent, in his public addresses, he yet came out with a power both of thought and of expression, which moved us from our seats…
The eloquence of Mr. Adams resembled his general character, and formed, indeed, a part of it. It was bold, manly, and energetic; and such the crisis required. When public bodies are to be addressed on passions excited, nothing is valuable in speech farther than as it is connected with high intellectual and moral endowments. Clearness, force, and earnestness are the qualities which produce conviction. True eloquence, indeed, does not consist in speech. It cannot be brought from far. Labor and learning may toil for it, but they will toil in vain. It must exist in the man, in the subject, and in the occassion. Affected passion, intense expression, the pomp of declamation, all may aspire to it; they cannot reach it. It comes, if it comes at all, like the outbreaking of a fountain from the earth, or the bursting forth of volcanic fires, with spontaneous, original, native force. The graces taught in the schools, the costly ornaments and studied contrivances of speech, shock and disgust men, when their own lives and the fate of their wives, their children, and their country hang on the decision of the hour. Then words have lost their power, rhetoric is vain, and all elaborate oratory contemptible. Even genius itself then feels rebuked and subdued, as in the presence of higher qualities. Then patriotism is eloquent; then self-devotion is eloquent. The clear conception, outrunning the deductions of logic, the high purpose, the firm resolve, the dauntless spirit, speaking on the tongue, beaming from the eye, informing every feature, and urging the whole man onward, right onward to his object this, this is eloquence; or rather it is something greater and higher than all eloquence, it is action, noble, sublime godlike action…
Let us, then, bring before us the assembly, which was about to decide a question thus big with the fate of empire. Let us open their doors and look upon their deliberations. Let us survey the anxious and care-worn countenances, let us hear the firm-toned voices, of this band of patriots.
HANCOCK presides over the solemn sitting; and one of those not yet prepared to pronounce for absolute independence is on the floor, and is urging his reasons for dissenting from the declaration.
“Let us pause! This step, once taken, cannot be retracted. This resolution, once passed, will cut off all hope of reconciliation. If success attend the arms of England, we shall then be no longer Colonies, with charters and with privileges; these will all be forfeited by this act; and we shall be in the condition of other conquered people, at the mercy of the conquerors. For ourselves, we may be ready to run the hazard; but are we ready to carry the country to that length? Is success so probably as to justify it? Where is the military, where the naval power, by which we are to resist the whole strength of the arm of England, for she will exert that strength to the utmost? Can we rely on constancy and perseverance of the people? or will they not act as the people of other countries have acted and, wearied with a long war, submit, in the end, to a worse oppression? While we stand on our old ground, and insist on redress of grievances, we know we are right, and are not answerable for consequences. Nothing, then, can be imputed to us. But if we now change our object, carry our pretensions farther, and set up for absolute indpendence, we shall lose the sympathy of mankind. We shall no longer be defending what we possess, but struggling for something which we never did possess, and which we have solemnly and uniformly disclaimed all intention of pursuing, from the very outset of the troubles. Abandoning thus our old ground, of resistance only to arbitrary acts of oppression, thee nations will believe the whole to have been mere pretence, and they will look on us, not as injured, buut as ambitious subjects. I shudder before this responsibility. It will be on us, if, relinquishing the ground on which we have stood so long, and stood so safely, we now proclaim independence, and carry on the war for that object, while these cities burn, these pleasant fields whiten and bleach with the bones of their owners, and these streams run blood. It will be upon us, it will be upon us, if, failing to maintain this unseasonable and ill-judged declaration, a sterner despotism, maintained by military power, shall be exhausted, a harassed, misled people, shall have expiated our rashness and atoned for our presumption on the scaffold.”
It was for Mr. Adams to reply to arguments like these. We know his opinions, and we know his character. He would commence with his accustomed directness and earnestness.
“Sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish, I give my hand and my heart to this vote. It is true, indeed, that in the beginning we aimed not at independence. But there’s a Divinity which shapes our ends. The injustice of England has driven us to arms; and blinded to her own interest for our good, she has obstinately persisted, till independence is now within our grasp. We have but to reach forth to it, and it is ours. Why, then, should we defer the Declaration? Is any man so weak as now to hope for a reconciliation with England, which shall leave either safety to the country and its liberties, or safety to his own life and his own honor? Are not you, Sir, who sit in that chair, is not he, our venerable colleague near you, are you not both already the proscribed and predestined objects of punishment and of vengeance? Cut off from all hope of royal clemency, what are you, what can you be, while the power of England remains, but outlaws? If we postpone independence, do we mean to carry on, or to give up, the war? Do we mean to submit to the measures of Parliament, Boston Port Bill and all? Do we mean to submit, and consent that we ourselves shall be ground to poweder, and our country and its rights trodden down in the dust? I know we do not mean to submit. We shall never submit. Do we intend to violate that most solemn obligation ever entered into men, that plighting, before God, of our sacred honor to Washington, when, putting forth to incure the dangers of war, as well as the political hazards of our times, we promised to adhere to him, in ever extremity, with our fortunes and our lives? I know there is not a man here, who would not rather see a general conflagration sweep over the land, or an earthquake sink it, than one jot or tittle of that plighted fiath fall to the ground. For myself, having, twelve months ago, in this place, moved you, that George Washington be appointed commander of the forces raised, or to be raised, for defence of American liberty, may my right hand forget her cunning, and my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I hesitate or waver in the support I give him… ”
And now, fellow-citizens, let us not retire from this occasion without a deep and solemn conviction of the duties which have developed upon us. This lovely land, this glorious liberty, these benign institutions, the dear purchase of our fathers, are ours; ours to enjoy, ours to preserve, ours to transmit. Generations past and generations to come hold us responsible for this sacred trust. Our fathers, from behind, admonish us, with their anxious paternal voices; posterity calls out to us, from the bosom of the future; the world turns hither its solicitous eyes; all, conjure us to act wisely, and faithfully, in the relation which we sustain.
We can never, indeed, pay the debt which is upon us; but by virtue, by morality, by religion, by the cultivation of every good principle and every good habit, we may hope to enjoy the blessing, through our day, and to leave it unimpaired to our children. Let us feel deeply how much of what we are and of what we possess we owe to this liberty, and to these institutions of government. Nature has, indeed, given us a soil which yields bounteously to the hand of industry, the mighty and fruitful ocean is before us, and the skies over our heads shed health and vigor. But what are lands, and seas, and skies, to civilized man, without society, without knowledge, without morals, without religious culture; and how can these be enjoyed, in all their extent and all their excellence, but under the protection of wise institutions and a free government? Fellow-citizens, there is not one of us, there is not one of us here present, who does not, at this moment, and at every moment, experience, in his own condition, and in the condition of those most near and dear to him, the influence and the benefits, of this liberty and these institutions. Let us then acknowledge the blessing, let us feel it deeply and powerfully, let us cherish a strong affection for it, and resolve to maintain and perpetuate it. The blood of our fathers, let it not have been shed in vain; the great hope of posterity, let it not be blasted.
The striking attitude, too, in which we stand to the world around us, a topic to which, I fear, I advert too often, and dwell on too long, cannot be altogether ommited here. Neither individuals nor nations can perform their part well, until they understand and feel its importance, and comprehend and justly appreciate all the duties belonging to it. It is not to inflate national vanity, nor to swell a light and empty feeling of self-importance, but it is that we may judge justly of our situation, and of our own duties, that I earnestly urge you upon this consideration of our position and our character among the nations of the earth. It cannot be denied, but by those who would dispute against the sun, that with America, and in America, a new era commences in human affairs. This era is distinguised by free representative governments, by entire religious liberty, by improved systems of national intercourse, by a newly awakened and unconquerable spirit of free inquiry, and by a diffusion of knowledge through the community, such as has been before altogether unknown and unheard of America, America, our country, fellow-citizens, our own dear and native land, is inseparably connected, fast bound up, in fortune and by fate, with these great interests. If they fall, we fall with them; if they stand, it will be because we have maintained them. Let us contemplate, then, this connection, which binds the prosperity of others to our own; and let us manfully discharge all the duties which it imposes. If we cherish the virtues and the principles of our fathers, Heaven will assist us to carry on the work of human liberty and human happiness. Auspicious omens cheer us. Great examples are before us. Our own firmament now shines brightly upon our path. WASHINGTON is in the clear, upper sky. These other stars hae now joined the American Constellation; they circle round their centre, and the heavens beam with new light. Beneath this illumination let us walk the course of life, and at its close devoutly commend our beloved country, the common parent of us all, to the Divine Benignity.
submitted by Publius1687 to JordanPeterson [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:28 No_Choice_4016 Requesting insights on PhD programme

I recently received an offer for pursuing a PhD from the department of Electrical Communication Engineering, IISC, in Computer Vision.
A brief introduction about my background:
I have a M.Tech degree from IIT Kharagpur with CGPA well over 9 and post that, I worked at a leading semiconductor MNC for close to 5 years. The desire to get back to academia is what prompted me to apply for PhD. Truth be told, I started with applying to overseas university and received an interest from a professor at UCD but despite him backing my application and lauding my chances, it never translated to an offer (still in touch with him, he did tell me that it often takes a few attempts to get into the competitive programme and that he would consider me in the next opening as I had a good profile; unfortunately, it's been over 8 months and he never reached out despite me staying in touch with him. At this point I consider it over).
Apart from that, I have not received much attention from mailing professors whose research areas aligned with mine. I do not have decent publications and I understand that's a huge deterrent in these times. I did fill out a few applications end-to-end (without the supervisors not responding to my mails), but my referees at IIT (a senior professor - associate who advised me during my M.Tech thesis and was quite happy with my work back then) and another professor soon told me that they won't be providing LORs incessantly (even though they had only provided 2 LORs till that point). I did learn from my peers that professors refusing to provide LORs is common though not universal of course. Incidentally, when I had first contacted my M.Tech supervisor with a request to provide a few LORs, he had agreed graciously. 'Always ready to help you in all your endeavors' were his exact words, but things somehow went south.
At that point, I stopped filling out application forms and decided to apply to those places selectively where the supervisors show some interest in my profile. With that happening, I can at least plead my M.Tech supervisor to provide one more LOR.
I know that the above story sounds complicated and possibly resembles a rant, but I am in a bit of a rut and would appreciate some advice. How do I let go of the thought that I came so close to an overseas offer from a university where the potential supervisor's research interest had much more overlap with mine?
Should I proceed with the IISC offer? I know that it's my call at the end of the day, but I would appreciate any insight on this.
submitted by No_Choice_4016 to PhD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:27 Lucky-Program7456 +918769142117 Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi

Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi Love is a complex and cherished emotion that we all desire to feel and experience. However, relationships can be challenging, and they come with their own set of problems. If you are facing love problems, you are not alone. Many people in Delhi and around the world are trying to navigate their love life and find a way to overcome love problems. In this blog post, we have the pleasure of speaking with Astrologer Abdullah Khadim, a renowned expert on love and relationships.
He will share his insights on love problems faced by people in Delhi and how astrology can help you understand and solve them. From communication issues, trust problems, to compatibility concerns, read on to discover how you can improve your love life and find the happiness you deserve.

Introduction to Love Problems in Delhi

Delhi, a vibrant and bustling city, is not only the capital of India but also a melting pot of cultures, traditions, and beliefs. In the midst of its fast-paced lifestyle and modern outlook, love problems often find their way into the lives of its residents. From matters of the heart to relationship dilemmas, navigating the complexities of love in Delhi can be a daunting task for many.
In this dynamic city where ancient customs coexist with contemporary values, individuals often seek guidance and solace in astrology to unravel the mysteries of love. Astrologer Abdullah Khadim, a renowned figure in the realm of astrology, offers unique insights and remedies to those grappling with love issues in Delhi.
From broken hearts to star-crossed lovers, the journey of love in Delhi is as diverse as the city itself. The pressures of societal norms, family expectations, and personal aspirations can create a web of challenges for individuals seeking love and companionship. Understanding the nuances of love problems in Delhi is essential to addressing them effectively and finding harmony in relationships.
Through the lens of Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s wisdom and expertise, this blog aims to explore the intricacies of love in the bustling metropolis of Delhi and provide valuable insights into navigating love problems with grace and wisdom. Join us on this enlightening journey as we delve into the realm of love, relationships, and the mystical world of astrology in the vibrant tapestry of Delhi’s love stories. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi

Meet Astrologer Abdullah Khadim: Background and Expertise

Astrologer Abdullah Khadim is a renowned figure in the field of astrology in Delhi, known for his exceptional insights and expertise in navigating love problems. With a background steeped in traditional astrological practices passed down through generations, Abdullah Khadim brings a unique perspective to the realm of relationship astrology.
Having honed his skills over many years of dedicated study and practice, Abdullah Khadim has earned a reputation for his accurate predictions and insightful guidance in matters of the heart. His deep understanding of astrological charts and planetary influences allows him to provide clients with valuable insights into their love lives and relationships.
Whether you are facing challenges in your current relationship, seeking clarity on romantic prospects, or looking to enhance the harmony and connection with your partner, Astrologer Abdullah Khadim offers personalized consultations and remedies tailored to your specific needs. His compassionate approach and profound wisdom make him a trusted advisor for those navigating love problems in Delhi and beyond. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi

Common Love Issues Faced by Delhi Residents

Delhi, a city pulsating with life and energy, also holds within its heart a myriad of love issues that its residents often grapple with. From the bustling streets of Chandni Chowk to the serene gardens of Lodhi, love takes on various forms and faces numerous challenges in the capital city.
One common love woe faced by Delhi residents is the clash of traditional values with modern aspirations. The city’s rich cultural heritage often intertwines with contemporary lifestyles, leading to conflicts in relationships rooted in differing belief systems and expectations.
Another prevalent issue is the struggle for privacy and personal space in a city teeming with people and bustling with activity. Finding moments of intimacy and solitude can be a challenge, impacting the dynamics of relationships and creating tensions between partners. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi
Moreover, the fast-paced life in Delhi, characterized by long working hours and hectic schedules, can strain relationships, leaving little time for meaningful connections and nurturing love bonds. The constant rush and pressure to succeed can take a toll on emotional well-being, leading to misunderstandings and distance between partners.
In the midst of these common love issues faced by Delhi residents, seeking guidance and insights from experts like Astrologer Abdullah Khadim can offer a fresh perspective and valuable solutions to navigate the complexities of love in the vibrant city of Delhi.

Insights and Solutions Provided by Astrologer Abdullah Khadim

Astrologer Abdullah Khadim, a renowned expert in the field of astrology, offers a wealth of insights and solutions to navigate love problems in Delhi. With his profound knowledge and experience, he delves deep into the complexities of relationships, providing valuable guidance to those seeking clarity and resolution.
One of the key insights provided by Astrologer Abdullah Khadim is the importance of understanding the cosmic influences on love and relationships. By analyzing the positions of celestial bodies at the time of birth, he uncovers hidden patterns and energies that impact one’s romantic life. Through this astrological lens, he offers personalized solutions to address specific challenges and enhance harmony in relationships.
Moreover, Astrologer Abdullah Khadim emphasizes the significance of communication and emotional compatibility in fostering lasting love. His guidance encourages individuals to engage in open and honest dialogue with their partners, facilitating mutual understanding and trust. By acknowledging and addressing underlying issues, couples can strengthen their bond and overcome obstacles together. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi
In addition to insights on individual relationships, Astrologer Abdullah Khadim also provides remedies and rituals to attract love, resolve conflicts, and promote harmony in romantic connections. His holistic approach combines astrological wisdom with practical advice, offering a comprehensive toolkit for navigating love problems with confidence and optimism.
Overall, Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s insights and solutions serve as a beacon of hope for those facing challenges in their love lives. With his expertise and compassionate guidance, individuals in Delhi can find clarity, healing, and transformation in their relationships, paving the way for a brighter and more fulfilling romantic future.

Case Studies: Real-life Examples of Love Problems Solved

In this section, we delve into real-life case studies showcasing how Astrologer Abdullah Khadim has successfully navigated and resolved love problems for individuals in Delhi. These stories serve as powerful illustrations of the impact and effectiveness of astrology in addressing complex relationship issues.
Case Study 1: Reuniting Lost Love One client approached Astrologer Abdullah Khadim with a heart-wrenching tale of lost love. Despite facing insurmountable obstacles and misunderstandings, the client was determined to reunite with their soulmate. Through a detailed analysis of planetary positions and personalized guidance, Abdullah Khadim provided a roadmap for reconciliation. With patience and faith in the astrological remedies suggested, the couple eventually found their way back to each other, stronger and more committed than ever.
Case Study 2: Overcoming Family Opposition Another individual sought Abdullah Khadim’s assistance when faced with staunch opposition from family members regarding their choice of partner. Cultural differences and familial expectations seemed to create an unbridgeable divide between the couple. Drawing upon his astrological expertise and deep understanding of human relationships, Abdullah Khadim offered tailored solutions to address the underlying issues. Gradually, the family’s resistance softened, paving the way for a harmonious union that honored both love and tradition.
These case studies exemplify the transformative power of astrology in resolving love problems and fostering enduring connections. By sharing these real-life examples, Astrologer Abdullah Khadim not only provides hope and guidance to those grappling with similar challenges but also underscores the profound impact of cosmic insights on matters of the heart.

Testimonials from Satisfied Clients

Testimonials from satisfied clients play a crucial role in establishing credibility and trust in any service, especially when it comes to navigating love problems through astrology. Hearing about the positive experiences of others can provide reassurance and encouragement to those seeking guidance in matters of the heart.
Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s clients have shared heartfelt testimonials highlighting the accuracy and effectiveness of his readings and remedies. Many have expressed gratitude for his insightful advice, which has helped them navigate through challenging relationship situations with clarity and confidence.
One client, Priya, shared, “I was skeptical at first, but after consulting with Abdullah Khadim, I was amazed at the accuracy of his predictions. His guidance helped me understand my relationship dynamics better and make informed decisions for a brighter future.” Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi
Another client, Rajesh, mentioned, “I was going through a tough time in my relationship, but Abdullah Khadim’s remedies and counseling truly made a positive difference. I am grateful for his support and wisdom.”
Such testimonials serve as a testament to Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s expertise and the positive impact he has had on his clients’ lives. By sharing these success stories, others seeking guidance for their love problems can gain confidence in his services and approach with hope and optimism.

How Astrology Can Help Navigate Love Challenges

Astrology has been a guiding force for centuries, offering insights and solutions to the complexities of love and relationships. In a bustling city like Delhi, where modernity blends with tradition, seeking guidance from an experienced astrologer like Abdullah Khadim can provide a unique perspective on navigating love challenges.
Astrology delves into the cosmic energies that influence our lives, including matters of the heart. By analyzing planetary positions at the time of birth, astrologers can uncover patterns and tendencies that shape our romantic relationships. Whether you’re facing communication issues, trust issues, or compatibility concerns, astrology offers a lens through which to understand the dynamics at play.
Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s expertise in love astrology can help individuals gain clarity on their romantic journey. By examining the positions of Venus, the planet of love, and Mars, the planet of passion, astrologers can offer valuable insights into relationship dynamics and potential challenges.
Through personalized consultations, astrologer Abdullah Khadim can provide guidance on enhancing communication, strengthening emotional bonds, and fostering harmony in relationships. By aligning with the cosmic energies that govern love and romance, individuals in Delhi can navigate their love challenges with a deeper understanding and a renewed sense of direction.

Tips for Maintaining Healthy Relationships in Delhi

Maintaining healthy relationships in a bustling city like Delhi can be challenging, but with the right approach, it is definitely achievable. Astrologer Abdullah Khadim shares some valuable tips to help navigate love problems and foster strong and lasting relationships in the city. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi
  1. Communication is Key: Open and honest communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship. In a city as fast-paced as Delhi, it’s crucial to make time for meaningful conversations with your partner to ensure mutual understanding and harmony.
  2. Respect Each Other’s Space: Delhi can be overwhelming with its hectic lifestyle and traffic jams. It’s essential to respect each other’s personal space and boundaries. Encourage individual growth and interests while also cherishing shared moments together.
  3. Quality Time Matters: Amidst the chaos of city life, make sure to carve out quality time for your partner. Plan date nights, weekend getaways, or simply enjoy a quiet evening together to strengthen your bond and create lasting memories.
  4. Embrace Differences: Delhi is a melting pot of cultures, backgrounds, and personalities. Embrace and celebrate the differences between you and your partner. Learn from each other’s perspectives and grow together as a couple.
  5. Seek Guidance When Needed: Love problems can arise in any relationship, and it’s okay to seek guidance when things get tough. Astrologer Abdullah Khadim suggests keeping an open mind and being willing to explore different perspectives to overcome challenges and nurture a healthy relationship.
By following these tips and embracing the advice of experts like Astrologer Abdullah Khadim, couples in Delhi can navigate love problems with wisdom and grace, fostering strong and fulfilling relationships in the vibrant city.

Consultation Process with Astrologer Abdullah Khadim

Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s consultation process is a deeply personalized and insightful experience that aims to provide clarity and guidance on matters of the heart. From the moment you reach out to schedule a consultation, you will be met with a warm and welcoming approach that sets the tone for the entire session.
During the consultation, Abdullah Khadim takes the time to listen attentively to your concerns and questions, creating a safe and open space for you to share your thoughts and feelings. His empathetic nature and deep understanding of astrological principles allow him to analyze your situation with precision and offer valuable insights that can help you navigate through your love problems. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi
Using a combination of astrological charts, planetary positions, and his intuitive abilities, Abdullah Khadim provides a detailed analysis of your current circumstances and offers practical advice on how to address any challenges you may be facing in your relationships. Whether you are seeking answers about love compatibility, marriage prospects, or overcoming obstacles in your romantic life, his consultation process is designed to empower you with the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions.
By the end of the session, you will walk away feeling enlightened, inspired, and equipped with the tools needed to approach your love problems with a renewed sense of clarity and purpose. Astrologer Abdullah Khadim’s consultation process is not just about predicting the future but also about empowering you to create the love life you truly desire.

Conclusion: Empowering Delhi Residents to Overcome Love Problems

In conclusion, Astrologer Abdullah Khadim provides valuable insights and guidance for Delhi residents facing love problems. His expertise and deep understanding of astrology offer a unique perspective on navigating relationships and overcoming challenges in matters of the heart. Love Problem Solution Astrologer in Delhi
By seeking the advice of a skilled astrologer like Abdullah Khadim, individuals can empower themselves with the knowledge and tools to address their love problems effectively. Whether it’s issues related to compatibility, communication, trust, or any other aspect of a relationship, astrology can provide valuable insights and solutions.
Delhi residents can benefit from Abdullah Khadim’s wisdom and guidance to gain clarity and direction in their love lives. Through his guidance, individuals can make informed decisions, cultivate stronger relationships, and ultimately find happiness and fulfillment in their romantic pursuits.
Navigating love problems in Delhi may seem daunting, but with the support of an experienced astrologer like Abdullah Khadim, individuals can approach their challenges with confidence and optimism. By embracing the insights and advice offered, Delhi residents can overcome love problems and create a more harmonious and fulfilling love life.
In the bustling city of Delhi, matters of the heart can often be complex and challenging. Astrologer Abdullah Khadim shares valuable insights on navigating love problems, offering guidance rooted in ancient wisdom and celestial observations. Through his expertise, readers gain a deeper understanding of how astrology can illuminate paths to resolution and harmony in relationships. As you navigate the intricate terrain of love in Delhi, may Abdullah Khadim’s wisdom serve as a guiding light, illuminating the way towards love’s true essence and fulfillment.


What are common love problems people face in Delhi? Common love problems in Delhi include misunderstandings, lack of communication, interference from family or society, trust issues, long-distance relationships, and compatibility issues.
How can I find a reliable love problem solution in Delhi? Look for experienced and reputed astrologers, relationship counselors, or therapists who specialize in resolving love-related issues. You can ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have used such services before.
What methods are used for love problem solutions in Delhi? Love problem solutions in Delhi may involve astrology, tarot card readings, counseling sessions, meditation, mantra chanting, and various rituals aimed at strengthening relationships and resolving conflicts.
Is it possible to solve love problems through astrology? Astrology is believed to provide insights into relationship dynamics and compatibility. Astrologers analyze birth charts to identify potential challenges and offer remedies such as gemstone recommendations, poojas (rituals), and mantras to improve the relationship.
How long does it take to solve love problems through counseling? The duration of counseling sessions depends on the complexity of the issues and the willingness of both partners to work on the relationship. Some problems may be resolved in a few sessions, while others may require ongoing therapy.
Can love problems be solved without the consent of both partners? While it’s ideal for both partners to participate in the problem-solving process, it’s possible to work on individual issues through self-reflection, therapy, and personal growth. However, the effectiveness of the solution may vary depending on the nature of the problem and the level of cooperation from both parties.
Are love problem solutions in Delhi guaranteed? No, love problem solutions cannot be guaranteed as they depend on various factors such as the willingness of both partners to work on the relationship, the severity of the issues, and external influences. However, seeking help from professionals can increase the chances of resolving conflicts and improving the relationship.
How much does it cost to avail love problem solutions in Delhi? The cost of love problem solutions varies depending on the service provider, the duration of the sessions, and the complexity of the issues. It’s advisable to inquire about the fees upfront and discuss any payment plans or packages available.
Are there any online options available for love problem solutions in Delhi? Yes, many astrologers, counselors, and therapists in Delhi offer online consultations for love problem solutions. This allows individuals to seek help from the comfort of their homes and access services from professionals located in different areas.
What should I consider before choosing a love problem solution provider in Delhi? Before choosing a love problem solution provider, consider factors such as their experience, reputation, approach to problem-solving, confidentiality policies, and cost. It’s alsov read reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge the effectiveness of their services.
submitted by Lucky-Program7456 to u/Lucky-Program7456 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:19 the-fourth-planet 2 (free-of-charge) Masters instead of a PhD for industry? (computational medicinal chemistry)

Hello. I'm finishing with my Bsc in Chemistry (my research-lab thesis is on Organic Chemistry, drug delivery through peptide-protein conjugates), hopefully the upcoming month(s). I want to work in the industry, not academia, and doing a PhD without doing a Masters is impossible in my country (Greece). I also don't necessarily, at the moment, plan to move abroad, although I do have this as a possibility if all else fails.
My question is if it's worth doing 2 Masters, both in Chemistry, one in Medicinal and one in Molecular Modeling/Computational, just so I combine my two passions. I love computational chemistry and I hate working in a wet lab.
I wonder if it's an okay idea because, while they're two different fields of chemistry, they're still very tightly related and I don't know if it looks "dumb" having two similar Masters. But I feel like PhD is too much work and something I don't genuinely care about, although I am willing to pursue it if it's a requirement to get a respectable job in the industry in the field I want.
I need to decide pretty quickly because the applications for the master programs I'm interested in open in few days.
submitted by the-fourth-planet to labrats [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:10 yxkuo Hacks S3E9 Recap and Thoughts (Long Read)

Apologies for the absolutely insane number of words, got carried away trying to compensate for being slower than usual with my recap.
The cold open for the finale has a nice little parallel to the cold open in S1E2, which similarly has Deborah walk in to Marty who’s in a somewhat compromising position with his trainer to deliver good news, although in this case her news is something they both celebrate, rather than a win she uses to gloat over Marty
Even though she’s in a much less combative place with Marty, Deborah still isn’t willing to admit that she came over to tell him the news in person and insists that she’s only there to return the key, showing the limited extent to which she is willing to open up even to people she’s known for a long time.
Deborah and Marty doing the tango together to basically celebrate the news is quite cute and a fun way to kick off the episode
I do think it’s kind of sweet that Kathy is quite looking forward to Deborah’s visit, and J Smith Cameron plays up Kathy’s somewhat childlike excitement at this during the opening of the phone call
Nice to see Deborah making an effort to follow up after inviting Kathy for Christmas, committing to a sister’s weekend is a not insignificant step although it also becomes clear that she’s not 100% committed to it. Waiting for Kathy to call and then tell her there’s a change in plans instead of just straight up telling her isn’t a particularly nice thing to do
Deborah has a weird look on her face when Kathy brings up her parents at the mausoleum, which I initially thought was because she didn’t really like to reflect on the past, although on a rewatch it becomes clear it’s because she knows the truth about the mausoleum.
“She’s pivoting into being an adult” Found the way Kayla phrased this part of the child star to adult actor experience to be very funny. I guess the Bella Donaldson character is supposed to be a reference to people like Zendaya, Zac Efron and Selena Gomez (Cannes Best Actress winner!!???), Disney child stars who are trying to shed their past image and be taken as serious adult actors to varying degrees of success. Also the bit about getting awards buzz for an Aronofsky movie feels a bit like what happened/ was projected to happen with Sadie Sink and The Whale
Deborah watching her old Late Night tape and Ava seeing her do that is a nice callback to and reversal of S1E3, where it was Ava watching Deborah’s tape and discovering more about her past
I love Hannah Einbinder’s simple but sincere delivery of “I knew you would” as Ava, and the way Jean Smart lets just the tiniest smile play across Deborah’s lips in response to Ava’s belief in her
Ava being able to only write stuff for Deborah’s Late Night show and not any actual material of her own shows that even though it’s been a year plus since the S2 Finale she still has the same issue of Deborah being “the one with all the stories. What do I even have to say?”
Ava’s voice going up endearingly high when she says “This is gonna be amazing” is very cute, what a touching and lovely scene between Deborah and Ava showing the respect and admiration they have for each other. I’m sure that will continue for the rest of the finale!
How does a safe in the floor of the pool even work lol
Very fun comedy freaking out by Mark Indelicato as Damien, him becoming hysterical at the thought of becoming the new Marcus is hugely entertaining.
According to Hannah Einbinder and Jean Smart on Variety’s Award Circuit podcast, thy did shoot a scene for this episode where Marcus does tell Deborah that he’s leaving but it was cut from the episode. Honestly not sure what role Marcus will play next season and curious to see what the writers will do since it seems he’s going on a very different plotline than the rest of the show. If this was another show I’d say he’s being written out but from interviews and other behind the scenes material the cast and showrunners are fairly tight knit, so I’d imagine they’ll find a way which makes sense for Marcus to continue being around
Between this guest appearance as Bella Donaldson and the release of Lisa Frankenstein and Abigail, Kathryn Newton is quietly having a pretty cool 2024. She absolutely nails the passive-aggressive “nice” girl type that she’s asked to play here. Also the Zack and Cody mention is kind of neat since Newton starred along with Cole Sprouse in Lisa Frankenstein earlier this year, while the goat demon movie mentioned might possibly be a nod to Newton’s affinity for the horro horror adjacent genre?
Quite like this Jimmy/Kayla B plot, allows Meg Stalter to show a different/more emotional side to Kayla who’s usually just the very fun comedic relief. Her smiling nicely and trying to politely ward off Bella’s passive-aggressive “niceness” is such a deeply human character beat.
Deborah Margesson doesn’t quite have the same ring to it as Deborah Vance, so I guess that’s why she didn’t go back to her maiden name after the divorce.
Deborah moving her parent’s remains to Vegas and not telling Kathy for twenty plus years is absolutely deranged behaviour. “It was a corner plot” and “I used my art shipper!” are ridiculously bad responses to the situation, this being the last straw for Kathy is very understandable. Although in Deborah’s defence I guess the fact that she was willing to accompany Kathy to the mausoleum for what she knows to be a completely empty gesture is her deranged way of showing care for her sister and not wanting to hurt her feelings.
Also in hindsight Deborah lying to/not telling Kathy about their parents to avoid hurting her feelings and any conflict is good foreshadowing since that pretty much turns out to be what she does regarding Ava and the head writer job
Deborah’s look of absolute disdain/confusion after hearing the “going to the hardware store for milk” line is gold from Jean Smart
I think Kathy’s reaction to Deborah here and deciding that she’s had enough of her BS and not wanting to put herself through even more hurt in attempting to maintain a relationship is completely reasonable, really liked J Smith Cameron’s work here, as well as Jean Smart playing Deborah’s silent acceptance of this relationship blowing up yet again
Deborah standing alone in the mausoleum is a great shot
Kathy’s reaction to Deborah’s BS here serves as a great contrast to how Ava deals with Deborah’s BS later on in the episode, it truly takes someone special/equally deranged to want to continue being with Deborah despite all her flaws and the hurt she causes to those around her. To use some internet parlance, Kathy is unwilling to put up with Deborah’s freak, while Ava ends up being more than willing to match Deborah’s
Lewis Benton/ fake John Oliver’s line to Ava about her being the hardest-working person in the office is a nice reminder of how working with Deborah has changed Ava for the better in some ways by giving her a stronger work ethic
“Maybe our paths will cross again” Just speculating here, and maybe this would be too inside baseball of a storyline for a show that initially at least was about two people on the “outside” of the entertainment industry, but might there be a future storyline of Deborah competing against fake John Oliver for an Emmy? A recent Emmy rule change starting from the Emmys earlier this year means that Oliver no longer competes with the more traditional Late Night shows like Colbert, Kimmel, Meyers, The Daily Show etc prior to that this had been the case for the past ten or so years
Kayla being the funny one growing up as a defense mechanism against bullies like Bella is such a great character detail on the part of the writers, makes so much sense and explains so much about Kayla’s outlook and attitude
This conflict is so great because both Jimmy and Kayla do have a point. Obviously Jimmy standing up for Kayla who’s being bullied is a good thing for him to do as a friend, but Kayla’s also not wrong in feeling that Jimmy is kind of ignoring her work and being a bit patronising. Really liked how Meg Stalter plays Kayla’s hurt feelings in this scene, it’s a well-executed emotional beat for a generally comedic character. And this continues the throughline about whether Jimmy has what it takes/enough stones and guts to be in the business which was also seen in the back part of S2
Quite liked the scene between Deborah and Biff Cliff (what a name!), a pretty sobering reminder of the obstacles faced by women in entertainment and just how precarious making it in the business actually is, makes complete sense that it would spook Deborah to do what she does later on
I thought the Jimmy Page dating a 14 year old story was meant to be a jab and Jerry Seinfeld and his 17 year old girlfriend, but googled and found out that that was a true story too
I feel like the bit Ava has as a writer taking new headshots and the different treatment they receive compared to actors must be drawn from the real-life experiences of the writers/showrunners, it’s such a specific joke. That said I think if you asked a layperson to tell who’s a writer and who’s an actor from this Deadline photoshoot I think they’d be hard pressed to tell the difference (very complimentary).
Ava sharing her excitement over her “dream job” as head writer for Deborah with a random make-up artist is very endearing, and just makes what happens later on even more crushing
Deborah going to the exec meeting and slowly realising just how much is being invested in her is a great bit of reaction acting from Jean Smart, and further helps reinforce the pressure she’s under and explains her choices
Quite liked the scene of Deborah telling Ava that the network doesn’t want her as head writer, on first watch it seems like Deborah is just worried about how to break the bad news to Ava and let her down easy, but on rewatch it feels so obvious that Deborah is just lying through her teeth to Ava and struggling with it big time.
Jimmy’s “proposal” to Kayla on the plane is such a great comedic setpiece/skewing of the rom-con trope, everything from the overly-excited passenger who completely misreads the situation to Jimmy kneeling because the flight attendant says there’s no standing in the aisle is just perfect.
It’s also just a really good way to cap off the season long plot involving Jimmy and Kayla, we’ve seen throughout the season that they make a very good thing and that Kayla’s kind of a genius at this in her own unique way, very satisfying to see Jimmy finally recognise this and promote her. Jimmy and Kayla’s mentomentee relationship serves as a healthy contrast to Deborah and Ava,with Jimmy as a mentor who recognises the mentee’s contributions and is willing to make compromises (see his acceptance of Kayla’s three funny videos a day)
Jimmy’s voice going up absurdly high when he says “Leave us alone!!!” and “What is your deal” is fantastic comedic work from co-showrunner Paul W Downs, he’ll get Writing and Series Emmy nominations this year, but he should really be getting one for Supporting Actor too.
I guess if you want to nitpick you could say Ava running into Winnie is a very convenient thing to move the plot along, but I choose to look at is as a reminder that Ava has moved on up in the world since the end of S2 and is now at a place where she can get takeout from fancy places where a high-level network head might also dine
Ava’s look of betrayal and anger after realising that Deborah lied to her is great work from Hannah Einbinder
Deborah is reading a Churchill biography when Ava storms in
My god, Ava confronting Deborah is just a perfect perfect scene, the writing is so sharp and Jean Smart is fantastic at playing Deborah going into ice/hardened mode when being confronted, but what a tremendous performance by Hannah Einbinder. She just captures the mixture of betrayal, hurt and anger that Ava feels so naturally and powerfully
There’s so many callbacks and references to previous Deborah/Ava confrontations and scenes from across the show. Ava accusing Deborah of just doing the same thing is from their very first meeting S1E1 where she calls her a hack as well as from their argument in S1E10 when she calls her the same thing. The line about being “a shark or whatever” comes from S2E5 which is what Deborah’s retired comedian friend Susan describes her as, with Deborah later then telling Ava that “You’ve got to be a shark” at the end of S2E8. And Deborah’s advice to Ava to be ambitious and saying that she feels lonely when opening a champagne bottle comes from S3E5 (take that people who said the woods episode was pointless filler).
“You can be the woman behind the man behind the woman” What an unappealing job description, and also a sign of how far Ava has comes since the S2 finale when she was unwilling to take the credit for writing Deborah’s special. Now her time away from Deborah has allowed Ava the space to truly value herself, her achievements and be justifiably proud of them (she stresses her job at On The Contrary to Deborah back in S3E1 and stresses her co-producer role when in bed with Christina Hendricks in S3E6), and she’s no longer willing to accept this demotion and wants credit for her work.
“You’re already making decisions out of fear and you’ll keep doing it” A really cutting observation from Ava which completely nails what Deborah is doing, much like how she immediately clocks in S2E8 that Deborah is pushing her away because she’s afraid.
“It has to work. I’ve lost way too much for it not too” Deborah’s sentiment applies equally to Ava as it does to herself, and helps explain just why Ava would go to the the extremes she does later on
As much as the dialogue in the scene is great, this Deborah and Ava argument also hits hard because of the silent moments in between. The wordless ten seconds or so which rests entirely on Ava after Deborah says that she’s willing to lose her is just tremendous stuff from Hannah Einbinder, all the hurt plays across her face and Einbinder is simply terrific in making the audience feel the deep hurt and sense of betrayal of that moment
Ava saying that Deborah will die alone is something that Deborah has thought about before, saying back in S1E9 in her interview with a journalist that she accepts the truth that people leave the world completely alone and refuses to pretend otherwise
One Last Time - Deb’s Final Stand Up is the track which plays as the big Deborah/Ava argument scene closes out according to Shazam, with the track (that played in the S1 Finale) taking on a whole new meaning in this context. The soundtrack isn’t a big selling point of the show unlike something like say Succession, but the themes by Carlos Rafael Rivera are simple but always effective
Jimmy taking a selfie in his new office is quite cute, and him saying that he didn’t do it alone and comforting Ava at the end of this scene is a much needed nice beat after the intensity of the previous scene
“shows that already exist with one tiny tweak, or huge global hits” Honestly a pretty depressing but frankly accurate read of the current media/television landscape
Jimmy saying that he knows Ava will do the right thing brings to mind these Deborah lines to Ava from the previous episode “It’s so easy for you to say what’s right or wrong. It’s never that simple. One day you’ll understand that” Ava’s move of blackmailing to get Deborah to do right by her certainly falls into the “never that simple” category
Curious about the politics/legal behind the scenes stuff that needed to be cleared to have Deborah be the host of a CBS late night show in the world of Hacks, while Hacks the actual show is under Warner Bros. Discovery which does not own hacks. I guess in this universe Deborah gets the Late Late Show timeslot instead of Taylor Tomlinson with After Midnight
Deborah’s left Vegas but the vanity plate for her car will continue to follow her and be updated
Deborah excitedly taking a photo of her Host parking spot is very cute, but the beat immediately after when we see a hint of her being sad and uneasy/regretful is also great, she’s achieved her dream but at great personal cost, and has no one to share the photo and moment with
It’s been a central thesis of the show that Deborah and Ava are ultimately more alike than different despite their different ages, backgrounds etc. Even in S1E2 the antiques dealer says that Deborah and Ava are “the same” and are “both psychotic b*tches”, and in episode after episode we see just how alike they are. For example in S2E2 after Deborah finds out about the email she says that Ava is just like her, being equally cruel and selfish. Ava blackmailing her abusive boss so that she can continue to work with her is just a completely insane thing to do, and also very much something Deborah would do herself to help her career, as we saw back in S1E5 when Deborah blackmailed Marty to secure her dates at the Palmetto
This move also shows just how much Ava has learnt from Deborah and how much the student has learnt from the master. Ava takes Deborah’s advice from S2E8 to be a shark, and her advice from S3E5 to “concentrate on what’s best for you”. It’s also ends up becoming a twisted version of Ava saying that she won’t leave Deborah in that same episode too, with Ava resorting to blackmail to stay with Deborah. And Ava finally does what she said back in S2E8, which is that “I get to decide what’s best for me”. I love love love the layers to this show!
I love love love the cocky and slightly confident/smirking Ava that we get a brief glimpse of from this scene, coupled with the power suit she’s rocking it makes for such a satisfying moment as she gets one up over Deborah after being on the back foot previously
We’ve seen a different and more vulnerable side of Deborah this season in S3E5 and S3E7, and seen her be like a fangirl in S3E4, but this scene and her stepping up to Ava and slightly seething as she says “You wouldn’t” is a nice reminder that she can be absolutely terrifying when she wants to be
That tiny tiny little gulp that Hannah Einbinder does when/just after Ava says “I would” is so so good, Ava’s standing up to Deborah but Deborah is still one very scary person. Also really love her cocking her head to one side as she says “Wouldn’t you?”
This has already been pointed out on Twitter, but Deborah and Ava sitting apart in the writer’s room at the end is kind of like the pepper shakers which Deborah rearranged to be apart in S3E1. Also a nice contrast to S3E8 when they were sitting apart as Ava was reporting the journalist’s article to Deborah, even despite them sitting separately they were still very close emotionally, but now the physical distance between them is reflective of the division between them as friends/colleagues
Spoilers for Succession S2E10: This Hacks finale is very reminiscent of the Succession S2 Final This Is Not For Tears. In both episodes the older mentor who’s been trying to teach their protege/successor to be harder and tougher ends up being too good at their job and get betrayed by their mentee in a stunning rug pull moment, even though for much of the season it seems the mentee is perfectly content working undefor their mentor. It’s a plot twist that’s both completely shocking in the moment yet makes so much sense when looking back on the season and the series as a whole. And of course the finale ends on a shot of the older mentor as they take in what their mentee has done, with a mixture of anger but also just the slightest hint of pride and begrudging admiration
This final twist in the finale of Ava blackmailing Deborah is so so good and satisfying, does what great season finales do which is deliver a “twist” that feels like a gut punch initially but has actually been building over the season, and sets up a really juicy scenario/ status quo for next season
Ava blackmailing her way to head writer on Deborah’s show is such a juicy scenario to leave things for Season 4, Ava has never had power over Deborah like she does now and I’m personally very much looking forward to how that changes their dynamic next season
My only concern is that I do hope the Vegas aspect and the characters from that part of the Hacks universe don’t get left behind with the focus shifting to running a Late Night show. If there is something to ding this season of the show it’s that there’s not enough Kiki, I’m not smart enough to figure out how a Vegas casino dealer will be able to regularly show up in LA but I selfishly want the writers to figure that out because Poppy Liu is just too fun as Kiki to leave out. Also kind of curious as to how they’ll keep Marcus around since he’s now leaving Deborah’s QVC empire.
Overall a really really great season finale and a very strong season as a whole, easily the best Comedy of the year and one of the best shows of the year. Really rooting for the show to win big prizes at the Emmys later this year against the Bear although that will be tough, pulling hard for Jean Smart and Hannah Einbinder to win and for the show to at least win Writing if it can’t win for Comedy Series. Also would be very happy if Meg Stalter and Paul W Downs got their first-time noms this year, they were both great this season
submitted by yxkuo to hackshbomax [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:55 SilverLingonberry969 Woman I'm engaged to being stubborn and unreasonable

Me (M33) set to marry woman (F27) in a few months. We live in different countries. We started discussing where the wedding should be held (she is in the UK) and we had some disagreements. We weren't yelling or insulting each other although it was a bit emotionally charged let us say.
She told me she wanted the wedding in London and gave me her reasons (mostly along the lines of it is her dream, mostly a farewell type of thing with her family before she moves to live with me). I'm sure she will miss her family alot and I am quite understanding of that I acknowledged all her feelings and understood and told her I need time to think about it and weigh all the factors (costs, convenience, my family, my situation, etc).
I tried to open her up into seeing alternatives and saying if it was okay to her. She literally shot all of them down. I wasn't against having it in the UK although I have my concerns. I just wanted her to keep an open-mind, that's all. But that's when I felt she was being extremely pushy, inflexible, stubborn. Almost forcing me to make a decision right then and there and to completely agree to it. Like it's either my way or the highway type of deal, no compromise and as if she wanted to back me into a corner where I would have no choice to submit to these demands. Like I said, I wasn't against having it in the UK, but she was just trying to uni-laterally force a decision on me and her approach completely rubbed me the wrong way.
I let things calm down for a few days then reach out to her. She told me she was crying everyday and couldn't sleep. I tried to console her. Fast forward we have a call and it did not go well. I gave her an open floor to voice all of her emotions, concerns, grievances towards me and to be completely honest no matter how harsh it is. She said very little aside from "it's my dream" and "I would be very sad". She mentioned how she was already compromising by coming to live with me. Which is fair but this was agreed on from the very beginning. The wedding location wasn't. And I told her I would do everything to make her feel comfortable in her new home. And that I am also compromising and committed as well. I went on a 10 minute rant about how I understood her emotions and how she was feeling and everything and how I am committed to finding a solution that makes everybody happy.
I asked her some questions but she couldn't give me any answers at all. Very simple questions as well. Like why the change of heart? Maybe I asked a question that was a bit too much like "what do you suggest we do then". She eventually got way too upset and just ended the call. It was like talking to an NPC brick wall where nothing was getting through to her and she kept repeating the same thing over and over again. Like anything short of having 100% her way was not satisfactory. I had ALOT of grievances and was annoyed with her but held my tongue as not to upset her anymore and to try to empathize with her.
In all honesty. If she approached this in a nicer, kinder, more level-headed understanding way, I may have obliged. Although I still have my own circumstances to consider. Normally she is very calm, respectful and reserved which is why I'm shocked. But sometimes people's true selves unravel after the mask comes off.
For example, she wants the wedding in London. London is VERY expensive and it's cheaper in a different city. She wants to invite all her family. I have a lot of family too and I can't just not invite them. The number of guests makes it so expensive. To be fair she's not asking for a lavish wedding but still. However, she is not considering I have to pay her Mahr, pay a deposit for rent, visa costs, plane tickets, furnishing the home, purchasing anything she needs for the home, honeymoon, marriage documents, Nikkah costs, photography, dresses/suits. I'm probably missing something and on a conservative end this is probably in upwards of 60K+ dollars up front. I can afford that but that's a huge chunk of my savings gone and I want to use the money for a wedding to instead purchase a nice home for the both of us. Or even front load it to the honey moon, a better apartment or even things that she wants like a fancy new phone or her Mahr.
I also lack vacation holidays so I would have to fly and can only stay for 4-5 days. Everything is going to be so stressful and rushed. My parents also won't be able to attend as they are old and they have already flew so much this year. They have also spent money flying over to meet her and the family. I would also hate to impose on my aunty again for hosting me twice (2 weeks each) for each time I visited. She's very old. Also I would like to oversee some of the wedding planning in order to see what is going on and this is much harder being away.
Now, I could make this work but the thing is. It is very burdensome and inconvenient for me and a lot of people and there are easier and less expensive alternatives. Not to mention a lot of compromise on my end and little on hers.
The biggest problem I have with her is she is acting very entitled, only thinking of her dreams, not even asking me whether it was something I want. As if my opinions, dreams, on the wedding don't matter. Which is ridiculous because I'm footing 100% of it. She is being selfish and can't think of anyone besides her self. She wants me to completely submit to her wishes without considering how I feel about it. She won't compromise anything on her end. I've already compromised alot on my end even if I wasn't necessarily happy with it. I feel like I'm dealing with a spoiled princess of a child that is used to throwing emotional fits when she doesn't get her way so the parents have no choice but to give her what she wants just to appease her.
I've made so much effort for her like visiting her twice, planning the outings, giving her expensive gifts, initiating our calls, planning the family gatherings, leading the marriage process, etc. 95% of things she wanted I gave to her and compromised. Even at the expense of my own ideal thing. Anything she didn't want I didn't force it on her. I thought women wanted men to lead and initiate? She didn't really have to do much aside from show up and maybe do some small favours I asked her to. My theory is closer to the wedding date, she is getting cold feet.
The thing is, this was never a dealbreaker or discussed as one from the beginning. She mentioned she wanted a small and intimate and simple wedding. We had all the parents gathered and even talked about the wedding location. Then and there was the time to discuss it but now all the parents are in different countries so that opportunity is gone. She raised zero objections and zero mention of where she wanted the wedding during those gatherings. It's like she just sprung this on me which has me concerned. Like what if she comes and lives with me then decides I don't like this country and starts throwing an emotional fit?
At this point she is just being a headache to deal with. I'm questioning whether I want to or it is worth dealing with this if I marry her and if she is going to do this in the future. I am reaching out to her dad as he seems reasonable. I'm not talking to her at all as to give her room and to calm down. I also refuse to talk to her unless she is actually willing to discuss and drop the whole "me me me" attitude. I've been super patient and kind with her during the entire process catering to her needs/wants and times she was very stressed. She hurt me pretty badly early on with her actions in which I was 100% fully intent on leaving until she pulled me back in saying she would be extremely sad and hurt if I left her. I forgave her for that.
I think if she doesn't budge and once I explore all solutions and they don't work I'm going to give her an ultimatum. If you are going to put a one day wedding over a lifetime of a successful marriage I'm out. If you are going to put your wants above everything else, I'm out. I'm going to let her reach out to me and see if she realizes how selfish she is being. Sometimes it takes the real threat of walking away for someone to realize the error of their ways. Sometimes you've tried hard enough and are beating a dead horse.
Even if we do come up with a wedding solution, the way she acted throughout is leaving a lot of unanswered questions and make me feel uncomfortable unless we get marriage counseling. A marriage where one is constantly bending over backwards to appease someone else at the expense of themselves is not going to work. What's the point in getting what you want if the other person resents you for it? She is unable to see past the wedding itself.
I'm working so hard and under a lot of stress being at a new job trying to juggle everything from school, career, marriage, obligations to family, health, fitness, everything. I feel like I'm losing myself in trying to please everybody and putting my needs on the backburner in favor of somebody else. I'm very torn. I never wanted a wedding to be a source of tension. I would have been happy with a simple wedding with close family at a house. I'm a very simple person that doesn't need much except emotional support and somebody who can provide peace and tranquility while we worship Allah together. That's all I ever wanted yet apparently it's too much to ask for. I've been nothing but patient and good to her throughout.
Not sure what I should do at this point or how to approach her again. Being nice and understanding didn't work. Maybe I need to call her out on her childish and self-centered behaviour.
Part of this is me ranting and venting but any advice, comments or solutions are appreciated! Your duas as well.
submitted by SilverLingonberry969 to MuslimMarriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:32 maury_12 Eliva Press?

Hello! This is my first time posting here and English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes :)
Currently, I'm working on getting my PhD and I received an email from Eliva Press saying they're interested on publishing my research (and they put the exact title of my thesis) and that was weird because I've not published anything with that title. I'm a little worried, so I'm asking how they got my info? Is Eliva Press a reliable journal?
Thank you!!
submitted by maury_12 to research [link] [comments]
