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Toronto GTA Real Estate News & Trends

2010.12.19 11:20 waldoxwaldox Toronto GTA Real Estate News & Trends

The Latest Real Estate Market News, Trends & Advice For Toronto GTA and Surrounding areas Halton, Peel, York, & Durham.

2012.01.05 18:45 ducksarewet Cobourg - Ontario's Feel Good Town

A subreddit for residents and visitors of Cobourg, Ontario, Canada.

2012.01.17 15:49 Sc00termcgee A place for Ottawa's Ents

Ottawa Ent Community. Weed is legal now! if you live in and around the Ottawa area and like to enjoy that sticky icky, this is the sub fort you!

2024.06.01 12:00 AutoModerator Daily r/LawnCare No Stupid Questions Thread

Please use this thread to ask any lawn care questions that you may have. There are no stupid questions. This includes weed, fungus, insect, and grass identification. For help on asking a question, please refer to the "How to Get the Most out of Your Post" section at the top of the sidebar.
Check out the sidebar if you're interested in more information on plant hardiness zones, identifying problems, weed control, fertilizer, establishing grass, and organic methods. Also, you may contact your local Cooperative Extension Service for local info.
How to Get the Most out of Your Post:
Include a photo of the problem. You can upload to for free and it's easy to do. One photo should contain enough information for people to understand the immediate area around the problem (dense shade, extremely sloped, etc.). Other photos should include close-ups of the grass or weed in question: such as this, this, or this. The more photos or context to the situation will help us identify the problem and propose some solutions.
Useful Links:
Guides & Calculators: Measure Your Lawn Make a Property Map Herbicide Application Calculators Fertilizing Lawns Grow From Seed Grow From Sod Organic Lawn Care Other Lawn Calculators
Lawn Pest Control: Weeds & What To Use Common Weeds What's Wrong Here? How To Spray Weeds MSU Weed ID Tool Is This a Weed? Herbicide Types ID Turf Diseases Fungi & Control Options Insects & Control Options
Fertilizing: Fertilizing Lawns How To Spread Granular Fertilizer Natural Lawn Care Fertilizer Calculator
US Cooperative Extension Services: Arkansas - University of Arkansas California - UC Davis Florida - University of Florida Indiana - Purdue University Nebraska - University of Nebraska-Lincoln New Hampshire - The University of New Hampshire New Jersey - Rutgers University New York - Cornell University Ohio - The Ohio State University Oregon - Oregon State University Texas - Texas A&M Vermont - The University of Vermont
Canadian Cooperative Extension Services: Ontario - University of Guelph
Recurring Threads:
Daily No Stupid Questions Thread Mowsday Monday Treatment Tuesday Weed ID Wednesday That Didn't Go Well Thursday Finally Friday: Weekend Lawn Plans Soil Saturday Lawn of the Month Monthly Mower Megathread Monthly Professionals Podium Tri-Annual Thatch Thread Quarterly Seed & Sod Megathread
submitted by AutoModerator to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:35 RentLife2020 Rentals in Toronto

Rentals in Toronto

Rentals in Toronto

Finding Your Perfect Rental in Toronto: A Guide to the City's Best Neighbourhoods

Toronto, a diverse city boasts a variety of neighbourhoods each with its distinct character and amenities. Whether you're a professional, a family or someone in search of a lifestyle Toronto caters to all tastes. Here's a rundown of some areas considering for renting in Toronto to help you discover your dream residence in this bustling urban landscape.

Northern Toronto

The part of Toronto near the Yonge and Eglinton crossroads is a sought after community renowned for its trendy bars, eateries and serene residential spots. This area acts as a point with excellent public transport links making it convenient for both commuting and city exploration.

Kensington Market

For those seeking a vibrant locale Kensington Market is the place to be. Known for its atmosphere, boutiques and lively nightlife scene Kensington Market exudes an exciting vibe. While it may not be the district around town it appeals to individuals looking for an dynamic way of life.


Affectionately called "Hipsterville East " Leslieville stands as an, up and coming neighborhood with a flourishing arts and cinema scene. There are cafes, yoga studios and pet shops, in the area which makes it a popular choice for young professionals and creative individuals. The mix of old and new in Leslieville creates an welcoming atmosphere.

East York & Danforth Village

For those who want a blend of city life and a suburban feel East York and Danforth Village offers a lively atmosphere just a short distance from downtown. This neighbourhood is perfect for families and individuals looking for amenities and good transit options while enjoying a setting.

West Hill, Centennial Scarborough

West Hill Centennial Scarborough is a neighbourhood that offers living options while still being close to the city. It's an option for renters who prefer a suburban like environment with urban conveniences nearby.
The Waterfront Located north of downtown the Waterfront area provides views of Lake Ontario and easy access to the citys skyline. It's a spot for those who want a living experience with beautiful scenery along with parks, trails and recreational opportunities.

Yonge and Eglinton

Yonge and Eglinton is a neighbourhood, with boutique shops, cafes and amenities. This region is a choice, for renters looking for an urban lifestyle with a mix of amenities, such as great public transportation options and lively nightlife.

Rosedale, Moore Park

If you're in search of a upscale living environment consider the Rosedale and Moore Park neighbourhoods. Here you'll find high end condos and homes with features though they come at a price tag. These areas are renowned for their spaces, rich history and top notch facilities that cater to those with refined preferences.
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2024.06.01 11:26 RamsinJacobRealty August 17th - The Real Estate industry is going to change dramatically for the consumers

For those who have been following the mass media headlines and don't have much experience with the real estate industry in CA, they assume:
The list of claims from the novice public population goes on and on...
First and foremost, commissions have ALWAYS been negotiable. In all the new contracts coming to the state of CA, you will see this written repeatedly, so much that it will become embedded in your mind.
The NAR lawsuit, was nothing but a pure money grab by attorneys. Anyone with actual knowledge of the case and what's happening will tell you the same thing. Why do I say that? Well, for starters, the plaintiffs in the case all have a common theme - They signed a listing agreement. On those listing agreements/contracts are the terms, commissions, etc. We are all grown adults, if you cannot read the terms of a contract you are physically signing, that's a problem. If you cannot comprehend the terms of the contract you signed, that's a problem. If you don't agree with the terms and conditions of the contract you signed and you did not speak up to either question, counter or negotiate it, that's a problem. To then go an file a lawsuit because you did one or all of the above, is the definition of contradiction. That's what happened in the case. It was a quick open and close, attorneys saw the big dollar signs and moved it along without any proper defense from the defendants. When you sign an agreement/contract, you are acknowledging that you reviewed and accept EVERYTHING in that agreement/contract. There's no going back on an agreement, unless there's a specific term written into the agreement, likely would state an addendum would need to ratified by both parties to change anything.
So what's the results?
The ruling stated that the MLS needs to remove the buyer's agent co-operative compensation from the MLS. In Real Estate, specifically in California, you don't see 6% commissions, I've been in Real Estate nearly 10 years, do business in the Bay Area and LA, I've never or heard 6%. 5% has been the norm and commissions have ALWAYS been negotiable. The structure of commissions thus far have been the listing agent and seller agree on a commission that's compensated to the listing agent and to the buyer's agent - but the listing brokerage technically is collect the entire amount and distributing the buyer's agent commission to the buyer's brokerage at closing. So for instance:
So now, that the buyer's brokerage co-operative compensation will not longer be a thing, the public thinks buyer's agents are suddenly going to be working for free or a very low amount. Real Estate agents are independent contractors, we don't make any money unless we close transactions, there's many fees involved which the public are unaware about & no, good agents are not focused on the dollar amount, they are focused on volume and doing right by their clients.
Sellers will still be able to compensate a buyer's agent, no one can tell a seller they can't. The structure of how it'll be processed slightly changes. There's various ways, which I won't go into in detail here and share my strategies since there may be other agents lurking here. These strategies, along with other new practices is what's going to separate the agents who stay in the business and the thousands who will be moving onto other endeavors.
Moving forward starting August 17th - Those buyers out there who don't commit to an agent and want to pull around multiple at a time, those days are done. One bad practice that majority of agents have is they never developed proper execution of the buyebroker representation agreement. Whether it be non-exclusive or exclusive, majority of agents never implemented it and the public didn't know anything else on how business is suppose to run. I sit on the minority side of agents who actually does implement the buyebrokerage agreement. August 17th, every single agent will have the specific policy that they need to sign agreements with every buyer they work with. Every buyer out there, before you can even go look at a house, you need to sign an agreement with an agent. A buyer won't be permitted to see a home without an agency agreement. This is all thanks to the lawsuit settlement.
This makes it more difficult for the buyers at the end of the day. Why? To begin with, a buyer needs to find an agent and commit to them. With the agreements that buyers will have to sign, there will specifically be a section regarding the compensation due to the buyer's agent. You as the buyer will technically be on the hook of that compensation to your buyer's agent, if the seller is not willing to compensate. There are various strategies here which a savvy and experienced Agent can ensure their buyer clients won't need to come out of pocket to compensate the buyer's agent for their services, again, these strategies is what's going to separate the majority of the agents from the ones at the top.
There's additional conversations and paperwork that needs to and will be made at every initial conversation between a buyer and their potential new agent. Along with listing agents and their sellers. The groups behind this change want to believe this creates more "transparency" in the Real Estate business. It actually does the opposite. It becomes a huge unknown and guessing game about compensation to agents from the buyer perspective and also sellers. Buyers will be going into the process unsure about whether or not they will need to end up paying their buyer's agent or will the seller be able to cover the fees from the proceeds. Sellers will not be sure about how much they can potentially be netting from the sell of the property, because a buyer's agent with the best offer could be requesting either a very high or standard commission. There's no improvement towards transparency in this. We're literally going backwards in the industry. This is what so many people just don't have any idea about.
The structure of commissions is just one area of change we are going to experience. Open houses will be different, every buyer will need to sign an acknowledgment document upon entry. Sellers may offer "concessions" - so that's the new word instead of "commissions". Literally the industry is going through technical changes with procedures and contracts which at the core does not improve anything for the consumers. I guarantee more people will feel frustrated and confused about buying or selling with these changes coming soon.
Again, commissions have ALWAYS been negotiable. Redfin has always had their low cost services, which don't produce good results, as a seller, you leave well over $100k on the table. As a buyer, you won't know what a great agent experience feels like. Along with those flat fee services, those are even worse. Attorneys are out there too, all they do is push paper along, that's it. They don't have a clue about Real Estate. All of those services have always been available, if they were any good, it would have taken over the industry a long time ago. Clearly, it's not. Just remember, like anything in life, you get what you pay for. Don't expect to have great service and low ball your agent. There's no sense to battle over 1% of agent fees, when the agent is going to be making your life easier throughout the process, negotiate on your behalf, cover all your bases to minimize potential legal troubles and provide the highest level of advisory. The great agents out there, are well worth what they request for compensation. For years, I've been negotiating deals for my buyers $100,000 - $250,000 below seller's desired prices on average. I jump through hoops of fire for my clients to serve them as best as possible, working around the clock, at all hours, matter of fact, it's currently 2:37am as I write this... And for my sellers, I have been negotiating sales on their property anywhere from $100,000 - $500,000 above their expectations (not list price, big difference, a list price is nothing but a marketing strategy, keep that in mind). I specialize with investments, have been doing this for nearly a decade. Time and time again, I've located deals for my investor clients/partners which literally no one else saw other than myself. I say that with full confidence, backed by facts. There's been many deals, sitting on the market, available for anyone to purchase, available to negotiate to the best of your ability and no one did so, no one saw it, other than myself. Which resulted in significant profits within a short amount of time. The ability to foresee the future value of a property in the market is not something anyone can do. The ability to envision a renovated property from a torn down home, is not common.
When you break it down, the agent fees are minuscule in comparison to what a great advisor is able to do.
submitted by RamsinJacobRealty to BayAreaHomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:00 AutoModerator Soil Saturday

Welcome to Soil Saturday. Talk about any problems you're having with your soil, such as compaction, dry spots, water pooling, or whatever. This is also the place to ask some questions on your soil tests. Also, any products related to soil or soil amendments are welcome here.
Useful Links:
US Cooperative Extension Services: Arkansas - University of Arkansas California - UC Davis Florida - University of Florida Indiana - Purdue University Nebraska - University of Nebraska-Lincoln New Hampshire - The University of New Hampshire New Jersey - Rutgers University New York - Cornell University Ohio - The Ohio State University Oregon - Oregon State University Texas - Texas A&M Vermont - The University of Vermont
Canadian Cooperative Extension Services: Ontario - University of Guelph
Recurring Threads:
Daily No Stupid Questions Thread Mowsday Monday Treatment Tuesday Weed ID Wednesday That Didn't Go Well Thursday Finally Friday: Weekend Lawn Plans Soil Saturday Lawn of the Month Monthly Mower Megathread Monthly Professionals Podium Tri-Annual Thatch Thread Quarterly Seed & Sod Megathread
submitted by AutoModerator to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:52 ReportsStack Lithography Metrology Equipment Market Size, Key Trends & Projected Growth Report from 2024 to 2030

The global lithography metrology equipment market is projected to grow at a significant CAGR of approximately 7% from 2024 to 2030. This growth is driven by several key factors. As semiconductor technology progresses towards smaller nodes, the need for precise measurements intensifies, boosting the demand for advanced metrology tools. The complexity of modern semiconductor designs, including FinFETs and 3D transistors, necessitates accurate verification, thereby enhancing the importance of metrology equipment. Furthermore, achieving higher yield and maintaining product quality are critical objectives, with metrology playing a vital role in defect detection and process optimization.
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @
Market Trends:
Miniaturization of Semiconductor Nodes: As semiconductor manufacturing moves towards smaller nodes, the demand for highly precise and accurate metrology equipment is increasing. Advanced lithography techniques require sophisticated metrology tools to measure and verify features at nanometer scales, driving the adoption of state-of-the-art equipment.
Rise of Advanced Semiconductor Designs: The development of complex semiconductor designs, such as FinFETs and 3D transistors, necessitates advanced metrology solutions. These designs involve intricate geometries and layer structures that require precise measurement and verification, fueling the demand for cutting-edge metrology equipment.
Emphasis on Yield Enhancement: Improving yield is a critical focus in semiconductor manufacturing. Metrology equipment plays a crucial role in detecting defects early in the process, allowing manufacturers to address issues promptly and enhance overall yield. This trend is driving investments in advanced metrology technologies to ensure high-quality production.
Integration of AI and Machine Learning: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are increasingly being integrated into metrology equipment to enhance measurement accuracy and speed. These technologies enable predictive analytics, automated defect detection, and real-time process control, leading to more efficient semiconductor manufacturing processes.
Growth in 5G and IoT Applications: The proliferation of 5G technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) is expanding the demand for advanced semiconductors. This growth drives the need for precise metrology tools to ensure the performance and reliability of chips used in these applications, spurring market growth.
Market Opportunities:
The lithography metrology equipment market offers significant growth opportunities driven by advancements in semiconductor technology and increasing complexity in chip designs. As semiconductor nodes continue to shrink, the demand for precise and accurate metrology tools is rising, creating opportunities for manufacturers to develop cutting-edge equipment that can meet these stringent requirements. Additionally, the expansion of 5G technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) necessitates advanced semiconductors, further boosting the need for sophisticated metrology solutions. The integration of AI and machine learning into metrology equipment presents another opportunity to enhance measurement accuracy and efficiency, providing value-added solutions to semiconductor manufacturers. Furthermore, the growth of the semiconductor industry in emerging markets, particularly in Asia-Pacific, presents a lucrative opportunity for market expansion.
According to the recent report published by RC Market Analytics, the Global Lithography Metrology Equipment Market is expected to provide sustainable growth opportunities during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. This latest industry research study analyzes the lithography metrology equipment market by various product segments, applications, regions and countries while assessing regional performances of numerous leading market participants. The report offers a holistic view of the lithography metrology equipment industry encompassing numerous stakeholders including raw material suppliers, providers, distributors, consumers and government agencies, among others. Furthermore, the report includes detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the global market considering market history, product development, regional dynamics, competitive landscape, and key success factors (KSFs) in the industry.
Browse the Full Report Discretion @
Geographically, the lithography metrology equipment market report comprises dedicated sections centering on the regional market revenue and trends. The lithography metrology equipment market has been segmented on the basis of geographic regions into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Lithography metrology equipment market estimates have also been provided for the historical years 2020 to 2023 along with forecast for the period from 2024 - 2030.The report includes a deep-dive analysis of key countries including the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, China, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa, among others. Thereby, the report identifies unique growth opportunities across the world based on trends occurring in various developed and developing economies.
The Lithography Metrology Equipment Market Segmentation:

By Technology:

By Product:

By Application:

By Region:

Key players in the global lithography metrology equipment market include ASML Holdings, Advantest, Applied Materials, Hitachi High-Technologies, and KLA-Tencor. These companies maintain a strong market presence through their extensive range of products and services. Their significant focus on research and development (R&D) enables them to remain ahead of the competition. The competitive landscape of the lithography metrology equipment market is anticipated to intensify in the coming years as new entrants join the market and existing players expand their product offerings.
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @
Key Questions Answered by Lithography Metrology Equipment Market Report:
About Us:RC Market Analytics is a global market research firm. Our insightful analysis is focused on developed and emerging markets. We identify trends and forecast markets with a view to aid businesses identify market opportunities to optimize strategies. Our expert’s team of analysts’ provides enterprises with strategic insights. RC Market Analytics works to help enterprises grow through strategic insights and actionable solutions. Feel free to contact us for any report customization at
Media Contact:
Company Name: RC Market Analytics Pvt. Ltd. Contact Person: Vijendra Singh Email: Visit us:
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2024.06.01 10:51 Alex98799 Panidac 350W Pure Sine Wave Car Inverter Review

The Panidac 350W Pure Sine Wave Car Inverter is a great option for anyone who needs to power electronics on the go. This inverter converts 12V DC power from your car's battery to 110V AC power, which is the same type of power that comes out of wall outlets at home. This means you can use it to charge your laptop, phone, or other devices while you're traveling.
One of the key features of the Panidac 350W Pure Sine Wave Car Inverter is that it produces a "pure sine wave" output. This is important because some electronic devices, especially sensitive ones, can be damaged by irregular power supplies. The pure sine wave output from this inverter ensures that your devices will receive clean, consistent power.
Another great feature of this inverter is that it has built-in USB ports. This means you can charge your phone, tablet, or other USB-powered devices without having to turn on the inverter and drain your car battery. The inverter also has a long, durable cable that plugs into your car's cigarette lighter port.
Overall, the Panidac 350W Pure Sine Wave Car Inverter is a versatile and user-friendly option for anyone who needs to power their electronics on the road. With its pure sine wave output, USB ports, and long cable, it's a great choice for travelers, campers, and anyone who wants to stay connected while they're away from home.
submitted by Alex98799 to u/Alex98799 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:35 ReportsStack RF Signal Generators Market Size, Industry Trends & Growth Analysis from 2024 to 2030

The global RF signal generators market is expected to witness a noteworthy CAGR of approximately 7.5% from 2024 to 2030. This growth is attributed to various factors. Advancements in wireless technologies, particularly the deployment of 5G networks, are driving the demand for precise signal testing. Additionally, the aerospace and defense sectors heavily depend on signal generators for the development of radar and communication systems. The expanding consumer electronics and IoT industries further contribute to the need for RF testing to ensure seamless device connectivity. With the emergence of 5G technology, there is a heightened requirement for accurate simulation and validation of network components.
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @
Market Trends:
Rapid Advancements in Wireless Technology: The RF signal generators market is witnessing rapid advancements in wireless technology, driven by the rollout of 5G networks. This trend is leading to increased demand for signal generators capable of testing and validating the performance of 5G devices and networks, including higher frequency bands and complex modulation schemes.
Shift towards Higher Frequency Bands: As wireless communication technologies continue to evolve, there is a growing demand for RF signal generators capable of operating at higher frequency bands, including millimeter-wave frequencies. This trend is driven by the need to support emerging applications such as 5G mmWave, automotive radar, and satellite communication systems.
Expansion of IoT and Consumer Electronics: The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and the continued growth of the consumer electronics market are driving demand for RF signal generators. These devices require robust testing to ensure reliable wireless connectivity, spurring the adoption of signal generators with advanced features and capabilities.
Integration of Advanced Modulation Techniques: With the increasing complexity of wireless communication standards, such as 5G NR and Wi-Fi 6, RF signal generators are incorporating advanced modulation techniques to support these standards. This includes features like digital modulation, wideband frequency coverage, and flexible waveform generation to meet the evolving requirements of modern communication systems.
Focus on Compact and Portable Solutions: There is a growing demand for compact and portable RF signal generators, particularly in field testing and deployment scenarios. Manufacturers are focusing on developing lightweight and battery-powered instruments with reduced form factors while maintaining high performance and accuracy.
Market Opportunities:
The RF signal generators market presents significant opportunities for growth and innovation driven by several factors. The rapid advancements in wireless technology, particularly the rollout of 5G networks and the expansion of IoT applications, create a strong demand for RF signal generators capable of testing and validating complex communication systems. Additionally, the shift towards higher frequency bands, including millimeter-wave frequencies, offers opportunities for manufacturers to develop advanced instruments tailored to emerging applications such as automotive radar and satellite communications. The growing adoption of software-defined instruments and real-time signal processing capabilities opens up avenues for flexibility and scalability in test setups, catering to diverse customer needs. Moreover, the increasing emphasis on remote access and connectivity features enables users to streamline testing processes and adapt to distributed work environments, driving demand for instruments with built-in remote capabilities.
According to the recent report published by RC Market Analytics, the Global RF Signal Generators Market is expected to provide sustainable growth opportunities during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. This latest industry research study analyzes the RF signal generators market by various product segments, applications, regions and countries while assessing regional performances of numerous leading market participants. The report offers a holistic view of the RF signal generators industry encompassing numerous stakeholders including raw material suppliers, providers, distributors, consumers and government agencies, among others. Furthermore, the report includes detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the global market considering market history, product development, regional dynamics, competitive landscape, and key success factors (KSFs) in the industry.
Browse the Full Report Discretion @
Geographically, the RF signal generators market report comprises dedicated sections centering on the regional market revenue and trends. The RF signal generators market has been segmented on the basis of geographic regions into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. RF signal generators market estimates have also been provided for the historical years 2020 to 2023 along with forecast for the period from 2024 - 2030.The report includes a deep-dive analysis of key countries including the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, China, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa, among others. Thereby, the report identifies unique growth opportunities across the world based on trends occurring in various developed and developing economies.
The RF Signal Generators Market Segmentation:
By Technology:
By End-Use:
By Region:
Key players in the global RF signal generators market include Keysight Technologies, Rohde & Schwarz, Anritsu, Agilent Technologies, and Tektronix. These companies engage in competition based on various factors such as product quality, pricing, features, and customer support. Keysight Technologies holds the leading position in the market, followed by Rohde & Schwarz and Anritsu. Renowned for their innovative capabilities and high-quality products, these companies offer an extensive range of solutions tailored to diverse customer needs. While these key players dominate the market, other competitors also exhibit strong competitiveness, contributing to the dynamic landscape of the RF signal generators market.
To know more about this study, request a free sample report @
Key Questions Answered by RF Signal Generators Market Report:
About Us:RC Market Analytics is a global market research firm. Our insightful analysis is focused on developed and emerging markets. We identify trends and forecast markets with a view to aid businesses identify market opportunities to optimize strategies. Our expert’s team of analysts’ provides enterprises with strategic insights. RC Market Analytics works to help enterprises grow through strategic insights and actionable solutions. Feel free to contact us for any report customization at
Media Contact:
Company Name: RC Market Analytics Pvt. Ltd. Contact Person: Vijendra Singh Email: Visit us:
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2024.06.01 10:25 Furystorm [WTS] ✪ Upgrades to Retaliator Bomber ✪ Banu Tholo / Banu Cube ✪ Furystorm's boutique™ (⌐ ͡■ ͜ʖ ͡■) Galaxy's Finest (⌐ ͡■ ͜ʖ ͡■) ✪ Game packages (SQ42 & starter) ✪ LTI Pioneer, Orion, Carrack, Merchantman, Vindicator, others ★ Rare CCUs (upgrades) ★ Vanguard BUKs ★ Modules/Flairs/Weapons/Armor ★


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20 $ per each
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Item Price, $
Starfarer Gemini to Merchantman 189
Banu Tholo code 69
Banu Lockbox (Banu Cube) code 89
Mole to Merchantman 199
Starfarer Gemini to Merchantman 189
C2 Hercules to Carrack 139
Valkyrie to Carrack 169
Constellation Aquila to Orion 219
Starfarer Gemini to Hull D Upgrade 109
Constellation Andromeda to Hull C Upgrade 139
Anvil Terrapin to Hull C Upgrade 179
F7C-R Hornet Tracker to Constellation Taurus 39
Corsair to 400i Warbond Edition 12
Hull E to Polaris 50
Ship Upgrades - Drake Kraken Conversion Kit 799
Item Price, $
CitizenCon 2951 Digital Goodies 9
Gemini LH86 Pistol - Voyager edition 6
Kruger P-72 Emerald 105
Game package can be upgrade as well on your demand, price negotiated
Package Insurance Game Pledge - SC Game Pledge - SQ42 Price, $ Comments
Package - Aurora LN 3MI + + 59 Aurora LN (best aurora) Starter package
Package - Aurora MR SC Starter - Backer Edition 3MI + + 55 Aurora MR Starter package
Package - Syulen Starter Pack LTI + 115 -
3MI +
Anniversary 2017 Mustang Discount Starter 5YI + 58 -
Scoundrel Pack LTI + + 799 7 Items, see picture
Entrepreneur pack LTI + + 699 Prospector + Vulture + Vulcan + Hull B + Ursa Rover
Game package can be upgrade as well on your demand, price negotiated
Package Insurance Price, $ Comments
Argo Combo Pack LTI 111 MPUV Cargo + MPUV Personnel
Dragonfly Ride Together Two-Pack LTI 116 Yellow + Black
Nox 2 pack LTI 121 Nox + Nox Kue
Aopoa Nox 5 Pack LTI 242 4 Nox + 1 Nox Kue
Race Team Pack LTI 169 X1 + NOX + Dragonfly Black
Origin X1 THREE-PACK LTI 169 X1 Baseline + Velocity + Force
Argo Utility Pack LTI 249 Argo SRV + MPUV Cargo + MPUV Personnel + VFG Hangar
The Tortoise and the Hurricane LTI 409 Anvil Hurricane + Anvil Terrapin
Starfarer + Nox 2 pack LTI 429 Starfarer + Nox + Nox Kue
Origin 600i Series Combo Pack LTI 999 600i Luxury + Exploration + Origin X1
Aegis Wrecking Crew Pack LTI 1159 Reclaimer + Vulcan + Eclipse + Avenger Warlock/Titan
Exotic Mega Pack LTI 1259 Banu MM + Genesis Starliner + Khartu-al + other small ships
UEE Exploration 2948 Pack LTI 849 Carrack, Terrapin, Freelancer DUR, Cyclone RN
Offroad Vehicle Pack LTI 137 Cyclone TR + URSA + Greycat PTV
Tumbril Cyclone Pack LTI 309 All Cyclones
All-Terrain Vehicle Mega Pack LTI 479 All Cyclones + Ursa + Lynx + Greycat
Air and Space Pack LTI LTI 299 Terrapin + Cyclone AA
Ground Vehicle Pack VIP LTI 379 Gragonfly + Nox + X1 + Ursa + Cyclone + Nova + bonus
Deluxe Ground Vehicle Pack VIP LTI 849 A lot of items, check screenshot
CCU-d ships are upgraded from another ship. Also I have ships from original sale - they may come with different bonuses but are more expensive.
You can click on the price of original sale item to see it's contents.
Ship manufacturer Ship model Insurance Price (CCUd), $, no fee Price (OC), $, no fee
Aopoa (Xi'an) Khartu-Al LTI 179 -
- Nox LTI - 77
- Nox Kue LTI - 77
- San'Tok.Yai LTI 231 -
Aegis Dynamics Avenger Titan LTI 74 100
- Avenger Titan Renegade LTI 95 111
- Avenger Stalker LTI 84 -
- Avenger Warlock LTI 100 -
- Eclipse LTI 305 333
- Gladius LTI 116 -
- Gladius Valiant LTI 132 147
- Hammerhead LTI 672 777
- Hammerhead Best in Show Edition LTI 746 -
- Nautilus LTI 672 -
- Reclaimer LTI 336 -
- Reclaimer Best in Show Edition LTI 429 -
- Redeemer LTI 333 -
- Retaliator Bomber LTI 284 -
- Sabre LTI 184 221
- Sabre Comet LTI 195 -
- Vanguard Warden LTI 263 -
- Vanguard Harbinger LTI 289 -
- Vanguard Sentinel LTI 268 -
- Vanguard Hoplite LTI 231 268
- Vulcan LTI 216 242
ARGO Astronautics MPUV Cargo LTI 69 74
- MPUV Personnel LTI 74 79
- MPUV Tractor LTI 74 79
- Raft LTI 142 -
- SRV LTI 165 -
- Mole LTI 321 -
Anvil Aerospace Arrow LTI 95 137
- Ballista LTI 168 -
- C8X Pisces Expedition LTI 69 79
- C8R Pisces LTI 84 -
- Carrack LTI 420 -
- Carrack W/C8X LTI 440 -
- Carrack Expedition LTI 447 -
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X LTI 468 -
- Crucible LTI 369 431
- F7C Hornet Mk II LTI 184 -
- F7C Hornet Mk I LTI 121 -
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I LTI 189 210
- F7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk I LTI 140 -
- F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I LTI 155 -
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I LTI 199 252
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I LTI 200 -
- Gladiator LTI 177 221
- Hawk LTI 116 132
- Hurricane LTI 210 231
- Terrapin LTI 231 263
- Valkyrie LTI 357 -
- Legionnaire LTI 132 -
Banu Merchantman LTI 399 -
- Defender LTI 226 237
Consolidated outland Mustang Alpha LTI 74 -
- Mustang Beta LTI 95 -
- Mustang Gamma LTI 74 -
- Mustang Delta LTI 84 -
- Pioneer LTI - 1599
- Hoverquad LTI - 74
Crusader Industries Ares Inferno LTI 252 -
- Ares Ion LTI 252 -
- Genesis Starliner LTI 357 578
- C2 Hercules LTI 368 -
- M2 Hercules LTI 483 -
- A2 Hercules LTI 735 -
- C1 Spirit LTI 137 -
- E1 Spirit LTI 163 -
- A1 Spirit LTI 210 -
- Mercury Star Runner LTI 273 -
Drake Interplanetary Dragonfly Yellowjacket LTI - 84
- Dragonfly Black LTI - 84
- Dragonfly Ride Together Two-Pack LTI - 126
- Buccaneer LTI 126 142
- Caterpillar LTI 336 -
- Caterpillar Best in Show Edition LTI 347 -
- Corsair LTI 263 -
- Cutlass Black LTI 126 -
- Cutlass Black Best in Show Edition (2949) LTI 137 -
- Cutlass Steel LTI 221 -
- Cutlass Red LTI 142 -
- Cutlass Blue LTI 168 -
- Herald LTI 111 -
- Vulture LTI 158 -
Esperia Blade LTI 284 326
- Glaive LTI 373 -
- Prowler LTI 399 510
- Talon LTI 132 -
- Talon Shrike LTI 132 -
Gatac Railen LTI 242 -
Greycat Industrial ROC LTI 77 -
Kruger Intergalactic P-72 Archimedes LTI - 90
- P-72 Archimedes Emerald LTI - 105
Mirai Fury LTI 69 -
- Fury MX LTI 69 -
- Fury LX LTI 69 -
MISC Endeavor LTI 378 -
- Endeavor DISCOVERY-CLASS LTI - 735
- Endeavor Master Set 2018 LTI - 1399
- Expanse LTI 168 -
- Freelancer LTI 121 -
- Freelancer DUR LTI 147 -
- Freelancer MAX LTI 163 -
- Freelancer MIS LTI 184 -
- HULL A LTI 99 -
- HULL B LTI 147 -
- HULL C LTI 357 -
- HULL D LTI 462 -
- Odyssey LTI 578 -
- Razor LTI 163 179
- Razor LX LTI 168 -
- Razor EX LTI 174 -
- Prospector LTI 163 179
- Reliant Kore LTI 84 105
- Reliant Tana LTI 95 -
- Reliant Mako LTI 121 -
- Reliant Sen LTI 105 -
- Starfarer LTI 315 399
- Starfarer Gemini LTI 347 452
Origin Jumpworks X1 LTI - 69
- X1 Velocity LTI - 74
- X1 Force LTI - 79
- M50 LTI 121 -
- 85X LTI - 79
- 100I LTI 74 95
- 125A LTI 79 -
- 135C LTI 84 -
- 300I LTI 77 -
- 315P LTI 77 -
- 325A LTI 93 -
- 350R LTI 137 -
- 400i LTI 265 -
- 600i Touring LTI 399 525
- 600i Explorer LTI 420 580
- Origin G12 LTI 79 0
- Origin G12R LTI 79 84
- Origin G12A LTI 84 90
RSI Aurora CL LTI 74 -
- Aurora LN LTI 79 -
- Apollo Triage LTI 268 -
- Apollo Medivac LTI 294 -
- Galaxy LTI 378 -
- Mantis LTI 168 -
- Perseus LTI 557 -
- Polaris LTI 735 999
- Constellation Taurus LTI 179 -
- Constellation Andromeda LTI 252 -
- Constellation Aquila LTI 321 -
- Zeus MK II MR LTI 205 -
- Zeus MK II ES LTI 163 -
- Zeus MK II CL LTI 163 -
- Scorpius LTI 263 -
- Scorpius Antares LTI 252 -
- Orion LTI 489 -
- Lynx LTI 79 -
- URSA Fortuna LTI 74 -
- Ursa Fortuna LTI 79 -
Tumbril Cyclone LTI - 74
- Cyclone TR LTI - 79
- Cyclone RC LTI - 79
- Cyclone AA LTI - 95
- Cyclone RN LTI - 79
- Ranger RC LTI 105 -
- Ranger CV LTI 111 -
- Ranger TR LTI 116 -
- Nova LTI 126 132
Ship manufacturer Ship model Insurance Price (OC), $ Comments
ARGO Astronautics Argo MPUV 1C Cargo 10YI 53 -
Drake Interplanetary Drake Loot and Scoot Deluxe Package 5YI 189 Cutlass Black with Skull and Crossbones skin + DF Yellow
Consolidated outland Consolidated Outland Mustang Alpha Vindicator 6MI 69 Limited Vindicator version
Esperia Glaive 6YI 439 -
- Glaive 6MI 399 -
Greycat Industrial Greycat PTV 6YI 27 -
- Greycat PTV 10YI 37 -
Kruger Intergalactic Kruger P-72 Archimedes 10YI 55 -
- Kruger P-72 Archimedes 6YI 45 -
- Kruger P-72 Archimedes Emerald 6MI 53 -
- Kruger P-52 Merlin 6YI 37 -
MISC MISC Endeavor OLYMPIC-CLASS 4YI 578 Endeavor with modules
Origin Jumpworks Origin 890 Jump 10YI 1249 -
- Origin 890 Jump 6YI 1099 -
- Origin 890 Jump 6MI 1029 -
RSI RSI Aurora ES 10YI 37 -
- RSI Constellation Phoenix 10YI 420 -
- RSI Constellation Phoenix 6YI 399 -
- RSI Constellation Phoenix 5YI 394 Revel&York Hangar
- URSA Rover 5YI 63 -
- URSA Rover 10YI 70 -
Below are listed combo packs with different combination of vehicles, or with space ships
Combo packs Insurance Price (Concept), $ Comments
Offroad Vehicle Pack LTI 137 Cyclone TR + URSA + Greycat PTV
Tumbril Cyclone Pack LTI 305 All Cyclones
All-Terrain Vehicle Mega Pack LTI 473 All Cyclones + Ursa + Lynx + Greycat
Air and Space Pack LTI LTI 315 Terrapin + Cyclone AA
Ground Vehicle Pack VIP LTI 378 Gragonfly + Nox + X1 + Ursa + Cyclone + Nova + bonus
Deluxe Ground Vehicle Pack VIP LTI 840 A lot of items, check screenshot
Module Insurance Price, $
MISC Endeavor Modules (Pods) - -
RSI Galaxy Modules
Galaxy - Med Bay Module 10YI 116
Galaxy - Refinery Module 10YI 126
Galaxy - Cargo Module 10YI 95
Aegis Vanguard battlefield upgrade kits
Harbinger battlefield upgrade kit LTI 140
Sentinel battlefield upgrade kit 6MI 69
Other stuff
Add-ons - Aegis Idris P after market kit - 294
Module Insurance Price, $
Overlord "Dust Storm" Armor Set - 11
Overlord "Riptide" Armor Set - 11
Overlord Helmets "Silent Strike" Pack - 8
Overlord Helmets "Forces of Nature" Pack - 8
Parasite Replica Helmet (Original) - 11
Parasite Replica Helmet (Dark Birth) - 11
Stegman's Cordimon "Voyager" Complete Outfit - 11
Stegman's IndVest “Pathfinder” Complete Outfit - 11
RSI MacFlex Rust Society full armor set (5 items) - 21
RSI Venture Rust Society full armor set (5 items) - 32
Mr. Refinement’s Cabinet of Rare & Exquisite Spirits - 11
Life in the 'Verse Shirts Pack #1 - 5
Life in the 'Verse Shirts Pack #2 - 5
"Caudillo" Helmets Pack #1 by CC's Conversions - 10
"Caudillo" Helmets Pack #2 by CC's Conversions - 10
"Caudillo" Helmets Pack #3 by CC's Conversions - 10
QuikFlarePro Pack - 5
QuikFlarePro Pack Deluxe - 6
Polar Vortex Collection - 7
Cold Front Collection - 7
UltiFlex FSK-8 "Mirage" Combat Knife - 5
UltiFlex FSK-8 "Ghost" Combat Knife - 5
Urban Collection by Element Authority - 11
Adventurer Collection by Element Authority - 11
Manaslu Rust Society Jacket - 8
RSI Horizon Rust Society Helmet - 8
RSI Beacon Rust Society Undersuit - 6
Paladin helmet - 10
IAE-insurance upgrades (adds IAE insurance (10 years) to your ship)
Upgrade Price, $
Prospector to F7C-M Super Hornet 50
Vanguard Warden to Caterpillar 60
Sorted by: Manufacturer -> ship
Target ship manufacturer Target ship Upgrade from Price, $
Aegis Dynamics Avenger Titan Renegade 325A 18
- Avenger Warlock 325A 29
- Avenger Warlock Arrow 26
- Eclipse Constellation Andromeda 78
- Eclipse Vanguard Sentinel 37
- Eclipse Vanguard Warden 53
- Eclipse Blade 37
- Gladius Valiant Gladius 32
- Gladius Valiant M50 23
- Hammerhead Constellation Aquila 477
- Hammerhead 600i Touring 357
- Hammerhead 600i Explorer 315
- Hammerhead Merchantman 131
- Hammerhead Hull D 236
- Hammerhead Crucible 446
- Hammerhead Carrack 173
- Hammerhead Reclaimer 383
- Hammerhead Prowler 351
- Hammerhead Orion 131
- Hammerhead Glaive 446
- Nautilus Constellation Aquila 462
- Nautilus Endeavor 425
- Nautilus Crucible 425
- Nautilus Genesis Starliner 372
- Nautilus M2 Hercules 246
- Nautilus Merchantman 110
- Nautilus 600i Explorer 294
- Nautilus 600i Touring 336
- Nautilus Orion 110
- Nautilus Prowler 330
- Nautilus Carrack 173
- Nautilus Reclaimer 372
- Nautilus Hull D 215
- Nautilus C2 Hercules 372
- Nautilus Valkyrie 399
- Reclaimer Constellation Aquila 110
- Reclaimer Starfarer Gemini 84
- Reclaimer Endeavor 73
- Reclaimer Crucible 73
- Reclaimer Valkyrie 47
- Redeemer Constellation Andromeda 110
- Redeemer Vanguard Hoplite 110
- Redeemer Mole 31
- Retaliator Bomber Constellation Andromeda 57
- Retaliator Bomber Vanguard Warden 39
- Retaliator Razor 46
- Retaliator Ballista 52
- Sabre Prospector 31
- Sabre Gladiator 16
- Sabre SRV 16
- Sabre Comet Sabre 31
- Sabre Comet Freelancer MIS 26
- Sabre Comet Khartu-Al 31
- Sabre Comet F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 23
- Sabre Comet Gladiator 35
- Vanguard Harbinger Constellation Andromeda 68
- Vanguard Harbinger Vanguard Sentinel 26
- Vanguard Harbinger Vanguard Hoplite 68
- Vanguard Harbinger Vanguard Warden 42
- Vanguard Hoplite Constellation Taurus 54
- Vanguard Hoplite Defender 33
- Vanguard Hoplite F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I 54
- Vanguard Hoplite Hurricane 44
- Vanguard Hoplite Terrapin 33
- Vanguard Sentinel Constellation Andromeda 52
- Vanguard Sentinel Vanguard Warden 31
- Vanguard Warden Constellation Andromeda 31
- Vanguard Warden Vanguard Hoplite 35
- Vulcan Prospector 61
- Vulcan Cutlass Blue 40
- Vulcan Freelancer MIS 40
- Vulcan Sabre 46
- Vulcan Sabre Comet 30
- Vulcan F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 40
- Vulcan F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 30
- Vulcan Gladiator 51
- Vulcan Khartu-Al 46
Anvil Aerospace Ballista Freelancer DUR 15
- Ballista Cutlass Red 15
- Carrack Constellation Aquila 320
- Carrack Mole 320
- Carrack M2 Hercules 99
- Carrack 600i Explorer 147
- Carrack 600i Touring 189
- Carrack Prowler 183
- Carrack Reclaimer 225
- Carrack Genesis Starliner 225
- Carrack Valkyrie 215
- Carrack C2 Hercules 189
- Carrack Hull D 73
- Carrack Endeavor 283
- Carrack Crucible 283
- Carrack Starfarer Gemini 294
- Carrack W/C8X Carrack 55
- Carrack Expedition Carrack 60
- Carrack Expedition Carrack W/C8X 40
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X Carrack 80
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X Carrack W/C8X 73
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X Carrack Expedition 68
- Crucible Starfarer Gemini 26
- Crucible Constellation Aquila 94
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Prospector 43
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Khartu-AL 27
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 22
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Gladiator 32
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Freelancer MIS 22
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Sabre 27
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Razor EX 43
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Prospector 63
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Freelancer MAX 68
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Razor EX 63
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Gladiator 52
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Khartu-AL 47
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Sabre 47
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Sabre Comet 31
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 42
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Freelancer MIS 42
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I Prospector 31
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I Khartu-Al 16
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I Gladiator 22
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I Sabre 16
- Gladiator Prospector 21
- Hawk Gladius 21
- Hurricane Constellation Taurus 22
- Hurricane Prospector 69
- Hurricane Gladiator 58
- Hurricane F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 48
- Hurricane F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 37
- Hurricane Freelancer MIS 48
- Hurricane Sabre 53
- Hurricane Sabre Comet 37
- Hurricane Khartu-Al 53
- Terrapin Prospector 84
- Terrapin Constellation Taurus 33
- Terrapin Freelancer MAX 86
- Terrapin F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 52
- Terrapin Freelancer MIS 63
- Terrapin Vulcan 36
- Terrapin Gladiator 73
- Terrapin Khartu-Al 65
- Terrapin Sabre 65
- Valkyrie Constellation Aquila 78
- Valkyrie Endeavor 42
- Valkyrie Starfarer Gemini 52
- Valkyrie Crucible 42
- Valkyrie Glaive 42
Aopoa (Xi'an) Khartu-Al Prospector 29
- Khartu-Al Freelancer MAX 31
- Nox Aurora LN 22
- Nox Dragonfly Black 15
- Nox Dragonfly Yellowjacket 15
- Nox MPUV Cargo 27
- Nox Kue Aurora LN 17
- Nox Kue Dragonfly Black 15
- Nox Kue Dragonfly Yellowjacket 15
- Nox Kue Mustang Beta 15
- Nox Kue MPUV Personnel 15
- Nox Kue MPUV Cargo 22
- San'tok.yāi Constellation Taurus 56
- San'tok.yāi Hurricane 46
- San'tok.yāi Vulcan 56
ARGO Astronautics MPUV Cargo Mustang Alpha 15
- SRV F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 26
- SRV Razor 31
- SRV Prospector 21
- SRV Freelancer MAX 26
- SRV Razor EX 21
Banu Merchantman Mole 199
- Merchantman Starfarer Gemini 169
- Merchantman Prowler 231
- Merchantman 600i Touring 236
- Merchantman 600i Explorer 194
- Merchantman Genesis Starliner 273
- Defender Constellation Taurus 31
- Defender Retaliator 57
- Defender Cutlass Blue 57
- Defender Freelancer MIS 65
- Defender Gladiator 70
- Defender Khartu-Al 65
- Defender Sabre 65
- Defender F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 59
- Defender F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 50
Consolidated outland Mustang Delta Mustang Gamma 22
- Mustang Delta Avenger Stalker 15
Crusader Industries Genesis Starliner Constellation Aquila 115
- Genesis Starliner Endeavor 73
- Ares Inferno Constellation Andromeda 26
- Ares Ion Constellation Andromeda 26
- A2 Hercules 600i Touring 393
- A2 Hercules 600i Explorer 351
- A2 Hercules M2 Hercules 304
- A2 Hercules Carrack 220
- A2 Hercules Constellation Aquila 519
- A2 Hercules Crucible 483
- A2 Hercules Endeavor 483
- A2 Hercules Hull D 273
- A2 Hercules Merchantman 168
- A2 Hercules Orion 168
- A2 Hercules Prowler 388
- A2 Hercules Reclaimer 430
- A2 Hercules Starfarer Gemini 504
- C2 Hercules Constellation Aquila 110
- C2 Hercules Valkyrie 47
- C2 Hercules Crucible 73
- C2 Hercules Endeavor 73
- C2 Hercules Glaive 73
- C2 Hercules Starfarer Gemini 84
- M2 Hercules Constellation Aquila 236
- M2 Hercules 600i Touring 110
- M2 Hercules 600i Explorer 68
- M2 Hercules C2 Hercules 147
- M2 Hercules Crucible 199
- M2 Hercules Endeavor 199
- M2 Hercules Genesis Starliner 147
- M2 Hercules Prowler 105
- M2 Hercules Reclaimer 147
- M2 Hercules Starfarer Gemini 210
- A1 Spirit F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 63
- A1 Spirit Razor 68
- A1 Spirit Khartu-Al 42
- A1 Spirit F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 26
- A1 Spirit Sabre 42
- A1 Spirit Prospector 57
- A1 Spirit Zeus Mk II MR 21
- C1 Spirit Freelancer 26
- C1 Spirit Legionnaire 15
- C1 Spirit Nova 15
- C1 Spirit Cutlass Black 26
- C1 Spirit Talon 21
- C1 Spirit Talon Shrike 21
- E1 Spirit Razor 15
- Mercury Star Runner Prospector 120
- Mercury Star Runner San'tok.yāi 31
- Mercury Star Runner Defender 52
- Mercury Star Runner F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 99
- Mercury Star Runner F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 89
- Mercury Star Runner Freelancer MIS 99
- Mercury Star Runner Hurricane 63
- Mercury Star Runner Khartu-Al 105
- Mercury Star Runner Razor EX 120
- Mercury Star Runner Sabre Comet 89
- Mercury Star Runner Sabre 105
- Mercury Star Runner Terrapin 52
- Mercury Star Runner Vulcan 73
Drake Interplanetary Caterpillar Constellation Andromeda 116
- Caterpillar Constellation Aquila 31
- Caterpillar Best in Show Edition Vanguard Harbinger 89
- Corsair Prospector 115
- Corsair Constellation Taurus 68
- Corsair Freelancer MAX 120
- Corsair Freelancer MIS 94
- Corsair Sabre 99
- Corsair Sabre Comet 84
- Corsair Gladiator 105
- Corsair F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 84
- Corsair F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I 68
- Corsair F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 94
- Corsair Vulcan 68
- Corsair Hurricane 57
- Corsair Razor EX 115
- Corsair Khartu-Al 99
- Cutlass Black Best In Show Edition Gladius 52
- Cutlass Blue F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 36
- Cutlass Blue Razor 36
- Cutlass Blue Prospector 31
- Cutlass Red F7C Hornet Mk I 21
- Cutlass Red Freelancer 36
- Cutlass Steel Constellation Taurus 47
- Cutlass Steel Railen 21
- Cutlass Steel Defender 26
- Cutlass Steel Terrapin 26
- Cutlass Steel Vulcan 47
- Cutlass Steel Hurricane 36
- Cutlass Steel F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I 47
- Dragonfly Black MPUV Cargo 15
- Herald 325A 26
- Herald Avenger Titan Renegade 21
- Ironclad Prowler 31
- Ironclad 600i Touring 36
- Ironclad Reclaimer 73
- Ironclad Genesis Starliner 73
- Ironclad C2 Hercules 73
- Ironclad Assault M2 Hercules 26
- Ironclad Assault Hull C 47
- Ironclad Assault 600i Explorer 73
- Ironclad Assault Ironclad 99
- Ironclad Assault Prowler 110
- Ironclad Assault 600i Touring 115
- Vulture Prospector 31
- Vulture Razor EX 31
- Vulture Sabre 15
- Vulture Khartu-Al 15
- Vulture Gladiator 21
- Vulture SRV 21
- Mule Aurora LX 21
- Mule Mustang Beta 15
- Mule STV 15
- Mule Ranger TR 15
- Mule MPUV Personnel 15
- Mule MPUV cargo 21
Esperia Blade Constellation Andromeda 52
- Glaive Constellation Aquila 52
- Glaive Starfarer Gemini 26
- Talon Gladius 42
- Talon Reliant Mako 36
- Talon Freelancer 21
- Talon Cutlass Black 21
- Talon Buccaneer 21
- Talon Shrike Gladius 42
- Talon Shrike Reliant Mako 36
- Talon Shrike Freelancer 21
- Talon Shrike Cutlass Black 21
- Talon Shrike Buccaneer 21
- Prowler Constellation Aquila 147
- Prowler Reclaimer 57
- Prowler Genesis Starliner 57
- Prowler Endeavor 110
- Prowler Crucible 110
- Prowler 600i Touring 21
MISC Freelancer MIS Prospector 32
- Freelancer MIS Freelancer MAX 37
- Freelancer MIS Gladiator 22
- Freelancer MIS Sabre 16
- Freelancer MIS Razor EX 32
- Freelancer MIS SRV 22
- Endeavor Constellation Aquila 78
- Endeavor Starfarer Gemini 52
- Hull A 300I 42
- Hull A Mustang Gamma 47
- Hull B 325A 94
- Hull C Constellation Andromeda 294
- Hull D Constellation Aquila 278
- Hull D Starfarer Gemini 262
- Razor F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 15
- Razor Nova 36
- Razor F7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk I 15
- Razor LX F7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk I 21
- Razor LX Freelancer DUR 26
- Razor LX Razor 15
- Razor LX 350r 36
- Razor EX Freelancer MAX 15
- Razor EX Razor LX 15
- Razor EX F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 15
- Reliant Tana 325a 15
- Reliant Sen Arrow 21
- Reliant Mako Gladius 15
- Starfarer Constellation Andromeda 76
- Starfarer Vanguard Warden 55
- Starfarer Vanguard Harbinger 24
- Starfarer Vanguard Sentinel 39
- Starfarer Vanguard Hoplite 76
- Starfarer Blade 39
- Starfarer Apollo Medivac 39
- Starfarer Gemini Constellation Aquila 57
- Starfarer Gemini Redeemer 21
- Starfarer Gemini Mole 47
Origin Jumpworks 350r Freelancer 28
- 350r Nova 17
- 350r Legionnaire 17
- 350r Talon 23
- 350r Talon Shrike 23
- M50 Gladius 22
- 85X Aurora CL 15
- 100i Dragonfly Black 18
- 100i Dragonfly Yellowjacket 18
- 100i MPUV Personnel 22
- 100i Mustang Beta 22
- 100i X1 16
- 125a 100i 22
- 125a 85X 19
- 125a Ursa 19
- 125a X1 Force 14
- 135C 100i 27
- 135C 125a 15
- 135C 300i 14
- 135C Cyclone 19
- 135C Mustang Gamma 19
- X1 Mustang Alpha 26
- X1 Aurora LN 15
- X1 MPUV Cargo 21
- X1 Velocity Mustang Beta 21
- X1 Velocity MPUV Personnel 21
- X1 Velocity X1 15
- X1 Force Aurora CL 21
- X1 Force X1 Velocity 15
- X1 Force Nox 21
- 400i Constellation Andromeda 21
- 400i Vanguard Hoplite 21
- 400i Constellation Andromeda 21
- 400i Scorpius 31
- 600i Touring Constellation Aquila 147
- 600i Touring Constellation Phoenix 110
- 600i Touring Reclaimer 57
- 600i Touring Starfarer Gemini 120
- 600i Touring Endeavor 110
- 600i Touring Crucible 110
- 600i Touring Eclipse 162
- 600i Touring Genesis Starliner 57
- 600i Touring C2 Hercules 57
- 600i Explorer 600i Touring 63
- 600i Explorer Constellation Aquila 189
- 600i Explorer Prowler 57
- 600i Explorer Genesis Starliner 99
- 600i Explorer Starfarer Gemini 162
- 600i Explorer Endeavor 152
- 600i Explorer Reclaimer 99
- 600i Explorer Crucible 152
- 600i Explorer C2 Hercules 99
RSI Apollo Triage Constellation Andromeda 23
- Apollo Triage San'tok.yāi 23
- Apollo Medivac Constellation Andromeda 49
- Apollo Medivac Vanguard Warden 26
- Apollo Medivac Apollo Triage 36
- Apollo Medivac Vanguard Hoplite 47
- Constellation Taurus F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 42
- Constellation Taurus Razor 47
- Mantis Razor 15
- Mantis Ballista 21
- Perseus Mole 409
- Perseus Carrack 110
- Perseus Carrack W/C8X 89
- Perseus Carrack Expedition 84
- Perseus Carrack Expedition W/C8X 63
- Perseus Merchantman 57
- Perseus Orion 57
- Perseus 600i Explorer 241
- Perseus M2 Hercules 194
- Perseus Hull D 162
- Polaris Constellation Aquila 509
- Polaris Perseus 131
- Polaris M2 Hercules 294
- Polaris Nautilus Solstice Edition 78
- Polaris Hammerhead 78
- Polaris Carrack 210
- Polaris Crucible 472
- Polaris Merchantman 157
- Polaris Orion 157
- Orion Constellation Aquila 209
- Orion Starfarer 219
- Orion 600i Touring 273
- Orion Reclaimer 294
- Orion Genesis Starliner 294
- Orion M2 Hercules 168
- Orion Prowler 252
- Ursa Fortuna Ursa 36
Tumbril Storm Nomad 23
- Storm Herald 17
- Storm Avenger Warlock 17
- Storm Reliant Sen 17
- Storm Spartan 23
- Storm AA Gladius 23
- Storm AA Storm 21
- Storm AA Reliant Mako 15
- Storm AA Hull A 21
- Cyclone Ursa 15
- Cyclone 85X 15
- Cyclone Dragonfly Yellowjacket 26
- Cyclone Dragonfly Black 26
- Cyclone Aurora LN 26
- Cyclone Nox 21
- Cyclone Mustang Beta 26
- Cyclone MPUV Personnel 26
- Cyclone Nox Kue 21
- Cyclone Aurora CL 21
- Cyclone X1 21
- Cyclone AA Cyclone 36
- Cyclone AA Cyclone RN 26
- Cyclone AA Cyclone TR 26
- Cyclone AA Ursa 42
- Cyclone AA Cyclone RC 26
- Cyclone RC Ursa 26
- Cyclone RN Ursa 26
- Cyclone TR Ursa 26
- Ranger RC Mustang Alpha 15
- Ranger CV Mustang Alpha 15
- Ranger TR Ranger RC 15
- Ranger TR Ranger CV 15
- Ranger TR MPUV Cargo 15
- Ranger TR Mustang Alpha 21
- Ranger TR Aurora LX 15
- Ranger TR P-72 Archimedes 15
- Nova Ursa 84
- Nova Cyclone 78
- Nova Cyclone TR 68
- Nova Cyclone RN 68
- Nova Cyclone RC 68
- Nova Cyclone AA 52
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New players - use this code (STAR-MRG5-2TBJ) on registration to get additional 5000 UEC for free! (just click this link)
submitted by Furystorm to Starcitizen_trades [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:28 blizz3010 MEGATHREAD - Heartbeam Stock Discussion

Welcome to the HeartBeam (BEAT) Stock Community!
Hello everyone and welcome to the subreddit dedicated to discussing everything about HeartBeam (BEAT) stock! Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, this is the place to share insights, news, and strategies related to HeartBeam.

About HeartBeam (BEAT)

HeartBeam, Inc. is a pioneering company in the Advanced Medical Equipment & Technology sector, focused on innovative solutions for heart attack detection. Here's a quick overview of what makes BEAT an exciting stock to watch:

Financial Strength (MRQ)

HeartBeam's debt to equity ratio indicates that it has not used debt to finance growth, resulting in stable financial health compared to its peers in the medical technology industry.

Valuation (MRQ)

HeartBeam was not profitable in its latest fiscal year, so the P/E Ratio is not applicable. Its Price to Cash Flow Ratio provides an alternative indication of its expense relative to the Advanced Medical Equipment & Technology industry.

Profitability (TTM)

HeartBeam's profitability ratios are currently not available, indicating it is still in the early stages of revenue generation and profitability.

Management Effectiveness (TTM)

HeartBeam's Return on Equity shows it reinvests its earnings less efficiently than 89% of its competitors, making it less attractive to investors.

Growth Rate (TTM)

HeartBeam's EPS Growth Rate is greater than 84% of its peers in the Advanced Medical Equipment & Technology industry, indicating strong potential for future growth.

Dividend (TTM)

The average dividend yield for companies in the Advanced Medical Equipment & Technology industry is 0.29%.

Operating Ratios (TTM)

These ratios indicate HeartBeam's efficiency in moving inventory and generating sales compared to its peers.

Company Officers

Company Contact

submitted by blizz3010 to Heartbeam [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:22 Ubud_bamboo_ninja Natural unbreakable limit, excluding the possibility of real psychic abilities: Irreducible Computational Theory. Constructive discussion.

I think psychics attract clients not because they have a connection with the spiritual realm, but because clients feel the need to transfer their responsibility to an abstract higher power and fate. “Someone wiser knows better” However, there is no way to predict the future mathematically, and it’s very easy to explain. Please follow up:
There is the great scientist Dr. Stephen Wolfram. He is the creator of many things that power up our smartphones, including Mathematica and the Wolfram language. He has a number of theories, the latest of which, such as the Ruliad concept and the theory of everything, are truly amazing and might connect general relativity and the standard model.
One of his early studies brought up the irreducible computation theory. He looked into Cellular Automatons - the Turing machine visualization where you set up simple rules at the beginning and then see how the layout of white and black squares evolves through each step. He discovered that particularly Rule 30 automaton looked simple at the start but led to endless complicated patterns. Most other combinations of simple rules brought about patterns that were boring and “dead,” but this “Rule 30” evolved continually. This pattern can be seen everywhere in nature, on the back of a snail shell, and we use it to code “random” machines in our electronics.
All random calculations in your computer – are Rule 30. They are not random.
What Dr. Stephen suggested is that there is no way to predict and calculate the result of the upcoming row of squares with the help of some kind of formula. Instead, you must go through each step one at a time. Many tried; there was even a cash prize for a person who could predict what layout comes on the next step using all existing data, but there is no way to do that as of now. Nobody succeeded.
Now let’s return to psychic activity. How can they predict the future of anything if there is no way to predict even simple mathematical setups? Systems need time and step-by-step evolution to reach results. So, any psychic activity is very reliant on the skill and virtuosity of the psychic themselves and the person who “orders their service.”
They sell by signifying the transfer of responsibility for a person’s life and fate.
All clients want from their certified psychic is the feeling of “transferring the responsibility.” If a psychic told me I will get married only after 25 years old, that’s not my problem now. I don’t need to look for a man while I am still 23. The universe has approved it like that. And all that “Pidgeon religion” proves like “but how could he know that my grandpa was a carpenter?!” are just a tricks of mind that client agree and want to believe. Experiments with pigeons showed that randomly fed, different pigeons worked out some personal ritual that led to “getting food”. Some pigeons danced around and though that caused the food coming, others bit jumped and so on.
It’s understandable why people need psychics. Just as nicotine addicts need cigarettes for a number of reasons they approve of, a person with a lack of self-esteem might seek that “commander” in a psychic. They pathologically need to follow some logic in this life they can’t create themselves. It’s a personality life crisis. A person with strong willpower and legitimate goals to reach usually doesn’t follow the advice of a psychic.
So if you feel you need some supernatural assistance, check yourself what problems you have that cause that desire. Only your actions effect reality. Nothing said is real till you make it so. Check the book about basics of quantum dramaturgy to see how other supernatural things are broken into simple forms. Just google quantum dramaturgy to see more thought experiments that deconstruct stories till quantum states.
submitted by Ubud_bamboo_ninja to ParanormalEncounters [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:15 Ubud_bamboo_ninja Natural unbreakable limit, excluding the possibility of real psychic abilities: Irreducible Computational Theory.

I think psychics attract clients not because they have a connection with the spiritual realm, but because clients feel the need to transfer their responsibility to an abstract higher power and fate. “Someone wiser knows better” However, there is no way to predict the future mathematically, and it’s very easy to explain. Please follow up:
There is the great scientist Dr. Stephen Wolfram. He is the creator of many things that power up our smartphones, including Mathematica and the Wolfram language. He has a number of theories, the latest of which, such as the Ruliad concept and the theory of everything, are truly amazing and might connect general relativity and the standard model.
One of his early studies brought up the irreducible computation theory. He looked into Cellular Automatons - the Turing machine visualization where you set up simple rules at the beginning and then see how the layout of white and black squares evolves through each step. He discovered that particularly Rule 30 automaton looked simple at the start but led to endless complicated patterns. Most other combinations of simple rules brought about patterns that were boring and “dead,” but this “Rule 30” evolved continually. This pattern can be seen everywhere in nature, on the back of a snail shell, and we use it to code “random” machines in our electronics.
All random calculations in your computer – are Rule 30. They are not random.
What Dr. Stephen suggested is that there is no way to predict and calculate the result of the upcoming row of squares with the help of some kind of formula. Instead, you must go through each step one at a time. Many tried; there was even a cash prize for a person who could predict what layout comes on the next step using all existing data, but there is no way to do that as of now. Nobody succeeded.
Now let’s return to psychic activity. How can they predict the future of anything if there is no way to predict even simple mathematical setups? Systems need time and step-by-step evolution to reach results. So, any psychic activity is very reliant on the skill and virtuosity of the psychic themselves and the person who “orders their service.”
They sell by signifying the transfer of responsibility for a person’s life and fate.
All clients want from their certified psychic is the feeling of “transferring the responsibility.” If a psychic told me I will get married only after 25 years old, that’s not my problem now. I don’t need to look for a man while I am still 23. The universe has approved it like that. And all that “Pidgeon religion” proves like “but how could he know that my grandpa was a carpenter?!” are just a tricks of mind that client agree and want to believe. Experiments with pigeons showed that randomly fed, different pigeons worked out some personal ritual that led to “getting food”. Some pigeons danced around and though that caused the food coming, others bit jumped and so on.
It’s understandable why people need psychics. Just as nicotine addicts need cigarettes for a number of reasons they approve of, a person with a lack of self-esteem might seek that “commander” in a psychic. They pathologically need to follow some logic in this life they can’t create themselves. It’s a personality life crisis. A person with strong willpower and legitimate goals to reach usually doesn’t follow the advice of a psychic.
So if you feel you need some supernatural assistance, check yourself what problems you have that cause that desire. Only your actions effect reality. Nothing said is real till you make it so. Check the book about quantum dramaturgy to see how other supernatural things are broken into simple forms. It is about thought experiments based on deconstructing different complex stories.
submitted by Ubud_bamboo_ninja to atheism [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:02 lifesucks011 Should I stop my medication?

36f, 10stone, light use of electronic cigarette, currently taking mirtazapine, diazepam and zopiclone. All started 1 week ago.
Complaint- since starting these meds I've been getting very dark smelly urine in the mornings( smells like infection) urine dipped but doesnt show infection. Also since starting I've been getting pain in my side below ( not underneath) right ribs.
Should I stop taking these medications?
submitted by lifesucks011 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:53 Plus_Mongoose7295 What is Inventory Management Systems? The Ultimate Guide

An inventory management system ensures that one knows what to stock up on or sell out before it is too late. Businesses, in turn, aim to bring down their inventory carrying costs by using these automated or manual systems, and yet they never seem to be satisfied with reducing the inventory to a certain level. In this guide, we will check out the different types of inventory management systems available in the market and how they work, with examples and advice on what functions to look out for when making a purchase.

What is an Inventory Management System?

This describes the processes you use to track your goods along your entire business supply chain—from purchase right through to sales of the end product. In essence, it’s a guideline for stock control for your business. Proper inventory management is an important issue that most companies that deal with warehousing need to consider.

Why You Need an Inventory Management System?

Any company that carries stock needs a system that can track and control that stock correctly. No matter how small or big, without one, things get done on an ad hoc basis, leading to overstocking or understocking.

Advantages of an Inventory Management System

Here are five of the most important reasons why you should have an inventory management system:


How an inventory management system works?

Online inventory management systems take updating the stock levels and tracking the inventories in the supply chain a step further. Other features include time purchasing, building products from a Bill of Materials, the capability to promise a customer order from multiple sales outlets, and the enhancement of many inventory control procedures.

Examples of Inventory Management Systems

Inventory management systems take many forms and functions. Some are really basic pen-and-paper or spreadsheet systems that require loads of manual data entry, while others are sophisticated software systems that can truly automate much of the inventory management process.
1. Simple Pen-and-Paper or Spreadsheet-Oriented Systems, with a Lot of Manual Data Entry:
Example: Priya and Ravi run a small book distribution godown. Priya has made a spreadsheet in Excel, which they update every time they need to order more stock. Ravi is in marketing, and when he sells a book, the same is reflected in the spreadsheet so that the update tells them the current stock level, reorder dates, etc.
2. Use of Basic Stock Management Software in a Local Retail Store:
Example: Every bit of truly basic functionality found in the accounting software Sarah’s Boutique is a clothes store that enables them to keep a track of their inventory and sales. Thus, the system lets them track inventory and sales in one place, but automated reordering and detailed features of analytics do not exist there.
3. Automated Systems in a Mid-Sized Manufacturing Company:
Example: AutoParts Co., a car parts manufacturer, uses an automated inventory management system to track components and finished products. This cloud-based system integrates business applications, increasing visibility across the organization. At the same time, it eliminates administrative tasks for operations and ensures that all necessary parts are always in stock.
4. Global Business with Cloud-Based System:
Example: GreenGadget Inc. – an electronics manufacturer. GreenGadget possesses a cloud software system that allows it to monitor its inventory in several warehouses. The software correlates e-commerce with the inventory, such that it updates the level of stock the moment goods are sold. This same system also allows it to prepare reports regarding historical data for its sales and forecasting for future demand and supplier availability. That is what gives GreenGadget Inc. the ability to make more timely purchasing decisions, conserve cash flow, and support growth.
5. Wholesale Distributor with Barcode Inventory System:
Example: FreshProduce Wholesale is a distributor of fresh fruits and vegetables with a barcode inventory system. This provides them with a follow-up on both the ins and outs of the stocks properly, minimizing errors, and offers them the highest level of efficiency in their order fulfillment process.
6. Small IT Firm Capable of Asset Inventory Management:
Example: Techie Solutions is a small IT services firm capable of using asset inventory management software. That way, it can itself buy the necessary equipment—laptops, servers, and other networking equipment—to satisfy the requirements of the purchasers.
7. Construction Company – Inventory Management System:
Example: BuildRight Construction monitors the materials it uses in building and tools needed in construction through a cloud-based inventory management system. This ensures that field requirement of materials is kept; hence, materials are available in different construction sites and prevents delays because of no stock.
8. Furniture Manufacturer – Warehouse Management System:
Example: CozyHome Furniture installed a warehouse management system to help organize, administrate, and enable optimization of its storage facility. It has simplified the management of raw materials and finished products, becoming more efficient and doing away with handling time.

Types of Inventory Management Systems

Periodic vs. Perpetual Inventory Systems

Learn how the two systems differ, and this will be helpful in determining the approach that suits your business. Each system has its unique benefits and methods of operation.

Periodic Inventory System

Regular Stock Counts of the Closing Stock
Detail: It depends upon the scheduled counting of the stock for verification of the accuracy of the inventory. Such counts usually occur every 3 to 6 months.
  1. Cost-Effective: The hardware or software to implement the system is often lower since it does not need advanced technology.
  2. Simplicity: More comfortable to manage for small businesses that have less inventory or processing of fewer transactions.
  1. Accuracy Issues: Inaccurate inventory data could lead to discrepancies and potential stockouts, given the long time periods between counts.
  2. Laborious: Largely human-based with regular physical counts that are highly intrusive.
Example of Periodic Inventory Management System:
Non-profit Organization with Periodic Inventory System:
Example: Charity Clothes is a non-profit organization of donating clothes to the deprived and homeless. They use a periodic inventory system by counting its stock every three months to ensure the inventory records match the actual stock in its possession.

Perpetual Inventory System

Continuous Tracking
Detail: The system continuously monitors the levels of stock as goods are received, produced, sold, or returned, providing current stock figures.
  1. Real-Time Data: Gives up-to-date and accurate inventory levels. That would reduce the dependency on periodic stock takes.
  2. Efficiency: It improves the effectiveness of management of inventory since it enables better decisions for businesses from the acquired real-time data.
  3. Reduced Stock Discrepancies: Reduces the risk of stock discrepancies and increases the inventory accuracy overall.
  1. Higher Initial Costs: Expensive technology and software systems for its implementation.
  2. Complexity: It is trickier to implement and manage, and often requires training and sometimes more advanced IT infrastructure.
Example of Perpetual Inventory Management System:
E-Commerce Growing Business with the Perpetual Inventory System:
Example: FitEtquip is a virtual retailer of fitness equipment. FitGear uses a perpetual inventory system that updates each time the products are received, sold, or returned. This system supports them to keep accurate stock levels while streamlining order fulfilment.
An inventory management system, or inventory management software, is essential for businesses to streamline tracking and controlling stock across the entire supply chain. This helps companies avoid overstocking and understocking, reducing costs and improving overall efficiency. Whether you opt for a simple system or a complex ERP solution, understanding the different types and their features will help you choose the best fit for your business needs. Costs can range widely, so it’s crucial to consider your specific requirements and the potential return on investment. Ultimately, an effective inventory management system will support your business growth and operational success.
submitted by Plus_Mongoose7295 to u/Plus_Mongoose7295 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:41 EchoJobs Hiring Senior Sales Engineer [San Francisco, CA] [SQL]

Hiring Senior Sales Engineer [San Francisco, CA] [SQL] submitted by EchoJobs to SanFranciscoTechJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:07 Rhone- Guidance for First 1911

With the Kimber II sale going on at Turners right now I'm spending time researching and thinking about a 1911 purchase. Sadly, I missed the SW Rock Island sale but c'est le vie.
I've done some online (key word) research and know the general consensus in the $800-$1300 price bracket is that SA is the preferred manufacturer with DW being the next step up and Kimber II being in the same range as the SA Loaded. I'm aware I'll likely need to pick up higher quality mags regardless of my choice and also play around with ammo to find the right match.
As of now I've narrowed things down to the Kimber Stainless II, SA TRP (possibly Operator?), and distant third is the SA MC Operator...wrap around grip looks meh imo
My questions: 1) Are there any other brands/models I should take a look at? 2) Is a $500+ difference between Kimber Stainless and TRP a worthwhile jump ($950 vs $1400)
Scope for the discussion: • CA roster guns unless reasonably priced via ppt • under $1500 post-tax (semi-firm, have a few hairs of flex) • 45 cal • no dot • 95% sure no light • use: range/eye candy (not for carry)
submitted by Rhone- to CAguns [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:04 there_should_be_snow Please take a moment to vote for my Rescue Husky to be featured in a calendar!

Please take a moment to vote for my Rescue Husky to be featured in a calendar!
We adopted Luna in October 2023. She had been at our local Humane Society for nearly 8 months!
She's a very spoiled girl now, and has absolutely stolen our hearts!
If you could take a moment to vote for her to be featured in the calendar, I'd really appreciate it! ❤🐾
Many pics added for "dog tax" 😊🐾
submitted by there_should_be_snow to husky [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:51 LeHymen Advise on what type of therapy/psychology to be referred to?

I am retrospectively diagnosed with combined type adhd and have been to a clinical psychologist who specialises in autism, particularly in adults. They provided me with an assessment and informed me that I am highly likely to have autism, but I do not have a formal diagnoses. The clinical psychologist was not able to formally diagnose me due to ethical reasons, as they are an acquaintance of mine, therefore it would be unethical.
I am struggling at the moment. I have a new job as a sales representative, which requires time management. I fail to manage my time efficiently, and I have always failed with time related tasks. There are targets etc that I need to meet and when I don't I suffer from depression. I have never suffered from depression until now. I am diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder, but I definitely believe my anxiety stems from a more social aspect. I am usually anxiety free while at work but my new job requires me to sell things within a field of work that I have no idea of. I only got this job because of my resume, as I have worked more than half of my life in retail.
I have trauma from my childhood, at least I think I do. I can't remember most of my life until I was 16. I went to two therapy sessions a few years ago which unlocked a memory of me being sexually abused by my uncle. I don't know if this happened but after the therapy I could almost smell and feel the abuse. My family and friends think I am making the sexual abuse up in my head, which I may be doing. I didn't return to therapy because the therapist used holistic approaches and would bring up alternative theories such as chakras and religion. I don't have anything against those fields but I was very clear that I believe in the scientific method.
I have always had a problem with skin picking, and ever since the two therapy sessions my picking has gotten worse. I currently have a few 'warts' under my chin which are just from picking my skin. I find that I am unable to go five minutes without picking them, and it has been brought up from my employer multiple times. I pick constantly when alone. I have been addicted to cigarettes and alcohol (I am no longer addicted to either thanks to my adhd diagnosis and medication), however, my skin picking feels akin to my substance addiction. It is constant and I wake myself up sometimes from picking my skin.
I'm a 31 year old male and I am still a virgin. I have never had interest in sex, although I have had many offers. I believe I am asexual as I have no desire to fornicate with men or women. Although I do enjoy manipulating people I am interested in romantically. I also actively say things to shock or offend people in a social situation, mainly to ensure that they remember who I am. Video's of real situations and gore are also something I watch to feel at peace, which I think comes down to morbid curiosity.
I don't believe I've ever had depression until I started my new job. I have been having fleeting moments of suicidal ideation. I have also been not showering or practising personal hygiene (this has always been a struggle but it has gotten worse since starting my new job).
My GP is going to write me a referral for a clinical psychologist. I would like some advice as to what type of therapy would help me the most. I really want to be able to live and work as a 31 year old man and not fail as a 17 year old teenager. I feel immature compared to my peers and have been told I have the mentality of a child. I feel left out and behind everyone because I don't desire sex, which is literally part of biology. I also tend to ramble on as you can see from the wall of text I have just written. Would I benefit from hypnotherapy, CBT, rapid eye. etc..... I just need some help in a world/society I am very much alone within.
submitted by LeHymen to askatherapist [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:50 EchoJobs Hiring Sr. Manager, Sales Engineering (Retail) [San Francisco, CA]

Hiring Sr. Manager, Sales Engineering (Retail) [San Francisco, CA] submitted by EchoJobs to SanFranciscoTechJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:50 EchoJobs Hiring Sr. Manager, Sales Engineering (Retail) [San Francisco, CA]

Hiring Sr. Manager, Sales Engineering (Retail) [San Francisco, CA] submitted by EchoJobs to SFtechJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:03 Auresma Senior Equities Electronic Sales Trader, Director at Citi via

Senior Equities Electronic Sales Trader, Director at Citi via submitted by Auresma to techsalesjobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:01 EchoJobs ✨ Jun 1 - 94 new Software Engineer Jobs

Job Position Salary Locations
Solutions Consultant II USD 93k - 110k
Senior Engineer Instruments USD 120k - 150k Boston, MA, Remote Hybrid, Remote
Revenue Operations Coordinator USD 70k - 75k Remote, US
Software Engineer USD 117k - 135k Austin, TX
Senior Security Engineer USD 183k - 183k US
Lead Site Reliability Engineer USD 142k - 238k US, Denver, CO
Business Development Representative USD 52k - 65k Remote, US
Senior Software Engineer USD 150k - 350k Vancouver, British Columbia, Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 150k - 350k San Diego, CA, San Francisco, CA, San Jose, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Remote, US, New York, NY, Seattle, WA
Senior DevOps Engineer USD 126k - 159k Remote
Business Analyst USD 62k - 111k US
Senior Backend Engineer USD 160k - 184k Remote, EMEA
Data Scientist - Native Ads USD 107k - 153k New York, NY, Remote Hybrid
Software Development Engineer USD 108k - 198k US, San Jose, CA
Software Engineer USD 150k - 225k New York, NY
Senior Manager, Engineering USD 169k - 273k US, San Francisco, CA
Senior Software Animation Developer USD 98k - 144k Remote, Vancouver, British Columbia, Ontario, British Columbia, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Principal Engineer USD 141k - 228k San Francisco, CA, US
Senior Software Engineer iOS USD 139k - 245k San Francisco, CA, US, Remote
Technical Account Manager USD 93k - 175k San Francisco, CA, US, Remote
Technical Account Manager USD 93k - 175k Seattle, WA, US, Remote
Technical Account Manager USD 93k - 175k New York, NY, US, Remote
Senior Software Engineer Infrastructure USD 153k - 270k San Francisco, CA, US, Remote
Senior Software Engineer Backend Infrastructure USD 153k - 270k San Francisco, CA, US, Remote
Senior Software Engineer Android USD 168k - 247k San Francisco, CA, US, Remote
Staff iOS Engineer USD 168k - 297k San Francisco, CA, US, Remote
iOS Software Engineer USD 115k - 202k Remote, San Francisco, CA, US
Staff Web Data Scientist USD 146k - 257k Remote, Oakland, CA, US
Staff Software Engineer USD 239k - 359k San Francisco, CA, US, Remote
Engineering Manager I USD 116k - 142k US, Pullman, WA
Technical Program Manager USD 97k - 182k US, Remote
Alerts Software Engineer USD 118k - 147k San Francisco, CA, Portland, OR, Remote, US, Remote Hybrid
Alerts Java Senior Software Engineer USD 146k - 182k US, Austin, TX, Baltimore, MD, Remote Hybrid, San Francisco, CA, Portland, OR, Remote, Atlanta, GA, Chicago, IL, Detroit, MI, Houston, TX
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AML Quality Assurance Specialist USD 70k - 90k Remote, US
Staff Visual Designer USD 125k - 229k US, Remote
Senior Data Analyst USD 160k - 210k US
Lead Business Analytics and Technical Associate Remote USD 80k - 90k Remote, US
Data Science Senior Manager USD 110k - 180k Remote, US
Principal Application Engineer multiple openings USD 144k - 175k US, Riverwoods, IL
Application Engineer multiple openings USD 102k - 161k US, Riverwoods, IL
Senior Associate Infrastructure Engineer Network USD 71k - 121k Riverwoods, IL, Houston, TX, US, Remote
Principal Application Architect USD 148k - 204k US, Riverwoods, IL
Expert Application Engineer Full Stack USD 125k - 211k US, Riverwoods, IL
Application Engineer SRE USD 86k - 146k US, Riverwoods, IL
Senior Software Engineer I USD 157k - 236k Remote, US
Senior Software Engineer 1 USD 214k - 214k Cambridge, MA
Principal Financial Analyst USD 189k - 189k Remote, US
Staff iOS Engineer USD 204k - 259k US
Staff Data Engineer USD 204k - 259k US
Senior Staff Software Engineer USD 244k - 304k Remote, US
Senior Software Engineer USD 185k - 223k Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 185k - 221k US, Remote
Senior Frontend Software Engineer Insurance Platform USD 185k - 223k US
Senior Population Health Data Analyst USD 121k - 168k Remote
Senior Population Health Data Analyst USD 120k - 120k Mexico City, Mexico
Staff Data Engineer USD 166k - 226k Mexico City, Mexico
Staff Data Engineer USD 166k - 226k Remote
Senior Director, Product Management Renter & PM Craft USD 209k - 272k Remote, US
Senior Analytics Engineer USD 112k - 203k Milwaukee, WI, US
Lead Software Engineer USD 123k - 246k Milwaukee, WI, US
Senior Data Scientist USD 100k - 185k Milwaukee, WI, US
Lead Data Scientist USD 121k - 224k US, Milwaukee, WI, New York, NY
Software Engineer II USD 121k - 152k Redwood City, CA
National Account Manager USD 115k - 135k Remote, US
Senior Product Lead USD 105k - 140k Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, British Columbia
Senior Product Lead USD 100k - 128k Boston, MA, US
Talent Acquisition Data Analyst USD 64k - 84k New York, NY
Back End Engineer USD 150k - 200k US, New York, NY
Back End Engineer USD 130k - 160k New York, NY, US
Sr. Staff Engineer USD 152k - 228k San Diego, CA, US, Remote
CAD Implementation Engineer USD 92k - 138k San Diego, CA, US, Remote
Display Software Engineer USD 88k - 132k San Diego, CA, US, Remote
Associate Director USD 75k - 95k Remote
Product Manager, AI Applications USD 150k - 220k Remote
Site Reliability Engineer USD 56k - 56k Toronto, Ontario, Calgary, Canada, Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia
Software Engineer USD 125k - 170k Remote, US
Senior Software Engineer USD 125k - 170k US, Remote
Senior Backend Engineer USD 160k - 180k Remote, US
Security Research Engineer USD 160k - 190k Remote, US
Engineering Manager USD 200k - 240k Remote, US
Machine Learning Engineer USD 195k - 250k Remote, US
Protocol Software Developer USD 100k - 140k Rochester, NY
Protocol Infrastructure Engineer USD 95k - 140k Rochester, NY
Principal Data Scientist USD 192k - 269k San Francisco, CA
Principal Data Scientist USD 192k - 269k Los Angeles, CA
Software Engineer USD 135k - 195k San Francisco, CA
Machine Learning Engineer USD 140k - 210k San Francisco, CA
Sr. Market Access Specialist USD 100k - 125k Remote, US
Senior Product Management Engineer USD 138k - 173k US, Remote
Commercial Operations USD 137k - 171k Remote, US
DevOps Engineer USD 135k - 185k San Francisco, CA, Remote, North America, LATAM
Supply Planner Seattle USD 80k - 120k US, Remote, Seattle, WA
Software Engineer Home USD 110k - 110k Charlotte, NC
submitted by EchoJobs to ProgrammingJobs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:01 EchoJobs ✨ Jun 1 - [REMOTE, Hiring] 45 new Remote Python Jobs

Job Position Salary Locations
Senior Engineer Instruments USD 120k - 150k
Senior DevOps Engineer USD 126k - 159k Remote
Senior Software Animation Developer USD 98k - 144k Remote, Vancouver, British Columbia, Ontario, British Columbia, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Staff Web Data Scientist USD 146k - 257k Remote, Oakland, CA, US
Lead Business Analytics and Technical Associate Remote USD 80k - 90k Remote, US
Data Science Senior Manager USD 110k - 180k Remote, US
Senior Software Engineer USD 185k - 223k Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 185k - 221k US, Remote
Senior Population Health Data Analyst USD 121k - 168k Remote
Staff Data Engineer USD 166k - 226k Remote
Sr. Staff Engineer USD 152k - 228k San Diego, CA, US, Remote
CAD Implementation Engineer USD 92k - 138k San Diego, CA, US, Remote
Display Software Engineer USD 88k - 132k San Diego, CA, US, Remote
Data Analyst USD 90k - 105k Remote
Cybersecurity and Physical Security Lead USD 151k - 270k Ontario, San Francisco, CA, Remote, US, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Senior Frontend Software Engineer USD 150k - 180k Remote, US
BI Developer 2 Locations USD 64k - 197k Salt Lake, UT, Remote, US
Accountant, Prime Financing USD 105k - 124k Remote, US
Senior DevOps Engineer USD 120k - 150k Marina del Rey, CA, Remote
Location 360 Principal Data Eng USD 156k - 234k Remote, US
Senior Data Analyst USD 120k - 160k Remote, US
Engineering Manager USD 155k - 225k Remote, US
Manager, Product Data Science USD 96k - 234k San Jose, CA, US, Remote
Transaction Loss FP USD 82k - 187k San Jose, CA, US, Remote
Senior Software Engineer USD 183k - 201k US, San Francisco, CA, Remote
Senior Privacy Engineer USD 183k - 201k San Francisco, CA, Remote, US
Data Engineer USD 130k - 160k Denver, CO, Remote
Senior Manager, Engineering - Unified Endpoint Management Remote USD 118k - 207k Denver, CO, San Jose, CA, US, Remote, Los Angeles, CA, San Francisco, CA, New York, NY, Seattle, WA, San Diego, CA, Boston, MA, Riverside, CA
Senior Manager, Engineering - Virtual Desktop Infrastructure VDI USD 111k - 207k Los Angeles, CA, Phoenix, AZ, Boston, MA, US, Riverside, CA, Denver, CO, Seattle, WA, San Francisco, CA, Atlanta, GA, Remote, Austin, TX, New York, NY, San Jose, CA
Senior Data Engineer USD 76k - 236k Indianapolis, IN, Detroit, MI, Miami, FL, Jacksonville, FL, Louisville, KY, Raleigh, NC, Houston, TX, Atlanta, GA, Washington, D.C., Lincoln, NE, New Orleans, LA, Cedar Rapids, IA, Wilmington, MA, Providence, RI, Minneapolis, MN, Oklahoma City, OK, Philadelphia, PA, Memphis, TN, Augusta, GA, Chicago, IL, Tampa, FL, Remote, Kansas City, KS, Richmond, VA, Baltimore, MD, Boston, MA, Burlington, MA, Madison, WI, Kansas City, MO, Austin, TX, Fayetteville, NC, Birmingham, AL, Virginia Beach, VA, Huntsville, AL, Portsmouth, NH, Hartford, CT, Omaha, NE, Dallas, TX, Orlando, FL, Cincinnati, OH, US
Distinguished Engineer USD 120k - 300k US, Remote
Data Engineer USD 76k - 236k Omaha, NE, Chicago, IL, Fayetteville, NC, Memphis, TN, Wilmington, MA, Richmond, VA, Seattle, WA, Minneapolis, MN, Orlando, FL, Indianapolis, IN, Miami, FL, Philadelphia, PA, Louisville, KY, Kansas City, MO, Hartford, CT, Atlanta, GA, Detroit, MI, Birmingham, AL, Portsmouth, NH, Providence, RI, Cincinnati, OH, Burlington, MA, Houston, TX, Austin, TX, Remote, Lincoln, NE, New Orleans, LA, Virginia Beach, VA, Kansas City, KS, Raleigh, NC, Dallas, TX, Oklahoma City, OK, Washington, D.C., Huntsville, AL, Jacksonville, FL, Augusta, GA, Tampa, FL, Baltimore, MD, Boston, MA, US, Madison, WI, Cedar Rapids, IA
Technical Support Engineer USD 87k - 110k US, Remote
Delivery Solutions Architect USD 139k - 247k Remote
Delivery Solutions Architect USD 139k - 247k Remote
Senior DevSecOps Lead USD 141k - 218k US, Remote
QA Engineer Remote USD 55k - 70k Remote
Senior Manager, Malware Reverse Engineering USD 180k - 291k US, Remote, Reston, VA
Sales Systems Analyst USD 84k - 111k Remote, US
Senior Data Engineer USD 180k - 200k US, Remote
Senior Software Engineer Workforce USD 171k - 205k Remote
Platform Engineer USD 153k - 246k Remote
DevOps Test Engineer USD 153k - 246k Remote
Senior Machine Learning Engineer USD 216k - 303k Remote, US
Sr. Data Engineer USD 122k - 187k New York, NY, US, Remote
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