Msn fancy script

An art of Patchouli

2013.02.27 20:10 Dusthunter0 An art of Patchouli

Zun's Patchouli Knowledge is the best. ;)

2018.05.24 07:51 Chugwig Nimiq Network Development

This is the subreddit for all things related to developing on the Nimiq Network. This includes useful tools for developers, questions for the community or team, and bug reports. Content advertising a product or use for Nimiq (or the tools on this subreddit) will not be allowed and should be posted to nimiq

2013.08.09 16:10 oceanbluesky Amazon Studios

Amazon Studios' Fans, Participants, & Provocateurs

2024.06.01 09:05 will_try_not_to Stupid Linux Tricks: simultaneously make the same edits to multiple files interactively with vim + tmux (for all those times when something should have been a template)

You have a folder full of HTML (or config, or whatever) files that are all fairly similar, but also kind of not, because:
You can see there are a lot of things that could be tidied up and made perfectly identical across all the files, but you can't be arsed to do it the "right way", and you don't fancy playing regular expression golf (trying to make sure you hit just the things you intend in mass search/replaces), and you really can't be arsed to remember how to do multi-line regexps.
Write a script that automatically splits a tmux session into however many panes you need, then launches a vim session in each one, one per file. Then all you have to do is turn on synchronize-panes, and away you go!
Here is the most minimal version of this I could come up with. A much nicer version follows, but this is more useful as a building block, because maybe you want to use it for similar-but-not-identical inappropriate purposes:
#!/bin/bash # usage: #  file1 file2 ... # or #  *.html # if you run into "no space for new pane", increase -y tmux new-session -d -s editors -y 80 # cycle through filenames given on command line for filename in "$@"; do tmux split-window -v -l 5 -t editors:0.0 tmux send-keys -t editors "vim '$filename'" Enter done # close the "origin pane" (which still has just a shell) tmux send-keys -t editors:0.0 "exit" Enter # attach to the terminal you ran this script from tmux attach -t editors # After tmux attaches, you'll probably want to do: # - Ctrl+B, E to resize the panes # - Ctrl+B, :, set synchronize-panes # To exit, just issue ":q" to all vims, then Ctrl+D to exit the shells. 
Important limitation: The above can only do a single session at a time, because the session name ("editors") is fixed. Interesting things happen if you try to run another copy simultaneously.
The full version is a bit long to put inline like this, so here it is gzipped and base64'd:
H4sIAAAAAAACA61W227cNhB9tr5iIjvdXWRlb1r4xUaApk6KFg16dVsDSWBQErViTJEySXktf33P UFK8XhtIH5IXYzO3M2fODLX/7ChX5igXvk4SL71X1lwa0chXB/PmKsimpaykLFBouttLWapg3eXF xcUiURW9f0/P2JwebEem9PHjKYVammRPFrWltBJKy5KCpcJJESRpW1xRqRxV1tEYm8L7VgV6mVQq SYbA17ntAsdp0ZmiJhFhTBFsYERcy0uqUMSfpGNomrROmVBR+iE89x9MCpTf3xuHv7/IPrfClVTD dTt2+HsOwLUwawAWPZD4JXUohHLkgzAlR4K9Upn1fTDRWXD6xQ9Leq3Di5f0iv6RLqhCaPKtVsE/ 7fgtHH+yTt1ZE77gegzXc2Z0F+9Z54NtPkOijIwlIwfqWwfWxjzgyvmwC/kvdgt2vdaSZr4H4c4a dSezVhjpZzRXpsU41lZ69hRaU7SQCGRNIRc7+f5gr08dJFTZohtiEMFkdFq4GEzz0LcDpaVC06IH 2mgwXZNLt3hiJiyTJYXOGZSlR0CXUXsU885OrmdLemuCdMsB1JvD3Yy/R2Kiz73URu+zCDq3jsmC dssk2ScoH2og1xmCbJABLPtWFDLK2chNbCBdQqcB6dyae2ukYc16aoTpQF2fRCnDO5vkzIvmHy1T dksH88DEF1b7BWX99FsrdLtIEq7K4md/IIpCP6XSJnv7EULXDpJlSbGCoQ0Mwjc8QA/aYo83VmEN xA0beVGF5iGFSfrJ3rB5nCPbQGB2Q9kNZZqO+TrsgD5ZHa64+ri2N6oBLl6ZkaNQKx8hHzFTU25p yuxK9v6JhJRyjtnB1OYsHQaWlBbxmEmh7biZKZZoDRbiDGi+qRUQ+KDQbC089OgDd19LrRfJFwtz J5Sy4qaK+8Q6iGmiTplBn8y9lrKl1eF3p9ON0rII2cAeZW+fyL2gbwD9K/8Dvli/iLdA3YkQVTc3 NoAFp4qge6iuABDh+gVzxxrxFtoBB/fHgyNk/EkZtAk9YdM5i5PXnXKSCl6QfDglCx4B//bjAfHb e1lSvBwD21PGM2gdlUcxZbZloI+3GYmF9nYIY90shxHmshB8jFWYDbDwo4ziEqaHH2QstZdbNf9/ wdjJdUyGVosrMOY3KhQx6+C008r1dL2yLTPzmq0fWrKAS0DHq9WKcEgMv4esW/5PbN3oun0APU+I xd/YG4kjEigqNT6cDzHhGEo+xSKm20JYT2KMabN3W6ZPD01vtkxXD01/b5n0Q9OfX1/EPPUQBDaX nyRsNTavUQYPY7y8wgwnxBdOtYEqZ5sB3hj0eNc4Iwv6ZLo9OPr8JDYC74jEgHHU45EcbzF8Ssm5 ZHlI//726/mPP19MmjtBrix627LE67cWfNzAe2FNpbFhPJLPiUrMTFUKj4twcjxEKBxCj5fUljEX N9U6m4scSDbWzFjf/I3hwnCsN7XFo5zHa2qr8YMHXyAjyHi0a9nEZOPztBEmfjqVTCBkERXDW86S s2YJDm6HOPRagFFURJyLQLRsDhPX8Ccarvwul/8B9fqaXzUKAAA= 
(To decode, run the following in a terminal, copy/paste, then press Enter, Ctrl+D:
base64 -d gunzip > # might as well check it as well: echo "ac5518e97721fe8486cae6a11ef651273aa526cc96b9a495a7fc3e0dcab7aed9" sha256sum -c 
Then verify that the result contains only standard ASCII characters, read it, and understand what every line does before you chmod +x it, because we don't blindly run things from the Internet - especially things I post the same day I wrote them...)
submitted by will_try_not_to to linux [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:04 Sea-Barracuda-1688 What is needed to start modding

Hello fellow starborn
I want to get into modding, nothing to fancy like scripting or anything like that (unless I learn that coding is something I’m tits at)
But I want to make my own custom outfits and maybe learn to port other assets from other games into starfield, there’s a mass effect armor mod and halo armor mod I can’t live without
But im also really picky about my aesthetic choices and what armors and stuff I’ll use
Anyways anyways anyways
I want to learn to make custom outfits like for instance I love the chest armor from the uc navy space suit the tank the body armor it’s sick, but I hate the rest of it, I want to be able to go into a program and mishmash armors together
And also how to rip and port things into starfield
Anyways what programs do I need to accomplish all this and is there any tutorials online that will help me teach myself
submitted by Sea-Barracuda-1688 to starfieldmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:54 Miscellaneous-919 Is IT FUNNY that the HUMANs GODs embodies that actually CREATE ANY SINGLE things the people r having n living their lives IN. NOT even in these beautiful streets to ENJOY their fruits of their OWN LABORs.

N it makes ME SAD. Each time I think about my MeN. Theyr ALL THE BACK BONES N FOUNDATIONAL of ALL THE PRACTICALITY REALITIES all seven billion people based our lives entirely IN N ON. Even the MAINSTREAM POPULARITY FAMOUS CHARACTERS that we THOUGHT theyr THE REAL DEAL like the clown White the house n Congressional housing the HOLLYWOOD. That cameras n SCRIPTED run in there all angles 24/7. That is ALL CLOWNS loonies n circus that they can have a FANCY LIFESTYLE n eat in the top most Michelin restaurants. Be on the streets w tons of people follow n applause. NOT knowing they r just ACTORS N ACTRESSES. Sadly enough this world is so BLIND. Blind to the point this entire reality turn into a JOKE to ME many years now. The whole world is THE HUGE THEATRE MOVIE N AI. But I REFUSE to live in illusions n delusional stages since last FEW MONTHS NOW. since I started my journey in Twitter w my DARK TRUTHS PHILOSOPHY ACCOUNTS n expose ALL.
submitted by Miscellaneous-919 to jewelrydesigners [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:58 manuelkuhs Any games like X4 but in 2D and with **better UI**?

Played X4 for about 40 hours recently. Absolutely love the concept. As someone else said, it's essentially a logistics game wrapped in 3D SciFi universe. The idea that you can buy and automate everything, that the entire world is fully simulated in terms of materials and fabrication, is amazing.
I'm not big into fancy graphics so the ship view graphics are just fine for me. I don't mind the terrible lag when on foot in a station. The map view is ok.
But I cannot get over the UI. Apart from the fact that it scales to a large resolution, it's almost at text editor level - I feel like I might as well be writing basic scripting instructions in a massive text file. They didn't even bother with eg basic icons for the different goods. But the worst is that the menu hierarchy in no way reflects what is most frequently used, and seems to have little logical explanation.
As I slowly started approaching building a little fleet (automated mining and trading, some “protection” for my own mission-running ship) and space station, I realised much of this game (for me at least) would be played on the map and in the menus. Which conceptually I'm happy with. But that menu UI is just a killer. Pity, because otherwise I could see myself sinking a few hundred hours into this (after 40 hours I feel like I’ve just scratched the surface of game mechanics and lore!)
Hence I'm wondering for X4-like games that prioritise UI over 3D graphics, perhaps going all the way to 2D only or even essentially map view only.
submitted by manuelkuhs to X4Foundations [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:54 Extreme-Reality-RP Extreme Reality Roleplay 18+ Whitelisted ✔️ Custom Content 🔥 Frequent Events 🎉 Active Community 🏘️ Serious RP 😎 Gangs 🔫 Drugs 🍁 Criminals 🗡 Cops 👮‍♂️

Extreme Reality Roleplay 18+ Whitelisted ✔️ Custom Content 🔥 Frequent Events 🎉 Active Community 🏘️ Serious RP 😎 Gangs 🔫 Drugs 🍁 Criminals 🗡 Cops 👮‍♂️
Extreme Reality Roleplay
Extreme is a serious RP and community driven FiveM server. We strive for the highest quality roleplay, while still allowing you to have fun! We are always looking for talented streamers and role-players to bring the best experience possible. We are looking for all types of role-players from Civilians, EMS, to PD, to Criminals! Beginner role-players are welcome! There are guides to help you around the city!
What can Extreme Reality Roleplay offer to you? 🏢Player owned businesses 🚗A LOT of custom cars 🚘Custom vehicle handling for the best experiences in races & chases 🤙Gangs 📈Balanced economy 👕Custom clothing 👀Tons of fun illegal & legal activities ❓Local missions 😎A lot of scripts to keep all players engaged at all times 🚓🚑 Whitelisted jobs
→ Updated frequently → Community suggestions are welcomed! → In game rewards from boosting the Discord server!
Want to be a Mafia boss? Look no further! 🕵🏻‍♂️ Or are you interested in being President of a Motorcycle Club?🏍️ Grab 2 friends and you can! We welcome new gangs into the city!
Want to be a business owner? Well now you can! 🫰💰 You can buy any of these businesses with in game cash;
◦ UWU Cat CafeVanilla UnicornBurger ShotUp 'n' AtomLuxury MotorshopBenny's MotorworksHayes Auto'sSUV ShopWhite WidowPearls Diner
Or maybe you want to take it down another route and become a Lawyer for the city?💼🗒️ Lawyers are great RP and can be a great way to establish yourself around Extreme Reality! Be the best lawyer around and your name will for sure fly out there! Or perhaps you want to learn to fly aircraft? 🚁🛫 We offer flight lessons and with different aircraft comes different tests.. Fancy one with our IRL pilot? Not to mention a LOT of illegal things to do... keep your third eye open 👁️‍🗨️ Whatever you decide, come check out Extreme Reality RP!
◦ Join our Discord to get whitelisted today! :
See you in city!
submitted by Extreme-Reality-RP to GTA5RP [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:53 Extreme-Reality-RP Extreme Reality Roleplay 18+ Whitelisted ✔️ Custom Content 🔥 Frequent Events 🎉 Active Community 🏘️ Serious RP 😎 Gangs 🔫 Drugs 🍁 Criminals 🗡 Cops 👮‍♂️

Extreme Reality Roleplay 18+ Whitelisted ✔️ Custom Content 🔥 Frequent Events 🎉 Active Community 🏘️ Serious RP 😎 Gangs 🔫 Drugs 🍁 Criminals 🗡 Cops 👮‍♂️
Extreme Reality Roleplay
Extreme is a serious RP and community driven FiveM server. We strive for the highest quality roleplay, while still allowing you to have fun! We are always looking for talented streamers and role-players to bring the best experience possible. We are looking for all types of role-players from Civilians, EMS, to PD, to Criminals! Beginner role-players are welcome! There are guides to help you around the city!
What can Extreme Reality Roleplay offer to you? 🏢Player owned businesses 🚗A LOT of custom cars 🚘Custom vehicle handling for the best experiences in races & chases 🤙Gangs 📈Balanced economy 👕Custom clothing 👀Tons of fun illegal & legal activities ❓Local missions 😎A lot of scripts to keep all players engaged at all times 🚓🚑 Whitelisted jobs
→ Updated frequently → Community suggestions are welcomed! → In game rewards from boosting the Discord server!
Want to be a Mafia boss? Look no further! 🕵🏻‍♂️ Or are you interested in being President of a Motorcycle Club?🏍️ Grab 2 friends and you can! We welcome new gangs into the city!
Want to be a business owner? Well now you can! 🫰💰 You can buy any of these businesses with in game cash;
◦ UWU Cat CafeVanilla UnicornBurger ShotUp 'n' AtomLuxury MotorshopBenny's MotorworksHayes Auto'sSUV ShopWhite WidowPearls Diner
Or maybe you want to take it down another route and become a Lawyer for the city?💼🗒️ Lawyers are great RP and can be a great way to establish yourself around Extreme Reality! Be the best lawyer around and your name will for sure fly out there! Or perhaps you want to learn to fly aircraft? 🚁🛫 We offer flight lessons and with different aircraft comes different tests.. Fancy one with our IRL pilot? Not to mention a LOT of illegal things to do... keep your third eye open 👁️‍🗨️ Whatever you decide, come check out Extreme Reality RP!
◦ Join our Discord to get whitelisted today! :
See you in city!
submitted by Extreme-Reality-RP to FiveMServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:52 Extreme-Reality-RP Extreme Reality Roleplay 18+ Whitelisted ✔️ Custom Content 🔥 Frequent Events 🎉 Active Community 🏘️ Serious RP 😎 Gangs 🔫 Drugs 🍁 Criminals 🗡 Cops 👮‍♂️

Extreme Reality Roleplay 18+ Whitelisted ✔️ Custom Content 🔥 Frequent Events 🎉 Active Community 🏘️ Serious RP 😎 Gangs 🔫 Drugs 🍁 Criminals 🗡 Cops 👮‍♂️
Extreme Reality Roleplay
Extreme is a serious RP and community driven FiveM server. We strive for the highest quality roleplay, while still allowing you to have fun! We are always looking for talented streamers and role-players to bring the best experience possible. We are looking for all types of role-players from Civilians, EMS, to PD, to Criminals! Beginner role-players are welcome! There are guides to help you around the city!
What can Extreme Reality Roleplay offer to you? 🏢Player owned businesses 🚗A LOT of custom cars 🚘Custom vehicle handling for the best experiences in races & chases 🤙Gangs 📈Balanced economy 👕Custom clothing 👀Tons of fun illegal & legal activities ❓Local missions 😎A lot of scripts to keep all players engaged at all times 🚓🚑 Whitelisted jobs
→ Updated frequently → Community suggestions are welcomed! → In game rewards from boosting the Discord server!
Want to be a Mafia boss? Look no further! 🕵🏻‍♂️ Or are you interested in being President of a Motorcycle Club?🏍️ Grab 2 friends and you can! We welcome new gangs into the city!
Want to be a business owner? Well now you can! 🫰💰 You can buy any of these businesses with in game cash;
◦ UWU Cat CafeVanilla UnicornBurger ShotUp 'n' AtomLuxury MotorshopBenny's MotorworksHayes Auto'sSUV ShopWhite WidowPearls Diner
Or maybe you want to take it down another route and become a Lawyer for the city?💼🗒️ Lawyers are great RP and can be a great way to establish yourself around Extreme Reality! Be the best lawyer around and your name will for sure fly out there! Or perhaps you want to learn to fly aircraft? 🚁🛫 We offer flight lessons and with different aircraft comes different tests.. Fancy one with our IRL pilot? Not to mention a LOT of illegal things to do... keep your third eye open 👁️‍🗨️ Whatever you decide, come check out Extreme Reality RP!
◦ Join our Discord to get whitelisted today! :
See you in city!
submitted by Extreme-Reality-RP to FiveMRPServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:50 Extreme-Reality-RP Extreme Reality Roleplay 18+ Whitelisted ✔️ Custom Content 🔥 Frequent Events 🎉 Active Community 🏘️ Serious RP 😎 Gangs 🔫 Drugs 🍁 Criminals 🗡 Cops 👮‍♂️

Extreme Reality Roleplay 18+ Whitelisted ✔️ Custom Content 🔥 Frequent Events 🎉 Active Community 🏘️ Serious RP 😎 Gangs 🔫 Drugs 🍁 Criminals 🗡 Cops 👮‍♂️
Extreme Reality Roleplay
Extreme is a serious RP and community driven FiveM server. We strive for the highest quality roleplay, while still allowing you to have fun! We are always looking for talented streamers and role-players to bring the best experience possible. We are looking for all types of role-players from Civilians, EMS, to PD, to Criminals! Beginner role-players are welcome! There are guides to help you around the city!
What can Extreme Reality Roleplay offer to you? 🏢Player owned businesses 🚗A LOT of custom cars 🚘Custom vehicle handling for the best experiences in races & chases 🤙Gangs 📈Balanced economy 👕Custom clothing 👀Tons of fun illegal & legal activities ❓Local missions 😎A lot of scripts to keep all players engaged at all times 🚓🚑 Whitelisted jobs
→ Updated frequently → Community suggestions are welcomed! → In game rewards from boosting the Discord server!
Want to be a Mafia boss? Look no further! 🕵🏻‍♂️ Or are you interested in being President of a Motorcycle Club?🏍️ Grab 2 friends and you can! We welcome new gangs into the city!
Want to be a business owner? Well now you can! 🫰💰 You can buy any of these businesses with in game cash;
◦ UWU Cat CafeVanilla UnicornBurger ShotUp 'n' AtomLuxury MotorshopBenny's MotorworksHayes Auto'sSUV ShopWhite WidowPearls Diner
Or maybe you want to take it down another route and become a Lawyer for the city?💼🗒️ Lawyers are great RP and can be a great way to establish yourself around Extreme Reality! Be the best lawyer around and your name will for sure fly out there! Or perhaps you want to learn to fly aircraft? 🚁🛫 We offer flight lessons and with different aircraft comes different tests.. Fancy one with our IRL pilot? Not to mention a LOT of illegal things to do... keep your third eye open 👁️‍🗨️ Whatever you decide, come check out Extreme Reality RP!
◦ Join our Discord to get whitelisted today! :
See you in city!
submitted by Extreme-Reality-RP to FiveMAdvertisement [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 17:30 Andrew-CS 2024-05-30 - Cool Query Friday - Auto-Enriching Alerts with Bespoke Raptor Queries and Fusion SOAR Workflows

2024-05-30 - Cool Query Friday - Auto-Enriching Alerts with Bespoke Raptor Queries and Fusion SOAR Workflows
Welcome to our seventy-fourth installment of Cool Query Friday. The format will be: (1) description of what we're doing (2) walk through of each step (3) application in the wild.
First and foremost, congratulations! Every Falcon Insight XDR customer has been upgraded to Raptor! In honor of this, we’re going to riff on an idea from community member u/Clear_Skye_ (here) and create a SOAR workflow that triggers on an endpoint alert and auto-executes a Raptor search to aid our responders in their investigation efforts.
Let’s go!
The event we’re going to be working with today is named AssociateIndicator. You can read more about it in the Events Data Dictionary in the Falcon UI. If I were to summarize the event in short: it’s a behavior that Falcon finds interesting, but it is not high-fidelity enough or rare enough to warrant a full UI alert. Now, that’s under normal conditions. If an alert triggers on an endpoint, however, I typically go and look at all the recent AssociateIndicator events to see if there is any additional signal or potential points of investigation. This auto-surfacing of AssociateIndicators is done for you automatically in the CrowdScore Incident view and listed as “Contextual Detections.” Meaning: this isn’t uncommon, but since this is occurring within the context of a alert, please have a look.
This is awesome, but for the nerds amongst us we gain a little flexibility by wiring a Fusion SOAR Workflow to a Raptor query to accomplish something similar.
Creating our Query
Okay, first step: we want to create a query that gathers up AssociateIndicator events for a specific Agent ID (aid) value. However, the Agent ID value needs to be parameterized so it can accept input from our workflow. That is actually pretty simple and will look like this:
// Create parameter for Agent ID; Get AssociateIndicator Events aid=?aid #event_simpleName=AssociateIndicator 
If you were to run this, you would see quite a few events. To be clear: the presence of AssociateIndicator events DOES NOT mean something bad is happening. The point of this exercise is to take the common and bubble it up to our responders automatically.
Every AssociateIndicator event is linked to a process execution event by its TargetProcessId value. Since we’re going to want those details, we’ll add that to our search so we can merge them:
// Create parameter for Agent ID; Get AssociateIndicator Events and ProcessRollup2 Events aid=?aid (#event_simpleName=AssociateIndicator OR #event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2) 
Now, we’ll use a function named selfJoinQuery to merge the two. I LOVE selfJoinQuery. With a key value pair, it can discard events when conditions aren’t met. So above, we have all indicators and all process executions. But if a process execution occurred, and isn’t associated with an indicator, we don’t care about it. This is where selfJoinFilter helps us:
// Create parameter for Agent ID; Get AssociateIndicator Events and ProcessRollup2 Events aid=?aid (#event_simpleName=AssociateIndicator OR #event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2) // Use selfJoinFilter to join events selfJoinFilter(field=[aid, TargetProcessId], where=[{#event_simpleName=AssociateIndicator}, {#event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2}]) 
Our added reads in pseudo-code: treat aid and TargetProcessId as a key value pair. If you don’t have an AssociateIndicator event and a ProcessRollup2 event for the pair, throw out the event.
Next we’ll get a little fancy to create a process lineage one-liner and aggregate our results:
// Create parameter for Agent ID; Get AssociateIndicator Events and ProcessRollup2 Events aid=?aid (#event_simpleName=AssociateIndicator OR #event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2) // Use selfJoinFilter to join events selfJoinFilter(field=[aid, TargetProcessId], where=[{#event_simpleName=AssociateIndicator}, {#event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2}]) // Create pretty process tree for ProcessRollup2 events case { #event_simpleName="ProcessRollup2" ExecutionChain:=format(format="%s → %s (%s)", field=[ParentBaseFileName, FileName, RawProcessId]); *; } // Use groupBy to aggregate groupBy([aid, TargetProcessId], function=([count(aid, as=Occurrences), selectFromMin(field="@timestamp", include=[@timestamp]), collect([ComputerName, UserName, ExecutionChain, Tactic, Technique, DetectDescription, CommandLine])])) 
If you were to execute this search, you would have nicely formatted output.
Now, you’ll notice the aid parameter box in the middle left of the screen. Right now, we’re looking at everything in our instance, however, this is going to get dynamically populated when we hook this bad-boy up to a workflow.
One final touch to our query is adding a process explorer link:
// Create parameter for Agent ID; Get AssociateIndicator Events and ProcessRollup2 Events aid=?aid (#event_simpleName=AssociateIndicator OR #event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2) // Use selfJoinFilter to join events selfJoinFilter(field=[aid, TargetProcessId], where=[{#event_simpleName=AssociateIndicator}, {#event_simpleName=ProcessRollup2}]) // Create pretty process tree for ProcessRollup2 events case { #event_simpleName="ProcessRollup2" ExecutionChain:=format(format="%s → %s (%s)", field=[ParentBaseFileName, FileName, RawProcessId]); *; } // Use groupBy to aggregate groupBy([aid, TargetProcessId], function=([count(aid, as=Occurrences), selectFromMin(field="@timestamp", include=[@timestamp]), collect([ComputerName, UserName, ExecutionChain, Tactic, Technique, DetectDescription, CommandLine])])) // Add Process Tree link to ease investigation; Uncomment your cloud rootURL := "" /* US-1 */ // rootURL := "" /* US-2 */ // rootURL := "" /* Gov */ // rootURL := "" /* EU */ format("[Process Explorer](%sgraphs/process-exploretree?id=pid:%s:%s)", field=["rootURL", "aid", "TargetProcessId"], as="Falcon") drop([rootURL]) sort(@timestamp, order=desc, limit=20000) 
Make sure to comment out the cloud that matches your instance. I’m in US-1.
This is our query! Copy and paste this into your cheat sheet or a notepad somewhere. We’ll use it in a bit.
Wire Up Fusion SOAR Workflow
Here is the general idea for our workflow:
  1. There is an Endpoint Alert.
  2. Get the Agent ID (aid) of the endpoint in question.
  3. Populate the value in the query we made.
  4. Execute the query.
  5. Send the output to my ticketing system/Slack/Email/Whatever
Navigate to “Next-Gen SIEM” > “Fusion SOAR” > Workflows and select “Create workflow” in the upper right.
I’m going to choose “Select workflow from scratch” and use the following conditions for a trigger, but you can customize as you see fit:
  1. New endpoint alert
  2. Severity is medium or greater
Now, we want to click the “plus” immediately to the right of our condition (if you added one) and select “Add sequential action.”
On the following screen, choose “Create event query.”
Now, we want to paste in the query we wrote above, select “Continue”, and select “Add to workflow.”
The next part is very important. We want to dynamically add the Agent ID value of the impacted endpoint to our query as a parameter.
Lastly, we can add another sequential action to send our results wherever we want (ServiceNow, Slack, JIRA, etc.). I’m going to choose Slack just to keep things simple. If you click on the "Event Query" box, you should see the parameter we're going to pass as the aid value.
Lastly, name the workflow, enable the workflow, and save the workflow. That’s it! We’re in-line.
Now, we can create a test alert of medium severity or higher to make sure that our workflow executes.
You can view the Execution Log to make sure things are running as expected.
The output will be in JSON format for further processing by ticketing systems. A small script like Json2Csv can be used if your preference is to have the file in CSV format.
This is just one example of how parameterized Raptor queries can be automated using Fusion SOAR Workflows to speed up response and help responders. There are, as you might imagine, nearly LIMITLESS possibilities, so let your imagination run wild.
As always, happy hunting and happy Friday(ish).
submitted by Andrew-CS to crowdstrike [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 13:44 PerilPlague Lenticular Cover Spiral Notebook with lined colored paged

Lenticular Cover Spiral Notebook with lined colored paged
I use the buy these A4-ish sized spiral notebooks from my local Big Lots about 5+ years ago. They had lenticular covers. I am posting a picture of a design that most looked like the cover and then the Trooper image to show what lenticular is. These spiral notebooks were thick, they were probably 250+ pages. They were about an inch thick. The cover was kinda flimsy and partially transparent. So the first page was a solid color. The back cover was hard and a solid color. The pages on the inside were not white. They were like a pale/pastel purple. Lined. They also had the star motif on the pages as well.
When they were sold at Big Lots, they had similar designs but they also had butterflies on flowers or other designs that were pieces of scripture in fancy script/font on generic colored backround or like waterfalls.
Anyone else remember these or have something similar? I'd like to but them again.
submitted by PerilPlague to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:17 Delicious-Mousse-411 Her new immunologist will be taking over pots care, but just fluids prescription

Her new immunologist will be taking over pots care, but just fluids prescription
She’s not going to the pots clinic, her cardiologist will continue prescribing corlanor but won’t reup her fluids when the script runs out, so her fancy new immunologist will. 😳
submitted by Delicious-Mousse-411 to peenqueendi [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 01:21 nkls [Meta] [Discussion] On Selfhosted Dashboards

[Meta] [Discussion] On Selfhosted Dashboards
Anyone, who has been following this subreddit for a while, knows that the topic of dashboards is a somewhat controversial issue here. People were so annoyed, that the posts are only allowed on Wednesdays. There are two camps: The first camp cannot understand the hype and find dashboards somewhat annoying, as they fulfil not much more than browser bookmarks, while the other camp goes completely wild and considers the creation and configuration a separate hobby on its own.
As a firm member of the dashbord-camp, I get some fun out of the usual jokes asking "why you don't you just use bookmarks". But I think those people are missing the main point:
The primary purpose of the selfhosted dashboard is not a matter of a fancy list of links to all the selfhosted services. No, it is quite different. Lets look at this scenario, that everyone of you knows: You spend hours getting your hands dirty while skimming through logs, researching in the web for answers, debugging containers, to finally fix the error after a long odyssey. Or another scenario: You finally want to take care of backups, spends days researching the different tools, testing different options, doing trial runs, configuring scheduled backup times, to finally arrive at the point of a fully automatic backup system. Exhausted, but happy, after spending so much time in the machine room, you are returning back into the seat in front of your control panel, the console, the dashboard where you see your self built machine humming, running beautifully. You are looking with loving eyes how your firewall is blocking requests, smiling at all the filtered traffic logs and the nightly backup notifications. You confirm that all containers are healthy and running, and take pride in the 100% uptime that is shown in the statistics. I don't know if you feel like this, but I certainly do. I check my machine every day and take so much joy in seeing it humming along. You can imagine me like the person on this symbolic picture. Although my little dashboard is nothing like this nuclear reactor control panel, the feeling must be the same.
How I feel when I look at my dashboard
For those of us who feel about selfhosting dashboards like me, and the proud engineer in the picture above, I think the ideal control room or dash board will do three things
  1. Provide information on the status of the machine (everything okay?, no issues?, how are things going, what is happening)
  2. Provide navigation to all relevant parts of the system, all services and apps
  3. Provide control of machine (restart containers, trigger scripts, cause backup, etc.)
However, currently you have to install many separate services to get all of this functionality. One might have to install homepage or homarr to navigate everywhere quickly, get grafana or glances for seeing how the system is running and Portainer or Olivetin for easy and quick control of the system. I see in Uptime Kuma that one service is down, head to portainer to restart it, and go check in Adguard Home afterwards to see what my blocking percentage currently is (its 33,41%).
I am sometimes wondering if it would be possible to unite these things into one dashboard, one control room to rule them all. Like in the nuclear control room in this picture. The Homepage integration with Glances is a step into this direction. If homepage would now merge with Olivetin to allow customizable actions and buttons in the dashboard, that would already be halfway there. You might call me a dreamer, but imagine morphing homepage, grafana, olivetin and Uptime Kuma into one system. Or why stop there. Imagine an open, selfhosted dashboard ecosystem with a standardized interface to connect all of your services into one mighty control page. Show information, traffic logs, link to services, allow to control containers, scripts, servers.
One might dream...
submitted by nkls to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 08:51 TheDreadPirateRobots [Have Gun - Will Travel] - 1.2

*System Restart\*
I blinked at the text hanging in the air.
A small image of da Vinci’s vitruvian man did calisthenics underneath the words. More information scrolled upwards.
HumanOS Version: 1.0 Model: Vincent J. Carter Serial: 987-65-4329 Battery: 1560 @ 100% Memory: 640/640 Provider: None Network: None Credits: 9360 Expansion: None
The words flashed then swirled and transformed into a small translucent cog that hovered in the top right corner of my vision. Other icons floated into existence across the top of my vision, just like the info bar on a cellphone. An (8E) symbol, signal bars at 100%, and a full battery symbol. The time was currently 16:43 and it was Thursday, June 16th 1885
“What the heck?” I muttered, my voice loud in the silence of the ruined room.
I focused on the cog and a series of icons filled my vision. It took me about two seconds to understand that I could move them around using nothing more than my thoughts.
App Store, Calculator, Calendar, Camera, Clock, Gear, Inventory, Map, Notes, System.
“Did… Am I somehow mentally fused with my smartphone?” I wondered aloud. The timeless chaos and the voice were fading to dreamlike memories, a nightmare event that scratched at the edge of my sanity and threatened to overwhelm me. Did that entity think that the cellphone was some part of me?
“Okay, no worries. Let’s get back home and deal with this later.” I grumbled. “Hopefully I don’t run into a protest or riot or get locked up for violating curfew or not wearing a mask.”
I mentally selected [Map**]**
A transparent map of the room filled my vision along with tiny labels covering everything. Ruined chair, ruined bed, ruined table, rusty knife, leather pouch, unknown book. A moment later I had mastered the controls and zoomed out to find… nothing. The map was blank.
*Local Map Updating…\*
The Local map was updating, possibly because it needed to be filled in by my own exploration? I noticed a couple of icons on the left side of my vision and focused on them. Map Type, Search. Map Type allowed me to switch between Local, Transit, and Terrain.
I flipped between them and was rewarded with better information. The Transit map was like a traditional map, just lines and points of interest with the distance and travel times. I am currently in ‘Ruins of Fort Galos” with a dirt road that leads 3 miles south to “Wendleton Road” which zooms out to run between the cities of Wendleton and Comstock. Another zoom out and I’m located in the Region of Stratford… zoom out…on the continent of North Anglia… zoom out … on the planet of Aerth.
It sort of looks like Earth, if Earth had no polar ice caps. I can recognise the major continents, although most are shaped strangely because the oceans are so high. North America is split completely in two by a huge gulf that eats up all of Louisiana, most of the southern states, and carves a deep furrow all the way up to the Great Lakes and out to the eastern seaboard. Florida is missing, as is most of the eastern seaboard. The map calls that area ‘Colonia’ and it’s marked with a somewhat familiar red, white, and blue flag with just 17 stars. I’m located somewhere near Colorado, but Colorado doesn’t exist anymore. It’s part of Wilmont county in the Region of Stratford in an area called the Midlands.
My hands started shaking. It’s some sort of joke. Some kind of insanity. Some sort of delusion. Or maybe I’m delirious with the damned virus and having a mad dream. Okay. Okay. Deep breaths. Calm down and think rationally. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, inhaling the musty and burnt scents of my new reality.
Okay, if I’m really in some alternate world then maybe things aren’t so bad? I was on the verge of being homeless and now I am homeless, so, nothing has really changed, right? And since I seem to be fused with my smartphone, maybe I can use that to my advantage? I quickly imagined a million ways I could die in a fantasy world and pushed down the panic. No sense in panicking just yet — we can do that later when I’m being burnt at the stake for witchcraft or something.
I flipped back over to Local Map and examined the room again. Leather pouch, rusty knife, and unknown book were located under the rotting carcass of the bed. I approached it and looked carefully to see if I could spot them. I smiled to myself thinking maybe I could make a living as some sort of detective or something, finding lost items with preternatural ability. Unable to see anything in the mass of mushrooms and ferns, I mentally tapped the label “Leather pouch” on the Local Map.
*Place Item in Inventory? [Y/N]\*
I selected [Y] and received a notification. Memory: [639/640]
Huh. It takes up memory.
I pulled the heavy pouch from inventory and into my hand. The leather was dried and stiff, but I managed to open it to reveal 1 golden coin, 50 tarnished silver, 68 copper, and 30 bronze coins.
The copper coins were about the size of a nickel and quite worn, but I could make out the face of some priest with a fancy hat on the face and a hammer and anvil on the reverse. The brass were the size of a quarter and similarly worn, and featured a bull on the face and a sheaf of wheat on the reverse. The silver were the size of a dime and slightly tarnished, with the image of some queen on the face and a crescent moon on the reverse. The gold coin was untouched by time and featured a stern looking king on the face, with a stylised sun on the opposite face. I popped everything back into Inventory.
Huh. It appears that everything I stick into inventory counts against the available memory of 640 that was listed earlier, but coins stack into one slot for each type so now I have 636/640 memory. Not bad, not bad. A little experimentation quickly proved that I could add the ruined chair and table too. One slot each. A seriously overpowered feature that I planned to abuse in the future — just put things in bags and boxes and my Inventory was practically unlimited! I rubbed my hands together like an evil villain. Half an hour ago I was a broke nobody with no future, and now I’m able to start completely fresh with cash and some strange abilities. Thank you strange entity!
It was terrifying and exhilarating. I wanted to dance and puke at the same time.
I placed the Unknown Book into Inventory and it popped into my hands a moment later along with a strong musty aroma. The leather cover was green with mould and swollen with moisture. Carefully flipping through the pages I stared in wonder at the illustrated script. It was like one of those old religious books you see in museums, every page a work of art. Too bad it’s written in some strange language I can’t read. Arabic maybe? Putting it back into Inventory, it took just a moment to figure out that I could get a quick overview of the item. [Unknown Book. A mouldy old book written in an unknown language.]
The rusty knife was what my father would have called a “pig sticker”, with a grubby leather sheath, bone handle, and a thick blade about ten inches long. Even though the blade was spotted with a bit of rust, it seemed to be in decent condition and could probably be salvaged with a whetstone and some oil. It was a weapon, and considering current events, a welcome addition to my new collection of personal possessions.
I kept the ruined chair and table in inventory. Never know when you might need firewood.
The Calculator was pretty cool, selecting it allowed me to mentally perform arithmetic in moments or provided a count of items in my vision. As long as it was open I could just think of a simple maths problem and the answer popped in my head along with a running tally. There was a scientific tab on it, but I didn’t foresee me using cosine functions anytime soon.
The Camera was interesting, allowing me to snap a photo of what I could see, but each picture used one memory although they only took up one Inventory slot. Delete, Delete, Delete.
Calendar was 13 months with 30 days each. The weeks were 6 days long and Monday was missing. Good. I don’t like Mondays. Especially since the days here are 26 hours long. I could also set appointments and reminders.
Clock was a basic clock with alarms and stopwatch function.
Notes was really cool though, it was like virtual paper. I could sketch things with my finger, or use thought-to-text, or even attach photos to the note and save them, which took up one Inventory slot per filename. The Export function created a thick piece of paper that appeared in my hand. Nice. Fire starting material!
It has an Import function too?
I created a new Note, then imported the mouldy book from my Inventory. It appeared as a virtual object in my vision that I could manipulate with a thought. Then I exported it. A popup appeared in my vision and I watched my Battery dip from 1560 down to 1460, then a duplicate appeared in my inventory. Sweet! I could set up shop as a magical print-wizard! Or work as a pack-mule, hauling entire warehouses of goods invisibly. I chuckled to myself imagining that.
However it took 100 battery points, so it wasn’t much of a cheat unless I could reproduce expensive texts. I wonder if it took 100 battery for everything, or if it was based on the complexity of the object?
System had some nice features included. One was Health Monitor, which gave me a general screen of any health issues. Notifications was also nice for popping up things that might be important. Nothing else of real importance, just some little tweaks to the User Interface and the ability to turn off the (8E) connection I had noticed earlier. Airplane mode, I guess.
Another hunch presented itself in the System and I opened up the language setting. English was currently selected. I scrolled through the selection and choose Arabic from the list. A slight wave of dizziness washed over me and I examined the unknown book again. Nope. Still unknown.
I sighed and flipped back to the language settings and noticed there’s an “Auto-Translate” selection. Mentally mashing the illusory button in my User Interface, another wave of dizziness washed over me. This time the unknown book had a tag on it. [Old Avestan - Translate? Y/N]
Duh, yes, translate! An old, unknown book hidden in a burned out room? That just screams Secret Book of Incredibly Over Powered Magic, doesn’t it? Annnnd… Nope. I flipped through the copy and it seems to be nothing more than some religious textbook. Beautifully illustrated, but I’m not getting any magic vibes off of it. I tossed it back in my inventory [Book. Zoroastrian religious text. Professionally Illustrated. 50SP] and continued my journey of self exploration.
When I enabled “Show Hidden Files” in System, it was absolutely terrifying. File names like “Digestion.dna”, “Endocrine.dna” and “Sensory.dna” filled my vision. I disabled that feature as soon as I realised what I was looking at. I’d hate to accidentally delete my sense of taste, or something even more important.
The Service tab under System was confusing. It seemed to be some sort of weird version of a mobile service plan that asked me to choose a Service Provider.
There were dozens of Service Providers to choose from; Industrial Charms & Enchantments, Whitehall Wizard Group, Sorcerer’s United, Atlantis Magic and Enchantment, and a slew of other providers with different tiers named after gemstones and the best offering being the Diamond Unlimited plan that offered ‘unlimited mana and roaming, some limits apply’ for an astronomical amount per month. I could see the service zones of each provider laid out across a map, along with colour coding for the quality of service ranging from 1E to 8E.
I could also choose from various Celestial or Infernal Contracts which had entire pages of TOS benefits and obligations. Another terrifying aspect of my new world.
I decided to dig into that mess later. I had no use for a service provider and picking one was a problem for future-me if I ever needed one.
The Gear icon opened up a minimalist overlay with a picture of me and the items I was wearing. Socks, shorts, underwear, tee-shirt. A mental twitch rotated the image and confirmed that my backside was just as filthy as the floor. Two buttons were visible next to my image, [Custom] and [Labourer]. I selected Labourer and the image shifted to show me wearing work boots, wool socks, denim trousers, leather belt, cotton underwear, cotton pull-over shirt, leather gloves, soft-brim hat. [Select? Y/N]
A mental push of the button and a million indigo motes surrounded me. Two seconds and 10 battery later I was wearing the new gear. And clean! All the grime on my arms and legs had vanished. Seriously, how awesome is that? I still feel like I need a shower though.
[Labourer class selected - Standard] Skills: Lifting, toting, stepping, fetching, shifting, digging, hauling, packing…
Knowledge of menial labour filled my head beyond what I was already familiar with. I somehow knew the most efficient ways to dig a ditch, safely shift a box, casually walk to the water cooler, and slack off while looking busy.
Huh. Did changing my gear change my class? That’s interesting. What happens if I put on a Wizard hat? Would I become some sort of hybrid day-labour wizard with spells for digging ditches? Oh, wait. I have five slots and can fill them with clothing and label them whatever I want.
I opened up the App Store.
Holy. Shitsnacks.
Dozens of icons filled my vision, offering a vast selection of what appeared to be careers? Professions? Classes? Skills?
Archivist, Accountant, Bartender, Book keeper, Cartwright, Con-artist, Farmhand, Herbalist, Hobo, Inn keeper, …Priest, Prostitute, Politician, …Sorcerer, Tailor, …Wizard, Zookeeper.
It was a huge and confusing array of choices.

submitted by TheDreadPirateRobots to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:13 KitsuneKasumi My first HH box has arrived! Mk6 Beakies for Wordbearers. Customization suggestions?

Hi! Mod Team told me I couldnt box post. So I wanted to ask about neat suggestions.
I had this idea that Id take the opportunity to try new things with a new setting. My first step is Im going to try my new Vallejo metal airbrush paints as a basecoat/primer! It just seems fun. Then Ill use Baal red to retain the metal but put Druchii violet to make the burgundy.
Then I was going to try OSL for the lenses. I was under the impression you spray white gently and then spray a contrast over it. So! I was going to do Karandras green for the lense. Hexwraith flame for the glow effect!
I had the idea to customize mine with little scripts and psalms! But I dont have any green stuff so Im probably gonna kitbash what I can.
Then I was going to try to write runes but this time do them in white then go over them in Magmadroth flame so that I could get that neat glowy orange effect. Im not sure how well this would go but maybe if I thin the contrast it'd flow better.
As for bases Im undecided. I considered snowy since it'd go good against the relatively dark palette that Wordbearer armor is. But also I did that for my Deathwatch. I also had an idea to do Martian Iron Earth (I think? The one without the crackles.) Since I feel like that might look good as a sort of Colchis-esque terrain. My last choice is Mordant Earth! I dont really see a reason to do this one. My tsons have it but the crackly magic works for them. My salamanders have it too but instead orange lava-y cracks!
I was just going to go with bolters and then possibly lightning claw as I wanna try lighting that one all fancy like then the plasma pistol! Assuming thats a Plasma pistol and not that special kind of HH laser gun just painted blue. I think Ill do mine in green though to represent the Warpflame plasma WBs get.
Suggestions and advice on whether these are solid ideas welcome! Everyone is getting bayonets cause bayonets are cool. ^
submitted by KitsuneKasumi to Warhammer30k [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:51 moderatenerd From Support Engineer to Software developer/engineer at a tech company?

Hello All,
Recently got a new job at a software company. This is my first tech support job at a software company! It's been a long ten years in IT support doing everything from field tech to sysadmin, powershell and azure, to linux backend stuff and some stints in sales too. I recently realized that I want to be a software engineer namely backend and/or quant and the company where I work seems to be the best way to do that.
What I do currently is a AWS and linux support engineer. I help customers write scripts and debug the application that we make. Could I technically call myself a SWE already? If not, what other fancy titles are out there for this role? What is different about what SWE do and what I do and how do I get there? Should I let the Software team know I am and have been interested in coding and would like to join their team even though I have only been at the company for a month? Should I let my manager know that this is what I see for myself in the future?
I already have a github with python, but I guess, I'd have to learn what languages the software team uses here. Any thoughts and tips would be appreciated.
submitted by moderatenerd to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]


‘ORGANIZED STALKING’ & ‘GASLIGHTING' tactics are how Government Contractors constantly discredit & set up & entrap their victims, to neutralize activists, dissidents & whistle blowers or anyone they consider a threat while simultaneously provoking their victims into emotional responses which can be remotely measured and integrated back into RNM Data (Mind Control)
It is done to appear common ordinary & expected to the casual observer and to even try & claim it is happening makes the victim appear delusional
It is often a violent & sometimes deadly game, based on the 'OCCAM RAZOR PRINCIPLE', & other models of deception & manipulation
For Mind Control technologies to be effective they MUST keep their victim(s) inside a controlled environment. The CIA/DIA Contractors cannot allow their victims to engage in a PATTERN of random or chaotic situational & conversational scenarios, unchecked, because it disrupts their technology by disrupting the verification process. Without VERIFICATION their can be no Mind Control. It simply cannot exist. Every response of the victim MUST be verified
Occam Razor Principle states the simplest answer is always the truth. The simplest explanation is always the best explanation
So, in order to discredit a person all one need do is engage in a sufficiently complex scheme, or GAME of harassment, and because the more complicated the truth the less the likelihood of belief by the ordinary person, the complexity of that harassment will generally be sufficient to cause most people to turn away in disbelief
It involves REPETITIVE REINFORCEMENT using tactics which can be explained away to the casual observer. So, they sensitize the target to the gas lighting & stalking & when the targeted individual finally responds to the repeated daily minor or severe social aggressions, the delusional or ‘mentally unstable’ depiction is reinforced
At that point, the government informants & perpetrators, turned into provocateurs, then pull ‘BAIT & SWITCH’ with law enforcement & the whistle blower is set up & entrapped
‘HYPER GAME THEORY’ is a mathematical model & basically means 'Game Theory' applied to "Decision Tree Modeling' mathematically proving that by constantly & perpetually altering any value in the model one can constantly & perpetually alter that models expected outcome
With CIA DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL the model is the mind control victim. So, by constantly & perpetually altering any value in the daily life, daily activities, etc., of the Mind Control victim the Hive Mind Teams, hiding behind & using law enforcement agencies to do their dirty work for over two decades, can alter any value in the daily life, daily activities, etc., of the victim
Government Contractors are using three interfaces to attack, injure & kill whistle blowers, activists & so-called dissidents:
  1. Brain to Computer Interface
  2. Brain to Brain Interface
  3. Brain to Cloud Interface
ELF waves are used to torture the victim into near incoherency, where the government contractors then capitalize off the mistakes or poor decisions they force their victims to make
Hyper Game Theory is achieved by PERPETUALLY basing ones next move off the opponents last move, meaning the game never ends because there is always a higher optimum to choose from. Always a next move to be made
Hence, the game never ends because the system must constantly provoke you into sensory & neural responses to engineer patterns of multiple synaptic responses
They need multiple responses of the same behavior, speech, etc., to determine coherent patterns of thought (VERIFICATION). Only then can those synaptic responses be integrated back into RNM data as the Conscious Supercomputer continues to build a cognitive model of your WILL, INTELLECT & EMOTION for training research & development
Hyper Game process is endless and can be triggered at will by the attackers and many times you will only notice the remote neural attacks are happening if you learn to Read Active Memory
For the Hyper Game Theory to work, meaning for the CIA DIA Hive Mind Teams to make a next move, they must force the mind control victim to move or respond first. The objective being to force the victim into an endless series of synaptic responses each day meaning to place the victim INTO and keep the victim INSIDE a PSYCHOTRONIC CONCENTRATION CAMP which is sort of a combination of the two movies 'The Exorcist' & 'The Truman Show'
This is why the victim is surrounded & boxed in constantly, for as soon as the victim is chosen for this technology, all available apartments, homes, hotel rooms, etc., next to and around the victim are sublet and the Mind Control Hive Mind Teams, Surveillance Teams, Organized Stalkers, etc., move in and training research & development begins, culminating in the cold blooded murder or incapacitation of the victim once training research & development ends
What I mean is they trigger or engineer chaos torture & trauma in the victims daily life and daily activities and then wait for the victim to respond to that fabricated torture trauma and chaos which the victim must do to function and survive, thereby forcing the victim into an endless series of counter moves throughout the day just trying to function & survive inside a Psychotronic Concentration Camp because of the physical & psychological trauma & torture
Each counter move is an evoked potential which can be remotely measured & integrated back into RNM data
Sleep deprivation quickly renders someone open to mental mind control suggestions whilst reducing resistance to the remote neural attacks of the systems influences
Keeping someone awake with little to no sleep for days at a time is a highly effective way to ‘break the will’ of a Mind Control victim causing a whole range of undesirable ill effects from cognitive impairment, psychosis, breaking down the immune system and even causing heart defects and cardiovascular problems. The more you deprive someone of sleep, the more likely they are to suffer memory loss, confusion & hallucinations
It DEPATTERNs the mind clearing the neural pathways of the brain not only erasing the Christian content, or whatever the victim is concentrating upon, but it prepares the victims brain for the next wave of neuroprogramming
CIA/DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL torture or interrogation, sleep deprivation tactics are used to bring about a change in psychological state, although the effects on the body’s immune system & vital functions undoubtably cause additional damage. Lack of sleep brings about a number of neurobiological effects affecting reaction time, memory & cognitive functions. It also has the effect of quickly bringing about hypnagogic hallucinations – feelings of ‘altered reality’ caused by the incursion of REM activity into wakefulness. Prolong these conditions and it can lead to severe moral & emotional impairment & ultimately psychosis
Sleep deprivation torture accomplishes objective of memory loss during interrogation & induces hallucinations which help with the interrogation process. In behavior modification & programming it is necessary too. It is easier to layer in false memories and control the victim because anything that reduces a persons energy level & vitality makes that person more susceptible to mind control technologies. The victim is so disoriented and drowsy he cannot recognize modification of his active memory & fight back against the systems influence
The technology they then use on the sleep deprived target is called “EEG Cloning” or “EEG Heterodyning.” The brain patterns (electromagnetic signals) “cloned” onto the target may be catalogued brain patterns stored in computers, though live signals from a “real person’s” brain could also be transmitted to the target. The handler (Clone Member of the Hive Mind Teams) communicates with the target through a technology for transmitting voices into people’s heads which goes by many names, including “voice to skull,” synthetic telepathy,” “microwave hearing,” & the “Frey effect.”
The communication may also be accomplished via EEG heterodyning, which involves “re-mapping the auditory cortex of the human brain.” Other technologies for transmitting voices include “ultrasonic heterodyning” & conduction techniques. It is much easier to achieve all of this when the victims brain is in a constant state of FUNCTIONAL DISORIENTATION through sleep deprivation torture & other forms of Sensory Deprivation
two & three dimensional visual verbal entrainments of the most demonic perverse & satanic nature imaginable
Anything that reduces a persons energy level & vitality makes that person more susceptible to mind control technologies. The victim is so disoriented & drowsy he cannot recognize modification of his active memory & fight back against the systems influence
Sleep deprivation torture is crucial for CIA DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL to keep the victims brain in a constant state of FUNCTIONAL DISORIENTATION. The more you deprive someone of sleep, the more likely they are to suffer memory loss, confusion & hallucinations
submitted by BryanKTew to MKUltra [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 16:01 it_rains_blue_here [F4M] In Too Deep, chapter 3 [(apparently) unconscious listener][confessing under the sea][L’s the letter][confiding in each other][snuggles][sad to wholesome][possessive kraken][we going the yandere route]

Part 2
Suggested titles: "Your kraken bully confesses her feelings", "Making peace with your kraken bully", "The ocean princess confesses to you", "Forced to marry your kraken bully: Part 3", some variation thereof, or something else entirely.
Script usage rules: Monetizing on YouTube and/or Patreon, making minor edits to the script, genderflipping the script- these are all okay. The sound effects are optional. The voice cues are only suggestions. For further queries, feel free to contact me.
Script length: About 1.9K words
For the listener:
You're not fully awake, but you can hear enough. Are those fishes that she's talking to? You're hallucinating, aren't you? This girl with the tentacles that have tripped you up so many times- this girl who's bullied you throughout school- why does it bother you to see her heartbroken?
(talking to fishes) What am I going to do, sapphire?
What if he never wakes up? Look at him, sapphire. This is all my fault. How could I have let him leave my side, with all those savages around?
It’s my fault this happened to him. I really wanted to be better. I really wanted things to be different this time.
No, emerald. The doctors said the wound wasn’t fatal but he- he got stabbed! And he has still not woken up. I don’t know what to do.
Back there at the court, I forced him into getting engaged to me. I had to put on a show for all those nobles, you know? I had to make this believable. I expected my pearl to get upset but I-I thought I’d have time to make it up to him.
We were supposed to have the rest of our lives together. I was going to….I was going to be better this time.
Why did this have to happen? Why do things always go so wrong? I finally got to meet him after all these years, and now it’s just gone.
Have hope? Oh, ruby, what hope is there? I can’t expect him to stay with me after this. And the war is inevitable now. The humans won’t let this one go, even if it ends up destroying them. Pearl and I will be enemies again.
Look at him. He seems so peaceful. Sleeping in my room, on my bed, here at the bottom of the ocean. I wonder what dreams he must see. I wonder if I’ll ever be in them.
What am I even saying? He hates me. There’s no way for him to not hate me after what happened.
No, sapphire, you sweet little thing! He has every right to hate me. I summoned him here, I practically forced him to marry me, and I wasn’t there to save him when that traitor attacked him. And all that, after I made school absolutely miserable for him. I left him with scars. Because I couldn’t tell him how I felt. Because I’m a spoiled princess who just can’t let go. Oh, I am cruel. Sapphire, emerald, ruby- I am cruel.
You don’t understand. You’re fishes. You’re purer than creatures like us, who deal in lies and empty promises. You can’t understand.
But you know what love is, don’t you? You know what it’s like to be wanted, and you know what it’s like to want. You do, don’t you?
I love him. It’s too late now, but I’ve loved him ever since he tripped and fell face-first into the sand outside my cove. The clumsy little pirate. I love him. I can live with him hating me, but I can’t live in a world without him.
(breathing shakily a few times to compose herself)
(softly) What did you say, sapphire?
What? Pearl, did you just- stir in your sleep?
Oh my gosh. You’re awake. Oh, thank the heavens, you’re awake! Pearl, I was so worried!
No. I’m not letting you go. Just shut up and let me hug you.
(A longer pause. Her breathing is uneven, but slowly returns to normal.)
I’m sorry. This is all my fault, and here I am, already telling you what to do. I’m sorry.
How’s your wound? Are you in pain? Tell me what I can do to make you feel better, pearl. Do you need me to get you anything?
Okay. If you say so. But if you feel the slightest bit of discomfort, you tell me immediately, okay?
(sighing) I never wanted you to get hurt. I just wanted you to like it here.
Because this is my home, and I wanted you to see it as yours too. You were going to live here with me, weren’t you? But I suppose there’s no point in talking about it anymore.
I am not sure what to do. It isn’t safe for you here. I just never thought your life would be in danger.
The assassin? Yes, we’ve apprehended him. He won’t ever be harming you again. (Softly) I won’t let anyone harm you again.
Why am I so concerned? Because you-you almost got killed! What do you mean why am I so concerned?
No, it’s not just because you’re representing the dry landers. I mean, the humans. Of course I wanted to prevent a war, but I also....I also wanted to keep you safe. A kraken always cares for her pretty things.
Yes. You’re pretty. You’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen. Why else do you think I named you ‘pearl’?
No! I don’t name every creature I interact with after precious gemstones! Sapphire, emerald and ruby had those names from the very beginning.
(Softly, as realisation dawns on her) Wait. You heard me talking with the fishes?
Uh, pearl? For how long have you been awake exactly?
The entire time? ….Oh.
Did I mean what I said? About what?
Oh. About loving you. Uh, are you sure you don’t want anything? You don’t feel a little tired or dizzy? Maybe I should fetch a doctor and they can prescribe some med-
I’m not dodging anything. I just want you to get well soon.
Do I really love you? (Sighing) Why do you want to know? There’s no point to my saying it. Not anymore.
Because you’ll go back to the surface after this. And I won’t be able to follow you. I’ll become the enemy you hate. You’ll never come back here again. You’ll only remember me as the girl who tripped you into the pool. You’ll...never become mine. Not willingly. I’ll always remain a monster.
Do I love you? Oh, pearl.
I love you so much, it hurts. After we graduated from the academy, you just disappeared. You didn’t answer any of my letters. And so I stopped writing them after a while. I thought, maybe, you just needed to be alone to process things, and you’d let me know when you were ready to talk again. But you never did.
I swam up to our cove every once in a while, you know? I knew I’d not find you there, but my heart fluttered with hope every time I surfaced. I kept expecting a silly little boy, wearing a silly little pirate hat, to stumble in any moment. Only to scream in terror and fall into the water when he saw a girl with tentacles standing there. And then flail about helplessly until she saved him.
Yes, that is exactly how our first encounter happened. And you’re welcome, by the way. For getting your ass saved from drowning.
You’re lucky you never got on a ship all your life, you know? I’d have sunk it and wrapped you up in my tentacles the moment you left harbour. I mean, I’d have been gentle about it. As gentle as a kraken can be when she’s sinking a ship. I didn’t want to hurt you or scare you. But I wouldn’t have let you go. Never again.
I don’t want to let you go, pearl. It’s dangerous for you to stay in my world, and I couldn’t forgive myself if I let anything happen to you again. But I also can’t let you go. I have no choice. I can’t keep you prisoner here against your will, but I-I love you too much. The thought of not seeing you again, it makes me feel like-like how humans feel, when there’s no air in their lungs. I start to suffocate. I don’t know what to do anymore, pearl. I wish we could just disappear. Just the two of us, free to go wherever we wanted.
Stop the war? But how? You’ll swim back to the surface when I’m not looking, and you’ll tell them what happened. As you should. And then-
You won’t tell them? Pearl, I know you haven’t been a diplomat for long- your parents never really groomed you into this- but that is not how this works! You have to tell them. You have to let them know that we tried to kill you.
Yeah, I know I didn’t. But it happened anyway. You have to tell them when you go back.
You’re not going back? What?
Well, going back would mean starting a war, yes. But-
You don’t want other people to die either. But this is wrong! I knew you’d do something utterly stupid and noble, like putting others before yourself. It’s just like you. But you shouldn’t brush off an attack on your life. You shouldn’t brush off injustices like this.
That’s not all?
I’m dreaming, aren’t I? I was talking to the fishes for way too long. There’s no way you just said that.
You’d be willing to ‘give it another shot’ with me? Even after I allowed you to get hurt? I don’t understand. I thought you hated me.
I’m not what you hated?
Oh, pearl. I’m sorry fate has been so cruel to you. I can’t imagine what you went through, being orphaned like that. I wanted to comfort you, but I only made things worse. I don’t know why fate always delivers bad things to kind souls.
Don’t. It’s not your fault for pushing me away. Don’t you, for a second, apologize for that. I should be the one saying sorry for how I treated you at school.
We’re simply from two different worlds, aren’t we? Always have been. I was always surrounded by merfolk and humans at the Academy. They liked and admired me, because I was the princess of Atlantis. And you always kept to yourself. Always ate your lunch alone. There was nobody to fend for you. I should’ve been there.
Yes. I’ll....I’ll be there from now on. I’ll protect you and care for you the way I should’ve all those years ago. But you know what this means, don’t you?
You’re giving yourself to me. You’re acknowledging that you’re mine. You are mine. Which means I won’t have to hold myself back anymore. I can finally claim you.
Oh no, you cheeky little thing. There’s no ‘trial period’. You don’t get to back away now. I...I really do hope you meant what you said.
You did?
(They share a slow kiss) Should’ve done this ages ago. This feels so special. This feels so right. Everything is bursting with colour. Oh, pearl, my precious little pirate. (They kiss again).
You have no idea how happy you make me. I thought I’d never again have you in my bedsheets. Never have you in my arms, and never be able to look into your eyes again. You’re mine. From this moment on, your safety and happiness are my responsibility. For the rest of your life.
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to overwhelm you. I just can’t contain how giddy I am. I should let you rest. You’ve still not recovered fully. Oh, I can’t wait to tell the fishes what happened!
(Giggling) No, the fishes won’t be looking at you funny. I’ll tell them to behave.
Sleep well, pearl. After you’ve recovered, I’ll take you to a special place. I’ve wanted to go there with you for a long, long time. It’s deep in the ocean, so I couldn’t do it when we were kids.
I really hope you’ll like it. But that’s enough for now. Close your eyes for me, and drift off. Sleep.
There we go. I’ll keep holding you until you fall asleep. Just breathe, and dream of me, okay?
(Kissing him once more) Sweet dreams.....consort.
Additional Notes And Lore (A.N.A.L):
The fishes 'talk' by making bubbles. Based on the number and frequency of these bubbles, the princess can understand what they're saying. A bit like morse code, but for fishes.
Krakens and pirates have a long history. In earlier days, when a kraken girl took a fancy to some human aboard a ship, she'd turn into her ancient form and sink the entire ship to claim that human. The remaining humans would be claimed by other denizens of the sea, such as mermaids and sirens, or guided safely to shore.
She did, in fact, name them sapphire, emerald and ruby herself.
As always, comments and feedback are welcome and appreciated!

submitted by it_rains_blue_here to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:32 Monk2Bunk Actor Stories

The first actor and the beginnings of an insane career!
Please be gentle. You're my first Actress!
When I was, but a mere child of 12, I watched a B/W movie on TV; on the farm.
It was, 'The Collector'- 1965, with Terence Stamp and the beautiful young Samantha Eggar.
Needless to say my little brain was enthralled with this film. You have to watch it!
Again, needless to say I was, once more, enthralled with this actual chance of meeting Samantha. And me, somewhat older, somewhat wiser (I guess), yet, still a farm boy.
The assignment; I was to be Sam's Transport Specialist 24/7, while she was here in town. Palpitations grew as the day of 'prep' closed in.
The project, 'Curtains', was a 'Cheesy Slasher Film' shot, mostly, north of Toronto in 'Cottage Country'.
The year was 1983. I had, not so much as, a 'marsupial's' inkling about the show nor any idea what a 'script' looked like.
I had been a P.A. (Production Assistant) on commercials, with Mike, for a few years. Humping cable, props buying and more of the humping cable. Every now and again I would get picked up, at home, by a fancy car and driver (impressed the hell out of our Farmer Landlord, I'd say). So, with 'finished commercial footage' in hand and with instructions to 'hand deliver' to the client I, subsequently, joined the 'Jet-Set crowd' and flew off to Chicago, Detroit or some other exotic destination.
Now it was time for me to spread my steering wheel(s) and fly, again.
This time into the 'Wild Blue Wonder' of 'The Abyss of the Biz!
I had learned from my experiences, as a school bus driver; for children of all ages and human behaviour, that once you meet someone new, you have about two minutes to pull them into your corner. How do you do that in two minutes, you ask?
More to follow....................................................................
submitted by Monk2Bunk to Actors [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 02:05 Monk2Bunk Stories about actors

The first actor and the beginnings of an insane career!
Please be gentle. You're my first Actress!
When I was, but a mere child of 12, I watched a B/W movie on TV; on the farm.
It was, 'The Collector'- 1965, with Terence Stamp and the beautiful young Samantha Eggar.
Needless to say my little brain was enthralled with this film. You have to watch it!
Again, needless to say I was, once more, enthralled with this actual chance of meeting Samantha. And me, somewhat older, somewhat wiser (I guess), yet, still a farm boy.
The assignment; I was to be Sam's Transport Specialist 24/7, while she was here in town. Palpitations grew as the day of 'prep' closed in.
The project, 'Curtains', was a 'Cheesy Slasher Film' shot, mostly, north of Toronto in 'Cottage Country'.
The year was 1983. I had, not so much as, a 'marsupial's' inkling about the show nor any idea what a 'script' looked like.
I had been a P.A. (Production Assistant) on commercials, with Mike, for a few years. Humping cable, props buying and more of the humping cable. Every now and again I would get picked up, at home, by a fancy car and driver (impressed the hell out of our Farmer Landlord, I'd say). So, with 'finished commercial footage' in hand and with instructions to 'hand deliver' to the client I, subsequently, joined the 'Jet-Set crowd' and flew off to Chicago, Detroit or some other exotic destination.
Now it was time for me to spread my steering wheel(s) and fly, again.
This time into the 'Wild Blue Wonder' of 'The Abyss of the Biz!
I had learned from my experiences, as a school bus driver; for children of all ages and human behaviour, that once you meet someone new, you have about two minutes to pull them into your corner. How do you do that in two minutes, you ask?
More to follow....................................................................
submitted by Monk2Bunk to stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 16:24 racecarcarrace WoW would be better if it was balanced around PvP rather than PvE

Let’s be real, PvE gets boring. Yes I’ve been apart of 20-40 other nerds and took down a difficult NPC with fancy mechanics, shit gets easy after the 1st or 2nd run. Then you gotta gamble the odds that you may or may not get loot. It gets lame really fast.
Meanwhile, PvP (esp bgs) stay steadily fun so long as classes are balanced (which ofc they are not at the moment, esp shams and boomkins). You get points based on how well you do, and you can use those points for rewards.
With PvP, you can’t really wowhead your shit like what every pve player does, players are far more unpredictable than a scripted boss, so it makes the game more engaging. It’s also much more repeatable content.
If they were to simply focus and expand (for like 1 patch) on BGs and making shit more balanced rather than rehashing a new raid for people to WoWhead the mechanics then clear the boss then cry about there being nothing to do, then the game would be in a much better state.
submitted by racecarcarrace to classicwow [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 10:02 rstar521 Frustrated after watching this bad movie on my favorite Sudhir phadke, so venting out

When the film "Swargandharva sudhir phadke" was declared, I was ecstatic. He is my most favorite musician and singer and I just could not wait to watch his inspiring life story on the big screen.
But, the film, "as a film" is a complete disappointment. The director seemed to have made a documentary and forgot to add "cinematic experience". Left frustrated after watching this movie on my favorite musician. Went to watch with so much anticipation but it was a disaster as a movie. The life story of sudhir phadke is inspirational, extraordinary and very eventful. Perfect to make a film. But with this film, the director seemed to have missed the opportunity. We deserved much much much much much much better film on our beloved sudhir phadke. Had it been a documentary, it may reach just "acceptable" level but as a film, this was probably the worst execution of a biopic that too on a story which has so much potential to turn into a perfect engaging film. Several people are praising the film but only because of ACTUAL inspiring story of sudhir phadke but as a "FILM," this is a complete failure. People should watch sudhir phadke's interview on doordarshan and 2 parts of interview on akashwani instead (available on youtube).
  1. The battle of nagar haveli is pathetically trivialized in the film. Felt as if we were watching some school play with fake bomb and pistols.
  2. Mediocre dialogues, poor script and direction, sudden changes in the timelines in the first half leave audience confused.
  3. Placement of songs is very weird and confusing at some places. The relation between incidences in the life of babuji and his own songs seemed to be drawn by a school-going child and far fetched at some places. When babuji says ata mala bhik magayla lagel and "Nahi kharchili kavdi damdi" plays in the background.. like what??? Sudhir phadke distressed and Seema Deo happily dancing in the background! Wth! Film made like an amateur! Also when he pleads to stay for a night at raikar's place, raikar says chandra tuzya sobtila ahe and then "Toch chandrama nabhat" plays in the background.. Horrible correlation, forced and unrelated dialogue just to make place for the song. It is such a tender, nice romantic song and played at a totally unrelated and irrelevant instance where distressed babuji and his poor bachelor friends are going to sleep in a crammed room. Totally ruined theatrical song experience of my favorite song. It's like somebody giving you mango to eat, but when you bite, you taste onion. Weird!
There are some more such instances where song is inappropriately placed with forced correlation.
  1. Child sudhir phadke and his father seemed to have been directed by the director to just constantly smile while showing teeth and blabber mediocre dialogues. Poor acting ruin the experience. Why a good actress like vibhawari deshpande wasted in just one scene and others who have more scenes have been played by non-actors, ruining the experience?
  2. Adish vaidya acts well but appears confused probably because of disconnected script (writer-director's fault).
  3. Sunil barve, mrinmayi deshpande, gadima and babuji's friend nana gadgil act well. But because of disconnected script, they could not save the film. Manik verma looks so cute but why was she not given any song in the film??
  4. Kishore kumar is very poorly executed. Seemed like a mockery of kishore kumar. Not done. Pu la...well less said the better. The person seemed to have come for a fancy dress event, dressed as pu la, in the film.
Veer savarkar, hedgewar, raja paranjpe are portrayed well.
  1. Not a single time, child or young sudhir phadke is shown to sing or perform. Why? If a couple of such scenes could have been added, the musical journey of sudhir phadke would have been depicted better.
Because of poor execution of poor script and bad acting by some, did not enjoy the "musical" like we enjoyed the film on vasantrao deshpande.
Came home and listened to babuji's songs on youtube on loop to get some respite.
submitted by rstar521 to marathimovies [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 09:17 Monk2Bunk Beginnings

Stories about Actors I've known/know:
The first actor and the beginnings of an insane career!
Please be gentle. You're my first Actress!
When I was, but a mere child of 12, I watched a B/W movie on TV; on the farm.
It was, 'The Collector'- 1965, with Terence Stamp and the beautiful young Samantha Eggar.
Needless to say my little brain was enthralled with this film. You have to watch it!
Again, needless to say I was, once more, enthralled with this actual chance of meeting Samantha. And me, somewhat older, somewhat wiser (I guess), yet, still a farm boy.
The assignment; I was to be Sam's Transport Specialist 24/7, while she was here in town. Palpitations grew as the day of 'prep' closed in.
The project, 'Curtains', was a 'Cheesy Slasher Film' shot, mostly, north of Toronto in 'Cottage Country'.
The year was 1983. I had, not so much as, a 'marsupial's' inkling about the show nor any idea what a 'script' looked like.
I had been a P.A. (Production Assistant) on commercials, with Mike, for a few years. Humping cable, props buying and more of the humping cable. Every now and again I would get picked up, at home, by a fancy car and driver (impressed the hell out of our Farmer Landlord, I'd say). So, with 'finished commercial footage' in hand and with instructions to 'hand deliver' to the client I, subsequently, joined the 'Jet-Set crowd' and flew off to Chicago, Detroit or some other exotic destination.
Now it was time for me to spread my steering wheel(s) and fly, again.
This time into the 'Wild Blue Wonder' of 'The Abyss of the Biz!
I had learned from my experiences, as a school bus driver; for children of all ages and human behaviour, that once you meet someone new, you have about two minutes to pull them into your corner. How do you do that in two minutes, you ask?
More to follow....................................................................
submitted by Monk2Bunk to STORIES_ACTORS [link] [comments]