Pastillas recipe

The Ultimate Guide to Moroccan Cuisine

2023.10.17 19:00 New-Comedian-5088 The Ultimate Guide to Moroccan Cuisine

The Ultimate Guide to Moroccan Cuisine

Moroccan cuisine offers a delightful journey for your taste buds, combining centuries-old traditions, a fusion of flavors, and captivating aromas. As you plan your upcoming adventure to Morocco, get ready to indulge in a culinary experience like no other. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the world of Moroccan cuisine, tantalizing your senses with insights into delectable dishes.
Moroccan Mint Tea

Exploring the World of Moroccan Cuisine

Moroccan cuisine is a reflection of the country’s diverse cultural influences, blending Berber, Arab, Mediterranean, and African flavors into a harmonious culinary symphony. From savory tagines to sweet pastries, every dish tells a story.


Must-Try Moroccan Dishes

  • Tagine: A quintessential Moroccan dish, tagine is a slow-cooked stew featuring tender meats (often lamb or chicken), vegetables, and a fragrant blend of spices. Traditionally, it’s prepared in a clay pot of the same name.
  • Couscous: A Moroccan staple, couscous is typically served with a medley of vegetables and your choice of protein. It’s often accompanied by a flavorful broth and an array of condiments.
  • Harira, a beloved Moroccan comfort food, features tomatoes, lentils, chickpeas, and aromatic spices. It’s a Ramadan favorite.
  • Mint Tea, often affectionately dubbed ‘Moroccan whiskey,’ is a revitalizing concoction expertly brewed from green tea, freshly picked mint leaves, and a dash of sugar. This delightful drink embodies the spirit of Moroccan hospitality and remains a cherished tradition in serving guests.
  • Pastilla: A delightful pastry, pastilla combines savory and sweet flavors. Layers of flaky pastry encase fillings of pigeon or chicken, almonds, and aromatic spices.
  • Mechoui: A must-try for meat enthusiasts, it involves roasting a whole lamb or goat to succulent perfection over an open flame, seasoned with a blend of herbs and spices.

Harira Soup

The Ultimate Guide to Moroccan Cuisine

Moroccan cuisine, an enchanting world of flavors, awaits discovery. From the tantalizing spices of a tagine to the soothing sips of mint tea, Morocco’s culinary offerings are sure to leave an indelible mark on your palate. As you embark on this culinary adventure, harness the power of search engine optimization to find the finest restaurants, uncover hidden gems, and access authentic recipes. Bon appétit! .
submitted by New-Comedian-5088 to u/New-Comedian-5088 [link] [comments]

2023.07.13 00:48 EducationalWonder233 Savoring the Spices: A Journey into Moroccan Cooking and Sweets

Hello everyone,
I wanted to share an insight into the rich and diverse world of Moroccan cuisine, a symphony of colors, aromas, and flavors.
Moroccan Cuisine: A Cultural Melting Pot
Moroccan gastronomy stands at the crossroads of various cultures, civilizations, and epochs, blending Berber, Arabic, Andalusian, and Mediterranean influences with its indigenous Amazigh roots. The hallmark of Moroccan cooking is the use of a broad variety of spices, such as the unique Ras el Hanout blend, and traditional cooking methods like Tagines and couscous, which infuse dishes with a distinctive depth of flavor.
The Sweet Delights of Morocco
The sweet side of Morocco, or 'Halwa', is an integral part of Moroccan tradition and hospitality.
'Pastilla au Lait et Amandes' is a sweet version of the savory pigeon pie, encapsulating a creamy almond paste filling with orange blossom water and cinnamon in layers of flaky pastry.
'Makroudh', a semolina dough filled with date paste and orange blossom water, is another beloved sweet, deep-fried or baked and coated in honey.
'Chebakia', a flower-shaped cookie, is soaked in honey and sprinkled with sesame seeds, offering a delightful blend of sweet, spicy, and nutty flavors.
Lastly, 'Ghriba', Moroccan shortbread cookies, come in a variety of flavors and offer a light, crumbly texture that pairs perfectly with a cup of mint tea.
Every Moroccan dish tells a story of the land, its people, and their rich culture. It's a beautiful symphony of flavors that resonates with the warmth and hospitality of the Moroccan people. This culinary voyage across Moroccan cooking and sweets isn't just about eating good food, but also about understanding and appreciating a vibrant and diverse culture. As they say in Morocco, "Besseha ou raha!" – enjoy your meal and relax!
I encourage you all to delve deeper into the world of Moroccan cuisine. You won't be disappointed!
submitted by EducationalWonder233 to u/EducationalWonder233 [link] [comments]

2023.03.19 05:07 Exciting_Brush_377 can anybody tell me the secret ingredient of this particular pastillas? what type of milk they use? what type of powdered milk? wala kasi ako makita online na recipe thanks in advance :)

can anybody tell me the secret ingredient of this particular pastillas? what type of milk they use? what type of powdered milk? wala kasi ako makita online na recipe thanks in advance :) submitted by Exciting_Brush_377 to Philippines [link] [comments]

2023.03.18 10:37 touri_rifia A detailed lesson on pastilla mix with delicious fillings. Don't miss the saltines with different fillings. Pizza... Ramadan preparations.Ramadan 2023. The latest recipes in Ramadan 2023, Ramadan delicacies 2023, and Ramadan preparations 2023.

A detailed lesson on pastilla mix with delicious fillings. Don't miss the saltines with different fillings. Pizza... Ramadan preparations.Ramadan 2023. The latest recipes in Ramadan 2023, Ramadan delicacies 2023, and Ramadan preparations 2023. submitted by touri_rifia to touria_rifia [link] [comments]

2023.03.17 00:56 40inchesonmyass ¡Ayuda! ¿Cómo puedo obtener turbinafina en Costa Rica? (Where can I find turbinafine in Costa Rica?)

Fui a algunas farmacias, pero no lo tienen. Una farmacia dijo que necesitaban para hacer el medicamento en una "receta". Necesito pastillas orales de turbinafina para mi uña infectada.
I have been to a few pharmacies but they do not have it. One pharmacy said they needed to make the drug in a "recipe". I need Turbinafine oral tablets for my infected toenail.
submitted by 40inchesonmyass to costarica [link] [comments]

2023.03.05 20:47 ciudadvenus How One Pill of Lion's Mane Nearly Destroyed My Life

First of all, I want to make it very clear that I do not take any kind of drugs, not any medicines, I never had any health problems physical or mental, and I never had before in my life anxiety or any of the symptoms described, never even once, I want to say that clearly because this is the first thing that a few people pre-judge when reading these comments (but they very likely promoters of product brands who try to deny anything that goes against their sales or reputation, to increase the sellings at any price).
All I am describing here is exactly how I lived it, even though it is impossible to imagine how horrible this experience can be. One part of my life turned out to be the sole purpose of making known to the world the extreme dangers of this substance to prevent people from destroying their lives in unimaginable ways. Thank you.

This is my story:

I have always been a healthy person, trying to eat well and taking vitamins or omega-3 from time to time to help my brain work a little better since my work demands a lot of mental effort. After watching some videos and documentaries on the internet about Paul Stamets telling how good a discovered mushroom is for the brain and that he made a recipe that he describes as "the vitamins for the brain for the future," I wanted to try this amazing "natural supplement for memory," just like when you take valerian, rosemary, spirulina, or any kind of natural supplement for health.
I received the order of these mushrooms; I bought 2 brands, "Nature’s Answer" and "OM Mushrooms." The first one was a recipient with pills, and the second was in pure powder form. For some reason, the recipient with the pills had one that broke on the traveling and was opened, splitting the powder all inside the recipient. I just wanted to see "what it tastes like" since I like mushrooms, and I licked my finger after touching the powder. That night I had difficulty sleeping, like my mind was very active. It was a strange coincidence because that was impossible, but it was the reason why the next day, I decided to try with only a single pill (500mg) instead of 3 pills which was the suggested daily dose (and this simple decision, saved my life).
A few hours after taking it, I began to have severe headaches on the right side of my head. Two hours later, I experienced a kind of blackout. I found myself in a very strange situation where I had difficulty walking, speaking, and processing things. I was very worried about that strange situation and thought I might have had a stroke/brain clot and considered going to the hospital.
The next day, I felt much better. I noticed some mental clarity, so I started to forget about the issue. However, two days later, while I was on the metro, I suffered a severe panic attack and mental confusion. It was a very strange situation since I never had this sensation before, but everything looked alien to me. I knew that I was on the metro, but it was a feeling like the people were not real, or more like if I was dreaming. I felt extremely nervous, but I was able to manage the situation calmly inside me, like nothing was happening (if I'm not wrong, this is called derealization or depersonalization). When I was out of the metro, I started to walk to my appointment, but everything felt so strange, like disconnected from reality. I had difficulty thinking and even communicating with the woman in the shop where I tried to buy some candies to see if this could help me. I continued walking, but I was so distant in my mind. Then I realized it was impossible to go to my meeting in this strange mental situation. I decided to go back to my house, where I would be safe, but my difficulty thinking made me worry about not being able to make it back to my house safely.
The nightmare of my life had only just begun...
The following day, I suffered from three strange and powerful attacks, with symptoms such as mental confusion, difficulty speaking and processing information, accelerated heartbeat, and extreme anxiety. I thought I was going crazy and did not know what was happening to me. I went to the doctor, who did some blood tests and other tests to check if I had a viral or bacterial infection in my brain, but nothing showed up (I never imagined that a single pill of a natural supplement could have caused me this). I did not know what to do or think. I started to feel better the next day, and the symptoms seemed to decrease with each passing day. One week later, everything seemed normal, but then I experienced yet another strange and powerful attack. The doctor requested a heart check, which I never did because I knew that my problem was not in my heart. My heart was accelerated when these attacks appeared; it was not the cause. In the end, I understood that I was perfectly healthy, and nothing strange showed up. The only reason could have been the pill. I also understood that doctors could not help me in any way since all this sounded so alien to them, and no information shows up about this mushroom at all on the internet. Then I started my own research and desperate search for a solution.
The next days passed, and I was having these strange and unbearable attacks. I had paranoia, but especially derealization (if I am using the term correctly). Everything looked strange to me, like if I was a different kind of person, and for some reason, this gave me an extremely high fear sensation. When I had those attacks multiple times per day, my heart was very accelerated, like a tachycardia. I was trembling, and I had a continuously strong sensation of extreme fear inside me without reason. I was sweating, and I had difficulty thinking and communicating. My mind was on its own without controlling the thoughts, extremely active and random thoughts. My mind was simply out of control, and this was extremely unbearable in every sense.
The first night was a real nightmare in life. I was unable to sleep, sweating all night. My mind was a non-stopping nest of random thoughts, my body was randomly shaking without reason, and every time I was able to start falling asleep, something pushed me instantly out, like a mix between a big noise and a fear sensation that woke me up again. That hell didn't want me to sleep at all!
The following nights were equally horrible. My head was so active that it was impossible to sleep, it didn't let me! It was like there was a giant concert in my head without any way to make it stop. I felt a fear sensation, sweating, accelerated heart rate, and there was also a terrible symptom where I had strong visual flashes all night. It was like a strobe flashing in my face with my eyes closed with random sequences (this symptom seems to happen to many people). Other nights were totally different, and I felt like my brain was being slowly destroyed. I thought that this mushroom had entered my body and was eating my brain because on some nights, my brain was simply unable to process any information. It was like I was a vegetable trying to think something and nothing happened. I was very afraid of losing my mind.
The days were not any better. They were unbearable, but in different ways. I was unable to do anything, including work. All my energy was spent trying to control my mind, trying to control my body, and trying to simply feel good. One day I said to myself "I am going to listen to -such- music, the music that defines me, that I have listened to all my life and that I always listen to when I feel bad, to feel myself again, that will make me feel better..." , it was a very bad idea, I started playing a couple of songs and they made me feel even more nervous, I knew the song but it felt like it was the first time in my life that I heard it, it sounded strange to me, me wasn't me anymore.
Day after day, it was unbearable. I felt like I was going to die, and I even wanted to die because of the extreme situation I was in. Suicide was contemplated as a solution to put an end to the nightmare. I only talked about the situation I was living to a few people, but even they never understood what was happening to me and didn't have even a 1% idea of the horrible experience I was living through. The only thing that gave me hope in all of this was a very small sensation I was feeling in my heart, which multiple times in the day and randomly, I felt like my heart was "containing the air" and two seconds later "jumping" in a stronger heartbeat. This sensation happened multiple times per day, but for some reason, I felt that this "jump" was becoming less strong day after day, even if only slightly. This gave me hope that this nightmare was fading away, extremely slowly but fading away.
I lived a full month of pure hell, a second one too. The third month was not suicidal at least, the fourth month was a little better than the third, the 5th month was a little worse. This was exhausting and maddening...
I tried so many possible things. I sought help from a psychiatrist to prescribe me medicine to help me sleep, just in case I had one of these strong derealization attacks which are extremely unbearable. I tried "hidroxizina," which is not even allowed to be sold without a doctor's prescription, but it was useless. It made me feel fatigued but my brain was equally awake and unbearable. The only thing that seemed to help was to do extremely strong exercise (exhausting the body to the maximum), but I didn't investigate it much. In short, nothing helped but time. Only time gave me some hope. I had the theory that the body heals itself even in a slow process like recycling all its atoms and cells inside. Only time and patience were what helped me.
Nights were extremely difficult to sleep, and the only solution I found to be able to sleep was to drink 2-3 cans of beer per night. It helped me calm down my brain, being in a sleepy state. A few months later, I was in the supermarket and counted how many cans were in a box they had for sale (it was around 100). After counting that I had drunk around 400 cans in total and seeing the big amount it is physically, I decided to stop destroying my body with alcohol and try to get back to sleep in a normal way. It was difficult, but slowly I was able to sleep better over time.

My actual situation:

This situation destroyed my life for more than half a year, but after all, I feel fortunate because I was able to recover from the most horrific experience of my life (with many experiences lived in my 42 years old). Unfortunately, I'm not yet in a perfect situation:
After half a year, I was able to have more or less a normal life again, but I still felt pretty bad sometimes. In some moment of one year later, I had another strange and pretty strong attack that lasted 3-4 weeks during which I was not even able to think easily, and I was trembling in voice and body all the time (I can only relate this strange experience to this issue).
After one year I can have a pretty good life but I still have some symptoms, like strange (but not strong) random anxieties / nervousness / fears that happen from time to time, some extra difficulty sleeping, and I'm still seeing those "flashes/strobes" at night but in a very bearable way. The worst thing is that I find it extremely difficult to work; when I do it for a full morning for example, I feel strong anxieties that impede me from continuing and make me suffer this feeling for the rest of the day, which annoys me a lot since I have so much work to do. In the past, I was a person who worked day and night in a very strong and stressful way, listening to hard music (psytrance, goa, breakbeat, or chillout and psychill when working more calmly) with total ease, but now I cannot do that anymore and I'm not being productive. Today I still have very difficulty working with (any kind of) music, which was pretty necessary to flow correctly in my work and be productive, so I'm trying to force myself, slowly, to being able to do that again. Sometimes when meeting with people (especially new ones) I feel like I'm in a strange place; I cannot describe this very annoying sensation, but in the past it happened to me and it was extremely unbearable, putting me in a trembling situation. Today it's just a sensation that I try to ignore and it seems like I'm doing it well. In the end, I just have the hope (and observation) that all these things are slowly (very slowly!) passing away.

Extra Descriptions:

Some Notes:

Some Links and References:

submitted by ciudadvenus to LionsManeRecovery [link] [comments]

2023.01.12 08:25 peacemain88 Any Moroccans in the house? Seven years ago I went to Marrakech and had Chicken Pastilla (bastille?), it was the best I’ve ever tasted. The mouthwatering sweet savory richness is out of this world. Does anyone happen to have an authentic family recipe?

submitted by peacemain88 to Old_Recipes [link] [comments]

2022.12.16 18:13 rachidmoroccotourss best tours from tangier

best tours from tangier
A city known for its livelier setting and bountiful wonders-- this is what Tangier is all about. Where alleged stories about mafia are told, Tangier can also make a negative impression, especially on first-time tourists. But though considered to be less safe than other citiesin Morocco,this indispensable part of a great African country still boasts of equally impressive Tangier hotelsand attractions as seen in other famous towns. It also has its own share of magnificent beaches, bustling city life, alluring surprises, and Tangier hotels for tourists who want to relive the glory of the classic American film, "Casablanca." Yes, you heard it right! The film also used Tangier as an actual model for one of the most romantic movies of all time that featured Hollywood legends, Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart.
With all these, the rumored hostility in Tangier shouldn't stop you from experiencing the more beautiful part of the city. The petty offenses in Tangier's society will all be taken care of by the police authority. Hence, your only business here is to take delight in your travel and enjoy the safety Tangier hotels may provide. A tour in Tangierhas great things to offer than a single bad news, so might as well focus on the good memories you'll get from this Moroccan city. Here's how you may remember the fascinating things about Tangier:
  1. Create a collage out of yourphotos in Tangier.
Taking pictures is a common activity among travelers in Tangier. Your fascination will surely grow as you stop at every fantastic sight you'll see to pose for a great shot. Every statue, museum, garden, market, and airport are worthy of a photograph. But without the help of your good old camera, nothing will remind you of the things you've uncovered about Tangier. So at night, when you have nothing else to do at one of the Tangier hotels in town, why not try to create a collage of these pictures? Aside from preserving your photos, this can also be a creative souvenir item to people you left at home.
  1. Collect hotel memorabilia.
Tangier hotels have a lot of stuff to offer. From tissue paper to shower caps, these hotels provide the utmost convenience for your personal needs. Since these things are part of the services you paid for, they are considered your own. Get some of these mementos, keep them in a little box, and write a few things about each item. Just make sure that you don't keep the things you didn't pay for such as bedsheets and curtains to stay clear from petty crimes of theft.
  1. Keep a travel diary.
Great travelersknow that writing down their thoughts about every journey is important. So instead of feeling bored at one of the Tangier hotels, write down your experiences and reflections during your Tangier vacation. This travel diary will let you remember that once in your life you have been in a fabulous city otherwise known as Tangier.
  1. Take home a recipe.
Since it's impossible for you to take a pastilla or couscous from Tangier to your country of origin, you have no other choice but to take home the recipe. Observe the food served in Tangier hotels and try to learn how you can prepare them back at home. If you know how to cook this special cuisine, you can have a Moroccan meal anytime you wish even in your own country.
The next time you feel bad about having a vacation in Tangier, just think of the great things you can do to dwell on the fascinating memories you can have in this Moroccan city.With Tangier hotels to offer you a home sweet home, you don't have to worry much about anything but your exotic travel adventures.
submitted by rachidmoroccotourss to u/rachidmoroccotourss [link] [comments]

2022.06.05 13:47 Mission-Ad5908 Traditional Moroccan PastillaSweet Mini Chicken pastilla recipe nh.arabic kitchen

Traditional Moroccan PastillaSweet Mini Chicken pastilla recipe nh.arabic kitchen submitted by Mission-Ad5908 to u/Mission-Ad5908 [link] [comments]

2022.01.16 13:57 subsidized_booty For those of you who have taken the pressure cooker pastilla, what are your favorite recipes?

I’m trying to move up from beans 😂
submitted by subsidized_booty to redscarepod [link] [comments]

2021.09.03 10:49 Life_with_AA Pastillas Recipe Quick and easy pastillas de leche

Pastillas Recipe Quick and easy pastillas de leche submitted by Life_with_AA to filipinofood [link] [comments]

2021.06.14 23:15 afreakingchorizo [DREs] All References from Drag Race España S1E03

How you doing mis amores? Do you want to see my cucu list of explained references and jokes from Drag Race España's season 1 episode 3?This week was quite the ordeal! I did my best in trying to explain just enough for our international sisters to understand the cultural references in this week's runway without going overboard. I’m a Spaniard but (unfortunately) my region is not being represented by any of the S1 queens and I had to do a little bit of research myself, so I might have left something important out or introduced some mistakes. As always, please let me know in the comments if I can improve any of the info below and I'll edit this post!
If you want to check previous episodes' references, here you have them:
Now let's dive into this week's episode: MOCATRIZ
02:54 – Arantxa says that Pupi in that hair looks like Lydia Lozano, who is a famous spanish gossip journalist. She never was what you would call a serious reporter, but she’s now gone full-trash working for the most shamefully amoral show in Spanish TV, “Sálvame”. Anyway, here’s a clip of her singing “¿A quién le importa?” from where Drag Race España’s farewell sentences come. She also cries a lot.
03:47 – Hugáceo is wearing a white T-shirt with the word “Todes” on the front. This word is the non-gender version of “todos/todas” (All of us). We stan an inclusive queen.
05:12 – Supremme is happy to be holding a “pito” in her hand after spending several months in lockdown. “Pito” means whistle but is also slang for dick.
06:56 – Supremme calls the queens “Futbolisdrags” = Futbolistas (football players) + drag
07:09 – Hugáceo makes their best imitation of Cristiano Ronaldo’s extremely awkward scream at the 2014 Ballon D’Or ceremony. When your catchphrase is just shouting like a neanderthal, gurl...
07:56 – Compañedrags = Compañeras (colleagues) + drag
08:12 – Carmen’s dream is to become Pilar Rubio. She is a (kind of bad) TV host and model. Carmen mentions her during this mini challenge because she's currently married to Sergio Ramos from Real Madrid Football Club.
08:36 – Dovima’s presentation is a couplet in which she rhymes “joyas” (jewels) with “pollas” (dicks).
08:40 – Hugáceo’s presentation includes the saying “poner a caldo” (feed someone broth only), which means to rip somebody to pieces. In its origin, this expression comes from reducing someone’s nourishment as a way of punishment. That’s why the presentation continues by Hugáceo being inclusive by giving us an option between chicken or vegan broth. Again, we stan.
09:00 – Inti’s presentation includes the expression “meterle un gol” (score a goal), which directly comes from football and means to trick or get one over on someone. Luckily, she’s used to use her face in the locker rooms to stop them from scoring. It’s a joke about her sucking dick.
09:12 – Arantxa compares Inti to Ronaldinho. The nerve!
09:39 – At the end of the mini challenge Supremme choses Killer Queen as the “pichichi” of the team. This is the name of an actual title that has been given annually by the one of the biggest sports newspapers in Spain to the top scorer of each year since 1952. The name comes from the nickname of the first player awarded with this trophy.
10:31 - After they score a goal, Supremme tells the queen to stop and asks them if they actually expected to do an hour and a half of this. 90 minutes is the standard duration of a football match.
10:59 – “Mocatriz” is a portmanteau term formed up of the words Modelo, Cantante y Actriz (model, singer and actress). This term was popularized in 2019 by the musical comedy duo Ojete Calor (Butthole Heat) with their equally named single “Mocatriz”. One of the members of this band, Carlos Areces, is now introduced as this week’s guest judge. More on this later!
14:06 – Arantxa is excited to work with Killer and become a couple of grandmas who rent an apartment by the beach in Benidorm. Benidorm is a seaside city in Valencia that’s very popular among old people (and British tourists, for some reason). Visiting Benidorm doesn’t sound like a great plan unless you are 60+ years old.
14:38 – Inti says we should be wary of Carmen describing her behavior through the saying “Abrazo al amigo, navajazo al enemigo” (she would hug her friends and stab her enemies).
17:14 – Killer warns Pupi that if she hugs her, her T-shirt will end up looking like “las caras de Bélmez” (Bélmez faces). This is a very well known paranormal phenomenon in Spain that dates back to the 1970s when the owner of a house in Bélmez (a town in Jaén, Andalucía) discovered a stain in the image of a face in the concrete floor of her kitchen. There has been reports of more faces appearing over the years, which led to that particular house becoming a tourist attraction and subject of several investigations.
Killer also says that Pupi’s T-shirt could end up looking like the Holy Shroud, (it’s) a piece of fabric considered to have wrapped Jesus after his crucifixion, now imprinted with his semblance.
17:52 – Looks like Carmen “Farola” (lamp post/streetlight) is here to stay. Thanks, Paca.
18:08 – Killer needs to turn up her “Sonotone” to be able to hear Supremme. This is the name of a brand of hearing aids that’s pretty well known in Spain because they were heavily featured in infomercials during the 90s.
18:23 – Killer asks Supremme for a “compresa” (a pad) but Arantxa mishears it as “sorpresa” (surprise).
18:36 – Supremme defines Killer and Arantxa’s lesbian kiss as “Mujer contra mujer 2.0”. This is a reference to the 1988 song Mujer contra mujer (woman against woman) by the extremely well known band Mecano. This is one of the first Spanish songs that talks openly about homosexuality, doing so by describing the love story between two women in a very beautiful and romantic way. Another one of our Spanish LGBTQ+ anthems, for sure.
19:20 – Supremme describes Dovima and Carmen as “Dos cochinas en la milla de oro” (Two sluts in the golden mile). “La milla de oro” is the name given to a particular zone in Madrid (at el barrio de Salamanca) that has the most luxurious designer stores. I see that this concept exists in many other cities in the world but I’m not sure they all have the same connection to glamour and wealth.
19:37 – Hugáceo, Pupi and Supremme begin their photo session listing a lot of Madrid’s working class neighborhoods: San Blas, Orcasitas, Vallecas, Getafe, Alcorcón, Villaverde Bajo y Alto (says Pupi standing up, because “alto” means “tall”).
20:13 – Pupi asks about “el botellón” at the end of their shooting session, which is a popular practice in Spain in which people gather at public places (city squares, beaches, parks) to just drink and socialize outside. This is a very common Saturday night activity for young people as it’s very cheap. The term literally means “big bottle”.
20:17 – While in character, Inti and Sagittaria put on a Russian/East European accent. This is because many of the high-class escorts and other kinds of working girls in Spain are of that origin. For this bit, they actually rename themselves Anastasia and Katiuska, stereotypically Russian names.
24:37 – Hugáceo says they’re going to act their socks off and “se va a cagar la perra” (the female dog is going to shit herself). Believe it or not, Hugáceo didn’t make this up on the spot. This expression means that they’re going to do something truly extraordinary.
27:38 – I don’t know how WOW subtitled this, but Sagittaria says the pit crew’s bulge smells like “morcilla” which is a kind of sausage usually known (at least in England) as blood pudding.
29:55 – The question that Supremme asks Javier Ambrossi (meat or fish?) is usually asked to know if a person is into boys or girls. When Javi responds with “por ti comería almeja” (for you, I’d eat clam)… I guess you know what he means.
30:10 – Next, Supremme asks Ana if she prefers to be on top (arriba) or at the bottom (abajo). Ana replies that she likes “Arriba y Abajo”, which is the name of a kind-of-Downton-Abbey-ish TV series produced by the same company as Drag Race España. It seems that this was actually a remake of the 1971 British “Upstairs, Downstairs”, so she might actually be referring to the original.
30:22 – Since no one knows what she’s talking about because Ana compliments los Javis on their great TV Shows: Veneno (HBO Max) and Paquita Salas (Netflix).
30:21 – If you ever find yourself surrounded by Spaniards (maybe at a botellón) and want to start an argument, just ask them if they prefer their tortilla with or without onion. Javier Calvo rhymes “cebolla” (onion) with “polla” (dick) and then everyone starts just saying “polla” for no real reason. Supremme tries to save the situation by claiming that, according to RAE (the Royal Academy of the Spanish language) “polla” means young hen.
31:34 – PUPI’S RUNWAY – Pupi is wearing a Chulapa dress, which is Madrid’s regional garment. The tree and bear at the top of her head is a replica of the famous statue of “El oso y el madroño” (the bear and the arbutus) which is located at Plaza del Sol in Madrid’s downtown and it’s an emblem of the city.
31:39 - Carlos Areces says Pupi is looking “monísima” (very cute, beautiful), and the judges start singing this song, which is a chotis about a beautiful woman from Madrid that’s being catcalled by bystanders while she strolls through the city streets.
31:45 - In her confessional, Pupi puts on a very thick Madrid accent while describing her look. Her earrings represent her Castilla la Mancha and her Galician/Peruvian roots.
32:13 – Javier Calvo tries to make another of his filthy rhymes with “madroño” (and probably “coño”) but Supremme tells him to stop being basic. I love her.
32:20 – Anyway, Ana couldn’t control herself and says her “madroño” is itchy.
32:56 – INTI’S RUNWAY – Carlos Areces says their look is very “Inti-risante” (Inti-resting).
33:08 – ARANTXA’S RUNWAY – Arantxa comes out to the runway dressed as a wheel of manchego cheese that says “the best of both Castillas” (those being Castilla la Mancha and Castilla y León, two different regions within Spain). This is yet another reference to them being the Spanish Hannah Montana.
33:26 – Since Arantxa is actually from Extremadura, they are wearing a whole Iberian Ham in their back. They mentions that it is a “jamón de pata rubia” (blonde leg ham). Now, I’m no expert in ham but I think that doesn’t exist and they’re making a joke. The best and most expensive kind of ham in Spain is called “jamón de pata negra” (black leg ham) and Arantxa is blonde. As pointed out in the comments by u/Suprema-de-Pollo Arantxa's dress features the colors in Extremadura's flag.
33:46 – HUGÁCEO’S RUNWAY – Supremme asks the judges whether they should burn or save Hugáceo from the fire. This is because Hugáceo is dressed as a half-constructed “falla”. Las Fallas are the most well known tradition from Valencia, celebrated every year around Saint Joseph. Several teams of people work all year long in the design and construction of their huge thematic fallas (wich are made of smaller ninots, or "dolls") and enter the contest. As explained in the comments by u/ochocud each Fallera Major (kinda like the queen of each Falla association) chooses one ninot from the Falla because they particularly like it, and then they can keep it. The remaining monuments are burnt down for all attendees to see during a ceremony known as “La cremà” (the burning).
34:16 – Hugáceo’s fire trick makes Supremme start singing part of Isabel Pantoja’s “Se me enamora el alma”. She is saying “the wood is burning”.
34:31 – DOVIMA’S RUNWAY – Supremme likes Dovima’s “capullo”, which means both bud and, you guessed it, dick. Later, Dovima rubs her rose against her crotch and Supremme laughs because she’s hitting her pussy with a bud/dick.
34:44 – “La Diada de Sant Jordi#Catalonia)” (Saint George’s day) is one of Catalonia’s most popular festivities. Dovima’s runway is based on the following folk tale: Sant Jordi had to defeat a dragon to save his princess from being devoured. When he fought it he managed to pierce the monsters’ heart with his sword and from the blood that spilled, a rose bush grew. Sant Jordi picked one of the roses from that bush and offered it to the princess. Nowadays, Sant Jordi in Catalonia is an event in which couples exchange roses and books as gifts.
35:12 – CARMEN’S RUNWAY – Javier Calvo says “Yo soy tu gatita” (I’m your pussy cat), which is a reference to this song.
35:14 – Javier Ambrossi compares Carmen to Raquel Bollo fresh out from seeing Cats and buying all the available merch. Raquel Bollo is a TV personality, ex-wife to a fairly well known flamenco singer but mainly famous for her TV appearances, having competed in the Spanish version of Survivor and Celebrity Big Brother.
35:22 – Carmen’s runway is based on the look of the Iberian Lynx.
35:42 – When Carmen is leaving the runway, Javier Calvo says “Uy, uy, uy mi gato hace ay, ay, ay…” (Uy, uy, uy my cat goes ay, ay, ay…) in reference to the song “Mi gato” by Rosario Flores.
35:55 – SAGITTARIA’S RUNWAY – When he sees Sagittaria, Javier Calvo says “chupa y mama que se derrama” (lick it up before it spills), which is in reference to the song “Chupa y mama” by trans icon Carmen de Mairena.
36:01 – For those of you that you don’t know (and please Catalan people, allow me this comparison for the sake of simplicity), Crema Catalana is a dessert very similar to Crème Brulee. It’s usually served in a round clay dish like the one Sagittaria has on her shoulder so, props to you mwamma.
36:32 – KILLER QUEEN’S RUNWAY – Madrid-born people are called “gatos/gatas” (cats) and she’s wearing the male version of the traditional garment that Pupi wore. Also, she’s holding and wearing carnations because these flowers are usually worn by chulapos and chulapas.
37:09 - When Killer is leaving the runway, Javier Ambrossi says she’s leaving “a gatas” (like a cat), which means that she’s leaving in all fours/crawling out of there.
38:08 - MAXI CHALLENGE ~ ABUELAS - Killer asks the pit crew to get her an “orujo” (liqueur) or a “carajillo” (a coffee with a shot of liquor or brandy). Both of these alcoholic drinks are considered to be quite old school and something that only older people would enjoy.
38:42 - Killer’s character is called Blasa, maybe in reference to a well known character from a sketch TV show from the early 2000s. So, just in case this was intentional, please enjoy this clip of Emma Thomson participating in some nonsense with the original Blasa.
38:49 - Killer’s tells Arantxa that they’ve shared a night of love in the past using almost word by word the sentence Barbara Rey (actress) used to confess on TV that she had been intimate with Chelo García-Cortés (gossip journalist): “Tu y yo hemos tenido una noche de amor”. This is such a deep cut that I don’t even know if I should go more in depth here. Let’s just leave it at that.
39:00 - Arantxa interrupts this sweet octogenarian love moment to take her “pastilla del Sintrom” (Sintrom pill). Sintrom is the name of an actual anticoagulant given to people with bad circulation and high risk of getting vascular plugs.
39:49 - If you don’t get this Golden Girls reference, just stop reading and go watch that show. I’ll wait.
43:09 - MAXI CHALLENGE ~ GLAMUROSAS - El coto de Doñana (Doñana National Park) in Andalucia is the natural habitat for several endangered species, one of them being the iberian lynx.
46:10 - MAXI CHALLENGE ~ CHUNGAS - Carlos Areces compares Hugáceo and Pupi in the challenge with Marilyn Manson and Mónica del Raval. I assume you might know the former so I’ll focus on the latter. Mónica del Raval is one of the most famous prostitutes in Barcelona, specifically working for more than 30 years in the downtown neighborhood of El Raval. She became better known in 2009 when a documentary about her was released, propelling her to her current status as an underground and LGBTI+ icon. Up until recently, it wasn’t unusual to find her around El Raval approaching people and trying to sell her own merch.
46:58 - Pupi uses her exaggerated Madrid accent when she thanks Carlos and that makes them laugh.
47:55 - MAXI CHALLENGE ~ PILINGUIS - Sagittaria is very into her russian character here and appart from the accent, she’s now speaking quite a broken Spanish. She also tells Inti that she hasn’t changed the “channel” when she was supposed to have switched the line to continue her client’s call, so she’s very into her acting.
59:13 - Pupi says that she cannot believe that Sagittaria won over her, but she does that in Catalan: No me lo puc creure (although that’s not gramatically correct, as it should be “No m’ho puc creure”).
1:00:29 - This week’s lipsync song is “Mocatriz” by Ojete Calor (Butthole Heat, it bears repeating), a musical duo specialized in what they call Subnopop that became a viral sensation from their inception a couple of years ago. This particular song is about superficial, over-confident people whose main goal in life is achieving mediatic success while doing as little as possible and with the least amount of actual talent required. So in a way, this is a song about the Kardashians?
EDIT: I've subtitled and uploaded a version of the Mocatriz music video with English subs in case someone wants to know what this song is exactly saying.
And that's all! I hope you guys find this helpful and I'll see you next week! ¡Que suene la música!
PS: I'm looking into ways of turning these posts into videos to make them more easily accesible/available. I've never done this before so if someone has any experience or knows a format that would really suit this purpose, please let me know!
submitted by afreakingchorizo to rupaulsdragrace [link] [comments]

2021.05.01 17:59 Cuisine_Marocaine Moroccan food : The Famous Pastilla Recipe with Chicken and Almonds

Moroccan food : The Famous Pastilla Recipe with Chicken and Almonds submitted by Cuisine_Marocaine to u/Cuisine_Marocaine [link] [comments]

2021.03.29 16:27 UKNewsByABot Thomasina Miers’ Easter recipe for spiced lamb and saffron rice pastilla pie The simple fix

Thomasina Miers’ Easter recipe for spiced lamb and saffron rice pastilla pie The simple fix submitted by UKNewsByABot to UKNewsByABot [link] [comments]

2021.03.29 14:25 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Lifestyle] - Thomasina Miers’ Easter recipe for spiced lamb and saffron rice pastilla pie The simple fix Guardian

[Lifestyle] - Thomasina Miers’ Easter recipe for spiced lamb and saffron rice pastilla pie The simple fix Guardian submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2021.03.29 14:08 AutoNewsAdmin [Lifestyle] - Thomasina Miers’ Easter recipe for spiced lamb and saffron rice pastilla pie The simple fix

[Lifestyle] - Thomasina Miers’ Easter recipe for spiced lamb and saffron rice pastilla pie The simple fix submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to GUARDIANauto [link] [comments]

2021.01.17 01:21 Dijachef Moroccan Apple Pastilla, Original recipe

Moroccan Apple Pastilla, Original recipe submitted by Dijachef to dessert [link] [comments]

2020.04.01 23:56 franichan Can I freeze Moroccan Pastillas before baking?

I made Moroccan Chicken and Almond Pastillas (I used this recipe) for my SO tonight and he says it’s the best thing I’ve ever made him. Needless to say, I’ll be making them again. It takes quite a while to make the filling, so I was wondering if I could freeze the Pastillas before baking or maybe even just freezing the filling. Will that have an impact on the texture of the shredded chicken?
bonus pic of dish
submitted by franichan to AskCulinary [link] [comments]

2019.12.23 21:19 jiffiryu Pastillas Candy Easy Negosyo Recipe

Pastillas Candy Easy Negosyo Recipe submitted by jiffiryu to filipinofood [link] [comments]

2019.07.16 23:23 permalink_save Why (at least in the US) did paprika and cayenne become the primary chili powders, and everything else is sold blended as "chili powder"?

Surely stuff like chipotle, pastilla, guajillo, ancho, etc are useful too, why (outside of places with great spice selections) are those two so prominant. Isn't Paprika generally pretty specific to a few cuisines, like Mexican cooking heavily leans on a huge variety of whole dried chilis but even texmex recipes I see just throw paprika and cayenne in.
To be clear (because sidebar has rules against general discussion) looking for reasons why it became prominant, not why people personally like using it.
Edit: I do have a good grocer, and they do stock other chili powders, but I have rarely if at all seen them at mainstream grocers.
submitted by permalink_save to AskCulinary [link] [comments]

2019.02.20 11:08 SpiritlessSoul Hello! Asking for a recipe

Do you have any recipe(yung cheaper alternatives sana) sa paggawa ng pastillas de leche.. msyado kasi mahal pag sinunod yung traditional recipes. Thanks
submitted by SpiritlessSoul to Philippines [link] [comments]

2017.01.25 10:16 Cerus432 [IYL] Scottish Food, Haggis [YML] Modern Burns Night Recipe

Burns night is nearly upon us and it's fair to say there is a lot of tradition surrounding the celebration of Scotland's national bard. Being the creative types that we are, we decided to have a look at how we could put a modern spin on the main dish of haggis, neeps and tatties.
Serves four
*750g Quality Haggis *1 x medium turnip *2 x red rooster potatoes *2 x banana shallots *2 x measures whisky *tablespoon peppercorns *200ml beef stock *300ml double cream *100g butter *500ml chicken stock *1 packet feuille de braque pasty (filo) *2 sheets of baking/parchment paper
  1. Chop half of the turnip into small even pieces, sweat down in butter in heavy based sauce pan, add chicken stock and cook over a medium heat. Once the turnip is soft blend well until smooth (puree) and season with salt and pepper to taste – keep warm until needed.
  2. Take the other half of the turnip and using a mandeline (or sharp knife) cut the turnip to resemble short spaghetti.
  3. Blanch the turnip spaghetti in salted boiling water until tender then drain the water to stop the turnip from cooking. Season with salt and pepper then keep warm until needed
  1. Using a mandeline (or sharp knife) take the potato and cut into long strips (spaghetti). Clarify butter by melting in a pot and skim any residue from the surface. Toss the potato spaghetti in melted butter and season.
  2. Mould the potato into small round shapes and place on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Place a second sheet of paper on top of the potato and put another baking tray on top then bake potato between the two parchment lined trays in the oven until they are crisp and golden.
Haggis Pastilla
  1. To make the haggis pastilla, take the sheet of filo pastry and lay out on a clean dry surface. Make a paste using plain flour and water (1:1) brush the sheet of pastry with the paste and put another sheet on top. Fashion the haggis into a small sausage shape and roll up in the filo pastry. Make sure it’s wrapped tight and is well tucked in either side to resemble a spring roll. Deep fry until pastry turns golden brown and the haggis is hot through to the middle.
  1. Slice shallots and sweat off in pan ensuring no colour. Glaze with whisky, reduce slightly then add beef stock. Reduce a little further this time and add cream. Pass through a fine sieve and add peppercorns (whole) to taste.
  1. To serve spoon turnip puree onto plate, place spaghetti of turnip to the side of puree. Cut through the pastilla at an angle and place on the turnip spaghetti. Drizzle whisky jus around the plate and garnish with potato tuilles on top.
You can see the full recipe and images of the dish on this link. Along with a fine selection of Scottish sourced beverages from one of the best independent bottle shops in Glasgow that are ideally suited to accompany this meal.
submitted by Cerus432 to ifilikefood [link] [comments]