Free hesi a2 practice test

Student Nurse: tips, advice, and support

2012.12.09 12:39 Baconated_Kayos Student Nurse: tips, advice, and support

Practically anything and everything related to nursing school.

2012.06.07 00:35 Nightshade3312 For the bladesmiths, beauty and destruction, art and skill.

A subreddit for the metalworkers who specialize in forging knives and other blade tools. Swords, daggers, kitchen cutlery, carving chisels, etc. Come in, look around, ask a question, learn, and have fun.

2012.03.04 21:28 chip16 Knife makers and fans welcome

The world of Knifemaking

2024.06.04 21:15 autistic-brother Those of you that passed, what are some recommendations

I've been studying solo with the official CompTIA learning tool via Amplifire for the CompTIA Security+ SY0-601 Certification.
I've noticed that in the test exam, they ask things they do not explain in their content.
I'm also watching the Professor Messer videos in YouTube.
I've taken two test exams and am not happy with the results.
What strategies have worked for you to ace the exam?
Practice Test Results #2
Score: 57% (61 out of 107 points)
Start: 6/4/2024, 12:12:48 PM MT
Completed: 6/4/2024, 1:39:03 PM MT
Time Taken: 1 hour, 26 minutes
Practice Test Results #1
Score: 56% (60 out of 108 points)
Start: 5/28/2024, 2:11:02 PM MT
Completed: 5/28/2024, 3:14:00 PM MT
Time Taken: 1 hour, 3 minutes
Thanks in advance.
submitted by autistic-brother to CompTIA [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:14 Important-Bug8093 25% off Huge List A-Z AND $30 device credit for devices bought in last 45 days

Need a different game? DM me. Over 200 25% discount codes only 4000 characters/post. For an instant $30 device referral claim@ You need to claim before linking your account to Quest. If you have been using Quest for 45 days without claiming the $30 then you need to use the phone app. Go to Menu tab, Devices , headset settings, reset the device. Click the referral. Now start Quest normally. You will now have $30 and can redownload games and resume where you left off
submitted by Important-Bug8093 to MetaQuestAppReferrals [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:14 WastedHaste66 Christmas in June

Christmas in June
Just so stoked to pop these. Headband 99 sounds like the plant I’ve been looking for. Also sent me a Glueystone freebie. Great company seriously.
submitted by WastedHaste66 to brothersgrimmseedbank [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:13 youretoosuspicious 6 weeks after LAL, my experience (long read)

51F, diagnosed last fall with a cortical cataract in my left eye (OS). This is my near vision eye, and vision in this eye has been poor my entire life, but it had progressed to the point where it was uncorrectable with lenses. I was experiencing glare in sun, near-blackouts going from sun to shade, and rainbow halos around lights during the night and day. I also realized, after having my surgery, that I had been avoiding reading and writing because of double vision caused by the cataract. Since I work in books and libraries, and some of my most enjoyed hobbies involve reading, writing, correspondence, and crafts including knitting, the cataract was strongly affecting my life.
My optometrist referred me to a local surgeon and I went for a consultation. He said that while I had developed cataracts in both eyes, the one on the left was 3+, what they consider severe, and he scheduled me for surgery the next month. I read all the materials they gave me and found this subreddit, which has been incredibly helpful throughout the process, so thank you to all who post and respond here!
I was uncertain whether I should go with the first referral (and posted as much here, and got a lot of great reflections from folks, thank you) because I'd read bad Yelp reviews of the office. But I read reviews of ALL the major surgery providers in town and they all had the same range of reviews, so I decided to stick with this doctor, deciding that being part of a "surgery farm" was a GOOD thing rather than a bad one. More surgeries = more expertise, hopefully.
I received satisfactory guidance from another surgeon at the practice after they did my biometry; she said I could get good results with either a monofocal or the LAL monofocal, and that it was up to me. Since this is my near eye, the one I depend on the most for most of my preferred activities, and since I have good insurance and could afford the additional out-of-pocket cost, I decided to go with the LAL. My insurance paid for all the basic parts of the surgery.
On the surgery day, I bussed over to the surgery office and they did intake, I waited for a while, and then was led into the pre-surgery area, a large circular hospital area with curtained cubicles all around the edges. All the people in the cubicles were at various stages of pre- or post-op, and nurses were circulating giving eye drops and checking in on people. I was given a gown to wear over my clothes, a surgical cap like a shower cap, and they started putting drops in my eyes. I knew they were giving me numbing and dilating drops, and other than that the surgery uses Versed for during the surgery. I chatted with the nurse, met the anesthesiologist (who cracked a lot of jokes about the efficiency of the surgeon - "it goes so fast, you won't even have time for a cocktail!"), and before long they had transferred me to a reclining rolling chair and took me in for the pre-op laser treatment. This was the most unpleasant part, as I had to stare unblinking into a bright light while the surgeon counted down. I could feel the anesthesiologist gently stroking my hand. As soon as that procedure was over, the anesthesiologist said "I'm starting the Versed now," and that was the last thing I can recall. In my dim memories I see some blobby colors moving around, like the oil projections at a hippie light show, but otherwise no memory of vision or any discomfort. The nurse gave me some apple juice, called my spouse to pick me up, and then I went home. My surgery had been scheduled for 11, and it was about 2pm.
I had a surgical bandage taped over my eye and was instructed to wear the clear eye shield at night. I felt a little woozy from the anesthetic, so I had chicken broth and some buttered pasta, and then rested in bed with the shades pulled for the rest of the day.
Next day I had a careful shower, hopped on the bus with my surgical bandage on (covered with sunglasses), and went to the clinic for my post-op. They removed the bandage and gave me a quick manual eye test, and handed over my LAL eyeglasses box.
At that point I had a lot of flashing and glare, from the implant, and I felt a bit wobbly in my vision as my eyes moved from side to side. In the days immediately after the surgery, while I noticed a distinct improvement in my vision, I also felt a bit off, and got frequent mild headaches. My old progressives were useless, so I used the LAL reader glasses to read or knit, but I could watch my laptop without any correction, which I hadn't been able to do for about 8 years!
By about a week out, I was noticing the artifacts from the lens less and less, except for when I was at a specific angle standing or sitting under overhead lights. The LAL glasses are ugly and inconvenient, but I wore them indoors and out for the full 5 weeks it took me to get adjusted. I called them my Bono Disguise because even people who knew me would fail to recognize me upon first glance. Sometimes I explained to people why I was wearing them, and sometimes I challenged myself not to explain it at all.
At my first correction (approximately 3 weeks after surgery), they tested my near vision at 20/20 and decided to correct only for astigmatism. In the week after that, I went back and forth about what I wanted to see the most clearly - things very close to my face, or things in the intermediate distance, like someone sitting across the table from me? Ultimately I decided that I could wear readers for close work and have "functional" vision the rest of the time. We decided to lock-in after only one treatment. After the treatment, and after each of the two lock-ins, I noticed a definite shift as my eyes and brain adjusted to the treatment.
The adjustment, involving a weird aluminum contact lens and an eye dilation that meant my iris was invisible, was odd and not pleasant but definitely bearable. Even the two lock-ins were not horrifying for me, but thanks u/texaserin for the warning about it. I joked to the nurse attending the lock-ins, "Oh hi, are you the one who holds my head in place?" Like others, I saw pink for about a week after the second lock-in, which was the brighter one for me. Pink, like millenial pink when looking at anything white with both eyes open, and when I'd close my untreated eye I'd see HOT pink.
What my functional near vision means is that I can focus clearly up to 12" from my face. Closer than that it's blurry, but I can read a book and use my laptop and drive without correction. With a bent arm, I can read the ingredients on a beverage can. I had to get a stick-on magnifying mirror for my bathroom so I could do eyebrow maintenance. Some days, when I'm short on sleep or the weather is very dry, I notice my vision is a bit more blurry, so I've been carrying PF eye drops (Systane PF) with me for touch-ups as needed.
Refraction BEFORE surgery (both eyes)
OD +0.75 sphere +0.50 cyl x046 axis +1.75 ADD
OS -7.50 sphere +1.50 cyl X144 axis +1.75 ADD
Refraction AFTER surgery (OS only)
OS -1.25 sphere +0.50 cyl x148 axis +2.00 ADD
They've listed my near vision now as J1+, or 20/20, which is wild!
submitted by youretoosuspicious to CataractSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:12 Important-Bug8093 25%off huge list A-Z and $30 credit for devices bought in last 45 days

Need a different game? DM me. Over 200 25% discount codes only 4000 characters/post. For an instant $30 device referral claim@ You need to claim before linking your account to Quest. If you have been using Quest for 45 days without claiming the $30 then you need to use the phone app. Go to Menu tab, Devices , headset settings, reset the device. Click the referral. Now start Quest normally. You will now have $30 and can redownload games and resume where you left off
submitted by Important-Bug8093 to MetaQuest_Referrals [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:12 Happy-Composer-5426 22M- from Istanbul-Turkey, looking for friendship

Hello everyone, I am a university student and I want to make friends from different countries and practice English. Learning about different cultures, movies and animes are among my interests. If you want to talk to me, feel free to message me.
submitted by Happy-Composer-5426 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:11 phokingreat Clear Whey Isolate recs

Y'all have any recs for clear whey isolate protein? Better yet, that are also 3rd party tested? Used to purchase from Jym (I know they are not 3rd party tested) but this past Memorial Day sale they sent me a bunch of protein that expires June 10th. I feel like this is a terrible business practice, sending protein that expires in less than two weeks. I've been a long time supporter but will not longer support this brand and looking elsewhere. Why clear whey isolate bc its so much easier for me to drink, than the milky stuff. TIA
submitted by phokingreat to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:10 ar0623 3 failed euploid transfers—1 chemical and 2 total negatives

TW: success/mention of LC
I’ve had a total of 6 or 7 transfers (have lost count honestly) between 2 doctors (switched practices after first 2). My 3rd transfer was a success with 2 untested embryos, one stuck and became my beautiful 5 year old boy who we are immensely grateful for. After that we did a transfer of 1 untested embryo which was a chemical. Then we did another retrieval, got 2 euploids. Transferred each of those separately, one was chemical, one failed to implant at all. 3rd retrieval, we got 4 euploids. Just transferred first one of those and tested negative today.
That totals 3 euploids that have failed. Wouldn’t you say there’s something going on with me that my doctor is missing? Have had several laps although not in a couple of years, have done ERA, all the tests I’m aware of. What would you do? I feel like something needs to change before we try to transfer another embryo.
submitted by ar0623 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:09 MoodAggressive4857 Rate my ghetto setup

Rate my ghetto setup
Sub and speaker in 1st photo are from a Sony home stereo I had a while ago
Rear speakers are some old ass crossfire components
Front doors are stock (car is a 2007)
Stereo is an old pioneer
The sub is running with and old monoblock amp I had, the speakers are running straight from the head unit
I’m honestly impressed on how good it sounds (for what it is). I know it looks super ghetto, but for the price (practically free) it improved the quality A LOT.
submitted by MoodAggressive4857 to CarAV [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:09 joonv2 🔥[FREE TRIAL] Most Reviewed and Successful Reddit Coaching Server JOIN Professional PG/CLOL Challenger Coach - 3,000+ Students Affordable Prices 🔥

🔥[FREE TRIAL] Most Reviewed and Successful Reddit Coaching Server JOIN Professional PG/CLOL Challenger Coach - 3,000+ Students Affordable Prices 🔥
Hey everyone, my name is Joon and I am a GrandmasteChallenger player on the NA server. I also achieved the Master rank in 100 games on the Korean server. I currently have 5 accounts in 5 roles in MasteGM Elo and I constantly play Solo Q to keep up with meta changes (No Season 3-High Elo-washed up player coaching here 😉). I am also a CLOL collegiate coach for Ryerson University-TMU and verified both on Pro Guides ( and the League Coaching subreddit.
Why Choose Me?
More than anything I am very proud of the work and progress that I have achieved with all of my students over the course of years of coaching. I would encourage you, my potential new students, to have a look at the student progress page on my server, where many of my students post frequently showing the tremendous progress that they have made since they started coaching with me ( My approach to each student is individual and I can quickly identify your strengths and weaknesses. Unlike many other coaches, my goal is not to push you to play my playstyle or my champions but to highlight YOUR strengths in your gameplay and minimize any weaknesses you might have.
- Each coaching session takes 1 hour and costs $30 per session.
Do you offer bundles and plans?
- Absolutely, I include a FREE 1-HOUR session for a bundle of 5 sessions. (5 Hours + 1 Free)
Is there a trial session?
- Yes, a trial session lasts around 15 minutes, in which I will review and analyze your OP.GG and watch one of your recent VODs of choice. During the trial session, I will focus on the common fundamental mistakes that you often make as well as point out some windows of opportunities that you tend to miss.
Rank Proof
Unlike many other "High Elo" coaches out there with no proof or accounts dating back to Season 6 or other prehistoric times when the game was completely different, I grind Solo Q on multiple High Elo accounts and servers constantly while reaching top GM+ ranks on every lane from top to bot on different servers (NA, EUW, KR) every season. In the last 2 seasons, I have climbed to Grandmaster + in every role. Accounts are posted on my discord for proof with screenshots and have my students added on my accounts as they tend to refer to my games for their own improvement.
Twitch stream - - Example of a live coaching of a Twitch Streamer (Starts at 1 hour 50 mins into VOD)
What can I expect from the sessions?
  • A Session's format will depend on what you and I both believe would be a better fit for you based on your learning style (practical, theoretical, observing, etc.) and will consist of:
  • VOD Review
  • 1v1 Custom Practice (to apply the theoretical knowledge of mechanics, wave management, trading patterns, recall timers, solo kills etc.)
  • Co-Piloted Live Game
  • Champion-Specific Coaching
  • Duo game with Commentary
  • You can expect Guaranteed Improvement in every aspect of the game such as trading, jungle pathing and ganking routes, wave management, objective control, team fighting, split pushing, increasing your lead, mid and late-game macros, etc.
  • No longer will you run around the map cluelessly after the laning phase is over and question yourself on your next move, you will have ALL YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED.
  • Ever wondered how Smurfs can 1v9 games in your elo? You will learn how to gain and how to push your advantages like a smurf focusing on resource accumulation and keeping your in-game tempo high and close-out games early as well as how to come back from unwinnable games.
  • Your dedication to improving combined with the knowledge I can provide you will result in the growth of Divisions and even Tiers.
❗This is an example of a Full Coaching Session with me:
Recent Achievements:
My recent students climbed from
  • Emerald 1 to CHALLENGER NA (JG MID) in 1 year (coaching overtime)
  • Diamond 2 to Master 190 LP in 2 Sessions (MID) (Updated 300 LP)
  • Master 50 LP to 800 LP Challenger (MID)
  • Diamond 3 to Master 250 LP 3 Sessions (ADC)
  • Diamond 1 to Master 10 LP 1 Session (ADC) (Updated 200 LP)
  • Diamond 3 to Master 100 LP (JG) (Updated 300 LP)
  • Platinum 3 to Master 200 LP (Jungle, Mid, Top)
  • Gold 3 to Master 300 LP (Top Renekton, Fiora)
  • Platinum 3 to Diamond 3 in 3 sessions and 3 weeks (JG)
  • Gold 3 to Diamond 4 in 5 sessions
  • Diamond 2 to Grandmaster 480 LP in 2 sessions! (TOP Riven Updated 600 LP)
  • Platinum 1 to Diamond 1 in 3 weeks (ADC)
  • Silver 2 to Plat 3 in 3 weeks (TOP) (Updated Diamond 1!)
  • Silver 4 to Plat 4 in 1.5 months (MID)
  • Gold 4 to Plat 4 in 3 sessions (MID) (UPDATE - PLAT 2!)
  • Silver 1 to Diamond 4 in 2 months (JG)
  • Diamond 2 to Master in 5 sessions (MID)
  • Platinum 1 to Diamond 2 in 4 sessions (SUPP)
  • Gold 1 to Plat 3 in 1 Session (ADC)
  • Platinum 4 to Diamond 4 (ADC) and many more
Recent Students reaching Grandmaster from Diamond 2 and Diamond 1 from Platinum
A student reaching CHALLENGER from Emerald
All of these achievements and more you can see posted by my students in my Discord Group (
  • Session lasts for 1 hour and the price is $30 per session
  • BUNDLES for Cheaper Price Available
Contact Details
My Discord is - joonvy
Proguides Review Page:
Twitch stream -
submitted by joonv2 to LeagueCoaching [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:09 joonv2 🔥[FREE TRIAL] Most Reviewed and Successful Reddit Coaching Server JOIN Professional PG/CLOL Challenger Coach - 3,000+ Students Affordable Prices 🔥

🔥[FREE TRIAL] Most Reviewed and Successful Reddit Coaching Server JOIN Professional PG/CLOL Challenger Coach - 3,000+ Students Affordable Prices 🔥
Hey everyone, my name is Joon and I am a GrandmasteChallenger player on the NA server. I also achieved the Master rank in 100 games on the Korean server. I currently have 5 accounts in 5 roles in MasteGM Elo and I constantly play Solo Q to keep up with meta changes (No Season 3-High Elo-washed up player coaching here 😉). I am also a CLOL collegiate coach for Ryerson University-TMU and verified both on Pro Guides ( and the League Coaching subreddit.
Why Choose Me?
More than anything I am very proud of the work and progress that I have achieved with all of my students over the course of years of coaching. I would encourage you, my potential new students, to have a look at the student progress page on my server, where many of my students post frequently showing the tremendous progress that they have made since they started coaching with me ( My approach to each student is individual and I can quickly identify your strengths and weaknesses. Unlike many other coaches, my goal is not to push you to play my playstyle or my champions but to highlight YOUR strengths in your gameplay and minimize any weaknesses you might have.
- Each coaching session takes 1 hour and costs $30 per session.
Do you offer bundles and plans?
- Absolutely, I include a FREE 1-HOUR session for a bundle of 5 sessions. (5 Hours + 1 Free)
Is there a trial session?
- Yes, a trial session lasts around 15 minutes, in which I will review and analyze your OP.GG and watch one of your recent VODs of choice. During the trial session, I will focus on the common fundamental mistakes that you often make as well as point out some windows of opportunities that you tend to miss.
Rank Proof
Unlike many other "High Elo" coaches out there with no proof or accounts dating back to Season 6 or other prehistoric times when the game was completely different, I grind Solo Q on multiple High Elo accounts and servers constantly while reaching top GM+ ranks on every lane from top to bot on different servers (NA, EUW, KR) every season. In the last 2 seasons, I have climbed to Grandmaster + in every role. Accounts are posted on my discord for proof with screenshots and have my students added on my accounts as they tend to refer to my games for their own improvement.
Twitch stream - - Example of a live coaching of a Twitch Streamer (Starts at 1 hour 50 mins into VOD)
What can I expect from the sessions?
  • A Session's format will depend on what you and I both believe would be a better fit for you based on your learning style (practical, theoretical, observing, etc.) and will consist of:
  • VOD Review
  • 1v1 Custom Practice (to apply the theoretical knowledge of mechanics, wave management, trading patterns, recall timers, solo kills etc.)
  • Co-Piloted Live Game
  • Champion-Specific Coaching
  • Duo game with Commentary
  • You can expect Guaranteed Improvement in every aspect of the game such as trading, jungle pathing and ganking routes, wave management, objective control, team fighting, split pushing, increasing your lead, mid and late-game macros, etc.
  • No longer will you run around the map cluelessly after the laning phase is over and question yourself on your next move, you will have ALL YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED.
  • Ever wondered how Smurfs can 1v9 games in your elo? You will learn how to gain and how to push your advantages like a smurf focusing on resource accumulation and keeping your in-game tempo high and close-out games early as well as how to come back from unwinnable games.
  • Your dedication to improving combined with the knowledge I can provide you will result in the growth of Divisions and even Tiers.
❗This is an example of a Full Coaching Session with me:
Recent Achievements:
My recent students climbed from
  • Emerald 1 to CHALLENGER NA (JG MID) in 1 year (coaching overtime)
  • Diamond 2 to Master 190 LP in 2 Sessions (MID) (Updated 300 LP)
  • Master 50 LP to 800 LP Challenger (MID)
  • Diamond 3 to Master 250 LP 3 Sessions (ADC)
  • Diamond 1 to Master 10 LP 1 Session (ADC) (Updated 200 LP)
  • Diamond 3 to Master 100 LP (JG) (Updated 300 LP)
  • Platinum 3 to Master 200 LP (Jungle, Mid, Top)
  • Gold 3 to Master 300 LP (Top Renekton, Fiora)
  • Platinum 3 to Diamond 3 in 3 sessions and 3 weeks (JG)
  • Gold 3 to Diamond 4 in 5 sessions
  • Diamond 2 to Grandmaster 480 LP in 2 sessions! (TOP Riven Updated 600 LP)
  • Platinum 1 to Diamond 1 in 3 weeks (ADC)
  • Silver 2 to Plat 3 in 3 weeks (TOP) (Updated Diamond 1!)
  • Silver 4 to Plat 4 in 1.5 months (MID)
  • Gold 4 to Plat 4 in 3 sessions (MID) (UPDATE - PLAT 2!)
  • Silver 1 to Diamond 4 in 2 months (JG)
  • Diamond 2 to Master in 5 sessions (MID)
  • Platinum 1 to Diamond 2 in 4 sessions (SUPP)
  • Gold 1 to Plat 3 in 1 Session (ADC)
  • Platinum 4 to Diamond 4 (ADC) and many more
Recent Students reaching Grandmaster from Diamond 2 and Diamond 1 from Platinum
A student reaching CHALLENGER from Emerald
All of these achievements and more you can see posted by my students in my Discord Group (
  • Session lasts for 1 hour and the price is $30 per session
  • BUNDLES for Cheaper Price Available
Contact Details
My Discord is - joonvy
Proguides Review Page:
Twitch stream -
submitted by joonv2 to LeagueMarket [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:08 Uikdfboltezarke Welcome to UserTested – Your Community for Honest Product Reviews!

Hello, everyone!
Welcome to UserTested, a community where your voice helps everyone make better purchasing decisions. As the moderator, I'm thrilled to have you join us!
Here at UserTested, we’re all about detailed, honest, and unbiased product reviews. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a home chef, or someone exploring new personal care options, this is the place to share your insights and learn from others.
What can you do here?
To ensure we build a respectful and valuable community, please take a moment to read through our community guidelines in the sidebar.
We're excited to see your contributions and how you’ll help shape this community into a fantastic resource for all. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out to me or the mod team.
Happy reviewing!
—Your UserTested Mod Team
submitted by Uikdfboltezarke to Usertested [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:06 Historical-Source597 Is it silly I cried in every single game?

Seriously. I finished all of the first trilogy in one week (I had a lot of free time in a holiday). I got too invested lol. But it's 100% worth it.
Now I'm thinking of jumping to the second trilogy. Too bad there isn't any version for mobile! It's so much more practical, and I think it would help expand the fandom :)
submitted by Historical-Source597 to ProfessorLayton [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:06 ckimrie Grail acquired: Speedmaster Sedna 🔥

Grail acquired: Speedmaster Sedna 🔥
Just acquired my grail: Speedmaster Professional in Sedna 310. and it is incredible.
Years ago I used to buy, sell and trade watches regularly and had a nice collection going until 5yrs ago I liquidated my collection to pay for the floors and kitchen in a new house my wife and I bought (longer story).
Since then I’ve started collecting again and at a much more sedate pace with the principle that I now only buy watches that I’ll never sell.
What I buy now, I will wear until the day I die.
This may seem weird to some (many only buy watches to keep forever), but since I had been flipping and trading for a while this is new to me. It also feels much more conscious and gives me good pause when I see watches.
Which brings me to this stunning Sedna Speedy. What I love about it is its simplicity: It’s pretty easy to understand a solid gold speedmaster. Even non-watch people “get it”.
There’s no real nuance nor is there any need to understand current watch trends (two tone, green dials, steel sports vs vintage etc). It just is what it is.
It’s also why I prefer this model over the moonshine, moonshine green dial, or Canopus. Those overlay a “current” design sensibility on top of the Speedmaster that is of the moment, but not timeless (at least not to me).
This black dial is a 60 year old design that has stood test of time, it just has a rose gold case and bracelet. So I know it’ll still look good in 60 years.
This piece will be the top end of my collection and likely the most expensive watch I’ll ever buy. Also don’t worry, I didn’t pay retail: went grey and practically got this half price RRP.
Photos don’t do it justice, this thing is absolutely gorgeous.
Some will say a tool watch doesn’t belong in precious metal. Whatever man, watches stopped making sense years ago. You do you. I’m having some fun. This thing is immense and gives me a big goofy grin.
Wrist roll here for those who want it!
submitted by ckimrie to OmegaWatches [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:03 SovietDog1342 Test drove the SFL, what do you guys think of this car?

This car really isn’t anything compared to the F3. I really thought this car was kind of a shame. It’s super sticky, and the throttle needs practically no fine touch. I wish they would have worked with the FIA now that they are partnered to upgrade the F3 to the official F3. This car doesn’t seem to compare and I hate to see the F3 player base fall away to use the SFL. Do you guys feel the same? I obviously haven’t put the car through its paces as I only test drove for 20 or so odd laps, but I couldn’t help but feel there could have been a much better car to move F3 fans over to.
submitted by SovietDog1342 to iRacing [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:02 dollmistress Hybrid Working 60% policy implementation

I am writing up a paper on hybrid working. I need a sense check on how the new 60% policy is actually being implemented at practical level across the CS.
Here's the key question: If you take a day off as annual leave, does your department/team -

(a) Count that day as 0% office attendance,
(b) Count that day as 100% office attendance, or
(c) Count it as neither, i.e. the day gets removed from the rolling percentage calculation of your office attendance

I have reason to believe that after the new policy came into force earlier this year, a significant number of departments could be mishandling the practicalities of calculating office attendance against the new target. It appears that a number of them are opting for (c) in error, when the correct approach is option (b).
I can see the 'common sense' reasoning behind adopting (c), because on a superficial level this seems to be balanced, in the sense that staff are not awarded nor penalised for taking days off. However, the net result is that annual leave days are counted, as a whole, as 'neutral to the target'. Therefore, if somebody takes one week off work, that week is effectively counted as having seen 60% office attendance, instead of 100%. This in fact IS penalising staff, and should not be happening.
In all other respects of civil service life, annual leave is treated as a 'free pass'. Each day of annual leave provides the member of staff with the benefit of the doubt, or the best possible assessment, regarding any and all other workplace targets/standards.
Imagine a hypothetical situation whereby the 60% hybrid working target is assessed on a monthly basis, and if a member of staff falls below that percentage, they receive a deducation in their pay. Now imagine a worker who, on the penultimate working day of the month, finds themselves very sightly below 60%. They intend to hit the target on the last day of the month, by coming into the office. Then their partner falls ill suddenly, and the worker is forced to change their plans and take one day's leave on that final day of the month.
Under the current systems implemented, taking that last day as annual leave would result in the member of staff failing to hit 60% for that month, since the day wouldn't count for or against their target. This means the day is treated less favourably than if the person had not taken the day's leave, and attended the office. Due to this, they are then subjected to the pay deduction.
In all other respects of their employment, the day of annual leave 'counts as' doing everything right, like a 'get out of jail free' card. But that's not the case for the current hybrid working policy. The last day they took as leave is 'cost neutral' to the 60% target, effectively counting as 0.6 of an office day, against the overall tracked equation. This cannot be right - I think it's a fundamental logical error in the policy and needs to be addressed asap.
View Poll
submitted by dollmistress to TheCivilService [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:02 darwin33055 Adjusting dose after first blood work

I have been pinning Tuesdays and Fridays, 75 MG Test Cypionate each time for a total of 150mg a week, bloodwork was done Friday morning before pinning. Any advice on how to get estrogen lower and my shog higher, I'm diabetic. Workout 5 times a week. I only take metformin 1000mg twice a day for my sugar control and most recent AlC was 6.1, I'm 5 toot y 246 pounds ano working to get lower as l'm already down 23 pounds since starting. My results from blood test Total T 736 Free T 23.8 Estradiol 51.9 DHEA sulfate 565 SHBG 15.8 Any suggestions ?
submitted by darwin33055 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:01 Important_Phrase 2024-06-04: Sprachenlernen - warum?

Megathread 1324
Warum lernt man heutzutage noch eine Fremdsprache und warum lernt ihr ausgerechnet Deutsch?
Wenn ihr mich glücklich machen wollt, lasst mir ein kleines Upvote da, damit ich weiß, dass ihr mein Thema des Tages lest.
Anleitung auf Deutsch: Wenn ihr über dieses Thema schreiben möchtet, erstellt einen neuen Beitrag mit dem Titel "Streak [Nummer]: [Thema]". Wenn ihr hier einen Kommentar abgeben möchtet, schreibt unten.
Wie immer gilt: Schreibt, was ihr möchtet. Wenn ihr kein Thema habt, dann benutzt eines von uns, und es muss nicht dieses sein. Seht euch die anderen Themen des Tages an.
Denkt daran: Wenn ihr gestern nicht geschrieben habt, ist eure Streaknummer 1!
Anfänger, beginnt mit dem Schreiben! Aus Fehlern lernt man, aber bitte haltet die Länge der Beiträge in etwa auf der Länge von ein bis zwei Tweets (ca. 280 - 560 Zeichen) .
Ihr könnt euch gerne untereinander austauschen (die Beiträge der anderen kommentieren), solange ihr dies in der Sprache tut, die ihr gerade lernt. Je mehr ihr interagiert, desto mehr übt ihr das Schreiben.
Ihr könnt auch den Lernenden eurer Muttersprache in den anderen Writestreak-Untergruppen helfen, ihre Sprache zu korrigieren.
Lesestreaks für alle Sprachen sind auf readstreak möglich!
If you want to write about this topic, make a new post with the title “Streak [number]: [topic]”. If you want to make a comment, write below.
As always, write whatever you like. If you don't have a topic, then use one of ours and it doesn’t have to be this one. Check out other Subjects of the Day on the top menu.
Remember, if you didn’t write yesterday, your streak number is 1!
Beginners, don't hesitate to write. Making mistakes is how you learn, but please keep the length to approximately the length of a tweet (280 characters).
Please feel free to interact with each other (comment on each other's posts) as long as you write it in the language you are learning. The more you interact, the more you practice writing.
You can also help correct language learners of your native language in the other writestreak subs.
Reading streaks for all languages are possible at readstreak ! See you there!
submitted by Important_Phrase to WriteStreakGerman [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:01 bruddagames [Store] Welcome to Brudda's Store featuring Collector's Cache Sets from TI7, TI8, TI9, TI10, Nemestice, and Aghanim's events.

Please don't hesitate to contact me to discuss the sale of my sets at the prices listed below, payable in items.
If you're curious about why you should trust me, consider my extensive track record. I've successfully sold over 1000 sets from events like TI6, TI7, TI8, TI9, TI10, Nemestice, Aghanim's, and Diretide 2022 Collector's.
For checking my gifting Cache Sets history, feel free to review the comments on my profile and verify the sets in their inventory that were gifted by me.
In terms of transaction protocol, the buyer is always goes first. However, if you prefer an added layer of security, we can involve a middleman from this subreddit.
Regarding any concerns about scamming, it's simply not in my best interest. With over 800 cache sets available for sale, my focus is on providing a trustworthy and legitimate service.

Diretide 2022 Collector's Cache II

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Bird of Prey Legion Commander 20+ $15
Grand Suppressor Silencer 20+ $10
Darkbrew's Transgression Alchemist 20+ $15
Transcendent Path Oracle 20+ $15
The Wilding Tiger Brewmaster 20+ $10
Dawn of a Darkness Foretold Doom 20+ $15
Cursed Cryptbreaker Pudge 20+ $15
Feasts of Forever Night Stalker 20+ $10
Darkfeather Factioneer Phantom Assassin 20+ $10
Withering Pain Clinkz 20+ $10
Freeboot Fortunes Ogre Magi 20+ $10
Acrimonies of Obsession Vengeful Spirit 20+ $20
Sacred Chamber Guardian Huskar 20+ $15
War Rig Eradicators Techies 20+ $10
Grudges of the Gallows Tree Treant Protector 20+ $25
Brands of the Reaper Anti-Mage 20+ $40
Sublime Equilibrium Void Spirit 20+ $50

Diretide 2022 Collector's Cache

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Shadowleaf Insurgent Hoodwink 20+ $15
Scarlet Subversion Riki 20+ $15
Whippersnapper Snapfire 20+ $10
Hounds of Obsession Chen 20+ $10
Seadog's Stash Clockwork 20+ $10
Starlorn Adjudicator Dawnbreaker 20+ $15
Spoils of the Shadowveil Spectre 20+ $15
Chines of the Inquisitor Faceless Void 20+ $10
Trophies of the Hallowed Hunt Ursa 20+ $10
Crimson Dawn Phoenix 20+ $10
Forgotten Station Terrorblade 20+ $15
Dirge Amplifier Undying 20+ $15
Champion of the Fire Lotus Monkey King 20+ $10
Deathstitch Shaman Witch Doctor 20+ $10
Blue Horizons Marci 20+ $30
Angel of Vex Invoker 20+ $50
Dark Behemoth Primal Beast 20+ $50

Aghanim's 2021 Collector's Cache

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Scales of the Shadow Walker Phantom Lancer 23 $15
Perception of the First Light Dawnbreaker 22 $15
Apex Automated Clockwerk 22 S $15
Test of the Basilisk Lord Razor 25 $10
Secrets of the Frost Singularity Ancient Apparition 23 $8
Perils of the Red Banks Chen 22 $10
The Chained Scribe Grimstroke 24 $10
Widow of the Undermount Gloom Broodmother 23 S $15
Forgotten Fate Mars 22 $5
March of the Crackerjack Mage Rubick 24 $10
Cosmic Concoctioneers Alchemist 23 $20
Days of the Demon Axe 22 $20
Blightfall Abaddon 23 $15
Pyrexae Polymorph Perfected Ogre Magi 25 $35
Stranger in the Wandering Isles Drow Ranger 10 *C - 3 reserved $35

Nemestice Collector's Cache 2021

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Twilight Hex Dark Willow 23 S 15$
Litany of the Damned Doom 24 15$
Astral Terminus Enigma 23 10$
Caerulean Star Enchantress 22 10$
Arcane Inverter Gyrocopter 22 S 25$
Creed of the Skullhound Lycan 22 S 25$
Desert Bloom Nature's Prophet 23 20$
Silence of the Starweaver Oracle 23 10$
Eyriebound Imperator Skywrath Mage 23 15$
Anthozoan Assault Tiny 23 25$
Defender of the Brumal Crest Winter Wyvern 10 S 10$
Red Sands Marauder Shadow Shaman 23 20$
Footfalls of the Sporefathers Witch Doctor 12 60$

Collector's Cache I 2020

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Ravenous Abyss Underlord 20+ $15
Apocalypse Unbound AA 20+ $10
Beholden of the Banished Ones Warlock 20+ $15
Fury of the Righteous Storm Disruptor 20+ $5
Mindless Slaughter Pudge 20+ $20
Heartless Hunt Bounty 20+ $15
Herald of the Ember Eye Grimstroke 20+ $10
Fissured Flight Jakiro 20+ $10
Flashpoint Proselyte Husker 20+ $15
Signs of the Allfather Nature prophet 20+ $15
Glory of the Elderflame Lina 20+ $35
Origin of the Dark Oath Night Stalker 6 $25
Songs of Starfall Glen Enchantress 20+ $10
Ancient Inheritance Tiny 20+ $30
Forsworn Legacy mars 20+ $50

Collector's Cache II 2020

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Evolution of the Infinite Enigma 20+ $6
Beast of the Crimson Ring bristle back 20+ $15
Clearcut Cavalier Timber 20+ $10
The King Of Thieves Keeper of light 20+ $10
Horror from the Deep Tide 20+ $20
Talons of the Endless Storm chaos knight 20+ $15
Carousal of the Mystic Masquerade Rubick 20+ $6
Crown of Calaphas Shadow demon 20+ $15
Wrath of the Fallen doom 20+ $20
Blacksail Cannoneer Sniper 20+ $10
Secrets of the Celestial 📷 Skywrath mage 20+ $5
Blaze of Oblivion Phoenix 20+ $10
Steward of the Forbidden Chamber Templar Assassin 20+ $25
Claszureme Incursion Void 20+ 70$
Ire of the Ancient Gaoler Arc Warden 6* C 35$
Master of the Searing Path Ember Spirit 3* C 40$

Collector's Cache 2019

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Paean of the Ink Dragon Grimstroke 1*C 15$
The Arts of Mortal Deception Enigma 21 10$
Poacher's Bane Tidehunter 20 10$
Soul of the Brightshroud Death Prophet 21 10$
Curse of the Creeping Vine Undying 6*C +1 25$
Appetites of the Lizard King Slark 18 25$
Riddle of the Hierophant Oracle 20 10$
Defender of Ruin Disruptor 22 25$
Allure of the Faeshade Flower Dark Willow 4 * C - 1 reserved 25$
Pursuit of the Ember Demons Huskar 4* C 25$
Forbidden Medicine Dazzle 3* C 35$
Priest of the Proudsilver Clan Chen 4* C 15$

Collector's Cache II 2019

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Sight of the Kha-Ren Faithful Drow Ranger 31 15$
Tribal Pathways Warlock 30 10$
Directive of the Sunbound Clockwerk 31 10$
Endless Night Abaddon 30 15$
Dapper Disguise Pudge 27 15$
Fury of the Bloodforge Bloodseeker 30 15$
Automaton Antiquity Broodmother 31 10$
Grim Destiny Wraith King 29 10$
Distinguished Expeditionary Tusk 30 10$
Verdant Predator Venomancer 31 10$
Prized Acquisitions Batrider 31 5$
Fowl Omen Necrophos 34 30$
Echoes of the Everblack Abaddon 4*C 25$
Souls Tyrant Shadow Fiend 1 * C 45$
Tales of the Windward Rogue Pangolier 3 * C 45$

The International 2018 Collector's Cache I

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Trail of the Sanguine Spectrum Bloodseeker 20 10$
Insights of the Sapphire Shroud Dark Seer 18 4$
Pillar of the Fractured Citadel Spirit Breaker 21 $10
The Murid Divine Necrophos 22 25$
Molokau Stalker Venomancer 21 $10
Morbific Provision Witch Doctor 22 10$
Raptures of the Abyssal Kin Queen of Pain 20 15$
Grasp of the Riven Exile Weaver 20 5$
Fate Meridian Invoker 2 *C 30$
Visions of the Lifted Veil Phantom Assassin 1 *C 40$
Grasp of the Riven Exile Weaver 4 *C 20$

The International 2018 Collector's Cache II

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Pitmouse Fraternity Meepo 37 10$
Fires of the Volcanic Guard Ember Spirit 37 10$
Shackles of the Enduring Conscript Axe 37 S 6$
Shimmer of the Anointed Nyx Assassin 29 5$
Loaded Prospects Brewmaster 39 15$
Ire of Molten Rebirth Phoenix 36 10$
Pattern of the Silken Queen Broodmother 26 5$
Third Awakening Dragon Knight 7 *C -2nonR 35$
Dread Ascendance Doom 5 *C 40$
Raiments of the Obsidian Forge Underlord 22 20$

The International 2017 Collector's Cache

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Rumrunner's Carronade Brew master 20 15$
Abyssal Vortex Enigma 27 10$
Samareen Sacrifice Huskar 22 10$
Shadowforce Gale Luna 24 20$
Mechalodon Interdictor Gyrocopter 27 + 3*C 15$
Cunning Corsair Riki 24 20$
Pressure Regulator Clockwerk 3 *C 20$
Meranth Dragoon Sven 2 *C 35$
The Dread Prophet Nature's Prophet 2 *C 35$
Riptide Raider Monkey King 2 *C - 1nonrev 20$

The International 2016 Collector's Cache

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Nightsilver's Resolve luna 2 M* dtygod* 20$
Oni Knight the Dark Conqueror Chaos Knight 3C + 2 dtygod dopey* 20$
Rising Glory Magnus 2C+ 1 moiz 20$
Dirgeful Overlord Undying 3 *C 25$
Iceburnt Elegy Winter Wyvern 1 *C 25$
Wartorn Heavens Zeus 1 *C 35$
I've updated my policy and no longer entertain joy riders. If you're interested in adding me, I request a $3 deposit in items upon adding me.
This $3 deposit will be deducted from your total set cost.
Please refrain from adding me if you're not comfortable with the listed prices.
Keep in mind that prices are subject to change, and sets may go out of stock even if you're waiting for one, as someone else may purchase it before you.
If you're interested in reserving sets, please make sure to do so.
submitted by bruddagames to Dota2Trade [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:01 Batista_Mancher Do you thnik he is correct

Do you thnik he is correct
Salute, Commanders!
Today, we’ve received the latest report from the War Cabinet Strategists. In their tests and labs, Deimos has been rated as the strongest 4-Star DPS hero in Drake’s Chasm!
What are your thoughts and opinions? Feel free to share!
submitted by Batista_Mancher to WatcherofRealmsGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:01 Shybella_1114 Looking for a server to host your favorite game?

Looking for a server to host your favorite game? Hey fellow gamers on Reddit! Are you in search of a reliable and high-performance server for your favorite games? Look no further than! Here's why they might just be the best choice for hosting your game server.
Why Choose BananaServers?
1. Wide Range of Supported Games BananaServers offers server support for a plethora of popular games including Minecraft, Rust, ARK: Survival Evolved, and many more. Whether you’re into survival games, creative sandbox experiences, or intense strategy games, they have you covered.
2. Rapid Server Setup One of the standout features of BananaServers is their quick setup process. You can have your server up and running in less than 10 minutes! This is perfect for gamers who want to dive right into the action without lengthy setups.
3. 24-Hour Free Trials Not sure if BananaServers is right for you? They offer a 24-hour trial period for all their servers—absolutely free and no credit card required. This allows you to test the server with your specific game and see if it meets your needs before committing.
4. User-Friendly Management Panel BananaServers uses the Peel panel, a user-friendly server management interface that makes it easy for both beginners and experienced server admins to manage their game servers. Whether you need to install mods, adjust server settings, or manage backups, it’s all streamlined through their intuitive panel.
5. Competitive Pricing With plans starting as low as $1.00 per month, BananaServers provides affordable options without compromising on quality or performance. They also offer scalable options to grow with your gaming needs, ensuring you always have the right amount of resources.
6. Robust Security Online security is a major concern for many gamers, especially when running popular servers. BananaServers provides advanced security features, including DDoS protection, to keep your server safe from attacks and ensure stable gameplay.
7. Stellar Customer Support BananaServers boasts a dedicated support team that’s available 24/7 to help with any issues you might encounter. Whether it's a technical glitch or a billing question, their knowledgeable staff is there to assist you promptly.
Website: Discord:
submitted by Shybella_1114 to Bananaservers [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:59 AdvancedLifeCoaching Overweight, Obesity, and Dating: A Comprehensive Guide to Lose Weight That Stays off for Dating Success.

In today's dating world, Physical Fitness plays a crucial role in Attraction. Both men and women tend to Prefer Partners who are Fit, as it is often associated with health, vitality, and Attractiveness.
This article delves into the impact of overweight and obesity on dating and reveals a unique approach to weight loss that aligns seamlessly with enhancing your dating life.
### The Impact of Fitness on Attraction
Men are inherently Visual Creatures. For many High-Value men, excess weight can be a significant Turn-Off. Similarly, women often find Fit, Masculine Men more Appealing.
In Western societies, if a woman is slim, she automatically falls into the top 20% of Women for Attractiveness. This visual appeal can often be the difference between securing a date or being relegated to the friend zone.
### Losing Weight Without Diets or Strenuous Exercise
Traditional weight loss methods often Fail because they focus on Restrictive Diets and Intense Exercise Regimens which burns only sugar, and Definitely Slow Down Metabolism and lead to frustration and eventual Weight Gain.
Instead, a more Effective Approach, and a Guarantee of Success, involves changing Lifestyle Habits at the Subconscious Level. Nothing Else Will Work Permanently
#### The Power of Walking
Walking is the Ultimate Fat-Burning Exercise. Unlike Heavy Workouts that Predominantly burn Sugar, brisk walking burns fat more efficiently. The key is to walk as fast as you can without getting out of breath. This simple yet powerful exercise aligns with the body's natural rhythms and promotes sustainable weight loss, by building up Fat Burning Muscle Mass, instead of Sugar-burning exercises like weightlifting etc.
#### Subconscious Reprogramming
Achieving a healthy weight and an Attractive Physique goes beyond physical activity. It involves Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind to adopt Healthier habits Effortlessly.
Techniques such as learning to function at the Alpha and Theta Brainwave Levels, makes changing Lifestyle Habits really easy with “No Struggle”. But more importantly it supports lasting change.
This Mental Movie as I like to call it, practiced during relaxed brainwave states, accelerates habit formation, and all other aspects of life.
### The Holistic Approach to Attractiveness
Attractiveness is not just about physical appearance; it encompasses emotional well-being and confidence. By focusing on holistic practices that balance both physical and emotional health, you can enhance your overall appeal. This approach Reduces Stress, fosters a positive self-image, and ultimately makes you more Attractive to potential partners.
In conclusion, being fit plays a significant role in dating success. However, the journey to fitness need not be strenuous or stressful. By incorporating walking and Subconscious Reprogramming into your daily routine, you can achieve a healthy, attractive physique that boosts your dating prospects and overall well-being.
Unlock the Secrets to Your Success! 🚀
Join our \*FREE 2-Hour Live Masterclass*\** and Experience the transformative power of Alpha Brainwave Levels. Learn how to create "The Movie in Your Mind" correctly—a technique most people get wrong, which is why it doesn't work for 95% of them.
In this exclusive session, you'll gain Practical Tools to Reprogram your Subconscious Mind and Achieve your goals faster than ever before.
### What You Will Learn:
  1. \*Experience Alpha Brainwave Levels*\**: Discover how to Access and utilize these Brainwave States to Enhance your Mental Clarity and Creativity.
  2. \*The Movie in Your Mind*\**: Master the right way to visualize your goals, ensuring your mental movies lead to real-world success, That’s the Secret to Attracting a High-Value Partner.
  3. \*Subconscious Reprogramming*\**: Learn techniques to change deep-seated habits and thought patterns effortlessly, and boost Confidence Big-Time
This is the Ultimate Secret to Dating Success
Don't miss this opportunity to transform your life. Click the link below to register your seat now!
\*[Register for the Free Masterclass]*\**
***Limited Seats Available—Secure Yours Today!\***
submitted by AdvancedLifeCoaching to True_Love_Secrets [link] [comments]