Username and password for corbin fisher

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2022.01.04 14:18 GarantBM AlgotradingML - Algotrading with Machine Learning - MLTraders 2022

Community for People with interest in Algorithmic Trading with Machine Learning background

2014.01.14 03:08 Zamboniman - An auto switching scrypt coin mining pool

WafflePool is a multi-coin (scrypt) mining pool. Point your miner to WafflePool with a Bitcoin address as your username, and we take care of automatically mining the most profitable coin at all times, converting the earnings from each coin into Bitcoins, and paying you out in bitcoins! Mining alt-coins and converting to bitcoin is very often orders of magnitude more valuable than mining Bitcoin directly! No registration, no hassles, just point and start getting paid!

2018.08.11 19:45 superquanganh FTiOS Team

This sub is no longer active

2024.06.05 08:32 penguineric Instagram Account Hacked Support Page Not Working

My instagram got hacked. The hacker changed my phone number, email, and password. They set two-factor authentication on their side as well. I tried getting back my account through the "If you think your Instagram account has been hacked" functionality of the Help Center. After following the link, I click, the button "My account was hacked" and then type in my username. Then, the page loads for a bit, then redirects me to the Help Center. I don't think this functionality is working
Is there anyway I could access my account? Could I email instagram somehow? I want to do video selfie to get my account back.
submitted by penguineric to Instagram [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:50 AlexKeris Is there a way to find the 4 digit disc ID?

You guys remember when discord had ID codes and it would be like username#0000 well discord got rid of that feature I think and now I can’t remember my code for the life of me :( in my notes app I have a locked note full of important information but the password is that 4 digit code and I totally forgot it. Is there a way to find it?
submitted by AlexKeris to discordapp [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:42 Short-Result-8819 This is about my AJC account... please help!

ok, so... listen to me guys... its been around 6 years since i last logged into my account... i really missed this game... and my account still exists! i know it for sure... but u do not remember my password at all... i've tried everything i could think of...
the thing is, i do not have a parents email attached to my account... from what i remember, at the time u could create an account without any need of an parent email... and so i have no way of resetting the password...
i've tried contacting AJ support but i get no answer from them more than a few days now...
i do remember my username which was 1ninja100... i remember that my first character i chose was a penguin... and i had alot and ALOT of stuff...
please... i'm so desperate... i just want to play the game again... can anyone help me?🥺
submitted by Short-Result-8819 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 07:12 arlocamhelpdesk Arlo app for android phone not working: +1-888-464-7211 Call

Call +1-888-464-7211. Arlo cameras are a popular choice for home security due to their high-quality video and ease of use. However, like any technology, you might encounter issues, particularly with the Arlo app on your Android phone. If you're experiencing problems, don't worry—you're not alone, and there are several steps you can take to get things back on track. Here, we'll explore common issues and provide practical solutions. If you need further assistance, you can always call Arlo support at +1-888-464-7211.

Common Issues with the Arlo App on Android

  1. App Crashing or Not Opening
    • Cause: This could be due to a bug in the app, outdated software, or compatibility issues with your phone's operating system.
    • Solution: Ensure your Arlo app is updated to the latest version. Go to the Google Play Store, find the Arlo app, and update if necessary. Restart your phone and try opening the app again.
  2. Unable to Log In
    • Cause: Incorrect login credentials or network issues can prevent you from logging in.
    • Solution: Double-check your username and password. If you've forgotten your password, use the 'Forgot Password' feature to reset it. Ensure your internet connection is stable.
  3. Live Feed Not Working
    • Cause: This can be caused by poor Wi-Fi connectivity, app glitches, or camera issues.
    • Solution: Make sure your camera is properly connected to Wi-Fi and that your internet connection is strong. Restart the camera and your router. Reinstall the Arlo app if the problem persists.
  4. Notifications Not Appearing
    • Cause: Notification settings might be misconfigured, or the app might not have the necessary permissions.
    • Solution: Check your phone’s notification settings to ensure the Arlo app is allowed to send notifications. Also, go into the Arlo app’s settings to verify that notifications are enabled.
  5. App Freezing or Lagging
    • Cause: This might be due to low phone memory, too many background processes, or app bugs.
    • Solution: Close all background apps to free up memory. Clear the cache for the Arlo app through your phone’s settings. If the problem continues, reinstall the app.

Steps to Fix Common Issues

  1. Update the Arlo App
    • Open the Google Play Store.
    • Search for the Arlo app.
    • If an update is available, tap "Update."
  2. Check Internet Connection
    • Ensure your phone is connected to Wi-Fi or mobile data.
    • Test your connection by opening a web page or another app that requires internet.
  3. Reinstall the Arlo App
    • Go to "Settings" > "Apps" > "Arlo."
    • Tap "Uninstall."
    • Open the Google Play Store, search for the Arlo app, and tap "Install."
  4. Reset the Camera
    • Follow the instructions in your camera’s manual to reset it to factory settings.
    • Reconnect the camera to your network.

When to Contact Support

If you've tried these solutions and the Arlo app on your Android phone is still not working, it may be time to contact Arlo customer support. The technical team can provide detailed assistance and help resolve more complex issues.

Contact Arlo Support

For further assistance, reach out to Arlo support at +1-888-464-7211. The support team is available to help troubleshoot your issues and ensure your Arlo system is functioning correctly.
submitted by arlocamhelpdesk to u/arlocamhelpdesk [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:55 aaagggmmm Old account- is it worth it?

so i played webkinz when i was a kid and now i’m 21 and started playing in december and i’ve played every day since opening a new account!! i even got a deluxe membership for my birthday. i know a lot of accounts got purged, but i did peek into my childhood account a few years ago randomly. i’m wondering if people think it would still be there because of that random checkin i did? the username and password don’t work at regular login but i know you can reach out and they might be able to help if you have certain info. but my biggest question is…. is it worth it? i know that might sound crazy because so many people are devastated about NOT being able to get into their old accounts, but my new one has 5 pets and my old one definitely has like 30. i know i’d have to get at least a full membership to mail anything to myself, which means id have to get a pet on that account, which means id feel obligated to play on that account to avoid just adopting a pet and never interacting with it…… i just don’t know!!! it seems really overwhelming but i am also pretty curious if i had anything super cool on there and obviously for nostalgia’s sake too. should i try to recover my account?!
submitted by aaagggmmm to Webkinz [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:09 Honest_Passion4811 Android Frustration

I had been an Apple user for some time, had bitwarden setup and used it regularly.
Now I'm not sure if its just became apparent because I've changed to android, or if it was like this on the apple system as well.
When creating a new login, say on a website, new app - sometimes bitwarden will prompt to save the password. The app will load, but there will be no username, or password populated. I have to re-enter the details that I just setup.
So for example, I've just registered for a new APP, generated a secure password etc. Bitwarden pops up asking to save the credentials. I've now got to try and find that password that was generated again or just ignore it all together.
Am i doing something wrong here? If bitwarden showed up before i created the account that would be an even better scenario, but it only ever seems to do so AFTER.
submitted by Honest_Passion4811 to Bitwarden [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:32 Excellent-Flight185 I am hacked via Telegram advice needed

At first I was suspecting that I was hacked but now I’m 100% sure that I have been hacked unfortunately (I know this is true because the hacker has shown me my private images). This all started about two months ago I was contacted by a strange account on Telegram which is weird because I do not interact with new people often and my telegram username is highly unique and also I do not have my phone number visible to anyone on the app. Regardless, this person had found my account and told me they want to be friends but I got creeped out and blocked them. I started running a Telegram channel for and I send motivational and positive things in it (I only have about 30 members) but then I noticed something strange, that the same person I blocked two months ago actually entered my channel! So I unblocked them to ask them how they got access to my channel and access to my account and then they revealed to me that they hacked my telegram account and got access to all my private communications and everything and had also hacked the phones of certain people I was communicating. They claim that my personal images were in these other peoples phones and he showed proof of one of the pictures. After this I don’t know what to do, I am so scared and I feel sick to my stomach. I had highly sensitive documents stored on my phone from the times I was traveling and I have so many accounts I have no idea how I will be able to get my passwords all changed in time. The person is claiming they will delete all the pictures but I feel like they will never leave me alone after this, also many of the pictures are from private facetime calls. I’m a US citizen but i’m currently on family vacation in my home country where honor killings are normal and practice, this person who hacked my phone is also from this country and I have no idea how they had the resources to do this. I just want the pictures gone and the person out of my devices. I am scared for my life at this point, and I don’t know what I did wrong to this person to deserve this.
submitted by Excellent-Flight185 to Sextortion [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:10 nothinglively help with ps3 login

hello to anyone who sees this, i am currently trying my hardest to login to my ps3 account i've had for a couple years. i'm unsure of what password i used, and unfortunately i do not have the old phone number i had before, i don't know the answer to the security question, and i have no idea what birthday year i put in for my account (but i do know the month and day, i just know i liked to fudge the year when i was younger). i keep trying to use the chatbot for support, but anytime i say my username when they ask for it, the bot just does not respond. why? idk. it's the only method of support they offer for this, and i have no idea what else to do. any help would be appreciated, i don't want to lose this account.
submitted by nothinglively to playstation [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:00 livia2lima Day 3 - Power trip!


You may have been logging in as an ordinary user at your server, yet you're probably aware that root is the power user on a Linux system. This administrative or "superuser" account, is all powerful - and a typo in a command could potentially cripple your server. As a sysadmin you're typically working on systems that are both important and remote, so avoiding such mistakes is A Very Good Idea.
In ancient times, sysadmins used to login as root in production systems, but it’s now common Best Practice to discourage or disallow login directly by root and instead to give specified trusted users the permission to run root-only commands via the sudo command.


Check out the demo


Global: programs/environments that any user can use, used across the system. A global change affects all users.
Local or By user: programs/environments that a particular user runs, not available to other users. A local change affects only one user.


There are 3 types of users in a Linux system:
We will get into more detail about users and their permissions on Day 13 and Day 14.


If you created a VM with one of the big VPS providers, root is already "disabled" and your default user (ubuntu, azureuser, etc) already has sudo powers.
However, if you really, really want to use root, there are ways to do it in AWS, Azure and GCP. But do it at your own risk!
However, if you created a VM locally or with other VPS providers, it is very likely that you have your root user readily available.
Stop using root. If you followed the guides, you should have created a regular user and added it to a sudoers group, like this:
adduser snori74 usermod -a -G sudo snori74 
Adding a regular user to a group with sudo priviledges is the easiest way to do it, as the sudo group is pretty standard in Ubuntu. But this can also be accomplished by modifying the /etc/sudoers using the command visudo.
Login with this new user from now on. Use whoami to print the user name you logged on with.


If you're using a password to login (rather than public key), then now is a good time to ensure that this is very strong and unique - i.e. at least 10 alphanumeric characters - because your server is fully exposed to bots that will be continuously attempting to break in. This is specially important if you're still using root.
Use the passwd command to change your password.
To do this, think of a new, secure password, then simply type passwd, press “Enter” and give your current password when prompted, then the new one you've chosen, confirm it - and then WRITE IT DOWN somewhere. In a production system of course, public keys and/or two factor authentication would be more appropriate.


Your server is protected by the fact that its security updates are up to date, and that you've set Long Strong Unique passwords - or are using public keys. While exposed to the world, and very likely under continuous attack, it should be perfectly secure.
Next week we'll look at how we can view those attacks, but for now it's simply important to state that while it's OK to read up on "SSH hardening", things such as changing the default port and fail2ban are unnecessary and unhelpful when we're trying to learn - and you are perfectly safe without them.


Once you've reconnected back:
Normally invoking the sudo command will ask you to re-confirm your identity with your password. However, this can be changed in the sudoers configuration file so it does NOT prompt for a password. We talk about it in more detail in Day 13.


We will go into detail of the many things you can do to your server, but here are some examples of simple administrative tasks that require sudo.
If you wish to, you can now rename your server. Traditionally you would do this by editing two files, /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts and then rebooting - but the more modern, and recommended, way is to use the hostnamectl command, like this:
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname mylittlecloudbox 
No reboot is required but if you want to see the new name in the prompt, just open a new session with bash (or logoff and login again, same effect).
For a cloud server, you might find that the hostname changes after a reboot. To prevent this, edit /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg and change the "preserve_hostname" line to read:
preserve_hostname: true 
You might also consider changing the timezone your server uses. By default this is likely to be UTC (i.e. GMT) - which is pretty appropriate for a worldwide fleet of servers. You could also set it to the zone the server is in, or where you and your headquarters are. For a company this is a decision not to be taken lightly, but for now you can simply change as you please!
First check the current setting with:
Then get a a list of available timezones:
timedatectl list-timezones 
And finally select one, like this:
sudo timedatectl set-timezone Australia/Sydney 
The major practical effects of this are (1) the timing of scheduled tasks, and (2) the timestamping of the logs files kept under /valog. If you make a change, there will naturally be a "jump" in the dates and time recorded.


As a Linux sysadmin you may be working on client or custom systems where you have little control, and many of these will default to doing everything as root. You need to be able to safely work on such systems - where your only protection is to double check before pressing Enter.
On the other hand, for any systems where you have full control, setting up a "normal" account for yourself (and any co-admins) with permission to run sudo is recommended. While this is standard with Ubuntu, it's also easy to configure with other popular server distros such as Debian, CentOS and RHEL.
Even with that, it's important to take the necessary precautions before making global changes, to prevent accidentally locking yourself out or other issues. Practices like using a test environment, checking for syntax errors and typos, and keeping an eye on the log files, will eventually become second nature.


What's difference between "sudo -i" and "sudo -s"?

Both sudo -i and sudo -s are commands that allow a user to obtain root privileges on a Unix-based system. However, they have some differences in how they function.
In summary, sudo -i is more powerful and creates a new shell with the full environment of the root user, while sudo -s is less powerful and only launches a new shell with the root user's privileges but with the same environment as the current user.



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submitted by livia2lima to linuxupskillchallenge [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 00:19 iNodeuNode Getting all domain users accounts to show Win 11 Pro login

Used to have success on Windows 10 Pro, but having some difficulty figuring out how to get multiple users to remain appearing on the login screen for Windows 11 Pro machines that are domain-joined. Customer has some offices where 2 or 3 people will share a single workstation on different shifts (of course each with a different domain login). They hate remembering their login name and of course want their login name to show so they just have to type in their password.
My searching netted the following commands in gpedit which I tried all but these aren't doing the trick, so far only the last logged in user is appearing:
What else am I missing?
submitted by iNodeuNode to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:43 Illustrious-Goat2839 2015 HTC EVO 3D locked out

So I was cleaning out my old room and I just found max Evo 3D from like Middle School or high School, and in an attempt to try and get into it to look at my old Minecraft worlds, I managed to lock myself out of it to where it shows " too many pattern attempts, Enter username and password."
I'm pretty sure I know the email that goes to the phone, but I'm not positive. And I definitely don't remember what my password was 10 years ago.
Is there any way for me to get into the phone without factory resetting it?
It was bought from Sprint a long long time ago.
submitted by Illustrious-Goat2839 to dumbphones [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:25 DUKE_LEETO_2 RPCV Portal signup

Struggling to sign up for an account through the RPCV Portal to request proof of service for Coverdell scholarship. Is there a number to call? My emails have gone unresponsive to and it's time sensitive given they need 7 to 10 business days to process the request.
My username they sent me doesn't exist, codes don't work. Reset password doesn't work...
submitted by DUKE_LEETO_2 to peacecorps [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:23 IDislikeHomonyms The moment after I got off the phone with USAA, I got this fake USAA text. What's, anyway? And how do scammers "know" I was on a call with USAA? Or how was that kind of timing so perfect?

I typed a FAKE username and password (the fakeness is obvious as you can see) just to see what would happen. I got a red warning page from Chrome.
And Can someone look up the background info for that crisrogers domain?
submitted by IDislikeHomonyms to USAA [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 23:10 Visible_Price_2835 How Safe and Secure is This Password Storage Method?

I have multiple different usernames and passwords I use on a daily basis and I have been looking into ways of how to access them easily. Until recently I have stored my login information in the passwords area of my iPhone, but I am constantly being notified that I must change them and that they were in a data breach.
I have now decided I would write down all of my usernames and passwords by hand and then take a picture of the login information. Since my phone has face ID and the only way a physical person would be able to look at my login information would be if they opened up my phone and looked at my photos, what are the security risks associated with this method? Could a hacker easily find my login info through an unmarked photo with written text that are my passwords, or would it be a more secure method than storing my passwords in Apple settings? Nowadays it seems like nothing is off limits for hackers and I was confident that this method would be perfect but I am now having my doubts. Thank you for any help you can provide.
submitted by Visible_Price_2835 to cybersecurity_help [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:59 HourReplacement ClearPass & local Windows users while using LAPS

We're running into an issue where our Windows computers can't use the local administrator account and do .1X auth because, if you put it into the local db in clearpass, you need the password, but we're utilizing LAPS so that password is different on each computer. Is there a way to somehow whitelist a username so that if ClearPass sees it, it doesn't have to ask for the password - or is there some other way around our issue?
submitted by HourReplacement to ArubaNetworks [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:02 kritonis Digital Business Concierge services

Digital Business and Executive Protection Concierge Service
In today’s interconnected world, digital business operations and executive protection are more critical than ever. As businesses embrace digital transformation, executives face increased threats to their personal and professional lives. A Digital Business and Executive Protection Concierge Service provides a comprehensive solution to safeguard digital assets and personal safety, ensuring executives’ business continuity and peace of mind.
Deleteme is a pioneer in the executive online search model; with our global digital footprint, we search the web and databases of companies and CEOs, and company executives and can also include key employees, presenting you all in the most reliable Report with information such as Education, work experience, checks, News, and more. can offer you an extensive research-focused background check on your candidate on request. also provides tailor-made and comprehensive cybersecurity solutions.
What is a Digital Business and Executive Protection Concierge Service?
A Digital Business and Executive Protection Concierge Service offers tailored security solutions for businesses and their executives. This service combines cybersecurity measures with personal protection strategies to address the unique risks faced by high-profile individuals and their organizations. Deleteme: After we locate the pastes and web links, we can proceed to delete them.
Find out how popular you are on the dark web.
Account information exposed in data breaches can lead to identity theft. Deleteme checks if your private information appears in known data breaches. Deleteme and partners scan the dark web and can help you protect your Identity. A dark web scan discovered that your personal and financial information was for sale.
Digital Risks to Executives that deleteme can assist you
Key Components of the Service
Cybersecurity and Privacy Management Services
Threat Intelligence: Continuous monitoring of potential cyber threats targeting the business and its executives. This includes scanning for data breaches, phishing attempts, and other cyber-attacks, including emails, telephone domains, etc.
Digital Footprint Reduction: Regularly scanning and removing (on request) executives’ personal information from online sources to reduce the risk of targeted attacks. We scan emails, names, usernames, passwords, and more.
Reputation Management: Monitoring online mentions and social media activity to manage and protect the executive’s personal and professional reputation.
Identity Protection: Providing services to prevent identity theft, including monitoring for unusual activity and securing personal information. Monitoring dark web, leaks, breaches, and stealer logs
Our Deleteme Digital Concierge services include.
Digital Trail Your Business Leaves Behind on the Worldwide and Dark Web.
Comprehensive identity verification is seamlessly integrated with in-depth investigation details and insightful analysis, all conveniently presented on a single page for a holistic and efficient overview.
Data and analysis detect leaks that have been accessed by unauthorized parties, including also IP Blacklist Check, IP location if IP Is Crawler, and more.
domain dark & deep web solution that enables organizations to identify threats across the dark web. Include Leaked Logs from Infected Machines, usernames, passwords, Leaked Data Relations with employees related to the company domain, and more.
Malicious Tools that Steal Sensitive Data from Infected Computers. Single Malware Scan on Breaches, Credentials, Leaks, and Stealer Logs. Results include domains, emails, usernames, and passwords.
A Powerful Tool for Auditing Individual Data and Risk.
We are Monitoring for malicious activities targeting your organization’s business cards.
Use the internet search formula to search for your name if it appears on multiple International financial centers, Sanctions, Cyprus, USA, and their courts, Doxbin, social media, and internet research. We can monitor social media, court, web news, and other sources. This search can also be customized according to the client’s needs. You can search by name or company. Note: From Cyprus, including court cases, cysec, and the official Gazette.
Ransomware is a sophisticated class of malware that blocks access to files and holds that data hostage until a ransom is paid. Cybercriminals use social engineering, malvertisement, brute force attacks, third-party apps, and other threat vectors to sneak ransomware onto a user’s system. We monitor daily the dark web.
Executive Scan and Alert your digital footprint with a range of Services of your choice.
Removing Personal and Business Info and Content from the Internet. After you locate your personal or business data, we can go ahead and delete it.
Benefits of a Digital Business and Executive Protection Concierge Service
Are we providing API?
Yes, all services can also be provided as API upon request, depending on the specific case.
Conclusion and Why to Choose
In an era where digital threats and personal risks are constantly evolving, Deleteme Digital Business and Executive Protection Concierge Service is an invaluable resource for businesses and their employees. By combining advanced cybersecurity measures with comprehensive personal protection strategies, this service ensures the safety and security of executives and their organizations. Don’t make it easy for just anyone to gain access to information about you. Learn just how vulnerable your executives are in their personal digital lives;
Personal digital lives are vulnerable. To find out how to implement such services in your organization, contact us now!
Your Deleteme Team
submitted by kritonis to justdeleteme [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 21:02 jescereal How I fixed adding my provider playlist and epg to Tivimate

I figured someone else that’s dumb like me might be struggling so here’s how I fixed it.
The m3u url the provider gave me was just not working. It kept failing I asked the provider for a tivimate specific url and it worked!
But after poking around the account portal, there is a place where I’d be able to get this link. All that was missing from the link provided initially was “:8080”
Obviously different providers have different links, but I needed number for it to work.
On to the EPG… That was also not working with their provided link. And quite honestly I’m still not sure how to modify the link to work. I was able to add “:8080” to the link and download the xml file on my phone. But tivimate kept failing to get the file.
Now onto how I redid everything so I got both the EPG and playlist at the same time:
I reset everything and used “Xtream Codes login” on the initial setup.
For the server address, I used the website in the m3u file as the website. So in my case,
Then for username and password, I also used the provided info. It can also be copied from the m3u address.
This added the EPG file as well as the playlist both at once and I didn’t have to do anything.
Hope this helps someone.
submitted by jescereal to TiviMate [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:58 Financial_Word_4033 Is there a way to recover my account?

My phone was stolen, on it I had my instagram account, and my email logged into. The email I used to sign up for instagram was a throwaway I’ve forgotten the name and password of. I know the instagram username but not the password (forgetful as fuck I know). I don’t have any identifiable pictures on the account. Is there a way to recover it.
submitted by Financial_Word_4033 to Instagram [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:38 MisterLenz Legacy account from 2005 hacked - advice please

Dear all,
I know everyone has seen a similar post like this before, but here goes.
I need advice on how to recovery my legacy account (user: Liberty Cap). I made this account back in 2005 during the golden days and have played since then with some breaks in-between (you never truly quit). With the birth of my daughter, I have been playing sparsely here and there.
I was in a call with my brother this afternoon, who still actively plays OSRS, and decided to jump on today. After 3 attempts, I realized my account was hacked, which absolutely puzzles me, because:
  1. Legacy username is not the same as my in-game name and nobody knows my username name (besides my brother and my deceased father). Username is my deceased father's name. All of us played Runescape.
  2. I have an authenticator.
  3. I don't interact with any jagex or obvious phishing emails.
  4. I have a dedicated antivirus and consider myself to be fairly aware of what I'm doing online, but no cybersecurity specialist by any stretch.
  5. I have almost nothing on my pc and have no reason to visit odd webpages. My PC was only used for gaming (League, Warframe, The Witcher, OSRS) and administrative purposes.
I never upgraded to the Jagex Launcher.
On May 21, I got an email from [noreply@a.jagex.c0m](mailto:noreply@a.jagex.c0m) about a password reset request. I did not engage this email, as I typically regard most emails as phishing emails and have lurked enough on this sub to not fall for that.
I have nearly all the information to my account including past passwords, exact date of creation, location of creation (can even provide the street name), billing account, etc. The only thing I don't have is the internet provider. This was 19 years ago, I was a kid living in Switzerland at the time and I can't, for the life of me, remember. My dad would know, but yeah, I can't communicate with the dead. That being said, I doubt that one detail is grounds for a denial.
I'm sure the account is cleaned, but I don't care about the GP, I wasn't doing much on the account anyway since I maxed long ago. I just want my account back for the sentimental value and in memory of the good times my brother, dad and I played together.
What can I do at this point? Can a Jagex Mod give this attention please?
Edit: Spelling
submitted by MisterLenz to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:12 The_wandering_kiwi Authenticator key (TOTP)... Setup confusion

Hi, I'm in the process of allowing Bitwarden to manage passwords for a few of my accounts and I'm a bit confused by some of the details when viewing the logins that Bitwarden is now managing. In the browser extension when I view a login e.g. Facebook and I click on edit there's a whole bunch of things filled in username, password, URI etc. but the Authenticator key (TOTP) section doesn't have anything filled in. Should I be filling something in there?
I have 2FA setup using 2FAS Authenticator and I'm also using 2FAS' browser extension. I can login fine with Bitwarden and 2FAS managing the 2FA side of things. I'm just confused by that Authenticator key section within my Bitwarden vault.
Similiarly in the android app when I view a specific login e.g. Facebook in the edit login section it has Set up TOTP. If I click on it it brings up a QR scanner the same as what happens in my 2FAS Authenticator App.
I'm guessing these settings are if I was using Bitwarden's built-in 2FA Authenticator instead of a 3rd party authenticator like 2FAS?
But I also thought Bitwarden's 2FA Authenticator was only for premium accounts so I'm confused why I've got TOTP settings in the free version?
submitted by The_wandering_kiwi to Bitwarden [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:04 grbg00 Bitwarden Master password issue

Hello, I hope this forum can guide me on the way to proceed to get back access to my Bitwarden vault.
I typically use Bitwarden on my iPhone and login using the Face ID feature, on my Macbook I would login using my fingerprint. I have made no changes to the master password at all.
After updating of iPhone (to iOS 17.5.1 and the Bitwarden app) and attempting to login into Bitwarden, I now get consistently the “Username or password is incorrect” error message. But I think this may have been just the root cause of something else, because I now get the same message when trying to login from any of my other devices by Chrome and Safari browsers. Same results anywhere, suggesting that it is not an iPhone update issue.
[Wild guess here!] The only thing I can think of is that the latest app update may have produced an encryption difference that is causing this issue.
Any suggestions on the way to proceed? I have created a high dependency on Bitwarden and I am really stressed with this.
Could I have been hacked and lock out?!
Thank you in advance for your inputs.
submitted by grbg00 to Bitwarden [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:13 unoriginalasshat Stuck trying to configure SSL on Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana and Beats

Hello people of this community. I currently have a single elasticsearch node setup for testing purposes in a virtual network. I wanted to try some things that have the requirement, and while I know and now have configured my ELK setup so that it can use without certificates I wanted to set it up with SSL regardless, both from connecting to the host from a management machine as well as communication between instances. However, every time I try to generate self signed certificates (as this is only a local setup) and try to use them they do not seem to work.
Either I cannot login to Elasticsearch (or curl to the machine with credentials, or Kibana cannot reach elasticsearch or I come across multiple errors... I have been stuck on this for a few days now, and I can't seem to find what I am doing wrong. I feel like I'm missing a very obvious and dumb mistake.
The certificates were created with the following commands:
CA: bin/elasticsearch-certutil ca --days 5000 --pem
Instance certs: bin/elasticsearch-certutil cert --days 5000 --pem --self-signed
My elasticsearch.yml: true true "/etc/elasticsearch/instance/instance.key" "/etc/elasticsearch/instance/instance.crt" [ "/etc/elasticsearch/ca/ca.crt" ] true "/etc/elasticsearch/http/http.key" "/etc/elasticsearch/http/http.crt" ["/etc/elasticsearch/ca/ca.crt" ] 
My kibana.yml
server.port: 5601 "" elasticsearch.username: "kibana_system" elasticsearch.password: "password" server.ssl.enabled: true server.ssl.certificate: "/etc/kibana/http/http.crt" server.ssl.key: "/etc/kibana/http/http.key" elasticsearch.ssl.certificate: "/etc/kibana/instance/instance.crt" elasticsearch.ssl.key: "/etc/kibana/instance/instance/instance.key" 
submitted by unoriginalasshat to elasticsearch [link] [comments]