Fun brain reading arcade

My experience with no fap and how I became a better person

2013.09.11 10:38 dominic_l My experience with no fap and how I became a better person

A story about growing as a person and how No Fap helped me

2015.06.09 03:43 FeatsOverComments Sino: News, Information, Discussion on all things China and Chinese Related

Sino is a subreddit for news, information, and discussion on anything China and Chinese related. Read the rules before posting. Some submissions may need manual approval.

2012.10.15 21:05 Gallionella ○ Switch to desktop from your browser's option now ○

To access the old sidebar info, highlight this link ● ●, long press and drop it on the address bar. Reddit is aiming for an app based layout. When they remove the old Reddit format it will be the end of gallionella and the content of this sub. Can be anytime so back up what you need. This sub is like reddit science but with the inclusion of organics/natural solutions, and more importantly without corporate influenced bias and manipulation.

2024.06.05 20:43 redbellx86 I believe I've lost 90% of my motivation to learn Flutter!

Spoiler Alert: I still enjoy and love Flutter and will continue learning it, albeit at a slower pace.
As a C#/.NET developer with years of experience (primarily on Windows), I've always aspired to venture into mobile development. However, I lacked the courage to learn two entirely unrelated technologies to make that transition until Flutter was introduced in late 2018. I liked Flutter but was initially skeptical about its viability. By 2022, I felt confident in its potential and started learning it gradually, quickly growing to love it. Each time I watch a Google IO "What's New in Flutter" session, I get more excited and feel reassured that I'm on the right path.
My waning motivation isn't Flutter's fault. If you're like me, your main motivation to learn Flutter is to build mobile apps, not desktop apps, websites, or other projects—those can come later. I had a list of about ten app ideas, some of which I'd already begun developing the initial MVPs for. Five of these apps were meant to have their own store accounts and websites (I purchased the domains years ago), while the other five (and counting) were simpler utilities and games intended to be published under my personal account for fun, learning, and showcasing to potential recruiters if needed.
Then, out of nowhere, came my problem: the D-U-N-S number! I was unaware of the requirements for obtaining an Apple/Google Developer account. My focus was on creating apps, which I thought was the hardest part, then setting up a developer account for each significant app and a personal account for the smaller ones. Suddenly, Google announced new rules: Google Play Developer Policy Update.
In short, if you want to create a personal account, you must verify your identity and display your physical address on the Play Store! You can read about others' experiences here: Reddit Discussion on Policy Update.
For a company account, you need a D-U-N-S number. So, if you have a branded MVP app, you must go through this D-U-N-S process just to publish it, even if it might not gain any traction and you eventually shut it down. The worst part is that even if you offer the app for free and don't intend to monetize it, you still need a D-U-N-S number!
Is all this really necessary to publish an app? I don't think so! Registering an ICANN domain name doesn’t require a D-U-N-S number or expose your personal information to the public. As an indie hackesolopreneur, you can launch a branded website within a week (or even over a weekend) without needing to attach it to your identity.
I believe this D-U-N-S requirement by both Google and Apple is a significant roadblock for indie mobile developers looking to build and publish their apps professionally.
In conclusion, I still love Flutter, but I have to "pause" my related projects until I decide whether to establish an LLC to publish under or give up on mobile development entirely.
submitted by redbellx86 to FlutterDev [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:41 transparentfortress Our 12 week old has been very discontented and her sleep has been awful for the past week and a half.

As the title says, we hit a rough patch about a week and a half ago. She will be 3 months as of this coming Monday and she is usually pretty happy, but has always been a fairly gassy baby. For this reason, I figured gas was the culprit again. She has also been pulling her legs up towards her chest, arching her back, tensing her stomach, and sometimes wakes up screaming and arching her back when I hold her to calm her. I’ve tried gas exercises (bicycles, ILU massage, etc), warm bath, feeding as upright as possible, burping more frequently, tummy time, colic hold, gripe water, gas drops, the Frida windi, and she gets probiotics + vitamin D daily. The windi allowed her to have one enjoyable day where she seemed like her usual self, but she still had a terrible sleep that night, waking 5+ times.
Other behaviours I’ve noticed: she pulls at her right ear and tries to grab her face in frustration (I put scratch mitts on her to avoid her accidentally hurting herself), she doesn’t want to be put down, she sucks her hand/our shoulders/her blanket, she is drooling a ton. Today, she suddenly pulled away after latching to feed and screamed. She would relatch like she was hungry, but kept pulling back, arching and crying.
I know gas is a common issue and we might just have to ride this out until her digestive system matures. I’ve also read that some of this could be due to a growth spurt (physical and/or mental). Some behaviours also align with teething and I did teethe at about 4 months when I was a baby, showing symptoms just before 3 months according to my mom. OR it could be some wonderful combo of all of the above😅 Just looking for advice (so I might sleep again😴) and any of your experiences, so I know I’m not alone and baby isn’t unwell (which my anxious brain keeps jumping to). Thank you for reading this all!!
submitted by transparentfortress to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:40 CT_Phipps 10 Queer Indie SFF Books to Read for Pride Month by Esme Rosalyne

10 Queer Indie SFF Books to Read for Pride Month by Esme Rosalyne
By Esme Rosalyne (shared on behalf of Before We Go blog)
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! No, not Christmas… It’s Pride Month babyyyy! And you know what that means, time to celebrate by sharing some of my favourite indie SFF books that spread the queer joy and embrace queerness in all its messiness and beauty.
Now, if you are still wondering why queer representation in books is so important and invaluable, I will just point you to this thread by Dani Finn (whose books are also gloriously queer, definitely give them a shot). No more words needed.
For the recommendations I am bringing you today, I decided to combine three of my favourite things in the world: queerness, indie books, and the SFF genre. Each of these books made me feel seen or helped me become more understanding of other experiences from people under the queer umbrella, while also taking me on a wonderfully imaginative and exciting fantasy adventure that provided a comforting escape from real life.
Whether you are part of the LGBTQIA+ family or just an ally curious to learn more, I personally think these authors are so skilled that the stories they tell will resonate with anyone on a deep emotional level. I tried to highlight the stories told by diverse voices and those that showcase the wide range of unique experiences from all across the wide spectrum of queer love and identity, so I hope you find a tale that speaks to your soul. Enjoy!
Legacy of the Vermillion Blade by Jay Tallsquall
Legacy of the Vermillion Blade is a book that intrigued me with its premise of a character-driven high fantasy tale with authentic ace representation and delightful queer-normative world building. And as someone who is questioning their sexuality and leaning towards the ace spectrum, this story meant more to me than I can say.
Talon’s journey of self-discovery (which is semi-autobiographical for the author) was equally tragic and beautiful to witness. The message of “it is never too late to embrace your true authentic self” really hit home and made this story so emotionally impactful. I really appreciated how Talon is allowed to be vulnerable, flawed and messy in his relationships, because that made him such a sympathetic and relatable character.
Legacy of the Vermillion Blade is first and foremost a deeply intimate character study, but the fantasy elements provide such a comforting, lush, and safe backdrop to Talon’s emotional journey. I am so glad that this story exists and I highly recommend it for anyone who wants their fantasy to be character-driven, diverse and full of emotional turmoil. This is a fantasy journey I won’t soon forget.
Breaker of Fates by Vaela Denarr & Micah Iannandrea
Breaker of FatesMixing the rich world building, hysterical humour, and queer messiness of A Chorus of Dragons with the deeply emotional trauma and healing themes of The Tithenai Chronicles, Breaker of Fatesis a brand new own-voices queer epic dragon fantasy that will make your queer heart scream and drag you across the entire spectrum of emotions!
Now, Breaker of Fates is not a romantasy or erotic fantasy, contrary to the vibes the cover might give off. Instead, it offers a refreshing and delightfully diverse twist on epic dragon fantasy and transports you into an unapologetically queer-normative world, where all types of genders, sexualities, pronoun preferences, disabilities, races, and cultural backgrounds are represented and embraced. Though all that is not to say that this story glamourises queerness, quite the opposite in fact. Here, the queers are nuanced. They are both heroes and villains, and we get to explore queerness in all its beauty and tragedy through the eyes of our lovable yet deeply flawed protagonists.
Dangerously seductive and effortlessly funny characters, complicated feelings, beautiful polyamourous love, found family vibes to die for, and raw explorations of queer grief, trauma, and healing; what’s not to love?
The Switchboard by Christina K. Glover
The SwitchboardFilled with endearingly oblivious chaos queers, unexpected found family vibes, lots of magical mayhem, and plot-necessary pasta breaks, The Switchboard is a delightfully quirky and highly imaginative low-fantasy romp perfect for fans of T. Kingfisher and Good Omens (the show).
See, Henley and Kit are both just a certified Hot Mess in their own way, and I absolutely love them for it. Not only do they both have an extremely compelling backstory that we slowly get to uncover and dig into, but their tentatively developing friendship (and maybe more?!) was also just so heartwarming. THIS is how you do a delicious slooooow (like, agonisingly slow)-burn, the tension was killing me (just accept it and KISS already!!) and I was eating up all the emotional turmoil!
And this might not be a chunky book, but don’t let that fool you into thinking that it lacks substance in any way. Especially the exploration of memory and trauma through the memory-exchange magic system is quite powerful, adding a touch of tragedy that beautifully balanced out the more ridiculously fun moments. Every single aspect of the story is just so seamlessly interwoven, resulting in a shockingly spectacular and brutally bittersweet climax sequence that left me desperate for the sequel in the best way possible.
The Fall Is All There Is by C.M. Caplan
The Fall Is All There Is is a wonderfully weird, unapologetically unhinged, and darkly entertaining gendreblendy gem of a book. It throws all genre conventions and reader expectations straight out the window, and that is exactly where its irresistible charm lies.
Within a couple of pages I just knew that The Fall Is All There Is was going to be a book for me. Petre’s intoxicating and disturbingly intimate first person narration immediately pulled me in, and he has quickly shot up to the top of my list of favourite SFF protagonists. As a neurodivergent gay man who lets his emotions rule his actions and who acts before he thinks, he is not the most conventional or even likeable fantasy protagonist. But dammit, if I didn’t love him with all my heart!
Caplan did an absolutely magnificent job of portraying Petre’s chaotic and frenetic headspace, and I loved the moments of quirky writing where Petre almost breaks the fourth wall and asks you directly if you know what he is feeling. He demands you to place yourself in his shoes, and that did absolute wonders for my investment and immersion. The panic, the fear, the anxiety, the hyperfixations, the frustration, the hysteria, the bewilderment, the anger, the paranoia; I related way more deeply to Petre’s intense emotions than I would probably like to admit, and I was honestly revelling in the chaos of it all.
I honestly thought I would never find another reading experience that would come close to Tamsyn Muir’s The Locked Tomb series, but The Fall Is All There Is might have just done so. And trust me, that is the highest of high praise for me.
Of Honey and Wildfires by Sarah Chorn
of honey and wildfiresYou know those authors whose writing and stories just speak to you on a deep emotional level? Yeah, Sarah Chorn is absolutely one of those authors for me.
Of Honey and Wildfires is a delightfully unconventional fantasy western following three characters across several timelines, which all converge beautifully in the end. They live in a world where a magical oil called Shine is a much sought-after commodity, even though it can do more harm than good if you are not careful.
As with all of Chorn’s works (also HIGHLY recommend The Necessity of Rain), this world and its characters are just wonderfully and casually diverse, in all aspects. Race and queer identity are big yet subtle themes in this story, with trans representation and sapphic love being woven into the narrative in the most authentic ways.
All the representation is handled with so much love and care, and I especially appreciated how sexuality and gender never become a main point of contention in the story. It’s just part of the human experience, which is what this book is all about. Whether you can personally relate to these characters’ experiences or not, you will undoubtedly empathise with them and feel for their struggles. Chorn just knows how to capture raw human emotion in an achingly beautiful way, tugging on your heartstrings in ways you won’t be ready for.
Breeze Spells & Bridegrooms by Sarah Wallace & S.O. Callahan
Breeze Spells & BridegroomsIn Breeze Spells and Bridegrooms, Sarah Wallace and S.O. Callahan take all the best elements from Bridgerton (the show), except make everything a bit more magical and a lot more queer! Allow yourself to be transported to a delightfully queernormative Regency London in this cozy, diverse, charming, dazzling, and highly amusing historical fantasy romance!
What starts out as a tentative alliance full of snarky remarks and exasperated sighs between an anxious academic and a (seemingly) haughty, arrogant Fae soon builds into a very tender, passionate, supportive, and heartwarming dynamic that will just light your heart on fire, even if it stays very low spice (thank all that is holy!).
I just adored how wonderfully and casually diverse the world and cast of characters in Breeze Spells and Bridegrooms is; not only in terms of gender and sexuality, but also in terms of body types and mental health issues. The beautiful and authentic plus-size, demisexual, neurodivergent, non-binary, and social anxiety representation were all just so lovely to see, and I also appreciated that there is little to none miscommunication in this entire story. Like, you can actually talk to each other about your fears, doubts, and anxieties, what a concept?!
So, if you are looking for a diverse, slow-burn, and low-spice queer historical fantasy romance with endearing characters, silly Regency Era sensibilities, steaming cups of tea, juicy gossip, and a dash of magical light academia, then I can’t recommend Breeze Spells and Bridegrooms highly enough!
Legacy of the Brightwash by Krystle Matar
Yes, get your bingo cards out, I am gushing about Legacy of the Brightwash again. This story is part of my DNA at this point, and I will never stop pushing this book in everyone’s faces.
Legacy of the Brightwash is easily one of the most compelling and emotionally engaging books I have ever read. Every single element of this genre-blendy gem of a book just works for me. The gaslamp atmosphere and grimy city setting, the murder mystery, the extremely flawed and complex characters with their messy and complicated relationships, the political scheming, the hard-hitting themes, the slow-burn romance, the found family vibes, the casual queerness, the soul-stirring prose… this book is just perfection to me. Absolute perfection.
Though set-up as a fantasy murder mystery, at its core Legacy of the Brightwash is a very introspective and character-driven story about the brutality and (ironic) injustice of a justice system, about the cost of convenience, about fighting back against the system, and most of all, it’s a story about love and the hope for redemption.
Oh and what’s even better, the sequel, Legacy of Brick and Bone, is even more gloriously gay. I truly cannot recommend this series highly enough, it is at the top of my all-time favourites list for a very good reason.
Merchants of Knowledge & Magic by Erika McCorkle
Merchants of Knowledge and Magic is a story of truly epic proportions, and to say it is unique would honestly be the understatement of the year. Filled with diverse and slightly unhinged characters, interdominional travel, dangerous secrets, riveting mysteries, page-turning intrigue, and breathtaking world building, this is the diverse and refreshing dark epic sci-fantasy you didn’t know you needed.
As an aroace, intersex, human-dragonfly hybrid Merchant of Knowledge, Calinthe is not your typical run-of-the-mill fantasy protagonist. Together with her closest companion Zakuro, whose illusionist magic keeps her ‘abominable’ gender hidden, she travels the various planes of the Dominion to gather the most valuable secrets for her demonic employer.
Seriously, the character work and development of the interpersonal relationships in this book absolutely rock. Especially the relationship between Calinthe, our aroace, intersex, human-dragonfly hybrid Merchant of Knowledge protagonist, and her closest companion and illusionist Zakuro just gave me life. As someone who is questioning if they are on the ace-spectrum, I loved how the deep-seated bonds of love, loyalty, and trust between Calinthe and Zakuro are fully established without any grand romantic or sexual gestures. The representation feels so authentic and their relationship tugged on my heartstrings in all the best ways.
Though, as wondrous, whimsical and entertaining as this story can be, the author doesn’t hold back on mixing in some truly dark, dirty, and depraved elements. Themes of bodily autonomy, religion, gender discrimination, sex slavery, rape, torture, and domination are explored in a brutally raw and honest way, which makes the emotional impact of this story higher than you could possibly ever have imagined.
Merchants of Knowledge and Magic is nothing short of a masterpiece. This unapologetically weird, diverse, queer, imaginative, indulgent, and deliciously dark gem of a book will keep you on your toes from start to finish.
The Erstwhile Tyler Kyle by Steve Hugh Westenra
Steve Hugh Westenra: The Erstewhile Tyler Kyle, showing a light blue TV with pink knobs with the words "Click, like, subscribe" on it and a blood spatter beneath it and a red curtain behind it.Now, as soon as I saw that this quirky queer adult horror comedy had ‘Buzzfeed Unsolved’ and ‘Twin Peaks’ vibes, I simply could not resist picking it up. The Erstwhile Tyler Kyle smoothly blends elements of horror, comedy, mystery, fantasy, pyschological thriller, and romance to create an utterly captivating and refreshing story. It will creep under your skin and take you on a wild emotional rollercoaster, leaving you competely reeling in the best way imaginable.
This story follows Tyler Kyle, a snarky 30-year-old actor who somewhat reluctantly runs a ridiculously popular cryptid investigation show with his best friend Josh. As a sceptic, he has never been extremely invested in any of their investigations, but now a new mystery with a very personal touch has presented itself. After receiving a mysterious video of his mom, who abandoned him 18 years ago, he flies out on his own to the eerie and secluded Echo Island where dark and twisted secrets are just waiting to be uncovered. And no, this is definitely not also a perfect excuse to run away from his feelings and escape his queer panic after drunkenly making out with his “straight” best friend in a hot tub… not at all.
It’s absolutely beyond me how the author managed to get me SO invested in this dynamic when they are separated for the majority of the story. I believed in their bond from the very first page and the more I read, the more I started wishing they could just get their happily ever after already. But the bisexual-panic and the slow-burn are just to die for, and I was totally eating up the drama.
I would highly recommend The Erstwhile Tyler Kyle if you are looking for a quirky character-driven horror comedy that will seduce you with its hypnotising and poetic prose, riveting mystery, emotionally engaging character work, depraved dark humour, and delicious doses of repressed queer longing. I absolutely loved it!
Bones to the Wind by Tatiana Obey
Bones to the WindBones to the Wind is everything I didn’t know I needed from a coming-of-age fantasy. It’s fierce, brutal, unapologetic and overall just extremely fun. All I knew before going in was that it had a desert setting, fierce female characters, a deadly competition, windships, and a queer-normative and sex-positive society. And I don’t know about you, but I was sold!
On the surface, this is the story of our three messy and flawed protagonists, Rasia, Kai and Nico, as they are about to start their coming-of-age Forging trial. But amidst all the action and chaos, there’s plenty of soul-searching and self-discovery that make this story so deeply emotionally impactful.
There’s a huge focus on the exploration of gender and sexuality, which was handled with so much care and authenticity. I mean, throw a couple of easily aroused young adults into a high stakes situation and it doesn’t take long for things to get steamy. But what I loved about the romances here is that they are so realistically and painfully messy. These characters might act as if they know what they are doing, but in reality they are just experimenting and hesitantly stumbling in the dark. And when they mess up, they have to deal with the harsh consequences of their actions, which I found so refreshing and satisfying to see.
Safe to say I absolutely adored this story. It’s not perfect, but it’s unapologetically fierce, fun, brutal and wild, which just worked for me on every single level. If you like the sound of coming-of-age fantasy with strong women, a deadly competition, queer and sex-positive relationships, complex sibling bonds, windships, dragons and mystical elemental magic, then Bones to the Wind is the book for you.
And just like that, we’ve come to the end of glorious list already. I had a wonderful time gushing about some of my favourites, and I hope you enjoy them just as much as I do if you give them a shot.
While I am providing this list now because it is currently Pride Month, I highly encourage you to give these books (and any and all other queer books) more love and attention regardless of the time of year. Queerness can and should be celebrated all day, every day. Cheers, happy reading, and have a wonderful Pride, my loves!
submitted by CT_Phipps to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:40 Patron03041 I'd like some advice what to do next with as little spoilers as possible

Hey, so I have around 100 runs under my belt and can consistently make it to the boss at the bottom in Id say 1/5 runs now.
My current run has a godlike wand (at least by my standarts) and kills everything in sight with 1 click. The things I did this run so far:
right now i saved my game standing on top of the moon, and idk what else to do. I have all immunity perks and about 3k health.
i guess i could go to hell and explore more there, but the place seemed MASSIVE last time and i got completely lost lol
i tend to explore biomes by hugging the dense rock to go along the outlines. i also havent visited the frozen vault, i guess that would be a place to go too. im scared to go back to the lake because whatever oneshot me there is probably still around.
if anyone could give me a clue where to go or what to do, id love to fight more bosses or find more secrets but im a bit at a dead end. i think ive explored the world fairly well.
thank you for reading all of this :) i hope i didnt miss anything, its been a long run lol
submitted by Patron03041 to noita [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:40 RayneShikama Four Treasures and where to find them

Hello! As I’m finishing listening to I, Strahd before running my own CoS game actually starting this Saturday, I had an idea that I decided I’m going to go through with.
While reading through the tarroka options, trying to decide if I wanted specific pulls or let it all be up to blind luck— I decided I didn’t care for some of the very basic places some of the treasures could be. I also don’t plan to have there be a location for where to fight strahd as I plan to use the Wedding at Ravenloft and honestly I just want the fight to happen where it happens.
So as I stated I’m finishing I Strahd, and the fate of Leo Delysnia got my brain really going, especially as they talked about his broach. I love tying games into lore, so I started thinking what If that broach is the holy symbol of ravenkind. Or the same thing by a different name. As I’d already had plans to have the sword be in Sergei’s tomb, and I was thinking about how there’s no clear final location for the body of Alek Gwilem or mention of where Lady Ilona goes, I decided I can have four treasures (to keep the terroka reading at 5 cards), each held by some of the most important people to Strahd— his brother, his best friend, his enemy, and— what would Lady Ilona be considered? His advisor? And then the ally is going to be Ireena (his love) which will be fun cuz she’ll be In a wedding dress.
So. Sergei has the sword, no question. We also have a college of spirits bard so if he uses his ability here I’ll literally have Sergei tell him a tale and it’ll give one use (not casting— just one shot) of sunbeam.
I feel Lady Ireena should have either the holy symbol or the book. And that location I think will either be the Amber Temple or the chapel of St Markovia
Alek Gwilem could have the tome, or he could have the fourth item. And then his stuff can either be the Amber Temple or Arganvastholt
And then Leo we know is in the Wochter tomb, and as mentioned above he could have the holy symbol of Raven kind- or his item could be the fourth.
Does anyone have any ideas or has anyone done anything with those three characters stories in their games or had a fourth treasure?
My initial thought right now is to have the tome be in the abbey from Lady Ilona, the holy symbol being with Leo, and Alek with the fourth yet to be decided item in the Amber Temple (as I feel it was probably the dark powers that took his body)
submitted by RayneShikama to ravenloft [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:36 Mundane_Law_9392 Aspiring pta?

I’ve been giving some serious thought into Pursuing a pta career and just wanted to make sure a post to see what kind of feedback people could provide I’ve looked through a few posts and some seem to have a good work life balance with good benifits others seem miserable. Of course I realize alot of it depends on where and what company you work for but was just curious if this thread could provide me with information on the in and outs before really looking into getting into a program? I’m late to the game and trying to play catch up with getting my life on track so even if I had the brain for it I don’t think going for a full physical therapist title is for me just based off the time needed for school and I hear a lot of pt’s get burned out and that seems to happen a lot less with PTA’s
PTA worth it for long term career?
Pros and cons?
Only takes 2 years to go through pta program?
I read that pta/pt job field will become of the most growing in demand job fields in the next ten years?
Best kind of place to work for as a pta?
What should the starting wage as a pta after finishing program?
How much can you make as a pta as your experience grows?
Which pta employers offer the best benefits for health and pto?
Is it possible or somewhat easy to pivot into certain other areas of the field after becoming a pta?
I know there’s some tough learning in the program just to become a pta but how doable is it if you’re not crazy booksmart?
Are there programs that help ptas advance their career without going to college for an extra 4-6 to get your doctorate dr?
submitted by Mundane_Law_9392 to physicaltherapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:35 Natural_Wrongdoer_83 Brain Zap

Does anyone get brain zaps while taking a regular dose? I was put from 10mg to 15mg about 3 months ago. I think that's when the feelings in my brain started but can't be sure. It got so bad last week I went to my gp who has reduced the dose back to 10mg. The zapping is slightly less but I have a continuous dull, pressure type headache. I read brain zaps are usually associated with withdrawal symptoms.
submitted by Natural_Wrongdoer_83 to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:34 justramblingon Message to the author of Lionheart, you're a genius.

I'm partway through book 3 and this might be some of the best prose/writing I've ever read fanfic or otherwise. It strikes the perfect balance of literary, fast paced, witty, and accessible. If, greenteacup, you ever see this post, please tell me your influences so I can download them into my brain and write like you. Until then, reading this over and over will have to suffice.
I've laughed out loud multiple times. The characterization is incredible and really gives each character a better than canon version of themselves (imo).
Minor minor spoilers on characterization:
Ron is freaking hilarious, so is Draco. Hermione is a wonderful character who I feel like is more appreciated in this due to her friendship with Draco than she was in canon. Harry's fantastic as well.
This is my canon now. I'm so excited to see where it goes.
submitted by justramblingon to HPfanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:34 Aimeeboz Best AI for families?

Am at Moon Palace The Grand. The food is decent, great shows, rooms are spacious and nice enough. Our room is near the water park, and has been fun. Am considering returning to Cancun, but not next year. We paid for the $300 certificate and booked 4 nights for $2020. Prices are nowhere near that for booking directly. Are there other resorts that are comparable?
We've done all the excursions, and already explored a bit of Cancun, dolphins, XCaret, are more interested in staying at the resort.
Is Moon Palace the best or are there others to consider for the pools/waterpark, arcades, food, nighttime entertainment/shows etc.. at a decent price. (<$3000/5 days).
submitted by Aimeeboz to cancun [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:33 Gear-Mean Texting troubles

So I need to proof read better before I send a message, mainly texts are the issue for me. While I work on this I need some advise. When I notice something off right after I hit send what is the best way to handle it. Right now I only see 2 options. 1) sent a quick follow-up noting the correction, say it's an added word for context or the right word after autocorrect "fixed" something for me. 2) do nothing and hope their brain makes jump over the hole in my message and they don't notice?
Variations of option 1 or other options not listed are welcome.
Thanks for your thoughts!
submitted by Gear-Mean to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:33 FaerieMetanoia Im 17 and I don’t even know what to call this. I’m just writing cause I need to get this out. Read if you want

I don’t know how to add more content warnings but basically: content warning for violence, death, talks about sexual assault, and suicide/selfharm
This is just me rambling about my life as a youngin. I don’t care if you don’t like the way I write, read if you want to. I’m kinda sad today.
I have never told anyone this but I am going to kill myself when I turn 18 or 19, I’ve planned it out exactly to the day since I was 14 years old, there is no changing my mind (if I don’t randomly die one day)
Before I continue on, the only reason I’m sticking it out till that age is because my mom asked me to get my high school diploma before she passed (renal/heart failure) though I never harbored any feelings towards her so I don’t know why I’m even doing this for her. I didn’t even cry when she died. She was the best mom she could be, I liked her more than Mrs Annie.
I don’t want you guys to pity me if anyone even sees this because I genuinely don’t deserve it. I’ve been a horrible person almost all my life (I’ll delve deeper into this later on because I want you guys to have the most authentic opinion of me even if you absolutely despise me after this). Besides my almost perfect grades (A student), no one ever has anything nice to say about me. My older sisteguardian can’t even look at me without the tiniest hint of disgust and embarrassment (trust me, she doesn’t look at my little sister like that or my older brother, always super chatty but goes quiet when I look in her direction. I don’t do that anymore.)
I am extremely autistic ( diagnosed when I was five and high functioning), I get really confused about stuff that I should already know and then get told off about how it is common sense and how I should know these things. Just simple stuff like how to work a stove, or where certain foods go, or how to work a can opener, or that I should be showering twice a day and brushing my teeth, or how I shouldn’t sleep in outside clothing, and other stuff etc etc. I’m always getting told off about these things. My little sister always knows how to explain stuff to me(she taught me how to use the stove and make eggs, though I always end up forgetting and then needing help again) she’s like the older sister, not me. I really wish she was my older sister. I’m not cut out for this. I’m called weird and rude so many times and I do not understand why. Sometimes I’m called “bitchy” or a “mega bitch” and I really don’t understand why. What exactly am I doing wrong? I always ask this and then get shot down that I “know” what I am doing so I just say ok and go on about my day. Sometimes I know there are dishes at the side of me that I have to wash but I don’t end up washing them cause I completely blanked them out of my mind. It wasn’t on purpose, it genuinely was an accident but again I “know” what I did and now I’m in trouble again. Sometimes I bang my head against the wall when I’m upset or rock back and forth when I’m too excited, once I did it in front of them and they immediately told me to stop cause it was weird. I do it in my room now, or control myself if we’re out somewhere. One time I overheard my sister talking about how I’d never be able to live on my own and that has stuck with me.
One time when I was 11 I tried to commit suicide while texting my best friend, she told the counselor while I was on the way to a different part of NJ, I screamed at her. I’m sorry Anastasia. I apologized when I was 13 but she never responded, I don’t expect her to.
One time, I sabotaged my older sisteguardian’s relationship because they were really abusive to one another (never told her this but I doubt she would care). It worked. She thought I liked him and was out to get her. I don’t blame her for feeling that way though I don’t like older men. Or men in general. Sometimes I thought my sister was bat shit crazy cause of the arguments they had. Oh boy she hated every time I pointed out where she was wrong and never him. (I didn’t really know dude like that and that’s why I always felt weird about pointing out where he was wrong though I did see it.) she’d always tell me that I was supposed to defend her cause I’m her sister but I really didn’t care. Then when I went to the mental hospital I put him down as a safe adult to talk to and she was pissedddd. She asked me if I had feelings for him. I told her I’m not into men. And was currently talking to a female (never went anywhere btw). My sister is currently happy and pregnant with her new boyfriend. I am content with that I think
I lie constantly if I feel like I’m going to get in trouble, no one believes me anymore but trust that there is not one lie in this post.
I pick personality traits off of people and apply them to myself. I realized this when my friend asked me why I was copying her in the nicest way possible. I was. My mind blanked for a second and I couldn’t explain why. I try not to but then everyone thinks I’m dry and doesn’t want to be my friend.
I lied so much in one year my sister almost kicked me out. (She drove me to a old church building, I kinda wish I would’ve stayed at that church building) (14 or 15 years old)
I remember a while ago when my mom was still here and I was living with her that I drew a really bad picture and was sent to a care facility for a day. Nothing was wrong with me and they released me to my mom. She never said anything. (7 years old)
I used to threaten to kill myself when I got my phone taken so much so that my mom had one of my siblings keep an eye on me cause she didn’t know if I was serious or not. (12 year’s old)
One time when I was a freshman in high school I threatened to kill everyone in my household while I was in school, they said that I had to go to a mental hospital and get evaluated. My sister was freaking pissed. I started seeing things in the hospital before I went to the mental hospital, I started hearing my mother’s voice. My sister thought I was faking cause I’m autistic and really upset. I once told her that I wasn’t, She didn’t believe me. I was diagnosed and then undiagnosed with manic depression and unspecified psychosis. No more meds. (I was on anti psychotics) They made my head hurt anyways. My sister said I was ruining her military career and she wished she never took me or my little sister in. I understood but was pissed myself and started acting out a whole lot more after that. The church thing happened right after this when she caught me in lie after lie. I mentioned a TikTok trend that was going around with mental hospital patients getting out and she ran with that though I denied wanting to do that trend. Though I always deny it the mental hospital was fun. I finally had people who related and talked to me. I made friends for the very first time by myself. They had their issues and I had mine. I loved that I think.
I saw two people die in my lifetime, one was shot over 25 times in the face while the other was shot in the chest area. I think I was 11 years old both times, I could be wrong though. Rip Shayla and seagull. I didn’t know y’all but it was really horrifying to see y’all both die in the same year. (They were not children) Shayla was barely recognizable when her family posted her open casket. But I already knew that. I saw her face. Or what was left of it. Seagull’s mom just kept screaming for hours, I watched her cry and scream out the window all night. She later went on to off herself in the same spot seagull died at (at least that’s what I heard, don’t know if she’s actually dead or alive.)
My mom ran an after hour once, selling snacks and beer. Cops knew and did absolutely nothing. She once took us trick or treating, when we got a shit ton of candy (enough to fill an entire large containers worth), she took it and sold small candy bags. Me or my little sister didn’t get not one piece.
I have nine siblings, (ten if you count the one that died, I don’t cause I didn’t know him as I was in foster care at the time) my mom was destroyed by his death and she was never really a mother after that. She really tried though. She started to hear the voice of god talking to her but mommy always told us she was going to hell. She even told us we could lie on her.
I remember my mom casually telling me my older sister boyfriend (not the sister I’m living with now) had a crush on me and wanted to rape me. I think I was 10 at the time. She laughed, I laughed. He gave me 50 dollars once, I think he wanted to have sex with me that day. He was 40 something. I took the money and left with my daddy (not biological, don’t know who my sperm doner is) I think I was assaulted by him but not raped. I’m not to fucked up by it.
When I was in foster care, I used to have to get dressed in really tight dresses by my foster parent. Men used to come by and feel me up. Nothing happened after that but my foster mom was extremely pissed each time. I didn’t really give a shit and went on with my day. It was uncomfortable but they didn’t do anything else to me so it doesn’t matter or count.
I would like to write more but I don’t feel like it right now. I also wrote this on my phone so there’s that. lol
submitted by FaerieMetanoia to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:33 low-energy-cat Why Do You like Clorinde?

I got her while doing pulls for Sethos. And she came early and used my guarantee (I lost 50/50 on Father's banner). I hate everything about her. Her character design, her character story, her kit, everything. I don't even want to login to my account because I don't want to see her. I know I shouldn't pull for a 5* character that I didn't like. I should've pulled for sethos on Alhaitham banner, but I don't like his gameplay, and my sleep deprived brain thought it is a good idea.
I already level up to 70+ with craftable Fontaine sword on R5 and level 80. I tried her, and I don't like her.
Please change my mind by saying why do you like Clorinde. I want different perspectives about her. Maybe I will be able to tolerate her existence after reading your thoughts.
submitted by low-energy-cat to clorindemains [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:32 Extentra DAE have a hard time "hearing" others?

Basically the title. A lot of the time when I'm interacting with people, I get stuck in this "flight/freeze" mode where I'm trying to anticipate what I should be saying to someone next or how I should be reacting in the moment. Or, if a conversation or the events surrounding the conversation well up some uncomfortable feelings in me, I'll get very preoccupied internally trying to ignore or suppress said feelings so I can still come off as "normal". Problem is, these often result in me literally not processing the words spoken to me right to my face. Like a friend could say something to me from feet away and my brain will just go blank, then panic, and then try to piece together what they said so I can respond. It makes me feel really slow and overwhelmed easily. I think it's related to my CPTSD or whatever trauma I have because that was a common remark from my parents growing up; "you need to actually listen to my words" and the like.
I'm slowly coming to realize that it's probably this low grade form of dissociation I've been relying on for years. Like I was/am very sensitive to certain things and because I felt I should not express them or that I was/am undeserving, I essentially just tuned out the external world to cope. Sure, it got me yelled at, but that was passive and I could slip below the radar more often, rather than being active in my life and getting shut down again and again.
I really hate it though, I wish I didn't have to protect myself in this way. It makes connecting with people so hard because I'm often just guessing at what I should say to what I think they said. I even get made fun of for it a bit, which just hurts more. Idk, I'm kinda just ranting. If anyone else has gone through this, I'd love to hear your story of how you got through the dissociation. Anything is appreciated
submitted by Extentra to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:32 wriitergiirl Summer Romance by Annabel Monaghan is the perfect summer Romance for your TBR

Calling all Emily Henry and Carly Fortune fans. Look no further for the perfect book to add to your beach bag, your pool bag, your baseball bag, or just your TBR, and it's out now!
Summer Romance by Annabel Monaghan is one of the best books I read in 2023 (I got it as an ARC.) And here’s why that’s amazing enough that I’m writing this gush: I almost DNF’d this bad boy.
There is a lot of telling in the first 15-ish% of the book which in unfortunate because I think it’ll turn a lot of readers off to even trying it. And while it’s necessary plot building, it also just comes off like the author is throwing information at you before it feels like we get into the story. It’s not my usual preferred style of opening, but I stuck with it—skimmed, because I’d DNF’d quite a few in a row and I. Was. Determined.—and I’m so glad I did.
Summer Romance reads akin to a Women's Fiction with Heavy Romance ala Emily Henry, except it is very much a Romance. The Romance is the A Plot, and without it, there really isn't a cohesive story. And oh my, the romance is such a delight! Much like an icecream cone in the middle of a Midwest summer heat wave, it was perfect.
Ethan is officially one of my top MMCs. He was patient and kind, he was understanding, he was near perfection when it comes to MMCs. He was sweet and sincere, he helped Ali, and he waited and went at her pace. I mean, did I mention that he was patient with her? I have no earthly idea why this sticks out so much, but it did. He never pushed her or pressured her, even though he was also very clear with having a crush on her in high school (wish we'd delved into that a bit more because I'm such a sucker for a pining MMC wahhh) and that he had a crush on her now. Even with their terrible third act breakup, he didn't push. He made his feelings known but respected her wishes and gave her space.
I loved the arc that Ali eventually took with her mom, her marriage, and herself. It was beautiful to see. I haven't had any close friends go through a divorce, but this just felt like such a realistic way that someone in her position would handle life, love, death, and rediscovering yourself. It was such a beautiful telling of rediscovering yourself, truly. Coming to terms with who you've become, why you've become that, how you feel about it, and what you're going to do going forward.
This book is raw in a way that almost feels like you're reading the author's first hand experience with death and divorce. FMC's mom died two years before the start of the story and her elderly neighbor dies during the book. Tears were shed by me, and not just because I'm hormonal. Monaghan handled the topics with grace, dignity, and realness. Per the author's note, the author also went through something similar and the authenticity shows.
The book is a quick and easy read--one I would've stayed up way too late to finish if I didn't have real life that starts too early. It's well written with beautiful writing, great characters, and a heartwarming overall message.
5 stars. Absolutely recommend.
Basics: 1st Person, Single POV. Closed door. Small town. Summer romance (duh.) Dogs. Late 30s FMC and MMC. Age gap (of like 2 years?) but FMC is older. Best friend's little brother. Single Mom. I had no idea that this was a single mom title--the blurb doesn't give that away at all. Had I known that, I honestly wouldn't have requested it because kids in books is usually not my jam. Monaghan did a flawless job at having the kids be realistic and not a major part of the story. The kids are there, they don't go away, but they're in the story in a way that feels very realistic and not forced. And the kids in terms of the romance was done in a non-rushed, respectful way that I've never read in contemporary fiction before. (But I also don’t read a lot of CR with kids, so…)
*Disclaimer: I got this book as an ARC through Netgalley and that in no way shaped my review of this book.
{Summer Romance by Annabel Monaghan}
Goodreads Blurb: Benefits of a summer romance: it’s always fun, always brief, and no one gets their heart broken.
There aren’t enough labeled glass containers to contain the mess that is Ali Morris’s life. Her mom died two years ago, then her husband left, and she hasn’t worn pants with a zipper in longer than she cares to remember. She’s a professional organizer whose pantry is a disgrace.
No one is more surprised than Ali when the first time she takes off her wedding ring and puts on pants with hardware—overalls count, right?—she meets someone. Or rather, her dog claims a man for her in the same way he claimed his favorite of her three children: by peeing on him. Ethan smiles at Ali like her pants are just right—like he likes what he sees. The last thing Ali needs is to make her life messier, but there’s no harm in a little Summer Romance. Is there?
submitted by wriitergiirl to RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:30 notthemarchhare AITAH for not want be friends anymore, even over a 25y friendship?

I (25F) have a friend (26F, let's call her Elsa, fake name) for over 25 years of our lives. Our parentes knew each other, had been friends for decades until they had us. We've been friends since we born, we played together, we grew up knowing everything from one another. We shared everything about our lives, boyfriends, insecurities, etc. When she was about 10 y.o., she moved out to another city, 2h away from we lived, but never cutted contact since then.
A few years ago, she met a guy (her now husband), they dated, they moved in together, and they got married. She invited me to be her MOH, but at the time I couldn't be in this part of her life over a bunch personal problems, she understood because she knew all that I've been through.
At the time I was dating my now fiancé (25M), and after we both fired from our jobs at almost the same time, we decided to have a little trip to visit Elsa, that way, my fiancé could meet my future MOH, since as we got engaged few months prior.
LSS, he didn't like them. He said that they were weirds because they were always on the cellphone, never talk to us when we're there, never clean their house, never do any dishes (seems like the dishes was there more than 5 days), their dogs smell like a decade without any shower.. anyways. I agree with him because the situation make me sick too, but never told Elsa about that, It's her house.
I was talking to Elsa a long time about weddings, prices, since she got a beautiful wedding and did not spent too much money on that. I told Elsa that my fiancé had some savings and he specifically said that the money was for our wedding, and was more than enough for us.
And here is when the shit beggins to happen.
Elsa kept saying that wedding were expensive, that If we didn't pay attention we would spend more than we needed, and some parts were unnecessary (like drinks, this or that food). Mind y'all that she spendt about $4,000 on her wedding, and my fiancé got about $15,000 on savings. Obviously we wouldn't use all the money for the wedding, we wanted to save some for our future home. I never liked big weddings since my SIL got an $40,000 wedding 2y prior.
My fiancé always planned everything with all his heart, before our trip to Elsa's, he took some of his savings and bought me an engagement ring, even we knowing that we were unemployed, he told me that was the way he shows me how important I was, and he wants to marry me. And I know in that time he was worried on how to provide for us, getting anxious of beeing unemployed.
Elsa seems not to like. She said that he was spending his money on something that he can't be sure of (the wedding), and that she got hers a day before her wedding.
This pissed my fiancé off.
February this year, he got a job in the same city that Elsa was living, he moved in with a cousin, lived with him for about 2 months, and then decided that was the time to us move in together, after the engagement and for us to live like a couple.
We search for an apartment, liked one, and we rent it.
My mum adviced me not to told everyone that I was moving out, she said that It atracts bad energies. So, I just said goodbye only to my family and some friends.
I didn't told Elsa that I was moving into the city she lives, I wanted to be a suprise, since we just see each other once a year, and that way we could meet more often. What I did: chat with her about rent prices, groceries (adult life comments), because this specifically city it's very expensive, my brother lives there too with a very good job and salary. Elsa kept saying that was a very very expensive city, that we couldn't live with my fiancé payment, that we would probably ending on short terms..
Her comments made me almost lost my faith, but I thought It was just an advice.
April this year, my fiancé and I moved in. After a couple of days, I facetime with her to show our new apartament and tell the news that we are going to be neighbors again, after 14 years apart.
She looked very happy for me, but at the same time, she got mad because I didn't told her before. Let it go because I was too excited. Told her that I wanted to visit every fun place in the city, the zoo, museums, aquariums, everything. (Save this information, important later)
My fiancé heard the conversation, and gave me a disappointed look.
All we had from the moving was an old mattress of mine, a few clothes, my cats, a TV, and mugs. All we needed for the first month. And I dare to say that was the happiest moment of my life. My mum helped us with our new home, she gave us lots of house supplies (she had a difficult start with my dad too, so she wanted her daughter to have some help).
In the first month, my fiancé bought everything we needed for our home, a new bed and everything. And I was happy enough to share with Elsa our new achievements, about our new life, and she was always saying that we didn't need that amount of things, that we could buy cheaper forniture and etc.. never happy for us, always complaining about money, about our stuff, like If we trying to "walk on not my shoes".
That make me very upset with her since I've got zero support of her side.
I over it.
Mother's day came in. I ask Elsa to help me find a perfect gift for my mum, since she helped us more than she could, so I wanted to put my heart out on it. Elsa came with the best Idea she could: A SPA day. I thought that was perfect, my mum needed a break from my dad, from my grandparents, as she always taking care of everything. Found the perfect one, showed to Elsa to see what she thinks, and again: "don't you think that is too expensive?"
I got pissed my ass off. I couldn't believe that she was putting money over everything.
I told my fiancé what was happening, and he set me down. He told me that she was just jealous of me because I got my mother's support when I moved out, and she didn't got hers.
When she moved out with her husband, she almost got kicked off from her parents house, as her parents are too conservative to have a daughter living with a guy before the marriage.
This time I didn't let It go, she was my best friend and all I wanted is her support. So, I went talk to her. Pulled my heart out saying that I was upset with her always putting money over my happiness. And she lost.
She threw every single detail of our friendship on my face, saying that I was ungrateful, that she was just "trying to help". I couldn't believe on what I was reading. I was too devastated to argue.
Last week, I saw an storie on her Instagram visiting the only place in the city that I was excited to go, the regional aquarium. The last time I visited I was about 8. She knew that.
I talked to my mum about that situation, and she told me that since we're kids Elsa had a different look to me. Always watching, putting me down on future dreams, boyfriends, career, and was all jealousy. I argue saying that she didn't have to be jealous of me, 'cause she always had more. Private schools, present parents at home, a good college, anything you could imagine. My mom said that was not the matter, but in fact who I always was, and that Elsa doesn't want me to have similar things to her: a happy marriage, a comfort home, supportive family.
I never saw that way, maybe because I was too blind beeing a good friend to her, always there when needed, always happy for her conquists.
Elsa is a psychologist now. When we were friends, I always cheered for her to be someone that will help people, beeing there for them as I always thought she was for me, because she always had something to talk about I was beeing through, a little comment here or there, always like "you sure that is right for you? Aren't you beeing too sooner on that? Don't you think that the other option is better than what you chose?"
That made me thought on everything we past together, all littlle details that I couldn't see before. But seeing now, all we've been through, looks like a huge manipulation when I think on every advice I asked from her. Like a puppet show.
It makes me sad to think on broke this long time friendship, but hurts more keeping on.
After a Bible on this situation, and I appologise to y'all, AITAH?
submitted by notthemarchhare to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:29 Smooth-Housing1979 AITAH

Aitah for cheating on my wife when I thought she cheated on me?
I'm M57 and my wife, let's call her Jane for privacy reasons is F45. Jane and I had been married for twelve years, within our first year of being married we had two beautiful boys, twins, Jake and Sam.
Jane and I met at an annual work party during Christmas time. She was the new hire who didn't have many friends or anyone to talk to. I started paying her more attention, by the end of the night we hit things off pretty well. We started dating a month or two after, casual dating nothing more. It started getting more serious as time went on, one thing led to another and I was down on one knee and she said yes.
Jane grew up on the farms with her dad and brothers so we decided it would be nice to have the ceremony in one of her old barns. We did it up nicely with lights and decorations. I felt like the luckiest man alive. Soon came Jake and Sam. As we weren't expecting twins it was definitely a shock, nonetheless we loved them both. I felt like such a proud father, taking them on strolls in the pram to walks in the park, soon enough I was taking them to soccer games and movie theatres.
After about six years after our boys were born, I noticed a shift in Jane's mood. She no longer liked getting into it when the boys were asleep. She was never home, which was odd to the fact she worked less hours than me. She was always at a yoga class or a friends tea party. All these excuses she had made up made me feel like something more was going on.
I tried ignoring it and focusing on work, as the last thing I'd want it to be was cheating and breaking our family up. I didn't want to believe she could do such a thing. On November 1st, she told me she'd be home early, it was our anniversary. She had a day out with her friends in the local garden centre. I started getting worried when it hit 6pm. Who can look at plants and drink coffee for 9 hours? Not Jane, she gets bored of activities an hour or less in. I assumed maybe she's picking up a nice bottle of wine or something after, but the selection isn't big in the town we live, surely it wouldn't take her long.
I left her some calls, messages even sat on the front porch waiting for hours. It wasn't until Jake came out saying he had a nightmare to when I went back inside. I ended up falling asleep with Jake as I read him a bedtime story. The next morning when I woke up, Jane was in our bed, her clothes scattered all over the room like she was trying to play the floor is lava with her cashmere jumper and denim trousers.
Confused, as anyone would be, I headed to her side and gently shook her away. I'm not the sort of man to start arguments, nor do I like them. I'm not a fan of conflict. I felt as if accusing her of cheating was the worst thing I could ever possibly do. Yet I went ahead and asked her to which she declined and yelled at me for even thinking it.
I felt horrible about myself, like I had just lost her with that question. After that I started relying on work to get me by, it was something to distract my thoughts. Jane became more distant, even if she was home, she'd either be on her phone or the laptop, both to which she changed the passwords on. I'd never be the one to snoop at her phone. The only reason we had each other's phone passwords was for emergency, and well the laptop was actually mine for work. It was my at home computer when covid happened. I don't use it as much now, just a couple games online when I'm bored, yet Jane took it over, changed the passwords and reset the whole thing.
It didn't really matter to me as I never used it, it just made my stomach drop. What if she was hiding something from me? I felt guilty asking myself that question every time she did something odd. Whether it was telling me to sleep on the sofa or to work longer hours. There was a change in her and it wasn't just me that noticed it, Jake and Sam did too. They were too young to understand why mommy didn't want to hang out with them anymore.
I decided to stop trying with Jane, to focus my work hours on work, get a baby sitter for the weekdays and on weekends I'd always take my boys out to fancy restaurants and fun things they'd enjoy. Jane didnt like that. She didn't like it when Sam said the two of them prefer me.
It started an argument between Jane and I, the first conversation we had in months. She told me it was my fault, that she knew I was trying to be their favourite to get back at me.
I didn't know what she meant, infact I was done, our marriage was over, but I needed to salvage it for the kids. My parents divorced when I was ten. It's a horrible experience for anyone of any age. My dad acted like it was my fault. He'd always send me off to mom's house then when I come back he'd act like I wasn't even there. Mom however, tried winning my love with money. Buying me the latest xbox games, consoles, a new phone. Whatever it was, she got it for me. I never asked, never asked her for anything, she'd just show up and shove it in my face as she stood at the door to dad's house with me before passover.
I didn't want my boys feeling upset, angry, thinking its their fault, I needed to stay with Jane till they were old enough to be able to manage their emotions.
Then came along another woman. It had been three years since I asked Jane if she was cheating. For privacy reasons, I'll change her name. F50, her name was Lucy. She was our new neighbour, moved in with her elderly mother. I met her first in the local library as I was picking up some books for myself. She was there signing in for a book card. I introduced myself, told her she's welcome to the block, a formal and nice welcoming. I seen her every Thursday at the library, she'd either be writing, reading or just looking at the bookshelves. Over time we started having some conversations. She knew I was married with kids. The longer this friendship went on, I opened up to her about Jane and I. Something I hadn't told anyone.
She was really supportive, was really there for me. It was comforting to say the less. As time went on, we started hooking up, going on dates and seeing each other on days that weren't only Thursdays.
Lucy was a kindhearted person, she even had her mother take care of my kids for free on weekdays. I felt bad when she said she'd do it free of charge, that she missed when her kids were young. We made a deal, I'd cook her my famous pasta bolognase and she'd mind my kids. Occasionally Lucy would bring Sam and Jake out when her mother was feeling too tired. She'd bring them to the zoo, the ice rink or even out for a day of shopping. I really started to fall in love with her, I don't know if I should have felt guilty about her, having a wife. But I didn't. I felt as if our marriage was over without the documents to show.
Things were going good till one day I was in a rush for work, Lucy had the keys to my house, only for emergency. I would never of taken her home.
I told her to just go inside, the kids lunches are already packed and to just drive them to school. She did what I said however one thing neither of us expected was Jane to be home. As my wife answered the door, I couldn't even imagine what Lucy felt. She said she was the new baby sitter. When I came home that night, I dropped in some pastries to Lucy and her mother then headed home. Jane sat at the kitchen table, a portion of bolognase infront of her, untouched, steaming hot.
She didn't speak for minutes, it felt like hours. I knew I had to tell her, tell her everything.
I began with knowing she cheated on me, how it made me feel, the kids feel. She watched, with zero emotion on her face. Her hand swinging her wine glass around before she'd take a sip.
She laughed, and laughed. She didn't stop. Infact as she stood up, she threw the boiling hot plate at me, to which I had dodged.
She didn't cheat, infact there was a reason she was distant. My wife was graped numerous times in three days by her coworker. My best friend, M52, John. John had too became distant, I guess I thought he was busy.
I fell back, kneeling on the floor as I heard the kids waking up upstairs. My wife stood still, tears in her eyes as she yelled, how I cheated on her when she was graped.
I felt miserable, there's no work in the dictionary that could muster up how I genuinely felt in that moment. Jane and I filed for divorce two months later. She didn't want the boys. I took them. She wanted far from me, from this house. She moved in with her dad back at the farm while Lucy and her mother moved in with me and the boys.
submitted by Smooth-Housing1979 to u/Smooth-Housing1979 [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:27 jenile [Review] Hell For Hire by Rachel Aaron

Huge thanks go out to Rachel Aaron for the e-arc!
Rachel Aaron has been on my to-read list for simply ages! I’ve heard great things about her books and I’ve had my sights on a couple of her past series- the Legend of Eli Monpress, and also Heartstriker (Nice Dragons Finish Last) which has been in my reader since 2019).
Part of that delay in checking out her work outside of having a mountain of a TBR, is that I don’t get into Urban Fantasy side of the fantasy shelves very often these days. I was really looking forward to Hell for Hire, for the change of pace- something different, and fun, to break up the epic and dark fantasy I tend to lean towards and to finally get a chance to check out Rachel’s works.
And what an incredibly fun story Hell for Hire turned out to be!
I do like UF with stories being based in “our world” for doing some of the heavy-lifting in the world-building department; giving characters more space to shine. I was expecting a light-read with a little window-dressing and the usual motley collection of characters. But there was way more than just window dressing here. Hell for Hire is a very well-thought-out merging of world and lores.
After conquering the Nine Hells King Gilgamesh took over Paradise and made the demons slaves.
Ok so, I don’t know about you all but my knowledge of Mesopotamian mythology fits in a Stargate-shaped thimble, along with a hodge-podge of other stuff that I can’t possibly unravel from each other anymore. But no problem, because this was some smooth and accessible world-building and the pace never lags! There is just the right amount of fighting, cool lore, and locations. Combine all that with an endearing cast of characters - I can understand why Rachel’s stories have gained such popularity.
The cast is just so fun and quirky.
I really Loved Bex and Adrian and the supporting characters on each side. Each of them brought something a little different to the table; whether it be a bit of humour, action, or story support- they round the world out and allow for growth where it’s needed.
Bex and her team are free demons living and travelling in their tricked-out RV staying under the radar as best they can to avoid the wrong sort of attention. They do jobs to get by and one of those jobs happens to be Adrian.
Beca is just awesome- she’s tough, while still being personable, vulnerable and warm. I really love that found family trope to pieces, and whenever we get a group of misfits together, that rely-on and trust each with their lives- I’m just a happy reader.
The whole team is a hoot but my favourite of them was Nemeni. She’s is a real downer. Her Eeyore personality is sparingly used- almost like a running gag, but holy crap did she made me laugh.
Adrian plans to start his own Witchwood in Pacific Northwest, he wants to beak free from his family’s coven and has hired Bex and team, to protect him until his forest is far enough along to protect himself.
Adrian was just adorable. I loved everything about him and his familiacat and the grumpy broom. I, for some reason, had this mental image of him as tuxedo mask.
I really loved all the stuff to do with him and building his grove- especially the whole part the heart of the forest.

I can’t go into details because of spoilers but one thing I really enjoyed was how Bex and Adrian, both had a part to play with moments to shine in the end and it never felt too easy. I appreciated the feeling of completeness and liked that it was a clear hopeful ending that left room for a series without feeling like we’d lose out by not continuing on.
Hell for Hire is smart, fun, and addicting. My first Rachel Aaron book and definitely won’t be my last!
submitted by jenile to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:26 GoddessYshtola [Request][Steam (USA] Manor Lords

First time doing this, so bear with me.
Why do I want the game?
Well, genuinely it looks like a tremendous amount of fun. It looks like similar games where you build roads/stuff and plan things out. And the way it reads sounds like a factory-style game. It has aspects of a lot of genres I'm interested in, especially survival/building/factory style things.
The fact that it's made by a solo developer also tugs at me, and I really wanna support them. Because games like this look better than AAA stuff lately. And that should be encouraged.
It puts me in mind of games like Timberborn and I genuinely haven't seen anything bad about it as of yet. ^^ So I'm hoping at some point to get a copy.
For more detail, I like factory games. Stuff like Transport Fever 2 or Dyson Sphere Program. Where you have to think and plan carefully to build things out properly. Same with Timberborn. You can do so much with the world, and it has the cutest aesthetic.
Manor Lords seems like it has a similar style and would appeal to me greatly. The fact the game just looks so beautiful is also drawing me in. And I can't deny that I hope if the game is successful, it might encourage other similar games. As I'd genuinely love a feudal Japan game of a similar style and gameplay mechanics.
submitted by GoddessYshtola to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:26 squirreleatsmoon recommend some cities for a heartbroken 23yo recent grad

hi all -
per title, i just finished college as well as my relationship of 4+ years. i'm a little lost, but recognize that this means i can look for a job anywhere.
my estimated salary: 50k (adjusted for locality)
here are my location ideals:
• somewhere that has LOTS to do. i'm very passionate about musical theatre and live music & would like to live in an area that has an abundance of this
• left-leaning
• lots of people my age
• walkable (i'd prefer to not have a car)
• challenges me. i was raised military & like to "tackle" places. i enjoy evolving to high energy areas as i find it very motivating
• localized. i don't really like sprawling cities (like LA!) because things feel too far apart & there's not as much connection with other people
i spent a lot of my time in college living off-campus with my then-partner, which resulted in missing out on a lot of the “college experience.” i feel a lot of regret & wish i could find a place that maintains some of the things that made college fun (pretty much all of the above) while still entering professional, adult life.
thank you for reading and any help you can provide!
p.s. i would prefer to avoid NC and DC as these were states i lived with/planned to move with my partner to. i know it's dumb to rule out two whole states because of a breakup but there's too many memories tied here
p.p.s. i do not care about weather
submitted by squirreleatsmoon to SameGrassButGreener [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:26 LimpDepartment714 Im making a murder drones parody

Im completely new to making songs (im in my schools band but that doesnt help much when it comes to composing) and i thought it would be fun to make a MD parody song. So if yall wanna help out and maybe write some lyrics or chords etc, ill read them all and when im done putting everything together then ill make a new post with a link to my yt channel so you can listen to it :D (and yes i will include that the MD subreddit helped)
submitted by LimpDepartment714 to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:26 PeaceOrFreedom The misconception of valued Ni (in response to Ni as mental time travel) and it’s rarity in the ego

You may have seen my comments stating that Ni ego types are the rarest types in Socionics, so I will use this post to explain my logic and real world observations.
I agree that Ni as a function can be described as “mental time travel”. When accessed by the brain, Ni allows a person to perceive the flow of time and events from past—>present—>future. However, Ni manifests very differently depending on which block it appears in, as all IMEs do.
I have observed that many people that claim to be Ni ego types are mistyped Ne egos. I know this because these people do not understand what it means to value Ni/Se. Starting off with the wikisocion definition of Ni lead we have:
“As a base function, Ni generally manifests itself through a lack of direct attention to the world around oneself, and a sense of detachment or freedom from worldly affairs. This can lead to a highly developed imagination and very unique mental world, but it can also result in a great deal of laziness and apparent inactivity.”
I find most of the issue with this definition in “laziness” and “inactivity”. It seems that this definition views Ni leads simplistically as having 1D Se and forgets that Se is still valued in the IEI and ILI. In fact, if Ni allows a user to perceive the flow of time, valued Ni in the ego means that the user will actually be oriented and actively navigating themselves forward through time. They will not be lazy or inactive since they will value the exertion of force/effort/volition towards an end goal or, just simply, towards development/improvement over time. Progress is something that you will see. While it is true that Ni leads will have 1D Se and so they will not be exerting much effort, they will be exerting a fairly focused and constant flow of energy— as opposed to an SLE like myself who exerts a lot of force into short term goals sporadically as my direction or perception of time is very nearsighted. For this reason, I like other definitions that describe Ni leads as maintaining this constant level of mild discomfort, always pushing themselves at a very manageable level. The definition of Ni lead that I shared from wikisocion instead sounds exactly like how an Ni demonstrative type would present themselves, as their vulnerable Se and mobilizing Si would cause a great deal of laziness as they “time travel mentally” for the fun of it while remaining fairly comfortable, lazy, and overall inert. Now take the Ni creative types: you would see people who are now putting noticeably much more energy/force/volition towards their goals (without ever taking a step back to relax, take care of themselves or their environment) while still being consistent and always pushing themselves.
Now, gathering everything I have just shared, do you not agree that Ni egos are the rarest type of people? In real life, I practically don’t observe anyone behaving in such a way where they consistently put in effort and progress over time. Simply put, if these people were as common as they are typed in Socionics, we would have a much better society than we actually do, since we have overall been suffering immensely from a lack of meaningful direction and development as a society. Lastly, I know this is true because I and every other Se user I know can’t seem to find our respective duals. Literally, the closest I have gotten to finding an IEI was one EIE guy that I managed to meet in college, and I was impressed by so many things he did.
E.g. he took an entire 10-15 foot wall in our dorm (we became roommates after we became friends) and mapped out his life plan and would remap it every few months or so, and then he actually did what he planned and envisioned.
Anyway, my explanation for why we have such a bad misconception of Ni egos is that I’m sure that a significantly higher percentage of famous people are Ni egos than they appear in the rest of the population. I’m just hoping to see less people claim that they are Ni egos (especially IEI and ILI) while continuing to be unremarkable people.
If I’m wrong, then reach out to me and be my dual to prove me wrong. I’ll help you and you’ll help me.
submitted by PeaceOrFreedom to Socionics [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:25 Pixilius My GF broke up with me (M) almost a month ago and now she's with someone new already

(For context this is my and her first ever relationship)
To be exact it's been 3 weeks since we broke up, it was a year and a half relationship. The reason why she broke up with me was because of my decline on mental health and because of that it negatively impacted her own mental health and life. Personally I battle my own problems, that's just how I was able to cope ever since I was a kid. I came from a family where emotions and feelings are often dismissed and potrays weakness, so it's no questioñ that I'd turn out like this. A guy who pushes people away when things get tough, who pushes his loved ones away. That's what I did to her, I pushed her away, knowing goddamn well that I shouldn't, I know it's wrong to shut people away and that we should sometimes open up especially to the ones who actually cares about us but my unresolved past traumas and constant addiction to self harm has hindered my ability to do the right thing and to think rationally, I always get carried away with my emotions, I overthink every night, even the smallest change of mood or energy or whatever it may be I always overthink about it, I overcomplicate things so much.
Anyway, when she ended the relationship, I of course was devastated, because at that time I was at my all time low, the lowest point of my life. And the love of my life just broke up with me, so I cried non stop all night, everynight, yk typical post breakup things. Fast-forward to 3 days ago, I was scrolling to Instagram and would you look at that, she's with another woman now, yes a female, she's bisexual.
Seeing her with someone else already, made me feel so worthless and depressed, she was my everything and it hurts even more because I envisioned my future with her that I was so caught up at the moment that I forgot about myself, is that how easily replaceable I am? All I ever did was love her and do good by her. If it wasn't for my fucked up brain and mental health things would be so much different. I was improving my mental health, I stopped pushing people away and started letting people in my life over the course of our relationship, I was healing. But if it wasn't for that one time, that one time I relapsed so bad where everything came crashing down.
I was so broken with the break up that i created these delusions, these questioñs in my mind, such as the thought of her already having someone backed up when things didn't worked out for us. Or maybe that's just how other people cope with breakups? To find someone new instantly? As a way to distract the past relationship...? I don't know.
How come someone just move on to a relationship within a snap. We never argued, we never fought, it was just my mental health, this crippled fucking mind of mine blew everything up, all those memories, gone...
She's etched into my veins, every corner of my room I see her, she's been on my mind almost every single day, and as much as I want to move on, I can't, I simply cannot, I love her and I still love her even if her feelings for me are gone. I thought she'd be there for me on my all time low, but instead she broke up with me. She was my everything man. Seeing her with someone else that quick, 3 weeks after the breakup really broke me. So many questioñs left unanswered.
So uh yeah, I just wanted to get this out of my chest.
If you made it until the end, thanks for reading... I hope life is treating you good! Cheers 🥂
submitted by Pixilius to Vent [link] [comments]