Third trimester brown discharge

Seeking advice on work situation during pregnancy

2024.06.05 05:40 Artist6096 Seeking advice on work situation during pregnancy

I'm currently 7 months pregnant in Canada and recently cut down my workdays from five to four per week with a doctor's note. My job requires me to be on my feet all day, which can be mentally and physically draining. My employer wasn't thrilled about this, but they had to comply due to legal requirements. Lately, I've been getting frustrated at work because they've started to cut my time with clients to squeeze more in, despite my pregnancy. I feel they should be accommodating me more, considering I'm in my third trimester. I had an argument with my manager, and now they're cutting my hours even more. Financially I had budgeted for a four day work week. Are they entitled to do this? I feel disrespected and stressed out by the situation. I'm considering talking to my doctor about going on stress leave until my maternity leave starts in eight weeks. I won’t have much money to spare but I can make it work. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Artist6096 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:16 FMThaone Is it usually difficult to workout in third trimester?

Since the beginning of this pregnancy I have been able to workout just fine. I did my HIIT workouts and weight training without much issue. Up until 24 weeks I felt comfortable working out, of course a lot slower and less intense. However, as soon as I hit 25 weeks I feel like I have no more energy. I can’t even walk up hill or up stairs without going out of breath or feel my heartbeat go up fast! What happened to my built up stamina?!? Does it just get harder in third trimester or is it me?!?
submitted by FMThaone to fitpregnancy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:07 bunsybunsss should i have not done ghusl?

i did ghusl yesterday which was the 10th day. i was incredibly confused because my period never lasted this long. usually 8 days or at the start of the 9th. what's weirder is that i did get the sticky, thread-like white discharge. However, there were some brown dots clot things on it. Only 2 dots and they were very small. the moisture and discharge itself was completely white, so i thought it was fine and did ghusl.
what do i do now? stop salah? i want to ask a scholar or someone knowledgable but it will take too much time and im anxious.
submitted by bunsybunsss to Hijabis [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 05:06 Imabigdill Seem to have lost appetite over the past few days. What can I do?

In my third trimester and I can’t remember the last time I felt hungry and wanted to eat - maybe Thursday or Friday of last week? So it’s been at least 4 days. Nothing sounds good and I’m rarely feeling my stomach growl. M I’ve been forcing myself to eat since I know I need it but I’m just not sure why I’m feeling like this!
submitted by Imabigdill to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:43 Kimy41388 Am I pregnant or not

Hey guys I been having a bit of a dilemma on my health. I got my period on may 15-22. On may 29 I lost my appetite and was really nauseous. On may 30th at night I had pink/ brown discharge. I was spotting for 2 days and during these two days I had some cramps and nausea. Now for the rest of the day I been feeling fatigue, back aches, breast sensitivity and cramps. Cramps come and go. Every time I go on google it says pregnancy or an STD which I am sure I do not have. I wanted to know what you guys think about this situation? I don’t even know when to take a pregnancy test because I didn’t miss my period and don’t know if it’s too early to go to the gyno. Could it be something else besides pregnancy? Thoughts please ?
submitted by Kimy41388 to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:28 _itsAdoozy_ I'm dead last in the league

I'm dead last in the league
Alright, its my first time playing an fm game, playing my first season of fm23 right now. I switched over from fifa career mode since that got way too easy to cheese my way to trophies, and I love the complexity but ... I need some help.
Started in League Two with a completely generated team. Apparently the caliber of players I have made everyone think we were favorites to win promotion but its the 1st of October and we're dead last in the league. Just met with the board and I have until the end of the season to "turn it around" or I'm out of the job. Haven't won a game in 10 matches. First picture is my original formation which I played up until we got close to the relegation zone.
3 games ago I switched it up to this after the 4-3-3 wasn't working. Won a game in the Papa John's trophy is penalties and then lost two more in the league.
Can I get some advice on how better to create reliable tactics?
submitted by _itsAdoozy_ to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:20 Any-Masterpiece-6878 12 days after surgery and minimal pain

I had a fistulectomy (M33) for a simple fistula without flap or seton. I have very minimal pain 13 days later and currently experiencing discharge. The first 5 days were terrible and very challenging. I spot taking pain meds after the third day due to personal decisions and to reduce constipation.
Currently I’m using gauze everyday and haven’t used toilet paper since pre surgery. My recommendations are to CHUG WATER and eat healthy. I now only eat broccoli and carrots with oatmeal for breakfast.
When exiting the shower I use a hair dryer to dry the area before applying gauze to protect my underwear.
Hopefully this is a one and done for me and I want everyone to know it gets better y’all!
Best of luck
submitted by Any-Masterpiece-6878 to AnalFistula [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 04:03 merigh Pain in fingers, both hands

Pain in fingers, both hands
I'm 2months postpartum, both of my hands fingers joints feel painful when i bend them... Has anyone experienced this?
Also, when sometimes i squat during random daily acitivities, i feel like my knees are weak, not sure if this because of the c section / delivery or it's the vitamins deficiency.
I tested low during my third trimester. I did not take any suppliments, i plan to test again this week.
submitted by merigh to VitaminD [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:50 NoYou8497 Did I mess up

I skipped my withdrawal bleed for the month of May now on June 3rd and today June 4th I'm having brown discharge. Could this be why ?
Also: I am now on pill 56
submitted by NoYou8497 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:42 MacEbes Lets talk about the positives: Maps

Being pretty new to fps games in general, only really started to get into them with BO4, Ive noticed something about my enjoyment of them that feels almost subconscious. I liked BO4 for the quality of its gamemodes and its memorable maps. I bought MW 2019 because reviews were good and a number of friends were playing it, and I quickly bounced off of it. I couldnt figure out why until I started playing this game.
MW 2019 to me had pretty poor map layouts, with hard to see enemies, and camping frequently. This made the experience quite irritating to be surprised by an enemy I cant see and die within 3 clicks. The game rarely felt like I was on even terms with the opposition, something I didnt feel in BO4.
Fastforward to this game, and within 2hrs ive bought the $70 ultimate founders pack for 2 reasons. 1. This is Ubisoft SF, whos other live service game is rocksmith, a game that has been supported with weekly dlc for the past 10 years and was recently revived into rocksmith+. This gave me confidence that this wont be another hyperscape and will continue to grow long term. The 2nd reason is that this game gives me the same BO4 feeling with improvements. First, its only 30gb, second I can actually see the enemies since they are highlighted, third no camping due to both map design and intel suit, and fourth the objective based nature means I always feel like I can contribute even if im bad at the fps part of the game. This same formula is why I also really liked overwatch, which unfortunately had to burn any goodwill by just not doing anything for 2yrs, then scrapping anything they were working on, and feeding it back to us as scraps.
Anyways, the maps are very good both for their layout, and the distinct nature of each of them. There is enough of them at launch to feel new each time one comes up, and at least so far, there are no default favorites that keep coming up. They are visually unique so the solar park is more beach and pale colors vs the aquarium which is deep blue, or the brown of the zoo or the snow city of the escort maps. The space variety (closed off quarters of the plane, or the 4 walkways leading to the center stage of arena) allows for many options for plans of attack, while being compact enough to allow a defense to take hold. All these things may make the game seem safe to most people, but to me Id rather have a safe game like this thats well thought out and balanced vs a game like The Finals that has unique ideas with its destruction and objectives, but is very unbalanced and has a core lack of agency for the defenders.
Any other positives about the game no one has mentioned?
submitted by MacEbes to XDefiant [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:38 Artist6096 Seeking Advice on Work Situation During Pregnancy

I'm currently 7 months pregnant in Canada and recently cut down my workdays from five to four per week with a doctor's note. My job requires me to be on my feet all day, which can be mentally and physically draining. My employer wasn't thrilled about this, but they had to comply due to legal requirements. Lately, I've been getting frustrated at work because they've started to cut my time with clients to squeeze more in, despite my pregnancy. I feel they should be accommodating me more, considering I'm in my third trimester. I had an argument with my manager, and now they're cutting my hours even more. Financially I had budgeted for a four day work week. Are they entitled to do this? I feel disrespected and stressed out by the situation. I'm considering talking to my doctor about going on stress leave until my maternity leave starts in eight weeks. I won’t have much money to spare but I can make it work. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Artist6096 to workingmoms [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:16 ofmyvoicee Anxious waiting for first scan

TW: positive pregnancy
I’m 5w+5 days and have my first scan on Thursday (6w). I’m so nervous! I keep reading into every little symptom I feel (nausea, tired, strong sense of smell, cramping, sore breasts) but they are constantly ebbing and flowing. When I feel “normal” for a day (like today) I panic. And tonight I had a very small amount of brown discharge which I haven’t had at all before. My hcg progression was a bit low according to my doctor (9dp5dt -38, 13dp5dt -194, 16dp5st -726) so I just keep worrying that it’s going to be ectopic or MC.
It’s just so, so hard to be in this waiting period, as you all know. Any words of wisdom, success stories, or just positive thoughts my way would be so appreciated.
submitted by ofmyvoicee to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:14 snicoleon Third trimester ultrasound discomfort

It's going to be painful due to this bad pelvic girdle pain around my hips and back. I just hope it's quick. I had a follow up ultrasound of a similar nature with my first baby that was quite uncomfortable - my pain at that time was not like this but I cried in the bathroom afterward lol (due to other factors on top of the discomfort). It ended up taking what felt like a long time for what was supposedly just a small potential issue that was nonexistent by that time (echogenic spot in bowels). This time they're checking growth due to PRUV, which I've also been told is likely not a problem but they just want to keep an eye on it. I'm really hoping the pain isn't too bad that day and that the scan doesn't take forever. I'm excited to see my baby of course and make sure she's okay and everything. I am just not looking forward to laying down like that. 😭
submitted by snicoleon to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:13 quinnie007 Cold turkey bottle weaning

Hi all!
Question for those who had a stubborn bottle baby. How long after going cold turkey did your child accept milk from something else?
Some background:
My LO just turned 13 months and, as predicted with many children, is struggling with the transition off the bottle. He drinks water out of his straw cup like a champ since 6 months, but will refuse milk in anything other than a bottle. He’s been getting a morning bottle of cows milk and an evening bottle of cows milk this last month.
We first tried a Dr Browns transition cup, no dice. Tried the Nuk straw cup just like his water cup - no dice. Tried the Nuk sippies that look very similar to his Dr Browns bottles and had SUCCESS! … for three days. On that third day it’s like he realized it wasn’t a bottle and lost his mind.
Any time we offered after that, it’s like we were torturing him. Crying and screaming to the point of gagging. Poor thing. My weak mama heart caved and we went back to milk in a bottle.
This brings us to present day, I’d really like to wean him sooner rather than later. We went cold turkey (again) tonight and he was so upset, once again. However, once distracted he was completely fine and goes to sleep beautifully on his own.
I think our issue is less about the milk, and more about the comfort of the bottle. Our pediatrician warned he could refuse for several days and that’s okay as long as he was hydrating in other ways and we could incorporate some more yogurt, dairy, etc.
Anyone else have a baby who really struggled? If you stuck with cold turkey, how long before they came around to another cup?
Thank you!!
submitted by quinnie007 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:01 dlschindler Ketchup On Satan's Burger

"Cancer, as known to the State of California, is this bag of roasted peanuts." Is what she said.
I wasn't paying attention anymore. I was staring instead at the goat.
I think that goat was actually Fred, and we just didn't know it yet.
We were still on our little detour when it started getting dark across the desert, rather quickly.
"I don't want to drive back in the dark. Let's stay in San Piana." Gloria had said.
That's when what appeared to be the same goat crossed our path.
I had to slam on the brakes, a cloud of road dust flowing over our vehicle and hovering over the road before us.
"I think that's the same goat." I said. I looked and saw it was atop someone's roof, staring down on us with red glowing eyes. I felt nervous while it looked at us, it's blackening silhouette against the evening sky looked sinister.
"Ew, I hate goats." Gloria got out her phone. "We have no reception out here."
I checked my phone - she was right.
"Let's find a place to stay for the night, then." I told her. We left our car parked in the middle of the dirt road leading into the village and took our bags to the nearest shack.
I banged on the door. A little old lady opened the door, with half her face looking like it would just fall off her skull at any moment. "Excuse me. We are travelling on our way to my sister's wedding, and we decided to drive this rental car. Now we are stuck here for the night, because the road back to civilization from this little detour is too dark and treacherous to drive back at night. So, we need to stay here tonight."
She said nothing, but reluctantly shuffled out of our way as we brought in our bags and made ourselves at home. I looked around at the little hovel, and despite looking like a primitive shack from the outside it was rather clean and tidy inside. "Not too bad. I thought it would be filthy in here."
"No vacancy." The old woman grumbled.
"Yes, of course. We have this little bed and breakfast exclusive to ourselves." I smiled, sat back in her rocking chair and put my dusty boots on the coffee table. The little old lady remained stoic, but I could tell she wasn't used to civilized folk. We took over the bedroom and left her on the couch, whining rather unprofessionally about her arthritis.
In the morning the lazy stiff had gone cold, forcing us to make our own breakfast. While we were eating, the village's chief showed up. He was wearing a brown button up shirt with a logo on it that vaguely looked like a county sheriff at a glance.
"Mrs. Summers has expired?" He noted the little old lady was still wrapped in an Afghan on her couch.
"Yeah, could you help me with that? She smells gross." I went to one end of the couch and indicated that I needed his help. He reluctantly assisted me while we took her and the whole couch outside and left her on the porch.
"Now I'll have to wait here with her until they can come get her. We have wild animals around here." Thoman sat, looking sad.
"Why the long face?" I asked.
"I just, it's sad she's gone. I've known Mrs. Summers since I was little. How'd she die?" He wondered.
I shrugged. "She was old?"
My wife brought out our bags, glaring at me for not helping.
"Well, we'll leave a nice review." I patted his shoulder and then left him there.
We tried to drive out of San Piana, but as we turned around, we couldn't quite find the road that led back the way we had come. We circled around for awhile while the villagers came out to see what we were doing. We waved as we drove past them and finally I stopped and asked how to get out of town.
They all pointed in eerie unison, with weird blank looks on their faces. I was feeling a little bit creeped out by them.
I was about to roll up my window, but never did.
As we were about to go, the goat came running at me from nowhere and ran its horns into the driver's tire. I never would have believed a goat could puncture rubber with its horns and tear it open like that. The whole car was being lifted on the impale, the goat bleating angrily.
When it was done it trotted away like nothing had just happened. Suddenly the airbags deployed.
"Help!" We were shouting for help. The villagers just stood there, staring at us.
"You are chosen by Azazel. You shall carry our sins, and the rotten soul of Mrs. Summers with you, out into the desert." Thoman was suddenly at my driver's side window like a jump scare. I was so surprised I gave him a high-pitched bark and almost slapped him. After the goat attack my nerves were shot.
"Your goat did that! You'll pay for the damage!" I proclaimed.
"All in good time." Thoman said with certainty.
I got out of the car, my knees wobbling from the scares. "What sort of place you running here? I want to see the manager!" I shoved Thoman and yelled.
"You will see Him." Thoman's eye's looked like goats' eyes when he said: 'Him'. I felt a chill, despite the warm desert sun.
I got back into the car and said to Gloria. "There's something wrong with this place."
She said nothing and I looked to her seat, empty. "Gloria?"
I got back out and looked around for her, seeing that the streets were now empty. Everyone had gone back inside their shacks. Gloria was nowhere in sight. I began walking around, banging on doors, looking in windows and searching for her, demanding to be told where she was. The villagers all played dumb, shrugging and acting like they didn't know any English.
As the minutes began to add up and I couldn't find her, a cold sweaty panic burst out of me. For about an hour I just ran around the place, looking desperately for her. When it got hot out and I was exhausted, I found myself sitting on the front porch of Mrs. Summers.
Thoman came walking up. "There you are. I had to come find you, see if I can help."
"Where's Gloria?" I asked, exhausted.
"I'm sure she's around somewhere." Thoman lit a smoke and looked at the empty couch. "Looks like Mrs. Summers has gone missing."
I looked and saw her corpse was removed, leaving only her shroud and some suspicious pawprints, like a team of oversized coyotes had dragged her away when nobody was looking. I shrugged.
"Gloria is missing." I pointed out. Thoman nodded as he realized I couldn't care less about the local wildlife problems.
"People go missing sometimes. They always get found sooner or later." Thoman said, somehow mirroring my attitude about the missing old woman, but regarding Gloria. I started feeling hostile towards him.
"Do you know where she is?" I stood up, trembling and sweating.
"Of course, but it won't do you no good. She can't be found if she doesn't want it." Thoman blew smoke at me, dropped his smoke and crushed it underfoot until it was a mess of tobacco, ashes, paper and the filter. "Still there."
He dusted his hands off on his jeans and walked away, leaving me there looking at the whisp of smoke hovering ephemerally over the ruined cigarette. I heard coyotes howling in the distant hills in the middle of the day, I heard wind chimes making discordant sounds, I heard the bleating of the goat sound like laughter and then the cackling of the old woman who I knew was dead.
I sat, and from my feet a numbness of fear began to climb up my legs like tarantulas. My skin was like braille, and my sweat ran in rivulets into stains darkening on my clothes. My eyes stared, listening to the desert while it spoke the name of its lord. I was afraid, I knew I was against something that wanted to eat me, somehow.
"Where are you?" I asked Gloria, my voice a dry cracking sound. I went into the old woman's shack and poured some of the iced tea she had made at some point before she died. It tasted like tomatoes with a hint of almonds and made me feel sleepy. While I walked to the couch, I dropped the glass and fell over.
Darkness made me blink, my eyes darting around for any source of light. All around me, in the midnight desert, candles stood upon cooled-melted stands made of old wax - atop human skulls. I was tied naked to a cactus, my body seemed to be covered in writing done in ketchup.
There was a humming sound of many human voices, not an unpleasant sound, except in the circumstances it frightened me to know I was surrounded by people humming in unison. Gloria was standing at one end of the triangle, holding a Nosegay Bouquet like it was some kind of offering towards the darkness. She wore nothing but an open hooded robe of shimmering crimson and scarlet.
I always find my wife exciting, so despite her betrayal, I still think she looked hot as a Satanic priestess. I'm pretty lucky.
The third corner of the triangle was an old woman wearing the skin of an oversized coyote, and also slippers made of coyote feet. She howled dramatically and her voice was answered by a disembodied growling from all around us.
I peed myself in terror, glad I wore nothing to absorb it. Instead, it just ran down my leg and collected under my left foot. I wanted to scream, but I felt weak and frightened, unable to do more than whimper pathetically in mortal dread. Gloria looked at my mess and smiled weirdly at me.
"Azazel, take from our community our sins, take our sins to the desert. Leave us another six years of peace. We offer you the slaughter of the scapegoat. Lord of the wilderness, accept our humble sacrifice." The gathered creeps were saying their prayer slowly in unison. They repeated it word-for-word again and again, long into the night.
Something was coming closer, something was coming. All around us desert creatures hopped and leapt and swooped, chittering, yipping, barking and hooting. Thousands of beetles, centipedes, tarantulas, snakes, scorpions, mice and crickets swarmed everywhere except the hot wax and flames of the candles. I cried and shivered, moaning in horror as the creatures crawled all over me.
The glowing eyes, a shade of golden brown, loomed from the darkness. As the shape of the entity formed in my mind around the darkness it was cloaked in, sleep overwhelmed me. I straight up fainted at the sight of Azazel.
The early dawn found me in the back of our rental car, driving on a spare. Gloria was driving, getting us to her sister's wedding on-time. "Why?" I choked out a word.
"I wouldn't bother, but his business is in jeopardy. When we cross the border into that state, we are in the territory of one of the most corrupt governments on the planet. Technically, California is part of the United States in name only. Everyone knows their government is run entirely by criminals. The new laws will eliminate her new husband's franchises. They'll lose everything and have to live with us. I hate my sister, you know that." Gloria enlightened me to her insane political opinion and family drama, without answering my question.
"You're telling me all that was about burgers and ketchup?" I wheezed, needing a drink.
"With this -" Gloria held up the bridal bouquet "My lord will bless their union. She cannot be made poor by the dealings of other devils. They are all on the same team, you know."
"Team McDonald?" I asked.
"Team Humanity. They just want what's best for us." Gloria explained.
"Demons want what's best for us?" I tried not to sound too incredulous.
"No. You are missing the point. Humans make the sins, they just feed. They are fair, if you ask them for a favor. They'll take care of you."
"Like getting someone elected?" I guessed.
"Yes. Exactly." Gloria agreed. I stared out at the scenery of Angel's Crest National Monument as we drove.
We arrived at the wedding and I kept thinking about how good Gloria looked as some kind of Satanist last night. I requested we spend some married couple time together and she considered it, but said we had no time for such things. She promised we'd spend some quality time together after the wedding, provided I play for her team.
"I can't promise anything." I said honestly to her. For whatever faults I have, I do insist on being honest with my spouse.
We parked in the alley and got ourselves ready to go into the wedding, still looking like we were out all night, despite twenty minutes of details.
"We need to get going." Gloria urged me. I was still fiddling with my tie in the passenger's mirror, since the driver's side one had a crack in it already. I kept reminding myself how this car was a rental, as the thought was easily slipping my mind under the stress I was feeling.
I hate weddings.
We went in and the place was simultaneously too loud with all the murmuring and too quiet with all the whispering. I kept hearing words of profanity and would look up to see if any of the holy statues were reacting. No weeping or bleeding.
It really freaks me out when statues cry and bleed and have flesh underneath when they get damaged. I'm pretty sure there are actual religious orders where they entomb their saints alive, after eating a diet of herbs meant to sedate and preserve the corpse sealed inside. Not too freaky, but I am just one person being judgmental, aren't I? I realize I am sorta disrespecting their whole culture in a way, and that's not how I mean for it to sound. It's just not for me - I get scared - that's all you need to know.
The blurry way the statues looked had me standing in front of the bride's aisle while everyone was wondering what I was looking at with that look on my face. I'd provided the distraction Gloria needed to ensure absolutely nobody except her saw her make the switch of the bouquets. She had an exact copy of her sister's bouquet, unironically.
Out behind the church we met and she had started a small fire in a coffee tin with holes around the bottom rim. She closed the knife she'd used and used the longneck lighter to get a couple candles going on the side.
"Hurry, someone might see us." I said as loudly as I dared, half hoping someone would hear me and look around the corner. I couldn't help it, part of me was against whatever we were doing. I still felt nervous, nervous we'd get caught or that we'd get away with it. My anxiety had me holding my hands like I was warming them to the fire.
"And white goes softly into flames, and black comes the smoke, pure and thick." Gloria dropped the blessed flowers into the flames.
"Uh, amen." I coughed.
"Let's go watch her get married." Gloria growled.
We went in and there was a wedding that happened while we were in our seats.
While most people were on their phones, texting or whatever they were doing, others actually watched the wedding.
I looked around and saw how some people were observing the ceremony. I too was looking at it, but trying not to. I knew I was seeing something there that they weren't, and it was pretty scary because I knew it was real. Therefore, it was invisible to all of them except me.
I leaned over to my wife and asked her: "Who is the goat up there with them?"
"That's Fred, she's like a bridesmaid." Gloria whispered back.
"Fred is a girl goat?" I asked.
"I can arrange for you to have visits from Fred, Sweetea, if that's something you're into." Gloria teased me weirdly, but I didn't really find it that amusing, just creepy. The last thing I wanted was to be haunted by an invisible goat-demon.
"Ew, no thanks." I said.
When the bouquet was tossed, Gloria caught it. She'd run in, shoving all the maidens like a quarterback. Some of them had fallen and gotten serious scrapes and bruises. Her sister yelled at her, but Gloria just looked at me and we took off around the corner and went for our car.
"Why aren't we leaving?" I asked.
"This has to be under her bed on her wedding night. My sister is a virgin, she has to be given to her new husband first." Gloria waved the bouquet in front of me, gripping it the same way she had gripped her foldable dagger earlier when she'd cut the coffee can.
"I have a feeling you mean Azazel." I gulped, realizing I couldn't go that far with her. I had to find a way to stop this.
"What's that?" Gloria asked me sharply.
"I'd best dealing be with Azazel?" I tried to change what I'd said, botching it horribly.
"No, you said something else." My wife said firmly, and frowning. I had a feeling my bed had just gone cold, and it scared me as much as the devils, because as I mentioned, Gloria is what's best in my life.
"I don't like this." I admitted. I also mentioned I really don't lie to her.
"She won't know the difference." Gloria smiled a little bit, a kind of evil villain-styled smile. I found it too sexy.
"Either way, it's wrong. I'm not sure exactly how, but it seems super perverted and evil and I won't allow it." I proclaimed.
Gloria slammed on the breaks and flicked out her knife and held it to my throat. "Get out."
I was left standing by the side of the road with my bags as she sped away, driving to some unknown honeymoon destination to put some cursed flowers under her sister's bed to summon some kind of husband demon for her wedding night. I'm pretty sure I had to stop this from happening.
"You still fighting the good fight?" Ronald McDonald stepped out from where he was waiting to catch a bus.
"I love my wife to death, but she is trying too hard to ruin her sister's wedding." I sat on my bags, feeling tired and my eyes watering.
"Don't cry." Ronald McDonald told me. "You got to man up right now. This is your chance to set things right."
I sniffled and tried to smile for Ronald McDonald. He smiled back and we shared a moment on that desolate highway.
"I've got something for you." He told me. He handed me a toy from a happy meal I'd gotten as a kid, the Muppet Baby Fozzie. I assembled his armor and put him on horseback. When I looked up, Ronald McDonald had caught the bus and was waving goodbye to me.
That's when the tears started. I knew I had to step up and stop her. I wiped 'em on my handkerchief and got my phone out of my pocket. I used the app we had to find where she was, after figuring out how to use the darn thing.
Then I used another app to summon a professional getaway driver named Breeze. She arrived in less than four minutes, the sound of her engine in earshot for the whole last minute as she took the three miles of road between us with fury. We said nothing to each other. I showed her the destination and the review I'd already written and nine one-hundred-dollar bills and she gave me a hand signal I guess meant we were in business. We caught up to Gloria and then I found the only likely honeymoon spot, a desert view bed and breakfast, of course.
We got ahead of Gloria and Breeze accepted her payment and vanished into thin air, leaving only burning tire tracks in her wake. I reached into the newlyweds open car and released the parking brake. With a muscle-pulling, ankle-twisting, hernia-inducing, disk-slipping effort I got the darn car moving, with the toy in my pocket making me pretend I could do this. I got their vehicle into the ditch, out of sight.
I went into the bed and breakfast and checked the guest registry. I was sweating and my suit was coming loose all over. I was limping and groaning, although I wasn't feeling what I'd done to myself yet. I looked at the names. They were here.
With the page torn out I started a new entry for the weekend and made up a couple fake names before the owner found me there.
"Uh, sorry." I said. I set the toy on the counter and fled.
I watched from the bushes while Gloria went in. See, I find simple plans without a lot of moving parts work best in any situation. Gloria found no evidence she'd come to the right place. The owner was already freaking out and gave her a stern goodbye.
Gloria tried to call her sister but got nothing. As she drove away my terrified state began to subside. I collapsed in the bushes, sleeping with a butterfly on my eyelash keeping me company.
"You did this." Gloria was saying. I was in the back seat of the rental again. She was smoking, and she'd smoked enough that the little strip had turned yellow, indicating we would be charged a cleaning fee for the damages. There was no ashtray, so she was just putting them out on the dashboard, leaving little burns and ash everywhere.
Her phone chimed and I saw she was chatting with one of her old boyfriends. She made sure I saw this. I rolled my eyes. It's not like we'd spent twenty years married. Her interrogation techniques needed improvement, especially since she would know - I don't lie to her. I'd never seen her smoke, not that I could remember, not for a long time.
I was under a lot of stress, but as I thought about it, she was smoking the whole trip.
My mind played a weird montage of all her light-ups. I felt like it needed a theme, so I hummed the theme to that show we were just watching. Then I looked at her and stopped humming, humming that cue for the other person who hums to hum along, you know what I mean. There should be a word for that kind of cue, probably is, but I'm not fluent in music vocabulary.
She didn't get it, but instead got mean and lifted her hand like she wanted me to stop humming because it was annoying or something. I stopped.
"You're not even Gloria." I complained.
"Took you long enough." The creature grinned.
My mind went wild with terror, as I realized she was some kind of horrible demon disguised as Gloria. She handed me the toy from McDonald's and it started to melt, becoming warped and evil looking. Her laugh sounded like a stretched audio recording of a laugh, all distorted and demonic, exactly like the best horror movie foley artists make it sound, and making me pee from my frozen spine bone and dry eye sockets staring till my eyes hurt.
Demonic laughter is unforgettable, a kind of maddening sensation, like something is being ripped out of you suddenly, a painful disorientation that you never quite stop feeling dizzy from. Its an ache, an unhealing wound of the psyche, always oozing and causing me some kind of misery. It lives there, like a tiny flea, too small to squish or catch, in its hole, in my mind.
Weirdly enough, the horrible little toy it gave me contains it, and that is why it must never be touched, for although it is a burnt figurine, it imprisons a part of the wilderness of souls.
I held it there, and looked up at the not Gloria. She looked just as relieved and bewildered as I felt. She was Gloria again, I could tell it was her.
"Where is it?" She asked me.
I held up the toy, having already dropped it into the burnt coffee tin to contain the prison for the sound that the demon had become when I'd listened to it, pretending to be my wife, therefore listening to my wife also.
"How's that work?" Gloria asked me, sobbing. She wanted reassurance it wasn't going to take control of her ever again.
"Well, we are in this together for better or worse." I figured I'd say.
"We weren't helping it. It already got me, using my hate for her against me. Remember when we got the wedding invite?"
"I thought it was weird there was a goat with glowing red eyes drawn on that." I pointed out.
"I never really wanted to hurt her." Gloria felt awful. I hugged her close and kissed her forehead.
"I'm the one who got hurt." I reminded her.
We went over all the things like cactus and such that I'd suffered, dehydration, scares, murder and mayhem, dagger stabbings, cannibalism, arson and demons. It was agreed I was the hero in all this, and I finally got some ketchup on Satan's burger.
It was delicious.
submitted by dlschindler to HorrorCringe [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:55 No-Cartoonist-1068 Inexpensive way of saying goodbye

Hi! I just lost a one of my four kittens today. Four months sila lahat, same litter.
From the way it looks, mukhang nagkaroon ng fpv/fcov outbreak samin. Sunod sunod silang nagkaroon ng symptoms at sunod sunod ko rin dinala sa vet. One was discharged and recovering at home. The second didn't make it. The third got confined yesterday, and I will take the last one to the vet today. Sobrang stressful with the expenses, quarantine, and constant disinfection. Pero ang matindi sa lahat ay yung uncertainty if they will survive or not.
Big mistake on my end was not vaccinating them soon enough. Dapat pala 3rd month pa lang nagpa-vaccine na.
With all this, I'd like to ask if you can recommed an inexpensive way to deal with the cadaver. I will cremate/bury it on my own if I could. Sadly, wala ring cremation service aa munisipyo namin. I'd like to reserve my remaining budget on the vet bills kasi. Thanks in advance.
submitted by No-Cartoonist-1068 to catsofrph [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:36 WritingOrganic5420 Discharge on Mirena TMI!

I’m on my third Mirena and have never had this happen before. I got my current one inserted almost a year ago. My periods are almost nonexistent but consists of stringy, bloody mucous. And during non-period times, I occasionally have the same consistency discharge without the blood. There’s no unusual smell or discomfort or anything. Has anyone else experienced this.
I know the best move would be to go to the doctor but I don’t have one and I won’t have one for a long time. And there are no walk in clinics near me. So I doctor is out of the question.
submitted by WritingOrganic5420 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 02:09 thetreebow Does anyone have experience with high liver function tests (LFTs)

My LFTs have been high all third trimester, and I am 34w3d now. My doctors cannot figure out why. I got preeclampsia work up, an ultrasound of my livegallbladder, bile acids and LDH labs. All coming back normal! I now get my LFTs taken weekly. They started going down for a bit but now are going back up. My medical team seems stumped? Has this happened to anyone else? I think if they don’t come down the next step is a GI referral, but wondering if this is just something that will go back to normal after baby is born…
submitted by thetreebow to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:47 Willing_Umpire_5178 12 weeks, pink and brown discharge

So I went to wipe earlier today and it looks like I had super light pink discharge. Started freaking tf out. Relaxed and made myself busy so I won’t freak out anymore and just went to the bathroom again and how’s it’s brown. I have my first appointment and ultrasound on Thursday. Should I freak out? Is this normal? I have no cramps and no bright blood..
submitted by Willing_Umpire_5178 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:30 Far_Middle7314 Brown discharge two days after my period ends

Hi, I would appreciate any help. Sunday was supposed to be the last day of my period. On Monday I had a pink spot like very fresh blood and it stopped, and since yesterday afternoon the spots are brown and very viscous, I don't understand if it's discharge or blood mixed in the discharge but it's brown and very thick. I have a regular partner and we sleep unprotected but I must have had a completely normal period until these spotting started. what could it be? I'm really stressed..I have some cramping and yesterday and this morning I was extremely tired
I will note that I used to have brown discharge before my period starts, but not a few days after it seems to end
submitted by Far_Middle7314 to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:17 mustard-musician are digital tests to be trusted

I have been on Yaz oral contraception for about 3 months, and every month since I started, about a week or so before my withdrawal bleed I get brown discharge/spotting. I talked to my doctor about it, and she had said it was just my body getting used to the hormones.
My partner and I last had sex on May 10, no condom, no pullout, he finished inside; we had started doing this recently because I was feeling more comfortable with the pill, as I had been taking it within an hour of my time everyday for months, and I got my withdrawal bleed a day later.
Almost a week ago, I started getting the usual brown spotting, but for some reason this cycle I became so paranoid it was a sign of pregnancy, even though it’s come every month now. I have literally no other pregnancy symptoms. I took a test at 20 days post-sex which was negative, and another 22 days post sex because I got paranoid I did the other one wrong. The spotting has slowed down, I start my placebo pills in 2 days and my withdrawal bleed will probably happen within 5 days.
Can I trust these tests?? The second (22 days post sex) was taken first thing in the morning so it shouldn’t have been diluted. I was feeling really good but I’ve now read some people saying that digital aren’t as accurate — would 22 days be enough time??
submitted by mustard-musician to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 01:12 andrew_obychny Titanic Third Class Ticket .

Titanic Third Class Ticket . submitted by andrew_obychny to u/andrew_obychny [link] [comments]