Jolene toyota

I went on a Halloween hiking trip with my friends. My reading light saved my life.

2023.10.19 16:39 Horror_writer_1717 I went on a Halloween hiking trip with my friends. My reading light saved my life.

If only Jolene hadn’t worn that stupid mask, things might have ended differently. I might’ve called off the whole trip and saved everyone.
It all started as I stood at my mailbox waiting like a little kid who had ordered a toy from a cereal box. The mailman usually came at 3 o'clock never fail unless something had happened. I stood at my mailbox staring at my watch that said, ‘3:10’, so what was the holdup? Did he have a flat tire, did a terrorist attack, did a bear grab him when he was trying to deliver me my precious delivery?
Just as I was about to turn and go back to the house I saw the little yellow light flashing on top of a car coming my way and nearly jumped out of my skin.
This was it, if it didn’t come today, there was no way I’d have time to order another one before leaving for the camping trip.
The car slowly pulled up to the mailbox and I said hello. Instead of putting the mail in the box, he handed me a few letters and looked away. My heart sank as he turned and faced the road.
“Isn’t there anything else for me,” I said trying to keep the desperation out of my voice.
He turned and looked in the back seat.
“Oh, wait, it looks like there’s something I forgot,” he said, reaching into the back and handing me a brown envelope with the address on it I’d been looking for.
He smiled and waved as he drove off leaving me holding my prize.
This was going to be a good camping trip now.
I nearly skipped back to the house, threw the other mail on the table without looking at it, before ripping open the package. There it was, my glorious booklight.
I’m an avid reader and an avid camper. It’s always been a struggle to read during camping trips. I took along various battery-powered lamps and flashlights, but nothing seemed to work for me. Getting comfortable enough to really settle into my book was a challenge.
When I saw this light advertised on Instagram I instantly knew this was what I needed. It was a book light that wrapped around your neck with a light at each end that would shine on the book. There was no doubt it would be perfect and I ordered one right away. Finally, I could finish packing for the camping trip.
My friends and I loved to go hiking and camping. With a huge state park so close, it was a no-brainer that we would be there as often as possible. Every time we decided to go, we would all meet up at the trailhead and hike to the site together.
This time would be the exception. There were scheduling conflicts and if we wanted to go at all it wouldn’t be at the same time. Dawn and Rose could barely get away for the weekend.
They would have to catch up to us later at the campsite. At the last minute, even Jolene called and said she was running behind and might not make it until later.
In retrospect, I should’ve seen it coming, seeing what the date we had set for our trip. But instead of canceling and choosing another time, I just shrugged it off as conflicting schedules and hefted my backpack then started down the trail.
Being by myself on this trail never really bothered me before. I hiked this trail many times and never had a problem.
I decided to go early and get the camp set up so we could have maximum time together. My schedule had been cleared for the entire trip and I was going to take full advantage.
The sun had set until I started down the trail and it would be dark by the time I got to our campsite. Hiking at night wasn’t the best thing to do even though I knew the trail, but aside from getting camp set up, I was also excited to use my new book light.
It worked surprisingly well lighting up the trail and made it much easier to use my walking stick for the more difficult parts of the trail. Taking it slow, going at my own pace, and enjoying as much scenery as I could was a luxury I was enjoying. Usually, Dawn would lead the group and drive us hard until we got to camp.
I wanted to get out my book and read as I walked, but I figured that would be tempting fate and I had no desire to faceplant on the trail after discovering a tree root the hard way.
As I walked, lost in thought, suddenly the forest became eerily silent. The birds stopped singing, squirrels stopped chattering, even crickets stopped chirping. It was so quiet I could hear my own footsteps. It was very unsettling.
I stopped and slowly turned around, using my light to search for anything unusual. After a full circle without seeing anything out of the ordinary, I tried to shake off the feeling and just keep going.
It didn’t take long for me to begin speeding up. Every step was somehow more desperate than the last. As if getting to my campsite would somehow protect me from whatever was out there making the animals and creatures of the night afraid to make a sound.
By the time I could see the clearing where we camped rising in the distance, I was power-walking, nearly running. All of the sudden, the noises started back up again as if someone had flipped a switch or I had somehow stepped out of some invisible danger zone.
I paused and turned back to see if there was any physical sign of what had happened. If there was some creature lurking behind me or something but there was nothing. And nothing seemed to be even more unnerving.
It wasn’t until later, after everything was over that I realized how stupid it was for me to travel this trail by myself, let alone in the dark. I guess it was a combination of things that made me do it. First of all, just the disappointment of everyone nearly canceling at the last minute. Secondly was my surprise package that came on time and just wanting to use this cool new light in any way I could. But the really big thing that did it for me was my stubbornness. I had decided I was going camping come hell or high water.
I didn’t realize it would be the former.
It didn’t even register that I was heading out alone on a trail at night on October 30th, the day before Halloween. It didn’t take me long to get my tent set up and I didn’t bother with a fire. I just dove straight inside and zipped up the entrance, somehow believing that the thin layer of tent material would keep me safe from anything that went bump in the night.
I lay there on the bare tent floor, breathing hard in sheer terror, wondering why I was so frightened. There hadn’t been any tangible proof of anything following me. I had seen nothing. What had gotten me so worked up?
This is what I told myself over and over until my breathing slowed back to normal as I unpacked my backpack to settle in. Once I was secure in my sleeping bag, I finally dug out the book I’d brought along for the trip. It was a domestic thriller called, ‘Secrets’ about a woman whose life was turned upside down.
I turned on my light and began reading. It didn’t take me long to become so engrossed in the story that the world around me disappeared. That was when the adrenaline crash from the fear grabbed my face and said, “You’re going to sleep now.”
Sometime later I woke and pulled my face out of the small puddle of drool that had soaked into my sleeping bag. I sat up, wiped my mouth, and stretched. To my great surprise, the book light was still on and I hadn’t broken it by laying on it. The darkness outside had given way to a dull grey. It must’ve been just before sunrise. Pulling myself out of the sleeping bag gave me an instant reminder of how cold Autumn mornings can be in the forest.
While pulling on my jacket, I froze. There was something or someone moving around just outside my tent. Zipping up my jacket quietly, I slid towards the zippered tent window in hopes of getting a closer look. My hands shook as I pulled the tab slowly hoping to make as little noise as possible and sneak a peek at whatever was out there.
My eyes slid up to the opening and peered out. All I could see through the slit was dim outlines of trees through the growing morning light. I scanned around as much as I could through my limited view when suddenly a pair of glowing eyes appeared in the window.
I screamed and threw myself backward onto my sleeping bag, landing with a thump that took my breath away. The shadow of the creature moved from the window to the main tent flap. I lay there helpless as the zipper undid itself and the hideous face of the monster poked itself inside.
It roared so loud I clamped my hands over my ears. My life flashed before my eyes as it slowly entered the tent growling and snarling.
Regret filled me. Why didn’t I wait for my friends? But then they would die with me. Maybe it was better they were late. They would find my horribly mutilated and possibly eaten body, but they might survive if they ran away.
As these thoughts chased each other around my brain, I noticed something.
The creature was wearing a sparkly bracelet.
Not only that but it seemed to have a manicure.
Now that I looked more closely, it was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants.
I reached up and grabbed the creature’s face then ripped it off with all my might.
“Ouch!” it said as the fur came loose.
In a heartbeat, I was holding the creature’s face in my hand and Jolene stood there rubbing her ears.
“You think you could yank my ears off next time?” she said.
“Sure, after I’m done having a heart attack you jerk!”
She smiled, still rubbing her ears.
“Happy Halloween!”
“Screw you!” I said, throwing the mask at her and storming out of the tent.
“Wait, you’re not really mad are you?” I heard her say from behind me as I tromped down the trail.
I didn’t bother to turn, answer, or even slow down.
“Where are you going?” she said.
The thought registered in my head, but I couldn’t seem to answer the question. Where was I going? I was just stomping down the trail with no destination in mind. The sun was peeking over the horizon as I passed a clearing in the trees. Without thinking I slowed to a stop and stood there admiring the simple elegant beauty of the sunrise.
I heard and felt a presence beside me as I stared into the rising sun.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Jolene said.
I turned to her and smiled.
“I should throw you off this cliff,” I said.
She took a step back, her eyes filled with uncertainty.
“Sucks, being afraid, doesn’t it?” I said.
“Yeah,” she said staying a healthy distance away from me. “I guess it does.”
“You know what you should do with that mask?” I said.
“I’m sure you have a few creative suggestions,” she said carefully.
I turned to her with a gleam in my eyes.
“You should scare the hell out of Dawn and Rose.”
Her look slowly transformed from fear to confusion as the edge of her lip slid up into a grin.
It was late afternoon when Dawn and Rose came huffing and puffing up the hill to the campsite. I’d started a campfire and made some lunch. There was also some coffee brewing on the fire.
“Well, you two sure took your time,” I said, poking at the fire and adding another piece of wood.
“You’re lucky we came at all,” Dawn said. “I was going to call and cancel.”
“Like Jolene did?” I said, trying my best to sound upset and disappointed.
“Are you kidding me?” Rose said, dropping her backpack. “After we busted our butts to get up here?”
“’Fraid so,” I said.
“That’s great!” Dawn said, pulling her cell phone out of her pocket. “You wait until I talk to her.”
I wasn’t sure if Jolene had silenced her phone or not. Dawn’s call could ruin the whole prank. My mind searched frantically for something to do.
“Don’t bother,” I said. “I already tried calling her this morning. It went straight to voicemail.”
“Humph,” Dawn said, putting her phone back in her pocket. “She’s probably snuggled up in bed, sleeping.”
“Well at least you two made it,” I said, pointing to the logs around the fire. “Take a load off.”
They looked at the log with disdain but shrugged and sat. I guess exhaustion will lower your standards regarding where you rest.
We chit-chatted for a while, mostly about how upset we were with Jolene for skipping out on us. Then I helped them set up their tents. We had just finished when off in the distance we heard a roar and a scream.
“What was that?” Dawn said, looking around trying to determine what direction it had come from.
“I don’t know,” I said, putting on an Oscar-level performance of looking frightened while trying not to smile. Jolene had outdone herself. She said she would look for roaring sounds on her phone, but that was so loud. I didn’t know her phone could get that loud.
Light was just beginning to fade, making it even harder to see if there was anything coming out of the trees towards us. Rose was having a full panic attack.
“What do we do, what do we do?” she said.
“Let’s just go in our tents and hope whatever it is doesn’t care about finding us,” I said.
“We should leave,” Rose said, her eyes darting all around searching for danger.
“I think so too,” Dawn said. “If there’s something out there it could come after us.”
I tried to do a quick pivot to save the prank.
“Where would we go?” I said. “Our cars are miles away. If that thing was after us it would stalk us on the trail too, and we wouldn’t have our tents made up to hide in.”
They looked at me with what looked like suspicion that turned into resignation.
“I guess you’re right,” Dawn said. “We should just go in our tents and hope that thing goes away.”
“Are you kidding me?” Rose said. “Why not just wrap ourselves in our sleeping bags and serve ourselves up as burritos for that thing?”
“Don’t you think you’re overreacting?” I said. “We don’t even know what that was. Maybe it was some animal calling for a mate.”
“And the scream?”
“Could be someone saw it and was scared.”
Dawn watched our back-and-forth conversation.
“Let’s just go to our tents,” she said.
“No,” Rose said. “I want to leave, right now.”
“There’s the trail,” I said, pointing. “No one’s stopping you.”
She looked from the trail to Dawn to me.
I turned and went into my tent. A few minutes later I heard another tent flap rustle, followed by a third. A smile crept across my face. This was going to be fun. I was so excited I barely read any of my book.
Within an hour I heard something outside the tent, rustling through the campsite and knocking things over.
“Here we go,” I whispered.
It was all I could do to stay in my tent when I heard Rose scream. There was no way I could watch Jolene chasing them around with that ridiculous mask on and not howl with laughter. I wanted to give the prank time for them to be scared before revealing our devious plan.
Fits of laughter fought to escape me, but I held them in as I heard Dawn's screams join the fray. From the sound, they were all running around destroying the campsite. Between the growls, running, knocking into things, and screams of terror, the whole cacophony of it was nearly impossible to sit through. Every inch of me was aching to jump out and yell, “Happy Halloween! We got you!”
After a few minutes, the noise died down. Everyone must’ve gotten tired. I was still waiting for the ‘aha moment’ when I heard Dawn or Rose curse at Jolene. The mask wasn’t that convincing once you calmed down and got a close look at it. Any minute now. I leaned close to the wall of my tent, but all movement had stopped. It was like everyone had just laid down and took a nap.
I couldn’t take it any longer, I ripped open my tent and jumped out, yelling, “Surprise! Happy Hallo… “
The rest of the word died on my tongue. The campsite wasn’t in disarray, it was destroyed. Both Dawn and Rose’s tents were flattened. As I stepped closer I saw rips and gouges in their tents as well.
As I looked around the campsite at the carnage, my first thought was, ‘Wow, Jolene really overdid it.’ But that thought didn’t hold for long. The more I moved through the camp, the more I saw claw marks and huge footprints, something that Jolene couldn’t do. All doubts ended when I came across Dawn.
She lay in a pool of blood and at first, I thought it was a trick. That they had turned Jolene back against me and now I was being pranked. However, that thought died a quick death when I saw Dawn’s severed arm lying a few feet from her.
Her eyes were wide open in shock. She looked at me with a blank stare of accusation and tried to whisper something, but I couldn’t hear it.
I leaned closer and she whispered again, her final words haunting me.
This couldn’t be Jolene. It wasn’t a trick or a prank. Something real had just invaded our camp and destroyed my friend.
Fear gripped me as I looked around to see if this creature was lying in wait to kill me too. As I searched the rest of the camp, hoping moment by moment that this thing was gone, I also didn’t find Rose. Eventually, I found a large pool of blood not far from her tent, but nobody was around. The trail of blood led from the pool off toward the woods, and I had no desire to follow it.
The next thought that came to my panicked mind was, ‘If this wasn’t Jolene, then where was she?’
She purposely didn’t tell me where she was hiding, so I wouldn’t unintentionally give away her position by glancing at a certain spot. It was a smart plan until she went missing and I have no idea what’s going on.
My next thought was calling for help but when I got out my phone I found it was also dead. Even though I didn’t want to, I went over to Dawn’s now-dead body and searched for her cell phone. But I found it in pieces.
There would be no call for help.
Despondency smothered me and pulled me to the ground. I sat in the middle of the campsite beside a pool of blood that used to be one of my friends, only a handful of feet away from the broken body that used to be another one of my friends, having no idea where my third friend was.
I’d never been in such a desperate place in my life, not only physically, but mentally, and I hoped I would never be in such a place again.
I had no idea what to do or where to go. The realization began to set in that I had lost three of my closest friends in the space of a day.
Tears flowed down my cheeks as I sat there in the growing darkness with only the embers of the dying fire to keep me company.
Should I sit here and hope that help would stumble by in the form of another hiker or even better, a park ranger? It was late October and the trails weren’t very well traveled once the weather turned cold.
As I sat there a gust of wind blew through tearing at the few remaining leaves clinging to their branches. They began to fall as if the forest was crying with me… or for me.
I wish I knew what the forest knew about this thing that had destroyed my friends and my life. About how I would get out of here alive and most of all about what had happened to Jolene. As much as I wanted to just sit there and mourn forever, I knew I couldn’t. I knew I had to get up and go figure this out.
How would I get out of here? How would I survive?
Maybe my tent held the key. By some miracle my tent was undamaged. I started digging through my backpack. There are always things in everyone’s backpack that they have for emergencies that never happen. Usually, it’s a snakebite kit, a length of rope, or bandaids that seldom if ever get used. But as I was digging, I came across some things that might be useful. There was a can of pepper spray and a small pocket knife. At this point, I was happy to have anything I could use as a weapon.
They went in my pocket along with the rope.
So now it was decision time. Do I pack up my stuff right now and leave, hiking down the trail in the dark, having no idea if this thing is still on the hunt? Or do I lay down and get some rest? Wait for morning and hope it doesn’t know I’m here.
Neither one was a great option. There was no way I could even consider burying Dawn. I didn’t have a shovel and I would need all my energy to hike back out of here if I hoped to survive. Thankfully, the decision was made for me. As I lay there, mind whirling from everything that had happened, I fell asleep.
I woke hours later to a bright morning sun peeking through my open tent window. I yawned and stretched thinking about what a beautiful morning it could be when suddenly I remembered everything that had happened. That’s when I heard the growling.
It was just loud enough to get my attention. Fear gripped me as I tried to figure out what to do. My brain went into full useless mode as, ‘Run out of the tent screaming’ rose to the top of possible options.
The growling didn’t seem to get any closer as I lay there awaiting my fate. Encouraged by the fact that I hadn’t become the monster’s breakfast yet, I got up to my knees and quietly looked out the window.
What I saw disgusted and enraged me. There were two mountain lions having their breakfast. Normally I wouldn’t care about such a thing more than staying as far away as possible. But today, their breakfast was my friend’s dead body.
I did exactly what was at the top of my brain’s list: ran out of the tent screaming.
At first, I ran straight at them, hoping it would scare them off. They both just stopped and stared at me as if I were some rude interloper interrupting them having morning tea.
The next thing they did was turn and take a few steps toward me.
As I stared at their blood-soaked faces, I realized I had done the worst thing possible. I lowered my hands and started backing away, trying to look as non-threatening as possible. This seemed to encourage them to increase their pursuit. I was almost back to my tent, but it didn’t seem like diving inside and hiding was an option now. They were aware of me and very interested in me, possibly as lunch.
As my list of potential actions dwindled to, ‘Wait for death’, my hand brushed against my leg and I felt something in my pocket. It was the pepper spray. I pulled it out, having no idea if it even worked on cats, and aimed it at them.
They didn’t slow in the slightest. It looked like a stream of water sprayed out of the can and landed on the first cat’s face. Its reaction was immediate.
It let out a massive yowl and began clawing at its face. The second paused in confusion, watching its companion devolve into convulsions of pain. When it looked back at me, I had already sprayed its face, causing the same reaction.
For a long moment, I was treated to the insanely comical sight of these two predators twirling in circles, trying to claw their own faces off.
And then the impossible happened. They both decided breakfast wasn’t worth the cost of admission and ran off.
I looked down at this small, innocuous-looking spray can that had just saved my life. It was tempting to give it a kiss in celebration, but I didn’t want to take any chance of getting any spray on me. Writhing in pain wasn’t high on my list of things to do today.
Having just escaped death, I decided on my plan of action. My backpack was packed in under a half hour and I was on the trail, having said my goodbyes to Dawn and what was left of Rose.
A sharp pang of guilt stabbed me as I left the campsite. Dawn’s last whispered words haunted me, “Shouldn’t have come.”
She was right of course. If any of us had known what was about to happen there was no way we should’ve been here. But that’s the whole point of life I guess. None of us know what’s going to happen at any minute.
As if I wasn’t depressed enough as it was, that thought sent me into near panic as my eyes darted all around searching for danger. Now it wasn’t only the monster, but the mountain lions and any other creature whose home I had invaded. Right then I knew I would never visit this place again.
Even the woodland creatures were quiet out of respect for my fallen friends.
Wait… how would they know?
As if in answer, the monster stepped out onto the trail and stared down at me. It was massive. I’d never seen anything that tall. Not only was it tall, but its shoulders were a good five feet wide. It was covered in dark fur that had splotches of wet dark stains down the front of it. My mind told me that was all that was left of Rose.
It unleased a deafening roar that made a small river flow down my pantleg. My mind was like a little dog chasing its tail trying to figure out what to do.
As I stood there, frozen to the spot, it took two steps and was right in front of me.
When it reached for me, some basic survival mode kicked in and I went back to the last thing that had saved my life.
I whipped out the pepper spray and emptied the can in the monster’s face.
It reared back and screamed so loud I had to hold my ears as I ran around it and sprinted down the trail.
My heart was pumping adrenaline.
My feet barely touched the ground.
I had never run so fast in my entire life.
The trees were a blur as I wound back and forth along the trail.
All I could think was, ‘Just get away! Just get away!’
As hope soared that I might be able to do just that, I heard a noise coming from behind me. It was like a bulldozer with legs. I heard pounding and crashing as if something was destroying whatever got in its way. I glanced back and the monster was gaining on me. But it was flailing its arms around in front of it as if to protect its eyes from whatever was there.
That momentary distraction was just enough. My foot caught on a branch I wasn’t looking for and I went tumbling at full speed off the trail and into the brush. I hit a tree hard with my back. I was sure I heard a crack. It was all I could do just to stay conscious. I watched through bleary eyes as the monster ran past me on the trail.
There was no way I could celebrate or even move. Running so fast for so long had taken its toll. And now having fallen and possibly injuring my back had just added to my immobility.
It took me a few long moments to catch my breath. Once I did, I slowly moved body parts to make sure they still worked. I saved the worst for last. Trying to sit up caused pain to shoot down my back.
That wasn’t a good sign.
It seemed like I would be here for a little bit. At least until I recovered enough to make another try for my car. I knew it was less than a mile away, but right now I couldn’t even think about getting up to walk let alone run.
I painfully pulled my backpack off and sat it beside me. Next, I tried to cover myself and my pack with the loose leaves that blanketed the ground. Within ten minutes I was satisfied that no one would be able to see me from the trail without looking very closely.
There was a peephole I had left open to keep an eye on the trail. The monster would be back eventually, there was no doubt about that. Once it realized I wasn’t on the trail anymore it would backtrack looking for me.
Spraying it may have saved my life, but it also doomed me to be its enemy forever. It would search high and low to find me, I was as sure about that as anything.
Even though it was mid-morning, the trees here were dense and light had to filter through a lot of them to make it to the ground. Reaching into my pack. I pulled out my reading light, which was surprisingly still in one piece. I used it to check my wounds and found they were mostly cuts and scrapes.
As my adrenaline crashed, I could feel myself being once again dragged into unconsciousness. My eyes drooped, then suddenly shot open as I heard something. The part of the trail I could see through my peephole was quite small. I leaned to the left a little bit trying not to make any sound. That’s when I heard the sniffing and saw the monster coming slowly back up the trail. It was on all fours, smelling the ground.
One eye looked like it was swollen shut and the other was bloodshot. It got to the point in the trail where I had fallen and stopped then turned and looked right at me.
My blood turned to liquid nitrogen.
The monster stalked straight towards me as if it could see me plain as day. I glanced down and realized to my horror that my reading light was still on.
I panicked. If I turned it off, the monster would know I was there. If I left it on, it was a beacon leading it right to me. I gently pulled it from around my neck, trying to move it as little as possible. Once I had it off of me, I set it on top of my backpack so it was at the same level as it had been around my neck.
As I slid away from the pack, I reached into my pocket and pulled out the knife, then opened it.
The monster was so close I could smell the stench of death coming from its mouth. It got right up to the light and brushed the leaves away to see what this thing was.
There was only one shot for me to survive. I swung the knife with all the strength I had left, stabbing it in the eye that wasn’t swollen.
It reared back and screamed in pain.
I didn’t wait around to see what was going to happen. Every ounce of energy I had went to running away from this homicidal monster. My back screamed at me but I ignored it.
The creature screamed again, this time in rage rather than pain. It tore off after me, but couldn’t see so it ended up slamming into a tree three feet behind me.
My legs kept pumping, driven by sheer terror. As I glanced back I saw the monster listening to me run away. It followed my sounds and ran after me again. I pivoted and ran up the side of the trail just in time for it to miss me and fall face-first on the trail.
It wasn’t far to the trailhead now. I knew it was getting close. There was a hard turn in the trail where I had to be careful of my footing. It was narrow and there was a steep drop that ended in a river far below.
I ran to where the turn was and suddenly stopped. The monster had gotten up and was listening for me again. It was a gamble, but I stood at the turn and jogged in place as though I was still running away.
It listened, then launched itself toward me. As soon as it began to run, I quietly stepped around the corner and softly walked down the trail a few feet. If my gamble paid off, I would be home free. If it didn’t, I’d be dead.
Time slowed as the beast galloped towards the turn. I watched and waited until finally, I saw the bloody fur of its face with the knife still sticking out.
At the last moment, it seemed to sense me around the corner and tried to turn, but momentum had already carried it past me and it had no chance of staying on the trail.
I leaned over and watched as it fell helplessly over the edge and tumbled down to the water below, hitting its head on several trees as it went.
It had just come to rest at the bottom when I took off running. The trailhead loomed in front of me and I didn’t want to take any chances of that thing recovering and catching me before I got to my car.
I’d never seen a more beautiful sight than my beat-up Toyota Corolla.
When I approached it, I paused yet again and looked around for who or what might be watching me.
Hanging from my driver’s side mirror was the mask Jolene had worn. I took it off the mirror and looked at it in shock and confusion. Inside was a note.
There was a crash from the woods that told me the monster hadn’t given up. I jumped in the car, threw the mask on the passenger’s seat, and broke every speed law getting out of the park. Even once I was on the main road, I pushed the pedal down to make the car go as fast as it could. My speedometer needle was vibrating when I hit eighty. It wasn’t until I was close to home that I slowed down.
I got out and went into my tiny house, bringing the mask. I collapsed on the couch as my back complained. I would have to schedule an appointment with my chiropractor.
Once I was safely inside, I picked up the mask and pulled out the note.
It read, ‘I’m sorry to leave without telling you. The girls were coming up the trail and I was about to jump out at them when I saw this monster following them through the woods. I couldn’t warn them or you without the monster seeing. When they set up their tents, it was watching from the edge of the woods. I panicked and quietly left while it was busy watching the camp. I hope you’re alive to read this and if so you can someday forgive me. – J’
I lay the note beside me on the couch and all I could think of as tears streamed down my cheeks was Dawn’s final words to me.
“Shouldn’t have come.”

submitted by Horror_writer_1717 to ZakBabyTV_Stories [link] [comments]

2023.10.18 20:59 Horror_writer_1717 I went on a Halloween hiking trip with my friends. My reading light saved my life.

If only Jolene hadn’t worn that stupid mask, things might have ended differently. I might’ve called off the whole trip and saved everyone.
It all started as I stood at my mailbox waiting like a little kid who had ordered a toy from a cereal box. The mailman usually came at 3 o'clock never fail unless something had happened. I stood at my mailbox staring at my watch that said, ‘3:10’, so what was the holdup? Did he have a flat tire, did a terrorist attack, did a bear grab him when he was trying to deliver me my precious delivery?
Just as I was about to turn and go back to the house I saw the little yellow light flashing on top of a car coming my way and nearly jumped out of my skin.
This was it, if it didn’t come today, there was no way I’d have time to order another one before leaving for the camping trip.
The car slowly pulled up to the mailbox and I said hello. Instead of putting the mail in the box, he handed me a few letters and looked away. My heart sank as he turned and faced the road.
“Isn’t there anything else for me,” I said trying to keep the desperation out of my voice.
He turned and looked in the back seat.
“Oh, wait, it looks like there’s something I forgot,” he said, reaching into the back and handing me a brown envelope with the address on it I’d been looking for.
He smiled and waved as he drove off leaving me holding my prize.
This was going to be a good camping trip now.
I nearly skipped back to the house, threw the other mail on the table without looking at it, before ripping open the package. There it was, my glorious booklight.
I’m an avid reader and an avid camper. It’s always been a struggle to read during camping trips. I took along various battery-powered lamps and flashlights, but nothing seemed to work for me. Getting comfortable enough to really settle into my book was a challenge.
When I saw this light advertised on Instagram I instantly knew this was what I needed. It was a book light that wrapped around your neck with a light at each end that would shine on the book. There was no doubt it would be perfect and I ordered one right away. Finally, I could finish packing for the camping trip.
My friends and I loved to go hiking and camping. With a huge state park so close, it was a no-brainer that we would be there as often as possible. Every time we decided to go, we would all meet up at the trailhead and hike to the site together.
This time would be the exception. There were scheduling conflicts and if we wanted to go at all it wouldn’t be at the same time. Dawn and Rose could barely get away for the weekend.
They would have to catch up to us later at the campsite. At the last minute, even Jolene called and said she was running behind and might not make it until later.
In retrospect, I should’ve seen it coming, seeing what the date we had set for our trip. But instead of canceling and choosing another time, I just shrugged it off as conflicting schedules and hefted my backpack then started down the trail.
Being by myself on this trail never really bothered me before. I hiked this trail many times and never had a problem.
I decided to go early and get the camp set up so we could have maximum time together. My schedule had been cleared for the entire trip and I was going to take full advantage.
The sun had set until I started down the trail and it would be dark by the time I got to our campsite. Hiking at night wasn’t the best thing to do even though I knew the trail, but aside from getting camp set up, I was also excited to use my new book light.
It worked surprisingly well lighting up the trail and made it much easier to use my walking stick for the more difficult parts of the trail. Taking it slow, going at my own pace, and enjoying as much scenery as I could was a luxury I was enjoying. Usually, Dawn would lead the group and drive us hard until we got to camp.
I wanted to get out my book and read as I walked, but I figured that would be tempting fate and I had no desire to faceplant on the trail after discovering a tree root the hard way.
As I walked, lost in thought, suddenly the forest became eerily silent. The birds stopped singing, squirrels stopped chattering, even crickets stopped chirping. It was so quiet I could hear my own footsteps. It was very unsettling.
I stopped and slowly turned around, using my light to search for anything unusual. After a full circle without seeing anything out of the ordinary, I tried to shake off the feeling and just keep going.
It didn’t take long for me to begin speeding up. Every step was somehow more desperate than the last. As if getting to my campsite would somehow protect me from whatever was out there making the animals and creatures of the night afraid to make a sound.
By the time I could see the clearing where we camped rising in the distance, I was power-walking, nearly running. All of the sudden, the noises started back up again as if someone had flipped a switch or I had somehow stepped out of some invisible danger zone.
I paused and turned back to see if there was any physical sign of what had happened. If there was some creature lurking behind me or something but there was nothing. And nothing seemed to be even more unnerving.
It wasn’t until later, after everything was over that I realized how stupid it was for me to travel this trail by myself, let alone in the dark. I guess it was a combination of things that made me do it. First of all, just the disappointment of everyone nearly canceling at the last minute. Secondly was my surprise package that came on time and just wanting to use this cool new light in any way I could. But the really big thing that did it for me was my stubbornness. I had decided I was going camping come hell or high water.
I didn’t realize it would be the former.
It didn’t even register that I was heading out alone on a trail at night on October 30th, the day before Halloween. It didn’t take me long to get my tent set up and I didn’t bother with a fire. I just dove straight inside and zipped up the entrance, somehow believing that the thin layer of tent material would keep me safe from anything that went bump in the night.
I lay there on the bare tent floor, breathing hard in sheer terror, wondering why I was so frightened. There hadn’t been any tangible proof of anything following me. I had seen nothing. What had gotten me so worked up?
This is what I told myself over and over until my breathing slowed back to normal as I unpacked my backpack to settle in. Once I was secure in my sleeping bag, I finally dug out the book I’d brought along for the trip. It was a domestic thriller called, ‘Secrets’ about a woman whose life was turned upside down.
I turned on my light and began reading. It didn’t take me long to become so engrossed in the story that the world around me disappeared. That was when the adrenaline crash from the fear grabbed my face and said, “You’re going to sleep now.”
Sometime later I woke and pulled my face out of the small puddle of drool that had soaked into my sleeping bag. I sat up, wiped my mouth, and stretched. To my great surprise, the book light was still on and I hadn’t broken it by laying on it. The darkness outside had given way to a dull grey. It must’ve been just before sunrise. Pulling myself out of the sleeping bag gave me an instant reminder of how cold Autumn mornings can be in the forest.
While pulling on my jacket, I froze. There was something or someone moving around just outside my tent. Zipping up my jacket quietly, I slid towards the zippered tent window in hopes of getting a closer look. My hands shook as I pulled the tab slowly hoping to make as little noise as possible and sneak a peek at whatever was out there.
My eyes slid up to the opening and peered out. All I could see through the slit was dim outlines of trees through the growing morning light. I scanned around as much as I could through my limited view when suddenly a pair of glowing eyes appeared in the window.
I screamed and threw myself backward onto my sleeping bag, landing with a thump that took my breath away. The shadow of the creature moved from the window to the main tent flap. I lay there helpless as the zipper undid itself and the hideous face of the monster poked itself inside.
It roared so loud I clamped my hands over my ears. My life flashed before my eyes as it slowly entered the tent growling and snarling.
Regret filled me. Why didn’t I wait for my friends? But then they would die with me. Maybe it was better they were late. They would find my horribly mutilated and possibly eaten body, but they might survive if they ran away.
As these thoughts chased each other around my brain, I noticed something.
The creature was wearing a sparkly bracelet.
Not only that but it seemed to have a manicure.
Now that I looked more closely, it was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants.
I reached up and grabbed the creature’s face then ripped it off with all my might.
“Ouch!” it said as the fur came loose.
In a heartbeat, I was holding the creature’s face in my hand and Jolene stood there rubbing her ears.
“You think you could yank my ears off next time?” she said.
“Sure, after I’m done having a heart attack you jerk!”
She smiled, still rubbing her ears.
“Happy Halloween!”
“Screw you!” I said, throwing the mask at her and storming out of the tent.
“Wait, you’re not really mad are you?” I heard her say from behind me as I tromped down the trail.
I didn’t bother to turn, answer, or even slow down.
“Where are you going?” she said.
The thought registered in my head, but I couldn’t seem to answer the question. Where was I going? I was just stomping down the trail with no destination in mind. The sun was peeking over the horizon as I passed a clearing in the trees. Without thinking I slowed to a stop and stood there admiring the simple elegant beauty of the sunrise.
I heard and felt a presence beside me as I stared into the rising sun.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Jolene said.
I turned to her and smiled.
“I should throw you off this cliff,” I said.
She took a step back, her eyes filled with uncertainty.
“Sucks, being afraid, doesn’t it?” I said.
“Yeah,” she said staying a healthy distance away from me. “I guess it does.”
“You know what you should do with that mask?” I said.
“I’m sure you have a few creative suggestions,” she said carefully.
I turned to her with a gleam in my eyes.
“You should scare the hell out of Dawn and Rose.”
Her look slowly transformed from fear to confusion as the edge of her lip slid up into a grin.
It was late afternoon when Dawn and Rose came huffing and puffing up the hill to the campsite. I’d started a campfire and made some lunch. There was also some coffee brewing on the fire.
“Well, you two sure took your time,” I said, poking at the fire and adding another piece of wood.
“You’re lucky we came at all,” Dawn said. “I was going to call and cancel.”
“Like Jolene did?” I said, trying my best to sound upset and disappointed.
“Are you kidding me?” Rose said, dropping her backpack. “After we busted our butts to get up here?”
“’Fraid so,” I said.
“That’s great!” Dawn said, pulling her cell phone out of her pocket. “You wait until I talk to her.”
I wasn’t sure if Jolene had silenced her phone or not. Dawn’s call could ruin the whole prank. My mind searched frantically for something to do.
“Don’t bother,” I said. “I already tried calling her this morning. It went straight to voicemail.”
“Humph,” Dawn said, putting her phone back in her pocket. “She’s probably snuggled up in bed, sleeping.”
“Well at least you two made it,” I said, pointing to the logs around the fire. “Take a load off.”
They looked at the log with disdain but shrugged and sat. I guess exhaustion will lower your standards regarding where you rest.
We chit-chatted for a while, mostly about how upset we were with Jolene for skipping out on us. Then I helped them set up their tents. We had just finished when off in the distance we heard a roar and a scream.
“What was that?” Dawn said, looking around trying to determine what direction it had come from.
“I don’t know,” I said, putting on an Oscar-level performance of looking frightened while trying not to smile. Jolene had outdone herself. She said she would look for roaring sounds on her phone, but that was so loud. I didn’t know her phone could get that loud.
Light was just beginning to fade, making it even harder to see if there was anything coming out of the trees towards us. Rose was having a full panic attack.
“What do we do, what do we do?” she said.
“Let’s just go in our tents and hope whatever it is doesn’t care about finding us,” I said.
“We should leave,” Rose said, her eyes darting all around searching for danger.
“I think so too,” Dawn said. “If there’s something out there it could come after us.”
I tried to do a quick pivot to save the prank.
“Where would we go?” I said. “Our cars are miles away. If that thing was after us it would stalk us on the trail too, and we wouldn’t have our tents made up to hide in.”
They looked at me with what looked like suspicion that turned into resignation.
“I guess you’re right,” Dawn said. “We should just go in our tents and hope that thing goes away.”
“Are you kidding me?” Rose said. “Why not just wrap ourselves in our sleeping bags and serve ourselves up as burritos for that thing?”
“Don’t you think you’re overreacting?” I said. “We don’t even know what that was. Maybe it was some animal calling for a mate.”
“And the scream?”
“Could be someone saw it and was scared.”
Dawn watched our back-and-forth conversation.
“Let’s just go to our tents,” she said.
“No,” Rose said. “I want to leave, right now.”
“There’s the trail,” I said, pointing. “No one’s stopping you.”
She looked from the trail to Dawn to me.
I turned and went into my tent. A few minutes later I heard another tent flap rustle, followed by a third. A smile crept across my face. This was going to be fun. I was so excited I barely read any of my book.
Within an hour I heard something outside the tent, rustling through the campsite and knocking things over.
“Here we go,” I whispered.
It was all I could do to stay in my tent when I heard Rose scream. There was no way I could watch Jolene chasing them around with that ridiculous mask on and not howl with laughter. I wanted to give the prank time for them to be scared before revealing our devious plan.
Fits of laughter fought to escape me, but I held them in as I heard Dawn's screams join the fray. From the sound, they were all running around destroying the campsite. Between the growls, running, knocking into things, and screams of terror, the whole cacophony of it was nearly impossible to sit through. Every inch of me was aching to jump out and yell, “Happy Halloween! We got you!”
After a few minutes, the noise died down. Everyone must’ve gotten tired. I was still waiting for the ‘aha moment’ when I heard Dawn or Rose curse at Jolene. The mask wasn’t that convincing once you calmed down and got a close look at it. Any minute now. I leaned close to the wall of my tent, but all movement had stopped. It was like everyone had just laid down and took a nap.
I couldn’t take it any longer, I ripped open my tent and jumped out, yelling, “Surprise! Happy Hallo… “
The rest of the word died on my tongue. The campsite wasn’t in disarray, it was destroyed. Both Dawn and Rose’s tents were flattened. As I stepped closer I saw rips and gouges in their tents as well.
As I looked around the campsite at the carnage, my first thought was, ‘Wow, Jolene really overdid it.’ But that thought didn’t hold for long. The more I moved through the camp, the more I saw claw marks and huge footprints, something that Jolene couldn’t do. All doubts ended when I came across Dawn.
She lay in a pool of blood and at first, I thought it was a trick. That they had turned Jolene back against me and now I was being pranked. However, that thought died a quick death when I saw Dawn’s severed arm lying a few feet from her.
Her eyes were wide open in shock. She looked at me with a blank stare of accusation and tried to whisper something, but I couldn’t hear it.
I leaned closer and she whispered again, her final words haunting me.
This couldn’t be Jolene. It wasn’t a trick or a prank. Something real had just invaded our camp and destroyed my friend.
Fear gripped me as I looked around to see if this creature was lying in wait to kill me too. As I searched the rest of the camp, hoping moment by moment that this thing was gone, I also didn’t find Rose. Eventually, I found a large pool of blood not far from her tent, but nobody was around. The trail of blood led from the pool off toward the woods, and I had no desire to follow it.
The next thought that came to my panicked mind was, ‘If this wasn’t Jolene, then where was she?’
She purposely didn’t tell me where she was hiding, so I wouldn’t unintentionally give away her position by glancing at a certain spot. It was a smart plan until she went missing and I have no idea what’s going on.
My next thought was calling for help but when I got out my phone I found it was also dead. Even though I didn’t want to, I went over to Dawn’s now-dead body and searched for her cell phone. But I found it in pieces.
There would be no call for help.
Despondency smothered me and pulled me to the ground. I sat in the middle of the campsite beside a pool of blood that used to be one of my friends, only a handful of feet away from the broken body that used to be another one of my friends, having no idea where my third friend was.
I’d never been in such a desperate place in my life, not only physically, but mentally, and I hoped I would never be in such a place again.
I had no idea what to do or where to go. The realization began to set in that I had lost three of my closest friends in the space of a day.
Tears flowed down my cheeks as I sat there in the growing darkness with only the embers of the dying fire to keep me company.
Should I sit here and hope that help would stumble by in the form of another hiker or even better, a park ranger? It was late October and the trails weren’t very well traveled once the weather turned cold.
As I sat there a gust of wind blew through tearing at the few remaining leaves clinging to their branches. They began to fall as if the forest was crying with me… or for me.
I wish I knew what the forest knew about this thing that had destroyed my friends and my life. About how I would get out of here alive and most of all about what had happened to Jolene. As much as I wanted to just sit there and mourn forever, I knew I couldn’t. I knew I had to get up and go figure this out.
How would I get out of here? How would I survive?
Maybe my tent held the key. By some miracle my tent was undamaged. I started digging through my backpack. There are always things in everyone’s backpack that they have for emergencies that never happen. Usually, it’s a snakebite kit, a length of rope, or bandaids that seldom if ever get used. But as I was digging, I came across some things that might be useful. There was a can of pepper spray and a small pocket knife. At this point, I was happy to have anything I could use as a weapon.
They went in my pocket along with the rope.
So now it was decision time. Do I pack up my stuff right now and leave, hiking down the trail in the dark, having no idea if this thing is still on the hunt? Or do I lay down and get some rest? Wait for morning and hope it doesn’t know I’m here.
Neither one was a great option. There was no way I could even consider burying Dawn. I didn’t have a shovel and I would need all my energy to hike back out of here if I hoped to survive. Thankfully, the decision was made for me. As I lay there, mind whirling from everything that had happened, I fell asleep.
I woke hours later to a bright morning sun peeking through my open tent window. I yawned and stretched thinking about what a beautiful morning it could be when suddenly I remembered everything that had happened. That’s when I heard the growling.
It was just loud enough to get my attention. Fear gripped me as I tried to figure out what to do. My brain went into full useless mode as, ‘Run out of the tent screaming’ rose to the top of possible options.
The growling didn’t seem to get any closer as I lay there awaiting my fate. Encouraged by the fact that I hadn’t become the monster’s breakfast yet, I got up to my knees and quietly looked out the window.
What I saw disgusted and enraged me. There were two mountain lions having their breakfast. Normally I wouldn’t care about such a thing more than staying as far away as possible. But today, their breakfast was my friend’s dead body.
I did exactly what was at the top of my brain’s list: ran out of the tent screaming.
At first, I ran straight at them, hoping it would scare them off. They both just stopped and stared at me as if I were some rude interloper interrupting them having morning tea.
The next thing they did was turn and take a few steps toward me.
As I stared at their blood-soaked faces, I realized I had done the worst thing possible. I lowered my hands and started backing away, trying to look as non-threatening as possible. This seemed to encourage them to increase their pursuit. I was almost back to my tent, but it didn’t seem like diving inside and hiding was an option now. They were aware of me and very interested in me, possibly as lunch.
As my list of potential actions dwindled to, ‘Wait for death’, my hand brushed against my leg and I felt something in my pocket. It was the pepper spray. I pulled it out, having no idea if it even worked on cats, and aimed it at them.
They didn’t slow in the slightest. It looked like a stream of water sprayed out of the can and landed on the first cat’s face. Its reaction was immediate.
It let out a massive yowl and began clawing at its face. The second paused in confusion, watching its companion devolve into convulsions of pain. When it looked back at me, I had already sprayed its face, causing the same reaction.
For a long moment, I was treated to the insanely comical sight of these two predators twirling in circles, trying to claw their own faces off.
And then the impossible happened. They both decided breakfast wasn’t worth the cost of admission and ran off.
I looked down at this small, innocuous-looking spray can that had just saved my life. It was tempting to give it a kiss in celebration, but I didn’t want to take any chance of getting any spray on me. Writhing in pain wasn’t high on my list of things to do today.
Having just escaped death, I decided on my plan of action. My backpack was packed in under a half hour and I was on the trail, having said my goodbyes to Dawn and what was left of Rose.
A sharp pang of guilt stabbed me as I left the campsite. Dawn’s last whispered words haunted me, “Shouldn’t have come.”
She was right of course. If any of us had known what was about to happen there was no way we should’ve been here. But that’s the whole point of life I guess. None of us know what’s going to happen at any minute.
As if I wasn’t depressed enough as it was, that thought sent me into near panic as my eyes darted all around searching for danger. Now it wasn’t only the monster, but the mountain lions and any other creature whose home I had invaded. Right then I knew I would never visit this place again.
Even the woodland creatures were quiet out of respect for my fallen friends.
Wait… how would they know?
As if in answer, the monster stepped out onto the trail and stared down at me. It was massive. I’d never seen anything that tall. Not only was it tall, but its shoulders were a good five feet wide. It was covered in dark fur that had splotches of wet dark stains down the front of it. My mind told me that was all that was left of Rose.
It unleased a deafening roar that made a small river flow down my pantleg. My mind was like a little dog chasing its tail trying to figure out what to do.
As I stood there, frozen to the spot, it took two steps and was right in front of me.
When it reached for me, some basic survival mode kicked in and I went back to the last thing that had saved my life.
I whipped out the pepper spray and emptied the can in the monster’s face.
It reared back and screamed so loud I had to hold my ears as I ran around it and sprinted down the trail.
My heart was pumping adrenaline.
My feet barely touched the ground.
I had never run so fast in my entire life.
The trees were a blur as I wound back and forth along the trail.
All I could think was, ‘Just get away! Just get away!’
As hope soared that I might be able to do just that, I heard a noise coming from behind me. It was like a bulldozer with legs. I heard pounding and crashing as if something was destroying whatever got in its way. I glanced back and the monster was gaining on me. But it was flailing its arms around in front of it as if to protect its eyes from whatever was there.
That momentary distraction was just enough. My foot caught on a branch I wasn’t looking for and I went tumbling at full speed off the trail and into the brush. I hit a tree hard with my back. I was sure I heard a crack. It was all I could do just to stay conscious. I watched through bleary eyes as the monster ran past me on the trail.
There was no way I could celebrate or even move. Running so fast for so long had taken its toll. And now having fallen and possibly injuring my back had just added to my immobility.
It took me a few long moments to catch my breath. Once I did, I slowly moved body parts to make sure they still worked. I saved the worst for last. Trying to sit up caused pain to shoot down my back.
That wasn’t a good sign.
It seemed like I would be here for a little bit. At least until I recovered enough to make another try for my car. I knew it was less than a mile away, but right now I couldn’t even think about getting up to walk let alone run.
I painfully pulled my backpack off and sat it beside me. Next, I tried to cover myself and my pack with the loose leaves that blanketed the ground. Within ten minutes I was satisfied that no one would be able to see me from the trail without looking very closely.
There was a peephole I had left open to keep an eye on the trail. The monster would be back eventually, there was no doubt about that. Once it realized I wasn’t on the trail anymore it would backtrack looking for me.
Spraying it may have saved my life, but it also doomed me to be its enemy forever. It would search high and low to find me, I was as sure about that as anything.
Even though it was mid-morning, the trees here were dense and light had to filter through a lot of them to make it to the ground. Reaching into my pack. I pulled out my reading light, which was surprisingly still in one piece. I used it to check my wounds and found they were mostly cuts and scrapes.
As my adrenaline crashed, I could feel myself being once again dragged into unconsciousness. My eyes drooped, then suddenly shot open as I heard something. The part of the trail I could see through my peephole was quite small. I leaned to the left a little bit trying not to make any sound. That’s when I heard the sniffing and saw the monster coming slowly back up the trail. It was on all fours, smelling the ground.
One eye looked like it was swollen shut and the other was bloodshot. It got to the point in the trail where I had fallen and stopped then turned and looked right at me.
My blood turned to liquid nitrogen.
The monster stalked straight towards me as if it could see me plain as day. I glanced down and realized to my horror that my reading light was still on.
I panicked. If I turned it off, the monster would know I was there. If I left it on, it was a beacon leading it right to me. I gently pulled it from around my neck, trying to move it as little as possible. Once I had it off of me, I set it on top of my backpack so it was at the same level as it had been around my neck.
As I slid away from the pack, I reached into my pocket and pulled out the knife, then opened it.
The monster was so close I could smell the stench of death coming from its mouth. It got right up to the light and brushed the leaves away to see what this thing was.
There was only one shot for me to survive. I swung the knife with all the strength I had left, stabbing it in the eye that wasn’t swollen.
It reared back and screamed in pain.
I didn’t wait around to see what was going to happen. Every ounce of energy I had went to running away from this homicidal monster. My back screamed at me but I ignored it.
The creature screamed again, this time in rage rather than pain. It tore off after me, but couldn’t see so it ended up slamming into a tree three feet behind me.
My legs kept pumping, driven by sheer terror. As I glanced back I saw the monster listening to me run away. It followed my sounds and ran after me again. I pivoted and ran up the side of the trail just in time for it to miss me and fall face-first on the trail.
It wasn’t far to the trailhead now. I knew it was getting close. There was a hard turn in the trail where I had to be careful of my footing. It was narrow and there was a steep drop that ended in a river far below.
I ran to where the turn was and suddenly stopped. The monster had gotten up and was listening for me again. It was a gamble, but I stood at the turn and jogged in place as though I was still running away.
It listened, then launched itself toward me. As soon as it began to run, I quietly stepped around the corner and softly walked down the trail a few feet. If my gamble paid off, I would be home free. If it didn’t, I’d be dead.
Time slowed as the beast galloped towards the turn. I watched and waited until finally, I saw the bloody fur of its face with the knife still sticking out.
At the last moment, it seemed to sense me around the corner and tried to turn, but momentum had already carried it past me and it had no chance of staying on the trail.
I leaned over and watched as it fell helplessly over the edge and tumbled down to the water below, hitting its head on several trees as it went.
It had just come to rest at the bottom when I took off running. The trailhead loomed in front of me and I didn’t want to take any chances of that thing recovering and catching me before I got to my car.
I’d never seen a more beautiful sight than my beat-up Toyota Corolla.
When I approached it, I paused yet again and looked around for who or what might be watching me.
Hanging from my driver’s side mirror was the mask Jolene had worn. I took it off the mirror and looked at it in shock and confusion. Inside was a note.
There was a crash from the woods that told me the monster hadn’t given up. I jumped in the car, threw the mask on the passenger’s seat, and broke every speed law getting out of the park. Even once I was on the main road, I pushed the pedal down to make the car go as fast as it could. My speedometer needle was vibrating when I hit eighty. It wasn’t until I was close to home that I slowed down.
I got out and went into my tiny house, bringing the mask. I collapsed on the couch as my back complained. I would have to schedule an appointment with my chiropractor.
Once I was safely inside, I picked up the mask and pulled out the note.
It read, ‘I’m sorry to leave without telling you. The girls were coming up the trail and I was about to jump out at them when I saw this monster following them through the woods. I couldn’t warn them or you without the monster seeing. When they set up their tents, it was watching from the edge of the woods. I panicked and quietly left while it was busy watching the camp. I hope you’re alive to read this and if so you can someday forgive me. – J’
I lay the note beside me on the couch and all I could think of as tears streamed down my cheeks was Dawn’s final words to me.
“Shouldn’t have come.”
submitted by Horror_writer_1717 to Horror_Writer_1717 [link] [comments]

2023.10.18 20:58 Horror_writer_1717 I went on a Halloween hiking trip with my friends. My reading light saved my life.

If only Jolene hadn’t worn that stupid mask, things might have ended differently. I might’ve called off the whole trip and saved everyone.
It all started as I stood at my mailbox waiting like a little kid who had ordered a toy from a cereal box. The mailman usually came at 3 o'clock never fail unless something had happened. I stood at my mailbox staring at my watch that said, ‘3:10’, so what was the holdup? Did he have a flat tire, did a terrorist attack, did a bear grab him when he was trying to deliver me my precious delivery?
Just as I was about to turn and go back to the house I saw the little yellow light flashing on top of a car coming my way and nearly jumped out of my skin.
This was it, if it didn’t come today, there was no way I’d have time to order another one before leaving for the camping trip.
The car slowly pulled up to the mailbox and I said hello. Instead of putting the mail in the box, he handed me a few letters and looked away. My heart sank as he turned and faced the road.
“Isn’t there anything else for me,” I said trying to keep the desperation out of my voice.
He turned and looked in the back seat.
“Oh, wait, it looks like there’s something I forgot,” he said, reaching into the back and handing me a brown envelope with the address on it I’d been looking for.
He smiled and waved as he drove off leaving me holding my prize.
This was going to be a good camping trip now.
I nearly skipped back to the house, threw the other mail on the table without looking at it, before ripping open the package. There it was, my glorious booklight.
I’m an avid reader and an avid camper. It’s always been a struggle to read during camping trips. I took along various battery-powered lamps and flashlights, but nothing seemed to work for me. Getting comfortable enough to really settle into my book was a challenge.
When I saw this light advertised on Instagram I instantly knew this was what I needed. It was a book light that wrapped around your neck with a light at each end that would shine on the book. There was no doubt it would be perfect and I ordered one right away. Finally, I could finish packing for the camping trip.
My friends and I loved to go hiking and camping. With a huge state park so close, it was a no-brainer that we would be there as often as possible. Every time we decided to go, we would all meet up at the trailhead and hike to the site together.
This time would be the exception. There were scheduling conflicts and if we wanted to go at all it wouldn’t be at the same time. Dawn and Rose could barely get away for the weekend.
They would have to catch up to us later at the campsite. At the last minute, even Jolene called and said she was running behind and might not make it until later.
In retrospect, I should’ve seen it coming, seeing what the date we had set for our trip. But instead of canceling and choosing another time, I just shrugged it off as conflicting schedules and hefted my backpack then started down the trail.
Being by myself on this trail never really bothered me before. I hiked this trail many times and never had a problem.
I decided to go early and get the camp set up so we could have maximum time together. My schedule had been cleared for the entire trip and I was going to take full advantage.
The sun had set until I started down the trail and it would be dark by the time I got to our campsite. Hiking at night wasn’t the best thing to do even though I knew the trail, but aside from getting camp set up, I was also excited to use my new book light.
It worked surprisingly well lighting up the trail and made it much easier to use my walking stick for the more difficult parts of the trail. Taking it slow, going at my own pace, and enjoying as much scenery as I could was a luxury I was enjoying. Usually, Dawn would lead the group and drive us hard until we got to camp.
I wanted to get out my book and read as I walked, but I figured that would be tempting fate and I had no desire to faceplant on the trail after discovering a tree root the hard way.
As I walked, lost in thought, suddenly the forest became eerily silent. The birds stopped singing, squirrels stopped chattering, even crickets stopped chirping. It was so quiet I could hear my own footsteps. It was very unsettling.
I stopped and slowly turned around, using my light to search for anything unusual. After a full circle without seeing anything out of the ordinary, I tried to shake off the feeling and just keep going.
It didn’t take long for me to begin speeding up. Every step was somehow more desperate than the last. As if getting to my campsite would somehow protect me from whatever was out there making the animals and creatures of the night afraid to make a sound.
By the time I could see the clearing where we camped rising in the distance, I was power-walking, nearly running. All of the sudden, the noises started back up again as if someone had flipped a switch or I had somehow stepped out of some invisible danger zone.
I paused and turned back to see if there was any physical sign of what had happened. If there was some creature lurking behind me or something but there was nothing. And nothing seemed to be even more unnerving.
It wasn’t until later, after everything was over that I realized how stupid it was for me to travel this trail by myself, let alone in the dark. I guess it was a combination of things that made me do it. First of all, just the disappointment of everyone nearly canceling at the last minute. Secondly was my surprise package that came on time and just wanting to use this cool new light in any way I could. But the really big thing that did it for me was my stubbornness. I had decided I was going camping come hell or high water.
I didn’t realize it would be the former.
It didn’t even register that I was heading out alone on a trail at night on October 30th, the day before Halloween. It didn’t take me long to get my tent set up and I didn’t bother with a fire. I just dove straight inside and zipped up the entrance, somehow believing that the thin layer of tent material would keep me safe from anything that went bump in the night.
I lay there on the bare tent floor, breathing hard in sheer terror, wondering why I was so frightened. There hadn’t been any tangible proof of anything following me. I had seen nothing. What had gotten me so worked up?
This is what I told myself over and over until my breathing slowed back to normal as I unpacked my backpack to settle in. Once I was secure in my sleeping bag, I finally dug out the book I’d brought along for the trip. It was a domestic thriller called, ‘Secrets’ about a woman whose life was turned upside down.
I turned on my light and began reading. It didn’t take me long to become so engrossed in the story that the world around me disappeared. That was when the adrenaline crash from the fear grabbed my face and said, “You’re going to sleep now.”
Sometime later I woke and pulled my face out of the small puddle of drool that had soaked into my sleeping bag. I sat up, wiped my mouth, and stretched. To my great surprise, the book light was still on and I hadn’t broken it by laying on it. The darkness outside had given way to a dull grey. It must’ve been just before sunrise. Pulling myself out of the sleeping bag gave me an instant reminder of how cold Autumn mornings can be in the forest.
While pulling on my jacket, I froze. There was something or someone moving around just outside my tent. Zipping up my jacket quietly, I slid towards the zippered tent window in hopes of getting a closer look. My hands shook as I pulled the tab slowly hoping to make as little noise as possible and sneak a peek at whatever was out there.
My eyes slid up to the opening and peered out. All I could see through the slit was dim outlines of trees through the growing morning light. I scanned around as much as I could through my limited view when suddenly a pair of glowing eyes appeared in the window.
I screamed and threw myself backward onto my sleeping bag, landing with a thump that took my breath away. The shadow of the creature moved from the window to the main tent flap. I lay there helpless as the zipper undid itself and the hideous face of the monster poked itself inside.
It roared so loud I clamped my hands over my ears. My life flashed before my eyes as it slowly entered the tent growling and snarling.
Regret filled me. Why didn’t I wait for my friends? But then they would die with me. Maybe it was better they were late. They would find my horribly mutilated and possibly eaten body, but they might survive if they ran away.
As these thoughts chased each other around my brain, I noticed something.
The creature was wearing a sparkly bracelet.
Not only that but it seemed to have a manicure.
Now that I looked more closely, it was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants.
I reached up and grabbed the creature’s face then ripped it off with all my might.
“Ouch!” it said as the fur came loose.
In a heartbeat, I was holding the creature’s face in my hand and Jolene stood there rubbing her ears.
“You think you could yank my ears off next time?” she said.
“Sure, after I’m done having a heart attack you jerk!”
She smiled, still rubbing her ears.
“Happy Halloween!”
“Screw you!” I said, throwing the mask at her and storming out of the tent.
“Wait, you’re not really mad are you?” I heard her say from behind me as I tromped down the trail.
I didn’t bother to turn, answer, or even slow down.
“Where are you going?” she said.
The thought registered in my head, but I couldn’t seem to answer the question. Where was I going? I was just stomping down the trail with no destination in mind. The sun was peeking over the horizon as I passed a clearing in the trees. Without thinking I slowed to a stop and stood there admiring the simple elegant beauty of the sunrise.
I heard and felt a presence beside me as I stared into the rising sun.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Jolene said.
I turned to her and smiled.
“I should throw you off this cliff,” I said.
She took a step back, her eyes filled with uncertainty.
“Sucks, being afraid, doesn’t it?” I said.
“Yeah,” she said staying a healthy distance away from me. “I guess it does.”
“You know what you should do with that mask?” I said.
“I’m sure you have a few creative suggestions,” she said carefully.
I turned to her with a gleam in my eyes.
“You should scare the hell out of Dawn and Rose.”
Her look slowly transformed from fear to confusion as the edge of her lip slid up into a grin.
It was late afternoon when Dawn and Rose came huffing and puffing up the hill to the campsite. I’d started a campfire and made some lunch. There was also some coffee brewing on the fire.
“Well, you two sure took your time,” I said, poking at the fire and adding another piece of wood.
“You’re lucky we came at all,” Dawn said. “I was going to call and cancel.”
“Like Jolene did?” I said, trying my best to sound upset and disappointed.
“Are you kidding me?” Rose said, dropping her backpack. “After we busted our butts to get up here?”
“’Fraid so,” I said.
“That’s great!” Dawn said, pulling her cell phone out of her pocket. “You wait until I talk to her.”
I wasn’t sure if Jolene had silenced her phone or not. Dawn’s call could ruin the whole prank. My mind searched frantically for something to do.
“Don’t bother,” I said. “I already tried calling her this morning. It went straight to voicemail.”
“Humph,” Dawn said, putting her phone back in her pocket. “She’s probably snuggled up in bed, sleeping.”
“Well at least you two made it,” I said, pointing to the logs around the fire. “Take a load off.”
They looked at the log with disdain but shrugged and sat. I guess exhaustion will lower your standards regarding where you rest.
We chit-chatted for a while, mostly about how upset we were with Jolene for skipping out on us. Then I helped them set up their tents. We had just finished when off in the distance we heard a roar and a scream.
“What was that?” Dawn said, looking around trying to determine what direction it had come from.
“I don’t know,” I said, putting on an Oscar-level performance of looking frightened while trying not to smile. Jolene had outdone herself. She said she would look for roaring sounds on her phone, but that was so loud. I didn’t know her phone could get that loud.
Light was just beginning to fade, making it even harder to see if there was anything coming out of the trees towards us. Rose was having a full panic attack.
“What do we do, what do we do?” she said.
“Let’s just go in our tents and hope whatever it is doesn’t care about finding us,” I said.
“We should leave,” Rose said, her eyes darting all around searching for danger.
“I think so too,” Dawn said. “If there’s something out there it could come after us.”
I tried to do a quick pivot to save the prank.
“Where would we go?” I said. “Our cars are miles away. If that thing was after us it would stalk us on the trail too, and we wouldn’t have our tents made up to hide in.”
They looked at me with what looked like suspicion that turned into resignation.
“I guess you’re right,” Dawn said. “We should just go in our tents and hope that thing goes away.”
“Are you kidding me?” Rose said. “Why not just wrap ourselves in our sleeping bags and serve ourselves up as burritos for that thing?”
“Don’t you think you’re overreacting?” I said. “We don’t even know what that was. Maybe it was some animal calling for a mate.”
“And the scream?”
“Could be someone saw it and was scared.”
Dawn watched our back-and-forth conversation.
“Let’s just go to our tents,” she said.
“No,” Rose said. “I want to leave, right now.”
“There’s the trail,” I said, pointing. “No one’s stopping you.”
She looked from the trail to Dawn to me.
I turned and went into my tent. A few minutes later I heard another tent flap rustle, followed by a third. A smile crept across my face. This was going to be fun. I was so excited I barely read any of my book.
Within an hour I heard something outside the tent, rustling through the campsite and knocking things over.
“Here we go,” I whispered.
It was all I could do to stay in my tent when I heard Rose scream. There was no way I could watch Jolene chasing them around with that ridiculous mask on and not howl with laughter. I wanted to give the prank time for them to be scared before revealing our devious plan.
Fits of laughter fought to escape me, but I held them in as I heard Dawn's screams join the fray. From the sound, they were all running around destroying the campsite. Between the growls, running, knocking into things, and screams of terror, the whole cacophony of it was nearly impossible to sit through. Every inch of me was aching to jump out and yell, “Happy Halloween! We got you!”
After a few minutes, the noise died down. Everyone must’ve gotten tired. I was still waiting for the ‘aha moment’ when I heard Dawn or Rose curse at Jolene. The mask wasn’t that convincing once you calmed down and got a close look at it. Any minute now. I leaned close to the wall of my tent, but all movement had stopped. It was like everyone had just laid down and took a nap.
I couldn’t take it any longer, I ripped open my tent and jumped out, yelling, “Surprise! Happy Hallo… “
The rest of the word died on my tongue. The campsite wasn’t in disarray, it was destroyed. Both Dawn and Rose’s tents were flattened. As I stepped closer I saw rips and gouges in their tents as well.
As I looked around the campsite at the carnage, my first thought was, ‘Wow, Jolene really overdid it.’ But that thought didn’t hold for long. The more I moved through the camp, the more I saw claw marks and huge footprints, something that Jolene couldn’t do. All doubts ended when I came across Dawn.
She lay in a pool of blood and at first, I thought it was a trick. That they had turned Jolene back against me and now I was being pranked. However, that thought died a quick death when I saw Dawn’s severed arm lying a few feet from her.
Her eyes were wide open in shock. She looked at me with a blank stare of accusation and tried to whisper something, but I couldn’t hear it.
I leaned closer and she whispered again, her final words haunting me.
This couldn’t be Jolene. It wasn’t a trick or a prank. Something real had just invaded our camp and destroyed my friend.
Fear gripped me as I looked around to see if this creature was lying in wait to kill me too. As I searched the rest of the camp, hoping moment by moment that this thing was gone, I also didn’t find Rose. Eventually, I found a large pool of blood not far from her tent, but nobody was around. The trail of blood led from the pool off toward the woods, and I had no desire to follow it.
The next thought that came to my panicked mind was, ‘If this wasn’t Jolene, then where was she?’
She purposely didn’t tell me where she was hiding, so I wouldn’t unintentionally give away her position by glancing at a certain spot. It was a smart plan until she went missing and I have no idea what’s going on.
My next thought was calling for help but when I got out my phone I found it was also dead. Even though I didn’t want to, I went over to Dawn’s now-dead body and searched for her cell phone. But I found it in pieces.
There would be no call for help.
Despondency smothered me and pulled me to the ground. I sat in the middle of the campsite beside a pool of blood that used to be one of my friends, only a handful of feet away from the broken body that used to be another one of my friends, having no idea where my third friend was.
I’d never been in such a desperate place in my life, not only physically, but mentally, and I hoped I would never be in such a place again.
I had no idea what to do or where to go. The realization began to set in that I had lost three of my closest friends in the space of a day.
Tears flowed down my cheeks as I sat there in the growing darkness with only the embers of the dying fire to keep me company.
Should I sit here and hope that help would stumble by in the form of another hiker or even better, a park ranger? It was late October and the trails weren’t very well traveled once the weather turned cold.
As I sat there a gust of wind blew through tearing at the few remaining leaves clinging to their branches. They began to fall as if the forest was crying with me… or for me.
I wish I knew what the forest knew about this thing that had destroyed my friends and my life. About how I would get out of here alive and most of all about what had happened to Jolene. As much as I wanted to just sit there and mourn forever, I knew I couldn’t. I knew I had to get up and go figure this out.
How would I get out of here? How would I survive?
Maybe my tent held the key. By some miracle my tent was undamaged. I started digging through my backpack. There are always things in everyone’s backpack that they have for emergencies that never happen. Usually, it’s a snakebite kit, a length of rope, or bandaids that seldom if ever get used. But as I was digging, I came across some things that might be useful. There was a can of pepper spray and a small pocket knife. At this point, I was happy to have anything I could use as a weapon.
They went in my pocket along with the rope.
So now it was decision time. Do I pack up my stuff right now and leave, hiking down the trail in the dark, having no idea if this thing is still on the hunt? Or do I lay down and get some rest? Wait for morning and hope it doesn’t know I’m here.
Neither one was a great option. There was no way I could even consider burying Dawn. I didn’t have a shovel and I would need all my energy to hike back out of here if I hoped to survive. Thankfully, the decision was made for me. As I lay there, mind whirling from everything that had happened, I fell asleep.
I woke hours later to a bright morning sun peeking through my open tent window. I yawned and stretched thinking about what a beautiful morning it could be when suddenly I remembered everything that had happened. That’s when I heard the growling.
It was just loud enough to get my attention. Fear gripped me as I tried to figure out what to do. My brain went into full useless mode as, ‘Run out of the tent screaming’ rose to the top of possible options.
The growling didn’t seem to get any closer as I lay there awaiting my fate. Encouraged by the fact that I hadn’t become the monster’s breakfast yet, I got up to my knees and quietly looked out the window.
What I saw disgusted and enraged me. There were two mountain lions having their breakfast. Normally I wouldn’t care about such a thing more than staying as far away as possible. But today, their breakfast was my friend’s dead body.
I did exactly what was at the top of my brain’s list: ran out of the tent screaming.
At first, I ran straight at them, hoping it would scare them off. They both just stopped and stared at me as if I were some rude interloper interrupting them having morning tea.
The next thing they did was turn and take a few steps toward me.
As I stared at their blood-soaked faces, I realized I had done the worst thing possible. I lowered my hands and started backing away, trying to look as non-threatening as possible. This seemed to encourage them to increase their pursuit. I was almost back to my tent, but it didn’t seem like diving inside and hiding was an option now. They were aware of me and very interested in me, possibly as lunch.
As my list of potential actions dwindled to, ‘Wait for death’, my hand brushed against my leg and I felt something in my pocket. It was the pepper spray. I pulled it out, having no idea if it even worked on cats, and aimed it at them.
They didn’t slow in the slightest. It looked like a stream of water sprayed out of the can and landed on the first cat’s face. Its reaction was immediate.
It let out a massive yowl and began clawing at its face. The second paused in confusion, watching its companion devolve into convulsions of pain. When it looked back at me, I had already sprayed its face, causing the same reaction.
For a long moment, I was treated to the insanely comical sight of these two predators twirling in circles, trying to claw their own faces off.
And then the impossible happened. They both decided breakfast wasn’t worth the cost of admission and ran off.
I looked down at this small, innocuous-looking spray can that had just saved my life. It was tempting to give it a kiss in celebration, but I didn’t want to take any chance of getting any spray on me. Writhing in pain wasn’t high on my list of things to do today.
Having just escaped death, I decided on my plan of action. My backpack was packed in under a half hour and I was on the trail, having said my goodbyes to Dawn and what was left of Rose.
A sharp pang of guilt stabbed me as I left the campsite. Dawn’s last whispered words haunted me, “Shouldn’t have come.”
She was right of course. If any of us had known what was about to happen there was no way we should’ve been here. But that’s the whole point of life I guess. None of us know what’s going to happen at any minute.
As if I wasn’t depressed enough as it was, that thought sent me into near panic as my eyes darted all around searching for danger. Now it wasn’t only the monster, but the mountain lions and any other creature whose home I had invaded. Right then I knew I would never visit this place again.
Even the woodland creatures were quiet out of respect for my fallen friends.
Wait… how would they know?
As if in answer, the monster stepped out onto the trail and stared down at me. It was massive. I’d never seen anything that tall. Not only was it tall, but its shoulders were a good five feet wide. It was covered in dark fur that had splotches of wet dark stains down the front of it. My mind told me that was all that was left of Rose.
It unleased a deafening roar that made a small river flow down my pantleg. My mind was like a little dog chasing its tail trying to figure out what to do.
As I stood there, frozen to the spot, it took two steps and was right in front of me.
When it reached for me, some basic survival mode kicked in and I went back to the last thing that had saved my life.
I whipped out the pepper spray and emptied the can in the monster’s face.
It reared back and screamed so loud I had to hold my ears as I ran around it and sprinted down the trail.
My heart was pumping adrenaline.
My feet barely touched the ground.
I had never run so fast in my entire life.
The trees were a blur as I wound back and forth along the trail.
All I could think was, ‘Just get away! Just get away!’
As hope soared that I might be able to do just that, I heard a noise coming from behind me. It was like a bulldozer with legs. I heard pounding and crashing as if something was destroying whatever got in its way. I glanced back and the monster was gaining on me. But it was flailing its arms around in front of it as if to protect its eyes from whatever was there.
That momentary distraction was just enough. My foot caught on a branch I wasn’t looking for and I went tumbling at full speed off the trail and into the brush. I hit a tree hard with my back. I was sure I heard a crack. It was all I could do just to stay conscious. I watched through bleary eyes as the monster ran past me on the trail.
There was no way I could celebrate or even move. Running so fast for so long had taken its toll. And now having fallen and possibly injuring my back had just added to my immobility.
It took me a few long moments to catch my breath. Once I did, I slowly moved body parts to make sure they still worked. I saved the worst for last. Trying to sit up caused pain to shoot down my back.
That wasn’t a good sign.
It seemed like I would be here for a little bit. At least until I recovered enough to make another try for my car. I knew it was less than a mile away, but right now I couldn’t even think about getting up to walk let alone run.
I painfully pulled my backpack off and sat it beside me. Next, I tried to cover myself and my pack with the loose leaves that blanketed the ground. Within ten minutes I was satisfied that no one would be able to see me from the trail without looking very closely.
There was a peephole I had left open to keep an eye on the trail. The monster would be back eventually, there was no doubt about that. Once it realized I wasn’t on the trail anymore it would backtrack looking for me.
Spraying it may have saved my life, but it also doomed me to be its enemy forever. It would search high and low to find me, I was as sure about that as anything.
Even though it was mid-morning, the trees here were dense and light had to filter through a lot of them to make it to the ground. Reaching into my pack. I pulled out my reading light, which was surprisingly still in one piece. I used it to check my wounds and found they were mostly cuts and scrapes.
As my adrenaline crashed, I could feel myself being once again dragged into unconsciousness. My eyes drooped, then suddenly shot open as I heard something. The part of the trail I could see through my peephole was quite small. I leaned to the left a little bit trying not to make any sound. That’s when I heard the sniffing and saw the monster coming slowly back up the trail. It was on all fours, smelling the ground.
One eye looked like it was swollen shut and the other was bloodshot. It got to the point in the trail where I had fallen and stopped then turned and looked right at me.
My blood turned to liquid nitrogen.
The monster stalked straight towards me as if it could see me plain as day. I glanced down and realized to my horror that my reading light was still on.
I panicked. If I turned it off, the monster would know I was there. If I left it on, it was a beacon leading it right to me. I gently pulled it from around my neck, trying to move it as little as possible. Once I had it off of me, I set it on top of my backpack so it was at the same level as it had been around my neck.
As I slid away from the pack, I reached into my pocket and pulled out the knife, then opened it.
The monster was so close I could smell the stench of death coming from its mouth. It got right up to the light and brushed the leaves away to see what this thing was.
There was only one shot for me to survive. I swung the knife with all the strength I had left, stabbing it in the eye that wasn’t swollen.
It reared back and screamed in pain.
I didn’t wait around to see what was going to happen. Every ounce of energy I had went to running away from this homicidal monster. My back screamed at me but I ignored it.
The creature screamed again, this time in rage rather than pain. It tore off after me, but couldn’t see so it ended up slamming into a tree three feet behind me.
My legs kept pumping, driven by sheer terror. As I glanced back I saw the monster listening to me run away. It followed my sounds and ran after me again. I pivoted and ran up the side of the trail just in time for it to miss me and fall face-first on the trail.
It wasn’t far to the trailhead now. I knew it was getting close. There was a hard turn in the trail where I had to be careful of my footing. It was narrow and there was a steep drop that ended in a river far below.
I ran to where the turn was and suddenly stopped. The monster had gotten up and was listening for me again. It was a gamble, but I stood at the turn and jogged in place as though I was still running away.
It listened, then launched itself toward me. As soon as it began to run, I quietly stepped around the corner and softly walked down the trail a few feet. If my gamble paid off, I would be home free. If it didn’t, I’d be dead.
Time slowed as the beast galloped towards the turn. I watched and waited until finally, I saw the bloody fur of its face with the knife still sticking out.
At the last moment, it seemed to sense me around the corner and tried to turn, but momentum had already carried it past me and it had no chance of staying on the trail.
I leaned over and watched as it fell helplessly over the edge and tumbled down to the water below, hitting its head on several trees as it went.
It had just come to rest at the bottom when I took off running. The trailhead loomed in front of me and I didn’t want to take any chances of that thing recovering and catching me before I got to my car.
I’d never seen a more beautiful sight than my beat-up Toyota Corolla.
When I approached it, I paused yet again and looked around for who or what might be watching me.
Hanging from my driver’s side mirror was the mask Jolene had worn. I took it off the mirror and looked at it in shock and confusion. Inside was a note.
There was a crash from the woods that told me the monster hadn’t given up. I jumped in the car, threw the mask on the passenger’s seat, and broke every speed law getting out of the park. Even once I was on the main road, I pushed the pedal down to make the car go as fast as it could. My speedometer needle was vibrating when I hit eighty. It wasn’t until I was close to home that I slowed down.
I got out and went into my tiny house, bringing the mask. I collapsed on the couch as my back complained. I would have to schedule an appointment with my chiropractor.
Once I was safely inside, I picked up the mask and pulled out the note.
It read, ‘I’m sorry to leave without telling you. The girls were coming up the trail and I was about to jump out at them when I saw this monster following them through the woods. I couldn’t warn them or you without the monster seeing. When they set up their tents, it was watching from the edge of the woods. I panicked and quietly left while it was busy watching the camp. I hope you’re alive to read this and if so you can someday forgive me. – J’
I lay the note beside me on the couch and all I could think of as tears streamed down my cheeks was Dawn’s final words to me.
“Shouldn’t have come.”
submitted by Horror_writer_1717 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2021.11.30 19:01 thatreallyshortchick My roommate invited me to her family’s Thanksgiving dinner. I almost didn’t make it out alive.

My roommate Paulette had become my best friend over the few months that we’ve shared our college dorm. She had helped me to come out of my shell a bit, inviting me to any get-togethers she went to, and even forcing me to some if I was hard-headed about getting out for some fresh air. She had made me feel welcome and wanted, honestly, which is something I didn’t experience growing up as an orphan who hopped from foster home to foster home. I had never had any biological family reach out to me, or made any connections with the families I had briefly lived with, so feeling welcome was something I had always craved.
I wasn’t shocked whenever she invited me to her family’s Thanksgiving dinner. She had been telling her family about me for a while, even having phone calls where she would put it on speaker and have them talk to me, something I was always pretty awkward with. They did really sound like nice people, though, and I knew if I stayed at the dorm, I would just be sad thinking about everyone else getting to spend time with their families. I thought it would be a nice distraction, even though I knew I’d probably spend the whole time making awkward small talk.
So Paulette and I piled up into her Toyota Camry and headed out towards her house. They lived about an hour away in a tiny little town that had barely anything, most of it adorned by backroads full of pine trees. It was on one of these backroads where Paulette’s family had their two-story farmhouse, which had a very cozy and homey feel to it.
Although it was two stories, it felt cozy instead of roomy due to how much stuff was piled into it. It kind of reminded me of the Weasley house from Harry Potter except appearing more stable and less likely to topple over. Vintage furniture mostly filled the house, but it also had a healthy mixture of newer items, the newer items mostly electronics. My favorite part of it was the huge flat-screen TV that sat above the beautiful ornate fireplace, seeming so out of place. Little swirls stood out on the fireplace to resemble little puffs of smoke floating up, standing out on the brick and somehow looking delicate even though they were made of stone. A bookshelf with books stuffed into every open inch sat beside the fireplace, looking like it was a couple of books away from toppling over. A very comfy and worn-down-looking couch paired with two matching chairs sat in front of the fireplace, waiting for the visitors. We were the first two to sit down, and we were quickly surrounded by Paulette’s other family members that gradually showed up to the occasion. Soon, the sitting area felt just as packed as the bookshelf, and I felt very awkward and claustrophobic.
“What is your name, sweetie?” an older woman asked me. I looked over in the direction of her voice and almost jumped a foot out of my chair due to her strange appearance. Her wildly curly hair fought against the bobby pins she had holding it in, a strong smell of hair spray coming from it. Her pointy glasses reminded me of Roz from Monster’s Inc, although she had a rather sweet-sounding voice compared to that character. Her lipstick was the brightest shade of red I had ever seen, and it stained the filter of the cigarette she had in her hand.
Seeing how uncomfortable I was, Paulette reached over from her perch next to me and patted the woman’s upper arm. “Aunt Jolene, this is my roommate Piper,” she introduced.
The woman nodded as she took a drag from her cigarette, making that weird scrunched-up expression with her face that all smokers do to not release smoke into someone’s face. “Honey, you are so tiny!” she said. “You need to put some meat on your bones!”
“Don’t worry,” said Paulette. “I’m going to be making her plate for her.” They both chuckled at this comment before switching to discussing some distant relative they “hadn’t seen in forever.” I kind of zoned out as they talked, trying to cover my nose from the smoke without being obvious and seeming rude. Thankfully, it wasn’t long before Paulette’s mom called us all into the dining room. I had never been happier to get off of a couch.
I thought the living room was adorable, but it was nothing compared to how phenomenal the dining room looked. The furniture in here was strictly vintage, mostly looking victorian and intricate in its designs. The table itself took up the entirety of the room, spanning from one end to the other. Its legs and edges looked hand-carved, with the legs specifically being made to look like a waterfall of roses was drizzling from it. The chairs matched that design, along with the fireplace at the opposite end of the room. A beautiful crystal chandelier sat above the table, with crystals hanging down and twinkling as sunlight beams bounced off of them through the window. Not only was the room beautiful, but the spread of food was just as amazing and smelled absolutely delicious. Dressing, chicken and dumplings, a huge ham, and a huge turkey were some of the dishes on the table, but they were far from it. A small table beside the fireplace overflowed with desserts as well. Plates, cups, and silverware waited before each chair, a huge glass of lemonade waiting to fill those cups. This room was truly something I had never seen besides similar ones that I had seen in movies.
“Well, dig in, guys!” announced Paulette’s mom, and everyone quickly picked a chair. My mouth was already watering, and by the time Paulette’s dad began cutting into the turkey, I felt like I was practically drooling. Excited chatter surrounded the table as everyone began filling their plates, and Paulette grabbed mine to begin filling it just as she said she would.
One of Paulette’s brothers, Jared, got up from the table and placed a record on a record player I hadn’t noticed beside the dessert table. It crackled a bit as it spun around, but soon a mixture of instruments began to play, like a piano, clarinet, and violin. Soon, a voice began to sound from the speakers, as well.
Oh, you’re my honey Oh, you’re my baby Oh, you’re my sweet piiiiiie
Myyy, don’t you see, My little sweet treat, What you’re doing to me?
The lyrics were quite strange. I found myself distracted from my food as I continued to listen to the lyrics, staring at the record as it spun round and round.
“Uncle Edgar used to think he could make it as a singer,” said Paulette’s dad as he noticed me staring. “But, I think his sense of humor was just too strange.”
I didn’t really know what he meant by that, and no one decided to explain, so I left the conversation at that and turned back to my plate.
“Wait, where is the special dish?” asked a young boy who I recognized from Paulette’s family picture book as her little cousin Richard. I glanced around the table, finally taking the time to get a good look at everyone that I hadn’t talked to yet. There were only a few people from the picture book that I didn’t see. The missing family members were quickly wiped from my mind as Paulette’s mom appeared from the kitchen holding another huge dish, this one containing a piece of meat that I didn’t recognize.
It took up the entire pan and seemed hard for her to carry. Everyone quickly scrambled to move the dishes already taking up the table so that she could set the heavy load down.
“What is that?” I whispered to Paulette.
“Oh, uh…” she started. “Pig, I think?” She shrugged, turning back to the conversation I had taken her from.
Her response was weird to me, but I thought it was probably just my nerves about the whole day getting to me. I looked back at the dish as her mom sliced into the meat, cutting thin strips off. Blood and other juices flowed from the cuts, filling up the bottom of the pan. I have never been squeamish of blood, in fact, I’ve always loved my steaks a bit bloody, but my nerves were still making me feel weird. Is that how pig was supposed to be prepared? I began to feel bile come up my throat as the blood continued to pour. I tried to distract myself by eating again, but I couldn’t ignore the feeling of goosebumps on my arm. I glanced around the table and saw everyone else was perfectly fine, eating away or conversing with each other. Why was I the only one freaking out over a pig?
You know that feeling like an answer to something is on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t figure out what it is that your brain is wanting you to say? It’s like the memory is scratching at your brain, trying to break free, but you don’t know why you can’t think of it. That was how I felt right now, and it made a mixture with the feelings of anxiety. The mixture overwhelmed me.
I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths to try and calm myself. It is okay, I thought to myself. There is nothing wrong right now. You’re surrounded by nice people and have a delicious meal to finish in front of you. I slowly opened my eyes, thinking I had things under control now until I realized my plate seemed a lot farther away than it should be. And then, I remembered what my brain wanted to, the word on the tip of my tongue.
“Oh, no,” I said out loud without meaning to. “Longpig.”
I heard Paulette ask what was wrong, but I was unable to respond. Everything seemed to fade out of existence besides me and the strange meat. I heard voices asking me if I was okay over and over, but I couldn’t focus on them. The only sounds that were able to break free of the walls I suddenly had around me were the lyrics still playing from the record player.
You look so scrumptious Oh so delicious My sweetie, sweet pea
Come on over here Oh, my precious dear And give me a little biiiite
I heard a muffled “Do you want to go to the bathroom?” come from beside me. I was unable to respond, though, and a moment later I felt arms wrap around me and gently lift me. I was practically carried away out of the room, my feet somehow still able to operate, and I felt like I was floating. Everything seemed dim, the sunlight there moments before now sucked out.
It felt like a total blur, but I was brought into a tiny bathroom and sat on the closed toilet. We sat there for a few minutes, me on the toilet and the person on the floor until I finally calmed down enough for the world to come back into focus. I realized it was Paulette sitting on the floor in front of me with her legs crossed, patiently waiting for me to be able to communicate again.
“Hey, you okay?” she asked in a soft voice.
I nodded. “Thank you.”
“It’s no biggie,” she reassured me. “What made it happen anyway?”
I thought about my response for a while, debating if I should make something up or not because strange meat sounded like a silly reason to have a panic attack. Why would they be eating longpig? Would she even know what that was if I told her? It took a while before I decided on telling her the truth. Well, not the longpig part, but the rest of it.
“The meat gave me a weird vibe,” I replied.
“The pig?” she asked.
I nodded, and she giggled. “Oh, that’s okay! I promise it was just pig! Why did it freak you out?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know, just a weird vibe.”
She nodded as well, and then stood up from her position on the floor. “Are you okay enough to go back out there, now?”
“I think I’m just going to sit here for a bit.”
She nodded once more before exiting, slowly closing the door behind her.
It was a few minutes before I got up from the toilet. I figured I had been in there long enough, so I splashed some water on my face before taking a few deep breaths and exiting the bathroom as well. Walking down the tiny hallway and out into the living room, I was able to notice even more details I loved about the house: the mishmash of recent and vintage framed photos on the walls, the crazy patterned wallpaper, the random pile of shoes stashed around the front door. It all seemed so homey, something I had never had the privilege to fully experience firsthand. It made me feel safe.
Even though I felt safe, old habits die hard, so when I rounded the corner to the other hall, I paused in my tracks, deciding to eavesdrop for a bit on the conversation to see how much I had embarrassed myself.
“You didn’t tell us the one you were bringing was looney,” I heard Aunt Jolene say. That made me frown, shocked that my suspicions had been true. They had all seemed so friendly and inviting.
“And she is skinny as all get out!” I heard Jerad yell.
“Shh!” Paulette hushed them. “You guys are being way too loud. She was the best thing I could get!” That comment confused me. What did she mean by that? Did she not actually like me? Did she view me as a bad friend?
“Last year you got us a chubby one, though!” whined Richard.
“Shut, up, Richie!” whisper-shouted Paulette. “She will taste just fine.”
“I don’t know about that, Pauly,” said Paulette’s dad. “The fatty ones always have more flavor.”
My eyes grew wide as I realized exactly what they were talking about. Uncle Edgar’s weird song started playing in my head like a cruel serenade, mixing with the memory I had over and over.
“And why did she say longpig?” asked Paulette’s mom, reading my mind. “Did she know what the meat was?”
“No,” replied Paulette. “She said the meat gave her a weird feeling, but I don’t think she knew what it was.”
“Well, we better get started before she does find out.”
I don’t even know who said that comment. All I know is I sprinted full force to the front door. I didn’t bother putting my shoes on because I could already hear them discussing “what that sound was” from the dining room. I jerked on the door handle to no avail. I did the next best thing, which was to wrap my hand up in the white curtain decorating the window beside the door and smashed my fist through the glass until it broke. I got rid of the glass shards the best I could before hopping through, but, even if I was cut, there was too much adrenaline pumping through my body to feel any pain. I didn’t feel the pain in my lungs as I sprinted in the cold air, or the pokey branches on the ground, either. I had no idea where I was going, but I knew it had to be somewhere far away from them.
It was at that moment that a ray of sunshine seemed to glide through the trees surrounding their front yard, seemingly lighting up an escape route for me. A car was at the end of that route, one of the many parked ones owned by the family members on the edges of the yard. I ran to it, hoping against all hope that one of them had been stupid enough to leave their car unlocked. I tried out three cars with no luck. I began panicking as I heard footsteps approaching, but I kept trying cars. I approached Paulette’s car and looked into the interior, rushing as I could hear the person getting closer.
The moment I heard Paulette scream my name as she approached, it dawned on me: she had a push-to-start car, and I hadn’t seen her take her keys out of her sweater pocket since we got here. I unlocked the car and hopped in the driver seat in seconds, having the car started and already backing up in only a few more. Paulette chased after me as the car moved, shouting something I couldn’t hear. I didn’t let it phase me, though, placing all of my focus on getting the hell out of there. I quickly whipped the car around and then zoomed down the long driveway, trying to get the hell out of there as fast as possible.
I didn’t have enough service to GPS my way out of there, so I had to go off of memory. Paulette’s family tried to follow me, but with the number of twists and turns I was making out of confusion, they had trouble staying on my trail. Seeing their cars pop up randomly again and again still frightened me, though, and one time they even tried to ram Paulette’s car, but by luck, I made it safely back to the town. Their cars quickly disappeared, but I had no idea where. I didn’t really care at that point. As long as they weren’t still chasing me, I was fine. I quickly found the police station and tried to file a report. I say tried because I noticed the police officers were acting very strange when I explained where the house was. I finally asked what the problem was after they kept whispering and giving each other confused looks.
“No one has lived in that house for 4 years,” said one of the officers.
“That’s not true,” I replied. “Her whole family does. I just saw them.”
But it was true. When we went back to the house, they were gone, along with a few of the newer items. The house was never theirs, it was just one they had been lucky enough to find to set up shop in. It was owned by a wealthy family, one they had bought to restore as a possible vacation home, but they never really checked on it because it was so far out in the country that they figured no one could find it. Boy, were they wrong.
I later found out that Paulette wasn’t her real name, and I assume the same for all the rest of them. The FBI told me they had actually been on the hunt for them for a while, but with the constant name changes and them moving around so frequently, they could never stay on top of it. Paulette and her brother were the bait. They got to know people and became close with them so that they could bring them back home, particularly targeting people like me who had no one else. I guess we would be more likely to be forgotten about, a missing person case swept under the rug. The FBI didn’t have a definite number on how many missing person cases were their victims, but with the way they acted when discussing it, it seemed to be a very high number. I was lucky to not be added to that list.
When I managed to get back to the dorm, Paulette’s room had been cleaned out. The only things she had left were Uncle Edgar’s record and a picture of us together that we had taken when we first met, both of which she had placed on my desk. When I flipped the picture over, I saw two sentences scribbled on it in Paulette’s handwriting.
“You were right. The meat was human.”
submitted by thatreallyshortchick to nosleep [link] [comments]

2021.11.21 16:00 thatreallyshortchick Longpig

A girl gets invited to Thanksgiving dinner at her roommate's family home, but the family isn't as nice as they seem.
My roommate Paulette had become my best friend over the few months that we’ve shared our college dorm. She had helped me to come out of my shell a bit, inviting me to any get-togethers she went to, and even forcing me to some if I was hard-headed about getting out for some fresh air. She had made me feel welcome and wanted, honestly, which is something I didn’t experience growing up as an orphan who hopped from foster home to foster home. I had never had any biological family reach out to me, or made any connections with the families I had briefly lived with, so feeling welcome was something I had always craved.
I wasn’t shocked whenever she invited me to her family’s Thanksgiving dinner. She had been telling her family about me for a while, even having phone calls where she would put it on speaker and have them talk to me, something I was always pretty awkward with. They did really sound like nice people, though, and I knew if I stayed at the dorm, I would just be sad thinking about everyone else getting to spend time with their families. I thought it would be a nice distraction, even though I knew I’d probably spend the whole time making awkward small talk.
So Paulette and I piled up into her Toyota Camry and headed out towards her house. They lived about an hour away in a tiny little town that had barely anything, most of it adorned by backroads full of pine trees. It was on one of these backroads where Paulette’s family had their two-story farmhouse, which had a very cozy and homey feel to it.
Although it was two stories, it felt cozy instead of roomy due to how much stuff was piled into it. It kind of reminded me of the Weasley house from Harry Potter except appearing more stable and less likely to topple over. Vintage furniture mostly filled the house, but it also had a healthy mixture of newer items, the newer items mostly electronics. My favorite part of it was the huge flat-screen TV that sat above the beautiful ornate fireplace, seeming so out of place. Little swirls stood out on the fireplace to resemble little puffs of smoke floating up, standing out on the brick and somehow looking delicate even though they were made of stone. A bookshelf with books stuffed into every open inch sat beside the fireplace, looking like it was a couple of books away from toppling over. A very comfy and worn-down-looking couch paired with two matching chairs sat in front of the fireplace, waiting for the visitors. We were the first two to sit down, and we were quickly surrounded by Paulette’s other family members that gradually showed up to the occasion. Soon, the sitting area felt just as packed as the bookshelf, and I felt very awkward and claustrophobic.
“What is your name, sweetie?” an older woman asked me. I looked over in the direction of her voice and almost jumped a foot out of my chair due to her strange appearance. Her wildly curly hair fought against the bobby pins she had holding it in, a strong smell of hair spray coming from it. Her pointy glasses reminded me of Roz from Monster’s Inc, although she had a rather sweet-sounding voice compared to that character. Her lipstick was the brightest shade of red I had ever seen, and it stained the filter of the cigarette she had in her hand.
Seeing how uncomfortable I was, Paulette reached over from her perch next to me and patted the woman’s upper arm. “Aunt Jolene, this is my roommate Piper,” she introduced.
The woman nodded as she took a drag from her cigarette, making that weird scrunched-up expression with her face that all smokers do to not release smoke into someone’s face. “Honey, you are so tiny!” she said. “You need to put some meat on your bones!”
“Don’t worry,” said Paulette. “I’m going to be making her plate for her.” They both chuckled at this comment before switching to discussing some distant relative they “hadn’t seen in forever.” I kind of zoned out as they talked, trying to cover my nose from the smoke without being obvious and seeming rude. Thankfully, it wasn’t long before Paulette’s mom called us all into the dining room. I had never been happier to get off of a couch.
I thought the living room was adorable, but it was nothing compared to how phenomenal the dining room looked. The furniture in here was strictly vintage, mostly looking victorian and intricate in its designs. The table itself took up the entirety of the room, spanning from one end to the other. Its legs and edges looked hand-carved, with the legs specifically being made to look like a waterfall of roses was drizzling from it. The chairs matched that design, along with the fireplace at the opposite end of the room. A beautiful crystal chandelier sat above the table, with crystals hanging down and twinkling as sunlight beams bounced off of them through the window. Not only was the room beautiful, but the spread of food was just as amazing and smelled absolutely delicious. Dressing, chicken and dumplings, a huge ham, and a huge turkey were some of the dishes on the table, but they were far from it. A small table beside the fireplace overflowed with desserts as well. Plates, cups, and silverware waited before each chair, a huge glass of lemonade waiting to fill those cups. This room was truly something I had never seen besides similar ones that I had seen in movies.
“Well, dig in, guys!” announced Paulette’s mom, and everyone quickly picked a chair. My mouth was already watering, and by the time Paulette’s dad began cutting into the turkey, I felt like I was practically drooling. Excited chatter surrounded the table as everyone began filling their plates, and Paulette grabbed mine to begin filling it just as she said she would.
One of Paulette’s brothers, Jared, got up from the table and placed a record on a record player I hadn’t noticed beside the dessert table. It crackled a bit as it spun around, but soon a mixture of instruments began to play, like a piano, clarinet, and violin. Soon, a voice began to sound from the speakers, as well.
Oh, you’re my honey
Oh, you’re my baby
Oh, you’re my sweet piiiiiie
Myyy, don’t you see,
My little sweet treat,
What you’re doing to me?
The lyrics were quite strange. I found myself distracted from my food as I continued to listen to the lyrics, staring at the record as it spun round and round.
“Uncle Edgar used to think he could make it as a singer,” said Paulette’s dad as he noticed me staring. “But, I think his sense of humor was just too strange.”
I didn’t really know what he meant by that, and no one decided to explain, so I left the conversation at that and turned back to my plate.
“Wait, where is the special dish?” asked a young boy who I recognized from Paulette’s family picture book as her little cousin Richard. I glanced around the table, finally taking the time to get a good look at everyone that I hadn’t talked to yet. There were only a few people from the picture book that I didn’t see. The missing family members were quickly wiped from my mind as Paulette’s mom appeared from the kitchen holding another huge dish, this one containing a piece of meat that I didn’t recognize.
It took up the entire pan and seemed hard for her to carry. Everyone quickly scrambled to move the dishes already taking up the table so that she could set the heavy load down.
“What is that?” I whispered to Paulette.
“Oh, uh…” she started. “Pig, I think?” She shrugged, turning back to the conversation I had taken her from.
Her response was weird to me, but I thought it was probably just my nerves about the whole day getting to me. I looked back at the dish as her mom sliced into the meat, cutting thin strips off. Blood and other juices flowed from the cuts, filling up the bottom of the pan. I have never been squeamish of blood, in fact, I’ve always loved my steaks a bit bloody, but my nerves were still making me feel weird. Is that how pig was supposed to be prepared? I began to feel bile come up my throat as the blood continued to pour. I tried to distract myself by eating again, but I couldn’t ignore the feeling of goosebumps on my arm. I glanced around the table and saw everyone else was perfectly fine, eating away or conversing with each other. Why was I the only one freaking out over a pig?
You know that feeling like an answer to something is on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t figure out what it is that your brain is wanting you to say? It’s like the memory is scratching at your brain, trying to break free, but you don’t know why you can’t think of it. That was how I felt right now, and it made a mixture with the feelings of anxiety. The mixture overwhelmed me.
I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths to try and calm myself. It is okay, I thought to myself. There is nothing wrong right now. You’re surrounded by nice people and have a delicious meal to finish in front of you. I slowly opened my eyes, thinking I had things under control now until I realized my plate seemed a lot farther away than it should be. And then, I remembered what my brain wanted to, the word on the tip of my tongue.
“Oh, no,” I said out loud without meaning to. “Longpig.”
I heard Paulette ask what was wrong, but I was unable to respond. Everything seemed to fade out of existence besides me and the strange meat. I heard voices asking me if I was okay over and over, but I couldn’t focus on them. The only sounds that were able to break free of the walls I suddenly had around me were the lyrics still playing from the record player.
You look so scrumptious
Oh so delicious
My sweetie, sweet pea
Come on over here
Oh, my precious dear
And give me a little biiiite
I heard a muffled “Do you want to go to the bathroom?” come from beside me. I was unable to respond, though, and a moment later I felt arms wrap around me and gently lift me. I was practically carried away out of the room, my feet somehow still able to operate, and I felt like I was floating. Everything seemed dim, the sunlight there moments before now sucked out.
It felt like a total blur, but I was brought into a tiny bathroom and sat on the closed toilet. We sat there for a few minutes, me on the toilet and the person on the floor until I finally calmed down enough for the world to come back into focus. I realized it was Paulette sitting on the floor in front of me with her legs crossed, patiently waiting for me to be able to communicate again.
“Hey, you okay?” she asked in a soft voice.
I nodded. “Thank you.”
“It’s no biggie,” she reassured me. “What made it happen anyway?”
I thought about my response for a while, debating if I should make something up or not because strange meat sounded like a silly reason to have a panic attack. Why would they be eating longpig? Would she even know what that was if I told her? It took a while before I decided on telling her the truth. Well, not the longpig part, but the rest of it.
“The meat gave me a weird vibe,” I replied.
“The pig?” she asked.
I nodded, and she giggled. “Oh, that’s okay! I promise it was just pig! Why did it freak you out?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know, just a weird vibe.”
She nodded as well, and then stood up from her position on the floor. “Are you okay enough to go back out there, now?”
“I think I’m just going to sit here for a bit.”
She nodded once more before exiting, slowly closing the door behind her.
It was a few minutes before I got up from the toilet. I figured I had been in there long enough, so I splashed some water on my face before taking a few deep breaths and exiting the bathroom as well. Walking down the tiny hallway and out into the living room, I was able to notice even more details I loved about the house: the mishmash of recent and vintage framed photos on the walls, the crazy patterned wallpaper, the random pile of shoes stashed around the front door. It all seemed so homey, something I had never had the privilege to fully experience firsthand. It made me feel safe.
Even though I felt safe, old habits die hard, so when I rounded the corner to the other hall, I paused in my tracks, deciding to eavesdrop for a bit on the conversation to see how much I had embarrassed myself.
“You didn’t tell us the one you were bringing was looney,” I heard Aunt Jolene say. That made me frown, shocked that my suspicions had been true. They had all seemed so friendly and inviting.
“And she is skinny as all get out!” I heard Jerad yell.
“Shh!” Paulette hushed them. “You guys are being way too loud. She was the best thing I could get!” That comment confused me. What did she mean by that? Did she not actually like me? Did she view me as a bad friend?
“Last year you got us a chubby one, though!” whined Richard.
“Shut, up, Richie!” whisper-shouted Paulette. “She will taste just fine.”
“I don’t know about that, Pauly,” said Paulette’s dad. “The fatty ones always have more flavor.”
My eyes grew wide as I realized exactly what they were talking about. Uncle Edgar’s weird song started playing in my head like a cruel serenade, mixing with the memory I had over and over.
“And why did she say longpig?” asked Paulette’s mom, reading my mind. “Did she know what the meat was?”
“No,” replied Paulette. “She said the meat gave her a weird feeling, but I don’t think she knew what it was.”
“Well, we better get started before she does find out.”
I don’t even know who said that comment. All I know is I sprinted full force to the front door. I didn’t bother putting my shoes on because I could already hear them discussing “what that sound was” from the dining room. I jerked on the door handle to no avail. I did the next best thing, which was to wrap my hand up in the white curtain decorating the window beside the door and smashed my fist through the glass until it broke. I got rid of the glass shards the best I could before hopping through, but, even if I was cut, there was too much adrenaline pumping through my body to feel any pain. I didn’t feel the pain in my lungs as I sprinted in the cold air, or the pokey branches on the ground, either. I had no idea where I was going, but I knew it had to be somewhere far away from them.
It was at that moment that a ray of sunshine seemed to glide through the trees surrounding their front yard, seemingly lighting up an escape route for me. A car was at the end of that route, one of the many parked ones owned by the family members on the edges of the yard. I ran to it, hoping against all hope that one of them had been stupid enough to leave their car unlocked. I tried out three cars with no luck. I began panicking as I heard footsteps approaching, but I kept trying cars. I approached Paulette’s car and looked into the interior, rushing as I could hear the person getting closer.
The moment I heard Paulette scream my name as she approached, it dawned on me: she had a push-to-start car, and I hadn’t seen her take her keys out of her sweater pocket since we got here. I unlocked the car and hopped in the driver seat in seconds, having the car started and already backing up in only a few more. Paulette chased after me as the car moved, shouting something I couldn’t hear. I didn’t let it phase me, though, placing all of my focus on getting the hell out of there. I quickly whipped the car around and then zoomed down the long driveway, trying to get the hell out of there as fast as possible.
I didn’t have enough service to GPS my way out of there, so I had to go off of memory. Paulette’s family tried to follow me, but with the number of twists and turns I was making out of confusion, they had trouble staying on my trail. Seeing their cars pop up randomly again and again still frightened me, though, and one time they even tried to ram Paulette’s car, but by luck, I made it safely back to the town. Their cars quickly disappeared, but I had no idea where. I didn’t really care at that point. As long as they weren’t still chasing me, I was fine. I quickly found the police station and tried to file a report. I say tried because I noticed the police officers were acting very strange when I explained where the house was. I finally asked what the problem was after they kept whispering and giving each other confused looks.
“No one has lived in that house for 4 years,” said one of the officers.
“That’s not true,” I replied. “Her whole family does. I just saw them.”
But it was true. When we went back to the house, they were gone, along with a few of the newer items. The house was never theirs, it was just one they had been lucky enough to find to set up shop in. It was owned by a wealthy family, one they had bought to restore as a possible vacation home, but they never really checked on it because it was so far out in the country that they figured no one could find it. Boy, were they wrong.
I later found out that Paulette wasn’t her real name, and I assume the same for all the rest of them. The FBI told me they had actually been on the hunt for them for a while, but with the constant name changes and them moving around so frequently, they could never stay on top of it. Paulette and her brother were the bait. They got to know people and became close with them so that they could bring them back home, particularly targeting people like me who had no one else. I guess we would be more likely to be forgotten about, a missing person case swept under the rug. The FBI didn’t have a definite number on how many missing person cases were their victims, but with the way they acted when discussing it, it seemed to be a very high number. I was lucky to not be added to that list.
When I managed to get back to the dorm, Paulette’s room had been cleaned out. The only things she had left were Uncle Edgar’s record and a picture of us together that we had taken when we first met, both of which she had placed on my desk. When I flipped the picture over, I saw two sentences scribbled on it in Paulette’s handwriting.
“You were right. The meat was human.”
submitted by thatreallyshortchick to Odd_directions [link] [comments]

2021.10.18 02:25 QuinnZaneAuthor The Colonial Parkway Murders -- A Tale of Two Killers?

Thursday night was theirs — a time when they could be alone together despite living so far apart, despite living in such an unwelcoming world — every Thursday night, they were able to live as they wanted. Cathy Thomas would drive up from Virginia Beach to visit her girlfriend, Becky Dowski, at the College of William and Mary on Thursday nights.
It was 1986. Ronald Reagan was in office, unions were being crushed, HIV/AIDS was decimating the gay population and the government didn’t care, our hair was as big as our homeless population, and our anti-Russia sentiment was even bigger. At the time, a young graduate of the United States Naval Academy who was fluent in Russian would be assumed to have a glowing career of patriotic service ahead of him — but the same would not be true for a graduate of the Naval Academy whose name was Cathy.
Cathleen Thomas was born on July 29, 1959, to an Irish Catholic family in Massachusetts. Her father was a graduate of the Naval Academy and Cathy and her brother both followed in his footsteps — becoming the first father-son-daughter team to graduate from the Academy when Cathy graduated as an Ensign in 1981. After graduation from the Naval Academy, sailors are required to perform five years of active duty, which Cathy did in Norfolk, Virginia. She served as a Logistics Officer on the L.Y. Spear, in charge of the movement of cranes and torpedoes.
Cathleen Thomas was one of the first female sailors to become Surface Warfare qualified.
If Cathleen Thomas had been heterosexual or male or (luck of the gods!) both, she would be alive today and this article would be about her stellar military career, or her talent at the art of diplomacy, or even about a senator who was a former naval officer now running for the highest office in the land. But Cathy was gay so this article is about her murder instead of the gifts that she would have offered to her nation.
The murder of Cathleen Thomas was identified as the first in a string of murders known as the Colonial Parkway Murders but Cathy’s brother (Bill Thomas) and other investigators now believe that her murder was a hate crime connected to other anti-gay hate crimes in the area — but unconnected to the string of murders committed on the Colonial Parkway in the late 1980s.
Is it possible? Could there have been two serial killers at large in the same small area at the same time?
On October 12, 1986, a jogger found Cathy Thomas’s white Honda Civic pushed down an embankment just off of the Colonial Parkway and called the police. National Park Service Rangers arrived to investigate what they believed to be a car accident and smashed out the back window of the Honda Civic to reach the two supposed accident victims inside. In the hatchback of the car was the body of Cathy Thomas and in the backseat was the body of her girlfriend, Rebecca Dowski. Both women had rope burns on their necks and wrists and both women’s throats had been slit.
The murderer had poured diesel fuel inside the car and attempted to set it on fire with a lit cigarette but the flashpoint of diesel is too high to ignite, so he gave up and pushed the car down the embankment to hide it from the clear view of the road. Both women’s wallets containing cash were found inside of the vehicle and the glove box was open. There was no evidence of sexual assault. There was an important difference in the way the killer had treated the two women though.
“Becky’s wound isn’t as deep as Cathy’s wound They’re very very different in force and intensity. Becky was collateral damage” ~Dr. Laura Pettler, Forensic Criminologist
Because of the perpetrator's clear focus of violence against Cathy, initial investigators assumed that Cathy had known her murderer and their primary suspect was her ex-girlfriend, Jolene. Jolene and Cathy had dated seriously but had broken up amicably and Jolene had even introduced Cathy to her new girlfriend, Rebecca. Jolene and Rebecca were in a computer class together at the College of William and Mary and had become quick friends — close enough for Jolene to introduce Rebecca to her ex and wish the happy couple well. This scenario is easily recognizable to anyone in the lesbian community (or anyone who’s watched the L Word) and yet investigators at the time were determined to paint the murder of Cathy and Rebecca as the act of a jealous ex-lover.
“What the FBI knew about the gay community could fill a thimble” ~Bill Thomas, brother of Cathy Thomas
The FBI pursued the wrong suspect by pursuing Cathy Thomas’ ex-girlfriend and also based their investigation on a seriously flawed timeline. They believed that Cathy Thomas and Rebecca Dowski were killed on the evening of October l0, 1986 but all of the evidence pointed to the two women dying on the night before, October 9, 1986.
Cathy did not show up for work on Friday, October 10, 1986, and Rebecca did not show up for her classes on that day. Also, Cathy and Rebecca always met up on Thursday nights and drove to the same secluded spot on the Colonial Parkway together — the spot where Cathy’s car was found. In order to fit the FBI’s theory of events, the women would’ve had to meet up on a Friday instead of their usual Thursday night rendezvous and would’ve had to both be no-shows at their jobs and schools on Friday for no reason.
The timeline matters. Suspects who had an alibi for Friday night may have been falsely excluded when Cathy and Rebecca had already been dead for 24 hours.
Cathy Thomas died clutching a handful of her killer's hair — this and the butts from the cigarettes the perpetrator had thrown into the car in an attempt to light it on fire could both be important sources of DNA and help in one day bringing the killer to justice.
On September 20, 1987, David Knobling and Robin Edwards were shot to death in Ragged Island Wildlife Refuge on the south shore of the James River near Smithfield, Virginia. David was 20 and Robin was 14. They were both last seen alive on September 19, 1987. Knobling’s black Ford pickup truck was found abandoned in the Ragged Island Wildlife Refuge parking lot on September 21, 1987, and two days later, Knobling’s own father found David and Robin’s bodies washed ashore in a sandy cove of the James River. Robin was shot in the back of her head and David was shot twice, once in his upper left shoulder and once in the back of his head. There were no wallets found at the scene and David had only fourteen cents in his pocket — a clear sign that robbery may have been a motive for this slaying.
Keith Call and Cassandra Hailey both disappeared on April 10, 1988. Keith was 20 and Cassandra was 18 years old. On April 11, 1988, a National Park Service Ranger found Call’s red 1982 Toyota Celica abandoned on the Colonial Parkway. The front door was ajar, the glove box was open, and the driver’s seat was pushed far forward — too far for the five-foot-ten-inch tall Keith to have been that seats last occupant. The driver’s side of the backseat was full of debris (newspapers and other garbage) but the passenger’s side of the backseat and floor was clear — as if someone had been sitting there. The bodies of Keith Call and Cassandra Hailey have never been found.
Daniel Lauer and Annamaria Phelps were last seen near the I-64 rest stop in New Kent County on September 5, 1989. Law enforcement found Daniel’s 1973 Chevrolet Nova at the rest stop with the keys still in the ignition and Annamaria’s purse still in the vehicle. Six weeks later, two hunters found the bodies of Daniel Lauer and Annamaria Phelps off of a logging road that was one mile from the rest stop where their car was found. Their remains were skeletonized and some of their bones had been scattered by wildlife in the area. The extent of decomposition made it hard to determine Daniel and Annamaria’s cause of death, so their remains were eventually sent to the Smithsonian Institute. Daniel’s cause of death remained undetermined but the Smithsonian was able to find marks on Annamaria’s bones indicative of stabbing.
The Colonial Parkway Murders have been viewed as the work of a serial killer by many investigators. The murders of all four couples occurred within a 30-mile radius, at night, on weekends or holidays, in areas that resemble lover’s lanes, in cars, and in all instances, there were two victims.
“To me, this is the work of a serial killer. I see the killer evolving, not just in his methods but in his motives.” ~ Maureen O’Connell, Former FBI Special Agent
All due respect to a highly trained FBI Agent who knows more about these things than I (a self-educated true-crime writer) do — but I don’t see it. And some professionals don’t see this as the work of a serial killer either.
“Law enforcement (and) journalists have come to the conclusion that all four were done by a serial killer. But to me, there (are) obvious differences. There’s no fingerprints in common. There’s no DNA in common. There’s no weapon in common. As a prosecutor, I couldn’t put that in front of a jury.” ~Loni Coombs, former Prosecutor for Los Angeles County
Some of the victims were robbed, some were not. Some bodies were left in the cars of the victims, some were left outside, and some were never found. Some of the victims were shot, some were stabbed, and some had their throats slit. Three of the pairs of victims were heterosexual and one of the pairs was a lesbian couple.
Almost seven years after the “last” Colonial Parkway Murder, on June 1, 1996, National Park Service Rangers found the bodies of Lollie Winans and Julie Williams at a Shenandoah National Park campsite almost 200 miles west of the Colonial Parkway. Lollie and Julie were a lesbian couple who had left their home in Vermont thirteen days earlier to hike the Appalachian Trail. The murderer bound both women and slit their throats — almost exactly replicating the murders of Cathy Thomas and Rebecca Dowski ten years earlier. Cathy’s own brother, Bill Thomas, believes that the murders of Lollie Winans and Julie Williams are “substantially similar” to the murders of his sister and Rebecca Dowski.
“Lesbian couples, isolated, rural areas, knives used, throats slashed, two extremely athletic women but limited sign of struggle.” ~ Bill Thomas, brother of Cathy Thomas.
Despite all of her talents, Cathy Thomas had left the Navy in the year before her murder. She had been subjected to the “special” treatment reserved for women in the early days of the integration of women into the service and, as an officer, it can be assumed that there were quite a few enlisted men who did not take kindly to taking orders from a female superior. On top of all of this, Cathy was gay during a time when that was an inarguable reason to be kicked out of the military. When Cathy was murdered, forensic experts have said that she was the primary target and her girlfriend was “collateral damage”. Because of this, I believe it is highly possible that Cathy was targeted by a man who had served under her and resented her deeply — perhaps a man who had subsequently left the Navy and gone to work for the park service. The murders of Cathy Thomas and Rebecca Dowski may have been the first killings of an anti-gay serial killer who then went on to murder Lollie Winans and Julie Williams in Shenandoah National Park — and perhaps other women in national parks. The murders of David Knobling, Robin Edwards, Keith Call, Cassandra Hailey, Daniel Lauer, and Annamaria Phelps may be the work of a separate serial killer with different motivations.
All of these murders are unsolved many decades later and it is critical for there to be new thinking and a new approach to these cases.
Cathy Thomas was trying to be an American hero and some hateful little man decided it was his role to put her in her place. It is time for all of us to help make sure that her murderer ends up in the place he belongs — jail.
If you have any information on the murders of Cathleen Thomas, Rebecca Dowski, or any other Colonial Parkway victims, please call the Norfolk, VA FBI Field Office at (757) 455–0100.
Bill Thomas, the brother of Cathy Thomas, has set up a Facebook group to help solve his sister’s murder and bring her killer to justice and also hosts a podcast with Kristin Dilley .
Predators On the Parkway by Steven Spingola (Book)
Who Were the Colonial Parkway Murder Victims? on
Personal experience (I'm a lesbian and my mother was in the Navy at the same time as Cathy Thomas)
** I originally published this article on and my other work is available here if you'd like to check it out. **
submitted by QuinnZaneAuthor to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

2018.12.09 18:48 Suyemi I wrote a quick script to compare the performance ranking before and after the proposed changes (angle + length + speed). These are the results.

Scroll to the comments for some interesting data.
Note that OldRank is updated as of an hour ago, while NewRank is based on plays from a week ago: this means that top plays set in the past few days weren't considered (e.g. Zestiny's, which made him rank up from #1244 to #891).
Missing values are either because of recent namechanges, players having a NewRank above 1000 or some other reason I haven't thought about.
I can't write more than 40.000 characters, so here are the first 900 players, sorted by OldRank.
Name Country OldRank NewRank DiffRank OldPP NewPP DiffPP
idke United States 1 9 8 14576 13751 -825
Mathi Chile 2 1 -1 14505 14671 166
Sub2PewDiePie France 3 6 3 14147 14001 -146
firebat92 South Korea 4 4 0 14048 14136 88
Karthy United Kingdom 5 10 5 13886 13551 -335
nathan on osu South Korea 6 3 -3 13884 14269 385
Rafis Poland 7 2 -5 13857 14399 542
azr8 Lithuania 8 5 -3 13703 14024 321
Vaxei United States 9 7 -2 13699 13937 238
Freddie Benson United States 10 11 1 13559 13492 -67
_RyuK Canada 11 8 -3 13485 13767 282
Abyssal Estonia 12 13 1 13434 13160 -274
FlyingTuna South Korea 13 12 -1 13308 13361 53
uyghti Australia 14 14 0 13201 13094 -107
fieryrage United States 15 20 5 13096 12542 -554
Dustice Germany 16 15 -1 12959 12929 -30
Kitsu on osu Russian Federation 17 17 0 12946 12720 -226
Varvalian Japan 18 28 10 12285 12059 -226
Spare United Kingdom 19 19 0 12271 12556 285
lain United States 20 35 15 12249 11915 -334
Emilia Singapore 21 23 2 12207 12372 165
a_Blue Japan 22 30 8 12169 12017 -152
ThePooN France 23 32 9 12156 11967 -189
Toy United States 24 31 7 12154 12009 -145
Mlaw United States 25 34 9 12120 11922 -198
wuhua Malaysia 26 42 16 12102 11807 -295
mcy4 Hong Kong 27 29 2 12072 12048 -24
Wakson Poland 28 37 9 12060 11864 -196
jot_bab South Korea 29 22 -7 12045 12375 330
Micca Austria 30 41 11 12024 11833 -191
Yaong South Korea 31 46 15 12021 11775 -246
- Nikliu - Germany 32 26 -6 12000 12252 252
WubWoofWolf Poland 33 33 0 11966 11932 -34
Bubbleman United Kingdom 34 24 -10 11961 12349 388
Dumii Australia 35 18 -17 11933 12561 628
badeu Romania 36 44 8 11921 11786 -135
-Hebel- Mexico 37 43 6 11913 11794 -119
Kip United States 38 39 1 11906 11842 -64
MrBooM Poland 39 47 8 11881 11703 -178
BeasttrollMC United States 40 67 27 11855 11421 -434
Rohulk Romania 41 36 -5 11822 11865 43
Piggey Poland 42 25 -17 11796 12289 493
Nameless Player South Korea 43 50 7 11779 11665 -114
MoeYandere United Kingdom 44 27 -17 11755 12135 380
smh Indonesia 45 52 7 11718 11589 -129
Monko2k United States 46 38 -8 11718 11848 130
bro_gamer72 United States 47 16 -31 11682 12756 1074
Umbre Germany 48 66 18 11677 11460 -217
_index Russian Federation 49 40 -9 11657 11835 178
Musty France 50 68 18 11621 11401 -220
Viveliam Netherlands 51 73 22 11620 11374 -246
Koba Italy 52 54 2 11616 11565 -51
Wilchq Poland 53 56 3 11606 11560 -46
okinamo Germany 54 59 5 11554 11521 -33
DanyL Chile 55 45 -10 11549 11785 236
Astar Poland 56 70 14 11496 11396 -100
Skydiver Indonesia 57 82 25 11470 11258 -212
Red_Pixel Russian Federation 58 48 -10 11469 11698 229
Zain Sugieres Poland 59 53 -6 11461 11576 115
obtio Hong Kong 60 63 3 11459 11481 22
Vamhi Poland 61 99 38 11432 11007 -425
ItsKevZii Norway 62 71 9 11402 11382 -20
4RTRAID South Korea 63 65 2 11401 11463 62
ffury South Korea 64 88 24 11393 11169 -224
hallowatcher Germany 65 64 -1 11386 11473 87
Neliel Germany 66 55 -11 11370 11561 191
Jordan The Bear Australia 67 60 -7 11346 11503 157
Blobby3000 Australia 68 69 1 11341 11397 56
Flaven France 69 51 -18 11327 11600 273
Arnold24x24 Peru 70 62 -8 11302 11488 186
HappyStick United States 71 49 -22 11300 11667 367
SoraRoxas01 United Kingdom 72 80 8 11299 11264 -35
dokidokilolixx Hong Kong 73 57 -16 11293 11550 257
Risiing Germany 74 78 4 11293 11315 22
Xilver Israel 75 81 6 11292 11259 -33
Informous United States 76 21 -55 11283 12404 1121
Blubber United Kingdom 77 83 6 11267 11235 -32
Mystia Brazil 78 85 7 11254 11225 -29
Rizer Taiwan 79 86 7 11254 11218 -36
Afrodafro Norway 80 74 -6 11247 11361 114
SadnessWillSear Russian Federation 81 89 8 11234 11145 -89
goosefedora Austria 82 94 12 11223 11075 -148
Bloo United Kingdom 83 93 10 11222 11101 -121
Adamqs Poland 84 84 0 11193 11233 40
Andrej Serbia 85 79 -6 11148 11296 148
[ Zane ] Taiwan 86 92 6 11139 11108 -31
Skill United States 87 108 21 11133 10932 -201
talala Russian Federation 88 58 -30 11130 11533 403
Zmatureeno Czech Republic 89 87 -2 11127 11190 63
_shinji Portugal 90 100 10 11099 10995 -104
Zeisen- South Korea 91 61 -30 11070 11502 432
Apraxia United States 92 76 -16 11044 11333 289
FGSky Morocco 93 137 44 11031 10691 -340
Mizuru Portugal 94 72 -22 11022 11376 354
[ Xia Relia ] Taiwan 95 97 2 10996 11043 47
Stoof Canada 96 109 13 10969 10926 -43
alien Poland 97 91 -6 10952 11122 170
ikaNyai Taiwan 98 106 8 10948 10943 -5
Ayla Ukraine 99 121 22 10942 10827 -115
Num5119 United States 100 113 13 10930 10888 -42
Azer Canada 101 101 0 10922 10988 66
Rhythm blue South Korea 102 112 10 10910 10895 -15
imagaK Germany 103 114 11 10904 10885 -19
ASecretBox Australia 104 96 -8 10894 11046 152
theez35 United States 105 115 10 10892 10877 -15
GfMRT Taiwan 106 103 -3 10892 10978 86
Rean-K Japan 107 104 -3 10887 10974 87
Moffo Japan 108 90 -18 10878 11123 245
Ampharos Australia 109 170 61 10872 10488 -384
CXu Norway 110 105 -5 10864 10953 89
-PloX Uruguay 111 111 0 10844 10904 60
-Hideki- Spain 112 98 -14 10840 11023 183
Jerekek Finland 113 107 -6 10807 10933 126
Reyuza Indonesia 114 116 2 10802 10875 73
Mastasz Poland 115 129 14 10799 10749 -50
kazamabc Spain 116 102 -14 10784 10984 200
Resia South Korea 117 - - 10776 - -
ChitogeOP United States 118 95 -23 10762 11074 312
chankoma Japan 119 110 -9 10739 10915 176
-Machine- Australia 120 142 22 10731 10666 -65
G4SH4 Russian Federation 121 162 41 10727 10533 -194
ReaL motion South Korea 122 135 13 10725 10712 -13
Mathyu United States 123 146 23 10697 10626 -71
Blairzey United States 124 139 15 10694 10685 -9
Sanze Finland 125 75 -50 10685 11357 672
MouseEasy Brazil 126 134 8 10679 10734 55
-raizen- France 127 151 24 10678 10590 -88
FunOrange Canada 128 138 10 10641 10685 44
AxewB Russian Federation 129 120 -9 10630 10832 202
Recia Japan 130 118 -12 10604 10850 246
bango Sweden 131 117 -14 10603 10872 269
DigiDrake United States 132 130 -2 10592 10744 152
Telomere Denmark 133 124 -9 10573 10803 230
Spazza17 Italy 134 169 35 10570 10492 -78
_Shield Taiwan 135 155 20 10568 10577 9
Snorlaax France 136 171 35 10566 10486 -80
-Syncro Italy 137 141 4 10556 10668 112
Neta South Korea 138 149 11 10553 10594 41
Clarity United States 139 165 26 10542 10514 -28
Ansol South Korea 140 160 20 10534 10542 8
dunois Canada 141 125 -16 10529 10803 274
Korilak Australia 142 128 -14 10525 10751 226
Aristia South Korea 143 163 20 10517 10526 9
Toushi Argentina 144 131 -13 10516 10740 224
Gifted United States 145 194 49 10499 10395 -104
Knalli Germany 146 164 18 10496 10516 20
TheOmyNomy Australia 147 174 27 10492 10479 -13
iMey China 148 132 -16 10492 10737 245
Fangzy United States 149 119 -30 10486 10845 359
Tomadoi Austria 150 191 41 10480 10403 -77
WillCookie United States 151 152 1 10467 10579 112
Danidesu Chile 152 148 -4 10466 10615 149
LoidKun Indonesia 153 126 -27 10461 10759 298
TinyLoliGirl Estonia 154 199 45 10451 10359 -92
Hasawa Kraenes Russian Federation 155 213 58 10439 10298 -141
Mayoler Japan 156 188 32 10438 10411 -27
-NeBu- Poland 157 173 16 10436 10479 43
OPJames United Kingdom 158 182 24 10431 10429 -2
Nadir Mexico 159 156 -3 10427 10566 139
Tomatonium United States 160 150 -10 10425 10591 166
Axarious United States 161 143 -18 10424 10665 241
BlueSky- Germany 162 133 -29 10419 10735 316
M4-K1 Singapore 163 177 14 10418 10460 42
Malolat Poland 164 178 14 10414 10453 39
[-Lockon-] Singapore 165 176 11 10400 10473 73
-Zirba- Japan 166 - - 10396 - -
Akcel Jordan 167 136 -31 10395 10705 310
Epiphany Germany 168 157 -11 10392 10553 161
gissirianko Japan 169 154 -15 10385 10578 193
Sieela Japan 170 185 15 10385 10413 28
Yuuzinho Brazil 171 197 26 10377 10388 11
Ceptin United States 172 77 -95 10371 11324 953
My Angelsim Brazil 173 204 31 10369 10338 -31
- akari- Bulgaria 174 175 1 10368 10473 105
Smiljko Serbia 175 127 -48 10360 10756 396
Idealism Brazil 176 234 58 10355 10165 -190
Orbi Czech Republic 177 - - 10352 - -
WakaiYuki Canada 178 207 29 10349 10328 -21
kyle Canada 179 224 45 10344 10229 -115
Diallo Trinidad and Tobago 180 201 21 10341 10345 4
Spork Lover Denmark 181 159 -22 10328 10548 220
Soujiro Seta Lithuania 182 167 -15 10320 10508 188
Dizick Russian Federation 183 168 -15 10317 10506 189
flae Russian Federation 184 250 66 10314 10106 -208
Delis Japan 185 147 -38 10310 10617 307
iFakeRz Germany 186 195 9 10296 10394 98
Flask Taiwan 187 184 -3 10282 10422 140
Tarulas South Korea 188 - - 10276 - -
Aknama United States 189 216 27 10262 10268 6
NerO France 190 189 -1 10255 10411 156
Aden Russian Federation 191 223 32 10255 10230 -25
Kurogami Poland 192 203 11 10252 10340 88
Wario United Kingdom 193 215 22 10248 10273 25
dectopia Japan 194 232 38 10243 10182 -61
Vettel Japan 195 144 -51 10241 10659 418
Beafowl Germany 196 180 -16 10235 10437 202
Unexpected Puerto Rico 197 236 39 10234 10156 -78
MINEMINE South Korea 198 209 11 10233 10324 91
Squapple Canada 199 220 21 10228 10247 19
fea Brazil 200 239 39 10214 10150 -64
Vento Japan 201 211 10 10213 10300 87
rustbell China 202 - - 10206 - -
Plz Enjoy Game Singapore 203 145 -58 10204 10633 429
zeluaR Japan 204 161 -43 10201 10539 338
MiruHong Canada 205 193 -12 10201 10398 197
EmertxE China 206 166 -40 10194 10509 315
Reimu-Desu South Korea 207 122 -85 10192 10816 624
- G I D Z - Hong Kong 208 226 18 10192 10225 33
Cappy United States 209 262 53 10191 10054 -137
xootynator Canada 210 210 0 10188 10309 121
Woffel United Kingdom 211 218 7 10185 10253 68
Dereban Australia 212 - - 10179 - -
Firstus Germany 213 192 -21 10178 10398 220
Rekaru Uruguay 214 205 -9 10177 10335 158
fuduhasio United States 215 228 13 10175 10196 21
DenierNezzar Hong Kong 216 206 -10 10168 10334 166
eternum Romania 217 217 0 10168 10266 98
Weabole United States 218 - - 10166 - -
Frosiito Spain 219 231 12 10161 10187 26
he rack United States 220 187 -33 10141 10412 271
SlimeDrippy United States 221 153 -68 10117 10579 462
VoProSSoFF Russian Federation 222 253 31 10106 10102 -4
Karuna South Korea 223 222 -1 10098 10232 134
Emperorpenguin83 Japan 224 158 -66 10092 10551 459
Calcium Japan 225 214 -11 10087 10298 211
kevjn Germany 226 267 41 10085 10039 -46
Myst1k Austria 227 200 -27 10081 10355 274
follon Russian Federation 228 269 41 10079 10031 -48
nick1324 Canada 229 248 19 10074 10112 38
Cerkie Denmark 230 249 19 10073 10106 33
DuNai China 231 230 -1 10069 10190 121
Math God United States 232 300 68 10069 9918 -151
BlueFlame Austria 233 243 10 10065 10136 71
waywern2012 Latvia 234 255 21 10056 10099 43
ftg South Korea 235 241 6 10054 10144 90
jpeg Hong Kong 236 276 40 10051 9998 -53
Veth Germany 237 235 -2 10042 10161 119
Chamosiala Romania 238 - - 10039 - -
[Trafis] United States 239 242 3 10037 10141 104
twoja stara Poland 240 279 39 10037 9988 -49
Bartek22830 Poland 241 240 -1 10036 10147 111
Article South Korea 242 254 12 10034 10100 66
DoKito Germany 243 198 -45 10027 10362 335
Demonical Singapore 244 293 49 10027 9943 -84
jackylam5 Netherlands 245 172 -73 10023 10480 457
waaiiru Spain 246 221 -25 10019 10239 220
-Kazuki- Italy 247 190 -57 10017 10406 389
TopSp1n United Kingdom 248 322 74 10017 9851 -166
- Phantasma - Thailand 249 291 42 10015 9961 -54
HaruTachi- Philippines 250 186 -64 10012 10413 401
Area United States 251 181 -70 10012 10432 420
MyAngelMiku China 252 278 26 10009 9990 -19
karott90 Germany 253 273 20 10009 10014 5
Corim United States 254 233 -21 10007 10167 160
gasanww Japan 255 219 -36 10007 10252 245
AvA Pacifica South Korea 256 245 -11 10006 10122 116
hshs Japan 257 244 -13 10002 10129 127
DomenCherry China 258 251 -7 9998 10104 106
Zabijaka Poland 259 306 47 9996 9896 -100
Doomsday United Kingdom 260 277 17 9996 9995 -1
kuu01 Japan 261 140 -121 9991 10683 692
yuilemo Japan 262 256 -6 9984 10096 112
Lexalia Argentina 263 260 -3 9982 10061 79
Envy_ss Russian Federation 264 282 18 9978 9982 4
Juandissimo United States 265 283 18 9966 9977 11
Toke Canada 266 238 -28 9965 10153 188
FeriOP Poland 267 123 -144 9963 10811 848
aleho8 Hungary 268 - - 9945 - -
KoaLeahq United States 269 264 -5 9945 10053 108
Save Me Estonia 270 288 18 9939 9961 22
Spark-desu Austria 271 319 48 9930 9853 -77
Gaiava Brazil 272 225 -47 9929 10226 297
CPUGeek United States 273 289 16 9927 9961 34
respektive Germany 274 299 25 9914 9930 16
Lilily Netherlands 275 303 28 9914 9910 -4
GSBlank Singapore 276 229 -47 9913 10191 278
Stereo South Korea 277 367 90 9911 9697 -214
crisco13 Colombia 278 266 -12 9904 10041 137
-Wolfy- Mexico 279 290 11 9900 9961 61
MioMilo Philippines 280 280 0 9896 9984 88
mniminwoo United States 281 263 -18 9889 10054 165
Worne France 282 247 -35 9882 10112 230
r0ck Poland 283 183 -100 9880 10428 548
Akashii Greece 284 400 116 9878 9603 -275
SpicabuP Japan 285 323 38 9875 9850 -25
GHAngeloid United States 286 307 21 9874 9890 16
PikaPwn Canada 287 274 -13 9873 10005 132
Twintail Japan 288 252 -36 9872 10102 230
Jup3KW Finland 289 270 -19 9866 10026 160
ZekGS Vietnam 290 335 45 9861 9816 -45
LittleDan United States 291 329 38 9858 9825 -33
Avenging_Goose United States 292 281 -11 9847 9983 136
Woey United States 293 324 31 9841 9847 6
Lolisim South Korea 294 258 -36 9835 10068 233
CrtReXn Taiwan 295 257 -38 9831 10080 249
Sheba Japan 296 302 6 9829 9910 81
Theaceae United States 297 237 -60 9828 10153 325
CeilingWaffle Australia 298 328 30 9824 9826 2
Riven Greece 299 284 -15 9822 9975 153
YesTak Poland 300 309 9 9818 9877 59
Zavarka Russian Federation 301 296 -5 9818 9936 118
Elysion France 302 227 -75 9814 10198 384
eden1109 South Korea 303 354 51 9809 9744 -65
KevstracK Mexico 304 365 61 9809 9709 -100
Sickoh Brazil 305 287 -18 9806 9962 156
Splinter572 Germany 306 312 6 9801 9866 65
Texats Brazil 307 271 -36 9801 10023 222
XVoIR Poland 308 364 56 9799 9711 -88
Rucker Taiwan 309 - - 9797 - -
Kyoko Israel 310 - - 9793 - -
ededed028 Philippines 311 311 0 9793 9874 81
Landegre- Indonesia 312 346 34 9789 9787 -2
[Lunatic Bell] South Korea 313 268 -45 9784 10035 251
favela Brazil 314 - - 9784 - -
Avenito Czech Republic 315 370 55 9773 9691 -82
Nalian Israel 316 352 36 9773 9774 1
Kynan France 317 212 -105 9766 10299 533
heikneuter Netherlands 318 379 61 9759 9667 -92
Koalazy Taiwan 319 314 -5 9746 9862 116
Fiorela Colombia 320 358 38 9745 9732 -13
La Valse South Korea 321 275 -46 9743 10001 258
Iliekwaffles United States 322 411 89 9741 9569 -172
AtHeoN Slovakia 323 259 -64 9731 10063 332
-Dylson- Chile 324 326 2 9725 9842 117
[ Blue ] Sweden 325 378 53 9723 9668 -55
JejuneDeity Singapore 326 337 11 9721 9810 89
PandaCattle China 327 340 13 9720 9801 81
sayonara-bye South Korea 328 208 -120 9719 10326 607
Rupertion Canada 329 351 22 9712 9775 63
Garch Taiwan 330 338 8 9711 9806 95
im a fancy lad United States 331 390 59 9710 9635 -75
Shironi Vietnam 332 310 -22 9709 9876 167
Jameslike United Kingdom 333 339 6 9708 9802 94
wavezz Germany 334 297 -37 9704 9934 230
w1sp South Korea 335 350 15 9702 9780 78
thaibuy United States 336 406 70 9697 9582 -115
raser1234 Denmark 337 321 -16 9693 9852 159
watun United States 338 - - 9687 - -
Shiny Chariot Germany 339 330 -9 9686 9823 137
Miko United States 340 308 -32 9684 9878 194
-DuckLeader- United States 341 301 -40 9682 9916 234
Rektygon United States 342 432 90 9671 9497 -174
cmnk Germany 343 295 -48 9669 9937 268
Elscar Austria 344 313 -31 9666 9863 197
-Trinity- Trinidad and Tobago 345 360 15 9663 9716 53
Titus United Kingdom 346 333 -13 9655 9818 163
Passara United States 347 265 -82 9654 10050 396
MrPotato Israel 348 304 -44 9652 9905 253
[Riot] Mexico 349 410 61 9650 9574 -76
[C u r i] South Korea 350 341 -9 9646 9800 154
Yentis Belgium 351 327 -24 9646 9836 190
Crystal China 352 317 -35 9642 9859 217
Reedkatt Sweden 353 416 63 9640 9550 -90
Loli_Schwi Hong Kong 354 272 -82 9633 10020 387
Fenrir Brazil 355 292 -63 9628 9960 332
ThatRandomguy Czech Republic 356 398 42 9624 9604 -20
semaphore United States 357 383 26 9622 9650 28
Razuh United Kingdom 358 442 84 9617 9478 -139
872316468 China 359 345 -14 9617 9788 171
Arua Argentina 360 412 52 9615 9560 -55
Reira Japan 361 382 21 9613 9650 37
Hundur Norway 362 196 -166 9610 10388 778
Monk Gyatso Australia 363 343 -20 9607 9799 192
Purps Canada 364 353 -11 9593 9771 178
Anroyz Germany 365 305 -60 9587 9898 311
worst dt player Germany 366 373 7 9584 9685 101
MaKenanbuReraaa China 367 318 -49 9581 9853 272
explosionboom United States 368 357 -11 9579 9732 153
Tiger Claw Estonia 369 393 24 9573 9625 52
-Triton- Poland 370 434 64 9569 9496 -73
Niii-san Brazil 371 315 -56 9567 9861 294
Marek Marucha Poland 372 376 4 9565 9673 108
Cellina South Korea 373 392 19 9563 9627 64
fyre United States 374 503 129 9561 9314 -247
Totoki China 375 332 -43 9560 9818 258
Arceus Canada 376 202 -174 9558 10341 783
Harpy United Kingdom 377 368 -9 9556 9696 140
Zekker Brazil 378 325 -53 9550 9845 295
KwAIMSuckASFuk Hong Kong 379 482 103 9548 9380 -168
Electrovoid Czech Republic 380 363 -17 9546 9712 166
onyaga Australia 381 405 24 9542 9584 42
Ritzeh United States 382 366 -16 9537 9706 169
neko ds Russian Federation 383 372 -11 9535 9685 150
FlySlime Sweden 384 387 3 9532 9637 105
KingLizardYT Portugal 385 385 0 9532 9644 112
Topoi United States 386 334 -52 9532 9817 285
xxluizxx47 Brazil 387 426 39 9529 9510 -19
TheCooN Germany 388 374 -14 9522 9684 162
mcy3012 Hong Kong 389 344 -45 9522 9793 271
Meltina South Korea 390 298 -92 9518 9932 414
My Aim Trash South Korea 391 347 -44 9517 9786 269
SkyArrow Vietnam 392 371 -21 9514 9686 172
Kalal331 Spain 393 377 -16 9509 9672 163
Sakke Finland 394 388 -6 9506 9636 130
Noname0 United States 395 418 23 9506 9544 38
Haida Israel 396 446 50 9503 9474 -29
Saimonea Japan 397 261 -136 9501 10059 558
kodama United States 398 349 -49 9501 9783 282
[Shaiden] Russian Federation 399 450 51 9501 9459 -42
Numbers United States 400 445 45 9499 9475 -24
Maiaz South Korea 401 495 94 9498 9346 -152
little Agile Taiwan 402 369 -33 9485 9693 208
-Urushihara- Argentina 403 423 20 9484 9518 34
VilaZ Czech Republic 404 461 57 9482 9442 -40
NinjaFish United States 405 331 -74 9482 9822 340
Anze South Korea 406 359 -47 9481 9719 238
Serena Argentina 407 342 -65 9481 9799 318
Mahou Shoujo Poland 408 422 14 9477 9520 43
WORSTPOLACKEU Sweden 409 469 60 9474 9424 -50
- Daichi - Czech Republic 410 320 -90 9473 9852 379
Lexion Hungary 411 417 6 9469 9546 77
Milo Milkshake Australia 412 431 19 9469 9498 29
Tekkito United States 413 429 16 9461 9502 41
hlo United Kingdom 414 286 -128 9456 9963 507
Pray South Korea 415 425 10 9456 9512 56
Yuuki-chan Canada 416 408 -8 9449 9577 128
Malvin Germany 417 449 32 9445 9465 20
Flonka Germany 418 380 -38 9441 9666 225
bahamete United Kingdom 419 285 -134 9438 9967 529
xaxreid Chile 420 389 -31 9437 9635 198
Rekens Spain 421 419 -2 9430 9531 101
TheKid217 United States 422 391 -31 9430 9631 201
Flami United States 423 - - 9429 - -
SkyzWai- Hong Kong 424 402 -22 9427 9597 170
Leaf South Korea 425 - - 9423 - -
[ ATChunG ] South Korea 426 435 9 9417 9495 78
shineroo Lithuania 427 428 1 9407 9504 97
Boggles United States 428 474 46 9402 9400 -2
[ nong422 ] South Korea 429 403 -26 9401 9587 186
TheLamaHD Switzerland 430 362 -68 9398 9713 315
MightyDoc United States 431 294 -137 9396 9938 542
Hellbeak Chile 432 384 -48 9394 9647 253
Mekuru Canada 433 - - 9392 - -
a12456 Hong Kong 434 440 6 9387 9484 97
Ahmnesia Netherlands 435 466 31 9385 9428 43
My Aim Zogs Denmark 436 381 -55 9381 9652 271
Raniemi United States 437 - - 9374 - -
Venrue Turkey 438 356 -82 9373 9734 361
Fried beans 1 Finland 439 - - 9370 - -
Freezd Finland 440 447 7 9368 9474 106
Warrock Norway 441 409 -32 9366 9577 211
---Mikoto Philippines 442 455 13 9365 9453 88
Yellowl Brazil 443 424 -19 9360 9518 158
Pein Argentina 444 399 -45 9351 9604 253
RememberUrLies Thailand 445 246 -199 9344 10119 775
Myko France 446 386 -60 9341 9642 301
[ ZhengS ] Australia 447 394 -53 9341 9624 283
Sanjilift Brazil 448 361 -87 9337 9716 379
BakaChiChi United States 449 460 11 9330 9445 115
Astris Brazil 450 457 7 9330 9450 120
Yazone Japan 451 - - 9330 - -
Jace United States 452 462 10 9330 9438 108
Pumbossable Russian Federation 453 401 -52 9322 9601 279
fixedbyglue Philippines 454 413 -41 9318 9558 240
AmaiHachimitsu Poland 455 397 -58 9316 9611 295
- Matha - Hong Kong 456 559 103 9310 9200 -110
berkay2ooo Turkey 457 459 2 9307 9447 140
sk0 Netherlands 458 395 -63 9304 9618 314
Saix Japan 459 - - 9303 - -
Kaido United Kingdom 460 473 13 9302 9405 103
-HERO- Japan 461 348 -113 9301 9785 484
ShaneLiang Malaysia 462 491 29 9300 9348 48
- Niwata - Thailand 463 518 55 9299 9287 -12
Dsan China 464 336 -128 9297 9812 515
Eddie- Canada 465 - - 9295 - -
AstroFP Poland 466 436 -30 9294 9494 200
Leotic United States 467 465 -2 9293 9429 136
Doomsday fanboy South Korea 468 490 22 9292 9348 56
Elegant Loli Singapore 469 438 -31 9292 9491 199
Jumbo Israel 470 529 59 9284 9256 -28
Rexeez Indonesia 471 439 -32 9282 9486 204
Yuza United States 472 404 -68 9279 9587 308
Otters Canada 473 - - 9279 - -
Astana United States 474 - - 9278 - -
Sinch Japan 475 427 -48 9276 9507 231
MBmasher Australia 476 739 263 9272 8887 -385
B e N i Japan 477 517 40 9272 9288 16
lespi6 France 478 657 179 9271 9033 -238
KingOKarma Canada 479 443 -36 9270 9477 207
Chronomarly Sweden 480 456 -24 9266 9453 187
Nakano- Singapore 481 695 214 9263 8966 -297
Hyppyri Finland 482 396 -86 9259 9612 353
Timowoof United States 483 471 -12 9258 9418 160
_Riffo Chile 484 514 30 9258 9293 35
Identical Canada 485 441 -44 9257 9479 222
Fr0zen Russian Federation 486 543 57 9257 9230 -27
chokma Japan 487 578 91 9254 9179 -75
Sebu Norway 488 528 40 9254 9256 2
Gomo Pslvarh South Korea 489 421 -68 9254 9523 269
shrug Netherlands 490 - - 9254 - -
JAPRON Norway 491 577 86 9254 9180 -74
InBefore Thailand 492 811 319 9253 8755 -498
Snepif Uruguay 493 452 -41 9251 9458 207
Avernus Russian Federation 494 463 -31 9251 9437 186
DenObscure Belgium 495 316 -179 9248 9860 612
alkalde Canada 496 520 24 9248 9275 27
Reegi Czech Republic 497 485 -12 9246 9376 130
Izuko Gaen Austria 498 504 6 9246 9314 68
Aoba Karingo Japan 499 530 31 9245 9256 11
davidqu2 China 500 470 -30 9244 9420 176
Asunamaru Germany 501 451 -50 9244 9459 215
Yakui Austria 502 549 47 9243 9215 -28
-Electro- United States 503 492 -11 9238 9348 110
Klakson Poland 504 512 8 9234 9302 68
Python United States 505 458 -47 9234 9449 215
SeeL Singapore 506 - - 9233 - -
Qu1z South Korea 507 516 9 9233 9289 56
ABERON Russian Federation 508 478 -30 9231 9392 161
Brown United Kingdom 509 476 -33 9224 9397 173
Sooki Brazil 510 407 -103 9224 9581 357
Kabu France 511 468 -43 9219 9425 206
Shimotsuki United States 512 487 -25 9218 9361 143
NuHaru Austria 513 499 -14 9215 9333 118
Nakocchi Japan 514 472 -42 9212 9416 204
Bolek_gamer_05 Finland 515 509 -6 9209 9310 101
Hippo Poland 516 600 84 9207 9141 -66
uvrv South Korea 517 375 -142 9201 9673 472
nomaiza Russian Federation 518 522 4 9199 9270 71
Nuggel Germany 519 623 104 9198 9099 -99
Jinpe United States 520 602 82 9197 9139 -58
GranDSenpai Australia 521 496 -25 9196 9345 149
nr_pm Japan 522 554 32 9196 9208 12
Deruz Chile 523 585 62 9192 9157 -35
Urania South Korea 524 415 -109 9191 9552 361
Unikenl Russian Federation 525 633 108 9189 9088 -101
Aldrouch Poland 526 - - 9188 - -
Soliloquy- United States 527 488 -39 9186 9351 165
FastoFreezu Argentina 528 580 52 9184 9165 -19
DraguinZZ United States 529 511 -18 9183 9302 119
Yura Rin Netherlands 530 448 -82 9183 9466 283
Tetla Japan 531 479 -52 9181 9390 209
SylvieLism Thailand 532 609 77 9176 9117 -59
Shirasaka Koume Japan 533 486 -47 9176 9363 187
Hidemi Russian Federation 534 567 33 9170 9191 21
pajwoj Poland 535 573 38 9166 9185 19
MCNortrom Russian Federation 536 481 -55 9166 9380 214
SP33DW33D Canada 537 - - 9162 - -
CatBagasm Norway 538 712 174 9162 8936 -226
Big Z New Zealand 539 548 9 9161 9218 57
Happy New Year South Korea 540 414 -126 9157 9556 399
Pupper United States 541 500 -41 9157 9333 176
-Yato- France 542 - - 9155 - -
Vandabe Denmark 543 430 -113 9154 9502 348
callmebatya Russian Federation 544 454 -90 9153 9454 301
Junjou United States 545 510 -35 9152 9309 157
Kitichu United States 546 483 -63 9149 9378 229
Ceja Argentina 547 507 -40 9149 9312 163
- e - v - b- United States 548 484 -64 9147 9377 230
- Heatwave - Australia 549 652 103 9144 9048 -96
suffix Australia 550 613 63 9144 9113 -31
Irizu Italy 551 558 7 9142 9200 58
rip fc United Kingdom 552 775 223 9140 8818 -322
Al3x Austria 553 596 43 9137 9147 10
Hicool Hong Kong 554 501 -53 9136 9326 190
Sakurauchi Riko Germany 555 536 -19 9135 9247 112
ExLeaF France 556 597 41 9134 9146 12
Jageko Sweden 557 686 129 9134 8987 -147
Exarch United States 558 - - 9128 - -
-Miky- Italy 559 547 -12 9127 9221 94
-Archangel- United States 560 506 -54 9124 9313 189
Cerillion Netherlands 561 531 -30 9121 9254 133
sinon South Korea 562 643 81 9120 9065 -55
diciestaking United States 563 575 12 9118 9180 62
FayeurSystem France 564 541 -23 9114 9235 121
kiiro127 Germany 565 477 -88 9111 9394 283
Okinotori Russian Federation 566 622 56 9109 9100 -9
[ Enju-chan ] United States 567 656 89 9106 9033 -73
MegaMK United States 568 556 -12 9106 9206 100
FreeDom South Korea 569 612 43 9106 9113 7
KonKonKinakoN Japan 570 627 57 9106 9094 -12
Kaanibaru France 571 498 -73 9104 9338 234
Psycopath- Mexico 572 433 -139 9102 9497 395
PCBetaphish United States 573 453 -120 9101 9458 357
Areox United Kingdom 574 737 163 9100 8889 -211
- Dark - Brazil 575 540 -35 9094 9236 142
BAKKALO France 576 683 107 9093 8995 -98
RosaChampagne China 577 464 -113 9090 9434 344
GGBY China 578 561 -17 9087 9198 111
Iylwrychi United States 579 762 183 9082 8841 -241
R Y A N United States 580 533 -47 9081 9251 170
Medokin Poland 581 467 -114 9079 9425 346
Snowslide Russian Federation 582 502 -80 9077 9315 238
Fichi Spain 583 689 106 9070 8981 -89
ZeCryptic Norway 584 671 87 9069 9015 -54
Enon South Korea 585 494 -91 9068 9347 279
Tank A13 China 586 619 33 9065 9104 39
haga1115 Japan 587 673 86 9065 9013 -52
nickerdead3 Australia 588 550 -38 9061 9214 153
Lunirs Australia 589 587 -2 9060 9156 96
oxycodone Japan 590 - - 9059 - -
- WildTom - Latvia 591 701 110 9059 8954 -105
mellowboyyy Latvia 592 607 15 9058 9126 68
Fjell Norway 593 650 57 9056 9053 -3
Sonoda-Umi Finland 594 594 0 9056 9150 94
Hanori Belgium 595 508 -87 9054 9310 256
benki Japan 596 534 -62 9054 9251 197
---- Japan 597 546 -51 9051 9221 170
zin Russian Federation 598 611 13 9051 9114 63
Rimuru Kuwait 599 584 -15 9050 9158 108
-NexT Poland 600 570 -30 9048 9186 138
Haganenno Lithuania 601 497 -104 9048 9342 294
[- Momo -] Chile 602 545 -57 9047 9227 180
Rainflower China 603 598 -5 9044 9144 100
Maqua Argentina 604 590 -14 9043 9153 110
prhtnsm Germany 605 569 -36 9042 9189 147
Shiorii United States 606 582 -24 9039 9162 123
phalanx Netherlands 607 593 -14 9038 9150 112
amateurdrink Canada 608 571 -37 9038 9185 147
Mayoi Hachikuji Denmark 609 493 -116 9037 9347 310
Sakayaneegi Brazil 610 420 -190 9036 9530 494
woo6821 Australia 611 179 -432 9036 10447 1411
Ephix Germany 612 565 -47 9034 9193 159
Reifos Spain 613 489 -124 9029 9350 321
ItsWinter United States 614 631 17 9029 9089 60
I hate myself Thailand 615 595 -20 9029 9148 119
Pittigbaasje Netherlands 616 - - 9028 - -
Snarrot United States 617 660 43 9025 9031 6
[ Umaruun ] Saudi Arabia 618 - - 9024 - -
- Slice - Germany 619 525 -94 9021 9268 247
DazzLE_Wind Taiwan 620 606 -14 9021 9127 106
Crezz Indonesia 621 647 26 9021 9056 35
minus United States 622 641 19 9020 9066 46
DeMSKii Israel 623 728 105 9014 8907 -107
AbrahamR Venezuela 624 630 6 9011 9089 78
Astrafe Poland 625 560 -65 9010 9199 189
Angel Arrow Japan 626 539 -87 9006 9238 232
[ Hyung ] South Korea 627 527 -100 9003 9257 254
Cheese Kai South Korea 628 - - 9002 - -
Emula Latvia 629 505 -124 9000 9314 314
WhiteOnion Hong Kong 630 676 46 9000 9009 9
Dungeon South Korea 631 553 -78 9000 9208 208
Miseration Finland 632 682 50 8992 8998 6
MKSA Germany 633 659 26 8990 9031 41
- Akira Len - China 634 639 5 8989 9074 85
gonzup Argentina 635 526 -109 8987 9257 270
Ayeka Switzerland 636 669 33 8985 9020 35
Akane-Yuki Austria 637 574 -63 8983 9181 198
Anzu Takakura Philippines 638 513 -125 8978 9300 322
feces Singapore 639 551 -88 8978 9214 236
ruexia South Korea 640 523 -117 8974 9270 296
Ponytail South Korea 641 645 4 8973 9062 89
No01 Poland 642 654 12 8971 9039 68
Ryuti United States 643 688 45 8969 8981 12
Riley United States 644 - - 8966 - -
_WinRAWR United States 645 - - 8966 - -
Oxia France 646 564 -82 8964 9194 230
Saika- Sweden 647 781 134 8961 8811 -150
- Firmament - Hong Kong 648 - - 8960 - -
Daren Italy 649 568 -81 8958 9191 233
SpajdeR Poland 650 532 -118 8957 9251 294
WadsyaName- China 651 583 -68 8957 9160 203
Seouless United States 652 576 -76 8952 9180 228
intenseGoat United States 653 586 -67 8951 9157 206
- Hakurei Kou - Chile 654 661 7 8945 9028 83
karalis Canada 655 - - 8945 - -
_Degenerate Germany 656 519 -137 8942 9278 336
Ambre France 657 804 147 8941 8771 -170
Agni United States 658 566 -92 8940 9193 253
[Takaga] Portugal 659 702 43 8937 8954 17
Astrovia United States 660 444 -216 8936 9475 539
gadrin United Kingdom 661 521 -140 8932 9273 341
Fudy Chile 662 720 58 8929 8920 -9
Warbreon Lithuania 663 675 12 8928 9011 83
Mooha France 664 678 14 8927 9007 80
esio Poland 665 603 -62 8926 9130 204
My Angel Haruna Taiwan 666 475 -191 8925 9398 473
Azers Mom Canada 667 750 83 8924 8867 -57
Rampax Malaysia 668 562 -106 8924 9197 273
Jesus[Krists] Latvia 669 636 -33 8917 9080 163
-GN Norway 670 625 -45 8915 9098 183
Nakatoru Venezuela 671 544 -127 8911 9229 318
Shiawase Russian Federation 672 - - 8905 - -
Timpai Netherlands 673 620 -53 8902 9103 201
Sadness Ukraine 674 621 -53 8897 9102 205
Kaoru United States 675 610 -65 8896 9116 220
Arcadeas Canada 676 635 -41 8896 9081 185
gusrua123 South Korea 677 - - 8892 - -
Gokuri Japan 678 552 -126 8891 9214 323
kyorii Singapore 679 747 68 8890 8876 -14
s3552515 Taiwan 680 - - 8889 - -
Touchette United States 681 617 -64 8889 9105 216
qtz South Korea 682 672 -10 8888 9014 126
IZesch Chile 683 784 101 8881 8806 -75
legekka Hungary 684 601 -83 8879 9139 260
Geryy Luxembourg 685 681 -4 8873 9002 129
Mira-san Philippines 686 - - 8873 - -
Psyical Israel 687 855 168 8873 8691 -182
vuru Romania 688 779 91 8872 8814 -58
Leebs United States 689 742 53 8868 8881 13
Autistic Kid Germany 690 668 -22 8868 9021 153
vitoco09 Chile 691 649 -42 8868 9054 186
Grey- United States 692 572 -120 8868 9185 317
Sonix Sweden 693 629 -64 8867 9090 223
Duke South Korea 694 740 46 8866 8886 20
harunaruna South Korea 695 555 -140 8862 9207 345
fartownik Poland 696 640 -56 8861 9073 212
itzpigeon United States 697 667 -30 8861 9021 160
[ UMU ] France 698 - - 8861 - -
[ Lili ] France 699 581 -118 8860 9165 305
Eileyn South Korea 700 524 -176 8856 9270 414
Shelbis Lithuania 701 515 -186 8855 9290 435
BDDav Germany 702 608 -94 8854 9121 267
eoehd1ek South Korea 703 604 -99 8852 9129 277
Sjizu France 704 699 -5 8851 8955 104
SolaEclipse United States 705 780 75 8849 8813 -36
Vall Belgium 706 557 -149 8849 9206 357
schlafen Japan 707 624 -83 8847 9099 252
Tem United States 708 679 -29 8845 9005 160
ahegao Finland 709 735 26 8844 8893 49
Zakura Denmark 710 730 20 8839 8902 63
Cocaine dog Norway 711 605 -106 8836 9128 292
yellowy246 New Zealand 712 644 -68 8835 9063 228
Yellow South Korea 713 563 -150 8834 9197 363
ChronoTrig Canada 714 - - 8834 - -
Yasen United States 715 782 67 8831 8808 -23
Toyota Wellman Poland 716 760 44 8829 8843 14
SinonTopWaifu Russian Federation 717 771 54 8829 8822 -7
Astellis Australia 718 704 -14 8826 8952 126
Kyoushouryuu Germany 719 616 -103 8825 9105 280
IDAN Canada 720 766 46 8823 8833 10
Lua United States 721 592 -129 8822 9150 328
Jyu Viole Canada 722 706 -16 8822 8948 126
Ar1s3 Russian Federation 723 827 104 8820 8723 -97
Seichi Iceland 724 666 -58 8817 9024 207
BNY963 Japan 725 687 -38 8817 8987 170
Kiirochii Italy 726 759 33 8810 8846 36
meltz United Kingdom 727 717 -10 8810 8929 119
Last Order Italy 728 658 -70 8808 9033 225
--w-- Sweden 729 634 -95 8806 9082 276
c00kiezecky Poland 730 662 -68 8806 9027 221
love you Poland 731 651 -80 8805 9050 245
Shye Thailand 732 809 77 8805 8760 -45
Jonimay Germany 733 674 -59 8802 9012 210
Maffe Finland 734 618 -116 8802 9104 302
Cnya China 735 615 -120 8801 9110 309
Broodich Mexico 736 535 -201 8801 9247 446
Rakyero United States 737 736 -1 8800 8889 89
MetoA Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of 738 579 -159 8800 9168 368
Death United States 739 480 -259 8800 9389 589
SpringLane China 740 538 -202 8800 9239 439
Summer Solstice United Kingdom 741 708 -33 8799 8946 147
egemenbsrms Turkey 742 - - 8799 - -
My Angel Anzu China 743 723 -20 8798 8916 118
Crisanton Spain 744 817 73 8797 8745 -52
esemoka57 Poland 745 632 -113 8797 9089 292
BLooDBuRSTiNG Czech Republic 746 690 -56 8792 8981 189
TheBlueEight Italy 747 752 5 8790 8862 72
- Peki Serbia 748 899 151 8790 8629 -161
Shiina Noriko Taiwan 749 646 -103 8789 9060 271
momura Hong Kong 750 758 8 8789 8847 58
Yuria South Korea 751 638 -113 8789 9077 288
lorelai South Korea 752 709 -43 8787 8943 156
Syph Netherlands 753 637 -116 8784 9078 294
_Kix Croatia 754 664 -90 8783 9025 242
Yuiteru Australia 755 589 -166 8782 9154 372
Duftende Pizza Germany 756 680 -76 8780 9003 223
Valsora United States 757 756 -1 8777 8853 76
Tuon Vietnam 758 614 -144 8776 9110 334
KagenoKami Philippines 759 707 -52 8775 8948 173
Mrotaku United States 760 665 -95 8769 9025 256
_demo Poland 761 803 42 8763 8781 18
kolgar Czech Republic 762 741 -21 8760 8881 121
wooz Netherlands 763 714 -49 8755 8935 180
Hranolka Slovakia 764 685 -79 8754 8990 236
ShotgunApe United States 765 805 40 8754 8771 17
Neko Mimi China 766 642 -124 8749 9066 317
seegii Mongolia 767 749 -18 8749 8875 126
Teachu United States 768 663 -105 8748 9025 277
nayarii Canada 769 835 66 8745 8711 -34
RivenXLukario Spain 770 693 -77 8743 8969 226
surume yotyan Japan 771 722 -49 8742 8916 174
Netsuzou Argentina 772 713 -59 8740 8936 196
scuoa Hungary 773 - - 8740 - -
Daizy United States 774 877 103 8735 8651 -84
serea Japan 775 839 64 8732 8708 -24
Kosmonautas Lithuania 776 725 -51 8731 8910 179
YummyinmyTummy Canada 777 833 56 8731 8715 -16
[ Reol ] United States 778 - - 8728 - -
-Felix Italy 779 - - 8723 - -
VINXIS Canada 780 648 -132 8722 9054 332
Deppyforce Thailand 781 748 -33 8721 8876 155
Anya Maki China 782 746 -36 8721 8878 157
LilDoc Russian Federation 783 653 -130 8717 9047 330
My Not France 784 628 -156 8717 9092 375
Kafuu Chino China 785 588 -197 8717 9155 438
cezgru Poland 786 754 -32 8717 8858 141
DT-sama Italy 787 - - 8717 - -
PemiX Slovakia 788 729 -59 8715 8906 191
Megure Germany 789 767 -22 8711 8829 118
raycoN Germany 790 834 44 8711 8715 4
Domco Slovakia 791 711 -80 8709 8937 228
Suva Brazil 792 801 9 8706 8783 77
Teppi Austria 793 764 -29 8705 8835 130
DeadZoNeD United States 794 897 103 8705 8631 -74
amano megumi Canada 795 815 20 8704 8749 45
Mirtrax Brazil 796 794 -2 8704 8794 90
Marcin DziDT Poland 797 705 -92 8702 8949 247
Chaltier0 Japan 798 721 -77 8702 8919 217
- Kataomoi - Taiwan 799 694 -105 8700 8969 269
Faces United States 800 798 -2 8700 8790 90
vekt0r United States 801 847 46 8698 8699 1
Shigure chan Japan 802 696 -106 8697 8957 260
Tled South Korea 803 703 -100 8695 8953 258
Minil Guadeloupe 804 886 82 8693 8645 -48
Aspher United States 805 770 -35 8692 8824 132
Commy Czech Republic 806 710 -96 8687 8938 251
MarthXT Germany 807 734 -73 8686 8899 213
moca Japan 808 684 -124 8684 8991 307
Dragito United States 809 - - 8683 - -
Willy United States 810 796 -14 8683 8791 108
PizzaLovers007 United States 811 - - 8681 - -
[ Splash ] Canada 812 - - 8680 - -
kyokyo Russian Federation 813 822 9 8677 8739 62
DudsonZ Poland 814 789 -25 8676 8798 122
iCurse557 Slovakia 815 769 -46 8672 8826 154
Sarasa China 816 655 -161 8671 9038 367
Rairiku Australia 817 792 -25 8671 8795 124
Fortuner Japan 818 778 -40 8670 8814 144
Doginator Australia 819 772 -47 8669 8821 152
Peruna Finland 820 733 -87 8669 8901 232
xXD4rk_Sl4y3rXx Canada 821 715 -106 8664 8933 269
ithgyu Australia 822 744 -78 8663 8880 217
Brandon- United States 823 842 19 8662 8705 43
Myth United States 824 765 -59 8657 8833 176
Hanabi Shira Russian Federation 825 853 28 8656 8694 38
Radusek Poland 826 858 32 8655 8681 26
SoMad Russian Federation 827 542 -285 8655 9233 578
Haynoru France 828 - - 8655 - -
rinkon China 829 724 -105 8653 8915 262
Chiu Romania 830 751 -79 8652 8863 211
Bonk United States 831 850 19 8652 8696 44
Grappoz United States 832 795 -37 8651 8791 140
Sakurai Momoka Japan 833 697 -136 8649 8956 307
Cinia Pacifica South Korea 834 691 -143 8646 8979 333
Besta France 835 883 48 8643 8646 3
ncuh Russian Federation 836 718 -118 8642 8928 286
_Twent Russian Federation 837 974 137 8642 8536 -106
ltasia China 838 727 -111 8638 8908 270
Raiin United States 839 726 -113 8638 8909 271
momotayan Japan 840 768 -72 8638 8828 190
spaceman Denmark 841 799 -42 8636 8788 152
unberlin Russian Federation 842 599 -243 8635 9142 507
Shinkei France 843 670 -173 8633 9015 382
Lovestruck United States 844 716 -128 8632 8933 301
e7793279 Taiwan 845 810 -35 8624 8756 132
Lolzep United States 846 878 32 8623 8651 28
xClusion Australia 847 866 19 8622 8663 41
ChaosRaidz United States 848 944 96 8622 8567 -55
EIGER Japan 849 773 -76 8620 8821 201
papika Germany 850 802 -48 8618 8782 164
- Justin Gibraltar 851 793 -58 8617 8794 177
Ghouru United States 852 865 13 8617 8663 46
ByYoshi14 Spain 853 - - 8616 - -
CutieDemon Turkey 854 820 -34 8613 8740 127
Rion- Japan 855 743 -112 8609 8880 271
zzx South Korea 856 - - 8609 - -
Lyra Poland 857 825 -32 8609 8731 122
Vinsu United States 858 731 -127 8608 8901 293
Arastelia United States 859 846 -13 8607 8699 92
Slips United Kingdom 860 898 38 8606 8629 23
Chitogod South Korea 861 836 -25 8605 8711 106
Principe Canada 862 830 -32 8605 8717 112
My Angel Jeremy Hong Kong 863 901 38 8604 8625 21
rafalbrew United Kingdom 864 777 -87 8602 8816 214
LopezzPro Mexico 865 960 95 8601 8556 -45
Specksan Finland 866 774 -92 8601 8820 219
Decu Poland 867 990 123 8600 8513 -87
wallyk Czech Republic 868 806 -62 8598 8766 168
SneakY NickY Slovakia 869 884 15 8598 8646 48
[KOR]Kosaki South Korea 870 - - 8593 - -
SrueyaF France 871 831 -40 8593 8716 123
ondines Poland 872 848 -24 8593 8697 104
Slizzer Sweden 873 761 -112 8592 8842 250
Thorfinn Philippines 874 880 6 8589 8650 61
Haru - Sweden 875 889 14 8589 8641 52
Ilormo Belarus 876 999 123 8586 8506 -80
Akiko- Hong Kong 877 - - 8583 - -
WardoX Mexico 878 890 12 8578 8640 62
Ayamy South Korea 879 - - 8577 - -
-Anastacia- South Korea 880 843 -37 8576 8703 127
Cres South Korea 881 837 -44 8574 8709 135
-Kupo- Sweden 882 841 -41 8574 8706 132
kth180591 South Korea 883 902 19 8573 8622 49
Zenoha France 884 757 -127 8573 8852 279
helix United Kingdom 885 856 -29 8571 8687 116
Jekel Netherlands 886 861 -25 8570 8666 96
Jolene Singapore 887 828 -59 8568 8720 152
EiW Norway 888 874 -14 8568 8653 85
JustMan France 889 864 -25 8567 8664 97
Zestiny South Korea 890 437 -453 8565 9492 927
FreeZeR Russian Federation 891 - - 8564 - -
Blackskyline Hong Kong 892 832 -60 8560 8715 155
Bangom South Korea 893 626 -267 8558 9094 536
Rekia Turkey 894 783 -111 8557 8807 250
-Shouta-Kun- Mexico 895 812 -83 8556 8755 199
Desew Russian Federation 896 862 -34 8556 8666 110
Cien Japan 897 - - 8552 - -
NeruNeru Hong Kong 898 976 78 8550 8529 -21
Hectique United States 899 991 92 8549 8512 -37
Elzbieta Ukraine 900 921 21 8543 8594 51
submitted by Suyemi to osugame [link] [comments]

2018.11.08 13:35 Meeuuuhhhh The discovery of the car on ASY

Hi everyone !, I've been here for almost a year now, and I just can't find myself to understand what happened that fatefull day of the 31 of October 2005.
The thing i always felt was weird, is the discovery of the car. I always felt like PS testimony was a show, because of the way she describes the scene. But this is just my opinion, and i could be totally wrong.
I would like to get back to this a little, i guess some of you looked into this way more than i did, so i hope you could help me understand what i missed. I would like to focus about 2 things :
  1. There seems there was multiple search parties on ASY when the RAV4 was discovered.
  2. Det. Remiker's report, for when they received the call for PS about discovering the car
This is my first post, so please, be gentle, and if you see any mistakes, please tell me, i'll correct them. I've put all the sources if anyone needs to go back to it.

Multiple search parties on ASY

If we look at some reports from LE for 11/05/05, the day of the car was discovered on ASY:
11/05/05 : Lt. Kelly Sippel [ Source - P.81 ]
On the moming of Saturday , 11/05/05, friends of TERESA were searching the AVERY'S AUTO SALVAGE yard where they located her motor vehicle off the southwest quadrant of the property. Officers from both the MANITOWOC CO. SHERIFF'S DEPT. and CALUMET CO. SHERIFF'S DEPT. responded to the scene.
11/05/05 : Lt. Hermann [ Source - P.9 ]
Individuals were observed to the SW of the AVERY AUTO SALVAGE in a gravel pit area, near a gravel conveyer while officers were on the scene in the salvage yard. D.I. Schetter and I walked through the yard to this area where we made contact with 5 subjects - KRISTY HAZAERT, JOLENE BAIN, SHERRY LEMEROND, AUBREY WYGRALAK, and TRINITY ROSENOW. These subjects indicated they were friends of the HALBACH family and were assisting with search efforts. I identified the persons, and they were advised that at this time, the salvage yard area is a secured area and they needed to leave the general area.
11/05/05 : Det.Remiker [ Source - P.6 ]
11/05/05 @ 1205Hrs.: lnformation was obtained from the 2 volunteer search parties. They were advised that they could leave the area in order for the investigation to continue.
This seems to indicate there indeed was multiple search parties on ASY, one at the SouthWest, the "friends", and another one, PS & NS, at the SouthEast. Not that surprising, but, if we look at some trial testimonies :
Ryan Hillegas trial testimony [ Source - P.415 ]:
Q. Well, Friday night you said that you were making some maps; how was that done?
A. Satellite imagery off the internet mostly, otherwise just Map Quest.
Q. Maps of what?
A. Maps of, you know, the areas we wanted to search. We kind of blew up smaller portions so you could see the roads better and county highways out in the Manitowoc area near the Averys, any kind of county highway. Basically, we tried to cover anything from Hilbert to Green Bay, all the way to the lake. Pretty much covering as much land as we could.
Q. Well, this was a citizen search effort; is that right ?
A. Yes.
Q. In other words, family members and friends and very -- very much so just a citizen effort coordinated by you; is that right?
A. Yes.
Q. Let me ask you something, Mr. Hillegas, why would you center or why would you direct some of your search efforts around the Avery property?
A. Well, mostly for the fact that, you know, the media had covered so much of it. You know, all you heard about was around the Avery property. And I believe at that point we had known that, you know, her last kind of whereabouts were in that neck of the woods.
Pamela Sturm trial testimony [ Source - P.450 ]
A. Well, we got their late; the search team was already gone. Ryan and Scott were still there. And I asked them if I could help out. And they said, yes, they have maps for the area that they were going to search. And he showed me the map and then he showed me the picture of Teresa and all the details regarding Teresa. And I indicated that I would like to go to the Avery Salvage Yard where Teresa was last seen. And he said, well, if you want to, it's not part of, you know, the search, but if you wish to do that, go ahead.
RH & PS testimonies don't match, but for all we know, they could have forgotten the details, and made a little mistake in their statement.
ETA : Well, since they directed their effort "Around the Avery property", it doesn't mean it would include it, which would mean the testimonies would match.
It seems like PS & NS were the only one specifically sent to ASY. After looking a bit more the reports and hours in statements, since PS & NS were sent on the search later, maybe another group finished his area and went for ASY.
This would match Det. Remiker report :
11/05/05 : Det.Remiker [ Source - P.5 ]
I Det. Remiker, was working at the MTS0 at which time l received a phone call from CASO lnvestigator Mark Wiegert. Inv. Wiegert indicated there were numerous volunteer searchers who were coordinating their efforts to do some searches of properties within Manitowoc Co. Inv. Wiegert indicated that several searchers were willing to go to the AVERY property on Avery Rd to search the junkyard/salvage area. Inv. Wiegert stated he and several of the volunteer search parties would be coming to the MTSO within the next hour to meet and coordinate efforts. Inv. Wiegert requested my assistance for this follow-up.
The biggest discrepanciy here, is that Lt. Kelly Sippel stipulates that "friends of TERESA were searching the AVERY'S AUTO SALVAGE yard where they located her motor vehicle off the southwest quadrant of the property". Did he misremember it ? Maybe.

Multiple calls vs The dispach call

We have quite a few reports from differents LE actors for Saturday 11/05/05, but i want to focus (again) on Remiker's report :
11/05/05 : Det.Remiker [ Source - P.5 ]
I Det. Remiker, was working at the MTS0 at which time l received a phone call from CASO lnvestigator Mark Wiegert. Inv. Wiegert indicated there were numerous volunteer searchers who were coordinating their efforts to do some searches of properties within Manitowoc Co. Inv. Wiegert indicated that several searchers were willing to go to the AVERY property on Avery Rd to search the junkyard/salvage area. Inv. Wiegert stated he and several of the volunteer search parties would be coming to the MTSO within the next hour to meet and coordinate efforts. Inv. Wiegert requested my assistance for this follow-up.
A short time later, Inv. Wiegert called me at the MTSO and indicated that he received information from a female subject who was currently on the AVERY property who may have located TERESA'S Toyota Rav 4 vehicle on the property. Inv. Wiegert stated he is not sure if this is TERESA'S vehicle but did receive some information from the volunteer which indicated that it may be her vehicle. Inv. Wiegert requested that I respond to the AVERY property ASAP to make contact with the female subject in an attempt to obtain further information to determine if the vehicle was indeed TERESA'S.
I Det. Remiker, immediately began leaving the MTSO. I responded toward the AVERY property. I received another call from Inv. Wiegert indicating that he received another phone call from the female volunteer with additional information which led him to believe that the vehicle may be TERESA'S. Inv. Wiegert stated he obtained some VINs from the volunteer and information that the vehicle contained a Lemieux Toyota sticker on the back of it which matches the sticker that was on TERESA'S vehicle.
When we look at Det. Remiker report, we receive information about multiple calls.
  1. At MTSO : Call indicating "several searchers were willing to go to the AVERY property". [Call n°1]
  2. At MTSO : Call indicating "may have located TERESA'S Toyota Rav 4 vehicle on the property". [Call n°2]
  3. Leaving for the AVERY property : Call indicating "additional information which led him [Inv. Wiegert] to believe that the vehicle may be TERESA'S". [Call n°3]
The issue i have with those multiple calls, is that it doesn't really match with the "Dispatcher call" [ Source - P.466 - Audio version ] about several points :
  1. When you listen to dispatch call, at 2:08, we can ear Wiegert taking the call over to give her the VIN number. That would mean Wiegert first call Remiker (Call n°2), at the beginning of the call, during those 2 minutes, then called him back (Call n°3), after getting the VIN number. To be fair, this is a possibility, i find it odd, but that definitely could have happened.
  2. During the dispatch call, Wiegert says : "I don't know if they had a LeMieux Toyota sticker on it. I don't know about that.". But in Remiker's reports, he says it matches the one that was on TERESA'S vehicle. This is again, odd, but not impossible. Just after the call, he could have checked if the RAV4 did have a Lemieux sticker, and confirmed it before calling back Remiker.
  3. Again, during the dispatch call, Wiegert says : " Where are you? ". I find it odd, because if we match this with Remiker's report, that would mean Call n°2 already went on, which stipulates they already knew the RAV4 was on Avery's property.
I don't want to interprete too much about that, because we can all make mistakes, and misremembering something is not a crime. I may have misunderstood some of this, but i feel like something is missing, as nothing seems to match between the reports and the dispatch call.
But if i did have to give an opinion, i think the "friends" found the car, but since they didn't got permission, they went with all this circus to have someone else find the car, but someone who would have asked for permission before. The thing that doesn't work with this theory is Lt. Kelly Sippel's report, which indicate that the "friends" found the car in the SouthWest quadrant of the property. If my opinion was right, he should have said (because they would have made their stories match), that they were indeed in the SouthWest quadrant, but that they didn't found the car.
What are your thoughs on this ? Am i looking to much into this ?
ETA : I feel like with all the downvotes and the comments, people didn't get what i was questioning the most, the report of Remiker.
He talks about 3 calls from Det. Wiegert.
Call n°1 is about the searchers willing to go to ASY. As far as this goes, nothing unusual.
Call n°2 is about possibly locating Teresa's RAV4 in ASY. This call couldn't have happened before the dispatch call, since PS is the one who found the RAV4.
But then we have Call n°3 which is about another call from the "female subject" confirming the VIN and the Lemieux Sticker. But Wiegert directly is on the dispatch call, from 2 minutes, where it's there that he confirms the VIN number.
So by this theory, that means that he called Remiker to tell him to go to ASY after PS calling dispatch, but before he confirmed the VIN number, which he did on the dispatch call. There is supposed to be only call, containing both the location of the RAV4, and the VIN and Lemieux sticker.
Well, as i said, everyone can misremember, but that timeline seems odd, and he can't be right that's another call from the female subject, since it's all in the dispatch call (Or i missed that there were more calls with PS ?)
And more, after that he says again : "I received additional information from Inv. Wiegert which indicated it is very possible that the vehicle on the property is TERESA HALBACH'S".
Hope it's easier to understand, not that easy to put.
submitted by Meeuuuhhhh to MakingaMurderer [link] [comments]

2018.07.23 20:50 SBRH33 Dedering. The Fixer. Fabrications Continue...

I have to vent for a moment.
Reactivating a soundly retired Investigator, John Dedering, to reinvestigate the Halbach murder 12 years after the fact comes off as a desperate attempt to clean up once again a failed and corrupted murder investigation. Why... Why do this if the State and its local LEO believe the correct two people are in prison for the crime and that the mountain of evidence against them proves so?
Of all people, Dedering? Why? ...Why now?
The way I see this:
I do not believe Kelly's story at all. It is all way too convenient. I ask this... why did the investigators in 2005 not glean this information from Kelly about the camping trip, the duct tape lanyard and the apparent Original Toyota key FOB that Halbach had "apparently" lost in the summer of 2005? All of a sudden Kelly has recalled all of this information? The Journal, the pics and the camping anecdotes... I don't believe any of it. But why would Kelly Pitzen get involved now with the reinvestigation and give Dedering this report? If she forged that Journal entry... why? Why expose herself like that? Is it because Dedering knows something about her? Could be. Dedering and the investigators back in 2005 leveraged just about everyone to give statements that were either false, untrue or flat out fantasy to hang Steve Avery for Halbach's murder. Why wouldn't they now leverage Kelly? Wasn't Kelly Pitzen the friend over at the Halbach house back on November 3rd 2005... the one that Ryan called but it turns out why would he call her if she was right there next to him at Halbach's house... anyone remember that? Wasn't it Kelly who allegedly impersonated Halbach on the telephone to gain access to her cingular account? Hope someone could look that up. Because if true could simply be the very reason why that Kelly at this point is so eager and willing to do Dedering's bidding at this time.
With all that tossed out there, Dedering seems to be asking some very moronic questions. For instance he asked Scott Tadych if he was involved with or killed Teresa Halbach?.... What did Dedering expect? ...For Scott to say yea I did it, put the cuffs on me? Or was it Dedering's way of playing psychic warfare with Scott? Conveying to Scott, look I know the truth and this can go sideways for you in a number of ways so you better get everyone playing ball again like you did back in 2005. Just a thought.
The clear Stars of Dedering's investigative fishing expedition were Kelly Pitzens interview and the Barb and Scott interview. Lets look at Barb Jandych's insane blatherings regarding the computer in her house.
Depending on which way the wind is blowing on any given day Barb will claim she didn't have internet access in 2005, or doesn't remember having internet access in 2005. Ye all of her kids were enjoying the fruits of having internet access in 2005 like chat rooms, teen girls and torture porn.
During the very recent Jerry Springer'esque telephone conversation with Steve Avery Barb adamantly denied having internet access in 2005. Why would she lie about something so easily provable and that was undeniably substantiated by Tom Fassbender's forensic examination of the very computer seized from her house? Is it the guilt of knowing the truth?
I Didn't Have Internet Back In 2005!
There is just so much flotsam and jetsam flying out of barbs mouth.
I didn't have internet access in 2005!... Barb, yes you did.
I now go back to witness tampering and delegitimization of Zellners witness affidavits. In Barbs interview dedering asks Barb about Brad's affidavit regarding Barb wanting someone to reformat the computer. She claims it didn't happen.
Barb claiming Brad basically is a liar
This is pure comedy coming from Barb... Barb just wanted someone to "clean" the computer not reformat it because it was "running slow." Then in her statement she claims she wanted this "cleaning" done way before 10/31/2005... she CAN CERTAINLY REMEMBER THAT!.... I wonder if that was Dedering's idea to claim that? Even more revealing is that now she is placing herself as a user of the single computer in the household... a computer which she thinks was kept in Bobby and Brendans room!
Lumping Brendan Into Sharing A Bedroom With Bobby in 2005
For a mother who wants to get her son Brendan out of prison she sure is doing a bang up job of continually tossing him under the bus when the time is right. We know that Brendan shared a room with Blaine. Its in the trial testimony. We know the computer was in Bobby's room because it is shown as exactly that in the SGT Tyson walk through video of 2005. Man... I hope all that money they received on Brendan's behalf has been put into escrow and properly accounted for. Cos I feel that grift is going to come undone soon.
Barb is full of new revelations in her 2017 statement to Dedering. Barb tries her hand at offering Scott Tadych a second full blown alibi for October 31st 2005.
In 3...2...1... I WAS WITH HIM ALL DAY!
Ok, well that is a new one Barb, because you were at work all day on the 31st, remember?....
Lets look at your nighttime alibi for Scott Tadych. I call this one the Prison Break conundrum.
That is what a lie looks like when it is committed to paper.
There is other material in CASO 2 worth spilling key strokes over but I think I am done now. We just have to wait it out until September. I hope Zellner has a game plan in place to keep these jokers in check because its getting real now.
In closing, just look at the CASO 2, study the questions that are being asked. Study what IS NOT being asked. Look at who Dedering went back to interview... all prosecution witnesses. The Kelly Pitzen and the "Jandych" interview. Read between those lines.
Lastly look who else was contacted by Dedering. Jolene Bain One fifth of the 5 Girlfriends Of Halbach who were located down in the SOUTHWEST corner of the Salvage Yard on the morning November 5th when the RAV4 was discovered. The same Jolene Bain who was present at the Halbach house on the 4th and had a private interview with Gerald Pagel and Mark Weigart... Jolene was there at the salvage yard on the 5th. Her and her friends know exactly what happened down there.
As I like to say... if DEDERING is back in play....
Fabrications Continue....
Note – Author retains ownership right to the contents of this post. Author grants permission for usage on / TickTockManitowoc only. The Author does no grant permission to other sub user for usage on other subs.
submitted by SBRH33 to TickTockManitowoc [link] [comments]

2018.02.08 02:44 Sturmgewehrkreuz Anime Aired on Philippine Free TV thread (Long Post)

Ok, may nagbigay sa akin ng gold para aking comment. Maraming salamat, anonymous redditor, wish ko lang sana humaba pa ang buhay mo, at wish ko din na sana magka-trabaho na ako (para may ipambayad na din ako sa mga loans ko. LOLSOB). At trip kong mag-update ng listahan. So eto na siguro ang isa sa mga exhaustive na list tungkol sa mga anime na ipinalabas noong mga late 80's to 90's to early 2000's (pre-2010). Sana.
Kung may mga kulang o mali man eh lagay nyo na lang sa comments section.
Nilagay ko na din mga links sa opening songs nila. Memorable ang shit na yun.
Also hindi ko na lalagyan ng date aired dahil incomplete ang data, pero I'll try to mention what day it was scheduled to air back then. I wish I had a sharper memory.
Wag na din pansinin yung opinyon ko. Nood nalang kayo with the links.
Di kasali dito ang Korean shit at Chinese shit tulad ng kalbong si San Mao. At Tokusatsu/ Super Hentai Sentai, sadly, di ko na sinali. Nakakapagod mag type.
GMA 7- sandigan ng mga anime lovers noon, na may bloc pa sa primetime (!) noong late 90's to early 00's. Ngayon puro kupal nalang, panggagaya, shaming, pekeng bakla, mga artistang kulang sa workshop, pointless sigawan/gratuitous catfights, at walang kamatayan na reruns ng anime. Paulit ulit. Nakakagalit. Tangina nyo GMA7. Tangina ninyong lahat.
Sa ABC 5 noon ok din ang anime pag gabi. Ngayong TV5 na eh, may mga nilabas din sila na anime tulad ng Code Geass kaso parang palaos ang station. Sad!
Sadly sa channel 2 konti lang naaalala ko, pero dito madalas i-air yung mga World Masterpiece series. They try to show never-before-seen (unless you have internet) anime shows. Request ko lang sana palitan na yung lineup na shows pag Sunday afternoon, mga putanginang cringe na shows. Gawing anime nalang.
Isingit ko na din yung sa Channel 13 noon.
That's all folks!
submitted by Sturmgewehrkreuz to Philippines [link] [comments]

2017.06.09 19:36 SkippTopp List of Exhibits from Zellnami

Here's a list of all the exhibits from the Zellnami. I tried to include links to the items that have already been posted, but I may have missed some.
PC Exhibit Description Link
1 1999 RA V-4 Windows and Doors Manual ("RA V-4 Manual") click here
2 Photographs of Ms. Halbach's RAV-4 driver's door with rocker switch for electronic lock ("Driver's Door Photos") click here
3 Retainer Agreement [between Avery and Buting/Strang] click here
4 Affidavit of Steven A. Avery, Sr. ("Affidavit of Steven Avery") click here
5 Menards Surveillance Video not available
6 3/31/2006 WSCL DNA Report click here
7 Affidavit of RJ (aka Rollie) click here
8 Video Clips from 11/9/05 NBC-26 WFRV interview and 11/18/05 WBAY interview not available
9 11/9/05 Execution of Search Warrant click here
10 Page from Steven Avery's Phone Records click here
11 Pages from MCSD Summary Report verifying Chuck's phone number click here
12 Bench notes of WSCL blood spatter analyst Nick Stahlke click here
13 11/14/05 WSCL DNA report click here
14 12/13/05 WSCL Fingerprint Report click here
15 Affidavit of Dr. Reich click here
16 Affidavit of Stuart James click here
17 Motion for Order Allowing Access to Prior Court File click here
18 12/11/16 Interview of former Manitowoc County District Attorney, Edward Fitzgerald (" 12/ 11/06 Fitzgerald Interview") click here
19 12/21/06 DCI report regarding review of Manitowoc County Clerk of Courts records ("12/21/06 Records Review") click here
20 Order on State's Motion to Exclude Blood Vial Evidence click here
21 Trial Defense Counsel's Statement on Planted Blood click here
22 Affidavit of Kurt click here
23 November 4, 2005, WFRV Interview of Scott stills click here
24 Affidavit and CV of Christopher Palenik, PhD, ("Affidavit of Dr. Palenik") click here
25 4/20/2017 Letter from AAG Thomas Fallon click here
26 Forensic Evidence Checklist: click here
27 Pages from March 1, 2006, interrogation of Brendan Dassey ("3/1/06 Interrogation") click here
28 Pages from May 13, 2006, interrogation of Brendan Dassey ("5/13/06 Interrogation") click here
29 4/3/06 CCSD report by Dep. Hawkins CASO Report
30 4/3/06 CCSD report by Dep. Hawkins CASO Report
31 CCSD Evidence/Property Custody Document click here
32 4/4/06 CCSD Report by Hawkins CASO Report
33 WSCL Receipt of Physical Evidence click here
34 Wisconsin Department of Justice Evidence Transmittal Form labeled M0S-2467-27 (WSCL Transmittal of Criminal Evidence) click here
35 WCSL hood latch DNA quantities click here
36 Affidavit of Lauren Hawthorne click here
37 Affidavit of Dr. DeHaan click here
38 Affidavit and CV of Steven Symes, PhD ("Affidavit of Dr. Symes") click here
39 Midwest Regional Climate Center Weather Report click here
40 Affidavit and CV of James Kirby click here
41 Video of bookcase experiment not available
42 Affidavit and CV of Gregg McCrary ("Affidavit of Gregg Mccrary") click here
43 11/4/05 CCSD Interview of Brad CASO Report
44 Affidavit of TP click here
45 Ms. Halbach's day planner click here
46 Scent and Cadaver Dogs Reports click here
47 Affidavit of Dr. Blum click here
48 Affidavit of Dr. Palenik click here
49 Google Maps Directions from Avery Property to MCSD click here
50 11 /3/05 CCSD Interview of SS CASO Report
51 Photo showing post click here
52 11/9/05 DCI Interview of TP click here
53 Email from Ms. Halbach click here
54 11/4/05 CCSD Interview of Jolene CASO Report
55 11/14/05 CCSD Report by Sgt. Tyson CASO Report
56 Correspondence Regarding Nude Photography click here
57 Ryan Phone Records click here
58 12/14/05 DCI Report click here
59 Response to Subpoena to Erie Insurance click here
60 Photographs of Mr. Hillegas' Hands click here
61 Cingular Basic Voicemail Features click here
62 6/12/06 DCI Report ("Agent Fassbender VM Report") click here
63 11/4/05 CCSD Report CASO Report
64 Wisconsin Department of Justice Report of November 16, 2005 pages click here
65 MCSD work dispatch records for 2007 click here
66 Enhanced Audio Clip From Trial Exhibit 212, Track 3 not available
67 Ryan "Kilgus" Map click here
68 12/1/05 CCSD Report by lnv. Wiegert CASO Report
69 Crime Scene Sign-in/sign-out Logs click here
70 Response to FOIA request click here
71 11/5/05 Wiegert/Remiker recording not available
72 Ms. Halbach's cell phone records ("New Cell Records") click here
73 11/3/05 CCSD Report CASO Report
74 Toll Free Records click here
75 11/6/05 DCI interview of Angela click here
76 Jail Phone Log click here
77 CCSD Evidence/Property Custody Document click here
78 Second Affidavit of Kurt click here
79 Second Affidavit of JK click here
80 Timothy Austin Overlay of Location of License Plates click here
81 11/5/05 CCSD Interview of Pam CASO Report
82 11/7/05 WSCL Report regarding Suspected Burial Site click here
83 Affidavit of SK click here
84 11/5/05 Handwritten Statement of JR click here
85 Affidavit of JR click here
86 11 /18/05 CCSD Interview of PM CASO Report
87 11/8/05 CCSD Report STATE 1376-77 CASO Report
88 11/23/05 WSCL Field Response click here
89 11/7/05 CCSD Report CASO Report
90 Map of Cadaver and Scent Dog Alerts click here
91 Environmental Impact Assessment Data click here
92 Affidavit and CV of Lucien "Luke" Haag ("Affidavit of Luke Haag") click here
93 Mr. Newhouse's bullet worksheet click here
94 Decision and Order On Defendant's Motion For Post-Conviction Relief dated January 25, 2010 (""Order"") click here
95 Mr. Kratz and Sheriff Pagel 3/2/05 press conference video not available
96 Affidavit and CV of Bennett Gershman ("Affidavit of Bennett Gershman") click here
97 11/7/05 CCSD Report CASO Report
98 Affidavit of Wilmer Siebert click here
99 Affidavit of PM click here
100 Affidavit of Dr. Lawrence Farwell click here
101 11/6/05 CCSD Report CASO Report
102 Interviews of Dawn click here
103 11/4/05 CCSD Report CASO Report
104 Kratz Communications click here
105 Letter from Mr. Salas click here
EDIT: fixed some typos
EDIT 2: added link to Stuart James affidavit and a few other documents
EDIT 3: added more links and changed some names to initials
EDIT 4: Added more links to redacted versions
submitted by SkippTopp to StevenAveryIsGuilty [link] [comments]

2017.06.09 19:35 SkippTopp List of Exhibits from Zellnami

Here's a list of all the exhibits from the Zellnami. I tried to include links to the items that have already been posted, but I may have missed some.
PC Exhibit Description Link
1 1999 RA V-4 Windows and Doors Manual ("RA V-4 Manual") click here
2 Photographs of Ms. Halbach's RAV-4 driver's door with rocker switch for electronic lock ("Driver's Door Photos") click here
3 Retainer Agreement [between Avery and Buting/Strang] click here
4 Affidavit of Steven A. Avery, Sr. ("Affidavit of Steven Avery") click here
5 Menards Surveillance Video not available
6 3/31/2006 WSCL DNA Report click here
7 Affidavit of RJ (aka Rollie) click here
8 Video Clips from 11/9/05 NBC-26 WFRV interview and 11/18/05 WBAY interview not available
9 11/9/05 Execution of Search Warrant click here
10 Page from Steven Avery's Phone Records click here
11 Pages from MCSD Summary Report verifying Chuck's phone number click here
12 Bench notes of WSCL blood spatter analyst Nick Stahlke click here
13 11/14/05 WSCL DNA report click here
14 12/13/05 WSCL Fingerprint Report click here
15 Affidavit of Dr. Reich click here
16 Affidavit of Stuart James click here
17 Motion for Order Allowing Access to Prior Court File click here
18 12/11/16 Interview of former Manitowoc County District Attorney, Edward Fitzgerald (" 12/ 11/06 Fitzgerald Interview") click here
19 12/21/06 DCI report regarding review of Manitowoc County Clerk of Courts records ("12/21/06 Records Review") click here
20 Order on State's Motion to Exclude Blood Vial Evidence click here
21 Trial Defense Counsel's Statement on Planted Blood click here
22 Affidavit of Kurt click here
23 November 4, 2005, WFRV Interview of Scott stills click here
24 Affidavit and CV of Christopher Palenik, PhD, ("Affidavit of Dr. Palenik") click here
25 4/20/2017 Letter from AAG Thomas Fallon click here
26 Forensic Evidence Checklist: click here
27 Pages from March 1, 2006, interrogation of Brendan Dassey ("3/1/06 Interrogation") click here
28 Pages from May 13, 2006, interrogation of Brendan Dassey ("5/13/06 Interrogation") click here
29 4/3/06 CCSD report by Dep. Hawkins CASO Report
30 4/3/06 CCSD report by Dep. Hawkins CASO Report
31 CCSD Evidence/Property Custody Document click here
32 4/4/06 CCSD Report by Hawkins CASO Report
33 WSCL Receipt of Physical Evidence click here
34 Wisconsin Department of Justice Evidence Transmittal Form labeled M0S-2467-27 (WSCL Transmittal of Criminal Evidence) click here
35 WCSL hood latch DNA quantities click here
36 Affidavit of Lauren Hawthorne click here
37 Affidavit of Dr. DeHaan click here
38 Affidavit and CV of Steven Symes, PhD ("Affidavit of Dr. Symes") click here
39 Midwest Regional Climate Center Weather Report click here
40 Affidavit and CV of James Kirby click here
41 Video of bookcase experiment not available
42 Affidavit and CV of Gregg McCrary ("Affidavit of Gregg Mccrary") click here
43 11/4/05 CCSD Interview of Brad CASO Report
44 Affidavit of TP click here
45 Ms. Halbach's day planner click here
46 Scent and Cadaver Dogs Reports click here
47 Affidavit of Dr. Blum click here
48 Affidavit of Dr. Palenik click here
49 Google Maps Directions from Avery Property to MCSD click here
50 11 /3/05 CCSD Interview of SS CASO Report
51 Photo showing post click here
52 11/9/05 DCI Interview of TP click here
53 Email from Ms. Halbach click here
54 11/4/05 CCSD Interview of Jolene CASO Report
55 11/14/05 CCSD Report by Sgt. Tyson CASO Report
56 Correspondence Regarding Nude Photography click here
57 Ryan Phone Records click here
58 12/14/05 DCI Report click here
59 Response to Subpoena to Erie Insurance click here
60 Photographs of Mr. Hillegas' Hands click here
61 Cingular Basic Voicemail Features click here
62 6/12/06 DCI Report ("Agent Fassbender VM Report") click here
63 11/4/05 CCSD Report CASO Report
64 Wisconsin Department of Justice Report of November 16, 2005 pages click here
65 MCSD work dispatch records for 2007 click here
66 Enhanced Audio Clip From Trial Exhibit 212, Track 3 not available
67 Ryan "Kilgus" Map click here
68 12/1/05 CCSD Report by lnv. Wiegert CASO Report
69 Crime Scene Sign-in/sign-out Logs click here
70 Response to FOIA request click here
71 11/5/05 Wiegert/Remiker recording not available
72 Ms. Halbach's cell phone records ("New Cell Records") click here
73 11/3/05 CCSD Report CASO Report
74 Toll Free Records click here
75 11/6/05 DCI interview of Angela click here
76 Jail Phone Log click here
77 CCSD Evidence/Property Custody Document click here
78 Second Affidavit of Kurt click here
79 Second Affidavit of JK click here
80 Timothy Austin Overlay of Location of License Plates click here
81 11/5/05 CCSD Interview of Pam CASO Report
82 11/7/05 WSCL Report regarding Suspected Burial Site click here
83 Affidavit of SK click here
84 11/5/05 Handwritten Statement of JR click here
85 Affidavit of JR click here
86 11 /18/05 CCSD Interview of PM CASO Report
87 11/8/05 CCSD Report STATE 1376-77 CASO Report
88 11/23/05 WSCL Field Response click here
89 11/7/05 CCSD Report CASO Report
90 Map of Cadaver and Scent Dog Alerts click here
91 Environmental Impact Assessment Data click here
92 Affidavit and CV of Lucien "Luke" Haag ("Affidavit of Luke Haag") click here
93 Mr. Newhouse's bullet worksheet click here
94 Decision and Order On Defendant's Motion For Post-Conviction Relief dated January 25, 2010 (""Order"") click here
95 Mr. Kratz and Sheriff Pagel 3/2/05 press conference video not available
96 Affidavit and CV of Bennett Gershman ("Affidavit of Bennett Gershman") click here
97 11/7/05 CCSD Report CASO Report
98 Affidavit of Wilmer Siebert click here
99 Affidavit of PM click here
100 Affidavit of Dr. Lawrence Farwell click here
101 11/6/05 CCSD Report CASO Report
102 Interviews of Dawn click here
103 11/4/05 CCSD Report CASO Report
104 Kratz Communications click here
105 Letter from Mr. Salas click here
EDIT: fixed some typos
EDIT 2: added link to Stuart James affidavit and a few other documents
EDIT 3: added more links and changed some names to initials
EDIT 4: Added more links to redacted versions
submitted by SkippTopp to TickTockManitowoc [link] [comments]