Tetris not blocked by schooll

Tetris 99

2019.02.13 23:26 atleast4alteregos Tetris 99

Tetris 99: Published by Nintendo, developed by Arika, Puzzle & battle royale style game. Available on Nintendo Switch.

2017.09.04 11:34 pititnatole WHO DID THIS???

When a good meme is ruined by a shitty caption, useless red circles, more than 3 emojis, or more than one reaction image (or a particularly bad reaction image). Check out our Imgur gallery for all my rezzed memes: https://imgur.com/gallery/KiPNldj

2017.01.22 00:23 donotblockthebox Political Compass Memes

Political Compass Memes

2024.06.02 02:21 cuzimori The Community Tier List Review and Event CG Archive for Batia is Now Live!

Hello Reddit, and happy Pride month! This is Cuzi from Team BethelFrankel, here to tell you that the rating for Batia is now live on the Community Tier List.
Has it been long since Batia came out? According to the calendar, it’s only been a week, but it feels longer because everyone in the BethelFrankel group chat has been playing Wuthering Waves and going insane because of lag or Data Bank levels or both. In fact, our editor edited this very post during the respawn cooldowns for the monkey.
But this is a post about Alchemy Stars! Sure, it’s not the hot new thing on the block, but it’s still what Team BethelFrankel is all about. So let’s start the unit analysis!

Should You Pull…

Batia: A+/SS at BT3 - Stop me if you’ve seen this one before. Batia is a 3CD select-tile Converter who, without preemptive strike, is clunky to play, but becomes gamebreaking at BT3. Select-tile conversion has long been one of the most powerful abilities in the game—and getting Dark Tiles on top of that makes Batia truly broken. She’s so good, in fact, that a member of our team wrote a detailed Batia guide that covers her various synergies (including potential team compositions) before we even got this post done. I highly recommend checking it out, but we’ll summarize the most important points here.
Basically, Batia is Fire’s Siobhan, with the added ability to generate Dark Tiles. In addition, Batia can change the shape of her four-tile conversion into seven different Tetris-style shapes: two zig zags, one 2x2 block, one T shape, one 1x4 line, an L shape, and a J shape. Each time you enter a stage, you randomly get one of these shapes, with the option to re-roll the shape for 5 energy. You can also lock the shape in and use energy to enhance the shape by adding Dark Tiles to it. Energy is generated at the rate of 1 energy per 1 red tile you cross. There’s a pretty significant ramping cost to all of this without Batia’s MBT, though, which means that her Dark Tile generation even at BT3 isn’t all that amazing.
Despite this, Batia’s floor is still incredibly good. Being able to convert a minimum of two contact tiles and having shape flexibility is incredibly valuable. From there, she only gets better if RNG is in your favor, to the point where her conversion value ceiling is genuinely insane.
Beyond this, when Batia is in your team she replaces the Burn status effect with Enflame. You can read the Batia guide linked earlier for more details, but Enflame is generally a significant buff over Burn that’s occasionally worse against very high HP sponges. Against mods and lower HP bosses, it’s inarguably better. Enflame gets more potent the higher your team’s average ATK is; however, although the difference between an A3, level 1 team and an A3, level 80 team is noticeable, it’s not worth taking everyone to level 80 solely for Enflame’s damage.
Last but not least, Batia is very synergistic with many of Fire’s existing units. Chief among them is Algol, who finally has the Fire Dark Tile partner she’s been wanting. With the amount of Dark Tiles you get with these two, Batia’s Enflame and Algol’s Bool complement each other very well. Bring Jona into the mix, a Fire character who lives and dies with contact tiles, and things get even better. A team like Algol/Batia/Dantang/Rinne/Jona can create semi-consistent full circles around bosses on a 3-turn cooldown, with the second “rotation” created by Algol and Batia’s Dark Tiles perfect for Jona’s two-turn Active Skill effect.
To sum things up, Batia’s release means that Fire now has a somewhat stable Dark Tile core. The element is still awaiting its Dark Tile DPS (its Sheol or Tiare) and potentially more converters, but this is still an incredibly good core basically anyone can use. Batia’s RNG might be a bit annoying, but she’s still basically cemented herself as one of Fire’s premier converters.
TL;DR: Pull if you can reach BT3. Batia is a Dark Tile monster with consistent contact tile creation. Her synergies with units like Algol and Jona make her stand out even further, but like any other 6* select-tile converter, she really wants BT3.
Yingel - S-/S+ at BT3 - Our original review of Yingel was less favorable than it should have been, but the main reason we’re revisiting her here is that she keeps getting better as time goes on. You probably already know how she works, but her low Active Skill cooldown and “cross” prism tile make her incredibly flexible. It can be hard to get the full value out of her conversion, but there are many situations where it can be a huge positive. Plus, Yingel’s damage is no slouch either. She’s not comparable to a dedicated sniper like Luke, but she deals enough damage that you can play her as a main DPS if you desire. Thanks to these qualities, Yingel has become a go-to option for low CD Thunder teams, pairing especially well with Rachel in 3CD teams.
We still don’t necessarily recommend her for most people due to how many conversion options Thunder has (including Rachel, who works right out of the gate at BT0 and deals comparable damage to Yingel). Plus, with the anniversary looming you’ll want to think carefully about getting a unit who might not bring instant impact to your account.
TL;DR: Probably skip unless you really want another low CD Thunder Converter. Yingel is a powerful unit, but one that can be skipped over for other options such as Rachel and Chen’ni. Her new skin is absolutely gorgeous, though.

Rating Updates

Carleen/Hedy - Moved From “Support” to “Converter” - This is something we ought to have done a long time ago. In the early days of the game, Carleen and Hedy differentiated themselves from converters who only existed for conversion with their versatility and damage output. Nowadays, though, more and more converters come with significant damage profiles (Chen’ni, Rachel) or have strong utility value (Eicy, Sikare, and now Batia), which means that Carleen and Hedy are right at home in the Converter category.
Algol - Monitoring - While we’re still awaiting a Dark Tile DPS/another Dark Tile converter for Fire to see if Algol gets upshifted to SS tier, Batia was a pretty huge boon for her overall. If we get another Dark Tile unit for Fire, Algol will be a real force to be reckoned with. On top of that, Algol’s color-agnostic Dark Tile conversion means she has use cases outside of her element in certain Dark Tile teams.
BT0 Irridon - A+ - With the advent of Rachel and more conversion in Thunder, Irridon’s usefulness at the BT0 level has waned. You could even argue that she shouldn’t have been in S tier to begin with. She still has some of the best conversion available in the game, but as time passes her preemptive strike being locked behind MBT and lack of meaningful damage or utility starts to show a lot more.
BT0 Chen’ni - A+ - Speaking of other conversion options, Chen’ni is quite a bit better at BT0 than we initially thought. Her damage profile, especially in teams with Rachel or Reinhardt, is nothing to scoff at. She’s excellent as a flex or DPS option in these comps. She’s reliant on other units to function well here at BT0 and hurts from the lack of preemptive strike, but you can definitely use her for more than her Active Skill.
Liqing - A+ - While still solid, Liqing hasn’t aged well at all. Dedicated healers in Fire are struggling to stand out amidst units like Mia Alter, Victoria, and Eicy. Even worse for Liqing are his RNG buffs and the fact that he doesn’t heal that much to begin with. So, altogether you have a package that’s just not worth running over other options. He’s still a good unit, though, and certainly quite a bit better than Alice (remember the immortal Alice bug?).
MBT Genevieve - A - Genevieve has really good mobility and a Chain Combo buff that, surprisingly, does contribute a decent bit to the team’s overall damage. Unfortunately, the rest of her kit is awful and her MBT effect requires you to hit enemies, which isn’t as easy as it sounds with her wonky teleportation options. It doesn’t stop her from seeing interesting plays every now and again, though, and it’s always nice to see a unit from the early days of the game continue to have some relevance.

Event CG Archive Updates

Due to Eclogia’s busy schedule, we unfortunately have to delay the updates for the Event CG Archive until the next reddit post. Thanks for your understanding.

Community News

The team continues to work on various guides, including the aforementioned Batia intro guide. We’ve also updated the Example Teams by Element guide with Tiare’s Dark Tile team (which may be updated soon with the incoming Reinhardt buffs). A couple members of the team are also working on a tryhard Desolation Codex guide for those of you who really want to dig into the dirty details of that game mode.
As for what’s ahead, Tourdog announced that we’re finally getting our next True Order event, with Victoria’s alter being the limited unit. Whether she’ll be Fire or Forest remains to be seen, but we’re excited about getting to see the True Order characters be relevant again. We’re also finally getting our first new male 6* since, uh, Istvan Alter six whole months ago.
We also know that there are buffs incoming for Reinhardt (who definitely needed them), Barton: Deft Blades, Antony, Zarya, Smokey, Bethel and potentially even more units. We have no idea why they’re doing this, but it’s probably because they saw our namesake, Bethel, getting surpassed by newer units and wanted to right that wrong. Some wild speculation on the buffs themselves: Reinhardt might become a Dark Tile DPS, Barton Alter’s issues could be solved, Zarya may come back after being humiliated by Rachel, and Smokey could get some kind of Dark Tile addition to let her pair with Batia. What we don’t have to speculate about is that these buffs will be significant and possibly require a massive tier list update. So, look forward to that.
Last but not least, Refinements for older Aurorians (Sinsa enjoyers rejoice!?) will also be coming during the third anniversary. Lots to be excited about in the future!
One final note — the news that the Kimaris database is shutting down is certainly disheartening, but the Tier List updates will continue as usual. It’s been an absolute pleasure to work with Klöen and Phantaminum this past year, and the team hopes they have greener pastures ahead of them no matter what they decide to do. Meanwhile, should Kimaris become inaccessible before we finish ironing out the details of if and when we’ll be relocating to a new website, we’ll still be keeping the spreadsheet version of the Tier List up to date. The circumstances might not be ideal, but rest assured — we’re not leaving.
And with that, I shall lay down my metaphorical pen. Until next time!
Best regards,
Team BethelFrankel
submitted by cuzimori to AlchemyStarsEN [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:25 JacquesWebster2nd2nd [FRESH] new Young Thug verse on River

[Intro: Young Thug]

[Verse 1: Young Thug]
Big [CENSORED] [CENSORED], I know who paid for it, yeah (Big [CENSORED] [CENSORED], I know who paid for it)
Big [CENSORED] [CENSORED], I know who paid for it (Big [CENSORED] [CENSORED], I know who paid for it)
We rock an Audemars Piguet, you ain't on no sad [CENSORED] (We rock an Audemars Piguet, by hundred, yeah, yeah)
If you say your grace, I'll get your [CENSORED] fixed, yeah
Diamonds, they jump out a Rolls (Rolls)
Stay with you, high, wasn't supposed ('posed)
When I'm rockin' [CENSORED] addict clothes, oh, yeah (Clothes, yeah)
Peanut butter guts for the inside (Inside)
We goin' for a bite, up to Hibachis (Hibachis)
Molly came white like a Mentos, Mentos (Mentos)
I don't do credit, I don't do credit
Shut up [CENSORED], shine my necklacе (Shut up)
Playin' with the blocks like Tetris (Yеah)
Over one-fifty on my dentures (My dentures)
Are you tying ties with all your women (Tying ties all yo')
Keep your dogs strapped down, they be reckless (Yeah, yeah)
Audemar bust down, and it's speckless (Oh yeah)
No complaining', that they calling me the bestest (Yeah)
Presi' cut bust down both necklace (Bustdown necklace)
Ain't telling no reason to disguise it (Woah)
I done seen it and turned my eyes (On God)
Tell your main [CENSORED] a thousand lies (Hah)
Told my main [CENSORED] the truth, that's on slime (On God)
I'm a Leo, I got nine lives (Huh)
Bounty hunters when we come for your life (Woo)
If you want see me, it's a scene (What?)
Gotta tell me everything that I need (Need)
Malcolm X told the guy how to read (Now what?)
Like it dirty, but I'm havin' cheese (Woo)
I got a [CENSORED] in Belize (I got a [CENSORED] in Belize)
Might be pregnant and this ain't a tease
I was tellin' my slime not to leave (I was tellin' my slime not to leave)
Too much money to be in the streets, yeah (Let's go)
submitted by JacquesWebster2nd2nd to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:25 Friendly-Neck-6089 Supercolony complaints

Imagine if you're playing Tetris and halfway through the game a set of blocks drops from the left side instead of the top. You go: wtf? that's clearly not how that's supposed to work. So you go online and you ask about fixing this clear issue and you're immediately bombarded by people saying you're whiny, you sucks, you can't play, etc.
That is what's happening right now. The bugs spawning ON the drills is CLEARLY not supposed to happen. It's literally the ONLY complaint that anyone has had about this mission and people are attacking them for this VALID complaint about a CLEAR BUG.
Being able to play the game through the bugs is great, but don't punish other people for wanting to play the game as it was obviously intended, not in it's current bugged state.
I LOVE this game. Just wanted to point out that problems aren't going to be fixed if everyone and their mother is labeled a whiner simply for pointing them out....
submitted by Friendly-Neck-6089 to helldivers2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 01:22 OfficialKoeichiHero [Bleep Bloop]

[Bleep Bloop]
Platinum #1,672: Bleep Bloop A puzzle platformer with a silly name, Bleep Bloop is a game you should not judge by its cover art. All trophies in this game will be unlocked easily by the end of the game, except one. That’s where the REAL struggle begins. The trophy “You Have A Problem” is for receiving 100 points in the hidden minigame that’s unlocked after beating all the puzzle levels. This minigame is essentially reverse Tetris, where random blocks will fall down on the screen and your goal is to survive until receiving 100 points. This minigame is 100% RNG based. The game WILL cheat and screw you over (that’s what it feels like at least) with its block placement. After about 4 days of trying this minigame for an hour or so, I managed to pull it off with a 104. Unfortunately, there are no tips I can give for this game. Follow a video for the puzzles and do your best to get a “feel” for the mechanics. It could take you 1hr or 5hrs to platinum. GOOD LUCK!
submitted by OfficialKoeichiHero to Trophies [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:16 TheChessWar Monokuma Moveset

Monokuma MOVESET
Heavyweight with 2 jumps and a crawl
Every time Monokuma gets attacked with a non-projectile attack Monokuma has a 1/61 chance to blow up instantly killing him but does tons of damage and knockback to any opponents nearby.
Basic Attacks
Jab: 1000 Blows (Jab: Mono Hits a baseball Rapid Jab: Baseball Gun used on leon)
Good damage and can flinch but no knockback and can be reflected
(Leon’s punishment Trigger Happy Havoc)
Dash: Beast Monokuma (Mono Charges forward as a dangerous beast monokuma unit)
Great Damage but decent end lag
(Beast Monokuma Units UDG)
Side Tilt: Skeleton Key (Mono Charges Key and turns it)
Two hit move. The first hit does minimal damage but insures opponents get hit by second hit which is a shield break
(Skeleton key used by Kyoko in Trigger Happy Havoc)
Up tilt: Mega Scepter (Points Scepter Above him as wind comes out of it’s top)
Weak Damage But Does Amazing Upwards KnockBack
(Mega Monokuma Bomb)
Down Tilt: Punishment Slam (Monokuma Slams Hammer on ground)
small flinching damage with end lag but has a 25% chance to bury and spikes if it hits someone off stage
(What happens every punishment time)
Side Smash: Take Off (A Rocket appears in front of Monokuma that flies up before crashing down)
Is a command grab and Does Great Damage but no real knockback and leaves mono from behind
(First Punishment we have seen)
Up Smash: Junkuma (Monokuma Jumps Up)
Does Great Knockback but leaves him vulnerable
(Junk Monokuma Leaping attack UDG)
Down Smash: Playtime (Monokuma Gets a random monokub and spins them around)
Does Great Damage And hits on both sides
(Monokubs and the icon spinning thing parents do with kids)
Neutral Air: Death By Hurricane (Monokuma Spins around)
Mid damage but spikes
(When Monokuma mentions all executions and talks about death by hurricane)
F Air: Aura Aura (Monokuma Punches super fast in front of himself)
Multiple flinching hits of damage before ending with a spike
(An attack used on Monomi)
B Air: Gas Chamber (Monokuma slides backwards as foam come out his mouth)
No real knockback but has a chance to poison
(When Monokuma mentions all executions and talks about death by gas chamber)
Up Air: Sakura Defense (Monokuma Kicks Up)
Does Great Damage and Spikes
(Move Monokuma used on sakura in trigger happy havoc)
Down Air: Beasts Pounce (Monokuma turns into a beast Monokuma and pounces down to the ground)
Acts like the last half of incineror’s up special.
(Death animation when you die from beast Monokuma in UDG)
Grab: Grabs opponent with Chain used before exections
Pummel: Drags Opponent on ground
F Throw: Grabs Opponent by the throat and puts a bomb on their chest before throwing them forward
(When Mondo throws Monokuma)
B Throw: Drags the opponent backwards before running forward
(Animation before every punishment)
Up Throw: Sirens Appear above monokuma before a bunch of units appear and dogpile the opponent
(Siren Monokuma Units and ending to almost every boss battle in UDG)
Down Throw: Monokuma pilots an excavator and crushes opponent with it (can bury)
(Alter Egos punishment)
Specials + Gimmicks
A Lot of things to mention with the special. First You might have guessed but I watch brawlfan1 including his mono moveset so a lot of these moves are gonna be similar. Speaking of which just like brawl fan suggested these are going to be randomized but fill the same general role. Except down special which will kinda work as a miscellaneous collection
Neutral Special: Despair Bullet
Number 1: Mono Spits out A Pile Of Trash (can poison and does mid damage reference to ball monokumas) 2: Monokuma Holds his staff as a monokuma bomb comes out (Acts like a homing projectile for 3 seconds before exploding. To reference its role in the boss fight if the foe hits it with a strong enough attack it will target the next closest foe which could be monokuma. From there it acts the same but can’t be hit back more then twice) 3: Monokuma Throws a Grenade (acts the same as snakes with the difference it does more damage to monokuma if hes hit by his bombs then snake gets if hes hit by his) References the bomber Monokuma units) 4: Mono Throws a crystal ball (does strong damage but no knockback. References the first kill by leon) 5: Mono Shoots out robot wasps out of a gun (can be held down to shoot out more wasps. Does small flinching damage and has a 1/10 chance to poison. References wild west insecticide) 6: Mono Throws Out Salt (acts like ice climbers down b references the cultural mixing pot)
Side Special: Despair Ride
Number 1: Monokuma Rides A Bike (acts like wario's side b with the added benefit that if it hits an opponent there is a 50% chance they drop butter which acts like an average consumable. And you can still use the side special if you leave the bike. Referencing mondos punishment) Number 2: Mono Rides a giant fist (Does Good damage but mid damage reference to bye bye ouchies) Number 3: Mono Drives A Fire Truck (Standard Gravity affected charge special lasts a second but when i say gravity affected i mean charges toward the ground and is uncancelable in the air so you better hope you were high up when you use this. Can also burn opponents. Reference to celeste ludenberg’s punishment) Number 4: Mono Rides A Robot Bison (Works like Pit's Side B with out the final Uppercut. Reference to Gundhan’s punishment) Number 5: Mono Rides Peko as she slashes forward (Acts like a weaker version of Mythra’s side b references one woman army) Number 6: Mono Rides A pac man robot (Works like pac man's side b. Reference to please insert coin)
Up Special: Despair Elevation
Number 1: A Rope appears tied over monos neck raising him up before a spiked wall flies into him (A decent amount of elevation but no control. Also the raising of monokuma doesn’t do damage, only the spiked wall does. A reference to Kaede’s punishment) Number 2: Monokuma Grows wings and flies upwards (works like pit’s up special) Number 3: Mono gets a jetpack and flies up (works like robs up b) Number 4: Mono Flings a vine over head (Basic tether recovery with one major difference. If you use the move in the air without grabbing anything the vine will break and cause monokuma to fall where he acts as a projectile. A reference to the strand of agony) Number 5: Monokuma will blow up as another Monokuma comes out riding a giant bug as it spins holding out scythes (acts like wario's up special with less height but way more damage. References wild west insecticide) Number 6: Monokuma Turns into a rocket and slightly goes up before he drills below himself (acts like ganon's wizard foot in the air. If right next to the ledge then it can grab on but this is mainly meant to troll. Much like the reference of the second ignition)
Down Special: Random Despair
Number 1: Monokuma wears a riot shield for 10 seconds which blocks all attacks from the front reference to guard monokuma units. Number 2: Monokuma Gets Electrocuted acting like pikachus thunder reference to the first thing monokuma mentions when he talks about possible executions. Number 3: Monokuma flails his arms and if any one attacks him they get attacked by the spears of Gungnir basic counter referencing the fate of Mukuro. Number 4: Landmine acts like snakes and a reference for mono’s tenacity for explosions. Number 5: Monokuma Drives a tank acting like foxes old final smash with the land master though 3 times less likely to happen as the other options reference to please insert coin. Number 6: Monokuma Raises into the air before turning into a crane holding a random tetris block where you can move left and right for 1 second before the crane drops the block doing tons of damage if it hits a foe before the crane raises into the air where monokuma takes its place reference to please insert coin. Number 7: Monokuma blows up instantly killing him but does tons of damage and knockback to any opponents nearby.
Final Smash: Ultimate Despair
There are 2 ways i see this final smash so i’ll say the one i perfer then i’ll say the one thats actually likely. The move starts with a chain either way and if any one gets hit by the chain they’ll be dragged off stage before the cinematic starts. The first option has it personallized to the characters. Not like what brawlfan1 suggested but rather each character in a category. The space characters get sent into space with the rocket before exploding, The villains get killed by the hero, vice versa for the protagonists, the princesses get killed by a dummy version of the hero and so on. The second option is junkos punishment having all of the punishments from the first game happen before finishing with the final blow of the white board. Either way it's a guaranteed stock loss.
Base Of Black And White
Pink and white (monokub and Monomi)
Black and black (Kurokuma)
White and White (Monomi true form)
White and white with red details (Leons punishment)
Orange with black stripes (Mondos punishment)
Red with orange details (Celestes punishment)
Black with brown details (Detention)
Stage intro
A giant pedestal appears where Monokuma jumps from behind it
Monokuma guzzling some honey
Monokuma Standing over a pile of money
Monokuma Swinging around a glass of wine
Visual gimmick when Monokuma wins it shows the character who lost portrait with a giant x over it instead of them clapping
Also if Monokuma loses it shows him wearing glasses
Victory Animations
Nothing appears on screen before a stomp happens where the camera pans up to see a giant Monokuma wearing a crown (Big Bang Monokuma)
Monokuma Grabs the camera before swallowing it causing static to appear (What you get when you win)
Junko appears laughing maniacally
submitted by TheChessWar to supersmashbros [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:07 TheChessWar Monokuma Moveset

Monokuma MOVESET
Heavyweight with 2 jumps and a crawl
Every time Monokuma gets attacked with a non-projectile attack Monokuma has a 1/61 chance to blow up instantly killing him but does tons of damage and knockback to any opponents nearby.
Basic Attacks
Jab: 1000 Blows (Jab: Mono Hits a baseball Rapid Jab: Baseball Gun used on leon)
Good damage and can flinch but no knockback and can be reflected
(Leon’s punishment Trigger Happy Havoc)
Dash: Beast Monokuma (Mono Charges forward as a dangerous beast monokuma unit)
Great Damage but decent end lag
(Beast Monokuma Units UDG)
Side Tilt: Skeleton Key (Mono Charges Key and turns it)
Two hit move. The stage does minimal damage but insures opponents
(Skeleton key used by Kyoko in Trigger Happy Havoc)
Up tilt: Mega Scepter (Points Scepter Above him as wind comes out of it’s top)
Weak Damage But Does Amazing Upwards KnockBack
(Mega Monokuma Bomb)
Down Tilt: Punishment Slam (Monokuma Slams Hammer on ground)
small flinching damage with end lag but has a 25% chance to bury and spikes if it hits someone off stage
(What happens every punishment time)
Side Smash: Take Off (A Rocket appears in front of Monokuma that flies up before crashing down)
Is a command grab and Does Great Damage but no real knockback and leaves mono from behind
(First Punishment we have seen)
Up Smash: Junkuma (Monokuma Jumps Up)
Does Great Knockback but leaves him vulnerable
(Junk Monokuma Leaping attack UDG)
Down Smash: Playtime (Monokuma Gets a random monokub and spins them around)
Does Great Damage And hits on both sides
(Monokubs and the icon spinning thing parents do with kids)
Neutral Air: Death By Hurricane (Monokuma Spins around)
Mid damage but spikes
(When Monokuma mentions all executions and talks about death by hurricane)
F Air: Aura Aura (Monokuma Punches super fast in front of himself)
Multiple flinching hits of damage before ending with a spike
(An attack used on Monomi)
B Air: Gas Chamber (Monokuma slides backwards as foam come out his mouth)
No real knockback but has a chance to poison
(When Monokuma mentions all executions and talks about death by gas chamber)
Up Air: Sakura Defense (Monokuma Kicks Up)
Does Great Damage and Spikes
(Move Monokuma used on sakura in trigger happy havoc)
Down Air: Beasts Pounce (Monokuma turns into a beast Monokuma and pounces down to the ground)
Acts like the last half of incineror’s up special.
(Death animation when you die from beast Monokuma in UDG)
Grab: Grabs opponent with Chain used before exections
Pummel: Drags Opponent on ground
F Throw: Grabs Opponent by the throat and puts a bomb on their chest before throwing them forward
(When Mondo throws Monokuma)
B Throw: Drags the opponent backwards before running forward
(Animation before every punishment)
Up Throw: Sirens Appear above monokuma before a bunch of units appear and dogpile the opponent
(Siren Monokuma Units and ending to almost every boss battle in UDG)
Down Throw: Monokuma pilots an excavator and crushes opponent with it (can bury)
(Alter Egos punishment)
Specials + Gimmicks
A Lot of things to mention with the special. First You might have guessed but I watch brawlfan1 including his mono moveset so a lot of these moves are gonna be similar. Speaking of which just like brawl fan suggested these are going to be randomized but fill the same general role. Except down special which will kinda work as a miscellaneous collection
Neutral Special: Despair Bullet
Number 1: Mono Spits out A Pile Of Trash (can poison and does mid damage reference to ball monokumas) 2: Monokuma Holds his staff as a monokuma bomb comes out (Acts like a homing projectile for 3 seconds before exploding. To reference its role in the boss fight if the foe hits it with a strong enough attack it will target the next closest foe which could be monokuma. From there it acts the same but can’t be hit back more then twice) 3: Monokuma Throws a Grenade (acts the same as snakes with the difference it does more damage to monokuma if hes hit by his bombs then snake gets if hes hit by his) References the bomber Monokuma units) 4: Mono Throws a crystal ball (does strong damage but no knockback. References the first kill by leon) 5: Mono Shoots out robot wasps out of a gun (can be held down to shoot out more wasps. Does small flinching damage and has a 1/10 chance to poison. References wild west insecticide) 6: Mono Throws Out Salt (acts like ice climbers down b references the cultural mixing pot)
Side Special: Despair Ride
Number 1: Monokuma Rides A Bike (acts like wario's side b with the added benefit that if it hits an opponent there is a 50% chance they drop butter which acts like an average consumable. And you can still use the side special if you leave the bike. Referencing mondos punishment) Number 2: Mono Rides a giant fist (Does Good damage but mid damage reference to bye bye ouchies) Number 3: Mono Drives A Fire Truck (Standard Gravity affected charge special lasts a second but when i say gravity affected i mean charges toward the ground and is uncancelable in the air so you better hope you were high up when you use this. Can also burn opponents. Reference to celeste ludenberg’s punishment) Number 4: Mono Rides A Robot Bison (Works like Pit's Side B with out the final Uppercut. Reference to Gundhan’s punishment) Number 5: Mono Rides Peko as she slashes forward (Acts like a weaker version of Mythra’s side b references one woman army) Number 6: Mono Rides A pac man robot (Works like pac man's side b. Reference to please insert coin)
Up Special: Despair Elevation
Number 1: A Rope appears tied over monos neck raising him up before a spiked wall flies into him (A decent amount of elevation but no control. Also the raising of monokuma doesn’t do damage, only the spiked wall does. A reference to Kaede’s punishment) Number 2: Monokuma Grows wings and flies upwards (works like pit’s up special) Number 3: Mono gets a jetpack and flies up (works like robs up b) Number 4: Mono Flings a vine over head (Basic tether recovery with one major difference. If you use the move in the air without grabbing anything the vine will break and cause monokuma to fall where he acts as a projectile. A reference to the strand of agony) Number 5: Monokuma will blow up as another Monokuma comes out riding a giant bug as it spins holding out scythes (acts like wario's up special with less height but way more damage. References wild west insecticide) Number 6: Monokuma Turns into a rocket and slightly goes up before he drills below himself (acts like ganon's wizard foot in the air. If right next to the ledge then it can grab on but this is mainly meant to troll. Much like the reference of the second ignition)
Down Special: Random Despair
Number 1: Monokuma wears a riot shield for 10 seconds which blocks all attacks from the front reference to guard monokuma units. Number 2: Monokuma Gets Electrocuted acting like pikachus thunder reference to the first thing monokuma mentions when he talks about possible executions. Number 3: Monokuma flails his arms and if any one attacks him they get attacked by the spears of Gungnir basic counter referencing the fate of Mukuro. Number 4: Landmine acts like snakes and a reference for mono’s tenacity for explosions. Number 5: Monokuma Drives a tank acting like foxes old final smash with the land master though 3 times less likely to happen as the other options reference to please insert coin. Number 6: Monokuma Raises into the air before turning into a crane holding a random tetris block where you can move left and right for 1 second before the crane drops the block doing tons of damage if it hits a foe before the crane raises into the air where monokuma takes its place reference to please insert coin. Number 7: Monokuma blows up instantly killing him but does tons of damage and knockback to any opponents nearby.
Final Smash: Ultimate Despair
There are 2 ways i see this final smash so i’ll say the one i perfer then i’ll say the one thats actually likely. The move starts with a chain either way and if any one gets hit by the chain they’ll be dragged off stage before the cinematic starts. The first option has it personallized to the characters. Not like what brawlfan1 suggested but rather each character in a category. The space characters get sent into space with the rocket before exploding, The villains get killed by the hero, vice versa for the protagonists, the princesses get killed by a dummy version of the hero and so on. The second option is junkos punishment having all of the punishments from the first game happen before finishing with the final blow of the white board. Either way it's a guaranteed stock loss.
Base Of Black And White
Pink and white (monokub and Monomi)
Black and black (Kurokuma)
White and White (Monomi true form)
White and white with red details (Leons punishment)
Orange with black stripes (Mondos punishment)
Red with orange details (Celestes punishment)
Black with brown details (Detention)
Stage intro
A giant pedestal appears where Monokuma jumps from behind it
Monokuma guzzling some honey
Monokuma Standing over a pile of money
Monokuma Swinging around a glass of wine
Visual gimmick when Monokuma wins it shows the character who lost portrait with a giant x over it instead of them clapping
Also if Monokuma loses it shows him wearing glasses
Victory Animations
Nothing appears on screen before a stomp happens where the camera pans up to see a giant Monokuma wearing a crown (Big Bang Monokuma)
Monokuma Grabs the camera before swallowing it causing static to appear (What you get when you win)
Junko appears laughing maniacally
submitted by TheChessWar to SmashBrosUltimate [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:24 Blockchain-TEMU Holy Communion Details

  1. Communion 16.35HZ-120HZ Roar - This is the Move of Suicune or Entei or Raichu or Beta Suicune which is activated by the Preist Entei to give the first stage of holy communion, first communion 1.1 120HZ-650HZ This is jesus realm of holy communion, of pussy yeast bread bacteria (261.5HZ) and the very limit of jesus' power, Plumbing in a Live Setting (650HZ) and also jesus' roar which jesus as Raichu does not roar but thunder bolt (120HZ). 16.35HZ-33HZ Prime Ground for yelling at oil, yell a little above the base 1.2 650HZ-917HZ This is the bound of natural potatos or other plants, which the garden is important to many christians and also other religion so this refers to the terrarium in space christianity or the garden of the person in base christianity 1.3 Note 917, Potato slightly above their resource value, 396 Dimensionless Constant to 512 Dimensionless Constant 1.4 917-1111HZ Russian Range, From above potato (Beet) and 1111, Combat Plates 1.5 1111HZ to 1800HZ American Range, The Latest tostito or dorito of the american as the bag is the upper limit description intermediary - Americans are Gaigin so use dimensionless for their product here 1200 sugar 1300 glycine 1400 hydrogen 1500 pepsi cola et cetera even though it is holy communion! 1.6 1800-4096HZ Holy body of the individual, above doritoes is the gamer girl pee and bathwater of the person, which holy water is the binaca of the bathwater and no gamer girl pee in it or soap 1.7 Binaca can be formed from the deactivated virus and bacteria of the compound being made of bacteria, the virus inactive antidote and bacterial counter are provided in binaca or vaccine oil 1.8 Holy water contains a specific binaca, binaca of christian 1.9 Binaca is generally nonhazardous as it is a peptide oil which contains live vaccine 2.0 Specific dangerous binaca is not referenced, only oral binaca (holy water packet) 2.1 Binaca is very healthy and prevents diseases 2.2 Pure vaccine oil disderived but made in mind with binaca can be injected as a vaccine oil that is not a body innoculation 2.3 Communion is a placebo when it is jesus body 200HZ Chanterelle because that is dimensionless and thus american, and the placebo or laugh is the best drug 2.4 Jesus body can be consumed due to his Rezzurection at mount hyal behind a boulder due to unforeseen spatiotemporal forces from the future, god had kidnapped jesus to take him as a teacher for angels thus his body can be eaten as holy communion and his actual body exists at 400HZ Which is not dimensionless but holy, e.g. a trancedental being 2.5 Communion actively rezzurects jesus and if communion stops oil is more ugandan and there is no way to get something from nothing 2.6 Jesus invented mana crypto in his live so mana is evoked to this day in steam inventory trades and in the domestic behavior of animals which forever more after jesus' life animals can be tamed and not steer wild 2.7 Rocket leauge in the decentraland setting is how jesus obtained mana by selling his life which involved running into the wilderness, the decentraland rocket leauge game is based around the meta of jesus' life going to the wilderness and surviving as a young child 2.8 Communion actively accesses the life of jesus when it is taken due to the denormalizing meme force, jesus' rocket leauge mana game is holy communion and chewed generally on average in a whopping 26 chews, communion is chewed on average longer than any food so it evokes jesus' sale of his life to psynet 2.9 Jesus invented the rocket leauge ice block 3.0 Jesus invented the first diffusor which was used for a water pipe 3.1 On his prestige jesus invented the first firearm alongside my friend mason 3.2 Jesus's true name is PYBCES or Pussy Yeast Bread Jesus. 3.1.4 Jesus Plays Tetris and is involved with Super Adventure Time
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:41 Competitive-Ruin225 Guid To Not Getting Error Codes (Red Error Codes Project Zomboid

Guid To Not Getting Error Codes (Red Error Codes Project Zomboid
If you ever encounter issues with your modded game*, it's likely 99% the users mistake, not the mods themselves. This is a common stumbling block for newcomers, and even platforms like Steam share a portion of the blame by making mod installation seem deceptively easy. But the truth is, mods are complex creations, and conflicts are bound to happen when you're tinkering with game files. Here's how to steer clear of trouble:*

Things To Know Before Modding (single-Player Version)

Fixing your Broken Mods
Read Mod Descriptions: Take the time to read through mod descriptions carefully. Some mods require manual installation or have specific instructions for optimal performance. For instance, mods like "Better Car Physics" or "Dynamic Bodies" may need a bit of extra attention to set up correctly.
Use Common Sense: When two mods are meddling with the same game elements, conflicts are almost inevitable. Seek out compatibility patches to smooth over these potential rough spots. Remember, a little common sense goes a long way in the world of modding.
Download Mindfully: Resist the urge to mass-download mods—it's a recipe for disaster. Instead, take a cautious approach by downloading a small batch at a time, typically between one to five, and test them thoroughly. If you're playing a robust game like Project Zomboid, you might be able to push the limit slightly, but proceed with caution.
Mind Your Load Order: Load order management might sound daunting, but it's essential for a smoothly running game. Mods load in a specific sequence after the game initializes its files, allowing them to overwrite or append new content. Neglecting load order considerations can lead to chaos. Thankfully, tools like Project Zomboid's load order manager simplify this process. Remember to apply your newfound "common sense" when arranging mods in your load order.
Open Mods, In settings Main Menu, Bottom Right will be Mod Load Order
Load order Read Red Text
Here's a handy breakdown for determining load order:
Core Overhaul Mods: These are mods that significantly alter gameplay mechanics, graphics, or add new features. They should be loaded first due to their heavy scripting. Examples include "Skyrim Redone" for Skyrim or "Sim Settlements" for Fallout 4. In the case of Project Zomboid, it could be a mod that is large and complicated.
Mod Loaders: These are mods you install to improve in-game mod loading.
Scripted Mods: Mods that add scripts or functions to the game or overhaul aspects such as day-night cycles, zombie behavior, vehicle interiors, NPC behavior, etc.
UI Mods: These mods change the user interface of the game, such as Inventory Tetris, Moodlit, Hot bars, Moveable Hot bars, Hunger bars, and anything that adds elements to the screen.
Mesh Mods: Mods that add new weapons, character meshes, or models.
Vehicle Mods: Mods specifically related to vehicles in the game.
Small Mods: These mods make small changes to the game, such as holster mods, rain texture replacers, or mods that change one simple aspect. They are loaded almost last as they might affect the functionality of mods loaded earlier.
Replacer Mods and Compatibility Patches: Mods that change the functions of other mods, replace them, or add new mechanics to existing mods. Examples include Inventory Tetris Patches or Hunger bar DayZ Style replacers. These should be loaded last, after other mods, especially those they interact with directly.
"I hope this was beneficial for everyone. Please feel free to direct message me if any parts were unclear, as this was a simplified explanation. In the future, I plan to create a YouTube video providing a more detailed guide, as there seems to be a lack of modding tutorials for Project Zomboid on the platform, or at least none that demonstrate the correct procedures"
submitted by Competitive-Ruin225 to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 11:16 anny_t_ka Fluency Fitness: A Busy Polyglot's Guide to Daily Micro-Workouts for Unstoppable Language Retention

Fluency Fitness: A Busy Polyglot's Guide to Daily Micro-Workouts for Unstoppable Language Retention
Any experienced language learner understands that acquiring new language skills is an Everest-sized ambition. In addition to basic reading skills and knowledge of basic phrases, Voccent allows its users to improve their listening and speaking skills, which will speed up the learning of a new language. But how to prevent that hard-earned fluency from slipping back into an awkward plateau? It’s a real uphill climb worthy of a cold sweat.
We’ve all been there — those first rapturous months devouring grammar texts and audio lessons with monkish fervor. Only to inevitably encounter life’s distracting riptides pulling you off-piste. Suddenly, you’re forgetting subjunctive tenses and butchering once-seamless accent linkages like a tongue-tied toddler.
Well, We’re pleased to report there is a solution for avoiding these fluency lapses. One that doesn’t require crafting daily calendars crammed with mind-numbing vocab drills or setting aside discrete “study sessions.” We’re talking about micro-workouts — strategic little exercises designed to integrate seamlessly into your existing routines.
The linguistic equivalent of doing calf raises while brushing your teeth or ab crunches at traffic lights, these bite-sized reinforcement hacks provide just enough linguistic cardio to keep your skills match-fit without the time suck. Best of all, they’re infinitely customizable to align with your lifestyle Tetris’d to the brim with commitments.
The basis of any good micro-workout? Ubiquity. You want to prioritize activities that feel unforced and natural amidst the hustle of modern life. Ones that slot into pockets of dead time already littering your schedule — from commutes to grocery lines to mind-wandering shower routines.
For example, one of us favorites for reinforcing vocabulary osmosis is to narrate actions out loud using only words from the target language as we go about mundane tasks. Making the bed? “Yo aflojo las sábanas, las sacudo y remuevo…” You’ll be shocked how quickly dry vocabulary terms bloom into memorable visceral associations when you craft them into descriptors of physical movement.
Similarly, you can transform any eyeball-glazing queue situation into a sneaky grammar gauntlet by procedurally conjugating all the verbs you hear in conversations around you. Stuck in an elevator? Mentally reinflect that dad’s declaration of “We’re going to the pool” through every tense, person, and modal auxiliary. An ingenious way to stay nimble with grammatical regex patterns.
But perhaps the most unobtrusive mode of micro-training comes via savvy multimedia repurposing. Music, movies, podcasts, and yes — even those ad breaks holding you hostage — are all rife with language sustenance awaiting strategic extraction.
Download micro-transcription apps that allow you to pluck and practice arbitrary phrases from your Spotify playlists or Netflix streams. You’ll be shocked how many conversational gambits and syntax structures get internalized simply by pausing to actively rehash even the most quotidian dialogue.
And for those seeking accountability partners — or seeking to graft a competitive multiplayer angle onto the proceedings — there’s no shortage of endearingly abrasive polyglot coaches offering up bite-sized daily challenges across socials. From X vocab battles to Snapchat speaking prompts, you’re never far from an opportunity to exercise your linguistic musculature alongside a global community of like-minded verbivores.
The beautiful part is none of these activities require setting aside entire blocks of sacred study periods. They’re all about diligently foraging for growth opportunities amid the nooks of your existing schedule — then capitalizing through sneaky synaptic calisthenics.
Ten minutes of vocabulary narration while doing laundry. Seven minutes of grammatical audio dissection on your morning jog. Four minutes of conversational transcript flashcards over lunch. When you make a habit of these unconscious micro-reps, focusing on consistent repetition over interminable duration, you’d be amazed how those rusty linguistic pathways snap back to life through sheer muscle memory alone.
So fear not you multi-tongued marvels! Even the most oversubscribed calendar congestion needn’t throttle your linguistic momentum. Micro-workouts are the ultimate fluency-preserving panacea for the chronically busy — a way to triage those most at-risk vocabulary deserts and grammatical atrophies with strategic, contextual cross-training. All through deceptively simple activities that quickly become thoughtless, unstoppable habits.
And hey, if you uncover any out-of-the-box micro-workout resources or routines we failed to mention, by all means loop me in! We’ll even crowdsource a polyglot micro-routine playbook if enough of you multilingual muscle wizards share your ultimate bodyweight fluency moves below.
So hit us — whether you’re a rusty relic needing a gentle re-ramp or an endurance linguist with ingenious shortcuts to swap, We’re all ears for optimizing that workout regimen. Because no matter how swole your second-tongue muscles currently seem, we can always collectively find ways to sculpt them into even more finely-chiseled fluency physiques, one micro-rep at a time.
Read in our blog What Brain Activity Reveals About Verbal Communication
submitted by anny_t_ka to voccent [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 16:16 kiteret Mold cubes* for making any 3D shapes or for flat plates with characters for text or groove-part sub-molds for tunnel pipe networks or any combination of these. Possibly with molding rods for upper side. For casting unique or small batch objects

If object will have millions of exact copies made, better to use old style mold methods for casting. But if even a part of the object changes between copies, the outer mold could have slots for cubes that have letters and numbers in one side, or something else, like route part molds that form chemical circuitry for gases and liquids in the casted final product.
The outer mold could be just a smooth hollow cube* where cubes* are placed to form any shape. The cubes are like voxels. Outer mold walls may be detachable.
This for example for casting plastic, concrete, aluminum, bronze, glass, lead, tin or steel. The sub-molds need to have higher density than the casted material, so sub-molds for steel need tungsten.
Many other shapes besides cubes can be used: for example, elongated or flattened cubes, "tetris" blocks, hexagons, octagons+cubes, triangles or cubes with one side angled...
The resulting object may have blocky or voxel-like small-scale shape. Somewhere it may be funny or bearable (the cubical shapes can work as heat transfer fins or for friction ) and for other things, a starting point for other methods, like grinding them off or additive manufacturing / 3d printing.
The upper side may be flat puddle surface, but if not, it may be shaped with traditional method or with 2D array of adjustably lowered shaping rods. Every rod (elongated cube or hexagon on the lower parts ) is raised or lowered on the correct height and holding pin attached. It may be done by hand, by automated machinery that moves one rod at a time or by motor and screw with every rod.
In the final product, grooves need to be shut from above with some other method to form tunnel pipes. Maybe put a smooth plate of that material on top of the grooves and heat until they attach. Or heavy mass on top of the plate may keep the pipes shut temporarily. Liquid pipes may sometimes be open. There could be a whole 3D-network of tunnel pipes inside a cube.
There could also be an automated method for placing the cubes* with rigged together electric motors with a magnet doing the lifting.
For some uses, the cubes may have to be as smooth and precise as gauge / gage-blocks, and cold welding happens, which has upsides and downsides.
submitted by kiteret to SomebodyMakeThis [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 10:16 metamemphamineman A Extremely Long Map Ranking Rant For Squidcels

F Tier (Abominable worthless garbage)
Scorch Gorge- Boy, did they really gut the trailer version of this map. The main reason why this map is all the way down here in F tier is for having hands down the worst route to get out of mid in the entire series. The second you drop into that death pit you are required to go across a ten mile long grate bridge in extremely open sightlines to escape mid in some modes. And everything else about the map is also awful. Most of the defensive spawn area doesn't work whatsoever, the sides of the map are so pathetically useless, and the zone is just like the feared kelp dome zone times two. None of the modes on this map are even remotely fun, splat zones being my least favorite map mode combination in all of splatoon, which is why this map deserves F tier.
Hammerhead Bridge- Remember when hammerhead bridge was good? Well I don't, because I never played the first game, but it doesn't take a genius to see just how badly they gutted this map. This is quite literally choke point: the map, because at every part of this stage the amount of options you have boils down to one. This is literally just a straight line that we call map design, because splatoon 3 has lowered our standards. If you genuinely enjoy this map then I am honestly happy for you because this map is like the bubonic plague for the rest of us. I can't even fathom why the devs managed to change on of the best maps in the entire series into one of the worst maps in the entire series in one fell swoop. -1 goptillion social credit points./
D Tier (Garbage)
Brinewater Springs- They should rename this one to dogwater springs, because that's what it is. For starters, the map is tiny, taking two seconds to get to mid and back. There are no paintable walls whatsoever and most matches here devolve into special spam. The only saving grace of this map are the tiny extra routes on this map, like the drop to mid flank and the useless retake route, but outside of clams, where there is an extremely useful inkrail, this map is trash, which is why it gets D tier.
Eeltail Alley- The spawn area is useless, the map is a hallway, long range weapons are way too oppressive here, the zone is so insanely massive and hard to cap for no reason, there is one route into the enemy base and that is through an uninkable, there are too many one-way drops, the map is one of the most lockout heavy maps in the series and the theming of the map is just mid, which is terrible compared to all the other maps having amazing themes. All the marks of bad map design in one is what best defines eeltail alley. So why is this map not in F tier? One simple reason: the bridge is a semi-cool gimmick that adds a bit of complexity to fights and uniqueness to the map. Basically, at least it tries to be cool, which is more than I can say for some of the maps in this game. D tier, because this is my tier list and I can do whatever I want.
C Tier (Bad)
Wahoo World- Wahoo is the exact opposite of what you'll be saying when you play this map, because you're gonna have a bad time here. The fact that the main route is gone for half the match is such a obvious flaw and drags the map down by so much. But to be fair, this map really isn't as bad as people say it is. The spinning carousel gimmick is very useful and enjoyable, and you have many routes out of spawn. But at the end of the day, it's still wahoo world, you already know that this one isn't placing very high. C tier.
Mincemeat Metalworks- This is a name that strikes fear into the hearts of all splatoon players, and for good reason- it used to be arguably the worst splatoon map of all time, next to walleye warehouse. Luckily, they did renovate the stage, and while the changes were lacking in most of the serious issues, I think people don't give it enough credit for the changes it did make. Specifically, the improvement of the main route into the enemy spawn and the center block has made rainmaker a mode I actually somewhat enjoy. Tower control and splat zones are just meh, but clam blitz really drags this map down, as it is the easiest clam blitz map to stall on in all of splatoon. Sometimes, both teams will even go into overtime because nobody has scored the entire 5 minutes. For that reason, I have to place mincemeat in C tier.
Undertow Spillway- The fact that this map takes place in a sewer is fitting because a sewer is indicative of the quality of this map. The main problem we all know and love here is the hourglass design of the map that funnels you into mid. This ruins the entire flow of the map in most modes. Another big problem is how the other side of the enemy spawn is totally inaccessible to the enemies, making that whole side of the map useless. The so called "Rework" did absolutely nothing to change this map, other than the strange underpass in mid. The only thing that boosts this map into C tier is how rainmaker here is one of the best map modes in all of splatoon 3, and is definetly the best rainmaker map. The flow between the two sides works very well, and the terrible mid is usually irrelevant in this mode. For those reasons, undertow gets C tier.
B Tier (Ok)
Barnacle and damn- Probably one of the most disappointing maps ever. It must have taken the devs two years just to make the background of this map, and two hours for the layout, because this map is just another generic tetris block. This is probably the map I want to get a rework the most, because it could be seriously cool and unique, but right now it's just bland. With that sasid the map still doe shave some decent albeit boring terrain, and the plat area is actually pretty fun, so I have to give this map a B tier.
Umami Ruins- I don't really have a lot to say about this map. It's good in two modes, and bad in the other two, and it's got a good mid but a bad spawn. I wish that there was another route on this map(and not just some grates), or if they made the spawn less prone to camping. This stage could be way better if it got a rework, especially if it made the map wider, or gave us back the trailer version of the map. The map also looks cool ig. B tier map.
Hagglefish Market- Another map that I have very little to say about. This map is literally the definition of mid. It's just average in all modes, has a bland layout and zero gimmicks or interesting pieces of terrain. The only notable set piece is the tents scattered across the map. The only thing about this map that I particularly like is the amount of sponges for defenders to backtrack, and the only thing I particularly dislike is how the long flank that goes behind the enemy plat is only accessible in some modes. With all that said, this is the perfect B tier map.
Crableg Capital- Mr. Krabs's favorite map. The amount of grates in this stage is immense, making it feel similar to the old S1 hammerhead. Unfortunately, crableg is not, in fact, S1 hammerhead, mainly due to the fact that there is(most of the time) only one route into the enemy base, and no sponges, making pushing and retreating a massive pain. Still, the wide-open mid is a huge boon to the map's overall feel, and in rainmaker and clams the added route(s) make the map exponentially better. Of course, you can't talk about crableg without talking about the background. The view from the skyscraper down to the city is genuinely beautiful, and easily contends as one of splatoons best looking areas. Sadly, this map having amazing looks and being Mr. Krabs's favorite does not save it from the curse of the one route, making this map a high B tier.
A Tier (Good)
Sturgeon Shipyard- Cool stage I like. Going under mid is very nice and the spinny block makes my two braincells go brrr. Rainmaker very good cause side route has spinny thing the second which make for twice the brrr. Clam blitz a no-no cus basket too close and such,make brain go rruuuu(unpleasant). Also I played on this map like 1000000 times already so why is it always on rotation seriously nintendoofus I don't want to play sturgeon shipyard for the rest of my life. Shadow realm tier.
Inkblot art academy- I forget this map is even in the game at all. Sides good, Mid good, multiple routes good and theming good. Will anyone even bother to read this? I mean, even if someone has the attention span to read this far into the post, they'll probably just skip this one because everybody knows inkblot is just a average good map, but nobody's favorite. What are you wasting you time doing here? Your time is of zero value. The braincells you kill here will never be remembered. You gain nothing by staring at this paragraph, and no matter what you do in life, you never will. You mean nothing to anyone. You serve zero purpose. You should kill yourself NOW. A tier ig.
Shipshape Cargo Co.- This map has easily one of the best look of any splatoon map, especially in splatfest mode. The map in general is pretty decent all around, having a decent amount of paintable walls, defensive ground and width. Tower control especially on this map is great because of the genius tower path with many routes and jumps. This map only falls flat is on retake, as you have two routes to push on, but one will get you shot down by the backline while the other is where the other three enemies will be camping. Other than that, this is a all-round pretty good map.
Flounder shorts- The Splatoon Flounder Shorts are a vibrant burst of color and creativity, mirroring the exuberant energy of the game they're inspired by. With their striking design featuring the iconic flounder fish motif, these shorts encapsulate the quirky charm of the Splatoon universe. Crafted for both style and comfort, they boast a relaxed fit and high-quality materials, making them perfect for a day of gaming or outdoor adventures. Whether you're battling it out in the Turf War or simply strolling around town, the Flounder Shorts are a playful statement piece that celebrates the spirit of Splatoon in every stitch. They easily deserve 4 gold stars in my 100 percent competitively viable tier list.
Humpback Gumptrack- The only splatoon 2 stage ported to this game that actually feels significantly better in this game. While the changes to the map are minor, this map mainly benefits from the absence of stingray, tenta missiles, ink armor and other spammable S2 specials. The sides on this map are actually amazing, and the stage is one of the biggest in the game, which, combined with the curved slopes, makes this one of the most unique maps we have right now. Humpback is good in all modes, but it's never really that great, which is why I can't give it S tier. Maybe someone else would have placed this map higher, but I'm giving it a high A tier.
Bluefin Depot- This map is one of the few splatoon 1 maps that wasn't actually made worse in splatoon 3. Compared to the splatoon 1 version, I'd say that this map is slightly better. The cool gimmicks that this map has makes it always fun to play on, and it also marks the return of the super tall tower from splatoon 1. The zones moving zones gimmick is also fun and notable. While this map has many small issues, it's mostly made up for in positives. The only exception to this though, is clam blitz. There is no way to approach the basket without being seen from far away, making this one of the most painful and stally clam blitz maps in the game, which drags the rating down by a little bit. For that, I give this map A tier.
S Tier (Great)
Manta Maria- The paintable walls in this map are second to only flounder shorts in terms of quantity, which gives the map a great flow in most areas. In addition, the spawn area is extensive and the grates are pretty good too. Clam blitz in this mode is a blast with the amount of routes you have. If only the clams block was available in all modes, this map would be an easy X tier, but nintendo does not know what a map design is because reggie skipped thinking class, which is why this map will never be more than S tier.
Marlin Airport- The newest map in splatoon 3 as of the time of posting, and probably one of the best. This map is very cool casually cuz it is one of only two stages ever to include the propeller lifts, alongside anchovy. This map gives you very good routes to drop into mid, as well as good routes around it via the propellers. The mid are is decently wide, and has a nice balance of snipe spots and cover. The propeller platforms are super cool, and the way they are implemented leads to unique fights. While it has alot of upsides, there is one major issue that this map faces, that being the one route in the enemy side of the map, but to be fair, this is the single most lenient choke point in all of splatoon, being very wide and with lots of cover, and in rain and clams there is a extra route via a side propellor, making this a small issue. aSs tier map.
Mahi-Mahi Resort- After the rework, this map is honestly one of the best in the game. The islands now actually function as alternate routes around mid, the water lowering gimmick gives you more terrain to play around, and while the map still is small, there are tons of routes and paintable walls that make this a blast to play on. This is probably the only map in the game where I genuinely think that the turf war variation is the best, because unlike the other maps, they don't remove half of the routes here. While this map is slightly worse than the S1 version, I still think that this map deserves an S tier.
Robo ROM-en- This is a stage everybody was expecting to be up here, and for good reason- It has probably the best mid in the entire game. The amount of paintable walls and the trench flank add so much depth and complexity to how you move around mid, and the spawn area has some pretty nice defensive terrain that actually works, unlike other maps. However, there is one big issue that I have that keeps this map from X tier, and that is that in half the modes, there is only one single way to get into the enemy spawn. The map suffers from having this totally unnecessary chokepoint that makes sub and special spam way more effective and gives defenders little opportunities to back up. Without this issue, the map would flow much better between the bases and mid rather than stagnating at one point, but as it is now, I can only give this map an S.
XXX Tier (Makomart)
Makomart-That's right, in my opinion makomart is the best map in all of Splatoon 3. Makomart is a map that isn't special in any way, but every aspect of the map is executed so perfectly that it is always peak on every modes. It checks all the boxes of good map design- multiple routes around mid, multiple routes into the enemy base, paintable walls, not too small but not too big, open mid area, lots of spawn terrain and even has a cool theme. In rainmaker especially the amount of cool jumps you can do is insane, and the map flows easily through all the different areas. If you don't like makomart then I suggest you seek serious medical attention because this stage is seriously without a single flaw. Triple X tier.
Z- Tier
Museum D'Alphonsino- Fuck this map 0/69
Yeah, I wrote this whole post instead of doing an english essay becuz funni squd game is better than English.
submitted by metamemphamineman to splatoon [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 20:32 D-List_Celebrity Unhinged "gamer CEO" should probably have switched to decaf

it's a TOMMYFESTO! https://amicoage.neocities.org/253 He really lets people get under his skin. Watch him say, "I would ignore that guy" then immediately after typing that, he posts ...
I would ignore that guy. He comes across as an extremely arrogant and rude individual that I had to block on both Twitter and YouTube.
Every time I would post an article about Dean Takahashi on Twitter he would mock him relentlessly and call him disparaging names. He was extremely rude and wanted to let everyone know how better he was at being a journalist for his "blog" the no one reads. He messaged me on Twitter about 7 or 8 times and I would refuse to respond because I didn't like the way he comes across or how he treats people. The more I ignored him the more he would get nasty. So I nuked him. He would also write completely FALSE things about us which (as you pointed out) I VERY NICELY tried correcting him on. He then started DEMANDING an interview with me telling me I'm nothing until I do an interview with him... a "real" journalist.
He listens to all my interviews and then tries to come up with negative conspiracy theories about what we're doing (as you showed and pointed out).
Yes... I had to start screening YouTube comments because rude people like him would purposely leave filthy comments on our YouTube channel. He even admits it in that article. He calls it "research", but he would constantly use four letter words describing me and the console. He left that part out. I spoke about doing this in interviews! I don't try to hide it. If you're going to be nasty... expect to be nuked. There are a tons of immature people whose only goal is to spread hate and negativity because we're trying to make a video game console for families so that people can play together. OH NO!!! THE HORROR!!! WE MUST BE STOPPED BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE!!!
But the funniest and most ridiculous thing about this guy is that he has ZERO answer about our LIKES to DISLIKES ratio. Something that we in no way can control. We typically range in the 95%+ more likes than dislikes... that number is typically unheard of on YouTube. I'm not trying to "control" the message. I don't need to. What I'm doing is shutting down folks who are purposely trying to mock us using vile language. Just read the comments on ANY of our videos. There are definitely negative ones! So again... his theory falls apart. People have back and forth (positive, negative and neutral) discussions all the time on our YouTube page. Just look at the latest Astrosmash video for example. Lots of folks (not understanding what the words EARLY GAMEPLAY DEMO mean) are saying they don't like it, or they hate the music, etc. If I was doing what he said I was (nuking all negative comments) then why would those be there?? What I nuke is vile, blind and vulgar hatred. And it's my right to do so. He comes across as an entitled arrogant "wanna be" that thinks he can get ahead in life by tearing down and "exposing" others. He's got a lot to learn... but have a feeling that he will never do so. 100 followers and no one reading his blog... but he's the first to rudely name call and tell everyone how "wrong" they are doing things.
Looks like after I nuked him on Twitter & YouTube he's now trying his luck at Reddit. Thankfully I'm not a Reddit guy so I won't be engaging with his behavior there anytime soon. He's just looking for attention and feels that by attacking us I will respond. I shut him off about a week ago and now he's really "triggered".
Invite him to come in here and ask his questions. See if it's possible for him to act like an adult. I'll speak to him in here if he remains respectful to me and the community. Lets see how that goes.
As you pointed out... all 5 of those statements he made are completely incorrect.
Here's a quick summary.
1. Insulting to moms. He calls himself "The Gamer Dad" but sounds more like a single man with no kids. Everyone knows that mom's research things more for their kids than ANYTHING. He is trapped in his own negative bubble of hate.
2. COMPLETELY 100% the opposite!!! Casuals do NOT like photo realistic graphics and prefer stylized graphics that are simple and easy on the eyes. Tetris, Candy Crush, Angry Birds, Wii Bowling, Solitaire... just a few of the biggest played games in the world... and not a single one of them is graphic based. Once again... he knows nothing about the industry or the data and research... only what he thinks (based on his own opinion) and he shouts from the mountaintops that he knows better than anyone else.
3. We absolutely have a plan in place. It's something that most companies are doing in regards to China.
4. Not contradicting at all. Parents want to limit their kids TIME on the system as well. Not just the content. And our Positive Reinforcement is something I've talked about in interviews. Meaning... if a parent wants to limit their kids to say 10 hours a week... but set them up to where if they mow the lawn or clean their room or help mom in the kitchen or get a good grade on a test... the parents can award them with more time on Amico. It also helps them to learn responsibility of their time. If they play 10 hours today... then they won't be able to play for the rest of the week. Its important for kids to do OTHER things than just to play video games. How many hardware & video game CEO's will you hear say that!! But it's how I feel and we don't want to be a cause of the problem... we want to help fix it. But instead of being commended for that kind of responsible action... I am mocked and torn down by this person. Again... a bit baffling that he has the nuts to call himself "The Gamer Dad".
5. I've addressed this a MILLION times and during all of the interviews he watches and listens. The answer is obvious... he just can't comprehend it due to his lack of being able to understand that people may not have the same exact opinion as he does. Again... trapped in his bubble of negativity and hate. I would hate to live life like that.
If he wants to engage... invite him here. Lets do an "interview" in front of everyone.
I love how the one guy calls me a "communist" at the end and the other guy who is maybe on the fence about the system is now turned off to it now because of lies and misinformation.
Shame on him for posting such trash and turning people off based on misinformation in hopes that he gets a few views.
btw... calling me a "communist" for this is the same as calling a store owner a "communist" because they keep erasing the graffiti people paint on their store front. Too many entitled people in the digital world who think they can just say and do anything they want and no one has any right to try and stop them. Not a fan of those types of "cancel culture" folks. I'll stand my ground against them and don't care if they get upset.

submitted by D-List_Celebrity to Intellivision_Amico [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 04:36 Consistent_Bunch9242 I feel like I am constantly in the way- literally- and I don't know how to fix it.

I'm 24 years old, female, and have been formally diagnosed with ADHD since I was 13. There are plenty of related struggles and for the most part I can successfully navigate those issues, but one of the most irritating things that I come up against is spacial awareness, and specifically the feeling of constantly being in people's way.
There are times where I bump into people, can't seem to avoid someone coming from another direction, or lock up and can't get out of the way. There's also times where I'm just fully unaware that I'm blocking somebody in the first place.
It frustrates the hell out of me, and often my partner as well. He'll get upset when I'm unintentionally standing in the way of where he was headed, don't move fast enough, or if we're out say grocery shopping and I don't realize that I'm in somebody else's way.
If my own partner gets that upset I can't help but imagine that other people are irritated by it and are either just too polite or uncomfortable to say something. I want to get better at being more spacially aware and not have to keep feeling so upset about it, but I just can't seem to figure it out. I also sometimes overthink it which is where the "locking up" comes into play.
Is this normal for other people? I've always attributed it to having ADHD as when I was first diagnosed that happened to be one of the more minor markers, but sometimes I wonder if I'm overthinking it.
I've seen people recommend stuff like puzzles, Tetris, physical activity or sports to try and improve spacial awareness, but I don't have trouble doing any of those things with ease. It really just boils down to people and getting in the way.
It's a huge insecurity of mine and I would really appreciate anyone's tips or tricks if they've found some ways to manage and be more aware of others without obsessing over it while being out someplace.
submitted by Consistent_Bunch9242 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:24 Polo1397 I am having fun.

I just wanted to let people know that this game, even in its current state, deserves to be tested and is fun to play.
You have for the base game a 2h trial via Steam where you're free to refund. Don't go blind and pay for any edition before you've tested it, that's imo dumb if you go straight for an edition without testing.. Even more when you complain and absolutely want your money back afterward..
From my pov this Early Access title is running GOOD.
Some unlucky didn't have the chance to try it because of gamebreaking bugs but what can the devs do? How can you plan in a very small scale of a pre-alpha that anyone would spawn without a head or being unable to acces his storage? It's an Early Access and you've paid for it. They never said they were selling us a finished product. Of course it s*cks when you pay for something and it's not working we all get it but that's part of the Early Access stages of a game. Yes we pay for this access but we also help devs by tests and trials, trying what they're building and together we will reach a point where the game hits v1.0.
A good thing is that they're reactive, 2 hotfixes already and planning many others, they're communicating with us that's a big positive point right there. As I saw, they fixed majority of the head bugs even though it still persists but it means that those who were blocked are now free for the majority and can now experience this game and give data to devs ect.
Yes, it cooks my CPU. Yes, my GPU is crying. Yes, my PC despite being heavy will probably launch at anytime with fans' RPM going crazy. What am I supposed to do because of these? Not giving the game its chance? Your pc could fail you while browsing the internet despite being healthy the minute before or could fail you by playing Tetris or whatever. Don't you want to test your pc's limits? You paid for a gaming rig and don't want to fully use it and actually giving it some real work to do? Of course we want to get as much as we can out of our rigs because sh!t is expensive as hell nowadays but it is as expensive as any other hobby once you're involved and start investing into it.
Of course optimization is bad, performances are not what you're used to but you must keep in mind that this unreleased game being in its ALPHA state with lower than recommended specs won't run well at all and could simply not run at all. You also must keep in mind that even with recommended specs the game could not run as expected. You also need to take in account that a similar rig could run better than another.
A big thing to keep in mind regarding given specs for any game. As far as I know, recommended specs targets 1080p at 60fps. If you want more frames, then you need a stronger rig. You want to play on a higher resolution? Then you need an even bigger rig. You want the higher resolution with 120fps? Then you need even stronger than what was said before ect..
You could have the beefiest pc on the market as of now and the game could run poorly just because of bad optimization. Quick reminder that this is an Early Access in its first days as of now. Give it some time.
I'm off, see you in Lamang Island.

submitted by Polo1397 to GrayZoneWarfare [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 13:08 No_Training_3078 After 6 years of constantly playing PPT (1 & 2) with a friend, I am not capable of making even slightly long chains in Puyo Puyo. Any advice?

I've been playing for about 6 years, once a week on average, with a friend. We ALWAYS play in swap mode. I don't know why, but we love it. I think we tried each mode once for a few minutes and never went back to the other ones.
The thing is, I've always been decent at Tetris. No complaints there. But with Puyo Puyo... the whole chaining thing seems incredibly difficult to me. At the beginning of each game, I try to improvise a scenario to at least make a chain of 3 or 4, but even that is hard for me, between the random pieces not fitting what I'm trying to develop and the fact that I quickly start getting garbage pieces that block whatever little I've managed to build. I've watched many strategy videos on YouTube, but it's like in the videos, the pieces that come out are always perfect, and every time I play, they're completely random and useless, so I start trying to make chains of 2 and hoping that the pieces piling up by chance create a good chain... which almost never happens. Is there any foolproof method to make chains of 3 or 4? My friend isn't super good, but over the years, he's got the hang of it, and he beats me most of the time now, so the situation is starting to get awkward...
submitted by No_Training_3078 to PuyoPuyoTetris [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 22:49 Material-Seat-929 My brother (34M) ruined my (38F) wedding for me, how do I forgive him?

Necessary extensive contextual background: I (38F) married my husband (45M) in 2022. We had simple courthouse ceremony that lasted 60 seconds and planned a big reception in my home state for a few months later. Right before our wedding I found out that our special needs sister (35F) was being put on hospice and had just 6 months to live. I was devastated, I mean really wrecked. I tried to go home and help my family, but they are all quite dysfunctional, and there is a history of emotional abuse, and it ended up cracking me and I took mental health leave from work. I wanted to cancel our event and even our wedding ceremony - who could celebrate at a time like this? My mother went bananas and said absolutely not, and at some point tearfully begged me to keep the plans; she needed it. I love my mom so much, and she was my sister's primary caregiver her whole life, I would do anything for her. So I continued planning.
It was during this time that my brother did something that I am having a really hard time forgiving. I was extremely stressed out planning this wedding reception. I should have hired a wedding planner, but I was so stuck on keeping to our budget (also my husband was very anxious about spending this money). I was under a lot of pressure - I was back at work but not doing well mentally, planning a reception from 900 miles away that was costing all my meager savings, my sister was dying, my family was in disarray.
My brother and I have had a strained relationship since the 2016 election but were close before then. I am pretty liberal and he is full MAGA, and I am legitimately concerned he is at risk for radicalization. I spent years working in human rights and communications, and during that time I often received violent threats from MAGA people. I heard my brother repeating many of their "talking points" when he was needling me about political things. He also frequently belittles me for my positions on issues - for example: when I expressed concern for the rise in sexual assaults after the "grab em by the xxx" statement because I myself have experienced an assault in that way, he told me to "go find a safe space at the neighbor's house to cry in." I tried to let this stuff roll off my back, but as things got worse and worse, and as the violent threats became death threats, my tolerance ran low. Any time my brother is confronted about his behavior (getting blackout drunk frequently, engaging in self-destructive behaviors, saying mean things to my mom, etc) he blows up, becomes aggressive, makes threats to withhold, etc. He cannot manage it.
Two weeks before the event date my brother starts texting me about something he governor of my state said. I snapped. I went off on him telling him I don't want to talk about politics with him any more because the politicians he was supporting in an upcoming midterm election were n*zis. While the term was an overstatement, the men he was voting for had publicly said absolutely abhorrent things about Black communities, even going to far as to frame a Black opponent as a frightening criminal coming for the White women (it was very Birth of A Nation-esque). They also made horrible remarks about immigrants, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and women, my assessment was not out of line. My brother went berserk, said many FUCK YOUs, accused me of calling him a n*zi, and said "you can forget about me coming to your wedding, I am never speaking to you again" and blocked me. I immediately wrote him an email apologizing for what I said, but also told him how I have watched him descend into this frightening world of conspiracies and half-truths, and he is the most miserable I have ever seen him. I told him that I missed my brother, and that it scares me when I hear him say the same things to me as the people who wished me death, rape, and violence. I told him that I very much wanted him at my wedding but it was his call. He responded with "not reading that, deleted it permanently. Don't let the door hit you on the way out."
My parents for the most part blamed me for starting trouble with him (aka being honest) and they begged and pleaded for him to come, but he was unrelenting. I rearranged the entire seating chart and updated the caterer in anticipation of him and his GF not coming. They day of the event my mother apparently went to his house and had a full breakdown and begged him to come. He agreed, and with only hours before I had to once again re-arrange the seating chart (it was a lot of work, family tetris with who can and can't sit by who, etc). He showed up, and made no bones about visibly performing that he didn't want to be there. He ignored me, walked away when I came to talk to him, leaned away from me in family photos, and when I did try to apologize and asked if we could let it go he shrugged and walked away. It broke my heart for him to come and not only not be happy for me or support me, but also make it about himself. Growing up our sister had very severe special needs, and there were not many times where anything was just about him or I. I just wanted this one day, this one joyful thing, and his dark glowering attitude took that day away from me. Everyone else had a great time, including my mom, and I put on a smile and pretended. I didn't want my guests to feel unappreciated. He lived up to his promise to not speak to me, until my sister died two weeks later. My parents think this is on me to fix, but I am really struggling to find it in myself to do so. The only thing that will help me move past this is him taking some accountability, but I do not foresee that happening, as he thinks he has done something patriotic here. How do I move forward and let this go? I don't think I can truly have a relationship with my remaining sibling until I do.
TLDR: I got in an argument with my brother over his MAGA politics, called his favorite politicians n*zis, he punished me by refusing to come to my wedding, then showed up anyway and was a jerk to me. Our sister was on hospice and it was the last time I saw her alive. He robbed me of what should have been a joyful day, how do I forgive him when he will not be accountable to his actions?
EDIT: I want to add that 90% of the time my family is kind and loving, the 5% that it is not surrounds times when my now deceased sister was extremely ill, or when the subject of politics arises, or if I push back on their beliefs. COVID was pretty bad, too, since Bro is a denier. But it is not bad all the time.
submitted by Material-Seat-929 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 22:39 Chewitt321 Can we talk about the Medic Meta?

A lot of changes to heavies and lights, removing recon senses for medium and replacing it with a fun, unique, in-universe skill with dematerialiser... All really fun. The main thing that's left now that's overtuned in heal beam and defibs.
I am not too surprised given historically the same Devs when they were at Dice tended to have an issue with medics being overpowered there too.
Whereas in this game, the ranked mode is even more punishing when you die that defibs especially, and to a lesser extend heal beam are really difficult and oppressive enough that fights often come down to who has more mediums, i.e. who has more defibs, i.e. who has more free lives they can get from the instant revives.
The defib change to give you the Tetris block statue delay was supposedly a nerf, too, but really because a final player being in this state counters a team wipe (instead it would feel better if you're in Tetris block revive state and both your teammates are dead, it should cancel your revive and wipe your team). The defib change also means you can preaim an opponent whilst being revived or preplan an escape route, or a path to a different teammate to revive them. Defib chains are so difficult to counter and two similarly matched teams will have most fights come down to who can revive more.
This is a problem when Heavies and Lights aren't lethal or good enough at either killing/glitching/splitting up teams enough to provide a counter to multiple medics being king. Because of the ability to defib, and because Mediums have comparable TTK to lights (and the heal beam results in more health being available compared to how much a heavy has), not picking mediums with defibs feels like you're putting yourself at a large disadvantage.
In ranked especially, the meta is very clearly at least 2 mediums and trying anything else feels so difficult that it isn't really fun to try. It costs you more tokens, more time being dead, more money lost to team wipes and more time with your whole team dead when you lose the ability to get instant revives. Not to mention that defibs extend the length of time a fight lasts, increasing the risk of being 3rd partied.
And the best counter to being 3rd partied? Defibs and heal beams to get back up to 3 players and full health quickly.
So really, whilst the goal of the changes seems to be to make using a gadget or specialisation a choice with pros/cons and to reward good timings (most patches mention this directly or this appears to be the direction changes are heading, to make deliberate good uses better and more appropriate than abilities that can be used whenever without downside, see mesh shield and cloak changes this week)... Why is it that there's no real downside to picking or choosing when to defib? There's no downside to picking heal beam, when it can be so clutch (although probably less impactful than defibs).
Potentially some solutions that could make defibs more of a deliberate choices and less of a guaranteed deciding factor in fights could be: * Defib Tetris statue state can be cancelled/damaged/reset by opponents shooting them * Being defibbed uses the charge on the revived player's defib as well as the revivers - this prevents defib chains and requires at least 1 slow revive to go from 1 teammate to a full 3 man * Defibbing costs 100 health - if you don't have 100 health, the health trade is capped at whatever leaves you with 20HP (equally heal beam could siphon your health and donate it, making keeping your heavy alive more of a calculated risk) * Defib stops being a gadget and is a passive that all players have on a cooldown so the first time you go to revive someone you do it quickly * Defib is moved from medium and is available to all 3 classes * Defibs bring people back on 1HP * Defib Tetris State doesn't prevent team wipes
Or make changes to the punishments associated with deaths and so on, but that's a bigger rework for the whole game
Tl;Dr Defibs are too strong in a game that punishes death this harshly. Some changes proposed at the end but basically they turn the balance of fights too much.
submitted by Chewitt321 to thefinals [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 11:14 healthmedicinet Health Daily News April 16 2024

DAY: APRIL 16 2024

submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 07:21 BluShytheBlueShyGuy There's no such thing as a Tetris.

There's Tetris Effect Connected. There's Puyo Puyo Tetris 2. And there's Tetris 99. But there's no such thing as a Tetris. You see, "Tetris" is an adjective, not a noun. It is our registered trademark that identifies the timeless and addictive puzzle game marketed and licensed by The Tetris Company. So please use our trademark carefully. And never use it generically to describe all block puzzle games that is not approved by The Tetris Company. We thank you. Alexey thanks you.
Tetris ® & © 1985~2024 Tetris Holding. Tetris logos, Tetris theme song and Tetriminos are trademarks of Tetris Holding. The Tetris trade dress is owned by Tetris Holding. Licensed to The Tetris Company. Tetris Game Design by Alexey Pajitnov. All Rights Reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
submitted by BluShytheBlueShyGuy to Tetris [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 02:12 Ig-Bb Last nights dream

(I know the constant perspective switch is a bit confusing but that's just how the dream went idk) 9/17/2013-Today is the day. After 18 months without him, we’ve saved enough money to take a trip. Lily has managed to convince me to take our pets. We would’ve had enough money ages ago if I didn’t have to pay the plane fee to board our psycho cat and large dog. Owen has been easy to plan for, but the kid has never been more than a mile away from our home and I know he’s gonna be a handful. He’s already been transferred to a different first grade classroom and school just started last month. I chose to book our plane tickets for the 19th. We’re flying from Connecticut to Florida. We’re spending our first night at a really nice resort with a splash pad for the kids. The next morning we are going to take a boat to a small beach-y island about 8 miles off the coast. It will be just us in a small wooden hut for two weeks. I think it will be good for us to be alone and absolutely positive he can’t show up. ‘He’, referring to my abusive ex husband, is not great at respecting our restraining order. I never told him where I took the kids after I won custody, but he used public records to find our motel. I’m just glad to get away for a bit.
I close my diary. Pilot, our golden retriever, runs into my bedroom demanding his dinner. I swear he’s a friendly guy, just very food motivated. I get up and make my way around the kids’ toys and bedding. Our motel is very small and we all share a room. I don’t know why I still keep a third water mattress on the floor. Every night, Owen ‘accidentally’, or at least he says it's an accident, makes his way into mine. Pilot leads me into the kitchen, tail wagging, and nudges his food bowl over to me. I fill it and walk into the living room to check on the kids. Lily is right where I left her, reading a book. Owen is nowhere to be seen.
“Lily, where is your brother?” I ask while peeking underneath the couch. Lily just shrugs, not even bothering to look up. I walk over and see that she's reading The End of Reform by Alan Brinkley. For a nine year old, she is extremely intelligent and a fantastic reader. Then I hear it. A low growl and the sound of the little one closing a cupboard in the bathroom. I roll my eyes and walk down the hall. That’s when I see Owen using all of his strength to block the cabinet from opening. “What’s going on in here?” I ask, leaning against the doorframe. “Nothing!” Owen shouts. Obviously I don’t believe it. I open the cabinet and out runs the cat, Fiasco. His bright orange fur covered by one of Owen’s t-shirts. I free him and lecture Owen on leaving the cat alone. I know it won’t change anything. Owen just can’t seem to let the poor cat be for five minutes. I walk back to the kitchen and see it’s already 7:30. I have Lily get in the shower before taking Owen to the bedroom to get him ready for bed. I pick out some generic superhero PJs and help him get changed. Then I brush his beautiful brown hair and get him tucked into bed. I go and meet Lily in the living room. I put her hair into a loose braid. “Did you brush your teeth?” I ask. Of course I did! I always do!” Lily shouts back. Through her smile I can tell she’s lying. I send her into the bathroom and go to put my pajamas on. Getting to the bedroom, I see Owen peacefully sleeping. In my bed. Whatever. After I’m changed, me and Lily get to bed and sleep. 9/18/2013-This morning I dropped the kids off for their last day at school before our trip. Afterwards I went out and bought enough pet food for the whole two weeks. I also got the kids some new clothes since it will be much hotter down in Florida. When I got home I dug through the closet for Fiasco’s crate. He is gonna hate this flight. In the evening, I took the kids out for some food at Wendy’s. Then I got them snug into bed. I walk over to the living room and open our suitcases. I put my diary into the front pocket so I can write in it during the trip. Then I tetris all of our clothes and food into the luggage and set the pets’ leashes and the crate by the front door. I set my alarm for 4 am and squeeze myself into bed next to Owen. The alarm goes off. I get up and wake the kids. Lily puts up a fight as she is NOT a morning person. Owen is basically running in circles. I hook Pilot to his leash and shove Fiasco into his crate. Then I decide that the pets are Lily’s problem as she chose to bring them along. I give her the crate and the leash and start putting our bags into the car. It’s dark and cold. Then I grab Owen and buckle him into his car seat. Lily gets herself and the pets situated. On the drive to the airport me and the kids play some ‘I spy.’ Once we arrive I unload everyone and grab a cart for our luggage and the cat crate.
9/19/2013-Getting two kids and two pets through security and onto the plane in time for departure was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Thankfully Lily read the whole flight because Owen needed my undivided attention to behave himself. He was doing everything from kicking seats to trying to find and wear the emergency life vest. Once we landed he kept trying to get up before it was our turn. Then we got our stuff and took an airport taxi to our resort. I was exhausted from the trip there but the kids insisted on going downstairs to the splash pad. When we got down there I discovered that they also had pools and slides! I dropped Owen off in the supervised kids’ section and took Lily on some water slides. We had a blast. Everyone slept well after our busy day. Then we got up and had some free buffet breakfast. Owen ate so many pancakes I couldn’t believe it. Then we caught the boat to our private island retreat. The kids loved seeing the ocean for the first time. So did Pilot. Once we got there we explored the hut. It had two rooms. One was a bedroom and the other was a bathroom. There wasn’t running water or electricity. Outside there was a picnic table and a fire pit. The picnic table was right next to the front door and had a U shaped fence around it. Behind our hut there was a very small forest area with palm trees and bushes. It was visible enough to see the other side of the island through the trees if you stood at the beach in front of the hut. The island was at a bit of a slope. It started off with a typical small beach then got higher as it went along. On the back end of the island, there was a very rocky drop into the water. It would not be safe to get off the island anywhere but the front. The hut was about fifteen feet from the shore and had about 50 feet of island behind it. All together it was pretty small. Perfect for us.
When we got there, we noticed a bunny. It came right up to us and we couldn’t find any others or anyplace the bunny could’ve lived. When night came, It was just outside by the shore staring at us. We decided to let it stay with us.
This morning I woke up to Fiasco cuddling on my chest. When the rabbit came in Fiasco started hissing and backed himself into a corner. It was very unlike him. Now I’m sitting in the sand watching Owen play in the water and Lily collect seashells and play with them like dolls. Pilot keeps chasing the waves. I’m so glad we decided to take this trip. I’ve never felt more peaceful. Then it got dark. After some food we all went inside because it began raining. Lily was sitting next to the window and reading while I put Owen to bed.
“Mom, what's that?” Lily shouted. She sounded panicked. I looked out the window and there was a person's silhouette standing by the shore. Exactly where the rabbit had been standing last night. I rushed everybody into the bathroom and locked the door. We sat and waited for hours. Eventually I left the bathroom and went out to check.
It was bright at this point and there was nothing there. Fiasco and Pilot followed me outside and we searched the whole island. Nobody was there so I decided that it was just the dark playing tricks on my mind. Me and the pets were almost at the door when it became very windy. We got pushed violently into the U shaped fence by the picnic table. Then the shore came all the way up and was pushing against us. I held onto the pets collars, too afraid to let go. All I could hear was wind and I couldn’t see anything. When it finally ended, I saw that the hut was almost completely ruined. After checking that the kids were okay I hung up sheets to mimic the walls we once had. I didn’t let the kids outside. I had no way to leave the island or to contact anybody. At night once again we saw the man. I don’t know how but I knew he wasn’t normal. There was a reason he showed up. He just stood in the same spot every night. I kept the kids away from the walls and towards the center of the house. The next day I went out and collected some seashells for Lily to play with like she would on the beach. “Why don’t you play with Owen and show him how you use your shells as dolls?” I asked Lily. “Ew, why would I spend this time playing with my younger brother? I don’t even want to be here.” She said back. I knew this trip was going to be tough and it was already affecting Lily. We were all scared. Then we had a few more days indoors and everynight the silhouette was back. Then I realized. The bunny was the cause.
In the morning I took it to the bathroom and cracked its neck. The bunny was dead. I had a good feeling about the upcoming night. I left the rabbit limp on the sand outside so that the kids wouldn’t see. Then I went back in and waited for night. To my dismay the man was still there, just tonight he was limp too. I knew what this meant. I had to fully destroy the rabbit. The next day I went outside and I tore its skin off. I roasted and ate its insides then I plucked out all of its fur and sucked all of the blood off of it. Then I lit it all on fire. That night, the man was back, only this time, he was smiling like a mad man. I knew then that the rabbit wasn’t the cause. Next, I killed Fiasco. He was delicious. I enjoyed tearing off each limb and doing different things to every part of it. The man was still there. So I got to Pilot. He was rather large and I couldn’t finish him all in one serving. I spent the whole day outside working on him. When I went in for the night, the kids were cowering from me. Why? I wasn’t sure.
I looked out the window. The man was back. My body filled with glee as I knew what was going to happen next. The man made me feel a certain way. He made me feel terrified and I had to do whatever I could to get rid of him. I killed Lily. Skinned her and put her body in a pile right where the man appeared. That night, the man ate her. His jaw looked absolutely unhinged. It must have been detached with how wide he was opening it. The next day was Owen’s turn. Good. For him I played a little game. I told him I would let him go if he could get away. I chased him through the forest until he tripped on a rock. Then I snapped each bone. One at a time. Then I threw him onto the rocks right off the edge of the island. Finally the man was gone. The next day, the whole hut fell apart. I decided I’d camp out on the picnic table. Everything was going smoothly. Then, a few days after, I saw another picnic table in the forest. There was a woman sitting at it and waving at me. I came over and we talked. She said that she had been there hiding from the man when she saw me. We hung out and stayed together. Oh we made so many memories! We played hide and seek, had cookouts, made obstacle courses, oh and once we went swimming and saw a hammerhead shark! But my favorite memory of all was breaking her jaw and seeing the terror in her eyes as I reached down her throat and gutted her! You see, the man had come back and I knew what had to be done. Loretta was done with. A few days later, the boat that had taken us to the island had come back. It had been the two weeks of our trip already! I made up a sob story about how my kids, pets, and the hut had been swept away into the ocean. The men in the boat took me back to the dock and I flew back home and went on with my life. After a while, I started getting an urge to go back. I didn’t know why. One day I went to bed at 3 pm. I woke up on the island. Right on the shore. Staring into the hut. I saw my daughter point and scream. Then I saw myself look through the window before taking my kids and the pets into the bathroom. I know what’s going to happen next. (I know this doesn’t sound that scary but when I was dreaming it I could see everything happen in full detail and I could kind of look into the main character’s mind and slowly see how it deteriorated and how her thoughts became more psychotic and demented. It was truly horrifying to experience but it was so well put together in my dream like the best horror movie ever. More happened in the dream that I would add but I have no idea what words to use to express it.)
submitted by Ig-Bb to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 01:24 TheSpace81 A stranger in strange lands - 11 (Part 3) [English]

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Spanish Version (OG Version)
Credits to u/SpacePaladin15 for creating this universe.
And thanks to u/Signal-Chicken559 for proof-reading and the feedback, seriously, thank you.
Due to the length of some chapters, the fanfic will now also be available on Archive of Our Own, in case you want a more uninterrupted experience.
I wish Reddit hadn't made me split the chapter like this (again), but there's nothing I can do rn.
Note: There's a post on the Discord of this subreddit, so if you wanna discuss something about my story, that should be the place to go
Memory Transcription Subject: Syra, Universal History Student at Brightspire and Member of the Human-Venlil Exchange Program
Date [standardized human date]: September 17, 2136
I thoughtfully raised one of my ears, glancing sideways at the beautiful images still projected on the small screen. A part of me couldn't help but admire that creative and imaginative spirit so characteristic of humans.
"I suppose that infinite artistic potential also carries certain risks, doesn't it?" I mused out loud. "I mean, if they have the ability to recreate absolutely anything within those... 'videogames', who stops them from simulating darker or more dangerous situations as the 'predators' that you are?"
Daniel's body posture seemed to tense slightly at my question, as if I had struck a chord with some underlying concern.
"Ah... yes, it's a delicate topic, I must admit," he said in a slightly uncomfortable tone. "There are constant debates on my planet about the ethical and content limits that should be imposed on videogames. Especially those with more... mature or explicit themes, whether violence, horror or even sexuality. It's not that games make us go out and kill, but there are always some ethical implications, especially the ones that seem to worry your Federation. But this is more a consequence of humanity's competitive nature. In fact, this computer is made to run those experiences with the best performance and fluidity possible, because if it wasn't, you'd fall behind other players."
I nodded slowly, sensing the complexity of the issue. Deep down, I knew Daniel wouldn't share that kind of inappropriate material with me given the current situation.
"I understand," I said with a slight nod. "That's why you've chosen to show me more... lighthearted and harmless experiences, right? To gradually introduce the concept without shocking me too much at first."
I could perceive a slight nod from him, accompanied by an almost… embarrassed? gesture of his.
"You've got it," he confirmed honestly. "I didn't want to risk exposing you all at once to some of the more... intense expressions that exist in human videogames. At least, not until you have a more complete understanding of what they really mean for us, and also until you understand that just because I play something violent doesn't mean I'm going to hurt you or activate some hidden 'instinct' or something."
I wagged my tail understandingly. Deep down, I appreciated his tact and consideration regarding my alien perspective.
"I understand, Daniel, and I value that," I replied frankly. "The truth is, it's already been quite impactful to learn about the existence of those such detailed virtual worlds. I don't know how I would have reacted if you had shown me something darker or gloomier for now."
I shook my ears decisively, preparing for the next step.
"Although... I'm still extremely intrigued," I continued with an inquisitive look. "Would you show me another example of those human videogames? A simpler or more basic one, perhaps. Just to better understand the spectrum of possibilities they encompass."
Daniel seemed to ponder for a few moments before nodding.
"Sure, of course," he conceded, closing Roblox and moving his cursor to another icon on the desktop. "Let me show you something much more basic and minimalistic. A kind of classic game that's still enjoyed recreationally on my planet from time to time."
With a few more movements, a new window opened on the screen. This time, the interface showed a dark gridded background with a series of geometric shapes made up of tiny blocks.
"Do you recognize this, Syra?" Daniel inquired with a slight gesture. "It's an extremely simple game called 'Tetris'. It emerged centuries ago on my world, and basically consists of fitting and stacking those geometric shapes to complete horizontal lines."
I studied the screen intently, perceiving how one of the block-shaped forms began to slowly descend toward the gridded bottom. The mechanics certainly seemed simple at first glance.
"Wow, it's much more... minimalistic than I expected, to be honest," I admitted with a slight snort. "Although I suppose that simplicity also has its appeal in some way, doesn't it?"
Daniel let out a muffled chuckle.
"Exactly," he agreed as he manipulated the controls to rotate and fit the shapes. "Sometimes the simplest games can be just as addictive as the most complex simulations. It all lies in the underlying design and mechanics."
I nodded slowly, beginning to understand better. I watched as Daniel skillfully fit the shapes to complete horizontal lines, causing the rows to disappear and give him more space on the grid. Daniel seemed very focused. In these moments, although it scared me, I would like to see his face, and above all, his eyes. What kind of gaze do they harbor at this moment? Would he be in some sort of 'hunting mode' or something?
"It's almost... hypnotic, don't you think?" Daniel commented without taking his eyes off the screen. "A subtle challenge of coordination, reflexes and spatial logic. No big graphics, effects or scenarios. Just you, the shapes and your own skill."
I silently watched as the game progressed, appreciating its simplicity and the almost meditative way Daniel seemed to focus. It demonstrated once again that fascinating diversity that characterized the human species. They were capable of enjoying even the simplest and most minimalistic activities.
"It's certainly curious," I reflected with a pensive flick of my tail. "I never would have expected something so basic to captivate such a... creative mind like yours, Daniel. But I suppose it demonstrates once again how unpredictable you can be."
A brief silence fell between us as Daniel continued focused on his game. I let the moment flow naturally, feeling increasingly fascinated by discovering the different layers that made up human culture.
I looked up at Daniel again, appreciating his relaxed yet focused posture. Despite the progress we had made, despite how much I had learned about his culture in these weeks, I still struggled to decipher the hidden nuances behind that blank, expressionless mask.
What kind of emotions or thoughts would be swirling in his mind at those moments? Would he be immersed in a trance-like state as part of that recreational experience? Or perhaps he would be focused solely on the activity, completely ignoring my presence by his side?
Daniel let out a muffled exclamation through his mask.
"Oh, well... I think this round has ended for me," he commented in an almost disappointed tone. "I was doing quite well, but I've run out of space."
He pointed to the screen where, indeed, the geometric shapes had completely filled the grid area, leaving no room to fit more pieces. A slight flash indicated that the game had effectively ended.
"Is that it?" I inquired with a mixture of curiosity and surprise. "Is that how simple Tetris ends when there's no more space? Isn't there some kind of... score or something that determines how far you've advanced?"
Daniel let out a muffled laugh and nodded with a barely perceptible movement.
"Of course there is, Syra," he replied in that measured, almost amused tone. "In fact, here you can see my final score based on the lines I managed to complete in this round."
He pointed to a small pop-up window on the screen, where a series of numbers were indeed displayed, which I assumed represented his accumulated performance. The digits were so strange and alien to our own numeration system that I decided not to ask too much about them for the moment.
"So, in summary, you earn points by fitting more pieces and completing lines, right?" I mused out loud, fascinated once again by the intricate systems of rules and scores that seemed to govern these human games. "And do these points determine if you've surpassed some kind of established record or hierarchy?"
Daniel's body language denoted a slight hesitation, almost as if I had unintentionally touched on a sensitive point. He gave a slight nod.
"Something like that, to be honest," he acknowledged in a more neutral tone. "In competitive games, there's an option to connect online to measure your performance against other players from all over the planet. There are always people trying to beat the highest scores through various specialized techniques and strategies."
Once again, I could perceive that almost childlike spark of enthusiasm shining through his body language. It was evident that this kind of constant challenge and competition held a particular appeal to the human mindset, no matter how trivial they might seem from my alien perspective.
However, I also caught a glimpse of discomfort or restraint in his language. As if the topic of competitions and records generated a mix of conflicting emotions in him. Perhaps due to that well-known human tendency towards predation and competitiveness that we had been so instructed to fear?
I decided not to dwell on the matter for the moment. Instead, I chose to express my continued interest and curiosity in exploring more facets of their recreational culture.
"I understand, I suppose it makes sense," I acknowledged with a slight nod. "Although, if you'll allow me to be honest, I still find it somewhat disconcerting to encounter such complexity and such elaborate structures in what, at first glance, seem to be simple... well, recreational games."
I perceived a slight shrug in his posture as he was still looking at the screen.
"I suppose we are a species that enjoys and even takes pride in accomplished challenges, Syra," he replied in a casual tone. "We tend to add layers of complexity and additional challenges to practically any activity we undertake, whether for recreational or even professional reasons. It's simply... our way of being, I suppose."
I nodded slowly, letting his words sink in. Once again, I found myself confronted with that alien nature of humans, that almost obsessive tendency to seek excellence and competitiveness even in the most trivial realms.
Of course, I was aware of the danger that this facet of theirs posed to more... docile and vulnerable species like mine. But, at the same time, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of inner admiration for that determination and ambition so characteristic of their race, that kind of aggressiveness could only be compared maybe, and just maybe, with the Krakotl, the most "aggressive" and defensive prey species in the known galaxy, if humans haven't surpassed them by a lot just because they're predators.
Perhaps, had our first contact taken place under different circumstances, that almost savage human spirit would have been enough for my entire civilization to flee or surrender in terror (well, thinking about it, we did). However, after getting to know Daniel and his perspective up close, I could now distinguish a complexity and nuances that went beyond all that I had previously conceived.
Yet, one more question came to my mind:
"But why engage in those practices? I mean, why compete instead of collaborate? Wouldn't that prove to the Federation that you are predators?"
At that moment, Daniel turned towards me, almost as if he could see through my soul with his binocular eyes, even despite the mask covering his face.
With a tone somewhat darker than usual, and perhaps full of weariness, he said:
"What's the first thing you think of when you hear the word 'predator'?"
"W-what do I think when I hear the word 'predator'?" I repeated softly, carefully formulating my thoughts. "Well... the first image that comes to mind is the one we've been taught from a very young age on Venlil Prime: aggressive beings, lacking empathy, devourers of flesh, guided solely by their basest instincts of hunting and destruction."
I paused, shaking my ears uncomfortably, wrapping my tail around my right paw. It was difficult to put into words the deep-rooted prejudices we had against predators.
"From an early age, we're taught to fear and stay away from any race that fits into that category," I continued with a slight shudder. "We're warned about their dangerousness, their supposed irrationality... Basically, we're defenseless prey before their claws."
I averted my gaze, almost ashamed of my own words. Now that I knew Daniel, I was aware of how subjective they sounded as I said them out loud, but they also reflected my own deeply ingrained fears.
Daniel remained silent for a few moments, as if pondering my response. Finally, he shifted uncomfortably before replying.
"I see... I suppose that such a negative image is largely due to the influence of the Arxur on your people, isn't it?" he inquired in a measured tone. "After all, they are the species that has so threatened and harassed you, aren't they?"
I nodded with a slight nod, his words awakening that bitter resentment I still harbored towards the Arxur.
"Exactly. They are the ultimate embodiment of what a predator represents to us," I admitted frankly. "A cruel, bloodthirsty species without scruples... Beings who see us merely as walking snacks to hunt and devour mercilessly."
A more intense shudder shook my body as I evoked the images of the atrocities committed by the Arxur against several member planets of the Federation.
"It's no wonder our civilizations fear them... and hate them with every fiber of their being," I added with a tinge of bitterness. "We've had to take refuge for centuries to flee from their violent predation."
"However," I continued in a more measured tone, "after getting to know you over these weeks, I've come to understand that that view was too... simplistic and superficial. You are much more complex than that, with an infinity of nuances and facets that defy those stereotypes so ingrained in my mind."
A brief silence settled between us as Daniel seemed to ponder my words. I had the impression that perhaps he was debating something internally, but I didn't want to press him. In the end, Daniel took the initiative:
"So... do you want to know the truth, Syra?" Daniel inquired with a suddenly serious tone. "Or what you want to hear?"
Those words took me by surprise, causing my ears to twitch in a reflexive gesture. The gravity of his question reverberated within me, unleashing a whirlwind of conflicting emotions: curiosity, apprehension, distrust... all intermixed in a dizzying maelstrom.
A part of me, the one that still harbored the prejudices instilled from childhood, resisted hearing the raw truth. I feared that those revelations would be too disturbing, too threatening to my fragile current perspective. Perhaps it would be safer to cling to the partial images I had been building about humans so far.
However, a more curious and daring facet of my being yearned to know the facts without ambiguity. After all, wasn't it my duty as a future historian to unravel the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it might be? How could I aspire to truly understand this alien civilization if I kept evading its crudest and most unpleasant aspects?
I took a deep breath, mustering my courage. I raised my gaze toward Daniel with renewed determination.
"I want... the truth, Daniel," I stated firmly, ignoring the slight tremor of my tail. "The whole truth about your species, or at least, as much as you can tell me now, the good and the bad, no matter how brutal or terrifying it may seem. If I'm going to be a historian and build bridges between our civilizations, I must be prepared to face even the darkest facets."
I could perceive a slight nod of assent from my human companion. I could almost imagine the pensive expression that would be hidden behind that blank, expressionless mask.
"Very well, Syra," he replied in a measured, unhurried tone. "If it is the truth you want, I will offer it to you without ambiguity or euphemism. But I warn you that not all the revelations will be... pleasant or reassuring from your perspective."
He paused briefly, perhaps gathering his thoughts before continuing.
"Human nature is complex, multifaceted, like a prism of infinite faces reflecting light and shadows alike," he began in an almost solemn, almost inspired tone. "We are a species that has reached astonishing heights of knowledge, creativity and technological progress. We have defied the limits of thought and imagination, creating wonders that defy our concepts of logic."
"However..." he continued with a more somber tone, "we are also bearers of a profound dark and hurtful streak. A legacy of violence, predation and selfishness that has accompanied us for much of our history. At our worst, we have been capable of committing atrocities against our own kind and even other living beings on our planet - atrocities that would be unimaginable to you: Mengele, Unit 731, many genocides and attempted genocides, world wars, experiments on other animals, climate change, the extinction of different animal species by our own hands, among many other things that your species could never fully assimilate."
Those last lines made me shudder in a way I couldn't quite decipher. A part of me was not surprised to hear such statements, as they coincided with the warnings of my ancestors about the dangers of predators. And yet, another more optimistic and naive part of me resisted accepting that raw, unpleasant reality.
Daniel must have perceived my turmoil, because he paused briefly before resuming his explanation.
"But it's not all darkness in our species, Syra," he added in a slightly more friendly tone. "We've also shown an incredible capacity for empathy, compassion and altruism when we set our minds to it. We have an innate longing to understand the 'other', to build bridges and forge connections beyond our differences: The recoveries and rescues after major natural disasters, eradicating smallpox and polio, reaching our moon, the first International Space Station, arriving on another planet, inventing our faster-than-light travel, increasing our life expectancy, reducing animal cruelty thanks to lab-grown meat, being so close to ending world hunger for good, among other examples I might be forgetting right now."
“Throughout our recent history, we've made great strides in the fight for equality, tolerance, and mutual respect among our diverse groups and ethnicities. Of course, the road has been arduous and full of stumbles... but we're traveling it with firm and determined steps toward a somewhat brighter future.”
A slight twitch shook my tail, denoting my own inner debate. I struggled to find a fragile balance between skepticism and the renewed hope that his words evoked in me.
"So... what is the final truth, Daniel?" I inquired in a doubtful voice. "Are you a potentially dangerous species, a threat to more vulnerable civilizations like ours? Or are you bearers of a peaceful vocation and the promise of a higher mutual understanding?"
A prolonged silence settled between us. I could almost imagine Daniel's invisible face frowning in a pensive expression as he pondered his response. Finally, a slight sigh escaped through his mask.
"The truth is... there's no single or definitive answer, like with almost everything, Syra," he acknowledged in a measured tone. "We're a intricate amalgam of light and dark, capable of the best and the worst depending on circumstances. We harbor within ourselves the potential for the most ruthless cruelty... as well as the seed of the most sublime empathy. I'm just a kid who somehow made it here by some miracle, but I think that's part of our true nature as a species."
I nodded slowly, reflecting on the weight of his words. For the first time, I began to glimpse the magnitude of the challenge represented by building authentic bridges of understanding between our so dissimilar worlds.
The shadow of skepticism still swung like a pendulum inside me. After all, I'd been taught from childhood to be wary of the "predators" because of their supposed wild and uncontrollable nature. However, the more I interacted with Daniel, the harder it became to fit him into those preconceived notions.
His behavior, generally serene and cordial, completely belied the stereotypes about humans as irrational, violent beasts. Of course, I could not judge an entire alien civilization based solely on my experience with one individual. But at least the sample I had before me contradicted many of the assumptions we had been indoctrinated with.
Perhaps, just perhaps, the memories of my sister could find some peace if I managed to shed light on the nature of humans. Maybe then her sacrifice would not have been in vain.
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Spanish Version (OG Version)
Credits to u/SpacePaladin15 for creating this universe.
submitted by TheSpace81 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 07:15 lawtechie Lost in the Halls of the Insurance King, Part 2

This is the second part of a (long delayed) series. My sincere apology for the delay.
Part 1
I’ve got a cybersecurity advisory role at the Insurance King, a big insurance broker that has drawn the ire of its state regulator. Reading the official order from the regulator, they’ve got to invest in governance and cybersecurity.
So a regulator’s annoyance is the reason I’m here.
From a consultant’s perspective, that’s both good and bad. I’ve got a big stick I can wave around if I need to threaten someone who doesn’t want to do something. But IK doesn’t actually care about security unless it generates something they can show to the regulator that they’re doing the right thing. Actual improvements to confidentiality, integrity or availability? No. Documentation to make the regulator go away? Yes.
This permeates the entire company. I don’t think anyone here actually cares about providing good service to customers or reduced costs, but are looking for something to show their managers that they’re working hard. Hard work isn’t something I’m afraid of, but it manifests differently here.
Growing up, a day of hard work went from serving fifty customers and a pocketful of cash the end of a shift at a restaurant to closed tickets on the help desk. As a junior consultant, it was hitting my numbers for billing. As a senior consultant, it was pride in shipped deliverables, signed contracts and a junior taking lead on a new engagement.
At Insurance King, it’s measured by full Outlook calendars. If you’re booked solid for the next two weeks, you’re doing it right. And there are lots of meetings. Things get discussed on other meetings that get recapped on the meeting I’m on. It’s a less fun Marvel Cinematic Universe.
I’ve been assigned two projects- helping close out identified vulnerabilities and assessing risks at the department level.
IK has decided to adorn the usual scan/remediate/retest vulnerability management cycle with clusters of meetings at every step. Right now, I’m on the Remediation Standup, listening to two project managers fumble technical details at each other:
PM1, reading from their slides:”The Tempe datacenter has four noncompliant servers. When will IT Ops remediate these?”
PM2:”We’re seeking approval to extend the Management Action Plan 120-20 to next quarter”
I haven’t figured out too much about how Insurance King operates, but I have noted that the ‘20’ in the plan means 2022. It’s 2023 now. This means that they’ve had an unpatched system and done everything but fixing it for three years. A quick skim of the plan tells me these Windows Server 2008 boxes are some kind of file storage for insurance agents to upload documents.
I flick the mute button on my headset.
me:”Why does it take two years to either upgrade or decommission four servers? That takes a day, tops”
PM2:”Uh, who is this?”
me:”I’m new here. I’m the new contractor in security risk, I don’t understand why you’ve let those unsupported systems out there for years. What are they doing that can’t be done on a compliant, hardened system?
A new voice makes itself known:”We don’t want to disrupt the business”
me:”But what’s the business doing with it? The management plan just says ‘server’. Is there someone in operations who might know what it’s for?”
PM2, affecting the voice of a tired fourth grade teacher explaining something to the slow kid for the third time:”We don’t have IT or operations on this call, unless they’re needed. I’ll invite you to the IT and Operations issues calls”
Oh,no, a L-shaped block just fell on my Outlook calendar. I instinctively click the up arrow to try to rotate it, but that doesn’t work here.
Meeting Tetris sucks. The call ends after more fumbling. I note an hour break before my next call. I get up and walk thorough the empty greige office. One in ten cubes has evidence of life. Paper calendars show faded March 2020 and a sharp looking barn with colorful hex signs. I’m not feeling in the groove here at Insurance King.
I make my way to an empty lunch room large enough to play some sports in. I fiddle with the Keurig knock-off coffee machine and make a cup. I’m so used to being alone in this building despite the Return To Office mandate that I’m surprised to see a middle aged man behind me waiting to use the coffee maker.
Awkward Small talk progresses into introductions. Hank is a director in IT Operations. We’re both trying to remember how to be social and it’s awkward. Hank is interested in security so there’s a topic that should be safe.
Hank:”You should look into a big security problem with our wireless network.”
me:”Oh? I’m interested”
Hank (quieter, as if someone else was listening):”The wireless network is available outside the building”
me:”That’s kinda expected, This building is a suburban office park, not a SCIF. The whole place is radiotransparent”
Hank:”No. If you set the access points to not broadcast the network name, it won’t go through walls”
Hank says this with such conviction that I’m wondering if that was just a feature flag I never noticed. No, this must be a joke. Hank’s fucking with me.
Hank is not fucking with me. He believes this, or has a bizarre sense of comedic timing. He strongly encourages me to look into this security measure.
I nod carefully and take my coffee back to my cube. I stare off into space and wait for my next call.
The next call, the Project Manager whispers while copying and pasting between two spreadsheets, while the seventeen people on the call occasionally disagree with her. Disagreement doesn’t seem to stop the copying and pasting.
This is the strangest ASMR stream ever. I’m being paid to come to an office and stare at a far far worse monitor than I have at home.
My confusion is interrupted by a 2x2 Tetris block of meetings drops in. Hank has added me to the Network Transformation Project.
If I keep this up, I will have an impressive solid block of meetings. If I do this right, I’ll be too busy to do any work at all.
I’m still puzzled about Hank’s beliefs that radio waves stop at windows.
To be continued…
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