Behan urdu font story

When will more BW realize?

2024.05.20 06:34 Various_Initial4958 When will more BW realize?

When will more BW realize?
When are more BW going to understand so many BM can be the death of us? I am tired of seeing educated, beautiful, young BW get killed by these men. In the most violent ways. You can see at the bottom I was watching a Diddy video as well. Was just talking to my husband about how choosing him was also choosing to live. He saw the latest Diddy video and held me so tight, I think he's starting to understand the legitimate fear I have towards many BM. The ONLY physical abuse I've endured is by one (my father). He is now 75% divested himself and is far from what he was, but the fact still remains. Seeing these stories make me sick. I hate wasting my time trying to convert mammies or BW who don't realize there is more than Blackistan, but if I can save a life it's worth it. Sometimes I can see someone is ALMOST there and just need to know they aren't crazy and there is a community for them. Without my divested family I would have felt insane my entire life, and likely would've placed myself in Blackistan even though it in no way shape or form aligns with me, just for a sense of community . I guess my TLDR is: we should share our ideas in hopes of saving other BW who just don't realize there's more for them, when we can or want to.
(Sorry about my phone font I have dyslexia and it helps me read so much better lol)
submitted by Various_Initial4958 to BlackWomenDivest [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:32 AutoModerator Abi Connick - The Client Process (Download)

Abi Connick - The Client Process (Download)
Abi Connick - The Client Process

Abi Connick - The Client Process Reviews: Is it worth it?

So, you're a designer, huh? You've got the talent, the vision, and the drive. But let me guess, sometimes dealing with clients feels like herding cats on a unicycle? Enter "Abi Connick - The Client Process" – your ultimate secret weapon to tame the chaos and turn your design business into a well-oiled machine.

Transforming Chaos into Clarity

Ever feel like you're drowning in a sea of client requests, contracts, and project folders? Abi Connick's course is here to rescue you. Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to organization. With the Client Process, you'll go from feeling like a deer in headlights to confidently steering the ship of your design business.

Mastering Client Enquiries Like a Boss

Client enquiries can make or break a deal faster than you can say "design dilemma." But fear not, because Abi Connick spills the beans on how to handle them like a seasoned pro. From nailing discovery calls to crafting irresistible project proposals, you'll learn the art of winning clients over without breaking a sweat.

Smooth Sailing with Onboarding

Once you've reeled in your dream clients, it's time to onboard them like a boss. Abi's got your back with foolproof templates for contracts, invoices, and client portals. Say goodbye to messy paperwork and hello to streamlined processes that'll make your clients think you're a superhero in disguise.

Branding Brilliance

Designing a logo is one thing, but creating a brand that packs a punch? That's a whole other ball game. With Abi Connick's Brand Strategy module, you'll uncover the secrets to driving brand awareness, boosting sales, and making your clients stand out from the crowd.

Creative Direction: Where Magic Happens

Ever wonder how to turn a vague idea into a stunning visual masterpiece? Abi's Creative Direction module has the answers. From mood boards to word maps, you'll learn how to translate strategy into jaw-dropping design that'll leave your clients speechless.

Crafting a Visual Identity That Wows

Creating a visual identity isn't just about picking pretty colors and fancy fonts. It's about telling a story that resonates with your client's audience. With Abi Connick's step-by-step process, you'll learn how to create a visually engaging identity that's rooted in strategy.

Presenting Like a Pro

Mastering the art of client communication is key to success in the design world. Abi's got your back with tips and tricks for presenting your work like a seasoned pro. From perfecting your presentation skills to handling feedback like a champ, you'll learn how to keep your clients coming back for more.

Saying Goodbye with Style

Last but not least, the offboarding process. It may not seem like a big deal, but leaving a lasting impression on your clients can mean the difference between a one-time gig and a lifelong partnership. With Abi Connick's guidance, you'll learn how to wrap up projects with finesse and leave your clients singing your praises.
In conclusion, "Abi Connick - The Client Process" isn't just a course – it's a game-changer for designers looking to level up their business. So why wait? Dive in headfirst and watch your design empire soar to new heights.
submitted by AutoModerator to NieNieNie [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 04:59 The_Real_Ed_Finnerty Community news standards - how should we determine when a source is not reliable enough?

This thread is as result of recent threads where less reliable news sources have been linked. Some of those threads that have been demonstrably false and were tagged as "News" were removed. Some threads that have been tagged as Opinion/Editorial have remained up, despite the less than credible claims of the author(s). Either way it gets into sketchy territory for mods to be the arbiters of what is an acceptable source, so I think this is a good opportunity to talk as a community before the mod team takes any rash actions.
When judging source bias and reliability I generally go to one place - Ad Fontes and their interactive media reliability and bias chart. Ignoring bias, the chart is broken up into 4 zones.
What I have been operating under is removing anything that falls into the last category as a general rule and selectively removing other stories that are objectively false and do not meet the standard of "News."
Where would you prefer the line be drawn /MorePerfectUnion? What kind of a reliability score is too low for you to consider it worth the sub's time? The mod team will look in incorporate your feedback into any final policy revisions.
submitted by The_Real_Ed_Finnerty to MorePerfectUnion [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:41 bnreele Does my cover scream "whimsical fantasy" to you?

I'm a big fan of watercolor and purchased a bunch of watercolor images and made one into my cover. It is NOT AI generated, I specifically used a filter to get rid of all the AI options and got left with this bundle of watercolor pink forests.
Does it look like a fantasy story? I'm afraid it's so pink someone would think romance but I'm hoping the font doesn't come across as "romance novel". I really just wanted a hand-painted watercolor fantasy forest but I do not have the funds for a full wrap and hope this works. ><
so what's this cover giving you, the looker? how's the font? (it's gotta get cropped on the sides, that's why it's all smooshed together looking in the middle lol i just haven't made it that far yet)
UPDATE: Thank you everyone for your feedback. I'm currently taking the outline off the font. I briefly uploaded another version with a different font, but since a bunch of people immediately commented it was too juvenile, i'm going back to this one. Also going to make the arch less dramatic, try a white font, and turn the back to a purple color instead and lighten the cover up so the white font can pop! also going to try a green version once i can get my hands on some photoshop software - this is done with canva so my options are more limited
submitted by bnreele to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:21 FireAndFey Taylor, Matty, and their numbers (8, 3, 13, etc)

There is significant repetition of these numbers popping up in both Taylor and Matty's public works so I thought I would bring it up and see what you all think and if you have noticed other instances that I'm missing. Sorry in advanced for this being long, but there is a lot.
Let's start with the most well-known one: 13
8's - The public announcement of Taylor and Matty's relationship came on 5/3/2023. 5+3 = 8...8 is the infinity symbol. - In the Eras Tour, the stage roomba makes an infinity sign during Down Bad. - In numerology, 8 also rules the planet Saturn. This brings to mind "love you to the moon and Saturn" but also, Taylor wears a Vivienne Westwood choker during her performance of But Daddy I Love Him (she has one in black and one in white), with the symbol of Saturn topped by a cross that looks very reminiscent of a king chesspiece: - 4 is obviously half of 8 - 8+9 = 17 and 7+1 = 8 (as in 1989) - 2024 is said to be a year of 8's, because 2+2+4 = 8. There is other symbolism associated with this number but this post is already super long.
4's & 2's - The number 4 has been showing up a lot recently. Matty flashed the number 4 to the camera during a set while they were dating (couldn't find the video but if someone finds it, I will edit to add it). - Taylor has famously been flashing peace signs and even put a statue of a peace sign in her TTPD exhibit at The Grove. Thought to be an easter egg for the double album but she continued doing it after the albums release. - Obviously, 2 + 2 = 4. But 4 can also be broken down into two pairs of 1's. Twin flame numbers are 1111 (so 4), and 2222 (so 8) respectively. - Taylor & Matty are both fire signs. Twin flames are often described as mirroring each other.
3's - Graphically, a 3 is half of 8 (especially in certain fonts). - In ATPOIAM, episode 2, entitled Fame (, Matty stuffs himself into a suitcase (a story long told about Taylor was that she stuffed herself in a suitcase to escaped the hordes of paparazzi and fans when leaving her apartment). The suitcase has the number 3 on it and the elevator goes to the 3rd floor (despite the next shot being on them outside of The Bowery hotel). I've stayed at the Bowery, the 3rd floor is not how you get outside, lol. - TaylorNation put out a promo video that was a mash up of 1989 era images, it featured a vault and it also featured a clip from the Bejeweled music video (which has other interesting references to things happening right now), but Taylor was pressing the button for the 3rd floor (not in the original video). Everyone thought this indicated a big surprise coming on 5/3/2024 (2 weeks after the TTPD release). Much clowning ensued, nothing happened...except Matty posted a cover of his song "All I Need To Hear" to his IG. - Bejeweled MV was released on 10/25/2022...10+25 = 53 and 5+3 = 8 OR 1 + 2 + 5 = 8. 222 is an angel number related to soul mates.
I'm sure that I didn't even write out half of the things I've noticed because this post is getting unweildy but if there are other numerology nerds and people who have noticed this repetition, please add your observations!
Edit to add: Matty's birthday! 04/08/1989 so 4's and 8's abound!
submitted by FireAndFey to taylorandmatty [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:17 TrafficMammoth4027 Yasuke, samurai negro do novo Assassin’s Creed Shadows, realmente existiu

A Ubisoft divulgou o trailer do seu mais novo jogo da saga Assassin's Creed. Intitulado Assassin's Creed Shadows, o game retrata um cenário há muito tempo pedido pelos fãs, o Japão feudal. Porém, para além da ambientação e jogabilidade, um fator específico chamou a atenção dos jogadores: a presença de um samurai negro.
Como é de praxe nas redes sociais, diversos foram os comentários sobre a falta de precisão histórica em incuir um samurai negro em pleno Japão feudal. O personagem foi considerado uma maneira de assegurar representatividade étnica em detrimento da fidelidade ao contexto da época.
Em uma saga que conta com elementos de magia, criaturas místicas e que tem alienígenas como os semeadores da vida no planeta, cobranças e reclamações sobre precisão histórica não deveriam ser realmente uma coisa tão importante assim. Mas, caso fossem, não haveria problema: diferente dos aliens de Eram os Deuses Astronautas, o fato é que Yasuke, o samurai negro, existiu.
Quem foi Yasuke?
Sua história começa em meados de 1500, com alguns registros indicando que ele possa ter nascido entre 1550 e 1560. Seu local de nascimento ainda é incerto. Enquanto alguns pesquisadores acreditam que ele seja dos territórios que hoje são Moçambique ou Nigéria, outros teorizam que ele na verdade nasceu em algum lugar próximo aos atuais Sudão do Sul ou Etiópia.
“A sua aparência e cor da pele não são de alguém de Moçambique. Eu diria que ele é de algum lugar perto do atual Sudão do Sul”, conta em entrevista ao The Mainichi Thomas Lockley, professor associado da Universidade de Nihon, em Tóquio, e autor do livro African samurai: the true story of Yasuke, a legendary black warrior in feudal Japan (ainda sem tradução no Brasil).
Sua chegada ao Japão
Como ele foi parar no Japão, ainda é um mistério. Alguns pesquisadores acreditam que ele possa ter sido escravizado e traficado quando criança, enquanto outras hipóteses apontam que ele saiu do continente africano como um mercenário. O que se sabe com certeza é que ele chegou ao Japão em 1579 (ano em que se passa o jogo), juntamente com o jesuíta italiano Alessandro Valignano.
Como os jesuítas missionários não podiam utilizar armas, e o Japão enfrentava um grande guerra civil, Yasuke acompanhou Valignano como uma espécie de guarda-costas. Ele deveria realizar uma missão de inspeção no país asiático, que se encontrava no meio do período conflituoso conhecido como Sengoku Jidai.
A guerra começou lá por volta de 1467, quando o xogunato Ashikaga entrou em colapso, e diversos outros clãs e senhores feudais (conhecidos como daimyos) se enfrentaram para obter o controle. Um dos daimyos que mais se destacaram foi Oda Nobunaga, que na época havia unificado metade do Japão sob seu comando.
Após várias missões pelo país (durante os quais Yasuke passou a aprender o idioma japonês), em 1981, ele e Valignano foram para Tóquio, onde finalmente encontraram o daimyo Nobunaga.
Os relatos contam que sua chegada à capital chamou a atenção. Mesmo com a presença de navios portugueses, a presença de africanos no país ficava restrita somente ao litoral. Yasuke gerou os primeiros relatos de uma pessoa negra nas partes mais interioranas do arquipélago.
Servindo a Nobunaga
De acordo com relatos do Crônica do Lorde Nobunaga, um livro do século 16, Yasuke era um “homem forte, com a força de dez homens”. Já no diário de Matsudaira Ietada, um dos samurais de Nobunaga, Yasuke foi descrito como um homem alto, bem acima da altura média japonesa na época: "sua altura era de 6 shaku 2 sol (aproximadamente 1,88m). Ele era negro e sua pele era como carvão.”
Nobunaga ficou tão impressionado que os relatos dizem que ele teria mandado inclusive Yasuke se lavar, acreditando inicialmente que sua cor de pele pudesse ser tinta.
Porém, de acordo com relatos de Luís Fróis, outro jesuíta no país na época, graças a capacidade de falar japonês, sua inteligência e por suas habilidades de luta, rapidamente Yasuke caiu nas graças do daimyo, que prontamente solicitou aos jesuítas que deixassem o estrangeiro sob seus cuidados.
Não se sabe ao certo a origem do nome de Yasuke, mas alguns relatos apontam que teria sido dado pelo próprio Nobunaga. Yasuke passou a praticar artes marciais japonesas, e acredita-se ser ele em uma pintura de 1605, na qual retrata um lutador de sumo negro.
Yasuke tornou-se então parte do círculo próximo de Nobunaga, recebendo o título de samurai. Existem algumas alegações de que Yasuke não foi um samurai, mas um servo do daimyo. Esse, porém, é um equívoco de interpretação e tradução.
Samurais nada mais eram do que guerreiros a serviço de um senhor ou de outros guerreiros. O nome vem de saburau (侍う) e significa “servo, protetor ou aquele que serve.” Presente em diversos registros, tanto japoneses, quanto jesuítas, Yasuke é considerado o primeiro samurai estrangeiro da história do país.
A serventia de Yasuke como samurai de Nobunaga, entretanto, durou pouco. Em 1582, Oda Nobunaga caiu em uma emboscada e foi traído por um de seus generais, Akechi Mitsuhide. Assim, as fontes indicam que Nobunaga foi forçado a cometer o seppuku, o ritual de suicídio japones.
Yasuke chegou a lutar ainda ao lado do filho de Nobunaga, Nobutada, mas este foi também capturado e obrigado a realizar o mesmo ritual. Mitsuhide, no entanto, não executou Yasuke e o entregou aos jesuítas em Kyoto.
Como os registros sobre Yasuke compreendem somente o período entre 1579 e 1582, o que aconteceu com ele após os eventos da queda de Nobunaga não é claro. Seu destino final permanece um mistério.
A sua presença da cultura pop
O novo Assassin's Creed Shadows é o primeiro jogo em toda a saga a colocar um personagem histórico real como protagonista. E não é o primeiro game da história a representar Yasuke. Ele já havia aparecido no jogo Nioh, de 2017. Também foi protagonista do anime Yasuke, lançado pela Netflix em 2021.
Além disso, um filme sobre esse personagem histórico está em desenvolvimento. Produzido pela Warner Bros, ele será dirigido por Blitz Bazawule, diretor do novo A Cor Púrpura. Além disso, o personagem também apareceu aqui no Brasil, no desfile de uma das escolas de samba no carnaval de 2023. A Mocidade Alegre foi campeã em São Paulo com um enredo sobre Yasuke.
submitted by TrafficMammoth4027 to CanalFrangoDoido [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:53 Asleep-Mycologist333 Picsart Gold v24.9.6 MOD APK (Premium Unlocked)

Picsart Gold v24.9.6 MOD APK (Premium Unlocked)
Name Picsart AI Photo Editor
Publisher PicsArt
Genre Photography
Size 78 MB
Version 24.9.6
MOD Premium & Gold Unlocked
👆👆👆👆Download Link👆👆👆👆
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Picsart is a widely used image and video editing application with features that make your products completely artistic. You can completely adjust your photos easily with essential features and add many beautiful elements. At the same time, the application can also make you more attractive when taking selfies and convenient in editing if you do not want to go through many editing steps.


In the new version of Picsart, users can find a new feature called Bucket Fill, and its use is to help you add color or other elements to a space inside the photo. This space often has a point that they are usually quite large and occupy the area inside the image. So you’ll be able to add the elements you want to empty spaces with the new feature more quickly without having to sit and draw for a long time.


The feature that users can find in Picsart is straightforwardly editing images and videos with many unique tools and effects that you cannot ignore. You can make your products more beautiful and easily attract the attention of users. At the same time, the number of tools that you can experience stretches across many different photo aspects that you will take the time to reach and master.


When you get started with Picsart, you won’t ignore photo-related factors such as the aspect ratio of images and videos. Specifically, to match the platforms you can share, the application will bring you many crop features for you to use and add other essential functions. For videos, it will be to cut unnecessary segments so that users can see the necessary information. You can also use dispersion to create a disintegration effect for a character in an image.


When it comes to an editing app like Picsart, you shouldn’t overlook the number of filters you can use. You can give your image or video a new color that you feel is right, and when you pass this step, photos with dull colors also become beautiful. Of course, you can find many criteria for filter types, and you can choose to facilitate your search.


Besides the above features, many people often use them to change the background and simply blur the scene. Changing the environment requires that you recognize the object correctly for the change to go smoothly. Also, blurring the background is often used when adding a landscape image to your image. After adding and blurring, you can use the eraser to erase the areas of the blurred image that overlap the original one.


When it comes to filters, you certainly won’t ignore the stickers and effects that you can take advantage of. Specifically, you can find many stickers with different categories to make your image colorful and suitable for it. You can also add some artistic lens effects and use brushes to add these images by dotting a specific spot.


When you edit a photo, you will want to tell some story, and the way you show this is through different text. You can add text with additional content and change them into 200 different fonts to use. That turns your texts into absolutely stunning decorative elements. You can load the meaningful text in the internet to insert it into your images if you don’t have any content.


When you edit images or videos with this application, you can easily add other files to your product. For images, you can use another photo that further supports the main image you are using and can use the case of blur background. Videos can create attraction for viewers when you add songs that are trending or relevant to the content of the video.


If you want to have a beautiful image where the character in the photo does not have any defects, you should take a selfie and turn on the beauties feature. It is similar to a makeup feature that helps you effectively hide imperfections and correct some other parts of your face. Also, if you don’t want to edit the step process, you can reuse some of the images suggested by the replay feature and replace some of your sign elements.


  • You may crop video clips to the right size and ratio, apply Glitch video effects and other fashionable filters in video editors, trim videos, or use smart video merge to join videos together Produce montage slideshows with music using a slideshow creator
  • To clean up images and remove unwanted objects, use the Remove Object tool. You can also add text to photos using 200+ designer fonts. The AI-powered smart selection tool blurs backgrounds and lets you add stickers to photographs.
  • Fotocollagen sind aktuell. Options include photo grid, freestyle, scrapbook, and picture frames. Make a meme and send it to friends. Story Maker’s Instagram Story templates are a must-have.
  • Outline your selfies with the popular Sketch effects. Canvas effects turn portraits into works of art. Create Drip Art with Dripping Effect Stickers and tweak the mixing mode. Animate yourself in seconds with stunning Magic effects
  • Pro drawing tools and customizable brushes in Picsart Draw. Doodle on photos to make translucent garments. Create drawings and images from scratch using a blank canvas. Doodle Art lets you doodle for hours.
submitted by Asleep-Mycologist333 to Modifiedmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:30 Technicallysane02 GPTReels Review - Transform Your Ideas into Stunning Reels Instantly with AI

People don't have the patience for 15-minute videos anymore. Instead, they spend hours scrolling through Instagram Reels or YouTube Shorts.
Creating these short videos is easier than ever. You don't need to write a script or even shoot a video!
GPTReels is a new AI tool powered by GPT-4 that creates reels and shorts in seconds.
All you need to do is enter a keyword. Yes, it’s that simple!
❌No scripts to write
❌No videos to shoot
❌No clips to edit
💥Don't miss out on the lifetime deal! 💥
Here's how it works:
  1. Pick a Title, Keyword, and Format.
  2. AI gives you 3 story options. You can keep generating more if you want.
  3. Choose from AI-generated images or create your own.
  4. Add subtitles and choose a voice.
  5. Customize your video with text, images, GIFs, and more.
Once your video is ready, upload it to YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and more.
What makes GPTReels special?
After exploring GPTReels in detail and seeing its success among content creators, I believe it’s the best AI video creator out there.
Have more questions? Comment below!
submitted by Technicallysane02 to growthguide [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:05 crystal-6331 Need help finding an old zutara fic on

Need help finding an old zutara fic on
Hi! I was looking through old pictures and I found a screenshot of an old zutara fic. I remember the fic was really interesting, but I only have the Authors Note from the end of one of the chapters. The author included the myth of St. Agnes in the story, and all I have is them explaining the myth and the end of the poem. I have tried looking up the quote, looking at my history (from yeaaarrrs ago), and google images and have not gotten a result. This screenshot is also from 2017 so the story might have been written before then. I hope the story didn't get taken down but its looking like that might be what happened. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!!
(Also idk how to use reddit so sorry if something is formatted wrong)
submitted by crystal-6331 to ZutaraNation [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:55 Chickenwingechicken explaining the lifa app

ೃ༄🐛ೃ༄ introduction ೃ༄🐛ೃ༄

if you are involved in the shifting community, you may have seen the mention of some sort of 'lifa app' with no explanation as to what it is. sometimes, in scripts, it will say stuff such as...
'when i shift to this reality, i will have a lifa app to check in on my cr self and it cannot be deleted or destroyed.'
but what is the app that everyone is talking about? is it an actual app or sort of app in another reality that everyone just knows of?
in this post, i will be explaining the lifa app as a full guide of how to use it. its features, and what it is.

༊·˚🌿 what is the lifa app? ༊·˚🌿

the lifa app is a reality shifting based app that lets you keep track of your dr or multiple drs in literally every way imaginable. from the time it is to your memories. it even gives you diary entries for yourself. it is meant to be used as a tool to help shifters keep track of all of their information about them and their dr. it also allows a gateway to meet other shifters like yourself and shift with them to the same reality.

。・゚゚・ 🥞 🥯 features 🥯 🥞 ・゚゚・。

the lifa app has many features. the main ones you can see first are dr details, visualizations, group shifting, sharing.
let's go over each feature one by one.

: ̗̀➛ dr details

the first thing that you will get when you are greeted by this an i icon that says about this dr. when you click on it, you are able to type the location and a background story about your desired reality.
: ̗̀➛ time
this feature allows you to add a time and date to your dr. time will pass the same as it does here. for example in my dr, it is currently november 19, 2130 and is 1:47 pm. i chose to freeze time in this dr and submitted it.
: ̗̀➛ theme
this holds the name of what your dr is called, the icon it has, and the background of it when you click on the app. you can also choose the font color and a background tint as well. it also holds your name in your dr.
: ̗̀➛ timeline
you are able to establish a timeline of your desired reality before the point that you shift. i recommend keeping it brief to the important stuff. main instances of childhood and things that you remember with the same importance as you do now.
: ̗̀➛ notion script
this feature is if you have a script on the website notion script. it is a website in which you can gather and fill in shifting templates and is a great way to organize yourself. this is not necessary though. there are other features you can use for your script on here.
: ̗̀➛ about me
this is just a section where you write all about yourself. your name, your age, nicknames, safe word, height, hometown, ethnicity, race, nationality, sexuality, pronouns, gender, language(s), positive traits, negative traits, habit, likes, dislikes, hobbies, and skills.
: ̗̀➛ relationships
when you enter this tab, it will take you to a screen that has a place where you can add family members, friends, pets, significant other(s) or 'other'. the other tab has you in it.
when you decide to add let's say a friend, you start off by adding their name. then there age, closeness, and appearance. you can follow that up by adding a photo of said friend. you can type in relationship dynamic, how you met, and extra info. the format is the exact same no matter the type of relationship aside from pets.
the pet section is a little bit different. you add their name, age, species, pet bed, size, and about them.
there is also a recorder option where you can move around the placements of these characters.
: ̗̀➛ scenarios
this includes upcoming scenarios that you had planned, past scenarios that you did while in your reality, desired upcoming scenarios that include no date but you want to do or have plans to do. finally, you have memories which has no date. these are things that you will automatically remember when in your dr.
it's just a brief section where you can type in a title and add as much as you want of details of that memory. you can add a photo and select if it has a date or if it is a past memory or not.
: ̗̀➛ calendar
this just has the date of your dr. you can also create events on specific dates. that's pretty much it, this section is short.
: ̗̀➛ diary
you can write diary entires. talk about your day, memories, anything that may make you feel closer to your dr. this section is also short.
: ̗̀➛ playlist
so is this one. you make a playlist. and link the playlist, whenever you open the playlist, you get a new tab that takes you to that playlist to listen. i use it to keep my shifting subliminal playlist, but you don't have to.
: ̗̀➛ hero/villain
this is a tab within a tab so i'm bolding it. the first tab is customize, but that feature is locked behind a paywall with a monthly subscription of $3.99. i will talk about the subscription later.
then you have powers. you type the name of it and what your powers do. you have weapons which have the same explanation as powers. missions means you can make your own missions.
then there is combat skills. you list your strength, speed, agility, intelligence, compatibility, stamina, and flexibility out of five. then you can add your backstory. it's a blank sheet where you can type it out.
next is costumes where you describe what your costume looks like.
ally team includes your team name, how well you work together, specific events and upcoming battles, and other details. you can also add relationships from your relationship section and names of that.
enemy team is relatively the same. a team name, specific events or battles, other details, and can once again, select relationship with each member.
finally, there is timeline which has a title and description. you can also add scenarios if needed.
thankfully, that is thee last feature about dr details and we can now move on to visualizations.

: ̗̀➛ visualizations ‧₊˚🖇️✩

this tab focuses all on the visual aspects of your desired reality. even if you can't visualize, you can still use these to get a good idea on what things will look like.
: ̗̀➛ appearence
you can add a hair claim, face claim, body claim, hand claim, voice claim, and specific features claim. personally, i think that the last one could be explained easily in body or face claim.
either way, when you press one of these tabs, you can type in a detailed description on what you look like. now, i didn't notice at first but all the way at the bottom will be a small section that says add photo to which you can go into your gallery and choose a photo for yourself on that specific claim.
: ̗̀➛ wardrobe
this section will include an area that says wardrobe. you press the giant + sign on the top right hand corner and it takes you to a section that says create wardrobe. all you gotta do is add a title and a description. once you do that, you click on the tab again and then add a photo of a specific outfit of yours. you can add multiple photos, move them around using the recorder option right next to photos.
: ̗̀➛ photo gallery
you can make multiple photo galleries , customize albums of different things relating to your dr.
: ̗̀➛ pinterest boards
here you can add the link to your pinterest board...and a title. that's about it.
: ̗̀➛ wallet
this does not connect to any funds in this reality. it's supposed to keep track of money in your dr. i find this feature a bit dumb tbh and seems to waste more time preparing to shift than actually shifting.
: ̗̀➛ outfits
again, this is the same as wardrobe but more customized. you can add each individual clothing item separately if you wanna do that.
: ̗̀➛ belongings
you add photos and a title of what you own and its sentiment. yeah.
: ̗̀➛ or self
it has a stick figure of you. you list your family, what they're doing, their location, and your action, mood, and location.
: ̗̀➛ music group dr
without paying, you can only add one music group and one album. there is a members tab but you need a monthly subscription in order to access it.
i use this feature in one dr to describe my favorite band to listen to and an album i like. if you wanna add more than one album, then you also need to pay,
: ̗̀➛ school app
this is a doozy and has multiple tabs so this will be rapid fire.
you have your student i.d. report card, schedule.
schedule contains period, subject, and teacher. your school in your dr. you can add a photo, location, mascot, colors, class song, traditions, and history of your school.
you can also add your school uniform if you have one. this includes daily uniform and gym uniform. you can add a school map and a yearbook (????????)
again, these are fine i think but the yearbook seems unnecessary, just script who is in your class with you.
also there's a teacher mode but you can only access that with payment.
: ̗̀➛ chat
you can make a chatroom. and roleplay as every single member in that chatroom...for some reason. i don't need to repeat myself here, you already know what i'm going to say.
: ̗̀➛ chat ai
this is locked behind a paywall. just use character ai, it's free and you don't have a limit of 200 messages per day.
: ̗̀➛ family tree
for some reason you can't add siblings. the only way to add siblings kinda is to make them have the same parents as you on a new family tree.
this is just so not necessary. just write down your siblings in your script. no need for your entire extended bloodline. the universe will figure that out.
: ̗̀➛ places
you add places in your dr.
: ̗̀➛ fame phone
you can make a knock off insta account, twitter account, a wikipedia, and a youtube. again, not needed. just shift. also the settings and notifications features are locked behind a paywall.

: ̗̀➛ group shifting

you need to convert your account into an online account. but you can connect with other people and plan to shift together as a group. for those that don't know, group shifting is where you and one or more people collectively decide to shift to the same dr as different people and basically share an experience in that dr.

: ̗̀➛ sharing

the exact same thing as above. except this time you can just share your dr. you need an account to access this feature. it can give others ideas on scripts, drs, or anything else of the sort. it can be a great way to connect with others.

𓍯𓂃ᥫ᭡.🩹 final thoughts 𓍯𓂃ᥫ᭡.🩹

i think some of its features are helpful! however, other parts of it can be very distracting from shifting. i almost felt like this was an oc maker rather than shifting app. some of these i think didn't need so many features. the amount of features there are is crazy. the features section alone i needed to divide into several sections because it took so much longer to get through than i initially thought. it took about two hours to review each of them and i had to take breaks in between. to a new shifter especially, this would be so overwhelming.
you don't need face claims, body claims, or special features claims. as long as you have a general idea of what you and your desired reality is like then you're fine. this is just gonna over complicate shifting and make it seem more fictional in a way. if anything, this makes you less connected to your desired reality since your focusing so much on this one.
it wouldn't be a waste to download it but i wouldn't recommend buying it. but if you do, then more power to you.
please stay safe and happy shifting ᥫ᭡
submitted by Chickenwingechicken to realityshifting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:33 LucySkyDiamonds19 Possibly Apocalyptic story from very late 90s/Early 2000s involving teenagers in a city attacked by Monsters

So this one will be a long shot I think but a new friend I made at the start of middle school around 2000 or so let me borrow a kind of thick book that I never finished. From what I can recall the book had a mostly black cover with either green font for the title or a pair of green eyes on the cover. It also could have been a green cover with red eyes on it though the black and green combo is what my brain vaguely recalls. It didn't look like a book for a kid fresh out of elementary school and the look of the cover was enough that my mom made a comment about it asking if I should be reading it.
The little story I remember involved teenagers I think in a city being attacked by different kinds of monsters, don't remember what kind but gargoyles just jumped out at me when typing this. I think the green monster on the cover was a sort of ally to the teens but I do remember people getting killed, including other teenagers. The city part of the story is what I remember most but I think there was a bit at the beginning setting things up before all Hell broke loose. There was one boy in particular who was special and I think he was able to talk to some of the monsters at some point.The book was a little thick, definitely above 150 pages at least and I can't remember if my friend had said if the book was part of a series or not.
I don't know where my friend got it, just that I commented that the book looked interesting and he asked if I wanted to read it. It definitely wasn't a book sold at a scholastic book fair given the cover and story content.
submitted by LucySkyDiamonds19 to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:14 JustanOverpoweredGod A case for William Afton, Mike Schmidt and Fritz Smith being one and the same.

A case for William Afton, Mike Schmidt and Fritz Smith being one and the same.


So, This is gonna be a bit of a controversial one for a first post. This post is gonna be detailing a bit of proof for Mike Schmidt and Fritz Smith being William Afton. It should be noted that I myself am somewhat mixed on whether I believe this or not so I am simply providing arguements without actually attempting to confirm this as some kind of basic factor of the lore.
The identity of Mike Schmidt/Fritz Smith has been mostly agreed upon as Michael Afton in recent years, the point of this post is to show that there is still room for debate regarding this topic.

What we know about the two gaurds:

-Mike Schmidt and Fritz Smith are most likely the same person, we know this because of the fact that:
  1. They both get fired for the exact same reasons (Tampering with the Animatronics and odor)
  2. Both of their names are uncommon mixtures of German names. (And while I'm not sure on this one, I have heard that Schmidt and Smith both roughly have the same meaning)
  3. They both have the technician skills to tamper with the Animatronics and allow a Custom Night to occur.
-They are both oddly persistent when it comes to tampering with the Animatronics:
  1. Fritz Smith, who was believed to be some random temp hired off the streets, not only has the technician skills to tamper with the Animatronics (which is suspicious enough in it's own right), He also apparently cares enough to do it as soon as he enters the building but also before the Animatronics start moving about implying that he already has all of this planned out.
  2. Mike Schmidt's case is far more interesting, Good Ol' Mike might wait six nights to tamper with the Animatronics but if he actually is Fritz you can simply argue that he learned from past mistakes but I can take it a step further and make the claim that he actually learned from recent mistakes.
Mike has been trying to tamper with them for a while:
  1. A detail a lot of people seemed to have forgotten about in recent years is the fact that Freddy in FNAF 1 has an adult sized human hand print on his face, there are a couple problems with the older theories regarding this:
1-"It's from when William stuffed Gabriel in the suit": only problem is that this is a refurbished version of the Withered version of the half retrofitted with new tech version of the original Freddy from the original Freddy's, not even Withered Freddy has the mark so why would Classic Freddy have it?
2-"It's from when The Puppet stuffed Gabriel into the suit": this is pretty much just the Puppetstuffed version of the first one it has all the same flaws Plus The Puppet not having Realistic Humanoid hands
3-"It's the Phone Guy's hand": this one suggests that this was the Phone Guy fighting back against Freddy who tried to kill him on Night 4, only problems are that the Phone Guy most definitely is not strong enough to fight back against the Classics and given the fact that they are consistently portrayed to have Superhuman speed (In the movie novel Foxy attacks Bob and drags him to Shreddy Armchair in an instant, the guide books state the Animatronics are fast, Springtrap might be faster than the rest but even he is described as being "race car fast" and can travel through the vents at Superhuman speeds, The Core four in FNAF 1 can move around the building from one room to another at Hyper speed with most people thinking that they are teleporting, Bonnie is depicted as sprinting in the trailer, Foxy is not "the fast one" all of them are quick, Foxy only gained that title because we actually see him sprinting down the hall), The Phone Guy would've had all of his bones shattered into a steel frame before he could react, let alone fight back. Also, his death was either a team effort or GF.
The two I'm going to talk about are the ones people used to brush this aside.
4-"It's just an employee's uncleaned handprint on the suit": Why would this only be on Freddy and GF and not the rest then? Golden Freddy has it too, the very same GF who infamously isn't maintained at all, the arguement that GF shares the handprint because he's a recolor is just wrong, cause his model in UCN still has it+ his detailed Jumpscare also has it.
5-"It's Freddy's hand from when he was trying to rip his head off in that rare poster": Freddy was only grasping his jaw, you can even see Freddy's own handprint on his lower jaw, with the chunkier rounded fingers that don't match the five fingered human hand on his face.
Given the fact that both GF and Freddy have similar Mark's and that "don't touch Freddy" was made a rule, it's pretty safe to assume that somebody's been trying to tamper with them for a while... see where I'm getting at? Mike has been trying to tamper with them for a long time.
So from all of this we can deduce that Mike and Fritz are the same but just who are they really?

Why people think they're Mike and why they're not:

  1. Parallels (something we'll discuss later)
  2. FNAF 4: F4's gameplay is pretty much a reflection of FNAF 1's, With the Night 1 F1 Phone call playing as an Easter egg with Scott later saying that he didn't fill the game with random easter eggs.
However, dreams can be influenced by spirits. (See the dream sequences in FNAF 2 and the movie) and given the fact that Nightmare who we know is real and a manifestation of Afton's evil is there, it seems that that is what's going on. (And it also seems that either Afton is causing it or Nightmare is) And that's what Scott wanted us to infer. The thing causing the dreams is Mike Schmidt.
This is further proved by the fact that the way you get to skip two hours from a night of torment is by stopping Plushtrap, a representation of Springtrap, further proving that he is the one causing this and that he is Schmidt.
  1. SL stuff: SL is pretty much confirmed after FNAF 1 at this point cause at least some version of MoltenMCI is Canon plus other stuff, plus the odor Args have been bunked too.
  2. Mike has Hallucinations of FNAF 1&2: The phantoms in F3 are caused by Springtrap, and people seem to assume that they are based on past trauma, however the problem with that is that parallels aren't 1 to 1s and also in "What we found", Hudson only gets said visions by touching and being infected by Springtrap's Agony especially since they work differently than FNAF 3 ones, And since The Puppet is implied to cause The Phantom Puppet hallucination which directly references the dream sequences influenced by The Puppet in FNAF 2, So if her hallucination is stuff she knows, what's to say Springtrap isn't doing the same?

Why they're William:

  1. The constant persistence and implied sinister nature of Mike and Fritz's tampering would add up if it was William trying to infect them with Agony, understand them, control them or whatever you interpret his motive to be.
  2. Mike Schmidt and Fritz Smith are both uncommon names, Fritz Smith even roughly translates to "the maker of Freddy" or "the forger of Freddy" but that point is kind of sketchy.
  3. The Animatronics are more hostile towards Mike Schmidt than they are towards any other person across any crevice of this franchise. Period.
  4. M.S gets the "IT'S ME" treatment and constant reminders of William's misdeeds.
  5. As we've established FNAF 3's phantoms are spurred on by Springtrap and his memory which would mean that he was a FNAF 2 gaurd and Mike Schmidt in FNAF 1.
  6. The FNAF 4 dreams not only parallel FNAF 1's Gameplay, But also have a new addition to the line up, one that wasn't in the real life experiments, Nightmare: the physical manifestation of William's evil, Mike isn't the FNAF 1 gaurd as we've already established which implies that the FNAF 1 gaurd is somehow behind it. Plushtrap, a representation of Springtrap causes the time to speed forward, skipping two hours of torment when defeated, implying that he was the one running the dream. This is further evidenced by the fact that the logbook takes place during FNAF 3 and N. Fredbear is drawn by Mike Afton when referring to recent dreams. (Bonus, less proof and more Headcanon but the odor would make a lot of sense when you remember that Agony smells awful)

The Logbook:

  1. The logbook is an in Universe activity book published by the people behind Fazbear's Fright, there is a fake note from Jeremy to give the kids the sense that the torch is being passed down to them and that they will be night gaurds, as know this isn't real but rather a recreation because it says that Jeremy was a daygaurd for a whole week.
Mike is written on the cover in the same font as the faded text, this is supposed to be an in Universe reference to Mike Schmidt, implying that he is the faded text.
Mike Afton crosses "MIKE" out but doesn't add anything implying that it is also his name but that he doesn't want to admit to it out of shame.
  1. The faded text isn't Cassidy, the "IT'S ME" and "Cassidy" messages appear in the humble text, imply that the altered text is Cassidy. Unlike what a certain video has popularised, Cassidy is NOT the BV. The faded text asks BV related questions but altered text's responses are always vague and barely connected, based on how the conversation is phrased and Cassidy's responses it seems that the faded text thinks altered text is Cassidy but Cassidy is not.
Faded text is a person Mike Afton wants dead as shown by him sketching a tomb stone deliberately around the "My Name" text.
Faded text's "My Name" can be solved in the Foxy grid, which has been solved as "Is Springtrap", "My Name is Springtrap", the same secret message as in Scott's FNAF 3 update post where he cryptically revealed the name and a line ripped straight from TTO too, this is a logical and frankly flawless interpretation of the Foxy grid since Stuff like "Evan" and "Dave" are both explicitly out of context and just don't make sense, not only with the incoherent phrases and the methods to "solve" them.
If all of that isn't enough proof for you then I already know what you're gonna bring up, let's play the parallels game


  1. TSE: William is the Gaurd at what is explicitly the FNAF 1 location as of the "follow me" minigames
  2. The movie: Mike Schmidt is basically his own character but has connections to Mike Afton.
  3. YTB: this is a scrapped story so it's debatable if this CAN be used, but either way, the location he works at is more like Freddy's Zero, FNAF 2 at best, and it's debatable if this guy is even supposed to be Mike Afton and even more debatable if we can even use this for lore.


So to wrap this up, William has a legitimately good case for being Mike Schmidt and Fritz Smith, still mixed on this though.
submitted by JustanOverpoweredGod to fnaftheories [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:01 RoseOfTheNight4444 Question related to writing for certain kinds of books and book length/word count

I've heard that word count is what defines what kind of book you write. Which, to the point of technicality, makes sense. But evidently, you're supposed to cut out words (not including getting rid of fluff and editing overall) if it's too long (or I guess add to it if not long enough, too)? That seems very restrictive to me. If the book is finished, edited, and everything fits the story and moves it along, does word count matter that much? I mean, I've never heard of page number being a factor, so why does word count matter? Perhaps I'm wrong, being as I've never read the books, but I've heard HP is LENGTHY. Like, hundreds and hundreds of pages long (dunno the word count of them though lol). Aren't those books still considered novels, despite the fact that they're super long? Maybe I am unaware of other terms besides novel and novella (Those are the only two I can remember, sorry lol) that would fit someone's book. I can't remember my exact word count of the book I am writing right now (plus the font size is a bit bigger for my poor vision), and I haven't had it edited yet (obviously), but my first chapter at the moment is 20 pages long (not what I usually do) and in total, the word count is low. So yeah, I'm a tad bit confused 😅
submitted by RoseOfTheNight4444 to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:41 Belsambar59 List of Resources to Learn French: content consumed by a native

Bonjour tout le monde, I’m a French guy who likes learning foreign languages. And I thought it could be useful to share what French content I like, so that you could use it to learn the language :)
(Note : some of the shows are originally on twitch, but only available on demand if you subscribe ; while accessible for free on youtube).
[Comedy sketch]
(Here are some of the best french comedians, generally with full/part of shows on youtube)
TV Shows
*Access* :

Comics (BD)

submitted by Belsambar59 to French [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:56 WA_Moonwalker Any Pakistani Story/Literature that rivals western and eastern ones?

I want to write a screenplay that is brewing with the culture and art of South Asia. I dont care if its impractical or if it ever gets to see the light of the day. I just want to write it. I am currently researching the Mughal, Persian, Indian, Turkish, Arabian art since Urdu is influenced by all of these cultures. The idea is to get into the roots of these cultures and weave a beautiful and eloquent narrative out of it. I want to popularize a new genre of storytelling. The one which is neither eastern nor western. I dont have a name for it yet but you get the idea (The countries in the middle) So, if you know any piece of art/literature/story that rivals the ones made in the west in terms of writing (Breaking Bad, A Song of Ice and Fire, Godfather, Inception, Citizen Kane etc.). Anything from either Persian, Indian, Arabian, Turkish or Urdu literature. Old or new. Just name it. It has to be a pure artistic work, unique to either of the cultures. This would help me a lot.
PS: Loved Ertugrul but wont consider it good storytelling (An epic serial drama). Hated Peer e Kamil and other popular urdu novels. Cringe and cliche no subtility or whatsover. Very interested in Persian and Afghani art since it was very well respected in Mughal Times. Not very sure about Arab art. Indian Turkish art seems rich enough.
submitted by WA_Moonwalker to pakistan [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:29 CrashmanX Gundam AGE Universe Accel Translation Project (Recruiting)

Gundam AGE Universe Accel Translation Project (Recruiting)
It's been 11 years but I'm back in the saddle of trying to translate Gundam AGE Universe Accel and Cosmic Drive.
This is a long and arduous process and I'm gonna need some assistance in doing so. Specifically I'm looking for any programmers who can assist with creating custom tools to export/import the text, and anyone who can help with learning how the text/fonts/images are loaded so that we can get past existing character limits.
I'm also looking for anyone familiar with Fan Subbing anime. There's about 44 videos in this game and none of them have subs. Would love to subtitle these videos and re-import them into the game.
If you have any interest or questions let me know and I'll be glad to answer them. I'm hoping to have the Definitive version of Gundam AGE translated for everyone to enjoy in English.
I'll toss some screenshots below of my old patch from 2013 so you can see where we're already at. All the menus should be done save for a few graphics, just needing to start on the story itself now. There's a lot of grammatical errors that will be corrected, so don't worry too much about those. The old 2013 version of this patch is currently floating around on the net, but I'll be making a newer better version.
submitted by CrashmanX to Gundam [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:21 Nearby_Presence_3082 Your opinion on stories with unique formats

I am writing a story with a ton of designs, big lettering and fonts, and literary elements (like newspapers, slogans, etc.). I feel like these days there are many books that are formatted the same, and to me, a way to keep me going is to make them visually interesting. What are your opinions on this?
submitted by Nearby_Presence_3082 to writing [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:44 Accomplished-Race961 DIY Book Cover Design: A Self-Publishing Author’s Guide

DIY Book Cover Design: A Self-Publishing Author’s Guide
DIY Book Cover Design
Have you ever considered creating your own book cover art? Developing an engaging book cover is not only a fun creative endeavour for self-publishing authors, but it’s also an essential part of book marketing. Let’s delve into the realm of do-it-yourself diy book cover design and examine how to create a captivating cover that entices readers.

Why Book Cover Design Matters

First Impressions

Initial impressions matter a lot, particularly in the cutthroat world of self-publishing. Your book cover is the first thing potential readers see as they sift through the hundreds of titles; it conveys the genre, tone, and calibre of your writing right away.
A skillfully designed DIY book cover can attract and pique readers’ interest, encouraging them to pick up your book and read through its contents.
On the other hand, no matter how good the story inside is, a badly designed cover can turn off readers. Putting time and attention into the design of your book cover increases the visual appeal of your book and makes it far more marketable.

Marketing Potential

Your book’s cover serves as the reader’s initial impression in the crowded field of self-publishing. A well-designed cover is more than simply a pretty picture; it’s also an effective marketing tool.
When done correctly, a DIY book cover design can greatly increase the visibility and attractiveness of your work. A polished book cover can effectively communicate the genre, tone, and calibre of your work, luring readers in to continue reading.
You may effectively convey the core of your tale and stand out in a crowded industry with the correct design, which can eventually increase sales and strengthen your author brand.

Understanding Book Cover Elements

Front Cover

Since it makes the initial impression on potential readers, the front cover is the focal point of any do-it-yourself book cover design. It’s the intersection of creativity and marketing, fusing attention-grabbing typography and images to grab readers’ attention right away.
A well-designed front cover should quickly and easily communicate the genre, tone, and main idea of the book. Important components are the book’s title, author name, and imagery that corresponds with its subject matter.
Effectively balancing these elements can have a big impact, grabbing readers’ attention and enticing them to keep reading. A captivating front cover takes time to create, but it’s essential for any self-publishing author hoping to stand out in a crowded market.


When it comes to DIY book cover design, the spine of your book is quite important in drawing the reader’s attention, particularly if it is tucked away on a shelf with other books.
Not only does a well-designed spine look good, but it also makes sure that your book title, author name, and occasionally a little image or emblem are readable and easily apparent. For digital thumbnails as well as real bookstores, this is crucial.
To produce a professional and eye-catching spine that enhances the overall design of your book cover, pay special attention to font selection, color contrast, and spacing. Keep in mind that every little detail matters when creating a DIY book cover to make your work stand out.

Back Cover

An important feature of a do-it-yourself book cover design is the back cover, which doubles as a marketing and informational hub. It usually has an intriguing synopsis that draws readers in and entices them to read the rest of the book.
In addition, author biographies, reviews, and ISBN data are frequently included on the rear cover. Writing a professional back cover can have a big impact on how appealing and credible a book is for self-publishing authors.
The rear cover accentuates the book’s overall appeal and matches the front cover by striking a balance between interesting design and educational material that draws readers in from all sides...Continue reading
submitted by Accomplished-Race961 to u/Accomplished-Race961 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 05:22 esor_rose What font does Episode use for their stories?

Sorry if it’s the wrong flair I had to choose one. Does anyone know what font Episode stories use? I’m not talking about the font of the word “Episode” but the font for dialogue between characters. I was just wondering about if anyone knew it. Thanks!
submitted by esor_rose to Episode [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:52 Magical_Narwhal888 New tinfoil interpretation of DFV’s Bourne tweet last night to distract us over the weekend

New tinfoil interpretation of DFV’s Bourne tweet last night to distract us over the weekend
Stay with me on this one because it takes a few leaps…
I think Marie is supposed to represent GME because of the Run Lola Run reference and Matt Damon is supposed to be BBBY because… in Stuck On You his character was named Bob (Bobby), yes it’s a stretch but it works for me at this point. Especially because that movie is about adult conjoined twins (very important spoiler alert) who finally decide to get separated after years of being attached at the hip (bed bath and baby).
She’s telling him to run with her but since he (bbby) isn’t listed anymore he says he can’t run with her. He also says he doesn’t know who he is which could be a reference to bbby changing into something else (butterfly) and in a more existential way, because in the chrysalis the caterpillar liquifies before forming into a butterfly, so depending on what part of the story DFV is telling here bbby might literally not know what it is.
Anyway, he’s talking about trying to do the right thing for her (GME), and she’s talking about telling them (us/the world) “what happened”, possibly related to all of the docket drops this week and the lawsuits that were filed a couple of weeks ago.
I also think it has to be indicating something that he changed the font and the style of the title for the line “nobody does the right thing” but my foil only goes so far on that one, if any of you have some ideas about that.
I think this makes even more sense given that they drive into the deck underground (cellar boxing) as has been pointed out by others, especially since there is a no exit strategy sign over the entrance.
Last, I think the shift to Ryan Gosling at the end is a throwback to the earlier days of GME (yes the account I’m posting this from is new, but I’ve been in this since January ‘21, I just don’t want to post from my personal account) when people referred to the story of the frog and the scorpion, with the frog representing GME and the scorpion the shorts. In Drive many people agree that Gosling is the frog (especially since he wears the scorpion image on his jacket and is therefore carrying the scorpion on his back as in the original story).
In case you don’t know the story, it is a fable with the message that evil people can’t help but hurt others even when doing so would hurt themselves (like the dumbasses who keep shorting these companies into oblivion with no regard to who they hurt in the process):
Here’s the story from Wikipedia: “A scorpion wants to cross a river but cannot swim, so it asks a frog to carry it across. The frog hesitates, afraid that the scorpion might sting it, but the scorpion promises not to, pointing out that it would drown if it killed the frog in the middle of the river. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I am sorry, but I couldn't resist the urge. It's my character."[1]”
Hopefully things end better for all of us than Drive did for anyone in the movie (another spoiler alert?) and certainly than Marie, but since these are isolated clips, I don’t think DFV was going there, I just think he was reiterating that the shorts will burn everything down if they feel that they have to to win.
submitted by Magical_Narwhal888 to Teddy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:14 boostappsocial Make Your Instagram Stories Pop with These Pro Tips

Creating standout Instagram Stories requires creativity, strategy, and a touch of finesse. Here are ten pro tips to make your Stories not just seen, but remembered and shared.
1. Use High-Quality Visuals: Always use high-resolution photos and videos to maintain a professional look. Poor quality can turn viewers away. Invest in good lighting and a decent camera for best results.
2. Incorporate Interactive Elements: Add polls, questions, and quizzes to your Stories. These features encourage audience interaction and can provide valuable insights. For example, ask your followers which product they prefer or what content they want to see next.
3. Leverage Trending Sounds: Integrate popular music and sounds to make your Stories more engaging. This can help your content appear in trending feeds. Check Instagram’s music library regularly for new trends.
4. Tell a Story: Create a narrative with a beginning, middle, and end. This keeps viewers engaged from start to finish. For instance, document a day in the life or the creation process of a product.
5. Use Consistent Branding: Stick to your brand’s color palette, fonts, and style. This makes your Stories instantly recognizable. It reinforces your brand identity and makes your content cohesive.
6. Add Captions and Text: Many viewers watch Stories with the sound off. Use text to convey your message. Highlight key points or add context to ensure your story is understood even without audio.
7. Utilize Stickers and GIFs: Enhance your Stories with relevant stickers and GIFs. These can add humor and personality to your content. Just be sure not to overcrowd your visuals.
8. Highlight Key Stories: Save your best Stories as Highlights on your profile. Organize them into categories like “Tips,” “Behind the Scenes,” or “Events.” This keeps important content accessible for new followers.
9. Post Regularly: Consistency is key to maintaining audience interest. Post Stories daily to keep your followers engaged and coming back for more. Schedule your posts to ensure you never miss a day.
10. Monitor Analytics: Use Instagram’s analytics to track which Stories perform best. Adjust your strategy based on what your audience responds to. Focus on creating more of what works and less of what doesn’t.
By implementing these tips, you can significantly enhance the impact of your Instagram Stories, making them more engaging and memorable for your audience.
To further elevate your Stories, consider using Boost App Social. It offers trending sounds, engaging captions, and strategic hashtags to help your Stories stand out and reach a broader audience. With Boost App Social, every Story you create can be a powerful tool for engagement and growth.
submitted by boostappsocial to boostappsocial [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:42 YeahBites Janome MB4 Needles & Bobbins

I just got my MB4 back from service and I am really excited to get started. The guy at the shop recommended swapping my needles about every 10 hours. I see the recommended Janome Blue Tip 11 needles are quite expensive or you can get packs of a bajillion of them for about the same price as four of the originals. Same story with the janome pre-wound bobbins vs. the Brothread bobbins.
Can anyone help me know if generic is okay for these? I'm buying about every type of stabilizer possible to mess around with. I'm also looking to invest in some basic software so I can digitize my own designs and bring in some more modern fonts for monogramming with drop shadows and things.
submitted by YeahBites to MachineEmbroidery [link] [comments]