Venn diagram math activities 5th grade

reverse chance a terrified rising junior who has no idea how college admissions work

2024.06.02 17:10 ComfortGullible3634 reverse chance a terrified rising junior who has no idea how college admissions work

so for a little context im a rising junior who always has been pushed to do well in school but never really went too deep into college admissions. i sort of realized i need help making a potential college list and honestly idrk how to research so many schools so maybe yall could help
major: public health but honestly im still considering a lot of career paths
GPA (as of current): 4.0 unweighted, school doesnt do weighted
SAT: 1560 single sitting (770 english 790 math)
courseload (as of what i’ve already completed and what i’m already registered fowill 100% take): 8 honors, school doesnt offer APs; 6 DE completed, will complete 5 more first semester next school year. some of the more notable ones are:
calc 1-2 (took soph year) calc 3 (will take 1st semester junior) gen chem 1 (will take 1st semester junior) physics with calc 1 (will take 1st semester junior)
and in total i will have completed 25 DE by the time i graduate
extracurriculars: 1. nearing completion of an app that promotes beach/tourism safety in my local area; im planning to publish it in the android play store within the next 2 months, and have already made agreements to implement it in multiple local businesses 2. team leader of a social/political activism cohort of 20+ undergraduate interns. i led meetings and organized weekly tasks surrounding issues like civic literacy and climate 3. co-manager of a family rental business; i maintained a rental property for the past 3 years (stepping down when school starts tho) and helped manage $90k+ in revenue annually along with inquiries, reviews, and physical maintenance 4. spent 150 hours shadowing doctors across 4 specialties. i helped carry out menial tasks like retrieving paperwork and medicines alongside just learning the “inside” of outpatient care 5. internship at a decently large mental health advocacy nonprofit; i worked together with college students nationwide to create media and develop frameworks for mental health awarneess 6. i have an officer position for math club at school. we are in a rural area so i research competitions we take part in except we’ve only done like one so far. i was one of the founding members 7. i track tropical cyclones and have my own tropical weather bulletin online. meteorological science is a big interest of mine and i collaborate with several other enthusiasts to issue personal forecasts. been doing this for like 5 years now 8. teaching myself guitar. big time sink because when i start i cant stop haha 9. weightlifting. not really much to say 10. i also spend some of my free time writing as a hobby
awards: 1. international essay award; not john locke level but i was one of five chosen in north america out of a few thousand, one out of 25 worldwide 2. national rural and small town award (is this worth anything?) 3. will graduate with an associates degree 4. okay so this one i haven’t done yet but i think its reasonable to say that i’ll get national merit semifinalist.
additional info:
i skipped 9th grade (high school credit thing in middle school) so i went straight from 8th-10th. im super lost on where to start for college admissions and have really just been doing what seems interesting for me so idk if that would help or hurt
submitted by ComfortGullible3634 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:05 MeMyselfIandMeAgain How much math is there is the field?

Hey everyone so I'm a high school student who just finished 10th grade and really like math (haven't taken a real proof-based class yet but I took up to calc 3 and linear algebra and I'm currently self-studying diffeqs over the summer) and I also really enjoyed what I did this year in AP Chem, to the point that I'm considering pursuing chemistry in college! And so obviously computational chem sounds like a match given the overlap (i'm also quite interested in coding, i have done some projects, taken AP CSA, and I am gold-tier in the USACO olympiad) but it seems like nowadays most of the math is done by computers, which makes sense, but I really enjoy quantum mechanics and the math behind it, so I was wondering, for research in comp chem, how much math do y'all do? Like QM is a lot of linear algebra and PDEs, fields that I LOVE! but maybe now in most comp chem research it's more just program and you don't do that much math?
so I'd love to know your experience!
and, in case it's not very math-y anymore, recommendations for fields that have more overlap between math and chem. like I looked into the journal of mathematical chemistry and found it super interesting but it doesn't look like it's a very active field apart from that. and standard theoretical chemistry is cool but it doesn't seem THAT mathematical like there doesn't seem like there is much past multivariable calc stuff... not a huge fan of physics (at least at the level of like classical mechanics and e&m) but do I have no other choice than to look into physics?
submitted by MeMyselfIandMeAgain to comp_chem [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:39 Commercial-Bus-1706 My story

Hey guys, I think the title is pretty self explanatory. Telling my story will give you all insight into why I slip up and will hopefully allow you guys to give me more targeted advice. Here we go...
It all started when I was in 5th grade during a Super Bowl commercial (Steelers vs Cardinals; crazy Santonio Holmes catch game for all my football fans). I saw a really loosly dressed lady, with an invitation to visit a website correlated with the add. I felt an immense pull then to visit the site. Later that week, I visited the site (wasn't a corn site, just a regular ad domain website) but these crazy feelings persisted. I kept searching for more soft pictures of other women, and eventually I found myself on a corn site for the first time. I immediately closed the site quickly, as it was the most horrifying thing I'd ever seen as an 11 year old. However I would still look at soft images here and there.
Fast forward 3 years, (8th grade, summer before high school) one of my good friends introduced me to instagram. I made my first instagram account, and even back then it was filled with all sorts of soft core stuff. I had an overabundance of soft core images, and it was then I masturbated for the first time. I thought to myself, "I wonder if I could do this with that corn site I saw when I was younger, how would that feel?" It was then I masturbated to corn for the first time, and I was hooked instantly. Throughout high school I would do it every single day, sometimes multiple times a day. Our school gave us iPads, and every day I was masturbating to corn. As a freshman/sophomore I thought it was the best thing in the world. If only I knew how ignorant I was.
The summer between my sophomore and junior year was the first time I experienced no fap benefits. I went to a camp where we weren't allowed to have our phones (or any other technology) and I went on my first streak of 17 days, and I felt like an entirely different man! I had no problem talking to strangers, felt more confident around girls, and it just felt like people gravitated towards me. It was honestly one of the best times of my life. This is when I knew porn was a problem and I needed to stop, but right when I got back home I relapsed on my phone instantly. This is when I knew I had a problem.
I tried to stop but just couldn't. I got my first girlfriend my senior year of high school and lost my virginity with her, but my mind was still dominated by corn. Once we broke up my corn use escalated dramatically to taboo genres. I even started to experience some PEID. This carried over to college, where my porn use was out of control.
Fast forward to now, and I am still struggling. I recently discovered the nofap thread; I had heard of nofap before, but I was never an active member in the subreddit since I was never big on using reddit in high school/college. I have had previous streaks of 27 and 30 days (Both in college) but I always end up back to corn. Here I am now, a 24 y/o man. I feel like I have a good life, graduated college and have a decent job, trying to go to medical school. But I just can't shake this thing. It feels like I'm trapped in an inescapable prison. My mind is dominated by immoral thoughts, and it seems like I lust over almost every women I see.
However, I know there is light at the end of the tunnel. I know I can overcome this addiction, one day at a time. I know the best is yet to come for me, and I know a greater life awaits me out there. I am glad to be apart of NoFap, and if you have read my long ass story up to this point, I am grateful for you. I am thrilled to start a new attempt, and to start a new journey here on NoFap.
submitted by Commercial-Bus-1706 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:33 DueQuestion2775 Should I get my second Master Degree or an Endorsement?

Hello, I am a current 5th grade teach. I teach Reading and ELA, but did Math, Science, and Social Studies, during my Student Teaching. This school year was my first year teaching. I have my BA in Elementary Education. I also currently just received my MS in Curriculum and Instruction. With my certificate, I can currently teach 2nd-6th.
I am seriously considering switching to middle school. I could teach 6th grade because of my certification, but I'd like my options to open to 7th and 8th grade. Ideally, I would love to teach Science or Social because those are my favorite subjects. I would be okay with Math too.
All of that to say, should I get a second Master's degree in Middle Level Science Education or wait until after this upcoming school year and take the Praxis for both Science and Social Studies and get the endorsements? If I have my professional certification, I only have to take the praxis and I would not need any extra classes.
Would it be better to get the experience of that through my Masters degree or would it be a waste of time? What would look better to a principal when it comes to hiring? I would also get a raise with my second Masters. I hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance!
submitted by DueQuestion2775 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:59 LastWeekInCollapse Last Week in Collapse: May 26-June 1, 2024

Record temperatures, starvation, zombie fires, Ukraine’s exhaustion, and bird flu mutations. ‘Tis the season—of Doom.
Last Week in Collapse: May 26-June 1, 2024
This is Last Week in Collapse, a weekly newsletter compiling some of the most important, timely, useful, soul-crushing, ironic, stunning, exhausting, or otherwise must-see/can’t-look-away moments in Collapse.
This is the 127th newsletter. You can find the May 19-25 edition here if you missed it last week. You can also receive these posts (with images) every Sunday in your email inbox with Substack.
Cyclone Remal, which has killed 50+ people between India & Bangladesh, was one of the longest-lasting cyclones (36+ hours) to lash Bangladesh. 20M+ people were also left without electricity. Delhi broke its all-time temperature record last week, with 50.5 °C (123 °F). A state of emergency was declared, and 14+ people died in India from the heat so far.
A series of freak lightning strikes in Colorado killed one human and 34 cattle. Meteorologists were already looking at a few potential hurricanes days before the record season was expected to begin (1 June to 30 November).
Brazil’s savannah has suffered deforestation worse than much of the Amazon—and most of the clearing was done illegally. About 11,000 km2 of the Brazilian savannah was deforested last year (equivalent to the size of Jamaica), an increase of 68% compared to 2022.
A study in Science Direct looked into permafrost melt in Tibet, and concluded that alpine meadows are the most sensitive region to changing temperature patterns. Melting permafrost is more responsive to annual temperatures & wind speeds, while the upper soil levels respond more to month-to-month changes in temperature and precipitation. Another study from Biogeosciences examined the terrible effects of bottom-trawling stirring up carbon from the seafloor.
A small village in central Papua New Guinea was covered by a landslide, reportedly burying over 2,000 inhabitants. Estimates of the dead range from 100 to 670. Data from the U.S. say 2023 was the highest heat mortality year since records began, with 2,300+ Americans perishing. One heat expert said the encroaching heat “seems like it's coming faster….{and} more severe than we expected." The UN claims women are 14x more likely to die in a climate disaster, compared with men—and are affected by other negative effects are a far greater rate.
Record nighttime temperatures across Central America, around 29 °C (84 °F). Hundreds of cities in the American Deep South broke temperature records for spring with temperatures in the 80s °F (27-29 °C). Radical changes to our consumption patterns would be necessary to avert a large-scale catastrophe for our species. And a heat wave in Pakistan brought temperatures of 52 °C (126 °F).
Temperatures in northern Finland surged beyond 27 °C. A number of Saharan nations set new May records for day & night. Meanwhile, Zimbabwe (pop: 17M) is asking for emergency food aid for 9M people through March 2025 after El Niño ruined about 70% of their expected corn harvests. In nearby Zambia, a devastating Drought has resulted in severe hunger for millions of locals, as well as impacting its electrical production (95% of its electricity being hydropower). Scientists are reassessing the baseline temperature used for 1850-1900, and some believe that the pre-industrial temperatures may have actually been a quarter of a degree Celsius cooler than previously believed—meaning that our current global temperatures represent an even larger gain in the past ~150 years.
The COP29 slogan has been revealed ahead of the Azerbaijan climate conference: “In solidarity for a Green World.” The United States is delaying the retirement of coal plants in order to power the massive electrical demand fuelled by AI processing.
A paywalled study from the American Meteorological Study postulates that the January 2022 eruption of a Tonga volcano may have affected the climate of the entire decade, worsening local ozone problems and contributing to a wetter-than-average summer later this year. Another paywalled study from Science reports that human development has resulted in accelerating decomposition rates for organic matter in waterways—releasing carbon into the waters and atmosphere faster than expected.
A new theory has been developed to explain zombie fires and their fearsome spread—spontaneous combustion, triggered by atmospheric warming. Scientists believe that microbes may generate heat up to 80 °C (176 °F), and/or that rapid shifts into heat waves may also activate a heating process that soon combusts.
Mexico City is nearing its doomsday for water. Some 40% of water is allegedly lost through theft and leaky pipes before it even gets to households. Observers believe the “day zero” could come by June 26, and what will happen to the almost 22M people living in the metro area is anyone’s guess. About 60% of its water comes from underground aquifers which have been increasingly exploited and depleted. The rainy season starts at the end of June…but what if it isn’t enough? Meanwhile, South Korea’s groundwater is expected to run out by 2080.
Brazil’s historic flooding has resulted in a dangerous side effect: the spread of disease, with 54 confirmed cases of leptospirosis and hundreds of others suspected. 169 people were confirmed killed by the flooding, many schools completely flooded,
The American Lung Association released its 2024 State of the Air in late April, and its 161 pages assess the safety of air across the United States. California remains particularly hard hit by ozone & particle pollution. People with asthma, COPD, cardiovascular disease, as well as pregnant women, are at especially high risk from air pollution.
“39% of Americans—131.2 million people—still live in places with failing grades for unhealthy levels of ozone or particle pollution. This is 11.7 million more people breathing unhealthy air compared to last year’s report….Extreme heat, drought and wildfires are contributing to a steady increase in deadly {particulate matter} pollution, especially in the western U.S….Bakersfield {California} also continued as the metropolitan area with the worst level of year-round particle pollution for the 5th year in a row. Los Angeles remains the city with the worst ozone pollution in the nation….
Bird flu has recently spread across dairy farms, but experts say this is only “the tip of the iceberg.” Seals, sea lions, pigs, and other creatures are worryingly infected, too. Now alpacas at an American farm have tested positive for H5N1, in addition to feral cats in New Mexico. An experiment done by feeding infected raw milk to mice found that they exhibited the signs of avian flu and tested positive for high levels of the virus. An egg farm in Iowa is culling 4.2M hens after a number of birds tested positive. The strain of bird flu in a recent case of a Michigan man found slight mutations “associated with viral adaptation to mammalian hosts.” At least scientists are optimistic regarding new mRNA vaccines under development & testing.
A study from China about microplastics found the tiny particles in blood clots in human hearts and brains, elevating the risk of stroke or heart attacks. Chile’s Atacama Desert has become a dumping ground for clothes of the world. And about a third of Americans know someone who died from a drug overdose.
A look into major corporate carbon offsets found that a great deal of their offsets are worthless junk offsets. A 36-page report on Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCMs) in 2024 claims that the overall market actually declined for two years in a row, and the sum paid for each ton of CO2 was down from 2022.
A study on Long COVID effects over the course of three years found that some effects fade over time—and others may persist. Airways and the nervous system appear particularly impacted. “Altogether, our findings show reduction of risks over time, but the burden of mortality and health loss remains in the third year among hospitalized individuals,” the study concludes. Meanwhile, forecasters predict AI will impact the job market as much as COVID did.
Myanmar’s border with Thailand is becoming a more active warzone, as rebels, and junta forces, contend for territory. Thousands of people have fled across the Thai border.
A 69-page annual report on violence to local officials across the world came out two weeks ago, pointing to Myanmar, India, and Mexico as particularly dangerous sites for political violence. France saw a particularly high spike from 2022 (1,170%, according to the report), though Latin America & the Caribbean was the only region where overall attacks increased.
Sudan’s government made a deal with Russia: Sudanese soldiers receive weapons in exchange for allowing Russia to build a “military fueling station” on the Red Sea. The “noose of War” is tightening around El Fasher, in Darfur, where humanitarian facilities have been attacked and militants are trying to block exiting humans. If the RSF take full control of the embattled city, observers fear large-scale ethnic reprisals unto civilians. Egypt is trying to broker a peace but many armed groups currently prefer the contest of arms.
Across the world, particularly in Europe, spying is surging. Observers warn about the theft of secrets, particularly from Russia & China—and all countries are trying to crack down. A number of Russian sleeper cells are also allegedly coming online, part of a wider effort to add political, economic, and psychological friction to Western nations.
Ukraine is reaching a crisis point in its War. Russia is outproducing weapons, and sourcing others from its allies, and leveraging its greater manpower to grind Ukraine’s army down. Another 300,000 soldiers are expected to take the field for Russia during their coming summer offensive. Russia even raised income taxes on its wealthier population to fund the War. It is not economically viable for the West to shoot down every Russian missile, and a serious manpower shortage has left the front lines stretched, demoralized, and exhausted.
A staredown between Putin and European/American leaders is emerging after a number of leaders have granted Ukraine permission to strike targets within Russia. Putin’s forces launched another strike in Kharkiv, killing three; Ukraine reported large numbers of Russian soldiers taken out in the same day, if you believe it.
Thousands protested in Armenia, demanding the resignation of the PM who conceded territory to Azerbaijan. Thousands protested on Spanish islands over opposition to unsustainable mass tourism. North Korea’s latest attempt to launch a military satellite failed when it exploded in the air. Burkina Faso extended its junta rule by 5 years, against earlier declarations to hold elections this July.
Though Israel’s population still demands the total destruction of Hamas, a majority also believe the War has become unwinnable. Divisions within the country have become bolder over controversies about the warwaging. A strike on a tent camp killed at least 37 people, but did not impact the resolve of PM Netanyahu to continue the War.
Shooting between Israel and Egypt killed one Egyptian soldier. Houthi attacks in the Red Sea continue, even against ships bringing cargo to Iran; US/UK retaliations continue. Aid being brought to Gaza’s new floating pier will be delayed after the pier was damaged as a result of extreme weather. People are beginning to die of starvation in Gaza. One of Israel’s presidential aides claimed that the War could last through the end of the year.
Things to watch for next week include:
↠ EU member states vote for the EU Parliament starting on 6 June, and polls indicate fairly small gains for conservatives across the continent. The most important issues appear to be the Ukraine War, the economy, migration/asylum, and climate change. Voting ends on 9 June.
↠ Mexico votes today for its new President, who will take office in September. At least 20 candidates have been killed this election season, Mexico’s deadliest. Hundreds of others were subjected to threats. Meanwhile, India’s PM is expected to win another term as President; results will be announced on Tuesday.
Select comments/threads from the subreddit last week suggest:
-It’s gonna get really, really bad, if this thread, a cross-post of a thread in climatechange is to be believed. This resourced comment lays out a beginner’s guide to our carbon emissions catastrophe.
-The Thwaites is toast—judging by this temperature anomaly comment by u/FYATWB on an article about the rapidly melting Antarctic glacier. “When it collapses, it could raise oceans worldwide by 65 centimeters, or just over 2 feet.”
-Central Germany is suffering from inflation, stronger storms, a Collapsing animal population, and a desperate surge in elder care, according to this weekly observation. And the insects are vanishing, leaving behind a quiet, dying land.
-Tough times have come to China if this rare weekly observation from inside China is to believed. Economic difficulties, discrimination, rumors of WWIII, heat waves, rising police activity, and increasing food prices.
Got any feedback, questions, comments, complaints, upvotes, hate mail, free COVID tests, doomy geocaches, drought-resistant seeds, etc.? Check out the Last Week in Collapse SubStack if you don’t want to check collapse every Sunday, you can receive this newsletter sent to your (or someone else’s) email inbox every weekend. What did I forget this week?
submitted by LastWeekInCollapse to collapse [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 13:51 SeuthEfriker Do you think physics is taught well in school?

I studied physics all the way to the end of high school in the UK and I got the highest grade possible (A*). However, a lot of it is just memorising formulas, math and problem solving.
I genuinely have ZERO clue about things like voltage, amps, current, resistance and all the other fancy diagrams about light switches and whatnot etc even though i covered all those topics during high school.
I recently found myself clueless when I was reading about watts and volts when looking into whether or not I could charge my laptop during a flight, which I think is embarassing given i should know all this...
submitted by SeuthEfriker to Physics [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 12:53 SunnyJim57 Pre-Training Camp Final 53 Roster

My first unrealistic whack at the final 53 - unrealistic because in this version we go through the entire summer with zero injuries, zero new signings, and zero surprise camp performances.
A note on how to read this. The top box is the typical NFL roster construction by position volume, which I plucked from a 2022 article, with my guess on how the Giants will allot roster space by those positions.
The box below entitled (Giants Depth Chart") is the current depth chart carried on BBI's site.
Next to each players name I inserted a parenthetical with either a # followed by an actual number, or a "PS" or "PS/cut" or simply "cut").
Despite how the depth chart is configured below, as I was allocating roster space I started with QB and followed with RB, WR, TE, OL, DL, LB, CB,S, STs. So, for example, Daniel Jones appears below as "Daniels Jones (#1), indicating he is the first person I allocated a roster spot to, while Dexter Lawrence has (#27) next to his name indicating he is the 27th player receiving a roster spot allocation.
My final 53 ended up being 55(!) which is kinda-sorta like "new math." What it reflects in this version is the question I have regarding allocation of players to the TE and WR room. Do we keep 3 or 4 TE's? Do we keep as many as 8 WR; or does one of McKenzie/Olzewski end up on the PS? Even 7 WRs might be one too many; but without a trade of Slayton which I don't see happening absent a great training camp by one of the G101HoF candidates.
I assumed that we will only carry 2 QBs on the active to start the season, but possibly carry both DeVito and Rourke on the PS. I have also assumed Waller will be released if he does not retire now that we are in the post-June 1 world and can save $11M against the cap with that move.
Depth decisions were a challenge especially on the defense. The defensive tackle unit behind Dexter looks completely up for grabs. I don't really like any of them with the exception of Chatman, who I put on the PS, and I only like him because I've never seen him play. I don't love the 4th OLB options - I really don't think Basham brings much, and Fox's days must be getting numbered, but at least he is a former G10HoF guy of mine. ILB was also hard after Okereke, McFadden, Muasau and Simmons. Maybe that's because one should not be keeping 5 interior LBs. But I was so down on the OLB's that I thought keeping Dyontae Johnson as a 5th ILB with special teams potential made more sense; plus he's another of my G101HoF guys. But I could easily see rolling with 8 and sliding a guy like Johnson to the PS for a second year running. I also left Beavers off the 53 despite my unjustifiable desire to see him make it based entirely on 1 pre-season performance in a pre-ACL physical world. That's some "white whale" shit right there. DB/S is another place the depth was tough. Why is Aaron Robinson still on the team after 3 seasons of almost continuous injuries and apparently still in rehab? That seems crazy so I put him on the PS again; but I have to believe someone sees something pretty special for him to still be here. Hawkins was the other tough choice for me given last season's pre-season hype v. in-season reality display. Finally, I kept 5 safeties, which fundamentally seems like 1 too many, but that's where the strength looked to be and supposedly Bowen loves himself some safeties.
At any rate, there it is. what do folks think?

Quarterbacks – 2 or 3 (Giants probably 2)

Running Backs – 3 or 4 (Giants probably 4)

Wide Receivers – 6 or 7 (Giants probably 7 or 8)

Tight Ends – 3 or 4 (Giants probably 3 or 4)

Offensive Linemen – 8 or 9 (Giants probably 9)

Defensive Linemen – 7 or 8 (Giants probably 6)

Outside Linebackers – 4 or 5 (Giants probably 4)

Inside Linebackers – 4 or 5 (Giants probably 6)

Cornerbacks – 5 or 6 (Giants probably 4)

Safeties – 4 or 5 (Giants probably 5)

Special Teams – 3

New York Giants Depth Chart

Nose Tackle/Defensive Tackle
Dexter Lawrence (#27)
Rakeem Nunez-Roches (#28)
Jordon Riley (#29)
Timmy Horne (PS/cut)
Jordan Phillips (PS/cut)
D.J. Davidson (#30)
Ryder Anderson #31)
Casey Rogers(PS)
Elijah Chatman (PS)
Outside Linebacker
Brian Burns (#32)
Boogie Basham (PS/cut)
Tomon Fox (#40)
Ovie Oghoufo (cut)
Inside Linebacker
Micah McFadden (#33)
Isaiah Simmons (#37)
Darius Muasau (#38)
Carter Coughlin (#39)
Bobby Okereke (#34)
Darrian Beavers (PS/cut)
Matthew Adams (PS/cut)
Dyontae Johnson (#41)
Kayvon Thibodeaux (#35)
Azeez Ojulari (#36)
Benton Whitley
Left Cornerback
Flott (#42)
T. Hawkins III (#55/PS)
D. Long, Jr. (PS/cut)
K. Hayes (PS/cut)
Strong Safety
J. Pinnock (#43)
J. Mills (#50/PS/cut)
E. Riley (#50/PS/cut)
Free Safety
D. Belton (#44)
T. Nubin (#45)
G. Owens (#50/PS/cut)
D. Holmes (#46)
A. Phillips (#47)
A. Robinson (#51/PS/cut)
A. Johnson (PS/cut)
Right Cornerback
D. Banks (#48)
N. McCloud (#49) 3
S. Thomas-Oliver (PS/cut)
A. Thomas (#18)
M. Nelson (PS/cut)
J. Miles (PS/cut)
J. Eluemunor (#19)
J. Ezeudu (#23)
A. Stinnie (#24)
J.M. Schmitz (#20)
A. Schlottmann (#25)
J. Morrissey (cut)
J. Runyan, Jr. (#21)
M. McKethan (PS)
J. Mayfield (PS/cut)
J. Kubas (PS/cut)
E. Neal (#22)
Y. Cajuste (#26)
M. Johnson (cut)
Wide Receiver
Malik Nabers (#7)
Darius Slayton (#8)
Dennis Houston (cut)
Chase Cota (cut)
Miles Boykin (cut)
Wan’Dale Robinson (#9)
Isaiah McKenzie (#12/PS)
Allen Robinson. (#14)
Ayir Asante (PS)
Jalin Hyatt (#10)
Isaiah Hodgins
Bryce Ford-Wheaton (PS)
Gunner Olszewski (#13/PS)
John Jiles. (PS)
Tight End
Darren Waller (ret./cut)
Daniel Bellinger (#15)
Jack Stoll (#16)
Chris Manhertz (#18/PS)
Theo Johnson (#17)
Lawrence Cager (PS/cut)
Tyree Jackson (PS/cut)
Running Back
Devin Singletary (#3)
Eric Gray (#4)
Tyrone Tracy (#5)
Jashaun Corbin PS)/cut
Dante Miller (#6)
Daniel Jones (#1)
Drew Lock (#2)
Tommy DeVito (PS)
Nathan Rourke (PS)
Place Kicker
G. Gano 99 J. (#52)
McAtamney (PS)
J. Gillan (#53)
Long Snapper
C. Kreiter (#54)
Kick Returner TBD
Punt Returner TBD
submitted by SunnyJim57 to G101SafeHaven [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:54 miraculousladybug93 Small detail of American schools

Today I was thinking about a teacher I disliked which reminded me of my entire experience for that grade and something that struck me as "they were sooo close" was how they set up our classes.
The school realized that it's chaos to release hundreds of 6th graders, 5th graders etc at the same time so they had these sectioned off hallways where all of your classes for your "pod" happened. So there are 3 ish teachers assigned to that hallway with maybe 75 students split into three classes. So as a student you had a homeroom teacher and then traveled between those three classes for your classes based on the teachers specialty, math science etc.
And those hallways weren't exactly large.
So now thinking back with my adult brain who watches a lot of Japanese and Korean anime shows...
I'm wondering why the hell weren't the teachers the ones that switched classrooms.
That way between classes kids can stand stretch and leave for the bathroom but overall they are already in class and ready for the next subject rather than trying to fit 75 ish people through a tiny hallway for them all to be trying to push in to a class that is also emptying out.
Like I kinda can understand high school because you can pick different electives etc. and higher level classes may have specialized equipment (such as chemistry class) but for younger kids just blows my mind.
submitted by miraculousladybug93 to school [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:45 Weird-Photo-7525 Someone calculate my grades pls😭😭

I’m so freaking worried because legit my heart is in my stomach rn (if that makes sense) because of family pressure they want me to get straight As no matter what and I’ll probably be kicked out if I don’t. My mother passed away 3 years ago when I just started o levels after that I have just been rushing and trying my best because I was so close to her that no one would ever know. Well the thing is that I always did a self review of caie after the exam like I wrote in my notes app that how much am I expecting after the exam in that particular component so I really need someone to calculate my grades for o levels I’ve reduced like 2-3 marks even from the expected just in case just to like get more proper or realistic estimation.
Expected Physics: p2: 62/80 P4: 35/40 P1 : 30/40 (will be giving p1 5th jun) Biology: p2 : 70/80 P4: 35/40 P1 : 30/40 (on 13th jun) Chemistry: p2: 65/80 P4:30/40 P1 :30/40( on 11th jun) English: p1: 40/50 P2: 41/50 Math: p1: 52/80 P2 :65/100
I know my math score will be a B probably but atleast the rest should be better pls calculate my grade keeping in mind the threshold aswell. Also pls pls pls remember me in your prayers I’ve been so sick recently because of anxiety due to family pressure on grades they treat me so badly if I don’t get good grades I’ve been having frequent anxiety attacks due to this and have been suffering from fever so frequently like 3-5 times a month that is insane please pray that I get straight As please. JazakAllah to whoever decides to help
submitted by Weird-Photo-7525 to Olevels [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:19 healthmedicinet Health Daily News MAY 31 2024

DAY: MAY 31 2024


Over 180 world leaders maintain social media accounts, and some of them issue policy warnings to rivals and the public on these platforms rather than relying on traditional government statements. How seriously do people take such social media postings? A new study suggests the general public and policymakers alike take leaders’ social media posts just as seriously as they take formal government statements. The research, by MIT political scientists, deploys novel surveys of both the public and experienced foreign policy specialists. “What we find, which is really surprising, across both


More than 300 million children a year are victims of online sexual exploitation and abuse, research indicates. Pupils in every classroom, in every school, in every country are victims of this hidden pandemic, according to researchers who have conducted the first global estimate of the scale of the crisis. The statistics, from the Childlight Global Child Safety Institute at the University of Edinburgh, amount to a clear and present danger to the world’s children, according to the crime agency Interpol. Online risks One in eight of the world’s children, about


For Malcolm and Simone Collins, declining birth rates across many developed countries are an existential threat. The solution is to have “tons of kids,” and to use a hyperrational, data-driven approach to guide everything from genetic selection to baby names and day-to-day parenting. They don’t heat their Pennsylvania home in winter, because heating is a “pointless indulgence.” Their children wear iPads around their necks. And a Guardian journalist witnessed Malcolm strike their two-year-old across the face for misbehavior, a parenting style they apparently developed based on watching “tigers


One hundred years ago, in the 1924 Paris Olympics, American Johnny Weissmuller won the men’s 100m freestyle with a time of 59 seconds. Nearly 100 years later, in the most recent Olympics, the delayed 2020 Games in Tokyo, Caeleb Dressel took home the same event with a time that was 12 seconds faster than Weissmuller’s. Swimming times across the board have become much faster over the past century, a result of several factors, including innovations


The government of British Columbia recently introduced a bill to ban people convicted of serious offenses from legally changing their name. The proposed amendment to the province’s Name Act would also prohibit those found not criminally responsible due to mental disorder from changing their name. The government announced the move after media reports that Allan Schoenborn legally changed his name to Ken Johnson. Schoenborn was found not criminally responsible for the deaths of his children in 2010 because of a delusional disorder, and was placed at a psychiatric hospital.


Silicon Valley—considered the world’s hub of technology and innovation—can breed inequality and sameness among budding entrepreneurs, according to new research. Behind the multi-million-dollar deals and tales of start-up utopia, Silicon Valley’s “uneven” investment landscape is in fact a barrier to many budding businesses, says the study from the University of Stirling and Georg-August-University Göttingen. But the researchers suggest other countries could still learn from the more discerning entrepreneurial ecosystem that bred giants such as Apple and Google, to be more selective in backing start-ups. While it is not uncommon for


Child sexual abuse is uncomfortable to think about, much less talk about. The idea of an adult engaging in sexual behaviors with a child feels sickening. It’s easiest to believe that it rarely happens, and when it does, that it’s only to children whose parents aren’t protecting them. This belief stayed with me during my early days as a parent. I kept an eye out for creepy men at the playground and was skeptical of men who worked with young children, such as teachers and coaches. When my kids were


It takes a lot to shock Kelvin Lay. My friend and colleague was responsible for setting up Africa’s first dedicated child exploitation and human trafficking units, and for many years he was a senior investigating officer for the Child Exploitation Online Protection Center at the UK’s National Crime Agency, specializing in extra territorial prosecutions on child exploitation across the globe. But what happened when he recently volunteered for a demonstration of cutting-edge identification software left him speechless. Within seconds of being fed with an image


Sexting—sending sexually suggestive or explicit messages and images—is now a widespread practice, and can be a healthy way to express and explore sexuality. However, there is a need to distinguish between consensual sexting and forms of sexual harassment like cyberflashing. Cyberflashing refers to the act of non-consensually sending sexual imagery (like nudes or “dick pics”) to another person. It is facilitated through communications technologies including text, AirDrop and social media applications like Snapchat and Tinder. Similar to flashing—when a person unexpectedly and deliberately “flashes” their genitals to others—that occurs in


Teachers and other child educators can benefit from regular professional development, but in-person training can be expensive. New research found that virtual training can be a budget-friendly alternative—and especially effective for certain groups of educators. The study—a collaboration between researchers at Penn State and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and published in the International Journal of Professional Development, Learners and Learning—found that educators who took a virtual training reported feeling more confident in their abilities to implement practices shown to support positive youth development. In particular, after-school providers who did not


There are many different types of workplace leaders, from those who prioritize the needs of team members and the organization above their own, to authentic leaders who foster openness, trust and transparency. A recent study by the University of South Australia published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior has highlighted the significant benefits of humble leadership in the workplace. According to the study by UniSA’s Dr. Xiao Lin, humble leadership can effectively elevate the workplace status of employees by boosting their sense of respect and prominence. It also leads to


Rising food costs are squeezing Canadians around the country. Nearly everyone is feeling the pinch, and it’s not just an inconvenience—high food prices are a major threat to food security for many Canadians. Understanding why food prices are so high and why they are changing is critical to the well-being of our society. Unfortunately, consensus on why food price are so high is in short supply. Explanations given in reports like Canada’s Food Price Report and the news media range widely, from the war in Ukraine to supply chain issues


Is artificial intelligence an unprecedented opportunity, or will it rob everyone of jobs and creativity? As we debate on social media (and perhaps use ChatGPT almost daily), generative AIs have also entered the arena of university communication. These tools—based on large language models that were optimized for interactive communication—can indeed support, expand, and innovate university communication offerings. Justus Henke has analyzed the situation of German realities about six months after the launch of ChatGPT 3. “The research was conducted about a year ago when enthusiasm was high, but it was


Classification of superspreader accounts. A large portion (55.1%) of accounts are no longer active. For each class annotated with political affiliations, colors indicate the ideological split. The last group aggregates all accounts with political affiliations. Credit: PLOS ONE (2024). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0302201 A small team of social media analysts at Indiana University has found that a major portion of tweets spreading disinformation are sent by a surprisingly small percentage of a given userbase. In their study, published in PLOS ONE, the group conducted a review of 2,397,388 tweets posted on Twitter


Life-changing events like the birth of a child, the purchase of a new home, or a lottery win could threaten the survival of a new business venture, the positive family events had a comparatively greater influence, albeit negatively, on the survival of a new venture, compared with


We’ve all done it. A bad night’s sleep or a tough commute made us cranky, and we lashed out at a coworker who did nothing wrong. What can we do to make up for it? According to a new study published in the Journal of Business Ethics, embracing our guilty feelings can help us make up for our bad behavior by encouraging us to act more politely and work harder the next day. “We found that anyone can be rude at work, because anyone can


Social inclusion and having a sense of belonging with other people are key elements of a good life. However, the fate of humanity is a challenge that extends beyond our social reality. Experiences of belonging and inclusion, understood in a broader sense than before, may be crucial for a sustainable future. In an article published in the International Journal of Social Pedagogy, a team of researchers propose a new planetary inclusion scale that structures our planetary relationship three-dimensionally based on temporal, spatial and ethical orientation. The temporal element relates to


Women in leadership are often told to “Lean In,” designed to be motivational messaging demonstrating that they are more confident, strategic and resilient to setback. However, new research indicates that such “lean in” messaging can hinder women’s motivation to protest gender equality. Popularized in a book by American technology executive Sherly Sandberg, the “Lean In” solution to gender inequality advises women that demonstrating personal resilience and perseverance in the face of setbacks is key to career advancement. Now, a new study led by the University of Exeter, Bath Spa University


A new paper in the Quarterly Journal of Economics finds that replacing certain judicial decision-making functions with algorithms could improve outcomes for defendants by eliminating some of the systemic biases of judges. Decision makers make consequential choices based on predictions of unknown outcomes. Judges, in particular, make decisions about whether to grant bail to defendants or how to sentence those convicted. Companies now use machine learning based models increasingly in high-stakes decisions. There are various assumptions about human behavior underlying the deployment of such learning models that play out in


The election has commenced and the race is on—to amass as many likes, shares and comments as possible. Digital campaigning, particularly through social media, is now a key part of political candidates’ communication toolkit. In fact, every general election campaign since 1997 has at some point been lauded as the first to make effective use of digital campaigning. But it was in 2015 that David Cameron’s campaign first made strategic use of social media to drive an election victory. As political reporter Tim Ross outlines in his excellent book, Why


The TV dramatization of the UK Horizon Post Office scandal evoked outrage and disbelief. However, as another example of dysfunctional organizational behavior, it was expected rather than exceptional. The Post Office saga joins a long list of cover-ups or scandals that includes Hillsborough, Enron, Grenfell, the infected blood scandal, the Tuam babies scandal in the Republic of Ireland, Boeing 737 Max and Nasa (Columbia space shuttle). They represent what happens when there is a move within organizations and institutions to cover up the causes of


Spirituality is increasingly popular with young Australians: recent research shows 38% of Gen Z Australians identify as spiritual. It also reports 50% of them believe in karma, 29% in reincarnation and 20% in astrology. When it comes to activities equated with spirituality, 28% of Gen Z Australians practice meditation and 22% practice yoga. In Australia, spirituality is strongly, enduringly central to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and culturally and religiously diverse communities. Yet until recently, spirituality has received far less attention than religion. Spirituality may be


An interdisciplinary team of researchers from Lithuanian and Italian universities propose a tool that allows companies to assess the circularity of their future products. The self-assessment tool emphasizes the co-creation of circular design in the early (creative) stages of product development, encouraging entrepreneurs and designers to think more systematically and collaborate better by integrating related stakeholders into the product development process. The study is published in the Journal of Industrial Ecology. “The majority of existing practical tools (systems of indicators) are aimed at measuring the environmental impact of products already


New research has revealed up to a 9% increase in college first-year enrollments in US states that have legalized recreational marijuana compared with states without such legalization. The study, which is published in Economic Inquiry, found that the increase was from out-of-state enrollments, with early adopter states and public non-research institutions experiencing the most pronounced increases. Recreational marijuana legalization did not negatively impact degree completion or graduation rate, and it did not affect college prices, quality, or in?state enrollment. The findings suggest that some students perceive recreational marijuana legalization as


New research has revealed up to a 9% increase in college first-year enrollments in US states that have legalized recreational marijuana compared with states without such legalization. The study, which is published in Economic Inquiry, found that the increase was from out-of-state enrollments, with early adopter states and public non-research institutions experiencing the most pronounced increases. Recreational marijuana legalization did not negatively impact degree completion or graduation rate, and it did not affect college prices, quality, or in?state enrollment. The findings suggest that some students perceive recreational marijuana legalization as


May is Asian and Pacific American Heritage Month, a time when Americans celebrate the profound contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders—a group that is commonly abbreviated as AAPI—to U.S. society. It’s also a time to acknowledge the complexity of AAPI experience. And as a professor who studies equity and inclusion in business, I think the focus on AAPI communities this month provides an excellent occasion to push back against a stereotype that has long misrepresented and marginalized a diverse range of people: the myth of the “model minority.” The


The Australian government’s new campaign Consent Can’t Wait challenges us all to improve our understanding of consent. It asks a series of questions to illustrate this issue is more complex than simplistic “no means no” messaging. The campaign invites viewers to consider the nuances of consent, so we can raise these important issues with children and young people in our lives. But what is a good age to start talking about consent? How do parents tackle such conversations when this information probably wasn’t readily discussed in our own upbringing? How


The concept of cultural entrepreneurship has many facets. It encompasses both the cultural and social impact of entrepreneurial training, and the environmental factors that influence its development. Some societies, such as the U.S., have a strong entrepreneurial culture. This means that certain characteristics are celebrated and encouraged, such as the ability of individuals to assume risks, patience when confronting challenges, and innovative problem solving, especially in uncertain situations. However, not all countries have such an entrepreneurial culture. Entrepreneurship struggles to take off in Europe In general, entrepreneurship can drive economic


A graphic depicting a student coding. Credit: Carnegie Mellon University Teachers today face a bit of a conundrum, according to a new study from researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the Rochester Institute of Technology. Their goal is to prepare young students to enter a rapidly changing world. Even basic jobs require technical proficiency, which requires computational and analytical skills. To address this need, many educators are pushing to fold these important STEM skills into elementary curriculum. Here’s the problem. Young students can lose interest and even develop an aversion


On the left, a bird’s-eye view of the virtual classroom; on the right, screenshots of each of the four gaze-visualization conditions. Teachers need to know their material, but they must also keep their students engaged and interested. Part of that involves making eye contact with their students—all of them. A multidisciplinary team of researchers tested several methods of data visualization in an immersive virtual reality (VR) classroom, to give teachers a way to gauge


Wifi-enabled washing machines. Voice-controlled microwaves. App-enabled TVs, vacuum cleaners, and even window blinds you can control from the comfort of your couch. Many of the technological features now included in everyday products are useful and accessible. But research has shown that having too many can overwhelm potential buyers, making them less likely to make a purchase. In recent research, Wayne Hoyer, marketing professor and James L. Bayless/William S. Farrish Fund Chair for Free Enterprise at Texas McCombs, digs into the phenomenon of “feature creep” and its impact on consumer sentiment.


A new paper summarizing decades of research demonstrates how social media has supported an explosion of diversity in gender and sexuality in America during the 21st century, and also how these technologies have equally enabled a cultural backlash. The paper’s authors, UC Santa Cruz Psychology Department faculty members Phil Hammack and Adriana Manago, identified five main narratives about gender and sexuality that they believe emerged through social media as people have strived to be “authentic” on these platforms. The findings, along with resulting recommendations for psychology researchers and practitioners, were


New research is examining how organizations can improve their training programs by customizing frame-of-reference training to emphasize identifying negative behaviors critical to their goals. While assessors naturally identify positive behaviors, C. Allen Gorman, Ph.D., associate professor in UAB’s Department of Management, Information Systems and Quantitative Methods, says targeted training helps them recognize harmful actions that can hinder organizational objectives. Involving assessors in defining important performance dimensions and examples of behaviors, both good and


Justin Frake is interested in cause-and-effect relationships in real-world data and the hidden dynamics that shape workplace behavior and equality—or inequality, as the case might be. His curiosity has led to research that challenges some popular beliefs as well as published studies related to women in the workforce. One study shows that firms promoting flatter hierarchies inadvertently discourage female applicants and another study counters several recent studies that claim women CEOs negatively impact career outcomes of other women. Both are published in the Strategic Management Journal. The assistant professor of


A recent series of experiments challenges the longstanding theory of motivational conflict resolution introduced by Kurt Lewin. According to Lewin, conflicts between two undesirable outcomes (avoidance–avoidance conflicts) are typically harder to resolve than those between two desirable ones (approach–approach conflicts). Lewin posited that avoidance–avoidance conflicts, where individuals must choose between two undesirable outcomes, are typically more challenging to resolve compared to approach–approach conflicts, which involve choosing between two desirable options.


No means no when it comes to sex. But what happens when a woman makes a more passive response to a sexual advance? According to new research from Binghamton University, men differ in how they interpret these types of responses, and men who display hostile masculinity, known commonly as “toxic masculinity,” tend to act on them regardless of whether or not they think it’s consensual. A team of researchers, including Binghamton psychology professor Richard Mattson and graduate student Michael Shaw asked men between the ages of 18–25 to respond to


Some of human history’s greatest atrocities—genocide, slavery, ethnic cleanings—are rooted in our ability to dehumanize people from other social, political, or cultural groups. Whereas prior research has traced dehumanization to the belief that others think or feel less than we do, new research co-authored by Haas professor Sameer Srivastava shows that our tendency to dehumanize can also be influenced by how we think others view important facets of the world. The greater the difference between our perceptions of an outgroup’s worldview


When a child peruses YouTube, the content recommended to them is not always age appropriate, a new study suggests. Researchers mimicked search behaviors of children using popular search terms, such as memes, Minecraft and Fortnite, and captured video thumbnails recommended at the end of each video. Among the 2,880 thumbnails analyzed, many contained problematic click bait, such as violence or frightening images, according to the Michigan Medicine led research in JAMA Network Open. “Children spend a significant amount of time on free video sharing platforms that include user-generated content,” said


Post-war peace processes are a dangerous period for women. Many are forced to live close to men who committed serious abuse during the war or are expected to testify in various types of truth commissions, which can be both retraumatizing and stigmatizing. These are the findings of a new study by peace researchers at Uppsala University, published in the journal PLOS ONE. “In short, peace projects can force women to live side by side with ex-combatants who committed atrocities during the war. This puts them at risk of further threat


We can all agree that dating is hard. Getting to know people can feel vulnerable, but at the same time, exciting. We can also agree that feeling rejected can be one of the worst feelings, especially after we put ourselves out there. Dating can also expose us to a lot of cringey things, maybe even something we didn’t know we’d consider cringey. Think of cringe like something that makes you uncomfortable, or something about someone else that you don’t find attractive. Before dating, most of us consider what we’re looking


New survey results from Wiley suggest people still feel connected at work despite the prevalence of hybrid and remote work environments and the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). According to the latest Wiley Workplace Intelligence report, “Human Connection: The Crucial Secret to Thriving in the Digital Age,” nearly 8 in 10 employees surveyed (78%) said they feel connected with their coworkers, and almost 7 in 10 (69%) said they also enjoy making connections with their colleagues. Around half even said they want to learn more about their coworkers by doing


A study has provided new insights into social media influencers, particularly focusing on those in the women’s fashion sector on the well-known image and video sharing platform Instagram. In a departure from the approach taken by earlier studies, Jens K. Perret of the International School of Management in Cologne, Germany, has used network statistics and centrality measures to establish a model of influencer importance within their network. Perret analyzed data from 255 influencers covering a four-year period. Influencers are loosely


Rank (X-axis) does not affect the evaluation of trustworthiness (Y-axis, mean-centered) of accurate results. This lack of relationship is robust across experiments (columns) and for clicked results (top row, red) as well as non-clicked results (bottom row, blue). The trend lines represent the predicted change in trustworthiness ratings per unit decrease in rank fitted by the linear regression models. Credit: Scientific Reports (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-61645-8 Using experiments with COVID-19 related queries, Cornell sociology and information science researchers found that in a public health emergency, most people pick out and click


Despite the greater potency of “fake news” on Facebook to discourage Americans from taking the COVID-19 vaccine, users’ greater exposure to unflagged, vaccine-skeptical content meant the latter had a much greater negative effect on vaccine uptake. Credit: Jennifer Allen, Duncan Watts, David G. Rand Since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine in 2021, fake news on social media has been widely blamed for low vaccine uptake in the United States—but research by MIT Sloan School of Management Ph.D. candidate Jennifer Allen and Professor David Rand finds that the blame lies


Adult heterosexual men with sexist and homophobic views can potentially improve their attitudes toward gay men and women by engaging in critical dialogues that use illustrations as a springboard, according to a new University of Michigan study. The work is published in the journal Sexual and Gender Diversity in Social Services. The process by which people shift from a prejudicial stance to one of relative acceptance is a key innovation of the study. Guided by trained facilitators, critical dialogues reflect illustrations depicting different gender roles and sexual identities. The images


If you dread public speaking you are not alone. It is a leading social phobia, one that can cause a state of anxiety that reduces otherwise articulate people to nervous incoherence. A strong fear of public speaking is known as glossophobia. Academic studies estimate it affects 20% of the population, but depending on the sample and methodology, the figure could be as high as 40%. As American writer and humourist Mark Twain said, “There are two types of speakers: Those who get nervous and those who are liars.” But help


How do universities and colleges decide who to admit? Given the earnings advantage of a post-secondary degree both globally and in Canada, this is an important social mobility question. While the answer varies from one institution to the next, most focus on education criteria like exam scores and grades. However, Canada’s new intake cap on study permit applications puts increased pressure on Canadian institutions to also consider immigration criteria when admitting international undergraduate students. This is just the latest example of immigration’s growing influence on the societal roles of Canadian
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2024.06.02 03:36 Precpigg Thought I was doing the right thing giving plenty of notice before I quit, I was wrong.

I signed a contract to teach summer school in April, AFTER I spoke with my principal my resignation due to low pay and my declining mental health. She completely understood and thanked me for my honesty and for giving her plenty of time to find a quality replacement. She advised I put on my resignation papers that my last day would be July 1st as our summer camp runs through the month of June. The first week of May, teacher appreciation week nonetheless, the director of elementary ed for our county emails me randomly and asks for me to call her. She informed me that since I was resigning from my classroom position the county would be better served giving that position to someone who would actually be returning to the classroom. This is after I’ve taught 2 years of 5th grade math, science, and social studies in another county, 2 more years of P.E. At my current school, and now a year and a half teaching 2nd grade. I felt it was a retaliation to my resignation but what could I do. She then informed me that I would be given the $75 stipend they give to anyone who signs up to teach summer camp and their class doesn’t have enough kids to justify paying another teacher so I could “get my wife and I a nice meal”. So the ~$6000 I had planned on making this summer was cut down to a measly $75. I’m still glad I quit but if I could’ve done it differently I would’ve waited until after summer school before I let them know. Now I’m unemployed and have absolutely no idea what I am going to do.
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2024.06.02 03:28 peach_neil Mental health talk with kids

Hi reddit teachers!
So we will have a final test tomorrow with my 3rd and 5th grade, and a lot of my kids are super anxious. I thought maybe I should talk to them about mental health as a concept, since one of my students in 5th grade started hyperventilating last time we had a chapter test. With my 5th graders (which are awesome kids) I even thought of sharing a bit of my personal journey. Not in a lot of details, but just to tell them that if they experience something similar, to not overlook it and get help. And also I just wanted to make a point that they are not worthless even if they get C's for a test.
The question is: is it appropriate? Since I wish someone talked to me about it when I was younger.
Edit: important note is I'm an after-school math teacher, so we don't have any counselors or anything. Kids are spending 2 hours per week doing math and then go home.
(My backstory is classic stuff: always felt the need to prove my worth to my parents, was brutally degraded if I brought home C's, was told that I will be a garbage collector and will end up homeless if I'm not an A+ student. Started developing depression, anxiety disorder, tried to kill myself three times. Having 5 or more panic attacks a day became a normal thing. Was gaslighted into thinking I'm imagining stuff, and got diagnosed only when I was 21 and most of the damage became chronical. I have gray hair since I was 18, and right now Im in an intensive therapy).
submitted by peach_neil to AskTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:52 QuietAffectionate498 Core type?

I am somewhat fatigued right now because, even though I’ve been on my break from work this week, I’ve been staying up until 2am (3am this morning.) I don’t know why I keep on doing it. I suppose that on some level, I’m too anxious to fall asleep. I have depression, anxiety, and PTSD - I have seen my parents change over the years, or rather I have realized that they are not who I thought they were when I was a child (when I was about 13-14, I first realized this when they failed to handle the situation effectively when my older brother was displaying signs that he was about to have a mental break. He did have one, and is presently in rehab. My mother has gone from being, in my eyes at least, a maternal-seeming happy woman to an astoundingly unhealthy monster who walks around shouting about how she “had” to quit her job because she refused to take the vaccine. I still live with my parents while taking community college courses, but seeing your parents… your entire family, really, change like that is traumatic, and I think it takes a toll on you. I think that these changes have definitely contributed to my issues in setting my sleeping schedule straight over the last four or so years.)
I still have high functioning depression anyhow, according to my former therapist (saw her in high school.) In my case, I think it helps that I do feel my “childhood” (5-9) was as stable as it could have been. I wasn’t abused in any sense at those ages. When I was especially depressed in middle and high school, I always looked back on that time frame nostalgically (though ever since I graduated from high school - almost a year ago today - I notice I’ve started to move away from thinking of elementary school nostalgically, because I think working with children has helped me realize that I am just at a completely different stage of development, and don’t really want to go back to the days wherein my parents, who I now fully understand I can’t trust, were taking care of me. When I was little, I think they had good intentions, but still, the way I’ve seen them change - or actually, when considering what they’ve both admitted about their pasts, perhaps simply revert back to the way they were before I was born - when I really stop and think about it, almost taints my childhood somewhat. Just a little bit.)
When unhealthy in the past, I have found myself longing to be in a different place and time. When I was younger, I think I almost kind of wanted to be a groupie for 70s rock n roll stars, kind of like Lori Maddox or Penny lane in “almost famous” - I knew it was bad and tragic and that I’d have hated it, but I wanted to be around a star, a famous person, I wanted to be impulsive and get wrapped up in something that really would have been no good for me. I’m actually an ISFJ, and was too afraid to ever actually get involved in something dangerous like that. It was around about middle school that I started thinking like that, after seeing films like “taxi driver” (though I know Iris was a prostitute.) It’s hard for me to figure out, even now, why I’d ever desired this to any extent. In elementary school, and 6th grade, I was actually so strait laced due to my mother and grandmother’s religious beliefs that I was afraid to swear. I remember thinking lowly of those who did swear, it had really been ingrained in me as a child that swearing was wrong (though of course, my hypocritical parents swear all the time.) In middle school, I started to swear, and remember feeling rebellious when I did, like I was scratching an awful itch. I’d still never want my parents to hear me swear, even as an adult, for some reason.
When I was dealing with a bad case of body dysmorphia in high school, I remember crying once about how no one had ever had a crush on me (supposedly, I’ve learned since that two people have, but one may have lied to be nice and if she didn’t, on some level it doesn’t register for me as being… I don’t know, important because I wasn’t attracted to her. The other was my ex boyfriend, who I already had come to dislike and really dislike now that I’m older, have had more experiences with different people, and more time to think about how he treated me.) It partly stemmed from my former crush (who doesn’t register in my mind as being important now, which is why I almost feel kind of silly when thinking about how fixated I was on him when depressed) calling me a 5 and then a 4. I didn’t like him by junior yr when he had become average looking, and understand that if we’d dated (if he’d hypothetically had interest in me,) it really wouldn’t have worked out. We weren’t compatible, and he didn’t really have anything to offer me.
I feel just a little better about my appearance as an adult, since at least in my opinion a woman being thin or not overweight makes her average assuming she isn’t horrendously ugly. I’ve gotten a bit of attention from men as I’ve grown older, but am not actively trying to date because I feel like there’d need to be a particular set of circumstances for me to feel comfortable entering into a relationship with someone. I also want to get my life together first.
I take community college courses (normally, I’m not taking them this summer and will just be working instead,) but have become a bit more depressed lately because I’ve realized that I really don’t know what I’m doing with my life. I have about $12000 saved, have been working for almost a year as an educator… but I don’t know what I want to major in, and I’m not positive that teaching is the path for me. There are plenty of things I like about it, but I feel like I’m changing and I know I’ll have more responsibility when work starts back on Monday. I’m honestly afraid to return, but am trying to avoid thinking about it.
I did obtain my raise ($19/hr instead of $17/hr starting Monday) after meeting with my boss a little over a week ago (I’d grown angry because I’d started to feel after learning that my responsibilities in regards to a child who has different needs would increase that I wasn’t valued. I was already going to receive a $1 dollar raise to $18/hr for being punctual, but I was overwhelmed last Monday after being told that the child who has a different set of needs - who, if I’m being honest, everyone knows requires more energy to care for - would be unexpectedly switched into my group after hearing at first that they’d be in the group of two more experienced teachers.)
I remember my mother described me as having been a “nervous child” even when I was 3. When I was younger (pre-depression,) I remember having been fun loving, I had a public YouTube channel and asked my mother to post videos of me doing handstands. My best friend was an ESFP 7 and we got on well until I became depressed at 9 (nothing “happened” to me, we just temporarily stayed in a hotel and I realized that one day, I’d have to move away from home for good. That I’d grow older, that I’d eventually die, that my parents would eventually die, that everyone and everything around me would change. Made me depressed. When I was about ten, I started to really worry about finances because of it, about my future as I had already grown up in a low income family. I remember I started to study to enter a higher math class when I was in 4th grade due to these fears, but also because I didn’t like feeling like I was stupid.
I don’t take particularly great care of my appearance. I probably look unkempt a fair amount of the time. If asked to dress up, I have an idea of which outfits I look my best in, and will wear them assuming they are appropriate for the occasion (when I was in middle school and really throughout most of high school, I didn’t care about fashion at all. My former best friend and a few other girls who I fell out with even insulted my fashion sense in middle school - it was a pretty juvenile comment though, about me dressing like I was younger, which is something I still probably do sometimes.) Now that I’m older, I care about fashion more, and when I have enough money saved up (I never spend what’s in my savings account, and won’t until I’ve hit $15000,) I plan to go shopping for new clothing items. Ideally vintage clothing items, I’ve always liked 1950s fashion but now that I’m older I’ve developed a greater appreciation for 70s fashion. I also think that within the past year, now that I’m more developed physically, I’ve gained a better idea of what kind of outfits will show off my figure.
When I have enough money and more energy, I want to develop my own sense of style, perhaps inspired by the looks of vintage actresses.
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submitted by QuietAffectionate498 to Tritype [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:46 QuietAffectionate498 Type me

I am somewhat fatigued right now because, even though I’ve been on my break from work this week, I’ve been staying up until 2am (3am this morning.) I don’t know why I keep on doing it. I suppose that on some level, I’m too anxious to fall asleep. I have depression, anxiety, and PTSD - I have seen my parents change over the years, or rather I have realized that they are not who I thought they were when I was a child (when I was about 13-14, I first realized this when they failed to handle the situation effectively when my older brother was displaying signs that he was about to have a mental break. He did have one, and is presently in rehab. My mother has gone from being, in my eyes at least, a maternal-seeming happy woman to an astoundingly unhealthy monster who walks around shouting about how she “had” to quit her job because she refused to take the vaccine. I still live with my parents while taking community college courses, but seeing your parents… your entire family, really, change like that is traumatic, and I think it takes a toll on you. I think that these changes have definitely contributed to my issues in setting my sleeping schedule straight over the last four or so years.)
I still have high functioning depression anyhow, according to my former therapist (saw her in high school.) In my case, I think it helps that I do feel my “childhood” (5-9) was as stable as it could have been. I wasn’t abused in any sense at those ages. When I was especially depressed in middle and high school, I always looked back on that time frame nostalgically (though ever since I graduated from high school - almost a year ago today - I notice I’ve started to move away from thinking of elementary school nostalgically, because I think working with children has helped me realize that I am just at a completely different stage of development, and don’t really want to go back to the days wherein my parents, who I now fully understand I can’t trust, were taking care of me. When I was little, I think they had good intentions, but still, the way I’ve seen them change - or actually, when considering what they’ve both admitted about their pasts, perhaps simply revert back to the way they were before I was born - when I really stop and think about it, almost taints my childhood somewhat. Just a little bit.)
When unhealthy in the past, I have found myself longing to be in a different place and time. When I was younger, I think I almost kind of wanted to be a groupie for 70s rock n roll stars, kind of like Lori Maddox or Penny lane in “almost famous” - I knew it was bad and tragic and that I’d have hated it, but I wanted to be around a star, a famous person, I wanted to be impulsive and get wrapped up in something that really would have been no good for me. I’m actually an ISFJ, and was too afraid to ever actually get involved in something dangerous like that. It was around about middle school that I started thinking like that, after seeing films like “taxi driver” (though I know Iris was a prostitute.) It’s hard for me to figure out, even now, why I’d ever desired this to any extent. In elementary school, and 6th grade, I was actually so strait laced due to my mother and grandmother’s religious beliefs that I was afraid to swear. I remember thinking lowly of those who did swear, it had really been ingrained in me as a child that swearing was wrong (though of course, my hypocritical parents swear all the time.) In middle school, I started to swear, and remember feeling rebellious when I did, like I was scratching an awful itch. I’d still never want my parents to hear me swear, even as an adult, for some reason.
When I was dealing with a bad case of body dysmorphia in high school, I remember crying once about how no one had ever had a crush on me (supposedly, I’ve learned since that two people have, but one may have lied to be nice and if she didn’t, on some level it doesn’t register for me as being… I don’t know, important because I wasn’t attracted to her. The other was my ex boyfriend, who I already had come to dislike and really dislike now that I’m older, have had more experiences with different people, and more time to think about how he treated me.) It partly stemmed from my former crush (who doesn’t register in my mind as being important now, which is why I almost feel kind of silly when thinking about how fixated I was on him when depressed) calling me a 5 and then a 4. I didn’t like him by junior yr when he had become average looking, and understand that if we’d dated (if he’d hypothetically had interest in me,) it really wouldn’t have worked out. We weren’t compatible, and he didn’t really have anything to offer me.
I feel just a little better about my appearance as an adult, since at least in my opinion a woman being thin or not overweight makes her average assuming she isn’t horrendously ugly. I’ve gotten a bit of attention from men as I’ve grown older, but am not actively trying to date because I feel like there’d need to be a particular set of circumstances for me to feel comfortable entering into a relationship with someone. I also want to get my life together first.
I take community college courses (normally, I’m not taking them this summer and will just be working instead,) but have become a bit more depressed lately because I’ve realized that I really don’t know what I’m doing with my life. I have about $12000 saved, have been working for almost a year as an educator… but I don’t know what I want to major in, and I’m not positive that teaching is the path for me. There are plenty of things I like about it, but I feel like I’m changing and I know I’ll have more responsibility when work starts back on Monday. I’m honestly afraid to return, but am trying to avoid thinking about it.
I did obtain my raise ($19/hr instead of $17/hr starting Monday) after meeting with my boss a little over a week ago (I’d grown angry because I’d started to feel after learning that my responsibilities in regards to a child who has different needs would increase that I wasn’t valued. I was already going to receive a $1 dollar raise to $18/hr for being punctual, but I was overwhelmed last Monday after being told that the child who has a different set of needs - who, if I’m being honest, everyone knows requires more energy to care for - would be unexpectedly switched into my group after hearing at first that they’d be in the group of two more experienced teachers.)
I remember my mother described me as having been a “nervous child” even when I was 3. When I was younger (pre-depression,) I remember having been fun loving, I had a public YouTube channel and asked my mother to post videos of me doing handstands. My best friend was an ESFP 7 and we got on well until I became depressed at 9 (nothing “happened” to me, we just temporarily stayed in a hotel and I realized that one day, I’d have to move away from home for good. That I’d grow older, that I’d eventually die, that my parents would eventually die, that everyone and everything around me would change. Made me depressed. When I was about ten, I started to really worry about finances because of it, about my future as I had already grown up in a low income family. I remember I started to study to enter a higher math class when I was in 4th grade due to these fears, but also because I didn’t like feeling like I was stupid.
I don’t take particularly great care of my appearance. I probably look unkempt a fair amount of the time. If asked to dress up, I have an idea of which outfits I look my best in, and will wear them assuming they are appropriate for the occasion (when I was in middle school and really throughout most of high school, I didn’t care about fashion at all. My former best friend and a few other girls who I fell out with even insulted my fashion sense in middle school - it was a pretty juvenile comment though, about me dressing like I was younger, which is something I still probably do sometimes.) Now that I’m older, I care about fashion more, and when I have enough money saved up (I never spend what’s in my savings account, and won’t until I’ve hit $15000,) I plan to go shopping for new clothing items. Ideally vintage clothing items, I’ve always liked 1950s fashion but now that I’m older I’ve developed a greater appreciation for 70s fashion. I also think that within the past year, now that I’m more developed physically, I’ve gained a better idea of what kind of outfits will show off my figure.
When I have enough money and more energy, I want to develop my own sense of style, perhaps inspired by the looks of vintage actresses.
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submitted by QuietAffectionate498 to TypologyJunction [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:46 choco_pies DAT Breakdown (27 AA, 28 TS, 25 PAT)

DAT Breakdown (27 AA, 28 TS, 25 PAT)
Hi guys, there are a lot of breakdowns from high DAT scorers already but another one can't hurt!
  • PAT: 25
  • QR: 30
  • RC: 22
  • Bio: 30
  • GC: 24
  • OC; 30
  • TS: 28
  • AA:27
  • I'm an incoming senior with a 3.98 GPA. I took bio and gen chem in freshman year, physics in sophomore year, and orgo in junior year.
  • DATBooster: I bought this 3 months before my DAT and used it right up until it expired. I found it was very representative of my real DAT for the most part and it definitely is the bang for the buck option and I highly recommend it.
  • DATBootcamp: I was given access to bootcamp by my school around 1.5 months before my exam so my time with it was shorter but I still used it very often for extra practice problems. I found the practice exams to be a bit more challenging on Bootcamp than Booster, but I would say for the most part they were pretty comparable. There is also a quick study feature that gives you 10 questions shuffled from their GC, OC, Bio, and QR questions banks that I found very useful and would do that often.
Study Timeline:
  • I'm a very anxious person when it comes to most things in life so I gave myself 5 months to study. I started at the very end of 2023 and then took my DAT May 31 2024. This also included my workload for the spring semester so I tried to space things out accordingly. I would say studying for the DAT during a school semester is very doable. I would wake up a bit earlier before my classes started and study for 1-2 hours and then head off to class and do school work in the evenings. However, if I could do things over, I would have preferred to do things over the summer to lessen stress and allow more time to focus on DAT studying.
  • To note, I didn't use any of the study timelines provided by booster or bootcamp, I just did my own thing and studied what I felt like from day to day. I know this won't work for some people but I quite enjoyed the freedom of this.
  • 1st month: I spent a month just taking bio notes from Bootcamp's high yield bio notes. I found booster's to be way too much information and it was very overwhelming. Bootcamp's notes are about 145 pages long and over winter break I tried to take notes on about 7-8 pages per day and reduced that to 3-5 pages a day when school started back up. This month of studying gave me a good baseline knowledge when it came to reviewing bio, but it was not very time effective.
  • 2nd month: I still hadn't bought any services yet (I was trying to hold out until 3 months). I spent this month watching gen chem videos from Chad's prep on youtube since I saw some recommendations for him on this subreddit before. I would just watch these videos when I had freetime and I never took notes (I was very much relying on my brain to sponge up the information). I don't suggest just watching videos without taking notes, I didn't retain a lot of the information I saw, but since I had extra time and was rusty on gen chem this helped me build up some knowledge for an initial start.
  • 3rd month: I bought booster and started doing a lot of the question banks. I would wake up and do bio bits first thing in the morning when I first got booster and then slowly started doing the other subjects. At this point I really didn't utilize videos or study notes with the exception of the gen chem study notes and the comprehensive orgo reaction sheet on booster. I would do question banks and just learn the material from the explanations provided from there. I used this method for every single subject and would just jump from subject to subject each day. Honestly if you are tight on time, I found this to be a really useful way of learning information and trying to actively remember it.
  • 4th month: Same routine as 3rd month but I started taking more individual subject tests for each subject to see where my weak points were so I could go back and review those points.
  • 5th month: I almost exclusively did individual subject tests at the beginning half of the month and in the second half I would do a full length test everyday.
Subject-Subject breakdown:
  • Bio (30): I started studying for bio right away since I knew it would be the most overwhelming and I do think that was the smart move. I'm honestly surprised by my score since I didn't know 2-3 of the questions on my DAT. I would say both booster and bootcamp's practice tests were pretty comparable to the real thing but I actually found the real DAT to be a bit harder because of the weird wording of 2-3 of the problems. They seemed more convoluted than what I was expecting and it stressed me out initially.
    • I finished the whole TS section with 30 min left. Bio and orgo were my big time savers but I studied TS so much I could do the section fairly quickly each time.
  • GC (24): There were a lot of calculation based questions on my test which was a bit annoying since some of them were a bit annoying to do. I didn't know how to do a problem here and I probably fumbled a few more questions since I had a problem of overlooking certain things even during the practice exams. Compared to the practice I would say my GC section was on the harder side of the practice tests. Read the questions carefully for this section and don't be tripped up by the math and you'll be fine.
  • OC (30): This section was on the easier side of OC practice tests. I had no spec questions which was quite nice. It was a lot of basic reactions and acidity. Nothing too tricky on the questions they asked here. Booster and Bootcamp both prepared me very well for this section. It also helped that I was taking orgo 2 during the spring semester so all the information was fresh in my mind.
  • QR (30): I would say Booster's QR tests were easier than Bootcamp's and my real DAT QR was easier than boosters. Very basic questions on my section here. I didn't study at all for this section outside the question banks and like 3 videos on probability. Practice questions are more than enough for this section in my opinion.
    • I finished with about 10 min left
  • RC (22): This section is totally my fault lol. I really hate reading sections and it's always been my weakness. But instead of practicing it more I just put it off until the end and hoped for the best on test day (whoops). How well I did on my practice reading sections always depends on the ease of the articles in the section. On my DAT there were 2 easy-mid articles and 1 article that was information overload ( I lowkey thought I should throw in the towel at that point). The strategy I used was just thoroughly reading the passage and noting down 3-4 things per paragraph so I could reference them when answering questions. I also nodded my head and made faces when reading the articles to try and feign interest which slightly worked.
    • I finished with 1 min 30 sec left
  • PAT (25): The real PAT was easier than any of the practice I did. This is in large part due to how big the pictures were on my real DAT. I feel like I was practicing on hard mode since the pictures on my practice were like 1/4 the size of the actual DAT. The keyholes were pretty comparable to practice and so were TFE (Also watching any video explanations for TFE were super helpful in coming up with a method to do these quickly and accurately). Hole punching was comparable to Booster's with Bootcamp's being way harder. Cube counting was on the easier side with less cubes per structure and not many hidden cubes. Pattern folding was on the easier side of booster's and bootcamp's. I start with angle ranking and work my way until the end of pattern folding and then go back and do keyholes and TFE since those are harder. This method eased me into the PAT better and I would highly recommend it.
    • I finished with 5 min left.
Scratch Paper:
  • Some of you might not care but I was very scared of the paper situation since I use a lot of it. They gave me 2 thin expo markers and 2 sheets of laminated paper, with one side having a grid and the other side being blank. I couldn't erase, it was basically like having a paper and permanent marker. I switched paper during my break and another time right before my QR section since I use a lot of paper for RC and QR.
Closing Thought:
  • I would say that overall the practice tests were very indicative of what I saw on the real thing. If you are doing well on the practice exams you'll probably do the same or even better on the real thing. I was averaging about a 24-25 on the practice and the day before the exam my practice test score was a 25.
  • You'll do fine! Just take your time and study because I promise all the time pays off.
submitted by choco_pies to predental [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:32 weezerchungus96 Why do I constantly feel like I'm faking my intelligence?

Note: I'm not writing this post with the intention of boasting or coming off as pretentious. I believe that intelligence comes in many different forms, and that getting good grades or having a high iq doesn't define your value or worth as a person. I'm simply sharing my experience and seeking insight to what's going on with me.
Growing up I've always been a high achiever. After joining high school, I grew an interest in math, physics and programming. I like things that are stereotypically "nerdy", like reading books and playing video games. I'm also a very empathetic person and find it easy to put myself in other people's shoes, even if it means sacrificing my own pride.
Here comes the problem, though. Every time I try to pick up a book on science that I've been reading or do anything that society deems as "smart people activities", I feel this pang of guilt and voice in my head telling me that I'm just pretending to like these things to seem like I'm better than people.
I even feel embarrassed writing this post because I really don't think that way, but I feel kind of disgusted at myself whenever I pursue my interests because I feel like I'm not worth it, if that makes sense? It kind of like I'm cosplaying someone that I'm not, even though that is who I am. I just don't feel comfortable liking what I like because due to my race and gender, I don't really fit the narrative of what I think a typical nerd should be.
I think I'm kind of babbling at this point, but I'm kind of exhausted. I was wondering if anyone else feels this way, too, and if so, how do you cope with it?
submitted by weezerchungus96 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:12 Extension-Canary3211 What Canadian/US universities are ideal for me?

I don't know yet which universities to apply to at my current level. I'm a brazilian international student who's completed Grade 11 in Canada and will complete Grade 12 by december this year. Neither the canadian school nor the brazilian use a 4.0 GPA system, however, my average for 10th grade is 86% and 11th is 93%. In Grade 11 in Canada, I've taken 5 APs (the hardest ones I could take, including calculus bc and both physics C), which I'm predicting to have gotten all 4's and maybe one or two 5's. I haven't taken the SAT yet, unfortunately, but will do it in September. I'm looking forward to any Canadian or American engineering undergrad programs that offer a good tuition (and, preferably, achievable scholarships and good co-ops) For extracurricular activities, due to how systematic is my country, I couldn't engage heavily in research or advanced programs, but they include - having been invited to a 1 year course of advanced math for 12th graders, which I've taken in 10th grade (Programa de Iniciação Científica Jr., PIC) - A 7 year english course in Brazil (Cultura Inglesa) - Helping in a STEM project for the creation of a Balloon that was launched to space - Several different sports and physical activities (although not directly having won any tournaments) - Participating in as many cultural activities as possible throughout my year in Canada
There are probably more activities, but those are the main ones. (Also, there are some bronze and silver medals in science or math olympiads, but as they're not gold medals, i'm reluctant in including those.)
Still undone, but plan on doing before the end of 2024: - Volunteering in a local church to teach math and english to children - Organizing three high school tournaments for fellow students (One math, one natural sciences and one humanities) - Creating study clubs or engaging in helping students as much as possible - Another 6-month advanced math course (Polos Olímpicos de Treinamento Intensivo, POTI)
Also, there are no "official clubs" in Brazil - school doesn't offer clubs or sports like the american system, you must pursue private companies to try to engage into those activities (with the exception of private high-cost sport classes or basic-level courses for students struggling). I'm hoping to take a bit of the club system with me to my country by trying to engage into the creation of one. Opportunities for extracurricular activities are rough.
In Brazil, also, we don't choose our own courses, as everyone takes the same 13 courses per semester. That decreased my potential average in 10th grade and probably also will in 12th.
What universities should I be looking forward to apply to? Are my chances high or low?
submitted by Extension-Canary3211 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:56 Extension-Canary3211 Chance me for choosing universities.

I don't know yet which universities to apply to at my current level. I'm a brazilian international student who's completed Grade 11 in Canada and will complete Grade 12 by december this year. Neither the canadian school nor the brazilian use a 4.0 GPA system, however, my average for 10th grade is 86% and 11th is 93%. In Grade 11 in Canada, I've taken 5 APs (the hardest ones I could take, including calculus bc and both physics C), which I'm predicting to have gotten all 4's and maybe one or two 5's. I haven't taken the SAT yet, unfortunately, but will do it in September. I'm looking forward to any Canadian or American engineering undergrad programs that offer a good tuition. For extracurricular activities, due to how systematic is my country, I couldn't engage heavily in research or advanced programs, but they include - having been invited to a 1 year course of advanced math for 12th graders, which I've taken in 10th grade (Programa de Iniciação Científica Jr., PIC) - A 7 year english course in Brazil (Cultura Inglesa) - Helping in a STEM project for the creation of a Balloon that was launched to space - Several different sports and physical activities (although not directly having won any tournaments) - Participating in as many cultural activities as possible throughout my year in Canada There are probably more activities, but those are the main ones
Still undone, but plan on doing before the end of 2024: - Volunteering in a local church to teach math and english to children - Organizing three high school tournaments for fellow students (One math, one natural sciences and one humanities) - Creating study clubs or engaging in helping students - Another 6-month advanced math course (Polos Olímpicos de Treinamento Intensivo, POTI)
What universities should I be looking forward to apply to? Are my chances high or low?
submitted by Extension-Canary3211 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:50 Direct_Article4538 VSV subjects seem easier than my campus ones. Bad sign?!

Does anyone know how VSV students are scaled or how they alter the curriculum? Are their SACs and study scores scaled down? Has anyone here gotten a 95+ ATAR with fully or mostly online units? Currently stressing out for my entire future! 🤗
I have been doing 2 of my 5 1/2 units via VSV and I'm getting a bit worried! Both are subjects that my school isn't running this year due to numbers. However, I developed a health condition mid last year that's doing anything but improving, + i'm extra busy/stressed from commitments outside of school (working and caregiving responsibilities.) Right now it's looking pretty likely that, due to all these factors, I'll have to go fully online for 3/4. When I enrolled I was assured by my school and VSV that as long as I keep my focus I'll get the same standard + amount of work as I would currently. I was a bit worried because of how secretive they are with their study scores ect but I didn't have much choice.
However... Both subjects are clearly easier than the standard that friends from other 'in person' schools receive. I'm always getting 97-100% on SACs for both subjects, even though I don't go to their glorified powerpoint reading online classes and typically complete all my weekly work for the subjects in a few hours. The marking + feedback for weekly work is useless too. You don't get a grade, only a 'satisfactory' or not, and you can resubmit if you don't pass. My feedback is always "This is far above VCE level, well done! Keep it up!"... It's really not. What I'm submitting is the level that I would do on campus if I want mid 80's. Oh and just to clarify, I'm obviously not some child genius so hopefully this doesn't sound as absolutely pretentious as it does to me. Sorry everyone. I'm always good with Lit, but I usually need to put some elbow grease into the other ones if I want to achieve high marks. At my private, but by no means academic school, I've always done well (ok apart from GM; lets just say my emotional support calculator and I have clawed our way to 'firmly unremarkable' status) but I have to study hard and push myself to stay up there in marks. Essentially I'm just not used to getting full marks on a silver platter for a SAC that I submitted at 4am, after 1 hour of sleep-deprived and unmotivated work. I submitted that fully prepared for my average grade to drop pretty dramatically. Very much a 'fuck it, fuck this' submission. When I saw my mark I was honestly offended(?). That mark at my current school would've been the result of a week in self isolation and a rapidly approaching vitamin D deficiency. I really don't deserve it at all! I almost want them to take it back!!! It doesn't mean anything like this.
I always have to email them to ask for useful feedback (I BEG them to tell me areas I can improve on.) Even then I get the same response, or a very surface level message that doesn't seem to have much thought put into it. All very generalised stuff. The SACs aren't even well regulated. My submission didn't load properly once so I ended up submitting two days late; they didn't even mention it!? Once I was told I didn't have to worry about proper referencing for an essay. I have started going through the standard text books (VSV told me I wouldn't need one because the content is "all found in the weekly work" yea nah ) + doing all the work that a friend from another school gets. All because I'm terrified that they aren't teaching me the level they should be. I've even started trying to do double the effort that they ask for so I'm not stressing about getting behind without knowing it. It's getting tempting to submit crap without even editing it first, but I'm trying so hard not to fall into that rabbit hole... Yet.
Not to be dramatic but that chic, sultry 99.95 ATAR™ 😮‍💨🤩 has been tantalising me since my little brain could intellectualise it, so I'm really scared for my results if I have to go fully online next year. I don't have family pressure for results, but my self worth and academic results venn diagram is a circle. Before you ask, I'm not willing to move to a local-ish school with all my subjects because it will make things harder for my family. The one good thing about vsv subjects is that I have more time at home for those responsibilities + I can stop working so much because it's a public school. Sorry for this mini breakdown that nobody ever asked for or needed, but please please please, if anyone has ANY info on how it will effect my results or experience with getting a good ATAR at vsv, let me know. Or confirm my fears that my life is over.
submitted by Direct_Article4538 to vce [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:57 mathematical171 Three sand rings puzzle

Was shown a math puzzle that I can't seem to solve help! It says "The first sand-rings puzzle requires 8 shells to be arranged inside the circles, so that 4 shells appear inside circle A. 5 shells appear inside circle B and 6 shells appear inside circle C. The overlapping of the circles shows that the shells can be counted in 2 or 3 circles." The puzzle uses three circles in a venn diagram. 18 combinations
submitted by mathematical171 to askmath [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:55 mathematical171 Three sand rings puzzle

Was shown a math puzzle that I can't seem to solve help! It says "The first sand-rings puzzle requires 8 shells to be arranged inside the circles, so that 4 shells appear inside circle A. 5 shells appear inside circle B and 6 shells appear inside circle C. The overlapping of the circles shows that the shells can be counted in 2 or 3 circles." The puzzle uses three circles in a venn diagram. 18 combinations
submitted by mathematical171 to PassTimeMath [link] [comments]