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2012.12.29 21:30 Linguistics Humor

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2009.11.29 19:43 chewxy Learn Math

Post all of your math-learning resources here. Questions, no matter how basic, will be answered (to the best ability of the online subscribers). --- We're no longer participating in the protest against excessive API fees, but many other subreddits are; check out the progress [among subreddits that pledged to go dark on 12 July 2023]( and [the top 255 subreddits]( (even those that never joined the protest).

2008.01.24 23:05 math

This subreddit is for discussion of mathematics. All posts and comments should be directly related to mathematics, including topics related to the practice, profession and community of mathematics.

2024.06.02 20:03 kemikiao RCQ Write up - Boros Burn

Deck list:
14 player event, 4 rounds of Swiss, cut to Top 8. I ended up 3rd/4th.
Round 1: vs UW control.
Game 1- On the play, I mull to 6, opponent mulls to 5. Iwas able to get there through Turn 3 [[High Noon]]. Sorceries on my turn to buff bird and swifty, instants on their turn to get the damage through.
Sideboard: out 2 Skewer the Critics, 2 Light up the Stages to work around High Noon, in 2 [[Wear // Tear]], 2 [[Roiling Vortex]]. Tear to deal with Noon, Vortex to get in chip damage and stop any life gain.
Game 2- Both players mull to 6. It was close, but with [[Temporary Lockdown]] nabbing three of my creatures and a well timed [[The Wandering Emperor]], I couldn't quite get there. Got them down to 1 but couldn't close the deal.
Sideboard: no changes... maybe should have added a [[skullcrack]] instead of a vortex to push damage faster.
Game 3- Had to mull to 5 to see any lands, opponent mulled to 6. But I'm out of the gate like a shot. Turn 1 [[Monastery Swiftspear]], Turn 2 [[Monstrous Rage]] and [[Kumano Faces Kakkazan]], Turn 3 [[Boros Charm]] and [[Skewer the Critics]], game was over pretty quick. They did have a slow start their first two lands entering tapped, but was just too slow.
Record; 1-0
Round 2: vs Mono White Humans.
Game 1 - On the draw, opponent mulls to 6. I never even got going. They had [[Get Lost]] for every creature I played and just beat me down with tiny creatures.
Sideboard: out 4 Boros Charm, 1 Skullcrack, in 3 [[Searing Blood]], 2 [[Rending Volley]].
Game 2 - Opponent mulls to 6. They never see a third land and they never keep a creature for a turn. I keep up removal and chip in with creatures.
Sideboard: no changes
Game 3 - Opponent mulls to 6. And it's just the second game again, except this time they were stuck on one land for a couple of turns. I was able to get a [[Slickshot Show-Off]] down and kill everything they played. I think they should have mull'd to 5, but they did have 1 land and 3 one-drops, so maybe it was the correct call?
Record; 2-0
Round 3: vs Amalia Combo
Game 1 - probably one of the worst matchups for this deck. Too much life gain and enough creatures to gum up the board. I mull to 6 and.... surprisingly get there. They never keep a creature on the board and even though they gained 3-4 life over the game, it wasn't enough.
Sideboard: out 4 Boros Charms, 2 Stages, 2 Skewer, 1 Deflecting Palm, 1 Skewer the Critics, in 1 Skullcrack, 2 Roiling Vortex, 3 Searing Bloods, 2 Rending Volley
Game 2 - I hit the ground running, Swiftspear + Rage again. Followed by a Searing Blood on a soul-sister, Volley on Amalia, and then Roiling Vortex to stop any life gain. They did spend Turn 4 casting the worst [[Collected Company]] on the planet... they saw 3 other Collected Company and 3 lands, so them throwing away 4 mana and a card was a big help to me.
Record; 3-0
Round 4: vs RB Vampires
Game 1 - we're locked for Top 8, but this is the opponent's first RCQ and A) they came to play magic, so lets play magic and 2) seeding might matter, so we opt to play. I mull to 6, they mull to 5. And well... they got to play magic at least. After 3 [[Fatal Push]], 1 [[Duress]], and a [[Thoughsieze]] I was pretty much out of the game.
Sideboard: out 2 Skewer, 2 Stage, in 2 Roiling Vortex, 2 Destroy Evil. Not sure on this...haven't actually played against the deck before.
Game 2 - About the same as the first. Vortex kept me somewhat in the game since they couldn't gain life off [[Sheoldred, the Apocalypse]]. Had them down to 4... just one card shy in the end.
Record; 3-1
Cut to Top 8, I'm the Number 2 seed.
Round 5: vs RG Aggro
Game 1 - both mull to 6 and I'm on the draw, which is probably the most important for this matchup as it's basically the mirror. Turn 1 Swiftspear into Turn 2 Rage + Skewer. Turn 3 bird and the game is over pretty quick.
Sideboard: out 4 Boros Charm, in 3 Searing Blood, 1 Deflecting Palm.
Game 2 - the same as game 1, but I'm on the receiving end. They had a [[Blossoming Defense]] to protect from my removal and I flood out pretty bad.
Sideboard: no changes
Game 3 - this is the game that made me do this write up. I'm out the gate swinging, but they have some removal and were able to get in some good hits. I end up having to use a [[Deflecting Palm]] on a [[Den of the Bugbear]] to save some life points.
I'm at 8 life with on a Kumano on board and two cards in hand., Opponent is at 9 with Swiftspear and goblin token. Opponent casts [[Pick your Poison]] to get rid of my Kumano (one prowess trigger), surges out [[Reckless Bushwhacker]], and swings for 7. Aiming for lethal, opponent casts Monstrous Rage on their Swiftspear making it 7 power. I then cast my own Monstrous Rage, also targeting their Swiftspear and then casting my second Deflecting Palm. They take 10 and I win the round.
Talking about it afterwards, they should have targeted the Goblin Token with the rage. Still would have been lethal to me and, since we play together, they KNOW I'm a D-palm fiend. With that play, I could still have Raged and D-Palmed the goblin... and then we'd both have gone to 3 life. Which still gives me the chance for a top deck to win. But playing around not only D-palm, but also a pump spell... that's a lot to ask for.
Record; 4-1
Round 5: vs Amalia Combo (round 3 opponent)
Not going to bother leading anyone on... these games weren't even close to close. They got their revenge on the "stolen" game in the swiss rounds and gained a bajillion life, I cried. Game 2, stuck on two lands I got them to 6 and needed any removal spell for Amalia to have a chance, didn't get it, and then they combo'd me.
Record; 4-2
Overall, I'm real happy with the tournament and not just because I did well (though that does help). Everyone I went with made it Top 8 and everyone we played were friendly.
Deflecting Palm is THE reason I'm playing a Boros list. It's one of my favourite cards and running one in the maindeck has always been my 'one-of, fun-of'. Boros Charm has been pretty good, though I haven't yet got to choose the doublestrike mode with Bird out to hit for a million. [[Lightning Helix]] has been a great help against the other aggro lists, being able to remove a creature and claw back some life has really changed some of the races.
I have a few changes I think I'll make to the sideboard, don't know how happy I am with [[Eidolon of the Great Revel]]... I think it's only good against Phoenix and has too big of a chance of locking me out of the game. Might swap those with [[Chained to the Rocks]].
I think I'd also like to try [[God's Willing]] in the side, just to help against the heavy removal decks. While I do have a lot of direct damage, I can't get there without a creature so maybe having that protection would be worth it. I'm on the fence with this one.
Soul-Scar is the weakest creature in the deck. I've seen lists that run [[Clever Lumimancer]] in it's stead. Don't know how i feel about those.... Soul-Scar can at least chip in for a bit if I'm out of spells, but Lumimancer does hit harder... Might try a split next time.
submitted by kemikiao to PioneerMTG [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:01 Temporal_Illusion Satisfactory Developer Q&A (05-28-2024)

The Live Stream on Twitch was posted Tuesday, on May 28, 2024 which will be available for viewing in full for a short time longer.
TLDW - Well if you don't have time to view full 1 Hour, 58 Minute Video here is a Video Quick Link List to key Bookmarks for the relevant "Intro", "State of Dev", "Community Highlights", and "Q&A Questions and Answers" discussed by Community Managers Snutt Treptow and Mikael Niazi, taken from the YouTube Channel for Satisfactory Q&A Videos and the Satisfactory Community Highlights Archive created by u/SignpostMarv (CREDIT)
NOTE: The Questions are the Video Title, and the Answers are a quick synopsis of what was said. The "order" of the Questions may or may not follow the original Twitch Live Stream. Some question are not shown as they are either repetitive and have been answered numerous times before, or simply Twitch Stream Chat Joke Questions. If you have concerns about the accuracy of what I posted, view the Videos and listen for yourself. Often there is more discussion related to a Question than I could post without getting too verbose.
Start of State of Dev Portion
  • State of Dev - Intro / Q&A: Should I wait for 1.0? - They are working on a video, that will be released in the near future, which will address this question.
    • Snutt talked about Recipe changes and rebalancing, Resource Node changes (movement and new ones) both of which will be covered in a video.
    • But as for the question, if you want to experience the "story" you will need to start again new in Version 1.0, if you don't care about ther "story" they you can continue to play your Update 8 Game Save which will work in Version 1.0. Bottom line, wait or don't wait for Version 1.0 is up to you.
  • State of Dev - Q&A: Are you worried about the play concurrency level? - They are NOT worried, as most experienced players are taking a break from the game and waiting for Version 1.0, while other new players are experiencing Satisfactory for the first time, and even other experienced players are continuing their massive world projects.
  • State of Dev - People waiting for 1.0 - There are a lot of players waiting for Version 1.0 to either continue playing, or to download and play the game for the first time. A lot of the new stuff in Version 1.0 is related to "end game" and some current players might worry about getting burned out if the play the current "late game" too much. A majority of current players plan on restarting again, hence the low current numbers of players playing game.
    • As Snutt found out, using current Update 8 Game Save in Version 1.0 will result in missing out on some of the "story" related elements. But Snutt did not play the "end game", and had only gotten to Tier 6.
  • State of Dev - Schedule right now is a bit weird - They do plan on releasing a video to discuss a lot of Version 1.0 related information, but currently their schedule is "weird" due to being very busy, so they don't know when it will happen, but they do plan on releasing some cool stuff soon.
  • State of Dev - Closed Beta - The Closed Beta, which has ended, kept them very busy.
  • State of Dev - More news soon - They wanted to wait for Closed Beta to end in order to get that important feedback, before releasing more news about Version 1.0 changes coming (without showing any new content).
  • State of Dev - Trolling about Screws / Swedish weather - Snutt trolled about ALL Recipes (Default and Alternate) in Version 1.0 will require Screws. Discussion about the warm weather in Sweden.
  • State of Dev - Outro - Final Comments by Snutt and Mikael.
Community Highlights Portion
  • View Community Highlights shown during this Livestream to see some great things other Pioneers are doing.
  • There was no Content Creator segment this week.
Start Q&A Portion
submitted by Temporal_Illusion to SatisfactoryGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:59 cirquedusoleilfan What's Q? (Also please read what has already been commented, last time we had 4x ,,pupped show'')

What's Q? (Also please read what has already been commented, last time we had 4x ,,pupped show'') submitted by cirquedusoleilfan to BeetlejuiceMusical [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:59 Odd_Salt9577 What should I do? Financial reassurance. 27F 24M

I am autisticand I do not fully understand social norms. Little back story I have been with my fiancé for almost 2 years. Before we got together he had a job and was a stable adult. I am a single mom of 2 kids 3 and 8. My last relationship was 11 years of abuse, and I was not allowed to have a job or pay bills. When he got arrested, I got a job and had to figure out bills on my own When I found my fiancé shortly after it was an instant connection. Things moved quickly I was in my place and so was he, but we didn't want to be away from each other and he decided to move into my place. We agreed to pay the bills 50/50. When doing this he realized he couldn't afford the gas to get back and forth to work (his work was about an hour away from my place). No big deal he would just get a job closer to us. He is a wildland firefighter but he begged and screamed for me not to allow him to go back after the season cause he witnessed something disturbing so I kept to my word and reminded him not to go back. I allowed him to stay rent-free till he could get a new job. I was paying the bills on my own before so I didn't see much to it. But, a few months go by and he still can't find a job. I finally got approved for housing and we moved into a new town in a new apartment. Now, we are in a different location and there are more job opportunities. He signs up for a temp agency but they are slow and he can't hold down any of the jobs given. I am still paying all the bills. He just bought a new sports car and I bought a new family car before getting together. On several occasions, I have paid his car bill for him (400) on top of my own. My monthly income is a fixed rate of 1800/month (I get disability for me and my oldest) When moving into the new place I told him I would pay rent and he could pay the electricity bill. I have made every payment on the electricity bill. I tried to leave it to him for a few months and now I owe them $700. I do purchase all the food and house items. If he does get a job that usually is only a couple hundred bucks and it goes towards his car bill. This cycle has been going on for about 2 years I am losing hope that he will ever hold down a job. He wants to do fire again this year and I am supporting him in his choice. He has thrown out allot of reasons to why he can't keep his job. At one point he quit a job because one of the people was rude to him and yelled at him because of a parking incident. But a few jobs I told him were ok to quit such a chicken farm asking him to kill baby chicks. His main reason as to why he can't keep a job is ADHD or his stomach. (I question this idea because he has always held down a job before getting with me.) I have offered to help him apply for disability but he refuses. Lately, we have been arguing a lot. I am not feeling respected and I keep asking him for examples of ways he shows me respect but he tells me his mind does not work that way and he can't give me any examples. (he always tells me I don't care about him, that I don't love him, and that I am not up to the standards he wants.) Although I do everything for this man I buy him everything he wants I make him food I take care of him I am extremely sexually open with him and give) So, yesterday I asked him 3 yes or no questions. Have you held down a job? he said no. I asked him do I pay all the bills? he said yes. I asked do you ask for permission before using or taking my things (ex. I will buy us sodas; he will finish his and mine) he answered no. Our arguments can get heated I will tell him it feels like he is using me. He comes back by saying that I am being mean and he is not using me and it's unfair of me to think that way. I have told him I need proof that he is not because, for the last 2 years, I have been supporting him in every which way. He says he is not because he doesn't like the idea of me providing for him. Now, my problem here is that he is extremely insecure. (he uses that as a reason as well as why he can't keep a job. He has been cheated on before so he had the notion if he went to work I would cheat on him. I have never in my life cheated and I've never given him the notion that I would cheat. I have reassured him every day since getting together that I am not a cheater he always says things like "Only me?" "You would never cheat on me?) He has gotten better a bit on that part. But he needs constant reassurance so much so he will repeat the same question 10 times or more a day for days on end. He is now asking me for reassurance that he is not a user and wants me to boost his confidence in his financial situation. He says he is struggling financially, and I need to be more empathetic. I cannot come up with things to make him feel better about his situation. I can't empathize because I have been nothing but supportive and I've taken on his financial load. He keeps asking "You know I am not using you right?" How do I reassure his insecurities? He says he feels bad but it's not his fault because he can't hold down a job. I love him, It is just stressful whenever I bring up the money issue he says things It's all about the money with you why can't you just love me? I remind him I do love him, and it is not about the money and that's why I have dealt with all his hardship, and I do remind him that I believe in him, and I know he will make it out of this rut. But when money is brought up, he gets defensive and flips it on me. How can I better communicate my worries without being accused of being all about money? how can I reassure his insecurities around this financial situation? Side note: Wanna know something funny/Ironic? When we first got together he kept asking me if I was a gold-digger or if I just wanted him for his car (2008 Saturn Sky) because I am a car girl. We laugh about this at times together.
submitted by Odd_Salt9577 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:58 Cell_Phone_Yeah He has a point tbh

Manga Spoilers btw
submitted by Cell_Phone_Yeah to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:56 sparkycat99 Peloton drivetrain overall at home, yes its possible!

After 3+ years and a lot of use, my tensioner bearing was pretty noisy and I figured it might be a good time to also take care of the flywheel bearings, the belt, and the bottom bracket. I have an original bike.
After reading here about other people’s experiences with Peloton service recently, I figured I’d be better off doing all of this myself.
I also have a fair amount of experience with bicycle repair - while I have a lot of tools, I didn’t have some of the specific tools I needed for this work on my Peloton.
Because a torque wrench is a handy thing to have and I knew I’d have all the right tools for my bike, I decided to order the Pelodoctor overhaul kit and their tools. Pelodoctor has great videos online and showed some cool tips and tricks for getting stuff apart. I could have probably sourced the tools I really needed separately - but the kit also comes with support if you need it, and I had no idea if I’d need it!
While the videos are great - and they are all separate, they don’t answer the question of - where do you start? Which thing do you replace first?
I did the overhaul in this order:
Outer belt cover, plastic cover over the sensor in the front.
Once I’d gotten the belt off (the trick with pedaling backwards with a microfiber towel is effective!), I took a ton of pictures. Advice in the video is to do that, and the placement, orientation of the sensor is kind of critical and not very intuitive.
I did the flywheel bearing first.
The videos mention that you should use WD 40 on the back side of the bolts. I had PB blaster. The video also mentions if you have a bike plus this may not be an easy operation because the fasteners might be over tightened on assembly and you could round out the Allen key head in the bolts. This is wise advice and it took about an hour of sitting with PB blaster before my second try worked and I could get the flywheel bolts loose to replace the bearing assembly.
This is another place to pay attention to the orientation of what you are taking apart! You can reassemble the new bearing in the wrong orientation in the flywheel.
I figured order of operations meant replacing the belt - or at least getting the new belt set up for installation with the flywheel reinstallation. You get some new frame bolts too for the flywheel.
I did the bottom bracket next. You will need to use the crank puller from the kit for this. I have crank pullers for my bikes, but they aren’t quite right for my peloton because my crank arms have a less bulky profile. I was also happy I’ve got 1/2 and 3/8 rachet drivers here.
I need another spray of PB blaster and some time to set before I could get the original cups out of the Peloton frame and get the bottom bracket out using the OEM tool in the kit. On inspection the bearings weren’t totally shot, but the new bottom bracket felt a lot better.
Using the torque wrench to verify the correct adjustment with the bottom bracket assembly tool takes some attention. It’s easy to let the tool slip off and likely round out the notches.
Pay attention to what is reverse thread on assembly and disassembly.
I also watched the videos on repeat and had my iPad handy. I did a lot of watch and pause! And watch some more.
Last was the tensioner.
And this is where I ran into my first - “this ain’t coming apart.”
Turns out my bearings are pressed onto the tensioner. I got the finicky little clip off, but the old bearings were not sliding off the shaft as described in the video.
Being it was Sunday afternoon, I wanted to ride on Monday, I just put everything back together and emailed Pelodoctor. I also had some questions about belt tension. The new belt fit fine (follow the instruction re: belt position and flywheel grooves), but it was shorter and I had to adjust the tension rod to get it to mount back on the crank.
I ended up buying a new tension plate for my tensioner bearings. I also had questions about belt tension. Daniel - who answered my emails at Pelodoctor really fast, said the belt frequency properly tensioned should be at 97 Hz, which I verified with a phone app by tapping on a long run of belt. I ended up spending another 30 bucks for a new tension plate and waiting until this weekend to replace that.
I don’t know if there is any way to tell in advance if you have the tensioner that comes apart and you can just replace the bearings, or if you have the one that does not and you need a whole assembly.
Other things that made this easy - I had some of my own metric Allen sockets which meant I didn’t need to use an adapter with the torque wrench or any of the other supplied tools.
Also - I had to file the pins down on the snap ring puller for the tensioner bearings. They were too large in diameter to fit the holes in the supplied snap ring with the new bearings.
Total time - maybe 5 hours on a Sunday to do all the major work. I replaced the tensioner bearings with the new assembly today and that was about 15 minutes.
Everything works! My peloton is much quieter and smoother.
I still need an outer belt guard, mine is cracked and has been as long as I can remember. I should have gotten it replaced under warranty when I had one.
Pelodoctor was awesome - Daniel was very speedy on the response to my emails.
Again - if you’ve never worked on a bicycle before, you may not want to do this work. Or if you do - watch the videos, a lot. Take pictures of stuff before you take it apart. Have some liquid wrench or PB blaster around for stubborn fittings.
submitted by sparkycat99 to pelotoncycle [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:56 Tricky_Badger_2071 How to pick up new pet rats? Any good methods to get them to warm up to being pet/picked up?

I just adopted 3 rats a couple days ago. They’re between 8-10 months old and have been well socialised by their foster mom. During the adoption process they would allow both the foster mom and me to pick them up! They were more squirmy with me because I was a stranger but still let me.
2 out of 3 of them will once in a while let me pet them. They’re hunched back and seem scared while I pet them but it also seems like they’re trying to trust me, otherwise I’m sure they’d make it obvious that they don’t want me touching them.
Picking them up though has been a challenge. They don’t like me picking them up and will squeak at me or run away if I try. I don’t want to scare them to where they won’t ever trust me, but I don’t know how to begin the process of them getting used to me picking them up and petting them? Am I just doing it too early? Do they maybe need more time? Or am I right to start early on?
They also don’t seem to like many treats so I’m not 100% sure what I can use for rewards. They’re honestly quite hesitant to take treats from me in general and will mostly ignore them and sniff my hands instead (I always wash my hands before interacting with them).
Anyways, any advice would help at all please
submitted by Tricky_Badger_2071 to RATS [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:55 Estaaguirre Tiller check please

Tiller check please
Hickory from a stave, 65 5/8” overall, 64 1/4” NTN. Pulling 37# @28”
The top limb developed a hinge mid limb pretty early in long string tillering that I had to keep dancing around but never seemed to be able to eliminate
Bottom limb was left thicker to compensate being on the bottom, but I can’t seem keep it from fighting the hinge on the top, tho at full draw, thing seem to behave much nicer and when shooting (only shot about a couple dozen times so far) it behaves well and throws nicely.
I want to take more time on the bottom limb but I think to get to a happier place with it I’d have to get the draw weight way lower than I’d like.
Any suggestions or am I on the money with this ending up an under 30# bow?
submitted by Estaaguirre to Bowyer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:52 Public_Ad_5373 How to Choose the Best SEO Tools for Your Business: A Comprehensive Guide

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for driving organic traffic to your website and improving your online visibility.
However, with a plethora of SEO tools available in the market, selecting the right ones can be overwhelming.
In this article, we’ll explore the key factors to consider when choosing SEO tools and provide actionable tips to help you make informed decisions.

1. Understand Your Goals

Before diving into the world of SEO tools, define your objectives. Are you looking to improve keyword rankings, track backlinks, analyze competitor data, or enhance site speed? Knowing your goals will guide your tool selection process.

2. Evaluate Tool Types

SEO tools fall into several categories:

a. Keyword Research Tools

These tools help you discover relevant keywords, search volume, and competition. Look for tools that provide accurate data and offer keyword suggestions based on user intent.

b. On-Page Optimization Tools

On-page SEO tools analyze your website’s content, meta tags, and internal linking structure. They highlight areas for improvement and suggest optimizations.

c. Backlink Analysis Tools

Backlinks play a crucial role in SEO. Choose tools that identify high-quality backlinks, monitor link health, and assess anchor text diversity.

d. Rank Tracking Tools

Track your keyword rankings over time. Reliable rank tracking tools provide accurate data and allow you to monitor progress.

e. Technical SEO Tools

These tools audit your website for technical issues like broken links, crawl errors, and page speed. Prioritize tools that offer actionable recommendations.

3. Consider Budget and Scalability

Evaluate the cost of each tool. Some offer free versions with limited features, while others require a subscription. Consider scalability—will the tool accommodate your needs as your website grows?

4. Read Reviews and Compare Features

Research user reviews and compare features. Look for tools with positive feedback, excellent customer support, and regular updates. Consider factors like ease of use, data accuracy, and integration options.

5. Trial Periods and Demos

Take advantage of trial periods or demos. Test the tool’s interface, functionality, and compatibility with your existing workflow. Ensure it aligns with your team’s requirements.

6. Check Data Accuracy

Accurate data is essential for effective decision-making. Verify the tool’s data sources and methodology. Avoid tools with outdated or unreliable information.

7. Look for Integration Capabilities

Choose tools that integrate seamlessly with your existing software stack. Integration with Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other platforms enhances efficiency.

8. Support and Training

Consider the availability of customer support and training resources. A responsive support team and comprehensive documentation can save you time and frustration.

9. Stay Updated

SEO tools evolve, so stay informed about new features and updates. Follow industry blogs, attend webinars, and participate in SEO communities.


Selecting the best SEO tools requires thoughtful consideration. Define your goals, explore different tool types, and prioritize accuracy, usability, and support. With the right tools, you’ll optimize your website effectively and achieve better search engine rankings.
Feel free to expand on these points and dive deeper into specific tools, case studies, and real-world examples.
submitted by Public_Ad_5373 to MARKETINGTOOLSREVIEW [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:51 DonRedPandaKeys For to which of the angels did He ever say: "You are my Son; today I have begotten you"? And again: "I will be to him for a Father, and he will be to Me for a Son"? And again, when He brings the Firstborn into the world, He says: "And let all God's angels worship him." - Heb. 1: 5, 6

[ Notice: Not my article. Link: ]
(Part 3) QUESTION: Hi Pearl, Is it really important that Jesus was Michael? I really don't have any scriptures that say he is or isn't & so far witnesses don't either. Just a summation or a could be, check out Hebrews 1 I know you know this one, so that's the only one I can point you to. The Son Exalted Above Angels
5 For to which of the angels did He ever say: “You are My Son, Today I have begotten You”? [c] And again: “I will be to Him a Father, And he shall be to Me a Son”? [d] 6 But when He again brings the firstborn into the world, He says: “Let all the angels of God worship him.” [e] 7 And of the angels He says: “Who makes His angels spirits And His ministers a flame of fire.
When I read that scripture that's when I began to question. The witnesses have a lot of truth & over the years things have changed, & that is a good thing. In our examining the scriptures there was a text of the day that referred to Michael but never once pointed that he was Jesus, could the light be getting brighter. If we continue to email each other I will paste & copy it for you, but most likely you may have read it. Hope we speak again.
ANSWER: The reason why it is important to understand these details, when YHWH says that "I have begotten you", this is unique. Even the other anointed ones, are not begotten by YHWH. True, there is 1Peter1:22;
Now that YOU have purified YOUR souls by [YOUR] obedience to the truth with unhypocritical brotherly affection as the result, love one another intensely from the heart. 23 For ~YOU have been given a new birth, not by corruptible, but by incorruptible [reproductive] seed, through the word of [the] living and enduring God.~
This was a promise given by the word of God, which never fails. That incorruptible "seed" is Christ. The anointed Christian grows according to this "model" (1Pet.2:21) until they grow to the full stature of Christ (Eph.4:13). My point, is that the 144000 receive spirit life, not from YHWH God directly, but from Christ. He is the basis of their glorification, through the forgiveness of sins. The way they become Sons of God, is through adoption after their resurrection, not through being directly "begotten" by God. Jesus is the only-begotten Son of God (John3:16).
The scriptures you cite in Hebrews, do not indicate that Jesus was not Michael. They indicate that ~of all the~ ~anointed~ ~angels,~ only Jesus was directly begotten by God.
This is why Heb.1:6 says that all those angels will serve and worship Jesus. He is the King of those kings. (see John1:51; Gen.28:12; Dan.7:13; Rev.22:3,4). When that Kingdom arrives, all 144000 will serve under Jesus. He is the one that paid the price for their thrones (Rev.5:9,10). He will oversee their kingdom work. And perhaps you also noticed at Heb.1:6 these firstborn ones (Rev.14:4; Heb.12:22,23) will come back into the earth during the kingdom. (Rev 3: 12) (Rev 21: 2, 9, 10) (Galatians 4:26, 31) This is what "Jacob's Ladder" is about. You might like to read an article at Obadiah Blogs: Jacob's Ladder
Again, unless you clearly see that these "angels" are the 144000, you will still think that these scriptures support divorcing the identities of Jesus and Michael. He is not talking of angels who were born as spirits in heaven. He is referring to those partners of Christ (~See~ ~Heb.1:9~). Notice in that verse, that they are "~anointed~" with the "oil of exultation" just like Jesus, but less so. These are not heavenly-born angels. Those do not get anointed. These "angels" are Abraham's seed (see Heb.2:16; Gal.3:29).
So again I tell you, the angels that Jesus is exalted above, are the 144000. Among these, only Jesus was directly begotten by YHWH God. The rest are adopted after they get spirit life from Jesus (Rom.8:23) who is their spirit father first (Rev.14:4; Psalm45:16; Isa.9:6). ("Firstfruits to the Lamb"; "your sons"; "eternal father" 2Thess.2:13,14).
The scripture you are citing does not mean what you presume. Neither does it clarify the subject of Jesus being or not being Michael.
Since Satan now dominates the Organization, I would not expect brighter lamps from the anointed leaders above it (Matt.25:8).
I think it may help you tremendously to reflect upon the situation God's people are in, at the time of the appearance of "Michael".
Do you remember that "all the earth" turn to worshiping the wild beast and its image (Rev.13:8)? Apparently, they feel that this is more worthy of worship than YHWH God. Remember what distinguishes the faithful from the rest? They are busy declaring;
And they keep on crying with a loud voice, saying: 'Salvation [we owe] to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb.' Rev.7:10 (see Rev.14:7)
So then, what is the central issue in the time of the end? The central issue at the end (which means the difference between life and death) is the recognition, appreciation, acknowledgement, and devotion to YHWH God as the only one worthy of worship, glory, and credit for salvation. The threat to that is a pervasive Idolatry.
So then, in that climate, what role do you think Jesus ("the faithful witness" Rev.1:5) would take? Would he not be active in establishing the truth, that there is no one like God? Not the wild beast, not the false prophet, not the Great Harlot, not the dragon, not the locust-scorpions, not the Image. NONE of them, compares to YHWH.
Would that not be the message that he and his "angels" are battling over, against all those agents of worship for Satan? Small wonder that the role of the end-time Jesus is named "Michael", which means "Who is like God?"
If you truly are looking for increasing light, do not look to the darkness. Best Regards, Pearl
submitted by DonRedPandaKeys to ExJwPIMOandPOMO [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:49 Ambitious_Animal9936 Let's Talk About The Braid (TM)

Let's Talk About The Braid (TM)
We all started noticing Taylor wearing braids (if I'm not mistaken) starting Aug 18, right before Taylor and Travis made their first public appearance.
Aside: damn she looks good & gay
We saw her sport her new tiny braids everywhere in the months between her and Travis "dating" and the release of TTPD.
Including at a Chiefs game.
At Jack's wedding (where she was with Zoe).
And, of course at the Super Bowl.
Additionally, she was seen wearing them recording.
And at the Grammy's where she easter-egged Clara Bow and announced TTPD

Then in TTPD, she uses the word 'braid' twice:

Once in "But Daddy I Love Him":

Note: I hypothesize that this song is a fantasy about what she wanted to do, what she wished she had done. Saying screw it to everyone: her family, the Hannahs, the wine moms, the town elders, the church and running away with her lover. Ruining her reputation for the sake of her love.
But back to braids
Dutiful daughter, all my plans were laid, tendrils tucked into a woven braid
You could take this literally, her wild hair was tucked up nicely, as were her plans.
But then you add the queer interpretation: all her queerness was tucked up nicely into a braid, she wasn't going to screw up the plans her parents laid for her. She was the dutiful (straight) daughter.
And you add the possible meaning of the word braid (a beard) and this song could be about saying screw it, ruining all your families plans and running away with a girl.
More lyrics:
I just learned these people only raise you to cage you Sarahs and Hannahs in their Sunday best Clutching their pearls, sighing "What a mess" I just learned these people try and save you ... cause they hate you
They slammed the door on my whole world The one thing I wanted
I'm telling him to floor it through the fences No, I'm not coming to my senses
Soon enough the elders had convened Down at the city hall "Stay away from her" The saboteurs protested too much Lord knows the words we never heard Just screeching tires and true love
'd rather burn my whole life down Than listen to one more second of all this griping and moaning I'll tell you something about my good name It's mine alone to disgrace
God save the most judgmental creeps Who say they want what's best for me Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see Thinking it can change the beat Of my heart when he touches me And counteract the chemistry And undo the destiny You ain't gotta pray for me
If all you want is gray for me Then it's just white noise And it's just my choice
Scandal does funny things to pride But brings lovers closer
Time, doesn't it give some perspective No, you can't come to the wedding I know he's crazy but he's the one I wantI'll tell you something right now you ain't gotta pray for me
I repeat, this is the queerest song of all time.

Then we have LOML

Note: Unlike But Daddy I Love Him, which is a fantasy, I think this song is about what actually happened. She didn't saw screw it to everyone and run away with her lover.
And bc of that she lost the love of her life.
One lyric that supports this is:
I thought I was better safe than starry-eyed
She decided to play it safe and not come out. She didn't say screw it and upset everyone.
But back to braids
I’m combing through the braid of lies
The braid of lies is a really interesting way to phrase it, esp. if we take braid to mean beard.
This song is a post-mortem about her relationship with Karlie, with (and for) whom she had several beards-- namely Calvin and Joe.
Combing through the braids of lies... all the lies she told herself, her lover, the beards, the public.
She recalls Kissgate, and how "counterfeit her friendship with Karlie was. It looked like one thing, but it was another. And how it went down in flames. And now she can't get out of bed.
Dancing phantoms on the terrace Are they second-hand embarrassed That I can't get out of bed? Cause something counterfeit's dead It was legendary It was momentary It was unnecessary Should've let it stay buried
Oh, what a valiant roar What a bland goodbye The coward claimed he was a lion I'm combing through the braids of lies "I'll never leave" ... "Never mind" Our field of dreams, engulfed in fire Your arson's match your somber eyes
And I'll still see it until I die You're the loss of my life
Karlie, the dancing phantom on the terrace, is still the love of her life, the loss of her life. The one she she chose not to run away with. The one she bearded for and braided for. It was legendary, and that's why Taylor has written 4 albums about losing her relationship and (in some songs) her sanity. But keeping her career and her reputation.
And that is the purpose of the beard. That's the purpose of Travis. To cement her in everyone's minds as the straightest most heterosexual woman in the world. And TTPD shows she's f*ed up about it.
I contend the braid theme is intentional. Not just as an easter egg for these songs.
But as a hairpin drop for those of us that see it. She is bearding. Again.
The end.
submitted by Ambitious_Animal9936 to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:49 Short-Difference1501 Advice?

Hi all, I need advice on my chances on getting into a decent school. I just took a cold diagnostic test and got a 148. I know I can greatly improve my score but my problem is my gpa is a 2.8 after I failed 4 classes my freshman year. Wondering if there’s any way I can explain those? I think i’m a pretty well rounded applicant, i’ve travelled a lot, have had two, albeit, small businesses (one while I was in undergrad), have volunteered some, and have had one of my op-eds published in a local newspaper. I’m planning on applying for schools in December of this year. Any advice on how I can improve my chances or what my chances are would be greatly appreciated! I’d like to go to school in either Boston or DC.
submitted by Short-Difference1501 to LSAT [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:48 lub-shh-dub Run more than one thief.

Backstab is awesome.
For people coming off D&D and BG3... Think of it more like sneak attack, adding additional damage to your base attacks and stacking with critical hits.
Do note that Backstab can trigger off either melee or ranged attacks, so I humbly advise running a agi/str thief. Fortitude does not affect HP on level up and frankly comes across as a dump stat.
.Backstab damage is based on the number of "increased backstab damage" feats chosen. Each time it is picked it grants +3 backstab bonus. Your total backstab bonus is then multiplied by the weapon's critical multiplier. So if a weapon has a crit multiplier of 2... A single feat of "increased backstab damage" would increase backstab damage by a fixed 3 x 2 = 6 damage. The backstab tree grants a total of +30 backstab bonus, which translates to +90 damage per backstab assuming you are using a weapon with a crit multiplier of 3.
Your weapons crit multiplier would matters alot more than it's base damage when it comes to backstabs.
Sneak (Hide) everywhere you go and initiate combat by manually clicking the sword icon. Enemies might be caught flatfooted or "not-alert". Right click on enemies to see who is alert and who is not. Your high initiative thieves will likely start combat first... Their arrows can trigger backstab against enemies that are not alert.
The Thief can backstab against flanked enemies. An enemy is considered flanked when you have your characters on opposite sides of the enemy. Enemies that are flanked have a >< symbol above their heads to indicate they are flanked..
Backstab also triggers off enemies that are asleep, blind or panicking.
Panic typically occurs when a few of the enemies are killed.. enemies who are in panic mode will have a "!" And move away from your adventurers. Flanking is not needed to trigger backstab against these panicking enemies... Feel free to chase them down in melee or shoot them from afar. Backstab will trigger..
Evasive feat allows a thief to move away from an enemy to go after another target without ending its turn.
Fancy footwork allows a thief to swap places with an ally without ending its turn.
Both are useful for repositioning the thief to either flank or target flanked enemies.
Undead are immune to backstabs and critical hits.
submitted by lub-shh-dub to SkaldRPG [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:47 tasbau Need Advice: Mom's benzo addiction + depression

hi reddit,
I really need some help / advice. My mom has been on benzos for about 10 years, specifically Xanax and klonopin (not anymore, just Xanax now but used to take both together). She is 68, height 5'8", 130 lbs, female, takes xanax, microdoses mushrooms, levothyroxine, no smoking. she also struggles with a nerve disease that is similar to ALS but is much slower moving. Her doctors (perhaps just one) have advised her to not get off them for a better quality of life. When she doesn’t have any, she withdraws, and she doesn’t sleep for 6-8 months. She has a supply now, but she is taking double her dose because they’ve upped it.
She also struggles with clinical depression and anxiety, but it’s not like I have ever seen depression before. She gets extremely catatonic, she catastrophes everything, she’s not present at all, can’t really talk or think, can’t walk normally. It’s really strange and confusing to me more as I get older, I am trying to make sense of it. Again, these are only things that she’s told me, I’m not sure what is real or not.
The pattern I’m noticing is she starts to get really sensitive or triggered by something, then she starts getting anxious and questioning everything, it seems like normal things don’t make sense in her mind anymore. She can’t understand basic things, like packing her suitcase is so hard for her. Then she starts getting into this state where she won’t get out of bed, thinks she’s a horrible person, everyone hates her, everyone is ganging up on her, really scared. This phase is trippy to me, because she can barely look me in the eyes she is so full of shame. We went out to lunch yesterday and she was rocking back and forth, whenever she’d look at me she’d put her head down and start rocking and stroking her self, as to self sooth. It’s really sad to watch.
But here’s the thing that confuses me…As she starts to get more anxious, I think she starts to take more Xanax. She will take 2 instead of one at night and this is where I am wondering if her taking more is sending her into this more catatonic confused state? Do you think the xanax makes her depressive symptoms worse? And the balance and physical symptoms of not moving, talking, thinking slower etc. I’m trying to figure out if that’s a normal physical depressive symptom or if that’s more likely from the benzos.
The best way to describe it is like she’s had a stroke or suddenly has dementia, it’s really really strange to watch happen. If anyone has any insight / advice etc. It would be greatly appreciated.
Just to note, she refuses to get off Xanax, obviously she is full addict and thinks that her depression / mental state is correlated to it, which is most likely true at this point. She generally refuses any psychiatric assistance, she’s tried psychologists, therapy, ketamine therapy, anti depressants, macrodosing mushrooms (which actually worked for like 3 years until these last few weeks), kratom and “nothing works”. I guess I am just looking for more clarity on this pattern / symptoms, because they are so interesting and confusing for me. What do you think is happening?
Anything helps <3 thanks so much.
submitted by tasbau to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:45 Abject-Selection3079 Financial Advisor Needed

Hello everyone,
Looking for guidance from those who have worked with a personal financial advisor versus doing it themselves.
A bit of background both me (33M) and wife work (32F). We make roughly 650k pre tax combined each year; this is a relatively new earning level for us but should continue or increase.
We both contribute roughly 4k each month to broad range ETF (VGT/VTI), our 401k’s and I contribute to an ESPP each month (I work for a publicly traded technology company). From an assets standpoint point we have roughly 1.3 in assets (cash, 250k in equity from current house, 401k’s, equities, crypto, vested company stock,etc)
From a liabilities standpoint we have 500k on our mortgage (2.8%) and my wife still has roughly 100k of student loans at an 7 % interest rate.
We have long term goals like a larger home in the next 2 years as our first home was a starter home in our HCOL area and we’d like more space when we expand our family, a second vacation home, college, retirement etc.
Our challenge is we’re both unorganized sales people and often find ourselves overwhelmed feeling like we’re not making the right choices about how to maximize our earnings as well as limit tax liabilities (we do have a CPA already). This means money often goes out when we’re not looking closely at our budget or it just sits in an HYSA…we’ve tried to budget but have found out we’re better at working hard to make more money than to spend that time saving or planning where the money goes.
Anyone with guidance on what might be the right path here would be appreciated!
submitted by Abject-Selection3079 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:43 tasbau Mom's benzo addiction + anxiety

hi reddit,
I really need some help / advice. My mom has been on benzos for about 10 years, specifically Xanax and klonopin (not anymore, just Xanax now but used to take both together). She is 68 and her doctors have advised her to not get off them for a better quality of life. When she doesn’t have any, she withdrawls, and she doesn’t sleep for 6-8 months. She has a supply now, but she is taking double her dose because they’ve upped it.
She also struggles with clinical depression and anxiety, but it’s not like I have ever seen depression before. She gets extremely catatonic, she catastrophes everything, she’s not present at all, can’t really talk or think, can’t walk normally. It’s really strange and confusing to me more as I get older, I am trying to make sense of it. Again, these are only things that she’s told me, I’m not sure what is real or not.
The pattern I’m noticing is she starts to get really sensitive or triggered by something, then she starts getting anxious and questioning everything, it seems like normal things don’t make sense in her mind anymore. She can’t understand basic things, like packing her suitcase is so hard for her. Then she starts getting into this state where she won’t get out of bed, thinks she’s a horrible person, everyone hates her, everyone is ganging up on her, really scared. This phase is trippy to me, because she can barely look me in the eyes she is so full of shame. We went out to lunch yesterday and she was rocking back and forth, whenever she’d look at me she’d put her head down and start rocking and stroking her self, as to self sooth. It’s really sad to watch.
But here’s the thing that confuses me…As she starts to get more anxious, I think she starts to take more Xanax. She will take 2 instead of one at night and this is where I am wondering if her taking more is sending her into this more catatonic confused state? Do you think the xanax makes her depressive symptoms worse? And the balance and physical symptoms of not moving, talking, thinking slower etc. I’m trying to figure out if that’s a normal physical depressive symptom or if that’s more likely from the benzos? is this just an extended panic attack?
The best way to describe it is like she’s had a stroke or suddenly has dementia, it’s really really strange to watch happen from her being normal then going to this in a matter of weeks. If anyone has any insight / advice etc. It would be greatly appreciated.
Just to note, she refuses to get off Xanax, obviously she is full addict and thinks that her depression / mental state is correlated to it, which is most likely true at this point. She generally refuses any psychiatric assistance, she’s tried psychologists, therapy, ketamine therapy, anti depressants, microdosing mushrooms (which actually worked for like 3 years until these last few weeks), kratom and “nothing works”. I guess I am just looking for more clarity on this pattern / symptoms, because they are so interesting and confusing for me.
Anything helps <3 thanks so much.
submitted by tasbau to PanicAttack [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:41 tasbau Advice on Mom's Benzo addiction + depression

hi reddit,
I really need some help / advice. My mom has been on benzos for about 10 years, specifically Xanax and klonopin (not anymore, just Xanax now but used to take both together). She is 68 and her doctors have advised her to not get off them for a better quality of life. When she doesn’t have any, she withdrawls, and she doesn’t sleep for 6-8 months. She has a supply now, but she is taking double her dose because they’ve upped it.
She also struggles with clinical depression and anxiety, but it’s not like I have ever seen depression before. She gets extremely catatonic, she catastrophes everything, she’s not present at all, can’t really talk or think, can’t walk normally. It’s really strange and confusing to me more as I get older, I am trying to make sense of it. Again, these are only things that she’s told me, I’m not sure what is real or not.
The pattern I’m noticing is she starts to get really sensitive or triggered by something, then she starts getting anxious and questioning everything, it seems like normal things don’t make sense in her mind anymore. She can’t understand basic things, like packing her suitcase is so hard for her. Then she starts getting into this state where she won’t get out of bed, thinks she’s a horrible person, everyone hates her, everyone is ganging up on her, really scared. This phase is trippy to me, because she can barely look me in the eyes she is so full of shame. We went out to lunch yesterday and she was rocking back and forth, whenever she’d look at me she’d put her head down and start rocking and stroking her self, as to self sooth. It’s really sad to watch.
But here’s the thing that confuses me…As she starts to get more anxious, I think she starts to take more Xanax. She will take 2 instead of one at night and this is where I am wondering if her taking more is sending her into this more catatonic confused state? Do you think the xanax makes her depressive symptoms worse? And the balance and physical symptoms of not moving, talking, thinking slower etc. I’m trying to figure out if that’s a normal physical depressive symptom or if that’s more likely from the benzos.
The best way to describe it is like she’s had a stroke or suddenly has dementia, it’s really really strange to watch happen from her being normal then going to this in a matter of weeks. If anyone has any insight / advice etc. It would be greatly appreciated.
Just to note, she refuses to get off Xanax, obviously she is full addict and thinks that her depression / mental state is correlated to it, which is most likely true at this point. She generally refuses any psychiatric assistance, she’s tried psychologists, therapy, ketamine therapy, anti depressants, microdosing mushrooms (which actually worked for like 3 years until these last few weeks), kratom and “nothing works”. I guess I am just looking for more clarity on this pattern / symptoms, because they are so interesting and confusing for me.
Anything helps <3 thanks so much.
submitted by tasbau to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:40 kirsion Running the numbers between budget EV and hybrid

EV Hybrid Comparison spreadsheet
I was spending the past couple of months running the numbers between owning a efficient hybrid versus a used budget EV. And my conclusion is that unless you have very cheap home charging or consistent free public charging and drive a lot of miles per month, more than 1500. The hybrid is a better choice.
On the calculations for the hybrid, I chose a Corolla hybrid new version. I live in California so the gas prices is around $5 a gallon. I tried to keep the cost of maintenance, insurance, repairs, fuel costs roughly consistent.
For the EV, I chose a Tesla Model 3 used. Because currently you can get a used evade that cost under $25,000, at least 2 years old, if you qualify, you get $4,000 off. Also with my electricity provider, Southern California Edison, there's an also another $4,000 off of pre-owned electric vehicles if you qualify for the low household income. The cost of electricity is about 33 cents per kilowatt flat rate, and if you use more than 500 kilowatts per month the cost increases to 43 cents. There is also a time of usage rate, TOU-prime, which is 25 cents per kilowatt during off peak hours, but electricity usage during on peak hours which is 4:00 p.m. To 9:00 p.m. Is 63 cents per kilowatt hour which doesn't seem better than the flat rate.
So in the best case scenario, the upfront cost of the Tesla is significantly cheaper. However the cost per month of ownership is roughly the same and often more than an efficient hybrid, simply due to the fact of high electricity cost, and also very high insurance and renewals fees. Since EV's don't pay for gas they don't pay for the gas tax for road maintenance so the state is trying to put that cost onto the registration fee instead. If electricity costs are low, and you drive a lot per month then it might make sense to get an electric vehicle. But for everyone else a hybrid makes much more sense.
This also does not take into account that batteries do not last forever, however most car companies offer a pretty long warranty for the battery, 8 years or 100,000 miles. However once the warranty is up, you're out of luck in terms of the battery and you'd have to pay for it yourself. And from my experience from looking online, I rarely see people last that long with their battery, and their battery goes under 70% capacity left. It seems more likely that the high voltage battery just stops working randomly due to bad cells, and stops charging and then people have to get it replaced through warranty, such just a refurbed pack.
So I think that in summary, if you're getting an EV, you are definitely not saving money, unless you drive a lot of miles amount per day, 80 or more. The main justification for buying an EV is because you like the driving experience of electric vehicles mostly, you don't go on road trips often, and you can charge at home easily.
submitted by kirsion to electricvehicles [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:40 kirsion Running the numbers between budget EV and hybrid

EV Hybrid Comparison spreadsheet
I was spending the past couple of months running the numbers between owning a efficient hybrid versus a used budget EV. And my conclusion is that unless you have very cheap home charging or consistent free public charging and drive a lot of miles per month, more than 1500. The hybrid is a better choice.
On the calculations for the hybrid, I chose a Corolla hybrid new version. I live in California so the gas prices is around $5 a gallon. I tried to keep the cost of maintenance, insurance, repairs, fuel costs roughly consistent.
For the EV, I chose a Tesla Model 3 used. Because currently you can get a used evade that cost under $25,000, at least 2 years old, if you qualify, you get $4,000 off. Also with my electricity provider, Southern California Edison, there's an also another $4,000 off of pre-owned electric vehicles if you qualify for the low household income. The cost of electricity is about 33 cents per kilowatt flat rate, and if you use more than 500 kilowatts per month the cost increases to 43 cents. There is also a time of usage rate, TOU-prime, which is 25 cents per kilowatt during off peak hours, but electricity usage during on peak hours which is 4:00 p.m. To 9:00 p.m. Is 63 cents per kilowatt hour which doesn't seem better than the flat rate.
So in the best case scenario, the upfront cost of the Tesla is significantly cheaper. However the cost per month of ownership is roughly the same and often more than an efficient hybrid, simply due to the fact of high electricity cost, and also very high insurance and renewals fees. Since EV's don't pay for gas they don't pay for the gas tax for road maintenance so the state is trying to put that cost onto the registration fee instead. If electricity costs are low, and you drive a lot per month then it might make sense to get an electric vehicle. But for everyone else a hybrid makes much more sense.
This also does not take into account that batteries do not last forever, however most car companies offer a pretty long warranty for the battery, 8 years or 100,000 miles. However once the warranty is up, you're out of luck in terms of the battery and you'd have to pay for it yourself. And from my experience from looking online, I rarely see people last that long with their battery, and their battery goes under 70% capacity left. It seems more likely that the high voltage battery just stops working randomly due to bad cells, and stops charging and then people have to get it replaced through warranty, such just a refurbed pack.
So I think that in summary, if you're getting an EV, you are definitely not saving money, unless you drive a lot of miles amount per day, 80 or more. The main justification for buying an EV is because you like the driving experience of electric vehicles mostly, you don't go on road trips often, and you can charge at home easily.
submitted by kirsion to TeslaModel3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:39 kirsion Running the numbers between budget EV and hybrid

EV Hybrid Comparison spreadsheet
I was spending the past couple of months running the numbers between owning a efficient hybrid versus a used budget EV. And my conclusion is that unless you have very cheap home charging or consistent free public charging and drive a lot of miles per month, more than 1500. The hybrid is a better choice.
On the calculations for the hybrid, I chose a Corolla hybrid new version. I live in California so the gas prices is around $5 a gallon. I tried to keep the cost of maintenance, insurance, repairs, fuel costs roughly consistent.
For the EV, I chose a Tesla Model 3 used. Because currently you can get a used evade that cost under $25,000, at least 2 years old, if you qualify, you get $4,000 off. Also with my electricity provider, Southern California Edison, there's an also another $4,000 off of pre-owned electric vehicles if you qualify for the low household income. The cost of electricity is about 33 cents per kilowatt flat rate, and if you use more than 500 kilowatts per month the cost increases to 43 cents. There is also a time of usage rate, TOU-prime, which is 25 cents per kilowatt during off peak hours, but electricity usage during on peak hours which is 4:00 p.m. To 9:00 p.m. Is 63 cents per kilowatt hour which doesn't seem better than the flat rate.
So in the best case scenario, the upfront cost of the Tesla is significantly cheaper. However the cost per month of ownership is roughly the same and often more than an efficient hybrid, simply due to the fact of high electricity cost, and also very high insurance and renewals fees. Since EV's don't pay for gas they don't pay for the gas tax for road maintenance so the state is trying to put that cost onto the registration fee instead. If electricity costs are low, and you drive a lot per month then it might make sense to get an electric vehicle. But for everyone else a hybrid makes much more sense.
This also does not take into account that batteries do not last forever, however most car companies offer a pretty long warranty for the battery, 8 years or 100,000 miles. However once the warranty is up, you're out of luck in terms of the battery and you'd have to pay for it yourself. And from my experience from looking online, I rarely see people last that long with their battery, and their battery goes under 70% capacity left. It seems more likely that the high voltage battery just stops working randomly due to bad cells, and stops charging and then people have to get it replaced through warranty, such just a refurbed pack. Also if the battery even gets nicked in an accident, which is easy because the battery is in the undercarriage, the whole car gets totaled.
So I think that in summary, if you're getting an EV, you are definitely not saving money, unless you drive a lot of miles amount per day, 80 or more. The main justification for buying an EV is because you like the driving experience of electric vehicles mostly, you don't go on road trips often, and you can charge at home easily.
submitted by kirsion to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:38 twinkerbell96 Transgender best man uninvited and blocked

Up until a few weeks ago I was the best man in my (ex) best friend of 25 years wedding. For a bit of context I’m female to male transgender and ex best friend is the bride. We always dreamed of being each others maid of honor and so when I came out as trans a couple years ago we decided I’d be called the best man instead.
Her bridal party consisted of her three neighborhood friends who I had never met and my boyfriend (also FTM transgender). Within the first hour the bride had outed me to all of the women and upon returning from the restroom I walked in on her about 8 years deep in my instagram showing them all pre transition pictures of me (without asking). They then all launched into asking questions like “Wait I’m confused—so what sex are you?” and when I finally said female one said “ohhhh ok ya I can see that now! I can see the balance of femininity and masculinity in your face” all while the bride sat there smiling and saying nothing. Later on in the night the bride was looking at something on one woman’s phone and when I came over the see what they were looking at the bride turned the phone away from me and asked the women “Is it ok if I show him?” and proceeded to show me a picture of a wedding dress that woman had tried on for her wedding. TLDR she thought to ask permission for that but not showing people I didn’t know hundreds of pre transition pictures of me.
When we all went out to get dinner she casually announced to me in front of everyone that her mother (who I had known for almost 25 years and was like a second mother to me) had asked that my boyfriend and I be moved to a different table for the reception (we were originally going to be sitting with them) as she didn’t think that her new boyfriend of 10 months would feel comfortable sitting next to trans people. The bride went on to make excuses for her mom and the mom’s boyfriend—namely that he was assaulted by a cis man a couple decades prior.
In the morning I told her that those things had hurt and that I wish she hadn’t told me what her mom had said. Her fiancé was with us and had such an upset face. She said that his initial reaction was that her mom’s boyfriend shouldn’t go to the wedding if that was the case and made the bride promise to never tell me because of how traumatic he knew it would be to hear. She then backpedaled and said “Oh well that was because she didn’t want to risk him saying anything to you—she’d do anything for you”. It really stung to have such blatant discrimination downplayed in such a manner, but I was still in shock from everything so the conversation ended quickly.
As the days went on, I started to process it better and I texted her to try to have a conversation about everything so that resentment didn’t fester. I sent an audio message and stated that it was so that she could hear my tone (to know that I was calm/not yelling or anything). I explained to her why all of it hurt so much and why it hurt that she downplayed it in the moment and in the morning when I brought it up. She ended up taking a week to respond and when she did it, it was to uninvite me to the wedding.
Last week I swallowed my pride and reached out to her about being confused how it escalated to the point of uninviting me, as I don’t think relationships can bounce back from that. I asked her to call me and we spoke at length for about an hour and a half. Initially she was still quite defensive and insistent that she deserved an apology as the whole situation made her feel bad and cry. I explained that her wanting an apology for me due to feeling guilty about hurting me didn’t really feel fair. She said initially that she thought my audio message was me “begging to be uninvited” and that she was “doing me a favor” but eventually admitted that she uninvited me for herself as she didn’t want to look out into the audience and see me and be reminded of this situation. She thanked me for calling and said she would text me in the morning and would finally reach out and apologize to my boyfriend as well. Five days passed with no texts to myself or my boyfriend until she ultimately texted me yesterday saying that she was still hurt and needed to process things and thanked me for my patience. However when I went to respond several minutes later I had already been blocked.
submitted by twinkerbell96 to weddingdrama [link] [comments]

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