Cafe junkie english sub

pledis girlz

2016.03.23 05:31 YongChicken pledis girlz


2017.01.06 13:04 kpopper2013 We r/Pristin! Anyeong~

A Korean Girl Group from Pledis.

2017.05.21 20:31 lindseychan Love Nikki Dress Up Queen Mobile Game

Unofficial site for the global server of Love Nikki mobile game.

2024.05.19 23:35 PirateLord9101 H: Tradelist W: Offers

H: Tradelist W: Offers
H: Tradelist W: Offers
AA/e/90, Gatling gun, Lmg
AA/50C/25 Fixer(2x), Handmade, Tesla Riffle, Dragon, Combat shotgun, Pipe Revolver, BP Pistol, BP Plunder, Em, EPR perfect mods, AD
AA/25A/Dur EPF
AA/25/Dur .50, Minigun (2x) epr
AA/E/15R Pipe Pistol,
aa/25/90 Gamma gun, epp, flamer
AA/25/Dur NU Laser Riffle, Fixer, Hm, Gamma gun, Holy fire
AA/50C/15c epp, AD
AA/Ap/25 Holy fire
AA/25a/Dur AGL,
AA/Pa/1s Grognaks Axe
AA/50C/90 Grognaks Axe, NU Laser Riffle, epp
AA/50L/25 Tommy gun
AA/50C/15r Hm
AA/e/15c RR (2x), Em
AA/25/25 lmg(2x) EPR, Rail,
Aa/25a/90rw AGL
Aa/e/25 Pipe Bolt Pistol, Radium, Fixer
AA/40/40 Ski sword
AA/50c/50bs Compound Bow
AA/40pa/50bs chainsaw
AA/40pa/1S Blue ridge Iron
AA/E/25 Fixer(3x), .44 Pistol
AA/40/40 Chainsaw (2x)
AA/25a/25 epr 2x
AA/50h/15c EPP
AA/50h/50bs EPP
Ari/Pa/40 Chainsaw
Ari/50/25 Cryo
Ari/E/15r Minigun
Ari/50C/Dur CR
Ari/25/25 Epr
Ari/25/50bs epp
A/50c/25 Hm, Single Action Revolver
a/e/Dur Gatling gun
Aa25a90rw AGL
A/25/50bs Plasma Pistol
A/25/15r Laser Pistol
Be40/40 Drill
Be25/25 epp
Berz/e/25 10mm sub
B40Pa/1a Bear arm
B/50C/15C Hm ( 2x ), Pumpgun, .44 Pistol, Rwr, Epr perfect mods, Bow, Lever
B/50C/25 Chainsaw, Auto Pipe, BP Plunderbuss, Handmade, Epr
B/E/25 lmg, combat riffle , AR, 10mm, Pipe riffle, Single Action Revolver, Radium, Hm
B/25/Stealth 10mm
B/E Black powder Riffle
B/Ap/25 Ul Laser Riffle, Gamma gun
B/50L/25 Hm
B/25/Dur RR ( 2x), Agl, Ugl, Flamer
B/e/50bs Combat riffle, BP Pistol
B/25/15r Gauss, 10mm, EPF, Cryo,
B/25/25 combat riffle, gatling plasma, Radium, gp, gl, Handmade, fixer
B/Bash/50bs Minigun'
B/50h/25 Fixer
B/25/90 epp with alligned flamer, lmg, Gatling laser, Cryo
B/40pa/40 chainsaw
B/e/90 AR
B/50l/50bs Peppershaker
B/25/50bs Plasma Thrower, Laser Pistol
B/e/90 lmg, Gatling
B/50c/90 EPP
B/25a/50bs epp
B/50c/15r Em
B/25a/90 lmg, gl
Be15r fixer
Exe/50C/25 Hm (2x), Minigun, 10mm Smg, em
Exe/E/25 Lever, Combat Shotgun, 10mm Pistol
Exe/25/25 EPR, Gauss, Lever,
Exe/50C/15C EM
Exe/25/Dur Fixer
Exe/25/15r GP
Exe/50L/25 GAuss
Exe/E/15r Pipe Bolt Pistol
Exe/25/90 Radium, 10mm Smg, Hm (2x)
Exe/50h/25 Gamma gun, epp
Exe/e/15r Pipe Revolver
Exe/25/50bs epp
F/50C/25 NU Laser Riffle, Radium, CR,
F/Pa/25 Chinese Sword
F/25/Dur Minigun
F/Bash/Dur Minigun
F/25/25 UGatling Laser, EPR, Radium
F/Ap/25 GP
G/50h/25 epp
G/E/15R Radium
G/PA/25 DC Gauntlet,
G/50c/25 Flamethrower, Em
G/e/25 Hm
G/25/25 rwr
I/50c/25 bow
Inst/Ap/25 epp
Jugg/50h/25 EPP
Jugg/e/90 Fixer, hm
Jugg/e/25 Fixer, RR
Jugg/25/25 Fixer, Gamma Gun, hm , Cryo
Jugg/Pa/40Pa Chainsaw
Jugg/e/15r .50
Jugg/e/dur .50
Jugg/50c/25 hm,
J/E/25 Hm, RR, Em
J/25/15r EPR Perfect mods Alligned Auto, AGL, tommy gun
J/SS/1s Bowieknife, Powerfist,
J/25/15r RR(2x),
J/50c/15c RR, Single Action Revolver
J/25/90 .50,
J/25/25 Western Revolver, Kabloom
J/50l/25 epp
Med/25/25 Fixer
Med/25/15r Holy Fire
Med/50c/25 Minigun, AR,
M/25/15r AGL
M/Bash/Dur Minigun
M/50H/25 EPP Perfect Mods(alligned Auto)
M/25/25 10mm
N/E/25 .50
N/50c/25 Em
N/25/15r 10mm
Q/E 10mm, Lever, Gatling gun
Q/E/25 Lever, Combat Riffle.50, Sniper riffle, Fixer
Q/25/15r Fixer
Q/25/90 Hm, Em, Fixer, epp
Q/E/15C Pipe Bolt Pistol(2x), 10mm Pistol,
Q/25A/25 Fixer
Q/50L/25 Fixer, Tesla
Q/50C/15r .50, Tommy gun Gatling gun, Auto Pipe,
Q/25/50bs Fixer, Holy fire, DB, Hm, Auto Pipe, Cryo
Q/50C/Dur Fixer (2x), hm, EPP ,Railway
Q/E/90 railway, .50 cal, Minigun
Q/25/25 Pipe Revolver, Ab, EPR, Gauss riffle, tommy gun,
Q/50C 10mm, Em
Q/Ap/15r Fixer
Q/25A/Dur Holy Fire, Gamma gun
Q/25A/15r Holy Fire,
Q/E Pipe Pistol, Hunter Riffle, Pumpgun, Combat Riffle, DB
Q/50C/25 Minigun,Tommy, Plasma Riffle, Gatling gun, Western Revolver, Epr, Radium, Handmade
Q/50b/25 Tesla, Hm
Q/50l/15r tesla
Q/50H/25 Radium, , Western Revolver,
Q/e/15r hm(2x), Gatling gun, Em, Railway, DB, Pipe riffle
Q/ls/25 Ab
Q/25/15c epp
Q/50h/15r EPP
Q/e/50bs Rwr
Q/25/15c Railway (2x) , EPP, Handmade
S/e/25 Fixer
S/25/15r Fixer
S/50c/25 Hunting riffle
Two Shot:
TS/50C/25 Fixer (2x), Hm (2x), Tesla, Dragon
Ts/25/25 AR, Fixer, epp, Ultracite laser riffle
Ts/E/Dur Minigun
Ts/50H/25 Fixer, Radium
Ts/25/dur Fixer, hm
Ts/e/25 Pipe Revolver, RWR, Em, 10mm Pistol,
Ts/Ls/25 Assaultron Head
Ts/e/15c Lever (2x)
Ts/25/15r Flamethrower, EPR,
TS/50c/15c RR, Ab
TS/50L/25 Em Ts/e/15r lmg
Ts/25/90, Lmg
Ts/50c/15c Plunderbuss
Ts/e/90 Pumpgun, lmg
V/50C/15r GP, Gatling Gun
V/50C/15r Railway
V/e/dur Hm, Em
V/e/25, Hm, Em
V/Ap/25 Fixer
V/50L/25 Fixer, RR, 10mm, Hm
V/50C/25 Gauss, Chainsaw, DB(2x), Fixer, 10mm Pistol, handmade, EPR
V/e Lever
V/25/15c Hm(2x), Gatling laser, epp
V/25/25 Gatling laser, Pipe Bolt Pistol, Epr
V/25/50Damage resist EPR
V/e/15r Western Revolver, Single Action Revolver,
V/25/15r Plasma Thrower, Gatling Plasma
V/25a/15r Plasma Thrower
V/25/90 Gamma Gun, Flamer
V/50h/25 epp
Armor Pieces:
Uny/AP/WWR mixed scout set
Uny/AP/HTD H Leaver Set
Uny/Mix/Sent bos Combat armor set
As/Mix/Cav Usa Set
Uny/7Explo/Cav FSA La
OE/AP/Sent Usa LL
Oe/7Exp/Cryo Fsa LL
As/7E/AWR Raider PA LA
Aristo/AP/WWR Trapper RL
Aristo/AP/Stealth FSA Chest
As/7Exp/Sent FSA RL
Oe/7Exp/WWR X01 LA
Bolst/S/WWR T60 LL
Uny/Ap/Stealth Trapper RA
Uny/S/WWR light Metal armor LA
Uny/I/Cav Wood Rl
Uny/1S/Wwr Heavy Raider Armor Ra
Uny/S/Limb Usa LL
Uny/Ap/Sent Fsa la (level 40)'
uny/ap/sneak trapper chest, trapper ra
Oe/Ap/wwr Raider PA rl ( level 30)
Uny/1P/Cav fsa Ra
Uny/S/WWR light Metal La
Uny/HungeWWR Usa Rl
OE/1e/FDC Usa ll
Bolst/I/sentt Trapper LA
Bolst/S/Sent Wood RL
Uny/L/WWR Heavy raider LA
Uny/S/WWR Sturdy leather RA
Uny/I/Sent Wood LL
Uny/Cryo/Cav FSA Cp
Uny/Cryo/Awr Fsa LL
Ari/Ap/Wwr Heavy metal CP'
Van/Cryo/WWR Leather CP
Van/AP/AWR Raider RA
Bolst/led/Cav Metal CP
Oe/1s/WWR Metal LA
UNy/ap/sent heavy leather set
Uny/ap/wwr scout set
submitted by PirateLord9101 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:32 Cuddlefosh guero speaking spanish in texas

Sorry if this has been posted before, but does anyone here have an academic background in spanish who feels weird about speaking spanish to native speakers, who are functionally bilingual.
20 years ago it seemed like a novelty and most people were appreciative of my trying my spanish out. I think I speak at about a CEFR b2 level. not very good for fast conversational spanish but understand structure and pronunciation very well.
i guess what im asking is how may people, specifically in the southern united states, would prefer a person to just speak english rather than practice their spanish. please let me know if anyone needs me to clarify any of this. this is coming from a place of genuine curiosity and desire to be a more thoughtful person.
tagged this as grammar because idk how else to tag it, please feel free to direct me to the correct sub if im lost
submitted by Cuddlefosh to Spanish [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:00 Liftforlife88 Steel Rail Marathon Race Report

Race Information


Goal Description Completed?
A Sub 3:40 Yes
B Sub 3:30 Yes


Mile Time
1 7:20
2 7:19
3 7:40
4 7:15
5 7:21
6 7:20
7 7:19
8 7:20
9 7:30
10 7:32
11 7:25
12 7:16
13 7:23
14 7:39
15 7:53
16 7:58
17 7:49
18 7:52
19 7:58
20 8:05
21 8:15
22 8:36
23 8:34
24 8:38
25 9:09
26 8:55

This was my first marathon. I've run two half marathons in the past and decided to take the plunge. I went with Pfitzinger 12 week up to 55mpw plan. I had to modify the schedule a bit, but never fell short of the weekly required mileage. I actually averaged 5-10 miles more per week than the plan called for whether that was the right or wrong decision I don't know, but I felt recovered from each week. The plan called for two 20 mile runs, but I opted for an additional 21 mile run instead of the 17. I did the midweek long runs too, but there were some tempo runs that I would consider on the long side that I ended up breaking into two separate workouts for a total of running six times a week. This was mostly because I have kids and couldn't get the time to do more than 2 long runs per week.

The race was an hour away and I've had some bad experiences from day of packet pickups so I opted to pick up the day before which allowed me to "sleep in" on race day. I actually slept really well the night before, I don't know how, but it worked out. I ate an english muffin with peanut butter and a coffee. Drank 12oz Gatorade on way to the race.

Fueling: I trained with SiS isotonic gel. Brought 8 gels for the marathon, but only used 6 (3caff/3reg). I took the gels at 30 minute intervals, I know some have mentioned every 20 minutes, but that would have messed me up. After six I felt a bit queazy so opted to skip the last gel. They had GU Brew at the hydration stations, but I've never tried it so went with water the whole way. Also used salt stick tabs. Gear: Saucony Pro 3, Injinji toe socks (my favorite purchase and godsend after many blisters), Rabbit Speedsters, Flip Belt. Race: This was an out and back marathon. Miles 1-14: I would consider this a smaller race with only 800 participants, 180 in the marathon. Race went out in waves with the marathon first. They grouped us in target times and the gun went off. Immediately the whole front of the pack were out with the lone guy targeting a sub 2:20 time. After about a minute I looked at my watch and dialed it way back. My plan going into this race was to bank early milage below marathon pace and gut out the finish so I settled on a 7:30ish pace early on. I found a guy in the local runners club and ended up chatting with him for the first 4 miles or so to avoid getting caught up going to fast again. In the taper week leading up to the marathon I did something to the tendon on the front of my ankle and rested it the best I could, but knew it would flair up on race day and it did at mile 6. I pushed through and it ended up subsiding or I just forgot about it by the half marathon point. Miles 14-17: This was billed to me as a flat course, but that was not the case. There was a 2.5 to 3 mile continuous up hill climb. With it being an out and back I knew this was coming and planned to dial back my splits to conserve energy, ended up running those 3 miles at 7:50 which was still below my target marathon pace. 17-26: after the long hill I settled in to a slower pace going over 8:00 for the first time in the race, I did my best to keep it close to marathon pace for as long as I could, but the wheels started to come off at mile 24 in which I ran a 9:09! This was the hardest mile I have ever run in my life. I trained without music, but brought headphones as a motivational boost for the tail end of the race, but of course they crapped out and I was left with my thoughts. As I passed fellow marathoners walking down the stretch I wasn't sure I could do this and questioned my choices, but was able to finish out the race in the end.

This was the best part of the race. It was awesome to have family cheering for me at the finish line and a moment I will cherish for all time. I don't normally drink, but the race purchase came with a free tech shirt and beer so I said what the heck. Definitely the best beer I ever had! I already know that I want to try this marathon thing again in the future. Definitely made some mistakes I can improve upon and want to pick a more destination type marathon, but overall I am over the moon with my results. A huge thank you to this community for the amazing tips and tricks you have shared with me. Thanks for reading.

Made with a new race report generator created by herumph.
submitted by Liftforlife88 to Marathon_Training [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:56 DryRaspberry9838 My tea journey so far

I am a wine lover and just starting my journey with tea. I have always enjoyed strong English breakfast by Twinings, black with no cream or sugar.
Thanks to this sub for the recommendations. I have now tried the following:
-Tarry Lasang Spuchong, Rare Tea Co: Way too smoky. I can see myself liking a smoky tea but not this one. That’s the only flavor.
-Cloud Tea, Rare Tea Co: Too light
-English Breakfast, Rare Tea Co: Tied for second or third. Nice caramel flavor, balanced tannins.
-First Flush Darjeeling, Rare Tea Co: My 2nd favorite. If I use enough of the leaves, it gets a strong caremel flavor. It would be too expensive for everyday use based on how much I have to use.
-Halmari Estate CTC BOP: Really did not like this. Too much tannin and overpowering bitterness.
-Halmari Estate 2023 GFBOP Assam: My favorite. Malty, earthy, integrated bitterness with a sweet caramel finish. Tannic but not too much so.
-English Breakfast, Teabox
I am using gaiwans and about 205 degrees.
submitted by DryRaspberry9838 to tea [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:47 Warm_Tzatziki Zakoniczyn - spokojne miejsce na grilla

Edit// just noticed it's probably an English speaking sub lol I'm a bit under influence, anyway...
Anyone knows a chilled nice place at Zakoniczym without much crowd?
Czy ktoś wie gdzie na zakoniczynie, albo w okolicy można sobie spokojnie usiąść w plenerze, z jak najmniejszym ruchem, tak żeby sobie grilla odpalić, browara otworzyć, posiedzieć w spokoju parę godzin w sobotnie popołudnie?
submitted by Warm_Tzatziki to gdansk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:41 Azurecertificates statistics class helper for statistics class help Reddit statistics course helper for statistics course help reddit statistics Exam help to hire statistics Exam helper Reddit Stat Math Calculus Algebra Probability Exam Helper to take online Homework Assignment Reddit Online Test Taker Reddit

Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
  1. Team of U.S. Academic Experts: I and my team of dedicated academic experts complete all types of academic coursework for students in most math, English, science, business, humanities, social Sciences, computer programming, and foreign language classes on a 24/7/365 full-time round-the-clock basis. This is not some part-time gig for me. It’s literally my primary source of income. I can regularly make myself available to help students with last-minute & same-day academic requests.
  2. Essay Writing Skills: I can write essays & research papers in native U.S. American English and fluent Canadian English using APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE formatting & citations.
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Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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submitted by Azurecertificates to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:31 flowersinblooom I dated a pwBPD for a year and it’s been so hard to heal from.

Months ago, I broke up with an abuse exwBPD (let’s call her F) not only was the relationship almost exageratingly intense and awful, but after we broke up, the mental anguish still stayed. I apologize if this isn’t 100% making sense as English isn’t my first language.
Before we even started dating, she was sprouting lots of red flags. She told me she had BPD, and beforehand, I had no experience BPD, I knew some things that were common knowledge. but wasn’t 100% on what it entailed. I was extremely naïve and took her word for it wanting to be supportive. She told me constantly that I was her favorite person, and showed me what seemed like HUNDREDS of notes on her phone talking about me. The only thing she told me was that they were notes about how happy she was to have me as a friend because “everyone left her” and I was “the only person who got her.” I was extremely creeped out, but still, being naïve didn’t say anything. She texted me almost 24/7, and would send me lots of “I love yous” begging to know the more intimate parts of my life, always asking what happened to me as a kid to make me “so kind and sweet.” When I couldn’t respond to her messages, she spammed my phone non stop begging me to get back online.
I decided to tell my friends about her, and immediately one of them had a reaction. I live in a very small town, heck, we don’t have most fast food restaurant chains or a walmart. I asked her if she knew who F was, and she confirmed that yeah, they were friends at one point in time, and F was an absolute awful person. She recounted that she always felt the need to 1-up people’s problems and would suddenly get mad at people and backstab them over slight miscommunications. I knew I should’ve listened to her, but I didn’t.
Last year, she asked me to be her girlfriend, and I said yes, that’s when things went from bad to worse. Her “spamming me when I didn’t respond” thing went from somewhat playful to demanding, and she would spam me with long essays about how I clearly didn’t love her anymore, to which we talked and she then demanded that I had to tell her everytime I was going to be busy so that she didn’t “worry about me.” Every other day, she would send me messages begging me not to ever abandon her to which I had to be there for hours reassuring her I didn’t want to do that. It had only been a week and I already wanted to leave, yet I remember her telling me “I feel like one day you’re going to leave me and completley move on, but it’ll be months and I’ll still be crying about us.” This is what kept me trapped. She would plan days where her plan was for us to spend the whole day together and do/ talk to no one else. She showed me the notes she wrote about me before, and they were genuinely horrific. Some were of her detailing how she would hate to live a life where I ever stopped talking to her, others were detailed fantasies about me and what I was like, even keeping a photo album of pictures and videos that reminded her of me. All this before I even started dating her. I quickly realized I couldn’t talk to her about my issues. Everytime I tried telling her about something in my life that would happening, she would pull a “Me me me!” And, like my friend warned me, had to 1-up me. When I told her I had autism, she immediately was saying things like “if you’re autistic, then I’m absolutely screwed!” She always mirrored my personality, taking note of the shows and movies I liked, claiming to be huge fans of them and calling everyone else a fake fan. I’m not even sure the point of that. She absolutely HATED the fact I had friends. She often told me my main friend group was “clearly trying to harm me” even though I told her I’ve never been hurt by them, and she would glare other people who had given me hugs. Many people brought up her abusive behavior towards me as they picked up on it before I even could. All of this would repeat and cycle for a whole year. I became extremely depressed, wanting a way out but not finding one.
Months ago of last year, was when the breakup finally happened. I was with her and recently she had gotten obsessed with going out and shopping, so she asked me to come to the mall with her. I said that I couldn’t at the moment but I’d be willing to go later, not expecting anything, and she absolutely flipped out. She begun crying saying it was clear I never had any time for her and that I was just going to abandon her like everyone else. This went on for a while until she told me that she hated me and never wanted to talk to me again. Yet despite that, the next day she sent me a long message asking for my forgiveness saying that she was so stupid for what she did and wanted to be friends again. I was still broken from how she treated me, and so I obliged, but after a week she told me she was dating her new friend and blocked me when I said “Congratulations!” Because I was “Clearly being sarcastic.”
It’s been months, and I still feel so much pain from it. One of her co-workers who I actually know, (again, small small town) told me that she had been spreading rumors that I was a “narcissistic abuser” who never cared about her or was there for her. More than anything I’m just hurt and it feels so hard to heal. Finding this sub has been such a help though, but at the same time it’s great and also disheartening that I’m not alone in my experience.
submitted by flowersinblooom to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

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Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
  1. Team of U.S. Academic Experts: I and my team of dedicated academic experts complete all types of academic coursework for students in most math, English, science, business, humanities, social Sciences, computer programming, and foreign language classes on a 24/7/365 full-time round-the-clock basis. This is not some part-time gig for me. It’s literally my primary source of income. I can regularly make myself available to help students with last-minute & same-day academic requests.
  2. Essay Writing Skills: I can write essays & research papers in native U.S. American English and fluent Canadian English using APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE formatting & citations.
  3. 75+ Types of Academic Software: I am highly skilled & experienced in using over 75+ types of academic software and educational platforms including the following: ALEKS, Blackboard, Brightspace, Canvas, Cengage, WebAssign, ConnectMath, Crowdmark, D2L, Moodle, Pearson MyLab and Mastering, MyMathLab, MyStatLab, MyOpenMath, StraighterLine, WebWork, and Wiley.
  4. Can Change IP Address: I have multiple reliable VPN software including: NordVPN, SurfShark & ExpressVPN that allows me to successfully change my computer’s original New Jersey IP address to any major city in the U.S. & Canada to avoid raising red flags with students’ online class software.
  5. Proctored Exam Help: I have developed multiple highly effective methods of helping students with exams, tests, and quizzes that are proctored by software like: Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam, Honorlock, Examity, Proctorio, Proctor360, Proctortrack, and ProProctor using 3 highly effective proven methods. Option 1 - WhatsApp: I use WhatsApp to have the student discreetly text me photos of the exam questions outside of the webcam’s view and I text them the correct solutions to the exam questions. Option 2 - Screen Share: Using screen share software like Zoom to see the student’s screen displaying the exam questions and I text the correct solutions. Option 3 - Remote PC Access & Control: Using remote computer access software like to control the student’s mouse and keyboard from my own computer.
  6. Study Help Apps: I have over 15+ paid subscriptions to a wide range of study help apps, software, websites, and programs to help me solve exam & homework questions faster and more efficiently. Some of these resources include: Brainly, Chegg, CourseHero, Quizlet, SymboLab & WolframAlpha.
  7. Calculators & Math Software: I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  8. Test Taking Techniques: I have developed highly effective methods to determine the correct answers to questions that I’m not already familiar with including process of elimination, working backwards, quickly searching for similar questions online, and utilizing standardized test taking techniques taught only in elite standardized test prep tutoring programs.
  9. Handwriting & Scanning Apps: I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, and PDF formats.
  10. Live Exam Help Videos: I am the only verified U.S.-based online exam hw online class help tutor with a highly successful YouTube Channel where I regularly upload live unedited videos of me actually completing exams, quizzes & homework assignments for other students and clearly explain my entire thought process and display on-screen all the steps, apps, websites, and software I use to compute the correct answers.
  11. Flexible Payment Methods: I offer negotiable rates, multiple payment methods (PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, anonymous credit & debit card payments via online invoice), and flexible payment plans: weekly (most expensive), monthly, half-now / half-later, and all-up-front (least expensive).
  12. Money Back Guarantee: I have won multiple academic awards for my exceptional skills & expertise in math. I guarantee overall A & B grades for all coursework completed. Plus. I also offer a 50% refund for C+, C, and C- scores, and a full 100% refund for D+, D, D-, and F scores.
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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submitted by comptiacertified to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:26 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 18 2024

DAY: May 18 2024
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:19 IslesofMaegelle AKBINGO Eng Subs?

The website has shut down and now I'm not sure where I can view more AKBINGO episodes. The Google doc containing the episodes I'd like to watch (episodes 110-122 etc) is either outdated or I have to download them which I'm not sure my computer can handle. Where can I find english subbed Akbingo episodes that I can watch on my browser?
submitted by IslesofMaegelle to AKB48 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:18 Background_Wall_8464 Just got my first job!

So tell me everything what do I need to know about teaching! I’ve student taught and subbed for the last few months so I feel ready but I will take any advice! It’s 8th grade English, what should I buy (if anything)? What can I do over the next few months to prepare? I don’t think I will find out about any curriculum or my mentor teacher until August.
submitted by Background_Wall_8464 to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:15 Cl0ud_st3pp3r Rant about addiction

When I was around 9/10 I became addicted to porn. At the time I didn’t realise because I don’t think I even knew what addiction was. All day at school I would be waiting for the time to come where I could go home and spend ages on my room searching up different things and looking at all the messed up stuff I could find on my iPad. It got to the point where if I was out with my grandparents/parents I would ask them for their phone to search up something (like the time or clothes I wanted to show them) and then look at porn whilst in the car or in the corner of a cafe or something. After several years of that I finally realised I was actually addicted to porn and tried quitting. That was November last year. Before that I had already tried to quit watching porn because when I was younger I sorta knew that someone my age shouldn’t be looking at stuff like that. My memory is hazy though so I don’t remember if I’d quit in between then or not. I think eventually I just moved on to reading smut which often triggered porn but that’s sorta irrelevant. In February I decided to tell my friend I was addicted to porn. She was very supportive and said she’d already kinda guessed cause there had been one time she said that at school they had been learning about porn and one of the stats had been like 30% of kids between the ages of 10-13 have sen porn and I’d gotten defensive about porn addictions and yada yada. By then I had mostly managed to quit and I don’t even know what happened, but I relapsed. And after that relapse it seemed like I couldn’t stop. The addiction got bad again and was only worsened when I became addicted to masturbation in march. If I relapse with one, I relapse with the other. The problem is, when I relapse with porn it plays on my mind for hours after that. I can’t stop thinking about the video(s) I’ve seen and it just plagued my thoughts. It also doesn’t help that there’s so much triggering stuff on Reddit and so many subs that promote the behaviour and almost ‘romanticise’ it in a sense. But not only am I addicted to those I am also addicted to self harm. I first started harming when I was 11 but it wasn’t very often, maybe every two weeks or so. I would scratch at my skin until it bled and left scars. Eventually, I became addicted to that too. And once I was brought into the sh community I think it just worsened the addiction even more. The community is viscous and competitive. I’ve been addicted since September time. I went from having maybe 9 or 10 visible/unfazed scars to having hundreds upon hundreds. I got caught with sh twice and I am now in therapy but I haven’t stopped. I haven’t been clean from sh in so long and I don’t know how I can bring myself to actually get clean. It’s like breaking a reverse streak. It’s coming up to the summer now and I can’t wear the things I want to because I’m covered in these scars. It’s scary knowing that one day I could go too deal and I won’t be able to ignore the fact I really do need stitches. I have reached the fat layer of the skin before which requires stitches and have not gotten them, and I’m scared I may do it again. It feels like I’m trapped and I can’t ever get clean. There is no support I know of to help me quit porn or masturbation and it doesn’t help that I’m going to school with a bunch of annoying ass teenagers who think sex jokes are the funniest things on earth when they don’t even understand half of what they’re saying. Sorry for the long rant by the way, I just needed to vent
submitted by Cl0ud_st3pp3r to AddictionSafeSpace [link] [comments]

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If you are unable to pas your Online Exam, Assignment and couldn't handle online courses workload, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
  1. Team of U.S. Academic Experts: I and my team of dedicated academic experts complete all types of academic coursework for students in most math, English, science, business, humanities, social Sciences, computer programming, and foreign language classes on a 24/7/365 full-time round-the-clock basis. This is not some part-time gig for me. It’s literally my primary source of income. I can regularly make myself available to help students with last-minute & same-day academic requests.
  2. Essay Writing Skills: I can write essays & research papers in native U.S. American English and fluent Canadian English using APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE formatting & citations.
  3. 75+ Types of Academic Software: I am highly skilled & experienced in using over 75+ types of academic software and educational platforms including the following: ALEKS, Blackboard, Brightspace, Canvas, Cengage, WebAssign, ConnectMath, Crowdmark, D2L, Moodle, Pearson MyLab and Mastering, MyMathLab, MyStatLab, MyOpenMath, StraighterLine, WebWork, and Wiley.
  4. Can Change IP Address: I have multiple reliable VPN software including: NordVPN, SurfShark & ExpressVPN that allows me to successfully change my computer’s original New Jersey IP address to any major city in the U.S. & Canada to avoid raising red flags with students’ online class software.
  5. Proctored Exam Help: I have developed multiple highly effective methods of helping students with exams, tests, and quizzes that are proctored by software like: Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam, Honorlock, Examity, Proctorio, Proctor360, Proctortrack, and ProProctor using 3 highly effective proven methods.
  6. Option 1 - WhatsApp: I use WhatsApp to have the student discreetly text me photos of the exam questions outside of the webcam’s view and I text them the correct solutions to the exam questions.
  7. Option 2 - Screen Share: Using screen share software like Zoom to see the student’s screen displaying the exam questions and I text the correct solutions.
  8. Option 3 - Remote PC Access & Control: Using remote computer access software like to control the student’s mouse and keyboard from my own computer.
  9. Study Help Apps: I have over 15+ paid subscriptions to a wide range of study help apps, software, websites, and programs to help me solve exam & homework questions faster and more efficiently. Some of these resources include: Brainly, Chegg, CourseHero, Quizlet, SymboLab & WolframAlpha.
  10. Calculators & Math Software: I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  11. Test Taking Techniques: I have developed highly effective methods to determine the correct answers to questions that I’m not already familiar with including process of elimination, working backwards, quickly searching for similar questions online, and utilizing standardized test taking techniques taught only in elite standardized test prep tutoring programs.
  12. Handwriting & Scanning Apps: I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, and PDF formats.
  13. Flexible Payment Methods: I offer negotiable rates, multiple payment methods (PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, anonymous credit & debit card payments via online invoice), and flexible payment plans: weekly (most expensive), monthly, half-now / half-later, and all-up-front (least expensive).
  14. Money Back Guarantee: I have won multiple academic awards for my exceptional skills & expertise in math. I guarantee overall A & B grades for all coursework completed. Plus. I also offer a 50% refund for C+, C, and C- scores, and a full 100% refund for D+, D, D-, and F scores.
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
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submitted by ccna_cisco to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:12 ccna_cisco pay someone to take my statistics class Reddit pay someone to do my Online Math statistics class Reddit pay someone to take my statistics Course Online Reddit pay someone to do my stat mathematics course homework assignment Reddit Pay Someone to do Reddit Online Helper to Help Hire Reddit

If you are unable to pas your Online Exam, Assignment and couldn't handle online courses workload, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
  1. Team of U.S. Academic Experts: I and my team of dedicated academic experts complete all types of academic coursework for students in most math, English, science, business, humanities, social Sciences, computer programming, and foreign language classes on a 24/7/365 full-time round-the-clock basis. This is not some part-time gig for me. It’s literally my primary source of income. I can regularly make myself available to help students with last-minute & same-day academic requests.
  2. Essay Writing Skills: I can write essays & research papers in native U.S. American English and fluent Canadian English using APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE formatting & citations.
  3. 75+ Types of Academic Software: I am highly skilled & experienced in using over 75+ types of academic software and educational platforms including the following: ALEKS, Blackboard, Brightspace, Canvas, Cengage, WebAssign, ConnectMath, Crowdmark, D2L, Moodle, Pearson MyLab and Mastering, MyMathLab, MyStatLab, MyOpenMath, StraighterLine, WebWork, and Wiley.
  4. Can Change IP Address: I have multiple reliable VPN software including: NordVPN, SurfShark & ExpressVPN that allows me to successfully change my computer’s original New Jersey IP address to any major city in the U.S. & Canada to avoid raising red flags with students’ online class software.
  5. Proctored Exam Help: I have developed multiple highly effective methods of helping students with exams, tests, and quizzes that are proctored by software like: Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam, Honorlock, Examity, Proctorio, Proctor360, Proctortrack, and ProProctor using 3 highly effective proven methods.
  6. Option 1 - WhatsApp: I use WhatsApp to have the student discreetly text me photos of the exam questions outside of the webcam’s view and I text them the correct solutions to the exam questions.
  7. Option 2 - Screen Share: Using screen share software like Zoom to see the student’s screen displaying the exam questions and I text the correct solutions.
  8. Option 3 - Remote PC Access & Control: Using remote computer access software like to control the student’s mouse and keyboard from my own computer.
  9. Study Help Apps: I have over 15+ paid subscriptions to a wide range of study help apps, software, websites, and programs to help me solve exam & homework questions faster and more efficiently. Some of these resources include: Brainly, Chegg, CourseHero, Quizlet, SymboLab & WolframAlpha.
  10. Calculators & Math Software: I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  11. Test Taking Techniques: I have developed highly effective methods to determine the correct answers to questions that I’m not already familiar with including process of elimination, working backwards, quickly searching for similar questions online, and utilizing standardized test taking techniques taught only in elite standardized test prep tutoring programs.
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  13. Flexible Payment Methods: I offer negotiable rates, multiple payment methods (PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, anonymous credit & debit card payments via online invoice), and flexible payment plans: weekly (most expensive), monthly, half-now / half-later, and all-up-front (least expensive).
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submitted by ccna_cisco to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:00 Sebastian4002 Does anyone know where you can watch the terrible first sub of Yugioh? I mean the old Chinese to English translated one with yellow text?

Does anyone know where you can watch the terrible first sub of Yugioh? I mean the old Chinese to English translated one with yellow text? submitted by Sebastian4002 to yugioh [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:41 clydelogan Through the Looking Glass: Taylor and Mirrors

Through the Looking Glass: Taylor and Mirrors
Let me just start out by saying I haven’t read Through the Looking Glass by Louis Carroll in about 10 years and I’ve only read it 3 times (HS AP English Lit, a Lit class in college, and after 1989). I’m by no means as versed in Louis Carroll or Alice’s Adventures as others in this sub.
I’ve talked about numerology 8 [here]( and how it connects to “Karma”. It’s also been 8 years since when we would have gotten the lost “Karma” album. To briefly recap my other post, Taylor had mentioned before she’s into numerology. In numerology, the number 8 is associated with karma because 8 is ruled by Saturn (love you to the moon and to Saturn) who is the Lord of Karma.
Now let’s get into Through the Looking Glass. Taylor Nation has been hinting at 2016 quite a bit lately. Most notably drawing attention to Taylor in this outfit at Stockholm N2 which is the reversed version of her 2016 Grammy’s outfit. In TTLG, Alice enters through the looking glass and finds a mirror world where everything is reversed.
2016 Grammys ; Eras Tour Stockholm May 18, 2024
Taking it back to 2023, we see the Lover House from the Lover music video as a background visual when she performs Lover. I will side track here to say Taylor released the Lover music video on August 22, 2019 (happy birthday to me ). The same day the music video released, she announced she is re-recording the first 6 albums because of the Masters Heist. The house we see during the Eras Tour visual is slightly different than the music video, notably, we see Taylor leaving the Lover House in her yellow closeting dress through a mirror in the Lover room.
Eras Tour Lover House Visual with Taylor going through the Mirror in the Lover room while wearing a yellow dress
I personally think this visual has many layers to it which I’m just going to lay out here:
  1. If you are a failed comingoutlor, you likely believe she was going to come out during the Lover era, but due to the Masters Heist, her plan was foiled. In the music video, her clothing in each room of the Lover house fits the colors of that room. In the tour visual, she is in a yellow dress which doesn’t fit the theme.
  2. Taylor is climbing through the mirror in a yellow dress, a nod to the first re-record, Fearless.
  3. Taylor is leaving the Lover era to go back in time.
Taylor destroys the Lover house later in the Eras Tour, I personally believe that is because she is rebuilding the Lover house the way she wants it, because it was always fractured by the lost album. I’m a Karma/Lost Album truther and I believe that was her original attempt at a coming out. This leads me to the Through the Looking Glass chessboard
TTLG Chessboard by me
In Through the Looking Glass, the book starts out with Alice playing with a white kitten and a black kitten. She notices a mirror and when she touches the mirror, she realizes she can go through it, which takes her into the mirror world version of her house where everything is reversed.
Two recent examples of Taylor using mirror imagery. In Anti Hero where she’s looking at the Evil!TayloTaylor Swift ™️ in the mirror; On the cover of the WAOLOM Phone Memo touching the looking glass/mirror
She discovers a book of poetry called the Jabberwocky that is written in reverse that you need to hold up to a mirror to be able to read it. (Hello, Tortured Poets Department. There have been posts in the sub on listening to TTPD in reverse as well as the songs from TTPD mirroring other songs). Alice leaves behind her home and enters a garden where she meets the Red Queen who tells her she can become a queen if she can make it across the countryside to the 8th rank/row that is laid out like a chessboard.
So this is where I’ve started out with the image above. I believe we are resetting the chessboard to 2016. The Red Queen places Alice on the second row as a White Queen pawn, thus combining Alice’s need to cover two of the rows (or for Taylor, two years combining Reputation and Karma/Lost Album into one double album).
Alice starts off this quest/journey by getting on a train that skips over the third row (2018) and goes right into the fourth row which is a forest where she meets a Looking Glass Gnat that teaches her about Looking Glass insects (2019, Lover, butterfly mural, butterfly pajamas in Lover MV). She goes through the “woods where things have no names” and forgets her own name and identity. She’s helped by a fawn who also forgets its identity, but when they get to the other side it remembers and leaves her (Masters Heist, *I jump from the train, I ride off alone*, the muse that she breaks up with during the Lover era (?) )
Taylor Alice comes across Tweetle Dee (Scott Brushetta) and Tweetle Dumb (Pooper Scooter) who try to provoke her (their responses to her announcement of re-recording her albums that it wasn’t going to work, etc) and point her direction to the sleeping Red King and telling her she’s a figment of his imagination (my interpretation is pointing at her conservative/homophobic fans and saying they’ll never support an out and queer Taylor or purchase her re-records). But they Tweedles are scared off by a large crow (Taylor’s aesthetic turning black and the support of other people in the industry and her fans to re-record her music).
Alice meets with the White Queen as she gets ready to move into the 5th rank, but as they cross the brook, the Queen is turned into a sheep and Alice has to paddle the boat across on her own (2020, Covid happens, Loverfest is cancelled, Taylor creates Folklore) and struggles with it (Cardigan MV)
Alice then crosses into the 6th rank/row by crossing another brook (end of 2020-2021, Evermore, Willow MV)
Where she meets Humpty Dumpty who gives his own interpretation of Jabberwocky before he falls and all the (White) kings horses & all the (White) kings men try to put him together again.
Taylor releases Fearless TV (White Horse) and Red TV in 2021. Which leads to the 7th Rank/Row where Alice crosses a brook into a forest (Lavender Haze MV) and is almost captured by a Red Knight but is saved by the White Knight (1950s shit).
The Knight sings her a poem called Ways and Means to the tune of My Heart and Lute (Thomas Moore). Before she leaves him to cross the brook into the 8th rank/row
Where she automatically becomes a Queen
(2023, Eras Tour, biggest year of her career, many media outlets calling her the 2023 Queen of Pop music and saying it was the year of Taylor)
The story ends with the Red Queen and White Queen showing up and inviting themselves to a party that Alice would be hosting without her knowledge that turns into chaos and Alice shaking the Red Queen who she blamed for the chaos. She then wakes up holding the black kitten (Red Queen) and white kitten (White Queen).
Which takes us into 2024 where we’ve crossed the chessboard and Taylor has given us a black and white album, The Tortured Poets Department which has heavy Red Era/Red Muse theming.
TTLG Chessboard with addition of the rebuilding of the Lover House by re-recordings
But there’s another album with Black and White imagery in Taylor’s discography which still has to be released from the vault: Reputation (the newspaper print album cover) but this time, she’s also bringing 2016 back with her in the form of the Lost Album/Karma, which means the damage that was already existing in the Lover House will be repaired by that album coming into existence. We already knew Taylor was rebuilding the Lover house from the tour visuals and that the house was set up differently than the original one.
Burning Down the Lover House to rebuild it, but it's not complete...yet
The Lover House she sets on fire in 1989 (burning it down because the “Rep Vault is fire” aka the Lost Album/Karma) will be rebuilt with 13 rooms. Those three large rooms in the center I believe will end up turning into two rooms each, making each room equal with her 13th album, the one where she is OUT as the attic/penthouse, completing the Lover house the way she intended it. *This* is Taylor’s Version.
I hope you all enjoy, I actually dug out my laptop to make this which just goes to show how much I felt the need to post lmao bc I haven't used my laptop in over 2 years.
submitted by clydelogan to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

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Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
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Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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submitted by SpareDifficult5353 to Studentcorner [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:31 blkmxma Neighbor's situation with landlord

I'm not sure if this is the best place to post this or if perhaps there is a sub more specific to renters' legal rights in Colorado. Just hoping that someone could point me in the right direction or shed some light on this situation my neighbor is in. I unfortunately do not know all the details of this saga.
My neighbors are a couple, not sure if they're married or not. The woman, lets call her Carol, is probably in her 60s, the man (Miguel) a bit younger. Both from Mexico originally I believe, Carol speaks very little English and does not work, Miguel speaks perfect English and is a contractor. I'm not sure on their immigration status but I'd be willing to bet that Miguel, if not a US citizen, has permanent resident status at least. They have three dogs whom the man loves to death.
They have been renting this house next doo to me for 13 years now. The house is one level, maybe 1400 square feet, with a large fenced back yard for the dogs. To say that their landlord has not kept up with repairs is an understatement. They've had to fix many things themselves, but still the crappy vinyl siding is broken, one large window has been boarded up for as long as I've lived next door (7 years), the fences are falling over. I've had to help them put up new posts and pickets and tie up fence panels in high wind before.
For a couple years now the landlord has been indicating that he wants to put up an ADU in the back yard for his son but that Miguel and Carol can continue living there. I've personally gotten the feeling that he wants to try to force them out but every time they say he's going to start construction, nothing comes of it. He took down a large tree 3 years ago, cleared out some brush 2 years ago, and finally put up a 6 foot fence (without a permit) across half the yard earlier this year, splitting the back from the front.
About 2 weeks ago Carol came knocking asking if she could fill up some 5 gallon buckets with water from our hose. I asked them what's going on and evidently their sewer line running from the street to the house has been backed up for a while (like months if not years), and sewage was backing up in their crawl space, and the landlord was just pumping it out into the back yard or alley. I never witnessed this or smelled anything, so not sure on the validity of that claim. But ultimately it got bad enough that they had to just shut off the water to the house, and so for two weeks they've been without running water, bathroom, etc. Luckily there are a few neighbors around that let them use showers. But obviously they cannot keep living like this.
Their landlord has no intention of fixing the water or sewer situation. Miguel and Carol have been frantically looking for somewhere else to live but Miguel says houses with yards require better credit scores than he has and also requires referrals which is landlord will not provide. With three dogs an apartment is out of the question. I'm well aware that in these circumstances sacrifices often have to be made; Miguel says he'd rather live on the streets than give up his dogs. I personally would be devastated if I had to make that choice. They literally have no where to go.
But that's neither here nor there. My question really boils down to: can their landlord really just let the property go to shit (literally)? I'd imagine a landlord has the right to evict tenants for any number of reasons, and if he just wants his property back to do something else with, that's well within his rights. Still, it seems very wrong that he can just neglect upkeep for so many years to the point that they have sewage being pumped into the back yard and no running water. I'm also sure at this point they wouldn't really want to keep renting from this idiot anyways, but their hands are kind of tied.
submitted by blkmxma to Denver [link] [comments]

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submitted by Next_Research_186 to Studentcorner [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:22 monaymo What if I'm not comfortable sharing my pronouns?

Also posted on lgbt but I'm not sure if this is the more appropriate sub.
English isn't my first language, on mobile, excuse the errors please.
(I'm unlabeled but non-cis)
I want to start off by saying I fully support normalizing pronouns. I'm all for people putting their preferred ones in their bios/signatures and I will fully respect them whenever I'm aware of them. I understand that sharing your pronouns even if you're cis makes it easier for non-cisgender to share theirs.
I have not come to terms with gender identity yet, so I don't even fully know my preferred pronouns honestly. However, I present majority of the time as cis, even though that is something I know I'm not. The problem comes when people ask my preferred pronouns.
The most accurate answer I can give is "any" because sometimes I am fine with that, however not completely true since I sometimes do prefer one particular pronoun. The thing is, in my mind, saying that feels like revealing to the person asking that I do not identify in the binary. It feels like outing myself. That's definitely a whole different discussion in itself but I'm just not comfortable sharing that part of me with some people, specially in, say, a business setting (where sharing pronouns have sort of became mandatory).
I know that not all people would necessarily think that just because I say "any pronouns", I'm something other than cis, but gender is just a sensitive topic for me personally and something I definitely tend to overthink, so that's how it FEELS like to me, even though logically I understand that might not be the case. And it might give some people an inkling, so I'd like to avoid that altogether.
So in reality I've been putting the pronouns that are associated with my assigned gender, however even that feels like intentionally misgendering myself sometimes, specially at the height of my dysphoria. I'm aware that asking pronouns are supposed to avoid misgendering someone, but I'd much rather people unintentionally misgender me than me deliberately misgendering myself.
I've been avoiding pronouns for myself due to these reasons as much as possible, but like I said, they're mandatory in the workplace. There are also some spaces, specially in social media, where it can feel a bit ostracizing when you don't share your pronouns. I've personally been snubbed once from a circle I wanted to join because I said "no" when asked if I can share my pronouns (it felt like the most appropriate answer at the time and sadly I didn't get the chance to expound). For the same reasons, I also tend not to proactively ask other people's pronouns, and would generally just use "they" until I know the correct one to use, but have been told multiple times that this practice is rude and that I should just ask :(
This is just my own personal dilemma. I know that popularizing pronouns have helped a lot of people feel accepted so I'm not gonna dictate anyone not to use them/to stop asking them. But I would appreciate some advice on how to approach this. Thank you so much.
submitted by monaymo to AskLGBT [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:18 monaymo What if I'm not comfortable sharing my pronouns?

Please let me know if this post isn't allowed (suggestions for more appropriate subs welcome!) English isn't my first language, on mobile, excuse the errors please.
I want to start off by saying I fully support normalizing pronouns. I'm all for people putting their preferred ones in their bios/signatures and I will fully respect them whenever I'm aware of them. I understand that sharing your pronouns even if you're cis makes it easier for non-cisgender to share theirs.
I have not come to terms with gender identity yet, so I don't even fully know my preferred pronouns honestly. However, I present majority of the time as cis, even though that is something I know I'm not. The problem comes when people ask my preferred pronouns.
The most accurate answer I can give is "any" because sometimes I am fine with that, however not completely true since I sometimes do prefer one particular pronoun. The thing is, in my mind, saying that feels like revealing to the person asking that I do not identify in the binary. It feels like outing myself. That's definitely a whole different discussion in itself but I'm just not comfortable sharing that part of me with some people, specially in, say, a business setting (where sharing pronouns have sort of became mandatory).
I know that not all people would necessarily think that just because I say "any pronouns", I'm something other than cis, but gender is just a sensitive topic for me personally and something I definitely tend to overthink, so that's how it FEELS like to me, even though logically I understand that might not be the case. And it might give some people an inkling, so I'd like to avoid that altogether.
So in reality I've been putting the pronouns that are associated with my assigned gender, however even that feels like intentionally misgendering myself sometimes, specially at the height of my dysphoria. I'm aware that asking pronouns are supposed to avoid misgendering someone, but I'd much rather people unintentionally misgender me than me deliberately misgendering myself.
I've been avoiding pronouns for myself due to these reasons as much as possible, but like I said, they're mandatory in the workplace. There are also some spaces, specially in social media, where it can feel a bit ostracizing when you don't share your pronouns. I've personally been snubbed once from a circle I wanted to join because I said "no" when asked if I can share my pronouns (it felt like the most appropriate answer at the time and sadly I didn't get the chance to expound). For the same reasons, I also tend not to proactively ask other people's pronouns, and would generally just use "they" until I know the correct one to use, but have been told multiple times that this practice is rude and that I should just ask :(
This is just my own personal dilemma. I know that popularizing pronouns have helped a lot of people feel accepted so I'm not gonna dictate anyone not to use them/to stop asking them. But I would appreciate some advice on how to approach this. Thank you so much.
submitted by monaymo to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 20:43 sephstorm Within Temptation - Ice Queen (English subs) The Story Behind The Song

Within Temptation - Ice Queen (English subs) The Story Behind The Song submitted by sephstorm to symphonicmetal [link] [comments]