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2012.12.12 21:08 Community for building boats

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2024.06.01 12:38 Thebardofthegingers Hey guys is my bro being a dick here?

I know this accounts been inactive for several months, that's related to this post. Recently my brother 18m has become increasingly deranged over my use of prayer beads. It started a year ago when I suffered a nearly fatal accident and while in the coma got a vision for our Lord telling me that I must live. Afterwards I woke up and devoted myself to being Christian in the way christ intended. In this I got really into prayer beads and healing crystals because I still suffer from chronic rib pain as a result of the accident. My brother was, to say the least, unenthusiastic about my conversion especially since he is a firm catholic who thinks I delve too deep into idolatry. I have tried to convince him otherwise and to accept christ onto his heart rather than the gay pope but ever since we had that conversation he's been increasingly malignant. First he took down the healing Rune poster I had placed in our shared bathroom to help me achieve communion with Christ. He says that he didn't but I found its remains in the recycling. Then I discovered my crystals slowly disappearing which has disturbed my sleep and my spiritual well being as I find evil spirits are attracted to me by my faith. The last straw happened yesterday. I had spent the last few months building a naturalist shrine to God in our backyard. He was sabotaging my the whole way, first he broke my clay tablets I was casting while I was inside hiding from the heat. Then he switched the wood I was using for scaffolding which led to the shrine collapsing which fucking sucks. Finally on the day of completion I knew I needed to please the lord with some kind of ceremony. I read from my holy scripts i had written while possessed by the holy spirit. I originally planned to cast a copper statuette of christ (lacking facial features ofc, i hate idolatry which is another sticking point with my brother) however I knew he would probably ruin it in some way so in my passion I turned to our animals. We keep multiple animals, some for eggs, milk, honey etc and others for fun. I grabbed the nearest Rooster which was a black one called Guy Fawkes who was my brothers second favourite (how was I to know? Like seriously who keeps a list?) And then ran to get a kitchen knife. I'll admit I messed it up a bit, the knife I grabbed was one of those serrated ones because I thought it would be better for sawing through the next bone but it just mangled the neck. Worse still it didn't kill it so I tried to bonk it a few times on the head but it refused to shut up so I had to unceremoniously slam it into the outside wall of our house a few times to finally shut it up. Safe to say it was hardly a serene sanctification of the shrine. Anyway my brother discovered the shrine and more importantly Guy Fawkes and had a fucking fit. First he smashed the shrine which a sledgehammer which I thought was a bit mean, the shrine didn't do it. Then he ran into our room and started throwing all my prayer materials, healing crystals and other vital ingredients out the window. I ran in at thar point and we got into a heated argument. He was mad because I killed Guy fawkes, I was pissed he was disrespecting my faith and honestly I was sick and tired of dealing with his shit so I went to the stables and stayed there the night, it's fine my dad knows my fondness for equine companions so he built me a little hut right next to it. He left early today for his sheep shearing job and I found the holy scripts thrown into the wood burner along with the posters, crystals and hand carved figurines. Honestly I just wanna know from you folks if he is being the asshole here?
submitted by Thebardofthegingers to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:34 xstraaa Top 5 books to boost your innovative mindset in 2024

Top 5 books to boost your innovative mindset in 2024

Top 5 Books to Boost Your Innovative Mindset in 2024 Best Books for Creativity

Innovation is the driving force behind success in today’s fast-paced world. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a business leader, or someone seeking to unleash their creative potential, fostering an innovative mindset is essential. To help you on this journey, we have curated a list of the top 5 books that will inspire and equip you to think outside the box and embrace innovation in 2024.

The First book

Beyond The Limit: Unlock Your Potential and Achieve Extraordinary Success

Are you tired of feeling stuck and unable to reach your full potential? Do you often find yourself held back by self-doubt, fear, and uncertainty? The pain of knowing you could be so much more, yet not knowing how to get there, can be overwhelming.

In Beyond The Limit, you’ll discover the secrets to breaking free from the barriers that hold you back. This transformative ebook is designed to guide you through the process of unleashing your true capabilities and achieving extraordinary success.

The Pain of Stagnation:

Many people experience the frustration of being unable to progress in their personal or professional lives. The pain of stagnation can be debilitating, leaving you feeling helpless and demotivated.

The Agitation of Unrealized Potential:

Imagine knowing deep down that you have so much more to offer but constantly feeling agitated by your inability to tap into that potential. The agitation of unrealized potential can cause sleepless nights and a persistent sense of dissatisfaction.

The Solution: Beyond The Limit

This powerful ebook provides the solution you’ve been searching for. By following the insights and strategies within, you’ll be equipped to overcome the obstacles that have been holding you back.

Benefits of Beyond The Limit:

  • Discover Your True Potential: Learn how to identify and harness your unique strengths and abilities.
  • Overcome Self-Doubt: Gain confidence and eliminate the negative self-talk that hinders your progress.
  • Achieve Your Goals: Develop a clear, actionable plan to achieve your personal and professional objectives.
  • Build Resilience: Cultivate the mental toughness needed to persevere through challenges and setbacks.
  • Enhance Your Productivity: Master the techniques for effective time management and focus.
  • Create Lasting Change: Implement sustainable habits that lead to continuous growth and improvement.

What You’ll Gain:

  • Clarity and Direction: A clear understanding of your goals and the steps needed to achieve them.
  • Increased Motivation: A renewed sense of purpose and drive to push beyond your limits.
  • Practical Tools: Proven strategies and techniques to enhance your performance and productivity.
  • Personal Growth: A deeper sense of self-awareness and the ability to unlock your full potential.

Take Action Now!

Don’t let another day go by feeling trapped by your limitations. Take the first step towards a brighter future and unlock your true potential with Beyond The Limit.
Grab your copy today and start your journey towards extraordinary success!

Book Two

Focus Mastery: Unlock Your Full Potential and Achieve Your Goals

Do you struggle to concentrate on tasks and find yourself easily distracted? The pain of not being able to focus can lead to missed opportunities, unfulfilled goals, and a constant feeling of frustration.

In Focus Mastery, you’ll learn how to overcome distractions and develop laser-sharp concentration. This comprehensive ebook is your ultimate guide to mastering focus, enhancing productivity, and achieving your most ambitious goals.

The Pain of Distraction:

In today’s fast-paced world, distractions are everywhere. The constant interruptions and inability to focus can be painfully detrimental to your progress and success.

The Agitation of Unaccomplished Goals:

Nothing is more agitating than seeing your goals slip through your fingers because you can’t maintain focus. The constant struggle to stay on task can leave you feeling defeated and unproductive.

The Solution: Focus Mastery

This ebook offers the solution to your concentration challenges. With practical strategies and actionable insights, Focus Mastery will help you regain control of your attention and direct it towards what truly matters.

Benefits of Focus Mastery:

  • Improve Concentration: Learn techniques to enhance your ability to focus for extended periods.
  • Boost Productivity: Discover methods to get more done in less time by eliminating distractions.
  • Achieve Clarity: Gain a clear sense of direction and purpose in your daily tasks and long-term goals.
  • Reduce Stress: Experience the peace of mind that comes from being organized and focused.
  • Enhance Performance: Maximize your efficiency and effectiveness in both personal and professional endeavors.
  • Create Lasting Habits: Implement sustainable habits that support continuous focus and productivity.

What You’ll Gain:

  • Enhanced Focus: The ability to concentrate deeply on tasks and see them through to completion.
  • Increased Efficiency: Practical tools and techniques to streamline your workflow and boost productivity.
  • Goal Achievement: A structured approach to setting and reaching your goals with unwavering focus.
  • Personal Satisfaction: A sense of accomplishment and fulfillment from achieving what you set out to do.
  • Stress Reduction: A calmer, more organized approach to managing your tasks and time.

Take Action Now!

Don’t let distractions control your life. Take charge of your focus and unlock your full potential with Focus Mastery.
Grab your copy today and start your journey to achieving your goals with unshakeable focus!

Book Three

The Art Of Consistency: Achieve Your Dreams Through Steadfast Commitment

Are you tired of starting projects only to abandon them halfway? Do you struggle to maintain momentum and feel the pain of unfulfilled potential? The pain of inconsistency can be a major barrier to achieving your dreams and goals.
In The Art Of Consistency, you’ll discover the secrets to cultivating a disciplined approach to your endeavors. This enlightening ebook provides the tools and strategies you need to develop a consistent, unwavering commitment to your personal and professional growth.

The Pain of Inconsistency:

Many people experience the frustration of being unable to stick to their plans. The pain of inconsistency often leads to unfinished projects, broken commitments, and a lack of progress.

The Agitation of Unmet Goals:

Imagine the constant agitation of knowing you could achieve so much more if only you could stay consistent. The disappointment of unmet goals can be a heavy burden to carry.

The Solution: The Art Of Consistency

This ebook offers the solution to your struggles with consistency. By implementing the principles and practices detailed within, you’ll be able to maintain a steady pace towards achieving your dreams.

Benefits of The Art Of Consistency:

  • Develop Discipline: Learn how to build and maintain the discipline needed to follow through on your commitments.
  • Achieve Goals: Gain the tools to set realistic goals and create a plan to achieve them consistently.
  • Increase Productivity: Discover methods to enhance your productivity by staying focused and dedicated.
  • Build Momentum: Create lasting habits that propel you forward and help you maintain momentum.
  • Enhance Resilience: Strengthen your ability to persevere through challenges and setbacks.
  • Experience Fulfillment: Enjoy the satisfaction and fulfillment that come from achieving your long-term goals.

What You’ll Gain:

  • Steadfast Commitment: The ability to stay committed to your goals and projects without wavering.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Techniques to boost your efficiency and ensure steady progress.
  • Goal Achievement: A structured approach to setting and consistently reaching your goals.
  • Personal Growth: A deeper sense of self-discipline and resilience in the face of challenges.
  • Sustained Motivation: Continuous drive and motivation to keep pushing forward.

Take Action Now!

Don’t let inconsistency hold you back any longer. Embrace the power of steadfast commitment and unlock your full potential with The Art Of Consistency.
Grab your copy today and start your journey towards achieving your dreams through unwavering consistency!

Book Four

Time Mastery: Take Control of Your Life and Maximize Your Productivity

Are you constantly overwhelmed by your to-do list? Do you struggle with the pain of not having enough time to accomplish your goals? The pain of time mismanagement can lead to stress, missed opportunities, and a persistent feeling of falling behind.
In Time Mastery, you’ll discover the techniques and strategies to take control of your time and maximize your productivity. This essential ebook provides you with the tools you need to manage your time effectively and achieve more than you ever thought possible.

The Pain of Poor Time Management:

Many people suffer from the frustration of poor time management. The pain of constantly feeling rushed, missing deadlines, and never having enough time can be overwhelming and debilitating.

The Agitation of Unachieved Goals:

Imagine the constant agitation of seeing your goals slip away because you can’t manage your time effectively. The stress and anxiety of unachieved goals can weigh heavily on your mind and spirit.

The Solution: Time Mastery

This ebook offers the solution to your time management struggles. With proven strategies and actionable insights, Time Mastery will help you regain control of your schedule and accomplish your most important tasks.

Benefits of Time Mastery:

  • Prioritize Effectively: Learn how to identify and focus on your most important tasks.
  • Boost Productivity: Discover methods to increase your efficiency and get more done in less time.
  • Reduce Stress: Experience the peace of mind that comes from having a well-organized schedule.
  • Achieve Balance: Find the perfect balance between work, personal life, and leisure activities.
  • Set and Meet Deadlines: Develop the skills to set realistic deadlines and consistently meet them.
  • Enhance Goal Achievement: Implement strategies that ensure you reach your long-term goals.

What You’ll Gain:

  • Time Management Skills: Master the techniques to manage your time effectively and avoid procrastination.
  • Increased Productivity: Tools and strategies to enhance your productivity and efficiency.
  • Clarity and Focus: A clear sense of direction and the ability to concentrate on your priorities.
  • Work-Life Balance: The ability to balance your professional and personal life seamlessly.
  • Reduced Stress Levels: A more organized and less stressful approach to managing your tasks.
  • Achievement and Fulfillment: The satisfaction of achieving your goals and making the most of your time.

Take Action Now!

Don’t let time slip through your fingers any longer. Take control of your schedule and maximize your productivity with Time Mastery.
Grab your copy today and start your journey towards mastering your time and achieving your goals!

Book five

The Warrior Mindset: Unlock Your Inner Strength and Achieve Unstoppable Success

Do you feel held back by fear and self-doubt? Are you struggling with the pain of not living up to your true potential? The pain of a weak mindset can prevent you from achieving greatness and living the life you desire.

In The Warrior Mindset, you will discover the keys to unlocking your inner strength and developing a resilient, unstoppable mindset. This powerful ebook provides the strategies and insights you need to conquer challenges and achieve extraordinary success.

The Pain of a Weak Mindset:

Many people experience the frustration of being unable to push past their limitations. The pain of a weak mindset can lead to missed opportunities, unfulfilled dreams, and a constant sense of inadequacy.

The Agitation of Unlived Potential:

Imagine the agitation of knowing deep inside that you are capable of so much more, but feeling trapped by fear and self-doubt. The constant struggle to break free from mental barriers can be incredibly disheartening.

The Solution: The Warrior Mindset

This ebook offers the solution to your mental struggles. With practical techniques and actionable strategies, The Warrior Mindset will help you build the mental toughness needed to overcome any obstacle and achieve your goals.

Benefits of The Warrior Mindset:

  • Develop Mental Toughness: Learn how to build an unbreakable mindset that can withstand any challenge.
  • Conquer Fear and Self-Doubt: Gain the confidence to push past your fears and eliminate self-doubt.
  • Enhance Resilience: Cultivate the resilience needed to bounce back from setbacks stronger than ever.
  • Achieve Unstoppable Success: Unlock your true potential and achieve the success you’ve always dreamed of.
  • Increase Motivation: Discover how to maintain high levels of motivation and drive, even in the face of adversity.
  • Create Lasting Change: Implement powerful habits that lead to continuous personal and professional growth.

What You’ll Gain:

  • Inner Strength: The ability to draw on deep reserves of mental and emotional strength.
  • Confidence and Self-Belief: A renewed sense of confidence and belief in your abilities.
  • Goal Achievement: A clear path to setting and achieving your most ambitious goals.
  • Resilience and Grit: The resilience and grit to persevere through any challenge.
  • Empowerment: A sense of empowerment and control over your life and destiny.

Take Action Now!

Don’t let a weak mindset hold you back any longer. Embrace the power of the warrior mindset and unlock your true potential with The Warrior Mindset.
Grab your copy today and start your journey towards unstoppable success!


Fostering an innovative mindset is essential for success in 2024 and beyond. The books listed above provide valuable insights and practical strategies to help you think creatively, adapt to change, and drive innovation. By embracing the lessons from these authors, you can develop the skills needed to stay ahead in a rapidly changing world.
submitted by xstraaa to u/xstraaa [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:07 landscapinycompany Landscaping: Transforming Your Outdoor Space into a Personal Paradise

  1. Planning and Design

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submitted by landscapinycompany to landscaping [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:02 Normodox A Slush Fund for Radical Protesters?

The profusion of identical green tents at this spring’s anti-Israel protests struck many as odd. “Why is everybody’s tent the same?,” asked New York mayor Eric Adams. Like others, the mayor suspected “a well-concerted organizing effort” driving the protests. More recent reporting shows a concerted push behind the Gaza protest movement. But it is not as simple as a single organization secretly rallying protesters or buying tents. Instead, the movement’s most determined activists represent a network of loosely linked far-left groups. Some are openly affiliated with well-known progressive nonprofits; others work in the shadows.
The movement also draws on diverse but generous sources of financial backing. Those funding streams may soon be augmented by the federal government. As I chronicled last year in a Manhattan Institute report, “The Big Squeeze: How Biden’s Environmental Justice Agenda Hurts the Economy and the Environment,” the administration’s massive program of environmental justice grants seems designed to prioritize the funding of highly ideological local groups. The Inflation Reduction Act, for example, earmarks $3 billion for “environmental and climate justice block grants” intended for local nonprofits. Today, hundreds of far-left political groups include language about environmental issues and “climate justice” in their mission statements. If just a fraction of planned grants flows to such groups, the effect will be a gusher of new funding for radical causes.
As the Gaza protests spread across U.S. college campuses, many observers noted an eerie uniformity among them. From one campus to the next, protesters operated in disciplined cadres, keeping their faces covered and using identical rote phrases as they refused to talk with reporters. The Atlantic noted the strangeness of seeing elite college students “chanting like automatons.” Students held up keffiyeh scarves or umbrellas to block the view of prying cameras and linked arms to halt the movements of outsiders. At Columbia University and elsewhere, protesters formed “liberated zones,” from which “Zionists” were excluded. Around the edges of the encampments, the more militaristic activists donned helmets and goggles and carried crude weapons, apparently eager to mix it up with police or counter-protesters. We’ve seen these tactics before—notably during the “mostly peaceful” Black Lives Matter protests of 2020, when full-time agitators helped ignite riots, set up a police-free (and violence-plagued) zone in Seattle, and laid nightly siege to Portland, Oregon’s federal courthouse.
In a remarkable work of reporting, Park MacDougald recently traced the tangled roots of organizations backing pro-jihad protests, both on and off campuses. These include Antifa and other networks of anonymous anarchists, along with “various communist and Marxist-Leninist groups, including the Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party, the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), and the International ANSWER coalition,” MacDougald writes. Higher up the food chain, we find groups openly supported by America’s growing class of super-rich tech execs or the anti-capitalist heirs of great fortunes. For example, retired tech mogul Neville Roy Singham, who is married to Code Pink founder Jodie Evans, funds The People’s Forum, a lavish Manhattan resource center for far-left groups. As the Columbia protests intensified, the center urged members to head uptown to “support our students.” Following the money trail of other protest groups, MacDougald finds connections to the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Ford Foundation, and—surprising no one—the George Soros-backed Tides Foundation.
Of course, the current wave of anti-Israel protests also involves alliances with pro-Hamas organizations such as Students for Justice in Palestine. Last November, Jonathan Schanzer of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies testified to the House Ways and Means Committee that SJP and similar groups have deep ties to global terrorist organizations, including Hamas.
For many keffiyeh-wearing protestors, however, a recently professed concern for Palestinians is just the latest in a long list of causes they believe justify taking over streets and college quads. In Unherd, Mary Harrington dubs this medley of political beliefs the “omnicause,” writing that “all contemporary radical causes seem somehow to have been absorbed into one.” Today’s leftist activists share an interlocking worldview that sees racism, income inequality, trans intolerance, climate change, alleged police violence, and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts all as products of capitalism and “colonialism.” Therefore, the stated rationale for any individual protest is a stand-in for the real battle: attacking Western society and its institutions.
In the U.S., this type of general-purpose uprising goes back at least to the riots at the 1999 meeting of the World Trade Organization in Seattle. In those protests, mainstream liberal factions—including labor unions and environmentalists—were joined by “black bloc” anarchists and other radicals eager to engage in “direct action” against police. That pattern—relatively moderate demonstrators providing a friendly envelope for hard-core disruptors—formed the template for many later protests: the Occupy Wall Street encampments in 2011, demonstrations following the police shooting of Michael Brown in 2014, 2016’s Standing Rock anti-pipeline movement, and of course, the calamitous summer of 2020.
These uprisings were not entirely spontaneous. In some cases, activists spend months planning mass actions—for example, against economic summits or political conventions—and can recruit street fighters from across the country. In others, an event, such as George Floyd’s death, sparks popular protests involving neophyte demonstrators. Those attract far-left activists, who swoop in to organize and expand the struggle, often tilting it toward more radical action.
That has certainly been the case at the college Gaza-paloozas. At Columbia, the New York Times spotted a woman old enough to be a student’s grandmother in the thick of the action as protesters barricaded that school’s Hamilton Hall. The woman was 63-year-old Lisa Fithian, a lifetime activist, who Portland’s alternative weekly Street Roots approvingly calls “a trainer of mass rebellion.” A counter-protester trying to block the pro-Hamas demonstrators told NBC News, “She was right in the middle of it, instructing them how to better set up the barriers.” Fithian told the Times she’d been invited to train students in protest safety and “general logistics.” She claims to have taken part in almost every major U.S. protest movement going back to the 1999 “Battle in Seattle.”
America’s radical network has plenty of Lisa Fithians, with the time and resources to travel the country educating newcomers about the “logistics” of disruptive protests. And these activists appear to have played key roles in the college occupations. The New York City Police Department says nearly half the demonstrators arrested on the Columbia and City University of New York (CUNY) campuses on April 30 were not affiliated with the schools. One hooded Hamilton Hall occupier—photographed scuffling with a Columbia custodian before getting arrested—turned out to be 40-year-old James Carlson, heir to a large advertising fortune. According to the New York Post, Carlson lives in a $2.3 million Park Slope townhouse and has a long rap sheet. For example, in 2005, he was arrested in San Francisco during the violent “West Coast Anti-Capitalist Mobilization and March Against the G8.” (Those charges were dropped.)
For a quarter-century now, Antifa and other anarchist networks have worked to refine tactics and share lessons following each major action. At Columbia, UCLA, and other schools, authorities found printouts of a “Do-It Yourself Occupation Guide” and similar documents. The young campus radicals are eager to learn from their more experienced elders. And, like the high-achieving students they are, they follow directions carefully. MacDougald asked Kyle Shideler, the director for homeland security and counterterrorism at the Center for Security Policy, about the mystery of the identical tents. There was no need for a central group to distribute hundreds of tents, Shideler said. Instead, “the organizers told [students] to buy a tent, and sent around a Google Doc with a link to that specific tent on Amazon. So they all went out and bought the same tent.”
In other words, America’s radical class has gotten very skilled at recruiting and instructing new activists—even from among the ranks of elite college students with a good deal to lose. How much more could this movement accomplish with hundreds of millions in federal dollars flooding activist groups around the country?
From its first week in office, the Biden administration has trumpeted its goal to funnel more environmental spending toward “disadvantaged communities that have been historically marginalized,” partly by issuing grants to grassroots organizations. Previous environmental justice (EJ) grant programs were small in scope. But, with the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) in August 2022, a huge pool of grant money became available. EPA administrator Michael Regan told reporters, “We’re going from tens of thousands of dollars to developing and designing a program that will distribute billions.”
More than a year and a half later, it remains hard to nail down just where the Biden administration’s billions in EJ grants will wind up. Money is being distributed through a confusing variety of programs, and the process of identifying recipients is ongoing. To help outsource the job of sifting through proposals, the EPA last year designated 11 institutions as “Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmakers.” These groups are empowered to make subgrants directly to community organizations, under streamlined EPA oversight. In all, the Biden administration has entrusted these outfits with distributing a staggering $600 million in funding. The money is expected to start flowing this summer.
The EPA’s grantmakers include a number of educational institutions and left-leaning nonprofits. For example, the EPA chose Fordham University as its lead grantmaker in the New York region. Fordham, in turn, lists as partners two nonprofits that oppose immigration enforcement. (One, the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice, states on its website: “NJAIJ believes in the human right to migrate, regardless of citizenship or political status.”) Neither group claims expertise in environmental issues. Given that the IRA’s eligibility requirements for EJ grants are extremely vague, however, perhaps that’s not a problem. Almost any activity that could help “spur economic opportunity for disadvantaged communities” (in the words of Biden’s EJ executive order) might qualify.
Perhaps the most prominent—and problematic—EPA grantmaker is the Berkeley, California-based Climate Justice Alliance. The CJA is a consortium of mostly far-left activist groups. It describes its mission as working for “regenerative economic solutions and ecological justice—under a framework that challenges capitalism and both white supremacy and hetero-patriarchy.” The group is a vigorous proponent of the omnicause, embracing almost every left-wing concern as a manifestation of climate change. For example, the CJA website proclaims: “The path to climate justice travels through a free Palestine.” MacDougald notes that the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, one of CJA’s affiliated groups, “organized an illegal anti-Israel protest in the Capitol Rotunda in December at which more than 50 activists were arrested.”
The CJA website also includes a section dedicated to the cause known as Stop Cop City. It refers to an effort to halt the construction of an 85-acre police and firefighter training center outside Atlanta. Rag-tag activists from around the country have gathered around the facility since 2021. They have repeatedly battled with police—sometimes with fireworks and Molotov cocktails—and used bolt cutters to enter the site and torch construction equipment. (CJA’s Stop Cop City page features a cartoon illustration of three childlike activists; one brandishes bolt cutters.) The group also backs a legal defense fund for activists arrested in attacks on the training center or in other protests. For those looking for more inspiration, CJA links to an interview with former Black Panther and self-described revolutionary Angela Davis.
The Alliance is not an ideological outlier in Biden’s EJ coalition. On the contrary, when the White House assembled its White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC), a panel of outside experts meant to provide “horizon-expanding EJ advice and recommendations,” it chose CJA co-chair Elizabeth Yeampierre to help lead the committee. Like other members of the panel, she sees environmental issues through an ideological, not a scientific, lens. “Climate change is the result of a legacy of extraction, of colonialism, of slavery,” Yeampierre told Yale Environment 360. As a group, radical EJ activists tend not to focus on pragmatic ways to reduce pollution and carbon emissions; for them, the real goal is overturning what they see as an exploitative economic and political system. Since these are the voices the White House chose to help shape its EJ policies, we can assume this worldview will dominate grantmaking decisions.
In February 2023, House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer, along with fellow committee member Pat Fallon, wrote to EPA administrator Regan asking for more information on the EPA’s grant programs. They noted that the EPA’s own studies of EJ grants issued in previous years showed sloppy supervision. According to an EPA report, an earlier version of the program funded projects that did “not logically lead to the desired environmental and/or public health [result].” Without better oversight and more clearly defined goals, the congressmen wrote, the EPA’s EJ grant machine risks becoming simply a “slush fund for far-left organizations.”
Since then, the administration has done little to reassure skeptics. To the contrary, the EPA has put at least one far-left organization—CJA—in charge of distributing $50 million in grant money. No doubt, many of the EPA grants will go to worthwhile projects. But money is fungible. A group that gets a large grant to, say, clean up dirty parks or teach children about recycling will also be able to hire more staff and divert more resources to political action.
With graduation behind them, most of the anti-Israel college protesters have stowed away their keffiyehs and moved on to summer vacations or internships. But the peripatetic activists who helped guide and intensify those uprisings are doubtless already planning their next actions. After all, two political conventions are looming. This fall, the college protests will likely flare up again, though by then perhaps focused on a different facet of the omnicause. And, with hundreds of millions in fresh funding flowing through the activist ecosystem, the groups that quietly nurture extremists—like those who firebombed “Cop City,” or who chant “Intifada Revolution!,” or who block bridges in the name of “climate”—will be more emboldened than ever.
A Slush Fund for Radical Protesters? City Journal (city-journal.org)

submitted by Normodox to BeneiYisraelNews [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:00 AutoModerator Daily r/LawnCare No Stupid Questions Thread

Please use this thread to ask any lawn care questions that you may have. There are no stupid questions. This includes weed, fungus, insect, and grass identification. For help on asking a question, please refer to the "How to Get the Most out of Your Post" section at the top of the sidebar.
Check out the sidebar if you're interested in more information on plant hardiness zones, identifying problems, weed control, fertilizer, establishing grass, and organic methods. Also, you may contact your local Cooperative Extension Service for local info.
How to Get the Most out of Your Post:
Include a photo of the problem. You can upload to imgur.com for free and it's easy to do. One photo should contain enough information for people to understand the immediate area around the problem (dense shade, extremely sloped, etc.). Other photos should include close-ups of the grass or weed in question: such as this, this, or this. The more photos or context to the situation will help us identify the problem and propose some solutions.
Useful Links:
Guides & Calculators: Measure Your Lawn Make a Property Map Herbicide Application Calculators Fertilizing Lawns Grow From Seed Grow From Sod Organic Lawn Care Other Lawn Calculators
Lawn Pest Control: Weeds & What To Use Common Weeds What's Wrong Here? How To Spray Weeds MSU Weed ID Tool Is This a Weed? Herbicide Types ID Turf Diseases Fungi & Control Options Insects & Control Options
Fertilizing: Fertilizing Lawns How To Spread Granular Fertilizer Natural Lawn Care Fertilizer Calculator
US Cooperative Extension Services: Arkansas - University of Arkansas California - UC Davis Florida - University of Florida Indiana - Purdue University Nebraska - University of Nebraska-Lincoln New Hampshire - The University of New Hampshire New Jersey - Rutgers University New York - Cornell University Ohio - The Ohio State University Oregon - Oregon State University Texas - Texas A&M Vermont - The University of Vermont
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2024.06.01 11:43 grant837 Auto stop on impact drivers for woodworking?

I plan to buy a dedicated 1/4" six-side bit holder drill/impact driver for wood screws.
A key feature is the adjustable auto clutch stop, where the drill will stop turning when there is enough resistance. In other words, I do not want my screws to keep pulling into the wood until I manage to take my finger off the trigger.
The DDF083Z is basically a drill with a six-sided holder and has this feature. But to impact drivers also have this feature? They have no manual clutch adjustment.
I am looking at the DTD154Z and DTD172Z but will consider other options.

submitted by grant837 to Makita [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:43 grant837 Auto stop on impact drivers for woodworking?

I plan to buy a dedicated 1/4" six-side bit holder drill/impact driver for wood screws.
A key feature is the adjustable auto clutch stop, where the drill will stop turning when there is enough resistance. In other words, I do not want my screws to keep pulling into the wood until I manage to take my finger off the trigger.
The DDF083Z is basically a drill with a six-sided holder and has this feature. But to impact drivers also have this feature? They have no manual clutch adjustment.
I am looking at the DTD154Z and DTD172Z but will consider other options.

submitted by grant837 to Makita [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:41 Secret_Software_3065 A random man saved my life

As stupid as it sounds. A random man, in the local corner shop gave me 1 more reason to keep going.
I'm 16. And I've dealt with mental health issues for as long as I can remember. I was around 9 when I began harming myself and I was 10 when I first started properly wishing I could die. I remember being 12 and begging a god I didn't even believe in to take my away in my sleep. It was sad. I was just a kid and I didn't need that. But I'm used to it now.
A year ago I was properly diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I am currently going though a diagnosis for BPD. Which is already likely.
A couple weeks ago I had a rough time at school, revising for current exams and struggling with the changes. I found myself having daily panic attacks and feeling an urge to relapse in hurting myself and alcohol usage. I layed off through and managed to ignore it.
I'd had a significantly bad day at school and on the way home I had decided to take my time walking down to the corner shop, which was only 10 mins walk from school. I go there often and it's pretty cheap for energy drinks and sweets and gum. Which is what every teenager in the UK really gets.
I'd walked in and I was aware my face was sullen and I looked dull. My eyes were red from the tears throughout the day and I was still shaking from the stress and constant panic attacks id had.
I remember I had picked up a small tub of Pringles, a 45p energy drink, and a pack of gum. A man was in front of me paying, he had a massive basket which was quite funny for a convenience shop. He also had a young daughter with him, looking around 2 or 3. I gave her a warm smile as she looked at me and her face lit up. As did mine. He asked if I wanted to go in front of him because I only had a few things, to which I quickly denied and said it was fine. I continued waiting and after a minute or so he turned around and asked what I had. Before I could reply he took the things out my hands and payed for them. I stood there dumbfounded. I managed to mutter out a meek "thank you mate I appreciate it". He gave me a Pat on the back and told me to go. I smiled at him daughter again and left, walking home.
Unknown to him...but I had planned on stealing a few cans of alcohol and running off into the local woods that night. I also planned on taking something to harm myself with. I didn't. He had made me so unbelievably happy and content that I went home, ate my food, and sat there.
I messaged all my friends about it as I walked back home. I could've cried again.
It just shows it’s the little things. He has no idea how important that was to me. So I ask you. Be kind. For no reason.
It was the most selfless expression anyone has ever done for me and I don't think I'll ever forget it.
submitted by Secret_Software_3065 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:20 No_Okra6302 The Comprehensive Guide to Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP) Flooring

When it comes to flooring options, few materials offer the perfect blend of durability, aesthetic appeal, and affordability like Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP) flooring. Over recent years, LVP has emerged as a popular choice for homeowners and designers alike, thanks to its versatile design options, water resistance, and easy maintenance. This blog will delve into the world of LVP flooring, exploring its various types, benefits, and why it might be the best choice for your home.
What is LVP Flooring?
Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP) flooring is a type of vinyl flooring designed to mimic the look and feel of natural wood. Unlike traditional vinyl flooring, which comes in sheets, LVP is manufactured in planks that resemble hardwood floors. This resemblance is not just in appearance but also in texture, with many LVP products featuring realistic wood grain patterns and textures.
LVP flooring is made up of multiple layers, including a top wear layer that protects against scratches and stains, a photographic layer that gives the flooring its realistic look, and a core layer that provides durability and water resistance. This layered construction makes LVP a highly resilient flooring option that can withstand heavy foot traffic and moisture.
Types of LVP Flooring
There are various types of LVP flooring, each catering to different aesthetic preferences and functional needs. Some of the most popular include:
Benefits of LVP Flooring
The rise in popularity of LVP flooring is no accident. Here are some of the key benefits that make it a top choice for many:
Choosing the Best LVP Flooring
Selecting the best LVP flooring for your home involves considering several factors, including your lifestyle, aesthetic preferences, and budget. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision:
Installing LVP Flooring
One of the advantages of LVP flooring is its ease of installation. Many LVP products feature a click-lock system, allowing you to install the flooring without the need for nails or glue. This makes it a popular choice for DIY enthusiasts. However, if you’re not comfortable with DIY projects, hiring a professional installer can ensure a flawless finish.
Here’s a basic overview of the installation process:
  1. Prepare the Subfloor: Ensure that the subfloor is clean, dry, and level. Remove any old flooring and repair any damage to the subfloor.
  2. Acclimate the Planks: Let the LVP planks acclimate to the room’s temperature and humidity for at least 48 hours before installation.
  3. Plan the Layout: Measure the room and plan the layout of the planks. It’s important to stagger the seams to create a more natural look.
  4. Install the Planks: Start from one corner of the room and work your way across. Use the click-lock system to secure the planks together, ensuring a snug fit.
  5. Trim and Finish: Once all the planks are in place, trim the edges to fit and install any necessary molding or trim to complete the look.
LVP Flooring in Bathrooms
Bathrooms present a unique challenge for flooring due to the high levels of moisture. Fortunately, LVP flooring is an excellent choice for bathrooms. Its waterproof properties ensure that it won’t warp or buckle when exposed to water, making it a durable and practical option.
When choosing LVP for your bathroom, look for products specifically labeled as waterproof. These products often have a thicker wear layer and additional sealing to prevent moisture from seeping through. Additionally, consider the texture of the flooring. A textured surface can provide extra grip, reducing the risk of slips and falls in wet conditions.
Maintenance Tips for LVP Flooring
Maintaining LVP flooring is relatively straightforward, but following a few simple tips can help keep it looking its best for years to come:
Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP) flooring offers a versatile, durable, and aesthetically pleasing solution for any home. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your living room, kitchen, or bathroom, LVP provides the beauty of natural wood and stone without the high cost and maintenance. Its water resistance, ease of installation, and wide range of styles make it a top choice for modern homeowners. By considering your lifestyle, aesthetic preferences, and budget, you can find the perfect LVP flooring to enhance your home’s interior. So, take the plunge into the world of LVP flooring and enjoy the perfect blend of style and functionality.
submitted by No_Okra6302 to u/No_Okra6302 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:12 FlowerFaerie13 Recklessness and Over-preparation at the same exact time.

I have ADHD. I also have anxiety and some pretty severe trauma.
This has resulted in a person who is constantly warring between the tendency to throw caution to the wind and act on impulse and the obsessive need to be prepared for a potential emergency.
The clash has resulted at someone who is godawful at actually avoiding problems, but who fucking WILL figure out how to fix it after it’s broken or die trying.
I will not enter a building without checking to see if it violates fire codes and planning an escape route, but I’m also currently dealing with a horrible rash because my dumb ass, who knows that I react badly to like, all the plants, decided to go walking through the woods to admire the poison hemlock (it’s pretty, damn it) only to trip and fall face first into it.
I am genuinely just a giant pile of “Fuck it, we ball,” mixed with “I have prepared emergency contingency plans for every possible disaster on this planet.”
I do not know how this happened but oh my god.
submitted by FlowerFaerie13 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:39 PablosPowder How would you decorate this room

How would you decorate this room
I'm in the process of redecorating for my parents to add some life and 'coziness' to the house.
Before I started, there was just plain walls, 2 couches, 2 tables and a tv unit (oh, and a dog). So, this is where I'm at currently. Planning to add 3 dark wood floating shelves. 2 to the right of the blinds on top of palm, and 1 to the left of the TV above the palm.
I'd really appreciate some ideas on little decor items I could use to further decorate, as well as opinions about things that don't work. Furniture cannot be replaced due to budget. Rug potentially out of the question due to floof (pictured)
All opinions are appreciated, and thank you in advance!
submitted by PablosPowder to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:14 marksmarth Dumb poster flattening question

So my current method is in between acid free paper, unrolled, print side up, with heavy books on all four corners. Works great for some prints. Others that have been in tubes too long won’t uncurl no matter how long I leave them under the books.
My new plan, since I tend to overdo EVERYTHING is buy a small table, sandwich the posters between acid free paper and two pieces of wood, clamp the corners, put weights on all four corners, and the books in the middle to flatten them. Is that too much? Could I potentially damage the posters that way?
submitted by marksmarth to KGATLW [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:13 Ok-Promotion-6703 My girl best friend was an popular person but then i found how she became popular

It started as a fun weekend getaway. Emma, Jake, and I had planned a camping trip in the remote woods, a place where cell service barely existed. We were desperate for a break from our daily grind, a chance to unplug and reconnect with nature. Emma, who was strikingly beautiful with her flowing blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, had insisted on this spot, claiming it was untouched and serene.
The first night was perfect—stories around the campfire, laughter echoing through the trees, and a sky full of stars. Emma's laughter was infectious, and her radiant smile made the night even more magical. But things took a dark turn the following morning when we found our supplies ransacked and strange, crude traps set around our camp.
"What the hell?" Jake exclaimed, examining the remains of our food. "Who would do this?"
"I don't know," Emma replied, her blue eyes wide with confusion. "This doesn't make any sense."
At first, we thought it was some kind of sick joke. But when Jake triggered a trap that nearly impaled him with spikes, we realized this was no prank.
"Jesus, that was close," Jake said, his face pale as he backed away from the spikes.
"We need to get out of here," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
Panic set in as we tried to find our way back to the car, but every path seemed to lead us deeper into the forest. It was as if the woods themselves were conspiring against us.
"Emma, do you have any idea where we are?" I asked, anxiety creeping into my voice.
Her blue eyes narrowed as she surveyed the area. "I swear, I thought I did," she replied, her beauty a stark contrast to the terror unfolding around us. "Let's split up. We'll cover more ground that way."
That was our first mistake. Alone, I stumbled upon a camera, hidden but running. It was live-streaming. The screen displayed a live chat, viewers commenting frantically about our every move.
"Is this some kind of sick joke?" I muttered, my heart pounding as I pieced it together—someone was watching us, orchestrating our terror for entertainment.
Desperate to warn the others, I raced back to our meeting point, only to find Emma standing over a bloodied Jake. She looked at me with wide, manic eyes.
"It's for the views, Alex," she said, her voice disturbingly calm. "People love seeing raw fear. They believe they're watching you end your life, but it's me. It’s all me."
I stared at her, horrified. "Emma, why? We trusted you."
Her smile was cold, devoid of any warmth. "Fame, Alex. This will make us famous. Can't you see? This is bigger than us."
"You're insane," I said, backing away slowly. "This isn't fame, it's murder."
Emma's expression turned to one of mock pity. "Oh, Alex. You always were too naive."
"Emma, we need help. Jake's hurt," I said, trying to reason with her.
Jake groaned, clutching his side. "Alex, don't waste your breath."
But something in Emma's eyes shifted. She looked around, suddenly uncertain. "No, this can't be happening," she muttered. "It was supposed to be perfect."
I seized the moment. "Emma, look at yourself. You're losing it. We need to get out of here."
Her grip on the knife faltered, and she looked down at Jake, then back at me. "I... I didn't mean for this to happen."
"Emma, put the knife down," I urged, my voice gentle. "We can still make it out of here."
For a moment, I thought she might listen. But then she shook her head, her eyes wild again. "No! This is my moment!"
She turned and ran into the woods, disappearing into the dense foliage. I rushed to Jake, helping him to his feet.
"We have to move, now," I said.
With Jake leaning heavily on me, we stumbled through the forest. The sounds of Emma's frantic shouts echoed in the distance, growing fainter as we pressed on. Hours later, we finally emerged onto a road, a passing car screeching to a halt as we waved frantically.
"Help us!" I called out, and the driver quickly dialed for help.
As we waited for the paramedics, Jake and I sat on the roadside, exhausted but relieved. "Do you think she'll find her way out?" Jake asked.
I shook my head, unsure. "I don't know. But I hope she does. She needs help, Jake. Real help."
Emma was eventually found, delirious and lost, babbling about fame and followers. She was taken to a psychiatric facility, her channel shut down, but the videos were already out there, shared and re-shared by thousands. People debated their authenticity, some calling them the most brilliant horror performance ever, others demanding justice.
I never went back to the woods, and I never spoke to Emma again. But the scars remained, a constant reminder of how our obsession with online fame turned a trusted friend into a monster.
submitted by Ok-Promotion-6703 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:56 tpusater [Six Flags St. Louis]: A Tale of Three Woodies.

[Six Flags St. Louis]: A Tale of Three Woodies.
I’m traveling from Atlanta and arriving today in KCMO for 8 days of reading essays from high school students seeking college credit for AP courses. Along the way, I made a visit to Holiday World on Thursday (I posted recently about Good Gravy) and SFStL on Friday. Both parks have 3 wooden coasters (I wish my home park of SFoG did as well!), so I thought I would focus on the contrast between the woodies at both parks.
Holiday World maintains all of its woodies quite well. I was particularly happy finally re-riding Legend after a several-year hiatus. On my last visit to HW, Legend was being retracked, and the work paid off. I’m a sucker for strong lateral forces, so despite loving me some Voyage, I feel like Legend was the highlight of my recent visit. I got 4 rides each on the three wood coasters and on Thunderbird (my favorite wing coaster; I love the power of that launch!) and 2 on Good Gravy.
SFStL also has three woodies that have incredible potential to rival the three at HW, but each needs considerable work to reach their full potential. I hope the park invests in restoring all three to their glory years and keeps them as woodies. They are all diamonds in the rough right now.
Screamin’ Eagle is a John Allen classic with a swoop turn reminiscent of the original Mr. Twister and a layout in the woods that I prefer over my home park’s GASM. SE is currently not as rough as GASM was prior to its recent retrack, but it’s getting near that level of roughness. Nevertheless, it maintains its speed throughout the course and provides decent pops of airtime and laterals to make it slightly better for me than GASM in its current state. If SE got the retracking it needs, it would be stellar.
This was my first experience with American Thunder, which I rode both early and late in the day. On my early rides, I considered it might have the potential to be as good as Thunderhead at Dollywood; the layouts are similar but AT just didn’t have the quick pops of air throughout the ride that Thunderhead maintains. I thought, perhaps, after it warmed up during the day, it might run better. I was unfortunately mistaken. Later in the day, AT got noticeably rougher. It’s not as bad as Roar in SFA, but it would be fantastic if it received a retrack similar to what Dollywood did to Thunderhead.
And then there’s The Boss. I rode Boss about 25 years ago when Rick Rodriguez was marathoning it, and I was eager to see how it held up over the years. My reaction: It’s vicious brutal! (I actually like my woodies brutal as long as they’re not painful.) There is considerable jackhammering throughout the ride that made it feel like I was riding a bucking bronco. But the jackhammering didn’t bother me, as I was thrilled by the overall intensity of the airtime moments and the extreme lateral forces that whipped you either way. It’s one of the only coasters where I decided to hang on for dear life to the bar in front of me from start to finish. Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoyed the ‘unnecessary roughness’ of this ride, all except for that painful last drop before the brake run that beat out Steel Eel’s ‘rejector’ (reverse ejector) for me as a bit too intense for my tastes. If this coaster got the retrack it needed, it might rival Voyage for sheer bliss.
I’m heading to WoF today, and I plan to visit several evenings next week after I finish work. If you’re planning to be at the park today or after 6pm any day next week, DM me and perhaps we can meet up to ride their three woodies and other coasters. (I really wish there was a law that all parks must have and maintain at least three woodies!)
submitted by tpusater to rollercoasters [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:20 EntertainmentBusy498 Bucatstate cage inspo

We just bought a second hamster, wasn’t planned but she was so stressed in Pets at Home it was so sad, she was chewing the water bottle and then trying to bite the glass, I’m not normally impulsive but she looked so sad. We are experienced in hamster care, we have a converted vivarium for our other hamster and he’s so happy but Tillie is such a chewer I don’t feel wood is an option and want a top opening for her as she’s such a speedy girl. We have a selection of items for the cage and lots of sprays that have been frozen so are all ready for her, just after some cage inspo plz, we have coco soil, kaytee clean and safe, aspen, beech chips and sand, platforms, a 28cm wheel and lots of wooden hides and accessories but would love to see other people’s set ups esp with deep bedding so she can burrow. We have a playpen for her and she’ll have plenty of time to free roam and be out of her cage and she’s ever so friendly, just want to do right by her.
submitted by EntertainmentBusy498 to hamsters [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:18 vectormapper Tampere Finland PDF Vector Map Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe PDF in layers

Tampere Finland PDF Vector Map Exact City Plan High Detailed Street Map editable Adobe PDF in layers submitted by vectormapper to CityMapDesign [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:12 homeandsoul Creating a Cozy and Inviting Living Room: Ideas for the Heart of Your Home

The living room is often considered the heart of a home—a place where family and friends gather to relax, socialize, and make lasting memories. Creating a cozy and inviting living room involves more than just selecting furniture; it’s about curating an atmosphere that feels warm and welcoming. Here are some tips and ideas to help you transform your living room into a cozy haven.
1. Start with a Large Round Rug
One of the most impactful ways to define your living room space and add a touch of coziness is by incorporating a large round rug. Round rugs for living room are not only visually appealing, but they also soften the angles of furniture and create a focal point in the room. Whether you opt for a plush shag rug for added warmth or a patterned rug to introduce texture, a round carpet for living room can instantly make the space feel more inviting.
2. Choose Comfortable Seating
Comfort is key when it comes to seating in the living room. Invest in a quality sofa with deep cushions and soft upholstery. Add a mix of chairs and ottomans to provide ample seating options. Consider pieces that encourage relaxation, like recliners or chaise lounges. Don’t forget to pile on the pillows and throws for added comfort and a homely feel.
3. Layer with Textures
To create a cozy atmosphere, layer different textures throughout the room. Combine soft textiles like wool blankets, velvet cushions, and cotton throws with natural materials like wood, leather, and stone. This mix not only adds visual interest but also makes the space feel warm and inviting.
4. Use Warm Lighting
Lighting plays a crucial role in setting the mood of your living room. Opt for warm, soft lighting instead of harsh, bright lights. Use a combination of table lamps, floor lamps, and wall sconces to create a layered lighting effect. Consider dimmable lights to adjust the ambiance according to the occasion.
5. Incorporate Personal Touches
Make your living room truly yours by incorporating personal touches and decor that reflect your personality. Display family photos, travel souvenirs, and artwork that you love. These elements add character to the room and make it feel uniquely yours.
6. Add a Round Rug for the Living Room
If your living room has multiple seating areas or an open floor plan, consider adding another round rug for the living room to define different zones. For instance, place a round rug under the coffee table to anchor the main seating area and another near a reading nook or secondary seating arrangement. This not only adds visual harmony but also enhances the cozy feel.
7. Embrace a Neutral Color Palette
A neutral color palette can create a serene and welcoming environment. Shades of beige, gray, and white serve as a perfect backdrop for a cozy living room. You can introduce pops of color through accessories like cushions, rugs, and artwork. Neutrals also make it easier to switch up your decor seasonally without clashing with the main color scheme.
8. Introduce Natural Elements
Bringing elements of nature indoors can enhance the coziness of your living room. Houseplants, flowers, and natural wood accents add warmth and life to the space. Plants not only improve air quality but also create a soothing atmosphere.
9. Keep it Clutter-Free
A cozy living room doesn’t mean cluttered. Keep the space tidy and organized to maintain a welcoming ambiance. Use storage solutions like baskets, shelves, and cabinets to keep everyday items out of sight but within reach. A clutter-free environment promotes relaxation and peace of mind.
10. Create a Fireplace Focal Point
If you have a fireplace, make it the focal point of your living room. Arrange seating around the fireplace to encourage conversation and warmth. Even if your fireplace is non-functional, you can still decorate the mantel with candles, lanterns, or decorative items to enhance the cozy vibe.
Incorporating these ideas into your living room design will help you create a space that is not only cozy and inviting but also functional and stylish. Remember, the key to a welcoming living room lies in balancing comfort with personal style, so don’t be afraid to experiment and make the space your own. With the right elements like a large round rug, comfortable seating, and warm lighting, your living room can truly become the heart of your home.
submitted by homeandsoul to u/homeandsoul [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:40 ProudMaple4 [WTS][ON] WE 416 GBBR, ARCTAURUS AK05, KJW P09, LCT Genuine wood stock, chrono, chest rig

Hey! Planning on selling some stuff to buy a new gun I’d like. Here is the list of what I currently have:
Items not pictured: 2x green mag dump pouches ($5 ea.) 4000 .2 Krytac BBs unopened ($20)
If you have any questions or need more pictures don’t hesitate to message me! I’d love to help. Happy shopping!
submitted by ProudMaple4 to airsoftmarketcanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:35 TrusticTunic26 Hope Chapter 1 [Fantasy - 6000 words]

Chapter 1: Hope’s 16th Birthday
As the rays of the sun hits her eyes Hope Moonshine wakes up excited, she was waiting for this day for all her life
She jumps out of her bed and rushes to her mom's room excited and she accidentally flung the door open too fast making a loud cranking noise waking her mother, Queen Matilda up
"Oops didn't mean to wake you up" hope said awkwardly"Honey I know you are excited for your birthday but you need to be patient the sun has just risen everyone is still asleep" Matilda said tiredly, "please go back to sleep darling you will have a long day today and you will need the energy, your party wont be begin till noon"
"Ok mom, sorry for waking you up" said Hope as she was trying to close the door slowly enough that it doesn't crank but it still did "Not an issue dear", said Matilda
As the door closed Matilda took a deep breath and closed her eyes her emblem on her right shoulder a pink diamond glowed she opened her eyes and she made a finger gun with her right hand pointing at the hinges and a shiny pink light zaps comes out of her index and zaps the hinges, the beam turns into a hand and it open the door and then closes without making a cranking noise, "I should have done that a long time ago" said Matilda
She removes the blankets from her bed to reveal she is already clothed for a serious occasion, as she goes towards the mirror she is wearing a long cyan dress that trails all the way to her feed her top being smartly tight with short shoulder sleeves, she puts on long white gloves and glances over her diamond ring she lets out a small sigh and frown and puts it on, she trances over the mirror for a few seconds before snapping out of it, and she looks over to a miniature painting of her an her daughter when she was 6 she picks it up and smiles "I know you are eager dear you won't have to wait for long"
After Matilda ready's herself she open her window and conjures a light bird of the palm of her hand, the bird flew off to Hope's room where it sees her lying in her bed on her stomach, the bird soon returns to Matilda's room and land on her palm her eyes glows for a moment and the bird fizzes into a yellow cloud, "Well it looks like she actually listened not very common of her to do so, it means I can continue to do my plan unobstructed" she said with a smile.
Matilda leaves her room and walk across the hallway to the main hall then she claps her hand twice, and snap her finger, suddenly a figure jumps into the window it spins 180° and a muscular women stands up, she has a scar on her left cheek and short brown hair, she wore knight armour that cuts of at her shoulder emblem that looks like a dark grey shield.
"At your service my queen", she said with a salute
Matilda is startled for a moment, but then composes herself, "Sally there is no need for you to enter that way you can just wait for me at the hall entrance", she said.
"I was scouting the perimeter we have to make sure this place is safe and to make sure no one can harm the princess at her important day, I was up all night with my team searching every corner of the upper ring for any danger and-" Sally was abruptly cut off by Matilda.
"It was not your fault Sally, there is no need for you to prove yourself to me" Matilda said remorsefully, "You tried your best so you must eventually forgive yourself it wasn't anyone fault, it truly came from nowhere"
Sally's serious expression break into expression of regret as she shamefully looks at the ground
"Now is not time to punish ourselves over who we failed to protect but to make sure my daughter has a great birthday" Matilda said with determination
Sally's expressions of regret turned to a smile, "Yes my Queen, me and the royal guards have spent last few weeks clearing a safe path from the upper ring to the more presentable areas of the lower ring that ends at the great barrier" Sally says with a salute.
"Well I trust your judgement, you are now dismissed" said Matilda
Sally goes down the stairs of the central hall towards the doors "I won't mess up again" Sally said with determination
"Oh Houston" Matilda said while turning her head left and right, "where is he when I need him",
"I am right here your majesty" Houston whispered from behind, Matilda was startled and was annoyed on how everyone seems to sneak up on her, "Sorry for spooking you" said Houston as he polished his monocle "We are well prepared to begin celebration soon" he said as his hand pointed towards the empty hall.
Matilda stared at him, he then clapped his hands and an army of servants entered the hall setting up the chairs and tables, followed up by waiters quickly setting food on the table, and then 6 waiters came together to slowly lift the large 4 layered birthday cake with a milk white colour with chocolate cream on top of each layer, with "happy birthday Hope" spelled with strawberry topping on the side of each layer, with the glowing yellow number "16" candle at the top.
"As I was saying my Queen" Houston started "We just need to wait for the guests to arrive, I will let you know when you can call your daughter" Houston stops from a moment "Do you want anything else your majesty or am I dismissed?" he asked.
"You are dismissed Houston" said Matilda
Matilda walks up to Hope's room and slowly opens the door to find her laying in her bed
"One thousand one hundred and forty-two" Hope counted to herself, she paused and took a deep sigh, and tried to continue but then paused scratching her head "Um One-".
she was interrupted by her mother saying "Thousand one hundred and forty-three", "Unable to sleep dear?" She said with a smile, Hope gasped and she had the biggest smile in her face, her mother was a bit startled and asked "what is it you are smiling at?".
Hope pointed at her, jumped from her bed and as she was taking heavy breathes pointing at her mother clothes, "You don't sleep in this" she takes a deep breath and exclaims "which means I have got to get ready" and she runs to her closet to pick up something to wear.
Matilda takes a glance down at her clothes and rolls her eyes "so much for a surprise"
"I am ready mom" Hope said ecstatically, she was wearing a beautiful turquoise dress which complemented her hair colour styled in two plates with with joined with a pink band and wearing her favourite golden necklace,
"That was quick" her mother commented
As they enter the main hall a bunch of guests are seated drinking beverages and helping themselves to freshly baked foods, "Attention everybody, I would like you to welcome the birthday girl" said Houston, everyone stopped what they were doing and turned their heads towards the princess.
She gets a bit nervous and let out an awkward "hey guys", she didn't recognize any of them but she had to pretend to know all of them while hoping they don't ask her if she knows them, they all continue to stare as she and her mother get seated.
Houston lets out a forced cough to break the awkward silence, he says "and now Princess that you have come here you may blow the candles", the table the cake was on was carried towards Hope and her mother seated on there high chair, Hope tries to mask her excitement as she takes a deep breath and gently blow the candles, which fire off the cake and make a small explosion spelling out "Happy Birthday Princess!", Hope's eyes lit with joy.
Trumpets play and two royal servants come into the hall holding a gold plated chest decorated with diamonds, the chest is slowly opened and a blinding bright light shined from inside it, "Go ahead dear" said Matilda as her eyes pointed to the chest.
Hope goes down towards the chest and slowly lowers her hand inside of it and grabs what inside, as she removes her hand from the chest it reveals her to be holding the magic wand, it had a purple handle with a sparkly cyan diamond at its back end and a translucent turquoise sphere at it top decorated with a white glowing shape which resembled the combination of a two star into two different planes inside, and topped off with a small yellow crown at the top
Hope's shoulder emblem a pink heart with a tiny crown on top of both curves starts glowing, she raises the top of the wand at eye level, "ooh what's this" she says as she tries to stick her finger inside it to touch the spinning star
"HOPE DONT" shouted her mother, as soon as hope touched it burnt her finger and she let out a painful screech and fires a yellow glowing beam fires from the wand at some guest who were quick enough to duck, it hits a glowing orange decorative plant crushing it against the wall,
"hehe this could have been worse", Hope said awkwardly, the wreckage catches fire...
"FIRE" yells Sally, the guards that were standing by the walls quickly moved and shoved away all nearby guest as Sally goes and faces the fire here shoulder emblem glows and she fires yellow beam at it from her hands she then she clenches her fist and the beam turns into water extinguishing the fire and a yellow cloud evaporates from it, she quickly turn over to Hope and rushes over to her "ARE YOU OKAY PRINCESS" she exclaimed worryingly.
"I am fine it's just my finger is a little -" before she finishes her sentence Sally picks her up and running with her in her arms and runs up to the door and out of the Palace.
Queen Matilda is left with the guests and lets out an awkward chuckle and says "so who wants some drinks?", "Please help yourself to the finest wines in the whole kingdom" she said as a servant reveals a bunch of wine bottles in gold coating, the guests all rushed to get a sip
"I am telling you I am fine it's just a little scratch its rude for me to leave suddenl-" Hope was interrupted by Sally kicking the door open.
"PA-" Sally yelled before being interrupted by a "SHHHH", she was shushed by a woman with a white robe that cut offs at the shoulder, and a hand crafted necklace made of cotton around her neck, she had red hair tied into a bun and a green plus sign as her shoulder emblem.
"Seriously Sally how many times do I have to tell you to be quiet in here" said healer Pam with frustration she lets out a sigh and asks, "So what seems to be the problem?" Sally pulls out Hope and holds her at arms length right Infront of her Hope lets out a "Hi".
Pam gasps "Oh my princess sorry I didn't know you were coming, are you hurt?"
"No not at all it's ju-" Hope was interrupted yet again it seems like although she is becoming a grownup no one seems to want to listen to her
"She burned herself quickly check up on her" commanded Sally as she lowered Hope to her feet, Pam glanced at her up and down
"Where was she hurt", asked her confused. Hope sheepishly pointed to her left index finger it was a bit red which could be easily seen as it contrasted with her smooth white skin, but it was also accompanied by a yellow 'liquid', Pam conjured a white napkin to clean the site of the injury and singled out the injured finger from Hope's hand and put her hand on it and made into a fist and then she took a deep breath and closed her eyes her shoulder mark started having a green glow for a few seconds and then it suddenly went dim, she opened her hand to find the finger fully healed like it was never even scratched.
"Oh wow t-thanks" said Hope with a smile.
"Oh it's nothing" said pam, she took out her napkin it had some yellow glowing spots of what looks like fluid except its it didn't soak in but floated around it, "I see you can use magic now, what was your first spell" Pam said with excitement.
"I-i just shot this out of the wand" she said as she pointed at liquid on the napkin that started evaporating considerably, she then lowered her voice and talked faster "and it hit a plant and set it on fire" she was saying as she looked at the floor, Pam laughed and Hope was starting to blush.
"Oh don't worry dear we all mess up at the start, when I first started I accidentally broke a boy's arm" Pam said with a laugh.
"Is he okay now?" Hope asked with curiosity
"Well when I was your age healing wasn't what it is today they just put his arm in a cast and said if he was lucky his arm would be usable in three years", "I never was interested in healing like my mom but I wanted to fix my mistake so I studied and practiced for months to focus my healing and one day it just clicked, I got back to him and I was able to heal his arm and this happiness a patient feels when they are treated makes this all worth it" she let out a calm sigh and continued "It was not an easy journey but in just 8 years I was able to reach my peak"
"Eight years?" Hope said in disbelief
"Don't worry your path is way longer than mine my peak is at least four levels lower than you" Pam said with a grin
"It isn't that huge difference right?" Hope inquired hoping her journey wont be in the double digits because that's a very long time
Pam laughed and then said "Oh it way larger than it looks, but don't worry royals don't have a peak at least not one that one knows off" she put her hand on Hope's shoulder "Don't let the long road overwhelm you as long as you are better than yesterday you will be a great princess"
Hope smiled at her and said, "Thanks a lot Pam"
"So is everything alright with her, she stuck her finger into the wand are you sure there wont be any complications" asked Sally
"She will be alright she might have lost her finger if she went deeper and then It will actually a challenge to fix, but this is what pain reflexes are for, it a blessing in disguise", replied Pam
Sally clapped her hands and said "Well we got to go now we cant keep the guests waiting thanks for your help Pam"
Hope looked over to her and said "You should come over it's my birthday you can go change the setting", "No dear being a Healer is big commitment what if someone is in need of assistance and I am not here but I appreciate the gesture, maybe I could arrange my schedule to be there next time, go enjoy yourself".
"Pam the amputee is ready for his second regeneration session" a voice called.
"The what?" exclaimed Hope.
"Oh it's a bit graphic you really don't want to see it, I got to go now send your mother my regards" replied Pam as she ran over to a patient
Sally and Hope went to the door and left.
"You know I was really fine, it was just a scratch" Hope said as she looked up to Sally, "It's kind of rude to just leave the guests hanging I could have just sucked it up-"
Hope tried to continue when Sally muttered under her breath "I won't forgive myself".
"What was that?" asked Hope.
"Nothing, it's just you can never be so sure and no one was stupid enough to stick there finger in the wand I was just making sure but since it wasn't serious we don't need to worry" Sally said with an anxious fake smile, Hope sensed there was something off about her tone but she didn't want to push Sally into an uncomfortable spot so she left it at that
Sally and Hope make it back to the palace and Matilda rushes to her daughter "Oh dear are you ok"
She said as she gave her girl a hug, Everyone was staring and Hope got a bit embarrassed "yeah Mom I am ok" Hope said, Matilda stood up and was about to say something before Hope pre-emptively said, "I know I know it was pretty stupid from me to to do what I did, I know the wand is not a toy and I promise I will be more careful with it" she said while avoiding eye contact
Matilda smiled and said "Well I appreciate that you understand that you messed up but that not what I wanted to say" Hope made eye contact and Matilda continued "As princess and future queen we will have you visit the LOWER RING" Matilda took her daughter's hand "Sure its not the safest or best place in the kingdom but a hermit ruler is a bad ruler"
Hope got extremely excited over this as she always wanted to see the rest of the kingdom the Lower ring, the Outer ring but she was always told no because Sally's word "It's way to dangerous, you are not ready, you aren't old enough" or her mother's word "Is there something there that you cant find at home?, The place isn't very hygienic" but how bad could it be it was still under the rule of the Moonshines. Life in the Upper ring and the palace get boring after a while, why would she wants to stay put there when there a whole world to explore?
"The escorts are waiting for us outside those who want to go with us are welcome to go" Said Matilda looking at the guests with a forced smile almost knowing the reaction. All of them tried to mask there faces of disgust as if Matilda just asked them to bathe in mud or even worse she said that the food at the legendary "façade haut de gamme" was just an overpriced scam. They didn't look very impressed, Matilda coughed and asked "Well?".
One couple went towards the exit and when they got to Matilda the man said "We are truly flattered by your invite my queen but I am afraid we have something important to do" the man paused and scratched his head trying to think of an excuse Hope looked over him and asked
"What's more important to than a trip to see the rest of kingdom its not like we can always get to do it" with an ecstatic smile the woman who was scratching her head stopped as if she got an idea she went over looked to Hope with a stupid fake smile and said
"Well sweetie we forgot to sign up our son for school and registration will be closing today" she turned over to her husband and elbowed him in ribs and asked "Isn't that right honey?"
The man nodded in agreement and they walked out and they led out an audible sigh and when they were just outside of earshot the man told his wife "Moonshines huh? You would think after what happened a decade ago they would get the memo" the woman looked back at the Queen then waved and looked back at her husband and said
"She is weak if this happened to me I will make sure those pigs wish they weren't born".
Following into there footsteps and sensing an opening other guests decided to excuse themselves outside and at this point Matilda stopped resisting she knew some wouldn't want to go but she didn't think that many would go and she looked defeated Hope turned to her and said "Well mom we don't need those nose in the airers it's there loss anyways"
A woman walked up to them "She is right you know in-law" that woman was Hope's paternal aunt Mary, she had short blonde hair and brown eyes wearing a yellow dress for the occasion "The only reason any off these arrogant buffoons came here is societal expectations much like basically everything here" she said while rolling her eyes "and they all dipped the second they had the chance, come on lets go"
As they walked past the doors Sally was standing just outside the door scanning the setting with her eyes, her eyes wandered and locked with Mary "You should relax Sally no need for you to be so tense" she said with a smile she then changed her tone suddenly and said with a frown and a in a low voice that Hope and Matilda couldn't hear "Me and Matilda can protect ourselves and we aren't relying on you and my niece was under my protection since she was six, all you need to do is drive the horses and look menacing" and then she put her hand on her shoulder and smiled and said with an audible voice "So you can feel a lot more at ease dear", Sally tried hid her feeling of guilt with a fake smile "Let's go" said Mary joyfully
Everyone got on the horse driven chariot, just a classical chariot nothing magical about it, it's a very ineffective method of transport but one of the most relaxing ones
"HEEEEEY WAIT FOR ME" yelled a girl from as she was she surfing a purple cloud wearing a long sleeved purple sweater and blue pants as she got closer she tried to slow down by tilting her body backwards but she lost control and started flying at high speeds towards Hope
"EM SLOW DOWN" shouted Hope.
"I CANT BRACE FOR IMPACT" they both closed there eyes with their arms covering there eyes but just before contact she was caught effortlessly by Sally one hand and her cloud in the other she crushed the cloud in her fist into yellow mist that faded away and put the girl on her feet she then crossed her arms and looked down and barked
"Miss Emberlynn Springfield you should know how dangerous using magic without experience is, and you can't just rely on something you can't even responsibly use to make up for your own lack of punctuality"
Ember looked taken aback but she didn't want to look stupid so she snapped back with "I didn't know Hope is celebrating her birthday early in the morning, birthdays are a night activity".
Sally who was crossing her arms now raised her eyebrow and simply replied with,"Lies you were told everyday for the last week not my fault you can't seem to be able to be punctual friend's birthday, do you simply not care?".
Ember now looked embarrassed and now was rolling her finger around her dyed purple hair "M-M-My rooster didn't wake me up" she said with a smile while shrugging her shoulder as if she is asking question and the question was 'will Sally let the lecture go'.
"This doesn't matter now anyways it's that Ems is here" interjected Hope with excitement as she put her arm around Ember's shoulder "We shouldn't be wasting time let's go" she said as she punched her hand up in the sky.
Matilda, Hope, Ember and Mary entered the Chariot while Sally rode one of the two horses moving it while the other was being moved by an over-armoured and visibly nervous man.
"Calm down Edmund its just a short trip by a defined path we will be in an out in an hour or two" commanded Sally looking at Edmund clearly getting tired of his lack of confidence.
"I am trying but its such a big deal, escorting not one not two but three royals into the lower ring, I am not sure if I can do this, If I mess up-- I am too young for the consequences" he said clearly on the edge of panic
Sally slapped her hands on his cheeks "Edmund calm down you can do this I know you can" she said, Edmund seemed to calm down a bit "The whole path is being heavily guarded you and me are the last line of an extremely deep wall of defences we are most likely just going to be there for company" she looked back at the cart and said "and besides it's not like the royals can't protect themselves, they are much stronger than us after all"
"That's what they said about fre-" Edmund mumbled before putting his hand on his mouth mid sentence, Sally expression changed to that of anger.
"What did you just say?" she barked.
Edmund realising his mess up and started shaking "Um- I was talking about ---- the nice weather we are having" he said trying to pretend that this wasn't the stupidest attempt at backtracking, before Sally was going to give him a piece of her mind Mary stuck her head out and said in annoyed tone
"Hey I am not getting any younger here", Sally and Edmund looked forwards and shook the horse reins and they got moving forward
As they got to the edges of the Upper ring they reached translucent yellow barrier "We are reaching the barrier you might feel a tickle" proclaimed Sally.
As the horse crossed the barrier the barrier walls phased through the cart and it phased through Mary and Matilda there shoulder emblems glowed a four pointed star and a diamond respectfully in a yellow hue when it got to Hope and Ember the cart got to a sudden halt and they were thrown forwards Hope fell on her mother while Ember face was slapped into the barrier which was at this point halfway through the cart.
Sally opened the door "Everyone ok" she took one look at Ember and let out an annoyed sigh she dragged her hand out of the cart and asked while trying to hide her frustration "Show me your emblem"
Ember scoffed and tried to tuck back her long sleeves but she couldn't get back enough and said while crossing her arms "I can't and I am not removing my shirt".
Sally wasn't having any of it and from tip of her index made a sharp grey magic beam, she flattened Ember's sleeve and made a small cut in her right shoulder showing a yellow star rotated slightly to the left, after the cut yellow gas evaporated from it "And this is why emblems aren't covered it's common knowledge Springfield" said Sally annoyed.
"My favourite shirt! This was very unnecessary" whined Ember and before she could say anything Sally went back to her horse leaving her alone she scoffed and went back to the cart and sat next to Hope crossing her arms.
"You okay there", asked Hope concerned.
"Yeah I am fine just another lecture", said ember looking at the windows
As Hope looked out the window the lower ring didn't seem so different from home, people dressed and walked smartly roads were clean but something was off she couldn't help but notice everyone wore long sleeves even though it was a summer and it's not proper etiquette and that's something else it was surprisingly hot, She took her head out through the windows "Hello stranger" she greeted a man walking nearby he took one solid look at her and looked towards her mother and Sally who was frowning and her hands free with her emblem glowing, he didn't say anything and turned back and proceeded to speed walk away in a few seconds he ditched the subtlety and ran away, Hope was pretty disappointed and got her head into the cart
"What did I do wrong?", Hope asked.
"Girl it's either because you were too friendly it felt fake" said Ember, Hope looked down "Or they were made to feel unwelcome by misses buzzkill in the driving seat" she remarked
A loud sound of crashing wooden boxes was heard and cart went to a halt
"What was that" commented Mary
"Something that isn't boring" Hope said with excitement before leaving the cart.
"Make sure all of them stay put in the cart I will be gone for a short while" said Sally to Edmund before running to the source of the sound Hope tried to follow her but was body blocked by Edmund with his arms crossed
"Sorry I can't let you go princess, Superior's orders", he glanced to the left of him to seeing Ember touching a fancy table Infront of a café just for it to poof into a yellow cloud,
"Ow splinters" she cried, the yellow cloud fizzled reveal a wooden table barely clinging to its shape with a bunch of makeshift wooden fixes that don't even match in colour
Edmund looked like he just saw a ghost and ran towards Ember who was now transforming outdoor expensive furniture into splinter traps
"Stop touching it" said Edmund before shooting out a grey magical hands towards her subduing her, "What's your deal" he scolded annoyed.
"No what's this place deal why is everything here so fake?" snapped Ember "You hearing this Hope this place is fa-" she then stopped and asked "Aye were is Hope?"
Edmund let her go and pulled on his hair "Oh no no no no no no no" he cried
"Is everything alright where is my daughter?" asked Matilda concerned, Edmund didn't know what to say but before he could make up an explanation Mary interjected
"Oh don't worry Mati she will be ok she is probably with Sally and besides she still has this necklace I gave her so I am sure she will be just fine" Mary said with her hand on Matilda's shoulder "and we can go have some tea and chit-chat while we wait I heard that Gilbert's tea shop has actually potable tea" she suggested Matilda sighed and decided to go with what Mary said and walked towards the shop. "What about me?" asked Ember, Edmund turned towards her with anger and barked "You are staying right here!".
"Sally where are you?" called Hope as she was walking she saw a little girl wearing a cute pink dress and smooth brown hair walking alone Infront of her, she approached her and asked
"Hey do you happen to see a tall lady around here?" she tapped on her shoulder to get her attention and suddenly a cloud of yellow gas evaporated out of her Hope and the little girl coughed and as the smoke cleared the little girl was wearing a poorly knit patchwork of randoms scraps of fabric and her hair was covered in dirt she had a brown circle on the side of her shoulder, Hope froze in shock "I- I am so sorry, it was an accident" she apologised "I can go get you a new dress or--" the girl just looked at Hope her eyes glanced her wand which was in her right hand as well as her royal emblem and then she started hyperventilating and burst into tears.
Hope got on to her knees and she gently put her hands on the girl's shoulder "Calm down calm down, it's alright, It's not your fault but mine"
"P-P-pwease do-don hu-hur meeee" the girl sobbed.
"What hurt you? no no no no" Hope explained trying to figure out from where the girl got the idea
Hope hugged the girl "Here calm down see I am friendly" she soothed, the girl seemed to calm down a bit and she started sniffing
She let her go and asked "So what's your name?"
"R-R-Rosie" replied Rosie.
"Ok Rosie I am so sorry for ruining your dress, do you remember were you got it from?" she asked
"Ms Bea had guys gib it to us" Rosie said
"Misses Bea huh" she wondered out loud "Well can you tell me were misses Bea is"
"Sowwy I can't tell you misses moonnnn" Rosie was saying before she looked she wanted to cry again
"Please don't cry" Hope pleaded "You don't need to tell me where you live just wait" Hope passed her wand to her left hand and put her now free hand to her pocket and pulled out a purple wallet and she pulled out a golden note with 50 written on it she passed the note to Rosie and said "Here give this to misses Bea and tell her I am so sorry for destroying your dress also" Rosie grabbed the note and stared at it, Hope pulled some wrapped candy she got from the party "Her have some candy too" the girl put her the note in her pocket and grabbed the wrapped candy she struggled with it a bit and she then passed it back
"Open it please" Rosie asked
"Oh you can't? it's quite simple here" Hope said she gently tapped the candy her emblem glowed for a moment and the wrapping fizzed out.
Rosie put the candy in her mouth and quickly chewed and swallowed it, she then gave Hope a hug, she let go after a moment "Thank you miss, Ms Bea says Moosines are scawy but aren't scawy"
"Scary why would we be scary" Hope asked in disbelief with a smile
Rosie looked around and said "I am sowwy I need to go" she turned back and ran away and took a turn and was just out of sight.
"You couldn't just stop causing trouble for one day? what did we pay you for?" Hope heard Sally barking.
The sound of Sally's voice came from an alleyway, as Hope entered the alley the clean white paint started fading into rotting maroon bricks and the smell became foul coming from the open dumpster "Ewwwww" Hope said as she lowered the lid to try and lessen the stench
"Hey you know it's rude to close the lid on someone trying to fetch themselves a meal" a bald man barked as he popped out like a jack in the box he had a white beard wearing over shoulder strapped brown pants with a black plastic bag for a shirt and a metal can of beans for a hat and his left eye with a grey iris spinning his shoulder emblem only consisted of a simple brown circle, Hope screamed and ran away "Oh beans was that a Moonshine?" the man asked himself "Well I probably should skip town" he said to himself with a goofy smile while snapping his fingers.
Hope stopped running and started panting "Now you are lucky I am not here in head bashing duty or I would have sent you to a one way trip to the Outer ring and the monsters there could deal with you" Hope heard Sally scolding, she walked to the end of the alleyway the place beyond it was extremely different people clothes were worn out in which the holes were covered up by half baked sewn rotting fabric the road didn't exist it was simply a dirt undefined path and walls were all made of rotting bricks same as that of the alley, windows were broken and the stench of garbage filled the air, Hope saw Sally tying up a bunch of muscular men with a magic rope.
Sally glanced over and saw Hope "Princess what are you doing here?" she asked with dismay the rope holding the gangsters vanished they got up and shook of the dust and looked up and saw Hope and they all ran away in terror "Moonshine here run awway". All of a sudden all the people went indoors and the windows were sealed shut with wood and hammered with nails and just like that the place looked like a ghost town.
submitted by TrusticTunic26 to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:32 MonuNishad Political Science & International Relations (PSIR) in UPSC

Political Science & International Relations (PSIR) in UPSC

Introduction to PSIR Optional in UPSC

Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) is one of the 48 optional subjects offered by UPSC for the Civil Services Main Examination. The PSIR optional is divided into two papers, each carrying 250 marks, totaling 500 marks.

Importance of PSIR in UPSC

PSIR is popular among aspirants due to its significant overlap with the General Studies papers, particularly GS Paper II, and its applicability in the Personality Test. This subject helps in developing analytical, critical, and communicative skills, essential for the UPSC examination.

Detailed Syllabus of PSIR Optional

Paper 1: Political Theory and Indian Politics
  • Political Theory: Definitions, Approaches, and Key Concepts.
  • Indian Government and Politics: Constitution, Political Dynamics, and Governance.
Paper 2: International Relations and Comparative Politics
  • Comparative Politics: Methodologies, Theories, and Structures.
  • International Relations: Theories, Diplomacy, Global Issues, and India's Foreign Policy.

Why Choose PSIR?

High Overlap with General Studies Papers: PSIR covers substantial portions of the syllabus of GS Papers I, II, III, and IV, reducing the overall preparation burden.
Relevance in Personality Test: The subject's content enhances a candidate's understanding of current affairs, international diplomacy, and governance, which is crucial for the Personality Test.

Preparation Strategy for PSIR

Understanding the Syllabus: A thorough understanding of the syllabus is the first step. Candidates should familiarize themselves with the topics and subtopics.
Recommended Books and Resources:
  • Political Theory: An Introduction by Rajeev Bhargava and Ashok Acharya.
  • Western Political Thought: From Socrates to the Age of Ideology by Brian R Nelson.
  • Various books and notes compiled by Plutus IAS, tailored for PSIR optional.
Role of Coaching and Mentorship: Coaching provides structured guidance, expert insights, and comprehensive materials that are crucial for effective preparation.

Plutus IAS: The Best Coaching for PSIR

About Dr. Bijendra Jha: Dr. Jha is a distinguished academic with an M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Political Science from JNU. With over a decade of teaching experience and a focus on socio-economic affairs and political research, he has guided many aspirants to success in PSIR.
Teaching Methodology: Plutus IAS emphasizes interactive learning, with small batch sizes (40-50 students) to ensure personalized attention. The teaching approach includes regular doubt-solving sessions, test series, and personalized feedback.

Online and Hybrid Learning Facilities

Features of Online Coaching: Plutus IAS offers live online interactive classes, recorded lectures, PDF notes, and continuous access to materials until the batch ends. These features cater to the needs of distance learners.
Benefits of Hybrid Mode: The hybrid mode allows students to benefit from both offline and online classes, providing flexibility and comprehensive learning experiences.

Fee Structure and Course Details

  • Offline Fee: Rs. 60,000 (incl. GST)
  • Online Fee: Rs. 55,000 (incl. GST)
  • Hybrid Fee: Rs. 65,000 (incl. GST)

Success Stories and Testimonials

Performance of Past Students: Many students who have opted for PSIR at Plutus IAS have achieved top ranks in the UPSC exam.
Feedback from Alumni: Former students praise the institute for its excellent faculty, personalized attention, and comprehensive study materials.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Choosing PSIR as an Optional: PSIR is chosen for its overlap with GS papers and its usefulness in the Personality Test.
Preparation Plan: A disciplined study schedule, starting with NCERTs and moving to advanced books, supplemented by coaching and test series, is recommended.
Course Benefits and Materials: Plutus IAS provides well-structured notes, regular tests, and one-on-one mentorship, crucial for effective preparation.
In conclusion, PSIR is a strategic optional subject for UPSC aspirants, offering a blend of theoretical and practical knowledge crucial for civil services. Plutus IAS, with its expert faculty and comprehensive coaching methodology, stands out as a premier institute for PSIR optional preparation.
submitted by MonuNishad to u/MonuNishad [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:24 Natural-Baby9566 The house of secrets

*** this is based on a vivid dream I had but I turned into a longer story so some parts seem weird but it gets better as I do have multiple parts****
I had always known my family was strange, but I never imagined the extent of it until I visited my dad and the kids. The house was tucked away in a remote corner of the countryside, surrounded by dense woods that seemed to close in the deeper you ventured. It was a place that felt untouched by time, and I arrived under the heavy weight of an unshakable unease. At first, everything appeared normal. My dad was his usual self, watching me chat with my cousins and friends. I noticed Danielle around, her presence shadowy and unsettling. Were she and my dad married now? It was unclear, but there was something odd about the way they interacted. As evening descended, the atmosphere grew tense. The kids, who had been playing happily, began to act strangely. One of them, who wasn't my brother or sister, clung to me, jumping up and down and then wrapping themselves around my leg like a terrified monkey. Their eyes were wide, darting nervously around the room. My dad walked by, his face drawn with weariness. "Well, this is where the freaking family starts. Same shit happens every day," he muttered, more to himself than to anyone else. I asked him, "Here?" trying to understand what he meant, but he only sighed. "You're going to stay here for the year, pretending to be my wife so no one gets suspicious," he said matter-of-factly. My heart sank. I needed to call Momma J, but when I tried, all I could get out were quick hellos before the signal crapped out. Dad warned me not to mention anything bad or what he had just said. I decided to go outside, hoping for a moment of clarity. As I walked down the patio stairs, I noticed an unusual number of people gathered at the front gates. It was unsettling. I turned back and headed quickly to the backyard, trying to make sense of the situation. That's when Charles, my father's friend, called my name. "Now you can stay here for three years, and I'm gonna be your husband," he declared with a chilling grin. "No! You’re my dad!" I screamed, horrified by his words. His face twisted with anger as he stomped towards me, cursing. "You won't have a phone for a year!" he shouted, reaching to grab it from me. Fear fueled my adrenaline, and I dodged him, running as fast as I could. I sprinted past Dom and Mark, who seemed oblivious to the chaos. I burst through a side door, only to find myself in a dark, narrow hallway that led to a decrepit building adjacent to the house. There, a group of investigators from Siegel were inspecting the premises. Desperately, I turned around to see if there was another way out, but the door I had come through was closed. The air grew thick with dread, and I realized I was trapped. The investigators moved methodically, examining every nook and cranny. They hadn’t noticed me yet. I hid behind a crumbling wall, my breath coming in shallow gasps. From my hiding spot, I could hear Charles and my dad discussing their plans. Their voices were low and conspiratorial, filled with a sinister edge that sent shivers down my spine. "This is all part of it," Charles was saying. "The isolation, the manipulation. It's how we keep control." I peeked out, trying to make sense of their conversation. They mentioned a hidden room in the basement, a place where they kept those who tried to escape or defy their twisted rules. My heart pounded as I realized the true horror of my situation. I wasn’t just a pawn in a bizarre family ruse; I was a prisoner in a house of secrets and unspeakable evil. Summoning all my courage, I crept towards the investigators. I had to get their attention without alerting Charles or my dad. As I neared them, I accidentally knocked over a stack of old books. The sound echoed through the hallway. One of the investigators turned and saw me. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked, his voice full of concern. "Please, help me," I whispered urgently. "They’re not what they seem." Before he could respond, Charles and my dad burst into the room. Their faces contorted with rage and panic. "What are you doing here?" my dad snarled at the investigators. "Step away from her," one of the investigators demanded, pulling out a badge. "We’re with Siegel Investigations. We’ve had reports of suspicious activity here." Charles lunged at me, but the investigators intervened, quickly restraining him and my dad. Relief washed over me, but it was short-lived as I realized this was only the beginning. The house held many more secrets, and I had just scratched the surface. As the investigators led us out, I caught a glimpse of Danielle standing in the shadows, her eyes hollow and filled with fear. She mouthed something to me, but I couldn’t make it out. One thing was clear: the horror that had plagued this house was far from over, and its darkness had only just begun to unravel.
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2024.06.01 08:24 TheLotStore The Benefits of Buying Cheap Land for Sale

The Benefits of Buying Cheap Land for Sale
The Benefits of Buying Cheap Land for Sale
There are multiple advantages to acquiring inexpensive land for sale, whether for investment goals, recreational use, or development. This article will delve into the reasons why purchasing affordable land can be a wise decision and how it can offer various advantages for both individuals and businesses.
  1. Economical Investment Opportunity
One of the primary benefits of investing in low-cost land for sale is that it provides an economical investment opportunity. Land is a limited resource, and its value tends to appreciate over time. By acquiring land at a low price, investors can potentially realize significant returns on their investment as the property's value increases. Furthermore, inexpensive land can be an excellent choice for individuals who aim to initiate the construction of their real estate portfolio but have a restricted budget.
When searching for affordable land, it's crucial to evaluate the location and the potential for future development or resale. Regions that are undergoing growth and development often present prime investment opportunities, as the value of land is likely to rise in the upcoming years. Investors should also scrutinize the local market conditions, as well as any zoning regulations and land use limitations that may impact the property's value and potential uses.
  1. Recreational Utilization
Another benefit of acquiring low-priced land for sale is the chance for recreational utilization. Many individuals harbor aspirations of owning a parcel of land where they can retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life and relish the natural environment. Economical land can offer an affordable option for individuals seeking to own a weekend sanctuary, a hunting ground, or a location for constructing a vacation home.
Whether it's a secluded wooded plot, a picturesque waterfront property, or a tract of land in the rural area, affordable land provides an opportunity to establish a personal retreat and enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, fishing, camping, and wildlife observation. It's imperative to ensure that the land is suitable for the intended recreational purposes and has the necessary access to amenities such as water, electricity, and road access.
  1. Potential for Expansion
For enterprises and individuals interested in expanding land for commercial, residential, or agricultural purposes, acquiring inexpensive land for sale can present significant potential for long-term gains. Cost-effective land can offer an opportunity to construct or enlarge a business, develop residential properties, or establish a farm or ranch at a lower initial cost.
Prior to purchasing affordable land for development, it's crucial to conduct comprehensive due diligence, including a feasibility study, environmental assessment, and land survey to ascertain the property's suitability for the intended use. Moreover, buyers should research local zoning and land use regulations, as well as any potential infrastructure developments and economic trends that may influence the property's value and growth potential.
  1. Diversification of Holdings
Investing in affordable land for sale can also offer an opportunity to diversify one's portfolio and spread out risk. Land is a tangible asset that provides protection against inflation and market volatility. By incorporating cost-effective land into an investment portfolio, individuals can safeguard against the uncertainties of the stock market and other financial assets while potentially benefitting from long-term appreciation and income generation.
It's important to note that land investment necessitates a long-term outlook and may not provide immediate liquidity compared to other investment alternatives. However, for investors aiming to establish long-term wealth and stability, acquiring inexpensive land for sale can be a valuable addition to their overall asset allocation strategy.
  1. Versatility and Autonomy
Ultimately, purchasing low-priced land for sale offers a sense of versatility and autonomy for individuals and businesses. Land ownership provides the opportunity to utilize the property as desired, whether for personal enjoyment, recreational activities, business development, or long-term investment. In contrast to other categories of real estate, land can be held indefinitely without the costs and complexities of maintaining structures and buildings.
Furthermore, owning affordable land can offer a sense of independence and self-sufficiency, as it provides a blank canvas for creating a custom living space, business location, or recreational retreat without the constraints of an existing structure or development.
In conclusion, acquiring inexpensive land for sale can offer multiple advantages, including affordable investment opportunities, recreational utilization, potential for expansion, diversification of holdings, versatility, and autonomy. However, it's important for buyers to conduct comprehensive research and due diligence to ensure that the land aligns with their needs and objectives, and to consider potential challenges and opportunities associated with the property. With careful planning and consideration, purchasing affordable land can be a prudent decision with the potential for long-term rewards and satisfaction.
View our amazing property deals at TheLotStore.Com.
Additional Information: https://thelotstore.com/the-benefits-of-buying-cheap-land-for-sale/?feed_id=12749
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