Confused about two people you in love with quotes

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2008.03.11 21:04 /r/quotes: For your favorite quotes

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2014.12.02 00:19 Poemi Two Redditors colliding. It's a small world.

2redditors1cup! a place where folks across the internet cross ways in an unexpected way! sometimes the world can be incredibly small.

2011.08.05 19:02 Slashur_8 QuotesPorn

Words. Beautiful, beautiful words.

2024.06.01 16:18 kymiche My partner is 43 years older & groomed me. Now he’s left me with two small children

My partner left me with our two young children after grooming me for years. How do I heal?
I am 26f and my ex partner is 69m.
That’s hard to type out and admit to the situation I’ve found myself in. This has been my biggest secret for years.
I met my partner at 19. I worked as a waitress at the barestaurant he owns. I had a lot of fun I was cute and I loved being around customers. My personality was sarcastic and charming. A lot of people became my friends there. He watched me a lot and he gave me uneasy vibes. I kept it to myself he was a known creep. I didn’t think much of it until I had turned 21 (still working as a waitress) and he started becoming inappropriate with me. He would touch me around corners and spaces where I couldn’t push him away or it would be obvious to others what he was doing. For some reason I didn’t want to get him caught. He stayed in a dark room next to the bathrooms when I went to go pee one drink night after work I was drinking with my coworkers. He held my wrists led me into the dark side of the room and forcibly made me make out with him. That was the beginning.
I didn’t have much family and what I did have was an addict mother and a distant dad. I didn’t have a good example or even anyone to talk to about this. He poured sweet words into my head and professed his love and honestly it felt nice. He had found out I was a virgin after our first encounter. I was too scared to tell him I didn’t want to look like a child. He treated me like a hookup. Once he found out I was a virgin and he was my first he had become obsessive with me.
I found out he was married and had children older than me. He gave me the same story any married man would give you and me being so struck by him I dealt with it. I know I’m wrong. I will be punished in life for what I’ve done emotionally to this other woman. I’m not a victim.
He convinced me to have his child. He was having sex with me unprotected and professed how badly he wanted another chance at fatherhood. He was so busy with his first children he felt he missed out. His parents moved from his hometown in Greece to help him and his wife raise the children. I gave in. I was 23 and wanted a child. I knew he could support that child comfortably. I was very naive.
I was induced and had a quiet lonely labor without him present. I moved in with my mother and raised my daughter quietly mostly on my own. (My pregnancy was kept secret until I gave birth) I loved her so much. My whole life felt changed. It was hard to cope having him pop in and out but I tried to believe his love and made it work. Anytime I asked him for more time he got angry and told me I was asking too much. He was becoming insecure and more controlling. He secretly put trackers on my car. Had my phones location and checked my phone regularly.
I broke it off because I resented my loneliness so much. I became close with a guy my age. He was compassionate, loved my daughter, and enjoyed being my friend. My ex partner discovered my relationship by having microphones and trackers on my car and diaper bag
I was trying to coparent with my partner but he makes it very difficult trying to bring me back to him. Eventually he convinced me to come back to him move out of my home and try to be a family. I give in and try my best to make this work. He is more insecure calling me insults. A whore for being with another man and that I have ruined everything he will never love me the same. He eventually calms down and we get into a little routine with very high ups and very low lows.
Fast forward I accidentally become pregnant with our second child. I was distraught. I didn’t know how I would handle two children on my own with little help. My pregnancy put me in the hospital a dozen times from extreme sickness which looking back was extreme anxiety. I wanted to terminate but I couldn’t afford it and he wouldn’t allow me to. He confessed the affair to his wife and he moved in fully with me. She threatened me and tried to confront me but I was very pregnant and sick I couldn’t handle it. He reassured me he was with me because the kids needed him. He promised he would never leave. I tried to be secure and be excited for our second child. We found out she was another girl. I was happier than I’d been in years.
A few days before I had our daughter his oldest child died in a tragic accident. I tried to wait and hold off going into labor before the funeral. I had my child the morning of his viewing.
Midnight I went into labor he had stumbled home after drinking and grieving. He tried to force sexual acts on me but I had to explain I was in labor. He yelled at me on the way to the hospital for being in so much pain I threw up in his car. He was so different. I chalked it up to his child dying I needed to let him go through it atleast he was here this time.
I had a very hard labor our daughter got stuck but she came three hours later. He seemed disassociated the whole birth. He left an hour after I had her to go home sleep and get ready for the viewing later. He patted my shoulder and said good job. I bit my lip and tried to be positive. My mother brought me home two days later
I learned to breastfeed and give my toddler attention. I never asked him to help me I was on my own again and I was determined to do it on my own. He was in between my house and his ex wives to help . They were both grieving I tried to be understanding but I was alone except for at night. I started resenting him and fighting more than ever before. He started going away on fishing trips more and more. He only came home for sex. I kept the house clean and tried to keep him happy with sex even if my body wasn’t ready. He was getting frustrated and pushing me away. He couldn’t accept my postpartum and said him being financially responsible was enough. I asked too much and I wasn’t happy all I did was bitch at him I was unappreciative I was a whore. Eventually nothings could be said. Maybe I’m wrong for bitching all the time I couldn’t stop I just wanted to pull him in and be there for him while he was grieving
I had a lot of suspicions. He started hating me. He insulted me and put me down sex started to hurt. He was different. I became different and angry when before I would pretend to be happy
It all ended a few days ago. He called on his way back from a fishing trip. He said we were done I pushed him away I caused this. After a lot of me begging for an explanation he finally told me he’s going back to his wife they need to support each other in their grief. He says I played a huge role in this and his child dying was karma for what we did. He packed all of his things and I came home to an empty house. I’m gutted and devastated.
Our last conversation he wants me to live in our current home that he owns and he will make a lease agreement I have to sign. I will not be doing that. I will be moving with my family an hour and a half away and filing emergency custody. I will let him have some time as well. One of the terms in his lease is that I have to agree to never have another man around our kids. I will never sign and let him control me again
How do I heal and coparent with this man that hurt me all these years.
submitted by kymiche to ToxicRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:17 horseshoeoverlook 27 [M4F] meet your new date!

Hello one and all!
It’s time to meet your new date haha!
I’m u/horseshoeoverlook, occasional poster.
I’m in a never-ending quest to meet new friends and perhaps a date. It is also to expand my social circle because idk why the fuck it happens haha.
I’ve met a number of people here and I’d say na mixed haha may nagtatagal and may nagiging friends talaga.
About me: Sagittarius, 5’11, with glasses, likes sports, is extroverted, potty mouth, pretty blunt, may come off as a bully, loves Ariana Grande and her three years of non-music (until March 8), NGSB, extremely wild schedule
You: willing to be irl friends if it doesn’t work, Instagram moots, and could keep up with my incessant talking ☺️

Please message me na lang hahaa i couldn’t message you may glitch ata

submitted by horseshoeoverlook to PhR4Friends [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:17 sambobjammin What style to go for?

What style to go for?
I have been on Minox for about two years now, I'm 37 and had about 20 hairs in total on my face in my 30s so everything here is minox with some dermarolling.
I've finally had a few people mention the word beard whilst looking at my face which is something I never thought would happen after years of being the butt of facial hair jokes. So in all I'm definitely happy and I know that it will continue to fill in because I am the first to admit its a thin beard. (you get that horrible side angle where you can see through it)
The question I've got is how to style something thin like this, I try my best to have sharp lines when possible rather than just let everything grow, is it just a case of keeping it tidy until is fuller?
submitted by sambobjammin to Minoxbeards [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:17 ChocoGoodness I want to kill I man I've never met

He fills me with so much fucking rage and I don't even know what he looks like.
My best friend has a horrible dad. He views his daughters as objects to torment their mother with. They're divorced, but he does everything he can to torture their mom. She has to live at her parents' house because she has to spend thousands of dollars a month on legal fees.
I hate this man so fucking much.
My poor friend is scared of him. My strongest memory of her, even though it was at least 4 years ago, was at a church event about fear. She was called onstage alongside 3 other kids who were asked to say their biggest fear so the speaker could give suggestions on how not to be scared and how Jesus can help. The other kids had regular fears - spiders, the dark, etc - but my friend said her father was her biggest fear. That has always stuck with me.
This stupid mf of a man doesn't take care of her or her sister. He's black and their mother is white, so they have their father's hair, and yet he never helps them with their hair, even though it's really difficult to keep maintained. He lives in his car and rents hotel rooms when he has them, but he doesn't even give them separate beds. They're forced to sleep in the same bed and stay in one hotel room.
He's constantly fighting for custody even though he doesn't love them. He goes way too far for this. Last year, when he had my friend and her sister for the weekend, he took my friend to the emergency room and said she had a seizure so her driver's permit would be taken away. She had to go to a special doctor with her mom to prove she doesn't have seizures.
And now he's kidnapping them again. Technically it isn't 'kidnapping', but it is. Every summer he'll take them "for the weekend" and keep them for the entire summer so they can't do anything with their mother. Hell frequently take them out of state, and he doesn't let them contact their mother, even though that's illegal.
You know what the courts do about this? Fucking NOTHING. Their mom has so much written evidence of his mistreatment of them and blatant dishonesty, but they don't listen. Even though they've lived outside of California for 9 years, they have to abide by the Californian court, and they ALWAYS side with the dad, most likely because he's a black man.
California, you claim you love and accept people of different races. Then why the FUCK do you let my best friend and her sister suffer even though they're half black? They're terrified of their father and he's clearly a bad person, and yet you let him get away with this shit all the time!
If jail didn't exist, I would fucking murder this man. I'd stab him in the torso, the head, the throat, the heart. Everywhere. I want him to choke on blood.
This man fills me with rage so bad that I've nearly hit myself multiple times to get the rage out. I hate him.
I hope he gets in a horrible car crash on his way to pick them up and dies.
submitted by ChocoGoodness to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:17 PalpitationCertain90 AITA for not wanting to cause conflict

Hello all. First time poster here, so please be nice.
First some background. I was married to my first wife for 12 years before she passed away leaving me with two children. A few years later I remarried and I can tell you that its been a major challange for both my kids and my wife. Wont go into it, but suffice to say, we had a lot of adjustment. I used to be the disciplinarian for my kids, but after their Mom died, I let some of that go. My new wife is very much the enforcer and I’ve learned to support her over the years (for the betterment of our children), bit I’ve often also needed to pull her back from the draconian way she wants to run children (she sees them ad young adults either full capabilities rather than developing people). All in all, I think we reached a good place over all, and we both worked to fond that balance, but it has been a struggle.
My daughter just recently turned 18 and her relationship with my wife has deteriorated over about the last year and a half. I know this is normal and my wife and I have been handling this. My daughter is in the process of moving out (her choice, not ours) and I’m kinda proud at how she figured out her finances and everything. As she was cleaning out her room though (she has hording tenancies) we started talking about what to do with her trash. Tons of garbage. Fortunately our HOA has a dumpster day where they make dumpsters available and my daughter agreed she would have all her trash done and she would take it to the dumpster.
Today, she came to me and said she would be unable to take the trash to the dumpster as agreed because she had a meeting she didn’t know about. I told her I was upset because we didn’t have room in our trash. After talking I told her to load her trash into my car and I would take it over for her.
I talked to my wife and she got angry with me. She said my daughter should pay $80 to take it to the dump because she failed to follow through and I know she thinks I bail the kids out far too often. This hasn’t been true for the last couple of years, but she was not wrong. In this case, though, my daughter is literally out the door. We have one more day of dealing with this crap and I told my wife it was far less aggravation for me to deal with the trash than to simply do it for her this one last time.
And yes, we made it clear that when shes on her own, she cant continue to use us as a crutch, so this truly is the last time. AITAH for choosing to avoid conflict and drama to just get things done and have my daughter depart on amiable terms. I know I’m taking a very “male” outlook on this and choosing the path of least resistance.
submitted by PalpitationCertain90 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:15 shabebi I M19 dont know what to do! Im with my Long Distance GF of 1 1/2 year F20 help?!

Me and my girlfriend are now 1 1/2 Years in a Long distance Relationship. I come from a German speaking Country and we talk in English. About the Argument/problem where i need help on: So my girlfriend F(20) went through my YT watch History and found Videos of me watching like those Dating Videos where Woman alot of Times are represented with shorter Clothing. Wich i personally watch because of entertainment because how the people communicate in that and certain Comedians are dating/ trying to Rizz up Girls. Videos about a German meme Family going onto a Bikini Modeling show (where the show is 10% from the Video) wich i got recommended and my thaught was i just know them from memes. Like it has to be a funny video? Also in the Thumbnail was Robert Geiss ( family member of the Meme family ) with a slip over his pants, and blurred in the background, the Show. Then also an amount of videos of a Female Actor where she is in all with the other ( male )main Actor from a New Series/Show wich came out and is a Comedy/ Romantic Show? And because i was interested in what the Series or also them two is all about, ( i know the actor from one of my Favorite Movies ) i then watched some Videos. Apparently a Blooper video of both of them wich i dont remember where her B00bs are shown in the thumbnail from what my Gf said. ( wich dont make sense because YT doenst allow something like that if im correct )And also multiple Videos of German Youtubers. If Somebody knows them Inscope 21, Tomsprm, Marc eggers and more ppl like them. Where either the Videos are about a street survey. And the most asked Gender are Woman. Or as a Clickbait a Woman even tho it is 1% about the actual clip or something of that Woman. And 99% is just comedy. Now the Argument is about that i micro cheated on her wich from my perspective is not making any sense. Because i didnt Watch the videos Because of the Woman. Just because of entertainment. ( the named videos are eventually around 15% of videos wich i have watched in the Last 3 Months. The others are Car things, … , … ) But i also understand Her GF (20) because she doesnt know any of them and just sees the Thumbnails and that there are Woman wich are with less clothing. I understand that my fault in this is that i didnt think of where the watching of Videos like that could go and make her Feel. As a Reaction tho from her came the try to hurt my feelings on purpose with telling me that if people found out that we Broke Up that some guys wich are in her Scool whatever. That Guys would come to have a chance on Her GF(20) and more hurtful things. She (GF) didnt believe and still doesnt believe anything that i am saying. The Reason to not are other events that happend the last few months. Wich are the same way. I do something. She sees it other than i do and doesnt trust my words. ( it happend around 2+ times) And this was 2 Weeks ago. We talked about it in the meanwhile a few times and were left at the same point. That she doenst feel Love to me or from me anymore, Is disgusted, and is not wanting to try to solve the problem with me. Rather distance herself than work on it together. And is only together with me because i ( Bf(20)) wants to. I dont know what to do. Because i Love her and i want our Relationship to Last and grow and work. Sorry for bad Grammar.
submitted by shabebi to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:13 amazingperson8 How does “confessing your feelings” work?

I’ve never been in a relationship and every time I’ve confessed feelings I’ve gotten rejected so I’m confused on how it works if they actually are interested in you back.
My understanding is that most relationships happen with two people who regularly go on dates, hang out, talk to each other, etc and eventually one person asks the other if they want to make it an exclusive relationship. There’s no real confession of feelings or anything. So, how does this work if someone does confess feelings and the other one does it back. I see stories on here of someone confessing to their close friend that they like them and their friend says they like them too in return. In a scenario like this, do they immediately start being in a relationship, or is there still usually a phase in between like there is in the normal example?
submitted by amazingperson8 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:13 DezyneSkills [For Hire] PowerPoint Presentation Designer - Pitch Decks, Company Profiles, Corporate Templates, and Slide Makeovers

I’m a PowerPoint presentation designer with over 6 years of work experience.
During this time, I have helped many people articulate insights and close more sales. I’d love to help you do the same. I have designed presentations for industries such as SaaS, Real Estate, Healthcare, Life Science Consulting, Mining, IT, Engineering, and Food Packaging.
I have also used Microsoft PowerPoint to create investor pitch decks and client-facing informative presentations in addition to decks for internal operations meetings within organizations.
$400 per project. This fee covers all assets, technical requests, and revisions.
Find out more about my work here:
What can I build for you?
Get in Touch
For inquiries, please send me a message here on Reddit. I usually communicate with clients through email but I’m also open to using other communication platforms.
submitted by DezyneSkills to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:13 Extra_Actuary_6540 F1 24 Handling is great, way more realistic

If you drive realistic it behaves realistic.
Just because something is new and harder to control does not mean it's bad? I know it's a lot easier to complain about something than learning to tackle something, but thats what you have to do with new things... Learn...
I've gotten used to the new and it's so much fun!!
This game is more forgiving, but it is harder to control tire wear and find the right setups for example. Also, you can now feel more in tune with the car.
Maybe some of the imbalance people notice is from the fact that the handling is more dynamic. And the aerodynamics are more present in all of driving.
It's a little bit sad to see everyone follow youtuber opinions on how it feels. First of, make your own opinion by playing and giving it a chance. Second, when did any content creator become an F1 driver, F1 expert or engineer... Mechanic? Idk...
Even if an F1 driver is payed to say it's more realistic, I still believe them more than any sim racer.
Remember this game is not even a full on sim racing game. Damn it's good for not beeing that...
F1 24 feels to me more like racing a real car. Ive never raced an F1 car, very very few people have, but I believe it has more of a real feel to it in f1 24. I am a car enthusiast, with mechanical experience and a lot of driving experience. Going in to different types of corners at different speeds has never been consistent. Miss the race line by a little bit and the turn will be very different. Of course...
It needs more focus and consideration this year. It's racing.
I truly love it. I hope they don't fix anything else than glitches and bugs.
submitted by Extra_Actuary_6540 to F1Game [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:11 Leeopatra18 My aunt died two weeks ago who I was really close to, Just found out the funeral is today and my parents did not invite me

If you’ve read any of my previous posts in this sub Reddit you will see I am an adopted jw. Even though blood this isn’t my family I love and miss them all the time. About two weeks ago another aunt on my moms side who has been shunned due to just not going to meetings and who I am also very close with, called me to inform my aunt on my dads side had died, she was a beautiful woman and I loved her so much. I texted my dad and my mom and my mom answered on both cause my dad was a mess and couldn’t text back, texted a little bit and then checked up on them and got a short message back. I just assumed they’d text me when the funeral was cause it’s always at a Kingdom Hall. My aunt on my mom side just texted me saying the funeral is today in 3 hours… I think I’ve finally reached my breaking point. I’ve never heard of people not being invited to their families funerals? Is this a new thing! I am disfellowshipped but they would always use that as the perfect time to try and get people back so I’m just confused as to why. I don’t even want to go cause I know this is my dad just punishing me. My dad did not really want to adopt me I feel even tho I needed a father figure so badly. As I grew up my mom had to force him to spend time with me. And when I left he was so hateful towards me while my mom while still living was just upset, anyway I’m going to remember my aunt in her own way today! But I just want to know if anyone else has had this problem.
submitted by Leeopatra18 to exjw [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:10 lets_just_n0t Okay OKAY, let’s talk CX-70. More info in the body.

Okay OKAY, let’s talk CX-70. More info in the body.
My local dealer finally has a CX-70 on the lot.
Before the unveil, I was extremely excited about this car and said more than once I’d be the first in line to order. But then they unveiled it…
I’ll be the first to admit I’ve been very critical, and sometimes straight up hateful of Mazda since the CX-70 unveil. It’s a broken record at this point and we all know what’s been said. But since they had one, I stopped in to take a look.
Oddly enough, after seeing it in person, my opinion has completely changed. I don’t know if it’s the redesigned bumpers or what. But it does feel smaller.
Here’s some side by side photos of it and my 2021 6. It’s almost exactly the same length. In comparison to my 6, it doesn’t look or feel as big as the numbers say it is. And I would absolutely consider buying one again. I know the CX-90 would measure up the same way, because I did the same comparison with one that was about 50 feet away, and it did. Although I’m still not convinced that the 70 isn’t actually a couple inches shorter.
Since the unveil, I’ve constantly been saying the CX-70 is pointless, and if I had a need for it, I’d buy the CX-90. But now that I’ve seen it in person, my opinion is actually the exact opposite of that.
Now I feel as though the CX-70 is the correct size for a 2 row and the CX-90 should have been bigger. Maybe keep it the same size but don’t slope the rear as much, and make it more square so you gain cargo space and 3rd row head room. I know it’s easy to look at the numbers and disagree with that. (I’ve personally called it a “bus” multiple times.) But in person, it really doesn’t feel like it’s that big. And the 90 should be bigger.
I know the CX-90 is on the smaller side for 3rd row SUVs already, and now seeing the CX-70, it shows. The CX-70 just looks big because of the long hood and fenders and general front end. But A-pillar back? It’s exactly the size you’d expect from a 2 row. And in comparison to my 6, doesn’t look large at all. I’ve been picturing it being like a full foot longer than my 6. Some huge behemoth that would be impossible to navigate anywhere. But it’s almost exactly the same length as the car I dart around in traffic in with ease every day.
Seeing it parked next to my car, disregarding the CX-90’s existence for a second, all I could think was “Yeah, that makes sense. That’s the right size.” And now I feel like the CX-90 is just a CX-70 with a 3rd row shoe-horned into a space that isn’t big enough for one.
I know plenty of people will still hate on it, and that’s fine. Comment away. I’ve been probably one of the worst I know. Extremely critical, and even downright nasty at times. But somehow seeing it in person has completely changed my mind.
I’m actually glad I felt the way I did after the unveil, because it made me realize how much I love my 6 and now I actually can’t imagine getting rid of it. I’ll pay it off and keep it. But maybe in a couple years when it’s paid off and I can afford another payment? The 70 is back at the top of my list.
submitted by lets_just_n0t to mazda [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:10 art_by_willow_winkle I respect their attempt to empathise but…

I respect their attempt to empathise but…
I’ve known I have some form of HSD or EDS almost all my life because theres quite an extensive history of it in my family— mainly my mum and my cousin on my mothers side of the family, and my older sister also has a diagnosis for HSD. I have been figure skating professionally since I was 9 years old (I’m now turning 18 in exactly a week!) and only recently began dramatically lessening the hours I skate due to my pain levels worsening to the point I can’t stand up for longer than 20 minutes without being dead on the sofa unable to move by the end of the day. I dont have any sort of formal diagnosis yet, but started the process about a month ago, next appointment with the GP is to talk about the results of my blood tests and x-rays. Anyway, on to what I actually wanted to discuss in this post! I love this friend, who is also an ice skater but hasn’t been skating nearly as long as I have, and this is what she told me after the first time I ever told her I experience chronic pain. And just, sometimes I forget that when you tell people you have a disability that gives you chronic pain they respond like this… yes Suzan, you definitely get what its like to wake up in pain Every Single Morning No Matter What. Like, do they not realise how… patronising it is to admit you experience chronic pain, and be told “oh my god I totally get that! everytime I do this Really Physically Intensive sport I’m also in pain!”. I know it’s usually just that they dont know what experiencing chronic pain actually means but it’s still annoying. And I don’t want to be all but “no actually! you do not get it just because you have bad cramps after a strength and conditioning session!” but like… you just do not get it, because if you did you would not think those two things are equivalent!!!
To summarise, this is the first time something like this has actually happened to me, and since I don’t actually have many disabled friends who experience chronic pain, I wanted to know if you guys think my response to my friend saying this was okay. I would also love to hear of any similar interactions any of you may have had :)
submitted by art_by_willow_winkle to ehlersdanlos [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:08 Monarch357 Ficnapped: A Warm Gift

Memory transcription subject: Sare, Yotul Rebuilder Date [standardized human time]: January 31st, 2136
I pulled the hoodie tighter around myself. It had only gotten colder over the past few days; I’d taken multiple chances to thank Gavin for his gift. Every time I passed the human, I saw a grin spread across his face, and I felt something flutter in my stomach. I managed to keep myself composed enough as he joined me in the vegan line once again.
“You actually like this stuff?” I asked. I gestured to the rest of the extraterrestrials in the line. “I don’t think any of us do.”
He shrugged. “It’s different, at least. Two months of ham and cheese sandwiches does something to a man.”
I stared at him for a moment. He looked at me with a soft gaze and a slight smile, and I found myself admiring his eyes and the way his beanie-formed hair draped over them. His expression morphed to confusion, however, and he waved his hand at me.
“Earth to Sare? Are you… looking for something?”
I realized I’d just been standing there staring for a solid twenty seconds and I flushed deep green, pulling my scarf over my face. “I- uh, I’m alright, yeah! I’m just-” I wove my paws around futilely as if I could speak with them. I gestured for Gavin to move ahead of me in the line, and he let out a small laugh as he walked past to pick up his meal. I followed shortly behind him, my face burning.
Today’s meal was some emulation of venlil cuisine. It was… alright, for something made by non-venlil chefs, but I’d had better in Earth’s vegan food. Gavin, however, seemed pretty excited by it.
“As long as I’ve worked here, I haven’t had much alien food.” He took a bite from his meal and continued speaking as he chewed. “Not bad. I think I prefer yotul food, though,” he said, musing as he looked off into the distance.
I piped up excitedly at that. “I could make you something!”
“You can?” he asked, genuine intrigue in his voice. “What could you do?”
There really wasn’t a lot of even human food available to cook with, let alone imports from Leirn that I was familiar with, but I felt like I needed to repay Gavin with something, at least.
“Uh-, well, there’s a type of salad back home I might be able to make with stuff here. Um… I don’t think it’d be very good, but-”
“Ah, don’t worry about that. Anything handmade is great if you put your heart into it,” he said, his tone reassuring and a smile on his face. I absentmindedly fiddled with the drawstrings of my hoodie as he took a few more bites from his lunch; a few moments passed before he looked at me and flushed a bit, then quickly finished his meal. I stared off into the distance, nothing in particular on my mind as I ate, but I saw Gavin hurry off to the administrator’s office. I downed my food and followed him with a brisk walk.
“What’s the rush?”
He looked me over for a moment before letting out a breath I couldn’t tell he was holding. “There’s still a lot of work to do today, y’know? It’s going to be cold tonight, and besides, it’s New Year’s Eve. I gotta get my work done quick so I have tonight free.”
We both paused for a moment. “What do humans do for the new year?” I asked.
“Normally, the tradition is to set off a bunch of fireworks- oh, those are like little explosive things-”
“There’s some great firework shows on Leirn,” I explained. “We’ve got ‘em too.” I could show you some hung on the tip of my tongue, something I deeply wanted to say but held myself back on.
“Oh, sweet! Anyway, yeah, that’s the usual thing, plus some typical family gathering and partying, but, uh… I don’t think anybody here could handle fireworks right now,” he continued, his expression trailing into something morose I couldn’t quite read. “But really, first and foremost, it’s about spending time with people you care about.”
“Guess we got that in common, then,” I added. “Where I’m from, it’s summer during the new year, so during the day, we spend time at beaches, usually, sometimes going on trips to somewhere cooler the day before. I’m not religious myself, but followers of Ralchi have a sort of traditional bonfire past sundown for the new year that most people recreate.”
“That’d be nice.”
“Yeah…” I mused. “Haven’t done anything like it in a while, and it’d be nice to spend a night around people I care about again…”
Gavin just looked at me.
“Nothing,” he said, quickly perking up. “C’mon. We’ve got stuff to do today.”
I nodded, and he led us off down the road to the suburbia we’d been cleaning up the past few weeks. Some other workers from the camp had tagged along; from chats between them, the peacekeepers in charge had directed anyone wanting a lighter day for the new year down this road.
I jogged a bit forward to catch up to Gavin ahead, only slowing my pace as I stepped to his side. He glanced at me for only a moment before offering a hand to hold, which I took. I felt my tail beat against the asphalt below us a few times before I got my heart under control.
“What’re we doing today?” I asked after a comfortable silence.
“Cleanup, mostly. UN wants this place cleared of debris for rebuilding.”
“That sounds… impossible, honestly. There’s just so much wreckage,” I said, a sense of exhaustion already creeping into my voice before we even got to work. I sighed. “I’m not sure I can do this.”
He shrugged. “Even if it’s impossible, why not? Maybe we won’t clean out everything, but we’re still cleaning out something, and that’s better than nothing.”
“I just… I don’t know. How’s it better than nothing if we can barely make a dent in all the garbage?”
“Well, look at it this way. A hundred thousand people used to live here-” he waved his hand in a wide arc over the townscape around us- “-and maybe we’ll never see more than ten grand again. But so what? Even if we only get five thousand people back in these houses, that’s still infinitely better than zero. You know?”
“...Yeah. Yeah, I guess I know.”
Gavin smiled. It was a warm grin, an expression I never wanted to see end, and a smile spread across my own face. “You feeling better?”
He put his arm around my shoulder in a quick hug that I reciprocated. “Let’s get going, then.”
Some of the group hung back to direct the debris-moving vehicles down into the deeper wreckage, but most of us, Gavin and myself included, focused on the smaller things; as inconsequential as it was, the light labor and simple repetition of shoveling up garbage felt rather therapeutic.
It didn’t take too long before a sort of pessimism started again. By the time a few hours had passed, my arms ached, my legs felt sore, and while seeing what we’d cleaned was encouraging, it felt dwarfed in the face of the mountains of concrete dust and shattered debris that still coated the town. I sighed, taking a seat on some of the more solid debris, feeling my tail sweep up loose dust. Gavin glanced back at me before setting down his own tools and taking a seat as well.
“This sucks,” he said after a few seconds of odd, semi-comfortable-semi-awkward silence.
The human nodded as if we’d just made some as yet unknown revelation, then let out a short laugh. I did, too, my laugh lasting perhaps a bit too long before I felt something crumple and a few tears slipped out of my eyes.
“Still gotta do it, though, y’know?”
I glanced back at him. Afternoon light glinted off the tears forming in his own eyes as he looked at me with a small smile of his own; despite the wetness accumulating on his cheeks, he took the chance to wipe my eyes with warm, gentle hands. I pressed at the tears on his own face and he flinched back, muttering watch the fur under his breath. I snickered a bit at his reaction.
“Still gotta do it,” I said. He nodded in response.
“But you don’t gotta do everything.”
“Yeah. Something’s enough,” he said, his voice trailing off as he looked over the areas we’d cleaned from a tiny portion of the city sprawl. The sound of machinery and the occasional working song echoed off the concrete and asphalt as we watched our comrades work in silence.
Even under the cold of the late day, the something had kept me warm, and before long, we’d reconvened at the headquarters for dinner. Unlike the morning, however, Gavin went for the human food line, and I opted to follow him.
“...Can you even eat this stuff?” he asked, pointing at the (at this point, comedically predictable) ham-and-cheese sandwiches that the cooks were handing out. One of them mirrored his sentiment, cocking their head and looking at me with a raised eyebrow.
“I… think? We weren’t cured, so it won’t kill me. Probably.”
He shrugged. Two sandwiches came, and he rifled through the bag at his side for an anti-allergy injector. “Don’t be stupid,” he said, tucking it into his pocket for quick access.
“This whole idea is pretty stupid,” I commented.
“Be… only a little bit stupid.”
We laughed as we sat down. I set my sandwich down and watched Gavin pick up his and take a bite, staring at him in fascination before realizing that this probably wasn’t something to be particularly fascinated by. Still, it was a pretty novel experience, nonetheless; I didn’t eat meat, and for the majority of my time on Earth, any meal time was separated between those who did and those who didn’t.
I took a tentative bite of the sandwich, which, thinking about it in a vacuum, is a rather strange way to think about one’s dinner, but I was certainly nervous in the moment.
“It’s… interesting,” I said, both meat and dairy decidedly unfamiliar tastes to me. The most familiar part was the saltiness, but this felt less like the mild flavor of roasted root vegetables and more like shoving seawater into my mouth. The texture was perhaps the most familiar part, albeit still strange; it reminded me most of Rinsan fiberfruit, but its taste made it surprisingly hard to swallow.
“‘Interesting’ as in… ‘good’?” Gavin asked. “‘Interesting’ as in ‘you’re not experiencing anaphylactic shock right now’?”
“I wouldn’t say good, but I don’t think I’d say bad or trying to kill me either,” I commented after forcing down another bite.
“You don’t have to finish that, you know.”
“I’m committed," I retorted. It wasn’t inedible, at least, and the newness of the experience alone made it worth it.
After washing the flavor down with a copious amount of water, Gavin and I decided to get some rest a bit early; the winter sun had already crept low to the horizon and the work of the day set in. We could squeeze in a few hours of rest before seeing whatever festivities had been set up for the new year. My quarters weren’t too far from the canteen; if nothing else, the UN at least had the resources for all of us to get individual rooms, albeit small ones. I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Some indistinct time passed before a small snore woke me up. This wasn’t uncommon, given the thin walls of the pre-fab shacks we slept in, but I craned my head up to a lump on the floor, rather than a particularly loud sleeper elsewhere waking me. It took me a second to resolve it in the dark, but their large stature and ruffled hair meant they were a human, and the guess came naturally: Gavin.
He’d brought his own blankets and made himself a nest on my floor. My half-asleep head thought it wouldn’t be too bad; I bundled up the pillows and blankets from my own bed and tossed them on the floor in a disorganized heap, even worse than Gavin’s pile, and dropped onto it. He shuffled, grunted a bit, and turned over on his side, putting a reassuring arm over my shoulders. We both fell back asleep in that comfort almost instantly.
What finally woke us was the sound outside. A general din of activity grew loud enough to make it into my room, and Gavin rose before me, shaking my shoulder to wake me up in turn.
“Think it’s almost time,” he said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He stretched, standing on his feet and reaching the ceiling before offering his hand to pick me up. I took it and he led me by that hand forward, out to the people gathered.
The gathering wasn’t too big, but it was a hearty one, nonetheless. It was a mixture of humans, venlil, yotul, and the occasional other species assisting in the city, gathered in circles around campfires dotting the street and camp we lived in. I pointed one of the fires out; it was ringed by predominantly yotul, and I recognized the new year flame structure familiar to Leirn. One of the yotul there noticed us and waved us over to take seats with them.
Gavin sat near the fire, and I laid over him, my head resting in his lap as the small campfire burned in front of us. A quick glance around showed that we weren’t the only ones inching this close to the fire; my mind flashed back to memories of Leirn, of watching ceremonial bonfires burn and singing songs of home and history, even after the Federation arrived, and I felt myself start to tear up.
I don’t know if Gavin saw, or felt, or even knew at all, but I felt a strong hand rub the side of my head, scratch a bit behind my ears. I flinched a bit on instinct.
Gavin stammered a bit. “Uh- you- um, that alright?”
He resumed, and I felt my eyes gradually flutter closed to the sound of the fire crackling and a breeze blowing, his other arm wrapping around me. The night should’ve been freezing, but I felt the warmth of something stronger than cold wind and a dark night.
There was a brief bit of pressure on the top of my head. I picked myself up and planted a kiss in return on his cheek, laying back in his lap, his arm tightening closer around me. Three short words were all that remained.
“I love you.”
submitted by Monarch357 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:07 mansplanar 7 Expert Profile Tips For Hinge [Get More Messages & Dates!]

Hinge has positioned itself as a long-term relationship app, so that means your profile needs to convince her you’re true Boyfriend Material!
Sound like a tall order? Don't worry. We use Hinge on a daily basis, and have been since the app launched in 2012. You're about to benefit from our thousands of hours of direct user experience!
You see, we represent our clients on Hinge - optimizing their profiles, selecting their photo lineups, and sending messages on their behalf. We analyze everything, so we know what approaches work, what to avoid, and which strategies attract the best matches.
Thanks to our evidence-based approached, these 7 Hinge profile tips for men will make your profile irresistible! You’ll also get 11 examples of the best Hinge answers.
Let’s start with the main attraction…
Hinge Profile Tip #1: Aim For Perfection With Your Primary Photo
Don’t worry - it’s easier than it sounds! A team of European neuroscientists identified a checklist of what attributes combine to make the most attractive profile picture:
Eye contact is particularly important, as lack of it has a negative effect on her first impression of you. When she can look you straight in the eyes, you seem inherently more trustworthy and genuinely likeable.
That means sunglasses are not ideal for dating photos, and you don’t want to hide your eyes behind your hair or a Snapchat filter either.
Hinge Profile Tip #2: Embrace Quality Control
You know who gets excited about low-quality graphics? No one.
So when choosing your other 5 Hinge photos or videos, make sure they’re all high-quality images. You want your Hinge lineup to look intentional and curated, not like you pulled random images off your Facebook or phone.
Here’s the thing - when looking at images, human brains are wired to prefer simplicity and clarity.
When a picture has a high cognitive workload, it means your brain has to work harder to interpret what’s going on in the frame. The subject matter becomes less attractive the more complex it is.
Simple = attractive.
If your picture is blurry, has harsh highlights and dark shadows, or “artistic” effects that obscure your face, the odds she’s going to “like” or comment on it are drastically reduced - and that means you probably won’t match with her.
While artistic effects that complicate your photos are not good, using a black and white filter can increase the odds you’ll get some “likes” - by 106%. Try applying one to a photo or two in your lineup!
Hinge Profile Tip #3: Put Down The Selfie Stick
Selfies are problematic on Hinge for several reasons:

1. Selfies are a whopping 40% less likely to get “likes.” That number rockets up to 90% if it’s a bathroom selfie. Don’t go there.

2. Selfies are less attractive than non-selfies. A recent study compared two photos - a selfie, and a photo of that same person taken by someone else. The selfie version was perceived as less attractive and more narcissistic. Don’t cultivate that vibe on Hinge!

3. They don’t inspire comments. Which photo do you think will entice more comments and “likes”:

Dalmatians for the win!
Photos where you’re doing something are especially effective on Hinge, as it makes it easy for your match to start a conversation by asking about whatever is going on in the image.
Per their internal data, sports photos are the most popular when it comes to “likes,” and activity photos in general ranked highly.
Coming in dead last were pics where you’re posing with someone who could be an ex. A full 98% of singles said that was a turn off.
Hinge Profile Tip #4: Stay On The Bright Side
Now let’s talk about your profile text. The best Hinge prompts to answer let you highlight on an attractive trait or two in a positive way.
Remember, she’s looking for Boyfriend Material, so why waste space with negativity?
Take, for instance, the “Pet Peeves” prompt. It’s challenging to make your answer sound anything other than whiny, pessimistic, and overly bothered by the minutiae of daily life.
Plus, if it’s a shared pet peeve, chances are she’ll feel a flash of annoyance when she reads it - and guess who she’s going to associate that feeling with? (Spoiler alert: you).
You also want to avoid describing what she may perceive as a negative character trait or flaw:
With over 80 prompts to choose from and only 3 available slots, she’s going to wonder why you took up valuable space with what’s essentially a reason not to “like” you.
To decide which are the best Hinge profile questions for you to answer, take a minute and write down a list of things you bring to the table that you think your ideal woman would be looking for in a guy.
Stable career, physically fit, interesting hobbies, family oriented, able to afford vacations, responsible enough to care for a dog… things of that nature that illustrate why you’d be a particularly good catch.
Then compare that list to the available prompts, and choose the ones that best let you highlight a few of those traits. Simple!
Here are 4 great Hinge profile examples, plus insight into why they work:
If you’re still stuck on what to write in your Hinge profile, try using one of these creative Hinge answers that are general enough to fit anyone:
A blast-from-the-past fashion trend makes for a great conversation starter since most women can relate to it.
While these examples don’t necessarily highlight a desirable personality trait or hobby, they will bring a smile to her face.
Humor is a great strategy in a dating profile, if you can pull it off. Women can’t help but be drawn to funny guys - it’s the way her brain is wired.
Hinge Profile Tip #5: Make One Of The Prompts About Her
Marketing yourself in an appealing, intriguing way is the goal of your Hinge profile.
But including a tidbit about her is an effective strategy.
According to research, 70% of your dating profile should describe you, but 30% of it should describe what type of person you’re looking for. That’s the most attractive combination.
As you’ve already learned, keep your answer positive.
Describing what you don’t want could have the opposite effect, as you may end up sounding picky and judgemental. Or worse, bitter from your last relationship imploding.
Hinge don'ts
Instead, focus on hobbies you’d like to have in common with your perfect match, or attributes that are important to you in a relationship.
Here are 3 great ways to answer the Hinge profile questions:
Describing non-physical attributes implies you're looking for a non-superficial relationship, and mentioning a hobby you'd like to have in common gives her some insight into your personality.
These good prompt answers give her some insight into what dating you might be like, and also imply that keeping in shape is important to you (which is always an attractive quality).
Mentioning a great first date idea in your Hinge answer is a subtle way to make her envision what an hour or two with you might include.
In fact, it’s so effective that according to founder Justin McCleod, answering this prompt got the most dates for users in London:
What works in London will probably work wherever you are as well, making “I know the best spot in town for” one of the best Hinge prompts for guys to answer if it's one of the available options for you.
Hinge Profile Tip #6: Make Every Word Count
The shorter a dating app profile is, the more impact each individual word has. To create the best possible first impression, you want every word in your profile to evoke positive vibes.
Stay away from words that cause a strong negative reaction, like violence, swearing, drugs and weapons. Those can have a ripple effect that will diminish your overall attractiveness.
And since this is Hinge, not Tinder, you’ll definitely want to keep it classy.
don't do this on Hinge
Even if you’re on Hinge just to hook up, don’t advertise your intentions in your profile. And consider switching to another dating app - Hinge really isn’t the app for that.
Here a few more Hinge “Don’ts” to keep in mind:
Repeat yourself. She’s reading a max of 450 characters, which is even less than a Tinder bio. Repetition is really going to stand out. If you talk about how much you love hiking in every Hinge answer, she’s apt to think you’re a one note kind of guy.
Make grammapunctuation/spelling errors. There’s not a lot of written material feeding into that all-important first impression, so little mistakes can have a big effect. Plus, surveyed singles said bad sex was preferable to bad grammar (if they had to choose), so it’s important to get it right.
Give “non” answers. You may think it’s the height of wit to answer Hinge prompts with statements like “I’m looking for… a better answer to this question,” but that’s likely to backfire on you. If she thinks you’re not taking online dating seriously, she probably won’t invest any time in getting to know you.
Reference past relationships. If you’re in your late 20s or 30s, odds are high you’ve got at least one significant relationship in your past. Whether the breakup was good or bad, your Hinge profile is not the place to rehash it.
Hinge Profile Tip #7: Reconsider Your “Dealbreakers”
When you set up your Hinge profile, you have the option to designate match preferences as “dealbreakers.”
That's a great feature for singles seeking long-term relationships, as it eliminates the need to ask those personal questions during the first few dates.
When you specify something as a dealbreaker, you won’t see profiles of people who don’t fit that category, regardless of how many other categories they do fit. (If you don't specify something as a dealbreaker, you may see profiles of singles who fall slightly outside of your ideal preferences.)
Free members have the usual filters like age range, distance and height. If you’re a Hinge+ or HingeX member, you have access to additional filters like children, family plans, education, and politics.
Take a look at any categories you deemed a “Dealbreaker” and make sure they truly are.
For instance, if your match is 5’7” instead of 5’8” or taller, is that truly important in the grand scheme of things? Or if she’s 41 instead of under 40?
If you’re too exclusive with your filtering, you may miss out on a great match you would have really clicked with, despite a small divergence from your “ideal type.”
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:07 soggybutteredtoast Break Lease at a Student Accommodation – Can I get a QCAT order?

I recently had to move to Brisbane in a hurry and moved into one of those student accommodation companies' studio apartment. I had a stable job at that time and could afford to pay the hefty rent. I lost my job last month and I'm being supported by my parents now. I have sent in the notice to end the tenancy but I'm scared of how screwed I'll be with this decision.
The people at reception advised me to find a suitable tenant to takeover the lease but I'm finding it really hard (I've advertised on facebook etc in more than 20 groups). They said that I'll have to keep paying them till the end of my lease if I don't. Considering that they're having another intake of new arrivals two days after I move out, do you really think I'll have to keep paying? I'm sure they can easily assign a newcomer to occupy my unit instead of assigning a new one but considering their greediness I'm doubtful about that :(
Could I request a QCAT order for ending the lease early under financial hardship? I'm really worried and this is really stressing me out in the middle of exams :((
Any advice here would be much appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by soggybutteredtoast to AusLegal [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:07 fattyMCdumptruck So many red flags but I feel like I messed it up.

I started talking to a random guy online, I gave him my Snapchat because I didn't want him to have my number. It started as one or two messages, then progressed to voice notes and random snaps. No nudes, which shocked me because, well you know. To arranging to meet up and that's where I had to say no for my own benefit.
Right from the get go I felt red flags tickling the back of my neck. He called me a bitch because I said he was too young (28, I'm 40). And I called him out for it straight away and to his credit, he apologised straight away and I thought messages can be misconstrued.
But then there was the disappearing in the middle of a conversation, not replying at weekends, I don't expect him to be at my beck and call but I think it's polite just to say something like "oh I've got to go for a bit, chat later?" Or similar. It take 2 seconds.
The other thing was his name, he told me it was one thing (turned out to be his middle name) but when I asked him about the other name he kept changing the subject. He has since told me that he goes by his middle name with his friends but his family call him his first name. That's fine but what make it weird? And he used his number to set up his FB so he came up as "someone you may know" so of course I had a snoop. It was sparse. Which I was expecting. But he found it so weird when I told him I'd seen it. In fact he didn't talk to me for 3 days
In the 10 months we've been speaking he's not really been forthcoming on many things in until I've asked outrightly. He says it's just the way he is and he likes listening to me talk. But I was concerned he was trying to find things to use against me(yes I was sorta comparing him to my mentally abusive ex).
Anyway we arranged to meet, had a disagreement because I put up a post saying it saddens me none of my friends have posted a out a certain conflict. He literally unadded me from all the socials except Snapchat. And said he was insulted I'd put that up. I said if it don't apply let it fly. But then I started wondering if our political views were too different or was he a bit racist. So I asked him and he said what he said. Then I didn't hear from him for almost a week. That was the final straw for me. I don't like being ignored as a punishment. I'd rather have a stand up row. I took him off my snap and deleted his number (he still didn't have mine, snap suits me)
But I feel like I've purposely sort out these red flags to let them slap me in my face and that I've pushed away someone lovely for no reason.
I've never stuck up for myself like this. Usually I end up getting hurt.
But it feels so wrong and I'm sad about it.
submitted by fattyMCdumptruck to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:07 JessCostanza1507 I know this question has probably been asked a million times here, but I just wanted to know if I'm asexual.

I don't think I've ever experienced sexual attraction. For the longest time, I thought romantic attraction equaled sexual attraction. When people talked about sex I just thought that maybe this is something that you start getting interested in once you fall in love with someone.
I've never looked at someone and thought about wanting to have sex with them. However, I've definitely felt a strong desire to get to know someone, to spend time with them etc. I can say I've experienced romantic attraction, so I don’t think I’m aromantic.
I like the idea of love, romance, kissing and cuddling but I don't think I can say the same for sex. I find sex kinda gross, though I still get aroused by sexual scenes. It's a bit confusing and I'm still trying to understand how it all works. For example, I can watch porn, but the idea of having sex myself is unappealing.
I used to believe that when you're in love with someone, you might want to have sex then. If I find someone I love, I suppose I might be okay with having sex occasionally. Then I discovered that people often want to have sex without any romantic feelings and also want to have it quite frequently, sometimes even more than once a day. That seemed so absurd to me. Why is sex so important to people? Maybe it is fun, I don't know, but multiple times a week sounds excessive to me.
It's such a non-negotiable requirement that some people are ready to divorce if they're in a sexless marriage. I don't get it. Why would someone end their marriage over sex? That sounds so bizarre to me. Sex doesn't seem that important to me at all. Isn't love, affection, trust, and compatibility supposed to be the main pillars of a relationship?
submitted by JessCostanza1507 to actualasexuals [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:06 wedding-hijacker-412 Update: My wedding may be off part 2 - Final

It’s been two weeks since I posted about my wedding situation. I apologize for not answering very many of your comments on the first post. The post was intended to just talk about the situation, but it quickly turned into a mini AITA discussion, which was absolutely the farthest thing that I wanted to happen. Due to the stress and severity of everything, I had to unplug. The comments and private messages were getting to me and the messages from friends and family who caught word of the situation became overwhelming.
That being said, I got around to reading the comments after a week or so, but didn’t have the effort to say anything until now. A lot of you said I was controlling, manipulative, selfish, and racist. I can understand being called the first three, but racist genuinely hurt. I didn’t realize my actions came across as racist, but I see now how that could be assumed of me. I don’t know what to say to prove that I’m not racist, but I know that even if I did it probably wouldn’t change any minds. I’ve begun to research more on the wedding ceremonies, and just Cambodian culture as a whole, something I realize I should have done years ago.
I promise you that the decisions I made and the unfortunately “vetoed” decisions from my boyfriend all came from a place that thought it was going to be best for both of us. But like a lot of you said, it was still wrong of me to completely dismiss him and his ideas. I admit I was being stubborn about a lot of things that would have been easy to compromise on. I guess I was looking at everything through rose tinted glasses and thought that everything would just fall into place in my favor because I wanted it to. I should have heard him out more and taken his words seriously.
Additionally, a few of you called me and my fiancé out for being rage baiters and even being the same person just using different accounts. I can see how that would seem like the case, since I made this account a day after his throwaway was deleted, but I promise it was just a coincidence. I created a throwaway since my main account has content that can be traced to my other socials, and I didn’t want anyone harassing me in my DM’s or other comment sections. I think someone also brought up the fact that this account is linked to another one that has posts about being divorced? I’m not sure what that’s about.
I read the AITA post that he created and, if I can be honest, I thought it was terribly done. He made his initial post about my best friend and how he wasn’t “comfortable” with him being in the wedding, indicating that even on a minuscule level, he was uncomfortable with my friend. In the 6 years they’ve known each other he has never once voiced or shown any discomfort for him. I don’t know if he was using him as a scapegoat or what. His comments started to change the tune of the post and it started to become a “I’m not comfortable with the guy best friend” vs. “Actually, I’m being taken advantage of” type of thing. It was all so weirdly done, and his comments seemed rude and argumentative. People were judging him based on the initial question as the forum intended, but then he started to tell the rest of the story to try and gain favor or something.
But, I digress. Moving onto the actual update, my boyfriend and I had a talk a few days ago. He was home when I came back from work and it looked like he was packing some of his stuff. I asked if this meant that we were officially over, and he said he didn’t know. I asked if we could talk about it, and he said sure. I apologized to him for how I was acting and that I shouldn’t have been so controlling with the planning. I also apologized for rejecting his culture and said that I didn’t do it with malice. He asked why I really rejected the ceremonies and I told him how I wasn’t comfortable with his parents, since there was still tension between us.
He explained that they were trying to be okay with me, but what I did just made it harder. I told him I read his post and asked if he really didn’t feel comfortable around my best friend. He was kind of iffy on that, saying yes and no before saying he didn’t mind him as a person, but he was still someone he didn’t know. He offered to apologize to him since he figured I told him about what he said when I left to my parent’s house, which I did, and I said I would appreciate that. We got quiet and I asked again if he wanted to officially break up. He said he wanted to cancel the wedding, but that he didn’t want to break up permanently yet. I felt the same way, so we talked some more, and eventually agreed to go back to dating.
This may not be the outcome a lot of you wanted, since it seemed like you were all rooting for him to kick me to the curb, but I still love him and he still loves me. We’re cancelling all of the wedding plans and looking into couples counseling. And, as a promise to each other that we’re going to change, he’s going to make an effort in befriending my best friend, and I’m going to be seeing his family more and participating in/observing more cultural events. This is the last post I will make from this account. I just want to move forward and rebuild with him.
TL;DR: We broke off the engagement, but we’re still together.
submitted by wedding-hijacker-412 to weddingdrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:06 PsychedelicizedSoul this website is so toxic

I recently deleted all of my socials off my phone except for Reddit. I decided to keep it because I really never used Reddit before, only the occasional skim. My reasoning for deleting my other socials is because they were very toxic for me—body dysmorphia, toxic people, an unhealthy addiction to social media, you know the deal—but Reddit felt a lot more controlled in terms of what you’re shown in comparison to Instagram or Facebook.
Since I started using this website more, though, I’ve become increasingly frustrated with the general community and it actually really upsets me a lot. Personally I am mainly on music discussion subreddits, though I am in a few fandom-based subreddits as well, but I barely interact with those. But for every comment or post I see or make, there are so many goddamn people who must love oozing their own negativity and self-hatred for everyone else to see. I just had to leave a subreddit dedicated to music discussion yesterday because it’s like any time anyone tries to make a post encouraging discussion, the comments are actively working against actual discussion.
There was one post asking people to share albums they thought could be considered "universally liked." first comment I see is "there is no such thing as an album that's universally liked." (???? why are you here?????) OP responds with something like “yeah ofc I mean something as close to it as possible.” response to that: “then go to the pop charts.” huh?????? do you know where we are right now, like, are you serious????? and all the comments are calling the post “bait” and that the post was asking the impossible because there is no objective answer (when OP literally specified what you think. and my god it is NOT that serious anyway).
anyway that’s just a little anecdote about what triggered me to make this post, but I see it all. the. time. people are sooo far up their own asses and take everything way too seriously than can possibly be healthy for them lol. in the music reddit community specifically it’s just a constant dick-measuring contest. and it’s the same thing in some fandom subreddits too, i had to leave a couple a while ago for the same reasons.
I have a lot of fun on some of the subreddits, especially the ones dedicated to specific niche artists and their fanbases, but I also end up feeling miserable and upset half the time. I don’t want to delete it because the positives are nice, but it’s getting to a point where the negativity is so prevalent I can’t ignore it. I might have to delete this app too if it keeps on like this. I’m supposed to use this app for debriefing and having fun and instead I end up exhausted nearly every time I use it.
submitted by PsychedelicizedSoul to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:05 GoldandTrigger 25F looking for good energy people to connect with!

Hey, I feel kind of lonely here, would love to chat with you and know about you! Im curious about your personality hopes and dreams.
I have no doubt in my mind that there are fantastic people here, I would love for us to hang out and be close. Im ready to be friends, talk, play games together, share life stories, set some challenges wether in sports or in life.
Couple of things I like to do : drink tea all day, bake, I love brownies, making bread, homemade food>>, reading books of philosophy, i watch tv shows a bit.
Maybe this is the start of a great friendship!
submitted by GoldandTrigger to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:04 jaysonland88 Cheating nurses are real

To start this story I’d just like to say I don’t want to upset or offend anybody this is just my personal opinion based off Of things that I have seen in the healthcare field.
This particular night I remember working in a hospital that was on the verge of being closed down. Often times there was one or two patients and 2-3 nurses with a lot of down time. I was working overnight myself but with my job alot of times people didn’t even know I was in the building. So I’m sitting in an empty room which is split by a wall that slides back and forth. I had little to no work because like I said the hospital was closing down so I decided to go in there and take a quick nap. As I’m sitting in there this married nurse very sexy about 5’2 120 lbs curves and a beautiful ass. The kind you can see the curves through her scrubs comes into the room and starts changing the sheets in the room. Where I’m sitting I can see her in the reflection of a mirror but she can’t see me. I don’t think nothing of it and just wait for her to change the sheets and move on. Next thing I know another nurse enters the room. This 5’10 Indian male who is also Married. Now I would never expect these two to hook up but surprise surprise. He walked up behind her reach around grabbed her neck with one hand and pulled her hair lightly with the other and started to kiss her neck. I couldn’t believe it!! She started moaning saying I was hoping you would come in here. As he switched his hand off her neck to start rubbing her breast he said you know I’ve been wanting to fuck you. They made out for awhile and you could feel the passion in the room. Definitely wasn’t the first time. Her pants now down to her knees and him rubbing her pussy over her brown panties I was so hard but so scared to move. He pushed her on the bed and she got on all fours. He pulled her thong down and slowly slide a finger inside of her and you could hear how wet she was. She let out a brief moan and he bent down and started to lick her ass. This went on for about two minutes and she came very hard. The dirty talk was spot on also. Him asking her whose pussy is this? Telling her how he loves how wet she gets. She then turned around sat on the bed and pulled his pants down. From my angle I couldn’t see his cock but as soon as she got her hands on it she looked up and said she loved how big it was and started to suck his cock. She was going crazy on it!! Spitting on it, gagging!! She turned back around on all four and told him to fuck her. He slide right in bare and started to fuck her. He was telling her how much he loves her pussy and all you could hear was her cumming over and over. He pulled out and she grabbed his cock and jerked him off getting every drop of cum out onto the floor. They kissed and returned back to work…..
submitted by jaysonland88 to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:04 Mister_Magister Help me port microtube to desktop linux

Okay you're probably like "What the hell is a microtube". As you probably figured out, it's a youtube client, completely opensource and completely not desktop linux compatible.

Bit of backstory

I've been in Sailfishos community for past 8-9 years (SailfishOS is alternative linux mobile operating system). I've ported it to many phones and made many apps for it. One of them and most popular one being microtube. People like it for the ui design, some saying its better than official android/ios youtube app. But because of the SailfishOS ecosystem, it's tied to its custom gui and hardware acceleration.

What needs to be done/what's the plan

I don't plan on dropping SailfishOS, instead i want to add support for desktop and nemomobile with least work possible that i'll have to do when adding new features to it. That means a lot of ifdefs. Like a lot lot. And also 3 completely separate qml uis.
For starters, cmake files have to be modified to support 3 different build targets. I'm not cmake god but i already started to do some work towards that.
After cmake files, the backend will have to be modified to support both qt 5.6 and 6.5, without making completely separate backend (except for player) so that in future i don't have to do work twice (i'm just one guy man, i have limited time).
As to player. So far i've used gstreamer directly because of how hw acceleration is done in sailfishos but for desktop i want to embed mpv and use that as a player. It's just matter of adding it and giving it the two stream urls.
As to ui, I would like to take a wheel there as most people like my app for the ui design but i want the ui to be fully keyboard controllable for the vim nerds and bigscreen/handheld applications. I’m planning on ui quite similar to minitube but better. Persistent search on the left, video on the right, description below with recommendations to the right of description.
Microtube also uses nodejs for the node dependencies because qt5.6 has ECMA4 which makes using node libraries borderline impossible, but for desktop i want to do what minitube has done and use qt's js engine because in newer version its ECMA5 which is bit more doable. This will require some backend rework and build target but should be doable (it can be done later).

Okay but why

Because people enjoy it, and I want more people to enjoy it, and i seen multiple times people using devices where microtube would fit perfectly like thinkpads, like my vaio ux, like steamdeck or tv for that matter. I also want it to run on nemomobile as in general i plan to port every single one of my apps to nemomobile.

Where do I contribute?

Repo is here, you can PR directly to the main branch I don't care as long as it doesn't break anything in sfos target. If you wish to contact me, I'm on irc (oftc/libera) under same nickname, i'm on telegram under same nickname, i'm on reddit, i'm on sailfishos forums, i'm on heck email, heck create github issue, you ought to find something that fits you.

You seem to mention minitube a lot and name is quite similar…

Yes microtube or well µtube WAS in past based on minitube as i basically took minitube code and ported it to sailfishos but it grew well outside of that scope and currently there's no minitube left in it.

Tell me more about this… microtube of yours

Screenshots are here:
It got sponsorblock it got 360° videos, it got closed captions, it got comments, it got downloading, it got syncing subscriptions and liking, it got offline subscriptions, it got playlists, it got queues, it got audio only mode, it got many other features that are innovative on sailfishos but boring to everyone who's not using saiflishos so i'm not gonna mention them.

Why don't I just use minitube or invidious

Fell free to.
submitted by Mister_Magister to linux [link] [comments]