Cephalexin 500mg for vaginal bacterial infection

Plastic white bits coming out

2024.06.01 13:44 Which_Bell_4575 Plastic white bits coming out

After using Ecovag vaginal probiotics (they're from Denmark) I have little bits of white plastic coming out of my vajina . I mean they are tiny and at first I thought it was a yeast infection but I think the pills didn't dissolve completely . They are white and I used them for 2 nights and stopped using them because they feel like they're burning me . Has anyone ever had these little white bits of undissolved pills come out?
submitted by Which_Bell_4575 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:08 Agitated-Feature-963 MA Experience - positive!

I wanted to come in and write a post about my MA experience 2 weeks post pills.
I took my first dose at 5 weeks and 6 days with fear of the pain and sickness I read so many experience. When I placed the next dose of pills vaginally, I was so nervous as I experience some terrible period cramps on a norm and didn’t want this to be like that.
What I can say is, wow is it easier than expected. My best advice is to eat plain food the day before and the day during. No artificial sugars, no greasy food, just plain easy to digest food. I do this on a regular month before I get my period and I feel like it tremendously helps with my period cramps so doing this for my MA felt smart.
It took about 2.5 hours before any bleeding started. Actually - I felt like it was late and was about to seek help before something came out. From here it was like a full river escaped me (the gush is real). I typically have light periods so this was shocking! At the worst of the cramps I would give the pain a 6/10 and I mean this was the WORST. Nothing ibuprofen and paracetamol didn’t help, I took about 800mg of ibuprofen and 500mg of paracetamol about an hour before I started anything.
Heating pad is a MUST. I don’t think I could have done this without. I unfortunately didn’t have my partner with me during this so I was worried about being alone but I had my friend on speed dial in case of emergency, to be honest it was kind of nice to just be dwelling in my own misery.
Cramps ended about after day 2, after what I feel was the passing of the pregnancy, the cramps started to fade with sometimes popping back up and then going. The bleeding began to stop after day 4.
Here I am 2 weeks after and from time to time I will bleed brown and pass a clot but with no pain. It’s like not often enough to continuously wear a pad but enough to be weary. I have one week to go until I can take my pregnancy test again but honestly when they say “symptoms going down like the feeling of feeling pregnant” it’s true. I didn’t have many symptoms to begin with part from sore breasts and slight cramping (and being very very emotional) but I can’t believe how much BETTER I feel! I feel very confident this worked and that everything went smoother than expected.
I write this for anyone else going through this for their first time! I honestly didn’t think I could become pregnant and after years of BC I stopped it and followed the flo app for my ovulation days. TIP - don’t do this 😂. I’m now back on the pill and feel much better to just have this out of the way.
The whole process was legit easier than a monthly period.
Good luck to those having to go through this! You can do it!
submitted by Agitated-Feature-963 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:47 tophittta157 Neonatal herpes

My partner and I had a baby girl 2 days ago and I am starting to become very nervous due to my anxiety. I have HSV2 for years now and so does my partner we have been dating for about 2-3 years now. She gave a vaginal birth with no issues but I just stumbled upon what neonatal herpes is and I’m losing it. She wasn’t on any antiviral medication and didn’t have any outbreak atleast to my knowledge or that any of the nurses or doctors might’ve noticed. I hear this condition is almost always fatal and I don’t know what to do with myself. My baby isn’t showing any signs of this infection being passed on but I don’t know what to do. If someone can give me some advice or some info on this I would really appreciate it, thanks!
submitted by tophittta157 to newborns [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:47 tophittta157 Neonatal herpes

My partner and I had a baby girl 2 days ago and I am starting to become very nervous due to my anxiety. I have HSV2 for years now and so does my partner we have been dating for about 2-3 years now. She gave a vaginal birth with no issues but I just stumbled upon what neonatal herpes is and I’m losing it. She wasn’t on any antiviral medication and didn’t have any outbreak atleast to my knowledge or that any of the nurses or doctors might’ve noticed. I hear this condition is almost always fatal and I don’t know what to do with myself. My baby isn’t showing any signs of this infection being passed on but I don’t know what to do. If someone can give me some advice or some info on this I would really appreciate it, thanks!
submitted by tophittta157 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:27 Professional-Aide180 Is it cellulitis, or normal healing process?

Is it cellulitis, or normal healing process?
Hey all. This is my first color tattoo. It’s been about 4 days and it’s red like this and warm to the touch. It hurts pretty bad but I’m not dying of pain. I’m just worried of infection. I started taking 1000mg of cephalexin yesterday (500mg x2 a day) for a UTI, would that also cover cellulitis since it’s prescribed for that sometimes? Idk. Tattoo artist said it was normal healing but I’m just anxious about it being infected. Upper angle showing the crust (which I was also told was normal)
submitted by Professional-Aide180 to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:11 Womens_Health_Clinic 🌸 Unveil Your Inner Health: The Ultimate Women's Checkup Revealed 🌸 #womenshealth

🌸 Unveil Your Inner Health: The Ultimate Women's Checkup Revealed 🌸 #womenshealth
🌸 Unveil Your Inner Health: The Ultimate Women's Checkup Revealed 🌸 https://thewomenshealth.clinic/ https://youtube.com/shorts/sQVFQhnVrw8 🎥 The Women's Health Clinic: Unveiling Your Complete Wellness] 🎥
Feeling lost with unexplained symptoms? Our Well Woman Check is your key to unlocking a clear picture of your health. Offering a comprehensive women's health exam designed for women of all ages, we provide peace of mind and empower you to take control.
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submitted by Womens_Health_Clinic to u/Womens_Health_Clinic [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:36 domestic-zombie After stomach infection I can barely eat, and when I do I sweat

I(32M) have ulcerative colitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis. About two weeks ago on Friday I started feeling unwell and ended up having an episode of cholangitis, where I had pain in my upper right abdomen. I needed about a week to recover, during which I had issues with stomach upset come up time and time again. However on the next Sunday I started developing a fever after eating a bigger meal, and ended up vomiting for 1.5 hours in the early hours of Monday. I didn't have diarrhea on the other hand, which I believed was because I vomited everything up from what caused me to get sick.
Since then I have been slowly recovering, but whenever I tried to eat a bigger meal I would again start feeling sick and develop a fever. When I realized this connection I stuck to eating smaller meals again.
We got a blood test done, which revealed a high CRP(66 mg/L), and an elevated GPT of 113(U/L). My white blood cell counts were also elevated. A few days after the vomiting I had one night where I was itching on my hands and feet quite badly, and this morning my urine was brown, but generally I experienced no pain in my upper right abdomen since two weeks ago.
So why I am posting this is to just get a few pointers on where I should head next. I visited my family doctor during the previous week twice and we were on the conclusion that I was recovering from a bacterial infection of the stomach, and that everything should be okay now. Instead yesterday(on Friday) I felt well enough to go back to work, until eating a bigger meal gave me a fever again and made me realize I am still not well. I would go back to my family doctor of course, but I cant' do that until Monday. I will also be calling my hepatologist/gastroenterologist to consult with them.
I am mostly worried about this pattern of only being able to eat small meals, and that sometimes even small portions can make me sweat, and of course the fever induced by eating a larger meal. Can anyone please give some pointers? I wasn't prescribed any antibiotics, since we believed that with the vomiting having gone, I was already recovering.
submitted by domestic-zombie to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:50 ellieellie7199 my wife and i are both having recurring ear infections, help!

hi all. over the past 4 months i have been having repeated ear infections, and now my wife has one, too. i dont think it's a coincidence but i dont know what is causing them. here to ask if anyone has any idea, or has had something similar.
we are both women in our early 20's, wife has no history of ear infections, but I had them a lot as a kid. had ear tubes put in and removed.
here's the timeline so far:
-i got a bacterial middle ear infection in February. a few days in, a server at a restaurant ran into me and hit the ear with the tray he was holding very hard. pain got exponentially worse, got oral antibiotics and antibiotic drops (ciprofloxacin .3% and dexamethasone .1%). spread to second ear a few days later. constantly had pus + blood pouring out of both ears. 2 weeks into it I got pinkeye, which lasted I ~2 days. ear pain and pinkeye both cleared up after that. in total was infected ~3 weeks.
-it came back in March (a little over a week later). doc said bacterial middle ear infection in both ears, fungal outer ear infection in one ear. prescribed the same drops + another for the fungal infection, don't have the name. lasted a week.
-i had a respiratory infection early may, lasted a week or so. something was going around. unsure if it's relevant.
-i cleaned my wife's ears with a wax removal kit (brand new, never been used by either of us before) which had a metal spiral brush and small scoops. her ears had been plugged and painful for a day and a half, which is not unusual. i used a scoop to take a lot of wax out. I kept asking if it hurt, and she said no, but apparently it was painful and she didn't tell me. she got an infection in one ear the next day. I sterilized the tools and decided not to use them again. she got prescribed those same ear drops, but we don't know if it was the same infection or not, because she has not had any pus or blood coming out. she's on day 10 now and it's spread to the other ear.
-against my better judgement, I used the ear kit on my own ears a few times over the past week, sterilizing it with boiling water each time, not scratching or scraping. as of 5 hours ago, one ear is starting to hurt.
I'm reading that ear infections obviously are not contagious but the bacteria can spread. so I think something in our apartment is contaminated. my wife and I do not share pillows, earplugs, headphones, or hats. I guess things can spread by hand, though. I've replaced my shower cap, threw away all the eye makeup I used before I had pinkeye + deep cleaned the brushes, disinfected my headphones, stopped using q tips, frequently replace my pillow case... everything I can think of. so what the hell are these infections coming from?! is it something in my shower head? the mattress?? the air?
I know the obvious answer sounds like the metal cleaning kit, but I had the first two infections before even buying it. I probably either gave it to my wife by scraping her ears too hard, or she already had one and I made it worse. and then, I may have given it to myself again with the kit. I was leaving the tools in boiling water for 15 min then rinsing with rubbing alcohol after each use, but I guess that's not foolproof.
it doesn't explain the first two infections. there has to be something we are coming into contact with. does anyone have any ideas? any advice? we are both in excruciating pain, and have called out of work way more times than we can afford to (the urgent care bills and prescriptions aren't helping, either). I am desperate at this point. please help!
submitted by ellieellie7199 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:48 ellieellie7199 my wife and i are both having recurring ear infections, help!

hi all. over the past 4 months i have been having repeated ear infections, and now my wife has one, too. i dont think it's a coincidence but i dont know what is causing them. here to ask if anyone has any idea, or has had something similar.
we are both women in our early 20's, wife has no history of ear infections, but I had them a lot as a kid. had ear tubes put in and removed.
here's the timeline so far:
-i got a bacterial middle ear infection in February. a few days in, a server at a restaurant ran into me and hit the ear with the tray he was holding very hard. pain got exponentially worse, got oral antibiotics and antibiotic drops (ciprofloxacin .3% and dexamethasone .1%). spread to second ear a few days later. constantly had pus + blood pouring out of both ears. 2 weeks into it I got pinkeye, which lasted I ~2 days. ear pain and pinkeye both cleared up after that. in total was infected ~3 weeks.
-it came back in March (a little over a week later). doc said bacterial middle ear infection in both ears, fungal outer ear infection in one ear. prescribed the same drops + another for the fungal infection, don't have the name. lasted a week.
-i had a respiratory infection early may, lasted a week or so. something was going around. unsure if it's relevant.
-i cleaned my wife's ears with a wax removal kit (brand new, never been used by either of us before) which had a metal spiral brush and small scoops. her ears had been plugged and painful for a day and a half, which is not unusual. i used a scoop to take a lot of wax out. I kept asking if it hurt, and she said no, but apparently it was painful and she didn't tell me. she got an infection in one ear the next day. I sterilized the tools and decided not to use them again. she got prescribed those same ear drops, but we don't know if it was the same infection or not, because she has not had any pus or blood coming out. she's on day 10 now and it's spread to the other ear.
-against my better judgement, I used the ear kit on my own ears a few times over the past week, sterilizing it with boiling water each time, not scratching or scraping. as of 5 hours ago, one ear is starting to hurt.
I'm reading that ear infections obviously are not contagious but the bacteria can spread. so I think something in our apartment is contaminated. my wife and I do not share pillows, earplugs, headphones, or hats. I guess things can spread by hand, though. I've replaced my shower cap, threw away all the eye makeup I used before I had pinkeye + deep cleaned the brushes, disinfected my headphones, stopped using q tips, frequently replace my pillow case... everything I can think of. so what the hell are these infections coming from?! is it something in my shower head? the mattress?? the air?
I know the obvious answer sounds like the metal cleaning kit, but I had the first two infections before even buying it. I probably either gave it to my wife by scraping her ears too hard, or she already had one and I made it worse. and then, I may have given it to myself again with the kit. I was leaving the tools in boiling water for 15 min then rinsing with rubbing alcohol after each use, but I guess that's not foolproof.
it doesn't explain the first two infections. there has to be something we are coming into contact with. does anyone have any ideas? any advice? we are both in excruciating pain, and have called out of work way more times than we can afford to (the urgent care bills and prescriptions aren't helping, either). I am desperate at this point. please help!
submitted by ellieellie7199 to EaR [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:31 Jumpy_Principle_896 I’m scared. Help!

I recently had a sexual encounter with a guy I met through a dating app. I had him over at my apartment; he sat on my couch, and I started sucking his D. Did that for a couple of minutes, after which we moved to my bed; both got naked.
At this point, I did notice he had a bunch of little red dots between his thighs (didn’t look too alarming). Ignoring it and thinking it was probably just a heat rash or skin condition, we continued. After a little while, he asked me to fuck him, and so I did, wearing a condom, of course. Unfortunately, the condom broke in the middle of it, so I quickly pulled out, put on a new condom, and continued.( I know stupid). This went on for about 35 minutes. All fine, we cleaned up, and he went home. The next morning, I noticed my tonsils were swollen. I get strep often, so I immediately went to the doctor and got tested for it. It came out negative, but the doctor prescribed me antibiotics anyway. So, I did the 10-day course, and on day 8, I noticed my tonsils were still very swollen, with white dots, a clear sign of an infection. So, I went back to my doctor and asked to be tested for STDs, including HIV. A week after that, I got my results and came out negative for everything. However, my tonsils are still swollen, so now I'm very worried I have something that just hasn't been detected on any test l've done. Today I went to my doctor again, he tested me for strep and came out negative again. We continued talking, and had a conversation about me possibly becoming antibiotic resistant, so he prescribed me a different kind of antibiotic. This is only 5 days twice a day, I started today so I’m hopeful this was the case.
Anyways, taking all this in, I have thought about everything that happened that day. I remember instead of lube, this guy brought a bottle of baby oil, which, after some research, I found out was the reason why the condom broke. So now, I'm terrified that this guy knew this and did it on purpose. I'm creating all these scenarios in my head. What if the guy had HIV and he knew all along, so he looked for ways to spread it without making it seem obvious? What if he did research and found out baby oil breaks condoms easily? I'm really scared, despite all my tests coming out negative. It has only been two weeks, so this really doesn't mean I don't have anything.
I also forgot to mention that right under my jaw, two days after I finished my antibiotics, I noticed I had a bump under my right side of the jaw. Which again is clear sign of a bacterial or viral infection of the throat.
So yeah, if anyone has been through a similar experience, let me know what you think. And just to conclude, so far everything I described have been my only symptoms, no fever, no cough, no night sweats, no rashes. My only symptoms seem to be my swollen tonsils.
submitted by Jumpy_Principle_896 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:28 Delicious_Bitcch158 Broad-spectrum intravenous drip of antibiotics

Hello. My first post here.
I have recently been admitted to hospital for a bacterial infection and spent four days on a broad-spectrum intravenous drip of antibiotics. I wonder if anyone has any tips on what I should eat to boost the gut bacteria again? Additional information: I am eight months pregnant.
submitted by Delicious_Bitcch158 to Microbiome [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:09 Routine_Wear8442 URI or lung infection or gum infection or fibromyalgia or.... or....

37, type 2 diabetic (BS well managed with ozempic and insulin after years of barely tolerating metformin), PTSD, ASD, OCD, ARFID, PMDD. NB/AFAB. Fat, muscular, active. believe in health at every size and ability. big maintenance phase fan.
i have been dealing with alternating sinus and gum infection for last 5 months.
i'm posting here bc i just discovered this subreddit and think it's dope. also bc my therapist told me not to go on google and im an idiot (as you'll soon see) and now have myself freaked out. also terrible self advocate and blew it at the health center today IRL, so why not go talk to strangers on the interne.
respiratory history- off and on but more on 10 year spliff smoker (never a pack a day- 5/day max), quit for several months at a several times the last several years, but keep falling off the wagon like an idiot. use thc tincture to avoid smoking. also feels relevant to share that i have always lived in wood heat houses. i def have had exposure to plenty of badly vented houses, smoke, mold, n other toxins over the course of 17 years of dirtbag life. i have treated my lungs terribly for too long, i know. last two years i have been living in an early 90s double wide with kerosene heat and discovering how incredible it is to just turn up a thermostat.
timeline - maybe too detailed but fuck it
2020- didn't complete a course of antibiotics for a boil, it resolved and i stopped early. short time later had the first and worst gum infection of my life. imagine trying to get a dentist appt in summer 2020 in a rural area. anyways. took full course of antibiotics, resolved, bought a power toothbrush, great.
2021- dx type 2 diabetes, ARFID
2023- dx ASD
jan 2024- start having these insane night sweats- absolutely drenched, sheets wet, skin running with sweat like i've been ina sauna. perimenopause?! da fuq. PC says yup maybe perimenopause.
feb 2024- go to dentist with gum infection, dx periodontal disease, prescribed 250mg amoxicillin and 250mg metronidazole, referred to periodontist
a few days later, see PC for regular check up, she ups amoxicillin to 500mg
a week later, see periodontist who agrees infection is not fully resolved after antibiotics. she applies antibiotic pellet directly into gums. infection fully resolved, periodontists gives all clear.
april 2024- get sick from work (i do mask), resolved but lingering sinus infection. PC prescribed z pack
may 2024- last few weeks have been feeling tender gums, feel like i have a sore throat, lungs feel sore/infected, ears clicking, neck, chest, jaw, all feel achey and tender. armpit groin knee and elbow all feel sore/overused. exhausted, fatigued, can't sleep enough. everything is hard. i usually come home from work and work in the gardens til dark but now i feel like i just need to come in and rest. headache a lotta days. had a few ticks crawling, no bites but sometimes it's hard to know. make appt, PC can't see me but i see a new NP. tick borne panel comes back negative, blood work looks decent but kinda high WBC (? it was 11.9) an low MCV/MCH, borderline anemic. prescribed 10 day course of augmentin 125mg 2 x day.
wednesday- i call on day 7/10 of antibiotics to report no change (boogers are less bloody but otherwise same). schedule for appt friday
today-friday- see NP again (PC booked out). NP agrees antibiotic should have helped by now, advises i can stop (im scared and don't want to plus tmrws the last day). NP suggests we can check blood work again, add thyroid and autoimmune to the list, doesn't redo tick bourne panel. suggests allergy meds (i've never had seasonal allergies but it's been a bad pollen season?). discuss mental health and recent intense stress with housing issues. brings up fibromyalgia, given the tenderness in multiple body parts and stress. i start to cry and shes very nice and gives me tissues. we agree to start with blood tests and allergy meds. i don't want to be an AH, i like this NP even tho im more comfortable with my PC. it just feels crappy to hear those things as possible answers. esp the FMS one- yes im afab and "overweight"- but why does it feel like the first suggestion is always FMS?. i know this isn't a tv show but can't we rule a few more things out? i've met my deductible for the year ppl let's go. lol. but seriously- FMS is all 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🤷‍♀️🤷🏼‍♂️ prescribing low impact excercises mediation and reduce stress. like ok??? and?! y is women's health so mysterious and under researched. /rant
anyways. i can see my blood work results tonight as they come back. pretty much the same as two weeks ago, high WBC and low MCV/MCH. thyroid, vit d, rheumatoid all average.
so i go on the google like a dumbass. and obvi ok- i know i shouldn't. i need to stop. and at the same time i can't help but feel like i have a lot of early warning signs for something serious. this doesn't fee like FMS. this feels like infection- heavy and tender. maybe i don't understand FMS, maybe i'm talking out of my ass with all of this bc i don't know the full picture. but from what i've read, gum disease def infect diff parts of the body and i've now had 4 rounds of antibiotics (1st scripts, pellets, zpack, 2nd scripts) in the course of 5 months and im not better. is breath work and allergy meds gonna heal me or do i ned to be hitting a panic button before something (idk what but something!) goes to town on me? the comorbidities got me stresssing yall.
submitted by Routine_Wear8442 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:02 PersonalityOk3174 Should I use antifungal cream while taking antibiotics despite having vulvar dermatitis?? Tough decisions, would love advice.

24F, vaginal dermatitis from over medications a yeast infection a month ago (antifungal cream, boric acid and oral antifungal pill)
A bit of context here – about a month ago I was sick with the flu and got a yeast infection at the same time. I attempted to treat it with antifungal cream, which didn’t work. Then I use boric acid. This unknowingly caused irritation, making me think my yeast infection hadn’t gone away. This lead me to take oral antifungal pills from the pharmacy.
This caused vuvlar dermatitis which I am waiting for a specialist appointment as it is still something I’m dealing with.
Yesterday I went back to the doctor because I had strep throat. I was so hesitant to take antibiotics because my vagina has already been through a lot and is not fully recovered and I did not want to induce another yeast infection. I took the antibiotics because the strep throat was getting really bad.
I am wondering if I use the antifungal cream I have to prevent any kind of infection from StArting. But I also don’t wanna irritate the dermatitis anymore with additional medication even if it’s just a Cream. Because that is how it caused the problem. I also don’t wanna have another full on infection either and have to treat that. What is the best thing to do? Should I just wait it out or should I use antifungal cream in the meantime?
I’m currently just using coconut oil on my vagina as I have been using it for the dermatitis and it gives me relief and was okayed by my doctor. I am also taking probiotics and eating a lot of yoghurt while taking these antibiotics.
submitted by PersonalityOk3174 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:50 PickingUpABlueChair Lack of Discharge / vaginal dryness post birth control

I have stopped taking birth control for 7 months now and ever since I stopped taking it I no longer produce discharge and experience heavy vaginal dryness. I am in my early 20s.
Has anyone experienced this before? Is this normal? Everything I have read online seems like women experience the OPPOSITE effect when they get off birth control.
I have taken tests to see if I have an infection or STI and nothing. I am healthy. My lifestyle hasn’t changed, in fact I would say it is healthier!
Before and during birth control I produced discharge normally! But now after I am off it I am dry as a desert :( How do I go back to normal? How do I get my discharge back?
submitted by PickingUpABlueChair to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:44 MedicReddit1 8 days cannot poop despite doing all the right things, please help, considering going to the ER (1st post ever)

Hello- this is my 1st post to Reddit, 26F, long time appreciator of other people’s posts for answers. I’ve scoured other people’s posts but cannot find a similar enough scenario.
I didn’t realize I had a hypertonic pelvic floor before becoming sexually active 3 years ago. I basically could not have sex and did intense weekly PT with daily exercise for 6+ months in 2021. I cried during sex because it felt so painful like I was breaking/ripping my pelvic floor and it kept getting worse. So after 6 months of PT I could have tolerable sex, but with oftentimes painful orgasms (muscles were way too tight and had a difficult time unclenching). I regularly do my PT exercises, got my squatty potty years ago, healthy diet, etc. Life was ‘okay’ with the hypertonic pelvic floor dysfunction. Fast forward to March 2024 where I take 14 days of triple therapy antibiotics for H. Pylori causing stomach ulcers and follow up with 30 days nystatin for candida overgrowth (frequent vaginal yeast infections and severe bloating). I kid you not, the antibiotics relaxed my pelvic floor, so sex for the first time is great and orgasms are not painful! 🤩 My husband even noticed that my vagina doesn’t do the ‘death grip’ anymore and relaxes after orgasm. Amazing success I could not have predicted from a treatment for something else! I think it was the upper inter-abdominal pressure being reduced to healthy/normal levels. So life got drastically better with my hypertonic pelvic floor issues (yay!) So two weeks ago, I start taking 4.5 mg low dose naltrexone for esophageal hypersensitivity since the H pylori gave me esophagitis and esophageal spasms which have been hard to deal with. I take dicyclomine for the spasms but had such bad nerve pain in my throat, despite only minor esophagitis. I took LDN for a week but noticed two days in a row that I get muscle spasms in my butt that are not painful (because I’ve definitely had painful rectal pelvic floor spasms and these felt like my eye twitching) and I think nothing of it. Now 8 days later, I haven’t pooped despite regularly pooping every day for years. I stopped the LDN 7 days ago. I get the poop cramps feeling, but my rectal muscles are not allowing any poop to come out. My husband tried to release the rectal muscles using coconut oil and gloved fingers to pull on the edges of the muscle and release, and sure enough the pain feels like the worst days of vaginal pain I had in our first days of marriage (crying during sex). So my vagina is relaxed and ‘normal’. But now my rectum muscles are horribly tight not allowing stool to pass. Things I’ve tried: dulcolax, colace, coffee tea, hot water, saltwater, hot bath, heating pad, exercise, relaxation, healthy diet, pelvic floor PT exercises, always use my squatty potty, pelvic floor wand (the wand has never been very helpful for me, vaginally or rectal). These things have induced the normal ‘I have to poop’ feeling but the muscles in my rectum tightening and not allowing stool to pass is the issue. So I’m desperate to poop and thinking of going to the ER. I’m so bloated from 8 days of no pooping. I know the ER will think I’m crazy. I’ve never performed an enema. Maybe that should be next steps?? I can still pass gas, it’s just a little difficult. Husband does not see or feel hemorrhoids. Please give me some advice besides fiber or PT exercises, especially if you’ve gone to the ER for constipation from pelvic floor muscle issues. Thank you so much in advance, I truly appreciate it!💕💜🤦‍♀️
submitted by MedicReddit1 to PelvicFloor [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:09 anchal1202 How Does KeraBiotics Works?

In the intricate ballet of bodily health, every element plays a pivotal role, more so in areas we seldom consider, like our toenails. The innovation that KeraBiotics brings to the table is akin to a finely tuned orchestra, each component working in harmony to restore the natural splendor of our nails. But what underlies this symphony of healing? Let's unravel the science behind KeraBiotics, exploring how it redefines the approach to combating nail fungus and ensuring the vitality of our toenails.

Central to KeraBiotics' remarkable efficacy is its carefully curated composition. A blend of nature's finest—plant extracts, essential nutrients, potent herbs, vital vitamins, and minerals—each selected for their proven benefits in nurturing nail health. But it's not just about the ingredients; it's how they synergize to address the root causes of nail concerns.

One of the standout features of KeraBiotics, as noted in several KeraBiotics reviews, is its holistic approach to managing inflammation. Inflammation, often the body's response to invasion or injury, can compromise the nail's integrity, making it a breeding ground for fungus. The antioxidant-rich components within KeraBiotics serve as the first line of defense, neutralizing free radicals and, thereby, mitigating inflammation. This pivotal action enhances the body's own reparative processes, allowing it to more effectively combat toenail fungus.

In the intricate ballet of bodily health, every element plays a pivotal role, more so in areas we seldom consider, like our toenails. The innovation that KeraBiotics brings to the table is akin to a finely tuned orchestra, each component working in harmony to restore the natural splendor of our nails. But what underlies this symphony of healing? Let's unravel the science behind KeraBiotics, exploring how it redefines the approach to combating nail fungus and ensuring the vitality of our toenails.

Central to KeraBiotics' remarkable efficacy is its carefully curated composition. A blend of nature's finest—plant extracts, essential nutrients, potent herbs, vital vitamins, and minerals—each selected for their proven benefits in nurturing nail health. But it's not just about the ingredients; it's how they synergize to address the root causes of nail concerns.

One of the standout features of KeraBiotics, as noted in several KeraBiotics reviews, is its holistic approach to managing inflammation. Inflammation, often the body's response to invasion or injury, can compromise the nail's integrity, making it a breeding ground for fungus. The antioxidant-rich components within KeraBiotics serve as the first line of defense, neutralizing free radicals and, thereby, mitigating inflammation. This pivotal action enhances the body's own reparative processes, allowing it to more effectively combat toenail fungus.

Moreover, the narrative of healing doesn't end with inflammation control. Immune support is another cornerstone of the KeraBiotics formula. By bolstering the body's natural defenses, KeraBiotics ensures that the immune system is primed and ready to fend off bacterial and viral adversaries. This aspect is particularly crucial, as a compromised immune system can often lead to recurring fungal infections, a concern echoed in numerous KeraBiotics reviews.

Moreover, the narrative of healing doesn't end with inflammation control. Immune support is another cornerstone of the KeraBiotics formula. By bolstering the body's natural defenses, KeraBiotics ensures that the immune system is primed and ready to fend off bacterial and viral adversaries. This aspect is particularly crucial, as a compromised immune system can often lead to recurring fungal infections, a concern echoed in numerous KeraBiotics reviews.
submitted by anchal1202 to u/anchal1202 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:07 Foreign_Presence6275 I genuinely believe and can bet a small fortune that nearly all newly acquired gastrointestinal issues come from parasites, after only 4 days of extensive research.

It's no coincidence that people explain their problems started after a bad meal, unsavory living conditions, or a period of unhealthy habits. Ask yourself this even, when your gastrointestinal dysbiosis first occurred, weren't your symptoms more mild than compared to what they are now? Don't many of you have more problems than smelling? IBS? Inflatulence? Abnormal sweating? Appetite changes? Nervous problems?
All these are telling of a parasitic infection, not bacterial. A person's gut microbiome cannot simply change drastically and cause all of these issues overnight. It's impossible. There are hundreds of trillions bacteria in the gut, and to make a significant change in such an established environment would take decades. If you research the effects parasites can have on the human body you would be shocked, and immediately understand where I'm coming from.
So please, for yourselves do your research on this subject. Go on a 15 to 30 day parasite cleanse and just try it out. The best thing about the cleanse, is that you don't have to change your diet. You eat the same sugars, carbs and meats that would draw them out in the first place, and then you would make sure to take the necessary OTC medication or herbal supplementation to kill them off.
I inadvertently killed off the parasites causing my nervous problem. I left out that I consume a lot of garlic and I take acv daily. So, the fish oil and r alpha lipoic acid were able to bring my nerves back functioning to how they're supposed to. That is likely what happened. I'm not a doctor by any means, I'm just a mechanical engineer. We like to figure out why things work the way they do.
submitted by Foreign_Presence6275 to TMAU [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:48 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 30 2024

DAY: MAY 30 2024


Humans have long been searching for a “magic elixir” to make us smarter, and improve our focus and memory. This includes traditional Chinese medicine used thousands of years ago to improve cognitive function. Now we have nootropics, also known as smart drugs, brain boosters or cognitive enhancers. You can buy these gummies, chewing gum, pills and skin patches online, or from supermarkets, pharmacies or petrol stations. You don’t need a prescription or to consult a health professional. But do nootropics actually boost your brain? Here’s what the science says. What


BIPS has made significant progress in identifying health markers that are crucial for a long and healthy life. Led by Prof. Dr. Krasimira Aleksandrova and in close collaboration with the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke (DIfE), the research provides valuable insights for healthy aging. In the study published in the journal Age and Ageing, Aleksandrova and her team analyzed specific combinations of molecular markers reflecting various biological processes as possible indicators of healthy aging. The focus was particularly


Architecture of data transmission. Participant data were collected from Bluetooth-enabled blood pressure (BP) monitors, wearable devices, and a mobile app–based questionnaire. Data were uploaded through the respective application programming interfaces (APIs) to our app server, where the individualized analysis was carried out before delivering recommendations to participants. A new study in JMIR Cardio shows that a fully digital, artificial intelligence (AI)–driven lifestyle coaching program can effectively reduce blood pressure (BP) in adults with hypertension. This AI-based program leverages data from wearable activity trackers and


New Curtin University research reveals taking pictures of food isn’t just content for our social media feeds, but could be the key to improving people’s diets. The feeding study saw researchers measure the weight of meals, which were then provided to participants over a day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. “Accuracy of energy and nutrient intake estimation versus observed intake using four technology-assisted dietary assessment methods: a randomized crossover feeding study” was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Participants compared different technology-assisted methods to recall what they had


Welcome aboard the roller coaster of parenthood, where emotions run wild, tantrums reign supreme and love flows deep. As children reach toddlerhood and beyond, parents adapt to manage their child’s big emotions and meltdowns. Parenting terminology has adapted too, with more parents describing their child as “dysregulated.” But what does this actually mean? More than an emotion Emotional dysregulation refers to challenges a child faces in recognizing and expressing emotions, and managing emotional reactions in social settings. This may involve either suppressing emotions or displaying exaggerated and intense emotional responses


The terms “shyness” and “social anxiety” are often used interchangeably because they both involve feeling uncomfortable in social situations. However, feeling shy, or having a shy personality, is not the same as experiencing social anxiety (short for “social anxiety disorder”). Here are some of the similarities and differences, and what the distinction means. How are they similar? It can be normal to feel nervous or even stressed in new social situations or when interacting with new people. And everyone differs in how comfortable they feel when interacting


You may have seen advertisements claiming to eliminate the need for eyeglasses through vision therapy or vision training—basically, eye exercises. These exercises include putting pressure on or palming the eye; eye movement exercises; or straining to read by using the wrong prescription glasses to “train” the eyes. As a professor of ophthalmology—and as an eye doctor who has seen thousands of patients—I can tell you that no study to date shows strong evidence that these exercises eliminate the need for glasses or offer any long-term significant benefits. The science simply


Residential segregation is an example of the long history of structural racism in the United States. Black Americans are more likely to live in low-quality neighborhoods, which contributes to disparities in health outcomes. A new study from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign looks at how community stress affects the mental and emotional health of Black men and women in the U.S. “Community stress refers to the effects of living in disadvantaged areas. This includes objective aspects, such as buildings in disrepair and lower median income. There is also a subjective


A Stanford Medicine study of thousands of breast cancers has found that the gene sequences we inherit at conception are powerful predictors of the breast cancer type we might develop decades later and how deadly it might be. The study challenges the dogma that most cancers arise as the result of random mutations that accumulate during our lifetimes. Instead, it points to the active involvement of gene sequences we inherit from our parents—what’s known as your germline genome—in determining whether cells bearing potential cancer-causing mutations are recognized and eliminated by


America’s college students seem to be more stressed than ever, with a new report finding a sharp rise in cases of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and acute stress disorder (ASD) on campuses across the country. In a “national sample of U.S. college students, we found a notable increase in the prevalence of PTSD and ASD,”


Night owls, brace yourselves. A new study by Stanford Medicine researchers has found that following your natural inclination to stay awake until the early morning hours is a bad choice for your mental health. In a survey of nearly 75,000 adults, researchers compared the participants’ preferred sleep timing, known as chronotype, with their actual sleep behavior. They determined that regardless of one’s preferred bedtime, everyone benefits from turning in early. Morning larks and night owls alike tended to have higher rates of mental and behavioral disorders if they stayed up


For a large percentage of men with prostate cancer, the tumor may be so slow-growing that doctors advise a “watch-and-wait” approach instead of active treatment. Now, a study of almost 2,200 patients followed for up to a decade finds that for most, that decision may be a wise one. “In this study, 10 years after diagnosis, 49% of men remained free of progression or treatment, less than 2% developed metastatic disease and less than 1% died of their disease,” reported a team led by Lisa Newcomb, a cancer prevention researcher


Researchers at George Mason University’s College of Public Health have leveraged the power of artificial intelligence (AI) analytical models to match a patient’s medical history to the most effective antidepressant, allowing patients to find symptom relief sooner. The free website, MeAgainMeds.com, provides evidence-based recommendations, allowing clinicians and patients to find the optimal antidepressant the first time. “Many people with depression must try multiple antidepressants before finding the right one that alleviates their symptoms. Our website reduces the number of medications that patients are asked to try. The system recommends to


The clinical practice guidelines, which came about after an extensive review of 113 published clinical trials by a panel of experts, conclude that doctors should recommend exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based programs, Tai chi, qigong, and American ginseng to reduce fatigue severity during cancer treatment. After completion of cancer treatment, the guidelines also suggest that exercise, CBT, and mindfulness-based


A new study to be presented at the SLEEP 2024 annual meeting found that better sleep health was associated with lower levels of loneliness, and this association was stronger among younger adults. Results indicate that better sleep health was associated with significantly lower total loneliness, emotional loneliness and social loneliness. While better sleep health was associated with lower total and emotional loneliness across ages, this association was stronger for younger adults. However, age did not moderate the association between sleep health and social loneliness. “Loneliness is an urgent public health


A new study to be presented at the SLEEP 2024 annual meeting found a distinct relationship between sleep duration, social media usage, and brain activation across brain regions that are key for executive control and reward processing. Results show a correlation between shorter sleep duration and greater social media usage in teens. The analysis points to involvement of areas within the frontolimbic brain regions, such as the inferior and middle frontal gyri, in these relationships. The inferior frontal gyrus, key in inhibitory control, may play


When we’re told “This coffee is hot” upon being served a familiar caffeinated beverage at our local diner or cafe, the message is clear. But what about when we’re told “This coffee is not hot”? Does that mean we think it’s cold? Or room temperature? Or just warm? A team of scientists has now identified how our brains work to process phrases that include negation (i.e., “not”), revealing that it mitigates rather than inverts meaning—in other words, in our minds, negation merely reduces the temperature of our coffee and does


Rebecca Carrier, associate chair of research in the Department of Chemical Engineering, researches retinal and gut epithelial repair in the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex on Jan. 24, 2023. It was an act of desperation: A woman with irritable bowel syndrome was looking for relief from her symptoms. She decided to try an at-home fecal microbiota, aka a “poop transplant.” Used to treat C. diff bacterial infections, this treatment can help introduce “good microbiomes” to the gut to ease gastrointestinal symptoms. But the woman told Netflix


when individuals with obstructive sleep apnea use their positive airway pressure machine more regularly, it benefits their relationship with their partner. Results show that greater adherence to PAP therapy was associated with higher levels of relationship satisfaction and lower levels of relationship conflict. Higher sleep efficiency among patients also was associated with higher levels of relationship satisfaction as reported by both the patient and their partner. “Recognizing that sleep and sleep disorders have an impact on


Amid an ongoing outbreak of bird flu in dairy cows, there’s been a third case of H5N1 avian flu confirmed in a dairy worker, U.S. health officials reported Thursday. The previous two human cases—the first in Texas, the second in Michigan, where this latest case also occurred—involved only a brief discomfort of the eyes, linked to conjunctivitis (“pink eye”). However, this third case is the first to present with more typical respiratory symptoms, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted in a health update. “The patient reported upper


In a clinical practice guideline issued by the American Society for Radiation Oncology and published in Practical Radiation Oncology, evidence-based recommendations are presented for the use of palliative external beam radiation therapy (RT) for symptomatic bone metastases. Sarah Alcorn, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, and colleagues developed evidence-based recommendations for palliative external beam RT in symptomatic bone metastases. Five key questions regarding palliative RT were addressed. The authors noted that RT is recommended for managing pain from bone metastases and spine metastases with or without


Graphical abstract. Credit: Cardiovascular Research (2024). DOI: 10.1093/cvcvae070 A new study from the UC Davis School of Medicine found striking differences at the cellular level between male and female mice with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). The findings could determine how HFpEF is treated in women compared to men. With HFpEF, the heart muscle contracts normally but the heart is unable to fully relax and refill properly between beats. This condition is known as diastolic dysfunction. It can occur if the heart is too stiff or if the



Though 1 in 2 people will develop some form of cancer in their lifetime, there’s still much we don’t know about this disease. But thanks to continued research efforts, we keep learning more about the biology of cancer. One of these recent discoveries could even transform our understanding of how cancers develop. But before we talk about the new discovery, let’s first discuss the classical theory that attempts to explain why normal cells become cancer cells. This theory posits that DNA mutations are the primary cause of cancers. It’s well


Neurologist Professor Dr Kurt-Wolfram Sühs has discovered a new form of severe cerebellitis caused by autoantibodies. Cerebellar ataxia is a neurological disorder of the cerebellum. This important area at the back of the brain acts as a conductor, so to speak, coordinating our movements and keeping us in balance. This ability is impaired in cerebellar ataxia. Affected people can have difficulties walking, speaking and grasping or even with controlled eye movements. In some cases, the damage begins gradually and develops over a period of years.


Have you ever lost all sense of space and time when redecorating a room? How about being so focused while playing an instrument that the worries that weighed you down a minute ago just evaporated? Then you’ve probably experienced “flow.” Flow is a term used in psychology to describe a state of heightened concentration, in which you are completely absorbed in an activity. It exists somewhere between boredom and stress—usually experienced during activities which are somewhat challenging but still meet our skill levels. When we experience flow, we tend to


Immunotherapy, treatments that reinvigorate immune cells’ anti-cancer activity or reprogram T cells to target cancer, has shown promise in treating leukemias but has not yet been realized in solid tumors. One reason for the stymied success is the conversion of potential cancer-killing T cells into an inactive “exhausted” state near the tumor. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital scientists found that how tight a parental T cell grabs a cancer


Some dreams may, in fact, predict the future: New research has found that during sleep, some neurons not only replay the recent past but also anticipate future experience. The discovery is one in a series of insights afforded by a study on sleep and learning published in Nature by a team of researchers from Rice University and the University of Michigan. The research offers an unprecedented view of how individual neurons in the hippocampus of rats
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2024.06.01 02:52 SirShaun01 Fat Man (350lbs) 10 Week TRT Journey

Fat Man (350lbs) 10 Week TRT Journey
Reasoning Had general symptoms, tired, no motivation, low libido. I'm 36 trying to get healthier before establishing an old man PCP cadence. Trying to avoid getting put on all kinds of meds. Trying to be a better dad and a better husband.
Dosages Test Cyp - 200 mg/mL a week (IM Monday Morning and Thursday Night) HCG - 500 Units a week (Monday Morning and Thursday Night) Tadalafil - 12mg a day
Supplements Alpha Brain - 1 in morning Animal Pak Multi Vitamin - 1 Pack After Breakfast Zinc and Magnesium - Before Bed Metamucil - Gummy before each meal (3)
Diet Keto, try to stay around 1500 calories a day
Weight - 6ft Tall 02/06 - Started Tracking - 375.7lbs 03/22 - 1st TRT/HCG Injection - 347.1lbs 05/20 - 8.5 Week Labs - 326.7lbs 05/31 - Today - 325.2lbs
Activities Exercise Bike 3x a week - 1hou15+ Miles each time - Avg Heart Rate 140-155 Sim Racing
Experience So Far After a couple of weeks had a great honeymoon period, noticed better mood, more energy, and sexually was a young man again. Same things still apply just not as noticeable as I guess I am acclimating. Best way to summarize it is, everything is just a little bit easier. I definitely should of started sooner. No regrets.
Probably 3-4 weeks onwards my nips did get a little sensitive. I was told not to take an AI unless I experienced sides. Me not really sure, I toughed it out till labs. I did go backwards a bit leading up to 8.5 week labs, probably due to estradiol spiking. Lost a little a little motivation, mood, and libido. AI has me back to Woooo.
Weight loss definitely got more difficult and is still more stubborn than usual, I think. Body composition is definitely improving though and I try not to focus on the scale that much anymore. Weight is still coming off, just slower.
Sleep, I'm still lacking. Keto diet makes me an insomniac. I lay awake and can't stop thinking about stuff. Zinc and Magnesium not really doing it, but I take them anyways. Any suggestions on the sleep front, let me know.
10 Week Lab Impacts High Blood Cell Counts - Infection on my shin, just wrapped up a week of Cephalexin antibiotics. Keto Diet - Might be impacting some results. I hope anyways....
Changes since 10 Week Labs Anastrozole .5MG - 2x a week Added Tadalafil for cardiovascular benefits, splitting a 24mg chewable in half and taking 12mg a day.
Roast me, ask questions, suggest me things. I'm willing to help if I can and I am still learning myself.
submitted by SirShaun01 to trt [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:42 No_Measurement930 GI Map Results after Famotidine

I’m curious how much a 2 week course of Famotidine might have impacted these results because I don’t really have noticeable GI issues. I can’t get in to my ND for 2 weeks to go over these results so hoping for some advice here.
SIgA low: 470 Anti-gliadin IgA high: >500 Firmicutes high: 4.23e11 Bacteroidetes high: 7.44e12 Akkermansia low:
Everything else in range.
2 months ago I had a vaginal yeast infection and was prescribed 2 doses of Fluconazole 200 mg that caused a severe reaction (severe diarrhea for 8 hrs, vomiting, hives on face, neck, arms, throat tightness/itchiness) so I was switched to 2 courses of Monistat in case it was an allergic reaction (never had a reaction to it in the past). Swab culture showed yeast was cleared.
However, after the Fluconazole reaction I had lingering esophagus/throat redness/itching, high anxiety, cotton mouth, dry mucosa everywhere, mouth ulcers in gums and on tonsils, and diarrhea. I had none of these symptoms prior to Fluconazole. I did a 5-day Prolon fast that stopped the diarrhea before seeing GP who suspected GERD. She had me do a 2 week course of Pepcid 40 mg/day. Symptoms (cotton mouth, burning throat, mouth ulcers) improved for a few days, then worsened. I stopped it after 2 weeks and got a 2nd opinion from a ND.
I suspected oral/esophageal thrush. ND had me do GI Map (prior to any other treatment), then agreed to start me on an anti fungal protocol while waiting on results because at that point it had been 6 weeks of a burning mouth/throat. I had 8 months of antibiotics in 2022 due to a chronic UTI (hormone related and now resolved), so suspected something was off. I also have a long history of sinusitis and use Flonase daily which can cause oral thrush (though I’ve never experienced it before). I thought I had a sinus infection in February, my ENT scoped and said it was fine, just post nasal drip.
Given the reaction to Fluconazole, ND prescribed an oral Amphotericin B “low and slow” protocol, increasing dosage over 3 weeks. Within 24 hours I had the same reaction as I had to Fluconazole, but much milder, so I proceeded. After 3 days, hives went away but I had massive yellow mucus from sinuses that subsided after 3 more days (by day 8 of treatment), but with lingering congestion and mild drainage. It’s been 14 days of treatment (2 months since this all began), and I just got the results. I’m now wondering if there is a bacterial sinus infection. Dr. doesn’t want to start me on antibiotics without seeing me but I can’t go on like this for 2 more weeks - considering an urgent care visit. But also don’t want to further mess up my gut health.
Diet the past 2 months (with a few slip ups of pizza/wine early on) - lots of veg, fish, chicken, bone broths, Greek yogurt (only dairy), berries, eggs, wild rice, quinoa, raw saur kraut. No sugar other than berries. No reactions to any foods and pretty normal stools/GI symptoms. I had a Lymphocytic Colitis diagnosis 3 years ago, but all symptoms resolved after I started doing quarterly fasts the past 2 years - my body feels great during and after fasts. Taking L-Glutamine, Glutathione, Ampho B, biofilm busters, Sacro B, and Klaire Factor 4 probiotics.
Should I worry about the GI Map results or just try to get treatment for what seems like a sinus infection? I’m still on the Ampho B but now wonder if I should stop that too since no yeast is showing up. It’s been a frustrating and expensive 2 months!
Thanks for reading!
submitted by No_Measurement930 to GutHealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:36 amiafuckinwitch Cat has been vomiting after antibiotics.

My 5 month old sphynx (she weighs right around 5lbs) was prescribed Clavamox this morning by her vet. For a bacterial infection in her eye stemming from an injury on her eye when she was little. We’ve had difficulty healing it. I’ve taken her to the vet 4 times. She’s also on 2 different eyedrops.
Her dose of Clavamox was 1.0 MiL (a full dropper) once every 12 hours. I gave her first dose as soon as we got home from the vet around 12:30. At 2:30 she vomited and has since vomited 3 more times. So 4 in total. I, of course, have been in touch with the vet all day. Calling them basically every time she has vomited. They’ve told me not to give her any more antibiotics for the day and to give her a 1/4th of the dose twice a day starting tomorrow morning.
She’s still drinking, eating, and being playful at times. She’s also in a cone. And she basically freezes up and refuses to move with the cone on so she’s spent most of the day in my arms. But as soon as I let her take a break from the cone (completely supervised of course I don’t want her rubbing her eye anymore) she’s up bouncing around, playing, pouncing on me. She also pooped and peed since all of this has been happening.
But I’m still a nervous ninny about everything as this little cat is my BABY. My vet has given me her personal phone number to call if she isn’t better before she opens back up on Monday. So I’m able to get a hold of them whenever I start to feel worried or she starts getting worse.
I would just like some further opinions on if this is the antibiotics causing the vomiting and what can I do to help her feel better. When she vomits, she shivers in my arms for quite a while afterwards.
How much water should she be drinking to prevent dehydration? I’m just worried out of my brain and would like to hear from ya’ll on the matter. Honestly any sort of insight on the situation would be wonderful as I am a bit worried.
submitted by amiafuckinwitch to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:06 nuraman00 Let's Be Clear With Shannen Doherty: Let’s Talk Prevention...As The Doctor Will See You Now.

Dr. Lawrence Piro is a guest host.

submitted by nuraman00 to BeverlyHills90210 [link] [comments]
