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2024.06.01 13:14 Bobylein I was in a works council of a sheltered workshop and non disabled people shouldn't run those places.

So I gotta do a rant about something that's now over already for some time but still makes me seethe when I think about it. I am from germany and I am quite unsure about some work related english terminolgy, so if it confuses you ask away.
Until recently I worked in a sheltered workshop and 2.5 years ago there was the next works council vote to be held, at the start there were only 3 candidates so an autistic co-worker (I will call him Matthew) and me thought it would be a more interesting election with more candidates and we both put us up for election after getting some support from our departments, in the end there were actually 8 candidates and even though I could only hold half a speech before having a meltdown, I still got elected together with John and a very friendly co-worker from another department with some form of learning disability (Let's call him Phill)
Now we got a bit of a problem, as we were elected to represent around 150 people, with no one having prior experience in it and the former council being mostly absent/going into retirement, suddenly we were supposed to attend all kind of organizing events, which mostly were very interesting and fun but also stuff like employment interviews for the staff of the sheltered workshop who supervises departments where I already sometimes got sideeyed by the workshop staff when I asked for claryfications on questions.
But what really made me angry was the kind of ableism you'd suddenly encountenotice everyday. We were expected to act like NTs and when we didn't we would be blamed for all kind of stuff.
One time we got a complaint from a department about the staff there and we decided to just go there to ask if we could set up a meeting with them, the next day we were told my the workshop manager that we couldn't just "waltz in" any department as it would send a specific message when the works council just comes along and talks with the staff there and that in the future we should talk to him first.
Another time my two colleagues went down to the manager to set up a meeting because we wanted to talk about a change to the operating regulations he NEEDED our approval for what he ignored "because the former council already agreed" even though that was two years ago at that point postboned because of covid-19.
Well, I never entirely got told what exactly happened there but apparently he told them they could come in right away to speak about it and got very loud at some point, from that day onward Matthew didn't want any conflict anymore at all with the management and I am pretty sure it triggered some traumatic experience from his childhood ABA therapy... from all I can tell and it's making me really sad even today, as he's one of the most kindest and well thought out people I know, even though he's in his fifties he never got that "boomer attitude" going a lots of older people get.
I tried to push it further and managment even acknowled that our complaint about the new regulations were factually correct but they wouldn't care because it's basically already done and it didn't help that my two colleagues didn't want to push it any further as Phill generally, while being a very nice and friendly person just disliked conflict from the start.
Then there were all the times where we were told something would be done with it never being done until we asked at least three more times, like how do these kind of structures NTs put up even keep working at this point?!
A lot of other changes management just assumed any missing protest from our side meant we agreed with it even though they would need our formal confirmation but everytime I wanted to go file an official complaint Phill didn't care and Matthew didn't want to cause a ruckus.
Also bullshit rules obviously made by NTs for NTs, like: You are allowed to eat there even if you are sick but only if you visited a doctor who confirmed you are sick, otherwise you weren't allowed to eat in the canteen because apparently "people could feel it would be unfair" even though no one of our co-workers ever told us so and they wouldn't know if someone was sick or "official sick" anyway as they aren't allowed to ask if a doctor confirmed it or not. When we asked how they intent to control it they said they realisticly couldn't and hence trust the people being honest, we of course mirrored this response to our co-workers and asked of them in a very non sarcastic tone of voice to be please very honest. (Anyone knowing Babylon 5 just imagine Londo)
We started to resort to "more subtle but non subtle" ways of criticizing bad practices, like we held the yearly company meeting (led by us, attened by everyone interested including workshop staff) and there were people who had serious complaints (about being infantilized by certain staff members all the time) who we gave the time to voice it and of course the workshop staff wanted to quiet them down, so we added a "private" part where no workshop staff was allowed, we excluded management from the last part of the monthly meetings, as they did exclude us from theirs (which was already normal practice since years) and stuff like that.
Well overall it was a very interesting and fun experience but it was also so FUCKING FRUSTRATING, indeed it frustrated me so much that I left the workshop (and the works council early) for that very reason after being there almost 11 years, fuck that shit, fuck NTs with power complexes and their "politics" of doing things the very exact way unwritten rules never told you.
I know this got a lot less structured and more chaotic than I wanted and I left out some details but it makes me too angry to straighten it right now, feel free to ask away.
5/10 would only recommend if you are ready to leave afterwards and got a very high frustration tolerance.
submitted by Bobylein to evilautism [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:04 SassyPaRappa [19M] Do you text a lot? I'd love to listen!

Hello! šŸ‘‹šŸ½
Do you like to talk a lot? Do the other people in your life find you annoying? I won't!
I'd love to meet someone who likes talking and starting conversations, because I am bad at it! It can be short-term, but I would much prefer something long-term! please tell me in your few first messages whether you want it to be one-time or not lol
If you can't start conversations then please don't text me, because I can't either :'( I can just keep the convo going, but if you can start convos, then please send a DM! You can talk about anything you want, or just rant about your day, anything tbh. I'll listen and share what I have to say too so you won't feel like you're talking to a brick wall!
Tell me what stuff you like, and I'll talk about mine! Saying our hobbies/interests here will give us less to talk about in DM's. And I believe that friends who are into wildly different things can still make connections.
BTW my timezone is GMT+3, if you don't care about timezones then neither do I.
submitted by SassyPaRappa to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:02 Successful-Song-8238 Toxic in-laws, What to do?

Iā€™ve never written a question on this app before but this is eating at me. BUCKLE UP THIS IS LONG!
So my husbandā€™s family have been abusive to him, he is the black sheep of his family he is the youngest and has a different father than his older siblings (8,6 years older).
Ever since I started dating him I was antagonized in some way. When I first met his family for Christmas his middle brother invited his ex-girlfriend to hang out, unbeknownst to my then bf which was awkward but she was fine with me. My boyfriend then was really sick and I took the train 2 hours to pick him up from his home (where his family was with their cars) and take him to a hospital in London. He was there for 6 days not one person visited him but me. They made fun of him and minimized his illness.
Then we moved to my home country the US and eloped. They came to visit a few years later his mom and eldest brother were okay. Middle brother again constantly throwing barbs and digs at me completely unprovoked. I get there may be a culture difference they are White English conservatives, Iā€™m African American. Shortly after we married he dated a black girl, who left bc she was also treated poorly. Some examples of digs; I congratulated him on graduating and asked him when he finished he replied ā€œsame time you were supposed toā€ (I dropped out). Then I asked what the he loved most and what was challenging about being a PT and he replied ā€œno offense, working with fat people.ā€ Took them to multiple meals and covered everything which wasnā€™t cheap, he complained about the food being ā€œreheatedā€ and bitched when he was IDā€™d.
Things get progressively worse, middle brother has a precious baby. I want to spoil her and become close with the mother of the child (who is not with him due to his creepy behavior). We form a fast friendship and chat all the time about the baby. My brother in-law tortures this girl denies he is the dad but also goes out of his way to bully her (sheā€™s not breast feeding right, she shouldnā€™t have pacifiers) all from the comfort of his home. He is also constantly complaining about having to pay $50 a week in child support nonstop saying he is going ā€œbankruptā€. My hubby is part of a group chat and my mother-in-law talks ish about my friend and my hubby is telling me. I ask to see and his brother is actively trying to give his soon to be 1 year old daughter eggs and gluten that his ex told him she was allergic to and they are plotting to do this during her birthday and explicitly NOT tell my friend the mom of his baby. The reasoning was ā€œIā€™m the father, I deserve to be respected, I can make choices toā€ but he is extremely sneaky. I show my friend/babyā€™s mom the messages and all hell breaks loose because of course he lies and gets caught. I would have told him off directly but he blocked me because he was mad at how close I was getting to his ex. I am called a ā€œdespicable womanā€ dragged in their chat, made to seem that Iā€™m spying on my husband and accused of being jealous and sabotaging my nieceā€™s birthday party. My husband says nothing in my defense just goes along like he didnā€™t send me the photos of their chatā€¦
They donā€™t know Iā€™m pregnant at this time and I chose not to tell any of my in-laws due to how awful they are. I also donā€™t believe in telling anyone that would wish ill on me and my baby (bad juju), but my bestie the baby mom knows. I give birth his mom has an absolute tantrum says incredibly awful things to my husband, reaches out to my mom to wish her congratulations on her grandchild and says ā€œi guess I will learn to love him.ā€
Then my friend the mom gets diagnosed with cancer and wants to keep this secret and makes me promise, she kept my secret pregnancy it is the least I could do. She dies a few months later and my brother in law attacks her for not telling him and claims she is a horrible mother. He takes custody of his daughter.
Fast forward the eldest brother meets this hog woman. She is rotund and English, very ignorant and rude. The first interaction I had she thought she knew so much, decides to bash my dead friendā€™s parenting, call my dead father in law ā€œweirdā€, tells me my niece eats everything now due to having a ā€œgood parentā€ and called my apt in NYC ā€œembarrassingā€ bc it had scaffolding on google maps when she looked me up (like a creep). She then antagonizes me in a variety of slick ways including posting the eldest brother with my niece with the caption ā€œuncle Bā€™s favorite!ā€ On my sonā€™s birthday. Most recently I tell his family that we want to actually have a proper wedding and celebrate after 10 years of marriage, i give them 2 years notice. The hog says ā€œohhh me and the eldest are planning on getting married then.ā€ I ask why she says ā€œnice weatherā€. She then proceeds to have a fall wedding (orange, red, greens, pumpkins, barley, wheelbarrows etc.ā€ in May. I try to be the bigger person and send a kind welcome and she leaves me on read.
I hate these people, I need to let this go. My husband says that we should just go on continuing our happy life and not ā€œstart problemsā€. But it feels like so much awfulness to have to swallow. I also feel like if/when I do speak up Iā€™m the hysterical angry black woman and this hog is the ā€œinnocentā€. The whole thing is so so frustrating but I need to let it go even though I want them to hurt emotionally as much as they have hurt us.
Any recommendations, would you want revenge? There is so much more but I have written a novel already. I feel alone like no one has my back or tries to understand my perspective. They are so sneaky and underhanded. I want to protect my family from these sick people. At the same time I want justice, justice for my husband, for my dead bestie, for me son and for me.
submitted by Successful-Song-8238 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:01 jjdewit TradingView.com Review: Overview of TradingView.com and its Features

TradingView.com.com is a popular online platform that provides a comprehensive suite of tools and resources for traders, investors, and analysts to analyze and trade financial markets. In this chapter, we will provide an overview of TradingView.com, its features, and its benefits, setting the stage for a deeper dive into the platform's capabilities in subsequent chapters.

What is TradingView.com?

TradingView.com is a cloud-based platform that enables users to analyze and trade financial markets, including stocks, forex, futures, and cryptocurrencies. Founded in 2011, TradingView.com has grown to become one of the largest and most popular trading communities in the world, with over 10 million registered users.

Key Features of TradingView.com

TradingView.com offers a wide range of features that make it an attractive platform for traders and analysts. Some of the key features include:
1. Charting and Technical Analysis: TradingView.com provides a powerful charting platform that allows users to create custom charts with various indicators, drawing tools, and annotations. Users can also access a vast library of pre-built indicators and templates.
2. Backtesting and Paper Trading: TradingView.com allows users to backtest and paper trade their strategies using historical data, enabling them to refine their trading ideas and test their performance.
3. Community and Social Trading: TradingView.com has a large and active community of users who share their ideas, strategies, and insights. Users can follow other traders, participate in discussions, and share their own ideas and insights.
4. Alerts and Notifications: TradingView.com provides a robust alert system that allows users to set custom alerts based on market conditions, technical indicators, and other criteria.
5. Data Feeds: TradingView.com offers a range of data feeds, including real-time and historical data, for various markets and instruments.
6. Scripting and Automation: TradingView.com's PineScript language allows users to create custom indicators, strategies, and automated trading systems.
7. Mobile Apps: TradingView.com offers mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, enabling users to access the platform on-the-go.

Benefits of Using TradingView.com

TradingView.com offers several benefits to its users, including:
1. Improved Trading Decisions: TradingView.com's charting and analysis tools enable users to make more informed trading decisions.
2. Access to a Large Community: TradingView.com's community provides users with access to a vast network of traders, analysts, and experts.
3. Customization and Automation: TradingView.com's scripting and automation capabilities allow users to create custom strategies and automate their trading.
4. Real-time Data and Alerts: TradingView.com's real-time data and alert system enable users to stay up-to-date with market movements and react quickly to market changes.
5. Cost-Effective: TradingView.com offers a range of pricing plans, including a free version, making it an accessible platform for traders and analysts.


In this chapter, we have provided an overview of TradingView.com, its features, and its benefits. TradingView.com is a powerful platform that offers a range of tools and resources for traders, analysts, and investors. Whether you are a seasoned trader or just starting out, TradingView.com provides a comprehensive suite of tools to help you analyze and trade financial markets. In the next chapter, we will delve deeper into the charting and technical analysis capabilities of TradingView.com.

Chapter 2: Creating an Account and Setting Up Your Profile

As a new user, creating an account and setting up your profile is the first step in exploring the world of [Platform/Service]. In this chapter, we will guide you through a step-by-step process to create an account and set up your profile, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience.

Section 1: Creating an Account

To create an account, follow these steps:
1. Visit the Sign-up Page: Go to the [Platform/Service] website and click on the "Sign Up" or "Create an Account" button. This will take you to the sign-up page.
2. Enter Your Email Address: Enter a valid email address to serve as your login credentials. Make sure to use a unique and memorable email address, as it will be used to reset your password if needed.
3. Choose a Username: Choose a unique and memorable username that will be used to identify you on the platform. This can be your real name, a nickname, or a combination of letters and numbers.
4. Create a Password: Create a strong and unique password for your account. A strong password should be at least 8 characters long and include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
5. Confirm Your Password: Re-enter your password to confirm it. This ensures that you have entered the correct password.
6. Verify Your Account: Click on the "Create Account" button to create your account. You will receive an email verification link to verify your email address.

Section 2: Setting Up Your Profile

Once you have created your account, it's time to set up your profile. Follow these steps:
1. Fill Out Your Profile Information: Fill out your profile information, including your name, birthday, and location. This information will be used to personalize your experience and connect with other users.
2. Add a Profile Picture: Upload a profile picture that represents you. This can be a photo of yourself, a logo, or an avatar.
3. Add a Bio: Write a brief bio that describes yourself, your interests, or your expertise. This will help others get to know you better and find common ground.
4. Customize Your Profile Settings: Customize your profile settings to control what information is visible to others and what notifications you receive.
5. Connect with Others: Start connecting with other users by sending friend requests or joining groups related to your interests.

Tips and Best Practices

Ā· Use a strong and unique password for your account.
Ā· Keep your profile information up-to-date and accurate.
Ā· Be cautious when sharing personal information or connecting with strangers.
Ā· Use the platform's built-in features to block or report suspicious or inappropriate behavior.
Ā· Respect other users' privacy and boundaries.


Congratulations! You have successfully created an account and set up your profile. You are now ready to explore the world of [Platform/Service] and start connecting with others. Remember to keep your account information secure, be respectful of others, and have fun exploring the platform. In the next chapter, we will dive deeper into the features and functionality of [Platform/Service].

Chapter 3: Navigating the TradingView.com


As a trader or investor, it's essential to understand the TradingView.com interface to get the most out of this powerful platform. In this chapter, we'll take a comprehensive tour of the TradingView.com interface and its various components. By the end of this chapter, you'll be well-versed in navigating the platform and ready to start exploring its features.

Section 1: The TradingView.com


The TradingView.com dashboard is the main hub of the platform, providing an overview of your account, market data, and other essential features. Let's break down the key components of the dashboard:
1. Header Bar: The header bar at the top of the screen displays your username, account balance, and other account information.
2. Navigation Menu: The navigation menu allows you to access various sections of the platform, including your watchlists, charts, and settings.
3. Market Data: The market data section provides real-time quotes for various assets, including stocks, forex, and cryptocurrencies.
4. Alerts: The alerts section allows you to set custom alerts for specific market conditions, such as price movements or news events.
5. Watchlists: The watchlists section enables you to create and manage custom lists of symbols, making it easy to track your favorite assets.

Section 2: Charting and Analysis

TradingView.com is renowned for its powerful charting capabilities, allowing you to create custom charts with various indicators, studies, and drawing tools. Let's explore the key features of the charting interface:
1. Chart Types: TradingView.com offers a range of chart types, including line charts, candlestick charts, and Renko charts.
2. Indicators: The platform comes with a vast library of built-in indicators, including moving averages, RSI, and Bollinger Bands.
3. Drawing Tools: The drawing tools allow you to annotate your charts with lines, shapes, and text.
4. Studies: Studies are custom indicators created by the TradingView.com community, offering a wide range of trading strategies and techniques.
5. PineScript: PineScript is a programming language used to create custom indicators and strategies.

Section 3: Community and Social Trading

TradingView.com is more than just a trading platform ā€“ it's a community-driven platform where traders and investors share ideas, strategies, and insights. Let's explore the community features:
1. PineCoders: PineCoders is a community of developers who create custom indicators and strategies using PineScript.
2. TradingView.com Blog: The TradingView.com blog features articles, analysis, and insights from experienced traders and investors.
3. TradingView.com Forum: The forum is a hub for discussion, debate, and learning, where traders and investors share their experiences and ask questions.
4. Watchlists: Watchlists allow you to share your favorite symbols with others, making it easy to collaborate and learn from each other.
5. PineScript Challenges: PineScript challenges are community-driven initiatives where developers create custom indicators and strategies, and the community votes on the best submissions.

Section 4: Customization and Settings

As you become more comfortable with the TradingView.com interface, you'll want to customize your experience to suit your needs. Let's explore the customization options:
1. Theme: TradingView.com offers a range of themes, allowing you to personalize the look and feel of the platform.
2. Layout: The layout options enable you to customize the arrangement of the platform's components, such as the chart, indicators, and alerts.
3. Notifications: The notification settings allow you to customize the types of notifications you receive, including market data updates and alert notifications.
4. Security: The security settings enable you to set up two-factor authentication, password recovery, and other security measures to protect your account.


Navigating the TradingView.com interface is an essential step in unlocking the full potential of this powerful platform. By understanding the various components of the dashboard, charting and analysis tools, community features, and customization options, you'll be well-equipped to start exploring the platform and developing your trading skills. In the next chapter, we'll dive deeper into the world of PineScript, exploring the programming language and its applications in trading and investing.

Chapter 4: Understanding Charts and Time Frames

In this chapter, we will delve into the world of charts and time frames, a fundamental concept in technical analysis. We will explore the different types of charts, time frames, and how to use them effectively on TradingView.com. By the end of this chapter, you will have a solid understanding of how to use charts and time frames to analyze and trade the markets.

What are Charts and Time Frames?

Charts and time frames are the foundation of technical analysis. A chart is a graphical representation of a security's price action over a specific period. Time frames, on the other hand, refer to the duration of the data displayed on the chart. In other words, time frames determine how much data is displayed on the chart and how often the data is updated.

Types of Charts

There are several types of charts, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The most common types of charts are:
1. Line Chart: A line chart connects the closing prices of a security over a specific period, creating a continuous line. This chart is useful for identifying trends and patterns.
2. Candlestick Chart: A candlestick chart displays the high, low, open, and close prices of a security over a specific period. Each candle represents a specific time period, and the color of the candle indicates whether the price closed higher or lower than the previous day's close.
3. Bar Chart: A bar chart is similar to a candlestick chart but does not display the open and close prices. Instead, it shows the high and low prices, as well as the open and close prices.
4. Renko Chart: A Renko chart is a type of chart that uses a unique algorithm to create a chart that is not based on time. Instead, it uses price movements to create a chart that is more focused on the price action.

Time Frames

Time frames determine the duration of the data displayed on the chart. Common time frames include:
1. 1-minute: A 1-minute chart displays the price action over a 1-minute period.
2. 5-minute: A 5-minute chart displays the price action over a 5-minute period.
3. 15-minute A 15-minute chart displays the price action over a 15-minute period.
4. 30-minute: A 30-minute chart displays the price action over a 30-minute period.
5. 1-hour: A 1-hour chart displays the price action over a 1-hour period.
6. 4-hour: A 4-hour chart displays the price action over a 4-hour period.
7. Daily: A daily chart displays the price action over a 1-day period.
8. Weekly: A weekly chart displays the price action over a 1-week period.
9. Monthly: A monthly chart displays the price action over a 1-month period.

Using Charts and Time Frames on TradingView.com

TradingView.com is a popular platform for charting and analyzing financial markets. Here's how to use charts and time frames on TradingView.com:
1. Creating a Chart: To create a chart on TradingView.com, go to the "Charts" tab and select the security you want to chart. Choose the chart type and time frame you want to use.
2. Customizing the Chart: Once you have created a chart, you can customize it by adding indicators, drawing tools, and other features.
3. Switching Time Frames: To switch time frames on TradingView.com, click on the "Time Frame" dropdown menu and select the desired time frame.
4. Zooming In and Out: To zoom in and out of a chart on TradingView.com, use the mouse wheel or the "Zoom" button.


In this chapter, we have covered the basics of charts and time frames, including the different types of charts and time frames. We have also explored how to use charts and time frames on TradingView.com. By mastering charts and time frames, you will be able to analyze and trade the markets more effectively. In the next chapter, we will explore the importance of indicators and how to use them to make informed trading decisions.

Chapter 5: Technical Indicators and Studies

In this chapter, we will delve into the world of technical indicators and studies available on TradingView.com. As a trader, it is essential to understand the various indicators and studies that can be used to analyze and predict market movements. This chapter will provide an overview of the different types of technical indicators and studies available on TradingView.com, their uses, and how to apply them in your trading strategy.

What are Technical Indicators and Studies?

Technical indicators and studies are mathematical calculations based on historical price data that help traders identify trends, patterns, and potential trading opportunities. These indicators and studies can be used to analyze and predict market movements, making it easier to make informed trading decisions.

Types of Technical Indicators and Studies

There are numerous types of technical indicators and studies available on TradingView.com, including:
1. Trend Indicators: These indicators help identify trends and potential trading opportunities. Examples include the Moving Average, Relative Strength Index (RSI), and Bollinger Bands.
2. Momentum Indicators: These indicators measure the rate of change of an asset's price over a given period. Examples include the RSI, Stochastic Oscillator, and Momentum Indicator.
3. Volatility Indicators: These indicators measure the degree of price movement or volatility. Examples include the Average True Range (ATR) and Bollinger Bands.
4. Pattern Recognition Indicators: These indicators help identify specific chart patterns, such as head and shoulders or triangles. Examples include the Ichimoku Cloud and the Keltner Channel.
5. Statistical Indicators: These indicators use statistical methods to analyze market data. Examples include the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) and the Simple Moving Average (SMA).

Popular Technical Indicators and Studies on TradingView.com

Some of the most popular technical indicators and studies available on TradingView.com include:
1. Moving Average: A simple moving average calculates the average price of an asset over a given period.
2. Relative Strength Index (RSI): The RSI measures the magnitude of recent price changes to determine overbought or oversold conditions.
3. Bollinger Bands: Bollinger Bands consist of a moving average and two standard deviations plotted above and below the average.
4. Stochastic Oscillator: The stochastic oscillator compares the closing price of an asset to its price range over a given period.
5. Ichimoku Cloud: The Ichimoku Cloud is a comprehensive technical analysis system that inclues multiple indicators, including the Tenkan-sen, Kijun-sen, and Senkou Span.
6. Keltner Channel: The Keltner Channel is a volatility-based indicator that plots two lines above and below a moving average.
7. Average True Range (ATR): The ATR measures the average true range of an asset over a given period.
8. Exponential Moving Average (EMA): The EMA is a type of moving average that gives more weight to recent price data.
9. Simple Moving Average (SMA): The SMA is a type of moving average that calculates the average price of an asset over a given period.
10. Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI): The SMI is a momentum indicator that measures the rate of change of an aset's price over a given period.

How to Use Technical Indicators and Studies

To get the most out of technical indicators and studies, it is essential to understand how to use them effectively. Here are some tips:
1. Combine Indicators: Combining multiple indicators can help confirm trading signals and reduce false positives.
2. Use Multiple Time Frames: Analyzing multiple time frames can help identify trends and patterns that may not be visible on a single time frame.
3. Adjust Parameters: Adjusting the parameters of an indicator can help tailor it to your specific trading strategy.
4. Use Indicators in Conjunction with Fundamental Analysis: Combining technical indicators with fundamental analysis can help provide a more comprehensive view of the market.
5. Backtest Indicators: Backtesting indicators can help evaluate their performance and identify potential biases.


Technical indicators and studies are powerful tools that can help traders analyze and predict market movements. By understanding the different types of indicators and studies available on TradingView.com, traders can develop a comprehensive trading strategy that incorporates multiple indicators and studies. Remember to combine indicators, use multiple time frames, adjust parameters, and backtest indicators to get the most out of technical indicators and studies.

Chapter 6: Creating and Customizing Charts

As a trader, having the right tools and information is crucial for making informed decisions. Charts are an essential component of any trading strategy, providing valuable insights into market trends and patterns. In this chapter, we will explore the process of creating and customizing charts on TradingView.com, a popular platform for traders and analysts.

Creating a Chart on TradingView.com

Creating a chart on TradingView.com is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few steps.
1. Log in to Your TradingView.com Account: Start by logging in to your TradingView.com account. If you don't have an account, you can create one by signing up on the TradingView.com website.
2. Select the Symbol: Once logged in, navigate to the "Symbols" tab and select the symbol you want to chart. You can search for symbols by typing in the symbol name or by using the "Search" function.
3. Create a New Chart: Click on the "Create a New Chart" button to create a new chart. You can also create a new chart by clicking on the "New Chart" button in the top-right corner of the TradingView.com window.
4. Select the Chart Type: Choose the type of chart you want to create. TradingView.com offers a variety of chart types, including line charts, candlestick charts, and more.
5. Customize the Chart Settings: Customize the chart settings to suit your needs. You can adjust the chart size, grid lines, and other settings to create a chart that meets your requirements.

Customizing Charts on TradingView.com

Customizing charts on TradingView.com is an essential step in creating a chart that meets your specific needs. Here are some tips for customizing your charts:
1. Add Indicators: Add indicators to your chart to gain insights into market trends and patterns. TradingView.com offers a wide range of indicators, including moving averages, RSI, and more.
2. Add Drawings: Add drawings to your chart to highlight specific patterns or trends. You can add lines, shapes, and other drawings to your chart to create a visual representation of your analysis.
3. Add Alerts: Set up alerts on your chart to notify you of specific market events or price movements. You can set up alerts based on price movements, volume, and other market indicators.
4. Customize the Chart Grid: Customize the chart grid to suit your needs. You can adjust the grid lines, grid spacing, and other settings to create a chart that meets your requirements.
5. Save and Share Your Chart: Save and share your chart with others. You can save your chart as a template or share it with other traders and analysts.

Advanced Chart Customization

In addition to the basic customization options, TradingView.com offers advanced customization options that allow you to create complex charts and indicators. Here are some tips for advanced chart customization:
1. Create Custom Indicators: Create custom indicators using the TradingView.com PineScript programming language. You can create custom indicators that meet your specific needs.
2. Use Custom Drawings: Use custom drawings to create complex patterns and shapes on your chart. You can create custom drawings using the TradingView.com drawing tools.
3. Customize the Chart Layout: Customize the chart layout to suit your needs. You can adjust the chart size, grid lines, and other settings to create a chart that meets your requirements.
4. Use Advanced Chart Settings: Use advanced chart settings to customize your chart further. You can adjust the chart settings to suit your specific needs.


Creating and customizing charts on TradingView.com is a powerful way to gain insights into market trends and patterns. By following the steps outlined in this chapter, you can create complex charts and indicators that meet your specific needs. Whether you're a seasoned trader or a beginner, TradingView.com offers a range of tools and features that can help you create charts that meet your specific needs.
Chapter 7:

Introduction to Trading Strategies

As a trader, having a solid understanding of various trading strategies is crucial for making informed decisions and maximizing profits. In this chapter, we will explore popular trading strategies, their underlying principles, and how to implement them on TradingView.com. By the end of this chapter, you will have a comprehensive understanding of various trading strategies and how to apply them using TradingView.com's powerful platform.

Introduction to Trading Strategies

Trading strategies are pre-defined rules or methods used to make trading decisions. These strategies are designed to help traders navigate the markets, identify profitable opportunities, and minimize losses. Trading strategies can be categorized into several types, including:
Ā· Trend following strategies: These strategies aim to identify and ride the trend, whether it's an uptrend or a downtrend.
Ā· Range trading strategies: These strategies focus on identifying and trading within a specific price range.
Ā· Mean reversion strategies: These strategies rely on the idea that prices will revert to their historical means.
Ā· Statistical arbitrage strategies: These strategies involve identifying mispricings in the market and exploiting them.

Popular Trading Strategies

2.1 Trend Following Strategies
Trend following strategies are designed to identify and ride the trend. These strategies involve identifying the direction of the market and trading in that direction. Some popular trend following strategies include:
Ā· Moving Average Crossover (MAC): This strategy involves identifying the crossover of two moving averages to determine the direction of the trend.
Ā· Relative Strength Index (RSI): This strategy involves identifying overbought or oversold conditions using the RSI indicator.
Ā· Bollinger Bands: This strategy involves identifying breakouts above or below the bands to determine the direction of the trend.
2.2 Range Trading Strategies
Range trading strategies focus on identifying and trading within a specific price range. These strategies involve identifying support and resistance levels and trading within the range. Some popular range trading strategies include:
Ā· Support and Resistance Trading: This strategy involves identifying key support and resistance levels and trading within the range.
Ā· Channel Trading: This strategy involves identifying and trading within a specific price channel.
2.3 Mean Reversion Strategies
Mean reversion strategies rely on the idea that prices will revert to their historical means. These strategies involve identifying overbought or oversold conditions and trading in the opposite direction. Some popular mean reversion strategies include:
Ā· Mean Reversion Trading: This strategy involves identifying overbought or oversold conditions and trading in the opposite direction.
Ā· Statistical Arbitrage: This strategy involves identifying mispricings in the market and exploiting them.
2.4 Statistical Arbitrage Strategies
Statistical arbitrage strategies involve identifying mispricings in the market and exploiting them. These strategies involve analyzing historical data and identifying statistical anomalies. Some popular statistical arbitrage strategies include:
Ā· Statistical Arbitrage: This strategy involves identifying mispricings in the market and exploiting them.
Ā· Event-Driven Trading: This strategy involves identifying and trading on specific events, such as earnings announcements or mergers and acquisitions.


Implementing Trading Strategies on TradingView.com

TradingView.com is a powerful platform that allows traders to implement and backtest various trading strategies. Here are some steps to follow when implementing trading strategies on TradingView.com:
1. Create a new chart: Open a new chart on TradingView.com and select the asset you want to trade.
2. Add indicators: Add the indicators you want to use for your trading strategy. For example, you may want to add a moving average crossover indicator.
3. Set parameters: Set the parameters for your indicators. For example, you may want to set the period for your moving average crossover indicator.
4. Backtest the strategy: Backtest your strategy by running a backtest on TradingView.com. This will allow you to evaluate the performance of your strategy.
5. Refine the strategy: Refine your strategy by adjusting the parameters and testing different scenarios.


In this chapter, we have explored popular trading strategies and how to implement them on TradingView.com. By understanding various trading strategies and how to apply them using TradingView.com, you can make informed trading decisions and maximize your profits. Remember to always backtest and refine your strategies to ensure optimal performance. In the next chapter, we will explore advanced trading strategies and how to use them to improve your trading performance.

Chapter 8:

Backtesting and Evaluating Trading Ideas

As a trader, it's essential to test and refine your trading ideas before implementing them in live markets. Backtesting and evaluating your trading ideas can help you identify potential flaws, optimize your strategy, and increase your chances of success. In this chapter, we'll explore the process of backtesting and evaluating trading ideas using TradingView.com, a popular platform for charting and backtesting trading strategies.

What is Backtesting?

Backtesting is the process of applying a trading strategy to historical market data to evaluate its performance. It allows you to test your trading idea on past data to see how it would have performed in real-time. By backtesting your strategy, you can:
1. Identify potential flaws in your strategy
2. Optimize your strategy for better performance
3. Refine your strategy to improve its accuracy
4. Evaluate the strategy's risk-reward ratio

Why Backtest?

Backtesting is crucial for several reasons:
1. Risk management: Backtesting helps you identify potential risks associated with your trading strategy.
2. Strategy optimization: Backtesting allows you to refine your strategy to improve its performance.
3. Performance evaluation: Backtesting enables you to evaluate the performance of your strategy and make data-driven decisions.
4. Confidence booster: Backtesting gives you confidence in your strategy, reducing the risk of emotional trading decisions.

How to Backtest on TradingView.com

TradingView.com offers a range of tools and features for backtesting trading ideas. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:
1. Create a new chart: Open TradingView.com and create a new chart for the asset you want to backtest.
2. Select the data range: Choose the time period for which you want to backtest your strategy. You can select a specific date range or use the default settings.
3. Add the strategy: Click on the "Indicators" tab and add the strategy you want to backtest. You can use built-in indicators or create your own custom indicators.
4. Set the parameters: Configure the strategy's parameters, such as the number of bars to look back, the number of trades to take, and the stop-loss levels.
5. Run the backtest: Click the "Run" button to start the backtest. TradingView.com will apply your strategy to the selected data range and provide performance metrics.
6. Analyze the results: Review the backtest results, including the strategy's profit/loss, drawdown, and other performance metrics.

Evaluating Trading Ideas

Evaluating your trading idea is a crucial step in the backtesting process. Here are some key metrics to consider:
1. Profit/Loss: Calculate the total profit or loss generated by your strategy.
2. Drawdown: Measure the maximum loss experienced by your strategy.
3. Sharpe Ratio: Calculate the Sharpe Ratio to evaluate the strategy's risk-adjusted performance.
4. Sortino Ratio: Use the Sortino Ratio to evaluate the strategy's risk-adjusted performance, focusing on the maximum drawdown.
5. Information Coefficient: Calculate the Information Coefficient to evaluate the strategy's ability to generate profits.

Best Practices for Backtesting

To get the most out of backtesting, follow these best practices:
1. Use a robust data set: Ensure your data is accurate and free from errors.
2. Test multiple scenarios: Test your strategy on different time frames, assets, and market conditions.
3. Monitor performance metrics: Keep track of your strategy's performance metrics and adjust as needed.
4. Refine your strategy: Continuously refine your strategy to improve its performance.
5. Avoid overfitting: Be cautious of overfitting, where your strategy performs well on the training data but poorly on new data.


Backtesting and evaluating trading ideas is a crucial step in the trading process. By using TradingView.com and following best practices, you can refine your trading strategy, optimize its performance, and increase your chances of success. Remember to evaluate your strategy's performance using relevant metrics and refine it continuously to improve its performance. With practice and patience, you'll develop a robust trading strategy that can withstand the challenges of the markets.
submitted by jjdewit to beststockbrokers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:01 AutoModerator Got a question? Ask it here!

If you have a rules question, meta questions about the competitive aspect of the game, are looking for painting tips and techniques, have small quick questions, or are just excited about getting the game then this thread is for you to ask ALL those questions you have, and more! Old players, please jump in and answer the questions, and generally show our new players a good time!
We also recommend these content creators (this list is not exhaustive, just some of our favourites!) If you would like to be added to this list, please send us a modmail message!
If you're looking for a faster response to a quick question, we also recommend the popular Discord server.
Comments are automatically sorted by "New" to allow for easier answering.
submitted by AutoModerator to asoiafminiaturesgame [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:01 AutoModerator What fan game should I play?

Welcome to PokemonRMXP's dedicated "What fan game should I play?" megathread. This replaces the previous post flair, when users could make individual posts asking for game recommendations. Individual posts of this nature are now banned, as they are antithetical to the focus of our community.
PokemonRMXP (RPG Maker XP) is a subreddit dedicated to creating PokƩmon fan games made in RPG Maker XP. All content must be relevant to making PokƩmon fan games. Do not post something unrelated to making fan games.

Use this megathread (updated monthly) to ask for game recommendations.

  • Please be specific when asking for a recommendation. Asking for "the best fangame" or "a good fangame" is not specific. e.g. try asking questions like: "I'm looking for suggestions for good fan games set in Johto!" Or, "I'm looking for fan games set in totally unique fan made regions!"
  • Please be specific when suggesting a fan game. You cannot just paste the title of the game as a comment. Provide some detailed information about the fan game you are recommending, or your comment may be removed.

If you would like your community added to the subreddits of interest section in our sidebar, send us a modmail!

If you have any other questions you can send us a modmail message, and we will get back to you right away.

Comments are automatically sorted by "New" to allow for easier answering.
submitted by AutoModerator to PokemonRMXP [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:01 AutoModerator General Questions Weekly Megathread

Welcome to PokemonBDSP's General Questions Megathread!

All Megathreads

Please use this mega-thread, updated weekly, if you have any questions related to BDSP

Before asking your question here try searching the subreddit with the help flair and consulting our frequently updated FAQ's page as your question may have already been answered. As a final note please upvote any questions you may find useful so we can add them to our FAQ's Page sooner.

For additional live support check out PokemonBDSP's official discord server

For More Information Check Out These Links:

Comments are automatically sorted by "New" to allow for easier answering.
submitted by AutoModerator to PokemonBDSP [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:00 AutoModerator Got a question? Ask it here!

If you have a rules question, meta questions about the competitive aspect of the game, are looking for painting tips and techniques, have small quick questions, or are just excited about getting the game then this thread is for you to ask ALL those questions you have, and more! Old players, please jump in and answer the questions, and generally show our new players a good time!
If you have a question about what to buy, we recommend Crabbok's buying guides.
For rules and how to play, and ship breakdowns, we also recommend these videos.
We also recommend these content creators (this list is not exhaustive, just some of our favourites! If you would like to be added to this list, please send us a modmail message!
If you're looking for a faster response to a quick question, we also recommend the two popular Armada Discord Servers.
submitted by AutoModerator to StarWarsArmada [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:00 ManicGypsy New Members, Start Here!

First of all, welcome to the Neverwinter subreddit. This is the subreddit for the Neverwinter MMO by Cryptic. Please take some time to read our Rules.
You are free to post trading threads here (provided that they do not violate the subreddit's rules), or you can use the NeverwinterTradePost subreddit. Please make sure that you flair your post with the platform you play on.
If you are wanting to chat with people, the Protector's Enclave Discord server is available. While it's not an official Discord, it is the closest thing we have to one, and there are devs and other PWE & Cryptic staff present. The subreddit also has its own built in chat system, but it's buggy and gets cleared of text often (due to bugs with Reddit).
We have a list of recruiting guilds. If you wish to have your guild added to the list, leave a LINK here in this thread. See the list for more details.
Our subreddit's wiki is in the process of being updated. Check it out to see if it's been updated!
If you are new to Reddit, please expect your first posts and comments to need manual approval from a Moderator first before they can officially be posted/shared. This is standard for all New Accounts, we just ask that you be patient while waiting for a manual approval.
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to post them here. For moderation questions, please send a PM to Neverwinter. Thanks!
submitted by ManicGypsy to Neverwinter [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:56 Femboy_Yugioh 26 M4M - USA - Anime geek looking for another nerdy guy

Looking for something real. Lately every time I think I found someone they ghost.šŸ˜” Iā€™m not looking for a one day chat. Looking for my person , someone I can be nerdy with , silly, hopefully grow as partners. I absolutely love voice chats. It helps me get to know you more and I just love that then texting most of the time šŸ¤—.
Hi! My names Kira!! Below youā€™ll find a lot of my my personality and hobbies , as well as my idea partner. Thereā€™s much more than this.
Texas . Willing to move to another state or have my future partner live with me .
Appearance :
A thick black femboy who loves dressing up sometimes . Height : 5ā€™3. Age: 26 Personality : Iā€™m super ambivert . I love to go to anime cons, anime movies , TCG stores for tournaments , ect . Iā€™m a super silly goofball who loves to make people smile .
šŸ’™My hobbies:
šŸ©·What im looking for in a RelationshipšŸ©·
ā–¶ļøMY TYPE:
TALL (taller than my own height) , very communicative, masculine(mostly beards and body hair) gamers/anime nerds.
Someone whoā€™s ready for a long term relationship Someone who may want to live together in the future
Someone who loves anime or video games especially OW2. *These are just preferences not a deal breaker. *
āœ…Ps: for compatibility reasons Iā€™m a 100% bottom.
Do not ask me NSFW question it will be an immediate block
If you made it this far, please message me an introduction about yourself. This is extremely important as it tells me alot about you and for me to give you a well detailed response. Mostly a name to call you , hobbies, location (state wise) and what youā€™re looking for . You may send pics in the first message if you may like šŸ˜Š
submitted by Femboy_Yugioh to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:55 QuantumFC [FC][Aether][Adamantoise][LFM] Quantum Ā«OrbitĀ»

Quantum Ā«OrbitĀ»

Seeking New Members!
Calling all adventurers in Adamantoise (Aether)!
Quantum Ā«OrbitĀ» is a semi-small, adult-oriented (18+) Free Company built on a foundation of fun and community. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a fresh-faced player, we welcome you with open arms!

What We Offer:

Relaxed & Social Atmosphere: We prioritize having a good time together, both in-game and on Discord. Make friends, share laughs, and conquer content at your own pace!
Something for Everyone: We cater to a range of experience levels, from new players seeking guidance to experienced warriors willing to share their knowledge. New or old, you'll find a place to belong.
Supportive Community: Our friendly and patient leadership and members are always happy to help. No question is too big or too small!
Fully-Loaded FC House: Enjoy the benefits of a large FC house with stable vendors, menders, and a convenient location near the market board. Buffs are always active, with a focus on XP and MGP depending on the day.
Active Discord Server: Stay connected with fellow members, chat, and plan adventures outside the game. We also dive into other games while hanging out on Discord! Sound like your kind of crew? We'd love to have you!

How to Apply:

Simply send an in-game message to Luna Hatake (Lunahime#8994) or Pesky Penguin (Pesky Penguin#5944).
Join Quantum Ā«OrbitĀ» today and find your place in Eorzea!
Note: Free Trial players can apply once they've got a active subscription to the game.
submitted by QuantumFC to FFXIVRECRUITMENT [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:53 Conscious-Virus-6433 Online Dating Confusion

I (f20) went on a dating app and got dm from this dude (m21?) who was relatively good looking and seemed friendly. We chatted and I felt relatively safe as we were similiar in age and I got the impression of a friendly person. So we exchanged personal contacts.
But things felt uncomfortable as this person started texting with a more flirtatious undertone? (Calling me couple nicknames and cussing etcā€¦)
I felt awkward after two days of texting as when asking about hobbies I got back answers that felt pretty incompatible with me.
E.g// What do you enjoy? ANS: Philosophy. When I mentioned nerdy hobbies I liked, the response was fairly off putting (Essentially saying that web novels were gay etcā€¦)
Eventually I received a deleted message from a second contact (Which I ignored), idk maybe this dude was sharing my contacts?
I believe that mystery contact that messaged me was prob the same person as after ghosting I got responses like: ā€œYou blocked me? ā€¦ I wonā€™t talk to you againā€. I didnā€™t block this contact and just deleted it, as I felt that was the right move.
After a few weeks another response from the unblocked second contact: ā€œHey fattyā€.
Safe to say I made the final decision to block that contact.
I can see that some people can be bad at texting and that I over read situations. But I felt this person was pretty disingenuous. Which presents the question AITA? I think partially, but to what extent?
In general I was posting to get a better perspective of the situation from third parties.
submitted by Conscious-Virus-6433 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:50 Southern_Sweet_Pea Cut My Losses?

My (30F) boyfriend (40M) has returned recently from working abroad. He is experiencing difficulties with his nesting partner of 2 years and is comparing the 2 relationships frequently, asking why he is bothering with the other when he doesn't trust her and there's no physical or romantic intimacy between them any longer. We message constantly but when it comes to actually spending time together, she's automatically included in all of his plans so date time is our only time together. There is a strict no PDA in front of her rule and if she's at the house, I'm not allowed to sleep over or be intimate with him in any capacity.
I'm trying so hard to be respectful of their relationship, despite not understanding why he stays with her. It's none of my business and I remind myself that anytime any jealousy or insecurity rears its head,.but I'm beginning to feel like a part time girlfriend. Like I'm fulfilling the physical and emotional needs just to help their relationship survive. If he's questioning why he's bothering with her, that our relationship is more fulfilling, I can't understand why it's so easy to put me on the backburner instead of actually taking action and ending the other relationship. But I can't say that šŸ™ˆ
I need some advice on how to handle this because it is hurting me, but I know that the other relationship is none of my business and if I question anything he'll get mad at me.
submitted by Southern_Sweet_Pea to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:48 tweetbelt007 Bisibele bath is awesome scam

Bisibele bath is awesome scam
This person has in fact never called but, claims to have spoken to me earlier. I wanted the person to respond to me so that i could add my own sob story lol. Didn't take the bait šŸ˜ž unfortunately.
submitted by tweetbelt007 to IsThisAScamIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:45 Temporary-Sugar-1 AITAH for not letting my friend send her mail here?

ā€¼ļøNote: Names are fake
I (20F) have been friends with Jill (20F) for a while now. Weā€™ve had many ups and downs throughout the years weā€™ve known one another, but currently we are doing okay. She has always had a habit of taking a mile when you give her an inch. But as of late, Iā€™ve been trying to solidify more boundaries between us.
A few weeks ago, Jill left her home because of some family issues. Iā€™m not comfortable elaborating as it isnā€™t my business to tell. She had texted me when the issue occurred asking if she could stay at my place for a while. I responded saying yes and didnā€™t ask any questions. I ended up calling her where she filled me in and said she wasnā€™t going to stay with me. She told me she had decided she was going to stay at her bfā€™s place (19M).
Two-ish weeks ago she texts me out of the blue and asks for a favor. She said she was going to get some of her things and wanted to know if she could store a decent amount of it at my home. This clearly signaled to me that she is moving out of her home and will be living with her bf. I said no because my house is pretty crammed with all of my things from moving out of my dorm. When I asked why she couldnā€™t take her stuff to her bfā€™s place, I really didnā€™t get a straight answer. Just that she didnā€™t want to inconvenience him. I thought to myself ā€œwhy is it okay to inconvenience me though by making me your personal storage unit?ā€ When I asked how long it would be here, she said until she got her own place. Judging by the fact that she has no job and seems content staying with her bf, I figured that could mean I would have her things indefinitely and I wasnā€™t down with that.
Around the same time, Jill texted asking if she could stay the night when she went to her home to get her things. I didnā€™t respond right away because she then tacked on after a few minutes that her bf would need to stay too. Once again, I was not down with this. I live in a two bedroom home with my mother and her bf. It wouldnā€™t have been impossible to house them both for a night, but Iā€™m not friends with her bf. No ill feelings towards him, but I wasnā€™t comfortable letting some guy I barely know stay at my house and my mother wasnā€™t either.
Fast forward to yesterday. She texts me again (keep in mind she has not been texting me at all except to ask for these favors). She asks this time if she can send her mail here. She elaborated saying that she thought if she got her stuff sent to her bfā€™s house, it would somehow tip off our school and she would be put on out-of-state tuition (???). One thing I havenā€™t mentioned is Jill has an older brother who literally lives 2 minutes down the road from me. She says she doesnā€™t want to send it there because she ā€œdoesnā€™t like him right nowā€ (as far as Iā€™m aware, her argument with her brother has nothing to do with the family issue that caused her to move out). I donā€™t plan on asking why sheā€™s mad at her brother because itā€™s none of my business. Just like with her belongings, Jill doesnā€™t seem to plan to come pick up her mail regularly and expects me to hold onto it. From what sheā€™s said, I donā€™t believe that she has anything super important being sent, she just wants to change her address to my home whilst living with her bf so all her mail will come here. Just personally, I am not comfortable with that at all. I do not want to be responsible for someoneā€™s mail. I think it could lead to issues and I donā€™t want to accidentally misplace something that didnā€™t belong to me in the first place.
As of right now, I havenā€™t responded, but I am planning on saying no. However, I kind of feel like Iā€™m being a jerk? Iā€™ve talked to my mom and my bsf and they both say that Iā€™m justified and it isnā€™t my problem. But Iā€™m still feeling a little hesitant as I donā€™t want her to think that Iā€™m not concerned for her or her well-being because I very much am. I just donā€™t want to become her personal storage unit.
submitted by Temporary-Sugar-1 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:35 Dangerous-1234 Setup Docker-MailServer

Hello, Iā€™m trying to set up a Docker mail server, but Iā€™m having some difficulties. After the installation from the market, Iā€™m unable to connect a client like Outlook to it. I can also not open the mailserver-admin panel that is shown in the market.
Iā€™ve followed these tutorials: Basic Installation and Self-hosted Mail Server. Now, I can connect to the server, but Iā€™m unable to send emails. However, receiving emails is working fine. Also i could not set up SSL. I used 143 and 465 as ports in the Client.
Every outgoing email seems to be marked as spam and doesnā€™t reach the recipientā€™s server. I believe Iā€™ve correctly set up the DNS with the following records:
Despite this, the mail server is showing several errors. For instance, it discourages running Amavis/SA & Rspamd and OpenDKIM & Rspamd simultaneously. It recommends using Rspamd for DKIM checks and signing. Thereā€™s also a warning about SSL being configured with plain text access, which is not recommended for production deployment. Additionally, there are errors related to missing directories and files, such as ā€˜/tmp/docker-mailserverspamd/dkimā€™, and a missing decoder for .zoo files in amavis.
Could anyone provide some guidance on these issues?
2024-06-01 09:55:53
[ INF ] Welcome to docker-mailserver v13.3.1
2024-06-01 09:55:53
[ INF ] Checking configuration
2024-06-01 09:55:53
[ INF ] Configuring mail server
2024-06-01 09:55:53
[ WARNING ] (Rspamd setup) Running Amavis/SA & Rspamd at the same time is discouraged
2024-06-01 09:55:53
[ WARNING ] (Rspamd setup) Running OpenDKIM & Rspamd at the same time is discouraged - we recommend Rspamd for DKIM checks (enabled with Rspamd by default) & signing
2024-06-01 09:55:53
[ WARNING ] (Rspamd setup) Running OpenDMARC & Rspamd at the same time is discouraged - we recommend Rspamd for DMARC checks (enabled with Rspamd by default)
2024-06-01 09:55:53
[ WARNING ] (Rspamd setup) Running policyd-spf & Rspamd at the same time is discouraged - we recommend Rspamd for SPF checks (enabled with Rspamd by default)
2024-06-01 09:55:54
[ WARNING ] !! INSECURE !! SSL configured with plain text access - DO NOT USE FOR PRODUCTION DEPLOYMENT
2024-06-01 09:55:55
chown: cannot access '/tmp/docker-mailserverspamd/dkim': No such file or directory
2024-06-01 09:55:55
[ INF ] Starting daemons
2024-06-01 09:55:57
[ INF ] mail.myDomain.it is up and running
2024-06-01 09:55:57
Jun 1 09:55:57 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[865]: starting. /ussbin/amavisd-new at mail.myDomain.it amavisd-new-2.11.1 (20181009), Unicode aware, LC_CTYPE="C.UTF-8"
2024-06-01 09:55:57
Jun 1 09:55:57 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[865]: perl=5.032001, user=, EUID: 110 (110); group=, EGID: 112 112 (112 112)
2024-06-01 09:55:57
Jun 1 09:55:57 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[865]: Net::Server: Group Not Defined. Defaulting to EGID '112 112'
2024-06-01 09:55:57
Jun 1 09:55:57 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[865]: Net::Server: User Not Defined. Defaulting to EUID '110'
2024-06-01 09:55:57
Jun 1 09:55:57 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[865]: No ext program for .zoo, tried: zoo
2024-06-01 09:55:57
Jun 1 09:55:57 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[865]: No ext program for .doc, tried: ripole
2024-06-01 09:55:57
Jun 1 09:55:57 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[865]: No decoder for .F
2024-06-01 09:55:57
Jun 1 09:55:57 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[865]: No decoder for .doc
2024-06-01 09:55:57
Jun 1 09:55:57 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[865]: No decoder for .zoo
2024-06-01 09:55:57
Jun 1 09:55:57 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[865]: Using primary internal av scanner code for ClamAV-clamd
2024-06-01 09:55:57
Jun 1 09:55:57 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[865]: Found secondary av scanner ClamAV-clamscan at /usbin/clamscan
2024-06-01 10:03:03
2024-06-01 10:03:03,788 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request
2024-06-01 10:03:15
[ INF ] Welcome to docker-mailserver v13.3.1
2024-06-01 10:03:15
[ INF ] Checking configuration
2024-06-01 10:03:15
[ WARNING ] This container was (likely) improperly restarted which can result in undefined behavior
2024-06-01 10:03:15
[ WARNING ] Please destroy the container properly and then start DMS again
2024-06-01 10:03:15
[ INF ] Configuring mail server
2024-06-01 10:03:15
[ WARNING ] (Rspamd setup) Running Amavis/SA & Rspamd at the same time is discouraged
2024-06-01 10:03:15
[ WARNING ] (Rspamd setup) Running OpenDKIM & Rspamd at the same time is discouraged - we recommend Rspamd for DKIM checks (enabled with Rspamd by default) & signing
2024-06-01 10:03:15
[ WARNING ] (Rspamd setup) Running OpenDMARC & Rspamd at the same time is discouraged - we recommend Rspamd for DMARC checks (enabled with Rspamd by default)
2024-06-01 10:03:15
[ WARNING ] (Rspamd setup) Running policyd-spf & Rspamd at the same time is discouraged - we recommend Rspamd for SPF checks (enabled with Rspamd by default)
2024-06-01 10:03:15
[ WARNING ] !! INSECURE !! SSL configured with plain text access - DO NOT USE FOR PRODUCTION DEPLOYMENT
2024-06-01 10:03:16
chown: cannot access '/tmp/docker-mailserverspamd/dkim': No such file or directory
2024-06-01 10:03:16
[ INF ] Starting daemons
2024-06-01 10:03:18
[ INF ] mail.myDomain.it is up and running
2024-06-01 10:03:18
Jun 1 10:03:18 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[852]: starting. /ussbin/amavisd-new at mail.myDomain.it amavisd-new-2.11.1 (20181009), Unicode aware, LC_CTYPE="C.UTF-8"
2024-06-01 10:03:18
Jun 1 10:03:18 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[852]: perl=5.032001, user=, EUID: 110 (110); group=, EGID: 112 112 (112 112)
2024-06-01 10:03:18
Jun 1 10:03:18 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[852]: Net::Server: Group Not Defined. Defaulting to EGID '112 112'
2024-06-01 10:03:18
Jun 1 10:03:18 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[852]: Net::Server: User Not Defined. Defaulting to EUID '110'
2024-06-01 10:03:18
Jun 1 10:03:18 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[852]: No ext program for .zoo, tried: zoo
2024-06-01 10:03:18
Jun 1 10:03:18 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[852]: No ext program for .doc, tried: ripole
2024-06-01 10:03:18
Jun 1 10:03:18 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[852]: No decoder for .F
2024-06-01 10:03:18
Jun 1 10:03:18 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[852]: No decoder for .doc
2024-06-01 10:03:18
Jun 1 10:03:18 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[852]: No decoder for .zoo
2024-06-01 10:03:18
Jun 1 10:03:18 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[852]: Using primary internal av scanner code for ClamAV-clamd
2024-06-01 10:03:18
Jun 1 10:03:18 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[852]: Found secondary av scanner ClamAV-clamscan at /usbin/clamscan
2024-06-01 10:05:49
Jun 1 10:05:49 3d63ce0a3d5c dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=[admin@myDomain.it](mailto:admin@myDomain.it), method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=1166, session=
2024-06-01 10:05:49
Jun 1 10:05:49 3d63ce0a3d5c dovecot: imap([admin@myDomain.it](mailto:admin@myDomain.it))<1166>: Disconnected: Connection closed (NAMESPACE finished 0.099 secs ago) in=57 out=568 deleted=0 expunged=0 trashed=0 hdr_count=0 hdr_bytes=0 body_count=0 body_bytes=0
2024-06-01 10:06:16
Jun 1 10:06:16 3d63ce0a3d5c postfix/submissions/smtpd[1217]: connect from 109-236-81-168.hosted-by-worldstream.net[]
2024-06-01 10:06:17
Jun 1 10:06:17 3d63ce0a3d5c postfix/submissions/smtpd[1217]: disconnect from 109-236-81-168.hosted-by-worldstream.net[] ehlo=1 auth=1 quit=1 commands=3
2024-06-01 10:06:18
Jun 1 10:06:18 3d63ce0a3d5c dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=[admin@myDomain.it](mailto:admin@myDomain.it), method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=1221, session=<5/5PQNEZ8mVt7FGo>
2024-06-01 10:06:18
Jun 1 10:06:18 3d63ce0a3d5c dovecot: imap([admin@myDomain.it](mailto:admin@myDomain.it))<1221><5/5PQNEZ8mVt7FGo>: Disconnected: Connection closed (LIST finished 0.103 secs ago) in=93 out=746 deleted=0 expunged=0 trashed=0 hdr_count=0 hdr_bytes=0 body_count=0 body_bytes=0
2024-06-01 10:06:35
Jun 1 10:06:35 3d63ce0a3d5c dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=[admin@myDomain.it](mailto:admin@myDomain.it), method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=1250, session=<2gBRQdEZZg9t7FGo>
2024-06-01 10:06:47
Jun 1 10:06:47 3d63ce0a3d5c postfix/submissions/smtpd[1217]: connect from 109-236-81-168.hosted-by-worldstream.net[]
2024-06-01 10:06:47
Jun 1 10:06:47 3d63ce0a3d5c postfix/submissions/smtpd[1217]: 96BA336E04E3: client=109-236-81-168.hosted-by-worldstream.net[], sasl_method=PLAIN, sasl_username=[admin@myDomain.it](mailto:admin@myDomain.it)
2024-06-01 10:06:47
Jun 1 10:06:47 3d63ce0a3d5c postfix/sender-cleanup/cleanup[1278]: 96BA336E04E3: message-id=[8DBF872B-16FE-477B-A6B1-4DF2DEB87A4F@myDomain.it](mailto:8DBF872B-16FE-477B-A6B1-4DF2DEB87A4F@myDomain.it)
2024-06-01 10:06:47
Jun 1 10:06:47 3d63ce0a3d5c postfix/sender-cleanup/cleanup[1278]: 96BA336E04E3: replace: header MIME-Version: 1.0 from 109-236-81-168.hosted-by-worldstream.net[]; from=[admin@myDomain.it](mailto:admin@myDomain.it) to=[myOtherMailAdress@sentMailserver.it](mailto:myOtherMailAdress@sentMailserver.it) proto=ESMTP helo=<[]>: MIME-Version: 1.0
2024-06-01 10:06:47
Jun 1 10:06:47 3d63ce0a3d5c opendkim[717]: 96BA336E04E3: DKIM-Signature field added (s=mail, d=myDomain.it)
2024-06-01 10:06:48
Jun 1 10:06:48 3d63ce0a3d5c postfix/qmgr[832]: 96BA336E04E3: from=[admin@myDomain.it](mailto:admin@myDomain.it), size=704, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
2024-06-01 10:06:48
Jun 1 10:06:48 3d63ce0a3d5c postfix/submissions/smtpd[1217]: disconnect from 109-236-81-168.hosted-by-worldstream.net[] ehlo=1 auth=1 mail=1 rcpt=1 data=1 quit=1 commands=6
2024-06-01 10:06:48
Jun 1 10:06:48 3d63ce0a3d5c postfix/smtpd-amavis/smtpd[1282]: connect from localhost[]
2024-06-01 10:06:48
Jun 1 10:06:48 3d63ce0a3d5c postfix/smtpd-amavis/smtpd[1282]: 2E37936E8458: client=localhost[]
2024-06-01 10:06:48
Jun 1 10:06:48 3d63ce0a3d5c postfix/cleanup[1283]: 2E37936E8458: message-id=[8DBF872B-16FE-477B-A6B1-4DF2DEB87A4F@myDomain.it](mailto:8DBF872B-16FE-477B-A6B1-4DF2DEB87A4F@myDomain.it)
2024-06-01 10:06:48
Jun 1 10:06:48 3d63ce0a3d5c postfix/qmgr[832]: 2E37936E8458: from=[admin@myDomain.it](mailto:admin@myDomain.it), size=1425, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
2024-06-01 10:06:48
Jun 1 10:06:48 3d63ce0a3d5c amavis[896]: (00896-01) Passed CLEAN {RelayedOpenRelay}, []:17054 [] [admin@myDomain.it](mailto:admin@myDomain.it) -> [myOtherMailAdress@sentMailserver.it](mailto:myOtherMailAdress@sentMailserver.it), Queue-ID: 96BA336E04E3, Message-ID: [8DBF872B-16FE-477B-A6B1-4DF2DEB87A4F@myDomain.it](mailto:8DBF872B-16FE-477B-A6B1-4DF2DEB87A4F@myDomain.it), mail_id: nlf1v7ZBGJ88, Hits: -, size: 1198, queued_as: 2E37936E8458, 135 ms
2024-06-01 10:06:48
Jun 1 10:06:48 3d63ce0a3d5c postfix/smtp-amavis/smtp[1279]: 96BA336E04E3: to=[myOtherMailAdress@sentMailserver.it](mailto:myOtherMailAdress@sentMailserver.it), relay=[]:10024, delay=0.69, delays=0.54/0.01/0/0.14, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 from MTA(smtp:[]:10025): 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 2E37936E8458)
submitted by Dangerous-1234 to CosmosServer [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:32 AdAdditional1671 Ex got scared and avoided me in public when I unexpectedly saw him after 8 months NC/ breakup...

So my ex [25M] dumped me [23F] about 8 months agoā€¦I felt pretty blindsided because things had been going really well, we had celebrated our anniversary a couple weeks before the BU. He talked to me about marriage and how much he loved and missed me literally the night before the breakupā€¦but the night of the BU we had an argument and things blew out of proportion. During this conversation he revealed to me his family didnā€™t approve of me because he is wealthy and I am notā€¦he insisted that wasnā€™t the reason for the breakup but when I asked why he didnā€™t give me any clear answer. By this point I was already pretty triggered and heartbroken, I truly never expected him to pull something like that but I knew engaging with him would cause me more harm and I decided to respect his decision. We both agreed to go no contact but he said we should keep each others numbers in case we needed to talk to each other about something.
The first few months following the breakup I could see he was stalking me on social media and it was making me really anxious because it made me wonder if he was going to come backā€¦eventually towards the end of last year I blocked him on all social media because I wanted peace of mind and really wanted to move on.
Fast forward to nowā€¦I was walking somewhere with my girl friends and he walked past us with one of his friends. My friends saw him before me because I was looking down at my phone and he made eye contact with them. As soon as he saw me he started freaking out and looked scared and turned his head in the other direction and completely avoided us. I happened to look up exactly as he was doing this and could barely believe what was happeningā€¦
I donā€™t really know what my question isā€¦but if you made it this far Iā€™d appreciate any insight into the situation. Like what does it mean if he reacted this way when he saw me?
As delusional as it isā€¦Is there still hope that he could come back? because Iā€™m sure he knows I wonā€™t ever reach out to him after the way he dumped me. I supposed having him blocked on socials might be sending the message that I donā€™t want to talk to himā€¦.or maybe he doesnā€™t even give a fuck and Iā€™m totally overthinking. But itā€™s so hard not toā€¦.its the only interaction weā€™ve had since the BU. And somehow it feels like a sign from the universe ā€¦but Iā€™m not sure what it means.
submitted by AdAdditional1671 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:29 Weird-Daikon1745 Looking for opinions on this girl Im dating

So I (M 36) have been seeing this girl (29) for a couple of times now, I think it going pretty good between us: 1st date dinner then coffee, we talked alot, she said she really like it, 2nd date dinner and movie, then 3rd we went to my house to cooked, a day later back again at my house and this time we getting more touching, cuddle, she on her period so we not have sex yet. That was like 2 week ago, because after that I have to travel for business then she have to. We been keeping messaging daily, it been really good! So we begin to mention about getting serious, about becoming boyfriend & girlfriend, but she says (half joking, half serious) that I will need to give het a gift in diamond if I want her to be my girl friend, she really like diamond, even have a tattoo in diamond shape on the back. So my question is this girl serious about wanting a relationship between us or she is just into material/gold digger? Or she already into me but need me to prove it by give her a worthy gift? So girls, what are your opinions on this? We are planning a getaway 2 days next week, I already book a room for us

dating #advice

submitted by Weird-Daikon1745 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:28 TheZandiil DM Looking for advice.

Hi there! First post on reddit so please forgive me if i'm not using any fancy text.
I've been DM'ing now on and off for around near 5 years, originally I ran for 2 separate friend groups with Vastly different likes and dislikes. I had to stop one groups campaign due to work schedules and as the such (gotta love adult life ;-;)
So recently my current group consists of close friends so it is quite easy to get things across but it can also be very easy to lose control of the table if we start having jokes and a good laugh.
the above is not the issues I'm having as the DM however the stuff above i'm fine with as long as we are hanging out and having a good time. My issues span from multiple small issues which I will list below Beginning with myself as I know I make plenty of mistakes as I DM but I'm looking for advice to make sure i'm not going crazy and being a C**T with some of my table rules i've implemented
My Issues I need to work on: Note Taking - I lose track of my notes (this has been getting better moved to an app called obsidian which I have stuck with and this seems to be working wonders for me) but still needs work.
World lore - Kinda a addition to the note taking issue I have, I like to chop change some things but I still want it to make canonical sense to the worlds timeline which can be a little messy at times.
Pacing - Oh god I'm awful for pacing sometimes I'm too fast or i'm far too slow my players spend an entire 7 hour session on 1 street corner being my worst example.
Sometimes Retconning Small things - I Don't know if I think its okay to do this, I've only had to do it twice in total I Hate retconning stuff as I feel like if maybe a player that doesn't shine to often finally gets out their shell i'm worried if I retcon something It can really take away from that players motivation.
So above are my issues for sakes of time I'm going to copy paste a recent paragraph I sent to my players parts like player names will be edited of course. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
So shappening dudes and dudets, DnD is going to be on the back burner for me for a Little bit cause personally feeling burnt out for a couple reasons that I'll get to in a little bit. So first things first the main thing I'm going to an induction day so I'm hoping I get this job (I got the Job whoop whoop) and DnD will be moved to every 2nd Saturday if thats gonna be a issue we can discuss that down the line. Now couple of mini Issues I want to get off my chest. So the Number 3 joke died ages ago for me and its just annoying so stopping that would be nice thank you, anyone that says it going forward you'll just take 3 damage. Unfortunately the interrupting and pacing is horrendous I'm gonna do my best to keep my focus on the game and I ask so do you. For the time being kinda a add on to the previous my max player count I can do is 6 no more, "Player Name" please let "His Partner" know I do not mind if she watches but I can't have her play not until I feel like the pacing is better and no ones shouting over each other. The Cards, They are fun but i'm gonna rejig them to be less annoying and alot less OP, (I'm removing that bag of holding card) personal thing - If I ask something to do with in the game could you please just acknowledge you have seen it, cause I've typed in plane text plenty of times before and it just doesn't get listened to it starts with one person then everyone else follows if you get me and it can make some little instructions that make things easier for me alot harder. As the DM I want a bit more control So one of the major ones that I ask is NO ONE calls "Roll a persuasion to persuade me" or anything along that lines, it is unnecessary and tbh I find it a bit rude. NO Rape or Rolling Cock size. (its just weird and its disgusting you'd think of it tbh)
There are a few more other things that personally bother me but those are the main ones, the minor ones just consist of 1. Don't Make up your own lore of my own creation and then treat it as cannon, I didn't ask and I don't care.
  1. Don't ask for any more custom items, if I give you something be happy and let it be a surprise. 3."did we level up?" i know its a joke but tone it down before it gets worse.
  2. If you create a backstory please give me the footnotes of the main points that I can work with, don't give me a lore book about how garfunkle the black white man slain a beast. I won't read it. (Edit - I don't mind if they give me a book to read I do like lore I just mean here that I'd prefer notes of the main points in their characters story)
  3. I would prefer Game things are sent on discord concerning characters thats a personal thing, I created the discord for me to be organised and have it all in one place so if you please could just send me stuff on that even if its a dnd beyond link I would like it all in one place. I get this is gonna be alot to read but I hope I get my point across. I am the dungeon master and I want to create a game for you guys to enjoy but I have neglected my own joy for the game and have been more lazy with it because of this. I have alot of stuff to fix from last session especially and I'm gonna try to be more focused on the game and create a better experience and all I ask is please listen, pay attention and any question on the world so you can clarify things you may ask me, if there is any issues during the session call for a break if its that major so we may discuss at the table and if its a small issue we discuss it after the session. I may rule things wrong but i'll attempt to rule it in a way that makes sense and then I shall research and let you know afterwards, I'd rather not search rules in the middle of the game and taking half a hour per turn. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
So context for some things the number 3 joke is from shrek "NUMBER 3 MY LORD" and I use magic the gathering cards for little 1 session boons they are a hell of a lot of fun and I'll post under this if anyone else play's DnD and MTG (I'd recommend using the Dungeons and dragons sets for Magic if you wish to try this out)
Revitalize x2 - Add a Medium Potion to Inventory

Treasure x3 - Add 100 Gold

Choose Your Weapon - Choose one for the Remainder of the Session
Archery - +2 to Range attacks
Two Weapon Fighting - +2 to Melee Attacks

Curse of Surveillance - You Grow an eyeball onto the palm of your hand, something or someone is watching you (The DM determines who) This curse is passed on
when someone else draws the card or removed with the "Remove curse Spell"

Improvised weaponry - You feel compelled to use the first random object as your weapon for the session.

Triumphant Adventurer - Roll a D20,
Even Numbers add 3 Platinum to your Inventory.
Odd Numbers Summons a Gold Plated Cocky knight to gloat how rich he is for 1 minute.

Hunters Mark - You Gain the Ability Hunters Mark for the Session it does not Require Concentration.

Contact Other Plane - You ask anything from the DM roll a d100 to discover the outcome.

Hoard Robber - The best robber in all the land has found you and took every bit of coin you have leaving a single fake gold piece.

Dawnbringer Cleric - You can Choose One to use throughout the session
Cure Wounds
Dispel Magic
Gentle Repose

Priest of Ancient lore - A old Dwarf appears in front of you radiating a holy light asking "Would you like to know the lore of this land?"

Boots of Speed - You Gain Extra 15ft Speed for the Session.

Silver Raven - A Unknown Vampires Raven Follows you.

Check for Traps - You becoming Increasingly paranoid of traps for the session the DM at Random will ask you to check for traps at your feet.

Blessed Defiance - You Summon A white Spirit, it says nothing, it is friendly to only you, it will follow and defend you for this session.

Chaos Channeler - A wild magic sorcerer Explodes from the multiverse, he looks excited as he transports himself again creating a Minor wild magic effect.

So this is a pretty large post But I am looking for advice on maybe rules I should consider going forward, how to keep proper control of a party of 6 and just anything I should improve as a DM and anything I can further communicate to my players at the table.
submitted by TheZandiil to DungeonsAndDragons [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:28 throwraFrequentRow2 Considering if I may have been dating a narcissist?

Considering if I may have been dating some kind of narcissist?
Ok so, Iā€™m only just considering the possibility that I was dating some kinda narcissist.
I met a guy from online dating. Exceptionally Handsome photos, very smooth and charming. We met in person and immediately and him got on exceptionally well. He was the most intelligent man Iā€™ve ever met in my life, on dates he wanted to talk at length about intellectual topics.
Despite getting along well, this is where the weird behaviour came in. When parting ways on dates, after the date he was very distant. He would send a long formal message, not check I got home safe.
He never lovebombed. But Iā€™m considering if he is a cerebral narcissist for the following reasons
We went on several further dates. Mainly daytime dates. He would be very affectionate, hold my hand and kiss my forehead. He brought me along to meet his friends. Still amazing conversation. But I always felt like he was the one in control
He was always quite a stern stoic person, very unemotional. He cared a lot about his hair, often showing me pics of himself. Talking about his appearance a lot
If I stayed over, in the mornings I basically felt he was kicking me out, same thing if he stayed at mine he would want to leave early. Heā€™d make me coffee, and his demeanour had completely changed. He would not cuddle me after intimacy. Then after the date, once again taking days to reply and sending formal paragraphs.
After the first time I stayed over, which was a lovely date. He went on holiday for 10 days and didnā€™t message me. When he came back, he was being extremely cold in messages
The next thing was interesting. He was fired from his job. He told me it was because he told them ā€˜you donā€™t know how to run a company.ā€™ this made him quite stressed
But he still continued meeting me. Once again affectionate on dates
On the very last date, he cooked me dinner and we had a nice time. Though when he was cooking the steak, he went on for about 20 mins about the science and molecules involved when cooking a steak. It was cute but a bit much. He always referred to intelligent people as ā€˜people like us.ā€™ And he always commented on my intelligence as a reason why he likes me. On the morning of the last date, he went on a rant about how he struggles to respect those he works with as he feels they donā€™t deserve the job. He also told me empathy is something he finds hard to feel
Things changed after this date and he was texting me all the time. Sending cute date ideas. I then asked him if I could see him on my way past for a few hours, he told me he was hungover. And sent a bit of a harsh cold message
2 weeks later, he ended things and said he didnā€™t feel romantic.
2 months later, he comes back to be friends. Took me to play golf, to a music gig. Was being very nice to me, sending supportive messages when I was at work stressed. Hugging me a lot and telling me how glad he is to see me. Texting me a lot.
Then he disappears again. Ignored my messages. Itā€™s like he only wants to speak or see me on his terms.
So I considered perhaps he is narcissistic minus the love bombing. (Iā€™m too clever to fall for love bombing he could feel)
He claims ā€˜Iā€™m just like him but heā€™s more harsh.ā€™
submitted by throwraFrequentRow2 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:24 okcool19 How would you feel to get a message from an ex after 10 years?

I want to send a message to an ex after 10 years. How would you feel to get one after that amount of time?
I am a female in my earlier thirties and dated this person for maybe a year in my early 20s. We were so young, dumb, crazy and happy. I felt very loved, cared for and seen in a way I was too immature to appreciate. At that age we had chemistry and couldn't keep our hand off each other. He wanted to build a future with me and was in a rush but I wasn't. I wanted to enjoy the last of my youth before growing up and adulting. I felt we really connected on our aspirations and world view and I would have happily continued to date him, I was crazy about him.
However as mentioned he was in a hurry in a way I didn't understand. He had a lot more family, social and financial responsibilities and wanted to start building his life. I was still living at home while he was working multiple jobs to support himself while trying to appease his parents who were encouraging him to marry and settle down. He was a great boyfriend in every way, physically, mentally, emotionally, kind, caring, funny, smart. He did ask me to take steps with him to further our relationship eg moving out together but I just wasn't ready. People always tell you that you have so much time when you are young to figure things out, but when you get older you realize how special it is when you do actually connect with someone deeply.
So he eventually withdrew and I had that feeling something was off. Things fully ended after a wild weekend away where he was with someone else. At the end he also expressed how he no longer felt like he could be who he wanted to be in our relationship and how he had tried to wait for me but I hadn't reciprocated or taken any steps to further our relationship. We had different levels of ambition. He had a job opportunity in another city, moved and I never saw him again. I didn't take any of this well and was very emotional. I asked him to reconsider but he had to go. He wanted to keep in touch and that was a big NO from me.
Well I never heard from him again which was truly unbelievable to me after how he had pursued me and how I thought we felt about each other. So much so I doubted if our relationship was even real or maybe or if i had been had by a narcissist. When I finally picked up jaw up from off the floor, my ego decided I wouldn't reach out either. I am sure I was dramatic during this time as well. I am sure I would have blocked him, changed my number and cursed him out
As far as I know he moved on pretty quick to someone else and that was that.
And then out of nowhere a couple years later he sent me a well wishing short message and said I was he best he ever had. But again, as much as that was a compliment to me I just couldn't take it as face value.
As you can imagine that ripped my heart right out of my chest and I never replied. I told a mutual friend to tell him to pound salt.
Well, him leaving was probably the best thing he ever did for me because I wasn't able to be what he needed. As time has unfolded I realize just how much his presence taught me about life and myself. I am sure we both moved on.
I came across an old message from him recently ( about a book not about his feelings ) I felt the desire to send him a message. I am not unhappy in my life and I don't want to reconcile. I have had a partner for many years I am happy with. Just reflecting on life as a journey.
I don't want anything from him, I am not after a reply and I don't want to reconnect. After ending on such a bad note where I told him how shitty he was, I just simply wished he knew how powerful his presence was in my life during that time, some of the things/concepts he introduced me to still remain with me today. He touched my life deeply for the better and how thankful I am for things I learned out of that, and I hope he is somewhere out there living his best life.
Maybe this is for me and my story more than it is for him. Should I write the message and never send it?
Update : I truly don't want anything to come of it. I just regret telling the person who taught me many things I am grateful for how terrible they were because I was angry. Maybe it would be nice for them to know that as well. IDK
How would you feel to get a message like this years later?
submitted by okcool19 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:17 SassyPaRappa [19M] Do you text a lot? I'd love to listen!

Hello! šŸ‘‹šŸ½
Do you like to talk a lot? Do the other people in your life find you annoying? I won't!
I'd love to meet someone who likes talking and starting conversations, because I am bad at it! It can be short-term, but I would much prefer something long-term! please tell me in your few first messages whether you want it to be one-time or not lol
If you can't start conversations then please don't text me, because I can't either :'( I can just keep the convo going, but if you can start convos, then please send a DM! You can talk about anything you want, or just rant about your day, anything tbh. I'll listen and share what I have to say too so you won't feel like you're talking to a brick wall!
Tell me what stuff you like, and I'll talk about mine! Saying our hobbies/interests here will give us less to talk about in DM's. And I believe that friends who are into wildly different things can still make connections.
BTW my timezone is GMT+3, if you don't care about timezones then neither do I.
submitted by SassyPaRappa to TeensMeetTeens [link] [comments]
