Inspirational nursing poems

Music Inspiration

2019.03.16 18:31 Tuccker Music Inspiration

A collection of all things that can inspire the modern music writer, of any genre. Art, pictures, videos, poems, interviews, podcasts and much more.

2014.03.31 10:23 Exquisite writing that moves you

Litverve is a community for sharing and discussing short samples of beautiful and effective writing from novels, stories, poems, essays, and dramatic works.

2013.11.25 19:09 nuclearkumquat7 ConsolingHugs: The place to wash your eyes after seeing the darker corners of reddit.

Have you just seen something so horrible you think you'll never forget it? Maybe you've unwittingly followed a link to /spacedicks or /spaceclop, not knowing the horrors that lie within? This is the place for you. We'll help you wash the memories of that nasty gore porn away with a nice consoling hug.

2024.06.01 15:07 adulting4kids Holidays Lecture Outline

Lecture Outline 1: Introduction and Overview of Holidays (Day 1)
Objective: Introduce students to the ten diverse holidays, emphasizing their cultural and religious significance.
  1. Opening Discussion (15 minutes)
    • Begin with an icebreaker where students share their favorite holiday traditions.
    • Discuss the idea that holidays often carry cultural and religious significance.
  2. Introduction to Holidays (20 minutes)
    • Briefly introduce each of the ten holidays, providing key information about their cultural and religious contexts.
    • Highlight the diversity represented and the importance of understanding different celebrations.
  3. Class Discussion (15 minutes)
    • Engage the class in a discussion about the concept of cultural diversity and why it is essential in today's globalized world.
    • Encourage students to share their thoughts on the significance of learning about and appreciating various cultural celebrations.
  4. Research Assignment (10 minutes)
    • Assign each student a holiday to research.
    • Provide resources and explain the focus on symbols, traditions, rituals, and historical background.
  5. Closing Remarks and Homework Assignment (10 minutes)
    • Summarize the importance of cultural awareness and understanding.
    • Assign a reflective homework task: Write about one aspect of a holiday discussed that resonated with them.
Discussion Questions: 1. Why do you think understanding cultural diversity is important in our society? 2. How do holidays contribute to cultural identity? 3. What aspects of the holidays discussed intrigued you the most, and why?
Lecture Outline 2: Creative Expression and Writing (Day 2)
Objective: Encourage students to creatively express the cultural richness of the holidays through writing.
  1. Opening Reflection (10 minutes)
    • Begin with a brief reflection on the previous day's introduction to holidays.
    • Discuss any insights or questions that arose from their homework reflections.
  2. Creative Writing Exercise (30 minutes)
    • Guide students through a creative writing exercise, encouraging them to choose one holiday and write a short story or poem inspired by its traditions.
    • Emphasize the use of descriptive language to capture the cultural significance.
  3. Peer Sharing and Discussion (15 minutes)
    • Students share their creative writing pieces with a partner or small group.
    • Encourage constructive feedback, focusing on how well the cultural aspects are conveyed.
  4. Expressing Personal Culture (15 minutes)
    • Discuss the importance of expressing one's own cultural heritage.
    • Assign a short homework task: Write about a personal cultural tradition or celebration that is meaningful to them.
Discussion Questions: 1. How did your understanding of the holidays deepen through the creative writing exercise? 2. In what ways did you incorporate cultural elements into your writing? 3. Why is it important for individuals to express their own cultural heritage?
Lecture Outline 3: Presentations and Cultural Exchange (Day 3)
Objective: Facilitate student presentations and encourage cross-cultural discussions.
  1. Opening Reflection (10 minutes)
    • Begin with a brief reflection on the creative writing exercise.
    • Discuss any challenges or discoveries students made while expressing cultural elements in their writing.
  2. Individual Presentations (30 minutes)
    • Students present their personal cultural writing assignments to the class.
    • Encourage the use of visuals, artifacts, or personal stories to enhance presentations.
  3. Group Activity: Cultural Exchange (20 minutes)
    • Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a holiday different from the one they researched.
    • Instruct them to discuss similarities, differences, and potential cross-cultural influences.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:41 adulting4kids Poetry Class Week Three

Week 3: Villanelles and Ekphrastic Poetry - Lecture and Discussion
Objective: - Explore the structured repetition of villanelles and the visual inspiration of ekphrastic poetry. - Understand the fixed form of villanelles and their emotional impact. - Discuss the interplay between visual art and written expression in ekphrastic poetry.
Day 1: Introduction to Villanelles - Lecture: - Definition and characteristics of villanelles. - Explanation of the ABA ABA ABA ABA ABA ABAA rhyme scheme.
Day 2: Analyzing Villanelles - Part 1 - Lecture: - In-depth analysis of classic villanelles. - Exploration of the emotional impact through repetition.
Day 3: Analyzing Villanelles - Part 2 - Lecture: - Discussing modern variations and themes in villanelles. - Exploring the versatility of the form.
Day 4: Crafting Villanelles - Part 1 - Lecture: - Step-by-step guide on crafting the first four lines of a villanelle. - Emphasis on creating a strong thematic foundation.
Day 5: Crafting Villanelles - Part 2 - Lecture: - Step-by-step guide on crafting the final three lines of a villanelle. - Emphasis on creating resolution and impact.
Homework Assignment: - Craft a villanelle focusing on a theme or emotion that lends itself well to repetition.
Study Guide Questions: 1. Reflect on the challenges of crafting the first four lines of your villanelle. How did you establish a strong thematic foundation? 2. How did you approach creating resolution and impact in the final three lines of your villanelle? 3. What insights did you gain from the process of crafting a villanelle?
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of villanelles, the ABA rhyme scheme, and the emotional impact of repetition.
Day 6: Introduction to Ekphrastic Poetry - Lecture: - Definition and characteristics of ekphrastic poetry. - Explanation of the relationship between visual art and written expression.
Day 7: Analyzing Ekphrastic Poetry - Part 1 - Lecture: - In-depth analysis of classic ekphrastic poems. - Exploration of how poets respond to visual stimuli.
Day 8: Analyzing Ekphrastic Poetry - Part 2 - Lecture: - Discussing modern variations and themes in ekphrastic poetry. - Exploring the diverse ways poets engage with visual art.
Day 9: Crafting Ekphrastic Poetry - Part 1 - Lecture: - Step-by-step guide on responding to visual art in writing. - Emphasis on capturing the essence and emotion of the artwork.
Day 10: Crafting Ekphrastic Poetry - Part 2 - Lecture: - Discussing the role of personal interpretation and creativity in ekphrastic poetry. - Exploring the potential for multiple ekphrastic responses to a single artwork.
Homework Assignment: - Craft an ekphrastic poem in response to a chosen piece of visual art.
Study Guide Questions: 1. Reflect on the challenges of responding to visual art with written expression in your ekphrastic poem. How did you capture the essence and emotion? 2. How did personal interpretation shape your creative process in crafting an ekphrastic poem? 3. What insights did you gain from the process of crafting an ekphrastic poem?
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of ekphrastic poetry, the relationship between visual art and written expression, and the creative possibilities in responding to visual stimuli.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:22 adulting4kids Poetry

  1. Renga:
- *Definition:* A collaborative form of Japanese poetry, alternating three and two-line stanzas. - *Example:* Collaborate with a friend to create a renga exploring the changing seasons. 
  1. Prose Poetry:
- *Definition:* Poetry written in prose form, blurring the lines between poetry and prose. - *Example:* Write a prose poem capturing the essence of a vivid dream or memory. 
  1. Concrete Poetry:
- *Definition:* Poems that visually resemble their subject matter, often taking on unique shapes. - *Example:* Create a concrete poem reflecting the theme of unity or disintegration. 
  1. Narrative Poetry:
- *Definition:* Poems that tell a story, often with characters and a plot. - *Example:* Craft a narrative poem based on a personal experience or fictional tale. 
  1. Pastoral:
- *Definition:* Poetry idealizing rural life, nature, and simplicity. - *Example:* Write a pastoral poem celebrating the beauty of a countryside landscape. 
  1. Elegy:
- *Definition:* A poem mourning the loss of someone or something. - *Example:* Compose an elegy reflecting on the passage of time and the inevitability of change. 
  1. Aubade:
- *Definition:* A morning poem often focused on the parting of lovers at dawn. - *Example:* Write an aubade exploring the tender moments before sunrise. 
  1. Ekphrastic:
- *Definition:* Poetry inspired by or describing a work of art. - *Example:* Craft an ekphrastic poem in response to a painting or sculpture you admire. 
  1. Found Poetry:
- *Definition:* Creating poetry by rearranging existing texts or found materials. - *Example:* Create a found poem using newspaper headlines or fragments of a novel. 
  1. Epigram:
- *Definition:* A brief, witty, and often satirical poem. - *Example:* Write an epigram commenting humorously on a contemporary social issue. 
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:16 adulting4kids Songwriter Inspiration

  1. Nature Walk and Observation:
    • Encourage songwriters to take a walk in nature, observe surroundings, and draw inspiration from the environment.
  2. Photograph Analysis:
    • Provide a set of diverse photographs and ask songwriters to create lyrics based on the emotions or stories conveyed in the images.
  3. Emotion Mapping:
    • Have songwriters create a map of different emotions and then write lyrics corresponding to each emotional zone.
  4. Word Association Game:
    • Initiate a word association game where each participant contributes words, and then challenge them to turn those words into lyrics.
  5. Object Storytelling:
    • Ask songwriters to pick an everyday object and craft a song that tells a story related to that object.
  6. Literary Exploration:
    • Have songwriters read a short story, poem, or novel and use it as a springboard for creating song lyrics.
  7. Song Title Challenge:
    • Provide a list of intriguing song titles and challenge songwriters to build a story or emotion around each title.
  8. Character Creation:
    • Ask songwriters to invent a fictional character and write a song from that character's perspective or about their experiences.
  9. Current Events Reflection:
    • Encourage songwriters to explore current events and write lyrics expressing their thoughts or reactions.
  10. Dream Journaling:
    • Instruct songwriters to keep a dream journal and use elements from their dreams to inspire song lyrics.
  11. Collaborative Storytelling:
    • Pair up songwriters to collaboratively create lyrics, merging different perspectives and styles.
  12. Random Sentence Generator:
    • Use a random sentence generator to spark creativity and challenge songwriters to build a narrative around the generated sentence.
  13. Travel Diaries:
    • Have songwriters write lyrics inspired by their travel experiences, capturing the essence of different places.
  14. Historical Exploration:
    • Research a historical event and challenge songwriters to craft lyrics that transport listeners to that moment in time.
  15. Dialogue Exercise:
    • Create a dialogue between two characters and challenge songwriters to turn the conversation into song lyrics.
  16. Mood Board Creation:
    • Ask songwriters to create a mood board with images, colors, and textures that inspire a specific mood for their lyrics.
  17. Reverse Songwriting:
    • Start with a chorus or a hook and challenge songwriters to build the rest of the lyrics around it.
  18. Genre Fusion:
    • Encourage songwriters to explore different musical genres and write lyrics that blend elements from two or more genres.
  19. Song Cover Transformation:
    • Pick a well-known song and challenge songwriters to transform the lyrics, creating a completely new story or perspective.
  20. Personal Artifact Exploration:
    • Have songwriters bring in a personal artifact and write lyrics that delve into the emotions or memories associated with that item.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:22 weird_monki619 Inner child

Saw a couple poems written here and helped me become inspired to write my own so thank you :)
how long will it take to get out of this place? Where my thoughts race and my heart breaks, for a moment the noise in my mind quiets and I can finally breathe but it will always come crashing down, this darkness can never leave.
how long will it take to ease my mind? Where I can fulfil my dreams, shake this feeling of emptiness, be the person I want to be; yet the static rises in the confides of my mind and shatters into my reality.
nothing matters, I don’t matter, yet I try
And try
never seems enough, climbing to points I thought I’d never reach, learning hard truths and lessons that I can now teach, but not a soul wants to share this rising shadow inside of me.
Like I was broken in two from the day I could walk and my imagination leapt around to subject to idea to darkness to fear all shrouded in terror of what might become of my life, the adult that I one day would be.
If I could go back in time and hold their hand dearly and tell them everything will be alright, I’d know it’s a lie but it would take away from their frights and their doubts for the following years.
They’re now trapped and frightened. The lights only sometimes come on and I see their shadow dance upon my walls, I wish I could go back in time and fix it all.
That I could help them become who they wanted to be. Stare into the reflection, is any of this real?
That now I am them and they are me.
submitted by weird_monki619 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:01 AutoModerator Exploring the Intersection of Health and Words - Join the r/HealthcareWriting Community!

Greetings HealthcareWriting community,
I am a nursing, medical, and health writer, WhatsApp +1 (475) 666-3803 for immediate assistance with your research, essays, case studies, and assignments.
I'm thrilled to connect with fellow enthusiasts at the intersection of health and writing. As a healthcare writer passionate about communicating complex medical topics effectively, I invite you to join me in building a vibrant community right here on HealthcareWriting.
What's HealthcareWriting all about?
This subreddit is a space dedicated to the unique challenges and opportunities presented by healthcare writing. Whether you're a seasoned healthcare professional looking to share your knowledge through the written word or a wordsmith intrigued by the world of medicine, this is the place for you.
WhatsApp +1 (475) 666-3803
What to expect:
  1. Discussion and Advice: Engage in conversations about the nuances of healthcare writing, from crafting patient-friendly materials to navigating medical jargon.
  2. Resource Sharing: Share valuable resources, tips, and tools that have helped you in your healthcare writing journey.
  3. Collaboration Opportunities: Connect with fellow writers, healthcare professionals, and editors for potential collaborations.
  4. Feedback and Critique: Seek constructive feedback on your healthcare-related writing projects or offer your insights to others.
WhatsApp +1 (475) 666-3803
How can you participate?
  1. Introduce Yourself: Share a bit about your background and what brings you to healthcare writing.
  2. Ask Questions: Have a burning question about healthcare writing? Ask the community for insights.
  3. Share Your Work: Proud of a recent healthcare writing piece? Post it for feedback or simply to inspire others.
  4. Networking: Connect with professionals in the field, from healthcare practitioners to medical communicators.
  5. Today's Topic: What are some of the healthcare, nursing and medical writing styles you like?
Feel free to share your favorite healthcare writing resources, ask for advice on specific projects, or discuss any challenges you've encountered. Let's make HealthcareWriting a supportive space for growth and collaboration!
Looking forward to exploring the world of healthcare writing together.
submitted by AutoModerator to HealthcareWriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:43 cartoon_Dinosaur Yulpa wife-- [one-shot]

This is a sequal to u/uktabi's Yulpa GF one shot, since he seems to LAZY to make a sequel. (that's a joke, god I'm so tired its almost 3am as I write this god fucking dammit why did i do this to myself)
He was originally inspired by u/FrostedScales' art., (God, please make a cover for this I want one so fucking baaaaaaad)

I make my way into my house, a small part of me is hoping for relief from the harsh Savannah heat. Only to be brought back to my unpleasant reality of my house being just as hot and dry as the outside.
Ugh, why do I willingly live in this hellish place without AC?
I hear mewing and tapping hooves getting closer, a small blood red calf comes running towards me and runs circles around me. I extend my free hand and she readily forces her head into it, wrapping her tongue, upper and lower lip around it to return the gesture of connection. The barbs irritate my skin, but she's old enough now not to unintentionally draw blood.
I look down at the pleading eye, happy to see me again.
Ah, right. While I'm in hell she's in paradise, I guess I’ll have to suck it up for her.
I give her a closed lip smile and rub her ears.
“Hi honey, how was school?” She inflates her nostrils and begins to talk to me in learned English. It is… unsettling how accurately she can mimic almost anyone with only her nose. I am reminded of that fact as she speaks in my voice.
“Good, bunny lunch was.” I forced down an indignant laugh at the child's broken grammar. It seems Yulpa are able to understand words, but grammar doesn't seem important to them. I remember how off puttingly dense their spoken language is, they can communicate in infra sound over vast distances. Their phrases were spoken in single words, so a single “word” was a bit of a conversation. Like “Over the river” or ”up the tree is food.”
It was insane how dense their language was.
“Do you know if mom is back?” The little head in my hand nodes while still wrapped around me.
“Garden she eating is.”
I rub her head one more time before I make my way out the back door. The child quickly scampered off to do who knows what.
Out in the back I see her, draped in golden jewelry, with a well maintained main, green cloth and jewels to accentuate her natural deep red coat. She was laying down with what looked like roughage in her maw. She was absentmindedly chewing and staring off into space.
I walked over and rested myself against her side, I let her breathing rise and lower me. Being in the presence of such a large person really made me feel how insanely varied our body masses were. Despite being married and … constituting it, we had to sleep in separate beds, lest she roll onto me and I die of suffocation or all my bones breaking.
I absentmindedly picked some grass and twirled it around. “So, what's wrong?” She rolled her eyes towards me.
“Hungry.” She spoke in perfect English, I looked down at the grass I began to weave together.
“You need to get the cure.” She raised her massive head ever so slightly. “No, betrayal, life lived one way. Too late, already sacrificed too many.” She blows out her nose.
I grab more grass and weave it into the mass I was creating. “I thought I was too old, set in my ways to be married when we met. But now look at us.” I point to the child in the window clearly talking to someone on the home computer. “I’m glad you hunted me, forced me into this. If you didn't I'd still be a lonely S.O.B. jacking it to venlil stuff right now.”
She flicks an ear. “I wanted sacrifice YOU.“ She spoke.
I smirked as I continued to weave. “Yeah but ya didn't. Cause I’m just so sexy!!!”
I can feel a ruble as she laughed, I didn't notice the twitching of her neck mussels as she swung her head over to slap my head with her upper lip. “Ow!!!” I screamed at the surprising strength of the dexterous lip.
I will never get used to how she can hold me like a rag-doll with just her lip. Nor do I want to.
As I nursed my wounded pride I placed the straw hat on her head. “Besides, this is a better use for the hay than causing you pain.”
She breathed out sharply and made a sound only a multi-ton mammal can produce.
“Okay, me get cure.”
I smiled and rubbed her ears, she adjusted the hat I made for her and rested her head on the ground once more.


She seemed antsy as she rocked back and forth, she was making a loaf of herself on the ground. But she could still reach up to my face with her lips as I sat down in a chair beside her.
The waiting room of the Xeno walk-in clinic reminded me more of the vets as species of every size and shape sat in chairs meant for humanoids, or sat on the ground or in perches or, rarely, species specific chairs. Though they were a rarity, a luxury whose expense was used for the most populous non-human species in the area.
Most of which were in a separate waiting room. I saw a family of Farsul enter it, opening the door to the KolSul wing of the clinic. Most everyone in the office instantly scowled when the mother and her pups walked through. They got both the separate wing and specialty chairs as they were by far the most populous Xenos on earth. Thanks to resentment building to massive levels all across the S.C. pushing them here.
I ran my hand through her main, careful to not undo any braids or tug any of her excessive adornments.She was still shifting this way and that as we waited to be called on. I spied a venlil with a deep scowl near the door of the separate wing, he seemed to be wearing a coat. Something highly unusual for his species, especially in this climate.
“Hello uh, we are not sure you… should be seeking care here.”
I was jolted out of my observations by a young farsul attendant addressing me.
“What?” She seemed to stammer.
“We, uh, are a xeno clinic, we specialize in ailments for non humans. Since we are on a human majority planet, human specialty clinics are open here. They can give you much better focused care."
I stared at the young farsul for a few moments, I studied her nervous stance. She seemed to resemble a great Pyrenees breed of dog. I continued to stare for a couple of seconds, enough to make the awkward situation even worse before I shook myself out of it.
“Oh, uh, I’m not here to receive care, my wife is.” I run my hand through her main and look down at her. This is the most nervous I've ever seen her in all my years with her. “She recently got the cure injection and is here to test it out in case something goes wrong.”
The farsul then takes on a deeply confused expression, snapping her head between me and her in quick succession. “...You two… are married?”
I smile and straighten my back and respond in the most enthusiastic voice I can muster. “Yep!!!”
She continued her confused expression before resigning herself. “...Alright then, I’ll get her tested… just follow me.” She turns as she reads our file, we were heading to a farm outside of town to test her on some authentic meat. As we exited the office I tapped her shoulder. “By the way, I saw a venlil by the Kolsul section door, I think is planning something bad.”
She took on a look of annoyed apathy, as though it was a daily occurrence. “Oh, him. Don't worry security is on their way to search him, you'd be surprised how many expats from Scalga we get.”
She rubbed the back of her head and I could barely make out something she whispered. “Not nearly as weird as a human yupla couple, Jesus Christ.


There, the object of my fearless and terrifyingly powerful wife's hesitation. A single skinned chicken leg, sitting on a metal table. The farsul nurse was making superficial vital checks on her as she stared at the drumstick.
Her lips were curled under her chin.
“Common honey. It's not going to bite you.” I say to comfort her. She glances at me with a look of I don't want to do this, why did i let you convince me to do this onmygodi’mgoingtosacrificeyouyousonofabit-
Her simultaneous death stare/ pleading eyes were pulled away as the farmer spoke at us.
“Eat it and get off my property, I got enough animals to take care of. Don't need two more.” He pointed to my wife and the farsul nurse, they both gave him a scowl as he turned back into his house.
She gently unrolls her lips and tentatively brings out her barbed tongue and wraps it around the drumstick. She brings it into her mouth and I hear a series of slow crunches.
The farsul nurse looks over at her medical doodad as she chews.
“Hmm, it seems everything is in order, the cure has taken and she is handling the meat fine. Just call our clinic if she seems to be having-”
My focus was pulled away from the nurse as I saw my wife's eyes light up from the taste. She looked at the ground at the pecking chicken that was so near. I could hear her imitate the clucking of the chicken, I saw it shoot up and looked confused. Before my wife coils it in her tongue and quickly brings it into her maw, I hear crunching again and a loud gulp. She looks around at the pens and she spies a pig.
She stalks towards it and I can hear her imitating the pigs, she steps over the fence and quickly grapples the approaching pig and bites down hard on its head. I can see her tongue quickly strip the skin off as her lips dig in with their own bards to force the corpse up and into her mouth.
I stare in shock at the display, by this time the other pigs notice the smell of blood and my wife devouring one of their companions and they quickly run to the farthest corner of the pen.
Before I know it the corpse is gone, she licks her lips and walks back over to us.
“-mitochondrial flux drive. As long as that looks good over the next week you should be all set!”
“I , uh, she ate a pig! D-did you see that?” I point to my wife cleaning herself of the mud of the pen.
'Yes, you'd be surprised how suddenly ravenous former omnivores get when they get their appetites fulfilled for the first time, heck I remember I ate a guinea pig when I got cured I was so hungry!’
She turned her gaze to my wife, who was currently spying yet another pig in the corner. “I’ve seen yulpa do it before, trust me, get used to her eating vast amounts of meat.”
I looked at the simultaneously nervous and unimpressed Farsul. I was still reeling from my wife's actions, but decided to deal with them another time. “O-okay”
“Good, now I'd suggest you get her to not eat another. The farmer will definitely notice two pigs missing.” She begins to laugh in her throat. “Heh, I guess he’ll have two less animals to take care of after today heh.”
As we rode back to the clinic my wife was fast asleep in a food coma. The way she just… ate that thing so fast… I think I have to worry about being eaten now. It felt… oddly exhilarating, like when she was still trying to convince herself to sacrifice me all over again.
I think I might have a problem.
submitted by cartoon_Dinosaur to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:03 Inspector-birdie Name the Family (Letter Edition)

Unless specified otherwise, all first names should start with C 😊😂
Surname: A verb beginning with C
Grandmother: First name is an elegant long name that begins with C. Middle name is a virtue name. Optional: Her maiden name is a type of bird
Grandfather: First name is a name that has been out of fashion since the early 1900s, starting with C. Middle name is a surname.
Aunt 1: Named after the book Granny was reading when she went into labour in 1962, which conveniently started with C. Her middle name is loosely based on the author of that same book.
Aunt 1's husband: First name starts with a K, but it's close enough that they let it go. He has a very feminine middle name and claims to have none if asked. Optional: Surname is an English river
Cousin 1 (Boy): Continuing the apparent family tradition, both his first and middle names start with C. His cousins say he has a vampire name, as they're taken from so far back in history, and are so unusual, that only a vampire would think they were acceptable names to give to a child.
Aunt 2: Named for the unusual location of her birth (Naturally, beginning with C), her slightly odd first name is made up for by her very pretty middle name, which thankfully also starts with C, so that she can use it in public instead.
Aunt 2's wife: Her first name is very short and typically masculine, though it suits her personality very well, but sadly doesn't start with C (This was far more controversial to Granny than her gender). To save the day, she told granny that her middle name did in fact start with C, by simply changing the first letter of her actual middle name. Optional: Her surname starts with the name of an animal
Cousin 2 (Twin #1, girl): Her parents decided to spare their kids the misfortune of two names starting with C, so only her first name does. It also has an obvious nickname which definitely doesn't start with C, just in case. Her middle name starts with the same initial as one of her moms.
Cousin 2 (Twin #2, Boy): Like his sister, his C first name has a non-C nickname, and his middle name starts with the initial of his other mom
Mother: In keeping with the last minute name inspirations of her sisters, she is named after one of the nurses who assisted in her birth. Sadly, none of the female nurses had names starting with C, so she's named after the only male nurse present, who's name fitted the C criteria. Her middle name is very feminine to make up for the male first name.
Father: Neither his first or middle names start with C, but fortunately a C nickname can be made out of either of them, so he got away with it. Optional: Surname is a brand of watches
Son: Mom leaned fully into the C name tradition. She also happened to love her weird first name, so named her son after the first C thing she saw out of the window when he was born. His middle name also begins with C, but is slightly more normal- just very Irish.
Triplets (Any gender): The name combinations for three (!) Babies was endless. Mom settled on giving them C first names, with the second letter being the next vowel in order (E.g., Baby 1's name starts Ca, next is Ce, etc.), and Irish middle names to match their brother.
Daughter: Fortunately, despite being the youngest, there were plenty of very normal C names left to be used. Mom chose to ignore all of them and name her baby after the very specific shade of nail polish she was wearing when she gave birth. Her middle name is Irish too, just for consistency.
Cat (Any gender): A very witchy/warlocky C name
Dog 1 (Female): Big, fluffy and chaotic. She has a far more normal C name than any of her human siblings.
Dog 2 (Male): Small and hyper. He is named after whatever C thing he keeps chewing on every morning.
submitted by Inspector-birdie to namegames [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:21 D-Biggest_Wheel Bleach Rewrite About the Visored I Made (Part 3) For Those Interested!

Bleach Rewrite About the Visored I Made (Part 3) For Those Interested!


Bleach is often criticized for its overabundance of characters, and I think nowhere is this criticism more evident than with The Visored. They aren’t treated as individuals (except Shinji and Hiyori) but rather as a group, which is what results in the feeling of there being “too many of them”. So far, I’ve done my best to individualize each one of them, give them a role to play in the story, but even I have trouble doing so for one particular character.

Aikawa Love
Love is such a fascinating phenomenon. When his fellow Visored Captains returned to their old positions after Aizen’s defeat, Love was left behind, and once his old position of the 7th Division Captain became vacant, he was yet again left behind. Despite his impressive performance against Primera Espada, it is Iba, a character we barely saw in action that gets to fill in the vacant Captain position. It also doesn’t help that Love’s whole “deal” was co-opted by Kubo for another character in the story. You might have noticed this but both Love and Zaraki’s abilities are both based on an Oni.
Oni (Ogre/Demon) are kind of a Yōkai from Japanese folklore who wield massive weapons (iron Kanabō clubs) which both Love and Zaraki can be seen wielding in their respective Shikai (giant mace for Love, giant axe for Zaraki). Oni also have short horns on their foreheads, like the ones Zaraki can be seen having in his Bankai and the one Love has on his Hollow Mask. Even Love’s “base design” is quite uninspired: he wears sunglasses like Iba, wears a tracksuit like Hiyori, and he even shares his love of Manga with Rose and Lisa.
So, if Kubo has already cannibalized Love so much, why not go all the way? Why not just merge his character into another lackluster character as if they were one; a character like Rose.
I’m sure there is a fan of Love out there, but he honestly brings nothing to the story. And it’s not that removing him is what necessarily makes the story better, but relocating his actions to Rose would make for a more complete one (their actions are already incredibly similar anyway). Instead of having two lackluster characters, have just one that is great.

Rōjūrō “Rose” Ōtoribashi
Rose gets very little play in the story. I once described him as the “background Captain” because whenever he appears in the panel he is the one character always seen in the background; the fight against the Primera Espada is framed as a fight between Love and Starrk with Rose playing the supporting role. So, let Rose shine more against Starrk. Why prioritize Rose over Love, who gets a bigger focus and more impressive portrayal; because Rose eventually returns as a Gotei Captain (while Love doesn’t).
Make this fight something akin to a showcase of abilities for Rose; a little preview of Rose’s capability as a fighter that would make us go “Yeah, I get why this guy is a Captain”. It’s far more impressive to Solo fight the Primera Espada, even if you don’t end up winning, than it is to do so in a Duet. The fight still goes down the same with Shunsui finishing off Starrk, but Rose looks more impressive now since there is no Love to split the achievement with.
The major focus of this fight would obviously be Rose’s Hollow Mask, and his Shikai, Kinshara. Kinshara is a golden whip that is meant to represent a giant piano wire, and with it Rose uses an attack called “Golden Sal Tree Sonata Number Eleven - Sixteen Day-Old Moon Rose”, which implies the existence of at least 10 other attacks (Sonatas). Instead of seeing multiple Shikai using just one ability, we will now see just one Shikai using multiple abilities. I think 3 is a nice number that also parallels Rose using 3 Dances in his Bankai.
I would love if one of the attacks used by Rose is \"Golden Sal Tree Sonata Number 14 - Moonlight Rose\", named after the Moonlight Sonata.
There is no need for a story to be told in a fight between Rose and Starrk because a story is being told between Starrk and Shunsui. Rose is the supporting act and will get his due later

The Musician

For the real world occupation, I figured Rose would obviously be a Musician; a mix of a Composer , Conductor, and Pianist, to be more specific. Rose’s entire character heavily revolves around music, not just in his appearance, but also in the appearance and abilities of his Zanpakuto. One of the abilities of Rose’s Bankai, Kinshara Butōdan, is called „Ein Heldenleben“ („A Hero’s Life“), named after a real life tone poem composed by Richard Strauss. „Prometheus“ and „Sea Drift“ are also based on real life poems, „Prometheus: The Poem of Fire“ (1910) and „Sea Drift) (1903-04), each composed by a different musician, but in the world of Bleach, they will both be composed by Rose after his banishment from the Soul Society.
During one of Ichigo’s classes (Chapter 51), his teacher will hold a lecture about a bunch of different poems commonly believed to have originated from the same artist, under different names, who used the call-sign of „Rose“. However, this theory would be dismissed because there is no realistic way for the same person to compose all the poems as their timeframe ranges from the 17th (the period Rose lived in) all the way up to the 20th century.

The Baseball Player

I know I said Love gets cut out of the roster, but I decided to give him an occupation as well, for the sake of your entertainment. Due to the nature of his Shikai being a giant club, I think Love being a baseball player is the most fitting occupation for him. He even dresses “sporty”. Love is also going to be the inspiration behind Jinta’s weapon of choice; Jinta is going to mention him by name as he fools around in front of the store.
Other than this, the only other suggestion I have is, if we were to keep Love as a character, to make him take up his old position of Captain of the 7th Division, after it becomes vacant. Love would go to the Royal Palace alongside the rest of the Visored, reveal his Bankai in the fight with Gerard, and later on become a Captain again. Iba really doesn’t do anything in the story to make it a satisfying conclusion for him to become the new Captain (this might change in the future). He can stay as a Lieutenant; he even makes for a nice duo with Love.
The issue with Love is that he gets almost no characterization, so if anything were to change it would be giving him more character moments while keeping his portrayal against Starrk.

End of Part 3

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submitted by D-Biggest_Wheel to u/D-Biggest_Wheel [link] [comments]


Anyways here is a poem i was thinking of today
'love in time'
doubt quenched my thirst when i was out of hope death felt like a nurse when i was out of hope
hate spread like a fire when i was out of love lies spread thru a wire when i was out of love
more likely to be forgotten than remembered we are all fighting for ideal's of pretenders destruction & destiny neither light as a feather history repeats if we never choose to do better
banter over tea talks under trees when the leaves turn green something great you will receive
in time all is fabricated
have a great 'time' in 'love'
submitted by GODSWHITESIN to W1N3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:26 Swimming_Spare_9587 ENFP Poem

Guys i asked ai to write a poem on being enfp. Look what it came up with!!!
A whirlwind heart, a mind ablaze with fire,
The ENFP, a soul with keen desire.
A million paths unfurl, a thrilling quest,
No single answer, ever put to rest.
Ideas spark like embers, catching flight,
Each conversation, a potential ignite.
Words tumble forth, a playful, vibrant stream,
Connecting thoughts, a never-ending scheme.
Brainstorming sessions, fueled by laughter's chime,
ENFPs ignite the spark, transcending time.
They weave a world, where dreams and logic meet,
Possibilities bloom, beneath their dancing feet.
Champions of the underdog, with empathy so deep,
They feel the world's emotions, burdens others keep.
Idealism burns, a beacon ever bright,
Fighting for the good, with all their valiant might.
But shadows lurk, in corners of the mind,
Analysis paralysis, a truth they try to find.
Overthinking whispers, doubts begin to creep,
ENFPs wrestle with them, in their restless sleep.
Yet through the storm, their spirit will not bend,
They rise renewed, a loyal, vibrant friend.
For in their hearts, a boundless wellspring lies,
Of creativity, passion, and a joyful surprise.
So here's to the ENFP, a force that can't be tamed,
Forever chasing dreams, forever unashamed.
May their light continue, to inspire and ignite,
The world's a brighter place, with their effervescent light.
do yall like it?
submitted by Swimming_Spare_9587 to ENFP [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:46 Dangerous_Donut1741 Manic: Sleeping Beauty

Her sheets are a satin green
Her skin is made of porcelain
She lays there asleep
Pink peonies on her tiny chest
A knight with beady eyes
big ears
and beautiful dark hair
stands over her
He pours buckets of cold water in her room
Filling the room up with cold water until
the princess awakes
The man grabs the princess by the dress
The pair dashes out the door
and they hide under three warm blankets
The dragon adores the princess
In order to get the princess out of the front door
the prince wraps the princess in the three
warm blankets
They go down three flights of stairs
with two red doors
When they are free from the dragon
The princess reaches in for a kiss
and the prince ducks and gives her a mediocre
It was not like the other hugs she received as a
teenager in the forest
Princess was confused
That night the prince made stuffed mushrooms
steak and potatoes for princess
She ate all of the food and
drank some strawberry milk and fell asleep
When she woke up she heard him
whisper “sorry I don’t have a second helmet”
She was too weak to get up
His bike revved three times and he was off
and away
This poem was inspired by Shrek, one of my favorite
movies. And to one of my dearest friends who did get me
“out of the castle” in a lot of ways. You can’t grow
in the environment you got sick.
submitted by Dangerous_Donut1741 to poetry_critics [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:35 shoshonee Hopefully This Post Can Serve as some Inspiration to Future Nursing Student

3 years ago when I was graduating high school I made a post in this subreddit seeking some advice about nursing school. I was unsure what direction I wanted to take my life and career after getting denied from all of the colleges I was interested in attending. In my post I sought advice and information about how impacted and competitive transfer admissions are in the CSU system. I expressed my grievances about getting average grades in high school and wanted some advice from others who were once in the same position as me. Instead, two people responded to my post stating that I should look into different career paths because if I did't get good enough grades in high school then I obviously must not be smart/hardworking enough to get my BSN in California.
I felt crushed when I read those responses. I felt so defeated and embarrassed that I actually deleted my post and momentarily put nursing as an after thought. After reading those discouraging posts I believed that I wasn't smart enough to get into nursing school.
But here I am, three years later, after being accepted into one of the top nursing schools in California to tell y'all that you can do it too! Use others doubt as inspiration and work your butt off. With the nonbelievers behind me I got a perfect 4.0 and worked 3000+ hours as an EMT. I really feel like I have found my calling and am so happy that I trusted myself and that I put in the hard work to get where I am at.
If you are looking at transferring into nursing do not let anybody on this sub/the internet/in real life try to discourage you from pursuing your goal. You are smart enough, you can work hard enough, and you can make it work. Thanks for reading and good luck!
submitted by shoshonee to StudentNurse [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:44 SpamHamJamPanCan The Pink Gorilla

The Pink Gorila
In the whispering darkness of Romania's ancient landscapes, a man found himself on an urgent business quest, his trusty but weary car his only steed. The journey began smoothly on the highway until a serpent-like snarl of cars halted his progress. With the aid of modern technology, he sought an alternative path, leading him into the embracing arms of winding mountain roads, under the watchful gaze of towering pines that whispered secrets of old.
As the road serpentined through the mountains, the car, much like a steed of old tales, started to protest its heavy burden. A steep ascent loomed, challenging the vehicle's resolve. The man, his heart a mix of determination and doubt, urged it onward until—a loud BANG shattered the moment, a sound reminiscent of ancient battles, echoing off the mountain walls. The car trembled and stuttered, barely cresting the hill before it succumbed to silence.
The descent was a silent glide, the only sounds being the whisper of wind and the occasional ominous hoot of an unseen owl. The car, now a silent ghost of itself, came to a rest in the embrace of the dark road. The man's hope dimmed like the fading light of his phone, the lifeline to the outside world now a dying ember.
Determined, he set forth on foot, the crunch of gravel underfoot his constant companion. The road gave way to a mysterious path, leading to a gate that groaned and moaned like a creature from a bygone era as it allowed him passage. The mansion that awaited was a giant, slumbering in the moonlight, its grandeur both awe-inspiring and unsettling.
The giant wooden doors opened with a groan, revealing a world untouched by time. The butler, a silent specter, led the man through halls adorned with echoes of grandeur and whispers of the past. The invitation to stay was both a blessing and a veil to a mystery that lay deeper within the heart of the mansion.
The butler's revelation of the pink gorilla was a scene straight from the pages of a gothic novel, the creature a vibrant anomaly in the shadowed room. The man's curiosity, once piqued, became an obsession, leading him through the mansion's veins, driven by the need to uncover the truth.
The final confrontation, a cacophony of sounds—shrieks of bent metal, the furious roar of the gorilla, and the desperate pounding of the man's heart—culminated in a moment of surreal humor. "You're it," the gorilla declared, a sentence that hung in the air like a twisted punchline, blending fear, confusion, and an absurd sense of camaraderie.
In this extended tale, the journey through Romania's heartland became not just a physical trial but a voyage into the unexpected, where every creak, roar, and silent whisper wove a richer tapestry of adventure, mystery, and an unforgettable encounter with the surreal.
As the echo of the gorilla's declaration faded into the night, the man stood frozen, a cocktail of emotions swirling within him. The absurdity of the situation clashed with the primal fear that had gripped him moments before, leaving him in a state of bewildered amusement. The gorilla, having delivered its message, seemed to regard him with a semblance of curiosity, its eyes glinting in the moonlight that filtered through the torn roof of the car.
The man, now catching his breath, realized the predicament he found himself in was far from ordinary. He was in the heart of Romania, face to face with a creature that defied explanation, in a scenario that seemed to leap from the pages of a storybook. Yet, here he was, his heart pounding not just from fear but from the thrill of the unexpected.
With a newfound resolve, he decided to embrace the madness of the moment. "Well, I suppose it's my turn then," he said, more to himself than to the gorilla, who seemed to cock its head slightly, as if understanding. The man slowly exited the remnants of his car, cautiously stepping around the gorilla, which surprisingly made no move to stop him.
As he walked back towards the mansion, a plan began to form in his mind. He would find the butler, demand answers, and perhaps, just perhaps, turn this nightmarish adventure into an opportunity. After all, not everyone can say they've played tag with a pink gorilla in a Romanian mansion.
The mansion, now silent, seemed to watch his return with a sense of anticipation. The doors, once daunting, now invited him in, as if welcoming him back from a journey of initiation. Inside, the mansion was a labyrinth of shadows and whispers, the history of its walls mingling with the man's own story.
He found the butler in the grand foyer, polishing an ancient vase with a care that seemed out of place in the chaos of the night. "Ah, you've returned. And how did you find our resident jest?" the butler asked, without turning, his voice echoing slightly in the vast space.
The man, pausing to catch his breath, replied, "I believe it's my turn now." The butler simply nodded, as if this was the expected response, and gestured for the man to follow him once more.
This time, their destination was not the hidden cage but a library filled with books that seemed as ancient as the mansion itself. The butler handed him a tome, its cover worn by time, titled "The Lore of the Land." "Perhaps this will shed some light on your encounter," the butler suggested, before leaving the man alone with his thoughts and the book.
As the first light of dawn began to filter through the tall windows, the man poured over the pages, discovering tales of creatures and legends that painted a world beyond the ordinary, a world where perhaps, a pink gorilla in a Romanian mansion wasn't so out of place after all.
His adventure, which began as a simple business trip, had transformed into a journey of discovery, not just of the mysteries hidden in the heart of Romania but of his own capacity for wonder and belief in the extraordinary. As the sun rose, casting a golden glow over the mansion, the man knew that no matter the outcome of his original quest, he had already uncovered a story worth more than any deal he could have hoped to close.
As the dawn's light unfurled across the sprawling estate, casting shadows and revelations in equal measure, the man felt a profound shift within. The mansion, with its myriad secrets and whispered histories, seemed no longer a mere relic of the past but a living, breathing entity that had chosen him to unveil one of its countless mysteries. The book in his hands, a bridge to the arcane and the marvelous, whispered of worlds parallel yet intersecting with our own, where the fabric of reality was thinner, and the extraordinary danced closely with the mundane.
The lore of the pink gorilla, as he discovered, was not merely an oddity to be puzzled over but a guardian of thresholds, a creature that manifested to those at the cusp of significant personal revelations or crossroads. The lore suggested that an encounter with such a being was not random but a deeply personal challenge, an invitation to explore the unknown corridors of one's life and perhaps, to redefine the boundaries of what was considered possible.
Emboldened by this knowledge, the man decided that his journey was far from over; it had, in fact, just begun. He resolved to leave behind the constraints of his previous ambitions and embrace the path of discovery that lay before him. With the mansion as his starting point, he would delve deeper into the mysteries of the land, seeking out the ancient, the hidden, and the mystical.
As he set forth from the mansion, the butler, now less a servant and more a guide, bestowed upon him a parting gift—a compass, not for navigation by conventional means, but one that pointed towards the extraordinary. "May this guide you to the wonders that await," the butler said, his eyes twinkling with a knowledge that seemed as vast as the lore contained within the mansion's walls.
The man stepped outside, the air fresh with the promise of the morning, and looked back at the mansion one last time. It stood majestic and serene, a keeper of secrets and tales untold, now a beacon in his quest for the extraordinary. He turned away, his heart alight with possibilities, and set off into the sunrise, the land stretching out before him like a canvas waiting for new stories to be painted.
His encounter with the pink gorilla, now a cherished memory, served as a reminder that the world was far more wondrous and complex than he had ever imagined. Each step forward was a step into the unknown, a chance to uncover the magic hidden in plain sight, waiting for those brave enough to seek it out.
And so, the man's journey continued, each day a new chapter in a saga of discovery, each encounter a thread in the tapestry of a life redefined by wonder and a boundless quest for the extraordinary. The road ahead was uncharted, the stories waiting to be told infinite, and the world a place of endless marvels, forever changed by one night, one mansion, and one pink gorilla that dared him to dream bigger.
As the man ventured deeper into the landscapes that sprawled beyond the mansion's boundaries, each step took him further from the world he knew and closer to the realms of the unexplained and the mystical. The compass given by the butler did not point north, but towards anomalies of nature and hidden enclaves of magic. Its needle quivered and spun, leading him through forests that whispered ancient secrets, across rivers that sang of lost loves, and over hills that murmured with stories of battles long forgotten.
His first destination was a village whispered about in the mansion's lore, a place where the veil between the worlds was said to be thinnest on nights when the moon hid its face. The villagers, at first wary of the stranger, soon opened their doors and hearts to him, sharing tales of their ancestors who walked with spirits and commanded the elements. Here, the man learned the language of the trees and the songs of the stars, each lesson weaving into him a deeper connection with the world around him.
One night, under a cloak of starless darkness, he was taken to a clearing in the woods where the villagers gathered to witness the dance of the spirits. As the air filled with the hum of ancient chants, shadows began to dance at the edge of his vision, twirling and weaving around a fire that burned with a green flame. The man watched, spellbound, as the divide between the worlds blurred, and for a moment, he felt the touch of the unknown—a feeling both exhilarating and humbling.
With each encounter, the man's perception of reality expanded. The compass led him next to a mountain where the wind spoke in riddles, and he spent a moon cycle deciphering its words, each answer revealing a layer of the world's fabric he had never imagined. On the peak, amidst clouds that whispered of eternity, he found a stone that pulsed with the heart of the mountain—a gem that glowed with an inner light, guiding him further on his quest.
His journey was not without trials. There were paths that led into darkness, where fears and doubts rose like specters to challenge his resolve. But with each step forward, he shed layers of his former self, finding strength in vulnerability and power in the acceptance of the unknown.
The man realized that the true journey was not just about uncovering the wonders of the world but also discovering the depths of his own spirit. He encountered beings of light and shadow, each teaching him that balance was the key to harmony and that every light casts a shadow. He learned to walk the tightrope between worlds, embracing both the light and the dark within himself.
Years passed, seasons turned, and legends grew around the figure of a man who walked the borders of reality, a seeker of truths hidden and a bearer of stories untold. To some, he was a myth, a symbol of the eternal quest for understanding and connection. To others, he was a reminder that the world is far vaster and more mysterious than it appears, that magic lies in belief, and that the extraordinary is all around, waiting for those with the courage to seek it.
And so, the man who once sought only to close a deal for his company became a traveler of the liminal, a bridge between the seen and the unseen, forever changed by a night at a mansion and a pink gorilla that showed him the endless possibilities of the 'what if.' His journey became a testament to the power of curiosity and the human spirit's unyielding desire to explore the wonders of the universe.
In the tapestry of his adventures, the man discovered not just the external marvels of a world unseen but also the internal landscapes of his own soul. With each step into the unknown, he peeled back layers of himself, revealing strengths and vulnerabilities he never knew he possessed. The journey became less about the destinations and more about the transformation within, a metamorphosis catalyzed by the pursuit of the extraordinary.
As seasons melded into years, his tales wove into the fabric of the local lore, a collection of stories that inspired those who heard them to look beyond their own horizons. The man, now a wanderer of realms both earthly and ethereal, realized that his journey had no end, for the pursuit of wonder is infinite, and the path of discovery eternal.
In his travels, he encountered communities that, hidden from the modern world, preserved the essence of magic that once flourished unbridled across the land. He learned the ancient arts of healing from a wise woman whose garden was a mosaic of herbs and enchantments. From a silent monk atop a snow-capped peak, he mastered the art of listening, hearing the whispers of the wind and the songs of the stars. Each encounter, each lesson, was a thread in the rich tapestry of his evolving journey.
But it was in the quiet moments, when he stood alone under the canopy of stars, that the man found the deepest connection to the universe. It was then he understood that every star was a story, every breeze a song, and every stone a testament to the timeless dance of creation. He realized that magic did not exist apart from the world but was woven into the very fabric of existence, visible to those who chose to see.
His legend grew, not as a mere traveler or seeker of oddities but as a guardian of the gateways between worlds, a protector of the ancient truths and mysteries that bind the universe together. People from far and wide sought him, not just for his knowledge but for the light he carried within, a beacon of hope and wonder in an age of skepticism and forgetfulness.
Eventually, the man understood that his journey was also a return, a spiral that led not only outward into the depths of mystery but inward to the heart of his own being. He found peace in the balance of opposites, in the harmony of light and shadow, and in the understanding that every end is but a new beginning.
As he stood on a cliff overlooking the sea, where the sky met the water in an endless embrace, the man reflected on the path that had led him here. He thought of the pink gorilla, the mansion, the butler, and the countless souls he had met along the way. With a heart full of gratitude, he realized that his quest had been not just for the wonders of the world but for the rediscovery of wonder within.
With the horizon stretching before him, the man set down his compass, now understanding that the true direction was always guided by the heart. As the sun dipped below the sea, casting the world in a glow of gold and crimson, he took a deep breath, ready for whatever adventures awaited.
For in a universe of endless possibilities, the journey is never truly over; it only transforms, leading the seeker on new paths, through new doors, and into new realms of wonder. And so, with the stars as his map and his heart as his compass, the man stepped forward, into the next chapter of a story that is as old as time and as new as the next sunrise.
But the narrative of the man, now a timeless wanderer, takes a poignant turn, reflecting the essence of every journey. With the breadth of the world woven into the fabric of his spirit, he sought to impart the wisdom gained from the myriad paths tread and the countless stars counted. The wanderer, once a seeker, became a storyteller, a custodian of tales that bridged worlds and hearts.
In villages and cities, in valleys and atop mountains, he shared stories that kindled the flames of curiosity and wonder in the listeners. His tales were not just recounts of adventures but parables of connection, resilience, and the undying quest for understanding. Through his words, the veil between the mundane and the magical grew thinner, reminding all that wonder did not reside in distant lands but within the grasp of those who dared to dream and look beyond.
His legacy, however, was not merely in the tales told under the moon's soft glow or beside the hearth's warm fire. It was in the sparks ignited in the souls of those who listened, a chain reaction of wonder that transcended time and space. Children who listened with wide-eyed wonder grew up to explore their own paths, discovering new stories to add to the ever-expanding tapestry of human endeavor and cosmic ballet.
As seasons changed and the wheel of time spun, the wanderer's steps grew slower, his journey taking him closer to the heart of existence itself. He ventured into the realm of silence, where the whispers of the universe were clearest, seeking the source of the magic that had fueled his journey. Here, in the quietude of being, he found the ultimate truth that his journey had circled around: that all of existence is interconnected, a symphony of light and shadow, where every soul plays a note in the grand orchestral work of the cosmos.
In this realization, the wanderer saw that his journey had been both outward and inward, a spiral dance that led to the core of existence where all stories began and ended. He understood that his legacy was not the tales he'd told or the wonders he'd unveiled but the reminder that the journey is infinite, and every end is a new beginning.
With this knowledge, the wanderer found a place to rest, a tranquil nexus where all paths intersected. He became a beacon, a lighthouse for those navigating their own voyages through the tempests and tranquilities of life. And as he shared this final piece of wisdom—that the greatest adventure lies in the discovery of one's own soul—he completed his transformation from a man on a quest to a timeless guide, a mentor to the seekers, dreamers, and storytellers who would follow the trails he had blazed.
And so, the story of the wanderer weaves into the greater story of humanity, a reminder that the journey never truly ends. It is passed from one soul to another, through words and silence, in the hope that the magic of wonder, the quest for connection, and the pursuit of the extraordinary will forever illuminate the path of those who walk the earth, gazing at the stars and dreaming of the infinite.
In the continuum of time, where the wanderer's tale merges with the cosmos, his essence diffuses into the fabric of existence, becoming a part of the universal consciousness. This transformation marks not an end but an evolution, a transcendence from physical journeys to ethereal guidance, where his spirit continues to inspire across dimensions.
In the ethereal plane, the wanderer's insights become whispers in the wind, ripples in the water, and twinkles in the night sky, accessible to all who find themselves lost or in search of deeper truths. His presence is felt in the sudden inspirations that strike at the quiet of dawn, in the courage that rises amidst storms, and in the peace that descends with twilight's embrace.
As the world spins and generations rise and fall, the wanderer's tales, now part of the collective mythos, foster a legacy of exploration and introspection. They serve as a compass for the soul, guiding those who seek to break the fetters of the ordinary and embark on journeys of their own, whether through physical realms or the landscapes of the mind and spirit.
Temples, not of stone but of thought and intention, arise in his honor, places where seekers gather to share stories, wisdom, and insights, creating a web of interconnectedness that spans the globe. These gatherings, illuminated by the fire of curiosity and the glow of fellowship, become beacons of light in a world that, at times, seems overshadowed by the mundane and the material.
In these spaces, the wanderer's teachings evolve into a philosophy of life, a path that embraces the beauty of the unknown and the power of the human spirit to transcend limitations. It is a call to view each day as an adventure, each challenge as a riddle to be solved, and each interaction as a thread in the intricate tapestry of the collective human experience.
As the philosophy spreads, touching hearts and awakening minds, the wanderer's spirit journeys alongside those who dare to dream, explore, and discover. He becomes a guardian of dreams, an ally in the quest for meaning, and a guide to those who navigate the myriad paths of life.
The wanderer's journey, which began as a solitary quest, culminates in a universal voyage, a collective endeavor to uncover the mysteries of existence and the wonders of the cosmos. It is a journey that transcends time, space, and dimension, uniting all in the quest for knowledge, understanding, and connection.
And thus, the story continues, a perpetual narrative woven into the very essence of existence, inviting all to join in the eternal dance of the cosmos. The wanderer's tale becomes not just a story but a living testament to the indomitable spirit of exploration, a call to embrace the infinite journey of discovery, understanding, and connection that defines the human condition.
In this unending story, every soul is both a wanderer and a storyteller, contributing their verse to the endless poem of existence, where every end is a beginning, and the journey is eternal, bound only by the limits of imagination and the depth of one's courage to explore the vast, uncharted territories of the heart and the heavens.
In the ever-expanding narrative of existence, where each soul’s journey intertwines with the fabric of the universe, the legacy of the wanderer becomes a cosmic echo, resonating through the ages. This resonance is not confined to the tales of old or the whispers of the wind but lives in the heartbeats of those who carry the torch of exploration and curiosity into the future.
As civilizations advance and technology bridges the gaps between stars, the essence of the wanderer guides humanity's steps into the cosmos. His spirit, a beacon of adventure and discovery, illuminates the path for those who navigate the infinite expanse of space, seeking not conquest but connection, not dominion but understanding.
In this new era of exploration, the wanderer's teachings transform into principles that govern the interaction between worlds and cultures. The ethos of respect, wonder, and a thirst for knowledge transcends the boundaries of planets, becoming a universal language that unites different forms of life across the galaxy. The wanderer’s legacy, now embedded in the collective consciousness, inspires a federation of worlds, each unique yet bound by common values of exploration, peace, and the shared quest for the mysteries of the universe.
This federation, a testament to the wanderer's dream, embarks on voyages that span light-years, delving into the unknown depths of the cosmos. Each expedition carries the spirit of the wanderer, each discovery a tribute to his unyielding curiosity. These journeys reveal the interconnectedness of all existence, showcasing the myriad ways life expresses itself across the vast canvas of space. Through these encounters, humanity learns not only of the diversity of the cosmos but also of its own place within the grand scheme of existence.
As the federation explores, it encounters phenomena that defy explanation, mysteries that echo the tales of magic and wonder that the wanderer once pursued on his own terrestrial journey. These mysteries, remnants of the universe's creation and markers of its evolution, offer glimpses into the forces that weave the fabric of reality. They serve as reminders that, despite the advances in knowledge and technology, the universe will always harbor enigmas, inviting those with the courage to explore them.
In this ongoing voyage, the wanderer's story becomes more than a legend; it becomes the guiding ethos for a civilization venturing beyond the cradle of Earth. It teaches that exploration is not just a physical journey but a voyage of the spirit, a quest to understand not only the universe but also the soul’s infinite potential.
And so, as ships bearing the emblem of the federation traverse the star-studded void, the wanderer’s legacy endures, a timeless narrative that continues to inspire those who look upon the night sky not as a boundary but as an invitation. The story of the wanderer, once a solitary figure traversing the shadowed forests and mystical lands of Earth, now resonates through the cosmos, a symbol of the eternal journey of discovery that defines the essence of all sentient beings.
In this boundless adventure, every heart that dreams, every mind that wonders, and every soul that ventures into the unknown carries the spirit of the wanderer, contributing to the endless symphony of the cosmos. The journey is eternal, the stories infinite, and the legacy of the wanderer a beacon that lights the way to the furthest reaches of imagination, where every star is a story, every planet a poem, and every galaxy a garden of wonders waiting to be discovered.
As the cosmos unfolds its endless narrative, woven from the threads of countless journeys, a unique strand weaves through the fabric of existence, linking every heart that dares to explore the unknown. This strand, a cosmic echo of a tale both whimsical and profound, originates from an encounter that transcends time and space, grounding the vastness of the universe in a moment of playful connection—a link between the wanderer and a pink gorilla.
In the heart of an ancient, mystical mansion, hidden within the fold of reality where the wanderer's journey found unexpected turns, the moment when the gorilla, with a touch and a simple phrase, "You're it," transformed the nature of the quest. This moment, a playful exchange in the shadow of the unknown, became a beacon, a reminder that amidst the grandeur of the cosmos and the depth of our explorations, there lies a fundamental link of shared existence, a thread of joy and simplicity that connects all beings.
As humanity ventured into the stars, guided by the wanderer’s legacy of curiosity and discovery, they carried with them this ethos of connection. The federation of worlds, born from a dream of exploration and understanding, found in the tale of the wanderer and the pink gorilla a symbol of their deepest values. In every encounter with new worlds and sentient beings, in every diplomatic exchange and shared exploration, the story of the gorilla served as a reminder that at the heart of all discovery is the desire for connection, for the simple joy of recognizing oneself in the other, across the vastness of space and the diversity of life.
This ethos inspired a tradition among the explorers of the federation. In their voyages across the stars, whenever a new planet was discovered, or a new species welcomed into the community of the cosmos, the story of the wanderer and the pink gorilla was shared as a gesture of friendship and solidarity. The phrase "You're it," translated into myriad languages and forms of communication, became a universal greeting, symbolizing the invitation to join the grand adventure of exploration and mutual discovery.
The pink gorilla, once a curious anomaly within a mysterious mansion, evolved into a symbol of the interconnectedness of all beings. Statues and holograms of the gorilla adorned public squares and spaceports across the federation, each a testament to the playful spirit that underlies the quest for knowledge and the journey towards understanding.
In this way, the legacy of the wanderer and his encounter with the pink gorilla wove itself into the cultural fabric of a galaxy-spanning civilization. It reminded all who heard it that beyond the awe-inspiring mysteries of the universe, the fundamental connections that bind us are woven from moments of simplicity and shared joy.
And so, as the federation explores the furthest reaches of the cosmos, the spirit of the wanderer and the essence of the pink gorilla journey with them, a timeless link that binds every heart that looks to the stars and dreams of discovery. In every "You're it," there is an invitation to partake in the eternal dance of the cosmos, a call to explore not just the mysteries of the universe but the bonds that unite us all in the grand tapestry of existence.
submitted by SpamHamJamPanCan to u/SpamHamJamPanCan [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:59 coolChipmuck The Candle That Lit The Fire Within Our Hearts: Mevlana Rumi’s Mystical Journey

This book is the outcome of nearly two years of deep immersion in Mevlana’s teachings, biographies and letters. Growing up in a Persian speaking household, I knew of Mevlana Rumi’s poetry. However, reading Mevlana’s poems is one thing; truly understanding them is another.
It’s only when I started reading about Mevlana with a deeper interest that his teachings started to unfold before me.
In my journey I found that though there are a lot of books which speak of his poetry or his biography there isn’t a single book that charts his mystical journey for a learner. How do the steps in Mevlana’s eventful life correlate to his spiritual advancement? What can today’s seekers learn from his journey? What are the books that Mevlana read, the challenges he faced, and the teachings that he imbibed? What can we learn not just from Mevalan’s teachings, but also from his life and spiritual journey?
Mevlana Rumi’s mystical journey reveals the successive steps that a seeker of truth has to go through and the stages that bring one to realization.
Our endeavor in this book is to discover Mevlana’s fascinating life history, and to resurrect the spirit of a bygone era as an inspiration for our own journey.
Unlike sensational historical fiction or hagiographies, in our book we stay carefully close to facts and seeks to distill the lessons and teachings from Mevlana Rumi’s journey.
Available on Amazon
Following are the chapters in the book.


In this ‘Introduction’ chapter we examine the three stages of mystical journey that Mevlana Rumi went through. We also correlate these three spiritual stations with the different phases of Mevlana’s life.

In Search for Peace

In the chapter ‘In Search for Peace’ we view Mevlana’s early life and family in Balkh (Afghanistan), the grandeur of ancient Balkh and we examine the deep simmering problems in the Islamic world that made it vulnerable to the marauding mongols. We follow Mevlana Rumi in his journey through the deserts, mountains and caravanserais, his meetings with many luminaries on his expedition from Balkh to Konya and his warm reception in the royal court of the Seljuk emperor.

Growing Up In Konya

In the chapter ‘Growing Up In Konya’ we observe how Mevlana Rumi started his life in Konya and found unexpected support in his old teacher. We then follow the Mevlana as he went back to school and eventually matured into a widely admired jurist, teacher and preacher in Konya.

The Coming of God’s Friend

‘The Coming of God’s Friend’ was the arrival of Sheikh Shams who helped to transform Mevlana Rumi from a learned scholar into a humble true friend of God. This was a remarkable period of cleansing in Mevlana’s spiritual journey, and is also one of the most enigmatic and fascinating periods of his life.

Finding Peace Amidst Turmoil

When the world fell apart and his beloved teacher and friend disappeared then how did Mevlana Rumi find peace? Who were his students and friends who helped him? In this chapter we also follow Mevlana’s life as he endured the winds of change due to the Mongol invasion of Konya and the various changes in the regime.


What exactly prompted Mevalana to Sama? Mevlana wanted his entire body to sing God’s glory not just his tongue. We “visit” Mevlana’s Sama congregation as a fly on the wall to hear him sing God’s glory. His poetry similarly was like waves of water bursting through a dam in uncontrolled spiritual ecstasy. We examine the spontaneity in Mevlana’s poetry, the beauty of ghazals and rubaiyats. Mevlana had infinite trust in God’s love and kindness and through his poetry Mevlana shares this belief with us.


Finally in ‘Afterword’ we give our respects to Mevlana by reciting his verses that fill us with happiness and hope.
Mevlana Rumi’s works have moved, transformed, and healed many hearts, guiding people to God. The author has deep gratitude for Mevlana and all friends of God whose works continue to benefit us every day.
May this book bring you peace and happiness.This book is the outcome of nearly two years of deep immersion in Mevlana’s teachings, biographies and letters. Growing up in a Persian speaking household, I knew of Mevlana Rumi’s poetry. However, reading Mevlana’s poems is one thing; truly understanding them is another. It’s only when I started reading about Mevlana with a deeper interest that his teachings started to unfold before me.
In my journey I found that though there are a lot of books which speak of his poetry or his biography there isn’t a single book that charts his mystical journey for a learner. How do the steps in Mevlana’s eventful life correlate to his spiritual advancement? What can today’s seekers learn from his journey? What are the books that Mevlana read, the challenges he faced, and the teachings that he imbibed? What can we learn not just from Mevalan’s teachings, but also from his life and spiritual journey?
Mevlana Rumi’s mystical journey reveals the successive steps that a seeker of truth has to go through and the stages that bring one to realization.
Our endeavor in this book is to discover Mevlana’s fascinating life history, and to resurrect the spirit of a bygone era as an inspiration for our own journey.
Unlike sensational historical fiction or hagiographies, in our book we stay carefully close to facts and seeks to distill the lessons and teachings from Mevlana Rumi’s journey.
Following are the chapters in the book.
In this ‘Introduction’ chapter we examine the three stages of mystical journey that Mevlana Rumi went through. We also correlate these three spiritual stations with the different phases of Mevlana’s life.
In Search for Peace
In the chapter ‘In Search for Peace’ we view Mevlana’s early life and family in Balkh (Afghanistan), the grandeur of ancient Balkh and we examine the deep simmering problems in the Islamic world that made it vulnerable to the marauding mongols. We follow Mevlana Rumi in his journey through the deserts, mountains and caravanserais, his meetings with many luminaries on his expedition from Balkh to Konya and his warm reception in the royal court of the Seljuk emperor.
Growing Up In Konya
In the chapter ‘Growing Up In Konya’ we observe how Mevlana Rumi started his life in Konya and found unexpected support in his old teacher. We then follow the Mevlana as he went back to school and eventually matured into a widely admired jurist, teacher and preacher in Konya.
The Coming of God’s Friend
‘The Coming of God’s Friend’ was the arrival of Sheikh Shams who helped to transform Mevlana Rumi from a learned scholar into a humble true friend of God. This was a remarkable period of cleansing in Mevlana’s spiritual journey, and is also one of the most enigmatic and fascinating periods of his life.
Finding Peace Amidst Turmoil
When the world fell apart and his beloved teacher and friend disappeared then how did Mevlana Rumi find peace? Who were his students and friends who helped him? In this chapter we also follow Mevlana’s life as he endured the winds of change due to the Mongol invasion of Konya and the various changes in the regime.
What exactly prompted Mevalana to Sama? Mevlana wanted his entire body to sing God’s glory not just his tongue. We “visit” Mevlana’s Sama congregation as a fly on the wall to hear him sing God’s glory. His poetry similarly was like waves of water bursting through a dam in uncontrolled spiritual ecstasy. We examine the spontaneity in Mevlana’s poetry, the beauty of ghazals and rubaiyats. Mevlana had infinite trust in God’s love and kindness and through his poetry Mevlana shares this belief with us.
Finally in ‘Afterword’ we give our respects to Mevlana by reciting his verses that fill us with happiness and hope.
Mevlana Rumi’s works have moved, transformed, and healed many hearts, guiding people to God. The author has deep gratitude for Mevlana and all friends of God whose works continue to benefit us every day.
May this book bring you peace and happiness
Available on Amazon
submitted by coolChipmuck to u/coolChipmuck [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:24 Apprehensive_Bee_315 #Technoblade25

I'm a writer and poet. Techno has inspired me in so many ways, and I don't think I can put into words how much he has helped me.
I will soon publish my first poetry collection. Here is a poem I wrote in honour of his memory that will be included in said collection.
Rest in peace king. Thank you.
submitted by Apprehensive_Bee_315 to Technoblade [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:39 DannySun7 Poem I wrote

Poem I wrote
This poem was Inspired by Lady Babalon if you’re wondering.
submitted by DannySun7 to thelema [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:07 No_Highlight_2094 I'm Feeling Alone & I'm Constantly Guilt-Tripped by Family Without Support

28F. This is so long and rather dramatic, and I apologize. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read.
I was in foster care from 5 - 8 years old and adopted by my 5th home. I'm not going to lie, I was a nightmare to raise (from ages 5 - 12) and I know it. In my defense, I'm not quite sure what people expected from a child that had only ever known several forms of abuse, had unmedicated ADHD and zero educated - or even empathetic - adults around them.
I grew up, moved away, got my degree, started a company (it's failing, but I'm trying my best) and have limited contact with most of my family members.
Here's the thing and I'm really hoping someone else here can relate, because I feel very alone in this: I am constantly guilt-tripped by my adoptive family members and yet, I never feel any support from them.
Last year, my uncle fell very ill and almost died. When I found out he was in the hospital, I canceled everything I could and drove to him. I got him into a nursing home, paid his bills, took his aggressive dog into my apartment (even managed to groom him), called 18 different cleaning companies because he was a hoarder and I wanted him to come home to a clean house and I barely made a dent in it, found a friend to house his guns in a safe because he was talking about s**cide and I was nervous, etc, etc.
I was constantly bombarded with texts from my brother, his wife, cousins, etc. about everything that needed done that I had missed and I had zero support. The tone was very much, "Why haven't you done this yet?"
I went no contact with my adoptive father a year ago simply for the sake of my mental health. My mom constantly tries to guilt trip me into having a relationship with him. When I was at his brother's bedside in the hospital, he called him. When I picked up, he hung up and called back and said, "I don't want to talk to that ***** because I am an "ungrateful brat" and should be grateful to him for adopting me. It's actually hilarious, because he went NC with his mom for exactly the same reason and can't see the irony in it.
Earlier this year, my mom was on a cruise with my two older sisters. They had invited me, but I couldn't afford to go and I was happy to have just been invited. I told my mom I was getting married, and I'd love if she could make it (it's in another country) and I would help her pay (which I don't have the money to do, but I think I was suspecting a rejection anyway). And WHILE ON. A. CRUISE. with both of my sisters, she said: "Well, I don't know. Your dad doesn't want me traveling anymore, so we'll see."
I didn't know how to respond in the moment, so I accepted her response and I didn't call her for a few weeks as I thought of how to approach the conversation about how much that hurt me (she's a boomer, so having these conversations are...difficult). Two weeks in, one of my sisters, we'll call her Maria, calls me and starts guilt-tripping me about not calling "our mother". How life is short and I need to prioritize her regardless of how I feel, etc. etc.
Both of my sisters (who are older than me by about 25-30 years) were against my mom adopting me. Once she had, they resented all that she provided for me - piano lessons, band, etc. I understand how difficult it must have been for them to watch me grow up with things she was unable to afford when they were young.
When I became an adult, I tried my best to get to know them. I've supported them in all their endeavors - even if it meant spending my last dime on one of my other sisters' many, many business ideas. Maria lost her son to gun violence and I truly admire all that she's done to channel her pain into being a light for other moms in similar circumstances. She's an inspiring woman, and that's part of the reason it hurts so much that I feel unaccepted and unsupported by her.
When I started my company last year, I offered Maria a free session so she could experience what is it I do, and hopefully introduce me to anyone else that could benefit. She never showed up to our session and later apologized as she had been caught up in work (this was via Zoom and on the calendar). I tried chasing her down for a month until I just gave up.
Last week, I sent her a link to a free webinar I was hosting as she's super active on Facebook and asked her to share. Of course - she liked it, didn't sign up, and didn't share. Such a small thing in the grand scheme of things, but again, it sent a message that hurt. I hosted a watch party at my house when she was featured on a documentary earlier this year, and she can't support me with a simple repost?
I'm so lucky to have other people in my life - close friends, my fiance and his wonderful family - but I'm also so tired of feeling ostracized by my adoptive family. I'm sure someone here can relate. I'd love to feel less alone in this.
submitted by No_Highlight_2094 to Adopted [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:24 larki18 Viggo Mortensen scores his own movies. His music background is a saga in itself

Viggo Mortensen scores his own movies. His music background is a saga in itself
Viggo Mortensen was always drawn to the old piano in his grandparents’ house in Watertown, N.Y., 30 miles south of the Canadian border, the community where he lived after his parents divorced. Whenever he went over, he would sit down and play. He improvised melodies, usually imagining a scene or something visual.
“It was a comfortable place to be, and you could sort of travel with your imagination as you were playing,” the actor, 65, says via Zoom from his part-time home in Spain, the afternoon light spilling from the window behind him as he lights up a smoke. “Even as a kid, I liked doing that. I always related music to images. I would imagine being somewhere.”
It’s only too clear in hindsight that Mortensen was, essentially, scoring a movie in his mind.
Now he’s doing it for real. Mortensen has written and directed “The Dead Don’t Hurt,” a new western out Friday in which he also stars as a Danish immigrant handyman who leaves his bold new bride (Vicky Krieps) to serve in the Civil War. As if that weren’t enough hats to wear, Mortensen composed the music, performing several instruments on the score.
Mortensen, who also scored his 2020 directorial debut, “Falling,” joins a very exclusive club of directors who’ve created the music for their own films — from Charlie Chaplin and Clint Eastwood to Jeymes Samuel. But one doesn’t get the sense that this is some auteurist flex, or even simply a means to save on the music budget (as was the case for fellow club member John Carpenter). For Mortensen, who also does painting and photography and runs a micro publishing company, making music has always been a vital part of telling the story of his life.
“He really is a total, complete artist,” says Elijah Wood, Mortensen’s “Lord of the Rings” co-star, on a Zoom call from his home in Highland Park. “Certainly, there are people who express themselves in different disciplines and have other interests, but he’s so accomplished in everything he does. And he’s very humble and quiet about it. He just does.”
As his acting career began to take off in the 1980s — his first big screen role was as an Amish man in Peter Weir’s “Witness” — Mortensen married punk singer Exene Cervenka of the Los Angeles band X after they played husband and wife in the 1987 televangelism satire “Salvation!” He wrote some lyrics with her, although his role in her career was mainly limited to taking the cover photos for her solo albums. Their union ended in 1992, but it produced a son, Henry, who became a skilled musician and “knows a lot more about punk rock music than I do,” Mortensen says, “even though I like it.”
Still, there was always something punk, or bohemian, about Mortensen onscreen — even though he was often cast as working-class, macho types: a drug dealer, a hitman. He played tough parts sensitively, and straight parts sideways.
A fateful moment came in the mid-’90s, when the producers of a spoken word album about Greek and Roman myths approached Mortensen to contribute a piece about Poseidon. He wrote and performed a water-themed poem and “crudely, with a little tape recorder, recorded some water sounds to go with it,” he says. “I mixed it in a half-assed way and sent it to the company.”
They sent it back, fully mixed, with some interesting guitar parts by an enigmatic musician whose stage name was Buckethead. Brian Patrick Carroll is an Anaheim native who wears an upside-down KFC bucket for a hat over his long curly locks and a white “Halloween” mask. Mortensen asked Buckethead if he wanted to collaborate and they met in the Chatsworth studio of Travis Dickerson.
Something sparked between Mortensen, with his improvisational and decidedly non-pop inclinations and poetic musings, and Buckethead, with his virtuosic shredding and duffel bag full of Japanese toys. Their first indie album was “One Less Thing to Worry About” in 1997 (long out of print), which featured a black-and-white photo of Mortensen eating a shoe on its cover.
“We’ve made several records since then,” says Mortensen, “all with Travis recording and laughing and just enjoying us clowning around. Some things are really odd to listen to, I guess. But every once in a while, we’d come up with a melody that was really beautiful.”
The whirlwind, impromptu sessions involved Mortensen’s son from the beginning. Afterward, “I would feel just very calm, almost like a really benevolent kind of drug or something I’d taken,” Mortensen says, laughing at himself. “I would drive home feeling really good, and then when we had the record finished, I would just listen to it over and over again — especially driving.”
Even when Mortensen found blockbuster fame as Aragorn in the “Rings” films, he kept making these weirdo soundscape albums. At the height of “Rings” fever, he roped his new co-stars — Wood, Dominic Monaghan and Billy Boyd — into contributing on a bizarre record called “pandemoniumfromamerica.”
Mortensen “invited us hobbits to laser tag,” Wood recalls, and then they all went over to Dickerson’s studio, where Buckethead and a bunch of instruments were scattered around the room. “It was just a couple of friends hanging out and messing around in the studio, and suddenly these things started to take shape out of the ether.”
On one track, “Half Fling,” Wood and Monaghan made “high-pitched, Muppet call-and-response voices,” says Wood. “I became aware instantly that the musical expression is not dissimilar from painting or photography for him. I don’t know that it even has an identifiable genre. I wouldn’t know how to classify it. It’s sort of beautifully undisciplined.”
“We did it for ourselves, really,” Mortensen says. “That’s how I see making art, generally — making it as a way of remembering what I’m experiencing at that time.”
That was the same impulse for Mortensen’s turn as a writer-director. “Falling” was inspired by memories of his mother and father, who divorced when he was young, and the dementia they both developed in older age.
Based on his own original script, “The Dead Don’t Hurt” is a classic western in many respects. Mortensen plays the Danish-born Holger Olsen — his own father, Viggo Sr., was Danish and the actor still has family in Denmark — and Krieps plays Vivienne Le Coudy, a French Canadian woman with clear echoes of Mortensen’s mother, Grace Gamble, of Canadian descent. The story was born from his image of her running around in the maple forests near the Canadian border as a little girl.
Mortensen says he wrote the score as he was writing the screenplay, pegging where he thought music should go. He knew he wanted music of the period and reached out to violinist Scarlet Rivera — who famously played with Bob Dylan in the ’70s — and cellist Cameron Stone to perform his folky Americana ideas. They convened in the Chatsworth studio and Mortensen joined in on piano and also played bass, guitar and percussion.
When it came to shooting the movie, the score was as much of a guide as the script.
“I played the music for the cinematographer and for my first [assistant director] and some of the actors,” he says, “just to explain: This is the tone I’m going for and this will affect the duration of the scene, the rhythm of the scene and even shot selection. And because it’s a nonlinear story I knew there were going to be transitions from one time period to another, or ellipses. I knew the music would help.”
The sharp sound of clacking claves accompanies Mortensen’s character in the present day, hunting down the man who preyed on his wife during his military absence. Warm fiddle tunes and sweet harmonies underscore happier times in their marriage. Mortensen’s melodic score has a tactile, earthy feel that perfectly suits the steep trails, canyons and rustic production design. (Stunning locations in Durango, Mexico, stood in for Nevada.)
“I don’t like it when the music in a movie is telling you, ‘Now you must be afraid. Now you must be sad. Now you must be happy,’” the actor-director-composer says, “any more than I like it when the dialogue does that or the acting or the cinematography. So the idea was to have all the music before, and know what we were aiming to get across — but that it would accompany, and sometimes be in contrast, in the right moment, to what was happening.”
Mortensen says he might hire a different composer for the next movie he directs. He’s aware of his own limitations. Regardless, he’ll involve them early.
But whenever he comes across a piano — in a hotel, a restaurant or in a holding area on the set of “Eastern Promises” — he’s going to sit down and play it.
“Even if you just play for two minutes,” he says, “it brings you back down, puts your feet on the ground” — and it lets Mortensen’s imagination wander off into some new world.
submitted by larki18 to viggomortensen [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:10 Competitive-Arm6424 6 Arcanums Poem - Inspired by Callum's Ocean Poem

Do not ask how the oceans blue, Or why the tides their time do keep, To love is simply to know this: The tides are true as the ocean is deep
Look not for the reality But seek instead what you see Look upon the moon's face And of supposed truth, be free
Be free of what you know will be And know now the sky The air in its entirety Where all haggard chains die
As all evil will die through the light Of purification, born of the sun Destruction and healing will Flourish and become one
As one with the earth, Which will live on and sustain For years and will not die And will stay and will remain
Constant as the cosmos The light of stars unfallen Made not for understanding But above elf and dragon
At the eye of the storm, a limitless sky overlooks us Yet earth is our seed, planted in the cosmos The moon will shimmer as the stars align But after all, wasn’t the sun the first to betray the stars?
submitted by Competitive-Arm6424 to TheDragonPrince [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:01 DTG_Bot Community Focus: Gabriel Flauzino

Some say that to create art, you need inspiration, which only derives from the gods. In today's case, you can say this art is very directly inspired from a whole pantheon.
As soon as we knew internally that The Pantheon was in development, we wanted to do something to commemorate such a unique activity. After some consideration, we ended up with this idea: a poster will all the raid bosses. We had the immense pleasure of working with Gabriel Flauzino and Displate to create the outstanding piece you saw last week.
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And today, we have the immense pleasure of getting to know Gabriel a bit more because he is the protagonist of our latest Community Focus.

Tell us a bit about yourself so our readers can know you better

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He-llo, dear reader! I'm happy to be here, but even happier that you are! I'm Gabriel Flauzino, aka FLZ, a 23-year-old art nerd, soon to be 24. Despite having some Italian blood and surname, I was born and raised in Fortaleza, Brazil, a place I affectionately like to call a tropical dystopia—but hey, summertime has always been my favorite!
It's hard for me to pinpoint who I am... Throughout the years, I've changed a lot, and in many ways, I’ve become a whole different animal. As a teenager, I played the keyboard and guitar; wrote poems, songs, and fables; painted digitally and traditionally; and studied physics and biology... I wanted to do it all. However, the sacred path of the digital pen was chosen, and being able to make a career out of it was a dream of mine.
The adult me (who usually drinks too many energy drinks, goes to the gym six days a week, and has ADHD as his worst enemy) got to live this dream, and I will never cease to show my appreciation towards Bungie and its wonderful community for helping me on the way.

Everyone has a story of how they first started playing Destiny. Would you share yours with us? And do you have a favorite class?

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I first played Destiny back in 2014, when I was 14, and it literally changed my way of seeing games. The amazing concept art, the marvelous storytelling through the scenarios, the lighting, the textures, the planets... I can still feel what I felt back in the day: a growing passion to tell my own stories and share my vision of what I saw when playing it. It's pure magic, and I hope I'm able to convey this feeling through my art to all of you.
Something in Destiny really caught my attention when I first saw it on E3 2014. I played a lot of games when I was a teenager, and they helped me learn English and specialize in an art style that resembles posters and splash art. Games like Persona 3, 4, and 5; Final Fantasy 7, 8, 10, and 12; and Shadow of the Colossus were some of the main games that marked my most nerdy years. My teenage years were really rough, I gotta tell you. Having the goal of pursuing an art career most definitely helped me to keep everything in check inside my noggin.
Destiny was already one of my favorite games back then, when I started making fan art of it in mid-2018. I couldn't make a dime from art until then, and believe me, I was trying hard. Fast forward to October 2019, when I won my first Art of the Week with an art style that I believe is my specialty: posters! Then my humble account of 40 followers grew to over 2,000 in a few days. It was honestly unbelievable. It's crazy when you realize people like what you do, that iit's not a delusion nor an illusion, and people actually care for the hard work you've been doing for countless sleepless nights.
On the topic of my favorite Destiny class, it's pretty hilarious how my class usually matches my current personality and hobbies. From 2014 to 2018, I mained Warlock, as all I wanted to do was study and read. Then 2018 to 2021 rolled in, and I mained Hunter as I entered a more, uh, emo phase. (Sorry, mom, it really was a phase.) Now, from 2022 onwards, I am a Titan main because I'm chronically addicted to the gym and boxing. Look, I'm a simple man. I see dudes with big arms, and I wanna be like them.

How would you define your art style? Where do you find inspiration?

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I would say my art is “safe.” Like, I genuinely like playing it safe when making my artwork, as I enjoy studying what has been done in the past. I often find myself drawing more inspiration from the work of John Collier, John Martin, or Arnold Böcklin, for example, than from any other artists from this generation. You may ask, "What does a 23-year-old fan art artist know about art history?" Exactly, I know nothing and will ultimately die as an apprentice, but I want to study what made the works of the other artists the most impressive pieces of art in human history.
With that said, while I consider my art style safe, I believe it can also impress. It takes time, but I often work more in my mind than on canvas, imagining how the final piece needs to look as well as what to do to achieve that, and most of the time, I won't stray away from the initial idea.
And where do I find inspiration? Artists like Aaron Blaise and Ethan Becker helped me to master tools like Photoshop and PureRef and manage good workflows that can achieve industry standards. Geniuses like Hayao Miyazaki taught me to dream higher and higher. Mutuals like AviixeArt, Brandon Meier, Kathi_Langley, and Gammatrap (Brandon McCamey) were and still are brilliant minds that I look upon in my career, and who I often find myself using as inspiration for countless works of mine.

So, raid bosses: what makes them so interesting that you have dedicated so many pieces to them?

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The real question is: who doesn't think raid bosses are interesting?! We all like good villains —and beating them. The idea that a collective and joint act can beat even the most powerful bad guys is something only the raiding experience in Destiny can deliver. You feel powerful and fulfilled with your achievement, and that's a peak experience in the world of video games.
One of my favorite games ever is the Dark Souls franchise. The feeling that a mere mortal is capable of facing literal Gods is something that the gaming genre delivers in an awe-inspiring and powerful way.
Illustrating all the power and malice of these villains on a canvas is to seal the idea that you and your friends conquered that battle together. Raids are my favorite part of Destiny: getting together with friends, suffering for countless hours (seriously, I spent 19 hours on Day 1 Deep Stone Crypt...), and sharing good memories. It really is something special, which I hope to memorialize in every piece I make.

I know picking a favorite is hard, but you can tell us... Which is your favorite?

I think this is an easy choice. Of all the villains we've ever faced, the one who finally showed us the horrors that exist among the stars was Oryx. From Aurash to Taken King, the Navigator has proven himself several times, and The Books of Sorrow are the apotheosis of Destiny's lore, in my opinion. Seeing Oryx's trajectory following his ideals, even the most terrible and distorted ones, until the end made the final showdown against him the most special moment in Destiny's history.
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The magic of fiction is being able to admire a villain's conviction, even if their actions are unimaginably cruel. Knowing that makes the moment when they are struck down much more complex and satisfying.
And in the end, with Touch of Malice, Oryx won. There’s a bittersweet truth we chose to ignore at the end of Books of Sorrow, that maybe Oryx wasn’t totally wrong. Maybe the universe is as unfair and cruel as Oryx once wrote, and maybe the Ravenous Heart will still pulse with the dying of the last stars and the last gulps of primordial black holes.

Now, let's talk about The Pantheon. Your Pantheon. Could you share with us how this piece came to be?

Look, I'm going to be brutally honest here: I caught a really bad case of COVID while making this artwork, but I was so determined to finish it. I just didn’t care. I swear to God, I got home from the hospital and went straight to work. It was not a lot of fun, but I was okay enough to paint and give it my best, so I'm happy I chose to do so. And I have to tell you, it was worth every second.
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First, I made two iterations of what I wanted the art to be, which was a poster of sorts, with all eight villains in their coolest poses possible. The artwork is definitely not gloomy nor dark, but rather it gives a sense of wonder and achievement. The Destiny art team helped me a bunch with some suggestions, which were very welcome, and I duly implemented them in the final piece.
I was able to draw a character each day, giving them all the attention and spotlight that I thought was necessary. Color-wise, it was kinda tough. Some characters like Atraks-1 stand out a lot, so adjusting the tone map to be pleasing to the eye was half of the process. Ultimately, this piece is something I already planned on doing when I first saw The Pantheon was launching, so I had a blast partnering with Bungie and Displate for the ride!
I’m absolutely pleased and pumped to see everyone’s reaction when The Pantheon of Gods ships. Bungie did an excellent job making these characters present again in the game, with a fun and memorable activity that to memorializes this moment in
Also, could I be a little biased by placing Oryx in front? Yes, I was.

Anything you would like to share with other artists out there? Maybe even some colleagues you want to mention?

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Alright, this may be the longest part of the blog post, so bear with me. Robert Schumann has always been an interesting figure for me. In addition to being an excellent pianist and composer, Schumann wrote something that has echoed with me: "To send light into the darkness of men's hearts—such is the duty of the artist."
For other artists out there reading this, what do you interpret from this? What do you think is your light, and what do you think is the darkness in the heart of mankind? I feel that, in an era that is stained more and more with the arrival of technologies that seek to destroy the essence of art, it is necessary to have both the sensitivity and softness to express oneself through the artistic medium as well as the perseverance and sense of justice to fight against these oppressive means. Do what you love, and if you send this light to someone's heart, you will be immortal.
That being said, all of this is only possible with a strong sense of community and a place where you are welcomed and admired. I would like to dedicate a little bit of everything I have ever achieved to some of the most special people I have had in my life and in my inspirations.
Mr. Stephen Boe, aka AviixeArt, and his enviable brushstrokes. Brandon, aka Gammatrap, and his extremely effective technique as well as his wonderful personality. Kathi, with her hypnotizing neon colors. Kevin, with his endless creativity. Gustavo Bleyer and Polux, for being dear countrymen and extremely talented. Robyn, for her dense, greenish brushstrokes. Emily and the way she does magic in traditional art. Seeing you all grow, along with many other artists, is what keeps me hopeful for the future of human art. Thank you for being here. And I would also like to thank Byf for the opportunity and recognition a few years ago during an art competition that he promoted. It was hella fun!

And before we go, please, let everyone know where they can find you online and enjoy your outstanding work.

I’m on Twitter and Instagram. Don't be shy, and feel free to talk to me there! If you just found out about my work, feel free to join along for the ride. There’s still much, much more to come.
Thank you for having me today! I'm looking forward to seeing all of you for The Final Shape, and beyond. Tchau!
No, Gabriel, thank you for working with us! It's been a real pleasure, and we can't wait to see your future works. And please, keep sharing your talent with the world.
Destiny 2 Community Team
submitted by DTG_Bot to LowSodiumDestiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:01 DTG_Bot Community Focus: Gabriel Flauzino

Some say that to create art, you need inspiration, which only derives from the gods. In today's case, you can say this art is very directly inspired from a whole pantheon.
As soon as we knew internally that The Pantheon was in development, we wanted to do something to commemorate such a unique activity. After some consideration, we ended up with this idea: a poster will all the raid bosses. We had the immense pleasure of working with Gabriel Flauzino and Displate to create the outstanding piece you saw last week.
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And today, we have the immense pleasure of getting to know Gabriel a bit more because he is the protagonist of our latest Community Focus.

Tell us a bit about yourself so our readers can know you better

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He-llo, dear reader! I'm happy to be here, but even happier that you are! I'm Gabriel Flauzino, aka FLZ, a 23-year-old art nerd, soon to be 24. Despite having some Italian blood and surname, I was born and raised in Fortaleza, Brazil, a place I affectionately like to call a tropical dystopia—but hey, summertime has always been my favorite!
It's hard for me to pinpoint who I am... Throughout the years, I've changed a lot, and in many ways, I’ve become a whole different animal. As a teenager, I played the keyboard and guitar; wrote poems, songs, and fables; painted digitally and traditionally; and studied physics and biology... I wanted to do it all. However, the sacred path of the digital pen was chosen, and being able to make a career out of it was a dream of mine.
The adult me (who usually drinks too many energy drinks, goes to the gym six days a week, and has ADHD as his worst enemy) got to live this dream, and I will never cease to show my appreciation towards Bungie and its wonderful community for helping me on the way.

Everyone has a story of how they first started playing Destiny. Would you share yours with us? And do you have a favorite class?

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I first played Destiny back in 2014, when I was 14, and it literally changed my way of seeing games. The amazing concept art, the marvelous storytelling through the scenarios, the lighting, the textures, the planets... I can still feel what I felt back in the day: a growing passion to tell my own stories and share my vision of what I saw when playing it. It's pure magic, and I hope I'm able to convey this feeling through my art to all of you.
Something in Destiny really caught my attention when I first saw it on E3 2014. I played a lot of games when I was a teenager, and they helped me learn English and specialize in an art style that resembles posters and splash art. Games like Persona 3, 4, and 5; Final Fantasy 7, 8, 10, and 12; and Shadow of the Colossus were some of the main games that marked my most nerdy years. My teenage years were really rough, I gotta tell you. Having the goal of pursuing an art career most definitely helped me to keep everything in check inside my noggin.
Destiny was already one of my favorite games back then, when I started making fan art of it in mid-2018. I couldn't make a dime from art until then, and believe me, I was trying hard. Fast forward to October 2019, when I won my first Art of the Week with an art style that I believe is my specialty: posters! Then my humble account of 40 followers grew to over 2,000 in a few days. It was honestly unbelievable. It's crazy when you realize people like what you do, that iit's not a delusion nor an illusion, and people actually care for the hard work you've been doing for countless sleepless nights.
On the topic of my favorite Destiny class, it's pretty hilarious how my class usually matches my current personality and hobbies. From 2014 to 2018, I mained Warlock, as all I wanted to do was study and read. Then 2018 to 2021 rolled in, and I mained Hunter as I entered a more, uh, emo phase. (Sorry, mom, it really was a phase.) Now, from 2022 onwards, I am a Titan main because I'm chronically addicted to the gym and boxing. Look, I'm a simple man. I see dudes with big arms, and I wanna be like them.

How would you define your art style? Where do you find inspiration?

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I would say my art is “safe.” Like, I genuinely like playing it safe when making my artwork, as I enjoy studying what has been done in the past. I often find myself drawing more inspiration from the work of John Collier, John Martin, or Arnold Böcklin, for example, than from any other artists from this generation. You may ask, "What does a 23-year-old fan art artist know about art history?" Exactly, I know nothing and will ultimately die as an apprentice, but I want to study what made the works of the other artists the most impressive pieces of art in human history.
With that said, while I consider my art style safe, I believe it can also impress. It takes time, but I often work more in my mind than on canvas, imagining how the final piece needs to look as well as what to do to achieve that, and most of the time, I won't stray away from the initial idea.
And where do I find inspiration? Artists like Aaron Blaise and Ethan Becker helped me to master tools like Photoshop and PureRef and manage good workflows that can achieve industry standards. Geniuses like Hayao Miyazaki taught me to dream higher and higher. Mutuals like AviixeArt, Brandon Meier, Kathi_Langley, and Gammatrap (Brandon McCamey) were and still are brilliant minds that I look upon in my career, and who I often find myself using as inspiration for countless works of mine.

So, raid bosses: what makes them so interesting that you have dedicated so many pieces to them?

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The real question is: who doesn't think raid bosses are interesting?! We all like good villains —and beating them. The idea that a collective and joint act can beat even the most powerful bad guys is something only the raiding experience in Destiny can deliver. You feel powerful and fulfilled with your achievement, and that's a peak experience in the world of video games.
One of my favorite games ever is the Dark Souls franchise. The feeling that a mere mortal is capable of facing literal Gods is something that the gaming genre delivers in an awe-inspiring and powerful way.
Illustrating all the power and malice of these villains on a canvas is to seal the idea that you and your friends conquered that battle together. Raids are my favorite part of Destiny: getting together with friends, suffering for countless hours (seriously, I spent 19 hours on Day 1 Deep Stone Crypt...), and sharing good memories. It really is something special, which I hope to memorialize in every piece I make.

I know picking a favorite is hard, but you can tell us... Which is your favorite?

I think this is an easy choice. Of all the villains we've ever faced, the one who finally showed us the horrors that exist among the stars was Oryx. From Aurash to Taken King, the Navigator has proven himself several times, and The Books of Sorrow are the apotheosis of Destiny's lore, in my opinion. Seeing Oryx's trajectory following his ideals, even the most terrible and distorted ones, until the end made the final showdown against him the most special moment in Destiny's history.
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The magic of fiction is being able to admire a villain's conviction, even if their actions are unimaginably cruel. Knowing that makes the moment when they are struck down much more complex and satisfying.
And in the end, with Touch of Malice, Oryx won. There’s a bittersweet truth we chose to ignore at the end of Books of Sorrow, that maybe Oryx wasn’t totally wrong. Maybe the universe is as unfair and cruel as Oryx once wrote, and maybe the Ravenous Heart will still pulse with the dying of the last stars and the last gulps of primordial black holes.

Now, let's talk about The Pantheon. Your Pantheon. Could you share with us how this piece came to be?

Look, I'm going to be brutally honest here: I caught a really bad case of COVID while making this artwork, but I was so determined to finish it. I just didn’t care. I swear to God, I got home from the hospital and went straight to work. It was not a lot of fun, but I was okay enough to paint and give it my best, so I'm happy I chose to do so. And I have to tell you, it was worth every second.
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First, I made two iterations of what I wanted the art to be, which was a poster of sorts, with all eight villains in their coolest poses possible. The artwork is definitely not gloomy nor dark, but rather it gives a sense of wonder and achievement. The Destiny art team helped me a bunch with some suggestions, which were very welcome, and I duly implemented them in the final piece.
I was able to draw a character each day, giving them all the attention and spotlight that I thought was necessary. Color-wise, it was kinda tough. Some characters like Atraks-1 stand out a lot, so adjusting the tone map to be pleasing to the eye was half of the process. Ultimately, this piece is something I already planned on doing when I first saw The Pantheon was launching, so I had a blast partnering with Bungie and Displate for the ride!
I’m absolutely pleased and pumped to see everyone’s reaction when The Pantheon of Gods ships. Bungie did an excellent job making these characters present again in the game, with a fun and memorable activity that to memorializes this moment in
Also, could I be a little biased by placing Oryx in front? Yes, I was.

Anything you would like to share with other artists out there? Maybe even some colleagues you want to mention?

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Alright, this may be the longest part of the blog post, so bear with me. Robert Schumann has always been an interesting figure for me. In addition to being an excellent pianist and composer, Schumann wrote something that has echoed with me: "To send light into the darkness of men's hearts—such is the duty of the artist."
For other artists out there reading this, what do you interpret from this? What do you think is your light, and what do you think is the darkness in the heart of mankind? I feel that, in an era that is stained more and more with the arrival of technologies that seek to destroy the essence of art, it is necessary to have both the sensitivity and softness to express oneself through the artistic medium as well as the perseverance and sense of justice to fight against these oppressive means. Do what you love, and if you send this light to someone's heart, you will be immortal.
That being said, all of this is only possible with a strong sense of community and a place where you are welcomed and admired. I would like to dedicate a little bit of everything I have ever achieved to some of the most special people I have had in my life and in my inspirations.
Mr. Stephen Boe, aka AviixeArt, and his enviable brushstrokes. Brandon, aka Gammatrap, and his extremely effective technique as well as his wonderful personality. Kathi, with her hypnotizing neon colors. Kevin, with his endless creativity. Gustavo Bleyer and Polux, for being dear countrymen and extremely talented. Robyn, for her dense, greenish brushstrokes. Emily and the way she does magic in traditional art. Seeing you all grow, along with many other artists, is what keeps me hopeful for the future of human art. Thank you for being here. And I would also like to thank Byf for the opportunity and recognition a few years ago during an art competition that he promoted. It was hella fun!

And before we go, please, let everyone know where they can find you online and enjoy your outstanding work.

I’m on Twitter and Instagram. Don't be shy, and feel free to talk to me there! If you just found out about my work, feel free to join along for the ride. There’s still much, much more to come.
Thank you for having me today! I'm looking forward to seeing all of you for The Final Shape, and beyond. Tchau!
No, Gabriel, thank you for working with us! It's been a real pleasure, and we can't wait to see your future works. And please, keep sharing your talent with the world.
Destiny 2 Community Team
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]