How to unblock udp 427

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2024.03.30 18:25 Repulsive-Traffic294 How to Use V2Ray VPN for Online Privacy & Unblocking

How to Use V2Ray VPN for Online Privacy & Unblocking

What is V2Ray?

If you’re looking for a powerful, open-source proxy tool that can help you bypass internet censorship and access restricted content, V2Ray is a fantastic option.
This versatile software uses advanced tunneling protocols to route your internet traffic through encrypted channels, making it difficult for anyone to monitor or block your online activities.

Benefits of Using V2Ray

Using V2Ray comes with several benefits, including:
  • Unblocking websites and services that are restricted in your region
  • Enhancing your online privacy and security by encrypting your internet traffic
  • Bypassing internet censorship and surveillance measures imposed by governments or organizations
  • Accessing geographically-restricted content, such as streaming services or online games

Setting Up V2Ray VPN

Downloading V2Ray

The first step in using V2Ray is to download the software from the official website. V2Ray is available for various platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android.
Visit the V2Ray project’s GitHub page and navigate to the “Releases” section to grab the latest version compatible with your operating system.

Installing V2Ray

After downloading the appropriate package for your platform, follow the installation instructions provided.
For Windows and macOS users, the process is straightforward, involving running the installer and following the prompts.
Linux users may need to extract the package and run the binary executable.

Configuring V2Ray VPN

Understanding V2Ray Config Files

V2Ray is highly configurable, and its behavior is controlled by JSON configuration files.
These files define various settings, such as inbound and outbound proxies, routing rules, and more.
While the default configuration works for basic use cases, you’ll likely need to modify these files to suit your specific needs.

Editing Config Files

Open the V2Ray configuration file in a text editor (e.g., Notepad++ for Windows, TextEdit for macOS, or a command-line editor like Vim or Nano for Linux). The file structure consists of three main sections:
Inbound Settings This section defines how V2Ray should handle incoming connections. You can specify the protocol (e.g., VMess, SOCKS, or HTTP), port number, and other settings related to inbound traffic.
Outbound Settings The outbound settings control how V2Ray routes your internet traffic. Here, you can define the remote server(s) to connect to, along with the protocols and encryption methods to use.
Routing Settings The routing section allows you to configure rules that determine how V2Ray should handle different types of traffic.
For example, you can specify which domains should be routed through the proxy and which should use a direct connection.

Connecting to V2Ray VPN

Starting the V2Ray Service

Once you’ve configured V2Ray according to your needs, it’s time to start the service.
On Windows, you can typically launch V2Ray from the Start menu or by running the executable file. On macOS and Linux, you’ll need to open a terminal and navigate to the V2Ray directory, then run the appropriate command (e.g., ./v2ray or sudo systemctl start v2ray ).
Checking Connection Status To verify that V2Ray is running and connected to the remote server, you can use various methods, such as checking the system tray icon (on Windows) or consulting the log files.
Additionally, you can visit websites that display your public IP address or perform online privacy tests to ensure your traffic is being routed through the VPN.

Using V2Ray VPN

Accessing Blocked Websites

One of the primary use cases for V2Ray is unblocking websites and services that are restricted in your region.
With V2Ray running and connected to a remote server, you can simply launch your web browser and navigate to the desired website.
Your traffic will be encrypted and routed through the proxy, allowing you to bypass censorship and access the content you want.

Enhancing Online Privacy

In addition to unblocking websites, V2Ray can also help enhance your online privacy.
By routing your internet traffic through an encrypted tunnel, V2Ray makes it difficult for third parties (such as your internet service provider or government agencies) to monitor your online activities or collect data about your browsing habits.

Bypassing Internet Censorship

In some countries or regions, internet censorship is a significant issue, with governments or organizations imposing restrictions on access to certain websites, social media platforms, or other online services.
V2Ray can help you bypass these censorship measures by routing your traffic through servers located in regions with less stringent internet regulations.

Advanced V2Ray Features

Domain Routing

V2Ray offers advanced routing capabilities that allow you to specify which domains or IP addresses should use the proxy and which should use a direct connection.
This feature can be useful for optimizing performance and reducing latency by only routing specific traffic through the VPN.
Load Balancing If you have multiple remote servers configured in V2Ray, you can enable load balancing to distribute your traffic across these servers.
This can help improve performance and reliability by utilizing the available bandwidth and resources more efficiently.

mKCP Protocol

V2Ray supports the mKCP protocol, which is designed to provide better performance and reliability over unreliable or lossy networks. If you’re experiencing connectivity issues or high latency with standard protocols like TCP or UDP, enabling mKCP can potentially improve your VPN experience.

Troubleshooting V2Ray

Common Issues

While V2Ray is generally stable and reliable, you may encounter issues such as connectivity problems, slow speeds, or configuration errors. Some common issues include incorrect port forwarding settings, firewall or antivirus software blocking V2Ray, or outdated configuration files.

Checking Logs

One of the best ways to troubleshoot V2Ray is to check the log files. These files contain detailed information about the software’s operations, including any errors or warnings that may have occurred.
You can typically find the log files in the V2Ray installation directory or a designated logs folder.
Updating V2Ray
If you’re experiencing persistent issues with V2Ray, it’s worth checking if there’s a newer version available. The V2Ray project is actively maintained, and updates often include bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features.
Follow the same process you used for the initial installation to download and install the latest version of V2Ray.


V2Ray is a powerful and versatile proxy tool that can help you bypass internet censorship, access restricted content, and enhance your online privacy and security. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you should now have a better understanding of how to set up and configure V2Ray, as well as how to leverage its various features to meet your specific needs.
Remember, while V2Ray can be an invaluable tool for protecting your online privacy and accessing blocked content, it’s essential to use it responsibly and within legal boundaries. Always exercise caution when connecting to unknown servers or accessing potentially harmful or illegal content.


Is V2Ray free to use?

Yes, V2Ray is an open-source project and is entirely free to use. You can download and install it without any charges or subscriptions.

Can V2Ray be detected by my internet service provider (ISP)?

While V2Ray encrypts your internet traffic, making it difficult for your ISP to monitor your online activities, they may still be able to detect that you’re using a VPN service. However, many ISPs do not actively block or restrict VPN usage.

How do I obtain a V2Ray server?

You can either set up your own V2Ray server or subscribe to a commercial VPN service that offers V2Ray servers. Setting up your own server can be more complex but provides greater control and customization options.

Can V2Ray be used on mobile devices?

Yes, V2Ray is available for Android devices, allowing you to secure your mobile internet connection and access restricted content on the go.

What are the system requirements for running V2Ray?

V2Ray is a lightweight application with relatively low system requirements. As long as you have a modern operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux) and sufficient storage space for the installation files, you should be able to run V2Ray without any issues.
submitted by Repulsive-Traffic294 to v2rayhub [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 21:14 _NineZero_ VPNs / Online Privacy, Security & Protection / A quick guide.

How can I protect my privacy and security online?

What are the quick steps I can take to make my online presence secure?

  • Enable 2 Factor authentication everywhere you can.
  • Check if your email/ passwords have been exposed / leaked
  • Use strong passwords / Do not reuse the same passwords
  • DO NOT click random links from unknown sources or people.
  • Make a secondary email address that you can use to register for services using a dummy name.
  • Use adblockers on desktop and phone.
Use a password manager app. iOS / Android / Google Chrome / Firefox all have builtin password managers. Use them. is FREE and its great.

What steps can I take for better online privacy and security?

I'm linking the articles because otherwise there will be way too much text here.


VPN stands for “virtual private network” — a service that protects your internet connection and privacy online. VPNs create an encrypted tunnel for your data, protect your online identity by hiding your IP address, and allow you to use public Wi-Fi hotspots safely.

Why do I need a VPN in Pakistan?

  • Because lumber 1 haramkhor / ppp / pmln keep blocking internet access.
  • Because you need secure and private access to internet.
  • Because you can watch Netflix USA / UK with VPN.

Can VPN hide my mobile phone’s GPS location? If I have VPN turned on, is my physical location hidden too?

  • NO! VPN will not hide your phone’s physical GPS location. Which means as long as there is a GSM chip / SIM inside your phone,
OR if you’re connected to a Mobile Broadband device (MBB) your physical GPS location CAN be tracked easily.
  • Even if you're connected to Public wifi, your phone and location CAN be tracked.
  • There are apps that spoof GPS location; however, they only work only internally and spoof the location for your phone’s apps, they DO NOT cannot spoof your physical location.
  • Example: You are at Karachi airport and you spoof your location to Lahore, GPS-spoofing will only change your google maps show Lahore as your location, your physical location [which can be tracked] will still be showing as Karachi to your network provider / whoever’s capturing data for mobile phones at Karachi airport.
  • GPS spoofing is not required on desktop computers / devices without GSM chip/ SIM. Desktop PCs / Laptops can be tracked through IP / connection / connecting to public wifi.

Should I use a FREE vpn?
A free vpn on mobile is most likely a proxy service which is NOT secure and all your information will be trackable / exposed.
On desktop, please check the app settings which protocols are available and if the free app is connecting through proxy or protocol.

What is a VPN Protocol and why its important? Which protocol should I choose?

A VPN protocol is a ruleset determining how data is encrypted and online traffic moves between a device and a VPN server. VPN providers use these protocols to deliver stable and secure connections for their users. Typically, each protocol focuses on a specific combination of features, for instance, compatibility and high speed or robust encryption and network stability.

What is the difference between VPN, Proxy and DNS changer?

Proxy Server / Proxy apps [99% of free vpn apps on mobile / 100% of browser extensions]
  • Will give you access / unblock websites for you
  • ZERO privacy / security
  • Can be tracked easily
Smart DNS / DNS Changer [ / Cloudflare etc]
  • Will give you access / unblock websites for you
  • ZERO privacy / security
  • Can be tracked easily
  • hide your IP address
  • Has privacy and security
  • Cannot be tracked easily.

How to properly use a VPN on my desktop / Mobile?

  • Install a secondary browser, preferably Firefox/ Librewolf / Brave
  • Use VPN exclusively on that secondary browser. [Most VPNs offer the feature to use VPN on selected apps / softwares]
  • This will help with concealing your browser finger print and you can do your regular stuff on your main browser.
  • On Mobile, install vpn, select the apps you want VPN to secure and use those apps only after vpn is connected. [Other apps on your phone wont be affected by vpn connection] This is important because apps like banking apps might not function properly over vpn connection.

Can government find me even if I use VPN?

Short Answer: YES the govt can find you if they really really want to. so don't do shit that gets you into trouble. Don't do illegal shit.
However, they are not coming for you for shitposting online or watching Netflix.
DPI or Deep Packet Inspector technology is used to sniff out VPN users and track them. However, top tier vpn companies have multiple technologies in place that make DPI’s work extremely difficult. Technologies like stealth protocols, obfuscated servers etc.
But it takes a lot of effort for DPI to identify a person. DPI can separate VPN IPs / servers but Its like identifying a needle in a giant stack of needles. And even after that the acquired data will be useless because no vpn company will provide government with information.
So what does government do at this point?
They block the vpn servers lmao
Exactly what’s going on in China / KSA / UAE / Iran. etc
Most VPN companies are registered in EU / North America. They are NOT legally liable to provide any data to anyone unless the government of the same country where they operate asks them to provide information.
There are no VPN companies registered in Pakistan because sale and distribution of VPN is illegal in Pakistan. This is also the reason why government has been asking people to register their VPN, coz they have no data lmao.
Recently, Indian government asked prominent VPN companies to provide user data to government, to which companies shut down their servers in india completely, and refused to comply with Indian government.

My VPN is not working what do I do?

  • Make sure you have the latest version. All major vpn companies roll out micro/regional updates to counter issues.
  • Check if you can change protocols. [TCP / UDP / WIREGUARD / STEALTH /IPSEC / L2TP, PPTP, SSTP ] whatever you have, change it and try it.
  • HOWEVER, rapidly changing protocols and making connections will not work. Give at least 1 minute gap between changing protocol and making new connection. Your windows / mobile / iOS vpn dialer needs time to reset. [Disconnect then reconnect]. Your device performance and internet speed is also a factor.
  • Try a different country server
  • If all that fails, try using a browser proxy, there are free ones available.
  • Proxy / DNS changers are free and they will work as well.
Again, PROXY / DNS changer will give you access to websites. However they are NOT as secure or private as a VPN.
Technical Stuff
  • Disable Firewall / Antivirus
  • Check VPN Settings
  • Reach out to your vpn provider and explain the issue to them.

submitted by _NineZero_ to chutyapa [link] [comments]

2024.02.12 15:26 Jimmyboyslim1999 PureVPN 2024 Review: Evaluating Security, Performance, and Value

PureVPN Reviews 2024: Striking a Balance Between Affordability and Functionality
Wondering if PureVPN is the secure and budget-friendly VPN solution you've been searching for? Our comprehensive review delves into its performance, security measures, and pricing to provide you with an informed decision-making resource, devoid of unnecessary fluff. Explore how PureVPN competes in a crowded market as we dissect its true value for users like yourself in our detailed PureVPN reviews.
BestVPNReviews - PureVPN: a Pioneer in the VPN Sphere, but Does It Stand the Test?
Key Insights
PureVPN boasts an extensive server network spanning over 65 countries, bolstered by robust security features like 256-bit encryption and a no-logs policy. With applications tailored for major operating systems, it caters to a diverse user base encompassing individuals concerned about privacy, businesses, and avid gamers.
The VPN consistently delivers download speeds averaging 66.6 Mbps, capable of unblocking streaming platforms and facilitating P2P torrenting on dedicated servers. It strikes a balance between advanced functionalities such as Split Tunneling and IP masking and user-friendly interfaces across various platforms.
While PureVPN offers competitive pricing and a 31-day money-back guarantee, it's advisable to compare it with alternatives like NordVPN, Surfshark, and ExpressVPN regarding speed, security features, and overall cost-effectiveness before finalizing your choice.
Explore PureVPN Now.
Introducing PureVPN – A Detailed Examination of the Service
PureVPN's top ranking in the VPN category on Trustpilot underscores its widespread acclaim and high user satisfaction regarding connection quality and overall service. Featuring a vast and diverse server network across more than 65 countries, PureVPN ensures comprehensive VPN coverage, appealing to users prioritizing global accessibility.
The company prides itself on an array of features including:
These features not only look impressive on paper but also promise to significantly enhance the user experience. However, their efficacy will be thoroughly scrutinized in this comprehensive PureVPN review.
A diverse selection of servers is crucial for VPN users, providing flexibility to choose the server offering optimal performance at any given time. PureVPN offers users an extensive choice with servers in over 65 countries, enabling reliable VPN connections from nearly anywhere.
Moreover, PureVPN provides applications for all major operating systems, including iOS and Android, ensuring seamless connectivity whether you're at home on your computer or on the go with your smartphone.
Who Can Benefit from PureVPN?
While PureVPN's primary demographic skews towards males aged 25 to 34, the service caters to a broad range of users. Whether you require a dedicated IP, prioritize privacy and security, or simply seek a fast and reliable VPN service, PureVPN has you covered.
Businesses can also leverage PureVPN through PureDome, a business solution offering enhanced security, privacy, productivity improvements, and potential cost reductions. Although PureVPN lacks a built-in password manager, businesses can utilize third-party solutions to bolster security further.
For average internet users, PureVPN offers essential features like 256-bit Data Encryption, access to blocked sites, and anonymity. Additionally, it provides advanced features such as an Internet Kill Switch, Split Tunneling, and tailored server modes to accommodate different user needs.
Gamers seeking privacy features and a secure gaming experience will find PureVPN suitable, thanks to its extensive server network ensuring reliable connections.
In summary, PureVPN caters to a diverse user base, offering a comprehensive feature set and flexible server options suitable for various use cases, including everyday browsing, streaming, gaming, torrenting, and business use.
Setting Up Your Secure Connection with PureVPN
Setting up PureVPN is a straightforward process:
  1. Download the app corresponding to your device platform, available on platforms like iOS and Android.
  2. Launch the PureVPN app and sign in using your credentials.
  3. Establish a VPN connection using the Quick Connect feature or manually selecting a server.
  4. For manual setup on Windows 10, utilize the 'Remember my sign-in info' feature in VPN settings, or opt for the PureVPN app on Windows 11.
  5. Select the desired protocol for secure connections, such as openvpn udp.
Accessing the PureVPN app requires inputting your PureVPN credentials, enhancing VPN connection security by restricting access to authorized individuals.
In case of connection issues, troubleshoot by reaching out to customer support, switching protocols within the PureVPN app, or trying different server locations.
Navigating PureVPN's User Interface
PureVPN's interface varies across platforms:
Designed with user convenience in mind, PureVPN offers seamless installation, simple software launching, and effortless server connection, making it suitable for both novice and experienced users.
Unique features like Split Tunneling allow users to choose which apps utilize the VPN connection, enhancing customization. The server list, accessible via the Locations option, includes a P2P button for convenient server selection.
PureVPN Under Scrutiny – Speed and Stability Tests
Internet speed impact is a critical consideration when selecting a VPN service. PureVPN exhibits an average download speed of 66.6 Mbps and a maximum speed of 736.6 Mbps, ensuring consistent performance across countries, vital for high-speed activities like gaming and HD streaming.
Various security protocols utilized by PureVPN may influence connection speed, although the impact is generally minor compared to the security benefits they offer.
Streaming and Geo-Restrictions: PureVPN's Efficacy
PureVPN effectively bypasses geo-restrictions, allowing access to streaming services like Hulu, Netflix, and HBO Go, ensuring users don't miss out on content due to location restrictions.
Supported streaming services include Hulu, Kanopy, Hoopla, Apple TV+, Popcornflix, BBC iPlayer, Sling TV, HBO Max, FuboTV, and ITV, catering to diverse entertainment preferences.
However, limitations exist, with some services like YouTube TV potentially remaining inaccessible outside the US.
Torrenting with PureVPN – Safe Haven or No-Go?
PureVPN permits torrenting on specific optimized servers while prohibiting it on servers in countries where P2P is illegal. To safeguard anonymity during torrenting, PureVPN implements features like AES 256-bit encryption, obfuscation technology, DNS and IPv6 leak protection, and a kill switch.
In conclusion, PureVPN provides a secure environment for regular torrenting activities.
Security Protocols and Privacy Features
PureVPN employs OpenVPN, IPSec/IKEv2, and IPSec protocols for secure connections, complemented by AES encryption for data protection. Additional privacy features include secure Wi-Fi, DNS and IPv6 leak protection, Split Tunneling, a no-logs policy, and 24/7 support, ensuring comprehensive user security.
PureVPN's adherence to stringent security protocols and privacy standards makes it a reliable choice for users concerned about online security.
Is PureVPN the Right Choice for You?
When considering PureVPN, factors like security, speed, encryption, ease of use, simultaneous connections, server locations, and pricing must be evaluated to determine suitability.
PureVPN's comprehensive feature set, competitive pricing, and extensive server network make it an appealing option for various user profiles.
''In case you are interested in PureVPN and what it offers, make sure to check out their special deal .''
submitted by Jimmyboyslim1999 to VPNinfo [link] [comments]

2024.02.11 22:54 hcsteve Optimum has blocked my web site for "security threat detected"

Optimum has blocked my web site for
Optimum has blocked my web site and shows a message that says "security threat detected", and there is no information on how to unblock it.
This is definitely an Optimum issue - it works fine on my phone when not connected to my home wifi. Optimum's DNS servers appear to be rewriting the responses for and to point to their "security threat" page. Here is the response from, which is the DNS server I get from Optimum via DHCP.
% dig @ ; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>> @ ; (1 server found) ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 9898 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1 ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ; IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION: 0 IN A ;; Query time: 21 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Sun Feb 11 16:48:00 EST 2024 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 62 
DNS responses from show the intended response, which is a redirect through
% dig @ ; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>> @ ; (1 server found) ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 58552 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 12, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1 ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ; IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION: 3603 IN CNAME 300 IN A 300 IN A 300 IN A 300 IN A 300 IN A 300 IN A 300 IN A 300 IN A 300 IN A 300 IN A 300 IN A ;; Query time: 64 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Sun Feb 11 16:46:45 EST 2024 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 253 
I've run my web site through the blacklist checkers on,, and, and there are no warnings. This web site is very simple - it's just a redirect to a URL. I'm at my wits' end here - there seems to be no way to even request to unblock a web site, other than maybe posting here and begging ItsOptimum.
submitted by hcsteve to OPTIMUM [link] [comments]

2023.08.08 11:31 Aler4582 Best VPN Services in 2023 [Detailed Guide]

Maintaining your privacy has become increasingly crucial, and in 2023, the finest VPN stands as an essential resource for safeguarding your online existence. This is precisely why our team of specialists has conducted extensive evaluations on numerous VPNs, ultimately assembling a list of top-tier service providers for your convenience.
Virtual Private Networks are applications designed to shield your internet actions from your Internet Service Provider, governmental authorities, and malicious actors. To put it simply, they achieve this by encoding all of your online traffic and directing it through their global network of servers, effectively concealing your actual whereabouts in the course of this procedure.
For those seeking swift access to the top three VPN services of 2023, you can conveniently choose among CyberGhost, NordVPN, and Surfshark below.
  1. CyberGhost.
In 2023, we consider CyberGhost to be the premier VPN choice, showcasing outstanding performance across a wide spectrum of aspects. It offers unparalleled privacy and security attributes, effectively bypasses restrictions on almost all streaming platforms, and boasts a remarkably user-friendly interface.
Key Features of CyberGhost:
- Effortless Setup: Connect with just a single click.
- Unrestricted Access: Enjoy rapid speeds while accessing Torrent sites like TPB and RARBG, streaming services like Netflix/NHL/NFL, or bypassing any restrictions.
- No Data Logs: Your browsing history remains private and untracked.
- Streaming Freedom: Unblock 35 streaming services, including Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, and more.
- Automatic Defense: Shield against ads, malware, adware, and viruses through automatic blocking.
- Vast Server Network: Choose from over 7,000 servers across 90+ countries.
- Simultaneous Multi-Device Usage: Use the service on 7 devices concurrently under a single subscription.
- Versatile Compatibility: Available on Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, Smart TVs, and more.
- Unlimited Bandwidth: Enjoy limitless data usage.
- Round-the-Clock Support: Dedicated 24/7 customer assistance.
- Get 45 Days Free Trial of CyberGhost with the assurance of a 45-day money-back guarantee.
- Affordable Pricing: Just $2.11 per month. (Redeem 82% Special Discount Today only for VPNforTorrenting Subscrbers)
- Extended Money-Back Guarantee: A generous 45 days to explore the service risk-free.
With its 30-day money-back guarantee, you can experience the service without any financial risk. Additionally, exclusive to our subreddit users, there's an impressive 82% discount available.
  1. NordVPN:
One of the most popular name in the VPN industry is NordVPN. Beyond furnishing a secure and private VPN service, it extends an expansive array of cybersecurity utilities, encompassing an ad blocker and malware safeguarding.
  1. NordVPN particularly shines in the realm of streaming, and at an approximate monthly cost of $3.49, it positions itself as a mid-range option in terms of pricing. Much like CyberGhost, NordVPN extends a 30-day money-back guarantee, affording you the opportunity to explore before making a commitment.
Key Features of NordVPN:
- Absolute Privacy: NordVPN places privacy as its topmost concern, ensuring no logs are retained that could expose your actual identity.
- Concealed IP Address: Safeguard your computer's real IP address, rendering it impossible for websites to trace your true footprint.
- Unrestricted Access: Effortlessly unlock blocked websites, including Netflix, torrent platforms, and movie streaming sites, while maintaining top-speed connections.
- Torrenting Excellence: Access all torrent sites and operate torrent client programs, making it an optimal choice for torrenting.
- Extensive Server Network: Benefit from over 3000+ servers spanning 58+ countries.
- Multi-Device Compatibility: Employ this solution on up to six devices, encompassing PCs, laptops, smartphones, and more.
- 24/7 Assistance: Round-the-clock support is readily available.
- 30-Day Trial: Enjoy a free trial of NordVPN for 7 days – seize the opportunity to explore its capabilities!
- Affordable Pricing: Only $3.49 per month. (Redeem 68% Special Discount, only for VPNforTorrenting subscribers)
- Generous Guarantee: NordVPN offers a 30-day money-back guarantee for added reassurance.
  1. Surfshark:
If you're seeking a high-quality VPN without breaking the bank, Surfshark should definitely be on your radar. Boasting top-notch privacy features and impressively fast connection speeds, it's giving pricier brands a run for their money.
This VPN is perfect for both streaming and ensuring your everyday online activities remain private. With its extensive server network spanning 100 countries, you'll always find a connection nearby. What's even better is that it's currently available for just $2.30 per month, and this price includes a complimentary 3-month subscription.
Key Features of Surfshark VPN:
- Vigilant Mode: Surfshark VPN includes Vigilant Mode, which automatically blocks any unsecured traffic if the connection is disrupted.
- Closest Tunnel Option: Utilize the Closest Tunnel feature to securely connect to the nearest country.
- Persistent Activation: Set the program to remain active indefinitely, even restarting your PC will automatically activate it.
- Zero Logs: Rest assured, no logs or traces are retained.
- Wide Server Network: Access an abundance of servers across 30+ countries.
- Get Your 7-Day Free Trial Today.
- Assurance of Refund: Enjoy a 30-day money-back guarantee.
What is a VPN?
If you're curious about the concept of a VPN, it's essentially a tool that gets installed on your device, rerouting your internet connection through its global servers. This nifty trick lets you virtually change your online location, boosting your anonymity and fooling platforms like Netflix into displaying content that's otherwise restricted in your region.
But there's more to it than that. A VPN also adds a layer of encryption to your internet traffic. This clever encryption ensures that even if someone intercepts your data, they can't decipher it. Be it hackers, your government, or your internet service provider – a VPN enables you to surf in complete privacy.
Moreover, this privacy prowess grants you access to websites that might be blocked by your ISP. Whether it's YouTube or TikTok during school hours or Western news and social media in regions like Russia or China, a VPN lets you bypass these restrictions.
While VPNs might sound intricate, they've become incredibly user-friendly. Most offer sleek, easy-to-navigate apps across a range of devices, allowing you to connect with a single tap. So don't be intimated – if you managed to set up Facebook on your smartphone, installing a VPN will be a breeze.
To sum it up, the best VPN liberates the internet, empowering you to explore it on your terms. And with the fantastic VPN deals currently available, there's no better time to join the ranks.
How do I choose the Best VPN service?
Navigating the realm of selecting the optimal VPN can prove to be a complex endeavor – which is precisely why we've meticulously crafted this exhaustive guide. However, for the majority of users, our top pick, CyberGhost, reigns supreme as the ultimate choice.
CyberGhost excels as a solution for Netflix, doubles as a torrenting facilitator, and effortlessly tackles the role of an iPlayer VPN. Regardless of your VPN requirements, CyberGhost has you covered, all while ensuring your security with its unwavering encryption.
Should you be seeking an economical option, our recommendation is the budget-friendly Surfshark VPN. While not as feature-rich as CyberGhost, it generally hovers around an affordable $2.49 per month.
For those seeking a middle ground, the esteemed NordVPN proves to be a valuable contender. It strikes an impressive balance between robust security and reasonable pricing, offering a plethora of apps across various devices.
Is it illegal to have a VPN?
In Short – no.
Using a VPN is entirely legal, and safeguarding your data and online activities is a legitimate pursuit. Employing a VPN on your device and integrating it into your routine for enhanced online security and location manipulation does not contravene any laws.
Nevertheless, it's essential to acknowledge that using a VPN to mask illegal activities doesn't exempt you from legal repercussions. Downloading copyrighted content, for instance, remains illegal even if a VPN is in use. Likewise, using a VPN infringes upon Netflix's terms and conditions, potentially leading to termination of your subscription, although this scenario is exceedingly rare.
Certain countries such as China and the UAE have introduced laws against VPN usage. However, due to their indispensable role in business operations, outright prohibition remains impractical. In such cases, it's advisable to familiarize yourself with the permissible and restricted applications of VPNs, considering whether the minimal risk is worth undertaking.
What are the VPN dos and don’ts?
The finest VPN has the power to virtually position you in a different location than where you actually are. This technique is commonly employed to bypass online censorship in countries with restrictions or to access US streaming services while being situated in Europe or Asia. We've experienced firsthand how VPNs enable us to read the New York morning paper while in Beijing or watch US TV shows while in London.
However, certain considerations should be taken into account. Although a VPN can heighten your privacy, it does not enhance your security. If you inadvertently land on a website harboring malware, the VPN won't shield you from potential infection.
In recent times, circumventing geographical limitations on streaming content has become more complex. While a basic proxy might work for accessing foreign prices and written content, platforms like Netflix and BBC iPlayer have intensified their efforts to detect VPN users, making it harder to access their services. If your usage is flagged, you could still be prohibited from streaming. Thus, ensuring that your chosen VPN can effectively access the content you desire before subscribing is crucial.
What makes a Great VPN?
The fundamental aspects you ought to prioritize are speed, privacy, and user-friendliness. While these may appear to be rudimentary qualities, achieving a harmonious balance between them is a challenge that only a few providers have successfully met.
Optimal connection speed hinges on the presence of a diverse array of well-maintained servers. This intricate network empowers the VPN to furnish outstanding speed and bandwidth to all its users.
Although robust security is a fundamental necessity, its implementation is far from straightforward. To address any concerns, ensure your chosen VPN boasts an ironclad privacy policy. An even stronger assurance comes from a no-logging policy. Notably, services like CyberGhost and NordVPN have undergone independent audits to substantiate their claims.
Lastly, while many users are tech-savvy, an increasing number of newcomers are exploring the realm of VPNs. If you fall into the latter category, it's wise to ensure that your provider offers meticulously designed applications for all the devices you intend to employ with the service.
Are free VPNs any Good?
Naturally, free services have garnered significant popularity due to the appeal of saving money. These offerings can be useful tools, particularly for individuals who don't intend to keep their VPN active at all times but rather utilize it occasionally for secure usage on public Wi-Fi. Of course, this comes with the caveat of tolerating advertisements.
However, for most users, relying solely on free services can lead to a misconception of cost-effectiveness. These services typically come with limited server options, often available in only a handful of locations. Additionally, they frequently restrict usage to a single device and invariably impose data usage limits per day or month.
The presence of data caps essentially renders free VPNs unsuitable for streaming or torrenting purposes. Furthermore, if you wish to maintain a continuous layer of privacy by having your VPN active 24/7, a no-cost VPN option is unlikely to fulfill your requirements.
What VPN protocols are there?
A variety of VPN protocols exists, with not all services employing each one we reviewed. Most operating systems natively support at least one of these protocols, allowing you to employ that protocol with a compatible VPN service sans client software. Comprehensive VPN services furnish online instructions on how to accomplish this, including setting up routers to directly link with their services.
OpenVPN: OpenVPN is renowned for its high security, open-source nature, and extensive adoption. Most VPN services endorse it, but it's rarely supported across operating systems aside from Chrome OS and Linux. This protocol functions in either TCP (web) or UDP (streaming) mode, with the latter being swifter albeit less precise. You'll need either the VPN service's client software or one of the numerous free alternatives. Regardless, subscription fees for the VPN service will apply.
L2TP/IPsec (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol with Internet Protocol Security): L2TP on its own isn't particularly secure, often paired with the more secure IPsec standard. Though once deemed secure when implemented correctly, some VPN services suggest utilizing OpenVPN instead. L2TP/IPsec has native support in Windows, OS X/macOS, Android, Chrome OS, and iOS. It's a protocol most VPN services support.
IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange version 2, often with IPsec): A relatively recent standard, IKEv2 is notably secure when implemented correctly. It's natively supported in Windows, iOS, and recent versions of OS X/macOS.
SSTP (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol): SSTP, a Microsoft protocol, enjoys native support on Windows Vista and later iterations. While considered quite secure, precise security details lie within Microsoft's domain.
PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol): PPTP is mostly outdated due to known security vulnerabilities, yet it offers remarkable speed. Native support is present in Windows, Android, and older versions of macOS and iOS; however, Apple discontinued support with macOS Sierra and iOS 10. PPTP is solely suitable for streaming, as it fails to protect data.
WireGuard: Among the latest protocols, WireGuard marries commendable security and impressive speeds. Developed from scratch, it boasts a streamlined codebase compared to its predecessors, resulting in a more user-friendly experience. Yet, WireGuard remains unsupported by numerous VPN services. However, its adoption is growing, with an increasing number of providers, like Mozilla VPN, exclusively relying on WireGuard.
submitted by Aler4582 to VPNforTorrenting [link] [comments]

2023.04.21 17:24 missing-string Help with port forwarding for Uplay

Copy paste of a post I put in /Uplay where I didn't really get any help. I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post, but my networking and router knowledge is not amazing and I just want to get this working.
I have just spent the last day and a half trying to get Uplay working on my PC and this is beyond frustrating. Wanted to play The Division while waiting for a sale on The Division 2, yet I get this message when trying to login. I have tried so many different things, including pretty much everything from this thread, multiple times, include a fresh install of Windows. I then realised I'd skimmed over the opening ports in the thread and am currently thinking that could be the problem.
However, this itself has been a few hours of googling with no success. My problem lies with the fact that my router (TP-Link Touch P5) is asking for a triggering port. This article tells me the ports I need in this format:
Ubisoft Connect PC:
TCP: 80, 443, 14000, 14008, 14020, 14021, 14022, 14023 and 14024.
Game Ports:
UDP: 33000 to 33499
TCP: 27015, 51000, 55000 to 55999, 56000 to 56999
The problem is, my router will not let me enter anything under the "Port Triggering" section without the "Triggering Port" being filled out. However, I have no idea what this number is meant to be. There are some game clients and games pre-loaded on the router, so I've loaded them all to get a better understanding, but it's not helped much. For example, here is Age of Empires II Client. Here is a article listing what ports need to be unblocked for Age of Empires II. How are you meant to know that 47624 is the "Port Trigger"? I have a vague understanding of port forwarding and have set it up for games in the past, many years ago, but now I have no idea what any of this is.
Any help greatly appreciated. This just seems way harder than it needs to be.
submitted by missing-string to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2023.04.21 04:47 missing-string Can't open uplay - "A Ubisoft service is not available at the moment"

I have just spent the last day and a half trying to get Uplay working on my PC and this is beyond frustrating. Wanted to play The Division while waiting for a sale on The Division 2, yet I get this message when trying to login. I have tried so many different things, including pretty much everything from this thread, multiple times, include a fresh install of Windows. I then realised I'd skimmed over the opening ports in the thread and am currently thinking that could be the problem.
However, this itself has been a few hours of googling with no success. My problem lies with the fact that my router (TP-Link Touch P5) is asking for a triggering port. This article tells me the ports I need in this format:
Ubisoft Connect PC:
TCP: 80, 443, 14000, 14008, 14020, 14021, 14022, 14023 and 14024.
Game Ports:
UDP: 33000 to 33499
TCP: 27015, 51000, 55000 to 55999, 56000 to 56999
The problem is, my router will not let me enter anything under the "Port Triggering" section without the "Triggering Port" being filled out. However, I have no idea what this number is meant to be. There are some game clients and games pre-loaded on the router, so I've loaded them all to get a better understanding, but it's not helped much. For example, here is Age of Empires II Client. Here is a article listing what ports need to be unblocked for Age of Empires II. How are you meant to know that 47624 is the "Port Trigger"? I have a vague understanding of port forwarding and have set it up for games in the past, many years ago, but now I have no idea what any of this is.
Any help greatly appreciated. This just seems way harder than it needs to be.
submitted by missing-string to uplay [link] [comments]

2023.03.06 10:49 DissidentUnknown AntiCheat "BALANCING" Mechanism

Anticheat "BALANCING" Mechanism
The anticheat in this game literally causes desync and fps drops. It is more aggressively applied to f2p players meaning that you will lose more matches as a result of microstutter and performance issues. It's also open to MITM attacks and abuse. They really don't give a damn.
I could take a screenshot, but you try: use something like TCPview to see the connections TSLgame makes, then CLOSE the tcp connections(firewall the ips) and see how much smoother the game runs. You will then be kicked for "suspicious" activity after a random period of time, while every other anticheat they applied runs in background as a process. Note that you will have to unblock BEservice, zksvcs, TSlgameBE. Close out the Wellbia related spyware crap that starts. You'll have to use Process Lasso because the anticheat has started detecting ProcessHacker as a "hack."
This probably applies worse to those playing with higher ping(60 and above)as the TSLgame executable uses UDP to send gameplay traffic BUT connects to random TCP servers to run the anticheat portion of this process - perfect recipe for desync. The TCP connection you get also *SEEMS to determine your item spawn chances(your most commonly used weapons/attachments, higher lvl armor, etc) spawning/not spawning based on your KDR and playtime. Note that your network statistics display SHOWS NOTHING, only your fps fluctuates and you get instagibbed in high player count situations and bots seem to have an input advantage.
This has the double effect of "balancing" f2p players with good systems(so they win less) and also affects item drop percentages. This was noticed over hundreds of hours of gameplay. I've optimized the sh*t out of this game on an i7-10/3080 and when I close out the TCPconnections TSL makes, I can average over 200 fps on a 360hz monitor. When the tcp connections to various Amazon/Cloudflare servers are engaged, the FPS fluctuates wildly from 70-200. The game, its hackers, and its developers are garbage.
submitted by DissidentUnknown to PUBG [link] [comments]

2023.02.11 03:14 Ghostofcanty News digest//Artsakh news//Mirzoyan is busy//Police shoot at hammer car going crazy in Hraparak//Pashinyan meets with President Khachaturyan//Syria-turkey earthquake news//turkey-Mexico drama//🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲🇦🇲

Armenian FM, US Assistant Secretary of State discuss issues of regional security

"Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan had a telephone conversation with US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried."
"The interlocutors touched upon regional security issues."
"Thoughts were exchanged on the settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan relations, the humanitarian crisis created in Nagorno-Karabakh."
"Ararat Mirzoyan reaffirmed the need to lift the illegal blocking of the Lachin Corridor by Azerbaijan as soon as possible and restore the normal regime of the corridor defined by the tripartite statement of November 9, 2020 without any preconditions."

Armenian FM talks to French Co-Chair of the Minsk Group

"During the phone conversation, the perspectives of establishing security and stability in the region and the efforts made by Armenia and the international community in this direction were discussed."

US and France stress the need to ensure free movement along Lachin corridor

"The serious humanitarian consequences of the current deadlock on the people of Nagorno-Karabakh are unacceptable, and France and the United States are combining their efforts to end the situation, through their contacts between Prime Minister Pachinyan and President Aliyev,” the French Foreign Ministry said in a statement."

(who asked russia) Trilateral dialogue between Yerevan, Baku and Tbilisi should contribute to “strengthening stability and security” – Zakharova

Moscow will welcome the three-way dialogue between Baku, Yerevan and Tbilisi, “if it is not subject to the destructive influence of the West,” Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova said at a briefing on Friday, TASS reports.
“If the trilateral dialogue between Baku, Yerevan and Tbilisi contributes to the settlement of contradictions in the South Caucasus, strengthening stability and security in the region, then we can only welcome this. If, however, the contours of Washington and Brussels, which seek to undermine the implementation of trilateral agreements leaders of Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, are somehow visible behind this initiative, then this is a different story,” she said.
Previously, Georgia has acted as a mediator on some occasions. Thus, with the mediation of Tbilisi, in June 2021, Azerbaijan handed over 15 prisoners of war to Armenia, and Yerevan sent maps of minefields to Baku. Another example of mediation was the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan Ararat Mirzoyan and Jeyhun Bayramov, which took place in the capital of Georgia on July 16, 2022.

Armenian, Russian FMs discuss humanitarian crisis in Artsakh

"Touching upon the daily deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh, Ararat Mirzoyan emphasized the need for the immediate unblocking of the Lachin corridor by Azerbaijan."
"The imperative of implementing and unconditionally observing the provisions of the Trilateral Statement was stressed."
"Ararat Mirzoyan and Sergey Lavrov exchanged views on the normalization process of Armenia-Azerbaijan relations."
"During the phone conversation, various issues of the Armenia-Russia bilateral agenda were also discussed."

Artsakh announces fundraising to support the quake-affected Armenians of Syria

“Expressing solidarity with our brothers and sisters living in Syria, we call on the citizens living in Artsakh to actively participate in fundraising and lend a helping hand to our compatriots affected by the natural disaster. Only with our strong national unity and sincere efforts to support each other can we overcome both natural disasters and man-made challenges,” the Center said."
"Donations in AMD can be sent to an Artsakhbank account: 22300100156701."

Armenian President signs condolence book at the Syrian Embassy

"President Khachaturyan had a short conversation with Syrian Ambassador to Armenia Nora Arisian."
"More than 21,000 people are now known to have died after Monday’s earthquakes in southern Turkey and northern Syria."

Armenian FM briefs Russia’s special envoy on Azerbaijani provocations

"Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan received Igor Khovaev, Russian Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, the special representative of the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs for supporting the normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan."
"The interlocutors exchanged views on the latest developments in the process of normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan."
"Ararat Mirzoyan noted that the provocations of the Azerbaijani side, the claims on the sovereign territory of Armenia and belligerent rhetoric hinder the establishment of peace and stability in the region."

St. Anna Armenian Church in Syria damaged in earthquake

"His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, learned with deep pain about the huge ruins in Al-Yacoubiyah village, where the church is located."
"His Holiness closely follows the situation. “Our officials show special care and attention to Armenians that sheltered in seven centers, providing them with everything necessary,” the Catholicosate of Cilicia said."

Turkey says “rejects” Mexico Senate resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide

"The Turkish Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying the February 8th resolution “recognizing the 1915 events as ‘genocide’ is an invalid attempt to rewrite history with political motives.”
“We call on the Mexican Senate to correct this misstep, instead of serving the agenda of some circles that try to create hostility from history,” it stressed."

Turkey and Syria quake toll passes 21,000

In Artsakh, fruits, vegetables and eggs will be added to the products that will be provided with coupons

"The list of products provided with coupons in Artsakh has been expanded. Artsakh information headquarters informs that from February 21, fruits, vegetables and eggs will be added to the products provided from the state reserve."
"It is noted that this decision was made taking into account the scarcity of available foods and the need to distribute the population equally."
"Since January 20, a number of foods in Artsakh are sold only with a coupon."

Police cars chased the Hummer driver in the center of Yerevan (shots fired)

"A video of how police cars are chasing the driver of a "Hummer" car in Yerevan's Republic Square, and gunshots are heard."
"In the video, it can be seen that a driver hits one of the police officers near the government building."
"The police provided an explanation regarding the driver of the "Humer" car."
"It is noted that he grossly violated the traffic rules, did not comply with the legal requirements of the patrols, drove the car in the direction of the policemen and citizens, performed actions dangerous to their lives and health."
"In order to stop the movement of the car, a gun was fired at the tires. The identity of the driver has been verified, action is being taken accordinglyevents:"
"Additional information will be provided."

Iran was and remains a special partner. Mher Grigoryan

"I greet all present and heartily congratulate our neighbor and friend on the occasion of the national holiday of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the 44th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution."
"By establishing the rule of the people, the Islamic Revolution has contributed to Iran's unique reputation both in the region and beyond."
"The Armenian and Iranian peoples, living in the same region, are connected to each other by thick historical and cultural threads. From early times, close cultural relations have been formed between our two peoples, which continue to be a unique feature of the lifestyle, behavior and manners of both Armenians and Iranians, as well as their rich cultural heritage."
"Our two countries, having passed through many centuries of history and various trials, present themselves to the world today as states that cooperate with an exemplary dialogue between Christianity and Islam and in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust."

"Ordinary homeland". Narek's book, wounded in the war, is about what he lived, what he didn't live and after the war

"War, difficulties, personal victory, injury, recovery and continued life are the main characters of Narek Vardanyan's book, a participant in the 44-day war. 2020 the novel about military operations, which the author titled "Ordinary Motherland", is primarily about living again after the war, living by living."
"I realized that I should write not only about a fighting soldier, but also about a wounded, recovering soldier who writes a book. By the way, I wrote most of the book while I was recovering, sitting in a wheelchair. I want to say that even sitting in a wheelchair, one should continue to live and create. In other words, the novel is about rebirth ," says Narek Vardanyan."

Court issues arrest warrant for ex-defense minister Vigen Sargsyan

"The Prosecutor-General’s office said that Sargsyan’s actions “caused significant damage to the rights and legal interests of persons, as well as the legal interests of the state, by negligently causing grave consequences.”
"Five members of the Defense Ministry’s Central Housing Commission are also facing indictments in the case."
"Sargsyan is charged with abuse of power."

PM Pashinyan, President Khachaturyan refer to the course of reforms and humanitarian aid delivered to Turkey, Syria

President: "I want to say that following the work of the Government, I consider it very importan. In other words, the Government ensures the continuity of its 2021-2026 Action Plan. I want to draw attention to one important fact. You keep talking about institutional changes and state institutions. Perhaps the biggest omission in our state during these 30 years was that we could not or did not want to do it due to various motives, on the contrary, even in individual cases, it was better refrain from those reforms, which were aimed at accomplishment of state institutions."
"One more observation. I want to thank you personally for your approach to the earthquake, as well as the government. I mean to express our condolences and willingness to help our neighboring country Turkey, also for the treatment towards our friendly Syria. In fact, it was appreciated in both countries, it deserved special appreciation in Syria. I think we could not do otherwise, because the wounds of the Spitak earthquake are still fresh in our memories, and besides, there was a tragedy in our neighboring country, we could not do otherwise. I want to specially thank you also for those decisions."
Pashinyan: "But on the other hand, it is very important to advance the agenda of long-term strategic planning and strategic reforms, starting with the education sector and continuing in all sectors without exception. Our main goal is that the state, the state system should continue to work efficiently, irrespective of individuals. In all cases, the importance and role of an individual is very great, but still, this system must constantly push, motivate, and to a certain extent force that individual, an official, to do constructive work."
"In this regard, I would like to express special gratitude to you for supporting the activities of the government, because the agenda of these reforms, in fact, cannot be implemented without the support of the President of the Republic. We see that support, we feel it, and it is extremely important."
"First of all, we should work on changing the quality of those relations, of course, understanding that we are not so naive to think that it depends only on us. Of course, it does not depend only on us and we do not forget any circumstance."
"The issue is in what direction we want to make efforts. It is very important that we discuss all these issues often. I think many people know that we meet not only in official formats, but also informally. There is understanding, harmony and support from the President of the Republic, which is really very important, thank you for that."

The swearing-in ceremony of newly appointed ministers took place at the presidential residence

"The swearing-in ceremony of Minister of Internal Affairs Vahe Ghazaryan, Minister of Finance Vahe Hovhannisyan, Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Zhanna Andreasyan and Minister of Justice Grigor Minasyan took place in the presidential residence in the presence of RA President Vahagn Khachaturyan and Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan."
"For the sake of the realization of national goals and the strengthening of the motherland, I swear to conscientiously fulfill my obligations to the people, to uphold the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Armenia, to contribute to the preservation of the sovereignty and interests of the Republic of Armenia, to be loyal to the high rank of a member of the Government."
"At the end of the swearing-in ceremony, Nikol Pashinyan and Vahagn Khachaturyan congratulated the ministers, wishing them fruitful and fruitful work for the benefit of the motherland and the people."

Armenia is our friendly country, and we are concerned about its territorial integrity. Madalena Fisher

"We value the Armenian-Portuguese relations and believe that your visit will contribute to the further development of bilateral cooperation," Vladimir Vardanyan"
"The parties discussed the prospects for the development of Armenian-Portuguese relations. The need for close interaction between parliaments and, in particular, friendship groups, was particularly emphasized."
"Armenian parliamentarians have expressed their willingness to support initiatives aimed at deepening bilateral cooperation, especially considering the fact that there is unused potential in a number of areas."
"The interlocutors referred to mutually beneficial and effective cooperation in international organizations. The importance of deploying the European Union civilian observation mission in Armenia was emphasized."
"Armenia is our friendly country, and we are concerned about its territorial integrity," the ambassador noted and emphasized stability and security in the region."
"At the meeting, reference was made to the implementation of reforms in our country. The guest expressed willingness to present their experience of implementing democratic reforms, especially considering the fact that Portugal also went through the revolution."

The Minister of Finance of Armenia and John Gallagher outlined the possibilities of expanding cooperation

"RA Finance Minister Vahe Hovhannisyan received John Gallagher, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Republic of Armenia on February 10."
"Ambassador Gallagher congratulated Vahe Hovhannisyan on his appointment as the Minister of Finance, noting that it is important to ensure the continuity of cooperation. The ambassador highly appreciated Armenia's efforts to create a favorable, predictable and stable environment for foreign investors."
"Turning to sectoral cooperation, the parties spoke about the importance of the British government's continued support in the formation of the institutional environment in Armenia, particularly the importance of exchanging experience for the purpose of improving the budget process."
"During the meeting, the opportunities for expanding cooperation were outlined on both sides, and an agreement was reached to continue the dialogue on the issues on the agenda."

The deputy suggests to provide mortgage loans to Armenian citizens only in drams

"Two months ago, the exchange rate of the euro was 392. And the citizen who, for example, took a mortgage loan in euros, has to pay 9 percent more today, because the exchange rate has risen to 427. And if the citizen took a loan in euros to get a 2% lower loan, then his loan has already increased in price by 9% in 2 months. This legislative initiative is about that, if citizens do not have foreign currency income, then they cannot and should not receive foreign currency loans," Papoyan said, adding that by and large RA citizens receive their income in AMD."
"The deputy noted that the problem is especially widespread in cases where citizens do not have very high financial literacy and are carried away by the temptation of, for example, a mortgage loan that is 1-2 percent cheaper."
"The weight of non-performing loans in mortgage loans is about 1.5 percent, if in drams, but in foreign currency it reaches about 4-4.5 percent," the deputy emphasized."
"The MP's proposed regulation does not apply to business loans. And in the case of consumer loans, this restriction already existed, that is, the regulation applies only to housing mortgage loans."

Donate to help our Soldiers and Heros

Reminder to not give any of these posts reddit premium awards, Donate that money to our Soldiers and Heros who need that money

submitted by Ghostofcanty to armenia [link] [comments]

2022.10.28 15:28 pedzsanReddit I need help getting Apple's Private Relay to work

I am guessing that it is the Pi-Hole that I need to change but you are welcome to disagree with me. Also, I am not 100% positive I want to enable Apple's Private Relay so please chime in on that aspect if you feel the need.
I describe in detail here the process of creating the issue. I think for purposes of this group, it appears that I need to disable Pi-Hole in order to get it to work. Disabling the firewall in the router doesn't seem to matter nor does disabling the ad-blockers in the browser itself. Disabling pi-hole appears to allow Apple's Private Relay to work.
The Apple documentation says that the Private Relay uses QUIC on port 443. My guess looking at the log of the pi-hole is that it has something to do with queries for as well as that the query log says is coming from and other similar addresses such as
In Pi-Hole settings, I have allow only local requests checked. So I assume the address above is "local".
The router is a Netgear CAX30 cable modem. Pi-Hole is my DHCP and DNS server using unbound.
So... my basic question is how do I get Apple's Private Relay to work? That implies somehow figuring out which queries I need to allow through and then unblocking those queries.
I'm hoping someone where will have been down this path before either in the process of enabling or disabling Apple's Private Relay.
submitted by pedzsanReddit to pihole [link] [comments]

2022.10.06 03:04 Historical-Belt1186 Does anyone know wtf happened sorry theres so much but im new to running a server and took what i think was the problem with map chunks not loading in my server can anyone help fix the issue or am i just stuck to vanilla map im running the server through nitrado

Ive tried everything i could find on the internet about how others got the maps to work but now i cant even log in as my admin account the last thing i did was wipe server and deleted all the files on my client side multiplayer file for zomboid. I have the mod Id's in the correct space i have the map stuff there to same with the workshop ids and still cannot figure this out.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.427] LOG : General , 1665017806427> 0> Saving Recorded Media:C:\Users\Zacka\Zomboid\Saves\Multiplayer\\recorded_media.bin.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.429] LOG : General , 1665017806429> 0> - Existing Game Initialized!.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.442] LOG : General , 1665017806442> 0> WorldDictionary: Checking dictionary....
[05-10-22 19:56:46.500] LOG : General , 1665017806500> 0> IsoMetaGrid.Create: finished loading in 0.811 seconds.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.506] LOG : General , 1665017806506> 0> Calculate weather front strength = 0.16290155.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.510] LOG : General , 1665017806510> 0> Calculate weather front strength = 0.7941307.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.515] LOG : General , 1665017806514> 0> Calculate weather front strength = 0.5351943.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.516] LOG : General , 1665017806516> 0> Calculate weather front strength = 0.5395524.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.518] LOG : General , 1665017806518> 0> Calculate weather front strength = 0.76530784.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.519] LOG : General , 1665017806519> 0> Calculate weather front strength = 0.6750065.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.521] LOG : General , 1665017806521> 0> Calculate weather front strength = 0.40111536.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.523] LOG : General , 1665017806523> 0> can't find map objects file: media/maps/RavenCreek/objects.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.524] LOG : General , 1665017806524> 0> can't find map objects file: media/maps/West/objects.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.525] LOG : General , 1665017806525> 0> can't find map objects file: media/maps/South/objects.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.525] LOG : General , 1665017806525> 0> can't find map objects file: media/maps/North/objects.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.525] LOG : General , 1665017806525> 0> can't find map objects file: media/maps/BedfordFalls/objects.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.527] LOG : Lua , 1665017806527> 0> Loading: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\108600\2398274461\mods\Save Our Station - Knox Country\media\maps\SaveOurStation_KnoxCountry_World\objects.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.540] LOG : Lua , 1665017806540> 0> Loading: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\108600\2865866617\mods\Cherokee Lake\media\maps\CherokeeLake\objects.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.545] LOG : Lua , 1665017806545> 0> Loading: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\108600\2864652763\mods\SecretZ\media\maps\SecretZ\objects.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.548] LOG : General , 1665017806548> 0> ERROR: RoomTone missing properties in media/maps/SecretZ/objects.lua at 14951,2868,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.560] LOG : General , 1665017806560> 0> can't find map objects file: media/maps/Basements/objects.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.566] LOG : General , 1665017806566> 0> can't find map tsarzones file: media/mapszones/RavenCreek/tsarzones.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.567] LOG : General , 1665017806567> 0> can't find map tsarzones file: media/mapszones/West/tsarzones.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.568] LOG : General , 1665017806568> 0> can't find map tsarzones file: media/mapszones/South/tsarzones.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.569] LOG : General , 1665017806569> 0> can't find map tsarzones file: media/mapszones/North/tsarzones.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.570] LOG : General , 1665017806570> 0> can't find map tsarzones file: media/mapszones/BedfordFalls/tsarzones.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.571] LOG : General , 1665017806571> 0> can't find map tsarzones file: media/mapszones/SaveOurStation_KnoxCountry_World/tsarzones.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.572] LOG : General , 1665017806572> 0> can't find map tsarzones file: media/mapszones/CherokeeLake/tsarzones.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.572] LOG : General , 1665017806572> 0> can't find map tsarzones file: media/mapszones/SecretZ/tsarzones.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.573] LOG : General , 1665017806573> 0> can't find map tsarzones file: media/mapszones/Basements/tsarzones.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.573] LOG : General , 1665017806573> 0> can't find map aquazones file: media/mapszones/RavenCreek/aquazones.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.574] LOG : General , 1665017806574> 0> can't find map aquazones file: media/mapszones/West/aquazones.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.574] LOG : General , 1665017806574> 0> can't find map aquazones file: media/mapszones/South/aquazones.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.575] LOG : General , 1665017806575> 0> can't find map aquazones file: media/mapszones/North/aquazones.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.575] LOG : General , 1665017806575> 0> can't find map aquazones file: media/mapszones/BedfordFalls/aquazones.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.576] LOG : General , 1665017806576> 0> can't find map aquazones file: media/mapszones/SaveOurStation_KnoxCountry_World/aquazones.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.576] LOG : General , 1665017806576> 0> can't find map aquazones file: media/mapszones/CherokeeLake/aquazones.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.577] LOG : General , 1665017806577> 0> can't find map aquazones file: media/mapszones/SecretZ/aquazones.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.577] LOG : General , 1665017806577> 0> can't find map aquazones file: media/mapszones/Basements/aquazones.lua.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.594] LOG : General , 1665017806594> 0> loading 15575 zones from map_zone.bin.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.688] LOG : General , 1665017806688> 0> Max #ZONES on one chunk is 11.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.689] LOG : General , 1665017806689> 0> [forageSystem][populateZoneDefs] Adding zoneDef: DeepForest.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.689] LOG : General , 1665017806689> 0> [forageSystem][populateZoneDefs] Adding zoneDef: FarmLand.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.689] LOG : General , 1665017806689> 0> [forageSystem][populateZoneDefs] Adding zoneDef: Farm.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.690] LOG : General , 1665017806690> 0> [forageSystem][populateZoneDefs] Adding zoneDef: Forest.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.690] LOG : General , 1665017806690> 0> [forageSystem][populateZoneDefs] Adding zoneDef: Nav.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.690] LOG : General , 1665017806690> 0> [forageSystem][populateZoneDefs] Adding zoneDef: TownZone.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.690] LOG : General , 1665017806690> 0> [forageSystem][populateZoneDefs] Adding zoneDef: TrailerPark.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.690] LOG : General , 1665017806690> 0> [forageSystem][populateZoneDefs] Adding zoneDef: Vegitation.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.697] LOG : General , 1665017806697> 0> [forageSystem][addItemDef] no such item, ignoring Base.HCWildcarrot.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.698] LOG : General , 1665017806698> 0> [forageSystem][addItemDef] no such item, ignoring Base.RedRadish.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.723] LOG : General , 1665017806723> 0> [forageSystem][generateLootTable] Begin generating loot tables.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.724] LOG : General , 1665017806724> 0> [forageSystem][generateLootTable] Finished generating loot table structure.
[05-10-22 19:56:46.724] LOG : General , 1665017806724> 0> [forageSystem][generateLootTable] Begin populating loot table.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.497] LOG : General , 1665017807496> 0> [forageSystem][generateLootTable] Finished populating loot table.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.497] LOG : General , 1665017807497> 0> [forageSystem][generateLootTable] Begin populating loot table categories.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.521] LOG : General , 1665017807521> 0> [forageSystem][generateLootTable] Finished populating loot table categories.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.521] LOG : General , 1665017807521> 0> [forageSystem][generateLootTable] Finished generating loot tables.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.521] LOG : General , 1665017807521> 0> [forageSystem][integrityCheck] checking all zoneData..
[05-10-22 19:56:47.521] LOG : General , 1665017807521> 0> [forageSystem][integrityCheck] checked integrity of 0 zones..
[05-10-22 19:56:47.522] LOG : General , 1665017807522> 0> [forageSystem][integrityCheck] all zones passed testing..
[05-10-22 19:56:47.522] LOG : General , 1665017807522> 0> [forageSystem][integrityCheck] checked integrity of 0 icons..
[05-10-22 19:56:47.522] LOG : General , 1665017807522> 0> [forageSystem][integrityCheck] all icons passed testing..
[05-10-22 19:56:47.535] WARN : General , 1665017807535> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10606,9474,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.536] WARN : General , 1665017807536> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10624,10533,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.536] WARN : General , 1665017807536> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10629,9658,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.536] WARN : General , 1665017807536> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10862,10247,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.536] WARN : General , 1665017807536> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10916,10133,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.536] WARN : General , 1665017807536> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10803,10073,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.536] WARN : General , 1665017807536> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10919,10131,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.537] WARN : General , 1665017807537> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10942,9373,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.537] WARN : General , 1665017807537> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10951,9490,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.537] WARN : General , 1665017807537> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10872,9489,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.537] WARN : General , 1665017807537> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10976,9785,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.537] WARN : General , 1665017807537> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10851,9846,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.537] WARN : General , 1665017807537> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10854,9894,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.537] WARN : General , 1665017807537> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10908,9994,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.537] WARN : General , 1665017807537> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10884,10159,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.537] WARN : General , 1665017807537> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10917,10093,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.538] WARN : General , 1665017807538> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10876,10028,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.538] WARN : General , 1665017807538> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10839,9537,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.538] WARN : General , 1665017807538> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10919,10132,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.538] WARN : General , 1665017807538> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 10944,9374,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.538] WARN : General , 1665017807538> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 12077,7080,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.538] WARN : General , 1665017807538> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11655,7084,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.538] WARN : General , 1665017807538> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11982,6806,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.538] WARN : General , 1665017807538> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11903,6865,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.538] WARN : General , 1665017807538> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11904,6725,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.539] WARN : General , 1665017807539> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11759,6684,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.539] WARN : General , 1665017807539> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11792,6786,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.539] WARN : General , 1665017807539> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11896,7015,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.539] WARN : General , 1665017807539> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 12021,6914,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.539] WARN : General , 1665017807539> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11537,6986,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.539] WARN : General , 1665017807539> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11480,7024,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.539] WARN : General , 1665017807539> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 12062,6915,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.539] WARN : General , 1665017807539> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11643,6696,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.539] WARN : General , 1665017807539> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11494,6702,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.540] WARN : General , 1665017807540> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11412,6724,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.540] WARN : General , 1665017807540> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11297,6730,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.540] WARN : General , 1665017807540> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11935,6813,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.540] WARN : General , 1665017807540> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11772,6752,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.540] WARN : General , 1665017807540> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11533,6924,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.540] WARN : General , 1665017807540> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11640,6877,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.540] WARN : General , 1665017807540> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11367,6875,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.540] WARN : General , 1665017807540> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11946,6885,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.540] WARN : General , 1665017807540> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11906,6916,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.540] WARN : General , 1665017807540> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 11908,6949,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.541] WARN : General , 1665017807541> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 8085,11512,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.541] WARN : General , 1665017807541> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 8074,11731,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.541] WARN : General , 1665017807541> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 8208,11600,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.541] WARN : General , 1665017807541> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 8246,11670,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.541] WARN : General , 1665017807541> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 8327,11814,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.541] WARN : General , 1665017807541> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 8003,11545,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.541] WARN : General , 1665017807541> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 8418,11686,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.541] WARN : General , 1665017807541> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 8127,11622,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.541] WARN : General , 1665017807541> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 8144,11739,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.541] WARN : General , 1665017807541> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 8342,11749,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.542] WARN : General , 1665017807542> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 8441,11811,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.542] WARN : General , 1665017807542> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 8073,11730,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.542] WARN : General , 1665017807542> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 6527,5431,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.542] WARN : General , 1665017807542> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 6715,5331,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.542] WARN : General , 1665017807542> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 6805,5370,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.542] WARN : General , 1665017807542> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 6759,5487,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.542] WARN : General , 1665017807542> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 6179,6373,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.542] WARN : General , 1665017807542> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 6371,5268,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.542] WARN : General , 1665017807542> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 5395,6056,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.543] WARN : General , 1665017807543> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 5333,6063,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.543] WARN : General , 1665017807543> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 6057,5349,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.543] WARN : General , 1665017807543> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 6266,5328,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.543] WARN : General , 1665017807543> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 6351,5420,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.543] WARN : General , 1665017807543> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 6736,5243,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.543] WARN : General , 1665017807543> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 6071,5323,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.543] WARN : General , 1665017807543> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 5960,5423,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.543] WARN : General , 1665017807543> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 6472,5271,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.544] WARN : General , 1665017807544> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 6282,5449,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.544] WARN : General , 1665017807544> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 6519,5479,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.544] WARN : General , 1665017807544> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 5814,5316,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.544] WARN : General , 1665017807544> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 5779,5358,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.544] WARN : General , 1665017807544> 0> SpawnPoints.initSpawnBuildings> initSpawnBuildings: no room or building at 6284,5506,0.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.555] LOG : General , 1665017807555> 0> Requested 0 chunks from the server.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.555] LOG : General , 1665017807555> 0> Received 0 / 0 chunks.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.558] ERROR: General , 1665017807558> 0> ExceptionLogger.logException> Exception thrown java.lang.RuntimeException: can't create player at x,y,z=10976,9785,0 because the square is null at IsoWorld.init line:2779..
[05-10-22 19:56:47.559] ERROR: General , 1665017807559> 0> DebugLogStream.printException> Stack trace:.
[05-10-22 19:56:47.622] LOG : General , 1665017807622> 0> LuaEventManager: adding unknown event "OnPreUIDraw".
[05-10-22 19:56:47.622] LOG : General , 1665017807622> 0> LuaEventManager: adding unknown event "OnPostUIDraw".
[05-10-22 19:56:56.749] LOG : General , 1665017816749> 0> EXITDEBUG: Core.quit 1.
[05-10-22 19:56:56.749] LOG : General , 1665017816749> 0> EXITDEBUG: Core.quit 3.
[05-10-22 19:56:56.750] LOG : General , 1665017816750> 0> waiting for UdpEngine thread termination.
[05-10-22 19:56:56.762] LOG : Network , 1665017816762> 0> [05-10-22 19:56:56.762] > ZNet: [-> CZombienet: RakNetPeerInterface_Shutdown.
[05-10-22 19:56:56.762] LOG : Network , 1665017816762> 0> [05-10-22 19:56:56.762] > ZNet: CZombienet -> CZombienet: shutdown.
[05-10-22 19:56:56.762] LOG : Network , 1665017816762> 0> [05-10-22 19:56:56.762] > ZNet: CZombienet -> CZombienet: CancelAuth.
[05-10-22 19:56:56.762] LOG : Network , 1665017816762> 0> [05-10-22 19:56:56.762] > ZNet: CancelAuth.
[05-10-22 19:56:56.762] LOG : Network , 1665017816762> 0> [05-10-22 19:56:56.762] > ZNet: Shutdown: CloseP2PSessionWithServer.
[05-10-22 19:56:56.762] LOG : Network , 1665017816762> 0> [05-10-22 19:56:56.762] > ZNet: CZombienet -> CZombienet: CloseConnection.
[05-10-22 19:56:56.763] LOG : Network , 1665017816763> 0> [05-10-22 19:56:56.763] > ZNet: CloseConnection: Shutdown (1204).
[05-10-22 19:56:56.763] LOG : Network , 1665017816763> 0> [05-10-22 19:56:56.763] > ZNet: CZombienet -> CZombienet: CancelAuth.
[05-10-22 19:56:56.922] LOG : General , 1665017816922> 0> EXITDEBUG: Core.quit 4.
submitted by Historical-Belt1186 to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2022.09.30 22:49 StudioOnly222 Pumpkin picking patches in Glasgow you must visit this year for Halloween

Summer is over and while we will miss the sunny weather, w're looking forward to all the cosiness autumn will bring.
From the excuse to have a hot chocolate whenever we want - with whipped cream and marshmallows of course - to watching Halloween movies, there's nothing quite like it, even if we're not a fan of the dark nights.
With spooky season just around the corner, you may wondering where you can go to pick your own pumpkins, with or without the kids.
READ MORE:Glasgow's west end to welcome deli offering shakes, Italian coffee and bakes
So we've rounded up some up the best pumpkin farms to visit around Glasgow this autumn.
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submitted by StudioOnly222 to Rang_Cong_Only [link] [comments]

2022.05.14 18:56 dihegov Protocol UDP Blocked

I really like this product and before contributing for a greater cause. Could I get some assistance with the below.
Im getting blocked by UDP blocked no error code as per below. This is legitimate traffic, attempting to watch a game in ESPN. Why is this blocked and how do I unblock it?
31392022-05-14 12:43:56192.168.101.122 Udp Blocked NoError A IN

31382022-05-14 12:43:56192.168.101.122 Udp Blocked NoError HTTPS IN ## Can someone elaborate more on the TYPE https? DNS is is DNS why technetium defined this as HTTPS?

Also, let me elaborate more on this. This was a re-direct from a paid application to ESPN over https in order to watch the game.

submitted by dihegov to technitium [link] [comments]

2022.05.11 18:29 b3graham Firewall Exceptions for Network Printers

I'm attempting to create the most granular rules so that users in my organization can use their "Network Printer (I KNOW, I KNOW) and I have a hard time allowing some of the manufacturer rule sets as most include rules to below ports from "ANY". How do you guys create the most granular rules other than not allowing Desktop printers which would obviously be my option A.
submitted by b3graham to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2022.01.23 17:53 SamfJeff How can I prevent my stepdad(Microsoft Engineer) to stop remotely viewing my personal PC?

So I'm 27 and my stepdad was never this controlling a year ago but now he's an extra controlling meth head(cocai- meth is a hell of a drug) inb4 move out, I'm working on it. Anyways, back to my problem. Everytime I try to get the (I don't know the exact words for it since it was recently deleted as I was sleeping) but the program you can get from Microsoft website to put on a USB in order to reinstall Windows 10, in my case. He was sadly too late, now should I just go ahead and reinstall Windows 10 and get rid of all the extra Users(can provide screenshots if needed) and hidden partitions he added onto my laptop? So I can finally be the only Administrator and have permissions to access all my folders? Once I do all that I'm gonna need more assistance on what to disable services and ports to block since I'm on his network. I know he's remotely going in because I use Brave browser and everythings quiet, fans not blowing unnoticed but then out of nowhere they'll shoot up to max speed and overheat my laptop. As soon as I open task manager I see multiple Windows RPC services running then stop before I can click on them. I know some RPC is a part of Windows 10 running but they've never used 60%+ CPU usage. He even somehow blocks my games from connecting to the internet when I'm connected to my phone's hotspot. I've noticed once I unblock the services and ports he remotes into, I suddenly have internet access. What do I do in order for him to stop spying on my laptop. Shit all I do is play Warframe and play an Android emulator on the PC. One of these days I'd like to watch some porn on a 40inch TV instead of my small phone screen lol(OnePlus Nord100). Maybe I said too much at the end but got damn it's annoying. I used LiveTcpUdpMonitor and blocked all the ports until he started from port 5 and got up to somewhere in the 60,000s in a few minutes, then got through for 10sec using lsass or something like that(I've got all the logs saved if anyone wants to check em out) as well as running scripts in those 10seconds under some command I couldn't prevent running everything under windows32 sys. I used Malwarebytes a few months ago and got rid of a bootkit he put on but stole my laptop when I was at work and reformatted it.
Oh cool he just reset my computer while I found some logs he tried to hide from me, thank jeebus I know how to give some permissions to myself and get rid of some of his, but there's so many different Users he added. Please help.
submitted by SamfJeff to 24hoursupport [link] [comments]

2021.08.22 16:45 no_signoflife Netflix Unblocking Fix For Android TV/Fire TV/Chromecast/PS4

Since I posted this response to a question about unblocking Netflix on the PS4, I have been asked by several redditors to create a dedicated post so that (hopefully) the mods will pin it and it gets the visibility it needs.
Since the Netflix VPN crackdown a few weeks ago, many commercial VPN providers have deployed custom DNS rules so that Netflix interprets the login request as originating from a residential ISP instead of a data center or commercial provider. If you're curious about how this works, Google DNSmasq, SNIProxy, and Squid proxies.
This fix works perfectly for Apple TV/iOS devices and desktop web browsers, but it does not resolve Netflix geoblocking within the Netflix apps installed on Android TV, Fire TV, Chromecast, and PS4 devices. The reason for this is because the Netflix apps on these platforms use hard-coded DNS servers instead of utilizing the DNS servers configured by the VPN provider. If you use an Android TV, Fire TV, Chromecast, or PS4 within your home network and you want unblock Netflix libraries from other countries, you must follow the steps outlined below.
  1. Router that supports OpenVPN connections
  2. Router that supports remote SSH access

Step #1 - Configure OpenVPN connection on your router
Contact your VPN provider and request the OpenVPN connection file for the Netflix country that you want to unblock. This will be a file with a ".ovpn" extension. You need to setup this OpenVPN connection on your router. I can't provide instructions because the setup process varies slightly for each router. Here's a guide that should get you started. Once this is configured, you need to enable the VPN connection.

Step #2 - Configure transparent DNS proxy on your router
This is where the magic happens! This will force the Netflix app to use the "smart DNS" servers configured by your VPN provider instead of the hard-coded DNS servers setup by the Netflix development team.
  1. Contact your VPN provider for the IP address of their DNS server that unlocks Netflix. For WeVPN, the DNS server IP is

  1. Login to your router's configuration page and enable SSH access. Instructions for your model should be attainable via a Google search.

  1. Open a command prompt (Windows 10) or terminal window (Linux & Mac) and type "ssh admin@" (without quotes). Replace with your router's IP address.

  1. Once connected, type each line below and press enter:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport 853 -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 853 -j DNAT --to-destination
Replace with the IP address of the DNS server that you obtained from your VPN provider previously.

If the router loses power or is rebooted, these rules will be erased and will need to be reapplied. It is recommended that you save these in a text file.
DISCLAIMER: This will route all DNS queries to your VPN DNS server.

Questions I've been asked so far....
Q: I applied these rules and Netflix still detects that I'm using a proxy/VPN. What should I do?
A: First, try logging out of the Netflix app and logging back in. It could be a caching issue. It's possible that your VPN provider hasn't implemented a DNS workaround to unblock Netflix yet. So far, this fix works for WeVPN, Nord, and Windscribe.
Q: I never had to setup this configuration previously. What changed?
A: Netflix has cracked down on VPNs in the past few weeks and has blocked most VPN IPs. This DNS redirect that many VPN providers have deployed is a workaround to circumvent this.
Q: My router doesn't support OpenVPN connections or SSH access. What options do I have?
A: You should replace your router with one that supports more advanced features. I recommend Asus routers that support Merlin firmware. Checkout FlashRouters for devices that are ready to be configured out of the box.
Q: How will the DNS redirect work when the OpenVPN connection is not active on my router?
A: DNS queries will not resolve if the OpenVPN connection is disabled on the router.
Q: Can I brick my router by doing this?
A: No
Q: What network service uses port 853?
A: DNS over TLS. Some devices don't use this but Chromecast does.
Q: My ISP requires that I use their modem/router combination device. What options do I have?
A; You can configure a more advanced router behind your ISP router.
Q: Do I need to apply this configuration on my router if I install a VPN app on my Android TV or Fire stick?
A: Yes you do. The VPN app does not eliminate the hard-coded DNS servers embedded in the Netflix app.
Q: Why do VPN providers use commercial/data center IP addresses that Netflix can easily block? Why don't they use residential IPs?
A: Because residential IPs are very expensive and the bandwidth on residential plans are typically limited. By using DNS redirect, VPN providers can scale out a low-cost/low-bandwitdth solution.
Q: Should I be concerned that my VPN provider will be able to see all of my DNS queries?
A: Not if you trust your VPN provider's "no logging" policy. Unless you're trading state secrets, you shouldn't be concerned.
Q: Will these rules work with other streaming services (BBC iPlayer, Disney+, Hulu, HBO Max, Paramount+, CBC, etc.)?
A: Yes it will once your VPN provider applies DNS redirect rules for these services. Considering the "success" that Netflix has achieved by blocking VPN IPs, it's only a matter of time before other streaming services follow suit.
Q: Will this fix work for "smart DNS" services such as GetFlix or SmartDNSProxy?
A: Possibly, but it may be less reliable due to DNS caching.
Q: Why does Netflix choose to hard-code DNS servers only on certain devices (Chromecast, Android TV, Fire TV)? Why isn't this a problem on the Netflix app on Apple TV or iOS devices?
A: It's simple. Apple doesn't allow apps to hijack DNS servers. So, the Netflix iOS app must use the DNS servers supplied by the operating system or router.
Q: How resilient is this solution to the Netflix VPN ban?
A: If your VPN provider has implemented DNS redirection properly, it is almost 100% effective. Netflix could block any residential IPs that VPN providers use for DNS lookups, but that would impact "legitimate" Netflix customers.
submitted by no_signoflife to NetflixViaVPN [link] [comments]

2021.06.23 05:41 Tispeltmon Nest devices with Fortigate and IPv6

Does anyone have experience making a Nest device work with FG? I have been using a 60F for a while with no issues, but the other day I blocked a nest-hub device in wifi, and now that it's unblocked it won't pull DHCP any longer. It just fires away DHCP Discovers to the broadcast address on 67/udp and nothing responds. The DHCP issues with my AP is what I have been focused on, but even after rolling the firmware back DHCP is still a problem. Other devices on that vlan are working fine.
I've been troubleshooting DHCP but while capturing traffic on the AP itself, each time I go to add the newly discovered device in the Google home app I see it do ICMPv6 neighbor solicitation and router solicitation. This reminded me how when you add your first nest device it uses ipv4, and every one after that needs ipv6. I was using the ipv6 feature visibility to go through policies, I turned on the logging for the implicit deny etc. It leads me to believe maybe I need an ipv6 multicast policy, but I'm not sure that is really required since I cannot configure the device locally on the same interface even.
I did a packet capture on the firewall interface with no filters and checked all ipv6 etc. I do see some ipv6 traffic that all looks healthy, but I have zero "dhcp" or "ip.src ==" hits. Likely a downstream dhcp problem instead of ipv6 issue right?
So my questions are:
1) IPv6 seems to be natively on and there shouldn't be anything else I need to enable? ip6-send-adv or ip6-other-flag (which haven't worked so far)
2) Do I need to configure something for ipv6 multicast even though I am local to the interface?
3) Anyone have nest devices working with FG? Everything I moved over months and months back was previously configured so this is the first time I've tried a new device discovery/setup.
submitted by Tispeltmon to fortinet [link] [comments]

2021.05.22 02:40 carlboy03 Is port 53 blocked?

Trying to troubleshoot my smart DNS service.
submitted by carlboy03 to ZiplyFiber [link] [comments]

2021.03.20 17:55 Sympathy-Fuzzy Private Public Lobby - GTA:O (PC)

Hi, I don't know how useful this will be, but I got annoyed with all of the griefers a while ago, and created a batch file for personal use to block the connections and create a private, public lobby, and figured I would share it with everybody due to the reduced loading times and resurgence in modders

@echo off set PORT=6672 set RULE_NAME="Block GTAV Online" >nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system" if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' ( echo Requesting administrative privileges... goto UACPrompt ) else ( goto gotAdmin ) :UACPrompt echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" set params = %*:"="" echo UAC.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/c %~s0 %params%", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" exit /B :gotAdmin pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0" title GTA V Multiplayer Control Manager color 0a :begin cls echo 1. - Create firewall rule to block GTA V Online Multiplayer - Press 1 echo. echo 2. - Delete firewall rule to block GTA V Online Multiplayer - Press 2 echo. echo 3. - Exit Without making changes - Press 3 echo. echo. choice /N /C:123 %1 IF ERRORLEVEL ==3 GOTO THREE IF ERRORLEVEL ==2 GOTO TWO IF ERRORLEVEL ==1 GOTO ONE GOTO END :THREE echo. Echo You have selected to Quit, Is this Correct? echo. CHOICE /C:YN %1 IF ERRORLEVEL ==2 GOTO BEGIN Echo Thank you for using this program pause GOTO END :TWO echo. Echo You have opted to unblock GTA, Correct? echo. CHOICE /C:YN %1 IF ERRORLEVEL ==2 GOTO BEGIN netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=%RULE_NAME% IF errorlevel 1 GOTO FAULT GOTO END :ONE echo. Echo You have opted to block GTA, Correct? echo. CHOICE /C:YN %1 IF ERRORLEVEL ==2 GOTO BEGIN netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=%RULE_NAME% netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=%RULE_NAME% dir=in action=block protocol=TCP localport=%PORT% netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=%RULE_NAME% dir=out action=block protocol=TCP localport=%PORT% netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=%RULE_NAME% dir=in action=block protocol=UDP localport=%PORT% netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=%RULE_NAME% dir=out action=block protocol=UDP localport=%PORT% IF errorlevel 1 GOTO FAULT GOTO END :FAULT cls color C0 echo The batch file failed. pause :END 
The first part of the batch requests administrator privileges which are required for managing firewall rules,
Other than that, all it does is block port 6672 using windows firewall.

I hope this helps somebody.
Kind Regards
submitted by Sympathy-Fuzzy to GrandTheftAutoV [link] [comments]

2021.03.07 16:44 sonicsonic3 Battleground: Oracle is the new Castellum!

If you know how to solo matchmake, then I have good news for you, you can have infinitely spawning Cabal in Battleground: Oracle! Too lazy to get to the Thrallway checkpoint? Just load up Battleground: Oracle solo!
The ports you need to block are 27000-27200 and 3097, both TCP and UDP. You can either do it manually, or use Powershell scripts to automatically block and unblock the ports whenever you want to return to regular matchmaking.
For console, I think you can achieve this by changing the system clock on the PS4. No idea about the rest. I can share my own Powershell script if people are interested.
Bonus picture
submitted by sonicsonic3 to destiny2 [link] [comments]

2021.03.07 16:43 sonicsonic3 Battleground: Oracle is the new Castellum!

If you know how to solo matchmake, then I have good news for you, you can have infinitely spawning Cabal in Battleground: Oracle! Too lazy to get to the Thrallway checkpoint? Just load up Battleground: Oracle solo!
The ports you need to block are 27000-27200 and 3097, both TCP and UDP. You can either do it manually, or use Powershell scripts to automatically block and unblock the ports whenever you want to return to regular matchmaking.
For console, I think you can achieve this by changing the system clock on the PS4. No idea about the rest. I can share my own Powershell script if people are interested.
Bonus picture
submitted by sonicsonic3 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2020.07.22 18:17 modapkedia Get HMA VPN Pro v4.6.154.0 Activation Key

Get HMA VPN Pro v4.6.154.0 Activation Key
HMA is a popular VPN provider with a large network of 940+ servers in 190+ countries.
Some of this VPN’s biggest strengths are its user-friendly interface, impressive speeds, and ability to access Netflix.


How To Activate Using HMA VPN Key?

  1. Download Provided archive extract it.
  2. Install HMA VPN (setup provided in archive).
  3. Use Key provided to activate.
  4. Enjoy HMA VPN Key!
HideMyAss! also offers robust security and a unique Freedom Mode that makes it easy to escape government censorship.
It is almost common knowledge that VPN apps offer one of the most practical ways of unblocking geo-restricted websites or services and also for anonymously surfing the Internet. HMA! Pro VPN is the official cross-platform client for one of the most popular and powerful VPN services out there, namely, Hide My Ass. In a few words, HMA! Pro VPN provides you with all the necessary tools in order to keep your online privacy untouched by hiding your computer’s IP.

HideMyAss (HMA) VPN Features:

Choose a service plan and then make sure that .NET Framework is installed

Before anything else, you should know that in order to use HMA! Pro VPN, you are first required to register an account on the official website and choose one of the provided service plans.
With this taken care of and provided that .NET Framework 4.6 or later is present on your computer’s system, you should be able to successfully install and deploy the app, as well as log in using your official HMA credentials.

Robust VPN service behind a dependable and user-friendly client

The main advantage of using HMA! Pro VPN is clearly the impressive number of available IP addresses, servers, and locations: 120,000, 940, respectively 350, at the time at which this review was written.
Besides this, even from the first couple of seconds of usage, you are bound to discover just how user-friendly and straightforward this app really is. To put it as simple as possible, the application can be engaged with the help of three different connection modes, namely Instant, Location and Freedom.

Packs three connection modes that have all the basis covered

Instant Mode offers you both the fastest way to connect to a VPN server and the best speed for your connection since it automatically locates the closest one from your location. With the help of the Location Mode, you can choose any one of the provided servers from any country and most of their cities.
It is worth mentioning that you can also add any of the servers to a Favorites lists, to maximize your workflow as much as possible. Last but not least, the Freedom Mode automatically connects to servers from free-speech countries closest from your current location.

One of the best choices when it comes to picking VPN clients/services

Taking all of the above into consideration and the fact that the utility also features one of the best interfaces of the multitude of VPN clients out there (with a simple and intuitive layout, reactive controls and stylish transition effects between server connections), we can safely say that HMA! Pro VPN should be one of your first choices if you want to make sure that your online privacy stays untouched.

Is HideMyAss! VPN Good for Torrenting?

HideMyAss! offers good support for torrenting. P2P traffic is allowed on designated high-speed servers that are optimized for P2P activity.
To make things easier, HideMyAss!’s interface for manually selecting your server location allows you to quickly navigate to a list of designated P2P servers.
Although HideMyAss!’s strong security features do a great job safeguarding your privacy, you should be aware that HideMyAss! does keep partial connection logs. This may not be ideal if you are looking for completely anonymous torrenting.

Security – Is HideMyAss! VPN Safe?

When you connect to HideMyAss!’s server network, your IP address is hidden and your data is protected with military-grade AES 256-bit encryption. There is also a choice of secure protocols, including UDP and TCP OpenVPN, L2TP/IPsec, and PPTP.
HideMyAss! offers strong security even if you are looking for a VPN that you can start using right away without messing around in the settings.
An OpenVPN connection with a UDP port is the default protocol on all platforms except iOS, which uses an IPsec protocol.
It’s generally a good idea to use OpenVPN protocols whenever possible since they offer the most robust security without the vulnerabilities of older protocols.
Depending on your device, the IPsec protocol can sometimes offer better connection speeds than OpenVPN, so it’s always good to have the option of switching protocols. We would recommend avoiding PPTP in most cases since it’s an older protocol that has more security vulnerabilities.
HideMyAss! also offers an automatic kill switch on its Mac and Windows apps. This is a great security feature that will keep your data safe even if your VPN connection suddenly drops.
Another useful security feature available with HideMyAss!’s Mac and Windows apps is IP shuffling, which will automatically switch you to a new IP address after a specified period of time. This can help you avoid tracking and surveillance.
If you plan on using the IP shuffle feature, it’s a good idea to make sure the kill switch is turned on as well so that your data isn’t leaked while you switch between servers.
When we tested HideMyAss!, we didn’t detect any DNS leaks and we were pleased overall with the safety and security of this VPN.
submitted by modapkedia to u/modapkedia [link] [comments]