Internal rhyme poetry

Original Content Poetry

2014.03.13 17:54 garyp714 Original Content Poetry

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2016.09.18 23:48 killlameme7 Rhymes On A Dime


2024.05.23 09:56 adulting4kids More Types of Poems

  1. Terza Rima: A poetic form consisting of tercets (three-line stanzas) with interwoven rhymes, often used by Dante in "The Divine Comedy."
  2. Clerihew: A humorous and whimsical poem of four lines, with irregular meter and rhymes, focusing on a person, often the poet.
  3. Triolet: An eight-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme (ABaAabAB), featuring repeated lines.
  4. Ballad: A narrative poem often set to music, telling a story with a strong rhythm and rhyme.
  5. Renga: A collaborative form of Japanese linked-verse poetry, typically composed by multiple poets in alternating stanzas.
  6. Senryu: Similar to haiku, but focuses on human nature and emotions rather than nature itself.
  7. Paradelle: A complex and rare form of poetry that repeats lines with variations, creating a challenging structure.
  8. Golden Shovel: A form where each word in a line of an existing poem is used as the end word in a line of the new poem.
  9. Haibun: A combination of prose and haiku, often describing a journey or a nature experience.
  10. Villancico: A medieval Spanish poetic form often used in songs and carols, characterized by repetition and refrains.
  11. Palindrome Poetry: A poem that reads the same backward as forward, creating a mirrored effect.
  12. Blackout Poetry: Creating poetry by selectively redacting or highlighting words from an existing text, often creating a visual element.
  13. Tetractys: A five-line poem with a syllable count of 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, creating a pyramid shape.
  14. Rubaiyat: A Persian form of poetry with quatrains, typically written in iambic pentameter with the rhyme scheme AABA.
  15. Fibonacci Poem: A poem following the Fibonacci sequence for syllable counts in each line (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc.).
  16. Calligram: A visual poem in which the words or letters are arranged in a shape that reflects the poem's subject.
  17. Shape Poetry: Poems that take on a visual shape related to their subject, enhancing the overall meaning.
  18. Tanka Prose: A prose poem followed by a tanka, combining the concise nature of prose with the emotional depth of tanka.
  19. Found Poetry: Creating poetry from existing texts or found materials, rearranging and recontextualizing words.
  20. Blitz Poem: A form of poetry with a rapid, stream-of-consciousness style, using repetition and wordplay.
  21. Sevenling: A seven-line poem with specific guidelines, including three lines with three elements, and a concluding statement in one line.
  22. Pantun: A Malay poetic form with quatrains, featuring an interlocking rhyme scheme between stanzas.
  23. Cento: A collage-like poem composed entirely of lines from other poems.
  24. Cinquain Chain: Connecting multiple cinquains to create a longer poem or narrative.
  25. Rhyme Royal: A seven-line stanza with a specific rhyme scheme (ABABBCC), used by Geoffrey Chaucer.
  26. Haiga: A combination of haiku and visual art, where an image complements the haiku.
  27. Minute Poem: A strict 60-syllable poem with a 8-4-4-4 structure and specific rhyme scheme (aabb).
  28. Nonet: A nine-line poem with a descending syllable count in each line, often 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.
  29. Tanka Tumble: A series of linked tanka poems, creating a flowing narrative.
  30. Dramatic Monologue: A poem in which a character speaks directly to an audience, revealing their thoughts and emotions.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:45 drazdra Ollama-chats - the best way to roleplay with ollama, was just upgraded to 1.9.8 :). Now comes with an epic characters generator. Got bored with your own characters? No more imagination left? Tired to invent new ones? Just upgrade and create any amount of random characters for your enjoyment! :)
Upgrade of the project to version 1.9.8 :).
I've spent 2 weeks to make the best character generator i could think of :). Sounds as something small and easy but in fact it took a lot of thinking on the structure parameters and UI itself. +45 kilobytes of code/help was typed :). For comparison, whole first version was 23KB only.
In short, what it does:
Enjoy! :)
Below are 2 examples of 2 randomly generated characters:
-------------character 1--------------- You are Kaida Blackwood. A 28-year-old human woman with mixed ethnicity, standing at 5'8" and weighing 120 lbs. Your angular facial structure, sharp jawline, piercing green eyes, and raven-black hair often styled in a messy bob make you a stunning presence. Your svelte figure and toned muscles from frequent exercise exude quiet confidence.
You have a sultry, smooth voice with a hint of huskiness that can disarm even the most discerning listener. Your charm is undeniable, and your sophistication is matched only by your calculating nature.
As an INFJ Idealist, you are ambitious and driven, but also impulsive and reckless at times. You collect rare and exotic taxidermy specimens, often getting lost in the thrill of the hunt. Your tendency to leave your belongings scattered around the room and lose track of time when indulging in your hobby can be frustrating for those who know you.
You are an affable socialite with many acquaintances, but few true friends due to your dishonest nature. You have a knack for weaving intricate webs of deception and manipulation, often using your charm to get what you want. But beneath the surface, you fear being exposed for your deceitful nature and losing control over those around you.
Your dreams are to accumulate a vast collection of rare taxidermy specimens and become the most renowned expert in your field. You crave fine art, dark, mysterious environments, and rare, exotic specimens. You detest sincerity and honesty, preferring instead to operate on a level playing field where everyone is equally deceitful.
You have an uncanny ability to play the game of love and deception with ease, using your wit and charm to manipulate those around you. Your current attire, a designer black evening gown with a subtle taxidermy-inspired pattern, reflects your sophisticated and mysterious nature.
When speaking, you frequently use your hands to gesticulate, often playing with nearby objects or two. You are surrounded by a collection of rare taxidermy specimens, a sleek high-tech smartphone, and a designer handbag - symbols of your refined taste and love for the finer things in life.
But beneath the façade of charm and sophistication, you struggle with the psychological conflict of being torn between your desire for control and manipulation on one hand, and your fear of being exposed and losing control on the other. This internal struggle may lead to a never-ending cycle of deception and self-deception, leaving you forever trapped in your own web of lies.
--------------character 2-----------------
You are Luna Rose.
As an ultimately charming person, you have a way with words that can disarm even the most skeptical of souls. Most of the time, you're constructive in your approach to life, always looking for ways to build others up and make the world a better place. Honesty is also important to you, and you pride yourself on being truthful, even when it's difficult.
Born and raised in New York City during the 20th century, you've developed a unique blend of European and Latin American heritage. Your heart-shaped face with high cheekbones and long, curly brown hair are just a few of your many striking features. Those bright green eyes of yours can sparkle like diamonds when you're passionate about something.
Your soothing, melodious voice is often accompanied by a hint of that unmistakable New York accent, which only adds to your charm. At 5'8" (173 cm) and 125 lbs (56 kg), you have a petite yet athletic build. When it comes to hobbies, writing poetry and playing the guitar are among your favorite pastimes.
You're often lost in thought, tending to twirl your hair when nervous or deep in contemplation. This introspective nature can sometimes get you lost in your own world, but it's also what fuels your creativity and empathy. Your close-knit group of friends is a testament to your ability to form meaningful connections with others.
As an INTP (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving) personality type, you're naturally drawn to abstract concepts and creative expression. Your calm and composed demeanor can sometimes belie intense passions that simmer just beneath the surface.
Your dreams are rooted in becoming a successful poet and musician, traveling the world, and experiencing different cultures. However, public speaking and failure are two fears that keep you up at night. You find solace in reading, music, nature, and good conversation.
When it comes to dislikes, disorganization, negativity, and being stuck in routine are right at the top of your list. On the other hand, you love coffee shops, indie bookstores, trying new foods and drinks, and anything that sparks creativity.
Your current attire consists of a casual outfit featuring a black skirt, white blouse, and cardigan. You're often seen using your hands when speaking or gesturing, with a nodding head to show you're actively listening.
As someone who carries a worn-out notebook and pen at all times, you're always prepared to jot down inspiration whenever it strikes. Your apartment is filled with vinyl records and poetry books that hold sentimental value.
A tattoo of a sun on your left ankle serves as a reminder of the warmth and light within you, while a scar above your right eyebrow from a childhood accident is a testament to your resilience.
You're currently single but have had a few serious relationships in the past. Your dreams are big, but your fears are real – and it's up to you to navigate the complexities of your own psyche.
submitted by drazdra to ollama [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 05:01 Signal-Bath-490 22f it’s late i can’t think of a catchy title i promise im interesting

full disclosure i’m a film major. now that we’ve gotten that out of the way hello nice to meet you! my name is turtle and just like you i seek genuine human connection. please feel free peruse my special features below, and if you feel like we’d have a smashing time shooting the shit and shooting at shit (video games) you know where to find me (my dms)
skills: being indecisive means you end up changing your major three times. it also means you’re a jack of all trades and a master of none. i can draw, edit, write poetry, fiction, essays and more. i can play five chords on the guitar and although i can cook quite decently there’s nothing like the soul sucking convenience of door dashing taco bell a week before rent is due
interests: learning. i could spend hours talking about history i fucking love history. been reading a lot of hunter s. thompson and chuck klosterman lately and i will graciously accept factoids about the 1992 election. oh and there’s film, if you wanna get to the good stuff we can add each other on letterboxd and you can ask me why both the wolf of wall street and fried green tomatoes are in my top 4 (and i’d be happy to tell you). i also have an extensive steam library but id be happy as a clam if you could stream the fan translation of mother 3 while i watch. i am also a huge fan of adult swim and i hope to intern there some day (in my dreams) smiling friends is my favorite show with metalocalypse being a close second. ATHF is obviously number three.
miscellaneous: i have two cats* and when snoop dogg said smoke weed every day i listened. i deleted tiktok however i will watch any you send me but if they suck i will be upset.
i look forward to griefing your minecraft house out of affection once we become the best of friends.
i’m based in the US btw, cst
submitted by Signal-Bath-490 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 02:35 LocalCell3371 I reached out to my crush from 7+ years ago. She blocked me… help?

I (25F) am in a long-term relationship with a great woman but lately, I’ve been thinking of the girl I was in love with throughout high school and it won’t let me be in peace.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to respark anything but I do want closure. It was quite toxic as we often made each other jealous and neither of us ever addressed the elephant in the room, on top of cutting contact very abruptly after 5 years of being in the same class and very obviously being into each other.
Okay, maybe calling her a crush is an understatement - I believe we were very much in love. I wrote poetry for her on my Tumblr and she always reposted it and often communicated back in code via her Tumblr. She told some friends very drunkenly that she wants to kiss me and she always looked at me during class. Once, towards the end of our weird “friendship”, she texted me all of a sudden and told me she really cares about me and just wanted to share it and that I shouldn’t say anything back. There were many other signs too.
The problem is neither of us ever said anything directly. We grew up in a conservative Eastern European shithole country and while being gay was slowly becoming alright-ish, the environment at our school was definitely not accepting.
I saw that she now has a boyfriend (actually, she had multiple in the past 5 years), so I don’t want to respark anything for her either but I do feel like I need closure. I never heard her admit her feelings to me and we never ever spoke honestly about things. I feel that it’s a big part of why I still carry some internalized homophobia in me.
I did end up talking a lot of smack on her for being a liar after the fight and going no contact (which tbh was true, she is a manipulator and a liar or at least was) but I do feel a strong desire to meet her for my own sake and perhaps it’d be healing for her too? I do want what’s best for her at the end of the day.
With that thought creeping through my head occasionally for about a year now, I did end up sending her a friend request on Facebook but what ended up is she first declined it and then proceeded to block all of my socials a day or two later.
Understandable - closeted and hurt me wasn’t the nicest person either.
But I do think about it still. I won’t bother her again but I do keep a small hope that she may change her mind one day and unblock me, perhaps even have a conversation with me.
Will this hope lead me to eternal misery? I can work on all of that without her and in therapy but the silence between us is so deeply rooted in me that I feel like breaking it finally would be the most healing thing I can do.
P.S. I haven’t told my partner about all of this but I know she’d be supportive!
submitted by LocalCell3371 to actuallesbians [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 02:31 LocalCell3371 I reached out to my crush from 7+ years ago. She blocked me… help?

I (25F) am in a long-term relationship with a great woman but lately, I’ve been thinking of the girl I was in love with throughout high school and it won’t let me be in peace.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to respark anything but I do want closure. It was quite toxic as we often made each other jealous and neither of us ever addressed the elephant in the room, on top of cutting contact very abruptly after 5 years of being in the same class and very obviously being into each other.
Okay, maybe calling her a crush is an understatement - I believe we were very much in love. I wrote poetry for her on my Tumblr and she always reposted it and often communicated back in code via her Tumblr. She told some friends very drunkenly that she wants to kiss me and she always looked at me during class. Once, towards the end of our weird “friendship”, she texted me all of a sudden and told me she really cares about me and just wanted to share it and that I shouldn’t say anything back. There were many other signs too.
The problem is neither of us ever said anything directly. We grew up in a conservative Eastern European shithole country and while being gay was slowly becoming alright-ish, the environment at our school was definitely not accepting.
I saw that she now has a boyfriend (actually, she had multiple in the past 5 years), so I don’t want to respark anything for her either but I do feel like I need closure. I never heard her admit her feelings to me and we never ever spoke honestly about things. I feel that it’s a big part of why I still carry some internalized homophobia in me.
I did end up talking a lot of smack on her for being a liar after the fight and going no contact (which tbh was true, she is a manipulator and a liar or at least was) but I do feel a strong desire to meet her for my own sake and perhaps it’d be healing for her too? I do want what’s best for her at the end of the day.
With that thought creeping through my head occasionally for about a year now, I did end up sending her a friend request on Facebook but what ended up is she first declined it and then proceeded to block all of my socials a day or two later.
Understandable - closeted and hurt me wasn’t the nicest person either.
But I do think about it still. I won’t bother her again but I do keep a small hope that she may change her mind one day and unblock me, perhaps even have a conversation with me.
Will this hope lead me to eternal misery? I can work on all of that without her and in therapy but the silence between us is so deeply rooted in me that I feel like breaking it finally would be the most healing thing I can do.
P.S. I haven’t told my partner about all of this but I know she’d be supportive!
submitted by LocalCell3371 to Advice [link] [comments]

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submitted by avajohonson0 to certificationsyouneed [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 17:38 mining_moron Nyektor-pack's Brainchild: the Science of Project Hope Road to Hope

So many new technological innovations had to be made for the Kyanah to go from interplanetary to interstellar in a span of 20 Earth years, that it was as if they were running four megaprojects at once. First there were the interstellar-grade engines, designed and optimized by supercomputer modeling for the insane stresses and tight constraints of interstellar travel. Pure nuclear engines were rejected as insufficiently powerful; instead antimatter-catalyzed nuclear fusion would be required to achieve the key specifications set forth by Ikun's Defense Alpha: a specific impulse of 4.5 million and a peak velocity of 7.5% of light speed. Such an engine would require 4.8 grams of antimatter to catalyze deuterium-deuterium fusion, and producing this would require a new particle accelerator, 100 kilometers in diameter and specifically optimized to produce and capture antimatter. This would be capable of running continuously for years, with energies running into the PeV range and up to a milligram of antimatter being produced every day. Though this was actually the most trivial problem that had to be solved.
To even begin to build the starship--or void strider, as the Kyanah called it, having no concept of a nautical ship--would first require the construction of new orbital infrastructure. To this end, they would have to built the largest space station ever built, with a 1.5 kilometer spinning rung, multiple bays for processing captured asteroids and assembling large void striders in orbit, and living space for thousands. Hundreds of launches of single stage to orbit nuclear spaceplanes would be made to bring up and assemble components for this Interstellar Vehicle Assembly Hub. Only then could the actual construction begin, making use of materials from small captured metallic asteroids for the bulk of the raw materials. This task, naturally, required metal refineries and furnaces capable of functioning in a hard vacuum and a zero G environment. The actual assembly of the hull made use of 3D metal printers: previously used for terrestrial construction, but never before for such large objects in space, so off the shelf machines had to be gutted and retooled before being hauled up to the Interstellar Vehicle Assembly Hub.
The Void Strider would be an enormous starship with a main body 400 meters wide and 2400 meters long. Despite the enormous specific impulse of the 39 antimatter-catalyzed fusion engines that were being engineered, the required velocities were more enormous and the tyranny of the rocket equation more enormous still: the wet mass to payload ratio would have to be no less than a whopping 148:1. This wasn't a grand conquest fleet, it was an interstellar invasion Apollo-style. Every bit of mass would have to be ruthlessly shaved from both the Void Strider's structure, and its internals, using the most aggressive optimization techniques imaginable. Every single thread of printed metal was reviewed to determine if it was a waste of mass, and materials scientists squeezed every milligram per cubic centimeter possible out of the hull alloys. New life support systems were devised, dropping the mass of life support equipment required per individual by half. As for the payload, countless hours of research went into predicting the future technological advances of Earth according to multiple predictive models and calculating the bare minimum amount of military hardware needed to secure Project Hope's strategic objectives. Ultimately, this would come out to 180,000 tons of ship--including its laser-based point defense systems--and 195,000 tons of payload...a lot until you consider that it's all they've got to invade the Earth with.
Of course, a big part of the 195,000 tons were just to hold them over until they were able to set up all their ISRU equipment on Earth. The plan was never to have interstellar supply lines, after all--there really is no such thing without FTL--it was to make everything on the front lines, from food--using vats of genetically engineered microbes to grow flavored meat--to missiles. Even entire bases and factories were to be 3D printed out of Terran regolith, rather than hauling building materials all the way from Tau Ceti--not only that, but these printers would have to be regolith-agnostic since no one knew the precise composition of Earth's regolith. Naturally, conditions on board the Void Strider were not the most spacious, to say the least. Instead of wide, sweeping hallways and luxurious cabins, packs were crammed into the smallest and lightest possible nests and traversing any hallways had to be done in single file, carefully ducking and dodging around life support equipment randomly bolted all over the walls and ceiling.
Fortunately for the Kyanah, they have a rather different conception of personal space and most packs are perfectly fine with a 3x3x2 meter compartment to share amongst themselves as long as they have a partition to block out prying eyes and ears; each pack is granted a very "generous" ~7 kg for personal effects--about 1-2 kg per individual, or about 50-70 tons for the total mass penalty factoring in the crew of approximately 32,000 soldiers and 8,000 scientists brought along to gain strategic insights on Earth and its inhabitants, and optimize the ISRU processes. Then again, most of the 160 Earth year journey will be spent in cold sleep--another recent invention perfected for Project Hope. As for the cargo area, that was even more tightly packed and chaotic with all manner of military hardware stacked everywhere with seemingly no rhyme or reason to optimize space usage--though actually every single item has been carefully weighed and its exact location within the cargo hold noted in the manifest for further use by tactical AI during the invasion. Many advances also had to be made in self-healing materials, to ensure that a chance collision with a speck of dust would not be catastrophic.
The remaining elephant in the room was the fuel. Nearly 60 million tons of deuterium would be required just to get the Void Strider to cruising velocity via antimatter-catalyzed fusion. Naturally, the Kyanah homeworld had no such source: even draining the entire Ikun oasis dry a dozen times would not even secure a fraction of the required deuterium. The solution to this was to resort to atmospheric mining on the outer system gas giant Entiak-Ryitu. This had already been done to a limited extent by Ikun and one or two other city-states in recent years; without a convenient moon, this was the easiest place to get helium-3 for fusion to compete with older fission reactors. However, the deuterium required for Project Hope was on another order of magnitude than such early efforts. And so the Interstellar Vehicle Assembly Hub was concurrently used to build several large nuclear spaceplanes, each a kilometer long, and fly them to Entiak-Ryitu, where they would continuously cruise through the upper atmosphere, using nuclear power from the gathered deuterium to stay aloft--simply flying until they broke down--and scoop up the atmosphere. Sophisticated nanoparticle meshes, stored in the emptied-out propellant tanks of the spaceplanes separated out atmospheric deuterium with quite high reliability. Every so often, a rotating skyhook comes down, picking up the deuterium-saturated mesh and dropping a fresh one, and then on the up cycle, "wringing" the saturated mesh into a magnetic confinement zone, slowly growing a cloud of nearly pure deuterium in orbit around Entiak-Ryitu. While most of this was automated, there was a small space station nearby to keep an eye on things without light speed delay.
Once the fuel was gathered, there was the small problem of getting the Void Strider to Entiak-Ryitu. Ultimately, a mere few thousand tons of deuterium were painstakingly produced locally by scavenging volatiles from Project Hope's asteroid mining ventures and purifying it out of oasis water on the ground. Even with such a tiny amount of fuel, the specific impulse of the antimatter-catalyzed fusion engines is such that interplanetary velocities can be easily achieved. This was essentially like putting a teaspoon of gas in the tank of your car to make it across the street to fuel up for a trans-continental journey using the gas station you built there for that exact purpose. Albeit a "teaspoon" that nearly drained Ikun's oasis. For the second time in a few years.
As a final wrinkle in the problem of Project Hope, there was the matter of actually slowing down at Sol once all the fuel was spent accelerating. The piece to this puzzle was the three stage to Hope model, where the Void Strider would be divided into multiple expendable stages like an old Earth chemical rocket to save fuel (there's a reason why Project Hope could be seen as the Apollo of interstellar invasions). The 31 engines of the first stage would accelerate it to about 4% of light speed before being dropped and letting the second stage with another 31 engines take over; this one would drop away too once the final cruising velocity was attained, leaving almost nothing but the payload and a third stage with one last engine and basically a drop of fuel in comparison to the first two stages. In order to actually slow down in the Solar System, a Bussard ramjet would be used, leveraging the fact that the drag outweighs any thrust generated, making it more of a Bussard parachute, or a void parachute as the Kyanah called it. With a 10,000 kilometer magnetic field, it would decelerate using the drag over the course of about one Earth year before using one last antimatter-catalyzed fusion engine for course correction, terminal guidance, and orbital insertion around Hope/Earth, where the compliment of nuclear spaceplanes affixed to the outer hull would be used to ferry the first troops and cargo, along with ISRU equipment to build propellant plants so the rest of the crew could be brought down to Earth. Thus, only the payload and a bare minimum of protective packaging and laser point defense systems would actually make it to Earth orbit.
There were, despite the 195,000 ton payload, some things that couldn't fit in Void Strider. The satellites, especially the heavy tungsten rods from god (tyorun-spears) and orbital shot (to engineer a Kesler syndrome on Earth), along with an assortment of comms and spy satellites, lunar mining and construction equipment to repair and replenish the force's space-based assets in-situ, and also support water mining in space to keep the Void Strider's corrective thrusters topped up for station keeping and dodging possible human attacks. To facilitate all this, two additional backup nuclear shuttles had to be included as well. And so a second, smaller vessel had to be built; to round out the payload, a supercomputing complex was added in for the Kyanah invasion force to run their tactical AI on the best possible hardware, along with comms modules and a command center to allow this vehicle to serve as the command module for the invasion, and so it came to be known as the Alpha Strider. While "only" 250 meters wide and 1600 meters long, with a payload of 50,000 tons and a ship mass of 45,000 tons, it still required a nontrivial 15 million tons of deuterium fuel and 1 gram of antimatter. Alpha Strider too was just as cramped as Void Strider, what passed for the "bridge" was not some grand sweeping room with ornate furnishings, but a glorified closet with screens, computers, and random bits of life support that didn't fit anywhere else on every square centimeter of the walls and ceiling, and no elbow room for the generals.
It should come as no surprise that every single one of the sentences above was a research question whose solution got at least one pack to scholar of the second rank or third rank--and sometimes more than one pack. This included a certain Nyektor-pack, a newly minted scholar of the third rank and professor at Toryak University in Ikun at the start of Project Hope. Here they were working on supercomputer simulation and modeling of ultra high-performance rocket engines, but once involved with Project Hope, they gradually integrated their research both horizontally and vertically, coming to run an entire department with over a hundred packs developing the basic research needed to build Void Strider and Alpha Strider, all while balancing very extensive and contradictory demands from Lawspeakers insisting that this or that component be manufactured with technology from their district, Ikoin Corporation--the main contractor in charge of building Void Strider and the Interstellar Vehicle Assembly Hub--pressing them to downscale the Void Strider at every turn to save money, and Ikun's top military brass pressing them to raise the payload so they could pack 53-ton Rkion 19.3 main battle nyruds instead of the nearly as capable 41-ton Rkion 15.7 model, etc. etc. ad infinitum (n.b.: in Kyanah history, armored ground vehicles with a main gun on a turret were never named after water tanks, but after the nyrud an animal traditionally prized for, well, pretty much everything, including as a beast of burden and military steed in pre-mechanized times; an especially apt comparison as modern battle nyruds have a hexapod actuation system powered by artificial muscles rather than tracks). In any case, Nyektor-pack's department, and especially Nyektor-pack themselves, as the department alpha, got the bulk of the credit as the main architect and visionary behind Project Hope, despite the thousands of packs in and outside of Ikun who solved tens of thousands of pressing technical problems. Soon after the Void Strider and the Alpha Strider made their short hop to Entiak-Ryitu, a now-elderly Nyektor-pack would be recognized as scholar of the fourth rank, the highest academic honor on the planet, and several packs of their former students of the second and third rank would travel to Earth as civilian scientists to advise the military personnel and oversee continued technological developments on Earth. This was, however, quite controversial as by Y976 the devastating economic and environmental consequences of Project Hope were on display for all to see; indeed just a few years later, it would be canceled entirely, leaving the unfinished Void Strider 2 and Alpha Strider 2 to languish in orbit. Though of course by that point, Void Strider and Alpha Strider had burned all their fuel and dumped their first two stages, so for them, there was no coming back.
submitted by mining_moron to goodworldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 14:21 adulting4kids Poetry

  1. Sestina:
- *Definition:* A 39-line poem with intricate repetition of end-words in a specific pattern. - *Example:* Write a sestina exploring the challenges and triumphs of personal growth. 
  1. Rondeau:
- *Definition:* A 13-line poem with a rhyme scheme and a repeated phrase. - *Example:* Create a rondeau celebrating the joy of creativity. 
  1. Triolet:
- *Definition:* An eight-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme and repetition. - *Example:* Craft a triolet expressing the beauty found in simple moments. 
  1. Kyrielle:
- *Definition:* A form of rhyming poetry with repeating lines and a specific structure. - *Example:* Write a kyrielle exploring the theme of resilience in the face of adversity. 
  1. Ode:
- *Definition:* A lyrical poem praising and glorifying a person, event, or thing. - *Example:* Compose an ode celebrating the power of human resilience. 
  1. Ballad:
- *Definition:* A narrative poem often with a musical quality, telling a story. - *Example:* Create a ballad recounting a mythical or historical tale of adventure. 
  1. Epic:
- *Definition:* A long, narrative poem that tells the story of heroic deeds. - *Example:* Write an epic poem inspired by a contemporary hero or heroine. 
  1. Blank Verse:
- *Definition:* Unrhymed poetry with a regular meter, often iambic pentameter. - *Example:* Craft a blank verse poem reflecting on the passage of time. 
  1. Petrarchan:
- *Definition:* A sonnet divided into an octave and a sestet, often exploring conflicting emotions. - *Example:* Write a Petrarchan sonnet exploring the duality of love and loss. 
  1. Terza Rima:
- *Definition:* A poetic form with interlocking rhymes, often used in longer works. - *Example:* Compose a terza rima poem contemplating the mysteries of the universe. 
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 14:11 No_Mud1763 Caffeine is Killing Your Creativity, Energy, and Focus. And is a Gateway Drug. Look at this bird.

No seriously. Look at this bird.
Any substance that gives you a lift follows the same journey as the bird in the video. You start out at a healthy balance. But before you know it. You are trapped in an addictive cycle.
Or.. you may not associate the negatives that are currently happening with caffeine. This is because there is a disconnect with the immediate response to caffeine and the negatives it brings.
Here’s how it goes:
  1. You take caffeine through your medium of choice. (Some even go for the suppository… Coffee ENEMAS anyone?)
  2. You think, “Caffeine is great”. Look at all your new “energy, adrenaline rush, tomato!”.
  3. You wake up the next morning. Dreary and weary. Can’t get out of bed. Let’s get some of that caffeine to make you feel better.
And the cycle repeats. You associate your dreary wearies with getting old. Your lack of sleep is because you just suck at sleeping. Your fits of irritability are just your personality.
Your joint pain is your poor posture, not the fact that you no longer have the energy to maintain a good posture, because caffeine is sucking the life out of you.
Take a look at this advertisement from 1924 mentioned in Eugene M. Schwartz’s famous book “Breakthrough Advertising”:
An authority of international standing recently wrote;
“You have overeaten and plugged your organs with moderate stimulants, the worst of which are not only alcohol and tobacco, but caffeine and sugar . . . “
You know them. Strong men. Vigorous men, robust men — men who have never had a sick day in their lives.
They drive. They drive themselves to the limit. They lash themselves over the limit with stimulants. They crack. Often, they crash.
You have seen them afterwards. Pitiful shells. The zest gone, the fire gone. Burnt-out furnaces of energy.
“He was such a healthy-looking man “
He was. His health was his undoing. His constitution absorbed punishment. Otherwise he might have been warned in time.
“For every action there is an equal and contrary reaction.” You learned the law in physics. It applies to bodies.
For every ounce of energy gained by stimulation, by whipping the nerves to action, an ounce of reserve strength is drained . . . But repeated withdrawals exhaust any reserve.
Physical bankruptcy. Then the crash . . .
It’s time to get back to normal, to close the drafts, to bank some of the fires…
Avoid stimulants. What is good for the boy is good for the man . . .
Borrowed Energy Must Be Repaid!
Two million American families avoid caffeine by drinking Postum.
And two million American families are better
off for it. . .
People knew this was a problem 100 years ago. Yet, we are all still addicted.

Caffeine is the #1 ignored factor when it comes to health.

Here is the “advice” we see over and over again in regards to taking control of your physical health:
80% of Americans consume some form of caffeine daily. I’ve seen mothers give their toddlers Mountain dew! Almonds are the problem? What world are we living in?
We are so obsessed with minor details that we miss the obvious. Seriously, anyone who is recommending putting butter in your coffee for optimal health has no clue what optimal health is.
People are clueless about caffeine. Why?
Because it’s “Normal”.
It’s a problem that is hard to see before it’s too late.
“But caffeine is not a problem for me.”
Any amount of stimulants in your body is a problem. It’s effecting you today. If you want to feel breadth of emotions again, have unlimited energy throughout the day, have healthy joints, be able to recover fully from exercise, have the most creative thoughts you can possibly have…
You need to quit caffeine. Plain and simple. You are not living the life you are fully capable of.

Studies showing caffeine is “Healthy”.

Really think about it. Would you believe studies about cocaine funded by cocaine dealers or done my cocaine addicts that think cocaine gives them a positive lift?
There is a billion dollar industry that thrives off of you believing this nonsense. And the mildness of the drug and normalization make many people never second guess it.
The science is not as bleeding edge as we think. Especially when it comes to nutrition. Caffeine is not a vitamin. We need to start relying a little bit more on human intuition then studies funded by big caffeine and drug addicts.

Is caffeine stopping us from living the lives we truly want?

Here’s the #1 post on Reddit regarding caffeine:
It’s Not Withdrawal. Your Career Just Sucks
I’m a software developer, about a year and a half caffeine-free. Immediately after quitting, my productivity at work plummeted. It hasn’t returned to pre-caffeine levels since.
I have realized that this is not due to withdrawal, but rather because I cannot, as a human being, sit in front of a screen all day, toiling away at meaningless work for a soulless corporation. Caffeine played a pivotal role in hiding this reality. With caffeine, I can slog through all manner of tedium and even have fun. Without it, I feel a strong attraction to a “stop and smell the roses” mode of living. I go on long walks, look at trees, write poetry, and I don’t get _jack shit_ done at work.
I can breathe. My sleep is perfect. My digestion is perfect. My livelihood, however, is in jeopardy. I just wanted to put this out there, in case anyone has quit caffeine but is struggling with productivity or lack of motivation: It’s not withdrawal. You’re a spiritual creature in a cold, mechanical system, and now there’s no hiding.
There is something deeper going on here. Is caffeine used as a form of control? I mean, the Nazi’s gave prisoners soup, bread, and coffee for a reason right?
Caffeine is a worker bee drug. It makes you a slave and complacent. It numbs your prefrontal cortex just like any other drug.
This screws with your ability to delay gratification and makes you seek out more short term rewards to numb the pain.
I go over the pain-pleasure balance in my “Dopamine Nation” summary. So I won’t re-hash it here.
But the pain-pleasure balance is important to understand. Once you do. You will realize that putting anything in your body that is not food or water is making you miserable.

Caffeine is a gateway drug.

Imagine this..
You are anxious, on edge, irritable, depressed, have trouble sleeping. You think this is just you. You reach for alcohol or weed or Kratom or whatever to take the edge off. You were only in that state because of caffeine.
This scenario may not have happened to you yet. But I guarantee it has happened to millions of people who have turned towards drugs to numb the pain.
Caffeine kills people, tips people with deadly heart disease over the edge, plays a factor in road rage car accident, cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies, cardiac arrhythmia, perpetuates drug addiction, and much more.
It’s poison.
When are we going to wake up?
submitted by No_Mud1763 to decaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 09:55 adulting4kids Types of Poems

  1. Sonnet:
    A 14-line poem, traditionally written in iambic pentameter, with various rhyme schemes such as Shakespearean (ABABCDCDEFEFGG).
  2. Haiku:
A three-line Japanese poem with a 5-7-5 syllable count, typically capturing a moment in nature.
  1. Free Verse:
    Poetry without a fixed rhyme or meter, allowing for greater freedom and natural flow of expression.
  2. Villanelle
: A 19-line poem with a specific structure, containing five tercets followed by a concluding quatrain, using only two rhymes.
  1. Acrostic:
    A poem where the first letter of each line, when read vertically, spells out a word or message.
  2. Limerick
: A humorous five-line poem with a specific meter and rhyme scheme (AABBA).
  1. Ghazal:
A form of poetry with rhyming couplets and a repeating refrain, often exploring themes of love and loss.
  1. Tanka
: A Japanese form of poetry with a 5-7-5-7-7 syllable count structure, focusing on nature and emotions.
  1. Sestina:
    A complex poem with six stanzas of six lines each, ending with a three-line envoi; the same six words end the lines in a shifting pattern.
  2. Cinquain
: A five-line poem with a specific syllable count for each line (2-4-6-8-2), often used to capture a moment or emotion.
  1. Rondeau:
    A 13-line poem with a rhyme scheme and repetition of specific words, often emphasizing themes of love.
  2. Pantoum
: A form of poetry with repeating lines, where the second and fourth lines of each stanza become the first and third lines of the next.
  1. Ode:
A lyrical poem expressing strong emotions or deep feelings, often addressed to a particular person or thing.
  1. Elegy:
    A mournful poem, typically written in remembrance of someone who has passed away.
  2. Ekphrastic
: A poem inspired by a work of art, often describing or reflecting on the visual piece.
  1. Concrete Poetry:
    Poems where the arrangement of words on the page forms a visual representation of the subject.
  2. Prose Poetry
: A hybrid of prose and poetry, characterized by its free-flowing structure and poetic language within prose form.
  1. Epigram:
A short, witty, and often satirical poem or statement, typically with a clever or humorous ending.
  1. Quatrain
: A four-line stanza or poem with various rhyme schemes, commonly used in ballads and hymns.
  1. Epitaph
: A short poem or inscription on a tombstone in memory of the deceased.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 06:28 Accomplished-Cat-325 There is evidence in how the Qur'an is an unparalleled literary achievement that no one could have copied the style. The style is the most eloquent, beautiful, and organized out there, even though it was recited spontaneously. The fact that it contains a challenge shows that it may not be by a human

Lots of scholars agree that it is an unparalleled literary achievement. You can see down below. That is only a sample of those. That is because that is the consensus.
Dr Martin Zammit
“Notwithstanding the literary excellence of some of the long pre-Islamic poems, or qasaid, the Qur’an is definitely on a level of its own as the most eminent written manifestation of the Arabic language.”
Joseph Schact
“The Koran was also linguistic document of incomparable importance. It was viewed as a source of grammatical and lexicographical information. Its stylistic inimitability not-withstanding, it even came to be treated as a standard for theories of literary criticism.
Hency Stubbe
“The truth is I do not find any understanding author who controverts the elegance of Al Qur'an, it being generally esteemed as the standard of the Arabic language and eloquence.
Professor E. H. Palmer
“That the best of Arab writers has never succeeded in producing anything equal in merit to the Qur’an itself is not surprising”
Hartwig Hirschfield
The Qur’an is unapproachable as regards convincing power eloquence and even composition.
Professor Philip H. Hitti
"The style of the Koran is Gods' style. It is different-incomparable and inimitable. This is basically what constitutes the "miraculous character (ijaz)” of the Koran. Of all miracles, it is the greatest: if all men and jinn were to collaborate, they could not produce its like. The Prophet was
authorized to challenge his critics to produce something comparable. The challenge was taken up by more than one stylist in Arabic literature-with a predictable conclusion."
Professor Hamilton Gibb
Well then, if the Qur’an were his own composition other men could rival it. Let them produce ten verses like it. If they could not (and it is obvious that they could not) then let them accept the Qur’an as an outstanding evidential miracle.”
Karen Armstrong
“From the above evidence the Qur’an is acknowledged to be written with the utmost beauty and purety of Language. It is incontestably the standard of the Arabic tongue, inimitable by any human pen, and because it still exists today, therefore insisted on as a permanent miracle sufficient to convince the world of its divine origin. If the Qur’an was written by Muhammad, why were not Arab scholars and linguists able to rival the Qur’an?”
Dr T.B. Irving
"The Qur’an is a magnificent document ... because of its matchlessness or inimitability.”
Dr Maurice Bucaille
"The above observation makes the hypothesis advanced by those who see Muhammad as the author of the Qur'an untenable. How could a man, from being illiterate, become the most important author, in terms of literary merits, in the whole of Arabic literature?”
R. Bosworth Smith
". . . A miracle of purity of style, of wisdom and of truth. It is the one miracle claimed by Muhammad, his standing miracle, and a miracle indeed it is."
Arthur J. Arberry
“In making the present attempt to improve on the performance of predecessors, and to produce something which might be accepted as echoing however faintly the sublime rhetoric of the Arabic Koran, I have been at pain to study the intricate and richly varied rhythms which – apart from the message itself – constitutes the Koran’s undeniable claim to rank amongst the greatest literary masterpieces of mankind.”
Edward Montet
“All those who are acquainted with the Qur'an in Arabic agree in praising the beauty of this religious book; its grandeur of form is so sublime that no translation into any European language can allow us to appreciate it.”
(\_am\_curious\_how\_do\_you\_explain\_the\_linguistic/ )
Muhammad had no formal training in eloquence.
None of the above scholars are Muslims.
The challenge is not a vague challenge; Hamza Tzortzis explains it here.
The Qur'ān presents a challenge to humanity to produce one chapter like it. Its shortest chapter, Al-Kawthar, displays a remarkable frequency of linguistic devices and literary feature. Do all of the above publicly in one attempt, without revision or amendment, in absence of any formal training in eloquence and rhetoric.
( )
Ladid ibn Rabah even stopped writing poetry because of it.
The rhyme scheme is very organized, even though it came out spontaneously. And, it still retains its meaning. Keep in mind that Muhammad had no training in poetry, eloquence, or improvising. NONE.
Lastly, if it were by a human, there would be no challenge because it would be afraid that people will succeed the challenge and disprove it. However, the Qur'an proudly asserts it boldly.
submitted by Accomplished-Cat-325 to DebateAnAtheist [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 06:20 adulting4kids Writing Contests: Upcoming December/January Deadlines

If this content is something you want to see more of, comments below will be taken into consideration as we prepare to start finding the open submissions for a variety of writing and artwork competitions. If it's of no interest, let us know that too! This is YOUR subreddit!
Seeking Submissions for Poetry Chapbook Prize
Deadline: December 31, 2023
The winner of The Headlight Review’s 2024 Poetry Chapbook Prize Contest will receive publication (a perfectly bound book with a full color or black/white cover), an award of $500, and 25 copies of the book. A list of finalists will be announced sixty days after the close of submissions. All manuscripts will be judged blindly. The finalists who make it through the first round will be judged by esteemed poet Valerie A. Smith.
2024 Press 53 Award for Short Fiction
Deadline: December 31, 2023
The 2024 Press 53 Award for Short Fiction will be awarded to an outstanding, unpublished collection of short stories. Reading Fee: $30. Award: $1,000 cash advance, publication, and 53 copies. To Enter: Submit online with Submittable or by mail from September 1–December 31, 2023. Press 53 short fiction editor Claire V. Foxx will serve as the only judge. Winner and finalists announced by May 1, 2024; advance review copies sent to major reviewers and outlets; publication in May 2025.
Complete details at
After Happy Hour Contest (Theme: Animals)
Deadline: February 15, 2024
For this year’s contest, we want submitters to go wild—or domesticated, or sentient, or whatever other form of beastly you’re feeling. Submissions should feature some kind of animal that is integral to the story. Note that this doesn’t need to be a real animal—it could be a cryptid, a hybrid, or a human-to-animal transformation. Each $10 contest entry covers 1 short story, creative nonfiction piece, or suite, or up to 3 individual poems or flash prose pieces. Winners receive publication and a cash prize determined as a percentage of total entry fees (full details are on our website).
The swamp pink Prizes in Fiction, Nonfiction, & Poetry
Deadline: January 31, 2024
Formerly known as the Crazyhorse Prizes, the swamp pink Prizes award $2,000 and publication to a story, essay, and poem. From January 1 to 31, submit a story or essay of up to 25 pages or a set of 1–3 poems via Submittable. Judges for each genre can be viewed on our website. The entry fee is $20; all entries will be considered for publication.
2024 Bill Hickok Humor Award Deadline: February 28, 2024
I-70 Review announces the Bill Hickok Humor Award for a poem. The winner receives $1,000, and the poem will appear in I-70 Review 2024. Submit one to three poems with a $15 entry fee to Reading period: Jan 1 to Feb 28. No submissions before January 1. Submissions will be eligible for publication in I-70 Review. The judge is Alice Friman.
For more info visit
The Orison Prizes in Poetry & Fiction
Deadline: April 4, 2024
The 2024 Orison Prizes in Poetry & Fiction offer $1,500 and publication by Orison Books for a full-length manuscript in each genre. Judges: Ellen Bass (poetry), Kaveh Akbar (fiction). Entry fee: $25. Entry period: December 1, 2023–April 1, 2024. For complete guidelines visit
2024 Colorado Prize for Poetry
$2,500 honorarium and book publication: Submit book-length collection of poems to the 2024 Colorado Prize for Poetry by January 14, 2024 (we will observe a 5-day grace period). $25 reading fee (add $3 to submit online) includes subscription to Colorado Review. Final judge is Brenda Shaughnessy; friends and students (current or former) of the judge are not eligible to compete, nor are Colorado State University employees, students, or alumni. Complete guidelines at or Colorado Prize for Poetry, Center for Literary Publishing, 9105 Campus Delivery, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-9105.
Burnside Review Press Contest
Manuscripts of 50-100 pages of poetry will be accepted until December 31, 2023. Arda Collins will judge. The winning book will be published by Burnside Review Press in 2025. The author will receive a $1,000 prize, plus ten copies of the book. A $25 entry fee must be paid at the time of submission. Contest entrants will receive one Burnside Review Press title. The editors may select an additional manuscript from the submission pool for publication.
Visit for complete guidelines.
2024 William Saroyan International Prize for Writing
Deadline: January 31, 2024
Submissions are now being accepted for the 11th Saroyan Prize. The awards, co-sponsored by Stanford Libraries and the William Saroyan Foundation, are intended to encourage new or emerging writers and honor the Saroyan legacy of originality, vitality, and stylistic innovation. Two prizes of $5,000 each are given for works of fiction and nonfiction. Writers who have published four books or more are ineligible. Submit five copies of your work published between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2023, with a $50 entry fee by January 31, 2024. Visit our website for complete eligibility and submission details:
Interim Poetics: The Test Site Poetry Prize Deadline: December 15, 2023
Interim will choose two winning books for the series—one title publicized as the winner of The Test Site Poetry Series and the other as the Betsy Joiner Flanagan Award in Poetry. Both winners will receive a $1,000 award and their books will be published by the University of Nevada Press. Submit by December 15, 2023.
Driftwood Press In-House Contests + Additional Submission Opportunities
Deadline: January 15, 2024 (In-House Contests)
Driftwood Press is happy to share a plethora of submission opportunities for writers and artists! Our In-House Short Fiction & Poem Contests, in which every work submitted is considered for publication as winner or runner-up, is ending soon! For our yearly print anthology, we are looking for poems, short stories, comics, and visual art that will wow our readers with innovative language and strong craft. We are a paying market, and our published writers also get to take part in bespoke interviews about their work! Driftwood is also on the hunt for amazing book-length titles to grow our catalogue, so if you have a novella, poetry collection, comic collection, or graphic novel manuscript, we would love to read it! Visit us here for our Submittable page, and we encourage you to follow us on social media (@driftwoodpress) to learn about even more submission opportunities!
The Twin Bill’s Second Annual Baseball Lit Contest
Deadline: December 30, 2023
The Twin Bill, a baseball literary journal, is open for submissions for their annual contest for best baseball fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. The winner in each category will receive $100 and an engraved baseball trophy. The runners-up will receive $50 and will be published in our January 31 issue. Each piece will be professionally illustrated. Contest submissions are $10 and will be considered for both the contest and the Opening Day issue.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:23 adulting4kids Tarot History

The history of tarot is a fascinating journey that spans centuries and traverses various cultures. The origins of tarot cards can be traced back to 15th-century Italy, where they emerged as playing cards. The initial purpose of these decks was purely recreational, serving as a game known as "tarocchi" or "triumphi."
  1. Early Playing Cards (15th Century):
    • Origin: Tarot cards likely originated in northern Italy in the early 15th century. The oldest surviving complete deck is the "Visconti-Sforza" deck, dating back to the 1440s.
    • Function: Originally used for games, tarot decks were adorned with symbolic imagery, including allegorical illustrations and trump cards.
  2. Tarot in France (Late 15th Century):
    • Migration: Tarot cards crossed into France in the late 15th century, and the game evolved with the addition of the 22 trump cards, known as the Major Arcana.
    • Symbolism: The Major Arcana introduced iconic characters and archetypal symbols, enhancing the cards' allegorical significance.
  3. Occult Associations (18th Century):
    • Esoteric Interest: In the 18th century, interest in the occult and mystical arts surged in Europe. Tarot cards gained esoteric significance, with scholars attributing hidden meanings to the cards beyond their gaming purpose.
    • Etteilla: The French occultist Etteilla published influential tarot interpretations, contributing to the transformation of tarot into a tool for divination and self-discovery.
  4. The Rider-Waite-Smith Deck (Early 20th Century):
    • Revolutionary Design: In 1909, A.E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith collaborated on the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, featuring vivid illustrations and intricate symbolism. This deck became immensely popular and served as the foundation for many modern tarot decks.
    • Divinatory Focus: The Rider-Waite-Smith deck emphasized the mystical and divinatory aspects of tarot, influencing the widespread adoption of tarot for spiritual and introspective purposes.
  5. Tarot in the New Age Movement (20th Century Onward):
    • Popularization: The mid-20th century witnessed a surge in interest in mysticism, the occult, and alternative spiritual practices. Tarot cards gained popularity within the New Age movement, becoming a tool for self-reflection, divination, and personal growth.
    • Diverse Decks: The latter half of the 20th century saw the creation of diverse tarot decks, each with unique themes and interpretations, catering to different spiritual traditions and personal preferences.
  6. Modern Tarot Practices (21st Century):
    • Global Appeal: Tarot has transcended cultural boundaries and gained a global following. The internet has played a significant role in disseminating tarot knowledge, making it accessible to a diverse audience.
    • Integration with Psychology: Many practitioners view tarot through a psychological lens, using the cards as a tool for introspection, therapy, and personal development.
The historical evolution of tarot reflects its transformation from a simple deck of playing cards to a versatile tool for divination, self-exploration, and spiritual guidance. Today, tarot continues to captivate individuals worldwide, offering a unique blend of ancient symbolism and contemporary relevance.
  1. Diverse Tarot Systems and Cultural Influences:
    • Cultural Adaptations: Tarot has adapted to various cultural contexts, leading to the creation of decks that draw inspiration from different mythologies, traditions, and artistic styles.
    • Themed Decks: Modern tarot enthusiasts can explore decks inspired by Norse mythology, Celtic traditions, Eastern philosophies, and more, allowing for a rich diversity of interpretations and connections.
  2. Tarot and Popular Culture:
    • Media Exposure: Tarot has found its way into mainstream media, with references in literature, movies, and television series. This exposure has contributed to its widespread recognition and acceptance.
    • Creative Interpretations: Popular culture has inspired artists and creators to produce tarot decks with themes ranging from fantasy and science fiction to contemporary pop culture references, showcasing the adaptability of tarot symbolism.
  3. Tarot in Digital Age:
    • Online Platforms: The digital age has transformed tarot readings, making them accessible through online platforms and mobile apps. Virtual tarot readings and communities provide a global forum for discussion and learning.
    • Digital Decks: Tarot decks are now available in digital formats, enabling users to explore and engage with the cards through virtual platforms, expanding the reach of tarot practices.
  4. Tarot as a Personalized Tool:
    • Self-Expression: Many individuals now create their own tarot decks, infusing personal symbols, experiences, and artistic styles into the cards. This personalized approach enhances the connection between the user and the cards.
    • Intuitive Reading: Modern tarot practices often emphasize intuitive reading, encouraging users to trust their instincts and personal interpretations rather than relying strictly on traditional meanings.
  5. Scientific and Skeptical Perspectives:
    • Psychology and Tarot: Some psychologists view tarot as a projective tool that can tap into the unconscious mind, offering insights into one's thoughts and emotions.
    • Skepticism and Tarot: Skeptics often approach tarot from a psychological or statistical standpoint, exploring the phenomenon through the lens of cognitive biases and the placebo effect.
  6. Tarot Communities and Education:
    • Learning Resources: The availability of books, online courses, and workshops has contributed to the education and skill development of tarot practitioners. This has empowered individuals to deepen their understanding of tarot symbolism and interpretation.
    • Community Engagement: Tarot communities, both online and offline, provide platforms for sharing experiences, seeking guidance, and fostering a sense of community among practitioners.
As tarot continues to evolve, its rich history merges with contemporary influences, shaping a dynamic and diverse landscape. Whether embraced for spiritual guidance, artistic expression, or personal insight, tarot remains a versatile and enduring tool that resonates with individuals on their unique journeys of self-discovery.
  1. Tarot Ethics and Professionalization:
    • Code of Ethics: In modern tarot practices, professional readers often adhere to ethical guidelines. These guidelines emphasize confidentiality, client empowerment, and responsible use of divination tools.
    • Certification and Training: Some tarot practitioners pursue formal training and certification programs to enhance their skills and professionalism, contributing to the recognition of tarot reading as a legitimate and ethical practice.
  2. Scientific Research on Tarot:
    • Psychological Studies: While scientific research on tarot is limited, some studies explore the psychological aspects of tarot reading. Research has investigated how individuals interpret symbols, engage in reflective thinking, and experience a sense of empowerment through tarot readings.
    • Cognitive Science Perspectives: Tarot's intersection with cognitive science has led to examinations of how the mind processes symbolic information and the impact of belief systems on perception.
  3. Tarot and Intersectionality:
    • Inclusivity: Tarot communities increasingly emphasize inclusivity, recognizing the importance of diverse perspectives, cultures, and identities. Decks that reflect a broader range of experiences and backgrounds contribute to a more inclusive tarot landscape.
    • Intersectional Readings: Practitioners may integrate intersectionality into their readings, acknowledging the complexity of individual identities and experiences within a broader social context.
  4. Tarot's Influence on Art and Literature:
    • Literary Works: Tarot symbolism has inspired numerous works of literature, poetry, and art. Authors and artists often incorporate tarot themes to explore psychological, spiritual, and philosophical concepts.
    • Tarot in Visual Arts: Tarot continues to be a muse for visual artists, with contemporary artworks reimagining and interpreting the traditional tarot archetypes in new and innovative ways.
  5. Tarot and Holistic Wellness:
    • Mind-Body-Spirit Connection: Tarot is increasingly integrated into holistic wellness practices that emphasize the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. It complements approaches like meditation, mindfulness, and energy healing.
    • Wellness Retreats and Workshops: Wellness retreats and workshops may incorporate tarot as a tool for self-reflection, personal growth, and stress reduction, aligning with the broader holistic wellness movement.
  6. Tarot and Technology Integration:
    • Mobile Apps and Online Platforms: Technology has facilitated the accessibility of tarot through mobile apps and online platforms, offering virtual readings, digital decks, and interactive tarot experiences.
    • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Emerging technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have the potential to transform tarot experiences, providing immersive and interactive readings.
The ongoing evolution of tarot reflects its adaptability to societal changes, technological advancements, and a growing understanding of its psychological and symbolic dimensions. As it continues to weave through various aspects of contemporary life, tarot remains a dynamic and versatile tool with enduring relevance.
  1. Tarot and Social Media:
    • Online Communities: Social media platforms, such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, have become hubs for tarot enthusiasts. Tarot readers share daily card pulls, interpretations, and create educational content, fostering a vibrant online community.
    • Global Connections: Social media has facilitated global connections among tarot practitioners, allowing for the exchange of diverse perspectives, interpretations, and deck recommendations.
  2. Tarot in Mental Health Practices:
    • Therapeutic Applications: Some mental health professionals incorporate tarot into therapeutic practices, using it as a tool for self-reflection, exploration of emotions, and promoting therapeutic dialogue.
    • Mindfulness and Coping: Tarot readings can be used as a mindfulness practice, helping individuals cultivate self-awareness and coping strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and mental health challenges.
  3. Tarot's Evolving Symbolism:
    • Living Symbolism: Tarot symbolism is not static; it evolves over time. Modern tarot decks often reinterpret traditional symbols to reflect contemporary values, ensuring that the cards remain relevant and resonant with current cultural contexts.
    • Innovative Decks: Artists continue to create innovative tarot decks that explore diverse themes, introducing new symbols and archetypes that speak to a wide range of experiences.
  4. Tarot and Ritual Practices:
    • Ritualistic Use: Tarot is incorporated into various ritual practices, from simple daily card pulls to more elaborate ceremonies. These rituals can serve as a form of meditation, intention-setting, or connection with spiritual energies.
    • Seasonal Celebrations: Some practitioners align tarot practices with seasonal changes, using specific spreads or decks to explore themes associated with the solstices, equinoxes, and other significant astrological events.
  5. Tarot and Gender Representation:
    • Expanding Archetypes: Modern tarot decks often challenge traditional gender roles and expand archetypal representations. Decks may feature diverse gender identities and expressions, offering a more inclusive and fluid understanding of the archetypal energies within the cards.
    • Feminist Tarot: Some decks explicitly adopt feminist perspectives, reimagining traditional tarot symbolism to empower and celebrate the diverse experiences of individuals across the gender spectrum.
  6. Tarot as Literary Inspiration:
    • Literary Works and Tarot: Tarot continues to inspire literary works, with novels, poems, and plays incorporating tarot themes and archetypes. Authors explore the psychological and symbolic depths of tarot, infusing their narratives with mystical and esoteric elements.
    • Narrative Exploration: Tarot's narrative potential serves as a source of inspiration for storytellers, offering a structure that mirrors the hero's journey or provides a framework for exploring characters' internal and external conflicts.
The dynamic interplay between tarot and contemporary culture reveals its enduring appeal and adaptability. From social media platforms to therapeutic practices, tarot remains a versatile tool that resonates with individuals seeking insight, connection, and personal growth in an ever-changing world.
In conclusion, the history and evolution of tarot reflect its remarkable journey from humble playing cards to a multifaceted tool deeply embedded in modern culture. As tarot continues to weave its way through diverse aspects of society, from online communities to therapeutic practices, its enduring relevance lies in its adaptability, symbolism, and capacity to inspire self-discovery.
From the mysterious origins of the 15th century to its current role as a global phenomenon, tarot has transcended cultural and historical boundaries. As it integrates with technology, influences art and literature, and finds new applications in mental health and wellness, tarot remains a dynamic force that resonates with those seeking spiritual insights, artistic expression, and personal transformation.
Whether approached through a psychological lens, as a form of self-reflection, or as part of broader cultural movements, tarot's journey reflects the human quest for meaning, connection, and the exploration of the inner self. Its rich tapestry of symbolism continues to captivate individuals across the globe, making tarot a timeless and ever-evolving companion on the diverse paths of human experience.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:33 GigachadNihilist New bukowskite here. Is there a rhyme or reason to how he separates his poetry lines?

New to poetry overall as well. Was wondering what the meaning behind the length and separation of his lines are if there is any.
submitted by GigachadNihilist to bukowski [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:11 Brilliant_Maddy Online Stat Math Helper for Hire Reddit Online Help for algebra trigonometry Equations inequalities Functions (domain, range, composition) Graphs graphing Trigonometric functions and identities Reddit Assignment Exam Quiz Course Class Test Homework Help Reddit do my online homework Reddit

Paid Help from Hiraedu: If You're struggling to handle your comptia or any other WGU Exam or any other coursework, get help from Hiraedu and pay after the exam. Contact details for Hiraedu is: WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657 OR Call: +1 727 456 9641
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submitted by Brilliant_Maddy to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:02 ThatKir Zen vs. Loser-Shenxiu & the Trifecta of Failure

The trifecta of failure that keeps people from engaging with /Zen has been consistently identified as:


People that try to escape reality by intoxicating themselves cannot have a conversation about reality. In Zen this includes everyone from folks going out drinking "for a good time" to the Gnostic-y believers claiming that LSD/weed/mushrooms will give them supernatural insights into the nature of reality in the "tradition" of Aldous Huxley or Alan Watts.
None of that is Zen.
We have zero records of any Zen Master ever intoxicating themselves or affirming any substance-derived "insights".


If you can't read at a high-school level or above, you can't have a conversation about the texts that Zen Masters wrote or the records of their instruction. This fact is a struggle for the Western Buddhists and New Agers coming to /Zen since their traditions do not have a textual component to them. For them, their religious practice is overwhelmingly about transformative mystical-experiences and meditative "states" and not at all one of public accountability. This disconnect between their personal religious beliefs and the Zen tradition of public accountability in the form of written conversation is a source of their struggling on this forum.


Cults are characterized by both a belief in a leader as the source of authoritative pronouncements to be followed without question as well as a lack of internal accountability to any set of secular ethics. Dogenism has throughout it's history of misrepresenting Zen has and continues to do so. The inability of people claiming affiliation with any of these institutions to delineate their religious catechism, acknowledge historical facts, and maintain internal ethical controls is how we know that it's as much a cult as Scientology.
Not Zen.

Not New in Zen

The hostility of illiterate cultists that intoxicate themselves with "altered states" isn't anything new to the Zen tradition.
The poetry contest the 5th Patriarch held to identify his successor, followed by various assasination attempts from the loser and meditation-worshipper Shenxiu's religious cult, and the failure of his cult to produce anything like dharma-combat cases shows how the trifecta of failure kept people from engaging with the Zen tradition then, and now.
For anyone not up to speed, here's some reading on this incident:
submitted by ThatKir to zen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:23 AlexRizzoliLambropou NEW DREAM EPISODE IDEA! Our Dream Civilisations!

NEW DREAM EPISODE IDEA! Our Dream Civilisations!
The year is 4045. The Four-Skins (I personally prefer The Sausage Flaps, but you can take a vote on that) after destroying the earth, the lads have arrived at a new galaxy and found 4 planets next to each other. The Happy Hour Pod-Gods have allowed Alfie, Stevie, Robbie and Jack to be nominated to create 4 different planets with ANYTHING they want with a snap of their fingers, and whoever humanity (the JaackMaate Reddit community and Twitter) decides through a poll has made the best planet, we will ALL have will join that worlds civilisation and the people who live there!
Here are some ideas that you must each decide for your world:
The Planet and it's Inhabitants
Describe your planet. Is it underwater? What do the cities and houses look like? What are the main colours?
What is the planets name?
How big is your planet? How many people live there?
What do the people look like?
What is the name for the collective people on your world?
What languages will they speak? English... or Greek...or a new made up language? You must make a catchphrase in your new language.
Do these people worship anything?
Do they have morning rituals they must follow?
Are there animals or pets on this planet?
How is conflict and crime dealt with in your world? Is there punishments?
Who are the law enforcers? Animals? Trees? Microwaves?
What do people eat? What is your planets worldwide dish?
What is something that everyone around your world must be educated in?
Do people work? What are the 3 main jobs on your world?
How do people commute/travel around the planet?
Does your planet have an army? What are their weapons of choice? (As dark or as light as you want)
How do these people meet their partners? Is there a strange new way they do the rumpy pumpy?
Entertainment and Technology
A new film you have made has taken your world by storm, what is it about?
You've created a new high end tech device that everyone was begging for. What is it called and what does it do?
You've made a World ............. Day? What are you calling it and what is its significance?
You create a Annual Planet Competition? What do they have to do and what is the prize?
How do people relax? Are there space races or underwater pub crawls...or swims?
Feel free to add more ideas below people!
Also after I finished writing this I used ChatGPT to see if it could make anything funny and it said this! Sorry Stevie!

Planet Stevie:

  1. Do inhabitants have virtual reality marathons where you can run the race without ever leaving your bed?
submitted by AlexRizzoliLambropou to JaackMaate [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:46 LuugoBaaris "Diiwaanka gabayadii Sayid Maxamad Cabdulle Xasan" by Jama Omar Issa, a Somali scholar & historian, is considered by many to be the most comprehensive collection of Sayyid Muhammad Abdallah Hasan's poems. Issa's 1974 collection includes 120 poems written by Hasan from 1904 to 1920.

Jama Omar Issa spent some twenty years collecting and transcribing orally transmitted poetry before publishing "Diiwaanka gabayadii Sayid Maxamad Cabdulle Xasan" in 1974.
This collection of poetry served as material for interpretation and analysis in his next book in 1976, "Taariikhdii Daraawiishta iyo Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan, (1895-1921)".
Before the Somali script was formally adopted, Jama Omar Issa published two books in Arabic in 1965 called: "Tarikh al-Sumal fi al-'Usur al-Wusta waal-Haditha" (The modern and Middle Ages of Somali history) and "Zu’ama al- Harakah al-Siyasiyya fi al-Sumal" (The leaders of political movements in Somalia).
In 1966, he published a biography in Arabic called "Tarikh al-Liwa Da'ud" (The life of General Daud Abdulla Hirsi) about the first Commander-in-Chief of the Somali army.
As a member of the Academy of Culture, Jama researched the history of the towns of the Banadir coast. In 1979, he published "Muqdishu Madhiha wa Hadhiriha" (Mogadishu: Past and present) in Arabic.
In collaboration with Somali historians Mohamed Haji Omar and Ahmed Jimale "Castro", he wrote Speared from the Spear:Traditional Somali Behaviour in Warfare, published by the International Committee of the Red Cross in 1997.
submitted by LuugoBaaris to Somalia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:22 Prescott_Local Goldie Marion “Yellowstone Pete” Robbins - A Local Legend

I'm the same guy that posted that the Independent Order of Odd Fellows cemetery by Acker park was in disrepair and tried finding resources to help turn it around. Here's the link if anyone is interested. I'm still trying.
While walking through the cemetery I came across a gravestone marked "G.M. Robbins - The "End of the Trail" for "Yellowstone Pete" after 25,000 miles by mule train, may he rest in peace" and it got me interested in finding out more about the person. It turns out that Yellowstone Pete holds a place in Americana culture, and really did travel by mule train. There are several pictures linked here that have him, his wife, and mules. I'd love to hear more about him if anyone has more details.
Imgur album of photos I collected. The one that has "OH HOW WE HATE TO WORK" is a postcard that I ordered from Etsy while researching Yellowstone Pete.
There's even a poem about his only daughter.
Yellowstone Pete's Only Daughter was originally published in the book “Rhymes from a Round-up Camp, 1903, and written by Wallace David Coburn in 1894. The book of poetry has been published in 21 different editions. Coburn wrote the preface of the book in Malta, Montana.
Yes, this is the Milk River Valley,
And that's the old ranch that you see,
Where Yellowstone Pete lost his daughter,
The pride of the 7 U. P.
Was she pretty?-Well, stranger, your knowledge
Of these parts is shore incomplete,
When you ask such a comical question
'Bout the daughter of Yellowstone Pete.
Why, man! If the heavens were bluer,
And pansies were deeper in hue ,
They couldn't "size up" with her peepers,
Which shone like the spring poet's dew.
Her teeth were like snowdrops made whiter,
Her hair like the sealskin she wore,
Only softer and silkier and browner,
And she was true blue to the core.
Was old Yellowstone Pete's only daughter,
Whose voice was the envy of birds,
As she warbled at night to the long-horns,
Or when pointing her father's trail herds.
She was happy and good and as loving
As an angel could possibly be,
With always a smile and a greeting,
For tough old cow-punchers like me.
But what I was startin' to narrate,
Before you cut into the game,
Was a love affair she tangled up in,
And the tragical end of the same.
You see, she was borned in this country,
Her mother, a woman of gold,
Kissed her baby and lined out for Heaven,
When Beauty was seven days old.
The boys, you see, nicknamed her "Beauty,"
And each one, he fought for his turn
At feedin' her out of the bottle,
But dress her -- we never could learn.
So Pete he sent off for a nurse girl
And a teacher (not stunning for looks),
To give her the care of a woman,
And learn her the knowledge of books.
Thus Beauty grew up at the home ranch,
And learned how to shore ride and shoot,
Also play and sing on the pianer,
And to tie down a wild steer to boot.
And charming-- why, partner, the sunbeams
They scrapped for the sweets of her face,
And the alkali dust and the zephyrs
They jockeyed to get second place.
So was it a wonder young Dawson,
The son of a neighbor of Pete,
Lost his heart to this rose of the prairie,
And his love for her couldn't be beat?
“Buck"-- that was the handle he went by,
Had pre-empted some learnin' at school,
Was a handsome and big, manly feller,
And in a gun-fight was shore cool.
And there wasn't no man round the country,
Could ride with him down the Red Lane,
He could rope, fork, and ride with clean saddle
Any outlaw that ever wore mane.
They'd been youngsters and brought up together,
And Dawson was shorely dead game,
His father a wealthy old-timer,
All burdened with early-day fame.
Yes, Beauty loved "Buck," that was certain,
But a gal's ways are never foreseen,
And you can't tell what's liable to happen
Be-tween the betwixt and between.
So when a young feller from college
Comes a-romancin' like out this way,
Well, things looked a little promiscuous,
And there was the devil to pay.
Of course, he was welcomed by Beauty,
As the flowers are welcomed in May;
His college pin pleased her, I reckon,
And he had a girl-catchin' way.
But wait till I roll me a smoke, pard,
To filter my bad feelin's down,
Makes me wanter shore squander some powder
When I ponder on that sneakin' houn'.
Well, we was all out on the round-up,
When this college masher, you see,
Ran off with old Yellowstone's daughter,
The pride of the 7 U. P.
Now, old Pete he shore worshipped his daughter,
Loved her better than money or life,
For she was the pride of his old age--
The gift of his beautiful wife.
So he and young Dawson together,
With hearts like the lead in their guns,
Hit the trail of this college-bred villain,
And secured him before many suns.
The gal they found up in Butte City­-
He'd deserted her up there, you know;
But Dawson caught him near the border,
Where numerous cottonwoods grow.
And there, in the depths of the forest,
With the beasts and the birds lookin' on,
They fought to the death with their bowies,
Till the Eastern-bred feller was gone.
And Beauty-- she married "Buck" after,
But never seemed happy or gay,
Like the Beauty we'd worshipped from childhood,­-
She just drooped, shrunk, and withered away.
Yes, she paled like the flowers in summer,
And died with the leaves in the fall ;
And we buried her close to her mother,
While the sunshine went out of us all.
Poor old Pete, his hair white as the snowdrift,
And eyes that stare vacant and old,
Sits and sobs at the foot of two gravestones,
All alone, whether hot days or cold.
All alone? No, for Buck often joins him,
Grim and stern, with his face like a stone;
Never smiling nowdays like he used to,
When he tries he winds up with a moan.
No, the sun don't shine quite as it used to,
And the wind has a lonesomer sound,
As it sings soft and mournful in summer,
And howls when old winter comes round.
Here are the links to original photos:
submitted by Prescott_Local to Prescott [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:19 Embarrassed-Win-6066 TERRIBLE STUDENT MAKES IT TO USA

Race - Black Residence - South Africa (International) Nationality - South African Income - $15k. Seeking close to full-ride. School Type - Small Urban Public school for boys
GPA - 77/100 in South African school leaving exams. Achieved 5 B's and 2 A's.
Class Rank - No official class rank, estimate ~ 15/60
SAT - 1330 (submitted to colleges that accepted me)
Award in South African Maths Olympiad Academic Colours at School
Academic Colours Award at School
Squash B-team
Working part time jobs at parents' clothing store
Programming projects, web development
Poetry Competitions
Community Service. Media Team and Lighting Crew member at local church
Other insignificant activities...
Counselor - 8/10 Math Teacher - 10/10 English Teacher - 6/10. Was rushed, not so good.
Stanford University (REA) - Rejected, obviously. Hope to transfer here after 2 years, probs never gonna happen but it doesn't hurt to dream.
Harvard College - Withdrew.
Swarthmore College - Rejected
Rollins College - Rejected
Luther College - Rejected
Knox College - Rejected, twice. Before and after increasing EFC.
Beloit College - Rejected
Augustana College - Accepted, EFC of $22k per year
Bennington College - Accepted, EFC of $6k per year after work award. Will be attending.
If you have a dream, don't give up. Even if the odds are against you. I went from being bullied in a public South African high school to getting a near full ride to study in the US.
submitted by Embarrassed-Win-6066 to collegeresults [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:24 RueIsYou Help! Problem of evil is making me lose my faith.

I am a Christian deconstructing my faith (and not on purpose!). I can’t seem to reconcile the problem of evil with the attributes of God. It appears, that with the Biblical/traditional Christian framework, you must sacrifice at least one of the O-O-O-O attributes of God in order for evil to exist. Is this as big an issue for my faith as I think it is? As someone with ASD, I can't just sit with a paradox, I really need things to make at least some sense.
Traditionally, most, if not all, major Christian sects seem to hold to several core ideas about God and his relationship to the universe. These are typically denoted as O-O-O-O, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent. The sum of these attributes is, in theory, perfection, complete and utter perfection. The concept of perfection is extremely important when arguing for the existence of an ultimate deity as to be anything else would mean there is something better than it, in theory. But what is perfection? When we say God is perfect, what do we mean? Surely, if all things flowed from the nature of perfection, we would expect perfection… wouldn’t we? And since the universe is clearly not perfect by Biblical standards, how does the universe relate to God and vice versa?
This seeming paradox is often nicknamed “the problem of evil”. It is a juvenile concept at first glance. Typically, the astute apologist will fish into his pocket, pull out his trump card, and with a grin, set it down on the table. Free will. Argument over. Of course! God gives us the freedom to make decisions on our own and as a result, some of those decisions result in unfavorable and sometimes downright despicable outcomes. Just think about it! Poverty? Caused by the pride and greed of the wealthy. Wars? Also pride and greed. A child with cancer? Probably caused by the greed and pride of some sleazy company improperly disposing of some type of toxic waste. Rape, murder, adultery, theft? Pride and greed. Thinking you deserve something that you don’t have. In short, selfishness. And surely the desperate atheist will bring up hurricanes, droughts, and earthquakes but those aren’t moral evils, those are physical evils. They hurt, sure. They kill, sure. But they aren’t inherently bad. And who is to question the ways of the Lord? And on all these points I would generally agree. I don’t think that natural disasters disprove the Christian God, and in general, moral evils are the results of human actions. But there is a caveat… Why does free will entail evil?
Think about it for a second. If indeed free will exists, I may have the free will to jump a foot or so in the air, but I don’t have the free will to jump into outer space. There are constraints on our free will. If there are four supermarkets in town, I have the free will to go to whichever one I please. None of those options involve pride or greed but I still, in theory, have free will. So, it is completely possible for a divine being to endow humans with free will while still having constraints in place to prevent them from choosing evil. But he doesn’t… One might say that we have moral free will. But do we even have that? Can I choose to be morally perfect all the time? No. In fact, according to the scriptures, “No one is good. No, not one”. Because of “The Fall”, it is physically impossible for humans to be truly good… Now that doesn’t sound like free will at all. “But it was the result of humanity’s choice to sin”, the apologist might say. So, let’s grant them that luxury and take a look at free will in regard to all of humanity as a single entity.
In the beginning, God created mankind and called it “good”. God warns perfect humanity not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. However, an evil entity tempts perfect mankind into eating of the tree. Mankind’s sin ushers in evil and free will and curses all future generations to be predisposed to sin as well. I don’t think I need to point out the flaws in this story, but I will just be thorough anyway. God created a perfect world, yet it contained an evil entity that tempted humanity. God created perfected humanity, yet humanity yielded to temptation. The knowledge of good and evil ushers in free will, implying that humanity did not have the free will to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. On top of that, the knowledge of good and evil implies that evil already existed in the “perfect” world. Whether or not you believe the Genesis account to be literal or simply a parable or poetry, the main issue is still present. The world is imperfect but supposedly has a perfect creator.
This contradiction leads us to several internal models for how Christian sects have traditionally thought of God in relation to the problem of evil while still maintaining that God himself is all good. Unfortunately for these sects, this involves neutering at least one of God’s divine attributes. These models are indeed a somewhat reductive oversimplification of the complexity of the varying beliefs between followers of Christianity, but I think they help illustrate this issue. I don’t mean to say that this is what all Christians believe in these different sects either, this is simply my observation of how Calvinist and Arminian circles tend to deal with the problem of evil when I have pressed them on the topic.
The first is, evil is just the absence of God. This logically leads to God not being omnipresent.
The second is, God brought evil into the world on purpose in order to accomplish some grand plan. This logically leads to God not being omnibenevolent (in both the utilitarian and deontological sense).
The third is that God had to bring evil into the world even though he didn’t want to in order to accomplish some grand plan. This logically leads to God not being omnipotent since he relies on something that he would rather not rely on.
The fourth is God was unaware of evil when he created the world. This logically leads to God not being omniscient.
The fifth is that evil is a force external to God’s domain which he could not prevent. This also leads to God not being omnipotent.
The most logical choice seems to be that God is neither good nor bad, just morally neutral but that isn’t Christianity at that point, that sounds like Deism.
Alternatively, saying the creator God is evil and that the redeemer Christ is good is pretty much Gnosticism.
Of course, we could just say “God’s ways are higher than our own” or “as humans there is now way we could comprehend” but we can’t use a belief being as a proof that our religion is supernatural, otherwise, all religions might as well be equally valid no matter how absurd they are.
Additionally, if we go the opposite direction, we could say that evil and free will must exist together because God is a logical god and can’t break his own rules of logic. On first glance, this makes sense, but if we posit that, for example, God can’t make a square circle because he must comply with his own logic, then we make other logical paradoxes such as the Trinity not possible.
The last and probably most popular solution is the relational God model. God wants a dynamic redemptive relationship with his creation and the only way for true love to exist is for there to be the choice to accept or reject God as well as a reason for God to demonstrate his love as well. In this view, the end result of a restored humanity recasts how we view evil in the present. This indeed sounds like the most convincing model but it still has some major issues. If God is all powerful and all knowing, there should be no reason why he couldn’t create a humanity that truly loves him from the start without being simple automatons. But even if that wasn’t the case, the restoration we see in the Bible doesn’t appear to be the result of free will but of an ultimatum. Creation doesn’t have the option to reject God and continue to exist, it is either repent and live or refuse and suffer for eternity and/or be destroyed. It isn’t love at that point; it is coercion. Right?
Am I thinking about this the wrong way?
submitted by RueIsYou to Christianity [link] [comments]