Florida grade 4 space vocab


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2024.06.05 03:34 Realistic_Win6329 US GPA to UK Grading Scale

Hi, I'm a student attending a US university, and I'm considering applying to Imperial. I was confused by the grade conversion. My intended program is a Master's in Advanced Computing, which has a minimum requirement of First Class Honor. According to conversions I found online, this is equivalent to a perfect 4.0 GPA. Anything between 3.3 and 3.99 is considered an upper-second-class honor. Does this mean I cannot apply without a perfect GPA? This cutoff seems strange since 3.3 might be bad for many universities, while something around 3.9 is relatively good in the GPA system.
I also found a general requirement on the website, which says the requirement could be from 3.0 to 3.6, differing by department. This gave me a bit of hope. However, I couldn't find department-specific requirements regarding GPA for international applicants.
I would appreciate any information or advice!
submitted by Realistic_Win6329 to Imperial [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:33 Grimaldus3320 33,Male with low T, High ACTH, and normal cortisol looking to crowd source for information.

Hey all! I'm looking to get some questions answered about Cushing’s / Addisons and was hoping this community could help me out!
The bullet points of my journey are this: Since I was young, I've always had issues with low T. Breast tenderness and such. Hit puberty pretty normal however. It wasn't until 21 or so I started to feel like I was having some issues, and by 24 I gained a bunch of weight, breast tenderness returned, and I started looking into it.
Did some testosterone tests and it flagged as low. Went to an endo and she ran some tests, confirmed the low T, sent me for an MRI, which came back normal (it was only three weeks ago that I learned 3t and 7t MRI's existed, went back and checked which MRI I got the scan done, and it was a 1.5T. but this was 2014, so maybe they didn't exist then? Not sure). Anyways, she ruled out Cushing’s and basically fell back to I'm just fat and need to diet.
Went to a HRT clinic and started that, but despite the "normal" or "high" T due to that, was still gaining weight and didn't feel much different. It did stop the breast pain and increased the sex drive though, which was nice? The high dose I was on to try to see some results swelled my hands and feet however. I live in Florida and the hot weather made it happen even faster, so that was a deal breaker.
Tried to talk to my urologist because I had a grade 3 varicocele. My thinking was the extra blood flow and thus heat generated down there was disrupting my T production. Had it fixed, and I started feeling pretty good! Lost weight without trying, felt like I had a bit more energy. That lasted like, 2 months. Started with breast sensitivity again and now ball pain. Restarted HRT but at a much lower dose to manage those symptoms, which it does.
Decided to go to another endo, this time Mayo clinic in Jacksonville. Mayo is the best, most cutting-edge problem solvers, right?
Forwarded my medical history to the doc, he said this seems like low T not due to the Testicals, and more likely central hypogonadism. He also mentioned based on my prior labs, he doubts he will find anything. Really great start to a first-time doctor’s visit...He ordered a host of labs to be done, and from what I can tell to try to rule out Cushing’s. He said if they come back normal, he will order an MRI. He then said outside of that, if it comes back normal, there is nothing he can do. Not really what you want to hear when you have unexplained low T and Mayo doesn't want to know why that is if things are coming back normal.
So, I did my labs, 24hr cortisol came back in the normal range, though my creatinine was flagged high. The doctor said this is likely due to the high volume of urine submitted. I thought it was an average over 24hr, but whatever. No idea if this is related to Cushing’s at all to be honest.
He also tested T4, Iron, and Cortisol for the blood. All came back fine. However, my ACTH, plasma came back high. Or what the doctor said is "mildly high". He said this is "likely physiologic given the morning sample and a normal total cortisol level". I find this an odd stance considering right below the results it states that the reference range only applies between 7am-10am, and I did the blood draw at 9. It seems like it is a factor accounted for.
So now it's on to the MRI, with and without the contrast. But I have to say, given the fact that he says my labs came back normal, and I had one (albeit low res) MRI before, I'm bracing myself for being told there is no issue, no idea why you have low T, and go diet and take wegovy or some such drug.
My main questions are, is low T a symptom of Cushing’s? Is it common to have high ACTH but normal Cortisol? Is my ACTH even considered high, or high enough to be considered an issue, or is the doctor right and because Cortisol is normal, this is a non-issue? Any advice or things I should be looking out for in labs that might lead me on the right path, or a different path I should take?
Any advice is appreciated, because this is basically my last-ditch effort before I call myself an unsolvable medical marvel. I figured if Mayo can't/won't solve this, nobody will :)
Screenshots of my labs attached.
submitted by Grimaldus3320 to Cushings [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:33 yes-rico-kaboom Would a rototiller be a good way to help get the soil loose so i can regrade my lawn?

My current lawn has points where it’s very high up and is in need of being brought down a bit in some spaces. The soil is pretty dense clay and has a ton of weeds in it. Would it make sense to rototill the entire lawn, rake everything out, grade it properly and then solarize to kill the weeds? I plan on reseeding next spring.
submitted by yes-rico-kaboom to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:32 smoochii Questions about home of choice contingency?

We currently live in Ohio and we put our house up for sale about 4 weeks ago to move to Florida. It sold within 2 days and we went under contract. We added a home of choice contingency that went until 5/24 saying if we don't find a new home (go under contract) then we can back out. We didn't find anything before 5/24 so we decided to extend with the buyers another week until 5/31. We _still_ didn't find anything so we decided to take withdraw from the sale and take our house off the market.
Literally 2 days later a house we really wanted came on the market, we contacted our realtor here and said that we found something. Our original buyers still really wanted our house so we made an offer and got it. Today we received the new contract from our buyers and it lists the following things:
We are very concerned because they removed our home of choice contingency in the addendum. We are under contract currently but we won't have appraisal and inspection until later this week. Heck, we're not even flying down to Florida to see the house until Saturday.
My questions:
Thanks so much in advance!
submitted by smoochii to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:32 Wartickler **Welcome to the Farmington, Maine Subreddit!**

Hello everyone, and welcome to the official Farmington, Maine subreddit!
This is your go-to place for everything related to our charming town and the University of Maine at Farmington (UMF). Whether you're a resident, student, visitor, or just curious about life in Farmington, we're glad to have you here.

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Feel free to introduce yourself in the comments and share what you love about Farmington. We're excited to build this community together and hear your stories, experiences, and insights.
Welcome aboard, and happy posting!
submitted by Wartickler to FarmingtonME [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:32 Antisocial_girly Questions, Questions, Questions

Questions, Questions, Questions
Question 1: How do I get my baby to eat more frequently? She use to be a little fat ass and ate every 2-3 days consuming 4-7 of whatever I gave her and now she isn’t interested in anything. She’ll go weeks or almost a month without eating but when she does it’s like 1-2 bugs. I’ve tried changing her food (Dubia roaches, crickets, super worms, meal worms) and she’s still not interested. Should I try changing her calcium?
Question 2: Does she look healthy? Other than her not eating as much she seems fine and reacts accordingly when touched and etc she’s never been very active ,doesn’t climb, pretty much sleeps all day (long ass 55gal tank and doesn’t use the space) temps right and so is humidity
Question 3: how tf do I get her stuck shed off her toes?! I’m obviously soaking them in the pics but only a couple came off and this little hoe isn’t used to being handled. Is there any other ways? (Also I have no idea what gender she is I got her at PetSmart and they never told me🙄 but because I haven’t seen any eggs or egg laying behavior since I’ve had her I’m assuming she’s a male) oh also one more thing! I’ve seen people petting their geckos like literal puppy’s and they love it, how do I get her to be like puppy? I need puppy
submitted by Antisocial_girly to leopardgeckos [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:32 ButterflyChance8094 5 Upcoming Milky Way And The Galaxy Girls Bedtime Storys Fan-Made Vids I'm Working On

  1. Milky Way's Nighttime Girlaxy Countdown : Read By Milky Way.
  2. Mungo The Dino Loves Outer Space : Read By Mars.
  3. Bears In Space!! : Read By Jupiter.
  4. Bella The Space Ballerina : Read By Venus.
  5. Rock Out!!! Allen!!!! : Read By Pluto.
The 5 Galaxy Girls, Milky Way, Venus, Jupiter, Pluto, & Mars Will Read You Some Of Your Favorite Space Storys Before Bedtime, Begins On June 7th, & Other Dates
submitted by ButterflyChance8094 to mwatgg [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:31 AlternativeScar8097 AITA For pushing my Dad out of my life after not responding to him for a couple of months?

So a little background; My parents have been divorced since I was like 4 (I’m 17 now) and up until 4th grade I lived with him until my Mom got custody and I’ve lived with her ever since.
Ok so me and my dad used to be inseparable. Like, when I would go back to my moms from my dads I’d cry and I’d hate leaving. But the summer before 6th grade he met a woman and they talked for like a week or 2 before I met her and her daughter (a year younger than me and is spoiled beyond imaginable [keep in mind they’re poor, like I love spam because food stamps is how we paid for food and the dollar store is where we went.])
At first I only had an issue with the daughter because she was just a jerk to me but then things just switched like my dads gf starting blaming me for eating all of the food in the house (I’m overweight), and started blaming me for just a lot of stupid things. Now at this point after she started saying stuff where I could hear it and to my dad but he never did anything to make her stop, it was probably 2019-2020 or so and they have horrible fights that get extremely loud and basically just how you would imagine a loud fight would be lmao
Fast forward until a year ago (last time I saw my dad in person) right after school got out I went to his house and the fighting just got to be too much, I got tired of spending my time WANTING to see him and he’s putting more effort into keeping them than his only blood child and just hearing her make fun of me literally saying things like “he doesn’t need to eat that much, why is he eating so much???” Screaming it where I very obviously heard it
So for the past year I’ve been leaving my dad on opened every time he texted me and one day he threatened that he didn’t raise me to be like this (not talking to him) and that he would track me down if I didn’t respond so I went off on him and basically said the same thing here and how he’s been a deadbeat my whole life, never paid child support, signed things behind me and my parents (mom and step dads) back so he could get free money, and overall just the hell he’s put me and my mom and my sister (half sister, same mom different dads) through. He then said that my feelings were valid and around Christmas he tried to see me one more time telling me he had a gift and that my grandpa was likely dying (he’s a known liar to get what he wants) and I never did because I offered him a day I was free, told him it was finally his turn to come get me and he never showed up and didn’t even text me back when I sent him a message. Found out he blew seeing his only kid for the last time to do some yard work in a white trash trailor homes yard in late Decembeearly January. I eventually got $120 signed from my cousins dropped off by my dad around my birthday and I haven’t heard from him since.
So AITA for telling him I didn’t want him talking to me until he got his life together?
Ps: keep in mind, I love my dad and I believe he loves me. He’s just an alcoholic and needs to get his life together before he continues to make mine worse
submitted by AlternativeScar8097 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:29 Omurice1999 Redoing FOS final year internship (16 MCs) due to B+ grade?

Curious about the frequency of receiving a B+ grade or lower for the FOS final year internship as I am deciding whether to retake my FOS final year internship in life sciences (LSM4299).
I've heard most students typically achieve at least an A- for LSM4299 (Life Sciences Final Year Internship). Despite putting significant effort into my monthly logs, report, and presentation (which constitute 60% of the total grade), I received a B+ grade. I dedicated myself to my internship, often working overtime, and received awards, but had a strained relationship with my supervisor, particularly during the evaluation period. I suspect my grade may have been unfairly influenced. I'm considering whether to retake the module after receiving approval for special consideration to retake the module (obtain IC grade which has no impact on CAP but will need extend 1 sem, delaying graduation). The impact of this on my CAP, which dropped from 4.8+ to 4.6+, as it's worth 16MCs, is significant. This B+ grade is a departure from my usual transcript, where I've never received below an A-. As I'm contemplating studying medicine at DukeNUS after graduation, I'm quite shaken by this outcome.
Has anyone else experienced receiving a B+ grade or lower despite giving their best for LSM4299 or another FOS final year internship?
submitted by Omurice1999 to nus [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:29 Loud_Principle7765 fucked up (hs) gpa + overcompensation

i don't know if this is the right subreddit to post this on.
my gpa is absolutely pathetic (3.2) and i feel like an absolute failure about it.
freshman year i slacked terribly & ruined myself. i'm in my sophomore year and have been getting a's and b's (besides math - final grade c).
but that still isn't enough.
i'm taking 4-5 ap classes next year in hopes to fix this mess i have created.
i'm so scared that i won't get anywhere in life.
i am just an average mess.
submitted by Loud_Principle7765 to education [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:28 ElkPurple9882 Terrible GPA, perfect SAT

demographics: white male, current junior, 1200ish student high school, upper class (700k household income, 12M in assets)
Location: Kalamazoo area, MI
intended majors: biochemical engineering, biochemistry, or organic chemistry
SAT: 1600 (not superscored)
gpa: UW:3.5 W: 4.1 class rank: 42/350ish
coursework: 7 APs (5 chem, 3 physics, awaiting euro, Calc ab, Lang, will take Bio and calc bc next year). 7 college classes (community college: organic chem 1 and 2, 3 computer science classes- Western Michigan university: 2 more chemistry classes, will take next year, haven't decided which ones yet)
ecs: 1. Science olympiad (strong team, placed first or second in our region for past 5 years, top 30 at states)- been a member of both middle school and high school scioly teams, total of 6 years when I graduate 2. Briefly was a member of frc robotics team, but I quickly dropped out because I felt that it wasn't for me (I probably shouldn't include this in apps?) 3. Middle school conservation club 4. Member of our schools fairly competitive marching band for all 4 years of high school
awards: 1. 3rd place in forestry at Michigan state science olympiad state competition 2. 5th place in botany event at Michigan state science olympiad competition 3. Have 20 medals from placing at other (slightly less competitive) science olympiad tournaments 4. Will get more science olympiad awards next year too 5. 2nd place in middle school geography bee in 7th grade
I am one of the only students in my schools history to take ap chem my sophomore year (usually sophomores have to take honors chem, but I tested out of honors to go straight to ap chem)
I started taking college classes my junior year, most of which are generally for 2nd year college students
My gpa kinda sucks because (a) I had mental health issues sophomore year, and (b) because college classes are hard
My parents both grew up to very poor families (trailer parks), and my mom only has an associates and my dad only has a bachelor's. My mom is an executive at a pharmaceutical company and my dad doesn't work except trading stocks.
IDEAL: Vanderbilt, University of Chicago, Stanford, MIT,
BACKUP: university of Michigan
SAFE: WMU, Michigan tech, msu
Open to suggestions as well
Will my perfect SAT help lessen the impact of my crappy GPA?
submitted by ElkPurple9882 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:26 Walrusghoul Do you miss a good ex?

Hey all, Im a male 32 and she is 28. My ex had BPD. We had a good relationship. We both told each other it was our best. I took her to Mexico for a week for my birthday. I planned the whole thing out. Lots of little vacations too. I gave her tons of amazing gifts. She always said I was the best at gift giving. I took her out to eat and cooked for her. I gave her lots of space when she needed it. I listened to her and changed. We did have an abortion (her choice). We even went to couples therapy for months. We had an amazing sex life. The best for both of us. We saw each other a 2-3 times a week. There was lots of humor and love.
But she would cycle into dissociation and isolation and hostility every 4 months. It was almost like clockwork. I didn’t recognize her during these periods. Like a Jeckle Hyde situation. She would totally shut down. Not communicate what she needs, or much at all for that matter. And she would become incredibly hostile. She would push and pull. She’d push me away then other times cry for me to not leave her.
She lives with her dad. Works a job she doesn’t like. Has 1 solid friend. But I tried so hard to help her change her life when she complained about things. I’d take her to coffee shops to work on her resume. I’d clean her room. Etc.
The big problem was she didn’t want to commit to change. The therapist even pointed this out to her. So the cycles of mental illness not only became more intense , but my mental and physical health became worse. By the end I was so physically sick and it was affecting my job.
Her final cycle with me she dissociated so badly I gave her space. She thanked me for it. She told me I was the best boyfriend she ever had. But at the same time she would be hostile to me. I finally after several days asked if we could talk in person for ten minutes . She refused. I asked if we were breaking up. She said “I guess”. I told her she was breaking my heart and I wish she would put some effort into it.
I gave her all her stuff back. I told her all I wanted was for her to be happy. This seemed to really shock her. She commented she was attracted to me and I was the best boyfriend she ever had. She commented she had never had a breakup this pleasant. We laughed we cried. I picked her up and hugged her. I kissed her forehead. I told her she looks great. I asked her if she was seeing someone else or cheating on me. She said no she wasnt. I went back into my home and she sat outside crying for 10 minutes. That was the last time I saw her about a month ago.
The next day she proceeded to text me every single day. Often multiple times a day. I never responded. She would ask to hang out. She would try to drop stuff (packages or snacks) off at my house. She would DM me “im so glad you had fun at that festival” she would like my photos. She would watch every story. I never responded. I was totally heartbroken. I finally told her to please stop contacting me unless she was apologizing or telling me she wanted to change. I reminded her that she had given up on the relationship. I asked her to stop contacting me because I didn’t want to block her.
Then she shifted. About a week or two into post breakup she became reactionary. She would see me living my life on my story and immediately delete all of our photos from her Instagram. My final straw was when she posted a semi nude photo to her on her knees to Instagram with a caption about how she’s worthy, a victim and deserves better etc. I didn’t even see it until my friends at a party told me she was posting about me. I finally blocked her socials. She then texted me that night at 130 AM and only said “you blocked me?”. I had previously asked her to not contact me so I finally blocked her number.
It’s been three weeks now and I’m finally beginning to heal a little. I think she really expected me to beg and chase her. But I couldn’t do that.
My question is : to those with BPD, when you have a good partner and you sudddenly leave them, do you miss them after , regret your choices or feel guilt? Because this whole breakup has me heartbroken and confused. But she totally broke my trust with the way she left me. She never even gave me a reason. I’m in therapy and my therapist says it’s probably bc she didn’t know the reason. I’m also at the gym. I think the breakup was probably for the best. I don’t think I could be back with her. But it was a year and a half of my life. I care for her so much. My trust is shattered. I feel so blindsided.
Thank you all.
Ps I still love her.
submitted by Walrusghoul to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:25 MentalMelons_ Redirected aggression- Looking for advice!

Hi everyone, I’ve seen some posts on this topic but none that quite fit our situation and I’m struggling with what to do! (Older pic of all 3 babies for attention)
We have 3 Cats: Pamela 4F, Teddy 3.5M, and Chicken 3F. We adopted Pam first and at the time had just one other male, Beau, who tragically passed. After we lost Beau we then adopted Teddy and Chicken as a bonded pair. From the day we brought them home, all 3 of these cats have been best friends. They take turns paired up for cuddles and play time, and quite frankly often all 3 of them will be snuggled together. For the first 2 years of having these cats we had absolutely no issues at all. That changed with one single incident. One night Chicken was standing between the floor length curtain of our back door slider and the glass when all of a sudden she started making the crazy low growling/howling sound and hissing. I never saw what she saw that night but the assumption is that she probably saw an animal or other cat. My husband and I didn’t really react right away we just kept our distance. Pamela and Teddy however heard the commotion and with their tails at maximum poof, started slowly inching toward chicken who was still between the curtain. I think what happened next (it was super fast) is Pam or Teddy got close enough that Chicken noticed, and I watched her whip around and the next thing we know all 3 of them are a sprinting tornado of claws, fur, hissing, spitting, and god-awful screaming. They left clumps of fur and blood and someone even peed. My husband and I started doing whatever we could to try and separate them , spraying with water, tossing pillows, yelling, clapping, etc. It wasn’t until I managed to catch Chicken under a blanket and drag her into a different room that they finally slowed down. My husband then grabbed Teddy and put him in the bathroom. It then took us almost a week to reintroduce everyone and have things return to normal. I could not understand how 3 cats that clearly loved each other could suddenly be so hostile and aggressive. Since the initial incident, we have had at least 4 other instances where one of them has spotted something outside (Usually Pamela or Chicken) and started getting aggressive (poofed tail, hissing, and starting to charge or head towards a sibling) Thankfully, we have been able to intervene quickly enough by separating them that it hasn’t escalated as much as that first night.
However, sometimes it’s happened at 3AM, or when I’m in the shower in the other room, and I’m always terrified I’m not going to wake up or react fast enough to separate them. Plus, even though we have prevented it from escalating too much, we still typically have to keep them separated for a while, usually a few hours, and in our current living space this is very difficult. We also live in a wooded area so there is a constant stream of wildlife going by. We also have a baby on the way and so for obvious reasons I’m worried about that as well. I just want my 3 kitties to live happily, and most of the time they do, but does anyone have any other suggestions for how to help this long term?
At this point we are looking to probably cover all of the windows with frosted/stained glass covering. We are currently in a basement apartment and so we would have to cover all windows in their entirety. I hate this option as of course it means we won’t be able to see outside, and I feel bad because they all love to lay in the sun and look at the little animals going by. The problem is we can’t guarantee if/when something big and scary might come along, and unlike what Jackson Galaxy suggests we don’t have a way to prevent them from coming near the house. If this is the route we have to take we will but I’m hoping maybe someone else has a suggestion I haven’t thought of. Open to all ideas and suggestions!
submitted by MentalMelons_ to CatTraining [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:24 ElectricalIce9763 I want my step dad to adopt me but i don’t know how to do it

TW: i will mention very brief child abuse.
I (20f) have not spoken to my biological father in almost ten years now, and for good reason. For a little backstory he was an alcoholic who would physically and emotionally abuse me, my younger brother, and my mum. My younger sister was a bit too young to be physically hurt, but she witnessed everything else. My step dad has been around for maybe 6/7 i want to say, and my mum and him are getting married this year. They have a son together (he’s 4) and i love him to death. We all live together. It’s me (20f), my brother (18), my sister (14), and then our “half” brother (4), but i don’t call him my half brother, he’s my brother, and dog and a cat. I have essentially never have a dad in my life. Even when my bio dad was present he wasn’t exactly “parenting”, he was just some guy that lived with us, stole money from us (would take my birthday/christmas money to buy booze), and would get drunk and hurt us physically and mentally. My grampa was the closest thing i had to a dad, and him and my granny took my family in when my parents officially split up for good in like 2014. We lived there for six months until my bio dad moved out of our house, and had kindly destroyed it for us moving back in. So my lovely mum done it all up for us so her children weren’t moving back into a house that was falling apart. Nothing good ever came from my bio dad. Just pain. When my grampa passed away i think i was lost not having a father figure in my life. My dad was a horrible man, and my grampa was the sweetest and best man i ever knew, but in the end i couldn’t have either of them for very long. (I’m glad i didn’t have my bio dad for long.) When i first met me to-be step dad, i was about 13/14 and could hardly understand him because he had a very thick English accent, and we’re Scottish. We bonded well though. Over the years I’ve realised just how different he is from my bio dad. He’s never hit us. Doesn’t raise his voice unless it’s to do a little strict parenting with my sister lol, and goes out his way to help us. For example, when i used to take the bus to work then walk about 15 mins, i realised i forgot to take my medication and i called him asking to bring it to me. I remember being so nervous thinking he’d get mad at me or put me down, but instead he said “yeah ok, I’ll be down in about an hour love.” and it really struck me then how it should be. Another example is where he came up with the idea of splitting the money to help me buy my first ever car. At first, i was just saving up myself. My family isn’t made of money and everything we have, we have worked hard for. So i didn’t mind that much. When they told me they had got me the car (which i would pay half for, then pay them their half back) i bawled my eyes out because i was so grateful, but also happy that i now have a happy family too. Another thing is that in the house we lived in (the one i grew up in with my bio dad and family), it was only a three bedroom and i roomed with my sister, my brother had his own, and my youngest brother roomed with my parents (mum and step dad). Both my mum and step dad worked their asses off to get a new house, and my step dads reasoning was “A needs her own space” because i was 18 going on nineteen and had plans to go to uni. They succeeded! I now have a lovely room to myself that i can do whatever i want with and have space to study! Nothing like this would have EVER happened if my bio dad was still around. I love my step dad. I would genuinely like to be his legal daughter… as I’ve never had something like that before. Not even with my bio dad when he was present. The thing is, because I’m 20 years old, I’m not too sure how to do this. I’ve done a little research online that said that people over 18 can’t get adopted, but there’s something like a legal parent thing he could sign instead?? Could anyone maybe in a similar position/knows people who have done this/just knows about the subject give me some advice please? I would like to have this for my birthday in October, but I’m not fussy as to when that will happen!
TLDR: I’m 20 years old and from Scotland, and want my step dad to be my legal dad and don’t know how to do it :/
Thank you for reading this ❤️❤️❤️
submitted by ElectricalIce9763 to family [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:22 PureChange1894 [WTS] Pennies and Nickels plus Foreign and Ancient

Proof .

Album - more/closer pictures of everything are in here. Check for toning, condition, etc. Any hand written 'grades' are someone else's opinion. If you need more pictures than what's in here, Please let me know!
Chat please!

1966 and 1967 SMS sets $10 each
248 Loose Buffalo nickels - Random grab 50 cents each or all for $80.
109 Indian Head pennies - Random grab for $1 each or all for $85
Teens and Twenties Wheat pennies 50 for $12
Nice Pennies $4.50 for 50
19x 1963 Jefferson nickels $5 for all
9 V nickels (including 1895) $5
6 Widow's Mite and Widow's Mite-like fragments $6 each or all for $33
4 coins from Greece $15

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2024.06.05 03:22 ocolly Cowboys' season ends following 4-2 loss to Florida behind little efforts from offense, pitching staff

Cowboys' season ends following 4-2 loss to Florida behind little efforts from offense, pitching staff submitted by ocolly to ocollysports [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:20 Wassassso Well i just wanna tell my story cause i feel like i need to

Hi I'm Peter 19yrs old and lets get straight to the point things didn't go well let me explain it when my mother died life was not easy like literally not easy but i was 14 when i started thinking about ending my life my family didn't want me they don't care if i cry they don't care what happens to me when i was grade 9 i got threatened by a knife almost got stolen but when i head back to my grandmothers office since she was a business woman she didn't give a sh8 and when i called my sister and we both cried while i was explaining to her my grandmother said JAN CGE OG PAMALITA JAN ( with a angry tone) which means he didn't like me spreading the information like he was associated to ANYWAYS I CUT myself that time i hid it with long sleeves so they wouldn't Know SOOOO for the past 4yrs i reached Collage and for that oast 4yrs it Was the same shithole that i've experienced but not it got a little better cause i learned not to care but that's when my overthinking and easily gets attached mind started coming i met this very cute guy he was my classmate or my class buddy at that time we would always hangout go home always together gove answers together and even eat lunch together until when we we're drinking i confessed it to him that i had a crush on him and from that very moment he started avoiding me replaced me with a girl which is my classmate they would always hang like we used to do at that i was so mixed with emotions i was like should i be happy that he is,happy with her, DID I DO Something TO HIM?, was it the confession that i confused to him? so what i did i let it be and when i keep coming home only a dog would greet me we are a family of 4 families living on 1 roof well not my family my father and my brother we have a small house but anyways not even a single greeting from them or glad that i came home only a dog i was depressed cause it feels like its the same day and no one gives a sh8 about me broken heart, depressed, alone, overthinking, And also Not worthy, why not worthy i was thinking calling my self not worthy since i did try to have some friends but it seems no one gives a sh8 so i accepted to be alone and for that i attempted i fucking attempted to end myself because it was too much what's on my mind is that if no one gives a sh8 about me then is there any hope for me to live not evn my father would protect me from all this sh8 but i attempted i grabbed my blanket tied it and was ready to do it and i didn't even think it was really but flashbacks do happend when your in the brink of death i was thinking what would happend if i die?? Would anyone be sad for me that i died? Would anyone CARE? And for that i jumped i was hanging i was struggling but luckily the wood that i tied broke and fell from the 2nd floor and my father noticed it and asked me what happened? And i just said while gasping for air *i fell from the stairs sooo moving forwards thins was quite the same getting jealous, alone HAHAHA my life is great really great and that's when i dropped out HAHAHHAHA i DROOPED ot cause we don't have money so another reason to be depressed and when i Found a job i was not happy but i was glad that i found a high paying job with my current situation i was making money minding my business and everything things did actually took a right turn everything was perfect until i turned 19 i was surprised that after my birthday 2 months later i started wanted to experience love soo what i did is i installed a dating app called grindr and things went fine i love chatting with everyone the regulations of getting blocked everytime and thats fine by me actually but when i was asked for sex for the first time i didn't think twice i was ready to go to him not until i hesitated to go because i overthink that what if something will happend to me? I mean not just sex so what i did was I blocked him on every social platform and never talked or saw him again so moving on i was sad that i didn't go but i continued searching in the dating up a few days later what if i pay someone to have sex with me? So i was paying random people i can just go and have safe intercourse lmao but i only did sulks and blows not really sex Not until i met him (J) we talked and he offered me and agreed with the highest price and services he could offer but i didn't hesitate this time i don't know why but when i actually met him things go as usual we met we talked and we did lmao but anyways there is something about him he was understanding he is good at understanding while we were talking soo i asked him if can standby and he said yes i can and i started hangout with his place talks and everything had sex for free lmao but as time go fly what's hard for me i developed a feelings for him it's like he is the only that actually understands me no one gave me this kind of treatment other than HIM? So its been 4 weeks since we started hanging out but he has other known gay and bi people so i overthink mostly they sleep on his place flirt with him and i was bothered A Lot like a lot i can't say it to him cause i don't have the right to say it cause he isn't my boyfriend but while i was overthinking i didn't like it CAUSE AT THAT DAY PROBLEMA KEEPS stacking up family issues, Job problems, Relationship with my family and now this? While I'm still fighting to keep myself from falling into the void where no one would ever see me again but on may 28 2024 i tried it again but this time always hesitated but i found old syrups that are now like harmful very harmful to us i knew this cause there was a description called do not consumed obviously it was for walls amd it was old also soo i attempted to take it and obviously i didn't i was thinking of him i want to see him again it's like he is saving me from death himself so i vowed myself when we start to depart from ach other i will no longer hesitate ...
submitted by Wassassso to phlgbt [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:18 Alfiechild My parents went from successful and functional to struggling and it’s breaking my heart. Please help.

My mom is 76 and dad is 70. They have been together over 30 years. Its just me (34F) and my sister (36) and her husband in our family. My dad was a rocket scientist for his whole career and my mom was a first grade teacher for 30 years. They have always been the best people I know and are currently paying for my housing while I attend law school. I love them to bits. But ever since my dad lost his job in 2013 he has been struggling. He hoards and its fotten worse since his mom died in 2018. My mom has adhd so she isnt the best with clutter either. Their house is a mess. My dad’s anger has gotten worse and he screams and yells at my mom and anyone else who talks to him. This Christmas it was so bad we put him on Zoloft, which helped a little but he still struggles.
So they have RV and were hired as camp hosts for the summer at a campground in Colorado. They were so excited for it. Today they texted me to let me know they were fired. My dad got into an argument after going to the bar, coming back “buzzed” (according to him) and trying to park the rv next to a couple. The couple started trying to guide him into his space so he didn’t hit them and he yelled at them. My dad gets really overwhelmed easily, is not easy to talk to and is irrational. He talks over people and interrupts. He is an immigrant from Sweden but I don’t think it’s cultural. The couple reported him to management saying he made them feel unsafe. Management moved them to a different spot and then fired them today. This is the second campground they have been fired from, and they are really upset about it.
I don’t know what to do. Dad goes to therapy, they both do but they are still having trouble. My mom provokes him by saying something and he flies off the handle. It’s really breaking my heart to see them struggling like this and I don’t know how to help them. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Tldr: my dads anger is ruining his life. He is on meds and in therapy and its not working. How do I help him?
submitted by Alfiechild to AgingParents [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:18 c1j0c3 How to discern between adhd and autism?

I know Im ND, Im diagnosed with ADHD, combined presentation, and have always resonated strongly with the criteria, but I’ve always just had really significant struggles with executive function and general life management and have always chalked it up to really really bad adhd. recently I’ve been thinking more seriously about autism, which I’ve considered for years. I don’t have the resources to seek a diagnosis currently so I wanted to ask here if y’all had any insight on distinguishing between adhd and autism. The biggest thing for me is that I’ve always had friends and have been received well socially. There are certain aspects of social interaction that I struggle with though, so I wanted to ask if these sounded familiar or could be enough for me to self diagnose. It’s really hard for me to tell between the adhd and autism and I just don’t know if my struggles are real enough to truly consider myself autistic from here on out. I’m just gonna list the things that I’ve observed in myself recently as a whole. I’m 21f.
I am so sorry for how long this was!!!
submitted by c1j0c3 to aspergirls [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:17 JAM_Passive SUAR Review

I've just finished SUAR and wanted to leave my thoughts on how it's affected me.
Chapter 1 does a great job of establishing who the experts are and giving their credentials. So. Many. Credentials. Also sets up what the rest of the book will be about in TFVooDoo's classic, storytelling way. Definitely got me excited to keep reading.
Chapters 2, 3, and 4 provide factual information with sources after just about every claim. Goes into the science behind the exercises, relates them to actual events within SFAS, and even gives possible (not necessarily recommended) alternatives for some of them. These chapters ensured I know this is going to be a careful and long process. I've followed workout plans before (one of which the man himself beat my ass about), and they've never included me actually tracking this stuff. Just get in the gym, drink some water, eat, and that's it. They were never measured. Not to mention mobility and flexibility were never part of them.
Chapter 5 really brought to me the difference between unprocessed and processed food, as well as cutting through some traps of fad diets. The protein and hydration intake were very insightful, and I also like his awareness of sub-optimal places for food such as on campus or DFACs. I did find the bit about alcohol entertaining and also validating. I can't stand the taste of alcohol, much less the effects, so no problems from me there. Something else I found personally amusing was the phrase "You can't out-train a bad diet." When I was deployed, I overhead one of the Marine Raiders talking w/ the Navy CPO that was in charge of my team about fitness, workouts, diets, and he said verbatim, the same exact thing. Idk, if a GB and a Raider both said the same thing, maybe there's some merit to it.
Chapter 6 covers the one thing I have the least trouble with. I'm actually pretty good about getting 7-8 hours of sleep. Usually 9-10 on weekends. The only time's that really changes is whenever I have drill or other Army stuff to do, and even then it's rare. Little things like ensuring you get some sunlight, setting the mood for bed, limiting device usage, and even noise and temperature were all very detailed. Another validating thing here is already did a lot of what the book talks about here. My setup for just my bed is a memory foam mattress and pillow, and a memory foam & down alternative body pillow. I got that set up last month and have never slept better in my life. Minor rant since I mentioned the sunlight thing: I despise the sun. We've all got something weird about us. TFVooDoo's is his foot fetish, and mine is how much I despise the sun. I'd destroy it if I had the means. That's my real why. I'm gonna be a Green Beret so I can destroy the sun.
Chapter, fucking, 7. This chapter, took me 2 days to get through. It's a really long technical essay, and I caught myself too many times just floating through it without actually trying to understand it. So I went back and re-read it evert time I did that. I am very much looking forward to the mental exercises, and I like very much how each little section relates to what an SFAS candidate should have. Very surprising to me were the sections on empathy. I was not expecting this book to have anything like that AT ALL. It also did something very important, which was show me I have the ability and agency to make myself better up in the noggin and in my personality. I'm an introverted guy by nature, and something I'm always concerned about is my social batter. In my normal life, when that runs out, I can usually just leave or go somewhere by my lonesome to recharge for a bit. That doesn't look to be a good option at SFAS, so the mental resiliency building in this chapter will be very helpful to me.
Chapter 8. Not much to say, they're skills. I'll have to find somewhere to practice rope climbing. That's something I was able to muscle my way through in Basic. I don't intend to do that again. I need to learn technique. Few thing in here I've never heard of, should be fun to do on those rest days.
Chapter 9 was a good review for me of something I actually did do on TFVooDoo's advice: writing. I did write down my workouts, what I ate, how long I slept, how I felt physically/mentally, and even the time's I did or felt those things. Let me tell you, it is a BITCH to see your fuck-ups looking back at you in blue ink. But it is good to see progress made, and better decision-making.
Chapter 10, the last one. The Perfect Week Day 5 example is fucked up. The quality of sleep scale isn't there, the "M" on Mobility is missing, the entire row on Deadlift is missing, numbers and all. Squat and OHP are missing the lines under the numbers, the Nutrition box is black (I can say that) save for the gray calorie numbers, and "RESEARCH" got bisected. 7/10, too much water. It's one page, and it's an example page, so joking aside, I like it. Numbers look high, but I've been a professional week boy my entire life, so of course scary numbers look scary. Straightforward, I like the prompts, the summaries, the overviews, and the messages at the beginning and end of each week.
One of the same praises I have for SUAR and RUSU is the stories between chapters. I love them. They break up the seriousness of each chapter and make me want to keep going.
Something this book did for me, and I'm not sure if it's because of SUAR specifically or if it's just because it's A physical book, but it made me realize how little I actually read books these days. Especially physical ones. I used to read all the time as a kid. It was actually something I was bullied for funnily enough. Then somewhere in high school I stopped, and just went to play on my phone. The only book I've been reading recently is Lingua Latina per se Illustrata, and I don't even have a physical copy of that, I'm using Kindle to read it. Having a physical book in my hands is nice. I have to pay attention to it. So if nothing else, I've been reminded of the joys of reading a book, particularly a physical one. That being said, the reading list looks... long to say the least. But it's sure to keep me occupied for a while. I'll get through all but one of 'em. Given the language I'm already learning, I'm going to start with "SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome - Mary Beard"
Now for the suggestions seeking part. The biggest issue for me is going to be nutrition. Looking through my kitchen today, I got eggs, bacon, yogurt, bread, Chef Boyardee spaghetti & meatballs, cream cheese, PB&J, waffles and syrup, some meat lovers breakfast bowls, hot pockets, some beef patties, and some chicken patties. The Jamaican ones, not burger ones. I've got fam coming this week so most of that's gonna be eaten by my brother. Dude can down a truck. So, with all the space my fridge will suddenly have, I'll be out grocery shopping. There's a whole foods market near me I can go to. What suggestions do you lads and lasses have for a 5'9" ≈145lbs guy on what I ought to be getting when I go shopping? Or if you've just got meal suggestions, I'll go find recipes and learn to make it. Much appreciated, thanks for coming to my TED Talks.
submitted by JAM_Passive to greenberets [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:17 OkGarage4656 What are the biggest problems you face as a digital nomad?

I’ve encountered the following issues since becoming a digital nomad:
1.Timezone Alignment
I work primarily for companies in the U.S as a contractor. I don’t live taking late night meetings. Since I tend to work 8-5 it means I feel like I’m on call at all times, since I don’t want to leave important slack messages left unanswered for long periods of time.
  1. Fitness
Staying fit is extremely hard. This is primarily due to my desire to explore the new city and culture. The food I eat isn’t always healthy, and some places it’s hard to find a decent gym.
I run, but it doesn’t seem like it’s enough.
I also tend to go out for others for a beer, which ends up being a lot when I meet new people coming in and out of my coliving space.
  1. Bed
I don’t travel with pillows. Maybe I should, but sometimes I find pillows to be too small on beds or the beds themselves to be inconsistent. Higher end places tend to be a bit better for this.
  1. Friends
Short term friends are easy to make. Longer term friends are much harder to meet.
submitted by OkGarage4656 to digitalnomad [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 03:17 ProcedurePretend1496 I’m at work mentally going thru it😂

Basically I met this lil Jawn at my job & we been fucking around for like 3 months she was in a 4 yr relationship and put up with a lot within those yrs but they been separated fa almost a yr so long story short she wanted me to take shit slow because she was scared so she calling me bae and initiating that she want kisses & shit so that there made me move a lil more intimate fast forward she went to the beach with me for my 21st & then we fucked & after that shit just got even more intimate than it already was I met her parents & we’re doing relationship shit I’m telling her everything about me & all types of shit just for her to tell me that we’re moving to fast for where her head is & she wants sum space because she still dealing with shit mentally from her last relationship so she just wants me to treat her like a friend for rn she don’t wanna stop talking or nun & that shit really got me confused she claim she not playing wit me but I’m overthinking like shit at work😂
submitted by ProcedurePretend1496 to TheCapitalLink [link] [comments]
