Droid 2 farmville

FarmVille 2

2012.09.06 03:46 tustin25 FarmVille 2

This is the unofficial subreddit for the FarmVille 2 community. FarmVille 2 is a free, agriculture-simulation Facebook game developed by Zynga.

2015.05.14 23:55 Droid Turbo 2

Verizon Droid Turbo 2

2017.12.03 08:44 Xrmbxyz /r/NewPipe: a subreddit for discussing features and more about NewPipe

A libre lightweight YouTube, SoundCloud, MediaCCC, PeerTube and Bandcamp streaming frontend for Android. https://newpipe.net/

2024.06.04 20:34 Totenkopf22 Under Siege Open Groups?

I'm the Imperial and about to run Under Siege. The Rebels are Shyla, Drokkatta, Diala, and Loku. They earned Han Solo in the previous mission, but I'm unsure if they will bring him. I just purchased Assault Armor. I get 2 open groups and I'm thinking Death Troopers as one but unsure about the other. I'm thinking either ISB Infiltrators, Sentry Droids, Riot Troopers, or maybe Heavy Stormtroopers. Whatever the second group is will be the group that spawns inside on the red point. What are your thoughts? Any strategy tips are welcome as well.
submitted by Totenkopf22 to ImperialAssaultTMG [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:53 Realistic-Job-309 Seraphic pistol

Seraphic pistol
This shit took forevery to drop. Is it hard drop?
submitted by Realistic-Job-309 to AQW [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:37 SquirrelMaleficent54 [Scena PS4] Rilasciato DroidPPPwn v1.2.1

[Scena PS4] Rilasciato DroidPPPwn v1.2.1 submitted by SquirrelMaleficent54 to BiteYourConsole [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 19:37 SquirrelMaleficent54 [Scena PS4] Rilasciato DroidPPPwn v1.2.1

[Scena PS4] Rilasciato DroidPPPwn v1.2.1 submitted by SquirrelMaleficent54 to u/SquirrelMaleficent54 [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 18:22 bicyclemom Wahoo Bolt V2, Android debug mode with latest firmware

I see that DC Rainmaker has a nice video showing how to capture your screen on the Wahoo Roam. I'm hoping this will work for me for the Bolt as it would make a nice edit for my bike tour video.
Anywho, I'm using a Macbook Pro with M3 chip for my editing, and I'm stuck at the part where I connect up my Wahoo and use Android File Transfer (or adb, MacDroid, or similar).
To do this, I would need to put the Bolt V2 into debug mode, but the original hold down the power + up + down buttons doesn't seem to work for me.
Does this still work with the latest firmware on Wahoo? Is there a recent (authored within the last 2 months) step-by-step description on how to do this somewhere?
submitted by bicyclemom to wahoofitness [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:49 Engletroll Phase world

The ship dropped out of lightspeed ten lightyears from the destination. Captain Kustin stood up and looked out of the viewport of his ship. The crew was on edge, their anxiety palpable. They were less than five light years away from sector 3278. The vanishing sector. The tension in the air was thick, as they were all there to try to uncover the chilling mystery of why ships vanished if they entered that sector. The Galactic Union had sponsored him because they would not pay out any insurance. For all intents and purposes, this was a perilous mission, a potential suicide mission. Everybody who looked at sector 3278 could see the solar system that was supposed to be there, and three of the moons around the planet were within the habitat zone. The most likely candidate was the third planet. There had even been some signals coming from the zone. Old reports even mention life. Outside, he could see the star of sector 3277; there was a fully automated satellite station in orbit around one of the planets. It was simple there to send out a warning signal to any craft nearing the area and to record any incidents. He turned to his second in command. “Patch into the satellite and link up with it. If we vanish here, then at least somebody will get our data.” His second-in-command, Clata, nodded and linked them up. Then Kustin addressed his crew; there were only ten, and most of them Shusan liked him. Green-skinned humanoids with black or brown hair and slightly pointed ears. He took a deep breath before he spoke. “We have arrived at our destination. This is it. We will either discover the secrets or, like all who came before us, vanish. So, if you have second thoughts, then you have one last chance. You can be transported to the satellite, put in suspended animation, and wait for pickup. They have a checkup coming around every five-standard year. Or if we are lucky, we will pick you up on the way home from a successful mission. But if you are still brave and curious about solving this mystery, then confirm your place, and we can start this mission.” He looked at his console as his whole crew confirmed their place. He could not help feeling proud of them as he turned his attention to the outside again. “Take us to the edge of the safe zone, port-facing sector 3278!”
“Aye, captain!” The pilot quickly maneuvered the craft into position.
“We are in position Sir!”
“Good launch probe. Destination 3.5 lightyears from target.”
“Launching probe!”
He watched as one of his ten very expensive probes launched from the small hanger. He had ten of them and fully expected to lose them all in this undertaking. It jumped into lightspeed, and within minutes, they got a reply ping. It had not vanished. “So far so good. Launch second probe destination 3.4 light years from the target.”
The second probe was launched, and the result was the same again, so he ordered another probe and continued until he had sent all ten. The last probe is 2.5 light years from the target.
“I guess it’s safe to travel that close. Take us to 2.6 light years from Target and send the droids except number ten to that location for pickup and refueling.”
He knew this was a long and tedious way to approach the sector, but he didn’t want to take unnecessary risks. When the drones were collected and refueled, they started the process again. He was almost half asleep as they sent the drone for the one light-year distant mark. First, it sent back its signal, and then it just vanished. The whole bridge went quiet.
“One light year! That was one light year. Send two more, a distance of 500 km behind and in front of the last known position of the last probe.”
The order was carried out quickly and silently. The anticipation was high, and everybody eagerly watched the screens. The first drone stopped five hundred km behind the last droid. The signal was strong and steady. The second droid vanished as it reached the point of the last droid.
“Yes! We have found it. Send one more five km before vanishing point!”
The drone was launched and arrived safely as it sent back strong signals.
He took a deep breath. He had lost two drones now. “Okay, slow and steady, move us to the 500 km mark and send the reminding drones between the five and five hundred mark. We need to secure a route. “
The ships moved in, and they kept testing the area for the rest of the day. It was repetitive work, but it had to be done. When they finished, they were safely two kilometers from the vanishing point. It was getting quite clear that the vanishment point was at 1.0006 lightyears from the star at sector 3278.
“So, what do you think? We have successfully discovered the safe distance from the vanishing sector.” He looked at Clata, who was bringing him a hot cup of Chino while sipping on her own. “This alone is a great discovery. The scans and tries indicating it’s a sphere-like field. Most likely artificial. “
As she spoke, a beep on the screen alerted them to the latest report from the drones. It had mapped the whole safe zone of the sector, and it simply confirmed Clata’s words.”
“So, we are talking about a shield, then?” He looked at the data as it filled up the screen. “No, not a shield. You can't return once you pass it. It's even stranger than a black hole as it completely cancels any signals. Okay, I got an idea. We link two drones with a 10-kilometer line. If it vanishes to somewhere, then perhaps the feed will still follow the physical line.”
“I don’t think it will work, but it will give us more reading on the shield. Let's try it.”
The drones were prepared and then sent off. They watched intently as the first drone passed the vanishing point and disappeared. The second drone stopped and held its position. They both just stared at the screen. They had live feed. They could see the other side. It was an empty system; there was nothing except a single star, and then it picked up something. There was something else there. There was a ship, and it was approaching. It looked like a giant circular saucer. It stopped near the drone, and for a few minutes, everybody was holding their breath. Whoever this was had the power to transport the drone from one place to another place in the universe. Then, the ship followed the line and emerged in front of them. It was only then that Kustin realized just how big that ship was. He would guess it had a diameter of 15 km. The ship hung silently in front of them.
“They are scanning us, Sir!” Forn-na called out with a scared voice as he watched his screens, it was showing him that his firewalls did nothing to stop the scan.
“We are being hailed, sir!” They all looked at Forn-na as he stared surprised at the screen. “In our language, sir. Their scans must have copied our translator.”
Kustin had to remind himself to close his mouth as he almost spilt his Chino in his hand. “Put them through.”
They looked at the screen, and a pale humanoid dressed in a grey uniform appeared. The person seemed to be a male with short brown hair and blue eyes. He smiled with a closed mouth before speaking.
“Greetings, captain Kustin. I am Commander Hansen. May I ask what you are doing here? Your ship is in no condition to venture further into the shield, and you didn’t send any request for entrance.”
“A.. what? how did.. you scan us.. ohh? “He finally managed to clear his thoughts. “We are a scientific team investigating the phenomenon of the vanishing sector. “
“Investigating? You mean our shield? We were very clear about this when we last spoke with the galactic republic.”
“Galactic republic? I am part of the Galactic Union; the republic was defeated about three hundred years ago by the 7th fleet. The left after they destroyed the Republic.”
“7th fleet? “The human seemed confused. “Excuse me one moment.” The human turned slightly as and spoke in a language that was not translated. He must have gotten a reply since he picked up a pad that he quickly read from.
“7th fleet? From what species?”
“We don’t know. They called themselves the 7th Fleet of Dirt. They made a surprise attack on the Galactic Republic. They obliterated the space station holding the Senate and made some strange claims or did not follow them. Their weapon left no trace of the space station. All the leaders as well as the government was lost during that attack as they attacked during the inauguration of the new president. “
The human stroked his neck slightly embarrassed. “It was the 7th fleet of Earth, and we had no idea that was the result. We sent the fleet to stop them raiding our colonies, but we told them we were still open to trade; We didn’t know we destroyed the whole republic. We were told it was a trade hub of slavers. Well according to our historical records that is. That’s would explain why nobody has come through this way since. We thought they just didn’t want to trade and we mostly traded with the Nextun empire.”
Captain Kustin looked at the human in shock before gathering his wits. “Well, to be honest, it also was a trade hub for slaves, among others, but are you saying this vanishing wall is human made?”
The human smiled now. “Yes, it’s a phase wall. It will transport anybody who passes through to a different dimension—an empty one, with no life and just stars. It prevents anybody from approaching Earth without our permission. It's one of the few things that the nations can agree on. If you want to trade, you have to go through our space station. I can send you the location if you want?”
Captain looked at his crew as if they just solved the mystery and were about to open trade with a new species; he turned back to the human. “Yes, please. That would be very appreciated.” His communicator officer gave him a silent thumbs-up as he received the location.
“Just out of curiosity, what would have happened if we crossed this shield? Would we be stuck there forever?”
The human shrugged. “That depends; those who attack us will simply be sent to what we call the hellfire dimension, a universe that consists of one giant star. Those who are peaceful will be escorted out, though many have requested to be escorted to other dimensions. “
“Other dimensions? What do you mean?”
“That’s what the Phase wall is. An open dimension gate. As you probably know all dimensions spring out from one universe, but when massive events happen, they split into several new dimensions with different results. There is a dimension where the Galactic Republic was not defeated and crushed humanity, one where we broke for peace, and both exist and probably one where we still fight. So many are tempted to try out another dimension. We give them a year in said new dimension before we close the gate. Most are happy with where they go. The most popular is a universe without a species you call Corthan. I think that’s the name. We call them Xenomorphs.”
Captain Kustin thought about it. That was tempting, but he had to bring the news back home first. “Thank you for the information. We will fly to your coordination now. We would love to learn more about you and your people.”
The Human smiled “It has been my pleasure. Oh, by the way, I will send over the drone you sent through now. No point in having them litter our empty phase world.”
Captain Kustin watched as the lost drones flew back towards the ship and parked in the hangar, and he could not help but wonder just how advanced these humans were. They must have gone into dimension with much more advanced tech and stolen it. With this phase world technology, they would have access to all the universe's technology.
submitted by Engletroll to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:19 Murky_waterLLC Crash Course: to the Stars! Chapter 1 Part 3

[Prelude] [Previous] [Next]
Dialog Key:
[Translated]: Dates, Units of Measurement, or other Grammatical terms will be retrofitted to be legible for readers while still staying true to their definition
{Exposition}: Immediate context regarding events, People, Entities, or other key points that allow for understanding amongst different cultures.
...His ocular HUD translated the alien dialect as he continued through the stronghold. The hired guns were too slow to react to his bionic reflexes, so resistance was manageable… at least until Axel reached the Hydroponics bay. He moved through the open airlock and into the admittedly well-kept hydroponics bay. He was suspended at least two stories above the ground floor as alien trees reached up and brushed against the reinforced glass of the greenhouse.
Metal walkways stretched and weaved in between the trees and hanging pots and plants, suspended on metal platforms just below designated watering systems. Vibrant fruits broke up the green and brown of the rest of the greenhouse.
“Vizor, I’m at the Greenhouse, this place is massive, I can see twenty different exits just from where I’m standing.”
“Alright, Cypher sends his regards. See that yellow door in the ceiling?”
“With the ladder, access is on your level.”
“That’s your ticket.”
“Right, than- SHIT!”
A smoldering hole appeared in the grated, suspended walkway just in front of him, revealing another squad of assaulting security drones on the platform below, all armed with high-powered rifles.
“Ghost? Talk to me, buddy…”
“Talking. Nearly had a remote rectal examination there.”
Axel said, shooting back through the grating at the droids down below, some shots hitting and sparking off their armor, but only causing more claps of shotgun rounds to echo through the chamber, specifically in his direction. He slid across the grated floor and took cover around the canopy of a tree to regain his bearings.
“Pardon?” Vizor asked.
“...Ghost, focus.”
“Right, I was nearly tagged by four of Haden’s drones, they were ready for me.”
“I could really use some backup right now.”
“I’m sure you could soldier boy, so could I, honestly. You know it's not easy for me to be in these mile-long coffins.”
Axel sighed.
“Guess we’ll both have to suck it up then.”
“Guess we will.”
Axel pulled another bionic ray-caster out of his pocket and rolled it out into the open. His ocular HUD lit up once more, showing the exact locations of the converging and flanking droids. There were five of them, all below, and several unarmed gardener drones hovering about, oblivious to the warzone around them.
Suddenly, the drones started firing again, not at Axel, but at the wired suspension that held up the platform segment he stood on. One by one the wires snapped, and by the time Axel realized their plan it was far too late to act. That didn’t stop him from trying to capitalize on the droid’s fixed attention.
He rounded the trunk of the tree and opened fire through the metal grating, focusing on, if only, one drone. His labors were not for nothing, as his depleted uranium rounds carved through his targeted machine perhaps just enough to stop it from working, though by then both he and the platform were dropping rapidly.
The lower gravity of the asteroid certainly helped, but this base had its own artificial gravity, especially enhanced in the Hydroponics bay to stop the liberal growth of plants in such a confined space. Regardless of the weakened gravity, dropping a full story onto an aluminum railing and then another story onto the dirt of an encased arboretum below still hurt, even for a bionic soldier.
Axel quickly scrambled to his feet and ducked for any kind of cover that he could find. A large, thick tree trunk would have to suffice, he assumed those high-powered shotguns could easily tear through the wood pulp of the tree, but Axel also suspected they were to cause minimal damage to the facility unless unavoidable, so hopefully, these droids wouldn’t just blast his torso out from behind.
Axel then realized he had been separated from his rifle during the fall. He still held his pistol and his HF blade, which would have to do until he could find his assault rifle or get his hands on one of those shotguns which would also be better than nothing.
Two loud thuds behind him resonated through the ground, leaving Axel to guess that two of the four had found it better to assume a level position against him. From personal experience and military strategy, having a vanguard group present to instill pressure supported by back gunners wasn’t an awful plan, and might work if Axel didn’t play his cards right. He glanced over his shoulder to see the outlines of the two droids approaching, weapons trained ahead. This would require some body-blocking to come out of this alive.
With bionically enhanced speed, the Operator twisted around the tree trunk tightly, smacking the long barrel of the shotgun off to his left as the droid fired, taking a nasty chunk out of the tree trunk nearby. Axel slammed the HF blade into the CPU of the droid, splitting it but also giving him a handle to manipulate the now irreparably damaged automaton.
While the droids suspended above fired shots, they weren’t the primary concern for Axel, as the still-operational droid next to him had a much clearer shot. While it wasn’t as smooth or clean as Axel had hoped, it nonetheless proved effective when Axel slammed the Droid-corpse into its comrade, pushing the shotgun out of trajectory and once again, causing it to misfire into a fish tank, shattering the glass and causing both water and unfortunate alien fauna to pour out onto the floor.
Axel let free his HF blade and snatched the shotgun from the limp droid’s arm, raising it to the chest of its counterpart. Axel pulled the trigger as the droid tried to achieve the target lock once more. Unlike the 8.25 caliber rounds of his HX-82 that would carve small holes in the chassis of these robots, these shotgun rounds seemed to cause a miniature explosion on impact leaving a small, smoldering crater where the machine’s motherboard was.
The operator didn't have time to react to his newfound weapon as his bionics momentarily seized control of his body and thrust him forward into the dirt of the hydroponics bay just as the two machines on the suspended platform unleashed their rounds into where his torso would have been not a second earlier. Still clutching the shotgun, Axel returned fire, one of the concentrated slugs slammed into one of the automona’s shoulder pieces, causing it to stagger but not fall. It was all he needed. The trick with machines was not our shooting, outpowering, or even outrunning them, it was about making as many windows of opportunity as you could, and while machines are as perfect as perfect can be, they are still grounded in reality and take just a few milliseconds to adjust to unexpected variables, of which Axel intended to ruthlessly exploit.
He pulled back the pump on his shotgun and let loose another shot, this time directly into the chest of the same machine before rolling out of the way of another burst of concentrated slag ripped into the ground right where Axel had laid not a half-second before. Without wasting a precious second he repeated his assault, plugging another round into the head of the machine this time before redirecting his last shot into its chest. Both machines crumpled to the floor, having their insides completely liquidated.
Axel discharged the last shell in the weapon before dropping it to the floor and picking up the identical model of the other droid he had turned equally into slag. He would have to talk to his quartermaster about getting one of these things for himself, if he wasn’t fired after this mission, of course. Axel then retrieved both his dropped pistol and HF blade before looking for a way back up to the yellow hatch in the ceiling. Spotting a precariously constructed maintenance scaffolding amongst the greenery, he made his way up to the roof of the greenhouse. Down below he heard the noises of doors opening and the shouting of various tongues from various alien languages.
The Operative risked a glance behind him, his raycaster still suspended on the platform above, focusing on the heat signatures below, no less than six guards of various species had just entered from the ground floor, and as luck would have it they spotted him and quickly snapped their weapons towards him and opened fire. Axel dropped down behind the scaffolding’s solid panels as slugs ricochetted off of the surfaces surrounding him, the aim of these gaurds far less concentrated than that of the machines he had previously fought not several moments ago, but he wasn’t going to try his luck.
Axel contemplated his current arsenal, nothing that could effectively take on the enemy across the hydroponics bay, armed with their own rifles of choice. If only he had his HX rifle, oh well. He could still complete his mission with these weapons, but staying in these wide-open spaces would put him at a disadvantageous position. Axel glanced up at the remaining scaffolding to the ceiling and made the call to jump to the second floor.
Being cybernetically enhanced, Axel was able to easily jump twice his own height and grab onto the panel of the scaffolding as bullets pinged and sparked off of the walls around him as he pulled himself up. Sharp jolts of pain radiated through him as several of the shots struck into his torso and leg. This would likely incapacitate or kill a lesser man, but Axel was no lesser man. As his wounds clotted with vicious efficiency he twisted himself onto his back, shotgun in hand. All he needed was a moment to reach the third story and he’d be through the maintenance shaft.
Axel twisted his rifle the best he could over the base panel and opened fire at the gaurds, even just to get them back into cover. Surprisingly, one of the shots hit a Cynn, not lethally, but enough to send it to the ground with blood spraying their allies. This caused their comrades to soften their fire and duck behind the various potters and thick trees. Perhaps this shotgun had more range than he gave it credit for.
As Axel lunged backward to round the scaffolding ramps, the gunfire continued, a resounding snap of a metal beam and the sudden jolt of the metal structure beneath the Operative told him that his structural support had been compromised and he was about to come crashing down on some potentially harmful debris as a landing pad. He had to act fast as he felt the panel shift underneath him.
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submitted by Murky_waterLLC to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:08 Murky_waterLLC Crash Course: to the Stars! Chapter 1 Part 1

[Prelude] [Next]
Dialog Key:
[Translated]: Dates, Units of Measurement, or other Grammatical terms will be retrofitted to be legible for readers while still staying true to their definition
{Exposition}: Immediate context regarding events, People, Entities, or other key points that allow for understanding amongst different cultures.
“I got eyes on the target.”
“Ghost, do not engage, that is an order.”
“We’re so damn close, you want him to get away?”
“Just wait for my order, Vizor’s approaching position, we can’t have you making any impulsive decisions. Not now.”
“If we wait any longer he’s gone.”
“Cypher’s keeping tabs on him, he’s not going anywhere.”
“Like hell he is, I see him running now!”
“Damn it, Ghost, if you go in now you WILL die.”
“Pretty damn worth it if he goes with me.”
“Ghost, stand down, final warning. I am not unwilling to abort this mission right here and now for your non-compliance.”
“Sorry Colonel, he killed my mom.”
“Damn it, Captain! I will personally see–”
Axel turned off his coms and turned the safety off of his rifle. He was determined to get back at this madman for his crimes against… well… everything really. The Conglomerate had been tracking Dr. Haden for decades now, we couldn’t just simply outlast him as he designed some life-extending synthetic body that would keep him alive for centuries to come, they had to find him and dispatch him as soon as possible. Every second counted, the longer he stayed at large, the more his unspeakable sciences could and would continue to produce.
The Operators of C.E.R.B.E.R.U.S. took a keen interest in him after he nearly shattered all of time and space by attempting to create an Astrotheophanic Engine, which could have easily killed an unspeakable number of people in and out of the galaxy if it were to fail, and it did. Fortunately, that damage was controlled and only a swiftly contained Higgsphere was formed. Additionally, his crimes had encompassed many illegal activities revolving around his techno-cult/crime syndicate, involving the murder of countless people for simply being in his way. It took over 32 years but the Conglomerate had finally managed to find him, hiding in a stronghold on some barren asteroid in the bumfuck middle of nowhere, and Cloaker division was sent in to neutralize him, and Axel would be the one to do it.
Everything was going smoothly until now, so far undetected, Axel made his descent from the maintenance walkway high above the hangar below by extending his clawed synthetic arm to the plasio-steel support beam and digging them in as far as they could go before allowing his weight to pull him down. The grinding metal alerted the mad doctor and his security escort of nine of the Opperator’s presence. Two were Fyronic™ Droids, Aegis-class models, probably a few years old by now with hardy armor but a lack of integrated weaponry, they were the first to react. Three of the rest were Cynn, small mammalians, probably half the height of a Human, but that just made a smaller target. Another three were Ce’davi, they were reptiles but moved like a centipede with their six legs, they were agile but their actions were predictable. The last four were Preene, Honorbound avians that made combat a part of their everyday lives, though their fragile biology made their placement in the military far more focused around subterfuge and recon operations rather than direct military engagement.
As he dropped to the floor Axel took cover behind a conveniently placed cargo container and opened fire on Haden, causing many of his guards to duck or lunge for cover in surprise. Axel saw several bullets pierce through his clothes but ping harmlessly off his target’s synthetic spine and shoulder blades. The scientist dropped to the ground from the force of the ballistics but recovered quickly, rolling back onto his feet and twisting around. Axel caught a glimpse of his face, Haden’s eyes going wide before sprinting off toward the nearest access gate.
The Operator fired several shots after him, all striking prosthetics or bionics, he cursed, Axel would have to get up close to get a good shot. He ducked back behind the container as fire returned from Haden’s guards. Axel pulled a small, metal sphere out of his pouch and rolled it across the hangar floor and hoped the guards wouldn’t notice it, and it seemed as though they didn’t, as his integrated UI began highlighting his enemy’s positions and weapon directions {Axel is currently demonstrating the uses of a Bionic Raycaster, a device that gives their linked user wall hacks}.
Axel looked over his shoulder and saw the outlines of his alien counterparts through the ceramio-metal storage crate he was crouched behind and quickly reacted to a flanking Ce’davi stealthfully wrapping around to his right. Axel twisted his pistol out of its holster and fired a shot just before the Ce’davi could get a clear visual, spraying the reptile’s brains on the concrete wall behind it. ‘The many benefits of cybernetic enhancement’, Axel thought to himself as he holstered his pistol and twisted his rifle into a readying position, and prepared for his next attack.
“One down” He mumbled to himself before twisting the barrel of his gun over the top of the crate and firing. His reflexes and vision significantly augmented, Axel was able to dispatch three more guards that poked their heads and barrels out before being forced back into cover as the two approaching automatons, in all of their durability and fearlessness, returned his favor.
“Four down” He muttered again.
Axel only realized after ducking back that he had been nailed in the shoulder, it wouldn’t be a huge issue, bionic cell replicators and all, but he had to try and be more careful. While his bleeding would stem fairly quickly after being shot, too much blood loss, or too much physical trauma all at once, would bring him down eventually. So he waited, drawing his HF {High-Frequency blade, Designed specifically to cut through refined metals with maximum efficency} dagger from his belt and his handgun once more, waiting for the Automatons to converge. They came around on opposite sides of Axel’s cover, he would have to act with perfect efficiency and dispatch both in quick succession or have his insides turned out.
He picked the one on his left, far more cover from the nearby docked spacecraft, and lunged just a moment before the Droids could round the corner. Axel rammed the HF blade into the chassis of the first droid, splitting its processor in two, its placio-metal armor doing nothing to stop the combined strength of an HF blade and the arms of a bionic soldier. With all of his might, Axel wrenched the bulk of the droid in front of him, still clutching his dagger in one hand while refocusing his pistol with the other. The Second automaton fired just a split-second too late, the slug embedding itself in its now-defeated ally. Undeterred it recalibrated its shot and took aim, but not before Axel pulled the trigger of his own gun, blasting a part of the droid’s head off.
The Machine staggered back but regained its balance, its sensors might be impaired but it was still no less capable of firing at Axel. The Operator moved his head back behind the droid he used as cover as the Machine continued to fire, a bullet whizzing just past his ear. The Machine advanced on him, unable to get a direct visual reading but capable of still detecting his presence. Axel then charged right back, heaving the heavy corpse of the fallen machine and slamming it into its counterpart, causing the hostile droid to stagger. He wrenched his blade free of the destroyed robot and unloaded three rounds point-blank into the Chassis of the Droid who reached out and grabbed the hammer of Axel’s gun, preventing it from firing. No matter how many bionic enhancements he had the Operator couldn’t match the strength of a machine as it twisted his pistol out of his hands and threw it off to the side.
Axel reacted as fast as he could and attempted to drive the blade into the chassis of the machine while one of its arms was busy, however, the droid was ready for him and batted his attack away with the barrel of its gun, as its left arm returned with a vengeance, slamming into his face and sending him to the ground, right next to his assault rifle.
He scrambled to snatch up his weapon and open fire as the machine raised its gun at the now-prone Captain, ready to finish him off. Axel twisted around to find himself staring down the muzzle of a DACL.45. A powerful gunshot rang out as the machine staggered backward again, sparks and slag metal shattering off into different directions. Axel switched from semi-auto to full-auto fire and unleashed a torrent of bullets, reducing the robot's head to slag.
In his adrenaline rush, Axel lept on top of the thing, pressing the barrel of his rifle on it and emptying the rest of his magazine into the chassis of the droid, leaving little more than a gaping hole leading to the placio floor where the motherboard would have been. Axel panted as he dropped his rifle to the floor.
“Take that, Fyronic…” He thought to himself, “...Ain’t taking this soldier’s job any time soon.”
Unfortunatley, Reddit gets buggy every time I try to post anything super long, so Chapters will have to be split up into multiple parts.
submitted by Murky_waterLLC to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:40 VirtualDegree6178 Am I doing the right thing to be gearing up a cls team?

Am I doing the right thing to be gearing up a cls team?
Struggling too much with gas phase 2 so I just went on and randomly decided to do cls team. Haven’t started Han yet due to raid crunch. How good will these guys be at like r3 in normal conquest? Or on defense/attack in gac?
submitted by VirtualDegree6178 to SWGalaxyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:09 Shofeld148 am i the only one who can see Luke Skywalker as a stand-up comedian?

think observational Seinfeld esque humour same whiny voice as well
"whats the deal with the droid policy at Mos Eisley i mean its droid racism and don't get me started on Figrin Dan and the Nodes same material for the last 20 years they only know 2 songs dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun and jazzy inbetween song"
submitted by Shofeld148 to StarWars [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 02:57 EL1T3_SC0UT [US-WI] [H] Many LEGO Star Wars Minifig Lots & Sets [W] PayPal

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/u-el1t3-sc0ut-06-02-2024-r-legomarket-lots-post-1-ISLeo4u
Help us pay for college!
My friend and I are selling a huge inventory of LEGO Star Wars sets and minifigs. They have been played with, but are all in generally very good condition. Sets are all built (one exception) and should be regarded as mostly complete. Any major missing elements, such as side builds, should be immediately obvious in photos.
Comment or PM. Quote for additional shipping costs will be given on top following a completed order.
ALL original minifigs are included with the sets unless otherwise noted. Instructions are included if pictured.
Coming soon in a future post will be a Clone Turbo Tank and Dino Jedi AT TE, plus additional sets and minifig lots. Stay tuned!!
The available lots are as follows: (OBO)
75170 The Phantom - $190
75004 Z-95 Headhunter - $140
75156 Krennic's Imperial Shuttle - $180 (forgot to include Bodhi in first photos, he is included as pictured after)
75179 Kylo Ren's TIE Fighter SEALED - $150 (SOLD)
75172 Y-Wing Starfighter - $55 (no Yeti or Stormie)
75135 Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter - $40 (SOLD)
75175 A-Wing Starfighter - $60
75182 Republic Fighter Tank - $40
75182 Republic Fighter Tank x2 = REPUBLIC THING!! - $70 (missing one Clone Gunner)
75085 Hailfire Droid - $45 (SOLD)
75360 Yoda's Jedi Starfighter - $15
75152 Imperial Assault Hovertank - $50
75204 Sandspeeder - $35
75103 First Order Transporter - $90 (1 FO Stormtrooper missing in photos; will come with 2)
75142 Homing Spider Droid - $70
75100 First Order Snowspeeder - $25 (will include an extra fourth FO Snowtrooper) (SOLD)
75173 Luke's Landspeeder - $20 +C3P0
75149 Resistance X-Wing Fighter - $55
75091 Flash Speeder - $25
576519 Duel on Naboo - $23 (Missing large chunk)
WOLFEpack Special Forces - $270
Chrome Stormtrooper - $40
Clone Trooper 2008 Bundle - $72
Clone Trooper 2005 Bundle - $60
Clone Trooper Battle Pack Bomb Squad Troop Bundle - $40
P1 Clones VS Commando Droid - $40
Agent Kallus Bundle - $50
Airborne BARC Bundle - $35
First Order Army - $21
Mando Battlepack Bundle - $32
Rogue One IMP Battlepack - $30
I will do my best to keep this post updated as frequently as possible. Many of these lots could go quickly.
submitted by EL1T3_SC0UT to Legomarket [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 01:59 Wboy2006 In “The Phantom Menace”. The soundtrack has a song called “Qui-Gon’s noble end”. Spoiling audiences of his death before the movie came out. This is a reference to the fact that “they die now!”

In “The Phantom Menace”. The soundtrack has a song called “Qui-Gon’s noble end”. Spoiling audiences of his death before the movie came out. This is a reference to the fact that “they die now!” submitted by Wboy2006 to shittymoviedetails [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:05 gallen89 The pride of my Star Wars book collection (library post)

The pride of my Star Wars book collection (library post)
It took some doing over the years, but I managed to get all of the Essential Guides (except for the Essential Reader's Guide by Pablo Hidalgo). I rescued 3 of these from a library that was about to mulch them. Outside of just being fun reads, they're really helpful in setting up tabletop campaigns.
submitted by gallen89 to StarWarsEU [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:45 Squidinhk F6 unlocked failing integrity check

F6 unlocked failing integrity check
Hello all
I'm a new F6 user and have just unlocked the stock HyperOS ROM. Google Wallet will not accept any cards activation which I assume is due to being unlocked.
Running play integrity checkers gives the attached results which seems worse than my F3 unlocked on CrDroid 10.5 which only fails 2 levels.
Is there a practical and permanent workaround to this other than locking the stock ROM and staying with HyerOS on Xiaomi's terms? N.B. I do not want to root or use Magisk or such apps.
2nd question is simple but stumped me: is HyperOS UNPEUXM a UK specific EU version?
Thanks in advance for any helpful comments 👍🏻
submitted by Squidinhk to PocoPhones [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 22:21 dizzyapparition My beat-up old Star Wars figures and their desert island discs, DAY #31.

My beat-up old Star Wars figures and their desert island discs, DAY #31.
Medical droid 2-1B suggests this aural elixir of nostalgia-inflected electronica as a general remedy for assorted minor ailments.
submitted by dizzyapparition to Cd_collectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 21:08 Altruistic-Brief-863 My Ugly Eta-Delta7-TCeptor and it's droid pilot N1-G3L

"One of a dizzying number of different “Ugly” configurations, these types of ships are popular with pirates, mercenaries, scavengers, rogue traders, shadow scouts, and other unsavory Outer Rim types for both their dirt-cheap prices and the general availability of replacement (albeit substandard) parts from older generations of ships. Reliability is only a tertiary concern, but a few of these designs are far more sturdy than their outward appearance might otherwise indicate. While Imperial fighters hopelessly outclass them, these craft are more than a match for slow, ungainly tramp freighters that operate far from the relative safety of the star lanes. The model flown by N1-G3L is deceptively deadly, for despite the obvious “cobbled together” appearance common to these types of ships, the base components are very high-quality. The hull and outward appearance are based upon a Kuat Systems Engineering Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor, combined with partial TIE/Interceptor solar panels, the rear fin assembly of a Delta 7 Aethersprite. To this is added the fusion reactor, Navcomp, and sensor jammers from an RZ-1 A-wing, and the solar ionization reactor, targeting computers, shield generators, and passive scanners of a TIE/Defender. The triangle wings and solar ionization reactor of the TIE/Defender have been modified to work with three P-sz9 ion engines newly added to the Ugly Eta-Delta7-TCeptor, which propel the Ugly Eta-Delta7-TCeptor to a speed of 1650 kph. It has proven capable of handling itself in a fight, and no space is wasted on anything trivial like life-support systems, consumables, acceleration compensators, or environmental controls – because N1-G3L is a droid that does not need such superfluous amenities."
Craft: Heavily modified Kuat Systems Engineering Eta-2 Actis-class Interceptor
Type: Custom “Ugly” starfighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 5.5 meters
Skill: Starfighter Piloting: (S) Ugly Eta-Delta7-TCeptor
Crew: 1
Passengers: None
Cost: 212,000 credits (used)(12,000 credits for used hyperdrive ring)
Cargo Capacity: 60 kilograms; .2 cubic meters
Consumables: None
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1 (needs hyperdrive ring)
Hyperdrive Backups: None
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 6D+2
Space: 17
Atmosphere: 575; 1,650km/h
Hull: 2D+1
Shields: 3D
Sensors: Passive: 40/1D Scan: 80/2D Search: 125/3D Focus: 5/4D
Sensor Mask: Yes (1D)
Cloaking Device: No
~Dual Medium Ion Cannons (fire-linked)~ Fire Arc: Front Scale: Starfighter Skill: Starship Gunnery Fire Control: 2D Space Range: 1-3/7/36 Atmosphere Range: 100-300m/700m/3.6km Damage: 4D (ionization only)
~Dual Laser Cannons (fire-linked)~ Fire Arc: Front Scale: Starfighter Skill: Starship Gunnery Fire Control: 2D Space Range: 1-3/12/25 Atmosphere Range: 100-300m/1.2km/2.5km Damage: 5D
"A self-aware (and rather vocal) custom unit created by the now-defunct NOVA-1 corporation (formerly headquartered in the Corporate Sector), this droid is a quirky blend of gruff, sass, and metal angst. Originally conceived as a low-cost competitor to the far more successful line of IG-series droids, the N1 model (as it was known internally) was based upon a surplus IG-100 MagnaGuard chassis and hoped that by combining it with a modified protocol unit, a deadly combination would be created (essentially, a combat droid that could easily insert itself into any number of cultures for clandestine missions). Unfortunately, the programming challenges were too great, and when NOVA-1 engineers couldn’t meet the prototype deadline, investors pulled their support and the company quickly went bankrupt. N1-G3L (nicknamed “Nigel” by the supervising engineers) is believed to be the only surviving prototype; mistakenly sold for scrap when the corporate holdings were liquidated, N1-G3L is unique in that a modified Astromech subroutine was installed to bolster mechanical problem-solving skills that plagued the earlier prototypes (they tended to shoot first when they encountered any mission obstacle – be it a security guard, an innocent bystander, or even a duracrete wall). The design showed some promise, but N1-G3L is not waiting to find out. The droid has even taken the initiative to install some custom upgrades. It has proven an ability to evolve to face the harsh challenges the galaxy presents."
submitted by Altruistic-Brief-863 to legostarwars [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 21:03 Altruistic-Brief-863 My Ugly Eta-Delta7-TCeptor and it's droid pilot N1-G3L.

My Ugly Eta-Delta7-TCeptor and it's droid pilot N1-G3L.
"One of a dizzying number of different “Ugly” configurations, these types of ships are popular with pirates, mercenaries, scavengers, rogue traders, shadow scouts, and other unsavory Outer Rim types for both their dirt-cheap prices and the general availability of replacement (albeit substandard) parts from older generations of ships. Reliability is only a tertiary concern, but a few of these designs are far more sturdy than their outward appearance might otherwise indicate. While Imperial fighters hopelessly outclass them, these craft are more than a match for slow, ungainly tramp freighters that operate far from the relative safety of the star lanes. The model flown by N1-G3L is deceptively deadly, for despite the obvious “cobbled together” appearance common to these types of ships, the base components are very high-quality. The hull and outward appearance are based upon a Kuat Systems Engineering Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor, combined with partial TIE/Interceptor solar panels, the rear fin assembly of a Delta 7 Aethersprite. To this is added the fusion reactor, Navcomp, and sensor jammers from an RZ-1 A-wing, and the solar ionization reactor, targeting computers, shield generators, and passive scanners of a TIE/Defender. The triangle wings and solar ionization reactor of the TIE/Defender have been modified to work with three P-sz9 ion engines newly added to the Ugly Eta-Delta7-TCeptor, which propel the Ugly Eta-Delta7-TCeptor to a speed of 1650 kph. It has proven capable of handling itself in a fight, and no space is wasted on anything trivial like life-support systems, consumables, acceleration compensators, or environmental controls – because N1-G3L is a droid that does not need such superfluous amenities."
Craft: Heavily modified Kuat Systems Engineering Eta-2 Actis-class Interceptor
Type: Custom “Ugly” starfighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 5.5 meters
Skill: Starfighter Piloting: (S) Ugly Eta-Delta7-TCeptor
Crew: 1
Passengers: None
Cost: 212,000 credits (used)(12,000 credits for used hyperdrive ring)
Cargo Capacity: 60 kilograms; .2 cubic meters
Consumables: None
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1 (needs hyperdrive ring)
Hyperdrive Backups: None
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 6D+2
Space: 17
Atmosphere: 575; 1,650km/h
Hull: 2D+1
Shields: 3D
Sensors: Passive: 40/1D Scan: 80/2D Search: 125/3D Focus: 5/4D Sensor Mask: Yes (1D)
Cloaking Device: No
~Dual Medium Ion Cannons (fire-linked)~ Fire Arc: Front Scale: Starfighter Skill: Starship Gunnery Fire Control: 2D Space Range: 1-3/7/36 Atmosphere Range: 100-300m/700m/3.6km Damage: 4D (ionization only)
~Dual Laser Cannons (fire-linked)~ Fire Arc: Front Scale: Starfighter Skill: Starship Gunnery Fire Control: 2D Space Range: 1-3/12/25 Atmosphere Range: 100-300m/1.2km/2.5km Damage: 5D
"A self-aware (and rather vocal) custom unit created by the now-defunct NOVA-1 corporation (formerly headquartered in the Corporate Sector), this droid is a quirky blend of gruff, sass, and metal angst. Originally conceived as a low-cost competitor to the far more successful line of IG-series droids, the N1 model (as it was known internally) was based upon a surplus IG-100 MagnaGuard chassis and hoped that by combining it with a modified protocol unit, a deadly combination would be created (essentially, a combat droid that could easily insert itself into any number of cultures for clandestine missions). Unfortunately, the programming challenges were too great, and when NOVA-1 engineers couldn’t meet the prototype deadline, investors pulled their support and the company quickly went bankrupt. N1-G3L (nicknamed “Nigel” by the supervising engineers) is believed to be the only surviving prototype; mistakenly sold for scrap when the corporate holdings were liquidated, N1-G3L is unique in that a modified Astromech subroutine was installed to bolster mechanical problem-solving skills that plagued the earlier prototypes (they tended to shoot first when they encountered any mission obstacle – be it a security guard, an innocent bystander, or even a duracrete wall). The design showed some promise, but N1-G3L is not waiting to find out. The droid has even taken the initiative to install some custom upgrades. It has proven an ability to evolve to face the harsh challenges the galaxy presents."
submitted by Altruistic-Brief-863 to StarWarsD6 [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 20:59 Altruistic-Brief-863 My Ugly Eta-Delta7-TCeptor and it's droid pilot N1-G3L.

My Ugly Eta-Delta7-TCeptor and it's droid pilot N1-G3L.
"One of a dizzying number of different “Ugly” configurations, these types of ships are popular with pirates, mercenaries, scavengers, rogue traders, shadow scouts, and other unsavory Outer Rim types for both their dirt-cheap prices and the general availability of replacement (albeit substandard) parts from older generations of ships. Reliability is only a tertiary concern, but a few of these designs are far more sturdy than their outward appearance might otherwise indicate. While Imperial fighters hopelessly outclass them, these craft are more than a match for slow, ungainly tramp freighters that operate far from the relative safety of the star lanes. The model flown by N1-G3L is deceptively deadly, for despite the obvious “cobbled together” appearance common to these types of ships, the base components are very high-quality. The hull and outward appearance are based upon a Kuat Systems Engineering Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor, combined with partial TIE/Interceptor solar panels, the rear fin assembly of a Delta 7 Aethersprite. To this is added the fusion reactor, Navcomp, and sensor jammers from an RZ-1 A-wing, and the solar ionization reactor, targeting computers, shield generators, and passive scanners of a TIE/Defender. The triangle wings and solar ionization reactor of the TIE/Defender have been modified to work with three P-sz9 ion engines newly added to the Ugly Eta-Delta7-TCeptor, which propel the Ugly Eta-Delta7-TCeptor to a speed of 1650 kph. It has proven capable of handling itself in a fight, and no space is wasted on anything trivial like life-support systems, consumables, acceleration compensators, or environmental controls – because N1-G3L is a droid that does not need such superfluous amenities."
Craft: Heavily modified Kuat Systems Engineering Eta-2 Actis-class Interceptor
Type: Custom “Ugly” starfighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 5.5 meters
Skill: Starfighter Piloting: (S) Ugly Eta-Delta7-TCeptor
Crew: 1
Passengers: None
Cost: 212,000 credits (used)(12,000 credits for used hyperdrive ring)
Cargo Capacity*: 60 kilograms; .2 cubic meters
Consumables: None
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1 (needs hyperdrive ring)
Hyperdrive Backups: None
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 6D+2
Space: 17
Atmosphere: 575; 1,650km/h
Hull: 2D+1
Shields: 3D
Sensors: Passive: 40/1D Scan: 80/2D Search: 125/3D Focus: 5/4D
Sensor Mask: Yes (1D)
Cloaking Device: No
~Dual Medium Ion Cannons (fire-linked)~ Fire Arc: Front Scale: Starfighter Skill: Starship Gunnery Fire Control: 2D Space Range: 1-3/7/36 Atmosphere Range: 100-300m/700m/3.6km Damage: 4D (ionization only)
~Dual Laser Cannons (fire-linked)~ Fire Arc: Front Scale: Starfighter Skill: Starship Gunnery Fire Control: 2D Space Range: 1-3/12/25 Atmosphere Range: 100-300m/1.2km/2.5km Damage: 5D
"A self-aware (and rather vocal) custom unit created by the now-defunct NOVA-1 corporation (formerly headquartered in the Corporate Sector), this droid is a quirky blend of gruff, sass, and metal angst. Originally conceived as a low-cost competitor to the far more successful line of IG-series droids, the N1 model (as it was known internally) was based upon a surplus IG-100 MagnaGuard chassis and hoped that by combining it with a modified protocol unit, a deadly combination would be created (essentially, a combat droid that could easily insert itself into any number of cultures for clandestine missions). Unfortunately, the programming challenges were too great, and when NOVA-1 engineers couldn’t meet the prototype deadline, investors pulled their support and the company quickly went bankrupt. N1-G3L (nicknamed “Nigel” by the supervising engineers) is believed to be the only surviving prototype; mistakenly sold for scrap when the corporate holdings were liquidated, N1-G3L is unique in that a modified Astromech subroutine was installed to bolster mechanical problem-solving skills that plagued the earlier prototypes (they tended to shoot first when they encountered any mission obstacle – be it a security guard, an innocent bystander, or even a duracrete wall). The design showed some promise, but N1-G3L is not waiting to find out. The droid has even taken the initiative to install some custom upgrades. It has proven an ability to evolve to face the harsh challenges the galaxy presents."
submitted by Altruistic-Brief-863 to StarWarsShips [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 20:18 InanimateBabe [H] Massive X-Wing Collection (83 Ships between 5 Factions) [W] $$$ [LOC] Idaho, USA

X-Wing Collection

Galactic Republic:
Eta-2 Actis x2
V19 Turrent x6
N1 Naboo StarFighter x4
Arc 170 x2
Y-wing x1 (2 Total)
Delta 7 Aethersprite x4
LAAT Gunship x1
Total= 20 Ships
Separatist Alliance:
Droid Tri-Fighter x1
Vulture Droids x9
Hyena Class Bombers x4
Sith Infiltrator x3
Belbullab-22 x2
Nantex x3
Firespray Patrol Craft x1 (3 Total)
Total= 23 Ships
Scum & Villainy:
Firespray Patrol Craft x2 (3 Total)
Y-Wing x1 (2 Total)
Aggressor Assualt Fighter x2
Fang Fighter x2 (4 Total)
G-1A StarFighter x1
StarViper x2
YV-666 Light Freighter x1
Z-95 AF4 Headhunter x4
Total= 15 Ships
Rebel Alliance:
YT-1300 x1
A-Wing x2
B-Wing x2
X-Wing x3
Fang Fighter x2 (4 Total)
U-Wing x3
Total= 13
Galactic Empire:
Tie Fighter x2
Tie Advanced (v1) x2
Tie Advanced (x1) x1
Tie Heavy x1
Tie Defender x2
Tie Interceptor x4
Total= 12
Overall Total = 83 Ships
I no longer play X-Wing in person anymore, but I got my moneys worth.
Everything fits inside a fishing backpack! - except for the play mat and binder of course. Backpack functions like a duffle bag with a telescopic handle and wheels.
Some ships are magnetized. All the cards are sleeved. Plenty of dice. A great many acrylic tokens, bombs, custom target locks, etc. Want to sell everything together as a lot.
Edit: I have two limited edition Naboo starfighters and one limited edition Ahsoka Delta 7. There's a lot more I probably haven't included, but PM for more details and pictures.
submitted by InanimateBabe to FFGtrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 17:51 NotBatman28 [ROLEPLAY] Vader V. The Ultimate Warrior

Jim Cornette paced throughout his office in Riyadh, the official capital of the APF. There was much to be done in the nation, however there was fire after fire between his cabinet that he had to sort out. Though MICK FOLEY had created every superstar, had given them advanced knowledge about the job they performed, and had retained a piece of them upon creation, it was still imperative to the super intelligence that they retain much of their kayfabe personality as a professional wrestling superstar. In order to handle disputes many of the superstars preferred the squared circle to the negotiating table, thus almost every week there was a match, in front of a live audience in the thousands, and streamed for millions in the various stadiums around the APF.
The sequence of events was as follows: Human up and coming talent would wrestle the first few matches to warm up the crowd. Many humans had started to enter the sport as it had become a nationwide phenomenon, and it gave them a sense of commardire and inspired loyalty with their AI government. It seemed akin to a religious experience with the superstars being the leaders of the faith and the human wrestlers their acolytes. Then inevitably either a minor cabinet superstar, the tag of the department, or even the department head would wrestle in the main event, with the winner usually getting their way in whatever disagreement.
Tonight, the main event would see Big Van Vader, representing the Domestic Security Department, wrestle the Ultimate Warrior, representing the Combat Droid Force, over fund allocations of approximately $2 million earmarked for WD40 for droid maintenance. The match went forward and at first the Ultimate Warrior had the upper hand; he was able to power bomb Vader and after getting him on the ground he dove from the top rope straight on to him. But as the Ultimate Warrior got him for a two count on a pin Vader quickly kicked out. Undeterred Vader close lined the Ultimate Warrior and picked him up, threw him into the turnbuckle, and while the Ultimate Warrior was still standing hit him with a series of chops to the chest. Dazed, but still standing the Ultimate Warrior dodged a kick launched by Vader, who then got stuck between the ropes, leading warrior to perform a bulldog on him again throwing him to the ground. The Ultimate Warrior then dragged him from the rope and successfully got him in a three count pin.
The Ultimate Warrior was handed a briefcase with the allotted $2 million budgetary request. Jim Cornette approached the Ultimate Warrior after the match “Ok you won your match you childish son of a bitch, now go do your fucking job that you were created for, and for the love of god you idiot please stay out of the ring for at least a few months”. With that Jim Cornette traveled back to his office praying that he could go a week without another feud forming.
submitted by NotBatman28 to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 16:30 RadioDreadNYC 12 years ago I saw RH at Prudential center. Took these photos with a Droid Incredible 2. Came out pretty good.

12 years ago I saw RH at Prudential center. Took these photos with a Droid Incredible 2. Came out pretty good. submitted by RadioDreadNYC to radiohead [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 13:55 CoilGloveAsAPlayer Just beat this game, loved it. I recommend it if ur bored

Just beat this game, loved it. I recommend it if ur bored
Here's a quick recap: 10 thousand years ago, the human race went extinct. There is a few places left, it became a wasteland. You have been a clone, sleeping for years (i think) and you wake up in a place filled to the brim with droids, one droid (that lil guy) called zoomie welcomes you. Your mission is simple, get to earth. There will be a companion of your choice after getting clearance level 2. You need clearance level 3 for that, there are 4 signs that are red, type 4 droid (or type 2 i forgor) will give you a tablet to fix all the signs. After that, you get your third clearance level. The climb begins.
I won't go further into the recap. That is the only spoilers you get.
submitted by CoilGloveAsAPlayer to roblox [link] [comments]
