Hesi test questions

Student Nurse: tips, advice, and support

2012.12.09 12:39 Baconated_Kayos Student Nurse: tips, advice, and support

Practically anything and everything related to nursing school.

2011.03.24 07:09 roger_ AskElectronics

A subreddit for practical questions about component-level electronic circuits: design, repair, component buying, test gear and tools.

2009.02.01 21:29 LSAT

The Reddit LSAT Forum. The best place on Reddit for LSAT advice. The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is the test required to get into an ABA law school. Check out the sidebar for intro guides. Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with LSAT knowledge waiting to help.

2024.05.20 07:42 Neonicus Ashlands question

Ok so it cost me about 30 deaths but I finally made it to the shore of ashlands through those birds, skeletons and spider-like fucker, gathered some resources like bones, heads and red blood-like stuff. But all new items I see is building pieces, can't find any new weapons or armour, so the question is:
Do new weapons and armour apper later, when I find any other items farther in the land? Do I need to switch back from beta test to original version in steam?
Please low on spoilers, thanks in advance, sincerely, stupid ass viking
submitted by Neonicus to valheim [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:42 Icy-Statistician3337 10 Important Tips for CA Student must know for exam preparation

10 Important Tips for CA Student must know for exam preparation
Preparing for Chartered Accountancy (CA) exams is a challenging process, but with the right strategies, you can excel. Here are some important tips to enhance your exam preparation:
  1. Gain a Deep Understanding of the Syllabus
Start by thoroughly understanding the syllabus. The CA exams cover a broad range of topics, especially at the Final level. Utilize CA Final Books to break the syllabus into manageable sections and highlight key topics and their importance. These are valuable resources for prioritizing your study schedule and focusing on significant areas. By referring to CA Final Books, you can ensure that you cover all essential topics thoroughly and systematically, aiding in a comprehensive preparation strategy. Make your primary resource for an organized and effective study plan.
  1. Develop a Practical Study Schedule
Make a well-organized and practical study schedule. Assign distinct time periods to every subject to guarantee thorough coverage of the syllabus well in advance of the tests. To avoid burnout, schedule regular breaks within your daily study schedule. It's important to follow your plan and be consistent.
  1. Select High-Quality Study Resources
Choose high-quality study material such as ICAI study modules, practice manuals and revision test papers (RTPs). Additionally, use standard textbooks and coaching class notes if available. Avoid overwhelming yourself with too many reference books, as this can cause confusion. Implementing a study material for CA books can help you prepare more efficiently and cover all the required material.
  1. Solve Previous Years' Question Papers
Using CA Intermediate Books and practicing with past years' question papers are essential for a successful CA Intermediate exam .These resources help with improving time management abilities and understanding the format and kinds of questions on the exam. Make the most of your exam preparation to analyze your performance, identify your areas of weakness, and improve your confidence.
  1. Focus on Conceptual Clarity
Emphasize understanding concepts rather than rote learning. Ensure a solid grasp of fundamental concepts in each subject, as this will help in both theoretical and practical questions. Spend extra time on difficult topics until you thoroughly understand them.
  1. Revise Regularly
Regular revision is essential for retaining information. Allocate time for periodic revision, either weekly or bi-weekly. Summarize each chapter in your own words and create concise revision notes. These notes will be invaluable in the final days before the exam, ensuring thorough preparation.
  1. Join Study Groups
Participating in study groups can be beneficial for discussing challenging topics, sharing resources, and staying motivated. Group studies encourage active learning and help in quick clarification of doubts. Ensure the group remains focused on studying.
  1. Prioritize Physical and Mental Health
Good health is essential for effective exam preparation, especially for CA beginners. Prioritize your well-being by getting adequate sleep, maintaining a balanced diet, and incorporating physical activity into your routine. Practices like yoga or meditation, along with CA foundation books, can help reduce stress and enhance concentration, ensuring optimal performance during exams.
  1. Take Mock Exams
Regularly taking mock exams helps simulate actual exam conditions and improve time management. Analyze your performance in these tests to identify weak areas and work on them. This continuous self-assessment builds confidence.
  1. Maintain a Positive Mindset
The CA journey is challenging, but a positive attitude can make a significant difference. Set small, achievable goals and reward yourself upon completion. Surround yourself with supportive people who motivate you to stay focused.
Success in CA exams requires a blend of strategic planning, hard work, and strength. Using the CA entrance exam books will help you prepare even more. Recall that all chartered accountants have encountered these difficulties; with the appropriate strategy, you too may succeed. Remain committed, driven, and self-assured. Wishing you luck!
submitted by Icy-Statistician3337 to u/Icy-Statistician3337 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:41 Alice666sin Should I be worried about Bird Flu after eating slightly pink chicken?

So I just had dinner with my partner, and they made baked, marinated chicken legs. I've been worried about bird flu, haven't eaten eggs at all even though I know it's not a risk as long as the yolk is fully cooked through (according to what I've read), but I've cooked with my partner before and they've always used a food thermometer with meat and basically, I trusted them, so I was looking at them the whole time I ate and not my food, until pretty much the last bite of the leg, when I looked down and saw that the meat after about a quarter inch into it was pink/bloody looking (the outside layer was definitely fully cooked). None of the chicken was quite raw, just very "rare" looking. I ate 1 and 3/4 of these legs. My partner swears they used the food thermometer and all the legs were at least 165°. But I know food cooks irregularly, and they hate dry even slightly overcooked chicken, so it's possible they took it out as soon as it read 165, without fully checking or something.
So basically, now I'm freaked out, and incredibly afraid I have bird flu. My questions are:
  1. How afraid should I be? How likely is it for me to now have bird flu? Is it just totally ridiculous for me to be worrying about this? And,
  2. What symptoms should I look out for? What symptoms, after experiencing it, should I go to the hospital for tests immediately after? Thanks
submitted by Alice666sin to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:41 ItsEyeJasper Strange Obstruction image.

Strange Obstruction image.
Just a question, is this normal. The device has been running for 2 weeks and has this vacant band of no data. Previously 2 other units tested at this location never had an issue like this.
submitted by ItsEyeJasper to Starlink [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:40 KDlive776 MAY 2024 Weekly Current Affairs Test Top 50 Questions By Anu Mam @KD_LIVE

MAY 2024 Weekly Current Affairs Test Top 50 Questions By Anu Mam @KD_LIVE submitted by KDlive776 to u/KDlive776 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:27 alexp70774 MED Board Deep Dive: C&P exams

Hey all, I wanted to do another deep dive into the MEB process. So this deep dive with cover the VA and c&p exams. Note this is after you get a decision for a Full MEB. Please look at my previous deep dive for info on that process
So c&p exams are what take place after you meet with your VA MSC and fill out your SHA Part A. These C&P exams can be sometimes held at a VA hospital but are usually contracted out to third party. The big ones are OPTUMSERVE, QTC, and LSG. You will get called, and emailed regarding your exam dates. Do NOT miss these appointments, these take priority over literally everything, I’ve seen peoples promotion test dates changed because of these exams. If you miss one your PEBLO and your commander are going to be pissed, if anyone try’s to give you a hard time, talk to your supervisor or shirt because these are MANDATORY appointments.
For the head and toe exam it will be a standard, full body exam, and you will go over a majority of your claims during this time. From knee pain to IBS to GERD, it covers a lot of your claims in one swoop. Any follow up exams like sleep study’s and X-rays will be scheduled after this exam. This is the longest exam by far, and usually takes the longest to see results. They will fill out a DBQ (Disability Questionnaire) for each “issue” you are claiming. You can look these up on the VA website to get a gist for what they are looking for. After the exams are done, eventually you can log on to TRICARE ONLINE (yes I know genesis exists but they still upload these to tricare online) to see what the doctor put for each claim.
My sleep study was done at home with a device I picked up and dropped off the day after, yours might be different and it depends on the c&p contractor doing your exams, just because you didn’t have a sleep study while your in does not meet you can’t claim sleep apnea and get one during your VA claim.
Audio exam is a more detailed version on the military one and involves a lot of science stuff that I can’t explain that much tbh. But tinnitus is claimable and is very hard to prove that you don’t have. Do with that what you will, and again you will be able to see the results on tricare online.
Finally, the MH exam, is probably the most stressful and difficult one. You will meet with a psychologist either in person or usually via telehealth, like zoom. These can take up to 2 hours but can be shorter depending if the doctor has read your file from the military and everything adds up. I’ve seen these take 15 minutes or sometimes 2 hours, it depends on the doctor and what they have read. This is not the time to be strong and act like nothing is wrong. Be vulnerable and open and honest. Remember this is not a therapy session, they are here to evaluate your claim, it is strictly business, understand that, they might seem cold or like they don’t care but it’s because they can’t care, they are evaluating your claim, not fixing your issue. You are allowed to request the gender of your psychiatrist if you choose to, this is helpful to people with MST. Again, you can see the results of this DBQ on tricare online usually a week after the exam.
Please remember to lay everything out on the table during these exams, this is not the time to downplay or dismiss your pain or health issues, this is the time to be honest and open with everything. After the MH one, please do some self care, it can be very triggering and re traumatizing and bring up a lot of emotions. Please do self care or talk to someone, my DM’s are always open and I can always chat and let you vent, cry or yell.
Remember during these exams, you might be having a good day, but be honest about your symptoms on your worst day not the best day. If at anytime you feel like you’re not being heard or your doctor is being rude or lazy, let your MSC and PEBLO know and file a complaint to get a new exam done. This is money and benefits at stake and you do not want to have to deal with this after you get out.
Also, remember these exams are just one part of your rating and if you feel like the doctor didn’t accurately evaluate you, don’t get upset or overthink too much, the rater at the VA will look at everything not just these exams to make your rating.
If you have any questions please reach out to me in my DM’s, I’m currently done with my exams and will continue to make these deep dives to help anyone going thru the MEB process understand as much as they can.
Previous MEB post
submitted by alexp70774 to AirForce [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:23 CalmPressure5071 Selling my JEE books part -2

Selling my JEE books part -2
Each book at 150 rs Very good condition
submitted by CalmPressure5071 to JEE [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:23 smithee101 feelings returning

So, to condense a longer story short, I'm (m22) friends with this girl(f22) that I met while studying abroad last year. We met via mutual friends in our friend group, hung out a bunch, got closer, I catch feelings, typical story. The whole time I hid my feelings from her since I could tell at the time it wasn't mutual. In doing so she accidentally hit with one of those "the worst she could say is no" moments that really fucked with my head and tested our friendship. At some point she knew that I had liked her, and I knew that she knew, so awkwardly we continued our friendship ignoring the elephant in the room. Luckily the friendship survived and I generally moved past it, but I was still unsatisfied with never having got proper closure. A few months after I returned home, I asked to have a call with her to fully sort out my feelings, my heartbreak, and the future as friends. Happily she obliged, and we mutually expressed thoughts, exchanged apologies at our mistakes and overall had a healthy conversation, that I hoped would bring me closure.
Since that call, I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, but I didn't fully feel closure. It cleared up any potential awkwardness between us (on my end at least) and gave way to what was next. A few weeks after the call, the two of us started making travel plans to go and see our friend group in the summer, the first time seeing them since we both returned home. Over the past few months since we decided to make those plans, we've been called for hours, texting multiple times a week, just generally being good friends despite time differences and distance. I feel we'd bridged whatever distance was between us, and now we're back on track to stay good friends for a while.
The problem is that I think I have feelings for her again. Either that or subconsciously my feelings never went away and now they're coming back with her actively in my life again. I know that I'm free to talk about feelings-related stuff with her, but I don't want it to change the mood of our trip, or make her feel as if she has to act differently around me. While it takes 2 people to tackle this problem, she's only a human, and it feels unfair for her to carry the burden of my emotional state time and time again. It feels like closure is a myth to me.
So now to my question: how should I proceed? should I bring it up before the trip, or have the heart to heart convo in person? Obviously not everything can be answered now, but any insight or opinions would help me sort my thoughts.
TL;DR: I fell for a girl overseas. It went unrequited and I thought I got over it. we're planning a trip to see each other (and other friends) again, and after planning the trip I think my feelings are returning.
Thank you for reading, I appreciate it
submitted by smithee101 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:22 No-Kaleidoscope-4050 How can I become an academic weapon when I get to college?

I didn’t do so well in Highschool. I ended freshman year with a 2.7. Ended sophomore year with a 1.5. Ended junior year with a 1.7. And I will be ending senior year with a 2.45 GPA. I am really proud of myself this school year though I actually focused in school and I was able to earn a 3.7 GPA my first semester and I think this semester I earned a 3.1 which is a huge drop but I guess it isn’t too bad.
My dream is to become an oral surgeon. I know that dream is very unrealistic considering my current academic record but I think if I work really hard I can achieve this goal. I know dental school is very competitive if I’m correct the average acceptance rate of dental school is like 6%.
I’m not going to lie this worries me because this means that even students who are consistently getting all A’s may get rejected from dental school so what chance do I have. I know if I want to go to dental school academically I need to change.
I am starting college this Fall as a Biochemistry major on the Predental track. I have only ever took one AP class in high school which is AP government which I took this year. I got an A in the class but honestly it is completely unrelated to my major. I wanted to take a couple of AP science/math classes to help me prepare for college but obviously I wasn’t even eligible to take them because of my junior year GPA. I was able to take both Honors Anatomy and Honors Chemistry I earned A’s in both courses but they are not college equivalent so I don’t even know if that means anything.
I do study but I never do as well as other students. I know students who will consistently get 100% of 50 questions tests I may get a 75% possibly 80% and that’s when I study. I do really want to get into dental school one day but with how competitive admissions are for dental school that dream just seems unrealistic unless I turn into an academic weapon.
I really don’t want to change my dream career so please don’t try to talk me out of it. I just want to learn how I can do better in school so I can achieve my dreams.
submitted by No-Kaleidoscope-4050 to college [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:16 smithee101 Feelings and closure?

So, to condense a longer story short, I'm friends with this girl that I met while studying abroad last year. We met via mutual friends in our friend group, hung out a bunch, got closer, I catch feelings, typical story. The whole time I hid my feelings from her since I could tell at the time it wasn't mutual. In doing so she accidentally hit with one of those "the worst she could say is no" moments that really fucked with my head and tested our friendship. At some point she knew that I had liked her, and I knew that she knew, so awkwardly we continued our friendship ignoring the elephant in the room. Luckily the friendship survived and I generally moved past it, but I was still unsatisfied with never having got proper closure. A few months after I returned home, I asked to have a call with her to fully sort out my feelings, my heartbreak, and the future as friends. Happily she obliged, and we mutually expressed thoughts, exchanged apologies at our mistakes and overall had a healthy conversation, that I hoped would bring me closure.
Since that call, I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, but I didn't fully feel closure. It cleared up any potential awkwardness between us (on my end at least) and gave way to what was next. A few weeks after the call, the two of us started making travel plans to go and see our friend group in the summer, the first time seeing them since we both returned home. Over the past few months since we decided to make those plans, we've been called for hours, texting multiple times a week, just generally being good friends despite time differences and distance. I feel we'd bridged whatever distance was between us, and now we're back on track to stay good friends for a while.
The problem is that I think I have feelings for her again. Either that or subconsciously my feelings never went away and now they're coming back with her actively in my life again. I know that I'm free to talk about feelings-related stuff with her, but I don't want it to change the mood of our trip, or make her feel as if she has to act differently around me. While it takes 2 people to tackle this problem, she's only a human, and it feels unfair for her to carry the burden of my emotional state time and time again. It feels like closure is a myth to me.
So now to my question: how should I proceed? should I bring it up before the trip, or have the heart to heart convo in person? Obviously not everything can be answered now, but any insight or opinions would help me sort my thoughts.
Thank you for reading, I appreciate it
submitted by smithee101 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:14 littprince [Store] Collectors Cache 2019, Aghanims 2021, Diretide 2022, Summer 2023, Genuine Weather Effects

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submitted by littprince to Dota2Trade [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:13 lucky_719 Passed AT/AT/B in one month. Took online. Total spent $584.

My actual study time was really closer to two weeks because I took a few weeks off to travel and be distracted. (Recently laid off) I spent 4 hours in the hospital the day before the exam with excruciating back pain. Sitting for so long testing with that level of pain was one of the more miserable things I've done, but I wanted to get it over with. I had 30 minutes left to spare and took a 5 minute and 8 minute break.
I spent a total of $584, exam was $425 with membership. Membership was $159. I did not pay for the local charter. I did not pay for any study materials.
I did take the exam online. I know in person is recommended and I expected to do it that way but the earliest date available was mid June and I wasn't waiting 4 weeks to take it. I barred my husband from the room and from making any noise at all. He was good about keeping the cats away from the door. I cleaned everything out of the bedroom that I possibly could. I used a laptop but used an Ethernet cable for Internet. I set my laptop up on a clear plastic tote so it would be eye level. I paid a lot of attention during the exam to ensure I only looked at the screen and didn't go out of view even for a second. I drew all of my blinds and curtains closed. I kept water and some light snacks in my bathroom (separate room) in case I needed it during breaks. The proctor never interacted with me. Not once. It was a bit unnerving but extremely smooth process and I'm grateful as I had a lot of anxiety around testing online.The worst part was having to wait 25 hours and 38 minutes (who is counting?) after the test had ended for my results.
Background: I have severe ADHD but I am a very good test taker. I'm one of those sick people that finds these things fun. I have passed the financial licensing exams series 7, 63, and 66. If you are familiar with them, the series exams had more content to learn, but the PMP questions were very similar in structure and difficulty to the 63 and 66. Overall I thought the PMP was easier but I had less professional experience when I took the series exams. I took a lot of AP exams back in high school. I'd say this test was harder question wise than any of those but again, less content to cover. I'm a senior scrum master for tech teams with years of experience. I've never worked as a formal project manager in waterfall but I am extremely good at what I do. I mentor many other scrum masters and know agile inside and out. I didn't study for the agile part of the test at all. I took about 60 agile practice questions for reassurance and amusement but only got three wrong so figured I was good. I also have a bachelor's degree in business (years ago) so a good chunk was just a refresher.
I didn't spend any money on materials so here's what I did to study.
I started with Oliver Lehmann's free exam. I do think it was harder than the PMP but I wanted to get a baseline before doing anything. I reviewed all of the questions afterwards and wrote down the topics I really needed to focus on. I scored a 68% the first time through.
I started reading the PMBOK guide you get when you pay for the exam. I downloaded it on my Kindle and would read it when I had the attention span to do so. I read the first 50% of the entire PDF they give you but wish I would've started halfway through as it probably would have been more useful for me. It was taking too long and I was getting antsy so I stopped reading it.
When I didn't have the attention span to read, I binge watched David McLachlan's YouTube videos. I went through the 7th edition PMBOK video three times. First for content, second to check any weaknesses, third to review. I also cast the questions to my TV screen and would pause the question before he read it, answer it myself, then watch him go through it. If I saw any videos of areas of weakness he posted I'd go through them. I went through 60 of his agile questions but the rest of the time I was going through the waterfall ones. I can't give you a count. It was a lot. I did the larger question videos too. This helped the most out of anything I did.
I borrowed a lot of exam prep materials from the library but didn't end up opening any of them at all.
Finally I used this subreddit. Whenever I saw someone post a question they didn't know I'd go through it. So thank you all! I paid a lot of attention to what others were using and what I knew would work for me. I also had a friend who took it a few days before me and we would send each other practice questions or talk about it almost daily. It helped keep me accountable and motivated even when I started slacking off.
Maybe I was over confident but I did get sick of studying and just scheduled the exam for a few days later. I didn't feel 100% prepared but I did feel like I was solid enough to have a good chance of passing. Clearly I should have studied more on the business environments part lol.
Good luck to you all! It really is a beast of a test and frankly I never want to do that again.
submitted by lucky_719 to pmp [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:13 ianopah Booking road test for class 5 GDL - car question

Our 18 year old daughter is getting ready to book a road test, and we found out that these days she can either bring her own car or rent one from the registry. For the first option - she does not have a car, so was planning on using ours, but our car has a long windshield crack and will not be allowed. For the second option - renting a car from the registry is so expensive, about $100 or more at some places. When did this change? I remember doing my road test about 25 years ago and the place I did my driver's education courses provided the car and did the road test at the end of the course. Any advise please? Thank you!
submitted by ianopah to Edmonton [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:09 remco_gainit Side effects starting after 6 months?

Hi all,
I have been applying 5% topical minoxidil once a day for about 6 months, and made great progress so far. I only apply about 0.3ml, and it's still doing wonders on this very low dose. Next to this I also derma roll once a week with a 0.75mm roller, and don't apply minox for 24 hours after doing that.
Since about a month, I have been having a lot of weird things such as dizziness, giddy (idk if this is a good translation), and the feeling that I have to puke. Some days it's very bad, the other days it's fine. Also my hands are sometimes tingling in my sleep. In the morning it usually feels like a migraine
I went to the doctor and he did a lot of checks like my blood pressure, which was in the perfect range.
Now I was thinking that maybe the minoxidil is causing this. The thing is that I haven't experienced any side effect up until now. Is it possible that side effects start 6 months after you start taking the medication?
Aside from this I live a very healthy life with a lot of sports and eating only healthy whole foods.
Next friday I have another doctor appointment where they will probably send me to the hospital to do some blood tests etc, but maybe someone else knows an answer to my question. I currently quit minox for 3 days but still experiencing the same things.
submitted by remco_gainit to Minoxbeards [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 07:02 llogiq Hey Rustaceans! Got a question? Ask here (21/2024)!

Mystified about strings? Borrow checker have you in a headlock? Seek help here! There are no stupid questions, only docs that haven't been written yet. Please note that if you include code examples to e.g. show a compiler error or surprising result, linking a playground with the code will improve your chances of getting help quickly.
If you have a StackOverflow account, consider asking it there instead! StackOverflow shows up much higher in search results, so having your question there also helps future Rust users (be sure to give it the "Rust" tag for maximum visibility). Note that this site is very interested in question quality. I've been asked to read a RFC I authored once. If you want your code reviewed or review other's code, there's a codereview stackexchange, too. If you need to test your code, maybe the Rust playground is for you.
Here are some other venues where help may be found:
/learnrust is a subreddit to share your questions and epiphanies learning Rust programming.
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2024.05.20 07:00 AutoModerator Weekly Thread for questions about medical topics and covid-19

Please post all medical and covid-19 related questions to this thread. All questions will be re-directed here if posted individually on the sub.
Due to the sheer volume of covid-19 and covid-19 vaccine related questions posted on the sub, we are asking that you all post them here instead. Please make an effort to do your own research on reputable websites (not facebook or other social media) before asking here and as with everything you post to this daily thread, make a plan to ask your healthcare provider. We understand the anxiety pregnancy can cause but the internet is full of misinformation and we want you to make the most responsible decisions for yourself and your situation.
The content herein is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

The journalists at ProPublica need your help! After receiving a tip, ProPublica started investigating prenatal genetic testing. They're collecting stories from people who've had NIPT screenings, and/or work in maternal health. If this is you, please fill out their brief questionnaire! https://www.propublica.org/getinvolved/have-you-had-an-experience-with-prenatal-genetic-testing-wed-like-to-hear-about-it-and-see-the-bill. Questions? Email [anna.clark@propublica.org](mailto:anna.clark@propublica.org)
submitted by AutoModerator to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:57 curryfor3bangggg Do I Need to Let Her Go?

I (25M) met this girl a couple of weekends ago at a bar and have taken her on a couple of dates at this point but there’s been some interactions outside of those dates that have me questioning whether I should take this further.
First date we meet at a really quiet bar and the conversation really flowed. We drank and talked for about 4 hours and I dropped her off at her place. Didn’t do anything physical besides us being comfortable with touching each other on the shoulder or leg while we were telling stories and a hug at the end of the night but I’m not pushy about that on a first date unless they clearly want to go along with it.
In between date 1 and 2 we meet up at a bar with some mutual friends. She is a very extroverted person and likes to talk with a lot of people from what our friends have said. She had a few cocktails and was talking to some other guys with me close by after we talked some more but I didn’t see any harm in it.
Second date I take her out to dinner and I think that went well. We went to our friend’s birthday party together after and I was hoping to get a little more intimate compared to our first date but nothing really happened. We flirted with each other at dinner a bit but I don’t think she was dropping any hints. All I did that night was walk her back to her apartment and we hugged. We both said we wanted to see each other again.
Today we were at a going away party for one of our friends and we spend quite a bit of time there together. She’s drinking and in full social butterfly mode again. There’s a guy I’ve met but don’t know too well that is there with another girl that is talking to her (the one I’m dating) and while I’m across the room talking to my friends I’m keeping an eye on it. I started to notice that this guy was getting noticeably more comfortable around her any time the girl he was with walked away. Then at one point I saw him doing something with her phone while talking to her and I assume that he put in his number. We then go to another bar and this guy seems like he can’t wait for the girl he’s with to leave. I’m talking to my date for a bit and he slides right in to talk to her again after I go over to talk to another one of my friends (just to test a theory).
Should I even waste any energy confronting her about this? We’ve talked on the phone or seen each other almost every day for the past 2 weeks and I see relationship potential there but is it worth having this conversation with someone you’re not officially with? I would like to take her out on a third date and hopefully move things along intimately but what happened today has me doubting it.
submitted by curryfor3bangggg to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:56 slmbyn What will be the right way to deliver a website to a client (once I start freelancing). I'm new to development and have only built practice websites for myself.

Context: I have no CS background (studied finance in college). I learned development through a bootcamp. I know I have a lot of basic CS knowledge gaps that I need to fill and I'm working on it; so sorry for what may be dumb questions. Also, I have only built MERN stack websites with a mongodb database, and Django-React websites with PostgreSQL db. And I use vscode to build everything.
When building a site from scratch that requires a database, would I just have to create a MongoDB account for them so they can access it? or do i tell them to make one? What if i'm using PostgreSQL? How would I give them access to that?
I know I'm probably wrong but my initial thought of what delivering a site to a client would look like was something like: (after it has been completely built/tested/client approved) * host it somewhere using the domain name they wanted (e.g Vercel) * make sure they have a vercel account and know how to access the site * walk them thru creating a github acct and give them access to the repo (have a detailed readme) * they access the site with the url (and maybe there's an admin dashboard they can login to) * SOMEHOW give them access to their database in a way a non-tech person can easily understand
Extra questions if anyone is feeling generous with their knowledge/time: * What kind of general security things do new devs tend to not consider? * Any good resource recommendations on where I can find & bridge my computer science knowledge gaps?
submitted by slmbyn to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:56 curryfor3bangggg Do I Need To Let Her Go?

I (25M) met this girl a couple of weekends ago at a bar and have taken her on a couple of dates at this point but there’s been some interactions outside of those dates that have me questioning whether I should take this further.
First date we meet at a really quiet bar and the conversation really flowed. We drank and talked for about 4 hours and I dropped her off at her place. Didn’t do anything physical besides us being comfortable with touching each other on the shoulder or leg while we were telling stories and a hug at the end of the night but I’m not pushy about that on a first date unless they clearly want to go along with it.
In between date 1 and 2 we meet up at a bar with some mutual friends. She is a very extroverted person and likes to talk with a lot of people from what our friends have said. She had a few cocktails and was talking to some other guys with me close by after we talked some more but I didn’t see any harm in it.
Second date I take her out to dinner and I think that went well. We went to our friend’s birthday party together after and I was hoping to get a little more intimate compared to our first date but nothing really happened. We flirted with each other at dinner a bit but I don’t think she was dropping any hints. All I did that night was walk her back to her apartment and we hugged. We both said we wanted to see each other again.
Today we were at a going away party for one of our friends and we spend quite a bit of time there together. She’s drinking and in full social butterfly mode again. There’s a guy I’ve met but don’t know too well that is there with another girl that is talking to her (the one I’m dating) and while I’m across the room talking to my friends I’m keeping an eye on it. I started to notice that this guy was getting noticeably more comfortable around her any time the girl he was with walked away. Then at one point I saw him doing something with her phone while talking to her and I assume that he put in his number. We then go to another bar and this guy seems like he can’t wait for the girl he’s with to leave. I’m talking to my date for a bit and he slides right in to talk to her again after I go over to talk to another one of my friends (just to test a theory).
Should I even waste any energy confronting her about this? We’ve talked on the phone or seen each other almost every day for the past 2 weeks and I see relationship potential there but is it worth having this conversation with someone you’re not officially with? I would like to take her out on a third date and hopefully move things along intimately but what happened today has me doubting it.
submitted by curryfor3bangggg to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:50 Georgi11811 Getting rid of learner licence

Hi I'm hoping for some help with a strange predicament.
I have a full car licence, and some years ago got a learner motorbike licence. I never really got into it and didn't do the rest of the tests to get to full and am not interested in doing so. The result though is that I've got a big blue LEARNER box plastered over my licence photo.
The problem is that I'm planning to move overseas later in the year and I expect that having a learner licence is probably going to be a pain in the ass for driving and renting cars outside NZ, even though I've got a full car licence.
My question is whether there is any process to get rid of the motorcycle licence and have my licence reissued for car only (full licence). I've tried googling but can't see an answer to this. Sorry if I've been dumb and missed something though, but thankful for any help.
submitted by Georgi11811 to newzealand [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:46 throwawayb_r How do you reset the official mocks?

This is what the window looks like now and I am wondering how do I reset mocks 3 and 4?
submitted by throwawayb_r to GMAT [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:45 higurashi0793 ENFJ Guide from a Jungian Perspective

Hello! I've seen that a lot of people are confused about ENFJs and how exactly we work, and considering that there are many websites with different —even contradictory— concepts and definitions of ENFJ, I wanted to provide one closer to what Carl Jung first described in Psychological Types in 1921. I hope this will help people gain a wider perspective of our type, and clear up some associated misconceptions.
But, before we begin, there are some concepts and questions that need to be addressed first:
Are websites like 16 Personalities reliable? What about tests?
📣 No, they aren't. 16 Personalities has wildly different concepts about types, and most importantly: while it's not outright stated, their personality model isn't based on jungian functions or the types Myers-Briggs described in Gifts Differing in 1980. Their test and type description is based on the Big Five personality model, which is something else on its own. You can check this in more detail on their FAQ page. If you used 16p to discover your type, there's a high chance it may not be the same type as what Jung or Myers-Briggs describe in their respective books. Other websites and tests may also handle different concepts, so take their results with a grain of salt.
If tests and websites are unreliable, how can I be sure of my type?
📣 By reading! I'm afraid that there isn't a quick shortcut to instantly know yourself and what type best fits you. Knowing your type is a journey in itself, full of self-reflection and doubt. It's hard, but very rewarding. However, if you are doing this just for fun, feel free to take any popular tests floating around.
I am friendly and outgoing, but sometimes I need space. Am I INFJ or ENFJ?
📣 Social extraversion/introversion and cognitive extraversion/introversion are two different things. Jung managed his concepts and descriptions of different psychological phenomena and gave them different meanings from what we're familiar with. I know, it's confusing. But I'll do my best to clear up what he actually meant later on, so don't worry!
Where are you getting all this information?
📣 Psychological Types, by Carl Jung. I also have Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type by Isabel Briggs Myers with Peter B. Myer, however, I am not fond of Myers-Briggs' interpretation of Jung's writings. In my opinion, it's an oversimplified version of types and functions, and she displayed an obvious intuitive bias in her book. Another book that's popular is Lectures on Jung's Typology by Marie-Louise von Franz, who also worked together with Jung to describe types and functions. However, be warned: by her own admission, she dislikes Fe-dom types and her description of ExFJ is rather insulting, so expect some bias as well.
Before we begin talking about what is ENFJ, we have to understand Jung's word salad and what he meant with all these concepts and descriptions. It takes a lot of patience and effort to understand Psychological Types, because as you may know (or not!), psychology is a relatively new science, and many of its roots come from philosophy, anthropology, and even religion. Jung refers to a lot of other authors, philosophers, and other literary figures to describe what he believed were "personality types".
What was the goal with all this? Well, Carl Jung was a Swiss psychoanalyst, and by associating certain patterns of behavior with different mental illnesses, he aimed to make their diagnosis easier for other psychiatrists. So, understandably, Psychological Types is full of technical language that may be hard to understand for anyone who isn't already familiar with the field of psychology. This is why a lot of other websites and other authors, while relying on Jung to describe types, tend to water down concepts and inevitably miss some important context that can't be properly explained until you take the effort to read the entire thing. That's why we have like 10 different descriptions of the same type or functions floating around.
Jung associated Fe-types like ENFJ or ESFJ with hysteria. Of course, this was back in the 19th century, and the target of this diagnosis was almost always women. Thankfully, it's no longer an official mental illness.
⚠️ An important consideration: most of the original texts that laid the foundation for MBTI to exist are from the early 19th century. Expect a lot of sexism and traditional gender roles.
"It may seem superfluous to the reader if I add a special chapter on definitions of terms to the text of my study. However, I have had ample experience of the fact that it is precisely in psychological works that one cannot be careful enough with terms and expressions, since it is precisely in the field of psychology, as nowhere else, that the greatest variations of terms occur, which often give rise to the most stubborn misunderstandings." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 476).
I will not be listing every single concept, because it'd take the entirety of this post and even more to explain what everything means. I'll list the most common ones that show up when describing types.
🫂 Extravertion and Intravertion:
"If we look at the course of a human life, we see how the destinies of one person are more conditioned by the objects of his interests, while the destinies of another are more conditioned by his own inner being, by his subject. As we all deviate somewhat more to one side or the other, we are naturally inclined to understand everything in terms of our own type." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 4)
As I said before, extraversion and introversion have different meanings in this area, so when we talk about an extraverted type, we mean to say that it's a type whose dominant function is an extraverted one. To understand better what is an extraverted function, we need to have two vital concepts in mind: subject and object.
🌎 The object, in this concept, is anything that exists outside your mind: it may be the world, it may be people, it may be experiences, it may be sensations, anything that is not inherently part of you. It may be what's happening in your environment, or the environment in itself. It's the external, that which exists without needing any additional interpretation or guessing.
👤 The subject is you. Your mind, your feelings, your values, your logic, your impressions, your subjective interpretation of ideas or people or what's happening around you. Anything that is purely personal, be it your inner understanding of how things fit together, your interpretation of a painting, your like or dislike of a song, etc. Your subjective experiences or thoughts, that's the subject.
In a way, it's you, the subject vs. the world, the object. Of course, there's much more to this, but this is the easiest way I can explain it. You'll see these two concepts popping around because they're the very foundation of functions.
"But every human being possesses both mechanisms, extraversion and introversion, and only the relative predominance of one or the other determines the type." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 5).
Extraversion and Introversion, as I was saying before, are defined by what's your disposition towards the external world vs. the inner self. If your decisions are mostly influenced by what's happening outside your mind, then we are talking about an extrovert. If your decisions are influenced by your own inner world, regardless of what's happening outside of it, then we talk about an introvert.
"If the orientation towards the object and the objectively given prevails in such a way that the most frequent and most important decisions and actions are not conditioned by subjective views but by objective conditions, we speak of an extraverted attitude. If this is habitual, we speak of an extraverted type. If someone thinks, feels and acts, in a word, lives in a way that directly corresponds to objective circumstances and their requirements, in both a good and a bad sense, then they are extraverted. He lives in such a way that it is obvious that the object as a determining factor plays a greater role in his consciousness than his subjective view. Certainly he has subjective views, but their determining power is less than that of external objective conditions." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (pp. 384-385).
It's important to know that Jung initially described only four functions: Feeling, Thinking, Intuition, and Sensing. These functions would be either extraverted or introverted depending on how they relate to the external, objective world vs. the inner, subjective world. For example, Extraverted Feeling (Fe) is an extraverted feeling function because it favors the external feeling environment over more personal, subjective feelings that only belong to the subject.
In contrast, the introvert prefers to make decisions based on their inner self, on their personal views and convictions, regardless of what's happening around them. Someone whose function is introverted will not value the outside world a lot, and feels like is a threat to them:
"The introvert has an abstract attitude towards the object; basically, he is always anxious to withdraw his libido from the object, as if he had to prevent the object from overpowering him." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 380).
Now that we have some basic concepts cleared out, I hope understanding the Extraverted Feeling type is a bit easier. I want to start by how Jung described Fe:
"Feeling in the extraverted attitude is oriented towards the objectively given, i.e. the object is the indispensable determinant of the way of feeling. It is in accordance with objective values. Whoever knows feeling only as a subjective fact will not readily understand the nature of extraverted feeling, because extraverted feeling has freed itself as far as possible from the subjective factor and has instead subjected itself entirely to the influence of the object." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 411).
❗️We have to understand here that feelings are not emotions. Under this context, feeling is what we either accept or reject, what we value or not, how do we feel about something. An emotion, in this context, is something that causes a bodily response: if you feel angry, your heartbeat increases, your arms shake, and your face turns red. If you feel sad, you'll start crying and shaking. If you feel happy, your heartbeat increases and you smile. In contrast, just liking or disliking something may or may not make you react in any way. For example, let's say that you have an intense dislike of a celebrity. You don't start shaking and crying just because you dislike that celebrity. But what if you're a fan of a certain band? If you listen to one of their songs, you may start feeling happy. In both of these cases, we have two concepts floating around: a "feeling" (disliking a celebrity or liking a band) and an "emotion" that may be a reaction to that feeling (feeling happy when listening to your favorite band).
Feeling types usually have this misconception going around that we're emotional wrecks and can't think logically. This misunderstanding comes from the confusion that Feeling means being emotional. And while a feeling can give rise to an emotion, it's not emotion in itself, these are two different things. To put it simply: Feelings are values, and emotions are reactions to those values.
Now, to continue on how Jung described Fe, he gave a great example of how this type of Feeling is influenced by the outside world:
"I can feel compelled to use the predicate "beautiful" or "good", not because I find the object "beautiful" or "good" out of subjective feeling, but because it is appropriate to call it "beautiful" or "good"; and appropriate insofar as a judgment to the contrary would somehow disturb the general emotional situation. Such an appropriate emotional judgment is by no means a simulation or even a lie, but an act of fitting in. Thus, for example, a painting may be called "beautiful" because a painting hung in a salon and signed with a well-known name is generally assumed to be "beautiful", or because the predicate "ugly" could offend the family of the happy owner, or because the intention on the part of the visitor is to create a pleasant emotional atmosphere, for which it is necessary that everything is felt to be pleasant. Such feelings are directed according to objective determinants. As such, they are genuine and represent the entire visible feeling function." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (pp. 411-412).
A common misunderstanding surrounding Fe, and by extension Fe types, is that Fe is by nature insincere and fake, and that we're double-faced and superficial. But I think of it differently: if your friend got a bad haircut and they look terrible, is it dishonest to say that it isn't that bad if it comes from an honest intention of not wanting to hurt their feelings over something they can't change? Do you always need to tell people what you think, regardless of how it may affect them? I think honesty without kindness is just cruelty.
But, moving on!
"The evaluations made through the act of feeling correspond either directly to objective values or at least to certain traditional and generally accepted standards of value. It is largely due to this kind of feeling that so many people go to the theater or to a concert or to church with properly measured positive feelings. It is also to thank for the fashions, and what is far more valuable, the positive and widespread support of social, philanthropic and other cultural endeavors. In these things, extraverted feeling proves to be a creative factor. Without this feeling, for example, beautiful and harmonious sociability is unthinkable. In this respect, extraverted feeling is just as beneficial and rational a power as extraverted thinking." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 412)
To me, Fe represents that desire for human connection, to feel community, to think about others. We live in an age where hyperindividualism is encouraged everywhere, to care about yourself only, to isolate and disregard anyone who doesn't make you feel good. If that kind of mindset is pushed constantly by corporations and influencers, a lot of people will have a hard time understanding something like Fe, since it opposes everything hyperindividualism stands for. It's frustrating, but I think it's also not surprising to see a lot of people in the MBTI community having an intense dislike of Fe types, especially Fe-dom types, because of this. The idea that only you, as an individual, matter, is so prevalent that for some people, caring about something other than yourself is just dumb.
⚠️ Another thing to take in mind is that Jung determines the dominant function by what we value the most. By this, it means that your intention is what matters, not the results. For example, a socially awkward person can be an ENFJ as long as they value the outside feeling environment over everything else, no matter how clumsy they may be at it. We tend to think of ENFJ as mind-readers, masters of socialization, or community leaders, and it certainly can be the case! But, just as the ENFJ can be a well-loved, charismatic therapist, it can also be the nervous shrinking violet who awkwardly tries to please people around them. We often make the mistake of measuring someone's preference of a function by how "skilled" they are at it, by how much positive results come from them using that function, when in reality, you can be an absolute dimwit and still be a Ti-dom. Your dominant function is always the one that dictates your decisions, regardless of the results of those decisions.
Now, as with all functions, Extraverted Feeling has its dark side.
"However, this beneficial effect is lost as soon as the object gains excessive influence. In this case, the overly extraverted feeling draws the personality too much into the object, i.e. the object assimilates the person, whereby the personal character of the feeling, which is its main stimulus, is lost. This makes the feeling cold, objective and untrustworthy. It betrays a secret intention, or at least arouses such suspicions in the unbiased observer. It no longer makes that pleasant and refreshing impression which always accompanies a genuine feeling, but one senses posturing or acting, when perhaps the egocentric intention is still quite unconscious." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (pp. 412-413).
It's possible to care too much. When Fe gains excessive influence over the psyche, it places so much value on harmonious relationships that it comes at the detriment of the subject. Unhealthy Fe demands that you adapt to every single social environment, to make sure to please everyone, and to sacrifice your personhood in favor of the external feeling world. This is why the unhealthy Fe user comes across as fake and dishonest: it's impossible to be a different person to fit in with different social settings without sacrificing your integrity.
"Since situations in life constantly alternate with one another, triggering different or even contrasting emotional tones, the personality dissolves into just as many different feelings. One time you are one thing, the next time something completely different - apparently, because in reality such a diversity of personality is impossible." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 415).
When we talk about types turning unhealthy or acting in erratic or destructive ways, we also have to talk about their inferior function. After all, is your inferior function that keeps your dominant function in check, so to speak. Your inferior function is a sensible counterpart that, while it opposes your dominant function, it provides a different perspective, like another voice that says "yes, but..." to anything you say. This is the role of Introverted Thinking (Ti).
❗️Contrary to popular belief, inferior Ti is not when you lack intelligence, logic, or intellect. To begin with, Thinking isn't related to intelligence. It can lead to it, but just like Feeling can lead to emotions, it ultimately isn't emotions in itself. In the same way, Thinking can lead to intelligence, but it isn't intelligence in itself. It's a process of thought, not the result of that thought. For example, you can think about a math problem, but that thinking may not necessarily lead to a correct answer.
The relationship between the dominant function and the inferior function is the most important one. If the balance between the two functions is disturbed, it leads to destructive or toxic behaviors, or as how Jung called it, neurosis. So what is the relationship between Ti and Fe?
"You can only feel "right" if nothing else disturbs your feelings. But nothing disturbs feeling as much as thinking. It is therefore easy to understand why thinking is suppressed as much as possible in this type of person. This is by no means to say that such a woman does not think at all; on the contrary, she may think a great deal and very intelligently, but her thinking is never sui generis, but an epimetheic appendage of her feeling. As far as feeling permits, she can think very well, but any conclusion, however logical, which might lead to a result disturbing to feeling, is rejected a limine. It is simply not thought." Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 414)
Thinking is the opposing force to Feeling. And for a type that values Feeling the most, it's only to be expected that it tries to suppress Thinking the most. If a logical thought has the power to disturb the social harmony, the average or unhealthy ENFJ will do their best to pretend it isn't there. But it's impossible to completely suppress a part of your mind. The thoughts that you're desperately trying to push away, will always come back in different forms:
"Unconscious thinking reaches the surface in the form of ideas, often of an obsessive nature, whose general character is always negative and devaluing. There are therefore moments in women of this type when the worst thoughts attach themselves to the very objects that the feeling values most highly. Negative thinking makes use of all infantile prejudices or comparisons that are suitable for casting doubt on the value of feelings, and it draws on all primitive instincts in order to be able to explain feelings as "nothing but". Jung, Carl. Psychological Types (p. 417).
By this, Jung means that the suppressed Ti will leak out in the form of harsh criticism, prejudice, or comparing people according to unreasonable expectations of them, destroying the previously positive feelings about them. Basically, Ti will turn destructive, making the usually pleasant ENFJ assume the worst out of someone.
All of the above paints a picture of a dishonest, paranoid, and troubled ENFJ. They're desperate to win people over, to make everyone happy, but they have lost themselves in this desire and sacrificed their integrity to the point they sound hollow, they lack substance, and the more they try, the less convincing they are. At the same time, their inferior Ti makes them think all sorts of terrible things about the people around them, and they start doubting their relationships and the sincerity of the people they love.
🫂 I will be making a part two later describing Ni from Jung's perspective and how to tell ENFJ and INFJ apart. Ni is kind of tricky to describe, especially as an auxiliary function, but I'm sure it'll help a lot of people who may be confused about their type! Also, the majority of what I described above can be applied to the ENFJ's sensor counterpart, ESFJ. And as I said before, Jung only described four functions and eight personality types, which later expanded to 16 personality types under Myers-Briggs system, therefore there isn't a "function stack" to speak of right now, but I can do my best to describe the closest thing we have to it from Psychological Types.
I hope this was helpful. Thank you for reading! 💖
submitted by higurashi0793 to enfj [link] [comments]
