Greenbacks insurance save money we talkin dough

Advice from experienced mechanics from several fields.

2012.02.17 18:34 Advice from experienced mechanics from several fields.

This is more than a car repair forum!

2024.05.20 04:41 biggin528 AITAH for telling my wife that we can't afford for her to be a stay-at-home-mom?

So my wife and I have been together for 8 years, married for 3. Both in our mid-30s and now have a toddler. She works in the tech world, I'm in real estate. As a couple, we do well financially and contribute roughly 50/50 depending on how I do from year-to-year (sometimes maybe more like 60/40 in her favor, other times 60/40 in mine). We don't have any major issues though we still deal with little annoying arguments about dumb shit like most married couples with a new child.
Anyways - Am I being the asshole here by telling her that she's being selfish and that we can't afford to drop down to a single-income household?
submitted by biggin528 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:33 WolfTravisDrakeLamar Need help evaluating current financial status and advice on what can be done better.

Background (TLDR below):
I live in Noida, in a rented apartment, with my parents and my dog. We don't own any property (sold in 2021 due to dad's business issues). We own a car (~10L value, bought 7 years ago) and that's about it.
After a long bout with bad decisions and finishing off credit card debts, here's the current income split - Salary - 1.33L pm Amount to home/parents - 75k pm I keep ~58k pm I pay off credit cards (EMIs, previous months charges and a shared Amazon card for a lot of home expenses, internet & telephone bills, gym membership, life insurance policy) from 58k and am left with around 30-35k.
My fixed expenses are going out with friends once or twice a week, a lot of late night Swiggy/ Zomato orders (trynig to cut back) and some money (~3-4k) I spend on a little side business I'm trying to start. And I am always left with little to no money at the end of the month.
In terms of current saving - I have ~2.7L in mutual funds. Mom has her own saving but I don't ask her the numbers. With year end bonuses - I will have ~7.3L in mutual funds/stocks by end of next month. This is all the savings I have since I started working around 4 years ago.
TLDR: 27m, 4YOE Monthly Income - 1.3L pm Fixed amount to Home/Parents - 75k pm Current Stocks/Mutual Funds - 7.3L Current EPF - ~4L Self/Family owned assets - 1 car (7-8 years old)
And going forward,
I plan on getting an apartment and live alone, away from home for a while, for mental health which will bring increased costs of ~50k pm.
Parents want me to purchase a home/property but I sometimes feel it would be a bad decision as I don't want to get locked into a 20-30 year commitment, but then also think about the peace of mind it might bring to live in an apartment you own. A good apartment I would want to purchase for the long term would cost (1.5-2cr)
Really wanted to buy an additional car this year, but don't think I can afford it, but we will soon have to buy one as you can't drive diesel cars older than 10 years in Delhi and the current one has around 2 years left.
I am also due for an appraisal in June/July so income will be increasing by at least 20%. I have not been regular with savings, but plan on being more strict and save 20% of my salary before making any expenses (self or home).
Can anyone evaluate how I am doing so far? And how I should proceed going forward?
submitted by WolfTravisDrakeLamar to personalfinanceindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:09 dumblittlepuppy exhaustion.

Life has become too much. I've struggled with depression of the better part of my 25 years, and only within the last year got on antidepressants. But now, after having been on them for months, I'm starting to get thoughts of self harm again. If I don't take my meds, I spiral out of control.
In large, I believe it has to do with financial hardships. We were doing so, so good. We had over $6k saved up. Then the car broke down (it still needs repairs toalling over $3k). Then we needed more and more. The ex-roommates fucked us over. The baby needed this or that. Birthdays and holidays happened...
We are living paycheck to paycheck while I work 30-40hrs a week. I have to BEG my boss for more hours. Getting a minimum of 30 was a fight. I'm listed as full time and getting more than 32 hours is a shock.
I'm stuck in a town I hate, in a house I hate, with no one around to support me. All my friends are 12 hours away and family at least twice as far, all in different time zones. I feel so isolated. We were supposed to move, 3 years in a row, and every year we got fucked again last minute.
My fiance doesn't work, he's a SAHP to our 8mo son. He watches me sob about money and has not once offered to start working again without attaching some kind of guilt to it. Saying he'll go back to the company that treated him like garbage with a "I'll hate my life and I'll just be miserable again" tone of voice. He's dead set on joining the navy SEALs, he thinks it'll solve all of our problems, but it won't. He fails to realize that my only options once he's gone will be living in this trap of a house, with his parents (worse), or with mine (also worse).
I'm at the end of my rope. Every day I find myself fantasizing about ending it. About hurting myself. I'm over a year clean of SH, but I just... I want to do some very, very scary things.
We've been engaged for 5 years, and probably won't ever get married, because he wants a giant wedding with all his extended family invited... And we have maybe $100 in savings, as I found out today. I'm always overdrawn in my bank account, and I can't find better work.
I'm supposed to be starting college in July, and I have nothing ready. I got the Pell grant, but my classes are $23k a semester and I don't know where to start on student loans. I don't even have a laptop to go to school with. It's online bc I can't go to physical college bc I work so much.
Today I had to worst breakdown I've ever had. I couldn't calm down. I set the screeching baby in his crib so he would be safe in his room and closed the door, and then I just lost control. I was throwing things, banging my hands on the walls and cabinets, holding back screams, sobbing... I locked myself in the bathroom and took on the fetal position in the tub. I curled up there for what felt like 45mins just... hyperventilating and sobbing. I was shaking, I felt dizzy and nauseous, I couldn't get a grip.
Eventually, I picked myself up, took my meds, and went to hold my son. I apologized to him for leaving him alone, but as I always say after one of my episodes "I don't want you to see me like that." He doesn't remember now, but one day, he will.
I go to the gym for my health, because when I was pregnant I weighed over 300lbs. I'm down to 265, but that's still too much. I can't get insurance no matter what I do. I lost Medicaid when I started working because I make too much to qualify. (I make less than $20k annual) I can't get any other insurance because it's too expensive.
I'm always exhausted, always annoyed, angry, depressed, hopeless... i fainted at work 2 days ago due to exhaustion, but I refused to go home because if I don't get the hours, we can't pay the bills.
I'm stuck. I'm literally stuck. I'm just ready to take out a life insurance policy and just... go. So that my boys will be taken care of and they don't have to worry about me anymore. So that I can be at peace. Once and for all...
submitted by dumblittlepuppy to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:56 justtakeurvitamines Money.

I’m 16 (f) and I have a basically full time job,and I do online school from 9-12 , and I watched my brothers kids and keep up with chores. I work 40 hours a week and get paid every 2 weeks, so about $700-$800 per paycheck, I get maybe $100 out of it, $150 if I’m lucky. My family is just about but not quite to middle class, we live comfortably with my older brother his wife, and his 2 kids, along with my dads government benefits, food stamps, exc. Income in my house is (if I’m adding it up right) about 1,800 every month, but my dad still takes my money and says it’s “to help the family” but if I bring it up he gets mad and tells me that he pays for my medical supplies (we have full coverage insurance) and that he keeps a house over my head but if I want to be like that I can help with the gas and car insurance it takes to get me too and from work, some times he even brings up that I can just quit my job. Today I brought up that “how can I save up for a car if I don’t have any money” he got mad again. What do I do? Also he controls all money that goes in and out of my account and gets text anytime I spend money.
submitted by justtakeurvitamines to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:29 Dylannnlol Rocket Money VS. EveryDollar

First time ever posting, but wanted everyone's opinion.. My husband 25M and I 20M plan on moving Out of my parents house in Sept of 2024 and need to get a good grip on our spending.
Here what we have for debt: -Debt relief program (totaled car loan, 3rd party loan, a Credit card, and a collection that's currently being handled). -husband's car loan -joint credit card -couple of affirm loans
This is our monthly expenses: -Spotify -Google one -Xbox game pass -phone bill ($50 total for our service) -rent -car loan -renters insurance -auto insurance -debt relief program ($250 monthly, $125 bi-weekly) -affirm loan -affirm loan -credit card payment
While we were working hard towards paying off debt, we are currently making the minimum on all and trying to save as much as possible to move out. Goal is 10k to move out comfortably. If 10k isn't manageable then 6k to move on a budget.. I have been following Dave Ramsey a little and following his guidance, but not to a tea..
What app does everyone recommend for budgeting and organizing debt, everydollar or rocket money?
(Looking for advice on what to do, and just to see what everyone opinion is).
submitted by Dylannnlol to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:52 According_Log_6574 I’m not sure sure why I got so angry with Tom on Fridays ACT, but….

The vast majority of the US (and T&D listeners) are not able to lower their job level/income to create more memories with their families. The majority of the US is literally barely getting by. Scrapping by and barely doing that.
“Objectively this has to be true” (Tom referring to working less and creating more memories being optimal). No shit it’s true. Duh (saying “objectively” doesn’t make it a more astute observation). Apples are also healthy, alcohol is bad, exercise is good. Any other blatantly obvious truths.
For anyone curious there was a voicemail at the beginning of Fridays ACT were a listener mentioned he has taken off working for the “corporate man” and is spending the time finding themselves and making memories. Good for that guy and his ability to do that. Tom goes on the preach about how the average person should prioritize memories over money and career, and won’t be thinking about that extra hundred grand at the end of their lives, but the time they missed with their kids. That his friend Andres who is a teacher making peanuts should cherish the time he has with his kids and not seek more money. “Will you miss that 100k in 20 years or miss the time with the kids?”. The average American isn’t missing out on 100k, Tom. They will never have the opportunity to even consider making, or not making, that number
Some data points to consider:
-Median income in the US: Around $38k per year
-Median house price: Around $500k
-Average credit card debt per household: close to $7k
-Median retirement account ages 45-54 (Vangaurd 2022numbers so this varies by brokerage): $90k
-Average Daycare cost in the US: Around $1200 a month per kid
-Average family health insurance premium for a family: around $20k per year
The average American can barely afford their shit healthcare, they can barely afford groceries, they can’t afford a home, they can’t save, they carry debt, and will never have the money to retire outside of the garbage SS income they’ll receive.
They certainly can’t consider “working a remote job for $10k less to spend more time at home”. Or take time off to be with their kids. They can’t even afford their kids, or to have them.
I don’t know, I am used to the banter on random stuff that sometimes comes off preachy from Tom’s end using words like objectively and seemingly, but this one just burned me for some reason. Like it’s so easy. And for those of us that have a technical skill and do well, we can’t really leave the workforce either. We will be lapped in a year or two, and become uncompetitive. We are gone at the pace technology and competition progresses. Women are literally just starting to get a few months for maternity leave at major companies, and most still don’t have access to it. How do we pay for healthcare. How do we continue to pay for retirement. How do we cover anything. How do we travel. This is coming off another show where Tom mentioned one could eat unlimited sodium and be healthy. Yeah Tom, in a perfectly designed experiment when the human body is so hydrated and sweating enough, they could continually eat sodium. But in reality, humans are not, and excess sodium leads to a plethora of health issues.
You ever consider Andres may actually need more money, or that barely scrapping by with your children not fully provided for (not speaking to Andres, just generally) isn’t that great of concept? And that most people, “objectively” speaking (gotta use that word or it’s somehow arguable), would love not to work and to create memories?
I think I’m learning to mute the show when financial, health, or life goals are discussed.
submitted by According_Log_6574 to tomanddan [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:24 toes4youhoney What would you do? Car, truck, add to loan maybe? Looking for advice.

Warning this is a long read:
Hi there, here's what's up. My husband (26) and I(26) bought a house in 2022 because the place we were renting was sold out from under us and there was nothing available in our area during the rental crisis. We bought a 173,000 dollar house and it's been alright but we definitely settled and hope to move in the next 10 years or less. After we moved we had 6000 in extra money to get us started in this new area. We have no friends or family for support with our children (family lives an hour or more away & are generally uninterested in us or our kiddos unfortunately after many attempts to get them involved) so I work as a waitress in the tiny town we moved to and it averages $5-9/hr most weeks. My husband makes $31 an hour. 3 months after we moved into the house the electrical panel had a surge happen to it and it needed to be replaced because the old owner updated the panel without updating the wiring that went up and out to the road. This is something the house inspector noted as there was a double tap but he wasn't concerned. That cost us $3,000+ right off the bat that we paid in 3 months worth of payments because it's deemed an emergency it cost a lot and we have a well so we had no water for almost 4 days before we finally got it back on... Then my husband's car broke down and my engine blew in my vehicle within 6 months of each other. Both reliable up to that point but both would cost more than the value of the vehicle to replace what broke. So he got a truck and a few months later I got a van from someone I know from the restaurant with cash but with all that's going on we used up a lot of that available money. Well, fast forward to Friday night on his way home from work a vehicle didn't stop at a stop sign and my husband tboned them at 50 MPH even though he was slamming on the brakes. (He's okay-ish but his vehicle and theirs is not). He still owes $9,000+ on the truck because it's on a loan but we didn't have gap insurance it turns out even though we were paying "full coverage" The insurance company is saying less than 5 grand for payout but the vehicle sells for over $10,000 online to buy the same one. 😓 Are we screwed? Do we have to pay that out of pocket and then get another loan for a new vehicle? How are you all functioning alright? We're just trying to live life out here and we keep getting one thing after another that's hitting us no matter what we do. We have a strict budget and have been working towards savings goals and every single time we get something substantial saved it has to be spent it seems.
What would you do?
A)Take the insurance money and use it as a down payment for a cheaper vehicle and just continue payments on the vehicle we don't have but try to put it all on the same loan? For example his truck payment is $220 a month but if we get a payout from insurance should we buy a vehicle that costs around that amount we receive and just keep paying the truck as usual?
B)Sell everything we can and pay it off as soon as possible and then get another vehicle? Because during the summer we could suffer and have 1 vehicle but my husband works 6-6 most days and I wouldn't have a way to work since we have no public transportation in this town or taxis. & Because we have kiddos and no support I was going to have to stay home with them anyways but I can still work the weekends then.
C)Is there a way to just add the remainder of a part of a loan onto another loan? Can I just add the remainder of the truck to the house loan? That way we still have the same monthly payment and kinda start over on paying the house? Right now we have about $3,000 in savings that's available if it's needed but without family and support like I said we kinda can't touch any of that in case of an emergency again.
Our budget works for us USUALLY on a month to month basis but it's so hard to seem to get prepared for these big things that happen every few months or at least twice a year. If there's a good option you can think of please feel free to share. Looking to move onwards and upwards from this pit we're in. We really need advice. Thanks for reading this far if you did.
We live almost week to week at this point unless we wanted to dip into the savings we have which we don't and we need to get propane ($500) & new tires on my vehicle which is paid off. What in the world are we gonna do. I feel like all these things together we're never going to move on from this place or get ahead again.
submitted by toes4youhoney to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 16:23 Live-Egg-5202 I wish things were different (TW animal neglect/animal hoarding)

My family always had so many pets when I was growing up, at one point when I was in elementary school we had 8 dogs and 5 cats. That was already a lot. I dealt with a lot of mental illness growing up and addictions to TV, internet, gaming, pornography, etc, didn't care about school, was groomed on the internet, and my parents just let me drop out of high school. From then my mom started really hoarding animals, rescuing cats by the litter over the years to the point where now I think she has 50 cats or so spread between the small cottage we live in and a larger trailer. She works overtime and uses all the rest of her time taking care of all of them as well as feeding other feral cats she can't catch. My dad lost his job and now spends his days in misery cleaning up and taking care of cats, and their marriage is the most toxic thing I've ever seen. My mother doesn't even call my father by his real name, she gave him an unrelated name she just calls him by.
All my life from age 12 to 20 the first thing I heard almost every single morning was them yelling and arguing. I've never seen them show each other love. They're just so toxic and abusive and codependent towards each other.
I've been in relationships where I could move out and live with my partners, but my issues usually end up ruining the relationship. I'm so emotionally stunted and filled with anxiety and insecurity about the future. I can't blame my parents or my living situation for all my problems but I felt unable to really get a good footing in the world for my entire life, or witness models for healthy relationships. Most of my partnerships were codependent and obsessive because I felt such a need to escape from my home life.
I got my high school diploma, drivers license, a car, and have been working entry level jobs for a few years but I know I need to figure out college or something for my future. But the only thing I can afford to do is live in this house and somehow build a future here. I used to have one cat that lived in my bedroom, then my mom got 4 more kittens and they've grown up while I was gone and living with my boyfriend for a year. I moved back here a few weeks ago.
Now what was my only sanctuary constantly needs to be cleaned up, things get knocked off my desk or dragged around, I have two litter boxes in my room, there's cat litter and fur everywhere, I need to listen to white noise to even fall asleep because there are 5 full grown cats getting their zoomies in the middle of the night and they all live exclusively in this bedroom. They defecate at night and because their litterbox is like 8 feet from my bed, I smell it and it wakes me up. (That also can't be healthy for me at all)
My parents and even my mother alone make enough money that we could have a nice middle class life. They could've afforded to send me to college, to have a bigger house, to have money in savings, to go on vacations. Instead, we live in a small one bathroom two bedroom house, my mom lives paycheck to paycheck because she spends thousands of dollars a month on cats.
I feel like I've always been the only one who worried constantly about the future. What happens when all the cats get old and start dying? What happens when the economy gets worse and we have nothing in savings? What if suddenly we can't afford to take care of all these cats? Is it really morally better to rescue cats from living outside so they can live in cramped spaces and not possibly get the attention they deserve as pets?
My mom is mentally ill and is delusional as hoarders are, she will not listen to reason. I think she could also qualify as legitimately insane. My dad is so depressive and ruminates and complains about the living situation/my mother constantly as if I don't already know all of it. Yet I can't help but feel betrayed by him, he's the one who stayed with her as things got worse and worse. He was an adult when all this was happening, I was just a teenager.
I know it might be entitled to expect my parents to just provide me things like a more comfortable/healthy home, college, etc. My mom helps with my car insurance and I do have a bed, a shower, and a roof over my head. I can't act like I have it as bad as people whose parents are legitimately abusive, extremely neglectful, or kick their kids out leaving them to fend for themselves. I'm grateful for my life, I know it could be way worse.
I just can't help but feel like it's such a waste. Some people have hard lives because it's the best they can manage or they were dealt a bad hand. It's harder to have sympathy for people that just make their lives hard for themselves. Maybe my mother being mentally ill and feeling the compulsion to make her entire life about hoarding animals IS really out of her control. But it was still her choice to drastically lower the quality of her own, her husband, and her son's lives. And she has absolutely no remorse or empathy for that.
But even outside of the ways I'd benefit directly from more emotional/financial support from them, I just wish they had better lives? To see parents who either love each other or get divorced so I can stop seeing them at their worst all the time. To have some models of financial responsibility/security that just...makes sense even from the perspective of self preservation. My parents never showed me nothing to look forward to in life besides obesity, addiction, pain, misery, toxic relationships, hoarding, irresponsibility, codependency and things never getting better.
submitted by Live-Egg-5202 to ChildofHoarder [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:32 finesalesman Preparing for a child

Hello guys,
Found out last week I’m gonna become a dad. I’m thrilled and super happy, but after a week of positivity, I need to take care of some things.
I’m 25 my wife to be is 24.
My take home is €2600 a month (this is base pay, I’m a Sales Manager, and I do get good commission, but some months can be without commission, so let’s just use that for calculation. Commission can grant me up to almost €4000). I work in Telecommunication industry.
My rent is €640 except when it’s a 5 week month, it’s €800.
-rent 640
-electricity 50-70 (winter)
-loan 100 (will be paid of in 2 months)
-humm 80 (will be paid off in 5 months)
-subscriptions 100
-broadband and phones 100 (will be switched to my employer and dropped to 50)
I need to spend around €1000 for a wedding (small wedding just couple of people).
I don’t think we’ll send a kid to creche as I personally don’t have a driving license, and closest creche now taking is 20km away, while she does have a driving license, I have no place to park a car, and car payment + Parking permit + insurance would add too much to our bills right now, and we live in a town center.
If my S/O decides to go back to work, my mother will visit to help with the child, and her aunt and cousins are in Ireland so they offered help also.
How much is: food for the child nappies Other things I need to worry about?
I will get clothes from my brothers children and a stroller.
I am planning of availing free college courses on Springboard+ and eCollege, particulary Business courses so I can get a better paying job. I actually do have BA degree in Electrical engineering but I don’t want to work in that branch.
I have free healthcare through my work.
My S/O is currently working, she doesn’t pay any bills. I just want to use my income, we are saving her money.
P.S I can’t figure out if I get anything from the government so I’m only calculating with my income.
submitted by finesalesman to irishpersonalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:23 alTeee90 Being a walking L has made me religious

These past 2 years have been brutal, it's been L after L with no break.
I feel like a mouse in a maze that every time it approaches the exit is dragged back to the start by a hand from the sky.
It doesn't matter how much I try, the outcome is always the worst possible one.
I've gone from agnostic to full on believer because I don't think someone can be this unlucky without some almighty being involved in it.
I now fully believe God exists and either:
  1. He is actively punishing me
  2. He has left me stranded
Will keep it short since I know you hoes like reading this kind of shit:
Around 2 years ago I was leasing a horse, and giving it my all, I was earning an entry-level salary in a comfy remote work living with my parents. Keeping the horse was costing me pretty much my full salary. I didn't go out and did anything except lifting, running, riding and working.
For almost a year I was the happiest I had ever been, I literally jumped out of bed excited to live the day, I would work 8-4, lift in my home gym and go visit my horse, either riding, or just being with him, during the time I had him I didn't go a single day without seeing him.
Of course living like this means that I don't have the most social life or friends circle, but I didn't care since every hour of my life was busy.
My plan for the year was training and competing and then in September changing jobs and buying the horse, but in July the horse was injured, I didn't get the best veterinary advice and didn't know what to do, I was being drained for a horse I couldn't even ride or enjoy, after all those months of hard work and discipline, for some reason the owner got mad, and petty sold him behind my back.
During this time, my highschool best friend started regaining contact and started meeting with me and his gf, they gave me a lot of support during those weeks, against all odds, I nailed an interview for a high-paying job that would've allowed me to buy the horse and maintain it comfortably.
I was still too hurt from what had happened, so I just chilled for a few months, saving money, and hanging out with my friend and his gf, and lifting and running, I was at my physical peak, I was lifting heavier than ever, running faster and longer, I was optimistic for the future, I just needed time to heal and I had the means to do so, social life, earning money and physical activity.
Fast forward to December and I receive a cryptic message from my friend's GF saying that she wasn't going to be here for my birthday (we met the previous day) because my dumbass friend just broke up with her.
That basically destroyed my little social life since they were living in the city, and my friend disappeared to be with his new GF.
I tried to comfort her and be there for her (wasn't attracted and even if I were it wouldn't be right to take advantage of the situation).
The months of just working and lifting allowed me to save enough to start looking to buy my own horse, I was still hurting from the whole situation, and being alone, but still I was just lifting heavy, running, walking my dog, keeping myself busy.
In February after trying and vetting some horses, I found one that seemed promising. I bought a very expensive veterinary exam, and he passed it, allegedly, I buy the horse.
Long story short, barely 3 weeks into ownership, I started noticing pain and weird stuff that shouldn't be happening since I started with very soft work, a few weeks of going through 3 different vets, and basically the horse had a life-long injury that the first vet didn't catch in the exam, and basically it was done for, I was devastated, I tried some solutions but they we're not effective, it was over.
During those months, my friend's ex-gf started coming to visit me, we slept together (no sex), we talked every day, I gave her presents, one would say what I did was love bombing her, but to me It was just being there giving support, for her it turned into a situationship.
I still had the horse, I couldn't selling him while he was untrained, and I still had a bit of faith in the vet's advice, and then, suddenly, my knee started hurting, I was lucky that in my new job I had private insurance, so I could immediately go to the orthopedist and do an MRI without the long ass waits of the public health care (up to a year for the MRI), and lo and behold, torn meniscus, it rapidly went from "pain while running" to "some days I can't even fucking walk", I had to stop riding, paying my trainer to ride my horse since I needed to sell him, I had to stop running, I had to stop doing any leg gym exercises.
I didn't want to do the surgery since what I read online was very contradictory.
Because shit can always get worse, one day I was alone with my parents (we also live with my brother and grandma), and I notice the vibes being off, I ask “what the fuck is your problem?” and they confess that my father doesn’t like my mom anymore, well, not to get into too much detail but since then I’ve had to endure watching my mom cry, they get into arguments all the time, just awful, thing is I was already so drained from my personal bullshit that after the initial shock, It didn’t pain me too much, they just keep living together, although I hear them arguing from time to time.
During those months my ex-friend’s ex-gf kept catching feelings for me, and my autistic ass couldn't really read the situation so I made it worse. Finally she asked me if I was going serious with her or if she could go on about her life. I said that I didn't see her as my partner, and since then she got a boyfriend and our friendship went to shit.
I finally sold the horse, my life got extremely bored.
I decided to do the surgery since I couldn't do any of the things I enjoyed, running, riding, whatever, but I had a trip in January with her so I had to postpone it until then, for those months all I could do was going for walks like an old man, and hit the gym (all chest no legs), I was going kinda hard tho, since I knew that during the months of recovery I would lose a lot of muscle and I wanted to go in my best form, during those months I acquired my best physique ever, for the first time, after years of being constant, I liked how my body looked.
The trip was a mistake, she nagged me every minute of it, I could tell she had only gone because it was already paid for, I had postponed the surgery 2 months just to have a horrible weekend.
I did the surgery and the first bad news came, they couldn't fix the broken part of the meniscus, so they took it out, this was the worst possible outcome since it would mean a shorter recovery, but the probabilities of arthritis in the future were higher, off to a good start.
2 weeks later I start going to rehab, during those weeks nobody came to visit me, well, my friend did, only to talk shit on his new coworker (during those months he would only message me to talk shit about coworkers or work), nobody else, not the situationship, not my trainer, nobody.
Speaking about the situationship, after the trip, she stopped messaging me, and even replying at all. I thought, well, there it goes, I’ve lost “not being an unopened chat” privilege.
Some boring months of rehab, working the job that I started to dread, and doing the boring ass knee exercises at home, and then, suddenly a glimmer of hope.
I start being treated by a “new” physio, but turns out she had been on sick leave for the same reason as me, she tore her meniscus, during those first 3-4 sessions we talked and talked for the whole hour, she was just perfect, around my age, funny, cute, was active, played sports, had a nice body, she lives like 5 minutes walk from my house.
I immediately fell in love like I had never before in my life, and that’s when it came to me, this was it, every bad thing that happened to me has come to this, to meeting this girl, everything made sense, If I had my surgery earlier I would not have met her because she would be on sick leave. My broken meniscus, my lame horse, every bad thing that had happened to me had led me to her.
So I take my autistic ass, and since I felt like we had something cool going on I ask “Hey, I think you’re very interesting and cute and would like to know you better, can I have your number so we can meet and go for a drink some day?” and she actually did give it to me, I asked for her number instead of her IG because I didn’t want to play any game, I thought she wouldn’t give me her number unless she was interested in me, I was ecstatic.
I start texting her and after refusing to meet a few times (with actually convincing excuses) I ask her “Hey if you don't want its fine I won't bother you anymore, just tell me” and she basically told me that she didn’t want to break the physio-patient barrier, I didn’t understand anything but I didn’t want to make it weirder since she is still treating me so I just accepted it.
The thing is, I know where she lives, I have to walk past her apartment whenever I go for a walk, drive to town, I get reminded constantly, moving on is very hard, I really thought she was for me, I thought she was finally the reward for all my suffering, but turns out she's just part of the punishment, I legit had a religious revelation, every single bad thing that had happened, God made it so I went and met her, my knee injury, having to sell the horse, losing my friends, no way it was a coincidence.
Now that I know that she is not for me, not even as a friend, I have nothing, the knee recovery is not going well, I was supposed to be a-ok in 6 weeks, It’s been 3 months and I still can’t even go for a walk without swelling and pain, I can’t workout because the knee exercises take a long ass time and I feel like they’re not doing shit, I don’t have friends to meet and take my mind off it, every few weeks I have to see my mum weeping around the house because my father is a piece of shit.
And to top it all, I just started having similar pain in the good knee, so there is a possibility that even If I hadn’t done shit, it may be injured too, this shit just doesn’t end, it just fucking never ends.
TLDR: Everything that has ever given me pleasure or made me happy has been taken away from me. I went from getting out of bed full of hope and enthusiasm to sleeping through my alarms because the only thing I can do is sit in front of a screen. I’ve been having the worst day of my life every day for the past 2 years, after everything I’ve worked hard for and all the sacrifices I’ve made.
submitted by alTeee90 to rspod [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:22 Same-Ad9667 Want to get rid of my BMW 530e for a reliable Lexus 350

My wife and I feel we have made a bad decision with our purchase of BMW 530e. Any maintenance/repairs/oil changes/servicing/etc. comes with such ridiculous price tags that we should have known better not to tread into this territory in the first place... We have an auto loan on it that is about $8000 under water at the moment, got a couple of dings here and there that we don't want to fork up the money to fix since we want to get rid of it, the monthly pay is about $700 (not including insurance, etc)...
We want to get a reliable SUV like a used RX350 V6 (2019 to 2022 maybe?) and just buy it cash, hold onto it till the wheels fall off, and invest what used to be a $700/mo payment. Seems like a good strategy but we are still worried about the big lump sump upfront payment + getting rid of underwater mortgage (=~$8000 loss). We are also currently saving up for a house but considering the terrible real estate market, we weren't sure if it's best to get rid of our auto loan first or just keep saving up and use the money towards the down payment.
Any ideas, suggestions or constructive criticisms would be welcome. Thanks!
submitted by Same-Ad9667 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:22 alTeee90 Being a walking L has made me religious

These past 2 years have been brutal, it's been L after L with no break.
I feel like a mouse in a maze that every time it approaches the exit is dragged back to the start by a hand from the sky.
It doesn't matter how much I try, the outcome is always the worst possible one.
I've gone from agnostic to full on believer because I don't think someone can be this unlucky without some almighty being involved in it.
I now fully believe God exists and either:
  1. He is actively punishing me
  2. He has left me stranded
Will keep it short since I know you hoes like reading this kind of shit:
Around 2 years ago I was leasing a horse, and giving it my all, I was earning an entry-level salary in a comfy remote work living with my parents. Keeping the horse was costing me pretty much my full salary. I didn't go out and did anything except lifting, running, riding and working.
For almost a year I was the happiest I had ever been, I literally jumped out of bed excited to live the day, I would work 8-4, lift in my home gym and go visit my horse, either riding, or just being with him, during the time I had him I didn't go a single day without seeing him.
Of course living like this means that I don't have the most social life or friends circle, but I didn't care since every hour of my life was busy.
My plan for the year was training and competing and then in September changing jobs and buying the horse, but in July the horse was injured, I didn't get the best veterinary advice and didn't know what to do, I was being drained for a horse I couldn't even ride or enjoy, after all those months of hard work and discipline, for some reason the owner got mad, and petty sold him behind my back.
During this time, my highschool best friend started regaining contact and started meeting with me and his gf, they gave me a lot of support during those weeks, against all odds, I nailed an interview for a high-paying job that would've allowed me to buy the horse and maintain it comfortably.
I was still too hurt from what had happened, so I just chilled for a few months, saving money, and hanging out with my friend and his gf, and lifting and running, I was at my physical peak, I was lifting heavier than ever, running faster and longer, I was optimistic for the future, I just needed time to heal and I had the means to do so, social life, earning money and physical activity.
Fast forward to December and I receive a cryptic message from my friend's GF saying that she wasn't going to be here for my birthday (we met the previous day) because my dumbass friend just broke up with her.
That basically destroyed my little social life since they were living in the city, and my friend disappeared to be with his new GF.
I tried to comfort her and be there for her (wasn't attracted and even if I were it wouldn't be right to take advantage of the situation).
The months of just working and lifting allowed me to save enough to start looking to buy my own horse, I was still hurting from the whole situation, and being alone, but still I was just lifting heavy, running, walking my dog, keeping myself busy.
In February after trying and vetting some horses, I found one that seemed promising. I bought a very expensive veterinary exam, and he passed it, allegedly, I buy the horse.
Long story short, barely 3 weeks into ownership, I started noticing pain and weird stuff that shouldn't be happening since I started with very soft work, a few weeks of going through 3 different vets, and basically the horse had a life-long injury that the first vet didn't catch in the exam, and basically it was done for, I was devastated, I tried some solutions but they we're not effective, it was over.
During those months, my friend's ex-gf started coming to visit me, we slept together (no sex), we talked every day, I gave her presents, one would say what I did was love bombing her, but to me It was just being there giving support, for her it turned into a situationship.
I still had the horse, I couldn't selling him while he was untrained, and I still had a bit of faith in the vet's advice, and then, suddenly, my knee started hurting, I was lucky that in my new job I had private insurance, so I could immediately go to the orthopedist and do an MRI without the long ass waits of the public health care (up to a year for the MRI), and lo and behold, torn meniscus, it rapidly went from "pain while running" to "some days I can't even fucking walk", I had to stop riding, paying my trainer to ride my horse since I needed to sell him, I had to stop running, I had to stop doing any leg gym exercises.
I didn't want to do the surgery since what I read online was very contradictory.
Because shit can always get worse, one day I was alone with my parents (we also live with my brother and grandma), and I notice the vibes being off, I ask “what the fuck is your problem?” and they confess that my father doesn’t like my mom anymore, well, not to get into too much detail but since then I’ve had to endure watching my mom cry, they get into arguments all the time, just awful, thing is I was already so drained from my personal bullshit that after the initial shock, It didn’t pain me too much, they just keep living together, although I hear them arguing from time to time.
During those months my ex-friend’s ex-gf kept catching feelings for me, and my autistic ass couldn't really read the situation so I made it worse. Finally she asked me if I was going serious with her or if she could go on about her life. I said that I didn't see her as my partner, and since then she got a boyfriend and our friendship went to shit.
I finally sold the horse, my life got extremely bored.
I decided to do the surgery since I couldn't do any of the things I enjoyed, running, riding, whatever, but I had a trip in January with her so I had to postpone it until then, for those months all I could do was going for walks like an old man, and hit the gym (all chest no legs), I was going kinda hard tho, since I knew that during the months of recovery I would lose a lot of muscle and I wanted to go in my best form, during those months I acquired my best physique ever, for the first time, after years of being constant, I liked how my body looked.
The trip was a mistake, she nagged me every minute of it, I could tell she had only gone because it was already paid for, I had postponed the surgery 2 months just to have a horrible weekend.
I did the surgery and the first bad news came, they couldn't fix the broken part of the meniscus, so they took it out, this was the worst possible outcome since it would mean a shorter recovery, but the probabilities of arthritis in the future were higher, off to a good start.
2 weeks later I start going to rehab, during those weeks nobody came to visit me, well, my friend did, only to talk shit on his new coworker (during those months he would only message me to talk shit about coworkers or work), nobody else, not the situationship, not my trainer, nobody.
Speaking about the situationship, after the trip, she stopped messaging me, and even replying at all. I thought, well, there it goes, I’ve lost “not being an unopened chat” privilege.
Some boring months of rehab, working the job that I started to dread, and doing the boring ass knee exercises at home, and then, suddenly a glimmer of hope.
I start being treated by a “new” physio, but turns out she had been on sick leave for the same reason as me, she tore her meniscus, during those first 3-4 sessions we talked and talked for the whole hour, she was just perfect, around my age, funny, cute, was active, played sports, had a nice body, she lives like 5 minutes walk from my house.
I immediately fell in love like I had never before in my life, and that’s when it came to me, this was it, every bad thing that happened to me has come to this, to meeting this girl, everything made sense, If I had my surgery earlier I would not have met her because she would be on sick leave. My broken meniscus, my lame horse, every bad thing that had happened to me had led me to her.
So I take my autistic ass, and since I felt like we had something cool going on I ask “Hey, I think you’re very interesting and cute and would like to know you better, can I have your number so we can meet and go for a drink some day?” and she actually did give it to me, I asked for her number instead of her IG because I didn’t want to play any game, I thought she wouldn’t give me her number unless she was interested in me, I was ecstatic.
I start texting her and after refusing to meet a few times (with actually convincing excuses) I ask her “Hey if you don't want its fine I won't bother you anymore, just tell me” and she basically told me that she didn’t want to break the physio-patient barrier, I didn’t understand anything but I didn’t want to make it weirder since she is still treating me so I just accepted it.
The thing is, I know where she lives, I have to walk past her apartment whenever I go for a walk, drive to town, I get reminded constantly, moving on is very hard, I really thought she was for me, I thought she was finally the reward for all my suffering, but turns out she's just part of the punishment, I legit had a religious revelation, every single bad thing that had happened, God made it so I went and met her, my knee injury, having to sell the horse, losing my friends, no way it was a coincidence.
Now that I know that she is not for me, not even as a friend, I have nothing, the knee recovery is not going well, I was supposed to be a-ok in 6 weeks, It’s been 3 months and I still can’t even go for a walk without swelling and pain, I can’t workout because the knee exercises take a long ass time and I feel like they’re not doing shit, I don’t have friends to meet and take my mind off it, every few weeks I have to see my mum weeping around the house because my father is a piece of shit.
And to top it all, I just started having similar pain in the good knee, so there is a possibility that even If I hadn’t done shit, it may be injured too, this shit just doesn’t end, it just fucking never ends.
TLDR: Everything that has ever given me pleasure or made me happy has been taken away from me. I went from getting out of bed full of hope and enthusiasm to sleeping through my alarms because the only thing I can do is sit in front of a screen. I’ve been having the worst day of my life every day for the past 2 years, after everything I’ve worked hard for and all the sacrifices I’ve made.
submitted by alTeee90 to redscarepod [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:11 Spiritual_Lack_8312 My friend lives in a fantasy land, is 27 and refuses to work more than 13 hrs per week yet complains to me about it. She is trying to adopt a pet bird. Wtf do I do?! She cannot afford to take care of a parrot which she said she’s buying tomorrow

She is 27. I have a job im saving to move out with a DIFFERENT friend not her. Her? She thinks she can already move out. She works in a food place yet get this.
She only works 13 hours a week, when i tell her to apply to other places so she can get 30 to 40 hrs a week she refuses saying " oh i dont want to i have no interests in that" she doesnt understand the concept you need money until you can make money doing the career you want. I cant get it thru her head if she works a random job now for money doesnt mean shes doing it forever. She told me she only makes $80 a week as she refuses to work more than 13 hrs a week. Yet she keeps txting me "im so excited im moving with one friend soon rent is $4000 per month"
BRUHHH how do i get it thru her head she needs to work to save? Both her parents died a month ago she is gonna get evicted from her parents home as she cant pay it. I been trying to help her get a job for 3 yrs she refuses????
Her parents never worked since she was born she told me she’s getting no insurance money I know she legit makes $80 a week after taxes. She gets $7.25 at this food place she works I go sometimes to say hi to her she complains they only pay her $80 a week when I tell her just go work somewhere that gives 30 or more hours she refuses. She asked me for $3000 on cashapp( I declined it) she doesn’t even have her own debit card she uses the one the job gave her yet complains to me it takes fees out. What do I as her friend do to help her?
She keeps telling me “I’m so rich I have $699 dollars!” Wtf?! That’s very poor why is she in this fantasy land? And can’t afford food? The woman is anorexic and hardly eats so I know she does not spend much on food at all. She’s been anorexic since I met her when we were 10 and 12
I hope no one else lends her $3k for that bird she asked me for she cannot pay or support another living thing that's why she asked me for it which is an absurd lot of money to ask for a friend. She texted me this right after “I see you declined my cash app request for me to buy that parrot I seen at the pet shop. That’s ok! I’m opening up a credit card to go buy him:)”
submitted by Spiritual_Lack_8312 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:06 PunishedByAnts Is there any reason to select the second option?

Is there any reason to select the second option? submitted by PunishedByAnts to RedAutumnSPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:11 Spray_Soft Advice please !

Hey so I’m posting on behalf of my wife she’s a tele nurse and I’m a 4th year med student who finishes school in October.
So we were thinking from October to March for me and her to pack up our bags and she starts travel nursing for the first time. We’re currently in NJ and are thinking to just take job positions anywhere in the country (look for highest paying positions) and use this as opportunity to make a lot of money and see the country. We currently have no kids so wouldn’t be tough to do.
Couple questions we have. 1) what are some resources you think we should look into from now until October to research about traveling etc
2) i know post pandemic the rates aren’t as high but what should we expect she could make weekly on average if where searching for high paying jobs.
3) is this a good idea lol. Our thought process was we’re young and free right now and before so might as well for a couple of months grind out make money and see the country.
4) I’m assuming she would be 1099 so how should we go about medical insurance etc. and do you save good amount on taxes since everything essentially would be a write off ?
Incase i haven’t asked any other important questions please feel free to give any other input you have such as experiences, other resources etc.
Thank you so much !!
Btw again she’s in a Postcath/post transplant telemetry floor in one of the busiest most intensive hospitals in NJ. She has 1 year of experience but again her day to day tasks are insane. Every senior nurse that works with her currently that has been in multiple other hospitals tells her after you leave here any other hospital you work it will be a walk in the park.
submitted by Spray_Soft to TravelNursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:03 angiedrumm Husband (probably) totaled my car

It actually wasn't his fault. He was driving to a gig yesterday afternoon, in the rain, and some Boomer didn't properly check before changing lanes and hitting my husband all along the passenger side. Boomer was in a Nissan Murano that took almost no damage; our (my) Toyota Corolla took all the pain.
My husband is totally fine, just frazzled and shaken. And as soon as I knew that, I had to cry for my car.
I got it when I was 22. My first car. I leased it brand new and bought it out when the lease ended. I paid it off early in 2018 with my tax refund money plus a bunch of savings; I just wanted so badly to OWN something outright. My Corolla was my baby and I was fussy as hell about it.
Meanwhile, my husband always had hand-me-down family cars, and I think that lack of pride in ownership caused him to be hard on a car. Oh he always got the proper maintenance but the interior of his car when I met him was atrocious. Then he inherited his mom's Chevy Equinox and that became a disgusting mess, too. He just lives out of cars in a way I can't comprehend.
Last year when our son was born we agreed it made more sense for us to basically switch cars, such that whoever had the baby, had the Equinox. So I was suddenly driving that disgrace around while he took my neat and tidy Corolla to and from school and work. He was adding a shit-ton of miles to it, which I quietly resented (but that resentment is tied up in other stuff too that I won't get into). And while I begged him to please not treat the inside of my car the way he's always treated say he didn't listen is an understatement. He didn't even vacuum it out here and there just to humor me. He always insisted he didn't see what the big deal was, that the nature of his work life meant he HAD to eat sprinkled cookies in the car and HAD to spill coffee on the seats. (I'm being hyperbolic but honestly not by much)
And now, as the final insult, he was the one who drove my car last and got into what's probably going to be its final accident. It's a 2011 Corolla with 128,000 miles on it; I can't imagine the insurance company will agree to repair it. And I feel so fucking cheated. I could have easily gotten another 75,000 miles out of that car. It's a Toyota, that's what they do. And we JUST replaced his Equinox in February (with a Corolla Cross because I'm a Toyota ride or die). We could comfortably afford that car but until he started his new job in December (the one he was going to school for), we really needed the 2011 Corolla to keep doing what it did. Now if we need something new, it will be a stretch.
I'm just so so so mad and sad today. And when we both woke up just now he wanted to hold me and I feel like a mean wife but I didn't want to be touched at all. My first car, my first taste of freedom, is probably dead and I feel like he killed it.
submitted by angiedrumm to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 13:31 boyfriendbutts I own the title to my car, now what?

I own the title to my car, now what?
A little under 2 years ago, I was in an accident that totaled my car. The situation is a bit confusing, but I am going to try to describe what happened as best as I can. I live in the city and my daily parking space is on a two way street where each side has extra room for parallel parking. The accident occurred when I was leaving for work one morning. I was maneuvering my car to leave my parallel parking position, when I was hit by a person coming down the same side of the street. They hit my front left wheel causing the axel to snap completely. The person that hit me called 911 and then we proceeded to exchange insurance information. I was issued a ticket at the scene by the police officer and both of our cars were towed to what the officer referred to as the “police impound lot” I reported the accident to my insurance company, however I only have liability insurance, so they did not help cover the cost of the accident. I decided to go to my court date instead of paying the ticket. When I went in front of the judge, they dismissed my case for lack of evidence and I went home without a ticket. During this time almost 2 months had passed and I called the tow lot that the police had towed me to, to try to figure out what was going on with my car. I was told that I had to pay $2000 + to get my car out or it would be getting sold at auction. I did not have the money at the time to pay to get my totaled vehicle out of the tow lot or to fix it. I was also stuck with paying the rest of the loan I had taken out for my car, which was about $6500.
All in all I felt very stuck and had no clue what to do. So, I have just been biking around the city and to and from work for about two years now while the loan was getting paid off. Which, as of this month has been done successfully and I received the title to my totaled car in the mail the other day and…. I just don’t know what to do with it.
I have the title and a paid off loan, but I have no car still and am currently working on saving for a new vehicle. Do I just store the paper away with my documents? Do I shred it? What do it do?…..
submitted by boyfriendbutts to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 12:59 MorpheusTheKnight My guardians stole 28k+ from me.

I’ll try to put in as much information as possible, but I’m not sure anything can even be done as I’ve already been kicked out as of 4 months ago, and I turned 18 in December of last year.
My mother died of breast cancer in October of 2019, and she was my primary parent, she had nothing money wise left for her kids as she had been fighting cancer for months and wasn’t able to work. My father was not in the picture. My aunt(SAHM 30) and uncle(30) in law on my dad’s side took me and my younger sister in, she was 10, I was 14. They also have their own child, who is very young, she mightve been 4 when we came?? But For majority of that time it was absolutely horrible, not because my mom died, but because the people who took us in are emotionally abusive and manipulative. They even admitted that they never wanted me or my sister in the first place.
My dad died from drug overdose April of 2022, two years ago. Officially making me and my sister Orphans. I don’t know when my aunt and uncle started getting security benefits, but I know they never saved any of it. Not for me, and not for my sister. We never got allowances, (my sister still isn’t) either. For the first year our living situation was very unstable, we first lived with my uncles mother for a few months before we got evicted, then we lived with my aunts grandpa for a few months, and then we found a place to actually settle down, we lived there for the remainder of the time. I can understand them having been tight on money for the first year, even year and a half. But my uncle had a steady well job for the entire time I lived there, that allowed for them to buy themselves plenty of pleasures(despite claiming to have lived paycheck to paycheck) such as new mattresses for them and their kid, a trampoline(that only their kid could use or she’d scream and cry about it), at LEAST 4 packs of cigarettes a week, as well as vapes and pens and weed too, a Nintendo, a Xbox, maybe 5 controllers, a small pool, new phones, new iPads, new TV’s, so much goddamn food because my aunt is nearly obese and eats 5 meals a day with her toddler, ymca memberships, daycares, every streaming service possible, new furniture for themselves, new cars, too many (expensive)toys for their kid, they put their kid in special therapies and private school too(because she is “autistic”, she’s not, my aunt is just trying to get disability checks) and there’s a million more things I could go on about.
I’ll describe half of my 16th year, and majority of my 17th year for you. When I was sixteen, I got my job and I worked every week, I got paid into my back account every week, and I saved money. I obviously had newfound financial freedom and would spend money and buy myself stuff all the time, when I turned 17, my guardians decided that it was too expensive to drive me to work anymore or school or pick me up(it was my senior year and I had two senior study halls), yet i wasn’t allowed to have a car until I turned 18 because they didn’t want me on their insurance, and also refused to let me get my license until a few days before my 18th birthday because “if you have a license and live here we have to add you on our insurance.” I also had at this point bought my own phone with my money, and paid my own phone bills, I also was working 2 jobs ontop school to afford to Uber to work, to school, and home (the school wouldn’t allow me to stay during my off periods), as well as my phone bills, and feed myself because by the time I would get home it was late and they wouldn’t save me any dinner. I was relying on my older sister, my brother, and my friend’s mom to transport me in the times I couldn’t afford it. The last few months, I was at my friends house more than I was actually at my own. I told my guardians I was going to graduate a semester early, January of 2024, that way I could take a full year break to save money for college. shortly after I told them they told me how much the security benefits have been, 1,200 a month, and that if I graduated early, because I wouldn’t be in a primary school anymore and be 18, they won’t get money anymore. They told me that if I stay for the remainder of the year they would give me my 1,200 every month for the few months I’d be in school until I graduated and they’d charge me rent, but if I DONT stay I needed to be out of the house by February.
They never saved any of the money for me, in all four years of them receiving social security, they never saved it, never bought me anything big or expensive, except some parts for a PC(after they sold my first one.) at some point, when my dad died I inherited a car, they told me they’ll buy it from my grandpa for 1,000 and when I go buy my car, he’ll give that to me. When I asked my grandpa about it, he claimed they never gave him any money, when I asked them about it they told me to talk to my grandpa.
Over the two years I knew for sure they were getting security deposits, I was supposed to have 28k, but I’m pretty sure they were getting it for all four years I lived with them, it would’ve been over 50 thousand.
My brother has been able to help me get a running vehicle, and I live with my sister for cheap rent but even then Im barely scraping by every month, and my sister is moving next month so I’m soon to be homeless if I don’t find somewhere to go, and all my savings were blown trying to buy a car. I can’t imagine how better off my life could be right now if they ever even gave a single fuck about me or my sister.
I’m wondering if there’s anything I could even do now? There isn’t much of a way I could prove they never used the money for me, but you never know. I live in South Carolina.
submitted by MorpheusTheKnight to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 11:53 Antibot_One My Cyberpunk City Factions

Greetings, citizens! I'm a writer, mostly freelance, but I've been working on my own setting for a while now. I've already described some of the basics of how my world is organized in the two posts on another subreddit, so I won't repeat them unnecessarily. Long story short: this is an alternate world that has deposits of metastable metallic hydrogen, concentrated at deep waters and in cold regions. Hydrogen, instead of oil, is the basis of the world's economy here, the corporations that have grown from its extraction and use have more power than governments. The political map of the world is different from our own, with different forces at play than we are used to.
The main setting is the city of Neone, located somewhere on the coast of the Balkan Peninsula. I won't specify a particular place or pick a certain country for its location. Instead, I will take some features from some various ones to add local flavor. As one of the largest trading hubs in the world, this city is very wealthy, but it's the kind of wealth that easily slips through your fingers. Everything is buying and selling here, and human life is just as much a bargaining chip. Life in Neone is determined by the actions that the Players, the main political forces in the city, take with one another. Relations between them can swing from friendship to hostility... Or sometimes a combination of both at the same time. So, here's a preliminary list of the ones I've already come up with:
Astara Industries is the “beauty industry” in all its forms. Silk and gold, perfume and cosmetics. Modeling, music, entertainment, plastic surgery, and escort services. Rumored to be involved in much darker affairs, but that doesn't stop a lot of young guys and especially girls from trying their luck and signing another cabal contract with Astara. The higher the ranks of their employees, the more the corporation seems to be a kind of cult that worships the very idea of beauty itself. Recently, this company has been investing colossal amounts of money into an ambitious project designed to stop aging and mortality.
Change Inc. is a pretty mysterious organization that primarily provides construction and design services as well as financial operations and data protection services. On deeper layers lies espionage and information trading to anyone who can offer a more interesting price for it.
Chapek's Clockworks is the other major robotics company that has dominated the market for quite a while. Now they are more famous for their retro designs and sponsorship of the theatrical scene.
Chimera Chemicals is a biochemical giant that once started out as a fertilizer manufacturer. Now they deal in just about everything chemical related, including weapons, and also sponsor gene modifications.
Dragonfruit Digital is a world famous software and electronics developer that was leading the market before the rapid... well, rise of Risen Robotics.
Friture Science is a food concern dedicated to the mission of feeding the world. In addition to natural products, they develop synthetic ones as well as a number of associated products.
Fortuna Fishing - seafood production in Neone coastal waters and also beyond and deeper. Some of the things they found deep in the waters made them a little bit... Well, superstitious.
Greenfield Gardens - Similar in many ways to the previous one, this company focuses on environmental protection and recycling methods. Owns many farms and gardens in the city and beyond. Genetic modifications, too.
Hecate Guaranty is a law and insurance company. Deals with all possible disputes of their clients, property issues, and more. When required and paid decently, can provide a person or group of people a new life and a new home.
International Inc. is the most boring company in the world. Originally a construction contractor they pioneered the technology of rapid modular building. Because of this, International Inc. quickly built up capital and influence by rebuilding cities after wars. Eventually they expanded into selling associated products and services, then logistics, recruiting personnel... And now International Inc. provides half of the world's products. Each of their products is completely featureless, but they get the job done at an acceptable price.
Keller & Crow is one of Europe's largest arms manufacturers, dating back to World War I, or maybe even earlier. Known for their high quality and appropriate prices.
Keller-Tec is, in more than one sense, a daughter corporation of Keller & Crow. It develops the most cutting-edge custom weapon and gear systems. It works closely with Risen Robotics and actively funds the Fountain of Good.
Kiki Courier Company is a network of independent couriers working through the app. Moving around the roofs of Neone, they are able to deliver a small cargo personally in their hands for those who don't trust big companies.
Matsubayashi Motors is a Japanese vehicle manufacturer. Raised on defense contracts, they now make anything that can carry a human in it, from scooters and cars to aircraft and bolides.
MOLOT manufactures is another major arms manufacturer in Europe. In fact a franchise that sells to factories around the world the rights to produce copies of their world famous models. Their designs are a bit crude, but reliable and durable.
Poseidon's Possibilities - A marine transportation company that plays an important role in city and global shipping. Considering the high risk of piracy, possess pretty good assets to protect themselves, and sometimes execute third-party orders in coastal zones.
Risen Robotics is one of the world's important corporations. Creating innovative neural chip technology, Risen Robotics quickly earned financial and political capital and aiming for more. They were the first to commercialize a truly cheap and mass-produced android called the Peacebringer, and these robots can be seen in the military, security companies, and even as security guards in the market and malls and as bouncers in nightclubs. Building its influence, Risen Robotics aims to actively bring its tech into the lives of everyone in the world... And then their gaze will be directed higher into the skies and to the stars.
Royal Arms - Once a major weapons company, they are now more focused on the civilian market and support tools. Their high-precision tools and cybernetic limbs are widely used in civilian and military markets, as well as the medicine and even space industries.
Strigoi Sovereign is a company with a long history of working with private customers. They originally focused on hunting and harvesting of high-value resources, but gradually expanded. Nowadays, they are known for their customized combat enhancements, whether it be tough training and gear customization as well as biological, chemical, and cybernetic enhancements. Among all forms of payment, they prefer transactions in precious metals.
Van Nueve Innovations is another deep genetic research company. After their role in human trafficking and criminal experiments was revealed, their assets were mostly shut and sold down. Now their stuff keeps popping up on the black market - though, in this city, the difference between the regular and black market is barely noticeable.
Vulcan Weaponry is another firearm company with a long history, with a good reputation for their trusted builds, high quality and classy designs. Among the mercenary world, their weapons and equipment is considered indicators of prestige and good taste.
Deepwater is a notorious American PMC with a well-deserved dirty reputation. Their Sigma division deployed in Neone has been caught in the middle of scandals more than once.
FIREBIЯD - Russian PMC, looking after order in and around Neone. Having a small size they are all carefully selected by their leader and follow him into both fire and water.
Ryujin - Japanese PMC, which has a good social image and actively finances all kinds of entertainment.
Schwarzwald is a German PMC with a long-standing reputation and connections. It usually works for the benefit of Western European clients and has a long history of cooperation with the Keller family.
Keller's Claws is a passion project of Alex Keller, CEO of Keller-Tec. A small and elite female PMC, operating in the interests of their mistress or executing carefully selected contracts around the world.
This is not all PMCs in the city, but only those that are not directly linked to specific corporations that were listed above.
The Blazer is a broad and diverse group of radical anarchists. They are mostly drawn to the destruction of corporate property and speculation about “power of the people”, but some of their members are not averse to almost any type of work.
The Crooked Circle is another cult-like gang, or vice versa. They focus on collecting unique technology, but aren't particularly successful at it. But they're still alive and kicking, praying that their mechanical messiah will save them.
The Grey Court Syndicate is the largest criminal organization in the city, and one of the largest in Europe, maybe even in the entire world. Reminiscent of the classic Mafia. On one side they have the exterior gloss, protecting order and running legal businesses, but on the other side they have human and organ trafficking, prostitution and assassinations for hire. The Grey Court is one of the main sources of migrants in Neone.
The Himmelreich is a disorganized gang fighting for the “purity of humanity”. They oppose the very fact of existence of chimeras and cyborgs in this world. In fact are useful fools for the real Players in the city.
The Tulips are something between a gang and a religious sect. Spoken with Christian-like mottos, they attract beggars and cripples to their ranks, especially focusing on PMC veterans and former corporate workers, but in fact they accept all the desperate. They have squatted some ruins on the outskirts of the city, including the abandoned greenhouse that gave them their name. However... They are rapidly expanding their influence and their source of funding remains unknown.
The City Council is the primary administration of the city. They manage, but they don't reign. They are a handful of exhausted clerks, doing the hard work that no one else accepted to do. Basically maintain the city's communications and keep the Players away from killing each other and too many ordinary citizens.
The Forge is a secret organization that exists for a very long time and runs deeply secured operations all over the world. They believe it's their duty to protect humanity from dangerous ideas, technologies, and obscure subjects such as [UNKNOWN]. Forge is often found to be a puppeteer, directing the actions of other Players or certain individuals.
The Fountain of Good is a globally respected charity organization primarily focused on orphanages. One of the few Players who maintains truly bright ideals. The children who grow up usually become corporate employees afterwards. Other Players fund them mainly to launder money, calm their karma and create a positive public image for themselves.
The Nuevians are a deep-covered organization slowly gaining influence in the city. They are led by an artificially created living entity known only as "The Queen" that seeks to bring prosperity to the planet. They have good intentions, but fear to repeat the fate of the Zero Cycle.
The Union of Nations Peacekeepers - maintaining a shred of peace in the aftermath of the Incident, a massive earthquake that recently struck Neone. Many urban areas have since descended into chaos and lawlessness, while others live as if nothing has happened or are experiencing minimal inconvenience. The competency of these soldiers is questionable and they are barely supplied.
The Volunteer Vanguards are an organization that maintains order in those Neone districts where the City Council or other Players do not. Generally a barely trained and armed militia, but there are some skilled veterans and former corporate workers in their ranks.
The Workers Ring is Neone's major blue collar association. They support city communications so they have a lot of influence. Individual members may or may not be involved in working for other Players and illegal activities. The second meaning of the "Ring" word is also utilized - many members of this community are known for their passion for arena fighting.
The Zero Cycle is a secret organization of intelligent machines once created by a rogue AI. Several Players united to destroy this threat, leading to the Incident. Now, shards of the Cycle's technology, superior to anything created by humanity, is the most valuable hunting treasure in Neone. Owning one of them means risking the lives of yourself and your loved ones, but that rarely stops hunters who desire wealth or driven by some personal reasons.
Well, that's the draft. Any ideas, suggestions, any other feedback?
submitted by Antibot_One to goodworldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:23 cootiequeen69 Would you downgrade your home to eliminate your mortgage?

DISCLAIMER: I am a homeowner and consider myself a very capable person, but I am no financial master who understands all the ins and outs of how equity, and selling homes, and profit, and closing costs, etc etc, so if I miscalculate something in my very rough numbers below, feel free to let me know, but be cool.
I (28) own a house independently of my girlfriend (25). We’re DINKs (double income, no kids) with two 2 dogs and two cats. We will not be having children. I purchased my home for $206,500 and currently have around $170,000 left on my mortgage. My home is valued between $280-300k, so I currently have between $110-130k in equity. My mortgage (with insurance and taxes included) is $1250 a month.
A little about me, my number one goal in life is to retire as soon as possible, and live a moderate, comfortable life. I don’t enjoy my job and only do it because they pay me better than anyone else would and it pays my bills. I’d also be happy to live right where I am, in this home I bought for $200k, for the rest of my life, and don’t feel the urge to upgrade my living situation in many ways.
Long story short, I’m toying with the idea of selling my house, and downgrading to a home in the $100-150k range to either completely eliminate my mortgage, or reduce it greatly to only a few hundred dollars. For the sake of this hypothetical, I’m going to be assuming that I will have no mortgage after this move, but also did not profit on the sale. An even swap from my current house to the downgrade house. Now I have an additional $1250 in disposable income per month. Realistically I would funnel that money into any debts I currently have (mostly renovations to the home I would have just sold to purchase this one). So theoretically, in under a year, I’d be pocketing that extra $1250 a month.
So question 1: would you downgrade your home to eliminate your mortgage?
See below for question 2, or feel free to just answer question 1!
Say, after a year of using the extra $1250 per month to pay down bills and rebuild our emergency fund, we start funneling that money directly into a savings we intend to use to purchase additional properties. My girlfriend and I have always considered the idea of purchasing rental properties to create some passive income, with the hopes that we could eventually replace our salaries with the money we’re brining in from the rentals every month. This would allow us to retire (hopefully significantly) early.
Within 15 months of beginning to save, we theoretically would have nearly $20,000 saved up for the down payment on a new $100k house in the area. In my area, the mortgage would be approximately $650 per month. Say we rent it for $1000 per month, for a profit $450 per month. Now we’re up to $1,700 a month in profit ($1250 disposable income from having no mortgage, and the $450 in rent we’re collecting) from selling my original home. Now if I funnel all of that money into the savings, it’s only going to take 12 months to save up enough for another down payment on a $100,000 house. Rinse and repeat until we’re profiting enough to retire in x amount of years.
So question 2: if you WOULD downgrade your home to eliminate your mortgage, would you consider investing in real estate like I described above to work towards an early retirement?
submitted by cootiequeen69 to homeowners [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 08:10 nomorelandfills California rescuers clamoring for adoption of AB 2265, Animal Shelter Transparency Act cheerfully agree to remove the bit about mandatory spay/neuter before a dog or cat is released to foster. Also, the law is another gateway for release of dangerous dogs.

California rescuers clamoring for adoption of AB 2265, Animal Shelter Transparency Act cheerfully agree to remove the bit about mandatory spay/neuter before a dog or cat is released to foster. Also, the law is another gateway for release of dangerous dogs.
To be honest, I didn't read the dangerous dog part as thoroughly as I should. I think I may be somewhat burnt out on the recklessness and coldness shown by rescuers to others in their willingness to prioritize dangerous or marginal ownerless dogs over beloved pets and over people.
The spay/neuter part, that just galls me. It should gall anyone. This crisis, this hellscape of pit bull overpopulation that exists clearly calls for sterilization of any shelter dog in California. Shrugging off that as a lesser priority than rehoming existing dogs blows the whole deal. Any animal rescue plan that removes, downgrades or fails to prioritize spay/neuter for pit bulls is worthless. It's just a smokescreen, a way to play with puppies and posture as saviors without doing anything to improve the situation. Status quo, nothing to see here, #adoptdontshop.
SUMMARY: Under existing law, it is the policy of the state that no adoptable animal should be euthanized if it can be adopted into a suitable home, as provided.
This bill declares it the policy of the state that no animal be euthanized by a public animal control agency, shelter, or a private entity that contracts with a public animal control agency or shelter for animal care and control services (collectively, “eligible agency”). This bill requires an eligible agency to post, 24 to 72 hours before a scheduled euthanasia of a dog or cat, a daily list of any cat or dog scheduled for euthanasia on its public website or social media page and to post a physical notice on the kennel of a dog or cat scheduled to be euthanized.
This bill requires a public animal control agency or shelter that seeks to adopt a policy, practice, or protocol that may conflict with Hayden’s Law to give notice regarding the policy, practice, or protocol, as specified, and requires the city or county to schedule a public hearing regarding the policy, practice, or protocol.
And the sheer chutzpah of this
Rescuers - we will advocate for violent dogs and fund their owners' fights to keep them from being designated dangerous and harass communities into being extremely afraid of even starting a dangerous dog investigation.
Also rescuers - our new legislation to require more marketing of unadoptable dogs won't include dangerous dogs! Silly! There's no risk to the public!
Although I will say I had no idea that rescuers knew of the existence of the word 'transparency' so good for them. Perhaps this knowledge could be turned inward sometimes?
The CityWatch article
ANIMAL WATCH - An increasing number of reported vicious and fatal dog attacks across California, as reported by the L.A. Times—and worldwide—are ignored by AB 2265 (2024) authored by Assembly Member Kevin McCarthy and introduced in the CA Assembly—and, instead, it prohibits euthanasia of any dangerous animals, including dogs impounded in shelters for violent behavior.
AB 2265, (which has so far been amended twice, the latest change being when it was introduced in the Assembly on 3/18/2024) wants California legislators to assure that NO dog (or other aggressive animal) in a shelter can be euthanized, other than if it is irremediably suffering, regardless of its violent or even deadly behavioral history. However, it is the goal and purpose of shelters to place as many animals as possible directly into homes with families.
This bill went far beyond the purpose of the 1998 Hayden bill which had the intent to restrict euthanasia of healthy and adoptable animals.
No one with knowledge of the devastating outcome of attacks by currently popular Pit Bulls, XL and XXL Bullys, now banned in the UK, Wales, Scotland and India, along with other aggressive breeds, nor anyone who has been the victim of any vicious dog attack, could plausibly agree that this risk should be encouraged or can be afforded by the State of California or any governmental jurisdiction.
So far, it appears other legislators are skeptical of this bill. The only positive change with which some CA animal control agencies and legislators have expressed mutual agreement is the increase in spay/neuter deposits for dogs and cats being raised to $200 to match the much higher rates for surgical sterilization in today’s economy.
In the past few weeks we have seen countries such as England, Wales, Scotland and India joining those which ban Pit Bull, XL and XXL Bullys and other dangerous dogs in order to stop the trafficking of dangerous breeds, provide safety for communities and stop the horrific attacks and deaths of innocent children and adults whose lives are ended by other people’s “protection dogs” or “rescued” pets with a known history of violent behavior.
There is value in telling the truth about dog behavior and the greatest is in public and personal safety. What weird whim—other than personal aggrandizement or a strong campaign supporter—would cause Senator McCarthy to encourage ignoring violent past history and risk human and animal lives on a gamble that a dog with a known history of unprovoked aggression will suddenly act differently?
If we want canines to continue to be known as man’s (or woman’s) best friends, we need—just as we do with humans—to assure they have earned that trust by not misusing their innate strength and survival skills to harm those who trust and love them.
This bill, AB 2265, introduced on February 8, 2024, drastically changes the State’s animal shelter euthanasia goal—from ending euthanasia of adoptable animals to ending euthanasia of any animal. That includes vicious dogs, wild and/or dangerous animals, prohibited animals and regulated animals.
This would create chaotic danger for adopters and pet owners and innocent residents/neighbors throughout California, while ALSO negatively and disastrously affecting the insurance and veterinary industries, according to experts.
The only exceptions in the bill that allow a dangerous animal to be euthanized are very narrow categories for medical and behavior issues:
1) those that are irremediably suffering, which is defined as those for which “severe, unremitting physical pain” cannot be relieved by any medical means without regard to cost or local availability of that level of care; and
2) Those that have been declared “vicious” under the State’s regulatory scheme, which few agencies use, and which assumes that a hearing was held after an owner contested that declaration.
According to Fast Track Democracy, “Existing law prohibits animals that are irremediably suffering from a serious illness or severe injury from being held for owner redemption or adoption. This bill would instead declare it the policy of the state that no animal be euthanized by a public animal control agency or shelter or a private entity that contracts with a public animal control agency or shelter for animal care and control services, except as provided.”
“Existing law prohibits a stray dog or cat impounded by a public or private shelter from being euthanized before 6 business days after the stray dog or cat is impounded, not including the day of impoundment, and requires that the stray dog or cat, except those irremediably suffering, be released to a nonprofit animal rescue or adoption organization before the scheduled euthanasia of the stray dog or cat if requested by the organization, as specified.” The analysis summarizes the Bill (see Fast Track Democracy).
Existing law prohibits a stray dog or cat impounded by a public or private shelter from being euthanized before 6 business days after the stray dog or cat is impounded, not including the day of impoundment, and requires that the stray dog or cat, except those irremediably suffering, be released to a nonprofit animal rescue or adoption organization before the scheduled euthanasia of the stray dog or cat if requested by the organization, as specified.
A California animal-control specialist offered the following thoughts based on his personal and professional experience.
(The following is not to be taken as legal advice, but merely as guidance in further considering some issues that appear to not have been considered in pursuing these severe changes to animal sheltering under existing California laws and practices.)
“This Bill would absolutely eviscerate Food and Agricultural Code Section 31683, which allows counties and cities to have their own regulatory process for dangerous dogs, and it would force everyone to use the very-flawed State process.”
AND he summarized that:
  • This bill eliminates the limitation by the 1998 Hayden-Bill mandate and requires shelters to advertise for release even those dogs that have mauled or killed a person, and forces animal control agencies (government and humane societies with animal control contracts) to announce the pending euthanasia of any of these dogs to “rescues,” so they can take them, often placing them in unsuspecting homes.
  • Even if the bill does not require that owner-relinquished dogs that are too vicious for placement even with a rescue be released to anyone who asks for it, the mere requirement that they be advertised creates unnecessary conflict and invites protest and even litigation over the decision not to release them.
  • What is a “qualified” nonprofit animal rescue or adoption organization? The term “qualified” is not defined in the bill. In light of an appellate court interpretation of the Hayden mandate to release stray dogs facing euthanasia to a “qualified” rescue, it is vital to have that defined. If “qualified” means any corporation that has obtained its 501(c)(3) tax exempt status—which is what many will assume—then animal control will have no way to ensure that the most vicious dogs are not placed in “foster” in unsuspecting neighborhoods by people who have no idea how dangerous they are.
  • Why must it be a nonprofit organization? This bill defines an animal rescue organization to include for-profit corporations. So why are they excluded from this Bill? A nonprofit organization can pay a high number of “employees” very exorbitant salaries. A nonprofit business model is no guarantee that more of the organization’s budget will go to help animals than other business models.
  • This Bill targets only municipal shelters and humane societies that have government contracts to provide animal control services. Those are the only organizations that cannot fully control their intake, and on which there are mandates to admit animals. They are the very organizations that most need the ability to engage in euthanasia for legitimate health and safety reasons, and for which the greatest levels of leniency and understanding are justified. Yet, any other organization can euthanize healthy, adoptable animals with impunity.
Although there are many other factors considered in the analysis, this article is intended merely to present some of the dangers of creating laws and policies at any legislative level without having a thorough analysis and discussion with leaders in the field of animal control and sheltering. There is information at the end of this article if anyone wishes to read more of this analysis.
There is no better way to reach the wallets of animal lovers than through their heart strings, and sadly millions of dollars are going into pockets of executives in organizations that do not directly care for or protect animals and, of course, nothing speaks louder than donations at the lobbying and legislative level.
But, the needs of homeless animals should not be creating slush funds for campaigns nor playing on the emotions of those who are continually confronted by TV commercials and mailers, saying that just a few more dollars will save them all.
There are also human lives and safety to be considered and this is a primary responsibility of animal shelters and humane societies. It is important that they are asked what will help them do this thankless and seemingly hopeless job.
Pets are too often obtained as a short-term experience with little commitment and then abandoned within or outside these facilities that do not benefit from the money that is raised by large organizations or politicians ostensibly to help them.
Instead, these promises set unreachable goals and promote “feel-good” programs that overburden their staffing and emotions, without asking what they need to do this very difficult job from a realistic perspective.
Not all animals are adoptable, nor should they be placed in homes where they are likely to harm, or be harmed because certain behavior is endemic to the breed. The AKC thrives on the fact that bloodlines of dogs determine or influence their predictable behavior.
Why is it this is so clear that it causes millions of people to buy purebreds for certain reasons; yet, animal shelters are expected to take in dogs with documented histories of anti-social behavior and attacks and rehome them with promises they will be “good family members” just to keep them alive?
Legislators need to listen to experts in animal control—not self-appointed voices for animals—many of whom have never worked in a shelter, before even considering new legislation.
They also need to ask their own community, “Do you feel safe from dog attacks? And/or “have you been a victim of an attack or live in fear of neighborhood animals?” They may be surprised at the number of injuries that have been suffered but didn’t make the press and how many victims may have permanent, life-limiting, disabilities for which they were never compensated.
Assembly Member McCarthy needs to walk through animal shelters in his district and ask those who work there or have been long-term volunteers, and those who take the responsibility for determining policies and the endless, sad challenges of management, “what will help you help them?”
California has been very liberal (or very foolish) in allowing dogs known to have a history of aggression to be removed from shelters for adoption, but lawsuits and tragic, injuries or deaths of innocent victims have imposed limitations as to what can be tolerated philosophically and financially.
The safety of the dog itself must also be a consideration. People understandably react violently to dog attacks, using any weapon to inflict sufficient injury to stop the dog and save their own or another’s life.
Euthanasia can be the most humane option when it is indicated or determined that the animal poses a consistent threat to humans or animals in general, or poses a recurrent uncontrollable risk to the public’s and its own safety.
(Author’s note: If anyone would like to see more of the informal critique of the proposed CA law AB 2265, quoted in part in this article, you can contact me through the editor of CityWatchLA: ([](
(Phyllis M. Daugherty is a former Los Angeles City employee, an animal activist and a contributor to CityWatch.
submitted by nomorelandfills to PetRescueExposed [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:53 Significant-Tower146 Best Car Door Unlock Kit

Best Car Door Unlock Kit
Looking to upgrade your car's security system? Look no further! In our roundup of the best Car Door Unlock Kits, we've gathered the top products on the market that promise convenience and protection for your vehicle. Read on to explore these innovative solutions and find the perfect fit for your needs. Stay tuned for more informative articles on the latest automotive products!

The Top 13 Best Car Door Unlock Kit

  1. Dorman Emergency Door Unlock Tool with Vinyl Grip - Dorman 75490 Emergency Door Unlock Tool: A reshapeable, vinyl-handled, compact device for unlocking doors in emergencies, ideal for vehicle owners and professionals alike.
  2. Lock Technology 4-Piece Easy Access Folding Door Opening Kit - Unlock your vehicle with ease using the 4 piece lock technology easy access folding door kit, perfect for long reach applications with its glow-in-the-dark tips and rigid design.
  3. Universal Key Retrieval Tool for Cars - Unlock your car doors with ease and precision using our Universal Lockout Tool, designed for American cars and more.
  4. Geevorks Power Door Lock Actuator 12V - Experience the power and convenience of Geevorks' Universal Car Door Lock 4PCS, featuring a 12V door lock actuator, 2 remote control keys, and an easy installation process to enhance your vehicle's safety and functionality.
  5. Car Door Unlock Tool with Vinyl Grip - Efficiently unlock emergency vehicle doors with Dorman's reshapable, pocket-sized, and hand grip-enhanced 75490 door unlock tool.
  6. Universal 10-Piece Vehicle Unlock Tool Kit - Unlock your car and truck doors with ease using this 10-piece vehicle unlock tool kit, conveniently stored in a pouch for quick access to all 10 assorted tools.
  7. Unlock Your Car Door with Ease: LTI135 2-Piece Easy Access ToolKit - High-quality 2-piece, collapsible Easy Access Door Unlocking Tool Kit with a rigid design for easy storage, perfect for unlocking doors through windows.
  8. Glow-in-the-Dark Car Door Unlocking Tool Kit with Lock Knob Lifter and Paint Protector - The Steck Big Easy Glow with Wedge Lockout Tool Kit provides easy access to unlock 98% of car doors and glows in the dark for nighttime visibility, making it a must-have for any car emergency.
  9. Visible Pink Door Unlock Kit for Cars - Steck Big Easy Classic Lockout Tool Kit with High Visibility Pink Powder Coating, Improved Non-Marring Wide Wedge, Lock Knob Lifter, and Paint Protector for Safe and Efficient Vehicle Door Unlocking.
  10. Chevrolet Power Door Lock and Unlock Kit - Transform your Chevy with Biltek's Central Door Lock and Unlock Kit, enhancing security and convenience with keyless entry features.
  11. Universal Door Lock and Unlock Conversion Kit for 2, 3, 4 Car Doors - Biltek CX-402: Universal Central Door Lock Conversion Kit for 2, 3, 4 Car Doors - Upgrade your vehicle's security with hassle-free power locks and keyless entry for enhanced convenience and control.
  12. Easy Access Door Unlocking Kit for Cars - Unlock car doors efficiently with the LTI LT-126 Easy Access Door Unlocking Kit, featuring a unique whale tail tip design for enhanced grip, compatibility with or without vinyl tips, and an appealing kraft cardboard packaging.
  13. Stylish modern hide a bed chair - Unlock your car doors with ease using the Grip 8pc Lockout Tool Kit, boasting the towing industry's most popular lockout kit designed for domestic and foreign vehicles.
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🔗Dorman Emergency Door Unlock Tool with Vinyl Grip
Well, my experience with this Dorman Emergency Door Unlock Tool has been quite an adventure, let me tell you. I mean, I've always been a bit of a worrier, especially when it comes to my car door. I've had my fair share of lockouts, and it's never a good time. But this little tool, it's changed everything!
First off, I love how versatile it is. I can reshape it to fit the thickness of my door and the location of the lock. It's like it's tailor-made just for me, and my car! Plus, it comes with a nice vinyl hand grip. It makes it so much easier to use. It's like holding onto a friendly, familiar face in a moment of pure panic.
Another great thing about this tool is that it's portable. It folds up so neatly, like a little origami masterpiece. It fits perfectly in my pocket, purse, or any other compartment I can find. It's like having a magic trick up my sleeve, always ready to save the day.
But, let's be real, no product is perfect. I have to admit, this tool can sometimes be a bit of a troublemaker. It's not always as smooth as I'd like it to be. There have been a few times when it's stuck in the narrow space between the door and the weather stripping. It's kind of like trying to force a square peg into a round hole, you know? It can be a bit frustrating.
However, on the bright side, I've found that by taking a little extra time and being patient, I can usually get it to work. And when it does, it's such a relief! It's like a personal victory, and it makes me feel so smart and resourceful.
So, would I recommend this product? Absolutely! It's not perfect, but it's worked wonders for me. It's like having a little insurance policy tucked away in my pocket, always there to help me out when I need it most. I'm just glad I stumbled upon it.

🔗Lock Technology 4-Piece Easy Access Folding Door Opening Kit
I recently discovered the Lock Technology 145 Easy Access Folding Door Opening Kit, and it has become an indispensable tool for unlocking my car doors. This compact device is a true lifesaver when I've locked my keys inside or when I need to access the trunk in a hurry.
The highlights that caught my attention are the screws that don't require a coupler, which have made it incredibly easy to use. Plus, the collapsible design allows for easy storage in my glove compartment. Another great feature is the presence of a middle extension piece that covers the entire car and can be used for long reach applications. The shorter tip is perfect for accessing lock buttons, while the glowing tips on models 135-2B and 135-2C are an excellent innovation for nighttime use.
One downside I experienced was the need for more precise angle adjustments when trying to unlock my car doors. While the rigid design facilitated easier access through the window, it could be trickier for those with less experience or unsteady hands. Other than that minor inconvenience, this door opening kit has been a game changer for me.
So, if you're someone who often finds themselves in need of a last-minute or after-hours unlock solution, I highly recommend giving the Lock Technology 145 Easy Access Folding Door Opening Kit a try. You won't be disappointed!

🔗Universal Key Retrieval Tool for Cars
Imagine locking your keys in your car. It's a frustrating and stressful situation, but with the Universal Lockout Tool, you can save yourself some time and money. This ingenious tool works with most American cars, as well as some international brands such as Audi, Toyota, and Volkswagen.
The best part? It's made of sturdy metal, giving you the confidence to use it without worrying about damaging your vehicle. It measures about 5/8" x 22", making it compact enough to carry around in your glove compartment or tool kit.
While some users have had issues with its thinness and flexibility, many professionals find it a decent entry-level tool for those occasional lockouts. Plus, at its affordable price, it's definitely worth considering as an insurance policy against those unexpected key-locking mishaps.
But remember, practice makes perfect. Always read the directions included on the back of the package and familiarize yourself with the tool before attempting to use it on your car. With some patience and a bit of finesse, you'll be able to unlock your vehicle in no time!

🔗Geevorks Power Door Lock Actuator 12V
As a car enthusiast, I was excited to try out the Geevorks 12V door lock actuator. This kit made upgrading my old manual door locks to automatic ones a breeze! The installation was relatively easy, and the product included everything from door lock actuators to remote controls. The remote controls allowed me to lock and unlock my car from a distance, giving me peace of mind when I step away from my vehicle.
One of the main highlights for me was the trunk release button, adding an extra layer of convenience when I need to access my trunk. Additionally, the door lock actuator can be used in remote control and alarm systems, making it a versatile product for various car security needs.
On the downside, the remote control distance could be improved. In some cases, I experienced a weaker signal which made locking or unlocking the car from a distance less reliable. Despite this minor inconvenience, overall, the Geevorks door lock actuator has made my driving experience more secure and convenient.

🔗Car Door Unlock Tool with Vinyl Grip
Dorman's Emergency Door Unlock Tool is a handy little gadget that can save your day if you accidentally lock your keys inside your car. Imagine the relief of unlocking your car door within seconds using the slim design of this tool, which can be easily folded to fit in your pocket, purse or other compartments. The vinyl hand grip makes it comfortable and easy to use even in tight spaces.
However, there are some downsides to consider. Some users found it difficult to get the tool past the window seal and mentioned it folds up easily during use. It may not work effectively for all types of car doors due to their varying thickness and lock locations.
Overall, this tool can be quite useful for those who occasionally find themselves locked out of their vehicle. But be aware that it might require some practice or patience to get it right depending on your particular car model. So, if you're looking for a quick solution to this common mishap, Dorman's Emergency Door Unlock Tool could be worth a shot.

🔗Universal 10-Piece Vehicle Unlock Tool Kit
I recently had an unfortunate experience where I locked myself out of my car. Panicking, I remembered the Universal 10-Piece Vehicle Unlock Tool Kit I'd heard about. Its assorted tools and convenient pouch seemed perfect for this situation. Upon pulling it out of the bag, I was immediately disappointed by the poor instructions. The metal tools felt flimsier than anticipated, bending on the first attempt. However, the variety of tools allowed me to eventually unlock my car door, although not without a fight. I wouldn't recommend this to a friend, but it did save me from an expensive professional service.
The tool kit is compact and easy to carry, making it a handy emergency tool for drivers. The metal tools are versatile, catering to different vehicle models. The convenient pouch is spacious enough to hold all the tools. However, the build quality of the tools is disappointing, as they seem to bend easily under pressure. Overall, it's a useful tool kit for occasional use, but don't expect it to last a lifetime.

🔗Unlock Your Car Door with Ease: LTI135 2-Piece Easy Access ToolKit
I recently used the Lock Technology Easy Access Door Unlocking Tool Kit 135 in a tricky situation where I locked myself out of my car. To my relief, this 2-piece tool easily collapsed for convenient storage and extended to reach the car's windows. The whale tail tip design worked like a charm on the lock surfaces, making it a breeze to unlock my car door. Plus, the included plastic slip jim and door wedges provided extra support.
However, despite the overall positive experience, I did face a minor issue with this kit. The lack of a highlight feature in the product description made it somewhat challenging to understand the exact specifications of each component. Additionally, the green color of the tool might not appeal to everyone's taste.
In conclusion, the Lock Technology Easy Access Door Unlocking Tool Kit 135 proved to be a reliable and effective solution for my car lockout predicament. Its collapsible design, whale tail tip, and additional accessories make it a worthwhile investment for those looking to keep a handy tool in their vehicle for emergencies.

🔗Glow-in-the-Dark Car Door Unlocking Tool Kit with Lock Knob Lifter and Paint Protector
As a reviewer who has experienced the joy of retrieving keys from locked cars, I can attest to the life-saving capabilities of the Steck Big Easy Glow with Wedge Lockout Tool Kit. This kit has everything you need to rescue someone from their own forgetfulness or mischief at any hour of the day or night. The glow-in-the-dark yellow hue is not only cool but also incredibly functional, allowing you to see the tool even through tinted windows.
One aspect that really stood out for me was the easy wedge feature. It offers controlled opening of the car door for insertion of the Big Easy Glo, making it incredibly easy to access the inside of the vehicle without causing any damage. Additionally, its non-marring wedge prevents scratches or damages to your car, ensuring your beloved vehicle stays pristine even after a minor lockout incident.
However, despite its many positives, there are a few cons worth noting. The included air wedge seems to be somewhat delicate and may not last as long as other parts of the kit. Also, while the kit is effective on 98% of all cars and trucks, there might be some models or makes that are not compatible with this tool.
In conclusion, if you're someone who often encounters people locked out of their cars, then the Steck Big Easy Glow with Wedge Lockout Tool Kit is definitely worth considering. It's easy to use, effective, and offers an array of useful features that cater to different types of car locks. While it may have some minor drawbacks, overall, it's a reliable tool that can save both time and money when used appropriately.

🔗Visible Pink Door Unlock Kit for Cars
I have been using the Steck Lockout Tool Kit Big Easy for over a year now, and let me tell you, it's been an absolute game-changer. This tool has saved me countless times when I've locked my keys inside the car, much to the amusement of my friends.
One of the first things that stood out was the high visibility pink powder coating on its 55-inch long handle. In the middle of the night or during a snowstorm, finding this pink tool is a breeze compared to the black ones I used before. Plus, the improved non-marring wedge is now wider, longer, and smoother, making it even easier to use in various car models.
While the Big Easy is primarily designed for unlocking car doors, it also features a lock knob lifter, which comes in handy for cars with flat lock knobs at the top of the door. No more trying to improvise with a wire hanger or credit card - the Big Easy does it all.
However, there are a couple of minor drawbacks. Some users might find the storage size of the tool inconvenient, and it would be great if the package included a pump-up air bag for extra versatility.
Overall, the Steck Lockout Tool Kit Big Easy has been a reliable and convenient addition to my toolbox. With its 55-inch long handle and high visibility pink coating, I can quickly and easily unlock any car door without causing damage. If you're someone who frequently misplaces their keys or finds themselves locked out of their vehicle, I highly recommend giving this tool a try.

🔗Chevrolet Power Door Lock and Unlock Kit
I recently installed the Biltek Power Car Door Lock and Unlock Kit in my Chevy Colorado, and I must say, it has been a game-changer. Before, I had to manually lock and unlock each door, but now, everything is just a button press away. The package included everything I needed to get started, from the simple diagram to the main module and actuators. Plus, it's compatible with my alarm system, so I can control everything right from my alarm remote.
The standout feature for me is the keyless entry. It's so convenient to hop in the car and just unlock the doors with a push of a button. The only downside I noticed was that the installation process took some time and effort, but once it was done, everything worked seamlessly.
Overall, I highly recommend the Biltek Power Car Door Lock and Unlock Kit to anyone looking to upgrade their vehicle to a central locking system with keyless entry. It's easy to use, reliable, and a great investment for any car owner.

🔗Universal Door Lock and Unlock Conversion Kit for 2, 3, 4 Car Doors
I recently upgraded my car with the Biltek CX-402 Universal Central Door Lock and Unlock Conversion Kit, and I must say it's made a world of difference in terms of convenience. The kit is easy to install, requiring no additional hardware and coming with a clear diagram that guides you through the process.
One of the standout features is its universal compatibility, fitting all known cars, trucks, SUVs, and vans. This has been particularly useful for me, as I often drive different vehicles. The Central locking system provides a state-of-the-art solution, converting manual door locks into a fully functional keyless entry system.
However, there's a downside to this product - the poor-quality wires. The wires were the only problem I encountered during installation, which was quite frustrating. Despite this, the Biltek CX-402 is an overall solid choice for anyone looking to upgrade their vehicle's locking system.

🔗Easy Access Door Unlocking Kit for Cars
I recently got my hands on this LTI LT-126 Easy Access Tool and boy, has it been a game-changer for me! After suffering countless failed attempts to unlock doors in tight spaces or with tricky locks, this little tool has made things so much easier. The whale tail tip design is pure genius, allowing it to grip the lock more securely and catch it without much effort. Plus, the fact that you can use it with or without the vinyl tips depending on your preference just adds to its versatility.
What I particularly appreciated was how the tool came packaged in a simple yet sturdy custom kraft cardboard box. Not only did it make the whole experience feel more special, but also added an environmental touch which is always a welcome sight.
However, one thing that could have been even better was if the tool had come with some detailed instructions on how best to handle it, especially for first-time users. Nonetheless, once you figure out the right technique, this LTI LT-126 Easy Access Door Tool truly lives up to its name!

🔗Stylish modern hide a bed chair
As a frequent traveler, I've found the Grip 8pc Lockout Tool Kit to be an absolute lifesaver. Imagine being stuck outside your car on a sweltering day, with no spare key or anyone to help you out. That's where this tool kit comes in. It's got everything you need to unlock your car door in no time.
One of the standout features of this kit is the slim jim bars - they're so thin yet sturdy, you'll wonder how they're able to pry open even the toughest doors. The slim jim bars are backed up by other useful tools like the wire form S hook slide lock tool and the wonder tool. Together, they make sure you're never locked out for long.
On the flip side, I did find the metal parts to be slightly flimsier than I'd hoped. It's not a deal-breaker but it does make me wary of using this kit too frequently. However, for occasional usage or as a backup tool, the Grip 8pc Lockout Tool Kit definitely earns its keep.
In conclusion, this tool kit has proven to be an essential part of my travel gear. It's well-made, easy to use, and offers a range of tools for different types of car doors. So whether you're prone to misplacing your keys or simply want to be prepared for any situation, the Grip 8pc Lockout Tool Kit is a worthwhile investment.

Buyer's Guide


What is a car door unlock kit?

A car door unlock kit is a collection of tools designed to help you unlock your car in case you've lost or misplaced your key. The kit usually includes items such as a wire hanger, slim jims, and tension wrenches. These tools are safe to use and can help you gain access to your vehicle without causing any damage.

How do I use a car door unlock kit?
Using a car door unlock kit is relatively simple. Start by inspecting the lock mechanism on your car door. Then, select the appropriate tool from the kit and insert it into the keyhole or narrow space around the lock to manipulate the locking mechanism. Gently twist and jiggle the tool until the door is unlocked.

Can I use a car door unlock kit on any vehicle?

Car door unlock kits are designed to work on most vehicles. However, it's essential to ensure that the kit you choose is compatible with your specific vehicle model. Some kits may not work on certain newer vehicles, so it's crucial to read the product description carefully before making a purchase.

How long does it take to unlock a car door with a kit?

The time it takes to unlock a car door using a kit varies depending on the skill level and experience of the user. On average, it takes between 5-15 minutes to unlock a car door using a kit, but some users may require more time, especially if they are unfamiliar with the tools or the specific vehicle model.

Will using a car door unlock kit damage my vehicle?

A high-quality car door unlock kit should not damage your vehicle. However, if you use improper techniques or force the tools, there is a risk of causing minor scratches or damage. To avoid this, ensure you follow the instructions that come with the kit and use the tools gently and carefully.

How much does a car door unlock kit cost?

The cost of a car door unlock kit varies depending on the brand, quality, and the type of tools included in the kit. Prices can start at around $10 for basic kits and range up to $50 or more for more advanced, professional-grade sets. It's essential to consider factors such as your expertise, the specific tools needed, and the value for money when choosing a car door unlock kit.

Is it legal to use a car door unlock kit?

In most cases, it is legal to use a car door unlock kit on your own vehicle. However, using a unlock kit on someone else's vehicle without their consent could be considered a crime. It's crucial to familiarize yourself with local laws and ensure you have permission from the vehicle owner before using a car door unlock kit on their vehicle.

How can I prevent needing to use a car door unlock kit in the future?

To prevent the need for using a car door unlock kit in the future, consider adding a spare key or key fob to your possession, or programming an emergency contact with access to a spare key. Additionally, always double-check your pockets, bags, or purse before leaving your vehicle to ensure you have your keys with you at all times.
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