Chubb insurance companies

Insurance Company Reviews

2022.08.16 13:50 Least-Deer7478 Insurance Company Reviews

Your place to vent, review, ask questions, praise, or complain about any insurance company on the planet.

2008.07.04 05:45 Pitbull awareness, education, love.


2024.03.05 07:33 JohnnyFoosball1974 Best Pet Insurance Companies Reviews by Reddit

Reddit Pet Insurance Expert Reviewing the Best Pet Insurance Companies of 2024. Pet Insurance Reviews include a compreshensive review of coverage, pricing, plan options, history, background, claims process, pros & cons of the pet insurance company. We also have included some of the cutest pictures of pets, dogs and cats on Reddit.

2024.05.20 02:17 SpaceShipDoctor Advice regarding Tow Company

I had a family member come to visit from Ohio, and they parked in a visitor spot in our townhome parking lot. Unfortunately, we forgot to put the visitor pass in the windshield and she was towed the next morning. We went to the impound lot, and a couple hundred dollars later got the car back. My mom was driving home and in PA, the car lost power and started smoking. I had my mom check the oil dip stick and it was dead empty , she got an oil change just before making the trip.
Triple A came to assist and and noticed the plastic engine cover on the bottom was busted, and the oil pan was cracked and he asked if she hit anything. She said no, but mentioned that the car was towed from our parking lot Saturday morning.
I'm pretty dang sure the towing company messed up when taking the vehicle and caused the damage. What kind of proof/evidence should we try to obtain before we contact the towing company or their insurance?
Thanks for reading and for any advice, it is much appreciated after a very long day..
submitted by SpaceShipDoctor to nova [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:16 ichliebeyayaya Looking for Advice on Reducing CPAP Machine Costs

Hi everyone,
I've recently been prescribed a CPAP machine and they've recommended the AirSense 11. The total cost is around $1500 CAD. From my understanding, the government covers $500 and my company insurance will cover another $500. That leaves me with a remaining $500 to cover.
I'm looking for advice or tips on how to save on this remaining amount. This $500 is a service fee charged when they give me the machine. I don't want to sound cheap, but every bit helps. Has anyone else dealt with this and found ways to reduce the out-of-pocket cost? Any suggestions or insights would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by ichliebeyayaya to SleepApnea [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:15 ichliebeyayaya Looking for Advice on Reducing CPAP Machine Costs

Hi everyone,
I've recently been prescribed a CPAP machine and they've recommended the AirSense 11. The total cost is around $1500 CAD. From my understanding, the government covers $500 and my company insurance will cover another $500. That leaves me with a remaining $500 to cover.
I'm looking for advice or tips on how to save on this remaining amount. This $500 is a service fee charged when they give me the machine. I don't want to sound cheap, but every bit helps. Has anyone else dealt with this and found ways to reduce the out-of-pocket cost? Any suggestions or insights would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by ichliebeyayaya to CPAP [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:15 WoodpeckerFit49 Kaplan is the worst. Stay away.

Kaplan is the worst platform I have ever seen for accessing test material. The system kicked me out after tech support hours when I had a scheduled time to study over the weekend. I answered all three security questions correct and then it said I’m locked out and I would receive and email. I am still locked out and no email. Customer service is closed until Monday morning. This is so incredibly frustrating. Not to mention that every time I navigate their pages I have to re login because it can’t remember me from one second to the next. But then even after I’m logged in I still have to answer security questions. This is insane. I can’t believe people use their system for more than one exam. I’m writing this 48 hours after being kicked out, their automatic system still hasn’t sent me a recovery email and I wasted the whole weekend time I had set aside to study.
I had lots of other complaints about their platform before being locked out from a weekend of study. Their site is too busy. You click around everywhere way too much. You are constantly opening new windows and being redirected. It’s not the friendliest user experience. Their explanations for the review questions are terrible and don’t actually teach you.
Also in case anyone is wondering what I’m comparing this to, acheivable is an Amazing financial test platform with incredible customer service. Their site is great and minimalist. The only reason I didn’t use them for he state insurance test is because they are a relatively newer company and didn’t have the insurance test material available yet. I used acheivable for sie, series 66 and the series 7. Great experience.
submitted by WoodpeckerFit49 to InsuranceProfessional [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:07 Cyndilouwhovian42 Car accident no injuries

June 15, 2023 my car was involved in an accident. One car rear ended another and then hit mine-on a freeway here in Az. Immediately had issues getting information from insurance company. Body shop that had my car couldn’t get any info, my own insurance was having a difficult time. Finally got my car back after 8 weeks. During this time I had a rental car-the insurance of the at fault driver said just send in receipts and total out of pocket when it’s time to settle. I did. Was told that of the 6500 in out of pocket they would pay just over 2k. So after realizing I was an idiot for believing my expenses would be covered, having put all of the rentals on credit cards, paying interest, -all that-I sign and notarized the docs they required and emailed to them. They will not return my calls. They will not return emails. I have called any/every number I have found and cannot get anyone to call me back to let me know the status of the claim. I have 14 unanswered calls/emails to date in the past 4 weeks. Over heard nothing since March. What are my options? Granted I’m out only like 4400 out of pocket, but this is on high interest cards. My car insurance took their settlement amount which was a% based on minimum ins requirements here in Az. No injuries. Should I retain an attorney? How can I get someone to reply to me? Beyond frustrated and feel like I’m getting steamrolled here. Any help? Advise? Similar stories to help me understand? Thank you
submitted by Cyndilouwhovian42 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:06 sad-whereabouts How can I not pay this?

How can I not pay this?
I received this letter yesterday in the mail, for my surgery that is on Wednesday, May 22nd. I was not told about this upfront cost. I spent this past week getting lots of blood work and an MRI for unrelated health issues at the Mayo Clinic and a different hospital. I have also had other health costs this year. I know all of this should cover the deductible of $1500. I have spoken to my insurance company today, and they said they do not have any of the stuff from Mayo claimed yet. I cannot afford this in any capacity, I have been without a job, partly due to this condition. I reached out to my parents, who I am still on their insurance at this moment, and they also cannot afford it. This doctor is in-network. I was told that this was run by my insurance several months ago (this surgery has been planned since February). I have had this issue since I was 18, and I will be 25 in August. I have planned this out so I have surgery this week, and start my new job next week. I really cannot afford to push back the surgery. Any advice?
submitted by sad-whereabouts to healthcare [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:04 BusinessInterest2019 1100 King Street West Replacement Clause

1100 King Street West Replacement Clause
The building rental agreement asks that should you decide to move out, you have to do the work of finding a replacement to rent. Moreover you'll have to do the work of showing them around too and once they confirm, the management will take over the screening process.
While they aren't putting any efforts in showing around, they want to charge a 250$ admin fee??
Is anyone living here currently let me know if the experience is decent otherwise?
The condo I saw seemed decent and the location is fine. However the master bedroom washroom is much bigger than the room itself.
submitted by BusinessInterest2019 to TorontoRenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:04 Kolob_Horse Transitioning within the same company from employee to contractor, losing benefit - $46k increase in salary - What do I need to know?

tl;dr: So the title + 27, Utah. I have really solid benefits that I'm losing and need to figure out what I need to consider around health insurance + any other things I may not be considering in this swap. -- Additional Context: So long story short. I am very happy with the opportunity I have. I am making a career switch from sales to product manager in a 4000 employee company. I was making 150k before I swapped to this job 8 months ago (QOL decision). It took a ridiculous amount of networking and stepping way out of my lane to get the position, and the specific role I'm getting is not something that existed in the company. They're taking a risk on me and don't have the, I'm not sure the proper term for it, but 'corporate headcount' to take me on as an employee till January. I was making $74k salary + benefits before and will now be making $60/hr with 40 hours guaranteed (explained as $120k yearly target assuming 50 week in a full year worked) and was told that I can work overtime. Jan would be 135K plus full benefits. I have really solid benefits that I am losing, but I do feel like this is a good move for me. I have an S-corp LLC that I worked under for 6 years prior, so I have that for taxes and am meeting with my accountant Monday for tax planning. I also have a second LLC partnership that I suspect will make an extra $10k this year from. I have a $2500/month mortgage, but I also could float myself for at least a year with no wages, with all my expenses, if it came to that, so I can take the risk. The VPs I've been talking to are talking to HR about some options of potentially keeping benefits, but I'm not confident. The job offer came Friday, with HR formalities I won't start officially until Thursday. The company is a really good culture, the CEO forewent 2020 salary along with all management down the chain taking 75%-25% pay cut to prevent layoffs. So let's assume there are not intentionally malicious intentions. As a side note, when I first started the conversation 3 weeks ago, they were planning on bringing me on as a BSA, which I was open to, but after a presentation I did I surprisingly got offered the PdM role. The conversation started with me opening up as they were trying to put me in a sales management position. So yah. Any thoughts or consideration would be well appreciated.
submitted by Kolob_Horse to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:03 Kolob_Horse Transitioning within the same company from employee to contractor, losing benefit - $46k increase in salary - What do I need to know?

tl;dr: So the title + 27, Utah. I have really solid benefits that I'm losing and need to figure out what I need to consider around health insurance + any other things I may not be considering in this swap. -- Additional Context: So long story short. I am very happy with the opportunity I have. I am making a career switch from sales to product manager in a 4000 employee company. I was making 150k before I swapped to this job 8 months ago (QOL decision). It took a ridiculous amount of networking and stepping way out of my lane to get the position, and the specific role I'm getting is not something that existed in the company. They're taking a risk on me and don't have the, I'm not sure the proper term for it, but 'corporate headcount' to take me on as an employee till January. I was making $74k salary + benefits before and will now be making $60/hr with 40 hours guaranteed (explained as $120k yearly target assuming 50 week in a full year worked) and was told that I can work overtime. Jan would be 135K plus full benefits. I have really solid benefits that I am losing, but I do feel like this is a good move for me. I have an S-corp LLC that I worked under for 6 years prior, so I have that for taxes and am meeting with my accountant Monday for tax planning. I also have a second LLC partnership that I suspect will make an extra $10k this year from. I have a $2500/month mortgage, but I also could float myself for at least a year with no wages, with all my expenses, if it came to that, so I can take the risk. The VPs I've been talking to are talking to HR about some options of potentially keeping benefits, but I'm not confident. The job offer came Friday, with HR formalities I won't start officially until Thursday. The company is a really good culture, the CEO forewent 2020 salary along with all management down the chain taking 75%-25% pay cut to prevent layoffs. So let's assume there are not intentionally malicious intentions. As a side note, when I first started the conversation 3 weeks ago, they were planning on bringing me on as a BSA, which I was open to, but after a presentation I did I surprisingly got offered the PdM role. So yah. Any thoughts or consideration would be well appreciated.
submitted by Kolob_Horse to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:00 ItsssYaBoiiiShawdyy Theories on Theories: Assessing the Potential Magnitude of the May 17th Prospectus Filings, Part II, Is the Reverse Uno is Upon Us?

Theories on Theories: Assessing the Potential Magnitude of the May 17th Prospectus Filings, Part II, Is the Reverse Uno is Upon Us?
Edit: Of course I fucked up the title. Lol. Is the Reverse Uno Upon Us?*
Hello again, Apes.
I have gotten a solid 4 hours of sleep and am ready to keep plugging along.
Disclaimer: Nothing of which I discuss is financial advice and not indicative of what you should do with your money or investments. Make your own decisions. I have no idea what I am talking about.
Link to Part I of my little write-up, recommended that you read that first:
TL;DR for Part I: After 3+ years of working in near silence, Gamestop has dropped a reverse uno time-bomb nuke on shorts, and I don't believe we have fully comprehended just how big and effective of a nuke it will be. They finally released their plans to end the abusive short-selling once and for all... I believe the details in the filings have the answers. Need more eyes. We just need to HODL and let RC & Team work their magic. This was precisely timed and will be executed precisely. I believe they are about to throw the whole kitchen sink at em. Shorts r truly fuk. To be continued.
TL;DR for Part II: Although you should really read through this to get super jacked...Predicition: Gamestop will lay down the reverse uno... the company will protect its shareholders through a slew of new, private, non-dilutive security offerings that we get first dibs on, and that are backed by our current/future holdings. Cash/non-cash dividends from the proceeds of the sale of those securities (units) are on the table. Thus, forcing shorts to either pay or close. MOASS is inevitable.
Many Apes have stepped up to begin analyzing these filings. Thank you! The goal with my analysis is to continue to educate Apes on what all this jargon means, shine more light on the specificities of the filings and to speculate (for fun) as to what I think Gamestop is going to do based on the specificities. In the first part, I discussed Book Entry Securities issued via the DTC (the stock we all know and love), Preferred Stock (the juicy and scare new stock on the block), and the mysterious "Preferred Stock Depositary" (PSD) and its proposed role in the issuance and management of Gamestop's preferred stock to Apes worldwide, keeping it away from abusive short sellers and directly in the hands of Apes.
In my first part, I speculated that the unnamed PSD would likely be computershare. But the more I think about it, the more I am unsure of that. And maybe that is why it is unnamed as of yet. Many Apes from different parts of the world have been unable to DRS, so that means they have been unable to access/use Computershare to hold/manage their shares and the DTC shit the bed one too many times when they committed international securities fraud on the splividend. So, I am thinking its possible that Gamestop secures another entity with more accessibility worldwide, or perhaps is even in the process of creating their own depositary for their newly-issued securities (dare I say, units?), to manage their "Global Securities" (a term they use in the filings).

Tory vs. Tary

Chat GPT: In the context of stocks, both “depository” and “depositary” refer to entities that hold securities, but they serve different functions:
In summary, while both depositories and depositaries play crucial roles in the securities market, a depository is involved in the safekeeping and trading of securities, whereas a depositary issues receipts that represent shares in foreign companies, facilitating international trading for investors312.
It seems there is more to come here as to what exact role the depositary will serve. Notice the phrasing \"series of securities that differ from the terms described here\"
Tinfoil: We have seen some evidence of and speculated that Gamestop is looking more and more like they are positioning themselves to not only be dominant in retail gaming, but also serve as a holding company, potentially even serving as their own "bank". Could a brand new, currently unknown arm of Gamestop BE the unnamed depositary??? Warren Icahn anyone?
If so, what role would Computershare then play? This was speculated long ago and I am thinking these filings are just a peek inside the inner workings of such an entity.

Subscriptions, Warrants, and Units

Sounds a lot like "series of securities that differ from the terms described here", doesn't it? I left off with a couple teasers and I look to close the tinfoil loop on those here.
Stock subscriptions and warrants are both financial instruments related to the stock market, but they serve different purposes:
In summary, while both stock subscriptions and warrants give investors the right to purchase shares, stock subscriptions are typically offered to existing shareholders at a discounted price to prevent dilution of ownership, whereas warrants are long-term instruments that are often issued to sweeten the deal when other securities are being sold321.

Here's where I use a whole roll of Reynolds Heavy Duty Tin Foil:

Sooo, in Part I, I offer the notion that Gamestop isn't going to just do one or two of these proposed offerings, they are going to do them all and they're telling us how. What I am gathering so far is Apes/holders/longs will get a chance to suck up the (45M, but up to 1B) book-securities shares faster and cheaper than you can possibly imagine through the simultaneous issuance/use of Warrants and Subscription Contracts. These investment vehicles will be issued to all record holders in "Units". And there's a lot of juice to squeeze outta this IMO.
Notice here, mention of \"unit agent\" and again in the bulletpoints, they mention \"a bank or trust company\" that governs the \"units\". I'm thinking they will likely be the same entity that manages it all.
Gamestop's TL;DR on units: We can issue any number of combinations of two or more of the aforementioned securities/vehicles (Warrants Subscriptions, Common Stock, Preferred Stock) which we call "Units". They may be transferable as a single security that holds multiple securities within it. Our unit Agent (a designated trust or bank). AND, the units might not even be listed on any securities exchange. (Privately held, hard to trade, hard to access, hard to fuck with UNITS of securities?)
So, hypothetically, all shareholders of record on a given record date determined by a supplemental filing will get FIRST DIBS to purchase en masse, a lot of Gamestop stock, perhaps cheaper than ever before. The warrants give us the opportunity to buy at a pre-determined price, the subscriptions contracts give us the chance to not dilute our value in our holdings. Gamestop is literally going to nearly GIVE us a shitload more stock, privately, securely, and through a private, exclusive offering.
And here's where it gets even more juicy...I think they're gonna do it DFV reverse order, relative to the order of each type of offering listed in their filing.

Protect Ya Neck, Shorts! There's gonna a rush to grab GME stock!

The Plan
See if you can follow me order...
  1. BOOK ENTRY SECURITIES: Gamestop gives holders the exclusive rights and first dibs to purchase a shitload more Class A Common stock through new "Units". The units house the subscription contracts, warrants, and underlying stock. But there's only 45,000,000 more slated to be offered (so far). They give us the OPTION to purchase more later on until a certain date. The subscriptions give apes the opportunity to prevent dilution of their positions through scooping up the new stock before anyone else can. The Warrants allow us to add more at a given price (buying at a fixed price on the way up anyone?) This raises a TON of capital (potentially billions) for the company.
  2. SUBSCRIPTION RIGHTS AND UNITS: Apes jump at the opportunity to scoop up more class A shares and this allows them the opportunity to then "purchase" a greater number of fractionalized preferred stock (depositary shares) than they could have before (with only 5,000,000 whole shares available). All preferred stocks (whether whole or fractional) are backed by the chosen depositary's receipts (the official ledger, NOT managed by the corrupt DTC). AND GIVEN ALL PREFERRED STOCK IS BACKED BY THE GLOBAL SECURITIES (GME Class A Common Stock)...THIS ALLOWS INTERNATIONAL APES AND ALL APES WHO COULD NOT/CANNOT DRS TO ESSENTIALLY HAVE THEIR STOCK DIRECTLY REGISTERED THROUGH THE COMPANY ITSELF. Unfuckwithable!
  3. The preferred stocks (somehow) become part of the Units where all securities are held with the Unit agent (the depositary). Proceeds from the preferred stock sales go toward the company capital, to be used for general company purposes. What are those, you might ask?
Gamestop states that, while they could, there are currently no plans to acquire other companies or make any specific investments. Until they do have those plans, they want to invest the net proceeds from the offering in interest-bearing securites or accounts.
I'm sitting here thinking...what if, as a "thank you" to loyal shareholders, they invest it back into shareholder accounts through an immediate cash dividend? Why would you want to leave if you're getting sick divvies on all your newly acquired stock (common and/or preferred)? You just spent $ buying preferred stock, why not delight investors by giving some right back? Awh but that would be expensive for the company! Nope. It would be expensive for the SHORTS who are responsible for paying that dividend!
GPT: When you short a stock, you’re borrowing shares from someone else (typically your brokerage firm) and selling them on the open market12. The person or entity from whom you borrowed the shares still technically owns them. If the company issues a dividend during this time, the original owner of the shares is entitled to that dividend12.
However, since their shares have been sold to a third party (by you, the short-seller), you are responsible for making the dividend payment to the original owner12. This means that if you have a short position on a stock when it goes ex-dividend (the date by which you need to own the stock to receive the dividend), you will owe the amount of the dividend to the lender of the shares12.
So, in summary, if you’re short a stock and that stock pays a dividend, you’ll be responsible for paying that dividend to the person or entity from whom you borrowed the shares12. This is an important consideration to keep in mind when deciding to short a stock, especially one that pays dividends.
So, let's say the shorts are still regarded af...and they have the $ to pay the dividend(s), cool. What if FME issues multiple or even monthly dividends? (There are currently 80 stocks that issue monthly dividends) Well, one, they can only pay for this for so long on top of the collateral and capital required to maintain their short position... Then, boom goes the dynamite. And if THAT doesn't work, gamestop could just choose to issue a non-cash dividend...which they outline below...
Wombo Combo?
Gamestop's ELI5: In the event that we issue a non-cash dividend, the PSD (depositary) will distribute the PROPERTY received by it TO the record holders of the depositary (preferred) shares entitled there to, IN PROPORTION to the number of depositiary shares owned by those holders. UNESS...the PSD determines that it somehow cannot be done...THEN the PSD may take that PROPERTY...and sell it publically or privately, and then the proceeds from that public/private sale will go directly to holder of the preferred stock.
Tinfoil? They're gonna try and issue/distribute the Wu-Tang Album or some other non-fungible property via a non-cash dividend. If that can't be done for whatever reason, they will sell the album/property at auction...all proceeds go back to preferred stock holders. No matter what, holders of the preferred stock win.
My last bit of tinfoil sounds crazy but, again, in part I, I spoke about filings saying the stock can be issued permanently, or even temporarily.
Gamestop sucks back up a ton of their class A common stock through buy backs. They may already be beginning to do that while the price is cheap, eventually leaving only a small amount of shares, or even just preferred stock available, privately held in the names holders. Non-diluted, scarcem valuable, and unable to be fucked with. GME becomes its own bank. Shareholders get the protection they deserve. MOASS happens through one of many ways...
I understand this is NOT proof that they are buying back...just speculation.
Once Gamestop has the shorts off their back finally, and the capital they want/need...they then go about what they really want to continue to GROW the company...mergers/acquisitions?
Also, some other Apes have said that its possible the Gamestop is offering the shorts a way out. And while personally do not think this is fair or likely, I think its possible and would not surprise me. But what if Apes/longs suck up all the shares at these offerings before shorts even get a chance? Then they're still fucked. Still needed our shares and they're now EVEN HARDER to get.
Apes together Strong.
TL;DR: Although you should really read through this to get super jacked...Predicition: Gamestop will lay down the reverse uno... the company will protect its shareholders through a slew of new, private, non-dilutive security offerings that we get first dibs on, and that are backed by our current/future holdings. Cash/non-cash dividends from the proceeds of the sale of those securities (units) are on the table. Thus, forcing shorts to either pay or close. MOASS is inevitable.
submitted by ItsssYaBoiiiShawdyy to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:59 balance_n_act Uninsured driver (me) hit by insured driver(State Farm). What can I expect?

So I got hit by an insured driver Friday night. I called their insurance and the official report says he ran a red resulting in the wreck. My car is totaled but I’m more or less fine. I got checked out at an urgent care and everything is good but what can I expect to get from the insurance company as far as compensation for my vehicle, medical expenses and possibly a car rental. What can I do to ensure that I don’t get screwed since I don’t have an insurance company working on my behalf?
submitted by balance_n_act to Car_Insurance_Help [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:43 No-Campaign1123 ULPT request

I have this neighbor that knowingly and intentionally broke my truck down. I’ve had this neighbor for years and I typically thought that he was a pretty alright dude, when I moved in I had gone around and helped with odd jobs or offered pastries to the people around me because, yknow, I’m a normal human being who wants to be in the good graces of those who have access to your location. Anyways, years of what I can call friendship have apparently been thrown out the window when he had a chance to impress a lady friend of his. He’s on the older side, about 42, and has been divorced once, which is now starting to make sense to me. He asked me the other day if he could borrow my truck to pick up this girl he had met in town, and seeing as I’d known him for years, done yard work with him and watched Sunday games with him relatively often I thought there’d be no harm in it considering he told me he’d fill up my tank when he was done. Fast forward to yesterday, and I haven’t seen my only transportation for the better part of 24 hours, when I get a call telling me that my truck had been totaled. Obviously, I’m pretty dumbstruck on the spot, and all I could ask was where it was at and I was told the local landfill. I borrow a real friends little subaru to head on down and yeah, my shit was totaled. I loved that thing, bought it in my last year of high school after saving up for 2 years and had put aftermarket speakers, subs and a new dashboard in it. To me, priceless. To my insurance company, a huge hike in monthly payments. And to him, not even a sorry. I called him multiple times, no answers, so I showed up at his doorstep and he had the audacity to tell me to get the fuck off his property. The thing is, if I do anything to his car or house it’ll be pretty obvious who did it, but he just happened to buy a new rototiller and I wanna know how I can get into it at midnight and snip a cord or something so that he can’t use it and have to buy a new one. I have other plans but I know how to execute them, however I’m not very versed in rototiller mechanics. It’s one of those small push ones. Kinda looks like a push mower, at least in terms of scale.
submitted by No-Campaign1123 to UnethicalLifeProTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:36 Green_Active_6365 Worked illegally, fired illegally?

TL;DR, I got fired for adhering to federal research law, but should've been demoted for not having a completed degree beforehand anyway.
This was a while back but within statute of limitations I'm CA.
I was hired to be a type of therapist when the position did not require a degree for the liswnce, and for insurance/Medicaid approval. Two years in, county guidelines changed, and my boss took me in an office and said "if anyone asks, you have your degree already." And winked. I agreed, because I wanted to work, and they were gonna let me finish my degree while working, including the research project required for it. They approved my research, agreed to supervise it. The study involved kids with autism. One client approved for my research study asked directly why she was selected. Due to federal laws on research and child assent, I had to answer. I explained because she was older than 7 and had autism. She then asked for confirmation. "I have autism?" I didn't know she didn't know. Again due to federal law, and not being able to lie, I confirmed, yes. A month later, parent complained that her daughter had become suicidal from learning she had autism, and filed a grievance with the county directly. The county called it child endangerment and harm, and told my clinical director if I wasn't fired, the entire company would get audited, if not closed down. She chose to fire me. I was not allowed in the meeting, according to my director, she showed county the consent form parent signed, the laws requiring informing her, parent did not care.
Was this wrongful termination? Is my first question. Could I fight to be reinstated? Is my second.
submitted by Green_Active_6365 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:31 45829 65% increase in auto insurance. How?! Advice?

I got a pre owned BMW in the beginning of this year and I use to pay 139 in auto insurance with state farm. I just got a letter saying it’s going to increase to 229 a month starting this month! That’s crazy. How is this even justified? I knew rates were gonna increase in SoCal but I didn’t think it would be this much. All the other cars in my policy only went up by 10-15. Looking into getting a different insurance company but in the meantime what should I tell state farm when I call? Advice on how to lower it?
submitted by 45829 to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:17 MerkadoBarkada PSE suspends PNX, C, and INFRA; Zobels sell remaining MWC holdings; TC24: Introducing MB's Trading Cup 2024 team!; The Trading Cup competition; Meet Matthew, Jenny, and Sef; Good luck team!; Alternergy's first public Q&A (Monday, May 20)

Happy Monday, Barkada --

The PSE lost 10 points to 6619 ▼0.1%

Today is MB's 5th birthday!
I'm not really a big celebrations guy, so I'm not sure how to mark the occasion, except to say that I'm thankful for your continued readership and for the community of great people that has grown up around the newsletter as the days turned into weeks, turned into months, and turned into years.
Want to see something crazy? Here's MB's very first episode.
For those who have been there from the beginning, thank you for guiding MB's development through all of my weird experiments over the years. Your comments, support, and willingness to help always leave me speechless.
For those who support MB on Patreon now and in the past, your generosity in paying for something that you receive for free is humbling. Your support has helped me build scripts, host my site, and pay for help.
For those who contribute to MB directly, like Jewel, and to all of my partners, Mike Tan of, Ely Paclibar (Your REIT Buddy), and Investagrams, thank you for working with me every morning to stitch this newsletter together. It wouldn't be the same without you.
Today is something of a long episode, but I hope you'll indulge me on MB's birthday because I really hope that you'll like the segment about the team of traders that I've sponsored to enter the Trading Cup 2024 competition, and the review of Alternergy's STAR Investor Day presentation.
Hope you like it!

In today's MB:

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▌Main stories covered:

  • [UPDATE] PNX, C, and INFRA suspended for failure to submit Annual Reports... The PSE issued suspensions to three companies [link] prior to the open of trade on Friday morning for failure to submit FY23 Annual Reports. The three companies suspended are Phoenix Petroleum [PNX 4.17 ▼0.2%; 0% avgVol], Chelsea Logistics [C 1.30 ▲4.0%; 0% avgVol], and Philippine Infradev [INFRA 0.53 ▲1.9%; 0% avgVol]. AgriNurture [ANI 0.62 ▲8.8%; 305% avgVol] narrowly avoided suspension by submitting its Annual Report 38 minutes before the PSE’s suspension deadline. The ANI FY23 Annual Report disclosure erroneously reports a net income improvement of 1560% to ₱146 million, instead of a ₱146 million net loss, perhaps this oversight comes from a behind-the-scenes race to submit before the deadline.
    • MB: I’m married to an accountant who did the auditing grind for years, so I know that it’s not easy to put these reports together; they’re complex and knock-ons from problems in any of the subsidiaries can cause problems that ripple up the chain and back down. That being said, producing these annual reports is something of a bare-minimum condition of public corporate life. Every management group rides its accounting department and its auditing team into the dirt to get its quarterly and annual reports out on time. I don’t have any inside knowledge into why PNX, C, and INFRA are in this position, but I listen to the silence from these management groups. Good teams communicate with their minority shareholders in times of uncertainty, and a trading suspension is a time of great uncertainty for retail investors.
  • [NEWS] **Ayala Corp sells remains of its MWC holdings to Enrique Razon for ₱14.5-B... Ayala Corp [AC 620.00 ▲1.3%; 131% avgVol] [link] disclosed that its subsidiaries, Michigan Holdings and Philwater Holdings, would sell their combined holdings in Manila Water Company [MWC 26.60 ▼1.5%; 123% avgVol] to Trident Water Company Holdings (TWC), which is owned by MWC’s current owner, Enrique Razon. The combined value of the two sales to TWC is ₱14.5 billion. The block of shares coming to TWC through Michigan Holdings was already processed and paid-for (~₱12.9 billion), and the remaining ₱1.6 billion worth of shares from Philwater Holdings will be purchased in installments over the next five years. AC confirmed that it will have no post-transaction common share interest in MWC, and that its voting stake will be “nil”.
    • MB: In a weird way, the transfer of ownership and control of MWC from the Zobel Family to the Razon Family is one of the only lasting “achievements” of the Duterte administration. I put “achievements” in quotation marks because it’s not clear how the President’s overreach into the public markets benefitted anyone other than the obvious (MWC’s current owner). As longtime readers of MB will know I have a deep respect for Mr. Razon’s business acumen and operational quality, but I don’t know that MWC customers have necessarily felt any change as a result of this transfer, and I don’t know that minority shareholders have felt any change either. So maybe it was just Mr. Razon in the right place at the right time while Duterte rode the media waves of threatening the Zobels with death and dismemberment? Yeah, it was a weird time.
  • [TC24] Introducing MB’s Trading Cup 2024 team!...Merkado Barkada** is sponsoring a team of three traders to compete in Trading Cup 2024 hosted by Investa, where hundreds of traders will be competing for up to ₱640k in total prizes based on their trading performance with ₱300k in virtual currency across the PSE, US markets, and crypto markets. This is a long competition (it runs from April 22 through July 26), so we will follow the members of Team MB throughout the contest to check in on what’s working, what’s not working, and what it’s like on the front-lines of the country’s largest trading tournament. Let’s meet the team!
    • “Hi I’m Matthew. I’m a project manager in network engineering in the telecommjnications industry and an agency leader in one of the top global brands in insurance. I have been trading since 2016. Though I like momentum trading, I found more success in position trading because it is less volatile since I can only check my open positions during my free time.” Matthew is 37 and lives in Paranaque. Trading experience: PSE (8 years), US (1 year), CRYPTO (1 year).*
    • “Hi I'm Jennelyn. I'm a Civil Engineer by profession in a government organization. I started trading back in 2020 for a year. I was reckless back then, but I've learned a lot, I'd say. I stopped trading in 2021 to focus on my career and I shifted my trading journey to learning first. Now with the Trading Cup I've found another motivation to push through. I tried day trading, and it was really frustrating and draining, so this time I'm doing swing trading through price action and volume.
    • “My name is Sef. I'm currently in college studying Management. I've been mostly self-taught but over the years I took a lot of learnings from other people. I've tried a lot of strategies but most of the time I'm a swing trader. So, I try to look for strong catalysts and take positions within times of consolidations. My implementation of it during the competition hasn't been perfect, partly due to finals week. But I trust in the process. I've been trading in the PSE for 5 years now. I only started trading the US markets and Crypto, recently. I think my current performance in the competition is reflective of my experience within the three markets. [PSE: +17.4%, CRYPTO: +4.2%, US: -11.5%]. We still have a few months to go and it's still anyone's game. A lot of the top leaderboard right now is primarily driven by 1 or 2 positions that no one saw coming, I think you can guess which stocks I'm referring to.
      • MB: Welcome to the team, Matthew, Jenny, and Sef! My goal in founding Team MB is to give readers a little insight into the thought processes behind the winning and losing trades of each team member. We have a diverse group across age, background, experience, and trading style, so I think we’ll get some interesting perspectives on the markets as the weeks go by before the July 26 finale. The team members will get to keep 100% of any prizes that they win, along with a monthly stipend from Merkado Barkada for all the coffee/snacks needed to keep focus on all three markets simultaneously. Good luck, team!
  • [NEWS] Alternergy conducts first public Q&A since IPO... Alternergy [ALTER 0.70 ▲1.4%; 159% avgVol] presented its Q1 results on Wednesday as part of the PSE’s STAR Investor Day event, and MB was there to document its first public Q&A with institutional and retail investors since its IPO over a year ago. For me, the most interesting component of any STAR presentation is the Q&A, because it’s where we get the chance to hear the management team talk outside of the the cold forensics of the financial statements to address the hope, fear, optimism, and pessisim of the average investor.
    • On enhancing shareholder value: The ALTER team said that it’s focus is on controlling what it can control, and that as a developer, it does everything that it can to complete projects “within the timeline and committed budget”, increase its pipeline, and build good relationships with stakeholders.
    • On its growth strategy: ALTER said that its “DNA is a developer”, and therefore its “preference is brownfield development” as opposed to acquisitions. (MB note: “Brownfield” means development on land that has been previously used for some other purpose. “Greenfield” would be development on untouched land.) The management team said that it is open to being “opportunistic” with acquisitions, but that its overall focus is on “looking for projects from the ground and building them toward completion.”
    • On outlook of renewables market: “The power industry is really at the point where there is a sustained pressure towards a price increase.” The ALTER team said that there’s a shortage of power supply, and what existing supply there is will come under pressure as power plants age or weather phenomena disrupt operations. ALTER said that it’s strategy is to simply grow its portfolio into this market gap, especially over the next two years.
    • On wind vs solar: The ALTER team was asked whether it was intentional to be “more exposed to wind rather than solar”, and ALTER responded by saying that while both wind and solar are scalable, they “like wind” because it generates more electricity per installed capacity. As the ALTER team put it: “For instance, if we build a 50 MW solar, you’ll only need a 25 MW wind project to match the amount of energy that we will be generating.” ALTER said that wind is also less intensive in terms of land use to generate the same amount of energy, and that its analysis shows that wind projects generate more cash flow than solar projects.
    • On starting to distribute dividends: *One question asked when ALTER would start paying dividends, and the ALTER team responded (after a laugh) that it’s “all about resource allocation”. ALTER said that at this stage, it’s a growth company, and that it would like to use its resources to build a “sizeable portfolio over the medium term” with the goal of “increasing shareholder value.” ALTER said that once it has achieved that goal, “dividend payments would not be far behind.
      • MB:Kudos to any management team that takes questions from the public. It’s not easy to be this communicative and transparent, but as a long-term investor, this kind of insight into the management team’s thinking and analysis of their own data and the market as a whole is important. If your trading style is technical, ALTER’s analysis of wind versus solar isn’t going to matter to you at all, but if your thesis is based on bets in the power generation sector, that response might trigger some research that could be helpful. Overall I’d say that the ALTER team did very well. It was clear that they were nervous, but over time I’m sure the team will become more comfortable with answering the questions and interacting with the investing community in such a person-to-person way. Well done, ALTER!
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submitted by MerkadoBarkada to phinvest [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:15 loomisfreeman191 Renting car from SIXT with TD First class Travel CC

hi all,
Canadian here. Anyone have issues booking a car though SIXT (waiving insurance) with TD first class?
Will TD first class travel cover most issues that would arise with a car rental?
I plan on getting a sedan and staying within republic of IE for 7 days.
I've heard some stories where you need a letter from the credit cad company to say that it covers insurance in Ireland. Do I need to get this?
If anyone has any tips or other companies I should check out, please let me know.
submitted by loomisfreeman191 to irishtourism [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:06 SherbertOrnery9373 Pet insurance to cover dental cleaning?

Pet insurance to cover dental cleaning?
My (32f, US) 7 year old chi has a mass on his chest that needs to be removed, and he also needs a full dental cleaning. Obviously the price tag on this is steep, and i'm almost positive that these companies will call the mass a preexisiting condition. Does anyone have experience with pet insurance in the US that will cover part or most of routine dental cleanings??
TIA! My boy means so much to me.
submitted by SherbertOrnery9373 to Chihuahua [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:52 I1lustriouspapers Can my ex boss do this?

I left my roofing sales job a month ago that I worked at for 2 months due to lack of training, boss's demeanor, and slow income. While I was there I sold two roofs. The checks have not cleared for them still which again is a reason I left. I texted my ex boss to let me know when my checks come in so I can collect them. He told me that since I'm gone I'll only receive a quarter of the money I made since "I'm not doing more jobs around it". However, once we got a contract signed then it was up to their insurance and our company's adjuster. The only next "job" we would have is relaying what color and roof type the client wanted to the construction team. On top of this my boss said that my clients can keep me updated when the roofing job is finished?? Is he allowed to do this?
submitted by I1lustriouspapers to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:51 a-fly-on-the-wall Hello 👋🏼 and Prepping for First IVF

Hi Everyone,
I lurked around some other subs but now that my husband and I got moved on to IVF, I thought it might be helpful to check into a community like the one you have here. I’d love to absorb some of the strength and wisdom here since I’m feeling a smidge intimidated and lonely on this journey.
I’m 34F, wonky cycles, possible PCOS, previous MC with only pregnancy last fall, and didn’t respond to IUIs so we’re moving on. Husband has great numbers and we’re both in good health. I’m excited but terrified.
Thinking like an athlete (I run marathons), I want to get myself “trained” before stims start next month and ER end of June.
I eat healthy, take the usual fertility supplements, bought a myvitro and planner, go to therapy, checked out all insurance coverage, and now…what do I do beyond the protocol to get life/body/mind ready?
Thank you so much! I don’t want to need to be here but glad to be in inspiringly strong company.
submitted by a-fly-on-the-wall to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:49 smolbean30 Not sure, just a vent? Need support more than anything I guess

I know it's time to go. I feel resentful, empty, especially used
This will be long, and messy and might not make any sense, but I'm lost. I'm like so fucking lost I am slipping into a dark hole I haven't slipped in to for a verrrryyy long time 😭😭😭
For context, my partner and I both work in a niched world of the trades where we work away from home on shift work.... and also for context, we met on a job a few years back. *since then we have worked together (not always directly side by side, but on the same job). This is what makes it extremely hard to go
Backstory: He was in the middle of his divorce when we got together. Due to my situation and his, (at the time) we thought financially it would make the most sense for us to move in. What a mistake. Due to his/our work lifestyle, he only gets his kids on weekends during his days off. Maybe once a month, sometimes twice.
He pays over 2k a month in CS, and over 1.5k in spousal to HCBM. Lawyer fees have been high and rampant. HCBM is always an issue. There isn't enough money leftover to cover his own bills. In-between jobs he claims EI and that just BARELY covers it. It is up for review every July, and in theory, he shouldn't have to pay as much for the next year.
The place we rent, we got under the assumption that both of us would be paying, but that's not what's happening. I am paying the following for our home (AKA everything) / per month I pay: $2350 in rent $370 in utilities $150 for internet and cable ???? in groceries (I also have to pay when both young kids are at our place) I also paid for our renters insurance which was $380 for the year New Clothes for skids is probably spent 65me/35him Who knows what else I'm forgetting......
I have known for a while that resentment has started creeping in. More than creeping in. I am so disengaged from comversations with him, I don't care to be intimate. Basically at this point, it feels as though I am only sticking around on the premise of he has more connections than me at work, and our line of work is very very slow at the moment. Honestly... in a sick n twisted way I feel like it's the least he can do is help get me on a job somewhere as I'm literally covering his AND his kids asses for over the last year. It also is worth mentioning that most of the major big wigs for the company we work for, equally loves us. If we spilt I would still be faced with him almost daily (assumption is most likely case)
When money wasn't such an issue, I don't think I really had such strong resentful and bitter feelings. Or perhaps because he was carrying some part of his half of things, it just pushed those feelings down. Maybe like a bandaid covering
A HUGE thing for me is small white lies he tells about HCBM. He thinks they don't matter, but they do. He lies about when he talks to her, has deleted phone call histories. She's sent pictures of herself with ss and he deleted them thinking I wouldn't see, instead of telling HCBM that's crossing a boundary that had already been established
This is honestly just as big of a problem, if not more than the money tbh. I also resent the fact that he so called "hated this woman, she's awful she's this she's that" and yet chose to have a child with this person. After two miscarriages, still didn't take the precautions and knocked her up... AGAIN. Got married a month after finding out she was pregnant the 3rd time over. "He didn't ask her, she said she should have the same last name as the kid". Like fucking spare me????? If that wasn't enough, it also makes it worse when he decided to knock her up AGAIN 3 years after their first born. I can't believe the stories he's told me about her, and it has unfortunately made me judge him, and made me feel as if I don't know the man I'm with. I resent him for being so careless. People are allowed to have different views on marriage and children, but never have I ever thought I'd be so careless to just have a child with whom someone I "despise". We are very different that way, and it's a problem for me
So. Now I feel incredibly used. I feel incredibly trapped. I feel incredibly drained. If I leave my current trades industry and go back to what I have a degree in, I likely won't be able to pay for all of my bills that I have racked up because of his mess. I am lost, feel hopeless
Oh and did I mention I'm only 27f? Yeh. That's an absolute bummer. 😔
submitted by smolbean30 to ChildlessSMSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:37 InfiniteLocksmith85 Never had health insurance, where to start?

I'm a 26yo part time employee and student in Texas. I've never had health insurance and neither did my parents growing up. Recently I've developed pain in what I think is the gallbladder and would like to be on health insurance before seeing a doctor and potentially needed surgery. How do I get enrolled, and is there a website to shop around or a company that generally comes recommended in this subreddit? And is there anything to keep in mind besides price when choosing a plan? Any advice is appreciated because I'm clueless, thanks guys!
submitted by InfiniteLocksmith85 to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:36 Routine-Comment-7328 Could someone provide advice on a 3rd interview in a new career (sales development)

Hello All, I have award winning accolades doing insurance sales to an end user. I am looking to switch fields and enter sales development ( business selling to business). I am in my third (out of four) round of interviews and preparing to be flown out to meet the sales director. The business sells enviro efficient cleaning products to national business chains. How should I prepare for the interview? Should I do a mock pitch to a particular business chain? If yes, how should I learn about the business needs of that chain? I want to be aware of the company’s product lines and I have never done business to business sales. Any recommendations, would be very welcomed.
submitted by Routine-Comment-7328 to interviews [link] [comments]