Monologues for men in grease the musical


2020.01.30 22:03 nnnarbz LoveIsBlindOnNetflix

Welcome to the subreddit for Netflix's reality show Love is Blind - a social experiment where single men and women look for love and get engaged, all before meeting the person! Is Love truly Blind?

2020.07.07 20:18 Kore624 MenAndFemales

For when people refer to men as “men” and women as “females” in the same sentence. Referring to women as “girls” also qualifies.

2015.06.08 03:50 Jozarin Be the men's issues conversation you want to see in the world.

The men's issues discussion has been sorely held back by counterproductive tribalism. We're building a new dialogue on the real issues facing men through positivity, inclusiveness, and solutions-building.

2024.05.20 03:17 clash8920 24 super stoned please chat with me!

Hello there everyone. I'm stoned and im feeling social and would like to get to know some of you wonderful people on reddit
I am in need of friends men and women and everyone in between or if youre an alien thats cool too. The point is, I dont have many friends and I feel like the ones I do are slowly starting to fall out with me so I really want to make some friends online.
I want to get to know you through conversation, I tend to ask a lot of questions because I'm a curious person so if you like talking about yourself then im all for it! Im also an open book so go ahead and ask any questions you'd like.
About me: i am 24 and I live in the western US, I am a Virgo and my personality type is ISTP. My favorite genre of music is metal but I like mostly everything and I am always open to new music so if you have a recommendation or got a song stuck in your head please send it to me! Id love to listen. I play video games as of lately I've been playing a lot of tarkov, warno, dinkum and a few other games. I play on pc if you ever want to play something! Lastly im Hispanic and I speak Spanish so if you speak Spanish as well say Hola!
Hope to hear from someone (:
submitted by clash8920 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:55 ExtensionBox8375 Making friends when you're chronically ill

Hi everyone, long time lurker first time poster here. I (24F) have found myself in a tough spot, I always thought I'd have a community around me by the time I reached my mid-twenties, but life has happened and I find myself utterly alone.
I feel like I missed out on the prime time for making friends, when I was in school my parents didn't let me hangout with people after school, so eventually the invitations stopped coming, I was at university during the pandemic and also dealing with adjusting to life with invisible disabilities. So my life hasn't exactly had fertile ground for friendships to develop, despite the ideas of childhood best friends and "finding your people at uni" that you always hear about.
When I read these kinds of post people talk about having no friends then mention the one or two friends they sometimes talk to, well I don't even have that. You usually hear about people going to clubs or joining a social activity group, clubs are a no go for me because I don't physically have the energy for that environment with no seating and loud music, and social clubs tend to be on Saturdays, which happens to be one of my work days.
I feel at a loss for what to do, even though I live in London, which theoretically should make things easier.
I've tried those friendship apps but you just end up flooded by men in their 40s and 50s there. What can I be doing to meet new people and find friends?
submitted by ExtensionBox8375 to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:39 useless_user5672 My friend is sending mixed signals and its making me spiral

my friend (18 f) has been sending me (18 f) mixed signals since fall last year and it dont really know what to make of it. for context, ive been and out lesbian since middle school and i met this girl at the beginning of junior year through one of my childhood friends. I sat with my childhood friend and her friend group for lunch because she offered and i didnt have anyone else to sit with. throughout the year i got close to all of them and they ended up being my main friend group that year and me and this one girl especially got close. we just really hit it off and were really good friends. that summer i had this group over a couple of times and we hung out a bunch. my timeline of all the important events to the story are kinda janky but im gonna do my best to them in order. summer rolls around and everything is fine, me and this girl get even more close and were basically texting everyday about random stuff, just being friends. it isnt until senior year started that everything started being weird. when i got my schedule for the year i realized i had none of my friends in any classes, i didnt know anyone so i didnt see that group during the day but we all talked and stuff outside of school. she held a halloween party every year and i went, me her and my childhood friend went to a pumpkin patch, normal stuff. some time passes and one night in novemeber we get to texting. we had been doing this thing for a few weeks where shed ask me for a movie recommendation and live text me as she watched it. so were watching the movie and texting and somehow the conversation took a turn to the topic of relationships. she was just venting to me about all her insecurities and fears when it comes to talking to people and i was offering m support, me and my friends vent to each other all the time so it was pretty normal. she had identified as bi for as long as id known her but had beeing talking about how she thought she was only attracted to men and that all the girls shed either liked or pursued she envied or was jealous of in some capacity. i told her i totally understood and was offering as much support as i could having very similar experiences with me. as the convo went on i started giving more input not wanting to seem uninterested to i started telling her some of the things im insecure about in relationships (i have zero experience when it comes to this stuff, ive never even talked to a girl before but i still have my issues) and everytime i listed one, she would say something like 'but i like that in a person'. the first time i didnt think much of it but it became a pattern after the next 5 times and soon after that she sent the message 'if only you were a boy or i liked girls'. i think its self explanatory as to why thats shitty but it didnt really bother me in the moment, i thought it was weird but i dont think it had hit me. soon after that night, wed gone to my childhood friends birthday party and everything was fine. the next weekend she asked me to go to six flags with her, and the way she worded it made it sound like it was gonna be a group thing but it ended up being just us. it was a pretty normal hangout, i mean there was an appropriate amount of awkwardness but we both just really enjoyed each others company. i went to the school musical to see her and a couple of my other friends about a month after that but she gradually stopped texting and i stopped texting first and we didnt talk from january to march after that. then after two months of no communiction, she invited me to her birthday pool party. now forgive me if im reading too far into this, but seeing someone for the first time in months while youre all half naked is kinda weird, no? anyways i go to the party and its very awkward. i hadnt seen anyone all year especially her and i just tried to make the best of the situation. that night we had our first convo since our 'hiatus' and i ended up watching a movie she reccommended. few days after that, we started talking semi regualry again and i told her i missed talking to her because i did and we just kinda caught each other up on stuff that had happened since we last talked. we went to another party for another one of our friends and stayed up to listen to the new taylor swift album together but its evident we arent as close or as comfortable as we used to be. prom rolls around and she makes dinner reservations for our group, one of our friends gets a last minute date and she makes a big deal over adding him so late bc it was a hassle but added someone upon my request immediately. prom night she also avoided eye contact with me a bit at dinner and i didnt see her a whole lot at the dance itself. the last few songs i was with her and a couple of our other friends singing and dancing (she wouldnt make eyecontact with me at all while we were btw) and to my surprise, when all walked off and one of the last slow dances started she asked me to dance. i said yes because why not, its prom and we danced. it wasnt anything weird or awkward, it was actually really nice. after the dance, our whole big group went and hungout at her house after and she didnt really acknowledge me. like usually when shes avoiding me i can tell, but she just didnt even acknowldge my existence really. its the day after, prom was last night and i don't really know how to feel. i guess im just askinf for advice on what to make of this or whether i should ask her about any of this? i dont really know.
submitted by useless_user5672 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:21 xtremexavier15 TMPI 13

Boys: Harold, Zee
Episode 13: Lies, Cries, and One Big Prize
"Previously, on Total Drama. Zee, Scarlett, and Harold created their own challenges!"
"Zee went with balancing, which bit big time for Scarlett and gave Harold the shock of his life."
"Harold's treetop race was more entertaining than a sawing monkey. Surprisingly, Scarlett won the challenge, and Harold fell from grace and the trees."
"So, it all came down to Scarlett's challenge: a trivia challenge about the former competitors. Zee didn't have too good a start, but quickly earned himself a spot in the finale."
"It all came down to a final question, and one that Scarlett ironically got wrong. Bye-bye!"
The montage ended with a flash, showing a close-up of Chris in front of a bare rock wall. "Down to two from three," he said, holding up three fingers but lowering one of them, "cause now we're Scarlett-free. But," he lowered another finger, "it'll still be neat to see who gets beat," he punched his open palm. "So! Grab a seat. There's one million bucks on the line," the shot cut to a robotic arm lifting up the open suitcase full of prize money against a radiant orange-and-gold background. "Iiiiiit's finale time!" Chris said as the shot cut back to him.
"On Total! Drama! Paaaaaahkitew Island!"
(Theme Song)
A deep note played as the episode opened on the bunker, the sky dark and the crickets chirping. A deep sigh issued forth from it, and the camera soon cut inside to show Harold tossing and turning in his bed. He got up and grabbed a pillow from the bed above him and closed his eyes with a smile, only to open them and sigh again.
Confessional: Harold
"It's no use," Harold sighed in the confessional. "I just can't get to sleep. I'm too anxious about tomorrow. I don't know if Zee is having the same trouble as I am..."
“It’d be cool if I win the last challenge. Just think about how much better my life would be. No more wedgies, wet willies, and toilet face plunges, my peers would respect me more as a million dollar winner, and I can invest the money in a way that’ll make me more than the show has to afford.”
Confessional Ends
The static cut away to show Harold turning his back to the camera with another sigh, then the shot cut to the inside of the barn to show Zee sleeping peacefully and snoring rather loudly.
Confessional: Zee
"This is a high stress situation, but I’m able to get some rest in order to ease it," Zee explained. "Even if it’s a million dollar competition against Harold."
Confessional Ends
An angelic sound played as the shot returned to a close-up of Harold, his eyes blinking blearily to sleep as the light of dawn streamed in through a window high on the wall above him.
Just as he and the music seemed to reach a peaceful rest, the wail of an airhorn pierced the walls and forced Harold back into wakefulness, his eyes snapping open wide and bloodshot. "Harold and Zee," Chris announced over the camp loudspeakers, the screen splitting in two with a shot of the good vibe guy blearily waking up sliding in on the left. "Meeting area, now!"
The scene flashed to Zee and Harold standing before Chris in the open meeting area. "Yes! Today, I fire one of you from a cannon," he greeted excitedly. "And then start my vacation."
"Plus you'll hand one of us a million dollars," Harold added with a grin.
"I haven't forgotten, dude," Chris said in annoyance. "I'm just focusing on the parts that bring me the most joy. Okay?"
"What's the challenge?" Zee asked. "Is it physical or have you decided on something else?"
Harold grinned. "Total Drama finales are always physical," he said. "And while I am classified as a brain, I'm afraid I have more fighting skills than you."
"Don't get too overconfident just yet," Zee warned. "I might surprise you."
"If I may continue?" Chris interrupted, his annoyed expression soon dropping. "Your final challenge is so demanding, the lawyers insisted each of you get a helper. Ehh," he shrugged, "it's not a horrible idea. I mean," the shot cut to the finalists as they watched him, "maybe they'll be able to help us find your bodies!" Zee and Harold shared a brief but wary look. "So, which of the past contestants would you like as a helper?" Chris asked, stepping over to them.
Confessional: Zee
"I'd prefer Julia," Zee told the outhouse camera. "She's really rad, and we work well together. But I wouldn't be too upset over having anybody else as a helper. Well, except for Scarlett."
Confessional: Harold
"It's no surprise that I'd prefer Leshawna over anyone else," Harold confessed. "She can handle her own battles and objectively speaking, she is the most physically attractive girl this season. I just wish that we were able to talk to each other before she left."
Confessionals End
"I choose Leshawna," Harold said with a smile as the static cut away and a triumphant tune played...for a few brief moments.
Chris chuckled. "'Choose'?" he repeated, laughing again. "Nooo, no no no no no no no...," he told the finalists.
"But you just asked us-," Zee pointed out in confusion.
"I know," Chris conceded, "I asked you who you wanted, I did that to be mean." He laughed again as the sound of squeaky wheels approached. "Your helpers-" the camera pulled back to show Chef pushing a large widescreen monitor up to the host on a cart- "will be selected thusly! When you press this button," he held up a remote control with a single red button on it, "the possible helpers will flash across the screen." A game show jingle played as the shot cut to the monitor, now showing the portraits of the eliminated contestants rolling down across the screen as if on a reel. "Whoever's face it stops on, is your helper."
The reel stopped on an image of Scarlett after drinking Juggy Chunks. "What happens if we land on someone we don't want?" Harold asked.
"You each get one chance to pass and spin again," Chris answered with a wide grin as the sound of a helicopter grew louder. "And just to make things even more interesting," he added, growing more and more giddy with each moment, "I've brought all the helpers out to watch!"
"RELEASE ME, YOU CRETIN! I DEMAND IT!" shouted a familiar voice.
Harold and Zee gasped as the music spiked, and the shot cut to the same dual-rotor military helicopter that Chris and Chef had taken shelter in during the island's malfunctioning as it flew in overhead.
Then the camera panned downward to show the twelve eliminated campers dangling under it tied up in ropes – Max on the far left, then Amy, Sammy, Duncan, Ella, B, Lightning, Scarlett, Julia, DJ, Leshawna, and finally Jo on the far right.
"What's the big idea, McLean?!" Jo shouted hatefully, the shot cutting in close to her and Leshawna.
"Yeah," Leshawna chimed in, "why do I gotta be hanging next to her!" The two girls locked eyes and glared.
"I don't think that's the issue here..." DJ said, the camera panning onto him.
"I personally don't mind being tied up like this," Julia said in a positive tone, the camera pulling back to show her smiling. "I'm just happy to see my boyfriend in the finale."
"I didn't even want to show up, but I would appreciate it if I was actually seated," Scarlett said in a grumpy tone.
"Sha-yeah!" Lightning agreed as the camera panned onto him. "Chris, these ropes might cause Lightning some bruising. Can we get them loosened a bit?"
Scarlett gave Lightning an incredulous look. "You do realize that if the ropes are loosened, you'll fall?"
"Lightning will just get back up again," Lightning told her obliviously.
The camera cut back to B. It lingered on him for a few moments as he awkwardly looked from side to side, then directly at the camera as he smiled coolly.
"Despite this drastic situation we're in," Ella sang after the song panned to her, "I still want either Zee or Harold to win~!"
Another pan to the left showed Duncan watching her. "My money's on Harold," he said, shrugging.
“And how come?” Ella asked.
"Zee's cool and all, but I just know the dork better," Duncan answered.
"Really?" Geoff asked, raising a eyebrow in disbelief. "Are the shows in Jersey really that terrible to watch?"
"They are if ya don't have tickets!" Anne Maria answered happily.
Yet another pan put the focus on Amy and Sammy. "Are you still not going to apologize for how you've treated me ever since we were little?" Sammy asked.
"And why should I?" Amy replied in slight irritation.
"Because I put you in your place and pointed out your own flaws," Sammy explained. “The least you can do is be humble a bit.”
"You may have gotten further than me, but you still didn’t win the season," Amy bragged. “You're a bowl of mush, and I'm a parfait, which is French for perfect.”
“So what's French for bossy blonde cow?” Sammy taunted with a smirk. “I know! Vache blonde autoritaire!”
"You are so going to get it," Amy growled.
The camera pulled back to show Max clenching his eyes shut in pain. "Would you two identical ladies cease that annoying racket?!" he finally yelled with another force to startle Amy and Sammy into looking at him. "Thank y-" he began to say plainly before Amy smacked him in the head. "Hey!" he said, cringing at the hit.
"Okay," Chris said, the music turning slow and plodding as the camera cut back to him, Zee and Harold. "Now that the Peanut Gallery has had a chance to reintroduce themselves, let's move on."
"Whoa, hold on a minute," Zee held up a hand to interrupt. "Why? How? When?"
"Uh, you're gonna have to be a little more specific there," Chris told him, raising an eyebrow.
"He means why are they all tied up?" Harold translated.
Chris let out a long, irritated sigh. "Fine," he said. "I'm keeping them tied up and in plain sight so we don't have them float towards the sun, okay?"
"No," Harold said bluntly.
"Not really," Zee replied.
"Whatever," Chris told them, his brow creased in annoyance. His expression then changed into a smile. "Who goes first will be decided by a coin toss," he explained, taking out a coin and flipping it towards the campers.
It hit Zee in the eye. He yelped in pain, rubbing where he'd been hit.
"Zee wins!" Chris happily announced. "Let's see who you get," he said as the game show jingled played again.
The shot cut to a close-up of the monitor as the portraits began to scroll past, Zee uttering a series of grunts as she watched off-screen – some hopeful, some annoyed. "Okay, stop," he said after a few seconds, the camera moving to him as he pressed the button on his remote.
The simulated reel stopped on Jo. "Not who I wanted at all," Zee said in disappointment as a triumphant jingle played, "but I got what I got and I'm not gonna throw a fit."
"Harold," Chris said, the camera moving back to the finalists as the dweeb pursed his lips, "you're up."
The game show jingle played, and the portraits started flashing across the monitor again – until they stopped on Scarlett. "No..." Harold groaned.
Confessional: Harold
"I knew the odds of getting Leshawna were slim," Harold confessed. "But I want a helper who would actually assist me."
Confessional Ends
An odd note played as the shot cut back to Zee, Harold, and Chris, the latter two sharing a look. "I'd like to spin again," Harold said.
"Have at it," Chris replied, the shot briefly cutting to the pictures flashing across the monitor again.
Harold pressed the button, and sagged in defeat – and the camera cut to the monitor to show that it had landed on Scarlett again. The camera moved in front of Chris as he gave her a mischievous look. "Scarlett again?" he asked in fake shock. "What are the odds?"
The camera pulled back as Chris turned to the right and nodded at Chef, who returned the gesture and walked away. "Okay, looks like Zee gets Jo and Harold gets Scarlett," Chris said, nodding toward the helicopter. The ropes tied around the two chosen helpers abruptly came loose, causing both to fall, but while Scarlett landed in an awkward flop, Jo simply tucked her legs in and rolled as a light but triumphant tune played.
She got back onto her feet just as Zee walked up to her. "Hey Jo. I know we haven't gotten along-" Zee said.
"-but since we're partners, we're gonna have to try and tolerate each other," Jo replied. "Yeah, I know."
Confessional: Jo
"I'm not in the game any more, which still sucks," Jo explained. "But Chill Pill managed to subvert my expectations. He lasted longer than I thought he would have. And if I have to work with him, then so be it."
Confessional Ends
The camera panned to the right as Scarlett snorted and stood up. "I strongly refuse to partake in this," she said, the shot cutting in close as she brushed the dirt off her shirt then turned around.
She took a step, and walked right into Chef, who snickered and locked a thick metal collar around the quiet brainiac's neck.
"Let me guess. You're going to shock me if I don't play along, right?" Scarlett asked in annoyance as she tugged at the collar.
"You'd think that," Chris said with a mischievous smile, "but this is actually something different. In case you somehow ended up as one of the helpers, I had a special collar made that'll tranquilize you if you don't play along," he finished with a smug look.
Scarlett groaned in annoyance. "Fine."
"Hey, as long as you don't just bail, I'm cool," Chris told him.
"I'm not," Harold interrupted with an angry look.
Confessional: Scarlett
"Unless I want a voltage surprise like the ones I received in episode four," Scarlett told the confessional camera with disgust, idly tugging at the collar around her neck, "I'll help Harold with his goal of winning the one million dollars. That doesn't mean I have to be happy about it."
Confessional: Chris
"Am I full of good ideas or what?" Chris chuckled in the outhouse camera.
Confessionals End
"So," Chris said, the static cutting away to show him walking towards the two pairs. "Reunion's over? Good! It's time for your final challenge. I have endearingly titled it, 'The Double Duo of Deadly Dying Death'!" A dramatic spike in the music, reverberated voice, and zoomed-in and angled shot all combined to make the revealing of the title particularly dramatic.
"That sounds dangerous...," Zee said worryingly.
"It's supposed to be dangerous, Dodo Brain," Jo groaned.
Confessional: Zee
"Now I'm wishing I did use my second chance like Harold did," Zee confessed.
Confessional Ends
"Now since Blaineley snuck back onto the island and changed it completely by wreaking havoc in the secret underground control room..." Chris began to explain.
"Umm, hold on," came the voice of Julia, the camera panning back up to the still-loitering helicopter. "What did you just say?" she asked in confusion.
"Wait, you didn't know that?" Duncan asked. "I knew I was forgetting something."
"Host!" Max interrupted, drawing the focus to the other end of the line. "I demand you explain this!"
"No," Chris replied in a deadpan tone. "As I was saying," he continued, putting his bland smile back on as the background music became deep and tense, "we've yet to explore all the wonderful and bizarre new dangers the island's new landscape has to offer. Until now. Harold and Zee," the shot cut back to the two pairs, "with assistance from your helpers-" Zee and Jo shared a frown while Harold and Scarlett shared a glare - "you will race across the island. First one to cross the finish line will receive," Chris turned to the side and grabbed the prized suitcase from Chef, the music building up grandly as he opened it to reveal its glowing contents, "One! Millions! Dol-lars!"
All four teens started cheering.
"All you have to do is survive a 2000-foot plummet from an ice cliff," Chris joyously explained, the camera cutting to the slender peak of a snowy mountain before quick-panning away, "successfully learn to breathe while submerged in mud," the camera panned across a bubbling lake of mud before quick-panning away again, "and then sprint two miles across a wide-open field where," the shot now panned across a seemingly ordinary and empty field, "I'm absolutely sure no harm will come to you."
The shot cut back to the cast as Chris began to laugh raucously for an extended period of time. "The point I'm making," Chris said once he'd finally finished, "is that there's a decent chance you may not survive this."
Both finalists and helpers groaned warily. Then they were each tossed an orange helmet.
"For the first part of the challenge," Chris explained, "the lawyers insisted you wear helmets to protect your brains." The shot cut to him and Chef. "I mean who knows. Someday, you may start using them." The roar of the nearby helicopter suddenly increased, the added wind whipping up a cloud of dust around the men. "When you get to the top of the mountain, it'd be a good idea to build a bobsled," Chris instructed, "or, it'll be a very rough ride down!"
The show's smaller red helicopter was shown flying over, the larger military one flying away with the rest of the former campers still attached. "Grab a rope!" Chris said, the camera panning down the four ropes hanging from the helicopter to show them dangling just above the finalists and helpers. "Your challenge begins...NOW!"
The four grabbed the ropes in front of them, and to a sudden bit of challenge music and a blast of the host's airhorn, the helicopter flew off dragging the startled teens along with it.
"Good luck! Stay safe!" Chris called out after them. "Are things I'd say, if I cared!"
The footage flashed ahead to the top of the snowy peak, several boxes and barrels of various junk – including what looked like several sets of skis – already waiting at the top. The small helicopter arrived momentarily, and the shot cut to its four passengers landing in the show – Jo and Zee on the left, Scarlett and Harold on the right.
"We're supposed to build a bobsled out of this junk?" Jo asked in disbelief.
"No," Zee corrected as he grabbed a pair of skis, "Chris just said it would be a good idea." He tossed the skis onto the ground and stepped on them, a tense challenge tune playing in the background. "I have a different one, so hop on."
The shot cut to a close-up of Jo grinning, then to her jumping onto the skis behind Zee. "Let's do this!" she said as they began to slide forward down the slope and left the scene.
The camera panned onto Scarlett, holding a pair of skis of her own. "We should get moving!"
"What's to stop me from believing that you won't shove me off the skis?" Harold asked, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.
"I have this wretched collar on. Shoving you is the last thing I want to do. Now get on!" Scarlett told him angrily.
"Fine," Harold said, rolling his eyes and walking over to where Scarlett was already waiting on the skis and got ahead of her. The challenge music rose up again as they leaned forward, and started to slide.
The shot cut to Zee and Jo looking back over their shoulders with grins on their faces. They promptly skied through a tall mogul, slowing them down a little and covering Zee's eyes in snow. "I can't see!" he shouted, clawing at the packed snow as they began to swerve.
"Quick, to the left!" Jo shouted, one hand around Zee's waist and one point ahead of them as they swerved away from the camera around another mound of snow. "Now right!" Jo directed, the two swerving back towards the foreground. "Left!" She shouted, but they just sped through another mogul earning a scream from the jock-ette.
Confessional: Jo
Jo was blue from the cold and shivering heavily.
Confessional Ends
"Well isn't that the best thing that's happened today!" Scarlett taunted as the scene cut back to her and Harold.
"Yeah, well, we're gonna be next if we don't keep dodging these things," Harold pointed out as they began to swerve around the moguls as well. "And I want to try and get ahead of them while we can."
The music ramped up dangerously as the dweeb and brainiac slid towards another mogul. "Left!" Harold shouted.
"No, right!" Scarlett replied, the two leaning to the opposite direction, swerving nowhere, and plowing right through the mound. "Aagh!"
"Scarlett!" Harold growled as they started swerving wildly, snow covering both their eyes. They clipped the side of another mogul, sending themselves into a screaming spin, hit a third mogul, and came out tumbling end over end.
The shot cut to the bottom of the slope, the music leveling off as what looked like a mogul on skis slid down. The camera zoomed in as two patches of snow fell away to reveal Zee and Jo inside, the two moaning and blue in the face. "Zee, we need to move," Jo weakly told her partner, "before-"
A massive snowball suddenly ran them over, breaking the snow but leaving the good vibe guy and jock-ette lying in a puddle of melting snow. A crash was heard off-screen, but the camera lingered in place as Jo groaned and stood up. "Let's go," Jo told her partner. "You're still in this..."
"...yeah," Zee said as he caught his breath. "Yeah!" he said, more energetically this time. "I've got this!" he declared before charging forward, the shot cutting to Jo as she smirked softly then raced after her partner.
The camera followed them along for a few seconds until they reached a heap of snow, skis, and dazed-looking teens, which the shot immediately focused on. "What happened?" Harold shot at his partner, the dweeb lying upside-down half-trapped in the snow. "I told you to go left!"
"And I told you to go right!" Scarlett countered, her head sticking out the right way up but her legs sticking out over it.
"Yes, but I'm the one in charge!" Harold replied. "You're supposed to be helping me!"
"I was steering!" Scarlett said before the snow holding her up crumbled away, causing her to fall over with a startled gasp.
Harold sighed in aggravation before a small pile of melting snow collapsed onto his face.
The scene cut away to show Chris and Chef sitting in lawn chairs eating popcorn as they watched the challenge feed, the host promptly pausing it with a beep and looking at the camera. "This finale's out of control!" he said excitedly as the capstone theme began to play. "Zee and Jo got run over! Harold and Scarlett can't stop arguing! And all of them just plowed through like a ton of snow!"
"Stay tuned, "he continued, the shot moving away but the host quickly popping back up in front of it. "Someone is leaving here a millionaire. It's the finale of Total! Drama! Paaaaaahkitew Island!"
(Commercial Break)
submitted by xtremexavier15 to u/xtremexavier15 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:41 OddIssue91 AITA for being uncomfortable with my wife's band posters?

I (31m) have been married to my wife (30f) for 5 years now. I love her so much, and I am so incredibly lucky to be married to her, but there is one thing that really bothers me.
She has always been a huge fan of a lot of rock bands, particularly emo bands. This by itself doesn't bother me at all, in fact I love the music too and we go to concerts together all the time. What bothers me is that she has posters of these bands tacked up everywhere around our house. Our bedroom walls are COVERED in them. And I mean covered. There is not a single inch of wall space in our bedroom that is not dedicated to her band posters. Everywhere I go, everything I do, therd are always eyes of a hundred emo men following me around. It sounds stupid, and it probably is to be honest, but I don't think I can stand another night's sleep feeling like I am being watched constantly. I don't want to be "watched" by the members of My Chemical Romance or Taking Back Sunday or 21 pilots as we make love.
I've tried asking her nicely to move some of them and she gets really offended and mad at me so I just left it behind. But it's getting hard to handle.
submitted by OddIssue91 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:32 Class_of_22 I wanna tell you guys a fun little story about the time that I unexpectedly sang a Ramones song (at the time they were one of my special interests) at a preschool talent show…anybody else here have a similar story?

Okay, so I was born in 1999, and this story happened in either 2002 or 2003, when I was 3 or 4 years old. This was only 1 or 2 years after I was diagnosed, at the age of 2.
Music has always been one of my special talents, for as long as I can remember, ESPECIALLY Rock and Roll. Green Day was my favorite band when I was 4/5 years old (and I REALLY hated the Wiggles. I didn’t see the appeal of grown men living in a house with grown people in animal costumes singing about fruit salad).
I was always interested in classic rock/alternative/indie/punk music (I’ve always loved rock concerts and they have never really bothered me), and at the time one of my favorite bands was, as a 3/4 year old, the Ramones.
My preschool was hosting a talent show at the time and I wanted to participate. And though it wasn’t unusual for kids to get up and sing at the talent show, most of the time the songs were not wholly unexpected for kids to sing, like nursery rhymes or Disney songs.
Not me.
Of course, now that I am 25 and I was very young then, I don’t really have that good of a memory, so a lot of this story comes from my mom.
So, up I get on stage, and apparently, either one of the teachers said that I was gonna sing a song for them, or I was asked what I was gonna do, and I said that I would sing. (Again, I was only like 3 or 4 at the time, so my memory isn’t that great).
So there I am, a little 3 to 4 year old child, getting ready to sing. Some of the other parents in the audience probably were like, oh how sweet, we’re gonna hear another cute little Disney song or Nursery Rhyme or whatever hahahahaha…
And then, I start singing, quite loudly and proudly at the top of my lungs, The Ramones’ “I Wanna Be Sedated” (one of my favorite songs at the time), and according to my mom and dad, I was parading around the stage like an inner punk rocker, apparently clutching the microphone tightly with my hands as if I felt like the microphone would be taken away at any moment. (Again, this is from my mom and dad, and I was only 3 or 4 at the time so I was too young to remember).
That probably shocked the teachers and parents there, that this little child knew all the words to a nearly 30 year old (at the time anyway) punk song about being so damn bored out of your mind waiting for a show that, well, you wanna be sedated and sang it at the top of their lungs in a small voice or whatever. Of course being 3 or 4 I had NO idea what the lyrics meant, but I didn’t care.
And I normally had quite a difficult time with expressive language and couldn’t exactly initiate or maintain a conversation or even talk and interact/socialize with my peers, but I memorized song lyrics and could sing them through like there was no problem.
According to my mom, though she and my dad (and perhaps the other parents as well) found this hilarious, the other teachers were not thrilled or found it funny, probably because they didn’t find it appropriate that a little girl would be singing about wanting to be sedated, but they didn’t know what to do because they had never really dealt with a situation like this before in their lives, or they just felt that cutting the act short would not be a great thing, so they just went along with it.
There was also, according to my parents, another kid (a boy) whose talent was to tell you where the train lines in NYC went and where their stops were located.
But anyway, that’s my quirky little wholesome story for you.
submitted by Class_of_22 to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:29 1DMod TTPD is Referencing Black & White Movies/Old Hollywood, NOT Stages Grief

TTPD is Referencing Black & White Movies/Old Hollywood, NOT Stages Grief
Taylor Swift’s new album The Tortured Poet’s Department is referencing old black & white films, not the stages of grief. This can be seen in so many of the posts that have shown up on this sub, connecting the songs, the tour visuals, and the lyric videos to old black & white movies. As I have believed since my first listening, TTPD is about the entertainment industry (specifically the toxic aspects of it)and not about specific romantic muses. There are many references littered throughout, but another mod and I are working on something that discusses my very fav reference…so this post won’t reference the best of all the references imo.

Black & White Films

There has always been debate about if Taylor comes up with easter eggs on her own or if she sees what fans are saying and rolls with it. I think she did the latter with the concept that TTPD was referencing the stages of grief. If you’ll remember, she never said that’s what she was intending, she just created some playlists and Swifties rolled with it and declared that that’s what the colours meant the entire time. What if it wasn’t? What if the colours of the albums and the poses on them were referencing old Hollywood films, predominantly black & white ones? What are black and white films comprised of? Black, white, grey, and sepia.

The Eras Tour in Black & White

We can see this reflected again in her presentation of I Can Do It With A Broken Heart at the Eras tour, referencing Gentleman Prefer Blondes…but black and white…with a silver and a gold version… I am writing this post for u/rott-mom, because her comment made me want to swish it off my mental desk so I can think more about the wild connections I’ve been seeing between my fav gay men and Taylor. This is a comment she posted that caught my attention, with Reddit‘s misogynistic censoring accounted for.
This video is a great discussion of the possible connections that link even further to old Hollywood and TTPD.
Taylor is leading us all to these things, in my opinion… And by us, I do actually mean gaylors…because much of the connections I’ve made will not be seen by Swifties/Hetlors. They are directly related to closeting, Morality Clauses, Lavender Marriages, and the fact that the “golden era of Hollywood” was also the dawn of massive homophobic closeting on a national level - James Dean, Cary Grant, Marlene Dietrich, Greta Garbo, Rock Hudson, Tab Hunter, and soooo many others.

Lavender Marriages

During the Golden Age of Hollywood in the 1920s, queer actors and actresses were only able to achieve success if they curtailed their authentic selves and tailored their image to meet the expectations and demands of the film studios. For queer preformers, that most often meant that they would need to be closeted and to marry a individual of the opposite sex.
Studios and management companies would be aware that some of their biggest stars were queer and would go so far as to have actual weddings to quell what they considered unsavory rumours — this is where the term “lavender marriage” came from. They actually closeted two queer celebrities by marrying them to one another! The widespread belief is that lavender marriages are no longer as widespread in the industry, though many — particularly queer historians — have their doubts about this.

Morality Clauses

Lavender marriages were a solve in part for “moral clauses” issued by big studios at the time. The clauses, first introduced by Universal Film Company, permitted the company to discontinue actors' salaries "if they forfeit the respect of the public.” The kind of behavior deemed unacceptable ranged widely from criminal activity to association with any conduct that was considered indecent or startling to the community. The clauses exist to this day — Harry Styles was explicit regarding the immense relief he felt when he left his One Direction morality clause and entered into a less restrictive (but still present!!) morality clause in his solo career.
(Yes, I did just copy/paste from our Wiki. I wrote it, I am allowed to.)

Screaming Colour?

The Fortnight music video is entirely in black & white, with the only pieces that are in screaming colour being the lesbian pride flag, the gay men’s pride flag, and fire. She‘s burning down the old ways, allowing colour to come in…and the colour is gay and lesbian, sunrise/sunset and twilight/night. Similarly, in a landscape reminiscent of an old western film (cowboys 💅 and culturally subversive), they are surrounded by the white script pages, written by the shadowy individuals old hollywood forced into closets…it is with the blinding fire of white flame, blue flame, and red/pink/orange flame, that the scripts are burned…with the only other scene with colour in the video being that of Taylor standing in a room where their forced act - their stunt - is burning up around her…liberating them all.
The concept of shadow figures in music videos represent the closeted self, hidden lovers, and the shadow self (Hi Peter!) that follows one around in hopes of reattaching can also be found in Harry Styles’ works. Similar to how I've been revisiting old Taylor stuff with a muse free perspective, I've been revisiting Harry and Louis' stuff through that lens in order to see additional meanings. While I do believe that Louis is represented by the shadow man, I also believe the shadow represents Harry's hidden (queer) half, his literal shadow self - cut off from him and sent to the sidelines as a result of being forcibly closeted by the entertainment industry. Here is a wonderful post on how Peter is about Harry Styles
I also think it’s worth noting that in black & white films, the makeup women are wearing is wildly and freakishly colourful - it needs to be to show up ”normal” on film. If this was shot in a traditional manner, Taylor is wearing green lipstick in this shot. She likely looks wildly colourful, but in a manner that would be considered grotesque by those who don’t understand.
Similarly, this shot is conversion therapy…but also pulp science fiction. As someone who is a devout horror lover and has written on the topic of horror as one of the ultimate sites of subversive discourse around race and misogyny, this is next level iconography. What is grotesque in this? Is it her femininity, her masculinity in a female body, her orange/white/pink/purple essence, her face, her curly hair? Is it the dog who has been surgically altered to represent a worldwide beauty standard? Is it the men surrounding her, experimenting on her, while looking "normal" and being fully clothed?
In conclusion, there is no conclusion. This will be followed up sometime this week with another post that has u/premier-cat-arena and I very excited…we haven’t started writing it tho 🙃
How Taylor Swift’s Fortnight Evokes German Expressionist Film
Taylor Swiftstein
Inventing the It Girl
Taylor is Post Malone
Shawshank Redemption
"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" couple who inspired the play
submitted by 1DMod to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:28 salmonpaddy I think my (23F) best friend’s (23F) boyfriend (25M) is into me, and I don’t know if I should say anything

My best friend and I have known each other since freshman year of college, so like 5 years now. We are super tight, she’s the funniest person I know and we’re like ride-or-dies.
Her and her boyfriend have been dating for 1.5 years now (I think), and I’ve met him more than a few times. He’s cool! But I am not into him like that.
I was in a LTR for 2 years but recently broke up, so I’m single again. I went out with my best friend (i.e. Jessie), her boyfriend (i.e Sean), and a couple other of our mutual friends (both girls). I was visiting them in Chicago for the weekend by the way, but I don’t live there.
Throughout the entire night, Sean would single me out to ask me things, or try to dance with me. For example, he would say “Hey, Salmonpaddy, what’s the tattoo on your back mean?” or “I like your outfit, Salmonpaddy” (which was a tight cropped tube top and baggy jeans lol).
Eventually he pulled me to dance with him, in front of my best friend, and I just danced super rigidly. Or he would grab my hand. And he knows I play some video games, so every time I see him he asks me to play video games with him, to set up a date/time to play together, the two of us.
He made me pinky promise that we would play Fortnite together this Wednesday at a specific time, he said he’ll buy me skins. I’m like. Bro😐. And he only talks about this stuff when she’s not around! So I asked if it’s possible to play with three people, since we should play with Jessie too, and he seemed awkward after that and switched topics.
Jessie went to the bathroom with a friend of mine, and I was with my drunk friend making sure she was good, and Sean. Sean starts talking to me again, and asks me in a teasing way, “So when are you gonna move to Chicago?” I replied that I have no plans to move to Chicago, and said I am actually going to move to NYC soon. He seemed shocked and asked how soon, I said a couple weeks, and he said “No, Salmonpaddy you just broke my heart! Don’t go that far! I’m barely gonna see you!” I said we don’t even see each other that often right now (like once every few months) and that I’ll see him and Jessie the same amount still! He was unsatisfied with that, and buckled down on trying to find ways to spend time with me. He said we should play games together, start a podcast, make a song together (I make music). Half of this stuff he repeated throughout the night, directly in front of Jessie, and it started to piss me off because he should be pouring that energy into her, not me, and I just felt bad that she just had to watch him constantly try to make plans with me or dance with me.
One more thing that made me skeptical is how he tried to disrupt men talking to me. I had quite a few men come up to me, and I spoke with one of them for a slightly longer time. Harmless conversation, the guy was cute though and I gave him a small peck on the cheek as I rejected his advance to dance with me. Yeah, mixed signals, but I’m dealing with my own stuff at the moment. Lol.
Anyways, Sean suddenly taps me and waves me to come talk to him, in like an urgent way. I asked him what was up, I thought maybe we were leaving, and instead he says “Are you into that guy??” and I said uhhh, I mean yeah I was talking to him but nothing serious. He apologized and said I could go back and talk to him, and I just laughed uncomfortably and went to go dance with Jessie instead.
Point is, Jessie is head over heels in love with Sean, yet I really don’t feel like he is being loyal to her in this way. I think he’s a cool person, but she’s my best friend before anything else and his behaviour as her boyfriend is giving me the ick.
How do I approach this situation?
TL;DR: I think my BFF’s boyfriend is into me and I don’t know how/if I should address it. She loves him so much but I feel like he is not as loyal as he should be, and I feel like he is lowkey hitting on me.
submitted by salmonpaddy to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 00:28 Far-9947 About all these awards getting brought up

I have seen people bringing up Kendrick's Pulitzer prize these past couple of weeks. That is fine within itself. But I keep seeing this brought up as a reason why he is better than the drizzler.
A pulitzer is a very big accomplishment, apparently from what everyone has been telling me. But would Kendrick be less or an artist and a person if he never won one these? Would he be lower on your legacy ranking? I won't lie I had to look up what a Pulitzer prize was a few days ago because people kept mentioning it. I knew about the win from years ago, but I took a deeper dive into the award itself.
The award is named after Joseph Pulitzer who was referred to as a yellow journalist. Him and other yellow journalist used sensationalism and catchy headlines with little legitmacy to bring eyes to their newspapers.
These are the same kind of headlines that have harmed black people in the past and present.
Which caused a cycle of violence and hatred in America.
But this post isn't about Joseph Pulitzer. who isn't the cause of yellow journalism. It was here before him, and will be here after. I am not even really trying to call out his character so much as I am just providing context of who this award was named after. I don't want that to be anyones main takeaway from this post. I am aware that awards can have a muddy past, but can work towards improvement in the future. I doubt a black person was even allowed to win a pulitzer when it first award back in 1917. But that is mostly the past. These awards constantly change and evolve year after year,
I am also NOT knocking Kendrick for accepting the award. I just don't think this award or any award should be put on such a grand pedestal.
My main point is, although winning an award is a good feeling for the artist and the fans, these rappers don't do this for the awards. They do it for the love. We shouldn't really put such a huge emphasis on things like this. It always comes second to the art itself. This has probably been said many times before, but it is true.
You notice how Drake was the only one bringing up Grammys and Pulizers in his diss tracks. While Kendrick never mentioned anything of the sort? People may say "Because Kendrick gets those type of things." But I think it is deeper than that. Drake is just a superficial and materialistic type of guy.
People can talk about what all these awards represent and the significance of them all. But we need to take a step back and realize that at the end of the day, these awarda are just a piece of paper or metal that was given to these guys by a nameless voting commitee who we know nothing about.
These awards don't really speak for the culture, and more importantly, the artists recieving them.
Kendrick was a goat before the Pulitzer and is a goat after the pulitzer. Take away all his grammys, plaques, and other awards, and he is still an ultra skilled, and technical rapper who makes music that takes people on an unique and introspective experience. He is a thinking man's rapper.
Edit: This post is not meant to be anti awards. I watch the grammys and the oscars every year ngl. It is mostly to awknowledge, hey the award is cool but that is not what we should be bringing up about why the art is great. If TPAB won 0 grammys, it would still be one of the greatest hip-hop albums in my eyes.
submitted by Far-9947 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:57 Fabulous_Badger_9078 I'm listening to "Fire & Hemlock" and having even more "aha!" moments - you?

I've been waiting patiently for an audio version of this book and was thrilled to finally find one on Audible! It's quite good. I've been listening to it for the past several days and have loved revisiting this rich, interesting, many-layered story. It's one of my favorites.
I know people are uncomfortable with the age gap between Polly and Tom, I hear you. I think it's about 10-12 years (similarly there's about a 10 yr. age gap between Howl and Sophie - F & H came out in 1984, Howl's in 1986 so age gap relationships might have been one of Jones's themes at the time).
However, this time around I realized that though Tom is a very smart man, he was still a tween or young teen when he was, in essence, swapped out for his brother. He's sophisticated in his reading and music, but not that emotionally mature. Which is part of the reason he bonds with Polly at the funeral. She allows him to be the younger self he likely never got to be by playing storytelling with him. And too, he's a kind person that will probably always try to meet children where they are.
Also, Polly is very mature for her age in some ways because of having to be involved in her parent's and then her mother's conflicts. This is why this story is the most profound girl power story I think I've ever read (saying this as someone whose mother also had no boundaries and had moods and rages).
Also, I'm 60 now, and was 20 when the book came out. It was much more of a done thing to date older men back then (not the opposite, however, go Anne Hatheway!), and in Jones's era even more so.
Yes, he does use Polly, but he admits to it. And every time I read this story (or listen to it as I am now) I'm struck by how very real world it is. Humans, even good ones, are messy and flawed.
u/FloridaFlamingoGirl u/fallingoffalog u/thecrusha I'm curious if you've had further thoughts about it or have reread it in the past year!
submitted by Fabulous_Badger_9078 to dianawynnejones [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:34 NNeeccttaarriinnee [F4M] Romance between an alien felinoid and a human man. [Anthro, size difference, muscular female/andromorph, role reversal, story driven, sci-fi, multi-para]

My normal posts are 2-5 paragraphs. This is long because it's a starter.
The sloping ground around the Kiaurk family mesa had been sculpted into shelves or terraces, and it was on one of those upper terraces that Kiaurk Nshurr now lounged beneath a pergola anchored to the striated stone face behind her. The mesa rose at her back: an enormous, looming, almost sheer outcrop that her family's dwellings had been carved into the face of. Wide, shallow steps cut into the artificial (but entirely convincing) sandstone wound their way up between landings and porticos leading inward, between tiny balconies shaded by bright solid-colored canopies, between rooms with flat walls and rounded corners that came jutting out to shadow the steps below. Rriigkhans rarely used glass as window barriers; smooth-edged holes had been cut through the rock in varying shapes and sizes. It could be difficult to tell which apertures were windows and which were entryways. A physical barrier that kept out the elements was obsolete in all but the crudest dwellings, though some of these larger holes were curtained with braided string or strips of cloth that served a purely decorative purpose.
From her high vantage point Nshurr could see the shelves stretching out below her as the base of the mesa leveled out to flattish terrain that was a wonderland of vegetation in muted rainbow colors: mustard yellows, clay reds, earthy browns and the occasional dash of sage or dusty blue. This scrubland lay like a blanket around everything below that was not part of the village between the mesas. Down there, adobe compounds never taller than two or three storeys seemed so squat compared to the mesas that Nshurr could see towering in the distance, many of those family mesas only a few hours walk from her own if she traveled by foot. The village sprawled, with tile parkways winding in serpentine fashion between the various buildings, courtyards, parks, and ponds. There were no property lines, no clear division of the land into neat little plots owned by the individuals who lived and worked in these places. It all seemed to be part of a whole, with a single unifying aesthetic. The village housed those rriigkhans of the lower castes, the kharratah and chelhautah, and the humans which were a caste all their own, haukagh-ar, except for a small number who lived with their masters in the caverns of the mesas or up on the plateau.
This planet, Sgarrl, terraformed over three hundred years ago, was home to more human servants than any other Ssaarian world – aside from Earth, of course, discovered eighty years ago. The fact that humans shared so much in common with rriigkhans made them the perfect species to incorporate into the rriigkhan caste structure as servants. They breathed the same mix of gases and required similar gravities, and their nimble little fingers were very useful for all sorts of work.
The rriigkhan language was not necessarily too complex for humans, but it was wholly unfamiliar – too many phonemes that did not fit comfortably in human mouths, from grunts to huffs, to rolling trills that might by voiced or not, sometimes rumbling out like a purr. To a human, Nshurr's name was a sigh and a trill, and yet she was accustomed to humans vocalizing her name in their heavy, slurring way: Na-Shuurr! Nasher! Sometimes simply: ɽ͡r! which she recognized more easily as her name, or at least part of it, and not some random sounds.
Still, despite the weird pidgin humans had made of her language and their English, she liked the little creatures. She had come to live with her Grandmother on Sgarrl only days ago, and had never encountered them before. The males only stood as tall as her collar. The females were shorter still, much like the males of her own species.
To human eyes Nshurr was felinoid, with a muscular swimmer's body and the broad muzzle of a big cat, with watchful, forward-facing predator's eyes that seemed unexpectedly expressive, because rriikghans had almost as many muscles around their eyes as humans did around their mouths to convey the nuances of emotion. Despite being larger than even many Earth men, she was considered sleek by rriigkhan standards. She made up for that with her broader crest.
The rriigkhan crest was something like the crest of Utahceratops – a keratinized plate growing up out of the skull, except divided into three lobes instead of two, with scalloped edges along the outer rim. Unlike depictions of Utahceratops, the rriigkhan crest was not covered by skin. At least, not on the top. Thick ropy veins squiggled under velvet fur on the underside, closer to the neck. (A thick, arching neck muscular enough to support the weight of that crest meant that Rriigkhans walked with a stoop that made them seem hunchbacked, to humans.) The surface of the plate on top was often rough, even bumpy or corrugated like deer antlers in some areas, smooth in others. Every female crest had four tines jutting from the front – a pair several inches above the eyes, and another pair further up. Directly above the lowest set of tines were twin holes, the howrf channels, just big enough for a human to insert a finger. These holes were very much like nostrils – much deeper, but damp inside, and lined with short, fine hairs to protect the sensitive mucous membrane from debris. The organs housed within these channels were the heart of rriigkhan culture, the foundation of all relationships, of sex.
Male rriigkhans, of course, had only their neotonous crests: diminutive, mostly smooth with rounded edges, without tines or howrf channels. Cute.
Nshurr's crest was wider than average, her upper tines spaced further apart, and combined with a compact face this made her look top-heavy. (A human might say that she was more snow leopard than lion.) Most female crests did not interfere with the movement of the ears – highly mobile, highly expressive paddle shaped things – but the edges of Nshurr's crest did jut out enough to almost shield them.
That her crest was weighty, that it was inconvenient, that she was often aware of it – this was Nshurr's pride. Her long tail curled in pleasure when she caught males looking at it. Humans seemed to be intimidated by it sometimes, as if she might decide to gore them with her “horns.” She considered herself a confident person; not a braggart, but self-assured, and to carry her jhekaah so visibly pleased her to no end.
Her fur was an almost peachy off-white, but a mask of pale peach shaded each seafoam green eye. The mask blended into the white further up her forehead until fur gave way to bone-tan crest, and was split between her eyes by the white of her nose. Oblong spots in that same peachy color, each blending from dark to light, streaked down her sides.
These weren't the natural colors of her distant ancestors. It was unheard of to see a rriigkhan who was not gene-modified in some way, even if those modded genes had been part of rriigkhan life for so long that no one thought of them as mods any longer. She also thought nothing of the subtitles her augmented reality implant displayed whenever a human spoke, AI translated to help her decipher the pidgin. AR was simply a part of her, had been since she was a kit.
Reclining as she was on a padded lounger in front of an iron brazier, full of cold ashes from last night's fire, Nshurr was dressed in a pale coral shift only a few shades darker than the peach of her fur. Medallions trailing fringes of cloth had been sewn onto the front bottom half of the knee-length garment. A row of those ornate medallions defined a plunging neckline that bared much of her chest, muscular and broad, possibly even masculine to a human. Her breasts were lower on her body and similar in appearance to a mare's udders: long nipples on a pudge of fat nestled close together on the pelvis, just above the place where her thighs joined her body. They were only small lumps beneath the shift when Nshurr stretched out her legs so that the thin fabric fell across them. It was the roundness of her hips and buttocks that marked her female to the human eye. (As if her crest didn't make that obvious!)
She was listening to the sound of two younger female cousins wrestling on a nearby terrace, and although from her vantage point Nshurr could not see them, she could imagine the scene from what she heard: Fherou and Lahk growling while they grappled with their arms, the crack of crest hitting crest and then the scrape of tine sliding against tine. Each was fighting to control the other's head, each trying to bite the other. It wasn't easy when each had a shaggy ruff to protect her neck, and any attempt to bite the other's face would be thwarted by an interposing crest. Rriigkhan hands were less dexterous than human hands, more pawlike with stubby fingers, but capable of delivering hard blows, and once or twice Nshurr heard a cousin snarl in response to a strike against her body.
The competitive pheromones her cousins exuded from their unextended howrfs, quite unconsciously, were beginning to make Nshurr's own heart beat faster. The end of her long tail, where it hung down from the reclining chair, lashed in agitation. She was beginning to imagine sinking her teeth into someone's skin herself, and if her cousins had not been so much younger and smaller than herself she might have gone down to their terrace to show them a thing or two. It was putting her off the human flute music she'd been listening to, fed directly into her own brain through her implant for her private enjoyment. (Certain aspects of human culture were very popular here on Sgarrl; she'd been curious about it.)
She did not feel like going inside to escape the pheromones; Nshurr craved the warmth of the sun on her fur, not the cool stone and artificial light of those warrens. Most of her male cousins had gone into the village for boating today. Well, perhaps she would go down and join them after all.
OOC Information:
For this prompt I imagine you'd play a human servant, probably a new arrival to Sgarrl but maybe someone who was born there. Even though I've set up a situation where my character would have a lot of power and yours very little, I want to clarify that I'm not interested in abusing your character I am looking for a slow burn interspecies romance that develops naturally. This story may deal with power imbalances and even speciesism, but I'd like to explore those topics realistically.
I want to explore all aspects of loving relationship... Flirting, cuddling, kissing, lots of romantic scenes and character growth. My “type” that I'm most attracted to are men with average bodies in the 40-60 age range, with realistic personality flaws. I am more than willing to tailor my character's personality and physical attributes to suit your tastes, within reason. I appreciate partners willing to do the same.
I prefer to reply more than once a day. 2-3 replies per day would be ideal, but I understand life gets in the way. I usually write 2-5 paragraphs, or 150-450 words per post. This starter is much longer than my typical post length, but my lengths vary according to need. If I'm introducing a new character or setting a scene, my post might go up to 1,000 words.
Please send a writing sample if you have none in your post history. No need to custom write anything for me, old samples are fine. Click here to PM me!
submitted by NNeeccttaarriinnee to AdvLiterateRP [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:19 NumeroNone What are your favourite places to hang out and maybe meet chilled out people in Abuja?

Greetings, distinguished ladies and men dem. Help me build a list of places to frequent in Abuja.
I'm not a fan of loud or crowded spots. Club music gives me migraines, so anything like that is off the table for me.
Meeting people is also not a hard requirement. I'm more concerned about meeting the wrong crowd than none. Anywhere I can sit with someone, or just my headphones with myself is equally good.
Say you just graduated and started serving in Abuja, and you're not a rich kid. You get me? That's my definition of affordable.
submitted by NumeroNone to Nigeria [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:26 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 18 2024

DAY: May 18 2024
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:25 Wack0Wizard question about soulja boy and lil b the based god

Greetings, fellow inhabitants of the BasedWorld. Although this query might not pertain directly to the esteemed Lil B, it delves into the realm of based artists, and I am confident this is the sole domain that could offer any insight, besides perhaps sadboys. However, I surmise I would have more success here.
About a year ago, I stumbled upon Lil B and have since grown into a fervent admirer. His blend of humor, depth, and love is unmatched, cementing him as my favorite rapper. This led me to explore artists akin to him, such as Soulja Boy during his based era with mixtapes like "Skate Boy" and "PBM" with Lil B, along with other Cloud Rap artists like Bladee, Chris Travis, Main Attrakionz, etc. One day, YouTube recommended me a video by another based rapper, Yung God. His renowned "Caillou Based Freestyle" captivated me, igniting a quest for more.
I soon unearthed that he was part of a collective named "Ocean Gang," which appeared to wield considerable influence in the underground scene during the early 2010s. At its zenith, Ocean Gang seemed to boast a plethora of members, though the principal ones were Yung God, Cartier God, AGoff, Truly Based, and possibly Soulja Boy, whose involvement felt somewhat unofficial. Last summer, my playlist was dominated by Lil B and Ocean Gang members. Despite being a latecomer, I quickly realized that both music and information on them were scarce.
While they continue to release music—Cartier God and AGoff remain prolific, and Yung God dropped "Sorry 4 tha Drought" last year, his first release since 2018—retrieving their older tracks proves challenging. Much like the BasedGod, Ocean Gang, especially Yung God, exhibited an astonishing work ethic. From 2010-2012, Yung God appeared to release a new song almost daily. Although many tracks are still available online, numerous others seem lost. A dive into Yung God's channel on the WayBack Machine reveals more songs that have since vanished. Yung God maintained two YouTube channels: the semi-active "officiallyyunggod" and "2610bu," the latter seemingly abandoned nearly a decade ago and potentially not even affiliated with him. Many older videos on these channels contained descriptions linking to LimeLinx, a defunct website once used to download music, with all its links now dead or redirecting to dubious sites likely harboring malware. Around 2012/2013, Yung God switched to DatPiff, either because LimeLinx shut down or he opted for a platform change, with LimeLinx closing later.
LimeLinx's demise implies many songs and mixtapes have become inaccessible, as Yung God frequently encouraged fans to use it to download full mixtapes. Current knowledge suggests only five full mixtapes by Yung God exist on YouTube: "Tha Afterlife," "Asylum," "Splashaholics," "Dystopia," and "Sorry 4 tha Drought," yet references indicate many more, such as "Grease" and "The Barbie Tape."
This issue extends beyond Yung God; all members seem to have lost tracks. Many were taken down, possibly by the artists themselves. Their social media presence has also significantly diminished, with numerous accounts abandoned and linked to other defunct accounts and websites. Despite their past online popularity, they have largely vanished, leaving behind only the core members.
It is conceivable that hundreds of tracks are lost. According to a source on RYM, an extended version of their collaborative "Ocean Gang or Drown" mixtape was even released on DVD. Despite their internet popularity and loyal fanbase, their music and members have seemingly disappeared, with few discussions about Ocean Gang today.
Some content has been archived via the Wayback Machine and YouTuber "Docta Caffeine," who laments in his video descriptions the unarchived songs he wishes he could save.
So, as a relatively new aficionado addressing the knowledgeable members of BasedWorld: What transpired with Ocean Gang? Why is so much of their music missing? Did a falling out occur?
submitted by Wack0Wizard to hiphop101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 22:01 Babynative23 17f Guess who’s back and ready for a connection

Hiii!! Did you stop scrolling??
Did I catch your eye?
Well then let’s not waste time continue to read and let me give you a quick run down of me yeah? 😅
Hi I’m Hannah people call me storm tho
Lesbian 🌈don’t hurt em now but you know I gotta love the ladies-
N e ways 17 years old babyyyy🤭turn 18 in almost 2 months
Ages preferred 16-19 plssss
I love listening to music it’s my life my god😩basically every genre too fav atm is kpop,pop,and jazz
Favorite artists at the moment is Chase Atlantic,Taylor swift,dreamcatcher,Vera Lynn, Kane brown, Alec Benjamin etc..
I’m too hyper for my own good and affectionate sorry if it makes you uncomfy it’s just apart of me the more I get used to you the more compliments and attached I will be goshhhh I really want someone thoughhh
Pls don’t ghost me I’m looking for longterm so if that’s not you kindly scroll :pp
Watching soccer Warning you will get sick of me gushing over emily sonnet and Leah Williamson-
I’m flirty so if it makes you uncomfortable please tell me and I won’t do it im respectful of boundaries 🫡
Boxing/wresting fanatic too I start classes soonnnn
Abit of a hopeless romantic-
Roblox while face time??oh my godddd we literally have too or we could play mine craft and build our beds next to one another🤭🤭
I have other socials so if we hit it off I definitely would like to move to any other social
I have a quest and xbox so if you have any games that you’d recommend I’m always open
Queen of yapping I text a lot like a lot a lot so I need someone on my level
Definitely want someone to fall asleep with on face time like damnnnn I just want a connection
Mixing languages im so sorry it’s a habit learning 5 different languages will get me that way
Good morning and goodnight texts:) even though I wake up at 11am I just won’t miss-
selfies of everything going on in my life don’t you love a active queen?-
The most extroverted introvert you’ll ever meet I’m alittle to hyper but I promise I’ll try not to be annoying lol
I have a kitten named Batman and a dog named queen I love animals so if you have one please share pics!!
Spotify playlist buddies?i will make a playlist for you it’s like a must have in just like that-
Weird nicknames and random meme sends will be a thing
Learning languages,drawing,dancing,singing,getting dem gains-,and reading is my spare time favorite
Im open minded
I live in Louisiana
Universe and star facts I love geography bubsss
I’m chaotic ok? Hope you can handle abit of chaos sorry for future friends
I really want to get friends to play games like roblox with me or just talk on the phone
If you read this far I love you💍 (jk,,unless??)
I prefer females friends more so sorry males :((I find it easier to connect with females heh
No creeps man or nsfw (do I even need to explain?😃🤨)
And since it’s hard for some people to read lemme put it in bold letters
Conversation starters: What’s your favorite animal and why? If you could have any power for 24hours what would it be? (Send pet pictures) Ask me anything
Sorry for all the yapping
Hope to get to know you mate!!💞💞
submitted by Babynative23 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:57 Strict_Action2934 29 [M4F] Texas/Online Shy romantic looking for connection

Hey there, I'm Jaden!
Originally from Texas, but I'm dreaming of a place with all four seasons. My faith journey has been a rollercoaster, coming from a challenging past with religion. Now, I'm finding my own path with God, stumbling along the way but always striving to grow.
In relationships, I'm all about taking it slow and steady. I've had my heart bruised before, so I'm looking for someone who's patient and understanding. I'm a big believer in love languages, while I thrive on words of affirmation and physical touch.
When it comes to my future partner, kindness and support mean the world to me. I'm not expecting us to be clones, but being open to each other's passions is key. Communication is everything, and I need someone who's not afraid to tell it like it is.
Sundays find me at a non-denominational church, where the relationship with God comes before anything else. I'm also part of a men's study group, digging deeper into faith.
Physically, I'm a big guy, but I'm active. I love taking walks with my dog and fixing up guitars in my spare time. Oh, and I'm a sucker for retro gaming – Mario Kart, anyone?
Career-wise, music is my jam. I'm currently working in a music store, while thriving to further a career in building custom guitars.
Hobbies? Writing poetry, strumming my guitar (not too well, mind you), and blasting some metal tunes.
If you've made it this far, thanks for sticking around! Can't wait to hear from you and share more about each other.
submitted by Strict_Action2934 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:57 OceanMangz 21 [F4M] #Norfolk Virginia #Virginia Beach- Just a curvy gal looking for some love

Hey y’all! I’ll be doing a summer job near ODU come June and I would love to know some people when I’m there! I am a language nerd and LOVE learning about people’s accents! Please if you have an interesting accent feel free to DM especially if you don’t mind me trying to mimic it A few conversation starters: - I love folk music, metal, musicals, and medieval music - I have telegram and prefer chatting on there after I get to know you -I’ve been super into reading about Hell as of late (and find cultural stories/mythologies fascinating)
-Yes I’m a fan of British ppl, quiet men with posh accents to the front!!
Send me your favorite albums, movies, books
I know some ppl like to trade pictures when you first start chatting, I don’t mind it at all (If you read this far, thank you!)
submitted by OceanMangz to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:48 Babynative23 [17/f]guess who’s back and looking for a connection!!

Hiii!! Did you stop scrolling??
Did I catch your eye?
Well then let’s not waste time continue to read and let me give you a quick run down of me yeah? 😅
Hi I’m Hannah people call me storm tho
Lesbian 🌈don’t hurt em now but you know I gotta love the ladies-
N e ways 17 years old babyyyy🤭turn 18 in almost 2 months
Ages preferred 16-19 plssss
Lookin for friends and maybe more??idk-
I love listening to music it’s my life my god😩basically every genre too fav atm is kpop,pop,and jazz
Favorite artists at the moment is Chase Atlantic,Taylor swift,dreamcatcher,Vera Lynn, Kane brown, Alec Benjamin etc..
I’m too hyper for my own good and affectionate sorry if it makes you uncomfy it’s just apart of me the more I get used to you the more compliments and attached I will be goshhhh I really want someone thoughhh
Pls don’t ghost me I’m looking for longterm so if that’s not you kindly scroll :pp
Watching soccer Warning you will get sick of me gushing over emily sonnet and Leah Williamson-
I’m flirty so if it makes you uncomfortable please tell me and I won’t do it im respectful of boundaries 🫡
Boxing/wresting fanatic too I start classes soonnnn
Abit of a hopeless romantic-
Roblox while face time??oh my godddd we literally have too or we could play mine craft and build our beds next to one another🤭🤭
I have other socials so if we hit it off I definitely would like to move to any other social
I have a quest and xbox so if you have any games that you’d recommend I’m always open
Queen of yapping I text a lot like a lot a lot so I need someone on my level
Definitely want someone to fall asleep with on face time like damnnnn I just want a connection
Mixing languages im so sorry it’s a habit learning 5 different languages will get me that way
Good morning and goodnight texts:) even though I wake up at 11am I just won’t miss-
selfies of everything going on in my life don’t you love a active queen?-
The most extroverted introvert you’ll ever meet I’m alittle to hyper but I promise I’ll try not to be annoying lol
I have a kitten named Batman and a dog named queen I love animals so if you have one please share pics!!
Spotify playlist buddies?i will make a playlist for you it’s like a must have in just like that-
Weird nicknames and random meme sends will be a thing
Learning languages,drawing,dancing,singing,getting dem gains-,and reading is my spare time favorite
Im open minded
I live in Louisiana
Universe and star facts I love geography bubsss
I’m chaotic ok? Hope you can handle abit of chaos sorry for future friends
I really want to get friends to play games like roblox with me or just talk on the phone
I prefer females friends more so sorry males :((I find it easier to connect with females heh
No creeps man or nsfw (do I even need to explain?😃🤨)
And since it’s hard for some people to read lemme put it in bold letters
Conversation starters: What’s your favorite animal and why? If you could have any power for 24hours what would it be? (Send pet pictures) Ask me anything
Sorry for all the yapping
Hope to get to know you mate!!💞💞
submitted by Babynative23 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:41 clydelogan Through the Looking Glass: Taylor and Mirrors

Through the Looking Glass: Taylor and Mirrors
Let me just start out by saying I haven’t read Through the Looking Glass by Louis Carroll in about 10 years and I’ve only read it 3 times (HS AP English Lit, a Lit class in college, and after 1989). I’m by no means as versed in Louis Carroll or Alice’s Adventures as others in this sub.
I’ve talked about numerology 8 [here]( and how it connects to “Karma”. It’s also been 8 years since when we would have gotten the lost “Karma” album. To briefly recap my other post, Taylor had mentioned before she’s into numerology. In numerology, the number 8 is associated with karma because 8 is ruled by Saturn (love you to the moon and to Saturn) who is the Lord of Karma.
Now let’s get into Through the Looking Glass. Taylor Nation has been hinting at 2016 quite a bit lately. Most notably drawing attention to Taylor in this outfit at Stockholm N2 which is the reversed version of her 2016 Grammy’s outfit. In TTLG, Alice enters through the looking glass and finds a mirror world where everything is reversed.
2016 Grammys ; Eras Tour Stockholm May 18, 2024
Taking it back to 2023, we see the Lover House from the Lover music video as a background visual when she performs Lover. I will side track here to say Taylor released the Lover music video on August 22, 2019 (happy birthday to me ). The same day the music video released, she announced she is re-recording the first 6 albums because of the Masters Heist. The house we see during the Eras Tour visual is slightly different than the music video, notably, we see Taylor leaving the Lover House in her yellow closeting dress through a mirror in the Lover room.
Eras Tour Lover House Visual with Taylor going through the Mirror in the Lover room while wearing a yellow dress
I personally think this visual has many layers to it which I’m just going to lay out here:
  1. If you are a failed comingoutlor, you likely believe she was going to come out during the Lover era, but due to the Masters Heist, her plan was foiled. In the music video, her clothing in each room of the Lover house fits the colors of that room. In the tour visual, she is in a yellow dress which doesn’t fit the theme.
  2. Taylor is climbing through the mirror in a yellow dress, a nod to the first re-record, Fearless.
  3. Taylor is leaving the Lover era to go back in time.
Taylor destroys the Lover house later in the Eras Tour, I personally believe that is because she is rebuilding the Lover house the way she wants it, because it was always fractured by the lost album. I’m a Karma/Lost Album truther and I believe that was her original attempt at a coming out. This leads me to the Through the Looking Glass chessboard
TTLG Chessboard by me
In Through the Looking Glass, the book starts out with Alice playing with a white kitten and a black kitten. She notices a mirror and when she touches the mirror, she realizes she can go through it, which takes her into the mirror world version of her house where everything is reversed.
Two recent examples of Taylor using mirror imagery. In Anti Hero where she’s looking at the Evil!TayloTaylor Swift ™️ in the mirror; On the cover of the WAOLOM Phone Memo touching the looking glass/mirror
She discovers a book of poetry called the Jabberwocky that is written in reverse that you need to hold up to a mirror to be able to read it. (Hello, Tortured Poets Department. There have been posts in the sub on listening to TTPD in reverse as well as the songs from TTPD mirroring other songs). Alice leaves behind her home and enters a garden where she meets the Red Queen who tells her she can become a queen if she can make it across the countryside to the 8th rank/row that is laid out like a chessboard.
So this is where I’ve started out with the image above. I believe we are resetting the chessboard to 2016. The Red Queen places Alice on the second row as a White Queen pawn, thus combining Alice’s need to cover two of the rows (or for Taylor, two years combining Reputation and Karma/Lost Album into one double album).
Alice starts off this quest/journey by getting on a train that skips over the third row (2018) and goes right into the fourth row which is a forest where she meets a Looking Glass Gnat that teaches her about Looking Glass insects (2019, Lover, butterfly mural, butterfly pajamas in Lover MV). She goes through the “woods where things have no names” and forgets her own name and identity. She’s helped by a fawn who also forgets its identity, but when they get to the other side it remembers and leaves her (Masters Heist, *I jump from the train, I ride off alone*, the muse that she breaks up with during the Lover era (?) )
Taylor Alice comes across Tweetle Dee (Scott Brushetta) and Tweetle Dumb (Pooper Scooter) who try to provoke her (their responses to her announcement of re-recording her albums that it wasn’t going to work, etc) and point her direction to the sleeping Red King and telling her she’s a figment of his imagination (my interpretation is pointing at her conservative/homophobic fans and saying they’ll never support an out and queer Taylor or purchase her re-records). But they Tweedles are scared off by a large crow (Taylor’s aesthetic turning black and the support of other people in the industry and her fans to re-record her music).
Alice meets with the White Queen as she gets ready to move into the 5th rank, but as they cross the brook, the Queen is turned into a sheep and Alice has to paddle the boat across on her own (2020, Covid happens, Loverfest is cancelled, Taylor creates Folklore) and struggles with it (Cardigan MV)
Alice then crosses into the 6th rank/row by crossing another brook (end of 2020-2021, Evermore, Willow MV)
Where she meets Humpty Dumpty who gives his own interpretation of Jabberwocky before he falls and all the (White) kings horses & all the (White) kings men try to put him together again.
Taylor releases Fearless TV (White Horse) and Red TV in 2021. Which leads to the 7th Rank/Row where Alice crosses a brook into a forest (Lavender Haze MV) and is almost captured by a Red Knight but is saved by the White Knight (1950s shit).
The Knight sings her a poem called Ways and Means to the tune of My Heart and Lute (Thomas Moore). Before she leaves him to cross the brook into the 8th rank/row
Where she automatically becomes a Queen
(2023, Eras Tour, biggest year of her career, many media outlets calling her the 2023 Queen of Pop music and saying it was the year of Taylor)
The story ends with the Red Queen and White Queen showing up and inviting themselves to a party that Alice would be hosting without her knowledge that turns into chaos and Alice shaking the Red Queen who she blamed for the chaos. She then wakes up holding the black kitten (Red Queen) and white kitten (White Queen).
Which takes us into 2024 where we’ve crossed the chessboard and Taylor has given us a black and white album, The Tortured Poets Department which has heavy Red Era/Red Muse theming.
TTLG Chessboard with addition of the rebuilding of the Lover House by re-recordings
But there’s another album with Black and White imagery in Taylor’s discography which still has to be released from the vault: Reputation (the newspaper print album cover) but this time, she’s also bringing 2016 back with her in the form of the Lost Album/Karma, which means the damage that was already existing in the Lover House will be repaired by that album coming into existence. We already knew Taylor was rebuilding the Lover house from the tour visuals and that the house was set up differently than the original one.
Burning Down the Lover House to rebuild it, but it's not complete...yet
The Lover House she sets on fire in 1989 (burning it down because the “Rep Vault is fire” aka the Lost Album/Karma) will be rebuilt with 13 rooms. Those three large rooms in the center I believe will end up turning into two rooms each, making each room equal with her 13th album, the one where she is OUT as the attic/penthouse, completing the Lover house the way she intended it. *This* is Taylor’s Version.
I hope you all enjoy, I actually dug out my laptop to make this which just goes to show how much I felt the need to post lmao bc I haven't used my laptop in over 2 years.
submitted by clydelogan to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:37 shailen24 Funk cures my anxiety

I have been on an instrumental funk kick for about 14 months now. It started last Spring with Funky Duck and Rango II, and has expanded to all Vulfpeck songs, plus Fearless Flyers, Greyboy Allstars, Woody Goss, Vulfmon, The Meters, Herbie Hancock, Stuff (so much Stuff), Cory Wong, Scary Goldings, etc etc.
I listen when I study, when I cook, when I'm driving, or when I'm just vibing in my room reading or playing chess. I imagine many of you are the same, since we're all here.
I have also been dealing with anxiety for the past two years, with obsessive worries that can take over any moment when my mind could wander (brushing my teeth, unloading groceries, walking to class, waking up in the morning). I also imagine some of you can relate to this. I think the core of my ongoing healing process is bringing myself back to the present moment over, and over, and over, sitting with my various discomforts and quieting my mind.
As anyone with anxiety knows, this is much, much easier said than done. But I have noticed something special about funk with how good it is at helping bring me back to the present moment and reducing my stress. I have two main reasons for why I think this is.
The first is the rhythms. This is the most obvious one to me. I don't think it's controversial to say that funk relies on rhythm more than any other genre. All these wonderful multilayered syncopated rhythms (ex. Fried Grease by the Greyboy Allstars) or just a good groove just tickle my brain in the perfect way, and tapping along is both fun and mentally taxing enough to hold the part of my attention that might otherwise have gone towards the black pit of despair.
The second is that I think funk is just naturally... silly? Unserious? Fun? Like, funk is never going to make you cry I think. I would even argue that the unseriousness is one of the central appeals of the music. When I am emotionally exhausted, there's a lot of types of music I need to avoid, because it either reminds me of my worries or brings up lots of feelings that I don't have the energy to feel in that moment. So I listen to funk. A lot of funk doesn't ask you to be happy, or pretend everything is okay; it's too influenced by the blues for that. It asks you to dance instead, or at least mentally dance, which sometimes is a lot easier and more therapeutic than trying to let out tears or something like that.
To be clear, avoiding the depths of my feelings is often not the answer for me. But when I need to bring myself out of a negative pit of thoughts I've dug for myself, funk does it better than anything else.
tl;dr I think the rhythms and unseriousness of funk are really helpful for managing my anxiety. I am curious if any of yall feel the same, so I thought I'd share. Let me know what you think!
submitted by shailen24 to Vulfpeck [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:35 rangernumberx Respect Deadpool (Deadpool (2013))

"Y'know why I love the internet? Because it's just like me." "Vulgar, combative, and contradictory?" "Overflowing with perversion and stupidity?" "Yes, and yes."
In 2013, Deadpool wanted a game, and gave a director at High Moon Studios his proposal written in the finest crayon he could muster. They accepted it (after being blown up following the initial rejection). As such, Deadpool finds himself trying to bring in the bounty on generic hateable villain Chance White, only for him to be rescued by the Marauders and killed by Mister Sinister. Driven by a desire for revenge (all while ignoring the X-Men and Cable's various attempts to get him to help save the world), Deadpool travels across Genosha in order to kill the supervillain.



Healing Factor



Deadpool is shown as owning a large range of weapons. Highlighted below are the ones he uses in-game.


Fourth Wall Awareness

Medium Awareness
Object Conjuration



submitted by rangernumberx to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 21:15 dandrufflikeallison Is it just me or is the fandom really hard on Eloise?

(After writing this post it feels like a bit of a rant, so sorry in advance/skip if you don't want to read it.)
Almost everything I see on this sub is about how Eloise is annoying, too preachy, all talk no action. She's just a privileged girl with nothing to complain about. Could she shut up about women's rights for a minute? Ugh she's such a killjoy, in fact she's the most anti-feminist character on this show because she looks down on other girls.
This season some people are coming around a little bit--I agree it's nice to see her trying to get along with others more, but I haven't seen a single complaint about her suddenly caring less about social issues, which makes me think that most of the fandom just thought her views were the annoying part about her.
All these sentiments reek of this anti-feminism trend I've been seeing over the past couple years. Girls these days are being pushed this narrative that femininity is the goal, marriage and babies is actually the greatest accomplishment and capitalism is trying to convince you otherwise, relying on men is actually very girlboss when you think about it because you're spending their money.
Coming back to Bridgerton, I just find it so baffling--Eloise is in a society where women have, quite literally, no options. She can't study. She can't work. She can't travel, like Colin. She can't become an artist, like Benedict, because women aren't allowed in art classes (unless they're the nudist models themselves). She can't enter intellectual spheres, because no one would take her seriously.
Marriage--giving her self to the legal ownership of a man--is her only option besides spinsterhood. But she's supposed to be grateful that spinsterhood is even an option for her, since it isn't for people like Cressida? She's supposed to respect the 'feminine talents' of other debutantes, when to her they represent female oppression? (And b/c this is reddit, I have to clarify: obviously embroidery and music and whatever are legitimate talents, but in this society they are all a women is permitted to do.)
Maybe it's because most of the Bridgerton audience are westerners who can't fathom what living like this is like, but imho Eloise is very reasonable to be angry with society.
submitted by dandrufflikeallison to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]