What materials are used to make ipod


2008.10.28 06:24 Piano

All things piano related!

2011.12.11 23:01 KeenlySeen Upcycling

Upcycling is reusing waste or unwanted materials without destroying them in order to create something new.

2014.03.20 17:46 dadschool Cool Guides

Picture based reference guides for anything and everything. If it seems like something someone might print, physically post, and reference then it is a good link for this sub. Remember: Infographics are learning tools, guides are reference tools. Sometimes it's grey.

2024.06.02 18:36 CrimsonPilgrim [D] The Dilemma of Taking Notes on Every ML Resource or Accepting Knowledge Loss Over Time

I know it may come as a weird topic but I still think this is an important discussion since we're constantly learning in this field.
Machine Learning is an expansive field, deeply intertwined with numerous other disciplines. My master's degree alone covers topics such as statistics, optimization, inverse data simulation, MLOps, software engineering, agent-based modeling, semantic web, deep learning, time series... Each of these areas has its own subfields that one could dedicate their entire lifetime to explore.
I have come to realize that unless you practice a subject daily, the knowledge you acquire from books, certifications, articles, papers, podcasts, and videos on a topic will eventually fade away. This realization led me to discover Obsidian four years ago, which has significantly changed how I consume and retain information. I now take notes on everything I consume, especially on topics that interest me outside of my job. Much like a "second brain". Without this practice, I find that the information quickly slips away.
Indeed, I have spent countless hours engaging with content on physics, history, epistemology, philosophy, and many other subjects. However, only a fraction of what I once knew has endured. This brings me to a dilemma: should I invest a substantial amount of time capturing every resource in my knowledge system ensuring that I can carry it over time, or consume resources as quickly as they'll fade away ()"for fun" or when my time is limited)?
I don't want to make this post overly long, but I genuinely feel the benefits of spending time processing information when reading a book, for example. Organizing and connecting knowledge at scale is often challenging but also rewarding, as it helps build a deep understanding of a subject. Additionally, when you need to refresh your memory, the "cost" is much lower if you have already done this "pre-processing" work rather than going over the internet / books again. I'm not simply copy/pasting text, but tailoring what I capture depending on what I already know about a subject.
However, there is so much to learn in this field, even the fundamentals like mathematics or statistics. I sometimes question whether this approach is sustainable. For instance, the book "Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn" by Sebastian Raschka and others is 700 pages long. Imagine the time it takes to capture every piece of information from such a comprehensive book (and that's only one!). Taking notes also forces you to understand the material thoroughly, including every equation, or else the notes are useless.
I'm not advocating for a binary approach; I often find compromises. But I am curious about your approach to learning and consuming information. How do you balance the need to retain knowledge with the practical constraints of time and effort?
submitted by CrimsonPilgrim to MachineLearning [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:35 bettygetsabooboo Severe, painful dry eyes while pregnant - need safe ointment!

I had ptosis surgery in February which resulted in me not being able to close my eye fully at night (at least that’s what I’m assuming the issue is). I wake up in pain with tears running down my face every night unless I use Systane nighttime severe dry eye relief. It’s the ONLY thing Ive tried so far that works and makes a difference. The ingredients are mineral oil and white petroleum.
But… I’m 6 weeks pregnant and now reading that you’re only supposed to use it during pregnancy if “benefits outweigh risks to the fetus” and that animal studies have shown it’s dangerous. I’m freaking out because I can’t imagine living without this! Does anyone have any insight into how dangerous is really is, the real risks involved, and how much actually absorbs systemically? I can’t find any reliable info anywhere. Is there any completely safe ointment during pregnancy like lanolin? My gut tells me it’s probably not too much of a risk- after all people even ingest mineral oil as a laxative and white petroleum is probably swallowed all the time in chapstick etc. But what I was reading online really concerned me.
Eye drops and gels make no difference. The only thing that helps is thick ointment.
Thank you and help!
submitted by bettygetsabooboo to Dryeyes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:34 fuckyouredditnazis8 Here’s the organized timeline of everything with upmost significance with room for additions if anyone wants to help me

(I’ve included some additional information based on what I know but I’m keeping it mostly with public information)
Our story begins with:
  1. The Age of Colonialism
    European powers expand and exploit global territories for resources and wealth, leading to vast empires spanning multiple continents. Colonies provide raw materials and markets, fueling the burgeoning economies of Europe and setting the stage for dramatic changes in global dynamics.
Leads to:
  1. Rise of World Capitalism
    The wealth extracted from colonies fuels industrialization and capitalism in Europe, creating powerful economies and a new global economic order. Industrial capitalism drives technological advancements and creates unprecedented levels of wealth, but also deepens economic inequalities.
Which leads to:
  1. Destruction of the Global South
    Colonized regions face economic, social, and cultural devastation as their resources and labor are exploited. Traditional economies and societies are dismantled, and the Global South becomes economically dependent on the industrialized North, setting the stage for long-term disparities.
Which leads to:
  1. World War I and the Capitalist Imperative of Continuous Economic Growth
    Competition and rivalries among capitalist powers culminate in global conflict. World War I emerges from a web of alliances, economic competition, and nationalistic fervor, leading to unprecedented destruction and a reconfiguration of the global order.
Because of this:
  1. The Rise of the USSR to Combat Capitalist Expansion
    The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia establishes the USSR, presenting a socialist alternative to the capitalist order. This ideological conflict sets the stage for a global struggle between capitalism and socialism, deeply influencing international relations for the rest of the century.
Results in:
  1. The Lady of Fatima Apparition Warning Against the USSR
    Thousands of witnesses observe the "miracle of the sun" in Fatima, Portugal, where shepherd children claim to receive warnings against the atheistic communist revolution in Russia. This religious event underscores the tension between capitalism, socialism, and religion.
  1. Italy UAP Crash of 1933
    In 1933, a partially intact unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) is recovered in Magenta, Italy. The Italian government, with the Pope's intervention, shares this information with the Americans, marking the beginning of secretive international cooperation and competition over extraterrestrial technology.
Continuing on:
  1. The Rise of Hitler and the End of World War II
    The USSR takes Berlin, defeating Nazi Germany. In a bid to prevent Soviet expansion in Asia, the United States drops atomic bombs on Japan, demonstrating its military might and altering the course of international power dynamics.
Fearing the rise of communism:
  1. The Cold War Begins to Emerge
    Western powers, fearing for their international assets, begin coups and overthrow democratically elected socialist leaders, destroying their economies and imposing sanctions unless they submit to Western intervention and trade. The ideological struggle between the US and the USSR dominates global politics.
Because of this:
  1. The Age of Empire Begins
    Corporations and factions within the US government interfere in foreign affairs. Other factions work to prevent the Cold War from escalating into direct conflict. Corporate and governmental interests shape international relations, often at the expense of smaller nations' sovereignty.
It leads to:
  1. The Illegal Dissolution of the USSR
    The collapse of the Soviet Union leads to widespread poverty, Eastern Europeans flee their countries, and child prostitution and sex trafficking become rampant. Despite some celebrating the end of the Cold War, the immediate aftermath is marked by significant human suffering.
Resulting in:
  1. American Domination of the Unipolar World
    With the USSR gone, the United States becomes the dominant global power. However, this period of unipolarity is marked by hubris, as excessive pride and arrogance lead to reckless international behavior and policy decisions.
This leads to:
  1. The Assumption of Capitalism Becoming Dominant, Thus, Moving All Western Manufacturing to China for Cheap Labor
    Western countries move manufacturing to China, leading to increased dependence on China for essential goods and services. This shift results in the loss of manufacturing jobs in the West, supply chain vulnerabilities, and potential geopolitical tensions due to economic imbalances.
Resulting in:
  1. The Rise of China as a Global Superpower Under Its Central Planning Leadership
    The People's Republic of China lifts millions out of poverty and becomes the world's economic and manufacturing powerhouse. Under its central government, China contributes to the emergence of a new multipolar world order.
  1. The Decline of the United States as an Empire
    The rise of a multipolar world and internal decline in the United States lead to a new world order. China spearheads the BRICS alliance, aiming to create a new world currency to reduce dollar dominance and Western sanctions, promoting a vision of global trade and peace.
  1. UAP Disclosure and Ongoing Efforts by Several Competing Organizations and Groups
    David Grusch testifies under oath to Congress about non-human intelligences and special access programs. It is revealed that several types of non-human intelligences visit Earth, some benevolent and others potentially malevolent, shot down using electromagnetic weaponry. JSOC, DOE, and corporations like Lockheed are involved in varying capacities.
submitted by fuckyouredditnazis8 to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:34 Minimum_Future9437 ULI TitroPal Measurement screen UI showcase

Hi guys!
Little by little, I am moving toward completion of my ultra super device (realistically just a burette/titratorecorder combination)
I'm switching to a new board and making a new UI. I will make a series of video about it. In the first video I'm explaining how to use it just as a pH/ORP/temperature/conductometer and what does UI look like.
I'm kinda proud of it, but I'm ready for all type of responses. And I'm actually will be very thankful for all type of responses. Please, take a glance at it and tell me what you think.
------------------------ we are here ------------------------
  1. Measurements screen. UI.
  2. Measurements screen. Saved points, recording reaction conditions to csv, transfer to PC/Android.
  3. Burette screen. Volume addition, calibration.
  4. Burette screen. PH / ORP adjustments.
  5. Burette screen. Custom tasks. Presets.
  6. Titration screen. Titration setup, process and result.
  7. Titration screen. Titration automation, presets.
  8. Files screen. History, SD transfer.
  9. Settings screen. Calibrations, connections, localization.
submitted by Minimum_Future9437 to chemistry [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:34 Nordenfeldt Historicity of Jesus

Allow me to address an argument you will hear from theists all the time, and as a historian I find it somewhat irritating, as it accidentally or deliberately misrepresents historical consensus. The argument is about the historicity of Jesus.
As a response to various statements, referencing the lack of any contemporary evidence the Jesus existed at all, you will inevitably see some form of this theist argument:
“Pretty much every historian agrees that Jesus existed.”
I hate this statement, because while it is technically true, it is entirely misleading.
Before I go into the points, let me just clarify: I, like most historians, believe a man Yeshua, or an amalgam of men one named Yeshua, upon whom the Jesus tales are based, did likely exist. I am not arguing that he didn't, I'm just clarifying the scholarship on the subject. Nor am I speaking to his miracles and magic powers, nor his divine parentage: only to his existence at all.
Firstly, there is absolutely no contemporary historical evidence that Jesus ever existed. We have not a single testimony in the bible from anyone who ever met him or saw his works. There isn't a single eyewitness who wrote about meeting him or witnessing the events of his life, not one. The first mention of Jesus in the historical record is Josephus and Tacitus, who you all are probably familiar with. Both are almost a century later, and both arguably testify to the existence of Christians more than they do the truth of their belief system. Josphus, for example, also wrote at length about the Roman gods, and no Christian uses Josephus as evidence the Roman gods existed.
So apart from those two, long after, we have no contemporary references in the historical account of Jesus whatsoever.
But despite this, it is true that the overwhelming majority of historians of the period agree that a man Jesus probably existed. Why is that?
Note that there is signifiant historical consensus that Jesus PROBABLY existed, which is a subtle but significant difference from historical consensus that he DID exist. That is because no historian will take an absolute stance considering the aforementioned lack of any contemporary evidence.
So, why do Historians almost uniformly say Jesus probably existed if there is no contemporary evidence?
Please note the response ‘but none of these prove Jesus existed’ shows everyone you have not read a word of what I said above.
So, what are the main arguments?
1: It’s is an unremarkable claim. Essentially the Jesus claim states that there was a wandering Jewish preacher or rabbi walking the area and making speeches. We know from the historical record this was commonplace. If Jesus was a wandering Jewish rebel/preacher, then he was one of Many (Simon of Peraea, Athronges, Simon ben Koseba, Dositheos the Samaritan, among others). We do have references and mentions in the Roman records to other wandering preachers and doomsayers, they were pretty common at the time and place. So claiming there was one with the name Yeshua, a reasonably common name, is hardly unusual or remarkable. So there is no reason to presume it’s not true.
2: There is textual evidence in the Bible that it is based on a real person. Ironically, it is Christopher Hitchens who best made this old argument (Despite being a loud anti-theist, he stated there almost certainly was a man Jesus). The Bible refers to Jesus constantly and consistently as a carpenter from Galilee, in particular in the two books which were written first. Then there is the birth fable, likely inserted into the text afterwards. Why do we say this? Firstly, none of the events in the birth fable are ever referred to or mentioned again in the two gospels in which they are found. Common evidence of post-writing addition. Also, the birth fable contains a great concentration of historical errors: the Quirinius/Herod contradiction, the falsity of the mass census, the falsity of the claim that Roman census required people to return to their homeland, all known to be false. That density of clear historical errors is not found elsewhere in the bible, further evidence it was invented after the fact. it was invented to take a Galilean carpenter and try and shoehorn him retroactively into the Messiah story: making him actually born in Bethlehem.
None of this forgery would have been necessary if the character of Jesus were a complete invention they could have written him to be an easy for with the Messiah prophecies. This awkward addition is evidence that there was an attempt to make a real person with a real story retroactively fit the myth.
3: Historians know that character myths usually begin with a real person. Almost every ancient myth historians have been able to trace to their origins always end up with a real person, about whom fantastic stories were since spun (sometime starting with the person themselves spreading those stories). It is the same reason that Historians assume there really was a famous Greek warrior(s) upon whom Achilles and Ajax were based. Stories and myths almost always form around a core event or person, it is exceedingly rare for them to be entirely made up out of nothing. But we also know those stories take on a life of their own, that it is common for stories about one myth to be (accidentally or deliberately) ascribed to a new and different person, we know stories about multiple people can be combined, details changed and altered for political reasons or just through the vague rise of oral history. We know men who carried these stories and oral history drew their living from entertainment, and so it was in their best interest to embellish, and tell a new, more exciting version if the audience had already heard the old version. Stories were also altered and personalised, and frequently combined so versions could be traced back to certain tellers.
4: We don't know much about the early critics of Christianity because they were mostly deliberately erased. Celsus, for example, we know was an early critic of the faith, but we only know some of his comments through a Christian rebuttal. Clesus is the one who published that Mary was not pregnant of a virgin, but of a Syrian soldier stationed there at the time. This claim was later bolstered by the discovery of the tomb of a soldier of the same name, who WAS stationed in that area. Celsus also claimed that there were only five original disciples, not twelve, and that every single one of them recanted their claims about Jesus under torment and threat of death. However, what we can see is that while early critics attacked many elements of the faith and the associated stories, none seem to have believed Jesus didn't exist. It seems an obvious point of attack if there had been any doubt at the time. Again, not conclusive, but if even the very early critics believed Jesus had been real, then it adds yet more to the credibility of the claim.
So these are the reasons historians almost universally believe there was a Jewish preacher by the name of Yeshua wandering Palestine at the time, despite the absolute lack of any contemporary evidence for his existence.
Lastly, as an aside, there is the 'Socrates problem'. This is frequently badly misstated, but the Socrates problem is a rebuttal to the statement that there is no contemporary evidence Jesus existed at all, and that is that there is also no contemporary evidence Socrates ever existed. That is partially true. We DO have some contemporaries of Socrates writing about him, which is far bnetter evidence than we have for Jesus, but little else, and those contemporaries differ on some details. It is true there is very little contemporary evidence Socrates existed, as his writings are all transcriptions of other authors passing on his works as oral tales, and contain divergences - just as we expect they would.
The POINT of the Socrates problem is that there isnt much contemporary evidence for numerous historical figures, and people still believe they existed.
This argument is frequently badly misstated by thesists who falsely claim: there is more evidence for Jesus than Alexander the Great (extremely false), or there is more evidence for Jesus than Julius Caesar (spectacularly and laughably false).
But though many theists mess up the argument in such ways, the foundational point remains: absence of evidence of an ancient figure is not evidence of absence.
But please, thesis and atheists, be aware of the scholarship when you make your claims about the Historicity of Jesus. Because this board and others are littered with falsehoods on the topic.
submitted by Nordenfeldt to atheism [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:33 spiccyudon Issues launching Valheim via cloud or download

I downloaded Valheim and played for a while, got through the early game and really got hooked on it, then I went to play this morning and it popped up a message that said "when you got a refund for Valheim, it was removed from your PC. Please purchase again". I thought maybe it was a limited trial or something but as far as I've read people are playing the Gamepass version all the way through with no issue. So I went back to the store to try to download it again, and there's no download option. Just the cloud play button, and when I click on that it pops up a window telling me to add an Xbox controller. My only options are to go to device settings or an FAQ page about what controllers I can use. I dont have a controller. I've been playing the game with keyboard and mouse just fine and I don't know why I can only use the cloud play option instead of downloading it. I'd buy the game on Steam but I have 0 money right now. If I have to wait til payday I will but it makes me wonder why I'm paying for Ultimate if I can't play the games I like
submitted by spiccyudon to XboxGamePass [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:33 szupresszor 21[M4F] Romania/Online - Be my everyday sunshine.

Hello there. I am a 21 years old guy from Romania, Europe. Lately I felt lonely and I decided to try my shot here trying to find someone truly special to share my days with. Currently I am working a full time job and I live alone in my own appartment. I am looking for someone to starts things slowly, not rushing it. I would like to talk about our daily routine, work/school, share our days about what happened or how we feel or any random topic we have in our mind. I am open to a long distance relationship. I enjoy videocalls and voicecalls aswell.
Some infos about my personality:
I am an introverted, shy and emotional. As a person I am caring, loving and protective and I give all my attention to the loved ones to make sure they feel good. I value honesty, loyalty and respect.
My appearance is the next:
Slim body type, 190 cm tall (6'2), 80 kg (176 lbs), blondish hair and blue eyes. I am open to exchange pictures too.
My hobbies and interests include the followings:
If you are considering to send me a DM, make a small introduction. Mostly I use Discord to chat, if you are ok we can move there, but Reddit chat is fine too.
submitted by szupresszor to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:33 TomHUK Sharing my recent experiences using Ableton Live for Live music

Apologies for the text dump, but I've been actively trying to share more about the process that goes into my music making/playing so that I can discuss it and learn with/from others. There have been two occasions recently where I performed electronic music in front of an audience, which is a new thing for me and wanted to make the most of it by discussing it online.
The setup involved Ableton Live running on a MacBook, passing out to an audio interface for the PA. Live is being controlled with a Launchpad Pro MK3 and Launch Control XL. At the risk of self promotion, you can find a video I made of a performance at home here if curious.
Essentially the 4 songs from my EP are laid out in group tracks which I can control with filters using faders on the Launch Control XL. There are then a few more filters set of for drums, breaks and FX. Additional rotary controls are available for Filters and FX of certain parts.
The Launchpad is used to trigger clips in Live as well as the various custom layouts which let me do things like trigger notes, samples, and FX - this is where I had the most fun. Being able to do things like Beat Repeat and throw samples on top of the track gave me real creative control and I'd like to try this more in a composition content. Would be happy to discuss this more if anyone has a similar setup. The clips are laid out horizontally for the instrument, and then clips from each track moving vertically form what felt like a large number of Scenes (21 total)
Anyway, I played through this set at work but the real fun came when I approached a local Jazz night, who were doing a Synthwave theme, about doing my set in the interval. Instead, they invited me on stage with them to play alongside them - albeit with only a few days notice and no practice run. So, I settled on just one track meaning I could focus on one key signature. This is where the new Scale feature in Live 12 came into its own as it allowed me to quickly transpose my clips from the other tracks to the appropriate key. Some more adjustments were made - gone were the grouped tracks per song and instead I laid out Leads/Pads/Arps/etc on group tracks to. I cut the whole thing down to 12 Scenes which was still probably too much. Shout out to the Post Filter setting in Redux for a great way to crunch your breaks up in real time.
I headed out and we got my sound running through the desk. A few hours later I was called up to stage. It then dawned on my the drummer would have no way of knowing when I started so I quickly prepped a quick clip of kicks on every beat that I faded in gently at the start. I couldn't communicate I was doing this so I just hoped for the best once we got going. The band leader introduced me and said "I don't know what chords we're playing or anything", so I shouted back "We're in E Minor" and off we went. I come from playing drums so I'm pretty amazed I was able to call that out with any conviction, but that's technology for you. Future setups could involve taking some audio from the band to help set the tempo in real time, though I imagine this ruins any kind of synced effects like Delays.
I was pretty blown away with how good it sounded, for me the highlight was hearing a piece of my music come to life and change through the playing of (5) other musicians. We even managed to keep in time and find a natural end point - my tip for this is to have a couple of outs if you need it, beat repeats and filters are great for getting more/less mileage from a Scene as needed.
I think there will be an opportunity to play with them again but I think I might have already hit the end of the road with the live music scene round here, it seems like setups like this a kinda of a niche thing that's hard to sell to a venue. Does anyone have any tips with finding more gigs when playing this kind of setup? Do I need to learn to DJ to make more of a night's worth entertainment?
Thanks for reading, interested to hear people's thoughts!
submitted by TomHUK to ableton [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:32 gl1tchygreml1n I'm consistently the worst player in any server and it makes me extremely depressed

I have the worst skill issue of all time. The only time I can actually get a positive K/D ratio is if I play the offline bots- but even then, some days I get my ass handed to me by them too. And forget playing against real people. If there's real humans on the server I have at least half the other team dominating me and it really sucks. I rarely ever play for over 30 minutes now before depression quitting. (Difference between rage quitting is that you feel like a failure instead of pissed off)
Please someone help me figure out how to not be god-awful at this game, I'm obsessed with the characters and everything but still abysmal at playing it even though I have 200 hours. People don't make fun of me in servers usually but I am always seen as a prey animal and people just use me to get a killstreak. I constantly apologize to my teammates and I'm even terrified to talk about gameplay outside of TF2 because I just know everyone's going to laugh at me and tell me to stop playing or something worse. I don't want to feel like a failure anymore.
PS no I'm not going to be Pyro and w+m1. Everyone tells me "be Pyro be Pyro be Pyro" and I don't like playing as Pyro. I've tried it and it made me feel like even more of a failure because I was worse at it. I don't like short range combat or melee, and Pyro and Spy are pretty much exclusively short range and melee from what I can tell. Demo's really the only one I'm comfortable playing as, and on very very very good days I could possibly be Sniper (but even then my aim is usually too god-awful for that to actually do any good.)
submitted by gl1tchygreml1n to tf2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:32 Additional-Bug-5939 WIBTAH for asking if my 345 lb boyfriend's tiredness could be related to his weight?

I have an online boyfriend whom I've been talking to for over two years. He messaged me first, and it took off from there. A month ago he said he thinks we're fine the way we are, I live on the other side of the world and travelling seems like a lot to him right now and him travelling in the future isn't that likely. He's a plump person, and he was working part time when he first began speaking to me. He seemed a lot more lively back then, both on his Reddit account and on online chats. He gradually became less and less active, and now it's gotten to the point where he is often too tired to talk, or even post on his Reddit account. Even when he has a week off work, he doesn't seem interested in talking or posting on Reddit, and says he feels tired one way or another. He's been working full time for a while, plus he had college on top of this too.
Pretty often he'll go two or three days without talking and he warns me that he's going to feel too exhausted to talk after work. He usually works from five am till around one pm, but even on days where he works from nine till five he's exhausted. I dunno if this is normal or not, I just read a news article saying that being overweight can make you feel tired all the time, and I love him, so I really just want what's best for him..wibta for suggesting this could be to do with his weight, not just his work hours? Early on he told me that his weight is genetic because he eats less than his brothers but they're skinny, even though he's taller than both of them. His brothers are both skinny while he's been chubby since he was a teenager. Early on I asked him if he tried losing weight and he said not really, since he's not having any health problems due to his weight. He's five foot eleven and 24. He works a quote, mind numbingly boring job that involves making and wrapping tortillas. When I ask him when his next free day is, he'll often respond with, when I'm dead. I've asked him at least twice these past couple months if there's anything he wants to talk about but he says he's fine. Sometimes I feel like I'm having to carry the conversation, he'll give replies that are a few words, and he just doesn't seem as lively as he used to be. I've seen recent photos of him and he does look tired, with bags under his eyes that weren't there when I first met him. His weight looks like it's stayed the same in the two years we've been talking.
He knows he's fat, he's even called himself that. I actually have a preference towards bigger people but if it is starting to affect his health, I don't want him to be unhealthy.
submitted by Additional-Bug-5939 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:32 RapidWaterGT My first build!!

I finished my build about 1 month ago. But I didn’t have the courage to post it yet.
I use it for gaming, 3D modeling and slight vid editing. I also do school work and general browsing and watching vids on it.
It took me like an hour. Comparatively less than average first time builders bcuz I waited for 2 months to get the parts as my dad kept delaying it lmao. But mean while I was just watching vids on pc building and tutorials on it. So I got the confidence to do it quickly.
I know the ketchup and mustard cables look filthy but I will change them to cable extensions. Also might change the psu as it is pretty old from an old build of my relative’s. Also looking to change the cooler as well as it is very loud and the temps are kind of high.
What do u guys recommend I should do to make it look better?
Specs: i5 13400f Rtx 4060 Aorus elite ax ddr4 Vengeance rgb pro sl ddr4 16gb Galax rev06 argb case AcBel 700w 80+ silver psu Intel stock cooler
submitted by RapidWaterGT to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:31 1105816 Hashira Headcanons (Manga spoilers)

These are some headcanons I have about the Hashira. spoilers for manga through the end, character death, and canon marriages. Things in square brackets are stuff I read elsewhere and is canon IIRC, but everything else is just headcanon
Bonus- Honorary Hashira
Bonus bonus- Ubuyashiki siblings
submitted by 1105816 to KimetsuNoYaiba [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:30 Sanjhworld Need to Know Before becoming an LLC in Pennsylvania

Considering when to form an LLC (Limited Liability Company) is an important decision for any business owner. Here are some key factors to help determine when it might be the right time to form an LLC:

1. Need for Liability Protection

2. Growth and Expansion

3. Credibility and Professionalism

4. Tax Flexibility

5. Complex Business Operations

6. Legal Requirements

7. Preparing for the Future

Example Scenarios

Scenario 1: High-Risk Business

Anna runs a small construction company. Given the high-risk nature of the industry, she forms an LLC to protect her personal assets from potential lawsuits and business debts.

Scenario 2: Growing Tech Startup

John and Emily are co-founders of a growing tech startup. They form an LLC to attract investors, clearly define ownership stakes, and protect their personal assets as the company expands.

Scenario 3: Freelance Professional

Mark is a successful freelance graphic designer. He forms an LLC to enhance his professional image, separate his business finances from his personal ones, and take advantage of potential tax benefits.

Steps to Form an LLC in New York and Other USA State

  1. Choose a Name: Ensure the name is unique and complies with state naming requirements.
  2. File Articles of Organization: Submit the required documents to the state’s business filing agency (e.g., Secretary of State).
  3. Appoint a Registered Agent: Designate someone to receive legal documents on behalf of the LLC.
  4. Create an Operating Agreement: Although not required in all states, it’s advisable to draft an operating agreement that outlines the management structure and operating procedures.
  5. Obtain an EIN: Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS for tax purposes.
  6. Register for State Taxes: Depending on your state and business type, you may need to register for various state taxes.
  7. Comply with Local Regulations: Obtain any necessary licenses or permits required for your business operations.


Forming an LLC in Pennsylvania or Other USA state can provide significant benefits in terms of liability protection, tax flexibility, and professional credibility. Consider forming an LLC if your business involves substantial financial risk, is growing rapidly, or would benefit from a more formal structure. For comprehensive assistance and resources to help you form an LLC, consider utilizing services from TRUIC (The Really Useful Information Company), which offers detailed guides and tools to simplify the process.
submitted by Sanjhworld to LLCinUSA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:30 muba1527 Bootcamp

Most of the pre clerkship curriculum requires structure, sound foundational knowledge, and consistent repetition. Bootcamp has all of these. Similar in difficulty to Uworld but the video instruction for sub topics are what make it exceptional.
As far as when to start using it I have two thought on this. If you start using in the pre clerkship phase and do every single one of the Bite questions you'll have no difficulties with any of your in house exams, given that the bites test you on subtopics and mainly serve to help you retain
I think 6 months leading up to step 1 i would start to take all of the board style questions and then either move to Uworld or NBMEs. I personally don't like Uworld so I substitued it with only doing bootcamp's board questions
here is a review: https://medium.com/@ericmubang_24637/is-med-bootcamp-good-for-usmle-step-1-med-bootcamp-review-updated-2023-346b8a4732b1
submitted by muba1527 to usmlestudymaterials [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:30 NukecelHyperreality The Macaroni and Cheese MRE Conundrum

So The Speaker and Captain Armpit Fucker have been playing Fallout 76 together and got really invested into theorized about the logistics of eating pre-war food. Basically in Fallout there was food with so much preservatives in it that it's still edible 200 years later. I was only made aware of this when they got online this afternoon (Central European Time)
Basically you would need to cook the instamash and the blamco mac and cheese forthem to be edible. If you didn't add water to the instamash then it would bind with the water in your body, dehydrating you, causing constipation and possibly even choking or making you vomit. Starch is basically just glue until you saturate it with water.
The blamco mac and cheese is described as an instant mac, so I am guessing it's like one of those bowls of kraft you can put in the microwave with water since it has the pour spout on the side of the box it would seem like the pasta and cheese sauce (in powder form) are mixed together already. So you would need to pour it into a pot or something and heat it with water until the pasta was cooked and the cheese powder formed an imulsion. Or else you would have the trouble of eating raw pasta and the instamash if you tried to eat it.
Anyways we have spent all morning (Eastern Standard Time) trying to find real life macaroni and cheese MREs and came to the conclusion that they're all scams. The entire point of MREs is that you get a multi course meal that you can carry on your person and don't need to heat to make edible. So imagine my surprise when I found that all of these macaroni and cheese survival meals require you to actually cook the pasta with boiling water in order to be edible.
And the SteveMRE plagiarizers eat that shit without even commenting on the fact that this stuff is useless as survival food because they're paid shills or they don't actually understand the logistical considerations behind survival food. if you have to cook the pasta then you have to carry all the extra gear to heat it and you can't use a flameless MRE heater either because the water has to go into the pasta itself to soften it.
Anyways it's really obvious that you can make a MRE mac and cheese since there are already a ton of pasta and noodle MREs. There is that Deluxe mac and cheese with the liquid sauce you don't have to add anything to, so if you combined that with a precooked pasta in a sealed bag like what Barilla already has you would have something perfectly edible without having to boil or heat.
While we were writing this we also found this This is shelf stable, it's a mac and cheese product with parmasan cheese and cheddar cheese, it's sealed and it's probably already edible without the 60 seconds microwaving. It's also cheaper than those MRE entrees.
Anyways in a normal survival situation MREs suck ass, the MRE works because American logistics can supply massive quantities of them to people continually so people can eat 6 a day in the field. but it's not a good food source if you're lost in the wilderness or your utilities have been cut off by a natural disaster. If you don't have a way to heat food then you're better off with canned food because it's cheaper and more energy dense so you go longer without going hungry.
Peanut Butter is 160 calories an ounce, the best MRE is 70 calories an ounce.
submitted by NukecelHyperreality to NonCredibleOffense [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:30 MrJediMaan Europe solo travel advice

Hello. I am 20m currently on a short stay in Groningen in the Netherlands. My exchange ends in about a month and I will return to my home country of Finland. However I have decided that in july I will spend around 1-2 weeks travelling throughout central/southern Europe.
I have bought my return flight to Helsinki from Zadar, Croatia on july 19th so my plan is to spend the time slowly making my way in that direction.
I don't have a lot of solo travel experience and am not the most social person necessarily. Locations that interest me are the atlantic/mediterranean coast and the alps. One specific spot I'd love to see is the Jungfraujoch train station on a mountain in Switzerland. I've also thought I'd have an easy opportunity to visit Liechtenstein on one day maybe as well.
So you people with more travel experience recommend me cities to stay at that would be interesting and affordable for accommodation food etc. Any general travel advice would be useful as well and recommendations for useful resources related to transportation, accommodation and other fun experiences.
If I can give a bit more info to describe myself and my interests I love learning about the history and culture of places I go to. I'm a big fan of museums and other unique cultural landmarks. The nature of these countries would also be important for me to get to experience as well on my journey. I don't have a passport so any countries not in the schengen area aren't options like further out in the balkans for example.
I think budgetwise I'd try to spend at most 1000-1500€ but preferably cheaper depending on the quality of the experiences I could have. I'm not sure what method of transportation and accommodation would suit my situation best. Feel free to give useful advice.
submitted by MrJediMaan to Shoestring [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:29 emma-makes How to distribute HTTPS certificate/key securely and automatically on internal servers

I have a some internally available servers (all Debian), that share a LetsEncrypt wildcard certificate (*.local.example.com). One server (Server1) keeps the certificate up-to-date and now I'm looking for a process to automatically distribute the .pem-files from Server1 to the other servers (e.g. Server2 and Server3).
I don't allow root logins via SSH, so I believe I need an intermediary user.
I've considered using a cronjob on Server1 to copy the updated .pem-files to a users directory, where a unprivileged user uses scp or rsync (private key authentication) via another cronjob to copy the files to the Server2/3. However, to make this a more secure process, I wanted to restrict the user's privileges on the Server2/3 to chroot to their home directory and only allow them to use scp or rsync. It seems like this isn't a trivial configuration and most methods are outdated, flawed or requite an extensive setup (rbash, forcecommand, chroot, ...).
I've also considered to change the protocol to sftp, which should allow me to use the restricted sftp environment, via OpenSSH but I have no experience.
An alternative idea was to use an API endpoint (e.g. FastAPI, which is already running on Server1) or simply a webserver via HTTPS with custom API-Secrets or mTLS on Server1 to allow Server2/3 to retrieve the .pem-files.
At the moment, the API/webserver approach seems most reasonable and least complex, yet feels unnecessarily convoluted. I'd prefer a solution that doesn't require additional software.
Server1 has .pem-files (owned by root) and Server2/3 need those files updated regularly (root-owned location). What method can I use to distribute those files automatically in a secure manner?
submitted by emma-makes to homelab [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:28 PagaentOfTheBizarre My mother always doing exactly that thing that triggers me.

I'm just ranting, I'm frustrated right now.
I'm bipolar 2, I have long bouts of depression which I call my "low energy moment". There are obviously quite a few things that I struggle with, but one thing I find very difficult is when there is an event I'm expected to show up at (in this case my grandma's 103th birthday), being confronted with certain major things that are expected of me, especially last minute. I've already mapped out my whole time at the event and I find it difficult when major things change, cause I didn't account for that in my energy count.
I've known about my grandma's birthday for many months, and have been preparing for this emotionally. I'm already climbing out of the deepest parts of my low energy moment a bit and this usually means that I can show up for 1 or 2 hours. It's also a 2 hours drive one way, so 4 hours, so it kindof becomes a whole day event. This can seriously drag my energy to the point that I can't work for a week or 2 if I don't prepare this very carefully. I really am this much on a knifeedge. I want to work though, I don't want to be considered disabled, even though psychiatrists have "offered" to write me off so I can just get a paycheck from the government every month. I want to work, I enjoy it and I'm honestly pretty good at my job.
So I have to make sure I get enough rest and I have the maximum amount of energy for that specific event. I prepare for that almost in the same way an athelete prepares for an event. I eat the right food, take serious amounts of rest, plan my conversations with the people there, plan the jokes I'll be using, what information I'll be sharing, and how after about 90 minutes I start making my exit knowing it will take 30 minutes. All the sudden my mom comes up last minute, literally yesterday evening 10pm, the night before the birthday, that all children are expected to write and perform a poem and bring a specific flower.
I have to leave my house at 10am the next day, where am I going to find a flower? How do you expect me to write a poem? I don't have energy for that. I tell her this and then she just responds with "I don't see how it's that much work, can't you just make something?". She's known me for 37 years, she knows how bad my low energy moments get, I expect her to understand how difficult this is for me, and then she tells me something major like that last minute. It's annoying. When I'm in my high-energy moments it's absolutely no problem, I'll even write it on the spot, or just perform something off the cuff, but on my low-energy moments this is crippling. I'm now writing this while the event is happening, cause I didn't go.
I just don't get how my mother can be so insensitive, and have so little empathy. She's been on the receiving end of a lot of my bad moments and should know how sensitive I get during those low-energy moments, but she just doesn't care. It's almost like she completely forgets who I am and confuses me with every other person on the planet. I'm not, I'm in a way severly disabled, you just don't see it, and that's what makes it so extremely difficult.
submitted by PagaentOfTheBizarre to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:28 Deathdragon24 About Fire and Flame [discussion]

I have seen people being not so well receiving of this new dark guild especially due to them all using fire magic (aside Brian but I wouldn't be surprised if he had "all consuming flames") but so far, we saw members having creative uses of it. Like, we have Lecka with his Fire-Make and Raj with his fire illusions and Wed with their fire sword. As we continue seeing other members, it would be cool if we could see:
It's crazy how much utility an element can have and a guild utilizing only it and having become so infamous means something. Now, for Signario sisters, I believe their alchemy is an indication to what their magic is:
submitted by Deathdragon24 to fairytail [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:27 Some-Statistician114 WIBTA for asking if my 345 lb boyfriend's tiredness could be related to his weight?

I have an online boyfriend whom I've been talking to for over two years. He messaged me first, and it took off from there. A month ago he said he thinks we're fine the way we are, I live on the other side of the world and travelling seems like a lot to him right now and him travelling in the future isn't that likely. He's a plump person, and he was working part time when he first began speaking to me. He seemed a lot more lively back then, both on his Reddit account and on online chats. He gradually became less and less active, and now it's gotten to the point where he is often too tired to talk, or even post on his Reddit account. Even when he has a week off work, he doesn't seem interested in talking or posting on Reddit, and says he feels tired one way or another. He's been working full time for a while, plus he had college on top of this too.
Pretty often he'll go two or three days without talking and he warns me that he's going to feel too exhausted to talk after work. He usually works from five am till around one pm, but even on days where he works from nine till five he's exhausted. I dunno if this is normal or not, I just read a news article saying that being overweight can make you feel tired all the time, and I love him, so I really just want what's best for him..wibta for suggesting this could be to do with his weight, not just his work hours? Early on he told me that his weight is genetic because he eats less than his brothers but they're skinny, even though he's taller than both of them. His brothers are both skinny while he's been chubby since he was a teenager. Early on I asked him if he tried losing weight and he said not really, since he's not having any health problems due to his weight. He's five foot eleven and 24. He works a quote, mind numbingly boring job that involves making and wrapping tortillas. When I ask him when his next free day is, he'll often respond with, when I'm dead. I've asked him at least twice these past couple months if there's anything he wants to talk about but he says he's fine. Sometimes I feel like I'm having to carry the conversation, he'll give replies that are a few words, and he just doesn't seem as lively as he used to be. I've seen recent photos of him and he does look tired, with bags under his eyes that weren't there when I first met him. His weight looks like it's stayed the same in the two years we've been talking.
He knows he's fat, he's even called himself that. I actually have a preference towards bigger people but if it is starting to affect his health, I don't want him to be unhealthy.
submitted by Some-Statistician114 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:26 Giant_Acroyear Random Bits of NoP Fanon Lore Scraped up from the Discord

So, we need a scenario, where some Skalgans are rescued before the Federation gets too far into their plan.
As discussed on the discord today... shout out to my fellow idea-mongers!
Suppose there is a faction of Farsul, The Hidden Path, that disagrees with the Kolshians' plans for the galaxy, after observing the activity performed on/with the Krakotl.
This faction goes into silent rebellion, and works in secret to preserve all sapient cultures, as they are, by abducting just enough of each to ensure genetic viability and delivering them to a hidden colonies.
And they have been doing this ever since.
Now you have a viable undiscovered source of many of each type of every race, with pre-federation culture intact.
...commence with the hijinks you envision.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:00 PM Mileau is all Mesas, with Slot canyons in between; the mesas all extend above breathable atmosphere.
I made that sht up. No one has ever described the surface of Mileau except me. Hah!*
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:08 PM its canon now mileau has a thin atmosphere and a fast spin. it throws off basically all atmosphere except for what gets trapped in the slot canyons. idk anything that im talking about
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:13 PM THe canyons are 2-3 km wide, and llike 10 km deep; agriculture happens in the canyons that run "east" to "west". Most of the food grows on tree vines that climb up the walls of the canyon; these have trunks bigger than redwoods at the base. WHen you look at Mileau from above, the entire surface looks like a dried lake bed.
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:15 PM if theyre photosynthesis, plant life in canyons would probably have HEAVY bias in evolving to compete for sunlight
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:15 PM hence the growing up the walls.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:16 PM the north south canyons are barren. most of the water lies underground, and it's movement forms huge cave systems at that level.
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:16 PM they'd probably have all sorts of like, choking out competitors. specialized tendrils that try to choke out competitors. evolutionary arms race and all
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:17 PM so, there is also cave ecology going on at a grand scale as well.
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:18 PM hmmm are dossur adapted to low light environments?
The ☴☴° — 02/29/2024 1:18 PM I think that they would have some.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:19 PM Yes. But also... Mileau's star is a very large one, so the habitable ring is 5 times further out; the cycles are 5 years long, and winter is a full year. so they have a long hibernation period every 5 years.
uktabi (Clear Skies, Foxholes) — 02/29/2024 1:20 PM a cave system being a consistent environment despite seasons might help temper that though
The ☴☴° — 02/29/2024 1:20 PM Large stars have exponentially shorter lives, just a warning.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:23 PM It's not like it's Y-Scuti.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:24 PM THey eveolves to remember everything they hear while they "sleep" so, if you were to search the ventilation systems at the School of the flora, you'd find dossur sleeping near every vent by the lecture halls. "They are in the walls" is a true statement.
The ☴☴° — 02/29/2024 1:26 PM They'd better have good taste in poetry. As they drive next generation's minds into predator disease.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:26 PM This is why they've come from stone-age to space age in under 100 years. THey pick up every class, all day long. then they go test out at the end of the semester, CLEP style, and run off with a degree after 8 months. they also record everything, and take the recordings back to Mileau; the next round of sleepers is in a cave containing thousands of Dossur there. It's a knowledge factory.
Mecha Kid (Solar Wind, Spec Ops) — 02/29/2024 1:31 PM Suddenly happy I never defined the surface features of Mileau in Spec Ops Also, concussions are a bitch, right @Julian Skies (Blackriver Cases) ?
Julian Skies (Blackriver Cases) — 02/29/2024 1:33 PM Acroyear's version of the dossur would find like souls in the Consortium
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:34 PM Since Mileau has so little livable space (from the Federation's perspective) the Federation ignores it. Most of the land receiving sunlight is completely dedicated to raising the crops, and the Dossur live in tiny caves drilled into the mesas.
Ben_KenoBEEG (NoA) — 02/29/2024 1:38 PM I just realized, could the Dossur possibly have a planet with over 100 billion people on it, considering their size and how little of a carbon footprint they leave
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:40 PM they've only come up from the stone age in the past 100 years or so... having spent most of that time eliminating the natural predators of Mileau... (which happen to look a Lot like... Krakotl).
"The silver mountain descended from the heavens on pillars of white fire... and death himself rode in it."
dankboy9000 — 02/29/2024 1:43 PM Ah yes, the Man on the Silver Mountain
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:43 PM More like the bird. in any case, the Dossur have harnessed the winds that flow through the canyons as an energy source, and have started building Giant solar farms on the mesa tops, now that they have space technology.
dankboy9000 — 02/29/2024 1:46 PM Arizonacore
Spectralstorm — 02/29/2024 1:59 PM Dossur "re-education" programme where they just yell "predators are bad" over and over while the dossur are hibernating
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 02/29/2024 1:59 PM It's another fic, that's all. The feds don't know that this is how it works. It's part of the Dossur conspiracy. That's why no one has ever seen a Dossur that's not ginger colored. In my head-canon, there are also white ones, brown ones, blond ones, spotted ones, roans, and of course... black ones! and... FLying ones!
The ☴☴° — 02/29/2024 2:08 PM This is why they attacked Mileau.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 6:12 PM I have this image of the Dossur colonizing every park and forested area throughout the federation... ...in secret, of course.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 6:09 PM Have we been told how many colonies there are? I know of at least one, where Veln originated from.
Thirsha (Tight Money) — 11/30/2023 6:10 PM no
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 6:26 PM the planetary thoughts Egg has is that there's big oceans on the dayward side that evaporate and then send water back to the nightward side where its then frozen, depositied on glaciers that then progressand melt, creating rivers that feed back into the oceans thus sustaining a full water cycle of course, there's also spots of rain along the way, and if there was a mountain range in the right spot it'd be rained on nearly non-stop on the dayside
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 6:23 PM I also Recall a beach scene from another Fic I read recently, but I don't remember it. It was up near the burning.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 6:29 PM Yeah, based on pure physics, the twilight and green likely get a ton of precipitation from the night. The day and burning get few to no rainstorms and are probably sustained by the rivers and desalination of the oceans
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 6:29 PM well, not sure if they'd get it from the night god the weather patterns would be alllll over the place @Brick we really need your help on figuring those out.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 6:30 PM I think there's mention of Heavy Monsoon activity due to the wobble.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:17 PM What was the question
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 7:17 PM ah, the weather patterns of VP, and how the hell the atmopshere moves
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:18 PM My god
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 7:18 PM since uh, if there's constant wind coming from the sunward side, atmosphere somehow has to get to the sunward side to replace it.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:18 PM Without geography Uhhhhhhh
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:18 PM Not quite according to the paper I posted earlier the surface flow would come from the night rather than the day
Killsode-Slugcat — 11/30/2023 7:19 PM going with the idea that the water cycle is power by oceans near the sun side the bring water to the night side where its then deposited and flows back to the oceans?
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:19 PM Surface flow favors convergence at the hot side ad divergence on the cold side meaning the surface flow overall would be from the cold to the warm but at upper levels it's reversed But this is overall geography, location of oceans, planetary rotation and more would make this much more complex
OmegaMon02 (NoC,TTS,MiM,GE,PoT) — 11/30/2023 7:20 PM Air cools on night, blasts the venlil, warms in the day, travels on top of cold wind, big wind storms deep into the day and night
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:20 PM Were it so easy...
Beyonce what I can think about without a pencil, paper and other things.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:21 PM SO, on Skalga... not much daily rotation.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:21 PM In terms of tropospheric dynamics I really can't say right now On the other hand If VP is on a tilt That raises a whole set of other issues For example places where the sun sets for half a year and raises for the other half It is not easy to make any educated judgments without having a cannon geography.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:23 PM THere's the whole Paw wobble bit, but I don't think you'd get much variation off of it.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:24 PM Yeah axis wobble is something on MUCH longer time scales up towards thousands of years iirc
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:24 PM it feels like the axis of the planet points at the Sun for the most part.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:24 PM Meanwhile a tilted spin axis will cause seasonal sunsets that last different amounts of time beyond certain latitudes The axis of the planet has nothing to do with the sun, at one point it will face away from the sun and half a year later it'll.face towards That's why we get seasons and differential day length on earth
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:25 PM right, but with Skalga being tidally locked...
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:25 PM Nothing to do with it That is a manner of rate of rotation not axial tilt The rate of revolution is equal to the rate of rotation meaning one side faces the star at all times But a tilted axis can cause the area to essentially shift up and down
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:28 PM so depending on the tilt of the access, those parts of Skalga would have day, and night cycles that last for about half the year.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:28 PM Yup Think of how the solstices work on earth. Provided you're at a latitude that experiences them just, more extreme The further into the light side you go the shorter the "night" lasts
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:30 PM 👍 We were considering what the sizes of the oceans were.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:30 PM Weather is dictated a lot by geography as well as overall circulation I haven't figured out if there would be a jet or something different
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:31 PM yes, windward and Lee sides of mountain ranges would make a difference. I was thinking heavy monsoon winds.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:32 PM Yes while the windward side would be very dry the leeward side would experience in my current opinion almost constant rain It really depends on how well heat exchanges But I can't get too deep into this now. Btw this is what I study at university.
Btw this is what I study at uni
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:32 PM Perhaps I got my terminology backwards I am become atmospheric scientist.
Brick — 11/30/2023 7:33 PM Good chat sorry to jet.
Julian Skies (Blackriver Cases) — 11/30/2023 7:35 PM Bahaha, jet!
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:35 PM Hey, being near water is not the same as being IN water.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:35 PM I mean the planet is like this ☀️ 🟥🟨🟩🟪🟦 (I'm trying my best) cold weather brings rain or snow. So @Brick is right, lots of rain moving from twilight to green. Less in day.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:36 PM depends on what the source of the water is. if there are oceans on the day side, that would provide moisture in the upper levels. where the convection moves in the opposite direction.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:37 PM oceans have to exist at some point if there's enough water to sustain global-spanning life.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:38 PM Also, I have a reason for each of the coastal locations. Muller's Bay is found upon illict activities. Stepping Stones basically had no choice but to exist due it being an island chain. Mellowgale is an rare mountainous type of coastal, hence the Greek vibes.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:39 PM the day side may have giant, untapped aquifers. not much written about it, so I don't really know. but I could see the venlil living under ground in the hotter parts.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:41 PM I can see that a nice portion of the rivers from colder half flow underground. Could sustain lots of people and crops
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:41 PM sort of a Coober Pedy situation. for about the same reasons.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:42 PM imagine having the Green double in size during the timeskip due to humanity interventing. oof, both good and bad.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:42 PM depends on what kind of geo-engineering is done, if any.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:43 PM mostly geo-engineering for preventing Sahara-ification.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:43 PM yeah, permaculture water harvesting would definitely be a thing. if they can build a planet encircling maglev, they could build some major pipelines runninlg along the meridians as well.
DankTerminus (SINYL, NOPAW(?)) — 11/30/2023 7:45 PM They DID build an maglev ring, you're right.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:45 PM with the right kind of valves and insulation, they could use antifreeze to act as a giant heat pump.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:45 PM I bet they have biiiig wells to use for cities or for watering plants.
Animesh — 11/30/2023 7:46 PM Wait. Is the entire venlil prime just The Line (tm) project?
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:48 PM Possibly. I don't know the full particulars on the Line, so can't answer that. but I could see them doing a lot of Al Baydha-like projects. btu again, that is dependent on the landforms, and where the water flows to and from. I mean, BiasMushroom has Frozen Mountain set up as a city in the Nightside, close to the terminator. it you get some form of heat loving trees with deep, deep roots, then it's possible that they might shade areas of the burning enough to be survivable. so that gets back to the questions about where the water bodies are.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:56 PM I think they could form in the day but dry up in the burning.
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:56 PM yes, but what about under the dayside, where the aquifers may be.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:57 PM Probably near rivers but could realistically be anywhere I mean, there are aquifers all over earth so really it's hard to disprove any specific location
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:57 PM a lot of it depends on how the water flows, and what geological formations there are. a karst type of situation could lead to lots of caves with chimney windows and underground jungles.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 7:58 PM Hell in the southwest US, sandstone cliffs and mountains are aquifers. They are stuffed full of water. Without specific info, it's really up to us to decide. Which is neat!
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 7:59 PM a hard layer of earth over a soft limesone layer, with water flowing, would lead to huge cave systesm. there could be entire, undiscovered biomes like that, possibly housing pre-federation Venlils.
Verified Threat to Fish (LiH) — 11/30/2023 8:03 PM Perhaps. Though I worry for how they'd live
Giant_Acroyear (Dossur?) — 11/30/2023 8:04 PM if there's flowing water, then there's probably fungi, and things eating the fungi. Anyway, I leave the speculations here, for your consideration.
Thirsha (Tight Money) — 11/30/2023 9:08 PM massive cave systems with underground rivers and a lot of life that lives in the dark but due to the presence of predators, venlil are afraid of them and since they are hell to clear out, the exterminators try to keep the predators in the caverns instead only killing them when they wander too close to the settlements.
I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have!
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2024.06.02 18:26 semixfenz Wedding Dress Cleaning Services

Wedding Dress Cleaning Services
Your dress, the stunning centerpiece of the day basks in the glory of your joy. But let's be real – it also faces the aftermath of cake mishaps, dance floor escapades, and maybe a little too much fun. That's where the unsung heroes come in – Wedding Dress Cleaning WATFORD services.

The Battle-Scarred Gown

Have you ever had a wonderful moment cut short by a smear of lipstick or a splash of red wine? Yeah, your wedding dress knows that feeling. Wedding dresses bear witness to the chaos and joy of the day, often ending up with battle scars. But fear not, because cleaning services are like superheroes swooping in to save the day – capes not included.
Your new life together needs an outfit that will last. From painstaking examination to complete cleaning and preservation, we take the time to do it correctly. These folks know their chiffon from their tulle, ensuring your gown gets the spa day it truly deserves.

More Than Stains: Invisible Enemies Beware!

Think your dress is stain-free just because you can't see any? Think again. Perspiration stains and hidden oils are the stealthy villains in this saga. Professional wedding dress cleaning Watford services, armed with specialized cleaning agents, wage a war against these invisible foes. It's like your dress is getting a secret agent-level clean-up.

Dresses Have Feelings Too

After you've found the perfect gown, make sure it fits you like a dream. Our personnel are experts in dealing with the intricate fabrics and delicate elements that can make making wedding dresses challenging. With the same level of care and experience you've come to expect from B X Dry Cleaners, you can rest assured that your dress is in capable hands, and we'll make sure it's the right fit for your big day.
Choosing Wedding Dress Cleaningis more than simply eliminating stains; it's about keeping the emotive charm that makes your day special. It is about making your gown a legacy rather than just a piece of clothing.

BX Dry Cleaner: Where Magic Happens

Now, let's talk about a name that resonates with trust – B X Dry Cleaner. They aren't just dry cleaners; they're custodians of your love story. With a team that understands the delicate dance of fabrics and stains, B X Dry Cleaner ensures your dress gets the VIP treatment it deserves. Your wedding memories are safe in their capable hands.

Your Dress deserves a picture-perfect

Say goodbye to every obstinate wrinkle on your wedding gown, ensuring it's picture-perfect for your big day. Wedding gowns made of satin, silk, chiffon, lace, or tulle require precise care, and our professionals at B X Dry Cleaners excel at steaming and pressing, handling even the most delicate materials to guarantee they preserve their beautiful appearance. And when it comes to giving your memories to someone, B X Dry Cleaner says, 'believe me, I got this.'
So, let your wedding dress go on a journey that will ensure its story is shared for decades to come. After all, your dress deserves nothing short of a fantastic finale. And with B X Dry Cleaner, that's exactly what it gets."
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