Nausea backache fatigue headache

Is it okay to call emergency hotline?

2024.06.02 19:05 Not_A_Real_Person_69 Is it okay to call emergency hotline?

Been extremely nauseous since 9pm, was outside at the foodcourt and camped the toilet for about an hour but only puked a little then felt better and tried to rush home but couldn't and have been camping a toilet of a random ass condo for the past couple hours now and only some clear fluids came out and now it's on and off nausea where I can't move at all. I'm pretty sure it might've been food poisoning from ystd but it's more than 24 hours ago and I've had a headache for 3 months so idk if it might be linked to that. So is it fine to call an emergency hotline just in case or should I just tahan it cause I've literally been sleeping in this toilet for the past couple hours with the nausea not leading to anything
submitted by Not_A_Real_Person_69 to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:03 SquidwardsMistress Went up to 7.5 and am unbearably sick

I was excited for 7.5 mg because 5 mg did nothing other than make me not feel well. Neither did 2.5 mg. But within 48 hours of my first dose of 7.5 mg I couldn’t get out of bed. I had the most horrible nausea of my life and diarrhea. And the FATIGUE. I have aches in my muscles and joints which 5 mg also gave me, but they’re much worse at this dose.
I do finally have appetite suppression. 😂😭
Anyway, I know this is actually pretty rare for those who take this. And I know I can maybe go back to 5 mg. A large part of me never wants to take this again though. I have to be able to work and take care of my kids, and I have been in the bed since Thursday night. It was particularly bad Friday night through yesterday.
Has anyone else experienced this and did it end up getting better? Or maybe I need to accept defeat.
submitted by SquidwardsMistress to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:01 IntelligentAd5000 Sleep Deprivation is causing me to do something extremely odd

Hello, I can't sleep and Im getting pills for it. I have been awake for 48 hours now. And things are a bit of blur. But I have realised that I have picked up and extreme urge to write. I dont know how or why, but I crank out amazing short horror stories in 20minutes, and cant remember why. i realise that there are symptoms regarding sleep deprevation but whats happening doesnt match anything I've seeh. So yea the compulsion to write is weird and I have developed an obession of posting them to reddit (this I swear is not one), lying and not knowing why to commenters. I had posted a list about of game I like but not that much, the list was a thousand words, and I spent an hour of time doing nothing else making this list, all of knowledge I'd forgotten about. You can find the rest of the messy mesy story, and I lied and said I was high in one post, and took down countless others. I dont even use reddit that much, always that it was a bit weird, and though. I was mostly wrong, I thought I would come here. I have ADHD and focusing is hard for me, and i have never been so hyperifxated on something like that in my life. And then i started a little log to see where im at during my sleepless night. Each hour. I logged. And Logged And logged. I didnt realise how much i was hallicinating, but I think I was in REM sleep and I somehow retained perfect ability to type on keyboard without seeing and look. I thought that everything I was typing made sense, but after kinda snapping out of it, I realised in horror kind of. So i took my photo booth opened, it and ran a video of me. I was in REM sleep for sure, and i was typing unbelievbly fast. I remember everything, I could think and then my hands would type it. I know it sounds weird, but like my imagination, my subconscious thoughts were being projected somehow. Heres all 3000 words and counting of it. the last couple where I do the test make it unclear, but unless someone actually replies to this, I will save images and photos for later. I am currently still hallucinating but not as badly so pardon my misspellings.
Now I Swear on My Life this is real, none of my friends believe me, my sister does though. please help me
Here it is
-1am feeling tired didn’t get to sleep until three last night, so this sucks
-3am haven’t done any work went don’t disturbing internet mystery rabbit hole. Also what will my screen time look like? Not good.
-5am- That’s when it hits you, the birds and the light, worst feeling ever. Microsleep hit, and I hallucinate myself watching a video. WTF.
-8am-I have been writing a short story for the past 3 hours, wtf is wrong with me. I get out of my room at 8:30, and something shocking, happened, I looked in the mirror and I have a six pack? At first I thought hallucination and dismissed it, went and had nothing for breakfast apart from some ice cream. I am scared.
-9am-taken medication feel fine. I have not eaten much and I am aware it is taking a toll on my weight. I have six pack and look shredded. This is not a good thing.
-10am- all my 2500 word essay got deleted. I notice sleep deprivation and medication, has a weird affect. It masks the affects of sleepiness. I feel fine, no fatigue, could work for ever. I have a 1 hour tutor session, let’s see how that goes.
12pm- Finished tutoring session - felt easy speedy and fine. Am heavily addicted to reddit. I feel like the dexiamphetamine is having an affect on my body which makes me entrenctched into whatever I am doing.
2pm- Got to get ready for kickboxing class junior leadership thing. My face is riddled with pimples. This is caused by a lack of sleep and water and proper nutrients.
5pm- I got home, feel fine, it was really cold though. No signs of cognitive decline like I usually show. Actually I take that back, things have become to become distorted, my eyes are messing with me as a result of the micro-hallucinations I am experiencing. I took 2 more dexiamphetamines, probably a bad idea.
8pm-I feel amazing, but at the same time little work as been done on rave. I am completely and utterly obsessed with writing stories, I spent and hour and a half texting my adventure to London, and I begun to get really descriptive. I am not in a good mental state(Not as in depressed, as in I can’t judge if what im doing is weird, it has to be right?).
9pm- Symptoms are really starting to show now. I have been listening to sad songs whilst I write my English, it is a story so it’s going well.
9:30pm- I have spent too long over many hours compiling a list of things I’d like to see in fallout 5. What the fuck, I am at the point in which I can’t take a step back. Computer screen distorted at time. When I am typing, I keep thinking about how to do the hashing technique using curved lines with a ball point pen. I have wrote probably over 800 words disputing claims about my fallout 5 post.
10pm- I have possibly written an amazing English assignment. My dread in which consumes me, about this assignment is keeping me motivated whilst I listen to music(mainly sad music.) I love the start of the song violent crimes by Kanye west, I had that on repeat for a while until I moved onto other sad songs, because I didn’t want it to burn out (its a great song)
10:30 in bed now feeling weird. I was wondering around and yep im hallucinating, and it sucks ass. Minor ones at the moment, which are good, but it’s more like my mind will think something is there that is not. Does that make sense? But then in the hall way, it was dark and as I turned on the light I saw some fucked up face. Alright now im scaring myself jeez.
10:50 So right now typing this the visual hallucinations have definitly set in, it’s weird that I am conscious enough to witness it happen in real time. This doesn’t feel real. How to describe what I’m seeing, like waves silk-like distortions of everything. Right now I look up and I see like silky distortions of the corner of the roof distort and move. It is significantly worse in the dark, as brain has to make up for a lack of what is there. I turned the light on and yes it is better. They are still there but are minor and less apparent. Legitimately everything scares me, my body is jumping, I guess as my brain is focusing as much maybe, and then when I do hear something out of the ordinary it spooks me. I don’t know why but I feel like all of sudden im just gonna go crazy and it’s like a race against time, but it will be slow and I will see how long I can last. Typing has become significantly harder as I loose control of my motor skill which has happened in a short time of 30 minutes. Wow creepy peripherals make up visuals, idk why that is
-11:20- Taken videos as updates. I feel like this is the quiet before the storm. My brain is making things up and it’s pissing me off. It has revoked my right to type, and everything that is not in my direct peripheral now is some sort of the thing. Like bro every key I type my fucking brain slows down, it’s taken me song long to write this one thing. I can’t think of what I want to say to next, that’s a big one. The changes come on so rapidly and everchanging
-11:40-Brain is sending in backups. My typing speed has increased but my ability to spell words correctly is failing. Right now it’s just not fun. No major hallucinations, just a feeling of dread mixed with a nice side of a painful ass headache and a need to go to the toilet. I find it weird however that when writing, usually a mundane task, my brain kind of goes on autopilot, and I have some sort of visual hallunciaiont, this is weird for the reasons stated, and that my hands seem to be moving themselves, and I am watching them, similar to that somen in black mirror, with the museum. BTW black mirror is NOT something you would want to watch like this. I had dream about white Christmas once, and I felt like I was stuck in there for a million years. #existential crisis right. Ok weird, so it seems like when I disassociate my brain keeps typing, I am having a bit of neural input it seems, but my brain fog which was so present all but 2 minutes ago gone. Ok yea noises are starting to appear a bit. Butt cheeks were clenched. I feel like a lifeless dummy rn. Waiting for next phase. (Prayer emoticon). Also why does my fingers just magically know where all the buttons
12am- And the clock hits twelve. Half way there. At the end of this I will have successfully completed 42 hours. Its not a flex or anything I am aware, its just what choice do I have, try and sleep and be constantly reminded of the overbearing weight of the assignments all due this week?? I don’t want to think about that, no-one does. My fucking bad I managed my time wrong im a fucking kid after all. I am going Canberra college next year and this week has been a step in the wrong direction for me. After mum left everything went to shit. I cannot control myself, I am addicted to gadgets. I need to watch my computer to go to sleep or the google home. I have a compulsion to reddit, and I eat like shit. Chicken in some sort, lie about having vegetables. If I even tried to make a food diary of some sort for these last few days, I would be put on fucking trial for the murder of any chance of bitches. I treated my body like shit. The best word I can describe this week in is - Grunge. Like fucking living in your own shit. That’s how I feel. Everyrnight same routine, go on computer, watch videos until 12, watch google home go to bed. But not really.. Instead I would appear to stay up to 2am or 3am and go to bed, eat some food or something I don’t fucking know. I know I am sleep deprived. It is showing in my works. Weird addiction to writing, my adhd hyperfocuses on something. Drawing and Writing. As I write this my brain tries to seduce me into its gaze. The room or just the essence of living is moving, right to left, like im in a slide, and then left to right, and then so on and so forth. I am afraid this is what happens when you eat nothing but sugar and sugar and sugar, don’t sleep and drug your self on drugs. Skin is just a warning, my body brain will be infected I need to stop. I cannot live unregulated.
12:13am- My eyes heart, everything’s shadow is big and I don’t know how much more of this I can take. It is hell, and Im not even at the micro sleeps. They sound low-key cool. I am waiting to go out, make myself a wrap with butter, and get around the computer as I mindlessly do nothing. I don’t watch YouTube want, other way round, and thoughts of my intentional original purpose, to do work for school, left the window a long time ago. I close my eyes for a split second and I ee a teddy bear. They keep appearing, things are melting, this is it baby, as Jeff Kinney would say, we in for the long haul. I want to keep typing and I don’t know why, partly because it is cool that I have kept typing this long, and partly because what else do I do. Wait for it to consume me. If I had a pen and paper, I could have drawn the images I see on my computer screen, vague but the all have cross hatchings, a term I am learning. And what happen to monkey type, I swear I searched it. Is it the micro sleep? Is it coming. Yea. Maybe not.
12:30am- Writing these becomes a scapegoat for my mind to kinda control me and I don’t like it, so Im going to keep it short. No differences, Battery low I will have to brave it out of room soon. Hallucinations minimal, and chicken in peripheral which is toy and bedsheet, but I can’t see it as anything else. Cute little reference my brains making, but I have two finder files, and my brain this its two cookie monsters lol. Also eyes are still heavy. I have gained complete and even I would go as far to say enhanced motor control, I feel like I can type fast, and I hear every single click on the key and It freaks me out. I intentionally leave errors in here, not many but some, and my stupid ass thinks im going to read this and think it’s all mysterious. Upon further reflection, I may have been having depth perception hallucinations. What is weird is no vivid hallucinations but everything is something if that makes an inkling of sense. Im not really all there any more. Weird how that works. Time perception is completely altered and distorted. I could have sworn twelve o’clock was ten seconds or 1 hour ago. I cannot swear on either, but ten seconds ago? I could have sworn on one, I cannot remember which one anymore. Speaking my thoughts does not make cohesive notes on my problem and predicament, I should refrain, but sometimes my brain naturally does this. Yea saw souls of the damned again when I blinked, weird, and now liminal shit im seeing, because my brain is like ooh scary I should scream now, and then it pumps out all this shit. It has been 6 minutes since I started writing, that sounds about right, but at the same times that was long, very long, marcy long. (Kill her long). I chicken which is a building waves a hammer at my building. It is the side bar on the right side of my MacBook.
12:37: wanted to wait until 12:40 but time sucks ass and is an illusion. You many know by now that my posts have ramblings of random topic and will veer off. This was not my intention, if I write for longer than a minute I loose my grip on my brain, it starts writing what It pleases. I have to think really hard about what I want to write, even then it just autofilled it. Lucky it’s right. Computer percentage critically low. 9%, yet I am filled with joy and dread right now. I think this could be caused by the effect of my dexi’s that I took, like a long term effect, or rather just the lack of sleep. I am deeply disturebed but interested by myself. I now have real hallucinations now. Files are quickly changed to name. And a beigeish green blood phases through my door fast. If I look at my hands wrong they look like they are encrusted in dry blood. I had to think if blood was the gang or Blud was the gang, that is how you know sjits gone down the drain.
1:00: It is officially one-ocklock and I let my brain take the rails once again(don’t let me down). So right now Im feeling fine, but sometimes I will have clear clarity and feel fine, no hallucinations, no nothing, and this will be followed by an intense one that will not be scary just like kind of convincing. One instance I don’t want to forget is me looking through my old video from a couple hours ago. One of them my arms look weird and photoshopped linked down bellow, and I have like a led type trip. I think it could be inspired by those weird ass instagram reels I watch, but Idk, It was me and that pose, changing shape a bit and material. I was real glossy and like twisted and moulded and back to normal it was weird. I couldn’t see my arms, especially my forearms the same after that. One phenomena which is uniquely odd is the compulsion to write here. I can understand a lack of time knowledge and perception, as it is natural of one when under these conditions, but have loose your sanity to a point where you are able to mindlessly drone on about things happening to you, is weird, weird. It initially started off as an idea, one sentence or maximum short paragraph talking about each hour and how the where different to the next. Also just got jumped scared by the image thanks bitch. Whilst righting this I am aware I made a mistake (writing), I feel like I have some consciousness left, but if I don’t blink it really hit me. So I keep blinking to report back to base. Yea the head is tilting sideways turned into like a fucking dragon praying mantis thing for a sec. Right now I feel alright, the dream is supposed to get to me but it is hard for it to pass, I know that I am supposed to feel creeped out but I don’t, I like it when for a second my brain will just think of something and loose it. One truly weird thing is me being able to hallucinate pictures through the writing. Always cartoons, depicted silly and offbeat. I don’t know why though. Yea Ididnt wright that by the way what the hell. The good ole noggin did. My head stopped hurting, and my neck has softened the blow a bit, and takes a bit of pain not much, and the my neck is also is cricitacl condition, after seeing Moby at the fucking side bar again. This time it wasn’t a chicken this was Moby from fucking Moby and ted. Ok now its ahicken peeking its head out back to straight what the fuck am id doing llama fr fr fr
1:13-computer is low, very low, at 4%. I am back by the way, I got sucked in again but got out and read it really quickly. The fr frfr is from the Tyler the creator song fr fr fr this time. Ya know. Ok so not this time but next time iwirite a paragraph or a time, I am going to record myself, and then when I regain my sanity, I will watch the video to see what I look like, when I am truly not with it. I don’t know if the same thing will happen with this paragraph but I hope not. This notice was just a short one but stay safe. One last thing that is not helping me, I am now scared again, I heard stomping in the kitchen , and I know it could be fake but everything there is stomping in the kitchen I am able to know because if there is at this Time of night I feel my heart drop, and I did which helps add to the case. I don’t eellike investigating but igueess if that is my best option then I will but now is not really there right time. When is ithe right time officers saying gtyring to gain media attention from the main. Never get the fuckout of my house.
1-18am(the test?) So this is the test but I obviously need something to talk about and I have a topic. So basically I think I have cracked the case to the nonsense rambling in which I don’t understand myself. It is a literal projection of what is going on inside my mind. You know how sometimes people will take things literally and then you’re like no I didn’t mean it like that, well it’s kinda the same thing. I say something insidede my head but it comes out through my fingers. And it’s odd because it come with such swiftness and such durability. Right now I a doing it it yes made a spelling mistake whilst looking at my green gamer screen. I don’t know how or why this done. I am back to realign. And yea this is odd, not quite the feeling that I get when I completely disassociate. I am starting to think that maybe I am begging to miceslepe these series of events and include e the within the paragraph, it happen a little bit there, and unlike try to be the bait for other final charges, this on has no backing against it. There it is again, little less than the first time, but my mind wonders and my hand followed. What if I thought some truly despicable stuff, something that would surely get me banned from ever participating in it agin. Now no I have to read this later I don’t really want to hut then again, i if it fits thehe description then we have t o. Brain disrupted my train of thought, I think I had important breakthrough, Never imind I id, the breakthrough was that when I am looking or blurring my eyes, the top of my head the curtain and y alien arms along with the righting combnined to create some sort of card with a circle in the middle in which I can only presume is a play ng car. I am currently doing right now let’s describe. So I hastily have the some sort go grounding I am loosening it,. It is a hashing draw g clear as dal, with I big leak on the right side and spills over, probably
1.28am- the big move. Just kidding I just have to get out of bed. Let’s see who wins me our bed.GUESS FUCKING WHAT BABY I WON. So I should probably start with the obvious what the fuck Is actually happening. Yea will I thought I was fully conscious, dogs barking keeping me in there. So my subconscious is a weird weird weird thing. Yea fuck it’s happening again, I didn’t mean to type that. Ok so talk about more later, but if I can spit it out in time, I enter a state of REM sleep when I start typing, and my brain doesn’t understand what is imaginary and what’s not so it fills in gaps, and whilst doing this, inadvertentltly transposes your visual in real life, and your imagination, until it creates a weird state in which nothing is quite real and nothing is fake. God that sounds so pretentiously ominous. In the video my eyelids flicker, which is why this is my main theory, but what amazes me, is 2 distinct things. The first is my ability to type whilst looking away from my computer or with my eyes closed. I don’t misspell words, which is confusing as when testing this to the best of my ability whilst in this state, I don’t get very good results at all. The second is the fact that I am fully aware of what is happening. I am able to translate what is happening in my mind to the document, with a little bit of brain fog mixed in, which is obvoiusly going to happen in things like this.
submitted by IntelligentAd5000 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:59 CautiousSalt2762 Day 4- after dose 1

I know it’s too early to see much change on the scale, but I’ve already noticed a few things. I’m on 0.25mg. Thought I’d share my info so far.
The appetite suppression was almost immediate. It is so cool to see the food noise go quiet for the first time in my life.
I did get very tired the day of the injection but had such great sleep that night, that’s fine with me. I’ve dealt with some headaches and nausea, but I’m upping my water and Gatorade. That seems to be helping. The nausea seems to pass.
I’ve lost 4 pounds - I assume it’s water weight at this point and that’s ok. A possible change in my relationship to food is nothing short of a miracle.
I’m 60F <5’ 2” and sw >180lbs. I’ve been dealing with long covid the last 8-9 months that has resulted in me being on multiple meds. I am hoping Ozempic may help. So far it seems to be helping my IBS like symptoms.
I went the Ro route after talking to my gastro doc. I will go to my GP and try to go through insurance at some point (cause this is $$$ with out insurance). I had to sure because I feel so much hope already.
submitted by CautiousSalt2762 to OzempicForWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:48 Jazzlike-Reindeer-32 Wondering about a gentle increase instead of doubling at 4 weeks. Have any of you done this?

Today is the day I do my 2nd shot. I’ve had consistent light nausea but my main negative side effect has been fatigue.
In 2 weeks I go from 25 to 50 units and I’m worried that will be too big of a jump. Has anyone increased to a lower amount? How did that work out?
Also, tell me about your side effects and when they improved, if ever.
submitted by Jazzlike-Reindeer-32 to henrymeds [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:37 Geminilaz Is surgery still possible regardless?

Hey all. So I have posted here before but I’m here again because gallbladder issues have been annoying again :/.
Just a preference that since June 2023 I’ve had issues constantly vomiting and not being able to eat anything. But at the time I had no pain ofc. So later in the year, I have done an ultrasound, a stool test, a HIDA scan and endoscopy. Endoscopy showed inactive gastritis, HIDA scan showed EF of 23%. In the results it said they will advise surg evaluation but said follow up never happened so there was that.
Fast foward to now recently, I’ve been having these issues but this time lots of pain on my right side, fatigue, Soft/fluffy/fatty stools, nausea/vomitting, pain radiating to the back, night sweats. The pain got worse to where my mom took me to the ER yesterday to see what was up.
They took me in and did an ultrasound. Everything in the gallbladder looked normal. No stones, no inflammation etc. I had fatty liver though.. However the Resident doctor and ER doctor believed that from an ER standpoint everything is normal. Unfortunately though they said that regardless they might end up taking out my gallbladder based on my pain and symptoms.
I already had an appt for the GI June 18th and my Primary doctor refffered me to a surgeon so I’m waiting for that… but I want opinions because I have questions. Should I go with surgery regardless? What can I inform the surgeon when I see them?
submitted by Geminilaz to gallbladders [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:32 undertherays Side Effects

I took plan b for the first time 11 days ago and experienced fatigue for the first 3 days alongside sleep changes. About 5 days after, my appetite has also increased greatly and I started spotting around 6 days after. All these side effects have been rough but the headaches have been the worst. I have gotten a headache since the day I took plan b and it worsens at night. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this normal or should I be worried?
submitted by undertherays to PlanBs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:24 Royal_Papaya2311 10DPO Slow PDG rise with higher BBT than other cycles

10DPO Slow PDG rise with higher BBT than other cycles
Hello! I am currently 10DPO and have had a slow pdg rise and BBT in 98 range for last 3/5 days with a dip in the middle. Last cycle I rose to 98 for one day and no clear pdg rise. I thought I had a vvfl but also thinking I may just have line eyes. I have had some minor cramping, backaches, acne (which is not normal for me), feeling extremely warm all the time, fatigue, excessive cm, smelly gas, and also urine sorry TMI! Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Royal_Papaya2311 to Inito [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:22 Desperate-Web-1562 Going from .25 to .5

I’ve been on .25 for 9 weeks. Dr. originally prescribed .5 but i started at .25 as instructions on insert said. Had bad nausea and fatigue in the beginning but that has gotten better, now it’s just the first day or two. I stayed on .25 since it was working, lost 20 lbs, and I didn’t want nausea to get worse. Now I don’t feel the effects as much, feeling hungry, not losing any more and some food noise has come back. I’m nervous to go up and feel really nauseous again, but I think I need to increase my dose. Has anyone tried going in between .25 and .5 ( I guess .37) ? Or should I split and do .25 today and .25 midweek? Thanks for any advice!
submitted by Desperate-Web-1562 to Ozempic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 18:12 SignificantRing4766 Going to make my first neurologist appointment in years. Any advice?

I’ve had migraines as long as I can remember, probably since infancy. As a toddler, one of my first full sentences was “mommy head hurts” and I would puke and then fall asleep.
I’ve had two kiddos over the past 5 years and between pregnancy and breastfeeding, my migraines went down substantially. Especially when breastfeeding, I have almost no migraines.
My youngest has been weaned off breastfeeding for 6/7 months now and my migraines are back with a vengeance. It’s been raining all week here (which is a trigger for me) and I’ve had a headache or migraine every day for an entire week. Yesterday was a full blown migraine day and I had to sleep all day, thankfully my husband was off work and could watch the kids otherwise I’d be SOL.
When I was a teenager they were really bad and I saw a neurologist who basically did an MRI to make sure I didn’t have a tumor and then sent me on my way with no advice or meds, chalking it up to puberty. In my very early 20’s my PCP prescribed me topamax which made me feel like a drugged out zombie and made me shake uncontrollably, so I stopped and basically gave up on getting help.
It would be different if I was single but having a family I NEED to care for, I cannot go on like this anymore. So I’m finally gonna suck it up and give a neurologist a try again.
I’m looking for any advice yall got. I know my migraines are hormonal somehow in nature, given they go away when breastfeeding and were worse during puberty. I also know weather changes affect them. I do not get any auras with them that I notice. I do have visual snow syndrome (have had it my whole life) and the snow is worse/more noticeable when I have a migraine. I don’t vomit with every migraine but I do get nausea and vomit with a good chunk of them.
Other than that, I have no idea why I have them. I definitely want meds to help but it would also be nice if we could possibly get to the root cause of this in some way or a more holistic way. So any advice on all of that or on a first neurologist appointment I’ll take! Thank you!
submitted by SignificantRing4766 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:48 forzanapoli87 Magnesium Glycinate Side Effects

Hey - started taking last week to help reduce blood pressure and anxiety and have some questions:
Originally took Nature Made brand twice a day 200mg in morning and another 200mg before bed (there is 100mg in my multivitamin by the way) and it didn’t do much
I switched to a 500mg pill from a different brand and boy the anxiety I’ve been having is virtually masked or entirely gone and my bp has very noticeable improved
1) I have side effects on this new pill (not the nature made 200x2 combo): slight morning nausea along with some lightheadedness/head pressure? and fatigue maybe a little brain fog - will these go away in time?
2) does Magnesium supplements need to be cycled or is this something I can look forward to taking long term to help my bp and anxiety?
Thank you!
submitted by forzanapoli87 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:45 Several_Craft_4364 26F - how to spot a real heart attack when you suffer from panic attacks that have similar symptoms..?

I’m 26F and yea, don’t laugh at me for make a post about. I’ve been suffering with panic attacks for 1,5 now. And my symptoms are as crazy as they feel: Severe chest pain( burning, aching, pressing, squeezing) Arm/ shoulde neck/ back pain; Brain fog; Dizziness; High heat rate (130-170); Nausea; Fear; Fatigue; Shaking; PVC’s;… I probably forgot about something, but it still a lot. My panic attack probably a result of overload nervous system ( I’m not sure). I don’t smoke, I don’t drink alcohol, however I don’t exercise I’m stay home mom. I had gone to ER many times because this is scary and every PA has something different in it. I’m afraid that if I get a real heart attack I won’t be able to spot it because of my panic attack symptoms and I won’t get to the hospital at the right time.
So my question is, how to differentiate between panic attack and heart attack? Thank you
submitted by Several_Craft_4364 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:45 whoasciencebitch Do I have ADHD or something else?

I am 31F. I've read various articles and don't believe I meet the criteria for ADD or ADHD. I do not believe I have Autism, based on some self-research. I have a professional diagnosis of (C)PTSD and GAD. I also think I'm an HSA because, although I thought I had a fragrance allergy for a long time, I don't mind scents as long as I can regulate them. For example, if I light a candle, I'm fine, but if someone puts on scented lotion, I get a headache or nausea. I am also highly sensitive to bright lights (including the sun) and loud noises I can't control. I can't wear tight collars or certain fabrics, and if my underwear is not seamless, I can't concentrate. I have not been diagnosed, but I am confident I have misophonia since certain sounds (joints popping, mouth noises, etc.) drive me insane and occasionally make me nauseated.
I have always been very good at attention to detail and organization. I generally have good time management skills and do not lack motivation to complete tasks. However, I lose my phone multiple times a day and often forget why I have walked into a room. I have a complete inability to multitask, I suffer from severe fatigue and my brain often feels overloaded. I find it impossible to concentrate on anything when there are bright lights, people chatting, or television on. Sometimes my husband will talk to me while the TV is on which makes me unable to focus on either thing and causes me overstimulation.
I need explanations of what's happening or summaries of the shows we watch on a regular basis. I have horrible reading comprehension (during childhood I was told I had a learning disorder). I can listen to someone tell a whole story and not retain any of it. I am easily distracted, easily uncomfortable, and easily annoyed (short-tempered). I often overshare in conversations. People typically describe me as very empathetic and caring. Despite being childless, I am the "responsible mom friend". If it matters, Myers-Briggs type is ISFJ.
If you have gotten through this wall of text thank you so, so much. Any help or suggestions is much appreciated.
submitted by whoasciencebitch to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:43 forzanapoli87 Magnesium Glycinate Side Effects

Hey - started taking last week to help reduce blood pressure and anxiety and have some questions:
Originally took Nature Made brand twice a day 200mg in morning and another 200mg before bed (there is 100mg in my multivitamin by the way) and it didn’t do much
I switched to a 500mg pill from a different brand and boy the anxiety I’ve been having is virtually masked or entirely gone and my bp has very noticeable improved
1) I have side effects on this new pill (not the nature made 200x2 combo): slight morning nausea along with some lightheadedness/head pressure? and fatigue maybe a little brain fog - will these go away in time?
2) does Magnesium supplements need to be cycled or is this something I can look forward to taking long term to help my bp and anxiety?
Thank you!
submitted by forzanapoli87 to magnesium [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:19 franklinJK One Month on Slynd: Review

This is going to be a long post, but I wanted to leave it for anyone starting Slynd to get an idea of what they might experience (everyone is different).
My backstory: I was on birth control for a very long time and removed my Nexplanon a few years ago to see what it was like since I’m in a stable relationship. I was happy being off it, but recently started having endo symptoms, so my new OBGYN recommended trying Slynd out.
I have migraines and depression and was very nervous to get back on it thanks to all the BC propaganda out there now lol. I tried to go into my first pack with an open mind and tracked all of my symptoms daily.

Week 1-2: I was extremely fatigued, peeing more, muscle soreness in my thighs, and have a light headache almost constantly. I would feel better as the day went on. During workouts, I felt slightly more winded and my legs were already sore which was weird. I also got extremely dehydrated being outside. This was a rough time.
Week 3: Better! Still had some iffy symptoms, like headaches on and off and a foggy brain, but I had a lot more energy. I had food cravings for sweets. Any issues were very manageable. The weirdest symptom this week was tingly legs, so my doctor ordered blood work to be done soon to make sure everything is okay.
Week 4: Back to feeling gross during the second half of this week (approaching the end of the pack). I had headaches, mood swings, and little energy with brain fog. I did have a little spotting for about two days, but it was nothing a panty liner couldn’t handle.
Start of month two: Another headache 😭

I want to note that I didn’t gain weight, have bleeding, or experience any acne. Most of the worst symptoms cleared around week three, but this constant headache thing needs to clear up or I’ll need to stop taking it. I know most recommendations say to continue through month three, but I have to pay money for the script and I’d rather not pay for headaches 😂 I’d rather deal with a week of period pain.
Things that helped: electrolytes, eating whole foods, a cold migraine cap from Amazon, and moving my body to clear my head
And please stay in contact with your doctor about what your symptoms are. Mine brushed off the tingly legs issue at first, but I told her it could be a symptom of potassium issues which is a Slynd side effect and she ordered blood work after that.
I would say try it even if you’re worried like I was and see how it goes! 🫶🏻
submitted by franklinJK to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:55 SquishPenguin 5th flare but new symptoms, happen to anyone else?

Hi. So i know there's no guide to the symptoms for a flare but for every other flare since i was first diagnosed it has been the same, lack of appetite, nausea, dizzy, fatigue, yellow skin, urine and eyes, liver pain, etc etc. But this flare is different. Typically all that will suddenly start within 2-3 weeks of progress but it's like the rules have changed now that im 40 and 20 years since my first flare.
This flare started with very dark orange urine back in early march- late February and pain or twinges on my spleen, and until about 2 weeks ago i was told to see a urologist because my urine was fine and there was no liver bile in it. Then suddenly i decided to get blood work tests and my alt and ast are in the 900's and im turning yellow but my blood work is turning up things it never has before in other areas. I can also eat (but not recommended since it feels like glass is working its was through), very little nausea, cravings for food, spleen is double the size and odd pains in my appendix.
Just curious anyone else has experienced symptom changes like this? What are your symptoms, the OH SHIT moments when you just know what's about to happen.
submitted by SquishPenguin to autoimmunehepatitis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:40 _outland severe depressive episode (fluoxetine + olanzapine)

I'm having a severe depressive episode. This is my first time having this condition and my psychiatrist wrote a prescription for fluoxetine (start at 20 and increase to 60) and at night, probably for sleep, olanzapine (start at 2.5 and increase to 7.5).
she told me about the side effect: increased appetite and weight gain.
It didn't bother me at the time, but then I started googling and apparently it was a mistake.
Can you tell me it's really that bad? Does everyone have such an appetite? does low dosage affect this too?
PS: (I just started. It's been 4 days. I've just had nausea, headache, weakness and dizziness all day)
also maybe someone has taken this combo and knows how long these symptoms will last?
How long should I wait before writing to my psychiatrist about this?
submitted by _outland to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:30 srslywtfdoido- 9DPO today

I’m 9DPO and I woke up with a stuffy nose. I know for sure I’m not sick cause there’s no other accompanying symptoms. I haven’t tested yet as I am nervous about what the result will be. Don’t want to be disappointed.
I’ve been having off and on creamy/sticky cm. Fatigue. Cramping. I had small sharp pains that lasted about 2 minutes on CD19 in the morning and small bouts of nausea here and there. Period isn’t due for about 6 days Other than that, I haven’t really felt anything else. I’m hoping for a positive.
submitted by srslywtfdoido- to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:27 Alternative-Aerie261 Weather sickness?

I am 40 years old and have moved around the US constantly my entire life. I recently moved from FL to WI. I have experienced all different types of climates in the US. Being back in the midwest where there is drastic weather changes sometimes daily I experience a sickness type feeling when this occurs. I experience nausea, headaches, tiredness, etc. It took me many years to be convinced that this does in fact happen during changes in weather. Whenever I bring this up to anyone they act like I'm crazy so I've stopped talking about it and just deal with it. Does anyone else ever experience this? Am I crazy?
submitted by Alternative-Aerie261 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 16:14 cai_loser22 Conclusiveness?

So I had unprotected sex 5 months ago, then 5 ish weeks later I started getting morning nausea (no vomiting) and a sore throat. I thought I was pregnant but it was negative and my dr gave me antibiotics because I tested negative for strep,Covid, the flu and everything else but I had a sore throat for longer than 5 days which signaled an infection. The antibiotics worked and my sore throat and nausea went away after my antibiotics were done (took about a week)
Fast forward 2 months
I had unprotected sex again and then I started developing everyday headaches behind my eyes after so I got really scared. I decided I was going to abstain from sex and at day 72 post any sexual encounter I did a full STD panel, including a 4th gen HIV AG/AB test and it came back non reactive as did all of my other tests.
Did I test outside of the window period? I’ve been told I should’ve waited 6 months and the HIV can hide and multiply and it won’t show up on tests and that I could’ve possibly gotten a false negative so now I’m paranoid. Btw my tests were blood draw from a vein. Am I in the clear from guy #1? How about guy #2?
submitted by cai_loser22 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:58 Ok_Specific_819 Do seed oils make hangovers worse?

I’ve been eating a low seed oil diet for about a year now. Before being on a low seed oil diet I guess my body was used to such a high amount of seed oil consumption so my hangovers after a night of drinking were usually just headaches and fatigue. This weekend I also ate fried foods filled with seed oils while drinking and my hangover was pretty bad. Vomiting, nausea couldn’t keep any food down. I haven’t had a hangover like that in forever and since my new diet, I’ve had nights where I drank more than that but I ate whole and healthy foods while drinking so my hangovers were bearable. I guess some advice from this is if you’re going to have a day where you’re eating those terrible foods, don’t let be the same day where there’ll be lots of alcohol consumption.
submitted by Ok_Specific_819 to StopEatingSeedOils [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:19 Ok_Confusion_6639 I’m confused about my lab results and current diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis. I don’t think it’s correct.

I’m confused about my lab results and current diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis. I don’t think it’s correct.
Long story, but I have no idea where to go from here or how to advocate for myself. I’ll try to be as brief as possible.
• 26F hospitalized a few years ago for severe and acute Lyme disease infection - only preexisting condition was PCOS at this point. • A few months ago, got an MRI for a labral tear (attached results) that showed bilateral sacroilitis. I should add I was less than one year postpartum at this time. • Went to rheumatologist. Tested for HLA-B27 (negative). Only relevant positive test was elevated CRP and elevated ESR. Doctor said it had to be ankylosing spondylitis. I have widespread pain but nothing exceptional in my lower back. I’m also obese currently - since Lyme, I’ve gained 100 lbs. Thyroid function has all been tested and is “normal.” • Did not pursue treatment because I’m waiting to finish nursing my baby first per doc’s instructions. Still untreated. • Started having issues a month ago with severe nausea, an episode of severe vomiting, issues swallowing, and upper right quadrant pain following a stomach bug my whole family had. Saw PCP, currently ordered swallow study (pending), ultrasound (only showed mild fatty liver), and HIDA scan. • Have been having issues with severe fatigue, random rashes and itchiness (especially on my hands which is excruciating and where limbs intersect), random bouts of diarrhea/constipation/nausea, and now positive ANA, speckled cell pattern, high C3 complement and positive anti-Cardiolipin IgM. Rash photos included. I should add this testing was done while I was on antibiotics for strep throat (which I’ve had many, many times).
I am pursuing a new rheumatologist but am currently going through this testing with my PCP. She will also allow me to request additional imaging if anyone has recommendations and a reason why I should request it. The AS diagnosis never felt like the right explanation to me in my gut, but the rheumatologist didn’t order much additional testing aside from rheumatoid factor / CRP / ESR. What could this be?
submitted by Ok_Confusion_6639 to Autoimmune [link] [comments]