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All Things Spine Surgery

2015.06.06 15:29 Mpd189 All Things Spine Surgery

Welcome to our pain and spine surgery support subreddit! Our inclusive community is here to discuss, share experiences, and provide guidance. We welcome all questions, offering personal insights instead of professional medical advice. Connect with others in a compassionate space to seek answers and foster understanding.

2012.08.05 00:23 koolkao Anesthesiology: Keeping Patients Safe, Asleep, and Comfortable

Anesthesiology: Keeping Patients Safe, Asleep, and Comfortable. Subreddit for the medical specialty dedicated to perioperative medicine, pain management, and critical care medicine.

2024.05.19 19:48 Eve_interupted Boob pain at 2 years HRT

Ok seriously, my tits need to calm the fuck down. 4 months after my top surgery I am getting regular boob pain. Now at 26 month HRT they finally start growing again.
So unexpected but not unwelcome.
submitted by Eve_interupted to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:46 ljd09 Question - California

Hi all, Thad a long stint in the hospital with two emergency surgeries and an extended battle with sepsis. I spent over a month in the hospital. My care was beyond top notch. I was released with several tubes as well as a G tube. Over the series 3ish months the tubes were removed one at a time with the last one being a G - tube. It was removed on a Monday and by Saturday night I was in extreme pain, so much so l couldn't walk. I was at my parents house for a holiday- two hours away from my acute care doctors. I had called their after office hours and my surgeon called me back immediately. He instructed me to go to the nearest ER and have them call him when I get there. So, my mom takes me- I explain to them my medical history and they take me back asap. My ER doc called my acute care surgeon and he was told my history and what my surgeon was worried about/the look for. Abscess, gastric leak, sepsis (as it's easier to get again once you've har it), and asked him to get me a CT scan. The CT V was ran... and reviewed by the radiologist and Ek doc. The ER doctor determined there was nothing out of the ordinary and in fact... I was lucky because my bowels weren't twisted! He called my acute care surgeon back and told him as such. My doctor directed to prescribe me antibiotics as a precaution. The ER doc told me to follow up in two weeks if need be with my PCP. I leave the ER in tears and a wheelchair as I am incapable of walking. I stay at my parents house for an additional two days because I was hoping the antibiotics would do their thing and I was terrified of a two hour drive with as much pain as I was in. One day 3 the pain was spreading and worse and I make the decision to head back to my own hospital.
I go directly to the ER. They run their own tests and take me to the OR immediately. My medical records state: "Patient CT concerning for a fluid collection/ abscess. Compared to previous CT done at another emergency department there is now a more defined abscess and fluid collection. Suspect abscess is secondary to gastric fluid leak given history of recent removal of g tube and closed wound and less likely nec fasciitis however surgical team was consulted and patient was immediately taken to OR. Patient was started on sepsis protocol on arrival will need further surgical management." My surgeon made the comment that he wasn't pleased they told him I was alright. I spent two weeks in the hospital and had two surgeries within that week. I have a 17 in scar from my G tube spot that wraps around my torso. It was left open and I was discharged. I had a wound vac and in home nurses. It took about two months to heal/close. It was one of the worst experiences of my life.
Which, brings me to my questions: My husband and I feel incredibly angry that such a large thing was missed - my medical records clearly state that the abscess was present on the original CT scan, and was even bigger the few days later. They billed us $32,000 for that too. Which, we've refused to pay so far.
I know medical malpractice is hard to prove to a degree and my husband and l are very close to the situation and I would like an outsiders perspective. I know there has to be a valid loss.... but it could have been my life. I feel if they had caught it.... maybe I would have had a 17 in scar wrapped around my body and endured so much torture.
Secondly, my husband is an attorney here in California for a large company- but he is a corporate attorney as are all of his friends... so it isn't his area of expertise. He wrote the letter for the intent to sue and we sent them out to the ER Doc, Radiologist, Hospital and company that employees the doctors. I have received responses to them and they're all requesting that I release my medical information to them. I'm assuming that's typical as several attorneys have requested it of me. We're in the process of getting an attorney (wanted to get the clock started).... Is that a typical request and are we required to do it? I understand that the intent to sue kind of helps with possibly avoiding court... Do I comply with their requests or? My husband said he was going to research it but I thought there might be someone knowledgeable here that could give some insight. Thank you!!
submitted by ljd09 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:46 Background-Algae-303 Suspecting endo, wondering if it’s effecting weight loss too.

Hi all! So for a while i’ve suspected endometriosis/PCOS and infertility. PCOS has been ruled out from ultrasounds so we know it’s not that. I suspect infertility because i’ve had a few pregnancy scares based off of symptoms I get randomly throughout the month that resonate a lot with pregnancy. We never use condoms, haven’t for the past 2.5years, and have sex mostly when I am supposedly ovulating. Yet, I am never pregnant. We aren’t necessarily trying but aren’t necessarily not trying. Also, I have struggled with weight badly- always staying around the 200lb mark and only was able to lose weight when I cut EVERYTHING out (breads, salt, sugar… only ate raw everything and cooked meats, no dairy) lost 20 pounds… got married, went on my honey moon, ate moderately well and enjoyed myself more for only three weeks… gained all the 20 pounds back. Now, to tell you why I think it could be endo: my periods are never tooo heavy My periods are always so different, for a couple months, they will be painful, 5 days long, then they will switch to periods where i’m having heavy pregnancy symptoms (extreme fatigue, cramping on my left side), sore breasts, lower back pain, heightened emotions, it will hurt a little bit to use the bathroom, “period poops”) and it will last around 3 days, sometimes they won’t be painful at all and i won’t have any symptoms, and they can last 5-7 days, they always fluctuate. Randomly throughout the months SOMETIMES depending on the month quite honestly, i’ll get these cramps in my lower pelvis that are so painful they feel like a stabbing knife, it’s usually immobilizing, i usually feel like vomiting from the pain sometimes, but writhing a few minutes, it passes and then i’m good. Again the cramping is always on the left side. Besides this, i’m always constipated with a normal bathroom schedule of once every three days and always bloated in some capacity. I know it usually takes a surgery to find out if it’s endo so i wanted to know if anyone who confirmed has it, relates to any of these things and if so, do you also struggle with weight loss? Also, if you were ever able to solve the weight loss problem, how did you do it?
submitted by Background-Algae-303 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:43 Crazy_Description102 Stopping period pre-t pre-surgery

I am 21 y/o and recently realized I am FTM. The more I think about it the more signs I see as a child. Anyways, I am transitioning socially atm and pre-T. I HATE my period always have, like so much I wanted a hysterectomy as a child. Not really painful just hate them. I read a little and understood that T stops your period after a while, correct me if I'm wrong. But was looking for alternatives atm. I heard a total hysterectomy causes immediate or early menopause. Tube's tied doesn't stop periods. But on the quicker terms there's birth control pills/implants/injections. But these increase progesterone and estrogen. Wasn't sure if anyone has tried to stop their periods prior to T or surgery and thoughts. Does birth control make gender dysphoria worse??
submitted by Crazy_Description102 to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:38 MeaninglessDebateMan I wish people would stop telling me that I'm just going to have to find a way to live a fulfilling life with pain.

We experience things through our senses. Life is the experiences we have. If we are constantly being bombarded with pain then what is fulfilling about every experience being punctuated by pain?
It's like a bucket with a hole in it.
Fill me all you want and I end up feeling hollow anyway.
Everything feels like a negative feedback loop with a booster on the track.
I don't want to fucking pretend I'm happy. I want a fucking neurological medicine breakthrough. Anything less is farce for the sake of those around me because I'm definitely not getting any better.
submitted by MeaninglessDebateMan to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:37 Strawlis64 IC/PFD with Hysterectomy Question

(60) I’m scheduled for a full hysterectomy this coming Thursday 5/23. I have been dealing with Pelvic floor dysfunction and Interstitial cystitis for years. I’m worried about urgency and voiding pain after the surgery. Do any of you have any experience with this? Did it cause you to flair or did it get better?
submitted by Strawlis64 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:35 Iamnotbaldatall Having a haemorrhoidectomy on Wednesday, did some research but need some more advice please

I've done some research, but want to understand what works better, the things I am concerned are diet, painkillers timing, etc.
My doctor told me to do moviprep(bowel prep, the ones they use for colonoscopy) to empty a bowel, to delay the first BM as long as possible. I am eating low fibre low reside diet now until Tuesday morning then I have to do moviprep on Tuesday, a day before surgery. Anyone did this before for haemorrhoidectomy?
Some people say they eat high fiber diet pre surgery with stool softeners, and some say eat low fibre low residue diet with stool softeners to prevent daily BMs but still keep them soft. I didn't get much info from doctor really, all I am doing is getting info from internet.
First BM is going to be painful I understand, what would be the best strategy to reduce the pain. I already use warm baths after BMs as I have fissure as well and it helps, so I will do that, and hopefully it will be around when I take paracetamol and ibuprofen. I was thinking to also ask for diltiazem cream(local anaesthetic) to put before and after BM, but not sure if that constipates?
I am buying heating pad to help post BM as well. Some suggest to walk daily just a little bit to pour more blood down there for faster recovery, and others say they can't get up from bed. What is the suggestion here?
That's all info I have so far, but I'll call a doctor office tomorrow to get as much info as possible. At pre-assessment they didn't really tell me much.
submitted by Iamnotbaldatall to hemorrhoid [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:32 pinksparklebird I feel exhausted and unable to try again

I am lifelong morbidly obese and basically have a 30 year history of trying to get a grip of this through diet and exercise. I have succeeded at times in losing a chunk of weight, but always end up regaining it. I was actually booked in last year to have gastric bypass, but unfortunately 3 weeks beforehand they found a brain tumour on an MRI, and I had to have that removed instead, resulting in me being off work for 8 weeks. Gastric Bypass is not currently an option anymore as I have exhausted all my paid sick leave from work.
My issue has been that I now seem to be utterly incapable of sticking to any sort of healthy eating plan - no matter what it is. I've retried WW, Keto and Calorie counting, and each time, I crack after a couple of days max and just give in to the urge to eat crap. I'm gaining weight like crazy, and I feel like a beast has been unleashed.
To add to the problem, since my surgery I have been so breathless and feel like what little physical fitness I had has been lost - I was doing a lot of open water swimming pre-surgery, but now I'm unable to drive for 6 months and can't get to the lake anymore. I also have a longstanding back issue which was made worse from the immobility after surgery - so while 6 months of no driving sounds like it should kickstart my exercise, in reality my back pain makes walking really really painful after only a couple of minutes.
The best way I can describe it is that my brain just seems to be exhausted from multiple previous efforts to lose weight over the years, and feels utterly bored at the thought of trying again, counting calories, watching what I eat, all of it. I just cannot seem to muster any willpower anymore.
Anyone got any suggestions?
submitted by pinksparklebird to SuperMorbidlyObese [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:31 AbbreviationsSad474 I am 34 yrs and got detected with a 7cm cyst abutting my left ovary and a 1cm uterine fibroid...doc advised surgery...and I am scared...

Was told I need surgery , waiting on an MRI currently. I am super scared of surgery and would like to avoid it if possible. My gynaecologist thinks the cyst is complex (small papillary something) . My symptoms were heavy and painful periods for past few months. She suggested hysterescopy for fibroid and laparoscopy for ovarian cystectomy. I am also waiting on an appointment for a 2nd opinion. I am hoping on some kind words and experiences if anyone resolved an issue like this non surgically? If you did get surgery, what was your recovery like ? Was the issue recurrent ? Side effects for the future ? Any words of encouragement is welcome.
I have been crying my eyes out to my spouse, I have low pain tolerance and hate bodily discomfort. I am scared of surgery , like I will go under anesthesia and never awaken. I have all these consuming thoughts. But I am grateful I have insurance to cover the surgery and family support.
Of course I will listen to my doctor, so pls don't judge me for asking the question here. I just want to like speak to someone and this community has been ever so helpful.
Ps : Not planning on a baby for atleast 2 years
submitted by AbbreviationsSad474 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:31 Canary_Outrageous AIO for still being upset about our disaster vacation?

I (24M) and my wife, Zoe (23F) have been together 8 years and married about 6 months. We went on a vacation with 3 of her friends to the beach.
  1. They booked the AirBNB without asking me before hand if I could get off work or not. Zoe told me a few hours after they booked it and I had to use every single day of PTO. (Ive just went full time and started building up my PTO). I also got mad because we never discussed how much it would cost or anything. I’m the main income source as she’s still in college. I got pretty upset with Zoe because she could have at least discussed it with me before pulling the trigger. When we got home she said don’t worry she’ll pay for it. We live in the same house. There’s no difference in pulling the money from my account or her account because either way it’s taking away from our savings.
  2. About a week before we left, Zoe and another friend, I’ll call him Tyler, were at the house and they kept talking about their playlist. Apparently they had made a beach playlist and made it a point to tell me that I wasn’t going to be added to it. They both agreed that they don’t want my music on there (I’m a rock fan and they like pop, rap, etc). I was like well alright then. All we listened to was that playlist for the entire 6 hour ride there, throughout the whole trip, and the 6 hour ride back. I finally just put my AirPods in on the ride home because I was just over it. It wasn’t even that all the music was bad but it really pissed me off that Tyler told me “if you have a song you can tell me and I might add it.”
  3. I have degenerative disc disease. I have already had one neck surgery and am in the process of getting my next one scheduled. Without going into detail it’s pretty painful. I can’t turn my head or lift my arm. I am constantly trying to stretch and move it to keep the pain from getting worse. Zoe is WELL aware of how miserable it can get. Well she decided to wait until the night of to tell me we were all riding in 1 car. A small car. I had assumed that we would take the other 2 friends cars because that’s what they had discussed previously. Instead I had to ride in the backseat, unable to move, for 6. Hours. I squalled like a bitch when we finally got there because that shit was hurting. I ended up just staying in bed for most of the first day because it hurt to move. When I confronted Zoe she said she was sorry that she didn’t think riding like that would bother me.
  4. The second day I sucked it up and decided if I was going to be miserable, I could at least be miserable on the beach. Well everyone had some drinks and we were all a little tipsy by the time we got back. 3 of us fell asleep and I was the only one they chose not to wake up because they figured I needed the sleep. Well they all got dressed and went out to dinner, shopping, etc. I woke up confused and Zoe then told me they had left. Zoe said they were going to come pick us up and we could go play putt putt or something and I said okay that sounds fun. I got completely dressed, shoes on, teeth brushed, ready to go. They were all sitting on the couch with the TV on and said yeah I think we’re just gonna finish this movie. I was like are you serious. I ended up grabbing my cooler, chair, and speaker and went to the beach.
  5. I had asked the entire time if we could ride go carts. Call me a man child but they are my absolute favorite to do. They wanted to get up and go to this coffee shop (I don’t drink coffee) and I was like yeah sure we can do that. We had went to all the restaurants they wanted. I thought surely they won’t mind a few rounds of go carts since we had done all the stuff they wanted to do. We got there and the group didn’t want to do it. I had already bought 3 rides for Zoe and I. They could have just told me they didn’t want to beforehand. Instead Zoe and I rode and she only did it so I wouldn’t ride alone.
So it’s been a week and I’m still very upset about the whole thing. Zoe thinks it’s ridiculous that I’m still hung up on it. I don’t know why but it really bugs me how it all went down.
submitted by Canary_Outrageous to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:29 hamil26 Angry

The more post I read about gabapentin and all the horrific side effects. I get even more angry at the medical community! my God why isn’t there a medicine that helps us without such horrible side effects???!!!??? I think it’s disgusting the way we are treated when we have pain and numbness. Totally dismissive here take this pill. Disregard the side effects. No absolutely not!!! I don’t know what the answer is. I wish I did my feet and my legs right up to my knees are numb and weak! I’ve tried changing my diet no grains no sugar carnivore I’ve tried it all. Food does not factor into this pain! at least not for me. If anybody has any idea of what kind of medicine to take for this numbness and leg pain and leg weakness without affecting our mind and weight gain, let me know …. And no weed and or CBD doesn’t help
submitted by hamil26 to gabapentin [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:24 AbbreviationsSad474 I am 34 yrs and got detected with a 7cm ovarian cyst abutting left ovary and a 1cm uterine fibroid

Was told I need surgery , waiting on an MRI currently. I am super scared of surgery and would like to avoid it if possible. My gynaecologist thinks the cyst is complex (small papillary something) . My symptoms were heavy and painful periods for past few months. She suggested hysterescopy for fibroid and laparoscopy for ovarian cystectomy. I am also waiting on an appointment for a 2nd opinion. I am hoping on some kind words and experiences if anyone resolved an issue like this non surgically? If you did get surgery, what was your recovery like ? Was the issue recurrent ? Side effects for the future ? Any words of encouragement is welcome.
I have been crying my eyes out to my spouse, I have low pain tolerance and hate bodily discomfort. I am scared of surgery , like I will go under anesthesia and never awaken. I have all these consuming thoughts. But I am grateful I have insurance to cover the surgery and family support.
Of course I will listen to my doctor, so pls don't judge me for asking the question here. I just want to like speak to someone and this community has been ever so helpful.
Ps : Not planning on a baby for atleast 2 years pps : I m in Mumbai, if it helps
submitted by AbbreviationsSad474 to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:23 Automatic-Maybe8207 Hysterectomy follow up

Hysterectomy follow up
She literally has been drinking ketones since she woke up from surgery. Barely was able to eat avocado toast but is drinking ketones three times a day. I wonder why she has gas pain ……
submitted by Automatic-Maybe8207 to PruvitHunsExposed [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:21 Dolida_ I feel like I’m dying

Not sure where to start but I guess for reference I’m nearly 4 years post op September 16,2020 was my surgery and whilst I had some complications shortly after I have never really regretted because it gave me to a certain extent the reigns to my life back, I am going through some pretty tumultuous things in my personal life and so I’m sure stress is not aiding but I am severely lethargic and constantly dealing with lower back pain, recently been having out of this world pain in my teeth. I’ve attempted adding magnesium supplements as well as b12 vitamins to see if that would help with energy levels I’m concerned that I could potentially have low iron levels or something I just can’t explain why I’m feeling so down this far out.
submitted by Dolida_ to GastricBypass [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:21 Sunny_beets Just over 1 month post op…

Hello all you beautiful people,
I had my surgery April 17th and ended up with a hematoma in the right breast. Left side is healing beautifully (that was the much larger breast). My right side is far more swollen and the nipple is a little puckered, which I’m not terribly concerned about. My issue is the increasing discomfort on the right side. I feel sore around the side, under my right arm (not the axilla) and in my ribs. It radiates down my back at times and gives me an ‘ouch’ when I breathe deeply. I had to give up a new job because there’s no way I can do any physical labor.
I just saw the doctor for my one month post op. I should have said something but I thought it was part of the healing process. It’s definitely worse now. I plan to call tomorrow but want to ask, is this typical? It’s not painful painful, maybe around a 3 most of the time.
submitted by Sunny_beets to Reduction [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:17 GoodAs--_Gold Castor Oil and Keto Diet

I’m wondering if anyone has found a reduction in pain and/or increased mobility using either of these?
I was diagnosed with lymphedema and my PT said she suspects lipedema. My research and symptoms seem to mean that is correct, but I will not be able to afford a surgery any time soon and she harshly denies that it would do me any good.
I’m exploring options, but for now I saw some research keto could help. And i often use castor oil for my abdominal adhesions from endometriosis. I as wondering if the castor oil my loosen up some of the tissue & if together with keto, it might help fight inflammation and help me move better.
I have suffered from chronic illness and pain nearly my whole life and I am not even 40 yet. I am exhausted. I have a tactile pump and compression stockings at the moment.
Thank you for your thoughts!
submitted by GoodAs--_Gold to lipedema [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:16 JohannWolfenstein LOVE ENDURED.

Cursing at
29.02.1984 - 19.05.2024 46th Cycle
submitted by JohannWolfenstein to u/JohannWolfenstein [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:15 Fuckingplasticbag itching/irritation post yeast infection??

So, last Sunday I started experiencing some crazy burning and itchiness in my genitals, both inside the vagina and out. I was really uncomfortable siting but at the same time i didn't have any unusual discharge, so I thought it couldn't be yeast infection.
By Monday night the burning had gotten so bad and painful that i booked appointment with a gynecologist for Wednesday. Wednesday comes, I visit the gynecologist and he says it's yeast, prescribes me oral Itraconazole for 3 days. He also says my infection is already subsiding and even without medicine I would be okay in 3/4 days. I take purchase the medicine right after the visit, take the first one and felt immense relief after only like 30 minutes. I finish the medicine Friday and here comes the issue...
Though it's not nearly as painful as it was before the medicine and the burning has stopped, the itchiness hasn't. I still have the urge to scratch and it's still really itchy. I've read sometimes it takes a few more days for the infection to fully go away or whatever, but I'm nervous/scared.
There's also a certain are of my right labia that is now super painful to touch (google thinks it may be a bartholin cyst but i can't feel a ball and it isn't that swollen, just god awful pain to the touch). I don't know if it's related to the yeast but I'm telling everything just in case.
What do you think is happening????
submitted by Fuckingplasticbag to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:14 AztecTimber What are your signs that a flare is imminent?

I had my first flare last month at the age of 61. Went to doctor on day 3. Because I have no family history of gout and my UA wasn’t outrageous at 6.2 the doctor wants to take a wait and see approach before prescribing Allo. I think it’s perfectly reasonable.
He prescribed me some Colchicine on Day 3 of my left toe drama. (Day 2 was the worst). And after a week the pain was gone.
However I have felt short bursts of pain every once in a while. Like two seconds then nothing.
I do have plenty of Colchicine left, but I don’t want to use them unnecessarily.
So my question is. How do you know when you’re getting a flare? Is it a twinge or do you wait for constant pain before you reach for the Aleve or Colchicine?
I will say I was definitely not in tune with my body and my one and only flare just appeared one morning. On my birthday no less. Had I had colchicine that early morning maybe it would have relieved it quicker?
Anyway. Thanks to the mods!! Love this board and learned so much reading the AMAs on here.
submitted by AztecTimber to gout [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:12 bulgarianass Prolozone Injection Pain Relief

I was diagnosed with a cam-type femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and multi quadrant labral tear. I've been dealing with hip/groin/buttocks pain for months. The way I've tried to handle it is by doing PT and prescribed NSAIDs.
Sadly the pain continued and I was desperate because I wanted to lose some weight pre-surgery. I'm convinced that the only way to fix the problem (shaving the bone and repairing the labrum) is via surgery, but before getting to that point I at least wanted to see if there was anything I could do to alleviate the constant pain.
I was reading some of the previous posts here and noticed others had great results when it came to pain relief using Prolozone. Well, I went for it three days ago and each day I've felt better and better. Of course, I do have to give it some time to see if the relief is short-lived but according to others here, it could last. My hope is to use this gift of pain-free living to get in shape and get prepped for surgery to fix the underlying problem.
One thing I must mention, Prolozone therapy is becoming rare and I had to spend $500 for the shot at a clinic two hours away from where I live, and I live in a big city in the United States.
Happy to answer any questions regarding my experience and please share your experience with Prolozone.
submitted by bulgarianass to HipImpingement [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:10 rahulshariff Prostate Worries? Feeling the Effects of Age on Your Prostate? The Secret Weapon to Good Prostrate Health

Prostate Worries? Feeling the Effects of Age on Your Prostate? The Secret Weapon to Good Prostrate Health
Prostate Worries? Feeling the Effects of Age on Your Prostate? The Secret Weapon to Good Prostrate Health
Image Credit: Pexels
Prostrate Problems – A Comprehensive Guide for Men's Health
The prostate gland is a walnut-sized organ. The organ is the male reproductive system and helps in sexual function and urination. With age, the prostate undergoes changes that lead to various health concerns. This informative guide explores the most common prostate problems, empowering you with knowledge and promoting early detection and treatment.
Understanding the Prostate
The prostate gland is below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. A healthy prostate is essential for male fertility and urinary control.
Common Prostate Problems
Many men experience prostate problems as they age. Here's a closer look at the three most frequent issues:
  1. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
BPH, or enlarged prostate, occurs when the prostate gland grows more significant than usual. It causes several bothersome symptoms, including:
  • Frequent urination, especially at night
  • Difficulty starting urination
  • Weak urine stream
  • Urgent need to urinate
  • A feeling of incomplete bladder emptying
  • Dribbling after urination
Causes and Risk Factors
The exact cause of BPH is unknown, but it's believed to be linked to changes in hormone levels as men age. Here are some factors that increase the risk of BPH:
  • Age: The risk increases significantly after 50.
  • Family History: Having a close relative with BPH increases your risk.
  • Lifestyle: Obesity and lack of exercise may contribute to BPH.
Early diagnosis of BPH is crucial for effective management. Diagnosis typically involves:
  • Digital Rectal Exam (DRE): A doctor feels the prostate for enlargement or abnormalities.
  • PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen) Test: This blood test measures PSA levels, which can be elevated in BPH or prostate cancer. It's important to note that a high PSA doesn't necessarily mean cancer.
  • Uroflowmetry: The test measures the rate and volume of urine flow.
Treatment for BPH depends on how severe the symptoms are. Here are some options:
  • Watchful Waiting: If symptoms are mild, monitoring may be sufficient.
  • Medication: Medications can relax the prostate muscles or shrink its size.
  • Minimally Invasive Procedures: These procedures use heat or steam to destroy prostate tissue.
  • Surgery: Surgery becomes necessary in severe cases to remove some prostate tissue.
  1. Prostatitis
Prostatitis occurs due to inflammation of the prostate gland. The inflammation causes discomfort with symptoms like:
  • Burning sensation during urination
  • Frequent urination, especially at night
  • Pelvic pain
  • Pain in the groin, testicles, or lower back
  • Difficulty starting or stopping urination
  • Painful ejaculation
Types of Prostatitis
There are three main types of prostatitis:
  1. Acute Bacterial Prostatitis is the least common type, causing sudden and severe symptoms. It requires immediate antibiotic treatment.
  2. Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis: This type involves recurring bacterial infections. Treatment involves long-term antibiotic therapy.
  3. Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome/Chronic Prostatitis/(CPPS/CP): This is the most common type, and the cause is often unknown. Symptoms may be constant or come and go. Treatment focuses on pain management.
Causes and Risk Factors
The causes of prostatitis vary depending on the type. Here are some potential contributing factors:
  • Bacterial infection
  • Nerve damage
  • Muscle tension in the pelvic floor
  • Unknown factors (CP/CPPS)
Diagnosis of prostatitis often involves:
  • Urinalysis and urine culture to detect infection
  • Digital rectal exam
  • Prostate massage (not always performed)
Treatment for prostatitis depends on the type. Here are common approaches:
  • Antibiotics: For bacterial prostatitis.
  • Pain medication: To manage discomfort.
  • Alpha-blockers: To relax prostate muscles and improve urine flow.
  • Lifestyle changes: Reducing stress and avoiding irritants in the diet may help.
  1. Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is common among men and is second only to skin cancer. It's generally slow-growing, and early detection is crucial for successful treatment.
You will often find no symptoms in the early stages. In later stages, it may cause:
  • Blood in the urine
  • Difficulty starting or stopping urination
  • Weak urine stream
  • Frequent urination, especially at night
  • Bone pain (especially in the hips, lower back, and thighs)
  • Pain during ejaculation
Risk Factors
Several factors increase the risk of prostate cancer, including:
  • Age: The risk increases significantly after 50.
  • Family history: If you have a family member with prostate cancer, it substantially increases your risk.
  • Obesity: Men with excess weight are at higher risk.
  • Diet: A diet high in red meat and processed foods may increase risk.
Early Detection
Early detection of prostate cancer ensures successful treatment. While the PSA test is commonly used, it could be more foolproof. Here are two critical methods for early detection:
  1. PSA Test: A blood test that measures prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels. An elevated PSA can indicate cancer, but it can also be caused by BPH or inflammation.
  2. Digital Rectal Exam (DRE): A doctor feels the prostate for enlargement or abnormalities.
If a PSA test or DRE raises concerns, further tests may be needed, including:
  • Biopsy: A small sample of prostate tissue gets removed and examined for cancer cells.
  • Imaging Tests: Imaging tests like MRI scans can help determine the extent of cancer if present.
Treatment for prostate cancer will depend on different factors. The factors include the cancer's stage and aggressiveness. Some common approaches include:
  • Surgery: This may involve removing the entire prostate gland or nearby lymph nodes.
  • Radiation Therapy: High-energy radiation therapy kills cancer cells.
  • Hormone Therapy: The treatment shrinks the prostate or slows cancer growth.
  • Active Surveillance: This involves monitoring the cancer closely without immediate treatment.
Maintaining Prostate Health
While there's no guaranteed way to prevent prostate problems, some lifestyle choices may help:
  • Diet: A diet of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains helps prevent cancer. Limit red meat and processed foods.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity improves overall health. It reduces the risk of prostate problems.
  • Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight to lower your risk of BPH and prostate cancer.
  • Stress Management: Chronic stress can worsen prostate symptoms. Yoga and meditation help manage stress.
  • Regular Checkups: Schedule regular checkups for prostate exams and discuss your risk factors.
Prostate problems are a common concern for men as they age. By understanding the different types, their symptoms, and risk factors, you ensure good health. Early detection and treatment help manage prostate problems effectively.
Don't hesitate to discuss any concerns with your doctor. Taking charge of your prostate health is crucial towards a healthy and fulfilling life.
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submitted by rahulshariff to u/rahulshariff [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 19:09 laketrex Post FRA pain

Hello, I had an RFA (burning of the nerves) done last Tuesday late afternoon. Tuesday wed and most of Thursday weren’t bad at all just needed my meds and ice and take it easy Friday was worse and I’m like well maybe it’s normal (it gets worse before it gets better type deal) Saturday about the same as Friday till the evening it got really bad. Went to bed early to try and sleep it off kept waking up. Woke up today Sunday a lot earlier than normal to use the restroom and it was pretty difficult. (Not going just going to the bathroom sitting ect) I’m still having it pretty hard with very little relief took everything I have on hand lyrica, norco, muscle relaxer Tylenol and it’s barely touched it. I wouldn’t say it feels like a sun burn just a super deep ache with limited mobility. I don’t think it’s infected because no fever and no “feeling” like I have a fever. I’ve had a post surgical infection in the past so I know what that’s like.
My question is, is this normal? Should worry? If you been though it when does the pain stop. I was told it’s a 10-14 day recovery I’m at day 5 or 6 depending on if you found the day of surgery.
submitted by laketrex to ChronicPain [link] [comments]