Actors in the e-surance commercials

Orange is the New Black

2013.06.06 18:44 likwitsnake Orange is the New Black

The subreddit for all your Orange is The New Black Discussion! The show was created by Jenji Kohan when it premiered in 2013 by Netflix.

2010.06.22 08:45 JustinPA Izmir

Izmir is a city on Turkey’s Aegean coast. Known as Smyrna in antiquity, it was conquered by Alexander the Great and the Ottoman Empire, and retains landmarks from its long, rich history. Kemeraltı, the traditional bazaar district, is home to the Kızlarağası Han, a market in a restored inn, and Hisar Mosque, dating to the 1500s.

2013.05.22 23:35 drumcowski AccidentalComedy

AccidentalComedy - Anything that is unintentionally funny.

2024.06.01 09:54 exsaphhi Zimbabwe and New Caledonia are the point (and why that’s not what is happening here)

The more conspiracist someone in New Zealand is, the more likely they are to bring up Zimbabwe. I know that because I have a cooker in my family, and by god, you’d think the place was his home country for the amount he talks about it. But it’s become a real conspiracy for the right, and an angle from verified bad actor accounts that was modded out of this sub at our beginning.
And the reason why there’s a direct correlation between conspiracists and Zimbabwe stans is that you can’t help but notice their fears of history repeating fall apart somewhat when you actually look into it. For a start, you can blame one person for the deaths and economic devastation caused by Mugabe, and that Tony Blair, because he kicked the whole thing off when he walked back Thatcher’s promise of 50% of the compensation for white landowners. Thatcher did like one decent thing and Blair came in and messed it up. Not without context. But through its entire history, it is the UK’s choices and the choices of her colonial government there that spur change and negative outcomes in Zimbabwe.
Zimbabwe was first thought to be mineral rich at its early 1890 settlement, and a lot of money was put into getting prospectors to Southern Rhodesia. When this return didn’t eventuate, land was given to the settlers instead in hope their farming could become productive enough to cover the settlements continuing administrative costs. By 1986 they had distributed 16 million hectares, a sixth of Southern Rhodesia, and by 1917, this was up to 21.5 million hectares. However, this expanse of farming would cause friction of land rights and grazing rights with the two resident groups already living there. Cattle in the region expanded from about 60 000, owned mostly by the preexisting Ndebele and Shona peoples, to up to 2 million split evenly between both groups, leading to overgrazing and land competition.
The solution in the 1930s by the colonial government was a segregated land distribution method split into five parts, with the best 3/5 being reserved for white owners and the much more unusable remainder of the land being split amongst black land owners — despite them being greater in number than white people. White people had so much productive land they literally couldn’t farm it all, while the remaining Tribal Trust land was still being overfarmed, forcing black Rhodesians to seek work in cities and the colonial government to introduce forced destocking measures (sell or slaughter excess animals), as well as putting aside 7.2 million more acres for native farmers to purchase.
The 50s saw attempts at redistribution that ultimately failed and authority for this would then be vested the traditional tribal leaders.
The beginning of the 60s were an attempt to introduce a semblance of actual land parity, splitting the land 50/50 with whites and blacks — unfortunately this didn’t work very well because black people greatly outnumbered white people, and the fertile land was still just given to whites. Abuses of the system also saw white people legally shift their boundaries to claim black land resulting in evictions that would create Nationalist sympathies leading to the following war.
60s-70s was the Rhodesian Bush War between three groups, one of them being the colonial government, and resulting in Mugabe taking power. He was left juggling the land issue along with the cohesion of his new coalition. Farmer workers had fled to cities during the fighting and been organised into guarded settlements following state suppression of armed conflicts. More land was made available to purchase by people of any race, and then race-based ownership was abolished completely in 1979. Despite this, white farmers owned 73% of fertile land and contributed 80% of agricultural output.
Under a doctrine of willing buyer, willing seller for at least ten years, the US and the UK agreed to finance part of the redistribution costs, and Southern Rhodesia was recognised as finally-independent Zimbabwe. However, land inequality and erosion of black land due to forced overfarming continued, but white-owned commercial farms were reduced by about 20% by 1987, and progress was continued into the 90s. However corruption issues began to emerge with land and leases going to Mugabe’s family and political associates as well as other powerful people. Donor and investor states became concerned with who was benefitting, heightened when Mugabe took powers to supersede the courts. He held that land was a political matter only, not judicial.
British opinion in funding this programme would deteriorate, until the Short and the then-Labour government would deny their obligation to support the redistribution programme.
I should make it clear that we do not accept that Britain has a special responsibility to meet the costs of land purchase in Zimbabwe. We are a new government from diverse backgrounds without links to former colonial interests. My own origins are Irish and, as you know, we were colonised, not colonisers.
In June 1998, the Zimbabwe government published its "policy framework" on the Land Reform and Resettlement Programme Phase II (LRRP II), which envisaged the compulsory purchase over five years of 50,000 square kilometres from the 112,000 square kilometres owned by white commercial farmers, public corporations, churches, non-governmental organisations and multinational companies. Broken down, the 50,000 square kilometres meant that every year between 1998 and 2003, the government intended to purchase 10,000 square kilometres for redistribution.
In September 1998, the government called a donors conference in Harare on LRRP II to inform the donor community and involve them in the program: Forty-eight countries and international organisations attended and unanimously endorsed the land program, saying it was essential for poverty reduction, political stability and economic growth. They agreed that the inception phase, covering the first 24 months, should start immediately, particularly appreciating the political imperative and urgency of the proposal.
The Commercial Farmers Union freely offered to sell the government 15,000 square kilometres for redistribution, but landowners once again dragged their feet. In response to moves by the National Constitutional Assembly, a group of academics, trade unionists and other political activists, the government drafted a new constitution. The draft was discussed widely by the public in formal meetings and amended to include restrictions on presidential powers, limits to the presidential term of office, and an age limit of 70 for presidential candidates. This was not seen as a suitable outcome for the government, so the proposals were amended to replace those clauses with one to compulsorily acquire land for redistribution without compensation. The opposition mostly boycotted the drafting stage of the constitution claiming that this new version was to entrench Mugabe politically.
Guerrilla veterans of the Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army (ZANLA) and Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army (ZIPRA) began to emerge as a radical force in the land issue around this time. The guerrillas forcefully presented their position that white-owned land in Zimbabwe was rightfully theirs, on account of promises made to them during the Rhodesian Bush War. Calls for accelerated land reform were also echoed by an affluent urban class of black Zimbabweans who were interested in making inroads into commercial farming, with public assistance.
The government held a referendum on the new constitution on 12–13 February 2000, despite having a sufficiently large majority in parliament to pass any amendment it wished. Had it been approved, the new constitution would have empowered the government to acquire land compulsorily without compensation. Despite vast support in the media, the new constitution was defeated, 55% to 45%.
In response, a pro-Mugabe group marched on white owned farms, forcing them and their usually-black workers off their farms without compensation. In the subsequent years of land confiscation, several farm owners and more workers would be killed.
Some of this land ended up under the control of Mugabe and other politicians, however by 2011, 238,000 households had been apportioned from 10 million hectares of land, an improvement of 3.5 million over the 20 years up until 1998. In 2019, white Zimbabwean farmers accepted $17 million USD in compensation, and in 2020 the Zimbabwe government would commit to paying back a further 3.5 billion.
How does this relate to New Zealand?
Well let’s start with the obvious: land distribution issues do not go away because you want them to, nor will democracy protect you from it if you shit on the people you took the land from. Zimbabwe happened because landowners dragged their feet in every decade for a century, and a radicalised political faction springing from this injustice decided legal methods were not the way to go. By the time people were willing to come to the table to resolve it, they were a good fifty behind when they should have and it was too late.
Secondly, picking and choosing what you give back doesn’t work if you’re still just fucking over the tribes you’re giving stuff to to advantage yourself. If you say, give someone a couple of million dollars of value in exchange for the entire canterbury and otago regions, they may decide in 30 years time that wasn’t a very fair deal. And they’re probably right.
Thirdly, black people are not doing well right now in Zimbabwe and neither are white people. But the black people already weren’t doing well. You may look at Zimbabwe and say, well they’ve screwed over their own economy there. But they didn’t. They screwed over the white economy that too many of them already weren’t benefitting from. You see the stability a strong economy gives you and think that other people are benefitting too; Zimbabwe did get a lot out of their land in the 1900s due to colonial investment. But it didn’t benefit all people, and the failure to lift everyone in the rising tide sunk ALL the ships.
The Treaty idea of Partnership is the compromise. Giving back tiny bits of land and small change is the baby steps. Start taking us backwards and you’ll make Maori realise just how shortchanged they’ve been, and the natural result of that is not that they go away, it’s that they start demanding more.
But the level of disenfranchisement, of disrespect, of disempowerment does have to reach a much more egregious level than the situation we have here to result in widespread violence. Six months of Shane Jones does not a civil war make. It is a long, long process to get to a point where a country is that divided, and a lot of legitimate legal, political, and negotiating instruments have to fail. There is also a certain level of disinvestment people have to feel in the overall system to throw what they have away — there’s a reason socialist revolutions don’t come from peaceful, placated societies, even the ones educated enough to know there is something wrong. So therefore, progress must be made gradually through peace and cooperation, because unilateral force always has lasting negative consequences. Attempts to forge ahead with reform despite unhappiness of particular groups, even when legally decided will work out worse for everyone.
There are going to be a million opportunities to turn this ship around. This relationship is nowhere near beyond repair, even between this government and iwi. If Luxon had a spine, he would sit down with them and promise to reverse course, and probably send us all back to the polls as a result. He won’t. But I’m pretty confident he won’t win the next election either, whenever it is, and this country isn’t nearly so divided enough to split down the middle along race grounds, no matter what Seymour wants. But to unify, to meet in the middle, you have to stop considering what you think is fair and start hearing what the other group wants and why.
Otherwise we’re just letting corrupt politicians make land grabs while they cut us in half.
submitted by exsaphhi to nzpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 08:16 Odd_Instruction_1680 Download House of Lies 2024 Hindi Movie free only on

House of Lies (2024) is an upcoming Hindi thriller film that has generated significant buzz in the Indian film industry. Directed by the talented filmmaker Raj Mehta, known for his unique storytelling style and knack for creating suspenseful narratives, the movie promises to be a gripping experience for the audience.


The film revolves around a seemingly perfect family that becomes entangled in a web of deception and secrets. The story follows the lives of the protagonists as they navigate through layers of lies and deceit, uncovering dark truths about each other and their pasts. The central theme of the movie explores the impact of lies on relationships and the lengths to which individuals will go to protect their secrets.


The ensemble cast features some of Bollywood's most renowned actors:

Direction and Production

Raj Mehta, known for his successful films like "Good Newwz" and "Jug Jugg Jeeyo," brings his expertise in handling complex narratives and character-driven stories to "House of Lies." The film is produced by Dharma Productions, a studio synonymous with high-quality cinema and commercial success. The production values are expected to be top-notch, with meticulous attention to detail in both the storytelling and visual presentation.


The music for "House of Lies" is composed by the acclaimed duo Vishal-Shekhar, who have a track record of delivering hit soundtracks. The film’s score is expected to complement the suspenseful and dramatic tone of the movie, enhancing the overall viewing experience.
submitted by Odd_Instruction_1680 to u/Odd_Instruction_1680 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:05 badlydrawnzombie Radio Station Mystery

I am hoping somebody might be able to help me out a bit, I've tried googling this and I've come up empty. Anyway, I've been working at my sister's house out near House Mountain the past few weeks and while I've been out there we've been listening to a radio station on an old boombox they have. The dial on the boombox is analog, so I can't tell the exact station, but it's an FM station between 90-92. I can't pick it up in my car because my radio won't let me tune individually by digit. I've searched all of the FM stations listed for Knoxville and it's definitely not WUOT, Fulton, or the gospel station listed out of Newport. They play a random mix of classic country, mixed with some old 40s and 50s songs, but then they will throw in Jimmy Buffet, reggae songs, and the Eagles. It's just an odd eclectic mix and they never have any commercials. Well that's not true, they do have commercials, but they are like old timey ads from the 50s with voice actors reading scripts for products that don't seem to exist when I google them. Wamco Face sanitizer and rotary sanders, Rascal perfume "put a little rascal behind your ear for her tonight." They did have an ad today that was advertising the chance to win a spot in Star Wars. They have no call sign. Nobody ever talks except for these weird old fake ads. I can't pick this station up anywhere else. I'm half convinced it's a ghost channel. Anyway, I'm hoping somebody with a bit more radio information could point me the right direction so that I could send these people a few bucks. They're keeping me entertained.
submitted by badlydrawnzombie to Knoxville [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:12 NeedleworkerFunny997 How to be in promotional videos for Disney Parks? Please help

Hi, so I was wondering how I can be in promotional videos for the parks. I was thinking about this since Tiana’s Bayou Adventure is opening June 28th and I know Disney has done in the past an opening day montage video with the first people riding the ride or just ride footage to have in their commercials. So how can I be in one? Do have I have to be there day 1 opening day, do have to be at the AP previews? Or do I sadly have to be a registered actor to be in one? Please let me know I want to be on TV or YouTube. Also, do you have to sign a contract or NDA if you get into the video, or do you just have to be lucky?
submitted by NeedleworkerFunny997 to disneyparks [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:35 ErniePantuzo Basic/noob preinstall Tailscale/VPN questions

My limited understanding of VPNs is that you can use them to a) obfuscate your traffic so you can anonymously download (ahem Linux ISO) torrents, b) use them to make it look like your computestreaming device is in the US when it’s actually in some other country, and c) securely access your homelab server from outside the home. I’m going to want to do all these things so…
Question 1 - does any VPN I can install (e.g. Tailscale/m or OpenVPN) address all 3 of these use cases? Or do I still need a commercial VPN (eg Nord/Proton)?
I’m currently using a Cloudflare tunnel to not only securely access my self-hosted services but also to host public-facing websites. I feel like I’m pretty secure (i.e. from hackers/bad actors/malware - but also from snooping by my ISP) using this setup but at some point, I’m going to want to do streaming from a Jellyfin server as well as *arr downloads of Linux ISOs - and I know that violates Cloudflare’s ToS so I’m looking toward setting up a VPN in pfSense to handle these use cases…
Question 2 - is Tailscale as secure (i.e. from hackers) as a Cloudflare tunnel? Or will I need to take extreme hardening measures?
It seems fairly clear that Tailscale will allow me to securely/privately access my NextCloud data (once I get that setup) but…
Question 3 - If I setup a VPN so that I can access my servers/data - and no one else can - what do I do when I want someone else (but only certain people) to have access (e.g. share a file in NextCloud or give friends access to my media library)?
Question 4-7 - And what about my web servers that I want to allow the public to access? Do I need to keep those servers outside/separate from Tailscale? Maybe in a DMZ?
submitted by ErniePantuzo to Tailscale [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:50 ErniePantuzo Basic/noob preinstall Tailscale/VPN questions

My limited understanding of VPNs is that you can use them to a) obfuscate your traffic so you can anonymously download (ahem Linux ISO) torrents, b) use them to make it look like your computestreaming device is in the US when it’s actually in some other country, and c) securely access your homelab server from outside the home. I’m going to want to do all these things so…
Question 1 - does any VPN I can install (e.g. Tailscale/OpenVPN) address all 3 of these use cases? Or do I still need a commercial VPN (eg Nord/Proton)?
I’m currently using a Cloudflare tunnel to not only securely access my self-hosted services but also to host public-facing websites. I feel like I’m pretty secure (i.e. from hackers/bad actors/malware - but also from snooping by my ISP) using this setup but at some point, I’m going to want to do streaming from a Jellyfin server as well as *arr downloads of Linux ISOs - and I know that violates Cloudflare’s ToS so I’m looking toward setting up a VPN in pfSense to handle these use cases…
Question 2 - is Tailscale/OpenVPN as secure (i.e. from hackers) as a Cloudflare tunnel? Or will I need to take extreme hardening measures?
It seems fairly clear that Tailscale/OpenVPN will allow me to securely/privately access my NextCloud data (once I get that setup) but…
Question 3 - If I setup a VPN so that I can access my servers/data - and no one else can - what do I do when I want someone else (but only certain people) to have access (e.g. share a file in NextCloud or give friends access to my media library)?
Question 4-7 - And what about my web servers that I want to allow the public to access? Do I need to keep those servers outside/separate from Tailscale/OpenVPN? Maybe in a DMZ?
submitted by ErniePantuzo to homelab [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:56 acandynamedsuccess Seeking information about a track from Another Monty Python Record (1971)

Hello everyone!
I am a Film and Media researcher (and Python fan), and I am currently studying a series of records that came out in the US in the 1950s, and that basically were like a karaoke for acting: the records featured dialogue scenes, and only some lines in those dialogues were actually recorded. The people at home would have to fill the blanks by reading their portions of the dialogue while reading from a script.
Now, if this sounds familiar to some of you, it is because of the Be A Great Actor track in the 1971 album Another Monty Python Record.
I have no problem with the idea that the Pythons made fun of Co-Star. In fact, I'd like to believe that, very much. But I find it a difficult proposition, because:
So I would like to ask you: does any of you know if Be A Great Actor was inspired by something specific, maybe closer to the release of the Python's album, or maybe something that was popular in the UK?
Thank you! :)
submitted by acandynamedsuccess to montypython [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 15:04 subredditsummarybot Your weekly /r/VoiceActing roundup for the week of May 24 - May 30, 2024

Friday, May 24 - Thursday, May 30, 2024

Top 10 Posts

score comments title & link
279 46 comments [Advice] New voice actors.... Don't give up!
47 25 comments [Advice] What should I know about hiring / managing Voice Actors?
46 29 comments [Advice] How to get into hentai voice acting?
46 5 comments [Advice] We did it mates!! I got the mic!! Now just need my interface and stand
43 47 comments [Advice] Is it too late for me to get into voice acting?
31 51 comments [Discussion] What are your nightmare words to find in a script?
29 1 comments [Performance Feedback] About as good a Hank Hill impression as I could muster 😂
25 5 comments [PAID work] Dead Gods Podcast - Call for Actors
18 17 comments [Getting Started] advice on gear - I know its not amazing but its what I can afford right now. Good enough?
16 10 comments [Discussion] What's the etiquette around announcing your work?

Top 5 Most Commented

score comments title & link
14 21 comments [Advice] I feel really discouraged and I might quit
11 18 comments [Getting Started] Is Backstage worth paying for?
4 15 comments [Discussion] Do VA's lose teen characters casting with age/Ageism in casting
0 15 comments [Discussion] Gianni Matragrano discuss
1 14 comments [Demo feedback] Judge my Commercial Demo!
submitted by subredditsummarybot to VoiceActing [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:12 OldJupiter Wooden Hydrologic Table and Stairs rising from within the floor.

There was a commercial I remember watching. Have no idea what the company, product, or topic was about. I remember they showed a table and 4 stools rising seamlessly from the floor in multiple shots throughout the commercial. Years were between 2008-2014.
It had moody lighting like an old Mazda Zoom Zoom commercial. I don't remember any actors of any kind being in the commercial. Any insight would be appreciated!
submitted by OldJupiter to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:45 West_Conclusion_1239 Commercial expectations for the new PTA-DiCaprio event film??

Rumored to have a budget of 100 Million.
Billed as an event film to be released on IMAX, shot on Vistavision.
Allegedly a loose adaptation of Thomas Pynchon's Vineland mixed with sci-fi elements inspired by Repo Man (1984).
Apparently the provisional name of the project right now is "Baktan Cross".
DiCaprio's track record in traditional theatrical releases in these last 14 years is absolutely impressive and insane:
Shutter Island (294 Million)
Inception (839 Million)
J. Edgar (85 Million)
Django Unchained (426 Million)
The Great Gatsby (353 Million)
The Wolf Of Wall Street (406 Million)
The Revenant (533 Million)
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood (377 Million)
It will be his first traditional theatrical film since Once Upon A Time In Hollywood and his first in the post-pandemic era, after venturing in the "streaming phase" with Don't Look Up and Killers Of The Flower Moon.
It will be a crucial litmus test for his movie star status and box office drawing power. He may be the biggest movie star in the world.
He managed to make The Revenant a success with over 500 Million. And an hybrid streaming film (available on Apple after only one month) such as Killers Of The Flower Moon made 157 Million worldwide despite being released during the ACTOR'S STRIKE, so absolutely zero promotion from the actors, no press tour, no new interviews, no red carpets and premieres, no important cover magazines, no talk show appearances from the actors, no special roundtables, etc.. and despite being a slowburn 3,5 hour unconventional character study about an horrifically heavy subject matter with a dumb, vile, uncharismatic, and spineless, illiterate coward as the lead character instead of being a more conventional mystery procedure thriller with the sheriff as the lead, and yet it still crossed 150 Million worldwide.
No other actor in the world would have reached those numbers despite all these concomitant limitations, not even Tom Cruise. In normal conditions it may have reached even 250 Million or more.
So, thoughts about the commercial prospects of this one and how much do you it will make??
View Poll
submitted by West_Conclusion_1239 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:17 sanddragon939 Idea for a revival of the Granada Holmes series

Inspired by the discussion we were having on another thread about stories unadapted by the Granada series.
Now, I know this would probably never happen in a million years. I dunno how it would even work rights-wise (I guess ITV could do it since they own Granada now?) I dunno if its even commercially viable.
But we do exist in an era of revivals and 'legacy' shows and movies. So why not this one?
So here's my pitch - a revival of the Granada series with new younger actors cast as Holmes and Watson. This would be subtly positioned as a kind of 'prequel' series, beginning with an adaptation of 'A Study in Scarlet', before proceeding to adapt most (if not all) of the 17 short stories that the original series did not adapt. And of course, 'The Valley of Fear'.
Title? Let's just go back to THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES
Mind you, given the episodic nature of the Holmes stories anyway, its not as though the 'prequel' aspect will in any way be too emphasized or complicated. It'd simply involve casting a younger Holmes and Watson (I'd go with actors in their 30's or early 40's at most - as compared to Brett and Burke/Hardwicke being in their 50's and 60's in the original series). 'A Study in Scarlet' would be set in 1881, and the rest of the season(s) will notionally be set not long after in the early 1880's as well (the original show was, I think, mostly set in the late 1880's and 1890's - ADVENTURES pre-1891, and the remaining seasons post-1894).
And honestly, it will essentially be a standalone show to those who haven't watched the original series - albeit using the iconic theme music of the original show, as well as its iconography and design sense (albeit with superior production values making a subtle difference). Though the actors would, to the extent possible, model their performances against those of Brett and Burke, while still being given some latitude for their own interpretation (since these would be, after all, a 'younger' Holmes and Watson).
I think there's scope to do maybe 2-3 seasons at 6-8 episodes a season - with 'Scarlet' and 'Valley' being done either as feature-length episodes or two-parters.
submitted by sanddragon939 to SherlockHolmes [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:06 SubtleKinks Are the actors on the Life Alert commercial even alive anymore??

Woke up in the middle of the night and there was a Life Alert commercial on. I could’ve sworn it was the exact same commercial from over a decade ago.
If it is the same ad, are the actors even alive? Is Life Alert out here slinging their buttons using dead actors? I mean…I guess that is one way to keep your marketing budget low.
submitted by SubtleKinks to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:50 KxngXavierPrimeX Looking for actors of a horror project

Hello. I'm a niche content creator who's visited this sub various of times since 2022, I once again visit in need of voice actors. The roles will be listed below, and if you are interested, please contact my discord at: thenovaisyourenemy. You may also contact my email at: [](, however I check my emails far less frequently, so if you're interested and have it, Discord might be your best bet.
The roles are: ϐ (Beta): Female, older voice
Ɣ (Gamma): Any voice, preferably older and pastorly sounding
Δ (Delta): Any voice as well, preferably older and newscaster sounding
ε (Epsilon): Any voice as well, preferably older and advertisopastorly sounding (think of a religious commercial or paid programming)
ζ (Zeta): Male or Female, preferably older and casual sounding
η (Eta): Male, preferably older and pastorly sounding
Edit: For the Zeta and Epsilon roles, you'll need some knowledge of Latin. Not anything crazy, just passable pronunciation. Forget to mention it in the OP :P
submitted by KxngXavierPrimeX to RecordThisForFree [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 19:48 Dalbus_Umbledore Open AI reveals ChatGPT used to target Indian Elections

Open AI reveals ChatGPT used to target Indian Elections
TL;DR: OpenAI has actively disrupted five covert influence operations in the past three months. These operations aimed to manipulate public opinion using AI-generated content. **An Israel based entity was caught spreading Anti BJP Pro congress comments and hate on social media.**
Open AI just released information that it has actively disrupted five covert influence operations (IO) over the past three months. These operations attempted to manipulate public opinion using AI-generated content without revealing their true identities.
Activity by a commercial company in Israel called STOIC, because technically we disrupted the activity, not the company. We nicknamed this operation Zero Zeno, for the founder of the stoic school of philosophy. The people behind Zero Zeno used our models to generate articles and comments that were then posted across multiple platforms, notably Instagram, Facebook, X, and websites associated with this operation.
The content posted by these various operations focused on a wide range of issues, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the conflict in Gaza, the Indian elections, politics in Europe and the United States, and criticisms of the Chinese government by Chinese dissidents and foreign governments.
In its detailed report it has pointed out the following:
A commercial company in Israel called STOIC, generating content about the Gaza conflict, and to a lesser extent the Histadrut trade unions organization in Israel and the Indian elections. We have nicknamed this operation “Zero Zeno” for the founder of the stoic school of philosophy, and to reflect the low levels of engagement that its various campaigns attracted.
From the report:
Zero Zeno For-hire Israeli threat actor posting anti-Hamas, anti-Qatar, pro-Israel, anti-BJP, and pro-Histadrut content across the internet Actor :
We banned a cluster of accounts operated from Israel that were being used to generate and edit content for an influence operation that spanned X, Facebook, Instagram, websites, and YouTube. The network was operated by STOIC, a political campaign management firm in Israel. In honor of the founder of the stoic school of philosophy, and to reflect the low levels of engagement that the network attracted, we have nicknamed it “Zero Zeno”. Behavior This operation targeted audiences in Canada, the United States and Israel with content in English and Hebrew. In early May, it began targeting audiences in India with English-language content. It also appears to have been preparing to run a IO campaign targeting audiences in Ghana. The operation used our models to generate web articles and social media comments that were then posted across multiple platforms, notably Instagram, Facebook, and X.
Open-source research in February described this network criticizing the UN relief agency in Palestine, UNRWA. The DFRLab report in March highlighted content that focused on Canada and criticized what the campaign’s posts described as “radical Islamists” there.
A further cluster focused on universities in the United States and accused pro-Palestinian protesters of AI and Covert Influence Operations: Latest Trends 34 promoting antisemitism and terrorism.
A fourth cluster focused on Qatar, portraying its investments in the US as a threat to the American way of life.
A fifth cluster generated social-media posts in Hebrew. These typically praised the Histadrut trade unions organization and its leadership.
Finally, in May, the network began generating comments that focused on India, criticized the ruling BJP party and praised the opposition Congress party. Sometimes, the network appears to have flipped its accounts from one topic to another - for example, accounts which had earlier posted about Canada switching focus to the USA, India or the Histadrut (or more than one of these)
Excerpt From the report
Assuming this is just scratching the surface because this is what was detected.
Seeing there are other LLM models available it is safe to assume that many other activities would be ongoing.
submitted by Dalbus_Umbledore to IndiaSpeaks [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:01 SubstantialTourist99 Here is what happend to TEMU/PDD

Here is what happend to TEMU/PDD
Expert Opinion Q&A
What happened with the rumors about Pinduoduo last night? Can you explain in detail? Indeed, the rumors last night have some truth, approximately 80% accurate, but some aspects were exaggerated. Here's what happened: Temu has been under scrutiny by U.S. Customs since the first quarter of this year, mainly due to issues with some products during the customs clearance process. U.S. Customs conducted strict inspections on Temu's products, particularly technical products such as 3C products. The U.S. side requires these products to provide detailed manuals, certificates of origin, and certification documents, all of which must be in English.
Why did U.S. Customs target Temu? What is the specific operational process? When exporting products to the U.S., Temu typically utilizes the $800 duty-free threshold. To avoid high tariffs, the platform consolidates multiple orders into one large order. For example, for a $50 order, the platform would package 16 such orders into one $800 order. However, when filling out the commercial invoice, many Chinese merchants deliberately understate the amount. For instance, a $200 piece of furniture might be listed as $150 or even less. This practice is commonly accepted in the industry, but this time, U.S. Customs caught it.
What exactly happened in this investigation, and what impact does it have on Pinduoduo? The investigation primarily targeted Temu's customs broker. U.S. Customs unpacked Temu's shipments and found that many orders exceeded the $800 duty-free threshold, so they were all detained. Some of Temu's vessels were also ordered to return, as they could not enter the U.S. market even if they unloaded. To circumvent inspections, Temu started rerouting some shipments from Vietnam to the U.S. since March, but this operation was also discovered by U.S. Customs.
How is Pinduoduo responding to this incident? What measures will be taken in the future? The matter has been handed over to the U.S. legal team. Due to the time difference and geographical distance, the domestic team cannot directly resolve the issue. PDD has authorized the U.S. legal team to negotiate with the customs broker's representatives and related agents. In the future, PDD will place more emphasis on compliance.
What impact does this incident have on Pinduoduo's business? Will there be long-term effects? Currently, this incident has some impact on Temu's business, with some goods being detained and some vessels ordered to return.
How many goods are affected, and are these packages already ordered by customers? Yes, some of the affected packages have been ordered by customers, but most are stock. The stock is mainly to meet future order demand. Although these goods do not have specific customer orders when shipped, Temu has its own warehouses in the U.S. where the stock can be stored and shipped to customers once ordered. This stock includes regular and popular items typically sold by export-oriented trade companies in the U.S. both online and offline.
How are these stock packages handled? Is there any gray area involved? Stock packages are mainly transported to the U.S. by regular shipping methods, which takes about 22 to 23 days on average. If the packages are customer orders, Temu chooses faster shipping methods, which take about 12 days to reach the U.S. Although there is a gray area in declaring stock as sold goods for customs clearance, it is a common practice in the industry. The main issue is that if customs do not allow these packages to enter, Temu will face significant losses.
What is the impact on future orders? The current situation mainly affects orders placed two weeks ago. If the issue is not resolved, future orders will not be able to be shipped to the U.S., as customs' entry denial will result in wasted funds. Therefore, Temu is considering shifting its focus to other markets, such as Europe.
What is Temu's strategy in the European market? Temu has been gradually shifting its focus to the European market since the first quarter of this year. While the U.S. market has always been a key focus, its sales ratio has gradually declined since the end of last year, currently accounting for only 40%. Conversely, the sales ratio in the European market has been steadily increasing, now close to 40%. It is expected that by the third quarter, the European market's sales ratio will surpass the U.S. The regulatory environment in Europe is relatively lax, especially in Germany, the UK, Italy, France, and Spain, which together account for 75% to 80% of the European market.
How is Temu progressing in the semi-managed business? Temu's goal this year is to achieve $20 billion in semi-managed business, with a total target of $60 billion, including $40 billion in fully managed business. Currently, the semi-managed business is still in its infancy, with growth and human resources below expectations, mainly due to bottlenecks in the merchant recruitment process. Temu currently operates in only nine countries, including five European countries, the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The number of merchants in the semi-managed business has just reached 20,000, but only a small proportion of them can add new inventory or have stock available every day.
Are there any legal ways to operate cross-border small parcels under $800? Legal operations for cross-border small parcels under $800 are profitable but cumbersome. It requires strictly controlling the package amount within $800. Additionally, the U.S. government provides subsidies for such cross-border packages, which cost several hundred million dollars annually (referring to tariff subsidies), posing a burden for them. Therefore, Temu currently does not plan to continue large-scale operations of such small parcel business.
How does intellectual property issues impact market competition in the cross-border e-commerce sector? Intellectual property issues have always been significant in cross-border e-commerce. For example, some sellers directly copy best-selling product images from Amazon without any modification or just change the color, then sell them on other platforms. These products are usually produced by domestic manufacturers, priced far lower than on Amazon. For instance, a product sold for $1,050 on Amazon might sell for just $20 on these platforms. This behavior leads to fierce market competition, and although the government finds it difficult to intervene in such business competition, intellectual property issues indeed have a profound impact on the market.
What challenges has Pinduoduo encountered in the U.S. market? In the U.S. market, Pinduoduo has faced data security and user privacy issues. Last March, Pinduoduo's app was delisted from the Google Play Store for a day or two due to allegations of leaking user data. However, this did not significantly impact Pinduoduo's cross-border business, as most U.S. consumers are unaware that Pinduoduo and Temu are the same company. Moreover, Pinduoduo had legally and operationally separated the two companies, with Temu registered in Dublin, Ireland, and the global technical team also based there, providing some legal safeguards for its international operations.
What is the U.S. government's subsidy policy for cross-border e-commerce parcels? The U.S. government's subsidy for cross-border e-commerce parcels mainly includes tariff and last-mile delivery subsidies. For example, individual consumers rarely reach the $800 duty-free threshold when purchasing on Pinduoduo, so these goods actually enjoy tariff exemptions when entering the U.S. Additionally, the U.S. government provides subsidies for last-mile delivery, making cross-border e-commerce parcels price competitive in the U.S. market. However, this also creates tax pressure for the U.S. government, especially with over a million parcels entering the U.S. market daily.
What strategies has Pinduoduo adopted for cross-border logistics? Pinduoduo employs two models for cross-border logistics: fully managed and semi-managed. In the fully managed model, Pinduoduo handles the entire logistics process from shipment to last-mile delivery, while in the semi-managed model, merchants handle most of the logistics, and Pinduoduo supports only the last-mile delivery. In the fully managed model, Pinduoduo can secure better logistics rates by partnering with USPS and provide traffic support to merchants. However, this model also faces higher tariff and tax pressure as Pinduoduo needs to handle the tax declaration for many parcels.
How do cross-border e-commerce policies in the European market differ from those in the U.S.? Cross-border e-commerce policies in the European market are relatively complex, with significant differences across countries. For instance, France, the UK, and Germany have stricter regulations on cross-border e-commerce, while Italy and Spain are relatively lenient. Within the Eurozone, goods under €150 are duty-free, but this policy does not apply to non-Eurozone countries. Overall, customs requirements in the European market are stricter than in the U.S., but some countries are more friendly to cross-border e-commerce, such as Poland.
What is Pinduoduo's operational strategy in the European market? In the European market, Pinduoduo adopts a strategy similar to that in the U.S., managing logistics through fully managed and semi-managed models. For the fully managed model, Pinduoduo ensures that each package's value does not exceed €150 to enjoy duty-free status. Although customs requirements in the European market are stricter, Pinduoduo successfully operates in multiple countries through flexible logistics and tax declaration strategies. Additionally, Pinduoduo adjusts its operational strategy based on different countries' policies to comply with various regulatory requirements.
How do Germany's tax policies affect business operations in the European market? Germany's tax policies significantly impact business operations in the European market. According to current regulations, Germany exempts goods under €150 from taxes, which is very favorable for small-value cross-border e-commerce transactions. However, if a company is found to have violated regulations, such as splitting high-value goods into multiple packages under €150 to avoid taxes, it could face severe penalties. Additionally, the trade relationship between Germany and China is continually evolving, so businesses need to stay updated on policy changes to adjust their operational strategies accordingly.
Can you elaborate on the recent legal issues Temu has faced in the U.S. market and provide a timeline? Temu has recently encountered several legal issues in the U.S. market. Here is the timeline:
  • Starting from January this year, U.S. authorities began closely monitoring Temu due to its massive sales activities during last year's Black Friday, which saw a surge in parcel numbers, even surpassing Amazon's popularity.
  • By late January, Temu's advertising traffic began to decrease, especially during the Super Bowl. Although there was some advertising, its impact was not as significant as last year.
  • After February, Temu's advertising presence in the U.S. further declined, and by March, it started shifting its focus to the European market.
  • The latest large-scale stoppage occurred yesterday, involving goods shipped in mid-May. The exact detention period is currently unclear, with rumors suggesting it could last up to six months.
How was Temu's advertising performance during the Super Bowl, and did it receive any negative feedback? This year, Temu's advertising performance during the Super Bowl was poor. Temu used cartoon-style advertisements, but the feedback from both domestic and international audiences was not favorable, with many finding the ads too tacky, similar to Pinduoduo's domestic advertisements. Last year, Temu produced a live-action advertisement, but it was canceled due to racial sensitivity issues. Specifically, the prices of advertised products differed based on the actors' races, leading to accusations of racial discrimination. As a result, Temu switched to animation this year to reduce the risk of criticism, but the results were still below expectations.
What is Temu's advertising strategy in the European market? Since March, Temu has shifted its market focus to Europe, targeting multiple countries with its advertisements. In addition to Germany, Temu has been advertising in other major European countries, which account for about 3% to 5% of Temu's European market. Temu employs a rotating advertising strategy to maintain a certain level of exposure and market share in each key market.
What is the specific situation regarding the recent detention of Temu's goods in the U.S. market? Recently, Temu faced a large-scale detention of its goods in the U.S. The situation involves shipments sent to the U.S. in mid-May, which were detained yesterday. The exact duration of the detention is currently unknown. There are rumors that it could last up to six months, but this has not been confirmed. Temu is awaiting further legal guidance and internal instructions to determine the next steps.
submitted by SubstantialTourist99 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:58 Mellow-sid Since alot of people like me thought Arbaaz is the oldest in the khan family, i am posting their birthdates

Since alot of people like me thought Arbaaz is the oldest in the khan family, i am posting their birthdates
submitted by Mellow-sid to BollyBlindsNGossip [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:50 Letsfame Hollywood Hierarchy: Understanding the Structure of Film Industry Jobs

Hollywood Hierarchy: Understanding the Structure of Film Industry Jobs
Hollywood Hierarchy: Understanding the Structure of Film Industry Jobs

The film industry is a complex and multifaceted realm, with a myriad of roles that contribute to the creation of a movie. Understanding the hierarchy and the various film industry jobs is essential for anyone aspiring to work in Hollywood. This article delves into the key positions, their responsibilities, and how they collaborate to bring stories to life on the big screen.

The Top Tier: Producers and Directors


Producers are the driving force behind a film. They are responsible for the overall production, from the initial concept to the final cut. Producers secure financing, hire key personnel, and oversee the project's development. They play a crucial role in decision-making and ensure that the film stays on budget and schedule.


Directors are the visionaries who bring the script to life. They work closely with actors and crew to shape the film's artistic and dramatic aspects. Directors interpret the script, guide performances, and make crucial decisions about the visual style and pacing of the film. Their creative vision is instrumental in defining the final product.

The Creative Minds: Writers and Actors


Screenwriters are the storytellers of the film industry. They create the script, which includes dialogue, character actions, and scene descriptions. A screenwriter's work is foundational to the film's narrative, and their ability to craft compelling stories is essential for a film's success. Many films undergo multiple drafts, and screenwriters often collaborate with directors and producers to refine the script.


Actors are the faces of the film. They bring characters to life through their performances, embodying the personas crafted by screenwriters. Actors must interpret their roles, convey emotions, and build chemistry with other characters. Their ability to engage the audience is a critical component of a film's impact.

Behind the Scenes: Cinematographers and Editors


Cinematographers, also known as directors of photography (DPs), are responsible for capturing the film's visual essence. They work with directors to determine the look and feel of the movie, including lighting, framing, and camera movement. Cinematographers use their technical expertise and artistic sensibility to enhance the storytelling through visuals.


Editors are the unsung heroes who piece the film together. They work with the director to assemble the footage, creating a coherent and engaging narrative. Editors decide what scenes to include, how to transition between shots, and the overall pacing of the film. Their work is crucial in shaping the final product and ensuring that the story flows seamlessly.

The Technical Experts: Sound Designers and Special Effects Artists

Sound Designers

Sound designers are responsible for creating the audio landscape of a film. They capture, create, and manipulate sound effects to enhance the movie's atmosphere and emotional impact. Sound designers work closely with composers, editors, and directors to ensure that the audio elements complement the visual storytelling.

Special Effects Artists

Special effects (SFX) artists bring the impossible to life. They create visual effects that cannot be achieved through standard filming techniques. This includes everything from explosions to fantastical creatures. SFX artists use a combination of practical effects, such as miniatures and prosthetics, and digital effects, like CGI, to create believable and awe-inspiring scenes.

The Supporting Roles: Production Designers and Costume Designers

Production Designers

Production designers, also known as art directors, are responsible for the film's visual environment. They design and oversee the creation of sets, props, and locations. Production designers work with the director and cinematographer to ensure that the visual style supports the story. Their work helps to create a believable and immersive world for the audience.

Costume Designers

Costume designers create the wardrobe for a film's characters. They research and design costumes that reflect the time period, setting, and personality of each character. Costume designers work closely with actors and directors to ensure that the clothing enhances the performance and contributes to the storytelling.

The Logistics Team: Production Managers and Location Scouts

Production Managers

Production managers are the organizers who keep the film on track. They handle the logistics of production, including scheduling, budgeting, and coordinating between different departments. Production managers ensure that everything runs smoothly and efficiently, allowing the creative team to focus on their work.

Location Scouts

Location scouts find and secure the perfect settings for a film. They search for locations that match the director's vision and the script's requirements. Location scouts negotiate contracts, manage permits, and handle the logistics of filming on-site. Their work is essential in creating a believable and visually appealing environment.

The Marketing Gurus: Publicists and Marketing Teams


Publicists manage the film's public image. They create and implement publicity campaigns to generate buzz and attract audiences. Publicists coordinate interviews, press releases, and promotional events. Their goal is to ensure that the film gains maximum exposure and positive media coverage.

Marketing Teams

Marketing teams develop strategies to promote the film to the target audience. They create advertising campaigns, manage social media, and organize promotional events. Marketing teams work closely with publicists and distributors to ensure that the film reaches a wide audience and achieves commercial success.


The film industry is a collaborative effort, with each role contributing to the creation of a movie. From producers and directors to writers, actors, and the many behind-the-scenes experts, every job is crucial in bringing a film to life. Understanding the structure of film industry jobs is essential for anyone looking to navigate the complex and exciting world of Hollywood. By recognizing the importance of each position, aspiring filmmakers can better appreciate the collaborative nature of this vibrant industry.
submitted by Letsfame to u/Letsfame [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:07 rockyroman950 Who is the father of Andie Mcdowell's children?

Who is the father of Andie Mcdowell's children?
Andie MacDowell has three kids with Paul Qualley who was once a model and rancher between 1986-1999 but they divorced. They were named Justin, Rainey and Margaret Qualley, his previous husband being the late Paul whose lifestyle resembled that of a cowboy. Being a much-loved artist, this actress is known not only for her own talent, but also for other aspects such as how she manages between acting in Hollywood while taking care of children no matter what age they are.
A Hollywood Love Story
Andie MacDowell and Paul Qualley started dating during the mid 80's when they were both experiencing career growth. The two were cast in a Gap commercial where they met and were attracted to each other at first sight; less than one year later they tied the knot. Their marriage took place a short time after they got to know each other better through time despite this, their relationship began way before that as they tied it prior to 1986.
After they were married, Andie and Paul began having children
Their first child was born in 1986. Despite owning numerous buildings that he constructedyears later, he prefers a discreet life as a landlord. In the midst of pursuing dreams with grandeur like what most celebrities do, it's quite apparent that he is financially solid given the level of privacy put in place so far where being showy was not an option when joining showbizness, like other big names did; all we seem to know is he never seems famous as much as mom and cousins are always being talked about.
In 1990 Andie and Paul got their first daughter names Rainey Qualley. Rainey grew up in acting and music, for which she uses Rainsford as her signature when performing. She fits in a genre known as pop indie music through the influence of her mother among others though she is unique given that her style is. It’s a euphemism but at times when she speaks to herself Rainey says that it doesn’t matter what other people think of them because we are all different after all which is very true; one thing that cannot be argued upon by anyone who has listened to any songs done by her. Rainey is believed to be getting into the acting industry due to her participation in movies like “Mighty Fine.”
Margaret Qualley, their youngest child was born in 1994 and has emerged as a major player within the acting realm; she received great appraisal thanks to her HBO performances within ‘‘The Leftovers’’ and Quentin Tarantino’s ‘‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.’’ Critical acclaim as well as various nominations came after her remarkable performance in Netflix series known as ‘Maid’- all these roles she played alongside production work.
Carving Their Very Own Paths
The Qualley Children The Qualley children have grown up with a famous mother and a father who preferred a more private life. In this regard, he is the one mentioned who went for some career outside the world of entertainment because of his love for stability and quietness.
Although they don’t all get equal perspective - primarily predicated on who fancies art better; Margaret and Rainey, have embraced art with much enthusiasm and strength. Rainey continues to prosper in her musical journey with features of her work showing in different forms of media and performance attendance that appreciates her creativity. With every new role, Margaret solidifies her path to becoming one of Hollywood exciting up-and-coming actors.
In this story, among the qualities that the famous and their children must manifest includes resilience, skillful exploits and knack in marrying fame and personal life complexity as done by Andie MacDowell, Paul Qualley, and their children. Indeed, Andie’s unmatched capacity to juggle the competing demands of work and parenthood is a remarkable demonstration of her fortitude and loyalty. In the same breath, Paul’s decision to retire and concentrate on less ostentatious living addresses many perspectives concerning human satisfaction.Paul’s decision to retire and focus on simpler life addresses many seeming contradictions about human satisfaction.
Justin, Rainey, and Margaret Qualley have each walked different paths through life with a touch of their parent’s influence but driven largely by their own dreams and ambitions. This is for anyone who feels motivated through their story; it shows that the path to greatness is not always smooth but sometimes it’s what family support and love they offer which can guarantee anyone success and happiness.
Also visit: Exploring Andie MacDowell: Personal Life, Hair Secrets, Real Name, and Rise to Fame
submitted by rockyroman950 to u/rockyroman950 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 11:52 stephenjohndent From Newcomer to Superstar: The Meteoric Rise of Stephen Dent Neville

In the ever-evolving world of Hollywood, where new talents emerge almost daily, very few manage to capture the hearts and minds of audiences as swiftly and effectively as Stephen Dent Neville. At just 31 years old, Neville has rapidly ascended the ranks to become one of America's most talked-about actors. His journey from a fresh-faced newcomer to a bona fide superstar is a testament to his talent, dedication, and unique appeal. This blog will delve into the factors that contributed to Neville's meteoric rise, his most significant roles, and what makes him a standout figure in the entertainment industry.

Early Beginnings and Breakthrough

Stephen Dent Neville story begins in a small town, where his passion for acting was evident from a young age. Growing up in a supportive family that encouraged his artistic pursuits, Neville participated in school plays and community theater, honing his craft and discovering his love for performance. His early exposure to acting laid a solid foundation, and his natural talent soon became apparent.
Stephen Dent Neville big break came when he was cast in an independent film that garnered critical acclaim at several film festivals. The film, a gritty drama about the struggles of a working-class family, showcased Neville's ability to convey deep emotion and complexity. His performance caught the attention of casting directors and producers, leading to more significant opportunities.

The Role That Changed Everything

Every actor has that one role that catapults them into the spotlight, and for Stephen Dent Neville, it was his portrayal of a troubled young musician in the hit television series "Echoes of Silence." The series, which aired on a major streaming platform, quickly became a cultural phenomenon, and Neville's portrayal of the lead character earned him widespread praise.
"Echoes of Silence" was a perfect vehicle for Neville's talents. The character he played was multi-dimensional, requiring a range of emotions and a depth of understanding that Neville delivered flawlessly. His performance was both raw and nuanced, resonating deeply with viewers and critics alike. The show not only showcased his acting chops but also highlighted his musical abilities, as he performed several songs that became instant hits.
The success of "Echoes of Silence" marked a turning point in Neville's career. He became a household name almost overnight, and his fanbase grew exponentially. His work on the series earned him several awards, including a prestigious acting accolade that solidified his status as a rising star.

Versatility and Range

One of the key factors behind Stephen Dent Neville rapid rise to superstardom is his versatility as an actor. Unlike many of his contemporaries who often find themselves typecast, Neville has demonstrated an impressive range, taking on diverse roles that showcase different facets of his talent.
Following the success of "Echoes of Silence," Neville made a conscious effort to avoid being pigeonholed. He took on a variety of roles in different genres, from romantic comedies to action thrillers, and even period dramas. Each role presented its own set of challenges, but Neville approached them with the same dedication and commitment that had defined his early work.
In a romantic comedy, Stephen Dent Neville displayed his comedic timing and charm, endearing himself to audiences in a whole new way. His natural charisma and on-screen presence made him a perfect fit for the genre, and the film was a commercial success. On the other hand, his role in an intense action thriller showcased his physicality and ability to handle complex, high-stakes scenarios. The film was a box office hit and further demonstrated Neville's ability to draw audiences across different genres.
Perhaps one of his most challenging roles came in a historical drama set in the 19th century, where Neville played a character vastly different from his previous roles. The film required extensive preparation, including mastering a specific accent and understanding the historical context of his character. Neville's dedication paid off, earning him critical acclaim and another award nomination.

Personal Charisma and Public Image

Stephen Dent Neville rise to stardom isn't just about his acting skills; it's also about his personal charisma and public image. In an industry where public perception can make or break a career, Neville has managed to cultivate a positive and relatable image.
Stephen Dent Neville is known for his down-to-earth personality and genuine interactions with fans. He actively engages with his audience on social media, sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses of his projects, personal anecdotes, and insights into his life. This approach has helped him build a strong connection with his fans, who appreciate his authenticity and accessibility.
Additionally, Stephen Dent Neville has used his platform to advocate for various social causes. He is a vocal supporter of mental health awareness, often speaking about his own experiences and encouraging others to seek help and support. His openness and willingness to discuss such topics have resonated with many, further endearing him to his audience.

Collaborations and Mentorship

Throughout his career, Stephen Dent Neville has had the opportunity to work with some of the most respected names in the industry. These collaborations have not only helped him grow as an actor but have also provided valuable mentorship.
Working alongside veteran actors and directors, Stephen Dent Neville has gained insights and knowledge that have shaped his approach to his craft. He has often spoken about the importance of learning from those with more experience and how these interactions have influenced his career choices and performances.
One notable collaboration was with a renowned director known for their work on critically acclaimed films. The director saw potential in Stephen Dent Neville and cast him in a challenging role that pushed him out of his comfort zone. The experience was transformative, and Neville has credited this opportunity as a pivotal moment in his career.

Future Projects and Continued Success

As Stephen Dent Neville looks to the future, the prospects seem incredibly bright. With several high-profile projects lined up, he is poised to continue his trajectory as one of Hollywood's leading actors.
Among his upcoming projects is a highly anticipated sci-fi thriller that promises to be a major blockbuster. The film, directed by a visionary filmmaker, has already generated significant buzz, and Neville's involvement has only heightened the excitement. This project is expected to be a significant milestone in his career, showcasing his ability to lead a major franchise.
Additionally, Stephen Dent Neville is set to star in a biographical drama about a legendary musician. The role will once again allow him to combine his acting and musical talents, offering a unique opportunity to portray a real-life figure with depth and authenticity. The film has already attracted attention for its compelling story and Neville's casting, and it is expected to be a major contender in the awards season.
The meteoric rise of Stephen Dent Neville is a remarkable story of talent, perseverance, and adaptability. From his early beginnings in small-town theater to becoming one of the most sought-after actors in Hollywood, Neville's journey is a testament to his dedication and passion for his craft.
His ability to take on diverse roles and his commitment to authenticity both on and off-screen have endeared him to audiences worldwide. As he continues to take on new challenges and push the boundaries of his talent, there is no doubt that Stephen Dent Neville will remain a prominent figure in the entertainment industry for years to come.
In a world where fame can be fleeting, Stephen Dent Neville story serves as an inspiring example of what can be achieved with hard work, genuine talent, and a willingness to embrace new opportunities. As we look forward to his future projects and continued success, one thing is certain: Stephen Dent Neville is a name that will be remembered for generations to come.
submitted by stephenjohndent to u/stephenjohndent [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 10:37 amerpie KnockKnock and BlockBlock from Objective-See

If you keep your Mac up-to-date and get all your software from the App Store you can probably get by with Apple's built in malware protection for macOS. If, however, you download from various developer web sites, Github or especially if you're a gangster living that pirate life, you should take steps to avoid bad actors from infecting your computer. I use two products from the Objective-See Foundation, a non-profit that makes several free security apps.
BlocklBlock is an app that runs in the background on your Mac and alerts you for anything that gets installed to run persistently. You get to choose whether to allow or delete the item.
KnockKnock is a scanning app that you run manually to look at the apps already installed on your machine that are running in a persistent state. The app compares them to known virus signatures and gives you a report. You can then remove anything that doesn't belong.
My full review
Other tools from Objective-See LuLu, an open-source free firewall and ReiKey, which detects keyboard trackers.
If your primary security concerns center around places you go online vs. the software you install, I would also suggest running a periodic scan with the commercial product, Malwarebytes, which has a free version for manual scans and a paid version for more extensive real-time protection.
submitted by amerpie to macapps [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 08:42 Jew_lion_ Race casting

Serious question here, I noticed in the past 2-4 years that almost all commercials only have black actors and actresses in them does anybody know why that is? I’m genuinely curious as to why at this point.
submitted by Jew_lion_ to Commercials [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:39 Mycologist_Tight I want to start doing some work

I am a 16 year old male and have been interested in voice acting for quite a while. I made my own recording space about 7 months ago and have been practicing since then. I have not done much voice acting outside of reading practice scripts, but in various acting/speaking related classes I have done the following roles: A knight servant A British fairytale narrator A Southern preacher A drunken actor A bellhop A standup comedian A voice similar to the “entitled to financial compensation” commercials
If I could fit any of the projects here I’d be glad to work with you!
Thank you for reading
submitted by Mycologist_Tight to RecordThisForFree [link] [comments]