Mamoru yokota gallery

Mary Skelter Full Story Experience with links

2024.01.14 08:57 0zeroknight01 Mary Skelter Full Story Experience with links

Made a long post answering to someone how to tackle the Mary Skelter series now that people have questions after the PC version of Finale got released and decided to share it here too in a slightly expanded way due to infinite character limit the reddit offers. The previous topic doing similar thing was a bit outdated(only covers up to mary skelter 2/1 remake)/lacking some details.
It's essentially fully spoiler free aside of mentioning how many endings each game has/when to save the game to see the extra bad endings. Which is honestly not much of a spoiler as you can technically skip all the bad endings and not much would change.
Was kinda hoping they would at least somewhat patch the PC version problems in the end but it seems like it won't happen with how badly the release went.
Now onto the series:
First of all there is essentially 0 reason to play original 1 nightmares separately - it's a waste of time for new players unless you only want to play one game out of the series. It IS a way superior game compared to remake of 1 you get by purchasing mary skelter 2 but sadly it lacks the edited story and doesn't offer anything unique at all, so ironically despite being arguably best game in the entire series - it's pointless to play it as far as story experience goes.
Reading novels is generally important to understanding the story. A TLDR of importance would be: 1/2 prequel Novels - good insight into characters and the general worldbuilding, but not fully mandatory. Hikari + prequel to it - the most optional one, the novel is 200 pages long with characters who barely matter(they kinda do, but they feel more like a plot device which you don't interact much with) and the entire story almost matches the story of 1 remake while only adding a few minor details you could have deduced yourself. Trust me - it's best to not waste your time and read a few page long quick summary on wiki instead of this. 3 prequel Novel - nearly mandatory as it answers some things that would otherwise remain unanswered. 3 prequel bonus chapter - some reveals about major finale character after you finish the entire trilogy.
Be aware that some novels suggest you to read them AFTER the games and I would disagree, they never spoil anything in main story while being helpful to actually figure it out. Makes sense since they are all 'prequels'/happen earlier than the story. Exclusion is bonus chapter of 3 prequel which is heavy spoilers.
Here is the recommended order to tackle the series with all the links included:
1} Prequel to Mary Skelter 2 - Novel Official translation:
Simply read the entirety of novel to enjoy the 2nd game fully. I know it sounds weird how you have to start with 2 but that's how it goes after they edited the story to make a trilogy. Original 1 was a standalone game which got it's story edited to match their vision of trilogy in remake.
2) Mary Skelter 2 True Ending - Game PC version is fine after all the patches, there is even an 'uncensore' patch if that's something you could have issue with, uncensore patch is downloaded here:
While you will inevitably face at least a few crashes across the game - it's nothing too gamebreaking. You do want to save often though to avoid potential major progress losses.
While there are no girl endings in this one - you still want all girls at max affection if you want all their scenes.
You play this game until you reach a point where you get 'True Ending' and have your game save the true end(requirement for true true end later)
The endings are simple in this one - there are only 2 - 'good/true' and 'bad' ending. Bad ending is answering incorrect near the end, the true is answering correctly - quite easy to check both out by saving before this choice and going with bad end first.
There is no postgame in 2 so just have the bare minimum to beat final boss, 0 point to grind more than that. Game is pretty trivial even on FEAR.
3) Mary Skelter 1 Prequel - Novel Official translation:
Simply read this fully before playing the 1 remake.A lot of things are something you already know/figured out so probably the least important out of prequel novels but it does flesh out characters a bit more.
4) Mary Skelter 1 remake until original 1 'true ending' - Game. Included with mary skelter 2 regardless of version you buy.
While it's not as good as a 'game' as the original 1 - it's simply not worth playing through almost the same thing twice so skipping original 1 entirely is by far the best choice, the original does not offer anything storywise that you wouldn't get in remake and since you are likely gonna play 2 > 1 remake > 3 you would probably get burnt out way too easily playing a 4th game.
Play this one WITHOUT the skip game offers(presuming you did as I suggested and skipped original outright) The skip is honestly pretty weird even if you did already play the original as it IMO doesn't give you enough 'power' compared to what you would normally have at that point but it's obviously better than doing game from scratch if you already beat it before. Not to mention you miss parts of the edited storyline so a lot of things will make less sense. Main reason I don't recommend original separately.
Grinding in this one is NOT pointless(if you play on FEAR for challenge that is) - not only it's by far the most difficult game out of all 4 games(including original 1) on FEAR due to.... questionable design choices when 'remaking' the game but there is also a very challenging postgame. If you are not a fan of insane challenge - set difficulty to normal during main game and normal or easy during postgame for a relatively balanced challenge with 0 grind. On FEAR you need pretty min max setups just to beat main game with minimal grind, postgame will require a lot of save/loading or a big amount of grind.
During main game you will want to get Hameln ASAP once you get your gun fully upgraded(2nd dungeon out of Rapunzel/Gretel choice is when you should be able to get it as both have an upgrade part), otherwise some story scenes will be shorter without her(nothing too important so don't dwell too much if you got her later) and you will need her anyway for true end.
Regarding endings - there is bad ending + true ending(this one also needs you to beat it a lot of extra times for each girl ending)
When you approach the end (reach the map 12 of jail tower) and given an option to 'answer the questions' you are yet again present with an option to answer wrong for a bad ending you should check if you want to.You don't need to save the game before this choice if you choose to go for bad ending. Bad ending will let you save the game and this save file will remember all your progress during bad ending + place you right before the question choices so feel free to explore the remainder of dungeon on bad ending.
After getting all answers right - make sure you save the game before facing true boss which will be in the exact place where you fought bad ending one.It's a giant nightmare fight.If you want full gallery completion - you will want to swap each girl into 1st slot of active party before facing this boss assuming you have all girls affection maxed to get their 'character ending'. Best done on easy difficult to save time. The fastest way to get all girl endings: Easy Difficulty + Ensure you have full mana and either no blood on girls or no corruption > Your setup should be 2 fighters + 2 archers + whichever girl you want to see the ending for in 1st slot > Alice save point near the boss > Touch boss icon and full skip first 2 cutscenes to end up in battle instantly > Goal of boss is killing only the 2 parts which reveal a 'rune', those are always fixed - not sure if those depend on when you start save file but for me they were always the map 3/4 ones > With the setup I mentioned and easy difficulty don't bother with mechanics - simply start the fight and spam rage rush with archers/fighters, you will likely be finishing the boss in 1-2 girl turn rotations depending on gear > Skip cutscene after 2nd 'rune' falls > Choose Mary Reverse and use it > The upcoming cutscene is the girl one.Doing this process ensures you only need ~5 minutes per girl.
Once you are done with all girls - choose 'talk to Hikari' in town to get original 1 version of true ending.It might not make too much sense unless you read Hikari novel(or quick summary) since story was slightly edited but you should understand the gist of it, more or less a simple open ended happy ending.Luckily you get both Hameln/No Hameln versions of it into gallery even if you have Hameln.
5) Mary Skelter 1 Another Story + 'the true true ending of the '2+1 remake' - not a separate game, it's a highly edited version of what was originally 'postgame' of original 1.
You need both true end save files of 1/2 which opens the door into underground cavern of remake 1, at that point you simply press on and complete postgame to get true true ending.
There are no choices/extra endings, so simply beating it does the trick.
Completing postgame entirely removes the chance to see the 'original 1 true ending' via talk to Hikari in town due to this option now giving you the true true ending instead.You have likely already checked that one out to remove the annoying event sign but it's a warning just in case.
6) Optional Side Story - Hikari No Arika Prologue Novel It's a prologue to Hikari No Arika novel. It's included in the bonus section of title screen of Mary Skelter 1 remake and requires you to find novel pages during main part of the game, only first page is easy to miss if you explore the place fully during prologue since it disables all key items on the map while map remains explored and does not shown memos/novel pages there due to that.
Not worth the read as it pretty much summarizes almost everything you have already seen regarding Hikari/Mamoru aside of a few pointless details. Relatively short so you can give it a quick skim if you really want to however.
7) Optional Side Story - Hikari No Arika Novel This novel never got translated into english and it was also created back when there was only the original 1 game.
It's by far longest novel(~200 pages) and follows the 2 characters who otherwise mostly only get minor mentions/serve as NPCs in the actual game with a few major spoilery details you should have already seen by now if you beat 2 + 1 remake. Game is created in a way that you can entirely skip this novel - it reveals all the important details to you, so reading this after 2 + 1 remake true ending is honestly... not adding much of anything as it's same story from a tiny bit different perspective.
Big part of this novel is almost identical to story you experienced in remake of 1. Basically you got the cast of NPC characters from 2 participating in 1 remake story with Jack and his party mostly ignored during the novel. That being said nearly all the content matches what you would figure out either way from playing as Jack.
If you want to read it - best you can do on english is reading a quick summary:
Your only other choice is actually buying the JP language novel and TL'ing it via some translator if you don't speak Japanese.
I honestly recommend the quick summary even IF you can read the actual novel. It's too much of a time waste to read the entirety of it with how it repeats everything you know for ~95% of the novel duration and the quick summary covers all the actually important details that are at least somewhat new.
8) Mary Skelter Finale Prologue - Novel Official translation:
If the link leads to main page of finale instead of novel(quirkily coded website) then click 'special' in the top navigation bar and select 'novel'.
Should be 1-10 stories + EX, just read them all.
9) Mary Skelter Finale(3) - Game If you somehow have PS4 - buy the game there. PS4 is best version - has no crashes and optimal graphics. If you don't have PS4 - PC version is kinda 'fine', the main issue is that it uses the inferior lightning effects which makes some dungeons look pretty ugly. It's due to taking those from switch version for what I assume was supposed to be improved performance.And it also has crashes, but pretty rare/not too critical just like MS2 on PC.
There are 2 bad endings: 1st bad ending is answering wrong during the Devouring Armada Tower 4th map.
2nd is as usual wrong choices during final boss.
True ending is obviously simply answering correctly. It also has character endings BUT unlike 1/remake of 1 - all character endings get added to gallery by simply beating true ending once, saving you a lot of time.
10) Mary Skelter Finale Prologue Bonus Chapter It is only available in 'book' form, no official online version is available Here are pictures of the book someone made and uploaded. Simply scroll down, all the gallery is in this link.
You should only read it after beating Finale, it's some spoilers about Toh and his wife/their first meeting. Explaining more would be spoilers in itself. While it's technically 'prequel' - main reason to delay it is Toh being entirely new character to the series - you won't really understand much of what's happening if you read the novel earlier than finishing the game.
11) Optionally once you beat the Finale Game with either 2nd bad end or true end - you will get 2 separate 'romance novels'~ One following bad end and another following true end. Both are kinda... short traditional romance novels which will show what happened with characters after the endings of finale. Not really worth it unless you enjoy the traditional JP romance novels or want to see more of your favorite girl from the series or something. Everything is pretty predictable in what kind of romance happens.It's technically DLC but it should be there by default in PC version.
submitted by 0zeroknight01 to compileheart [link] [comments]

2023.12.19 09:52 gifsundgirls SNK Gals Art by Mamoru Yokota from 1998

SNK Gals Art by Mamoru Yokota from 1998 submitted by gifsundgirls to kof [link] [comments]

2023.12.01 03:37 ExWarlockLee Mamoru Yokota and Takahiro Yoshimatsu Art from ACEN 2018

Mamoru Yokota and Takahiro Yoshimatsu Art from ACEN 2018 submitted by ExWarlockLee to Shikishi [link] [comments]

2023.05.19 05:03 erugurara Any ai generator that can make 1999 style anime art?

Whenever i try to make anime art, it always has samey, boring semi realistic look to it, never looking shonen of energetic.

Some artist i have for reference for more stylish and colorful styles are these ones
aKotobuki Stukasa:
The style of 40 night &ramune (artist uncofrimed):

Yokota mamoru:
Osamu tezuka, he is well know,

What i asked is how to give Ia anime drawings more life, if anyone can tell me, please do.
submitted by erugurara to aiArt [link] [comments]

2023.01.05 03:21 TriviaGalore93 Which Year in the 2000s had the best Anime Openings?

Which year from the 2000s did you think was the best year of Anime Openings? Personally I think its 2006. I do think other years have other great Anime Ops but I think from top to bottom 2006 beats all others.
List of 2000s Anime based on Wikipedia
  1. Android Kikaider: The Animation
  2. Argento Soma
  3. Baby Felix
  4. Banner of the Stars
  5. Boogiepop Phantom
  6. Boys Be...
  7. Brigadoon: Marin & Melan
  8. Candidate for Goddess
  9. Carried by the Wind: Tsukikage Ran
  10. Ceres, Celestial Legend
  11. Descendants of Darkness
  12. Digimon Adventure 02
  13. Dinozaurs: The Series
  14. Dotto! Koni-chan
  15. Excel Saga
  16. Gatekeepers
  17. Gear Fighter Dendoh
  18. Ghost Stories
  19. Gravitation
  20. Hajime no Ippo
  21. Hamtaro
  22. Hand Maid May
  23. Hero Hero-kun
  24. Hidamari no Ki
  25. Hiwou War Chronicles
  26. Inspector Fabre
  27. Inuyasha
  28. Invincible King Tri-Zenon
  29. Kikaider
  30. Legendary Gambler Tetsuya
  31. Love Hina
  32. Doki Doki Densetsu Mahōjin Guru Guru
  33. Medabots Spirits
  34. Miami Guns
  35. Mon Colle Knights
  36. Mushrambo
  37. NieA_7
  38. Ojamajo Doremi #
  39. Platinumhugen Ordian
  40. Saiyūki
  41. Sakura Wars
  42. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children
  43. Strange Dawn
  44. Taro the Space Alien
  45. The Super Milk-chan Show
  46. Time Bokan 2000: Kaitou Kiramekiman
  47. Transformers: Robots in Disguise
  48. UFO Baby
  49. Vandread
  50. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters
If you want to view approximately 30 seconds of each opening, view below:

  1. A Little Snow Fairy Sugar
  2. Angelic Layer
  3. Angel Tales
  4. Ask Dr. Rin!
  5. Baki the Grappler
  6. Banner of the Stars II
  7. Beyblade
  8. Digimon Tamers
  9. Earth Maiden Arjuna
  10. Final Fantasy: Unlimited
  11. Fruits Basket
  12. Haré+Guu
  13. Hellsing
  14. Kirby: Right Back at Ya!
  15. Mahoromatic
  16. Noir
  17. PaRappa the Rapper
  18. Prince of Tennis
  19. Rave Master
  20. Shaman King
  21. SoulTaker
  22. Tales of Eternia
  23. X
  24. Zoids: New Century
  25. Zone of the Enders
If you want to view approximately 30 seconds of each opening, view below:

  1. Ai Yori Aoshi
  2. Aquarian Age
  3. Azumanga Daioh
  4. Chobits
  5. Dragon Drive
  6. Duel Masters
  7. Full Metal Panic!
  8. Galaxy Angel A
  9. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
  10. Gun Frontier
  11. .hack//SIGN
  12. Haibane Renmei
  13. Happy Lesson
  14. Heat Guy J
  15. Kanon
  16. Kiddy Grade
  17. Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
  18. MegaMan NT Warrior
  19. Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
  20. Naruto
  21. Onegai Teacher
  22. Petite Princess Yucie
  23. Pokémon Chronicles
  24. Princess Tutu
  25. RahXephon
  26. Samurai Deeper Kyo
  27. Spiral: The Bonds of Reasoning
  28. Tokyo Mew Mew
  29. Tokyo Underground
  30. Witch Hunter Robin
  31. Yukikaze
If you want to view approximately 30 seconds of each opening, view below:

  1. Beyblade G-Revolution
  2. Wolf's Rain
  3. Licensed by Royal
  4. .hack//Legend Of The Twilight
  5. Nanaka 6/17
  6. Someday's Dreamers
  7. Gunparade March
  8. Air Master
  9. D.N.Angel
  10. Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok
  11. Ninja Scroll: The Series
  12. Astro Boy
  13. Di Gi Charat Nyo
  14. Sonic X
  15. Zatch Bell!
  16. Kino's Journey
  17. Last Exile
  18. Scrapped Princess
  19. Texhnolyze
  20. Ultra Maniac
  21. Cinderella Boy
  22. Happy Lesson Advance
  23. Da Capo
  24. Shadow Star Narutaru
  25. Green Green
  26. Onegai Twins
  27. Popotan
  28. Ikkitousen
  29. Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu
  30. R.O.D the TV (Read Or Die)
  31. Cromartie High School
  32. Saiyuki Reload
  33. Bottle Fairy
  34. Requiem from the Darkness
  35. Fullmetal Alchemist
  36. MegaMan: Axess
  37. Planetes
  38. Popolocrois
  39. Gungrave
  40. Peace Maker Kurogane
  41. Gungrave
  42. Gunslinger Girl
  43. Lunar Legend Tsukihime
  44. Ai Yori Aoshi Enishi
  45. Maburaho
  46. Twin Spica
  47. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
  48. Chrono Crusade
If you want to view approximately 30 seconds of each opening, view below:

  1. Agatha Christie's Great Detectives Poirot and Marple
  2. Aishiteruze Baby
  3. Gakuen Alice
  4. Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad
  5. Black Jack
  6. Bleach
  7. Burst Angel
  8. Daphne in the Brilliant Blue
  9. DearS
  10. Desert Punk
  11. Diamond Daydreams
  12. Elfen Lied
  13. Futari wa Pretty Cure
  14. Galaxy Angel X
  15. Gantz
  16. Grenadier: The Beautiful Warrior
  17. Gundam SEED Destiny
  18. Hani Hani: Operation Sanctuary
  19. Initial D Fourth Stage
  20. Kannazuki no Miko
  21. Koi Kaze
  22. Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
  23. Maria Watches Over Us
  24. Melody of Oblivion
  25. Midori Days
  26. Monster
  27. My-HiME
  28. Paranoia Agent
  29. Ragnarok: The Animation
  30. Rozen Maiden
  31. Samurai 7
  32. Samurai Champloo
  33. Samurai Gun
  34. School Rumble
  35. Sgt. Frog
  36. Space Symphony Maetel
  37. Transformers: Energon
  38. Tenjho Tenge
  39. Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase
  40. Tweeny Witches
  41. Viewtiful Joe
  42. Wind: A Breath of Heart
  43. Yakitate!! Japan
  44. Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
  45. Yugo the Negotiator
  46. Zipang
If you want to view approximately 30 seconds of each opening, view below:

  1. D.I.C.E.
  2. Magical Canan
  3. Starship Operators
  4. Xenosaga: The Animation
  5. Ah! My Goddess
  6. Air
  7. Negima!
  8. Gallery Fake
  9. Transformers Galaxy Force
  10. Mahoraba ~Heartful Days
  11. Ultimate Girls
  12. Emma – A Victorian Romance
  13. MÄR
  14. Comic Party Revolution
  15. The Law of Ueki
  16. Elemental Gelade
  17. Strawberry 100%
  18. Best Student Council
  19. Eyeshield 21
  20. Futakoi Alternative
  21. He Is My Master
  22. Loveless
  23. Tsubasa Chronicle
  24. Zoids: Genesis
  25. Basilisk
  26. Honey and Clover
  27. Doraemon
  28. Eureka Seven
  29. Trinity Blood
  30. Absolute Boy
  31. Ah My Buddha
  32. My Wife is a High School Girl
  33. Paniponi Dash!
  34. Gun Sword
  35. Oku-sama wa Mahō Shōjo: Bewitched Agnes
  36. Shuffle!
  37. Petopeto-san
  38. Angel Heart
  39. Hell Girl
  40. Black Cat
  41. My-Otome
  42. Shakugan no Shana
  43. SoltyRei
  44. Blood+
  45. Rozen Maiden: Traumend
  46. Mushishi
  47. Fighting Beauty Wulong
  48. Ginga Legend Weed
  49. Karin
  50. IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix
If you want to view approximately 30 seconds of each opening, view below:

  1. Kagihime Monogatari Eikyū Alice Rondo
  2. Magikano
  3. Ah My Buddha (season 2)
  4. Rakugo Tennyo Oyui
  5. Fate/stay night
  6. Kage Kara Mamoru!
  7. Wan Wan Celeb Soreyuke! Tetsunoshin
  8. Tactical Roar
  9. Yomigaeru Sora – Rescue Wings
  10. Play Ball 2nd
  11. Crash B-Daman
  12. Nerima Daikon Brothers
  13. Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl
  14. Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora
  15. Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales
  16. Meine Liebe: Wieder
  17. Binchō-tan
  18. Rec
  19. Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star
  20. Papillon Rose: The New Season
  21. Ergo Proxy
  22. Ballad of a Shinigami
  23. Lemon Angel Project
  24. Fighting Beauty Wulong Rebirth
  25. Fushigiboshi no Futagohime Gyu!
  26. Yōkai Ningen Bem
  27. Aria the Natural
  28. Digimon Data Squad
  29. Kiba
  30. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
  31. Onegai My Melody: Kuru Kuru Shuffle
  32. School Rumble: 2nd Semester
  33. BakéGyamon
  34. High School Girls
  35. Simoun
  36. Strawberry Panic!
  37. Utawarerumono
  38. Air Gear
  39. Gin Tama
  40. Glass Fleet
  41. Higurashi When They Cry
  42. Makai Senki Disgaea
  43. Ouran High School Host Club
  44. Renkin 3-kyū Magical? Pokān
  45. Yoshinaga-san Chi no Gargoyle
  46. .hack//Roots
  47. Love Get Chu
  48. Nana
  49. Princess Princess
  50. Spider Riders
  51. Trotting Hamtaro Hai!
  52. Ah! My Goddess: Flights of Fancy
  53. Inukami!
  54. Ray the Animation
  55. Yoshimune
  56. Yume Tsukai
  57. xxxHolic
  58. Zegapain
  59. Kirarin Revolution
  60. Black Lagoon
  61. Himawari!
  62. Nishi no Yoki Majo: Astraea Testament
  63. The Story of Saiunkoku
  64. Musashi Gundoh
  65. Black Jack 21
  66. Shinseiki Duel Masters Flash
  67. Soul Link
  68. Hime-sama Goyōjin
  69. Jyu-Oh-Sei
  70. Sasami: Magical Girls Club
  71. The Third: Aoi Hitomi no Shōjo
  72. Tokko
  73. Witchblade
  74. Tsubasa Chronicle (season 2)
  75. Kamisama Kazoku
  76. Kishin Hōkō Demonbane
  77. Flag
  78. Binbō Shimai Monogatari
  79. Honey and Clover II
  80. Mamotte! Lollipop
  81. Otogi-Jūshi Akazukin
  82. Powerpuff Girls Z
  83. Tsuyokiss Cool×Sweet
  84. Project Blue Earth SOS
  85. Coyote Ragtime Show
  86. The Familiar of Zero
  87. We Were There
  88. Muteki Kanban Musume
  89. Koi suru Tenshi Angelique
  90. Tona-Gura!
  91. Welcome to the N.H.K.
  92. Chocotto Sister
  93. Innocent Venus
  94. Night Head Genesis
  95. Kemonozume
  96. Hanoka
  97. Le Chevalier D'Eon
  98. Black Blood Brothers
  99. A Spirit of the Sun
  100. Galaxy Angel Rune
  101. La Corda d'Oro: Primo Passo
  102. Marginal Prince
  103. Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage
  104. Lovely Idol
  105. Pumpkin Scissors
  106. Death Note
  107. D.Gray-man
  108. Ghost Hunt
  109. Red Garden
  110. Shōnen Onmyōji
  111. Tokimeki Memorial Only Love
  112. The Wallflower
  113. Fist of the Blue Sky
  114. The Galaxy Railways: Crossroads to Eternity
  115. Negima!?
  116. Super Robot Wars Original Generation: Divine Wars
  117. Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na: Crescent Love
  118. 009-1
  119. Living for the Day After Tomorrow
  120. Buso Renkin
  121. Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
  122. Gin'iro no Olynssis
  123. Happiness!
  124. Kanon
  125. Sumomomo Momomo
  126. Gift: Eternal Rainbow
  127. Kujibiki Unbalance
  128. Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku o!
  129. Ghost Slayers Ayashi
  130. Hell Girl: Two Mirrors
  131. Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple
  132. Mega Man Star Force
  133. Pururun! Shizuku-chan
  134. Reborn!
  135. Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru
  136. Hataraki Man
  137. Bartender
  138. Happy Lucky Bikkuriman
  139. Kekkaishi
  140. Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry
  141. Tokyo Tribes
If you want to view approximately 30 seconds of each opening, view below:
  1. Afro Samurai
  2. Saint October
  3. Koi suru Tenshi Angelique: Kagayaki no Ashita
  4. Shattered Angels
  5. Himawari!!
  6. Les Misérables: Shōjo Cosette
  7. Shuffle! Memories
  8. Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight!
  9. Hidamari Sketch
  10. Nodame Cantabile
  11. Venus Versus Virus
  12. Getsumento Heiki Mina
  13. GR: Giant Robo
  14. Tokyo Majin
  15. Moonlight Mile
  16. Yes! PreCure 5
  17. Jūsō Kikō Dancouga Nova
  18. Naruto: Shippuden
  19. Rocket Girls
  20. Ikki Tousen: Dragon Destiny
  21. Reideen
  22. Hitohira
  23. GeGeGe no Kitarō
  24. Gurren Lagann
  25. Heroic Age
  26. Hayate the Combat Butler
  27. Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Strikers
  28. My Bride is a Mermaid
  29. Onegai My Melody Sukkiri♪
  30. El Cazador de la Bruja
  31. Engage Planet Kiss Dum
  32. Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku o
  33. Oh! Edo Rocket
  34. Over Drive
  35. Saint Beast: Kouin Jojishi Tenshi Tan
  36. Sisters of Wellber
  37. Shinkyoku Sōkai Polyphonica
  38. Sugarbunnies
  39. Tōka Gettan
  40. Claymore
  41. Idolmaster: Xenoglossia
  42. Kishin Taisen Gigantic Formula
  43. Nagasarete Airantō
  44. Romeo × Juliet
  45. Bakugan Battle Brawlers
  46. Blue Dragon
  47. Darker than Black
  48. Kōtetsu Sangokushi
  49. Kotetsushin Jeeg
  50. Kamichama Karin
  51. Shining Tears X Wind
  52. Love Com
  53. Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit
  54. Sola
  55. The Story of Saiunkoku (season 2)
  56. Toward the Terra
  57. Bokurano
  58. Lucky Star
  59. Big Windup!
  60. Kaze no Stigma
  61. Princess Resurrection
  62. Spider Riders
  63. Eikoku Koi Monogatari Emma: Molders-hen
  64. Skull Man
  65. Dennō Coil
  66. Wangan Midnight
  67. Devil May Cry: The Animated Series
  68. Tetsuko no Tabi
  69. Nanatsuiro Drops
  70. School Days
  71. Code-E
  72. Zombie-Loan
  73. Buzzer Beater (season 2)
  74. Dōjin Work
  75. Kenkō Zenrakei Suieibu Umishō
  76. Mushi-Uta
  77. Sky Girls
  78. Happy Happy Clover
  79. Higurashi When They Cry: Kai
  80. Potemayo
  81. Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei
  82. Moetan
  83. The Familiar of Zero: Knight of the Twin Moons
  84. Mononoke
  85. Shigurui
  86. Baccano!
  87. Tokyo Majin (season 2)
  88. Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan 2
  89. Moonlight Mile (season 2)
  90. Da Capo II
  91. Bamboo Blade
  92. Blue Drop: Tenshitachi no Gikyoku
  93. Fantastic Detective Labyrinth
  94. Kaiji
  95. Neuro: Supernatural Detective
  96. Night Wizard!
  97. Sketchbook: Full Color's
  98. Dragonaut: The Resonance
  99. Mokke
  100. Myself ; Yourself
  101. Clannad
  102. Good Luck! Ninomiya-kun
  103. You're Under Arrest: Full Throttle
  104. Shakugan no Shana Second
  105. KimiKiss: Pure Rouge
  106. Mobile Suit Gundam 00
  107. Shugo Chara!
  108. Ef: A Tale of Memories
  109. Hatara Kizzu Maihamu Gumi
  110. Hero Tales
  111. MapleStory
  112. Minami-ke
  113. Pururun! Shizuku-chan Aha
  114. Rental Magica
  115. Prism Ark
  116. Genshiken 2
  117. Kodomo no Jikan
  118. Moyasimon: Tales of Agriculture
  119. Shion no Ō
  120. Ghost Hound
  121. Shooting Star Rockman Tribe
  122. Ayakashi
If you want to view approximately 30 seconds of each opening, view below:

  1. Sisters of Wellber Zwei
  2. Rosario + Vampire
  3. H2O: Footprints in the Sand
  4. Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de
  5. Hatenkō Yūgi
  6. Major S4
  7. Persona: Trinity Soul
  8. (Zoku) Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei
  9. Minami-ke: Okawari
  10. Porphy no Nagai Tabi
  11. Shigofumi: Letters from the Departed
  12. True Tears
  13. Aria the Origination
  14. Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino
  15. Spice and Wolf
  16. Kitarō of the Graveyard
  17. Yatterman
  18. Mnemosyne
  19. Yes PreCure 5 GoGo!
  20. Chi's Sweet Home
  21. Sugarbunnies: Chocolat!
  22. The Tower of Druaga: The Aegis of Uruk
  23. Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
  24. Allison & Lillia
  25. Kure-nai
  26. Kyo Kara Maoh! (season 3)
  27. xxxHolic: Kei
  28. Amatsuki
  29. Itazura na Kiss
  30. Macross Frontier
  31. To Love-Ru
  32. Blassreiter
  33. Blue Dragon: Trials of the Seven Shadows
  34. Da Capo II: Second Season
  35. Kamen no Maid Guy
  36. Kanokon
  37. Penguin no Mondai
  38. Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
  39. Nabari no Ou
  40. Neo Angelique Abyss
  41. Net Ghost PiPoPa
  42. Onegai My Melody Kirara☆
  43. Our Home's Fox Deity.
  44. Special A
  45. Zettai Karen Children
  46. Hakken Taiken Daisuki! Shimajirō
  47. Monochrome Factor
  48. Soul Eater
  49. Vampire Knight
  50. Glass Maiden
  51. Top Secret: The Revelation
  52. Junjo Romantica
  53. Kaiba
  54. Library War
  55. Golgo 13
  56. Kyōran Kazoku Nikki
  57. Nijū Mensō no Musume
  58. RoboDz Kazagumo Hen
  59. Ikki Tousen: Great Guardians
  60. Telepathy Shōjo Ran
  61. Ultraviolet: Code 044
  62. Sekirei
  63. Slayers Revolution
  64. Someday's Dreamers: Summer Skies
  65. Antique Bakery
  66. Hidamari Sketch × 365
  67. Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu
  68. Strike Witches
  69. Birdy the Mighty: Decode
  70. Yakushiji Ryōko no Kaiki Jikenbo
  71. Mission-E
  72. Natsume's Book of Friends
  73. World Destruction
  74. The Familiar of Zero: Rondo of Princesses
  75. Koihime Musō
  76. Neo Angelique Abyss: Second Age
  77. Blade of the Immortal
  78. Battle Spirits: Shounen Toppa Bashin
  79. The Earl and the Fairy
  80. Casshern Sins
  81. Hyakko
  82. Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka
  83. Rosario + Vampire Capu2
  84. Shikabane Hime: Aka
  85. Toradora!
  86. Yozakura Quartet
  87. Astro Fighter Sunred
  88. Black Butler
  89. Clannad After Story
  90. Linebarrels of Iron
  91. A Certain Magical Index
  92. Hell Girl: Three Vessels
  93. Kannagi
  94. Kemeko Deluxe!
  95. Shugo Chara!! Doki—
  96. Tales of the Abyss
  97. Ga-Rei: Zero
  98. Inazuma Eleven
  99. Kyō no Go no Ni
  100. Macademi Wasshoi!
  101. Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (season 2)
  102. Vampire Knight Guilty
  103. Ef: A Tale of Melodies
  104. Mōryō no Hako
  105. Kurozuka
  106. One Outs
  107. Stitch!
  108. Nodame Cantabile: Paris-Hen
  109. Tytania
  110. Legends of the Dark King
  111. Junjo Romantica (season 2)
  112. Chaos;Head
  113. Michiko & Hatchin
If you want to view approximately 30 seconds of each opening, view below:
  1. Shikabane Hime: Kuro
  2. Akikan!
  3. Maria-sama ga Miteru 4th
  4. White Album
  5. Maria Holic
  6. Minami-ke: Okaeri
  7. The Girl Who Leapt Through Space
  8. Zoku Natsume Yūjin-chō
  9. Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger
  10. Viper's Creed
  11. Asu no Yoichi!
  12. Kurokami: The Animation
  13. The Tower of Druaga: The Sword of Uruk
  14. Birdy the Mighty: Decode (season 2)
  15. The Beast Player Erin
  16. Major S5
  17. Rideback
  18. Slayers Evolution-R
  19. Sora o Miageru Shōjo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai
  20. Genji Monogatari Sennenki
  21. Fresh PreCure!
  22. Mainichi Kaasan
  23. Asura Cryin'
  24. Pandora Hearts
  25. Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom
  26. Queen's Blade: The Exiled Virgin
  27. Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings
  28. Basquash!
  29. Hayate the Combat Butler!!
  30. Higepiyo
  31. K-On!
  32. Slap-up Party: Arad Senki
  33. Gokujō!! Mecha Mote Iinchō
  34. Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact!
  35. Shinkyoku Sōkai Polyphonica Crimson S
  36. Valkyria Chronicles
  37. Beyblade: Metal Fusion
  38. Cross Game
  39. Dragon Ball Z Kai
  40. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
  41. Guin Saga
  42. Hanasakeru Seishōnen
  43. Kon'nichiwa Anne: Before Green Gables
  44. Jewelpet
  45. Natsu no Arashi!
  46. Tayutama: Kiss on my Deity
  47. Saki
  48. Shangri-La
  49. Tears to Tiara
  50. 07-Ghost
  51. Sōten Kōro
  52. Sugarbunnies: Fleur
  53. Ristorante Paradiso
  54. First Love Limited
  55. Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia
  56. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
  57. Weiß Survive
  58. Umi Monogatari
  59. Fight Ippatsu! Jūden-chan!!
  60. Needless
  61. Sweet Blue Flowers
  62. Taishō Baseball Girls
  63. Umineko When They Cry
  64. Bakemonogatari
  65. Canaan
  66. Element Hunters
  67. (Zan) Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei
  68. Kanamemo
  69. Kuruneko
  70. Princess Lover!
  71. GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class
  72. Sora no Manimani
  73. Spice and Wolf II
  74. Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
  75. Modern Magic Made Simple
  76. Asura Cryin' (season 2)
  77. Nyan Koi!
  78. Kämpfer
  79. Student Council's Discretion
  80. Tatakau Shisho: The Book of Bantorra
  81. White Album (season 2)
  82. A Certain Scientific Railgun
  83. Inuyasha: The Final Act
  84. Shugo Chara! Party!
  85. Tegami Bachi
  86. The Sacred Blacksmith
  87. Heaven's Lost Property
  88. Miracle Train: Ōedo-sen e Yōkoso
  89. Natsu no Arashi! Akinai-chū
  90. Yumeiro Patissiere
  91. Anyamaru Tantei Kiruminzuu
  92. Shin Koihime Musō
  93. 11eyes: Tsumi to Batsu to Aganai no Shōjo
  94. Kimi ni Todoke
  95. Kobato
  96. Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu: Purezza
  97. Whispered Words
  98. Darker than Black: Gemini of the Meteor
  99. Aoi Bungaku Series
  100. Fairy Tail
  101. Kaidan Restaurant
  102. Kiddy Girl-and
  103. Kūchū Buranko
  104. Weiß Survive R
  105. Hipira-kun
If you want to view approximately 30 seconds of each opening, view below:
submitted by TriviaGalore93 to AnimeQuizzesandtrivia [link] [comments]

2022.11.25 16:30 haydenfr Phoenix saint seiya by mamoru yokota

Phoenix saint seiya by mamoru yokota submitted by haydenfr to Shikishi [link] [comments]

2022.08.28 17:55 Mazen141 Interview with Mamoru Yokota - Full Frontal

Interview with Mamoru Yokota - Full Frontal submitted by Mazen141 to anime [link] [comments]

2022.04.04 14:24 Aivaras12398 Some fanart of Dai and Popp by animator Yokota Mamoru

Some fanart of Dai and Popp by animator Yokota Mamoru submitted by Aivaras12398 to dragonquest [link] [comments]

2021.11.08 15:47 CoufurimSymbolic [US] [Selling] VARIOUS MANGA AND ANIME

Hello everyone. I would like to sell a part of my collection for personal reasons. Shipping with Media Mail. Not splitting manga btw. Anime? Depends. Most of collection is like new/never used as they were shipped from Rightstuf. The only ones in 'good' condition are some of the ghibli movies slipcovers and two of the anime classics slipcovers. Here they are:

Land of the Lustrous 1-11 ($110)
Yotsuba&! 1-15 (+ Danboard AmazonJp Mini figure) ($150) *Vol 10-14 came in curvy due to packaging but could be fixed/Vol 13 suffers from Yen Press Spine Print curse
Hakumei to Mikochi 1-4 ($45)
Hakumei to Mikochi 5-8 (SOLD)
Nicola Traveling Around the Demons' World 1-3 (SOLD)
Beyond the Clouds 1-3 (SOLD)
The Faraway Paladin 1 ($15)

Gkids Collection (See Pictures) ($350)
Anime Classics Series: (Serial Experiments Lain, Haibane Renmei, Steins;Gates, Ergo Proxy) ($180)
Made In Abyss Collector's Boxset (Limited Edition) (SOLD)
Land of the Lustrous Steelbook (SOLD)
Girls Last Tour Boxset ($75)
Pandora Hearts Standard Edition DVD Volume 1-2 (SOLD)

I may drop in a dvd of Angel's Egg by Mamoru Oshii I found on Ebay if a good amount on the list is purchased at a time. Thanks.
submitted by CoufurimSymbolic to mangaswap [link] [comments]

2021.09.25 01:36 AverageGamer1504 [Yard Sale] Manga, Blu-ray, and DVD - BanG Dream, Beyond the Boundary, Trigun, Dragon Maid, Naruto, and more

Payment through PayPal
.hack Legend of the Twilight Omnibus $12
Kasumi Volume 1 $8
Seraph of the End Volume 1 $8
Dragon Maid Volume 1 $8
Inukami! Omnibus 1 $12
Naruto 3-in-1 Volume 1 $12
Naruto 3-in-1 Volume 2 $12
BanG Dream Season 1 $25
Beyond the Boundary $25
Beyond the Boundary Movies (Broken case, discs have no scratches) $15
Fragtime $15
Kokoro Connect $25
Love Lab $20
Mysterious Girlfriend X (Old release) $20
Sakura Wars $15
The Perfect Insider $25
Towanoquon OOP $30
Urarameirocho $20
Guardian Ninja Mamoru $20
Himawari, Too! $15
Trigun Angel Arms $15
Trigun Project Seeds $15
The Boondocks Season 2 (Disc 3 is broken) $8
submitted by AverageGamer1504 to AnimeDeals [link] [comments]

2021.04.14 15:06 BopSomeElks Rate Shiki on the Hotness Scale

Rate Shiki on the Hotness Scale submitted by BopSomeElks to FGHotnessScales [link] [comments]

2021.03.09 22:13 Harkale-Linai First time doing an r/Fantasy bingo… and it was great!

EDIT: u/serenity-as-ice pointed out that The Bone Ships doesn't qualify for the necromancy square, so I hope I didn't mislead anyone into reading it to fill that square (it's still a fantastic book that I highly recommend). I'll update this post when I've finished reading a different book for that square!
As a summary, the card is visible here. I initially started the challenge to discover a few new writers and subcategories of SFF I’m not familiar with (mainly thanks to recommendations on this subreddit) and ended up with a full card without really realizing it. I made lots of great discoveries and now have a huuuge TBR list full of all the other books written by these amazing authors!
I enjoyed all the books listed below, for different reasons… but I don’t feel competent enough to give them ratings: the difference between books I consider to be good or absolutely great is just a matter of taste… I’ve realised I especially like reading about people peopling (they have realistic personalities, the good guys are trying to understand others and aiming to be better people), soft magic system (mysterious events rather than codified rules of magic), in original settings and with beautiful, poetic prose. I’ve added hearts (<3) before the titles I loved most and would absolutely recommend to people who don’t dislike the things I listed above :)
So here are the mini-reviews, feel free to let me know if I did anything wrong, and I hope they will make you want to discover some of these books!

First row:

<3 Novel Translated from its Original Language: Kenji Miyazawa - Night Train to the Milky Way.
It’s actually a collection of poetic, dreamlike short stories about humanity, kindness, and the beauty of our world. The main one, Night Train to the Milky Way, tells the story of a boy who takes a train through the night sky with his best friend. It’s a beautiful tale about loss and grief, written after the author lost his sister, and one of the most touching texts I’ve ever read… It’s my favourite read on this card, and I deeply recommend it if you’re OK with your eyes turning into fountains (plus, it was published after the author’s death about a century ago, so it’s probably in the public domain and available for free online)

Setting Featuring Snow, Ice, or Cold: Ursula Le Guin - The Left Hand of Darkness.
We discover a planet where people are neither male nor female through the eyes of a man from our own Earth. Le Guin builds a very convincing society, with its complex interactions and subtle differences from our own world, in which the story unfolds, dealing with prejudice on both sides and trying to relate to others despite their differences. I loved discovering this world through the point of view of a biased outsider, trying to figure out what he didn’t understand (and often failing).

Optimistic SFF: Katherine Addison - The Goblin Emperor.
Maia, a half-goblin outcast, is suddenly put on the throne of an elven kingdom. It took me a while to figure out why this was so often recommended as an optimistic SFF book: the court is fond of gossip and backstabbing and the main character is just so lonely (and needs a big hug)… But then, he’s a genuinely good person who wants to do what’s best for everyone and who’s extremely considerate of others, and power doesn’t manage to corrupt him. He’s a great character (and he still deserves that hug)!

<3 Novel Featuring Necromancy: R. J. Barker - The Bone Ships.
I love that universe. It has ships made of bones, creepy necromancy and an unjust social structure on one hand, and gorgeous nature, mysterious magic and bird-people on the other hand. I like the other hand better, obviously, but the contrast is fantastic. The characters are great, too, and so are the visual descriptions, with all their rich colours (the black or white ships, blue and red paint, pink or purple plants,…): the book is high on my to-make-fanart-of list, and I’m looking forward to reading the next one in the series!
Also, side notes: the writer isn’t K. J. Parker, and bird-people aren’t called Guillaume. It’s all very confusing and it took me longer than I am willing to admit to figure it out.

<3 Ace / Aro Spec Fic: two novellas here, Meredith Katz - The Cybernetic Teashop and Seanan McGuire - Every Heart a Doorway.
I loved both these stories and added everything else by the writers to my TBR! The first one is a romance between a programmer and a robot, with lots of tea and caring for each other. Before reading it, I thought I wasn’t a fan of romance stories, but the protagonists stole my heart and I’m glad to be wrong.
The second is a beautiful story as well, about children stranded away from the dreamworlds they used to live in… It’s about melancholy and loss, and hope too. I love McGuire’s delicate prose, and I’m looking forward to reading the other books in that series!

Second Row:

Novel Featuring a Ghost: two shorter books here too, Oscar Wilde - The Canterville Ghost and William Shakespeare – Hamlet.
The first one is part of a book of short stories/novellas: an American family buys a haunted English manor. They didn’t believe in ghosts, but this ghost is clearly real and also far too noisy. It’s a fun story, often more on the acerbic side (I mean, it’s Wilde), but surprisingly kind overall!
The second, well, is Hamlet. No, I hadn’t read it before. As a non-native English speaker, I found it tough (I had a modern French translation next to the original text to help me understand some sentences, I would have missed a lot without it, and I probably still missed a lot with it). I liked it, but it’s not my favourite among Shakespeare’s works, and I’m not going to elaborate much further here because I’m not a literary critic and I think my ignorance would give the British a good reason to invade Brittany and burn me to the stake (or worse, force me to eat English “food”).

Novel Featuring Exploration: Matthew Buscemi - Schrödinger's City.
A self-published novel which the writer advertised on this subreddit :) We’re following different people who are stuck in a strange city that alternates between two configurations. It’s a really original setting, and I enjoyed exploring it with the characters!

<3 Climate fiction: Mary Robinette Kowal - The Calculating Stars.
After a massive cataclysm happened on Earth in the 50s, we follow the efforts of humanity to escape to the stars through the point of view of a NASA employee who ends up having a central role. I love how her obvious competence is displayed in the first chapter, I love the beautiful relationship she has with her husband, and I love how the different kinds of discrimination mirror each other (especially as people realize that others are discriminated against and change their own perspective). It’s just great.

Novel with a Colour in the Title: John Scalzi – Redshirts.
I don’t remember the username of the person who recommended that book to me in a discussion about Galaxy Quest, but thank you, kind redditor! It’s a hilarious book, probably best appreciated by Star Trek fans, that pokes fun at the tropes of the series (especially the alarmingly high deathrate of people wearing red aboard the USS Enterprise).

<3 Any fantasy Book Club Book of the Month OR fantasy Read-along Book: Hope Mirrlees - Lud-in-the-Mist.
We follow an investigation happening in Dorimare, a modern country (by early 20th century standards) whose inhabitants don’t like to be reminded of their country’s past strong ties with Fairyland, a mysterious place lying beyond Dorimare’s western border. It’s a wonderful book, with its mix of modern politics and eerie fairy magic, with a gallery of very human characters and written in a beautiful prose. It reminded me a lot of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, which I also loved, except it was written about 80 years before JSMN ^^

Third Row:

Self-Published SFF Novel: Joseph O. Dorah - The Child of Silence.
Another one advertised by its writer on Fantasy! This book has a very unusual perspective, as it’s told from the point of view of a severely disabled girl. All her family members are powerful magic users, and she’s in a chair, unable to speak or move, useless for them. Her struggles to be seen as a person feel all too realistic, and the pace of the book really works well with that slow progression… I regret some unnecessary lengths (a fight scene in the last part of the book, in particular), but it’s still a very refreshing perspective, so I definitely recommend it.

Novel with Chapter Epigraphs: Brandon Sanderson - The Way of Kings.
After reading so much praise on this subreddit, I’ve read a few of Sanderson’s books, but I don’t get it, sorry… The world is original, but I don’t sympathize with any of the characters, and I’m really not a fan of the writing style either. Which shows that I have no taste in books at all. My Sanderson fan friends are extremely disappointed in me, and so am I.

<3 Novel Published in 2020: Martha Wells - Network Effect.
The 2020 Murderbot novel is great! I’ve read it twice so far, and I’m probably going to read it again before the next novel is released. In this series, we’re following the adventures of a sarcastic space cyborg who watches too much TV (Murderbot itself), its human friends Dr Mensah et al., and its robotic friends like Asshole Research Transport (ART for short, not its actual name). The world is full of evil corporations doing evil corporation business, but fortunately it’s also full of kind people, human or non-human.

Novel Set in a School or University: John Bierce - Into the Labyrinth.
Another one of these books that just doesn’t work for me… I’m very sorry, especially since the author is a member of this subreddit and may stumble across this review (aaaargh). For me, it’s in the same category as Robin Hobb’s or Brandon Sanderson’s books: it’s just not my cup of tea and I don’t know why, but people who appreciate these writers may appreciate the Mage Errant series as well!

<3 Book About Books: Raymond St Elmo - The Origin of Birds in the Footprints of Writing.
We’re following the adventures of Clarence St Claire, who has been asked by the NSA to decode what is apparently a bunch of bird tracks. So he does. After a while, the bird tracks start to look suspiciously like words, birds start to look suspiciously like famous writers, and the world itself becomes weirder and weirder (and suspiciously so). I loved that book and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys writers like Borges, Calvino or Kafka, as it’s a great tribute to their work (on top of being a great story in itself)!

Fourth Row:

<3 A Book that Made You Laugh: Becky Chambers - The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet.
We’re following the crew of the Wayfarer, a spaceship tasked with punching wormholes through space to make travelling from point A to point B easier for everyone else. There’s a big galactic story happening in the background, and others fight with laser guns in space, but not the crew of the Wayfarer. They’re just people, humans and aliens, trying to do their best to live together, to learn and care about the others, about this unlikely family they are. The characters are great, and their story is beautiful.

Five SFF Short Stories: Jean-Philippe Jaworski - Le Sentiment du Fer
A collection of short stories that develop Jaworski’s universe from his novel Gagner la Guerre, a mix of Italian Renaissance (with city-states and sword fighters) and traditional fantasy (elves and mysterious magic). The stories offer refreshing versions of fantasy tropes, often with lots of precise technical words, but they’re also surprisingly haunting.

Big Dumb Object: James S; A. Corey - Leviatan Wakes
I love the TV series The Expanse and read the books to see how similar or different they were… as it turns out, the answer is “very similar”. The problem is, some of the things that feel new and modern in sci-fi shows (from the Belters themselves to the fact that the heroes run simulations to train before a fight in space, all the elements that make that world realistic) are actually much older tropes in written sci-fi, and the universe feels less exciting as a book… which doesn’t mean that it’s a bad story at all, just less exciting.

<3 Feminist Novel: M. L. Wang – The Sword of Kaigen
One of the many great books I wouldn’t have discovered without this subreddit. In a Japan-inspired village, we follow the young Mamoru, a promising fighter, and his mother Misaki, a former superhero (kind of) and now passive housewife in a rigid patriarchal society, as they’re dragged into a violent conflict. The story is dark and character-focused – and the characters are great, with their doubts and contradictions and slow or sudden evolutions… It’s a beautiful, heartbreaking book.

Novel by a Canadian Author: Steven Erikson - Midnight Tides
(re-read) The Malazan Book of the Fallen is amazing, with all its complex characters and rich history. This novel is one of my favourite books in the series, I love the contrast between the nonsensical humour and critique of capitalism and the heavy pathos surrounding some characters. One moment I’m laughing to tears, and the next one Erikson breaks my heart using only a few words.
However, the whole “haha rape is fun if the victim is mentally handicapped and well hung” subplot was really not great. I still liked the book as a whole, but, well. Not a fan of that part.

Fifth Row

Novel with a Number in the Title: C. R. Smith - Two Thousand Leagues as the Seabird.
Khatan tells the story of his life, as a pariah, a mercenary fighter, a servant… It’s a reflection on his violent life, his failures and regrets. The prose is poetic and contemplative, and gives a nice rhythm to the story. I really enjoyed the different settings explored as well, the vast steppes and frozen North.

Romantic Fantasy / Paranormal Romance: A. K. Caggiano - The Korinniad.
The yearly virgin sacrifice approaches, and Korinna is likely going to be the next victim. But she’d rather not die, so she prays the goddess Aphrodite to send her someone – not her true love, just someone to have sex with to avoid being sacrificed. I picked this book after the writer specifically advertised it as a way to fill the “romance” square of the bingo card :) I love the writer’s sense of humour, and even though you kind of know from the beginning how it’s going to end, the journey is fun and enjoyable, with cute monsters and ridiculous gods!

Novel with a Magical Pet: Will Wight – Ghostwater
These books feel a bit like an idle game, with the protagonist growing exponentially powerful, and you’re just here to watch him become stronger and stronger. On one hand, it’s not my cup of tea; on the other hand, I got the first books when they were available for free, started reading, and immediately bought the others to read them all in less than two weeks. It’s extremely addictive. The characters are not especially likeable, I just want to watch them become stronger… which is a weird feeling.

<3 Format: Graphic Novel (at least 1 vol.) OR Audiobook / Audio drama: Ashley Cope – Unsounded.
The bestest online comic ever. We follow the adventures of Duane Adelier (badass mage, great with kids, zombie, and pious believer in a religion which abhors zombies), Sette Frummagen (young girl who’s not entirely human, best thief in the world according to herself), and dozens of other likeable characters. Most of these characters are deeply flawed and very human (including the non-human ones), with so much love and racism and kindness and suffering. They’re not all on the same side, and most of them try to do what’s right, they just don’t have the same values and perspective... It’s a beautiful and heartbreaking story, and the author’s drawing style is amazing too!

Novel Featuring Politics: K. J. Parker - The Folding Knife
In this book, we follow the rise to power and inevitable fall of a Machiavellian banker and politician. We know from the beginning how he’s going to end, and we watch all his smart calculations and complex plans unfold, knowing that at some point his life will be destroyed. It’s a gripping story, and it works very well.
submitted by Harkale-Linai to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2020.11.28 21:59 optimally_bald Someone asked to name every people who died from the gun devil so i did it. Not copypasted. Took me 5 hours. Enjoy

1 fujimoto yuuko
2 horiuchi tou
3 horiuchi yuuji
4 miura nene
5 musaka sai
6 morii mana
7 morii kouhei
8 moriguchi en
9 moriguchi kant
10 yao ichio
11 watanabe nae
12 aizawa tone
13 aida hio
14 aida yuu
15 aida yuudai
16 satou touki
17 satou yuu
18 satou yuuya
19 satou yousuke
20 saitou kazuki
21 saitou shouji
22 saitou tomoharu
23 sugitou shizuki
24 sugitou tae
25 sugitou mei
26 seo yuuchi
27 seo wako
28 toda neiko
29 toguchi hana
30 toguchi namiko
31 nishida sou
32 nishida takumi
33 nogushi hisa
34 nogushi fune
35 aizawa yuuki
36 aida kouhei
37 aiba mahiro
38 aihara nanami
39 aoi yuuma
40 aoi kazuma
41 akutsu shiho
42 asai yuusuke
43 asakura daiki
44 azuma sanae
45 azuma shouji
46 amano megumi
47 amano norimichi
48 awada ryuuji
49 andou shouta
50 ishida haru
51 ichika shougo
52 inoue hiroki
53 imaizumi akihiko
54 ueda yuuka
55 ueno shunsuke
56 uehara haruka
57 uematsu akio
58 uezaki youko
59 ushizawa teruyuki
60 iwai yousuke
61 uchida kaori
62 uchida shiroi
63 uchiyama akira
64 umemiya ryouhei
65 urabe takako
66 eguchi yuuka
67 edamura kiyoko
68 enomoto satomi
69 entai nice
70 enchi hiroyuki
71 ooi ryouhei
72 oohashi yoshio
73 oohashi kayo
74 oohashi fumie
75 oohashi mirai
76 oobayashi kakeru
77 okazaki masafumi
78 ogata yuuko
79 ogata momo
80 ogihara toshiko
81 oguro kanae
82 oshibe junichi
83 odaka keiko
84 onobe makoto
85 onobe takahiro
86 onobe junko
87 onda shouya
88 katou ryouna
89 katou eiko
90 katou sakura
91 kamei ryou
92 kajima brian
93 kawabe tomomi
94 kawabe kazuhiro
95 kamizaki toshio
96 kikuchi mami
97 kiguchi tomoki
98 kitahara teru
99 kinoshita shouta
100 kinoshita risa
101 kitamura takeki
102 kirishima ryouta
103 kirishima eiko
104 kujou kouichi
105 kudou hiroki
106 kubo ryouko
107 kubo shouta
108 kubota akiko
109 motoki shizuku
110 monobe tomomi
111 monose miho
112 monose yuika
113 momose aika
114 morikami kouichi
115 moritani satoshi
116 moritani ryuuhei
117 moroki chiyoko
118 monji kunihiko
119 yakushima tsuneo
120 yagura naoko
121 yasaka seiichirou
122 yasaka koharu
123 yasuda masako
124 yanagida kazuhiro
125 yanuma natsuko
126 yanuma shinji
127 yano masaaki
128 yabuki kazumi
129 yabuki izumi
130 yamada kenichi
131 yamada hajime
132 yamada masahiko
133 yamamoto kanon
134 yuki kazumi
135 yukishita tsuyako
136 yuge junichi
137 yuza katsuyo
138 yumioka chie
139 yumioka hiromu
140 yumioka kuniko
141 yokoshima mahiru
142 yokoyama norimizu
143 yoshii seiichi
144 yoshida kuniko
145 yoshida hitokazu
146 yoshida chiaki
147 yotsuya miyoshi
148 yodogawa hisa
149 ramoto mitsu
150 waizumi teruyuki
151 wakamatsu ume
152 wakuta shinichi
153 wakuta izumi
154 watanabe noboru
155 watanabe kiyoharu
156 watanabe miyoshi
157 watanabe chie
158 wataki youta
159 wataru miyoshi
160 wada kazuhiko
161 aikawa kazuka
162 aiba keiichi
163 aono setsu
164 aono daichi
165 akashi takumi
166 ageoshi ayaka
167 akikawa kousuke
168 akeda daisuke
169 akui kouji
170 asagami rumiko
171 asami shuu
172 ajima kaori
173 adachi harumi
174 adachi ryouichi
175 atsugi hisao
176 atsuta kouki
177 abe kouzou
178 abe fuuta
179 amae daiki
180 amagi sayuri
181 amishiro tomohisa
182 ayai shouko
183 ayai natsumi
184 iga kouki
185 ikuta akari
186 ikuta daichi
187 igusa kouhei
188 ikeuchi chihiro
189 ikeda kazumasa
190 ikeda noboru
191 ikeda minori
192 izawa haruka
193 ishii atsumi
194 isoda kazuyo
195 ichikawa shougo
196 ichikawa yasuko
197 ichikawa ryouhei
198 itotagawa reiko
199 inauchi yuki
200 inauchi ai
201 iwai hakihiro
202 uesato subaru
203 ueshiba rinko
204 uozumi yuuichi
205 uchiyawa francois
206 utsuki jun
207 utsuki reiji
208 ubayama yuuichi
209 urabe atsumi
210 eikawa teruhisa
211 ezaki teppei
212 enokisawa karin
213 erikawa shouji
214 oikawa hiroyuki
215 oimatsu akiyo
216 ooashi keisuke
217 ooi shuuichi
218 ooi miho
219 ooi naoka
220 ooizumi shizuko
221 okatake shuuichi
222 ogura takeru
223 onizuka mio
224 onoguchi misuzu
225 obata masahiro
226 kaidzuka naoki
227 kaidou shuuchi
228 kaga erika
229 kagami ichirou
230 kagawa kazuyo
231 kakikawa kazumasa
232 kakiguchi makio
233 kakiguchi miyuki
234 kasagawa aya
235 kajii saki
236 kasuga nobuyo
237 kano moe
238 kamata yuuichi
239 kayama kazuko
240 kayama masashi
241 kikukawa sae
242 kigure kunichi
243 kishie tetsu
244 kishie atsuko
245 kishie asuka
246 kitakura shizumi
247 kirii yuutarou
248 kusonoki kumiko
249 kunizaki masashi
250 kunizaki aya
251 kurai yuuichi
252 kemoto kunihiko
253 kemoto asumi
254 kenzaki kouji
255 gejou taeko
256 koide yoshisa
257 kouzaka fumio
258 koji yukie
259 kouno yoshitake
260 kouno shizumi
261 kouno aya
262 kozakai kouji
263 kojima isamu
264 komori tomonori
265 saita junichi
266 saegusa kazuho
267 sakai ayako
268 sakai eiji
269 sakai ai
270 sakaki yuria
271 sakiyawa tomoko
272 sakura tomonori
273 sawabe yuuichi
274 sawabe seiko
275 shigemori akihiro
276 shizuta tsuyoshi
277 shinozaki daniel
278 shibayama mika
279 shibayama isamu
280 shimada yae
281 shimojima ayame
282 shimojima souichi
283 sugawara shizuko
284 sugiue mana
285 sukemoto kentarou
286 suzugaki wakana
287 suzugaki yuuki
288 sumikawa mika
289 sumida misaro
290 segawa satoru
291 sekio kiku
292 sekio iwao
293 senga kouji
294 senda ayako
295 soda masaru
296 sotoura misa
297 tsujii takahito
298 tsuchimori tamotsu
299 tsuchimoto ayano
300 tsuchimoto saya
301 tsutsumi shouichi
302 tsuruoka nariyuki
303 terai shouho
304 terai tsubaki
305 terumoto yutaka
306 terai isamu
307 terai shino
308 terumoto takaki
309 touma hiroshige
310 tsuneda fumika
311 togi leon
312 tokuoka natsuko
313 tokuoka kaho
314 todzuka nao
315 tonari shouichi
316 tonari rinako
317 tonari miu
318 tobita shigeru
319 fujii naoto
320 fushiki atsushi
321 fushiki nanase
322 fuchigami kazuo
323 funeda futoshi
324 funeda kazuya
325 funeda hiromi
326 fuyuki kozue
327 furui takahiro
328 heiwajiwa kunio
329 herai asami
330 betta hitomi
331 betta shou
332 hoki kazumasa
333 hoki satoru
334 hoshikawa mari
335 hoshikawa sekai
336 hozumi yousuke
337 hosoki tsutomu
338 horiuchi takaaki
339 maizuru misaki
340 makaze tomura
341 maki masayuki
342 makishima kaneyo
343 makishima keiko
344 makimura shunsuke
345 maguchi takaharu
346 maguchi sanami
347 yukimura kenichi
348 maguchi rina
349 masakawa satoru
350 mashiba kaoru
351 mase yoshiharu
352 matashige youko
353 matashige saki
354 machida miu
355 miura takashi
356 mikazaki yoshiharu
357 miki toshiaki
358 miki keiko
359 miki yuuka
360 migishima etsuko
361 misaka satoru
362 mochida ayami
363 motoi fusao
364 mochida ayami
365 motoi fusao
366 momoi shouya
367 momoi reina
368 mori shunsuke
369 moro kenji
370 moro soara
371 moromoto kinue
372 yatsuka keiko
373 yatsuka kouichi
374 yatsuka manami
375 yakushige ryousuke
376 yagashiro yuna
377 yashima fusao
378 yasukata kengo
379 yasukata ayana
380 yabata takahiro
381 yamakura nazuna
382 yui yuuto
383 yuta maria
384 yugami manami
385 yusi kaneyo
386 yokokawa shino
387 yokota rokusuke
388 yoshii kimie
389 yoshii natsuki
390 yoshii shouta
391 yoshikawa takahiro
392 yoshizaki mion
393 rakuno misako
394 rikawa yuuichi
395 rita ryousei
396 ryuuzawa kenji
397 rinno hisao
398 rinno kouta
399 rinno chiyuri
400 rekimoto shigeko
401 renpo kazurou
402 rokuma sakie
403 wai kumiko
404 wakahara mizuki
405 wada keisuke
406 wagatsuma kaito
407 wakuta kunihisa
408 aigami etsuko
409 aida kozue
410 aita ai
411 aita kouta
412 aita miki
413 akita kikuyo
414 akita chiyo
415 ayai noboru
416 arakaki shuuhei
417 arima tooru
418 anno manabu
419 iuchi miharu
420 iesaka youichi
421 igarashi kazuyo
422 usagawa shizuka
423 usagawa shuuya
424 kojimahara mariko
425 kogura chiyuki
426 kogura shuntarou
427 kozawa satoshi
428 katou kentarou
429 katou shizumi
430 katou minato
431 kadoi masafumi
432 kano yuuko
433 kuga shizumi
434 kusama naoki
435 kushida kouji
436 kushima azusa
437 koga kanade
438 koshimizu hidemichi
439 kojo misato
440 komazawa ai
441 komazawa kouji
442 komatsuzawa ichi
443 komatsuzawa tatsumi
444 koyama risa
445 saitou tomie
446 saitou kumiko
447 saibara joujirou
448 saotome takeki
449 sakuma kouhei
450 sakurai shizue
451 sasaki shunsuke
452 sasaki sae
453 sasaki shuuji
454 sasaki kou
455 sasaki sanae
456 sugitou sayaka
457 sugito mai
468 sugitou kouko
469 sumikawa harumi
460 sumida ichirou
461 sumida akari
462 suwano teru
463 sekiguchi amane
464 sekine rina
465 sena taisei
466 sena kaito
467 seriu eiko
468 sono kenichi
469 sonomura anri
470 someya shuuya
471 chikura kazuya
472 chouno takafumi
473 chiyoda yasunari
474 chabata tsugumi
475 tsukamoto manabu
476 togoe yuuki
477 togoe yoshiko
478 toda kaho
479 toda kenjirou
480 tonemura yukihiro
481 tonozuka saori
482 naitou kouji
483 naka takehisa
484 nagaura miyuki
485 nakamura yumi
486 nakamura isamu
487 nakamori kouhei
488 nagisa kanami
489 nashiro mao
490 natori miyoko
491 natori mei
492 natori moe
493 nanashima keiichi
494 hashiguchi chisato
495 hasegawa yuusuke
496 hasegawa rio
497 hatanaka shougo
498 hatamoto yukari
499 hatamoto yuki
500 hachikubo shouta
501 hachikubo rin
502 hanaoka junji
503 hamaguchi
504 hayai yuu
505 haraguchi shigeo
506 haraguchi keiko
507 haraguchi chiyo
508 haraguchi tomomi
509 haruki aiko
510 haruki minato
511 hioka daisuke
512 higashie ren
513 higashie kouki
514 hosoi shouhei
515 hosoi rentarou
516 hotaka kasumi
517 horita haruo
518 maekawa keiko
519 maeda kouki
520 maeda koudai
521 maeda sou
522 maeda misa
523 magawa hiroto
524 makino nobuyuki
525 makishima kaede
526 masuda youko
527 masuda nobuyuki
528 machizawa azusa
529 machizawa takanori
530 matsuura rumi
531 matsunaga masaki
532 matoba youko
533 manabe ryuusei
534 maruo shintarou
535 maruno kou
536 maruno kouki
537 maruno koushi
538 miura itsuki
539 miura ifumi
540 miura kii
541 miura kenji
542 miura kouta
543 miura shuuhei
544 miura futaba
545 miura kazuki
546 mizutani eisuke
547 mizorogi fumiko
548 mizorogi kokone
549 mitsukoshi musashi
550 midorikawa shigemasa
551 midorikawa mari
552 mizoguchi koudai
553 minami kanon
554 minami sachiko
555 mineoka makie
556 musaka aiki
557 musaka koudai
558 musaka mamoru
559 minemoto shuuichi
560 minemoto keiko
561 minemoto saori
562 waizumi ai
563 waizumi akane
564 waizumi kana
565 waizumi yoshie
566 wada koi
567 wada saeko
568 wada shizue
569 wada seiya
570 wada tatsuya
571 aigami chinatsu
572 aizawa kazumasa
573 akino saori
574 asai sachie
575 asai takayuki
576 asayama eiichi
577 ayuta shinji
578 ayuta ayumi
579 iori eriko
580 iori runa
581 ikuda hisao
582 ikezawa takanori
583 uetani naoka
584 uehama kazurou
585 uehama masashi
586 uehama mitsuki
587 uehama rie
588 ugaki shinsuke
589 ushioda makie
590 udai kouji
591 utahashi inori
592 uchiura emiri
593 eto kouta
594 enami rikako
595 enami maho
596 ebina maho
597 ebina makie
598 ousaka ruhiko
599 oumi misako
600 ooe yui
601 ooe yuusaku
602 oki osamu
603 oki riona
604 ogi satoru
605 ogi kouta
606 ogi yumeno
607 okumoto msayuki
608 osaka haruma
609 ochiai misako
610 ochiai kana
611 otobe shiori
612 kaiki ryouji
613 kaida yuuki
614 kaida tomoharu
615 kagami asami
616 kagami mikoto
617 kagi junichi
618 kakizakai ayami
619 kasamakousuke
620 kasamatsu kouji
621 kasamatsu
622 kaede
623 kajima tooru
624 katsuki yuri
625 kanai manabu
626 kanae hiroshi
627 kabeuchi misako
628 kamiya kimihiko
629 kiishouhei
630 kikugawa reiko
631 kitazaki hisae
632 kishi satsuki
633 kinoto mamoru
634 kinoto hanae
635 kunii yoshino
636 kuno kiyoshi
637 kubochi gin
638 kura tetsurou
639 kura hiromi
640 kuro haruo
641 genno subaru
642 koishikawa kei
643 kouishi akihiro
644 kousaka tadashi
645 kousaka miki
646 koumoto keisuke
647 koumoto shougo
648 koumoto aya
649 koutani ryouhei
650 saihata keisuke
651 sakaiya machiko
652 sakagami akito
653 sakato tadashi
654 sakato tamae
655 sakato kanako
656 sahaku akio
657 samura kimihiko
658 samura sayo
659 sannohe yuria
660 shioi yuusuke
661 shikishima nozo
662 shikishima aya
663 shigei kenichi
664 shigekura sawa
665 shigekura nanase
666 shimakuchi akemi
667 suekawa kenichi
668 sugano shizuru
669 suzuishi aoi
670 sugitani mika
671 seo ikki
672 seo seiki
673 seo souji
674 tamura ai
675 tamura aiko
676 tamura umi
677 tamura kai
678 tamura kaito
679 tamura kou
680 tokui mei
681 toda kouko
682 toda manami
683 natori fumi
684 nitta miki
685 nitta mine
686 negishi souta
687 noguchi mie
688 nomo shunki
689 nomo kou
690 hamabe miki
691 hashi kuon
692 ashi mana
693 fujiki touko
694 fijiki yae
695 fujimoto nana
696 horita yuuji
697 manabe iku
698 manabe rin
699 miura kouki
700 miura koudai
701 miura hase
702 miura mai
703 miura maiko
704 miura yuuki
705 yada shuu
706 yada taito
707 yokoi ai
708 yokoi aki
709 yokoi kaito
710 yokoi mai
711 abe ame
712 abe kiiko
713 abe kei
714 abe keiki
715 abe keigo
716 ueda you
717 uno yuu
718 kikuike kouichi
719 masumura shunsuke
720 aibe tomo
721 abe mei
722 osabe nano
723 osabe hiroki
724 hayakawa aki
725 saitou suguru
726 saitou tomoaki
727 fujita shuu
728 fujita rio
729 horida dan
730 horii misato
731 manabe you
732 manabe youta
733 yabe michi
734 yabe meme
735 yoshida toshi
736 yoshida yuuda
737 waizumi taki
738 waizumi nishiko
739 wada hisa
740 wada nao
741 wada yuuki
742 wada yuuko
743 kubota chizuru
744 kumano kiyomichi
745 kurashige souhei
746 kurahashi meiko
747 kurihara daisuke
748 kurihara risa
749 kurihara yukari
750 keshino akiko
751 koumoto youhei
752 koga julia
753 koga kouji
754 satou kouji
755 satou tetsurou
756 satou harue
757 satou shinichi
758 sawabe reina
759 shimahara noriko
760 shimamura rie
761 shimamura yuusuke
762 seigawa katsuji
763 seigawa mayumi
764 shimura yasuo
765 shimura tamae
766 shimura takane
767 shimooku youhei
768 shirauchi moeka
769 shirauchi shouta
770 shirauchi kouki
771 shiraishi kaho
772 shinkai midori
773 shindou masumi
774 shindou mei
775 shindou yuuichi
776 jinnai tetsurou
777 sugano tsunehiko
778 sugimoto shinichi
779 sugimoto shinji
780 soyama noboru
781 takada kouji
782 takada ryousuke
783 takahata harumi
784 takahashi tsuneo
785 takahashi hiroko
786 takahashi yui
787 takahashi karin
788 takeuchi tetsurou
789 takara kanami
790 takei shinsuke
791 takei nobuyo
792 tadano kouki
793 tamura chinatsu
794 chikamtatsu momoe
795 chikamatsu saki
796 tsukamoto yuri
797 tsukishima hiroshi
798 tsugehara kousuke
799 tsujii youko
800 tsutamoto junpei
801 tsuchida souichi
802 tsuchida kayoko
803 tsuboi yoshiyuki
804 tsurui kanami
805 tegoshi katsuyo
806 tezuka tamotsu
807 terasawa tomoe
808 terasawa matsu
809 terai haruko
810 tendou shouichi
811 tooi rin
812 toudou miyoshi
813 toudou yoshiyuki
814 touno yuuko
815 togawa hisae
816 tokita kyouichi
817 tokumaru shouta
818 tokumaru takami
819 nagae yuuya
820 nakai yoshinobu
821 nagatsu eiko
822 nakazaki mitsuru
823 nabeshima setsu
824 narimoto yuuri
825 nanjou makoto
826 niigaki takanori
827 nishikawa tsuneo
828 nishimura michiru
829 nitta shinsuke
830 nitta daijirou
831 nitta yuri
832 ninohe hisawo
833 ninna sumiko
834 ninna hiro
835 niwamoto kouhei
836 numada sousuke
837 nozaki yui
838 nobushige yasuo
839 noda shinsuke
840 noda jennifer
841 noda satoru
842 hagihara masataka
843 hagihara masataka
844 hagiwara akemi
845 hagiwara yuu
846 higano youko
847 hisai tomoko
848 hishida sachi
849 hino aoi
850 hirokawa mizuki
851 fukai chiyo
852 fukai satoru
853 fukai hinako
854 fukiage misuzu
855 fukui junko
856 fukui keiichi
857 fujio kazuo
858 fujio chiyo
859 fujii miyako
860 fujii shunsuke
861 fujii akari
862 funakawa sumire
863 furueda naozumi
864 henmi shinichirou
865 henmi nanako
866 hokujou fumi
867 hokujou shouya
868 hoshino shuusuke
869 hosoi taeko
870 miyoshino masao
871 miwa shuusuke
872 mukai chihiro
873 mukouda kousuke
874 mukouda satoru
875 mutou misaki
876 murai takehiko
877 murakami hideo
878 murakami shuuji
879 murosawa akemi
880 mega masaaki
881 meshii harumi
882 meshii shunta
883 mori kouji
884 motoki natsuhiko
submitted by optimally_bald to ChainsawMan [link] [comments]

2020.11.24 02:32 Hideki-Ken Gun Devil kills in Chainsaw Man

Immediately upon appearance: ability activation. Ability to fire a bullet through the head of every adult male within approximately 1,000 meters of the Gun Devil confirmed.
Ability to fire a bullet through the head of every child (ages 0-12) within approximately 1,500 meters of the Gun Devil confirmed.

Aizawa, Yuki
Aida, Kohei
Aiba, Mahiro
Aihara, Nanami
Aoi, Yuma
Aoi, Kazuma
Akutsu, Shiho
Asai, Yusuke
Asakura, Daiki
Azuma, Sanae
Azuma, Shoji
Amano, Megumi
Amano, Norimichi
Awata, Ryuji
Ando, Shota
Ishida, Haru
Ichikawa, Shogo
Inoue, Hiroki
Imaizumi, Akihiko
Ueda, Yuka
Ueda, Shunsuke
Uehara, Haruka
Uematsu, Akio
Uzaki, Yoko
Ushizawa, Teruyuki
Usui, Yosuke
Uchida, Kaori
Uchida, Shiori
Uchiyama, Akira
Umemiyama, Ryohei
Urabe, Takako
Eguchi, Yuja
Edamura, Kiyoko
Enomoto, Satomi
Enchi, Hiroyuki
Ooi, Ryohei
Ohashi, Yoshio
Ohashi, Kayo

Ohashi, Fumie
Ohashi, Mirai
Obayashi, Kakeru
Okazaki, Masafumi
Ogata, Yuko
Ogata, Momo
Ogiwara, Toshiko
Oguro, Kanae
Oshibe, Junichi
Odaka, Keiko
Onobe, Makoto
Onobe, Takahiro
Onobe, Junko
Onda, Shoya
Kai, Junichi
Kato, Ryona
Kato, Eiko
Kato, Sakura
Kamei, Ryo
Kawashima, Brian
Kawabe, Tomomi
Kawabe, Kazuhiro
Kanzaki, Toshio
Kikuchi, Mami
Kiguchi, Tomoki
Kitahara, Teru
Kinoshita, Shota
Kinoshita, Risa
Kitamura, Takeski
Kirishima, Ryota
Kujo, Koishi
Kudo, Hiroki
Kubo, Noriko
Kubo, Ryoko
Kubo, Shota
Kubota, Akiko

Kubota, Chizuru
Kumano, Kiyomichi
Kurashige, Sohei
Kurahashi, Meiko
Kurihara, Daisuke
Kurihara, Risa
Kurihara, Yukari
Keshino, Akiko
Komoto, Yohei
Koga, Julia
Koga, Koji
Sato, Kaho
Sato, Tetsuro
Sato, Harue
Sato, Shinichi
Sawabe, Reina
Shimabara, Noriko
Shimamura, Rie
Shimamura, Yusuke
Shimizu, Katsuji
Shimizu, Mayumi
Shimura, Yasuo
Shimura, Tamae
Shimura, Takane
Shimooka, Yohei
Shirouchi, Moeka
Shirouchi, Shota
Shirouchi, Koki
Shiroishi, Kaho
Shinkai, Midori
Shindo, Masumi
Shindo, Mei
Shindo, Yuichi
Jinnai, Tetsuro
Sugano, Tsunehiro
Sugimoto, Shinichi
Sugimoto, Shinji
Soyama, Noboru
Takada, Koji

Takada, Ryosuke
Takahata, Harumi
Takahashi, Tsuneo
Takahashi, Hiroko
Takahashi, Yui
Takahashi, Karin
Takeuchi, Tetsuro
Takara, Kanami
Takei, Shinsuke
Takei, Nobuyo
Tadano, Koki
Tamura, Chinatsu
Chikamatsu, Momoe
Chikamatsu, Saki
Tsukamoto, Hikari
Tsukamoto, Yuri
Tsukishima, Hiroshi
Tsugehara, Kosuke
Tsuji, Yoko
Tsudamoto, Junpei
Tsuchida, Soichi
Tsuchida, Kayoko
Tsuboi, Yoshiyuki
Tsurui, Kanami
Tegoshi, Katsuyo
Tezuka, Tamotsu
Terasawa, Tomoe
Terasawa, Matsu

Terui, Haruko
Tendo, Shoichi
Toi, Rin
Todo, Miyoshi
Todo, Yoshiyuki
Tono, Yuko
Togawa, Hisae
Tokita, Kyoichi
Tokumaru, Shota
Tokumaru, Takami
Nagae, Yuya
Nakai, Yoshinobu

Nagasawa, Eiko
Nakajima, Mitsuru
Nabeshima, Setsu
Narimoto, Yuri
Nanjo, Makoto
Nigaki, Takanori
Nishikawa, Tsuneo
Nishimura, Michiru
Nitta, Sinsuke
Nitta, Daijiro
Nitta, Yuri
Nido, Hisao
Niwa, Sumiko
Niwa, Hiro
Niwamoto, Yuhei

Numata, Sosuke
Nozaki, Yui
Nobushige, Yasuo
Noda, Shinsuke
Noda, Jennifer
Noda, Satoru
Hagiwara, Masataka
Hagiwara, Akemi
Hagiwara, Yu

Higano, Yoko
Hisai, Yomoko
Hishida, Sachi
Hino, Aoi
Hirokawa, Mizuki
Fukai, Chiyo
Fukai, Satoru
Fukai, Hinako
Fukigami, Misuzu
Fukui, Junko
Fukui, Keiichi
Fujio, Kazuo
Fujio, Mitsuko
Fujii, Chiyo
Fujii, Miyako
Fujii, Shunsuke
Fujii, Akari
Funagawa, Sumire
Furueda, Naozumi
Henmi, Shinichiro
Henmi, Nanako
Hojo, Fumi
Hojo, Shoya
Hoshino, Shusuke
Hosoi, Taeko
Miyoshino, Masao
Miwa, Shusuke
Mukai, Chihiro
Mukoda, Kosuke
Mukoda, Satoru
Muto, Misaki
Murai, Takehiko
Murakami, Hideo
Murakami, Shuji
Murosawa, Akemi
Mega, Masaaki
Meshii, Harumi
Meshii, Shunta
Mori, Koji
Motoki, Natsuhiko

Motoki, Shizuku
Monobe, Tomomi
Momose, Miho
Momose, Yuika
Momose, Aika
Morigami, Koichi
Moriya, Satoshi
Moriya, Ryuhei
Morogi, Chiyoko
Monji, Kunihiko
Yakushima, Tsuneo
Yagura, Naoko
Yasaka, Seiichiro
Yasaka, Koharu
Yasuda, Masako
Yanagida, Kazuhiro
Yanuma, Natsuko
Yanuma, Shinji
Yano, Masaaaki
Yabuki, Kazumi
Yabuki, Izumi
Yamada, Kenichi
Yamada, Hajime
Yamada, Masahiko
Yamamoto, Kanon
Yuki, Kazumi
Yukishita, Tsuyako
Yugi, Junichi
Yusa, Katsuyo
Yumioka, Chie
Yumioka, Hiromu
Yumioka, Kuniko
Yokoshima, Mahiru
Yokoyama, Norimizu
Yoshi, Seiichi
Yoshida, Kunoko
Yoshida, Hitokazu
Yoshida, Chiaki
Yotsuya, Miyoshi
Yodogawa, Hisa

Ramoto, Mitsu
Waizumi, Teruyuki
Wakamatsu, Ume
Wakuta, Shinichi
Wakuda, Izumi
Watanabe, Noboru
Watanabe, Kiyoharu
Watanabe, Miyoshi
Watanabe, Chie
Wataki, Yota
Wataru, Miyoshi
Wada, Kazuhiro

The Gun Devil advances toward Makima.

Aikawa, Kazuki
Aiba, Keiichi
Aono, Setsu
Aono, Daichi
Akashi, Takumi
Agari, Ayaka
Akikawa, Kosuke
Akita, Daisuke
Akui, Koji
Asagami, Rumiko
Asami, Shu
Ajima, Kaori
Adachi, Harumi
Adachi, Ryoichi
Atsugi, Hisao
Alsuta, Koki
Abe, Kozo
Abe, Futa
Amae, Daiki
Amaki, Sayuri
Amashiro, Tomohisa
Ayai, Shoko
Ayai, Natsumi

Ikawa, Koki
Ikuta, Akari
Ikuta, Daichi
Igusa, Kohei
Ikeuchi, Chihiro
Ikeda, Kazumasa
Ikeda, Noboru
Ikeda, Minori
Izawa, Haruka
Ishii, Atsumi
Isoda, Kazuyo
Ichikawa, Shogo
Ichikawa, Yasuko
Ichikawa, Ryohei
Itodagawa, Reiko
Inauchi, Yuki
Inauchi, Ai
Iwai, Akihiro
Uesato, Subaru
Ueshiba, Rinko
Uozumi, Yuichi
Uchiyama, Francois
Utsugi, Jun

Utsugi, Reiji
Ubayama, Yuichi
Urabe, Atsumi
Eikawa, Teruhisa
Ezaki, Teppei
Enokawa, Karin
Erikawa, Shoji
Oikawa, Hiroyuki
Oimatsu, Akiyo
Oashi, Keisuke
Ooi, Shuichi
Ooi, Miho
Ooi, Naoka
Oizumi, Shizuko
Okatake, Shuichi
Otokura, Takeru
Onizuka, Mio
Onoguchi, Misuzu
Obata, Masahiro
Kaizuka, Naoki
Kaido, Shuichi
Kaga, Erika
Kagami, Ichiro

Kagawa, Kazuyo
Kakikawa, Kazumasa
Kakiguchi, Miyuki
Kasagawa, Aya
Kaiji, Saki
Kasuga, Nobuyo
Kano, Moe
Kamata, Yuichi
Kayama, Kazuko
Kayama, Masashi
Kikukawa, Sae
Kigure, Kenichi
Kishie, Tetsu
Kishie, Atsuko
Kishie, Asuka
Kitakura, Shizumi
Kirii, Yutaro
Kusunoki, Kumiko
Kunisaki, Masashi
Kunisaki, Aya
Kurai, Yuichi
Kemoto, Kunihiko

Kemoto, Asumi
Kenzaki, Koji
Gejo, Taeko
Koide, Yoshisa
Kosaka, Fumio
Koji, Yukie
Kono, Yoshitake
Kono, Shizumi
Kono, Aya
Koakai, Koji
Kojima, Sayuri
Kojima, Isamu
Komori, Tomonori
Saida, Junichi
Saegusa, Kazuho
Sakai, Ayako
Sakai, Eiji
Sakai, Ai
Sakaki, Yuria
Sakiyama, Tomoko
Sakura, Tomonori
Sawabe, Yuichi
Sawabe, Seiko

Shigemori, Akihiro
Shizuta, Tsuyoshi
Shinozaki, Daniel
Shibayama, Satoru
Shibayama, Mika
Shibayama, Isamu
Shimada, Yae
Shimojima, Ayame
Shimojima, Shoichi
Sugawara, Shizuko
Sugiue, Mana
Sukemoto, Kentaro
Suzugaki, Wakana
Suzugaki, Yuki
Sumikawa, Mika
SUmida, Misayo
Segawa, Satoru
Sekio, Koku
Sekio, Iwao
Senga, Koji
Senda, Ayako
Soda, Masaru
Sotoura, Misa

Sotoura, Kirara
Sonohara, Kayo
Tauchi, Susumu
Takaura, Ayano
Takagi, Kozo
Takagi, Ren
Takiuchi, Mizuho
Takei, Harue
Takemoto, Masakazu
Takemoto, Kozue
Takemoto, Mahime
Tagoshi, Nibuhisa
Chikamatsu, Misono
Chigasaki, Masanobu
Chigasaki, Masaaki
Chigasaki, Minami
Chikuma, Misayo
Chujo, Shuya
Chiyoda, Koki
Chiyoda, Otoha
Tsukishiro, Tsubasa
Tsugemoto, Keisuke
Tsugemoto, Shizuku

Tsuji, Takahito
Tsuchimori, Tamotsu
Tsuchimoto, Ayano
Tsuchimoto, Saya
Tsuchimoto, Shoichi
Tsuruoka, Nariyuki
Terai, Shoho
Terai, Tsubaki
Terumoto, Yutaka
Terai, Isamu
Terai, Shino
Terumoto, Takaki
Toma, Hiroshige
Tokida, Fumika
Togi, Reon
Tokuoka, Shigeru
Tokuoka, Natsuko
Tokuoka, Kaho
Tokuoka, Nao
Tonari, Shoichi
Tonari, Rinako
Tonari, Miu
Tobita, Shigeru

Fuji, Naoto
Fushiki, Atsushi
Fushiki, Nanase
Fuchigami, Kazuo
Funada, Futoshi
Funada, Kazuya
Funada, Hiromi
Fuyuki, Kozue
Furui, Takahiro
Hirajima, Kumio
Herai, Asami
Betta, Hitomi
Betta, Sho
Hoki, Kazumasa
Hogi, Satoru
Hoshikawa, Naoya
Hoshikawa, Mari
Hoshikawa, Sekai
Hozumi, Yosuke
Hosoki, Tsutomu
Horiuchi, Asa
Horiuchi, Takaaki
Maizuru, Misaki

Maki, Masuyuki
Makishima, Kaneyo
Makishima, Keiko
Makimura, Shunsuke
Maguchi, Takaharu
Maguchi, Sanami
Yukimura, Kenichi
Maguchi, Rina
Masakawa, Satoru
Mashiba, Kaoru
Mase, Yoshiharu
Matashige, Yoko
Matashige, Saki
Machida, Miu
Miura, Takashi
Mikazaki, Yoshiharu
Miki, Toshiaki
Miki, Keiko
Miki, Yuka
Migishima, Etsuko
Misaka, Satoru
Yusa, Kaneyo
Yumisaki, Haruna

Mochida, Ayami
Motoi, Fusao
Momoi, Shoya
Momoi, Reina
Mori, Shunsuke
Moro, Keni
Moro, Soara
Moromoto, Kinue
Yaka, Keiko
Yaka, Koichi
Yaka, Manami
Yakushige, Ryosuke
Yakeshiro, Yuna
Yashima, Fusao
Yasukata, Kengo
Yasukata, Ayana
Yabata, Takahiro
Yamakura, Nazuna
Yui, Yuto
Yuda, Maria
Yugami, Zenichi
Yugami, Kumiko
Yugami, Manami

Yokogawa, Shino
Yokota, Rokusuke
Yoshii, Kimie
Yoshii, Natsuki
Yoshii, Shota
Yoshikawa, Takahiro
Yoshizaki, Mion
Rakuno, Zenichi
Rakuno, Misako
Rikawa, Yuichi
Rida, Ryosei
Ryutaku, Kenji
Rinno, Hisao
Rinno, Kota
Rinno, Churi
Rekimoto, Shigeko
Renpo, Kazuro
Rokuma, Sakie
Wai, Kumiko
Wakahara, Mizuki
Wagata, Keisuke
Wagatsuma, Kaito
Wakuta, Kunihasa

3:18:23 Makima
sights the Gun Devil
at a distance of 500 kilometers.

Aigami, Etsuko
Aida, Kozue
Aida, Ai
Aida, Kota
Aida, Miki
Akeda, Kikuyo
Akeda, Chiyo
Ayai, Noboru
Aragaki, Shohei
Arima, Tohru
Anno, Manabu
Iuchi, Miharu
Iesaka, Yoichi
Igarashi, Kazuyo
Usagawa, Shizuka
Usagawa, Shuya
Ogawara, Mariko
Ogura, Chiyuki
Ogura, Shuntaro
Ozawa, Satomi
Kato, Kentaro
Kato, Shizumi
Kato, Minato
Kadoi, Masafumi
Kano, Yuko
Kuga, Shizumi
Kusama, Naoki
Kushida, Koji
Kushima, Azusa
Koga, Kanade
Koshimizu, Hidemichi
Kojo, Misato
Komazawa, Ai
Komazawa, Koji

Komatsuzawa, Ichi
Komatsuzawa, Tatsumi
Koyama, Risa
Saito, Tomie
Saito, Kumiko
Saibara, Jojiro
Saotome, Takeko
Sakuma, Kohei
Sakurai, Shizue
Sasaki, Shunsuke
Sasaki, Sae
Sasaki, Shuji
Sasaki, Ko
Sasaki, Sanae
Suto, Sayaka
Suto, Mai
Suto, Yuki
Sumikawa, Harumi
Sumida, Ichiro
Sumida, Akari
Suwano, Teru
Sekiguchi, Amane
Sekine, Rina
Sena, Taisei
Senam Kaito
Seryo, Eiko
Sono, Kenichi
Sonomura, Anri
Someya, Shuya
Chikura, Kazuya
Chono, Takafumi
Chiyoda, Yasunari
Chabata, Tsugumi
Tsukamoto, Manabu

Togoshi, Yuki
Togoshi, Yoshiko
Toda, Kaho
Toda, Kenjiro
Tonemura, Yukihiro
Tonozuka, Saori
Naito, Koji
Naka, takehisa
Nagaura, Miyuki
Nakamura, Yumi
Nakamura, Isamu
Nakamori, Kohei
Nagisa, Kanami
Nashiro, Mao
Natori, Miyoko
Natori, Mei
Natori, Moe
Nanajima, Keiichi
Hashiguchi, Chisato

Hasegawa, Yusuke
Hasegawa, Rio
Hatanaka, Shogo
Hatamoto, Yukari
Hatamoto, Yuki
Hachikubo, Shota
Hachikubo, Rin
Hanaoka, Junji
Hamaguchi, Kazue
Hayai, Yu
Haraguchi, Shigeo
Haraguchi, Keiko
Haraguchi, Chiyo
Haraguchi, Tomomi
Haruki, Aiko
Haruki, Minato
Hioka, Daisuke
Higashie, Ren
Higashie, Koki
Hosoi, Shohei
Hosoi, Rentaro
Hodaka, Kasumi
Hotta, Haruo
Maekawa, Keiko
Maeda, Koki
Maeda, Kodai
Maeda, Soh
Maeda, Misa
Magawa, Hiroto
Makino, Nobuyuki
Makishima, Kaede
Masuda, Yoko
Masuda, Nobuyuki
Machizawa, Azusa
Machizawa, Taknori
Matsuura, Rumi
Matsunaga, Misaki
Matobo, Yoko
Manabe, Himawari

Manabe, Ryusei
Maruo, Shintaro
Maruno, Ko
Maruno, Koki
Maruno, Koshi
Miura, Itsuki
Miura, Ifumi
Miura, Kii
Miura, Kenji
Miura, Kota
Miura, Shuhei
Miura, Futaba
Mimura, Kazuki
Mizutani, Eisuke
Mizorogi, Fumiko
Mizorogi, Kokone
Mitsukoshi, Musashi
Midorikawa, Shigemasa
Midorikawa, Mari
Mizoguchi, Kodai

Minami, Kanon
Minami, Sachiko
Mineoka, Makie
Musaka, Aiki
Musaka, Kosai
Musaka, Mamoru
Ryomoto, Shuichi
Ryomoto, Keiko
Ryomoto, Saori
Waizumi, Ai
Waizumi, Akane
Waizumi, Kana
Waizumi, Yoshie
Wada, Koi
Wada, Saeko
Wada, Shizue
Wada, Seiya
Wada, Tatsuya


Gun Devil ability activation:
Ability to fire a bullet through the heart
of every living thing born in the months of
January, February, March, May, June, August, September, November or
December within approximately one kilometer confirmed.

Aiage, Chinatsu
Aizawa, Kazumasa
Akino, Saori
Asai, Sachie
Asai, Takayuki
Asayama, Eiichi
Ayuta, Shinji
Ayuta, Ayumi
Iori, Eriko
Iori, Runa
Ikuda, Hisao
Ikezawa, Takanori
Uetani, Naoka
Uehama, Kazuro
Uehama, Masashi

Uehama, Rie
Ugaki, Shinsuke
Ushioda, Makie
Ushiro, Koji
Utahashi, Inori
Uchiura, Yoko
Uchiura, Emiri
Eto, Kota
Enami, Rikako
Enami, Maho
Ebina, Kunihisa
Ebina, Makie
Ousaka, Teruhiko
Oumi, Misako
Ooizumi, Manami
Ooe, Yusaku

Oki, Osamu
Oki, Rinna
Ogi, Satoru
Ogi, Kota
Ogi, Yumeno
Okumoto, Masayuki
Osaka, Haruma
Ochiai, Misako
Ochiai, Kana
Otobe, Shiori
Kaiki, Ryoji
Kaida, Yuki
Kaida, Tomoharu
Kagami, Asami
Kagami, Mikoto
Kaki, Junichi

Kakizakai, Ayami
Kasamatsu, Kosuke
Kasamatsu, Koji
Kasamatsu, Kaede
Kashima, Tohru
Katsuki, Rie
Katsuki, Yuri
Kanai, Manabu
Kanou, Hiroshi
Kabeuchi, Misako
Kamiyama, Kimihko
Kii, Shohei
Kikukawa, Reiko
Kitazato, Genki
Kizaki, Hisae
Kishi, Satsuki

Kida, Erika
Kinoto, Mamoru
Kinoto, Hanae
Kunii, Yoshino
Kuno, Kiyoshi
Kubochi, Gin
Kuragami, Tetsuro
Kuragami, Hiromi
Kuromura, Haruo
Genno, Subaru
Koishikawa, Kei
Koishi, Akihiro
Kosaka, Tadashi
Kosaka, Miki
Komoto, Keisuke
Komoto, Shogo

Komoto, Aya
Koya, Ryohei
Saihata, Keisuke
Sakaitani, Machiko
Sakagami, Akito
Sakato, Tadashi
Sakato, Tamae
Sakato, Kanako
Saki, Akio
Sakimura, Kimihiko
Sakimura, Sayo
Sannohe, Yuria
Shioi, Yusuke
Shikishima, Nozomu
Shikishima, Aya
Shigei, Kenichi

Shigekura, Sawa
Shigekura, Nanami
Shimakuchi, Akemi
Suekawa, Kenichi
Sugano, Shizuru
Suzuishi, Aoi
Sutani, Mika
Seo, Ikki
Seo, Seiki
Seo, Soji
Tamura, Ai
Tamura, Aiko
Tamura, Umi
Tamura, Kai
Tamura, Kaito
Tamura, Ko

Tokui, Mei
Toda, Koko
Toda, Manami
Natori, Fumi
Nitta, Miki
Nitta, Mine
Negishi, Sota
Noguchi, Mie
Nomo, Shunki
Nomo, Ko
Hamabe, Miki
Higuchi, Kuon
Higuchi, Mana
Fujiki, Toko
Fujiki, Yae
Fujimoto, Nana

Hotta, Yuji
Manabe, Iku
Manabe, Rin
Miura, Koki
Miura, Kodai
Miura, Hase
Miura, Mai
Miura, Maiko
Miura, Yuki
Muto, Mirai
Yada, Shu
Yada, Taito
Yokoi, Ai
Yokoi, Aki
Yokoi, Kaito
Yokoi, Mai


The Gun Devil stops.

Gun Devil ability activation: gunfire toward Makima begins.

Abe, Ame
Abe, Kiko
Abe, Kei
Abe, Keiki
Abe, Keigo
Ueda, Yo
Uno, Yu
Kikuchi, Koichi
Masumura, Shunsuke

Makima prepares for ability activation.

Aibe, Tomo
Abe, Mei
Hasebe, Nanao
Hasebe, Hiroki
Hayakawa, Aki
Saito, Suguru
Saito, Tomoaki
Fujita, Shu
Fujita, Rio
Horita, Dan
Horii, Misato
Manabe, Yo
Manabe, Yota

Yabe, Michi
Yabe, Meme
Yoshida, Toshi
Yoshida, Yudai
Waizumi, Taki
Waizumi, Nishiko
Wada, Hisa
Wada, Nao
Wada, Yuki
Wada, Yuko

Makima's 29th recorded death.


Aizawa, Tone
Aida, Hio
Aida, Yu
Aida, Yudai
Sato, Toki
Sato, Yu
Sato, Yuya
Sato, Yosuke
Saito, Kazuki
Saito, Shoji
Saito, Tomoharu
Sudo, Shizuku
Sudo, Tae
Sudo, Mei
Seo, Yuichi
Seo, Wako
Toda, Neiko
Toguchi, Hana
Toguchi, Namiko
Nishida, So
Nishida, Takumi
Noguchi, Hisa
Niguchi, Fune

Fujimoto, Yuko
Horiuchi, To
Horiuchi, Yuji
Miura, Nene
Musaka, Sai
Morii, Mana
Morii, Kohei
Moriguchi, En
Moriguchi, Kanta
Yao, Ichio
Watanabe, Nae

Makima ability activation:

Use of the following's abilities.

Yutaro Kurose and Michiko Tendo's antemortem Devil contract, Punishment Devil

Akane Sawatari's antemortem Devil contract, Snake Devil

Aki Hayakawa's antemortem Devil contract, Future Devil

Angel Devil
Spider Devil

submitted by Hideki-Ken to copypasta [link] [comments]

2020.11.24 02:31 Hideki-Ken Gun Devil kills

Immediately upon appearance: ability activation. Ability to fire a bullet through the head of every adult male within approximately 1,000 meters of the Gun Devil confirmed.
Ability to fire a bullet through the head of every child (ages 0-12) within approximately 1,500 meters of the Gun Devil confirmed.

Aizawa, Yuki
Aida, Kohei
Aiba, Mahiro
Aihara, Nanami
Aoi, Yuma
Aoi, Kazuma
Akutsu, Shiho
Asai, Yusuke
Asakura, Daiki
Azuma, Sanae
Azuma, Shoji
Amano, Megumi
Amano, Norimichi
Awata, Ryuji
Ando, Shota
Ishida, Haru
Ichikawa, Shogo
Inoue, Hiroki
Imaizumi, Akihiko
Ueda, Yuka
Ueda, Shunsuke
Uehara, Haruka
Uematsu, Akio
Uzaki, Yoko
Ushizawa, Teruyuki
Usui, Yosuke
Uchida, Kaori
Uchida, Shiori
Uchiyama, Akira
Umemiyama, Ryohei
Urabe, Takako
Eguchi, Yuja
Edamura, Kiyoko
Enomoto, Satomi
Enchi, Hiroyuki
Ooi, Ryohei
Ohashi, Yoshio
Ohashi, Kayo

Ohashi, Fumie
Ohashi, Mirai
Obayashi, Kakeru
Okazaki, Masafumi
Ogata, Yuko
Ogata, Momo
Ogiwara, Toshiko
Oguro, Kanae
Oshibe, Junichi
Odaka, Keiko
Onobe, Makoto
Onobe, Takahiro
Onobe, Junko
Onda, Shoya
Kai, Junichi
Kato, Ryona
Kato, Eiko
Kato, Sakura
Kamei, Ryo
Kawashima, Brian
Kawabe, Tomomi
Kawabe, Kazuhiro
Kanzaki, Toshio
Kikuchi, Mami
Kiguchi, Tomoki
Kitahara, Teru
Kinoshita, Shota
Kinoshita, Risa
Kitamura, Takeski
Kirishima, Ryota
Kujo, Koishi
Kudo, Hiroki
Kubo, Noriko
Kubo, Ryoko
Kubo, Shota
Kubota, Akiko

Kubota, Chizuru
Kumano, Kiyomichi
Kurashige, Sohei
Kurahashi, Meiko
Kurihara, Daisuke
Kurihara, Risa
Kurihara, Yukari
Keshino, Akiko
Komoto, Yohei
Koga, Julia
Koga, Koji
Sato, Kaho
Sato, Tetsuro
Sato, Harue
Sato, Shinichi
Sawabe, Reina
Shimabara, Noriko
Shimamura, Rie
Shimamura, Yusuke
Shimizu, Katsuji
Shimizu, Mayumi
Shimura, Yasuo
Shimura, Tamae
Shimura, Takane
Shimooka, Yohei
Shirouchi, Moeka
Shirouchi, Shota
Shirouchi, Koki
Shiroishi, Kaho
Shinkai, Midori
Shindo, Masumi
Shindo, Mei
Shindo, Yuichi
Jinnai, Tetsuro
Sugano, Tsunehiro
Sugimoto, Shinichi
Sugimoto, Shinji
Soyama, Noboru
Takada, Koji

Takada, Ryosuke
Takahata, Harumi
Takahashi, Tsuneo
Takahashi, Hiroko
Takahashi, Yui
Takahashi, Karin
Takeuchi, Tetsuro
Takara, Kanami
Takei, Shinsuke
Takei, Nobuyo
Tadano, Koki
Tamura, Chinatsu
Chikamatsu, Momoe
Chikamatsu, Saki
Tsukamoto, Hikari
Tsukamoto, Yuri
Tsukishima, Hiroshi
Tsugehara, Kosuke
Tsuji, Yoko
Tsudamoto, Junpei
Tsuchida, Soichi
Tsuchida, Kayoko
Tsuboi, Yoshiyuki
Tsurui, Kanami
Tegoshi, Katsuyo
Tezuka, Tamotsu
Terasawa, Tomoe
Terasawa, Matsu

Terui, Haruko
Tendo, Shoichi
Toi, Rin
Todo, Miyoshi
Todo, Yoshiyuki
Tono, Yuko
Togawa, Hisae
Tokita, Kyoichi
Tokumaru, Shota
Tokumaru, Takami
Nagae, Yuya
Nakai, Yoshinobu

Nagasawa, Eiko
Nakajima, Mitsuru
Nabeshima, Setsu
Narimoto, Yuri
Nanjo, Makoto
Nigaki, Takanori
Nishikawa, Tsuneo
Nishimura, Michiru
Nitta, Sinsuke
Nitta, Daijiro
Nitta, Yuri
Nido, Hisao
Niwa, Sumiko
Niwa, Hiro
Niwamoto, Yuhei

Numata, Sosuke
Nozaki, Yui
Nobushige, Yasuo
Noda, Shinsuke
Noda, Jennifer
Noda, Satoru
Hagiwara, Masataka
Hagiwara, Akemi
Hagiwara, Yu

Higano, Yoko
Hisai, Yomoko
Hishida, Sachi
Hino, Aoi
Hirokawa, Mizuki
Fukai, Chiyo
Fukai, Satoru
Fukai, Hinako
Fukigami, Misuzu
Fukui, Junko
Fukui, Keiichi
Fujio, Kazuo
Fujio, Mitsuko
Fujii, Chiyo
Fujii, Miyako
Fujii, Shunsuke
Fujii, Akari
Funagawa, Sumire
Furueda, Naozumi
Henmi, Shinichiro
Henmi, Nanako
Hojo, Fumi
Hojo, Shoya
Hoshino, Shusuke
Hosoi, Taeko
Miyoshino, Masao
Miwa, Shusuke
Mukai, Chihiro
Mukoda, Kosuke
Mukoda, Satoru
Muto, Misaki
Murai, Takehiko
Murakami, Hideo
Murakami, Shuji
Murosawa, Akemi
Mega, Masaaki
Meshii, Harumi
Meshii, Shunta
Mori, Koji
Motoki, Natsuhiko

Motoki, Shizuku
Monobe, Tomomi
Momose, Miho
Momose, Yuika
Momose, Aika
Morigami, Koichi
Moriya, Satoshi
Moriya, Ryuhei
Morogi, Chiyoko
Monji, Kunihiko
Yakushima, Tsuneo
Yagura, Naoko
Yasaka, Seiichiro
Yasaka, Koharu
Yasuda, Masako
Yanagida, Kazuhiro
Yanuma, Natsuko
Yanuma, Shinji
Yano, Masaaaki
Yabuki, Kazumi
Yabuki, Izumi
Yamada, Kenichi
Yamada, Hajime
Yamada, Masahiko
Yamamoto, Kanon
Yuki, Kazumi
Yukishita, Tsuyako
Yugi, Junichi
Yusa, Katsuyo
Yumioka, Chie
Yumioka, Hiromu
Yumioka, Kuniko
Yokoshima, Mahiru
Yokoyama, Norimizu
Yoshi, Seiichi
Yoshida, Kunoko
Yoshida, Hitokazu
Yoshida, Chiaki
Yotsuya, Miyoshi
Yodogawa, Hisa

Ramoto, Mitsu
Waizumi, Teruyuki
Wakamatsu, Ume
Wakuta, Shinichi
Wakuda, Izumi
Watanabe, Noboru
Watanabe, Kiyoharu
Watanabe, Miyoshi
Watanabe, Chie
Wataki, Yota
Wataru, Miyoshi
Wada, Kazuhiro

The Gun Devil advances toward Makima.

Aikawa, Kazuki
Aiba, Keiichi
Aono, Setsu
Aono, Daichi
Akashi, Takumi
Agari, Ayaka
Akikawa, Kosuke
Akita, Daisuke
Akui, Koji
Asagami, Rumiko
Asami, Shu
Ajima, Kaori
Adachi, Harumi
Adachi, Ryoichi
Atsugi, Hisao
Alsuta, Koki
Abe, Kozo
Abe, Futa
Amae, Daiki
Amaki, Sayuri
Amashiro, Tomohisa
Ayai, Shoko
Ayai, Natsumi

Ikawa, Koki
Ikuta, Akari
Ikuta, Daichi
Igusa, Kohei
Ikeuchi, Chihiro
Ikeda, Kazumasa
Ikeda, Noboru
Ikeda, Minori
Izawa, Haruka
Ishii, Atsumi
Isoda, Kazuyo
Ichikawa, Shogo
Ichikawa, Yasuko
Ichikawa, Ryohei
Itodagawa, Reiko
Inauchi, Yuki
Inauchi, Ai
Iwai, Akihiro
Uesato, Subaru
Ueshiba, Rinko
Uozumi, Yuichi
Uchiyama, Francois
Utsugi, Jun

Utsugi, Reiji
Ubayama, Yuichi
Urabe, Atsumi
Eikawa, Teruhisa
Ezaki, Teppei
Enokawa, Karin
Erikawa, Shoji
Oikawa, Hiroyuki
Oimatsu, Akiyo
Oashi, Keisuke
Ooi, Shuichi
Ooi, Miho
Ooi, Naoka
Oizumi, Shizuko
Okatake, Shuichi
Otokura, Takeru
Onizuka, Mio
Onoguchi, Misuzu
Obata, Masahiro
Kaizuka, Naoki
Kaido, Shuichi
Kaga, Erika
Kagami, Ichiro

Kagawa, Kazuyo
Kakikawa, Kazumasa
Kakiguchi, Miyuki
Kasagawa, Aya
Kaiji, Saki
Kasuga, Nobuyo
Kano, Moe
Kamata, Yuichi
Kayama, Kazuko
Kayama, Masashi
Kikukawa, Sae
Kigure, Kenichi
Kishie, Tetsu
Kishie, Atsuko
Kishie, Asuka
Kitakura, Shizumi
Kirii, Yutaro
Kusunoki, Kumiko
Kunisaki, Masashi
Kunisaki, Aya
Kurai, Yuichi
Kemoto, Kunihiko

Kemoto, Asumi
Kenzaki, Koji
Gejo, Taeko
Koide, Yoshisa
Kosaka, Fumio
Koji, Yukie
Kono, Yoshitake
Kono, Shizumi
Kono, Aya
Koakai, Koji
Kojima, Sayuri
Kojima, Isamu
Komori, Tomonori
Saida, Junichi
Saegusa, Kazuho
Sakai, Ayako
Sakai, Eiji
Sakai, Ai
Sakaki, Yuria
Sakiyama, Tomoko
Sakura, Tomonori
Sawabe, Yuichi
Sawabe, Seiko

Shigemori, Akihiro
Shizuta, Tsuyoshi
Shinozaki, Daniel
Shibayama, Satoru
Shibayama, Mika
Shibayama, Isamu
Shimada, Yae
Shimojima, Ayame
Shimojima, Shoichi
Sugawara, Shizuko
Sugiue, Mana
Sukemoto, Kentaro
Suzugaki, Wakana
Suzugaki, Yuki
Sumikawa, Mika
SUmida, Misayo
Segawa, Satoru
Sekio, Koku
Sekio, Iwao
Senga, Koji
Senda, Ayako
Soda, Masaru
Sotoura, Misa

Sotoura, Kirara
Sonohara, Kayo
Tauchi, Susumu
Takaura, Ayano
Takagi, Kozo
Takagi, Ren
Takiuchi, Mizuho
Takei, Harue
Takemoto, Masakazu
Takemoto, Kozue
Takemoto, Mahime
Tagoshi, Nibuhisa
Chikamatsu, Misono
Chigasaki, Masanobu
Chigasaki, Masaaki
Chigasaki, Minami
Chikuma, Misayo
Chujo, Shuya
Chiyoda, Koki
Chiyoda, Otoha
Tsukishiro, Tsubasa
Tsugemoto, Keisuke
Tsugemoto, Shizuku

Tsuji, Takahito
Tsuchimori, Tamotsu
Tsuchimoto, Ayano
Tsuchimoto, Saya
Tsuchimoto, Shoichi
Tsuruoka, Nariyuki
Terai, Shoho
Terai, Tsubaki
Terumoto, Yutaka
Terai, Isamu
Terai, Shino
Terumoto, Takaki
Toma, Hiroshige
Tokida, Fumika
Togi, Reon
Tokuoka, Shigeru
Tokuoka, Natsuko
Tokuoka, Kaho
Tokuoka, Nao
Tonari, Shoichi
Tonari, Rinako
Tonari, Miu
Tobita, Shigeru

Fuji, Naoto
Fushiki, Atsushi
Fushiki, Nanase
Fuchigami, Kazuo
Funada, Futoshi
Funada, Kazuya
Funada, Hiromi
Fuyuki, Kozue
Furui, Takahiro
Hirajima, Kumio
Herai, Asami
Betta, Hitomi
Betta, Sho
Hoki, Kazumasa
Hogi, Satoru
Hoshikawa, Naoya
Hoshikawa, Mari
Hoshikawa, Sekai
Hozumi, Yosuke
Hosoki, Tsutomu
Horiuchi, Asa
Horiuchi, Takaaki
Maizuru, Misaki

Maki, Masuyuki
Makishima, Kaneyo
Makishima, Keiko
Makimura, Shunsuke
Maguchi, Takaharu
Maguchi, Sanami
Yukimura, Kenichi
Maguchi, Rina
Masakawa, Satoru
Mashiba, Kaoru
Mase, Yoshiharu
Matashige, Yoko
Matashige, Saki
Machida, Miu
Miura, Takashi
Mikazaki, Yoshiharu
Miki, Toshiaki
Miki, Keiko
Miki, Yuka
Migishima, Etsuko
Misaka, Satoru
Yusa, Kaneyo
Yumisaki, Haruna

Mochida, Ayami
Motoi, Fusao
Momoi, Shoya
Momoi, Reina
Mori, Shunsuke
Moro, Keni
Moro, Soara
Moromoto, Kinue
Yaka, Keiko
Yaka, Koichi
Yaka, Manami
Yakushige, Ryosuke
Yakeshiro, Yuna
Yashima, Fusao
Yasukata, Kengo
Yasukata, Ayana
Yabata, Takahiro
Yamakura, Nazuna
Yui, Yuto
Yuda, Maria
Yugami, Zenichi
Yugami, Kumiko
Yugami, Manami

Yokogawa, Shino
Yokota, Rokusuke
Yoshii, Kimie
Yoshii, Natsuki
Yoshii, Shota
Yoshikawa, Takahiro
Yoshizaki, Mion
Rakuno, Zenichi
Rakuno, Misako
Rikawa, Yuichi
Rida, Ryosei
Ryutaku, Kenji
Rinno, Hisao
Rinno, Kota
Rinno, Churi
Rekimoto, Shigeko
Renpo, Kazuro
Rokuma, Sakie
Wai, Kumiko
Wakahara, Mizuki
Wagata, Keisuke
Wagatsuma, Kaito
Wakuta, Kunihasa

3:18:23 Makima
sights the Gun Devil
at a distance of 500 kilometers.

Aigami, Etsuko
Aida, Kozue
Aida, Ai
Aida, Kota
Aida, Miki
Akeda, Kikuyo
Akeda, Chiyo
Ayai, Noboru
Aragaki, Shohei
Arima, Tohru
Anno, Manabu
Iuchi, Miharu
Iesaka, Yoichi
Igarashi, Kazuyo
Usagawa, Shizuka
Usagawa, Shuya
Ogawara, Mariko
Ogura, Chiyuki
Ogura, Shuntaro
Ozawa, Satomi
Kato, Kentaro
Kato, Shizumi
Kato, Minato
Kadoi, Masafumi
Kano, Yuko
Kuga, Shizumi
Kusama, Naoki
Kushida, Koji
Kushima, Azusa
Koga, Kanade
Koshimizu, Hidemichi
Kojo, Misato
Komazawa, Ai
Komazawa, Koji

Komatsuzawa, Ichi
Komatsuzawa, Tatsumi
Koyama, Risa
Saito, Tomie
Saito, Kumiko
Saibara, Jojiro
Saotome, Takeko
Sakuma, Kohei
Sakurai, Shizue
Sasaki, Shunsuke
Sasaki, Sae
Sasaki, Shuji
Sasaki, Ko
Sasaki, Sanae
Suto, Sayaka
Suto, Mai
Suto, Yuki
Sumikawa, Harumi
Sumida, Ichiro
Sumida, Akari
Suwano, Teru
Sekiguchi, Amane
Sekine, Rina
Sena, Taisei
Senam Kaito
Seryo, Eiko
Sono, Kenichi
Sonomura, Anri
Someya, Shuya
Chikura, Kazuya
Chono, Takafumi
Chiyoda, Yasunari
Chabata, Tsugumi
Tsukamoto, Manabu

Togoshi, Yuki
Togoshi, Yoshiko
Toda, Kaho
Toda, Kenjiro
Tonemura, Yukihiro
Tonozuka, Saori
Naito, Koji
Naka, takehisa
Nagaura, Miyuki
Nakamura, Yumi
Nakamura, Isamu
Nakamori, Kohei
Nagisa, Kanami
Nashiro, Mao
Natori, Miyoko
Natori, Mei
Natori, Moe
Nanajima, Keiichi
Hashiguchi, Chisato

Hasegawa, Yusuke
Hasegawa, Rio
Hatanaka, Shogo
Hatamoto, Yukari
Hatamoto, Yuki
Hachikubo, Shota
Hachikubo, Rin
Hanaoka, Junji
Hamaguchi, Kazue
Hayai, Yu
Haraguchi, Shigeo
Haraguchi, Keiko
Haraguchi, Chiyo
Haraguchi, Tomomi
Haruki, Aiko
Haruki, Minato
Hioka, Daisuke
Higashie, Ren
Higashie, Koki
Hosoi, Shohei
Hosoi, Rentaro
Hodaka, Kasumi
Hotta, Haruo
Maekawa, Keiko
Maeda, Koki
Maeda, Kodai
Maeda, Soh
Maeda, Misa
Magawa, Hiroto
Makino, Nobuyuki
Makishima, Kaede
Masuda, Yoko
Masuda, Nobuyuki
Machizawa, Azusa
Machizawa, Taknori
Matsuura, Rumi
Matsunaga, Misaki
Matobo, Yoko
Manabe, Himawari

Manabe, Ryusei
Maruo, Shintaro
Maruno, Ko
Maruno, Koki
Maruno, Koshi
Miura, Itsuki
Miura, Ifumi
Miura, Kii
Miura, Kenji
Miura, Kota
Miura, Shuhei
Miura, Futaba
Mimura, Kazuki
Mizutani, Eisuke
Mizorogi, Fumiko
Mizorogi, Kokone
Mitsukoshi, Musashi
Midorikawa, Shigemasa
Midorikawa, Mari
Mizoguchi, Kodai

Minami, Kanon
Minami, Sachiko
Mineoka, Makie
Musaka, Aiki
Musaka, Kosai
Musaka, Mamoru
Ryomoto, Shuichi
Ryomoto, Keiko
Ryomoto, Saori
Waizumi, Ai
Waizumi, Akane
Waizumi, Kana
Waizumi, Yoshie
Wada, Koi
Wada, Saeko
Wada, Shizue
Wada, Seiya
Wada, Tatsuya


Gun Devil ability activation:
Ability to fire a bullet through the heart
of every living thing born in the months of
January, February, March, May, June, August, September, November or
December within approximately one kilometer confirmed.

Aiage, Chinatsu
Aizawa, Kazumasa
Akino, Saori
Asai, Sachie
Asai, Takayuki
Asayama, Eiichi
Ayuta, Shinji
Ayuta, Ayumi
Iori, Eriko
Iori, Runa
Ikuda, Hisao
Ikezawa, Takanori
Uetani, Naoka
Uehama, Kazuro
Uehama, Masashi

Uehama, Rie
Ugaki, Shinsuke
Ushioda, Makie
Ushiro, Koji
Utahashi, Inori
Uchiura, Yoko
Uchiura, Emiri
Eto, Kota
Enami, Rikako
Enami, Maho
Ebina, Kunihisa
Ebina, Makie
Ousaka, Teruhiko
Oumi, Misako
Ooizumi, Manami
Ooe, Yusaku

Oki, Osamu
Oki, Rinna
Ogi, Satoru
Ogi, Kota
Ogi, Yumeno
Okumoto, Masayuki
Osaka, Haruma
Ochiai, Misako
Ochiai, Kana
Otobe, Shiori
Kaiki, Ryoji
Kaida, Yuki
Kaida, Tomoharu
Kagami, Asami
Kagami, Mikoto
Kaki, Junichi

Kakizakai, Ayami
Kasamatsu, Kosuke
Kasamatsu, Koji
Kasamatsu, Kaede
Kashima, Tohru
Katsuki, Rie
Katsuki, Yuri
Kanai, Manabu
Kanou, Hiroshi
Kabeuchi, Misako
Kamiyama, Kimihko
Kii, Shohei
Kikukawa, Reiko
Kitazato, Genki
Kizaki, Hisae
Kishi, Satsuki

Kida, Erika
Kinoto, Mamoru
Kinoto, Hanae
Kunii, Yoshino
Kuno, Kiyoshi
Kubochi, Gin
Kuragami, Tetsuro
Kuragami, Hiromi
Kuromura, Haruo
Genno, Subaru
Koishikawa, Kei
Koishi, Akihiro
Kosaka, Tadashi
Kosaka, Miki
Komoto, Keisuke
Komoto, Shogo

Komoto, Aya
Koya, Ryohei
Saihata, Keisuke
Sakaitani, Machiko
Sakagami, Akito
Sakato, Tadashi
Sakato, Tamae
Sakato, Kanako
Saki, Akio
Sakimura, Kimihiko
Sakimura, Sayo
Sannohe, Yuria
Shioi, Yusuke
Shikishima, Nozomu
Shikishima, Aya
Shigei, Kenichi

Shigekura, Sawa
Shigekura, Nanami
Shimakuchi, Akemi
Suekawa, Kenichi
Sugano, Shizuru
Suzuishi, Aoi
Sutani, Mika
Seo, Ikki
Seo, Seiki
Seo, Soji
Tamura, Ai
Tamura, Aiko
Tamura, Umi
Tamura, Kai
Tamura, Kaito
Tamura, Ko

Tokui, Mei
Toda, Koko
Toda, Manami
Natori, Fumi
Nitta, Miki
Nitta, Mine
Negishi, Sota
Noguchi, Mie
Nomo, Shunki
Nomo, Ko
Hamabe, Miki
Higuchi, Kuon
Higuchi, Mana
Fujiki, Toko
Fujiki, Yae
Fujimoto, Nana

Hotta, Yuji
Manabe, Iku
Manabe, Rin
Miura, Koki
Miura, Kodai
Miura, Hase
Miura, Mai
Miura, Maiko
Miura, Yuki
Muto, Mirai
Yada, Shu
Yada, Taito
Yokoi, Ai
Yokoi, Aki
Yokoi, Kaito
Yokoi, Mai


The Gun Devil stops.

Gun Devil ability activation: gunfire toward Makima begins.

Abe, Ame
Abe, Kiko
Abe, Kei
Abe, Keiki
Abe, Keigo
Ueda, Yo
Uno, Yu
Kikuchi, Koichi
Masumura, Shunsuke

Makima prepares for ability activation.

Aibe, Tomo
Abe, Mei
Hasebe, Nanao
Hasebe, Hiroki
Hayakawa, Aki
Saito, Suguru
Saito, Tomoaki
Fujita, Shu
Fujita, Rio
Horita, Dan
Horii, Misato
Manabe, Yo
Manabe, Yota

Yabe, Michi
Yabe, Meme
Yoshida, Toshi
Yoshida, Yudai
Waizumi, Taki
Waizumi, Nishiko
Wada, Hisa
Wada, Nao
Wada, Yuki
Wada, Yuko

Makima's 29th recorded death.


Aizawa, Tone
Aida, Hio
Aida, Yu
Aida, Yudai
Sato, Toki
Sato, Yu
Sato, Yuya
Sato, Yosuke
Saito, Kazuki
Saito, Shoji
Saito, Tomoharu
Sudo, Shizuku
Sudo, Tae
Sudo, Mei
Seo, Yuichi
Seo, Wako
Toda, Neiko
Toguchi, Hana
Toguchi, Namiko
Nishida, So
Nishida, Takumi
Noguchi, Hisa
Niguchi, Fune

Fujimoto, Yuko
Horiuchi, To
Horiuchi, Yuji
Miura, Nene
Musaka, Sai
Morii, Mana
Morii, Kohei
Moriguchi, En
Moriguchi, Kanta
Yao, Ichio
Watanabe, Nae

Makima ability activation:

Use of the following's abilities.

Yutaro Kurose and Michiko Tendo's antemortem Devil contract, Punishment Devil

Akane Sawatari's antemortem Devil contract, Snake Devil

Aki Hayakawa's antemortem Devil contract, Future Devil

Angel Devil
Spider Devil

submitted by Hideki-Ken to ChainsawMan [link] [comments]

2020.08.01 23:02 SorasPrecious It’s art
It’s 11:30 pm, got my Loacker biscuits & snacks right next to me sitting on my couch, and watching the Digimon Adventure prequel short films on Blu-Ray. I am watching this right now with no absolute source of subtitles. And I’m still happy and excited, do you know why? Because I’m not watching a movie, there is no need for me to read or understand anything because you art doesn’t have any language. I consider some animated movies, along with certain other video games and live films as a form of art. Mamoru Hosada’s movies are to me, a true work of art. And when Digimon is involved, I’m not really watching a movie. I am watching art. As a 90’s kid who grew up with the series, these pricey, expensive, high-quality animations in anime and Kaiju films, this is a form of art. My childhood revolves around these aspects and there’s nothing I love more.
I’m so happy! I love this special day! It’s SO HD!!!
submitted by SorasPrecious to digimon [link] [comments]

2020.06.25 05:21 99chrisbard Alpha Chunli & co (by Yokota Mamoru)

Alpha Chunli & co (by Yokota Mamoru) submitted by 99chrisbard to StreetFighter [link] [comments]

2020.01.10 00:57 Nersius Mary Skelter Post-Game and Remake Questions

About to pick up the last few endings and was wondering about a few things:
1) Does the post-game dungeon have any cutscenes? My gallery and Blood Maiden event logs are only have enough room for the ending scenes, yet I have not set foot past Hameln's boss arena.
2a) I heard that the remake has a new ending which is canon for Mary Skelter's sequel. Would watching the remake's new canon ending spoil Mary Skelter 2 at all?
2b) For someone who has virtually completed Mary Skelter 1, is there any reason why someone would play the remake if they have already had their fill of the original game?
3) The prequel novel depicts Hikari and Mamoru being captured as children while they were swiping some dud crops and met Jack and Alice maybe a week or so after their arrival. Despite this, during walky talky convos during the early upper jail sequences Mamoru claims to be the squad leader from 15 years ago. Did Mamoru and the leader fuse or something? Can't make sense of it at all.
submitted by Nersius to vita [link] [comments]

2019.11.01 01:41 mrstack345 r/whowouldwin presents r/WWW Halloween Havoc 2019

Boys and girls of every age...
Would you like to see something strange?
Come with us and you will see...
This event for Halloween
And now....

WWW Halloween Havoc

Happy Halloween whowouldwin, and bear witness to the 2019 edition of a Halloween tradition as WWW presents Halloween Havoc live. This spooky pay per view features returns of WWW mainstays, such as Danny Phantom teaming up with his Nicktoon cohort Avatar Aang against two thirds of the Marvel Champions Sam Alexander and Miles Morales, Chariot du Nord taking on the Mistress of Evil Maleficent one on one, the infamous Phantom Thief Joker looking to steal Zone-Tan's heart one on one, and so much more. Tonight's Halloween Havoc PPV is so action packed it's scary, and we're so glad you chose to spend your Halloween with us! We hope you enjoy the show, and hope that it doesn't scare you to death!
If this is your first WWW pay-per-view, here is the rundown of the show format. All of the matches for tonight will be laid out in the comment section below the OP. In the comments, you can debate to other users on the winner of each match. If you are unsure about the specifics of each battle, they will be laid out in the OP. After you're finished debating, or if you simply want to decide the winner, head over to the poll attached to the fight in question and vote for whom you think the winner of the match will be. After all of your votes are cast, I, your host, will present the results of the PPV with the winners of the poll. Don't forget, the results of the poll does have an effect on storylines featuring these characters moving forward, so your vote can sway the story one way or another!
Now that you're squared away, here’s a special look at tonight's Halloween Havoc card.
Just like last year's event, this broadcast falls three weeks away from the Survivor Series PPV on November 24th. There is no brand supremacy battle between RAW and Smackdown this year; throughout this year, fighters across both RAW and Smackdown have been fighting the characters in Disney's increasing catalogue. As a special challenge, this year's Survivor Series event will be Disney vs. WWW. But before Survivor Series, this event will serve as a large scale qualifier for all of the fighters involved to represent their respective factions come November 24th. These matches consists of the following:

Joker vs. Zone-Tan

Joker can only use Arsene and his dagger and gun as weapons
Zone-Tan has her demonic powers and keyblade
No interference
Winner is first to score pinfall or submission

Ben Tennyson vs. Alex Mercer

Ben Tennyson has full use of his Omnitrix except Alien X
Alex Mercer is a composite of Prototype 1, 2, and the comics
Winner is by KO/Incap

Carol Danvers vs. Raven

616 Carol that can use Binary
Raven is a Composite from Teen Titans the cartoon and the comics
No interference
Winner is the first to score a pin or submission

Grim vs. Jack Skellington

Grim can use his scythe.
Jack Skellington is a composite of the Nightmare before Christmas and Kingdom Hearts
Winner is the first to KO/incap the opponent

Maleficent vs. Chariot du Nord

Maleficent has all of her abilities from Sleeping Beauty, Kingdom Hearts and the live action films
Chariot can use her Shiny Rod
Winner is the first to KO/incap the opponent

Avatar Aang and Danny Phantom vs. Miles Morales and Sam Alexander


Shinra Kusakabe vs. Black☆Star

Akemi Homura vs. Dante

Composite Akemi with all her feats from PMMM proper and the movies
Dante has full use of his weaponry and all of his feats from the DMC series apply, including DMC5.
Winner is the first to KO/incap the opponent
Enter if you dare, and bear witness to this year's extraordinary and ghoulish Halloween Havoc. Who will represent both Disney and WWW come Survivor Series? However the event turns out, we hope you have a frighteningly good time with tonight's Halloween Havoc PPV! Now onto our announce team to formally introduce you to Halloween Havoc!
Happy Halloween WWW and welcome to Halloween Havoc! Be prepared for the spookiest matches WWW has to offer as we find out who will be able to represent us when we compete against Disney at the Survivor Series.
Yup, expect a scary time here tonight at Halloween Havoc, but the scariest part about this PPV is that I gotta sit next to this all night. What kinda costume is that?
I'm going in my gym clothes way back when. I think this was in the 4th Street Fighter tournament back in the day I'm not sure...
Way to go all out for Halloween, Sakura. I liked your costume last year more.
I could say the same thing to you Wade, I mean you're out to this for Halloween this year.
And it's so much better than yours in every way.
Eh... We'll talk about this later. Right now, let's kick off this year's Halloween Havoc.
submitted by mrstack345 to whowouldwin [link] [comments]

2019.10.13 11:18 johnknight648 [SL] Can anyone do the scanlation of Kyougi Dance-bu e Youkoso (Welcome to the Competitive Dance Club) the one shot pilot of Sesuji wo Pin! to - Shikakou Kyougi Dance-bu e Youkoso (Straighten Up! Welcome to Shika High's Competitive Dance Club ) by Takuma Yokota ?

[SL] Can anyone do the scanlation of Kyougi Dance-bu e Youkoso (Welcome to the Competitive Dance Club) the one shot pilot of Sesuji wo Pin! to - Shikakou Kyougi Dance-bu e Youkoso (Straighten Up! Welcome to Shika High's Competitive Dance Club ) by Takuma Yokota ?
cover page
Hey guys ! Good news and bad news ,The good news is I have the translation of Kyougi Dance-bu e Youkoso (Welcome to the Competitive Dance Club) the one shot pilot chapter of Shikakou Kyougi Dance-bu e Youkoso (Straighten Up! Welcome to Shika High's Competitive Dance Club ) by Takuma Yokota
Translation link :

The bad news is his group wouldn't scanlate it as one of the group the one who translated it claimed 'never read the series'. If anyone out there is interested in scanlating the series whether if you are a fan of the series or not ,Please comment below if you agree or not before you scanlate it or direct message to me.
submitted by johnknight648 to manga [link] [comments]

2019.08.26 15:09 JackRaney Asuka and Rei by Mamoru Yokota

Asuka and Rei by Mamoru Yokota submitted by JackRaney to evangelion [link] [comments]

2019.07.19 18:54 trover2345325 [DISC] Can anyone translate Straighten Up! Welcome to Shika High's Competitive Dance Club pilot

[DISC] Can anyone translate Straighten Up! Welcome to Shika High's Competitive Dance Club pilot
Remember Straighten Up! Welcome to Shika High's Competitive Dance Club by Takuma Yokota that was published from Weekly Shonen jump and ran from 2015-2017.

Well , there was a one shot pilot published in Jump Giga in 2011 called Kyougi Dance-bu e Youkoso (競技ダンス部へようこそ) or in English Welcome to the Competitive Dance Club ,Four years before the main series .

cover page
The translator group who translated Shika High's Competitive Dance Club are now disbanded including the other translator who remains anonymous . So i write this thread to know if anyone would be interested in translating this one shot pilot.
The raws are here:
So,If anyone is interested in translating this pilot chapter of Straighten Up! Welcome to Shika High's Competitive Dance Club called Welcome to the Competitive Dance Club.Please write down in the comments below .
submitted by trover2345325 to manga [link] [comments]