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A year of ads

2024.06.01 11:52 jdsp4 A year of ads

Conversion ads from Meta. Approximately half the traffic goes to YouTube and the other half to Spotify (only Spotify shown above).
Here’s a look at some of the audiences we’ve been testing / utilizing these types of audiences: COLD (never heard of out artist) - Interest targeting - band targeting - behavior targeting - lookalike targeting
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BOILING (pumped about our artist) - retargeting based on engagement lvl
Now we have plenty of data to run geo-targeted ads for our artist’s upcoming tour.
The art of ads isn’t the cold targeting, but the precise training of each artist’s unique Meta Ads Account algorithm using tracking tools and a methodical structure to setup and data collection. This organized approach is what makes the difference between a simple template setup lifted from a YouTube guru and a professional music marketing company.
We focus on building our artist’s fan bases genuinely overtime by building relationships at scale, so we can capitalize on the 4 main revenue streams for indies: - concert tickets - merchandise - crowdfunding - synch licensing
Here to help. Ask any questions!
submitted by jdsp4 to musicmarketing [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:24 Nishant_10000 Adi Shankarāchārya - A Fanatic Shaiva or a Multifarous Personality?

॥श्री मात्रेनमः॥
This post is a response to the post made by u/WallEvaa a few days ago. You can see it here.
I want to preface this by saying that I do not take offence with anyone’s curiosity to learn and ask questions. Nobody is above criticism, not even the venerable Shankara. The pūrva pakshin has full right to question each and every aspect of any siddhānta. Advaita grew the most in terms of philosophy when it was engaged in polemics with other sampradayas. Certainly, all objections are welcome.
With that being said, there are three claims made by the OP in their post. We will take a look at each of them and determine how tenable those objections really are.
Let’s analyze the post:
As you read, why adi shankracharya got maa's blessings even he did not believe in Shakti. As he was a fanatic Shaiv and never worshipped Durga ?
We can note 2 claims that have been made here.
Claim#1: Adi Shankaracharya did not believe in Shakti.\*
Claim#2: Adi Shankaracharya was a fanatic Shaiva.
Moving on:
You must have read the story of Shankracharya, where he was present in Manikarnika Ghat. And a lady was weeping (on his husbands body) on Shankracharya's path. After which Maa Durga appear.
According to the OP, this is a story. But I wonder where this story is taken from (talking about the source here, podcast xyz and tantrik abc are not valid sources), as this is nowhere mentioned in the traditional account of his life. The Mookambika incident is the one OP is referring to, but nowhere does it mention about him not believing in Shakti prior to this incident. Instead, he had already requested the blessings of Maa Saraswati after his debate with Mandana. Nevertheless, we’ll take the story as true for now. Onto the last portion of the post:
Edit : To all who says Shankaracharya wrote mahishasur mardini strotam, soundarya lahiri etc. I know about him and his works. But these strotams of shakti were written after Shakti gave blessings to him at Manikarnika Ghat. Before that he never believed in Shakti. I heard this tale from a podcast of tantric named parakh on youtube.
Claim#3: Adi Shankaracharya believed in Shakti only after getting the blessings of Devi.
I honestly wasn't considering responding to this, given that OP’s primary source of his claims come from a podcast on YouTube which is not supported by any textual evidence, but I feel that addressing these claims will also serve other lay people valuable knowledge about the relation of Ādī Shankaracharya to the Sri Vidya paramparā, something that is not well known. Which is why, this post is less of a polemical kind and more of an informative one, starting now.
My response to Claim#1:
  1. If you claim that he regards Shakti merely as Māyā, in which Adī Shankara sees no reality, hence denouncing Shakti as well, then you're wrong.
  2. If you claim that he never believed in or worshipped the Saguna-Brahman aspect of Devi, then you're also wrong.
I will prove these ridiculous charges as untenable without ever resorting to his Soundarya Lahiri.
Since OP wants to maintain a chronology of events for someone whose history is all based on hearsay, let’s stick to that as well.
Adī Shankaracharya, before travelling the four quarters, wrote all his Bhāshyas on the Prasthāntrayī (Brahma Sūtras, 10 Upanishads and Bhagavad Gīta) when he was 12 years old. This is canonically chronological (ref. Mādhavīya Shankara Vijayam, Chapter 6, Verses 52-63). Therefore, you cannot resort to your argument of this being a product of Devi's grace, because all this happened before the Mookambika incident.
Now that we've established that he commentated on the Upanishads before the incident, let's see what he says about Devi Umā in his Kena Upanishad Bhāshya(s):
After having his pride humbled and becoming desirous of knowing Brahman, Indra approached Vidya, personified as a woman, at the very spot where Brahman had appeared and vanished. As She manifested to impart the knowledge of Brahman, this ‘Rudra-patni’ Uma Haimavati is verily the charming Vidya. As Uma was approached by Indra and was instrumental in imparting him the knowledge of Brahman, She is indeed the Vidya (Brahma Vidya). The Smriti says - ‘विद्यासहायवानीश्वरः’
~ Adī Shankaracharya, Kena Upanishad Vākya Bhāshya, 3.12
Now, what does Sri Shankara mean by Vidya here? This is explained by Ānandagiri in his Tīkā on Shankara Bhāshya as:
विद्येति सत्त्वप्रधाना शक्तिश्चित्तादात्म्यापत्त्या बोधहेतुः
"Vidya is the Sattva-Pradhana-Shakti identical with the Chit (Pure consciousness i.e. Brahman) and brings about the Bodha i.e. realisation of Brahman."
Notice how this echoes the very principle contained in the first Shloka of Devi Bhagavatam, which is regarded as Puranokta Gayatri mantra:
सर्वचैतन्यरूपां तां आद्यां विद्यां च धीमहि । बुद्धिं या नः प्रचोदयात् ॥
“I meditate on the beginningless Brahmāvidyā who is Sarvacaitanyarūpā, of the nature of all-consciousness; May She stimulate our buddhi to the realisation of That”
The commentary of Sri Nīlakantha Chaturdhara fully clarifies that Chitti-Roopa Bhagavati herself, reflected on the Brahma-Vishayaka-Shuddha-Sattvantarmukha-Vritti, is the Vidya tattva.
We can see Claim#1 already beginning to fall apart.
He further says:
Seeing Indra’s devotion towards the Yaksha, Vidya made her appearance as a woman, in the form of Uma. Indra approached Uma who was extremely charming - ‘बहु शोभमाना'. As Vidya is the most fascinating of all fascinating things, the attribute ’बहु शोभमाना’ is quite apt. She is Haimavati as she was adorned in Gold
Merely interpreting Uma as Vidya and Bahushobhamānā Haimavati as ‘splendorous as if adorned in golden ornaments’ would have sufficed. But Bhagvatpāda Shankara did not stop there. He goes ahead to specifically state that this Umā is verily the daughter of Himavan who is ever with her consort Īshvara (Lord Shiva):
She is verily the daughter of Himavan. Thinking that, since She is ever in association with the Sarvajña-Īshvara, She must be able to know, Indra approached Her.
~ Adī Shankaracharya, Kena Upanishad Pāda Bhāshya, 3.12
This clearly shows that the form of Bhagavati Pārvati is very dear to the heart of the Āchārya.
As we can see, he has already written about the union of Shiva-Shakti from a philosophical standpoint and has regarded her as Brahma-Vidya, then what is the need for any teaching related to Devi for him later on? He understood the tattva of Devi and wrote about it positively, before the Mookambika incident, which refutes Claim#3 that appeals to chronology. Therefore, the aforementioned Claim#1 that he never believed in Devi before this has no basis.
Taking on Claim#2 that he was a fanatic Shaiva, I will not argue that he was a Smarta, many people already know that. I’ll instead put a spin on it to show how intimately he is associated with the Sri Vidya paramparā, which will completely debunk all three claims at once.
There are many overlaps in Sri Vidya sampradāya and Advaita sampradāya. Sri Shankara was already initiated in Sri Vidya Upāsanā by his guru Govinda Bhagvatpāda. How is he a fanatic Shaiva when he is himself a Devi upāsaka?
You pulled this out of nowhere just to defend him 
Look at the two Guru Paramparās on this site, which is a reputable source on Sri Vidya and Tantra (sources mentioned therein).
Sri Shankara, along with his guru are in both of them. Which attests to the fact that he received initiation from his guru in Sri Vidya Upāsanā.
Now tell me this, why would an upāsaka of Devi be unfamiliar with her? The entire purpose of guru-shishya paramparā gets defeated if the chain is broken, or worse, if a person in that chain "never worships'' their respective deity.
Furthermore, why would Sri Vidya scholars listen or adhere to Adī Shankaracharya, who was supposedly ignorant about Devi until she corrected him? How does that serve as any foundation to their paramparā? I'll tell you why, because it DOES NOT. He is already an accepted authority on Sri Vidya because of his reputable works like Prapanchasāra Tantra, Soundarya Lahiri etc. and most importantly, because he is literally their pūrvāchārya!
Let's not get swayed by stories and tales that have little to no basis and look at something we can verify for ourselves, because the former is mostly for ego-satisfaction.
The above mentioned article is not the only source on this. Vidyaranya (not the Sringeri āchārya), wrote a treatise on Sri Vidya known as Vidyarnava Tantra, in which he claims that he is the disciple of Pragallabhāchārya, who was a disciple of Ādī Shankaracharya’s Grihasta shishya, Vishnu Sharma. Here is the source.
In it, he also says (in the next page) that Lakshmana Deshikendra, the author of the famous Shāradā Tilaka, was also a disciple of Ādī Shankaracharya (the dates also corroborate, Shāradā Tilaka was written in the 8th century AD):
जगहुरो: शङ्करस्य शिष्यो लक्ष्मणदेशिक: ।
Not only him, but Umānandanātha, a disciple of the great Bhāskararāya Mākhin, writes in his Nityotsava (a manual on Sri Vidya rituals) about the Guru-Paramparā of the Manvādi school. Here as well, we can see the mention of Sri Shankara and his guru.
Arguably one of the greatest exponents of Sri Vidya, Sri Bhāskararāya Mākhin always used words such as "acharya" (in plural) and "Sri Bhagavatpāda" to refer to him in his treatises on Sri Vidya. In his commentary on Durgā Saptashati, named Guptavatī, he says this in the very first shloka (mangalācharanam):
सत्सम्प्रदायप्रथनाय तिष्ये शिष्यैश्नतुर्भि: सह योऽवतीर्ण: । उक्तो बृहत्सज्ञमतन्त्रराजे श्रीशड्कराचार्यगुरु तमीडे ॥
“He who incarnated in Tiṣya, for the propagation of the noble tradition, along with his disciples, I praise that great teacher, the emperor of Tantras, Śrī Śaṅkarācārya.”
This is the case even on the Vedāntic side of Shaktism. Sri Panchānan Tarkratna, the author of Shakti Bhāshya on the Brahma Sūtras, in his invocation prays to Vyāsa and Goutama (as he’s very closely affiliated with both Vedānta and Nyāya) also pays respect to Gangesha Upādhyaya (a famed Navya-Naiyāyikā) and guess who he mentions in relation to Vedānta?
नमामो गोतमव्यासौ गोत्रसूत्रप्रवर्त्तकौ शङ्कराचार्यगङ्गेशोपाध्यायादींश्च सद्‌गुरुन्‌ ॥
“I bow to Goutama and Vyāsa, the originators of different schools of thought, and to the revered teachers like Shankaracharya and Gangesa.”
This clearly reveals his devotion towards Bhagavatpāda.
I hope the answer has become clearer to the question that OP posited as the title of their post, "Why did Maa Durga gave blessings to Adi Shankracharya"
Alright, he may be there in the guru parampara, but that doesn't mean that he has any actual authority on Sri Vidya or Tantra 
Raghava Bhatta, the commentator of Shāradā Tilaka, primarily references Adi Shankaracharya's Prapanchasāra Tantra. Not only him but other eminent Shakta commentators like Sri Lakshmidhara, Bhāskararāya, Kalicharana and Nīlakantha etc. have too referenced it as an authority on Sri Vidya.
This contradicts with the very doctrine that he preaches, how can you claim that a monist like Shankara, of all people, was an Upāsaka? 
In Advaita siddhānta, the one Nirvishesha-Brahman assumes various forms by the virtue of its own Māyā-shakti to bless the sincere aspirants. It is the same Paramātman who is worshipped in varied forms as possessed of various gunas. Says Sri Ācharyapada Shankara:
स्यात्परमेश्वरस्यापीच्छावशान्मायामयं रूपं साधकानुग्रहार्थम्
“The highest Lord also may, when he pleases, assume a bodily shape formed of Māyā, in order to gratify thereby his devout worshippers.”
~ Adī Shankaracharya, Brahma Sūtra Bhāshya, 1.1.20
Though being a Vivartavādin, Sri Shankara clearly says that Sūtrakāra himself accepts Parināma-Vāda in the context of Sagunopāsana:
अप्रत्याख्यायैव कार्यप्रपञ्चं परिणामप्रक्रियां चाश्रयति सगुणेषूपासनेषूपयोक्ष्यत इति ॥
“Again, without denying the vast phenomenal creation, he (Sūtrakāra Badarayana) resorts to Parināma-prākrīyā, insofar as this can be made use of in the worship of the Saguna Brahman.”
~ Adi Shankaracharya, Brahma Sūtra Bhāshya, 2.1.14
Such being the case, there is no surprise in Bhagavatpāda taking recourse to Tāntrika Prākriyas in-order to bless the aspirants with helpful means of Upāsanā which will ultimately lead them to Advaitic moksha.
Fine, but Adi Shankara wrote a Tantra treatise? That's fake and so far has only been referenced by Sri Vidya acharyas. You sure this isn't sectarianism? 
Now, this is not a one-sided story or an instance of “claiming” the honour of Sri Shankara by a sect. It is also referenced by many traditional Advaitins like Padmapāda (his immediate disciple) in his Vivarna on the same, Amalānanda in his Vedānta Kalpataru (1.3.33), Swami Vidyāranya in his Parāshara Mādhavīya, Sri Sayanachārya in his commentary on the Mahānārāyana Upanishad of the Taittiriya Aranyaka etc. All āmnaya peethams deem it as an authentic work of Sri Shankara. (Sringeri and Kanchi mutt even deem Sri Gaudapada's Subhagodaya and Srividyaratnasutras as authentic, which is also in-line with the guru-paramparā argument.)
Thus, there is no discrepancy here. Prapanchasāra is well accepted in both circles. It has numerous commentaries on it which further enriches its authoritativeness. A closer reading of it will also show that it is not at all antagonistic to the spirit of Vedānta.
Such a view, that Vedāntin Bhagavatpāda cannot author a Sādhanā/Upāsanā related grantha, stems out of the hesitation in accepting Acharya's multifarious personality. Not just Tantra, he has also written a gloss over the commentary of Sri Veda Vyāsa on the Yoga Sūtras of Patanjali. Furthermore, a commentary on the Ādhyātma Patala of the Apastamba Dharma Sūtra as well. Bhagavatpāda wasn't a dry philosopher who attributed no importance to practical means of attaining Jñana-yogyatā.
But what is the Prapanchasāra about and what's the role of Devi in it?
As the name suggests, Prapanchāsara is the science of the essence of the 5 basic elemental principles (tattvas). It details the worship of Lord Shiva, Vishnu, Ganesha, Surya and, of course, Devi. Devi is represented through the Jala Tattva. Sri Shankara eulogises Maa Saraswati in Chapter 7, Maa Durga/Tripurasundari in Chapters 9-11, Sri Lakshmi in Chapter 12 and Devi Bhuvaneshwari in Chapters 13-15.
The very first shloka reads thus:
अकचटतपयाद्यैः सप्तभिर्वर्णवर्गै- रिवरचितमुखबाहापादमध्याख्यहृत्का । सकलजगदधीशा शाश्वता विश्वयोनि- र्वितरतु परिशुद्धिं चेतसः शारदा वः ॥
“May Bhagavati Shāradā, whose face, arms, feet, waist, heart are composed of the Swaras and Vyanjanas, who is the substratum of the whole world, who is eternal, who is the creatrix of the world, grace our mind with the utmost purity.”
Shāradambā is described here as the eternal adhishthāna of Sakala-Jagat. Sri Padmapāda in his Vivarna, interprets Sakala as Māyā and Jagat as the Kārya of Māyā. Hence, Shāradambā is the pure Chit which forms the substratum of Māyā and Jagat. She is also described as Vishva-Yoni, suggesting that She is the Jagat-Kārana-Brahman.
The overlaps of Adi Shankaracharya and Sri Vidya tradition are not just textual or scholarly but also traditional, which is attested by the stance of the following Shākta Peethams of today. I'll mention a few:
I'd like to conclude by quoting what Arthur Avalon said in his postscript on Sri Shankara's Prapanchasāra, which gives us a glimpse into the mighty, all-encompassing personality of Bhagavatpāda, something that I've tried to show in this post:
Critics of this type evidently cannot reconcile themselves to the fact that Shankaracharya, the Great Monist, could write a work on Mantra-shastra. They seem to be laboring under the obsession that being a monist, Shankaracharya could not have written anything which advocates Sādhanā, as Sādhanā implies dualism, for in it there must be an object of Sādhanā. Orthodox exponents feel that these gentlemen look upon Shankaracharya as the holder of a chair in a modern University, whose duty it is to deliver a course of lectures on Monism as a theory, or perhaps, that he was a speculator like some German or other European philosopher who devotes himself to theorise and speculate about transcendental matters. This is mainly due to the fact of their having lost their Indian mind. Western philosophers have not succeeded in moulding the religious life of their countrymen like Shankaracharya, and even lesser men did in India. It is not realised that Shankaracharya was not a mere theorist but a Teacher in the right sense of the word, a Guru who sought, and that successfully, not merely to uplift and enlighten the intellect but the very nature of the Sādhaka.
I appreciate anyone reading this far and hope you got something of knowledge from this. If you want to further read about this topic, I suggest taking a look at the following resources (which have also served as valuable sources for this post and have been directly quoted in a lot of instances):
  1. Auspicious Wisdom: The Texts and Traditions of Śrīvīdyā Śākta Tantrism in South India by Douglas Renfrew
  2. Bhagavati Uma in Advaita Sampradaya by Natraj Maneshinde (details about the views of traditional Advaitin acharyas regarding Umā Tattva)
  3. Bhagavatpada’s Authorship of Prapanchasara (for those who still have objections to the authorship of Sri Shankara of the Prapanchasāra Tantra, this document responds to them)
॥ पराचितिस्वरूपिणि जय जय जगज्जननि ॥ ॥ भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ॥
submitted by Nishant_10000 to hinduism [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:31 Psychics4U_net 605 ANGEL NUMBER MEANING: spiritual significance love and destiny of 605 (NUMEROLOGY)

605 angel number meaning is very powerful. It is assembled from the numbers 6, 0 and 5 and therefore has incredible meaning when it comes to love, spiritual and general significance of life. If you are seeing 605 angel number repeating or one of the other sequences than the divine is trying to send you signs.
For more angel number interpretations, check out our vibrant subreddit:

605 angel number meaning
Angel number 6: is a secret code for house and close band of people in your life like family and friends. It denotes one of the big values in your life which is tradition, safety and everything that is linked to family members. You are a home person, you like to spend most of the time with the people that you already know.
You might find it difficult to be comfortable around strangers or to meet new people. the angels wants you to know, that although there are some risk involved in meeting new people, you still should do it with the right caution. Start with small steps to expand the social circle. Some people might turn to be new best friends and other will not. This is how it goes in life – you win some and you loose some. But overall consider being more social and mingle with other people than those you are already know right now.
Angel number 0: has a deep spiritual meaning, it symbolizes the vibrations of the world. Not everyone can feel them, but if you will develop your sixth sense and start to be more spiritual and / or develop psychic abilities you might start to receive those energies and will be able to interpret the meaning of them. Angels, spirits and god don’t communicate only by sending numbers, they have other means of communication and vibrations are one of them. The angels encourage you to growth and be more open minded and receive signs in other forms as well because they have lots of things to tell.
Another 605 angel number meaning is that it is the right time to go on a spiritual enlightenment process. During this phase you will not only learn how to develop psychic reading skills, but you will have to make many decisions which will have long term influence. The consequences are likely to be positive as the angels are here to guide and provide more information and directions during the chosen path.
Angel number 5: is related to the whole meaning of 605 angel number and adds the need to make decisions. Decisions are major principle in life, if you got it right than most of the things will generate positive future outcomes as gifts from god. The angels in the skies would like to inform you to not fear of being decisive. Sometimes it is better to make a certain choice than not doing anything at all. We are being rewarded base on the actions we take and not by our thoughts alone. Although ideas, inspirations and intuition are very crucial, if it doesn’t has an end result in the physical world than it will disappear.
With 605 angel number, take one step further, don’t get stuck in endless thinking patterns. After you gained enough information go and take action. Do it as a controlled experiment, something small that doesn’t involve a big risk, just for the sake of doing something new. For example if you have a day of go for a job interview on other company, maybe it will open a door for a new career, go to a seminar or university to learn a new hobby or skill, visit new places and basically search for new opportunities.
605 angel number symbolism
605 angel number symbolism through history was mainly related to be generous. Angels and good spirits has always been associated with helping the human kind. So by giving to others you actually become a guardian angel yourself like Uriel and Zadkiel.
Also be happy with you have right now, it might be a lot and it might be not too much, but the angels wants to suggest to stop wanting and wanting things which will not convoy happiness. Be grateful for everything you achieved until this very moment and realize that you are fine and in fact you don’t really need to pursue new material possessions or extreme experiences.
Remember that life can take you to bad direction, you could encounter problems and obstacles which will make you miserable for years. So basically right now you are lucky because you don’t have too many worries in mind. It is also a good advice to not think about the past too much because it can’t be changed, we don’t have a time machine. It is much productive to vision the future and build it logically step by step.
The angels are sending you the number 605 because they want you to realize that you are unique person. So don’t compare yourself to others. It doesn’t matter what they are doing as long as you focus on personal goals and spiritual fulfilment. This will only create negative energies like jealousy and other bad emotions. Don’t waste effort of pretending, being fake and compete over mundane stuff like who has a bigger house, better profession or more friends. The important thing is that you are going in a direction that is good for your karma, live life as you want it to be.
Symbolism of angel number 605 includes stable substructure. Through many scribes, legends and folk stories 605 is an origin symbol of strength, the power to endure difficulties for a long time and than to overcome them a winner. Heroes have been fighting monsters, travelled in scary worlds and went to wars, only those who really wanted to come back safe, has made it. To survive on earth there is a need to be much stronger in the inside of the personality, not only physically.
Keep in mind that all the people in the world are so how connected to one another, so when they perceive you as someone who is stable and powerful they will like to be around, so if you will listen to the 605 angel number symbolism, you might discover that you are a natural leader. Hence, don’t be passive, get to be more active and in the end you might find yourself influencing on the human kind, at small or large scale.
605 angel number spiritual meaning
605 angel number spiritual meaning is endless energy and abundance. The basic explanation suggests you should not stop. If you have started some project than complete it, do it until there are substantial result, don’t quit. Quitting is for those who are too weak to endure the burden. They will never get to the point they want to be, always complaining and playing the victim. This is not a good road to walk, prove the world that you are build from a better material. Seeing 605 angel number is a definitive sign to complete a task until it’s completely done.
One example for endless energy or vibration is the concept of souls. Many people believe that after death the soul is transformed to another form or new places like heaven, hell and the sky. Moreover they believe in reincarnation, meaning that we can come back here to earth after death. The basic concept of this point of view is that the soul is an endless source of vibration.
In addition the spiritual meaning of flowing is also amplified with 605 angel number. When you flow it basically mean to understand that you can not control every tiny aspect. There are many other factors and reasons why certain events occur and usually we can not do anything about it as we are not the only players. Don’t strive to brutally enforce change on yourself or people around because it will only lead to undesired opposite outcomes.
The angels are sending you explicit instructions as quotes to stop seeking perfection and protection. Nothing is flawless and if we would wait for the perfect soulmate or twin flame or perfect job offer to come it might not come eventually. It is better to search for what is perfect for this current moment. If it is good enough for now than take it and work the way up with what is available near by.
The number zero is at the center of 605 angel number, so your main priority should be spiritual development in form of soul healing. Although you gained many experiences until now, nothing can really prepare you for a spiritual journey, there are new concept and wisdom to be learned. Always remember that life is about cycles, the beginning is also the end and vice versa. It means that you already know from inside what are the wishes and hopes, in fact in this sense life is very predictable and self awareness might reveal the future of the journey.
605 angel number in love
605 angel number in love signifies a romantic person. They take any relationship in a serious matter. They devote themselves to family and raising children. However in love there is no only romance and happiness because sometimes it is little difficult to be around them.
If you are seeing number 605 repeatedly than you tend to be a little tensed or irritated. In love and relationship it might be a major obstacle. If you will over react than sooner or later you might end up in a break up or a divorce. 605 is a sign from the divine to be more relax and flexible. Another suggestion is to be more traditional and do things in the old fashion way. You are someone who likes simple things and nostalgia, by creating this kind of environment the relationship might last for longer time.
If you have been burned out in previous relationship than it becomes more and more difficult for you to start a new one. The healing of the heart will take few months and even up to a year. As a serious person you also don’t enter too fast into romance or new connection, you take the time and deicide to do it only after you are sure for 100% that this is the right choice.
605 angel number in love means that soulmates or twin flames are very cardinal and they should be protected and loved at all cause. Hence sometime you might like to have the role of a hero or a saver or just help your spouse. Make sure not to force it on them, take into consideration that sometimes we can not help people if they are not willing to accept our guidance. Don’t take in too personally just let it go and wait till they will be more comfortable to open themselves.
In love 605 represents being a loyal partner because it contains the number 5. They will not waste their time on a person they don’t feel good around. This is also why they like to meet as much people as possible before deciding who will be their next lover. But once they made up their mind, they will not change it and live with him or her forever as they believe in unconditional love.
605 angel number twin flame
605 angel number twin flame is about computability. If you are keep getting this number than the angels are giving you a bold sign to know who you are compatible with because he or she might enter to your life very soon.
605 is a sign that you don’t want to live alone, in fact values like marriage, partnership and friendship are really predominant. A twin flame gives you confidence and security and this is why it is crucial you will find someone who is a perfect match. Being with the wrong person might have bigger negative impact. Stability is something very basic within your point of view, hence it must be taking care of completely.
Accordingly you are most compatible with people who have the following life path numbers: 2, 3, 4 and 9. If a person is somehow related to numbers 5, 6, 7 he or she are not the right twin flame. You will not be able to live with him or her, they are the complete opposite and it will become a nightmare. Number 1 and 8 can go either way it depends on how much work you and the partner want to put into the success of the love relationship.
What does 605 mean in angel number? another value that is important for you is idealism. It is crucial when we are talking about twin flames. You have a vision of the ideal relationship or what does it means to be a couple who both of them are in love. It is like a dream or a sweet wish that need to be fulfilled. If it will come true than great, but if it will be a shuttered dream it might cause you sorrow for a long time. Therefore 605 angel number encourages you to keep on dreaming and searching for a twin flame, but bare in mind that there will also be disappointments.
Significance of 605 angel number numerology
What is the Significance of 605 angel number in numerology? This is a bright indication of willpower. The angels want you to increase the willpower because you have a big mission to complete. Even if you don’t know it yet, something big is coming and you will have to play your cards right. Willpower is the key words of the angel sign in that case.
In order to build a great willpower there are few things that need to be done. First, don’t be overwhelmed by the destiny or path. Start small with tiny steps, complete small chores and be very alerted with all the little details even if they look unimportant or useless. The future is yet to be revealed, so don’t stop in the middle, there is much hard work ahead.
The significance of self-reliance is another personality trait and virtue that 605 angel number is all about. You should be more independent, don’t leave critical stuff to luck or randomness. In truth trust no one as every person on earth has his or her own motive. When someone is giving an advice, he or she usually talking more about what they wish to have or do, rather than actually about something that will fit perfectly for you. They don’t do it because they are bad or manipulative by definition, but because they see themselves first.
605 angel number means resourcefulness and creativity. There is a high chance that you have artistic skill or going to be an entrepreneur. When it comes to numerology number 605 indicates doing new things. You have the ability to think out of the box and find creative solution to problems.
This is the time to chase the dreams you always had, if you are on a mundane job which doesn’t brings you happiness as it was in the past, consider to seek another occupation, something fun and fresh. People who stay all their life with the same job or place don’t have enough challenges in life, in reality they are a sleep through all the time. The routine make their life really boring, they focus too much on monetary security and stability rather than enjoying life and do meaningful stuff, this is their trade of.
Everything in life can be seen as a lesson we learn. The things we know today are the experiences of the past. The significance of 605 angel number is reminding us to act upon the knowledge we gained. In numerology 605 number is related to number two which is a symbol of sensitivity and not only about logic and brain calculation. 6 + 0 + 5 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2. So if you want to be able to navigate through life there is a necessity to combine the mind and the emotion intelligence.
605 angel number and 606 607 609 611 numbers
The repeating pattern of 605 angel number might be revealed as other numbers again. It happens because they are closely similar in their meanings, however there are some variations:
606 angel number meaning: is to be more spiritual. Although you have accomplished many things and especially material object, there is something missing in your life. Buying more products or assets will not solve this emptiness. The soul need to be fed with spiritual elements as well. The angels giving a clue to cease the shopping madness, the answer is on the other direction.
Be more minimalistic, the fewer items we have, the more we feel free. It will open a space at every house or a room but also a space in our mind. You will start to notice that there are less negative thoughts, less stress and more time to do other things like walking in nature and be with friends.
607 angel number meaning: is more spiritual than 605 and 607, it is two steps further on psychic development journey. It indicates you already have passed trough the initial knowledge phase. Now is the perfect time to find someone who will teach you how to use these powers. It can be a guru, master and oracle or any kind of spiritual guide. It is also recommended to read books about this topic and search the internet for more information. You can also consult real psychics and go to one session to see how it is done.
609 angel number meaning: is that you are lost in some ways, it is usually with reference to work and career. If you are still young than you have to find out soon what are the strength points and weak points, by doing it the angel will reveal your career path. If you are older or already did significant things in recent years, consider to change the path to something more related to people, communities and assistance in general.
611 angel number meaning: this number is ending in 11 double digits so the angels are urging you to rearrange everything connected with relationships and domestic affairs. Make a decision whether you want to keep the current because you had some troubles in the past with soulmate or twin flame.
More examples of associated angel numbers in repeating sequences are: 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 111, 1111, 222 and 333.
Repeating 605 angel number sacred signs
There are many sacred signs in which angels are contacting us everyday and even at night when we are sleeping and dreaming. 605 angel number might be hidden everywhere, within codes and other combinations, here are few of the included interpretations:
5: number 5 denotes being interested in life’s secrets. Learning how to explorer things and know how they work, why do they exists and how to use them for the benefit of all human kind.
6: is stability, the foundation we build our life with. When it comes to love it indicates strong bond between twin flames and soulmates. If you are a parent than it signifies the importance of being with the kids and to share many activities together.
50: is a clear sacred sign from angels that freedom should be the ultimate goal in one’s life. More often than not we are not truly free to do the things we really want. This is the time to create a change and pursue freedom at al cost.
56: symbolize new opportunities, most of them will be positive and successful. However you will have to adapt to new situations as well. Don’t be fixated too much on ideals and philosophy principles.
60: is explained as perfection because it contains the number 12 multiplied by 5. You seek perfection and it might be very real in the next few weeks or months. It also denotes being lucky, so there is a possibility to win unexpected money and get stuff without too much effort.
65: is about justice and judgement. When you see something wrong or injustice, you try to fix it and show everyone the victory. You are a hero for those who can’t speak about their problems or for those who need help, a modern kind of warrior.
506: angel number code is encouraging a person to be friendlier. Life is about connection between people and there are many forms of these ties. If you will be more connected to your inner self, than it will attract people with same vibrations.
560: is about getting rid of fears and doubts. It is usually something that can be solved in spiritual manners. The angels are listening to the prayers, wishes and dreams at night. They received the message and now they are working on it. Hang on tight through rough times.
650: angel number suggests being more optimistic. Positive energies will do you good it terms of happiness, joy and even health. It is really easy to slip into negativity and see the world from pessimistic view, this should be avoided as much as possible.
Where have people seen 605 angel numbers? Some popular place are:
Expensive jewelry price tickets on earrings, ring, and pendants.
Objects like hoodie, rug, phone case, plate, poster, jumper, keychain, candles, and bracelet.
Your birthday date, date of birth, in horoscope dates and zodiac signs for example Taurus, Virgo, Pisces, Capricorn, astrology chart, oracle cards, tarot deck especially cards that named: the hierophant, the fool and the lovers.
On the internet at forums like reddit, usernames, hashtags, music song length 6:05.
In math and physics as equation, palindrome, calculator, decoder and random number generator.
Glossary dictionary, sheets, books and pdf page numbers and bible verse numbers.
Urban and country places, especially roads and area codes.
submitted by Psychics4U_net to AngelNumbersMeanings [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:50 Ibryxz Sorry to keep yall waiting, but here are the final evolutions of the Nidian starters!!!!!!

Sorry to keep yall waiting, but here are the final evolutions of the Nidian starters!!!!!!
Sorbov evolves into.....Genitaur!!!!!
Grass/Rock type
Gentle, Genitor, Taurine
Thus pokemon, is the reason many remote communities survive, as such it is known as the community pokemon. Honestly it is pretty much a good dad.
Main ideas behind the design -
Dad-like, Strong, Indian Snake root leaf (if you have a keen eye, you will realize that the leaves on the tails of this evolution are medicinal plants!) And limestone Krast horns!
Eleflare evolves into Elevir!!!!! (Think lear for pronunciation)
Elephant, Vir (which means brave in Hindi)
Main ideas behind the deaigns -
Superhero, Brave, Valiant, Courageous, God Indra's Elephant! The main idea behind this was to make a brave pokemon!
Bulyuv evolves into Gurhy!!!!!
Guru, Rhino
Main ideas behind design -
Something that showed simplicity and being happy with simple pleasures, Yoga pose, bubbles, absolutely gonna be honest, Aang's clothes from avatar!
These pokemon represent Community, Bravery and Tranquility!
submitted by Ibryxz to fakemon [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:38 Creepy_Office_4236 10 Secrets to Unlocking the Power of Pranayama

Introduction to Pranayama
Far more than just a breathing exercise, pranayama is an ancient yogic practice based on Eastern wisdom. A journey toward inner harmony and spiritual awakening, it delves deeply into the relationship between the breath, the mind, and the body.
"Ayama" means extension or expansion in Sanskrit, while "prana" refers to life force or vital energy. As a result, the meaning of pranayama is the extension or expansion of life force. It is predicated on the knowledge that breathing serves as a vehicle for prana, the life-sustaining energy, in addition to its physiological purpose.
Through the manipulation of their breath's rhythm, depth, and duration, practitioners of pranayama learn to control and regulate their breathing. The ability to consciously regulate one's breathing opens doors to affecting the body's prana flow, balancing the energy systems, and developing a deep sense of well-being.
The many breathing exercises that make up pranayama techniques each have their own special effects on the body, mind, and soul. While some breathing techniques emphasize slowing down to promote calmness and relaxation, others emphasize breathing quickly to boost vitality and energy. The ultimate goal of pranayama, regardless of the particular method, is to awaken the latent spiritual potential within, balance the flow of prana, and purify the energy channels (Nadis).
Pranayama is a potent tool for mental and emotional transformation in addition to its physical and physiological advantages. Through monitoring and controlling their breathing, practitioners learn to be mindful and focused, which calms their racing thoughts. This promotes self-awareness, a deeper understanding of oneself, and the capacity to handle life's obstacles with composure and grace.
Within the spiritual realm, pranayama is regarded as a warm-up exercise for meditation and enlightenment. Higher states of consciousness and glimpses of the eternal truth beyond the senses are accessible to practitioners when the breath steadies and the mind stills.
Essentially, pranayama is a deep process of self-exploration and spiritual development rather than just a physical workout. It is a practice that challenges us to go within, find the breath's power, and become aware of our infinite potential.
Historical Background
Pranayama, a term from the ancient Indian philosophical system of Yoga, is an integral part of the physical and spiritual practices of millions of people worldwide. We must examine the origins of Yoga to comprehend its historical context.
The Vedas contain the earliest known references to Yoga, the oldest and most ancient texts in Hinduism, which date back thousands of years. Yoga originated in ancient India. Since the goal of Yoga is to unite the individual self with the universal consciousness, the term "yoga" itself comes from the Sanskrit word "yuj," which means to yoke or unite.
Over centuries, the practice of Yoga evolved, giving rise to various schools and systems. It is thought that Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, compiled between the second and fourth centuries CE, contain the first systematic explanation of Yoga. The realization of the self, or "Samadhi," is the ultimate aim of Yoga, and Patanjali's Yoga Sutras offer a philosophical framework and a path toward this goal.
After Yama (ethical restraints), Niyama (observances), and Asana (physical postures), Pranayama is the fourth limb of Patanjali's eight limbs (Ashtanga). With "prana" denoting life force or vital energy and "ayama" signifying extension or expansion, Pranayama can be understood as the regulation or control of the breath.
Through the practice of Pranayama, one can learn to control not only the breath but also the body's subtle energy. It is thought that controlling breath can change the flow of prana, which in turn impacts mental and physical states. Various breathing exercises, such as deep breathing (Ujjayi), breathing through alternate nostrils (Nadi Shodhana), and breath retention (Kumbhaka), are included in pranayama techniques.
Hatha, Kundalini, and Raja yoga are just a few of the yoga traditions and schools that have included Pranayama throughout the ages. In the guru-disciple tradition, these techniques were frequently passed down orally from teacher to pupil.
In addition to being regarded as a way to improve mental and physical well-being, Pranayama was also thought to be a means of preparing for more profound states of meditation and spiritual awakening. Higher states of consciousness were considered to be reached by awakening the dormant spiritual energy known as Kundalini through cleansing the nadis (subtle energy channels) and balancing the prana within the body.
Pranayama eventually rose to prominence as a critical component of Yoga practices all over the world as it left the Indian subcontinent. It is now taught and practiced in a variety of settings, from contemporary yoga studios in cities around the globe to conventional ashrams in India.
As a potent tool for mental clarity, physical well-being, and spiritual development, Pranayama has evolved over millennia. It is firmly anchored in the ancient philosophical and spiritual traditions of Yoga. With its path to holistic health and inner transformation, its practice is still relevant and influential in today's world.
Benefits of Pranayama
Pranayama, the practice of regulating and controlling one's breath in yoga, provides numerous advantages for both physical and mental well-being. These are some of the main benefits:
The parasympathetic nervous system can be stimulated through the practice of pranayama techniques, including alternate nostril breathing and diaphragmatic breathing, which induce relaxation and decrease tension.
Enhanced Respiratory Function: Consistent engagement in Pranayama fortifies the muscles involved in respiration, augments the capacity of the lungs, and boosts the overall effectiveness of the respiratory system, resulting in superior oxygenation of the blood and enhanced breathing patterns.
Pranayama enhances mental clarity by regulating oxygen flow to the brain and balancing the nervous system, resulting in a calm mind, improved concentration, and increased mental clarity.
Enhanced Energy Levels: Pranayama rejuvenates the body, amplifies energy levels, and fosters a feeling of liveliness and wellness by optimizing the circulation of prana (vital energy) throughout the body.
Enhanced Emotional Regulation: Pranayama practices facilitate emotional equilibrium and steadiness by soothing the mind, diminishing anxiety, and improving mood. Additionally, they assist in fostering mindfulness and promoting self-awareness regarding one's thoughts and emotions.
Detoxification: Specific Pranayama techniques, like Kapalabhati (skull-shining breath), promote the elimination of toxins from the body by boosting circulation and optimizing the lymphatic system's performance.
Enhanced Cardiovascular Health: Pranayama has demonstrated the ability to decrease blood pressure, diminish heart rate variability, and improve cardiovascular function, consequently mitigating the likelihood of heart disease and other associated ailments.
Practising Pranayama regularly enhances immune function by diminishing stress levels, fostering relaxation, and improving overall health and well-being.
Enhanced Sleep: Pranayama techniques, specifically those centred on profound respiration and relaxation, can facilitate the attainment of a tranquil state and promote restful sleep by diminishing stress and anxiety.
Spiritual Growth: Pranayama is a fundamental component of numerous spiritual practices and is thought to aid in the activation of Kundalini energy, resulting in elevated levels of awareness, spiritual enlightenment, and self-exploration.
Overall, the implementation of Pranayama yields a multitude of benefits pertaining to mental condition and physical fitness, rendering it a valuable methodology for enhancing life quality and promoting holistic wellness.
This article may have added some knowledge about sun salutation. Use this link to read the entire article here:
submitted by Creepy_Office_4236 to learnayu [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 09:21 DevarDavis22 Blaze 3: Demonic Arc 3: Soul Snatchers²

Blaze 3: Demonic Arc 3: Soul Snatchers²
Phil and Fasha have stopped trying to figure out Blade Sync. This is uncharacteristic of them. Fasha continues to train CJ. Off topic-the characters in Blaze do not wear the same attires all the time. Sid is with Keira Saja. Keira" You're doing a lot of thinking. Maybe you should relax a bit.(she gives him a massage)." Sid" That feels rather pleasant. I'm still thinking about that day with the incidents. It seems we have a new type of demons. I'm very excited but also nervous at the same time. I don't know what their capable of." Keira" Seeing you excited makes me excited." Keira's body freezes up. Sid" Keira come on! Get up. Move!" She snaps out of it. Keira" The dark feeling is back. It's around here somewhere." They are in a deli. They walk outside. Rischardo appears from the sky and is going to strike Sid but Keira yells at him to move. Sid guards his blade but barely. Rischardo's blade is large and heavy. A raven bird is shown flying around, during the scene.
Rischardo" I never got your name." Sid" My name is Sid Iucan." Rischardo "I'm Rischardo. Rischardo Inies(in-ees). It's a pleasure to meet you Sid. I'm surprised you blocked my Dark Demonic. I want you to know that I love worthy challengers. I hope you strong enough." Sid" Challenge you say. Well it just so happens that I'm ichin to for a fight as well." Rischardo laughs. Sid" What's so funny." When I first layed my eye on you, you were frozen still now you stand before me all without fear." Sid" Well that is because when I saw you, you had this intimidating look. But now I'm ready." Rischardo" Are you sure?" Sid" Certainly." Rischardo." You better. Well then let's go." He takes out his blade and so does Sid. How does Sid expect to battle a Demonic King? As Rischardo swings his sword, he catches Sid off guard that his big blade is actually swift and must watch out for. Keira is getting worried about Sid's fight. Rischardo is kicking Sid's ass. Rischardo" What's the matter, I thought you were worthy." Sid" Hey I am. I'll show you. I know that I can't beat you now. I just want to prove to you that I've become stronger. To me this fight is an exercise." Rischardo" That's what I wanted to hear. An opponent who isn't afraid to fight me. Let's keep this going." Rischardo launches a dark ball blast toward Sid. He is sent back with great force while still blocking. This was one of Rischardo's regular moves. Rischardo battles with only one hand. His fighting style. Sid uses the Solar Ball but wasn't fully powered. Small damage done. Rischardo does the attack again but this time it scatters into smaller pieces. Sid hasn't done enough to Rischardo. Sid is already tired from fighting.
Rischardo" Is this all you have to offer? I'm not even going hard on you. You can quit if you want to save your embarrassing ass." Sid" There's no way this is happening. I can't get him. I don't back down from anyone so that means YOU! Let's go!" Rischardo" I see the passion in your eyes." The downward spiral continues. Sid thinks about the Blade Sync technique. He summons the Soijett and forms a barrier around him. He merges the blades and is successful in one attempt. A shine occurs and a new blade is unveil. Sid's blade is now like Rischardo's, large and heavy. Sid is ready to fight but Rischardo" That's enough for now. When I show up again and I will, I want you even stronger. You got me." Sid" I will be." He leaves. Sid tries to carry his blade but it's pretty heavy. Sid brings the blade to Eyashi and the others. Keira" I'm glad you're OK. That was a pretty close battle." Sid" You're right. Let's get you home." Sid appears with his newly blade and shows everyone. Eyashi" Look who figured it out." Fasha" That's impressive Sid." Phil" I could do that if I cared." Sid" Yeah yeah. I fought that Demonic King Rischardo during my Blade Sync technique. He was pretty good. He told me he wanted to fight a worthy opponent and I excepted his challenge. I fought him because I wanted to better myself. After I finished the Blade Sync, he told me that he will see me again and wants me stronger next time. He walks away. The next time I see him I will be better. That's my word." Eyashi" That was a mouthful. So you want to fight the demonic king in a rematch. Now remember Sid, we're a team here." Sid" You're right. Now I do need help with this blade it's quite heavy."
Eyashi" So what are you going to call your blade?" Sid" That's a good question. I could call it Dragon Soijett or Dragon Sajettus. No wait the Reaper Sajettus sounds cool. Yes that's it, Reaper Sajettus. I like it." Next day at school. Mandi sees Sid by himself. Has a look on her face. She is on the 2nd floor balcony. Mandi" Oh who will save me." She jumps and screams. Sid saves her and is holding her in his arms. Mandi" Oh how romantic of you. Carrying me like a super hero. How touchy." Sid" What are you doing. Trying to expose me." Mandi" I was trying to see if it was true about your power. I won't tell Keira what you were doing." Sid " What I did. You're the one who jumped. Your sister should have never have told you(Fasha told Sid and Phil already)." Keira appears" Oh it's you(sarcastic). What are you doing with my man?" Mandi" Your man was holding me." Keira" You're just lying!" Mandi" Why don't you ask your man." Mandi has a large grin on her face. Her and Keira are head to head with each other. Sid" Come on girls. Stop fighting over me." Next moment. Phil is with Fasha and MJ is coming over. She is trying to talk to Phil. MJ" So Phil you want to go to a dinner tonight with me?" Phil" That's nice but I'm kinda seeing someone." MJ" Seeing someone like who?" Fasha rubs on Phil's arm and says" Isn't he fine?" Phil" She's so unbelievably beautiful. Just look at her." MJ" What the hell is going on here. You and Fasha." Phil" Isn't it blatantly obvious we're always together." Phil and Fasha have there arms around each other. Cumi" Am I seeing things. Never thought that was a thing."
Sid, Keira, and Mandi acknowledge Phil and Fasha. Sid" Wo look at this Phil and Fasha." Fasha" Aren't we a good couple." Sid" It doesn't matter who she is with. Everybody's knows I look better than Phil." Phil" You're just delusional. I'm better." Keira" my Sid takes the cake." Phil" Enough of this. It's about time for the kiss." MJ screams out Nooooooooooooooooo!" Phil" Sike just kidding. He laughs and says" You should've seen the look on your face. You thought I was going out with Fasha. It was just a joke. I got all of you." Fasha" That was funny." Phil " MJ. That dinner that you mention, it's on." MJ" Really. You made this whole thing into a joke and you want to now go on a dinner." Phil" Hey are you going to keep talking or are we going to get this started." While nobody is around, Phil kisses MJ. Phil and MJ are going out/girlfriend, boyfriend. During their relationship, Phil and MJ will have a casual one. They will argue and get back together. Next scene. New characters are shown. Geo Kazy(kah-zee)had his own series but the characters fit in Blaze perfectly. The other series I made had got updates/rewrites. Geo/Comic Book Geo was the only one not to. Geo was created before Blaze and back when Naruto was my favorite anime. The only time I wrote for Geo was the bio for him and the layout of the story. Geo and Blaze were supposed to crossover.
Geo's backstory is shown. Note. Most of my old characters were majority black. The main characters are all black and majority of the people are as well in Geo. Born: April 22, 1996(Earth Day). Born in Hong Kong. His father is Hong Kong and his mother is Japanese. Dad: Fēng (fang) Li. Preferred as Fēng Dullahan. Mother: Gaia Ryanoko(rie-ah-no-ko)Kazy. Or Rya. Her full name. Geo has yellow spiky hair. Fēng has a brown ponytail. Rya has yellow hair. Geo is an earth style user. Geo's family are all gifted in martial arts. The story takes place in Hong Kong. Geo is 12 and with his mom, Gaia. Fēng is not there at the time. He's in Japan. Meanwhile a group comes by and takes him away. Gaia tries to stop them but it is of no use. They know he's good in combat. They use him to fight for money. Geo's life wouldn't be the same. He then became more about violence. He was undefeated for a year and a half until he lost. Eventually, when he was 14, a man named Corroshi Setse(from Japan/ black as well) he helps him escape from prison. He takes him to Japan to live with him and train. While in Japan, he sees Eyon Yoshi, Yolmmo Usay(oo-say)(name used to be Yolmmi but Yomi is a female name), and Domay(doe-may)Usay(Yolmmo' younger sister). At first it is hard to get along Eyon and Yolmmo but eventually does. Like usual teams will argue and fight. He also had a hard time with Yolmmo being overprotective over his sister. He would earn his trust and go out with Domay. Girlfriend/boyfriend.
Geo and and his friends are entered in different tournaments all across the world. Geo was once undefeated again but lost. 15-1. The series is all about traveling to different tournaments. Team name is Team Earth. There will be a little differences added. Background story is over. Character breakdown. Geo moves: Flying Subruno Takedown(a quick flying rush dash through the person's body)(the move ends when you're in the air and deliver a kick, forcing the person's head to the ground. Both people might be the air. The move comes from Ninja Gaiden but without a sword. Might use two feet during the kick), E.F.S.(Electrical Flaming Sphere). Similar to Rasengan. Is combined with 3 styles. The sphere part is made of wind. He absorbs the elements around him into his hand. Works for other elements to. Red color. Fighting styles: Dragon Style and Jeet Kune Do(same as Bruce Lee)(black Bruce Lee). Forms: Red Power Form/Mode. Red aura comes from his body. Every attack is 50 percent plus. Red Power Attack. Is a rush move while in Red Power Mode. Earth Form/Morph. The Red PoweAttack comes from the Kaioken. The Geo characters can't fly but only people with that specialty. Geo will master every element. Eyon Yoshi. Hair color: orange/tied up. Styles: fire and lighting. Moves: Heroshi Gun/Heroshigun. Is formed with two hands. He puts his hands together and runs toward the person. He puts his hands on the person's stomach or chest in a Kamehameha like fashion. Hands will still be together when doing the whole thing. Looks like a person running with a blade. The person will be strucked with a lightning beam going through their body, followed by many smaller versions randomly. Powerful effect. Similar to the Galick Gun and Chidori. Lightning Cutter. A blade made with lightning. Can be two.
Forms: Fire Flames(powerful flames cover his body. Appearance changes). Dark Flames(stronger than regular Flames and covers body). Blue Flames. The most strongest yet difficult Flames/ form to master). The flames are used for defense. Lightning Morph. Hasn't mastered Purple Lightning. Learned fire from Corroshi. Yolmmo Usay. Hair color: Red. Hair looks like it's been chipped off. Tall and the muscles. Styles: water and ice but mainly water. Forms: Water Rage Form or Raging Water(hair becomes green). Masterd the Green Water Style. Water Morph. Ice Morph. Domay Usay. Hair color: pink. 1 year younger than Yolmmo. Style: wind. Form: Raging Wind. Hasn't mastered Blue Wind. Corroshi Setse. Hair color: white. Styles: wateice, earth, fire, wind, and lightning but fire and earth are his favorite. The only person to master every color change in the elements. Tairon(tie-run) Yoshi. Hair color: brown. Eyon's big brother. Style: lightning. The Yoshi's style is lightning. Eyon always looked up to his brother. During a mission, Tairon went off and never was seen again. Eyon vowed to find out what happened to his brother. Other characters: Korr Yoshi. Eyon and Tairon's cousin. Hair color: orange. Apart of Team Earth. A Goofy character. Uses lightning. Sodum Hydro. Hair color: white. Is a villain from a group called the Hydro Corps. Is the leader. Coracoona or real name: Charzie Anderson. Hair colopr: black. Hydro Corps member. Not black. Dornymious(door-nee-me-us) Ryeno or Rhyno. Hair color: light black. He was experimented on by the military. They used the genes of a rhino and something went wrong. Half of his body became deformed but sometimes will be fully deformed. Big and strong. Charges at people. Not black. Hydro Corps member.
Kunesuke Atara. Has glasses and has light blue hair. Likes to read. Black. Was appart of a tournament but lost. Became friends with Team Earth and joined them. A lady's man. Shune Tuche(too-she). Hair color: blue(outer layer)and yellow(inner). Hydro Corps member. Wears a special suit and mask including. An excellent hunter. Sez Unemori(oo-neh-more-e). Hair color: teal. Uses gadgets to fight. During Sez's fight with Eyon, he tried using gadgets to cheat but backfired. They battled after the tournament was over. He then became good. He's actually a crossover character. He actually debuted in Blaze IV. There was a character in the Geo Series that had the same name. So I chose to keep him in both series. He was in Geo first then made his way to Blaze. Su Lin was apart of the Hydro Corps but Eyon talked her out of it and then she joined Team Earth. Chinese and not black. Hair color: brown. Han shou. Steroid Man. Hydro Corps member. Kyune(kee-yoon) Jin. Hydro Corps member. Ishani Sharma. Indian first and last name. She has Indian skin tone. Not black. Wears a navy blue turban. Yolmmo's girlfriend. Hair color: black. Idea- Mind Controller. Dwells into the person's mind and uses their memories against them. Making the mind attack it's owner. The characters will appear one way or another. Backstory is over. Now we're in the current time. Corroshi is with Team Earth and says" I think we're done here. We've been all over Japan but there still one place we haven't been to yet." They all say what. "And that place is Togyu Manji" Team Earth are set and ready to travel to the area. They are currently in Osaka Japan. Western Japan. They're currently stationed at home. Everyone is excited. They have been apart of 18 tournaments but only won 8 of them. They aren't yearly tournaments but some are. Each member has won one.
Corroshi and Team Earth have made it to Togyu Manji. Corroshi gets a look around. Corroshi" Now I got to enroll you guys in a school." Sid is with Keira. Demons appear and they are sneaking around. They don't see them hiding. They jump out and have swords. Sid turns around. They are trying to cut Keira. It looks like it's too late but suddenly Geo uses the E.F.S. and is effective. Sid" Hey it seems that there's more people like me." Geo" Hey you. Tell me what those things were I killed." Sid" Those were demons." Geo" Wait you have demons here!" Keira" Demons are the norm around here. Do you know what demons are?" Geo" I've heard about demons in books and stories but never saw one in person before. There's a lot of stuff here." Sid" You can't be from here, so where are you from and what is your name?" Geo" I was born in Hong Kong but raised in Osaka Japan and I'm Geo Kazy. I think I'm going to like it here." Sid" I think you should join us. You'd add a great deal." Geo" That sounds awesome and all but I actually came with my whole team. So what kind of powers do you guys have? I have different styles." He launches a fireball. He also uses an earth style move where he appears behind Sid and looks like the ground(earth like). Geo" I can use lightning and wind too, well sort of. Hey you know that move I used on the demons?" Sid" Yeah. What about it?" Geo" It's actually a combining of three styles in one. It's call the E.F.S. Electrical Flaming Sphere. The sphere part is made of wind. I'm only absorbing the energy from in the area. So I technically can't use them separately. So what is your power?" Keira" I don't have powers." Sid" My main style is Fire then lightning but me and my friends mastered every element." Geo" Every. Where I'm from it is rare to do that. Can you demonstrate that for me?" Sid does.
Geo" That was awesome. I take it you haven't mastered black or blue Flames yet." Sid" I've never heard of it." There are more level element colors to learn. Blue is highest level of fire. One of my friends have mastered all of the color changes of fire." Sid" Wow. There is so much I haven't learned yet." Geo" The only person I've seen used all of the element colors is Master Corroshi." Sid just like our Eyashi. He's a very fast learner and has mastered every element." Geo talks about Corroshi and other things. Corroshi raised him and the team(not all just Eyon, Yolmmo and Domay). The others chose to live with Corroshi under his teachings. Sid exchanges some information like Eyashi and what he's learned. Souls, sword summons and other things. Geo ask Sid what school he attends. Geo and his team can see souls. He challenges Sid to hand to hand combat. Sid loses and understands that Geo is the real deal. He is even better than Fasha's combat skills. Sid tells the others about his encounter. He wants to see him again. The next day at school, there are new students at school. It is obviously Geo and his friiends enrolled into Togyu Manji. After school is over, they go to Eyashi's place and discuss a few things. Team Blaze and Team Earth are now working together. Next scene/area. Conithio Town is shown. The Justice Drivers are shown in action. Strider Is saving someone from a demon. They are all together. They hear a man tell them that he lost something and needs assistance. They follow. He's telling them it's around the corner. He has a sneaky smirk. He tries to attack. Julmbo blocks his punch. He isn't a human.
Smoke suddenly appears and there are more people this time. Smoke disappeared. A tube comes from the one Julmbo was fighting. The others are like mindless zombies. They are still hard to fight. They can't even put a scratch on them. The Justice Drivers can't win and retreat just like the others. Spike thinks that they are dealing with those new type of demons. They see people and try to warn them. The people stare in a creepy fashion and just like last time. One of them uses their tube on regular civilians and sucks their souls out. Their lifeless bodies fall to the ground. They can possess the people as well. The Justice Drivers fear for their life. They all leave the area and enter Togyu Manji. Strider sees Zushi and stops her. Strider" It happened again." Zushi" What happened again?" Julmbo" This is the second time our home has been infiltrated." Spike" There was this man who asked us for help and we did but was nothing but a trick." Tinn" We ended up seeing one with a tube. More showed up but were like zombies or mindless people." Strider" We couldn't win so we had no choice but to run." Julmbo" Those must have been the new demon breed. They did something unforgettable. The one with the tube was able to suck multiple of souls at once. It was a scary sight to witness first hand." Zushi" Wow that's something new. Noone was able to get close to fighting them. Well at least we have something. That's good. Let's get this information back to Eyashi."
Sid is with Geo and MaXx. MaXx" So this is the kid you were telling me about. He looks familiar." Geo" Familiar how? MaXx" Your last is Kazy right?" Geo" That's correct." MaXx" I got it. Fēng Lee or better yet Fēng Dullahan." Geo" Wait you know my dad." MaXx" He was apart of my group when we were Youngsters(teenagers) called the Red Calibur." He shows them pictures. MaXx" I never thought I meet the guy I was friends with son." Next scene. Eyashi has gotten the information. The next day. Eyashi and everyone is having a meeting. Eyashi" It seems we're dealing with something completely different here. They have the ability to take shape of people which will make it harder for us to see them. Very clever. And also have to watch for that tube. Yikes. I guess we are in a sticky situation. Here's the plan. We are going to be doing a little bit of experiment. We are going to be traveling and we're going to keep track of if we've encountered soul takers. We're also going to be keeping up with dates. Write down dates of the Soul takers. Like if there were a lot on Mondays and etc. Need to make sure there is a patern or not. Judging from the demons, they might be trying to throw us off. Remember they are much intelligent now. We are not going in groups. It seems too obvious so everyone is traveling in a unit. It'll be fun." Everybody is talking about Eyashi's plan. Some agree. Some disagree. First area is Conithio Town at night. Today is Monday. During their investigation, they found nothing unusual. Corroshi thinks they should think outside the box. He wants them to remember that the Soul Takers could be anyone here. They have to find a way to get through the people without hurting the real citizens.
The plan is to stick with an area for a few days. It is morning now and nothing happened the entire night. Very boring time. A voice screams out for help(male). Corroshi" Now we know that is a trap. Let's lure them in." Eyashi" One of us is going to be bait." They all argue but Zushi goes. A sexy female. "Help. Help!" Continues. He comes out of a building running. He sees Zushi and bumps into her and they fall. Hey says" Hey watch it.." He gets a closer look at Zushi and begins to inner monolog." Look at the size of those puppies. She's got it going on. Let me get a closer look." Out loud talking now. He says" I can't see. Woops." He falls on Zushi's boobs. She hits him very hard and says" You did that on purpose." He has a knot on his head. Eyashi comes out and says" He's got to be real. What were you running from?" Man says" It was these creatures who sucked the life out of people. These areas are getting emptier and emptier. Before you know it, it'll be deserted." Another person appears and is out of breath. Man2" There are still people left. That's good. I have to see if my wife is still alive." Eyashi" Wait!" He disappears. A few minutes later, a woman comes in and asks about her husband. Her voice changes in mid sentence. Zushi turns her around but is a different person. She became man2. Zushi is startled. Everyone appears and sees. A tube appears. They don't attempt to fight but Eyashi got some sample. The man is taken to safety/ different area with them. The others talk about the incident. The Soul Snatchers can take shape of the people they sucked souls from. This is going to be even harder. Kikia examines the sample. The tubes are considered the target. Would it be possible to get it? Would this effect them in any way.
A different day. They're going to Uketa Sada(near a graveyard). This time it didn't take long for them to show up. This time they look more demon like and a little different. Lots of Soul Takers in the area. Everyone is in the same area but have split up. There's a spot where they'll meet at or their headquarters. Team Earth is shown. Corroshi" We got to kill these bastards." Domay" If only we could find any. My feet are tired. Can't we take a break." Yolmmo is eating chips. Su Lin" You're always munching." Yolmmo" So I just got a little hungry(eats like Choji). Is there a problem with that?" Domay" Yeah there is! Can't you go one mission without eating? It's getting annoying." Yolmmo" What are you going to do about it?" Domay" Why I outta!" Corroshi" Now guys. Knock it off. I swear it's an everyday thing with you guys. Wait a minute. I hear somethings." A dog runs out of the bushes and startles everyone. He is barking very loudly. The bushes start to move again. Tubes(2)come from the bushes but only one Soul Snatcher is there. Ishani Sharma" It has more than one tube. What will we do?" The Soul Snatcher says" You're dead." The tube tries to get her but Corroshi grabs it and holds it but struggles. Corroshi" Go. I'll hold him. Just get out of here." They want to stay and fight. Eyashi and the others appears just in time and cuts off his tube. He doesn't stick around but retreats. This was appart of the plan. Hide, wait then strike when least expected.
Fasha" Great plan but how are we supposed to get them to reveal their tubes. We just discovered there are more tubes." Haden" Fasha is right and besides this is taking hell of long." We haven't done anything of importance yet." Sid" Not to sound like a doubter but in a realistic viewpoint. Even if we were able to somehow kill one, how would we do it again?" Spike" I'm ready to do something else. This is getting rather bored." Geo" I agree." Everyone argues.
Eyashi" Now. Now. Remember this is just an experiment. We're only testing ourselves." Zushi" I got an idea." Eyashi" What is it?" Zushi" We could be bait. The Soul Takers are going to want our souls, so we need to be around lots of people. Wait then strike." Eyashi" We have to figure out how to take out the tube or tubes first. On step at a time Zushi." The conversation continues. The tubes aren't visible and the Soul Snatchers make them come out. The tubes comes from the back of the head, neck(back), and on the back of the body. The back is the target now. How to get to it? It is hard to even see one. While going back, Eyashi notices that nothing has happened to Togyu Manji. He thought it would be targeted by now. It must not be there target but what is. Togyu Manji is a very large place. Wouldn't they want to target a spot with lots of souls? However, it would be too obvious for the Soul Snatchers to appear in Togyu Manji. Two weeks later. Hausada was the most targeted area and Tuesdays were the most frequent days. More info was talked about. Now it's time to find out where their headquarters is at. The areas are slowly becoming deserted and tainted.
Next scene. The Soul Snatchers Headquarters is shown. Sushun(soo-shoon)but was disguised very well. Big man's name is Shi(death)(the strogest). He looks demon likes. The woman will be named Suiko(sooo-e-co). The second male's name is Nintoku. They all look demon like. Other members: Jito(female), Jimmu(male), Daigo(male), Masako(female), Jenmei(jin-may(female), Meiji(may-g)(male) and Koken(female). These are the ten strongest Soul Snatchers. Rade and Kiroku are there. Rade" I told you working with us was going to benefit. Because of us, this area is secured." Rade knew how Eyashi thinks. He chosed not target Togyu Manji right away. The Soul Snatchers appeared in those areas on purpose. When they return to those areas, it would be completely different. This is a very genius plan. Shi" I'm starting to like you guys. You're starting to impress me and it takes a lot to impress me." Nintoku" I think it's time to show em to the boss. He knows about your deeds and is itching to meet you."
Kiroku" That makes me feel quite special." Masako" What are we supposed to do now." Rade" We'll stick to the plans. We don't want to give them what they want. There's some people we have to watch out for. In the Togyu Manji area, there's some people who would be able to bring us down. We're not going to let that happen. They even got this mastermind named Eyashi Mohoto. He's a very powerful man. I have to think outside the box to beat him. He did take out the Dark Phantom leader." Suiko" Wait he took out Kissiske Umidune." Kiroku" You see me and him are one in the same. He's far powerful than I am but all I have to do is outwit him. We'll see who gives in first." He begins to do a villain's laugh.
They're going to the boss. Underground area. The ground begins to shake. A large Soul Snatcher appears and is sitting on a chair of some sort. Looks lile Grand Elder Guru from DBZ but more uglier, fatter and bigger. Shi" Hey boss. These are the ones I've been telling you about. That's Rade Ahbar and Kiroku Jirumani. Our boss's name is Bosu(means boss)." Bosu" It's a pleasure to meet you. So you've been helping the demons. This is very unusual for outsiders to aid us. What are you two really up to? You better not turn on us or we'll hunt you down."
Kiroku" No. No. We're big fans of the demons." Bosu" That better be it. I'm getting hungry. How much souls did you guys get? Give it to me." He absorbs/eats the souls and uses them to make him stronger. He gets bigger as well. Without getting the souls, he grows weaker and will eventually die. This is the Soul Snatcher's task, to feed Bosu. Despite his size, he is still the strongest Soul Snatcher and has more skills than the others. Rade" I know this place where there's a lot of souls at. It's at Togyu Manji. A very large city that has lots of spirit energy and souls. You'll be able to feast like never before." Bosu licks his lips and says" That sounds good, no delicious. When do we start?" Kiroku" We can't go yet. There's this guy we have to watch out for. He's pretty powerful. This guy took out the Dark Phantom leader." Bosu" He was able to take out the Kissiske but I'm a completely different breed." Kiroku" We know how strong you are but it's all about laying low. We can't allow them to catch on to us. So we have to wait for now then strike when they least expect it." Bosu never leaves the spot. He stays at the headquarters at all cost.
A few weeks have passed. Things are starting to change. The Soul Snatchers are appearing more frequently. They are even appearing in least shown areas. Conithio Town is now deserted. The only people in the areas are the mindless kinds. Everybody trains. They are even able to kill a few Soul Snatchers. Everyone is resting up but at night the Soul Snatchers appear in Togyu Manji and throw everyone off. It seems the plans are intact. Earlier, Eyashi and the others were sneaking around and were able to kill a couple. They were even able to get the tubes. They weren't planning on protecting Togyu Manji because they thought it wasn't going to be targeted yet. Eyashi is not with everybody. He's only with Team Blaze, Zushi and Draum. They chosed to stay in separate spots(in Togyu Manji). Eyashi" Dammit! They got us! After all of this time." Meiji" Well well look what we have here. You must be Eyashi Mohoto." Eyashi" How does a demon know my name?" Meiji" I can't tell you that. It would ruin the fun. This area is pretty large and that means we'll be sucking the souls out of your people." Eyashi" Why don't you fight me?" Draum" He's mine." Eyashi" What's come over you?" Draum" I've been ichin to fight." Meiji" It doesn't matter who wants to fight. Let's go." Draum vs Meiji. Draum launches quick fireballs but he eats them. Draum punches but Meiji catches his fist and sends him to the ground forcefully. While still grabbing, he stumps his arm repeatedly and Draum screams in pain.
Meiji takes Draum's arm and twisted it, snapping it. He laughs. Draum stops screaming and starts smiling. Meiji" What the hell are you smiling at?" Draum's arm grows back. Meiji" What are you exactly? You're no human." Draum" I'm half man half machine or better yet I'm a cyborg. I was only playing around with you. My limbs are damn near indestructible. It's time for you to see what I am." Meiji" Near indestructible limbs. Oh what. Trying to scare me. Well it won't work." Draum spits quick rockets this time. Meiji summons his weapons and uses them to defend himself(dual blades). Meiji" He's able to use rockets!" Draum" I told you I'm a cyborg. Weren't you paying attention?" Meiji can't seem to catch a break. He uses an ability that makes a hole appear where the person is standing. The person appears elsewhere. He is able to avoid Draum's attacks. Draum is now on defense this time. Draum launches a large missile. It scatters and splits into smaller pieces. They lock on then charge combustion fire. "Lock On Barrage." New move. It destroys the move and hits Meiji/the other Soul Snatchers in the background. Meiji" This can't be. There's only one way." He uses a tube and tries to take his soul but he blocks it. Another tube was used. He launches an arm and uses it to hold the other tube. A total of 6 tubes were used. One of tubes comes from the ground while Draum is distracted. The scene isn't shown. What will happen to Draum? Did he survive? More characters are set toi0 appear. Find out next time on Part 3. "To Be Continued"
submitted by DevarDavis22 to u/DevarDavis22 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:38 Independent_Bread611 I identify as me. Horse offends.

I identify as me. Horse offends. submitted by Independent_Bread611 to u/Independent_Bread611 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 06:57 shia_le_buff What the hell is going on here?

What the hell is going on here?
Iseng cari berita demo yang muncul malah link-link website pemerintah yang dihack sama akun judi slot(?). Ada yang tau ini kenapa?
submitted by shia_le_buff to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:57 xoxefo3952 Terjebak Miliarder Posesif dari Fit Tree Fitri untuk Dibaca Gratis - CEO Cerita Indonesia

Kisah cinta pria terkaya keturunan Tionghoa dengan seorang guru yang hidup sederhana bernama Fahima. Berawal dari kekaguman hingga peristiwa pecahnya guci pernikahan keluarga yang berarti kesialan membuat Michael bertekad untuk menikahi Fahima karena ia sangat takut dengan nasib sial. Wanita itu memberi banyak alasan untuk menolak Michael karena perbedaan keyakinan, prinsip dan gaya hidup. Fahima yang tidak ingin meninggalkan pulau Bangka dan Michael yang harus menetap di Jakarta karena mengurus perusahaan dan bisnisnya, tetapi pria itu tidak menyerah dan tetap berusaha untuk mendapatkan Fahima yang ia anggap sebagai penangkal kesialan yang ia alami akibat Guci yang pecah. Pengalaman spiritual yang terjadi begitu saja tanpa disengaja membawa mereka terus bersama. Bagaimana kisah cinta dua insan yang Tuhan ciptakan dengan banyak perbedaan ini? Apakah mereka akan bersatu? Atau ada pria lain yang lebih pantas untuk Fahima? Read more
submitted by xoxefo3952 to Novelideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:42 Polyglotton73 [H] Yakuza Like a Dragon, Nioh 2, Calisto Protocol, Long List [W] Friends VS Friends, The Knight Witch, Trepang 2, offers, lists

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2024.05.31 05:32 Satta_Matka_Guessing Call-7205628278 Satta Matka Dpboss Matka Final Ank Kalyan Chart Matka Result Satta batta Matka 420 Satta Matta Matka 143 Main Bazar chart

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submitted by Satta_Matka_Guessing to SattaMatkaGuessing [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:09 Soggy_Reveal_6072 Mai pagal ho rha hu

I'm so fucked rn, school se hazar projects and hhw mile hai, lectures ka bhi backlog ho gya hai, and jo upcoming test hai usme 11th ka bhi portion aa rha hai, jo ki Maine thikse nhi kiya. Idk what to do, mai projects ye sab finish kar lunga but backlog aur badh jayega and meri 11th toh kharab hai hi, I'd say around 35% tak thikse hua hai 11th baaki ka agar kiya bhi hu question practice nhi hua. Idk what to do in the upcoming tests for the 11th chapters and the increasing backlogs. Lectures complete karke question practice karne pe boht time chala jata hai uske upar GOC bhi complete karna hai. Bhai laude lag gye hai, and mere parents ko lagta hai mai kar lunga, saala itna trust bhi kaise hota hai logo ko. Kaash 11th ko nhi choda hota, agar atleast December se bhi padhne lagta toh boht kuch ho sakta tha, haha chud gye guru
submitted by Soggy_Reveal_6072 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:57 BannanDylan [H]Random Assortment of Games (DOOM / Moonlighter / Tokyo Xanadu eX+ / Vermintide / Coromon / ETC) [W] Game Trades / List Games / Offers

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Amerzone: The Explorer’s Legacy
Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign
Ascension to the Throne
Crazy Machines 3
Cook Serve Delicious
Eternal Edge +
Flatland Vol.1
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Going Under
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I am not a Monster: First Contact
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Just Die Already
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Lost Castle
Main Assembly
Moon Hunters
Nex Machina
Path to Mnemosyne
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
PixelJunk Eden
Prank Call
Pumped BMX Pro x 2
Rebel Galaxy x 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein X 2
Reventure x 3
Safety First!
Stealth Inc 2
STAR WARS - Knights of the Old Republic
SuchArt: Genius Artist Simulator
Surgeon Simulator
Table Manners: The Physics-Based Dating
The Adventure Pals
The Flame in the Flood x 2
The Inner World
The Sexy Brutale
This War of Mine
Tokyo Xanadu eX+
Tooth and Tail
Torchlight x 3
Tower 57
Valfaris: Mecha Therion
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
When Ski Lifts Go Wrong
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Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
Zombie Army Trilogy
submitted by BannanDylan to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 17:03 rdrouyn Draft 2024 - Seahawks

2023 Recap
2023 was a year of great expectations and disappointment for the Seahawks. The team was a trendy pick to take the next step and win a playoff game but faltered in the end and missed the postseason altogether. The season started on the wrong foot when both our starting tackles left the game early in the second half of our home opener against the Rams. The injuries continued to pile up a few games after that, losing a key cog in our defense in Uchenna Nwosu. The team’s run defense wasn’t spectacular before that, but cratered to near bottom of the league after that injury. And high priced safety Jamal Adams and promising cornerback Riq Woolen suffered through inconsistent play and injuries of their own. All of these issues culminated in a 9-8 record, missing the playoffs on a tie breaker with Green Bay, and the firing of our long time head coach Pete Carroll. On the surface it seems rather harsh to fire the coach after a middling season, but the stats painted an unflattering picture for him. Pete’s performance as of late was not great, considering that his calling card was on the defensive side of the ball. For 3 out of the last 4 years, the Seahawks have been at the near bottom of the league in defensive scoring and run defense. The Seahawks were also the fifth most penalized team in the NFL and caught a bad habit of missing tackles. On top of that, our record against our NFC rivals, the Rams and 49ers, was abysmal as of late. If they wanted to stop playing third fiddle to the Rams and 49ers, drastic changes were needed.
New era of Seahawks Football
After an emotional press conference, the Pete Carroll era was over and a new era of Seahawks football was starting. This current era is being spearheaded by GM John Schneider as the main decision maker for the team’s football operations, no longer sharing those responsibilities with coach Pete. He did an extensive coaching search and after a few overtures with Ben Johnson, he landed on Mike Macdonald, defensive coordinator of the Ravens for the 2022 and 2023 seasons. Macdonald is considered to be one of the most promising young defensive minds in the league. He comes from the Wink Martindale/Rex Ryan school of defense that emphasizes the blitz, but he incorporates his own wrinkles into the system by masking coverage pre-snap and using simulated pressures. He is also known as a linebacker guru and loves coaching up that position in particular. He took what was a mediocre Ravens defense in 2021 (19th in points scored) and upgraded it into the top defense in the NFL by the 2023 season. More importantly, he was able to notch impressive defensive performances against many of the Seahawks rivals in 2023, including the Lions, 49ers and Rams. Under his tutelage, players like Kyle Hamilton, Patrick Queen, Justin Madubuike, Jadaveon Clowney, Geno Stone and Kyle Van Noy had career years. The vision behind this hire is the belief that Macdonald can bring that scheme to Seattle and coach up the talent the team has already gathered in the last few draft classes to those levels of performance.
Another big change in this new era of Seahawks football comes at the offensive coordinator spot. Ryan Grubb was hired as the offensive coordinator of the team and Mike Macdonald is delegating a lot of the offensive strategy to him on year one. He has been the offensive coordinator for the Washington Huskies for the past two years and helped lead them to the National Championship game in 2023. From watching plenty of Husky games last year, it is clear why he was sought after to join the coaching staff. His creativity as a playcaller is evident. He was great at employing a quick passing game that made plays all over the field and used tempo to keep the defense off balance. He also brought his assistant Scott Huff with him, coach of the Joe Moore award winning best offensive line in college football in 2023. The offensive line was clearly a strength of the Washington Huskies and Huff will be tasked with using his expertise to improve a line that ranked 25th in the league in pass block win rate in 2023, according to ESPN. These two coaching hires bring the biggest variance in outcomes as the track record for college coaches jumping into the pros with no NFL experience is concerning. But anyone who has watched the 2023 Huskies offense will concede that Ryan Grubb and Scott Huff have incredible upside potential if they hit.
Notable pre-draft moves
At the 2023 trade deadline, the team acquired DT Leonard Williams for a 2024 second and 2025 fifth round pick. During free agency, they signed Leonard Williams to a 3 year, 64.5 million deal.
Going into the 2023 season, the team was incredibly thin at DT. The depth chart at NT was Jarran Reed and some backup level players. There was concern that Jarran Reed wouldn’t hold up the whole season playing that many snaps. We were basically forced to trade a second and a fifth for a half a season of Leo Williams due to the roster mismanagement in the 2023 offseason. To his credit, he did play well for the team, amassing 4 sacks, 9 TFLs and 11 QB hits in 10 games. After that performance, we had to resign him for market value considering what we had invested in him. There’s no denying it was an overpay. Having said that, the likelihood of obtaining a DT with the physical profile and talent level of a Leo Williams with a second round pick is low. A player that is 6’5” plus 300 lbs with athleticism that can play all over the line is valuable and you pay what you must to get them.
Before the draft, the team acquired QB Sam Howell and Washington’s fourth (#102) and sixth (#179) for the Saints' third round pick (#78) and a fifth round pick (#179)
With Drew Lock moving on to New York, we needed a new backup QB and this deal was made. Being able to to acquire a young backup QB with NFL starting experience for what amounts to a fifth round pick in compensation is a solid move. Someone may argue that the team was better off keeping the higher picks and drafting a Spencer Rattler or Michael Pratt, but let’s keep in mind a few things. First of all, Howell is same age as Rattler and one year older than Pratt. He’s still in the developmental period of his career but with a full season of NFL reps already in the bag. Furthermore, Howell does not have the character concerns of a Rattler or the arm strength concerns of a Pratt. Regardless on how you may feel about Howell’s 2023 performance, there is no doubt he did enough to prove that he can be a high level backup. And there is some hope that the new coaching staff can give Howell a fresh start and help him improve on his deficiencies.
Other Free Agency transactions
Notable Departures
LG Damien Lewis
C Evan Brown
RG Phil Haynes
LB Bobby Wagner
LB Jordyn Brooks
LB Devin Bush
S Jamal Adams
S Quandre Diggs
TE Colby Parkinson
TE Will Dissly
RB/KR Deejay Dallas
QB Drew Lock
Notable Arrivals
LG Laken Tomlinson
C Nick Harris
RG Tremayne Anchrum Jr.
T George Fant
LB Jerome Baker
LB Tyrel Dodson
S Rashawn Jenkins
S K’Von Wallace
TE Pharaoh Brown
DT Johnathan Hankins
WKR Lavishka Shenault
After these moves, the biggest needs going into the draft were at both guard spots, linebacker, safety and tight end.
2024 Draft Picks/Transactions
Round 1, Pick 16: Byron Murphy II, DT, Texas - RAS Score
"He plays our style of football, and he's so talented," Macdonald said. "Versatility along the front, he's such an aggressive player, plays violently, heavy hands for a guy with a shorter stature, flexible, pass-rush flexibility, you name it. We're just really excited to have him… This is just a great opportunity for our team to get better. He's going to provide great competition and he's our type of guy. He's a Seahawk through and through."
While DT may not seem like the biggest need for the team at first sight, this pick along with the Leo Williams signing turned what was a weakness of the team in 2023 into a strength. Mike Macdonald loves building lines with large, versatile DTs that are stout against the run and Murphy fits that profile. I’ve only watched a handful of Texas games but I did pay close attention to Murphy during the Sugar Bowl and he consistently stood out in the run game with multiple tackles near the line of scrimmage. I fully expect the run defense to be vastly improved with the brand new defensive line that also includes Jarran Reed and former Cowboy Johnathan Hankins.
He is also adept at commanding double teams from opposing offensive lines and getting pressures on QBs. “The former Longhorn generated an impressive 21 pressures on true pass sets, stemming from a class-leading 29.5% pass-rush win rate.” according to PFF. I did notice that could improve his ability to convert pressures into sacks. One play from the Sugar Bowl stands out to me where he breaks through a double team and Michael Penix Jr is able to side step away from his arm tackle. Having said that, I feel perfectly confident in Macdonald’s ability to help Murphy improve his finishing abilities given what he accomplished with Madubuike.
Round 3, Pick 81: Christian Haynes, RG, Uconn - RAS Score
The lack of a second round pick really stressed out Seahawks fans since the team needed to come out of the draft with at least one day one starter at an interior Oline position. However, the Seahawks got lucky when teams were more interested in taking tackles over guard only prospects. There were two guard prospects that the Seahawks were reportedly interested in: Cooper Beebe and Christian Haynes, according to reporter John Boyle. Boyle also noted that after Beebe went off the board and Haynes was still available, former Seahawk great Steve Hutchinson confirmed his approval of the Haynes pick, telling Schneider "I think he's going to be a really good (expletive) player”. Seems like a strong vote of approval, considering that it comes from a Hall of Fame guard.
As far as his abilities goes, Haynes is a 4 year starter for the Uconn Huskies. He played exclusively at RG during most of his career and only gave up 1 sack in his last two seasons. He’s a bit undersized but he makes up for it in hand technique and speed. He has elite level speed and explosion for a guard, so he will be an excellent fit for a zone blocking scheme. He plays with high effort and follows through on blocks on second-level defenders. His senior bowl film in 1 on 1 pass rush drills was extremely promising as he was causing fits for edges and defensive tackles. I didn’t count a single loss for him in the pass rush drills, which is crazy considering he’s going against the best of the best in college football. His game tape is equally impressive, although he does have a penchant for getting handsy and picking up penalties (22 in 4 seasons). It seems safe to assume the Seahawks have found their long term starter at RG.
Trade with Denver: Pick #102 and #235 for Pick #121, #136 and #207
The Seahawks were looking to acquire another pick in the draft to compensate for the loss in the Leonard Williams trade. There were talks about acquiring a second round pick earlier in the draft, but they stayed put and drafted Murphy. With this trade they obtained a fifth rounder and upgraded their seventh to a sixth at the cost of moving down 19 spots in the fourth round. Not a bad trade, considering the team’s ability to find talent in the fifth round. It is also interesting to note that the Denver Broncos always come up in the clutch whenever the Seahawks need draft picks. John Schneider must be blackmailing their GM or something.
Round 4, 118: Tyrice Knight, LB, UTEP - RAS Score
Tyrice Knight being picked this high is a bit of a head scratcher. He was evaluated as a sixth round pick by’s Lance Zierlein and wasn’t even ranked within the top 200 on PFF’s big board. Why did they pick him this highly? Well, we clearly have a need at linebacker and there was a run on them at this point in the draft. There weren’t many appealing options remaining at the position so they reached to protect their preferred choice from other teams. This pick also makes sense when looking at the team’s deficiencies in open field tackling and run defense last year. The team was fourth worst in the league in missed tackles with 129 in 2023 and near the bottom of the league in run defense. Meanwhile, Knight was a tackling machine at UTEP. He led the FBS in 2023 with 84 solo tackles and made many plays in the run game with 15.5 TFL. He also was an adept blitzer with 4.5 sacks, and 7 PBUs. I think Knight could play a role from the bench early on non-passing downs. He could also play a pass rushing role on blitzes. He has a path to become a starter if Macdonald can coach him up when it comes to dropping back into coverage as he is apparently rough in those aspects of the game. If he can work his magic on Knight we might end up with huge steal.
Round 4, 121: AJ Barner, TE, Michigan - RAS Score
We needed a blocking TE to replace Will Dissly, and we got one with almost identical athletic numbers and college stats as Will Dissly. He excelled at Michigan’s run heavy scheme where “he produced the (TE) class’ only 70.0-plus run-blocking grade on these concepts (gap, power, counter, pull lead)” according to PFF. He’s not too shabby on pass plays either. He regularly chips and pushes around college level defensive ends. His production when it comes to pass catching is extremely low, but understandable considering the run heavy offense he operated under. His lack of straight line speed shows on film, but he does well enough on the short and intermediate routes. Plus he compensates with jump cuts and ability to break tackles with spin moves. He can also produce on special teams and has familiarity with our special teams coordinator Jay Harbaugh from his days at Michigan. He has a decent chance to see the field early on with his blocking skills and his special team prowess.
Round 5, 136: Nehemiah Pritchett, CB, Auburn - RAS Score
Nehemiah Pritchett seems like an odd pick considering the team is already six deep at corner. But there are a few factors that support the idea that Pritchett was too valuable to the Seahawks to pass on. First of all, Nehemiah met a lot of the size/athletic thresholds that the Seahawks value in cornerbacks, with a 4.36 40 yard dash, 34.5” vertical jump and 31 and 5/8” arms. Pritchett was a key part of the Auburn defense that allowed 173.2 passing yards per game (eight best in all of college football according to cfbstats). He also had a standout performance in the Senior Bowl, recording multiple pass breakups including one in the endzone that prevented a touchdown. As far as downsides go, his strength and tackling ability seem to be limited. If he makes the team, his role will likely be as a backup and an insurance policy in case that Riq Woolen continues underperforming. This is also a move to shore up depth for 2025, as Tre Brown, Artie Burns and Mike Jackson are on the last year of their deals.
Round 6, 179: Sataoa Laumea, G, Utah - RAS Score
The team still needed a guard to pair up with Haynes and they got one that is a bit of a project. Scott Huff has some familiarity with Laumea as he tried to recruit him out of high school and played against his team while he was coaching at Washington. Laumea played his first two seasons at RG and was moved to RT for the 2022-2023 seasons. He looked decent enough on film against the Huskies in 2023 and at the Senior Bowl, but it is hard to feel strongly about his pass blocking abilities. He got cooked by Laiatu Latu on 1 on 1 drills, which isn't completely unexpected but to be fair he did better against the rest of the field. However, he does stand out on run plays when pulling or when setting blocks on the move. There is play of his circulating online where he pancakes a UCLA defender on a pull play and it is pretty spectacular. Since he has shown some positional flexibility, the Seahawks are trying him out at LG during rookie minicamp and OTAs. That move makes sense since there is more of a need at that position and he has a clearer path to playing time. At the same time that makes things more difficult for him since he needs to learn a brand new position on top of adjusting to NFL game speed. He has a good chance of winning a backup position at camp but I wouldn’t expect him to make it off the bench in 2024.
Round 6, 192: D. J. James, CB, Auburn - RAS Score
Yet another best player on the board, value too high to ignore type of pick for the Seahawks.’s Lance Zierlen had D.J. James with a third round grade, while PPF had him as the #153 best player in the draft. Getting a player of that caliber in the sixth round seems like a steal to me. While watching film on Auburn, I couldn’t help but notice James pop up with more big time plays than his teammate Pritchett. He was more active when covering routes over the middle and showed better effort in his tackling. He can also play the nickel, which gives him a unique pathway to make the team. His lack of size and arm length did show up on occasion when he was defending fade routes in the end zone. But most of the time his effort compensated for his size limitations. The team currently has a logjam at CB and it’ll be interesting to see who wins the camp battle and makes the final roster.
Round 6, 207: Michael Jerrell, T, Findlay - RAS Score
Michael Jerrell is the latest Division II superstar, trying to make his NFL dream come true with all odds against him. Winner of about every single award possible for a Division II lineman, his story is pretty interesting. He did have offers to play on division I teams after a few seasons of Div II but he wanted to make the NFL as a Findlay alumni out of respect for his college and coaching staff. He came on the radar of NFL teams when he participated in the Ohio State pro day and produced testing numbers that would make him worthy of day 2 pick if he had played for a Division I school. Unsurprisingly, there’s not that much Findlay film available online. The highlight video I had access to shows him manhandling and pancaking every defensive player he went against, which is about what I expected. He did what you’d expect an NFL caliber player would do going against Division II football players. He is a total gamble at the NFL level, but the right type of gamble given the value of tackles. With his athletic numbers there’s a non-zero chance he becomes a starter at RT. Given the tenuous state of Abraham Lucas’s knee, we might need a starter sooner than expected.
Notable UDFAs
OT Garret Greenfield
DE Nelson Ceaser
RB George Holani
LB Easton Gibbs
C Mike Novitsky
WR Hayden Hatten
DB Ro Torrence
CB Carlton Johnson
CB Dee Williams
Out of all of these UFDAs, the one that has the clearest path to make the team is George Holani. He has decent athletic traits and production at running back, but his stock draft fell due to his extensive injury history in college. He looks to be slotted right now at fourth on the depth chart at running back and if the team decides to keep 4 running backs on the active roster he would probably make the team.
Closing Thoughts
The team wasn't able to fully address all of their needs in the draft, but given the amount of picks they started out with, they acquitted ourselves well. They were able to get day 1 starters at DT and RG, plus some depth options at LB, TE, CB, G and T. The depth at linebacker is still pretty rough and I don’t particularly trust any of the players they have battling for the left guard position. I'm expecting some kind of trade to happen before the deadline to address those positions, perhaps using Dre'mont Jones or some picks as bait. Safety is another position that they didn’t address in the draft, but the depth isn’t bad if Jerrick Reed II is able to play this season. I’d rather see what Coby Bryant and Reed can do in a bigger role than invest in another late round safety, if I’m perfectly honest.
2024 is shaping up to be a transition season for the team; the coaches will need time to install the new schemes and give the talent opportunities to establish themselves as building blocks going forward. In order to call this season a success I’d like to see an upward trajectory to the performance of the defense as Macdonald installs more of the defensive playbook. Our offense was pretty solid last year and I’m sure that Grubb can maintain a similar level of performance, but I’d like to see more consistency from the offensive line. That is Grubb’s specialty and Geno spent too much time running for his life in 2023. I'd also like to see more of the young promising talent emerge. Charles Cross, Riq Woolen, Witherspoon, JSN and Boye Mafe are a few of the young players that are close to being stars and need to take the next step in their development for the team to compete. If the coaching staff can get these players to perform in their system, I’m sure we will be competing for a playoff spot at the end of the year and setting up for even greater things in 2025.
submitted by rdrouyn to u/rdrouyn [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 13:39 ajeb22 Community Sharing - Now is probably the best time to start playing Yugioh in Indonesia

Community Sharing - Now is probably the best time to start playing Yugioh in Indonesia
Bikin tulisan ini karena lg gabut siapa tau bisa ngembangin Komunitas
  1. Apa itu Yugioh?
Harusnya orang2 udah tau lah ya kartun kita zaman kecil ini, yugioh adalah permainan kartu anak2 yang seringnya dimainkan oleh orang dewasa karena termasuk kompleks. Yang membuat yugioh berbeda dengan card game lain adalah permainan yugioh sangat cepat karena hampir tidak ada limit jumlah play yg dilakukan dengan satu turn, dan jumlah kartu yg sudah mencalai belasan ribu sehingga banyak combo yg dapat kamu lakukan
  1. Bagaimana kondisi komunitas Yugioh di Indonesia?
Yugioh di indonesia baru official sejak tahun lalu (april 2023) dan sekarang kondisinya masih terus berkembang. Jumlah player resmi yg tercatat ada sejumlah 1000 player dan player aktif ada at least 256 terbukti dari kmrn (foto 4) tournament yg diadakan berkuota 256 orang dan slot turnamennya langsung penuh dalam kurun waktu 1 jam
Sayangnya halangan terbesar untuk berkembangnya komunitas ini adalah karena indonesia terlalu luas dan tidak semua daerah bisa ada komunitas atau toko official
  1. Kenapa sekarang waktu mulai terbaik?
Pertama-tama yugioh di indonesia dibagi 2 format, Format Asia English dimana kamu harus bermain dengan kartu OCG (istilah untuk kartu yg dirilis di asia) bahasa inggris dan OCG JP yg dimana kamu bisa bermain dengan kartu bahasa jepang maupun inggris
Di Format Asia English konami baru saja merilis product bernama deck salamangreat sanctum (foto 2), yg dimana dengan membeli 3 produk ini dan membuat dengan dari situ maka decknya sudah cukup kuat untuk turnamen sehingga cocok untuk pemula. Format ini lebih newbie friendly karena kartunya bisa terbaca (bahasa inggris) dan card pool yg lebih sedikit. Sayangnya produk ini lagi sold out dimana2 jadi mesti nunggu restock katanya minggu dpn
Di Format JP konami akan merilis tactical try deck tgl 8 nanti (foto 1 & 3), yg ini lebih bagus lagi karena cukup dengan membeli 1 maka decknya sudah siap main di turnamen lengkap dengan kartu pendukungnya. Ada juga tuh 1 deck waifu (live twin, deck vtuber x phantom thief) buat kalian pencinta waifu. Kekurangan di format ini adalah kartunya rata bhs jpn jadi mesti hafal/rajin tanya lawan dan pemainnya rata2 udah veteran
  1. Bagaimana cara bergabung
Untuk komunitasnya sendiri paling aktif di FB, bisa cari Yugioh Duelist Indonesia (YDI) situ isinya rata2 sih jual beli tp ga masalah kalau mau tanya2. Untun cara tempat paling deket dengan kalian ada aplikasi namana Neuron ada di play store, disitu kalau pilih region indonesia kalian bisa liat2 mana toko terdekat dengan kalian dan kapan turnamen diadakan. Tinggal datang pas ada turnamen dan bilang aja ke judge (biasanya dia ikut turnamennya) kalian pingin bljr main dan rata2 sih friendly kok mau ngajarin (ya mereka makin banyak orang main makin banyak dpt duid jd pasti seneng jg)
submitted by ajeb22 to indowibu [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 11:41 Mickjuul I need help sorting out my feelings in a constructive way...

I'm gonna try and to it short, even though I could write a whole novel about my marraige.
I met my wife when I was 22. She was 37 and already had a child from a previous relationship. So 15 year age difference. The first six months we were just friends, but we were together all the time. It was such a cool relathionship, I still feel that way. I felt like she really saw me and could read me like no other. She was kinda like a therapist for me. Everything was platonic until, well we ended up having sex. I had my worries about this in the beginning... I wasn't really attracted to her body type and also I was afraid that mixing romance in the relationship would destroy the beautiful friendship we had. Anyway, the sex was amazing and we had 2 intense, beautiful years together, that we both agree were the best of our lives.
Everything changed when she got pregnant - by accident.
I thought long and hard about it. I was only 24 and in hindsight I was naive about the long term stability of our relationship. She wanted the child if I did too, and after a long period of thinking about it, I decided that I wanted the baby as well. I thought - hell, if I ever was to have kids with anyone, this is probably the best woman I'll ever find for this. Which is true in many ways.
Cut to about one and half year later, I have a huge crisis and breakdown. I basically feel like I've made a mistake. My wife has gained a lot of weight, and I'm no longer attracted to her. We are close to splitting up, but we are devastated about having lost that amazing love we had and we try to pull through together.
We power through. I go to therapy. We also go to couple's therapy a couple of times. I try to grow from the crisis and basically "become a man" about it and take responsibility for my choices, be a good partner and father and "do the right thing". This culminates in me deciding to marry her last year.
Now we've been together for a total of 8 years, married one year. I am basically a family-man with a step-daughter (12) and our daughter (5). We have been through a long period of resentment, especially over the weight issue, but I feel like we're over that now. Back in that time, we probably would've split up if it weren't for the kids.
The thing is, the feeling that brought me down into a crisis/depression 4 years ago is still there. My wife has lost about 45 kgs. of weight and is in much better shape, so now our sex life is better. but sometimes I just can't escape the feeling that something isn't right.
I just have a nagging sense that my wife isn't "the one" for me. Not that I know how "the one" would be anyway. For long periods of time, I can ignore this and we actually live a healthy and fairly happy family life. But sometimes - and I'm stuck in it right now - I'm overly critical of her and have intrusive thoughts about leaving the whole thing behind and it makes me sad and afraid, unable to enjoy anything.
These intrusive thoughts are that I'm just playing pretend. That deep down, I want it to be over. I don't want anything else in particular - I just want it to be over. I'm tired of fighting my feelings, making lists of pros and cons about staying and leaving. It's an internal fight that makes me feel so alone. Because I also know, it's not my wifes fault.
My wife is amazing. She really is. But I don't know if I love her like that. And I know that it's weird I married her if I feel that way. But I did it to make her happy, not to make myself happy.
Fellas - I need reasons to STAY in my marriage. Not reasons to leave. I need hope, not despair.
We communicate well - I even talk to her about my missing feelings and she takes it quite well. She doesen't feel the same way about me and want to work on it - give it everything we got before we split.
She is endlessly supportive and caring of everything I do.
She is the most loving and giving person I can think of. She is literrally a team player that makes everyone around her play better.
We share values about raising children and making a family.
She is quite beauiful even though she is a plus sized girl. She is adventurous in life as well as in bed.
She is kinda like a guru sometimes. She is really good at managing her own emotions.
Obiously - my stupid brain can ignore all the good stuff and look for aaaaall the things wrong with our dynamic and with her as a partner for life. And sometimes I can't shut it off. It feels like I can only ignore it for some time and play pretend some longer. The main issues I have is still an attraction issue - I'm more attracted to younger, slimmer girls. I know that's very superficial and I don't believe that is reason enough to leave a good wife.
Is my rumination just a sign that I haven't processed the trauma I felt during my crisis 4 years ago? Is it some sort of attachment or anxiety issue or am I just trying to interlectualize something really obvious? How normal is it for one partner in the marriage to have feelings like this - and is it possible to ever get over it? Do I just need to work harder at making the feelings of love come alive instead of sulking about when the feelings don't appear by themselves?
Please help me be strong in this situation.
Please be kind. If you just want to tell me how bad a person I am I don't need to hear it. For the longest time I've felt consumed by shame and bad conscience. I don't want to feel that way anymore.
Also please don't tell me to just end it. I feel like there is too much to lose, too much good to fight for. Sometimes it's like I just can't see it, and it makes me unhappy in my marriage overall. :(
submitted by Mickjuul to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 10:17 Sir_Leighter Uwek

Uwek submitted by Sir_Leighter to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 09:01 nimdgp Top Hotel Management Colleges in West Bengal with Address & Pin Code

Top Hotel Management Colleges in West Bengal with Address & Pin Code
Discover the leading hotel management colleges in West Bengal that provide top-notch programs and hands-on training to prepare individuals for successful careers in the hospitality sector. Find schools with modern facilities, knowledgeable instructors, and strong placement prospects in Kolkata and surrounding areas.
Here are some of the top hotel management colleges in West Bengal along with their addresses and pin codes:
  1. Institute of Hotel Management, Kolkata Address: P-16, Taratala Road, Kolkata, West Bengal 700088Pin Code: 700088
  2. NSHM School of Hotel Management, Kolkata Address: 124, B.L. Saha Road, Kolkata, West Bengal 700053Pin Code: 700053
  3. Guru Nanak Institute of Hotel Management, Kolkata Address: 157/F, Nilgunj Road, Panihati, Kolkata, West Bengal 700114Pin Code: 700114
  4. Subhas Bose Institute of Hotel Management, Kolkata Address: 1470 Rajdanga Main Road, Kolkata, West Bengal 700107Pin Code:** 700107
  5. Siliguri Institute of Technology, Department of Hotel Management, Siliguri Address: Hill Cart Road, Sukna, Siliguri, West Bengal 734009Pin Code: 734009
  6. George Group of Colleges, Kolkata Address: 136, B.B. Ganguly Street, Kolkata, West Bengal 700012Pin Code: 700012
  7. IIHM (International Institute of Hotel Management), Kolkata Address: X-1, 8/3, Block-EP, Sector-V, Salt Lake Electronics Complex, Kolkata, West Bengal 700091Pin Code: 700091
  8. Amity School of Hospitality, Kolkata Address: Major Arterial Road, Action Area II, Rajarhat, New Town, Kolkata, West Bengal 700135Pin Code: 700135
  9. Techno India University, School of Hotel Management, Kolkata Address: EM-4, Sector-V, Salt Lake, Kolkata, West Bengal 700091Pin Code:** 700091
  10. NSHM Knowledge Campus, Durgapur. Address: Arrah, Shibtala Via Muchipara, Durgapur, West Bengal 713212. Pin Code: 713212
These institutions offer a range of hotel management programs and are equipped with modern facilities to provide quality education in the hospitality field.
submitted by nimdgp to u/nimdgp [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 08:16 ArmyofSpies Cardano Rumor Rundown May 30, 2024

Hey Everyone!
Let’s go….
Newly Covered Today:
  1. Ethereum ETFs greenlit! This is an obvious 180 by the executive branch. After SAB 121, FIT21, and the CBDC ban votes, they must've finally realized their crypto haterism wasn't worth losing every crypto voter in the election.
  2. Blackrock's entry in the ETH ETF race. Will they win this goldrush also?
  3. Very good info on Voltaire in this X space.
  4. A Cardano game in the Epic Store?
  5. Very interesting Odyssey...very interesting.
  6. Shocked I tell you! No one could have possibly seen this coming.
  7. Everyone is courting the crypto vote these days and realizing that the Dragon has poisoned crypto against her party.
  8. Delivery after all these years of their hard work! RealFi has arrived!
  9. The House majority is definitely against a federal financial panopticon. But how about the Senate?
  10. McHenry doing the good work here in full Redenbacher style.
  11. Hopefully, if things go well, it'll soon be worth a full Shanahan and then even multiple Shanahans.
  12. Oooof! This is why you want self-governance for all, not just the insiders. Monetary policy at the Caprice of the few is literally part of the reason for crypto existing.
  13. Fit21 passes the house with Bipartisan support. Another deathblow to the anti-crypto army. But, is this bill really the most beneficial policy for crypto?
  14. 71 Dems voted for Fit21! Whether it's the best crypto policy or not, it's probably a big turning point. Richie Torres and our other usual allies in there
  15. Can't help but love a dude going against his own party leadership to vote his conscience Ritchie Torres is the fucking man!
  16. May I present the super haters. No surprise to see Dragon-allied AOC & Co. in there. They're on the wrong side of history on this one.
  17. Emmer on Fit21.
  18. Baker Hostetler thinks the Senate won't even vote on Fit21.
  19. Here's the text of FIT21.
  20. White House statements of opposition have become the "inverse Kramer" indicator for Congressional bill passage.
  21. Anti-crypto tears just get sweeter and sweeter.
Previously covered, but still interesting:
  1. Sorry, Dragon. A senator from the least populated state in the union just deeply wounded your entire agenda in one day.
  2. Very interesting! Fallout from the Dragon's failure in the Senate vote?
  3. Wow! Is this shit actually happening? If it is, we have the Senate SAB 121 beatdown to thank for this HUGE shift in policy.
  4. The anti-crypto betas might be trying to strike back with opposition to Fit 21.
  5. Looks like the message is only "strong opposition" as opposed to "don't you dare vote for this crypto bullshit".
  6. The US state government rush to crypto has begun.
  7. This is what we wanna see: states competing to host us.
  8. Don't know anything about the project, but this is a pretty decent sized raise.
  9. A huge thank you is due to Lummis and Gillibrand for pushing so hard for crypto in the Senate.
  10. McHenry on pushing Fit21 crypto legislation forward.
  11. The DOJ is talking about "MEV" and "fraud" in this indictment. Shocked I tell you! Shocked!
  12. Schumer knows they're at a pivotal moment vs. Warren and the White House.
  13. Senate Dems are trying to find a fix for the White House being. Having to veto the will of your own party's senators wouldn't be a good look in an election year.
  14. Which one of you was this?
  15. Why Cardano? Because:
  16. it should be.
  17. The English translation of what's coming out of the Dutch Tornado Cash case is brutal.
  18. Paul Ryan is talking about stablecoins as a solution to help treasury auctions?
  19. Epic community note about TPS in blockchains.
  20. Apparently, Cardano's biggest competitor is inflationary again.
  21. Mr. T pities the fools in banking who are gonna get wrecked by Commercial Real Estate.
  22. Nothing to see here!
  23. It's easy to forget there are only a few "decentralized" blockchains bigger than Cardano.
  24. Development on Kraken's SEC battle.
  25. Thank you non-octogenarian members of Congress. No surprise to see our crypto ally Torres in there.
  26. White House threatens veto of House Bill repealing SAB121.
  27. The White House is wild for doing this in an election year.
  28. Why is it happening? Because the White House economic staff is answering to the Dragon, not the guy who needs to win re-election as President.
  29. McHenry on SAB121.
  30. House bill to repeal SAB121 passes with the support of 21 Democrats even after the White House veto threat. This is huge. Now on to the Senate.
  31. Doom on Hydra!
  32. Dragon also taking heat on her reaction to the FDIC scandal.
  33. People are still massively sleeping on typescript in the ecosystem, totally separate from the addition of regulatorily compliant privacy.
  34. Grewal getting spicy in his retort to Gensler double talk.
  35. Lubin on the SEC crackdown and MetaMask Wells Notice.
  36. Robinhood received a Wells Notice. They're definitely trying to cover all the big on-ramps.
  37. Politico article on the SeC and crypto.
  38. Druckenmiller on how easy this could have been.
  39. Fairly accurate.
  40. Did someone say airdrop? Wait…what about the tokenomics?
  41. Why Haskell? Ask Anduril.
  42. The dirty little secret of Cardano’s main competitors?
  43. The first treasury buy-back since 2002?!? So the treasuries are removed in exchange for more fiat being issued into the ecosystem. Definitely doesn’t sound like the start of things that look like QE under a new name.
  44. Look at the difference 150 bps makes.
  45. What Biden’s guy wishes he said (of course with the nuance that actual physical printing…not what we’re worried about here…is done by Bureau of Engraving & Printing of Treasury).
  46. Set “Apply Thresholding” to “None” to see the real numbers.
  47. Not gonna lie. This is pretty fire from Sen. Lummis.
  48. Three different non-BTC crypto ETFs are now listed on Hong Kong. Progress!
  49. Grayscale is basically the worst ex ever. Getting our stuff out of their place has been painful and seems to never end.
  50. Consensys has sued the SEC seeking clarity around Ethereum and securities laws.
  51. Biden: Long-term capital gains to 44.6% + unrealized gains tax! Crypto: No thanks.
  52. Damn…they want CZ to get three years!
  53. Pragma: a new Cardano members based organization! Initial focus to be on Aiken and Amaru (a second client for Cardano…which we need).
  54. I think we all knew this was coming at some point for Tron.
  55. The SEC attorneys who were on Debt Box have exited the SEC.
  56. Kennedy is talking about putting the US Government budget on the blockchain. Dude may be predicting the future. But, how far out is it?
  57. We made it! Halving complete![](
  58. Damn! Kennedy is embracing the ChazHosk endorsement!
  59. So close, but yet so far!
  60. Once again, we are the best blockchain.
  61. Hong Kong ETFs, you say?!?
  62. As predicted when the investigation was revealed and Uniswap Labs took synthetics off their front end, the SEC has dropped a Wells Notice on Uniswap.
  63. A full suit against Uniswap is only a matter of time given the current composition of the Gensler led Commission.
  64. The founder of Uniswap on their willingness to fight the upcoming battle with the SEC.
  65. It's definitely a little crazy given the recent ruling on Coinbase Wallet not being a broker. But, this is the result of an agenda, not fair and impartial treatment.
  66. Ouch! Hotter than expected CPI for April.
  67. So-called "super core" inflation (no shelter, energy, or food costs) is even hotter.
  68. Cardano's biggest competitor can't even decide what its issuance rate should be.
  69. People are sleeping so hard on how much demographics are going to affect economies over the next few decades. Wild decisions will be made in attempts to remedy these problems.
  70. Even Chairman Ryan sees the severity of the problem.
  71. This shows all the biggest depopulation trends.
  72. Operation Chokepoint 2.0 continues, apparently!
  73. Weird that it hurts so little when you know they're on the descent.
  74. No private liability for secondary trading on exchanges.
  75. No matter how much people will obsess over various wild-niche-bullshit things, the real story over this cycle will (as always) just be this:
~Army of Spies
submitted by ArmyofSpies to cardano [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 08:12 Exotic-Way-1733 Panduan Taktik Tersembunyi: Sukses Besar di Sabung Ayam dengan MPOLUX88

Panduan Taktik Tersembunyi: Sukses Besar di Sabung Ayam dengan MPOLUX88
Sabung ayam adalah salah satu bentuk hiburan yang telah ada sejak zaman kuno dan masih sangat populer di banyak budaya, terutama di Asia Tenggara. Namun, di balik kegembiraan dan tradisi yang melingkupinya, sabung ayam juga memiliki sisi strategis yang mendalam. Bagi para pemain yang ingin meraih sukses besar dalam dunia ini, diperlukan lebih dari sekadar keberuntungan. Inilah mengapa pemahaman akan taktik tersembunyi menjadi kunci untuk mencapai kemenangan. Dalam panduan ini, kita akan membahas bagaimana menggunakan MPOLUX88, platform judi online terkemuka, sebagai alat untuk meningkatkan strategi dan meraih sukses dalam dunia sabung ayam.
1. Memahami Permainan Langkah pertama menuju kesuksesan adalah memahami permainan itu sendiri. Sabung ayam bukan hanya tentang dua ayam berkelahi di atas panggung, tapi juga tentang membaca gerakan, kekuatan, dan kelemahan lawan. Dengan menggunakan MPOLUX88, pemain dapat mengakses statistik dan data langsung tentang ayam-ayam yang akan bertanding, membantu mereka membuat keputusan yang lebih cerdas saat memilih ayam untuk dipertaruhkan.
2. Mempelajari Taktik dan Strategi Setiap pertandingan sabung ayam memiliki taktik dan strategi tersendiri. Beberapa ayam mungkin lebih cenderung untuk menyerang secara agresif, sementara yang lain mungkin lebih suka bertahan dan menunggu kesempatan. Melalui MPOLUX88, pemain dapat mempelajari pola dan gaya bertarung dari ayam-ayam tertentu, memungkinkan mereka untuk mengembangkan strategi yang lebih baik dan memprediksi hasil pertandingan dengan lebih akurat.
3. Mengelola Risiko Seperti halnya dalam judi lainnya, mengelola risiko adalah kunci dalam sabung ayam. Meskipun keberuntungan memainkan peran penting, pemain yang cerdas tahu kapan harus bertaruh besar dan kapan harus berhati-hati. Dengan fitur seperti taruhan langsung dan opsi penarikan dana cepat yang ditawarkan oleh MPOLUX88, pemain dapat dengan cepat menyesuaikan strategi mereka sesuai dengan perubahan dalam pertandingan, membantu mereka mengurangi risiko dan meningkatkan peluang meraih kemenangan.
4. Menjaga Emosi Tetap Terkendali Salah satu kesalahan yang sering dilakukan oleh pemain adalah terbawa emosi saat berjudi. Kegagalan dalam mempertahankan kendali emosi dapat mengarah pada keputusan impulsif dan kerugian finansial yang besar. MPOLUX88 menawarkan lingkungan yang aman dan terkendali untuk berjudi secara online, dengan fitur seperti batas taruhan dan dukungan pelanggan 24/7 untuk membantu pemain menjaga emosi mereka tetap terkendali dan fokus pada strategi permainan.
5. Belajar dari Pengalaman Seperti halnya dalam hal lain dalam hidup, pengalaman adalah guru terbaik. Setiap pertandingan sabung ayam adalah kesempatan untuk belajar dan meningkatkan strategi. Dengan menggunakan MPOLUX88 sebagai platform judi mereka, pemain dapat dengan mudah mengakses catatan dan riwayat taruhan mereka, memungkinkan mereka untuk menganalisis kinerja mereka dari waktu ke waktu dan mengidentifikasi area di mana mereka dapat meningkatkan.
Dengan memahami taktik tersembunyi dan menggunakan MPOLUX88 sebagai alat untuk meningkatkan strategi, para pemain dapat meningkatkan peluang mereka untuk meraih sukses besar dalam dunia sabung ayam. Namun, penting untuk diingat bahwa judi harus selalu dilakukan dengan bertanggung jawab, dan bahwa keberuntungan adalah bagian alami dari permainan. Dengan pendekatan yang cerdas dan disiplin diri, siapa pun dapat menikmati kegembiraan dan kesuksesan dalam sabung ayam.
submitted by Exotic-Way-1733 to u/Exotic-Way-1733 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:39 Ambitious-Land-7992 I keep getting this error on my samsung m52. Any ideas? Virus?

Error report: Sorry, that should not have happened. Guru Meditation. What happened: App/UI crashed Info: ui error What: Request: ACRA report Content Language: en-US S Content Country: en_US App Language: none Service: 2024-05-30 11:13 GMT Time: Package: com.bimilyoncu.sscoderr.revanced 0.9 Version: Linux Android 13 -33 OS version: Details:$ForegroundServiceDidNotSt# at at Thread.throwRemoteServiceException(Acti' at Thread.-$$Nest$mthrowRemoteServiceExc at$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.ja at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loopOnce( at android.os.Looper.loop( at Thread.main( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at$ at Caused by: Last startServiceCommon() ca at at at android.content.ContextWrapper.startForegroundService(Conte at android.content.ContextWrapper.startForegroundService(Conte at androidx.core.content.ContextCompat$Api26lmpl$$ExternalSyı at androidx.core.content.ContextCompat$Api26lmpl.startForegro1 at androidx.core.content.ContextCompat.startForegroundService( at at at$$Nest$mhandleReceiver(Unknow at$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.ja
submitted by Ambitious-Land-7992 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:38 squizzlebizzle The Degenerate Age (Kali Yuga)

When I first studied Buddhism, I discovered the Theravada presentation of the structure of the cosmos. I learned about kalpas and world cycles, about the emergence of the stratifications of realms. About the decline of humanity from an 80,000 year lifespan of angelic light bodies to, 100 year humans (us), to, coarse gremlins that live 10 years and are sexually mature at 3 years old. And the interval of swords. And the floods and fires that reach up to the xth level of the heavenly realms.
One sees the Kali Yuga everywhere in this world. Suffering and obstacles are everywhere. It is easy for beings here to understand that Samsara is a burning house because our house is burning.
A friend who studied Thai Forest Ajahns once said that, in our next life we should try to be reborn as devas because life in the human world is going to get rough.
I know several lamas who are urgently concerned about some prophesies about global nuclear war which date back to the life of Padmasambhava. One of these is the semi-famous Khandro Kunzang of Saraswati Publications. Other Ngagkpa lamas are very involved with this. Among this community, from what I’ve seen, it is sort of like they are aware that the titanic is sinking, karmically speaking.
These prophesies were apparently confirmed recently.
It is very easy to understand why energetically we are surpassing the point of no return in our karmic decline. For many years it’s been clear that a catastrophic event of environmental collapse is coming down the pipeline. Whether it is mass extinction of species, or catastrophic ecological decline, or superweapons, or disease.
One must remember that the earth has spirits living in it. The world is made of spirit. The oceans, the skies, the forests, all have countless races of spirits who consider that their life is just as real as ours.
Something I think about sometimes is how we are poisoning the oceans and all of the gods and demons living in the ocean are so fucking angry at us. This is one of the reasons why Lamas do practices like Naga apology vases. All the magical kings of the deep have had our shit poisoning their air and dumping on their head for many years.
It is so obvious it is evident not even only in Buddhism. Everyone can see. I remember studying magician Josephine McCarthy and hearing her explain the rising tides of negative energy in the world precipitating the emergence of all kinds of hostile spirits and demonic beings.
In my own practice, I’ve tried to work with the environment a little bit. I really like ngagpas I think they’re cool but I’m just an amateur. But i hung a lot of prayer flags and I am working on burying guru rinpoche statues. I asked a lama to fill and consecrate them. The lamas i know often talk about the merits of doing this and the importance for averting the upcoming catastrophe.
A Thai Forest monk once said to me, when I asked him why he came there, said something about, the dhamma is almost gone, this is the last train out of the station. We have to catch it while we still can.
Teal Swan refers to this moment as the “humanity hitting the tree at 90 miles an hour moment.” I have found it really fascinating to hear her explain how this will play out because she describes our moment of the kali yuga freshly from her own perception.
But the impression that I have is that this 90 miles an hour into the tree moment is not going to be avoided for humanity. I will still try to hang my flags and bury my statues and follow the instructions of my teachers as best I can but it looks like it’s coming. Maybe in 2030, maybe not.
There is going to be a major disruption to humanity in the foreseeable future and it could come from a wide variety of sources.
Energetically, what we do to the earth is rape. Even what we do to each other is energetic rape. This planet has the resources for everyone to thrive, and yet the structure of power and relationships in the world is almost universally characterised by abuse and deprivation.
In my own life, I have seen it, working in a school that was dominated by an energy of asura realms. That some people in leadership had demonic powers and were open in talking about magic and channeling the power of demonic beings for an increase in worldly money and power.
Some Ngagpas call them gyalpos, and gyalpo beings are like demon gangsters. Cultures like mexico are infested with them reflecting in the chaos and violence of cartels.
As a teacher, it was shocking to me to see an entire community of teachers held hostage essentially by a demon cartel, and a cartel of humans that have kidnapped the operation of a school to run an energetic slaughter house in which the community of the school are harvested rather than brought to nourishment.
That the gyalpos can kidnap our schools and held them captive. Generally it seems that they are in bed with the power class everywhere. Look at Epstein Island - these people are the ruling nobility of the humans. The asuras have made the human race their prison wife.
I have a two year old son. I understand that this means my main purpose is to try to create for him a secure environment. I, and his mother, are doing our best. In 2030, he will will be 8 years old.
In a personal level, though, impending destruction is not really specific to this high-pressure moment in history. Beings always were close to death. Through disease or accident or predators, death always can come.
In general, people should do what they can to avert the coming disaster, even if it is too late to avoid entirely. I think that it’s especially important for people to show kindness to the earth. The protector gods of mother earth are watching us commit a holocaust against mother earth’s other children. Because mother earth loves us, she hasn’t destroyed us yet, but she can only endure watching our holocaust for so long before the protectors will intervene and wipe us out in order to protect her other children from us.
And we will deserve it.
Hang prayer flags. A lot of sellers in Nepal can sell for very cheap, and ship them to you. Do offerings. Connect with the environment in your area. Exert pressure on government, corporations, and people in your life to treat the earth in a respectful way and to not hurt animals unnecessarily. Challenge abusive patterns in the world, even if that means refusing to participate in them. This mission extends across faiths. If you know lineage lamas, you can ask to help them to work with the environment and ask their guidance.
I learned, from one ngagpa, that Nangsi Zilnon Guru Rinpoche statues specifically help with pacification of the environment and are suitable for burying. I ordered them from a maker in nepal and then took them to my lama, asking him to fill and consecrate them.
I think that now is a good time for people to cooperate with their lamas in this way. What power do I have? None - but I know that my lama has power, so whatever he has done to it - if it is buried into the earth i know that it is going to count, it is going to do some good.
There are many ways that sanghas or communities of practice can assist our teachers to spread the benefits of all kinds of practices.
That’s all for now
Om ah hung benza guru pema siddhi hung
submitted by squizzlebizzle to Buddhism [link] [comments]