Rusty root ginseng on

Erectile Dysfunction

2022.08.11 04:34 bloggerny Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction

2024.06.01 07:27 AllstarGaming617 JUST SAY NO TO SEROQUEL FOR “INSOMNIA”. A cautionary tale with theory from an expert in pharmacokinetics at Harvard.

Long read
I had this originally written under a previous post asking about potential health effects of Quetiapine in this sub. I thought it might be a little much to blow up on someone else’s question. So here is my (long ass) experience and current investigation underway with my rheumatologist in Boston who was an adjunct professor and graduate from Harvard with an expertise in pharmacokinetics.
This will be a dumbed down version the best I can explain as layman with a mere masters degree in physical therapy. While I have a strong grasp of the concepts and language, I may get verbiage or premises incorrect but I believe this will read mostly correct. If you’re a medical professional or chemist, feel free to correct me. Im no writer and I’m sure this will be evident by poor grammar and run on sentences but I did try to do a quick proofread. It’s Reddit though, so…whatever lol.
This is a super individualized account to my neurobiology. Much of it will read as though I’m trying to scare off anyone from ever taking this medication. If you get through it, you’ll see that my doctor’s theory mostly shows the opposite, and the safety profile is extremely good. The people at the highest risk of suffering my fate, that is if he is even correct because this is still just a theory(but well backed) are people in the large cohort of patients being prescribed Quetiapine off label for sleeplessness or “insomnia” as a primary diagnoses.(Spoiler: insomnia is not a real diagnosis, it’s a secondary symptom and why the manufacturer warns physicians against prescribing for sleep).
Seroquel destroyed my life. Prescribed by a “Noctor”(mid level nurse playing with shit she doesn’t know thinking she’s as smart as a doctor) an insane dose of 300mg a night for simple nighttime induced anxiety that messed with my sleep.
This was after suffering an issue where I was on the road and didn’t sleep at all for 4 days. I was really struggling and my employer paid for me to see one of the top psychiatrists on the planet that works specifically with people in my industry(entertainment). We happened to be coming up for a stop in Nashville(where she practiced) and they setup the appointment. I had 6 hours with her where she walked me through the fallacy of insomnia as a primary diagnosis, and that I needed to find the physical or psychological root cause. 90%+ of “insomnia” is just a secondary symptom of mild anxiety with a nighttime onset. That is what she diagnosed me with. Simple anxiety that was triggered at night because my career was so mentally vigorous and non stop that all anxiety was building up with no where to be expressed other than the only time my mind wasn’t occupied by work…laying in bed.
She sent my diagnosis back to my primary in New England and wrote me a script for 8mg of Xanax a month with instructions that I had 2x1mg doses per week to utilize as an emergency med but the goal would be through therapy and self moderation of work to utilize the medication as little as possible.
When I got home from my work trip the only appointment I could get was with the Noctor as my primary physician was booked out for almost 2 months. She looked at the diagnosis from a world class psychiatrist and inserted her own biases about Xanax use under any circumstance being extremely dangerous. Even as an emergency or rescue medication taken a couple times a month. So she choose to nuke my fucking brain with a high daily dose powerful antipsychotic for some night time anxiety.
For a year it was fine other than a little weight gain. Wasn’t too bad for me though because I worked 16+ hours a day on the road 9 months a year.
Then the nightmares started. Like insane, traumatic, horrifically vivid nightmares that would make Stephen king blush. I’ve seen every person and pet I’ve ever know or loved, including myself murdered gruesomely in the most gorey ways in realistic acts of violence, accidents, as well as supernatural monstrous hell fuel.
I’d wake up soaked, covered in sweat and my back and neck would be sore from my entire body being contorted and stiff in terrible positions whilst waking up completely hypertensive due to the vivid hellscape I just awoke from that was indistinguishable from reality.
I went back to her and begged her to change it because I was no longer feeling like I was sleeping. I was just going from one world to another and waking up feeling like I was just in a car accident. She told me it was the only thing she prescribes for sleep because everything else is addicting and dangerous. So I tried to tough it out but after a few more weeks couldn’t take it anymore. I got another appointment and told her I was done whether she liked it or not. I wasn’t getting any rest and I’d wake up in pain like I was hit by truck. She then essentially threatened me. She told me the only way to get off it was to see the psychiatrist at my practice and told me if I went anywhere else she would flag me as a drug seeker. The first date available with that psychiatrist…6 months. So I set an appointment as early as possible with my actual physician(nearly 2 month wait) and figured I’d start weening myself off and by the time I saw my doctor I would be fully off or mostly off.
About 2 days later(I hadn’t even reduced my first dose yet so I was still on 300mg) I was hospitalized. I woke up from my normal nighttime alternate universe of horror completely immobile from my armpits up. I wasn’t numb, but I woke up with my head kinked under my right arm and bent almost completely around. Any movement felt like my spine from my upper thoracic all the way through my cervical spine was going to snap. My wife had to call an ambulance because it was not loosening up like it normally would. While the paramedics tried to board me from my bed I went into shock from the pain and went unconscious.
I woke up in the hospital a few hours later where I learned the doctors had to pump some drug into me that essentially made all of my muscles go completely limp in order to move me out of the position because my muscles were so rigid they couldn’t untwist me. The ER doc said he had never seen anything like it outside of some extreme situations of rigor mortis when someone was found dead in an awkward position and the body locked into that position.
Even once released from that position I felt like I had a knife in my neck. The ER called into my primary physician to update them and they moved my appointment up. In the days that followed my neck only got worse. I couldn’t stand, sit or lay in the same position. I obviously stopped Seroquel immediately. I spent all day flat on my back crying with my wife encasing me in and changing ice packs every 15 minutes. I was ready to kill my self the pain was so bad.
When I saw my doctor a couple days later we were going over my records and I emphasized this was a direct result of the Seroquel that I begged to come off several times because of the side effects and I had learned that even the drug manufacturer didn’t approve of it being used off-label for sleep. She was shocked I was being prescribed 300mg for sleep. I asked her that if she was shocked, why would she approve it considering she was the supervising physician for the noctor that prescribed it to me? She showed me the offices internal notes and the noctor has diagnosed me with mania and disassociation.
Like, WTF!?
There was no record in the practices notes of the diagnoses and recommendations from the psychiatrist I saw in Nashville other than “patient saw a “pill doctor” out of state”, “says he has “anxiety”.
Reading through her notes it essentially accused me of psychosis and drug seeking because I saw a doctor out of state that prescribed me a medication she didn’t agree with.
On my doctor’s end in her oversight of her nurses prescribing she just saw that she was prescribing a patient Seroquel for manic episodes, which is a standard course of action. She agreed that this was a horrible misjudgment, viewed the physical copies of the notes I brought home from Nashville, and immediately changed me to that physicians plan of Xanax as an emergency/rescue med vs 300mg of Seroquel daily.
It was too late though. The pain in my neck never went away. I couldn’t move, I was completely bed bound. The pain in my neck felt like I was wide awake whilst someone dissected my cervical spine with a rusty box opener. They sent me to “interventional pain management” where they then did more non-fda approved “healthcare” by repetitively injecting corticosteroids into my spine.
It only got worse and worse. The pain began to spread from my cervical spine, down into my thoracic spine. I started losing feeling in my arm. Then it was neurological medications like gabapentinoids, muscle relaxers, high dose NSAIDs, tricyclic antidepressants, physical therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy etc…within 8 months that noctor was no longer employed at the office(I don’t officially know if it was from her destroying my life).
After about a year there was still no answers. I lost my job that I had busted my ass for over a decade climbing the industry ladder after getting and advanced degree, and was on the verge of losing my house because I was still completely bed bound 90% of the day.
My doctor out of desperation and lack of answers starts me on narcotic pain management. I had never once touched opioids outside of anesthesia inpatient surgeries related to sports injuries growing up. I was staunchly against the use of opioids outside of that setting. Other than some moderate cannabis use after college(when I was no longer being drug tested for the first time in 6 years) I was pretty brain washed by the drug war zealots. Now I’m a pariah. Both doctors and people in my social circles keep me at an arms length because people drank the koolaid and believe anyone taking an opioid must be a raging addict sucking dick for heroin.
I’ve managed to claw back and slow down the total collapse of my entire life because my pain is now controlled to about 60ish% by pain meds while I go doctor to doctor trying to figure this out. By working as a part time consultant in my industry I’m making just enough money to stop complete asset loss but I’m still eating into my retirement and investments. If it wasn’t for the fact that my wife makes a decent salary we’d already be homeless. Even then we’re hemorrhaging money and are likely going to have to sell our house. At 32 I was on track to retire by 50 and travel the world. Now at 37 I don’t know if I’ll be alive by this time at next year as the inflammation and connective tissue deterioration runs rampant.
Doctors absolutely hate and refuse to try and pin serious medical conditions on bad medical professionals or bad medication. I’ve been through every major “world famous” hospital system here in Boston and they’re willing to look for the answer everywhere accept where I’m telling them it started. Until a few months ago.
I hired a high profile private patient advocate. A woman who is a former internal medicine expert that was the lead in a department at Brigham with a PhD/MD from Harvard and her law degree from Cornell. She found me an expert here in Boston that is a rheumatologist who investigates pharmacokinetics. He produced several redacted papers by the patent holders on Seroquel that show them shutting down the research by a hired lab that found Tumor Necrosis Factor spikes in high doses of Seroquel administered to mice with normal neurological function. 3 other labs confirmed the research and wanted the medication held for retrial in humans.
TNF when not properly regulated by the immune system causes a cytokine storm attacking healthy tissue without the presence of disease/damaged tissue. This is the foundation of most autoimmune diseases.
Seroquel regulates various neurotransmission and endogenous processes in the brain when they are not at their normal levels. Even then the science isn’t perfect on it so often an SSRI is prescribed along side because SSRIs are better understood and it’s kind of a protection from the unknown actions of the Quetiapine(Seroquel).
If those neurotransmitters are functioning correctly and neurological function is fine, introducing something like Seroquel in high doses at constant intervals can be incredibly dangerous.
This is where the black box warnings and requests for bans from the manufacturer of seroquel about off label prescribing come from. They only reported redacted and halted research on TNF production increase associated with the drug because they only ever confirmed the research with mice.
This rheumatologist has essentially shown to me with pretty indisputable evidence that I’ve likely developed a severe medication induced autoimmune disease that is rapidly destroying the connective tissue in my spine and is now jumping to organs. It falls outside the diagnosis of any single autoimmune disease and can only really be classified as MAS(multiple autoimmune disease). Because the research papers are all heavily redacted and were never entered into peer review for final patenting and fda approval there is no case or action for me to bring.
Furthermore seroquel has a pretty high safety record because it’s statistically more normal to have an imbalance of the neurotransmitters that it regulates which means it’s rare to cause the reaction the research found with the mice. Most people have some form, even if mild, imbalance that most often goes without symptoms. But the manufacturers did know the consequences of introducing a high dosage of the compound to a perfectly balanced brain.
I fell into a perfect storm. My neurotransmission was such that a small dose of Seroquel daily likely wouldn’t have hurt me but it was as close to equilibrium that flooding it with a drug that regulates neurotransmission that I exhibited the same outcome as those mice forcing my immune system to drive up TNF production. There is a well known list of medications that can cause autoimmune diseases and the way the drug was patented and approved it escaped this labeling given the uncommon instances of the phenomenon.
I am now in the phase of trialing every biologic/TNF inhibitor known to man to try and get it under control before it completely disables me, or jumps to a vital organ and kills me.
This is still only a theory by an extremely educated expert in the field as autoimmune diseases and tumor necrosis factors are only recently in the last couple of decades becoming more understood. We got a more substantial confirmation that he is correct over the winter when I got my first case of Covid19. I rarely get sick. I am an extremely healthy person that exercises regularly(as much as possible through my pain now) as a former division 1 athlete and eats super clean and balanced. This was the first time since this began to see what my immune system did under duress.
My pain dropped by easily 50%. Meaning my immune system had something to do other than attack and inflame the healthy tissues in my joints and organs. While I felt like shit of course, my neurological pain dropped significantly. Within a week of recovering I had to increase my pain meds back to normal as everything became inflamed again.
The entire point of this rant is this: Seroquel is extremely dangerous…to a small population of people. This isn’t uncommon of most pharmaceuticals. It is a cautionary tale about the off label prescribing of this drug for sleep, and sleep only. DONT ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN TO YOU.
If a psychiatrist, neurologist, or behavioral therapist has well documented diagnostics and evaluation that leads them to believe you have a significant neurological imbalance that leads to a true psychiatric diagnosis you will almost certainly be just fine with Quetiapine.
Unfortunately Seroquel is the most prescribed off-label sleep medication on the market. It needs to be stopped. The primary indication for Seroquel cannot be “insomnia”. The manufacturers tried to hide the pharmacokinetic reasons as to why, but they did black box it and request physicians not to prescribe it for such. Read the insert. Back, neck, and joint pain are all warnings to speak to your doctor immediately and this is why.
submitted by AllstarGaming617 to seroquelmedication [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:42 pr30061 [review] haruharu wonder black rice hyaluronic toner

[review] haruharu wonder black rice hyaluronic toner
skin type/skin condition concerns Skin type -acne prone combination
*skin concern * hyperpigmentation and acne Climatic conditions at the time of using the product normal to hot (pune weather)
Routine at the time of using the product AM 1. wash face with plain water 2.cosrx snail mucin essence 3.. niacinamide 10%
  1. sunscreen
  2. kose deep cleansing oil or bioderma sensitive micellar water
2.*haruharu haruharu wonder rice toner * 3.xtralite cream on Monday .
4.Wednesday and Sunday deconstruct AHA BHA exfoliating peel of the days glyco 6% and key moisturizer
** age range** 29F
Usage timeline 5 months
*Ingredient List *
Water, Betaine, Glycerin, Propanediol, Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract, Oryza Sativa (Rice) Extract (2,000ppm), Phyllostachys Pubescens Shoot Bark Extract (2,000ppm), Xanthan Gum, Cellulose Gum, 1,2-Hexanediol, Butylene Glycol, Pulsatilla Koreana Extract, Zanthoxylum Piperitum Fruit Extract, Usnea Barbata (Lichen) Extract, Aspergillus Ferment, Sodium Gluconate, Hyaluronic Acid(600ppm), Beta-Glucan, Tamarindus Indica Seed Gum, Panax Ginseng Root Extract, Glucose, Cyclodextrin
Texture, Consistency details watery runny consistency
Before application See the first pic After application See the second pic
*Fragrance *
It has no fragrance
*Experience *
"I bought this after reading good reviews on an Asian beauty sub and seeing Instagram that showed it gives glass skin. I bought it for my hyperpigmentation, and it has helped because I think other products work well with this one, as it helps in penetrating the products into the skin. It instantly hydrates the skin.
During peak summer when I was in Mumbai, my skin used to feel very dry and stretchy. I used this toner in between to overcome the dryness, and it did its job. I definitely recommend this for people with dry and dehydrated skin."
My rating 8/10
Holy Grail / Will Re-purchase / Will Not Repurchase / Holy Fail Status
"I will not repurchase because it is costly and requires an additional step in my skincare routine and it's costly"
submitted by pr30061 to IndianSkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:38 pr30061 [ Review] haruharu black rice toner

[ Review] haruharu black rice toner
skin type/skin condition concerns Skin type -acne prone combination
*skin concern * hyperpigmentation and acne Climatic conditions at the time of using the product normal to hot (pune weather)
Routine at the time of using the product AM 1. wash face with plain water 2.cosrx snail mucin essence 3.. niacinamide 10%
  1. sunscreen
  2. kose deep cleansing oil or bioderma sensitive micellar water
  3. *haruharu haruharu wonder rice toner * 3.xtralite cream on Monday .
4.Wednesday and Sunday deconstruct AHA BHA exfoliating peel
  1. rest of the days glyco 6%
  2. dot and key moisturizer
** age range** 29F
Usage timeline 5 months
*Ingredient List *
Water, Betaine, Glycerin, Propanediol, Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract, Oryza Sativa (Rice) Extract (2,000ppm), Phyllostachys Pubescens Shoot Bark Extract (2,000ppm), Xanthan Gum, Cellulose Gum, 1,2-Hexanediol, Butylene Glycol, Pulsatilla Koreana Extract, Zanthoxylum Piperitum Fruit Extract, Usnea Barbata (Lichen) Extract, Aspergillus Ferment, Sodium Gluconate, Hyaluronic Acid(600ppm), Beta-Glucan, Tamarindus Indica Seed Gum, Panax Ginseng Root Extract, Glucose, Cyclodextrin
Texture, Consistency details watery runny consistency
Before application See the first pic
After application See the second pic
*Fragrance *
It has no fragrance
*Experience *
"I bought this after reading good reviews on an Asian beauty sub and seeing Instagram that showed it gives glass skin. I bought it for my hyperpigmentation, and it has helped because I think other products work well with this one, as it helps in penetrating the products into the skin. It instantly hydrates the skin.
During peak summer when I was in Mumbai, my skin used to feel very dry and stretchy. I used this toner in between to overcome the dryness, and it did its job. I definitely recommend this for people with dry and dehydrated skin."
My rating 8/10
Holy Grail / Will Re-purchase / Will Not Repurchase / Holy Fail Status
"I will not repurchase because it is costly and requires an additional step in my skincare routine and it's costly"
submitted by pr30061 to u/pr30061 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:05 Sweaty_Ad7329 i think im gonna take two hours to make this...

One Dapper Inky Nutty Minty Spicy Herbal Cheesy Ice Thick Sour Creamy Candy Nuka Cola Salt Frozen Saké Yogurt Screwdriver Cane Cinnamon Strip Cereal Plant Nut Wheat Rye Bagel Flatbread Bun Donut Ganache Guac Honey Hummus Miso Pesto Jam Fluff Biscuit Barbecue Pizza Easter Eggs & Chowder Mustketch Fried Brown Rice Sprite Mashed Elderberry Prune Papaya Orange Lime Olive Buddha's Hand Persimmon Pear Watermelon Apple Apricot Date Durian Dreamberry Dragonfruit Grape Avocado Gooseberry Honeydew Fig Kiwi Lychee Lemon Mango Melon Peach Quince Kumquat Raisin Yoyleberry Banana Guava Açaí Plum Cantaloupe Jícama Cassava Leek Ube Daikon Ginseng Horseradish Okra Radish Turnip Rhubarb Coleslaw Black Salad Sauerkraut Red Cabbage Carrot Oregano Chive Chard Fava Cauliflower Rutabaga Sweet Potato Basil Cilantro Parsley Parsnip Beetroot Azuki Kidney Lettuce Seed Oat Endive Kale Kohlrabi Watercress Chili Cayenne Bell Asparagus Celery Broccoli Seaweed Water Chestnut Morel Sugar Beet Butternut Sprout Soybean Cocoa Green Vanilla Pepper X Pea Peanut Bean Artichoke Enoki Eggplant Chickpea Onion Squash Licorice Wasabi Leaf Ginger Root Herb Zucchini Corn Garlic Pumpkin Fiddlehead Oatmeal Sussy Dill Pickle Lima Beans on Toast Brazil Cashew Macadamia Almond Hazelnut Walnut Acorn Insect Prawn Worm Venison Mussel Veal Sushi Tonkatsu Hamburger Burger Twice-cooked Pot Pie Churrasco Coffee Tea Tofu Yoylecake Hot Buttercream Relish Salsa Hoisin Gravy Ketchup Mustard Soy Icing Tomato Sauce Sundae Carbonara Spaghetti Minestrone Tuna Mackerel Salmon Sardine Calf Brain Lobster Pepperoni Salami Bacon Goose Horse Kangaroo Beef Lamb Oyster Octopus Pork Squid Ground Meat Rabbit Turkey Spam Clam Cod Duck Goat Ham Herring Fish Crab Anchovy Balut Snail Stew Curry, coming right up! (Infinite Chef)
submitted by Sweaty_Ad7329 to 74n [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:45 Brilliant-Lychee-518 Sugar Defender

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submitted by Brilliant-Lychee-518 to u/Brilliant-Lychee-518 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:40 New_Help227 Could any of these supplements cause hair loss?

Hi all! Currently looking into more natural methods of recovery from hormonal medication that I was taking a couple months ago. I faced pretty excessive hair shedding as a result of this along with lowered testosterone and estrogen levels. Got this multi-supplement here and was just curious if any of these would cause/make the hair loss im currently experiencing worse?
submitted by New_Help227 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:15 CrimsonFoxyboy [H] Bundle leftovers [W] Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete, Astrea, Double Dragon Gaiden etc

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Orcs Must Die! 2 + DLC
Red Faction®: Armageddon™
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Sentinels of the Multiverse
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Wanted: Dead
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Rep page:
submitted by CrimsonFoxyboy to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:22 Anxious-Bandicoot-16 Ashwagandha vs Fenugreek vs Tongkat ali

which of them is best for testosterone and stamina boosting?? I started taking Ashwagandha root extract powder and fenugreek seed powder, 10g each, every morning. But so many people say that tongkat ali is best for testosterone, but where i live, tongkat ali is more expensive than ashwgandha and fenugreek combined, so should i stop the ashwagandha and fenugreek and instead go for tongkat ali? or should i stack tongkat ali with either ashwgandha or fenugreek, or should i just stay with my current stack? any help would be appreciated.
Edit : after doing some extensive research i've found out that tongkat ali "hot water extract" that is of high quality, is much much beter than ashwagandha, fenugreek, ginseng, maca etc.,
if you do some more searching on google, you may find that :
fenugreek also increases your estrogen.
fenugreek and ashwagandha contains 5ar inhibitors.
We do not understand a lot about ashwagandha because it might be miraculous for some people but it might have no results or even negative reults for some people.
Tongkat ali is much more potent for increasing testosterone and muscle strength than ashwagandha and fenugreek.
"Summary: Multiple testosterone-related studies on Tongkat Ali between 2000-2021 showed an increase in total testosterone and free testosterone between 5%, 16.9%, 30%, 61.2%, 122%, 588% and 600% Testosterone increase from Tongkat Ali supplementation is dosage-dependent."
"According to research, additional potential side effects include: Interactions with medications and supplements. Excess heavy metal exposure from mercury or other compounds in certain supplements. "
You do not need to worry about these side effects as long as you buy high quality, tongkat ali hot water root extract.
submitted by Anxious-Bandicoot-16 to ASHWAGANDHA [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:20 Anxious-Bandicoot-16 Ashwagandha vs Fenugreek vs Tongkat ali

which of them is best for testosterone and stamina boosting?? I started taking Ashwagandha root extract powder and fenugreek seed powder, 10g each, every morning. But so many people say that tongkat ali is best for testosterone, but where i live, tongkat ali is more expensive than ashwgandha and fenugreek combined, so should i stop the ashwagandha and fenugreek and instead go for tongkat ali? or should i stack tongkat ali with either ashwgandha or fenugreek, or should i just stay with my current stack? any help would be appreciated.
Edit : after doing some extensive research i've found out that tongkat ali "hot water extract" that is of high quality, is much much beter than ashwagandha, fenugreek, ginseng, maca etc.,
if you do some more searching on google, you may find that :
fenugreek also increases your estrogen.
fenugreek and ashwagandha contains 5ar inhibitors.
We do not understand a lot about ashwagandha because it might be miraculous for some people but it might have no results or even negative reults for some people.
Tongkat ali is much more potent for increasing testosterone and muscle strength than ashwagandha and fenugreek.
"Summary: Multiple testosterone-related studies on Tongkat Ali between 2000-2021 showed an increase in total testosterone and free testosterone between 5%, 16.9%, 30%, 61.2%, 122%, 588% and 600% Testosterone increase from Tongkat Ali supplementation is dosage-dependent."
"According to research, additional potential side effects include: Interactions with medications and supplements. Excess heavy metal exposure from mercury or other compounds in certain supplements. "
You do not need to worry about these side effects as long as you buy high quality, tongkat ali hot water root extract.
submitted by Anxious-Bandicoot-16 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:32 deloramajii TitanFlow Male Enhancement Supplement Reviews: Pros, Cons, and User Feedback!

TitanFlow Male Enhancement Supplement has carved out a niche in the competitive market of male enhancement products. Promising to enhance sexual performance, boost libido, and improve overall vitality, this supplement has garnered a mix of enthusiastic praise and skeptical criticism. Reviews of TitanFlow Male Enhancement Supplement reflect a broad spectrum of user experiences, highlighting both its potential benefits and limitations.
Positive Reviews
A significant number of users report positive experiences with TitanFlow Male Enhancement Supplement. Many have praised the product for its effectiveness in improving sexual performance. Users commonly note an increase in libido and sexual stamina, which has positively impacted their intimate relationships. This enhancement in sexual drive and performance is often attributed to the supplement's blend of natural ingredients known for their aphrodisiac properties.
Another frequent point of praise is the improvement in erectile function. Men experiencing occasional erectile difficulties report more consistent and firmer erections after using TitanFlow. This improvement is likely due to ingredients like L-arginine, which is known to support healthy blood flow, a crucial factor in achieving and maintaining erections.
In addition to sexual health benefits, users also mention a general boost in energy and vitality. This overall enhancement in well-being is beneficial not only for sexual health but also for everyday activities. The presence of natural ingredients such as ginseng and maca root, which are known for their energy-boosting properties, is often credited for these broader health benefits.

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Negative Reviews
Despite the positive feedback, there are mixed reviews as well. Some users report that they did not experience the advertised benefits. These reviews highlight a lack of noticeable improvement in sexual performance or libido, which can be disappointing for those with high expectations based on the supplement's marketing claims.
Cost is another frequently mentioned concern. Some users feel that TitanFlow Male Enhancement Supplement is priced higher than similar products on the market. They question whether the benefits justify the cost, especially if the results are not as pronounced as hoped.
Negative reviews occasionally mention side effects, though these are generally mild. Some users report experiencing gastrointestinal discomfort, headaches, or allergic reactions. Such adverse effects emphasize the importance of consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement, particularly for individuals with pre-existing health conditions or those taking other medications.
Overall Consensus
The overall consensus on TitanFlow Male Enhancement Supplement is cautiously positive but acknowledges variability in individual experiences. While many users report significant benefits, others do not see the same level of improvement. This variability highlights the complex nature of dietary supplements and the fact that they may not work identically for everyone.
For potential users, starting with a smaller purchase might be a prudent approach to assess individual response to the supplement. Combining TitanFlow with a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, may also enhance its effectiveness. User reviews suggest that while TitanFlow Male Enhancement Supplement can be beneficial, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution.
TitanFlow Male Enhancement Supplement has received a range of reviews, reflecting its mixed efficacy. Positive feedback often highlights improvements in sexual performance, libido, and overall energy levels, attributed to its natural ingredients. However, some users express dissatisfaction with the lack of noticeable results and the cost of the supplement. The reported side effects, although rare, further underscore the need for caution and professional advice before starting the supplement.
Ultimately, TitanFlow Male Enhancement Supplement may offer significant benefits for some users, but it is essential to manage expectations and understand that individual results can vary. Consulting with a healthcare provider and adopting a holistic approach to health may help maximize the potential benefits of this supplement.

Click here to order Titanflow Male Enhancement from its official website.
submitted by deloramajii to u/deloramajii [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:00 adulting4kids One Page Story

Write one page stories in response to these prompts and post your favorite ones here in the comments!
  1. Lost in the forest, she found a mysterious key—unlocking a hidden door to a magical realm of talking animals.
  2. Every night, the old lighthouse keeper whispered secrets to the waves, until the sea revealed a long-lost love letter.
  3. In the attic, she discovered an ancient map leading to buried treasure, transforming a routine cleaning day into adventure.
  4. An orphaned kitten, afraid of rain, found a friend in a compassionate umbrella, forming an unexpected bond against life's storms.
  5. The broken music box mended hearts, playing a forgotten melody that mended the fractured friendship of two old musicians.
  6. The astronaut’s lonely orbit was interrupted by a cosmic visitor—an ethereal, star-shaped being seeking companionship in the vast void.
  7. A magical pen wrote the future. Terrified of the unknown, she learned to embrace each unwritten moment as a gift.
  8. Beneath the city, a network of tunnels held the forgotten tales of subway musicians and their symphonies for the rats.
  9. In a desolate winter, a snowflake with a secret wish fell into the hands of a child who believed in miracles.
  10. A garden gnome, tired of being stationary, embarked on a quest for adventure, hitching rides with unsuspecting birds.
  11. On a crowded train, a mysterious suitcase swapped hands, sparking connections between strangers and intertwining their fates forever.
  12. Time froze at midnight. A clock repairer's dance with the gears led to a moment of eternal stillness in town.
  13. A library cat, bored with routine, discovered a hidden book portal, whisking readers into enchanting worlds beyond the shelves.
  14. A worn-out teddy bear, discarded in an attic, found new purpose as the guardian of a child's sweetest dreams.
  15. A mysterious jar held fireflies that whispered forgotten wishes, sparking a magical night of dreams come true for a town.
  16. In a ghost town, a lone pianist played melodies that brought memories alive, reviving the spirits of the abandoned.
  17. The talking mirror revealed harsh truths. Determined to change, she shattered the reflection, discovering beauty in fragments.
  18. A message in a bottle sailed through time, reaching the hands of a modern-day sailor and uniting two distant souls.
  19. The rusty key, tucked in a forgotten drawer, opened a portal to childhood dreams, unlocking a world of nostalgia.
  20. An owl and a firefly, unlikely friends, lit up the night sky, sharing stories that painted constellations on the darkness.
  21. A peculiar tree whispered forgotten secrets to those who listened. Its roots held stories spanning centuries, connecting generations.
  22. Lost in a storm, a little boat discovered a magical lighthouse, guiding it to an island where dreams washed ashore.
  23. In a dusty attic, an old typewriter typed messages from the afterlife, comforting grieving families with unexpected love letters.
  24. An abandoned carousel, cursed to spin forever, granted wishes to those who dared ride, revealing the magic within their hearts.
  25. An artist painted a doorway to other worlds. Curious, a passerby stepped through, finding a realm where colors spoke.
  26. On a rainy day, a neglected umbrella found purpose sheltering a stray dog, forging a bond stronger than storms.
  27. The lonely scarecrow, longing for friends, befriended a misfit group of crows who taught it to dance with the wind.
  28. In a forgotten library, a bookworm encountered a volume of living stories, each character begging to be read into existence.
  29. The clock tower's chimes echoed stories of the past, inspiring a time-traveler to rewrite history with second chances.
  30. A lonely shadow, detached from its owner, explored the world, discovering that shadows too could leave an imprint.
  31. An old camera captured moments of pure joy. Rediscovered, its photographs rekindled forgotten smiles and laughter in a family.
  32. The wishing well granted whispers of hope to a grieving soul, turning tears into petals that bloomed into a garden.
  33. A discarded toy soldier, missing an arm, rallied fellow broken toys, forming an army of resilience against neglect.
  34. On a foggy night, a lighthouse's beam revealed ghostly ships from centuries past, silently sailing through time's veil.
  35. A gardener's tears watered a magical plant, whose blooms told stories of love, loss, and the passage of time.
  36. A misfit teapot, left on a shelf, found purpose brewing dreams, pouring inspiration into the cups of sleepers.
  37. The carousel's magic painted dreams onto children's minds. Each ride sculpted aspirations, turning mundane moments into extraordinary memories.
  38. The librarian's cat, enchanted by ancient scrolls, stumbled into a world of forgotten tales, bringing lost stories back to life.
  39. A discarded key unlocked a trunk of memories, revealing a grandmother's treasures that sparked adventures for a curious grandchild.
  40. The echo in an old clock tower whispered the wishes of forgotten lovers, creating a timeless symphony of heartbeats.
  41. A curious rock in the garden harbored a tiny door. Opening it led to a realm of miniature creatures and wonders.
  42. A discarded puzzle piece, overlooked in haste, found its place in a grand masterpiece, completing a picture of unity.
  43. An old diary discovered in an attic held letters from a bygone era, weaving tales of love transcending time.
  44. The moonlit pond transformed into a mirror of dreams, reflecting the aspirations of those who dared to gaze into it.
  45. A forgotten umbrella sparked a serendipitous meeting, sheltering two strangers who shared a rain-soaked adventure and laughter.
  46. An abandoned toy store at midnight came alive, toys playing and dancing until dawn, filling the darkness with joy.
  47. The wishing star granted a child's plea, turning the night sky into a canvas painted with dreams come true.
  48. A humble lantern, carried through generations, lit the path of a family's stories, flickering with the warmth of memories.
  49. The clock tower's gears clicked in harmony with a street musician's melody, creating a fleeting symphony in the city.
  50. A neglected swing in the park became a portal to childhood dreams, swaying through memories of laughter and innocence.
  51. The attic's dusty typewriter wrote letters to the future, forging connections between generations separated by time's relentless march.
  52. A lonely moonbeam illuminated a forgotten statue, bringing it to life to dance beneath the celestial ballroom of stars.
  53. A broken compass found in an antique shop guided a lost traveler, leading them to unexpected destinations and serendipitous encounters.
  54. The neglected rocking horse in the corner sparked to life, carrying children on whimsical adventures through the realms of imagination.
  55. An old train ticket, misplaced for decades, led a nostalgic traveler on a journey through memories of youthful escapades.
  56. A discarded map, its edges worn with age, guided wanderers to a mythical land hidden behind the veil of reality.
  57. A forgotten key discovered in a dusty drawer unlocked a door to childhood secrets, revealing treasures of innocence and joy.
  58. The abandoned robot in the junkyard fixed broken toys, teaching them that imperfections were the essence of beauty.
  59. A fallen star transformed into a messenger, delivering dreams to sleepers and sprinkling stardust on their midnight wishes.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:42 No-Quality-2644 Yūrei Chronicles

Tales of Japanese Horror [ 日本のホラーの物語 ]
By: Seph Cruz [ 投稿者: セフ・クルーズ ]
CONTENTS [ コンテンツ ]
Preface [ はじめに ]
Chapter 1: The Cursed Scroll [ 第 1 章: 呪われた巻物 ]
Chapter 2: The Shrine in the Shadows [ 第 2 章: 影の神殿 ]
Chapter 3: The Haunting of the Geisha [ 第 3 章: 芸者の幽霊 ]
Chapter 4: The Onryo's Revenge [ 第 4 章: 怨霊の復讐 ]
Chapter 5: The Dollmaker's Curse [ 第 5 章: 人形師の呪い ]
Chapter 6: The Shadow in the Forest [ 第 6 章: 森の影 ] Chapter 7: The Haunting of the Yūrei Inn [ 第 7 章: 幽霊旅館の幽霊 ]
Chapter 8: The Curse of the Haunted Kimono [ 第 8 章: 幽霊着物の呪い ]
Chapter 9: The Mirror's Malevolence [ 第 9 章: 鏡の悪意 ]
Chapter 10: The Bridge to the Beyond [ 第 10 章: 彼方への架け橋 ]
 "Yūrei Chronicles: Tales of Japanese Horror" 
Chapter 1: "The Cursed Scroll"
In the heart of Kyoto, where history whispered through the ancient streets, there existed an antique bookstore known only to those who sought the rarest of tomes. Nestled among centuries-old texts and dusty manuscripts, a forbidden scroll lay hidden, waiting for an unwitting soul to stumble upon its chilling secrets.
Chapter 1: "The Cursed Scroll"
The quaint, dimly lit bookstore was a treasure trove of the past. Intricate calligraphy adorned scrolls, while faded ink whispered stories of long-forgotten samurai and mystical creatures. Among these relics of history, one scroll remained elusive, concealed behind a glass case. Its dark, ornate cover bore no title, and its presence seemed to beckon.
Haruki, a young scholar with a fascination for the occult, visited the bookstore one rainy afternoon. His curiosity led him to inquire about the enigmatic scroll. The elderly shopkeeper, Mr. Tanaka, peered at him with a knowing look, cautioning him about the scroll's malevolent reputation.
"Many have sought to uncover its secrets," Mr. Tanaka said, his voice trembling with age, "but few have lived to tell the tale."
Haruki, undeterred by the ominous warning, insisted on examining the scroll. Mr. Tanaka, sensing the scholar's determination, reluctantly unlocked the glass case. As Haruki unrolled the ancient parchment, he saw that it was filled with intricate symbols and incantations, written in a language he could barely comprehend.
For days, Haruki delved into the scroll's mysteries. His sleepless nights were filled with whispers from unseen forces, and chilling drafts seemed to haunt his small apartment. Yet, he pressed on, believing that the scroll held untold knowledge and power.
One fateful night, as a full moon cast eerie shadows across his cluttered study, Haruki recited an incantation from the scroll. The room grew icy cold, and an otherworldly presence enveloped him. A mournful wail echoed through the room, and Haruki's heart raced as he beheld the apparition before him.
A yūrei, its long, disheveled hair obscuring its gaunt face, hovered in the air, its eyes filled with anguish and rage. It reached out bony, pale fingers toward Haruki, its spectral form translucent yet undeniably real.
In that moment, Haruki realized the scroll's true nature – a curse that summoned vengeful spirits to torment the living. He had unwittingly invited the yūrei into his world, and now, it sought retribution for its suffering.
The scholar's life turned into a nightmare as the vengeful spirit haunted his every waking moment. His research became an obsession to find a way to pacify the yūrei and lift the curse. With each passing day, Haruki's health deteriorated, his body and mind succumbing to the relentless torment.
Desperate, he sought the guidance of a renowned exorcist, who revealed a grim truth. The only way to break the curse was to discover the scroll's origins and offer the yūrei the peace it so desperately sought.
As Haruki ventured deeper into the scroll's history, he uncovered a tale of betrayal and tragedy that spanned centuries. With newfound knowledge and a heavy heart, he prepared to confront the vengeful yūrei and set things right.
In a chilling confrontation between the living and the dead, Haruki faced the spirit, offering it the closure it craved. As the yūrei dissipated into the ether, its mournful wail echoed one last time, fading into the night.
Haruki emerged from the ordeal forever changed, carrying the weight of the scroll's curse as a cautionary tale. The forbidden knowledge he had sought had come at a great cost, a reminder that some mysteries should remain hidden, and some curses should never be invoked.
As the sun rose over Kyoto, the antique bookstore remained shrouded in an eerie silence, and the cursed scroll returned to its cryptic slumber, waiting for the next unwitting soul to unlock its dreadful secrets.
End of Chapter 1: "The Cursed Scroll"
Chapter 2: "The Shrine in the Shadows"
In the heart of a tranquil Japanese village, nestled among ancient forests, stood a centuries-old Shinto shrine, known to few but revered by all. This sacred place held an eerie secret, hidden in the shadows of its past.
Chapter 2: "The Shrine in the Shadows"
The village of Mizuki was picturesque, surrounded by dense woods and the whispers of rustling leaves. Its most treasured gem was the Shōrin Shrine, a sanctuary dedicated to the worship of the kami, where the villagers paid homage with heartfelt prayers and offerings.
On a bright spring morning, the Hayashi family moved into a charming house near the shrine. Yuko, a spirited young girl with inquisitive eyes, was enchanted by the quaint beauty of Mizuki and the mystique of the Shōrin Shrine. Her parents, Masato and Yuki, hoped the peaceful village would offer respite from the bustling city.
Their first evening in Mizuki was serene, and the family felt blessed to live in such an idyllic place. As night descended, they heard a faint melody echoing through the forest—a haunting tune played on a traditional shamisen. Yuko, drawn by curiosity, followed the eerie melody to the shrine.
At the shrine's entrance, she saw a flicker of movement among the trees and bushes. As her eyes adjusted to the dim moonlight, she gasped in awe and terror. There, bathed in an ethereal glow, stood a beautiful woman dressed in a white kimono, her long hair cascading like an ebony waterfall.
The woman's face bore an expression of immense sorrow, and her eyes seemed to pierce Yuko's very soul. In her delicate, spectral hands, she held a shamisen, its strings plucked by fingers that had long since turned to mist.
"Who are you?" Yuko asked, her voice quivering.
The apparition gazed at Yuko with an inscrutable sadness and whispered, "My name is Hana. I have been bound to this shrine for centuries, waiting for someone to hear my song."
Hana's story unraveled like a tragic tapestry before Yuko. She had once been a young woman in love with a humble fisherman from Mizuki. Their love was forbidden, and when their secret was discovered, they met a tragic end at the hands of the villagers.
As she spoke, the melody of her shamisen became more mournful, and the trees seemed to weep in sympathy. Hana's spirit, bound to the shrine, could only find solace by sharing her story with the living.
Yuko, moved by Hana's tale, felt a deep connection to the ghostly figure. She promised to help Hana find peace and bring her story to light. Together, they would uncover the truth behind the tragic love story that had ensnared the shrine for centuries.
As Yuko delved into the village's history, she uncovered hidden documents and ancient scrolls that confirmed Hana's story. The injustice done to Hana and her beloved was a blot on the village's past, a truth that had been concealed for generations.
With newfound determination, Yuko rallied the villagers to acknowledge the village's dark history and to seek forgiveness for the sins of the past. In a moving ceremony at the Shōrin Shrine, the villagers offered their prayers, and Hana's spirit was finally set free.
As the first rays of dawn bathed Mizuki in golden light, Hana's ethereal form dissolved into a wisp of gratitude and serenity. The shrine, once shadowed by sorrow, now radiated with newfound peace.
"The Shrine in the Shadows" became a tale passed down through generations, a reminder that love and forgiveness could transcend even the darkest of curses. Mizuki continued to flourish, its shrine standing as a testament to the enduring power of redemption.
End of Chapter 2: "The Shrine in the Shadows"
Chapter 3: "The Haunting of the Geisha"
In the vibrant streets of 19th-century Tokyo, beneath the shimmering lanterns and behind the delicate allure of geisha, a haunting presence lurked—a presence that would forever change the life of a celebrated geisha named Kaede.
Chapter 3: "The Haunting of the Geisha"
In the heart of Tokyo's historic Yoshiwara district, Kaede was renowned as one of the most captivating and skilled geisha. Her beauty was ethereal, her dances mesmerizing, and her laughter like the tinkling of wind chimes. But beneath her porcelain makeup and the grace of her performances lay a heart heavy with secrets.
One cool autumn evening, as the lanterns cast their warm glow on the district, a newcomer arrived at the teahouse where Kaede performed. His name was Kaito, a handsome and enigmatic man with piercing eyes that seemed to see beyond the facade of the geisha. Kaede's heart quickened as their eyes met, and she felt a connection she had never experienced before.
As weeks turned into months, Kaede and Kaito's bond deepened, their love blossoming like the cherry blossoms in spring. But their love was a forbidden one, as Kaito was a samurai, and their worlds were as different as night and day.
One fateful night, Kaito revealed a dangerous secret to Kaede—he was involved in a plot against a powerful daimyo who ruled with cruelty and oppression. Kaito believed that by exposing the daimyo's corruption, he could bring justice to the people. He asked for Kaede's assistance in gathering information from the teahouse's influential patrons.
Reluctantly, Kaede agreed, and together, they embarked on a treacherous path filled with deceit and danger. As the days passed, they uncovered dark secrets that could expose the daimyo's crimes. However, their actions did not go unnoticed.
One evening, as Kaede performed for a gathering of influential men, a sinister figure appeared in the shadows. It was the vengeful spirit of a geisha named Akiko, who had perished in Yoshiwara under tragic circumstances. Her ghostly form was veiled in a blood-red kimono, and her eyes burned with malevolence.
Akiko's haunting began subtly—a chill in the air, whispers of despair, and a feeling of dread that hung over the teahouse like a shroud. Kaede, sensing the supernatural presence, knew that they had awakened a vengeful spirit.
Desperate to protect Kaede, Kaito sought the guidance of a local exorcist, who revealed the tragic story of Akiko. She had been a geisha in love with a samurai, but their forbidden love had led to betrayal and death. Her restless spirit sought vengeance on those who dared to love across societal boundaries.
With the exorcist's help, Kaito and Kaede embarked on a perilous journey to confront Akiko's spirit and offer her the peace she so desperately sought. In a climactic showdown, they faced the vengeful geisha, revealing the truth behind her betrayal and death.
As the first light of dawn bathed the Yoshiwara district, Akiko's spirit dissipated, her eyes filled with sorrow and resignation. The curse she had cast upon the teahouse lifted, and peace returned to the district.
Kaede and Kaito's love story continued, forever marked by the supernatural forces they had encountered. The teahouse thrived once more, its lanterns casting their warm glow over the enchanting district, where love knew no boundaries and forgiveness transcended even death.
"The Haunting of the Geisha" became a legend whispered among geisha in Yoshiwara, a testament to the enduring power of love and the consequences of forbidden desires in the mysterious world of Edo-era Tokyo.
End of Chapter 3: "The Haunting of the Geisha"
Chapter 4: "The Onryo's Revenge"
In the heart of a decaying city, where abandoned buildings stood as silent witnesses to forgotten tragedies, a group of urban explorers would stumble upon a place where the restless dead held their sinister dominion.
Chapter 4: "The Onryo's Revenge"
The city of Kurayami had fallen into disrepair, its once-thriving industries crumbling, and its streets echoing with the memories of better days. Among its many derelict structures was the forsaken Kurayami Hospital, a place whispered about only in fearful tales.
Rumors spoke of a curse that had befallen the hospital after a gruesome series of medical experiments in the early 20th century. Patients had been subjected to horrific procedures, and their agonized cries still seemed to reverberate through the corridors.
A group of urban explorers, lured by the thrill of the forbidden and the allure of the macabre, set their sights on Kurayami Hospital. Among them was Hiroshi, the group's leader, and Yumi, a budding photographer with an affinity for capturing the eerie beauty of abandoned places.
As the explorers entered the hospital's crumbling entrance, they were greeted by the musty scent of decay and the eerie silence of long-abandoned hallways. Shadows danced in the dim light as they ventured deeper into the forsaken building, their footsteps echoing like distant whispers.
The group's excitement turned to unease as they encountered signs of the hospital's dark past—rusty surgical instruments, bloodstained gurneys, and cryptic medical notes. Yumi's camera captured it all, each photograph revealing more about the hospital's gruesome history.
As night fell, the explorers gathered in the hospital's decrepit lobby, their flashlights casting trembling beams into the darkness. It was then that they heard it—a faint, mournful wail, like the keening of a soul in torment.
Hiroshi, the group's fearless leader, brushed off their concerns, attributing the sound to the wind or their imagination. But the cries grew louder and more anguished, echoing through the halls.
The group became separated as they navigated the labyrinthine corridors. Yumi, camera in hand, wandered into the hospital's disused psychiatric ward. There, in a shadowed corner, she saw her camera's flash reveal a horrifying apparition—an onryo, a vengeful spirit with long, disheveled hair and eyes filled with hatred.
The onryo's spectral form contorted with rage as it approached Yumi. Its icy fingers reached out, and she felt an otherworldly coldness pierce her very soul. She knew that this was the spirit of a patient who had suffered unimaginable horrors in the hospital.
As Yumi's companions searched for her, they stumbled upon the onryo's lair and witnessed the terrifying encounter. In a desperate bid to save Yumi, they searched for a way to pacify the vengeful spirit.
Through a combination of research and communication with a local historian, they learned the full extent of the hospital's atrocities. Armed with this knowledge, they returned to the onryo's domain to confront the spirit and offer it the peace it had been denied for so long.
In a climactic showdown, the group faced the onryo, revealing the hospital's dark secrets and acknowledging the suffering of the tormented souls within. With profound remorse, they begged for forgiveness on behalf of those who had perpetrated the atrocities.
As the first rays of dawn broke over Kurayami, the onryo's anguished wails transformed into a mournful sigh. The spirit, its wrath finally quelled, dissipated into the ether, leaving behind a sense of profound sadness and closure.
The group of urban explorers emerged from Kurayami Hospital, forever changed by their encounter with the supernatural. They had confronted the past and offered redemption to the restless dead, leaving the decaying city with a newfound sense of hope.
"The Onryo's Revenge" became a cautionary tale among urban explorers, a reminder that some places are best left undisturbed, and that the past, no matter how dark, can be confronted and reconciled.
End of Chapter 4: "The Onryo's Revenge"
Chapter 5: "The Dollmaker's Curse"
In a remote mountain village, nestled among mist-shrouded peaks, a master dollmaker crafted exquisite creations that captured the hearts of collectors worldwide. Yet, within her secluded workshop, a malevolent force lurked—one that would ensnare a curious journalist in a nightmarish world of living dolls and dark secrets.
Chapter 5: "The Dollmaker's Curse"
Hidden away in the secluded village of Ichiban, known only to those who ventured deep into the mountains, lived a master dollmaker named Ai. Her dolls were celebrated for their lifelike beauty and craftsmanship, with collectors from distant lands coveting her creations.
One brisk autumn morning, a journalist named Keiko received a cryptic letter from a source in Ichiban, hinting at a sinister mystery surrounding Ai's dolls. Intrigued by the enigmatic message, Keiko embarked on a journey to the remote village, determined to uncover the truth.
Ichiban was a place untouched by time, its cobblestone streets winding through dense forests and past centuries-old homes. The village exuded an eerie tranquility, and the locals spoke in hushed tones about Ai's dolls, rumored to be infused with a piece of the human soul.
Upon reaching Ai's workshop, Keiko was greeted by the dollmaker herself, a woman of grace and poise. The workshop was a treasure trove of exquisite dolls, their eyes seeming to follow Keiko's every move. Among them, a particular doll known as Hikari stood out—a hauntingly beautiful creation with ebony hair and obsidian eyes.
As Keiko delved deeper into the village's mysteries, she discovered that Hikari was believed to house the soul of a deceased child, a belief held by both Ai and the villagers. The doll's unsettling presence and the uncanny resemblance it bore to a girl named Mei, who had died tragically years ago, sent shivers down Keiko's spine.
Keiko's nights in Ichiban were filled with restless dreams of porcelain dolls that came to life. In these dreams, Hikari beckoned her to uncover the truth behind the dollmaker's creations. Guided by an inexplicable compulsion, Keiko embarked on a quest to unearth the dark secrets hidden within Ai's workshop.
As Keiko investigated further, she uncovered Ai's own tragic past—a story of unrequited love, loss, and a desperate desire to capture the essence of the human soul in her dolls. With each revelation, the line between the living and the lifeless blurred, and Keiko felt herself becoming entangled in a nightmarish world.
The dolls that had once been works of art now seemed to harbor malevolence. They moved of their own accord, their eyes filled with an eerie, lifelike intensity. Keiko realized that Ai's obsession had bound her to a sinister force, and her creations hungered for more than just existence.
In a chilling climax, Keiko confronted Ai and the curse that had gripped her creations. Together, they sought to break the curse's hold and release the trapped souls within the dolls.
As the moon hung low in the night sky, Ai performed a solemn ritual, guided by the spirit of Mei, whose essence had been captured in Hikari. The dolls, imbued with a restless energy, gathered around, their haunting eyes watching as the curse was lifted.
With a mournful sigh, the dolls' porcelain features softened, and their malevolence dissipated. The spirit of Mei was set free, and the dolls became lifeless once more, their beauty preserved in eternal stillness.
Ichiban returned to its peaceful slumber, and Keiko departed with a newfound appreciation for the power of art and the depths of human longing. The village's haunting tale of the dollmaker's curse served as a reminder that some obsessions could lead to the creation of something far more sinister than art itself.
End of Chapter 5: "The Dollmaker's Curse"
Chapter 6: "The Shadow in the Forest"
In a land steeped in history and tradition, the Aokigahara Forest, known as the "Suicide Forest," concealed a dark secret. Within its dense, ancient foliage, a group of hikers would embark on a journey that would lead them into the heart of a malevolent force.
Chapter 6: "The Shadow in the Forest"
Deep within the prefecture of Yamanashi, shrouded in a perpetual mist, lay the infamous Aokigahara Forest—an expanse of ancient woodland that held a dark reputation. Known as the "Suicide Forest," it had been a site of countless tragic deaths throughout the centuries.
A group of adventurous hikers, seeking to conquer the wilderness and challenge the forest's ominous legends, gathered on a chilly autumn morning. Among them was Akira, an experienced guide with a deep respect for the forest's history, and Yumi, a young woman in search of adventure and solace from her own troubled past.
The hikers ventured deep into the forest, their footsteps muffled by the thick blanket of moss and fallen leaves. The dense canopy above cast eerie shadows, and the trees seemed to whisper secrets of sorrow and despair.
As they trekked further into the woods, they began to notice strange occurrences—a disconcerting sense of being watched, distant whispers on the wind, and ghostly apparitions that flickered at the edge of their vision. Akira, the guide, attributed these phenomena to the forest's ominous reputation and urged the group to press on.
Yet, the forest's grip on their minds and senses tightened. Yumi, in particular, felt a strange connection to the haunting forces that seemed to lurk behind every tree. Inexplicable visions of tragedy and despair flashed before her eyes, and a sense of overwhelming dread enveloped her.
Night descended on the forest, and the hikers set up camp, their flickering campfire offering the only semblance of comfort in the oppressive darkness. It was then that Yumi encountered a spectral figure—a yūrei, her kimono tattered and her eyes empty voids.
The yūrei beckoned to Yumi, her voice a mournful echo. Unable to resist, Yumi followed the apparition into the depths of the forest, her companions unaware of her disappearance. The yūrei led her to a clearing where an ancient tree stood, its gnarled roots forming a grotesque face.
As Yumi approached the tree, she felt a malevolent presence—an ancient spirit of the forest itself. It spoke to her, revealing the tragic history of Aokigahara—the place where those who had lost hope sought refuge in death.
Yumi learned of the forest's vengeful guardian, a yūrei born of countless lost souls, whose suffering fueled its malevolence. It was the embodiment of the forest's sorrow, forever bound to torment those who ventured within.
Realizing that Yumi was now connected to the yūrei, her companions embarked on a desperate search to rescue her from the forest's clutches. With the guidance of Akira's knowledge and determination, they confronted the vengeful spirit, revealing the pain of their own pasts and the impact of their actions on the world around them.
As the first rays of dawn bathed Aokigahara in a pale light, the yūrei's malevolence waned, and its grip on Yumi loosened. With a final sigh, it dissipated into the morning mist, its haunting presence released from the forest.
Yumi was reunited with her companions, forever changed by her encounter with the malevolent spirit of Aokigahara. The forest's ominous reputation remained, a reminder of the darkness that could consume those who dared to venture too close to its heart.
"The Shadow in the Forest" served as a chilling testament to the mysteries of Aokigahara, where the past and the present intertwined, and the boundaries between life and death blurred beneath the ancient canopy.
End of Chapter 6: "The Shadow in the Forest"
Chapter 7: "The Haunting of the Yurei Inn"
In a remote village nestled among mist-covered mountains, a centuries-old inn held a sinister secret. When a weary traveler seeks refuge within its ancient walls, she becomes entangled in a web of supernatural mysteries that threaten to consume her soul.
Chapter 7: "The Haunting of the Yurei Inn"
The village of Okuyama was a hidden gem, nestled among towering peaks and blanketed in mist. Within this secluded haven stood the Yurei Inn, a centuries-old establishment steeped in history and whispered legends. Its age-old charm masked a sinister truth—a haunting presence that had plagued the inn for generations.
Amidst a dense fog, a lone traveler named Rei arrived in Okuyama, weary and seeking shelter from the elements. The Yurei Inn, with its rustic charm and flickering lanterns, seemed like the perfect refuge. Little did Rei know that her stay at the inn would unravel the mysteries hidden within its ancient walls.
Upon her arrival, Rei was greeted by the inn's elderly proprietress, Eiko, a woman whose weathered features and deep knowledge of the village's history hinted at a deeper connection to the inn's haunting past.
As Rei settled into her room, the oppressive atmosphere within the inn became palpable. Shadows seemed to dance in the corners of her vision, and strange, ghostly whispers echoed in the corridors. Unbeknownst to her, Rei had become a pawn in a centuries-old battle between the inn and the vengeful spirits that resided within.
In the dead of night, Rei awoke to a chilling presence at her bedside—an ethereal yurei, her white burial kimono flowing like a spectral river. The vengeful spirit's eyes held an insatiable hunger, and she reached out to Rei, her fingers icy and skeletal.
Rei's nights became torment as she encountered more yurei within the inn, each with their own tragic stories of betrayal, injustice, and unfulfilled desires. The spirits sought vengeance, and Rei's presence within the inn had awakened their malevolence.
Desperate to uncover the inn's secrets and free herself from the spirits' relentless pursuit, Rei sought the guidance of Eiko. The elderly proprietress revealed the tragic history of the inn—an establishment built on the suffering of countless souls who had met their demise within its walls.
Eiko's own family had been entangled in the inn's dark legacy, and she bore the weight of their deeds. Together, Rei and Eiko embarked on a journey to confront the yurei and offer them redemption, hoping to break the cycle of suffering that had plagued the inn for centuries.
In a harrowing confrontation with the vengeful spirits, Rei and Eiko unveiled the truth behind the inn's cursed history and acknowledged the pain of the souls that had been wronged. With heartfelt apologies and rituals of atonement, they sought to release the spirits from their torment.
As the first rays of dawn bathed Okuyama in a golden light, the yurei's spectral forms dissolved into the ether, their eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and gratitude. The Yurei Inn, once a place of darkness, now held the promise of redemption.
Rei departed from Okuyama, forever marked by her encounter with the supernatural. The Yurei Inn, now cleansed of its malevolent spirits, stood as a testament to the power of reconciliation and the hope of breaking the chains of the past.
"The Haunting of the Yurei Inn" became a cautionary tale among villagers, a reminder that the sins of the past could be confronted and forgiven, even in the face of vengeful spirits.
End of Chapter 7: "The Haunting of the Yurei Inn"
Chapter 8: "The Curse of the Haunted Kimono"
In the heart of Kyoto, where tradition and modernity intertwined, a family heirloom, an ancient kimono, carried a chilling curse that had plagued generations. A woman must delve into her family's history to uncover the origins of the curse and find a way to break it before it consumes her and her loved ones.
Chapter 8: "The Curse of the Haunted Kimono"
Kyoto, the city of a thousand temples, was a place where time seemed to stand still. Among the historic districts, the Nakamura family had passed down a treasured heirloom for generations—an exquisite silk kimono adorned with intricate embroidery, a relic of a bygone era.
The kimono had always been a source of fascination and reverence within the Nakamura family. It was said to be imbued with mystical powers, protecting its wearer from harm and misfortune. But beneath its ornate beauty lay a dark secret—a curse that had haunted the family for centuries.
Emi, the youngest of the Nakamura family, had grown up hearing stories of the kimono's mystical properties and the curse that clung to it. When her grandmother passed away, leaving the kimono in her care, Emi became the latest custodian of this fabled garment.
As the years passed, strange occurrences began to plague Emi and her family. The kimono seemed to have a malevolent presence, causing nightmares, unexplained accidents, and a growing sense of dread. Emi's husband, Toshiro, and their young daughter, Yuki, bore the brunt of the curse's effects.
Desperate to protect her loved ones, Emi embarked on a quest to uncover the origins of the curse and find a way to break it. She delved into her family's history, poring over ancient scrolls and consulting with local priests and scholars.
Through her research, Emi learned of a tragic love story that had been concealed for generations—a forbidden romance between a Nakamura ancestor and a woman from a rival clan. The lovers had been torn apart by a vengeful spirit, and their love had been sealed within the cursed kimono.
With newfound determination, Emi sought out the help of a renowned exorcist, who revealed that the curse could only be broken by reconciling the spirits of the star-crossed lovers and offering them a chance at eternal peace.
Emi, Toshiro, and Yuki embarked on a journey to the ancestral shrine of the Nakamura family, where they conducted a solemn ritual to appease the vengeful spirits. As they offered their prayers and made heartfelt apologies on behalf of their ancestors, a profound sense of forgiveness washed over them.
In a climactic moment, the cursed kimono transformed, its once malevolent aura dissipating into the ether. The spirits of the star-crossed lovers, now free from their torment, appeared before Emi and her family, their eyes filled with gratitude.
As the cherry blossoms rained down upon Kyoto, Emi, Toshiro, and Yuki returned home with a newfound sense of peace and closure. The kimono, no longer cursed, became a symbol of their family's resilience and the enduring power of love and forgiveness.
"The Curse of the Haunted Kimono" served as a reminder that the sins of the past could be atoned for and that the bonds of love and family could transcend even the darkest of curses.
End of Chapter 8: "The Curse of the Haunted Kimono"
Chapter 9: "The Mirror's Malevolence"
In a quiet suburban neighborhood, an antique mirror with a sinister past found its way into the home of a young couple. As they unwittingly unleashed the malevolent spirit trapped within, they must confront the mirror's dark history to save themselves and their family.
Chapter 9: "The Mirror's Malevolence"
In a serene suburban neighborhood, where cherry blossoms bloomed with each passing spring, lived a young couple, Hiroshi and Aiko, who were enamored with the charm of their new home. They had recently moved into a quaint, old-fashioned house that came with a peculiar antique mirror.
The mirror was ornate and beautiful, its frame adorned with delicate carvings of cherry blossoms. It had been left behind by the previous owner, a recluse who had passed away under mysterious circumstances. Little did Hiroshi and Aiko know that this mirror carried a malevolent secret.
As they settled into their new home, strange occurrences began to unfold. Reflections in the mirror seemed to distort, showing glimpses of eerie, shadowy figures lurking in the background. At night, whispers filled the room as if unseen voices murmured from within the glass.
Aiko, with her fascination for the occult, was the first to sense the mirror's sinister aura. She delved into research, uncovering tales of a cursed mirror that had plagued the previous owner's family for generations.
The mirror had once belonged to a vengeful spirit, a yūrei who had perished in despair. Its malevolence was bound to the glass, and those who possessed it were tormented by the spirit's relentless anger and sorrow.
Desperate to free themselves from the mirror's curse, Hiroshi and Aiko sought the guidance of a spiritual medium. Through a series of rituals and séances, they made contact with the vengeful spirit trapped within the mirror.
The spirit's story unfolded like a tragic drama—the yūrei had been a young woman in love with a man from a rival clan. Their love was forbidden, and when their secret was discovered, they had both met a grisly end. Her spirit had been bound to the mirror as punishment for her defiance of societal norms.
With the medium's help, Hiroshi and Aiko offered prayers and apologies on behalf of the mirror's original owner, seeking forgiveness for the wrongs committed against the vengeful spirit. They vowed to help the spirit find peace and redemption.
In a chilling climax, they conducted a final ritual, allowing the yūrei to pass on and find the solace she had been denied for centuries. As they gazed into the mirror one last time, they saw the spirit's reflection fade into the distance, her eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and farewell.
The mirror, now cleansed of its malevolence, became a symbol of hope and renewal for Hiroshi and Aiko. Their family flourished, and the cherry blossoms in their garden bloomed with newfound vibrancy, a testament to the enduring power of love and forgiveness.
"The Mirror's Malevolence" served as a chilling reminder that even the most innocuous objects could carry dark secrets, and that confronting the past and seeking redemption could break the bonds of even the most malevolent curses.
End of Chapter 9: "The Mirror's Malevolence"
Chapter 10: "The Bridge to the Beyond"
In a remote mountain village, isolated from the modern world, a historic bridge served as a link between the living and the dead. When a group of travelers crossed its ancient planks, they would discover the chilling truth behind the bridge's supernatural origins.
Chapter 10: "The Bridge to the Beyond"
Deep within the heart of the Japanese mountains, nestled among ancient forests and shrouded in mist, lay the village of Yamanokawa. It was a place where tradition and superstition still held sway, and the bridge that spanned the river was both a lifeline and a gateway to the unknown.
A group of adventurous travelers, drawn by the allure of Yamanokawa's untouched beauty, embarked on a journey to explore the village's remote reaches. Among them were Kaito, a historian with an insatiable curiosity, and Mia, a photographer who sought to capture the essence of this secluded world.
The village's centerpiece was the Akane Bridge, a weathered structure made of ancient wood and adorned with centuries-old lanterns. Its planks creaked with the weight of history, and the river below whispered tales of lives long gone.
As the travelers ventured deeper into Yamanokawa, they discovered that the villagers held a profound reverence for the bridge. It was said to be a link between the living and the dead, a place where offerings were made to appease the spirits that dwelled in the surrounding forest.
As night descended, the travelers set up camp near the Akane Bridge, its lanterns casting an eerie, flickering glow on the river's surface. It was then that they heard the sound—a mournful melody that seemed to emanate from the bridge itself.
Mia, driven by curiosity, followed the haunting tune to the bridge's edge. There, bathed in an otherworldly light, she saw a figure—a woman in a white kimono, her long hair flowing like an ebony waterfall.
The woman, whose name was Hikari, revealed herself to be a yūrei, a spirit bound to the Akane Bridge for centuries. She had once been a young bride whose love had been torn apart by a tragic accident on her wedding day. Her spirit was eternally linked to the bridge, where she waited for her beloved to return.
Kaito, the historian, delved into the village's archives and uncovered the tragic story of Hikari's past. It was a tale of love and loss, of a bride whose life had been cut short, and a groom whose heart had been forever scarred by grief.
With newfound determination, the travelers sought to reunite the spirits of Hikari and her beloved. They embarked on a journey deep into the forest, following a path laden with offerings and prayers.
At the heart of the forest, they discovered an ancient shrine dedicated to love and reconciliation. There, in a poignant ceremony, they offered heartfelt prayers and apologies on behalf of the villagers and the groom who had never returned.
As the first light of dawn broke over Yamanokawa, a sense of serenity washed over the Akane Bridge. Hikari's spectral form dissolved into the river's mist, her eyes filled with a mix of longing and gratitude.
The travelers departed from Yamanokawa, forever changed by their encounter with the supernatural. The Akane Bridge, now freed from its haunting past, stood as a testament to the enduring power of love and the hope of reuniting even in the afterlife.
"The Bridge to the Beyond" became a legend whispered among villagers, a reminder that some bonds could transcend time and that the spirit of love endured even in the face of eternity.
End of Chapter 10: "The Bridge to the Beyond"
submitted by No-Quality-2644 to RS_archive [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:58 Mysterious_Cat_1706 [FN] The Day After

[Main Story] [1] [2] [3]
Gribble huddled in the corner of the family hut, curled tight on his father's worn bedroll. The rough weave scratched his cheek but he didn't care. It still smelled faintly of Grubnik - woodsmoke, leather, the spicy musk of goblin sweat. Gribble clutched the wooden figurine to his chest, a tiny warrior with a fierce snarl. His father had carved it for his last birthday. Grubnik had laughed, ruffling Gribble's wispy hair. You'll grow into a mighty fighter soon enough, my boy. The memory tore at him, raw and jagged. The hut yawned with emptiness, the cold spaces where his father and grandfather should be.
Days bled into weeks. Gribble picked at his meager meals, tasteless mush that stuck in his throat. Around him, the village bustled and chattered. Goblins cast him sideways looks, pity mingled with relief. Not their loved ones lost to the darkness. Gribble wanted to rage at their moving on, their lives marching forward while his crumbled. Grubnik and Gnarltooth would stride through the rickety gate any moment. They had to. The alternative was too vast, too crushing to consider.
In the still dark of night, Gribble's grief ambushed him. Voices whispered just beyond the edge of sleep - Grubnik's gruff rumble, Gnarltooth's creaky cackle. Phantom touches ghosted over Gribble's fevered skin. His father's callused palm on his cheek. His grandfather's gnarled hand clasping his shoulder. Waking was drowning, the knowledge of his loss slamming into him anew each bitter dawn.
Gribble clung to his father's parting words like a fraying lifeline. Be strong. Endure. But how? His small body turned traitor, wasting and weakening by the day. Scavenged roots and mushrooms sat like stones in his stomach. Weapons felt clumsy in his trembling grip. The other goblin whelps sensed weakness, pouncing with vicious glee. They shoved him, ground his face into the mud. Spat insults that sliced to the bone. Gribble seethed, the last ember of his spirit flaring. But his limbs betrayed him, heavy and uncooperative. Hot tears of shame blurred his vision as the bullies' laughter rang in his ears.
Under Grimrock's rule, the village curdled, turned rancid with fear. Goblins scurried to obey barked orders, ducking blows and kicks. Gribble's uncle took special relish in tormenting him. Dung duty, latrine scrubbing. Each stumble earned a cuff to the head, each slowed step a snarled insult. Runt. Worm. Burden. The words burrowed deep, echoing in the hollows of Gribble's chest.
Summoned to Grimrock's hut, Gribble dragged his feet, dread coiling in his gut. The room stank of stale sweat and rotted meat. And there, mounted like trophies, Grubnik's bow. Gnarltooth's spear. Gribble ached to snatch them, to cradle the last pieces of his father and grandfather. Grimrock loomed, his lips peeled back in a sneer.
“These are mine now. Like everything else in this dung heap. Including you, runt.”
Gribble stared at the packed dirt floor, the part of him that burned to fight, to avenge, guttering.
Life ground down to brutal simplicity. Scrounge enough to survive. Avoid Grimrock's rages. Hoard strength for the next battle, the next day. The goblins turned on each other like starving rats, snarling and snapping for every scrap. Gribble's once friends, his fellow whelps, slunk away when he drew near. His misery was a stinking pelt they feared to catch.
Gribble slumped against the palisade wall, the rough logs digging into his back. Beyond, the Misty Forest beckoned. He could slip away, melt into the sheltering dark. Leave the gnawing ache behind. A shred of memory stilled his feet. Grubnik's iron spine as he taught Gribble to set snares. Gnarltooth's craggy face as he recounted tales of the ancestors. Gribble shut his eyes, let their remembered strength settle in his bones. He was a son of chieftains. He would not run.
Gathering his flimsy dagger and fraying sack, Gribble limped toward the forest edge. Foraging was a rote process now, numb hands scrabbling for anything remotely edible. His stomach pinched and growled. Gribble let routine lull him, muscle memory guiding his movements. In the green-tinged light, he could almost pretend Grubnik shadowed his steps, could almost hear his grandfather's throaty laugh on the wind. He cradled the memories close, fragile wisps of brightness against the smothering dark.
A twig snapped, dry and sharp. Gribble whirled, heart battering his ribs. Krub and Griz sneered from the shadow of a massive oak, their eyes glinting with malice. “Well, well. The runt's crawled out of his hole.” Griz fingered the rough blade at his hip. Gribble's gut clenched. Krub took a step forward, his meaty fists flexing. Looks like we get to have some fun.
Gribble ran. Blood roared in his ears. Underbrush whipped his face, tore at his clothes. Behind him, Krub and Griz whooped and cackled. The stupid runt's making it a chase! Gribble's lungs burned, his legs wobbling. He risked a glance over his shoulder. Krub barreled toward him, a crazed light in his piggy eyes. Griz loped behind, his blade glinting as he slashed at the foliage.
Gribble's foot caught on a root. The ground rushed up to meet him, driving the air from his chest. Copper flooded his mouth. A heavy weight slammed into his back, crushed him into the dirt. Krub straddled him, one ham-sized hand pinning Gribble's face into the loam. Where you running, maggot? Gotta pay the toll for using our woods. Griz giggled, a nasty sound like snapping bones.
Krub hauled Gribble up by his hair, forced his head back at a neck-cracking angle. Something glinted in the brute's other fist - a rusted blade, pocked and pitted. Krub brought it to Gribble's cheek, traced the curve of bone with the dull edge. “Maybe we take an ear. Or a finger. Remind you of your place.” Gribble thrashed, feeble as a minnow in a bear's jaws. Krub laughed, his breath a fetid blast.
White-hot rage ignited in Gribble's core. It flooded his limbs, burned away the haze of pain and fear. His father's voice reverberated in his skull, strong and sure. You are a chieftain's son. A warrior born. The strength sleeps in your bones. Gribble's eyes snapped open, fixing on Krub with laser focus.
Gribble reared back and slammed his forehead into Krub's nose with a gristly crunch. The brute reeled, squealing. Gribble rolled, scrabbling for a weapon. His fingers closed on a fist-sized rock. Griz lunged, bony hands grasping. Gribble brought the stone down on the weasely goblin's temple with a sickening crack.
Krub lurched to his feet, blood streaming from his ruined nose. Gribble squared his shoulders, the rock heavy in his fist. The young goblin barely came to the brute's chest. But he stood his ground, chin jutting in defiance. He would not scurry. He would not cower. Never again.
A slow grin spread across Krub's broad face, a hungry hyena's leer. The boss'll like this. Runt's got some fight after all. Grimrock had been watching from the trees' shadow, his eyes narrowed assessingly. String the whelp up. Let's see what he's really made of. The brutes seized Gribble, their grips crushing. The stone tumbled from numb fingers.
They left him dangling by his wrists in the village square. He hung limp, a slab of meat for Grimrock's sport. Goblins gathered to gawk and chortle. See how the mighty Gnarltooth's line has fallen. The chieftain circled him, a mace gripped in one burly fist. The haft was stained rusty brown. “As I told your mewling whelp of a father. The old ways are dead. There are no more heroes. Only the strong and the meat.” Grimrock spat a wad of phlegm, watched it slide down Gribble's cheek. And you, runt, are meat.
The mace rose and fell, the dull impacts jolting through Gribble's strung-up frame. He swallowed his screams. Bit clean through his lip, blood dribbling down his chin. Grubnik's face swam before him, wavering but resolute. Find the strength, my son. This is your crucible. Become the steel you were born to be. Gribble stared his uncle down, poured every ounce of defiance into his glare even as blows rained on his shoulders, his back, his ribs. I will endure, Da. I will make you proud.
Grimrock stepped back, chest heaving. Flecks of crimson splattered his flushed green face. He looked at Gribble as if truly seeing him for the first time. Not a mewling whelp. Not a cringing cur. But a young wolf, battered but unbroken. A son of chieftains with fire in his eyes and steel in his spine. For a moment, the ghost of respect flickered in Grimrock's expression. Then it was gone, replaced by the familiar sneer. Leave the meat for the crows. We'll see if it learns.
They cut Gribble down. He crumpled to the blood-churned mud. Every nerve shrieked, every bone ground. He hauled himself up on trembling arms, vision blurring at the edges. One breath. Another. The pain was a living thing, rippling beneath his skin. He pushed through, forced his rubbery legs to hold his weight. Find the strength. Become the steel. Gribble dragged himself toward his family's hut, each step an eternity.
He collapsed on Grubnik's pallet, tracks of salt and copper slicking his cheeks. But beneath the pain, something new kindled in his chest. A small, fierce light that the darkness could not smother. A son of chieftains. A wolf of Gnarltooth's line. Gribble smiled, a feral slash of teeth. The strength slept in his bones. And he would wake it, nurture it. Until it blazed like a holocaust, searing away all who stood against him.
Gribble pushed to his feet, teeth gritted against the scream of torn flesh. He shuffled to the back of the hut, pried up the hearthstone with trembling fingers. Grubnik's hunting knife glinted in the hollow, wicked sharp. Gribble gripped the hilt, felt the strength of his ancestors thrumming in the steel. Grimrock thought him meat. But he would show him what this runt was made of. He would grow strong in the shadows, a viper waiting to strike.
Gribble limped for the forest, the knife a comforting weight at his hip. There were herbs to gather. Roots to forage. A broken body to mend in secret. The days ahead would be lean, cold and hungry. But he would survive. He would grow. And when the time was right, Grimrock would learn the price of underestimating Gnarltooth's blood.
The trees swallowed him, sheltering arms drawing him into the murky green. Home. A son of the forest, a brother to the mist. Gribble slipped into the shadows, melted into the underbrush. But his eyes burned bright in the gloom, two chips of flint struck to life. The strength of the ages flowed in his veins. And soon, all of Darkmire would tremble before it.
submitted by Mysterious_Cat_1706 to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 01:14 89hynes Ficus Propagation

Ficus Propagation
I'm very new to bonsai so when I was gifted a ficus last month, I took a few small cuttings to try my hand at propagating. I've been reading a lot and I've learned to make fertilizer with yeast and brown sugar for all my houseplants and that cinnamon can be used as a rooting hormone. So after I snipped these little guys I out them in a shot glass with my unfinished beer fertilizer for a few days then took them out, dipped the ends in cinnamon and popped them in some clean water and I can't argue with the results after less than a month!
My question today is about pot sizes. Now that I think I'm ready to put them in soil, should they go into a seed tray for a bit, or should I put at least the two with more developed roots right into a slightly larger container?
I'll include a picture of the small starter pots that I have.
Also, I've been reading differing answers on weather or not Ginseng cuttings will grow the tuberous roots so if anyone has any experience to share there would be appreciated. I have some cool ideas to try but I'd like to know what to expect regarding the roots as they grow.
submitted by 89hynes to bonsaicommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:32 JOTA-137_0 Mixing herbs

So I currently take: Prozis: Creatine 6g (morning) Prozis: Omega 3 (3 pills morning) Prozis: Rhodiola rosea (1 pill morning and 1 before swimming) Supradyn: Multivitamin (1 pill morning) or Prozis: ZMB6 (Zinc, magnesium, b6) (2 pills morning and or before simming
But I'm thinking about taking: Ashwaganda (is paired well with rhodiola) Fenugreek (seems fine) Saw palmetto (seems better for older people) Maca root (seems fine) Ginko biloba (affects hormones) Korean ginseng (seems fine)
Context: I'm 17 with a bicuspid heart valve Blood pressure is fine (lower end I believe) Usually very calm but lately stress has been rising because of school and personal matters (I noticed it rises a lot only when I'm in class, I get out of class and it lowers a lot) so my hr varies a lot more than when it used to, from 60 to 100 or 120 if I'm really stressed (measured using a galaxy watch 6 classic while sitting in school and checking the samsung health app for the stress patterns) I'm 181-182cm 66kg after waking up and going to the bathroom on an empty stomach
submitted by JOTA-137_0 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 15:24 inconspicuos-user My story so far.

Disclaimer: it's not a venting post, I'm not looking for advice, there will be no TLDR at the end. I just want to put my story in writing for a reason I will explain later. Some details are graphic, so discretion is advised. Imagine that all TWs are in place.
As always, childhood is a right place to start. I was born into a very broken and dysfunctional family. My father married my mother only because everyone else was getting married and he was just doing the same without any understanding why he's doing it and what it takes to be a husband and a father. My mother always wanted to have a family and a lot of kids, but was still single at the age of 27 and was gradually growing desperate and thought that marrying this man was her last and only option to succeed in life as a woman. As I learned much much later they both came from their own broken families carrying a lot of unprocessed trauma, but both were pretending to be perfectly OK. Reality shattered my father's facade instantly. He turned out to be an extremely insecure and immature person. Always afraid of doing anything, unable to take responsibility for his actions, admit his mistakes. In addition he started to exhibit acute narcissistic traits - gaslighting, verbal abuse, jealousy, paranoia etc. But by that time my mother was pregnant with my sister and didn't want to go back to her parents house and in general divorce in the USSR was a huge stigma for women and she always worried about what other people would think about her in any situation. So she decided to stay in vain hope that he will change over time. Spoiler - that didn't happen. 5 years later I was born.
My upbringing was a set of dramatic contrasts. Mother was always overprotective, keeping me from doing anything by myself, always making decisions for me and expressing discontent each time I tried to do something my own way. She wanted me to be her "perfect mama's boy" she could use as a living sign that she is a good mother others can see. It all resulted in me being unable to make decisions on my own when I got older and also trying to protect my mother each time father started the argument with her over some nonsense. Father on the other hand completely withdrew himself from parenting. He didn't know a thing about it and didn't want to learn to avoid mistakes and embarrassment. He said once that his role is making money and he doesn't have time to be with his kids at all. When I was around the age of 6, he developed a habit of beating me and my sister when he was angry or dissatisfied with us for no apparent reason. He just wanted to make us obey his words with no questions asked just because he was older and thus smarter and wiser and just superior in any way imaginable. And the only way to enforce it was through brute force. Many years later my mother said to me that each time she was standing between her kids and her husband protecting us with her own body, but I still remember being beaten multiple times. She was not very successful in her mission to keep her kids safe. When I grew older and became higher than my father, he switched from physical abuse to verbal abuse. Insults, unfounded accusations of anything that was going wrong in the house, denying my successes in the school, you name it. I can only remember three times in my entire life when he said something good about what I did.
Another thing that didn't help me in my teen years was the complete absence of sexual education. None. Zero. Everything about sex and related topics was taboo. Each time I had a question like "What's Kamasutra?" or "What do prostitutes do?" I was either ignored or shut down with words "you are too young to know, wait until you're older". One particular tactic my mother used several times is to redirect the question to my father and thus force him to speak about things he didn't know how to speak about with kids. He usually took a pause long enough to make the situation even more uncomfortable and then said something vague and nonspecific without even looking at me. Peak moment of his inability to communicate was a time when he finally decided to explain to me "where kids are coming from". I don't want to describe it in full form, I'll just say that he used horses as a metaphor. Yeeeeeaah.... I was 14 years old tops, I didn't fully understand what he was saying and why he chose that particular day, everything was so uncalled for and higgledy-piggledy that I forgot about that conversation 5 minutes later and went on my own business like any other kid in that age. But he checked a box in the list of things that father has to do and decided that his business being a father figure is done. Mother knew somehow that he failed miserably, but in her eyes it was not a mother's job to talk with a boy about sex and stuff. They both just pretended that I know what I need to know.
By the age of 17 conflicts with my father became so intense and frequent that one day I just stopped talking to him. That was the only way I knew how to deal with such a situation 'cause parents used it all the time - 10 minutes of yelling at each other and then 2 or 3 days of silence. But this time it didn't end a couple of days later. We still don't talk to each other to this day. Several times he tried to use my mother so she could talk to me and persuade me to change my mind and start talking to him again. Each time she declined, but told me about his request anyway. This was her way to influence me to do the same, but through her own means, as I was highly susceptible to her words. Thankfully, I hold my ground. Years later, when I learned what narcissism and narcissistic traits are, I realized that going no contact with him was one of the best decisions in my life. I save a lot of time and nerves by just ignoring him.
In 2008, I graduated from school and went to the university which was chosen for me by my mother. At this time I started to have problems finding friends, communicating with peers, being among a lot of people in a noisy environment. All I was doing was going to classes, studying, going home, studying more. No personal life, no urge to live like my peers and engage in relationships with women. Living in a safe mode, I was denying myself the most basic things like leisure time and outdoor activities. I was set on a course to become a scientist in my field without knowing whether I even want it or not. It just seemed like a logical path to take.
In my third year at university I got into the only relationship I ever had by what can be described only as a stupid accident, but on closer inspection everything makes perfect sense.. One girl in my group I occasionally chatted with from time to time had a secret crush on me for nearly a year(!) before she decided to come forward and express her feelings to me which I was completely oblivious of. But it was not "hey, I like you, want to go on a date with me?". Nooooo. It was full blown cliché from romantic movies. She just said to me: "I love you". And then stared at me for an uncomfortably long period of time waiting for a response while my Brain.exe stopped working and I had no idea what to do in a situation like this. Eventually I zoned out, made some excuses and physically removed myself from the premises. Two days later she approached me again and this time there was nowhere to go. That day "mama's good boy" took over and I caved in saying that I love her too and want to be with her. My immature brain couldn't imagine the situation where I would reject her advances just because she would get upset and even cry a river in front of me, I just felt fully responsible for her emotions. BOOM! Perfect storm in a bottle. WCGW?
The next 58 days were the worst 58 days in my life until much later. Witty and cute girl I thought I knew turned into a completely different person one week later. When the first adrenaline rush calmed down she started to show a side of her personality I was unaware of before. She always wanted to spend all of her free time with me ignoring my time schedule. Almost every week she occasionally threw accusations like "You don't love me" or "You are thinking about other girls”. One day another girl from our university group came to me between classes and asked me to explain some things she didn't understand at the last lecture. The rest of that day I've been listening to my now GF saying that I should dump her and start dating that other girl because she's a better fit for me. General dynamic of this relationship was that she's accusing me of something or complaining or suspecting me of cheating and I'm going out of my way to disprove that nonsense and make things right.
But one day I realized that is too much for me. It was during one of the phone calls with her when we were fighting over something again and I said: "I don't think we should stay together". She burst into tears and hung up. Next day we were avoiding each other like we were strangers. It helped that summer break was just a couple of weeks away. We never spoke about how our relationship ended, there was no closure. We've been avoiding each other for the rest of the time in university. Needless to say that this experience was highly traumatic and killed my will to pursue romantic relationships in the future. I didn't have sex with that girl, remained virgin and eventually cemented myself in this state. I even constructed a lie in my head that I'm asexual just to ease the pressure on myself and make myself less "wrong" and "broken" in my own eyes. You can't stress about the absence of sex if you are asexual, right? Spoiler - no.
After university I got into a PhD program at the research institute. There I had an opportunity to work on interesting problems in my field which was meteorology and climatology. As the salary was basically the lowest granted by the law, I wasn't able to afford to live on my own and continued to live at my parents house. They were not happy, but never sad to me that I have to get my sh1t together and move out. On the contrary - mother was actively encouraging me to finish my PhD and not to worry about rent because she thought it's her mission to make my dreams come true. Although, it was not my dream per se, it was her dream about my life I accepted as my own.
The next three years I spent working on my PhD were uneventful. I was living a boring life - go to work, do your job, go home, do even more work at home, sleep, repeat. No friends, no dates, no vacations for myself, no traveling, just moving myself between two places like a robot. At some point I've been told that I'm too young to get my PhD approved right away, I need to wait another couple of years and pay a hefty price to make it happen. That was a final straw and I snapped. I quit on the spot and said "F you, science" and two weeks later landed a job in the IT industry as I got into software engineering while working on a PhD.
I've spent three years there, learned a lot from people around me and made a boatload of money I couldn't even spend fast enough as I was not accustomed to lavish lifestyles and high spendings. But even with a rock solid financial security I didn't move out of my parents house. Something was holding me back, like I was on a leash. I lost this job in June of 2021 due to corporate restructuring, but was not worried, I knew I could find another job in a matter of weeks. But first I gave myself a month to rest. Three months later I was still saying to myself that I'm resting. I suddenly got stuck and wasn't able to do anything. Days were passing by and I was just spending my time in front of the computer playing video games and watching YT.
In part it was caused by a severe skin condition I developed shortly before I lost that job. Big red spots all over my head, skin irritation, itching, excessive skin exfoliation, extremely dry skin. I also entered the last phase of bolding. All of those combined affected my face and the way I look in general. I was also tall and skinny, my weight was only 57 kilograms since I turned 20, so developing body dysmorphia was just a matter of time and it finally happened. First, I became afraid of mirrors. I stopped washing my face with cold water every evening 'cause it involved staying in front of the mirror. It didn't help 'cause now skin was dehydrated even more. Next, I convinced myself that if I go outside with those red spots all over my face, people will point fingers at me and laugh. So I literally imprisoned myself in my room and only went out with a hat and sunglasses on or late at night when it's dark and not many people on the streets.
I tried to find out the cause of this skin condition though. I've been to 5 different dermatologists, I got 4 different diagnoses, treatments I was prescribed with were purely cosmetic and doctors were unwilling to find the cause of this illness saying that I'm fine with just putting a few pounds of cream on my face twice a day. At some point I just threw a white towel and gave up completely. I retreated into my room and fell into a deep deep depression.
Eating disorder, troubles sleeping, troubles getting up in the morning, lack of motivation, no interest in doing anything I loved before, self-neglect, feeling dead inside, feeling of being broken, unlovable and undesirable, self harm in a form of hair picking, two episodes of suicidal thoughts, outbursts of anger when no one is around, endless inner dialogue with myself. I lost 5 kilograms of weight on top of being underweight before. I was like a shadow, a husk. Pale, frail, weak, looking very unhealthy. Later down the line I developed porn addiction. In some crooked way it was the only thing that was able to shake me up for a bit, make me feel a little bit less dead, provoke some physiological reaction. But only for a while. After comes shame and guilt. I felt like a filthy animal, battering myself for such an immoral behavior.
It lasted for almost two years. All this time my parents were pretending that there is nothing wrong about that. My mother was especially into this, not even once she asked me what's going on, why I stay at home all the time doing nothing. Like this is how it was supposed to be from the beginning.
Somewhere in the middle of this my brain decided to make me a present in the form of unpacked memories from almost 15 years ago. One day I was just staring at the screen of my computer when I remembered that when I was a teenager, like 15 or 16 years old, I was SA’d in a tightly packed subway train by an old man. My brain spared me that day and completely shut off those memories as I don’t remember losing sleep or experiencing panic attacks over it. And I can’t say that this revelation in the midst of a severe depression affected me in any significant way. I know that kids and teenagers who were SA’d can experience troubles in the intimacy department, but by the time I got those memories unlocked my loneliness and celibacy were deeply rooted in me to cause any distress.
I have no idea how I snapped out of it. Depression was a series of ups and downs, when today you feel really good and think you are able to turn mountains upside down and then back to the deepest void imaginable a few days later. That was just one of those cycles when I somehow managed to grab that positive phase and stay on it. I wasn't able to determine one single reason why, so it should be a combination of factors that are not very significant by themselves, but combined together and eventually saved me. It was at the end of the autumn 2023. I started to fix my biggest issues like daily routine, sleeping habits, exercising. Quit watching porn and stayed clean until April when I relapsed. I delved deeper into psychology, found several content creators on YT, including Dr.K and started to unpack my whole life starting from childhood and it all started to make sense. The way my family "worked", all the abuse I endured, every traumatic experience that went without reflection - everything played a part in how my life went and how I ended up in depression. I felt a lot of anger at first 'cause it was convenient to blame my parents for everything. They ARE to blame, but it was Dr.K's video where he talked about calling out your parents for their mistakes that convinced me that I'm barking at the closed gates. I let it go and I don't think that I'll ever have a conversation with my mother about what happened to me. My father's dead to me even more now that he was prior to that. I'm going to get a restraining order on him one day for sure.
So I spent the last winter working on myself and made good progress, but I understood that it's not enough. So in March 2024 I got into therapy. As I was still having trouble falling asleep I was prescribed antidepressants and now I sleep much better. My therapist helped me a lot, but as she said to me "it's rare to see a patient who comes in with half of the work already done". I should've sought therapy much much earlier, but it is what it is.
So where am I now?
33M, turning 34 in August. Virgin. Bold. Underweight, but somehow jacked. 3 years long gap in the resume. No social connections. Rusty social skills if any. Health is damaged by malnutrition, skin is 10 years older than it should be. Some amount of social anxiety is still there. Porn addiction is still an issue and needs to be addressed with another therapist. Two months ago I was diagnosed with parathyroid adenoma, no way to tell how it's going to turn out right now. Not sure what I really want to do with my life, but I want to try to get back into IT after a crash course of catching up with new stuff. Chances are small, but I will try anyway.I'm out of the woods with the worst stuff, but it's not over yet. I don't have high hopes about getting into a relationship with a woman of my age one day and losing my virginity, but at least I'm not afraid of comprehending the idea.
No matter what's ahead, I'm sure I can take it. I think I'm ready to finally begin living my own life.
Thanks for reading this long post to the end. I hope that my story can be used as a piece of evidence that despite how bad everything is, how dark the sky is, there is also hope and light at the end of the tunnel.
submitted by inconspicuos-user to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:29 CrimsonFoxyboy [H] Bundle leftovers [W] Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete

Humble Bundle: (Region: EUROPE)
Aarklash: Legacy
Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition
Almost There: The Platformer
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Burly Men at Sea
Blood: Fresh Supply
Cities in Motion 2
Crazy Machines 3
Dungeon of the Endless
Doom 64
Forged Battalion
Fae Tactics
Homeworld Remastered Collection
Kathy Rain
Laser League
Leap of Fate
Majesty 2 Collection
Mysterium: A Psychic Clue Game
One Way Heroics
One Way Heroics
Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You
Orcs Must Die! 2 + DLC
Red Faction®: Armageddon™
Revolver 360 Re:Actor
Rusty Lake: Roots
Sentinels of the Multiverse
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon
She Remembered Caterpillars
Shadowrun Returns
Shady Part of Me
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode I
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode II
Sonic Adventure DX
Sonic Adventure 2+Battle DLC
Steel Rats
Sid Meier's Civilization VI
Shadowrun Returns
Sentinels of the Multiverse
Swords and Soldiers 2
Talisman: Digital Edition
Tennis World Tour
The Town of Light
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
The Forgotten City
Tower of Guns
The Golf Club™ 2019 featuring PGA TOUR
Toto Temple Deluxe
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
Tokyo 42
Unholy Heights
Grand Ages: Medieval
Mysterium: A Psychic Clue Game
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
The Sexy Brutale
Streets of Fury EX
Yoku's Island Express
Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles
River City Girls 2
Clash: Artifacts of Chaos
Double Dragon Gaiden
Wanted: Dead
Remnant: From the Ashes - Complete
Rep page:
submitted by CrimsonFoxyboy to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 18:41 ultracute007 NeuroTest Review : Natural Formula To Boost Testoid, Energy, Libido And Testrone

NeuroTest Review : Natural Formula To Boost Testoid, Energy, Libido And Testrone
NeuroTest is an ED supplement designed to supercharge sexual performance. Available exclusively online through, the supplement is marketed to anyone suffering from erectile dysfunction, low sex drive, and similar issues. Does NeuroTest really work? How does NeuroTest work? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about NeuroTest and how it works today in our review.
NeuroTest Review : Natural Formula To Boost Testoid, Energy, Libido And Testrone

What is NeuroTest?

NeuroTest is a nutritional supplement designed to quickly and permanently reverse erectile dysfunction.
By taking two capsules of NeuroTest daily, you can purportedly use a “16-second rainforest ritual” to supercharge sex drive and boost sexual performance. In fact, the makers of NeuroTest even claim you can lose weight, build muscle, and boost testosterone, among other benefits, by taking NeuroTest daily.
NeuroTest is exclusively sold through NeuroTest OFFICIAL SITE. The manufacturer markets the supplement specifically to men with erectile dysfunction, low sex drive, declining sexual performance, and other issues. Whether struggling with a soft erection or looking to boost libido, you could experience rapid results with NeuroTest.

Special Happy Weekend Discount — As Low As On NeuroTest


How Does NeuroTest Work?

NeuroTest works by targeting the hypothalamus, a part of the brain linked to testosterone production. Your testicles produce testosterone. However, your testicles only produce testosterone when they receive a signal from the hypothalamus to do so. According to the Malaysian doctor who helped develop NeuroTest, many Western men have a dysfunctional hypothalamus because of a lack of nutrients in food. Our food has become depleted over time, so you’re not getting the nutrients you need to boost testosterone production.
NeuroTest is based on the idea you can reverse ED by performing a 16-second “rainforest ritual” each morning. Each serving of NeuroTest contains a blend of four active ingredients shown to promote hypothalamus activity, increasing sex drive and helping you enjoy powerful effects.

Read This: “More Information From Knowledgeable Expertise of NeuroTest”

NeuroTest Ingredients

NeuroTest contains a blend of natural ingredients, including plant extracts, herbs, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.
Here are all of the ingredients in NeuroTest and how they work:
LJ100: LJ100 is a proprietary formula consisting of a special, concentrated version of Eurycoma longifolia, also known as longjack. According to the official NeuroTest website, LJ100 can “boost testosterone, enhance erectile function, and improve energy levels.” LJ100 is specifically formulated to contain the highest possible dose of a molecule called eurycomanone. This molecule has been shown to boost testosterone and sex drive. This is the same bark used by Dr. Tengku and the men in his village. This bark extract, on its own, can help you live a longer, healthier life free of erectile dysfunction, according to the official NeuroTest website. It’s packed with NEAs to jolt your hypothalamus awake, causing testosterone to rise.
Krachaidum: Krachaidum, also known as black ginger or Thai ginseng, is a unique root extract packed with special molecules called methoxyflavones. These molecules support healthy testicular function while protecting your brain from oxidative stress. Dr. Tengku describes the ingredient as a “potent all-natural root.” It’s packed with methoxyflavones (MOFs) that have been shown to promote Leydig cell activity, boosting testosterone from the inside out. MOFs also have neuroprotective effects, protecting brain cells — like the brain cells in your hypothalamus — from degradation.
Mucuna Pruriens: Found in many natural testosterone boosters, mucuna pruriens can support healthy testosterone levels while balancing mood, libido, and stress response, among other benefits. Also known as velvet bean, mucuna pruriens has naturally high levels of L-dopa, and these high levels are linked to stress response, energy, and overall health and wellness. According to Dr. Tengku’s research, L-dopa helps your body produce dopamine. It’s a precursor to dopamine. The higher your dopamine levels are, the higher your testosterone levels tend to be. Mucuna also “has a potent stiffening effect” on erections, according to the official NeuroTest website.
Withania Somnifera: Withania somnifera, also known as ashwagandha, is one of the most science-backed plant extracts for raising testosterone. Multiple studies have connected ashwagandha to higher testosterone levels. Ashwagandha appears to work by managing stress response. When your body has high-stress levels, you tend to have high levels of cortisol, the primary stress hormone. Cortisol is negatively correlated with testosterone. As cortisol levels rise, testosterone levels drop. Withania somnifera contains natural molecules called withanolides to help control stress response and reduce cortisol, making it easier for your body to produce testosterone on its own.
Overall, NeuroTest contains four all-natural ingredients linked to testosterone, sex drive, and overall male health and vitality. The formula is also GMO-free, gluten-free, cruelty-free, vegan-friendly, and made in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Consuming NeuroTest?

Boosting Testosterone Levels and Sexual Vitality
NeuroTest kick starts your pituitary gland to produce more Luteinizing Hormone, ultimately boosting testosterone levels. This surge in testosterone doesn’t just improve libido but also enhances semen volume and sperm motility, contributing to overall sexual vitality.
Enhancing Muscle, Nerve Function, and Physical Strength
The nutritional goodness in NeuroTest aids protein synthesis, fostering muscle growth, and accelerating muscle recovery, as per many NeuroTest reviews. Simultaneously, it positively impacts bone health and bolsters muscle strength, ensuring a comprehensive boost to physical vitality.
Skyrocketing Energy Levels and Athletic Performance
According to multiple NeuroTest reviews, one of the standout benefits is the supplement’s ability to provide sustained high energy levels, helping individuals work harder towards their fitness goals. Moreover, the supplement’s contribution to fat loss, a common concern with age-related weight gain, is strongly supported by user testimonials.
NeuroTest comes to the rescue by facilitating fat conversion and energy production, resulting in elevated energy levels, extended workouts, and improved athletic performance.
Aiding in Fat Loss and Cognitive Function
NeuroTest isn’t just about physical gains; it’s a game-changer in fat loss too. In a study, participants experienced a 3% fat loss in just eight weeks. Additionally, NeuroTest users have reported reduced brain fog, indicating improved cognitive function and memory.
Mood Enhancement and Stress Reduction
NeuroTest ingredients aren’t just about the body; they’re mood enhancers too. The supplement has been lauded for its stress-reducing properties, lowering cortisol levels by 27.9% in eight weeks. This dual action helps in mood improvement and anxiety reduction.
Wound Healing, Post-Workout Recovery, and Overall Health Benefits
With concentrated wound-healing ingredients, NeuroTest aids muscle recovery after workouts. Combined with a high-protein diet, it plays a crucial role in ensuring healthy muscle strength. Moreover, NeuroTest contributes to overall health by reducing cortisol levels, improving blood flow, boosting bone health, and enhancing cardiorespiratory endurance.


How To Consume NeuroTest?

It’s as easy as four capsules a day! Each NeuroTest jar, designed for a month, packs 60 capsules. To unlock optimal testosterone levels, simply take two capsules daily. Simple, straightforward, and ready to support your journey to a revitalized you!

NeuroTest Pricing

NeuroTest is priced at USD 79 per bottle as part of a special 2024 promotion. The ordinary retail price is USD 199 per bottle. However, if you buy multiple bottles, you receive free bonuses, free shipping, discount pricing, and other perks.
Here’s how much you pay when ordering NeuroTest online today:
Buy 1 Bottle: USD 79 + USD 9.95 Shipping;
Buy 3 Bottles: USD 69/bottle USD 207 + Free US Shipping + 2 Free Bonuses;
Buy 6 Bottles: USD 49/bottle USD 294 + Free US Shipping + 3 Free Bonuses.

Hurry! Your package is only reserved for a limited period of time.

ORDER NeuroTest NOW!!

Bonuses Included with NeuroTest

As part of a 2024 promotion, the makers of NeuroTest are bundling bonus eBooks with all 3 and 6-bottle purchases of NeuroTest.
You receive immediate access to all of the following bonuses after ordering 3 or 6 bottles of NeuroTest online today:
Free Bonus #1: 33 Mouth Watering, Manhood Enhancing Meals: Certain foods are linked to higher testosterone levels and higher sex drive. By incorporating these foods into your daily diet, you could complement the effects of NeuroTest. This eBook features recipes and step-by-step instructions for 33 manhood-boosting meals.
Free Bonus #2: 10 Minutes Higher T: Certain exercises can raise testosterone in under 10 minutes. In this book, you can discover a series of easy-to-follow workout routines you can perform from the comfort of your home to raise testosterone levels.
If you buy 6 bottles of NeuroTest online today, then you get a third bonus eBook:
Free Bonus #3: The Ageless T Accelerator: In this third bonus eBook, you can discover simple, proven ways to increase testosterone at any age. By implementing these tips today at home, you could supercharge your sex drive and testosterone production without side effects.

Order 3 or 6 Bottles &

Get Up To 3 Free Bonuses!

submitted by ultracute007 to ReviewerMart [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 18:40 ultracute007 Unveiling the Truth Behind Neurotest Male Enhancement: How It Works ?

Unveiling the Truth Behind Neurotest Male Enhancement: How It Works ?
NeuroTest is an ED supplement designed to supercharge sexual performance. Available exclusively online through, the supplement is marketed to anyone suffering from erectile dysfunction, low sex drive, and similar issues. Does NeuroTest really work? How does NeuroTest work? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about NeuroTest and how it works today in our review.
Unveiling the Truth Behind Neurotest Male Enhancement: How It Works ?

What is NeuroTest?

NeuroTest is a nutritional supplement designed to quickly and permanently reverse erectile dysfunction.
By taking two capsules of NeuroTest daily, you can purportedly use a “16-second rainforest ritual” to supercharge sex drive and boost sexual performance. In fact, the makers of NeuroTest even claim you can lose weight, build muscle, and boost testosterone, among other benefits, by taking NeuroTest daily.
NeuroTest is exclusively sold through NeuroTest OFFICIAL SITE. The manufacturer markets the supplement specifically to men with erectile dysfunction, low sex drive, declining sexual performance, and other issues. Whether struggling with a soft erection or looking to boost libido, you could experience rapid results with NeuroTest.

Special Happy Weekend Discount — As Low As On NeuroTest


How Does NeuroTest Work?

NeuroTest works by targeting the hypothalamus, a part of the brain linked to testosterone production. Your testicles produce testosterone. However, your testicles only produce testosterone when they receive a signal from the hypothalamus to do so. According to the Malaysian doctor who helped develop NeuroTest, many Western men have a dysfunctional hypothalamus because of a lack of nutrients in food. Our food has become depleted over time, so you’re not getting the nutrients you need to boost testosterone production.
NeuroTest is based on the idea you can reverse ED by performing a 16-second “rainforest ritual” each morning. Each serving of NeuroTest contains a blend of four active ingredients shown to promote hypothalamus activity, increasing sex drive and helping you enjoy powerful effects.

Read This: “More Information From Knowledgeable Expertise of NeuroTest”

NeuroTest Ingredients

NeuroTest contains a blend of natural ingredients, including plant extracts, herbs, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.
Here are all of the ingredients in NeuroTest and how they work:
LJ100: LJ100 is a proprietary formula consisting of a special, concentrated version of Eurycoma longifolia, also known as longjack. According to the official NeuroTest website, LJ100 can “boost testosterone, enhance erectile function, and improve energy levels.” LJ100 is specifically formulated to contain the highest possible dose of a molecule called eurycomanone. This molecule has been shown to boost testosterone and sex drive. This is the same bark used by Dr. Tengku and the men in his village. This bark extract, on its own, can help you live a longer, healthier life free of erectile dysfunction, according to the official NeuroTest website. It’s packed with NEAs to jolt your hypothalamus awake, causing testosterone to rise.
Krachaidum: Krachaidum, also known as black ginger or Thai ginseng, is a unique root extract packed with special molecules called methoxyflavones. These molecules support healthy testicular function while protecting your brain from oxidative stress. Dr. Tengku describes the ingredient as a “potent all-natural root.” It’s packed with methoxyflavones (MOFs) that have been shown to promote Leydig cell activity, boosting testosterone from the inside out. MOFs also have neuroprotective effects, protecting brain cells — like the brain cells in your hypothalamus — from degradation.
Mucuna Pruriens: Found in many natural testosterone boosters, mucuna pruriens can support healthy testosterone levels while balancing mood, libido, and stress response, among other benefits. Also known as velvet bean, mucuna pruriens has naturally high levels of L-dopa, and these high levels are linked to stress response, energy, and overall health and wellness. According to Dr. Tengku’s research, L-dopa helps your body produce dopamine. It’s a precursor to dopamine. The higher your dopamine levels are, the higher your testosterone levels tend to be. Mucuna also “has a potent stiffening effect” on erections, according to the official NeuroTest website.
Withania Somnifera: Withania somnifera, also known as ashwagandha, is one of the most science-backed plant extracts for raising testosterone. Multiple studies have connected ashwagandha to higher testosterone levels. Ashwagandha appears to work by managing stress response. When your body has high-stress levels, you tend to have high levels of cortisol, the primary stress hormone. Cortisol is negatively correlated with testosterone. As cortisol levels rise, testosterone levels drop. Withania somnifera contains natural molecules called withanolides to help control stress response and reduce cortisol, making it easier for your body to produce testosterone on its own.
Overall, NeuroTest contains four all-natural ingredients linked to testosterone, sex drive, and overall male health and vitality. The formula is also GMO-free, gluten-free, cruelty-free, vegan-friendly, and made in an FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Consuming NeuroTest?

Boosting Testosterone Levels and Sexual Vitality
NeuroTest kick starts your pituitary gland to produce more Luteinizing Hormone, ultimately boosting testosterone levels. This surge in testosterone doesn’t just improve libido but also enhances semen volume and sperm motility, contributing to overall sexual vitality.
Enhancing Muscle, Nerve Function, and Physical Strength
The nutritional goodness in NeuroTest aids protein synthesis, fostering muscle growth, and accelerating muscle recovery, as per many NeuroTest reviews. Simultaneously, it positively impacts bone health and bolsters muscle strength, ensuring a comprehensive boost to physical vitality.
Skyrocketing Energy Levels and Athletic Performance
According to multiple NeuroTest reviews, one of the standout benefits is the supplement’s ability to provide sustained high energy levels, helping individuals work harder towards their fitness goals. Moreover, the supplement’s contribution to fat loss, a common concern with age-related weight gain, is strongly supported by user testimonials.
NeuroTest comes to the rescue by facilitating fat conversion and energy production, resulting in elevated energy levels, extended workouts, and improved athletic performance.
Aiding in Fat Loss and Cognitive Function
NeuroTest isn’t just about physical gains; it’s a game-changer in fat loss too. In a study, participants experienced a 3% fat loss in just eight weeks. Additionally, NeuroTest users have reported reduced brain fog, indicating improved cognitive function and memory.
Mood Enhancement and Stress Reduction
NeuroTest ingredients aren’t just about the body; they’re mood enhancers too. The supplement has been lauded for its stress-reducing properties, lowering cortisol levels by 27.9% in eight weeks. This dual action helps in mood improvement and anxiety reduction.
Wound Healing, Post-Workout Recovery, and Overall Health Benefits
With concentrated wound-healing ingredients, NeuroTest aids muscle recovery after workouts. Combined with a high-protein diet, it plays a crucial role in ensuring healthy muscle strength. Moreover, NeuroTest contributes to overall health by reducing cortisol levels, improving blood flow, boosting bone health, and enhancing cardiorespiratory endurance.


How To Consume NeuroTest?

It’s as easy as four capsules a day! Each NeuroTest jar, designed for a month, packs 60 capsules. To unlock optimal testosterone levels, simply take two capsules daily. Simple, straightforward, and ready to support your journey to a revitalized you!

NeuroTest Pricing

NeuroTest is priced at USD 79 per bottle as part of a special 2024 promotion. The ordinary retail price is USD 199 per bottle. However, if you buy multiple bottles, you receive free bonuses, free shipping, discount pricing, and other perks.
Here’s how much you pay when ordering NeuroTest online today:
Buy 1 Bottle: USD 79 + USD 9.95 Shipping;
Buy 3 Bottles: USD 69/bottle USD 207 + Free US Shipping + 2 Free Bonuses;
Buy 6 Bottles: USD 49/bottle USD 294 + Free US Shipping + 3 Free Bonuses.

Hurry! Your package is only reserved for a limited period of time.

ORDER NeuroTest NOW!!

Bonuses Included with NeuroTest

As part of a 2024 promotion, the makers of NeuroTest are bundling bonus eBooks with all 3 and 6-bottle purchases of NeuroTest.
You receive immediate access to all of the following bonuses after ordering 3 or 6 bottles of NeuroTest online today:
Free Bonus #1: 33 Mouth Watering, Manhood Enhancing Meals: Certain foods are linked to higher testosterone levels and higher sex drive. By incorporating these foods into your daily diet, you could complement the effects of NeuroTest. This eBook features recipes and step-by-step instructions for 33 manhood-boosting meals.
Free Bonus #2: 10 Minutes Higher T: Certain exercises can raise testosterone in under 10 minutes. In this book, you can discover a series of easy-to-follow workout routines you can perform from the comfort of your home to raise testosterone levels.
If you buy 6 bottles of NeuroTest online today, then you get a third bonus eBook:
Free Bonus #3: The Ageless T Accelerator: In this third bonus eBook, you can discover simple, proven ways to increase testosterone at any age. By implementing these tips today at home, you could supercharge your sex drive and testosterone production without side effects.

Order 3 or 6 Bottles &

Get Up To 3 Free Bonuses!

submitted by ultracute007 to ReviewerMart [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 12:38 EscapeFelicity Favourite Galactomyces Essences that are not SKII?

I don't care if the SK II is the best of the best, I don't respect brands that sell a product at a x1000 profit margin just because they can!
I understand if an ingredient is extremely rare and therefore super expensive, like a wild ginseng root that goes at a couple k apiece, or if the production process is very pricey (which is rare), but this is not the case with this product. Also, research on its "magical powers" is lacking. That said, I do love fermented ingredients in general.
So, what are your favourite galactomyces essences that are not SKII?
submitted by EscapeFelicity to AsianBeauty [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:01 DragonKnov Kunlun Sect's Weakest Disciple: Chapter 27

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After several moments, the night grew darker, signaling that the time for the Tower challenge was finally upon them.
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[!] Time's up! You will now be forcefully transported into the Tower of God! 
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Returning to the private lobby, Ji Wuye felt the ache in his muscles intensify with each step, the fatigue from an intense training session weighing heavily upon him.

He winced slightly, his brow furrowing as the dull throbbing pain radiated through his body. However, the discomfort gradually subsided as the soothing effects of the Tower healing took hold.

A gentle green light soon enveloped his entire form, its warm glow pulsating in rhythm with his slowing breaths, replacing the lingering effects of exertion with a renewed sense of vitality.
‎ ‎ ‎
[!] All temporary injuries had been healed! 
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[!] You have 30 minutes remaining before being teleported to the third floor! 
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"Floor 3..." Ji Wuye muttered, rubbing his forehead as he remembered the contents of the third floor, his voice a low rumble in the stillness of the lobby. But first of all, he needed to check his stats...
‎ ‎
STATUS SCREEN [->] Name: Ji Wuye [->] Level: 13 [->] Strength: 42 [->] Agility: 41 [->] Qi: 36 [*] Skills: - Quick Adaptation(E) - Healing Art Primer(1st)(E) - Cloudsoaring Steps(1st)(E) - Pulse of Blade Sword Art(1st)(??) 
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"Indeed, it's listed in the skill section," Ji Wuye remarked, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips as his gaze fell upon the new entry at the bottom, the characters glowing faintly on the ethereal display before him.

Unlike the sword art and inner art given by the Kunlun sect prior to the appearance of the Tower, or when Ji Wuye first joined the sect, this skill was obtained through Quick Adaptation, a method facilitated by the Tower itself.

It was only natural for the Tower to acknowledge it, especially since this sword art was originally used by the legendary sage himself and passed down to Song Jia through his disciple.

"Well, more like copying and stealing," Ji Wuye chuckled, a deep rumble of amusement escaping his lips as he ran a hand through his tousled white hair.

This was a stroke of luck. Back then, in the previous time line, caught in the maelstrom of events, he didn't even have time to properly interact with Song Jia, let alone learn the intricacies of his art.

A formidable sword art, which is why the Tower promptly recognized it as a skill with undetermined rank, its arcane algorithms deeming it worthy of acknowledgment.
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"Although being recognized doesn't make much of a difference, not to mention this is just a copy and only the first stage, but still..." Ji Wuye trailed off.

The only advantage of having a martial art recognized by the tower was...

Ji Wuye interrupted his own train of thought, shifting his focus to scrutinize his stats with a critical eye. "Let's discuss that later..." he muttered, his brow furrowing slightly as he examined the numbers before him.

Most of his stats were satisfactory, even decent by most standards. And yet, a flicker of dissatisfaction danced across his features.

"But these decent stats fall short of my standard..." The words left his lips in a hushed whisper, a steely resolve hardening his gaze as that thought took root.

With a deft motion of his hand, he opened the menu, and a transparent screen materialized before him, bathing his face in a faint, ethereal glow.
‎ ‎
[*] ITEMS // TOG COINS: 5.245 Mana Potions - 50 coins Health Potions - 50 coins Fire Essence Pills - 75 coins Tiger Bones - 100 coins Jade Spirit Grass - 150 coins Snake Venom Sac - 200 coins Phoenix Feather - 300 coins Earth Dragon Scale - 500 coins Training Wooden Sword - 75 coins Bronze Dagger - 100 coins Steel Shortsword - 150 coins Leather Padding Armor - 125 coins Chainmail Hauberk - 250 coins Buckler Shield - 100 coins Iron Round Shield - 150 coins Minor Mana Potion - 75 coins Lesser Stamina Potion - 50 coins Healing Salve - 50 coins Antitoxin Vial - 75 coins Thieves' Lockpicks - 25 coins Trail Rations - 10 coins Waterskin - 15 coins Torch - 15 coins Whetstone - 20 coins 
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Seeing the extensive list, the first thing that caught Ji Wuye's eye was the staggering amount of coins he possessed.

A sardonic chuckle escaped his lips as he reminisced about his previous reluctance to spend any of his hard-earned wealth in the previous time line, a relic of a time when such riches seemed like an absurd, unattainable dream.

"Heh!" The derisive bark of laughter reverberated in the stillness of the lobby, tinged with a hint of self-deprecation.

But the mirth quickly faded, replaced by a sense of joy that blossomed warmly in his chest, and he allowed himself a heartier laugh.

A moment later, refocusing his attention on the item list, his eyes widened in surprise, his mouth hanging agape as he took in the rare treasures on offer.

"Tiger Bones... and even Earth Dragon Scale..." The words tumbled from his lips, laced with a mixture of awe and disbelief.

The items available in this third-floor shop were incredibly rare, including precious commodities like Earth Dragon Scales and Tiger Bones that were highly valued and sought-after in Jianghu.

He felt the temptation to acquire them, to add such potent resources to his inventory, but...

"Tsk, I need to save for 'that'." The sound of his tongue clicking against his teeth punctuated the thought, a reminder of his true priorities.

After experiencing the profound effects of the Healing Art Primer and realizing that his dreams could indeed come true with wise coin management, he knew these items, although tempting, paled in comparison to the long-term investments he had in mind.

Ji Wuye's gaze sharpened, gaze settling over his features as he made his decision. "Then, for optimal results in the third floor trial, I'll need these three items..."
‎ ‎
[!] You have purchased item: Antitoxin Vial x2! 
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[!] You have purchased item: Snake Venom Sac x3! 
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[!] You have purchased item: Torch! 
‎ ‎
“Ugh…” As the notifications flickered across his vision, Ji Wuye felt a pang of internal distress wash over him as he observed the depletion of his coin reserves.

However, he swiftly regained his composure, closing his eyes and taking a deep, steadying breath as he centered himself, calming the turbulence within.

"High risk, high return!" The words left his lips in a determined murmur, a mantra to reaffirm his conviction as he opened his eyes once more, resolve burning brightly in their depths.

With a deft motion, he opened his inventory, and a new transparent screen materialized before him.
‎ ‎
[*] INVENTORY: Jian double-edge sword Healing Pill 1 Years-old Gingseng Torch Snake Venom Sac x3 Antitoxin Vial x2 
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At least he still had the One-Year-Old Ginseng and Healing Pill, precious resources that could prove invaluable in the trials ahead.

But as his gaze fell upon his trusty jian, a flicker of hesitation danced across his features, a momentary lapse in his unwavering determination.

"Should I replace it too?" The question hung in the air, unvoiced yet palpable, as Ji Wuye's attention shifted between the shop screen and the inventory list, weighing his options with a critical eye.

Summoning the jian into his hand, he squinted, bringing the blade close to his face as he carefully examined it. The steel gleamed dully, its once-pristine edge bearing the unmistakable signs of wear from frequent use, yet its strength remained undiminished.

"It still looks good... well..." A forced smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he gave a satisfied nod, storing the weapon away once more and dismissing the transparent screen with a flick of his wrist.

Ji Wuye took a deep breath, steeling his resolve as he straightened his posture, a sense of readiness settling over him like a mantle. "I am ready."
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[!] With 20 minutes remaining, are you certain you wish to enter to third floor at this moment? ‎ ‎ ‎ 
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submitted by DragonKnov to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:59 SergeS2K Radarr not moving downloaded movie "Is not a valid local path"

So my old server setup started having issues, so I began migrating everything over to a new system. Almost everything has went smoothly, restoring Radarr from backup as well as Plex. But the one thing I can't get past is Radarr no longer moving my movies. In the queue I get the error that I don't have a valid local path, and it points to an old path I had from the previous server.
As seen in the screenshots below, I've updated the path everywhere I can think of. I've restarted Radarr, rebooted my server, etc. Nothing has changed. The only difference between the old server and my new one is I'm using the network mapping format instead of the Windows mapping format because for some reason I couldn't get it to recognize my P:\Pangea\Plex\Movies (I tried running Radarr as a Service, and then not as a service, which is what I currently have) I just stuck with network mapping. I haven't had to mess with my config since I originally had this setup like 6+ years ago so I'm quite a bit rusty and I tried searching around and couldn't find a solid answer for this particular issue, so apologies if the solution is simple, just need some help here.
Error on Activity section:
My Remote Path mapping:
My Root Folder setup:
submitted by SergeS2K to radarr [link] [comments]